#ikaris (marvel's eternals)
sideblogofhell · 7 months
a dance with the enemy
summary: ikaris is recruting eternals in hiding but you're unwilling to take him without a fight pairing: ikaris x male reader word count: 1.4k warnings: 18+ warning, oral and anal, reader is an eternal (non specified powers but they can absorb energy) ikaris is a villain here duh, hate sex? a/n: the writer's block is killing me send help
masterlist | the repentant's corner
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His hands on your wrists were tight, fingers digging deep into your skin, creating coils of red. You looked up at him with your varied height, his blue eyes now a bright gold. You tried to escape him, writhing underneath his grasp. His brown hair was tousled and wet, the lone streak of gray plastered on his forehead.
"Why do you have to make this so difficult," he said. 
He was stronger and faster. You knew that escaping him would not be possible. The only way to get free of him was to use his own weakness, his pride. "Arishem's golden boy, have you come to finally kill me?"
"Not kill. I need you to join me," Ikaris said, his face so close you could feel his breath on your lips.
"And leave my life behind?" You pleaded. "No."
"I never wanted this for any of us," he said, pulling away. You massage your thumbs on your aching wrists. He stopped, panting while his eyes faded to a light blue. "But it needs to be done."
"Then show me why I should," you said. Ikaris swiftly cups your face, his lips crashing onto yours. His lips were warm and plump, his hands large and strong against your cheeks. You wanted to pour yourself onto him, let your mind and body betray you just for once.
But you pushed him away. His lips were swollen and shiny against the lights, his eyes bloodshot and welling with tears. Your heart pounded, almost painful. You tried to whisper a word, but unidentifiable syllables came out. 
Let go, you thought. You crashed back into Ikaris' embrace, his arms around your waist while your lips met his. The stubble of his jaw pricked your skin as his kiss fell on your neck. Teasing and nibbling with his lips and tongue. The wetness on your neck, mixed with the air, made you shiver. Ikaris chuckled under his breath, a teasing laugh. 
"We shouldn't," he whispered. He's right. Nothing about this is sincere. Nothing about it is birthed from affection. It's simply a temporary pleasure, a scratch to an itch. It shouldn't feel right. 
You pushed him hard against the wall, cracks forming. You kiss him again, this time more rabid, lip-biting, nails digging into his shoulders. His hands were firm on your waist, pushing hard enough it could break human bones. "We really shouldn't."
Your lips kiss down his stubble neck, your flesh hit against his jugular. A hand guiding your way. You could bite him now, strangle him, take a knife to his veins, and finally end him. Instead, you suck on his skin, a moan leaves his lips, mouth agape from pleasure.
He takes off his jacket, leaving a tight blue shirt that shapes around his muscles. Your hands find the hems, seeking what is underneath. You smooth your palms against his taut abdomen, littered with soft hair. Your fingertips trace each ridge. 
You go on your knees to give his skin a kiss and have a taste of his pale skin. Your tongue teases the hem of his jeans, the barrier between modesty and eroticism. You palm the growing bulge. He takes over and unbuckles his belt, unbuttoning and unzipping so he can take out his sex.
"Just take me in," he pleaded. He pulls your mouth in with much force. The walls of your mouth envelop his well-endowed sex. You gag from the sudden movement, eyes welling with tears. His hands smooth on your hair, gripping on it as he fucks your mouth. 
Saliva coats his cock, which is aching hard. He would occasionally pull out, the head aching red and the tip leaking. There was no regard for your body. You were simply a means to pleasure. 
You back out, coughing up saliva while the roof of your mouth aches. You stagger to find balance. Ikaris' eyes are dark, his lips taut. 
"Where's your bed?" He asked. 
You find yourselves naked on top of each other, limbs entangled, hair messy as your bodies are drenched with sweat. Ikaris' body casts a shadow on top of you, his broad shoulders perfectly flexed as his arms pinned yours. Your legs placed on his waist, his erection teasing your hole. 
He spits on his hand, lubing his cock before pushing it in you. There was a sharp pain, eliciting a loud shriek from you, your hands wrapping around his neck. He takes a few moments to make you settle on his size. He is panting on top of you, his hairy chest rising and falling, his muscles contracting and relaxing. 
He moves his hips, his head falling on the crook of your neck as he thrusts. "You're so tight," he moaned. You gasp from the pressure. You swore you could feel your body tremble. He pushes again, and this time, your body finally acclimated. He hit a spot inside you that drew out a moan of pleasure. Your sex ached hard on your abdomen, leaving a drop of pleasure.
He wrapped his arms around you, large biceps around your body, your fingers scratching at his broad back, leaving lines of red. For a second, you thought of the embrace as a result of love, something couples would do in sex. But then he forces a strong thrust, a gasp leaving your mouth. And suddenly, it was just sex. 
It took a great deal of restraint on Ikaris' part. His strength could crush you. He felt his body lose control, his eyes becoming warm and lighting up in gold. Your body felt so fragile in his arms, so delicate and feeble. 
You cursed under your breath, your eyes rolling back in euphoria. Intricate patterns of gold laced your hands. You could burn him if you wished. Cosmic energy laced your bodies and, if uncontained, could send ripples of destruction around you. 
He pulled onto you so you could switch positions. He took time to straddle his muscular thighs as he slowly guided himself in you. You palmed his chest, a hand finding his throat. You pressed your fingers in, wrapping around his neck, constricting his breathing.
His hips ram into you at an accelerated pace, and your body does the same. You rode him until he was tearing through the sheets with his hands, the bed creaking, his form sinking into the mattress. He lets out exasperated groans, the veins on his neck more prominent, his face burning red. 
