#always ready to spring into action even while napping
1pcii · 6 months
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Zoro napping while holding his swords like this is something that can be so personal actually
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It occurs to me that once the punches slow, maybe it’s time to catch my breath and to write again. I haven’t updated in forever. I forgot I had something to say. I forgot what I had to offer. That’s how it goes isn’t it? We forget who we are and our deities bring us back to our own heart time and time again — if I let them. (And I don’t always let them)
I may give an overview of what’s happened since I’ve not been updating, but right now I feel it’s so important to talk about rest. It’s winter here and in NE Ohio, that means dreary weather, no sun which means drastic drops in vitamin D, seasonal depression, grey skies during the day, and early night and late morning. I’m eager for spring, but it also occurs to me that maybe I’m not ready for spring.
Since Christmas Eve, there has been one breakthrough after another after another after another. I’m exhausted. Even healing is hard work. At the time, I was high on the spiritual experience. I was high on prayer and companionship with Spirit and my ka-tet. I knelt in prayer and wept and I stood and I felt better. Sometimes I would sit in the shower under the hot water and cry and pray. There was always an answer, and usually one I didn’t expect or one that caught me by surprise. It was the great purge, cleansing and packing the wound so it could heal and the healing has been coming in waves. And now, I’m tired.
The thing about any high, spiritual or otherwise, is that we have to come down eventually. I keep my head in the clouds, but it’s time for my feet to return to the ground. The last month may have revolutionized my heart and mind and spirit, but I still have to cook dinner, and go to work and doctor’s appointments, and pick my daughter up from school, and all of everyday life.
For the last week or so, I’ve felt like I’ve been doing something wrong. I didn’t feel the 24/7 spiritual connection, my prayer has been falling away, I don’t feel like I’m being propelled forward by some unseen hand. The answers aren’t strong and punchy and life-altering. They’re quiet now if they come, like whispers instead of screams. Well I assumed that was because I wasn’t listening hard enough. I was distracted. I wasn’t praying enough or praying wrong. What happened? Where did God go? Where did my deities go? What did I do wrong and how do I get it back? Sound familiar?
I was laying down wrapped up tight in a blanket the other day just paying attention to my breathing and thinking of the morning I had spent with my friend. We had tea and breakfast together and then prayed and meditated together and it was wonderful, the recalibration that I needed, but it still wasn’t *the same.* I hadn’t had any earth-shattering realizations, hadn’t cried in a while. I felt that my healing had stalled — then I realized… this was my chance to breathe. I had been begging the Universe for weeks to slow down and give me a chance to catch my breath and I’m usually given what I ask for. The problem is I don’t always recognize, acknowledge, or accept when it comes.
So perhaps I don’t need to pray in such a prescribed and structured way multiple times a day at set times, pouring my heart out with my face pressed to the ground right now. Maybe it’s enough for now to keep Spirit on my mind and say a prayer of thanks and ask for direction. Right now I don’t need to figure out who and what I am on this side of all this healing. I don’t need to plan my life, define my vision, implement strict spiritual routines, and generally be ON all the time. I asked for a chance to catch my breath, and here it is.
So I’m going with it, or doing my best. Rest takes practice just like anything else, especially in this American capitalist dystopian nightmare where we’re brainwashed into believing that we’re only of value when producing. Anything else is a waste of time, we’re taught. I’m a rebel though, so I take naps. I take bubble baths. I read for pleasure. I cuddle my wife and friends and just exist. Rest is a rebellious action, and somehow knowing that makes it a little easier to justify to my brain.
I haven’t given anything up. I’m still studying and praying and doing magic and lighting candles and all, but I’m doing it in such a more gentle way. Instead of trying to work myself into a perscribed structure, I let the patterns work themselves out around me. They’re still forming and falling into place. Some will stick and some won’t and that’s ok. I don’t need all of that to be “spiritually successful” whatever the fuck that means. If my deities and my God have not left me these last 33 years, they’re not going to leave me if I take a nap after work instead of praying.
I’m telling you, listening to your body is rebellious. If I’m tired, I sleep, so much as I am able. When I’m hungry, I eat. When I feel a little lost, I pray. When I need comfort, I ask for it. I make time to play. And I have faith. I have faith that my deities don’t have to be in my face in order to be present. I have faith that if I reach out to them at any time, that they will still be there. They aren’t going to leave me. In fact, at a time when I didn’t have to capacity to commit to my deities, Loki and Sigyn committed to me. Sigyn told me shortly after starting to work with them that there was no place I could go, no distance that I could run that they wouldn’t find me and bring me home. I needed that then, so so much, and I need it now in a different way. It gives me permission to take a break and just breathe.
