#eddie kaspbrak oneshot
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Eddie Kaspbrak Masterlist
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mrs-eddie-k · 1 year
You what? // Eddie Kaspbrak x F!Uris!Reader
Summary: Eddie (aged up to 16) falls for Stan's sister, which pisses the overprotective Stan clearly off!
Warnings: Language, fluff, insults Rating: PG-13
A/N: This is just a little throw together - just fluff - of scenarios that could happen if Stan's twin sister is starting to date Eddie. It's for all the Eddie lovers out there. PS: I will probably use some of this in my big fanfic as flashbacks ;) PPS: I really dove into some of my teenage memories for this - huh, this was a long time ago ;) PPPS: I'm not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any spelling errors ;)
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"Wow, Eddie, did you finally get some?" Richie snorts, pointing at Eddie's neck.
"What are you talking about, you dickhead?" Eddie whines and pushes his friend off him, who comes closer and inspects his neck.
"What am I talking about? That fucking big hickey on your neck, Eddie Spaghetti!"
"Wait, what?!" he exclaims and touches his neck. He panics and tries to rub it off. His mother will have a heart attack if she sees this.
"That's not how this works, Eds," Richie laughs. "Who was the lucky lady? Or was it a guy?"
"Shut the fuck up, Tozier! That's none of your business."
Now the two have the attention of the others as well. Bill, Stan, and Mike turn to them, and Stan scoffs about his hickey.
"Nice one, Eddie. Come on, tell us. Who was it?" Stan now asks, making Eddie blush. He doesn't want Stan to know that it was, in fact you, his sister.
"No one, and now leave me alone," Eddie grumbles.
"C-c-come on, E-e-Eds. Tell us", now Bill intervenes.
"You don't know her, okay? She's not in our grade." Eddie puts up the collar of his polo and tries to hide it so that the others finally back off.
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The Uris family sat at their table, eating dinner. Stan, as always, sat on your right and shoveled the stew into his mouth, which your mother had made.
"So, how did studying with Eddie go today, Y/N?" your mother speaks up, and you look up.
It's still strange for Stan that you are hanging out with one of his best friends, but it's for school.
"It was good, actually. We - we discovered something new today", you tell your mother, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
Stan's gaze almost immediately rushes to your neck, where he can clearly see a hickey. Just like the one Eddie had. He stares at you as he puts one plus one together and clenches his fist. You look up and into your brother's eyes.
"What are you looking at, moron?" you ask, and Stan still stares at your hickey.
"Y/N, don't call your brother a moron," your dad intervenes, not even looking up from his newspaper.
Stan looks up into your eyes and then back to your neck. You understand quickly, pulling your hair in front of it and averting his gaze.
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The following day Stan is still pissed. As he walks up to the school, he tightens his fingers around the straps of his backpack. When he spots Eddie, who is standing there with Ben, Bill, and Richie, he walks straight up to him, throws his bag to the ground, and then pushes Eddie back hard, throwing him on the floor. Of course, the others intervene asap and hold Stan back.
"You fucking bastard!" he yells, and Eddie looks at him irritated, as he looks up at Stan on the ground.
"What is your fucking problem, Stan?" Eddie asks in disbelief.
"Fucking hell, Stan. Not cool", Richie says now, taking his best friend's side and pulling him to his feet.
"I fucking know what you did, Kaspbrak! I know it! She's my fucking sister!" Stan now yells, glaring at Eddie, who just now realizes what Stan is talking about. His feeling gets terrible.
"Stan, I - I can explain..." Eddie stutters.
"Are you for real? You're doing my sister? My baby sister? Out of all people!!" He yells, and Eddie flinches.
"Well... Actually, she's the same age as you, Stan", Eddie tries to convince his friend.
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You are, in fact, his twin sister. You are a year younger than Eddie and Stan's other friends and are quite popular. Eddie thinks you have the most beautiful Y/E/C eyes he has ever seen. You never belonged to the losers club and were lucky enough never to have any encounter with Pennywise. Yet.
The other losers only saw you when they were at Stan's house, and Eddie was smitten with you from the beginning. Of course, he would never admit that to the others, or, so help him god, to Stan.
Stan was always overprotective of you and never let anyone get near you. When Richie commented about you getting titties or a "smashing body," he would freak and put him in his place. One could do anything but never joke about his sister.
You joined an advanced history class when you got older and met Eddie. You got along well from the beginning. When you needed to do an assignment together, you often visited his house, or he was at your place.
As the usual "Teenage love story" you studied together, one thing led to another... You found yourselves on your bed, making out.
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"Holy fucking shit," Eddie murmured as he placed his lips on yours again. He lies on top of you, and his hands roam over your body.
"You okay?" you ask, and he smiles against your lips.
"More than okay."
You two teenagers continue to make out. Then you turn yourselves around and sit on Eddie, taking off your shirt. Eddies eyes grow big as he stares at your bra and your boobs.
"Holy fuck!" he curses, and you have to laugh.
"You are cute, Eddie. You act as if you've never seen a girl in a bra before" you laugh, and he blushes.
You don't know that he never has. He doesn't want you to find out, so he pulls you down and kisses you again. You start kissing down his neck and then suck on it.
It's a natural sensation for Eddie. And then it happens. He feels it between his legs, how the blood is being pumped there.
'Oh god, no! Why does this have to happen now?!' Eddie thinks, and he sincerely hopes that you don't notice.
You push yourself up from him and then look at him quite amused, which makes Eddie blush. His breathing quickens, and he gets nervous. You smile at him and then stroke your hand over his chest to his waistband. You softly rub your fingers inside the waistband, but Eddie stops you.
"Please... don't", he gasps, looking you in the eyes. He is nervous that you think he is a loser, a prude, or something. Or that you will laugh at him for being a virgin.
A soft smile appears on you lips.
"You’re all good, Eddie," you say. "We are only doing what you are comfortable with, I promise. No need to be embarrassed about it."
Eddie looks at you in surprise. He never thought of you reacting the way you just did. When he sees you in school, you always seem so cool and intimating, if Eddie has to be honest, despite you being younger than him. But right here, right now, you seem... Just so sweet, understanding, and gentle.
A flow of adrenalin pumps through Eddie's veins, and he can feel the butterflies starting in his stomach. Fuck, did he just fall for his best friend's sister?
You lean down to kiss him again. "And if you wanna stop this," you say. "Just say the word."
Eddie shakes his head quickly. "N-no," he stutters. "I actually really, really like this."
"Me too, Eddie. Me too."
Flashback end
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Richie laughs out loud. "Hah, are you for real Eddie? You fucked Stan's sister?"
"No! I didn't - fuck her! We just... made out a little", Eddie tries to justify himself.
"That doesn't fucking matter! You stay away from her!!" Stan yells, but just then, you step up to them.
"What the fuck is going on here?" you want to know from your brother, which you just saw pushing Eddie back.
"You tell me, Y/N! You're the one screwing one of my best friends!" Stan says, still angry.
Now you sigh, annoyed, and rub your forehead. "Are you fucking serious? You're making a scene because I made out with Eddie? So the fuck what when we did?"
Now Stan looks startled at you. He didn't expect that kind of reaction. "But you-"
"But I what, Stan? I'm 15. That's what normal teenagers do when they are "studying." Don't you get that? No wonder you are in this so-called Loser Club. Just grow up, okay?" you throw at his head. You words kind of sting inside Eddie, too, cause you literally just called them all losers.
"But why him? Why couldn't you just - I don't know - take one of your cool kids or something?" Stan now adds.
Again you sigh, annoyed. "Cause, maybe, if it goes into your tiny brain, I think Eddie is cute."
"You do?" Eddie now asks, surprised.
You turn around to him and smile. "I do, Eddie. I quite enjoy our little study dates, to be honest", you say, and Stan gags.
"You two are just gross!"
"Shut up, Stanley!" you spit at your brother. You turn around, winking at Eddie. "See ya, Eds."
