#i can't believe having such beautiful feelings like this for the same sex is supposed to be evil in most interpretations of biblical canon
frogoru · 5 months
i've had to indulge in christian scripture a lot for the past few months because personal life stuff and i need everyone to know that there's a book in the bible where king solomon goes on and on about how horny he is for his wife and it's SO SENSUAL and i didn't expect it at all (it's really beautifully written if anything but also sex funny. i put verses down below that invoked said feelings because its so wow)
"Your two breasts are like two fawns,     twins of a gazelle,     that graze among the lilies."
- 4:5
"...How much better is your love than wine,     and the fragrance of your oils than any spice! Your lips drip nectar, my bride;     honey and milk are under your tongue;"
- 4:10-11
"How beautiful are your feet in sandals,     O noble daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels,     the work of a master hand. Your navel is a rounded bowl     that never lacks mixed wine. Your belly is a heap of wheat,     encircled with lilies.  Your two breasts are like two fawns,     twins of a gazelle.  Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are pools in Heshbon,     by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon,     which looks toward Damascus. Your head crowns you like Carmel,     and your flowing locks are like purple;     a king is held captive in the tresses."
- 7:1-5
"Your stature is like a palm tree,     and your breasts are like its clusters.  I say I will climb the palm tree     and lay hold of its fruit. Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,     and the scent of your breath like apples, and your mouth like the best wine.
It goes down smoothly for my beloved,     gliding over lips and teeth.
 I am my beloved's,     and his desire is for me."
- 7:7-10
In verse 8 of chapter 5 his wife says "I am sick with love." and that makes me feel really AHHHHHH oh my god?? it's so intimate
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msgexymunson · 5 months
One Slow Blink Part 1
Description: As a nurse, you want to help people, as many as you can. But, with the insane things that have been going on in Hawkins, and the crazed look in Dustin's eyes when he stumbles into the ER covered in blood with an impossible tale to tell, it makes you wonder; how much are you prepared to give? 
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, *Here there be monsters! Honestly, there's straight up monster fucking in this so if you're not into that do not read*, AFAB sub nurse reader x dom monster Eddie, kinda Alpha/Omega without them knowing it, injury descriptions, S4 does happen and Eddie lives but he be a monster, hand job, fem oral receiving, male oral receiving, consensual predator/prey dynamic, fingering, very rough sex, biting/marking, unprotected p in v, knotting.
A/N: Part 1 of 2, only due to Tumblr restrictions. Adding the second part in a minute. This has come from yet another deranged dream of mine. I imagine Eddie looking kinda like a mix between the Beast from the original Beauty and the Beast, and the dog/kangaroo guys from Tank Girl, but with a longer snout. If you don't know, that's a dirty mix between a lion, a bear, a wolf and maybe a little of Venom's tongue (because I am a whore.)
22k words in total for both parts, I know, mental, but it's worth it ;)
Masterlist Part 2
Tires screech off of the road and onto a dirt path as Nancy turns erratically in her station wagon, the whole car shuddering in protest. Her hands are shaking on the wheel; so much so that you place a placating hand on her knee to try to calm her down. 
You didn't know Nancy, not really. Hell, you only knew Dustin because he came into the hospital for a nasty cut on his leg when he fell off his bike three months ago. Then all of a sudden he shows up in the emergency room covered in blood, grime matted into his curly locks and tear streaks cutting through the dirt on his face. 
He swore until he was blue in the face that it wasn't his, that he needed a doctor, anyone that could help. You tried and failed to convince him to call an ambulance but he insisted that no one else in the hospital would understand. 
There was something about the desperate look in his eyes. It was frightening; those innocent eyes were hard, harder than they had any right to be. Dustin had seen something no child should have had to witness. With Max being admitted blind and unconscious with both arms and legs broken, and all the talk about strange occurrences around town, not to mention the freak earthquakes, it wasn't difficult to believe. But there was something he was not telling you, you were sure of it. Who comes to the ER without a patient and begs a nurse to come with them?
A feeling had settled in the pit of your stomach. The same thing had happened when the mall caught on fire. A feeling that things weren't what they at first glance appeared. Something strange and unnatural was going in, you were sure of it.
Maybe that's why you stole a trauma kit out of an ambulance. Maybe that's why you got in the car, pushed into the front seat by Dustin and Nancy. Maybe that's why you're being bundled out of said car and running through the woods, bracken cutting your ankles through your scrubs and leaves whipping at your face. 
A light in the distance cuts through the dark, glowing and growing as you quickly approach. A small cabin, you see, ramshackle and falling apart. Stepping towards it, you're about to go in when a bellowing roar echoes throughout the woods and into your chest, vibrating your very lungs and stealing your breath away. The kind of roar that makes your survival instincts run wild, telling you to flee. You would listen to it, if your gut wasn't telling you that you were right where you were supposed to be. 
A minute later, Steve is slamming the front door open, looking dishevelled. There's crimson smeared on his cheek; two long cuts run from temple to jaw dripping blood. 
“Is he why-” 
“Henderson, what the hell dude! You can't just bring anyone here!” 
“I know Steve! She can help, she's a doctor-” 
“Nurse, actually,” you interrupt rather sheepishly. 
Steve rubs his hand through his mussed up hair and takes a pace backwards.
“Great, that's just great. When I told you to get someone-” 
Dustin's response is high pitched and hard, tuning through the clearing. 
“I did. I got someone! It's not like I could freaking advertise!” 
“Look, you said you need help. What can I do?” 
Steve and Dustin exchange dark glances. 
“Alright, you better come with me.”
He heads back inside and you follow quietly wondering what the hell you've gotten yourself into. 
The cabin is quaint, and clearly used to be a well loved home a while ago. Now however, there's a gaping hole in the ceiling and dust trailed across the living area. Robin is sitting on an old sofa, you remember her being in band at school. She looks terrible, cracking her knuckles and mumbling to herself incoherently. 
“He's through here.” 
You trail Steve as he leads to a door that's slightly ajar. Pushing it open with one finger he leans on the doorframe and gestures with the other hand at the most impossible thing you've ever seen in your life. 
“What… is that?” 
“That is Eddie.” 
There's a figure strapped to a double bed with strips of fabric bound to its wrists and ankles. Torn clothing is clinging to parts of it, and what skin you can see is a mass of blood and hair. No, not hair. Fur. Its spine seems wrong, curving more than a humans, and its fingers are thick and adorned with semicircular black claws. The face is not recognizable anymore. You see a huge maw, lips curled in anger with razor sharp teeth on display and spit gathering down its matted chin. That's been bound too; a leather belt wrapped tight around it, you assume to stop it biting. It writhes around on the bed, snarling and growling deep in its throat as various wounds bleed out in front of you. One of its arms, if you could call it that, is bent at an odd angle and seems to be limp compared to the rest of it. 
Standing there open-mouthed, you gawp at the thing.
“You said this is- this is Eddie??” 
“Listen, I know it's insane-” 
You step into the room, pulled by an invisible thread. It turns its head and looks straight into your eyes. Wide, warm eyes, full of pain, pleading with you. They're a soft brown, burnt umber, with a whisper of honey and summer days. Familiar eyes. Human eyes. 
“Its- his arm is broken I think, and these wounds… isn't he wanted for-” 
“He didn't do it. He could never. Just- just do what you can. Please. He- he's a hero.”
Standing by the edge of the bed, you reach out with shaking fingers to touch him lightly on the shoulder. He whips his head around, jaw inches from your trembling hand. His chest is heaving, arm struggling against its bindings. 
You kneel to his eye level and stroke softly at the tatters of his t-shirt. He looks panicked, wide eyes rolling like a cornered animal as he continues to struggle. 
“Eddie, I'm here to help you.” 
Nothing but low growls and broken whines come from his tightly bound maw. The thrashing intensifies; he nearly lifts the bed up with sheer force. Steve takes a step back, but not you. 
You climb up on the bed and straddle his floundering form. Blood smears your scrubs as you grasp his head firmly and turn it to face you. 
“Eddie Munson, you listen to me right now! Stop squirming and listen!” 
The silence is deafening, ringing in your ears. He stops his incessant battle against his confines and looks at you, the look of a frightened boy. 
Voice softening, you stroke at the newly grown fur on his cheek. It's soft and warm. 
“Eddie, do you remember me? We used to have English class together two years ago, with Mrs O’Donnell? You sat next to me. Remember?” 
A flash of recognition dawns behind those soft brown eyes. 
“You were late nearly everyday. You used to draw amazing things in your notebook, all sorts of creatures and symbols and I thought it was incredible. You- any time you caught me looking at you, you winked. You know I nearly failed that class because I was too busy staring at you, seeing what you'd do next?” 
His breathing starts to slow down, his heaving chest moving up and down almost rhythmically now. 
“You are Eddie Munson. You're in there, I can tell. I know you're scared, I get it, but I need to try and treat you. OK?” 
He breathes deep, and something akin to a nod happens which seems to hurt him judging by the way his face tightens. 
“Right. Stay still. I need to try and set your arm. I've got some painkillers in the trauma bag, so I'll need to inject you. Can you- can you blink once for yes, twice for no?” 
He closes his eyes slowly, tight shut, and then opens them again. 
“That's it, that's good. I'll be back.” 
Clambering off his huge form, you turn to Steve who is already clutching the bag in his hands. 
“That was- how did you do that?” 
Filtering through the bag to find what you need, you pull out a syringe and unpack it, and find the drugs you're looking for and start setting up the needle. 
“Listen, if I think about this too much I'm gonna panic, so shut up. I've never done this before.” 
A strange calmness has descended upon you. Taking the needle you move back to Eddie's side and find a vein in his muscular arm. 
“Eddie, I'm gonna inject you with some painkillers to take the edge off, OK?” 
One slow blink. 
“Good. You'll feel a scratch, doing it now.” 
Once the drugs hit his system you know they've helped as the tension seems to leave his body. 
“I need to set his arm, can you try and hold him steady?” 
Steve looks like he'd rather run for the hills, but to his credit he nods and approaches. 
“Right, hold up by his shoulder there, keep him still.” 
You untie his limp wrist and Eddie whimpers when his arm falls to the bed. 
“Now, Eddie, this is gonna hurt like hell, but once it's done it'll feel alot better.” 
Instead of counting down you just arrange his arm into what you think is the right place and twist in one smooth motion. 
Eddie's body convulses; you can see Steve trying to push all his weight into him, knuckles white from the pressure. The howling growl that rips from Eddie is muffled by the leather strap around his muzzle, and then it cuts off. 
Eddie is completely still. After a second, a snarling snore fills the room. 
“I think he passed out.” 
“That's probably for the best. Now I need two straight sticks or something, and the bandages from my bag. I suppose I need to splint this.” 
“What do you mean you suppose?” 
“OK OK! Jeez, you sound just like Nancy.” 
He jogs off to get what you asked for, and when you have your materials you tie his arm into a makeshift splint. 
“Now, there's trauma shears in the bag. I need to cut his clothes off and treat these wounds.” 
Steve fumbles through the bag as you get more bandages and gauze ready. He passes them to you and you methodically remove the scraps of grimy torn clothes, eventually leaving him in a pair of tatty looking boxer shorts. 
“Are you gonna, erm, cut those-” 
“I think we can leave those on,” you rush it out of your mouth, a little faster and more high pitched than you meant to. 
“Now, I need warm water and a clean towel or something.” 
As you work together, Steve following your directions, you clean and bandage each wound you see as best as you can. After what seems like forever, you're finally finished, collapsing onto the floor exhausted with your back flush against the wall to keep you upright.
“He's probably gonna need some antibiotics. Those bites looked pretty gnarly. Maybe a tetanus shot. Fuck, maybe a vet.” 
You huff a laugh with zero amusement in it as Steve sinks to the floor next to you.
“That was awesome, how'd you know all that stuff?” 
“I'm studying to be a doctor, and I read every chance I get. I'm a junior nurse. You get to see some shit in the ER. Nothing like this, but apparently I must have learned something.” 
“Sure did. You wanna go and get some rest? There's a bed next door.” 
“No, I'll stay here, keep an eye on him. He's gonna need food, and water though.” 
“I got it.” 
Steve gets up and leaves, returning with a chair and a blanket. 
“Thanks Steve. Is Dustin alright?” 
“He fell asleep on the couch, when he's awake we'll tell you everything.” 
He goes then, and you hear the front door shut softly. 
You ache, your back bending, contorting in a way that makes it burn. A warm blanket is covering your shoulders though, and the pillow underneath you is firm and fuzzy. There's an odd pressure on top of your head; it's slightly comforting. Risking opening one eye, yesterday's memories begin to flow into your consciousness. 
You're sitting in a chair, bent over Eddie's sick bed, and that's not a pillow. Your head is resting on a furry shoulder. Reaching a tentative hand upward you realise his huge paw of a hand is resting on your head. Fingers find coarse hair, rougher than the fuzz on his chest, and his thick fingers taper into a bone like claw, smooth and curved. 
With the patience of a bomb defusal expert, you lift his hand ever so gently and place it on his stomach. There's much less fur there, you see in the daylight, mostly skin and rippling muscle. It flexes under your gaze as his paw settles on top of it, absentmindedly scratching his skin in his sleep. 
Careful not to wake him, you sit up and stretch, hearing pops and clicks from your backbone. He looks peaceful, huge chest rising and falling gently. The hair on his head is still long, matted and dirty but soft looking. There's a fuzz on his cheeks, and that maw of his is no longer snarling in pain though his canines still jut out slightly. An ear peeks out from his curls, the flesh still soft and pinkish, but it curls into a rounded point with downy fur at the tip. 
Your eyes rake down, over his chest with the tattoo near his heart. The fur is thinner here too, and starts growing thickly in a long rope at his belly button, towards the hem of his underwear. A small gasp escapes you when you see the tent in his boxers. His member is pressing hard against the fabric, trying to break free from its cotton prison. It's thick, and clearly enormously long, your thighs clenching at the thought of touching it. 
Well that was unexpected. You tear your eyes away almost shamefully. Just look at him, he's almost monstrous. Stop thinking about his package. 
The door behind you creaks open, and Dustin is standing there. His gaze sweeps over Eddie, then sees what you just saw. Eyes widening comically, he slaps a hand over his face to block his view. 
You stand, shrugging off the blanket you had wrapped around you, and place it delicately over Eddie. Taking one last look at his peaceful features, you follow Dustin out. 
He and Nancy tell you everything. The demogorgon, the Upside Down, Will, Eleven, Vecna. It takes a couple of hours but you're patient, only asking questions to clarify some points. It's not like you don't believe him. After last night, you think you could believe anything. 
By the time he's done, Steve is back with food, dumping bags in the kitchen. 
“I took Robin home, she's in shock but she'll be alright. So how's Eddie Dog?” 
“Eddie Dog?” You question, brow furrowing. Dustin pipes up. 
“Demogorgon, Demodogs, Eddie Dog. I did think DemoEddie but Dog seems more-” 
“I get it. He seems alright, I think. I mean, he's sleeping. I'll have to check the arm, and see if he gets a fever or anything but that seems like the least of his problems.” 
Nancy speaks then, looking at you gently. 
“You're being really, calm, about all this. You OK?” 
“Oh I'm fine. I don't know why, but I'm fine. I sort of knew, deep down, what's been happening wasn't normal. Something told me I needed to be here, and I was right.” 
Steve nods, happy with your response. At least he doesn't need to worry about you freaking out right now. Nancy just purses her lips and doesn't say anything else. 
“I'm gonna have to untie him, you know. He needs to drink, and eat.” 
“I'll help.” Dustin stands up, but you wave him down. 
“No, I'll do it. He calmed down for me yesterday. I can do it.” 
You stand and walk back over to Eddie's room, pushing the door open carefully. He stirs, looking at you with one eye. 
“Eddie, how you feeling?” 
He snorts, trying to paw at the leather around his muzzle with his injured arm. 
“I'm gonna take that off and untie you. Are you… are you gonna be nice?” 
He settles in the bed, head low to his chest. You take that as the best sign you can get right now. Walking over to him slowly, he turns his head to you. His eyes are soft. 
You reach your hand out and cup his face gently, working the belt off with the other as you make shushing noises at him. You're not sure if they are for his benefit or yours. 
When it's off, Eddie stretches his mouth wide, giving you a flash of rows of sharp teeth, and a long, thick purplish tongue. He snaps it shut and licks his lips dryly. 
“You want some water?” 
He blinks slowly at you. His eyelashes are thick and long, and almost look weirdly feminine against his wolfish face. 
“Oh you remember that?”
Another slow blink. 
“Good. Let me get you some water.” 
You stand up but Steve's already at your elbow with a glass. 
“Hey Munson, still alive then?” 
Eddie stares at Steve for a second, lifts his injured arm up gradually, and unfurls his middle finger. Steve laughs loudly; relief coating it. 
“Seems like you're still you. Good, I can't handle Dustin on my own, he's exhausting.” 
A weird huffing noise comes from Eddie, almost a laugh. You hold the water up and he sits up slightly. No idea of how to get him to drink it, you tip up his chin and trickle some water gently into his open maw. He splutters slightly but manages to swallow it. 
“I'm gonna untie you now, OK?” 
He blinks slowly at you again and an unexpected warmth floods you. You begin at his feet; unbinding them, rubbing his ankles where they are red and sore, and rotating his feet around to get his circulation back. When you move to his bound arm he stares at you intensely, so much so it makes you blush. You take the same amount of time inspecting it, rubbing the redness away and circling his wrist. 
When you move your hand he grasps it awkwardly so you can't move away. An odd noise is coming out of his mouth, a drawn out rumble of sound. His eyes crease with the effort.
A word emerges. 
It's low, animal like, almost a growl, but it's a word. 
“Eddie, you can talk?” 
Tears spring into the corners of your eyes, though you don't know why. His face scrunches again, another bubble of growling sound forcing its way out of his maw. 
He looks like he's about to cry. You hold his cheek, stroking at the soft fur.
“It's alright, I'm sure it'll get better. You're just not used to it. I'll talk enough for the both of us, OK?” 
He blinks deliberately at you again. A moment passes where you just stare at each other. Shaking your head as if to clear it, you cross to the other side of the bed to look at his broken arm. 
“This looks… this can't be right. Eddie, does it hurt?” 
He blinks once. 
“OK, does it hurt a lot?” 
Two slow blinks.  
Untying the bandage, it looks almost healed. You change it, and inspect his other wounds. They look like they're already scarring, a mass of dried blood sticks to each patch of matted fur and skin but you could swear the damage happened weeks ago. They're healed so much that you take the wrappings off and don't bother to recover them. 
“They've healed. I don't know how, but look.” 
Eddie looks down at the scars on his abdomen, pawing at them in disbelief, causing dried blood to crust off in crimson flakes. 