I may drift a little off course, but I’m not going to fall off the edge of the world, back into the darkness and emptiness. I’m just — I’m floating. That’s what I’m doing. Ok let me explain that. My family camps at a nearby lake over the summer and we do a ton of swimming. There’s a bunch of little cousins splashing around in the water, some of the older cousins on the boat deck grilling and drinking beer, or sitting in the water gossiping. Now, I do love to swim, but I don’t breath well and I get tired easily. My *favorite* thing to do is to swim out a little ways from the group and lay on my back with my eyes closed and float on top of the water. Sometimes a small wave will wash over my face and I’ll sputter and stand up, but I wipe my face and go back to floating. On occasion, I have to come up to make sure I’m not drifting too far from the group, or far enough out that I can’t safely swim back. But I just love the peace of hearing the water and the birds and the laughter and feeling the sun over my body while I float on top of the water.
So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take a break from the deep diving that wears me out so much and I’m going to take advantage of the dark, sleepy, dreary time and the snow and cold that drives us inside, and this time when nature is resting and waiting for green and sun again, and I’m going to float and rest and breathe and have faith that my deities will hold me in that safe place.
Here is a poem I wrote in the shower last night
This poem is a thank you.
Thank you, Spirit, for turning me upside down.
It’s easier to write about love now
than it is to write about fear,
easier to write about mending hearts
than old scars.
Everything I once held near
seems so far removed now,
flung out into the depths of the cosmos,
beyond the stars I still cannot dream of reaching for,
farther than the east is from the west.
It will never be fully gone,
but it doesn’t gut me
every time I take a step forward anymore.
Still, I forget to pause and thank you.
See, I’ve always loved circles.
I love how they have no beginning and no ending,
no corners to try to peer around in the dark,
no jagged edges to make me bleed.
Everything is laid out bare, right in front of me
over, and over, and over,
and over, and over,
and over again, so it’s no wonder
how I got trapped in them for 33 years.
I’m still running in some of those same old circles,
afraid to cut ties, because if I cut too many of my heartstrings
I may just unravel again
and I’m tired of surviving my own heartbreak.
I don’t know who I am anymore,
but I know this freedom is well worth
the uncertainty of identity.
Thank you for turning me inside out,
that is to say everything inside me
that I kept tucked away
is now on display for the world —
my face, my song, my stance, my poise,
my bright eyes and covered hair,
an open hand pouring out.
Everything that once shielded me
has been brought back inside for healing.
These brick walls have been disassembled.
I’m using the old stone to build bridges and platforms now.
This poem is the closest thing I have to a prayer, so thank you.
Thank you for holding my hands
while my beloved and I searched for the right words.
In church as a child,
they taught me to talk to God
like he was my best friend,
but I don’t know how when my best friend is a stranger
wearing 7.8 billion of their favorite masks
as we all fumble along to their music in the firelight.
This poem is the closest thing I have to a prayer,
so please, take it and take *me*.
I don’t know who or what I am anymore.
I’m okay with that most days,
but it means that I don’t know what to offer you
because I don’t know what I’m made of.
This is the closest thing I have to a prayer.
I know it’s really just a poem,
but at least we got a couple of the letters right.
So take it, and take me.
Wherever you’re going, I will follow.
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morefandomscenarios · 2 years
Hello! I just read the died in his arms head canons and was wondering if one of the crew members had an ability to extend a person's life, but needed a sacrifice where they take half of the remaining life of a person close to the recently deceased and the process is excruciating. I imagine it would be like Kuma like literally pulling the life force out of the living partner's body and transplanting it into the dead partner.
What would the living partner do when the dead person is completely healed and alive?
lol yall hated the unresolved angst huh?
I usually don't take requests for this many characters but excluding some of them felt weird so this is an exception! Don't get used to it :P
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⛔️ TWs: imprisonment on Doffy's
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Gets even clingier. If you think he was clingy before, think again.
He now follows you around like a puppy.
Going to read some books? Ok, don't mind him, he's just gonna wrap around you and take a nap.