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The following few "study" dates between you and Eddie are mostly the same as before. You start studying a little, and then you end up making out with each other. Eddie knows by then that he has fallen hard for you, but he still doesn't know if it's just a game for you or if you feel the same. So this time, he gathers all his courage.
"Y/N?" he asks as you lie on your bed after a wild make-out session.
"I was wondering if you..." he starts, turning his head toward you and then clearing his throat. "Um, I was wondering if you, maybe, would like to, um, go on a date, maybe? I mean, on a real date."
You sit up and look at him, surprised. "Eddie? Are you really asking me out?" you ask, and Eddie gets nervous.
"Well, um, m-maybe I do. If you're up for it, of course!"
You smile at him. "Gosh, Stan will freak," you say, bending down to Eddie and pecking his lips. "I'd love to."
"Seriously? Holy fuck!" he exclaims, and his eyes start to glimmer.
"Why are you always so surprised at everything, Eddie?" you ask, amused. "I really like you. Do you think I would make out with you if I wouldn't?"
"I don't know," Eddie says, shrugging.
You sigh and lie down on your bed again. "I know what you might think of me, Eddie. I know what they've been saying about us."
Eddie pops himself up on his elbow. "You have no idea what I think of you, Y/N Uris. Those things they say about you - I think it's just what it is - rumors." He bent down and kisses you again. "And I really like you, too, by the way."
"Just one thing first... I want to talk to Stan about it, if that's okay with you, " you say, and Eddie sighs.
"I would've done that myself, but honestly - he freaks me out!"
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That evening you knock on Stan's door.
"What you want?" you hear him say as you open the door slowly.
"Stan? Can I talk to you for a sec?" you ask, and Stan looks up from his comic.
He then sighs and continues reading it. "What's up?" He is still pissed at you for fooling around with his friend.
You close the door behind your back. "It's about Eddie..."
Now you have his attention. He looks back up at you and closes his comic. He angrily bites his lip as he glares at you. "What about him?"
You nervously knead your fingers. "Well... I - I think I'm kinda falling for him, Stanny."
Stan's eyebrows shoot up. "You fucking what?"
You huff and then sit down next to your twin on his bed. "I don't know. It's just... The time I spent with him as of now was really - great. He's a great guy, and he's funny and cute, and he is really good at-"
"Wow, stop! I don't wanna hear this!"
"I was going to say at making me laugh, but okay." Ypou roll her eyes. "He asked me out, you know."
"He did what?" Stan says and shoots up.
"Calm the fuck down, you moron. It's not like he asked me to marry him! It's just a date. But I told him that I wanted to talk to you first. I want you to be okay with it."
"Dad told you not to call me that," Stan mumbles. "But no! Just no, Y/N. Not Eddie. Not one of my best friends. Please!"
You frown. "But, I really like him, Stan. And he likes me, he told me. We wanna try it."
"And what if it backfires, huh? What if you two don't work out, and my friendship with Eddie is ruined because of you? I don't want that. I really don't, Y/N!"
"But... If we don't try... We will be unhappy. Do you want that for us?"
"Jesus Christ, Y/N. You're fucking teenagers! You'll get over it."
You let your head hang and sigh sadly. "You know... I really thought you wanted me to be happy", you say, standing up slowly.
"Y/N -"
"No, I get it, Stan." You walk to the door and open it. Before you step out of his room, you look back at your twin. "I will go on that date, you know. I just would go with a better feeling, you being okay with it. But if it has to be like that, it will."
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For a month now, Eddie and you have been dating. But also, for a month now, Stan hasn't talked much to Eddie or you, which was quite hard. But Stan wanted to make his point clear. If his sister and best friend started dating, he doesn't want to be part of it even though he starts to regret it lately. As it seems, you and Eddie go perfectly with each other. Stan always sees the heart eyes Eddie is giving you across the schoolyard and how you always blush and send him a little kiss back.
So Stan made a decision. In recess, he walks over to the little wall, where you sit with Eddie's head in your lap. You two look so happy and are laughing about something when Stan clears his throat next to you.
Eddie shoots up and looks at him. "Stan!" he says nervously.
"Hey guys", Stan says, pressing his lips together and scratching his head. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
Eddie and you exchange a look when you nod.
"Sure", you say, crossing your arms.
"Well, I uh, I wanted to apologize to you guys for-" Stan stops when he realizes his other friends are standing behind him. He quickly looks around and continues then. "I wanted to apologize for being an idiot. I can see now that you two are happy together, and - well - who am I to stand in the way of it."
Eddie and you are both looking at Stan. Then you stand up slowly.
"You mean it?", you ask, and Stan is looking at you and then at Eddie again when he nods.
You take your brother in your arms. "Thank you, Stan. This means so much!" Then you turn back around to Eddie and kiss him.
"Okay, but just - don't do this in front of me!"
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Hand in hand, Eddie and you walk through Derry. It's been a year now since the two of you got together. Your relationship couldn't have been any better. Even Eddies mother accepted you, even though it took a long time for Mrs. Kaspbrak to accept the fact that her Eddiebear has a girlfriend now.
As you pass the pharmacy, Greta Keene and her posse are just leaving it. You can feel Eddie's hand tighten.
"Hey Y/N... Are you seriously still dating this hypochondriac little psycho?" she yells after you, making her posse laugh, and you turn around. You sigh and look Greta in the eyes.
"Y/N, you don't need to-" Eddie tries to stop you, but you just shake her head.
"No, Eddie. She can't talk to you like that."
"What? Is little Kaspbrak not man enough to stand up for himself?" Greta scoffs.
"You know what, G? Why don't you just shut the fuck up, huh? Why do you even care if I'm dating him or not?" you ask and put your chin up.
"Who said I did? I was just wondering, did you already man up this virgin, or has his mommy something against it?"
You let go of Eddie's hand and walk up to Greta. You are much smaller than Greta, but you don't care.
"You're one to talk, Greta. Spreading the rumors that you are easy to have yourself, despite being a virgin yourself! Well, I would rather be a known virgin than be one and be called a whore! But then, I mean, who would really wanna fuck you?"
Eddie can see that your speech is everything but pleasant for Greta. Her face turns red, and she clenches her fists.
"That's not true!" she tries to tell her posse, who is mumbling now. Then she turns back to you. "You little slut!" she creams and pushes you back hard, so you fall to the ground and crash with your face to the concrete.
You immediately sit up and Eddie can see that you're bleeding.
"Y/N!" he screams and kneels to you. "Are you okay?"
Greta and her posse are just laughing, making Eddie look at her with the nastiest look he has.
"You are a fucking asshole, Greta!" he hisses. "Just pathetic and - and you are a loser!"
Greta now glares at Eddie and grabs him by the collar.
"You little maggot -" she starts, but at that moment, Mr. Keene, her father, stretches out his head.
"Greta!" he yells, and she lets go of Eddie. "Leave my best customer alone!"
"You're one lucky guy, Kaspbrak! Next time you won't be!"
As Greta and her posse leave, Eddie brings his attention back to you. He rummages in his fanny pack for his disinfectant spray and gauze.
"Shit, Y/N! That looks bad. Do you know how many bacteria there are on the floor? Holy fuck!"
He starts to wipe the blood away. You just look at him, smiling.
"What?" he asks.
"There is the boy I love."
Eddie smiles and pecks your nose before finishing your wound and helping you onto your feet.
"You are lucky to have me, or you would probably die of a-"
"Let me guess... a staph infection?" you laugh, making Eddie laugh too.
"Exactly." He takes your face in his. "I love you so fucking much, Y/N. Thank you for letting me be with you."
"I love you too, my hypochondriac sweetheart. Until the end", you whisper back as you kiss passionately.
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swanparties · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: IT (Movies - Muschietti), IT - Stephen King Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier, The Losers Club & The Losers Club (IT), Beverly Marsh & Richie Tozier, The Losers Club & Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon Summary:
In his imagination, Richie drops a romantic one-liner as Eddie swoons, then Richie grabs him and kisses him like no one ever has and ever will. They ride off into the Truskoogan Christian Summer Camp sunset. They make all other couples in the universe explode with instant, boiling jealousy. They change Pat Buchanan’s mind about gay people.
