#sister told him that i threw the box. he said he was just in their. then i think the sister asked him if he was gonna throw the box out n h
lsargeantsgirl · 2 days
pairing: logan sargeant x russell!reader; george russell x sister!reader
word count: 606
summary: your annoying brother, george, lies to your mom so you sneak out to your secret boyfriend who is also george's best friend, logan.
based on 'style' by taylor swift
"why do you always take his side?" you yelled at your mom as she defended your brother.
"he said that you broke the urn."
"he lied. open your eyes and see that i didn't break it!"
your brother had told your mom that you had broken the urn that held the ashes of your great-great-grandma. he was the one who had broken it when his friends from school were over.
"y/n, don't you dare speak to me like that. you're grounded, give me your keys. go to your room."
you turned around a grabbed your keys and threw them at your brother.
"you happy? all you wanted was my car so you just had to get me in trouble. you should be proud of yourself," after saying that you ran up to your room.
you come and pick me up, no headlights
you pulled out your phone and texted your secret boyfriend, logan. yes, he was your brother's best friend but neither of you cared.
texts (are in bold)
you- logie, can you come pick me up?
logan- yeah, like usual?
you- yeah, txt when u get here.
texts end
you fell back onto your bed as tears started falling from your eyes. flipping, a sob racked your frame. your brother, even though he was the favorite, had always tried to take the thing that you liked or always used. once he spun up a story that you had 'hit' him and he got your sweet sixteen party cancelled. explaining that to your friends was so humiliating.
logan- i'm here
you got off your bed, silently opened your window, grabbed the rope you kept on the tree. the rope was fastened to a sturdy part of the tree. you secured your grip on the rope and stepped off the edge as you brought your feet up. the rope would swing you as a pendulum until it stopped. you dropped to the ground.
you snuck through the gate to the backyard and around the neighbors car. logan, as predicted, was parked behind your neighbor's car that was at the curb.
"hey, babe, are you okay?" logan asked once he could see the tear trails down your face.
long drive
"i'm okay, just drive please," you said as you sniffled.
he pulled out from the curb and took you to the place that brought you the most peace. it was a secluded area on the river nene. he leads you to the bench overlooking the river.
"no matter what, i love you," he whispered as he tucked you under his arm.
"i love you too logiebear,"
"now tell me what made you cry."
"you know," you started, "george being mom and dad's favorite."
"what did he do?"
"broke mom's urn that had her great grandma in it"
"wow, that fucker, and he blamed that on you?"
logan turned to face you. he moved you to be as close as you could to him.
"no matter what he does, what he says, i will love you for the rest of my life. i want to grow old with you, have children with you," he wiped the tears, you smiled. "i only want you in this world."
he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small box. "i know we're not ready but this is like a promise ring but a necklace."
"baby," you breathed.
"i promise to marry you one day, as long as you let me," he said as he put it around your neck.
"logan, i want to marry you too," you whispered.
"good." he says as he, gently but passionately, kisses you.
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so the cousin i live with who refuses to answer the phone, even though she's the closest to it, bc 'it's never for me anyway' just answered the phone. pretty sure this miraculous change stems from me not answering the phone on purpose another time when i knew it was their brother calling wanting to be picked up, and me telling the brother through discord to keep calling bc i wanted to see how long it took her to get up and answer it.
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atarathegreat · 2 months
Hello! May request a Draken sibling!Reader x Mikey. Any scenario and/or headcanons will do! Thx♡
No one knew what the hell was wrong with the commander. For weeks on end Mikey had been acting weird, not acting as childish or as ruthless. Even in fights, he was more inclined to let people at least have the ability to walk away, which was a little concerning to Draken. All the founders and captains were used to Mikey absolutely destroying his opponent, and he just suddenly...stopped.
Draken leaned back on his bed, watching his friend. "The hell is up with you recently, man?" Kenny couldn't take it. Especially when Mikey was over to hang out, he wasn't acting like himself. "What do you mean, Ken-chin?" Mikey looked up from the comic book in his hand. "Dude, you've been acting strange as hell." Draken threw a pillow at him. Mikey was the only one who hadn't noticed this change. He thought he was the same as always.
"Kenny!" Mikey straightened up at the cute voice, "I brought you and Mikey some drinks." Draken's little sister came in and set down a couple of drinks. She was only a few months older than Emma, and Mikey figured that if Kenny had a crush on Emma, then he could have a crush on Y/n. Dark eyes watched as she plopped down next to her brother, "And the ladies said that, when you have time, they need help moving a couple boxes."
"I'll get to it when I get to it. Damn." Draken rolled his eyes, "Don't they know I'm busy?"
Y/n giggled, and Mikey felt like his heart was going to implode. She was adorable. Unlike Emma, she had no desire to grow up fast, be more mature, or even dress like she had something to show. Mikey loved his sister, of course, but this girl... she was everything he wanted, and he couldn't help but compare and contrast the two the same way he did to himself and Kenny. Draken was mature and careful where Mikey was childish and impulsive. Was Y/n the same as him? He really hoped so.
"What about you, Mikey? Can you help?" Y/n turned to the shorter blonde.
Draken tugged on her ponytail, "Hey, don't start asking my friends to do your chores!"
"I'm asking for help, you overgrown lima bean!"
"Watch your mouth, you underdeveloped mouse!"
It was always weird when the two argued, hurling meaningless insults at each other that Draken would apologize for later.
For a second, Mikey wondered if she'd even be into a short guy. He was just around below average, but she grew up staring at the ceiling to talk to her brother. What if she couldn't stand looking eye level at him? Or what if she wanted someone with a deeper voice? Mikey wasn't exactly...gruff.
"Stop being a brat!" Y/n was pinning Draken down and jerking on his shirt, "I'm only asking for help, not for him to do everything for me!" Kenny could've easily thrown her off, but she was his baby sister. So, he yelled to Mikey for help. "Mikey, grab this deranged dust bunny!"
Mikey was careful to grab around her waist, no higher and no lower, to pull her away from her brother. He liked carrying Y/n, but he didn't want to hold on for too long and risk Draken seeing that he had a crush. "We should bring her along to our next fight and set her loose on the guys!" Mikey laughed, though he wouldn't actually let her anywhere near a fight. "I'll help you with whatever it is." Mikey smiled, ignoring the way Draken groaned and told him not to bother.
Despite her brothers' warnings to not help, Mikey followed her through the brothel and to her own little room. "I just need help moving these boxes to the room across from Kenny's." She crouched down and picked up a box, a box that Mikey quickly grabbed from her. "Alright." He grabbed another box underneath it, "Lead the way."
Maybe he would just confess to Y/n when Kenny confessed to Emma...
yes, the parallel is on purpose :)
Part 2
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
All of the girls you loved before (Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader)
Summary: Simon is moving into your place, but since he's away on a mission, you offer to pack his stuff in boxes. Too bad you find things that belong to his exes.
Note: Based on this Taylor Swift song. / It's around 700 words. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button. I don't have a taglist.
Warnings: none, it's fluff.
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Simon spent most of his time away from home, so when you agreed to move in with him–or rather he would move into your place far from Manchester–he wasn't all that surprised that you offered to pack his things while he was deployed with the help of his sister-in-law. He thought it was sweet, something nice he would somehow have to pay back for later.
As you were packing, it was Beth who first stumbled upon an object in Simon's closet that she innocently assumed was yours: a sexy set of lingerie. But it wasn't yours, you had never owned anything in that color. You didn't say much, only said a few words and threw it into an empty box.
Soon the box was half full of things that belonged to other women. Clothes, underwear, makeup, other beauty products, handwritten notes, and pictures as well. They were all memories of a life Simon had already left behind before you came into the picture.
You could tell that Beth was walking on eggshells around you, probably thinking you were upset about that certain box. In a way, she was right. Who wouldn't be? It just makes you wonder if these are old things, or new ones he hid from you on purpose.
A few days later Simon returned and you met at his apartment so you could show him all of the boxes that would be shipped to your place the next few days. He was grateful for all of the things you had done for him, and once his eyes fell on a sad lonely box with a question mark written on its top in the corner of the living room, he couldn't help but wonder what that was.
“What's with that box?” he asked, pointing at it.
You gulped, at the bottom of your heart feeling stupid for being a little insecure about this. “Well, those are… I'm not sure if that's your stuff, but I packed it nonetheless.”
“Why? What's in there?” he asked, already walking over to the box to open it. He took out a photo first, then his forearm disappeared between the cardboard walls as he checked the rest of the items. “Oh, shit. I'm sorry, I thought I threw away everything,” Simon told you as he stood up and walked over to you.
“It's okay.”
“No, it's not. These belong to my exes and shouldn't be here at all.”
“Si, it's okay,” you assured him with a smile as you placed a hand on his upper arm. “I know you're over them. But they were a part of your life once, you can't just magically erase them.” With a confused look on his face, Simon studied your face with interest. “Unless these got into your apartment after we got together–”
“They were here sooner,” he was quick to interrupt you.
You smiled as you watched him for a few seconds before going on. “Those relationships didn't work out, and those women made you the one I love so much now. If anything, I'm grateful for them.”
Simon stepped closer, standing toe to toe as he looked down at you, his lips curling into a smile. “I love you too, sweetheart,” he told you, his hands reaching out to wrap around yours. “I'll still throw these away. They shouldn't be around us.”
“Look, if there's anything you would like to keep, like a photo or something, just go ahead,” you said, although you weren't that confident on the inside.
He probably noticed because he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. “I don't need these. I only want to see your stuff in our place,” he mumbled into your hair.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Jolly Holidays
Dean and Sam Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: Reader likes to celebrate every holiday, no matter how small
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“Where’d you get that?” Sam asked, trying desperately to put on a stern face, but unable to hide his smile when you placed the birthday cake on the table.
“The store,” you said innocently.
“And how did you pay for it?” Sam asked, but just then he noticed the lettering on the cake. “Happy Birthday…Samantha?”
You winced. “Ok, so maybe it wasn’t exactly meant for me, but it was just so close to your name that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”
“And Samantha?” Sam asked.
You shrugged, “Should’ve picked up her cake on time.”
Sam rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. He leaned over and hugged you.
“Thank you,” he said quietly.
You grinned.
“Happy Birthday, Sammy.”
“We need this.”
Dean just stared at you, not moving to put the item in his basket.
“Because it’s Thanksgiving,” you scoffed, reaching around Dean’s arm and dropping the small plastic container in his basket. “So we need turkey.”
“That’s Deli meat, it barely qualifies.”
“It’s not like we’re ever gonna get one of those,” you gestured to a display of large frozen turkeys. “So this’ll have to do.”
“What are we arguing about over here?” Sam stuck his head in between two aisles to join the conversation.