You feel each other's climax coming. Ikaris pulls you back into a kiss, a greedy kiss, one that is meant only for the finality of the act. He pushes deeper as you ride him, his tip hitting the sweet spot inside you that only draws your pleasure to excess. 
"I'm gonna cum in you," he demanded. "And you'll take it like the good boy you are."
"I'm not your good boy," you said, pulling on his brown locks. You were on high ground. The command is with you, not him. "I'll finish whenever I like."
His face contorted into a headless cry, his eyes shut, and his lips open. You were close, too close. Teetering into climax like an overflowing glass of water. "Fuck," Ikaris groans. "I'm so fucking close."
"Look into my eyes," you said. 
"I can't," he said, the veins around his eyes a glimmering gold. 
"Fine," you said. "I'll just leave you like this," Ikaris slowly opened his eyes, a hazy gold. You moved your hips in sync with his. His grip grew harder, his body more flexed. You could feel the energy burn through his eyes. If he let go, he could easily hurt you. 
Ikaris cursed as he came inside you. Shining bright light through his eyes that burned through the ceiling. You shuddered as you came as well, your hands glowing with gold as you sucked in his power. Slowly, Ikaris' light faded, coursing through the veins of your hands. The increased energy surging through your body crashed into you like a potent drug. 
Ikaris passed out long after. The strongest Eternal, asleep in your bed. The room was obviously a mess, sheets torn, bed broken, ceiling burnt. He looked peaceful, though. His long lashes lay softly on his cheeks, his lips barely pursing to let out air. A slight pang hit your chest when you took the call.
"I have him," you said. You finally have the enemy. 
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supercap2319 · 5 months
"Tony, I should feel awkward or embarrassed for seeing Ikaris walking around naked, but the truth is I'm not. Sure he might have given me a boner in my pajama pants, but I honestly thought I handled his nakedness pretty well." Y/N smiled.
Tony, who was currently scarfing on doughnuts, dropped his chocolate with sprinkles as he made a look of disgust. "What the hell, kid? Why are you always telling me about your sexual life?"
"Because it's fun watching you look so shocked."
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marvels-meme · 6 months
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A reminder to boycott all Marvel products until Zionist superhero is removed from Captain America 4.
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filministic · 2 months
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Eternals (2021) dir. Chloe Zhao
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marvelgifs · 2 years
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#The Fearsome Gilgamesh
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romancingromanoff · 1 year
What I Feel For You
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Thena xf!reader
It’s 400 AD and the height of the Gupta Empire. Over 5,000 years have passed since you first gazed upon Thena and you haven’t stopped looking at her since.
A/N: This has been on my mind since I rewatched the film November and I’ve always felt that Eternals has been one of the more underrated movies of phase 4. Angelina Jolie is also brilliant as Thena obviously and since she’s bisexual in real life then her character has to be queer too. I don’t make the rules.
Word count: 2655
You supposed that stranger pairs had existed. As you gazed upon Sersi and Ikaris while they partook in their bonding ceremony, you couldn’t help but think about how different the two of them were. While Sersi was pure warmth that seemed to extend to every single person she met, Ikaris remained tactical and slightly removed from everything else that happened with the humans around them. But then you remembered how Sersi had softened him and the days of Babylon where he seemed to grow an entirely new perspective. He began learning the humans’ languages, became more involved in their development and culture, and allowed Sersi to lead him into something he would have otherwise left unfamiliar.
The problem was that you couldn’t change for Thena even though you longed to desperately. For her you would remake yourself from the dirt and clay you stood on, mold a new person with your own tears. Back in Babylon, she said that she didn’t come to Earth to cower behind walls, but that’s exactly what you did. On that day you had watched her fight deviants with cosmic weaponry and both the grace and strength of a thousand winds. You were behind the city walls, of course, for what else would you have been able to do?
Similar to Druig, your special ability was mostly psychological and didn’t serve much purpose on the battlefield. Communicating with animals had allowed you to assist the humans in their domestication but not much else when it came to fighting the deviants. In fact, you spent most of your time in the company of four-legged, scaly, or winged creatures and admiring your Thena from afar. 
A few decades ago, the two of you had shared a dance during the humans’ celebration of solstice that Druig and Phastos sneakily planned. You remembered feeling more alive than ever with her arms around that night. A stupid joke that you told her actually made her smile the biggest you had ever seen and suddenly you were about to confess all the feelings that had been kept hidden over the course of thousands of years. But then in an instant, the entire party erupted into a swarm of chaos when a band of horns sounded out the spotting of some lurking deviants. 
“Stay here, little one,” she had quickly told you before placing a brief kiss on your forehead and running off as a sword materialized into her hands. But you were certain that she had only been concerned about you as a friend would  and quickly convinced yourself that she wasn’t interested. 
And there was also Gilgamesh. Admittedly, there was a time earlier on into your mission that you wanted to resent him completely. He was strong, a natural protector, and capable of giving Thena that life of adventure you knew she longed for. The way that the two worked in sync when they fought was almost like an intricate dance you knew only two people with a deep personal connection could choreograph. You couldn’t help but covet what he had but being the giant teddy bear that he was it eventually softened you. Now, you tried to be happy for them both from the sidelines.
After the bonding ceremony you retreated to a nearby herd of elephants that you were growing pretty close with. You were languidly brushing the oldest female and leader of the herd when Ajak stumbled upon you.
“I’m sure these majestic creatures make wonderful company but a little bird told me that you’re avoiding someone in particular,” she approached you and the herd slowly. Ajak was always careful around animals and behaved much more respectfully than others like Kingo. Near Mount Erymanthos he had once tried to ride a giant wild boar on a dare from Sprite which had ended awfully for all parties involved. “Care to talk to old me about it?”
