#imagine if I accidentally called a plot point in Ruin with this
ponds-of-ink · 1 year
Confrontation but William and Glitch-Trap (Part 2.. Kinda [There’s No Storyboards This Time])
Now, I know I technically finished what I was supposed to for my Confrontation but William vs. Glitch-Trap storyboards, but I want to ramble on about what I’ve had in mind for the rest of the song. And, since I have enough time to write my thoughts down but not enough to draw at the moment, I’ve decided to turn it into a blog post real quick. Besides, most of this is kinda rough considering Ruin isn’t even out yet. And I’m not entirely sure about the choreography in a few spots shh
This is going to probably get a little long, so I’ve put it under a “keep reading” break just in case.
So, picking up where we left off...
*William almost exits the elevator, but the door shuts. Glitch sings Hyde’s opening “monologue” as the elevator drops to the first floor of the building. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a wild-eyed “Vanny” pries the door open with her bare hands as Glitch’s voice triumphantly claims victory... One minute and a half into a four minute song.
*Anyway, the first main argument starts up as William removes Vanny from Glitch’s control and faces him properly. Almost want to say that most of this from here on out flickers between altered memories from both Glitch and Will. Like, when it’s Will’s turn to sing at one point, he turns into Mr. Burrows from the Pizzaplex books and starts slamming an equally disguised Glitch. Or Glitch activates the springs on Will’s Bonnie suit himself just to emotionally stun the man. Idk I’m just in the mood to pull a literal memory fight and get crazy with the fight scene.
*So, after all that trying to hijack each other’s minds (well... if that rabbit has a mind), Glitch manages to take the upper hand and forcibly returns the pair back to reality. As if to add insult to the injuries he’s most likely dishing out, he sends our ghost boy William allll the way back to the Blob hybrid with no way to escape again. William is obviously both very tired and very unhappy now as Glitch tauntingly floats into the room and does his trademark “arms in the air” dance.
*However, as the song winds down to its crescendo, William uses the hybrid to his advantage. He snatches Glitch up with wiry tentacles, insisting that he’s no longer the man this insane strand of code idolized. Unfortunately for him, Glitch is too stubborn to admit that sort of thing— Even going so far as to admit that he is William’s literal darker half by default.
*As a last ditch effort, William initiates some sort of “self-destruct” as he screams for Glitch to go rot somewhere (since, you know, the glitchy bunny can’t actually die). Glitch yells back with absolute pride: “I’ll see you there, Afton!” as new flames start to rise higher and higher.
*While Vanny, Gregory, and anyone else who managed to survive the entire DLC make a break for it, William gets literally dragged down by his two worst (though unintended) creations. Is it a metaphor for what’ll happen to his soul? Is it just a final attack from Glitch-Trap? Gonna be honest and say that I have no idea until Ruin comes out.
*Of course, this version is taking into account stuff from the Tales from the Pizzaplex books. If I wanted to just stick to the games entirely, then I could still use the memory segment in a different way (ie. Jeremy’s story from Help Wanted as a flashback for Glitch). Also, this would mean that Glitch would be implied to be more like an actual Edward Hyde for William rather than a rouge computer program pretending to be William. (Sorry if this part doesn’t make sense, but I just realized that I forgot to explain where I got half of Glitch’s characterization from for this.)
*The only reason why I didn’t mention Ruin Girl at all in this is because she’s already left the main building by this point. For all she knows, Vanny and Greg just left the mall only for Vanny to suddenly run back in at breakneck speeds... Only for them to reemerge a couple of minutes later as the entire place burns down again. Wow, nobody is catching a break today. Not even anyone smart enough to be in the parking lot.
*If I do continue this at some stage, let me make this clear: William should be in his official Ruin/actually human design rather than the partially 8-bit form I drew in the initial storyboards. That 8-bit form was just a placeholder, after all.
*Side note: Glitch sounding like Springtrap is a bit “cursed” to me, not gonna lie. It’s like Glitch finally learned to sound a bit more like the monster everyone dreads and he’s running with that new voice-bank. On the bright side, at least Jekyll’s voice fits William pretty well.
And I think that’s pretty much all I’ve got. Hope my rough outline didn’t sound too haphazard..
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ashironie · 7 months
Firstly this is going to be ESPECIALLY inspired by the anime since I’m watching it rn. And I barely know anything about Pokémon soooooooo….
Mk gets woken up by Mei who wanted to be at his house to scare him when he got back from the poke-lab to get his pokemon, and the both realize he’s late as shit.
When they finally get there this really weird dude that’s obviously in a disguise is like “I’m the professor or doctor or smth I don’t really know, your late, have this random guy”
MK’s like, I’ll take what I can get, and takes Pokémon out it his pokeball (which is really intricately designed, especially the red bits, with a whole bunch of fire stuff) and it turns out to be a Chimchar which the professor seemed really impressed by (not the Chimchar part the part where Mk could get him out of the ball).
Also there was this one Pokémon master who’s main guy was an Infernape (the third evolution stage of Chimchar) and so Mk was like really excited about this.
They go on their adventure (Mei’s not old enough to have a Pokémon yet, but she wants to join Mk on his journey and her parents know they couldn’t stop her if they tried [and they did]) and meet their first gym, a fire gym.
MK’s got some more Pokémon at this point but starts out with Chimchar, in the same ball that he was originally in. Redson accuses Mk of stealing, Mk denies, they get into a bigger fight and turns out professor sketchy face was Sun Wukong (the aforementioned great trainer Mk likes so much [plot twist of the century]) “stole it” and gave it to Mk and now Redson is following Mei and Mk around like team rocket.
(Long story short, Sun Wukong breed another Chimchar and put him in a ball that could only be opened by someone worthy, someone Sun Wukong would train. Then either Redson seemed like a good candidate, couldn’t open it, and then they all got huffy he couldn’t so they kept him [until SWK stole him back] or DBK, PIF, and Redson just stole it [because it’s so powerful blah blah blah])
So now that’s happening, Mk is in touch with Sun Wukong, his dad Pigsy, and his dad’s husband Tang. Then Pigsy (being worried about his son) calls his old friend Sandy to help them (he’s a water type Pokémon breeder). This whole thing can happen before or after Mk meets Redson but yk (probably before but I was too excited about Redson).
Mei’s parents are visiting the town their in (on totally unrelated business what do you mean???) and woo yay it was Mei’s 10th birthday a little bit ago and now her parents asked her to watch over this one intricate pokeball (it’s green and while with dragon designs on the green bit).
One of Redsons Pokémon tries to steal it, but with the help from the Rayquaza inside the ball, Mei is able to defeat them. Mei says sorry to her parents for opening the pokeball, they say their proud of her and we’re gonna get it to her anyway (when she was older, but Mei always had a way with ruining their plans). Something something family.
I honestly don’t know too much yet (might reblog this later with more thoughts on the AU) but I do know I want Redson to go to Mk and Mei’s side (also Sandy is there) and maybe have like a Toph/Brock arc????? Again I don’t really know
I was specifically imagining that Redson actually deeply cares about his Pokémon and has nicknames for all of them, but only catches fire types. Aside from and Eevee who he plans to make into a Flareon but ends up accidentally making into a Sylveon because he coddles him too much or smth. Arc about him trying to find what makes him happy and trying to get his parents to not cut him out of their life pretty please with a cherry on top.
But that’s all I got so far…
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bluezey · 10 months
A New Core Memory
I’m a big fan of Inside Out and Elemental, so both movies were bound to cross over.  Not only in how Ember and Wade’s minds would work in Inside Out rules, but when exactly did they fall in love?
I was especially wondering that since reading the book Unlikely Friends, as it said Wade knew he loved Ember before taking the love test with Cinder.  So, when exactly did Wade know he was in love?  I think Wade fell in love during the crying game, but imagine that but through his emotions.
Would I end up pulling an Inside Onward and write out the plot of Elemental through the point of view of Wade and Ember’s emotions?  I think I might wait until Inside Out 2 comes out, so I can follow the updated logic of the sequel.  But, for now, let’s follow Inside Out 1 rules and have a little fun!
It’s been a few long exciting, happy weeks since Ember fell into Wade’s life… or, more literally, Wade fell into hers.  But his Joy couldn’t be happier with such a happy accident!  For over a decade Wade had to endure such ups and downs, more ebbs than flows, just trying to find his flow.  It’s all his emotions ever wanted for Wade, and it’s all Wade ever wanted for his dad.
Ever since Ember entered his life, or Wade entered hers, Joy knew this would be perfect.  Well, first Joy wanted to fix things after Wade kind of accidentally ruined her life by writing all those citations.  But, Joy then began to use that as the perfect opportunity for Wade to spend time with Ember.  Not only as a friend, but Joy could see something different about Ember, something amazing.  Something about her, her light, her spark.  Joy wanted that in Wade’s life, and wanted to keep it there.
Currently, Joy was with Wade’s other emotions:  Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust.  Each emotion was a different color, yellow for Joy, blue for Sadness, purple for Fear, red for Anger, and green for Disgust.  Each one was vibrantly alive with colorful energy particles floating through their bodies, and literally floating through a membrane of water that made up each emotion’s bodies.  Each emotion had literal wavy hair like Wade’s, and each one wore a shirt much like Wade’s style.  Sadness specifically wore a shirt much like Wade’s shirt and tie he wore as a city inspector, as Sadness was basically the lead emotion in Wade’s headquarters.  All five emotions worked as a team, but over the flow of Wade’s life, the five knew Sadness was the best emotion for the job in leading Wade’s life.
Their headquarters were bright with cooling blues and whites, mostly, much like the areas commonly built specifically for the water people of Element City.  Each inch of floor was filled with clean, pure, refreshing water, and each emotion seemed to walk, splash or even glide through the ankle deep pools.  Except for Anger, it was more knee deep for his short size.
The five emotions were currently gathered around the console, stretched out wide so each one had a spot at the controls.  Each emotion sat in a floating blue chair, bobbing calmly on the shallow waters of headquarters, as they watched the screen, showing the point of view Wade saw at that night’s dinner with the family.
This night’s dinner was especially special though, as Ember stopped by Wade’s mom’s apartment!  Ember stopped by because she was worried about her family business, she seemed really upset.  Wade was still waiting for the phone call from Gale, Wade’s boss, who had the fate of Ember’s family business.  Wade had the great idea to invite Ember inside, to meet his family and wait for the phone call.  Well, his emotions also made the decision, as well as Wade’s Friendship Island.  Wade’s Friendship Island has been very active lately whenever he was with Ember.  That’s fine by Joy, whenever an island of personality activated, he knew that meant Wade was making the decision on his own, and didn’t need his emotions’ help.
Joy watched with a bright smile as Friendship Island kept buzzing with activity.  He could hear Wade’s voice echoing from the screen as he turned to Ember and commented just to her, “See, my family likes you.  I told you you’re special.”
Joy turned to the screen, smiling brightly as Ember flashed a shy little bright smile back at Wade.
“Woo hoo!”  Joy cheered as he returned to the console with the other emotions.  “Everything’s going swimmingly!”
“Not everything,” Disgust pointed out sourly.  “Harold had to open his mouth and say that ‘comment’ to Ember.”
“‘You speak so loud and clear?’” Anger exclaimed, before spitting at what Harold said.  “What the heck was he thinking?”
“And did you see how Marco and Polo tried to shake Ember into the water?” Fear shrieked.  “They nearly killed her!”
Joy waved it off with his watery hand.  “Oh they’re just kids.  They didn’t know any better.” 
Dinner was going just fine onscreen, just finishing up some last bites with a bit of polite light conversation.  Inside, Joy could see the emotions were still edgy from how not perfect everything went.  As if things have to be perfect, Joy thought to himself.  But, things could easily get worse if he didn’t find a way to keep these emotions occupied.
Just then, Joy leaped into action and grabbed an idea bulb off a nearby shelf.  Before the other emotions could even ask or interject, Joy inserted the bulb into its holder on the console.
“Ooh, thought bubble,” Wade thought aloud to everyone at the dinner table.  “Why don’t we play the Crying Game!”
Wade’s entire family were happy to play, while Ember simply asked, “Let me guess, you try to cry?”
“We try NOT to cry,” Wade explained.
“Great idea, Joy,” Sadness said, the other emotions commenting positively with such a brash decision.
“Okay Sadness, you’re up.”  Joy pushed Sadness towards his spot at the lead controls of the console.  “You’re a pro at the Crying Game!  You help Wade cry more than anyone in this family!”
“Okay,” the emotions heard Ember’s voice as she confidently told Wade, “this is almost unfair, cause I have never cried.  You got no chance.”
Sadness’s face fell into a frown.  “Uh oh.”
“Oh, Ember’s just challenging you,” Joy encouraged Sadness as he took his seat next to the blue water emotion.  “You can do this.”
The entire group were now gathered in the living room, and Brook and Harold just finished taking their turn.  Wade and Ember were up next.  Wade stood in front of them, waist deep in the living room pool, while Ember stood safely floating on her chair, or as safely as a fire person could be floating over water.
Harold flipped the one minute timer.  “Go!”
The other emotions cheered on Sadness as he entered a small command into the console.
Wade looked Ember dead in the eyes.  “Butterfly,” He stated dramatically.  “Windshield wipers.  Half a butterfly.”
The emotions looked up at the screen.  Ember was standing there, arms crossed, smug smile, not a whimper or a tear.
“It didn’t work,” Fear whispered in shock.
“Time to pull out the big guns,” Anger told Sadness.  “Give her no mercy!”
Sadness took out a daydream chip and inserted it into a port on the console.
“A man on his deathbed,” Wade began.  “He remembers the summer he fell in love.  She was out of his league, and he was young and scared.”  Wade’s lower lip began to quiver, a tear rolled down his face just as a few dripped from Sadness’s.  “He let her go, thinking summer would come again.”  Wade whimpered, trying to talk through his own stream of tears.  “It never did.”
Wade’s entire family were quietly sniffling.  Even the emotions were wiping away a tear or two.  But Ember?  Nothing.  Not even a frown.
Sadness frowned, trying to think of something.  Or, he was trying, before he burst into tears from the thought of losing at his favorite game.
“Time’s almost up,” Harold warned Wade.
Joy thought for a moment, before a little smile spread across his face.  “Hey,” he told Sadness, before leaning over and whispering in his ear.
Sadness listened intently for a quick moment before exhaling a small “ooh.”  Quickly, Sadness began pressing buttons and flipping switches on the console.
Wade stared deeply and intently into Ember’s eyes.  “Ember,” he said, his voice serious and truthful.  “When I met you, I thought I was drowning.  But that light… that light inside you has made me feel so alive.”
Sadness paused and looked up quizzically.  “Huh?”
“What the?” Joy exclaimed.  “Why did you-?”
“I didn’t say that,” Sadness exclaimed.  “I mean, I didn’t make him say that.”
“Guys,” Disgust shouted, getting everyone’s attention.  “Friendship Island is going crazy out there!”
All five emotions turned away from the console and towards the wide open window overlooking the mind world and the Islands of Personality.  Friendship Island was working so hard, as if it was working on energy that it couldn’t handle, couldn’t control.  Every bit of machinery, down to the littlest cog, was whirring so hard, until they gradually crashed into a grinding halt, as if it stalled from the energy coursing through it.
“I think it’s breaking down!” Fear screamed in fright, watching Friendship Island suddenly dim to a silent, deafening halt.
Joy was in an awed confusion.  If Sadness wasn’t saying that, and Friendship Island was active… was Wade saying those things?  And, why was Friendship Island so active?  And, why did it just stop?
Wade continued, staring deeply into Ember’s vulnerable, uncertain eyes.  “And all I want now is to be near it.  Near you.  Together.”
All five emotions were staring in a stilled, shocked confusion.  Friendship Island was down, all the islands were inactive.  All the emotions were away from the console.  So, what was-?
A loud chime broke through the quiet of headquarters.  The emotions watched as a memory orb rolled out from behind the screen.  The orb was bright as a star, and colored with vibrant yellow and shining blue.  They were in still awe, until they saw the memory orb take the special tube straight towards the core memory holder.
“A core memory?” Joy exclaimed in surprise as he raced towards the holder, just as the core memory nestled inside it with the other core memories powering Wade’s personality.  A light beamed straight out of the console and towards the islands of personality, spreading out and forming into a new island.