“Thanksgiving dinner,” you told him. He stared at the items in Dean’s basket.
“Deli meat, licorice, and a six pack of beer?”
“Hey, if we’re doing Thanksgiving, then I’m getting pie,” Dean declared, wandering off to another aisle.
“You’re never gonna get Thanksgiving to be a big thing, no matter how many years you try,” Sam told you after Dean was gone.
“It doesn’t have to be a big thing,” you assured him. “This is enough.”
“Y/N, please go to bed.”
You ignored Sam’s request, opting to remain sitting at the motel window, staring out into the night.
“I don’t even know if he’s gonna be home tonight, it might be tomorrow.”
“Just let her be,” Dean insisted from his bed. “If she wants to wait a little longer it’s fine.”
You stayed silent throughout your brother’s conversation, too intent on your own thoughts. You didn’t often wait up for John, mostly because you knew he was usually late. But today, today was different. Today you really wanted him to be on time.
“Sweetheart, please-“
“He’s here!” Your outburst when you saw John’s car pull into the motel startled both brothers.
The moment that John stepped into the motel room, he was forced back when you threw yourself into his arms.
“Whoa, hey,” he greeted, confused and more than a little exhausted. “Why are you still awake?”
“She insisted on waiting for you,” Sam explained while you stepped away from your dad and ran over to the fridge.
“Why? Kid, you should be in b-“ John cut himself off when you emerged from the small fridge with a sloppily decorated chocolate cake in your hands and a huge grin on your face.
“What’s this?” He asked softly.
“Happy birthday,” you sing-songed, placing the cake in the middle of the tiny motel table.
“You made this?” John’s voice was still uncharacteristically quiet.
“Yeah,” your grin faltered a little. “Well, mostly, I mean it’s from a box mix, but I figured since this motel has an actual oven that…” you stopped, suddenly self conscious. “Is this ok? I mean I know you don’t really do birthdays but I tho-“
You were cut off when John wrapped you in his arms, and you relaxed in his tight embrace.
He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to.
“Happy birthday, dad.”
“Ouch! What was that for?” Sam grumbled when you leaned over and pinched his arm.
“Wasn’t me,” you said innocently. “It was a leprechaun. They do that when you don’t wear green on this sacred day.”
“Sacred day? It’s just Saint Patrick’s Day, no one celebrates that,” Dean insisted. “And if you even think about pinching me, I’m gonna punch you in the face.”
You huffed, leaning back in your seat.
“You guys are no fun.”
Dean laughed, leaning back in his seat and reaching back to ruffle your hair.
“Better luck next year, leprechaun.”
“I’m telling you, something’s wrong.”
“I don’t know, Dean. She seems fine.”
“She didn’t even get one of those little plastic candle things for Hanukkah.”
“Maybe because we’re not Jewish,” Sam scoffed.
“That’s never stopped her before.”
“So she’s growing out of the holiday thing, what do you want me to do about it?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know, you’re usually the one who wants to talk about feelings,” Dean grumbled. “I figured you’d have an idea.”
“Well, I’m not even convinced that something’s wrong,” Sam argued, but at the look on Dean’s face he began to relent. “Do you really think something’s wrong?”
“Yeah. I think it’s this search for dad, man. It’s wearing on her. I wanna do something about it, she’s been acting weird for a couple of weeks now.”
“I mean, she’s been quiet, but-“
“Look, Sam, I don’t think you get it. You were gone for a while-“ Dean held up his hands innocently when Sam opened his mouth to protest. “And I’m not about to argue about that again. I’m just saying, maybe you don’t see it because you haven’t spent as much time with her. I just need you to trust me on this, we gotta do something.”
“Ok,” Sam sighed. “Ok, I have an idea.”
“They didn’t have coke so I grabbed…” your voice trailed off as you entered the hotel room. “What’s this?”
“Christmas,” Dean grinned at you from under a Santa hat.
“You guys…decorated for Christmas?” You looked around in awe. “Like…the two of you? No threats, no gun to your head?”
“Well, you didn’t seem in the mood so we did it for you,” Sam explained. “What do you think?”
You were silent for several moments while you took it all in; a little plastic tree on the table, a couple of red and green balloons, Sam and Dean wearing matching Santa hats, and even a couple of newspaper-wrapped presents under the tiny tree.
“I think I wanna Santa hat,” your voice came out quietly, almost reverently, like if you spoke too loud you would wake up.
“They only had two,” Dean said, reaching into his bag, “but we did get you this!” He pulled out a headband with pointy plastic ears, and a cardboard green elf hat sticking out of the top. You giggled and snatched it from his hand, placing it on your head.
“Even better.”
The three of you spent that night opening gifts and drinking hot chocolate, before ending the night with you falling asleep to Elf.
Dean carried you to bed when the movie was over, setting you on one side while he climbed in on the other, pulling the blankets over the both of you. Sam came over to the bed you and Dean were sharing to give you a good night kiss on the forehead, before he went over to his own bed and quickly fell asleep.
“Dean?” You whispered sleepily.
“Yeah baby?”
“Merry Christmas.”
Dean grinned, leaning over to press a kiss to your head, and when he laid back down you scooted closer to him, and he wrapped you in his arms.
“Merry Christmas, little sister.”
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(Flowers part II)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Azriel x ex!reader, Rhysand x sister!reader, future Helion x reader
Warnings: angst, brotherly fluff (love u rhysie poo), swearing, elain and azriel slander (minor)
warnings & summary will be updated at every part.
Prompts: N/A
Summary: Nesta and Feyre had taken your wedding dress from Elain and handed it back to you. With the help of Rhysand, you burn it. Rhys suggests for you to go to Day Court and take some time, while he sorts things out with Azriel. What happens when a certain High Lord catches your eye?
a/n there’s going to be so much angst in this series😭 if you ever feel like killing me just know i love you guys, the names of this series are gonna be based off flowers this one is called moonflower as a homage to the night court
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I had gone upto my room, not wanting to see the pitying looks of my friends.
Growing up as a High Lord’s daughter made me detached from the world, forced me to hide my emotions. Which is why, I didn’t shed a single tear until I was in the safety of my bedroom.
Shrinking down against my door, I finally allowed the thoughts to catch up.
Every single time he told me he made love to me, he really meant “I’m fucking your brother’s sister in law right under your nose,”.
I don’t even think I can call it making love anymore.
When he told me he loved me, he really meant “I love Elain, not you”.
All of a sudden all his words had double meanings.
“I’m going out,” meant “I’m going to Elain’s”.
“I already ate,” equaled “I ate at Elain’s”.
And at the very end of it all, “I have a mission” was actually “I’m going to get married to Elain,”.
Elain, Elain, Elain. What did she have that I didn’t? I had known him for centuries, been there for him through nightmares, defended him from others, hell I had given my everything to him.
And instead of returning them properly, he had broken them, trampled on my poor heart, fed my mind lies and broken my every being.
Sobs wracked my body as I hunched over myself. My hair was sticking to my face by the tears. Crying quietly, I twisted the ring off my finger, chucking it somewhere in the dark.
Hearing the soft clang of the metal landing made me sob even more. It was a beautiful ring, truly. A silver ring with diamonds encrusted on the top, 3 beautiful gems the colour of Azriel’s siphons. A blue so dark it could pass as black.
My ears were ringing, I could hear a knock on the door, but it was just some background noise compared to the noise of rushing water in my ears.
A talon of power scraped against my walls gently. Getting up, I open the door.
Rhysand stands there with my dress in his hands.
“I said I didn’t want it,” I state, stubborn as ever.
“I know that’s why I came to ask if you wanted to burn it with me,” he says hesitantly.
My eyes flick between Rhysand and the dress, a silent war forging in my violet eyes.
“Fuck it, let’s go”
My meltdown dazed mind didn’t seem to realise that Rhysand hadn’t taken me out through the main hall, but through the back entrances. Too tired to comprehend anything, I didn’t ask even when I realised it.
As if waiting for me a bonfire pit had formed.
Before we had left the room, I had grabbed a box filled with Azriel’s things that I wanted to burn.
With a flick of Rhys’ wrist the dress was positioned on the stand. A stick with fire was commissioned and he handed it to me.
“Would you like to do the honours, little star?” He says waving the stick towards me. I smile slightly at the use of the old nickname.
I grab the stick and throw it at the dress, revelling in the way it burnt.
One by one I added the items from the box.
A human polaroid of the two of us. His comfy grey shirt. All his letters. Flowers he had given me 2 days ago. A glass rose, funny really because my favourite flower isn’t a rose, it’s a moonflower. A promise ring he had got me. The prototype wedding invitation.
Rhysand watched me as I threw object after object into the endless pit of fire. Once the box was empty, I lunged the box into the fire as well.
That’s when he finally spoke up, “Little star, do you want to go visit Day Court for a while, Helion said any one from our court could visit his,”.
I nodded, the anger I had grown from the objects fading into sadness. Rhys held me close wiping my wet, tear stained cheeks. “It’ll be alright” he soothingly whispers.
I had packed my bags the night of the burning and had prepare for going to Day Court the next day.
“Rhys I can winnow myself,” I huffed as he dragged me along.
“I know, I know I just wanted to make sure you got there safe,” he sighs. Understanding, I let him take me there.
If Day Court was beautiful then they’re High Lord was gorgeous.
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a/n i need sleep
taglist: @esposadomd @impossibelle @acotarfics-mharmie009 @stqrgirlies-blog @balam-sen @cumuluscranium @witchymomfrien (striked out means i couldn’t tag you)
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gingiesworld · 11 months
I Want You
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Innocent Lizzie Olsen (20) x GN! Reader (28) GN! Reader x Ashley Olsen
Warnings : Smut. Reader has a penis. P in V. Unprotected sex. Loss of virginity. Infidelity.
Main Masterlist
Y/N Y/L/N was known as Ashley Olsen's partner, the two had met when Y/N moved to New York to work. They studied Drama and Filmography ar college and became an off Broadway Director.
So naturally, Ashley pushed for them to meet their younger sister Lizzie. She had told them how Lizzie was studying to become an actress, and asked if she could tag along to a rehearsal.
Which of course, Y/N said yes. What they didn't expect was to actually fall for the younger Olsen girl. They were sat on Ashley's bed as she packed her bag.
"It's two weeks Ash." They groaned as she smiled.
"And it will fly by." She told them as she cupped their face. "Besides, Lizzie flies in at the weekend before the semester starts."
"But." Y/N pouted as Ashley smiled endearingly at them.
"Two weeks and then maybe we can look at a little get away for the two of us." She told them as they smiled softly.
"I would love that." They nodded before she kissed them softly.
"Come on Ash. Stop making out with Y/N and move it." MK called out to her.