“Do you think you can stand up? We need to get you clean.” 
He nods softly and you move to hold his uninjured arm to help him up. Placing two elongated feet on the floor, he manages to bend his knees and rise from the mattress. 
He's huge. Seeing him unfurl makes you realise just how huge. He's got to be at least seven feet tall, with a broad chest and thick, powerful legs. He turns to the door and whips you inadvertently. 
“Ouch, be careful with your tail Eddie.” 
He spins, turning to look over his shoulder and stares at you with wild eyes. 
“Yes, tail. Look.” 
His paw reaches and feels it, face twisted incredulously. He shuffles forward toward the door frame with it still in his grip approaching where Steve is standing. 
“Don't play with that you'll go blind,” he jokes. Eddie pats him in the chest with what should have been a mock hit, but the force of it pushes Steve back into the wall. 
“Woah, easy there, big guy.” 
You angle Eddie toward the bathroom and he ducks low, shuffling sideways through the doorway. 
“Hmm,” you say, thinking aloud, “no way you're standing under that shower. Tell you what, if you sit in the tub I should be able to clean you.” 
He stares wide eyed, glancing down to his tattered underwear and back up to you. 
“You need help, Eddie, your arms broken and you shouldn't get it wet. Don't worry, I've seen- no wait, I've not seen anything like this before, but I'm a nurse. I can help you.” 
Eddie continues to stand there, a low growl beginning to vibrate out of his chest. You close and lock the bathroom door, then turn back to him with your arms folded. 
“Enough of that, you don't scare me. Pants off and in the tub. Now.” 
Snapping his teeth in annoyance, he hooks claws into his underwear and pulls them down. As he clambers awkwardly in you briefly see his member hanging between his legs before he cups himself and settles down, squished in the enamel bath. 
“Right, stick your bad arm out to the side, that's it, let me get the water running.” 
You unclip the tiny shower head and turn it on, directing the stream to the plug hole until it's warm enough. Then, you begin to clean him methodically, rinsing all the blood and grime away. His fur is soft, muscles flexing under each gentle touch of your fingertips. You rinse his head of hair under the shower head, massaging his scalp, and a noise bordering on a purr exudes from him. 
You're not sure if you should use shampoo over his whole body, but since all you can find to scrub him with is some drug store 3 in 1 and your bare hands, you suppose that will have to do. You begin to lather his head, rinse it off, and start working down his torso. He squirms, getting more tense the further down you go, until he starts hissing at each brush of your fingers.
“Eddie, what's wrong?” 
Voice tight and strained through his tense jaw, he manages a word. 
“I'm sorry, I'm trying to be careful. Where does it hurt?” 
Throwing his head back, it smacks into the wall so hard the room shakes. 
“Eddie, I can't help if-” 
He looks at you and nods downwards towards his crotch, the one place you've avoided entirely so far. You follow his gaze and he awkwardly uncups himself. 
His cock is standing to attention, twitching and throbbing. The end is bulbous and as purple as his tongue, the shaft thick and long, snaking out from a base of matted fur. 
Your face glows with heat, blood pumping viciously to your cheeks. 
“Did- did it get, er, injured, yesterday?” 
He shakes his head, wincing with the movement.
“Do you want me to leave you for a minute?” 
It's practically a whisper. Eddie looks anywhere but your face. Moving his hand, he shows you that he can't hold around the shaft with his thick claws. 
“OK I get you,” you say, nerves shaking your voice.
You said you'd help him. You can just help him, right? 
“D-do you want me to help?” 
His eyes snap to yours, wide and wet. He doesn't move or say anything further, just stares. You reach down with your hand, checking up with his face. There's no change in his beastial features. Hesitantly, you cup the swollen head with your palm. He flinches, water cascading out of the tub, but doesn't take his eyes off you. 
Reaching down, you gather some lather from the grubby water and begin to move your hand up and down his bulky shaft. It feels hot to the touch, and solid as a rock underneath the soft feel of his delicate skin. The noise he makes is almost a sigh of relief, head leaning backward as his spine arches to your touch. 
You're struggling to get your hand around his thickness, so you extend your other arm and wrap both hands around his impressive length, stroking firmly up and down. Eddie starts whining in his throat, a desperate noise. He's thrusting into your grip, eyes rolling back in ecstasy. You start to feel throbbing between your own legs, a pulse thumping deep inside that's difficult to ignore. Focusing on your strokes, you push the feeling to the back of your mind.
You watch him instead, his chest heaving, legs beginning to shake as his dick leaks pre cum down your hands. Adding a twist to the tip of his head with each upstroke, he whimpers and whines in his throat. Impossibly, he seems to be getting even larger. You feel a bulbous growth at the base of his cock at the same time he releases, splattering cum over your fists, his chest, the water, his legs. You've never seen so much cum in all your life. He tenses all over, stifling a broken grunt from his maw. You go to move off him but he places a paw over your hand, a silent plea to keep you in place. So, you keep holding him firmly as his breath starts to regulate again. 
A few minutes later he lets you go, his cock still half hard and slightly submerged in the water. Not saying a word, you rinse him down, cleaning any remaining suds and sticky release off of him, not daring to look up at his face. Once that's done, you cough and stand up, grabbing a scratchy towel to dry him off with. As he gets out of the bath, water winding down the drain and gurgling in protest, you dry him off as best as you can, taking care to be gentle around the scabs and scars. The room smells like wet dog. Finally wrapping the towel around his waist, you step back, looking over his body to check if anything is bleeding. 
A clawed hand reaches to your face, the rough furry knuckle tucking under your chin, lifting it up. For the first time since it happened, you look back into his eyes, shame tumbling in your gut. 
“Don't mention it.” 
He gestures widely at his torso, and you snap back to your senses. 
“Clothes! I'll- I'll find you something to wear, just- just hold on. I'll be back.” 
You stumble quickly out the bathroom, back slamming against the shut door and close your eyes. 
What in the absolute fuck was that? 
You have no answers. Surely you were just being a good friend? A really good friend. It didn't explain why you are turned on so much, your own thighs feeling wet and sticky, slick dampening your underwear. 
Nancy approaches as you snap your eyes open. 
“You OK? Can I help?” 
“Yeah, er, we need some clothes for him. Big clothes. Real big. Is there… anything?”
“Hmm,” she says, “I think I saw some of Hopper's old things in the closet. I can go out? Grab some things?” 
“That would be great, thanks.” 
She nods, flashing a tight lipped smile, and grabs her keys from the side. You search the closet and find a white t-shirt and some sweats, returning to the bathroom to help him put them on. The top is a stretch; on anyone else it'd be baggy but on him it looks like a muscle shirt. After some minor adjustments to the pants, which included cutting a hole for his tail, they fit well enough. 
“Listen, Eddie, I need to leave.” 
He snaps his head towards you, whining. 
“It's alright, I've just got a shift at the hospital. Nancy's getting some more clothes for you, and Steve's brought some food. Go. Go and eat, and I'll be back in a few hours.” 
He huffs, but moves carefully to the living room anyway. You explain what's happening to Steve, making sure to tell him to change the bedsheets, and turn to the front door. As you're about to leave, you hear a low, growling word that shakes through you and makes your eyes brim with emotion. It's your name. 
You shower and change at the hospital, willing your shift to be over and done with. Managing to explain away your disappearance last night to your boss with a trite story of helping with Search and Rescue, you breathe in the relief that you won't lose your job. He even understands that you need a couple of days leave; after you hint heavily that you had lost your family in the earthquakes of course. It's a dirty lie, your family doesn't even live near here anymore, but he doesn't need to know that. 
With all the medical emergencies, you're rushed off of your feet, which at least makes the time fly by. After the shift you race back to your apartment, flinging things in a bag. Changes of clothes, a bunch of leftover food from the freezer, and a tape player with a few tapes that you hope will cheer Eddie up. You change as well, putting on a summer dress and tennis shoes, trying to convince yourself you're not doing it for him. 
It's inexplicable; you're aching to see him again. It's like a limb has been severed and the phantom pain is excruciating. Which is fucking mental to say the least. You barely know him, and he's… changed. 
Driving like a woman possessed, you reach the dirt turning in record time, slamming the breaks when you reach Steve and Nancy's cars. At least he's not alone. 
As you jog toward the cabin, you hear a roar, one so loud it dislodges birds from their nests, flapping anxiously to escape. The jog turns into a run as you fly toward the front door, unceremoniously slamming it open. 
“Thank Christ it's you! I can't. I can't deal with him. Please.” 
Steve looks drained, begging you with wide eyes. There's a fresh cut under his eye with a small bruise forming. 
“What the hell happened?” 
Nancy approaches, placing a thin hand on your forearm. 
“Eddie, he's… we can't do anything, he just keeps calling your name.” 
“Roaring it, actually,” Steve adds, looking at your hand with the bulky bag in it. “Are you staying?” 
“Yeah, well I thought, I mean- I live alone. No one's gonna miss me for a few days. The hospital knows, so yeah. I suppose I'm staying.” 
A crash next door makes you all jump. 
“Are you gonna-” 
“Yes, I'm going in there. I'll be fine.” 
As you tiptoe to the door, you hear Steve mutter, ‘she must be one of us, she goes towards the scary noises.’
It's nearly a whisper, but he hears, whipping around to face you. Before you can do anything he's striding forward and wrapping his fierce arms around you. You tense, expecting him to break your ribs, but you relax when the hug is soft. 
Your eyes scan the carnage in the room. The chair you'd sat on whilst nursing his injuries is in splinters on the floor. A cabinet looks like a bull ran into it, and there's glass under your shoes. 
The bed seems fine at least. Coaxing him gently, you lead him to it and perch on the edge. He sits next to you, not letting you go. 
“Eddie what the hell happened?” 
Unclenching his grip, he looks at you with tear filled eyes, anguish etched into his very skin. He's trying to form words, you can see it in the way he's concentrating, but they just won't come. Face screwed up, he balls his fist and howls when a claw digs into his own flesh, which only serves to exacerbate the ball of emotion that's fighting his insides. 
“It's OK, I'm here, just breathe.” 
His maw continues to open and shut, paw gesticulating wildly. You grasp it, being careful of his sharp claws, and try something else. 
“Alright, you can't use your words. That's fine, you can just let it out. Just like, awoooo!” 
You let out your own mini howl as he stares at you in disbelief. 
“Go on, it'll feel good. See? Awwooooo!” 
He stares at you with wide eyes, an almost amused look dancing within them. 
“See? I feel better. Awwooooo!” 
Shaking his large head, he gives you a side glance and tilts his head back to the heavens. 
It's long and loud, bursting in your ears as a wall of sound. 
“Eddie that was awesome,” you gush, hand reaching to wind fingers into his curls. 
“Are you OK, I heard- oh.” 
Steve bursts in and sees you smiling, Eddie staring at you like a puppy. 
“Right, now that's just- what in the- I'll just-” 
He leaves looking stunned, never finishing a sentence. A giggle bubbles out of you, a silly little thing that dances in your chest. Eddie reaches to touch your hand in his hair but the claws hit first making you flinch at the sharpness. He looks at you, pained. 
“It's alright, you didn't hurt me. At least I can do something about that. Come with me.” 
You guide him up and out the room. Steve and Nancy leap off the couch, staring bug eyed, on the cusp of running. 
“It's fine, he's just- frustrated. It's a lot to deal with. I'm sure he's very sorry for scaring you, aren't you Eddie?” 
The last words are directed at him and he looks down at his feet. 
“See? If you calm down a little you can speak. We're gonna cut his cla- his nails.”
Steve shakes his head, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, but Nancy? Nancy just smiles, looking between the pair of you, like she just heard a secret. 
“I think we should go Steve,” she says, holding him by the elbow to guide him towards the door. 
“But we- what if he-” 
“Alright, alright! Keep your pants on. I hope you've got food in that big bag of yours, ‘cause he ate three whole rotisserie chickens. Three! Bones and everything.” 
“We’ll be fine. Trust me.” 
Nancy drags Steve out the door as he's shouting over his shoulder. 
“We'll check on you tomorrow!”
The front door shuts and it's silent in the cabin. Coughing awkwardly, you look around the room searching, speaking as you do so. 
“Right, so, let's sort out the bedroom first.” 
A broom rests against a nearby wall, so you take it and sweep up the glass shards and bits of furniture and dump them outside. It's not perfect but at least you shouldn't cut your feet. 
“OK, nail clippers are not going to work. We need something…  is there a toolbox or…” 
Mumbling away, you finally locate a dusty red snapbox by the back door and extricate a pair of tin snips and a metal file. 
“These should do. Sit down Eddie, I'll put the TV on.” 
He does as he's told, carefully tucking his tail under as he perches on the couch. It screams with the weight but holds steady. 
You get to work, sorting out the claws on his feet before moving to his bearish hands. The TV mutters indistinctly in the background as you clip and file his claws to half their size; as close to his fingers as you dared. When you look up you see Eddie's gaze is transfixed on you. Ignoring the heat of his stare, you finish up, prodding the end of each nail with a finger pad. 
“See? No more scratching. Should be able to practise using your hands more too.” 
A heat rolls across your face at your own dirty thoughts. If Eddie notices, he doesn't say anything. 
“I brought some beers, you want one?” 
He can nod and shake his head now without pain, you've seen him moving with ease, but he chooses instead to blink slowly at you. Gasping a little, you get up and fetch the beers from the fridge and hand one over. It's tricky, but he manages to hold it, looking at you for validation. 
“See? That's great! You just need practice.” 
“Yes! That's really good, Eddie.” 
You beam a sunny smile at him but he looks down and away from you. 
“What is it?” 
Turning back with glassy eyes, he waves a hand at his new form. 
“Sorry, what?” 
“No! No, Eddie, stop,” you respond, holding one huge hand in both of yours, “you're not a freak. You're scared and, and different, and God knows this is a strange situation, but you're not a freak. You were never a freak.”
He brings one burly arm around your shoulders and hugs you tight to his chest. You can feel the pads of his fingers now, stroking at your arm. For some reason, that's what makes you cry. Tears fall unbidden, streaking down your face alarmingly fast. Eddie pulls away to look at you, eyes brimming with concern. 
“I'm fine, it's fine. Really. I just- I can feel your fingertips now.”
Eddie flashes the closest thing to a smile his new face can allow and laces his tough, furry fingers with yours. You sit like that for a while, drinking your beers and staring mindlessly at the TV. Eyes beginning to close of their own accord, you realise you need to go to sleep before you pass out. 
“I need to sleep Eddie. Hang on, I'm gonna go change.” 
You stand up, fishing a tank top and sleep shorts from your bag as well as a toothbrush, and go about getting ready for bed. 
When you return, the TV is off, and Eddie's sitting in a pair of plain black boxer shorts that Nancy must have bought him. 
“Eddie, do you think you can brush your teeth or do you need a hand?” 
He gets up determined and goes into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Trusting he knows what he's doing, you make your way to the spare room. The bed is tiny and there's no duvet or pillow, just a ratty blanket. 
Eddie appears in the doorway. 
You turn and he waves a hand at the bed almost in disgust. Taking you by the arm, he leads you to the main bedroom. 
“You, herrre.” 
He turns and the word is out of your mouth before your brain has a chance to wake up. 
As he looks at you expectantly, you blush and stammer over your sentence. 
“I mean, that other bed- it's too small for you Eddie, and theres- there's no pillows and-” 
Reaching out with a paw-like hand, he settles it on your forearm gently. 
“Yeah? If you don't mind, of course.” 
Without a further word he climbs onto the bed, covering himself with the duvet you'd found in the closet. You shut the light off and get in too, laying at the very edge of the bed, knees dangling over thin air. 
Eddie's not having that though. His arm swipes over and pulls you close so fast air leaves your lungs in a gasp. You settle into him, hand laying on his chest, a furry leg underneath your knee. 
“Goodnight Eddie.”
When morning rolls around you find yourself alone in the bed, a cold dip in the mattress next to you. There's noise coming from the kitchen area but it sounds contained; nothing like the sounds you heard when you arrived yesterday. 
The bandage and sticks you hastily splinted his arm with are discarded in a pile on the floor. The material looks like it had been ripped apart by sharp teeth. 
Padding out of the room on bare feet you see Eddie's back. The fur along his spine is longer and thicker than the rest, and his tail is swishing. It's sticking out of the hole you made in a pair of sweatpants as he wiggles a frying pan. 
“Morning Eddie. Your arm healed already?” 
He flicks a glance over his shoulder and flashes his canine teeth, waving the arm around to show you. 
“-orrning. Bet-terr.” 
“Are you making breakfast?” 
He points to a plate next to him where a haphazard tower of pancakes sit. 
You walk over, shivering a little. Someone's going to have to do something about the holes in the ceiling here. Making a mental note to speak with Steve, you cross the room and stand next to Eddie. 
“You need any help?” 
He shakes his head and gestures to the table. 
“Sit. Eat.” 
You pick a couple of pancakes up and put them on a small plate and unearth an ancient bottle of maple syrup from a cupboard. The pancakes are surprisingly good; you find a hair in one but don't mention it. 
“Eddie, these are delicious! Thank you.” 
“You'rre -elcome.” 
“And you're speaking so well!” 
He sits opposite you with an enormous plate stacked high with pancakes, offering another to you. Taking one more, you place it neatly on your plate. 
“Thanks but that's it. I know you need practice but we don't need so many-”
He picks up two and puts them in his mouth, barely chewing before swallowing and picking up three more. 
“-Oh. We're gonna need more food.”
Eddie nods, finishing the stack of pancakes in less than a minute. When he's done, his thick tongue lulls out to lick his fingers. It's so long, practically wrapping around each individual digit. 
Mouth hanging open, you snap it shut and close your eyes for a moment trying to will the hedonistic thoughts you're having to stop swirling around your brain. 
When you open them again he's staring at you intensely, a hint of amusement in those soulful eyes. 
Looking down to avoid that stare, you ask something that you've been dying to find out. 
“Eddie, can I ask- are you still, you, in there? Like completely? Or is it, different?” 
He looks away, seemingly thinking. It's a while before he turns back, face contorting with the effort of words. 
“Still -e, I think. Head… fog-gy. Hurrts. Prrractice.” 
You nod and reach for his hand, proud of him for his longest sentence yet. He holds yours gently; the thumb rubbing back and forth over your knuckles showing much better dexterity than yesterday.
A loud knock at the door startles you both, until you hear Steve's voice ring out.
“It's me, it's Steve! You alive?” 
Eddie rolls his eyes and you stifle a giggle. 
“No Steve, I died! I was maimed! Blood and guts everywhere!” 
You smile as you say it, winking at Eddie. Steve barges in, shaking his head. 