On the newly formed island stood a crystalline statue of what looked like a vivisteria flower, blooming to life, its petals wide and flowing over the island’s foundation.  Standing in the center of the island, as if blooming from the bloom itself, were two tall glass statues:  one resembling Wade, and one resembling Ember.  The statues faced each other, holding a hand out to the other, standing so close that it looked like their palms were touching.  The entire island illuminated itself with a warm yet cooling light, much like the light of fire refracting off water.  The flower and statues seemed to bask in the welcoming light.
The other emotions chattered away in confusing, asking questions they had no answers to.  They all fell quiet on Joy’s ears, as he stared wide eyed at the new island.  He couldn’t help but focus on the statues, the glass statues of Wade an Ember, each staring deeply, longingly into each others eyes.
“... guys.... Guys!” Joy exclaimed, finally getting the other emotions collected attention.  He looked back on the island and said, almost as if to snuff out his own doubt.  “Our Wade…” 
A small happy tear rolled down Joy’s cheek, over his proud, bright smile.  “Wade is in love.”
A long still of realization filled headquarters, before it was broken by the sound of a loud ring.
“AHH!!” Fear panicked.
“It’s the phone,” Disgust flatly reassured him.
“Oh,” Fear sighed in relief as he, Sadness, Disgust and Anger ran back to the console.
Joy was right behind them, but stopped halfway and turned back.  He took a few steps, feeling the last of his disbelief drip off of himself as he stared in joyous awe at the new island floating among the others.  He just couldn’t take his eyes off its loving splendor.  But, he had to, he had work to do at the console.
But, knowing Joy, he couldn’t help himself.  Feeling so giddy that he could burst, Joy almost sang a little happy hum to himself as he spun around in hyperactive circles.  He was so happy for Wade.  His dad must be so happy for him too right now.
“Joy!” Sadness called out.
“Oh, coming!” Joy replied as he raced towards the console.
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reira-layla · 1 year
And then we drank each other's blood
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Akito Sohma x Shigure Sohma
Plot: Shigure proposes to Akito and they form a new bond.
"Wear the dress tonight," Shigure called from the bathroom in between strokes of his razor. He made sure to shave his face to her liking. Tonight was a big night for both of them, one he'd imagined since the day he first dreamt of her. 
Akito looked at the dress he'd set out on the bed for her. It was new and looked expensive. The dress was black, went down to her ankles, and had straps that criss crossed. Black had always been her color, but this dress was far more feminine than she was comfortable with at this point in time. Still, she knew wearing it would make him happy and although she would never admit it, she'd do anything to see him smile. 
He stood in the doorway, toothbrush in hand as he watched his lover get dressed. Akito felt his eyes on her and turned toward him with a small smile as she pulled the dress up onto her frame, fixing the straps. Looking at her own reflection, she realized that she wasn't quite sure how she felt about her appearance tonight. At Shigure's request, she'd gone out of her way to get dolled up for date night. Saki had stopped by earlier that day to help with her hair and makeup. Although Akito was finally embracing her femininity, it still felt foreign to her at times. The woman in the mirror was so beautiful, the very definition of elegance. It would take some time to get used to.
"What do you think?" Looking back at her lover, feeling a bit nervous. Of course she knew that he would love it no matter what.  "You'll be the sexist one in the restaurant," he said, chuckling to himself. Rolling her eyes at his words, she couldn't help but smile. She loved this man, more than she'd ever loved anyone. Although it was a topic she and Shigure had never spoken about before, she often found herself daydreaming about being his wife one day. 
"Ready to go?" He was looking dapper in his suit and tie. It was something she would've worn had she still been living as a man, but Shigure pulled it off well. Akito couldn't help but notice that he was being a bit more serious than usual. The family head had grown accustomed to her lover's playful demeanor, but tonight felt different. "Are you okay?" She took his arm as he led her out to the car. He simply responded to her question with a smile. A slender eyebrow rose as she tried to make sense of his cryptic response. The smile hadn't answered her question.
Once at the restaurant, the pair ordered champagne. Akito wasn't used to drinking. She had experienced her first hangover a few weeks ago after a night of drinking with Shigure, Ayame, and Mine. Safe to say, she had learned her lesson and was now just taking sips of the champagne rather than trying to chug it. 
All Shigure could think about was how beautiful she was and how being with her felt like a dream. After years, he finally had the one thing he'd been desperately wanting. Being the novelist he was, he couldn't help but think of one of his favorite quotes, one that had always reminded him of her. I love her, and that's the beginning and end of everything. He sat across from her, taking in everything about her. The ring was in his pocket and he found himself fidgeting with it despite being worried that it would accidentally fall out and ruin his surprise. It was the first time in a long time that he'd been this nervous. Due to the fact that they'd never even spoken about marriage, he wasn't sure if being his wife was something she even desired. They had been 'dating' for a year now but there was a lifetime of love behind them.
The petite brunette waved her hand in front of his face. He'd been lost in his thoughts and hadn't been listening to her as she spoke. "Seriously, are you okay? You're acting weird and I don't like it." Akito crossed her arms over her chest, looking like a child. Shigure couldn't help but laugh. "Why are you laughing at me? It's not funny. You made such a big deal about date night but you're not even talking to me. So rude." Her temper was something she was still in the process of trying to control. Feelings of frustration were still difficult to navigate through.
"You're so cute when you get angry. Did you know that? I simply wanted a night out with the one I love most and I'm taking in the moment. If you were seated across from the sexiest woman in the world, you'd find it hard to concentrate as well." He smirked, knowing that he was pushing her buttons. Before Akito could respond to him, their food was placed on the table and she immediately started eating, completely losing interest in the conversation. Shigure let out a loud laugh, drawing attention to them. "You could've just told me that you were hangry, you know." The sound of silverware hitting the plate echoed in his ears. He'd really done it now. "Stop it." She looked embarrassed but went back to eating after shooting a glare his way. Once she'd eaten a bit more, she was in good spirits once again. Akito absolutely refused to indulge him by admitting that she actually had been hangry.
When dinner was over, the attractive couple made their way back to the car. The driver seemed to know where he was going although Akito did not. "Where are we going?" Her tone was serious. "Home," he said simply. A long sigh left her lips. Although going out into the world was still a bit anxiety provoking, the thought of just going home after an uneventful date night sounded terribly boring. 
Wanting to spice things up, she placed her hand on his thigh, slowly moving it upwards. He looked at her and gave her the mischievous smirk she'd fallen in love with. A warm feeling overcame her and she had to refrain from jumping on him right then and there. Oddly enough, he wasn't trying to touch her. Shigure had placed his hand atop hers but normally, his hands would've made their way up her dress by now. Something was definitely wrong and it made her feel insecure. Had he grown bored of her? What if he didn't love her as much as he claimed to? 
Having tortured herself with her own thoughts, Akito found herself feeling exhausted. Yawing as they walked back into the main house, she walked to their bedroom and immediately started undressing. "Nope, not yet." Shigure's hand was on hers now, keeping her from pulling the dress off. She raised an eyebrow, curious as to why he didn't want to have sex the moment they got home like he usually did. 
The anxiety she was feeling seemed to leave her when he took her hand in his. "I want to show you something," he said, smiling bigger than before. They walked outside together, hands clasped tightly. Her eyes widened as she saw what looked like a million camellia petals in the shape of a heart right next to her beloved camellia bushes. The moon was shining down on them, making everything about this moment seem like magic. 
They stood in the center of the camellia heart and he got down on one knee. A small gasp left her lips as she gazed down at her lover, finally understanding the meaning behind the camellia heart. He hadn't said a word yet but she already knew what her answer would be. 
"You are a dream and I've loved you before you even came into this world," he said, holding her hand in his. "I care about you more than anyone that's ever come into my life. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather call my wife or raise children with someday. I love everything about you from that cute little face you make when you get angry to your loud snoring at night," he said with a laugh. It wouldn't be a proper proposal without a little comedy thrown in. "I once told you that I have no intention of ever letting you go and I meant that." He let go of her hand to reach for the ring. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful Toi et Moi ring. "Will you marry me?"
It took her a moment to respond. His words and the ring itself had overwhelmed her in the best possible way. She'd never cried tears of happiness before but now, as her eyes filled with tears, she understood what it felt like. "Yes!" With that, he slipped the ring onto her finger. They kissed and held each other for a moment. He felt a sense of relief now that she'd said yes. To Shigure, there was nothing in the world that could compare to him being able to call this woman his wife. 
"Come on, I want to see it in the light." Akito took his hand and led him back into the main house. She was able to see the ring more clearly now. "Wow…" she whispered, amazed at all the detail he'd put into this ring. One stone was tanzanite (her birthstone) and garnet (his birthstone). "Do you like it? I had it made just for you." He beamed with pride upon seeing that his lover was so captivated by the ring. 
"I love you." Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled him close. The ring was beautiful, of course, but her true happiness stemmed from the fact that she would be his wife one day. Akito had never pictured herself getting married for obvious reasons. A year ago, she would've rolled her eyes at the person she was tonight. Love was a foreign concept, something she was used to receiving but never giving in return. Now here she was, loving someone so much that she had just agreed to be his wife. 
Soft lips met hers, taking her from her thoughts. With another soft kiss, she felt his fingers on one of the straps of her dress. Before she knew it, he'd gotten the dress off faster than she'd put it on. This would be their first time as an engaged couple and something about that drove her wild. In a matter of seconds, she was on him, taking off his clothes as fast as she possibly could. Akito had every intention of leaving love marks all over him so that the world would know he belonged to her. 
When it was over, both were wrapped in each other's arms, still trying to catch their breath. "When our bond broke, I'd assumed you'd want nothing to do with me. I still can't believe we're here, engaged." Her hand was up at eye level as she once again admired the ring. 
"We'll always have a bond. You've been my every thought for as long as I can remember and I don't remember much before you." Akito knew she should've been satisfied with his words. Clearly they had something now that was much stronger than what they'd had before but she wanted more. Possessive as she was, she wanted her DNA fused with his so that they truly would become one. 
"I want you to form a new bond with me. I need it. I need you. Every single part of you, I crave it. I want us to be one soul in two bodies." She sat up in bed, feverishly looking down at him. An idea had come to mind and she decided to provide a proposal of her own. Shigure looked up at his future wife inquisitively. What was she planning?
Before he could say anything in response, she brought her left hand up to her chest, using the ring's sharpness to cut into her own flesh. It was a small cut, one that was hardly noticeable despite the amount of blood that seemed to be pouring out. With wide eyes, he simply watched her. "What are you doing?" 
Without giving him an answer, she placed both hands behind his head and guided him towards her breasts. "Drink it and I'll drink yours. This is the beginning of a new bond between us. It signifies that you are mine and I am yours." Without hesitation, he licked the blood off her chest. As he licked every drop that poured out, he felt the ring cut into the flesh on his neck. "Ahhh," he moaned, quickly getting over the pain when he felt her mouth on his neck, licking the blood that poured out. Together, they formed what they believed to be a sacred bond, one set in blood.
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hazmatazz · 11 months
hello here’s the ✨ anon <3
 buckle up because oh boy this is gonna be long
it was rlly interesting reading your ramble and it didn’t align 100% with the story but was still great to read
and to clear everything up the easiet way would be to explain their entire backstory. (and i also just kinda wanna tell someone their entire backstory)
also!! rory’s bro has a name now :0
his actual name is eric but he goes by oliver because that was his dads name (also he despises his mom and she chose both rory’s/aurora‘s and his names bc she liked fairytales)
SO. first of all, yeah unfortunately rory does blame herself for her moms arrest :(( after rory & oliver’s dads death their mom started drinking, A LOT, and she was just a really shitty mother. oliver basically did everything for rory that their mom should’ve done. she only rarely did stuff for them & signed stuff for school and kindergarten and all that so nobody would see it as neglect. and one evening (rory was 8 and oliver 13 y/o) she was super drunk and so out of it she could’ve killed rory if oliver hadn’t taken the knife from her. in her mind she just wanted to cut food but she took a really sharp knife and accidentally cut rory several times. so rory (still) has multiple scars on her back & arm and was bleeding like shit so oliver called an ambulance & the police came as well and arrested their mom. at first rory actually felt kind of betrayed by her brother because she didn’t understand why he would’ve called the police to get their mom arrested (which wasn’t even his intention).but as time passed she realised it’s for the best and their better off without her, oliver despised their mom from that very moment and still does, he’ll never forgive her for hurting rory and generally ruining their childhood like that. 
around a year later they moved in with their aunt & younger cousin (1 y/o at the time <3) 
idk how all that fostercare stuff works but i imagine it’d take a while to get everything organised and for their aunt to be their legal guardian and everything, let’s just pretend that makes sense in my universe!!
oliver bonds with their aunt pretty quickly and after a few months managed to convince rory to do the same
and im pretty sure their aunt is their dads sister, but even if she was their moms sister that isn’t rlly a plot point that’s gonna come up so it doesn’t rlly matter
when rory’s 11 and oliver’s 16 y/o, oliver gets a boyfriend and spends more time over at his place, or generally hanging out with him (there’s potential for an oliver-focused story and idk if i’ll write that but it makes me excited!!) 
and a bit after that the Asshole boy (TM) starts bullying rory, she doesn’t tell heir aunt or brother (although she genuinely trusts both of them at this point) because the guy just scared the shit out of her, i’m not sure how yet but maybe he threatened her if she went to tell anyone or something like that
and at the height of the bullying oliver breaks up with his bf so he’s already feeling miserable and rory doesn’t want to make his mood worse by telling him how shitty she’s been feeling
then at 13 and 18 y/o oliver moves in with his best friend (later boyfriend <3) and they move quite far away because oliver just wants to get out of that place that holds so many horrible memories for him
rory assured him it’s totally fine and she’s not hurt or anything (which is genuinely what she believed) and oliver wouldn’t have moved away if rory hadn’t reacted that positively 
but after he moves out rory realises „oh shit i AM very hurt actually“ and first feels hurt by him leaving her and then guilty for ruining his childhood (which she blames on herself) 
she doesn’t answer his letters or calls but oliver still regularly talks to their aunt and always makes sure that rory’s alright. and when he hears that she isn’t, he sends a nice letter or a funny postcard or a cool drawing or ANYTHING that he thinks might cheer her up, he knows from their aunt that rory reads and cherished every letter, even if she doesn’t reply
(and later in the story there’ll be a loooot of sibling bonding it’ll be so good. but that’s not in the present that’s like in the future of the story, and not the main plot of floryn & rory’s love story 
in the present day rory’s 15, oliver’s 20 & their lil cousin is 7 years old <3
for rory he’s basically a little brother and they have a really sweet bond
and she’s also really happy that she lives with her aunt now, cause her aunt is awesome and supportive and she loves her and i love her
okay this ended up SO long and i’m not gonna checks nothing bc hell no it’s too long for that. sorry it took a while to write, but i’m actually super happy to have written down her entire family story omg 
it’s not insane but i am kind of proud of myself <3
ANYWAYS this is hella long so don’t stress yourself abt responding quickly or what to respond or whatever, i hope you have a great day and ty for letting me ramble SO much 
oyfgggg so sorry i've been moving rooms in my house and i had totally forgot about this!!
they're soooo sad...i'm also imagining their mom rlly disliking the fact oliver picked up his dad's name
and then the miscommunication/secrecy for rory and her brother? ow ow ow ow... i can see oliver confiding in either his aunt or one of his boyfriends that he's really worried for rory....owiee
2 ideas for the bully. she could be scared of him because he threatens to find her little cousin and bully him. or. oliver could be hiding his homosexuality and the bully could threaten to reveal it maybe?
so glad oliver knows rory at least cherishes the letters <333 it would hurt 7x more if he didn't know but i think there's the right amount of hurt
ooo idea, maybe oliver visits sometimes and maybe rory avoids him?? that'd be sad
loveee the aunt..maybe rory feels guilty about her too 👀? (why am i trying to give rory catholic levels of guilt)
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unholyfangirling · 1 year
Nothing Good
(Previously titled the Unwilling Thief AU)
(CW: Major Character Death, attempted murder, graphic descriptions of drowning(?), choking, gore, there is a part of the last "I'm probably never going to use this scene" scene that sound like sexual assault but I'm leaving it up in the air for the reader to take as they perceive it(the scene is all contained within parentheses if you want to skip it, look for "first death by his hands" and ends at "Midoriya takes the quirk."), (accidental) gaslighting, and a whole truckload of angst, this seems like it could be going down the Hurt No Comfort path, I'm adding as many CWs as I can think of so that I don't accidentally ruin someone's day)
So about a year ago, I had this idea for an AU where Izuku has All For One BUT it's a little...fucky. I'm just dumping this here to say thanks to @speedyowl152 because honestly knowing someone else was as invested in this angst ship as I was kept me going when I wanted to give up on it and now it's fully outlined!! And also if I chicken out and never complete this work I want it floating around somewhere lol.