"Just two weeks." Y/N confirmed as they stood up. Kissing her softly before the three of them left the apartment. Y/N watched as the taxi drove away with the twins. Two whole weeks without her. Nothing can go wrong right.
As the week passed, Y/N threw themselves into their latest play. Doing re-writes and screenplays. Making sure that everything was ready for opening night.
That was when Lizzie made her way to their office, a pizza in hand with a couple of cans of soda. She knocked on the doorframe which caught Y/N's attention as they were on the phone. They gestured for her to enter and close the door behind her as she quietly placed the pizza on their desk.
"We need it to be up and running before the 18th." They told them as they paced the room. "It's opening night. We can't push it back." She watched as they rubbed their brow. "Just get it done before the 18th." Lizzie observed their every move before speaking up.
"Is everything ok?" She asked them as they shrugged as they took a seat in their chair.
"It will be sorted before opening night hopefully." They told her with a smile. She sat before them as she opened the box and taking a slice. "So, how is school?"
"Seriously? How is school?" She smirked as they nodded.
"Yeah. I feel like we don't really talk much." They asked her as she smiled.
"It's ok I guess." She told them with a sad smile.
"What happened?" They questioned as she shook her head.
"It doesn't matter." She stated as they shook their head.
"It does, so talk to me." They spoke softly as they gazed at her. The intensity making her blush.
"It's just that Tim wants to take the next step." She told them as they nodded.
"And you're not ready." They stated as she nodded.
"With him? No." She told them as they watched her.
"So you just don't want to be with him?" They questioned her confused.
"I don't think so." She stood up as she paced the room. "I like him. I think he's cute but." She stopped her movements as she shook her head no.
"But what?" They asked her as they approached her.
"He doesn't make my heart beat fast like it's about to explode in my chest. He doesn't give me butterflies. He doesn't make me want to clench my thighs together whenever his hand rests on my thigh. He isn't you." She confessed as Y/N stepped back slightly.
"Me?" They asked her as she nodded. "I'm with Ashley. Your sister."
"I know this is so messed up." Lizzie stated as Y/N nodded. "But I know what I want." She stepped before them, cupping their face. "I want you." Before they could answer her lips were on theirs, he arms wrapped around their neck as she pulled them closer.
"We can't." They told her breathlessly. "I can't."
"I understand." She whispered. They could see a hint of pain in her eyes. "I'll see you later." She soon walked out of their office as Y/N sat down in their seat. Running their hands over their face as they groaned. Lizzie's words running wild on repeat in their mind. They had sat looking at the wall for the better part of an hour. Lizzie being the only thing on their mind. The feel of her lips on theirs, firing their want for her. So they made a decision to leave and head straight for her dorm. Knocking on the door abruptly.
"Y/N?" Lizzie questioned as she opened the door. Y/N cupped her cheek as they kissed her passionately. Pushing her inside and kicking the door shut. Lizzie gripped onto their shirt as their tongues danced together.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" They asked her as they brushed her hair out of her face.
"I am." She nodded with certainty. Y/N gripped her hips as they pulled her back into them, kissing her roughly as they guided her back into her bedroom. She fumbled with their shirt, slipping it off their shoulders before they lay her down on the bed, hovering above her. She gasped when she felt their hands under her shirt, on her skin. She helped them remove it along with her bra before they leaned back in and kissed her sensually. Their bodies molding together as one as the kiss went on.
When air became a problem, Y/N started to kiss and suck her neck as their hands made their way into her pants, under her underwear. She moaned when they applied pressure to her clit, bucking her hips for more. Their mouth soon found her nipple as they sucked on the hardened nub. Her moans sounded like the most beautiful melody they had ever heard.
Slipping a finger into her entrance, thrusting at a steady pace, leaning back to see her face as her mouth was agape and sweet moans left her mouth. Her hands, pushed her jeans and underwear down, with their help, she kicked them off with her feet. Y/N smirked when she instinctively opened her legs wider, giving them more access.
"Can I add another?" They asked her as she just nodded her head. Moaning loudly as she felt her walls tighten. She had only ever really touched herself with the thought of Y/N on her mind.
"I'm cumming." She screamed as she came, Y/N slowed down their movements as she calmed down. Lizzie watched as Y/N sucked their fingers clean with a moan. Pulling them down to kiss her roughly. She moaned at the bulge ribbing against her clit. Her hands moving to their jeans, undoing their belt and button.
"Are you sure you want this?" They asked her once more.
"100%." She told them as she pulled their pants and boxers down. "I want you." With that the two kissed softly as they ran their cock through her folds. Gathering her juices before they eased themselves inside of her.
"It's ok." Y/N whispered as they kissed her neck. "It will feel better soon." They reassured her as they slowly inserted themselves more, until they bottomed out.
"Is it supposed to feel painful?" She whispered as Y/N gave her a tender kiss.
"It is at first, but it will get better." They told her as they slowly thrusted, causing her to whimper softly. They kissed her once more as they continued. Hearing as Lizzie's whimpers turned into moans and sighs of pleasure.
"Ohh." She breathed out when they hit a certain spot inside of her. One that made her stomach tighten. They lifted her leg up, resting it on their shoulder as they went faster. Their hands massaged her breasts as she scratched down their back. The two of them moaning messes, Y/N was also embarrassingly close to the edge.
"Fuck." They grunted as they came, the sensation of their seed coating her walls causing her own orgasm. The two of them moaning and panting as they came down from their highs. When Y/N had calmed down, they brushed her hair from her face. Kissing her lips as her hands lazily wrapped around their shoulders. "You did amazing." Y/N told her.
"Stay." She whispered as they were about to move. "Stay like this?" They smiled before spinning them around softly, their cock still inside her as they wrapped their arms around her waist. "Do you regret it?" She asked the quietly.
"No." They answered confidently. "Do you?"
"It was everything I had ever dreamed of and more." She whispered, leaning up and kissing them softly before she nuzzled into their chest, falling asleep to the sound of their heartbeat.
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Remus Lupin x Potter reader where the reader is stealing his chocolate and putting the blame on her brother(s)
I put brother(s) cause sirius y’know?
YES! this is the best  😂😂😂
"Seriously? Again!?" Remus complained when he grabbed the empty box of chocolates from his nightstand.
"What?" James raised his head from his bed.
"You two idiots stole my chocolate again!"
"How do you know it wasn't Peter?" Sirius frowned.
"Because Peter doesn't eat chocolate!" Remus stated, throwing away the empty box.
"Mate, I've told you a million times! It's not us! It's my stupid sister!" James argued. It was close to the full moon and they both knew better than to cross Remus' wrath on those days. Especially if it involved his chocolate.
"You keep saying that but I find it very hard to believe" he glared at the bespectacled boy. "She would never lie to me" he insisted.
"Are you sure about that, mate? She keeps telling you it's us!" Sirius said, pointing at himself and James.
"Because it is!"
"No, it's not!" James said, frustrated. "You really need to stop thinking my sister is perfect, mate. She's very far from it" he said, making Remus glare at him.
"Yeah, mate, all you choosing her over us, it's not cool! She's mean!"
"She's not mean!" Remus argued. "You two always steal things from me and she would never-"
"Hey, dorks, is Remus still doing his rounds? I have his-" you stopped dead in your tracks when you entered the boys' dorm, with a new chocolate box in your hand and eating the last piece of Remus' previous box. "R-Remmy" you chuckled, nervously. "H-hi, love-"
"It was you?!" he asked in disbelief.
"We told you!" James and Sirius said, standing up and looking at you with the biggest smirk on their faces waiting for Remus' wrath to unfold on you. 'You're dead!' James mouthed at you.
"You stole my chocolate? All this time?" he said, walking closer to you and making you back against the door.
"I- uh... y-yeah" you said, looking down.
"But you said it was James and Sirius" he said, with a hurt voice.
"I know, I'm sorry. The first time you just looked so m-mad and I didn't want you to be mad at me and- Look!" you said, raising your hand and showing him the box. "I b-bought you new ones because I know it's close to the full moon and I didn't want you to be more upset" you smiled nervously.
"Oh, she's done" Sirius whispered to James as the two of them looked entertained. But their smirks quickly fell when Remus got closer to you and kissed your cheek, making you smile sweetly at him.
"Thanks, love. You didn't need to buy me a new one" he said, grabbing the box from your hand. "Next time just ask me, yeah?" he said, kissing your forehead and walking between James and Sirius and back to his bed.
"W-wait, that's it?" James complained.
"What?" Remus asked, taking a piece of chocolate as you walked and sat next to him, kissing his cheek.
"Moony! You have been whining about me and Prongs stealing your fucking chocolate when we told you it wasn't us! And then she barges in and all you say is thank you?!" Sirius asked, pointing an accusatory finger at you.
"Last time you thought it was me, you threw your book at my head!"
"Yeah, well, she apologized and got me a new box" he said, offering you a piece. "Which you two never did" he explained.
"Because it wasn't us!" they argued at the same time.
"Oh, just give it a rest" you said, resting your head on his shoulder as he kissed your temple. "I told you I'm his favorite" you smirked.
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hollandorks · 9 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter two
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of your mother and grandmother, you’re forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke your heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, you vow to get to the bottom of your former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what you’re expecting. a
a/n: I have like six chapters written and a rough (mental) outline of the next four or so, so I'm going to keep posting pretty frequently! I mostly want to get these first few posted to get a nice foundation going...and also because I'm greedy for the attention. Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
word count: 2.5k
Her childhood bedroom was exactly as she had left it three years ago, free of dust, the linens on the bed so fresh she could still smell the detergent. 
She threw herself onto the bed and finally let herself cry.
The funerals were a small, somber affair two days later. 
Y/n’s mother’s only guests were her sponsor, a distant cousin she had been close with, and a neighbor. Dory’s guests included Bruce and Alfred, along with a few friends, her sister, and her niece and her family. Though the number of guests were few, y/n knew her grandmother was well loved. 
As the sermon commenced, y/n found herself aching for just one more hug, one more story, one more smile. 
And her mother…the grief for her was unexpected and sharp. She had been a bad mother, yes, but in recent years she’d made an effort. She got help for her addictions. Apologized. Sent the occasional card or letter. Took her own mother to appointments when y/n was too much of a coward to face Bruce. 
She couldn’t stop the tears, but she hung on every word said over them in goodbye. She wanted to speak for them, to say her own goodbye, but she couldn’t bring herself to. It was too hard. The hardest thing she’d ever done. 
And when Alfred stepped up to the podium, his kind words made her choke on emotion, her muffled sob echoing in the space despite her best efforts to smother it. 
She half expected Bruce to comfort her, to try to make her laugh like he had when they were young. But he made sure Alfred sat between them, the space yawning wide like a chasm instead of the length of a single chair. When she glanced over at him, his eyes were on her, his hands bunched into tight fists on top of his knees. 