Summer Camp AU. Eddie pines and Richie is stupid and there's a heaping spoonful of good old religious guilt.
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losers-club-hcs · 10 months
Helping Hands
Word count:1.7k
Warnings: description of minor wounds
About: Stan didn't expect to meet Bill especially not in this way but after helping him out after a biking accident he finds himself wishing to spent more time together.
A/N: I got impatient at the end so its a bit rushed 😅
Stanley Uris never really knew much love, at least not the kind of love he wanted to experience. Sure, his parents loved him, but even that felt fake at times, no Stanley wanted to feel desired, he wanted to hold a special place in someone's heart, a place reserved for him and him alone. The type of love that would bond their souls, wispy tendrils reaching out and tying together, becoming solidified. Although Stanley yearns for this love he never thought he would get to experience it for himself, only able to stare from afar, reaching out for something he could never have.
     That was until he met him. Stan has seen him around before sure, but he's never really known him. Perhaps this was destiny, an event that had been unknowably predetermined by the universe since before he was even born, perhaps there is no such thing as fate, only consequences of actions. That was neither here nor there; however, the topic of fate versus free-will is a debate that Stanley is concerned with at the moment. 
     The meeting, in Stan's eyes, was one of the best things to happen to him so far in his life, the meeting that shaped his future in more ways than he could ever know.
     It was a normal day, stan recalls nothing particularly exciting had happened and he was content with the state of content he found himself in. His mood, however, was quick to change when it happened.
     The school day was nothing interesting, same old teachers, same old classmates, same old boring assignments, no, it was what happened after the school day that flipped the whole day on its side.
     Stanley had been walking home from school, bike at his side, taking in the afternoon breeze when he heard it, a loud crash, followed by a dull smack of skin on concrete, trust him Stanley has taken enough tumbles to be familiar with the sound. Snapping his head down from the sky, where it had been positioned previously, he took in the concerning scene. A bike, laying on its side, looking a little beat up but nothing too concerning, what was concerning however, was the boy on the ground his hands and knees firmly planted on the concrete of the sidewalk, a bike crash Stanley determined and a pretty bad one too based on the state of the boys hands, which had been raised to the boys eye level to assess the damage. Stanley's immediate thought, being a very morally inclined person, was to assist the boy, or at the very least ask him if he was alright, so he did just that. 
     "Are you ok, that looks pretty bad" Stan inquired, but immediately backtracked knowing that the boy was in fact not alright, his palms and fingertips were covered in bloody scrapes with small rocks embedded into his skin, Stanley assumed his knees were in a similar state. 
     The boy gazed up at Stanley following his question, "i'm alright I th-think, thanks" he lied, his voice laced with faint traces of pain, his face showed similar signs of pain, a grimace painted on his mouth and scrunched eyebrows simply proved Stanley's theory, this boy was not ok even if he said he was 
     Stanley, deciding to call him out, spoke, "well you're obviously not ok, I mean do you see the state of your hands?" Stan asked, a small chuckle, lacking any humor, made its way out of his lips. Stan knew the boy would need some form of medical attention, knowing that he would feel guilty if he simply walked away from this, he decided to provide it himself, his house was just down the street anyway, and it was the least he could do, " come on, my house is just down the street those hands really need to get disinfected, probably your knees as well they're most likely scraped up too", Stan offered, while not giving the boy much room to argue.
     "Oh, no it's ok it's not that bad, my house isn't too far from here, don't worry about me" the boy dismissed Stan's offer, probably not wanting to be a burden.
     " that wasn't a question, that needs to be taken care of, my house is closer anyway and i'm offering to help you, so come on, I can push your bike", Stan's voice held no traces of irritation, simply firmness, he wasn't about to just abandon him there.
     The boy's eyes narrowed in contemplation." You're sure it's not an issue, I don't want to be a burden or anything" the words coming from the boy's mouth made Stanley sigh, " why is this kid so stubborn? "
     "I am one hundred percent positive you won't be a burden, now stop being stubborn and let's go" walking towards the boy as he spoke he grabbed his arm and pulled the boy off the ground, not wanting to cause further pain by grabbing his hand. After the boy was steady on his feet he grabbed the boys bike, along with his own and started off to his home, looking back to make sure the boy was following him
     Stan's gaze snapped the boy out of his trance, quickly limping towards him to keep up. After a few seconds of uncomfortably silence Stan broke the tension with a question "my name's Stan Uris, yours?" 
     "Bill,Bill Denbrough" came the boy's response. 
     "Well Bill Denbrough, what happened to cause a crash like that?" Stan referenced the event that brought them to this point.
      "Think it was a rock or something, i'm not quite sure", Bill answered the question, voice relaxed now that the tension was broken.
     "Must have been some rock, I mean with that amount of damage you'd have thought it was a Boulder or something", Stan's joke earned a laugh from Bill, and Stan smiled at the boy in return. Looking ahead Stan realized that his house was just a few steps away and informed Bill of this fact. When he got close enough to the front steps of his house Stan gently placed both of the bikes on his lawn putting his kickstand down, but not seeing one on Bill's bike, he simply set it on the ground.
     Stan gestured for Bill to follow him as he claimed the concrete steps in front of his house, opening the door for him to walk in first. Stan walked in behind him and closed the door. "My rooms just up the stairs" said Stan, moving towards the stairs, Bill said nothing in return but nodded his head in response. Walking up the stairs and down the hallway Stan came face to face with the door of his bedroom. His hand grasped the knob twisting it and pushing it open, stepping inside he held the door for Bill who stepped into the room cautiously.
     "Take a seat on the bed i'll just go grab some disinfectant and stuff, it'll just take a minute" Stan informed the boy staring out the door to his bathroom, when he arrived he opened up the cabinet and retrieved the needed supplies from within, disinfectant spray, gauze, and  medical tape he also wet a rag with warm water to wipe off the dirt and rocks on Bills hands and knees. Stan rushed back to his room, not wanting Bills injuries to go untreated any longer than they already have. He quickly returned to his bedroom entering once again and approached his bed, where Bill was sitting. 
     "Alright, give me your hands, I'll do those first and then your knees" Stan gestured to Bills hands. Bill obliged and Stan got to work, taking the wet rag and gingerly running it over Bills hands feeling sorry as Bill hissed in pain "sorry" Stan apologized before returning to the task at hand more gently this time first removing all the dirt and rocks from that hand before moving on to the other. There was a comfortable silence between the two only broken by the occasional sounds of pain from Bill and subsequent apologies from Stan. Satisfied with the cleanliness of Bills palms and fingers Stan then moved on to Bills knees. Stan placed a hand on bills calf raising his leg up slightly in order to get a better angle. Following the same routine he had for his hands gently swiping the rag across his skin untill All the debris disappeared. Stan made quick work of cleaning Bills knees, "now its time for the hard part, the disinfecting" Stan warned, knowing that it wouldn't be pleasant. 
     "Its fine, it won't be that bad" Bill reassured 
     "That's what you think, this stuff burns pretty bad",Stan informed, shaking the bottle of disinfectant spray if front of Bill Stans words were not at all reassuring.
     "I can handle it" Bill said teasingly. To which Stan replied,
     "If you say so", Stan raised the disinfectant spray to Bills knees and spritzed the wounds, trying his best to be quick. Once again Bill hissed in pain, the burning feeling worse than he thought it would be.
   "Told ya" teased Stan.
     "Oh hush, it's nothing I've had worse" Bill joked back.while the disinfectant was doing its job of disinfecting, stan applied some to Bills hands, earning the same sound of pain, this time was worse though, the injuries on his hands were worse than his knees "sorry" Stan said apologetically, before setting the bottle down and picking up the gauze and tape. Placing the gauze onto the injuries on bills knees, long strips of tape holding them in place. His hands required a diffrent approach, wrapping the gauze around his hands and fingers and then taping it into place securely.