You knew that Ajak wasn’t a threat to the elephants so you silently directed them to let her through as you replied, “Birds are terrible gossips, you can’t trust them all the time.” That one made her chuckle a bit but then she became serious once again.
“Why don’t you talk to Thena? She cares about you, you know? We all do and just want to see you happy.”
“She doesn’t care about me the way that I care about her,” you sigh right before another elephant steals the brush from your hand and holds it up out of your reach with its trunk. “Hey, what the heck?”
“See? Even they know you’re being ridiculous. Why do you assume that she feels that way when you haven’t spoken about it?”
“Ajak, look at me,” you step back so that now all of the elephants tower over you like trees. Besides Sprite, you’re the shortest of the eternals and quite insecure about it. And while you weren’t bad looking by any means, Sersi and Makkari were certainly more beautiful than you were. You had always had an easier time blending into a crowd. “What can I give her that Gilgamesh can’t? She deserves someone like him who won’t hold her back. My life isn’t exciting and full of danger like hers. I would just bore her.”
That’s when Ajak gives you a stern, foreboding look and you know that you’ve upset her. “Careful there, I don’t want to hear you say things like that about yourself. You may not be a fighter like her but neither of you are just one single thing. You bring out a different side of her that no one else can and she has feelings for you too.”
That’s what makes your head shoot up at attention. “She... she told you that?” You can hardly believe what Ajak is telling you but suddenly your heart is bursting with hope. 
“Actually, Gilgamesh and I were just discussing it.” That is... surprising. “But Thena has her own insecurities and isn’t certain how to talk to you either.”
“Why... why is that? She’s Thena! She’s the most incredible person I’ve ever known. She isn’t scared of anything.”
Ajak simply shrugs but gives you a suggestive look. “Sometime our judgment becomes clouded when we’re in love. Maybe it’s something you should think about.” With a smile, she gracefully turns on her heels and begins walking away.
The elephant hands you your brush back but by now you’re too distracted to continue brushing them. There’s an idea forming in your head and you need their opinion on something.
A few days later when everything is set up, you’re going over the plan one last time with Gilgamesh while Thena is out training. 
“Do you think she’ll like it?” You’re certain that by now he must be sick of dealing with you but he simply laughs and gives you a nod.
“Relax, she’s going to love it! Just be yourself and she won’t be able to resist you.” You curse yourself for ever holding a grudge against Gilgamesh. He’s been nothing but sweet and supportive this entire time and you hope to someday repay him back. He pulls you into a warm hug before his eyes catch something and he becomes much quieter. “She’s right over there, good luck.”
When you turn to look at Thena, it’s like emerging from freezing cold waters and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face for the first time. Everything about her is mesmerizing and bright and it makes you feel like an entirely new being just discovering the wonders of the world. She looks at you with some understandable curiosity after seeing you and Gilgamesh innocently embrace and begins to walk towards you, her eyes never leaving yours. You’re determined not to break eye contact with her but a smile uncontrollably takes over your entire face until she’s only a few feet in front of you and finally speaks.
“Did I miss something?” She asks with a hint of playfulness in her tone and you quickly shake your head.
“No, you’re actually right on time,” this causes her to raise an eyebrow at you and you plead with yourself to stay strong. “I was hoping that you would join me for a ride, if you wanted to that is.”
Her surprised smile causes tingles to spread throughout your entire body. “I would be honored, sweet one, but what would we be riding?” You’re probably grinning like a child at this point but you just continue to stand there cheekily as the answer reveals itself. Out from the jungle, an elephant slowly saunters its way over towards the two of you and Thena’s eyes light up even more than usual. “She’s ethereal,” you hear her whisper before the elephant gives a reply.
“Her name is Aaloka and she says thank you,” you translate. “She also said she agrees with me.”
“Agrees with you on what?”
Be brave. “That you are very beautiful,” your words surprise her and a blush begins to cover her cheeks. It’s all so much to take in that you start to feel your heart race. The only other times it does that is when you’re fearful, but she’s the only one that makes it beat this way. It’s like it beats for her.
Aaloka kneels and Thena assists you on top first before gracefully leaping up behind you. You start to feel a bit overwhelmed by how high up you are with nothing to hold onto until she wraps your arms around your waist and instantly freeze. No one has ever held you like this before. Eventually, you allow yourself to relax your body and sink softly back into hers. It’s an unfamiliar feeling, but a welcome one.
“Are we just going to sit here or do you plan on taking me somewhere?” She asks playfully and it shakes you from your spell. 
“Um, yes! Let’s go!”
Aaloka already knows which path to follow and it doesn’t take as long as you had expected for you to arrive at the spring. In the close distance is a waterfall that reflects the vibrant pinks, yellows, and oranges of the sky all around you. Thena lets go of you, which leaves you feeling somewhat empty, and is the first to dismount before you awkwardly try to slide your way down. At the very last second, the elephant moves one of her feet so that you trip forward and lose your balance. Thena immediately catches you in her arms with a soft laugh and brushes away some of your hair that’s been slightly tussled. 
“Hey, that wasn’t very nice!” You scold the elephant which has no sense of guilt whatsoever. “She did that in purpose you know.” Thena chuckles once again with a look of amusement in her eyes.
“I think she knows that I like keeping you in my arms, sweet one,” Thena huskily breaths into your ear and it causes a gasp to escape from your mouth. Looking up into her giant hypnotizing orbs stops time itself. How did you become so lucky to be here with her? Doubt starts to settle in and you unconsciously cling to her harder.