Going to take a bath? Oh- What do you mean he can't come in the bath with you??
Luffy has always been a silent protector type, preferring to let people deal with their own problems unless they can't - but now, when it comes to you he'll actively try to help. Especially while you're still recovering from the incident.
He also becomes more aware of your presence in general. Throughout his day in Sunny, he'll subconsciously look for you, just to make sure you're around and are okay.
There will be this period of time where he'll try to think twice before springing to action, especially when you're involved. But this goes away with time and he'll be back to normal act-first-think-later Luffy.
All in all, he might get a little attached to you for a while, but we've seen how Luffy faces his adversities and bounce back in the end, so this will just become an experience that furthers his growth.
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Man is even more attentive now it's almost overbearing.
Are you too hot? Too cold? Thirsty? Hungry? Well-rested?
Checks on you 24/7.
Panics when you bleed (even just for the slightest cut) or get sick.
He will of course aid your recovery by paying special attention to your food.
Honestly, he'll gladly carry you everywhere if you let him.
Want to be spoon fed? He'll blow your food to make sure you don't burn your tongue.
Want his help to clean yourself? Never fret, Sanji's here with the softest towels and nicest smelling soaps!
Want to take a nap? He'll warm up some milk and gladly let his arm become your pillow.
All in all, expect to be smothered with love. Not just throughout your recovery, but even after that, because there's no way Sanji will let you stare death in the eyes like that ever again.
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Will repeatedly thank whoever crew members that helped you so many times. Offers to name his future child after them if he ever gets one.
He'll check in with Marco every single day to make sure your recovery is going well. Poor phoenix man is probably now used to him barging in the middle of his work and has a report of your recovery progress ready.
Stays by your bedside when you're awake and guards you silently when you're asleep.
He's basically glued to you and refuses to leave you alone.
At times, he'll look at you and tear up when the memory of you being so close to death resurfaces.
This poor bby inwardly blames himself for letting you get hurt ;(
Like Luffy, he's clingier than ever once you're able to walk around.
Follows you around to make sure he's there if you need help.
Checks in with you regularly and will drop whatever he's doing to help you with anything and everything.
If he has to be away for some reason, he'll definitely have your Vivre card and keep himself updated with your location. If the paper starts burning, even just a bit, he'll rush straight to your side.
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Scolds you the moment you wake up... But only because he's so, so stressed.
In the end his scolding turns into a full breakdown. Just because he's experienced his loved ones dying before it doesn't mean he's used to it.
He's just so glad that you survived.
Please just hug him.
Law is a subtle protector, so he'll continue to watch you and protect you from the shadows.
That being said, I honestly can see this developing in two ways: him distancing himself from you (because if he failed to protect you once, what's to say that he won't fail twice?) or him trying his best to keep you close (because then he'll be in the most optimal position to protect you, and in the worst case scenario he can use his own body to shield you).
Nightmares of you dying will be added on top of his ever-growing list of bad dreams.
Though he never initiates cuddles, his favorite sleeping position now is snuggled up against you, so he can listen to your heartbeat when you sleep.
Will seriously consider exchanging his heart with yours.
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He's so bad at dealing with emotions like love and saying "I love you"s, but after the incident the first thing he does when you open your eyes is to say those three exact words.
The regret he felt when he thought he was going to lose you forever and the fact that one of you could die tomorrow has never been more apparent, so he will push him to become more open with verbally showing his love.
Overprotectiveness multiplied by 927495 times.
Becomes super sensitive and short-tempered when someone he doesn't know/trust tries to touch you.
Gentle and Kid don't go together but he tries. He tries really hard to help you with your recovery.
Despite this, he'll personally train with you every now and then. He needs reassurance that you'll be able to take care of yourself in the end, because as much as he wants to, Kid can't always watch you 24/7.
He doesn't realize it himself but he'll become more aware of his surroundings whenever you're around now.
His crew members are usually independent people, but he might consider having a buddy system after the incident. Just in case.
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Will get very withdrawn at first.
You'll have to be the one who approaches him and ask what's wrong.
Only then he'll spill the insecurities that's been boiling inside him; how he failed to protect you, and whether it would be better for you to be with someone else who's a protector, not a killer.
It'll take much persuasion on your part to assure him that you only want him, not anyone else.
Killer has never been too protective in the first place, preferring to leave you to your own devices so you won't feel that he's being overbearing. But when his mind is set, after the incident he'll be hanging around you more if he's not attending to Kid.
