#tips for witches
lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Glamour Magic Daily Routine⛤
Here are some tips on how to include glamour magic in your daily life!
Visualise the water washing away all the negativity when you shower
Say affirmation when doing your skincare
Use moon water to cleanse 
Spray bedding with perfume
Enchanting your mirrors to improve the self image of anyone who looks in them
Enchant your jewellery for protection/confidence
Use correspondences in your skincare routine: do you use coconut oil? Maybe a rose face mist? All those products can be given a deeper meaning in your daily life!
Match the colours of your makeup to your intentions for the day
Enchant your nail polish (bonus: match the colour to the intention, black for protection, red for love, green for prosperity, etc)
Choose a perfume that inspires you for the day
Charge your perfume with the energy you wish to attract
Put sigils in your shoes
Some witches veil to keep their energy from draining and to protect them from others’ emotions, but a beanie works too
If you wear glasses, use them as a tool so that they help you “see clearly”
Put your moisturiser or concealer on in the shape of a sigil before massaging it in
Write sigils on your makeup products, even putting lip balm on could help you mentally throughout the day!
When shaving, visualise any energy buildup being shaved off as well
Remember to love yourself
Witchfully Yours,
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Daily Magick Correspondences
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The images below are created and illustrated by Witchy Tips on Instagram
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Has ANYONE tried to channel the energy of the universe while IN the universe? Like in space? As an astronaut? Are there witchy astronauts?
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cavorta · 1 year
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(German below/Deutsch unten)
Decluttering for witches or:
One box to keep them all ...
Long-term spells with containers of all sorts - I kept doing these, scattering the containers (small bags, glass jars, envelopes ...) all over my flat.
Until I got the idea to get a box for all my long-term spells. I put the containers of the spells inside of the box, all of them labelled so I don't forget what they were for.
I also want to decorate it, maybe draw a sigil on it for the protection of those spells inside.
And from time to time, I am going to look inside to take out the containers of the spells which are no longer needed.
Entrümpeln für Hexen oder:
Eine Kiste, sie alle zu finden ...
Langfristige Zaubersprüche mit Behältern aller Art - das habe ich immer wieder gemacht und die Behälter (kleine Beutel, Gläser, Briefumschläge ...) in der ganzen Wohnung verstreut.
Bis ich auf die Idee kam, eine kleine Kiste für alle meine Langzeitzauber zu besorgen. Ich habe die Behälter mit den Zaubersprüchen hinein gestellt und alle beschriftet, damit ich nicht vergesse, wofür sie waren. Ich möchte sie auch verzieren, vielleicht eine Sigille darauf malen, damit die Zaubersprüche darin geschützt sind. Und von Zeit zu Zeit werde ich hineinschauen, um die Behälter mit den nicht mehr benötigten Zaubern herauszunehmen.
(Abbildung: Clem Onojeghuo, Unsplash)
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theriveralwaysknew · 2 years
Y'all know that a grimoire isn't like... a rigid thing where you HAVE to include what other people think is important, right? You don't HAVE to copy down sabbats and correspondences if you don't want to, you don't HAVE to make extensive notes on tarot meanings unless you're into tarot, you don't HAVE to go tits-deep into astrology or recipes or ritual, you don't HAVE to do anything. It's up to you, as an individual practitioner, to decide what to include and what not to include in your practice. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something or trying to act like a spiritual authority.
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thatsbelievable · 7 months
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khajiithaswitchywares · 6 months
Go hiking. Fake your death. Become one with the forest. Elevate to forest god. The simple things.
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cajunwitch101 · 1 year
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eclectic-ways · 1 year
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They should publish books in this format.
FYI: There are apps and plug-ins of this Bionic Reading for Google Play, Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer), Firefox, iOS (Apple) and on WEB
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Whoa there, pardner! What have you done to make sure that belief or practice actually originates in ancient times and didn't come from the imagination of a repressed Victorian romantic?
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broomsick · 8 months
My favorite simple wards to guard the home
Hanging rosemary above the doorstep, and/or above doors of the house for protection.
Sprinkling a line of dried red pepper on a windowsill, to counter a curse.
Placing a mix of dried & ground eggshells and black pepper in every corner of a room to keep out unwanted spirits.
Placing a decoration representing a witch in the kitchen, to keep away illness and to favor health.
Crafting an effigie (no matter how crude!) and make it into the guardian of your home by charging it with your intent of protection and placing it near the front door.
Crafting small witch ladders to hang around the house.
