b1tstar · 1 month
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66 notes · View notes
tired-ticket-man · 3 days
”What the FUCK.”
11 notes · View notes
queenimmadolla · 1 year
(dad!eddie x mom/pregnant!reader)
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 ─ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 ─ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟑 • more of the pennyverse here.
Summary: . . . Under a raging storm, your difficult pregnancy comes to an end. And so might you. warnings: angst, a whole lot of angst, near death experience, difficult pregnancy, early labor, preterm birth, talk of loss of infants, birth defects, happy ending.
a/n: sorry I have to post this in parts, Wayne's World ended up being over 16k, so I split it up in three. part one's word count is 5.3k. this was a real labor of love and i hope you love baby wayne as much as i do. and for the people mad about the long post, sorry, had the 'keep reading' tab on but it kept fucking with the format and eating chunks of it. you're gonna have to scroll. let me know what you think? ◡̈
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“Do you have a queen of hearts?” “Go fish.” You grumbled as Wayne reached forward, lifting–but making sure not to catch a look of the other side–a card from the deck to hand you. Your frown deepened when it wasn’t a pair for any of the cards you already had. “Nuts,” you mumbled, eyes darting to all the pairs Wayne had matched up on the small living room table, then down to the four pairs you had placed over your bulging stomach. It was risky of you to keep them there so late in your pregnancy considering how active your baby was but you didn’t feel like reaching too far for them, regardless of the fact that his kicks had sent them sliding down your sides twice now.
You’d been playing card games with Wayne for the past hour and a half, the raging storm having knocked out the power for the entire park. Eddie was with your friends, no doubt trapped at the pizza place Lucas’ parents had booked to celebrate his birthday. His actual birthday had been a couple of days prior but the Hellfire session that would have celebrated it had been canceled; you weren’t feeling too good and Eddie had stayed faithfully by your side. You hadn’t been feeling all that great when you’d woken up today, either. You’d forced Eddie to go, refusing to let Lucas down again even though you knew he’d understand. He was a sweetheart. So, Eddie had reluctantly gone, taking Penny with him.
The storm had come out of nowhere, you’d woken to a lovely day but you wouldn’t know it from how dark the sky had grown; the sun having been blocked by heavy rain clouds. 
Despite practically living at his girlfriend’s, just a couple of trailers down, Wayne had rushed over to make sure you were okay and to keep you company. You’d been watching an Indiana Jones movie and talking to Wayne about the apartments you and Eddie were looking at when the power went out but Wayne–always practical and level headed–pulled out some candles you’d accrued and a deck of cards he had remembered he stashed in one of the kitchen drawers to keep you amused.
You’d lost just about every game. Clearly, Wayne wasn’t going to let you win just because you were pregnant like Eddie did.
“This ain’t even one of them bettin’ games. How’re you still losin’?” Wayne chuckled, taking a sip of the tea (powdered, of course) you’d served him. 
  “Just my luck, I guess.” Wayne was referring to the game of Poker you’d played earlier. Unfortunately, you didn’t know how to play. While he taught you a little along the way, you’d still obviously lost and you were positive you retained absolutely no knowledge regarding the game.
Sensing your frustration, Wayne leaned forward from his place on the recliner he’d dragged to the otherside of the small table and placed his cards down, settling back into the chair with his old man creaky noises that you’d grown comfortable with him enough to tease him about (and always made up for with a sweet kiss to his head).
  “What say you an’ I just talk, hm?”
That was fine with you. You gathered the cards on your baby bump, tossing them onto the table alongside his, “Eddie won’t let me name the baby after him.”
“Really?” Wayne asked, eyebrows furrowed in a brief moment of confusion. He’d expected his eccentric nephew to want to leave behind some sort of legacy, nothing better than a child.
  “He’s playing devil’s advocate, shooting down every name I come up with but never giving his input, I’m starting to think we’ll have to just put names in a cup and pick one after I have him.” You slumped further into the couch, pouting through your exhaustion.
  “Now that sounds like ‘im,” Wayne scoffed, raising the mug to his lips once more before he really took in your appearance. 
  You looked beyond exhausted, skin dull, dark circles around your eyes and you lacked the spark always attached to your personality. You didn’t just look miserable, you looked sick.
  The mug was placed back on the table as he regarded you with concern, “You alright, darlin’? Don’t look so good.”
  You gave him a tight lipped smile that didn’t reach your eyes, hands settling to rest on your protruding tummy, “I’m okay, really, Wayne. I’m just very tired. I’ve had high blood pressure for the last couple of months, so the doctor says I’m considered high risk.”
  You had a doctor’s appointment earlier this week—with another one scheduled for tomorrow afternoon—and she’d also told you to do your best to relax, not to move around a lot and not worry too much about it, or it could get worse, so you added, “I just have to take it easy. Being tired just comes with it.”
  Wayne didn’t think it was right, if you were taking it easy, you shouldn’t have been so exhausted. Tired, he could understand but you looked beyond that.
  “Why don’t we get you into bed?”
  You nodded, agreeing only because you wanted to let him get back to Maude. Wayne moved around the table, offering you his hands to help pull yourself up. It was pitiful, your stomach wasn’t even that big but you were significantly weaker this pregnancy compared to when you’d been pregnant with Penny. 
  You slipped your hands into his, groaning as he pulled you up.
  “Lil’ man’s got you making old man noises, too,” He joked, referring to the grunts he’d make when he stood up with creaking bones for which you’d tease him.
  You laughed, small but genuine as you placed your hands on your lower back and stretched, “Alright, alright. You’re not wrong but I’ll remember this.”
  Wayne chuckled at your response, hand on your shoulder ready to guide you to your bedroom. He had no intentions of leaving the trailer, planning on camping out on the couch or the pullout that was still tucked into the corner until Eddie returned.
  You’d just managed to get your back to pop in the most satisfying of ways when you felt a bit of pressure between your legs—like you really needed to pee—followed by a rush of liquid.
  “Oh, fuck,” you mumbled, eyes squeezing shut to keep the mortification of having just pissed yourself in front of your father-in-law at bay, “I am so sorry, Wayne, I didn’t even know I had to… to…”
  You trailed off, staring down at the wet patch of carpet surrounding your feet. There was no noticeable urine smell, but what really concerned you was the red mixed into it, staining the fibers of the carpet.
  “Wayne…” Your voice was so small as you reached around you to hold your stomach, as if you could somehow protect your baby.
  Wayne saw it too, eyes wide and horrified when he’d realized your water had broken.
  “New plan: let’s get you to the hospital.” He tried to urge you forward but you wouldn’t budge, trembling in his hold.
  “I—I can’t,” you stated, voice hitching and laced with fear as you finally turned your head to look up at him. Wayne could see the terror in your eyes, the panic and the shine to them. Everything he was feeling inside, too, he just knew he had to keep it together for your sake. “I’m barely 30 weeks, he’s too early, he has to stay in there!”
  You were nearly hyperventilating, head pounding as horrible thoughts raced through your head. Your hands moved frantically over your belly, trying to feel a kick from your baby. When was the last time you felt him being active? Was he okay? Why was he being so still? Why did your water break so early and why was there blood in it? And what the hell was that loud pounding sound? It was your heartbeat.
  “Hey—‘member wha’ you told me earlier? ‘Bout what the doctor said? You gotta take it easy, right?” Wayne was panicking just as much as you but he knew he had to keep you calm, had to reassure you. 
  You swallowed hard, tears welling in your eyes as you nodded, following up with a watery confession, “Yeah. But I’m scared.”
  “Thas’ okay,” he stated, recalling a time he’d said the same thing to another scared mother-to-be just hours before Eddie had been born. “We’re gonna get you to the hospital and they’re gon’ take real good care of you. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
  For once, Wayne Munson’s eyes were easy for you to read, you could see the sincerity of them, the certainty and despite the fear still coursing through you, you believed him. 
  Finally, you moved and Wayne sprang into action, asking you the whereabouts of your coat, if you’d had a hospital bag prepped—which thanks to Eddie’s paranoia, you did—before he’d actually carried you through the heavy rain, out to the car. You’d been surprised, hadn’t expected Wayne to be that strong since he was more so on the gangly side.
  He’d ensured you were buckled in, made a last run into the house to make sure the candles were out before the two of you were braving the storm.
  It was a rough drive; Wayne was speeding but it wasn’t enough, the pushback from the wind made it seem like he was going uphill, losing speed rather than gaining it. The windshield wipers on his truck were working overtime to clear the constant stream of water from his view.
  You were faring no better, feeling weaker and more fatigued by the minute. Despite the cold weather, your skin became coated in a layer of sweat, though you were by no means hot. You couldn’t even register your own body temperature, too out of it as your forehead pressed against the cool glass of the window. 
  “We’re almost there,” Wayne promised, glancing nervously at your slumping figure. He was scared out of his mind now that he knew you weren’t just sick. Wayne Munson was afraid you were dying before his eyes.
  You stirred just as he was a few turns away from the hospital, face scrunching into a frown as you whimpered. Wayne thought you may have been in pain, he was wrong. You were hit with an intense need to push and you did, once and hard.
  The dull thud of something hitting the floor mats was somehow louder to the two of you than the raging storm. Wayne glanced away from the road and inhaled sharply when he watched you look down at the unnaturally pale baby, the only color on his skin was that of some of your blood.
  You reached down and picked up the smaller than normal baby, cradling him to your chest as you stared at his face. It was all squished up, and his eyes were closed, lips turning blue. He wasn’t breathing. 
  You turned him over, belly down in your hold as you patted his back. As you grew more anxious and fearful, you pinched the bottom of his tiny, soft foot and while he didn’t cry, he finally moved in your hold, his back expanding with his breath. A sign of life.
  The relief you felt was short lasting, your fatigue returning full force as Wayne pulled up the emergency entrance. Two staff members ran to the truck, approaching as their rain ponchos danced wildly in the wind. 
  “Sir, are either of you injured?” One of them, a woman asked before peering into the passenger window. At the sight of you, clutching the baby still connected to you via umbilical cord, the door was yanked open and she bellowed for a gurney which her partner sprinted to collect. 
  Wayne didn’t bother moving his truck, it was towards the end of the entrance, anyways. He hurried out and followed as they loaded you and the baby onto the gurney, running alongside as they wheeled you in. 
  You were trying so hard to stay conscious, trying to ignore the sweet allure of closing your eyes for a few moments of rest. The doctors and nurses around you were all barking orders to each other with a couple trying to talk to you but you couldn’t focus enough to know what they were saying.
  Once Wayne saw what operating room they were carting you off to, he ran to the nearest desk, asked for use of the phone and phone book. Once he’d placed the call to the pizza place, relieved the lines were finally going through again, he’d had a staff member search for Eddie. It hadn’t been easy hurriedly explaining to him what happened, but judging by how quick Eddie had ended the call, it was only a matter of minutes before his nephew turned up.
  Then Wayne ran to the area he’d seen them take you too, hurriedly dressing in a gown, a cap and mask one of the staff had shoved into his arms. They were still prepping you when they finally allowed him in and you were no longer holding the baby. He was in the arms of a nurse, still connected to you with his umbilical cord. 
  “Would you like to cut it?” She hurriedly asked, offering him a pair of surgical scissors. Wayne figured he was a better option than a doctor severing your connection so he did as instructed. She immediately carried him away and out of the room in a rush.
  “Where’s she taking ‘im?” He asked, voice full of worry. 
  “Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,” He was informed by another nurse who was setting up a barrier over your lower half, “He was born preterm.” 
  Wayne was somewhat familiar with it; he remembers Penny had briefly been sent there when she’d been born and suspected to have jaundice. After a few hours of whatever treatment, she was returned to you and Eddie, having a not very severe case of it which had been treated effectively.
  Wayne thought the whole process would be faster, he’d seen people rushed into surgeries in the movies and it had been instant but it wasn’t like that. They were still running around, setting everything up and new people kept coming into the room. It took more than ten minutes, but they were doing their best to keep you stabilized. He was holding your hand the entire time, squeezing every once in a while so you’d squeeze back and he’d know you were okay.
  You weren’t very vocal, eyes half lidded as they pumped you full of drugs to try to counter your symptoms and numb you.
  “‘M gonna check to see if Eddie’s here, alright?” He waited for your response, a very weak and monotonous okay before he gave your hand a final squeeze and let a nurse know he’d be checking to see if the father had arrived.
  He’d made it out of the operating room doors and was hurrying down the hallway, just about to breach another pair of large doors when they swung open and he had to jump back to avoid being hit. 
  “LORD!” He shouted and Eddie cursed, muttering a quick apology.
  “Where is she?” He panted out, chest heaving, eyes wild and frantic. Eddie’s hair was in disarray from having run his hands through it so many times as he sped to the hospital. He looked like the personification of panic, a mess.
  “Through them doors,” Wayne pointed in the direction he’d come from before yanking some of the sanitation wear off a nearby rack. “Put these on ‘fore you go in there. Where’s Penny?”
  Eddie was hurriedly yanking the scrubs over his clothes, “She’s in the waiting room.” 
  He clutched Wayne’s shoulder, wanting to thank him but desperate to get to you before he made a run for the room Wayne had directed him to while Wayne hurried to the waiting room, expecting Penny to be in the care of a nurse.
  He breached the doors and stood shell shocked at the amount of people who jumped to attention, faces filled with varying degrees of worry, anguish and fear; it was all of your friends, familiar faces he’d seen in the trailer before at one point or another. Penny’s curly head was visible from the arms of a tall redhead, wearing glasses.
  It seemed the entire party occupying the pizza parlor had filled the hospital waiting room, concerned about your wellbeing. 
  The sight nearly brought Wayne to tears.
  You could make out the sound of various monitors beeping, eyes trying to focus on the ceiling above you but everything was so hazy. You no longer felt fatigued, couldn’t really feel anything. A nurse had tried to check in with you earlier, get your attention but you couldn’t even hold a conversation.
  You felt a hand slip into yours again, and you squeezed it, turning your head to look at Wayne. Only, it wasn’t Wayne looking back at you. Eddie’s piercing brown gaze was easy for you to make out through the haze, and you were even able to smile.
  “Eddie.” You spoke it so softly but Eddie was still relieved, lowering his mask so he could press a kiss to your head.
  “Hi, baby,” he croaked out, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes as he stroked the side of your face. 
  “Dad’s here,” one of the doctor’s greeted him. Eddie recognized her as your primary Obstetrician, Dr. Eisenerg, the same doctor you had all your appointments with and the same who had delivered Penny. “Would you like the rundown?”
   “Pre-eclampsia, I suspected as much during our last appointment, the next step would have been Bed Rest starting with tomorrow’s appointment, but baby couldn’t wait that long, could he, mom?”
  Eddie watched as you slowly shook your head, smile on your face because you were happy he was with you.
  “He was born nine weeks early, out of the hospital so unfortunately I don’t know his stats at the moment, he’s being looked over and assessed as I speak. He’s in good hands. I’ll have more information about him for you as soon as we get mom settled. We’re performing a Cesarean section to get the placenta out, she’s much too weak to push it out on her own.”
  God, Eddie loved your doctor. He’d write rock ballads in her honor for knowing exactly what to say to calm his ass down. After that, Eddie focused on you, trying not to pay attention to what was going on behind the cover they’d put up.
  “You sure know how to scare the hell out of me, baby,” he mumbled, eyes crinkling as he smiled under the mask, caressing your pretty face again. He’d never felt more fear in his entire life than when Wayne had spoken to him over the phone, informing him you’d had the baby early and they were taking you into surgery.
  You smiled and Eddie chuckled at the doped up expression on your face. He hadn’t seen it on you in months. You had to be high as a kite. 
  “Sorry, Eddie.”
  “It’s okay.” He pulled his mask down to press a brief kiss to your lips which you happily returned. “After you’re out of here, I’ll go check on our little dude, okay?”
  You nodded, reassured by Eddie that everything would be alright. You trusted him. Trusted him to let him know something you hadn’t yet voiced.
  “I’m tired, Eddie.”
  You slurred it so low, Eddie hadn’t caught it. “What was that, sweetheart?” 
  You didn’t answer him, eyes fluttering shut as multiple monitors began to beep, one at a higher rate and one much slower than the rest.
  “She’s hemorrhaging,” Dr. Eisenberg informed her staff, and Eddie paled. He’d heard that in enough hospital movies and shows to know it wasn’t good. The relief he’d momentarily felt fled from his body, quickly replaced by dread.
  He watched the movement around him, people shouting medical terms he couldn’t understand. He made the mistake of peering around the cover to address your doctor, horrified at the amount of blood on her gloves and the sleeves of her gown.
  Was that all yours?
  “What’s happening?” He demanded, breath hitching around the last word. 
  She didn’t look up at him, asking one of the attendings to escort him out. 
  Eddie called your name, over and over again as he was pushed out of the room, fighting to keep you in his line of vision. Your face, too peaceful looking to be resting, was the last thing he saw before the doors shut in his face.
  He’d made it back to the waiting room on autopilot, collapsing into the free chair next to Wayne, who was now holding Penny. When he’d first walked in, it looked like everyone wanted to bombard him with questions, the look on his face must have stopped them.
  He sat in that uncomfortable hospital chair, gaze unfocused and watery as he stared at nothing, the image of you on the operating table, eyes shut and appearing lifeless replayed in his head over and over and over again, torturing him.
  He had no idea how long he was in a catatonic state, only forced out of it when he registered a firm grip on his shoulder, shaking him.
  Wayne had been trying to get his attention since the moment a doctor called for him near the entrance of the hallway.
  Eddie snapped up, catching sight of the small woman, lightning fast and nearly tripping over himself trying to reach her, desperate for any news on your status. You were going to be okay, right? You had to be.
  “Edward Munson?” She asked.
  Eddie nodded, swallowing hard as he tried to find his voice, his throat was dry, felt like it was made of sandpaper when he cleared his throat, “Y-yes.”
  “I’m Doctor Houseman, Cardiothoracic surgeon, your son is one of my patients.”
  Right away, Eddie felt a sense of dread ooze over him, thick, heavy and suffocating like tar.
  “Your son’s limbs, most of his organs and responses are developing well. Ten toes, ten fingers and he can hear fine. His sight is a little sensitive, but should improve rapidly as should his growth. We are, however, concerned about his heart.”
  Eddie was sure he’d left his heart in that room with you, yet he still felt something in him plummet.
  “He has what’s known as VSD: Ventricular Septal Defect. A hole in the wall of his heart. It’s one of the more common heart defects at birth, normally the hole can close up on its own, be treated with medications or, if necessary, surgery. Because of his premature birth and how weak his body still is, he may not respond well to the medication and the odds of him surviving a surgery are low.”
  He felt the bitter taste of bile rise in the back of his throat.
  “We’d like to keep him for an extended stay in the NICU, let the hole try to close on its own. It still may be too much for him, but it’s his best bet.”
  Eddie squeezed his eyes shut at the first hot sting of tears, desperately trying to hold it together.
  It appeared today would be the day Eddie Munson’s world was due to come to an end, he knew he must have looked pitiful; a red-eyed, pale, clammy, crying mess on the verge of a nervous breakdown. You were lying on some operating table, bleeding out and now his son’s heart could possibly stop on him. Eddie’s was broken. He was broken.
  He sniffled, inhaling deeply before he forced his eyes back open, tears immediately cascading down his cheeks as he nodded and agreed with her plan.
  Dr. Houseman regarded him with sympathetic eyes.
   “Mr. Munson, I don’t believe in miracles. I used to be a general surgeon,” she started, “And then one day, my longtime boyfriend took me out for a night on the town, dancing. He had a heart attack that night, I spent the four hours in that waiting room thinking he was going to die. I’m not religious, but I prayed and I prayed he wouldn’t die. He did. 
  “I switched my practice, to see if I could save others from the same fate. Some I did, some were simply beyond anyone’s reach. Then one day, they brought in a little girl. Tiny thing, frail, six years old, the size of a four year old and she’d had a heart attack. I was sure she wouldn’t make it, tried like hell to save her but sometimes the circumstances just don’t work out in our favor and her body shouldn’t have been strong enough. But it was. She pulled through and she survived. I don’t believe in miracles, Mr. Munson, but she did teach me to have more faith in my patients. The same faith they have in me. Have faith in your son.”
  Then she was gone, whirling out the doors she’d come from. Eddie stared at them, wondering if she was on her way to tend to his baby. It wasn’t fair, he hadn’t even gotten to live yet, wasn’t even a day old and he was fighting for his life.
  Eddie felt Wayne’s firm grip on his shoulder and he turned around, briefly staring into his sorrow filled eyes before he collapsed into his arms and sobbed, shaking with each one that wrecked through his body.
  Wayne held him like he did when he was younger, when Eddie had finally come out of his room and let Wayne comfort him over the bullying he’d faced and the nasty things the other children had said about him, about the family he came from.
  Eddie cried and he didn’t care his friends were most likely watching him, he couldn’t hold it together anymore. Not when there was a chance he could lose his son. Not when he could lose you.
  “I can’t do it on my own,” he sobbed out against Wayne’s shoulder. How was he supposed to care for Penny without you? His family wouldn’t be complete, it’d be fractured, it would be broken. And if—it made him sick to know it was only a possibility and not a certainty—he took his son home, how was he supposed to raise him without you? What would he tell them? His son would be too young to remember, but Penny would. She’d miss you so much, he’d miss you so much. “I can’t, Wayne! I need her! She can’t leave me, I need her!”
