#I made this to avoid feelings I was having and honestly? it was cleansing
fletchah · 3 months
Sorry to be posting about KOSA again, I dislike getting involved in politics, but as a queer minor on the internet this is the one time i will.
I had a theory a while back that i considered withholding because it’s honestly really upsetting to think about. Realizing that it could even be a possibility hurt, and i’m sorry if it hurts you too.
I’ll keep it short. What if the governors who are trying to pass these bills know that cutting LGBTQ+ kids from information WILL encourage them to commit suicide, and they’re doing it to cleanse the “filth”? They’d have to find a roundabout way to end LGBTQ+’s future because they can’t just outright kill them.
I don’t know if it’s true, but it feels like it’d be pretty on-brand. Nevertheless, encouraging minors to off themselves in any way is RANCID, and even if they are trying to protect kids this is a shitty way to do that.
So how do we ACTUALLY keep minors safe on the internet?
TEACH THEM SHIT. Talk to them about how grooming happens, how to avoid getting into dangerous or illegal situations, how to be FUCKING KIND and MINDFUL, both because people are inclined to retaliate against rude comments even if they’re from children and because it’s just good to know how to be polite.
Wiping LGBTQ+ off the internet isn’t going to protect kids from a made-up threat of queer people brainwashing them into being gay. LGBTQ+ media isn’t going to make them gay either, because we grew up watching content with typical straight relationships and we still know who we are.
You know what i’ve seen firsthand? A little boy pretending to be trans like his big sibling. But that was okay, because at the end of the day he knew who he was.
Why do they think kids have no sense of their identity, and the notion that people can change their gender will immediately make them trans too? What significant damage will that do? Minors aren’t really allowed to get gender changing surgery besides puberty blockers so they can’t worry about kids “destroying” their bodies, and if they’re a functioning member of society then I don’t see the problem?? Maybe capitalism would benefit from accessible gender affirming care. Just sayin. More cash being circulated is better than a bunch of dead bodies :/
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topguncortez · 2 years
Hi there! Can you make a headcanon for Iceman x female s/o who has acne, and how he supports her with it, please and thank you?
Acne sucks, honestly.
yes I can! I based this off my own experience with acne, I struggled a lot with it. It sucks, it really fucking does
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-You had always struggled with acne, having gotten the red angry bumps on your face earlier than most of your classmates. It started out as the occasional zit or whitehead on your forehead or cheek, but over time it got worse.
-During high school, everyone struggled with it, so it didn't seem to bother you. You washed your face with soap that your mom had, would pop the zit, and put on some concealer to try and fix it.
-it wasn't until you were an adult that it seemed to get even worse. Your cheeks becoming inflamed with red, angry bumps, and even your back and chest.
-You did what you could to cover it up, not showing too much of your back or chest. Putting on more makeup. Avoiding certain places and situations that would cause access sweating or oil build-up.
-You tended to hide in the back ground because you were shy to show your face. You were embarrassed by the state of your skin. But that all seemed to change when you met Ice. Ice was the first man you had met that didn't point out your acne.
-But dating Ice, seemed to put this extra stress and anxiety on you. He was beautiful, his bright blue eyes, perfect white teeth and perfect skin. You had asked him what his skin care routine was, and all he said was "soap and water".
-Ice was blown away by your skin care routine, watching as you washed your face with various serums and cleansers, and he would ask you questions about it. When you explained about the troubles with your acne, Ice felt his heart break.
-From then on out, he had helped you. Making sure that you were taking your medicine, making you feel confident, when you would come home too drunk from girls night he would help you wash your face. He had also developed a better cleansing routine.
-Ice also made sure that you felt comfortable about your acne scars. You had scars on your back, and your cheeks that you wanted to hide. But Ice made you feel beautiful despite them.
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Demon Bride Ch41 To Play Matchmaker P3
(Warnings!!: Mentioning of Gyutaro's and Daki's backstory. Mentioning of abuse/death/attempted murder/killing and Daki burning. Mentioning of the Red Light District but it will STAY SFW!! This will HEAVILY reference s2 ep11 and Gyutaro's backstory however slight changes have been made to fit the au.)
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The feeling was cold. Thick. Making your skin break out in goosebumps. Unlike anything else you've ever felt before. You weren't sure if you liked this feeling in your face-
"Are you sure this stuff is supposed to help cleanse your face?" Your hand reached up to touch the goop Daki planted on your face after she tied your hair back. A pale hand smacking your hand away.
"It's not stuff! It's a mud mask! It has lots of minerals and tightens your face to get rid of wrinkles." A moment later another thick glop was pushed onto your cheek.  "You'll feel so refreshed after."
It had been..quite a day. But Enmu had been right. Your stress had gone down...You threw all your stress onto Sakura and pulverized her. Admittedly not the best way to go about relieving stress but you'd take it for now. Besides it's not like you could do anything about it now anyways. You were trapped. Literally. You just sat in Gyutaro's lap while he hugged you close to himself, his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin on top of your head. An intimate sort of hug or cuddle but you thought it was cute. Plus he seemed a lot calmer now than what he'd been previously. He didn't even complain when Daki tied his own hair back and pressed the same goop to her brother's face. Guessed he was used to his sister treating him to things like this or he didn't have the energy to fight her right now. You did find it sweet how Gyutaro just let his sister dress him up like this.
"Honestly though...What is her problem?" Even if you were rude to Sakura why would she chose to startle Daki? Whom was a VERY powerful TWELVE BLOOMING KIZUKI?! Literally every OTHER demon cowered in her presence. "Even if she was after me in some way why would she be bold enough to risk nearly getting kabobed by Gyutaro?"
"Her family rubbed elbows with some other Upper Moons for a while. That fact must've made her bold enough to try something." Daki's hand pulled away from rubbing goop on your face and grabbed a strand of hair. " In fact she used to be one of Karaku's flings."
"Karaku? That name sounds familiar." Daki rolled up the strand in one of the curlers.
"You don't remember? He's one of those brothers who also gave you gifts." Gyutaro grunted annoyed at the mere mention of them. 
"Which one? There's five of them."
"The pervert with green eyes."
"Green eye- Wait. I know that one!" You scowled. He's the one who blew you and Rui away when they tried to kidnap you! "He made a pass at me as soon as we met! What's he thinking getting involved with Sakura?"
Daki shrugged. "He actually has a reputation being a known flirt amongst the woman here, Sakura was one of his more serious endeavors. However word around is that he broke things off with her before he became a Kizuki himself. If they had stayed together she would've became the first Bride in over three thousand years."
"Is the title of Kizuki Bride really that important?"
Another curler was added to your hair. "Considering You're the first one in over three thousand years, engaged to so many Kizuki at one time, AND a human?....Yes.  Everyone's been talking about you. Some good..Some not so good." A growl from Gyutaro answered that and you felt his grip slightly increase pulling you against him further. "You also have a surprising way of doing things."
You shrugged as best as you could in his grip. "Well I actually didn't mean to end up here or engaged. The whole point of me leaving my village was to avoid an arranged marriage. Somehow I ended up lost and next thing I know here I am!"
"HA! Seriously? It's like the universe played a nasty truck on you."
You deadpanned. "I've noticed that. But I'm more worried about what that Sakura might try next.''
"I wouldn't worry about her. It's Jade I would have my eye on." Jade? Who was Jade? Your confusion caught her attention from curling your hair up (or as best as she could with Gyutaro clinging to you). "I said her family was close to a few Kizuki for a while didn't I? Her older sister Jade, was supposed to seduce Douma. " She snorted. "Never liked her. She's always cold and silent."
Douma?.... Funnily enough that sounds similar to what Eri almost went through. But- "But Douma didn't.. accept her proposal?" Wasn't he supposed to be a rumored womanizer and flirt? That's what everyone told you about him for so long.
"He entertained her, but it was more out of politeness than anything else. I swear both those sisters were so... obsessed with them." A surprise expression of slight worry passed over her. "I don't care for Karaku but Douma...I think he's taking this too lightly." She shrugged. "Then again he's Upper Two so I shouldn't worry too much. Not even the Master scares him."
Jade and Sakura huh? They sounded like trouble you should avoid and that meant avoiding Karaku and Douma too make certain you didn't run into them again. Which might be easier than you thought. You gave Douma a clear form of rejection and you weren't interested in any of those kidnapping brothers. So maybe you didn't have to worry about anything else for now? ...Yeah. You felt your body finally relax in Gyutaro's grip which seemed to please the demon as he gave a grunt of approval before giving a hiss when Daki pushed his head off you to better roll more curlers into your hair which after a while Gyutaro accepted this and just settled for settling his head onto your shoulder nuzzling a cheek into your neck.
"Brother! Stop that! You'll ruin your mud mask and smear her skin dirty! It's not dry yet!"
"Can it, Daki," he grumbled back turning into the curve of your shoulder and the comforting fragrance of soft peonies and you jumped as a soft face smooshed into you further. A bright pink lighting up your face, good thing it was mostly covered by the goop on your face. "Soft. So soft and pretty. You must be crazy letting a dirty thing like me touch you."
"F-For the last time! You're not dirty! You really do look fine to me."
"You will be dirty if you don't stop smudging your face in her neck! How am I supposed to add curlers to your hair if you keep moving your head at odd angles!?" Gyutaro groaned again but complied with his sister's demands and pulled his head back to also allow her access to curl his own hair up. You didn't see the need for her to curl his hair since it was naturally wavy but she still does on both of you. "You need to learn to take better care of yourself. Doesn't it feel nice to not have your head in a tangled mess?"
"Wait. What time is it?" With everything going on you lost track of time. "Rui might come back home soon. He'll be wondering where I am."
"Those pompous schools don't close until sundown. It's barely noon now. Relax. You have plenty of time." More curls added to your head until you're scalp felt tightly tied up. " You'll look so nice once I'm done with you."
You just reached a hand up to gingerly touch the cylinder like objects keeping your hair up as Daki moved away from you and over behind her brother who hissed as soon as she grabbed his head and pulled him back from your shoulder again to stuff more cylinder objects she called curlers in his hair too. So strange but you guessed you shouldn't complain about it. She seemed genuinely interested in just spending time with another woman....and her brother but he didn't fight anything she did. You could tell he was a bit annoyed. At least she didn't touch your nails yet. You reached up your hands to look at your nails but as you turned your palms over, two larger hands grabbed onto them. Not harshly but enough to make you stop. You blinked turning your head to look at Gyutaro whom was gazing at your palms with an expression you couldn't make out.
"....Your hands are calloused," he noted bluntly in a curious tone whichbyou nodded at. "Girls don't have calloused hands. They're hands are always so soft and perfect."
Was he confused about seeing a woman with callouses? You supposed he'd never seen a woman with them. "Well I worked every day of my life back in my village. I wasn't exactly the most well off."
He looked at you. Yellow eyes boring into your head. "How?"
How could you...be poor? You shrugged. "I just wasn't. I was born into the poorer part of my village with no one but my grandmother who I had to take care of. " You looked back away with a grimace. "...She wasn't really nice. I was always forced to work off a family debt by doing hard labored jobs from a young age while trying to please a controlling elder on top of being their primary caregiver wasn't a fun childhood."
Gyutaro was silent without speaking up or asking anything else but you still felt those eyes boring into you. Was he waiting for you to continue talking?
"I guess it wasn't all bad?" It was more of a question even to your ears. "I had a home as run down and broken as it was but the rain kept leaking in and it was even worse in the winter months. My Thin futon did nothing to really help that matter. I'm surprised my grandmother even lived as long as she did in those conditions." ...A fearful gulp sunk down your throat. "I'm.. surprised I lasted as long as I did doing so much dangerous work for so little. I guess the ends justified the means in some way...sure doesn't feel like it sometimes."
YoU sighed. "My parents wracked up a debt with another family and then they died before they could pay it back so of course with my grandmother being too old it was up to me to pay it off. That's why I worked so much and struggled to pay it back."
"How much was it?"
"Eighty coins."
"That much?"
"Well maybe that's not a lot of money to a demon lord like you or your sister but to someone who could barely buy food, and lived in the poorest part of the village it was a lot ." You felt a little irritated that he seemed to not take it too seriously but he had grown up with money or at least with less struggle than yourself so he might not have understood what you went through. "Sleepless nights of hunger just to save one more miserable coin made my heart break. Or knowing that I had to give any food to my grandmother who needed it more but was never grateful. ...Every time my traps never caught any animals or a fish got away from my line or there was never enough berries on a bush... You're  the lucky ones."
"Why didn't you just end the life of whoever you owed money too? That would've been a lot simply to take care of, you had no problem with taking care of everyone else." He was probably noting Sakura and that man you kicked before.
"Because I'm not someone who would resort to that unless I absolutely had no other choice and only if I was in actual danger! I would've been married off to someone who hated me if I didn't pay back his family yes, but that doesn't mean I would solve something horrible by doing something even more horrible! I just-...I WANTED OUT!!" Your sudden rose in tone had him blinking and Daki peeping over his shoulder. "I JUST WANTED ONE THING TO GO MY WAY!! WAS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK?! IS THAT ONE THING FORBIDDEN TO FOR ME?! I just wanted ONE thing to go in my favor ONCE!! ONE THING to be my doing without having it turned into something horrible later! I just want one person to listen! But it seems like even that's asking too much...I had to lie and run away just to have any say for my future...But even that's dashed now isn't it?"
You NEVER asked for any of this?! Your poor family situation. Almost getting forcibly married. Having to lie to so many people and run away to avoid anymore conflict. Almost getting forced into so many other marriages. Getting hurt. Now you're stuck in this place engaged to so many people you didn't even know a year prior and a mother. Not that you'd really complain about Rui he's innocent in this entire mess. But how'd you get caught up in such a tangled mess bigger than the world's most confusing puzzle? You had to find some solution to this but any hope won't arrive unless you can find a way out or until you can talk to Muzan's wife which won't be until November at the earliest!! All the stress from earlier came back a bit but ....Yelling about it seemed to relieve some of the long brewing tension in your mind.
There was a tense silence as everyone just sat motionless and still in the awkward silence. You could still feel yellow eyes bore into your head until they looked away and down at the floor.
"....Our mother tried to kill me as a child."
The sentence startled you. Made you visibly flinched before you just ...froze.  The silence still creeping in on yourself and just sitting there...until your eyes numbly glanced behind you. 
"You think I was born like this without being cursed?" He huffed. A similar way Daki scoffed further showing their similarities as siblings. "You think we're the lucky ones?" A growl escaped his throat. "Luck had nothing to do with anything at all."
"Why would you say anything like that?" Your voice was calm. Meek. Quiet. Barely over a whisper. But he heard it. Oh he heard it.
"Because we were born on the Rashomon Riverbank. The lowest class of the entertainment district , children there were seen as extra mouths to feed so we were for being born. My mother nearly killed me more than once before I was born , she also tried to kill me after I was born since I was nothing but a burdon in her eyes." The intake of his throat hissed however you couldn't tell what emotion was behind that action. Sorrow? Anger? Maybe a long festering annoyance? "And yet I survived by some twisted fate. "My body was weak like a withered leaf, yet somehow I clung to life with what strength I had left. The body you view now is stronger...but.." a hand left your side to scratch at and dig his nails into the thin stomach and middle of the hunched over figure. "It's...highly debatable if I look any better than I did then." The nails threatened to break skin-
Yellow eyes widened as a smaller hand grabbed at the hand and pulled it away from its scratching. "I think you look rather pleasant."
The absurdity of that compliment in the middle of such a sad state made him bark a laugh. "Again... That's debatable. Not everyone is so kind to use names such as pleasant for me. Worm. Moron. Cretin. Coward. Good for nothing...dead weight. I was mocked for my ugly voice and appearance. Sometimes they'd even throw rocks at me for it."
Your head tilted up... before you turned to look at his face finally. Throw things at him? Was that why he didn't react when that crowd pelted him with rocks and garbage?
