#however. i promise we will get the work done even if we don't rush through every moment or if we smile at each other sometimes
gideonisms · 1 month
Having my weekly I should quit my job moment
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izuhan · 2 years
coming home exhausted ︱stray kids (hyung line + hyune)
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pairing: boyfried!skz x gn!reader ︱ genre: fluff, comfort no hurt ︱warning: grammar mistakes, not proofread, i love chan
a/n: ,, i think this has been done a lot but I was having a bad day and wanted to write so here we are! im still confused if hyune is part of hyung line but my powers last night ended after I wrote his. hope u enjoy!
⸝⸝bang chan♡ᵎ
— one another’s arrival at home will always be the highlight of both of your days, and if you arrive at the same time as him, it is a total bonus for each other.
— within his or your arrival, he will never let you hug him first, he’s ought to do them first and that is the rule. which means whether he’s working or burning holes in your wall clock, he makes sure he gets to hug you, only allowing you to hug him back after.
— he does them a lot to the point he could identify who needs one and who doesn't. this time, it was you who he heard walking past his room. you have no energy to knock and be loud, all you wanted and needed is chan and nothing else, no one else. 
— you knock a couple of times and Chan, hurriedly and almost tripped himself—he opened the door to an exhausted lover of his. 
— “Ch—” he did not hesitate to pull you close to him in such an embrace he always does, a light squeeze and his signature giggles melting all your exhaustion away.
— you don't need to ask for a hug; he always delivers them as much as he wants, and you, yourself, can't hate him for that.
— as you melt and cave into his hug, he would take that as a chance to ask about how your day went, let you talk, and vent all those things which made you wear such a long face.
— he would move you with him in a gentle rhythm, humming and replying softly to your complaints, and say sweet promises he could fulfill within an hour of your arrival.
— and if you do cry while hugging him, you two would be in his bed immediately. sat down on the edge of the bed before Chan would wipe your tears away or kiss them, assuring you he would be by your side no matter what and hug you warmly once you asked for another.
— once settled in his bed, he would ask you to stay put and let him take care of you. “I need to change clothes, Chan,” he would smile, rummaging through his closet or the baggage he has that he hasn’t taken care of just yet, maybe for this moment, or simply another excuse to let you wear his clothes. 
— you would glare at him and his gentle, proud grin that he has. it’s almost a shit-eating grin but he’s beautiful no matter what and you will always wear his clothes if that means seeing that grin again.
— he helped you sit up carefully, holding your waist as he guides you, “no, please, let me.” he gives you the smile again. you’ve already seen each other a lot, but there is still embarrassment whenever there is a chance to do so, not when his eyes are focused on you. 
— however, you appreciate it in a way you can relax and lean your weight on him after it, dressed in his clothes and having him lull you to sleep. “Chan, thank you, I love you.” and his voice, confessing his undying love and affection until all you have in your mind is him.
⸝⸝lee know♡ᵎ
— coming home to one another has always been quite a big deal for both of you; screaming is a norm to let the other know of their arrival, or the cats would do the job. 
— however, your voice would still be heard by him, he loves you enough to train himself on focusing only to hear your voice at this point.
— so, he wondered why his cats were screaming at someone who did not utter any words of arrival. lee know, worriedly, rushed to the living room to see you—exhausted, like a withered flower. still beautiful but no color in your soul.
— you look at him with exhaustion, relief, and delight, and finally, you're home. but with how your day went, one thing you need you can't even say it.
— “... hello?” lee know cocks an eyebrow but doesn't speak, he stares with no words to say, that's where you know he’s waiting for you. “... I'm sorry... can I ge—can I hug you?”
— lee know doesn't hesitate, “you're the one who needs it,” it's permission, rather, a clarification that he can hug you, and you can hug him later after you've received one from him.
— he's that fond of you to be stubborn in his own conduct, to make another excuse to hug you and turn the tables, tease you instead of you teasing him that you're growing on him. he will also let your lack of proper greetings slip for once this time around.
— his embrace would make you tear up a bit, though you would not let it all out. you don't want to be a burden to him although he has greatly expressed interest in you being a burden to him. you're his responsibility he says, but to put it that way sometimes concerns you and makes you ponder over it.
— “cry, if today was that bad,” he could feel your gulps and silent sniffles stop you from crying. he breathes out a smile when you do, pressing a kiss on the crown of your head as he brings you to the sofa with the cats. 
— he points at them to scatter around you, which they did, surprisingly.
— lee know would listen to you being a stuttering mess, drawing circles on your back or caressing your hair to soothe you down before he would close the distance to stare at your swollen eyes directly. 
— “.. what?” he wouldn't say a word and cupped your cheeks, examining your face before placing his lips against yours suddenly.
— he knows his lips would do the work perfectly, and he loves to deter your attention from all the horrible things that have happened--to him only. at least for a moment before he does the leftover work on keeping your mind off things you shouldn't waste your tears off.
— and after all, that was done, a smile from both of you would top it off, and lee now would want you to take a bath as he prepares you something. though before parting, you still demand a kiss and a hug which he gladly obeys.
— before you leave the place you're in and whenever you're close to home, he always demands you let him know beforehand. not because he was preparing something, kind of, but all there is was a feeling of relief you'll be coming home soon before he burns the clock with how hard he stared at it
— and so, when no text was sent to him and the door to his room was opened suddenly, his whole face cannot be painted
— either you're a burglar or one of his family members. though once he recognized it was you, a hug would be his only resort before asking questions about your actions, why you never texted him beforehand so he could greet you by the door somehow.
— you would stay silent over his words, holding him tightly with the fear of letting him go. that's where he senses something might be wrong and let you squeeze him as much as you could. with the build he has, he doesn't think it would hurt and if it would, he will take delight in it. being weak towards you... fuels him.
— he would continuously talk and ask important questions. you want to answer him but exhaustion not letting you form words completely, you would either break down into tears or apologize numerous times, though either of those would happen, changbin would be as patient as possible.
— he knows enough to not talk over you the same you do to him, talking over each other is something you do when teasing each other, and fighting would be the worst-case scenario.
— he would let you talk and cry, or if you can't anymore, he would let it be. let the silence swallow the whole room so that you would calm down and ease your body.
— and while he's at it, he would rest his back on the headboard of his bed and settle you down on his lap. as embarrassing as you might be, it's the only way he could think of holding you while facing you.
— he would give you a smile rather than a worrying pout you do think is adorable, however, his smile and giggles were what erased your exhaustion for a moment before he holds you close.
 — promises to cuddle and smother your with love all night would ensue, his face too close for comfort but you would laugh it off sweetly, let yourself be stupidly in love with changbin and be as vulnerable as you could be, telling him the story of your day and all that caused the bad day because you know you have him by your side and ready to fight whatever it is.
— coming home exhausted would be no different in your shared place with hyunjin. 
sometimes you fear you both are coming home exhausted for so many days in a week that it's becoming a problem.
— but that also means you get to pamper each other with love and affection, lay low and lose all the tension and exhaustion from work and life at once. 
— it's also another excuse to let him be as romantic as he could be. you can't stomach it sometimes, in a good way, because you will combust in any second the moment you realize hyunjin's action is too romantic for your liking, that he's too perfect and charming. 
— today was no different too. silent sweet ambiance thanks to hyunjin's newly composed song showering the place with a new atmosphere as you step inside.
— you would either find him working on it, or doing art in many forms. and always, you would watch his back and smile. snap a few pictures to set as your new wallpaper or lock screen or post it in your gc just to make everyone jealous of your lover, or sometimes, keep it to yourself as a secret treasure.
— this time though, you badly needed him to embrace you to death. but you can't ask him directly, you don't know why.
— until he appears right in front of you, “i see, one of those days huh?” hyunjin is straight out of the shower, a new enticing look in his slightly damped short hair, the t-shirt he's wearing kind of soaked with the water dripped on them, and the towel hanging on his shoulder. god. how did you get so lucky?
— “hug, please?” hyunjin would chuckle, cooing and wiggling his body before embracing you with a smile on his face. you would groan once he would lift you up, clearly, he's not having a bad day, and he's affecting you with his energy. 
— “this is why I recommend you stay here with me all week, just a week of us and I could promise to have the world in my hands, and hand it to you for your undying love.”
“I k—”
“Nope, please, this week has been horrible for you. let me care for you the same way you ditched your whole family for me.”
— for hyunjin, having you counter him serves as a win, and so he does this time around, capturing your lips onto his before you could utter words that he knows would affect his plan for the both of you.
— and giving up was all you could do, let him take his time to take care of you in his very way.
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harrysblues · 2 years
Clean Baby
The one in which Harry comes back from work, and the only thing he wants to do is have a shower with his newborn.
After spending so much time working on his upcoming album Harry's House, the only thing Harry wants to do is get home to cuddle with his wife and his newborn. Y/N had given birth three months ago to a precious baby girl, Kennedy Gem, that Harry completely adores. He still doesn't believe how much he loves the little thing.
All he had wished to do since his sunshine had been born was to stay home with his family. Unfortunately, Kenny came three weeks early, and all Harry could do was rush through the last couple of things he had yet to arrange for his album release next month.
Even though he had been touring in America, Y/N's pregnancy had been kept a secret to the public. This means that not many people know what Harry has waiting for him at home, and how much he hates being away from home lately. The couple knows that they are going to need to start telling people soon, due to Harry going on tour to the UK and Europe during the summer, and Y/N and Kenny are going with him. However, they want to enjoy the most out of her without being bothered about how things are going, or people wanting to get their hands on pictures of their baby.
Harry got out of a meeting with Jeff and rushed home to be with both of his girls that he absolutely adores with his whole entire heart. They are literally the center of his universe, and the purpose that pushes him to be the best version of him everyday.
"Oh my baby, weren't you so hungry?" He heard Y/N coo right after he enters through the door. "You're the cutest thing I've seen in my entire life".
Harry is fast to lock the door and get to his family in the living room, and when he sees both of his girls on the sofa, wrapped in blankets because it is still chilly out, and Y/N breastfeeding Kenny while looking at her lovingly, he knows he made it. He has been dreaming about this his whole life.
"Hello my angels" He says while quickly sitting down in the sofa right by their side. "How has your day been? I hope fantastic. I've missed you both so so much".
He gives Y/N a passionate kiss, and they separate when they hear their baby make the cutest noise ever. "Yeah, sunshine. Do you also want a kiss?" Harry coos, and immediately kisses his baby's forehead. He is mesmerised with the way she's bonding with her mum right now.
"She's almost done, but she needs a bath. Your mum called and I got distracted" Y/N informs Harry. "She invited us to go to her house this weekend for a family get together. Gemma is also going".
"I'll call her tomorrow to let her know we are going" Harry answers. "But can I please be in charge of bath time tonight? I've missed my little ray of sunshine so much today, you have no idea".
"Oh, is that so? What about your wife?" Y/N says in a playful manner. "Did you forget about your wife when your daughter was born, or what?"
"Of course not, my love. We are soulmates, and I'm yours forever and ever" He says while burying his face on her neck. "You're the muse of all my songs, and the best thing to ever happen in my entire life".
Y/N looks at him, sees the way he is literally drooling over his daughter, and decides to agree to Harry being in charge of bath time. "Okay, I'll let you. However, you have to promise me that this won't be a recurring thing. Kenny is already so attached to you, if she starts getting used to showering with you she won't have it any other way ever again".
"Perfect, perfect, perfect" Harry celebrates. "C'mon Kenny baby, let's go get ourselves clean. Do you want to be a clean baby? Yes?" Harry takes his daughter from her mum's arms and burps her before cradling her in his arms and standing up to get to the bathroom.
"I'll be back in a bit, my love" He tells his wife. "Rest for a bit, put on your favourite show, but please don't worry about anything. You have been working so hard these last couple of months without me here, it's your turn to relax".
Y/N knows that Harry is doing the best he can to balance everything that's going on in his life right now. Nonetheless, her heart melts a little at how sweet he is being about everything. He is all she's ever asked for.
The couple shares a sweet kiss, and Y/N watches Harry and her daughter leave the room to go have a bath, so she doesn't hesitate to take up Harry's offer, and put on her favourite show.
Harry walks with Kenny in his arms to the bathroom, where he starts the shower, so that the water warms up to the perfect temperature for his baby girl, and he prepares the towels for when they get out. Then, he carefully undresses Kenny, as well as himself down to his boxers, and they both get in the shower.
Harry has his back to the shower stream, careful so it doesn't bother his little angel, while he holds her close to his chest. He did this for her first bath, because he was very scared of anything happening to her while in the water and he knew she was the safest in her daddy's arms. Ever since then, he does this as much as his wife lets him. He bonds with Kenny the best during bath times like this one, and he is determined to do this as long as his daughter lets him.
Once they are both completely wet, Harry takes a soft cloth, and with a little drop of baby soap, he starts washing his baby. She is sleepy in her father's chest, seeing as she loves listening to his heartbeat whenever she lays there. So when she notices her sleep being disrupted, she starts whimpering.
"Oh no, sunshine. Don't cry" He says softly to her. "It's just daddy cleaning you up, isn't that right? Didn't you want to be a clean baby?" Kenny stops the moment she hears her fathers voice, and looks up to him with the cutest smile ever.
"Hello, Kenny baby" He coos down at her. "It's bath time with daddy! We love bath time with daddy!" Harry exclaims while bouncing her a little and tickling her stomach. She lets out the most beautiful giggle Harry has ever heard, and he is completely sure he'll never get tired of it.
"How has your day been? Did you have fun with mummy?" He asks her softly while cleaning her body and shampooing the little curls she has started growing. "I'm very jealous that you get to spend so much time with her, especially cuddling. I love cuddles, you know that?" Kenny sees her father talking, and decides to start mumbling and making noises, as if she was answering all of his questions. Harry doesn't doubt it for a second, and he immediately starts talking to her as if she knew what he was saying.
"You love mummy's milk? Is that what you are saying?" The smile could be heard in his voice, as he was looking down at his precious daughter. Kenny squeals and slaps her little hands softly on her daddy's chest, making him chuckle. "We are so grateful for what she is doing for us, isn't that right? She is the most wonderful woman ever, and you are so lucky that you get to learn form her. You are going to be just like her".
The conversation carries on, Harry not once getting bored with the cute interaction, and he finishes giving her a bath and also, washing his body and hair. He would lie and tell Y/N that washing himself with only one arm wasn't difficult, but he would do it every day for his baby girl. It was very difficult for him to explain the bond he had with his daughter during these showers. The idea of her being completely dependent on him was something he thought about every single day. And he obviously loved every single minute of it.
Once both of them are clean, they get out of the shower and Harry carefully wraps Kenny in a very fluffy baby towel with a hood and bear ears on top. It was a gift from Mitch and Sarah for when she was born, and it is the cutest thing ever. Harry can't help but take pictures of her and send them to the love band's group chat every single time she uses it.
He creadles her in his arms again and wraps another towel around his waist. He obviously struggles, and he notices Kenny is watching him in the mirror when she lets out a very loud laugh, seeing her daddy drop his towel many times until he manages to wrap it in place.
"Oh my, Kenny baby! Are you laughing at y'daddy?" He jokingly reprimands her. "Does daddy make you laugh? Yeah?" He only gets more belly laughs from her, and he smiles so big, both of his dimples very prominent on his face, that he swears his cheeks are going to fall off. He is even trying to make her laugh harder, making weird faces at her while they both look at each other through the mirror.
When Kenny starts shivering a little, Harry knows it's time to get her dressed in a very cute pijama and put her to sleep. She was about to fall asleep on his chest after all, so he carries her to her bedroom and dresses her in his favourite pijamas of hers, decorated with little cherries, right after putting lotion on her with a very long massage. He loved pampering his girls, and he wasn't embarrassed to show it.
When she has her hair brushed, and she is ready for bed, with her pacifier on her mouth, Harry brings her to his bedroom so he can get ready.
"I know you're sleepy, sunshine. Let me get dressed and we'll go say goodnight to mummy, alright?" He tells her, while laying her in the middle of his king sized bed. He surrounds her with pillows so she won't roll and fall, although she is too tired to even move.
Harry goes inside his wardrobe to get into his pijamas really quick, and he looks at her playing with her hands at the top of her head while he is in his bathroom, doing his skincare and styling his hair.
"Let's go, angel" He kisses Kenny on the forehead, while picking her up and laying her against his chest. "We have to wish mummy a very good night, isn't that right?" Kenny softly coos, and Harry melts at the sound of her little voice. He can't wait for when she's able to tell him how she feels, or what she thinks.
When they get to the living room, Y/N is asleep on the couch. Harry quickly notices, and without wanting to wake her up, he gets down on his knees right next to her to give her a kiss on the forehead. "C'mon Kenny, give mummy a kissy so we can go to sleep" He whispers.
Right when he is about to get up from the floor to put Kenny to sleep, Y/N stirs awake. "Harry, cuddles please" His wife's demand earns a chuckle from Harry, but he doesn't think twice. He hands Kenny to Y/N, and he gets on the couch besides her to cuddle with the love of his life and his baby.
With the TV playing softly, the warmth of the blankets the three of them are wrapped up in, the feeling of his wife breathing, and the peaceful noises coming from his baby, Harry is in heaven. This is the best life he could have ever wished for, and he could never be happier.
First post! Please let me know if you like it and want more! Alsooo, don't forget to reblog :)
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viperwhispered · 1 month
A little drabble inspired by this ask by @lex752. Basically, similar to the goddess Kali, reader is going on some sort of a rampage, something possessing them (or however you want to interpret it). Cue Jamil having no other choice but to take on the role of Shiva and get trampled. 🙃 Established relationship, violence, blood and injuries, whump & angst. Gore / injuries mostly implied. (I’m not an angst writer and I don't like gore, I say, and then this thought comes and demands to be written out.)
There you were. His qalbi, his heart, wreaking havoc. 
Hurting people. 
Jamil knew achingly well that you would want to be stopped, that it would hurt you to learn of what you'd done.
Had this been anyone else but you, he could have turned away, kept himself safe. Sought out other options.
“Qalbi,” Jamil called out, stepping closer. 
His heart was constricted so tight in his chest, his mind working overdrive to think of something, anything.
Yet Jamil was painfully aware that there was no force he possessed that could stop you right now. Snake Whisper had not found any purchase with you in this state, and the rest of his magic had not fared much better.
Yet it was not the mindlessness of the overblots. You were still there, Jamil could see it plainly despite the violence your usual self was so incapable of.
So, out of bad options, Jamil had to choose the least bad one.
“Hayati.” My life. “Listen to me.”
All those sweet words and pet names, meant for softness and warmth and not this scene of carnage. Meant for when your hands soothed and caressed, not when they destroyed and ripped.
Or maybe they were needed now more than ever before.
“Ya ruhi.” My soulmate.
Jamil stumbled when you struck him. 
How warm his blood was, spilling on his skin.
Jamil could only hope that the hurt on his body would not hurt you too much, later. 
And that he was not making the biggest mistake of his life right now.
Jamil fell at your feet - all a part of his plan, he told himself, even as his legs gave up under him from your onslaught. 
He gasped a breath, his body tense, anticipating the next strike.
Another breath. 
And a hitched breath from you when you fell to your knees beside him.
Was it blood, or tears, that Jamil felt dripping down on him? The way your touch lingered on him, sticky with the scent of iron…
“There you are,” Jamil mumbled through his cut lips, having trouble focusing on your face.
It was alright. He’d done it.
He had time to be upset later.
He faintly heard your sobs, the sound of rushing blood in his ears drowning out everything else.
A little worried this may have ended up ooc but the concept would not leave me alone so here we are. I promise to make up for any potential emotional damage with some fluff in the future. Taglist in the replies because tumblr just does not want to co-operate with me in these matters. If you'd like to be tagged for any future works, let me know! (And if you're someone who should've been tagged but didn't get the notif, let me know that as well.)
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alxndryngs · 1 year
So I saw your post about taking some RE8 requests. Can I please have our favorite lady, Alcina Dimitrescu walking in to find her maiden crying/upset about being made fun of by the other maids for being chubby? I need the assurance that only a 9'6" woman is capable of.
Absolutely! I'm a chubby gal myself and boy don't we need that 9"6 Lady hahaha
Aphrodite's Batch of Roses
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Alcinas day had gone smoothly so far. For once, her daughters were behaving, the newest wine shipment had just been made that she had spent weeks preparing for, and lunch had been one of her favourite dishes.
The past week had been quite chaotic. Her girls never let her get off her feet and eventually Alcina did have enough. Once they were all sat at the dinner table yesterday, Alcina told them how truly exhausted she was and explained that them misbehaving did not contribute to that in any way.
The girls felt bad at an instant for their behaviour and promised their mother at least one day without them causing trouble.
And that day was today.
With a glass of wine, not Sanguis Virginis, but wine, she made her way to her atelier. She had been feeling quite artistic as of late and with todays silence she decided it would be a good time to start another project.