“I just don’t know what I’ve done to deserve your affections. I’m not strong like you or fast like Makkari. Everyone on the team has a myth or a legend named after them except for me. Thena, they named a goddess and a city after you! But me? I’m nothing extraordinary.” The confession brings a frown on her face that instantly confuses you. What did you say that upset her? 
“Do you really not see how incredible you are? You’re the most amazing person I know.” Thena looks at you with such admiration that it’s almost impossible for you not to believe her words. “If they name something else after Kingo I think his ego might cause his head to explode. But you, my darling, are too quick to discredit yourself for all the good you have helped put into this world. Things you have done from the pureness of your own heart even if you were scared, unsure of how to show the humans and animals how they must work together. Respect each other.”
“It’s my job,” you brush it off with a shrug, unsure of what she’s getting at. Nothing that you’ve done could ever compare to when she saved an entire city full of people. “You deserve someone just as strong as you are. A fighter that can protect you.”
“You think I can’t protect myself?” She raises an eyebrow at you and you realize how stupid you must have sounded.
“No, that’s not what I meant! Of course you’re… I meant to say that I wouldn’t want to… because I’m not-“
All the air dissipates from your lungs when her hand comes to rest at your cheek. Softly laughing, she drops the fake act of frustration in order to soothe you.
“Shhh, I was only joking, my dear. For the record, I’m not interested in a partner that can spar with me or deals with all their problems like Ikaris by blasting through everything. I only want you. You’ve taught me that there’s so much more to life than fighting. That there can be different ways of looking at the world.”
It’s at that same moment that the universe seems to send you a message in the form of thousands of green lights which begin to float up towards the sky. The synchronous dancing of the fireflies wasn’t something you had planned and you find it difficult to resist the smile that grows on your face. Standing together in the glowing green light, it feels nothing short of a truly magical moment.
“Y/N,” Thena softly whispers and you are brought back to the face of the most beautiful woman in the world looking at you with so much warmth. “I would never lie to you. So please believe me when I say I have never loved anyone else the way I love you.”
You’re sure your own heart is glowing within your chest brighter than all the fireflies in the world.
“You… You love me?” All of a sudden it feels as if you might float away. As long as she goes with you you’d be fine.
“Yes, darling. I love you and I’d be honored to be yours.”
“I love you too!” You throw your arms around her neck while Thena giggles, instinctively pulling your bodies closer together.
“May I kiss you, little one?” She breaths in your ear, sending shivers of anticipation across every inch of your skin.
“Please do,” you answer with a smile before your lips finally meet.
Your kiss is exactly like all the wonderful things you love about Thena. She’s gentle yet passionate, pouring all of her desire for you into the kiss while still being incredibly soft and responsive. In all your years of living you’ve never kissed anyone before. You’ve secretly observed human couples of all types share countless kisses throughout history. You feel like you’ve been forced to sit through even more between Sersi and Ikaris in the past century alone. Every time you’ve wondered what It must be like to experience something so magical. With Thena, you’re certain you finally understand what all of the fuss was about.  Nothing else has ever felt so right.
The two of you eventually separate when you’re both startled by the sound of Aaloka triumphantly cheering. Thena pulls you closer to her as you laugh, smiling directly into the crook of her neck.
“What did she say?” Thena asks.
“Something along the lines of ‘It was about time already!’”
“Well I have been waiting to kiss you for only a few thousand years!”
Feeling bold, you reach up to take Thena’s face into your hands. “Maybe we should make up for the lost time?”
“Definitely,” she agrees before swooping down to bring your lips together once again.
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cdragons · 7 months
More Eternals Memes & Incorrect Quotes
Ft. Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader & the kiddos
Notes: Ya girl got bored and she doesn't want to work on her presentations that are like 35% of her grade. PS: If anyone recognizes which scene I used in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends in that one gif, y'all are the real ones.
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Sephia, playing with baby Jack: So how the ride from the hospital?
Phastos: Oh you know, pretty uneventful.
*20 minutes earlier*
Ben: *on the phone* We locked our baby in the car and people are judging us!
Ben: Do not break the window! You'll get glass on him.
Phone operator: Sir, please tell your wife to relax. Everything is going to be okay.
Ben: That's a man.
Operator: Really?
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Laurie: What are you in the mood for?
Mara: World Domination
Laurie: Seems a bit ambitious
Mara: Laurie, you are my world
Laurie: Awwww
Laurie: OH
*Bonus scene*
Ikaris: I sense a disturbance in the force
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No One:
Arthur & Uriel meeting for the first time and already vibing:
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Arthur: I guess I’m too tough to cry
Agalia: 20 minutes ago you were crying about snakes
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Ikaris: Hey Gil, I brought Laurie for that playdate
Mara: *Snarling & Feral & Foaming*
Gilgamesh: She don’t bite
Ikaris: YES SHE DO
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I'm sorry, is this not what happened?
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Laoise: Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Aisling: You are not a burden!
Hamish *blinking in morse code*: Murder is a-okay
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*Ikaris and Mara arguing about something*
Mara: Tell him where he can put his grapes Uri!
Uriel *signing*: In the fridge!
Mara: Yeah! In the fridge
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Kaetlyn: I'll just be a few minutes, you won't even notice I'm gone!
*Not even two minutes later*
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*Coming up with the Unimind Title*
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*Kingo in his ho era*
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Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @valeskafics, @chompchompluke, @aphroditesmoon, @littlewitchoftheweast, @disco82, @arcielee, @asa-do-your-thing, @beananacake, @getawaycardotmp3, @mitchh12, @jolixtreesunn, @tesha-i-guess, @vikingqueen28, @sydthesciencekid05, @n-1d1-1, @deanthomaswhore, @emilysanay143, @lavenderwisteria,
Please reblog and like! Do not repost!