Izuku can take but not give quirks(no this will never change because I love angst and no the plot won't be solved by a sudden way to get rid of this quirk or make izuku give back quirks, izuku will have to learn to live with this).
He gets quirk vestiges when the person whose quirk he took dies(I gave him so many vestiges holy fuck) and that vestige can decide whether he can use its quirk or not. If the person whose quirk he took is alive he can use the quirk normally.
And it also has the same quirk property that the First OFA user had where AFO cannot take Izuku's quirk by force. Izuku can't give him the quirk anyway lol because there is a reason he calls the quirk "Take" and not "Take and Give".
Summary(it's really cheesy I know but I'm not brave enough to find a beta):
"Izuku had always wished that someone had believed him. So he should have been grateful that, by some cruel entity’s amusement, his wish had come true. But he hadn't wanted them to realize he was telling the truth like this. 
Never like this. 
Not when it was because he had left somebody dead."
Take is exactly what it sounds like, all it ever does is ruin his life in any way it finds possible. The best he can hope for is making it to his grave without having to use it ever again.
But of course, Izuku could never be that lucky.
So now as his life is shredded to pieces all he can hope to do is make it another day, but whatever the future has in store for him, Izuku is sure that it’s nothing good.
Some plot points(spoilers i guess but im not sure if I'll ever complete this fic):
Izuku takes Bakugou's quirk when Take first manifests, Bakugou hides his quirk so that he could show his best friend first and.... yeah you already know how this is going to go. Bakugou grows up quirkless because Izuku can't give back the quirk(not for lack of trying) and their relationship is worse than ever, Izuku won't let go because of his guilt complex.
Everyone thinks Izuku's quirk is Explosion. He tried to show it to the adults to get them to help him and Bakugou...
“Oh, Izuku, you must have imagined it, I’m sorry I told you about that lame old folks story. I didn’t think it would scare you so much.”
“But, mom it's not mine-!” Izuku tries to argue.
“Hush now, it’s okay baby, it wasn’t real. Now let's see that wonderful quirk the teachers said you showed them.”
“But it’s not mine,” Izuku looks at his mother like if he looked long enough she might believe him. However her excited smile stays on her face, fully expecting him to show off what he had stolen.
“….It's not mine.”
3. The sludge villain attacks Izuku and Izuku uses Take in a panic when he realizes he's about to die. Mutation quirks don't work well with AFO, side effects are usually severe. In the sludge villain's case: he dies, and that is how All Might finds Izuku Midoriya, doused in blood and gore:
Toshinori gapes at the scene, almost uncomprehending, “...Young man, could you tell me what happened here?”
The boy looks horrified at his own hands, covered in blood, sludge, and a yellowish fluid “...I killed him.” he croaks then doubles over to dry heave with tears streaming down his cheeks, “I killed him.” the teen gasps out again with eyes glassy and wide, full of shock but still a disgusting understanding, “I killed him.”
4. The sludge villain is Izuku's first quirk vestige :D Izuku doesn't realize that the sludge villain strangling him in his nightmares every. single. time. he sleeps. is the real deal... until other vestiges start showing up :)
5. I'm sorry Inko dies and Izuku is there to see it. Before she dies Izuku has already figured out the mechanics of his quirk so he takes her quirk and watches her die:
He feels the exact moment her thread with life is cut, the exact moment a facsimile of the real thing begins unfurling its glossy wings inside his head; a ghost of a butterfly that died in its chrysalis.
(They talk about the whole "oh fuck I've been accidentally trying to gaslight you for your entire childhood" thing and it is extremely messy.)
I guess these are the most important plot points?(oh right chisaki finds him too-) I know how this ends(that's a lie) because I planned this entire thing over a 10,000 word google doc that I am still adding to but yeah that's too much to add in here.
Thanks for reaching the end of this fanfic dump, have a scene that I probably won't find a place to use as a treat(with a hint of DFO):
People often forget that quirks are not superpowers.
Midoriya thinks this as he looks at the crying child, their foot slowly turning to sludge. The process had begun overnight the day before and showed no sign of stopping. There was no control or sensation in the sludge-like area, only burning pain in the sites of transformation. One could assume that this would continue until the child would turn wholly into sludge, and by the time the sludge reached the vitals, well…
The child would be as good as dead.
No, quirks were never superpowers, what they were was mutations, and mutations were not always beneficial, or at the very least benign. In the case of the children in the Juvenile Quirk Dysfunction ward of Zinkha Hospital, that fact was painfully emphasized.
That was where Izuku came in.
Izuku could help the 4-year-old, all he had to do was use his quirk, his real quirk. Easy right?
But even as he tries to keep his breathing steady as he stands up, Izuku feels terrified. The doctors all know he’s here. They all know what the green-haired teenager is here to do, he can feel the burning stares of the staff around him. His skin does not feel like his own. He needs to use the one quirk that’s only ever caused pain to him and others. It’s hard to even wrap his mind around the fact that this time he’s here to help. The mere idea seems impossible.
And yet…
It doesn’t matter anyway. His feelings don’t matter because a child is dying. There is no time to hesitate as he reaches out to touch the boy’s hand. Not even to think about how the child was the sludge villain’s cousin, the first death by his hands (and it seems like it happened yesterday, the first time his touch was lethal engraved so perfect in his mind that he can almost feel the sticky wetness like a second skin over his flesh, moving against him, inside of him, the distinct revolting discomfort of drowning before a chocked gasp for air and then he’s drowning again in the sea of red, red, red drenching him from head to toe hot and slimy and he can’t fucking breathe-)
Midoriya takes the quirk.
The change is immediate. The teen can already feel parts of his toes shifting but he blocks the quirk with precise, practiced, concentration. When he looks at the child his view has already been blocked by a wall of white clad bodies, bustling around the child in a hurry. From a glimpse of the little boy Izuku gets, the foot has not regenerated or cauterized but is instead bleeding sluggishly. Izuku finds himself ushered from the room and the door is quickly shut behind him. The person who pushes him out feels like they are trying to touch him as little as possible, though that might only be his pessimism speaking.
With his task done, Izuku awkwardly stands in the hallway. The commotion can be faintly heard through the door but nothing distinctive can be made out from the cacophony of noise. A hand comes up to touch the wall, his right hand, and he starts walking in the direction of the lobby- where he knows Aizawa is waiting for him- dragging his fingertips along the unending white plaster all the while. The bumpy texture against his skin is soothing. Without thinking, he turns his hand over and drags his nails across the wall in a habit he had never permanently shaken. He doesn’t notice when his second knuckles end up against the wall, but he does notice how infinitely more soothing it is against his skin. How distracting. Every bump and imperfection in the wall sends vibrations to his bones as his skin runs over them. The feeling is heavenly as anxieties ever-so-slightly untense from his shoulders; Izuku too occupied with the shuddering of his finger bones to give them much attention.
A set of steps join him as he walks, echoing from behind, the teenager notices them immediately. It is telling how Izuku's anxiousness comes back full force and then some when he hears them. The person behind him walks with heavy sounding steps at a moderate pace, the click-clack of dress shoes grates on Izuku’s nerves. While the lobby was farther than he remembered he should be reaching it any second now, and the anticipation of safe, predictable, routine made him a little impatient.
So sue him if he was starting to get a little paranoid about every other unaccounted-for variable, anxiety wasn’t a very rational friend. To soothe his nerves Izuku decides to slow his pace until the person is within his sight. The teen's feet slow their walk until they are at half their previous pace, and he discreetly looks to his left to catch a glimpse of the person. To his left is an empty stretch of hallway, and even stranger, the steps had not gotten any closer at all, nor had he heard them change pace. The Doppler effect did not seem to apply to the situation. The pace and distance of the person sounded like it had stayed the exact same, even though Izuku had changed his.
Okay, calm down, whoever the hell it was could have a weird fucking passive quirk effect, no need to panic. If Izuku couldn't slow his pace to keep the stranger within his sights then the teen would just have to hurry his pace and get to the fucking lobby already. Seriously, was he lost? A nearby sign let him know he was going in the right direction but he had been walking for seven minutes already. Sure, anxiety blurred his sense of time, but Izuku knows for a fact that this same route to the operating room took three minutes at most while he walked at a moderate pace. And, now that he's noticed it, hasn't he passed that sign three times already?
A chill runs down his spine.
He's trapped under an unknown quirk by an unknown person with an unknown enemy affiliation.
Fucking. Great.
Exactly what he needed today, an ambush. Time to do what he always does when people want him dead: Panic.
Izuku's breathing starts to hitch but he slams the brakes on the full blown thought spiral. Okay, enough of that shit. Calm the fuck down. He has information on the quirk, not much of it but it will have to be enough to give him an edge. The enemy hadn't made a move yet other than activating their quirk. Which meant that they were most likely waiting for him to do something. So Izuku had time until the stranger decided to drop the charade. The fact that the enemy had not ended the fight as efficiently as possible also mattered. It said that, whoever this person was, they were confident in their abilities to beat him in a fight, meaning they had information on him and his quirk. Or the opposite, they had no idea what his abilities were. Then there was the matter of their quirk. Whatever it was, it manipulated space-time, or...
It could create illusions of manipulating space-time.
While the seemingly endless hallway led to the first train of thought, the inapplicability of the Doppler effect to the stranger's footsteps led to the conclusion that whoever the fuck this person was could manipulate senses. So, how do you fight someone with an illusion quirk? Simple, Izuku thinks as he reaches down and takes off his shoes, you either look for a glitch in the illusion...
The green-haired boy chucks his shoe as far into the hallway as he can without a second thought. When the image holds up he lets out a low hum of disappointment and spins around to throw his second shoe right at the stranger's face. Now that he can see them, the person is a tall white-haired man in a suit.
... or break their concentration.
The shoe smacks the enemy straight on his eye. Izuku doesn't waste another second and gets the hell out of Dodge, running left into a hallway he hadn't seen before. Good, maybe the illusion broke. Time to find a responsible adult and dump all this bullshit on them-
Izuku stumbles back from the body he crashed into, "There is a villain chasing me-!" He tries to warn before he actually takes a look at the person and pales.
A tall white-haired man in a suit.
The villain smiles, "You were saying?"
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ilikebigtomes · 1 year
The Cartographers Book Review
***Spoilers ahead****
This is a book review for The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd. I had really high hopes for this book: maps, a mystery, academics... what's not to love. Even with a great premise and some interesting details this book ultimately left me quite disappointed. There are some serious plot inconsistencies and questionable character development and motivations that require the reader to suspend disbelief during the parts of the book that take place in the non-magical world. Finishing the book left me with a serious of questions, which will totally ruin the book if you intend to read it.
Why did Daniel not go visit Tam in Algoe? Sure, he might be seen but we've already established that you only need to not be seen right when you enter the town. Or, perhaps Wally would find a copy of the map but a) that seems highly unlikely b) if he did would he necessarily be set on death and destruction (see #2). So, Daniel (and Tam) decide instead he'll just raise Nell alone? Like they don't consider all moving to Algoe or having Nell and Daniel visit sometimes? And Tam stayed there...for her map? To map out the town and save the town? That is supposed to make sense as an explanation and not get called into question by Nell as questionable parental decisions.
Wally wasn't bad yet. At the point that Tam decided to stay in Algoe to save everyone from terrible Wally- her til then best childhood friend, the only thing he'd done was petty larceny and accidentally start a fire. He gave no indication of wanting to hurt anyone at that point, let alone Tam and Nell.
Maybe they should have just let Wally have the map and the town? Worth having a life with your husband and child perhaps?
a) Daniel's character and personality totally shifted from the carefree description of him before the accident to present day b) His behavior in present day is still unforgivable. He acted like a jerk even with the explanation of his motivation (see following point)
The junk box incident. Really? Nell's dad in an attempt to not draw attention to the contents of a box she found threw a fit and got her fired and kicked out the profession and never spoke to her again. Because speaking to her would arouse Wally's suspicions in a way that ruining her career very publicly would not (which it did)? If he was in fact not a monster it is very hard to imagine him not just having a conversation with his daughter, or using a diversion to hide the map in question.
There is no real explanation as the why the murders really even occurred. if Wally wanted things his victims had or were hiding...he would not be able to get them by killing the people who knew where they were. The basic motivation is lacking.
Pretty sure the head of the library board is not a full time position but more like an honorary appointment and they are not really the ones in charge of hiring and firing.
Irene (head of the board) was planning on giving Nell her job back if she found an expensive map in her dad's things? And this does not register as exceedingly unethical?
Why are the cartographers the only ones that can find phantom settlements? If they can be on any map (the Sanborne from the library was a 7th edition) then surely other people have been looking at maps with them when they are in that place. If Ramona can make her office from a doodle on a paper then it seems relatively easy to do and should be commonplace.
Ramona hid from Wally, a thief and murderer, by sullying her reputation as a dealer but still being in the map business... would this not want him seek her out even more?
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
I think Robin wouldve been pretty confused and annoyed by Bob when he gets called out and when discovered he knows nothing is probably annoyingly funny to him.
Robin is such a interesting character when I first saw kids my monkee brain goes Ueharacore but when you talk about him more I realised he was Kaito done right which is a interesting. Can i get more facts about him too?
You're right, I wrote him as basically a Kaito clone, but minus the annoying sexism. (Sorry Kaito fans, your man is annoying.)
I've already mentioned this I think, but his backstory is that he saved a bunch of kids at his camp from a mass murderer, and was hailed as a hero.
(surface pressure plays in the background. If I made character playlists, Mika and Robin would have to both have it.)
While Celene has like, a 10+ Charisma modifier due to her talent, he's the one with the best overall people and leadership skills. Its a shame that Val, who isn't good with that, took the other leadership position instead. Almost nobody dislikes him.
After he manages to burn his hands in the prologue, he's told that he's basically lost almost complete feeling in them, and limited range of motion. Due to this, he's basically unable to continue his job post killing game.
Context: He knows that he won't die in this, but he thinks non-fatal injuries will still happen. I don't know if I want to keep this plot point, but Mika helped with creating the Neo World Program due to her tech obsession and medical knowledge. On the off chance Junko would betray her, he took precautions to ensure the safety of her classmates. (because she did grow sentimental in the timeskip, sue her.)
At this point, he develops a concept about being useless to the group, and starts taking on the worst jobs he can still do.
When the food goes missing, he begins looking for it, despite not being one of the classmates that saved food ahead of time. (I imagine that at first, if nobody killed in Ch1 he'd go after Bob because he "knows too much", but as it goes on, he thinks he'd rather just give up his food and die first. But he's not certain on that, because he wants Junko to spare the THH class and do that killing game virtually.)
He's somewhat of a straightman in class trials, encouraging everyone to keep a level head, and trying to get Val and Mika to stop treating this like a competition.
But he's too indecisive to contribute much, since he can't help out much during the investigation due to his ruined hands.
He's sympathetic to Prim, and blames himself for not noticing the Competitive Eater plotting shit.
In ch2, he tries and fails to talk Mika into joining the group, saying it'd be good for group unity. But he and Val were the only ones that tried.
Like most of the group, it slips his mind to accommodate Aiden, and accidentally speaks over him on occasion.
When Mika brings up the theory that Competitive Eater isn't the traitor, and that they are still out there, he hesitantly agrees, and thinks its worth keeping in mind.
Due to Monokuma wanting him to commit murder, his murder fantasy counter is higher than average. He's a bit pissed that that was recorded accurately, but is more worried about those at the bottom of the list.
Takes double Mika-watch shift, but is quickly dismissed as Mika's accomplice since he doesn't have the range of motion required to help with the crime.