"It felt like every insult in the world was created to leave an emotional scar on me. Not only was I hideous but I was filthy too, covered in grime from head to toe with the stench of death alwsys around me. It didn't help that I lived in the entertainment district where beauty was the measure of your worth."...The grip on your hands tightened to an almost painful grip. "You're lucky to not live there. With your beautiful looks, you would've been like a rabbit to a pack of starving wolves."
"I can't believe you went through that..."
"Gets worse. You were the lucky one to have easier access to food. I was treated like a starving monster. Whenever I got hungry I ate mice and insects, reptiles like snakes. Just so I wouldn't starve. My only source of entertainment or trace of a toy was a sycle a customer left behind with our mother." A sycle? Like the ones he used to fight now? "Soon though things started to change for me once Daki was born."
A proud smile finally overtook his face even though there was sadness underneath and you noticed that Daki had popped up again this time leaning on her brother's hunched back with her own proud smile. Huh. Their mouths were in a similar shape when they smiled.
"After our mother died of a human illness we were free to walk our own paths, and Daki WAS my path. Even at a young age people couldn't help but stop and marvel at her beauty. I quickly learnt I was good at fighting after and started working as a debt collector." He shrugged. "Not a clean job but it paid well enough for us and it was something I could actually do effectively. I might've revolted everyone but they feared me too now, and that brought me pure joy." Another hiss came as he sucked through his fangs and smiled in an almost sadistic way. "Ooh. Yes it did. My ugliness became my source of pride and because I have such a gorgeous sister my sense of inferiority was washed away as well. Call it wishful thinking but I really thought we were on the fast track to a better life." Then all at once, the smile disappeared and replaced with a burning deep rage. "Until that fateful day..our luck ran dry."
"Gyutaro, what happened?"
"Daki stabbed a customer in the eye with a hairpin in self defense. When news got out it was a samurai, her hands and feet were bound...and she was burnt alive."
Your head snapped back at such a revelation being spoken. Bu-...BURNT ALIVE?! WHY?! Why would they do that?! Why would anyone DO THAT?! That sounded more horrible than being thrown in jail!! How could anyone bring themselves to do such an act of violence?!
"I wasn't there." His continued speech made you flinch in his grasp. His head back down again. But there was a change in his body. A deep trembling that didn't stop. "By the time I got home from work...she was burnt to a crisp. They nearly killed me too when I showed up. A deep gash along my back would do that...but they didn't live long enough to finish the job...Ah." 
he didn't even flinch at the second trembling body attached to his back or the feeling of nails digging into him from the harsh grip of his sister. Right. He almost forgot she was here too. Probably helped to ground him back before he lost himself in past rage and spiraled out of control in front of her and the girl he had in his grip. No sense in causing unnecessary fear.
"....No one offered to help us. No surprise there. That was just the story of our daily lives.  No one batted an eye to our suffering even at its worst. And then it would start to snow.. very cold those nights. Day in and day out we were neglected and denied any mercy from bystanders, if we were merely human we would've died by then. Why was that?" As if that were to ever be answered. "So much for fortune and misfortune being intertwined. Our entire lives were filled with tragedy, pain, and suffering back to back around like some twisted circle. ...A cycle only to be played over and over again never to be broken...Until one did break it."
"Douma." You hadn't meant to speak that outloud but the look he gave you told you that it was true. 
"Upper Moon Six at the time. This was before he challenged Akaza for Upper Moon Two and won. Funny how that worked. Something so feared held something so precious as mercy. Especially for someone like me."
"He...saved your lives." Gyutaro slowly nodded. "Why?"
"He helps people with their wants and desires. My desires were clear, he only polished what I could accomplish and move some of the heavier boulders off the rocky pathway for us to get here. ....I can respect him an amount for that regard."
Huh... Perhaps whomever this Douma person truly was actually wasn't a bad person? But...tose lifeless eyes. You shivered remembering them. They still sent a chill down your spine.
"Becoming a Kizuki wasn't even a want for me. The respect and authority is nice but responsibility isn't my strong suit...but I don't regret becoming one. If I was given a choice I'd just become one over and over again if that's what it takes to enact vengeance. I don't have regrets with my choices.." You blinked large hands dropping from your body to a pathetic and livid lap of a connected filthy body. "However... I've always had one regret...I just never mentioned it before but it continues to haunt me...Daki."
Said girl flinched on his back still pressed face first into the rough skin clinging onto as if for dear life. Ironic how that was wasn't it?
"Had I never taught you my way of life you might have lived a better life." The trembling behind him stopped. The body in front of him froze. "Had you only worked at a better house, you might have become a respectable Oiran, and if you'd been born to a better mother you'd have a better family. One without being so filthy. Who knows?..maybe you'd even been a high socialite. You do have a very impressionable personality. Maybe you're only in this situation because I raised you with the mindset of take before they take from you. If you didn't have me... you wouldn't ever be like this."
The hunched over form leaned more over and once dried eyes succumbed to the leaking trailing of salt riddled tears falling down the face and marking the ugly face once again with water that would never wash away the ugliness or filth. Not even a little. Nothing ever changed didn't it? Not even a little bit.  Look at him. Pathetic. Not that he really was anything else. 
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Blubbering now. How could he get any more pathetic than this? "I'm sorry I wasn't what you deserved."
"Shut up!  Just shut up!" A voice screeched and he nearly toppled over when a large weight suddenly latched onto him. A fresh set of tears rolling down his back. "Why do you always have to t-take things so far?!" A familiar loud high pitched whine pierced the air and a woman whined into him. "I-I told you I'm not g-g-going a-any where!! You couldn't get rid of m-me even if you tried!! I'm not going to let you be alone! S-So stop saying that!"
"She's right..You shouldn't say those kinds of things."
The touch was so soft when two hands grabbed his own hands back and hold him just...Held him.  When did anyone ever hold him? There was no one to ever hold him. If anyone he was always the one doing the holding up for the both of them. The world was always too cruel to allow anyone else to be near either of them. maybe....
Maybe just bring held once would be ok.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry m' filthy! M' sorry something so  filthy taints your presence-"
"Now stop that. I'd rather have you hold me than anyone else right now." Soft hands were placed under his chin and tilted upwards to make yellow eyes gaze into purple ones. "A heart of gold is usually hidden by mud while a cruel soul is cloaked by porcelain. It just takes a little bit for the gold to shine."
That was it.
Lips were captured. Surprise went off.
Like fireworks shooting off behind his heart. Pins and needles numbed his limbs. His nerve endings felt on fire. Yes...Yes this would do nicely. Something pretty. So pretty to call his own. So very, very pretty and soft.
And so very very  his.
A knock interrupted any good magic in the air. A growl escaped Gyutaro and he was forced to retreat as the door slid wide open...and a servant stood there frozen as he saw the state of you three.
Gyutaro's angry bark got the man to jump nearly jumping back outside but instead he fell to his knees and hid his face with a bow. Holding out something in his arms in an attempt to appease the now angry demon before him. "F-FORGIVE ME LORD GYUTARO!! B-B-But a v-v-very important p-p-package arrived for Lady Y/n! I-It couldn't wait!"
Another package? Really? Oh great. You could only wonder what it could've been this time. Another dress? A fan? Maybe a decorative vase? Your eyes looked to the servants'hands and froze. There in his hands was a perfectly wrapped pink box.
The very SAME pink box you sent back to Douma.
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lurking96 · 2 years
BNHA362 or the Death of a Character
By now the chapter had been out for a bit. People saw it. People reacted to it. To each in their own reactions and feelings. Now I am not making a secret that I am not a huge fan of the character. So I will put my opinion under a read more. It´s certainly something surprising that happened
Honestly I did not expect Bakugous death. It did feel a bit sudden. Not necessairly random thanks to the situation they were in. But before that chapter it seemed to be expected that one of the Big 3 would die. Not him. Sure he was hurt. But people expected he would make it out. Leak night certainly was special. Especially with not all the info was out. People thought his heart simply stopped. I for one moment thought the stress on his body gave him cardiac arrest. But as more info came out it shifted. His heart got destroyed by ShigAFO. It definitely seems more permanent. Now who knows me knows I am not a fan of death as consequence. I think Karmic consequences hardly work out. That him dying is not a good consequence. But rather something cheap. A martyr death to cleanse the record. To stop people talking bad about a person. However this was not it. The death had a form of narrative message. Overall he had a “Bright Future”. Him wanting his AM card to be signed showed that he was still childish. It´s a childish wish. He didn’t think about family, friends, the person he bullied for years, the apology. But simply an AM card. They are in a war. And war can cut Bright Futures down. You won’t be protected just because you have goals. Just because people have expectations for you. No you can simply die. Not because you are special. But rather because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It´s not fair. In the end most that fight on the hero side are first years. Jirou lost one of her ears it seems. Monoma is a vital piece in the plan and their life depends on him keeping up erasure. Midoriya is seen as an asset as he holds OFA. I can certainly see that some may just see him as vessel and not as person. They are not toddlers. But they are still young. Their whole life is still before them. And Bakugous death sets the stage. It shows the stakes. Anyone can die. If for example Ojiro died. That wouldn’t set the stakes as much. He is rather a side character. His death would not shock the audience as much. Bakugou however is popular. He avoided death before. Certainly he had some plot armor. But so far it seems gone now. His death shows that anyone can die. That this is war. That this is not fair. It sets the tone of the future encounters. Do I think he is dead permanently. Yes kinda. So far there doesn’t seem to be a good way out. Some people said Best Jeanist could control fibers to fix his heart. A feat Jeanist never did before. Never fixed organs. And it´s a delicate operation. Doubt ShigAFO will just let them. Others said that Eri will fix him. She is not there. Not close. So far she used her powers to fix Mirio. Not on Aizawa. Not on Mirko. Eri has quite the recharge time. Monoma can copy her quirk but he can not stockpile it. Recovery girl looks tired and she is also is not there currently. Some said OFA is gonna heal him. OFA can not heal. Honestly it rather does the opposite. Kills the quirked user. And the seconds quirk seems to be more combat based. Also he currently is not even close to the quirk. His heart exploding seems rather permanent. About the AM vestige he saw. I honestly don’t think it was OFA. He was not in the OFA space. It was an empty white space. Maybe in the OFA talks he joined Midoriya described the vestige of AM. And his slowly oxygen losing brain made it up in his dying moments. It´s not a vestige. But rather a ghostly form of AM. Honestly not a fan of the idea that he will become an OFA vestige. Midoriya does not need explosion and he doesn’t need the guy around 24/7 in his head. Again. Do I think he will come back alive. Yes it is possible. However it needs to be done well. No cop out, no asspull, no random magic wand made for only him. His revival needs to make sense in the world. And it needs to be explained while it wasn’t done before with other people. Simply put it needs to make sense why he comes back and why maybe only him comes back. it would also cheapen the death a bit. Why kill him when he just comes back. Kinda removes the stakes. Kinda removes the emotions that are tied to it. If it is not done right obviously. The author can always positively surprise us. Overall it seems like a delicate process to write. Many thinks can go wrong either with permadeath or revival. Well we can only see what the future chapters will bring and how they will deal with it. Currently his permadeath holds a message to me. It makes sense to a degree. Do I like it. Not that much. But I can accept it as the writers choice.
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lilithsslut · 2 years
What is happening in your connection right now??? The TRUTH
🖤🌙request a reading here🌙🖤
Pick a crystal !!!
Serpentine (green) pile one
Carnelian (red) pile two
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Someone’s ego is getting in the way of this connection, and someone isn’t willing to sacrifice something to put all of their focus on you, they may even be selfish with their time and you’re wondering why they’re not fully committed to you. Your person is feeling like this connection isn’t gonna make it, new things are coming into fruition & they want to be able to focus on that. They’ve been inconsistent and they’ve probably even lied & kept secrets from you, overall someone is very immature when it comes to their emotional side and isn’t very good at communicating effectively with you. They are waiting for results of desire, and I believe tht they do in fact desire you, but this just isn’t the right time for them yet, they want to have their goals completed and feel content in their personal life before they can think about a relationship or a marriage or anything of the sort, though they do love the idea of it. This situation will not move forward anytime soon unfortunately, where you are right now is where you need to be and all you can have for this connection is hope for the far future, both of you are going through spiritual awakenings, and you both need to avoid harsh relationships. Though you may feel like you’ve known each other in a past life, maybe you or your person experience deja vu often when you’re together! they do have feelings for you but they’re more focused on themselves right now. I think you should also focus on yourself
Oracle messages from your person:
“Free yourself”
“Forgive me”
“I’m working on my self”
“I’m trusting that divine timing will bring us back together”
“I’ve never met anyone like you”
“You make me nervous”
“In due time”
“I fell in love with your soul.”
Your person is currently in a feminine energy, and I believe they’ve been unfaithful. and the feminine energy is coming from all feminine parties. somebody is in their heads and thinking about you a lot & the pain they’ve put you through, they feel alone, and probably can’t stop messaging you or thinking about messaging you, they’ve disrupted your positive energy and accused YOU of false situations. This energy may also be coming from you & could’ve possibly been the disloyal one & caused this tower moment. A huge tower moment. I mean I pulled 2 tower cards, 2 Queen of swords & 3 knight of swords for this pile so this entire connection is FULLL of conflict. The outcome of this situation is not very good, you wanna be alone, you’ll remain defensive and suspicious and questioning as you should. And they will try their best to have you back, but with your walls up I don’t see it happening. you’re done, and you’ve made up your mind, all the things you’re “questioning” and being suspicious about are true, and intuition is strong and correct. your indecision to take them or forgive them is not likely and it’s killing them. they want to take you somewhere and make it up to you. But honestly don’t even bother, go take some time for yourself & connect with your spiritual practice, take a bath in the ocean and cleanse your soul.
Messages for your person:
“Let go of control issues”
“Forgiving and learning”
“There’s someone else”
“We can make this work”
“I told my friends”
“I’m trusting that divine timing will bring us back together”
“I’m angry”
Thanks for reading guys, message me for a free reading!!! 🌙
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leowolf0816 · 11 months
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Chapter four
Word Count: 1173
Matt's P.O.V.
After a long couple of weeks of fighting both criminals and my building lust, I decided I may need to go to confession. So here I stood in the archway of St. Agnes Church debating if my confession is what will lead me to clarity or into insanity.
Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and pushed open the doors revealing a room lit by color from the multiple stained-glass windows that wrapped around the church. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my exposed skin. Slowly I made my way to the confessionals where I heard the soft mumbling of someone confessing. 
I patiently waited for the confessional to be free. I broke down my cane so that I could sit comfortably. taking a deep breath I made the sign of the cross over my chest. 
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession" I take yet another breath. "Let me start by saying that I have hurt some bad people for doing bad things..." I took a minute to compose my thoughts into an easier string of words that did not give away too much.
 "These people had gotten away with a lot by paying off multiple officials and I couldn't just sit by and allow them to take innocent women or hurt innocent people" I glared into space for a moment. 
"I've been fighting wars that only I could fight and battles only I could win" I shook my head.
 " I know that sounds prideful but it is true in this situation I am in and I must apologize Father for I can not fully confess to the violence I have committed not in fear for what you or god may say but for fear of what may happen to you if you know this information in full yet I can not contain my sins in full I tell you what I can in hopes that god may forgive me some day for the things I have to keep from you," I notice the sound of his scrunched face in confusion.
"My dear child are these things you confess illegal?" His question makes my skin crawl but in true fashion, I try to avoid lying as best I can as in confessional I must confess sincerely and honestly in order to be cleansed of my sins.
"But that is not all Father for not only have I committed violence against my fellow man but I fear soon I may commit lustful acts" I take a deep breath. 
"I may not be able to see but each time she walks into a room my skin buzzes as if knowing she's there" I slowly forget I'm in a church as thoughts of her cloud my mind.
