#golden Loki
vexwerewolf · 6 days
So after that ask, I decided to make some Pride Month memes for In Golden Flame. The character art is by @punkr0xy
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ladylovesloki · 13 days
The Fated Apple
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Language
Summary: You’re in Asgard to witness a ritual for Thor and Jane. Things don’t go as planned.
A/N: This was an idea that was pestering me. If y’all want a part two lmk ☺️
Thanks for reading 💚
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“How long is this going to take?”
“It shouldn’t be too long. Idunn will give her blessing, Thor and I will open the chest with the apple and then we go to the celebration.”
You look down at the royal seamstress as she adjusts your gown with raised eyebrow. She looks up at you with a smirk. You knew at that moment this ceremony was going to last a lifetime.
Jane is dressed in a beautiful gown of gold and a deep red. Your seamstress decided to put you in a beautiful flowing gown of various blues.
You’re dressed this way because Jane is about to be the recipient of one of Idunns coveted golden apples. Thor had made it very clear to Odin that he would only rule if Jane was by his side.
Odin agreed to this ceremony because, well from your understanding, Idunn had already informed Frigga an apple would appear during the sacred ritual.
“Explain to me how this is supposed to work?”
Jane rolls her eyes, “Odin will call Thor and I up to his throne, say a few words then he’ll call up the Goddess Idunn. She’ll recite some old enchantment and then she’ll ask Thor and I to open the box holding the apple. If the box opens and there is a golden apple inside then we are meant to be.”
“And if it’s not in there when you open it?”
Jane looks down sadly, “then it will be time for Thor and I to decide how to move forward. With or without each other.”
You place your hand on the seamstress’s shoulder, silently asking her to pause her work. Once she does, you move to Jane and take her hands in yours.
“Everything is gonna be fine sis. You and Thor are going to open that box to a shiny golden apple, your gonna eat that apple and live happily ever after.”
Jane smiles and grasps your hands a little tighter.
“Thank you. I’m so nervous.”
You smile, “don’t be. You look beautiful. Thor is gonna shit when he sees you.”
“Really y/n?”
“What?! He is!”
You give your sisters hand one last squeeze and then go back to the ladies waiting to finish your own look.
“You ain’t looking too bad yourself y/n. You finally gonna find a nice Asgardian man for yourself to marry?”
“Nah. At the end of the week I’ll go back home to my normal boring life. There’s only room for one immortal in this family.”
Jane laughs and for the rest of the night you both make polite conversation with the kind ladies getting you both ready for the evening. You try and keep the silence to a minimum to be sure Jane doesn’t get lost in her thoughts.
About an hour later there is a knock on the door. A guard slowly opens the door.
“Ladies, it is time.”
You hug Jane and feel her shake with anxiety in your arms.
“You’re going to be great. You look beautiful.”
She smiles with tears in her eyes, “thank you y/n. For everything.”
You nod and take her hand to begin your walk to the main hall. Once you get there you are greeted by the biggest pain in your ass.
“Hello Prince Loki.”, you greet dryly.
“Lady Jane, Lady y/n. You both look….acceptable.”
You roll your eyes, “how charming.”
“Oh do not confuse me. I was not trying to be.”
You roll your eyes again and look to Jane.
“Just breathe. I love you. I’m going to be standing right there at the bottom of the steps. You got this.”
Jane takes a deep breath and nods.
The guards open the massive doors to the throne room and announce all of you. Odin and Frigga are already there. Thor is standing at the bottom of the steps waiting for his lady love. Jane looks at you one last time and you give her a sweet confident smile. She walks forward first while you and Loki follow behind her.
Once you get to the steps Thor takes Jane’s hand in his and they slowly walk up to Odin and Frigga. Odin is sitting on his great throne while Frigga stands beside him looking as beautiful as ever in her golden gown.
Once you and Loki get to the steps he immediately bolts to the opposite side as far away from you as possible. Good.
You don’t hate Loki per se. He just annoys the fuck out of you. It’s not a secret he dislikes humans and he’s made it obvious he is against this entire affair between Jane and Thor. But even with all of his issues, his love for his family makes him sort of tolerable. Especially the love he has for his mother.