But what size canvas would she use? Oil or acrylic paint? Which brushes? Hard or soft? What would she even paint? Surely all the naked women paintings were nice to look at, but there were a few too many scattered across the castles walls.
Her peace of mind, however, was destroyed once she entered the sacred room and heard the heartbeat lingering about.
An annoyed scowl settled on her face as she groaned, looking around the room to find the culprit who had entered her atelier.
Every maiden in the castle knew that the atelier was off limits. The only one allowed inside, even if that, was Lady Dimitrescu's former personal maiden who had passed a few years ago. Ever since then its been only her inside the room. Last time she found an intruder inside, she cut off her hands and said.
"So you can not open doors you're not supposed to."
It was a particularly bad day for her at that, but oh well. Whats done is done.
"Show yourself, and I might spare you your hands, you little pest"
She hissed, all the calmness like washed away and replaced by pure annoyance. Her day had started so good! Why ruin it now!
The stutter in the persons heartbeat and voice caused her to nearly drop her glass once she noticed who it was. And once they stepped out, in what state they were in.
"I'm- My Lady I'm so sorry. I will l-eave right away."
She said, choking on her own tears as she began to fix her clothes from sitting on the floor.
Alcina stared at the little woman so hard she thought lasers might shoot out of her own eyes and through the woman's face.
Y/n muttered another stuttered apology while trying to not again burst into tears and make her situation with her lady even worse. Alcinas body turned as the maid passed her and walked to the door, but before she had a chance to leave, Alcinas hand wrapped around the young woman's arm and gently pulled her back.
Alcina cursed herself for not recognising that little heartbeat when she came in. She had listened to it quite a few times whilst she read or worked, finding this particular rhythm to be quite comforting. There was no fear when y/n worked, no worry to do something wrong. She was just focused on her task, and she was confident at that too.
The matriarch found herself reading at the same time you were a couple times. At first she had been worried when your heartbeat began slowing and just to check, she rushed to where she heard it coming from just to find you wrapped and surrounded in a pile of pillows and blankets in the library, so absorbed into the book you were reading that you didn't even hear your Lady come in.
After that, she reminded herself that whenever your heartbeat slowed, you were reading. And whenever it picked up for a few minutes, she couldn't help but quietly chuckle at the fact that you had probably gotten to a good part in the book.
She had gotten fond of you.
"Tell me," She said, placing her glass down on a small table before leaning down to your height. "Why are you crying in my atelier? You know no one is allowed to enter without my permission. And did you ask me if you may enter this room? No, I don't believe you did."
The leather of her glove was cold against your skin, your eyes eventually finding hers after Lady Dimitrescu wiped your tears for you.
"I know, my lady. That's why I'm here.. no one dares to bothers me in here."
You muttered quietly, embarrassed about the fact that this hadn't been your first trip to your lady's atelier.
Alcina felt a longer conversation come on, and she could definitely not bend down this entire time. She ordered for her maiden to sit on the ground, and to y/n's shock, the lady joined her on the floor.
"Why would someone bother you, y/n?"
You didn't hear your name come from your Lady often. But when you did, the sound burned itself into your ears for at least a few days.
Yet you didnt know where to start to answer her question. Sitting in silence, you tried to make up a start in your head. Alcina practically heard the wheels in your head turning as you thought. She sighed, cupping your tiny face in her large hands and making you look up at her properly.
"Y/n. Talk to me, that is an order."
Her voice was a lot firmer now. She originally did it as an attempt to show you that she was serious about this, but when she saw the new bunch of tears well up in your eyes, instant regret washed over her. Her stern expression dropped as she shook her head quickly.
"No no no, don't cry. Just tell me whats wrong, dulce servitoare"
You couldn't help but to start crying, looking up at your lady as she held your face in her hands. Leaning into her touch, she ended up pulling you into her lap and embrace.
Alcina didn't know what came over her in that moment, hugging a maid. But it felt like the right thing to do. She can curse herself for building a liking to you another time, but for now she had to find out what was going on.
Y/n sat in her lap and cried, cried her poor little human heart out on her lady's chest. And Alcina let her. Even caressed her back when she did, patiently waiting for her little maid to begin explaining.
"A few of the other maiden.." She began after a while, sniffling and rubbing her eye. "Well, they make fun of me from time to time and today it just bothered me a lot."
Alcinas head shot down to look at the woman in her arms, rage painted once across her face. Bullying?! In her castle?!
"They bully you?"
You nodded sheepishly, trying your best to just sink into her and disappear.
The tone alone let you know it wasn't a question she was asking, you didn't have to look at her face to know that.
For as long as y/n had worked at the castle, which would be three years in a few months, there hadn't been a single case of someone being bullied. And now it was Alcinas new favourite maid?! She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but decided to get all the information she could get first before she went and cut out some tongues.
"Because I'm on.. well, the heavier side let's say. Dresses and gowns don't look too flattering on me my lady, they make fun of it."
Alcinas eyebrows knit together, so tight you could've thought it was a single one.
"They bully you because you weigh more? Because it makes you look different than them?"
Again, you nodded against her chest, able to hear the low growl rumbling in it somewhere as she kept it in.
Bullying because of someones appearance! She couldn't believe it. At once, she stood up with the maiden in her arms bridal style and carried her out of her atelier and down the hallway. No painting for today.
Y/n yelped when they suddenly stood up, holding onto her lady as good as she could.
"You know Y/n," She began, ducking under a few doorways as she walked through the castle. "I think you are the most beautiful maiden in this castle. Your looks are absolutely to die for, sometimes I find myself envying you even."
Your cheeks burned bright red as you laid in her arms. She envied you?
"Mmm, yes. You have a beautiful body and soul, draga. None of them can compare."
She set you down once you both had reached her garden, smiling down at you.
"Do you think Aphrodite looked like them? Thin and scrawny? No. She was a woman. She had strong thighs, belly rolls and maybe even a double chin." She chuckled, her heart making a small flip as she edged out a small chuckle out of you as well.
"You, my dear," She said softly, squatting down to your height and placing her hands on your shoulders. "Are my castles Aphrodite."
Your lip began trembling as tears once again burned in your eyes. No one had ever talked to you this way, and out of all people it was your own lady? You knew she spoke the truth, she hated liars.
Before you knew it, she had kneeled down and pulled you into another hug once again. Her large hand rubbed your back as you nuzzled into her shoulder, inhaling her scent and god she smelled lovely.
"You are absolutely magnificent y/n, don't let them tell you otherwise. I know what it's like. People back in my time, when I was still human, they never liked my looks. Not because I was heavy, no, but because of how I am proportioned. I was called countless names, some made me cry the way you have been crying. But I learned to love and embrace what they didn't like and how to make myself look good."
She pulled away, gently pushing you infront of her to take a good look at you.
"I will call my sister later today and we will get you some dresses that you feel comfortable in. Hm? How does that sound?"
She smiled, and so did you. Smiling from one ear to the other in fact. You quickly nodded at her words.
"It sounds fantastic, my lady."
Alcina pointed to a batch of black roses.
"Do you see that one rose that looks different than the others? It has more of a purplish hue.. the petals are bigger, more voluminous.." She drifted off, her eyes finding yours again as you nodded once more.
"Sometimes looking different and being bigger isn't a bad thing, draga mea. That rose is my favourite in the whole batch."
Word count: 1,850
716 notes · View notes
koishiro · 10 months
Pussy power | 방탄소년단
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↳ SUMMARY: having to teach the lowest and failing class in school, you have to find a way to keep their attention and their grades up but it won’t be easy
↳ PAIRING: students!min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook x teacher!reader
↳ GENRE: smut with plot
↳ CW/S: mentions of porn, age gap, stripping, protected sex, oral (male receiving)
Part 1 | 2
main masterlist | kpop masterlist | upcoming anon asks
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I gulped as my pen scratched out my signature, as easy as that.
They had me now. There was no going back. What the hell had I done?
I realised my first mistake when they reminded me that I had to show my legs again every Friday afternoon until the exams.
"It is in the contract Miss, under Miss L/n duties“ Jungkook reminded me.
"I don't remember seeing that: And "contract!" where did that come from? I cried with mock indignation. "It's just a paper isn't it? What are you, budding lawyers?"
Yoongi had just rolled his eyes in response, "Well, anyway, it's there alright“
They showed me. They were right. There it was, the bottom of the page. It was my fault for not reading the damn thing properly. (Miss Lushbody messes up)
But, secretly I was very pleased that I was going to be doing it. They had been working hard and I needed to keep the carrot dangling. Keep them interested and all that. So, that's what I started to do for them every Friday at 4.00. (After the bell)
It kept them back a bit, but, there was always full attendance: The girls always got away quickly, so they never knew about the boys’ little treat.
And, I must confess that I loved doing it. My justification being that It helped to keep my boys in line. Each time I did it, I shifted my skirt up a little higher, much to their delight. Showing more and more of my shapely long legs. And sometimes, if I was in the mood, they got a brief glimpse of my panties. They all liked that. And while they headed home, I rushed into the ladies again to finger my clit and pussy. Oh God, even a mini-display like that was working me up. And, as the boys rightly pointed out, it was good practice for the full strip which, I could be doing for them later in the year. I just had to think about that possibility and I got really excited...
The weeks rolled on and Easter came and went. I gave out stacks of homework for them to do over the holidays and despite cries of protest, everybody handed in the work. It was fantastic.
Amazingly, we got through a full year curriculum in less than 4 months. I had ticked off all the boxes and when the Ofsted inspectors arrived, they were reasonably impressed. I was proud of my class. They had backed me all the way and when the official report came through there was even a little mention of what a good job I had been doing.
"How on earth have you managed it?" Asked a puzzled, but, appreciative Namjoon one day when he called me in for a chat.
"Oh, we found some common ground," I was able to say. And, of course, it was the truth.
"Well, however you've managed it, you've done a fabulous job" he said.
But, then he didn't know about my promise to do a striptease.
The GCSE exams came round and soon it was just a case of waiting for those results.
With more time on my hands, I started to watch that porn video again; watching it over and over again. I was beginning to enjoy the end a bit more. The part where they all got to fuck her, one after the other...I noted the ecstatic look on Miss Lushbody's face. Brilliant acting? or was it real? It looked damn real to me. Usually, I was naked after copying her striptease routine. And now, I couldn't seem to stop masturbating afterwards.
Did I really want to do the striptease for my boys, together with the "other stuff?" That was what I was thinking about as I toyed down below. I knew I would be very disappointed if I didn't get the chance.
Then, the results came through and were posted on a big board in the school's reception area. There were the usual mixed emotions of joy and tears as the pupils gathered around. My heart was thumping wildly. How had they done? I was desperate to know but I couldn't bear to look. If they had all failed I would be so disappointed and not just for academic reasons. So I just went back to the classroom.
After a short while, my lot came back into the room and from the way they were grinning, I knew they had done well.
I got that pounding in my heart again, as one by one they told me what they'd recieved. My throat went as dry as dust.
I wrote it up on the blackboard. Most of them had achieved C grade passes. That's when I knew for certain that my fate was sealed.
Min Yoongi 7/ Jung Hoseok 4/ Park Jimin 5/ Jeon Jungkook 6/ Kim Taehyung 4/
It was incredible, because, my class had achieved no less than 25 GCSE grade C's not to mention a lot of other lesser grades. My headmaster and all of the staff were astounded. "How did you do it?" They all asked.
I reckoned that all this success wouldn't do my career any harm at all.
But, all I could think about was the realisation that now I would have to do the striptease for my class. I would have to display my naked body for them all to see. As Jimin had so delicately put it, they would get to see "tits, legs, pussy, everything."
Soon, they would be able to get a real good look at it and see for themselves. As I had that thought, I bit my lip and flushed with shame. What was I thinking about? Me, an older woman, no less a teacher, exposing her private parts for young boys to drool over? I hoped to hell no one ever finds out: But, as for calling it off? No way. I couldn't wait to display myself. I was looking forward to it as much as my boys did.
Although, I had started out with a "no-nonsense" short hair style at the beginning of the school year, I had purposely let mymy hair grow to shoulder length in the last couple of months. I wanted to look more like the porn star in the video I was obsessed with. Also, for my forthcoming performance, I had a plan to put it into braids like she did and this was because I thought it looked sexy and would excite my male audience. And, copying her again, I would also be wearing 4 inch heels to make my legs look longer and sexier.
Someone shouted something out and it broke me out of my thoughts.
I knew what they wanted.
Now that the euphoria of their successes had died down, my forthcoming performance was all they wanted to talk about. When and where was it going to happen?
Jungkook, my brightest pupil according to his grades, had an answer for that one too.
"Miss, there's a pub not far from here that has a room they use as a small concert hall. It's very private and you can have a lock-in. You could do it there!”
I considered this and like the others realised that it was an excellent idea. I had been worried for a while at the prospect of doing it in the classroom. There was a strong chance for us to get caught on school premises and that would have been the end of my teaching career. There was further discussion on details and I told him to book up the room. I even gave him some money to do it and a bit more for some booze.
Jungkook said the landlord would let us do a lock-in and keep it strictly private, if we bought the booze and hired the venue from him. "It's just an end of college celebration," Hoseok piped in. And, seeing that everyone there would be 18+ on the night, it was all legal and above board.
So...everything was arranged.
It struck me how good Yoongi was at taking charge. I was his teacher and at 27 I was 9 years older than him, but, he always seemed one step ahead.
"What do you think?" He said. "Start at seven? I'll make sure the place is tidy and organise some chairs for your... erm... customers. There's also a changing room out back”
Was there anything this guy hadn't thought of? No wonder he had done so well in the exams.
The night of the striptease came around, finally. By then, I was desperate to do my act. Anytime I had the chance, I had gotten in some practise. Miss Lushbody was getting competition.
I was so nervous, as I drove down to the pub that night; nervous, but very excited. A couple of the boys -Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok- met me at the door, said I looked sensational. That gave me a boost, because, I had spent ages getting my hair and make-up just right.
It was 6.45 p.m. I knew that because I had looked at my watch about 6 times on the way over. On the back seat, I had my stuff. I had fished out my old graduation hat and cape for my act, as I wanted to look exactly like Miss Lushbody. Underneath, I would have a bodice, stockings and suspenders together with a pair of sexy black lace panties. I was ready, God was I ready.
I checked the place out. It was perfect and just as Jungkook had described. Yoongi had also tidyed up as promised and there was a front row of chairs positioned close to a small elevated stage. Music was already playing and I was informed that the piece I was going to use for my striptease was ready when I was.
My audience was all there waiting, and, no doubt pleased to see that I had turned up and was going through with it.
Jimin padlocked the door to the big room. We wouldn't be disturbed. We had the landlord's promise.
"Oh God, please get me through this" I prayed, as I went into the small changing room near the back wall.
I checked my make-up in the mirror again, still perfect and not a hair out of place. Taking a deep breath, I took off my street clothes and donned the outfit.
I was ready. Opening the door slightly, I gave the signal for the music to start, Then, I went out onto the stage. Suddenly, a spotlight came on. It was like I was a professional, although, I had never done it in public before. However I was confident, that all that practise copying Miss Lushbody was going to see me through.
The guys cheered and gave me a big round of applause. That gave me more confidence. I knew then that they were on my side.
Beforehand, I had reminded them again that there were to be no photos or videos taken. It was something that had been agreed upon earlier in proceedings. I had too much to risk otherwise.
Then the music started and I started to dance to it as I had practised many times. I had copied the sexy movements of Miss Lushbody and she was one of the best I had ever seen.
The act went well and very smoothly. I got everything right, every move perfect. First the cape then the hat came off. Then swaying and dancing as I undid the zip at the back of the bodice. My slim, shapely figure was revealed. Also, there was now a lot more female flesh for the boys to savour. The excitement in the room seemed to be rising and I was enjoying myself, more than I ever thought I would.
Then, teasing them, I took off my bra. I received murmurs of approval followed by wolf whistles. I was feeling great and in control. They liked my tits; "quite a handful" was how they put it.
Then, I put my foot up on a chair and began to unfasten my stockings. Nice and slow as I did, just like Miss Lushbody. Then, seductively, I slid the stockings down each leg. More whistles of admiration, but, I knew already that they liked my long shapely legs. They had said so many times when I had done the sample treat for them in the classroom.
Now, I was standing there in just my panties and high heels. Time for more teasing as the music continued to provide real atmosphere. The lighting obviously helped (well done Jungkook)
Then I had them spellbound, as, slowly and tantalisingly I eased down the panties.
"Oooh" they shouted as my pussy came into play. Proudly, I stood with my long legs planted apart to let them have a look: A good, long look. Everyone present seemed to be focused hard on my pussy, as I felt their eyes burning into me. Erotic shivers trembled through me as I thrust my pussy meaningfully towards the boys. They inched closer, heads grouped together; within sniffing distance, as they say.
"Look at your teacher," I was effectively saying look at her cunt. "I am exposing my most private parts for you”
I felt myself getting wet and knew with certainty that I would be heading down the same erotic path as a certain pornstar.
As a matter of fact, I couldn't wait to be their sexual plaything. I had developed that kind of emotional feeling for all of them.
To finish off, I turned round and went on all fours pushing my ass up and out; spreading my knees to give them the maximum view of my ass and pussy. What a sight I must have presented to those horny young men. By doing this, I was going well beyond what I had planned to do, but, I was desperate to bare my full femininity to them. It was, in effect, the erotic surrender of this 27 year old teacher, to her young male pupils.
"Stay like that Miss," Taehyung barked out and I was glad to comply with the order. I held my pose knowing they would be staring hard at my girly charms. I sighed, happy to expose myself to my young male students. It was what I had fantasised about ever since the idea of a striptease had come to me.
At that moment, I had never been so excited in my whole life.
After that, they were lining up to get at me and to be honest I found it almost Impossible to choose between them. I liked them all...wanted them all.
But, Yoongi with his top exam result was first.
"Steady boys. We've got all night." shouted Hoseok. He was right, I wasn't going anywhere.
That was when I reminded them all about condoms. It was a subject that I had repeated often enough to them during sex education and they had come well prepared.
As Jungkook was kissing me, I felt his fingers on my pussy "Oooh" I groaned. This boy could do anything he wanted to me. The others would see me allowing his advances, but, I didn't care, the striptease had got me so horny I needed lots of sexual attention.
I let Jungkook have a quick feel, but, the clamour from the boys I had worked up to a frenzy, all wanted a piece of me. Before he was pushed away, I whispered that he could have me later and he was happy with that. Also, it was something for me to look forward to.
And, It was all out in the open now. The boys knew that sex was well and truly on the agenda and that I was up for anything. Rotas, papers, contracts were out the window now. As far as I was concerned they could all fuck me. I was a bitch in heat.
They were all grabbing me at once, but, Yoongi stepped in to sort them out. He was commanding without having to say anything, they weren't going to mess with him. He commandeered me then for his own sexual use by taking me back into my dressing room.
When we got there, I noticed with dismay that all my clothes were gone. There was no way I was getting out of there anytime soon.
Yoongi unzipped and took out his impressive cock. It was thick and fully erect and looked about 7 inches long. I purred with pleasure as I took in in my hand. This was just what I needed. He stood me against the wall and I spread my legs apart. My pussy was so wet I hardly felt him pushing it in to me. He was going to be the first to fuck me and probably not the last.
"Oh, Oh, Yoongi~" I gasped as he pushed in. All the way in.
"I've wanted to fuck you for months Miss L/n", he said reminding me that I was in fact their teacher. But, at that moment it was the last thing on my mind. I was getting very excited sexually and nothing was going to come between that.
Before I could think of anything else, Yoongi kissed me, his tongue snaking inside my mouth and finding mine. Meanwhile, his big cock continued to dominate and ravage my pussy. It was such a size and he was intent on giving me full measure. In and out, In and out he hammered into me. I was getting the best fuck I'd had in many a long day.
" Hurry up in there" someone shouted - likely Jimin, but, Yoongi just kept on fucking me with piston- like thrusts.
"Oh Yoongi," I moaned, as he kept on bouncing my ass off the wall.
"They'll just have to fucking wait," he growled. "’Teacher is mine”
He came, minutes later, with a triumphant shout as I felt his cum spurt inside. As he took his condom clad cock out, I leaned back against the wall and groaned. What a fuck that had been, one of the best I’ve had.
Then Jimin came to take me up on my promise. "I've found a room," he told me. I didn't hesitate to go with him. At that moment I would have followed him anywhere.
It was a small first aid room, but, with a bed in the corner. Trust him to have cleverly sussed it out.
"Is this part of the pub," I asked fearing he had found another entrance.
"Sort of," he said "but, it's within the locked area”
There was a fresh cover on the bed as he lay me down on it. Somehow, I felt that I would be spending a lot of time in here before I would be able to leave.