Once the BDA rings out, Monokuma actually tells him the blackened in case 3, since he's worried the class will come to a wrong verdict. Since Val was one of the ones he thought was low-risk, he's shocked. As a result, he becomes your Kyoko during case 3, since Val is emotionally wrecked and Mika hasn't taken up the mantle yet.
During trial 3, Mika starts suspecting shit since he seems certain about shit he has no business being certain on.
He takes a leading role in the fear challenges, and encourages everyone into facing them. His fear is about being useless, but he manages to overcome it with clever thinking.
He's the last to attempt murder in chapter four, since Mika's stopped everyone else from doing so. Mika manages to speech 100 his way out of it, saying that something (his plan) would be bound to happen soon.
While he doesn't suspect Mika for the amnesiac dropping dead (you can't fake a mental breakdown that well.), Mika absolutely suspects him, but doesn't want to tell the class why, since the traitor is a useful tool to keep the others in line.
After its discovered that the death was of natural causes, the trial shifts to "vote out who you think is the traitor" since he didn't kill the person who was actively stopping murder attempts and that will not stand.
Eventually, he's deduced as the traitor, and is prepared for death.
His execution is that instead of being the savior of those kids like he was in the past, he is the kid. His legs are tied, and there is no trick he can think of to prevent his fate. This is the one execution Monokuma didn't think of a win-condition for, since he was never meant to try and escape.
But Mika manages to cause an electrical outage with the voting machines, causing a blackout to occur. As a result, the Skaters can sneak in and rescue him.
Mika then argues that since Monokuma says every execution has a win-condition this is legal. He didn't specify that it had to be the win-condition Monokuma wants.
Then Chapter five begins, and Mika goes back to being the group crazy person by saying she will torture Robin for information if he doesn't spill everything. Of course, he was intending to spill. Thats when the information that they are in a simulation, and are literally a test to see if the canon!Danganronpa games would work. That those who died are alive but comatose, but due to Robin's failure, Monokuma will make the next killing game be real.
Robin manages to hit the right emotional beats to recruit Mika, and chapter 5 begins by the two of them searching for ways out.
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virginburial · 2 years
.·:*¨༺    sextape.      ♱   bucky barnes ༻¨*:·.
SUMMARY: in which you bother your upstairs neighbor or alternatively, in which you, a cam girl, try to do your job and accidentally wake up your neighbor
SHIP: fem reader!bucky barnes, FATWS bucky barnes WARNINGS: explicit content, mentions of sex work, mentions of daddy issues, explicit language, random story-telling/plot
WORD COUNT: 4.8K SONG: https://open.spotify.com/track/4rEGJ9KirDlKiOHxqVwcVg?si=a3c34ab37c7749d0
A/N: hi everyone! Buffy here, this is my first oneshot on here that will be posted on ao3 and wattpad later in the week. i know this concept is kind of unrealistic but it’s also the best idea i had for bucky bc i’m writing him for clout, it was hard to think of anything else. i apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes. forgot to mention that i’m super adhd and get my letters and grammar confused. not even accidentally dropping 144 bucks on Grammarly can save me :,)) REBLOGS, NOTES, AND COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED !!
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"Alright! should we go with option one or two?"
You weren't always the outgoing type, and when you were, you were most likely in your element; but nothing could compare to how very much 'in the zone' webcamming made you. Things have been different since you were able to move on out of your childhood home; your lack of world experience hit you hard. of course, the blip added to the economic stress of it all, but you were so sure that when everyone came back, everything would be normal again, right? Something had to give. Next thing you know, you got fired from your barista job because of the workplace blip act - basically ensuring that the blipped got their jobs back. Their livelihoods. As if you haven't been scraping for your own since they all dissipated to nothing. Whatever, you were over it now. Or you presumed you were. It used to be so easy to find a job, but webcamming wasn't your final option; there was always working for the city's sewer system - yeah, fuck that.
Besides, as complicit-in-your-own-oppression being a woman may seem, the false illusion of having control over your body felt somewhat empowering. You never were big on your sexuality until you discovered webcamming, and it gave you the confidence to treasure the wonders of the sex world - sex work wasn't fun for everyone, but you were happy it was fun for you. Consider yourself privileged. It went from being scared to taking off your shirt, to randomly buying fun wigs and toys to wear and mess around with during your shows. Rent would be on the back burner as corsets and vibrators started to rack up a bill with your bank. It didn't matter, though, men were throwing money at you, and it all comes back; a complete cycle.
Sure, there were the downsides, like dealing with someone who lacked respect or was just indecent, but that was the magic of the internet or at least chaturbate.com. All you had to do was block them. You were laying it all out there, and there was nothing they could do or say to make you feel any more naked. It did hurt still. And it does ruin the overarching mood of the so-called performance-please don’t try to do that thing where you settle for webcamming over an acting career ... it's just sad. Like broadway, hecklers get ushered out, and the show always continues. Then it goes all over the place. Either way, it happens.
Nonetheless, you were still you, just with a new hobby. It's no different than being a writer or a painter, someone who got a hold of art the way they want to see it. The point is, you were still you, but you were finally home in your skin, and at the end of it all, the digital footprint will become privatized by law, so we can't snoop in on what Mark Zuckerberg or Grimes is doing. Everything matters, and it doesn't, so you go with toy number two despite the comments telling you to use toy number one. You were a tease like that, and you loved making those paypigs wait until frustration because of the payout. It was just a basic vibrator with the craziest settings imaginable. You tested it out before the show, and it already made you weak enough not even to consider it. But you did because you learned the fun way not to judge a book by its cover.
The cam girls get to have personalized websites for their business, and you took it upon yourself to make the website so very much yourself. You didn't have to pretend with your audience. think of it like MySpace. You even had a bit of having scene aesthetic to your site, but it was all centered around you. You, you, you, what would your audience ever do without you?
You slowly set the vibrator on high, the words are in Japanese, and you managed to memorize some of the characters to know what it means, spreading your legs open to reveal skimpy pink laced panties that complimented your skin color. There was already a puddle forming on the base of your panties from earlier and then throughout the day. Mainly because you and your neighbor were chatting up about the new upstairs neighbor. The man seemed disheveled and gloomy, almost like a lost puppy, and you had a thing for strays. You wouldn't say it out loud today because everyone is so political, but you liked the idea of fixing someone. You were probably projecting and wished someone would correct you, but putting all that energy into someone becoming better, helping them, that interested you. Cry for help, probably? Not like anyone could hear over the excessive amount of moaning you were doing. Either way, he looked sad; you liked sad, repressed trauma aside, you thought he was handsome. Then you let the thought of him simmer down in your mind, which was a mistake on your part, leading down to you concluding that your attractiveness towards older men was either your father's or Lana del Rey's fault. Somehow.
You began fidgeting at the sensations rolling through your body as you tried to keep your thighs from squeezing shut, but it was hard; then the sound of coin slot machines started rolling from the computer. You felt like Schrodinger's dog, the sound triggering you to shut your legs, taking deep breaths as a slight giggle left your mouth. Blood ran to your cheeks like a marathon, causing the chat to compliment how cute you looked when flustered. You peaked at your panties to notice how the puddle suddenly grew into an ocean, flopping back to your bed and turning on the vibrator again. You thought it would be funny if you teased your audience again, flipping the setting up and placing it on the base of your areola as you stared into the camera. Glittery makeup and lipstick smudged as your blonde wig threatened to fly off. You let it slowly trail down your stomach - the vibrations from your abdomen were already setting you off - steadily going down south until you heard three loud knocks on your door.
"Shit!" You whisper under your breath as the chat freaks out with you. You look at the chat and try to remain calm; this usually never happens. One; because your neighbors don't care, and two, you're never that loud. you weakly smile. "I'm going to put the show on hold, i'll be right back, Lovelies." you kiss the camera, saying it all with a defeated tone as you quickly pause the show. You grab the pink cheetah robe you've had since you were fifteen - back when you had a bit of a princess aesthetic - and ran to the door, struggling to put it on as you made sure you covered just about everything. damnit, son of a bitch cunt whore slut, the colorful words started to pile up in your mind as you reached for the front door. you have got to be fucking kidding me
in all his exhausted glory; there he is, the mysterious upstairs neighbor
he looks timid, almost like he didn't want to bother you. meanwhile, all the blood from your cheeks went directly back to your cunt. "hello, um..." he sighs softly. "I haven't really set up my bed yet; I kind of just have this mattress that's on the floor." the look in his eyes screamed 'why did I bring that up??' as you tug on your robe. "so I can hear everything, and I haven't been able to get some sleep." you heard him just fine, but you were to busy to notice what he was wearing; grey sweatpants and a black tank top; yes, he was packing. The thing that caught you the most off guard besides his sweet-raspy voice was his metal arm. You grew up in a small town with a vast military population, so you knew and had family and were friends with people who had prosthetics. His, however, was strange. The metal was much more refined, it looked very, very, very expensive. You might just be assuming, but why does a man with such a costly arm live in the dump you live in? just a thought as you avert your gaze back to him. "I'm so sorry, i'll be sure to keep the noise down... i-i don't have any guests, it's just ... me." why the fuck would you say that?! you scold yourself as the man cracks a small smile and looks down at your robe. "cool...?" he says in the same tone.
you start to fumble. "I-I'm sorry I-I dunno why I said that sometimes my mouth is faster than my brain-especially in situations like this." you ramble a bit. Make. This. Less. Awkward. I'm. Begging. You. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
The man still has the small smile he had from your confession. He seemed rather amused at how quickly you shattered in his presence. you couldn't tell if it was attractive or unbelievable how someone could look like a nirvana song. "Bucky." he introduces himself, and suddenly, the mystery is solved; his name is Bucky. he then points to the wig struggling to stay on your head. "I'm guessing you're ... cosplaying is the word, right?" he takes a pause. "cosplaying Hannah Montana-" "-oh no no no." you take off the wig, revealing your loose and messy bun/braids, a few pieces of your hair falling to your face as you, in sitcom fashion, throw the wig to the side. "I'm... I'm an actress," you say confidently. You two just kind of stand there looking at each other before your maternal instincts kick in, it's midnight, and he looks tired. You bite your lip hesitantly. "come in, I can make you some tea. It's the least I can do for waking you up." you open the door a little for him, not giving him a chance to reject you as you reveal how snug and perfect the robe fit around all your curves. he noticed that. And just like that, he strolls into your home.
You go to the kitchen, your thighs rubbing with every step - just reminding you that you were still on the clock and that you were still very, very, very desperate for some touch. You just had to make Bucky some tea now, did you? You grab the sleepytime tea box that sat elegantly on your microwave and fill the mug with the words; "maybe swearing will help" printed with water. Making tea was damn near ritualistic. You can't help but feel Bucky's presence, though. Lurking in the shadows and looking at all the fun knick-knacks you collected. You turn to him. "so, you from New York?" you ask.
he nods. "Brooklyn born and raised. I just came back from living in Wakanda for some time. Also spent a little time here and there..." no actual specifics besides Wakanda and Brooklyn. "you from Brooklyn?" he asked, but you shook your head. "small-town girl, I'm from the south. I moved up here during the blip." you explained. Bucky nodded. "to become an actress? Like on broadway?" he asks.
He remembered your white lie. How sweet. You squeeze your thighs a little and gulp. "n-no." you laugh a little. "I came here to get away from losing my brother in the blip and start school. I'm studying biochemical engineering. I wanted to study theatre and the arts, but my dad told me that it was a waste of a college education and that he wouldn't pay if I went and did theatre. but now that my brother is back, he can focus on ruining his life instead of mine..." you ramble a bit before seeing the look on Bucky's face. he was intrigued at the little spice you were able to throw in the conversation. you bite your lip. "sorry, I shouldn't be trauma dumping on you like that...dad's, yknow?" he nods in agreement. "but i've always wanted to be an actress-"
"so, you're not an actress? you're a biochemical engineer student?"
You feel a pang of guilt for lying, but you realize now that you should probably tell him, considering that he's your neighbor, and warn him about the cons of your newfound profession, such as the noise and noise complaints. you scrunch your nose and tilt your head to the side. "I am, but not in the traditional sense ... I'm a porn actress, webcam, actually. I started a couple of months ago after losing my job after the blip." you keep it short and sweet, turning over to the microwave to fetch him his tea before turning back around, you didn't want to see his reaction, but you did, and he looked relatively unfazed. Most men scream and run in the other direction, weak, but Bucky... doesn't care. You decide to change the topic. "what about you? why are you here?"
"...I was in the Army, just came back to get my life back on track, have to do court-mandated therapy now. I should hate it, but a small part of me is glad I'm going." court-mandated therapy? no wonder he's unfazed by a cam girl. "I'm sorry, I know what pornography is, but you said you did webcamming? what...is that?"
you narrow your eyes at him. "you...don't know what caming is?"
He shakes his head. "nope. I'm old-fashioned, don't even have those fancy smartphones." he says as he pulls out a Nokia. "holy shit." you say as he beholds the ancient relic. this was going to be good. Suddenly, you felt your clit throb as he glanced at your robe; you couldn't help but want to show him. You suddenly remembered all the thoughts you left on the back burner about him, simmering down until it boiled and exploded. You were at your boiling point,.your cheeks turned red as you pulled out your phone, going to your site as he keeps staring at you. he could tell, he could tell that you were holding out; considering that you were standing right in front of him and you had your legs crossed. You didn't want to show him your old shows, but at the same time, you didn't want to show him anyone else. If he was going to watch, it had to be you somehow. You pressed on your most recent one from two days ago, skipping ahead before showing off yourself in a sexy nurse costume. You pull the phone away before he gets to peek, though. "you sure you want to see this?" you asked for his consent.
bucky nervously laughs, his smile suddenly getting cheeky as he rubs his chin. "I mean, Y/N, you're showing me pornography-not like I haven't seen it before." his smile slowly turns to a smirk. He was so shy at first, maybe you said too much, overspilled, but no, that wasn't the case. he wasn't getting comfortable with you. He was somewhat charming you. or at least, appeared that way. "cmon, you can show me." he smirks softly at you.
Fuck. Me.
Without hesitation, you show him. You could see his pupils dilate right away, his cheeks getting a little pink as Bucky... studies you. He's not engaging in the content, just analyzing it like an accountant. He holds the phone and observes as you start to feel hot, skin sizzling-almost like a hot flash of some kind-as his eyes follow your every move. he glances over at you. "arent your other neighbors concerned about how loud you are?" he asks almost mockingly, teasingly, but he was serious. You shake your head as your moans echo throughout your apartment. "my neighbor on the left is my best friend from middle school, who told me I should look into this. The neighbor on the right is Miss Chen. She's hard of hearing; I told her I had a cat. and the neighbor across the hall, Amelia, is a flight attendant. Lucky, right?" you try to pause the video, but Bucky is mesmerized by your movements. "so all you do is...sit in front of a camera naked? And people just give you money? And it's live? How...innovative." he said like it piqued his interest. you began to laugh nervously as you finally managed to pause it. he could see it, how visibly nervous you got around him. he furrowed his eyebrows. "why so shy? You weren't earlier." his eyes told you everything you needed to know.
You decide to play his game. "first of all, it's not just sitting in front of a camera and looking pretty. Second of all...whatever happened to being old-fashioned? aren’t you going to buy me dinner first before you look at me that way?"
Bucky looks down a bit bashfully, handing you back the phone as you start to question his motives. "is the real reason you came down here was to quiet me down? or something else?" you ask. You had to have asked. You were okay with whatever answer, though. He's hesitating, though, Bucky glances back at you. "well, it's hard for me to sleep regardless, thought I'd be more tired if I came down here then go back up, but I'm wide awake...why? Were you hoping I came down here because you were moaning like that?" he asked. The conversation was starting to cross the rhetorical-question-turned-confession territory. A small part of you wanted to say yes; ever since he moved in last week, you'd cross paths with him, and he'd stay on your mind. But hooking up with your upstairs neighbor? Webcamming was one thing; being with someone, after how lonely the blip was, was another thing. but something about Bucky made your stomach turn into Simone Biles; flips and tricks and jumping through hoops at the mention of or the glances from Bucky. "...moan like what?" you raised an eyebrow, smirking.
