#why did I imagine a scenario where they’re married but one of them still ask for permission if they can hold each other’s hands
krasytoonz · 8 months
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I really think they should kiss
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wondersofdreaming · 3 years
Third time’s the charm
Characters: Henry Cavill x 3rd person female reader (the reader in this story has been described as someone with long brown hair, hazel eyes and not very tall)
Word count: 1.705
Warnings: Fluff. Insecurity. Doubt. Chasing. Jumping. 
Author’s note: Thank you @radaofrivia​ for your guidance and your help <3
Go read her stories right here: Rada’s masterlist
Sentences in square brackets are Kal’s thoughts. Sentences in italics are Henry’s thoughts.
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
Feedback is appreciated.
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It was a lovely day. The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. Not a cloud present. The birds were chirping in the trees, and people were chatting away around him.
His hulking size of a fluffball dog was trotting happily beside him. Kal’s long tongue was sticking out between his sharp fangs, panting and drooling all over the uneven pathway.
He watched as a couple walked past him. They were smiling, and the woman was laughing at a joke her boyfriend had just cracked. It made him long for a special someone in his life he could crack jokes to, a someone who would laugh at his sense of humour, someone with a genuine laugh.
Henry filled his nostrils with the fresh air. He felt the vibrations of children's laughter through the ground. His heart was yearning to hear the giggles of his own flesh and blood, and it clouded his already saddened mind.
He hadn’t noticed that Kal had been sniffing the ground. His ears perked with interest as his nose found a scent that made his mouth water. Kal galloped across the park without warning, making Henry lose his grasp on the leash.
[Something smells yummy!]
“Kal!” Henry yelled at the black and white dog, but it was too late. Kal was already out of sight, following his nose to whatever had caught his attention. Henry wandered around the park. His heart was beating so fast it felt as if it would jump out of his chest. A million scenarios ran through his mind: What if something happened to Kal? What if someone dog-napped Kal? What if Kal hurt someone?
Henry searched all over the park but to no avail until he heard a loud scream coming from behind a group of trees. Shit!
The run towards where the scream came from felt as if it took forever. Time was standing still as he neared the trees. He first noticed the bushy tail, then the rest of Kal’s body, standing atop a woman who was loving up all the licks Kal was giving her. She managed to push the large dog off her body, while her delicate hands were giving him scritches all over his fluffy fur coat.
“You’re such a good boy,” he heard her sweet silvery voice say, then a bark came from his wayward dog.
[Yes, Kal is a good booooy… oh yeah, right there. More scritches!]
Henry let out a breath he hadn’t known he had been holding in since Kal went missing. Thank god!
“Kal!” Henry yelled over the sound of giggles coming from the woman. He started walking towards them but stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights when the woman looked up. Her hazel eyes shone with excitement, and the grin on her perfectly succulent lips made his heart skip a beat. Henry felt like he had been struck by lightning, suddenly unable to move as he watched the dark-haired angel stand. She dusted off the dirt from her jeans and walked towards him. She seemed unharmed even after having been hammered by Kal, who probably weighed more than she did.
“You must be this dog’s owner. He really scared me, when he suddenly jumped on my back,” she giggled a melodious sound.
Henry’s brain finally started working again, the gears turning behind his eyes as he was processing what she had just told him. Kal; his sweet mild-tempered fluffball, who wouldn’t hurt a fly; had jumped on this woman’s back, and yet she was still smiling and loving up the bear without being afraid. It didn’t seem she knew who he was, as he didn’t see the recognition sparkle in her eyes.
“I am so sorry that he jumped on your back, he normally doesn’t do that, I don’t know what came over him,” Henry knew he was babbling, he knew he needed to shut his mouth, but the words kept vomiting out between his lips.
“It’s okay. I wasn’t that scared. Besides, he is such a sweet dog, I don’t mind being jumbled,” she looked into his eyes, and his heart did a somersault as she smiled again.
“Be a good boy for your owner, Kal,” she told the bear, and then she was gone.
Henry was standing cemented to the place. He didn’t know what had just happened. Kal barked at him, his tongue dangling from between his lips; he was smiling.
“Well Kal, you sure do have great taste in women, but you should stick to the four-legged kind,” Henry reprimanded him softly. Kal wasn’t happy. There was a reason why he had gone rogue and run away from Henry. So, before Henry could pick up the leash, Kal darted through the bushes to find the mystery woman. Not again!
[But I didn’t get to know what smelled so good!]
Henry, having gotten out of his trance, followed his dog once again. Why was his dog so keen on pursuing that woman? It was starting to annoy him. Panic was beginning to make itself comfortable in his brain, what if the woman had something that would make Kal follow her on purpose? What if she was pretending not to know him, so she could steal his dog and ask for an insane ransom?
He rounded a corner just in time to see Kal jump on the brown-haired beauty, again.
“Oh, it’s you again, Kal,” she said with amusement hinting in her voice. Kal barked and went to sniff her jacket, burying his snout deep in her right pocket. He came back out with a bag of peanut butter cookies between his teeth.
“Kal! Stop! You pig, what are you doing?” Henry raised his voice sternly at his furry friend. He grabbed Kal’s collar and pulled him away from the lady, making Kal drop the bag of biscuits to the ground. Kal lunged forward, which made Henry think he was going to jump the woman again, so he moved between Kal and the lady, and gave his companion a hard stare, as to say not happening, pal.
“So that is what you were after all along,” she said and picked up the bag.
“I am so sorry, miss, are you alright?” Henry asked while jogging towards the two. She gave him an amused smile.
“I’m fine. He didn’t scare me as much this time. Apparently, he just wants some doggie biscuits. May I give him some? They’re homemade and don't contain anything that could harm a dog.”
“Oh, yes, of course, but he shouldn’t be rewarded for leaping on other people. I swear, he has been trained not to do that,” Henry was rambling again. He was spewing out nonsense while the gorgeous woman was telling Kal to sit before she rewarded him for listening. She even asked him to give her paw, which Kal did immediately, a rare thing as he only wants to listen when he’s in the mood, kind of like a cat. She is way too nice to want to abduct Kal.
“Good boy, Kal.”
[Miss with the treats is super nice. Hey human, can we take her home with us?]
“You said those were homemade, did you make them?” Henry asked.
“Oh, yes. I have a dog myself who is a picky eater. I’ve tried all kinds of doggie treats, but she would spit them out. I had no choice but to experiment on how to make dog biscuits,” the woman told him while she gestured for Kal to lie down, which he obeyed instantly.
“And does she like the homemade treats?”
“She gobbles them down like I didn’t feed her for a week. She’s becoming quite the diva.”
They talked a bit more about her dog, who was a rescue labradoodle, and about how it had changed her look on store-bought dog treats. It was healthier to make them yourselves, and people in her neighbourhood, who had dogs, had been asking if she would sell the biscuits to them. She had then started her own one-man company, making dog treats, and her most popular item was the peanut butter cookies. They were shaped like the femur bone, which was the most popular form for dog treats.
“I’m Henry by the way, may I ask what your name is?” Henry asked her carefully. She smiled brightly at him, and it chased all the dark thoughts he had earlier away from his mind. She told him her name, which was elegant and so fitting a person like her. He had been expecting the penny to drop when he mentioned his name, but she was oblivious as to who he was, which in turn made his heart leap with joy inside behind his chest.
She looked at her wristwatch and gasped.
[Oh boy…]
“Crap, I have to pick up my dog soon. It was nice talking to you, and please don’t let this beautiful boy out of your sight,” a chuckled left her lips as she walked away once again.
Kal licked his mouth for the crumbs that might have gotten stuck on the fur around his snout. He then looked up at Henry with an annoyed look.
“What?” Henry asked with a sigh. Kal tilted his head to the right. “I can’t just jump on her like you do and then ask for her phone number, that would just scare her away.”
Kal looked towards the woman, who was getting further and further away from them. He then let out a bark, and with a waggle of his puffy tail, he demanded that Henry make a choice before it was too late.
[You’re blowing it, human!]
Henry sighed and crouched down. 
“What should I do?” he asked the bear-like dog. Kal tilted his head to the side, looking at Henry as if he was crazy.
[Marry her! I want more treats!]
“You like her as well, don’t you, bear?”
Kal stood and bumped his head to Henry’s back, as to tell him to start moving, which made the human mountain chuckle, getting the hint from his dog. He released Kal from the leash and whispered: “Go get her.”
Kal licked his master’s face and darted towards the woman with the gorgeous brown curls.
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solena2 · 3 years
Tommy isn’t Theseus. Every time I see Techno’s analogy about Tommy being Theseus brought up I’m filled with endless rage and I’ve DECIDED!
That it’s about time I explained just why it’s so objectively incorrect.
First: a bit of backstory on Theseus, because I doubt many of you actually know much about him beyond what Techno said in his “so you want to be a hero” speech, which left out a lot of relevant details.
Theseus was a demigod with two fathers and one mother. His fathers were king Aegeus of Athens and the sea god Poseidon, and his mother was Aethra, Aegeus’ wife. Aethra raised Theseus on her own, far from Athens to avoid him being assassinated.
Aegeus left him nothing but a sword with the Athenian crest and a pair of sandals, buried under a rock so no one else could get them.
When Theseus came of age, he took the sword and sandals and headed up to Athens, slaying various monsters along the way. (It pains me to abbreviate it that much, but Techno left out everything before the Minotaur so it won’t help me much in debunking his analogy.)
Once he got to Athens, he met up with his dad, chased out his stepmom Medea, (yes, that Medea) and killed some people. Then comes the relevant part.
Crete had won a war against Athens a while back, and because of this, every seven years Athens was forced to send 14 tributes to be killed by the Minotaur. (Yes, this inspired the Hunger Games)
Theseus decided he’d volunteer and kill the Minotaur, thus ending the tribute system for good and getting one over on Athens. He promised his dad that if he won, he’d come back in a ship with white sails, as opposed to the standard mourning black that signified the death of the tributes.
So he went to Crete, met king Minos and his daughters Ariadne and Phaedra, and got sent into the labyrinth. Ariadne gave him a magic ball of string that kept him from getting lost, allowing him to find the Minotaur and then safely get out afterwards, providing he could kill it.
He killed it, led his other 13 tributes out, and sailed back home. On the way, Athena told him to leave Ariadne stranded on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, so he immediately did so, because Theseus was an asshole.
He got home, his dad committed suicide because Theseus forgot the white sails and his dad assumed he’d died, Theseus became king and married Phaedra, and then the fun began, because again, Theseus was an asshole.
First, he cheated on Phaedra with Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, so she left and took the kids. Next, he and his other asshole friend Pirithous decided to kidnap themselves some new wives. Theseus decided on Helen of Troy, who was a child at the time, and Pirithous decided on Persephone, which resulted in both him and Theseus getting stuck in the Underworld for a while due to pissing off Hades.
Once he got back up, he killed his son for fucking his wife, which is messed up on many levels, and then left Athens because his people were rightfully not super okay with that.
Then he goes and meets Lycomedes, who throws him off a cliff.
Next, let’s talk about Techno’s speech a bit.
He starts off by accusing Tommy of being a power hungry dictator (paraphrased), before asking him if he wants to be a hero.
Then, he provides what is apparently the archetypal example of heroism, something often associated with selflessness, kindness, and generally giving at least one singular solitary fuck about other people.
Theseus! Heroic hero who does heroic things, like, uhhh *checks notes* cheating on his wife, kidnapping children with plans to forcefully marry them, leaving people alone on tiny islands with no supplies, killing his kid, etc. etc...
So we’re off to a great start.
Then, he gives a short summary of Theseus’ life and times! He skips the first part of his life completely, which is hilarious to me because it’s the only time Theseus ever did anything actually heroic or selfless, and gets straight to the meat!
“Let me tell you a story, Tommy. A story of a man called Theseus. His country was in danger, he sent himself forward! Into enemy lines. He slayed the Minotaur! And saved his city. You know what they did to him, Tommy? They exiled him. He died in disgrace, despised by his people. That’s what happens to heroes, Tommy.”
So first off, he doesn’t mention... really anything other than the Minotaur and the exile, which is leaving out a lot of relevant details, like why Theseus was exiled. (You know, killing his son in cold blood?)
Second, he doesn’t give details in general. Not that he should’ve given a full telling, or anything, but I’m always surprised by the shortness of this speech when I go back and listen to it. He pretty much just gives the barest bones of an argument and expects his audience to take it at face value. (Which they do, but it’s still bad practice)
From the more accurate (if still brief) summary if Theseus’ life I’ve just given, I’m sure you can see why this might be more than a bit dubious, as an analogy. Given cc!Technoblade is literally an English major, and doubtless knows significantly more about the myth than I do, I’d imagine this was never intended to be taken at face value.
Over and over again, c!Techno proves himself to be an unreliable narrator, and over and over again, the fandom at large takes his word as gospel.
Now, as far as a more in depth argument for Tommy as Theseus goes, I will attempt to debunk that as well, because there are some genuinely good points to be made.
First of all, most people make Dream out to be the Minotaur. Given the time this speech was made, I imagine Schlatt was the intended target of that, but with latter events in mind, Dream does make much more sense.
I’d say this is honestly pretty fair, but I don’t think Tommy takes the role of Theseus in that narrative. I’d argue he’s much more analogous to the role of Ariadne, giving the tools required to defeat Dream but ultimately not doing so through his own power, but because someone chose to take those tools and make use of them. This also provides the very interesting characterization of Punz as Theseus, which is an incredibly unique take that I hope some a Punz enthusiast does something with, because I don’t know enough about his lore to make a good analysis on that.
The idea of Schlatt as the Minotaur, as was probably intended by Techno at the time, makes much more sense, though I still think other characters fit the role better. Firstly, Schlatt wasn’t killed, he died of a heart attack, and if someone had killed him I think it’s more likely to have been Wilbur or Techno who did it than Tommy, as Tommy was still very hopeful and idealistic at the time, at least compared to his character now. You could posit Tommy as Ariadne again in this situation, given he was the one to mastermind the final charge, and though I think Tommy as Ariadne is an idea that’s worth further exploration, I’d say Fundy futs the Ariadne role here much better, with him giving the spy’s diary before being effectively shunned and left out in the cold by both Pogtopia and Manburg, much like Ariadne was abandoned in the original myth.
I’d posit the Theseus in this scenario as Techno, Wilbur, or possibly Philza, as they were the ones to actually kill things in the 16th, though Techno and Wilbur’s killings were more in the metaphorical sense, taking the second life of L’manburg.
As for the exile, Tommy exile was alike to that of Theseus only in concept. Both were sent from their kingdoms for a crime, resulting in a falling out with someone close to them, and had a precarious relationship with heights while they were gone, but that’s about where the similarities end and even then they’re superficial.
First of all, Tommy’s exile was far more because Dream was looking for an excuse to do it than because briefing actually means anything on the SMP, given how Dream had been griefing bases and blaming Tommy for it for a while before it went down. (Fun fact, Bad and Skeppy were going to burn one of his discs over this, but one of them got sick so they had to cancel the stream.)
Theseus’ exile, on the other hand, was entirely deserved, especially when you consider how serious a crime killing family was in Ancient Greek culture. It was pretty much the biggest no-no in existence, and I’m almost surprised he wasn’t just straight up executed for it.
Second, Tommy’s falling out with Tubbo was almost entirely due to outside forces, (Dream) rather than because anything Tommy had done. Though Tommy’s cavalierness towards the trial and attempts to threaten Dream with Spirit doubtless didn’t help things, Dream surrounding L’manburg in obsidian walls and threatening them to exile Tommy was entirely his own choice, and not something that can be pinned on Tommy, no matter what the apologists may say.
Meanwhile, Theseus’ falling out with Phaedra had begun long before his exile with him cheating on her. Him killing his son was merely the last in a long line of dominos to completely destroy their relationship.
Last, Tommy nearly killing himself is very different from Theseus being pushed off a cliff. Tommy’s near suicide was the direct result of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of c!Dream for what was canonically, I believe, several months? (Correct me if I’m wrong on that one.) Tommy almost jumping off a pillar because he was deliberately isolated from his support systems is nothing like Theseus being killed because he was a cocky asshole who thought he was god.
So that’s why I don’t think Tommy is anything like Theseus, and why I’m filled with endless rage by the completely uncritical acceptance of this parallel, but it’s not the whole reason it pisses me off.
It also pisses me off because, as stated earlier, cc!Techno is an English major. He knew what he was doing with this. The fandom’s insistence on refusing to acknowledge his character as an unreliable narrator is, in my opinion, acting as a massive kneecap to what could be a great analysis of how he thinks.
Specifically: why does c!Technoblade think Tommy is like Theseus?
Of all the Greek heroes to pick, why that one? Was it just the tantalizing opportunity to parallel Schlatt with a horned monster, or was it because c!Techno has some genuine in-character reason to think this myth specifically applies to Tommy.
Now, we all know people in the SMP have a habit of analogizing Wilbur and Tommy. The assumption Tommy wanted to be president, the belief that Tommy nominated Tubbo directly, the belief that he was intentionally deceiving Techno about Pogtopia’s intentions regarding Manburg... all of these stem from Wilbur. There are more cases of this, of course, but several analyses have been done in the subject already, and this is long enough without more padding.
So why does Techno think Tommy is Theseus? Well, it’s simple, isn’t it?
Wilbur is Theseus.
To be continued, because this is already too long and my brain hurts.
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
A Caged Dove Part 4 (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)
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Summary: You are a princess from a smaller territory within the kingdom, summoned to the castle to meet with the heir of the throne in the absence of your parents. You think it will simply be a routine trip, until you realize that Prince Shouto has his own plans for you. Whether you agree with them or not.
Pairing: Prince Shouto Todoroki x Reader  Rating: E+ Word Count: 6.5k Chapter Warnings: Dubcon, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, breeding, praise kink, obsession, yandere Series Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, breeding, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stalking, yandere Note: Fairy Tale AU. (Still more Grimm than Disney). This took longer than I expected because it expanded beyond my expectations and I got a bit stuck. But I’m rather proud of how this chapter turned out. After this part, there will only be one more part and then this series will be finished! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and find that it was worth the wait.
One || Two || Three || Four || Five (Finale)
It doesn't seem real as the palace erupts into a whirlwind of activity, the entire castle preparing for a royal wedding. In fact, it is the first royal wedding in years, as all of Prince Shouto's siblings have yet to marry.
It doesn't seem real that you have a wedding planner taking you through all aspects of the wedding, through the gown fitting, for the decorations, for the reception. So many choices in such little time that it has left your head spinning.
It doesn't seem real that you don't know how your parents are doing, don't know if they're even still alive and if you're doing this all for nothing. That he won't take you to see them, that he shrugs off the question every time you ask him, under the guise of not wanting to stress you before your big day.
And it certainly doesn't seem real as you're waiting to walk down the aisle, wedding music playing in the background and a smiling Prince Shouto Todoroki standing at the end.
His smile looks genuine, beaming and radiant as if this is simply a traditional wedding with a normal husband and wife. But you know full well the darkness that lay behind that smile, know how utterly wrong this whole thing is.
You pause for a second before you begin to walk down the aisle, mind running through all the scenarios that could get you out of this situation. But you know there is nothing left, nothing to stop this from happening. You pause for another second as you internally weep at the lost opportunities. At the thought that your father is still in a dungeon somewhere, unable to walk you down the aisle or watch his only daughter get married. At the thought that the one you truly wanted was murdered by the very man you're about to marry.
You take a deep breath as the wedding march begins to play and you start to walk down the aisle. All eyes are on you, smiling at the chance to watch such a historic event. You want to scream at them, to claw at their eyes until they're forced to acknowledge that something is very wrong here. But you don't. You simply plaster on a fake smile as you glance at each of them, noticing that nobody from your lands is in attendance at this event, no familiar faces to cling to.
You don't know why you would have expected any differently. Prince Shouto is determined to isolate you, take away everyone in your life that you could cling to for support or comfort, leaving only him for you to rely on.
You make it to the end of the aisle far too quickly and take up your place beside Prince Shouto. His gaze, to an outsider's perspective, may look loving. And perhaps it is. But it's also stark possession and obsession, with just a hint of triumph that he is about to get everything that he wanted.
"Now face each other and hold hands," the priest smiles gently. Prince Shouto instantly listens, turning to you and grabbing your hands as he pulls you just a bit closer. His grip is just a shade too hard, as if he's worried you'll run at the last minute. He has nothing to worry about. You know that there's no escape.
You glance over at the priest and wonder if he knows the truth of this sham of a wedding, if he would help you if he did know the truth. But you suspect that he genuinely does not. His happiness at being called to lead this occasion radiates out from him. But you know you've been fooled before. Nobody is to be trusted in this court.
"Prince Shouto Todoroki and Princess, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"
"I have come freely and without reservation," the Prince says with no hesitation. As he finishes the sentence and it becomes your turn, you feel your hands being gripped even tighter, this time to the point of pain. You're barely able to conceal your wince, to prevent everyone staring at the happy couple from seeing. The grip is a warning, telling you that you need to continue playing your part or there will be consequences.
"I have come freely and without reservation," you reply, a fake smile plastered on your face with your tone as happy as you can manage. Internally, you're screaming.
"Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?"
As before, the Prince instantly agrees, and it becomes your turn. This time the agreement comes more naturally to you. "I will."