First he had a good feel of my naked body. Kissing the parts he liked best. And he liked a lot. "What a fantastic body you have Miss," he growled.
"Jimin~," I sighed.
I had looked forward to him ravaging me like this and he didn't disappoint. His hands seemed to be everywhere.
Then he spread my legs and worked two fingers into my slippery cunt before fucking them in a slow but steady piston like rhythm. I swooned in ecstasy...
"I've dreamt about doing this to you Miss every night since you first mentioned the idea of stripping”
"You can call me Y/n now, Jimin, since school is over now-“
"No"...he said adamantly. "It's got to be Miss or Teach. Keep the fantasy going you see”
I understood, only too well.
And then Jimin fucked me, taking his sweet time about it and telling me how much he had lusted after me ever since I had shown my legs in the classroom. Our sex coupling lasted a while before he came with a shudder and a long groan.
"What about a date then Miss," he asked cheekily, "just you and me?"
I looked into his eyes and didn't say no.
Just then, there were little taps on the frosted glass window. "You're in big demand lady," I heard Hoseok shout.
After Jimin, I had Jungkook. He was so shy that he hesitated to make eye contact with me. The poor thing couldn't get it up. "Aawww," he said in frustration.
"You're all tensed up" I told him. "Just relax. It will come”
I let him fondle my breasts for a while until his cock finally sprung to life. "I've never had a blow job", he confessed. "Would you give me one?" I duly obliged.
As soon as my lips touched the tip of his cock, it went really hard. It was a big cock, similar size to Yoongi’s and I soon found that I had trouble fitting most of it in my mouth. I gave it plenty of loving attention, using my expertise to lick, suck and excite him. This boy was in ecstasy, but, soon found it all too much. In a short time he was spurting his stuff into my mouth. "Swallow it," he hissed and obediently I let his white cream slide down my throat. Oh God, he was so cute...I so wanted to please him.
Jungkook couldn't wait to get in the room. I had been aware of him pacing with impatience just outside the door. He was already fully erect, so this time, he lay down and I squatted down on top to take in his cock. As we got going, I bounced up and down taking his erection all the way in. This way I dictated the fuck. As we built up a steady rhythm he reached up and groped my tits. My nipples stood out proud as they usually did with handling like this. As we fucked I threw back my head and moaned...it was so good.
"Go for it Kook!" were the words shouted through the doorway. They thought he was giving it to me real good and proper. Well it was his ramrod cock that was impaling me so I suppose they were right. But I was in control and loving every second of it. "Stay hard" I urgedmd him as I kept up the action. Why was fucking so wonderful? It was heavenly and lasted a good while before he reached his climax.
Oh God! I remember thinking, I had to have him again...
Taehyung wanted me next. Jungkook had hardly left the room before he was bustling his way in. "I want my cock in that pretty mouth of yours, Teach," he announced. "You've lectured me with it often enough this year. Now it can do something useful for a change”
"But do it good," he warned as I took his hard cock in my hands and gladly started to suck. It was a bigger than Jimin’s, but, wisely, I didn't say so because ears might be listening and the boy himself might be standing right outside. So, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of having that big thing in my mouth. Lovingly, I licked the length of the shaft, before I got down to a rhythmic sucking motion. I tried to make it last, but, soon Taehyung was shuddering and I felt him about to explode. Then I got it all, as a jet of cum cascaded into my mouth and throat.
Taehyung ordered me to swallow..."every last drop" But I was doing that already. I gulped it down, spurt after spurt, before licking my lips. Yummy.
I thought about how many cocks I had seen to since my strip and did a count. "Where's Hoseok" I asked.
He was sitting in a daze in the front row. His eyes fixed on the stage and nursing a pint of beer. As if hoping I was going to do a repeat performance.
He turned his head when he heard me. "Hello Miss," he said. "Don't forget me, will you”
As if I would.
"I ain't had my fuck yet, Miss", he said reminding me in a husky voice. "And seeing how you went on your hands and knees and pushed your ass in the air, I fancy having you doggy style..."
Frank found a worn old sofa and turned it round so he could drape me over it. It was just the right height for a rear entry, my curvaceous ass so tempting. I was like a rag doll as he spread my legs apart and had a well - deserved feel of my thighs and bum.
"Go for it Hoseok," I urged. After all he had been patiently waiting while the others had been having fun. But, now, it was his turn to get sexily intimate with his teacher and he announced his intention to give me a damn good fucking.
I felt his big cock penetrate my wet pussy and sighed happily in surrender letting it happen. He humped me good and proper, his powerful thrusts nearly lifting me off balance. I hung on desperately, as his big cock plumbed and ravaged the depths of my pussy with devastating effect.
Everyone else just stood and watched. No doubt admiring his cockmanship and watching me getting well and truly fucked.
My inevitable orgasm came, like a tidal wave, as Hoseok’s relentless fucking sent me over the edge. With all the sexual attention I had been having, I suppose that this rare event for me had been inevitable. I was told later that my unbridled scream of ecstasy filled the room, as everyone stopped and watched my complete and utter sexual degradation.
I was their disgraced slut of a teacher.
I am ashamed to say that my vows and responsibilities as a teacher were swept aside that night as, one by one, the boys in my class lined up and sexually used me again and again. It went on ‘til closing time and beyond. At the end I was "literally" fucked out. Second time around, the pace was slower and they enjoyed me more. They respected each other's time with their teacher. Lots of kissing and feeling as the night wore on.
They were very good after that, I have to say. My clothes were returned and I stuffed my stripper outfit into a carrier bag. I managed to get my make-up and general appearance back to something normal and the boys chipped in for a taxi to take me home. Hopefully, the excited flush on my face would die down a bit before I had to face the public eye.
Before I left, six telephone numbers were pushed into my pocket. They didn't want to lose touch, they said. All of them wanted to see me again.
And that pleased me to no end, because, after all that had happened between me and my five boys, I too wanted to keep in contact.
As I sped off home in the taxi, I wondered idly what next year's class would be like.
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Part 1 | 2
Date posted: 17/08/23
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tiktokitssinoclock · 1 year
Studying Struggles- The Moon Boys
SFW// Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
Being a university student can come with its challenges, but the boys are more than willing to help you combat them.
Word Count:
Brief mentions of an unhealthy eating schedule (non-ED related; only in Jake Lockley's section)
Unrelated, but to my Cubans and potentially other hispanics out there, DON'T FREAK OUT when I mention habichuelas y arroz LMAO. My fam is Puerto Rican and we eat them all the time, but I only recently learned from a Cuban friend that whenever I talk about habichuelas y arroz, she thinks I'm mixing green beans and rice. I'm actually talking about delicious stewed beans (with papas y jamon ofc) and rice. That's all, just wanted you to know that I'm not a green bean heathen <3
Steven Grant
Your tendency to agree to anything that's asked of you makes being a student exceedingly difficult
Coworkers will ask you to pick up the odd shift or two and you'll hopelessly accept, managing to take notes on a chapter or two for your problem class after a lunch rush or during your breaks
Your friends might ask you to be a designated driver for their night at the club and you just can't say no, knowing damn well you'll have to study from the moment you get home until your alarm starts going off to get ready for work
It's always one thing after the next, it seems, and although you don't like to admit it to yourself, it can get utterly exhausting
That changes a little once you move in with the boys, however
Steven makes an effort to remember even your most minute mentions exams, and when they start coming up, he makes an effort to help you get the most out of your studies
He'll try his best to keep his cluttered flat a little more organized, keeping his books mostly on their shelves and making sure his desk is relatively clear
Requests for you to join your friends on nights out diminish, but for some odd reason when you are invited, its conveniently on weekends where you're free
After catching Steven steal a peek at your pocket calendar before sending a text, however, you quickly piece together why
He even beats you to the phone when someone from work calls, quickly hitting decline before you can even protest
"Come on, love. You and I both know it's not good for you to pick up any more shifts this week."
He's just supportive through and through, making sure you're not overwhelming yourself while also cheering you on
As soon as exam season is over, he treats you to a weekend of nothing but eating take out and catching up on your favorite shows, too
Marc Spector
You're by no means a stupid person, however, you are quite unorganized
Every week there's a deadline that comes out of nowhere, whether it be for a research paper worth 30% of your grade or an exam that you simply can't afford to do bad on
You typically do enough to pull through in the end, but you're always mentally spent and by the time you're recovered, the cycle repeats again
Marc almost immediately catches onto this, and one night when you close your laptop after barely submitting a presentation on time, he decides he can't let you go on like that
He helps you pull up the syllabi for all your courses and painstakingly comb through the due dates, neatly filling out the calendar you'd neglected to use all semester until everything is written down
"See how I broke everything up across the week? It's so you can get stuff done early and stop killing yourself every Sunday."
He makes you promise to try to follow the schedule you guys made and, while you weren't a fan of the idea of jumping back into your school work so soon after another hectic weekend, you begrudgingly agreed
Marc didn't let your efforts go unrecognized
When you were making slow but steady progress on a book report, you almost don't realize Marc had placed your favorite drink from a local cafe next to you until he was pressing a kiss to the top of your head
After you finally finished drilling through flashcards for a quiz, he was at your side in an instant with your coat in his hand
"Let's go on a walk for a little while, you could use a break."
By the time Friday night had rolled around, you turned in your report and found yourself with nothing left to do
Marc simply smirked at the shocked expression on your face as you flipped through the planner to double check, returning his attention to the dinner he was cooking
"Good job, habibti. Now you can sleep in with me all weekend."
Jake Lockley
Typically, you've got a pretty good hold on balancing all of your school responsibilities with the demands of day-to-day life
You're on top of your studying and homework assignments while also juggling a social life and household chores
The one thing that slips through the cracks, however, is food
Your kitchen gets deserted overnight, the contents of your fridge replaced with meal replacement shakes
Jake notices this especially when a big exam or assignment is coming up- its as if you've subconsciously knocked nutrition down on the hierarchy of importance
He doesn't like that- not one bit
So he puts an end to it
During your next stressful bought, he made it his personal mission to make sure you were eating real food for every meal
Even when you offered up polite protests of "Jake, you don't have to do all that" or "I'll be fine, I promise", they always fell on deaf ears
"Nourishing your body is just as important as nourishing your mind, mi vida. Eat."
And that's how it went from then on
Sometimes you'll be hunched over your computer, nearly done reteaching yourself how to calculate pH, when he leaves a plate of scrambled eggs at your side
Other times you'd be so busy plowing through practice problems, you almost don't notice the hot cup of coffee and sandwich waiting for you
When the night runs late and you start nodding off in your seat, he'll close the laptop in front of you and drag a chair over to join you, the two of you having a late meal of habichuelas and rice
That's how it continues until your last final is finally taken and you can relax
You always offer different ways to make up for it, like doing all the cooking for a month in return, but all he ever wants is quality time with you
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kore-dreams · 6 months
Laurance's Day Off
This is my first small work that has actually been published. Sorry if it's a little rushed.
It was Laurance Zvahl's day off and frankly, he didn't know what to do with it. All he did day after day was guard and train aside from the usual eat, sleep, bathe and repeat.
Now that he had time for himself, he didn't know what to do with it, so he went to his acquaintance's, Kawaii-chan's, cafe.
As he stepped into the small, pink accented cafe, Laurance looked around, observing the customers. "Laurance- kun, what can Kawaii- chan get for you today?" Kawaii- chan's voice rung.
"Just a cup of hot chocolate with smores is fine, thanks Kawaii- chan." Laurance replied giving her a grateful glance and a small smile.
It was cold that day and Laurance was looking forward to having something warm and delicious in his hands.
Laurance continued to look around at the customers and spotted a hunched form in one of the booths. They looked to be sorting through paperwork, for hours at that, seen as how this individual had bags under their eyes and kept sipping from their, what seems to be, coffee.
Besides their seemingly very busy person contrasting the cafe's light and calm scene, what caught Laurance's eye was that this person was an elf, a very pretty/handsome one.
Laurance quietly stole glances as he waited for his order, opting to just look out the window in the end fearing that the elf would catch him staring.
He had enough of his fidgeting after 5 minutes.
I, Laurance Zvahl, am this nervous about approaching a pretty/handsome person?? I think not-
And so he stood up and made his way over.
"Hey, you seem to be pretty busy, anything I can help with?" Laurance asked politely, despite his initial thoughts on starting his sentence with 'Hey Gorgeous' like usual.
"Unless you know how to manage a business, analyze how sales are going, how much to sell, and how much to spend on goods then I'll have to ask you to kindly piss off." The elf said with annoyance with a matching narrowed gaze.
"Don't worry, I'll be of some use. I've previously assisted lords with managing budgets."
"Then would you mind doing these for me?"
The elf set a stack of paperwork in front of Laurance before they could resume their work, Laurance hurriedly asked, "My name is Laurance, what's your name?"
"Why do you want to know?" The elf asked skeptically.
"Just to break the ice a little and make sure I know who I'm dealing with if we ever cross paths again. No harm in a little familiarity." Laurance responded in bright tone, his face glowing even if he was internally panicking.
However, his panicking soon came to an end when the elf responded.
"That's my name."
"Alright then [Name], let's get this done, and maybe we can talk a little after?" Laurance asked with a hint of hope in his voice and slightly raised eyebrows.
"Was this your intention from the start?"
"Fine, since you're helping me, I'll humor you for a little while" [Name] sighed before sending Laurance a slightly softer gaze.
There goes my heart . Laurance thought to himself.
To [Name]'s surprise, they actually managed to finish quite early.
They chatted a little afterwords, as promised by [Name], about their jobs while eating small pastries. They got along pretty well (so well they stayed talking for about 4 hours). Thankfully Laurance didn't embarrass himself.
"Well, it's getting a little late for having a tight schedule, I have to get going." [Name] announced.
"Ah, shame. There's still so much I want to know." Laurance sighed dramatically. [Name] chuckled, gaze softening.
"I'm here every morning around the time you came over today. You're welcome to join my little break before rush hour if you'd like?"
"Really? I guess we're morning break buddies then, heh." Laurance accepted.
This was their first of many encounters.
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rocknrollsalad · 7 months
Oooh, Stargyle has so much unexplored potential.
What about Steve and Argyle both going to community college for something hands on: woodworking, welding, pottery, plumbing--I don't really care? (Why? Steve is a very tactile, hands-on guy and not big on academics, and we see Argyle in woodshop.)
And they have to partner up for a project. They both turn out to be really good at one aspect of the project. Flirtation ensues.
OKAY, so I may have done a really shitty job of following this prompt. I read maybe seven words of it and rushed to a new gdoc. Immediately, I vomited out 1200 words and took it from there.
However, it's received some less-than-favorable reviews already so I stopped writing it. I'm kind of sorry. I'm more sorry about publishing it knowing it's neither finished nor as good as it should be. HOWEVER, here's what I got and I hope you get so many nice things for sending this to me in my hour of need.
tw: drug use (pot) word count: 2705
College was the last place Steve thought he’d be. Sure it was a community college and his parents made sure to let him know exactly how beneath them that was but it was still school. Something he thought he’d finished with because…school sucked. 
It was also the way forward. 
So, yeah, he was twenty-six and attending a full day of classes at some community college. He was also working part-time and somehow finding time to have something close to a social life. Occasionally. Not as much as he wanted on the latter and less in the way of dating but he was out of Hawkins and doing this on his own. 
He’d moved out west three years ago, the last of his friends went off to colleges of their own and left him looking at a ghost of town that held nothing special anymore. It was a necessary bit of sadness to push Steve toward following his dreams. 
Sun and surf, palm trees and tacos, and never a single snow day. Everyone wanted him to hate it, it was so far from them, but Steve hadn’t worn pants or a long sleeve shirt in 30 months. He’d been permanently tan for just as long and his hair found its way to something closer to blonde. The food was better, the people friendlier, and, yeah, everyone he’d grown up with was a plane ride away now but the good outweighed the bad. 
Not to mention, he breathed easier out from under the Harrington shadow. Carving his own way for the first time in his life had been more freeing than being allowed to wear flip-flops to work. Robin, Nancy, Dustin, Max, they’d all understand eventually. Especially if they’d make that plane ride. 
With a job at a daycare, Steve found himself a calling among all the naps on the beach. It made sense that he was good at it but it was luck he’d found out. At least until he got too comfortable there. His boss was the one who talked him into college, she had a list a mile long of things an early childhood education degree could bring him and, by extension, her. Steve wasn’t into the idea. Obviously, he’d done fine without it but she swore he could do so much more. After months of lectures and pamphlets and attempts at reasoning with him, Steve finally caved. 
Once he did, though, she was his biggest supporter. Something Steve actually needed in all this. He didn’t have a lot of faith in himself to earn this degree. On paper, it looked daunting. But his boss helped him pick courses and study for his assessments. Holding his hand every step of the way and crossing a few t’s Steve missed. However, she didn’t console him when the results came back and he was below college level on everything. It would mean a lot of math courses and even more English ones. 
Something he bogged himself down with for the first quarter. Wanting to speed run through catching up, all Steve did was depress himself and lose the desire to carry on. For the next quarter, they balanced things a little more. Classes for his degree and classes for catching up. 
His boss had pushed a course on nutrition, promising it’d be fun and though not directly part of his degree requirements, would come in handy with their new programs and funding. Steve wasn’t sure about the fun part but it sounded far better than another stab at algebra. 
So at ten o’clock in the god-forsaken morning, Steve dragged himself to a part of the school he’d never seen to learn about what foods were healthy. An easy A, Steve thought, the answer to everything here is just vegetables. Don’t give kids candy for breakfast. Carrot cake wasn’t actually healthy. It seemed like something he could do in his sleep. A fact he might put to the test at this hour. 
Claiming a seat in the middle of the room, against the wall in case he needed a nap, Steve readied his supplies in some weird impression of Nancy Wheeler. Trying to look ready to learn even if he wasn’t. Something about faking it until he made it or whatever people said. No one could tell him he wasn’t trying. 
Barely a minute before the class was meant to start (the teacher was nowhere in sight) laughter came from outside the door and followed a couple of guys in. Two other people stood up and they exchanged hi-fives as the jokes were explained and the laughter doubled. 
One guy among them was enough to make Steve sit upright and pay a bit more attention. A gorgeous man with a loud printed t-shirt and the longest hair Steve had ever seen on anyone. He laughed and joked with everyone and Steve couldn’t stop staring. Like everything else in the room had just fizzled away and he was left with this muted conversation and his heartbeat thrumming in his ears. 
This was also something new to California. Not cartoon hearts appearing around guys, that had always been there, but being okay with it. Losing the pressure to be the golden boy had allowed him a chance to experiment and Steve could, with confidence, now say he liked all genders. If only the increase in possibilities had led to less striking out. 
Almost immediately, Steve envisioned being rejected by this guy. He didn’t seem the sort to laugh in his face, maybe he’d let him down gently, say it wasn’t his thing. But a small part of Steve’s mind toyed with the “yes” of it all as he stared across the classroom. 
The teacher had apparently arrived because everyone started to find seats and Steve was left feeling a bit lost and more than a little confused as he tried to come back to the present. The man in the front of the room trying to settle everyone was everything TV made hippies out to be, he sounded like Cheech or Chong and flashed the peace sign seven different times in his introduction. He certainly wasn’t going to be holding any of Steve’s attention but, again, this was just meant to be an easy A. It didn’t have to be dynamic. At least he had a reason to show up every day. 
For days that drifted into weeks, Steve watched the other students arrive nearly the same way every day. This ball of energy and light, laughing and talking with everyone until the teacher made him sit down. Which he did with a casual apology and presented the floor to the man who had no command of the room. It felt like high school, hardly a higher learning situation but Steve’s boss had warned him, that college wasn’t as serious as people made it out to be. 
They were supposed to learn about nutrition and why it mattered but mostly the guy talked about his garden and how to keep pests away. Other students stopped coming but that happened in all classes. Those that stayed, Steve found out, were all in the culinary program and it was this or more practice chopping onions. They were thrilled to be here and didn’t care what the guy talked about. 
Which brought on a new feeling as the class list was an obvious clique and him. Steve was on the outside, not part of the group having fun, and it was a place he’d never been. Robin said it was good for him but he wasn’t so sure. 
Steve thought he was going to spend the whole quarter looking on from afar, not even knowing this guy’s name, and he’d begun to make peace with that. Wondering where just a touch of King Steve was so he could waltz in like he belonged like he was a blessing to them. Maybe he didn’t have to swing his personality so far the other way but there was comfort in being on the outskirts that Steve wasn’t ready to give up. 
Until a month into the quarter, the teacher didn’t show up. Everyone chimed in with different amounts of time they had to wait before they could leave but eventually, one brave soul made the call. Dismissed them all with a promise of an A for the day. Power they didn’t have but a joke the whole class shared. 