“Ha ha, very funny. Excuse me for caring,” he turns to Eddie, voice softer than before, “how you feeling, buddy?” 
Eddie flashes his teeth. 
“Good, awesome. Hey, did I miss breakfast?” 
“Sure did. Eddie made it.” 
Steve looks stunned, glancing back and forth between the two of you. 
“Yup, he did. All on his own. Actually, while you're here, we need to fix those holes in the roof. At least board them up or something.” 
“Yeah sure, I can do that, but I'll need a hand.” 
“I… can hel-p.” 
The boys get to work and you leave them to it. You busy yourself too; dusting and cleaning the cabin, hanging a sheet up in the bedroom as a makeshift curtain, and making a list of everything you need from the store foodwise. Then, you add even more to it, including four rotisserie chickens. 
Whilst food is on your mind, you make a huge pile of sandwiches and call them both in for lunch. Steve looks shocked at the amount of food.
“Woah, don't think we need all-” 
Eddie shakes his head and grabs two sandwiches, putting them both in his mouth at once. 
“Ah. Right.” 
“I think he needs a lot of food because of the injuries. He healed so quickly, I mean, he's got to get the energy from somewhere, right?” 
Steve slowly nods, looking at Eddie as he stuffs another sandwich in his mouth. 
“Yeah, I guess. Plus, look at the size of him.” 
Eddie swallows thickly and stares at the pair of you. 
“Can… hearrr you. Rrrude.” 
“Sorry, you're right, that was rude of us Eddie.” 
You reach a hand out and stroke his arm; his gaze immediately softens. 
“Wow, you're like, the Eddie whisperer or some shit.” 
Eddie growls in his throat. 
“Hey, that wasn't about you it was about her!” 
After lunch, they get back to work, completing the patch job on the roof in a few hours. By the time they're done, the sun is starting to set. Steve leaves the pair of you, taking the shopping list and promising he and Nancy will be back tomorrow with fresh supplies. You offer him some money which he swears blind he doesn't need, but you give it to him anyway. 
Once dinner is demolished, you and Eddie sit on the couch, watching some made for TV movie. Well, he seems to be watching it. You're uncomfortable, thighs clenching in an effort to put out the raging fire between them. Hyper aware of his arm over your shoulders, you try to block all the horny signals to your brain but it's not working. Huffing loudly, you bite your lip, shuddering at each touch of his gnarled finger pads on the smooth skin of your arm. 
“You good?” 
You glance up and see Eddie's eyes boring into you. 
“Yeah, of course, I'm great.” 
Flashing his teeth, he lets out a rough chuckling sound. You press your lips together firmly, refusing to respond. 
“You want me. You… want… this.” 
He points to his mouth, tongue dipping out past his sharp teeth, far longer than a tongue had any right to be. He twirls it in a little circle and puts the purplish muscle back in his mouth. 
“Oh really?” You reply hotly, “and what makes you think that, huh?” 
“Can scent.” 
Wordlessly, he points between your legs. Clenching your thighs harder, you glow scarlet, face igniting with such heat that it almost hurts. 
“Eddie, you can't just say that's it- it's impolite!!” 
Letting out a little howl of amusement, he strokes up and down your back with his large hand sending shivers through your spine. 
He's not wrong. Your panties are clinging to your wet heat uncomfortably, thighs sodden with false anticipation. Your blood is on fire, pumping fast and hard to your aching clit. It's bewildering; you've never felt so needy in all your life. He must be letting out some pheromones or something, brain grasping wildly at straws for an explanation. 
“-Orry. Just… you help-ed mme. I can… help you.” 
“I don't think- I'm not sure that's a good idea. I mean, your heads all foggy, you said, and, and-” 
“Want to.” 
He looks entirely serious, meeting your gaze with hardly a blink. 
Are you really gonna do this? 
Your body is protesting the lack of a decision, pulse thumping hard in your cunt as if to remind you of your predicament. It takes over, urging your hands under your dress to peel off your sticky underwear and put them to one side. Eddie doesn't move, waiting for you to speak, but you can see his pupils are blown, eyes nearly fully black. His snout is snuffling the air, tasting you through his nose. 
“Could you… please?” 
Tears are stinging your eyes at the discomfort. Eddie blinks once slowly at you, and immediately crouches to his hands and knees on the floor. As he crawls between your thighs, it strikes you that the movement seems more natural than him standing like a person. Gently, he slides your dress up your legs and pushes your legs apart with his giant hands. 
You're waiting for the first touch of his tongue, but it doesn't come. First, he smells you, inhaling your cunt so deeply that embarrassment blooms in your chest. The growling, humming noise that emanates from him vibrates into your very bones; it's laced with such desire that your thighs begin to quiver. 
Then, he tastes you; tongue lapping at your sex suddenly. You were expecting it, but you weren't expecting the sheer relief that flooded your senses at the first touch of his dripping maw. He slathers it all over you, cleaning your slick from the tops of your thighs, tongue slithering through your folds, around your clit, right down to your ass, as if he can't get enough of the taste of you. 
Whining and bucking your hips up already, he growls, holding you open with one brutish hand as the other pushes into the softness of your belly pinning you in place. You can see where his thick blunted claws push at your flesh, leaving dimples on your stomach. 
Then his tongue is writhing inside of you, twirling and dancing, hitting spots no other tongue could ever reach. Moans are ripped from your chest, the kind of sounds you would never dare to make before. Pathetic whines, hoarse shouts, screeching cries of pure pleasure. His snout is pressed firmly up against your clit; it's scrunched with the pressure, and each flick of his head makes him nussle it over and over. 
Despite Eddie's firm hand holding you down, you still manage to thrash about, legs twitching and back bucking uncontrollably. Your walls are convulsing around his muscle, fluttering with each pulse. He tongue fucks you in earnest then, knowing you're reaching that crescendo as your noises get even louder. 
You're beyond words. You couldn't tell him you were about to come if your life depended on it. The only word you can manage is a high pitched squeal of his name as your release floods out of you, slick gushing over his face. 
He laps it up, tongue washing over you as you collapse back into the sofa cushions, throat hoarse from yelling. There's an odd, murmuring grunt sound coming from him, the same sound over and over. As your ears finally stop ringing you release he's mumbling a word into you, almost incomprehensible in between licks. 
“Mine. Mine, mine… mmmmine.” 
Over and over he says it; like a mantra, a prayer to your cunt. Eventually you have to tug him away by his hair to stop him compulsively lapping at you. 
He looks up, dazed eyes starting to refocus as he pants like a dog. You pat the fur on his neck over and over, rubbing your fingers through it, your stare desperately trying to tell him what a good job he did. 
As he sinks down and sits on the floor, you join him, sliding off the couch and crawling into his lap. He holds you close, nose nuzzling your neck. 
“Wan’ kiss you.” 
You know what he means. He wants to kiss you properly, like a man and a woman kiss. Not like a beast. 
You cradle his head, making your hands appear tiny in comparison, and twist your fingers gently in his fur. Pulling his closed maw toward you, you press your lips against it softly, nudging his nose with yours like he did with your neck. It seems to placate his needs. He keeps his arms in a tight embrace around you as you move your heads as one, nudging your faces together, letting actions speak instead of words. 
For the second time in as many days, you wonder what the hell you're getting yourself into. 
“Eddie, come try this!” 
Calling from the kitchen, you mix batter in a huge bowl, trying to work out if you've used enough sugar. Technically speaking, you're not a chef. Far from it. The last cake you made sank in the middle so much it resembled a sad bundt cake. 
All you hear is muffled music playing from the bedroom. You go and investigate, spatula in hand, and gently swing the door open. 
Eddie's shirtless, his sweats hanging low on his hips, with his guitar slung around his neck. His muscles flex with every strum of his fingers, face screwed in concentration as he attempts to follow along with the tape.
Finally he glances up, eyebrows unknitting as he looks at you. 
“Wherre you find… the aprrron?” 
You'd forgotten about the apron. Glancing down, you see flour dusting it. You brush it off absentmindedly and look back at him. 
“Oh, it was in a drawer.” 
You giggle, cheeks flushing. 
“What you doing Eddie? Practising?” 
He huffs, taking his guitar and laying it gently against the bed. 
“Trrrying. Not good enough.” 
Exposing his teeth in a bestial smile, he walks over to you. 
“Yet. What you calling forrr?” 
He tilts his head, exposing the fuzzy tip of his ear through his hair, rough hand rubbing up your arm.
“Oh, I see. You could hear me, hmm?” You place your hand on your hip dramatically. He nods, crowding over you, making your breath hitch in your throat, as thick furry fingers stroke at your skin. 
“Well, I was asking you to try this.” 
You tap his nose with the end of the spatula, leaving behind a splat of uncooked cake batter. His maw opens in shock as you laugh. 
“Don't… do…” 
“What, don't do this?” 
You get him again, this time on his cheek, smudging the mixture in the soft fur. He raises an eyebrow at you, face stoic as he crosses his arms over the expanse of his chest. He'd look intimidating, if it wasn't for the batter dripping off his snout. 
“What you gonna do about it, huh?” 
He takes a step backward, unfolding his arms, and cracks his neck from side to side. His knuckles are next, popping with the stretch. Then, he starts growling out a low countdown. 
“One… two… thrrree…” 
“Oh, it's like that is it?” 
“...fourrr… five…” 
You run out of the room, flinging the spatula onto the kitchen side, and look for somewhere to go, but there isn't anywhere. This place is tiny. Jogging around the couch, you hear Eddie roar like a lion and your pulse quickens. He shoulders nonchalantly out the bedroom, crouching low. Adrenaline hits you as you try to work out how to get past. 
Attempting to fake him out, you run one way, then immediately double back, dashing around the back of the couch. Eddie's moves are a blur, husky arm scooping you up by the waist and dragging you over his shoulder in an instant. Kicking and giggling, you bash at his back trying to get him to let go, but you may as well pound on a concrete wall. 
There's a sudden rush of air and your back meets the wooden floor, landing with a soft ‘ooft’ noise. He pins you down, powerful legs straddling you, holding both your arms over your head with one brutish hand almost lazily. It easily circles both of your wrists. 
Taking his free hand, he scoops the mixture off of his nose and licks it with his tongue, twirling it around until every last bit is gone. You're breathing heavily. That display, teamed with him wrestling you to the ground so easily, has your heart thumping a tattoo inside your chest. 
He makes a face, scrunching his snout. 
“That bad?” 
“I know… what rrrather eat.” 
Flashing his pointed teeth, he runs his tongue over them, looking at you like you're his favourite meal. He leans in close, hot breath fanning your face. 
“You like this.” 
“No.” You say, even though you're trembling and hot all over. 
“Liarrr.” He says it whilst tapping his nose. 
He pushes his body against yours so you can feel his solid bulge pressing up against your core. Nothing can stop the whimper that gurgles out your throat, no matter how much you bite your lip. 
A warm hand paws at your breast over the apron as his tongue dances across the shell of your ear. Pushing upward with your hips, you make a futile attempt at escaping. Not that you want to, but the game is just getting good. He growls in your ear and the sound shoots straight to your cunt…
Then the front door flies open. 
“So we got- Jesus Eddie, no! Get the hell off her!” 
Steve drops paper bags on the floor as you both turn your heads to face him. Nancy's running in beside him trying to drag him backwards by the elbow. 
“Steve, I don't think-” 
“It's not what it looks like!” You stammer it out as Steve gawps. 
“What- what's going on!” 
Nancy turns him so he has to look at her, talking to him like a child. 
“Steve, when a man and a woman like each other very much-” 
His face immediately starts glowing scarlet. Eddie clambers off you and holds one hand out to lift you off the floor, hunching awkwardly to try and hide his erection as he takes refuge behind the couch. 
“Seriously? Him? He's- he's-” 
He gestures widely at Eddie. You hear a snarling coming from behind you so you hold a hand out to calm him, fingers meeting soft fur. Your eyes harden as you stare sternly at Steve.
“He's Eddie. He's just Eddie. He might look different but he's still here, and you're being… rude.” 
“You're right, I'm sorry,” he looks over to Eddie sheepishly, “sorry Munson, I didn't mean-” 
“Don't worrry, I… underrrstan’. Harrrd to rremem-berrr… even forrr mme.”
Steve looks surprised at how much his speech has come on, but he doesn't mention it. Instead, he holds out a hand, taking Eddie's giant one in his own and shaking it. 
“Listen, I got what you asked for, it should be all here. If you're both alright, we'll get out of your fur- shit- hair! Out of your hair!” 
Eddie snickers low in his throat as Steve tries to hide his face from his own faux pas. 
After packing the food away, and a couple of hugs and goodbyes, they leave you it. Nancy promises they'll be back in a couple of days to check in, and that they'll knock first. 
Once you're both alone you breathe a sigh of relief, turning to Eddie. 
“I'm sorry about him.” 
Eddie looks down, clutching the back of the couch. 
“I'm s-orry. Should have… ask-ed you out beforrre… this.” 
You round the couch and grasp his bicep in your hands, staring at his side profile. 
“Hey, hey, you didn't know this was gonna happen. How could you ask me out? It's not like you even noticed me really before, right?” 
Eddie refuses to meet your gaze. His eyelashes are dipping down, nearly kissing his cheeks. 
He rumbles a sound out, shaking his head, making his hair ripple about his shoulders. 
“I… lik-ed you. Wan-ted you. Was… scarrred. You werrre.. arrre… too good forrr mme.” 
An ache settles in your chest at his words, face creasing with anguish.
“Oh... Oh, Eddie, don't do that. I'm here now. And I'm not too good, that's just not true.” 
Your fingers wind into his fur, trying to tug him around but it's no use. You can see the tension in his arm underneath. 
So, if that isn't working, you'll try something else. 
“Seems I won.” 
His head turns quickly then, staring at you, muzzle wrinkled in confusion. 
“Our little chase?”
You wipe the remnants of cake batter off of his cheek with two fingers. He watches you intently as you bring them to your mouth, pushing them deep inside and hollowing your cheeks. Eddie grunts, maw extending open slightly as he swallows thickly in his throat. You suck hard, and pull your fingers out, running the flat of your tongue up and around them, leaving a string of spit behind. 
“I think you're right, that doesn't taste good.” 
Eddie's staring at you, eyes nearly black as his tongue lulls from his mouth, panting. 
“So, I won. I got free, didn't I?” 
Eddie's ribs are rising and falling distinctly. He steps toward you, the back of his hand dragging its coarse knuckles over your cheek. 
“Don't count… Caught you.” 
“Yeah? And I got free! So I win, right? Unless you don't think that's fair?” 
Snout nuzzling at your hairline, he breathes in your scent deeply and cups your face, pulling it towards his. You kiss his mouth gently, crushing soft lips against his hard jaw. He pushes his maw against you, opening his mouth and snaking his tongue between your lips. 
It's messy, tongues licking each other as spit pools and drips down your chin. His burly hand rests on the back of your head, covering it completely, forcing you to stay in place, while the other reaches down to grasp at the flesh of your ass. 
When you break away, you're both panting, breathing laboured and ragged. 
“Woah. Fuck,” you huff out between hard exhales, “you can kiss.” 
You're dizzy from the kiss, lips red and swollen, still slightly parted as his fingers trace down your back. 
“We werre… interrrup-ted. Don't count.” 
“Ah, I see. So what do you-” 
“One. Two… thrrree…” 
This time you fly from his grip and race out the room, considering the bathroom for a second before you dive wildly into the main bedroom. Eyes scanning as quickly as you can, you see a trap door at the foot of the bed. 
It swings open when you pull the rusted metal ring and you stick your head inside. It's little more than a crawl space, full of cobwebs and mouldy boxes. You scrabble inside and snap the trap door shut just as you hear a bellowing roar from the other room. 
He won't actually be expecting you to hide, and you're rather pleased with yourself at the spot you'd managed to find, laying on your back wedged in the stuffy space. 
The door swings open and you will your heart to slow down. Surely he can hear it hammering from here? It's thumping loudly in your own ears, blood whooshing through your head. 
The floorboards creak with each step he takes. When he falls to the ground suddenly, crawling on all fours, your thighs clench. 
“Sweet-hearrrt…I know you’rrre herrre… can smell you…” 
His sing-song tone, along with the growling purr of his voice had you biting your lip so hard you could taste tin.
You follow the shadow of his form through the slats, not daring to move, not daring to breathe. Suddenly his massive furred arm swipes under the bed, catching nothing but air. You slap a hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. 
He goes entirely still, pressing his snout to the floor, and sniffs between the floorboards. You can see his nose twitching just above your head.
“Arrre you… in the crrrawlspace?” 
He sounds impressed, finding the trap door only a second later. Light floods your hiding place as you try to wriggle your body away from him, but there's no room. In an instant he's got your ankles in his clutches as you shriek in protest, pulling you from the gap below. 
In seconds he scoops you up and hurls you on the bed as if you weigh nothing at all, then jumps on top of you, pinning you down as the bed springs squeak dramatically. 
“Cleverrr… but can't hide from mme…” He purrs, and leans closer to your ear, voice a deeper, threatening growl. 
“I can smell yourrr cunt.” 
You take a sharp inhale at his words. As if your pussy could understand him, you feel squelching wetness seep out, aching to be touched.
Eddie sits up, straddling you, and rips your apron and top in half as easily as tissue paper, exposing bare flesh. Greedily, he lathes his tongue from the nape of your neck down to your breasts, swirling it around each nipple leaving a trail of spit in its wake.
Your skin itches, flashing red hot, the throbbing between your legs becoming unbearable. You're whimpering, close to tears with the sheer need for him.  
“Eddie, Eddie please.” 
Wasting no time he climbs off the bed and yanks your jeans off in one go, not bothering to even unzip them, and does the same with his sweats. Standing fully to attention, his monstrous length looks painfully hard, throbbing purple. 
You hook fingers into the waistband of your panties to take them off, but Eddie slaps your hand away, and leans down, hot breath dancing over the skin of your thighs. Sharp teeth graze your abdomen, not enough to cut your skin but enough to leave angry red marks in a pathway to your sex. 
Then he's gripping your underwear in his teeth and ripping the flimsy lace off, leaving it in shreds. The feral gesture has you groaning out loud, thighs immediately opening to him. A thick tongue slivers through your folds, tasting you, until he presses a clawed finger to your opening, thrusting it inside with no warning. 
“Fuck, that- that feels so good!” 
Just like when he went down on you, that familiar rush of relief at his ministrations pours over you, nearly bringing you to tears. He moves up the bed, other arm holding him steady above your head so he can crowd your senses, intently watching your face as he fucks you with his finger. 
He forces another finger in making you cry out, small hand gripping at his forearm to try and slow him down, but his movements are unrelenting. 
“Eddie, too much, please-” 
He growls, the sound making you clench even more around him as he curls his fingers, keeping them painfully deep inside. 