"Will you accept children lovingly and bring them up according to the law of the Todoroki Court?"
A bolt of panic runs through you, freezes your veins as your thoughts scatter away into nothing. How stupid to forget this part of the vow, to be surprised in front of such a large crowd. Your family's lives depend on you making it through this ceremony, of pretending you are happy to be getting married.
Prince Shouto is not taken aback at all by this question. Of course he wouldn't be, he had to have expected it. You wonder if you imagine the dark laughter in his voice as he agrees. But when the priest's eyes turn to you for your agreement, you see him smirk out of the corner of your eye and realize one thing. He's amused by this. Amused at your discomfort, at seeing you be forced to surrender to him.
"I will," you barely grit out between clenched teeth. The audience doesn't seem to notice your hesitance, or they least attribute it to nervousness from being married in front of such a large crowd. The priest doesn't notice either, smiling at you as he begins to instruct on the words for the next part of the ceremony.
"I, Prince Todoroki, take you to be my wife for all of time. I swear to be true to you and only you, to have and to hold, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only onto me. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. Forever and ever."
Your heart sinks into your chest at hearing those wedding vows. You know they are not traditional to the royal family, having learned about them as part of your nobility and etiquette lessons. Surely someone must notice that something is wrong. But as you scan around the church, you see everyone gazing at you with looks of adoration. Some even coo at each other in soft whispers about how sweet this is, how clearly you're in love with each other.
You're brought back to reality as Prince Shouto digs his nails into the underside of your hand, warning you to pay attention. To recite the final words that will leave you bound to him, with no hope of ever breaking up the marriage. Royals divorcing or separating from each other simply does not happen.
"I, Princess Todoroki, give myself to Prince Shouto, to be my husband, to be yours for all of time. I swear to be true to you and only you, to have and to hold, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only onto me. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. Forever and ever."
You are not even surprised at this point to find that nobody notices the difference in your vows. Even the priest doesn't seem to find it strange, as he claps his hands together in joy and says the words you've been dreading to hear.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
Shouto wastes no time crossing the distance, wrapping an arm around you and dipping you as he claims your lips in a dominant and possessive kiss. It is far past the etiquette of court and downright immodest for a royal wedding. But everyone simply chuckles, commenting that Prince Shouto is so in love with his bride that he couldn't help but get carried away.
He lifts you up and pulls you into his arms, leaning down to whisper something that causes your whole body to shiver. "Now, you're mine forever, Princess," he chuckles darkly. "I told you I always get what I want." 
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Everything becomes a blur of motion and activity after that. You're ushered away from the wedding chapel and into a separate room as you're freshened up by more servants than you know what to do with. They touch up your makeup, fix any hairs that have fallen from your elaborate hairstyle, and put the train of your wedding dress up into a bustle to dance freely at the reception. As they finish, a beautiful woman with silver hair and a kind smile on her face enters the room. She dismisses the servants with a wave of her hand before turning to face you.
"You're Queen Rei Todoroki." You instantly move to get off the platform where they had you as your dress was being worked on so that you can curtsy, but the woman shakes her head.
"That's not necessary." She examines you closely, walking around to admire your wedding dress. You don't say a thing, too intimidated at making a wrong move or giving away the reality of the situation.
"I know what you're going through," she says calmly. "I know this wedding is against your will."
Your eyes widen as you stare at her, wondering if this is some horrible trap. You keep your mouth shut in fear of saying the wrong thing.
"The same thing happened to me, you know. Enji forced me to marry him as well. The whole of the royal family knows what's happening."
"Then why is Shouto doing the same to me," you blurt out, "and why are you all letting this happen?" Fear slices through you as you slam your hand over your mouth, as if to keep more words from slipping out. What you just said, the tone you used could mean severe consequences when used against the Queen of the Todoroki empire.
"You don't have to fear me," she sighs as she takes in your panicked look. "And as for why we're allowing this, well. The answer is that no one here has any real power beyond Enji. And Shouto also has a bit more power than the rest of us as heir to the throne. And as for why, well, that one should be obvious."
"Obvious how? It's not obvious to me," you say in shock. "I never expected any of this."
"It's obvious because Shouto has been pressured into taking a wife for several years now, and he refused every single time."
"Then why now, and why me?"
"It's because of you that he refused, Princess."
At your confused expression, Queen Rei lets out a sigh. "He refused because the King was trying to match him with other princesses. One more beneficial to the country. But he only has eyes on you. It's always been you for him."
Your mind reels at the implications of this statement. "I wondered," you murmur quietly, "why Shouto chose me, from a smaller territory with little to offer, instead of someone more useful to the kingdom."
She gives a quick nod. "You're a smart woman. That is exactly why. And recently, Enji ruled that Shouto had to take a bride or lose his right to inherit the throne."
You let out a small gasp at that. "Prince Touya abdicated, so that would mean Prince Natsuo, wouldn't it?"
"Yes, and Shouto was not about to let that happen. He wants to rule this kingdom, to be the most important of the country. But your parents kept refusing offers of marriage. So he had to take desperate methods."
You cross your arms over your chest as you glare at her, anger at her building. "It still doesn't excuse any of this."
"No, of course not. But I wanted you to know the truth before you get thrown headfirst into the lion's den of court life."
Your anger deflates just as quickly as it came. There is no use in getting angry at someone who has no control over this situation and is at least trying to be honest with you. You don't thank the Queen, but you do give her a quick nod to show your appreciation.
"Good. I'll have the servants escort you to the reception hall." -------
As the servants lead you through multiple twisting hallways, you have the first opportunity of the day to take a breather and think about what's happened. You're married now. Officially. You have become Princess Todoroki, wife of the heir to the throne and future Queen. Like Queen Rei, however, you doubt that you'll have real power even when Shouto ascends to the throne.
You finally make it to the reception hall, where Shouto is waiting so that you can be officially announced as a married couple and walk in together. He smiles at you as he pulls you closer. "You're going to behave at the reception, aren't you?"
"Of course I am. There's nothing to be done anyway. Not anymore. You made sure of that."
He gives a deep chuckle. "Glad you finally came to accept it. Now let's go, the announcement is about to happen."
You walk through the ornate double doors of the reception hall to face a massive crowd of royalty and nobility, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to greet you both.
"Everyone, please welcome the happy couple, Prince and Princess Todoroki, future heirs to the throne of the Todoroki Empire!"
As you walk arm in arm with your new husband, you feel a level of despair you never knew you could reach. All of the noblewomen have smiles on their faces, but behind those smiles hide pure envy, even hatred. Envy that you were the one married to Prince Shouto and the one that will be Queen alongside him. Hatred that such a lowly noble as you has received the honor instead of them with their more blue blood backgrounds. If only they knew, you think bitterly.
On the other hand, the men also look on with envy. But it's envy directed at Prince Shouto, the man that they consider as having it all. The most handsome in the kingdom, heir to the throne, and now married to someone as beautiful as you. But you notice that they refuse to look you in the eyes, as if they're scared. You sneak a glance at your husband and see that his gaze turns cold whenever he feels someone has stared for just a hair too long. His gaze turns even colder as he turns and sees something.
"Well well well, you're the princess who caused my little brother to lose all sense," a profoundly sarcastic voice says from behind you. He has dark hair and glittering turquoise eyes, along with facial and hand burns that appear to go up under his clothes beyond the parts you can see.
He circles you like a shark circling prey, blatantly ogling you from head to toe before turning to Prince Shouto and smirking. "Gotta admit, I can see why. She's hot enough to be worth pissing the old man off."
"Your comments are unnecessary, Touya," Shouto grits out between clenched teeth. "I didn't marry her to piss him off."
With that name, you can now place the man in front of you: Prince Touya, the oldest of the Todoroki family, who should be heir to the throne. But the black sheep of the family never wanted responsibility and had deliberately ruined his chance years ago. The incident that caused his abdication from the throne has been hotly debated and believed to be what caused his burn scars.
"But it was a nice side benefit, wasn't it?" Prince Touya simply shrugs before leering at you. "And I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that -"
"Seriously Touya, do you always have to be so crude?" A larger, muscular silver-haired man sighs in exasperation as he appears behind Prince Touya. "I apologize for my brother, Princess. Although he is right on one thing, pissing off our dear old dad is always a nice side benefit."
"Something that all three of us can agree on, Natsou," Shouto remarks as he pulls you slightly closer into him, as if trying to stake his claim on you in front of his two brothers.
"All three of you need to behave and act like an actual family in front of the public," a feminine voice scolds. A small woman with silver hair streaked with red gives you a kind smile. "I don't think we've gotten to meet yet. I'm Princess Fuyumi, the only daughter in the family." She gives you a deep curtsy. "That makes us sisters now."
"We'll never be sisters," the words spill out before you can even think to stop them. Your eyes widen as you glance over at your husband to see his reaction. He does not look as furious as you thought he would be, choosing instead to glare at his oldest brother, who is snickering at your response.
"I know your circumstances for joining this family are unique, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude. I promise you'll get used to all of this and learn to love Shouto and the rest of the family."
You hear Prince Touya snicker again at the comment, while Prince Natsuo simply scoffs. Shouto says nothing, merely looking at you to gauge your reaction.
"Unique circumstances are putting it lightly," you say with a certain amount of caution. "But I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it." You leave out the part where you don't think you'll ever love any of them. It won't do you any favors to mention that.
"Don't be silly, of course you will. Mom did, and now she's very happy," Princess Fuyumi reassures you. Having met Queen Rei for all of 10 minutes, you strongly doubt this statement but choose not to push your luck in refuting it.
"Still living in a fairy tale where everything is just fine with this family, are you," Prince Natsuo's voice comes out bitter.
Prince Touya gives a deep chuckle. "Hey, if she wants to live in a world where the royal family isn't fucked up, then let her be naive. We still know how rotten royalty really is."
"Enough, all of you," a deep, booming voice rings out. "You are all still of the Todoroki bloodline, and you will act like it in public."
You instantly know who that voice is without looking. You had always heard that King Enji was a large man, but you were not prepared for the reality. This man is enormous, tall and bulky, with flames decorating his face and body. There does not seem to be an ounce of fat on him, his frame looking like pure muscle. A scowl decorates his face, and you are thankful that it is not yet directed at you and hope that it will stay that way.
But nothing in your life has been lucky so far, and so you freeze when the man turns his scowl on you. You think his expression softens for just a second as he glances between you and your husband, but you can't be sure that you don't imagine it as it vanishes before you can put words to what you saw.
"So, you're my new daughter-in-law." He studies you carefully, as if to figure out what Shouto sees in you. "As my son, Shouto is above his peers and could have had any woman in the kingdom. What made him choose you?"
After a moment's pause, you realize this question is directed at you, and he expects you to answer it. "I beg your pardon, King Enji, but even I am unsure. There must have been better options than me." You know that it's useless at this point to try and get out of this marriage, but you figure that it can't hurt to be on your father-in-law's good side. As the King of the realm, he could make your existence more of a living nightmare than it is already.
"Well, at least you know your place," he gives a sardonic chuckle at your diplomatic response. "You're attractive enough, and your quirk isn't so bad that your children couldn't have a strong combination from the two of you. He could have done worse, I suppose."
The reminder of children leaves you feeling shaky and nervous, and you barely stop yourself from taking a step back from the overwhelming scrutiny of King Enji's gaze. His presence is so strong, so intimidating, that it almost feels like a physical weight against your skin. You only feel able to breathe again when Enji turns to walk away.
"Now, I must attend to my wife and play nice with the commoners for a bit longer. You don't have to, though." He gives a meaningful glance at his son. Prince Shouto's lips curve up into a devious smirk as he nods at his father.
As he finally leaves, you finally relax a bit. You realize that at some point during that conversation, you tucked yourself even closer against Prince Shouto, as if you trusted him to protect you from his very own father. You quickly glance up at his face, hoping that he didn't notice, but when you see his satisfied grin, you know that he did.
Prince Touya sees the exchange between his father and brother and can't stop a laugh from bubbling up. "Yes, Shouto, why are you even still here? Shouldn't you be attending to your new wife now?" The emphasis on attending leaves little doubt on what he means. "Maybe you need some help? I'd be glad to -"
There's a grunt of pain from Prince Touya as Prince Natsuo gives you an apologetic smile before pulling his brother away from the two of you. Princess Fuyumi smiles politely at the two of you, waving her goodbye as she moves to follow her brothers. Prince Shouto ignores them completely as he turns to you.
"My beautiful wife," Shouto murmurs in your ear, "don't you think it's time to retire to the bed chamber?" Your blood runs cold at his words. You did not consider yourself foolish, as you knew this would be coming. But you did not expect it to be quite so soon. Maybe you really are, you muse to yourself, if you genuinely believed that he would wait for you a moment longer than he had to.
"But what about the reception?" You try to pull him towards the crowd of people again in hopes that he will be distracted, but he does not budge. "Don't you want to mingle a bit more? I'm sure more people want to meet with us" He simply smirks at you as he interlocks his arm with yours and pulls you even further away from the party-goers. "You heard my father. He all but dismissed me. And even if he hadn't - I don't care," he shrugs.
"All I want is you right now." You give up trying to pull away, realizing there is no use when he is so determined, and simply let yourself be guided away from the Grand Hall and down multiple winding hallways.  He walks so confidently through them, knowing them like the back of his hand, and you soon find yourself standing outside of a massive, ornate red and white door inlaid with gold trim.
Prince Shouto's quarters. And now your quarter as well.
He pushes open the door smoothly before ushering you inside, locking the door behind him and wasting no time pulling you in for a heated kiss. He's possessive and dominating, devouring your mouth and massaging your tongue with his own. He reaches around to grab your ass, pulling you even closer into him and grinding his hips against your own.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment, my wife," he sighs wistfully. "I have wanted you for so long, and now you're all mine."
He kisses down your jawline, licking and biting at the skin and sucking hard on your pulse point, hard enough that you know it'll leave a bruise. Your heartbeat is frantic as he continues to lick at your skin, trailing his tongue down the column of your neck.
He reluctantly pulls away from you, leading you further into the bed chambers and twirling you around so that he can begin unhooking your wedding dress. He struggles briefly with the complicated fastenings and buttons that make up the dress, and you can't stop a soft laugh.
"Do you need to call someone in and help with that?" You snark at him. "I was told it was rather difficult to get me into it."
Shouto lets out a small growl as you feel a flash of heat against your back, and a ripping sound as he pulls apart the now burnt ribbons and begins to slide your dress down.
"Do you know how expensive that thing was," you say in a shocked tone. From what you could tell, that dress was worth several years of salary from your whole kingdom, let alone your family.
"I'll buy you another dress, hell I'll buy you ten more dresses. But right now, I need to see you." He trails his hot fingertips down your now bare back, causing you to shiver and goosebumps to rise as he follows them up with cold. "I need to be inside of you, wife," he whispers seductively into your ear, and you can't stop the bolt of lust that runs through you.
He chuckles as he feels you tremble, pulling your dress down to the floor and coaxes you into stepping out of it. You stand in only your wedding lingerie, a fancy white ensemble that does nothing to cover your assets. He bites his lip and lets out a low groan as he takes in your appearance before lifting you up and gently placing you on the bed.
"God, you're even more beautiful than I imagined," he murmurs as he runs his hands up your sides. He steals another kiss before making his way down your body, kissing every inch of your heated skin until he makes his way to your breasts. He unhooks your bra with relative ease compared to the dress and wastes no time kneading the soft flesh there. He presses a nipple between two fingers, causing you to let out a soft gasp as he takes the other nipple into his mouth. He applies just the right amount of suction as he laps at you and works them into hardness.
You feel your panties begin to get wet, your skin feeling like it's on fire as he works your body like he already knows it. A finger slips underneath your panties as he traces a cold finger across your folds, causing you to buck away from the sudden sensation. He laughs as he slides down you, ripping your panties apart as if he can't even be bothered to waste time removing them.
"I'm going to make you feel so good, princess." He pushes your thighs apart as he examines you, causing you to burn with embarrassment and try to close your legs. He grips your thighs just a shade too roughly, nails digging into your skin as he snarls. "Don't ever hide yourself from me."
You give a quick nod as you slowly reopen your legs, and he slots himself in between them as he teases your folds with two fingers. "Fuck, you taste so good," he groans when he leans in to lick a wet stripe up them, beginning to devour your juices like a man starved.
You instinctively try to squirm away, the feeling so utterly foreign to you. But Shouto simply tightens his grip on your thighs again, hard enough to bruise as he growls at you. "Stay put, princess. You don't want me to have to tie you down, now do you?"
"N-n-no," you stutter, although whether it's in embarrassment or excitement, even you can't tell. "I'll be good."
He grins at your submissive reply before diving back in between your legs, lapping at your folds before spreading them open with one hand. He attaches himself to your clit, and you throw your head back at the intense sensations running through your body. You have never felt this good, never had anyone touch you so intimately. You reach down to tangle your fingers into his hair, bucking your hips up towards his hungry mouth.
He chuckles at your eagerness, the vibration of it only adding to your pleasure as you feel something building up inside of you. "Shouto, please," you groan, "don't stop, it feels so good."
He slips a finger inside your tight heat at your words, curling it upwards to press against your wet insides. You can't contain your gasps of pleasure, hand tightening against his hair even harder as you try to ground yourself.
Shouto doesn't seem to mind, choosing to suckle even harder on your clit while adding another finger and scissoring you apart at the same time. You realize with a flash of arousal that goes straight to your pussy that he's practically humping the bed as he eats you out, groaning at the friction against his rock hard cock.
The sight of it causes the pressure inside you to finally snap, tearing a moan of pleasure from your throat as you clench down around his fingers. He doesn't stop at your orgasm, continuing to thrust his fingers inside of you as he finds a spot that has you screaming out your pleasure to the room. You're overwhelmed by how good it feels, your first orgasm quickly followed up by your second as your body quivers. Your pussy gushes around Shouto's ruthless fingers, but you can't bring yourself to feel ashamed when he simply continues to lap up your juices as they squirt out of you.
You collapse fully back against the bed, unable to stop the shaking from the aftershocks of your orgasm. Shouto finally removes his fingers, pulling away to smirk down at your blissed out look as he licks his fingers clean. You briefly wonder if he expects you to return the favor, and you find yourself asking the question before you can stop yourself. "Do you - I mean, do I need -"
Even though you can't bring yourself to finish the question, he understands your meaning anyway. "As much as I'd love your mouth on my cock, I'd much rather be inside of you already."
He quickly begins to undress, tearing clothes off when he can't remove them fast enough. His urgency has your pussy clenching, and you do nothing but watch until he stands in front of you completely naked. You can barely stop drooling as you take in his form. He is more muscular than you expected under his clothes, with very little body hair covering his chest. You trail your eyes lower until you see his cock, long, girthy, and already fully erect. "Like what you see, princess?" He laughs as he takes his cock into his hand, smearing the bead of precum at the head and using it to pump his length. He crawls up your body until he's straddling you, grabbing your neck lightly and using it to pull you up into another kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and it only fans your desire even more.
You feel his cockhead prod at your entrance, and your eyes widen as you feel how thick he truly is and realize that's about to be inside of you. "Wait," you stammer, "please go easy."
"I know it's your first time, so I'll go gentle," he smiles down at you, looking softer than you would expect. But then his smile turns up into a smirk. "At first, anyway."
At that, he begins to press slowly into you, inch by agonizing inch. Even though your pussy is soaking wet and he prepped you, the stretch still burns as he slides past the tight outer ring of your muscles. You whimper in pain, a tear running down your face that he kisses away as he shushes you. "It'll only hurt at first, I promise," he comforts you, reaching down in between your bodies to rub his thumb on your clit to distract you from the pain.
Finally, he's sheathed fully inside of you, balls pressing against your backside as he stills to let you adjust to his size. Your walls feel so tight around his cock, and he's barely able to contain himself from instantly pounding into you. But he wants this to feel good for you too, so he continues to rub tight circles on your clit, causing you to pant and clench down around him.
The stretch of your walls around his thickness no longer burns quite as severely, and you already want more. "I think, ahh, I think I'm ready," you manage to gasp out.
He doesn't question you further, choosing to take you at your word as he begins to finally move. His length drags against your sensitive walls, allowing you to feel every vein and ridge on his cock. It only increases your pleasure as he sets a slow but hard pace, pulling almost entirely out of you before thrusting all the way back inside.
"Finally," he moans, "finally you're truly mine." He grabs your legs and traps them against his body, lifting your hips so that he can fuck down into you. Your ankles are resting against his shoulders as he pins you down with his body. "I'm going to fill this pussy up with my cum."
You don't consider the implication of his words immediately, too distracted by how deep he is inside your aching pussy in this new position. But that quickly changes as words begin to spill from his mouth as his pace increases.
"God, I can't wait to see how big and swollen you look when you're pregnant with our baby. You're going to look radiant." His moans get louder and his thrusts get quicker inside of you. "I'll pump you so full of cum, every single night until you're finally knocked up."
Your eyes widen in fear as the impact of his words hit you. You are not ignorant. You knew that there would have to be the eventual talk of children. But you were naive in thinking there would be a discussion, maybe even a way out of it. You had no idea that he already intended for you to be pregnant.