Bucky seems hesitant, maybe he didn't want the conversation to continue, but it wasn't until he was staring at the space between your chest did it hit you that maybe he was too shy to make a move. Yet, he looked so eager, something was holding him back. You realized you weren't the only nervous person here. But you had to try, and you had to try to get him. You lean in a little closer. "cmon Bucky, why so shy? You weren't earlier." you mocked him, playfully teasing him as you slowly grabbed his hand. "may I?" you asked him. It only felt right. he nodded his head and watched as you guided his hand down to your core, his calloused fingers running against your inner thigh as you slowly humped on his hand, rubbing your clothed cunt on his rough palms as a soft moan left your lips. he looked at you in awe, almost like he couldn't believe you were real. You keep a steady pace as you hold onto his shoulders, smiling a little at him because his reaction was priceless. "did it sound like that?" you innocently asked as lust glazed over your eyes.
He lets out a shaky breath. "oh .. fuck..." he said in a throaty tone.
You watched him crumble as he grabbed you and smashed your lips against his, teeth hitting teeth as you eagerly kissed him back, his hand staying still on your cunt as its presence set you off. The first thing Bucky does is undo the loose knot on your robe; it's almost like that's what he wanted to do the moment you answered the door. He reveals your breasts, his sweet kisses never breaking from the fact that you were naked besides your wet panties. Your jaw starts to buckle and hurt as your bottom lip turns red from the friction. Bucky pulls away, practically panting as he delicately brushes your hair behind your ear. You can't help but notice that Bucky was still a gentleman in all the tension. Even if you wanted him to pound you. You could tell this was a little unorthodox for him; maybe he truly was old-fashioned, but also very touch starved. You pull him closer by the waistband of his sweatpants, your hand slowly wandering down to his expanding tip as your index and thumb rub it. You could physically see Bucky relax into your touch as he latches on to your neck; soft kisses on your neck before going completely animalistic on your chest.
You let out a soft whine before grabbing his face and passionately kissing him, your thighs squeezing around his hand. You pull away from him, both of you panting as you hold his warm hand, noticing a thin coat of your wetness before dragging him into your room. A piece of you wanted him to bend you over the counter, but you voted against it. that's when Bucky's eyes landed on the computer. "...is it live-?" he asks. You shake your head; webcamming was your thing; it didn't mean it had to be Bucky’s. But Bucky surprises you. for a man who ‘didn't know’ how to use a laptop; he sure worked his way around it. You - laying in your bed and squeezing your thighs, raise an eyebrow and laugh. "what are you doing?" you giggled.
"hitting two birds with one stone."
He quickly finds the GO LIVE button and moves away from the frame, leaving you front and center, watching the views roll in from your loyal fans as Bucky grabs you by your chin and kisses you lustfully. You could feel your skin cry for him as your knees got weak; the kiss was out of the frame, Bucky made sure of it because, god, it would be embarrassing if anyone there recognized him. It wasn't long before you flopped down on the bed and spread your legs for him like magic. You didn't know if it was because he looked like a movie star during the golden age of Hollywood or because of how mysterious he was, but Bucky made you weak. So weak that you didn't care if this was the first and last time he would touch you. You feel his rough fingertips slowly slide off the panties you've soaked, seeing your hole overfilled with your wetness. Bucky slides his warm hand in between your folds, causing you to jerk your hips slightly, trying to keep them down as your chest starts to rise.
Bucky lets out a dry chuckle. "you're sensitive, how...cute." he mocks you.
The disgusting thing about it is that you liked how he mocked you, watching you squirm as he spits down on your clit, saliva hanging from his lips as he leans down and slips his tongue in your mouth. You open your jaw a little more so he could explore your mouth, watching him pull away before feeling the freezing metal from his other arm hit your clit at full force. At this point, that's where your heartbeat was, and the cool metal was making it worse. You gasp and let out a quiet moan as you look into Bucky's eyes; he knew that would get you. watching as you shut your thighs around his arm, he roughly pries them open. "I don't think so." he damn-near growls at you. a chill ran up your spine before feeling two cold fingers slam into your hole, your walls closing in on his index and middle finger as he holds it there. What a fucking tease. your clit was begging for attention as he looked down at you. "not so talkative now, huh?"
You arch your back, practically offering him your body as your eyes beg him to move his fingers, but he doesn't. he keeps them there to remind you of how helpless you indeed were. Not like you didn't know; you were vulnerable for him for a whole week. He slowly moves his fingers out of you, carefully rubbing them on your bottom lip before you eventually obliged and sucked them dry. The sound of coin slot machines echoed in the room as you shakily closed your legs, squeezing them shut before feeling your chest heave - you were already orgasming? To be fair, you have been teasing yourself for a good hour before Bucky waltzed in. a deep moan left your mouth as your thighs shook and coated themselves in your cum. Your back was getting sweaty as your cheeks turned bright pink. Bucky watched as your body compulsed. You could tell he loved the show but was disappointed that it wasn't him making you shake like that.
Bucky watched as your body tried to maintain itself, finally calming down after your rolling orgasm as the sound of coin slot machines went crazy. You weren't letting yourself catch a break as you felt your clit throb for more. That's when you felt Bucky move—dragging you off to the edge of the bed and sitting down. Having you lay across his lap. You've seen and read enough porn to know exactly what was going on and obliged happily. You watched him slowly take off his tank top before making it into a ball and stuffing it in your mouth; a makeshift gag, if you will. Your right-hand touched his chest and feels him up as he keeps you in a comfortable position. Now, you couldn't think about the timid and traditional man that came knocking so he could get some sleep; your mind bombarded with thoughts of the eager and somewhat perverted sweetheart that was helping you relieve yourself after pulling you away.
His hand hits your ass hard, and you gasp and whine in pain, feeling your body tense up as he smacks it again. The noises from the laptop ringing again made you want to follow through on your habit, so bucky spreads your legs and then spanks you, hitting your ass and cunt with full force. Moans with hints of pain muffled through your gag. he seems amused, seeing your clit turn red and raw from the amount of spanking he did; you shake and quiver every time he spanks you and misses; which is often. By then, you were already horny again. Bucky stuffs three fingers in you unexpectedly, causing you to let out a loud moan. His warm hand goes to your mouth, covering it and shoving the gag deeper into your mouth, causing the fabric to tickle your throat and gag reflexes. Tears come to your eyes as Bucky decides to tease you by leaving them in there. again.
You feel the walls close in on his fingers and ache for them to move, so when he finally does drive them, you feel a wave of euphoria hit you. He curled his fingers as the metal slid in and out of you, causing you to spill out in moans. You were almost glad he improvised a gag because it would be embarrassing if your neighbor, Miss Chen, realized you didn't have a cat. Your heartbeat begins to steady itself, something you were grateful for before Bucky places his cold thumb on your clit and rubbed you like he was playing a scratch-off lottery ticket. It felt like a dam broke between your thighs as you wiggled and tried not to give in so quickly. But you couldn't help it. He was overstimulating you to the extreme.
Your thighs begin to shake as a tear or two rolls down your cheek from how overwhelming it felt, but you couldn't imagine yourself being anywhere besides his lap. Feeling him spread you out and spank you as you wiggle more and more for his touch, even if your clit was starting to swell up. Bucky was too preoccupied with you that he probably didn't notice how hard he was getting; your right-hand slides over to his clothed cock as you gently squeeze it, hearing a soft but deep groan as Bucky leaves another red and purple mark on your ass. "take my fingers first, then we'll see." he raspily tells you, but you knew you weren't going to last long. You longed to have him inside of you.
And he knows.
he knows you won't last that long either, maybe he's alluding to round two? not that you had the energy to think coherent thoughts as a tsunami wave of pleasure hits you. heavy breaths as your chest rises and falls flat, as you creamed all over his hand, your cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson as his curled fingers hits the right spot one last time. if heaven was a place on earth, it was on this man's lap. you look at him, your eyes glossed over and your cheeks red as Bucky pulls out the balled up tank top out of your mouth. you pant and looked over to your laptop screen, seeing the money you made rack up more and more. speechless, you glimpsed at bucky before planting a sweet kiss on his lips, only for him to glance at you and say:
"guess I can finally sleep now."                                                    .·:*¨༺♱༻¨*:·.
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cottonkendi · 2 years
hi, i'm new to your blog but i've literally binge-read your babies and i absolutelylove it so much
was also wondering how bonten would work with y/n in the picture
Hi bubs~! I'm glad you're enjoying your babies~ (♡ω♡ ) ~♪
And ohhh, I've actually thought about it and how it would've went if we actually delved into that future.
Y/n would be 30 something by this time, I think. If I remember correctly
And from my initial plot, your babies was supposed to have more chapters wherein after the actual book plot, we then delve into takeomi and why he suddenly disappeared and the other kids would've been dead at this point... One way or another
I was going to write about takeomi having feelings for y/n then distancing himself to not ruin things but then shin dies
So after that, takeomi tells y/n about his feelings after he meets up with her and things turn sour
Which then brings us to Bonten future
I like to think that y/n manages to survive which is how Mikey is still barely hanging onto his sanity
Y/n's still running the shop
And Mikey keeps her close but tries to keep her oblivious to his underground business.
But y/n still knows about it cause how does Mikey and the other kids have all these expensive things without them being involved in something shady anyways
I'd like to think that the Bonten executives come to her for some semblance of normalcy
That she's still trying to be the adult that they all needed in the past
The haitanis officially meet her during the kantou manji gang era and they admire her for her sense of responsibility with the kids that treats like her own children
By this time, I'd like to imagine that y/n's not as strong as she was, physically and mentally
With all the things she went through, her morals is now a little weak
So she doesn't really care a lot anymore about the shady things that Bonten does
Y/n is just hopeful that the kids (adults) that she's looking after always goes home and tells her that they're safe and didn't die
Mikey and haruchiyo make sure to try and get y/n to attend therapy but it's not working hdksjsk
Since she's always just overthinking about them not making it one day
And she gets nightmares of all the loved ones she's lost
Sometimes, y/n accidentally calls Mikey "zana" and things get awkward
Kakucho keeps close to her even though sometimes, he finds it hard to look at her since it reminds him of the promises that y/n and shin told him when he was young
That he'd have a normal life with them
Kakuchou feels guilty for sometimes being angry at y/n when those thoughts cross his mind
Overall, y/n has made herself a special person to the executives in Bonten (sorry mochi but I don't know much about you)
Takeomi and y/n have an awkward relationship
Mikey knows of what happened between them and is a little angry at takeomi for liking y/n when his brother was still in the picture but he can't do anything about it
So he just makes sure that they're never alone together
And y/n is still a little upset with his takeomi had treated haruchiyo so the tension's always a little high
Other than that, y/n's shop always has some of bontens people scattered around the street, making sure y/n's safe from enemies
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thebiscuiteternal · 3 years
Time again for idea/headcanon snippets from twitter!
- I have decided that the “his expression made it seem as though someone could do anything to him” line means everyone who meets Nie Huaisang gets hit on sight by the “I want to ruin him” urge.
- MDZS but all the swords are wrapping paper tubes. (BONK)
- Nie Mingjue is always on his brother’s case about wasting time on erotica, but one day curiosity finally wins out and he looks at one of Nie Huaisang’s unfinished books. It’s... really good??? With characterization and plot and worldbuilding and everything??? The art is great-hall-mural quality??? And then the next argument they have goes from “wasting time” on spring books to wasting time on spring books, and Huaisang pulls out the figures to show that sex sells, Da-ge and Mingjue doesn’t have a comeback for that no matter how much he wants to argue the point. 
- Post-canon Ouyang Zizhen realizing that Wangxian and Jiang Cheng all treat him as “that kid who’s just kinda here” and realizing he deserves his own mentor, which leads to him going “free real estate” on a very surprised Nie Huaisang.
- Donghua!Jin Guangshan uses a fan, so just imagining Jin Guangyao musing over what kind of fan design to bring on his next visit to Qinghe and seeing his father walk by. He makes a note of what kinds of imagery his father likes... ...so he can avoid it. Also, Nie Huaisang absolutely dragging Jin-zongzhu’s taste in fans and Jin Guangyao knowing he really, really shouldn’t be laughing, but damn it’s cathartic to listen to someone call out that tacky shit.
- Brought to you by my “Frankenstein stitches are cool, but like hell Nie Huaisang would let his brother go out looking so messy” agenda, a Ningsang set up where something or other happens and Nie Huaisang gets a look at Wen Ning’s upper body. Utterly disgusted by Wei Wuxian’s bare-bones battlefield repair job, he drags Wen Ning off to get some high quality replacement stuffing and properly artistic embroidery. It’s basically a spa day and Wen Ning finds himself enjoying the extremely rare pampering. (They Do Not Talk About why Nie Huaisang is so skilled at stitching dead flesh.)
- Listen, no matter how many times it shows up in fics or headcanons, some variation of Nie Mingjue complaining to his brother about some dude and being like “I trust him as far as I- as far as you could throw him,” is always going to be funny as hell.
- (Came up with this one on Halloween) During his final qi deviation, Papa Nie unwittingly killed his younger son before being killed by his elder. Years later when Meng Yao joins the sect, he accidentally discovers that through an extremely dubious ritual, Nie Huaisang has secretly “survived” as something that isn’t quite human, and will stay alive as long as Mingjue and the other elders and disciples in the know regularly offer up infusions of blood and qi. Of course, now that Meng Yao knows about this, he can’t be allowed to leave...
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crimeronan · 3 years
Ok so I’m into the dreamer trilogy and haven’t read the Raven cycle...what is Declan’s characterisation/journey there?
also declan’s TRC storyline is like. equal parts horribly fucking sad and unbelievably fucking hilarious so. i will try to strike a Balance
FIRST OFF.  there is exactly one (1) declan POV chapter in the entire series. it happens toward the end of the last book. up until then, everything we know about him comes from the observations and narration of others.
he is also a very minor character.  his importance grows throughout the series, but almost all of his actions happen offscreen.  it’s not until the last book that we know exactly how much he’s been dealing with the whole time.
when he’s introduced in the first book, he appears as a plot device.  here is a two-dimensional horrible controlling hardass who doesn’t give a shit about anything but his future political career.  look at his fake, smug fucking grin.  how did someone like ronan end up with a brother like him??  doesn’t matter.  it’s a convenient excuse for ronan to live with his best friend in a drafty warehouse, which means more room for YA hijinks!
declan’s introduction scene is Embroiled in Capital-D Douchebaggery. according to the narration (from gansey and adam), he loves to fuck women and then never call them back, cozy up to powerful people, and bitch about how ronan’s ruining his life by being sad about their dead parents.  SOME people can just get over their dead parents, ronan!
this intro scene is also Extremely Funny i 100% recommend reading it even if u don’t read the actual series.  ronan makes a nasty comment, declan goes “why are you the way that you are” and tries to salvage his date, gansey utters the phrase “man whore”
then later that night things go like. actually bad.
declan shows up at the same pizza place where ronan is with his friends.  this scene is gansey pov.  gansey runs out to the parking lot to find the two of them Very Literally Trying To Kill Each Other.  you don’t see that violence in cdth - there’s only the TINIEST shadow of it when declan confronts ronan over matthew - so i Cannot Express Enough that someone is going to end up hospitalized at BEST. ronan’s already slammed declan’s head on the car, declan’s already grabbed ronan and beaten the shit out of his face, like.
you do not get good old-fashioned Declan Lynch At His Actual Worst in cdth. u might be thinking, THAT guy???? doing THIS????
oh yeah. things are real bad between declan and ronan.
after gansey breaks up the fight (and gets punched in the face for his trouble, albeit accidentally), declan tells ronan that their dad would be fucking ashamed to see him now & that he’s washing his hands of it & basically if ronan wants to go off and fucking die, he can.
this is like. just a couple months after the magical suicide attempt referenced in cdth
in the aftermath of that scene it becomes clear that ronan absolutely unequivocally 100% will kill himself if he has to live with declan. hence. why he’s living with gansey instead.  gansey spends that whole night petrified that the declan altercation will lead to another attempt, and for Good Reason
so like, that’s how we first meet declan. he’s an uncaring wannabe corporate asshole who does not give a fuck and who only exists to exacerbate ronan’s mental health issues.
but then the opening of book 2 gets real interesting.
book 2 is where we start learning more about the lynch family.  we learn that ronan’s father was a dreamer who sold his creations on the black market, we learn that that’s why he was murdered. we learn that ronan’s a dreamer too. we learn that there are very powerful people looking for the greywaren, an artifact that takes objects from dreams. those powerful people just don’t realize it’s a person, yet.
so here’s the assassin who killed niall lynch.
he goes to declan’s dorm.
with everything we know about declan, the kid should be completely unprepared.  he can box, but the assassin knows that, so there’s no real advantage.  he’s alone, and he doesn’t have an escape route.
declan pulls out a gun.
this is an unexpected turn of events.
unfortunately he ends up getting beaten half to death with the butt of said gun, because he loses the ensuing physical struggle for the weapon.  the assassin is like, i need the greywaren.  declan is like, i know it exists but i don’t know what it is.  i’ll find it for you.  i’ll get it to you.  then you’ll leave me the fuck alone
now with everything we know of declan at this point - his attitude toward ronan, his general demeanor, and this new knowledge that he knew about the black market - there’s one obvious question.
will declan sell ronan out if he finds out about the dreaming.
and like, okay. their relationship is antagonistic in cdth but it is NOT what it is in trc. believe me when i tell you that at that point, when you’re reading, you can pretty reasonably go, “oh, god.  oh god.  oh god please no one ever tell declan what the greywaren is.  oh god.”
declan has some other interactions with ronan and the gang throughout the book, mostly where he’s just a hardass who tells ronan to stop causing trouble.  adam’s the only one who notices that declan is scared.  like bone-deep shaking to the core petrified.  about Something.
probably getting beaten to within an inch of his life by the man who murdered his father.  that’s the reasonable reader conclusion.
so imagine how everything changes when you find out that declan already knows.  that declan’s known about ronan’s dreaming for longer than ronan has.  that declan knew exactly what and who the greywaren was, and he lied to a man who was ready to torture him for information, and he got away with it.
suddenly a lot of things recontextualize.