“Have to. You need… to take me… prrrincess.” 
You nod your understanding as you wince at the stretch, but the discomfort melts away as your release slinks up your spine, heat pooling in your belly making you moan and push back into his grip. His rough palm presses harshly into your clit, thick skin slipping against the silken nub.
“See… goood girrrrl.” 
You clutch at his fur as your orgasm expels from your body, throwing your head back into the mattress as your cunt gushes around his grip violently. He purrs his satisfaction in your ear and pulls his fingers from you. Rubbing them over his pulsating shaft, he spreads your slick and holds his girth by the base. 
“Eddie, I-I'm ready, I need you.” 
Grunting at your words, he forces the swollen head into your soaked folds. Your eyes snap tightly shut as you cling desperately to muscle and fur. Seemingly unable to control himself, he thrusts his whole length straight into you, tilting his head back and roaring so loud that dust falls from the ceiling. 
You're expecting blinding pain at the enormity of his length but it doesn't come. Instead, that first thrust pulls a second orgasm from you, one so profound that it fizzes through your every nerve and leaves spots in your vision. The blazing heat of your skin subsides as you throb around him, your prior discomfort melting away entirely. The same sureness that settled in your gut when you arrived is back. This is where you're supposed to be. 
No words come from Eddie, just forceful thrusts and throaty noises as he fucks into you like an animal. He's on his hands and knees, one arm dipping into the small of your back, holding you firmly against him as he forcefully humps into you, using you. The slick sounds of your conjuncture echo through the cabin; all wet sucking noises, gravelly growls and high pitched moans. 
Suddenly he snarls, teeth exposed, and grabs you by the hips, flinging you to the floor on your front. Your breath leaves you in shock, wooden boards rough against your naked skin. Yanking your ass in the air by the flesh of your hips he forces his throbbing member back inside, fucking into you so harshly that it's hard to stay upright. You're slipping forward with each piston of his hips, arms trembling with effort. 
Eddie's panting, pools of drool gathering at the base of your neck, mixing and mingling with your sweat. A sharp pain cuts through all the pleasure, ripping into the meat of your shoulder, causing you to scream and tense up, pussy fluttering pathetically around him. It pushes you over that precipice once again, the hurt and the bliss intertwining into a mass of feeling, tangled and twisted, unable to exist without the other. 
His member swells, growing impossibly, and a bulbous growth locks in you as he releases with a desperate broken howl. You feel the pumping of his cum deep inside, coating your trembling walls, claiming you.
A minute or so later he's collapsing to the side, pulling you close with his bearish arm, still firmly buried inside your cunt. Time seems to stop as you both pant, gasping for air, tangled in his furry embrace. As his breathing finally slows, he manages to purr one word in your ear. 
Part 2
Taglist (if you want to be added please send me a PM)
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n
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plmp0 · 2 months
The Sex Love House PT 3
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Summary: Welcome to the love house where a lot of stories will infold, 7 participants will have a chance to live together in the same house for a mounth while still doing their normal activities, will they find real love in this short period? Or at least this is what ur friend want u to believe. Part 1 Part 2
Warnings: a very manipulative!jay, manipulative!sunghoon, manipulative!heeseung, ex!bf!Jake, everyone is a perv in this house, reader is clueless, shameless reader, kinda stalker reader, Siyeon (from dreamcatcher) is also part of this, this is a pure filth, explicit content.
Smut warning: hand!job, oral (f), cum eating, desperate Jake, kind of subby!jake, p in v, unprotected sex (cause it's fiction), overstimulation, a lot of teasing, i think that's it
A/N: This part was supposed to go out a long time ago but i forgot to save it and i had to re-write it again so it's not as good cause i got annoyed sorry. Also this is not proof read so there might be some mistakes and typos so yeah
It's the week-end Jake woke up today going straight to ur room knocking on ur door before entering, u were still in ur shower robe hands blow drying ur hair as he looked at u through the mirror "oh hi i was going to talk to u after i finish, we didn't get a chance to yesterday" u said upon brushing ur hair.
He noded his head eyes scanning u, u got more beautiful since the last time he saw u, he's ngl he forgot about u at some point but he just woke up one day having u running through his head, what could u be doing now? Did u get taller? Did u let ur hair grow? How many relationships have u been through? He had these small thoughts about u, but everytime his heart tries to soften to u, the memory of ur ghosting and its side effects come back to him, it was like a trauma for him, getting in the way of every relationship he tried to be in, always having doubts about the other part, not able to trust her fully, he really has abandonement issues now.
"There is no need to bring back what happened in the past" u said getting him out of his thoughts, u turned off the blowdryer approaching him eyes softening now that he is close to u, ur guilt kicking in immediatly "m so sorry for what i did, i know nothing can excuse what i did but i wasn't mature enough" u said holding his hand in urs, he cleared his throat avoiding looking at u, pulling out his hand gentely and that was enough for u to know that he didn't forget u.
U sighed feeling bad but deciding to brush off the topic "so tell me, what r u doing now?" U asked hoping to get rid of the awkwardness noting how he didn't let a word out.
He smiled shrugging "i took over my dad's work"
U smiled back remembering how sweet his dad used to be and how good he treated u "i hope he is doing fine"
"He is" was all he replied with, taking a seat on ur bed "ahh right! Do u want something?" U asked after runing out of ideas to lighten the mood, he sighed hands massaging his forhead "i just wanted to ask if u have some pain relievers"
"Ohhh? Ur head hurts?" U asked hands busy searching in ur drawer for the said pills, taking it out and handing it to him "here" he took it from u thanking u and putting it in his pocket .
U sat on ur chair facing him now forgetting that u r still in ur robe that is about to open in any second now, ur hair isn't fully dry u look so... so tempting Jake's eyes can't help but stare at u head empty only u running through it.
"U don't want the guys to know that we were together?" U asked after talking for sometime now without getting a reply from him.
He cleared his throat again " ah idk i didn't know if u'd like them to find out so i chose to not say anything" he shrugged, u smiled at him he is still considerate as always "i don't really mind but since we didn't talk about it the first time let's just keep it between us"
He smiled back wanting to stay with u longer, seeing u now in front of him again brought back his old feelings towards u.
U heard ur phone ring on the table behind u "excuse me" u let out softly turning back and stretching to get it without standing from ur seat, exposing ur bare thighs and a faint sight of ur blue panties to Jake whose eyes were boring into u tongue darting on his lower lip , he gulped hands sweating and itching to feel ur soft skin, u smiled at ur succeed attempt to get ur phone seating properly now and answering ur call, Jake's eyes didn't leave u even for a second scanning the way u pout whenever something is not pleasing u, the way u roll the end of ur hair listening to what's been said on the other line, lips smiling from time to time flashing ur white teeth, everything about u was beautiful and he miss having u for himself.
U made eye contact with him in the middle of the call mouthing a sorry, Jake only smiling at u as he waited for ur call to end (but wishing it to take longer so he can drink in ur beautiful features more).
U ended the call that was from one of ur co-workers asking u about some file u wondering why tf they want that in the week end, u sighed looking at Jake noting the way he is looking at u.
"That took longer than i expected sorry"
He didn't budge even when u waved ur hand in front of him, only waking up when he heard ur soft voice calling his name and he almost let a sound out from that "are u okay? U r spacing out a lot" u asked concerned, eyes looking at the way his adam apple boped down before hearing him gulp loudly.
He shakes his head like he was in some sort of trance head dizzy as he inhaled u r fresh smell now that u approached him " m fine dw" u sat next to him, resting ur back on the wall and he followed ur movement head titling to face u " u r still as beautiful as u were" he let out making u blush a little bit as u give him a thank u chewing on ur lips fingers playing with the hem of ur robe.
He massaged his shoulders letting out a small groan and u turned to look at him he really look so tired "do u want me to give u a massage it's gonna help u relax a little bit" u said.
And he stayed still for a minute thinking about ur offer before noding in agreement, u stood up going to take an oil u use whenever u wanna relax "come on lay down" u rushed him and he did "i think it'd be better if u remove ur shirt" u said as he removed it and tossed it somewhere on the bed, u straddled his back he pressed his face on the matress upon feeling ur weight on top of him, his body shivering when the cold oil met his skin ur hands following after, massaging his nerves skilfully, he shut his eyes his body relaxing while releasing soft groans every now and then.
U were so good with ur hands he almost fell asleep if it wasn't for the unintentional scrach he felt on his back, u just continued working ur magic ignoring the way his body squirmed, u smirked a little bit knowing exactly how he liked that, u kept digging ur nails on his skin saying a sorry with a fake pout whenever u do so.
He could feel his muscles tensing up again, his forehead now resting on his hands teeth biting his lower lip not wanting to let a sound out, but it was impossible at this point especially when u brushed ur fingers faintly over his soft spot, u knew his body so well doing the most to get a reaction out of him, ur competitive side kicking out until a moan skipped his lips making u stop ur movements immediately "ohhh?" U said mockingly leaning forward until ur lips met his ears "u r still the same Jakey" he whimpered his hips humping the mattress shamelessly making u chuckle "what are u doing?" U asked faking a confused tone as u moved from his body standing in front of him. Jake titled his head looking at u confusion written all over his face, u cocked an eyebrow at him as he didn't stop his movements his eyes boring into ur body that was all exposed for him at this point, the robe not doing any job at hiding ur skin, the small curls at the end of ur hair still wet arms crossed waiting for him to speak but he didn't, u sighed clenching ur jaw slightly leaning forward lifting his chin with ur index finger "where r u looking? My face is here" u exclaimed wanting to get something out of him but his eyes are fixed on ur lips, u dart ur tongue on them watching how his own mouth is open almost drooling at the sight of you. Jake has always been like that, everything u did used to turn him on, and it looks like nothing changed.
U chuckled softely kneeling on the floor so u can face him blinking slowely as u caressed his cheeks titling ur head and getting closer to him until ur noses touched u were planing to tease him a little bit more but he rushed kissing u like he was starving for years, his lips moving so fast tongue rolling around urs u let go of his cheeks one hand now around his neck while the other one is searching for his hair tugging slightly as he moans in the kiss.
U left his mouth panting for some air, u looked his way and u can't help the heat that went to ur cheeks when u saw him, he looked so fucked out just from a kiss coming closer to kiss u again "so eager" u thought
U kissed him again his hands holding onto ur thighs, Jake now sitting properly without breaking the kiss making u also stand and straddle his lap, u started rolling ur hips slowly his hands following your pace, his thumbs tracing circles on ur inner thighs, ur hand going from his hair to his neck applying a small pressure and he groaned in the kiss.
"Shhh" u warned him and he whined in return making u smile in the kiss as ur hands traveled to his pants, unbuttoning them and sliding them down his knees along with his boxers, he let a deep breath out his body tensing up as he waited for u to touch him, the anticipation killing him.
"Please" he managed to mutter out his dick twitching in the cold air as his head tilted backwards and a sigh left his lips when u wrapped ur hand around his cock.
Ur thumb pressed on his slit collecting the precum that is oozing from it and spreading it along his length, his grip on ur thighs tighten as his body shakes under ur touch, he moaned in the kiss the need of breathing making him part his lips slightly, his moans were so loud despite him trying to stay silent his eyes were rolling to the back of his head.
His hips started moving up to meet ur strokes as his moans increased in volume, u felt him getting close, ur thumb now pressing on his slit again teasing him by stroking the base and going to the top before repeating the same process.
"Baby" he moaned against ur lips as his hips buckled upwards his stomach and chest rising, his hands are gripping ur thighs tightly, his nails digging in ur flesh, his toes curling as his mouth parted in a silent scream the only thing coming out of his mouth was a gasp as his eyes rolled back.
His dick twitched a few times his cum landing on ur robe and his chest, ur eyes were scanning the view, his head was still resting on the bed his eyes closed, his whole body shaking still feeling the waves of his orgasm, he was so sexy like this, and u can't deny that the thought of him getting off just from u stroking him made u so turned on, u were sure that your panties were soaked wet.
He was catching his breath when he felt u getting off his lap, he opened his eyes, his chest moving up and down, his dick still twitching as he saw the mess he made.
"Fuck y/n im sorry" he said trying to grab a tissue but his body was numb and his mind hazy.
U didn't pay him any attention going straight to ur closet pretending to get another robe and discarding the dirty one on the ground.
Jake was looking at u his dick already hardening again his eyes were roaming over ur body his gaze fixated on the curve of ur ass and the way the blue panties hugged ur thighs.
He wanted to eat u alive, he wanted to make u cry out his name, he wanted to fuck u, and u wanted the same, his dick was pulsating against his stomach, and all his senses were focused on u.
U felt his stare, turning back to face him a smirk forming on ur lips as u took a step forward and his hands were instantly on ur waist pulling u down on his lap, he attacked ur neck kissing, biting and sucking on it, he didn't want to leave a mark so he didn't suck for a long time, he went lower until his teeth bit ur collar bone his hands pulling down the new robe as his lips met the top of ur breast leaving kisses and licks.
"Oh" a sigh escaped ur mouth as u tilted ur head backwards, his right hand went down cupping ur clothed pussy while his left hand held onto ur waist for support.
He started moving his fingers, drawing circles on ur clothed clit, he didn't stop the movement of his mouth on ur breast as u started grinding against his hand. Jake was like a starving man, his touches so earger, his actions desperate.
U held onto his shoulders for support as he pushed u back laying on the matress, his body covering ur smaller frame as he started sucking on ur right breast his hand moving away the panties and entering two fingers inside ur pussy making you arch ur back as a gasp left ur lips.
His fingers were hitting the right spot and he went to kiss you again, his mouth making it hard to breathe, the pleasure was too much, ur eyes were watering, and his dick was rubbing against ur thigh, Jake broke the kiss panting like a dog delivering kisses on you stomach as his thumb was circling your clit, u were so sensitive his every move was sending shivers down ur spine, he was so focused on pleasing you, and it wasn't hard for him to get the job done, it's like he has been dreaming about this for a long time, he was now on a face level with your pussy he groaned biting his lips before replacing his thumb with his tongue, a scream slipped your lips and your back arched high in the air, his grip on ur waist was bruising, he didn't want to let go.
He hummed upon tasting you his eyes closed tongue going wild making it hard for you to contain ur moans and u were sure by now that if Heeseung was in his room he 100% have heard you, his room next to urs and that just added to ur heat making u go crazy, you were close by now already worked out just from earlier, Jake's finger went deeper making you let out a cry hands tugging at his hair and he moaned upon that "Cum for me" he mumbled against your pussy, the vibrations of his voice enough to make u reach your peak.
You cried out his name legs shaking uncontrollably, head dizzy, and chest heaving, and Jake didn't stop licking on ur clit not even giving u time to calm down and recover from ur first orgasm, "No-omg" your hands went to pull him away but instead you found them back on his hair pushing his face closer, his tongue was so skilled and u can feel yourself getting close again letting out small cries , the feeling of his tongue was so amazing and u can feel your whole body burning up, it didn't take long before u came again squirting on his face this time.
Jake pulled away his lips wet, face glistening with your juices, his eyes dark, "That's so fucking hot" he muttered licking his lips and wiping his face with his hands, he was looking at you hungrily, his cock red and dripping with precum, you wanted him inside you.
"C'mon here" u said pulling him closer for a sloppy kiss tasting yourself on his tongue as you started moving your hips, both of you were a moaning mess, the need to be close was so strong.
"Jake" u moaned against his lips and he hummed eyes still closed "fuck me" you said and his eyes shot open his mouth hanging open his breath got caught in his throat, and u smiled at him softly you were always a fan of his reactions always acting like he hasn't heard these words before as if it's his first time and you were sure that he was now going crazy, ur words made him feel like his heart is about to explode.
He didn't hesitate to get between your legs, his dick rubbing against ur wet folds as his mouth went to suck on your neck, your hands went to his back leaving red scratch marks as his tip was pressing on your hole, the need to enter was strong his eyes scanning your expressions as he entered you, a satisfied sigh escaped both of you lips, you were so warm and wet around him he didn't have any energy to start slow, his thrusts were hard and rough his hands holding onto the sheets as his hips met yours with a slap, the air was filled with your moans and the sound of skin slapping, the bed creaked underneath you and you could hear it hitting the wall, it's not a surprise if u end up with a hole in the wall, and he was going so fast he didn't give you a chance to adjust his cock hitting the right spots, "fuckk you feel so good Damn" he groaned his hips moving by themselves his head dropped enjoying the way you feel around him, your hands went to his back pulling him closer wanting to feel him deeper, his chest was now touching yours, his skin was so hot and he was sweating a lot, you can see his veins popping his mouth hanging open as his forehead was touching yours, his thrusts becoming more aggressive and it was hard to catch your breath, you can feel yourself getting close for the third time tonight your stomach twisting and your eyes rolling to the back of your head, Jake's hand moved away from the sheets gripping the headboard as he was slamming into you loving how you moan his name, he was close, so close, his dick twitched inside of you.
He was so lost in pleasure he had other plans for you but he forgot about everything focusing only on the delicious feeling of you he swear he hasn't felt this good since being with you, he doesn't know why but u just enjoys it more when it's you, his thrusts were now unrhythmic moaning as his hands went to the pillow and you let out a surprised yelp when his other hand grabbed a fistful of your hair pushing your head back loving how you look for this angle ,his cock was throbbing and pulsating inside you the knot in your stomach was so tight and you could feel yourself reaching your peak, Jake was grunting his eyes shut curses leaving his lips "fuckk fuck fuck" and you could feel the tears building up so sensitive from the previous releases and it was a matter of time before both of you came at the same time, he pulled out after spilling his seeds all over your stomach.
He let go of your hair and collapsed on the bed next to you, both of you were panting your minds were blank and the air was still thick, the room smelled of sex, Jake's hair was sticking to his forehead, his chest was moving up and down, the only sound in the room was the heavy breathing. You were laying there trying to come back from the high, you looked at Jake his eyes closed, his face still sweaty and red, your eyes moved lower, his chest and stomach are covered with his own cum and he didn't seem to mind.
You chuckled "what?" He asked eyes opening to look at you.
"Look at the mess" you said pointing at his stomach, he sat up a little bit checking it out wanting to say something but he stopped after seeing you crawling, ur hands dropping his body back as u leaned down collecting all the cum that was on his body licking it up making sure to leave no trace behind Jake had to slap himself to see if he was dreaming, his eyes were bulging and his mouth was dry 'fuck you are so sexy y/n" it was too much, too many feelings all at once, it was hard to control the heat pooling in his groin and he can feel himself getting hard again, he let a deep breath out when you stopped to show him the cum u collected before swallowing it.