"Wait, wait," you fumble with the right words, "not yet, we don't have to do this yet." You try to reason with him, but when he adjusts his angle to thrust against a spot inside you that has you seeing stars, you find yourself unable to think of anything at all. The thickest vein running down his length presses against that spot, grinding against it as he pounds into your pussy so hard that your breasts bounce.
"Going to be so full of cum that it spills out of your pretty little pussy, ahh, fuck you feel so good," his grunts are bordering on primal now. You try to move, plant your legs into the mattress, and get away enough so that he doesn't cum inside you, but he simply presses down even harder on your body. The weight of him against you has you gasping for air, the lightheadedness as you try to suck in air only increasing the intensity of your pleasure.
His rhythm becomes erratic as he nears his end, thumb grinding down hard onto your throbbing bead as he seeks to make you cum alongside him. "Ahh, Shouto, please," you whimper as you throw your head from side to side, toes beginning to curl as the pressure inside you continues to build up.
Finally, he thrusts himself as deeply as he can, pressing hard against your cervix as you feel thick ropes of cum shooting inside of you. He groans into your ear as you feel his cock pulsing inside of you. You can't stop your orgasm, pussy clenching hard against his cock. Your fluttering walls seem to suck his cum even deeper inside of you, and the position you're pinned in lets not a single drop slide out of you.
Shouto smiles down at you as you come down from your orgasmic high, both of you panting and sweaty. "Shh, you were so good for me, princess," he coos gentle words at you as he kisses away tears that you didn't even realize were there. He uses his cold hand to trail along your skin that still feels like it's on fire, cooling you down as he holds you tightly against his body.
You squirm to get out from under him, but he instantly stops you. "No, we're going to stay just a bit longer like this. Can't have any of my cum slipping out."
You can't seem to stop shaking, the reality of your situation finally hitting you hard. "Shouto," you whisper, "can I ask you something? And get an honest answer?"
"Anything, my wife," he murmurs as he plays with your hair and continues to cool you down with his hand. "I will never lie to you."
You're afraid to know the answer to this question, not even sure if you want a yes or a no. But you have to ask it anyway. "Do you - "you swallow hard, "do you actually love me? Or did you simply want a wife and children, and it didn't necessarily matter who with?"
You feel a moment of satisfaction as you see him look surprised for the first time. But that satisfaction is quickly squashed when you see his face fall, looking desperately crushed at your question. "Of course I love you," he whispers in a pained voice, "and I have always loved you. This was never just about a wife and children. This was about having you as my wife, and having children with you." He pauses for a second before adding, "You're going to be such a great mother, you know. And a great queen to stand by my side."
You close your eyes as you begin to tremble at his response, unsure if the emotion overcoming you is relief or not. Unsure if you'll ever be able to reciprocate his feelings, or if you already do and just won't admit it even to yourself. Unsure if you're ready to become a mother, to become Queen, to become Shouto's one and only.
But you are sure of one thing.
To a caged dove, none of that matters.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tags: @burnedbyshoto, @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @ttamaki, @lildreamer93, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @togasknifes, @kingtamakimurder, @1-800-callmekatsuki, @league-of-thots, @bakugotrashpanda, @engel-hageshii, @hoefortodo, @mhafanfics19, @daringbanshee, @otaku-explosion, @hellomary16, @vanillaicebaby, @theravencawsatmidnight, @universaltys​, @simixchan​, @crackhead1-800​, @acehyacinth​, @ererokii​, @la-lay​, @hadesnewpersephone​
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1plus1kiyoomi · 3 years
Chapter 19: ILYSB
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You drive to the farm and see Kita’s truck already parked. Getting out of the car, you see Kita smile at you. Quickly, you run to him then give him a hug. The only light source you have is that one beanpole, the stars and the moon, but Kita is shining as always. “Alisa is going to kill me for meeting you here.”
“Atsumu warned me so many times not to see you, too,” Kita chuckles, embracing you tightly. “It felt so wrong not seeing you for a day.”
“Save that for later,” you warn him, putting a finger over his lips. Kita wants to tell you so many things but you’re right, he should save it for your wedding vows. “I know we’re already married but actually having the wedding feels like I’m getting married again.”
“I’ll marry you everyday if you want,” Kita tells you, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. “Can we practice our first dance? I’m nervous.”
You put your hands together and you lead the dance, guiding him all throughout. “It feels weird without the music,” you comment and Kita just hums.
“Mad cool in all my clothes, mad warm when you get close to me...” He starts so you stop dancing in surprise. He pulls your hand just like in the choreography you both have learned, and this time he’s the one who leads. You are too mesmerized by his voice that it’s all you can think about.
“Slow dance these summer nights. Our disco ball’s my kitchen light,” he continues to sing, and you just smile at him. Even his voice is perfect. What can he not do? You can’t believe that you are serenaded by the one and only Kita Shinsuke.
Seeing the smile on your face, Kita forgets the dance and cups your cheek, allowing your bodies to sway freely. “And you need to know, that nobody can take your place. And you need to know that I’m hella obsessed with your face... your face.” He kisses your nose so you giggle.
Kita places his forehead over yours, hands still on your cheeks, eyes closed with a contented smile on your lips. “Oh my heart hurts so good. I love you, babe, so bad, so bad.”
“I love you, too, so, so, so bad,” you reply, wrapping your arms around his waist. Kita’s eyelids flutter open and he stares you lovingly before pulling you in for a kiss.
“See you later, my bride.”
Kita is finally wearing the 3-piece grey suit with the help of his groomsmen, aka the Inarizaki Volleyball Team. “I’m nervous,” he tells them with his usual face.
Kita has never felt nervous, but right now, he’s excitedly anxious for unknown reasons. You both love each other and he knows that nothing can go wrong at your wedding, because he made sure of that. He double checked everything even before today, so why is he nervous?
Aran groans, “at least show your nervousness! You still look like you don’t care!” Kita raises his trembling hands and his friends start laughing.
“Did you not practice enough?” Omimi asks.
“I have been practicing my vows since we got back together but I’m still nervous,” Kita admits and everyone else smiles because of his honesty.
Osamu, then, hands Kita a shot of alcohol, confusing the groom so much. “Take a shot for confidence.” Kita’s eyes waver in uncertainty, but takes the shot anyways. He won’t get drunk from one single shot, and he’s willing to do anything that will get rid of the new feeling he has never felt before.
“I think I’m nervous about the dance we’re going to do,” Kita explains.
“Now that you’ve mentioned it, I’m nervous, too,” Aran speaks, staring blankly at the wall. “Whose idea is the surprise dance anyways?”
“It’s Atsumu’s of course,” Suna answers, rolling his eyes.
“It’s all over Youtube! (Y/N) would be so happy if we do it!” Atsumu says with confidence. Kita suddenly lets out a loud shout, silencing the room.
“I’m not angry. I’m just letting out my anxiety,” Kita explains, and the team just sighs in relief.
They hear scratches from the suite’s door so Gin opens opens to see what it is. Rice walks in the room, carrying a paper bag in his mouth. He is wearing a dog suit that is similiar with Kita’s, causing the boys in the room to awe and coo at him.
“Hi, boy! What’s that?” Kita asks the small dog, taking the small paper bag from his mouth. Rice sits in front of him and wags his tail, waiting for Kita to open the box. “Oh, it’s a gift from your mom.”
“Is this how he usually talks with Rice?” Suna asks Osamu, completely new to the scenario in front of him. He has only imagined Kita baby talking with his pet in high school, and this is way better than his imagination allowed.
“Yes. He treats him like his child,” Osamu answers while they stare at the father-son (dog) duo.
Kita pets Rice’s head before opening the bag. He takes out the box that is in it and slowly opens it, painfully making everyone else in the room wait in anticipation. It’s a luxurious watch. He hates it when you give him expensive gifts, but today he’ll let it pass since it’s your wedding. He reads the message on card and snort unknowingly.
When im eighty, I'll look back on three big things in my life: getting married, having kids and the first time I laid eyes on you.
Kita takes a small gift bag from his bag and let’s Rice bite on the string as well. “Give this to your mom.” He orders Rice and the dog leaves the room to go back to yours.
At the bridal suite, only you and your Nekoma friends are in there. Alisa is doing your makeup while the boys are just chilling and talking at the couch. They’re giving unnecessary comments here and there about your wedding ceremony and reception. Like how you will trip while walking down the aisle, or how you will cry so hard during the wedding vow that you Kita won’t be able to understand. Your friends are crazy, but they’re the ones who stuck with you through thick and thin.
“Rice is back,” Lev mentions as he opens the door for the dog. Your pet sits next to your chair, looking up to you to present the gift in his mouth. You pat his head and take the bag from him. He then jumps on your lap to nap.
You open the bag excitedly and see a necklace designed like a leaf branch made of diamonds and white diamond. You stop yourself from crying, not wanting Alisa to start your makeup all over agin. You put it on and check yourself at the mirror. Then, you realize that there is also a small card that came along with the necklace.
You are my favorite plant. I will water you everyday with my love. I will make sure that you have enough sunlight through making you happy. I will take care of you until we’re old and withered.
Kuroo’s wife enters the suite, causing Kuroo to keep quiet. You eye your friend teasingingly so he rolls his eyes at you. His wife is your wedding planner and organization so she has come in the room to check up on you. She doesn’t even spare a glance at Kuroo.
“It’s time to put on your wedding dress,” she tells you as she carries out your dress from the wardrobe. It’s a simple dress, something you never thought you’d wear in your wedding.
Ever since you were little, your idea of your wedding was for it to be glamorous and extravagant since it’s the only kind of wedding you have been attending since you were little. You had always imagined wearing a big ball gown dress with all the Swarovski crystals in can hold. It is the opposite of your wedding that is about to take place.
You only have around 75 guests, consisting of your closest friends and family. The wedding will take place in a small garden so you can be surrounded with plants that Kita loves so much. Your dress? It’s a an a-line dress with a square neckline and low back. It’s made charmeuse fabric and that alone. No lace, no crystals, no anything. It’s a plain simple dress that you know Kita will love.
Everyone else would say that a woman’s wedding is her wedding day, but that’s not Kuroo’s wife, your wedding planner, told you. She said, and you will never forget.
“A wedding is not a woman’s or a man’s happiest day, it’s supposed to be a day where married couples look back on and then remember why they said, ���I do.’ It’s a special day they share as a couple and not as individuals.”
So you throw all your imaginations and fantasies out of the window and thought of Kita, and him alone, while designing your dress. It’s both yours and Kita’s day. But you’re willing to take an extra mile to make him happy, to make him say, “I do” with all his heart.
You are in the bathroom suite with Kuroo’s wife since Alisa is too anxious to dress you up. The guys obviously can’t help you. You take your robe off and Kuroo’s wife helps you slip on to the dress, but she stops midway when she sees your slightly protruding stomach. She looks at you in shock and you just put a finger over your lips.
“It’s a surprise,” you tell her and she nods.
“Congratulations,” she says to you, and you grin widely.
Yes, you’re pregnant. After trying for a very long time, you’re finally carrying another Kita. In fact, you have been pregnant for two months but just found out a week ago. You wanted to tell Kita immediately but you thought that it’d be best to tell him during your wedding vow for that extra tear jerking scene.
Certainly, Kita will never forget your wedding day.
“We come now to the words Shinsuke and (Y/N) want to hear the most today. Before you say your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your intention to be married today,” your officiant starts so you and Kita face each other.
“Kita Shinsuke, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to (L/N) (F/N) in marriage?”
“I do.”
“(L/N) (F/N), do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Kita Shinsuke in marriage?
“I do.”
“Shinsuke and (Y/N), having heard that it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows.”
Kita takes your hand in his and looks you straight in your eyes and you can see all the emotions from his orbs that his face isn’t revealing. He looks so calm yet his eyes are screaming that he’s excited and nervous at the same time.
“I see these vows not as promises but as privileges. I get to make you smile, hear you laugh. I can take care of you and share my everything with you. I get to wake up next to you every morning and sleep next to you every night. I get to witness at your every milestone and the breakdowns before that. I won’t promise that I will cherish you or honor you, because even without those promises, I will do it. Because being married to you is not a responsibility or a task; it’s a gift, a present. You don’t know how lucky I am to be able to call you my wife,” Kita starts and the guests are already sobbing and crying.
Atsumu is leaning on his twin brother’s shoulder, while the other twin is patting his back. Aran is crying as well, his handkerchief already wet from too much tears. But you don’t hear anything or anything except for the man who’s standing in front of you right now.
Kita takes a deep breath in before he continues, “I love you with my whole heart with a passion that can't be expressed in words, only in soft kisses, tight hugs, late night trips, stolen glances, and years of being by your side. You always tell me that I’m the best man in existence, but believe me when I say this, I am a better man because of you.”
You’re already crying at this point, his word piercing right through your heart, but you don’t feel the pain. It’s a feeling of mixed happiness and contentment that Kita has been giving you since the day you met him. But now it’s your turn to say your vows so you have to stop yourself from crying.
“Shinsuke...” you start and then cry again. You hear your friends’ laughters and giggles, so you chuckle in embarrassment. Kita gives your hand a slight squeeze so you take a deep breath in before attempting to say your vows again.
“When I first saw you, I knew I had to have you. A lot of people said that we’re not going to work out or that you’ll never like me back, but here we are now,” you laugh cockily, causing the guests to laugh as well. “Before I say anything that will make you cry, I just want to clarify that when I said, ‘I do,’ I didn’t mean the dishes. I promise with all my heart that I will continue to make our friends jealous of our astonishing relationship.”
“We get it! We’ll be single forever!” Yaku shouts so it’s laughter once again.
Kita is smiling at you lovingly even if you’re joking during your wedding vows. You clear your throat before starting to speak again, “You have made me the happiest woman in the world today by agreeing to share your life with me. I promise to respect you and honor you. I pledge to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days. Shinsuke, you are my every dream come true, and I can't wait for the reality we get to build together.”
You want to say it. You want to tell him that you’re pregnant. The words are already at the tip of your tongue but it doesn’t seem to want to slip out. The officiant starts to speak again but you don’t hear him. Your thoughts are clouded with regrets on why you didn’t tell your husband about your pregnancy.
“Your wedding ring are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites you two hearts in love,” the officiant says and Rice comes running to the two of you with the wedding rings placed in a small bag.
Rice is your best man. He’s been there since day 1 of your relationship and have been your mediator ever since. He’s a dog that represents your love and he deserves to have that special spot on your wedding day.
Kita slips in your wedding ring as he says, “I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.”
You take his hand this time and repeat his words. “I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.”
“It is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss,” the officiant declares so Kita takes your veil off to clearly reveal your face.
Your lips meet his. The kiss speaks a lot for the two of you since your lips are both sealed by each other’s. You can feel his promises from his lips and he can taste your sincerity from yours. It’s a kiss you’ll never forget.
The reception after the ceremony was a simple and short one yet also fun and memorable. The former Inarizaki Volleyball Team surprised you with a dance, a sexy one at that, and you blush just thinking about how hot your husband looked while dancing.
At the part where you had to throw the bouquet to the crowd, Kuroo’s wife caught it, so you and your friends were a laughing mess when that happened. Kuroo was so red even if he wasn’t the one who caught the bouquet.
It was perfect. Your wedding day was perfect. Everything went as planned except for your plan of telling him that you’re pregnant.
After the wedding reception, you head to your suite to finally rest and spend alone time with each other. Kita’s hands have never left your body ever since he got to hold it. His mouth would whisper sweet nothings in your ear. His eyes gazed at you every chance he got.
“I really love that dress on you,” Kita tells you as you are about to take off your wedding dress in front of the full body mirror in the room. He wraps his arms around you, his chin on your shoulder, his lips dangerously close to your neck.
“And I love that your hair is pushed back,” you reply, letting your hands fall on his forearms.
“Should I wear my hair like this everyday?” Kita asks and you shake your head immediately. “Why not?”
“I would die from too much handsomeness and hotness,” you answer without hesitance so he chuckles. “For real. You look amazing today. My heart may or may not have skipped a beat or two when you danced.”
“I could show you again,” he whispers into your ear seductively causing chills to run down your spine. “A special show only for you.”
“Baby,” you call him, changing the topic. He humms in response, his lips already attached to the skin of your exposed shoulder. “I have to tell you something important.”
“What is it?” He turns you around, then hugs you again. Tears start to roll down your cheeks so he gets worried. “Is something wrong?”
“No. Not all,” you tell him reassuringly but he doesn’t believe your words since you’re crying like a baby in front of him.
“Then why are you crying?” He wipes the tears on your cheeks with his thumb, worry visible in your eyes. It should be a happy day, why are you crying?
“I’m just glad that we finally had our married and that we will have an addition to our family,” you say subtly, hugging him tightly. Kita is frozen in his spot, did he understand your words right? Do you mean what he thinks you mean?
“What did you say?” He makes you repeat. You cup his cheeks and grin at him. You can see his tears at the brim of his eyes, and just one confirmation for you, the two of you will be crying in thankfulness and happiness the whole night.
“I’m pregnant.”
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evanescentjasmine · 4 years
I’m going to talk about a little pet peeve of mine with regard to portrayal of poc in fic, TMA specifically since that’s what I mostly read and write for. 
I suppose I should first start by saying that, of course, poc are not a monolith, and I’m certain there are other poc who have many different views on this issue. And also this post is in no way meant to demonise, shame, or otherwise discourage people from writing poc in fic if they’re doing something differently. This is just a thing I’ve been noodling on for a while and have had several interesting conversations with friends about, and now that I think I’ve figured out why I have this pet peeve, I figured I’d gather my thoughts into a post.
As a result of the fact we have no canonical racial, ethnic, or religious backgrounds for our main TMA cast, we’ve ended up with many diverse headcanons, and it’s absolutely lovely to see. I’m all for more diversity and I’m always delighted to see people’s headcanons. 
However, what often happens is I’ll be reading a fic and plodding along in a character’s PoV and get mention of their skin colour. And nothing else. I find this, personally, extremely jarring. In a short one-shot it makes sense, because you’re usually touching on one scenario and then dipping out. Likewise if the fic is in a different setting, is cracky, or is told from someone else’s PoV, that’s all fine. But if I’m reading a serious long-fic close in the poc’s head and...nothing? That’s just bizarre to me.
Your heritage, culture, religion, and background, all of those affect how you view the world, and how the world views you in return. How people treat you, how you carry yourself, what you’re conscious of, all of that shifts. And the weird thing is that many writers are aware of this when it comes to characters being ace or trans or neurodivergent—and I’m genuinely pleased by that, don’t get me wrong. Nothing has made my ace self happier than the casual aceness in TMA fics that often resonates so well with my experience. But just as gender, orientation, and neurodivergence change how a character interacts with their world, so do race, ethnicity, and religion. 
As a child, I spent a couple of years in England while my mother was getting her degree. Though I started using Arabic less and less, my mother still spoke to me almost exclusively in Arabic at home. We still ate romy cheese and molokhia and the right kind of rice, though we missed out on other things. She managed to get an Egyptian channel on TV somehow, which means I still grew up with different cultural touchstones and make pop-culture references that I can’t share with my non-Arabic-speaking friends. She also became friends with just about every Egyptian in her university, so for those years I had a bevy of unrelated Uncles and Aunties from cities all over Egypt, banding together to go on outings or celebrate our holidays.
As an adult who sometimes travels abroad solo, and as a fair-skinned Arab who’s fluent in English, usually in a Western country the most I’ll get is puzzled people trying to parse my accent and convinced someone in my family came from somewhere. When they hear my name, though, that shifts. I get things like surprise, passive-aggressive digs at my home region, weird questions, insistence I don’t look Egyptian (which, what does that even mean?) or the ever-popular, ever-irritating: Oh, your English is so good!
At airports, with my Egyptian passport, it’s less benign. I am very commonly taken aside for extra security, all of which I expect and am prepared for, and which always confuses foreign friends who insisted beforehand that surely they wouldn’t pull me aside. Unspoken is the fact I, y’know, don’t look like what they imagine a terrorist would. But I’m Arab and that’s how it goes, despite my, er, more “Western” leaning presentation. 
This would be an entirely different story if I were hijabi, or had darker skin, or a more pronounced accent. I am aware I’m absolutely awash with privilege. Likewise, it would be different if I had a non-Arab name and passport. 
So it’s slightly baffling to me as to why a Jon who is Pakistani or Indian or Arab and/or Black British would go through life the exact same way a white British character would. 
Now, I understand that race and ethnicity can be very fraught, and that many writers don’t want to step on toes or get things wrong or feel it isn’t their place to explore these things, and certainly I don’t think it’s a person’s place to explore The Struggles of X Background unless they also share said background. I’m not saying a fic should portray racism and microaggressions either (and if they do, please take care and tag them appropriately), but that past experiences of them would affect a character. A fic doesn’t have to be about the Arab Experience With Racism (™) to mention that, say, an Arab Jon headed to the airport in S3 for his world tour would have been very conscious to be as put together as he could, given the circumstances, and have all his things in order. 
And there’s so much more to us besides. What stories did your character grow up with? What language was spoken at home? Do they also speak it? If not, how do they feel about that? What are their comfort foods? Their family traditions? The things they do without thinking? The obscure pop-culture opinions they can’t even begin to explain? (Ask me about the crossover between Egyptian political comedy and cosmic horror sometime…)
I’m not saying you’ll always get it right. Hell, I’m not saying I always get it right either. I’m sure someone can read one of my fics and be like, “nope, this isn’t true to me!” And that’s okay. The important thing, for me, is trying.