Expect him to hover around you like a silent guard dog.
I headcanon the Kid Pirates don't really have a "real" doctor - the members who have little medical knowledge have a rotation schedule to take care of injured people. But after the whole thing with Kid losing an arm and now this, Killer is frantic in looking for crewmembers who will actually know what they're doing.
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Look, Doffy is a selfish, selfish man, and he's no saint. And his love, well, it's heavy and it's just as twisted as he is what'd you expect.
If your freedom resulted in you endangering yourself like that then he has no issues robbing it away from you.
Because clearly you can't take care of yourself. You're too weak and the world nearly took you away from him. And the worst part is that he nearly allowed it to happen.
If there's anything he learned from this experience, it's that the most precious treasures should be stowed away to prevent spoilage and thieves.
So I can see him locking you away and not letting you do anything.
Always has his officers escort you everywhere you go within his castle.
You want fresh air? Just go to the balcony.
You want to take a walk in the city? He can get the palace garden rearranged every week; you can take your walks there.
You better get used to living like a bird whose wings have been clipped.
... Hey, at least your birdcage is made of polished gold?
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Throughout your journey of recovery, his feral side will be turned up by a notch.
Boy will literally hiss and try to claw out people's eyes for hurting you or hindering your recuperation.
Like his brothers, he becomes more clingier, and will sulk if you tell him off.
If you're ever feeling saddened by the fact that he had to essentially give up half his life to you, he'll always be there to remind you that he doesn't regret anything and would even do it again (so you better stay safe).
If you're a revolutionary like him, Sabo would beg you to not go on missions for a while.
He's not above pleading with Dragon to try to convince him that you're still recovering (even months after your actual recovery).
Normally he keeps in touch with you whenever he's on his missions, but now he makes sure there are other people around you whom he can contact and ask about your wellbeing.
Gradually over time his overprotectiveness mellows out, but it doesn't mean that his resolve to protect you is less stronger.
He's more determined than ever to bring a change to the world, for the betterment of it will keep you safer.
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julek · 3 years
7) “are we breaking up?” 💕
The ring burns in Geralt's hand.
He's had it for so long, hidden at the bottom of his bag, two old shirts wrapped around it for good measure. He's looked at it on starless nights and turned it on his finger over and over again for long winters. He's written hundreds of pages under candlelight in Vesemir's library while staring at it, watching the shapes it cast on the walls where the light met its stone.
He's finally ready. His brothers have gone hunting with Vesemir, the candles are lit, and there's a bottle of his best wine cooling in the snow.
Absolutely nothing could go wrong.
Pocketing the ring and putting on a confident smile, he walks over to where Jaskier is napping in front of the fire. He takes a minute to drink him in, the soft slope of his nose golden pink against the furs he's wrapped himself around, his curls mussed and tangled against the pillow. He crouches by his side.
One blue eye cracks open. Then closed. "Mm."
Geralt smiles. "Jask, come on."
"Hmmmmmm." Jaskier screws his eyes shut. "We're closed. Come back later."
Geralt bites his lip, thinking of a way to wake him up that doesn’t involve pouring frozen water directly onto his face. "Jask," he says again, rubbing his stubbled cheek against Jaskier's face.
Third time's the charm.
"Ugh," Jaskier complains, sitting up and bringing the blankets up with him as well. He blinks once, twice, then squints at Geralt. "What."
Okay, not the perfect opening Geralt expected. He can make it work, though. "I need to talk to you."
At that, Jaskier is a little more awake. His eyes are wide and Geralt can feel the way his scent changes, but he can't quite put his finger on what it is. Jaskier makes some room for him to sit, and Geralt nods. "Right."
His heart is pounding, and he suddenly forgets every sonnet and ballad he spent months quoting to Lambert as practice, forgets every eloquent sentence Eskel suggested to him as they fenced. He clears his throat, then takes in a deep breath.
Jaskier's looking at him with curiosity and something else he can't quite decipher, so he takes his hands in his. "Jaskier," he stars.
After a moment, and because Geralt hasn't said anything else, Jaskier squeezes his hands. "Yes?"
He clears his throat again. Gods, it hadn't been as hard when he practiced with Vesemir. "You have been by my side for a long time." Okay, not a bad start. "I didn't want your company at first, didn't need it."