As those who weren’t in the culinary program packed up, Steve was approached by the guy he’d been staring at day in and day out. Whatever it was that had Cinderella able to make animals do her chores, this guy had. It was almost hard to be in the presence of and typically Steve wasn’t a fan of anything that made his confidence falter but he recovered in enough time. He hoped. 
“Yo, man. You sit in the class by yourself, like, every day and I keep thinking ‘y’know what? That guy needs a friend!’ so here I am! We’re gonna go across the street to the Erin’s. They both got the same name but one’s a guy and one’s a girl, and they’re dating. It’s not weird, I guess, but I don’t want to be saying my own name in bed, ya know? But, yeah, they got a few new recipes to try and, y’know, plenty of weed. If you wanna come?” 
There was a desperate “yes” on the tip of Steve’s tongue that he hated. “Yeah, I don’t have anything going on until later,” he lied. 
“Righteous! I’m not an Aaron, by the way. Name’s Argyle.” 
“That’s so easy to remember. You look like a Steve. Steven?” 
Steve nodded, not really wanting to claim the name in case Argyle wanted to start using it. 
Instead, he nodded for the door and made moves toward it. “Alright, so have you ever had tres leches cake? Tell me you’ve tried this.” 
“I’ve..never heard of it.” 
“Prepare to be delighted. This is a big day for you, man. You’ll never be the same after it. Tell your taste buds to get ready, their tiny minds are going to be blown clean off.” 
The description brought on a familiar feeling, Argyle was gorgeous and kind but under that amazing smile, he was as weird as everyone else Steve knew. And he knew how to hang out with the weird kids. 
On the walk over, Argyle talked about how he got into cooking, why he was in college so “late” in life, and his restaurant owning dreams for the future. Steve couldn’t get a word in but he didn’t trust his flirting or conversational ability so it was for the best. 
And Argyle didn’t seem to have a problem filling the silences or depriving Steve of them. Walking them around and introducing Steve to a bunch of people whose names he forgot immediately, feeding him snacks, and getting them both settled in the “backyard” where, for the first time, Argyle stopped talking. There were a bunch of other people to fill the silences though. 
Most of what was shared, Steve didn’t follow. They spoke with familiarity Steve didn’t have, he hadn’t earned yet. Instead, he listened, passed the joint around, and ate more cake in one sitting than he ever had before. 
All of it made it hard to stay focused. Steve realized his tolerance was not what it used to be and that made it that much harder to impress. Unless sitting quietly and nursing one drink because you were afraid you’d never see another beverage again in your life was now charming. Best he could tell no one seemed to mind but everything was really hazy so they could have been ripping Steve apart and he wouldn’t know. Just smile and take another sip. 
How he got home was a mystery but the half a cake on his kitchen counter said it was done so with kindness. As with any night under the influence, Steve prayed he didn’t make an ass of himself and for the first time, all quarter found himself dreading the nutrition class. 
But Argyle walked in the room and pointed at Steve, crowing out “He lives!!!!” before lowering his voice to add “Glad to see you among the living again, my man. You can not handle your weed.” 
“I’m out of practice and…from Indiana.” 
Argyle’s eyes went wide like the second point explained everything and before he could add anything else, the teacher came in demanding attention for another day of teaching them nothing. Steve moved up a row and relaxed some. Though he did spend more time daydreaming about burgers than cute boys who mock him. 
Not that he didn’t deserve it. He’d been so wrapped up in the new experience that he forgot to seal the deal and there was a version of Steve out there that never would have let that happen. Now he was back to not knowing where he stood but knowing full well he should just find out. He knew how to find out but years of bad luck, a personality shift, and maybe a healthy fear of rejection kept Steve in his seat. 
Every day after that, though, he got a little wave or nod from Argyle as he breezed into class with his group of friends. It was easier to pick out now that Argyle wasn’t the leader of the group, just a very devoted follower whom Steve had made the most important. A familiar scene from the other side. College wasn’t quite the same as high school though and Steve would kill for a pep rally to skip or dance to go to. 
Instead, he stuck to quiet greetings. Like all the other classes he’d had. A group project here or there brought strangers together but for the most part, it was a roomful of people living their lives. At least these guys now welcomed him into the laughs. Though there wasn’t another invite to sit on a square foot of dirt and eat amazing food so he wasn’t part of the club, obviously. 
By the time Steve had made peace with that, the invite to come out to have snacks at a friend’s was thrown his way. Though he was denied a chance to get high. Something he pouted about for far too long. It earned him sympathy but not drugs. He did remember the night this time and got himself home so maybe it was for the best. 
The week after it wasn’t a friend’s place but the kitchens at the school because there was a ton of beef wellingtons that needed to be eaten. Sure most of them were overdone, a couple were burnt, but it was free food, and eating a bit of charred pastry was hardly anything to complain about. 
After everything settled and people were hanging around talking, Argyle grabbed Steve and brought him through to an area with multiple kitchen setups. Lit only by the wall of windows, stovetops sparkled and the smell of bleach overpowered anything they’d been used for. Far beyond any home ec class he’d been in but he felt just as out of place. 
They head over to one of the setups and sure, maybe they were there to try some amazing dish Argyle had in the fridge. Perhaps he just wanted to show off his area or maybe they’d “break the rules” and cook something special. Okay, so that last one was a bit too Hollywood but Steve was lonely, his brain did things like this now. 
It also presented him with a fourth option that changed what sort of movie it was. All alone in a dark room with a guy he’d been lusting after for weeks, there was a very obvious choice. Far more risky than baking after hours, Steve wasn’t sure if he was picking up hints or Argyle just loved everyone but he’d never know if he didn’t try. 
So Steve sucked in a breath and crowded Argyle’s space until the man was backed against the fridge, waiting for any indication this wasn’t welcome. When nothing was said Steve leaned against him. From there instinct took over for both of them and their lips pressed together.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
welp i’m back. becuase apparently we have no self restraint and need some fluff
how about we switch up the vibes…
let’s consider
“pinky promise?” with austin. 🥹🥹
consider that i blame you for the birthday angst (seriously did oh that's a new one re: the line) and the second part clearly your fluff prompt means you get blamed for the whole thing including the end. also! put the reader in a suit to keep myself in line with general gender neutral thing i had going on. also because personally i kind of wish i went for a suit instead of my poofy white dress. tw: anxiety, tooth aching fluff.
two in love can make it pt. 3
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you and austin had made an agreement that your wedding would be a small affair. truth be told you had told him that you were quite content to just get married at a courthouse with no fuss and no mess just have it over and done with so that you could call him your husband as quickly as you could. he knew you'd regret doing that though when the rush of everything had faded and you weren't able to have a sea of pictures taken by everyone including him.
it take a lot of planning, working around your job and his filming schedule and- all of both of your friends' schedules but the two of you make it work with only a few panic attacks here and there- mostly coming from him in the middle of the night halfway across the world from you with phone calls and soft words murmured by him in your ears. "you're a godsend, babe, you're gonna have this all planned out and it's gonna be wonderful. text me the number for the venue, i know you said they were booked but maybe i can do something. pull a string for us."
the string he pulls is an hour long conversation with the owner, florence pugh and zendaya. sometimes it pays to be an actor even if he sometimes detests the amount of fame and lack of privacy that it comes with. but if it gets you to smile as much as you do when he tells you over facetime about the problem being fixed? oh, he'll be an actor until he drops dead.
the big day finally arrives and you're fiddling with your suit. it looks fine, your hair looks fine and everything is perfect. you've triple checked everything yourself. the one thing you haven't check on is austin but you might be using ashley as your covert operative- as if she wasn't austin's best woman and considered it her job to make sure her best friend became your husband. he's anxious to the point where ashley has informed you that if she didn't know him- she'd think he was going to bolt. you both do actually know him and know he won't but knowing that he's that anxious has your own anxiety going through the roof.
however, you are a stickler for tradition and won't go see your future husband, which is why it startles you when you hear the door to the room you're in open to reveal austin.
"aus! what are you doing here?" you whisper harshly, as if you speaking any louder will invite all the bad luck in the world to fall on you right in that second. a silly notion, yes, but one that your anxiety latches onto almost immediately.
"i-" he pauses, his eyes looking you up and down before gulping and letting out a small sigh. "y/n, i had to see you. you look- phenomenal." he starts to move toward you. "seriously that suit cuts in all the right-"
you start to back away because it is bad enough that austin has seen you in your outfit before the wedding but now he's looking like he wants to touch you and you will not stand for that. "oh no you don't austin- you- you are already breaking a rule just being here, you are just bringing bad luck looking at me like you are right now."
that makes him stop far too quickly and you raise an eyebrow. you were being serious, yes, but it's austin, you know very well that he'd still be trying to move closer to you regardless. his face- you can see how he's biting his lower lip like its his only lifeline, like it's stopping him from blurting out something he shouldn't or maybe it's just keeping him centered and in the moment. you don't know for sure. your eyes drift over the rest of his frame, taking him in, seeing his tightened shoulders and the way that despite him playing with every single ring on his fingers his hands are still shaking like leaves about to fall off their branch.
oh. he's- really that nervous and you just told him that he's bringing bad luck to the ceremony. that couldn't have been good for the problem. austin finally speaks right about the time you come to this realization and stops fiddling with his hands as he does. "you- i'm nervous. i know you said yes and we've spent this money and everything. i know we've talked about spending the rest of our lives together but i'm- ashley has had to sit me down multiple times with just a glass of water. i'm- i should probably take a xanax or something but i- don't want to. because i'll probably be fine once this- once we say i do."
you listen and you know austin isn't properly paying attention to you because he doesn't notice how you've moved closer to him as he talked and you don't really announce that you're coming any closer until you're right there in front of him and grabbing at his hands and trying your best to envelop them with your own.
"are you scared i'm going to run?" you ask quietly as you bring his hands up to your lips to give them a soft kiss as he nods slowly. "austin, i wouldn't dream of it. you're- remember what you said, you're my solid ground. we're the foundation of everything for each other. leaving you would be like leaving half of myself behind."
if austin shudders a little when you kiss his hands, you both don't comment on it. you know how he can get when he's feeling anxious. he takes a deep breath and sniffles just a tad before he speaks again, shaking his head as he does. "pinky promise."
your eyebrow shoots up momentarily before you recover still a little flummoxed and it shows in your response. "i beg your pardon?"
he holds out his pinky finger as if it is the most normal thing on the planet and like he's not 31 years old. "pinky promise that you're gonna stay with me. that you actually want to be stuck by my side through all the- everything that life is going to throw at us. that you want to grow old together and see my hair turn grey. and that you'll still find me this pretty attractive man when i'm old and you're old. i don't want to be without you. i don't even want to be without you for the time until the ceremony right now."
you can't help the laugh that bubbles up as yuo shake your head, marveling at how much of a sap you find austin to be and how adorable you find that entire spiel he just gave you. it's not you saying no in the slightest, but you need a minute to control your laughter. once you're a little calmer you wrap your pinky finger around his. "pinky promise, babe. i will find you attractive until you're dead and gone. i want to be stuck with you forever because who else would put up with the things i do. i want to cook with you, i want to have you cook grilled peaches for dessert. i want- i want everything with you. always."
his lips upturn into a grin before he pulls his hands away from your and uses them to pull your face to his for a kiss. it's chaste, a simple peck while also having every bit of love poured into it he can muster. when he pulls away his eyes are shining with what you think are unshed happy tears. you're pretty sure yours are the same way. "i'm staying in here until the ceremony, you know that right?"
"you already broke the rule. what's the worst it's going to do?" you respond, nuzzling at his nose and giving him another kiss.
"probably nothing." he shrugs before pulling out his phone. "i'll text ashley and my sister. so they know where to find us."
you nod and for the next hour you two just sit on the couch, breathing in and out together in the most calming way you both can manage. when it comes time for you to walk down the aisle austin acts like it's the first time he's ever seen you and you're struck by how much you adore him. that feeling is what you'll forever blame for your actions at the altar when you step close to him and hold out your pinky finger before anything else his said.
he sighs sounding so blissful it makes you want to cry and then he wraps his own finger around yours without a second thought.
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slf-nights · 2 years
After Dark (AriHan)
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A/N: THIS IS SO MANY MONTHS LATE... I started this for Rohan's birthday back in June and it took until now to finish. Was feeling nervous, but it's done now!!!! title reference
C/W: stand play, petnames like baby, pretty boy, etc, use of vibrators, squirting, oral (f stand on m), swallowing cum, bondage (but only as a harness and not for restraining), pegging (includes prep, mention of medical gloves, lube, etc), use of stand to control orgasm, overstimulation, good aftercare, oral (m on f). That should be everything, but ask to tag if necessary <3
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A familiar routine, now less embarrassing than the first time; the cab, the elevator ride to the room… It seemed as if the Kishibe couple's birthday tradition was becoming love hotel trips~
If the first theme had seemed over the top, the current room Ari and Han walked into stole the show. Decorated in deep shades of blue, purple, and Pink, the room had a space theme - the Main area had shimmering star lights in soft twinkling colors, while another wall had neon painted shooting stars and a black light. The "star" of the show, however, was the circular bed in the center of the room, dim light projected from above making it look like a swirling galaxy.
"Ahhh!! It's perfect!!" Ari grinned, rolling her bags inside after Rohan and shutting the door.
"It's quite. Something." Rohan looked around, taking everything in, then relaxing his shoulders as he adjusted to the privacy.
Walking up behind Rohan, Ari slipped her arms around his waist, laying her head on his back. "Are you excited for tonight? I know we've been planning this for a while."
Nodding slowly, Rohan breathed out a long sigh, focusing on the feeling of Ari's touch and warmth close to him.
"You know we can still change plans if we need to, Han."
"I'm ready. Promise. I asked for this."
"You did, but I want you to be comfortable."
Rohan was quiet for a moment, figuring out what to say, then spoke, softly but with confidence. "Ari, if it's with you, I don't have anything to worry about. I know you'd never hurt me unless it was consensual."
Ari nodded, nuzzling into his back again. "To be honest, I'm kind of nervous… I know you probably should be the nervous one, since it's you who's getting pegged~"
Turning around to stare down at Ari, Rohan's cheeks flushed deeply, a slight heat radiating from his skin as he nodded.
"I mean, the plug is helping but it feels… Weird. Tight but… Kinda good."
Ari smirked at her husband, breaking into a grin and grabbing his shirt to pull him into a kiss. He gave in easily, moving both his hands to her waist, holding her close as she held his face in both her hands.
Pulling away suddenly, Ari looked up at Han. "Wait, did we ever agree on a safe word?"
Rohan hummed, shaking his head no. "I guess we've never done anything that pushed us too far before."
"We should make one. Just in case it's too much or too painful."
Scrunching up his mouth, Rohan folded his arms. "What, don't think I can take it?~"
"N-No! It's just. New. And we'll have to go slow… and.” She rushed through her next words, talking with her hands. “I want you to always have an out, even if we're mid way… You deserve the right to withdraw consent if you realize it's not what you want."
Nodding, Rohan placed a warm hand on Ari's cheek. "And that's why I love you." Stealing another kiss, Rohan slid his other hand to Ari's chest, squeezing gently. "How do you feel about peony?"
"I like it. Simple. Nothing we'd use otherwise during…" Blushing, she grinned up at Han. "You know~"
"We've been together over 2 years and you're still shy??"
"Guess I'm talented~"
Rohan chuckled, running his fingers through his wife's hair. "Let's get unpacked. Food should be here soon."
Finding her suitcase, Ari hefted it onto the bed and began unpacking, putting on a playlist from her phone while she worked. Stealing glances of Rohan as he focused on unpacking, Ari watched quietly, still marveling that this was the life she had.
Rohan looked up at Ari's call. "Hm?"
"Daisuki ♡"
Smiling and shaking his head, Rohan looked back down at his suitcase murmuring a soft "daisuki" in return, warmth filling his chest.
In the next moment, a knock sounded at the meal door, signaling their dinner had been delivered. Ari walked over, grabbing the tray from the portal and bringing it to the table--the small kitchen area looked like it had been taken directly from a futuristic scifi movie with clean lines, sleek metals, and smooth white quartz.
Heaven's Door floated over, glancing at the meal. "Um… Ari?"
She glanced up, grinning when she saw Heaven. "Yeah?"
Glancing over his shoulder, his cheeks shimmered, and he took off his hat. "Would Hearts like to come out for a bit while you two eat?"
At her name, Hearts on Fire immediately appeared, tackling Heaven's Door to the ground with a hug. "I MISSED YOU!!!!!"
Heaven laughed, laying with his back on the floor as Hearts nuzzled into his chest. "You know you can come see me anytime, baby."
"I know but we're always so busy…"
Rohan walked over, smiling down at the stands. "Since it's summer, we're trying to get better about that. Sorry this year has been so chaotic. With Ellie and the anime and teaching, it feels like we barely had time just to relax."
Looking in the fridge, Ari found bottles of water and grabbed two out, handing one to her husband. "This is our way of celebrating, right?~"
Accepting the bottle, Rohan nodded. "Yeah. Birthday. Finishing big projects. And you nailing that SPW meeting, Ari~"
"Much to celebrate~" She winked, sitting down at the table. "Let's eat before it gets cold."
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, Han. I'll be right back."
Rohan watched as his wife grabbed a bag and slipped into the shower room, cheeks heating up again at the thought of what she might be changing into… Hot damn.
"Master, shall I tell Hearts all the naughty things running through your mind right now?? Give Ari a tease while she's changing?"
Getting redder, Rohan nodded. "Yes, but whisper."
"Of course~"
Walking to the bed, Rohan made sure all their bags were stowed away and sat down, pulling out his phone to type a note with new ideas for Pink Dark Boy. Laying back onto the bed, Rohan tapped quickly, making categories for characters, settings, and themes. By the time he had started outlining the next chapter to ink, Ari had snuck quietly out of the bathroom, finding him lost in work.
Since teasing him was one of her great joys, Ari kneeled between his open legs, leaning forward to kiss his exposed bulge through his pants.
Rohan had been so focused that the shock of Ari's kiss made him drop his phone directly onto his face. "Ow!!!" Hissing, Rohan grabbed the device, rubbing his nose and sitting up to stare at Ari. Smirking, all she said was, "Oops~" and leaned down to place another targeted kiss.
Reaching a hand down, Rohan dug it into her hair, pulling her gently back. "It's my birthday, sweetheart, let me see how pretty you look~"
Standing slowly, teasing him with a view of her chest, she pouted, putting her hands on her hips. "You were working again. On your birthday. You need a break."
Ari was wearing a sheer pink lace set with a coordinating pink wing harness and some black leather accents like a pair of gloves, a choker, and a small set of horns.
Rohan's pants grew tight quickly and Ari giggled, bitting her lip. "I see it's working on you~ This is more fun than work anyway."
Walking forward, Ari climbed onto to bed, taking his phone and gently laying it on the side table, switched to “do not disturb.” Glancing behind her, she saw Rohan admiring her butt and thighs from this angle and she wiggled them playfully, showing off for him.
"Ari, please. Stop teasing."
"That's what I do best tho…" She frowned, wiggling her hips again, then hopping off the bed.
"For that, I'll tease you even more~" Calling Hearts over, Ari whispered into her ear, both of them giggling after. "Yes, I can do that~ Absolutely~" Hearts disappeared for a few moments, then returned, in a similar set of lingerie to Ari. "I did my best from memory, Ari. Is this okay?"
"Oh, it's perfect. Shall we?" Digging into her bag, Ari produced a pink bunny vibrator, the larger end slightly curved. "Heaven, could you help me pull the big chair over?"
Rohan glanced between them, curious to see how things would work. "So am I just staying clothed this whole time?" Hearts on Fire approached him, shaking her head. "Of course not! Let me help you." Hearts fell to her knees, eagerly grabbing at his belt and getting it off, then unzipping his slacks, pulling them off with his help and leaving behind his pen nib and greek key briefs and a very noticeable bulge.
"Oh. You're excited?"
Rohan pursed his lips, giving one nod with flushed cheeks. Hearts giggled, tracing her fingers over it and earning a small hiss, transforming into a moan. "Pretty boy~" Reaching for his shirt edge, Hearts tugged. "This too, c'mon."
By the time Rohan was down to his boxers and Hearts was putting his socks into his suitcase, Ari had set up the arm chair with a towel on the cushion. When he finally looked over, Heaven had raised the room lights slightly and Ari was sitting in the chair, legs spread open over the arms and the vibrator in hand. "Hearts, you have free reign. Do as you please. But leave his ass for me~"
"Yes, miss~"
Glancing up at Rohan, Ari smiled, seeing how turned on and shy Rohan was getting. Reaching down, Ari touched at the slick already pooling at her entrance and rubbed some on her clit, easing the toy to rest at her slit and pushing gently, working to slowly ease in before turning the machine on.
Whimpering, Rohan watched, bucking up from where he sat. "Hearts, please. If you're my relief, do something. I c-can't…"
"You watch, sir.~ I'll help."