Because here’s the thing. 
I want you to imagine reading a fic where I, a born and raised Egyptian, wrote white characters in, say, a suburb in the US as though they shared my personal experiences. It’s a multi-generational household, people of the same gender greet with a kiss on each cheek, lunch is the main meal, adults only move out when they get married, every older person they meet is Auntie or Uncle, every bathroom has a bidet, there’s a backdrop of Muslim assumptions and views of morality, and the characters discuss their Eid plans because, well, everyone celebrates Eid, obviously.
Weird, right? 
So why is this normal the other way around? 
Have you ever stopped to wonder why white (and often, especially American) experiences are considered the default? The universal inoffensive base on which the rest is built? 
Yes, I understand that writers are trying to be inoffensive and respectful of other backgrounds. But actually, I find the usual method of having the only difference be their skin colour or features pretty reductive. We’re more than just a paint job or a sprinkle of flavour to add on top of the default. Many of us have fundamentally different life experiences and ignoring this contributes to that assumption of your experience being universal. 
Yes, fic is supposed to be for fun and maybe you don’t want to have to think about all this, and I get that completely. I have all the respect in the world for writers who tag their TMA fics as an American AU, or who don’t mention anyone’s races. I get it. But when you have characters without a canonical race and you give them one, you’re making a decision, and I want you to think about it. 
Yes, this is a lot of research, but the internet is full of people talking about themselves and their experiences. Read their articles, read their blogs, read their twitter threads, watch their videos, see what they have to say and use it as a jumping-off point. I’m really fond of the Writing With Color blog, so if you’re not sure where to start I’d recommend giving them a look. 
Because writers outside of the Anglosphere already do this research in order to write in most fandoms. Writers of colour already put themselves in your shoes to write white characters. And frankly, given the amount of care that many white writers put into researching Britishisms, I don’t see why this can’t extend to other cultural differences as well.
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* 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
sentence starters based on jill mccorkle’s short story collection crash diet, from the story “departures”.  most of them have been changed to make them more ‘sentence starter friendly,’ namely in changing them from third-person to first-person.  change however necessary.
tw: death, especially that of a loved one, some nsfw, divorce
❝ i have been going places all alone for three years now - airports , shopping malls , fairs , political rallies , any place where i can be surrounded by people without having to interact with any of them. ❞
❝ why don’t you watch tv ? ❞
❝ it’s not healthy , all this time alone. ❞
❝ why are you punishing yourself ? ❞
❝ nobody even uses that word in front of a widow - intercourse. ❞
❝ punishment was that day three years ago when i got the call that [name] had died. ❞
❝ i keep wanting to remove the old dull toys and replace them with fluffy pastel bears and cats. ❞
❝ little did i know , the right man was still married at the time. ❞
❝ i knew i’d find somebody eventually ; you know , somebody who could be a father figure , not of course that i think a father figure is important.  they aren’t.  men are not always necessary. ❞
❝ can you imagine ?  the gall.  the poor taste. ❞
❝ they talked a lot about how [name] had the most sense.  how he was the caring child. ❞
❝ how dare you ask to bring such a trollop to my house when we still haven’t gotten over your divorce ? ❞
❝ it was the lousiest thanksgiving known to man. ❞
❝ well , i’m no grace kelly. ❞
❝ imagine getting dressed up like that at the beach. ❞
❝ maybe they’re vampires. ❞
❝ maybe they’re spying on us right now. ❞
❝ they don’t want us to meet because then we’ll all just have ordinary boring vacations. ❞
❝ it’s not so boring.  i love doing nothing. ❞
❝ we had been careless , wild , and reckless , thinking that if something did happen we’d deal with it later. ❞
❝ disappointed ? ❞
❝ they deserve better , don’t they ? ❞
❝ maybe they’re happy.  what do we know ? ❞
❝ i have gotten used to the largeness of the bed , the quiet ticking of the clocks that his snores and breathing had always hidden. ❞
❝ i come to loud public places to absorb the emotions. ❞
❝ what do you miss most about [name] ?  what would be your pick of a day if you could have ? ❞
❝ [name] says i can just keep searching until i find the perfect service , no matter the cost , isn’t he wonderful ? ❞
❝ when you said you had spaghetti , i thought you meant real spaghetti. ❞
❝ [name] and i would go after each other like crazed rabbits and we wouldn’t stop until we fell out with exhaustion. ❞
❝ if chef boyardee is not good enough , then you’ll have to do your own shopping and cooking. ❞
❝ this was carved by a reformed alcoholic who is serving a life sentence for murdering his wife , mother , and child. ❞
❝ he has found religion and sees his art as a manifestation of his cleansed soul.  he is a new man. ❞
❝ imagine , writing to tell me such a thing. ❞
❝ that’s not so much for her to ask. ❞
❝ what is it you’re looking for ? ❞
❝ what happened to the normal child ? ❞
❝ i keep asking the question and wishing [name] could answer. ❞
❝ i am convinced i can live with just about anything.  it’s what i can’t live without that poses a problem. ❞
❝ [name] left her.  she’s all alone.  he ran off with his very young secretary and where does that leave her ? ❞
❝ i think he died. ❞
❝ yeah , he died all right.  she’s too peaceful for him not to be.  if he’d just left her she’d be furious , breaking things , screaming for the lawyers.  he died all right. ❞
❝ in my worst scenarios , tragedy came to us from beyond the boundaries and frames of our every day lives : a car running a red light , an airplane engine dying , a stray bomb planted in a building where we happened to be visiting , a lunatic with a submachine gun in a fast-food chain.  but instead it came from within , a heart that had never threatened anything except too much love , a fragile , easily broken organ. ❞
❝ ‘ see you tonight , honey. ’  that’s the last thing [name] said. ❞
❝ people are lined up to catch a glimpse. ❞
❝ i worry about [name].  i just don’t think he seems satisfied. ❞
❝ son , i’ve got to tell you , i’ve never been able to pass a bar. ❞
❝ i hope that test is all that’s bugging him. ❞
❝ he’ll be home soon. ❞
❝ see you tonight , honey. ❞
❝ i think now that [name] was onto [name].  he always seemed to know things. ❞
❝ this [name] fellow wants a woman in the house.  i can tell.  it may take a dozen children and shackles but he’ll find a way. ❞
❝ sometimes it makes me mad that he knew so damn much. ❞
❝ i got tired of listening to what was going on in their lives.  i wanted my own life.  real or not , i wanted to be a part of something that was of my own design. ❞
❝ how can you just stand there ?  how can you be at peace ? ❞
❝ but why are you at the airport ? ❞
❝ people shouldn’t ask so many questions so close to the holidays. ❞
❝ why don’t you get interested in a continuing program ? ❞
❝ you’d be great at the soup kitchen , a breath of life for the down and out. ❞
❝ and who will give me a breath ? ❞
❝ they don’t want me to talk about [name] anymore.  they don’t want me to talk about how he looked in the casket. ❞
❝ he looked okay , but his mouth was wrong.  [name] never held his mouth that way a day in his life. ❞
❝ i want to slap her , to shake her , to tell her for godssakes get a divorce. ❞
❝ don’t tell me what loneliness means.  don’t you even try. ❞
❝ some nights i can’t sleep because my mind flashes picture after picture , like slides. ❞
❝ the last time i was here i witnessed a scene involving a lost child. ❞
❝ we want you to be happy , [name].  nothing more. ❞
❝ i would not have thought to remind myself how fragile it all is , fragile and precious. ❞
❝ can you believe this ? ❞
❝ can you image a parent not keeping a better watch ? ❞
❝ oh god , there you are ! ❞
❝ my husband thought i had her.  i thought she was with him. ❞
❝ sometimes i imagine that i will turn in a crowded place and see him there , that we will reach each other with a babbling of how it was all a misunderstanding , that he didn’t really die. ❞
❝ you can’t leave your heart nowhere.  you’d die. ❞
❝ that’s true , you’d die without your heart. ❞
❝ what’s a cable car ? ❞
❝ i thought i’d never get here. ❞
❝ you have such a morbid mind , sweetheart. ❞
❝ everywhere i look , there is the message : life is fragile , so very fragile. ❞
❝ i guess your person missed the flight. ❞
❝ i hope you have a good trip. ❞
❝ they are parent and child - family. ❞
❝ now i feel like a ghost , like someone haunting someone else’s life. ❞
❝ there are details i will forget and need to reinvent in a simpler , gentler way. ❞
❝ i will bake a chocolate cake so big and so rich that everyone will need to lie down right after dinner. ❞
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smallblip · 3 years
A quick prompt @luanabonn and I came up with seeing this TOTALLY CANON scene of Levi bathing Hange in this hilarious animatic video (the best part is obviously from 0:17-0:25)
Imagine the first time the vets walked in on Levi bathing Hange and Erwin would probably just facepalm or start rubbing his temples like "Geeez guys, really?". Mike would be like "Called it!" and high five Nana. Poor Moblit would probably just freez cause he's traumatized for life 😂
Years later when the 104th kids walk into the same scenario, Levihan would legit try to normalize it 😂 I see Levi saying something like "What are you looking at, brats? This is perfectly normal. I've been doing this for years now, okay?" and Hange would say "yeah... It's surely not like we're dating or something like that...ha ha ha... not at all"
And the kids be like "Yeah we know you're not dating... Because you're already married... Mom & Dad" ❤️
Yasssss my bbs💖 @hanjo-love @luanabonn thank you both💖 I love this!
Also thank you for the video it was GREAT.
Two sides, same goddamn coin
“Erwin... Why are you standing out on the corridor?” Mike asks on the way back to his room. It’s late. There’s no reason for Erwin to be standing back against his door, looking absolutely resigned.
Nanaba peeks from behind Mike, “hey boys, what’s the commotion about?”
Moblit is with Nanaba, both deciding to search the male dorms for Hanji who has seemingly disappeared into thin air.
Tumblr media
“Hanji and Levi are in my bath...” Erwin exhales a sigh, eyes shut, fingers rubbing his temples.
“What do you mean?” Mike says carefully. At this point, Moblit just looks like he’s seen a ghost. Abort abort! It’s okay Nanaba I’ll look for Hanji buntaicho another time! It’s not that urgent! Nothing is that urgent! But Moblit knows it’s too late. He knows where this is all going. He’s part of their little game now.
“I mean...” Erwin gives them ‘that look’, the one they always give one another when Levi and Hanji are being insufferable, “they are in my bath... Bathing... Together...”
Mike and Nanaba freeze for a second.
It’s only a split second and soon they’re pushing past Erwin and dashing in his room.
“Wait-“ Erwin and Moblit in a hushed whisper. But soon the three of them are standing outside his bathroom door.
Laughter streams through from the other side of the door.
“Oh my god...” Nanaba gasps, “what’s going on?”
“Let’s weigh our options,” Mike suggests.
“On one hand, we get to see for ourselves, get to the bottom of this matter... You know... Investigate...” Erwin has his thinking face on.
“Investigate huh... That’s exactly what the tax payers pay us to do in the Survey Corps...” Mike says. Immediately it’s clear what his preference is.
“On the other hand...” Erwin continues, “Levi might murder us all...”
“A worthy death for a soldier...” Mike shrugs.
“Oh no... I really don’t think we should...” Moblit stutters. Nanaba notes that he is very sweaty.
Looks are exchanged and it has been decided. With a heavy hand, Erwin slams open the bathroom door.
There’s a scream that’s only stopped when Levi slaps his hand over Hanji’s mouth.
“What?” Levi snaps, as if they had been trespassing.
“You’re in my bath...” Erwin says, equally matter of fact.
“Your bath is the nicest...” Hanji offers.
“You’re in my bath... Together...” Erwin raises a brow.
“As Captain of the Survey Corps, you said it was my duty to supervise the cleanliness and hygiene of the soldiers,” Levi murmurs, sinking lower into the bubbles, hands coming to cover Hanji up. Absolute gentleman.
“This is a very unique means of supervision, Captain...” Erwin smirks.
“Whatever gets the job done, Commander...” Levi spits the last word.
Behind him, Mike and Nanaba high five. Finally. Some catharsis. They called it. They all called it. Levi and Hanji were a thing. This is absolute proof. No one can tell them otherwise now. Ha! Take that! Moblit has averted his eyes. Nothing in this world can compel him to look.
“Excuse me ladies...” Hanji clears her throat, shifting uncomfortably against Levi, “I am very naked, and to be honest with you, the water is starting to get cold... Soon I will be freezing my tits off... So could we please continue this at a more convenient time?”
“Whatever you say m’lady...” Erwin tips his imaginary hat.
“Fuck you...” Hanji narrows her eyes at him and mutters under her breath. Great. They can never use Erwin’s bath again. What alternatives are there? The cadet showers maybe? The piping is really new there, that means there’s a whole lot of hot water. Probably not. They don’t need a part two of this happening.
“Hanji san! We need to seek approval for-“
Everyone’s jaw is agape. Armin’s hands have flown to cover his face, “my virgin eyes...” he’s murmuring repeatedly.
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“Why wouldn’t you close the bathroom door!” Sasha shouts accusatorily. Now the bunch of them are standing awkwardly in Hanji’s room, averting their gaze from the adjacent bath. Should they leave now? They really should. But there are forms that need filling.
“Why wouldn’t you guys knock!” Hanji retaliates.
“You always ask us not to!” Connie shoots back.
Oh, Hanji winces, she did in fact tell them to just enter because half the time she’s too engrossed in whatever it is she’s doing to hear.
“What the fuck do you want brats?” Levi has sunk all the way down the bath, the water now grazing his chin.
“We would like to seek permission from Hanji san to go to the town on Monday for supplies...” Armin pipes up, eyes still squeezed shut.
“Permission granted! Now go!” Levi shouts.
Sasha sees the opportunity and ceases it, “we would also like to request for the weekend off for recreational purposes! Sir!”
“Don’t push it Braus!” Levi snaps.
Darn it.
“Anything else? Or would you guys like to run through your entire schedules for the next two months with me while you’re at it? It’s not like I’m in the bath naked or anything ha-ha!” Hanji guffaws. It’s so painfully awkward her body literally cannot conjur anything rational to do. They have both slid so far down the tub that she’s practically lying atop Levi, his crotch against her butt making her blush up a storm.
“Why are you in the bath with Captain Levi?” Mikasa asks. Everyone stares at her.
“Mikasa!” Armin exclaims. They absolutely do not need more time in this tiny room with their two naked superiors.
“Hanji is filthy. I’m cleaning her. What’s abnormal about this situation?” Levi deadpans.
“I can’t reach my back! It’s a practical arrangement!” Hanji chuckles, “it’s not like we’re dating or anything!”
“My parents are married and they don’t even do this...” Sasha murmurs.
Jean has had enough. His face is so red he feels like he’ll die if he doesn’t stop this nonsense. This is a conversation that never needed to happen. “Permission to be dismissed from this conversation!”
“Fuck! Finally! Permission granted Jean!” Hanji says, throwing her hands up in despair.
Everyone shuffles out the door, and Armin bumps against the frame multiple times because his eyes are still shut. Levi and Hanji let out a collective sigh. Good lord Armin!
“Uh... Okay... Bye mom and dad...” Eren stutters, how does one leave this situation on a good note because this isn’t it, “I mean... Captain... Squad leader...” he gathers his jaw from where it has hit the ground and leaves with the others.
Hanji laughs awkwardly and turns to Levi, “remember when Erwin and the others saw-“
Levi’s face is red, and the blush has now spread to his neck. Thankfully the kids are gone. Another moment longer and most of the bubbles would have popped. He tsks and cuts Hanji off, “I would very much not like to remember that... Or this...”
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omgjasminesimone · 3 years
Life Goes On
Dakota x MC
Word Count: ~2,300
Now with Follow-Up, The Moments in Between
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She doesn’t want to say anything, but eventually she has to. After all, they’re Prom Royalty tonight. There’s no way their absence from the Edenbrook Prom hasn’t been noticed by now.
“Should we head back down there?” Sage asks quietly, breaking the comfortable silence between the pair.
Dakota’s index finger momentarily pauses in its absent-minded tracing of stars, hearts, and what Sage surmises must be ghosts, based on the wavy lines at the bottom, on her bare back. He restarts the invisible drawings on her hip before he finally replies. “Honestly, I just want to stay up here with my incredible girlfriend. Let’s never leave this bed.”
Sage smiles, lifting her head from where it was tucked under his chin. “That offer would be much more appealing if this was a Queen instead of a hospital bed.”  
Dakota laughs, and Sage smiles at her unending ability to make him do that, further entwining her legs with his. She’s no longer worried about what the other prom attendees are thinking about their absence as the teens fall into another comfortable silence.
“That was amazing, Teach.” Dakota eventually says, his lips pressed gently against her forehead. “Thanks for taking that one off my bucket list.”
Sage looks up at him, placing a quick peck to his lips. “I was more than happy to help you get the full Senior Prom Night experience.” She admits when she pulls away.
Dakota smiles at her, but it doesn’t quite meet his eyes. Her brow furrows. “What?”
“….This is probably the worst time to bring this up…..” Dakota begins before trailing off as he looks at her uncertainly.
“What, Dakota? You know you can tell me anything, right?”
His eyes dart to their scattered clothes on the sterile hospital floor before he’s able to meet her sincere gaze. “Can we….talk about death for a second?” Dakota asks.
His penetrating brown eyes bore into her own, and she can only nod.
“Lately, I’ve been thinking about death, a lot.” He begins.
“Why? Are you not feeling well? Do you need to go back to the ICU? Dakota! Why did you go to prom and risk your immune system if you weren’t feeling well?!” Sage asks frantically. She reaches down to the ground for her discarded dress. “I’m gonna find the oncologist…” She mutters distractedly.
“Hey, hey!” He firmly grips her shoulder, his grip firmer than it has been for months now. That calms her a little, and she lets him roll her back over to face him. “Slow down a minute, Sage. I feel…fine. It’s just, …who knows how I’ll feel tomorrow? Or the next day. And we haven’t really talked much about this, so…I don’t know…no time like the present?”
The frantic beating of her heart calms further at his assurances that he doesn’t feel unwell. “Okay, let’s talk about it.” She says, even though that’s the last thing she wants to talk about as she lies naked in his arms.  
“Okay. First off, I just want you to know I’m okay with dying. I had 19 good years, that’s more than a lot of people get. I have family and friends who love me.” He pauses here, leaning forward to place a lingering kiss to her lips. “I have you. That’s a pretty fulfilling life right there.”
“Dakota…” Sage whispers, voice already breaking.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m going to be okay. No matter what happens. But….I worry about what happens to everyone else after I’m gone.” Dakota admits.
“That’s so like you. Concerned about everyone else. You’re such a good person, Dakota.” The kind of person who should live to old age, the kind of person who makes the world a better place. Life can be so unfair, but Sage keeps that thought to herself.
“I can’t help but worry. A lot of marriages don’t survive the loss of a child, you know. My parents’ whole lives revolve around me. They upended everything to move to Boston to get me the best medical care. They left their friends, and family. I just…..don’t want them to stop living if I do. Does that make sense?”
Sage nods, intertwining her fingers with his under the thin hospital blanket.
“If I’m gone, will you check on them for me? Not, like, all the time or anything. But just….stop by to visit if you’re in town? I think it would help them, to see you achieve all the life landmarks I don’t get to. Graduating college, getting your first real job,…getting married….” Dakota trails off as tears well in her eyes. “Teach…..”
Sage shakes her head. “I’m okay.” Dakota looks unconvinced, so she forces a smile. “I promise I’m okay. And of course I’d visit, and call when I’m out of town.”
“Thank you.” He says with so much gratitude Sage almost bursts into tears immediately. “Alright, so the other people I worry about are Lennox and Mateo. We’ve been the three musketeers for so long, it wouldn’t be the same with just two. So, I’m gonna need you to keep the gang together.”
“Of course I’d still talk to your best friends Dakota. You don’t even have to ask that.” Sage admonishes.
“They’re your friends too now. Don’t forget that. And as their friend…..please don’t let them wallow in survivor’s guilt, okay? I don’t want them to feel guilty for getting to live in case I don’t. I’m honestly so happy that they’re better, that they’re healthy. Don’t let them forget that, alright?”
“Alright.” Sage parrots miserably. She didn’t know this conversation would be so hard. And if just talking about it is this hard, she can’t imagine actually living it. There’s no way she’s strong enough to do that.
“Okay, so that just leaves one more person I’m a little worried about.” Dakota continues. He brushes away a tear that’s sliding down her face toward his pillow. “You, Teach.”
“If you’re so worried, then don’t leave me.” Sage tries to joke, but now she’s full-on sobbing so it falls flat.
Dakota smiles softly anyway though, pressing another lingering kiss to her lips. She tries not to think about how many kisses, how much time, they have left. “I’m going to try my absolute hardest not to, beautiful…..but if I do….I want you to move on. I want you to get married, and have babies, and live your life to the absolute fullest. And I don’t want you to feel guilty about it for even a second, do you hear me?”
“How can you ask me to do that? Of course I would feel guilty. When I think about walking down the aisle, it’s you I’m picturing standing beside the priest. And when I think about starting a family, I picture a little girl with your eyes, or a baby boy with your smile. I can promise you I’ll settle for someone else if that’s what you want to hear, but I’m always going to love you. Present tense. Forever. And some guy would just have to settle for being second best. That wouldn’t be fair to him.”