“keep your head down and stop making trouble”? people are gonna NOTICE your magic bullshit, ronan, we do not have time for this!
“stop hanging with that loser druggie friend of yours”? you mean the loser druggie friend who sells on the magic black market and doesn’t care about protecting himself or anyone else?
“i got super weird for no reason about ronan sleeping close to adam”? i don’t have fucking TIME to be homophobic i’m busy with your POTENTIAL TO MANIFEST NIGHT TERRORS IN FRONT OF WITNESSES IN BROAD DAYLIGHT
“i’ll find out what the greywaren is and bring it to you”? i’ll die. i’m making a bargain to die. i’m never giving you the greywaren and i know you’re going to kill me about it and that’s fine as long as my brothers are safe
ronan doesn’t know that he dreamed matthew.  declan knows.  he’s known the whole time.  declan tells ronan in book 3.  and then things recontextualize even further, because ronan’s death is also matthew’s, and matthew IS close to declan in trc.
but declan never tells the goddamn truth unless it’s his last option.  he doesn’t tell ronan that he knows about the dreaming and he doesn’t tell ronan what specifically wants to hurt him and the lack of communication fucking destroys both of them.
in the last book, ronan realizes declan loves him.
more than that, he realizes declan’s loved him the whole time.
this is when declan finally tells the truth.  things are getting bad, plot-wise, and declan is scared, so he comes clean.  he tells ronan that niall specifically tasked declan with protecting ronan from the market.  he begs ronan to run from the danger.  “let’s pour gasoline on everything dad left and start over.”
this is also when ronan realizes that declan’s childhood was very different from ronan’s own.  and that niall and aurora lynch were not the same people to declan that they were to ronan.  and that their father’s decisions are what’s driven the wedge between him and declan all this time
(he’s still struggling with the cognitive dissonance of this in cdth. i don’t think he knows how to adjust his perception of declan to fit this new information.)
aaaaand the final scene with declan makes me cry every time i read it so instead of summarizing, here’s the important part:
Ronan delivered a sharp tap to the object, and a small cloud of fiery orbs sprayed up with a sparkling hiss.
“Jesus, Ronan!” Declan jerked his chin away.
“Please. Did you think I’d blow your face off?”
He demonstrated it again, that quick tap, that burst of brilliant orbs. He tipped it into Declan’s hand, and before Declan could say anything, jabbed it to activate it once more.
Orbs gasped up into the air. For a moment, he saw how his brother was caught inside them, watching them soar furiously around his face, each gold sun firing gold and white, and when he saw the spacious longing in Declan’s face, he realized how much Declan had missed by growing up neither dreamer nor dreamt. This had never been his home. The Lynches had never tried to make it Declan’s home.
“Declan?” Ronan asked.
Declan’s face cleared. “This is the most useful thing you’ve ever dreamt. You should name it.”
“I have. ORBMASTER. All caps.”
“Technically you’re the orbmaster though, right? And that’s just an orb.”
“Anyone who holds it becomes an ORBMASTER. You’re an ORBMASTER right now. There, keep it, put it in your pocket. D.C. ORBMASTER.”
Declan reached out and scuffed Ronan’s shaved head. “You’re such a little asshole.”
The last time they’d stood on this roof together, their parents had both been alive, and the cattle in these fields had been slowly grazing, and the world had been a smaller place. That time was gone, but for once, it was all right.
The brothers both looked back over the place that had made them, and then they climbed down from the roof together.
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watched s11ep1
i will provide you with a quick review before i disappear back into the ether of twd avoidance
lots of spoilers under the cut. also i wrote way too much and i worked all night and haven’t slept so i didn’t bother to reread literally any of it, so it might be completely nonsensical, tho if you don’t expect that from me by this point idk whose blog you’ve been reading
hokay, first off, i’ll start by saying that i enjoyed it more than i expected to. i’ve been avoiding any sort of discussion about stuff, but my google algorithm is so fucked at this point that i still get recommended articles and stuff every now and then, so i was already pretty aware of what i was walking into, and was expecting it to be eh, but actually i prob enjoyed it more than i enjoyed the finale
(don’t get too excited tho, the finale was rly boring lmfao)
episode starts off with a tense scouting mission
it takes .005 seconds into the episode for caryl to exchange a look of longing, establishing that they are still having weird conflict and are both too fucking stubborn to do anything about it even tho they hate it desperately
i imagine that will continue for a while
rosita, kelly, carol, maggie, what’s her face with the bad hair, and lydia (i think that’s everyone?) lower down to some army bunker or something, where a bunch of walkers are taking a snooze, and the girls are very respectful of walker naptime, and do their best not to wake them up
obviously they eventually wake up, but i’ll get to that in a sec
as they’re tiptoeing through the walker tulips, there’s this split second where carol spots a machine gun, and looks at maggie with a face like, “can i plzzzz, i am mad horny for that machine gun,” but maggie tells her no. (i 110% expected her to defy orders and accidentally wake up all the walkers, but she actually behaved herself for once. well. mostly)
never fear, tho, after the girl gang collects a bunch of MREs they go back to wait for the dudes waiting up top to pull them up, and bc men ruin everything, one of the ropes break, and daryl catches it before it falls, but then a slow motion drop of blood falls on a walker’s face, and just like that, walker naptime is over, and carol uses her bow and arrow for two seconds before she is like “fuck this” and whips out the machine gun
yes, she is super hot using it
yes, daryl watches her do it
anyway, all the other girls get rescued, and carol is about to be pulled up, but bc she is a #girlboss, she first makes a beeline for one more crate full of MREs. daryl covers her while she gets the loot, and when she gets back up top they have another charged moment as carol hands him back his knife
just fuck already, jfc
cut to alexandria where everything is still not smilestimes
BUT, we do get to see uncle daryl run and hug rj and judith (and dog), and FUCKING HERSHEL JR, LIGHT OF MY LIFE is also there
istg, they could not have casted a better child, i a d o r e him
oh, and some friends of maggie’s show up too, idk
cut to a staff meeting where everyone is like, whomp whomp, we’re all gonna starve to death unless we figure out something quick
cue maggie going, “oh, i know where food is, but it requires me to tell you my tragic backstory, in case anyone didn’t watch my bottle episode”
she tells her dramatic backstory about all her friends getting slaughtered by the reapers for no apparent reason, and then she’s like “anyway, let’s go back there!”
no one thinks it’s a great idea, but a group of people decide to go anyway, including daryl and gabriel. rosita is super pissed that gabriel is going, and carol doesn’t go, probably partly bc it’s a shitty fucking idea, and also bc they have to keep caryl apart bc otherwise they’ll fix their problems ahead of schedule and they won’t be able to drag out the needless angst
daryl looks kind of annoyed that carol doesn’t volunteer to go 
bitch, i thought you wanted her to stop putting herself in the line of fire! make up your damn mind!
moving on
cut to a thunderstorm, where, if you look closely, you’ll notice daryl is wearing the STUPIDEST hat i’ve ever seen. just get an umbrella, jfc
for some reason negan is with them, bc ig he knows his way around washington dc, and no one in six years has bothered to figure out how to get around the city and/or get a map, and he is like “hey guys, maybe we shouldn’t try to walk in this fucking hurricane,” and everyone is like “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” 
this will be a common occurrence 
but eventually daryl is even like “actually, it’s rly unpleasant out here, and my hat is mad stupid, can we go inside plz?”
so they go inside an old metro station, which is actually a rly cool cinematic choice. i rly like the idea, and they executed it rly well
speaking of executions
there are some fucking RULL CREEPY walkers. idk why they bothered me so badly, but they were what they at first assumed were corpses wrapped up in tarps, but turns out none of them had been properly put down, so they go through killing these rotted bodies that had supposedly been there since The Fall, and it’s very gross and cool
this entire time, btw, negan is like “hey, i know i’m a shitty person, but i have some rational arguments about why we shouldn’t be doing this right now,” and everyone is like, “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” and he’s just like “god fucking damnit”
(i forgot to mention that at one point, when they’re headed into the metro station, negan is trying to warn ppl of the potential danger, and everyone is ignoring him, and he tries to talk to daryl, and daryl is like “fuck you, you think we’re BUDDIES?” and negan is like “oh, ok, so you’re gonna be like that too? fanfreakingtastic” and it’s very funny)
anyway. a fat monster zombie escapes its tarp at one point, and tries to eat some npc, and negan saves him, again is like “hey, anyone else realize that this is a FUCKING BAD PLAN?”, and everyone is like “we don’t care, you’re still shitty and we’re not listening to you, and you don’t actually care about random npc i would literally not be able to pick out in a lineup bc his face is so generic, you’re not the boss of us!!!”
it’s at this point that negan finally is like, “why am i even here? bc i know how to get around washington dc? do none of you have a map?” and i was like, “right?! that’s what i said!” 
it’s then revealed that maggie only brought negan along to murder him under the guise of “oops, he got hurt in the line of duty, it wasn’t my fault,” and daryl has this look on his face that says, “i seriously need to stop hanging out with lethal women bent on revenge bc it’s gonna give me high blood pressure,” and maggie has a badass moment where she points a gun she has for some reason at negan and is like “i have like, one shred of human compassion left inside of me, and if you keep pushing me i will fucking kill you without a second thought, so shut the hell up”
(in her defense, negan had just dropped glenn’s name to purposely antagonize her, which was rude as hell)
(for the record, i’m completely on maggie’s side here, but negan still is right that trapping themselves in a metro station is a bad call)
anyway, moving away from that briefly
i think this jump cut happens sooner, i don’t actually remember, but whatever who cares, point is, we get to the part of the show that actually matters, and that’s anything involving my love, juanita “princess” sanchez
and also eugene, yumiko, and ezekiel
they are being asked increasingly invasive questions by commonwealth ppl, some of which i wish they actually would of answered (what do they use to wipe their asses with?? surely toilet paper has long since become extinct)
zeke, who is so much more tolerable as a character now that he’s not larping as a king, has this incredibly weird and sort of sexually charged moment with a dude in an orange stormtrooper costume, where he’s like, “i bet you were an asshole cop back before The Fall, you stupid fascist, #fuckthepolice, mb literally? idk, this moment has a lot of pent up aggression that could easily translate to hate sex, it might just be the intense eye contact, but w/e, let’s just move along,” and then he has a coughing fit to remind the audience that he’s currently dying of cancer, and orange stormtrooper is like “lolz, loser, drink some water you dumb piece of shit”
cut to the wholesome foursome sitting at a picnic table in a guarded courtyard eating gruel, and yumkio, who finally has a personality, and princess are like “hey, this place fucking sucks, can we leave?” and zeke is like, “yeah, i met this orange stormtrooper who i think might be dtf and/or murder, so we should probably bounce”
but eugene is like, “but i want some hot stephanie ass, and also some bullshit excuse about how mb commonewealth will save alexandria” which, they left before things went super downhill, right? idr. it was after hilltop fell, but they don’t know alexandria got fucked either, if i recall? w/e, not important
two seconds after he says this, they talk to some people who are like “we’ve been here for four months, or maybe it’s been nine, i don’t actually remember, i’ve stopped processing the passage of time,” and the wholesome foursome takes this as a bad sign, tho that’s just the life i’ve lived as a night worker during a pandemic, so i was like #mood
but then they watch some guy get dragged away screaming to get “reprocessed” and eugene is like “ok, nvm, let’s bounce”
(my theory on what “reprocessing” is, is that they’re stuck in a room and have to watch hours and hours of customer service training videos on vhs from the 90s)
i definitely got my jump cut scenes mixed up bc i think the negan accusing maggie of a murder plot thing happened in between this scene and then the next commonwealth scene, but w/e, i’ll just finish what happens in the commonwealth arch
the wholesome foursome are trying to hatch a plan to escape, except princess, my love, is distracted watching some stormtroopers flirt, and the other three are like “wtf, dude, how can you even tell any of them apart?” and princess then tells them every stormtroopers backstory bc she is brilliant and pays rly close attention to shit, and the other three are like, “this is useful information, thank you for being an insane person”
their plan involves yumiko and eugene dressing up as stormtroopers and leading princess and zeke out of the place, which works fine actually, except on their way out they come across the Depressing Wall of Probably Mostly Dead Missing Loved Ones
they’re about to leave, when princess is like, “wait, yumiko, you’re on here, that’s weird huh?”
sure enough, yumiko  is on the wall, with a note from ig her sister 
the scene ends with yumiko going, “guys...i can’t leave...i have tragic backstory to unveil”
tragic backstory to be continued ig
back in murder metro town, npc and some other npc have stolen all the supplies, there’s a train blocking the track, and a horde of walkers are coming towards them, so things are not going fantastic
they horde is too big to take down, so they start to climb on top of the train car to get away
but dog runs away!
and daryl, being every pet owner ever, is like “gotta go get my dog, guys, try not to get killed while i’m gone, c u soon!” and he ducks under the train and disappears
the episode ends with maggie climbing up the train car but getting grabbed by a walker and dangling off the edge, and negan is there and they have a lion king moment where maggie is like, “scar! help me!” and negan is like “long live the king, bitch” and walks away into the shadows, leaving maggie to a potential death
which, while i know isn’t actually going to happen, would be a really fucking funny move on the writers’ part
like, “look, lauren’s back! and now she’s dead, bet you didn’t expect that!”
my assumption is negan will actually end up helping her up or something, continuing his ambiguous morality bullshit that actually isn’t ambiguous bc he BEAT GLENN TO DEATH WITH A FUCKING BAT WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE IN FRONT OF HIS PREGNANT WIFE
the maggie/negan arch is kind of dumb, but whatevs, i’ll tolerate it, as long as my boy glenn gets justice in the end
anyway, cue credits!
final assessment: good episode. i’m much more interested in commonwealth than the reapers, tho i am hoping that daryl’s personality-less ex turns out to be a monster killing machine with no conscience, that’ll be fun. princess is a gift from god. hershel jr needs his own tv show. needs more carol (and caryl)
the end! going back into my walking dead free chamber! see you next episode!
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What if some Cullen stayed behind on a new moon to be with Bella? How do you think the story would have occurred?
They wouldn’t.
Remember, we see the series from Bella’s perspective. We get a front row view to her devastation at being left behind, her depression, and the fact that Bella is put into more danger because of it and ultimately the Cullens come back.
At the end of New Moon, the reader goes, “What was the point of this damn novel? Why even have them leave in the first place if they just come back?!” Well, it was to show that Edward and Bella can’t live without each other, introduce the wolves without the Cullens getting in the way, and start the Volturi plot threads.