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male-fictioner · 7 months
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
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Fuck You! (smut)
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Peter B Parker
Miguel O'Hara
Nerdo! Miguel x GN! Reader Headcannons
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
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musenilla · 1 year
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The movie actually ended like this, them having fun and singing no deaths. Another commission done for eternals release day!! They wanted an art piece highly inspired from the marvel comics Eternals #1 (Ramos Launch Cover).
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lady-of-the-spirit · 6 months
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Eternals (2021) / The Carnivorous Lamb, Agustin Gomez-Arcos, trans. William Rodarmor / "Like The Dawn", The Oh Hellos / "I'm not calling you a liar", Florence + The Machine
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sideblogofhell · 11 months
the repentant's corner
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seek penance or forever fall in darkness.
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† a lesson in friction [dane whitman | frottage] † a dip in the lake [sam wilson | outdoor sex] † a body with two souls [druig | mind control] † a forbidden fruit [pietro maximoff | sex pollen] † a dance with the enemy [ikaris| hate sex]
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"Spread yer legs like the guid laddie ye are." His Scottish accent was deep and husky as his mouth was against Y/N's throat. He was demanding and pushy, long slender fingers digging into his hips.
"Fuck you, Eternal. I'll spread my legs whenever I damn well please." Y/N growled out, reaching back and tugging on sugar brown locks. He wasn't sweet or gentle, having enough strength to rip Ikaris's hair out, but he didn't want that. This was about pain and pleasure.
"Shut up and spread them." Ikaris kicked his legs apart. They both knew Ikaris was strong enough to take him by force if necessary. And they both knew Y/N was strong enough to resist if he wanted to. But this wasn't about forcing. It was about resisting and rebelling to the point that there's so much sexual tension between them, that they fuck in a hot, passionate gay hate sex scenario.
Y/N was bent over as Ikaris as trailed a finger over his ass. "If only your friends could see what a slut you really are for cock."
"Shut up, Eternal and fuck me already. If you've got the dick and balls for it." Y/N growled.
There was the sound of pants being ripped as Ikaris made a hole in Y/N pants and underwear as he pulled his own pants down, and stroked his massive cock. "Beg for it, laddie."
"Fuck you! I'm not a bottom bitch boy. Fuck me now, or I'll get someone who can." Y/N hated the Eternals. The Eternals hated the Avengers. Y/N and Ikaris would meet three times a week in a hotel room and fuck until they've had their fill of hate sex. Today was the first day.
Ikaris growls and teases Y/N's hole with his leaking golden precum. He pulled his head back by his hair. "I'm in charge. And I said, fuckin beg boy!"
"Ah, fuck! Fuck me, Ikaris.... please?"
"Good, Laddie."
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year
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some Pencils by Esad Ribic.
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Alone and Broken
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Ajak’s voice came out clear and firm “This is where I say goodbye. You are free to go. I want you to go out there and live a life for yourselves. Not as soldiers, not with the purpose you were given. Find your own purpose and one day when we see each other again, I want you to tell me what you found”
As everyone begins to leave, and I quickly follow Gilgamesh and Thena who are speaking in quiet tones, down the steps and into the forest. Walking deeper into the trees they both seem to have finish their conversation before turning to me. “You’re not coming with us (Y/N)” Thena’s voice is low and cold
“I’m not afraid of you Thena, I know who you are, I know who I fell in love with.”
Gilgamesh glances at Thena before gesturing to the side and walking off.
“I don't love you; it was nice while it lasted a warm body after a battle but now that the deviants are gone, I have no need for someone as weak as you.”
I strike my head in disbelief. “I don't believe you it was never about a warm body and I’m not going to let you push me away when you need someone the most.” I stepped towards Thena attempting to touch her arm only for it to be slapped away.
“Maybe I wasn't clear I don't want you you're a burden thinking about you following me around for the next 100 years makes me sick to my stomach. I never loved you I only used you.” Thena’s voice is cold, and her face twisted into a disgusted angry expression.
My blood runs cold I start to feel sick to my stomach. Thena turns and walks away without another word leaving me standing alone in forest.
Every day since then I have been alone, I would forever be grateful to Ajak for giving us our freedom, but I was alone. The last words me and Thena exchanged running through my mind on a loop. I have been in love with Thena for as long as I could remember and for a while, I thought she was as well. I was one of the eternals aggressively against her losing her memories despite the fact of her Mahd Wy’ry, but she used me. I was always just a background character in the eternals. My powers concerning the elements were never much help, Ajax always told me that my heart was my greatest power but now I can't help but disagree because here I am three thousand years in the future and yet I'm still alone. Not one of my so-called eternal friends has ever come to look for me, not even Ajax.
I’m brought back to present day with a sharp knock and the door of my cabin. I shake my head to get rid of the memories like brushing away cobwebs before standing. I take a few steps towards the door before pausing and remembering I live in the middle of the woods there's no civilization for two hundred miles out. I grab a knife from the table I’ve been seated at and make my way towards the door before speaking. “Who’s there?” my voice come out raspy and dry, like sandpaper against a wall.
“It’s Sersi…. from college.” The voice says a bit hesitant at the end “Everyone else is with here too, well except Ajax and Gilgamesh.”  
My mind raced as I stumbled back from the door, bumping into a table, then a chair as I tried to process this. Several thoughts swirled around my head as I stepped closer to the door. Why were they here? None of them care about me, they all disappeared never caring abut me. As these thoughts run through my mind, I start to get angry.