Dakota smiles sadly. “You’re young. Right now, everything feels like it’s the end of the world. But ten years from now? You’ll barely remember me, Teach. Life goes on. You’ll love again. I know it. And I want you to.”
“You’re not forgettable Dakota. You’re extraordinary. You changed me, and even if you’re not here, even if life goes on, you’ll go on with me. I’ll think about you every day.” Sage swears.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Sage.” Dakota says, tone full of forced levity.
“I’m not.” Sage insists.
“That is something I worry about, you know. Something most people who are dying worry about. Being forgotten. Just…ceasing to exist, disappearing off the face of the Earth.” Dakota admits.
“That’s not going to happen to you. Me, your parents, Lennox, Mateo? We wouldn’t let you just…fade away. We love you. I love you. Present tense. Remember?”
Dakota smiles, and as usual, her heart flutters. “I love you too Sage. So much.”
“…can we talk about something happy now? I think I cried off all my makeup.” Sage rubs under her eyes, and that’s definitely smeared mascara coating her fingers.
“One more thing. I want to ask you for a favor.” Dakota adds.
“Name it.”
“Will you name your first born after me? A namesake, so I’m not forgotten?” Dakota asks. Sage can’t tell whether or not he’s joking.
“You don’t think my hypothetical baby daddy would have a problem with me naming our child after my late boyfriend? The love of my life who I still wouldn’t be over?” Sage counters.
Dakota shoots her an almost offended look. “Sage, you’re telling me a grown man, who is your husband, not baby daddy, in this scenario, is going to be threatened by your long dead high school boyfriend? You can do better.”
Sage laughs, and Dakota can’t help but join in.
Eventually their laughter dies down, and they just stare at each other lovingly in the dim light of the hospital room. “Alright, when you put it like that, I guess I can promise to name my firstborn after you.” Sage eventually promises.
Dakota lifts his pinky, and Sage rolls her eyes, but she pinky promises him anyway.
“Thank you. Now, we can get dressed and get back to prom before your mom comes looking for you.” Dakota concludes.
10 years later
Sage wakes to the shrill cry of her newborn through the baby monitor. She rubs at her eyes sleepily as she searches for her slippers in the dark bedroom. Her husband starts to stir. “I’ve got him.” Sage offers, and her husband dozes off again with a soft mutter of thanks.
Sage makes her way down the hall and reaches into her son’s crib. “What’s wrong Dakota? Hungry? Need a new diaper? Just want attention and hate when mommy gets a good night of sleep?” Sage asks, yawning as she comes to the end of her question.  
She shrugs one arm out of her nightgown and raises her son to her breast. He happily latches on, sipping greedily. “Ah, hungry.” Sage quips, gently running her free hand over the newborn’s mostly bald head.
Once he’s fed, Sage gently deposits Dakota back in his crib. She’s just started to swaddle him in his blanket when she’s startled by a pair of warm arms wrapping around her from behind. As her surprise abates, she leans back into her husband’s embrace. “I told you I had him.”
“I know. But I got lonely without you.” He admits, pressing a kiss to her neck.
Sage tssks. “So needy. You’re so used to having all my attention, but now you have to share with little Dakota here.”
Her husband reaches one arm into the crib, and the infant happily grips his father’s index finger. “If I have to share you, I’m glad it’s with DJ here.”
Sage’s brow furrows. “DJ?”
“Dakota Junior, or DJ. It’s going to get confusing having two Dakotas around here, so he needs a nickname.”
“What’s wrong with Little Dakota?” Sage asks.
“Babe, I doubt he’s gonna like being called ‘Little’ once he’s past ten.” Dakota insists.
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you made me promise to name my first born after you.” Sage teases.
“Hey, we both know I wasn’t expecting to be around.” Dakota retorts playfully.
Sage turns away to face Dakota, smiling as she drapes her arms around his neck. “Well, you can’t predict a medical miracle. Cancer didn’t stand a chance against you.”
“Don’t jinx me.” Dakota complains, but he’s obviously not that upset because he plants a kiss to her forehead.  
“Babe, you’re more likely to get struck by lightning then get cancer again after ten years of remission.” Sage insists.
“Still, better safe than sorry.” Dakota insists.
Sage rolls her eyes, but she obediently turns around and softly taps her fist against the wooden railing of their son’s crib, ‘knocking on wood’. Dakota can be so superstitious, but his many endearing qualities outweigh her annoyance with his superstitious ways.
The new parents both stare into the crib, watching the baby coo and gurgle. “He’s really something isn’t he?” Dakota breathes out softly.
“A miracle.” Sage adds.
“I could watch him all night.” Dakota insists.
“But you shouldn’t, because you have a big day tomorrow.” Sage reminds him.
“You mean we have a big day tomorrow.” Dakota corrects.
“It’s your movie. I’m just going to help with the casting.”  
“It’s our movie. I’d never be able to tell our love story without my muse.”
Sage smiles, rising up on her tip toes to press a gentle kiss to her husband’s lips. “A romance for the ages.” She whispers against his lips when she pulls away, just barely.
Dakota nods, tangling his fingers through her’s. “You’re everything to me. When I was sick, when things got hard, you gave me something to fight for.” Dakota insists softly.
Sage smiles, she never gets tired of hearing that. “I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you.” Dakota insists. He tugs her towards the door. “Come on, let’s go back to bed.”
Sage hesitates, looking into the crib. “I know they say we shouldn’t start bed sharing until Little Dakota is older……but how can anyone expect me to be away from him all night?”
Dakota smiles fondly. “Well, they let us take him home from the hospital, so we’re in charge now.” He makes his way over to the crib, resuming the swaddling.
“That’s too loose Dakota. Here, let me show you.” Sage demonstrates her perfect swaddling technique for her husband.
Dakota scoops up his little namesake when she’s done. “Got it. Thanks, Teach.”
A/N: With Every Heartbeat made me sad, so I choose to live in this Alternate Universe where Dakota Winchester makes a full recovery and he and Sage get the happy ending they deserve.
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alexplayssimsnstuff · 4 years
Bella Goth Disappearance FINALLY Solved!
Back in the day, I had originally subscribed to the theory that Bella was abducted by aliens that were set on her by the Caliente’s who then murdered her when she returned, and so I went in the game to do a walkthrough as to how I came to that theory. That’s when I found that I WAS WAYYYY OFF, there is a whole ass rabbit-hole here, and like a total Alice, I fell in it.
And, after 16 years of wondering and imagining different scenarios, I finally found out the truth. Turns out, we were ALL wrong, and the truth has been staring at us in the face the whole time.
Just as a warning, this is VERY dark and bleak and depressing. Bella wasn’t dealt a good hand, guys. What happened to her was all sorts of MESSED up.
Just for clarity, I do base this off of events that happen in the official sims storyline, because while the game is ultimately up to us to live life as we like, go ahead and do whatever with your game, there IS a story being told here, but in a way that doesn’t conflict with our own free will. It’s ingenious, really. This goes with the main Sims games released for PC and Mac. However, the console versions do provide a lot of insight to further details and situations. Specifically the Sims 2 for PSP, and the Sims 3 for the Nintendo DS.
 So, first off, it has been verified what happened to her: In 2014, Twitter held an AMA for the SimGurus just before the release of the Sims 4. Someone asked the following question, and SimGuru Sarah responded.
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It was later confirmed that Bella Goth of Lunar Lakes IS the Bella Goth of Pleasantview. She does look like the rest of the ghosts there with pale skin and yellow hair and eyes, and with that in mind, you can see for yourself…
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That’s her, alright.
Okay, if she died on Lunar Lakes, there are still questions that need answers:
1.       Did she ever go home?
2.       Does her family know what happened to her?
3.       How did she die on Lunar Lakes?
Well, she died of old age, that can be found out easily enough, but I found the answers to the other two: Kinda and no.
 So, just to recap, I’m gonna review Bella’s life as we know it canonically.
Bella was born to Simis and Jocasta Bachelor of Sunset Valley. She grew up the road from her childhood best friend, and later, husband, Mortimer Goth, with her older brother Michael. She always had a sense of the macabre and dark and was known as “the best dressed girl in town.” Even then she wore a red dress. A more child appropriate red dress, but a red dress. She just came from an average suburban family who had a fascination for the not average. She’s still a child, and not a Goth yet. She still goes by the surname Bachelor.
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Twenty-five years later, she shows up in the Sims 1 with her childhood best friend and now husband, Mortimer Goth, and they have moved into their own home, and have a daughter, Cassandra. Her in-laws moved out of their home in Sunset Valley and moved into what would later become the Goth House of the Sims 2 in the beginnings of what would be known as Pleasantview. Unless you got her a job, she was a housewife, and she was known to be athletic, elegant, and friendly towards her neighbors. I remember her often being the first to come and say hello to any new Sims I’d move into the neighborhood. Her brother, Michael, is also in town, however, there is no acknowledgement of them being siblings. A family tree system didn’t really exist in the Sims 1, and I’m sure they didn’t even think to make them siblings back then, but the fact remains that they have no relationship at this point in time. The only reason why it’s known that Cornelia and Gunther Goth are Mortimer’s parents is because it straight up says so in the bio. That and their names are the same, but anyway.
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So far, things are simple.
That’s because in the 25 years between the Sims 1 and 2, a series of events occurs that really makes things interesting.
Michael joins the science career track. One can assume the reason why he settled into domestic living years after Bella had done so was because he was at grad school. Because he was graduated from grad school, he gets a jumpstart in the career and climbs the latter a lot faster than Mortimer does.
1.       Scientist Sims contribute an invention into the Sims world. Michael’s invention was cloning technology. He cloned himself, and a test subject: Skip Broke.
         a.       Even though he died before it happened, arrangements were made so Brandi could be the next test subject and the first female subject, and when you start Pleasantview for the first time, she is pregnant with her own clone. The baby is always born a boy.
       b.       Michael’s clones have a 100% rate of being male, genetic identicals to those they were cloned from (Brandi’s just being a boy rather than a girl) and so far, a 100% rate of dying at the same time as the original. They are genetically identical, but wear different clothes.
2.       Michael and Bella don’t really have a relationship in their adult lives because Michael leaves Pleasantview early on while Cassandra is still a child and moves to the city.
3.       Mortimer follows after Michael, and invents the age reversal serum. Bella is the first test subject, and, the day of her abduction, she takes the serum until she reverts back to being a brand-new adult. Probably to allow herself to fit in her red dress as strikingly as she does, I don’t think an elderly woman could pull that off.
4.       Cassandra enters private school.
5.       Around this time, Gunther Goth dies. Bella, Mortimer, and Cassandra move out of their home and in with Cornelia to be with her in her last stages of life.
6.       Michael marries Dina Caliente. It is speculated that, because of the age gap, they only marry for Michael’s money. But it is worth noting that Michael was Dina’s first serious relationship and she didn’t begin to cheat on Michael with Don until years later just before Michael died.
7.       Alexander is born.
8.       Shortly after Alexander’s birth, Cornelia dies at the same time Michael does.
9.       Dina inherits Michael’s estate and moves in with Nina. They then move to Pleasantview.
10.   Don follows them and moves the next day.
11.   Bella goes to introduce herself to her new neighbor, Don. They get along, and Don gets the wrong idea and puts the move on Bella. Bella rejects him. He then runs off to go be with Kaylynn and is not there when Bella is abducted by aliens.
12.   Bella is never seen again, but shortly after her abduction, a UFO crashlands in Strangetown, and reports that Bella is in Strangetown start rolling in. But, spoiler alert, that’s not the real Bella.
Then, after Bella’s abduction and before you start Pleasantview for the first time, the following happens:
1.       Mortimer and Dina hit it off rather fast, and marriage is definitely in the picture when the game first starts.
2.       Cassandra, Mortimer, and Alexander all age up on the same day 2 days after Bella disappears.
3.       Cassandra goes to Don’s house to find out what he knows about what happened to Bella (jack squat since he wasn’t there) and that’s where they meet for the first time. Don tries to seduce her, probably not knowing who she is, and Cassandra, as much as you gotta love the girl, is naïve as all hell and thinks she won the jackpot and falls for Don quickly.
4.       Alexander goes to private school
5.       Mortimer retires
6.       Cassandra gets engaged the VERY day the game starts.
That is an important thing to note because people like to speculate that Don had something to do with Bella’s disappearance because he made the moves on her mother and they were engaged and he didn’t want to jeopardize that by Bella opening her yap. This is NOT the case because Cassandra was still a teenager when Bella vanished. Don may be a hoe, but he isn’t a pedo. Chris Hansen doesn’t need to be called for this one.
Another important thing to point out is that it’s not known if Dina and Nina knew Bella. At least, not well, since it can’t be established if Michael and Bella had a relationship at all. Despite the fact that they were friends when they were younger, Mortimer has no memories of Michael, and neither do Cassandra or Alexander. They never met their uncle.
ALSO, yes Dina and Nina do have alien ancestry. Their father was a result of an alien abduction pregnancy. But he was born human, so they’re not part alien. Which means they didn’t order ANY aliens to go and kidnap anybody. Why would they? They don’t know her. Not even normal alien sims do that, y’all are just racist.
It’s also worth noting that Mortimer is COMPLETELY fine with Bella being gone. He’s not heartbroken and he isn’t desperately trying to find her like the game tries to suggest. He’s strangely cool about it.
Why is Mortimer fine with Bella being gone?
Because they are no longer married and haven’t been since around the time Alexander was born.
And THAT, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, is the BIGGEST part that y’all need to just remember. If you can only take one thing away from this part, take away the fact that they’re divorced. It’s S U P E R important.
 Now, it is possible to bring Bella back with the Tombstone of Life and Death. She’ll only stick around for a short while because she has a death token that activates when you save the lot, go into Pleasantview, and reload the Goth House. She’ll disappear. Interesting to note that if she’s in the middle of doing something, like talking with a sim or cooking food, she doesn’t disappear completely until she’s done. She does turn see-through and it kinda glitches out…it’s really creepy. Give it a try, you’ll see what I mean. But when she’s done, she’ll disappear, and you’ll get a notification saying she died somewhere else and her spirit has returned to where she was buried.
However, if she dies this way, you cannot resurrect her with the resurrect-o-nomitron. It doesn’t matter who tries it, where they are, or anything. Grim acts like he doesn’t know anything about Bella being dead and even if the Sim COULD resurrect a sim, Bella is not listed.
Since we know Bella is buried in Lunar Lakes, this means she died sometime between the week of her abduction and Cassandra’s wedding where the game starts.
However, while you have Bella in your household, you’ll find she’s brought back with no personality points. She has no memories besides what happened to her children after the first load of Pleasantview. So let’s say that between loading the game and bringing back Bella with the Tombstone, Cassandra gives birth to twin boys. Bella will come back with memories that Cassandra had twins, and she will even know who her grandchildren are. (I use this example because in my most recent Pleasantview playthrough, Cassandra had twin boys named Hendrick and Caspian with Don Lothario.)
Bella will have NO relationship at all whatsoever with Mortimer. You can see before you bring her back on the Goth family tree that they are not married at that point, and Mortimer and Bella start their relationship over as acquaintances. If you let them progress their relationship naturally with no cheats, they actually fight a lot and do not get along at all.
Now, any townie and NPC created before Nightlife will have their turn-on and turn-offs randomized. But it seems to constantly make it so that Bella is never attracted to Mortimer and Mortimer is RARELY attracted to Bella. This is a consistent thing. Interesting to take into consideration.
It’s clear to me, at least, that there were some problems boiling up for some time before Bella vanished.
--they get divorced at around the same time Alexander is born
--they do not get along at all
--Mortimer is completely fine after Bella’s disappearance and isn’t the frantic husband he’s marketed to be at this point in time.
--Mortimer gets into a relationship with Dina Caliente extremely soon after Bella vanishes.
--If Bella does come back and Mortimer is still alive, they naturally do not get along at all.
Which is weird, right? They were always shown to be this desperately in love couple who couldn’t live without eachother. I remember them having a good relationship in the Sims 1.
Also worth noting, Bella is a romance aspiration sim. In the Sims 2, they tend to hoe around a lot. There are a few other adult sims in Pleasantview who are also romance aspiration sims.
1.       Don Lothario (the epitome of the romance aspiration)
2.       Nina Caliente
3.       Daniel Pleasant
4.       Skip Broke was also a romance aspiration sim when he was alive.
What is interesting is that while for the most part, romance aspiration sims like to hoe around, there is one exception to this rule so far: Nina Caliente. Nina Caliente’s only romantically involved with Don Lothario. Unless you have another sim start putting the moves on her, then it’s a whole other story. If it were a thing back then, Nina would have been a soulmate romance aspiration while the others would have been serial romantic aspirations.
Bella COULD have been the same way, but that wouldn’t make any sense with the myriad of problems with her relationship with Mortimer.
So, in conclusion, Bella had an affair. Mortimer found out about it, which caused them to, at the least, separate for a while. Then, Bella became pregnant with Alexander, which would have brought up an important question—who is Alexander’s father? Once Alexander was born, and as he got a little older, it becomes clear that he resembles Cornelia, therefore verifying that Mortimer is indeed his father. This would have caused them to try their relationship again, and Bella would have turned down Don in good faith to Mortimer.
Who did Bella have an affair with?
Don wasn’t in town yet, and they hadn’t met. Neither did she meet the Caliente’s yet. Which leaves two possible contenders for Bella’s secret lover: Daniel Pleasant and Skip Broke.
On one hand, Daniel was Bella’s neighbor. She knew the Pleasants, and was friends with Mary-Sue. Daniel had an affair with Kaylynn going on, so he definitely could have some action on the side with Bella, too. My only reservation on that would be that I couldn’t imagine her doing that to her best friend. But then again, she did have an affair on her husband, so who’s to say what her morals are.
Then, there’s Skip Broke. This one makes the most sense to me, personally. While she wasn’t close with Michael, that doesn’t mean she completely avoided him altogether. She would have heard about Michael’s cloning experiments and could have met Skip that way, or she came to say hello and that was how they met. There is a theory going around that Brandi found out Skip was cheating on her, and that’s why she killed him and took his insurance money.
Maybe I’ll do another thing on that because the Skip Broke incident happens to be another rabbit hole altogether.
 So, we know that Bella had an affair with Mortimer and things weren’t going so well between them at the time of her disappearance. We know that the Calientes and Don are completely innocent, at least as far as her disappearance goes. (And Nina is innocent altogether, she just loves Don and is completely oblivious to the fact that he’s doing her sister and two other women. She is ALSO a victim here, you guys. Give some love to Nina Caliente, she needs it.)
She dies sometime in the week between her abduction and the first time the Goth household is booted up from old age on Lunar Lakes despite the fact that she was a brand new adult again thanks to Mortimer’s reverse age serum.
Then a UFO crashlands in Strangetown and shortly thereafter reports of Bella Goth being in Strangetown start swarming around.
And yes, this Bella is a clone—there are subtle facial similarities, she is not in the family tree at all for the Goth house, but other than that, she’s structured exactly like the Real Bella goes as far as her outfit, her personality, and her aspiration.
(The Wiki says it’s her despite the fact that it’s been verified she’s not, and it also has MANY discrepencies, saying she’s related to the Curious Family and they appear on her family tree, which is incorrect because Strangetown Bella’s family tree is COMPLETELY EMPTY.)
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So, clearly, when Bella was abducted, something went wrong. But what?
Well, why would the aliens even abduct her in the first place?
They tend to go after sims who are wealthy, high-skilled, good-looking, popular, anything like that. Bella was ALL of those things. She was the epitome of the perfect sim to the aliens. They practically worshipped her and their queen took her name and appearance. (This is referenced several times, specifically in the Sims 3.)
So, if something were to go wrong, why would the aliens worship her unless she had been being watched for some time before her abduction?
And what went wrong that caused her to lose her memories, her skills, her personality, her youth, everything?
Aliens also do not abduct children, the elderly, and pregnant sims because their experimentation could go drastically wrong.
She wasn’t a child, and reversed her age so she wouldn’t be an elder for quite some time—
So the only thing that’s left is that she was pregnant when she was abducted and that was why things went wrong.
She wouldn’t have known this, and neither would the aliens—it’s possible that the baby was conceived that day, which helped Bella in the case where Don was hitting on her—she wouldn’t go cheating on Mortimer if she were trying to rekindle their relationship and they had made it to woo-hoo that day.
Also worth noting is that there IS another Goth on Lunar Lakes who happens to look exactly like Bella.
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Anyone recognize her?
This is Mathilde Goth.
She is the long-lost third child of Mortimer and Bella Goth.
No, they don’t appear on eachother’s family tree, but they wouldn’t if Bella died shortly after giving birth to her and Mathilde was put in the orphanage.
Mathilde looks almost identical to Bella with the exception of her blue eyes. She also has a preference for blue where Bella preferred red.
Mathilde has no idea where her mother came from and the fact that she has a family on Earth who is just as oblivious to her existence as she is to theirs.
 What happens to Cassandra and Alexander after they find out about Bella’s death?
Remember how I said scientist sims end up inventing something?