Don’t fuck with Frigga.
And Frigga loves Jane and above all wants her son to be happy. And Jane makes Thor happy. Much to Loki’s dismay.
You look to Odin who stands to address his people.
“Asgard. You are here today to bare witness to a truly special ceremony. My son Thor has chosen the Lady Jane of Midgard to be his future wife. Your Queen. As you know, Lady Jane’s mortal lifespan will not do for a Queen of Asgard. So we have asked Goddess Idunn to bless us with her presence and most sacred gift. One of her golden apples.”
The crowd begins to murmur with excitement.
Odin holds up his hands to quiet the crowd, “tonight you will see a sacred ritual so rare, so special. It has only been performed once in her glorious lifetime.”
Odin holds his hand out, “Goddess Idunn, if you would. Explain to the people of Asgard what they have the honor of witnessing tonight.”
You turn your attention to the crowd and see the most beautiful woman step forward. Her long golden hair flows past her waist and she’s wearing a gown of the purest white. She looked like an angel. One of her ladies stands behind her holding a small box.
“Thank you Allfather.”, she curtsies low to the ground and rises gracefully.
She turns to the crowd, “it is my honor tonight to perform this ritual. I will say the words meant to reveal a love that is thought to be impossible. Improbable. Fated to fail. But these words, if said in front of a true match of an immortal and a mortal, will grant them a true gift. One of my golden apples of immortality.”
More murmurs rise in the crowd.
“But…if the match is not a true love match. The box will be empty. And the Lady Jane and Prince Thor will have no choice but to move on in their respective worlds. Without each other.”
Even more murmurs.
“The Norns tell me we will not have that result this evening.”
Idunn turns slightly to look over her shoulder to Frigga who smiles and nods at the Goddess.
“We will now begin. Prince Thor, Lady Jane. Please stand in front of me here.”
Thor and Jane both step up a few steps so they are standing directly in front of Idunn.
The lady holding the box next to Idunn hands her the small box.
“Oh sacred Mother. Before us we have a God and a Mortal full of love. A love that is fated to end so soon. If it be true, please bless this union and gift this mortal with life eternal. A life full of love and prosperity. Let is be so.”
Idunn bows her head so her forehead lightly touches the box.
You’re almost lost in the moment and then your hear a heavy sigh. You look over to Loki and see him staring at the ceiling. A look on his face that shows he wishes to be anywhere but here. As if he can feel you staring at him he looks over at you. You give him a pointed look and he just rolls his eyes in response.
Idunn looks at Thor and Jane.
“Prince Thor. Lady Jane. Place your hands on the sacred box.”
They do as instructed. You see Jane’s hand shake slightly as she reaches out.
“When I say, you will both open the box. Together.”
They both nod in understanding.
Idunn places her hand on top of the box and closes her eyes. Once she opens them she removes her hand from and nods at the couple.
“Alright. You may open the box and see what the fates have decided.”
Thor and Jane look at each other and take a deep breath. They look towards the box and at the same time lift the lid.
The box is empty.
Frigga and Idunn both gasp from surprise. And you can visibly see Jane’s body tense.
“This is not possible.”, Thor shouts desperately.
“I am sorry My Prince. The fates have decided you and the Lady Jane are not a true match. I am truly sorry.”
“I thought you told my mother you were certain we were a true match!”, Thor reaches out to Jane to steady her.
“I told Queen Frigga that the Norns showed me this box opening with a golden apple sitting in its center with the words a gift for a prince and his mortal whispered in my ear. I did not say you were the ones it was meant for.”
Odin rises from his throne, “who could it possibly be meant for then? We only have one other mortal present.”
All eyes turn to you.
“Oh no. No way. This..that…you can’t possible think…”, you stutter.
“Are you being courted presently by an immortal prince?”, Idunn asks.
“No! No thank you.”
“Child it is not as easy as you seem to believe it is. You are fated to be with an immortal. Very likely one of the princes of Asgard.”
“That’s not necessarily true. It could still be Jane. Maybe she’s fated to be with Loki!”
“I beg your pardon?!”, Loki glares at you.
Odin slashes his hand in front of him to silence you, “enough! Lady y/n. Step forward.”