"Fuck so dirty" he said pulling you for a heated kiss, your tongue battling his for dominance, he was already hard again his body was aching for u and u couldn't help but rub your pussy against his shaft.
"Please" he begged, and as much as u wanted him you were sure that your body can't take anymore, already sore from yesterday and the events that took place minutes ago.
"Next time Jakey" u said pecking his lips and he whined, his hands went down to rub your pussy and u let him, u were sure that you can't do it but a few moments later u were bouncing on his cock again.
You sighed after what happened Jake stayed with your for a bit helping you move to the shower wanting to help but u stopped him wanting to relax for few minutes and have an alone time and he nodded pecking ur forehead and leaving. You took longer than intended cleaning your body lazily, you went out expecting to find a mess in ur room, ur robe thrown on the ground along with ur panties and the sheets wrinkled but instead everything was neat your clothes on the basket another sheets on the bed and that alone made your day.
Jake was sweet and caring as always and ur heart ached with guilt, ur mind was still in shock from everything but you didn't have the energy to spend a long time thinking, you dressed up wearing a long blue dress with a small slit on your left leg, drying your hair only with a towel putting on some perfume and walking out. U heard some noises on the living room and u followed finding everyone except from Jake and Siyeon sitting on the table having breakfast
Jay's eyes followed your every move his jaw almost dropping, the sight of your thighs driving him insane and it was so unfair, "wow y/n u look so beautiful" Heeseung said devouring you with his eyes and Joy nodded her head while Sunghoon didn't say a thing his eyes scanning u head to toe while stuffing his mouth with food, Joy pulled the chair next to her patting it for you "come on". She is such a sweetheart and u can't help the smile forming on your lips, you took the seat sitting now between her and Sunghoon and across from Heeseung and Jay, a small groan slipping Jay's lips when he saw u sitting so close to Hoon, his eyes were dark remembering yesterday's night but he wanted to take care of you today not liking how he let u go without helping. He grabbed ur plate putting a big amount of various food and handing it to u making u chuckle "i don't think m gonna be able to finish this but thank u" u said softly making him smile as well "enjoy, u need to regain ur energy".
Joy and Heeseung were talking about something but u can't pay attention u didn't realize how much hungry u re until u had ur first bite of food. "I thought u were going out this morning" Heeseung asked eyes not leaving ur face wondering what kind of excuse u'll make after he woke up to ur moans and you could feel ur cheeks heating up remembering the events that took place just few hours ago, u cleared ur throat shaking ur head "i changed my mind" u replied trying to avoid eye contact and laughing awkwardly afterwards, Heeseung grinned nodding his head pretending to believe u "Ahhh i see" he said. Joy's eyes roamed on the table "Where is Siyeon?" she asked particularly no one and Jay answered "She still have things to do at her house but she'll be back this afternoon"
"Where is Jake?" Sunghoon asked after a while and Jay was the one to answer him again "He left few minutes they called him from work"
U nodded, it was obvious that he didn't want anyone to find out, "How did u sleep last night?" Heeseung asked u and Jay chocked on his drink while you almost spit your food, Sunghoon who was taking a sip of his tea was now coughing loudly, Joy turned to look at him her eyebrows raised "are u ok?" She asked and he gave her a thumbs up eyes watering, Heeseung was laughing at the reaction of everyone his eyes meeting with yours and you could feel the heat on ur cheeks. "Oh my god u look like a tomato" he commented still laughing and u kicked his leg with ur feet under the table so embarrassed wishing that a black hole could swallow u and take u away from this place.
Sunghoon was now smirking loving to see u in that state remembering meeting with you yesterday when u were about to head to ur room after getting out of Jay's room sweating, face flushed and lips swollen ur robe closed messily and ur hair was in a very terrible state, u stopped at ur steps upon noticing his shadow turning to see him in front of you and u really tried to act normal but there was no point of that at that rate, so u just decided to do what u do everytime = running to ur room and die from shame! u hated that it's Sunghoon who caught u all the time and u weren't sure that u'd be able to look at him the next day but u managed to do that somehow. The table went silent again until Heeseung spoke again "i was just asking cuz it was too cold yesterday and the heating system wasn't working for me so i went to ask u if it works for u but u wasn't in ur room"
"Ahh yes" u lied "i was probably in the kitchen i got so thirsty and i didn't bring water to my room before sleeping" u mumbled, ur words beating u making Sunghoon laugh again impressed by ur ability to lie that fast. Heeseung and Jay were grinning knowingly, Joy didn't seem to understand the whole situation but she shrugged continuing what she was doing on her phone. U finished eating not daring to lift ur head again rushing to clean the table and do the dishes and u almost tripped, ur legs still sore from earlier if it wasn't for Sunghoon who catched u his hands around your waist holding you close, he chuckled his lips next to your ear his hot breath tickling you "are u still thirsty?" he whispered making u push him away chewing on ur lips, he chuckled again "just kidding watch out ur steps" he said tickling ur chin and leaving, making u freeze on ur spot questioning wtf was that about before walking out to the kitchen.
Jay followed u the thought of u doing the dishes while obviously looking tired not clicking with him, he insisted to do them instead asking u to have a rest in ur room, u sighed defeated and went back to the living room not wanting to spend ur time alone knowing that u'll just gonna be having unnecessary thoughts so u hopped on the couch laying there next to Joy who was watching some random insta reels and she smiled creating more space for you "what are u watching?" u asked her softly, Joy positioned her phone to match it with ur sight "just some reels" and u nodded watching videos with her while talking about some random stuff, u sighed the mic on ur back making u uncomfortable, "u should sit in the middle" Joy suggested but u shook your head "it's fine" you replied and Joy frowned not satisfied but she didn't say anything.
After some minutes Sunghoon walked to the living room sitting accross from you, his eyes not leaving ur body and u tried not to meet his gaze, his stare was so intense and intimidating and u wished he ignored u like earlier, "y/n" he called your name and ur heart skipped a beat it was probably the first time u heard ur name skip his lips, Joy looked at him raising her eyebrow but watching ur interaction quietly "yes?" u answered voice almost unheard and Sunghoon smiled, he loves when ur all shy and awkward with him, he cleared his throat before speaking "u wanna go on a date with me?" he asked u making ur eyes widen u certainly was not expecting this from him especially and u were wondering for a second if u've heard him correctly "uh?" u managed to let out and Joy couldn't stop herself from giggling next to you, Sunghoon didn't lose his charming smile making ur insides melt not even bothering to repeat his question, u looked at Joy for help, this situation almost awkward, she was smiling at you encouraging you to give him an answer, "umm... sure" u said after some moments, Sunghoon was waiting patiently and he seemed happy with your reply and Joy clapped her hands excitedly "great then it's settled" she said and u could feel yourself drowning, not knowing what to do and what to expect ur face as red as Joy's phone case ur eyes still looking at Sunghoon who didn't drop his smile now smirking at u, his eyes so intense making u question ur respond "i hope i don't regret that" u mumbled only for u to hear.
This part has been sitting in my drafts for a long time sorry :( but yeah this was not how i wrote this part originally nd it really sucks that i didn't save it but yeah hope u enjoy ^^ the next part is gonna be super intense, spoiler: it'll be both Sunghoon and Heeseung focused and oh god this duo is a lot!
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missyandthemisfits · 13 days
Tokyo Rev - Sexual Orientation Headcannons
18+ Random Personal Headers
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Mikey - Pansexual
Doesn't really go out of his way to find mates, truly they just find their way to him. Has a slight preference to women but that's just because boobs are awesome. 
Draken - Hetero with a capital HETERO
He knows what he likes and he's never questioned it, really. Has the idea of it crossed his mind? Yea. Nothing against it either, just not for him. 
Baji - Questioning 
He's pretty sure he's into women, but between the age of 14-17, really finds himself questioning these sudden specs of romantic feelings for certain dudes...no one is the wiser.
Chifuyu - Straight with Bi Tendencies 
Chifuyu is very into women - but also he'd be lying if he said he's never uh...experimented before. Decided the only pegging he enjoyed was with/by a beautiful woman.
Mitsuya - Bi
He has fairly recently discovered he is indeed attracted to men and women and he's fairly comfortable coming out to his people too. He's confident enough to wear it pretty proudly after a very short insecure period. 
Hakkai - It's giving Gay
At some point in life, Hakkai realizes that the real reason he's so awkward around women is because he's aware he's 'supposed' to want to date them and find them enticing but...doesn't. Men are more his speed and he's starting to be okay with that. Has yet to tell Taiju-
Smiley - Straight, but has dabbled
Smiley will try anything once - and has, but it's not his thing. Just thinking about a woman in a lewd position drives him insane, men just don't do it for him. 
Angry - Questioning (but may or may not have a preference for women)
The thought of romance in general kinda scares the crap outta him cause he's always wondering if he's doing enough or if perhaps he's doing too much - so given that, of course he hasn't settled on a person, or sex, of choice. Whoever it is, he just wants to make them happy - inside and outside of the bedroom
Kazutora - Believes he's Hetero, Turns out his Bi
Kazutora is well into his adulthood when he finally figures out he's attracted to the same sex as well as the opposite sex and while he doesn't necessarily like the idea of a relationship at first, he grows to understand he needs that sort of intimacy. Once he starts, he can't get enough of it.
Akkun - Straight, but has dabbled.
It was less about curiosity for him and more of a getting caught up in the moment as some dude, equally as drunk, came onto him. The kiss was fine...but he quickly decided it's not his cup of tea.
Takuya - Demisexual 
Takuya is into men and women but even more so, he's into emotional intimacy and connection. You can be the most attractive person he's ever seen but if there's no real connection, there's 0 chance of you guys being more than friends. Thems the breaks.
Taiju - Very Hetero
Taiju is strictly a taco eater, nothing to question and no reason for any complicated discussions with himself - he knows what he wants and needs and what he NEEDS is the bodacious body of a curvy woman-
Yuzuha - Bi with wavering preferences 
Yuzuha is bisexual but goes through phases where she's either only looking for men or only looking for women. She's got no idea why she's like this, her brain is just wired like that - can relate!
Kokonoi - Bisexual
Of course he's into men and women, he doesn't have a real preference either. Either is just fine - but he does like them very pretty, long eyelashes and all that jazz. He thinks he's not picky, he totally is. 
Inui - A Lazy Pansexual
Romance takes quite a bit of energy, energy that Inui could be using for other "more productive" things - but also he likes... I dunno, everyone? Like, he genuinely does not care what you identify as, if he's down he's down.
Ran - Straight and promiscuous 
He is, I kid you not, damn near insatiable sexually. Only gets it on with women and has only really had a few real relationships, but he's had more than his fair share of lovers.
Rindou - Demi, Sapio 
Eh, he's not much of a people person if we're being completely honest. Doesn't discriminate against sexes, just doesn't wanna waste his time with meaningless sex. Despite his complicated titles, he's very simple to please and is a fairly easygoing partner.
Senju - Lesbian with Straight Tendencies 
@me if ya want, but Senju is someone who adores female companionship above all when it comes to relationships. She can kiss dudes no problem and has had several crushes but she can't really see a future with them.
You can’t convince me Takemichi isn’t not so secretly Bi
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wepsi · 2 years
Don't hover, SIT on my face- Solomon(smut)
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(Not my art, go follow @ obangye on Instagram!)
Female reader, established relationship
Cw: face riding, blow job, 69, fingering
This one turned out a lot more light hearted and kinda funny
Scenario: Being a little inexperienced with sex (a virgin), Solomon offered for you to sit on his face instead. What does that mean?
"What did you say again?"
"I said... you should sit on my face."
"How am I suppose to do that?"
Solomon using his hand to shape the air like your ass and plot it on his face, he looked so serious but you couldn't help but laugh.
"Now come here honey I'm waiting."
He was sitting on the bed, you hop on and crawl on all fours towards him, and he lets out a playful purr. You plop yourself in front of him, waiting for instruction. Solomon starts undressing you, looking at you with hungry eyes and a cocky smile. He pulls off your top, and unbuckles your bra with ease. He gives one of your nipples a teasing pull before undressing your bottoms.
After pulling them off he pulls you into a make out session, grinning into the kiss excited for what's about to happen. He lightly nibbles and sucks on your lips, pulling away he jokes.
"Now that I've tasted these lips, I want the other pair, turn around beautiful."
Blushing, you obediently turn around on your all fours, and feel Solomon lay on his back to slide under you, giving your ass a smack. You feel kinda self conscious to have yourself on full display, and try to cover yourself which gets your hands swat away by Solomon.
"Ahhhhh this is embarrassing, don't look."
"Honey you look so sexy right now, don't try to hide it, ok? now sit."
You don't want to hurt him, so you gingerly try to lower yourself over his face and stop at a hover.
"Don't hover, SIT on my face!"
"I don't want to hurt you Solomon!"
"You can't hurt me love, I WANT you to suffocate me, squeeze me with those thighs. If this is how I die I would die happily."
Finally believing him, you plop down and take your seat, earning a satisfied grunt from Solomon. He gives you a thumbs up reassuring you he's fine, and rests his arms to wrap around your thighs. This way he can adjust how much space and pressure there was, Solomon wasn't exactly weak. Sitting nervously on top, you feel him begin making out with you from below.
You weren't sure what to do while he was lapping below you, you begin playing with your chest like you would if you were masturbating. Solomon was hungrily lapping at you as if you were his favorite meal, catching your clit with the tip of his tongue. All you could hear is the slurping noises and your own whimpers. It felt so so good, starting to grind on Solomon's face he gives you a few more playful spanks.
Opening your half lidded eyes you notice his very obvious bulge, it was just right there. You lean down to unzip his pants, and pull his throbbing cock out. Solomon grunts against your entrance, sending a vibration through you that felt so good you almost lost your balance. You give his cock a few clumsy pumps, and decide to taste him as well. Fitting his length in your mouth, it was hot and twitching.
You do your best to bob up and down, feeling happy when he rewards your effort with grunts against your cunt. Just when you felt like you got a good rhythm going, you feel a finger slipping in your pussy. Seeing you jump, Solomon lets out a chuckle and starts fingering you the same rhythm you set. Not wanting to cum first, you upped the pace of your hand over the parts of his cock you couldn't fit in your mouth.
Then you feel Solomon speeding up the pace as well, ohhh this is a competition! You start trying to fit more of him into your mouth, slightly gagging which made him whimper, ha! Just when you thought you won Solomon slipped in a second finger, which made you pause in ecstasy. Both of you trying to out do each other, him fingering you and lapping and sucking like his life depended on it; you fondling his balls and gagging on his cock and tasting his precum.
With both of you frantically pleasing each other, and moaning and groaning on each other's sex. You were getting close to orgasm, your legs squeezing around Solomon's head. You let out a final moan and cream all over his face, juices running down his cheeks,seeing that he won Solomon finally releases as well, pumping his seed all in your mouth. It tasted slightly salty and bitter, doing your best to swallow it all, you sit up to check on your boyfriend.
"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry I squeezed your head."
Solomon looks up in your eyes, cocky grin on his face from getting you to cum first. Licking his lips, which makes your heart skip a beat,
"Of course not, if getting my head squeezed like a watermelon is how I go I would be ok."
Straddling his lap shyly, you give him a kiss, tasting your juices on him, you tell him almost in a whisper,
"I think I'm ready to actually do it."
"You aren't joking are you?"
Solomon's eyes widen, you give him a reassurance smile and a peck on the lips. Solomon pulls you as close as he could, and says before devouring your lips,
"I hope you aren't planning on doing anything tomorrow dear ;3"
Part 2 maybe? comment if you want one
Check out my master list for more content <3
Check out my kinktober list for more content <3
I feel like Solomon is pretty playful, and I lowkey chuckled writing this
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iloveblogging2 · 5 months
Blue lock boys reacting to you telling them your pregnant
warnings: angst, teenage pregnancies, mentions of getting an abortion (a lot), heartbreak etc
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He loves you.
Everything about you, the way you act, your beautiful smile your encouraging personality, your rosy lips that just turn him on and makes him think of stuffs he shouldn't be thinking of
he really does but not like he loves soccer.
in the few seconds you told him about your pregnancy he has already analyzed how his life will take a turn if he accepts and takes care of the baby.
he won't have time to play soccer.
he can't become the best striker.
if he is here for you he wont be here for soccer.
all because he had sex too young.
like ego said you make your own destiny
"please get an abortion" he said piercing you with his deep blue eyes
"what" you asked you couldn't believe your ears
sure he had soccer and blue lock but at least he should accept the baby.
he isn't gonna leave you alone is he?
doesn't he love you
"abort the baby" he repeated "or i'll break up with you''
you couldnt believe your ears
this broke his heart but he had to continue he couldnt ruin his futeure because of a child
"i do' he replied ''thats why i'm asking you to abort it'' he said puttimg a hand on your shoulder
''so'' he began ''i'm leaving for the bluelock camp again so please abort the child or ill deny ever dating you'' he threatened
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''man what a hassle'' he accidentally said out loud
he didn't mean to sure that's how he felt but
He adores you
I mean
Sure you sometimes- most of the time you annoyed him sure but he did care for you.
especially the time when you just obeyed him
that wasn't normally your bubbly energetic and stubborn personality would do but for nagi you were willing
Nagi and you deserved each other.
you were still young
but you thought this was love
he made you smile when you think about him
which was everytime
everytime you think about you him
aaah you just wanna get married already and have his kids
that was probably why you agreed easily to have sexual intercourse
that means he feels the same way you thought
so why was he saying this
surely he didnt mean it right?
‘’sorry’’ he hesitated before he continued  
“i dont think i can be a father, i have blue lo-” 
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Note: he is still a new character and i know nothing of him
‘'Are you sure it’s mine?’’ 
You and Charles have been dating for a while. 
And while you barely see him because of his soccer career and neo-egoist league- you still loved him. 
So when you found out you were pregnant you were elated 
Since a baby is involved he would spend more time with you  
After all its his child involved 
You smiled when you thought of charles playing soccer with his little son 
What would we name him you merrily thought 
So it hurt hurt you a lot when he asked you 
‘’Are you sure it’s mine?’’ 
“w-what” you replied in disbelief 
“i mean” he yawned “i don’t know maybe you cheated on me” 
“h-how c-could y-you s-uggest th-a-at" you asked tears welling in your eyes 
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go 
“woah don’t cry i-i just mean that maybe it’s a- mi-stake yeah, look im not ready ready to be a father and to be honest i dont think i like y-” 
You burst into tears 
You're so annoying Charles thought  
He liked you but you just annoyed him in ways soccer could never 
Soccer never asked for attention and tried to baby trap him 
You made his heat skip a beat but no the way fighting a strong opponent in soccer did 
When he thought about you- the rare time he did he smiled but when he thought about soccer it didnt just make him smile – it brought out a whole new monster  
He can neglect and insult you but not soccer never soccer  
To a normal person this sounded ridiculous 
Soccer was a thing, a sport, a way of life to egoist like him. 