     "All done" said Stan, standing up from his previous kneeling position.
     "Thanks" Bill spoke with appreciation tworads Stans actions.
     "Its no problem, I'm just glad I could help" Stan reassured.
     "Hey stan… would you wanna hang out sometime or something?" Bill asked, working that Stan would refuse his offer.
     "Oh… yea sure just call me and I'll be there" Stan spoke, glad that Bill had asked the question that he himself had been contemplating on asking. 
     The two boys made their way downstairs and to the front door, goodbyes were said and plans were made. Bill reluctantly left Stans house, grabbed his bike and pushed it to his own home. 
     One thought was on both boys minds, "he's really cute".
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iann-arts · 6 months
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
reddie at prom?
i just want to dance with you
fandom/ship: it, reddie
summary: when eddie gets dumped the day before prom, his friends band together and make him over as glamorously as possible to make the son of a bitch see what he lost. however, this newfound confidence also attracts the attention of a certain richie tozier.
genre: one-shot, fluff, high school au, prom au
warnings: swearing, aged-up losers (17), intentional lowercase
word count: 2,702
“shh, sh. he’s not worth the tears.”
eddie was lying on bev’s bed, sobbing into her shirt. it was the day before prom, and his boyfriend of nine months had just text-dumped him, saying he found someone better.
“why the day before prom?” eddie sobbed. “he couldn’t have waited one more goddamn day?”
bev gritted her teeth and bit back what she really wanted to say. that son of a bitch had been horrible to eddie since day one. he had constantly ignored him, cancelled plans last minute, refused to ever take him, said nasty things, and had been caught cheating. but eddie still stayed with him, for whatever fucking reason.
“because,” bev said finally, “he’s an asshole. and you know that.” she plucked a tissue from the box next to her and held it out to him. “the boys are on the way over. we’ll all help you feel better.”
“i don’t even want to go to prom anymore,” eddie muttered through sniffles. before bev could respond, her bedroom door opened, and in walked stan, richie, mike, ben, and bill.
“h-hey,” said bill, looking over at eddie sadly and joining bev on her bed. “how are y-you feeling eddie?”
“like shit,” eddie said flatly.
ben frowned and came over, grabbing onto eddie’s hand and squeezing it tightly.
“eddie,” he said softly, “you didn’t do anything wrong. you know that, right?”
“if i didn’t do anything wrong, then why did he leave?” he sobbed.
“because he’s a fucking asshole!” stan exclaimed. he sighed when he saw his friend’s face and just how broken this idiot had made him. “how many times has he hurt you eddie?”
“what he means, eddie, is that someone like that genuinely doesn’t have care for anyone but themselves,” said mike, grabbing stan’s hand and looking him the eye, reminding him to keep his cool. “you have a big heart and a lot of love to give. you see the best in everyone and it’s really admirable. sometimes people just take advantage of that.”
richie tapped bill’s shoulder and gestured for him to get up. bill stood up from the bed and swapped spots with richie, so that richie was now on the other side of eddie next to bev, and bill was standing with his boyfriends.
“i could make a million jokes right now, but i don’t think that’s what you need,” richie said with a small smile. eddie sniffled and looked over at richie. “it sucks. no matter how much of an asshole he was, your emotions only remember the good things. and that’s what your heart holds onto. but mike is right. it may not feel like it right now, but this IS what’s best for you. i promise you’ll realize that in time.”
eddie’s tears were slowing down. he rolled off of bev and turned to roll into richie, a few tears dropping onto his shirt. ben took eddie’s place and cuddled up with his girlfriend.
“i don’t want to go to prom,” eddie whispered.
“not an option,” bev said immediately.
“agreed,” said stan.
“okay, but what if he’s there?”
“who cares?” said stan, giving him an encouraging smile. “eddie, prom is about making memories at a shitty school dance and making fun of all the popular girls that make it their entire personality to become prom queen. who CARES if he’s there? you don’t have to see him or talk to him. in fact, think of this as revenge. show him that you don’t fucking need him. you’re eddie fucking kaspbrak, you’ll look absolutely stunning and you’ll have a great night. in fact, i’m sure it’ll be much better now that you’re not going with him.” bill looked over and smiled, squeezing stan’s hand. 
richie was rubbing circles on eddie’s back. it always helped eddie calm down. and richie would know- he had seen eddie after many a fight with this asshole.
eddie breathed in deeply as richie rubbed his back calmly. 
“maybe you’re right,” he said finally, after a moment. “i didn’t get that new suit for nothing.”
“that’s the spirit!” bev said cheerfully.
“and i-if you want to l-leave early or s-something, we can j-just all go back to m-my house and watch m-movies,” bill said with a smile.
eddie nodded.
“yeah,” he said. “yeah. let’s fucking do it. show that son of a bitch what he’s missing.”
“damn right!”
the next day, eddie stared at himself in the mirror. he was wearing his brand new floral suit jacket with the black background. it was absolutely gorgeous, and fit eddie’s figure like a glove. it was time for the finishing touch. eddie slipped on a pair of lightning bolt earrings that richie had got him for his birthday.
eddie left his house and headed down the street for bill’s, where they were all meeting beforehand. he prepared himself for the pitiful hyping up his friends were about to do with him. it was a sweet idea, sure, but it make him feel so childish and depressing.
eddie knocked on the door, and, after a moment, it opened. georgie smiled when he saw who it was, but then his jaw dropped as he got a full look at eddie.
“holy crap, eddie!” georgie said, his eyes widening as he opened the door. “you look amazing!”
eddie smiled. this kid’s validation was all he needed. kids can’t fake compliments that well, so he knew it was genuine.
“thanks, georgie,” he said. “where’s everyone else?” 
“downstairs,” georgie said. “really, eddie, you look awesome!”
“thank you buddy.”
eddie took a breath and headed downstairs, the voices of his friends floating up the stairs to meet his ears. he heard stan and riche arguing over the proper way to tie a tie. eddie shook his head and smiled. he didn’t even need to see it to know that stan was definitely right.
everyone looked up from their conversations and took a look at eddie.
and every. single. jaw. DROPPED.
bev rushed forward first and engulfed him in a tight hug.
“oh my god, look at you!” she exclaimed. “you look absolutely STUNNING!”
“a-any chance you g-guys are down to m-make us a foursome?” bill said absently to stan and mike, not taking his eyes off of eddie. the other two, who also couldn’t peel themselves away, nodded quickly, making eddie laugh.
“look at that suit!” ben said, smiling and coming over to give eddie a hug as well. “i’m so glad you decided to come tonight.”
“me too,” eddie said, only lying a little. “i just hope i don’t regret it later.”
“you won’t,” bev assured. she looked down at her phone. “come on guys, we need to get going.”
everyone moved up and out, towards the door to get in their cars, each of them patting eddie on the back and complimenting him on the way out. the last to leave was richie.
“are you actually gonna come with us, or just stand there with your mouth open all night?” eddie joked. richie looked taken aback, and quickly shut it, plastering on a grin.
“first of all- that’s what she said,” he said, “and second of all- i’m waiting for you to turn around so i can watch your ass while you go up the stairs.”
eddie shook his head and smiled. even richie’s stupid jokes were endearing tonight.
“come on, dipshit.”
the losers arrived at prom about 20 minutes in, but that’s just when they wanted to get there. as stan put it, “only REAL losers go to prom right on time”, and no one could really argue with that logic.
eddie scanned the room when they stepped in. all too soon, he spotted exactly the face he didn’t want to see.
bev immediately saw him glaring daggers and followed his gaze. she took his arm and tugged him towards the dance floor.
“come on, guys,” she called back to the rest of the group. “forget him,” she said so only eddie could hear. “let’s show him what he’s missing out on.”
bev took the group to a spot that was far away enough from eddie’s ex, but close enough that he would be in earshot.