Cassandra’s invention is time travel. She makes a time machine and the first use is to send Don to the future after her, Dina, Nina, and Kaylynn find out that he was playing all of them. She then goes on to live her life. We don’t know how that looks yet, but she never finds out what happened to her mother and that she has a younger sister.
Alexander is greatly affected by his mother’s death. He has no memories of her being abducted by aliens. Normally toddlers remember things like that so it’s odd that he doesn’t when the rest of his family does. What he does remember is her disappearing, Mortimer being okay with it and getting together with Dina really fast after she vanished, and then finding out that his mother was dead.
Alexander is a child prodigee. He’s a smart kid. So, he would go with any other conclusion someone would go with that limited information: he believed Mortimer killed her.
Well, Cassandra still has her time machine after she uses it to get rid of Don. And as we all know, Alexander’s name shows up in the Sims 3 a few times despite the fact that he doesn’t exist yet. And, according to the Goth family tree, it’s not a family name of an ancestor of his, he is the only Alexander Goth.
Once again, we’re going to reference a console game. This time is the Sims 3 for the Nintendo DS. Alexander actually makes an appearance, and this time, he’s not alone: he’s married to a woman named Cecelia. The family bio says that their gloominess is BECAUSE of Mortimer. Alexander dyed his hair orange. Probably he was trying to bleach it and didn’t know what toner was.  He doesn’t have that great of a relationship with Cecelia, as a matter of fact, she has a better relationship with Don Alto than she does her own husband.
Back in the realm of the PC games, Alexander wrote two books when he went back in time to the continuity of the Sims 3:
Baron Graff Van Gold, which comes with Supernatural,
And then there’s the one that appears in the base game.
Murder in Pleasantview.
To string it altogether, Alexander remembers her being gone, then learning she died. He suspects Mortimer was the one to do it but he never actually talks to his father about it. He doesn’t know anything about the abduction, if anything thinking it a ridiculous rumor. He grows up, gets married, and decides at some point in time to go back in time to try and prevent his mother’s death. So he and his wife go into the time machine and try to go back to when it happened, but instead get sent back wayyyy too far to when his parents are still children. What happens to the time machine? It breaks. He’s stuck in a period of time where Time travel wasn’t a thing and no one really knows how to help him and he sure as hell doesn’t know himself. Effectively, he’s stuck there.
So, he writes A Murder in Pleasantview to tell the story of what he thinks happens to his mother. He doesn’t know it’s really all for nothing, but at the same time, it is because of what ends up happening as a result. A result he probably didn’t even know would happen.
See, A Murder in Pleasantview is a best-seller. It blows up the world of 50 years before his time. Every bookshelf has a copy of this book, standard-load. Sims would have read this, and would be influenced accordingly. They would have made better decisions, not wanting this tragic thing to happen to them.
And yes, it does literally take the world by storm. Better decisions in the past truly make for a better future.
This is where the Sims 4 comes in. It is a different continuity, but it is different because they are aware of what Alexander believes to have happened to Bella. This would be why their personalities are so completely different, why the age gap between Cassandra and Alexander aren’t so extreme, why the Goths are so much more reclusive.
Alexander did something that inadvertently changed the future, eliminating himself and his circumstances entirely. He vanished suddenly, probably in a series of events identical to Back to the Future, where he is then allowed to live his life as a child with his mother in the picture, having no idea what he believed happened to her, nor knowing the truth. He erases his little sister altogether, but he can’t be blamed for that since he didn’t know she even existed.
What happened to his wife? Did she get erased like Alexander did?
No, actually she died. She tried repairing the time machine, failed, and was electrocuted to death as a result. She died young and is buried in the Goth mansion’s graveyard, confusing future generations because no one knows where she comes from because she has the surname Goth but they can’t find her on their family tree.
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Lolita Goth was the wife of Alexander Goth.
Yes, it says she’s single, which means one of two things happened:
Either she tried repairing the time machine one last time after Alexander vanished and died,
Like Alexander’s marriage to Cecelia, they didn’t have the best relationship and they ended up getting a divorce, then, possibly with Alexander still around, did the same and died.
She clearly wanted to go back home to her time and wasn’t happy with Alexander for being stuck there.
And it makes sense that she would have been electrocuted with the time machine because there are no other objects in the Goth Mansion that would result in her electrocution.
Which would ALSO explain why the Goths of the Sims 3 can’t figure out who she is. You can’t list a descendent and their wife on your family tree if they don’t exist yet, can you?
 Tragedy is just par for the course in the Goth Family, it matches their dark and dreary macabre air. But Bella’s story is just really extra sad. Imagine trying to repair your failed marriage, going to meet a new neighbor only for him to put the moves on you without invitation, then get abducted by aliens where their experiments go wrong, causing you to lose your memories, your personality, your youth, and then you find out that it went wrong because you’re pregnant, which you didn’t know about that either, and your kidnappers take a tissue sample from you, and then drop you on a strange planet far from home where you have no way to communicate to them that you’re there, but you don’t remember anyone but your children anyway, leaving you to have a baby you didn’t even know existed when you were abducted and live just long enough to name her?
The truth has been staring at us in the face since 2014, but we all missed it. Me included for the longest time. It’s been 16 years since Bella went missing, and we all had theories and ideas, but THIS is the truth, and it’s really. Messed up. Yeah, I found out what happened to Bella, but do I like it? No, not at all. Bella deserved better, and so do her children. Mathilde especially. She grew up in an orphanage never knowing she had a family who would have loved her so very much, only to become a mailcarrier on her home planet. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a mailcarrier, don’t get me wrong.
Dina Caliente is innocent, but seriously? Bye.
Nina Caliente is innocent, and really deserves better.
Don Lothario is innocent, but yet he sucks.
Mortimer Goth used to be my favorite out of the Goth family, yes, even over Bella. But after learning everything about him I have mixed feelings about the guy. I don’t blame him for not trusting Bella, and I don’t blame him for wanting to move on, but jeez, at least show a little genuine emotion, Morty, she was your childhood best friend, and, if nothing else, the mother of your children.
There was no plot to get rid of her and swipe the Goth fortune.
It was just poor timing on the alien’s end, and bad luck altogether.
So, yeah.
That’s what happened to Bella Goth.
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reidyoulikeabook · 3 years
Champagne Problems
#Request: could you write something based on ‘champagne problems’? creative license is yours and go ham however you see fit but i was thinking reader breaks things off between her and spencer seemingly without warning etc etc
Summary: You and Spencer had been together for almost 2 years. So when he asks you to marry him, that’s got to be a no-brainer, right?
Warnings: Angst, a lot of angst. Minor mentions of threat, blackmail, violence and drugs.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Writing this hurt my feelings. Badly. Just the idea of sad Spencer destroys me. That having been said, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy writing it. Anyway, as always, requests are open!
Spencer hasn’t moved off the couch in at least 8 hours. He hadn’t slept. Not since you’d left.
He’d been agonising over the proposal for months. He’d consulted Morgan, who’d said, “Pretty boy, you could ask her over coffee on the jet and she’d say yes. Don’t worry so much about making it perfect.”
Garcia, who’d squealed, bouncing in her seat at the thought of another BAU wedding, “Oh my gosh! You have to make it beautiful! Amazing! You two are finally gonna get married! Is she pregnant? Not that she has to be just, my god, this team has a reputation for shotgun weddings.”
He’d briefly considered asking Rossi, who had surely proposed enough times by now for him to be classified as an engagement expert. Hotch would probably have had some sage advice, and Emily well...he wasn’t exactly sure what her advice would have been, actually. He might have wound up asking them if what J.J had said to him hadn’t been so helpful.
“Do whatever feels most authentic to you. Neither of you are fans of a big show, you’re not ‘fly a blimp over Quantico’ people. Just, do something that feels right.”
So he’d done that. Spencer loved the solace of your apartment. It’s where you spent the vast majority of your date nights: ordering in fancy takeout, watching shows, sometimes just sitting and reading together in the bay window. If Spencer had a glass or two of wine, he could sometimes be coaxed into dancing.
What felt right to him was this: the apartment bathed in the glow of the fairylights he’d put up earlier, supported by the gentle golden light of the colour changing lightbulb he’d purchased especially. The record player prepared with your favourite album. A chilled bottle of wine resting on the table, next to a bouquet of fresh flowers contained in a crystal vase he’d had to demolish half the spare bedroom to find.
He was more than a little nervous, as he posted himself up at the dining room table to await your arrival. He couldn’t stop the train of thoughts: what if she says no? What if she doesn’t want me?
The only thing that helped stifle his nerves was thinking of how the others had reacted when he’d told them. What Morgan had said. Then he trails his mind back, to all the times he’d felt so insecure, so unworthy of your love. You’d never failed to remind him that he was the best thing to happen to you. That every insecurity he had was actually just a quirk about him that you loved. Your love poured into him, filling a lifetime of holes made by other peoples criticiques and mockery. He took a deep breath. He would be okay. This would be okay. You loved him. God knows you’d told him that enough times.
“What’s all this?” You ask, coming through the door and shrugging the laptop case off your shoulders.
“I just thought, since our anniversary is coming up and we could get called out on a case...I thought we could celebrate early. On a night we know we have off.”
“That’s really thoughtful,” You say with a smile, “I can’t believe you did all this Spence.”
He stands, crossing the room to help you take your jacket off, “You deserve something special.”
“Good job you’re something special then,” You say, allowing him to lift the jacket off your shoulders, leaning in to peck his cheek as he does it.
Moving away from you to hang your jacket on the coat hanger, he feels the anxiety start to climb again. He’s imagined the scenario a million times in his head, played it out. He knew he’d be nervous. But nothing, no run-through in his mind could have prepared him for the anxiety he feels as you take your seat at the table.
“Shall I open this?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“Spence you got the fancy one,” You say, a question in your voice that he pretends not to hear.
“Well it is for our anniversary, can’t buy the five dollar bottle to celebrate two years together,” He says, taking his seat opposite you.
“Two years huh?”
“Yep. Well, currently one year, eleven months and fifteen days, if you take a month to mean thirty days.”
“That’s gone pretty fast.”
“Actually it’s pretty widely agreed by psychologists that as we get older our subjective perception of time speeds up. There’s no real consensus on what exactly the cause is but it’s thought that it might have something to do with the expansion of our neuron network and the greater distance signals have to travel which slows down our processing time.”
You laugh, “Well that’s a very scientific way to tell me we’re getting old.”
“You’re not even thirty.”
“Not far off.”
“Well I’m sure I’ll think you’re just as beautiful at thirty, and fourty, and fifty, and-”
You cut him off, laughing again, “Is there a scientific theory to support that or are you just spitballing here?”
“This is all me.”
Something about the way he says that sounds so vulnerable that it makes your heart ache.
Spencer’s a little nervous, but not anything close to massively alerting you. You decide to chalk it down to just Spencer being Spencer, mostly out of not wanting to dwell on it too much. The evening passes in exchange of old memories, light teasing as you recall how long it’d taken him to summon the courage to kiss you for the first time.
He’s trying to work out when. When you head to the bathroom, he decides it has to be when you come back. Before he loses his nerve. He swallows another sip of wine for courage, smiling at the thought that he’ll get to introduce you as his fiance at work tomorrow.
Entering the room, you spy how he’s smiling to himself. You have half a mind to ask him what he’s thinking about, but he interrupts you before you can.
“Wanna dance?” He asks, having wandered to where the record player sits, covered in a thin layer of dust.
“Yeah. Dancing sounds good.”
Flicking the needle down, that familiar song starts playing.
You make your way over to where he stands on your living room rug. He puts one arm around your waist, keeping your other hand in his. You move in time to the music, letting him twirl you around with ease.
“I have something to ask you,” he murmurs, spinning you again so you come flying to rest against his chest.
Your head rests just under his chin, and the dance slows down to a gentle sway.
Your heart is pounding.
“I-I had this whole speech planned,” he says, softly, "But I think...I think I just want to ask you now. I think you know how I feel about you. How much I love you. So I wanted to ask you, if you want to marry me.”
You drop his hand. Stepping back, you scan his face. Seeing the panic, the questionning, the confusion.
“Spencer I-I can’t. I can’t do that.”
Confusion flickers across his features, eyebrows furrowing, lips pressing against one another. He tries to keep the tears from filling his eyes but he can’t. They glint with all the hurt. With his worst nightmare realised. You’re just stood there, statue-still. Staring at him with something he can’t figure out. Horror? Shock? How could it be either of those things. His chest heaves, he flounders. Even when he imagined this, he never planned what he’d say next. What he’d really do if you said no. It dawns on him then. He never really believed it would happen.
“W-Why?” He finally chokes, taking a step towards you only to promptly feel another kick to the gut as you, in turn, retreat.
“I just...” You trail off, mouth opening and closing, “I just. I just can’t.”
He doesn’t get the chance to puzzle out what the look on your face is. It’s imperceptible. Before he can think of anything else to say, before he can even begin to comprehend the way his world just shattered, you’re gone.
He thinks he hears a quiet, “I’m sorry,” as you scuttle out of the apartment door and disappear.
At some point, he makes it to the couch. It goes dark around him, the batteries in the fairy lights die at some point. So he sits illuminated in only the light of the lamp.
Eidetic memory allows his brain to become a theatre. Showing only one film: The Time You Said No. Dropped his hand. Stepped back, as if you were wounded, injured. The confusion in your voice. How it shook, broke, when you said ‘I-I can’t.’ How you just left. How you promised you’d never leave and here you were, slipping out the apartment door without a second look. He’s not even analysing. He just sits, replaying the night in his head. Hot tears slipping down his cheeks everytime he gets to the part where you leave. He doesn’t wipe them. Just starts again.
He’s vaguely aware of a phone ringing beside him. Picking it up, he sees it’s 7:52am, which means he’s going to be late for work. There are several missed calls. He would check to see who they’re from but he doesn’t really care.
Will you be at work?
The thought almost makes him want to go. It dawns on him then that he has absolutely no idea where you are, and somehow that’s worse than knowing you left. He scrambles for the phone, picking it up and dialling your number. It rings, from inside your jacket. The jacket you left on the back of the chair.
If he goes into work and you’re not there...he bristles at the thought. Nausea rises in him, his forehead starting to feel clammy with a light sheen of sweat as he processes: he has no idea where you are. For the first time in two years, he has no idea where you are and no way to find out.
Then it hits him. This might just be his life now. He has to run to the bathroom and vomit.
You’ve fucked it up. You’ve fucked it up and you know it the moment you get out of your apartment building and into the freezing cold air. There’s no way to explain it.
You’d received an email this afternoon. It was footage of Elle. You’d been home late because you’d had to go to Hotch, who’d spent the afternoon nervously pacing. Various agents, increasing in status each time, had flooded the office.
There was no way of knowing, right now, who’d sent the email. Or what they could see. What they had access to. How could you accept a proposal from Spencer when you knew that doing so could put him in jepoardy? What if they had something on him?
The entire team had looked the other way while you’d helped him to wrangle the dilaudid addiction and get himself back on his feet. That time pained you to think about. But there were so many things that a person could get their hands on. How could you say yes to taking your relationship further when everything was so off-balance right now?
You should have told him. No matter about Hotch or Strauss swearing you to secrecy. You should have told him. Shame rises, deep in your gut, at the monumental fuck-up you’d just made. If it hadn’t been this afternoon, if you hadn’t been on edge already, if you’d had the time to think about things. You would have responded differently. If you’d just had some more time.
But you’re here now. Wondering, how exactly you could explain that you’d done this because you were worried someone might hurt him.
How can you say you were protecting him, when in doing so you destroyed him?
Taglist: @sassiest-politician @takeyourleap-of-faith
(as usual, if you’d like to be added to/removed from the taglist just let me know!)
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i-need-air · 3 years
Your blog makes my heart explode, it turned in the place i go to whenever I want to feel butterflies and uwu!!! I was wondering, how would a relationship with Bakugo be with a foreigner, like would he embrace their culture or would he see a future with that someone? I saw this study that japanese men find foreign women attractive but just for fooling around and not marriage stuff and my mind went there idk maybe it sounds weird. Fell free to ignore this if it's weird heh
Appreciate your words! You're absolutely adorable and now I'm the one feeling butterflies! 💖💗💖💗💖💗🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
And wow, that's interesting to say at least and I googled it myself to see; I'm not gonna lie, it's not surprising and it points out that the cultural difference could be a problem in long term relationships that's why they're more reclutant about marriage. Japan is very traditional so that's why I said I'm not surprised and honestly it's an issue in multicultural couples everywhere. Been there, felt that...
That being said, let's talk about Bakugou:
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× i 100% stand by this: Bakugou dates to marry.
× could definitely leave the ask like this and feel good about myself bc i trust those words.
× one thing about this man is that if he likes you, he likes you
× it's a matter of attitude, not origin, not heritage, not quirk related, not looks, but your personality
× even before dating he will research about your home country and traditions as the curious man he is [ thinks it's not a big deal, he just wants to know where your dumbass came from, like whateverrr who caressss ok but what did you say your birth city was called? how do you spell— 💀]
× and if you are still learning about japanese ones, he will teach you about it in his own way because of two points.
he genuinely wants you to like Japan; it's is homecountry, his origins, he grew up with those traditions and would like to enjoy them with you
it's an excuse to spend time with you; he might act a little indifferent about it [ as he avoids being aggressive with you ] but he likes your company and the small smiles he sends you give him away
× if you're still trying to learn japanese, don't worry, he's a nerd so he knows English but will point out mistakes in grammar or pronunciation; don't mind it, again, he won't mock you, he actually respects you for actively trying to learn another language and mastering it
× even if he did read about your country, he won't ask about it much before dating and it will take him some time to ask afterwards too; absolutely does not mind if you do start talking about your country on your own though since he's learning new things about it and about you, which he then adds to his mental PowerPoint about you
× why doesn't he ask, you say? at first he's interested in your personality and once he's sure he's into you, he'll then slowly think about having a future together, and this guy, this guy is a thinker so he goes through all scenarios; another thing is this dumb pomeranian wants to keep his indifferent act;;
× he does think about cultural differences but doesn't see them as a problem. if you managed to catch his attention and got him to think about a future with you? he's gonna embrace your culture altogether; you already won him, congrats
× food will connect you two and i feel he'll use cooking time to bond together
× he will teach you how to cook japanese food so maybe teach him recipes from your culture? if you don't know, pull some recipes from google and make a disaster together, he doesn't mind much; istg he's gonna cook better than a local grandma after a couple of tries 💀[ specially if you're homesick and enjoyed his other tries, Chef Bakugou will basically do it for u bby ]
× traditions are a big thing too, so whenever you celebrate something he will pay close attention and definitely butt in and ask; the difference from before is that he doesn't have to pry to find out, it comes naturally and that saves him some blushes and the conversation can be more natural while keeping that indifferent pomeranian act i told you about before [ as you bond closer he will get over this issue, don't worry ]
× "So what's it about?" says in a bored tone but his eyes give him away, curiosity getting to him
× just tell him but please, tell him about your past and memories related to those traditions
× language, you say? if your mother language is english he will perfect it bc of you and if it's not;;; ok look, he's a lil shit, ok? so guess who learns how to call you a dumbass in your own mf mother language? ye, that's right
× this is a whole fluff hc but he's extra at doing things, right? when he knows he loves you and tells you the first time, he will tell you in your language
× bc your face is priceless and that's his shit; legit cocky grin and snickers in your face
× tell him "I love you" back and watch him turn into a stuttering tomato
× it will become common between you to say it in your language, it's like a secret only you two share
× by secret i mean everyone knows he's a simp but now ✨international✨
× once Bakugou knows it's time to meet your family, he will actively learn it though, at first without your help; he still has this dumb idea that he has to be the best at everything without seeking help but once you find out and he sees how absolutely enamored you are by his actions, you'll become his tutor [ full time job and you get paid with food and sneaky forehead kisses ]
× he can't pronounce something? gets angry and tries until he does; he ain't a quitter 💅
× makes you repeat the words a lot though, he likes watching your lips move and the way you speak? y e s
× one thing that is make or break in the relationship is where you decide to live long term so pretty early in the relationship you'll know he's not moving away from Japan
× he has his goals and dreams and definitely wants you in them but moving away is something i feel he wouldn't do
× yet he's all up for vacations twice a year or so; remember he wants to be a hero so he won't have time to go more than, but he will want to explore your country with you by his side, also to meet your family and put to test those tutoring classes he got from you;
× once you're married and have kids [ yeah, he wants the whole package ] know for a fact those kids will take part in both cultures; loves your heritage and wants to pass it to the future generations; imagine multilingual mini-Bakugous, i—💖💗💖
× his parents! the Bakugou household is pretty modern and they wouldn't have a problem at all with you being a foreigner; they'd be very interested in learning about your culture too and honestly, they don't mind where you are from as long as you love their son [ they feel blessed someone can handle his dumb ass but ok ]
× fashion designers as they are, they gonna be interested in your traditional clothing; seriously, they'd love to know everything about the topic and even implement them in some of their designs if there's no issue from your side
× overall once Bakugou knows he wants to pursue you, he will go all in for you
× bc he a simp and genuinely appreciates everything about you 💕
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
Hi! :) I was reading your post about SQH in TUT and it got me thinking. Since this version also wrote SVSSS, when he transmigrates does he realize his "dream" was real? Also, you hinted that he recognizes SY as the same person who transmigrated into SQQ, so now I'm wondering if he tells SY that, and how SY would react to learning he's the protagonist of SVSSS in another universe. I just love thinking about how meta this could potentially get, haha.