YN was a human being- not that special 
She didnt bring out a whole new ego- she was boring. 
Also he knew if he accepted his role as the father of the unborn child he’ll have to spend more time with yn and not soccer 
So he had to break it off right now and maybe convince her to get an abortion 
“listen YN......” 
Notes: Charles is a new character and i know nothing of him
if you have any requests you can ask me
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cellophaine · 2 years
Silk Thread
Kinktober Masterlist
Pairing: soft!dark!Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: Breeding kink – soft!dark!Matt, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive tendency and behaviour.
Author's Note: Happy Halloween!! 👻
Going out with a bang. Literally. I can't believe this is the last Kinktober prompt 😭 I hope that you guys enjoyed what I had to offer for this past month!! This is definitely not the end of my smutty slutty Matt phase (which had gone on for well over a year), but until next time when I have more depraved thoughts and ideas for our little hoe 🖤 P/S: I do have a face-riding prompt to write coming next month so ... 👀
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GIF Credit: @mrssylargray
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When the inky darkness of the night draped itself over the New York sky, you often found your eyes drifting over to the window, where the fire escape was. You kept the window slightly ajar in the hope of finding your frequent visitor standing outside, casually letting himself in. It was an open invitation, and he hadn't taken it on since over three weeks ago.
Matt came and went. He never stayed, but he always left something behind each time he stopped by. Love bites on your chest and neck, carefully hidden by your hair, high-neck tops or scarves. The ache between your thighs that you could feel for days afterwards for no one could satiate it. You never knew the next time you'd see him, and he always made sure you would miss him long after he was gone with something that only you knew.
There was something different about tonight. You jolted awake to the feeling of Matt nosing at your neck, kissing and sucking on your sweat-clasped skin. He spread your thighs, which were pliant to his handling, and slotted himself in between. You could feel the familiar hard length poking at your thigh, seeking release in your tight cunt. You didn't know what got into him or why he was here after ignoring you, but the marks he was leaving on your skin felt too good to stop, and the thoughts soon escaped your mind with each breathy moan he drew from you.
You reached for a condom from your bedside table, but he stopped you with a hand on your wrist, deepening the kiss by pressing you into the bed. It struck you as unusual because Matt had always been careful about it, which was why you always had something ready. His deadly reticence gave away nothing. Matt continued to prolong the silence as he gave himself a few pumps before breaching your entrance with his cock. You gasped at the intrusion, squirming in his hold, your mind sensing something was off. Yet, your body had already submitted to him, reducing your thoughts to how good he felt in your weeping core. You could feel the mushroom tip when he pulled out all the way, just to plunge into you again. The thick girth, the smooth skin and protruding veins were all in their naked glory, and you could feel it all. The foreign feel of his bareness punched the resistance out of you, rendering you pliant with his thrusts. His hands caged your wrists, making it impossible to escape. You tugged on the shackles, and a broken sob escaped your lips. Matt answered your with hard thrusts of his hips, pistoning into you like he had no other choice.
"Did you have anyone else while I was gone?"
His grave tone was very telling, yet all the same confusing to you in your docile state. You muttered between breathy moans, for he continued to punish you with his hard thrusts.
"N– No…."
There was only him. You didn't care for anyone else.
"Then why am I smelling another man on you?"
You broke through the stupor at his stern and reprimanding tone. You looked at Matt, eyes wide, to see the furrow of frustration in his brows, the frown on the beautiful curves of his lips. All with his hard, deep thrusts into your greedy cunt. You realized he meant it, every word. He exuded control, even in this situation when he was supposed to let go, forget, lose himself in you, and allow you the same things.
The scent he mentioned that had you scrunch your nose with a mild aversion was strong, repugnant, and belonged to Jude - your colleague. You went out for happy hour with some people from work, and Jude felt more than friendly with you after two drinks. He draped an arm over you, and despite your polite and firm rejection, he kept pushing for something more until your mood was soiled, and you left abruptly.
You figured Matt caught a whiff of the other man's cologne, and he was not happy.
"No, no, there is only you. No one else."
He pulled out, which made you whine at the loss. Your hips jutted up to find his cock, begging him to spear into you again. You groaned in frustration, swatting a hand on his firm chest. He kept teasing you with the tip of his cock, barely touching your folds, driving you crazy, and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Please … I missed you. I need you."
You wouldn't cry, but at that moment, you felt like you could. All in the name of his cruelty.
"Prove it."
That was all you needed. With one leg hooked over Matt's thigh, you maneuvered him onto his back to put yourself on top. From your new point of view, he was divine. Hair ruffled, unseeing eyes shone with a hint of mischief and please, full lips parted and inviting for all the troubles you could find yourself in. You wiggled your hips, finding his cock with one hand before sinking down on his girth until he bottomed out inside you. The wide head reached your end, nudging at that spot inside you that made your brain fuzzy. You couldn't help but shudder, revelling in the feeling of him going deeper than before. After a long moment of soaking it all in, you started bouncing on his cock, settling into the familiar rhythm you missed. A hand grazed your thigh until it dropped onto your hip, helping you to meet his upward thrusts. The tingling sensation raced across your spine, making you arch into him. Matt drew your breast into his mouth, sucking on the supple flesh sloppily. His tongue flicked over the hardened nipple, teasing your frazzled nerves with his skillful mouth. The composition of needy moans pouring from your throat was silk in his ears, hauntingly beautiful. It made him ache for you when he couldn't come around. You brought his hand to your chest, giving the scarred knuckles and long fingers a squeeze. He understood your wordless beseech and started playing with your bosom in his rough palm.
Matt pulled his skilled mouth from your breast with a pop, his unsighted eyes hooded and dazed with lust.
"Look at you. So desperate for me. Use me to get off."
With your current position, he went impossibly deep. He pressed a hand to your tummy, feeling the little bulge there every time you lowered until your folds met the heavy base.
"Take me so well. You want my seeds deep in your guts, don't you?"
You couldn't manage an answer, only pathetic whimpers. Matt's words stroked a fire in your lower belly, spurring you to pick up the pace.
"I'll pump you so full of my cum, you'll feel me for days.
You threw your head back, feasting yourself drunk with his bedroom talk.
"I'll fill you up until you're swollen with my child. Others will know you belong to me."
Your eyes snapped open as you faltered, and your pace gradually slowed. There wasn't a hint of frivolity on Matt's face in the way he planted his footing on your mattress so he could fuck up into you. Your heart was torn between the sheer exhilaration from his want to possess you in that way and your uncertainty about the same thing. But you didn't have a choice in the matter as Matt locked you in place with his hands on either side of your hips, pulling you down onto his punishing thrusts. The only way you could go was up and down.
The squelching of your cunt on his cock was sinful; your juice created an obscene, messy ring at the base, coating his balls in your arousal. Your walls squeezed him tightly, and a corner of Matt's lips lifted in a complacent smirk. He knew when someone was afraid, and you were far from it. Even though you didn't say it, deep down inside, you were excited at his promise of putting a child in you. He wanted to mark you in every way possible out of fear that you would slip away from his grasp. What he didn't know was that every atom of you had already belonged to him.
You believed him and his threat, punctuated with hard thrusts. Matt's face contorted in a euphoric determination with deadly focus as an indication of how much he meant it. Matt was jealous, which showed in the way his arms were shackled to your body, chaining you to him while he rutted into you, taking you, claiming you as his. Not even the bounds of your bedroom could stop him from letting anyone who dared to make an advance toward you know that you belonged to him. You would be swollen with his child, and that would be enough for when he wasn't around.
His possessiveness over you and the fact he wanted to pump you full of his seeds made your core flutter, milking him for all his worth, forcing him to fulfill his promise. You wanted to feel his spent leaking out of your folds as you dozed off from exhaustion so he could fill you up again when the morning came. You locked him between your thighs, your walls clamped tight onto his aching shaft, begging him for the hot fluid you deserved. Matt came with a broken grunt, spilling deep in your guts, triggering your own release. His warmth spread in your core, painting your inner walls white with a generous blessing, and you could feel it trickle down due to your position on top. Matt put you on your back again with a swift and effortless shift, with his cock still inside. The movement stirred at the spongy spot inside you, ripping a sharp cry from your throat. Matt found your hips with his hands, angling your bottom so his cum would stay inside. There was so much that it overflowed, the white fluid seeping through the snug space between his cock and your abused cunt.
Matt pulled his softening cock out and ran two fingers through your wet folds, pushing his cum back inside you. You stayed like that for a long moment, Matt's hands stroking your clammy skin softly, bringing you down from the high. Matt placed a kiss on your sensitive clit, tasting his essence and yours, satisfied with how his seeds had stayed in their rightful place.
He gently placed you on the bed again, pulling the ruffled duvet over your naked body before getting off; the mattress dipped with every movement. Tears stung your eyes as you could hear the familiar rustles of clothes. But this time, you didn't let them fall to your cheeks. You grasped at his wrist, putting a stop to his automatic routine. You wanted to have him to yourself, even if it was just one night.
"Stay with me. Please."
Matt could pretend he didn't know what compelled him to stay, but he knew it was you. The sheer vulnerability in your voice. The little quiver that you tried to hide. Every little thing about you. It was strange to see you slip through his reserved demeanour, reaching for something you found within him. Something that made you want him. After what he had done moments before, Matt would condemn himself for lying to you, for not securing his place in your personal space. He deserved it, Matt thought, with a little uncertainty and his hope high. He deserved you.
Abandoning his clothes on the floor, Matt climbed into your bed again. Once he settled down underneath the duvet, you gravitated towards him, putting a tentative hand on his torso, afraid that he would deny you of something so small and insignificant. But he didn't push you away, and you quickly succumbed to the fatigue, much easier and better with his warmth.
He would leave once you fell asleep, Matt told himself. But he, too, surrendered to your warmth and safety, something he thought he would never find in anybody else. When the morning came, Matt would find himself drifting closer to you, his limbs tangled with yours. And for the first time in a long time, he would feel peace instead of the constant need to run, to hide, to conceal himself. Matt would stay then, and many nights after that, for he was in no rush to be anywhere else but beside you.
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*Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!*
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mrstsugikuni · 1 year
Hi! I was one of the people who had sent an ask! Basically I had asked for a Muzan x f!reader, collge au. I had thought of Y/N losing a bet to her friends and having to kiss Muzan as a punishment. However, Muzan wants more and they end up in bed together?
Ooooooo yes yes yes yess 😍😍
I'ma have a lot of fun with this one 💪🏻
Warnings: Oral sex(Reader receiving), vaginal sex, creampie, unprotected sex, and a possible breeding kink.
'What did I get myself into.. I can't believe I lost to a dumb bet and now I have to kiss Muzan.. literally the hottest guy on our campus!' I thought to myself as sweat dropped from my face class was about to be over meaning I would have to face my punishment.
There it was the bell, everyone rushed out the room except for me I was still a little nervous and don't get me wrong I've had a crush on Muzan since freshman year back in high school but he got a little distant when we got in college he's always busy so I can understand but now I have to kiss him and I was scared he would feel different and reject the kiss, but I have to do this.
I silently made my way to where he usually was over by the campus doors and before I approached him I turned around just to see my friends watching behind a tree giggling like little girls who just go their favorite doll for Christmas.
"Hey! [Name] haven't seen you in forever how have ya been?" His voice was deep yet calm and it was just so dreamy I missed his voice so much and hearing it is like music to my ears. "Oh! I've been great Muzan, and you?" I smiled at him with adoration, he was just so perfect. "Oh same old same old, always busy with something, did you need something?" That's when I remembered, The bet! The punishment! Oooh the punishment.
"Yeah actually. Um could you maybe come a little closer I have a secret for you." He nodded and leaned over to hear your "secret" and before he could get closer to your ear you kissed him. His whole face went into a state of shock before sinking into the kiss, his right hand latched behind your head and his left was on your waist keeping you in place the kiss was passionate and spicy blanded together.
After a while he pulled back a smirk plastered apon his beautiful features, his red cherry eyes staring into yours love was in his eyes but there was something else In those eyes there was something more sinister lying between his eyes. "Y'know skipping never harmed anyone especially if it was just once." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine as lust sugar coated it's way on his tongue. "I suppose just once is a innocent crime." You looked him up and down and smirked he chuckled at he wrapped his arm around you and guided you to his apartment, as the two of you walked off you flipped off your friends who were now shocked at what just happened.
Not even a second into his apartment and he was all on you leaving love bites all over your neck as he left his mark on your soft skin, the whole up the elevator was nothing but the firey passion y'all felt for each other, His lips were addictive and sweet and you couldn't get enough he was like a drug to you and you wanted more.
When the elevator stopped at his floor he picked you up, your legs wrapped around him as he ran down to his room, giggles filled the halls as he continued to run with you in his hands the giggles only stopped and we're instead replaced by a loud thud. He threw you against his room door as he struggled to get the right key out.
When the door finally opened, he took no hesitance in slamming it and running to his room and throwing you on the bed. He stopped for a while and took in the beautiful view he had of you, it was magnificent he loved every inch of your body and couldn't wait to see it with out clothes. He began to take his shirt off his toned body was a sight for sore eyes he was gorgeous, you went to repeat what he did but he stopped you. "Allow me." He grabbed the hem of your shirt and slowly pulled it off, he pulled you close to his chest as he reached over your body and unclipped your bra letting it fall to the floor your boobs pressed against his chest as the passion in your eyes grew by the moment. He slowly placed you back on the bed before kneeling in front of the bed and where your clothes vagina played, he slowly took off [Clothing wear of choice] exposing your soaked panties it looked like a pool down there and he enjoyed every inch of it, before pulling your panties down as well. He stared at it for what seemed like forever not giving it any physical contact and it made you feel embarrassed. He continued to stare at it a little longer until his lips made contact with your sensitive bud sending chills up your spine from the sudden contact, his tongue danced with your clit making you feel so good and warm inside, as sweet noises erupt from your throat your hand finding it's way into his black locks and gripping it, a little a grunt could be heard as he continued to lick and suck your clitoris at a rhythm.
You can feel tight knot in your stomach as you arrive towards your climate. Your body shook out of control as the knot came undone, catching Muzan off guard as your juices covered his face. "Perhaps give me a warning next time?" He said chuckling right after taking his hand and wiping away the slick from his face.
He stood up from the kneeling position he was in, his hands reaching for his belt and the sound of metal touching as he unbuckles his belt. His eyes never leaving yours as a staring competition was started. Without even noticing his pants were lying on the floor next to him and he was stroking his cock right in front of you, his smirk only growing as he watched your eyes widen and your face turn red. He stopped stroking it and began crawling on top of you asserting his dominance. His lips leaving kisses all over your neck as he slowly aligned his cock to your pussy, Without warning he pushed his way in, just his tip was in and you knew you were in for a ride, he slowly kept making his way in sinking his cock through your tight walls. Suddenly with a swift movement he was all the way in and you felt so full, it didn't last long as you felt him slowly pull out, Your whines filled the room from the loss of his cock that was until he slammed back in and a loud yelp echoed through the room, he repeated that action keeping a rough yet slow pace. Skin slapping against skin, moans, grunts, groans, and pants were the only things that could be heard. Suddenly he flipped you over, your stomach facing the bed but your body kept upwards and your back was arched deliciously, he loved this position. Now he has access to everything better, He wasn't being slow and rough anymore he was being fast and rough his pace never resting and only getting faster. He was getting close to his climax and so we're you, his thrust were starting to get sloppy yet he kept his pace the same your moans getting more broken, your eyes were lost in the ceiling and drool ran from the corner of your mouth you were lost in pure euphoria and so was he. Yet again the knot in your stomach came undone all over his cock and your moans got so loud you knew the neighbors could hear, just hearing that moan led him to his climax, his semen filing you up from deep inside your walls painting it a lovely white color.
He kept himself inside until he knew his semen would stay in there, slowly pulling out before going to the bathroom to clean himself and prepare you two a nice warm bath to relax in.
Ok ok oml! I hope this was good cause like I had to rush it a little at the end cause I have to do stuff but I think it was really good!
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athousandbyeol · 9 months
discussion #12 (only friends): lightness and darkness as prominent motifs, subtle sensuality, obscured intimacy, and the idea of 'seeing' each other through different senses [episode 5 recap]
goodness. what an episode.
honestly, there are so many beautiful things happening in episode 5. so many. it feels like a fever dream. a literal dream. it's surreal.
this episode really highlights the softness— the fragility of topmew's love and their overall dynamic when they've finally stripped themselves naked from all the facades they've been wearing from the start of their relationship until this point.
subtle sensuality, obscured intimacy and fragile softness
the sheer softness. the soft touches. the hand holding. the i'm willing to do anything for you. the loving gazes. the sweet smiles. the i love yous. promises were made. walls were shattered. they're finally on the same page.
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so much is going on, but we're seeing their interaction in pieces. the close-up shots, the focus on their faces, hands and gestures, everything is just so intimately done and wonderfully executed. i can't express how breathtaking these shots are. it feels so inclusive. as if it's just them and no one else. but we, as the audience, are meant to see this in fragments because (i believe) we're supposed to view this scene from mew's perspective.
in a whimsical and crazy manner (that i can't explain eloquently), we are in mew's shoes, and we're witnessing the moment he falls for top— mew finally coming to terms with his feelings for top. and everything is just so soft and delicate and fairytale-like because this is mew's idea of falling in love, of love itself— genuine, secluded, tender, just two people and no one else.
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the shyness is still there, but it's also welcoming. and the part when they undress exudes warmth, happiness and playfulness. i would say, there was a very profound giddiness wafting around the air between them. additionally, there's also trust, something both of them have been teetering about for god knows how long. it's honest and raw, and they're very nervous (mew, especially), but it's okay. they have each other, and that's all that matters.
and i personally love how their making love scene is subtle and not explicit. it fits so well with mew's character; reserved, somewhat shy, and values sex as something sacred and pure. so this is very important to mew, and he wants it to be special. it's not for our eyes to see. despite them doing it near those see-through glass windows, it juxtaposes the fact a portion of mew's love for top and his virginity is only for top to see. not us. mew is willing to show bits and pieces of his love and sex life, but not all.
and it also illustrates top's respect for mew's likes and dislikes. it's different from when he did it with boston (both in public places) because it was just sex and nothing more. sex out of lust, hopelessness, anger, betrayal. but mew is not sex. mew is love and respect and happiness and forever. top truly treasures mew. his breaking point— his weakness.
lightness and darkness
again, i want to applaud forcebook for nailing the blind dinner scene. i'm just so in awe i stopped breathing when the whole scene unfolded.
the connection, the whole idea of not seeing— relying on their senses— the throwback to episode 1 when mew said, i can read people well, and top remembered, and that made mew feel special, only one— he finally believed he's the only one in top's life. so wonderfully done. hands fumbling. fingers intertwining. and that part when everyone faded, and it was just them, and there's finally more light— while we (the audience) knew it was supposed to be pitch black— but it was a moment of epiphany for mew— he knew top was the one. he loved top now. he believed it.
