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Keep talking about me girl 💅🏻 I win and always win , you remain as a loser ✨
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themysticaldreamers · 2 years
Tell me, I wanna know… what is it like to have true friends? The ones who will be by your side when things get tough. Not the fake ones who say they will, only to end up stabbing you in the back.. the ones that when you need them the most they suddenly pull away from you, leaving you by yourself. Fuck friends, you can only truly rely on yourself. FRIENDS ARE OVERRATED.
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darkforesttarot · 2 years
Lost my best smoke buddy cuz they had something to gain from losing me.
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bookaddicts-world · 1 year
just hate when you give people a golden chance to be your friend and they just ruin it by just doing the silliest thing to ever exist in this whole mankind.
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tinynatureartcookie · 2 years
aki azt mondja valtoznom kéne arra nincs szükségem
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Am i a bad friend?
Why do they all leave?
Am i a serial killer?
Why do they all flee?
Am i a lone wolf?
Why do they all lie?
Am i a drama queen?
Why do they all pry?
How many friends can you lose
Till you find out you're your own muse?
How many bonds can break
Till you find out you're their headache?
How many years can you be lonely
Till you accept your own company?
How many excuses can they make
Till you realize they secretly hate?
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miraculousmichelle · 3 years
Who you Want vs. Who you Need
Sometimes you want to stay friends with people you have been friends with forever. Someone you feel obligated to, someone you care deeply for. But what if they don’t treat you the same as you treat them? What if you just want them? What if you just can’t admit to yourself that this person is draining you?
I have been told I am “too nice” meaning I do things for other people that they would not do for me. That may be so in some instances but I enjoy helping people, especially people I care about. I will help those who have helped me. I have learned how to say no, to not apologize for refusing to do something that I am unable to do. But how do you know when enough is enough?
If I find myself bending backwards for someone who is not grateful? If I find myself putting more energy into a friendship than that person? If I don’t feel appreciated? If I feel like I am being taken advantage of? If I feel like I am losing my wellness and happiness to keep this person happy? That is when you know, you don’t need them in your life. That is when you know, you may want them in your life but you are much better off without them. You need to put yourself first.
Same can be said about your boyfriend or girlfriend. If you are texting and calling them first, if you are paying for all the meals, if you are giving all the gifts? You need to think of yourself first.
If you need to end a relationship because it is hurting you? There is nothing wrong with that. If you break up with someone because you feel they aren’t contributing to the relationships growth? There isn’t anything wrong with that. If you need to say goodbye to a friend that is taking advantage of you? You didn’t do anything wrong.
In every type of relationship, the most important person is YOU. All that matters is YOUR happiness. YOUR well-being. YOUR health. This is YOUR life, YOU can pick who deserves a spot in it. YOU choose who’s good for you.
You cannot help anyone else if you cannot help yourself. YOU are number one. No one else.
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You always do everything for others so that they are feeling fine. But what about yourself?
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lina-zitate · 3 years
Ich ließ wahre Freunde Fall’n und hab um die falschen gebettelt. Gestalten, vom Verhalten her genauso kalt wie hässlich.
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sad-boi-lobby · 3 years
You know what I fucking love…
I fucking love when the people that need you, your there for them but as soon as you need them, they’re NO WHERE!!!
I also love that when the person that say they care for you, turns out to be a jackass that tells you to stop faking depression, anxiety and all of them…
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unicorngirll211 · 4 years
Én már nem könyörgök senkinek a maradásáért..
könyörögtem eleget.
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Fuck the toxic bitches on my way and bless the goddesses on my side ♡
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kippconfessions · 4 years
Biggest reality check I ever gave myself: I stopped hitting my friends up first, months ago. I haven’t heard from any of them since.
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remember the day you throw me away
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Family is a facade. Friends are fake. This world is too much sometimes for sensitive souls.
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miraculousmichelle · 3 years
Have you ever had a friend that you thought would always be there for you? Someone who would instantly know if you were down? Someone you had given support to for years? Someone who supported you through bad times? Someone who answered your call or text immediately?
Have you ever had that somebody ghost you?
I have. And to rub salt in my wound, with no rhyme or reason. It’s as though I wake up one morning and the years of friendship I once knew, was all a dream. I’ll let you know when I’m upset, or if I need some space because I care. I care about friendship and I cared about you but I guess I’m not worth a sentence, a response, an explanation, or a conversation. Not knowing what went wrong is the worst part. All of the sudden, they blocked me on every social media platform as well as my number. Now some people may think you should keep the “door open” so to speak. If they try to contact you, you should talk to them and see if you can work things out. But I disagree; you know why? Because they’re gonna do it again. They didn’t have the guts to tell me what their problem was with me and the next time an issue like that comes around? They’ll vanish again. How is that fair to me? I’m trying to protect myself at this point, to keep myself from being let down time and time again. Why should I use my time and energy on someone who has made it perfectly clear that they don’t want anything to do with me? I am sick of being an amazing friend and then being tossed aside like trash. I am sick of bending over backwards for people without getting the same treatment or sincerity. I am sick and tired of being cut off without a word, thinking it’s my fault.
I deserve better. I deserve someone who appreciates my friendship, someone who is there for me. Someone who doesn’t block me if they have a problem with me. Someone who thinks our friendship is worth saving, someone who isn’t afraid of conflict if it gets us on the same page again. I don’t have the time or energy to agonize over what went wrong between us. You decided to act like a child, you decided you were done, you decided to take the easy way out, you didn’t have the balls to tell me your problem. But you know what? YOU missed out. I am an AMAZING friend, now I’m not resentful, I don’t wish you any ill will. But I don’t want you coming back, I don’t want to have a friendship with someone who runs at the first sign of trouble. You can go on living your life, you’ll be lonely, miserable, and sad but you made that choice. Because I know if you cut me off? There will be plenty more friends that you ghost, that you block, and think yourself better than them. But guess what? You’re not; you’re a coward, you’re weak, you’re spineless, you’re not a friend and you never were. I’m just glad I found out now, I’m glad to know how much you cared about me or rather how little. Now I know you didn’t deserve me. Now I know I’m better off without you.
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