You look over to Jane who has tears falling down her face. You step up the few steps to her and take her hands in yours again. “I’m so sorry Jane. This wasn’t how this was supposed to be.”
She nods, “I know.”
Jane moves to the side, Frigga moves to take her in her arms.
You look quickly at Thor who has tears in his eyes as well.
“I’m sorry big guy.”
He smiles sadly, “me too.”
“Prince Thor. Lady y/n place your hands on the box and open it together.”, Idunn instructs you both.
“Please be empty. Please be empty. Please be empty.”, you whisper to yourself as you and Thor place your hands on the box. You both lift the lid at the same time.
“Yes!!”, you and Thor both exclaim at the same time.
You quickly look to Jane, “see? I told you there was no way.”
“Hold your excitement young one. We still have another Prince.”, Idunn smiles kindly at you.
“No. Absolutely not.”, Loki turns around to start walking out of the throne room.
“Loki!”, Odin’s booming voice stops him dead in his tracks.
Loki turns toward the throne but does not step forward.
“Father, you cannot be serious.”
“Oh I am very serious my son. You will not disrespect the Goddess Idunn or the Norns. If it is true and you are fated to be with one of these mortals then there is nothing you or anyone in this room can do that will change that. Now. Come forward. Thor I’m sorry my son. Truly.”
Thor nods, “it is alright father. It is the will of the Norns.”
Thor steps down and walks over to Frigga, taking Jane from her gentle hold and into his own. He cradles her head against his chest, his large hand gently caressing her hair.
You hold back your own tears, you’re heart broken for your sister.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
Loki finally steps up to stand next to you. Standing as far away from you as possible.
“Prince Loki. Lady y/n. Place your hands on this sacred box and reveal your destiny.”
You and Loki look at each other. Both of you shaking from nerves. This is the last thing either of you wanted.
You take a deep breath, Loki does the same. At the same time you lift the lid. And sitting in the middle of the box on a beautiful green cushion…
A golden apple.
The end.
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nkrisztina100 · 3 months
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hoolay-boobs · 2 months
My favourite canon bisexual characters (in no particular order) <3
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Bisexuality looks different on everyone. Some in sapphic relationships, some in achillean relationships, some in duaric relationships, and some all bi themselves :) I’m so happy to have so many bisexual role models in my teenage hood and young adulthood that I didn’t have during my childhood <3
Note: IK that Princess Bubblegum and Gary Gumball are not canon bisexual, but they are both canon queer, free to be headcannoned as either bi or gay/lesbian. Everyone else here are canonically specifically bi tho :3
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decade-rather · 6 days
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vexwerewolf · 2 months
Switch: I've run the numbers, and this situation is definitely epiphenomenalistic.
Loki: Stop using that word like you know what it means.
Switch: Do you know what it means?
Loki: No, but at least I'm honest about it.
Switch: Well, if you don't know what it means, you can't prove it's not epiphenomenalistic.
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(art by @punkr0xy)
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lokiusly · 4 months
Mobius is given a TVA service/K9 dog as he tries to adjust to civilian life
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loki-ioki · 9 months
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He's just a little fucked
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breezypunk · 1 month
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golden retriever boyfriend not happy that cat is getting more attention, must intervene.
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dank-art · 14 days
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Part of a small comic
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cherriiramen · 7 months
Okay… hear me out. HEAR ME OUT.
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theotherrichardpapen · 5 months
there being next to no established canon backstory for basically anyone in this film is tonnes of fun cause you can say stuff like 'i think nigel had a brother he accidentally killed when they were both children' and there's nothing to dispute it
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lucianalight · 5 months
Odin's Family Dynamic - Part 7
It's been days and I still can't stop thinking about What If 2x07. So I decided to write my thoughts down. While I did mention Hela in previous parts of this series, there wasn't enough material to do a complete analysis of her role in the family. But with this episode we have a more complete picture. Reading Parts 1, 2 and 5 might be necessary for a better understanding of this analysis.
Part 1- Odin: The Narcissistic Parent
Part 2- Thor and Loki: Golden Child and Scapegoat
Part 3- Frigga: The Enabling Parent
Part 4 - Can Loki Trust Thor?