Can't wait to find out more! Keep up the good work!
(Follow-Up Post to: Part I, Part II)
@the-legend-of-chel 👏👏👏 Luv, good to see you in my Asks! I’m glad to hear that you’re looking forward to finding out more in The Untold Tale! And thanks for your support and encouragement. 💖
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(TUT ch1 - Excerpt)
You’re right. There is a lot of meta potential with older!Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky being the MXTX equivalent in this AU—or, rather, I like to imagine him growing up to be the Stephen King equivalent of modern day China with a prolific portfolio of written works (novels and short stories, and extras). In canon, he churned out a great number of words per chapter and in a speedy amount of time! Do you guys know how miraculous that is, as a writer? I envy him so much! To be able to churn out that much content in a short amount of time, and in a scheduled regimen, is amazing! That’s basically my angle having written this into the prologue of TUT. That’s partially the reason why I wrote ch1. I liked the idea of paying homage to SVSSS and saying that it’s an actual book series in TUT universe that Airplane wrote (as funny as the idea would be, I wasn’t about to let SY be the one to write it, lol, for intellectual property reasons since the PIDW characters belong to Airplane, which would necessitate SY changing names and character appearances if he published what we know as irl SVSSS, so the best I can give SY is saying he wrote his own PIDW fanfic which basically launched his novelist career because he’d realized, hey, I actually have a knack for writing and the ever so spiteful I feel like practically every writer has had this thought before: fine, if I don’t see what I want to read, then I’ll write it myself!)
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(TUT ch1 - Excerpt)
We’re approaching TUT spoiler territory so skip below if you don’t wish to be spoiled.
TUT (Meta) Spoilers
I personally love meta. If I’m to be writing a lovestory to SVSSS, there will be attempts at meta thrown into TUT. And this is one of them:
Airplane did “dream” about canon SVSSS. He basically “dreamt” about his favorite black powder fan, Peerless Cucumber
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changing events of Airplane’s biggest regret Proud Immortal Demon Way. (As a writer, it embarrasses me to read my old writing. So I imagine it could be the same for Airplane.) As an author, Airplane recognized what he dreamt had potential to be a commercial success as a danmei transmigration story so basically every time he woke up, he would write pieces of what he remembers in a dream journal when the memory was fresh in his brain. It also allowed Airplane the opportunity to show his readers through the perspective of SY! Shen Qingqiu what Airplane had originally wanted to write, but integrated in a way that blends seamlessly into the reading experience. He would’ve thought it was a bit weird and strange that his brain dreamt about his past critic—whom he’d considered a small celebrity in the PIDW forums back then—aka his anti-fan-turned-accomplished-novelist in the writing industry, so he felt embarrassed that his unconscious brain must have thought very highly of the man.
So Airplane omitted any mention of Peerless Cucumber from the final draft of SVSSS (if he mentioned both “Shen Yuan” and “Peerless Cucumber,” then even SY would be like, Hey, wait one moment....). This detail will be included in a later chapter, but did you know the name “Shen Yuan” has come up in other works? Let’s ignore the variations on the Chinese written characters for the name “Shen Yuan.” There was the evil older brother character Shen Yuan from The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage, a side character named Shen Yuan from a C-drama (I think he was an old minister?), and there’s even an irl visual artist named Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan (Shen Garden) is also a famous romantic garden in Shaoxing, known for the love story between Lu You and Tang Wan.
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(Shen Yuan Garden - Trip Advisor Review)
Basically “Shen Yuan” in itself is not a particularly uncommon name in China (imo I would not say it’s super popular either). So when SY saw his name mentioned once or twice in Airplane’s SVSSS—aka rebooted PIDW—during his read-through, he was like, Huh, what a strange coincidence. And then dismissed it as circumstantial and thought nothing of seeing his name come up in a cutsleeve novel as the new protagonist, haha. It’s like a book written by Anne Rice; one of the titles coincidentally has the same name as mine. Now, obviously the book and main character is not based or inspired by me; I just coincidentally share the same name. If I see books which have characters with my same first name, generally I like to read them and sometimes even collect them for my bookshelves. Because there’s something just so fun and interesting about seeing your own name in a fictional piece of work.
There’s also meta joke potential about Airplane dreaming of himself being transmigrated into the cannon fodder Shang Qinghua and seeing the romantic miscommunications between the younger version of himself (his self-insert essentially) and the fictional Mobei jūn character. I can certainly say seeing such dreams would make Airplane question his sexuality and awaken something dormant in him, haha. He’d realize he might not be not as straight as he thought he was, if his brain was capable of dreaming of SY!SQQ being crushed on by LBH, and SQH being crushed on by MBJ and essentially following MBJ around calling him “my king” this and “my king” that. He’ll be sweating bullets when he meets this world’s version of MBJ, because Airplane will definitely remember how the younger Self-Insert version of himself acted toward MBJ in the SVSSS world. (It’s the classic “Just because I dreamed about it happening doesn’t mean it’ll happen here, right? ...Right? Cucumber brother, you’re a fortuneteller! Please check our eight characters for me! I have to know my marriage compatibility with Mobei jūn!”)
In a later chapter, there will be the reveal where Airplane tells Shen Yuan that he “dreamt” of a universe where a younger version of Shen Yuan—having choked on mantou (馒头) (paying homage to the donghua) or just being transmigrated in general after raging at a younger ASTTS’s writing (paying homage to the books)—transmigrated into the Shen Qingqiu we know from SVSSS who married Bing mèi. Because I think it will be hilarious when TUT’s SY finds out about the true source of Airplane’s inspiration, and he’ll naturally freak out over the fact that this is the very same Bing gē from Airplane’s Bing-gē vs Bing-mèi extra and that he’s essentially somehow stumbled on the same path as the alternative younger SY!SQQ “from Airplane’s imagination.” I will leave this open to interpretation if this does show up (it’s just an idea I’m playing with) but I might hint that there might be a higher power at play which allowed Airplane a peek into another universe—which manifested as his dreams.
I very much like this dynamic (we might see this exchange, verbatim, in a future chapter in TUT):
SY/ LBH —> He gave him a disdainful gaze.
Airplane cried inwardly at the oppression and the feeling of being wronged.
Haha, none of this is really Airplane’s fault^ though. It’s a fun parallel and if I’m still motivated when we get to the wedding and consummation chapter, we might see an epilogue where SY and Bing gē from TUT meets SY!SQQ and Bing mèi maybe. Because I think it’ll be funny with the two LBHs getting into a shouting/ fighting match about who has the “superior Shen Yuan” while the two SYs just shake their heads at their silly husbands (and potentially TUT’s SY, as the older party, can impart his fortunetelling wisdom and advice to SY!SQQ).
Personally I can’t wait when we get to those chapters, because I know it’ll be entertaining to write, haha. Personally TUT is a fun project because there’s just so much meta potential that can be incorporated and I have a lot of fun imagining the scenarios.
*Note: like always, keep in mind that these are just my current thoughts. Details are subject to change; things aren’t considered official until they show up in the final draft on AO3. :)
The Novelists’ First Impressions
The first impression SY and Airplane will have of each other will be fun. Because in their perspective, written in my notes it’s essentially like:
(Airplane seeing SY):
His first reaction was shock. Shock because the mere mortal he used to be could not conceive so much charisma being emitted by this guy.
This is definitely a man who had put all of his stats into CHARISMA.
(SY seeing Airplane):
He's suspiciously good looking in ways that normal people are not.
Ah, the Cucumberplane friendship in TUT is going to be so much fun. Not only are these two older souls who transmigrated (both are mid-aged in this universe), they’re both accomplished novelists in their own right in the writing industry. Which means with these two being celestial beings, there’s so many clichés we can playfully poke fun at.
It also makes me laugh because imagine being SY, and seeing a guy (mortal!Airplane) who exudes the same energy as these two imperial princes GIFs:
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malfoymuch · 4 years
if it is a dream [draco malfoy; soulmate au]
Pairing; Draco x Reader,, Pansy x Draco (friends),, Pansy x Reader (friends),, Pansy x Theodore
Genre; Fluff? Overall, yeah...
Word Count; 3.5k+ (with extra)
Request; @andreasworlsboring101
Warnings; unedited
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“Draco! Draco, dearie, can you come here, please?” Draco’s mother, Narcissa called from the main room of their Manor. Draco bolted down the stairs, throwing his toys onto the bed as he skipped down the stairs, his hair swept messily to one side as he straightened himself in front of his mother.
“Yes, mommy?” Draco asked, brightly grinning up at his mother as he watched her near him, smiling as she fixed his hair.
“Your hair, Draco. It’s a mess. You’re lucky you’re father isn’t paying attention,” she lightly scolded, though Draco knew that she didn’t mean it-- it just meant that he had to be more proper and presentable at times when his father was around.
“Draco, my boy. We wanted to give you something, or at least show you at least,” his mother whispered, kneeling down and gasping her son’s shoulders softly, grinning at him. “We think you’re old enough to be responsible, aren’t you, my boy?”
“Of course I am, mum. I’m a big boy,” Draco announced, puffing out his chest eliciting a heartfelt laugh from her. She nodded, her lips tugged high into a smile.
“Draco.” His father’s voice boomed, startling both Draco and his mother for a second before they greeted him happily.
“Your mother and I thought it was time to present you with this,” Lucius handed his son an ebony wooden box, intricate designs hand-carved throughout the box, all leading to the lock. His father then handed him what seemed to be the key, and suddenly, Draco began to feel his hands tremble as he turned it counter-clockwise until he heard a faint ‘click.’
Gulping, his hands came to the top of the box, and pushed it back, until the hinges fully supported it. His eyes immediately scanned the inside, until his eyes landed on a ring.
Draco picked it up gently, terrified that he’d drop it. The ring was too, delicately sophisticated. The band was twisted and cool, the texture and pattern reminding Draco of a snake; he soon noticed the snake’s head, curved over the prong, until his eyes finally landed on the head of the ring. There, was the Malfoy’s family crest, surrounded with a backdrop of black with pristine and steady strokes of emerald. He was captivated, swirling the ring in his hand.
“It’s our family heirloom,” his mother had told him, “The ring will attach itself and hold on to your soulmate, the one you’re destined to be with.” His eyes grew in disbelief as he stared at his mother, his eyes sparkling.
“Is it true? Soulmates? Do they really exist?”
“Of course, my boy. It’s a very special ring, so you must promise that you won’t lose it.” Lucius’ voice reasoned, staring down at his son softly. “One day you’ll find them… a soulmate or whoever you wish to propose to,” his father explained further.
“But it’s not something to play around with, and randomly put on people’s fingers, it must be taken care of. It’s our family’s, after all.” Draco nodded as he put the ring on his ring finger, feeling the ring begin to tighter around his finger, the snake staring at him cheekily before resting back on the prong.
A sudden knock startled Draco before his mother ushered him out of the room happily.
“Hurry! That must be the (L/N)’s!” His mother announced, Draco smiling as he could hear giggles from the other side of the door. Opening it widely, he waved excitedly at you, waiting patiently for your parents to greet each other and come inside. As soon as they did, he tugged his mother’s dress, pleadingly looking into her eyes.
“Mother, can I play with (Y/N) before we eat? Just for a little bit?” He begged hurridly as he bounced a bit, knowing that his mother would probably agree, whereas his father would’ve refused based on his behavior. She sighed, before slowly nodding.
“Okay, but just for a little bit, all right? Supper will begin any minute now,” she rushed, making Draco grin. He pulled you along with him, running up the stairs before his father could realize where they were going. Closing the door to his room, he turned back at you, pointing at his hand.
“You won’t believe what I just got!” He whisper-screamed to you, watching as your eyes light up as you grabbed his hand to get a better look at it.
“A ring?”
“Not just any ring, (Y/N). It’s supposed to lead me to my soulmate… if they put the ring on and it doesn’t come off, they’re destined to be with me.” Automatically, you grabbed the ring and stared at it, before Draco pushed your hand away, shocked.
“What’re you doing!?”
“I wanna tryyyyyyy, pleaseeeeeeee.” You nagged, “I wanna be your soulmate, Draco.” Draco shook his head, moving his head behind his back as he stepped away from you.
“No, not yet, I’m too young.” He retorted childishly, his cheeks filled with air as he looked away from you, his face turning pink. You gasped, before grabbing his hands with yours.
“Then promise me then!”
“Promise you what?” He asked almost immediately, afraid of what you’d say.
“Promise we that in ten years from now, I’ll get to try it on! To see if I’m your soulmate or not!”
“And if we’re not?” He asked concerned, raising his eyebrow at you as you bit your bottom lip, in deep thought, until another idea sparked. “Then if neither of us finds our soulmate by a certain point, we’ll marry each other.”
“Are you insane? I can’t just marry my best friend!”
“Of course you can, people do it all the time. Most people were best friends before they were a couple, Draco. Or at least, that’s what my parents always say,” you finished with a shrug of your shoulders.
“If you don’t want to, though, it’s fine.” Draco watched as you failed to keep yourself happy, your expression slowly turning saddened and bleak. His heart tugged a bit as he growled under his breath, intertwining his tiny fingers with yours.
“Fine! Ten years from now, we’ll be… sixteen? Seventeen? We’ll do it then,” Draco shouted, stunned that your expression had altered so quickly, hugging him tightly before pushing him away.
“Yeah, sure. Pinky-promise.” He groaned, lacing his pinky with yours before the calls from both your parents were heard from bellow.
“We should probably get going,” he stated, making you nod. As you both hustled down the stairs, you quickly whispered.
“Remember, you can’t break a pinky-promise, or I’ll be mad.”
Draco and you had been friends from as long as he could remember, probably since birth, honestly. The two of you were constantly clinging onto one another, whether it was for comfort or to simply annoy the other… you both were inseparable as the years dragged on.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy! It’s time!” You scolded at him, attempting to tackle him to the ground in order to steal the piece of jewelry on his finger. He dodged at the last possible second, however, grinning from ear-to-ear as he watched you trip.
“Better luck, next time, love.” He teased, sticking his tongue out and playfully sending a wink your way. You immediately flushed bright red, blowing away a strand of your hair before charging towards him once again.
“Draco Malfoy! You made a promise that I get to try on the ring! Let me, already!” You scolded, your finger jabbing into his chest as you tried to reach for his hand, but he seemed to be much quicker as he waved it in all directions. He then took the initiative to remove the ring from his fingers, placing it in the palm of his hand and tauntingly waving it in your face, before extending his hand as high as he could.
“I don’t see why you’re so obsessed with this ring, (Y/N). Or the promise, you should be focused on something else,” he tried to persuade, knowing that you weren’t listening to a word he said. “Besides, it hasn’t officially been ten years, since then… you still have another month or so.”
“Oh shut up, will you? Just give me it!” You interjected, jumping to try and grab his hand. He twirled around you and smirked, ruffling his hair as he steadied the ring back on his finger.
“Unfortunately, class begins soon… guess you’ll have to try later--” his sentence was cut off short as he began to run, you trailing behind him in a frenzy towards your class; his laughs echoed the hallways as students made sure to clear a path, avoiding eye-contact with him and you (pretty much because you threatened to hex anyone who got in the way as you were running).
Normally, you wouldn’t have even batted an eyelash towards his heirloom, or bring it up in a conversation. But as the day got closer, it kind of started to bring a sense of uneasiness to you… the promise. The scenarios playing in your mind as you slept, or daydreamed through some of your classes.
But it made you think. For once, it was odd. To imagine your future as a sixteen-soon-to-be-seventeen-year-old, nonetheless with your best friend. He must’ve thought it wasn’t big, but it definitely was to you. You weren’t an idiot at the age of seven, you knew what you were getting into when you made that promise. Hell, you even wrote it in a little journal you had afterward, it wasn’t hard to deny it. You fancied Draco.
For years, so the thought of being his soulmate made you feel excited and absolutely terrified. Pansy had often reassured that all would work out, and things would pan out the way it should… but it still bothered you. As much as you tried not to, it was the only thought that remained.
Maybe I should just forget about it, he’s probably someone in mind anyway, you thought as you slumped in your chair, it wouldn’t have been the first.
“Hey! (Y/N), are you even paying attention?” Pansy nudged your shoulder, asking through her teeth, her eyes widening as she forced you to look down into your textbook before the professor noticed you were spacing out.
“Still obsessing over Draco?” She whispered, resulting in a bitter laugh to emit from you. Pansy had had an overwhelming obsession with Draco for the first few years until one day, it seemed the message of him not reciprocating her feelings had become clear, and then she changed.
Much better, if you were being honest. She had her own personal glow-up and was focused much more on devoting time reflecting and helping you.
“Maybe you should pretend to lose interest? That might make him give it up,” she suggested, “Or just steal it from him? You know, unexpected--”
“How am I supposed to steal it? It’s on his finger, Pansy,” you jeered, continuing to write utter nonsense in your notebook as you stared at it with intent, hearing her sigh loudly. “I don’t know, but you have to do something, maybe even tell him… ever given that a thought?” She questioned, staring at you concerningly as you shifted under her gaze uncomfortably, trying to stir your attention away from anything but the topic at hand.
“I don’t know…” you dragged on, making eye-contact with Draco from across the classroom, seeing him happily sending you a smile; you tried your best to return the favor, however, it seemed a bit forced, causing Draco’s to waver.
Oh, bloody hell…
“Well, now he knows something’s up,” Pansy piqued, giving you a knowing gaze as she gave a quick glance at him, before grabbing your hand to prevent you from writing any longer. “You have to do something, I’m not saying you should steal the ring or stalk him, but do what your heart tells you to do, when the time comes.” You smiled softly as you grabbed her hand, uttering a sincere ‘thank you’ before returning to your work.
Pansy gazed back up at Draco, seeing his concerned gaze towards you before mouthing to Pansy a series of phrases, and answering them swiftly before you had the chance to notice.
Draco had no idea what was going on with you. One minute, you were giddy and incredibly engaged in your own world, the next you were shouting at him about his promise and the ring, and then you give him a pathetic attempt of smiling at him… and suddenly he had no clue what was going on with you.
He’d been talking to Pansy lately about the issue, but she’d either reassure that everything would be fine or give the curt response: “Go ask for yourself”
Normally, Draco would’ve given a snarky response back, but she’d always managed to run away before he could press on more about you.
“What happened to (Y/N), Pansy?” He asked through gritted teeth, “You make this so much harder than it has to be.” Pansy raised a brow at him, amused, twirling the strands of her hair with her finger.
“Someone’s not happy…” she taunted before shrugging her shoulders. “Unfortunately, I can’t tell you.”
“Why not? Aren’t you her best friend?”
“Aren’t you?” Pansy countered quickly, watching Draco’s mouth hung open, before closing silently. “You two have known each other longer than I have; if you think something’s wrong ask (Y/N) yourself.”
“I can’t if (Y/N) won’t talk to me,” he pressed on, staring at his friend’s eyes as he grabbed her wrists. “Please, I need to know--”
“Draco, do you fancy (Y/N)?” Pansy inquired, removing his hands off of her, settling them back on her lap as she stared at him knowingly. Draco frantically shook his head at her, ruffling his hair in the process.
“Where did that question even come from, Pansy? Have you gone mad--”
“No. But it seems you will, soon. Why won’t you let (Y/N) try on the ring? A Malfoy sticks by their word, don’t they?”
Draco’s mouth became instantly dry, struggling to form any coherent sentence as his ears began to grow bright. Pansy’s eyes glimmered in realization.
“You’re afraid (Y/N) isn’t the one, aren’t you?” Draco remained silent as she titled her head to meet his gaze, to which his gaze moved away again. “Or are you afraid (Y/N) is the one?”
“You’re deranged, Parkinson.”
“Perhaps I am, but the one thing I’m not Draco… is a coward.” She grunted, resulting in Draco staring up at her, shocked. Pansy was a female that often spoke her mind and criticized others, but not him. She certainly changed.
“You’ve been friends for ages, Draco. And even when I was too “preoccupied” with you I still knew it; (Y/N) won’t be around forever, and if you don’t act soon someone will sweep them off their feet because that’s what they deserve. And you’ll never know the truth,” Pansy flicked his forehead, making Draco whine at the impact. “You’re incredibly dense, sometimes. I wonder what I saw in you…” Draco’s eyes trailed down to the floor, before a sudden laugh shook, startling him.
“But I know (Y/N) sees it… saw it longer than I had, maybe… besides, I got myself… someone. So go get yours.” Draco’s eyes stared up at his long friend, staring at her both thankful and apologetic.
“Oh stop with the sappy look, will you? I’m not telling you to confess and I’m not asking for pity. But when the time comes… do it.”
A few weeks had passed since then, and your nerves had remained calmer than ever. It seemed Pansy was right, and being able to dial down on your turmoil was as simple as clearing your mind… from all of the thoughts of his heirloom.
Of course, you took that route. Instead of confessing to him… and Pansy had egged you to pursue him while respecting your decision. It just seemed easier, you noted, to distract yourself for a while.
“Why are you spacing off, again? Someone caught your eye?” Draco quipped, staring down at you. You rolled your eyes as you readjusted yourself on his lap, giving him an irritated look.