Twisting the doorknob, I tear the door open, nearly taking it from its hinges. “What do you want, I’m not quite in the mood for company.”
They all stand there, surprised at the venom in my voice. I glance around taking in the faces of Sersi Kingo, Makkari, Druig, Ikaris, Sprite, Phastos, and Thena. The air catches in my throat as the sight of Thena, and it's like no time has passed and I've just had my heart broken all over again. She attempts to meet my eyes but ignore her and everyone else in focus on Sersi.
“We need your help, Ajax and Gilgamesh were killed by deviants and...”
“Why should I help you?” I cut her off before she can finish. “Why should I care about two dead people who didn't care about me, as a matter of fact why should I care about any of you.” I scoff shaking my head.
Sersi flinches as if slapped and looks over her shoulder to the rest of the group for help. Kingo steps forward a wide smile on his face. “Come on (Y/N) you know we've missed your…”
“Missed me? Ha yeah right, I hate liars been three thousand years and now you miss me. More like you just remembered I existed I need more help on your little mission. Now Druig and Makkari I can understand, but the rest of you just didn’t care enough to check on me.” As I speak ice grows around my feet and wind starts to circle around me forcing them to step back from the door as I step forward.
“(Y/N).” Thena says her voice holding none of the chill it did when we last spoke.
As I force myself to meet her eyes all the feelings, I've tried to hold back seem to rush back filling my ears with a roar. “You don't get to speak to me ever again, or did you forget what the last thing was you said to me. Let me give you a little reminder ‘It was nice to have a warm body after battle, I have no need for someone so weak’. Or hey this was my favorite ‘Thinking about you following me around for the next one hundred years makes me sick to my stomach. I never loved you’.  
By the time I'm finished speaking there is a cyclone circling around me while my fingers start to spark with the beginnings of fire. Thena’s face is twisted as I repeat her words back to her the same ones that have been running through my head for hundreds of years. Then Ajax’s words which were always kind and soothing Appear in my mind ‘Your heart, your compassion is your greatest gift never lose the love you have for others.’
Shaking my head once more I finally speak again. “I'll help you but after I want you all to leave me alone. Since you were all so good at it before it shouldn't be that big of a problem. I refuse to be a second-rate person in anyone's life especially people I used to consider my family.” Glaring at them all before my eyes rest on Thena once more.
“Please don’t look at me with such hatred. I didn’t mean to hurt you I didn’t mean any of what I said I was trying to protect you. We can still fix this.” Thena’s voice cracks as she looks back at me with despair
“Maybe in another life but you made me miserable, and I still loved you. How could you have thought this wouldn't hurt me? This can’t  be fixed you've ruined what was between us for good now.”
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merrymarvelite · 2 months
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Cover of the Day: Eternals #15 (September, 1977) Art by Jack Kirby, John Verpoorten, and John Romita
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cdragons · 11 months
Truce Part 1
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader ft. Druig x Hecate!Reader Word Count: 2.7k Prompt/Summary: Ikaris and Druig have a discussion about the women in their lives (AKA: Ikaris is an idiot who thinks your best friend is a demon, and Druig is super in love with said demon). Warning: Slight mentions of death (no major characters tho), neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning Note: Thank you to everyone who takes the times to read my writing even through it is likely way too self-indulgent to be considered in-character! Special thank you to the most amazing and incredible beta editor in the world, @valeskafics! If you have not, please go check her works! She mostly does HOTD, GOT, anything Ewan Mitchell, and literally EVERYTHING she writes is incredible!
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It was safe to say that Ikaris was a confident individual.
This was a fact that applied to many aspects of his life.
He was confident in his abilities as an Eternal. He was confident in his faith in both his leader Ajak, and the Celestial that created him and his team members, Arishem. He was especially confident in his capability as a leader. This included carrying out missions, eliminating Deviants, and saving and “caring” about the fragile humans’ lives.
No matter what Druig implied.
But the one thing he could not say he was completely 100% confident about… was… understanding how he placed amongst the rest of the Eternals.
That wasn’t to say he wasn’t well-liked or even appreciated… but… he didn’t exactly know how some members “felt” about him.
He was more than well-received by certain members – Kingo and Sprite are the first Eternals that come to mind. He had earned the respect and trust of most of the group – as was shown by the trust Ajak put on him, along with the close bond he shared with Sersi. Thena and Gilgamesh certainly respected him as a fighter – but they never idolized him. In their eyes, he was more of a younger brother that they could share a drink and trade banter. He was on amicable terms with Makkari. Phastos and him never particularly bonded with each other, but the latter still trusted Ikaris’ judgement.
With Druig and Katelyn, both outright dismissing him most of the time –
No…that was putting it lightly…
Take the words “outright dismissed him,” and replaced them with “liked to act like bratty little shits and make him look like a fucking idiot;” along with the words “most of the time,” and replace them with “since they all left the goddamn Domo.”
…But he had no idea where he stood with you.
Sephia, the Eternal blessed by Arishem with the ability of absolute control of plants and the Earth. While Sersi made efforts to connect with the humans, you almost did everything in your power to avoid them. But no matter how you tried to avoid them, humans always adored you. They longed to catch a quick glimpse of the beautiful being that brought them aid whenever their crops were unable to bear fruit.
It was not only your powers that attracted them to you, but also the image you presented yourself to them. You were…heaven-sent – is how the humans saw you. Although fairly quiet, it was obvious to him that you were brilliant. Not only that, but you were fairly regimented in your diligence to your duties- something Ikaris greatly appreciated in a team member. You and Sersi worked together to only present them with their new crops, explain the various uses that would fit their lifestyle, show them how to properly harvest the crops and take a section of the seeds to replant, and then demonstrate how to properly plant them in a way that would yield the best results.