“wow, eddie fucking kaspbrak, you are looking GORGEOUS tonight, my love!” she yelled. eddie blushed and laughed.
“really bev?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “you didn’t have to do that.”
“what’s that?” mike added in loudly. “you’re newly SINGLE? damn, people better start lining up!”
eddie shook his head and shoved mike playfully. he saw richie looking at him out of the corner of his eye and turned red, looking in the opposite direction.
he looked really good tonight.
“enough of this bullshit,” eddie said after a few minutes. “i’m going to make a request.”
“go for it!”
eddie strayed from his friends, feeling a bit more confident from before. he strutted right past his ex and his friend group, feeling eyes on his back. he grinned to himself. what a satisfying feeling.
“can i make a request?” 
the dj took down his headphones and leaned towards eddie to hear him better through the blaring music.
“sure kid, what is it?”
“prom dress by mxmtoon.”
“you got it.”
eddie walked with a new spring in his step as he headed back to his friend group.
“holy fuck, eddie kaspbrak, how are you single?” bev said loudly in the general direction of eddie’s ex. eddie laughed and shook his head.
“you know you don’t have to do that every time we’re in earshot of him,” he said.
“i know, but it’s fun! and seriously, holy fuck!”
eddie laughed and shook his head.
“you really do look fucking amazing.”
eddie turned and saw richie bent down near him.
“thanks, rich.”
“you really do,” richie said sincerely. and eddie could tell that he meant it just by the look in his eyes. “i mean, the outfit of course is doing wonders, but your confidence is literally making you glow. you just look so much... i don’t know, freer? happier?”
“i’m definitely both of those things,” eddie said, smiling up at richie. feeling even more confident by this validation, eddie turned to completely face richie and got closer, dancing right next to him and looking in his eyes the whole time. richie raised an eyebrow.
“mr. kaspbrak, this is quite unlike you,” richie said, amused, but frankly, feeling incredibly whipped at this moment more than ever before. “i think this is the closest you’ve gotten to me when we’re not hugging. and it’s certainly the longest you’ve gone without yelling at me for something.”
eddie laughed. 
“sorry, tozier, am i freaking you out?” he said flirtatiously. “because really, i can easily back away and start yelling at you for something,” he added innocently.
richie shook his head and smirked, running his eyes up and down eddie.
“absolutely fucking not,” he murmured.
at that moment, “prom dress” came on, just like eddie had requested.
“oh my god,” said bev, her eyes going wide and darting right to eddie. “is this what you requested?”
eddie grinned and nodded. he couldn’t help but flick his eyes over to his ex, who looked absolutely stunned at the choice of song. suddenly, however, he seemed to connect the dots, and his gaze found eddie. eddie, who was once again feeling bold, smiled and waved over at him, then blew him a kiss.
“eddie, you’re such a fucking icon,” said stan, who had watched the whole interaction go down.
the chorus of the song started playing, and the whole losers club got in a circle and started jumping up and down, screaming the lyrics.
“I’M SITTING HERE, CRYING IN MY PROM DRESS. I’D BE THE PROM QUEEN IF CRYING WAS A CONTEST!” eddie screamed at the top of his lungs. he had never felt so relieved and powerful in his life. after the first chorus was done, eddie looked over and richie and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the middle of the dance floor.
“dance with me,” eddie said, smiling up at richie. “that’s all i want from tonight, rich. to dance with someone who actually cares about me. i just want to dance with you.”
richie smiled back immediately. “you certainly don’t have to ask me twice.”
with that, richie pulled eddie closer in and they began to slow dance, completely off tempo and rhythm, but neither of them cared. all thoughts of his ex melted away from eddie’s mind. he could only focus on the beautiful boy in front of him. the boy who had annoyed him to no ends, but who had defended him time and again with his life. the boy who had fought with him over a hammock countless times, but who would always give him the last french fry. 
the boy who was there for eddie every single fucking time his shitty ex had done something that upset him.
“hey,” eddie said softly, “want to get out of here?”
for once, richie was at a loss for words. he simply nodded instead.
the two waved goodbye to their friends (all of who gave richie bug eyes and thumbs up when eddie wasn’t looking), and headed for the door. eddie could feel a pair of eyes staring daggers into his back, but he didn’t care. nothing could ruin his night.
when they got into richie’s old beat up pick up truck, eddie immediately turned on the radio and rolled down the windows, singing along to the olivia rodrigo song that had so fittingly come on just then.
richie laughed and shook his head as eddie sang. “where do you want to go, princess?”
“i don’t care, just drive!” eddie called over the music, closing his eyes and sticking his hand out the window, allowing the rush of the air and the music and the stare of cute boy driving to drown out all the negativity in his life.
richie drove the two of them up to the scenic overlook in town. there was only one other car there across the lot. they pulled into a spot and rolled up the windows, turning down the music and staring out at the city lights in front of them.
“thanks, richie,” eddie said after a moment. he had a soft smile on his face that hadn’t left all night and that he really didn’t think would leave.
“for what?” richie asked, cocking his head. “driving you up here? because i can easily make a joke about this being a hook-up spot and make you regret everything.”
eddie laughed and shook his head. that was normally something he’d yell at richie for saying, but not tonight.
“no, not that,” he said.
“for what, then?”
“i started this night just wanting to distract myself and show my ex that i didn’t need him, even though i wanted him,” said eddie, looking straight ahead out the windshield. he could feel richie’s gaze on him. “but you guys all hyped me up so much and i actually started believing those things you all told me. and by the end of the night, i was thinking so much more about how incredible i am and honestly? i don’t want him anymore. i deserve better than that.” eddie turned to face richie, who was hanging onto his every word. “i really gained a lot more confidence in this last day than i ever thought i could. and i really owe that to all you guys, but especially you.”
“especially me?” richie asked. “why me?”
“because,” eddie said, taking a breath and preparing to do the bravest thing he ever had, “you showed me what it felt like to love someone who actually cares about me. you actually care about me. and, honestly richie, i think it’s you. i think it’s always been you.”
richie’s eyes widened and he looked taken aback, but his expression soon softened and he leaned in with a smile.
“you have no idea,” he murmured against eddie’s lips, “how fucking long i’ve been waiting to hear that.”
and with that, the two closed the gap between them. he might not have been crying, but eddie still felt like the prom queen that night.
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Reddie Christmas Day One - Too Cold
I've decided to write a series of reddie oneshots based off Christmas prompts from today until Christmas! I'm also posting this on my ao3 account cause yes. Anygay, hope you guys like it.
"I am not going outside with you, Richie, it's like twenty degrees out!" Eddie complains as Richie puts on his shoes.
"Eds, it's Christmas time!" Richie says, standing up and grabbing Eddie's jacket. 
"It is not." Eddie says as Richie slides his jacket on for him and zips it up. "It's Thanksgiving, Richie."
"Oh, come on, sweetheart." Richie says, kissing his cheek sweetly and grabbing his gloves. "It snowed on Thanksgiving and that makes it Christmas time."
"I highly disagree." Eddie says. 
Richie shushes him and kisses his forehead, taking his hand and pulling his gloves on. "Now put on your shoes, darling. I don't want your toes to fall off."
Eddie makes a face, shaking his head but he puts on his shoes anyway. "Gross, Richie."
"Now, come on, Eds." Richie says, taking his hand pulling him outside. 
Eddie shivers as soon as he gets outside even though the cold doesn't hit him at first. Richie laughs and lets go of his hand, picking up a handful of snow and throwing it at Eddie. Eddie shrieks and brushes the snow off his face. 
"Richie, you asshole!" Eddie yelps, his nose already reddened from the cold. 
"I'm so sorry, Eds, you just looked so cute." Richie says, walking over to him and tapping his nose. "Cute, cute, cute!" 
Eddie huffs and pushes his hand away. "I am not cute." 
Richie laughs before he tackles him into the snow. Eddie bursts out laughing, too shocked to pretend he's upset about it. 