“Does it matter? Even if I was, it’s none of your business,” you ended while sticking out your tongue, noticing Draco’s eyes had slightly clouded at your remark.
“I should probably leave soon, Umbridge will be scouting soon…” Draco murmured, as you let out a frustrated growl.
“Oh yes! The sadist, who only lives to ruin student’s lives… I find it concerning that she’s so fascinated in kids…” you whispered the last part, Draco letting out a hearty laugh. “Pipe it down, I heard she has eyes and ears everywhere,” he added on, the both of you snickering.
“Watch out, she might hide under your bed too, I wouldn’t put it past her.” Draco grabbed your hand and squeezed it as he let out another laugh, the cool metal of his ring sending a shiver down your spine. As it died down, he released your hand, before his eyes traveled down to his hand, and his ring. He removed his other hand cradling your head and removed the hoop slowly.
“Here, a deal’s a deal.” You let out a huff, knitting your eyebrows as he dropped the ring into your hands.
“Why so suddenly… well, I guess I’ll try it. After all, you’ll probably be getting it back.” The statement broke your heart, but in reality, it seemed fit to say. And Draco cracked a smile, so he must’ve been hoping it to happen too.
Sliding the ring on your finger, another shiver sent down your spine, your eyes lost in the details of the loop. Your breath hitched suddenly as you paused your movements, watching for something to happen. A sign.
Looking up, you saw Draco staring just as intensely as you had at your hand, the curves of his mouth downward and grim.
“See? I told you,” you sighed, reaching for the ring again and attempting to tug at it.
However, as you tried, you realized you couldn’t take it off.
“Uh… Draco? Can… Can you give me a hand?” You pleaded nervously, his eyes widening as he adjusted his position, panicked.
“Yeah, of course.” He responded, gently grabbing your hand in his, his fingers hanging over the ring, deep in thought, before he dropped it, staring at you.
“(Y/N)... it won’t come off,” he said quietly, a small smile dancing on his features.
“How would you know? You didn’t even try,” you tried to defend, grabbing the ring again and tugging it. This time, the ring had gotten looser, only for the snake to hiss at you, its jade eyes leering. You removed your hand almost instantly, letting the creature hum in content before slithering itself around you again, this time, a bit tighter than before.
“This has to be a dream, it can’t be real… can it?” You gaped, thinking that you were daydreaming again. Hallucinating maybe?
“I don’t think it’s a dream,” Draco started, his thumb playing with the ring on your finger, a bright smile plastered on his face as he stared (almost) lovingly at it. “But if it is…” he intertwined his fingers with yours, staring into your eyes with a lovestruck gaze.
“I don’t ever want to wake up.” He paused, before leaning down to capture your lips with his.
“I think it’s better than any dream, actually.”
Months later, your head was resting on Draco’s shoulder, as he seemed to be engaged in a conversation with the boy across from him; Theodore Nott, Pansy’s boyfriend, who looked to be a decently charming Slytherin, though he was extremely opinionated with whatever they were conversing about.
“Sorry for asking, but I’ve been a bit curious about the ring on (Y/N)’s finger?” Theodore suddenly inquired, making you lift your head up to see Draco had been playing with the ring on your finger the whole time, twirling it rhythmically.
“Oh, isn’t it obvious? We’re engaged.” He smirked deviously, a gasp coming from you as you pushed him away, laughing. “Yeah right--”
“Aren’t we?”
“You didn’t even propose!”
“Don’t you have a ring? I can’t give you another one, this one isn’t coming off--”
“You didn’t ask and we’re still in school! Plus it’d be nice if you at least made the effort to ask--”
“Do you want me to ask? I can do it, plan it out if you want…It’s not like my parents would disapprove… my mother’s absolutely smitten for you.”
“That sounds nasty.”
“You know what I meant by that.”
“Even cuter, Theo, they’re soulmates…” Pansy whispered to him, as both of you bickered with one another. Theodore nodded in understanding, leaning down to Pansy’s ear. “I assume you helped… I don’t think Draco wouldn’t have done it anytime soon otherwise.”
“I can hear you,” Draco announced, pink dusting his cheeks as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, “And I would’ve eventually… though I’m glad Pansy helped…”
“Of course I had to,” Pansy smiled proudly, “And look how it turned out. I’m great at what I do.”
“You mean not minding your own business?”
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random ask, but what your thoughts on spongebob's family members? (that we've seen of course)
Hmm well Sponge's dad used to creep me out as a kid. He's just glasses, a nose, and a mustache! Idk why it looked creepy. Like those stop motion characters that are designed that way. It creeps me out.
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Also he doesn't seem to show much emotion in most of his appearances (which happen to be from the middle era) he seems kinda cold? Like that episode blackjack where spongebob thought his parents were kidnapped and he imagined a scenario of it and he imagined them both sitting together watching tv and his mom all bubbly and happy to spend time with him while his dad seems entirely uninterested and only let out a sigh.
Or A Squarepants Family Vacation episode where he seemed like he wad just barely tolerating spongebob and the end of the episode where he's like "he's your son".
He wasn't like this pre movie and his character in the modern seasons now are closer to his pre movie counterpart which is more friendly, he's always been more quiet but never like that. But for the most part you'd usually see Harold in those middle seasons episodes where he behaved like that. You never see Sponge's parents so it kinda sticks out. Idk why to me. It really stood out. What's going on with this dude??
Oh there is an exception like that time sponge moved into the krusty krab and his parents came over to visit and sponge turned Mr. Krab's office into a bathroom and his mom was showering in there. Mr. Krabs didn't know and just assumed they were curtains and tried to tear it down. And Harold was ready to square up with Mr. Krabs. Tiny man ready to fight to protecc his wife is the only thing I care about.
Now as for his mom. Amazing, fantastic, stupendous. Nothing will ever compare. I like her. She's so sweet and adorable. Though there isn't much to her aside from that. Tbh I kinda do wish sponge's parents showed up more so we could know more about her. Sponge definitely got most of her features and personality.
His grandma - I like to imagine she's the reason why Spongebob is so interested in squidward because of that one particular Spongebob comic where it turns out his Grandma and Squidward share a lot of interests and hobbies. That aside she's the usual sweet grandma character you see in cartoons. She has set my expectations too high. I remember when I was a kid and I met my grandma for the first time. Language barrier™™ I'm getting off topic but I wish Grandma squarepants would show up again in a modern episode. Pleaseeeeee.
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Stanley - adorable and deserved so much better. I really wish Stanley could reappear in the modern seasons. I miss this little funky weirdo. I get some people found him annoying since everything he touched gets destroyed but I always liked his character. Tbh if I could rewrite this episode, I would fix that since everything getting destroyed is an annoying trope/gag I've seen a million times in other cartoons. They could have done more. Also give him brown eyes like his father. That aside he's still too cute!!!!
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Spongebuck - he's sponge's ancestor. He's pretty much made to be spongebob but if he existed in the wild west. He's a little too similar. Kinda wish they did more to differentiate him and SB. Even in small ways like little quirks and hobbies. I def liked Pests of the Wests but there isn't much to say about him since he's basically Spongebob.
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Uncle Sherm - we've only seen a picture of him with a watermelon up his nose. I've always had questions about him. He's Stanley's father. He couldn't deal with Stanley anymore so he shipped him off to spongebob. He doesn't sound like a very good father,,,, he does have black eyebrows which explains Stanley's black hair.
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I'm really curious how he's like. I wish he'd show up in the show just once. With Stanley! I also have questions as to why Stanley looks so humanoid. I headcanon that Sherm married a fish since fishfolk are very humanoid like that.
Captain Blue - don't like him all that much. He's got one appearance and that was in the BlackJack episode. Spongebob comes to him in a panic and he actively misunderstands him and assumes sponge came to do chores. I feel like he did it on purpose. Sponge is worried his parents could be in potential harm and this dude makes him do all the housework. I know for sURE he's doing this purposely like sponge being entirely worried and panicked is so easy to ignore? They could fix him up a bit if he reappears in a new episode. For some reason I imagine him and Patrick's grandpa being like frenemies 🤔
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BlackJack - as a kid I thought he was Jack Black like from kungfu panda and School of Rock because of the name and if you remember the ads for Kungfu Panda, you'd hear the name Jack Black all the time. I'm actually surprised he didn't voice him. It would have been a funny little thing. Anyways I'm actually curious what exactly BlackJack did to have Sponge absolutely loathe and fear him. What did y'all do?? Also the end of the episode where its revealed that he's so tinyyyyyy. I still have so many questions. To me watching the episode as a kid and now, I thought of it as like being the younger cousin, you'd get picked on and you take really seriously the way how the older cousins tease you so you don't like them. Then you grow up and see that they're a bunch of dorks like you and there's nothing to fear or be upset about. Plus from a child's POV some things feel like a big deal and some things feel really scary so that's probably why Sponge was so scared. He was remembering how he felt about it.
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Ehh still doesn't answer why he's SO TINYYYYY. you can hold him in the palm of your hand! Prison was tough on this dude😔
Grandpa Squarepants - we only got a handful of moments where we got to see grandpa Squarepants. Mostly from spongebob remembering and misunderstanding the advice he gave him. I wonder why this stopped in the post movie era. Kinda miss that. There could have been a whole episode about grandpa Squarepants when he was young. Oh well.
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There's other family like Todd Squarepants but he was in a book that I haven't seen so I can't say anything. Or spongetrons. Spongebob's future grandson whos too busy playing his gameboy that showed up in that one episode, or primitive sponge or spongegar. I haven't much to say since they've only been in one episode or a short appearance. They aren't directly related to Squarepants and I just don't feel like mentioning them.
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Now for any potential family to show up. I really wish someone on his mother's side would show up. Mostly because they don't have the name Squarepants and character designs would be forced not to look so much like Spongebob himself. We could get some interesting looking characters.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
historia reiss | forever and always
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writing for historia is making me fall in love with her and realize that she’s an amazingly written character.
enjoy this bittersweet one shot
warnings/notes: canon au, takes place during historia’s pregnancy, season 3 and up spoilers, cursing, angst, fluff/comfort, s4 spoilers, chapter 105 and up spoilers.
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you remember the first day you met historia. it was the first time she came back to the farm, face devoid of all emotion. you’d heard that it was her hometown whenever you were planting vegetables with your friend. you gaped at her, exclaiming that she had to have been lying since she was a queen. no one disclosed why she was there, not that you minded, you didn’t want to get in her way.
now, you’re opening your eyes to see her staring at you. you just blink and bring your hand to wipe the sleep out of your eyes.
“you alright,” you murmured, staring at the bump on her belly.
she just gives a nod that leaves you unconvinced.
“are you sure? you don’t typically come sleep with me in my room,” you hesitate putting a comforting hand on her bicep, but she doesn’t react.
a little while after historia had gotten pregnant, the two of you had met when she went to town for fruits and vegetables. she hardly spoke and it often left you confused.
whenever historia started showing, she finally admitted that she didn’t live with anyone. a farmer, who you assume got her pregnant, would often come by her house and stay with her for hours. he cared for her whenever he was there, but she even admitted that she can’t be as friendly with him as she is with you. you scoffed at the statement; historia only spoke whenever it was required and whenever she felt like it.
you offered to move in with her, you had needed to move out of your parent’s home anyway, and all she gave was a small smile and a nod. you slept in the room next to her’s and told her that if she was having difficulty with sleeping that she could sleep with you. it was rare that she’d have issues sleeping, but then again historia didn’t speak up about much.
“just a nightmare,” she said quietly.
you hum in response, sliding your hand up to her cheek. she had no interest in sharing what it was about.
“we’ve gotta get up,” you smile as you stroke her cheek with your thumb.
she nods, watching you sit up and get out of bed. you yawn and stretch your arms towards the sky, walking over to historia’s side of the bed to see if she needed help getting up. she got up without an issue, silently intertwining her fingers with your’s.
around this time, you usually helped her bathe. and by help, you just stood close by the bathroom door to make sure she doesn’t slip.
“need help taking off your nightgown,” you ask while you turn on the shower, keeping your hand under the stream of the water to feel it warm up just a slight.
“please and thank you,” she watches you swat your hand back and forth to get rid of the water on your hand.
“you’re welcome,” you give her a toothy smile, slowly pulling up her nightgown and over her head. all she wore was underwear.
“do you need my help with those, or can you do it alone,” historia nods once more, continuing to stare at you—something that you’ve gotten used to.
historia can’t help but feel an immense amount of adoration for you. you take care of her, speak to her, and help her do mundane things. if it weren’t for you and the farmer who got her pregnant, she’d probably sit at home and rot in self despair.
she can’t remember the last time she’s seen her comrades, her friends. they’re off at marley, bringing back eren along with his brother. she misses them more than she can describe, but she’s never said anything about it to no one else but you. when she told you, you held her small, crying body in your warm arms. she feels safe whenever she’s with you, like you won’t judge her for all that she’s done.
you never touched on the fact that she’s a queen, you treated her as a friend. and it’s been a while since she’s felt as such. she felt content for the first time ever since eren’s disappearance.
she stands under the stream of the water, mind wondering what happened with her friends. they left her, not because they wanted to, but because they had to. eren left her, despite his constant reassurance that he wouldn’t try to go along with zeke’s plan. she doesn’t know his intent, she doesn’t want to.
without even realizing it, she lets out a small sob. her tears are mixing with the lukewarm water that’s covering her, and her small shoulders shake trying to hold in more sobs. she remembers that it’s only you in the house, so she lets go of her bottom lip that’s trapped between her teeth. she’s sobbing wantonly now, reaching up to cover her eyes as she slowly lowers herself to the floor. she assumes she must’ve knocked something down because you’re running into the bathroom and towards her.
when she looks up at you, she’s greeted with a sad smile. you crouch down, fully clothed, and hold her cheeks in your palms. her sobs are reduced to tears in a matter of minutes, and even if it’s just you, she still feels ashamed.
she watches you lather up shampoo in your hands, sitting on your bottom and scooting closer to her. you’re in your pajamas, which are now soaked, and reaching to her hair and covering her hair in the soap. the soap becomes bubbly at the contact of water, and she can’t help but crack a small smile at you tapping her nose with a bubbly finger. it leaves her with a huge bubble on her nose.
you rinse her of the shampoo, pouring some conditioner into your hands and running your fingers through her long tresses.
you rinse her off again and help her onto her feet, asking if she wanted to rub the soap all over herself on her own or if she needed help. she said she could do it, which she did quickly, and got out of the shower. you wrapped her in a towel, not bothering to turn off the water because you were probably going to get in next.
“alright, your clothes are on your bed. i’m going to take a quick shower and get out of these clothes—“
“no!,” it was the loudest you’d ever heard her speak.
“no..,” she softened her voice, “i don’t want to be alone right now.”
it felt like you were switching places with her since you just stared and nodded. historia wasn’t fully dried off along with her hair, so she could sit on the toilet with the towel still wrapped around her.
you peeled off your clothes, ignoring the loud ‘plop’ that followed along with the dropping of your cloths. she didn’t stare at you, instead she stared at her hands. she let the sound of your humming cleanse her mind, even if it was just for a moment.
your holding hands with historia as you guide her through the small plaza of the town. as the two of you were walking, she kept staring at the people she was passing by. happy couples that were seemingly on dates, rowdy and happy children running around, and teenagers talking to some of the merchants.
somehow, she thought of ymir as she stared at the couple with linked arms.
ymir wanted that life for the two of them. ymir wanted to live in a cottage, small house, wherever with historia. she wanted historia to be free, free to be her own person that wasn’t tied down by the government. ymir wanted the two of them to be married, she didn’t care where; as long as she was with historia.
historia didn’t realize she was crying and that she was in a trance until she felt your thumb wiping away her tears. your eyes stared into her own with your eyebrows bunched up in concern and a frown on your face. from what she saw in her peripheral view, the two of you were in a shaded alleyway.
you didn’t say anything just yet, continuing to scrub away her crystalline tears and her snot.
“it’s alright,” you whisper as you kiss her forehead, “she’s in a better place.”
somehow, you always knew what was wrong with her. she had once told you about ymir and what had happened to her, and you couldn’t help but feel pure sympathy as you listened.
she’s told you everything that she’s gone through and you can’t even imagine being that strong. you just apologized and told her that she was strong, even when she told you she didn’t feel like it.
“do you want to go back home? i had presumed that we could’ve enjoyed shopping for fruit together. i didn’t mean to give you any memories,” you’re so patient.
“what... what do you think ymir would’ve wanted for me,” she croaks out and brings her small hands to wrap around your wrist.
“from what i’ve heard about her, i think ymir would’ve wanted you to..,” you think for a moment, “be happy and be your own person. no matter the circumstances. to move on. to live.”
historia sniffles and nods, opting to rest her forehead against your sternum. you stroke her hair with your right hand and her back with your left.
“you have my love, historia,” you whisper to her after you’ve kissed the crown of her head.
“you have mine as well,” she whispers into your chest, “forever and always.”
a few months had passed since the incident in the plaza, and now historia and you were a couple. but it wasn’t as if you two got together immediately after, the two of you waited until last month to be together. when you’d reminded her of ymir’s wish, she found herself finally putting the ‘what could have been’ scenarios to rest. she continued to deal with the disappearance of both her friends and eren. she still continued to deal with nightmares, but found them becoming just a bit more tolerable whenever you were near.
now, you were making her lemonade as she sat out on the porch. you hum quietly as you’re picking up the tray of the cups and lemonade. as you walk towards the porch, you find yourself singing.
“historia, i made you some lemon... nade...?” you slowed your singing tune as you saw multiple soldiers standing on the porch in front historia in her rocking chair.
they all gaped at you, all but one female and one male solider. you felt your face get hot from embarrassment, immediately whipping your head to look at historia.
“should i make some more lemonade?”
a few minutes later and they all were sitting in your’s and historia’s living room while you handed out glasses of lemonade. historia sat in a rocking chair once more, hands placed on her protruding belly as she stares at you with a small smile.
when you were done, you sat down in separate rocking chair next to historia’s. you’d often sit in the living room together, idly talking with one another sometimes as you stared at the sun and children outside.
“um... so,” a solider, who you assume is growing hair, “who exactly are you?”
you smile, “i’m (name) (last name). i often take care of historia whenever she needs it. i’m also her lover.”
almost all of them dropped their jaws, heads turning to historia. she just waves her hand, a signal for you to explain.
“i met historia a little while ago. i’ve lived with her for a while as well. we’ve only gotten together since last month,” you explain, “now... who are you?”
a tall person stood up from their seat, a green bolo tie hanging from their neck, “i’m hanji zoe, commander of the scout regiment. this is historia’s old squad from when she was in the regiment as well. we... we came to tell her some news.”
“everyone introduce yourself please,” hanji turned towards the rest of their squad.
“levi,” a short man grumbles with his head in his hands.
“jean kirstein.”
“connie springer, nice to meet you.”
“i’m armin arlelt.”
“mikasa ackerman.”
you smile, “i’ve heard so much about you all!”
before they could all pester you about what historia said, historia spoke up with a glass in her hand.
“where’s sasha... she’s not here.”
silence flooded the area and you couldn’t help but get a bad feeling in your stomach. something was wrong.
“historia... sasha is..,” mikasa starts to speak up but is interrupted by the cracking of her own voice.
“eren killed sasha,” connie admitted.
there was a sound of glass breaking and then silence. historia’s eyes were wide and scared, she wanted someone to tell her they were just kidding.
but when you jumped to your feet to help her step over the glass, that’s when she knew it was real.
“i’m afraid i’m going to have to ask you to leave...,” your own voice is cracking, despite having no personal affairs to sasha.
after they’d left, she cried. cried into your chest and told you about her first interaction of sasha. she told you the potato story. the countless stories about their time they spent together with ymir.
neither of you slept that night.
historia sat at the dining table, watching you make dinner for the two of you. you were humming and telling her about your day—since the farmer spent most of the day with her—a huge grin spread across your face.
your eyes were shining as you walked towards her with her plate in your hands. you had on one of her shirts one, one she got when she started showing, and a long grey skirt. you’ve got brown boots on and they remind her of her cadet days for some reason. she pushes away the thought, knowing that she’d just end up in tears.
you look so... domestic. like a mother bringing her children food. a wife greeting her husband from work. it made her smile, a full smile, when you put her plate in front of her.
when she looks back up to you, she felt her stomach drop.
you had fat tears rolling down your face with your lips parted in surprise. your eyebrows were raised in bewilderment.
you’d never seen historia give anything more than a small smile. and even then, it didn’t last for long.
your lips curl up in a smile and you take ahold of her face with your palms. you give her a big kiss, ignoring the salty taste of your own tears mixing in. your smile stayed as you pulled away, tears continuing to fall from your eyes.
“your smile,” you give a breathy smile, “i’m glad to see you happy. ‘s all i ever wanted.”
your tears and smiles are infectious. her hands are holding your cheeks now and your foreheads are resting against each other’s. you share multiple kisses and giggles as you hold each other.
“love you, i love you,” you laugh even as your voice cracks inside your throat, “i love you, forever and always.”
“and i love you back, forever and always,” it’s the first time you’ve heard her laugh, first time since you’ve seen her smile, the first time her eyes were filled with light.
you ignore impending doom that hangs over your heads. you know you’re going to die and you know historia’s going to live. to live through the birth of her child and the birth of the rumbling.
and she’ll once again suffer through the death of the one she loves.
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