Jaskier's face does a complicated thing, so he hurries to continue. "You were loud and reckless and annoying, and more often than not I had to save you from cuckolded husbands and revenge-seeking fathers," he chuckles. "And it took us a while to get to where we are."
Jaskier's eyes are shining as he looks up at him. Perfect, Geralt thinks. I knew I've always been a romantic deep down.
He gets bolder. "I brought you to Kaer Morhen this winter, after many years of someone," he says, and thinks of Lambert's merciless teasing, "pestering me to let you come. But I think it is time I tell you the truth about my feelings."
Geralt's about to bring the ring out of his pocket when a sob escapes Jaskier's mouth. He looks up, confused. "Jaskier?"
Jaskier isn't looking at him, tears running down his cheeks. "Are—" he sniffs, "are we breaking up?"
Geralt freezes in his seat. Breaking up? Where did Jaskier get the idea—
He springs into action. "No, no, no," he soothes, taking Jaskier in his arms, loathing the way his tears keep falling. "No, Jask— Gods, I'm an idiot. I'm not breaking up with you." He reaches into his pocket, pulls the ring out. "I'm asking you to marry me."
"You—" Jaskier lets out a strangled sob and tries to speak, but his tears don't let him, so Geralt pulls him against his chest, whispering sweet nothings in his ear until Jaskier's breathing evens out.
Once he can, Jaskier pulls back. "That was you asking me to marry you?"
"Um." Geralt's still holding the ring, and he aims for a smile. "Yes?"
Jaskier covers his flushed face with his hands, muttering into them. "—the most tactless Witcher in the entire Continent, yes." He takes a deep breath. "You— I—" He closes his eyes. "You know what? Just— go on. What were you saying?"
Geralt swallows, tentatively reaches out for Jaskier's hand. He has a feeling he's sleeping in the stables tonight. "Um." He swallows again. "I was about to tell you about my feelings. For you."
Jaskier nods and pats his hand. "Yes, yes. That."
Taking in a deep breath, Geralt steels himself. "What I was trying to say," he starts, "was that I didn't always see you for who you were. For who you are." Jaskier smiles at that, and Geralt squeezes his hand. "Kind. Loving. Brave."
He rubs the stone on the ring with his thumb. "I do now," he says, looking into Jaskier's eyes, drowning in that blue. "And, contrary to what I made you believe a few seconds ago, I can't get enough of you."
Jaskier sniffs. "I love you," Geralt murmurs in the low light, plain and simple. True. "I never wish to be parted from you."
There's a beat of silence. Then—
"You ridiculous, foolish man!" Jaskier exclaims, swatting at his chest. His grin is blinding. "That was all you needed to say! None of that You were nothing but a parasite, I hated you at first glance—"
"I don't believe I said—"
Jaskier's laughter is infectious. Geralt hears it against his chest as he pulls him into his arms. "I love you, you fool." Jaskier looks up at him. "Ugh, I can't believe you did that."
Geralt lets out a laugh, relieved. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you I practiced that, would you?"
Jaskier laughs again, bright and so, so lovely. Geralt loves him too much. "I fear for whoever had to be the pretend recipient of that so-called declaration of love."
"Hmm," Geralt says, and presses a kiss to Jaskier's cheek. Jaskier turns and catches his lips in a tender kiss, full of laughter and longing and love.
"So?" Geralt says when they part.
Jaskier's dopey grin doesn't waver. "So what?"
Geralt presents him the ring. "Will you?"
Jaskier gapes, taking a proper look at the ring, watching it glint in the firelight. Then, he looks at Geralt with a smirk. "I don't believe I heard a question yet."
"Jask," Geralt groans, but looking at Jaskier's shit-eating grin makes his heart feel lighter. He smiles his softest smile and whispers, "Will you marry me?"
Jaskier's left eyebrow rises, and he puts on a ridiculous considering face. Then, earnest, he says, "Yes."
There's the sound of a bottle popping open behind him, and it makes them turn.
"Shit!" comes Lambert's shout-whisper.
"I told you to be quiet," chides Eskel, and Geralt can hear Vesemir's quiet laugh as well.
"You were supposed to be hunting!" He yells, and, at last, from behind a curtain emerge the Wolves. "You weren't supposed to be here."
Lambert's hands are sticky with the wine he's holding in his hands. "By the way your proposal went, I wouldn't be too worried about clearing the space to consummate your love right here in the hall."