  The statement triggered a worrisome thought process, what if you did leave him? When was the last time he said he loved you? You knew it, right? You had to know, he told you all the time but no matter how hard he tried to recall it, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d said he loved you and it made him sob harder.
  Wayne’s arms tightened around him, eyes clenching shut at the agony his boy was feeling. He was hurting too, he’d been in this position before. He’d lost her. Wayne couldn’t let Eddie believe he’d lose you, too. Couldn’t let him think he’d ever have to raise his family alone.
  “She ain’t going nowhere,” he forced out, throat thick with emotion. He was trying to believe it just as much as he hoped Eddie would. “It’s gonna be okay. She’s gonna be okay. They both are.”
  Wayne held him until Eddie stopped shaking and his sobs had subsided. Even then, he hadn’t wanted to let him go, wanted to protect him. But Eddie had his own kid to protect.
  He wiped at his face, taking a couple of shaky breaths. He wasn't okay, far from, but his broken heart was aching for someone he knew would manage to hold the pieces together without even trying, simply by existing. 
  He gave Wayne a brief, grateful smile that didn’t meet his eyes and walked over to Barb, his daughter curled up in her arms. He obviously hadn’t told Penny what was going on, as far as she knew, they had just been going to the hospital because her baby brother had been born.
  Her excitement quickly turned to exhaustion while her dad had been in the delivery room with her mom and she’d stopped running around to sleep in her grandpa’s lap. She’d been knocked out while Eddie was catatonic and had evidently slept through his hysterics, having been passed back to Barb when Wayne got up to comfort Eddie.
  He was relieved she hadn’t seen him like that.
  It was selfish of him, but Eddie woke her up, pulling her out of Barb’s arms and into his own.
  She stirred, raising her head briefly to look at Eddie with sleep heavy eyes, squinting before she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. Then, as if she remembered the reason for their hospital visit, she pulled away, an arm lazily resting over his shoulder.
  “Daddy?” She asked through a yawn, lips stretching into a plump ‘o’ before she smacked them together. 
  “Hi, baby,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her crown and nuzzling his face into her curls, the pleasant smell of her sweet strawberry scented shampoo filling his nostrils. Her scent was comforting. 
  “Ganpa says the stoke came.”
  Stork. While Penny knew her baby brother was growing in her mommy’s belly, she also simultaneously believed a stork would be dropping him off, prompted by a number of childrens’ books and cartoons. 
  Eddie had tried asking her about her logic once and she’d made him feel thoroughly stupid for not understanding.
  “Yeah, it did.”
  Penny shook her head, something Eddie noticed she did when she was trying to wake up. You did the same thing, shaking your head whenever you were nodding off. 
  His heart clenched.
  “I see my baby brudder now?”
  For a moment, Eddie struggled to come up with a reply. He didn’t want to tell her the full truth, she was still just a baby herself. He didn’t want to lie to her, either, but he needed to protect her.
  “Soon, sweet pea.” 
  She seemed satisfied with that answer, curling up against his chest as he moved back to sit in the chair he’d been occupying before Dr. Houseman called on him. She quickly made herself comfy in his lap, little fingers pulling at the blue material of the scrub top he still wore.  
  “Know what, daddy?”
  Eddie hummed, stroking his hand through her soft curls, letting them wrap around his finger tips and twisting the ends. They were still short, not long or heavy enough to be weighed down so it still looked like she had the Annie hairdo. She was so adorable, it drove him crazy.
  “He looks like a ‘tato.”
  Eddie stilled, brows furrowing down at her in confusion. 
  “He looks like a potato,” she repeated, matter of factly, “Ganpa says.”
  Eddie’s eyes darted over to Wayne in the seat next to him. 
  “She wanted a description. You try comin’ up with somethin’.” Wayne had only gotten a brief look at the baby, he’d been almost unnaturally pale and covered in something that looked chalky and pasty. Reminded him of how potatoes look after being washed and air dried so it was the first thing that came to mind.
  Eddie highly doubted a potato was tucked into an incubator in the NICU.
  “I don’t think he looks like a potato, sweet pea.”
  “No,” Is all she said, resting her head against his chest and effectively smashing the curls he’d been messing with there. She wasn’t agreeing with him and Eddie knew it. She meant no, you’re wrong.
  He snorted, blinking harshly at how sore his swollen eyelids were. 
  “Alright, potato he is.”
  Penny didn’t know it and maybe in the future Eddie would tell her, she was getting him through this. His anxiety and panic had not left him, but it was easier to focus on a little light when it was curled up in his lap, telling him all about her baby brother she had yet to meet, with certainty they soon would.
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lilghostiequinni · 7 days
Remember When
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Piastri!female oc (Eliza;Lizi;Liz) x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy, little Angst, Pregnancy talk, Indications of smut
Summary: She's older than her brother. She doesn't drive for the sport, but she does follow the sport, and has been even before her brother's appearance with McLaren, who she's been supporting before her brother joined. She has friends on the grid, but one thing she does that isn't conventional or has anything to do with her everyday life is... collecting scale-model racing helmets from her favorite teams and drivers. She also designs helmets and redesigns already-worn helmets. Even though this has nothing to do with her job and lifestyle. But what happens when she predicts a maiden win in Maimi after her brother invites her to the 2024 Maimi Grand Prix?
Requested: NO / yes
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"Liz, I know you are hours away, but can you come to Maimi?" Oscar asks his older sister over the phone after he lands in Maimi for the 2024 Maimi Grand Prix.
"I wouldn't be able to get there until late Friday, early Saturday. Maybe even midday on Saturday," Eliza told her brother as she walked around her classroom on the other side of the phone.
Oscar wanted his sister to come because the first time he got a pole position, she called, and the first time Max won a Grand Prix and the first world championship, she called before the second race even happened.
He's hoping her coming will bring luck to McLaren.
Also, he knows that his sister is a fan of Lando's and has never met him, even though she's been to several Grand Prix since 2019, Lando's rookie year.
Though most of the time she was either there with Red Bull or on her own in the stands, which has been the case for the two races she had attended so far, Saudi Arabia and Australia.
"Please, I'll see if Max will let you use his plane. Please, Lizi, I want you here," Oscar begged as he ran his fingers through his hair; he had talked to Zak, and everything was ready; her birthday was on Quali day, Saturday, and he had worked months on what he wanted to get her and a surprise, which involved her hobby of designing and collecting helmets and her first meeting with Lando Norris.
Granted, the driver had no idea that he was a part of the surprise, yet anyway, at least.
Oscar just needed his sister to agree to come to Maimi from New York to get her to travel almost the 1,300 miles between the two distances.
"Please, I want you here. That way, I can give you your present from everyone on time and not on Monday when I would've come," Oscar pulled the 'It's your birthday card.' He knew it was one way to get his sister to fold, but he played it with the 'I want you here' card in his, 'but I'm your little brother voice.' All of these are strategies that he has learned will make his sister fold and agree.
So, maybe his hope to not use a little persuasion didn't go as planned, but he had seen no other way.
"You'll get full VIP Paddock passes," Oscar finishes off; yeah, there was no way his sister would say no.
"Fine, I'll talk to my boss. I was going to come to Italy and Monaco, you know that, right?" Liz says to her brother as she finally caves.
"Yeah, but do they fall on your birthday or even close to your birthday?" Oscar questions his sister.
"No," there's a moment of pause on the line. "Hey, Osc, I have to go. duty calls. I'll see you Saturday."
"See you then," then the phone is hung up.
Oscar does a little dance and pumps his fists as he turns to the door and sees an amused Lando.
"What are you doing?"
"Why?" Lando looks at his teammate in confusion.
"My older sister is coming, and the last time she was actually in the Paddock was last year," Oscar says.
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Oscar did ask Max to get his sister from the entrance and give her her pass to get in as he was called over by Zak just ten minutes before she was set to arrive at the race.
Max was happy to do it because the older Piastri was one of his best friends, probably his best friend outside the grid entirely.
Max stood near the entrance as he texted the woman, who quickly told him she was waiting at the entrance when he looked over and saw her.
He walked over to her and swiped the pass, allowing her through before giving her the pass, "So, I know we usually say no presents for the other's birthday, but you got me one last year, so I'm giving you won this year."
Liz looked at the Dutchman and shook her head as she followed him to Red Bull after quickly texting her brother, letting him know that she was there, and making a quick stop in Red Bull to get the present from Max.
"Here," Max handed her a box, which she took and set on the table. "Happy Birthday."
Eliza looked at the taller man with a bored look as she went to pull the top of the box off, and Sergio came over.
"Hello," Checo said as Liz waved and continued to open the box.
Eliza looked in and saw it was the scale model of a helmet she had designed and had only given the sketch of the helmet to Max, she looked to her friend with wide eyes, and he motioned for her to keep going.
She did, finding not one but three more scale model helmets she designed and gave Max, and also two of his scale model helmets she didn't have.
She again looked to Max and threw her arms around him with tears in her eyes.
Sergio smiled at the scene, "When you're done, I also have something for you."
Liz let go of Max and looked to Sergio, a little skeptical, "You didn't have to get me anything. I hardly let Max get me anything."
It wasn't that she didn't like the Mexican, Sergio was one of her favorites, just that she rarely liked getting presents, usually only from her close family, as they wouldn't let her say no.
She doesn't like presents because they're surprises, and in the last 10 years of her life, she has developed a dislike for surprises after the Year 9 incident, which resulted in her move to America.
"I know, but I heard you talking to Max about books you wanted a few weeks ago in Australia, then I heard Max say it was your birthday today, so I got you some," Sergio, ever the sweetest at least when not competing.
Eliza smiled at the man as he as well turned and grabbed a box, he put it next to the one Max gave, and she opened it to see the books she had only been raving about for the last three months, at least.
She hugged Sergio and told him thank you before Max once again drew her attention back to him.
"I may have also gotten you another present, but I gave it to your brother to give to you because he asked to see it, and then before he gave it back, I was told to come get you from the gates," Max says as Sergio is beckoned away.
Liz nodded at the statement that was made and saw someone trying to get Max's attention from behind him, "You are wanted. I'll see you later, and I'll talk to Osc about that other present you wanted to give me."
It's Max's turn to look behind him then nod, giving his best friend one final hug before turning and going to the man that was beckoning him over as Eliza walked out of Red Bull with her two boxes.
She made her way through the paddocks and to McLaren, where she saw her brother waiting for her just outside of the paddock.
Oscar grabbed the boxes from his sister as he led her through the paddock to his driver's room to set her boxes down, then led her to another room in the back of the paddock where she saw Zak Brown and Lando Norris.
Liz looked at her brother, highly confused as to why she was there because, to her, what was being discussed might be important, and she didn't want to interrupt.
"It's okay, Zak was helping me and..." Oscar was interrupted by the McLaren principal, "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday."
"Thank you, then," Liz says with a small smile to the man.
"Lando is here because I needed a few things from him for your present and because I noticed that you have never met him, despite having been to many races since his rookie year and never met him," Oscar says, walking over to the table in the room.
Liz waves at Lando and follows her brother.
"This is from Mom and Dad, just Mom, just Dad, our sisters, Grandma, and me," Oscar says, pointing to each of the boxes as he says so.
Liz nods, "Okay, Max said he had another present, but you stole it before I got here and didn't get it back before you sent him to get me."
"Yes, that's true, but I wanted to show it to Zak and Lando." Oscar goes over to the other side of the table and grabs the smaller box that he hadn't pointed to, well, one of them.
Oscar hands it to his sister, and she opens it, finding another scale model helmet, one she designed for the current race, the Maimi Grand Prix 2024.
"But I only gave the design to him a few days ago," Liz looked at her brother, puzzled.
"Yeah, but I had access to your tablet weeks ago when you told me it was finished," Oscar points out.
Oscar took the box from her and shoved another into her hands. He did this until she got to the present from him.
Opened it to find books she wanted, this pair of sneakers she had told her brother about ONCE but wanted for several weeks, and, of course, scale model helmets she had been missing from his helmets and just one from Lando's, but also a few she designed for her brother.
Lando had stood to the side, and did nothing until Oscar pointed to the box next to him, which Lando picked up and gave to Liz as Oscar took his gift from in front of her.
Liz smiled in thanks to Lando as she took it from him.
"I told Lando you collected helmets and that he was one of the few drivers you collected all of them from. I told him which ones you didn't and..." Oscar said as his sister opened the box to see the few she was missing.
"Thank you," Liz said, looking to Brit, who nodded at her thanks. "My students just love looking at them, and I love using them as scale models."
Zak then stepped forward and pushed the last two boxes across the table, "This is from McLaren with the help of your brother."
She opened the boxes to find they were also helmets she had designed for the Maimi Grand Prix, just for Lando and Oscar.
"Your brother had seen them, finished when he saw Max's, and said he wanted the scale models made and the normal helmets, not for a race, just to have," Zak told her.
There was a knock on the door, and both Zak and Lando were beckoned out. Oscar was told he would be soon, too, but he told them to give him a couple minutes, and he would be out.
"I also got a few of the Lando helmets you design made, but I may have shipped them to your apartment," Oscar told her as he pulled Liz into a hug.
"Thank you," She whispered into his ear as he held her close.
"You're welcome."
The two pulled away before Oscar started to talk again, "So, who's going to win, you think?"
Liz laughs and rolls her eyes, knowing it was coming since he called her, "Not you and not Max. Max is going to get second."
Liz hands over a piece of paper to her brother with her predictions. Oscar looks at it and shakes his head, "Of course, you think it's going to be his maiden win."
Liz chuckles again at her brother as the two make their way out of the room.
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Liz watched as her brother fell through the rows of cars after the safety car was pulled out onto the track. She also watched as Lando Norris took the lead over Max Verstappen and was gaining a substantial gap between the two.
She watched as Lando won his first Grand Prix and took place in the 1st place spot, with Max in 2nd and Charles in 3rd.
She watched as he ran to his team and jumped into the crowd of orange papaya with the biggest smile on his face.
She watched as he got blasted in the face with champagne from the other two drivers and his engineer.
She watched as her predictions about the race came true.
She watched as Max came over to her and asked her to join the partying tonight.
She watched as Lando got plastered as she herself got drunk to.
She watched the flashbacks of the night before coming back as she woke to the pressure of an arm across her middle.
She looked in the direction it came, and she saw Lando Norris next to her in the same state of dress, nothing but the blanket on the bed.
Not knowing how to respond to whatever happened that she only knows bits and pieces too, she carefully got up from the bed, careful not to wake the new race winner.
Only to try and stand and fall to the ground, effectively startling the Brit awake.
"Are you okay?" Lando asks as he looks over the side of the bed to her.
".... No. I need help. Please," There were a few moments of silence before her response.
"Were you trying to leave?" Lando asks as he gets up and then goes to pick her up.
"No, I was trying to go to the bathroom, then leave," Liz tells him as she's picked up, and Lando brings her to the bathroom.
Lando sets her down and then leaves the bathroom to give her privacy. No, he doesn't go far, but he does leave the room.
After she was done and mostly regained her balance, Liz left the bathroom and went searching for her clothes, which were still scattered, as Lando walked back into the bedroom area of his suite.
"Here, you can use this, as your dress is here and partially ripped. Sorry," The sorry was clearly an afterthought as Lando handed her both a shirt and her dress from the night before.
Liz nodded in thanks, "I should go before my brother starts looking for me, and I have to be on a flight in... 4 hours."
Lando just nodded at what she said, "Can I get your number from what I can remember of last night, you're pretty cool."
Liz blushes as she nods and grabs her phone from the bedside table, giving it to the McLaren driver, who texted himself to get her number on his phone.
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It had been months since Maimi, and she had talked to Lando plenty of times over those months, often meeting when he flew over to New York in secret.
But now school was out, and there was no need for her to stay in New York all the time. She stayed with her parents for a few weeks before going to Monaco during one of the breaks between races, staying with Lando.
Lando was currently out of his apartment, having left earlier to do some errands or something, but Liz was still in the apartment, having woken up after Lando left.
She was currently on the phone with one of her friends in America, and she was telling her how she hadn't been feeling the greatest and everything hurt.
"You sound pregnant," was the blunt reply from her friend.
"No, that's not possible. I haven't slept with anyone in months," Liz denies.
"You're telling me that you are staying with a Formula One driver, one you have previously slept with, and you are not sleeping with him now," Her friend, Clara, deadpans on the other end.
"Well, he's kind of my boyfriend, and we agreed that we should take things at a relatively normal pace, so no, I am not," Liz responds.
"Well, how long ago was Maimi?"
"Five, almost six months ago."
"Well, I can't tell you what to do, but you should at least check," Her friend says before continuing, " How long ago was your last period?"
Liz looks down before answering, "Right before Maimi. I thought it was stress, you know with the end of the year for both the college and high school I teach at, then the moving around the globe a lot in the last few weeks."
"It's okay, I can stay on the line as you get through this, I helped you pack. Remember, what do I always do?"
"The usually unnecessary pregnancy test."
"Yes, now go grab it, take it, and keep talking to me."
Liz did just that. She waited for what felt like forever, an eternity that wasn't going to stop. Just kept going and going. Time slowed for her as she waited for this little stick to determine the rest of her life.
When the timer finally rang, she turned both tests over and showed the camera, which had Clara's face, as they turned to FaceTime when the timer started.
Liz heard the tone of voice and started to cry as she turned them over to see they were both positive.
"I don't know if I'm ready for this; I don't know if this is what he wants. Clara, I don't know what to do," Liz says as she fully starts to cry.
"You should call your mom, but I will always be here for you. I'll move in with you if I have to; I'll move all the way over to Monaco. I don't care. I will be there for you," Clara states as she looks on at her crying best friend nothing she can do with actions as she watches from the screen of her phone across an ocean in America.
Liz nods and quickly says goodbye before calling her mom, who answers relatively fast for the time difference.
Liz is just bawling when her mom answers the phone, making her mother worry for her eldest child.
"Mommy, I don't know what to do."
Then Liz explains and comes clean about everything that's happened since Maimi and her mom just listened.
"Tell him, honey, tell him, then go from there. That's the only thing that can solve this," Her mom says.
She's on the phone with her mom until Liz hears the door of the apartment.
They say goodbye, and Liz stands and wipes the tears that were barely remaining on her face, having stopped crying midway through her rant.
She wipes her tears and grabs the two sticks, going to Lando, who is smiling as she walks out of the bathroom to him in the living room.
Lando turns at the noise of the door opening and smiles even wider before it falls as he sees the remnants of tears on her face.
"What's wrong?" Lando walks over to his girlfriend as she's once again reduced to tears.
Lando brings her into a hug as she buries her face in Lando's shirt.
"Hey, you have to tell me what's wrong I can't make it better until you tell me what's wrong," Lando says as he kisses her forehead before he pulls her away to look at her face.
She calms a little and asks, "Remember Maimi and what happened after your win?"
Lando nods, rather confused as to why she's bringing up that night, almost six months later.
Liz pulls the tests from her back pocket and hands them to Lando, who looks at them and takes a moment to realize what they mean.
"I am nowhere near ready for children..."
Liz tries to hold back tears as Lando says that, and she starts nodding, thinking he's going to reject her.
"... But if this is what you want, if you want the baby, I will be there, be here, right by your side, every step of the way. I'm not going to leave."
Liz almost doesn't hear what he says but takes a moment and almost breaks down again.
"I'm not ready either, but I want them. I can't get rid of them, not when they didn't do anything wrong," Liz says. Lando nods and brings her back into his arms, holding her tighter than before and whispering sweet nothings into Liz's ear and occasionally kissing her temple.
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A/N: A few hours later than I wanted, but it's also longer than I expected. I could do a part 2 if you guys wanted. I actually really liked the way this one went.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know, so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striker through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Summary: Katie and Caitlin are pregnant.
Warnings: Morning Sickness (throwing up), negative tests, pregnancy.
A/N: This is the first fic in the new McFoord Baby Series, its not the best, in my opinion (but they do get better). I hope you like it, I have some other stories in the works for this, but if there is anything you would like to see in this series let me know.
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“Katie, are you sure you want to do this?” Caitlin asked her as they stood in the kitchen preparing for their first step to being Mums. Katie just nodded, keeping her eyes closed, she hated needles like really hated needles. Caitlin gave the injection to Katie and then wrapped her arms around her.
“That’s it, that's the first step, we might get to be Mum’s” She said, placing a kiss on Katie's lips. “I’m so excited”
The next month Katie was moody, getting mad more often than usual, receiving a yellow card in almost every game. Jonas pulled Katie into a meeting about her behaviour and that's when he found out they were trying for a baby, he forgave Katie but told her to try and control her temper.
Egg Retrieval Day and Transfer Day had been successful, which is what had led them here, standing in the bathroom, waiting for the timer to go off, to see if they were pregnant or not.
“This is so painful, why do they take so long,” almost as if the universe had heard Katie the timer went off, the two giddy women quickly flipped over the three pregnancy tests, immediately the mood in the room dropped, all three were negative. 
“I’m sorry,” Katie said before she burst into tears, Caitlin quickly wrapped her arms around her and held her tight.
“There is nothing to be sorry for, this isn’t your fault, and anyway, it's rare for it to work on the first try, Mini told us that remember, we can try again, but only if you want to.”