"She is followed by the scent of rose and sandalwood its as if she leaves a ghost of her everywhere she goes as if she is an angel sent from god to torment me with the need to prey to be able to see her in all her angelic glory as no words can properly describe her beauty as much as the when her angelic laugh fills the room and seems to echo in my ear long after she has left me morning her presence" I smile thinking of her laugh.
"she makes me feel like a pirate lost at sea drawn in by the songs she sings and the words she speaks... But Father she may be angelic but oh she is also a demon sent from satan to tempt me in such ways that I would rather worship her than god praying for a taste of the heaven between her thighs or to hear her holy voice be bathed in unholy words" I can feel my dick hearden at the thoughts planted in my head making her unheard screams of pleaser ring in my ears.
"She distracts me from all that I have worked hard for but oh I would throw it all away just to be able to pin her against the wall of my office with her skirt hiked up and legs wrapped around my waist or splayed out on my desk legs spread wide with me buried deep inside her and uttering soft curses and prayers to make it last forever for that is now how I envision my heaven to be" I can hear a hard swallow but I'm to into my thoughts to comprehend it is not my own.
"And as I am home alone with my thoughts images of her tied to my bed and dripping with sweat and desire as her legs shake and she begs me to let her cum as she whimpers and whines my name and curses that of god seem to pledge my mind... I take a deep breath at the image of her bare chest rising and falling as she lay splayed on the bed. I may not be able to see but lord can I imagine being ready to dive back in not wanting to be away from that heaven for even nearly a minute" I can feel my mouth run dry but still but yet still it drools at the imaginary sounds of hers running through my ears.
"For even if just to kiss her I would go to hell I would do so and then tell the devil I had seen heaven without stepping foot through the gate I would brag that I had heard angels sing without going to heaven at all" slowly my voice died out and oddly I felt a new still not quite comprehending what I had just confessed to the priest sat beside me his mouth agape with no word in sight. 
Slowly his words seem to come back to him as he clears his throat before he spoke "I must say I have yet to have heard quite the detail in a confession of that sort but if you truly feel this way about this woman look into yourself and see if it is she you truly want or if it is merely something else you seek... as for the violence you have inflicted on others try to resculpt your urge for violence into something more creative and less harmful" As he spoke I listened but already I knew that it was her I sought and her that I wished to place my violence in along with my want, need, care, and joy. 
I said the Act of Contrition expressing a wish to avoid sin. Father Lantom was quiet for a moment seeming to ponder what he wished to say before he said his absolutions and blessings. I thanked him as I left the confessional extending my cain again. Slowly my senses truly came back to me no longer fully clouded by the lust of my thoughts and with that the realization that a group of nuns was lined up by the confessional and some were blushing while others were scowling over what they had overheard me say. 
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crystalelemental · 11 months
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I refuse to spend all day doing Gauntlet, but here's a quick showcasing.
Tate is interesting, in that he has pretty much every tool needed to succeed in Gauntlet. Paralysis, nice debuffs, spectrum buffing for himself, high damage via Doom Desire and an explosive EX sync. All very positive traits. But. I don't know about solos. One application of Gradual Healing is not sufficient for survival, and he's sturdy, but I'm not convinced sturdy enough to handle it. Otherwise will inevitably prove me wrong, but it doesn't seem reasonable, so probably a high level of "you need paralysis to proc and boosts to evasion," which cannot at all be relied upon. Also his independent gauge is bad without speed buffs, but eventually you have to ask where all the energy is supposed to go for grid. It feels messy.
So the better solution is duos, and to showcase just how little he needs, here's MU Tauros. It takes enough hits to keep Tate alive and running, and made clears a lot more consistent. It still requires luck, particularly against Tornadus, the world's biggest asshole with his stupid fucking Self Cleanse. But it does work out.
My main reason for doing this instead is that...honestly, teambuilding Tate feels hard in Gauntlet. Usually I aim to fill in gaps, the gimmicks a pair can't check or some kind of needed trait. Tate...doesn't have much. Gauges are an issue, but outside of that? He debuffs attack and special defense just fine, hits paralysis just fine, deals plenty of damage on his own. I feel like Tate's the kind of sync pair that really just needs a meat shield in most fights. There are some that place demands, like Terrakion's annoying field effect condition, or Latias having the evasion he can't be relied on to check, but most stages are pretty clean as a duo.
That said, Vigilance. Ground-weak, desperately wants to avoid AoE Sure Crit Ground moves, which are all over the place.
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dzpenumbra · 11 months
I gotta be careful not to get too sucked into this and forget about the water I have on the stove. I've been trying to distill water by keeping a pot of water over low heat with an inverted lid on it, so it drips the condensation into a glass bowl floating inside. It works, but it works super slow. I've been doing this at least 2-3 hours now and really don't have much, about a cup and a half.
I don't like having a lit gas stove with my back turned to it, especially at the end of the night when I could just... forget I have it on. I'm sure it'll be okay and I'm trying to keep myself chill about it. I just grew up in a house where... that shit would never fly.
My thoughts have been wandering back to my family a lot today and last night. Last night when going to sleep to the point where I actually had to pick up my phone and go on social media to cleanse my palate. A lot of it was around... my little brother, and why he hates me. And I've been really trying really fucking hard to not blame myself. But he blames me. And I wasn't having my proudest moment at the time I suspect is sticking with him. So that makes it super easy for me to throw myself on the grenade. Which... I think is, at least subconsciously... the goal. Because jumping on the grenade, martyrdom, being guilted into blame no matter what... that's my role in the family - somehow even friendships ended up that way too. The last thing I should be doing is playing into that myself.
It's tough to navigate that. Because... often it feels like... I'm avoiding responsibility. I do take responsibility for my part. I... okay, fuck it, I might as well tell the story.
I had invited my brother over to my house to chill and probably make music or something. He offered to pick up lunch at a convenience store on the way, I appreciated the gesture. He showed up, we sat down and started eating, everything was totally fine. About 5 minutes into just casual conversation, I asked him "if money wasn't a limitation, what would you do?" Kinda coming up with fun activities and goals and shit. A question that a fucking guidance counselor would ask. Or a game show, even. My aim, of course... to see what his goals were, to get to know him and see what direction he wants to take his life in, what things he's passionate about. So I could see where our creative visions overlap and see how I could be involved in helping him attain his goals, and vice versa. You know, being a friend. And he froze up. And got angry at me. And then just shut down entirely.
I... was pretty new to honest emotional communication back then, and just started basically narrating the situation to him. I saw his shields go up, and I just made that clearly known that what was going on was understood and that it was okay for him to put them down. And that made it worse. And after like 15-20 minutes of just being stonewalled... in my own living room... I lost my patience. And that, of course, is one of the biggest changes I've made in my life and the thing I feel most ashamed of. I started getting really upset and saying shit like "you can't just come over to my home and then just like... give me the silent treatment... when I'm just trying to be nice... like, just explain to me what's going on!" I was panicking. I didn't know what to do or how to navigate the situation at all. Because he was literally not even giving me eye contact. He was just staring at the floor. And, with the layout of the couch and the TV table and the chair he was in... I was physically cornered. So I got up and got out of the corner and started sorta pacing a bit. Like... honestly, I still don't know what I'm supposed to do in that situation if he won't speak to me. He's in my living room, that time is literally being set aside for him to spend with me. Do I excuse myself out to my own porch and smoke a cigarette until HE calms down? Do I ask him to leave, when I don't even really want him to? I mean... am I supposed to just... go about my day as though he isn't just sitting in my living room like a fucking gargoyle? I legit do not know how I am expected to act there, it feels like no matter what I do in that situation, I am wrong. It's just a matter of too what degree I'm wrong.
I panicked. I paced. I got upset. I raised my voice and told him he has to communicate. It made the shield stronger. He stood up too and started retreating. He eventually started going for the door. I went over and intercepted and put my hand on the door. Which I honestly will never do again. It's never a good move. It's desperation. It's not going to make them communicate, ever. It's a panic move, and I really don't like it. But yeah, that clearly made him panic more and then I opened the door for him and he was gone. And I'm pretty sure we didn't talk for like... 2 years after that? That was in the Spring/Summer of 2019 and he is still yet to even mention it.
My reflections on that? What I can get out of that? 1). He was having a panic attack, 100%. It took me probably... 2+ years to connect the dots on that? Because I had never seen ones that severe from the other side, and had it explained to me that's what they look like. I just didn't understand at all. Now, I get it. He froze, at a neurological level, at a fight-or-flight level. And I understand why he would be upset at me for being mad at him for panicking. I hope someday he can understand that I was upset because he didn't say a single word. Just saying "I'm panicking". Or "I'm scared". Or literally anything to indicate what's going on. A fucking pre-agreed-upon hand signal. It's a night and day change. 2). I need to be more assertive with peoples' behaviors in my home, but when it comes to mental health things like that... I really should have some kind of plan. Like "if you're having trouble communicating, you can step out on the porch or hop out to your car for a bit, then come back when you're more able to communicate". I can't just invite myself to help them. But it's very important for me to keep at the forefront of my mind that I cannot stop peoples' panic. I can assist, if they develop the skill to break through their own defenses enough to communicate. But that's all. Anything else will make it worse and make me the enemy; this is a clear-cut example of that. 3). Stopping someone from storming out isn't an act of good. Yes, it's saving them from making a petty mistake. Yes, the intention is to just talk it out right then and there and get it over with. But it's aggressive, and ultimately selfish. That's one of the biggest lessons I've learned in the past 5 years. Staying in a toxic conversation for 5 hours until the asshole finally decides to be civil is not an accomplishment. I still struggle to process how to deal with those situations, because I fucking hate walking away, or letting others walk away without showing some disapproval. Because I absolutely hate stretching petty drama out for days or weeks at a time instead of just... getting it over with. Doing that differently is something I will need to work on at length, and I need social exposure to do so. 4). This is a big one... This was 4 years ago. And, though I may have been clumsy... I didn't do anything "wrong". This was someone I cared about a lot having a mental health crisis and lacking the skill development to even communicate that was what they were experiencing. And he still hasn't gone to therapy. He still hasn't even started developing that skill. Instead, he blames me so he doesn't have to.
Okay, while I'm on this... let's get right down to it. Therapy. One of the most fucking important life skills I have ever developed that came from therapy... The thing that my current and past two therapists have both said most people of all ages and backgrounds struggle with... one of the most common issues... is the inability to fucking talk about their problems at a real level. Shame. Pride. Inexperience. Denial. You name it. The most important skill I've learned in life is what you're reading right now. The ability to just... say what I think. To put my really difficult experiences into words, and get those words honestly and accurately out of my head and into the world. Seems simple. And, in theory, it really is. Just... say what you would say to yourself, either in your head or out loud when you're alone if you're a kook like me, but say that to your therapist. "I am struggling to go to class because I'm insecure about my bathing habits and I think I might smell, and I feel like that's kinda silly and embarrassing but it really scares me that it might be true. Like a waking nightmare, you know?" That kind of communication.
It takes a lot of work to get to the point where you can share that kind of stuff. And I have somewhat of a natural advantage toward that skill... I guess? Or maybe I was trained in the Peer Leadership programs I went to when I was a kid? I don't know, either way... I've always had a bit of an edge there. Especially coming from a family that doesn't even go to fucking doctors. And my work in therapy really brought it to the point where... I can really communicate whatever I need to, whenever. In fact, it gets to the point where my boundaries can get a bit too porous and I need to dial it back.
So yeah, honestly? I think it's clear how much this has been haunting me. And... I have some fault. But it's really minimal. I can't blame myself for someone else's inability to express themselves during a mental health crisis. I can't do that to myself. That's their lesson to learn, and I will gladly help them learn, and teach them all the skills I have learned myself... but they have to connect the dots. That's their work, and I can't do that work for them.
I have to go check on the water. Alright, well... today was another weird one. The smoke from the Canadian fires is back, it was all hazy out again today. I did yoga and it was nice. My workout wasn't too bad either, I was just... not too excited about it. I don't know why really, I'm just kinda irritable, I guess. Maybe depressed? Yeah, probably that. The games I have just aren't scratching the itch. The Zen Garden project is super slow going and I fear I'm "wasting my time" with the sand sorting. It's in my head, I'm sure of it.
Watching RP has been front and center. And yeah... that's what's fucking me up. I'm not streaming anymore. I haven't in a few days now. Haven't worked on the fractal piece nearly at all. So... I kinda want to try to balance my time a bit better and make more time for streams. It just often doesn't feel worth it, because no one shows up.
I did, however, have a good idea today. A set time every day to stream drawing. A minimum of like... 1 hour. A one hour stream is not the end of the world. And it's open-ended, so I can go on as long as I want or just tap out. But I have to draw something. Options being... scenes from dreams, SketchDaily, the fractal piece, or even polling chat if anyone is there. I think it's a good idea.
My sieves were delayed by one day, they should be coming tomorrow... but... the sizes I'm pretty sure are all bigger than the kitchen sifter I've been using so... I'm going to have to water separate the fine sand anyway. Here's the best idea I have right now. The only difference between silt, sand and gravel is particle size... I can just organize the sand by size however I want, really. Then I can use the different coarseness to make patterns. The tradeoff with this... is that if I water separate the silt and use that as an accent... I'm going to have to water separate again if I want to get it back. Unless I can order a super fine filter of some kind. Honestly? I should reconsider the coffee filters... They might actually be the answer to this. I'm just afraid they might be too fine. If I find something smaller than the kitchen strainer but bigger than the coffee filter, I'm fucking golden. Then I can just sift every time I want to make a new garden, and not have to do this water or air separation shit.
I guess I'm just kinda grumpy about not "making progress". And kinda feeling isolated, and stuck in a time loop. And being haunted by my lost family, who turned out to not be the people I thought they were. And it's just kinda all hitting me at once.
Plus? You know what? I could really just use a fun game night with friends. I'm so fucking overdue for that. So... I'm saying this for probably the third time this week... I really need to find a multiplayer game that I am willing to sink some time into, and I really really really need to make sure I have a positive association with that. For me, playing a game on a multiplayer server and socializing is not recreation. It's a productive step forward for my social and mental health. It's part of self-care. Buying another single-player game (like Hades, which I was eyeing today...) is not what I need to be doing right now. I need to find a nice multiplayer server or group.
Okay, feeling super tired so I'm just going to remind myself of what's on the table for myself really quickly and directly. Zen Garden is going fine, just beating myself up over it and overthinking. Streaming has been on hold because of watching RP streams, I can resume anytime. Method for resuming would be making a minimum 1-hour drawing stream, ideally every day, with the option to go as long as I want. And... I need to find a multiplayer Space Engineers or modded Minecraft server... or a Roll20 group.
To shine a little bit of light into this moody post... I made my favorite Chinese takeout food from scratch again tonight - Chicken with Broccoli. It was very good, though I might add a bit less rice wine vinegar next time, and I made enough for two meals. That was very nice. And I did the water distilling, which was very simple, just mega-time-consuming.
Alright, tarot time.
Past - I: The Magician, inverted (Balance between conscious and subconscious, unity between spirit and matter.  Indicates a period of ability to manifest will.) Present - Ten of Swords, inverted (The death of a way of thinking, or a state of mind.  An ending that has been forced upon you causing mental anguish; illness, betrayal.) Future - Three of Cups, inverted (Celebration, calling in good fortune, joy.  Social gathering, a heartfelt belonging in a community.)
This thread starts with inverted Magician. I'm gonna level here, I don't remember this one off-hand. I'm going to guess it's sort of a mastery of the elements, intelligence kinda thing? I'm gonna do this a weird way... I'm going to move on to the next card and then come back and define this.
This is connected to inverted Ten of Swords, and this is a new one! Again, I'll come back to this. It does not look like a fun, friendly card... XD
And this concludes with inverted Three of Cups. This one I know. This is the "party card". This is a toast, celebrating and bonding with people close to you.