"Richie!" He shouts through his laughter, snow getting in his hair and down his shirt. 
"My cute little Eds!" Richie says, pressing kisses to every inch of skin he can get his hands on. 
"Richie, stop it!" Eddie laughs, pushing him off and sitting up.
After at least forty five minutes, the pair head inside, faces red and covered in snow. They shuck off their soaking wet clothes and change into warm clothes fresh from the dryer. They sit on the couch, Eddie between Richie's legs, his back against his chest.
When after fifteen minutes, Eddie is still shivering, Richie gets a little worried. Not worried worried, just that his boy is uncomfortable worried. 
"You're so cold, Eddie, baby." Richie says, rubbing his hands up and down his arms. 
"We were out in the fucking snow for three quarters of an hour, Rich." Eddie says. 
"Still, better warm you up." He says, taking both of Eddie's hands in his, rubbing his thumbs against his palms. 
Eddie laughs, shaking his head as Richie leaves gentle kisses along his neck. "Just go make some hot chocolate, asshole." 
Richie lets him go but quickly takes his hand, pulling him up with him. He walks into the kitchen, placing Eddie on the counter and earning a laugh from him before he grabs the milk out of the fridge and the hot chocolate mix out of the pantry. He sets them down and pulls his phone out of his pocket and turns on All I Want For Christmas Is You, making Eddie groan.
"Richie, come on." Eddie says but Richie only shakes his head, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
"I don't want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need. I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree." Richie sings, purposefully off key just to annoy Eddie further.
"Richie." Eddie giggles, kicking him lightly. "Make me hot chocolate before I freeze to death."
Richie laughs but nods, continuing to sing as he warms the milk. "I just want you for my own more than you could ever know. Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you." He grins at Eddie when he says the last part, making him roll his eyes. 
Eddie allows him to sing for the rest of the process but he turns off the music as soon as Richie hands him the hot chocolate. Eddie drinks it and smiles. It instantly warms him up, but that might just be because of how happy it makes him.
"Thank you, Rich." He says with a soft smile. 
"I love you, Eddie, baby." Richie says, kissing his nose.
"I love you too, asshole."
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zoomerel · 2 years
i'm gonna write oneshots ,, imagines and head cannons.
i will not be doing nsfw as i think it'd be weird to write ,, i will also not be doing minor and adult romantic relationships.
here are the fandoms ,,
stranger things
that 70's show
it 2019 or 1990 miniseries
umbrella academy.
harry potter-?
a series of unfortunate events
the cast of those following shows / series / movies ,, although maybe not as much
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So, I've never written anything on Tumblr before. So, I'm gonna do requests so I can have ideas. 😀
I write BTS, Stranger Things, IT Chapter 1 & 2, and Harry Potter.
Fluff, angst, and I will try my best to write smut. And for smut, add what kinks you would like. At some point I will make a post of prompts, but I don't have enough time on my hand right now. 😅
Also tell me the pronouns you want in the story (she/he/they, etc.)
I will do ships of your choice unless the ship is an adult and minor.
One last thing, I will do oneshots, series, drabbles, etc.
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creepswrites · 1 year
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‣ The following themes are PROHIBITED: racism, homophobia, transphobia, inc*st, ped*philia, illegal age gaps, extreme/harmful fetishes and kinks, r*pe, self-h*rm, suic*de, & extremely graphic abuse/depictions of abuse.
‣ Topics such as mental illness, violent scenes, and mention/depiction of abuse may pop up on occasion and will be properly tagged. While violent scenes may occur, I try to avoid topics I know to be upsetting to read as well as topics I myself find upsetting.
‣ I will NOT write smut with underage muses of mine, even if the reader is the same age.
‣ I will write for AMAB, AFAB, TRANS, and GN READERS! If you have specific pronouns for your reader request, make sure to state those! I always default to gender neutral reader unless otherwise specified :)
‣ Please do NOT repost my writing anywhere! Ask to translate, do not unless I have given explicit permission for you to do so.
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‣ Common themes I write for include but are not limited to:
fluff / slice of life
angst / darker themes
nsfw / smut
multi-chapter stories
‣ I do write reader x canon OR canon x canon, so long as it does not violate any of my restrictions! I can be picky about what canon x canon pairing I write for though, it has to speak to me.
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‣ I reserve the right to deny any request for any reason.
‣ Do not spam/pressure me to write! I write for what inspires me in the moment. Requests will be completed when I have the time.
‣ Requests sent when they're closed will be discarded!
‣ Headcanons : Five character max, one character min. If the headcanon prompt is specific enough, it can be combined with a small drabble! These vary in length/detail. Unless characters for headcanons are specified, I'll likely write as many/as few as I feel inspired for! Usually within the same fandom/theme, so long as they fit the prompt given!
‣ 1-3k Oneshot : These vary in length & detail depending on the material provided. If requesting, please specify, otherwise I default to headcanons. These can take me longer than headcanons so I take requests for them more sparingly.
‣ 4k+ Oneshot : Meant for more specific scenarios with lots of ideas & content involved! I rarely do these unless I'm particularly inspired by the prompt given. Usually, 4k+ is reserved for long-term story chapters.
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‣ Michael Myers : Halloween (1987, RZ, & 2018/Kills)
‣ Jason Voorhees : Friday the 13th
‣ Bubba Sawyer & Thomas Hewitt : The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
‣ Brahms Heelshire : The Boy (2016)
‣ Billy Lenz : Black Christmas (1974)
‣ Vincent Sinclar, Bo Sinclair, & Lester Sinclair : House of Wax (2005)
‣ Stu Macher & Billy Loomis : Scream
‣ Leslie Vernon : Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
‣ Pyramid Head : Silent Hill
‣ Carrie White : Carrie
‣ Danny Johnson, Anna, & Amanda Young : Dead by Daylight ‣ You may ask me to try any DBD character though!
‣ Corey Cunningham : Halloween Ends (sparingly)
‣ Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers : Stranger Things (sparingly)
‣ Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom : IT (1990, 2017 & 2019) (sparingly)
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babygirllinds · 1 year
ao3 masterlist
Top Gun
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky/Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Danger is Calling my Name - explicit/oneshot
— “When Ice told Maverick that he was dangerous, he wasn't lying. The man flew too close to the edge, never once following the rules set in the parameters of the mission. But when Ice said those words, he held an entirely different meaning in mind.”
happiness - explicit/oneshot (background Slimav relationship)
— Maverick’s relationship with Ice throughout the years.
Merry Christmas - explicit/oneshot
— “Ice has never really liked Christmas, but he thinks that maybe he could learn to like it as long as he has Maverick by his side.”
say you’ll be my wife tonight - explicit/oneshot
— "I've been thinking about how pretty of a wife you'd be for me."
seduction plan: failed? - explicit/oneshot
— Maverick uses his best pants to seduce the Iceman. It fails. So he brings out the big guns: the short shorts.
kitten - explicit/oneshot
— Where Pete wears a collar, calls Tom daddy, and has intense feelings of emptiness that can only be sated one way… with Tom’s cock.
Let me Teach you a Lesson or Two - explicit/multi-chapter (ongoing)
— college!au (long-hair bratty mav + dominant tutor ice)
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky/Ron “Slider” Kerner/Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
lend a helping hand - explicit/two-shot
— A/B/O smut: Ice and Slider are good bros who just want Maverick to not be in pain during his heat… they also might have feelings for him and their help isn’t entirely selfless.
I saw him first - explicit/two-shot
— Slider saw Maverick first and was immediately attracted to him. Here’s the kicker though… Ice also wants Maverick. They come to a mutual understanding.
Ron “Slider” Kerner/Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
piercing pleasure - explicit/two-shot
— Maverick doesn’t believe Slider when he boasts about his dick size. Ice sets him right. Along with exposing that Slider has a cock piercing… and the fact that he has feelings for Maverick.
there is happiness - explicit/oneshot (background Icemav relationship)
— sequel to happiness/takes place in Slider’s POV.