Try again was exactly what they did, which is how they found themselves sitting in the Kitchen, of Mini’s apartment, Katie had been feeling unwell for the past few days but she couldn’t bring herself to do a test, especially considering when the IVF clinic did the blood test two weeks after the transfer it was negative, they decided to not start another cycle straight away, deciding to go on international break and then talk about how they felt and the steps forward. There was not really any chance at all that Katie could be pregnant, and even though they both knew the pregnancy tests would be negative. They both still couldn't bear to flip another set of pregnancy tests for them to be negative, joining the other four negative sets. However Mini told them to just do one, that mistakes can happen sometimes and sometimes the blood tests are too early and that it would be better to know for sure rather than just assuming Katie wasn’t pregnant. She even offered to be there for them and find out herself to then tell them, which was an offer they took up, hence why they were in her kitchen. They brought Kyra with them to make it seem less weird as to why they were both visiting. Kyra, Harper and Clara were sitting in the living room.
“You ready?” Mini asked the pair who sat in front of her, they both tentatively nodded. She flipped over the tests and a small smile appeared on her face. “You’re going to be Mum’s” “Wait what,” “Really?” She nodded showing the pair the tests.
“Oh my God, we’re going to be Mum’s Cait,” Katie exclaimed as she pulled Caitlin in for a hug.
The three of them walked out into the living room. “Sad” Harper said as she pointed to the pair, “They’re not sad Harper,” “But crying”
“These are happy tears, Harps,” Caitlin said as she went to sit on the floor with Harper and Kyra.
A few mornings after finding out she was pregnant, Katie found herself feeling very sick, as the pair of them sat on the couch eating breakfast.
“Cait, I’m just going to go to the bathroom real quick,” Katie said as she stood up, walking to the bathroom, Caitlin was a little concerned for Katie as she had been acting differently that morning, she also had been blinking hard which Caitlin had discovered Katie did when she was in pain or unwell, so the Australian decided to follow her into the bathroom. She found Katie leant against the wall next to the toilet, she had her arms wrapped around her stomach, and her knees were pulled into her chest.
“Katie, Babe, it’s just me,” the Australian said before sitting down next to her, Katie’s eyes were shut and she didn't want to startle her, Katie moved closer to Caitlin so that their sides were touching, resting her head on Caitlin’s shoulder, who moved to put one arm around Katie, “What’s going on?”
“I feel like I’m going to throw up. I hate throwing up, I don’t want to be sick, Cait.” Caitlin started to move her thumb against Katie’s arm, in a gesture of comfort, placing a kiss to the top of her head.
“It’s okay, I know you don’t like it, but I’m here, and if you ever feel this way please tell me, I’ll come and just sit here with you. We’re going to get through this together okay.”
The pair sat there for ten minutes before Caitlin spoke again, “How bout we get ready for training and head off, maybe some fresh air will help.”
They were standing in the locker room talking to their friends when Caitlin saw Katie's demeanour change, it was ever so subtle and no one else would have noticed but it was something Caitlin could’ve spotted from a mile away. She walked up to Katie and wrapped her arms around her waist giving her a hug from behind before whispering in her ear “Let’s go to the bathroom.” 
Katie followed Caitlin into the bathroom, they both walked into a stall and locked the door before finding themselves in essentially the same positions as they were in at home, except the only difference was this time after a few minutes Katie threw up, Caitlin rubbed her back as she did, saying encouraging words to her whilst she also messaged someone on her phone.
Katie stopped throwing up, and returned to her previous position, “Do you feel any better?” “A little bit”
They both heard footsteps as someone entered the toilets “Cait you messaged?” It was Steph, Katie’s eyes grew in panic, Caitlin held her tighter as she explained “It’s okay, it's just Steph, she knew we were trying, she found me one day after a negative and I was having a moment, I explained to her. She won't tell anyone, and she doesn't know about this yet. I just need to go and talk to Jonas quickly, she will stay with you, she is good, don’t worry”
Caitlin stood up and walked out of the cubical, “Can you just look after Katie for me quickly? I’m just going to go talk to Jonas, I’ll explain later.” 
Caitlin came back from talking to Jonas to find Steph and Katie sitting in the locker room.
“Sorry, I didn’t realise the girls had gone out, thank you for looking after her though, but you can go out now, it's all good”
“No its no problem I’ll wait for you”
“Katie, Babe, I spoke to Jonas and we both agree that you shouldn’t do any training today, he said we could go home if we needed but I didn't think you would want to go home, so he suggested that you could lie down for a bit on one of the physio beds or that you could sit off to the side and watch training. It’s up to you, but if you do want to go home I can take you home, that isn’t a problem”
“No, I want to stay, could I maybe go lie down?” “That sounds like a good idea, do you want me to take you down, or-” “No it's all good, I’ll go myself, love you.” “Love you too babe.”
“So I hear congratulations are in order” Steph said as she sat next to Caitlin who was tying her boots, “wait did she tell you?” “No, I kind of figured, but I asked and she said yeah. But seriously congratulations, you are both going to be fantastic Mum’s” “Thanks Steph, you ready to head out?” “Yeah. But why don’t you want to talk about it? Is everything okay? You guys have wanted this for so long, I thought you would be more excited” Caitlin let out a heavy sigh, and looked down at her feet.
“Yeah, it's just that, it's been hitting Katie hard, and I just feel so bad. I mean we both wanted this but like-” “Caitlin, its okay to not feel 100% sure about this, it's a big change.” Steph said cutting her fellow Aussie off before pulling her in for a hug.
“Um, so we just had something to tell you all, um well….” Katie said, prompting Caitlin to pull out a mini Arsenal shirt, which had Little Teammate printed on it.
“Oh my god are you having a baby?” “Yeah, expected mid November”
“Congratulations you guys, I didn't know you were trying,” “Thank you, but yeah we didn't tell many people.”
“Oh that's why.” Kyra said a little louder than intended to Alessia causing everyone to look at Kyra who looked like a deer in the headlights, not wanting to reveal what this announcement had just answered.
“Um well….” Kyra stammered.
“Kyra thought Katie was looking fatter than usual.” Alessia threw Kyra under the bus, which caused the Irish women to cry. Kim and Leah directed the team out quickly, to give the two women some space.
“I’m sorry,” Katie said as Caitlin pulled her in for a hug, this was a symptom of her pregnancy Katie hated, maybe even more than the morning sickness, she was so emotional and kept crying.
“You have nothing to apologise for, after all you are growing our daughter.” The two women sent each other beaming smiles, they were going to have a little girl soon.
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Unexpected 56
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Warnings: non/dubcon, child endangerment, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, Andy is nasty in this, violence, and other dark elements. Not all kinks or triggers are tagged. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You go through the drawers and grab some clothing for Luna. Just enough without weighing you down. Then you take Luna out of the crib. She’s awake but quiet. Almost as if she senses something’s happening. You cradle her against you and move slowly through the space.
You see Andy’s body on the floor. You’re too afraid to even go near him. You reach across the bed to fish out the cell phone on the opposite nightstand. You try to unlock it but don’t know the code. Dammit.
You look down at your daughter and shudder. You lay her on the bed and take the phone. You stare down at Andy and his arm sprawled away from his body. You grit down as you bend down and lift his hand, pressing his thumb to the screen. You watch the screen flip open and you retract, staring at him, expecting him to rise and catch you in your flight.
You gather up Luna again and the extra clothes. You take her to the door as you hug her tightly and keep your other arm around the fabric, thumbing through the phone. You find the security app and after several attempts, you unlock the right door, the latch clicking back loudly.
On the other side of the door, you lock it again. It will buy you enough time. You don’t know exactly what your plan is, your mind just puts one thought in front of the other. Get dressed.
You find clothing from his dresser and pull them on. Loose but it doesn’t matter. You tie the oversized sweatpants over your hips as tight as you can. Shoes… those are another matter. You stuff the toes with socks and double up the pair on your feet. A coat over a hoodie and you should be fine. An extra pair of pants and sweater shoved into the bag you find in the bottom of the closet.
You pack up Luna’s clothes with your own, layering her in a hoodie as well before tying her around you with a sliced pillow sheet. Your work methodically through the dark, the phone your only light. You put your hand on your baby as you go to the kitchen and scour the cupboards for anything you can take with you.
That’s it. You have to go. No more time to waste. You can’t risk it. If he’s alive, if he wakes up, that door won’t stop him forever.
You near the entryway and slow. You stop at the small table and stare at the leather wallet resting next to a key dish. You pick it up and unfold it. There’s a credit card… you might be able to get a few bucks off of that before ditching it. 
You stop at the door and take a breath, the knapsack drooping on your back as you keep a hand on Luna. You flip the lock back and peer out at the night, the sky softening with the early hues of the looming morning. You step out into the world. A new world. Your world.
You’re numb as you come up to the end of the walkway and pause again at the threshold of the suburban sidewalk. You take a breath of the crisp air and shiver. You’re not cold, you’re scared but in a different way. In a freeing way.
You look down the avenue, towards Lloyd’s house, another prison you once knew. You can still go back. You can walk the half-block and just give in. No, you can’t. You won’t settle for that. You won’t let Luna live in your resent.
You turn your back on it, unsure of where you’re going. Away. Anywhere but here.
Your name stops you from taking the first step. No. Please. You should just keep going, act like you didn’t hear them but you can’t. Harlan calls you again, his footsteps shuffling across the road.
You face him as he steps up on the curb. He looks you over, his eyes fixating on your child. You press your hand firmer to her.
“I knew… I been watching,” he says darkly, “what… did you…”
“He might be dead,” you shrug, “Harlan, I’m leaving.”
He’s quiet. It’s tense and full and horrible. He lowers his head and reaches to touch the bundle around his grandchild. He nods and lifts his eyes to you.
“I know. You woulda either way,” he utters, “you’re not wrong for it.”
“Are you going to tell him?” You ask thinly.
“Nah, I won’t do that,” he says as he unzips his packet and slips his hand beneath, “you go…” he takes out his wallet as you watch dumbly. “Take this.” He hands over cash, “he can’t track that.”
“I… thank you,” you accept the money.
“You keep her safe. Yourself too,” his voice wobbles for just a moment, “I looked… I-I did. I was watching that man…”
“It’s okay. We’re okay.”
“You will be. Now, you listen,” he searches in his wallet again, “you take my number. You ain’t gotta call me right away. Just me, not Dotty. The longer you wait, the better, but you let me know when you’re settled. Let me know she’s happy.” He hands over a slip of paper, “you go to the next and you buy yourself a burner. You text me and I’ll tell ya where to go.”
Your eyes tinge. Maybe you could stay. Maybe you should. 
“Don’t you start doubtin’ yourself,” he insists as he shoves the paper into your pocket.
You swallow and gulp tightly. Without a word, you step closer and stretch your arm around him, hugging him as you try not to smother Luna. She coos as you do.
“I love you, dad,” you say as you give him a squeeze.
“Love ya, too, honey,” he pats your back, “and the little one.” He pulls back and looks down at Luna as she wriggles. She’s bigger now, almost too big for the haphazard sling.
“I’ll call,” you promise.
“You’ll go. Now.” He pushes his shoulders straight and lifts his chin, glaring past you to Andy’s house, “I’ll make sure that bastard don’t follow.”
For a moment, you wonder if he means Andy or Lloyd.
You let him past, turning to watch him march up the walk of Andy's house. You don’t move until he’s inside. You reach into your pocket and pull out Andy’s phone and card. You don’t need that. You throw it into the garden and spin back to the street.
The sky brightens as you head down the street, lighting the way as if trying to illuminate the world ahead of you. You’re going to do it right this time. 
You can handle the unexpected, that doesn’t scare you. You fear falling back into the same traps as before. This time, you’re going to do it on your own. And you’re going to show your daughter how to do the same. She won’t be like you, she’ll be stronger.
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starryevermore · 1 month
the house of snow (17) ✧ coriolanus snow
the house of snow ✧ a royal coryo au | pinterest board| ao3
pairing: king!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
series summary: the king of panem is in search of a bride. and, for reasons you can never understand, coriolanus snow has set his sights on you. it would never be a happy marriage, you’re sure of that. but none of that matters, because when snow decides he wants something, he will do everything in his power to ensure it is his. 
chapter summary: finally, you enjoy your honeymoon. 
word count: 1,417
series warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, royal au, regency au, arranged marriage, rivals to lovers, obsessive!coryo, jealous!coryo, protective!coryo, eventual smut, eventual pregnancy, more tags to be added later
chapter warnings?: another short chapter im so sorry, tooth-rotting fluff, sexual references, implied smut, pet name (petal), not proofread
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Light streamed in through the window as the sun began to rise. Coryo’s pale blonde hair almost seemed to glow. You reached up, brushing a strand away from his face. He looked so soft like this. He looked a lot softer generally now. Could this be the almighty honeymoon phase of a relationship blinding you to his flaws? No, you mused. Coryo had always been different around you. Before, you thought it was out of distaste, but now you knew the truth. 
You ran your thumb over the swell of his cheek. This was nice. You understood why Coryo always liked to touch you. There was something so sweet about it. Something so intimate, knowing that no one else will ever touch him like this. A smile tugged at your lips. You scooted closer, kissing him softly. You couldn’t help it. 
“Now who’s accosting who?” Coryo teased, his eyes still shut.
You pressed another kiss to his lips. “What? I can’t kiss my husband?”
Coryo’s hands settled on your waist. He rolled over onto his back, pulling you over so you laid on top of him. “If you promise to wake me up like this every morning, you can kiss me whenever you like.”
“Deal,” you giggled. 
Finally, Coryo opened his eyes. He reached up, tucking a piece of fallen hair behind your ear. He smiled up at you, his pale blue eyes twinkling. “What are you doing awake so early? The point of a honeymoon is to relax.”
“I was admiring my husband. Is that not also the point of a honeymoon?”
Coryo pulled you down for another kiss. His tongue swiped against your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You held back a giggle as you remembered where else that tongue had been—how your Coryo spent the entire night between your legs until you begged for mercy. Coryo’s fingers carded through your hair, tugging you closer. Your nose bumped against his. This time, you did giggle. 
“You think my kissing technique is funny?” Coryo chided. His tone was playful, though. A far cry from the boy you thought you knew on the schoolyard. 
“I think I am lucky to have such a loving man for a husband.”
“Don’t try to distract me. You laughed as I kissed you,” he said. You leaned in to kiss him, but this time he let out a sarcastic laugh as your lips touched his. “Doesn’t feel very good, does it, petal?”
“You are a spiteful man, Mr. Snow. You don’t even know why I laughed.”
“Tell me then.”
You pet Coryo’s hair, a soft smile on your lips. It was a stark contrast to the wetness you felt between your legs as you recalled the memory of last night. “I was thinking of where else that filthy tongue of yours has been.”
Coryo’s eyes fell shut. You felt him stiffen against your thigh. Your smile turned to a smirk. “Oh, petal, you can’t say things like that first thing in the morning. I’ll never be able to continue my day like this.”
“Hmm, but we’re on our honeymoon, aren’t we? What else do we have to do but enjoy each other?” you reminded.
His eyes snapped open. A low hum reverberated in his chest. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
Your smirk grew. You shifted off of him, slipping out of his hands. Your feet hit the floor. As you moved toward the door, “In that case, I’m going to ask if breakfast can be made. Do you have any requests?”
Coryo let out a growl. He followed you of the bed, trying to grab your hips and pull you back against him. “My little petal has some thorns of her own, hm? I think you know what I want for breakfast.”
“No, no, I don’t want to kill my husband. Not after I’ve decided to like him, you know.” You kissed the tip of his nose. “I’m thinking pancakes.”
You slipped out of his hands again, giggling to yourself as you made a beeline for the door, shutting it behind you. In the distance, you heard Coryo fumble with the door before his footsteps echoed down the hall. You picked up your pace, nearly making it to the kitchen when you felt a pair of hands grab you from behind. A squeal escaped your lips.
Coryo’s lips brushed against the shell of your ear. “Now, I’ll let you tell the staff to make breakfast,” he growled, “but as soon as we’re finished, I’m dragging you back to our room and finishing you off as dessert. Am I understood?”
“Is that a threat, Mr. Snow?”
His teeth nipped at your earlobe. “It’s a promise, Mrs. Snow.”
And he kept it. 
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“How many children do you want?” you asked Coryo as he dragged a rag between your legs, cleaning up the mess the two of you made. You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching as his brows pinched together. 
“Does it matter what I wish? You’ll be the one giving birth.”
You rolled your eyes. “Of course it matters. A marriage is a partnership. We should discuss these sorts of things.”
A sigh escaped his lips. He stepped away, taking the rag to the bathroom. You were left alone for a minute before he returned. Coryo climbed into the bed. He settled on his back and pulled you into his arms. “One, I think. I would like to give you the experience of motherhood, if you so wish it. But I don’t think I can handle seeing you in that sort of position more than once.”
“That sort of position? What are you—oh.”
It was easy to forget about his mother. Even though you knew this was the cottage where she had him and was going to have his sister, the very same cottage she lost her life in, it was easy to forget. One part of the Coriolanus that you once knew that remained true for your Coryo was that he kept his true, most vulnerable, parts to himself. In a lot of ways, he’d exposed those parts to you. But there were still things that you still hadn’t been exposed to. This was one of them, you supposed. 
“I don’t know what I would do with myself if I lost you,” Coryo said. When you tilted your head up to look at him, his eyes were shut. If he hadn’t just been speaking, you might have thought him asleep. “Burn all of Panem to the ground, I suppose.”
“You don’t mean that, Coryo.”
“None of this matters if I don’t have you by my side,” he said. His grip on you tightened. “When I was younger, I had always dreamed of being King. My Grandma’am and Tigris were always so sure I would one day sit on the throne. We would talk about all of the glorious things I would do. How I would honor Panem. But these few years I have sat on the throne…While it was what I expected, it didn’t bring me satisfaction, joy, like I thought it might.”
His eyes opened again. A smile tugged at his lips. “I didn’t feel joy until the first time I got to dance with you, my petal. And now that I have it, I’m afraid I must be selfish with it. I won’t do anything that would risk your health and safety. And to bear a child…That is the one danger I cannot completely control. Should anything go wrong, I cannot do a thing. I have to place my trust in the physician to ensure your safety. I don’t like having to trust others. Besides you, of course.”
“One child would suffice to carry on the Snow legacy. Any more and I fear I might keel over with the anxiety.”
You rolled over so that you half-laid on his chest. Reaching up, you carded your fingers through his hair. “Thank you for telling me that.”
He huffed a small laugh. “Well, you told me your anxieties. I thought it was only right that I told you mine.”
“And I think I would be happy with just one child, too,” you said, kissing the corner of his mouth. “But I am in no rush to have any now. I was just curious.”
“How I love that curious mind of yours.”
A part of you, one that you were still trying to familiarize yourself with, nearly said that you loved him too.
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Shigaraki, Overhaul and Dabi
with a Pregnant Partner
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Shigaraki x GN! pregnant reader; Overhaul x GN! Pregnant reader, Dabi x GN! pregnant reader
Warnings: reader being reckless, fluff, reader is a villain in Shigaraki and Dabi’s part (is that a warning? Idk)
AN: just me being me again 😌💅 living out my hopes and dreams with soft villains
Shigaraki was a busy man. He was always looking for ways to further his league of villains all while destroying All Might and his stupid protégé, Izuku Midoriya. However, his biggest challenge currently wasn’t his determination to end hero society or even to create a larger foundation for the league but instead, it was keeping his very pregnant partner contained.
“You never let me do anything fun!” You grumbled as Tomura looked at you, completely unfazed by your usual usual temper tantrum. You were six months pregnant and Tomura had learned very early on how little you appreciated his opinion on keeping yourself out of villainy duties, especially since you had become pregnant.
“So you want to give birth in prison YN?” He responds to you as you glare at him, looking around to garner any support from your fellow league memebers.
“Hey don’t look at us Yn, hand man has a point,” Dabi chuckles as Shigaraki ignored his comments, turning back to the house of cards he was currently building.
“YN my dear don’t you think you should prioritize rest especially in your current state?” Mr. Compress interjects as you turn your glare to the magician. You chose to ignore them and go back to the source your current frustration.
“Tomura I’m bored! You can’t keep me locked up in this bar forever!” You whine as Shigaraki sighs. He honestly has no idea what to do with you, and if you meant less to him, he’d probably just kill you but alas, his stupid feelings for you had always gotten in the way.
“Please listen to Tomura Shigaraki YN, he is only looking out for you,” Kurogiri adds as you continue to grumble, folding your arms and stomp your feet. You really were being completely insufferable.
Shigaraki sighed, standing up and resting his head on your shoulder while gently grazing your bump, “YN will you please stop being a brat and listen to us? We- I want you safe and you know what the doctor said. Now please will you stop annoying everyone?”
You rolled your eyes at his confession knowing Tomura meant every word he said. He was rarely affectionate but when he was, you truly knew he cared.
“Ugh fine!” You grumbled as you felt a smirk grow you’re partners face knowing he won, “But the first Nomu attack after I give birth I get to go too!”
Shigaraki chuckled, shaking his head, “whatever you say brat.”
Overhaul opened the door to the bedroom, wanting to do nothing more than to crawl into bed and cuddle with you. He was exhausted, his serum to eliminate quirks was nearly finished and the Shie Hassaiki was ready for phase two of his plan. He opened the door and turned on the bathroom light, looking over to see you sound asleep. Only he wasn’t met with the usual angelic picture of you in slumber, instead he was met with an empty bed. He sighed, leaving your joint room and heading down to the kitchen. His suspicions were confirmed when he noticed the light beaming from below the door.