Were those…bruises across his knuckles? She frowned even as he continued to watch her. Well, he had gone through a street racing phase when they were in high school. Maybe he was into boxing now. She had no way of knowing. 
She met his eyes once more and her already broken heart broke a little more when he turned away without a word. 
She ached for one more smile, one more hug, from Bruce as much as from her grandmother. It was another type of grief, but worse because she could get those things, if only their relationship was still alive. He was there, he was alive, but he was just as far away as the two people in the coffins before her were. 
After the funerals and the reception at her grandmother’s church, y/n followed Alfred and Bruce out of the elevator at Wayne Tower. It felt as if she had aged ten years in the span of three days. Her steps were heavy as she trudged towards her room. Tomorrow, she thought tiredly, she would have to go through her grandmother’s things. Alfred told her that she didn’t have to, that everything could stay as it was–but she knew that she had infringed upon Bruce Wayne’s generosity for too long already. 
In her own room again, she tried to go to sleep. It wasn’t late, but she was exhausted, and she wanted her brain to turn off for a little while. She didn’t want to think, to remember, to go over every single thing she would never get to do again with her grandmother. She didn’t want to think about Bruce’s gaze on her at the funeral, his hands in fists, his lips pressed tightly together. 
She had lost everyone who loved her, except for Alfred. 
The loneliness and the grief were sharp in her chest. 
Hours later, she was still awake. 
With a groan, she rolled over, defeated. It was nearly midnight. 
She stood and changed into something more comfortable. 
She needed to get out. Out of the place of so many memories, good and bad. Every moment in Wayne Tower was like being chased by ghosts. One moment, she saw herself and Bruce at eight years old, chasing each other up and down the stairs. In the next, she saw her grandmother teaching her how to properly carry a tray of tea to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne. In the next, she heard Bruce’s angry words echo off of the vaulted ceiling as he broke her heart. 
Y/n shuddered as she walked towards the elevator that would take her down and out. 
“Where are you going?” a gruff voice asked, nearly making her scream. 
She whirled around. Bruce was half-hidden in the shadows. 
“Out,” she said, feeling oddly like a teenager again. Dory and Alfred had caught her sneaking out many a night. Somehow, they’d never caught Bruce, but always caught her. She had that same guilty feeling now, spreading sticky fingers through her like a flush of heat. 
Bruce stepped into the weak light from the lamp on the entry table. “Out where?” 
“God, what are you, my father?” she asked with a roll of her eyes. “Just out, Bruce.” 
“In Gotham?” he asked, incredulity coloring his tone. His dark eyebrows disappeared into the lengths of his hair. “It’s too dangerous.” 
“Never stopped me before,” she said with a shrug. She missed him so much she relished each word he gave her, even if they were a reprimand. She needed to leave before she got stuck in an argument with him–or worse, cried. “See you later.” 
She hit the button for the elevator and startled all over again when Bruce grabbed her wrist. She hadn’t heard him close the distance between them. How could someone so tall and broad move so silently, she wondered. And then she realized that he was touching her bare skin, and electricity crackled up her arm. 
She wanted to lean into him. God, she missed him.
But then he ruined the moment. “No. It’s too dangerous, y/n.” 
Anger rose within her, wild and unstoppable and full of thorns. She bristled at it. “I don’t care.” She yanked her arm away and stepped into the now-open elevator. Even three years away couldn’t tamper the hurt she still felt. It was as fresh at it had been the day he’d ripped out her heart. “I can’t stand to be in this place another second.” 
He took a step forward too, blue eyes blazing. “Let me at least–” 
“You’ve done enough,” she snapped. The words seemed to stun him into stillness. Which worked for her, because then the doors slid closed, and she was whisked down and away, just like she wanted. 
She slumped against the far wall of the elevator, suddenly tired again. She wondered if Bruce was watching her on the security camera she knew was in the upper left corner. She knew he was trying to look out for her–he always had, even as kids when he was much smaller and scrawnier than her–and she had thrown it back in his face. But she was so damn tired. Tired of pretending like she wasn’t hurting. Of pretending like she could look him in the eyes without remembering how much she loved him. Of pretending like things might ever be able to go back to the way they used to be. Of pretending like she wasn’t fucking lonely.
Cold air assaulted her as she stepped outside of the tower. The security guard had barely given her a second glance. She was an adult now and not technically sneaking out, so he didn’t care what she did. 
It smelled like it had rained recently or would rain again soon. 
She inhaled deeply. Something in her settled. Gotham might stink like any other city but it was a familiar kind of stink. Almost comforting. And the damp smell underneath it was another comfort, one Bludhaven didn’t have to offer with its drier climate. 
Y/n turned and walked off with no direction in mind. Maybe she’d stop by the diner on the corner three blocks away. She and Bruce had eaten many a late night meal there. She hadn’t had dinner, either, and was suddenly ravenous. Had she eaten lunch? She couldn’t remember eating anything before leaving for the funerals. 
She made sure to keep aware of her surroundings because, as much as she hated to admit it, Bruce was right. Gotham was dangerous. It always had been. It didn’t matter that there was some freak in a bat costume running around, either. He could only do so much. And it didn’t matter that a lot of the corruption had been rooted out by that serial killer, Edward Nashton, the man called the Riddler. Gotham had a way of turning even the best of people into something rotten. It was only a matter of time before another guy in a costume showed up or another mayor turned bad. 
Y/n’s mind turned to the bat guy as she scanned the shadows around her. Maybe she’d get lucky, catch a glimpse. She had read a lot of op-ed articles over the past three years while he’d been active. She wasn’t sure what to make of him. She had to admit, he was doing good for the city. One article in particular came to mind–an interview with Lieutenant James Gordon at the GCPD. He apparently worked with the Batman often and they had caught the Riddler together. 
One line in particular stood out to her. Those days, in a city where I wasn’t sure who to trust on my own team, I trusted him. 
And somehow, this Lieutenant Gordon had avoided being a target of the Riddler, which had to count for something. Because as psycho as he was, Nashton had targeted the corrupt. Well, except for Bruce Wayne. She still couldn’t forgive him for trying to blow up Bruce and almost succeeding with Alfred. 
She slipped into the diner, busy despite the late hour, her mind still swirling with thoughts of serial killers and vigilantes and cops.  
She took the last free booth in the corner, the cold night air following her inside. An old jazz song hummed in the background and the air smelled like bacon and burnt toast. Her stomach announced its emptiness again, loudly. 
She was still thinking of the vigilante as she placed her order with an older waitress with hair the color of wine. 
What was to stop the Batman from becoming like the Riddler? They both had taken justice into their own hands and only one was in prison. The Batman hadn’t killed anyone….that they knew of. So why did the city laud him and crucify the other? 
Although, she thought as she dug into her stack of chocolate chip pancakes, there had been protests and riots in regards to the Riddler. Enough people had believed in him that a group of them had tried to shoot up Gotham Square Garden in the floods. 
Her head was pounding now. The part of her brain that made her a good reporter was latching on to the idea of vigilantes and the line between good and bad. She wanted to write an op-ed article herself, but her thoughts on the matter weren’t original in the slightest. 
Maybe, while she was in the city, she’d run into the vigilante and ask for an interview. In a city of criminals like Gotham, the chances were relatively high of seeing the vigilante at least once. 
She snorted quietly to herself. That was an unoriginal thought if there ever was one. She would bet money that any reporter worth their salt had tried and failed to interview the Batman. Which probably had involved at least a few getting into trouble on purpose. And still, nothing on his identity. Hell, even his friend Lieutenant Gordon was pretty tight lipped about him, despite telling the world how much he trusted the vigilante. 
“Hey,” she asked her waitress as she brought the receipt over. The cracked vinyl seat creaked as she leaned forward. “Ever seen that Batman guy? I’m from out of town, so…” She shrugged, gave a coy smile. 
It was technically the truth. She’d been gone for three years, and in that short amount of time, Gotham had birthed all kinds of crazies, including the Batman and the Riddler. It was a running joke in Bludhaven, who only had “normal” criminals. 
The waitress shrugged. “I haven’t ever seen him, no. But it makes me feel better working so late, knowing he’s out there.” She inserted y/n’s card into a handheld credit card machine. 
Y/n nodded and chewed her lip. “How do you know he’s on your side, though? That Riddler guy last year did alright, up until the flooding and the shooting.” 
The waitress’s expression soured. “Batman’s never killed anyone, good or bad. Ever since he became…you know, a vigilante…he never killed anyone. Ask around and you’ll eventually find someone he saved from a mugging or an armed robbery. Or, more likely, someone he helped when all the higher ups left us to fend for ourselves in the floodwaters.” 
“Wow,” y/n said after a moment. The waitress had…fierce opinions about the vigilante. “I didn’t realize he was so…loved.” 
The woman shrugged again. She handed the card and receipt over. “I’m just saying, he looks out for the little guy.” 
Y/n absently tapped her bank card on the table. “Well, that’s good to know. Maybe I’ll see him out there, yeah?” She laughed lightly. 
“Probably better than you don’t, because then that means he’s saving you from something.” The waitress winked and went to another of her tables. 
Y/n was really itching to write an article now. Wouldn't it be great if she were the one to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding the Batman? Maybe her editor would loan her out to the Gotham Tribune or another newspaper for a special assignment. 
She scoffed quietly as she got up to leave. They would simply tell her the truth–there wasn’t anything special enough about her to be the one to succeed where so many others had failed. The only special thing about her was that she had been raised alongside a billionaire. A billionaire who didn’t even want to be her friend anymore.
As she stepped out of the diner, she turned left instead of right. Right would have led her to Wayne Tower, and she definitely wasn’t ready to go back. Talking to the waitress about the vigilante had lit an all too familiar fire within her. The kind of fire that usually burned her, but always led to a hell of a good story by the end. 
The kind of fire that made her do stupid things, like stop when she heard a muffled sound from the end of an alley. 
The kind of fire that made her sneak forward, into the shadows, to see several men huddled over two other figures. 
The two on the ground were both hooded and bound with hands behind their backs. But one was slumped over while one was still on their knees. 
And that same fire gave y/n her first burn as she took out her phone and started recording. 
There was another muffled sound and she finally placed exactly what it was as the second hooded figure slumped against the first. It was a gun–a gun with a silencer. When she realized, she made her next mistake. 
She gasped.
And every head–four of them, all men–turned to look at her.
Next Chapter
@ktficworld @grunge-n-roses5 @anon-cat-posts @projectdreamwalker @slovakshadow
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callsign-dexter · 10 months
The Sibling Connection
Summary: Now 23 and 38 the Bradshaw siblings come back to Miramar and see an old face. Feelings come up and surprises are revealed.