Regardless, a lot of blame falls on the Cullens for daring to leave in the first place. Someone should have put their foot down and demanded to stay (several did but they ended up leaving anyway). However, from their perspective, I don’t think they necessarily made the wrong choice
Why The Cullens Had Good Reason to Leave in New Moon
They’d been living in the precarious world for months now where a human is in on the secret, really shouldn’t be in on the secret, just waiting for something to happen.
Edward plays human boyfriend, knowing that he’ll one day abandon her (he plans it, even, from the moment he first sneaks into her bedroom). He has no intention of turning her into a vampire.
Which means, for the rest of them, walking on eggshells trying and failing to think what happens next. Because this is not sustainable.
Eventually, the Cullens will need to move. It’ll be a while yet, Carlisle will probably spend another few years as a doctor in Forks while the “children” go to university somewhere. But eventually, one day, they will leave the area.
If Bella’s human, she’s not coming with them.
And if she does come with them... Bella will be this sole aging human living with immortal creatures. She can’t do the high school routine with Edward very long, would have to find her own thing to do while somehow still moving with this family, and it wouldn’t be sustainable. Bella would live a very miserable life that’s not all that different from if they had never killed James in Phoenix (on the run moving from city to city, protecting this secret from anyone who might ask, having to hide her relationship with Edward if they even manage to keep that alive).
It would be a miserable life and not good for her. Even Bella, the teenager who wants to be with them forever, sees that. She can’t stay with Edward and be human, if she’s joining the Cullens then she has to be turned.
Adding to this, hanging around Bella is very dangerous. There’s a reason their worlds are separate. Jasper might be the one who cracks first, but something was going to happen one of those days. That papercut could have very easily been Edward. Bella could accidentally scrape herself in front of a hungry Alice. Bella helping Esme in the kitchen might accidentally cut herself. Every time Bella spends any time in their vicinity, she’s playing Russian Roulette.
She just happens to lose at her own birthday party.
Jasper’s attack, and every single member of the family besides Carlisle having to vacate the house, is a wake up call that if Bella’s staying human then this isn’t going to work.
Leaving in New Moon is their last chance to give Bella a human life and future. Bella’s young, she’ll move on and make friends and live an ordinary life in the ordinary human world. I do think, for all of the Cullens, none of them realize the extent of her depression and she staked all her self-worth on the aliens who she only met a few months ago and who barely even know her.
And that’s important and I think people forget that, Bella barely knows these people and they know even less about her.
Bella spends her time hanging around Edward and maybe Alice.
She has had one conversation with Carlisle, the night he stitches her up no less, never seems to talk to Esme at all, barely even sees Jasper, Rosalie barely knows her, and for all Emmett thinks she’s hilarious that’s because she’s just Clumsy Human (TM).
None of them have any personal attachment to her.
Then you have Edward throwing a fit. Yes, Alice is adamantly against doing this, thinks it will be a disaster, but Edward’s the one they’re going to live with. More, Edward does have a point, this isn’t sustainable, Bella has no idea what she’s getting into, and if she can live a human life with her human family then she probably should.
Little did they know that they were leaving her to the mercy of Victoria and Laurent, relying on the protection of the shapeshifters who might unintentionally maul her at any moment, or that she’d become mired in depression and eventually attempt suicide.
Well, Alice knew, but her visions are also flighty things that while holding true for a moment don’t necessary hold true for years.
So, I can see why they leave, and why characters who are dubious about it are convinced to leave.
For what it’s worth, I also think they thought Edward’s breakup with Bella was an amenable thing where he logically told her why he was doing this.
Edward, remember, does not ask Rosalie or Emmett’s assistance in stealing the stereo out of Bella’s car. He didn’t tell them about stealing her photos and memorabilia and sticking it under the floorboards. Given Edward’s behavior in Midnight Sun, I’m sure he didn’t tell them that what he actually said to her was that she was a distraction and he’d gotten bored. Given that he had a very reasonable explanation to break up with her, I’m a vampire and you’re human and this isn’t working out, I’m sure they thought he was mature and reasonable about it.
He wasn’t.
Who Would Even Stay?
More, if anyone stayed, then you know Edward would be staying with them. Glaring at them constantly for ruining his leaving town plan. HOW DARE THEY.
And is Emmett really going to bail on Rose so he can hang out with Edward’s weird squishy girlfriend? Carlisle tell the family to go on ahead without him, he’ll catch up, while he sits there awkwardly with Bella and says “Sorry about all of this.” Rosalie, who loathes Bella, sticking around just to spite Edward. Esme staying with Bella and infuriating Edward and causing him pain (Edward’s Esme’s basically highest priority, she’d never do this). Jasper hanging around the girl he just tried to eat?
I’d say Alice is your best bet except... This isn’t the meta for it, but throughout the series it’s clear for all that Alice likes Bella, she likes Edward a lot more. Bella is nice, but Alice has her priorities in order and is more than okay with the significant odds of Bella dying horrifically if it means everything might work out the way she wants it to.
So, given that hanging around Bella would cause a rift with Edward, she’s not going to do it. Also, I’m sure the way she sees it, it’s best to get this out of the way now so that Edward learns his lesson.
And what would they even do then? If Carlisle’s family has moved then he can’t stick around town for long (maybe the premise is they moved on ahead of him to set up the house but that will only last so long). If it’s any of the “kids” they have to hide in the bushes all day as the family will have left them behind. If it’s Esme, why didn’t she go with her family and her kids to the new city?
So it’d just be them hanging around, doing nothing to... make Bella feel better? When it’s really Edward who she wants to see rather than rando Cullen she barely knows hanging out in her yard?
Basically, I can’t see a single one of them staying behind.
But if Someone Did Stay
Then, as I said, Edward would stay too.
And Edward would never forgive them for this. They would be dead to him, forever. I can imagine, in his upset rage and helplessness, Edward would say even worse things to Bella to make it clear the entire family should leave.
It’d be a shit show all around.
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mirror-vicit-omnia · 3 years
Ya know what? F*ck it. DMC Heathers!AU where Dante is Jason Dean but never tries to blow up the school or murder anybody and the reader is Veronica.
Dante has an adoptive jackass dad, Big Blood Dean. Sparda is in hell and Eva is dead. Vergil is a missing person's case no one can solve. Big Blood Dean adopted him for the money and drags Dante all across the map with his shady deconstruction company.
The reader is in the same situation as veronica, it goes to canon. They get an in with the Heathers, there's probably a Martha involved.
Fight For Me. Just imagine Dante kicking ass. Those jocks wouldn't stand a chance in a million years.
I like the West End performance for all this.
Dante doesn't quote Baudelaire (if this was Vergil instead of Dante, yes he would have)
Reader: "Okay, don't just drop a snappy one-liner and then walk away! Excuse me? I didn't catch your name?"
Dante, all devil-may-care swagger: "Well, I didn't throw it."
If you think Jason Dean was a good fighter, you should see dante. He's always finding places to train with his sword and picking fights to keep sharp. Yep, he still has demonic powers and demonic heritage and a demonic sword.
He's been dragged to 10 different high schools. Now, Dante is the kind of guy who can just drop everything, pick up and go, if it weren't for the fact that he's adoptive dad sucks. Yeah, he's asking himself these days why he didn't just bail sooner.
He probably tried to run away when he was younger and the cops found him. Even young little Dante knew not to let anyone know about his demon heritage I guess. I don't know.
Anyway, enough logic!
The reader and Dante do not cause the death of Heather chandler. Maybe they think they did, cuz Dante still made the joke of poisoning Heather, and the mugs still got switched up, but later on after the entire world thinks Heather Chandler died a saint, the reader tells Dante that she doesn't think whatever Heather drank was what killed her.
Of course, the body is gone and so is any evidence that could have told them otherwise.
Meanwhile, Heather Duke rises in red and Kurt and Ram insist that they slept with the reader and did drugs.
Dante picks the reader up when they fall apart crying. He does set up the plan of baiting the jocks to the cemetery at dawn. But he's actually planning to knock them out and do some crazy embarrassing stuff with them, the kind of immature terror that only Young men can conceive of and inflict on one another.
Chloroform is involved. Dante packs his gun for safety. He's not a demon Hunter yet, but he knows what's out there, and there's no way he's walking into a cemetery without one weapon at least.
So, the jocks were probably going to wake up naked and tied up on a monument in the Town square or a landmark for everyone to see. It might even make the papers, since this town is so small. Dante would fleece them for their money, and encourage the reader to do the same.
"Hey, how about we divvy it up? One for you, one for me. One for you, and one, two for me- Ow! Fine, whatever, take what you want!"
But what was meant to be a life ruining prank goes horribly wrong. They got Ram, but Kurt's streaking through the graveyard in his skivvies.
Dante sprints after him. "Don't worry, I'll get him back!"
Funny. Kurt should be here. Dante knows how fast a human can run. He checks behind the tombstones, but the jock simply isn't here. Like he just disappeared.
There's a shift in the air. Dante stands still. Even for a cemetery, it's too quiet. Not peaceful. Tents. Restless. Dante's just trotting back when he knows. The reader feels something, too, that pricking in the hind brain that sets the hairs standing. Dante flicks back the red tails of his duster and pulls out his gun.
Reader: "Woah! Are those guns real?!"
Dante flexes his bicep: "'Course they are, babe!"
Reader: "No! I mean th-!"
Bang! A murder of crows take to the air. The only thing more unnerving than the mist and the gunshot is the cold hard gleam in Dante's eye.
And something in the tombstones growls.
Basically, there's probably some small hellgate in the area. Weak demons are leaking through.
The plot turns away from Heather's and fake suicides and mental illness into an '80s horror slasher flick in which Dante and the reader survive and work together to break the hell gate. Dante's dad might end up dead in the process, not by his hands but just because. Alternatively, Dante decides that he's turning 18 in a couple of months and soon the law won't be able to chase after him. He doesn't know what he's going to do with his life, but he sure as hell isn't letting big blood Dean drag him anywhere anymore.
Either way, it's implied that Dante finds his calling through this story.
And becomes a demon hunter.
Demons might have been possessing people or killing people and making it look like suicides so they can drain the humans of their blood when they're brought to the morgue. A bunch of lesser demons serving a relatively stronger demon.
It serves a similar effect as the sensationalization of fake suicides in the musical's plot. Only now the reader forged the suicide notes and set up the fake suicides in order to protect them both. There's no way the law was going to buy the truth.
The reader still has to deal with Heather duke, Heather mcnamara, the horrors of the hierarchy of the high school. They deal with Miss Fleming and the assembly. Is Heather McNamara from actually committing suicide, but then there's still a demon attack that they have to somehow protect both of them from. And this is taking place in the '80s, so there are no cell phones and the landline is cut.
The hellgate was dormant under the boiler room in the high school.
If Dante got possessed, we could still have some Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) and the reader shoots him but it's Dante so he survives!
Whatever was possessing him was nowhere near as good at fighting as a human.
Cherry flavored slushies. Dante drinks cherry flavored slushies, and when he sings I thought emotional part where he accidentally reveals thoughts of suicide, he tries to brush it off with humor, as always.
Still our favorite chaotic half demon.
Cherry flavored slurpees and pizza and teenage detective work that dpuble as dates. Dante doesn't give a s*** and just wants to be pointed in the direction of the fight. The reader is actually doing research and carefully trying to piece together what is going on. Dante provides whatever he knows on demons. And hell.
Dante: "Yeah, my dad is the legendary demon Sparda. My mom and brother died in a demon attack on our house and that's why I'm in foster care."
Reader: "Okay... Sounds fake, but okay..."
Dante gets shot right in the chest. Reader freaks out, but still manages to blow up the hell gate with a bomb and thermals. To collapse the whole gymnasium, which is empty.
They crawl out of the dust. Shaking, a lot to process all at once.
Then there's a whistle. And impressed whistle. The reader looks up. It's Dante, standing strong and straight and waving at dust like he's not squirting blood out of the hole in his chest. "Now, that was some fireworks! Remind me to invite you to my next birthday party."
And that was when the reader believed that he was actually half demon.
Plot twist a faculty member opened the hell gate and it's Miss Fleming the hippie.
I wanted to feel more 80s than it sounds here, and other than that that's all I've got.
Edit 8/20/21
The reader wears the blue Heathers uniform. Short grey skirt and all.
Or if you don't like skirts, then trousers. Tight, flattering trousers. Dante loves to watch how they pull in all the right places.
The two of you are hanging out upstairs in his room, talking about the deaths. The read is worried, fretting over the mystery, flipping through pages in their notebook; Dante sprawls next to them, half hanging off the bed, head in their lap, yawning. The front door opens and bangs shut. Dante springs out of his seat. Suddenly, he wants to get out if the house.
"Hey, do you want some ice cream? Dairy Queen, strawberry sundae, you and me. C'mon!"
Big Blood Dean stomps upstairs. "Dante! Get yer worthless ass in gear! We gotta a job, you gotta go on a supply run-"
Dean barges right on in. Looks at Dante. Looks at the reader. "You got company."
"S'there a problem?" Dante sounds cool. Too cool. He's on his feet and wandering about the room, like he's bored. The reader tenses. Dean is huge, but he somehow looms beyond his size.
Dante does his careless waltz. The reader can't take their eyes off Dean. Like a frightened animal. How can Dante expose his back like that?!
But by getting up, he's put himself between you and his adoptive parent.
"Get rid of them," orders Dean.
Shrugging, Dante pats your knee. "Alright, c'mon, babe." He leads you by the elbow to the window. You still keep an eye on Dean. He's glaring.
Dante throws open the window and bows. "After you!"
"Um, the front door is...?"
He's not serious.
"Go on!"
He's serious.
Hesitant, you stick a leg through and let him push you the rest of the way out. Then he slips out, too
"You come back here, boy-!"
"See ya, old man!" Dante slams the window shut.
"Is he going to lock you out?" You ask as you shimmy down the drain pipe.
"He can't. You broke my window lock."
Dante buys two Sundaes because he doesn't want to share; after he polishes off his, he's snatching bites of yours.
He used the "Nevada account."
(Update 9-20-21)
And this whole story would be even better with JD!Virgil instead.
Virgil didn't have time yet to harden from the demon attack before Big Blood Dean adopted him.
This is all much the same as with JD!Dante, except that Virgil gets darker (not that Veronica!Reader knows how bad it is; they didn't accidentally murder Heather together) carries a gun and everything.
In the big final fight, Virgil runs out of ammo. Demons have cornered him. It's the house, his Mom, Dante, all over again.
One blink later, the demons are all dead, slashed open. Virgil shakes as he yanks on the handle in his grip, and pulls out the blade from a soft belly.
Yamato. How did it get here? These demons are unrecognizable, like dead carrion at a butchers. Did I do this? He thinks, distant and fuzzy, as he watches his hands like watching a film as they flip his sword.
Humans are weak. Humans are wretched.
The reader's smile passes through his mind.
... Perhaps not all humans are... Deserving of death.
They're just weak. Virgil flicks gore off the sword, and heads to his house, looking for Big Blood Dean.
He didn't like the way Dean had scared you with the "Norwegian in the Boiler Room" talk, anyway.
(Spoilers: Dean doesn't live. And Virgil loves you, but this was mostly for him. It's the tipping point, and afterwards he chooses his demonic heritage over humanity. But less "kill them all" and more "purge those who dare cross our path- but don't tell Reader, they get upset easily." What they don't know can't hurt them- and you have Virgil to thank.)
You two definitely run away together at the end. Off to explore knowledge of demons and Hell and whatever else.
You want to seal off the Hellgates that are being all over the world.
Virgil wants to level-grind.
It's couples-time, really.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Truth”-related asks:
Anonymous said:
I just watched truth and man, we didn't need any of that... I'm so tired...
Anonymous said:
Me after reading that summary: We coulda had it aaaaaaaaaaallllllll, decent wri-itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg
Anonymous said:
oh. lukanette breakup. how surpri— oh wait, no it wasn't.
bunnybunblitz said:
Me, skimming your summary of truth: life is a nightmare life is a nightmare life is a nightmare abort abort
Anonymous said:
Truth was a living nightmare, and that's the truth!