He slowly opened the door, peering in as he saw you sitting on a stool, eating your current favorite pregnancy craving as you happily hummed away, enjoying every bite.
“Darling, what are you doing?” He asked as you looked up, face beaming with content as you finished your snack.
“Hi Kai! Are you done working? I was waiting for you in bed but then I couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d come and have a snack!” You cheered as Kai came next to you, pulling out a stool and sitting with you.
“Would you like a bite?” You asked.
Overhaul looked at you, a look at disgust on his face at your offer, “YN you know I don’t share food.”
You stare at him, deadpan at his confession as you roll your eyes, “you are aware of how I got pregnant right? So you’re really going to sit there and tell me that you won’t eat a bite of my food?”
Kai chuckled as he stood up, grabbing your empty plate and walking it over to the sink. You stood up, heading over to the sink to wash the dishes as Kai stopped you.
“Let me just do the dishes quick and then we can head to bed ok?”
“Leave them darling, someone will take care of them in the morning,” he said as you gaped at him.
“Who are you and what have you done with my husband!” You mock gasped as Kai rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand.
“You need to rest YN, now let’s go,” he said grabbing your hand as you followed behind him. You sighed knowing how much your husband loved and cared for you.
Dabi was use to living life on his own, that was until you weaseled your way in and never left. At first he found you annoying, and to be fair, the annoyance never really did go away. However, he now found himself in a position he never thought he’d be in and that was head over heels for you. At this precise moment, however, he was more ready to kill you than he was to hug and kiss you.
“You idiot what are you doing out so late!?!?” He yelled a question you knew was retorical as he dragged you through the back alleyway of the leagues hideout. He was pissed and you knew it.
“Well you said you were coming back around midnight and when you didn’t, I got hungry and since we didn’t have anything to eat, I decided to go and get something to eat,” you declared as Dabi growled at you, turning on his heels and glaring daggers into you. You knew you were in some major trouble but unfortunately, cravings don’t wait.
“YN you know we have food, I just got food for you earlier today!” He whisper shouted as you stood there.
“Well I didn’t want that food! The baby wanted instant ramen which we didn’t have!” You growled back as your partner groaned, his hands going to his head as he paced around the alley.
“YN you realize that we are both wanted criminals right?” He said as you rolled your eyes at him.
“Are we really? I had no clue!” You mocked as you made your way to the entrance of the league’s headquarters, bag of noddles in hand.
“YN you need to stop acting so reckless! It’s one thing for me to get caught but you? Giving birth in Tartarus wouldn’t be a walk in the park!” He shouted as you headed to the kitchen.
“You act like giving birth anywhere will be a walk in the park,” you chimed, annoyed at your boyfriend as he followed you. Dabi was furious but he knew he had to calm down. This was exactly the way you were and it’s one of the big reasons he loved you so much, despite how stupidly you acted at times.
“YN listen, I’m sorry for yelling but you are literally being the biggest idiot right now,” he relented as you went about making your noodles.
“Yeah but I’m an idiot with ramen now,” you sang, unphased by your partners outburst.
“What the hell am I going to do with you?” He said, sitting down as you turned to him and smiled.
“Love me?” You questioned as an annoyed smirk entered his face.
“You’re lucky I already love you idiot.”
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topguncortez · 11 months
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Hold My Hand | Jake Seresin x Shy!Wifey
Opposites Attract Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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synopsis: Y/N notices a change with her body, and Jake is there to give her the support she needs.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: mentions of a c-section, postpartum, breastfeeding, unprotected sex, shower sex, fear of doctors, mentions of breast cancer
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Y/N felt like she knew more about how a woman’s body changes during pregnancy than her own doctor. By the time she was having baby three, she was an old pro and could tell you exactly what stage of development the fetus was in, how the mother’s body was changing, and the size of the baby. Y/N knew that every pregnancy was different, and each one of hers was different than the last. She knew that being pregnant with twins was going to be vastly different than being pregnant with just one. However, she never accounted for how different it was going to be. 
A C-section was never in the cards for Y/N, but she didn’t really have a choice when she was whisked away by doctors and nurses and taken to an operating room. She didn’t really remember much about it, she could remember being cold, feeling exposed, the scent of burning flesh. But she did remember the feeling of her baby boys being placed on her chest for the first time. She remembered the feeling of Jake running his fingers through her hair and telling her she did a good job. She remembered the bright faces of her other three children when they got to hold the last Seresin babies in their arms. 
Ever since that day, Y/N vowed to do things how she did for the last three pregnancies. She chose to breastfeed the best she could. It was a challenge at first, her milk didn’t come in right away from having the twins early, and due to the c-section. But it got easier once she did start producing, in fact, she started over-producing and woke up most mornings with sore breasts. Jake was great help, waking up during the night to help her feed the twins, and getting her breast pump ready for her. 
The first time she felt the lump was in the middle of the night. Jasper had woken up and was hangry. Y/N told Jake to stay in bed, and that it was just one of the twins that wanted attention. She had gotten him situated to feed when she felt the painful lump on her chest. Y/N had brushed it off, thinking it was just a clogged milk duct. She made sure to feed Jasper on that side, hoping that he could get the clog out. When Jasper was done feeding, Y/N burped him and wrapped him back up in his swaddle.
Y/N didn’t think anything of it, until about two weeks later. 
She and Jake had finally gotten a private moment to themselves. The older three Seresins were at school, and the twins were down for a nap. Y/N placed the baby monitor on the shelf next to the shower and dragged her husband in there with her. Sexy time with Jake was something as few and far between as the passing of Halley’s Comet. They had gotten good at mastering the art of quickies; in the shower, in the garage, in the back of Y/N’s Cadillac SUV. 
Jake’s hands were roaming Y/N’s wet skin, as his mouth was on hers. His cock was gently thrusting in and out of her, trying to make their private moment last as long as it could. Her hands were tangled in his hair, pulling on the blonde locks that had grown way past acceptable for the Navy. Jake was clearly enjoying his time off as much as Y/N was; not having to wake up early, shave every single day, and get constant weekly haircuts. 
“Fuck, sweets,” Jake groaned, as he pressed kisses to her neck. His strong hands held her up against the shower wall, “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too,” Y/N moaned, tilting her head back. Jake’s tongue moved across her skin, down to her breast. The moment his tongue came in contact with her nipple she let out a hiss and pulled him back by his hair. 
“You okay?” Jake asked, his eyes full of concern, “Is it mas-” 
“Please,” Y/N groaned, “Do not talk about mastitis while your cock is inside me.” 
Jake chuckled and kissed her. He didn’t waste any more time, knowing that at any moment the babies could start crying and want attention. He brought his hand down between their bodies, circling her clit in slow tantalizing circles, bringing her over the edge with his name falling from her lips like a prayer. 
“I’ll go check on, ‘em,” Jake said, as he slipped on his sweatpants. His hair was still damp from the shower, and Y/N still stood in front of the mirror, wrapped in only her towel. She hummed in agreement, and Jake kissed the side of her head before going towards the twins’ nursery. 
Y/N stared at herself in the mirror, waiting for Jake’s voice to come over the baby monitor. She let out a shaky breath as she dropped her towel, and ever so gently, ran her fingers along the side of her breast. The moment her fingers came in contact with what she hoped disappeared weeks ago, she let out a small sob. 
— — — 
One of Valeria Bates-Machado’s favorite things was being able to take care of her friends’ kids. It brought her joy seeing them year after year and seeing how much they have grown. She always made the check-ups less scary for parents and kids. Val had been the Seresin kids’ doctor since they were born and knew probably as much about them as their parents did. This was why Val found it a bit odd that Jasper and Maxwell Seresin were on her schedule for the day. 
“Y/N,” Val said, as she entered the room, “What brings you in today?” 
Y/N gave Val a small smile, “Nothing, just a check-up.” 
Val nodded, “I just saw them three weeks ago.” 
“Well, Jasper seemed to be a little congested.” 
Val nodded again, still not believing the smile on Y/N’s face. It didn’t reach her eyes like it usually did, and she never just showed up like this when her kids had the flu. Y/N was a mom times five, she knew what to do when her babies showed signs of congestion. 
But Val did the check-up either way, and confirmed what Y/N thought, that Jasper did have some congestion, but it was nothing that warranted a visit like this. Val ordered some medicine for the little boy, and held him while Y/N got Maxwell out to feed. 
“So how are things?” Val asked, “When does Jake go back to work full-time?” 
“Next week,” Y/N mumbled, looking down at Maxwell, “He’s excited-” 
“And you’re not?” Y/N took a deep breath, trying to swallow down the tears that were welling up in her throat. Val’s eyes softened as she looked at her friend, “What’s going on?” 
“I…. I need your help with something. I know you’re a pediatrician, but you’re one of the only doctors I trust and you know I don’t trust doctors, and I-” 
“Shh,” Val said, reaching for her friend’s hand, “I got you. Whatever it is, I got you. We’ll get through this.” 
— — — 
It had been a week. 
A slow, dreadful, anxiety-filled week.
Every call, every email, every text message had sent a tiny jolt of anxiety through Y/N’s body. Val said she would reach out to her the second that she got the results back. They had agreed to take it one step at a time, starting with taking some scans. Y/N tried her best to remember that they couldn’t do anything else without getting those scans back, but it didn’t stop her mind from jumping to the worst-case scenario. 
Jake had noticed over the past week that something had been off with Y/N. He couldn’t quite explain it or put his finger on it. She was quieter than normal, shying away from his touches. She had decided to switch to bottles full time, instead of breastfeeding. And every time she held her babies, she would squeeze them just a bit tighter and hold them just a bit longer. 
“What’s going on with you?” Jake asked, as he set down a bowl of ice cream with a caramel brownie in front of her, “You’re never this quiet.” 
“Just tired,” Y/N answered, running a hand over her face, “Having Eli home this week has been a change.” 
Jake nodded, still eyeing his wife. The kids had long since been put to bed, after bathtime and several bedtime stories. It was just the two of them, each having an extra slice of the desert, revealed in the quiet house and alone time. Jake let the silence stretch out a little longer, the only sound was the quiet hum from the baby monitor and the clinking of spoons against the bowl. 
“Alright,” Jake sighed, taking the bowl away from his wife, “Talk to me. What’s going on?” 
Jake gave her a look and Y/N returned it with an irritated glare. But the facade only lasted for a minute, before her eyes turned glassy, and her cheeks heated up. Jake’s jaw dropped slightly, as the tears started to flow down her cheeks. Y/N buried her face in her hands and quiet sobs escaped her lips. 
Y/N Seresin was not a woman who cried.  
Y/N Seresin was a tough woman, who hid her tears and walked through hell with a smile. 
Jake Seresin was at a total loss on what to do as his wife cried in front of him. 
He waited for a moment, letting her get her tears out. He grew up with sisters to know that sometimes, you just need to cry it out. That asking questions and trying to figure out why at the moment could make it all worse. Jake waited until the tears had somewhat subsided, before grabbing one of her hands and pulling it away from her face. When her sobs turned into sniffles, Jake squeezed her hand, letting her know that she had the floor to talk. 
“I found a lump,” Y/N whispered, her eyes closed. Jake’s eyebrows furrowed, “I found it a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was just a clogged duct. I went to see Val for some scans and I… They want to run some tests.” She opened her eyes and looked at her husband
Jake didn’t know what to say. 
What do you even say in a situation like this? 
Jake swallowed thickly as he leaned forward in his chair, squeezing her hand. He opened his mouth several times, racking his brain for things to say. 
‘It’ll be alright.’
‘We’ll figure it out.’ 
‘How bad is it?’ 
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ 
Everything Jake was thinking of saying, just didn’t sound right to say out loud. So instead, he sat there, and held her hand.
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taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388  @mygyn @cherrycola27  @yanna-banana @seitmai @topgun-imagines  @bradleybeachbabe @na-ta-sh-aa @startrekfangirl2233 @xoxabs88xox @atarmychick007 @lunamoonbby  @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @angelbabyange @callsignharper @dempy @lovelywiseprincess @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @dakotakazansky @pono-pura-vida @callsignharper @callsignartemis @starberryhorse @daggersquadphantom @gspenc @Dreamgirl3300 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @kmc1989 @spencvrr @frazie99
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adisillusionedauthor · 4 months
Could you do fic for Checo with wife pregnant!reader? For his birthday she surprise him with the news? Just something fluff and cute. Add something you'd like though. Tag me later! Thanks!! :)
Baby on Board
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Requested by: @pear-1206
Pairing: Checo x Pregnant Wife!Reader
Warning: OOC Checo,, fluff, sweet, concern about loved ones, Max being a sweetie, Checo being a sweetie and bad english
Word count: 789
As the party’s time was getting closer and closer I could feel my heart beating even faster, I try to calm myself down by remembering that this, this baby was something me and Sergio were planning on having, but after so many failed attempts we sort off gave up and tonight I’m going to give him the most important news on his birthday nonetheless, we decided to not do anything huge, he invited a few of his colleagues over and we were going to do a small dinner, as I finished the last thoughts on how I was going to tell him that we are going to have a baby there was a knock on our bedroom door, as it opened  I could see a very happy looking Checo, he wasn’t wearing anything too fancy, just some simple jeans and a normal plain shirt, but he made it look so good like he always does: “You should take a pic, mrs. Pérez, it’ll last longer.” He said, smiling at me teasingly, I let out a soft chuckle: “Am I not allowed to appreciate your good looks mr. Pérez?” I ask, teasing him back: “Of course, but our guests are going to be arriving soon, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, since you were feeling a little under the weather earlier.” Always so caring, he’s worried cause I spent most of the morning puking on the toilet. I smile at him and guarantee that I’m okay and I tell him to go down, that I was just going to get his gift and that I’d met him downstairs: “I don’t need a gift, I already have the best gift life could get me, a loving and caring wife like you” He says with a huge smile, closing the door behind him.
Once I hear him opening the door to his friends I reach under the bed and pull out something I prepared for him, my plan is to tell him I’m pregnant by giving his this small Red Bull onesie, our last name and his car number on the back, I put the onesie on the box I bought, taped a small card saying that we are pregnant and together with those things I put the last few things, like the positive pregnancy test and a miniature of the car like it was a toy for the child. Once it’s all wrapped up I hide the gift behind my back and go downstairs to give it to Checo.
Finally downstairs I said hi to his friends, a few from Red Bull and some who aren't, I believe he invited Carlos, Daniel, Max, Alonso and Vettel, and they all brought their girlfriends or wifes. Once everyone was greeted, I asked Checo to sit down so I could hand him his gift. He sits down on the couch a little confused but obliges by closing his eyes and putting his hands out, I place the gift box a little nervously on his hands. Then he opened his eyes and looked at me confused, I shrugged and he started undoing the bow I made, once he removed the cover and read the words “We’re pregnant!” in bold letters I could see small tears forming in his eyes, he took the onesie from the box and started yelling from happiness: “I’m going to be a dad!” His friends all patted him on the back as congratulations and their WAG’s came to hug me congratulating me as well. Once the initial shock from the news passed we continued on with dinner as we had planned, after everyone left.
Me and Checo laid down in bed before going to sleep, he insisted on talking to the baby before sleeping even after I explained that the baby wouldn’t hear him to which he responded with: “I’m her father, she’ll listen to me” I giggled gently, running my fingers through his hair as he spent the next hour talking to the baby, I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was too early for him to be so certain that they’d be a girl, but surely enough once I was with 18 weeks and we managed to schedule the ultrasound to know the gender, the doctor told us that the baby was a little girl, that day Checo spent almost three hours online looking for cute outfits for the baby and a few merchandise that he could get for her, the baby wasn’t even born but she already had her father wrapped around her finger, one thing I’m certain of is that she’ll love him very much, every time she hears his voice she starts kicking like crazy, these two will be inseparable.
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— through the storm, there’s always you + katsuki bakugou.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — the one in which katsuki bakugou hates the winter, until you bring him a gift that changes his mind for the better.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up, fluff, strangers to lovers, mentions of injury, mentions of hospitals, pregnancy & birth ( non - descriptive ), winter babies, wholesome family content, not beta read ! - fem!reader, pro-hero!bakugou.
⭑ words — 1.8K.
⭑ notes — hi !!! merry christmas if you celebrate and happy holidays to those who don’t !! i hope you’re all keeping well and safe. here’s a little drabble for your troubles since i’m working on something longer that’ll hopefully be out in the new year !! so this isn’t beta read and i hope you enjoy !! mwah - m.list ✩
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katsuki had always hated the weather around christmas time. 
as a kid it meant being stuffed into itchy, scratchy sweaters that matched with stupid deku’s and being forced into what seemed like hours of pointless christmas card photo shoots tucked in next to the green haired, green eyed wimp. it meant mitsuki dragging him out of the comfort of his all night sheets early on December 25th to swap presents— her loud, irritating voice booming out Christmas carols with the words sung wrong as his pops set up a hearty breakfast and plucked wrapping paper from between the spikes of a young bakugou’s blonde hair.
back then, mitsuki would pull the cruel joke of putting coal in the younger’s stocking for a laugh and in response katsuki would hide all of her hurts to make it look like she had none. 
in middle school, katsuki spent most of his winter break running over school choices— learning the curriculum inside and out so that he could get into U.A. friends, family gatherings, festive…none of them mattered to him as much as his aspirations did, but he still helped masaru decorate the house and put up the tree— lit the fire because he didn’t run as hot as other people during the colder season. he hardly saw his friends, his posse, his entourage, whatever they were. they didn’t understand what it was like to work for something, to want to succeed…to make sacrifices. these were people katsuki didn’t need.
when christmas roll around at UA, katsuki felt like he was really part of something for the first time. his friends, kirishima and kaminari especially, begged him to cook the dinner— getting permission from aizawa after school to buy the ingredients, clinging onto his arms to keep him warm while asking him what went in what, affectionately pissing him off. 
there’d been a gift exchange too, and he’d tried to brush it off when his group of little misfits had presented him with a few exclusive allmight merchandise that hadn’t been collectible since he was a kid. ‘thanks,’ he’d mumbled, brushing an arm over his eyes in away that covered up the tears brewing in them. ‘idiots.’ aside from the celebrations and the small twinkle of happiness being surrounded by his classmates brought him— winter still sucked for bakugou. he’d discovered his quirk didn’t quite work the same, that he’d need to train a hundred times harder to be just as efficient as his peers during the flu season if he were to succeed and become a top hero like he’d promised himself as a kid. his hero costume required form fitting sleeves and a collar up to his neck that made him think back to that time where that villain had almost ended his life and he wasn’t quite strong enough to escape its reach. 
bakugou fucking hated the winter because of it.
the Christmas season starts to become even more intolerable once katsuki breaks onto the scene as rookie pro hero dynamight. he gets stuck with all the bullshit patrols like the Black Friday sales and Christmas eve last minute rushes for gifts because he’s not quite high enough on the ranks for the ‘real’ work yet. it’s fine, the blonde tells himself, anythin’ to get higher up  in the ranks. spreading the holiday spirit isn’t exactly his forte but the singles without families to go home to for the festives seemingly love spotting the desirable and explosive hero stalking the city streets, and it does wonders for his reputation too.
after bakugou’s first year as a rookie, do things pick up. he gets his first villain attack on december 24th, a simple robbery that he gets to handle all on his own— the prick’s quirk is fast moving, strong and nearly wipes the blonde out in one clear shot, sending him flying into the nearest building while other rookies evacuate the scene. 
“m-mister…uh, dynamight? a-are you okay?” 
your voice had been soft, your face the first thing he had scene when his vision realigned. blood trickled down the roundness if your cheeks, features aglow from the fires his quirk had set to your building— your humble little tailoring shop that he’d noticed was usually buzzing with customers  on patrol. “i uh— you hit your head pretty hard sir a-and there’s a villain outside— i don’t think you can fight it like this—“ you’d tried to explain in a hurry, the situation now obvious as bakugou’s head lay in your lap. 
groaning, he’d wanted to pull away from you get back up and take the damn villain down but before he could even move it’s quirk had sent another blast in the direction of your precious shop. one minute, bakugou’s life is flashing before his eyes and the next an invisible shield flies up in front of you both, protecting you from whatever impact had been coming. “‘m goin’ back out there,” bakugou told you sternly, gathering himself back up. there was no way a civilian should be doing his job, he should be protecting you, not the other way around. “stay fuckin’ put, till i get back. then we’re goin’ to a hospital.” 
turns out, you were great at following orders, by the time bakugou had taken out the perpetrator— you were more than willing to go with him to the hospital to get your injuries checked out. he stayed with you the entire time, he owed it to you at least. you’d saved his life, and sacrificed your shop but uttered not a word of complaint in response. and in the winter days that followed the incident, he visited and brought flowers and sat with you— learning about you, learning to love you right into the new year. 
bakugou’s spirits towards winter and Christmas had certainly changed since then. well into his thirties with achy joints, silvering hair and a stomach that’s a little less toned than it used to be— dynamight sits perched on the highest of buildings, a com mic pressed into his slightly muted ear. “ai’ght fuckers, let’s get this over with. the wife’s given me only a couple hours b’fore she can’t hold on any longer.” he grunts to his fellow heroes, ready to take down their annual Christmas robbery. 
it couldn’t have come at a worse time, katsuki promising you that he wouldn’t be working on the holiday for the sake of your kids— who needed their father just one day out of the year. you’d wrapped him up extra tight, a homemade scarf you’d worked on in the last few months slipped softly around his neck as you scolded him for taking up over time when he should have been with you, with his family.