The Magicians
Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh
Illicit Affairs - explicit/oneshot
— Where Eliot and Quentin are in love, but neither know how to cope with their feelings. So, instead they end up fucking in secret, because what’s better than ignoring the obvious?
Happy Birthday, Q - explicit/oneshot
— "Let me make you forget your sadness for tonight, Q," Eliot's words were muffled as his kisses made their way to his ear, tongue dipping in slightly. "Let me make you forget tonight and give you a memorable birthday, sweet boy."
If the World Was Ending - mature/oneshot
— In which an earthquake happens and Eliot realizes just how much he misses Quentin.
Quentin Coldwater/Margo Hanson/Eliot Waugh
Thinking of You + 1 - explicit/oneshot
— Missing scenes from Season 1 of The Magicians. Quentin has harbored feelings for Eliot for a while and the threesome has brought them to light.
IT (Stephen King)
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Like a Prayer - explicit/oneshot
— In which it’s Richie’s birthday and Eddie just wants to worship his boyfriend’s dick.
Devil in an Angel’s Disguise - explicit/oneshot
— "Eds... literally fuck me all to hell," Richie's eyes glazed over, darkening from brown to almost black, "you're not wearing anything underneath that little skirt, are you?”
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emxisms · 1 year
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What I will write:
✧ Fluff
✧ Headcanons
✧ Oneshots
✧ Multi-Chapter Stories
✧ Angst
What I will not write:
✧ Smut
✧ Any triggering topics.
𝕲𝖑𝖊𝖊 ⬎
✧ Sam Evans
✧ Quinn Fabray
✧ Finn Hudson
𝕳𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝕺𝖋 𝖂𝖆𝖝 ⬎
✧ Bo Sinclair
✧ Lester Sinclair
✧ Vincent Sinclair
✧ Carly Jones
✧ Nick Jones
✧ Wade
✧ Paige Edwards
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖉 ⬎
✧ Rick Grimes
✧ Daryl Dixon
✧ Carl Grimes (Seasons 8+)
✧ Michonne
✧ Maggie Greene
✧ Glenn Rhee
𝕾𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖑 ⬎
✧ Sam Winchester
✧ Dean Winchester
✧ Castiel
✧ Rowena Macleod
✧ Charlie Bradbury
𝕿𝖊𝖝𝖆𝖘 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖜 ⬎
✧ Tex Sawyer
✧ Bubba Sawyer
✧ Vilmer Slaughter
✧ Richter
✧ Thomas Hewitt
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖔𝖞 ⬎
✧ Brahms Heelshire
✧ Greta Evans
✧ Malcolm
𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 ⬎
✧ Eddie Munson
✧ Jonathan Byers
✧ Argyle
✧ Jim Hopper
✧ Joyce Byers
✧ Steve Harrington
✧ Nancy Wheeler
✧ Robin Buckley
✧ Chrissy Cunningham
𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 ⬎
✧ Jasper Hale
✧ Edward Cullen
✧ Carlisle Cullen
✧ Alice Cullen
✧ Bella Swan (Vampire & Human)
✧ Rosalie Hale
✧ Emmett Cullen
✧ Esme Cullen
✧ Charlie Swan
𝕾𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 ⬎
✧ Stu Macher
✧ Billy Loomis
✧ Sidney Prescott
✧ Tatum Barber
✧ Randy Meeks
✧ Gale Weathers
✧ Tara Carpenter
✧ Sam Carpenter
✧ Ethan Landry
✧ Kirby Reed
✧ Chad Meeks
✧ Danny Brackett / 'Cute Guy'
✧ Quinn Bailey
✧ Wayne Bailey
𝕴𝕿 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔 ⬎
✧ Richie Tozier
✧ Beverly Marsh
✧ Eddie Kaspbrak
✧ Bill Denbrough
✧ Stanley Uris
✧ Mike Hanlon
𝕸𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖓 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞 ⬎
✧ Gloria Prichett
✧ Haley Dunphy (Adult)
✧ Phil Dunphy
✧ Claire Dunphy
✧ Dylan Marshall
𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘 ⬎
✧ Fiona Gallagher
✧ Lip Gallagher
✧ Ian Gallagher
✧ Mickey Milkovich
✧ Carl Gallagher (Adult)
✧ Veronica Fisher
✧ Kevin Ball
✧ Jimmy / Steve Lishman
✧ Svetlana Yevgeni
✧ Sean Pierce
✧ Sierra Morton
𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕸𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖘 ⬎
✧ Spencer Reid
✧ Aaron Hotchner
✧ Derek Morgan
✧ Jennifer Jareau
✧ Emily Prentiss
𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘 ☑️
🔘 : Off
☑️ : On
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reddie-ao3feed · 2 months
Eds NSFW Drabbles/Oneshots
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1irpmu4 by flowerpotz01 Despite Eddie being married to Myra for so long, they never had any desire to make love with each other, if you could even call it that. So when he got with Richie after twenty-seven years of pining (even the years they had forgotten), Eddie had truly lived up to the title of being a needy virgin. And if there was anyone he’d rather give it to, it would be his childhood, life-long crush, Richie Tozier. -- "Already so wet for me; leaking all over yourself like a fucking virgin as if I don’t fuck you six times out of the week.” Richie presses two thick, slick digits into Eddie’s hole and he moans like a bitch in heat at the stretch. “You’re not a fucking virgin, baby – you’re a whore. My whore, and I’m gonna fuck you like one.” Words: 883, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti), Reddie - Fandom Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak Relationships: Reddie - Relationship, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak Additional Tags: Praise Kink, Touch starved Eddie Kaspbrak, Virgin Eddie Kaspbrak, Multiple Orgasms, Premature Ejaculation, Dirty Talk, Soft Dom Richie Tozier, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Sub Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak Loves Richie Tozier, Gay Eddie Kaspbrak, Gay Richie Tozier, Breeding Kink read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1irpmu4
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losers-club-hcs · 10 months
I love how my moodboards get dramatically more likes than my actual writing... like my highest liked post with like 38 or so is a moodboard i spent like 10 mins or so on and the 1.7k word oneshot I wrote that took like an hour has 0 idk if it's because ppl don't really want to read longer things or if it's just not good but I just find it interesting.
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evergreenstringbean · 2 months
Fanfiction Masterlist- evergreenstringbean
Please read AO3 tags prior to reading! Some of these are old. Some of these were written for tumblr challenges. Sue me if they're cringe now.
Blue text will detail crossover fanfictions, but are included in both fandom lists. Green will signify oneshots, purple will signify multi-chaptered works. All are completed.
Keeping The Ghosts Away (Nick Radel/Wayne Wright): It happens every night at the same exact time. Wayne doesn't know that Nick isn't asleep this time.
Water and Smoke (Jimmy Campbell/Johnny Simpson): They all want to go on a beach vacation. Jimmy knows he can't handle it, but agrees.
Pets Are The Best Medicine (Nick Radel/Wayne Wright): Nick wants a dog. Wayne, of course, doesn't. Nick, of course, doesn't listen.
Thoughts (Jimmy Campbell/Nick Radel): Jimmy doesn't know why his thoughts seem to never listen to him.
Parallels (Jimmy Campbell & Julia Trojan): Julia can't face the band after Donny tells her what happened to Michael. Jimmy comes to visit her.
Once Upon A Time (Jimmy Campbell/Aaron Miller): Jimmy's so grateful to have Aaron in his life.
Forward (Jimmy Campbell/Johnny Simpson): Jimmy can't move on. But he can more forward.
Palliative (Character Study- No Ship): Palliative Coping: Making the situation more tolerable or keeping it under control without directly taking care of the problem.
Something in Return (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): The band is exhausted after a nationwide tour. Jimmy most of all. A night at the Blue Wisp sounds like a good idea to relax. Turns out Jo has hired someone new.
Another Language (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): Impromptu duets lead to interesting thoughts as Jimmy learns more about the new employee of The Blue Wisp. Continuation of "Something in Return".