Alright, well... that didn't go as planned... Let's go back to The Magician. I wasn't far off. The balance of the elements thing is definitely there. I guess kind of a Temperance thing there, in a sense. But this seems more like a representation of the balance between the conscious and the subconscious. By keeping the four elements in balance, the whole pentacle "life ideally lived" thing... with the Spirit guiding the impulses, it allows the will to manifest freely. And that's sorta... embodying the Magician. If I'm understanding that correctly. And that's... inverted, so that's out of whack or dissonant.
Ten of Swords is a rough one. Man, the whole tail-end of Swords is a real bummer, isn't it? Eight is like... self-imposed traps of skewed perception, Nine is literal nightmare illusions and Ten? Ten is mental anguish, even the death of a way of thinking; it's suffering due to a loss that has been thrust upon you. Getting sick, being betrayed, shit like that. Convenient post for that card to finally show its face, huh? Wish I could say I was glad to make its acquaintance...
And that connects to the Three of Cups, so...
Basically, if I were to sum it up? Me being in a bit of disarray between my conscious mind and unconscious mind... my ego, my controlling "rational" mind... and my instincts, my gut, my intuition... and my difficulty in clearly manifesting my intentions... led to betrayal and psychological damage. I struggle to read the inversion of linear cards like this, but I really do feel like it's kinda representing... being stuck. Like, not just being betrayed, and falling, and suffering... but being stuck there long after it has ended. Which is accurate, especially for the Present slot. And again... this leads to blockage in connections with others. Not just those who were close to me, but any future ones as well.
The only part I'm shaky with in this reading is... where I started, The Magician. I don't fully know how to read it. I think the Ten of Swords is pretty dead on, and the Three makes perfect sense in context. Maybe the thing that is inverting this Magician was... the fact that I thought I was in balance. I thought I was very wise and level and balanced at that period in life, but I really wasn't. I was definitely embodying more of those traits than others around me, by leaps and bounds... but I still had some pretty gleaming flaws, which... led to all this. That makes sense. Let's see what the placeholder card has to say...
X: Wheel of Fortune, inverted. I haven't pulled this card in a very long time. I would guess it's a shift of luck, of divine favor. I feel like Fortune and Luck are often interchangeable in this context. And, inverted, I would say... a shift of luck for the worse? Yep, the definition pretty much confirms, but emphasizes it being fated and being kinda... an inversion within itself. Like... the idea of your luck turning around. Bad luck to fortune, peace to obstacles. So... maybe this inversion is representing... my difficulty embracing a turn in fortune. Or... maybe difficulty seeing that it has already happened.
Because that was hitting me yesterday. Like... I keep living in the past, and acting like people I had conflicts with 4 years ago are right here. They could have easily forgotten about me by now, honestly. Who knows? Ultimately... it's behind me. And every day is a new opportunity to meet new people and build a healthier life.
That's easier said than done when your brain's alarm systems are on a hair trigger aka PTSD. But hey... it could be worse. And I am making progress, little by little. And that's the most important part.
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rovermcfly · 3 years
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harrysgoldenline · 3 years
can you pls write an angst where y/n went to her and harry's house that they bought or something like that in Italy to try to move on and go on with her life after harry broke up with her but then she never expected that harry will be there as well with his new gf.... you can end it whatever you like!! thank you
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: idk, sad I guess? also not proof read oops sorry lol
When In Italy
It has been three months since you’ve last seen or spoken to Harry. A very abrupt change after being together for four years, with constant talk of marriage and starting a family, the break up was something either of you really expected. It started as a break of sorts, eventually turning into a complete break up after only a couple weeks in a somewhat mutual way. With Harry's career taking off in so many different ways, with acting, the new tour and more, his life had changed completely and has left him very little time for anything else.
It went from daily phone and FaceTime calls, constant text messages and flowers being delivered to nothing.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” Your best friend asked you, concern plastered all over her face, “that won’t bring up too much?”
She had been sitting with you as you finished packing up your suitcase, trying her best to give you her support as you were going to be going on a spur of the moment trip to Italy and staying at the home of you and Harry, needing the much needed getaway and disconnecting completely. Seeing different things online about him all the time didn’t make it any easier and no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, he always found his way to pop up.
“I just need a break, everything here is a reminder to.” You sigh, “I just want a change of scenery. I think it’ll be good for me.”
“I hope so…” she frowned, looking up at you with a sad smile, “please don’t just sit there in the house all alone. Go out, meet some local Italian men!”
“I’m definitely not ready for that.” You say, forcing a laugh as you close your suitcase, zipping it up and placing it on the floor by your door, “but I will really try, I promise. I will call you if I need you and you can come out?”
“Hell yeah I can.” She laughs, standing up and giving you a hug, “and you’re really going right now?”
You bite your bottom lip as your eyes fill up with tears, nodding quickly as you look at her and she quickly pulled you in a tight hug.
“You can do this.”
You pulled your suitcase through the front door, waving goodbye to the driver as you turned around to close the door behind you as they left you alone in the house that has so many memories inside. You pause at the door, taking a couple deep breaths as you look around and try and keep your mind at bay before walking to the guest bedroom, deciding the main bedroom was too much and the guest bedroom was already way nicer than your apartment.
After taking the time to unpack, knowing you would stay awhile, you put away your things into the various drawers and closet in the room. You keep out a swimsuit and change into it quickly, sliding a simple dress overtop before walking out onto the balcony attached to the bedroom, taking in the smell of the ocean and beautiful view, memories overwhelming your senses.
“Well don’t you look absolutely stunning.” You can practically hear him say all over again, reliving the memory as if it was actually happening, “ ‘m the luckiest man in the world.”
You remember him coming up behind you, arms tight around your waist as his head rested on your shoulder, soft kisses being pressed along your shoulder as you leaned back into him, a large smile covering both of your faces before you leaned your head back, connecting your lips before he pulled back.
“I can’t decide…” He had whispered, connecting your lips again.
“Decide what?” You had giggled, turning around to face him, arms resting around his shoulders as his came around your waist.
“If I want to get married here or have our honeymoon here.”
You shuddered slightly as the memory came back, letting out a deep breath before packing a beach bag quickly and leaving the house just as fast, taking a walk down to the private beach and settling yourself in a lounge chair. Applying your sunscreen you could almost convince yourself it was him applying it on you like he always would do, large hands massaging it into your skin.
You push the thought away as you grab your phone, playing music softly to try and distract your mind. Your fingers hovered over your different social media apps, wanting desperately to just give it a quick click, wondering if you could get any update on where he could be from his fans, posts always finding their way on your feed. Instead, you hold it down, deleting all of the various apps and throwing your phone down on your bag, grabbing your book and letting the music play, opening to the first page to try and escape into the new world.
After a few hours been spent peacefully on the beach, you decided to head back to the house to take a nice bubblebath and order yourself some dinner, deciding that you would go to town the next morning in order to cook some of your own meals. The walk back to the house was more enjoyable this time and you began to feel a sense of hope as you approached the house, your heart not clenching in as much pain as it originally had done when you first pulled up to the house earlier that day.
Using your keys, you unlocked the back door, locking it behind you again as soon as you got inside, making your way to the bathroom right away and letting the water fill up the bathtub, pouring in some of the fancy bubblebath that you remember buying once from your favorite boutique in town, making a mental note to stop there again tomorrow.
Discarding your clothes, you hung them up, deciding you could use it once more as a cover up after not even going into the water, and you honestly didn’t even have the energy to even think about doing laundry right now, even simply showering was too much most days so you were happy to submerge yourself simply into the warm water, eyes fluttering closed as it embraced you with it’s comfort.
You began preparing yourself a mental list of things you could do tomorrow, forcing yourself to get out of the house and keep yourself occupied after locking yourself away in your apartment the past few months, planning on taking baby steps but knowing that even starting will be more like a push off a cliff.
Pulling yourself out of the bath once finishing cleansing your body, deciding to save washing your hair for the next day, you pulled yourself out of the bath, honestly just wanting to curl up into bed and go to sleep but knowing you needed to force yourself to eat something. So, you dry off, applying some matching lotion to your body, which made you feel a sense of pride of yourself as you made small steps to take care of yourself again, thanking the air of Italy as self motivation and threw on the robe that you swear was the softest one in the world.
A sudden sound coming from the house made you jump, a hand coming over your chest to try and calm your racing heart as your mind tried to think of all of the possibilities of who could be there, or maybe it was coming outside? Or honestly at this point you thought it could be your imagination as the memories that have been flashing into your mind have been so vivid it felt like it was actually happening. Your feet softly padded on the wood flooring, making your way to what you thought was the site of the sound, feeling bile rise in your throat at the sight before you.
It was Harry there, with one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life, laughing together.
You weren’t sure if they saw you, both of their hair wet as towels wrapped around them and it seemed like they had just got back from the beach, making you think that you must have just missed each other as you swapped positions. You slowly walk backwards, thinking of running out the back towards the beach and calling a car, leaving all of your clothes there.
You could see slightly into the master bedroom, seeing their suitcases sprawled and things laid on the couch as they chatted together, knowing they must have arrived when you were down at the beach, your presence unknown as all of your things sat seemingly hidden in the guest room which you were now desperately trying to go and hide in, but after it being too log since you been here, you accidentally ran into the wall, a photo that was hanging there crashing to the floor, glass shattering.
Two heads quickly snapped their way towards you, both pairs of eyes meeting yours as gasps left both of their lips, Harry’s face going pale as he saw you. You opened your mouth to speak, but with this being your first time seeing your partner since the breakup, no words were able to come out.
Spinning on your heel your ran back into the guest bedroom, pulling the suitcase out of the closet and messily shoving all of your clothes into it, tears stinging your eyes and unable to hold them in as they silently spilling on you cheeks, more coming as you heard the familiar steps coming your way, feeling the presence behind you and hearing the door shut softly behind you.
Part 2 anyone???
I was wondering what people would think about me doing personalized little blurbs/imagines for people who donate to my tip jar? you could give me your name, prompt, pronouns, etc and i will write it just for you!! :) i’m trying to write more and it’s hard bc i’m a broke college student who needs to work but if people who WANT a personalized little fic with bucky or harry or something with their own name and such maybe I could do something like that? of course I will still be doing all normal requests and such but this way it’s kinda like a one time patreon for people who want to do something like that? idk please comment/send me a message/ask and let me know what you think!!!! let’s talk!
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jujubean90 · 3 years
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Because Virgin!Reiner was on my mind....
Word Count: 5170
Genre: Reiner X Female Insert Reader, Reiner Smut.
Warnings: AoT Spoilers ,NSFW Minors DNI, Unprotected sex, Loss of virginity (M), body worship, blow job, teasing, edging, masturbation, cussing, Female Lead and Instructor. Characters are appropriately aged up for NSFW situations. Do not repost, copy, or duplicate. Sorry for typos. I try. Remember I’m hella dyslexic.
Synopsis: You've been teasing Reiner Braun since you realized he was attracted to you. For months, you've played these games to try make him cave and ask if he could make you his. When he finally does ask to have a moment with you, you learn that he's never taken this step with anyone. So tonight, you were making him yours instead.
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Almost half a year passed since the beginning of the 104th training. Reiner Braun found himself in many agonizing personal situations with you over that time frame. He was so driven by his mission and its purpose that his sexual needs were buried. At least, until he met you. He was 19 and the power of his wants and desires overwhelmed him constantly these days. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do to satisfy himself and silence the intrusive thoughts you made spring up in his silly little head.
You picked up on his feelings for you before officially introducing yourselves to one another. His eyes would linger on you far longer than normal. You’d catch him staring randomly and he would quickly look away. You’d catch him blush too. He didn’t know how to approach you and speak his emotions because, well, he was never taught how to do any of that.
But you were known far and wide for your angelic patience and understanding. At least, until you noticed that he started excusing himself frequently after being in your presence too long. Especially after hand-to-hand sessions when you were close to one another. You started to wonder why he didn’t just man up and speak with you so the both of you could lay it all out on the table. You’d gladly give him what he wanted. Especially if it were you he wanted to lay out on the table in the end.
But for Reiner, he was conflicted. He didn’t know how to properly express that you turned him on and that he wanted to take you to bed. He didn’t want to feel this way because his desire for you brought about an uncomfortable cognitive dissonance in his fragile, fucked up mind. You were an Island Devil. Your people were the reason Eldian’s suffered back home. He was supposed to view you as the enemy. Instead, he found himself lusting after you and wanting to seek comfort between your thighs.
He couldn’t look at you for extended periods of time because his eyes traveled across your body and his imagination would take him on a journey he would much rather avoid. His discipline declined the more he was exposed to you, and honestly, that was his fault too because he just had to be near you.
He started to take long showers just to rub one out to the images of you he had in his head. Even in class he found himself stroking his length beneath the table through his clothes. He swore you caught him staring at you with lust blown eyes once, maybe twice. He couldn't help it. Everything about you worked him into a frenzy. He didn’t know how to approach you because the last thing he wanted was for his fellow Warriors to see him weak in the knees for the enemy. For you. So, he kept it to himself and hoped you wouldn’t notice how desperate and pathetic he was. He hoped it would all fade away with time so he could continue with his mission.
But you did notice, and it amused you just as much as it frustrated you. You hoped he would eventually give in and take you for himself, because damn, you were so willing. Your patience was waning, but you wanted him to be the one to approach you. You'd gladly let him lay his head on you breasts to cleanse all his stress.
And there was this twisted little part of you that enjoyed seeing the broad man sweat and scurry away to deal with himself. Something about chipping away at his pride got you off along with the thought of him hastily jerking his cock to fantasies of you. And so, your little games began and the goal was to bring Reiner Braun to his knees.
It began with subtle touches. A little caress across his bicep to boost his ego when you went to reach for something. Subtle touches here and there, all seemingly by accident, but completely done on purpose. You watched him bristle. You watched his eyes grow heavy only for him to refocus and force his disciplined neutrality back on his face. You did this for a few weeks, then you pushed it to the next level. Instead of his arm, back, or something completely innocent, you gave him an accidental touch to his ass when you stood in line at the Mess Hall together one day.
He tensed and flushed brightly as it registered. He looked over his shoulder while you were turned to the side speaking with Connie, searching for some sort of explanation. You watched him carefully out of your peripherals. His mouth gaped for a moment, and you imagined the words he wanted to say were caught in his throat.
The realization that it was probably an accident washed over him. He came to the conclusion that you carelessly bumped into him because you were so caught up in conversation. After all, why would you be into him?
Your subtleties weren’t getting the job done, so you decided to be a little more upfront and obvious. You would stand and lean over the table when you studied together for lecture, letting him have a view of your cleavage. You saw him fixated on you breasts out the corner of your eye as you talked to a blissfully unaware Bertholdt. You even saw him lick his lips and squirm as he filled out. You hoped after the end of your study group that he would finally cave, but he didn’t. He avoided eye contact with you, and he left in a hurry once it was over. Bertholdt found it odd, but you didn’t press the issue despite the concern on his friend’s face. You knew what he was going off to do. Tsk, tsk, another night alone with his cock in his fist.
One day, the 104th had to do chores and you volunteered to scrub the floor, you borrowed a pair of Mina's shorts. Your ass looked amazing in them, and you made sure to get down within Reiner’s view. You watched him through a mirror as he stood up and wiped the sweat from his brow after moving furniture. His gaze went to you, and he did a double take. He just stared as you bent down further and scrubbed the floor with your bristled brush. The way your ass peaked out made him bite his lip and flush. You saw his pants become tight and he didn't try to adjust himself to hide the impressive tent he pitched. He was so hard for you, and you swore you could hear his thoughts.
He wanted to get on his knees and mount you right there. He didn't care who was watching. He'd breed you in front of everyone. But of course, he refrained because he was such a good model soldier. You watched him bite into his knuckle and leave the room. He absolutely did not return.