“you got it kacchan,” izuku chuckles from his end of the line— positioned some ways away, his eyes also on the target. “operation kacchan’s home for Christmas is a go.” 
“agreed. i do not like it when mrs.bakugou is angry.” todoroki chimes in plainly, also accompanying the childhood duo on their mission.
“then keep yer eyes on the fuckin’ target— the sooner we can get my ass home t’what really matters this Christmas!” the blonde scolds his long time friends, rolling eyes eyes fondly as he sets his eyes on the target who‘d ripped him away from his family.
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“daddy! you’re late!” 
katsuki’s oldest just barely looks up from her phone— a gift from last year— as he rushes into the hospital waiting room still decked out in his ashy hero gear. kayako bakugou still accepts the kiss to her forehead from her father and the ruffle to her blonde curls once he’s close enough. she has his hair, the colour of his eyes but the shape of her features are undoubtedly yours— the perfect blend of two people completely and utterly in love. 
his vermilion gaze shoots to his son, kuzki— a quiet little boy who’s not quite like the rest of the bakugou bunch but equally as loving and as precious to dynamight himself. “sorry ya guys have to be here on Christmas Day, s’late too,” the man pinches his kid’s cheek, kazuki squirming happily, albeit a bit sleepy. “we can open presents later, after i see momma.” 
“s’okay papa! nana mitsuki got us candy!” he squeals, the eldest bakugou hiding her nose in her magazine at her mention. 
“what?” she huffs back, nodding her head towards the door. “you don’t have time to have a go at me, katsuki. your wife is waiting for you.” 
both of the bakugou kids get a smooch on their foreheads, and mitsuki the middle finger ( discreetly and in his head because he won’t risk getting his ass kicked by his own mother in front of his offspring ). he stalks his way into your private hospital room, keeping his clunky steps unusually quiet as he spots you resting in your bed. 
“you’re lucky, she just fed and was about to go down for a nap, but it seems like she was waiting for a certain someone.” you coo but you’re not looking at your husband, instead at the tiny bundle of joy wriggling about in her swaddle, laying in your arms. 
the elder blonde approaches the two of you, curling an arm immediately— soothed by your warmth which sends the chill of winter straight out of him. “she?” bakugou questions, too tentatively for a man with such a misshapen and rough exterior. you pass the little baby girl off to him, letting him take in the scent of baby powder and fresh linen. “god, she’s pretty. just like her momma, huh?” 
“think that’s all you, kats, you know these bakugou genes wait for no one,” you breathe your words out in exhaustion, but a smile stays strong in your face like the blistering winds outside. “thirteen hours of labour and she still couldn’t wait for daddy.”
“‘m sorry i couldn’t be there, stupid fuckin’—“ the baby stirs in his hold, growing fussy as if she already knows the signature forbidden word of the bakugou household. “stupid freakin’ deku held us up at the mission ‘n i tried my best t’get here..” bakugou loses his words, staring at his his newborn princess with so much love in the world— she’s tiny in his arms, gargling sleepily as he bounces her, standing to walk the room with his new little girl and showing her the snowfall. 
the three of you are entranced by the first glimmer of the crystalline weather— the room swimming with a contrasting warmth that katsuki can bear to stand because it’s not a frosted winter. it’s a perfect love. his own oasis away from the cold. “s’okay kats, she just wanted to be the best christmas gift you could have asked for,” you murmur. “our perfect little christmas gift.” 
katsuki bakugou hums in agreement, watching eyes the colour of your own but the shape of his flutter with tiredness for the first time being out in the new world. and now with his little treasure, his darling daughter and absolute labour of love— katsuki bakugou is able to state his reason for finally finding appreciation for winter after all this time.
“merry christmas, princess.” he says to her wistfully. “and to you too, m’love.” 
“merry christmas, kats.” you whisper back, your voice to him like a call through the storm.
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jungle-angel · 3 months
A Boy And His Critters (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob think your oldest child might be an animal whisperer
Warnings: Mentions of birth, pregnancy, cuteness overload etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @withahappyrefrain @bobfloydsbabe
It was late in the afternoon in early spring, on a day when the hawthorn trees in your yard had just begun to bud and flower. Your birdfeeder already had more than enough visitors, your three cats, Freya, Thor and Pumpkin, having eyed them from the living room window. Already there had been fifteen calf births within the last two days with Bob, his father and his brothers and sisters having to wake at some ungodly hour to help with the births.
You were in the living room of your home in Montana, the soft Disney piano music playing from the speaker on your laptop. Bob lay on the spread out quilt on the living room floor, one pillow under his head and the other under his tummy while he gently rocked Baby Rudy in his little baby hammock. The sun streamed through the windows as you sat close to your husband and baby, the other three outside with their grandparents or aunts and uncles while you were busy carding the freshly shorn sheep's wool from the week before. You set aside your brushes and quickly took a snapshot of the sweet sight, hoping to add it to the photo album later.
You heard a loud meow and felt that familiar bushy tail brushing against you, looking down to find Thor rubbing against you. "You need a good brushing," you chuckled, teasing him with the carding combs.
"S'it the cat again?" Bob mumbled with a yawn.
"Yep," you answered, getting back to your work. "Rudy asleep?"
"Mmmhmm," Bob answered. "M'gonna go see if Dad needs help and come back for a nap."
Bob rose from his spot and kissed you before heading out to the barn to see if his father needed any help. "Hey sleepyhead!" the older Floyd greeted, tipping his black cowboy hat a little.
"Hey Dad," Bob answered sleepily. "Everything good?"
"Yeah everything's lookin good," Joe answered. "The hands have it all down so we don't have to worry until the spring auction. The baby go to sleep?"
"Just went down for a nap," Bob yawned. "I think I might too, my eyes are starting to itch."
Bob and his father conversed back and forth, totally unaware at first of the clanking of a metal bucket and the hurried footsteps of five year old Auggie.
"Bud?" Bob asked when he finally saw. "Whatcha doin?"
"Nothin Daddy," Auggie chirped.
"Doesn't look like nothin," Joe chuckled.
"I gotta go milk the cows, Papa!" Auggie announced.
Joe and Bob were humored to say the least, more so when they saw Smokey, the crotchety old rooster weaving his way in and out from between Auggie's legs. They followed behind him to make sure he didn't get into trouble, when he approached the female dairy cow that Joe and Irene had taken in, singing in his chirpy little voice, one of the farm songs he had learned in his kindergarten class at the so-called "hippie school" he attended with the other Dagger children.
"Holy shit," Joe chuckled. "Get a load of this Bobby."
Bob was thunderstruck when he saw the old bat following Auggie into the barn with Smokey still clucking away between his little cowboy boots. Normally it would take two or three of the hands to lead her in, but here was Auggie, five years old and barely up to his father's hips, leading her into the stall with no issues.
"Un......believable," Bob laughed.
"How the fuck does this kid do it?" Joe wondered out loud, a broad smile on his face at the sight of his grandson.
Bob quickly pulled out his phone and began recording, hoping to be able to show the others when they had a chance to come by. Auggie chirped away as he milked the cow until a startled moo came from her.
"Sorry Peach, but that's what Daddy does to Mommy and it works."
Bob stifled a squawk in his throat but not before Auggie began yelling at him in his best Shrek voice.
"August Robert!" Bob laughed.
Auggie hurried over but Bob was in too good a mood to discipline his son. "Sorry for using a dirty word, Daddy," he apologized.
Bob picked his son up and kissed his cheek, Auggie's glasses falling slightly off the bridge of his nose. "I'm glad you said sorry, but Daddy should remember the rule the he and Mommy put into place."
When Bob was able to go back inside, he showed you the video including the one of Auggie's Shrek impression.
"You'd think he was an animal whisperer by the way Smokey follows him around," you laughed.
"Sometimes I like to think so sweetheart," Bob yawned as he lay on the couch.
You set aside your carding combs and the wool, covering Bob with the spring quilt and snuggling in beside him, the two of you proud as ever of Auggie.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
How abt a little fluffy surprise for my co-readers of personal pillow?
Maybe there are two angels with her? That’s why she’s lactating too much (aside from the fact that it’s a super soldier baby)
Warnings: smut
Okay hell yes, all yes to this. This happens after you first little one is born. "Oh my god" you groaned, looking down at the dark patches forming on your grey t-shirt, it had been the third time you changed and you didn't understand why you had already started lactating this much.
"What's wrong baby?" Bucky heard your frustrated huffs, his hands coming to rest on your tiny bump; you were hardly showing yet but you felt pregnant as hell. Your first pregnancy wasn't easy but it was a breeze compared to this.
"I'm already leaking and its still so early on" You pouted but Bucky was staring at you with a wolfish grin, his mind was elsewhere while you stripped your top off, leaving you in just your panties.
"Aww, let me see baby"
"See what Bucky" You cocked your head at him while he bit his lip, his eyes trained on your perfectly swollen buds. You already knew where his head was at.
"Just let me..." He lifted you in his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He carried you over to the bed where he sat up with you straddled on him, his hands coming to skim over your tender breasts. "Does anything hurt angel?"
"Here, let me take care of you till then" Bucky whispered, wrapping your body with his arms to pull you closer, his head dipping down to take your nipple in his mouth. He held your close to him, suckling and moaning at the gentle stream of milk that filled his mouth, nothing in the world was sweeter. You carded your fingers through his hair while he nursed from you, his cock growing harder through his sweats.
"Someone's distracted" You whispered, your now soaked panties grinding down on his boner, making him whine.
"Keep my cock warm pretty mama" Bucky groaned, wasting no time pulling his sweats down just enough to free his cock and shoving your panties to the side.
"Keeping you warm is how I ended up pregnant again Bucky" You playfully rolled your eyes, gasping when he lined up with your entrance. He rubbed the blunt tip of his cock through your folds, before pushing in and holding you in place, while he gave your other nipple attention.
Bucky could feel his cock throb, wrapped around your warmth, nursing from his sexy pregnant angel, he was sure he'd be able to cum without even moving. The longer he stayed in your warmth, the closer he was to going into subby space, not wanting stop suckling.
"S'tender baby" You cooed, while he shook his head, his lips still sealed around you.
"Just a little more?" He peeked up at you, whining when you clenched around him, nodding.
"Just a little more, only for you baby"
It was not just a little more.
You were right though. You definitely didn't produce this much so early on the first time.
"Ready baby?" Bucky held your hand while you made your way for your appointment with Dr. Cho, you were some how producing even more milk than the previous week. You laid on the bed, waiting for her to pull up the ultrasound, your nerves on edge worried something could have been wrong. "It'll be okay sweet heart" Bucky kissed your hand reassuringly but he was just as worried. He was excited for his baby but he didn't want anything to happen to you.
"Alright, lets see what we have here...everything looks normal so far- oh!"
You swallowed thickly when Dr. Cho's eyes lit up; you could feel Bucky squeeze your hand.
"Is everything okay?"
Dr. Cho nodded, pointing to the screen.
"You see that there? That's a heart beat. There's one and..." Her finger traced to a second little dot on the screen"...there's two! You're having twins"
"W-were having twins?" Bucky whispered, tears clouding his vision looking at the two dots on the screen. He cupped your face, pulling you in for a sweet kiss, his forehead resting on yours.
"We're having twins bubba" You wiped his tears away before wiping away your own, snuggling against him while you both looked at the screen.
"Yes, that's why you've been producing milk early. You're more than healthy, everything looks good"
"My pretty baby" Bucky kissed your forehead, his eyes gazing down at your tummy. "Having my babies. We have 3 now" Bucky grinned, excited over the thought of having mini versions of you and him, getting the family he'd dreamt of.
"4, including you" You giggled, your heart feeling full.
"There's two angles in your belly" Bucky smiled against your skin, kissing your tummy while he rested on you, he still couldn't get over it. Two little angels. In your belly. He shuffled up to his designated spot; his head right on your boobs, sighing contently. He couldn't help himself, he was feeling especially needy today.
He started to fall asleep, taking your nipple in his mouth before softly snoring, the warmth of his body laying on you quickly lulling you to sleep soon after.
(Of course, at some point his eyes grow wide when it dawns on him he'll have to share his favorite pillow with not 1 but 3 babies now. He's going to make a time table because he will not let anyone take away from his personal pillow time)
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  
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@alina02  @gh0stgurl    @batprincess1013
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ogfangirl · 1 year
authors note: this is my first piece of writing for Daniel Ricciardo and for F1. I’ve been obsessed with Danny lately and it randomly came to me late last night so bare with me 🥹 with Danny coming back this weekend it brought a lot of emotions happy ! I just want him racing so bad. This is fluffy and cute, and exactly how I imagine he’d be as a dad 🫶🏼
Pairing: Dad!Daniel Ricciardo x Wife!reader
Instagram AU & behind the scenes of the post
Summary: Daniel has been quite busy in 2023, but not behind the wheel of an F1 car.
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Liked by f1, landonorris, redbullracing and 1,991,562 others
danielricciardo I’ve been kept pretty busy these last three months 💙 @.yourinstagram
view all 671,345 comments
yourinstagram we love you papa 🧸💙
- liked by danielricciardo
redbullracing a future Red Bull world champ 🏆
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dannyshoney OMG THIS IS AMAZING!
landonorris can’t wait to meet the little man
- liked by danielricciardo and yourinstagram
maxverstappen1 my nephew !
- liked by danielricciardo and yourinstagram
Daniel Ricciardo broke the internet.
Let’s recap:
Almost a year ago, you found out you were expecting your first child with your husband, Daniel. You were thrilled, and you knew you had to come up with a way to surprise him. You got a onesie with his logo on it, a card with the words "and soon there will be 3" as a reference to your growing family AND his racing number 3, as well as the three pregnancy tests you took, and you placed them into a little gift box. On a boat day out in Monaco, you handed him the gift box, but not before you took your phone out and pressed record. He was confused as to why you were recording him, but he opened the box anyway. His face was priceless. He was ecstatic. It was a dream come true.
Since this was your first pregnancy, you wanted to keep it a secret for as long as possible. You felt as though it was more special that way. His life was already so public, and yours was too as a result of being his wife. The two of you agreed to keep your pregnancy between your closest friends and family. But it didn’t take long before Daniel came home looking all guilty, and when you asked him what happened, he told you that everyone at the paddock knew he was going to be a dad. When you asked him how they knew, he sheepishly reminded you of his excitement and that you know how much he likes to talk. You forgave him, of course, because the paddock was like his second home. That was his family, too.
 You didn’t get mad or upset. You knew your husband. Daniel is known to ramble, and he just couldn’t contain himself, but who could blame him? It was an exciting chapter in his life. one that came at a rough time, when he didn’t know what his future in Formula One would look like. Obviously, McLaren wasn't working out, and he didn’t know where else he would end up. But what mattered to him most was that his baby was coming.
 It didn’t take long to find out the gender. He paid for the early test. He was too anxious to wait. The gender reveal was an intimate get-together with only a few family members and friends. As soon as the black balloon exploded and the blue confetti hit the floor, Daniel picked you up and spun you around in joy. "We’re having a boy!" He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. His very own baby boy He already had a little boy in his life, his nephew, whom he watched grow up, and he couldn’t imagine loving someone more than he loves him. But he was excited to experience this new space of love, one he could only share with a son. He also fell even deeper in love with you after seeing you grow a life inside your body.
 Keeping your pregnancy a secret in the beginning was a breeze. At first, there were no signs of a bump; you could get away with wearing any outfit. The second trimester came around, and you had to pull out all the flowy dresses and tops. Daniel watched you in awe as you performed daily tasks, but with a growing belly. He noticed your glow becoming brighter and brighter every day. He loved parading down the paddock with you while everyone congratulated you on the baby.
Throughout the season, you traveled to as many races as possible while you could still hide the bump, but it soon became too difficult. Especially since Daniel was the star of Drive to survive, and there was always a camera in his face. He had asked the producers to try and keep you out of the footage, but it was hard considering he wouldn’t leave your side unless he was in the car. The more your belly grew, the fewer races you attended. Ultimately, with your energy levels plummeting and your bump being extremely noticeable, you decided that it was finally time to stay home. Daniel missed having you at races, and you definitely felt weird having to watch them from home after being used to the hustle and bustle for years.
 Daniel became less and less excited for race weekends as the season went on. One because, frankly, his car sucked, and two because you weren’t there with him. His favorite activity soon became taking the long haul flights back home, because he knew you’d be there waiting for him. Every time he’d arrive home, it was like his world was complete again. You’d be there waiting for him with a smile and your big ol’ growing belly. He didn’t know how to describe how intense his love and admiration for you had gotten. But he sure knew how to show it. Daniel showered you in hugs, kisses, massages, flowers, chocolate, gifts, love, but most importantly, reassurance. The pregnancy itself was fairly easy, but the part you were scared of the most was how his busy lifestyle would impact how much time he’d spend with you and the baby. So he did exactly what he knew you wanted but didn’t have the heart to ask for.
With the 2022 F1 season coming to an end, Daniel decided that it was the perfect opportunity to take time away from the sport so that he could spend time with his wife and his son, who could arrive at any time. He agreed to become a third driver for Red Bull, counting on the fact that they wouldn’t need him for a few weeks. He never gave the media much of an explanation as to why he decided to take a third driver position; all he said was that he needed time to himself. Some fans understood, and some didn’t, but it didn’t matter. He knew he had made the right decision.
 His little boy, Luca Gabriel Ricciardo, was born on January 5, 2023. The day both your lives changed, but for the better.
 You love watching him be a dad. He did it so effortlessly. He was eager to do night feeds and didn’t even mind staying up with the baby at night. He loved doing skin-to-skin, and was a pro at diaper changes. He wanted to be all hands on deck. The two of you would take long walks on the farm with Luca, and occasionally you would have picnics in the garden. That was what he cherished the most. When it was just you three. The family he built with the woman he loves
 The months flew by, and next thing he knew, the Australian Grand Prix was coming up. He couldn’t hide anymore. His life was perfect, but he knew he had to go back to work. That’s his home race, and there isn’t an Australian Grand Prix without F1’s favorite Aussie.
 Race week was the first time since Luca was born that Daniel spent time away from home. It felt weird for both you and him. In the 8 days that he was gone, there were approximately 52 FaceTime calls, 37 phone calls, and 12 pictures of Luca sent to him. He missed his son, and even though he was away, he still wanted to be a full participant in his soon-to-be 3-month-old's daily activities, which didn’t include much but eating, sleeping, and pooping, but you appreciated it.
 Word travels fast in F1, and everyone was excited for Daniel’s return. As predicted, Daniel was asked a million times what he did to keep busy during the past three months. He would chuckle to himself and keep giving vague answers like, "I was working on myself."
 But enough was enough.
 With the Australian Grand Prix behind us, on Monday afternoon he arrived at home and immediately made his way towards you and his baby boy. After planting a kiss on your lips and one on his baby’s head, he looked down at you with a smile. You looked at him, almost afraid of what his mind had come up with. "How do you feel about finally presenting Luca to the world?" He asked. It caught you off guard, but you’d be lying if you said you haven’t thought about it.
 "I think I’m ready if you are," you smiled back.
 And that was all he needed to hear. He was finally going to show the world his biggest accomplishment: his family.
 Daniel had taken a photo of you with Luca while you guys took a trip to the beach when he was about two months old. He loved the photo, and immediately knew that it was the photo he was going to use to announce his boy. Daniel had the post saved in his drafts for about two weeks. He was waiting for the perfect time, but after getting back to work, he knew that there was no better time. Everyone still had lots of questions, and he knew that the answers he gave didn’t actually give them any insight into what his days off looked like. But he could paint a perfect picture with one post. So on Monday, April 3, 2023, he introduced the world to his boy.
 It didn’t take long before his comment section became flooded with support, surprised comments and overall excitement. Both of your phones began blowing up, and you two couldn’t contain your smile. You opened Twitter and saw people were already talking about it all over your timeline. Your family and friends left cute comments on his post, and you took the time to reply and like all of their comments. It meant a lot for the both of you that you had such a strong support system behind your family. Your boy was so loved, and he didn’t even know it yet.
Following Daniel’s Instagram post, you decided to share an announcement of your own.
@.yourinstagram posted on their story
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rocknrollbabe14 · 16 days
Rock a Bye Professor
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Part four
Warnings: Direct mentions of sex, sexual acts, birth control, missed period, nausea, vomiting, pregnancy. Professor/Student trope at college level. Both consenting adults. Don't like it, don't read. Thank you!
At some point that night, the power came back on. It had to have been early morning. Joe woke up before you did, noticing the power was back on. He stretched, sitting up. You barely budged, nestled under the blankets. He debated leaving you there seeing how comfortable you looked but decided he was going to carry you to bed. He stood up, carefully slipping his hands under you and the blanket you were covered with. You tried to stir but he kissed you softly.
“Just relax baby, I’m taking you to bed.”
His voice was soft and reassuring.
“Okay. Is the power back on?”, you asked groggily.
“It is. I just wanna make you comfy. I’ll come to bed in a little while, okay?”