…It also helped how the sun would bring out that lovely flush to your skin in your demonstrations.
To them, your kindness and shy demeanor… along with your overwhelming beauty that was only further brought out from your flowing pink tunic with green twining and brass patterns… presented the very image of a Springtime Maiden.
You carried out your duties flawlessly, and always with so much efficiency that you always managed to have more than enough free time to go off on your little adventures to study the wildlife you had not created. You were curious as to how certain natural environments resulted in different lifestyle choices. You insisted that in studying the world around them, you would be able to better understand the humans’ lifestyle. A thought that was supported by Ajak whole-heartedly.
And it wasn’t only your duties to the humans that you carried out well – you even used your ability to control the plants that surrounded you to attack Deviants in desperate times. Sprite would spin tales of how the Sweet Spring Maiden Sephia could turn a little flower into a giant vine that could pierce through the skull of any deviant that came your way.
You were…different. That wasn’t to say you were strange…if anything…your differences made you…charming. Admittedly, he hadn’t paid much attention towards you at the beginning as he was initially attracted to Sersi’s kind demeanor. But he would always see you with her, and she would always insist on the two of you bonding. Your encounters with one another were awkward to say the least. But soon, he genuinely bonded with you…
Now, you were just the most fucking adorable being in the universe; which brought up the dire need to know where he stood in your life.
He just hoped that your “guardian angel” wasn’t with you at the moment.
“Well,” thought Ikaris, “demon would be a more accurate term in describing her.”
Kaetlyn was a different topic of conversation to say the least. Simply put, her abilities allow her to manipulate shadows and darkness. In battle, she would first scope out any areas that had Deviants to gain any information that would be an advantage. She would do this by either sending her shadows out, or just traveling through any shadows herself. Ikaris loathed to admit it, but her affinity for intelligence-gathering was far superior than the rest of them. Not only that, but she was a more than capable fighter. She would aim her dark arrows to the Deviant’s weakest point, and let the shadows embedded in it sink into their bodies to tear them from the inside out.
After its confirmed death, she would use her shadow portals to transport them to her personal laboratory at the Domo to “study” their anatomy and physiology. And if that wasn’t enough, Ajak just- just- ALLOWS IT! Even going so far as to ask for your assistance at certain times!
Ajak was one matter – after all, the Prime Eternal served as a maternal figure to everyone, including him – but he was more shocked at your eager involvement in the dark assassin’s hobbies. He could never forget how brightly you smiled when you ran towards him in excitement at your realization that encasing the decaying specimens in a mixture of various alcohol solutions and formaldehyde created a much more effective embalming methods than encasing it in an alcohol solution with herbs and spices.
You went on for hours about how you discovered the gas during one of the fires that nearly destroyed the village a few months back. Luckily very few of the villagers died, but you noticed how the victims who only died through exposure to the smoke decomposed much slower than normal. You then ended up trying to explain the process of precipitating the gas into a liquid solution, along with how to properly categorize it so that it wouldn’t be accidentally ingested. You and he ended up talking for so long that you ended up completely missing the feast held in celebration of the harvest that year. Ajak was quite cross with the both of you – Ikaris especially since he is usually so punctual with social engagements – but how could he be upset after having hours of your sole attention? You too were not put off by your leader’s slight scolding. On the contrary, you were more than relieved considering how much you hated these events.
You were kind and thoughtful; she was argumentative and crass. You were radiant brilliance; she was unhinged madness. You brought light and its hopeful beginnings; she oozed out darkness and all its mad chaos. You were life; she was death. So why did you latch onto her as if she was your only tether to the ground?
…You were being controlled by her- that had to have been it. Ikaris refused to believe that someone as wonderful and kind as yourself would willingly subject themselves to that-that-that- hell spawn!
“Y’know,” an annoyed voice broke his thoughts, “I’d really appreciate it if you’d didn’t call the love of my life a ‘hell spawn’.”
“For the love of Arishem,” thought Ikaris, “anyone but him.”
Taking a deep breath, he turned to find Druig.
“And I’m more than certain that our sweet Sephia wouldn’t exactly be ecstatic in knowing how you referred her very favorite person in the world that particular term either.” The mind controlling Eternal finished off with that damned trademark smirk of his.
Gods, Ikaris wanted nothing more than to shove that face a thousand feet in the ground right now. But he didn’t want to afford to lose his temper now. Not when he still hoped to find you.
“Pretty sure Ajak made it a rule for you not to use your powers on your fellow Eternals,” he snapped, “considering your habit of using it on the humans already.”
“Please,” he quipped back, “you’re the one pacing and muttering like a mad man in the middle of the courtyard.” He slightly cocked his head to the side in a facetious manner, “Anything I could help with?”
Ikaris didn’t want to tell Druig his plans…he wanted less for Druig to know about his plans with you. But Druig was close to you…even only through mutual association by Kaetlyn.
“Why are Sephia and Kaetlyn friends?” He blurted out.
“…Seriously?” Druig asked, “that’s what making act so crazy?”
“Just answer the damn question Druig.”
“…Why do you want to know?” The mind controller asked, very sure he wasn’t going to like Golden Boy’s response, but felt it necessary for his own peace of mind.
“…It doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“Excuse me?” His tone was growing colder with each passing second.
“Druig, I understand that you are incapable of being objective towards your… lover,” Ikaris started, “but even you have to admit you found their friendship to be unusual?”