You noticed when he passed you on the way to the shower that evening that his hungry, needy gaze followed you. You caught him mid snarl before he averted his gaze and shuffled away. All you could do was grin like the devil. Ironic, considering Reiner’s internal conflict that you were completely unaware of. Your efforts had to be maddening to him. Hell, his stubbornness was maddening to you. Maybe you had to be the one to approach him after all.
Everything came to a head when you purposefully backed into him when he was behind you one day. You two were the last in line for food at the Mess Hall. You made it look like an accident as you always did. His hands snapped to your hips to steady you and you pressed your ass into his lower body. He closed his eyes tightly and became unraveled as the damn finally broke. The restraint he maintained all this time dissolved completely in an overwhelming flood of hot, steamy, desire.
"Good catch. Sorry Reiner," you laughed. "I lost balance there. I guess I’m a little famished after today’s training."
His hands had yet to leave your form and you knew your many months’ worth of teasing and coaxing of his arousal finally spilled over.
"You and I need to talk.” he muttered. You noticed his voice dripped with lust. "In private."
"Oh? And what does Mr. Reiner Braun have to say to me?” you ask, leaning further into his warm, sturdy frame.
"Mphmmm, I can't take it anymore...please. Can I have a word with you after dinner, Y/N?"
"I don't see why not." You felt his cock filling out between your cheeks and you slid your hand between the two of you to grasp him outside of his clothes. "Does it have to do with this? My, my, my…you are big."
"Mm, fuck... touch me more," he groaned as he leaned his head back. "Feels so good."
"In the middle of all these people? Reiner...what if we get caught?" You said all this while still moving your hand over his clothed length. “Such a big cock. I bet you’ll wreck me.”
"Let's go. Now. I need...I need to ... " His gripped tightened on your hips and you teased him further after removing your touch by shifting your weight. Your ass rubbed against him, and he pushed himself further into your backside. You felt his member flex within its confines, and you grinned.
"Alright. Dinner can wait. It's obvious that you, on the other hand, cannot."
And so, Reiner and you slipped out the door and found your way to a storage building.
Reiner kept watch and motioned you inside. He followed you and securely latched the door shut. It was chilly in here, but it didn’t matter. The two of you would warm the room up in no time.
He turned around and eyed you up and down and you looked at him expectantly. "You wanted to talk?"
"I didn't come here to talk," he said as he removed his shirt and began undressing himself.
He didn't want to waste time and you respected that, so you removed your clothes down to your bra and panties. He paused with his thumbs on the waistbands of his boxers. You noted the outline of his well-endowed package and it made you thighs clench. Still, the normally confident Reiner Braun seemed so shy and meek all of a sudden.
"Y/N...I need to tell you something before we continue.”
You saunter up to him and spread your fingers across his bare chest, gently grazing his pert nipples as you move up to his broad shoulders. He melts at your touch, practically swaying while you close the gap between your bodies. “And what would that be?”
His eyelids flutter and his large, strong hands find their ways to your hips again. “I’ve never…I’ve never done this before.”
You tilt your head to the side and impishly look up at him. He averts his gaze and blushes with embarrassment. “You mean to tell me that the macho alpha male Reiner Braun hasn’t had the luxury to be with anyone yet?”
“No…I…you would be my first,” he sheepishly replies. “I’ve never even kissed someone.”
And you came alive with that knowledge. You’d own him. You’d be at the forefront of all his thoughts, and you’d make him never forget you. “Well, fortunately for you…I prefer untouched, inexperienced people. Because I can shape them into whatever the hell I want. So let me take you on the ride of your life. I’m going to dominate your senses.”
You firmly take his chin between your thumb and index finger and bring him to you. His brilliant golden eyes widened as you gaze down at his delicious, plump bottom lip. Oh, how you dreamed of sucking and bruising it with a little nibble. He gasped and you swallowed it. You pressed into his surprisingly soft lips and Reiner closed his eyes tightly, surrendering to the moment. He let you lead because he had no idea what to do. You pulled away, only to hover over his mouth to give him a moment to gage whether or not he liked it.
His lips were still parted, and he blinked a few times before making eye contact with you. He must have decided he liked it because he crashed into your mouth after a momentary stillness. He was desperate to taste you and his mouth moved awkwardly, but you were able to gain control and teach him the way you liked to be kissed. He was quick to learn and eager to please. You sucked the shyness from his being and his hands began to explore you to satisfy a much-needed conquest.
Just like his kiss, you had to make him realize how you liked to be touched and you did this by using his own body to properly demonstrate your preferences. He mimicked you and the way your fingertips glided over his skin. He pressed and kneaded firmly into your ass when you showed him how that felt. Slowly, you slipped your tongue between his brilliant teeth, and he became still because he felt that trying to do anything here would ruin your plans.
You mapped out his mouth. You showed him how to deeply kiss and lovingly dance with tongues and it wasn’t long before he caught on and he met you halfway. You praised him for trying and you were patient with him, which caused him to tighten his grasp and grinded into you to express his growing confidence and heightening arousal. You noticed he was holding back being vocal. You could tell he wanted to let it out, but for some reason he refrained, and you wondered if he was still just being shy.
“You know, it’s okay to express yourself,” you cooed next to his ear. “Here, I wonder if you can resist this…”
You pepper soft kisses down and up his jaw and run your fingers through his hair so that he would naturally tilt his head back to follow your touch as you dragged them along his scalp. Down his neck you go, crossing his collar bone while your hands worship his back and arms in tow. The fluidity of your motions caused him to inhale between gritted teeth. He watched you in wonder as you kissed down his sensitive pectorals and he gasped again when the flat of your tongue glided between them. His skin was salty from the day’s training, but you didn’t care. He smelled amazing and tasted just as good. Nothing better than well-seasoned meat for your pleasure.
You kneaded at his chest with one hand and took his nipple into your mouth. He hissed once more through his teeth and his gripped tightened further, almost bruising your hips, but you didn’t care. He could tenderize you because you were certainly going to do it to him. The tip of your tongue circled and played with his sensitive nub. You weren’t just teaching him how to treat your breasts; you were also introducing him to what he could do when he eventually went down on you too. You suckled and pulled color to him and then you applied a little pressure with your teeth to see if he liked a little pain with his pleasure.
You felt his chest vibrate as you drew out low groans and huffs. Of course he’d be a little masochist, but just how far that kink went, well, you just had to find out. He couldn’t hold back his vocal chorus now. It was like music to your ears with his baritone sounds. And to the other side you went while your hands spread across his firm, pronounced ass. Gripping it tightly, even digging in nails to make him hiss.
He seemed to formulate his own ideas for your upper body, and with a hesitant touch, he dragged his fingers up your sides and back down. This time he took your chin in his big hand and you were happy to let him lead you to his lips. He drank you this time, still awkwardly but improving with each movement of his mouth over yours.
“Can I…try that with you now?” he asked after pulling away and stroking your cheek.
And who were you to say no when he asked you so sweetly? “Need to lay down somewhere so you don’t hurt your neck and back.”
“That’s not necessary.”
You tilt your head to the side and suddenly you were hoisted up with his hands dug into your thighs as he held you up with his strong arms. He picked you up like you were nothing. You felt the cool of the metal building on your back while his warm mouth explored your cleavage. He could be sloppy or gentle here without any need to correct him. Whichever way he chose to pleasure you would feel good. His eyes were closed tight as he focused on the sensation and stimulation. He just wanted to please you more than anything and you found it so touching.
His hold was firm while each press of his lips remained soft and wet as he traced each slope and curve of your tits. Then he paused and looked at you with such an embarrassed expression. “I think…I messed up.”
“Oh? I thought you were doing a fine job.”
“I want to touch you too. I can’t do that while I hold you. I just wanted to impress you with my strength.”
You couldn’t help but smile fondly at him and bring your hand up to cup his flushed cheek. “Lucky for you I’m patient.”
“Y-you still want to go through this with me? Even though I’m a dumbass?”
“Precious boy…I’ve been craving your dick well before now. I’ve thought of you often and gotten off to the idea of you fucking me way too many times.”
Reiner’s eyes dilated with that knowledge and his nostrils flared. “I’ve thought of you just as much. I’ve pumped my cock to the fantasies I have of you…ughhh, Y/N. Thank you for being so understanding.”
“Now lay me down somewhere and fulfill those fantasies.”
Finding a comfortable place in a storage unit wasn’t exactly easy. As luck would have it, Reiner found a couple of propped up mattresses incased in some sort of protective coverage. At least you two wouldn’t ruin them, not that either of you cared. You watched him throw the damn thing down on the ground and he turned to you looking satisfied as if he hunted and caught something to show off.
“Good job,” you purred, making your way to him with those heavy eyes locked on his form as if he were prey. He became bashful again, and his prideful stance slipped away. You spread your hands over his chest again because you can’t get enough of those impressive pecks, and he shivered from it as he came undone again. “Now, what were you going to do to me, exactly?”
Your hands traveled back down to his hardness, and you fondled him, drawing a darker blush to his cheeks as he stood there, tense as stone, taking your firm, yet careful caresses with a trembling lip. “You know what? I’m tired of these boxers. Let me see you and all your glory.”
He leaned back slightly while your thumbs hooked into the bands of his boxers and you slid them down slowly, playfully even until his thick, girthy dick sprang free. “Holy shit,” you muttered, eyes widening as you took in the sight of him. “It’s fucking massive and beautiful.”
It was perfection and you wanted perfection to wreck your shit.
“You…you like it?” he asked. It about floored you when he questioned your amazement. He had no idea what he was packing, and it was adorable that he was humble. You wanted to pinch those cute cheeks of his while you took away all his innocence. “I mean, you’ve commented on it twice…maybe three times now.”
You were hypnotized by his cock and how it pulsed with his heartbeat. It was curved too and all you could think about was him ramming into your G-Spot while he fucked you from behind. You bet it would feel amazing if you rode him reverse style, hell even normally too. He’d probably be timid and slow at first, but you knew he had it in him to fuck your brains out of your skull.
“Like it?” you breathed. “I fucking love it. Let me show you just how much.”
You went to your knees, and he tilted his head, giving you this cute little quizzical look. He was clueless and it was almost comical. Surely, he knew about blow jobs. Surely the boys in the barracks talked about them. Or maybe they were all were a bunch of sweet little virgin angels who needed to be taught a lesson in sin. Not that you cared to do it. The one you wanted most of all was right here.
You wrapped your hand around his dick as best you could. His girth was something impressive and you swore you were salivating too much for your own good. You gave him a nice squeeze and he leaned his head back and groaned in response. And the moment your lips touched his hot, sticky tip, he came alive. The flat of your tongue cradled it lovingly, while your lips enveloped it and dragged across his silky sensitivity. Precum oozed onto your lips, and you smeared it across with the tip of his cock. There was truly no better gloss than Reiner Braun’s pre while you were on your knees for him.
You knew he’d be a challenge to take, but it was okay. You loved to win, and deep throating his monster cock was something you just had to do. Maybe not now, but eventually, because he’d be coming back to you for more. You’d make certain of that.
You took more of his massive, twitching length and he was so tense that in your mind you were laughing. Finally, one of his hands threaded through your locks to grasp your head firmly while he melted from your mouth’s attention.
“OH, fuck Y/N, you feel so good! Please keep…keep going.”
He couldn’t help but instinctively thrust and, despite how invasive his tip felt in your throat, you managed to maintain control of your gag reflex. You hollow your cheeks and let the big man fuck your mouth while you fondled his precious virgin jewels. God, they were so big and pretty. You've never seen a set quite like these. He took care of them and managed his hair too. He was a work of art and he didn’t know it, but you were always glad when they came to you all humbled and shy. And Reiner Braun was never known for the latter traits.
He was so proud and always stood tall. He laughed loud and his voice carried. His chest was puffed out and he always showed off his strength, but here he was…a blushing, stuttering mess begging you to continue sucking his dick with such a sweet, helpless whine. He desperately thrust into your mouth, chasing a high he’d never felt before.
But as his stomach flushed red and his balls tightened, you knew this had to come to and end, because you were going to allow Mr. Braun to finish just yet. Not outside your pussy anyway. Your hands fell from his balls and you pushed him out of your mouth. He whimpered in protest but one glance from you made him understand it was time to move on.
His hands slid from your hair and you crawled to the mattress. The moment you were on your back, he was settling down between your knees. He gently pulled down your baby blue panties as if you were this fragile gift from the gods. He looked at you like you looked him. He wasn’t just seeing art though. You were a revelation. A spiritual experience. The Divine Feminine, and he was seeing her in you. A perfect mound of comforting velvety flesh for him to slip into so he could forget his old life and be reborn anew.
“You’re beautiful,” he muttered as he remained fixated on your womanhood.
“So are you,” you tell him as you reach for his hand and beckon him forward.
Now, despite his protest and desire to come earlier, Reiner decided he needed to take his time and appreciate you on a more personal level. He settled between your thighs and you flinched as the heat of his cock hovered over your sex. You kept your gaze on him and suddenly, you felt his thick thumb trace down your slit with such firm tenderness. It was as if he were worshipping you.
You were surprised, because the stroke didn’t feel like it came from inexperienced hands. And you thought for a moment that this was just beginner’s luck. At least, until he did it again, slowly dragging it down top to about midway. His touch became lighter as he went.
You squirmed a bit as he took his time, running that meaty thumb of his down your slit repeatedly. He was slowly pumping his cock. “I’m not going to last long. I’m sorry.”
You grinned at him with flushed cheeks. “S’okay, Reiner, ugh!”
He dipped his thumb into press your clit and truthfully, he missed the first time, but the moment he found it, holy shit! He worked you good with a slow circular motion the likes only a tender lover could do. Your back was arch as you thrust your hips and you felt his hot tip sliding into your folds, collecting your wetness and teasing your lips.
“Ready for me, Y/N?”
“Please…. yes,” you whine as he kept dragging his tip up and down the length of your wet cunt. He brought his hips forward slowly until his head caught your opening from another passing of his teasing preparation game. He was smart to do what he did because he didn’t stop to ask for help or poke around blindly to try and find your entrance. And you also found his delicate advances beautiful.
His brow was knitted together in absolute concentration and he was focused on these new sensations he’d never felt before. Like the feeling of your wet lips as his sensitive tip slid between them. It was so warm, so wet and inviting. And the smell of your arousal was delicious, causing his eyes to become heavy until he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to give himself to you.
You tilted your hips to help him as he eased himself in. Through hazy eyes, you watched his lips part in shock as he realized he was way too big for you. You were so tight, and he glanced to your face as he paused to see your mouth open wide just like him. But your expression was more from the invasive feeling of his girth, not from the fact you were concerned about it fitting. “I’m…I’m gonna make it fit, I swear.”
“J-just, take your time,” you gasp, and he nods frantically in response. You could tell he was trying to figure out what to do as he held himself there. His lack of experience was now obvious once again, so you helped him out by gently fucking yourself on what little thickness he had inside you.
Reiner’s grip tightened on his member and his face flushed bright. This was such a wonderful feeling, even more than your pretty mouth when it was wrapped around his cock. Hell, he wasn’t even in yet, but his cockhead was so sensitive. His balls were starting to hurt too from the prolonged need to cum. But he was patient because here you were, splitting yourself on his dick. He was stunned by the whole situation because he'd never felt this before. And god damn, was it phenomenal.
You worked your way down him until he gathered up the courage to finally move his hips. Soft grunts fell from his lips as each additional inch sank into your form. When he removed his hand from his shaft, you know it was about to be over for you. Reiner trembled the moment he was hilted inside, and he closed his eyes to focus on this snug, immersive hold you had on him because you squeezed him so tightly.
Your breath hitched in your chest when he opened his eyes and met your gaze. Gone was the bashful innocent man who was being so careful because he didn’t want to hurt you. Gone was the inexperienced expression of someone untouched by the sin of flesh. Diving into you changed him and his lust blown eyes were evident that he was about to surpass your expectations.