“Okay.”, you were almost back asleep.
Joe carefully opened the door to the bedroom, walking over to your side of the bed. He laid you down gently before kissing your head. You instantly shivered at the feel of the cool sheets before snuggling into the bed. He pulled the sheet and comforter up and over before kissing your head one more time for good measure and placing his hand on your bump.
“Daddy loves you and Mommy so much.”
“We love you.”, you yawned before snuggling back into bed.
Joe smiled as he took the opportunity to admire you. He knew that it wouldn’t be long before you all had a baby in your arms. Two would soon become three and he couldn’t wait. These two weeks needed to pass quickly so you all could find out what you’re having. Joe closed the bedroom door before going back downstairs. There was a lot to do—grade papers, and surprise you with the Christmas tree. He knew he was getting ahead of himself but he couldn’t wait to share the first Christmas as a family of three. There was going to be so much joy in his life and he couldn’t wait. This baby had already brought him so much happiness and it wasn’t even here yet. 
Joe went into the kitchen, instantly beginning to brew some coffee while resetting the clocks where the power had gone out. Looking at the cabinets, he realized there would need to be a lot of baby-proofing. But it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle. Part of him felt guilty for keeping it from his parents—keeping you and this baby from his parents. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of you or his baby. Everything had just happened so fast. He never imagined you felt the same about him or that you’d end up pregnant. He didn’t think any of it was in the cards for him. 
Joe went over to a drawer in his kitchen—one he knew you never used. It was a mix of random things, but it held the most special material thing. He opened the drawer, his attention instantly moving to a small black box. Taking it in his hands, he opened it with a soft snap. A smile instantly curved across his lips, imagining the possibilities. He had gone about a month ago to the local jeweler’s. He didn’t know he’d walk away with it. He looked at the seemingly endless line of engagement and wedding rings, none of them perfect enough for you. 
The jeweler had asked him what he was looking for. Joe described it, ending up describing you and how much he loved you and how perfect you were. The jeweler pulled a ring, a Hail Mary. Joe eyed it in shock, everything he had envisioned for you was now a reality. It was fourteen-karat white gold adorned with diamonds. It was pear-shaped, everything you had ever said you wanted. He could just see it on your hand and knew he had to have it—if he was going to propose to you. It had the wedding band to match.
Without question, Joe told the jeweler he wanted it—it had to be yours. It didn’t matter what the price was, he had saved up a lot of money in the last couple of years, especially after buying his house. Joe picked out a wedding band for himself to compliment yours, butterflies rising up in his stomach. Now, he had the perfect rings but he needed you to say yes—yes to spending the rest of your life with him. Just the thought of asking you made Joe nervous—you could say no. This could ruin everything he had worked so hard to build with you.
He didn’t want you to think the baby had persuaded him into asking you. Sure, he wanted you to share the same last name as him and his baby. You were the woman carrying his child but he loves you more than anything. He loved the idea of marrying you before you had the baby. He wanted his daughter or son to come into the world with a complete family. Marriage was just some papers and a last name change, but he wanted that for you both. 
A smirk came across his face as he thought about what you’d say when he asked. You’d be worried about how pregnant you’d be before the wedding day came, but he knew in his heart you’d be more beautiful than ever. You’d be glowing. He needed an elaborate way to show you he loved you and make you wanna say yes that much more. He had a few scenarios picked out in his head, but he needed to narrow them down. He knew he’d know what to do when the timing was exactly right. 
Eyeing the rings, he knew he had to make you his wife. He closed the box softly before placing it back in the drawer and closing it. Now, what should come first? Grading papers or putting up the Christmas tree for you?
Two weeks came and went faster than you both expected. It seemed like every day you woke up, your bump was getting bigger and more noticeable. You had stayed over with Joe the night before class, hardly ever going to your dorm anymore. You were getting ready, eyeing yourself in the mirror.
“I thought the first pregnancy was supposed to take longer for you to show.”, you groaned, pulling your shirt tighter to show your belly. 
You were already in maternity jeans, you and Joe going out the weekend before to buy yourself some new clothes. Hardly any of yours fit now. 
“Sometimes.”, Joe smirked as he eyed you, fixing his collar under his sweater. 
“Not in my case, apparently. The employee at the maternity clothing store thought I was a month ahead of what I am.”
“Stop, it’s cute and sexy.”, Joe sighed as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your belly and rubbing it easily.
“Is not. I look like a balloon.”
He glared at you playfully. “You’re pregnant. Twenty weeks pregnant to be exact and today we get to find out what our little peanut is.”
“Still thinking it’s a boy.”, you smirked back at him before you both shared a kiss.
“Still thinking I’m getting my little girl.”, he smirked back. 
“We’ll see. I hope I have time for a nap before my appointment.”, you sighed as you rubbed your belly, feeling the baby kick. 
“Your appointment’s at three?”, Joe asked as you both moved downstairs, hoping to grab a quick bite of breakfast. 
“I may have to let my last class go a little early. I don’t want to miss a second of your appointment or even chance being late.”
You giggled lightly as you grabbed a pop-tart. “You’re so cute when you worry about our baby stuff.”
“It’s our first baby and we get to find out the gender—it’s a huge deal.”
“Our first baby? So you’re saying we’re gonna have more?”, you teased him, taking a bite of your blueberry pop-tart. 
He smirked, coming over to you and rubbing your belly again. “Yeah—maybe one or two more—I mean you look so cute pregnant…..what do you think?”
You held your mouth. “Depends on how bad labor is with this one.”
“I think you’ll breeze through it. I mean they say the easiest way to get the baby out is the same way you got it in.”
“Joseph Anthony Francis Quinn.”, you groaned as he chuckled before kissing you. 
“I read that somewhere.”
“You’ve been doing a lot of reading lately.”, you smirked at him.
“It all intrigues me.”, he smiled at you, placing a hand on your belly. “I love learning about our little baby girl.”
You rolled your eyes playfully in response. “You keep saying it’s a girl but you don’t know.”
Joe grabbed his coffee and briefcase. “We’ll see who’s right this evening.”
“If the baby cooperates.”, you countered with a smirk as he kissed your cheek and rubbed your belly one last time before grabbing his keys. 
“See you and Mommy later. Daddy loves you both.”
His brown eyes were shining.
“We love you. See you in class babe.”
He kissed you again, making sure you were going to be okay getting to class. You all had decided to stagger leaving his house and arriving at college, making things a little less obvious. Last time your doctor confirmed your due date was right after graduation. It was a sigh of relief for you both—as long as the baby stayed inside. You just wanted to get through graduation so it wouldn’t be a big deal. Joe wouldn’t have to miss work and you wouldn’t have to miss school.
“See you in class, love. Finish breakfast and get lunch. Do you need money?”, he asked rustling around in his wallet.
“You don’t have to do this, Joe. Seriously.”
“I do. I worry about you and my baby.”
“Mom and Dad covered my food for a whole semester—plus a dorm room I barely stay in.”
“Just please get lunch. Save the other—in case you get hungry or something later.”, he laid a twenty-dollar bill on the counter.
“Fine.”, you crossed your arms. 
“Good girl.”, he smirked as he waved bye to you, kissed you again, and finally went out the door.
Getting him to actually leave and go to work was one of the hardest parts of living together—well, practically living together. You heard him start his car and decided you’d give it ten minutes before leaving yourself. Finishing off your pop-tart, you grabbed a glass of milk and gulped it down just in the knick of time.
“Shit. Gotta pee again. Some parts of pregnancy suck.”, you groaned as you took off to the bathroom, those ten minutes flying by.
You grabbed your backpack and purse before making sure all the lights were off. Joe’s class was your first class and even though you all were dating, your heart skipped a beat knowing you’d see him soon. You swallowed hard as you entered the building, knowing it would just be minutes before you’d see Joe. Walking into class, you felt like everyone’s eyes were on you and your growing bump. It felt like everyone knew your secret—that you had fucked your professor and were pregnant by him. 
It didn’t take long before Joe showed up and started class, making sure to make eye contact with you throughout class. You’d smile back at him, feeling like two teenagers flirting in high school. The class flew by, all the students filing out in a hurry but you. You took your time, packing your things up. This was the only class you had today and now, you could go home and sleep before your appointment. 
“Are you gonna go get lunch?”, Joe asked easily.
“Yeah and then I’m gonna go nap. I’m really tired today.”
“What’s baby craving today?”, Joe closed the door to the classroom before coming over to you.
“Uh—chicken nuggets and a milkshake.”
“What kind of milkshake?”
“Strawberry.”, you smirked.
He chucked easily. “It’s so hard to ignore you in class.”
“You didn’t do such a great job today.”
“I didn’t?”
Joe smirked before sharing a kiss with you, making sure to deepen it. 
“Joe.”, you protested through the kiss. “Someone might see us.”
“Just let me kiss my pregnant girlfriend—can’t wait to find out the gender of our baby.”
“A few more hours.”, you smiled into the kiss, letting him share one last slow and sensual kiss with you before you both broke the kiss simultaneously.
“See you in a bit, love. I’ll call when. I’m headed to the house.”
“Sounds good. See you soon.”
You all smiled at one another before you finally left first this time, knowing if you didn’t—the next class would arrive and catch you both. 
After getting your chicken nuggets and milkshake, you ended up back at Joe’s house. You laid your backpack and purse down before practically falling on the couch. You grabbed your blanket from the back of the couch, fixing it over you, closing your eyes, and putting a hand on your belly, rubbing it gently.
“Mhmm a few more hours and we get to find out what you are. Your daddy is convinced you’re a little girl.”, you mumbled, the sleepiness already setting in.
Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep. Awakening you from your sleep was Joe’s ringtone from your cell phone. You blindly grabbed it from the coffee table, still half asleep.
“Hey, love. I’m about ten minutes away. Have you been asleep?”
“Yeah. But I’m up now—just gotta grab my purse.”
“Okay, I’ll text when I’m outside. I love you.”
“I love you.”
You hung up, sitting up on the couch and stretching. You got up and grabbed your purse, sliding your shoes back on. That took a minute since you were twenty weeks pregnant. Joe tried to help you do a lot, but you liked being independent. You always viewed yourself as just pregnant, not helpless. You yawned, taking a quick look in the mirror near the door, making sure you didn’t have drool running down your cheeks or your hair all a mess. Closing the door to Joe’s house, the nervousness finally began to sit in. 
Joe smiled at you softly while sitting in his car, getting out, and coming around to open your door. You smiled at him shyly before climbing into the passenger seat, careful to adjust yourself with your new pregnant belly. 
“Did you have a good nap, love?”, he asked as he leaned over, kissing your cheek. 
“I did. Just not long enough.”
“Mhm, we can take another once we get home—maybe after some celebratory sex.”
“Celebratory sex about what?”, you smirked at him.
“Finding out our baby is a little girl.”
You rolled your eyes again playfully as you all continued down the road. “Okay, I hear you.”
He chuckled before putting one hand on your belly, careful to keep his other on the steering wheel and his attention on the road. “Has the baby been active today?”
“Super active. Especially during class—during your lecture. I never thought it’d settle down.”, you smirked at him, putting a hand over his.
He smiled brightly, his brown eyes flashing over at you. “Really?”
You nodded before giggling. “Yeah. This baby already loves your voice. Knows exactly who you are.”
Joe was trying to keep from getting emotional. “That’s amazing.”
“You do talk to it a lot.” , you smirked, moving his hand gently in an attempt to find where the baby was.
“I can’t help it.”
“I know—it’s adorable.”, you reassured him. 
After a few minutes of moving his hand, you found the baby mostly cradled in the right side of your belly. It finally began moving its little arms and legs, causing a huge smile to come across Joe’s face.
“I hope the baby cooperates today.”, he sighed easily.
“Me too, but I think it will.”
Before you knew it, you both were pulling into the doctor’s office parking lot. Joe shut the car off easily, turning to look at you. You smiled back at him.
“Just admiring you. This is a huge moment. We’re about to find out what our baby is.”
“I know, I’m so excited.”, you smiled back at him before you both leaned over to share a kiss. 
He practically jumped out of the car before running over to open your door. You thanked him, still not used to having this done for you. Even if Joe had done this since you all had been together. He closed your door behind you before locking the door and holding your hand as you both walked inside. The sterile smell immediately hit your nose causing it to crinkle slightly. It was stronger today, but you were sure it was because of your heightened sense of smell from pregnancy. 
“Go sign in, love.”, Joe kissed your head easily.
It was odd to display your love here, but not at school. But the chance of someone from college seeing you here was a lot less likely—plus you both were about to be parents to a baby. You were officially halfway through your pregnancy if you made it to forty weeks. Some women do when it’s their first pregnancy and some don’t. You didn’t know which category you’d fall into. 
You walked up to the window, the receptionist sliding it back.
“Can I help you?”
“Y/F/N Y/L/N. I have an appointment.”
“Just have a seat, we’ll call you back shortly.”
She closed the window, causing you to go back and find Joe, already nose-deep in a maternity magazine. You took a seat beside him, feeling a little more relaxed but anxious to see your baby again. You always worried about the baby and wouldn’t feel at ease until you knew it could survive outside the womb. You closed your eyes briefly as you rubbed your bump.
“Did you know our baby is covered in a white substance called vernix caseosa?”, Joe eyed you.
You opened your eyes. “Not really?”
“This substance helps protect our baby’s skin from becoming irritated while submerged in amniotic fluid. It also aids the baby’s passage through the birth canal during labor.”
“That’s very interesting….”, you smiled back up at him. 
“It is. But now I’ve got you thinking about labor, don’t I?”
“Kinda.”, you admitted. 
“You’re gonna do great, I just know it. You’ll breeze through it.”
“First-time moms usually have a very long, agonizing labor.”
“Maybe yours won’t be. We’ll do all the right things, I promise.”, he smiled as he leaned over to feel your belly.
“Y/F/N Y/L/N.”, the nurse called, grabbing both of your all’s attention. 
Joe laid the magazine down as you rose from your chair in the waiting area, it taking you longer than it used to since you had a belly now. You looked back at Joe to make sure he was following, him only a step behind you before placing a hand on the small of your back. The nurse greeted you, asking you to immediately step on the scales. Joe held your purse, giving you a soft smile as you sighed, afraid of what the scales might show. You had been eating well and most of what you wanted.
You bit your lip while waiting for the verdict, the nurse stating you had gained six pounds from the start of your pregnancy.
“That’s not a bad thing, love. You lost at the beginning so your body’s making up for lost time.”
“No—it’s almost a pound a month.”, the nurse agreed. 
You nodded softly before he helped you off the scale, the nurse leading you to another room before taking your vitals, everything looked good. Joe gave you another soft smile before the nurse-led you to the exam room. She left you with a gown, sheet, and blanket while giving you time to change before the doctor came in. Joe sat your purse down before peeling his peacoat off while you pulled your coat off. 
Wasting no time, you went straight for your leggings, choosing to live in those mostly these days.
“Need some help, love?” 
“Nope. I think I’m okay.”, you smiled at him easily.
“I don’t mind to help—really.”, he breathed.
“Fine.”, you relented as you turned around, letting him slide your leggings down your legs. 
You looked at the plain, white ceiling, trying not to think bout the fact he was undressing you and your pregnancy hormones were crazy, to say the least.
“Just step out of them, love.”
You did as he asked, leaving you in nothing but your panties. He folded your leggings up and laid them with your purse before coming back to help with your maternity t-shirt. You stayed turned around, not facing him before he tugged at the hem of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head. He leaned over and kissed your neck, instantly sending shivers down your spine. 
“Relax, love. Just giving you a kiss.”
“Don’t make me horny here, please.”
His eyebrows raised, instantly intrigued. “You’re feeling horny?”
You rolled your eyes easily, leaning into his touch. “Kinda—my hormones are all over the place."
“Mhm,”, he began to hum, wrapping his arms around your waist as his hands moved down to your belly. “I can’t help you look so sexy and cute with this belly—growing our baby.”
You smirked, cuddling into his neck. “We can’t do this here.”
“We seem to be pros for doing things we can’t do in places we can’t do those things.”, he smirked before kissing your neck again. 
“Joe—not before finding out our baby’s gender.”
He sighed softly. “I know—it was a nice thought though. Does your panties need to come off?”
“Probably.”, you sighed back into him.
“I can help with that.”, he chuckled causing a smile to spread across your face.
“Wanna go ahead and get up on the table and put your legs in whatever these are…..”, he trailed off.
You had taken the time to slip on the hospital gown quickly. 
“Stirrups.”, you corrected him as you scooted back on the table, laying down and placing your feet in them while biting your lip. 
There was something oddly erotic about this. It had to be the hormones, that’s what you were chalking it up to. You eyed him, continuing to bite your lip as he smirked, brown eyes having a hint of lust in them.
“Stirrups.”, he repeated as his hands lifted your gown lightly, hands on your bare thighs.
His eye contact remained intense.
Your breathing hitched and you swallowed hard before he pushed your gown up further, exposing your panties. It didn’t help that your legs were spread purposefully. His hands wandered up your thighs before finding the hem of your panties. You helped him, lifting your butt up off the exam table and allowing him to pull them down to your thighs. He smirked as you lifted one foot from the stirrups, letting him get one ankle out of your panties at a time. He chuckled as he eyed you.
You thought he was just going to be a gentleman and fold them and put them with your other clothes. But what he did next, surprised the hell out of you. He brought your panties up to his face, keeping his eyes locked on you. You opened your mouth in an attempt to protest, but you couldn’t form any words. All you could do was lay there with your mouth gaped open. He smirked at you as he brought them up to his nose, specifically the part that rested between your thighs. 
“Fuck—your smell arouses me so damn bad.”
“J—Joe.”, you stammered.
“Can I please just eat you out?”, he begged, slightly out of character for him.
He brought your panties down, folding them nicely before placing them with the rest of your clothes. 
“Joe.”, you hissed, sitting up. “We can’t do that here.”
You were quickly coming to your senses, even if it was just for a moment. 
Joe turned back around. “Who says?”
“What if the doctor comes in? And you’re—down there—in the middle of going down on me?”, you were clearly exasperated. 
Joe laughed softly. “Love, we fucked in my classroom.”
“It was summer.”, you rolled your eyes. 
“But on campus, nonetheless. I had you bent over my desk and you were wearing that jean skirt and those wedges. The white blouse. Panties down to your ankles.”, he swallowed hard, his cock becoming hard just at the memory. 
“Besides, they say oral sex is great while you’re pregnant. I’ve read it’s good for you.”, he continued to plead his case.
You groaned softly, feeling yourself on the brink of giving in. “Joe.”
“Please—I could make you feel really good, love. Know you’re horny.”
“Fine—but make it quick. Please. So my OB doesn’t walk in on you going down on me.”
He smirked as he borrowed the doctor’s stool, placing himself between your thighs. There was something about you in front of him, legs spread and appearing to be all ready for him. It made his cock hard and his breathing hitch. He couldn’t wait to get you home. He couldn’t wait to find out what his baby was. All the thoughts were making him dizzy but in the best way. You looked down at him, a soft look in his brown eyes. 
“Depends on how quickly you can cum, love.”
“Fuck, it’ll be fast.”, you groaned, laying your head back down as you situated yourself comfortably on the table. Need you so bad.”
“Yeah?”, he hummed. “Fuck this is hot, just seeing you all spread for me.”
“Technically for Dr. Steiner. Not you. You’re just seizing an opportunity.”, you smirked. “And I am pretty sure this is part of the reason I ended up pregnant in the first place.”
“Most likely….”, he hummed. “You just don’t know what it does to a man—seeing the woman he loves carrying his baby. It makes me want you even more—if that’s even possible.”
“Aw, I love you but with all due respect, please shut the fuck up and eat me out—before she comes in.”, you leaned up, practically shoving his head between your thighs. 
“Demanding—that’s fucking sexy.”, he breathed before his handheld your thigh, feeling his breath in between your thighs before his tongue took the first swipe between your wet folds, causing you to sit up.
“Fuck.”, you moaned easily.
“Lay back down and relax, love. Need you to relax for me, please.”, he spoke against you, voice sending vibrations throughout your cunt. 
He sounded just like your OB when she did vaginal exams. You smirked while rolling your eyes, laying back on the table, laying an arm across your forehead, and closing your eyes. It was hard to completely relax, the fear of your OB coming through the door hindering that. But as he buried his tongue inside of you, the fear began to completely melt away. You closed your eyes, letting out a soft moan as Joe licked and lapped at your wet folds. 
“Joe…..”, you trailed off easily.
“Hmm?”, he hummed against you.
“Feels so good…..really good.”, you breathed, some of the pent-up sexual tension finally slipping away. 
Joe gripped your thighs as his tongue slowed its motion, swirling around your clit. 
“Oh fuck—oh shit, Joe…..”, you hissed as you grabbed at your gown—anything to help you get a grip. 
He chuckled against you, his tongue relentless. 
“I can’t believe—fuck, we’re doing this—in my OB’s office.”
No response came from Joe, his tongue continuing to flick against your clit. He was teasing you and you were loving every second of it. Your breathing was hitched, clearly enjoying the feeling. You hated to admit it—but it felt good and he was right. You needed this—your body needed this. You had read that your sex drive could be heightened and it definitely was. 
“Oh God—not gonna be super long before I cum.”
“It’s okay, love. Cum for me—wanna taste you.”, he breathed against you, partially animalistic and partially loving. 