Tucking her fingers into Rohan's waistband, Hearts slipped them down to his ankles, staring at his cock, admiring the pretty reddish brown tip and small drips of precum leaking down the side. "You really do need some help. That looks painful." She frowned, swiping her finger over the tip and Rohan shivered, feeling the heat of her shimmering energy.
"Please put me inside you somehow, Hearts. Mouth. Cunt. Anything will do. I just need that pressure. Need… Need your—“
Ari whimpered, adjusting the toy to get it more directly on her clit, watching as her stand stroked Rohan gently, then slipped him into her mouth, pressing her nose down to the base of his cock. Choking slightly as her stand worked, Ari felt her throat tighten, fighting back her own gag reflex. Breathing slowly, Ari swallowed hard, closing her eyes to focus on the sensation between her thighs.
Peeking an eye open, Ari watched as Rohan threw his head back, chest heaving as Hearts worked faster, grabbing at the bed cover and making soft moans. Furrowing her brow, Ari worked faster on herself, pressing as deep as she could safely go, moaning Rohan's name between "kimochi" and "yabai."
Getting to his peak quickly, Rohan whined, stomach muscles flexing taut. "Ari, I'm… Hearts I can't. Can't hold unless Heaven…"
Calling out, Ari whined too, red as she squirted a little with the pressure of the toy. "It's okay baby… You can. You can. So close. Baby."
Resting back onto the bed, Rohan grabbed the covers tight and released, his cum shimmering inside of Hearts who had made herself semi-transparent at Ari's request. Rohan had always been fascinated by anatomy, and Hearts was no exception. When he could breathe again, Rohan sat up, starting at Hearts as she messily licked around his cock, bubbling and gagging on the leftover cum.
Eyes wide, Rohan looked up at Ari, just in time to see her release, along with a gush of fluids, wetting the towel below her as she yelled his name.
Hearts giggled, finally licking Rohan's cock clean and her fingers as well. "That was fun~"
Running his fingers through Hearts' hair, Rohan laughed and flopped back onto the bed "Sugoi…" Panting quietly, he closed his eyes, only opening them when he felt the bed next to him depress.
"Hi baby." When he opened his eyes, Ari was above him, smiling and sitting on her knees. "Was that fun?"
All he could do was nod, leaning into Ari's touch as she pushed his damp hair back.
"Do you need a break before we do more?"
Having changed into shorts and a tank top, Ari began fastening her chest and hip harness, leaving the strap on slot empty for the moment. Rohan walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Wordlessly, Rohan nestled into her shoulder, holding tight and enjoying the warmth of the moment.
"Do you want Hearts to be with Heaven while we try this next part? She can help you stay calm with her light."
"Mmmh. Yeah. I do. I'm not really scared, but. I think I'll tense. Do we still have any of that sake??"
"Yeah, it's in the fridge. I think we have a sparkling peach?"
Hearts on Fire had already walked over and was returning with a can for each stand user, bowing slightly as she handed them off. Ari cracked hers open, putting her other hand on her hip and walking over to the open case on the counter. "We have to pick a size for the strap, Rohan. I know we had a few options. We can start small and work up, but there's like. Textures and stuff you need to choose."
Taking a long swig of the sake, Rohan walked over, staring at the brightly-colored options in the carrying box. "Maybe like a 5in to start? With the ridges. Just so it feels a little better when you push in? If we need to swap bigger or anything, I'll use the safe word."
"You don't have to be shy if you're a size queen~"
Taking another long swig, Rohan's cheeks heated up again. "Yes well, we'll find out, won't we~"
“Give me a minute, I’m going to make a stardust harness. You can watch if you want~”
Nodding, Rohan sat at the dining table again, sipping from his can slowly as he watched Ari take a long length of soft purple rope, tying carefully and testing the tension as she formed a star shape over her chest. Grabbing a pair of shears out of her luggage, she sat them on the sidetable. “For emergencies.”
Standing and leaving his half empty can behind, Rohan walked to Ari, touching the shibari work gently. “So it did work for Heaven to embed the video instructions in you. He’s learning so much with his enhanced layer skills.”
“It worked perfectly! I think it’s super pretty.” After twisting and moving with the rope harness to show off, Ari walked to the suitcase once more. “Rohan, grab a towel? I’ll get everything set.”
When he disappeared, Ari pulled out some paper towels, silicone safe lube, and medical gloves, bringing them over to the bed. Walking back to grab the right toy, she held it in her hands to warm it up as Rohan spread a towel over the comforter.
“Hey, Han… Just sit down now and let me do all the work for prep, yeah? You can trust me.”
“It’s in your hands, Ari. I’m… I’m yours.”
Ari smiled, calling out to the stands next. “Hearts. Heaven. I’m depending on you to keep the mood chill. Play music. Use your lights. Whatever you need to do.”
“Of course, mistress~” Hearts beamed, pulling Heaven into a hug from behind and switching her lights to blue and pink, holding him close. Heaven’s Door held up Ari’s phone, putting on one of the curated playlists with a grin.
Grinning back, Ari gave them a goofy thumbs up and turned back to Rohan, almost laughing with how happy she felt, seeing him in front of her.
Hair messy. Eyes soft and dark. Lips red from their desperate kisses earlier.
All hers.
Hopping onto the bed next to him, Ari pulled him down as the mattress bounced, kissing him breathlessly. Grinning onto his lips, she dragged her fingers over his scalp, locking a leg over his hip and grinding gently against him as they kissed. Rohan moaned into the kisses, letting the intensity build before pulling away to catch his breath.
“Take off your boxers and get on all fours, Han~ I need to prep you.”
Following her instructions, Rohan blushed into the blanket, biting his lip as he waited for something to happen.
Snapping her gloves on, Ari tugged at the plug, removing it carefully and setting it aside to clean later. After warming up lube on her fingertips, she circled Rohan’s sensitive hole and slipped one finger inside, hearing him inhale sharply, but continuing, slipping a second finger inside and scissoring them slowly.
“It’s okay, baby.” Rubbing her other palm over his lower back in comforting circles, Ari leaned forward and kissed his back, pausing to give Rohan time to adjust. “Do we need to stop?”
“N-No. I’m.” Another inhale and a long breath out. “I’m okay. Keep going.”
“Good boy~” Removing the gloves and tossing them aside, Ari secured the strap and grabbed another handful of lube warming it by slicking the toy in and out of her palm. Pouring a little extra lube over Rohan’s tight hole, she sat up to her knees, prodding the tip of the strap against him and hearing him whine.
“Just. Start. Please get. Get on with it.” Rohan was panting already, clenching his thighs and grabbing at the covers.
“Okay. I’m going slow. I’ll tell you when it’s all in.”
“Nnnnh, just. GO!”
“Impatient! For that I should make you wait longer~~”
Rohan protested, looking back at her with a frown.
“But I won’t.”
Shifting forward, Ari watched the tip disappear inside her husband, desperate mewls already falling from his lips as she eased in slowly, inch by inch, finally bumping up against the base. “Okay… It’s in.”
Exhaling a shaky breath, Rohan chuckled, lifting his head up. “It’s not as bad as I imagined.”
“Well we did prep, darling~” With the last word, she pulled back and thrusted forward, making him whimper into the bed again.
“Please. More. I want more. Move now.” Whining her name, Rohan choked out short moans, pressing back into the strap.
Leaning down onto his back, Ari kissed his shoulders, biting his ear gently. “With pleasure~”
Rohan shortly was reduced to a panting, whimpering mess, losing his mind in the haze of pleasure mixed with dull pain. He felt Ari reaching around his stomach, down to his cock, and wrapping her hand around him, stroking in time with her thrusts.
Whimpering out desperate moans, Rohan jerked into her grip, overstimulated from both sources of pleasure.
“Heaven!” Ari called out, “Write a command please.”
“What shall I write?”
“Rohan Kishibe cannot come until Ari says he can.”
Letting out a long whine, Rohan felt his upper arm open, Heaven writing the command, then it sealing back up.
“It’s done.”
Ari leaned forward again. “Now we can have more fun, Kishibe-sensei~”
Before he could reply, Ari resumed her thrusts, stopping all the way in to circle her hips and stroke his cock faster. The sensation was overwhelming, and even though he couldn’t come, Rohan felt as if he was on the verge of bursting— his senses flooded with the sensation, sending shockwaves of pleasure into his skin.
Between whispered praises, moans of desperation, and the wet slap of hips meeting skin, Rohan reached his limit, visibly shaking and tears welling up, collecting on his eyelashes.
“Baby…” Ari paused, giving him a moment and reaching to wipe his tears. “We can stop for a minute if you need it…”
“I can take it!!”
“You don’t have to thoug—“
“I SAID I can take it. Keep going. Don’t stop unless I give you the safeword. Don’t.”
“I don’t want to hurt you…”
“Keep going.”
Ari bit her lip and nodded, feeling a bit guilty, but trusting his judgement. If this was what he wanted, she needed to listen to his wants more than her fears.
Swallowing back her anxiety, she kissed down Han’s back, quietly releasing Heaven’s restriction and reaching down to stroke his cock again. If she could relieve part of the pressure, it would make the strap more bearable and give him a partial reward.
Breathing slowly on top of his back, she stroked lazily, teasing the tip with her thumb. “Gooooood boy.”
Rohan tensed, breathing out hard through his nose. “Keep going, Ari. I thought I told you to move.”
“I will. But you’re in my hands tonight. You said you trust me, right?” Gripping at the base, she squeezed tight, milking his cock in short, tight strokes.
“Nnnnh, I—“ Interrupting himself with a moan, Rohan lowered his head to the sheets, gripping at the blanket in his fists. He couldn’t deny how good it felt to get some relief, even though he wanted to show off just how much he could take.
Biting into his shoulder, Ari bucked her hips slightly, tapping the base flush with Rohan each time, grazing his prostate with each slow grind.
“Yabai… Yabaiyabaiyabai!” Rohan whined out, overstimulated again, sweat dripping down his forehead and shoulders. “So… So… good—gghhh!!!”
Before he could say more, he released ropes of hot cum onto his stomach and Ari’s hand, clenching down around the strap. Frozen there on all fours, shaking, Rohan let tiny mewls out, unable to catch his breath yet.
Pulling the strap back, Ari slammed back in, making Rohan’s whole body jolt. He already felt like his senses were on fire, heightened by the pleasure of his release. Each thrust sent him further over the edge until it was unbearable.
“Peony!!! Ari, peony. P-please.”
She nodded, pulling all the way out, leaving Rohan to pulse around nothing and collapse onto the towel, a mess of cum, sweat, saliva, and bruises.
Getting off the bed, Ari washed off her hands and removed the strap, coming back with a damp washcloth for Rohan. Wiping down his ass first, then his stomach and cock, she set the dirty towels aside and pulled the sheets back, laying with her husband under the covers.
“You did so well, baby.”
He nodded weakly, hiding his face into her chest still.
“Do you feel okay? Can I do anything?”
He shook his head no, clinging tightly to her. She pet his hair quietly, pressing soft kisses to his face and shoulder and praising him again until his breathing evened out.
“I’ll be back in a second, Han.”
Slipping out from the covers, Ari grabbed a bottle of water and ibuprofen from their luggage, coming back and getting Rohan to sit up and take them. Smiling, she pressed a warm kiss to his forehead and held his cheek.
He nodded, still a bit nonverbal, and gazed up at her with warm eyes, reaching out a hand to hold hers. She kissed his knuckles, rubbing her thumb comfortingly over the crook of his thumb.
“Let me get this harness off and we can rest for a bit.”
Rohan watched silently as Ari did the steps in reverse, carefully unweaving the harness and coiling the rope again to prevent tangles. Taking her tank and shorts off, she crawled into bed, only then realizing that her panties were soaked with slick.
“Ugh, I should change…” She glanced down, then back up at Rohan who was staring intently at the damp spot. “Unless, you wanted me to just take them off?~”
Nodding emphatically, Rohan grabbed at the waistband as Ari raised her legs, letting him slip them down and toss away, before diving instantly down to lick at the pool of slick between her thighs.
Ari dug her hand into his hair, tugging gently and massaging his scalp as he licked stripes slowly over her folds, taking pleasure in caring for his wife in return.
The push/pull of reciprocity was a constant dynamic for them, wanting to give as much pleasure as they received—an outpouring of love for one another.
Rohan eventually slowed his licks, trying to stay awake, but getting sleepy, laying onto her thigh. Ari giggled, petting his hair again. “C’mon, Han, you need to come up to the pillows.” He shook his head no, closing his eyes and resting on her pillowy thighs instead.
Shaking her head, she laid back, staring up at the ceiling at the star patterns above.
She was so in love.
15 notes · View notes
sapphirelass · 2 years
Failure - Weasley Family x Weasley!Reader
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧I solemnly swear that I am up to no good✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
'Ello everyone! Once again it's been ages since I posted a story. I promise I am writing!!! I'm just... writing veeeeeerrrrrrryyyy slowly... But hey, what can one do?
Tbh, I'm not too sure about this one, but I have been working on it for weeks now, so I'm just gonna post it and hope someone likes it. I have some other fics coming up (hopefully) soon - and mainly HP actually! I started writing for Percy Jackson, Team Flash, Spider-Man and a few other characters, but I'm in such a Harry Potter mood at the moment (thanks to the 20th-anniversary reunion)... Ahhhh... I don't know! Anyways, I'll get back to writing for someone and let you all enjoy this sad thing for now! See yah!
Note: As always I'm finishing this late at night meaning I will probably have to reread this one more time and check for potential errors, but it's late, so I'm just going to trust Grammarly and post it for now! Enjoy
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
+ CEFR level C2 (due to passing the C1 advanced test with an A)
Word count: ≈ 3,1k
Warnings: Mild swearing, death eaters, cruciatus curse (not very descriptive), angst, feeling anxious
Enjoy! :)
Read as xOC instead of character insert
~~~Failure - Weasley Family x Weasley!Sister~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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“I’m serious, dad, there’s nothing to worry about - the plan is fool-proof!”
(y/n) rushed furiously up the stairs of her childhood home with her backpack in her right hand. She had been trying to get everything packed for half an hour, desperately wanting to be 100% ready once her mother would wake up, as it would be next to impossible to prepare for her next job with Mrs Weasley around. (y/n) had however not expected her dad to be too much of a problem - it was usually him who would convince his wife not to worry about the kids every time they left the house - but clearly, the task she had been assigned meant taking a risk so big that even Arthur was hesitant about letting his daughter go.
“I know it sounds that way, sweetie, but this job is not like anything you’ve ever done before, it’s… It’s… It’s different, an-”
It felt both weird and oddly familiar at the same time. She had moved to her own flat a few years earlier and had gotten used to not having overprotective brothers and parents trying to prevent her from going on dangerous missions. Originally, she hadn’t planned to go back ‘home’ until after this job, but her mother had started driving her younger siblings mad, causing them to send a letter asking their older sister to PLEASE come home and help prepare for Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It had been a long time since (y/n) last had to handle this situation, but her father seemed to have no problem picking up where they left off.
“How, dad?” She turned around and violently pulled a hand through her red hair, desperately trying to keep her voice down. “Apprehending people who turned to the dark arts is literally my job, at least this time we know what to expect! We just have to transport the death eaters from point A to point B as smoothly as possible, and even if they should try to break free, there’ll be four of them, and twelve of us - surely three aurors could take down one wandless death eater?”
Arthur remained quiet for a few seconds, causing his daughter to put her backpack on the floor, walk a few steps back down the stairs, and pull him in for a hug.
“Look, Dad, I know it’s not without risk, but… I’ve got to go. I don’t think the question any longer is if you-know-who is gonna take control of the ministry, but when, and once that time comes we have to be prepared for anything. The best we can do is make sure the most dangerous people are in a secure place, and well guarded. As much as I hate it, Azkaban is the safest bet, otherwise, they’ll all be back out on the streets, and everything we have worked for these past two years will have been for nothing. We’ll just have to hope that the dementors won’t switch sides. I’m sorry... I love you.”
It wasn’t only a long hug, but a long-awaited one as well.
“I love you too, darling, which is why I don’t want you to do this. I understand your reasoning but…”
“Dad? (y/n/n)? You’re home already?”
(y/n) looked over her dad’s shoulder and immediately walked into the arms of the person who had called her name - her older brother.
He hugged his sister tightly and put his right hand comfortingly on the back of her head. She was shaking slightly, but Bill pulled her in even closer and put his head on top of hers. This was why (y/n) always tried to prepare, pack and leave quickly every time she was assigned a mission - that way she left no room for any nerves and could focus on the task at hand without getting too scared or anxious. Don’t get it wrong, she loved protecting others and knew it was an important job, but overthinking things just made her realize how much she had to lose. Being around her extremely caring family made that even worse.
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“Shhh… (y/n), breathe, easy, you’re fine.”
“Yeah, I know, I know… It’s just, I don’t like thinking too much about it. I’m good, though, and I’ve missed you.”
“I know… ‘n I’ve missed you too. Hey, not that I’m not happy to see you, but why are you home? And awake?”
“Mum needed some help with the wedding preparations, and…”
Bill moved his gaze from his sister to his father, silently asking for a response.
“Your sister is leaving for work.”, said Arthur slowly. “It’s just not an easy decision. It’s not-”
“-It’s not safe.”. (y/n)'s gaze wandered nervously around the living room - her parents’ house still being one of the few places where she felt properly at home. She smiled slightly when she noticed a brown plush rabbit sitting on a shelf. It was her favourite toy when she was younger and had been her father’s before her. “Heck, it’s really, really dangerous, but it has to be done. I don’t have a choice, and as much as I would love to stay here with you, the longer I do the harder it becomes to leave.” She sighed. “But I have to go. Bill, will you please tell mum I’m sorry when she wakes?”
Bill looked at his sister, not really wanting to let her go, but understanding exactly how she felt. “Of course.” He grabbed the backpack and handed it to her before placing his hands firmly on her shoulders. “Stay safe, okay? Promise us that!”
“Stop it! You know I can’t promise something like that. I swear I’ll do my best, though.”
“Good. Then go, I’ll see you next week?”
(y/n) smiled. “Yeah, around lunchtime on Wednesday. Bye, Bill. Bye, dad.”
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Arthur looked out the window and sighed sadly as his daughter disapparated. “I remember when I feared for her life because she kept climbing the big apple tree… Now I almost wish she was there, hanging on to one of the top branches, swinging back and forth.” He closed his eyes and leant against the wall behind him. “At least then I could see her. Make sure she didn’t fall.”
“I know, dad. But she’s not a kid anymore.”
“She’ll always be my kid.”
“She’ll always be short.”
“Jokin’! C’mon, dad, let’s go have a cup of tea, yeh?”
‘The plan is fool-proof!’ (y/n) coughed slightly and regretted her words as she was hit with yet another curse. The plan had been fool-proof… apart from the fact that someone at the ministry clearly had leaked information to the death eaters. The mission had relied on secrecy. It had been planned in secret and only the 12 aurors and a few ministry officials had known the details. Despite that, around 30 death eaters attacked as soon as the transport had left the city, and due to their numbers, the aurors barely stood a chance.
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“Jackson, we need to get out of here as soon as possible! There’s no way we’ll be able to fight them all off.”
“You’re probably right, Weasley.”, he shouted while sending a death eater flying off his broom. “But how did this happen? We were so careful!?”
“Yeah, I don’t know.” (y/n) swiftly flew out of the way as a flash of green light almost touched her side. “But that doesn’t really matter right now. Wilson’s wounded, can you help him.”
“And then get out before anyone’s killed.”
He frowned and nodded towards her. “You too.”
“Yeah, course. I’m just gonna try to take Dolohov down. I really don’t want him out and about again.”
The auror seemed to doubt his college’s decision for a second but was familiar with her family’s history with that particular death eater. “Fine, but be careful! I mean it, (y/n/n).” He looked straight into her eyes. “Don’t take any unnecessary risks!”
“Oh, you know me, Jacky. Careful planning, no risktaking.”
“Good. See you in the office tomorrow, then. Good luck.”
(y/n) battled her way through a few death eaters and eventually found herself sneaking up on Dolohov.
He turned around in surprise as his wand flew out of his hand.
Thick ropes bound the death eater, effectively preventing him from escaping. However, (y/n) was so focused on arresting the man who murdered two of her uncles that she completely missed someone approaching her from behind.
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She fell and dropped her wand as intense pain spread through her body. It was pain beyond anything she could ever have imagined. She unwillingly let out a scream as the pain intensified before suddenly lessening. Despite coughing and struggling, she tried to get back up on her feet but fell yet again as the same kind of agony, only a hundred times worse forced her to focus solely on not passing out.