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Sister!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, very inaccurate military talk, and timing
First Installment- Brotherly Love
Second Installment- The Sibling Connection
A/N: Italics mean that they are up in the air or getting ready to be up in the air.
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Y/N wasn't at The Hard Deck when her brother arrived; this is due to her being fresh out of flight school and now officially a pilot. She had just been at her base in Fallon, Nevada for 3 days when she was told she would be helping out at Top Gun for a secret mission. She exceeded all of her training but then again what do you expect when you have an uncle that is the Commander of the US Pacific Fleet and taught you everything to know about flying?
When Y/N turned 18 she applied to the Naval Academy but first talked with her brother about it. He wanted her to chase her dreams and so he helped her even though he didn't get in, he wasn't gonna hold her back like Maverick did to him. He supported her the entire time. She kept him updated with everything and also Maverick too but it was mostly about her and not Bradley, per his request, and she respected that. When she told Bradley that she wanted to fly he was ecstatic, when she told him she wanted to fly the F-35B he was a little disappointed it wasn't a F/A-18E Super Hornet but didn't make her switch, they even joke about it and play fight. 
The next day when everyone showed up to class, Bradley looked around for his sister but she wasn't there and he frowned slightly. He really didn't pay attention to what was going on but he was listening.
"Attention on deck!" Someone said and everyone scooted their chairs back and stood at attention as Warlock and Cyclone. 
"Morning." Warlock said and everyone sat down "Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated. I’m Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander. You’re all top gun graduates. The elite. The best of the best. That was yesterday. The enemy’s new fifth-generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box. Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve. Your instructor is a top gun graduate with real-world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary. And he’s considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell. Call sign: “Maverick.” Warlock finished as Maverick walked up the aisle and Bradley's frown deepened. 
"Good morning. The f-18 natops. It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I’m assuming you know the book inside and out." Maverick said Bradley was listening but wasn't happy about Maverick teaching him. Oh how he wished his sister would show up.
"Damn right." Jake said and another person said "Damn straight."
"You got it. So does your enemy." Maverick said threw the book into the trash.
"And we’re off." Warlock said
"But what the enemy doesn’t know is your limits. I intend to find them, test them, and push beyond. Today we’ll start with what you only think you know. You show me what you’re made of." Maverick continued "Before we continue Cyclone has something he wants to add." He said and took a step away and to the side as Cyclone walked up.
"Since this mission is dangerous and high stakes, we are bringing in another pilot. She will be flying the F-35 but will not be running the mission with you but will be training with you. She will be back up in the skies only and will take off with everyone else. She will assist if she needs to." Cyclone said and Bradley could feel his smirk, mood lightening, and sitting up straighter. "She has exceeded her training and has graduated early from pilot training and is now a stealth pilot. Everyone, I would like you to meet Lieutenant Y/N Bradshaw. Call sign: Sparhawk." Cyclone said as you reached the front and turned. You smiled and waved at the rest and then your eyes turned onto Bradley who had a smirk on his face and you smiled back at him.
Everyone was dismissed. Y/N was already out by her F-35. She would be going up with every hop to pose as another enemy along with Maverick. She saw Bradley get stopped by Maverick but wasn't able to hear anything. Bradley walked away from Maverick and came up to her. 
"Took you long enough." He said playfully and she laughed and smiled.
"I wanted it to be a surprise." She told him which is true he knew she was coming but just not when. He smiled and shook his head.
"You haven't changed one-bit little sis." Bradley said.
"I haven't but you have." She shot back she missed the playful banter. He just smirked.
"If you need anything. Let me know." He told her and she nodded her head.
"You got it, bro. Be safe up there." She said and turned to get up in her jet.
"You too sis." He replied and headed to his own jet. 
The training was going well. Each hop was different from the last since each pilot had different flying skills. Y/N stayed unseen which was doable since she had a jet that was almost completely invisible from radar. There were a few times that she had freaked out the others by flying right next to them and they didn't even know. She especially liked to freak out Jake. 
It had been when Jake, Natasha, and Bob were up for one of the hops. Jake was looking over at the other two and that's when Y/N silently flew up next to him. Both Natasha and Bob were smirking.
"What are the two of you smirking at?" Jake asked and they said nothing but Y/N's voice came into the comms.
"Why don't you look to your left, Bagman." She said with a smirk on her face and you could hear it. He looked to his left and saw her there and he jerked his jet to the right and almost hit Natasha and Bob but he corrected it before he crashed. 
"Geez, Spawhawk. Where did you come from?" He asked, "You almost gave me a heart attack." He continued and she laughed. 
"I've been here for at least 10 minutes." She said with a smirk on her face. 
"Warning next time would be nice." He said and she laughed.
"That would beat the purpose of it being a stealth jet." She responded back with sass. They didn't get to speak much longer because Maverick's voice came on the comms. 
"Ok enough chit chatting. Sparhawk, time to start." Maverick said and she nodded even though he couldn't see it. 
"You got it Mav." She said and dropped her speed and seamlessly disappeared but in reality she just dropped down below the other jets and let them speed past her. She flew to Mav and settled right next to him. They decided to make the others sweat and they switched to private communication. 
"So an F-35?" Maverick asked her and she smiled though he couldn't see it. 
"Yea I figured it would be a nice change of pace and I like stealth." She said and he laughed. 
"You sure do. Are you ready to take them down?" He asked her. 
"Absolutely." She replied and off they went. Mav was the distraction while she stealthy came up behind them and toned them. This went on for several hops. 
Bradley was the toughest but eventually he was toned too. When Coyote went into g-loc she thought she was going to have a heart attack along with the bird strike, but in the end everyone was ok. 
Not much time was given to hang out except when Maverick made time for dogfight football. It was wild and Y/N loved it. She always had a competitive side with Bradley and just in general. Getting to hang out with hot sweaty, shirtless, muscled, 6-pack abs, and sun-kissed skin guys wasn't bad either.  
After Y/N and her team won against Bradley they all sat down to cool off and some even went into the ocean. Bradley came over to her and threw an arm around her and she made a face.
"Bro you're sweaty. Get off of me." She said and pushed him away and he laughed.
"Look who's talking. You're just about as sweaty as I am." He pushed her back and smiled. They eventually stopped and talked until the sun went down and they headed home. What they didn't know was that Maverick was several feet back watching them smiling. He was glad Y/N stayed in touch and sad that Bradley didn't. He was surprised that she went into the Navy but couldn't blame her. 
Everyone left the beach and headed home to continue the next day. Then they were off to do the mission and come home, safely.
The time has come for the mission. Everyone was nervous but ready for it. Maverick picked his team and Y/N was shocked when Bradley's name was called and her stomach dropped. She already knew she would be going but she feared for her brother. They all started to go out towards their jets when Cyclone stopped her.
"Lt. Bradshaw, stay back for a few seconds." She stopped and turned to look at him as the other left and Bradley gave her a questioning look. He also stopped Maverick before he left  "Captain Mitchell a word." He said as he was getting ready to leave.
"What can we do for you?" Maverick asked and then Warlock walked up to them.
"We have decided to send Lt. Bradshaw out before the Daggers." Both Maverick and Y/N were shocked, this was not the plan.
 "Captain Mitchell, you will still be leading the Daggers. Once everyone gets to the opening of the mountain, Lt. Bradshaw will drop out and do air control." They both were silent as Warlock spoke about the change of plans.
"Understood." Both of them said.
"Dismissed." Cyclone said and both Cyclone and Warlock walked out of the room followed by Maverick and Y/N, but not before looking at each other. 
When they got to their jets and Maverick and Bradley talked, Bradley walked up to his sister. "What was that about?" He asked.
"You know I'm not allowed to say. It's just the plans have changed. You'll see once we get up in the air." She said and he nodded but he could tell that she was nervous, they could always tell when something was up with the other it was just the sibling connection they shared. The announcement came on telling them that they were ready to launch. They hugged each other. "I love you, big brother." She said and he hugged her tighter.
"I love you too little sis." He replied and then let go of her and they went and got in their jets getting ready to take off. 
They had Y/N's jet taxi to the catapult and she could feel the eyes of her teammates on her. They would be asking questions later. "Safety Dagger up and ready." She said into her comms. They gave her the go and the shooter gave the command and she shot off the deck and into the sky. Once she was far enough away they gave the ok for the other Daggers. She could hear Maverick talking but wasn't paying attention. She was on the lookout for bandits but found none. She saw the missiles fly above her and once the opening of the canyon, she dropped down and let the now-in-formation Daggers go ahead of her. She broke right and went around the mountain monitoring the skies. 
She was far enough away from the mountains but still close enough. As she was monitoring the skies she came across one of the bandits. "Safety Dagger this Comanche. You have a bandit at 3 o'clock." She looked at her radar and so behold there it was.
"Comanche, this is Safety Dagger. Copy that. Will not engage unless need to." She said into her comms.
"Copy that Safety Dagger." Comanche said. Everything was going smoothly until they spotted her and it was game on. 
"Comanche bandit is engaging, Safety Dagger is responding." She said.
"Copy, Safety Dagger." They said to her, she dropped her speed and dropped altitude. She was trying to disappear from their radar and it was working. 
She got behind them and got tone but she was still far enough away from them they couldn't see her. She got closer and they panicked and started to try to lose her. Each move they made she made. "Can't shake me. Our jets are practically the same." She said to herself. "Oh you're good but I'm better." She said and after a few minutes and a few missile shots and gunshots, she got the final tone and shot, taking them down. Her 1st confirmed kill. She still has a lot of ammo left. She had this feeling that something was right and boy was she right when she started to hear all the commotion going on and then Maverick went down and her heart dropped. She saw Natasha, Bob, Mickey, and Javy emerge but not Bradley. She flew up beside them. "Where is my brother?" She asked any of them but they remained silent "Answer me." She almost growled. 
"He went back for Mav." Bob finally said and boy was she angry. She quickly pulled her jet to the left and headed towards where they were last. When Cyclone came over the comms 
"Safety Dagger, return to the ship." He said and she was pissed.
"What's the point of a Safety Dagger if it's not going to protect the fellow Daggers?" She replied and Cyclone knew she was right and she might be in trouble but be damn with it. 
"Safety Dagger you are clear to proceed." Cyclone said and she nodded and proceeded to her brother. She flew around but couldn't see them. She practically growled. "Safety Dagger, report." He said. 
"Plane wreckage but not shoots or bodies." She said looking through the bottom of the plane thanks to her extremely up to date technology helmet. She then saw an F-14 on the runway and knew it was them but didn't say anything. She didn't want to alert the enemies. 