It was primal and dominant when he let loose. His hips moved with a beautiful fluidity that only a man with a true understanding of his personal kinetic boundaries could demonstrate. Reiner was athletic in build, rivaling the walls, yet he was fluid like water as he fucked you into your own journey of spiritual enlightenment.
Instead of perfection rearranging your guts, you were now on the path to Nirvana. Though secretly, you hoped he’d unbalance you and ride your thighs straight into somebody’s version of hell. All fucking nine of them if possible. You were the feminine version of Dante. And the Inferno was the pit of lust you were falling down because of Reiner Braun’s divine dick. Let him bring you to Paradiso by painting your insides white.
And fuck you in pure savage bliss he eventually did. Sweat formed on his brow as his hips snapped into yours, driving his dick so deep that it slammed up into your G-Spot, causing you to beg him not to stop. And he wouldn’t, even if you had begged him to do the opposite. Your broken cries of his name and all the cascading praises you gave were music to his ears. And so was the wicked pounding of your coupled flesh and love juices, but that was for him to personally salivate over. You, on the other hand, couldn't hear those lovely sounds, because the blood was roaring in your ear drums from the tension in your body. Your coil wound and wound with each power prod of his fat tip.
But there was one sound you heard above your internal struggle. His groans and growls sprinkled with deep baritone huffs were so beautifully spaced and annunciated as he ravaged your flesh. He rutted in you like an animal. Like you were two heathens making love before idols of the old religion to bring about the change of the seasons. You fucked like the lives of your people depended upon it, because the gods wouldn’t honor something done half assed. Not if it was their blessing that was sought.
“Can I…ugh, can I finish in you?” he staggered gasped.
“Yes,” you mutter, locking eyes with him and his face softened as his hips stuttered. He grimaced suddenly as he stalled, and you felt the cosmos explode into your womb as he came. You saw heaven. You saw hell. You saw Valhalla and even places never spoken about before. Your mind was gone and so was his as you weaved yourself in the tapestry of fate by the power of your coupled organism.
What started as a simple game ended up being a journey to another dimension. And for that you were glad Reiner Braun finally caved and gifted you his innocence and virginity. He held himself there, looking down at you in awe and you were gasping for breath while your head continued spinning.
He folded over and braced himself with his hands against the mattress as he hovered over you to stare in your fucked out eyes. “That was…”
“Mind blowing,” you murmured, finishing his sentence for him. He nodded slowly in response.
“Can we…do this again soon?”
“As many times as you want,” you purr. “There’s so much for you to learn.”
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The Road Less Traveled (Fellowship x Pregnant!Reader)
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Synopsis: Left by a man who took you out of wedlock, you discover halfway through the Fellowship’s journey that you are, indeed, pregnant. Not wishing for you to face motherhood alone, the Fellowship conspires, regarding whom gets to marry you and help raise your child, leaving you with a tough choice.
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This was not at all how you saw your life going—both the man leaving you for another woman, and finding out you were pregnant with his baby on a perilous quest, miles upon miles away from the nearest dwelling.
You had been madly in love with this man, unaware he had eyes for another. Your copulating love was taken out of wedlock, a choice you knew had its risks, but Brander had a charming way about him.
You never would have thought he’d leave you. However, one morning, Brander announced the conclusion of your relationship with another woman on his arm.
Heartbroken and enraged, you threw all his clothes from your shack, and took to a horse. Riding swiftly, you headed to the one place you knew hearts were healed; Rivendell.
Upon your arrival, a council of sorts was taking place. One thing led to another, as per usual in your life, and you found yourself on another journey—this time with a higher purpose, and nine other guys.
Things were difficult, but honestly relieving. The fresh air cleansed your soul, as did the healthy relationships you built up with the nine males—proving to you that they weren’t all bad, right on time before you could curse the entire species of XY chromosomes out forever.
However, this was as far as the fun went.
It started with a tiredness the Fellowship brushed off due to your inexperience, and then the lateness of your period. Next, early dawns were spent throwing up in the woods, with whomever was on night-watch holding your hair back, usually Aragorn, Legolas or Boromir.  
You wept slightly when a sparring match with Boromir resulted in a shield hitting your breasts, for they were very tender as of late. The final nail in the coffin was the snubbing of Sam’s usually delicious bacon making you hurl.
Gandalf had taken to speaking with you privately, and asked, in the politest manner possible, if he could assess your womb to find confirmation of another soul.
Legolas approached slowly, crouched down by your side, and spoke responsively in the most apologetic of voices.
“There is no need—I can hear their heartbeat…I am so sorry, Y/n.”
You broke down into tears quickly, and everyone soon knew your predicament that evening. You apologized over and over, and felt utterly mortified. How embarrassing.
They now knew the choice you had made out of wedlock, and were pregnant as a result—something highly frowned upon in human society, and many others in Middle-earth, for that matter. You would no doubt be branded as a “whore” upon your return to society.
You told them all about Brander that night, and opened up to them fully. Jaws were clenched, nervous glances were flashed, and brows were furrowed.
They now had an expectant, first-time mother in their midst, on their way to quite possibly the worst place in the world to take a pregnant woman. Adding onto this, their poor friend, whom they had grown quite close with, was in a horrible situation.
But perhaps it was one they could help with?
Driven by noble blood and true chivalry, the Fellowship started to discuss their options.  
“It’s just awful, what that ‘Brander’ fellow has done to her,” said Boromir, discreetly nodding over in your direction.
You were sat with your head in one hand on a log by the fire, face contorted in misery. Your cheeks and eyes, as well as your nose, were all pink, due to a long while of crying.
Sam sat on one side of you, and held your hand. He reassured you with bright words of soothing promises.
“Don’t worry, Miss Y/n! All will work out! You’ll see! You’re bringing a new soul into this world! That’s nothing to be ashamed of!” Sam would say.
Merry, Frodo and Pippin were on your other side, rubbing your back and holding your shoulder.
“He’s right!” they’d agree, nodding profusely. “You’ll see! This is a wonderful thing. You just can’t quite picture it yet, but you will!”
Gimli, Boromir, Aragorn and Legolas were all huddled in close, standing in a circle. They stood a little further off from the fire, but still caught its glow.
Gandalf was sat on a log himself, puffing away on a pipe. The affairs of human society were not his responsibility, but he offered guidance from a distance nonetheless. He already knew all would work out, but was the only one there oldest and wisest enough to realize so.
Legolas’ arms were folded over his chest, as were the three others’ he stood with. “She’ll be shamed wherever she goes, and her child will be considered a bastard. Truly awful…I feel compelled to help. What can we do?”
“Well, to avoid public slander,” Aragorn spoke up knowingly, “she’d have to be married.”
“Very well and all,” Gimli whispered back, “but were you perhaps not present when she said the scoundrel ran off with another filly?”
“He was not whom I was referencing,” Aragorn mentioned. He threw a studious glance in your direction, and spoke again. “She is a fine young lady, with a strong heart and homely nature. She would make a wonderful wife, and I feel it our duty as her friends to make sure she becomes so.”
“You mean for us to marry her?” Legolas asked, incredulously. His head lowered in shock as he spoke, and a brow arched.
The guys, save for Aragorn, who overlooked it all, glanced between each other tensely, unsure if the alarmed glint in their eyes was competition or fear.
Boromir was the first to speak up.
“I will do it, in a heartbeat!” he said. “You are right, Aragorn—she is a wonderful young lady, and deserves to be wed in time for her child. I will care for them both.”
“Well, now hold on a moment,” Legolas snapped, glaring across at Boromir. “Why do you get to marry her? I am much closer in age to her than you are…figuratively speaking, at least. I should be the one to marry her—we get along best.”
“You?” Gimli snorted. “You will outlive her in the blink of an eye.”
“Oh, and you won’t?” Legolas said back. “None of us implied romance anyways, Gimli. I’d merely be a lifelong friend and guardian for her and her child. I’m the most suited out of everyone here to provide for her—”
“Because you’re a prince?” Boromir interjected, narrowing his eyes.
“Not just because of that,” Legolas bit back, squaring up with Boromir slightly. “But what of it regardless? What does it matter how I provide for her? I plan on renouncing my title and making a life of my own anyways. I might not get the chance for a child of my own, and I can help Y/n raise hers.”
“She’s not some puppy, laddie,” Gimli snorted back. “You both want to store her away in a little cottage or unit somewhere drab. I can provide her with culture! Dwarven culture! Her little one deserves to grow up in grand halls and eat ripened meat!”
Aragorn looked between the unfolding drama, and soon raised a hand before you could become even more distressed. Fortunately, you hadn’t heard a thing of their hushed conversation.
“That is enough,” Aragorn said. “I’d offer to marry her myself, but…well, I do believe you three are better suited than me to provide a stable life for her. It is ultimately up to Y/n. All either three of you can do is offer your hand in marriage to her, and see what she says.”
Glares were thrown between the three potential suitors, as each wondered who’d be the first to turn around and run towards you.
As it turns out, all three turned on their heels at the same. They nearly tripped over one another. However, they stopped almost immediately, for someone on the other side already had the same idea.
“It is quite all right, Y/n,” Frodo said, down on one knee before you, and holding your hand. “The Shire will accept you, and I can just say I fell in love on the road and married you immediately. I have a big house now left all to myself, with many rooms. You can have one to yourself, as can your child. Bilbo did the same for me when I was young.”
You were crying again, but this time out of happiness. Your other hand was placed over your chest, as you smiled down at the kind hobbit with a wavering lower lip.
“Oh, Frodo, that is so incredibly kind, I can only say—”
“DON’T SAY ANYTHING!” Legolas shouted, rushing forwards. He nearly shoved Frodo out of the way, and took his place holding your hand swiftly.
“Y/n,” he began, sincerely, “I’ve always felt that you and I have had a…special bond since beginning this journey together. I can provide you with a cottage in the forest, and true protection. I’m an archer and an elf—your child will learn many life skills with me as their parental guardian. And, furthering this, after you’ve moved on from our world, your child will surely be left behind. I can ensure they are well-cared for up until their own departure!”
“Oh, Legolas, I don’t know what to...” you went to say, holding his hand with both of yours. You were truly starting to get overwhelmed with happiness and relief.
“Oh, shove it, pixie!” Gimli shouted from behind Legolas. He, too, stole the snarling elf’s place, chivalrously removing his helmet as he did so. “Lass, I know I may not be your usual type, or blonde, but I am asking for your hand as well. I can offer you so much in Dwarven society. The women are strong, and you will find ranks in them! Your child will be given an equal chance, no matter the gender, to be themselves! Life in the halls is a true marvel—”
“Enough, the both of you!” Boromir shouted next. He tugged Gimli by the beard and threw him away. “Y/n, you and I are both humans. I understand you and our shared culture better than anyone else here! Please, nothing would make me happier than to provide for you as my wife. Not to mention, the child will look most like me, racially-wise.”
The hobbits all looked between each other with shocked smiles, intrigued by the situation, and Gandalf and Aragon merely shook their heads.
Legolas grabbed hold of Boromir’s shoulder and stood him up. “Race has nothing to do with it! If we’re really going to narrow this down to looks, I am the tallest! That is highly desirable in a husband! Y/n and her child will live a wonderfully secure and safe life with me. You need to back off.”
“Why don’t you make me?” Boromir bit back.
Before a fight could break out between the two of them, Gimli hopped into the middle and added his own string of harsh words.
The three suitors of differing races soon began to bicker between themselves, leaving you sat on the log very stunned indeed.
However, after a long while of listening to them argue over who gets to marry you, you put up your hand and silenced them. Although, it took a good few shouts until they shut up completely and curiously blinked down at you.
“Boys. Boys! BOYS!” Once the attention was on you, you spoke again. “I am so incredibly flattered by your equal devotion, it has truly made me feel better about everything, but...do I not get a say in whom I marry out of everyone here?”
Legolas moved his body slightly, so he stood facing you straight. “Well, whom do you choose, my lady?”
Frodo had backed off entirely, but shared a lipped smile with you, ultimately letting you know the offer was still on the table regardless. Boromir, Gimli and Legolas all stared at you optimistically, leaning forwards as they waited for your reply.
Stumped by so many choices, and considering you didn’t even know this would be a part of your life plan up until five hours ago, you went with the smartest choice; waiting.
“These are all very early days…” you began. “I’m very overwhelmed by all the offers, and still getting used to the idea of motherhood, and now marriage—”
You took a calming breath.
“You’re all so sweet, and I truly appreciate your support, but…could I perhaps sit on it for a while, and return with an answer at a later time? This is a very big decision, as you can all imagine.”
They quickly agreed, and nodded their heads vehemently.
“Take all the time you need!” they said reassuringly, in one form or another.
That night, they all waved sweet “goodnights” over their shoulders to you, and even gave up their cloaks and packs to create what they deemed the perfect “mother’s nest” for you to sleep on.
It was all very sweet, and warmed your heart. However, although half the problem was solved, you were presented with another; who on earth were you going to choose to marry and raise your unborn child with?
Actually, the more you thought about it that night, as you fell asleep with nine friends protecting you as you slept in the middle, like a herd of animals keeping their mother-to-be safe, the more you realized you already knew exactly whom you wanted to live with.
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phantomphangphucker · 2 years
Phic Phight - Abyssal’s Maw
For: @gamma-radio-dp @echoghost1 @cleanlenins
There’s more to the after life than just ghosts and that more might just be drastically more threatening
To say everyone was staying firmly inside as of late would be something of an understatement. The deserted streets and empty rooftops only made people more on edge. Including Danny, especially considering people didn’t even ‘hide’ like this when sentient ghost god tornadoes were going on a rampage.
The hushed whisper on street was the person or whatever was a skin suit for a demon or one of those nightmare ‘be not afraid’ angels come to ‘cleanse’ the town or like a pissed off reaper or something. It was firmly a ‘what’ an ‘It’ not a ‘who’.  Danny wasn’t exactly… sold on that. When was anything in Amity not ghosts?
The other word on the street was that apparently the town had collectively agreed they’d rather deal with ghosts over this unknown whatever. Danny could understand that, the known was almost always preferred over the unknown. And sure, whoever had apparently done jack fuck all to have actually warranted all this avoidance; but that apparently didn’t mean a whole lot. And Danny had about as much knowledge as everyone else, it’s was a gender uncertain someone wearing puffy baggy pants, almost formal-looking dress shirt, and glowing blue eyes; the glow was apparently all wrong from what he’s heard though. Oh, and apparently Its shadow moved; like, wiggled. Which yeah, pretty weird but not really something that would actually be out of the norm for a ghost. The whatever looking just like a human otherwise was honestly weirder; not a common ability amongst the dead.
Danny decides to finally man up his ghost king ass and check. It was kinda his job after all. The area where they/It is is expectedly dead (ha) and poking his invisible ghostly head over the edge of a building and watching. He gets what everyone means almost immediately: glowing eyes? Check. Moving shadow? Definitely a check. Doesn’t feel like a ghost and also doesn’t set off his ghost sense? Also a check, which is concerning.
So not a ghost.
Definitely not a ghost.
How should he handle this? He knows what to do with ghosts but not this whatever. Which is exactly the same problem the rest of the town was having with the whatever. Well he wasn’t exactly weak, so he shouldn’t really be concerned but the whatever was giving him a serious case of the chills over here. It was creepy and unsettling, and he doesn’t know why. Oh whatever, just man up self and talk to the whatever.
Nodding to himself and floating down slowly; staring somewhat intensely the entire time. The… person quirking a sharp orange eyebrow in his general direction. Could they/It see or sense him?
Apparently, yes.
“Hello?”, their/Its voice is soft and almost melodic but there’s no emotion behind it. Also doesn’t help determine if the whatever is a boy or girl or even has a gender. Not that he’s one to be, like, bothered by that but it was hard not to be curious.
