#lily attraction
stage-system · 4 months
Sharing Some Nonhuman Attraction Types We Have In Our System
[pt: Sharing Some Nonhuman Attraction Types We Have In Our System /end pt]
This post was made by Gohan. We usually sign off but I didn't know where to do so.
Okay, so this started out when I asked Vegeta about saiyan relationships. This eventually led to me renaming the relationship/attraction types after flowers because no one could figure out how to transcribe what he was calling them. These terms aren't exclusive to saiyans or anything, but they are deeply connected with saiyan culture.
Daisyship/Daisy Attraction - Friendship/platonic attraction, but specifically in a very intense, very nonhuman way.
Rosehood/Rose Attraction - This is basically just a romantic/sexual relationship but in a nonhuman way.
Marigold/Marigold Attraction - This is like tutelary and cedural attraction or a mentor/student relationship, with the Mari being the mentor and the Gold being the student. Again, in a nonhuman way.
Liliance/Lily Attraction - This is like a found family or a pack bond. The family doesn't necessarily have to be found, but it often was in saiyan culture.
Irisment/Iris Attraction - This one doesn't really have a human equivalent. It's like a combination of a rivalry and a friendship. An iris partner would be someone you compete with in order to improve yourself. Someone once suggested calling it a sparmate, but it doesn't necessarily have to be in a fighting context, so I decided against it.
Anyone can use these if they so choose, and they don't necessarily have to be saiyan or even nonhuman.
Flags under the cut.
Daisyship/Daisy Attraction Flag
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Rosehood/Rose Attraction Flag
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Marigold/Marigold Attraction Flag
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Liliance/Lily Attraction Flag
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Irisment/Iris Attraction Flag
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chiekodivine · 5 months
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girlhood never stops we just evolve…
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2econd2ight2ydney · 1 month
I just read about how a female amazon water lily eventually becomes male and turns all purple and pretty. what if. what if I told you I was an amazon water lily
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akuma-tenshi · 1 month
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did another version of this post bc i saw this variation n thought it was fucking hilarious
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daddiestt · 4 months
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taurusbae222 · 2 years
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here is one of my success stories i would like to share
so basically, i decided i wanted to manifest bigger lips. i did. this by deciding i just have big lips. i will be honest, it was really hard at first. it was hard looking in the mirror when i am telling myself i had big lips when the mirror told me something different. i then gave myself a break for a week once i gave this manifestion so much attention and obbsessed over the results too much. i decided to stop complaining to myself whenever i looked into mirror that i had thin lips i always told myself that i have big lips even if i did not believe it. if a thought popped up into my head saying the old story i would disregard it STRAIGHT AWAY and take 3 or 4 deep breathes and affirm once or twice. i played hot girl music thinking how pretty i feel with my big lips and whenever i spoke to anyone i affirmed, this person can see how amazing and big my lips are they can’t help but stare at my big lips. after about a week or 2 it literally just came and i didn’t even realise until i looked in a photos because that’s how detached i was from the 3D.
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 months
Friendly reminder that Snape actually believed Sirius, Remus, and James were in on the werewolf prank and that they all tried to kill him. He believed his bullies were all capable of murder for nearly two decades and had only found out it was just Sirius during the Shrieking Shack scene in Prisoner of Azkaban.
So when you keep this in mind while looking at Snape going to Dumbledore to protect the Potters, remember that Snape thought James had tried to kill him at least once and didn’t care whether he lived or died. I’ve seen a lot of antis criticising him for only seeming to care about Lily because he asked Voldemort to spare only her, but many forget that 1. Harry was 100% going to die, Snape couldn’t ask his Master to not kill the main reason he’s going to the Potters in the first place, that’s a stupid idea. 2. Snape thought James had no problem with killing him (not just not caring if he died, he thought James was actually okay with killing Snape himself) — even putting aside everything else James and Co did to Snape, why would Snape want him to live?
Yet after all that, Snape went to Dumbledore to protect the Potters even though Voldemort had already agreed to spare Lily (the one whose death would break him), showing that he put aside his hatred of James and—to some extent—wanted Lily’s loved ones to be safe as well as Lily. We already know Lily’s happiness meant a lot to Snape, seeing as he automatically never bothered her again once she told him to leave her life after the incident in SWM. But going to Dumbledore, who could’ve easily killed him, in order to secure Lily’s protection would mean to protect the man who—as far as Snape knew—tried to kill him and an infant he never met, even after Voldemort already agreed to do what he wanted (and we see he actually tried to keep his promise, seeing as he gave Lily a choice to step aside, unlike James).
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pinkporscheprincess · 2 years
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Robert Greene is a god. I highly recommend reading his books specially 48 laws of power and the Art of Seduction<3
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yuli-ra · 29 days
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we used to be a proper country
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hyperfocuscentre · 28 days
i’d love to read a fic that addresses the canon snape’s worst memory scene and like, explains james’ (and sirius’) reasoning without justifying what he does. most of the marauders fandom either ignores it or justifies it when i don’t think it’s justifiable, since it was assault.
any recs or hcs?
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in-tua-deep · 6 months
The queer experience is genuinely debating learning to roller skate and taking up roller derby bc u saw the prettiest trans roller derby skater you’ve ever seen in your life at a local event
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chiekodivine · 4 months
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to tell a story in the form of flowers, what would i say?
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rabbitcruiser · 6 days
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What do you think about my pic?  
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enbysiriusblack · 1 month
"You've been quiet tonight", Peter noted, staring up at the sunset from his spot on the hill.
Lily took a long drawl of their shared joint before slowly replying.
"I think I'm in love with James."
Peter turned to her.
Lily glanced to him, passing him the joint, "Sorry."
"Nah, don't worry about it", He shrugged, "Inevitable really."
She nodded before turning back to the sky, "Think I'll ask him out."
"Oh, he'll be unbearably happy."
Peter stumped the joint out on the ground and sat back up, glancing to the castle in the distance.
"Should probably get going then, huh?"
Lily nodded, accepting his hand up, and brushed her skirt off.
She grabbed his arm when he started to walk, "Will you be alright about it? About me and James?"
Peter nodded, wrapping his arm around her waist, "Course, I will. He's been so mature lately, anyway, it's sickening. Maybe I'll go and fall in love with Sirius instead- He's still immature and childish and fun."
"James is still fun", Lily huffed with a laugh.
"Nah", Peter lied, "I need someone who'll let me hex Pince when she's pissing me off, not someone who stops me and gives me a lesson about respect and growing up."
Lily turned to him, "He did that?"
Peter snorted, "Yep. Went on a whole rant about how Pince is just trying to do her job and doesn't deserve to have an enlarged head, no matter how cleverly metaphorical it was going to be. And then he gave me a sticker of a golden snitch when I promised I wouldn't go through with it."
Lily laughed with absolute delight, "I think this is making me more attracted to him."
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anunfortunatekinlist · 8 months
note to marauders fandom: just cause you add a bunch of queer characters and poc xcharacters to your fanfics, it doesn’t mean your inclusive and understanding
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hannahxrosey · 2 months
Should i forget him and move on or should I start
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