The F-14 took off and was in the sky. Once far enough away from the base she flew up beside them scaring the crap out of them. But once they saw she was friendly they were relieved. "Thought I would never see you again boys." She said into the comms. Bradley laughed. 
"What made you come looking for us?" He asked.
"Let's call it the sibling connection kicked in. I knew that you were still alive and I wasn't about to not help." She said to her brother and pseudo father. 
"Well, I'm glad it's still working. Let's go home." He said and that is exactly what they did but not before running into several bandits. They put up a good fight. Y/N could give them that but she had a jet of the same technology as them. She broke away from them and took off after the 3rd bandit and they watched her in a dogfight, and they were impressed, while they were fighting off on their own. They quickly got rid of their first one and they watched her take down the 3rd one, which was behind her but she shot a missile and it shot out but it went up and behind her hitting the 3rd bandit, they were impressed, confirming her 2nd kill. The second bandit was now chasing Maverick and Bradley through the canyon but she had another problem, a 4th bandit showed up and she was in another dogfight.
Y/N and the 4th bandit were chasing each other just as soon as she took down the bandit, Bradley and Maverick came back without the bandit and knew they would be ok. The 4th bandit was her 3rd confirmed kill. A 5th bandit showed up and Maverick and Bradley were out of ammo she put up a fight for them as they tried to invade and damaged the bandit but soon ran out of ammo.
Just as soon as they thought they were done for the plane that was in front of them but now behind them, after turning avoiding gunshots, them blew up and Jake came out of the smoke. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, this is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, return the tray tables to their locked an upright positions and prepare for landing." Jakes voice came through the comms.
'Hangman , you're looking good." Bradley said
"I am good, Rooster. I'm very good." Jake said to him being the cocky son of a bitch that he was. They all headed back to the ship, first Jake then Y/N, and then finally Maverick and Bradley. Once Bradley and Maverick crashed landed they got out of the plane and everyone cheered.
Once they debriefed and got onto solid ground everyone gathered at The Hard Deck, except Cyclone, Warlock, and Maverick. They all chatted about and making plans for their well deserved team when Y/N silently slipped out on to the deck and looked out over to the ocean. Her brother noticed the absence of his sister and went out to her. He slung an arm around her shoulders and she leaned into his embrace. "Warlock tells me that you have now 3 confirmed kills." and she smiled and nodded.
"That would be correct." She said and he smiled.
"I'm proud of you. I know it was hard to take a life. Mom, Dad, and Uncle Ice would be so proud of you too." He said a laid a kiss to her hair. They heard the others cheering but didn't pay attention to it they were enjoying their sibling time together.
"You're right it wasn't easy but it was necessary." She said. Maverick walked out onto the deck and joined them smiling at them before walking up beside them.
"You missed the announcement." He told them. Bradley and Maverick were working on their relationship it would take time to heal but it was going in the right direction. They both looked at him.
"Oh?" Y/N asked as Bradley spoke up. "What's that?" Bradley asked at the same time.
"Yes. I just got out of a meeting with Cyclone and Warlock. They have decided to make this squad a permanent one. He also said that Y/N will also train and learn to fly the F/A-18E Super Hornet." Maverick said to the both and they all smiled. No words were needed. They all looked out into the ocean and setting sun.
Bradley hugged his little sister tighter and dropped another kiss to her head. Y/N leaned further into her brother enjoying the warmth from him and the familiar scent that she had grown up with. Maverick looked out into the sunset just thinking that Goose and Carole were up there smiling and begin glad that they had him in their life, even though there was rough patches. Occasionally Maverick would look at them and smile. He was glad they were together again and they were safe.
Bradley and Y/N truly did share the sibling connection. Now they don't have to be away from each other. Now Bradley could protect his little sister from guys, especially guys like Jake and Jake. Y/N had her big brother and pseudo father right there when she needed someone to go to when things get rough. The family was back together again.
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stardust948 · 4 months
Half Off Chocolate
Prompt: They fight over discounted Valentine's Day chocolate while arguing over who had it worse.
Katara didn’t know why she didn’t just go home.
Her makeup was smeared from crying, dress wrinkled, and hair slipping out of its neat bun. She was a messed and felt even worse inside. Maybe that is why she stopped at the nearest convenient store for some well deserved and frankly overdue, sweets.
The store was a ghost town. Scattered pink and red merchandise laid abandoned on the floor and nearly empty shelves. Of course. Though it was still Valentine’s Day, the hour was late and most of the good stuff was long gone.
Katara wandered to the candy section, feeling like a lost spirit herself; haunting the remains of a once beautiful dwelling now succumbed to ruin. The candy ail was picked clean, as expected. Even the less popular treats were gone. Nothing left except a lone heart shaped red box. An ugly orange sticker slapped hastily on read the box was 50% off due to damage.
‘How fitting. A damaged heart for a damaged heart.’ Katara thought to herself.
A bitter half smile grew on her face as she reached out to pick it up. She did not notice the other hand reaching at the same time until they both grabbed the box. Katara gasped, more out of annoyance than surprise.
The person was a Fire Nation man about her age. He wore a fancy suit with the neck tie partly undone and had long black hair that spilled onto his face. Bits of red peaked under the hair on his left side, probably from a rash or blemish he was trying to hide. Despite this, he was admittedly attractive in his own way.
Katara glared. He must have forgotten what day it was, hastily threw on the fancy outfit and rushed to the store to buy sweets for his disappointed partner. Well too bad! Katara needed it more!
“Excuse you.” Katara said coldly. “I had that first.”
“What? No I did.”
“You’re wrong.” Katara yanked it, but the man held firm. “Let go!”
“I had it first! You let go!”
“No you!”
They yelled and tugged on the chocolate box like a couple of kids fighting on the playground.
“Do you have any idea what I’ve been through?!” Katara spat. “I’ve earned that chocolate!”
“Earned?! I need it more!!!”
“It’s not my fault you forgot Valentines’ Day and had to last minute shopping!”
“I didn’t forget! My girlfriend dumped me today of all days!”
“Oh boohoo! My long term boyfriend proposed today-“
“Well congratulations!” His voice dripped in sarcasm.
“After I caught him cheating, you prick!” Katara snapped. “He didn’t even apologize! Just pulled out a ring and thought that would fix everything!”
“You think that’s bad?! My ex dumped me by bringing the guy she was cheating on me with for the past 2 years!”
“My ex brought his fangirls to the proposal! The very ones who treated me like a maid and constantly threatened me just because I was dating him!”
“My ex threw a glass bottle at my head just for dating another girl while we were on break!”
“My ex threw a lit candle at me because I didn’t want to kiss him right then!”
“My ex did kiss me just to shut me up from talking about confused emotions!”
“My ex purposefully kept me away from my family and constantly belittled my culture!”
“My ex insulted me just for having different opinions from her!”  
“My ex compared my grief of my mom’s murder to losing his pet! Then scolded me for giving a witness report against the murder in trail!!!”
“My ex told my sister where I was knowing she’ll tell my abusive father!!!”
The box ripped in half, sending them flying back and pelting them with chocolate. The two stared at each other in stunned silence before the owner came storming up and kicked them out. The slammed door echoed across the bare parking lot as the two continued to stand there awkwardly.
“Did she really do those things?” Katara asked in a hushed tone.
“Yeah.” The man rasped. There was no hiding the sadness in his voice. “Yours’s?”
Katara nodded. “Yeah…”
“Sounds like a really crappy person.”
“Yours’s too.”
There was another brief silence before he spoke again.
“We’re better off without them.”
“Are we?” Katara asked. “We were just fighting over discounted chocolate 5 minutes ago.”
“Okay, maybe not tonight specifically… But in the long run, we’re better off.”
Katara rubbed her necklace as tears formed. She wanted to agree but a large part of her life was tied to that relationship. Tied to him. Katara shook her head. The stranger was right.
“We are better off.”
“Sorry about…” He gestured to the store behind them. ”That.”
“I’m sorry too.” Katara undid her messy bun, letting her hair fall free, then extended her hand. “I’m Katara.”
He accepted with a firm grip. “Zuko.”
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lanitalay · 3 months
One Day : Chapter 6.5
based on the netflix series by the same name
a/n: honestly this has been really cathartic for me to write because in my mind, the reader is harboring so much anger that it shuts her down and i went through something similar last year where I just retreated into myself and it was a dark place to be. So of course I cried writing this. And I never really liked ACOSF but Nesta's arc has always been compelling because i hold on to anger and forgiveness does not come naturally to me. So yeah, enjoy, hopefully.
warnings: angsty, drinking, sad
word count: 800
Winter Solstice was alright in your opinion. Not your favorite holiday, but it wasn’t the worst day of the year. Nesta had reluctantly accepted Feyre’s invitation to the Townhouse but you told her you’d visit Bec, who had been begging you to see you for months now. You were dressed in a coat, mittens and boots and stood in front of the door of your, let's be honest, run down apartment. 
You didn’t want to go out. Didn’t want to see your friends’ faces when they looked at you. So you stood by the door for a while, until it got too late to leave, by the time you’d arrive the festivities would be over. 
Sighing, you threw off the coat and mittens, opting to flop down on the couch. Nesta said she’d come by when she was done with the Inner Circle. You refused to acknowledge the clawing in your chest. It wasn’t that you didn’t miss your friends, you did. But the anger you felt was all consuming. There they were, carrying on like usual and you were still there. Still in the war camps. Praying to the Mother to help you save as many lives as possible. Still stuck in your little cabin with Lenus. It was like having a bloodhound constantly chasing you, never stopping. The memories, the vivid images would come from the very back of your mind and sink  their jagged teeth into your flesh. 
Without looking you knew the cabinets were empty. The last bottle of wine was somewhere in the bathroom, you’d finished it while getting ready to head out. 
There was a knock at the door. It was past midnight, Nesta lasted longer than you thought she would. Though, you hoped she had spoken with her sisters. You get up “finally, let's go to Jax’s, I’m out of booze.” You grab her hand and walk with her out of the building. “How was it?” 
“Fine, how was Bec’s” 
“Didn’t go.” 
“Just couldn’t.” Once at the club you sat down in your usual booth. “The band they have tonight is good.” Music filled the space and you were immediately transported to all the nights spent at Rita’s. “I’ll go get us drinks.” 
When you returned to the booth you found that Nesta had taken to the dance floor so you joined her. The club was not packed as usual so you two could dance freely without worrying about bumping into strangers. It was always freeing. Dancing with Nesta, the tingle on your skin from the liquor, multicolor faelights lighting up the space and the music thumping in your chest. Cold hands grabbed at your waist and pulled you back into a male body. You complied and danced against him, reveling in the feel of skin against skin. 