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ts-witchy-archive · 7 months
Witchy Self-Care
*pulls out draft from over a year ago* ENJOY
Hi! this is a list of witchy self-care things you can do. Most of these are pretty basic on account that i wrote this ages ago but they definitely still work. Anyways, I hope these help :)
Do the dishes and dedicate it to your house spirit (if you have one) or a deity (if you're religious)
sweep/mop your floor in the shape of sigils
add rosemary (or rosemary water/essential oils) to the water you mop with to set an intention of cleansing
taking ritual a bath/shower
cleansing your energy. it's so basic but I forget more than i'd like to admit
dedicating time to yourself. it's just as important as dedicating time to your deities/other spirits
light shadow work or going to therapy. bettering your mental health also betters your spiritual.
go outside and ground yourself
take a nap (less witchy, more, I love naps. rest is important)
work out/stretch and dedicate it to an entity
do some gratitude
take 5 minutes to just sit and turn off your devices. you can use this time for anything, just take a second to get off screens and connect with the world around you
meditate. if you can't sit still long enough to meditate, just focus on taking 3 deep breathes
when you wash your face, draw sigils on your face with the cleanser and moisturiser
^do the same as above but with your body wash and when you wash your hair
say some affirmations/manifestations while brushing your teeth
just check in with yourself and see how you're feeling spiritually, psychically and emotionally. sometimes we don't actually know how we're feeling until we sit down and actually ask ourselves.
If anyone has any more to add please comment. I'll add them to the list (with credit of course)
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witchboxco · 3 months
2024 Witch's Calendar
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11th: New Moon
25th: Full Moon (Cold Moon)
2nd: Imbolc
9th: New Moon
24th: Full Moon (Quickening Moon)
10th: New Moon
19th: Ostara / Spring Equinox
25th: Full Moon (Storm Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
1st: Mercury Retrograde
8th: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
22nd: Earth Day
23rd: Full Moon (Wind Moon)
25th: Mercury Direct
1st: Beltane/May Day
7th: New Moon
23rd: Full Moon (Flower Moon)
6th: New Moon
20th: Litha / Summer Solstice
21st: Full Moon (Strong Sun Moon)
2nd: New Moon
21st: Full Moon (Blessing Moon)
1st: Lammas/Lughnasadh
4th: New Moon
5th: Mercury Retrograde
19th: Full Moon (Corn Moon)
28th: Mercury Direct
2nd: New Moon
17th: Full Moon (Harvest Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
22nd: Mabon / Fall Equinox
2nd: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
17th: Full Moon (Blood Moon)
31st: Samhain
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Mourning Moon)
25th: Mercury Retrograde
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Long Nights Moon) / Mercury Direct
21st: Yule / Winter Solstice
30th: New Moon
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divinefemmefatalexo · 10 months
Tarot cheat sheets!
Save for later use❤️
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thespectralcottage · 2 months
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Ways To Use Each Element In Spells
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Burning Herbs
Using Ashes
Bonfires to Raise Energy
Burning Petitions
Melting Things
Water Bowl Spells
Enchanting Water
Using Spiritual Waters + Colognes
Soaking Items
River Magic
Verbal Spells
Blowing Air / Smoke
Sound Bowls
Wind Cleansing
Storm magic
Salt Bowls
Burring Items
Plants + Herbs
Dirt Spell Jars
Making Terrariums
Plant Wards
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billcyp-her · 4 months
Witch things to add in your room, poor person edition
Fuck it Most of witchcraft people tell you to buy shit. So here's some stuff u can do for free
grab some sticks from the ground, bind them together in a shape you like, add intent (usually protection), hang it up
make a flower crown, add protection intent, dry it out, hang it up. protection spell and real ward. regularly recharge intent.
dry plants, set warding intent, hang them up.
crushed eggshells on your window sill to prevent bad energy.
wear a bandana or veil somewhere on your body, sometimes i use mine as belts, to protect from bad vibes.
paint your nails in the color meaning you want. mine are pink for self attraction rn
when you light up a candle always ask if theres a spirit or entity there, pyromancy skills can be learned through google, tumblr, and tiktok.
Regularly clean and rearrange your altar if you can't practice everyday, this keeos the space clean and shows entities around that even if ur not active, you're still a witch
A cup of water can be an offering to anyone, imagine being an entity and you can't have water at all for centuries??
If you have glasses, draw a sigil on them while you clean them (i usually wash mine with soap and water to make it extra clean ((and dry with paper towels)))
Give your wall art jobs. Sure they can be decorative, or they can be extra eyes to watch you while you sleep to make sure no one messes with you. (Ive had so much wall art fall in the middle of the night and turns out smth was trying to get in my room...)
If you have black-out/thick curtains, let the sun in!!! I keep them tied during the day so i can use natural light and ease up my electricity bill
Change ur bedsheets semi regularly, it doesn't need to be every week, but keep in mind bedbugs and other entities can get trapped there... or even try to get there to make your sleep unrestful.
If your room is a bio-hazard, at least make pathways so you can walk without injuring yourself.
Thats all i have for now <3 blessed be and fuck capitalism
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