“Well, well, well… We counted on a few random aurors to stand in our way, but who knew we’d stumble upon a blood traitor as well, huh?” The death eater, Augustus Rockwood, leant forward and spat on the ground, right by her face where she lay twitching in the mud. “How does it feel down there, Weasley? Feel at home?” He pulled (y/n) to her knees and Dolohov, who had managed to untangle himself from the rope, walked up to her and grabbed her face roughly. “Striking resemblance”, he whispered before letting her fall again. She fought to get up but failed due to the horrendous curse still causing her pain. Her eyes slowly closed as she passed out on the cold, hard ground.
“Good morning, dears.”, said Molly, cheerfully entering the kitchen after having forced everybody to get up at first light. She had been under extreme stress lately but seemed to be in a much better mood today and the rest of the family knew why - (y/n) was coming home. Sure, that didn’t take away from the fact that the upcoming wedding meant a lot of hard work and careful planning, but having her oldest daughter home would at least help ease Mrs Weasley’s worry. “She’s not back yet, is she?”
“No, mum”, yawned Fred. “but-”
“She said she wouldn’t be back before lunch.”, finished George tiredly.
Their mother didn’t answer, but muttered something incoherent and went to prepare breakfast.
Hours passed as the family worked to get everything ready, both for the wedding and for Harry’s birthday. Molly was so busy with preparations that she completely lost track of time, however, Fred & George started sharing worried glances around 10 am. Bill eventually noticed and had, a few hours later, become way too curious.
“Why do you two keep looking at the clock every other minute?”, he asked. “She said ‘lunch-time’, that could mean another 2-3 hours? Besides, it’s not like you to worry?”
“Well…it’s just…”
“Whenever (y/n/n) lets mum know when she thinks she’ll come home, she usually adds a few hours, sometimes an entire day.”
“That way, when she ends up being slightly late, mum doesn’t immediately lose it…”
“To be honest, we were kind of expecting her in time for breakfast, definitely before noon.”
Bill pulled his hand through his long hair (which he had not allowed his mother and her scissors to come close to) and glanced quickly out the window before looking back at his younger brothers. “Well, there’s not much we can do at the moment, is there? She’s smart and strong. Besides, it’s best not to get worried too easily, it’s probably just that dim-witted head of the department forcing her to work overtime.”
(y/n) groaned loudly as she slowly pushed herself up. She felt dizzy, her entire body hurt and she had no idea where she was. Actually, scratch that last bit. Looking around, she realized she was in a field of some sort and could see burned parts of the now broken carriage they had used to transport the prisoners. Her hair was dripping wet due to the heavy rain and she was freezing. (y/n) struggled to stand and tried to determine roughly where they could have been when they were attacked. She knew that they had travelled northeast from London, towards Norwich, and that they probably hadn’t made it much further than Chelmsford. Her exact location didn’t really matter, though. It’s not like she could walk from London to Ottery St. Catchpole. That would take like two, maybe three, weeks in her current state - and that’s if she made it at all. No, she’d have to apparate, just not the entire distance in one go.
“Bill, dear”, said Molly worriedly. “When did your sister say she’d be back from work?”
“I- I’m not sure”, Bill stuttered, as he sped down the stairs. “Around… dinnertime, I think?”
“What?”, asked Ron. “You said she said lunchtime!?”
Bill threw his head back and sighed as Fred kicked his younger brother under the table.
“Oh”, mumbled Ron, finally understanding. “Yeah, Bill’s right. She definitely said the evening.”
But, dinnertime came and passed. Still no (y/n). When she still hadn't made it home a few days later, the Weasleys were forced to simply accept that something more serious had happened and just try to keep their hopes up. Molly, naturally, refused. Arthur had, while at work, done his very best to contact the other aurors that had been working that night, but unfortunately remained unsuccessful due to the now tense and strained situation at the ministry. Fleur had suggested delaying the wedding, but Bill insisted, claiming that this gave them even more of a reason to do it while they still had the chance. He could, however, barely stand the thought of not having one of his sisters there; it was difficult enough that Percy refused to come…
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She didn’t know how much time had passed, maybe a week, but eventually found herself slowly approaching her childhood home. After taking a few heavy steps, she stumbled slightly and would have tripped if not for two strong arms firmly grabbing her shoulders to keep her standing. She should probably be scared but somehow knew not to fight them.
“(y/n/n)!? Bloody hell, what in Merlin’s name happened to you?”
“Charlie?”, she gasped and grabbed her older brother’s coat as her legs suddenly gave out. “Is it really you?”
“Yeh, of course, it’s me.”, he put his sister’s arm over his shoulders. “(y/n/n), I literally just came home, where have you been? What happened? Who did this to you?”
“Work, attacked, Rockwood”
He looked her up and down with a pained expression on his face. “Okay, come on - let’s get indoors.”
They walked slowly, Charlie carefully making sure that (y/n) didn’t fall and simultaneously pepping her with questions. “How long have you been away? When were you supposed to get back to mum and dad’s?”
“Ehhh… I-I don’t know… A couple of days ago, maybe? It’s all kind of hazy right now, to be honest.”
“Holy Merlin… But wha-”
“Charlie, sorry”, she coughed slightly, “but would you mind if we wait? Mum and dad are going to want to hear everything and I don’t wanna have to relive it more times than needed…”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
He knocked carefully on the door, and it was only a matter of seconds before Arthur slowly opened it. He had his wand in a tight grip and was about to have Charlie confirm his identity when he noticed the state of the person standing next to his son. Their father’s eyes widened in shock and he looked absolutely horrified.
“Molly! Bill!!”
(y/n) hadn’t heard such fear in her father’s voice since Ginny had been taken into the chamber of secrets four years earlier. He swallowed deeply. “Come in, quickly.”
Charlie put his sister on the sofa just as their mother, older brother and the twins came running down the stairs. They all grinned happily when they saw Charlie, but the smiles faded almost instantly.
“(y/n/n)?” George effortlessly jumped over an old armchair and kneeled by the couch. “Are you okay?” He removed some blood from her face using the sleeve of his jumper.
She smiled and nodded weakly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t” *cough* “don’t worry. What happened to your ear?”.
Bill and Charlie embraced each other quickly while Molly joined George on the floor. The two oldest brothers both glanced at their sister. She lay so incredibly still; completely motionless save for her steady breathing. Just as those thoughts crossed his mind, Charlie noticed something and was about to point it out when Bill beat him to it.
The oldest brother had walked over to join his family by the sofa and placed a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “(y/n/n)? You’re twitching.”
“I know.” She sighed deeply. “It’ll pass, though.
He looked deep into her eyes and fought to keep eye contact when he whispered, “was it-”
“Yes”, she answered honestly. “But, Bill, I’d rather not talk about it, if that’s okay. Besides, it was way worse a few days ago… Speaking of which, what day is it?”
“Wednesday”, said Molly bitterly, obviously understanding the meaning of the words just exchanged between her oldest son and daughter, but deciding not to push it further. “10 days. 10 days, (y/n/n). Not a word?”
“I’m sorry, mum. Truly.” She then explained everything, from the detailed plan to the overwhelming defeat. “Imagine if we had taken them down instead?” She put her head in her hands and sighed sadly. “Imagine how many people will die now, because we let them all go.”
“Sweetie”, sighed Arthur, taking her hands in his. ”You didn’t ‘let them go’. You did everything you could.”
She closed her eyes sadly. “Not enough, dad.”
“(y/n/n)”, said Bill seriously. “You can’t think like that. We’re at war, we can’t go in expecting to keep everybody safe. There will be casualties. Some of the death eaters didn’t make it either. Think instead of all the people who will survive the war now thanks to you.”
“Bill, I know for a fact that Rockwood and Dolohov got away. We’re all…”, she glanced carefully at her mother. “All aware that they won’t hesitate to kill. A-”
“It’s not like they’re invincible now?”, Fred interrupted. “(y/n/n), you’ll get another chance. Just rest now, please. You’ll be back in the field in no time, and it’ll be like this never happened.”
“Sure, bu-”
“No!”, said Molly with a firm tone. “No buts! Fred is right, you need to rest, dear.” She kissed her daughter on her forehead and left the room. The others took that as a sign and left the room with a quick ‘sleep tight’ or ‘g’night’.
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(y/n) Weasley tried to listen to her family and put this minor setback behind her. She managed it for a while. At least until that fateful day of the final battle between good and bad. The day when the consequences of her failure became clear. The day her younger brother lost his life because of her.
~ L
Mischief Managed
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jeontaeil-archived · 3 years
Catch Me If You Can //
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a part of @neosmutcollective's RISQUÉ event
Pairing: Criminal!Ten x Cop!Reader (Fem)
Genre: Smut. Male receiving, Tit-job, Marking, Choking, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Unprotected Sex. Non-Idol AU
Words: 5.6k+
Warnings: 18+ content. Read at your own discretion. Mentions of drugging.
Sirens tore through the city, disrupting the serenity of the late hour. You loved how they sounded. So promising and exhilarating. Something big was about to go down.
The task force raced down the empty streets with you at their lead. You were in pursuit of a band of huge black SUVs, one of them holding the most dangerous criminal in your city.
You'd been in this situation many times before. You'd been chasing after Ten since the very first day. No matter how close you thought you were to catching him, he always managed to slip out of your grasp. He'd bring your hopes up, only to snatch them from you.
Ten loved playing with you. Whenever you were in a slump, he'd always leave a few obvious clues behind. It was like he was almost asking you to come and get him. But it was only ever because he was bored and wanted to have some fun.
You had done everything in your power to get to this very moment. All the pieces had been laid. All you had to do was throw Ten in jail and you'd get the biggest promotion of your life. If anything went wrong in tonight's plan you'd be stuck, a mere cop in a shitty precinct for the rest of your life.
You wouldn't deny it. The rush you felt while hunting Ten down excited you greatly. That feeling of having him in your grasp, not quite but so close, it made the adrenaline course through your veins. In a twisted sort of way, you wouldn't mind if Ten made this race a bit more thrilling. After all, it would be his last.
The cars split up at an intersection. You'd already predicted this beforehand. Your squad wordlessly broke into the formation you'd planned out while you zoomed straight ahead.
A hand emerged from the car before you, a cigar held in its grasp. The rings that adorned its fingers were enough to tell you that you had eyes on Ten.
Gritting your teeth, you stomped on the accelerator, catching up with him slowly. He was all yours. You had him now. Ten seemed to make no effort to evade you. He continued driving as leisurely as possible. You couldn't tell why but you didn't want to take any chances. There wasn't any backup near. All you had was a pistol to defend yourself.
You figured the safest thing to do was maintain some distance between your car and his. You saw him adjust his mirror. What you didn't expect was for him to give you a clear view of his face.
He was looking straight at you, a devilish grin plastered on his face. What on earth was he up to? You saw him reach over to the side and collect a gun. Pulling your own out of its holster, you held it up by the wheel.
Keeping his eyes on you, Ten placed his cigar between his lips and threw the gun out the open window. Your eyes widened in bewilderment. Why did he unarm himself? You watched his gun scatter to the side of the road. When your eyes locked with his again, he sent you a wink and sped away.
Acting fast, you raced behind him, staying right behind his car. He kept making sharp turns, dancing through lanes, but nothing that would throw you off. He wasn't trying to run away. He was taking you out for a spin. If you wanted to put a stop to this game, you needed to corner him.
So you decided to turn the tables. He clearly needed you to focus on him. Without batting a lash, you took a u-turn and started driving off in the opposite direction. You saw his car skid to a stop. He stuck his head out of the window, furrowing his brows at you.
Rolling down your own window, you put your hand out and motioned for him to follow you. An erratic laugh was heard, followed by Ten trailing after you.
He didn't seem skeptical at all. It was like he'd forgotten that you were a cop. He looked curious. He wanted to see what you were going to do. Maybe he knew that it was all over for him. Perhaps he wanted to have one last exciting night.
Seeing a familiar street, you made a turn, grinning as you spotted him enter the small road with you. Looking back at the road, you slammed the breaks immediately. It was a dead end.
Another menacing laugh was heard from behind you. You had no clue what was going on. Gun in your hand, you got out of your car and hid behind the open door.
"There's no point in hiding princess. I've got you trapped."
You'd never heard Ten's voice before. It dripped of class and authority. No wonder so many people were afraid of him.
This was no time to be afraid however. You were so close to getting him. You just had to play your cards right. That was the only way you could get out of this situation safely.
"I bet you weren't expecting this little surprise." His voice was getting closer. You cocked your gun. "You'll be amazed how easy it is to change signs. My men did a great job."
He was so arrogant about his 'achievement'. You wanted to spit in his face.
"Now put your gun down and come on out. I promise I won't hurt you. I don't even have a weapon. You can't fire on me if I'm unarmed. Isn't that police protocol?"
It was indeed. But you couldn't just risk it like that. He'd already deceived you once. Only a fool would let it happen twice.
"This is my warehouse y/n. All my business takes place here. When you and your pesky task force took down all my other outlets, I made sure this one remained secure," he shared.
You glanced at the tiny shed behind you. How could this hold it all? He was bluffing. You were sure of it.
Peeking over the hood of your car, you gasped on seeing how close he was to you. There was no point in hiding now. Pointing your gun at him, you carefully stepped into sight. Ten pushed his hands into his pocket, fiddling with the cigar in his mouth. He scoffed and looked to the side.
"Come on y/n. Let's not waste our time. If you cooperate, you'll see how it all began. How it all grew and poisoned this city you cherish so preciously."
He stepped towards you. You shot at his feet impulsively. "Keep your distance. Put your hands above your head and get on the ground."
He winced and stayed put. With your other hand, you reached for your pair of handcuffs. "I said get on the ground," you repeated, this time more sternly. His eyes locked with yours, corners of his lips curling up into a smile.
"Someone's feisty," he commented, stepping towards you once again after paying no heed to your warning. You fired at his feet once more. He didn't even flinch. He was so used to the sound of gunshots. They failed to phase him anymore.
"You know, I spent many nights imagining this day. The day we finally met," he revealed. "The exchange is alarmingly similar to what I'd thought it would be like."
You kept firing at his feet. You'd run out of bullets soon. "Stay away from me," you shouted, not letting your voice falter even a bit. He ignored your words. "I never expected you to be so beautiful. Seriously y/n, why'd you become a cop? You could've easily made it big in the modelling industry."
You felt disgusted all of a sudden. He was so shameless. How could he be hitting on you when you were holding him at gunpoint?
"Shut up. Just put your hands on your head and get on the ground," you said again, getting impatient.
"I don't wanna get on the ground though. These trousers are new, I can't afford to get any dust on them," Ten complained. Was he being serious?
"I don't care about your fucking pants! Just get on the ground-"
Ten lunged towards you and swatted your gun out of your hand in the blink of an eye. It clattered to the side, closer to him than to you. You watched in horror as he skilfully emptied the bullets and slipped them into his pocket. He tossed the gun to you with a sly grin.
"There's your gun. You can put it down now, there's no use keeping it aimed at me anyways."
You checked your pockets for any extra bullets, cursing when there were none. Ten folded his arms across his chest.
"What do you want from me," you asked, moving away from him.
Ten raised a brow. "Your attention, that's all." He stepped towards you carefully.
"Why do you need my attention? I'm trying to arrest you for god's sake."
He caged you between himself and the building's wall behind you, hand slipping behind your back to snatch your handcuffs. What you didn't expect was for him to put them on his own hands and bound himself.
"What are you doing," you questioned, pushing him away from you.
"I'll let you take the credit for this." He chuckled. "This y/n, is a gesture to make you feel safe. I mean you no harm. All I ask is that you give me a few hours of your time."
You looked between his hands, his face and the warehouse in front of you. He noticed the doubt on your face. "If you're gonna bring me down at least do it entirely. There's no point in throwing me in prison while this place remains in existence. Certainly not my men or I, but someone else might stumble across it. Doesn't take a genius to get a business up and running if they're desperate you know."
He had a point. You hated that he was right. Not only would this prevent someone from starting his business up again, but it would ensure a stricter sentence. Surely he'd never get life imprisonment, but the longer Ten stayed in jail, the better it would be for your city.
"Fine," you agreed with a sigh. "But no funny business."
Ten raised his hands in defence. "I promise. It's just you, me and my entire life's work."
You went back to your car to retrieve your keys and phone, plus some extra bullets which you loaded your gun with. "You can't deny me this. I'm walking into an abandoned warehouse with a guy who's on the state's most wanted list, no backup whatsoever."
Ten pursed his lips. "I never objected."
And with that, you followed behind him.
He held the rusty door open for you. The inside of the warehouse was completely dark. It clearly had no ventilation of any sort. The air was damp and eerily cold, with a faint musty smell.
"Are there any lights in here?"
Ten chuckled yet again. "Patience y/n. We're not there yet."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
You turned on your phone's flashlight and held it in front of you. The entire warehouse was empty. It wasn't that big of a space. The only thing on the ground was loose paper and cockroaches. Had he just set you up?
Cocking your gun, you pressed it to his back. "Do you think I'm playing games here?"
His body tensed up. "The operation is downstairs," he revealed.
"Then take me there," you urged in annoyance.
Ten led you to the centre of the floor and kicked at the dust until a small latch came into sight. He bent down and pulled it up. It was a trapdoor. A line of stairs continued downwards. You looked at Ten. "After you sir."
As you ascended down the stairs, you felt the air get lighter. It smelled more fresh than it did in the warehouse above. The only thing that remained constant was the darkness.
"Installing a bulb or two in here wouldn't do you any harm you know."
Ten laughed wholeheartedly. "You've got a nice sense of humour. I like that."
Rolling your eyes you continued descending. "How down below is this lair of yours?"
Ten didn't answer you. He walked to the edge of the stairs and jumped. It seemed you'd reached your destination. You shined the light on him, seeing him feel against the wall for something. He then pressed his palm flat against the fall. A few seconds later a bright light flooded your vision. Grimacing, you hid your face.
"Here are the bulbs or two you were asking about earlier."
Sure enough, the entire area had a neat lighting system. You turned your flashlight off and instead opened your camera, taking pictures for evidence. Ten waited patiently at the side.
The space was bigger than the warehouse above. You realised it was just a gimmick to throw anyone who came across it off. Just by the ambiance of the place, you could tell Ten had spent many years building it up to what it was. You wouldn't lie, it was magnificent. Like something straight out of a James Bond movie.
"I'm gonna explain it all to you. Basically let you into my life for a moment here. But you have to promise, that in turn, you won't call any back up. I want all of this to be absorbed by your mind," Ten spoke.
"You'll share it with your team after we're done anyways. But they'll never get to see it upfront. They'll never get to understand and admire it like you did. I only want you to do so," he explained.
His request was odd. But you couldn't argue. None of your files or reports had any record of this place. It had never come up during your investigation and none of your suspects had mentioned it to you. This place was a goldmine and you couldn't risk letting its information get in the wrong hands.
Five hours, you'd spend five hours at Ten's headquarters. Everything he'd told you so far was beyond resourceful. Not only had he helped you bust gangs that your precinct had failed to collect enough evidence against, but he also gave you an inside report of operations you had no clue about.
You couldn't believe he was just spilling all this information to you. You didn't understand why he was being so cooperative. Maybe he'd come to terms with that fact that it was all over him a very long time ago. You decided to ask.
"Why are you telling me all of this?"
Ten paused at your interruption. "As I said earlier. I want you to admire my work."
You scoffed. "So you want to be remembered as more than a criminal then?"
Ten rested his chin on his palm. "Not quite. See, the obvious reason for my downfall is the disloyalty of my peers. They started with me and leached out for a supposed better life. Everything any criminal has in this city is because of what they've either stolen or accepted from me. No one can stay hidden from the law without my help. No king gets to take over my empire after I'm gone. I forbid it," he explained.
He was so in over his head it was amusing. The way he thought it was the others that had ratted him out, you didn't want to burst his bubble but it was him who had brought his own downfall upon himself.
"How long do you think you'll be in jail for this Ten?"
He shrugged. "Until one of the hairs on my head turns grey I assume."
You pointed to the space around you. "Showing me this is only gonna make it worse."
Ten nodded. He already knew that. "But it will ensure that I can't start it up after I emerge from my sentence."
Rocking around in your chair, you studied his headquarters. "Please tell me you've got a coffee machine in this place."
Ten laughed. "Of course we do. Shall I make you a cup?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "No thank you. Unfortunately I don't trust you enough."
Ten pouted dramatically. "That's a shame. Did you know I worked at a cafe to make enough money to buy drugs?"
You shook your head. "You could've made big money in the barista field. Found a pretty girl to move in with. Lead a life on the right side of the law."
He laughed again. For the situation he was in, he was pretty calm. You didn't know why that was. You were just glad he wasn't trying to make any moves on you.
"It's over there," he gestured towards a room in the far corner of the area. "Would you like me to accompany you? Or should I sit still?"
"Stay where you are. I'll be right back," you instructed.
Ten leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. You got up and went to the backroom, keeping your eye on him the entire time. You figured now would be a good time to contact your squad. Let them know of your location and make sure that they'd taken care of their own jobs of handling Ten's henchmen.