The band finished its set and the male you were dancing with still held your hand.  “Wanna keep the party going?” He whispered in your ear. You nodded, biting your lower lip. “Nes, we’re gonna head out.” She was standing by the bar talking with Jax and before you turned to leave she grabbed your arm. “Here,” she pulled a small box and envelope from one of her coat pockets. 
“What 's this?” But she was too involved in her conversation and your companion was too eager to leave so you didn’t get your answer until you got to the apartment. 
You excused yourself and went into your bedroom and immediately pulled out the little box. It was wrapped in pretty blue paper that you couldn’t appreciate at the club. Carefully, you unwrapped and opened it. There was a piece of paper folded neatly, your name scrawled on it in beautiful writing. Something soured in your throat. Taking out the paper allowed you to see what was beneath. 
You set it down and read the letter, hoping for an explanation. 
“Happy Winter Solstice, in. This is supposed to stay put all day, hope you like it. I miss you.”
“I’m this close to cutting my hair off” you told Azriel, exasperated because your locks kept getting in the way of you inspecting his stitches. “Don’t you have something to tie your hair with?”
“Yeah but they always slip and just cause more problems.” 
Inside the box was a cobalt blue ribbon. 
“I changed my mind, get out.”
“Baby don’t be like that.” 
“Get out!” You forced him up from the couch and shoved him out the door, slamming it shut. Tears cascading down your cheeks the second you were alone. 
“She’ll come around eventually.” Bec said as she put an arm on Azriel’s shoulder. 
“I don’t know how to help her… she’s made herself a ghost.”
“I’ve known her for longer than you have, Az. She’s hurting… and it hurts to be pushed away by her. It’s like being on the dark side of the moon after a lifetime of sunshine. But she was the same when her parents died and… somehow she put herself back together.”
“There has to be something I can do.”
“Just be there when she comes back.”
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
Promptober: Day Twenty Six
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Steve Harrington x fem!reader 1146 words.
“Absolutely not, no.”
Dustin huffed, jaw falling open as he shook the box at you. Dust and cobwebs fell off of it, costing the air in dander. “What? Why not?”
“Because I did so!” You answered your brother. “Where did you even find it anyway?”
Dustin peered at the ouija board, the corners of the lid battered and frayed. “In the attic,” he shrugged. 
“But you can get them at all good toy stores!” Lucas interjected, cheerfully, a grin on his face, as if that would change your mind. 
You frowned. 
The two boys stood with Max and El, shoulder to shoulder as they crowded you in the living room, hopeful expressions painted on their faces. You’d paused the movie to hear their pleas but you’d immediately given them a resounding ‘no’ once you saw what was in your younger siblings hand.  
“That’s what you guys wanna do tonight? The Creel house? With a ouija board?” You scanned their faces, watched them all nod. You scoffed, “really?”
“It’s Halloween!” Dustin whined. 
“So watch a damn horror movie!” You rolled your eyes before flinging an arm to the window, gesturing to the gloomy, leaf lined streets. Two zombies walked by, pillowcases weighed down by candy. “Or go trick or treating, like normal kids, Jesus!”
“Gross, dude. That’s for babies,” Max wrinkled her nose at your suggestion. 
You sighed, exasperated. “So, you wanna go to the Creel house and what? Summon Vecna? Check how he’s doing?” You turned back to Dustin with wide eyes. “We only finally got rid of him like, four months ago! Surely you don’t miss him already?”
“Shut up, no,” Dustin huffed, he shook the box again, petulant. “Vecna isn’t a spirit, we couldn’t summon him even if we wanted to.”
“Yeah, I don’t think he had a soul,” Lucas said, solemn. 
You wanted to strangle them all. 
“Besides,” Max interjected, shrugging her shoulders, “it’s just a game. It’s not real.”
“Yeah? Like dungeons and dragons?” You asked sarcastically, “I’ve not seen any real life demogorgons, have you?”
“She has a point,” whispered El, tugging on Lucas' sleeve. 
You were definitely going to strangle them all. 
“Whatever,” Dustin muttered, before his eyes lit up. He looked smug, “s’fine, we’ll ask Steve.”
You scoffed and tried not to grin, settling back into the couch with your blanket and popcorn. “Sure, see how that works out for you.”
Dustin had the audacity to look offended, a hand clutched to his chest as he moved the old box under one arm. “Steve’s my buddy!” 
Lucas cleared his throat, shifted from foot to foot until he leaned into the other boy and whispered in his ear, “yeah but dude, Steve gets to like, make out with your sister and shit, I don’t think—”
“Oh my god, Lucas, please stop talking,” Dustin muttered, cringing at the thought. He glared at you, wholly unhappy at how you rejected his plans. 
And then, Steve strolled back into the living room, oblivious to the conversation at hand, holding the last slice of pizza as he dropped down beside you. He kissed your cheek as you curled back into him, legs draped over his as he let you pick at a slice of pepperoni. 
You looked up at Dustin, smug. 
“What’s going on?” Steve asked, eyes suspicious as he gazed up at the four kids, the paused movie in the background. “What’s happening?”
You threw a piece of popcorn at your brother, brows still furrowed at his idiotic idea of a good time. “Ask your little buddy,” you told your boyfriend. 
Steve quirked a brow at your tone, wondering if your annoyance was directed at him or Dustin. Or both. It wouldn’t be the first time. 
Steve looked at the boy, watched in amusement as Lucas and Max shoved at him, coaxing the question out. El looked a little dreamy, resting her head on Max’s shoulder, hands idling braiding the fraying strings that hung from Lucas’ shirt collar. 
“Well?” Steve prompted, a hand on your thigh, squeezing gently at the soft skin. You stretched, curled back in on yourself, into his side, head on his shoulder. “What d’you want?”
“Can you drive us to Creel house?” Dustin grinned. He said it too brightly, too normally, as if he were asking the older boy for a ride to the arcade. 
Steve scrunched up his features, looking adorably confused. He exchanged a look with you and you merely huffed. “What? Why?” He asked. 
Dustin shook the box again and you groaned, watching the way even more dust rattled from it, settling on the carpet below. Your mom was gonna have a fit. 
“To play the ouija board,” Lucas added, “no biggie. Halloween stuff.”
Steve was silent for a second, and then he shrugged, lips downturned nonchalantly. “Sure.”
The kids cheered. 
“Steve!” You admonished, pushing at his shoulder as he tried to stand back up, holding your calves in his hand. 
“What!” He cried out. Steve looked at you, your wide, disbelieving eyes, your mouth that hung agape. He knew that look well. “Oh.”
“Jesus Christ, you’re gonna take them to an abandoned house where Max almost died-,” you stared at the girl and she merely shrugged. “-and let them try and contact some dead people?”
“It’s just a game, babe, it’s- oh. No,” Steve swallowed hard, shaking his head as he caught the way your eyes hardened. Oh, you were mad mad. “I’m totally not gonna do that.”
“Steve!” Dustin whined and behind him, Lucas flopped to the empty sofa, scoffing. “You’re whipped, dude.”
“So whipped,” Max agreed. 
“Whipped,” El murmured. 
“Guys, that place is rotting,” you exclaimed, “you’ll fall through a floorboard before you can even set your stupid game up.” 
All four kids stared at you. 
“Just, go play it in your room or something,” you ignored Dustin’s groan. “Or go to Mike’s basement. Where is he, anyway? Where’s Will?”
“They’re at the cinema,” El told you. “They’re seeing a movie about slime.”
You weren’t sure what movie that was supposed to be but you nodded emphatically. “See? Normal Halloween stuff.”
Dustin flipped you off and you threw some more popcorn, scowling at the boy. It took some more arguing, and maybe a little bribery, but they eventually left for Mike's house, a few R- rated horrors in their bags that they totally didn’t get from you and Steve’s stash. 
You sighed heavily when the front door finally clicked shut, your yelled order for Dustin to be home for ten o’clock falling on deaf ears. Steve hid his grin, leaned in to kiss your cheek sweet and you scowled at him, although, there wasn’t much heat behind it. 
“I totally wasn’t gonna take them,” he lied.
“Shut up, you’d be pulling Dustin out of the third floor by now and someone would have to get a tetanus,” you griped. 
Steve didn’t say anything. 
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imaginingaustin · 1 year
paper roses
summary: unknown to austin, you had a secret collection of small gifts that he'd given you over the years that held very special memories for you.
inspired by austin showing off his go-to party trick.
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“y/n, are you ready to go?” austin called from the living room. 
“just about!” you called back. you finished getting dressed and slid into your shoes. you stepped out into the living room, austin smiling up at you.
“beautiful.” he said softly. you felt your face flush as you walked to the front door. you loaded into the car and made your way to the restaurant for dinner. 
as you sat at the table, small talk flowing between the two of you while you waited for your food, you noticed austin beginning to fiddle with his cocktail napkin. you watched as his fingers moved in familiar motion, wrapping it around his fingers to create a rose bud.
making napkin roses was something he learned from someone he met through his sister, and it stuck with him throughout the years.
it was such a little character trait, but it was one of the things that made you fall in love with him when you started dating. 
he smiled once he finished it, pressing a kiss to it before he handed it to you. you took it and put it behind your ear, the red napkin matching your red top.
dinner ended up being lovely, and once the night was over, you and austin had returned home and began getting ready for bed.
you walked into the closet, pulling a box from one the top shelf. you pulled the rose from your ear, grabbed a pen, and dated it before putting it in the box amongst all the other napkin roses that austin had made you over the years. you sifted through them, smiling at your collection when you heard austin speak.
“whatcha got there?” he asked, walking up behind you. he rested his chin on your shoulder, glancing down at the box you held.
“memories.” you said softly. you turned to face him, and handed him the box. you watch as his face changed, his eyes widening as he focused and realized what filled the box.
“you kept all of these?” he asked, rifling through them. “every one i ever made you.” he asked, moving so sit on the floor of the closet.
“not every one.” you laughed, sitting down with him. “just ones from special occasions, or when we went on dates that were especially wonderful and i wanted to remember.” you said as you began going through your collection.
“this was one of our first couple of dates. that really terrible restaurant we went to that had like, three tables in the whole place that weren’t lopsided.” you said, picking out a flower made of a blue napkin.
“can you believe that place is still open? it never has any business.” austin laughed as you shook your head.
“this one is a christmas napkin, the first christmas you spent with my family. my mom told me that night that she loved you and that she loved us together.” you said with a smile, picking out a green and red colored christmas rose. “this design made this one really pretty.”
“this one i think is one of my most favorite memories.” you said, pulling out the rose made from a purple napkin. it was one that you remember austin taking his time on, making it looking as perfect as he could make it.
austin took it from you and noticed the date written on it; your birthday.
“oh, i bet i can guess why.” he said with a smirk.
“that surprise birthday party you threw me, after weeks of me thinking that we were just gonna spend the night at home. i remember getting home from work, and you making me get dressed up.”