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they're seeing through each other, and forcebook acted out this temporary 'disability' very well! from the movement of their hands, the hesitation, the fear, but also the trust they have for each other: insane.
and it's also interesting how this scene played so much with light and dark. it explains the idea of mew and top in a state of vulnerability where they couldn't see, and with one vital sensory down, of course, they'll be more careful/cautious of their surroundings. in this state, i assume, is when their feelings are the most raw. somehow, i perceive this scene as a portrayal of honesty. since they couldn't see anything, it pushed them to rely on each other, to trust one another, and this brought out the best of top or the real top (mainly), and it was the awaited moment for mew.
all this while, mew needed that confirmation. he wanted to be assured that top was the one, but it didn't come as easily since top constantly toppled the trust he built. but here, mew broke his own walls by accepting those feelings whole-heartedly. sadly, i also believe this will cloud mew's judgment in the future. love makes a person blind; that is mew in the future episodes. he'll punch ray, his best friend, for spewing shit about top, his boyfriend, the person he loves most. but we all know it's going to be ugly as their first confrontation begins afterwards. it must have something to do with top finally telling the truth. //i'm preparing myself for the emotional whiplash next week offers.
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side note: kudos to p'book and p'force. their acting here is very convincing. they made us believe they were really in the dark and couldn't see anything. i'm just so proud of them. i really am :')
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and i love that they're in the light when mew accepted his feelings for top as something more than just an experiment— this notion of falling in love that had been playing in his head finally came to life. and it wasn't overly done, in my opinion. there weren't pink hearts or love emoticons or anything per se— but the slow-mo, the bright light (amid the supposedly dark dining hall), and the idea of 'seeing' each other through the darkness— a gorgeous illustration of falling head over heels for someone. and it's insane how in this scene it appeared as if they could 'see' each other— they're looking at each other, and not through each other. it somehow indicates mew's ideas of who top is, are completely gone now. this is top in mew's eyes. this is the top mew loves— in the dark, in his truest form.
speaking of that...
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it's so amazing how top is now in the dark (masked by the shadow) when he was always in the light. i look at this scene as top finally showing the real him. this is top— in this darkness— no longer hidden behind the confident mask— this is the top mew likes, and this is the top he wants mew to see.
light, in top's world, is attention, fame and reputation. so, to see top in the dark, bare and stripped of all those qualities that fed his ego, from the faces of top mew was never fond of, is liberating.
and it's mew on the spotlight now. he's shining, and this is how top sees mew— he's always the light in top's world.
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i can't form coherent words. the light and dark as the prominent motifs in this scene, are so perfectly shown in my opinion.
side note: this light and dark metaphor is also evident in episode 2 when top shares his trauma with mew. however, top was still shone by the light more than mew. it's because top's feelings weren't as deep as now, but he was slowly opening up to mew. and vice versa. mew was in the dark because even when they talked about top's fear, mew was doubtful. yet, there were rays of light on mew's face (towards the end) as they lay on the sofa and slept the night away. again, reaching equilibrium.
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these topmew scenes in episode 5 took my breath away for good. it was an excellent portrayal of intimacy, honesty, shyness, happiness, truth and love. i haven't been that speechless and mindless since moonlight chicken and a boss and a babe. a big round of applause for forcebook (and of course, the directors) for this. i'm so proud of forcebook. i'm just, so proud.
i'm so excited to see mew and top break each other's hearts starting next week. and i think by then, we'll see more of forcebook's incredible acting (it's p'book's time to shine, i reckon), and i'm buckled up for the emotional damage they're going to put me in.
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (i) | 4 (ii) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12]
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Car Hookups
Pairing: College AU! Oboro Shimurako x Fem! Reader.
Summary: You and Oboro regularly meet up late in his car for sex.
Warnings: Smut, Car sex, Oral sex (make receiving), Intercourse (P in V), College AU, Casual sex, Protected sex (the second time I've remembered to use a condom in my works), Slight hair pulling, Reader sends Oboro a nude and Oboro jacks off to it, Masturbation, Oboro and Reader smoke weed, So sex whilst on drugs?
Writing Time: 40 minutes.
Word Count: 930.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 12.
Not the first time an imagine of mine has turned into a fic. Oh well. I love Oboro and would love to write for him more so please send requests for this boi! Car sex is hot so I'll definitely be writing this again, I can't believe I haven't before. I purposely didn't add Oboro's exact dick size here because it's supposed to be the reader's idea of the perfect size, which is different for everyone.
Here are my other Kinktober 2023 works.
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It had become normal now, leaving your dorm late at night to run out and meet Oboro in his car for a dicking down.
This had become a regular thing for you two. Having sex in the middle of the night in his car. He would text you around 11pm asking if you was busy or available to meet a few blocks down from campus.
You had always said yes and ran down there to meet him. You couldn't quite remember how this started but it's not like you was complaining. Even if you knew that your roommates knew exactly what was up.
You weren't exactly subtle leaving in the middle of the time with just your phone and clothes on your back and coming back about two hours later with your clothes and hair all messy.
It was a great stress reliever for the both of you. You had been stressed out a lot with all the assignments you had and Oboro was the same but also with all the hero training too.
When you two would meet up Oboro was always in the driver seat smoking a blunt. He happily past it over to you when you got in next to him and you two would get high before the main event.
When you indicated you was ready, Oboro would eagerly pull down his pants and smile at you. His dick was beautiful, you thought. The perfect size, thick and veiny. Just looking at it made your mouth water and your pussy clench. You would get to work immediately, leaning down and putting him in your mouth.
Your head would bob up and down quickly as Oboro finished off the blunt, sighing the smoke up into his car slowly. You knew it was the best feeling for a guy ever. Smoking a joint whilst getting head. You was happy to be the one to give that kind of pleasure to Oboro.
You could tell Oboro was about to let go inside your mouth when he started gripping and pulling on your hair slightly whilst groaning loudly. You sighed as you pulled his erection out of your mouth and he whined.
You pulled the pretty much finished the blunt from his fingers, took the last puff and threw it out the window before climbing into the back seat.
Oboro was eager to join you. He would help pull your clothes off and lay you face down into the seats. He pulled the wrapped condom from his pocket and had you tear it open with your teeth before chucking the wrapper somewhere and pulling the rubber down his length.
Once you were both ready, Oboro would push inside and give you a night to remember. Lots of skin slapping and moaning. The windows would be steamed up in no time and the car would be shaking and grabbing the attention of anyone walking by.
You and Oboro would have to go multiple rounds in back. Just to make the most of the condoms and space you both had.
Oboro's aftercare is beautiful. He would light you up another blunt and cuddle you in the back seat. Even give you a small back massage because he knew how uncomfortable laying down on the back seat was. Also rub your head if you had head butted yourself due to the lack of space.
You'd definitely have to rub his head too, there's no way his clumsy ass didn't bang his head whilst fucking you in his car.
Oboro never failed to ask if you wanted to go eat before he dropped you back to campus, even though you always said no. He'd also if you wanted him to drive up closer to your side of the campus so it wasn't just a long walk for you. You'd say no again, because if he did that it would be a longer walk for him seeing as his dorm was on the other side.
You would walk back to your dorm with a giant smile of your face. It was dark so you was sure no one would notice the cum on your face and in your hair and honestly you was right. With how dead it was and how fast you was to jump in the shower afterwards, nobody saw your filthy 'freshly dicked down' look.
Before stepping into the shower, you send Oboro a photo of yourself. Completely nude, in front of the running shower and covered in cum which was now brightly lit from the bathroom light.
He took till after you was done in the shower to respond. You knew he was getting off to your sexy picture.
His text back was, "When are you next free 🙏🍆💦?"
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akwolfgrl · 3 months
LFT 48 this is the last one! I'll still be posting the finished work on ao3. I am looking for a new beta current one has something going on in thire life and needs to take a brake
Sanji looked so beautiful under the moonlight, his skin pale as the crashing waves, his normally golden hair had become sliver as the steal of his blades, he was more radiant then the pearls that the witch had stolen. He wanted to steal Sanji away, to keep anyone's eyes from ever seeing him like this.
Sanji had asked him if he believed in God, he did not but he would gladly worship at the temple of Sanji. Zoro was confused, how did he get so attached so quickly? Zoro shook that train of thought from his mind to focus on the task at hand. Fucking the living daylights out of Sanji.
Zoro began to kiss and suck and bite his way up Sanji's chest, his hand tangled in the cook's hair tugging his head back exposing his throat. He licked the sweat from his skin. Sanji rolled his hips fucking himself on his cock. Moans and goans spilled from his lips, Zoro used his hold on Sanji's hair to pull him closer and swallowed those sounds. Tonight he wanted to keep the noises just to himself. Their tongues danced and instead of fighting for once. When Zoro broke the kiss he pushed the blonde's bangs back he wanted to see both eyes…and both eyebrows curling the same direction.
“They curl in the same direction,” He couldn't stop the laugh that burst froth from his mouth. “A third reason to call you curly, I can't wait to tell the others,”
Sanji stopped riding and started struggling to escape. “Fuck you Zoro! Let me go right fucking now!”
Zoro backed away from the railing and picked sanji up and off his rapidly softening cock. He quickly untied his wrists. The cook as soon as he was free pushed him further away and started to pick up his clothes. He knew he fucked up, he just hoped it wasn't the end of them not when they had just begun. He just stops, frozen. He was truly lost in what to say or do to fix this.
“Where is my dam lighter!” Zoro could swear under all that bluster he could hear sniffing. Sanji took out his cigarettes and his lighter and started to light his cigarette before dropping his lighter the metal against the wood was so loud in his ears as it seemed to echo throughout the ship. “Dam it!” Sanji's hand gripped and pulled at his hair, while the other scrubbed at his eyes.
“Your gonna hurt yourself,” Zoro tired to pull Sanji's hand away from his hair.
“DON'T TOUCH ME!” His blond snarled at him as if he were an enemy or if he hit a woman in front of him. Even with that… tears were pouring down Sanji’s face and that was the worse fucking scene Zoro’s had to face a fucking long time. “If I wanted to be humiliated during sex I'd find a hook up at some dingy bar not someone who's supposed to be my firned, my cremate, a preosn I'm supposed to fucking trust!”
“Curls… cook… SANJI!” Zoro nearly screams though it breaks as if he was pleading with the divine to forgive his sins. “Look I’m… I’m so sorry I didn’t know it was a touchy subject. Ya don’t gotta explain now or ever but if ya ever did… I’m here for you, Sanji. You’re my boyfriend… my partner… and I’m kinda shitty at this feelings shit and imma fuck up a lot but… I promise I’m tryin and I’m sorr-” Zoro had never felt painc like this before.
“Enough,” Sanji placed his hands over his rambling lips. “I may have overreacted some, but don't do that again. It's one thing to tease and call me curly or to trade insults esspily during a fight but not during sex. It's such a vulnerable time, I little have your dick up my ass it feels like I'm just a warm hole to fuck and that time in my life is over,” Sanji removed his hands.
“So we aren't breaking up?” Zoro Sanji's hands in his own.
“No we aren't,” Sanji shook his head. Zoro felt so relieved that he wrapped his arms around the slimer man in a tight hug.
“I shouldn't have assumed that you like to be humiliated or degraded in bed like I sometimes do,”
“Wait what?”
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
bts fic recommendations | 03.07.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren’t i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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stardust - @euphoricfilter (jjk x reader | fluff, smut, f2l)
summary:  if jungkook would have known an unintentional orgasm would have led to this, then he would have begged you to work out with him sooner.
naur bby when i tell you i loved this from the first paragraph...
"If every living being’s foundation is made of stardust, scattered when born, then Jungkook thinks the two of you were made from the same star."
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and the way you continued the analogy throughout was pure literature gold (or should i say diamond teehee). its stuff like this that i read and im like damn, the moots are really out here posting fics that could easily be published best sellers for fucking free!! how lucky are we!!!
and the whole workout scene hits even better after his workout live like i legit was able to visual everything... and sex in the mirror will never not be top tier :')
i love this jungkook dearly. this is how i imagine irl jk yk? just that hopeless romantic vibe, feeling that he has someone on this earth that is meant for him and he's meant for them. thats encapsulated so beautifully in this fic. such beautiful writing, thank you for blessing us with this fucking masterpiece!!
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knee high socks - @minniesvenus (jjk x reader | smut, college au)
summary: after being obsessed with you and your knee high socks for forever, jungkook can't believe that you finally notice him.
okay so do you ever just hear a song or smell a smell that feels so incredibly nostalgic and fills your head with dreamy thoughts and stars and stuff... that's exactly how i felt while reading this! like i just kept thinking of the arctic monkeys song and the way you characterized jungkook's crush is just so authentic. its just that pure school crush feeling where you anticpate seeing this person and the more time you see them you pick up on little things and it makes you fall even deeper oof. there's just something so fimilair about the way you wrote this and it's probably one of the most realistic depictions i've seen of the natural progression of a crush like uGH THE FUCKING TALENT !!!
and it makes you root for him so much like i was internally cheering for him when she asked him to sit next to him. it was so fucking wholesome and sweet i screamed
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and then shit got unwholesome real quick whew
her giving him praise actually made me so happy though! like you definitely inspired me to write more of that bc its so refreshing and cute!! and the smut was saur naughty but so sweet bc she was just guiding him through the motions and once again it just felt so natural which is no easy feet!! like you really hit the nail on the head with this one and it will be added to my comfort fic list asap!! so so so lovely!!
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in the seom: love for dummies - @thvhoe (jjk x reader | smut, fluff, angst, fwb, college au, camping au)
summary: always the friend, never the girlfriend. jeon jungkook doesn't date. at least that's what he thought until he met you, a chemistry student who seemed to have it all—except for love. meeting at a mutual friends frat party, you hit it off right away. however, due to both of your stubbornness, it has never progressed beyond being friends with benefits. the annual camping trip with your friend group was supposed to be the turning point in your relationship with jungkook. but what happens when your best friend of 18 years unexpectedly comes back from busan and confesses to you, further complicating matters?
OoF WHAT A FUCKING OPENING SCENE LMAO!! i was horny from fucking JUMP!!! and kook juggling between pet names and not knowing what to call her made me giggle but always made me extremely soft like aw :') <3
and y/n really whipped that fuckboy into shape we love to see it!! he better buy gifts n work for the coochie!!! >:(
"Pookie🩶: Can't sleep. Send me a pic of your boobies?"
this had me cackling bc this behavior is saur... annoyingly endearing like he legit is a big baby and i love him lmao even though unholy he is extremely cute.
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^y/n and i both having immaculate taste and listening to ditto
and i am so thankful things turned out well for this pairing. i felt so sad for him like ugh the protectiveness and worry over her. he was generally just so wholesome throughout this entire fic. def a fav protrayal of jungkook. thank you so much for sharing this beautiful peice with us my love!
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fayes-fics · 1 year
un cadeau de Noël
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU
Summary: Modern AU. Benedict catches you red-handed playing with a new present on Christmas Eve.
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, sex toys, masturbation, nipple play, orgasm, smidge of vaginal fingering and vaginal sex.
Word Count: 1.5k
Smutmas Kink: Day 7 - Sex Toys
Authors Note: Unbetaed. This is my VERY LATE submission for Day 7 of @hallownightsblog 12 Days of Smutmas. SORRY!! Just going to use the same image for all Modern Smutmas Ben fics lol. This is also dedicated to @chaoticcalzoneranchsports just because ;) Enjoy <3
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“What are you do…?” He stops mid-sentence, frozen in the doorway.
You squeal and toss what you are using aside, scrambling to cover yourself in the duvet, but there’s no way around it. You’ve been caught red-handed. Trying out a new toy you purchased on a whim. A private Christmas present for yourself that you couldn't wait until tomorrow to unwrap. The telltale buzz continues as you fumble under the cover to find the damn thing and turn it off.
He was supposed to be out having drinks with friends on Christmas Eve. He has come home a lot earlier than you were expecting.
“Oh, please. Don’t stop on my account,” his whole cadence has changed. It’s teasing, deep and very troublesome. He knows precisely what you are doing.
He rounds the bed to your side and, with a quirked eyebrow, whips back the duvet. There by your knee is your new sleek vibe buzzing away insistently against the mattress as you lay naked from the waist down, your T-shirt rucked up around your ribs. He smirks crookedly, and his eyebrow raises higher, his gaze feeling heavy and heated as it roams your body.
“What do we have here? Hmm?” a large hand scoops up the toy and holds it in his palm. “That’s quite powerful,” he adds offhand, the noise it emits changing pitch as it buzzes in his grip.
You say nothing, biting your lip and keeping your thighs squeezed together. Embarrassed he caught you.
“Take off your t-shirt.” It’s not a request; it’s an order.
You instantly do so, still not saying a word. You are not wearing a bra, so now you are completely naked. He perches on the edge of the bed, his clothed hip touching your naked one as he fiddles with the buttons on the toy, choosing a subtle setting pulsing in waves.
You gasp and moan as he presses the toy against your nipple, it puckers instantly, and he smiles predatory at the sight.
“Can’t believe you ignored your nipples,” he chides mildly, “they are just so very sensitive, aren’t they?”
You nod, biting your lip, breath catching at the sensation rippling out from the point.
“Cat got your tongue tonight?” he teases, swirling the silicone tip lightly around your areola.
“What do you want me to say?” you ask shakily on an exhale.
“Well, you can start by telling me why you felt the need to hide this from me…” his voice rich and pitched to arouse.
He leans forward and replaces the vibe with his tongue, licking a warm wet stripe over your nub, your soft moan turning guttural as he bites it gently.
“…Then maybe end with telling me what you were thinking about when you had this thing buzzing against your swollen little clit,” his murmur like velvet against your breasts, his hands rounding your kneecaps and pulling them apart.
“I… I didn't know how you’d feel about it,” you stumble honestly, groaning as he rolls the toy to your other nipple.
“Didn't know how I’d feel about a beautiful woman pleasuring herself?” he responds incredulously, but his expression is playful.
“No… I mean, this isn't because I'm not satisfied with what we….” you falter, the toy distracting you, uncertain of what to say.
“I never thought you weren't,” he chuckles richly, swirling the vibe lower over your ribcage. “I do, however, think you are an insatiable little minx, and that is part of the reason I just can't resist you,” he rejoinders, that dangerous smile still there as he inches the vibe lower, passing over your belly button.