His tongue left your clit causing you to whimper before he dived into your slick, causing you to jolt and your toes beginning to curl. 
“You do?”, you sighed.
“Uh-huh.”, he moaned against you, tongue buried deep in your cunt. 
Another romantic sigh escaped your lips as you eyed the ceiling carefully. Joe’s hand moved from your thigh, parting you open. He continued to lick your swollen vulva, making you go dizzy. The ceiling was beginning to blur, causing you to look down at Joe, only being able to see the top of his head. You swallowed hard, gripping some of your gown so hard that your knuckles were practically white. 
“Fuck—Joe. I think I’m gonna—gonna cum.”, you swallowed. 
“Cum for me. Let me taste you, love.”
You felt yourself sinking further into the exam table, toes curling. You knew you couldn’t be very loud, intentionally biting your lip and moaning softly. Your eyes fluttered shut again before you felt yourself hit that high and you knew you were gonna crash. Joe’s tongue continued to work its magic. 
“Oh fuck—Joe….”, your mouth went dry. “I’m fucking cumming. Now.”
You felt your walls tighten around his tongue, juices spilling over it. He held his tongue while you came all over it, the sweet taste instantly hitting his tastebuds. He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment and the fact he could do this for you, sending you into a spiral. You took a deep breath, almost coming down off your high as fast as you had climbed it. He took another slow swipe and swirl of his tongue causing you to squirm in response to how sensitive you were. He lapped at your cunt a few more times, making sure he gathered all of your releases—he didn’t want to waste a single bit. 
You moaned softly as his tongue left your cunt, Joe scooting backward on the stool as he licked his lips with a devilish smile on his face. The sight alone drove you crazy. Joe continued to smirk as he got up from the stool and grabbed the sheet, throwing it over your legs easily and making sure you were comfortable. You were relieved the doctor hadn’t walked in on you both before he shared a soft kiss with you, allowing you to get a hint of your own taste.
The kiss didn’t last long before he pulled away, beginning to wipe his mouth on the sleeve of his sweater as a knock came to the door. He sat down beside you, grabbing your hand easily as the door opened and revealed Dr. Steiner. 
“Hey, guys. How’s everything been going?”, she smiled as she came in and sat down on the stool Joe had just previously occupied. 
“It’s been good lately.”, you spoke up, clearing your throat.
“I see you gained a couple of pounds which is great—nothing to worry about. Has your morning sickness subsided?”
“Virtually nonexistent. It hits me every now and then.”
“And that’s normal. How are you feeling otherwise?”
You eyed Joe and he knew instantly what was on your mind. 
“My sex drive has been super high lately.”, you swallowed hard.
Dr. Steiner looked up from her paperwork, laughing lightly. “Definitely normal as well. If you’re experiencing hormone changes, it’s normal for your body to crave sex. Some women do, some don’t. It’s good for you and nothing to be concerned about. Just be mindful as your body continues to change what kind of positions you use, some may be more comfortable than others.”, she smiled as she made notes. 
Joe smirked over at you, causing you to roll your eyes playfully.
“So I see we are gonna try to find out what baby is today, yeah?”
“Yeah, we can’t wait.”, Joe smiled, holding your hand while giving it a tight squeeze. “Hope our baby cooperates.”
“We will try our best to see what baby is today. Any guesses on what you’re having?”, Dr. Steiner smiled up at you both.
“I say a girl.”
“You’ve been on that train since the beginning.”, you eyed him. “I think it’s a boy.”
Dr. Steiner laughed lightly at you both. “This is a huge day for you both, an exciting day. So if you guys are ready, we can get started. I’m gonna check you first, just make sure you’re not dilated yet, okay?”
Your heart dropped into your stomach, wondering if she would be able to tell you just came. “O—okay.”
She laid her clipboard down, using hand sanitizer before she slipped her blue gloves on. She scooted closer to you, pulling your sheet up lightly while you glanced over to Joe, a nervous look on your face. Joe squeezed your hand in reassurance. You felt so much better with him here. It felt good that he wanted to be here for you and the baby. This situation could have turned out very differently. 
“Alright just relax for me, okay?”
You nodded as you laid your head back and you felt her examine you. You swallowed nervously and it felt like she was taking an eternity. The feeling was a lot more awkward than feeling Joe down there. She scooted back easily before looking back up at you, pulling your sheet back lightly.
“Everything looks good. Your cervix is continuing to prepare for the baby. No dilation. Now, that that’s over,”, she smiled as she shed her gloves, you feeling relieved she didn’t say anything about sex. “Are we ready to see what baby is?”
You and Joe both agreed in unison, your stomach beginning to do flips. You wondered if Joe felt the same but you heard him exhale softly before smiling at you. Dr. Steiner was busy preparing the ultrasound machine as you turned to Joe. She pulled up your gown easily, the sheet resting under your bump to keep your modesty. 
“Promise you’ll be happy even if it’s a little boy?”
“Of course, I’ll be happy, love. I’ll be over the moon either way—you’re having my baby and I love you and our baby more than anything.”, he squeezed your hand again before bringing it up and kissing it softly. “But I know it’s my little girl.”
“We are getting ready to see that. This gel is gonna be cold, okay?”, Dr. Steiner interjected as she squirted the cool gel on your belly. 
“Okay.”, you breathed, mentally preparing yourself. 
“Alright…..let’s see what baby is.”, she began, moving the transducer around, the swishing and swooshing sounds filling the room. 
Joe smiled over at you, looking like he was a kid in a candy store. He was excited, over the moon. Part of you actually worried if he would be happy if the baby was a boy instead of a girl. But you wouldn’t know until that moment came. The image popped up of your baby, instantly being able to distinguish its little head from its body. The baby was much more distinguished than the last appointment. Its heartbeat filled the room, nice and strong in-between the swishing and swooshing. It was becoming more real—you all were going to be parents soon. 
You took a minute to look over at Joe, a huge smile plastered across his face. You thought your eyes were playing tricks on you, but you could have sworn Joe had tears in his eyes and he sniffled lightly. 
“Baby looks good, we’ll measure really quick.”, she smiled, hitting some buttons on the computer. “You’re measuring about a week ahead. Everything is looking perfect here.”
Your eyes panned back over to Joe who looked at you in turn. “Are you okay, babe?”
“Perfect—just in awe that we created that, love.”, he looked back at you, thumbing over your hand.
“Me too.”, you agreed, feeling slightly emotional yourself.
“Baby’s heartbeat is strong at 140 beats per minute. Perfect.”, Dr. Steiner smiled as she clicked, taking a few images of the baby while pulling its heartbeat up on the screen. 
“That’s amazing.”, Joe breathed.
“Yeah, it is.”, you agreed.
Now, it was real. You could see the tears in the corners of Joe’s eyes before he quickly blinked them away under his glasses.
“Now—let’s get to the moment of truth. Let’s see what baby is. Ready mom and dad?”, she smiled at you both.
You both nodded in unison as she moved the transducer over your belly, the baby mostly cooperating. You bit your lip softly while you and Joe looked at the screen in anticipation, waiting for her to say the words and tell you what the baby was. 
“Hmmm…..looks like baby has the hiccups. Let’s give it just a second.”, Dr. Steiner smirked easily, printing a couple more images for you both to take home. 
You both laughed lightly in response before Joe leaned over to kiss you. The anticipation was driving you both crazy, ready to know what your baby was. It had been four weeks longer than usual when they tried to find out the sex of the baby. The baby hadn’t cooperated last time, leaving you and Joe to wonder for another four weeks. You should have had the blood test done, but this was much more intimate—watching him sitting on the edge of his seat waiting to find out what your baby was. He was going to be an amazing dad and you were so glad he was going to be part of the baby’s life. 
“Alright, baby has calmed down. Let’s see really quick.”, she moved the transducer slightly, pressing into your belly with a little more force. “Ah, there it is. Ready to know?”
“More than ready.”, Joe breathed, eyeing the screen with his full attention. 
“Congratulations mom and dad—looks like you’re having a baby girl.”, Dr. Steiner smiled, quickly typing the words ‘I’m a girl!!!’ on the screen before printing another picture.
“Oh my—God!”, Joe breathed, quickly turning to look at you. “We’re having my baby girl!”
“We are!”, you laughed easily before you both shared a kiss.
You both couldn’t help but laugh from happiness, causing Dr. Steiner to smile at you both. Joe moved his hand from yours, easily wiping under his glasses. That didn’t quite seem to cut it as he pushed them up on his forehead, wiping his brown eyes. He was getting emotional and it was the cutest thing you’d seen. You rubbed your hand up and down his arm to comfort him while he tried to gather himself. He was trying not to cry but this was more than he ever dreamed of. You could feel tears in your eyes just watching him come undone. Now, you weren’t the only girl in his life but you couldn’t have been happier. 
“You okay, baby?”, you asked softly, swallowing your tears back.
Joe moved his hand from his face, his poor attempt to hide the tears that were sliding down his cheeks as he sniffled. “Yeah, I’m more than okay. We’re having a little girl.”, he laughed in disbelief between tears. 
Dr. Steiner took her free hand and handed him some tissues, him taking them easily as he dabbed his eyes and gathered himself. 
“Told you so.”, he smirked easily through a sniffle, his tears of happiness now melting into laughter. 
You rolled your eyes playfully before you both shared another kiss. “You were right.”, you agreed. 
“She’s perfect.”, Dr. Steiner smiled as she took the transducer off your belly, wiping it easily and making sure she had all the ultrasound pictures printed off. 
She cut the machine off and handed the pictures to you both, Joe instantly looking at them. 
“I want to see you back in another four weeks just to check up on everything. You’re right on track, just measuring a week ahead. If you have any questions or concerns, call me. I’ll see you next time, just schedule another appointment on your way out. Congratulations again mom and dad.”, she smiled, getting up and turning the lights back on. You and Joe thanked her as she slipped out the door, both continuing to laugh and admire the pictures of your baby girl. 
“So baby, celebratory sex when we get home?”, Joe smirked easily before kissing your cheek. 
You laughed in response. “Yeah—that would be amazing.”
“We can get dinner before going home. What do you want?”, he smiled, fixing his glasses. 
“Um—maybe Chinese.”, you laughed. 
“Sounds good, love. Want me to help you get dressed?” 
You nodded as he held out his hand, you grabbing it and him helping you sit up from the table. It was more of a struggle now that you were further along.. He helped you stand up, holding the small of your back as you stepped off the step of the exam table. He instantly untied your gown, leaving you only in your bra.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful. I love you so damn much.”, he breathed.
“I love you too.”, you smiled back at him as he grabbed your clothes and handed you one piece at a time, starting with your panties. 
You both were smiling widely, this appointment being memorable for more reasons than one. He held your shoulders, steadying you as you slid your panties up your legs and resting them under your bump. You did the same thing with your jeans, determined not to ask Joe for help even though he asked several times. They were maternity jeans so they were a little more comfortable than regular jeans. Your maternity shirt made your bump look even bigger but you finally gave in and let Joe slide your coat on. 
Another kiss was shared by you all before Joe made sure the ultrasound pictures were in your purse. Those were something you didn’t want to forget. 
“Ready to go?”, Joe asked, a smile still plastered on his face.
“Just one more kiss?”, you asked with your puppy dog eyes. 
“Of course, love.”, he chuckled as he placed his hand on your cheek, starting out with a small kiss before deepening it. 
It was euphoric, this day being everything you dreamed it would and more. Even though you were wrong in your prediction of what the baby would be, you were happy and excited to have a little girl. You knew Joe was going to be an amazing dad and he’d look out for you and your baby girl. Joe broke the kiss easily, giving you a soft smile. He was emotional and it was the cutest thing you’d seen. You loved it when he showed his emotion. 
“Let’s go home, daddy.”, you emphasized the last word playfully. 
He smirked easily. “Let’s go, mommy.”
He grabbed your hand and you both exited the exam room, feeling giddy and like you were on cloud nine. There was a huge smile on your face, so hard it made your cheeks hurt. The winter wind hit your face, nipping you slightly as Joe walked you to the car and opened the door for you. He helped you inside before getting in himself. He started the car, backing out easily. 
“Still feel up to eating, love?”
“Definitely. I’m so hungry. I’m starving practically.”
“What do my girls want?”, he laughed easily.
“Chinese food, for sure. Pork fried rice and shrimp lo mein sounds amazing—oh and crab rangoons, please.”
He chuckled. “Alright, love. Wanna eat in or take it home?”
“Home?”, you asked easily. “I’m so exhausted and just wanna eat Chinese with my boyfriend and relax—and have some fun after.”
Joe chuckled easily. “Sounds amazing, love. I’ll call it in.”
You all pulled into the driveway, Joe shutting the car off. He got out first before coming around, opening your door, and helping you out. He was such a gentleman and it was adorable. He had the food, carrying it in for you. He unlocked the door, flipping on the lights. Soon, you both would be bringing a baby home through this very same door. You took off your coat, hanging it up before rubbing your belly lightly. 
“Is everything okay, love?”, Joe asked from the dining room. 
“Fine—she’s just moving around. It’s so crazy to say that—she.”, you repeated with a smile on your face.
“I’m so happy—I think it’s every dad’s dream to have a little girl. And I get mine.”, he smiled as he worked on setting the table. 
You came into the dining room. “I’m gonna go change into pajamas or something.”
“Want me to help?”, he smirked.
“After dinner—maybe I should just wait until after dinner to not tease you.”, you smirked. “My maternity jeans are pretty comfortable.”
“Still look sexy in them.”, he smirked back at you, a hint of lust in his voice.
“Whatever.”, you rolled your eyes.
“I mean it—I’d fuck you right now—right this second.”
You felt that familiar aching feeling enter the pit of your stomach. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah.”, he groaned easily, fixing himself in his slacks. “It’s part of knowing you’re carrying my baby. I mean you’re still the most beautiful and sexy girl I’ve ever seen—ever had but that adds to it—knowing you’re going to have my little girl and we’re going to have a life together.”
Your cheeks heated up. “I love you, Joe.”
“I love you, Y/N. I’m gonna go get our food. Be right back.”
He disappeared into the kitchen before showing back up a few minutes later, sitting your plate in front of you. You wasted no time in digging in as Joe laughed, sitting down your ice water before kissing your cheek. You couldn’t help the baby want what it wanted. 
“I’ll be back. Gonna grab my dinner now since I got my girls taken care of.”
“Okay, babe.”, you said, trying to swallow down your bite of food. 
Throughout dinner, you all talked about the baby and how excited you both were. If you were being honest, neither one of you had bought anything for her. Her. That was still hard to get used to saying. It was like a dream and you guessed Joe would be doing most of the buying since you didn’t have a job even though you offered to get one multiple times, he denied your suggestion. He insisted that school should be your primary focus other than the baby, of course. So far, your pregnancy has gone without a hitch. Everything had gone the way it should.
The evening quickly slipped into night, the sun setting and the house dark except for you all sitting in the kitchen. You had left a little of your food—maybe enough for lunch tomorrow. 
“I’m stuffed.”, you sighed, leaning back in the dining room chair, rubbing your slightly more plump bump. 
“Sure you’re full, love?”, Joe asked, picking up your plate to put away the leftovers.
“Can’t even think of eating another bite.”
He leaned down and kissed you.
“I’m glad you and the baby are satisfied.”
“Beyond. Thank you, babe.”
“You’re most welcome.”
“Wanna meet me in the bedroom after you put dinner away?”, you smirked up at him.
“Are you sure you feel up to sex?”, he breathed, feeling his cock twitch beneath his slacks.
“Yeah—we said celebratory sex, right?”
“We did but I want my girls to be comfortable.”
You smiled softly. “I’m gonna be. Meet me upstairs?”, you batted your eyelashes. 
He chuckled. “I’ll meet you upstairs.”
You both shared another soft, slow kiss before breaking apart. You began up the stairs, keeping eye contact until you both disappeared out of the other's view. Opening the bedroom door, you flipped on the light and began undressing, leaving yourself in only your bra and panties. You throw your clothes in the laundry basket before looking in the mirror at your changing body. Every day, you noticed something a little different. Your bump was bigger than just a few days ago.
Caressing it easily, you bit your lip. Sure, the whole pregnancy thing was fun for now. Joe was really into it and he wanted to be an active father. He wanted to be a dad. But how long would it last? Would the new wear off once school started back and all you were was an exhausted brand new mom and he was surrounded by all those young, perky pretty girls? You shook your head, trying not to think about it. Today was a happy occasion and you didn’t feel like voicing your concerns to Joe would work.
Turning off the bathroom light, you turned the lamps on in the bedroom until Joe got there. You easily unclasped your bra, laying it on the chair in the corner of Joe’s bedroom. You still weren’t used to claiming part of this as yours. You slid your panties off, laying them in the same place, instantly reminding you of the doctor’s office. You smiled softly before climbing under the covers and waiting for him. 
You prayed you wouldn’t get sleepy as you heard him downstairs. It wasn’t long before your heard footsteps coming up the stairs. They were his. He opened the door softly, his eyes instantly meeting yours.
“Hey babe. Sleepy yet?”
“Not really.”, you breathed, the only thing sticking out from under the covers were your arms but he could tell you were naked. 
“Already naked for me?”, he asked as he closed the door softly behind him.
“Mhm maybe.”, you smiled easily. 
“Fuck—that’s so sexy. Sorry I shouldn’t curse so much.”, he sighed as he slid his slacks off. 
You took a moment to admire him, the only thing hiding his cock was the fabric of his briefs. You sharply inhaled, dying for his touch. You needed it—you needed him. 
“It’s fine—just come to bed?”, you smiled softly. 
“Let me at least get undressed first, love. Know you wanna watch, right?”, he teased.
“Uh-huh.”, you responded softly, eyes glued on him.
He smirked as he unbuttoned his button-up, brown eyes fluttering shut softly. Your desire for sex and love from him was heading into overdrive. That’s why you loved him so much. You were scared to lose him. Terrified, if you were being honest. He was the best thing that had ever happened to you and now he had given you the other best thing to ever happen to you—a baby of your own. Your all’s daughter would be the best of both of you.
Joe slid his underwear down, letting his rock-hard cock spring free with a sigh. He looked at you dauntingly before climbing straight into the bed on top of the covers. 
“Joe.”, you laughed easily.
“Yes, love?”
He was on top of you, the only thing separating you from one another was the sheet and comforter. You smiled up at him, chest moving up and down. You were really starting to get all hot and bothered. Your faces were only inches from one another and he was careful not to put too much weight on your belly. You could feel his rock-hard cock poking you through the comforter and sheet. 
“Just look at you.”, he hummed, touching your face while making you sigh. 
“What about me?”
“How sexy and ready you are for me, love.”, he breathed as he placed soft kisses on your neck.
You laughed easily. “I am….been waiting all evening…..”
“The doctor’s office just got you going, didn’t it? Just made you want a real taste, didn’t it?”
You nodded before he chuckled and shared another soft kiss with you. He peeled the comforter and sheet down easily revealing your breasts and he broke the kiss just to admire them. 
“God.”, he breathed. 
“What?”, you laughed easily.
“So sexy. Shit.” 
He lifted his body off yours, peeling the cover and sheet on down to reveal your entire body. You sharply inhaled as his hand caressed down your body, already causing your back to arch. 
“Am not.”, you breathed.
“You are, love. Everything about you is sexy, I promise. Would I lie?”
“I don’t know.” 
Joe narrowed his eyes before smirking. “The answer is no.”
You smiled, rolling your eyes playfully. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Even more.”
“Not possible.”
“Yes, it is.”, he leaned down and moved your hair out of the way before lining himself up with you. 
He heard you sharply inhale just at feeling his rock-hard cock pressing against you. He chuckled seductively as if he was trying to tease you and he was winning.
“Can I hold your hand, love?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
His hand found yours trembling on the pillow nearby and he wasted no time, instantly entangling his fingers with yours. It made you all feel closer to one another, things felt more intimate and it was a way to show each other how you all loved one another. 
“Are you feeling sore, love? Anywhere?”
“No—not so much. Feeling a lot better, things are settling down.”
“Good, so I can touch your breasts?”
You nodded, preparing yourself before feeling his free hand roam your chest, squeezing each breast and causing you to moan lightly. It felt good—you weren’t going to lie. Your mind was just trying to unwind and focus on him taking care of you. 
“Yes, love?”
“Can you please fuck me? Please put your cock inside of me?”
Joe wore a shocked expression at the use of your candid language. “Is that what you want, love? Want my cock inside of you?”
He could get used to these hormones working on you.
“Yes—need you inside of me—please.”, you begged, swallowing hard.
“You know you don’t have to beg, love I’ll always take care of you.”
You nodded softly as he cupped your cheek. He gave you a soft kiss as he readied himself to split you open.
“Are you sure you’re ready, love?”
“Please—never been more ready.”, your eyes fluttered shut, preparing yourself for him.
“Okay, love. Wanna still hold my hand while we do it? Makes us feel closer.”, he breathed.
You nodded softly again, squeezing his hand with your trembling one. It didn’t matter how long you all had been together, you still got nervous at times. But he always reassured you.
He rubbed his thumb over your hand. “You’re so beautiful.”
A smile curved on your lips. “Promise?”
“Always.”, he smirked with a soft chuckle. 
You smiled up at him, eyes becoming slightly watery. It was the damn hormones again, wasn’t it? He leaned down and shared another kiss with you before lining himself up with you and entering you, causing you to gasp lightly. 