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Here It's Safe and Sound (Ted Spankoffski/Henry Hidgens): Henry doesn't mind the silence anymore, but he really needs a break from it.
Still The Dance Goes On (Ted Spankoffski/Henry Hidgens): Showtunes help Henry with whatever emotion he feels.
Everything's Perfect/Nothing's Real (Ted Spankoffski/Henry Hidgens): Henry theorized this exact scenario thirty years ago. But what if it wasn't simply a theory?
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Which Direction is the Right Direction? (Peter Parker & Tony Stark): It's been one month and Peter gets a call in the middle of class. "He'd tried putting it into his computer, that hadn't worked at all. He'd tried looking through old archives that Pepper had allowed him to scan, nothing. He even tried asking Karen, hoping perhaps the man had sent something about it to him without him knowing. Nope. So, it looked like he was stuck with a million questions and no right answers."
The Postcards Protocol (Peter Parker & Tony Stark): Peter finds out about the Postcards Protocol, and wonders why it's called that.
Prisoner of My Past (Peter Parker & Tony Stark): Peter's finally figured it out, with help from Tony. Sequel to "The Postcards Protocol"
IT (Movies)
some time can bring perspective that we need (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier): "The moment he made it to the surface, he was booking it out of the house and made no effort to stop. When panic set in with Eddie Kaspbrak, it failed to stop until he was absolutely sure he was out of danger. He was blocks away from Neibolt before he was able to stop for breath, and he was almost regretting tossing his inhaler into the fire while his lungs burned from the exercise. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his mind was swirling with questions he didn’t know the answers to." In which Eddie Kaspbrak gets the ending he deserves.
To Start Over...Somehow (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier/Stanley Uris): Most of the things he’ll think about are simple. What his plans are for the days ahead, new ideas for material that he’s now, finally, writing on his own…and how the world is one cruel, fucked up place. / or / Richie is learning to cope alone.
letting go of what might have been (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier/Stanley Uris): Richie's got it all under control...but sometimes he doesn't / or / Richie's still coping.
words we leave unspoken (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier): Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier has 1500 words left to live. He has more than 1500 words left to say.
From Here to Eternity (Musical)
Something in Return (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): The band is exhausted after a nationwide tour. Jimmy most of all. A night at the Blue Wisp sounds like a good idea to relax. Turns out Jo has hired someone new.
Another Language (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): Impromptu duets lead to interesting thoughts as Jimmy learns more about the new employee of The Blue Wisp. Continuation of "Something in Return".
Sanders Sides
If I Didn't Believe in You (Roman/Logan): Roman doesn't want to go to another party. Logan knows what's really happening.
There Was Janus (Roman/Logan): Roman and Logan get to know each other after working in the same touring production for the last month, when Logan asks how Roman got into acting.
Must Be a Dream (Character Study- No Ship): Logan's alone, but not completely. An imagining of post-WTIT after Logan sinks out of the living room.
Roundabout (Virgil/Roman, Logan/Patton): Virgil's got a new job as a school secretary, a vast change from his old life. He quickly befriends a few fellow faculty members, including one happy-go-lucky drama teacher. As the year goes on, and Virgil begins to form stronger bonds, his reluctance to revisit parts of his past may begin to put a strain on the relationships he holds dear.
When You Smile (Remy/Emile): Remy just wanted to grab a quick coffee. He didn't anticipate the cute stranger dancing in line. Part of the "Roundabout" canon.
Borderline (Established Roman/Virgil & Logan/Patton, Janus/Remus): Following the unexpected death of their mother, Roman and Remus are tasked with cleaning out their parents' attic. Old photos bring up old memories, old trinkets bring up old feelings, but a stack of letters may begin to distort the thoughts of their childhood, or bring their thoughts of it to new light. A world continuation of Roundabout.
The Old Guard
When The Sun Lights The Room (Joe/Nicky): “We should do something today. We could pick up some flowers at a shop this evening,” Joe offers to his love, squeezing his hand in an absent check-in to make sure the man is in fact mentally there as he’d claimed to be. A matching squeeze confirms so and he takes a deep breath. “He should be here.” Thirty years ago, Joe and Nicky lost their son. The "finality" of death still gives them whiplash at the tricks it plays.
Always Starting Over (Joe/Nicky): Nicolo di Genova has lived many different lives. He's fought many wars, saved many lives, and donned many names. But everything's over, and he's too cold. In which Joe loses his immortality and Nicky struggles to cope.
Stand By Me
Think of Me Fondly (Chris Chambers & Gordie LaChance): Gordie LaChance was twelve going on thirteen the first time he saw a dead human being. Gordon LaChance was thirty-eight going on thirty-nine when the newspaper headline knocked the wind out of him.
this is life, with the heartache it brings (B.J. Hunnicutt/Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce): It starts with an average day. It ends with nothing being the same. Or, if the American Songbook's "Tribute to the Troops" broadcast took place in 1952 and landed on the ears of the 4077th
Good Omens
I hope you blink before I do (Crowley/Aziraphale): Crowley, after a Hell of a time, sleeps.
Spies Are Forever
All's Fair in Love and Death (Agent Curt Mega/Owen Carvour): Following the final death of Owen Carvour, Agent Curt Mega is thrust into a mission that seems simple at first glance. Retrieve a fellow agent from a completed undercover mission. However, there are a few caveats. For one, the "fellow agent" is a Slozhno. For two, Curt is meant to retrieve the agent in 2016. With the mix of following his mission, learning all about Tatiana's son, and grappling an entirely new world, Curt must leave every stipulation of his real present life behind to protect a potential future at stake.
Detroit: Become Human
So Goes the Roll of the Dice (RK900/Gavin Reed): Gavin Reed and RK900- known as Nines- are ready to move in together, for "convenience" or whatever they claim. What looks to be the ending of a long investigation results in Gavin re-examining the ghosts of his pasts, and the android of his potential future.
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officialfroggie · 2 years
im bored, so here are some detailed fic recs i dont see a lot :)
Yet the World Still Spins -- AnxiouslyIntroverted (desc: What if Joyce and Hopper weren't able to find Will? What if he escaped the Demogorgan, but was left stranded in the Upside Down? This is the story of a boy returning to a world that continued on without him.)
main tags: will byers/mike wheeler, will byers & eleven hopper, will byers has powers, will byers-centric, takes place during season 3
rating: incredible. like fr, the characterization is on point and theres a lot of wonder twins content. its unfinished and is updated sporadically, but its totally worth the wait. one of my faves forever<3
I Didn't Know There Were Wizards in California -- spotlightonmringenue (desc: made my own bc the real one is too long- will meets richie tozier in california and they navigate both real life and the supernatural together)
main tags: will byers & richie tozier, eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier, will byers/mike wheeler, richie and mike are not related, pre season 4, will byers has powers, canon-typical spooks and frights
rating: this one is up there with Yet the World Still Spins. its a crossover fic between st and it, and let me just say its probably the best fic in that crossover tag. i'll never stop raving about this fic. richie and will's friendship means sm to me i swear. its 100k words alone and theres a sequel being written right now.
Small Talks series (4 fics)-- Grasshopper Katie (desc: Eddie makes Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, and Steve Harrington gay panic. All for very different reasons. He's like the gay whisperer.)
main tags: steve harrington/eddie munson, will byers/mike wheeler, protective eddie munson, protective mike wheeler, fluff and angst, POV eddie munson
rating: very cute :) they're pretty quick reads, but really good ones. overall just really fluffy and sweet, i love how in-character it is
Bully Mike Wheeler Tuesday -- ladyofsnails (desc: wrote it myself bc the real one is too long. will and el bully mike jokingly)
main tags: will byers/mike wheeler, will byers & eleven hopper, fluff, teenage love, post-canon
rating: really fluffy and cute. i love the idea of willel bullying mike relentlessly in the future, and i love how its written. it's a short read, but it is part of a oneshot series, so theres more like it :)
hope you guys like the fics<33
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