Ten remained as still as a statue. The room you entered was more of a lounge. Along with a coffee machine, it also had a couch that looked invitingly comfortable. A quick nap sounded extremely appealing at the moment. But you couldn't risk letting your guard down like that.
You quickly got to preparing your coffee. Just some hot water and coffee powder to do the job. You hoped the extra caffeine would allow you to remain attentive.
Swirling your cup to mix the concoction, you made your way back to Ten. He sat up on your arrival. "We have creamers," he shared.
You took a sip of the warm drink. "No need. The stronger, the better." He couldn't argue with that. Ten resumed his explanation. You continued jotting down all the essentials of his narration. His voice was so monotonous that you never realised when you blacked out.
You woke up on the couch, a blazer draped over your body. Shooting up immediately, you reached behind your back for your gun. Much to your horror, it wasn't there. You stood up and stumbled out of the room. Everything was pitch black outside. You couldn't wrap your mind around anything.
The lights turned on when you made your presence known. You fell down with a groan. They were brighter than you recalled. Your ears started ringing, a sharp sting in your head. A familiar chuckle sounded from behind you.
"Looks like someone's up early. Tell me y/n, how was your sleep?"
You turned around and got up. "What the fuck did you do?"
Ten held his hands up. The cuffs were gone.
"I didn't do anything sweetheart. You did this to yourself."
What was he saying? Why did you black out? That's when it occurred to you. The coffee.
"What the fuck did you drug me with you asshole?" Your head was pounding. Your body felt so weak.
"I didn't drug you with anything y/n. There was nothing in the coffee."
You didn't believe him. "Stop lying. How did I pass out then?"
"No drugs were involved in that y/n. You were just tired. I guess my droning lulled you to bed," he explained.
"Why'd you take my gun then? How did you get out of your handcuffs? The keys were in my pocket."
"I had to steal those from you. I had no other choice. How else was I supposed to carry you to the couch?"
You were so stupid. How could you let this happen. He had your gun, your handcuffs, their keys and your phone. He had you trapped and you didn't know what to do.
"My squad knows where I am. They're gonna come looking for me and you can't run away this time."
Ten rolled his eyes at your warning. "Yeah I saw that text you'd left them. I figured I should've let you know that there was no reception in the warehouse."
You cursed. "Was this your plan all along?"
Ten shook his head. "It was more of an impulsive decision."
"What are you going to do to me?"
Ten furrowed his brows. "Nothing bad. I'm just a drug dealer. I would never hurt you."
As if that was going to comfort you in this situation.
"I just wanna play a game. Would you do that with me?"
You scowled at him. "What's the catch?"
Ten smirked. "Oh there's no catch sweetheart. I just wanna have one last night of fun with the girl of my dream. You wouldn't deny me that would you?"
The girl of his dreams. He was sick.
Ten noticed how reluctant you were. At this rate you weren't gonna agree to anything he said.
"If you say yes, I'll return all your belongings to you and let you escort me out of here, handcuffed of course, all the way back to your precinct where you can put me behind bars for good," he offered.
"Why can't I just skip to that part right now," you asked bitterly.
Ten stepped towards you, bringing his face right in front of yours. You could feel his breath fanning on your lips. "You've spent all these years dedicating your time to me. It would be a shame if you didn't make the most of all that work. You think you know me but you don't. You've never had a proper conversation with me before. You never been so close to me. I'll be honest y/n, I've been waiting to see you. I always knew you'd be the death of me. I'd much rather make more memories with you. After all, you're the woman that brought me down. That makes you special, doesn't it?"
He was so manipulative. You actually found yourself considering his proposition. Something about his words was right.
"Just say the word, you know you want to," he pressed.
"Do you swear that you'll walk out of here without a struggle?"
Ten nodded.
You sighed. "Fine. What are we playing?"
Ten beamed and gave you your distance. "Rummy. I'm sure you're familiar with the proceedings?"
You knew how to play rummy. You also knew that Ten wasn't going to be traditional with it.
"My men and I used to add some booze to the mix. But I know you can't drink while on duty. So instead, we'll do something a bit nostalgic."
By the tone of his words you already knew where this was going. He wanted to include sexual favours. How gross.
"I've got a list. It goes up till 100. Loser accumulates their points and based on their score, they've gotta do something off of the list. Are you up for that?"
You stared at him, long and hard. You wanted to put an end to this as soon as possible. "Let's do it."
This was wrong. You knew it. But you were desperate. He seemed like a man of his word. Not completely, but for certain clauses at least.
Ten took your hand and let you to the table you were sitting at previously. Your belongings were still there. It was already lined with a deck of cards. He sat down across from you and gestured to the cards. "They've already been shuffled and dealt. I believe in fair games so I can assure you nothing's rigged here."
You lifted your cards and began sorting them wordlessly. They weren't the best but at least you had a joker.
"I'd also like to let you know that I gave you some Provestra. But don't worry, I took some for myself. The ones meant for men of course."
He was so fucking shameless. At least you had something add to the list of charges against him.
Ten lost the first round. Only by twelve points however. Number twelve on his list was strip.
He now sat before you, completely naked. Something about it wasn't as disturbing as you thought it would be. You told yourself it was just the horny pill talking, but you wouldn't deny that he had a nice body.
A tattoo on his forearms and one circling his chest. His upper body was nicely toned and he packed a nice size. Overall, he was hot. If he wasn't a criminal you certainly would've taken him home.
Your next game began, this time with you dealing. Your cards turned out to be extremely favourable and you won with ease. Ten's points upped by five, leaving him at seventeen. Number seventeen on his list was marking.
Though hasty, you moved your hair to the side and let him hover over your body. He smelled oddly nice. Ten held your gaze while licking his lips. "May I," he whispered. You tilted your neck. "Go for it."
His tongue ran over your skin making you close your eyes. His lips followed, sucking gently to make a mark. You gripped the side of the table and willed yourself not to succumb to the burning sensation between your legs. Ten repeated the action, this time closer to your jaw. His tongue felt enticing. You wanted more. But you couldn't let yourself have it. This was just a game.
He moved off of you once he was satisfied with his work. Two hickeys stained your neck, strikingly visible and difficult to cover.
He dealt the next round and you played the first move. This time he emerged victorious. With two points, number two on his list was a kiss. The way he licked his own lips in anticipation made you dizzy. You'd never used Provestra but you were certain it wasn't supposed to make you feel this way.
You scooted closer to him and grabbed the sides of his head, crashing his lips onto yours. Ten groaned in your mouth, loving the force you used. He let you guide him, moving his lips over yours reverently. You didn't know when to stop. You didn't want to stop. He was an amazing kisser and it had been quite a while since you'd felt someone's lips on yours, especially like this.
Ten was the one to pull away first. He smirked at you, loving the effect he was having on you. He passed you the cards to deal the next round.
You won yet again and rather quickly at that. Ten was left with a lump sum of twenty three points which amounted to a total of forty. Number forty on his list was a handjob.
You spit on your palm without a second thought and grabbed his dick. Ten leaned back in his seat and watched you stroke his cock. No sounds left him. Only quick breaths from his parted lips. Your handjob skills were a tad rusty, but you had the basics down.
You tightened your grip around his shaft making him hiss. He bucked his hips up into your hand and wetness pooled in your panties. You got off your chair and fell down on your knees. Ten watched you spit on his cock in complete awe. "Fuck the game," you muttered, wrapping your lips around his tip. Ten held your head, pushing your mouth down on his cock. You tried your best not to teeth him.
Squeezing his thigh, you began bobbing your head over his member, fondling his balls in your other hand. Ten groaned and cursed above you, loving every second of it.
Out of breath, you pulled away from him and started unbuttoning your blouse. Ten watched in delight as you took off your bra and let your breasts spring free. He hadn't expected you to get on board so easily.
You released a ball of spit onto your chest, letting it slip down the valley of your breasts. Knowing what you were going to do, Ten shifted closer to you and pushed his cock between your tits. You pushed them against his member and began moving them up and down. "Holy shit," Ten explained, moving with you. His fingers played with your nipples.
You stuck your tongue out for his tip to brush against. The sounds leaving Ten's mouth were heavenly. This was so wrong. But you were too worked up to stop.
"Who knew you'd turn out to be so damn kinky," Ten exclaimed. You didn't say anything. Ten's cock twitched only seconds after. You kept moving over him. Soon enough, long ropes of his cum spurted up onto your tits, some falling on your chin. You slowed your pace, milking him of every last drop until he was whining for you to stop.
Ten stood up and dragged you with him. He made you sit on the table and pulled your pants down your legs. Your panties were soaked. Ten chuckled as he peeled them off. He marvelled at your glistening pussy.
"What's 100 on your list?", you asked breathlessly. Ten grinned widely. "Fuck till you drop"
That was good to know.
Ten didn't waste any time pushing into you. You were so wet that he had no problem doing so. He adopted a quick pace fucking you like his life depended on it. Your loud moans tore through his headquarters. Ten huffed and grunted, pulling your body closer to his.
His fingers dug into your skin, surely leaving marks. You held yourself up on your elbows and spread your legs wider. Ten threw your leg over his shoulder and made you lay on your side so that he could fuck you deeper.
Your hand came down to rub your clit. Moved your hand away and replaced your fingers with his thumb. He started pushing you to your own orgasm. You grabbed your tit, squeezing it gently as you let your head fall back.
"Such a tight pussy," Ten grunted while rutting his cock into you. "Feels so fucking good."
You fully agreed with him. It felt amazing. Perhaps it was because of the sad amount of sex you had in your regular life that you were submitting to him so desperately. No one had ever made you feel the way he was right now.
The knot in your stomach burst, walls clenching around his cock tightly. Ten groaned as you fell apart on him. "Shit, turn around," he instructed, impatient to get back inside you.
You got on your hands and knees, raising your hips for him. He slapped your ass as he pushed back into you. Ten leaned forward and grabbed your hair, pulling you up against his chest. He wrapped his fingers around your throat, choking you lightly. You loved how it felt.
Holding onto his wrist, you pushed your ass back against his hips. Ten bit into your shoulder ever so often, fingers coming back to your clit. You mewled as he overstimulated you. Your knees were about to give way any second now.
Ten made you put your leg back on the ground, pushing your knee further over the table. The tip of his cock brushed against your sweet spot. Your eyes rolled back, a sensual scream leaving your parted lips. Ten hummed in delight, biting down on your earlobe. You reached behind yourself, hand resting on his hip. "Let me get on top," you managed to say. Ten held your waist and sat down on his chair, bringing your with him.
Placing your hands on his lap, you started bouncing on his cock. Ten kissed the nape of your neck, hot breath fanning on your shoulder. You could already feel a second orgasm approaching. Ten held your hips down on him, stopping you.
"Let me take control," he said, bringing your feet to his knees. He hooked his arms underneath your knees and raised you up slightly, bucking his hips up into you from below.
You put your hands over his, head falling back against his shoulder. Ten sped up quickly, fucking up into you while bringing your body down on his cock. His tip pushed at your sweet spot with each thrust making your toes curl in ecstasy. "Fuck keep going, I'm gonna cum," you warned, biting your lip.
"Me too," he breathed, concentrating on your approaching orgasms. Ten pressed his face into your neck, lips nipping and sucking at your skin softly.
Before you knew it, you were cumming. Ten snapped his cock into you one last time before emptying himself into you a second time. He groaned out loud, holding onto you as he rode out his high. Your thighs shook gentle, chest rising and falling dramatically. Once you were sure he was through, you let go of his hands.
You pushed yourself off his cock and quickly got to dressing yourself. You checked the time on your phone. It was almost morning now. Seeing Ten decently clothed, you turned him around and cuffed him, leading him back up the stairs and out the warehouse to your car.
"No one's ever finding out about this okay? Cause I swear if they do I'm gonna add kidnapping to your long list of charges."
Ten replied with his ridiculously attractive laugh. "Did I kidnap you though?"
You pushed him into your car and shut the door. "It won't be that hard to convince the judge that you did," you shared as you got into the car.
Ten sighed and leaned back into the seat. "I think I should let you know now. I never gave you any Provestra to begin with."
tagging: @hoehousenet @neosmutcollective @neowritingsnet @kdiarynet @ficscafe @chwe-yeeun @choijwiss @giveortake @lqsience
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falryllghts · 3 years
I absolutely love your works and read them when I'm stressed and sad. I would really like to say thank you for being my comfort writer qwq. I've been mustering up the courage to request so here I am. I was wondering if u could write childe, xiao, and diluc being absolutely exhausted and stressed and accidentally hurling a bunch of insults at their s/o only to see them holding back tears and denying wanting to cry bc s/o only wants to make them feel better and thinks crying adds to their stress
this is so sweet, thank you so much !! I hope I did justice to your request and I hope that you enjoy this !
characters included: childe, xiao, diluc
gender neutral pronouns
warning(s): hurt/comfort , mostly angst to fluff
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It wasn't uncommon for Childe to be overwhelmed. After all, his duties as a harbinger were nothing to laugh at. He was a very busy man and got alot done. Today felt like a longer day than normal for him though. Not only had he received news he had to travel for a few days, he also had to deal with a certain traveler trying to keep eyes on him. So when he finally returned home, he was just happy to be able to rest even for a little while. That was, until you made your way into the room and asked if he was alright. You could see it in his eyes that he was mentally drained which was unlike him.
"It's none of your concern, don't worry about it." His tone came out harsher than you had expected it to. It was similar to a tone you'd expect to be used against his enemies maybe even in a fight.
"But I'm dating you, of course I'd be concern-"
He sighed during your sentence before cutting you off and not letting you finish. "I told you, it doesn't concern you. Now. Leave. Me. Alone." Childe finally turned to face you but all the irritation that was on his face had vanished when he met your eyes. He could see that tears had started to form in your eyes and yet you refused to let them fall.
He rushed over to you immediately, gently putting his hands on your shoulders. The way you forced yourself to smile and tried to hide your tears by saying "It's alright, I know you're stressed. I'm not mad." made him feel worse. He pulled you closer to his chest and was shocked when he felt you wrap your arms around him. After that, he ended up talking to you and apologizing, also explaining what had happened through out the day and why he was so stressed in the first place. He also made you promise that if he was ever being too harsh or taking things out on you, that you wouldn't hold your emotions in and you'd talk to him about it.
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It started with a conversation about the adepti. You had brought it up because since you weren't one, you wanted to learn more about them. However when a conversation had started about Xiao, you could tell he was starting to lose his temper.
"Why do you care so much about us adepti? You will never be like us, mortal. You will never know what pain we have to go through or how many people we've killed."
You shifted your attention from Xiao to the scenery off the balcony, trying to hide your face from him as you felt yourself tear up. "I know that. I just want to know more about you." Your voice was softer now though it seemed like he didn't notice it.
"Caring about an adepti will only get you killed." Xiao opened his mouth to continue but when he turned to you and noticed a tear falling down your cheek, he decided to stay silent. Instead, he walked away from you and mumbled that he was sorry before vanishing.
It takes a few days for you to see Xiao again and that's when he finally decides to confront you and probably explain why he said what he did. With the traveler trying to drag him to the Lantern Rite Festival constantly and the pain he goes through every day, he's had alot on his mind. Not to mention, he's worried that you'll one day die at his hands. It takes him awhile to properly explain this to you but once you understand, you tell him that it's okay and that you're not mad at him.
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Diluc was practically known for how busy he was all the time so it's not really out of the blue for him. When you first see him, it's night. He'd been working since early morning and hadn't even stopped by to reassure you he was okay or anything like he normally does. The instance he steps into the winery, you stand up from a nearby couch and rush over to him. You're overwhelming the poor boy with questions without a second thought however you instantly quiet down when he lets out an exhausted sigh and shoots you a look. He pinches the bridge of his nose and starts walking away from you, not even acknowledging any of your questions. He didn't seem injured so that was a relief but why was he ignoring you??
You trailed after him confused, questions popping up in your mind until Diluc paused in his step and turned to face you. "Stop following me, I'm perfectly fine. Go home. I'm not in the mood to deal with you today." You flinched at the implication, silently nodding at his words. Turning right as the tears started to appear in your eyes, you made your way to the door though once your hand grabbed the handle, you were stopped.
Diluc had gently grabbed your wrist to stop you from opening the door and leaving. "I didn't mean that, I apologize. I enjoy your company. Please stay."
With that, he let go of your wrist as if letting you leave if you so desired. Instead, he was shocked to find you holding back your tears as you faced him. "I just didn't want to make you feel worse."
He took your hand and brought you over to the couch so you two could sit and talk for awhile. He even made sure to dismiss any maids early so you would be able to talk with him alone and not be disturbed. Diluc promised you that you'd never make him feel bad and reassured you that he was just overwhelmed with work. Not to mention he had just gotten back from a shift at the tavern and had to deal with Kaeya. He knows what he said can't be forgiven immediately but he promises you that he'll make it up to you somehow.
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bwbatta · 3 years
The one where you get together (1)
Abstract: Y/N and Sirius have been friends since they first met on the Hogwarts Express, so when they do get together, they decide not to tell their friends straight away. (Friends AU)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Lupin sister!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, talking about sexual content
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: To celebrate reaching 500 followers, I'm dropping another mini series as a thank you to everyone who has shared and supported my work! Add yourself to my taglist here 
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You could still vividly remember the first time you met Sirius Black.
Boarding the train to Hogwarts the first time, you managed to find a compartment with your brother, Remus, before it was descended upon by two rowdy boys with large grins.
James Potter and Sirius Black had, with no hesitation, introduced themselves to you and you quickly became friends, especially when you pulled your money together and bought a various selection of chocolates from the trolley. When the sorting hat placed all of you in Gryffindor, it only reaffirmed your friendship.
It wasn't just the four of you in your little group though, the boys were placed in a dormitory with another boy, Peter, and you shared a dorm with two other girls who also became fierce friends of yours; Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon.
Of course, growing up together through Hogwarts had it's arguments and fall outs, though somehow you always seemed to remain friends.
It wasn't until your seventh, and final year of Hogwarts did the surprising pair of Lily and James get together which solidified your friendship group even further. Between Sirius and you, the bet you had made in your fourth year regarding when the pair would get together, finally came to an end where you had happily took your winnings with a smile and paid for a bottle of Firewhiskey to celebrate.
After graduating, you ended up moving in with Marlene, finding a perfect two bedroom flat for you to share, close to Diagon Alley. The boys had taken a page from your book with Sirius using some of his inheritance from his great uncle and buying a flat directly across the Leaky Cauldron.
Whilst he had invited Peter to also live with him and Remus, the boy politely refused with the intention to stay with his parents for a while.
James however, had asked Lily to move in with him almost the second they graduated and the pair had moved to a little cottage in Godric’s Hollow. It wasn’t long afterwards that James had proposed to Lily which led to the current series of events.
About an hour before, you and Marlene had walked down the aisle in the gardens of Potter Manor in your bridesmaids dresses, while Lily had donned a white dress and followed you. Standing opposite your brother and Sirius, the latter caught your eye when your friends said their wedding vows.
With a wink, Sirius had your attention and you weren't exactly sure what it was that felt different, but something definitely did.
As the reception started, you watched Lily and James take some of their wedding photos together. The smile on your face was something you couldn't help as Remus appeared at your side, a similar expression on his own face.
"Remember when Lily hexed James so hard he vomited out of his nose because he proposed to her?"
"I'm pretty sure it made him like her even more to be honest, James is weird like that." You snickered, accepting the drink from your brother. "Who would've thought we'd be here not even four years later?"
"Tell me about it. If you plan on getting married anytime soon though, please give me some warning." Remus joked, nudging his shoulder against yours.
"I think I need to actually date someone before I marry them, but thanks for being so optimistic about my dating life." You grinned at him before seeing Sirius making his way over to the two of you.
"Well well, if it isn't the Lupin twins." Sirius laid an arm over both your shoulders. "How long do you reckon it'll be before Lily's creepy uncle makes a move on Marlene?"
"At least after two more drinks." Remus chuckled. "Which reminds me, I promised I'd save her from any men tonight who wanted to dance with her that, and I quote, looked like they had to use a stamina charm in bed."
"Good luck with that." You snickered, waving your brother off as he disappeared in the direction of the blonde.
Sirius didn't say anything else as he took a seat at one of the tables and pulled you down into his lap. It wasn't uncommon for the two of you to hug or cuddle, having done so numerous times in the Gryffindor common room, much to Remus' annoyance. This only really resulted in Sirius being more affectionate.
Being twins, the two of you were naturally closer than normal siblings which resulted in Remus being protective over you since the only blood family you both had left was each other. Your parents, especially your father, had grown fearsome and disgusted at what Remus was, despite it not being his fault when Greyback bit him all those years ago. Your father began to resent you after you constantly took Remus' side and played his constant advocate.