Part 5 - Did Odin Love Loki?
Part 6 - Is Loki a Narcissist?
Hela: Golden Child Turned Invisible
In a relation to this series, I was asked what would happen to the golden child without a scapegoat. The answer is the dynamics of a dysfunctional family with a narcissistic parent are not set in stone. The roles the narcissist assign to members of their family can change based on the needs and desires of the narcissist parent. And sometimes a person can have multiple roles or change roles. Usually the only child of a narcissistic parent is given the role of the golden child by default, but they're also prone to having multiple roles.
We see Hela as a happy kid who loves her pet wolf and can't even stand seeing him chained. It is interesting that her first reaction is protesting his imprisonment not that Odin stopped her playing with Fenrir. The scene shows that she cares about others and doesn't want to harm anyone. But Odin seeks to control and tame anything that might be a threat to him, and as he chains Fenrir, he chains Hela too. He grooms her to be a fighter, to never pass on a chance to end a life, to be his executioner and consider that a great honor. He couldn't do that if Hela remained as sweet and caring as she was when she was a kid. And Hela reveling in the love and attention stayed his golden child.
Until Odin decided to stop at the nine realms. Now it's never mentioned why Odin suddenly made that decision. It definitely wasn't because of the goodness of his heart. He still sought powers he deemed others unworthy of with the excuse of "protecting peace". But what caused him to stop his conquests? The answer might be his "new girlfriend who is a dreadful woman" according to Hela and one of the people Hela has a quarrel with.
But why Hela doesn't like Frigga? They have two different personalities for start. While Frigga is a fierce warrior, she doesn't enjoy fighting or war. Definitely not the way Odin, Hela and Thor do(one of many similarities Loki has with Frigga). Also from TR we know Hela was aware of having a sibling but never met them. So her banishment happened when Frigga was pregnant. Stopping the wars and protecting peace might have been Frigga's condition for marrying Odin. It is also possible that Odin pitted Hela and Frigga against each other through triangulation, a manipulation method to provide him narcissistic supply.
"Basically, the game involves two or more people who get pitted against each other and usually they don’t even realize what’s happening. They’re just aware of the conflict between each other and there’s always this conflict. Maybe they can’t figure out what’s going on or where the conflict is coming from. Or maybe it’s very clearly this parent or this other person. Essentially the narcissist does this because they want you to turn on each other while having the loyalty of you both."[1]
The prospect of having another child could be the reason why Odin banished Hela without a second thought. But that's not all. Narcissists don't see their children as people with their own thoughts, feelings and needs but rather as an extension of themselves. The golden child is the positive extension of narcissist but only until they act exactly as their parent wants.
"Narcissists will turn on the golden child when the golden child stops being a source of validation, admiration, and reassurance. Even though narcissists give the golden child many opportunities, privileges, and resources that the other family members don’t get, they still view the golden child as expendable."[2]
That's because the "love" the narcissist parent has for their child is conditional. And if the golden child do anything that contradicts the narcissist's sense of self, they become the negative extension of narcissist and therefore will be treated as a scapegoat. Which happened to Hela. She was banished and imprisoned and forgotten for more than a millennium. Odin turned her literally and figuratively invisible to the world, because she was a reminder of his shameful past and his failures. No surprise that she went mad. She was treated like a tool and discarded as soon as her usefulness ran out. She didn't have any place in Odin's new future.
WI Hela on the other hand got the chance to know herself and choose her own path when she realized what she wanted all along was freedom from Odin's control. Which is a theme that repeats both with Thor's arc in TDW and Loki's arc. Because what Odin did to his children for all their lives and every punishment he sentenced them to, was ultimately for controlling them.
[1]Scapegoat & Golden Child | How and why narcissists assign these roles (and not just in the family!) 
[2]Does the Narcissist Ever Turn on the Golden Child?
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worstloki · 3 months
Everyone’s all happy to go ‘Thor’s like a puppy!!’ and ‘LabraTHOR!!!’ until you ask who's holding his leash and writing his little name tag and taking him for daily walks. You gotta lean into the personification and think it through!!! He sure isn’t a stray!!!!
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