Swallowing, “um yeah, hi?”, he’s choosing to stay invisible for now.
“You know, typically, when someone uses ‘hello’ as a form of a question it is implied they wish to know what it is you are up to”.
“Ah well”, Danny puts his hands on his hips and tries to sound less unsure of himself, shit was creepy alright, “you’re in my town. So you should be answering my questions, not the other way around”.
“Ah yes, interrogating someone while invisible to traditional sight, impressive plan you got there”, the sarcasm can be physically felt.
But Danny can deal with sarcasm, that is perfectly not weird to him. “Yeah well you’re, something about is seriously not right and a potential threat not knowing what I look like is a good idea”.
“But I know what you look like”, and It smirks.
Danny scowls and pops into visibility, hands on his hips. “So what are you doing here and what are you?”.
“Now that’s just rude”. Danny scowls more and blatantly doesn’t apologise. Making whatever roll their glowing eyes, up close he can tell the glow is kind of twinkling and powdery looking, “if you must know, which I guess ghosts are the territorial type, even if by only half-”. Danny has serious questions how this thing even knows that. Ghosts knowing makes sense, but this thing? No. “-someone skipped paying their dues and I aim to collect”.
Danny has no fucking clue what that means. If this whatever was a human than he’d think it was some kinda gang shit, but that’s clearly not the case here. “Collect how”. That wasn’t so much a question as it was a threat.
“Oh, touchy. But again, if you must know, though in a way you should already know, little king-”. Again how the fuck does this thing know that. “-there are certain levels to existence. An order, if you will. And someone’s stuck around this one when they owe some time elsewhere”.
“So you’re a reaper”. That would one hundred percent explain them/It giving him the creeps.
But they/It screw up their/Its face and laughs; it’s the kind of laugh with an unpleasant rumble, almost sounding cruel. “No. Though we share some similarities. I’m a ViralHelm, boy. Genuine Article ViralHelm’s stand as gods and watchers of the universe and universal law. But I am nothing so contrite-”. It said that bit like it was some kind of insult. “-rather I’m a corporeal predatory ViralHelm, and someone’s got some debts to pay in purgatory”.
Danny blinks, “I thought the Infinite Realm was that”.
The ViralHelm stares at him, “how did you even think that, child. Do you truly know that little of your self or the realm you are clearly ruling?”, It seems almost offended.
Danny glares, “hey now, I know more about that than my human shit. How can you even tell that anyway?”; this conversation is actually going mildly good so fine, maybe he’s letting his guard down some.
“That is pathetic”.
Danny glares more, “public school be like that”.
The creature shakes Its head disappointedly, even closing Its eyes, “I am once again grateful to have gotten out of the whole being human problem. Pathetic. Truly”, looking back to Danny, “your Infinite Realm is an afterlife, purgatory is a place of the abyss. An eternity trapped in a place and time. Think jail but for souls. Pay your dues and from there you may move on to an afterlife”, shrugging faintly, “or reincarnate, if that is what’s earned”. Danny’s just staring, having a mild crisis, apparently other afterlives and an actual purgatory were a thing. The ViralHelm stares at him before pinching the bridge of Its nose and shaking Its head, “unbelievable. To be shocked by such a thing”, sighing faintly, “I am known as Jay Silver, and for the record, I was once human, so calm down”.
Danny blinks at that, “wait, really?”; sweet! If this person was a human then they/It probably doesn’t hate them! Maybe. Hopefully.
Jay rolls Its eyes, “yes, really”.
“… how?”.
Jay actually laughs at him a little, “let’s simply say, if you do not fear death when it comes to greet you, then it may bless you instead of take you”, smirking, “and this is much better than whatever purgatory would have offered, if I say so myself”.
Danny blinks, “sooooo… one of these ViralHelms came for you and you just… weren’t scared? That is a terrible get out of jail free card”.
Jay gestures around limply, “oh I believe these townsfolk would say otherwise. Even you avoided me for a time, child”, glancing around, “these people, and this place, too in touch with the otherworldly it seems-”. Danny’s going to guess that that is the only reason everyone could tell something was seriously fucking off with this creature. “- But fear is quite justified-“, and grins in a way that is actively threatening and makes Danny float back a bit on instinct, “-after all, the highest praise I can give to mortals or the dead is that they are quite tasty”.
Danny blanches, “you eat people”.
“One or two”, grinning, “I am very much not fond of those who are unduly cruel to children. Just a quick snap”, clacking Its teeth, “and off goes the head”.
Danny has no fucking clue what to say to that, other than, “well, uh, don’t do that. Here”. At least he managed to hold his ground here, fucking Ancients.
“Hmpf. Well you’re certainly no fun”, shrugging loosely, “but oh well. Besides-”, gesturing a hand at him, half pointing, “-you’re interesting enough to make up for it. Curious. How your body functions”.
Danny makes a show of ‘covering himself up’ to try and make a joke and make this less weird. Jay laughs lightly at least, it’s kind of mean though. Its hand, that’s still vaguely pointed at him, spontaneously sprouting black quills, fingers lengthening and coming to black points; and damn near snapping closed around his face if he hadn’t jerked back is very much threatening. Him scowling, “I’m a fighter you know”.
“I’ve heard”.
“Well, I haven’t heard of you”.
It still hasn’t dropped Its weird demonic-looking hand from the air. “That’s not a matter. Even less so as everyone here isn’t quite so unawares as the vast majority of their species”. Apparently, Its decided that It doesn’t give a damn that It’s in broad daylight in the middle of a street, and the thing begins to change. Bare feet -when was It not wearing shoes???- becoming wolf paw-like with fine quills instead of fur and longer and with extra joints in places people just don’t have joints. Shirt and pants shifting to quills and longer thicker ones sticking up off Its back. A long boney tail unfurling, the end tipped in quills like an arrowhead. Its shadow actually physically moving off the ground towards Its face, taking the shape of a white crocodile skull with large black antlers; the blue glow of Its eyes showing through the eye sockets. Its voice is far more of a gravely rumble now, “fa̕ct̶ ͡a̷nd͡ fic̨tio̢n.̛ ҉Knơw͟l̷e҉dge a͜n͠d igno͟r҉a̵n̕c͝e͜.̀ Th͡ey͏ ҉matt̵er ̛l͠i͟t͞t͞l̕e͡ ͏i̷ņ p͜la͝c͏e̴s̷ ͡ļikè th͡e̛se,̵ ch͘i͘ld͡”. And opens Its jaw at him.
Danny wisely backs the fuck up. Which makes It laugh like a bagpipe, “s҉ee̷. ͠F̛éar. ̶Ǹo̸w. Th͟at ͠ma̧y͘o̧r o͟f y̧ou̴ŕs̵,͝ h̕e͏ ͜w̶ilļ ̛ha̵ve̕ t҉ím̕e ͏t͏o͠ ̨se͡e ̧m̷e͡”. And Danny realises this thing is after freaking Vlad. What? Why! The thing steps Its paw forward, bones and joints creaking and popping; making Danny jerk out of Its way.
Following after a beat, “why”, it’s a demand, not a question.
“Y͞ou͝ a͢sk҉ ͢mu͏ćh̡;̀ ́th͏o̷u͜gh̷ ҉far ̢be ҉i͘t̛ ͘f҉or̕ me̵ ̶to ́di̷s̴co͡u̢r͟a̵ge t̶he ̴c̸u͢r̨i͟o͏sit̡ies ̕of t̶he ̶y̸o̢uth̀.̨ ̕Hi͝s ̧slot in ̵pur͠g̢a̡to͢r͜y͞ w̶as reser͞ved ̛i͢ǹ m̕an̴y ͞y͏e̴ar̷s p̸a͟st̷”.
“What?!? Do you mean, like, when he got ecto-acne?”; that’s really the only thing it could be.
“Well portal accidents aren’t natural and he’s like me so he’s off-limits!”. Was Danny going to save Vlad’s hide here? Yes. Of course. Not that the nut case would appreciate it.
It laughs, and that bellows, “yo̕u ͘have ̷fi̡n̨ally ̀pro͢vided̢ me ́wi̢th ͝n҉e͏w ìn͜f͜or̷m̧at҉ion̷ t͞h͘at yo͢ur ҉b͘o̷d̡y had͟n’҉t ̸álre̢a̡dy ͟p͞ro͘vided”, It still keeps walking though. Danny trying to grab at It to stop It but only phasing through Its body, apparently It was as good at intangibility as any ghost worth their ectoplasm was, does make It pause and look at him again though, “y̕o͠u͢”, and steam plumes out of Its mouth, “ha̕v̢e som͘e ̷guts̕. A̛r͢e ͟òf so͘m͝e͠ wort̷h͠,̧ bęy͝o̵n̴d͞ ̷the̛ w͏or͞t̷h of a k͏i͟ng͜,҉ I͝ ̢s̨u̴p̀p̶ośe͠.̸ Yo̵u̧ ͏a̕re ͜t͢he pr̕ote͘ct͝i͞v͟e ͝týpé, ̴yes”.
Danny nods jerkily.
“Ah.҉ ͏Ánd͞ ͜self͝le͏ssly ͘t͝oo.͢ ͡An… ͠u͜n͟cǫm̨mon trait́ am̡o͘ng̴s͡t ͏you̵r̨ ̸ki͜nds. B҉o͏th̀ o̴f t̷h̴e͠m͘.̕ Re͡l̢ax. ̢I’v҉e̢ al͝re̷ad̨y ́s͡aid̨ I ́w͏o͞ùld̢n͡’̀t ͠re͏li̴ev̷e a̷ņyone ̨ơf̡ ̧t̸h̀eir ͞he͡ad. B̶ęs̡iḑes. ́Ìf ͞y̛o��ùr w̵ords s͘t͞and t҉rue t͢ha͞n ̷he’s ̧f͞a̶r m͡o҉r҉e ín͞te͜resting l͘e̶f̢t ̸t̸o ̴b͠e than a̡ny r̨ewa̕rd͜”; and It swishes Its tail faintly before walking forwards again.
Danny watching It walk up the side of a building like It altered gravity for a second before zipping after, “‘reward’? What ‘reward’?”. Who the fuck from purgatory, or whatever, paid this thing off? Also, he doesn’t believe this thing… Jay, wasn’t going to at least hurt Vlad, not for a second.
“T̕h͢e s͏am͏e ̛aş ͜wh̸a҉t̢ mort̴àl ̸g̕o̧ve̡r͟nḿents͘ ͡do͟. ҉A ͟boun͡t͝y̢ ͠on a̢ he͡a̛d”, it feels like It’s grinning, “if̸ ̸you͟ ̵w̛an͟t͢ ͠i̧ns̨ưr͏an͢ce̷, ͟o͏f̸ ́sor͢t̢s̀, th́én͘ m̨éet ͡my req̷ues̷t ̸o̴f c̸h̢e҉r͟r͜i̧e͢s̷”.
“Cherries?”. Danny is legitimately dumbfounded by that.
“D̶elići̸o̡us̡, ͜fre͏s̵h, ̛che͘r͜r͢ies͜.̕ A sma̕l͝l paym̷en͜t.̸ A ̷si͠mpl̵ę ̸o̴ne̛. ͞Y̵et͞ o͞n͡e al҉l͝ th̡e͜ s͡a̶me,̴ ҉a͏n͠d ͏mąy ͞yo̢u̸ be̡l̕iéve̡ ͝me m̸o͡r͟e͝”.
Danny nods once, then again more strongly, “yeah cherries. You’ll get cherries”. He can see, and hear, Its ribs wiggle/ripple and click in response to that.
The two still wind up outside of Vlad’s Amity mansion though, and glancing around during the trip showed people peeking out at them and shuddering. “You’re scaring everyone”.
“You sa҉y t̶ha͜t as̵ i͏f I ͘w̵o̧u̵l̀d͠ ̶be bo̧t͠her͢ed.́ Th͠ey a͝r̢e ҉far ̕mo̶re ̷op̶po̢s̨e̸d ̧to ͠danger̕ ̴t̴han̴ yo͢u”.
“Running at danger is kinda my thing”.
“T͡h͏át͝ i͞s ̶ver͏y͘ ́f̕o̴olísh͏ ̕of͞ yo̸u”; It’s not even actually scolding him, if anything the thing’s mocking him. It waltz’s/phases right through Vlad’s window.
Vlad pauses, holding a glass of whiskey, and shoots Danny some seriously concerned looks.
“Don’t look at me! You think I can stop It?”.
“You are the Ghost king, Daniel! I think you can!”.
“Yeah and It’s some kind of abyss deity!”.
In this time the ViralHelm creature had jump up onto the ceiling, watching the interaction with crossed legs; completely ignorant of the laws of gravity. Humming to Itself, “oh̨ y͜e͠ş. It woul͜dn͏’̧t ̕do͠ ҉t͘o ҉b̸re͟àk͢ ͝úp̵ ͜a ͜d̷yna͜m̛i͢c̢ ̸like ̢t̡hi͘s.͢ ̶N̛ot at ͝a͠l̛l̶”.
Danny glances up and sighs in relief. Jay speaking back up, “you͟ will̛ ̨st҉i͘ļl ͠ge̸t̨ ͡me͘ ch͠er̡r͠i͘e̴s,̛ ҉h͟a̸l̛f d͟e̴ad ͞chi͟l҉d͘”.
Vlad sticks out the hand/arm that isn’t holding his drink, “explain, Daniel”. Then jerks back towards the room's door when Jay snaps Its teeth in his direction.
Danny side-eyes Vlad, “uh, apparently purgatory has a hit out on you? But also apparently the hitman god thing can be paid off in cherries and being intrigued?”.
The thing jumps down from the ceiling, landing very loudly and scraping up the expensive carpeting, “consi̶de̵r it̢ ̷to̸ be per͟so͡n̷a̸l͞ ̧fu͢l͝f̴i͡l̨m̷ent͝”, leaning forward threateningly, “b͝ut ręme͝m̵b̕e͝r͞,́ ͝c͝u̸r͠i̛osiţiès̵ ̨d͟ry̛ up an̨d ́t͡h̨e͟ ̶n̛ot́h͘in̨g̶ ͢w̢ill a̧lw҉ays ͠e̸ventually g͝e̷t i͏t̶s͜ s͞omethįng͠”, and disappears like oil being smeared off of canvas.
Vlad blinks.
Danny blinks.
And Amity Park breathes a sigh of relief.
Danny absolutely makes sure to leave a little bowl of cherries OUTSIDE of Amity Park's town sign though. Just to be safe. It rots into a pile of mush as soon as he lets go and he decidedly chooses to ignore that… and absolutely decides against taking that bowl back home.
Meanwhile, in a tower of clocks and gears, a purple cloaked ghost grins softly. Those two, while vital to everything no matter how time twisted, deserved a little bit of trouble every now and then. Plus, it was incredibly amusing.
A stag-like being shakes their head, Fauchard resting on their shoulders, “I’m surprised with you, time bearer, letting one of the Helmed ones near those two. Especially the one you favour”.
“Oh he can handle it. I’m sure”.
“I do not doubt that. But when next you wish to bring the abyss into your games, a heads up would be advised. You are as bound to the hands of the universe as all others”.
The cloaked ghost merely hums in response to that as their uninvited guest takes their leave.
Prompts: Someone has arrived in Amity Park. They don't appear to be hostile, but even Amity Parkers are more inclined to trust ghosts than whatever the heck THAT is. and "You really don’t know a whole lot about your ghostly biology do you?” [insert character] said to Danny. “At this point, I’m pretty sure I know more about my ghost half than my human one,” Danny replied nonchalantly. “Why do you say that?” “I go to public school,” he replied with an attitude that this explained everything. It did. and Clockwork is tasked with keeping the timestream safe. But sometimes, safe isn't as interesting.