"Hey, what're you thinking about?" Sirius nudged you, grabbing your attention. His expression was unreadable as he watched you watch Lily and James interact with each other.
"I don't know, it's nothing." Sirius nudged you again, looking for a proper answer. "I look at them and I just wonder if I'll ever have that, you know? Someone who looks at you like you're their whole world."
Sirius didn't say anything at first, but pulled you closer. He wouldn't admit it but he often had the same thought cross his mind.
"You'll find them."
"Are they fucking hiding from me?!"
"If they've already met you, then probably."
Smacking his chest, you couldn't help the contagious laughter that bubbled from you, echoing that from the wizard.
"Being serious though," Sirius grinned at the pun he just made, "who wouldn't want you?"
You smiled at him warmly, not knowing what to say. It wasn't often that Sirius was, well serious. The boy loved a joke, but he also loved his friends and knew exactly what to say to them to cheer them up, especially you.
"Thanks, Siri."
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"Hey, James and Lily are about to head off for their honeymoon." Remus said, knocking on Sirius' bedroom door at Potter Manor, stepping inside to see Sirius rush back out from the ensuite bathroom only in his shirt and boxers. "What happened to you? You disappeared from the reception."
"Uh, dropped cake down myself, had to come and change." Sirius told him quickly.
"You do realise you're a wizard right? You could've just vanished the mess?"
"Ah yeah, of course, how stupid, sure could've. Anyway, I just need to put on some clean trousers and I'll be right down."
Remus frowned. Something was off but he couldn't work out what it was. Putting it down to Sirius drinking too much, he waved the man off, exiting the room.
"Alright well, hurry down, James was asking for you."
Remus exited the room and Sirius quickly closed the door behind him. Turning back to the bathroom, he watched as you opened the door with a tentative expression, trying to zip your dress back up but failing.
"Do you think he knew I was here?"
"Don't think so, here, turn around, I'll do it." Sirius turned you around, quickly zipping up your dress before resting his hands on your waist. "So, we haven't done that before."
"That is correct."
It was slightly awkward between the two of you, why was it awkward? Oh, maybe because you were both fucking like rabbits not even moments before your brother knocked on the door. It had never been awkward between you before though and you didn't like it.
"Why is it so awkward?" Sirius chuckled as you spun around before him.
"Right! It's like I don't know what to say!"
"We're just two friends who've had sex one time, there doesn't have to be anything awkward about that!"
"Exactly, it doesn't have to be a big deal, it was a one time thing, we can just go back to the party and no one will know!"
"Yes, good plan, lets go!" Turning towards the door, Sirius started towards it with a new determination, completely forgetting one issue.
"Sirius?" He paused, looking back at you, "maybe you should put on some trousers before we go down though."
"Good idea."
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Waving James and Lily off, you stood alongside the rest of your friends as Marlene appeared, pulling you towards her by your waist.
"Ugh, please tell me we're going to get some good booze and continue to get fucked up at ours?"
"Is that an open invite?" Remus asked with a grin, "Think I spied an extra bottle of Firewhiskey knocking about near the top table."
"100%," Marlene grinned at him, "after all, it's the least I could do after you saved me from so many creeps tonight. I will thank you in the form of hosting a small afterparty with the inner circle. Right, Y/N?"
"I'm up for it, I'll go see if I can grab that extra bottle you mentioned."
Taking off towards the top table, your eyes scanned the tables one by one until you felt a presence behind you. Already knowing who it was, you didn't bother looking back at them.
"I've got a fresh bottle stashed under my bed upstairs if we wanna grab that one?" Sirius said lowly in your ear.
"That sounds like a plan," you said slowly, "though I thought we said it was only a one time thing?"
"Weddings don't count, right? I swear that's a rule somewhere."
"...How long do you think we can be before the others get suspicious?"
"10 minutes?"
"Sounds good, lets go."
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The pair of you said nothing more the entire night on the matter and ended up just having a good time with your friends. The boys ended up sleeping on your sofas, not trusting themselves to apparate safely considering the amount they each had to drink.
It wasn't until mid morning when everyone started to rouse, that you offered to make everyone a cup of tea to help with the hangovers that had started to form.
"Hey, make mine extra strong, will you?"
You laughed, turning to face Sirius.
"You need the caffeine that much?"
"That answer is a strong yes."
Pouring the boiling water into the mugs, you passed Sirius' over to him as he smiled at you in thanks.
"So, yesterday was something." You smiled, taking a sip of your own drink.
"Yeah... something stupid, right?"
"Yeah, totally stupid." There was a brief silence between you as you weren't exactly sure what to say next. "Look as much as I enjoyed it, I don't want us to become awkward or ruin our friendship or anything because of it."
"Good, because I was going to say the same thing." Sirius nodded, leaning against the kitchen counter top. "As good as the sex was, and trust me it was good, it's not worth making our friendship awkward or anything not knowing where we stand with the other."
"Right, yes, that makes a lot of sense." You both took another sip of tea as you listened to Marlene and Remus in the living room laugh about something. "Unless... wait no, it's nothing."
"No, what it is?" Sirius asked.
"Unless... I don't know, we keep fucking in secret and just don't tell the others?"
You stared at the tea in your cup before raising your eyes to meet Sirius' grey ones which were wide, a grin on his face.
"I guess that would work too?"
"Yeah... anyway on a totally unrelated note, Marlene's visiting her family tomorrow night at like 7."
"Where's my bloody tea, Y/N!" The blonde in question strode into the kitchen sluggishly. "I swear you've been in here for 4 hours making it."
"If you were a little more patient, Mar, I was just about to bring it out for you." You rolled your eyes but handed the mug over to her anyway.
"Thanks, how're you two feeling this morning?"
"Rough." Sirius grunted out as the three of you headed back into the living room. "But what's new there, really?!"
"You should really try cut back on your drinking, Pads." Remus mentioned, taking the cup of tea from you with a smile.
"You should cut back on your chocolate."
"Chocolate doesn't give you hangovers." Remus countered with a smirk causing Sirius to just roll his eyes as he sunk down into an armchair.
"Either way, I hope Lils and James are having fun." Marlene stretched out on the other sofa, placing her legs over your own. "I know James will be with the things Y/N and I packed as a surprise in Lily's bags."
You snorted into your cup as you remembered the countless lacy items you'd snuck into Lily's normally conservative wardrobe.
"Well, James might be happy about what you packed, but he certainly won't be happy with what we packed." Sirius snickered as Remus held back a laugh.
"What did you do?!"
"We might've exchanged his entire bag of clothes for an entire bag of Cornish Pixies." Sirius grinned. "I'm already expecting a howler from Lily at some point in the near future."
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Sirius didn’t have to wait long for Lily’s reaction as only moments later he heard an angry shout through his two way mirror he shared with James.
As planned, Marlene visited her family the next day and no later after she flooed away, Sirius appeared at the front door of your flat. The same happened after Marlene was picked by Dumbledore for an order mission and Sirius happily flooed into your flat only moments later. You were convinced he’d bugged your flat somehow.
James and Lily returned from their honeymoon a week later, effectively surprising you as they flooed into your flat with no warning, causing you to stuff a naked Sirius into your closet. It was safe to say he wasn’t impressed after Lily insisted she make a pot of tea to ‘catch up’, and ended up staying round for several hours. 
You barely managed to hide the snicker which escaped your lips when James asked if you knew where Sirius was.
With the newly married pair being back, the two of you decided to come up with a plan as how to sneak around without the others knowing.
Somehow, it didn’t really go to plan.
Sirius insisted that you should come over and take a bath with him one night, especially as Remus was due to be out. You couldn’t help but agree to the idea, mostly because you got to spend time with your very sexy male friend who looked very good in bubbles... and also the fact his bathtub was a lot better than your own.
The bathtub in question was a massive claw-foot tub which could fit the two of you and your two roommates if you so desired. Compared against the shitty little tub Marlene and you had in your flat, it was a no brainer.
Which is why as you sat in between Sirius’ legs, your back against his chest, you couldn’t help but feel more relaxed than you had done all week. 
Sirius was leant back against the tub, his arm around your waist with a glass of Firewhiskey in his other hand. The two of you had nicked this particular bottle from James’ ‘secret stash’ which everyone knew he hid under his cloak, under the stairs. It was all too easy for the two of you to sneak in and borrow it for the time being. 
“You know, Prongs must be real blind if he can’t see how many people actually know about his hiding spots.” You snickered as you took the glass from Sirius and took a sip.
“I think it might be all the brain damage after getting hit in the head so many times.” He grinned.
“How long do you think it’ll be until he notices the actual bottle being gone? A few days?”
“Give him some credit, it’ll be at least a week.”
The two of you chuckled before you heard the fireplace roar with flames. Footsteps quickly made their way towards Sirius’ room before heading towards the bathroom.
A panicked look between the two of you was exchanged as a knock was heard on the door. 
“Pads? It’s me, I’m coming in.”
Sirius quickly took the glass of Firewhiskey back from you as you dived underwater, praying the bubbles would cover up the fact you were there. 
The door opened and James stepped in about to say something, before he stopped and observed the scene before him. Sirius was sat covered in bubbles with candles lit around him. Despite the calm expression on his face, the fact you were lying between his legs in the water had his heart racing. 
“Did you need something, Prongs?”
“Uh, yeah, have you seen the bottle of Firewhiskey which I was given as a gift for my wedding?” James asked, very obviously looking at the opened bottle on the side of the bath. 
“Didn’t even know you got given one, mate. This was from Y/N.”
“And if I ask her, will she give me the same story?”
“Positively. Anything else?”
“Yeah, you want to order some Chinese?” 
“I mean I- NO!” 
His outburst was a surprise to both James and himself after you had pinched him underwater signalling you were running out of air.
“Really? Lily’s got me on this diet and-”
“James! Get out!”
“Fine! Okay! No need to shout at me, I’ve seen you in weirder scenarios.”
James left and shut the door behind him just as soon as you jolted up, gasping for breath. 
“I’m sorry, he wouldn’t leave! He wanted to ask me if I fancied some Chinese.”
“Chinese?” You asked, turning to look at him over your shoulder with a contemplative look on your face. “I could go for some chow mein.”
“Prongs!” Taking a deep breath, you disappeared underwater again just before James appeared once more. “I’ll have a large chow mein, sweet and sour chicken, some of those prawn cracker things and the spring rolls.”
“Spring rolls? I swear only Y/N likes them.”
“Thought I’d try them out since as she’s always yapping on about them.”
“Alright, back in a bit.”
James left and shut the door again. You emerged from the water, leaning back on Sirius again as he relayed off what he’d ordered. 
“You ordered me spring rolls?!”
“Yeah, I remembered you liked them.” Sirius shrugged, wrapping his arm around your waist again. “Even if they taste like arse.”
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The group had gathered at Marlene and Y/N’s for an evening where despite Lily’s constant health kicks, she relented into ordering pizza for the group. 
“Hey, you guys will never guess what I found out today.” Marlene grinned.
“You’re secretly a guy?” Sirius snickered from the armchair, only to receive a cushion being thrown at his face by the blonde. 
“No,” Marlene scowled at him, “Alice and Frank got engaged!” 
“What?! How’d you find out?” Lily asked as she cuddled up to James in the other armchair. 
“I ran into Alice at Headquarters earlier and she showed me her ring.” Marlene leant back into the sofa as she brought her legs up to lay them over Remus’ lap. “We best be getting ready for another wedding soon.”
“I’m sure we’ll hear more at the meeting tomorrow.” James said grinning. “Who knew Longbottom had it in him?!”
“Alice certainly did.” You snickered, leaning onto Remus’ other shoulder. The comment got another round of chuckles from everyone present as Lily shot you a less than impressed look. 
“Alright, I say let’s call it a night if we have to be at the meeting early tomorrow morning.” The redhead rolled her eyes at you all before standing up and brushing her dress down. 
Everyone else seemed to follow her lead as Marlene and you stood to show everyone out. 
“Yeah, I need to sleep as much as I can with Moony’s snoring keeping me up all night.” Sirius grinned, stepping up beside you and Remus. 
What no one expected to happen was for Sirius to dip and find your lips in a kiss, his hand wrapping around the back of your neck to pull you closer, just as he had done for the last few weeks. 
The rest of the group stood with slack jaws as they took in the scene before them as they watched Sirius kiss you. Pulling away, you caught each other’s eyes as realisation set in and your own eyes went wide. 
“Marls,” Sirius shook off his slight hesitation before heading straight over to Marlene and pulling her in for a kiss of her own. “Lily.”
Stepping forward to give Lily a kiss goodbye, Sirius couldn’t help but notice the wide eyed look from both James at kissing his wife and Remus at kissing his sister. 
“Pleasure to spend time with you all.” Sirius grinned at everyone’s expressions before entering the fireplace to floo back to his own flat. 
“What the hell was that?!” Remus asked with wide eyes, securely on you. 
“Probably some leftover greeting from Lily and James’ wedding. Lils did have some french cousins, perhaps he picked it up from them?” You chuckled, trying to play down the laugh you so wanted to let out. 
“Yeah, it did feel french.” Marlene snickered. “I’m not sure if I feel happy about saying that I’ve kissed Sirius Black though.”
“Well, he can keep his lips to himself and not on my wife.” James scowled at the fireplace where Sirius had disappeared moments before. 
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
I don't know if you're comfortable with this, but could you write something about fingering Harry for the first time and he really likes it and is moaning like crazy?
I originally was going to try and make this really short, but sub! harry is my favorite Harry, so it turned into a full on one-shot! I hope this is good for you!
Warnings: smut!!!! anal fingering (m receiving), oral sex (m receiving), sub! harry
WC: 1.5k
You being dominant wasn’t anything new. Whenever one of yours and Harry’s sexual escapades ended in you taking control, you both absolutely loved it. You spanked him, tied him up, edged him, called him a dirty whore, and rode him until he cried. But there was still something the two of you had never tried before.
Harry had been curious about this for a long time. One of his friends talked about how much he loved being pegged, and Harry began to wonder if he would like the feeling. He did a little research into it, even googling about male sex toys, but the strap-ons and butt plugs seemed a little too scary to him yet. He figured he should probably see if he actually liked the feeling first before he bought any of those things.
Harry brought up the topic at dinner one night. The two of you had a natural lull in conversation, and he worked up the courage to mention it.
“Darlin’, I’ve got somethin’ I need t’ ask y’.”
You put your fork down and looked at him expectantly, not totally sure where he was going with this.
He swallowed, “Have y’ ever, ehm, pegged someone? Or enjoyed doin’ it?”
You had honestly secretly been hoping he’d ask this for a while. You wanted him to be the one to bring it up so that you knew he was comfortable with the idea.
“Yes, I have. You want me to do it to you?”
“Well, sort of,” he explained, “I dunno how ready I am f’ the whole shebang since ‘ve never done it before, but I was thinkin’ maybe y’ could finger me? Just to see how it feels?”
You smiled, “Sure, baby. We can give it a try.”
Harry returned your smile, his cheeks turning a soft shade of crimson as he returned to eating the shrimp scampi you two had cooked together.
A few days later, you got the chance to try it. You could tell he was nervous, so you took your time stripping him down and pressing sweet, reassuring kisses to his lips. You had him lay on the bed and you followed, straddling his waist and continuing to kiss him, hoping to try and quell some of his nerves. You proved unsuccessful, however; when you pulled back and grabbed the lube, you could see him trembling. You faltered, not wanting to rush into things if he wasn’t ready.
“Are you sure you want this, Harry?” you asked softly.
He looked up at you, eyes slightly wide, “Y-yeah. ‘M sure. Jus’ a bit nervous, ‘s all.”
“Okay, but if you change your mind at any time, tell me. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable,” you told him.
“I will, promise,” he replied.
Happy with his response, you leaned down and kissed his forehead before trailing light kisses down his neck and chest. You weren’t planning on touching his nipples at all, but when you saw how hard they were, you took one into your mouth and tugged gently. He whimpered as you pinched its twin, rolling the nub between your fingers. You smirked, licking both of his nipples to soothe the pain before continuing your descent, pressing sloppy kisses to his abdomen until you reached his cock. You licked at the head, relishing in the whine that fell from his lips.
“Gonna suck your cock for a little to make sure you’re nice and relaxed. That sound good, honey?” you murmured.
He nodded vigorously, but a squeeze to his thigh reminded him to answer verbally, “Y-yes. Sounds s’ good.”
“That’s my good boy,” you whispered, before pushing just the head of his cock between your lips.
He moaned softly, threading his fingers into your hair; though he tugged, he knew better than to try and make you take more. The only time he’d tried that, you’d spanked him so hard he couldn’t sit the next day. You smirked at the sound, teasingly swirling your tongue around the tip, collecting the pre-cum that had begun to leak out. Soon, you took a little bit more, sinking about halfway down on his cock. You looked up at his face, but were unhappy when you saw that his eyes were squeezed shut.
You squeezed his thigh again and pulled off of his cock, “Eyes open. Want you to look at me while I’m making you feel good.”
His eyes snapped open, his forest green eyes meeting yours, “‘M sorry. I’ll keep ‘em open, promise.”
“That’s a good boy,” you crooned.
Satisfied, you swiftly took him back in your mouth, wanting to make him both as comfortable and as turned on as possible before you pushed your fingers into him. You could hear desperate whines from above you as your nose brushed his pelvis, and you thought that now might be the best time, so he didn’t cum before you even got a chance to get started.
You pulled off of him again and asked, “Are you ready, baby?”
“‘M ready,” he confirmed.
Though you could tell he was still a bit nervous, he was definitely more relaxed than before, which was a good sign. You pulled back slightly to lube up your fingers, then leaned back in and licked a stripe up his cock. You took him back into your mouth, and he gasped softly when he felt your lube-covered finger circling his rim. You looked up at him, and he nodded at you, giving you the go-ahead. So, you slowly and gently pushed your index finger inside of him. You expected him to tell you it hurt, tense up, or maybe let out some soft noises of pleasure.
You didn’t expect the guttural moan that he released.
You smirked to yourself around his cock. He fucking loved it. You thought he would, but hearing it made satisfaction hum through your veins.
“F-fuck, b-baby. It feels s’ fuckin good. P-please move,” he begged.
With his consent, you moved your finger inside of him, relishing in the breathy moans he was making. His eyes had screwed shut again, though, and you couldn’t have that. You stilled your finger inside of him and pulled off of his cock again.
“Didn’t I tell you to keep your eyes open?”
Immediately, his eyes opened again, “Fuck, ‘m sorry. Jus’ felt s’ good, I couldn’t help m’self. Promise I’ll keep ‘em open, jus’ please don’ stop. Please.”
You maintained steady eye contact as you crooked your finger inside of him. He moaned loudly again, but managed to keep his eyes open. You didn’t take him back into your mouth, now knowing how much he enjoyed taking your fingers.
“Gonna add another finger, is that okay, baby?”
He nodded wildly, “Please, please, please!”
You chuckled softly, “My baby boy is a little eager now, isn’t he?”
You wanted to tease him a little bit, but decided to leave that for next time. This was new for him, and you didn’t want to overwhelm him. So, you relented and pushed your middle finger in to join your pointer, and he squeaked in pleasure. His hips ground down onto your fingers, almost of their own accord, as he cried out. You pumped your fingers in and out of him, gentle praises falling from your lips as he took you. When you crooked both of your fingers inside of him again, a stream of curses escaped his lips. If his sugary sweet moans didn’t tell you how much he was enjoying this, the way his hole was clenching around your fingers did. His cock was throbbing, and you could tell that he was close as his moans turned into pants.
“S’ c-close. P-please, may I c-cum? Need t-to s’ bad,” Harry begged, confirming your suspicions.
You nodded, bringing your free hand up to tug at his cock, “Go ahead, my love. You’ve been such a good boy, you earned it.”
That’s all it took for him to cum. His release coated your hand as he moaned your name, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. You stroked his cock through his high, milking every drop.
“That’s my good boy. Look so pretty when you cum for me, Harry,” you praised, smirking at the keening sound he released at your words.
When he came down from his orgasm, you slowly removed your fingers from his hole. He whimpered softly at the newfound emptiness, already missing your fingers. You smiled and gently brushed some stray curls from his forehead, peppering sweet kisses all over his face.
“Well, guess I liked it,” Harry remarked with a dopey smile on his face.
You giggled, “Guess so. Glad you did, I’ve honestly wanted to do this with you for a while. Wanted you to bring it up, though, so I knew you’d be comfortable with it.”
“‘M definitely a bit more than ‘comfortable,’ love,” he murmured, sounding exhausted.
But then, he looked up at you with wide eyes, “‘Y didn’ cum yet, baby.”
“I can take care of it myself, Har. Know I tired you out,” you replied.
He shook his head stubbornly, “No. If ‘m here, ‘m making y’ cum. Sit on my face, love.”
And you couldn’t find it in yourself to refuse.
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