“you were so mad.” he laughed.
“but i changed anyway, especially after how much you begged. you drove me downtown, and i was beside myself trying to figure out where you were taking me.” you continued recounting the story of the birthday party, reminiscing on all the wonderful people that austin had gathered in such a beautiful venue.  you remembered how beautifully everything was decorated, and how much fun you had.
“that night was the first time you told me you loved me.” you said softly, looking up at austin.
“i remember.” he said, smiling as he twirled the flower in between his fingers. “by then, i’d known for a while that i loved you. that night, we were slow dancing to some song, i can’t remember what, but i do remember how beautiful you looked. looking into your eyes, i just knew in that moment that i loved you, more than i ever loved anyone else. i’m pretty sure it was the first time you told me you loved me too.” he finished.
“it was.” you said with a smile, taking the rose from him. “definitely one of my, if not the, best birthdays ever.”
you and austin continued going through the box, reminiscing on the memories that each of the flowers held. austin was still in shock that you’d kept them all, but he was happy that you did. 
you and him shared many wonderful memories together, and he couldn’t wait to continue to make more, both memories and flowers, with you.
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Happy Birthday | nat imagine
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“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Natasha, happy birthday to you!” You and the rest of your friends sang as you carried Natasha’s cake out into the living room, setting it down on the table in front of her. Natasha was wearing a huge grin, sitting next to Clint and wearing her prettiest dress for her birthday celebration.
“Make a wish,” Maria gently reminded.
Natasha looked around at everyone whom she adored: the Avengers, Laura, Fury, Coulson, Maria, Alexei, Melina, and Yelena and finally—you. Her gaze lingered on yours, the candlelight dancing in her eyes.
You nodded eagerly, so Natasha dipped her head down and closed her eyes. When her wish was made, she blew out her candles, catching them all in one fell swoop. Everyone cheered and Clint wrapped his arms around her.
“Are you 1? Are you 2? Are you—” Tony began to chant.
“We don’t have to do that,” Natasha cut him off, chasing laughter to ripple around the room.
You dashed around the table to regain your seat beside the love of her life. She gladly turned towards you and allowed you to smash your lips against hers, capturing her in a strong and passionate kiss. The others cheered you on, although Yelena cried: “Ew!”
You two broke apart giggling. You leaned your forehead against hers, cupping her face in your hand. “It’s your birthday,” you said, almost more excited than Natasha was about the day.
“I know,” she said, grinning, and kissing your forehead before leaning back in her seat. She wrapped her arm around your shoulders, pulling you against her, and you threw your arm over her stomach, nuzzling your head against her neck.
“Okay, snuggle bugs, can we do presents now?” Wanda asked, teasingly.
Natasha rolled her eyes and nodded whilst you stuck your tongue out at Wanda.
Yelena practically leapt to grab her present, while Steve followed close behind. “Hey! We should do my present first. I’m her best friend,” Clint argued, going to stand up.
“What about me? I’m her partner,” you said, copying his action.
“I’m her sister!” Yelena yelled.
“Blah blah blah. My present is gonna be the best,” Tony chimed in.
Natasha just smiled as she watched the people she love fight over who got to give her their present first. Coulson told her to stop it, but Nat was enjoying the show.
(When it looked like Steve was going to win — he was the strongest, after-all — you jumped on his back. In the end, you got to Natasha first, smugly giving her your present while the rest moped)
“Happy birthday, Nat!” You squealed.
“Happy birthday, Nat,” you said softly, your voice cracking as you gazed at the small cupcake with one candle on it.
You had gotten multiple calls today — from Maria, Tony, Steve, Wanda, Clint, and even Yelena. Tony had suggested you come over to the tower and Clint said he was making dinner at the farm, but you declined, opting to stay in your apartment.
Once upon a time, you had shared it with Natasha. Her things were still there. You had tried once to pack them up — you broke down crying before you got the first box filled. The only light on was from the candle, as you sat on the couch by yourself.
Looking out the window, you said: “I got you a present.” It was perfectly wrapped, sitting on the table next to you. An expensive necklace was inside. It had cost a lot. You weren’t really sure why you had bought it, but it just felt right. You hadn’t ever once not gotten her a present on her birthday. You wouldn’t stop now that she was—
Squeezing your eyes shut, you made a wish, and blew out the candle.
The wish? That someday Natasha might come back to you. It was wishful thinking. Some might call it stupid. But it was grief and honestly, you didn’t care at this point. You just wanted her.
“I’ll always celebrate your birthday,” you vowed, before setting the cupcake down.
Eventually, you fell asleep on the couch, a thin blanket thrown over you and tear stains running down your cheeks.
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Hello I have prompt aka one of my obsessions in your ask box:
Magnus meeting Izzy shy older brother after months of hearing about him and getting instant whiplash cause he hot af & freaky af 😬
Sorry this took a while shshshsh I’m writing like 2 words a day.
Also, song playing in the club is Don’t Go Insane by DPR Ian (who may or may not be a potential Magnus fancast? 👀)
Read on Ao3
Isabelle had lied to him.
Sure, she’d talked to him for ages during lunch and coffee breaks at work about how sweet and cool and handsome her brother was, and also about how he always got all shy and blushy around the boys he liked, and dropped maybe a thousand hints about how Magnus and the mystery brother would make a very very good couple.
And now that he’s seen the guy in person - at Isabelle’s birthday party in a downtown club - Magnus can confidently say that Isabelle lied.
Because nothing could prepare for just how fucking hot he was.
Magnus had arrived a little early - just before the celebrations started but just in time to find Isabelle waiting right outside the club for her brother. He decided to wait along with her, making idle talk, until Isabelle’s eyes brightened at the sight of something and she threw out a hand, waving excitedly.
“There he is!”
Magnus turned to look, and was greeted by the sight of a heavy Zero motorcycle zipping past at full speed before it made an impressive u-turn in the narrow street, screeching against the asphalt, and came to a stop in front of the club.
The driver pulled off his helmet, giving his head a little shake to tame his messy hair, and Magnus’s world stopped spinning for a moment because holy hell was he gorgeous.
A jawline that could cut glass, dark hair had stayed messy even after he’d run a gloved hand through it, and supple lips that curled up into a gorgeous fucking grin as he looked at his sister.
“Hey Izzy,” he said as he dismounted the bike and caught an overexcited Isabelle who’d run straight to her brother in a hug. “Happy birthday, you little minx.”
Magnus watched on, as he pulled away from Isabelle and, as she continued to chat away, brought one hand up to his mouth, catching the strap around the wrist with his teeth and pulling it open. He didn't stop there, though. His teeth were catching on to the very tip of one of the fingers now, pulling the glove off in one fell swoop.
Oh my poor little heart.
Magnus watched him repeat the operation with this other leather glove, every single brain cell chanting hot hot hot hot hot hot, really, who could blame him when there was this extremely hot, leather-clad bike-riding beauty in front of him?
Magnus snapped back to reality, where he was now face to face with Isabelle and her brother. Isabelle was looking rather smug, as if she could read Magnus’s mind.
“Magnus,” she continued casually, “This is my brother Alec.”
“Nice to meet you,” Alec said, holding out a hand. Magnus shook it, trying not to think of how warm Alec’s hand was. “Izzy has told me a lot about you.”
“Did she now?” Magnus's gaze slanted over to Isabelle, who was still looking smug. “All good things, I hope.”
“Definitely all good things,” Alec grinned.
They headed indoors, where Magnus met the others - her boyfriend Simon, her adopted brother, Jace, his girlfriend Clary, who was also a childhood friend of Simon. Rounds of shots were ordered, and they chattered amongst themselves. Magnus had been worried about feeling left out, but Alec was sitting right next to him, and occasionally turned to Magnus to make idle talk. They’d talked so far about their hobbies and work, and Magnus’s cat, and Alec’s bike, complete with pictures of course.
Now, after the fifth round of shots, Alec got up on his feet, and held out a hand to Magnus. “Wanna dance?”
Magnus blinked, brain going blank in surprise, but his hand thankfully moved on its own to take Alec’s.
“Sure,” he said lightly.
Alec dragged him to the dance door, a sort of vindictive smile on his face as he interlaced his hands behind Magnus’s neck and pulled him close. His fingers were digging into the slightly overgrown hair of Magnus’s undercut, and he briefly forgot how to breathe.
“I don’t know how to dance,” Alec said, grinning. “I just wanted to get you alone.”
Something like a record scratch sounded in Magnus’s head. They were slightly swaying anyway, a contrast to the rather energetic song playing on the club’s loudspeakers.
“Oh?” Magnus raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. “And to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“You’re just…” Alec giggled. “So handsome. You’re even more handsome in person than the pictures Izzy showed me.”
“Isabelle dearest showed you pictures, huh?” Magnus mentally wondered if he needed to thank Isabelle or be annoyed with her. He definitely needed to demand to be shown whatever pictures she’d shown her brother.
“Mmhmm,” Alec grinned a little. His cheeks were a little flushed, courtesy of the alcohol in his system.
The song shifted a little, going from electric vocals to a deep bass guitar, and Alec gasped a little. He pulled away from Magnus, poking him in the chest with a finger as he stepped backward, a glint in his eyes as they met Magnus’s.
“Watch me, okay?” He practically purred, and it took Magnus a moment to realise that the low, shaky breaths he was hearing weren’t from himself or Alec but from the song itself. Alec stood in front of him, eyes gleaming, one hand resting in his hair while the other had a thumb hooked into a belt loop on his pants. 
The beat dropped, and Magnus’s jaw nearly dropped as Alec leant backwards, grinning madly as he thrust his hips in tune with the beat. Alec straightened, only to grab Magnus’s hand and bow over backwards, the taut tension between their hands the only thing keeping him from falling over to the floor.
So, yes, Isabelle lied to him about her brother’s true colours. But watching Alec like this, all inhibitions gone, sweat lining his face and the arched column of his neck, the t-shirt he wore under his leather jacket rising up just the littlest bit to reveal a sliver of skin, teeth biting into his lower lip as his hips swung up and down… he could hardly say he minded.
When the beat subsided and Alec finally pulled himself back up - all thanks to his core and no thanks to Magnus, he asked,
“I thought you didn’t know how to dance?”
“That was the only move I know.” Alec winked. “Among maybe five others. I’ll show them to you when the music wills it.”
Magnus laughed. “You really are something, Alexander.”
Alec grinned, pleased.
He sidled up closer to Magnus. “How about we sneak out of here and go for a ride on my bike? Or maybe a different type of ride?”
Alec winked at him. Magnus laughed again.
“We’ll get to it all once you’re sober, Alexander.” He pulled Alec by an arm around his waist. “We’ll get to it all.”
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