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satorinnie · 3 years
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how the haikyuu boys fall in love with you + relationship aesthetic
featuring; sakusa, atsumu, suna x f!reader
warning; fluff <3
notes; the reader beats them in confession cause we a baddie
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sakusa kiyoomi
this man honestly wasn’t looking for a relationship during high-school, he believed it was best if he kept his attention on his grades and volleyball and keep romance for when he graduated. it’s not like he hasn’t tried. this decision of his was happened after some failed relationships. they were either mad at him for not paying much attention to them, or they were just too touchy and annoying to handle. him being a germaphobe didn’t mean he hated skin to skin contact, he just never felt comfortable under their touch (he realized how they didn’t follow some basic hygiene rules). but then *boom* a new student transfers to their school; you.
there wasn’t exactly something that made you stand out from the rest. you were smiling and kind like some, sarcastic and witty like other, and could both be calm and energetic. he first personally met your when komori introduced you to him, you both had met when the teacher paired you two partners in an assignment. sakusa didn’t pay much attention to you until you became a frequent part of his life due to komori. you and his cousin hit it off easily, with your kind nature and angelic smile, no wonder you two were two peas in a pod. with you always sitting with them during lunch and hanging out with them after school, he started to pay attention to you. how you cleaned your hands before and after eating, never invading his personal space, pushing komori away after volleyball practice because he was sweaty and how you kept on talking about how you admired the way they so passionately played the sport. it was also the way you cared deeply about them, having a hand sanitizer ready just for him, helping them out when they needed advice, your little actions of kindness that always seemed to brighten their days. it was different from what he experienced with the other girls, and without realizing, he started opening conversations with you, wanting your input on things and desiring to learn more about you and at the same time, falling deeper and deeper for you.
with the first two months of school passing by, he started to notice how you were more touchy with komori. you never held sakusa’s hand or give him hugs to congratulate him. but why was he so bothered? he hated the way his stomach sunk once he noticed your closeness with his cousin, or how his heart clenched when you were close to any guy from the school. but when he finally found the guts to ask komori about the way he felt, that’s when he realized he fell for you, hard, might i add. he didn’t want to feel this way, romance was a no no for high-school, he was supposed to concentrate on his grades and volleyball, not getting all lovey-dovey with a girl. and tried to cleanse those persistent thoughts about you from his mind, but no. he couldn’t stop the way he dreamed about how your hands would feel against his body, your lips on his skin, your words of encouragement only directed towards him. so he decided on sticking by your side patiently waiting for the coursge to confess to you; which always managed to leave his body whenever he opened his mouth.
so imagine his surprise, when one day after a practice match you come in front of him to wipe his sweat with a towel in your hands, and tell him about how amazing he was with a subtle blush on your cheeks. he was also supporting his own blush behind the mask he immediately put on. and when you asked him to meet you behind the school building with your hands behind your back, he could only nod, afraid of his own voice betraying him if he spoke. and that day he learns about your crush on him, and when asked why your avoided touching him, you had told you were afraid to make him uncomfortable with the things you heard about him from everyone. he tells you he doesn’t mind the touch if it’s from you and you smile up at him, finally making his dreams come true when you lean to kiss him on the lips.
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miya atsumu
now this guy right here, he can be very arrogant and full of himself around his friends and girls. because c’mon, he was miya atsumu! the best setter there ever was. with all the girls practically throwing themselves at him (which only continued to increase his ego btw), he was indeed the golden boy of the school and every girl’s dream. except you it seemed.
when you first started their school, lots of people talked, because joining a school like theirs in the middle of the year? that wasn’t a sight they saw every day, and it was no surprise that you were in the top class. atsumu actually heard about your from kita, he was assigned with showing you around the school and managed to hit it off with their captain. he told them how he offered you to become their manager, knowing that you wouldn’t turn out to be yet another fangirl. and manager you did become. your presence was life changing and everyone could notice it. you took your time to get to know everyone, forming a special bond between you and each of the players; it was life like you were their safe haven. you also made sure to learn about volleyball while being their manager, believing that this way, you could help them grow as players and as a team, and atsumu cherished that about you. whenever he felt down or not good enough, you always managed to cheer him up by telling him how stupid he was by hitting his head. you would comfort him and let him know he was not a failure, and that one little mistake didn’t define who he was.
matched with you by their side were also the best. with cheering every single one of them, throwing stink eyes at the other teams that dared to jab a word at them, going up to the stands to silence the girls that never learned to be quiet during his serve. these were just some of the many things he loved about you. you weren’t just their manager by name, but also by heart; just like how he did with volleyball. you gave it your 110%. and atsumu never stopped telling you these, but not the way you did. he preferred teasing you, always confident and proud while talking about himself, he didn’t know when it started but he knew at some point his words about you weren’t on a friendly level anymore. he wanted you to realize how amazing you were, and he wanted you to see how he was perfect. he always tried to keep his tough facade in front of you, yet you always managed to catch the moments where his confidence always faltered and when you didn’t make fun of him like his friends but chose to spend time with him to cheer him up—he knew he was down bad. now his minds was 24/7 you. your smile, voice, the way your eyes lit up at his serves, his stomach filling with butterflies as he learns you were proud of him after each game.
and this only made him tease you more. he couldn’t leave your side, always wanting to be around your presence. only your words of encouragement mattered, he only searched for your eyes while during his games. so one day, he finally builds the courage to ask you out—he couldn’t keep his feelings to himself anymore. each time you were near him his mouth was on the brink of spilling every single thing he felt for you; and his twin made sure to make fun of him about that every damn time. he decided on asking you out after their game—like a victory date (he had the upmost confidence that they’d win). but what he wasn’t expecting was for you to run into his arms and land a big kiss on his lips the second they won the game. too shocked to process he watched with wide eyes as you pull away from him with a big grin on your face. and once the reality of things settles down on him, he lifts you up and wraps your legs around his waist to kiss you deeper.
that night he learns it was osamu who told you about his feelings which resulted in that day’s events. you end up holding back atsumu from beating up his twin while trying to keep in your laughter.
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suna rintarou
please this man is a hopeless case. there is literally no girl that interests him in school because, and i quote “they’re boring”. he did obviously try to be in a relationship with multiple girls, he didn’t reach the statement before from no experience. and of course he had his own group of girls that fawned over him, but did be care? no. the whole school knew him as the boy who blackmailed people (pls i fully believe he would actually do this), he somehow always managed to get his eyes and ears on the latest tea and had organized folders of his whole teams cursed pictures. (atsumu had the biggest one).
ah just like how every romantic book/movie ever goes, you joined their school; and you were different. you had come from fukurodani, so you knew about the volleyball team in inarizaki. having the opportunity to meet the players as well. and that’s how suna recognized you. it was during lunch time when he was eating with the twins when you caught his eye (definitely not due to your loud laugh). you had already managed to form a group of friends, you were a sociable person, polar opposites with him; he was more of an introverted kind. and when the twins didn’t miss the ways his eyes looked at you, immediately calling out to you to join their table. eyes wide and a little shy, you had accepted their offer. it was weird, how easily you hit it off with the twins, one look from the outside and it would seem as if you knew them your whole life. but what really caught his attention was when you asked them if they wanted the see the pictures you took during the volleyball games. he was surprised when you showed the trio multiple pictures of them in the most ridiculous angles and poses, it was easy to say he was bewitched.
he wouldn’t leave you alone, managing to find you wherever you were in school and talk about the stories behind his own cursed pictures. he had practically begged you to share the ones you took, which you accepted only if he gave you some too. from that day on a beautiful friendship formed between the two of you. you shared your foods, when to each others houses to hangout, or go out on late night walks to chat about nothing but pure nonsense. face-times with him were also very amusing, with the both of you trying to capture bad pictures of each other you never managed to bore him. and suddenly the “ugly” pictures he took of you weren’t so ugly anymore, rather they were ethereal. he started to admire how you always managed to look pretty in front of a camera (of course he wouldn’t admit that to your face). now whenever you two hung out, he made sure to take extra pictures of you, deciding that your folder could never have enough. and as the days passed, you coming over to him had him flustered more. the way you laid your head against his shoulder while watching a movie, or borrowing his hoodie and never giving it back; they weren’t friendly actions for him anymore. he wanted to cuddle you, keep you forever in his arms as he basked in your scent. he wanted you to keep his hoodies because as cliche as it sounded, you look much better in them (plus it made him proud when it was his hoodies you were wearing outside).
he really wasn’t planning on confessing. he was scared; hopeless like i said in the beginning. and he believes that always taking pictures of you was his best way of flirting—pls this man actually believed he was smooth with it. and one day when you scolded him for saving them, he caught both of you off-guard when he told you, you looked pretty and cute in them. he doesn’t let it show but he’s extremely nervous on the inside, like, he told the truth so maybe you would let him save the pictures? he almost fell down from his seat when you puled his face closer to your with both of your hands and demanded when he was going to confess to you. and when he couldn’t form sentences to respond you, you had huffed with your arms crossed claiming how you were running out of patience. so he does what his stupid brain could only think in that moment, and tells you he thought you two were already dating, which now leaves you with a shocked expression. anyways this is the turning point in your relationship and now he can have as many cuddles as he wants, though the only thing he regrets is the fact that he’s running out of hoodies to wear.
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mochatune · 2 years
FUUUCKK you know what fuck the cleanse I’m back baby 👶
But anyways I’m tired of waiting for updates so I’ll just do it myself 😍
General sundrop hcs!
-it’s clearly obvious this guys absolutely adores glitter glue on everything so don’t be surprised when you find it globbed all over every masterpiece sun makes (sometimes the paper gets damaged and rips and he gets sad, help him make a new masterpiece!)
-god is this guy hyper, it’s like he drank 10 energy drinks in a single sitting. It’s like he can’t stay still for even a second, depending on if you have anxiety or not this could either be a nightmare or a cute quirky trait that you love. (If it upsets you he will push himself to sit still even if it pains him to stay in one place)
-absolutely LOVES any type of PDA, You don’t think there was anytime he didn’t have his hands on you upon entering the daycare. Cuddling, pecks on the cheek, hand holding. Literally anything he can do to make you stick close with him, def not afraid to show his everlasting love for you.
-always makes sure your happy, if he sees you’re glum then he will do anything in his power to make you feel even better than before. Will give you a private puppet show to cheer you up! Or maybe you would like to play a game of hide and seek, Maybe even just talk about it? Sun works with children regularly so chances are he can make you feel better in a jiffy.
-has a tendency to pick you up and throw you after a long day of not seeing you, it’s endearing but also downright terrifying when your going right back down into the warm animatronics arms. This once gave you a pretty bad bruise from banging against a metal part of suns interior and ever since has made a not to be more careful when throwing you. The panic attack he had after seeing you all bruised, Phew!
-it’s inevitable that sun will one day turn into moon, you can’t avoid the fact that it will happen sometime. After being chased around by moon for ages and possibly being injured, sun will cry to you and tell you how sorry he is while patching up your wounds and trying to make himself less of a threat by giving you some space. Simple reassurance that you don’t hate him for something he can’t control should do the trick but don’t take his change in expression as a sure fire way of him feeling better, he is still riddled with guilt even months later.
-overall sun is very kind and caring, he genuinely loves you for you and wouldn’t change anything about you for the world. This guys a keeper
I honestly haven’t written and type of hcs in literal years so forgive me if it’s cringe but I am so tired of waiting for updates 😢 should I do moon next? Lemme know and if you don’t then I’ll just do it or whateva 🤩
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Shin Maniac [03]
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ー The scene starts on the staircase at school
Shin: Ahー Fuck...This is pissing me off...
Yui: ( Shin-kun seems to be in an even worse mood than usual today... )
( I wonder if it’s because he bumped into someone in the hallway earlier...? )
( He’s extra scary whenever he’s angry... )
Shin: It seriously grinds my gears how some puny human had the nerve to bump into me like that...
Yui: ...I don’t think they did it on purpose...
Shin: Hah? Excuse me? Are you taking their side? 
Yui: That wasn’t my intention...
( Uu...He’s glaring daggers at me... )
Shin: ...It’s exactly that attitude of yours which pisses me off!
ー He corners her against the wall
Yui: ...Ugh!
Shin: Don’t try and pretend as if you don’t already know that you’re no regular human yourself...
So it’s honestly hilarious how you still insist on taking the side of other humans. 
It’s honestly a bad joke. 
Yui: Shin-kun...Stop...
Shin: Ehー? What did you say just now? I can’t hear you when you whisper like that.
You know that I’m on edge right now, don’t you? In that case...
Don’t you think you should maybe try to avoid upsetting me even more?
ー He starts strangling her
Yui: Uu...
( He wrapped his hand...around my throat...! )
Shin: Say...How do you think you’ll feel if I were to suck your blood as I’m strangling you like this? 
I bet you think it’d feel amazing, don’t you? 
You’re making me sick...Nn...!
ー He bites her
Yui: Ow...! Shin-kun, please, cut it out...!
Shin: You really think I’ll stop? You’re the one who made my mood even worse...!
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: Hah...Nn...Nnh...
Yui: ( Ah...I can’t...My legs are giving in... )
ー Yui collapses
Shin: Excuse me? ...Who said you could faint? I’m not done yet. 
ー Carla walks up to them
Carla: ...Shin.
Shin: Aah? ...Oh...Nii-san? Do you need something? 
Carla: Try and be a little more mindful of where you decide to cleanse.
I sure hope that you have not forgotten about our goal...but are simply letting yourself get guided by your hormones? 
Shin: ...! Of course not!
Carla: I did give you permission to do as you please but as a fellow Founder...I would appreciate it if you would not make a fool out of yourself. 
Shin: I know that. You don’t need to tell me!
Is that all you wanted to say? In that case, I’ll get going.
Carla: I never needed to say anything in the first place. As long as you understand.
Shin: ...I see. I’ll be on my way then. Gotta drop this one off at the infirmary after all.
ー Shin lifts Yui in his arms
Shin: There...
See you, Nii-san.
ー He walks away
Carla: Hmph...
ー The scene shifts to the infirmary
Yui: ( Nn...Huh? Where am I...? )
Shin: You finally woke up? 
Yui: Shin-kun...I...
Shin: You don’t remember how you collapsed on the landing of the staircase after I sucked your blood like crazy? 
Yui: I do remember you biting me but...I don’t recall anyhing beyond that point...
Shin: I guess you don���t know Nii-san dropped by either. Not that it matters. 
Yui: ( So Carla-san was there...I didn’t realize at all. )
( I do think I was completely out cold... )
Shin: I wish you’d at least show a little gratitude to me for carrying you all the way over here. 
→ Of course you did (S)
Yui: ...
( All of this happened because he went overboard when sucking my blood.... )
( So I feel like I shouldn’t feel obliged to thank him for carrying me here... )
Shin: ...What? That look in your eyes. Don’t tell me you’re gonna say that it was my duty to carry you?
Yui: ...! Eh!? I didn’t think that! 
( He saw right through me... )
→ I owe you one (M)
Yui: Thank you for carrying me here.
Shin: Well, to be honest, I was just gonna leave you there.
I didn’t want to have to carry such a heavy load.
Yui: ( Uu...What a horrible thing to say. )
Shin: But I had to make a change of plans when Nii-san showed up. 
I wouldn’t want him to run away with honor.
Yui: ( I guess he didn’t help me after all... )
Shin: That being said...While we were disrupted earlier...
ー He leans in close
Yui: Eh...? Shin-kun...? 
Shin: I doubt anyone will come bother us here. I did make sure to lock the door as well. 
Well then, let’s continue where we left off. 
Yui: Eh? ...You’re going to suck my blood again? You can’t...!
Shin: I don’t care about how you feel or think about it. You’re gravely mistaken if you think that was nearly enough to cleanse you. 
Not by a landslide...You need to cleansed even more. 
Yui: Kyah...!
ー The scene fades to black
Shin: I promise I’ll be gentle as long as you behave...Hehe. 
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