“Sorry, baby. You’re so tight—even after earlier today.”
His face was still full of concern, he hated hurting you just for a second—even if it would turn pleasurable for you. 
“It’s—it’s okay, babe.”
He watched you, still holding your hand as he began to thrust deep inside of you. His rhythm started off slow in an attempt to give you time to adjust. He saw you take a deep breath as he grunted softly, rutting himself inside of you. 
“Feeling good?”, he asked softly.
You nodded. “Mhm.”
“I swear I’m so happy I put my baby inside you.”, he groaned.
Your eyes flew open. “Yeah?”
“Yeah—so happy you’re having my baby girl.”
You smirked before moaning softly as he hit the right spot that made you see stars. The thought that had entered your mind left as quickly as it came.
“God, just looking at you right now drives me mad. What do you think we should—name her?”, his eyes rolled back in his head as he continued to thrust into you, the sound of his balls smacking against you filling the room.
“You’re really—wanting to come up with baby names while you’re—inside of me?”, you hiccuped easily. 
“Of course—I do. So happy so happy you’re giving me a baby girl. I’m over the moon.”, he smiled as you took your free hand brushing over the stubble on his cheeks.
“Mhmmm what are you thinking?”, your back arched as he worked himself all the way in.
“Hm, promise not to make fun of me?”
“Promise.”, you squeezed his hand.
“Maybe Sophie? Or Emma? I don’t know—kinda stuck on Sophie.”, he breathed.
“Sop-hie.”, you repeated through a moan. “I love it.” 
“You do?”
“Of course.....it’s a cute name….girly and posh. It’ll fit her.”, you breathed, feeling your toes curl. 
“It was that easy?”, he laughed. 
“Yeah—because I love it and I want you to have a say so in her name. I love it. We’ll call her—Sophie.”, you swallowed hard, him keeping his rhythm steady. 
“I love you—fuck, do I love you….”, he breathed. 
“Now—we need a middle name….any suggestions daddy?”, you smirked up at him.
“You really wanna hear them?”
“Duh.”, you smirked up at him as he continued to work deep inside of you. 
“I don’t know—I only thought of a couple so far.”
“Tell—me.”, you moaned as you gripped your nails into his hand. 
“Fuck—okay. Before we get ready and cum—what about Mae?”
“Mae?”, you repeated. “Sophie Mae Quinn?”
“You’re right—it’s a dumb middle name.”, he sighed, discouraged.
“No—no—I was just saying it out loud…..”, you took your free hand, rubbing it up his arm. “I think it’s cute—it fits her.”
“Really, I love it and I love you. So much.”
“I love you too, baby. So really we are gonna call her Sophie Mae Quinn?”
“Yes, babe. We are.”
He leaned down to share another kiss with you. You both were on cloud nine and nothing was changing that. You both were smiling like you’d just won the lottery. You had—you all were having a baby girl. 
His thrust continued, steady and he slightly began picking up the pace as he closed his eyes, throwing his head back lightly. 
“Joe….”, you hiccuped easily.
“Yes, love?”
“I think I’m gonna cum…..”
“Cum for me—cum all over my cock, baby. Can’t wait to fill you full.”
You were climbing the high of your orgasm, not able to focus on anything but that. Your brain was focused on his movements, feeling him deep inside of you. You closed your eyes, drowning out any other care in the world. You took your free arm, rubbing it up and down his arm—anything to hold onto. 
“Joe…..”, you moaned out.
“Yes, love?”, he breathed.
“Gonna cum—right now.”, you moaned as you instantly felt yourself tighten around him, juices spilling over his cock. 
Your eyes shot open, his eyes closed as he reveled in the feeling of you releasing. His job was done, he had done what he wanted to do. 
“Fuck—cum baby, cum all over my cock. Feels so good.”, he hummed as his rhythm slowed, giving you time to work through your orgasm.
He wanted to help you ride it out, he always did. You sank your fingernails in his hand as you moaned, the final waves of your orgasm hitting. Lightheadedness took over at this point, you felt the heat of your orgasm wash over your entire body. Every sensation, every time he fucked himself into you was so much more intense now causing you to whimper. He smirked, watching you come down off your high. Your chest was heaving, visibly trying to recover a little before he came.
You felt his cock twitch and pulse, a reaction from your orgasm. He could tell you were soaked—so soaked for him. He could feel your juices all over his curls at the base of him.
“Ready for me to cum, love?”, he breathed.
“Please.”, your mouth was dry.
He mentally counted how many thrusts it took after you came. One. Two. Three. His thrusts ceased immediately as he released a loud groan. His fingertips sank into your hand this time, his hips stuttering, keeping himself buried inside of you as deep as he could. You felt his cock pumping his cum deep into your cunt, careful to keep himself there and make sure none of it was missed. You both smiled at each other, beginning to laugh lightly. 
“How was that, love?”
“So amazing, Joe. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, love. Are you sure you’re okay with Sophie Mae?”
“Of course, I am. I love it and I love you. Come cuddle me.”, you flashed him the puppy dog eyes that you knew he couldn’t resist. 
He smiled as he fell beside you, a little of his seed spilling out on your thigh but you didn’t care. All that mattered was him being with you. He kissed you again before pulling you close to him, covering you both up with the sheet and comforter. Without contemplation, he rubbed his hand over your bump. That’s when the guilt set in. There was something you had been keeping from Joe. And this wasn’t the perfect time to tell him but it was gnawing at you.
“Mhm she’s being active tonight, isn’t she?”
“She is.”, you put your hand over his. “Joe, can I tell you something?”
“Sure, love. Actually—me too. I told my mum and dad about you. I didn’t exactly explain everything right yet but they want to meet you. Is that okay? Maybe in a month or two?”
“Uh—yeah.”, you swallowed hard. 
“They’ll love you, I just know it. Have you thought about when you are gonna tell your mum and dad?”
This was going to make your news harder. 
“Uh—actually that’s what I wanna talk about.”, you turned over to face him easily.
He could tell something was off with you, causing him to sit up slightly in bed. You matched his mood. 
“Um—I should have told you this when we got together….”, you swallowed nervously as you noticed his facial expression change.
His eyes were glued on you, afraid of what was to follow. His mind was racing a million miles a minute trying to think of what you were going to tell him. Did you have some crazy ex-husband? A child back home? His mind instantly went to the worst. He gave you a look as if to tell you to continue. 
Tag List: @usererics @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @silky-luxe @fantastic-f0x
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surrogate-fawn · 10 months
May I... humbly suggest #17 for the ask meme 👀
The Outlaw's Labor (Wild West AU)
Prompt: "I really need to change position"
Characters: Fawn/Newt/Hassan, in a poly marriage. ((Newt & Hassan both belong to @mittysins))
Context: Fawn is the leader of an outlaw gang, and just so happens to be the only woman among them.
If there was anything Fawn could appreciate about the desert, it was the transformation it made after dark. The unrelenting sun would shatter into twinkling silver pieces all across the sky, the burning sand would become a cool ocean of silk, and the lonely wind came alive with the sounds of nighttime critters.
Fawn heard the wail of a lone coyote somewhere off in the distance. It was separated from its pack, and that made them kindred spirits. She glanced down the hill at the dying embers of the campfire below her, and at the circle of men sleeping around it. Her own empty bedroll lay open in the formation of snoring bodies, between the two boys she'd taken as her husbands.
A small smile graced her lips as she watched her lovers' slumber from afar. Newt had placed his Stetson over his face while his head rested back on his saddle. Hassan lay curled on his side, his long brown hair pulled into a ponytail and the handle of a shiny revolver nestled in his fist. Fawn wondered how the man could be such a ball of nerves but still sleep so close to a loaded weapon.
Her hands moved to cradle the underside of her greatly swollen belly, its curve hardly contained by the fastenings of her shirt. The denim didn't have much give to it and -- even though it was one of Hassan's shirts -- it just barely fit her gravid bump . . . especially now that labor had dropped it low and heavy on her frame. The only sign of pain throughout Fawn's entire being was the shallow sway of her hips as she felt the next contraction starting.
She'd been "keeping watch" atop that hill for a few hours, laboring quietly to herself while gazing down the length of the canyon. It weren't no secret she was keeping; hell, her boys had known the baby was on its way since that afternoon. She'd mostly kept her discomfort to herself all day, until her husbands had asked what was wrong.
Newt had convinced her to make the gang camp early, to give herself plenty of time off Sidewinder's back before labor got too deep. She was grateful he'd talked some sense into her, because she'd been much deeper in labor when they made camp among the hoodoos than she'd been letting on.
It's not that the labor didn't hurt -- it sure as hell did! -- it just wasn't anything Fawn found herself unable to handle. Her reactions to the intensifying pain were so mild, her gang was under the impression her labor had only recently begun. Why cause a stir by correcting them? What on God's earth were those lawless men supposed to do with that information?
While the men of her gang sat around drinking and playing rounds of cards until sunset, Fawn and her husbands had moved to a more private area of the canyon -- where she could feel free to labor away from gawking eyes. Well, except four of 'em.
For the five hours the gang had lollygagged around camp before nightfall, Hassan and Newt had never left her side -- Hassan, especially. He was the one who had gotten her pregnant, there was no mystery there, and he took that responsibility as seriously has he handled his guns.
Hassan's hands trembled with anxiety every time Fawn furrowed her brow in pain, and he'd startled at every tiny groan she uttered. For such a talented and imposing gunslinger, he could act as frightened as a rabbit in a jackal's den. His fear was evident in the fact he never laid a hand on her -- he'd been hesitant to touch her in any way since he learned about the pregnancy, as if she'd suddenly become made of glass. Instead, he'd stood a few feet away and annoyed her with constant suggestions on how to make her labor "easier" -- all of which were total nonsense. Where he got the idea that drinking water somehow opened the womb, she'd never know.
Newt was a more hands-on in his support, offering his wife reassuring backrubs while she rested between contractions. Naturally, he had more innate sympathy to the kind of pain she was experiencing; but he was a bit over-eager to help ease it. He seemed to be under the impression that digging his hands into her sides somehow eased the pain -- when it, in fact, made it much worse. During a contraction, Fawn had needed to bark at him several times to stop touching her before he finally got the message. After that incident, Fawn just wanted to be left alone.
For all their sweetness, her boys had really started to try her patience by the time the stars came out. She'd managed to convince them to sleep for a while -- assuring them that once her labor "started picking up", she'd wake them.
Yeah . . . she never had any intention of doing that.
She'd brought a child into the world before, her husbands hadn't -- but goddamn, if they didn't act like they knew better than her. As the one most experienced in childbirth out of that whole gang of ruffians, Fawn qualified to be her own doctor. She knew what the subtle cues of her body meant as it slowly worked her new baby out of the womb -- that ancient language of birth between mother and child.
"Oh, you're fixin' to come out before sunrise," Fawn thought, internally speaking to her baby. She rocked her hips a bit wider, a huff of air leaving her nostrils as she felt the harsh pinch of her cervix being pulled further over the mass of her child.
The contraction faded away, and the outlaw leader rested her back against a rough pillar of stone -- one of hundreds surrounding their campsite. Auburn ringlets of her hair had escaped the pinned updo she tamed her curls in, falling loose throughout the day's sweat and toil; but now, even in the chill of the night, they clung to the back of her neck.
"Actually," Fawn thought, "you might be comin' a lot sooner than that."
Ever since that morning a pressure had been rolling into her hips like a thunderstorm on the horizon, getting louder and deeper every hour. Now, it was barreling over her.
Another contraction started less than a minute after the last one. Fawn pressed her lips together and furrowed her brow, her hands continuing to support the weight of her low-hanging belly. She felt the heft of her child moving down. With her own hands, she felt the rough outline of its shoulder resting just above the bony squeeze of her pelvis.
"Mmm-hmm, you're comin' a lot sooner than that."
Fawn shuffled around the edge of the rocky pillar, hiding herself from the view of camp behind an outcrop at its base. Her hands moved from her underbelly to her belt buckle as she doubled over with a breathy groan -- the contraction reaching its peak of intensity and refusing to let up. She shimmied her trousers and undergarments down to her knees and held herself in a supported crouch against the jagged rock, her hands splayed out to either side of her.
Lightning flashed behind her eyelids as they closed tight. The pressure was thundering and insistent, pounding on her bones with every heartbeat. Then, the storm inside her finally broke.
Fawn let out a soft sigh of relief when she felt her bag of waters rupture. The immense pressure lessened in an instant as a gout of hot fluid hit the cool sand with a dull splash. Fawn let her head lull back, thankful to the Lord above that she'd thought to remove her trousers before it happened; they were her only pair.
She had no hope of getting her boots and pants off in her condition -- her boys had needed to help her with that for weeks -- so why fret over it? Besides, this would make it easier for her to hike her clothes back up and head into camp once she was done. There was no reason to be indecent around her men . . . her authority was threatened enough as it was by her pregnancy.
To outside eyes, she looked every bit a woman in a desperate plight: outlawed to the wastelands, a price on her head, laboring with no assistance, and preparing to give birth with her most of her clothes still on; but Fawn was the picture of serenity.
"Alright, rugrat, your cushion's gone. Can't be very comfy in there now," Fawn thought with a flood of anticipation. "Are 'ya ready to come out now?"
She gave a few experimental pushes as she felt the next contraction ramping up. With the third timid push, she felt the cold night air enter her canal as her body started to flower open.
"Ooh, yeah," Fawn thought, adjusting her stance to be wider, "you're ready."
When the contraction reached its peak, Fawn pressed her boot heels into the soil and bore down with all her might. She held her breath until she was lightheaded, stopped to exhale, inhaled, and pushed again. Her nails dragged against the rock as her fingers spiked to find better purchase.
Fawn was able to wring about three good pushes from each contraction, but she lost count of how many she endured -- they were starting to bleed into each other. Excess fluid dripped from her folds as she silently worked her baby down. One long, deep push had her skin bulging out obscenely, the head finally slipping down to fill up her canal.
Pressing her back harder against the pillar, Fawn lowered herself into more of a squat, allowing her to bring her hands around. She swiped away the pebbles digging into her palms and put both hands between her legs to explore her progress.
She didn't need a doctor to tell her what was going on, Fawn could feel it all for herself. Her vulva was hot to the touch and firm as a stone wrapped in skin -- everything flushed with blood and straining with the pressure that would soon force it to open.
The pad of her left middle finger accidentally dipped into her enflamed opening, and Fawn let out an involuntary gasp as she felt a bit of damp hair sitting just inside her stretched perineum.
"Oh! Hey'ya, rugrat," she said inside her head. A small chuckle left her dry throat. "I wasn't expectin' 'ya to be there, yet."
Unbidden tears pooled in her eyes, but she blinked them away. It didn't matter if she was in the middle of the desert without a bed or a home to call her own, she felt much more at ease giving birth here than she had her first go-around:
Long before her days as "Fawn", she'd married young -- far, far too young in hindsight -- to a much older man. Her beautiful little Mercy had been born when Fawn herself was still little more than a child, and it had been an agonizing ordeal. Her daughter was yanked into the world with forceps by a doctor who was far too rough. The tongs had left indents on her baby's soft skull for days, and they'd left bruises in their wake. All that pain, all that trauma for them both . . . only for whooping cough to steal her daughter from her arms within the year.
Fawn tilted her head to gaze up at the milky way, and wondered if Mercy was anywhere among those flecks of light. Just to be safe, she blew a kiss to the sky. Then, she readied herself to deliver her second-born.
She reached into the back pocket of her trousers, pulling out the flask she'd snuck out of camp with her. Fawn twisted off the cap with her teeth and drenched her hands in the whiskey. A subdued grunt was the only sound she made as she threw her hands between her legs and dove into another push.
The top of her baby's head began to appear. Fawn's fingerpad traced its shape as it forced her opening to stretch, until that little patch of hair was the rough shape of a teardrop. Fawn pressed her hands to either side of her labia, cradling the bulging near-crown. As she pushed, she held the skin open in preparation of what was to come. It wasn't long until a sharper grunt left her strained throat -- the baby's head stretching her in earnest with her most recent push.
Fawn tried to relax her body as the stinging burn of crowning began, but her thighs and back were aching from holding a squat for so long. She turned her eyes back to the stars as a focal point, admiring their heavenly glow while she bore down on her baby.
Her fingertips lightly pressed on each side of the slimy, squishy bubble of hair as it opened into a proper crown. Long, deep breaths were the closest thing to a scream Fawn allowed herself as the ring of fire branded her between the legs.
Wider, wider, wider, she opened. With each push her fingertips were pulled further apart. God, how much of a head did this child have?! She should've expected the child to be large, Hassan was a biblical giant of a man. She tried opening her legs to make room, but her trousers acted as shackles, only allowing her knees to move about a foot apart.
Fawn threw her head back, teeth clenched and eyes shut tight against the pain she was feeling in every inch of her body now. She tried standing up straighter, but her legs refused to close. Fawn blew out a loud breath from pursed lips as she gave into another desperate effort. She continued to prod at the reddened, stretched skin around the emerging head, hoping to peel as much of it back as possible to move things along.
When she felt a large, trembling hand touch her knee, she didn't need to open her eyes to see who it was that had found her. It was Hassan. She knew his touch very well . . . the evidence of that was currently being born. She'd missed it.
But if Hassan had managed to find her out there in the dark, then where was...?
"We're here, darlin'," a soft voice came from the other side of her. A smaller hand touched her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Ah, there was Newt.
Fawn blinked her eyes open. Once her vision adjusted, the light from the stars and half-moon were enough to see by. She saw the worried creases on the faces of her boys as they knelt in front of her.
"Evenin', fellas," Fawn croaked out. It was the first sentence she'd said aloud in hours, and her voice was parched as her tongue. "You're just in time. The 'lil anklebiter's makin' an appearance."
The boys glanced at each other and almost in unison craned their necks to see between her legs.
Newt's face twisted in an odd mix of shock and awe. "Lord Almighty . . ." he murmured.
Hassan's tanned face went so pale he reflected the moonlight like a mirror.
Fawn whined, bucking her hips as she felt another contraction rearing its ugly head. "Boys, I really need to change position," she said, her tone amazingly subdued for the situation. "I can't . . . can't open my hips enough. Get my trousers off."
The boys leapt into action. Hassan removed her boots with practiced ease and both helped pull her bunched-up trousers the rest of the way down her legs. Freed from her cloth prison, Fawn sank the rest of the way to the ground, her legs falling wide open and bracing on each side of the rocky outcrop.
"God, that's better," Fawn sighed, finally feeling some of her muscles relax.
When their crowning child was fully revealed to them, Hassan put his hand over his mouth and his shoulder slumped against the rock.
"Don't you dare go dark on me, Has," Fawn scolded, her words pinched and breathless as she pushed into her hands. She paused to take in a huge gasp of air. "This is your doin', remember?"
It was as if the baby had been waiting on its fathers to be there, as suddenly every push Fawn gave sent the head surging forward. Even when the pain was at its worst, Fawn never lost her composure. She panted, she hissed, and she gave the occasional quiet groan; but otherwise, she voiced no complaints.
Her boys were still and silent, perhaps too unsure what to do to offer any more unsolicited advice -- thank God. At least they could see for themselves she knew what she was doing.
With the chirping crickets and hooting owls as her background music, Fawn managed to slide the head of her child free in just four more good shoves after changing position.
"Do . . . you need anything?" Hassan timidly asked.
"I just need y'all to be quiet."
It wasn't an insult. With a large head hanging out of her and shoulders already pressing their way through her pelvis, any sound louder than a whisper was making her nauseous.
Fawn breathed deep, her thumb lovingly stroking the cheek of her baby while she waited for their body to turn. She felt their face twitch under her fingers, their mouth opening in a cry that had no breath behind it yet.
"I know, rugrat. I know it's uncomfortable, I'm sorry," she thought, her breath coming in harsh huffs through her nose. "Mama's got 'ya, though. She's got 'ya and your daddies are both here waitin'. It'll be okay, sweetie."
With her next contraction, Fawn made it her mission to push until her baby was out; and, by God, birth that child she did -- feet pressing against rock, hips angled towards the sky, and with both fathers watching on in stunned and obedient silence. The shoulders pressed through one right after the other, and all Fawn had to do was give a gentle tug under the chubby arms once they came free.
The sand under her became drenched as the hips of the baby slipped free of her own. Fawn held the scrunched newborn up in front of her for a few seconds, giving it a quick once-over with her eyes. From what she could tell, he was perfect!
"Well, ain't you a handsome one?" she crooned, laying her son over her stomach. He squirmed face-down on the worn denim of her shirt, whimpering quietly. "Come on, you can do better than that," Fawn encouraged, giving his shoulders a rub.
The newborn must've been exhausted from the hours-long squeeze. He could still only muster enough life to whimper, until his mother gave him a flurry of harsh pats to the butt. Then, he finally cried.
With his very first breath, that little boy proved he had his mother's authority in his blood. Because forty feet downhill, the entire gang was woken to the sound of his cries.
It didn't matter if they'd been sound asleep, they were all going to know his Mama had a new reason to kick their asses.
((I'd love to receive more prompts for this AU! I'd love to get one that would allow me to continue with the family fluff after this birth scene. I would've added it to this drabble, but I didn't want to get too far away from the prompt/))
Hope you enjoyed!
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