You breathe unevenly, gripping the duvet with one hand, the other landing on his thigh and squeezing, loving the feel of latent toned muscle. With a skilled finger, he flicks to a stronger setting on the toy just as it buzzes over the patch of trimmed, neat pubic hair.
“You didn't answer the other half of my question,” he prompts, giving you a pointed look.
“What was it?” you query honestly, barely remembering your name, let alone what he said, anticipation simmering low and honeyed in your belly.
“You didn't tell me what you were thinking about…” he trailers the vibe over your mons so achingly slowly “…when you were doing this,” and he spears the soft tip right against your clitoral hood, making you cry out loudly.
It's like a liquid hot flame has licked your body, and you want to both jump away and burn in its intensity. You feel the vibration travelling through to your bones.
“Tell me, or I stop,” he warns lowly.
“You… I was thinking of you” you rush out, your whole body flexing against the tide of sensations rippling through you, nipples aching to be touched.
His smile turns triumphant, and he twirls the vibe against your labia as you pant.
“What about me?” he inquires darkly. “Be precise.”
“Your hands on my breasts, your tongue in my mouth,” you rush out, “your cock inside me,” you add quieter, knowing your cheeks are burning at the admission.
“Mmmm, that sounds wonderful,” he licks his lips sinfully, and his eyes rake over your body. “Do you want me to fuck you right now y/n?”
“Oh god, yes, please,” rushes out of your mouth before you can think.
“Hmm, maybe after you have come at least once,” he declares, running the toy lower over your opening and pushing it in a fraction, the buzz echoing up the walls of your pussy.
Your lower lip feels almost bruised from biting as he leans forward and plucks it from under your tooth. You can't look away as he inches closer, brushing a lock of hair from your forehead. Then his lips are on yours, warm and soft, teasing with a gentle kiss as he slides the vibe out and up against your clit again, just as he opens your mouth with his and teases you with his tongue. You moan into him, and he swallows the noise, deepening the kiss as you writhe against the sensation.
“Like that…. Yes?” his voice soft as he pulls away from the kiss but keeps his face inches from yours, cataloguing every expression passing over your features with a crooked smile as he turns up the vibration, and you writhe harder, nodding in agreement.
The instinct to close your legs against the intense sensations kicks in, and the hand on your face moves. He pulls your leg up and around his body, trapping your foot between his thighs so you are pinned almost obscenely open.
“I love to see you like this,” he rumbles, his hand returning to caress your cheek with warm fingers “your pupils blown, your cheeks flushed, your lips swollen and wet from kissing me.”
You were already halfway there when he interrupted your play; now, as he again ratchets up the setting on the vibe, you are hurtling fast towards a climax. Your mouth falls open as you take gulping breaths, staring at his handsome face that’s observing you.
“Touch me, Ben,” you plead.
“I am,” he challenges teasingly, fingertips caressing the soft skin in front of your ear.
“No,” you whine petulantly, “my nipples…” pushing your breasts up for his attention.
He huffs a laugh but obliges, those talented long fingers moving to snag gently against the nipple closest to him. He pinches it gently between his thumb and forefinger, and you close your eyes and push up against him, a sinful noise escaping your lips with every pant.
“Like that… is that what you need?”
You nod vigorously, biting your lip and writhing against the vibe, so close to something extraordinary. He swaps his fingers to your other nipple, and you moan his name.
“Good girl,” he purrs, “come for me.”
“So close,” you whisper.
“Mmm, I can tell,” he responds, and the hand leaves your nipple and trails down your abdomen, leaving little gossamer lines of heat where his fingertips brush. He presses a single finger inside you, and you moan loudly at the sudden invasion. But just as soon as it's there, he withdraws and brings it to his lips.
“I just wanted a taste,” he teases, and you convulse as you watch that wettened finger disappear between his lips. The noise he makes as your taste blooms on his tongue is enough to push you over the vibe buzzing so hard and insistently where he holds it.
His mouth catches yours in a sinful kiss as you start to vocalise, swallowing your cries, your taste thick on his tongue. Your world contracts to a pinpoint of white heat around your clit, then explodes into a hundred stars behind your eyelids as you screw your eyes shut, your whole core convulsing.
There is a flurry of movement around you, and the vibe is tossed aside. You hear him jump up and fight off his clothing, your body still fluttering when he surges into you in one strong, athletic move.
“Bennnn!!” you scream out; he feels huge and so steely inside you.
“Merry fucking Christmas, darling,” he chuckles, looping your legs over his forearms and pressing you hard into the mattress.
Merry Christmas, indeed.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
Even being the Fizzomdous trash as I am, I'm starting to get worried about some of the ask of those trying to defend it.
Both Fizz and Ozzie are grown men, not children. Yeah, if Fizz and Ozzie broke up: they'll get over it eventually because life goes on. Sure one of them may have a harder time than the other due to attachment issues but if you lived for thousands of years you had to have friends come and go and yeah, I refuse to believe Fizz is the first person he fell in love with. You live that long you more than likely had crushes or grew feelings for someone (unless you're aro and even then platonic queer relationships exist).
That and it's unhealthy to have your life devoted around one person and no one else. The problem I just realized about Viv's pairings in the show is that it seems that both are supposedly completely 'in Love' with each other but don't have a life outside of that. Millie and Moxxie are glued to the hip but are you telling me neither of them have people they hang out with outside of work or their relationship? How often does Millie see or talk to her family? Where's her friends? Does she even have any? Same with Moxxie? Do they have hobbies they both like when they're not together? Even couples are gonna have different interests from each other. Granted, I'm not saying we need to see every part of their life but my point stands that even in healthy relationships, couples do have lives outside of each other. Isolating yourself and spending time with only your partner and partner alone is going to lead to some codependency and I don't know about you, that ain't romantic.
Also people saying that Ozzie and Fizz can't break up for Fizz to be with Blitzo: Um, all three of them have two hands? And damn does Blitzo need a partner that isn't going to talk down to him and see him as a sex object. He gets two loving boyfriends for the price of one! Everyone wins but Stolas but who cares about Stolas he proves he shouldn't be in a relationship right now with how he treats others around him. Heck Blitzo already has more chemistry with Oz than he does with uwu sad owl boi. I know poly isn't for everyone but c'mon people think outside the box!
(and I'm sure Ozzie is more than down for a threesome. just saying).
Seriously, some of you who are grown adults really have a childish view on relationships.
I’m a fan of them myself. And I have no problem just enjoying the story as it is. I’m just trying to take a critical view on it and keep in mind the fact that this show is supposed to be on the maturity level of Bojack, soo what’s with all these heroic masculine characters rescuing feminine characters from all their troubles.
Why are people talking about “soulmates” — a concept I don’t really believe in. Two people can meet at the right time and fit perfectly, or they can just barely miss each other, the attraction and compatibility either gets stronger or weaker with time. That’s why love is so special when you do have it. That’s just my experience though if people don’t like that I won’t force it on them.
Going back to MnM, nobody has dethroned them yet. Not even close. Millie and Moxxie are so so different but they met at the perfect time for something beautiful to blossom. But if Moxxie, a terrified impressionable person in the past, met Millie, a once violent unforgiving person, they wouldn’t have clicked. It would have been the wrong time. Now however they are very much compatible and in love but slowly leaving the honeymoon phase. That transition is very difficult. It explains perfectly why they’re still so rosy cheeked and gleeful to be around each other. The two are newly weds.
Exactly exactly, that annoys me too. So. why don’t the two of them have other friends? It’s all entirely each other or their boss blitzø. But B actually does have friends he used to party with. And probably connections in lust? but we never see them. Wouldn’t it be nice if Millie had a favourite western themed bar with a small social group and knife throwing tournaments? Maybe Mox knows some people from the shooting range or from the opera theatre he loves so much. Idk. Just ideas.
Oh yeah polyamory. What a concept. Blitzfizzarozzie is such a perfect ot3 and you’re right. Asmodeus built a mutually respectful trust with Blitz in what..? Ten minutes? With a foundation that they both love and protect Fizz. And it’s probably been over a year and stolas can’t even have one conversation that is non hostile and non sexual with him. Not one.
I’ve heard rumours that allegedly Viv gets the ick from polyamory. That and her alleged hostility to trans men…so much for a “queer” show. I really really wish she’d put out a statement about how she doesn’t believe this anymore, ‘was in a bad place’ or something, instead of running from it. I wouldn’t be so quick to let it go personally considering how much denial and dishonesty she was in, but most fans would eat it up.
If she has addressed it let me know actually, might be wrong.
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What You Deserve part 3
Joel Miller x reader 
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(AO3 mirror)
part 1, part 2, TLOU Masterlist
summary: after years and years of pining, you and joel confess, and deal with the aftermath. 
warnings: just smut. pwp. fem receiving oral, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks), a little angsty, some fluff (domestic joel). 18+ MINORS DNI
a/n: i have, if you can believe it, at least one more part after this in me (an epilogue/ day in the life of these three). and an angsty prequel in the works.
wc: 1.6k
Sniffling now, you notice how he shivers at your touch. Time to go back inside.
The place is quiet as you get back in. Tommy and Maria must have left a while ago. Sighing, you motion to hand Joel his jacket back.
"I should get going now, I guess."
"S'yours now. Keep it." He looks at you in the moonlight and then through to the front porch. "It's late, sweetheart, wouldn't feel right lettin' you leave like this. You can crash here; take the bed. I can take the couch." 
Joel was shy, you think. Demure and rubbing the back of his neck as he asks you to stay over. Shy, after putting his heart on a platter not ten minutes before. You step closer, putting your hands on his broad chest. 
"We can both take the bed, don't y'think?" 
He nods, eyes hazy, glued to your lips. He leans in, closing the gap. 
"I suppose we can." 
Your first kiss with Joel Miller starts off gentle. He sighs into your mouth, hands on your waist like a nervous teen. When you shift his hands lower, he's hungry; deepening the kiss and scrunching up the fabric like a man possessed. It's wet, and sloppy, and obscene in the quiet of his empty house. You separate, panting, desperate, coming up for air.
God, it's hot now. you look at one another in the muddy light of the moon and everything else melts away. 
He gives you an open mouth kiss onto the juncture of your neck, and the crook of your collarbone. He mumbles into your skin, "Can't wait that long, angel."
You want him. Your words are on a feedback loop in his head. You feel the same way, and you want him, warts and all. He wants you so bad it hurts, so bad he could die. You're dragging your clothed pussy onto the meat of his thigh in anticipation; and Joel goes delirious with want. 
His hands are wandering now, on your hips as he pushes you against the nearest wall. Back to the wall, you clasp his forearm with a groan, as he helps you get off on his thigh. Your moans are sweet and saccharine to his ears, and he palms himself in anticipation of cumming deep inside that pretty cunt. 
You separate for a moment, and whine at the loss of contact. He drops to his knees and kneads the flesh of your beautiful thighs. You're snaking a hand into your panties to touch yourself at the sight; but Joel grabs your wrists and looks up at you. 
"No touchin', please. Let me help you get off, darlin', wan' you to cum on my tongue."
Miller, on his knees in the half-dark and he's begging to break you apart. He places your hands in his hair when you nod, finally, and breathes hot breaths of relief into the juncture of your thighs.
He's kissing you through your panties and you're already soaked through.
"Don't tease, Joel, fuuuck, please don't tease," He drags your panties down your legs and pockets them once they're off. Placing a big palm on your ass to steady himself, he tongues your sopping hole - eating you out like it was his last meal. You jump at the sudden contact and he's quick to pin you firmly against the wall. 
"'-fuck, I need it, need your pussy, need to taste it, fuuck, aren't you pretty…" He's babbling now, and in your haze you realise he's crudely humping the floor for some relief. His desperation sends you careening off the edge, cumming into Joel' s mouth as he licks you up eagerly. 
Eventually, he separates from between your thighs, coming apart with an obscene glob of spit connecting his mouth to your pussy. You're grabbing him, pulling him upwards so you can taste yourself on his tongue; and he moans into your touch. It's your turn to be handsy, cupping his cock through his jeans and circling the waistband. 
All of a sudden, you're lifted into the air and Joel's carrying you with ease to the sofa in the next room. You're lain gently on the cushions, legs spread as you watch him take off his shirt and trousers for you. A rattle, and his belt is off. Still in the afterglow of your orgasm, you think you're dreaming when he clambers on top of you for a kiss; caging you in with his corded arms.
Like before, you place your palms on his chest, gently pushing him backwards. You want to ride him, to see his face when he finally cums. When he flips over, a little confused, you grind the lips of your pussy against his exposed cock and Joel throws his head back into the cushions. He's so fucking gorgeous like this: needy and pussy-drunk, stupid with want. You slip yourself onto him and swear you see his eyes roll back into his head. 
Beautiful sounds spill from both of your mouths as you bounce up and down his big cock. Now his eyes are lidded, and he can't take his eyes off of you. An angel, shrouded in white like a bride, on his cock in the warmth of his own home. You're so beautiful it hurts; he thinks. 
He can't help himself in the searing heat of your pussy. He's slamming upwards into you, with a hand trained onto your clit. 
"S'feel good, angel? You gonna cum again f'me? You feel so fuckin' good, 'nd you're so pretty; think I died and went to heaven," He's smiling up at you and you laugh, crystal clear in his ears. "You ready? You ready to come f'me? Please, baby, cum on my cock, please, please…" 
You cum hard, clamping down on his cock. 
It's a leg shaking orgasm he helps you through; liquid gushing out from where you meet. He's close, so fucking close as he keeps a hand on your clit, rubbing unfaltering circles into your heat. 
Joel pulls out, desperately, and cums all over his tanned stomach. You bend down in the haze, and lick him clean. His palm's on your cheek and you're looking at one another, chin on his chest. It should be filthy, the way you're covered in one another. Instead, there's something else in the air, something gentler. 
"I love you." you whisper. 
"I know." He chuckles softly. "I love you too." 
In the morning, you're in Joel's bed, in his shirt with no recollection of either event. He must've cleaned you up afterwards and the thought makes you warm. The sheets are rumpled and empty besides you. All of a sudden, there's the thud of someone coming up the stairs. The door opens to Joel; breakfast in hand and two mugs. 
"Thought I heard you wake up. I made-"
"Pancakes," you smile as he places a tray on the bed. 
"-and shitty coffee." 
You bring the mug to your lips, and grimace at it's bitterness. He's laughing at the way your face contorts and furrows in. A genuine snort, and he's choking with laughter on a piece of toast. Light from the windows streams in; and you're framed in its golden glow, flushed and pretty despite your embarrassment. You're gorgeous and Joel knows it. He brings a hand to the side of your face and kisses you; a gentle peck that threatens to deepen into something more. You split, and there's a flash of something on the your face. Disappointment? Sadness? 
"What's the matter, darlin'?" He sits up besides you, a little confused. 
"I know we just…" You gesture vaguely around, a small smile on your face "...and we're here now. You're making me breakfast in bed like it meant something. Like it wasn't just sex." His heart splinters at the doubt in your voice. "That's why… I need to know now… if y-you meant what you said. Last night. I can't do this if it isn't real-" 
"It's real." He says firmly. "It's real. Not just sex. I want to be something with you, if you'll let me."
There's a moment between you two, where everything slows down. The song of morning birds fades away. Just you and Joel. The only people in the universe, it feels like. 
"Can't say I think I'm worthy of it." Something firm in your sudden glare tells him to add: "-yet. Yet. I want to be the man you think I am. I want to see myself the way you do. I've made a lot of stupid mistakes in my lifetime. Last night…. you? You weren't one of 'em.  I meant it. M'sorry I ever made you feel like you're not good enough, 'cus you are. Gonna take you out on a real date and fuck you nice and slow to make up to you."
Your eyes widen at his last line. "I-in that order?"
Joel chuckles, and you collapse into the crook of his neck. He traces your spine with a longing touch. There's a shiver up at what he whispers into your ear. 
"It's what you deserve, sweetheart."
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"Well hello there instructor."
"Admiral." Y/N replied, entering her father's office. "How you been?"
"Oh you know, being scolded by your mother and then making it up to her by a beautiful present."
"So the usual?" She said, smiling.
"It's good to see you dad." She said giggling.
"It's good to see you too kid." Replied Iceman. The Admiral was seated in his chair, smiling at his daughter as she was facing him, grinning.
"So how's the tranjng going?" He questioned.
"It's going." Y/N replied vaguely.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked again.
"It's just difficult dad. All there time I'm the Navy, they've been told they're the best of the best and now they've started to believe it. It's annoying, they're over confident, they're cocky, they can't do anything properly, they risk their damn lives just in training so I have no clue how they'll survive the actuall mission, they pick up fights with each other and they are just a pain in my ass." Ranted the younger Krasinski.
"Who is he?" Asked Tom, smirking one has saw his daughters flushed face.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Nah, father's just know everything." He replied. "Now tell me who he is."
"Lieutenant Jake 'Hangman' Seresin." She replied.
"Nice callsign. Reminds me of someone else's." Her father said.
"Yes, I know it's quite similar to yours. His behavior is as well."
"How so?"
"He is just as over confident as you, a huge player and a mess. He also picks up fights." She answred, leaning more into her chair.
"Who did he offend?" The older Krasinski asked, intrigued by his daughters love life.
"That's him?" He said in surprise.
"You know about him?"
"Mav told me."
"Of course, your second wife." Teased Y/N.
"First actually, I met your mother after him." He went along with it, making Y/N laugh out loud. He could see the happiness on her face, it was still the same.
He remeberd seeing this look for the first time when Maverick had taken her on a joyride on his motorcycle. Neither her miter or Tom were supportive of this idea, but after much pleading by both Y/N and uncle Mav, they agreed, and they were quite happy they did. Cause for the first time in her life had she ever smiled like that. They had only seen this look on her three times, this being the third.
"How'd you meet?"
"At the hard deck. He hit on me using this awful, awful song and then followed me into the bathroom to stop me from making a mistake with Mav and have sex with him." Y/N recalled the night she had met the guy fondly.
"Which song?"
"You've lost that loving feeling."
"Oh that'd ones a player." Replied Iceman, recalling having seen this trick once before.
"He is, but I'm not risking anything."
"If he make you happy, taking a risk is fine." He dad said.
"That's the thing dad, I don't know what he make me feel." Whined Y/N.
"You'll figure it out." Her dad said getting up slowly. "Now let's go have dinner before you mother kills us both and we never get to see the end of your story."
"I can tell you the end now." Y/N said, getting up as well and putting her arm on her father's shoulder as she helped hin out of the room. He had gotten weeker than before, but she wouldn't admit it
"And give me a spoiler." He fake gasped, making Y/N smile at her dad. The last smile she'd ever give him.
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