*defeated sigh*
Anonymous said:
The way all that just make me start disliking Adrien so hard wow I have enough of him so hard can they get ride of him for one damn episode?
Anonymous said:
Wow! Writers got on completely new level. They somehow made people to be annoyed with Adrien, even without putting him in episode.
My meme image of “I’ve had enough of this dude,” about sums it up.
It’s almost impressive???
Anonymous said:
I have the impression that you should slowly gather materials for "Treatment of Marinette S4"
You know, when you’re right, you’re right.
Anonymous said:
Hey there... Got a lil rant, I hope you don't mind in sea of anons you're probably getting. I guess if show didn't treat Marinette as their favorite punching bag and lukanette as a thing to get over with to be back on love square bullshit I wouldn't be this salty. We all knew lukanette isn't a endgame, but we actually care about Luka ans Marinette as characters and as a couple, and we knew there was a break up brewing.
But I mlb writers for setting things up, canonizing them over provocative tweet and leave them to dust right at the beginning of s4. And, oh sweet irony as they kinda accidentally made Lukanette totally better than love square (let's be honest if they knew what they were doing we wouldn't get any breakup from narrative and character development standpoint),,, because their heroine for once is loved and appreciated but that's another discussion and they hate that for her. Also, thomas arstruck can suck my toe.
I don't know what's your opinion on soulmate and destiny thing, but I'm totally in opposite. I remember The Good Place (love the series btw!) quote about how soulmates are made with love and nurture of people and not some cosmic forces. And to see how show is pushing for Destiny ™️ I'm kinda disheartened. But I guess I never really liked love square execution in the first place when it turned out that Marinette is butt of the crush joke for 3 seasons and there's 0 development from that. Like Thomas, that's not funny running gag. Thanks for reading! Hope you're doing well!
Thank you for the rant, and I agree!
It’s so strange how all their attempts to push for the love square just push me more towards Lukanette. How do the writers do that???
Anonymous said:
Yeah that point where she exclaims Luka in shock just angered and confused me. She LITERALLY transformed because Luka was akumatized. And her being shocked is only there to get her under the truth spell.
This episode is held together by knots and strings at this point.
Anonymous said:
Wow, "Ladybug likes Chat Noir humor." Then why every time Chat Noir makes puns, Ladybug looks like she wanted to strangle him on spot.
Ladybug = us
At that point, they should’ve just said, “[The writers] like Chat Noir’s humor.” Like--writers, please don’t use Ladybug as a tool to simp for your sunshine boy, it looks really pathetic.
Anonymous said:
Based on the ellipses you used I'm guessing you're not a fan of Jagged talking about the "Guitar is my only family" song.
Oh, no actually... I mean, I do because it’s there to torment Luka, but the ellipses was because of the intentional pause in the episode. Jagged was looking sympathetic
Anonymous said:
Truth was awful, the only good thing we got out of it was a Lukanette date (yay :'D) and we got to know Luka's father (although we all been knew).
Honestly if we could find a way to edit it so Luka and Marinette properly kissed then we’d just chop it out of the episode and call it the only canon thing.
asexual-individual said:
So, given that "Truth" didn't introduce the protection charms, I'm going to take a wild guess that they're not introduced until after "Gang of Secrets", meaning that Marinette won't get any close friends that it's safe to tell her secret to.
I was legit so sure that it was a guardian benefit and now I’m just left confused/curious about what causes CharmBug. Like, what, do you get CharmBug by purifying your one thousandth akuma???
Anonymous said:
I am absolutely positive no one quality checks these episodes before they’re sent out. Ladybug getting caught off guard on Luka being Truth even though she knows he was akumatised, and the horribly upbeat music playing as Marinette lies in bed absolutely defeated is so bad there’s no way this was double checked before it was sent out to TV stations
At this point, I’m convinced that they don’t care and are jamming through episodes as fast as they possible can.
cobraonthecob said:
I'm willing to bet that the writers go through critical and salt blogs just to see what the fandom's thinking, and then they think we're serious and they sprint with whatever we say.
guys please reconsider and also lower your alcohol levels
Anonymous said:
It was awful in general, but why add the paternity thing in the break-up ep? It detracts from, well, everything else and makes obvious they are copypasting fan theories instead of thinking of plot points.
I really do think they knew that Luka being upset over Marinette’s secret wasn’t enough to akumatize him so he needed something else.
Anonymous said:
Let me get something straight: The episode was explicitly about Marinette going on dates with Luka and that they were together. Yet Juleka is once again part of the shipping squad with obligatory "Marinette is only weird because she's with Adrien"-theories, and she's totally cool with that?
Yup! :3
guys I just adore mob mentality, did you know.
Anonymous said:
Ok, but the fact that everyone considers Marinette’s crush on Adrien to be her big secret is stupidly unrealistic. They KNOW they’re all aware of it - the girl squad even figured it out by themselves before they were told and think it’s totally obvious (as long as you’re a girl cause guys are clueless about feelings right). As far as they’re concerned it’s not actually a secret so they SHOULD be spilling the things they think only they and Marinette know. I mean, I can think of dozens of possibilities for Tom and the rest of the girls already, but Alya?
We had a front row seat to the damning secret Alya knows from back in season 1, but I guess asking this show to acknowledge continuity is too much. Still, the episode could have been so much more interesting if Alya had said, “Marinette’s the one who really gave Adrien the scarf for his birthday, but he looked so happy thinking it was from his father that she couldn’t bear to tell him that Gabriel hadn’t actually gotten him anything.” (I suppose reminding people of that wouldn’t fit into the writers’ poor attempts to make Gabriel sympathetic though 🙄).
Lol, just imagine the entire battle being sidetracked by Luka being brought to tears by how selfless and sweet his girlfriend is while Shadow Moth is too distracted by how this will ruin his reputation to get him back on track.
Anonymous said:
Marinette deserves to tell Luka she's Ladybug and have some support on her side tbh, it's disgusting to see the writers breaking up clearly the only thing that brings her joy and peace currently
And judging from that one trailer, she IS going to tell someone her secret and it’ll probably be freaking Alya; you know, the girl who blabbed about her Adrien crush to Nino and is thus THE LEAST TRUTHWORTHY PERSON. (”bonus” if it’s before the amulets)
I’m having nightmares already about Alya distrusting Lila because Marinette is Ladybug and not because Alya believes in Marinette. DX
Anonymous said:
Now that it’s been confirmed (in the worst way possible) that Jagged Stone is in fact Luka’s (and possibly Juleka’s?) father, how would you handle the whole mixed family aspect considering Jagged and Anarka’s relationship, Jagged and Penny’s, Anarka and Penny’s, Jagged and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?), and Penny and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?)? Topics like mixed families and family relationships are something that needs to be handled sensibly and sensitively given how it hits home for a lot of real-world people. Since we obviously can’t trust the ML writers to handle such topics the way that they deserve to be, how would you go about it knowing what we know up to this point about each character on their own and how they interact with one another?
Luka and Juleka were “accidents,” but Anarka kept it a secret from Jagged since Jagged was already hyped up to go on his next tour and Anarka knew their relationship was crumbling (possibly he already dumped her as his guitarist and she was annoyed about it). Jagged eventually learns that he has kids and is hesitant towards the idea, but because of him doting on Marinette (who’s the same age as his kids), he opens up to the idea.
Anarka and Jagged in present are mixed between tolerating each other for the sake of their kids and being chaotic best friends. The bad blood died out a while ago and there’s occasional tension but because Anarka is a single woman not interested in Jagged and Jagged is single with a possible thing for Penny, they make it work
Anarka and Penny have an awkward relationship. Penny wants to schedule time for Jagged to hang with Luka and Juleka and Anarka is confused at the very concept of a schedule, like just take them whenever okay??? isn’t it easier that way??? and Penny is like, “...oh, I guess so?”
Jagged and Penny, it depends on if they’re in any sort of relationship. If they’re in a relationship, Penny is either open to the idea of him learning to be good with kids if she’ll eventually want kids with him, or mixed because these are another woman’s kids and it’s really awkward. If they’re not in a relationship, then Penny could also be mixed since she’s crushing on him but I could also see her either finding it sweet that Jagged wants to hang out with his kids or finding it a hassle to schedule them in.
Jagged and Luka is rough. Luka has so many conflicting feelings on his idol ending up being his father. Jagged will probably even comment on Luka’s shirt + necklace and all of Luka’s merch in an attempt to bond but that kind of comes off desperate/awkward and Luka’s not about that life. I could also see Luka taking all the stuff down and swapping out his shirt, but being hesitant to remove the necklace because it’s a gift from Marinette. He might try to wash off the signature. He knows it’s not Jagged’s fault exactly but Anarka seemed to have bad blood with him and even if they get along now, Luka’s bitter. Jagged meanwhile wants to connect with Luka because hey musician energy!! but is gonna mess up a lot and say a lot of awkward things. Marinette will probably have to be a middle man between the two because it’s easier for them to talk with her around.
Jagged and Juleka don’t have a significant relationship at first. Juleka never care who her father was and she wasn’t crazy about Jagged Stone like Luka was. Jagged does try to connect with her but they clash majorly due to Jagged being so “loud” and Juleka being so quiet. Jagged will see it as a huge accomplishment the day where Juleka says something coherent (i.e: not a mumble) to him.
Yeah though, keep in mind for all of this that I’m not a family relationship kinda girl, so this isn’t my forte (I’m probably the most sympathetic to Jagged out of the whole fandom; not to say I agree with his actions but I have a history of hating babies and children, so not cool of him if he ditched Anarka but like, I get it, doesn’t make him better but I get it from a non-realistic standpoint of “ew, parenting”).
Anonymous said:
You know what? Imma gonna ignore canon for a bit more than I’ve been doing. The only thing I take away from “Truth” is that Marinette loves Luka and Tikki looks adorable in hats. That’s it have a good Saturday! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Anonymous said:
If there’s one small detail that I thought was genuinely cute this episode, it’s Tikki posing in the mirror with her little hat collection.
Ahaha, those are good takeaways!
And yes, Tikki looked good in hats, but at what cost. (guys, where’s our jealous Tikki episode where Tikki is jealous of the attention Marinette has to give the other kwami wait no they’d just make it Marinette’s fault go back go ba--)
Anonymous asked:
Am I the only on squicked out by how Adrien acts all noble and claims he would never force Ladybug to tell him anything, but when it becomes apparent that he has to ask her a question before the akuma can he goes all ‘what are your three favorite things about me?’ :3c I mean, he had decent amount of time to think up a bunch of innocent questions that couldn’t hurt her in any way like ‘what is your favorite color?’ or ‘do you like cookies?’ or even ‘what’s the capitol of France?’ But instead he basically demands she compliment him. Coming from a guy who spent most of the last two seasons refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer that’s a bit… icky.
He could’ve phrased it in any way and he used it to get compliments from her. :|
At least Ladybug asked a legitimate question about how he felt about her guardian status.
Anonymous said:
I had this idea for an episode: Luka finds out that Marinette is LB because he is in danger. Let's say he gets yeeted off a building by an akuma and Marinette (in her civilian form) jumps after him, transforms while Luka sees it (he's shook, obviously), she grabs him and saves him from falling. I think that would be pretty epic, do you think you could write a one-shot based on that idea if you feel like that? I would forever be thankful. Have a nice day!
I like the idea, though I feel like that’s been done a lot before in identity reveal fanfics.
Anonymous said:
You know, despite them all getting interrupted, I thought the attempts at Lukanette dates was really cute. Luka picking up Marinette from school, the two trying to see who is the biggest jagged fan, getting ice cream at Andre's, it's really cute! I only wish Hawkmoth and the writers weren't such dickheads.
It’s so adorable!
Like--show, you aren’t doing a good job at getting me off the Lukanette train.
Anonymous said:
Are you sure the Lukanette breakup wasn't Marinette's fault? I mean, the episode frames it like she's refusing to tell the truth, even if it's for a good reason.
I’m not sure when I said that the episode didn’t frame it as her fault?
Things are ALWAYS Marinette’s fault, it’s literally a rule of the show.
Anonymous said:
You know the truth episode actually gives more reasons for lukanette in my opinion based of its description you said. Luka is ridiculously understanding and also almost manages to fight off hawk moth as well as taking probably a week at least for him to get to that and yet he, while he’s upset, still tries to be there for marinette. Also makes the relationships she has with her friends and family worse if the secret they think she has is that she likes adrien while dating Luka.
And oh my gosh, I feel the friends and family comment so badly. Just throwing it out there, maybe you guys don’t actually support her???
Anonymous said:
How do you feel about Luka having no negative reaction to this whole "Marinette loves Adrien" thing? I understand that he isn't exactly the jealous type, but still, it seems weird to me that he just accepts it while Marinette is dating him. I love Luka a lot, but in this situation his reaction was just so unrealistic...
Honestly, I find it really interesting. Plus, it’s Truth who’s being told those things, not Luka, and Truth has other priorities.
And--I mean, I’m positive that Luka got into the relationship knowing that Marinette wasn’t completely over Adrien. She wanted to see if they’d work and he wanted to date her. It’s both of them being a little selfish in a way and I like that.
That’s why I think he doesn’t have a big reaction to the Adrien call. He seems amused more than anything, and Luka is empathetic also so he knows not to take Marinette’s stammering/mistakes to heart because she doesn’t mean them. We already had evidence of that in “Desperada.”
writingamongther0ses said:
Even if Lukanette had stayed together, I have a feeling Alya would complain that it's not Adrien...which could lead to a character growth opportunity for her when her complaining leads to Luka getting hurt when he overhears and becomes an akuma. But that's too interesting.
Interesting character relationships??? In THIS show???
Anonymous said:
After watching Truth the only thing I can feel at the moment is bitter. Not angry, not sad, not disappointed. Just bitter.
Bitter’s a good way of putting it, yeah. *sigh*
Anonymous said:
The fact that the second episode released managed to get a bingo really says a lot about how predictable the show's garbage fire writing.
I knew the Lukanette episode would be a big card filler but DAMN.
Anonymous said:
I hated all of Truth, but perhaps the worst part was how hard they tried to remind you that, no matter how much of a good time Marinette and Luka have together, it's Adrien who Marinette will end up with in the end. From Alya rudely insinuating "girl, you're acting stupid, is Adrien at your house?", to Luka receiving a PICTURE of Adrien from a kwami, to Marinette talking on the phone with Luka while her Adrien pictures are in the background, to Marinette CALLING LUKA ADRIEN, to Truth demanding that people tell him Marinette's secret, only for them ALL to say "She's in love with Adrien Agreste.".
It's absolutely anger-inducing because it tries too hard to let the audience know to forget about Luka because Adrien is lurking in the corner and he and Marinette are endgame. The fans are right, Luka IS a second choice, but not in the way they think. Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!
But what bothers me the most is that everyone saying that Marinette loves Adrien is accepted as truth even when Marinette herself says she's over Adrien. Her words are ignored, how she feels is ignored, because everyone else(including the girl squad, when they're supposed to be her "friends") tells her that she's supposed to be in love with Adrien, and so she "has" to go along with it because ENDGAME. It's the show saying "stupid naive Marinette, you're too immature and dumb to know how you really feel, let someone else do the thinking for you!"
Meanwhile Adrien moving on with Kagami is accepted even when he still flirts with Ladybug(and forces her to build up his ego when he asks her what she admires most about him; I know it was a spur of the moment thing, but meta-wise, it was obvious love square pushing.), because "he's trying to respect her feelings and date someone else!" It's one of the main gripes I have with the show: that teenage girls are too emotional and confused to know what they really want, but teenage boys are mature and rational enough to make up their minds about who they love without holding any animosity towards anyone.
The all-white, all-male writing team pushes the Chinese girl's feelings aside and forces her to hide and erase them if they're not want they want her to feel, while the white boy gets congratulated with a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum and always, ALWAYS, takes the moral high ground(even in superhero form when he's supposedly goofy.). When she's the lead.
"Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!“
It’s just tiring. It’s not even me being sick of the love square, but it being forced into everything when it’s not even relevant. The episode strategically throws more and more of Marinette’s Adrien crush (I did the math, I know this) into the mix and it provides nothing but the same tired jokes. Heck, they keep leaning on the lucky charm Marinette let him borrow (not GAVE, let him BORROW) back in Season 1 because they basically have nothing else to go off of.
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