“I can’t say that I have,” Druig answered, “I happen to think my angel as a lovely individual. A sentiment also agreed on by most members of the team- even your biggest fan Kingo adores her. Unconventional views? Maybe. Relentless tenacity? Absolutely. But that is exactly the foundation my beautiful Kaet’s adoration of Sephia, and vice versa.”
“I don’t- wait- I don’t understand?” Ikaris interrogated the besotted Eternal, “All she does is question Ajak’s authority, and commit senseless acts of childish rebellion! How does that lead to her being close with someone -”
Druig’s blank stare was almost terrifying.
“What Ikaris?” he asked, “Someone like Sephia? And how do you see our Sephia? Someone dutiful? Beautiful? Kind? Sweet? Perfect? How wretchedly mundane and so very one-dimensional- even for you.”
“That’s not it,” Ikaris was getting angry, “stop putting words in my mouth-”
“It’s not exactly a hard thing to do with you, my friend. But you and Sephia aren’t particularly close. She may be cordial with you, but she’s like that with everyone. So why the interest?”
“…I know that…Sephia is considered…different,” Ikaris began, “from a behavioral standpoint – but- tha- that’s not- I don’t think of her any less because of it.” This was much harder than he expected.
Druig lifted one of his eyebrows, signaling for the taller Eternal to continue.
“I like her ‘quirks’ – I can’t say I understand what they are, but – I know that-that they are a part of her, and not in a way that her powers are hers. But I also know that, that they don’t make up who she is as a whole.” Why was his throat closing up? “And…I like that she sees me.”
“…Yeah, no shit genius, it’s not like you can turn invisible. Believe me, not seeing your face would be a great improvement to my life.”
Ikaris scowled while turning so he could fly far from the black-clad armored telepath, “Forget it, I don’t know why I thought to share this with you of all people-”
“You don’t feel judged around her, is that it?”
Ikaris stopped, and once more faced Druig. The shock on his face was almost hilarious…if only Druig wasn’t about to completely expose himself at the moment, then he could at least properly enjoy the dumbfounded look on Ikaris’ face.
“Do you feel like you can talk to her about anything? That you could trust someone with something so humiliating? And then you’re angry because once you actually said those, you’ve realized that you’ve given someone full ammunition of yourself for them to use against you?”
The silence between the two powerful immortals was stifling.
“But then time passes,” Druig continues on, “and even after you pushed them away, they still accept you. Because they saw you, not an image other people projected on to you. And despite all reason, they decided to stand beside you.”
Ikaris’ eyes were bulging out of his head, “How- how did you know-?”
“I know, because I’ve been there,” Druig’s eyes softened just a tad, “with Kaety.”
“…Well, if you’re so curious about their companionship, I suppose the best way would be to ask directly from the source.” Druig reasoned as he pointed his head to two figures walking towards them.
You, in a soft white tunic with a long pink skirt with some brass jewelry. Today, you decided to let your hair loose with a few braids. Ikaris thought it was a bit curious on how you detested the humans’ worship of you, yet you still preferred their clothing options as opposed to your armor that showed your Olympian origins. However, armor or not, you still glowed a soft and heavenly aura unique only to you. You were in deep conversation with Kaetlyn, who wore a simple white linen dress with a patterned dark blue border skirt and a silver chained belt, and styled her hair in a loose braid.
Noticing the figures in front of them, Kaetlyn immediately pulled a look of just absolute disgust at the realization that Ikaris of all people was interrupting her peaceful day. Curious to your friend’s strange reaction, you turned your head and let out a warm smile and waved enthusiastically to the two men. You were well-aware of your friend’s distaste of the taller Eternal, but he was always kind with you. Besides, if you could occasionally put up with Kingo’s hubris, Kaety could certainly tolerate Ikaris’ company for a few moments.
Druig stepped in view, and Ikaris saw how quickly your feral companion’s expression changed at the sight of her lover. She lightly jogged to meet him in the middle as she threw her arms around his neck. Looking the strange sight, Ikaris noted that when she genuinely smiled, she looked almost…approachable? Druig took Kaetlyn in his arms, and the two pressed their lips together in a tender kiss. And just like that, the spell was broken and Ikaris was inwardly cringing from disgust as he turned his head away from the sight.
As a result, he was unable to see Druig lean forward and softly whisper to her ear of the plight that their mutual grey-streaked hair irritation was experiencing. Wanting to dismiss it immediately, Kaetlyn recalls all the times your cheeks lightly flushed in Ikaris’ company. And despite her obvious distaste for the man, she could tell that he at least wanted to genuinely understand her best friend. And she was more than positive that you were feeling “something” for him; however unaware you were of it yourself. Taking pity on the man, she walked over to you and explained how Druig wanted to explore the area for hidden caves. As a result, you and her would have to continue your discussions of how to properly develop the Punica granatum and its nutritional benefits for expectant mothers at another time. But luckily, Ikaris would be more than happy to escort you back to the Domo.
Before walking away, Ikaris felt a sharp pinch to his side, and looked down to find Kaetlyn’s shadow pinching his? Annoyed, he looked up to reprimand her, but his blood ran cold meeting the shadow Eternal’s gaze.
“Do anything that causes her discomfort,” her eyes seemed to shout, “and I will make your own shadow tear you apart bit by bit.” Quickly turning her head, the dark wisps quickly reattached themselves to their mistress. And the two Eternals were left alone with only themselves for company.
Looking back at you as you basked in the daylight, its golden light only enhancing the glow from your softness. Ikaris had only one thought in his head as he tries his damnedest to not reach out and press your suppleness against his hard frame.
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Tagging: @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @siempre-bucky, @beananacake, @ethereal-athalia
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