"Lambert," Eskel says, hitting his arm.
Geralt looks at Jaskier. "Sorry." He glares at his brothers. "They were supposed to be gone."
Lambert cackles. "Gods know what would've happened if we'd left you truly alone!" He elbows Eskel in the side. "Bet you pretty boy would've made Jaskier pack his bags somehow."
Taking Geralt's hand, Jaskier clears his throat. "It was a beautiful proposal," he says, and only laughs a little bit. "Very original."
Vesemir joins in. "Son," he rumbles, nodding at Geralt. "Give him the ring."
"Oh." Geralt looks at Jaskier, who puts out his left hand expectantly. He kisses his ring finger before sliding the small silver ring in, the plain but imposing stone shining against his tanned skin. "There."
This time, Geralt's sure that the tears that escape Jaskier's eyes are happy ones. He kisses each one away, bringing the bard into his arms once more.
"I love you," he whispers into his hair. Jaskier says it back against his jaw. They stay in each other's arms for a while, reveling in the warmth of their love, of their embrace.
"Yes, yes, love conquers all, we know,” Lambert says, "but we're not getting any younger, the wine isn't getting any cooler—"
Geralt clicks his tongue, and Jaskier laughs as Lambert keeps listing reasons as to why they should stop making pretty eyes at each other and get their asses to Vesemir's congratulatory dinner. Shaking his head, Geralt stands up. He offers Jaskier his hand. "Are you coming?"
Jaskier's ring scratches Geralt's hand as he takes it. It's a pleasant feeling.
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hualianff · 3 years
MQ in the Middle
When the Xianle trio travel together, they always try to get seats in the same row. More often than not, MQ ends up being sandwiched in between FX (aisle seat) and XL (window seat), both of whom pass out within fifteen minutes of being in the air.
FX is snoring right in MQ’s ear, solid body blatantly invading MQ’s personal space. XL is sleep-talking, soft murmurs muffled into the hollow of MQ’s neck. MQ himself hadn’t had the chance to put in earbuds or grab a book out of his carry-on. Apparently, the other two had deemed him sleeping territory in need of conquering.
Even the flight attendant handing out drinks and snacks fixes MQ with an empathetic look. Luckily, the flight is only a little over an hour long.
The jostling bump of the plane landing careens the two sleeping stones off of MQ’s shoulders. MQ idly stretches his neck muscles with a groan, several pops releasing some tension; XL yawns like a tiny kitten, curiously lifting the window shutter to assess the landscape then hissing when the sunlight is too bright; FX is completely disoriented as if he had just risen from the grave after spending ten years under.
“You’re a really stiff pillow,” FX comments, voice raspy. MQ turns his head to glare at the culprit who left a trail of saliva on his cheek and shoulder. It seems his effort to stay still to not disrupt sleeping beauty’s slumber has gone unnoticed.
“You don’t say,” MQ responds snidely. XL chuckles from the side, patting MQ’s shoulder as a thank you for letting him peacefully nap. “By the way, Xie Lian, who the hell is San Lang?”
XL’s face flushes beet red.
“N-no one! I have no idea who you’re talking about,” XL rushes out. His mouth forms a thin line, putting on an innocent act that MQ has seen through time and time again. XL’s cheeks maintain a bright cherry blush, but MQ also notices the delighted gleam lingering in his eyes.
Seconds later, MQ pretends he doesn’t see how XL switches his phone off of airplane mode and the influx of messages that immediately appear on the screen from the said San Lang. Instead, MQ flicks his own phone to online mode to determine where their next gate is and to make sure their connecting flight is on time.
The Xianle trio arrive at their destination late at night, thoroughly exhausted from a long day’s travel overseas. Now in Australia, they sleepily check in to their hotel. They booked a room with two queen beds, meaning two people will sleep together while one person gets a bed to themselves.
Naturally, MQ calls dibs.
“You two share,” MQ announces as he’s the first one to enter the room.
“Who said you get the bed for yourself!?” FX shouts, following right after MQ. “Asshole. At least give us a chance to fairly assign who gets which bed.”
MQ plops all his luggage down onto the nearest bed, taking up the entire surface.
“No,” he deadpans. FX scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. XL is the last one to walk into the room, quietly closing the door behind him. He squeezes past the bickering manchildren, vaguely thinking about how nice the room looks, then springs onto the other bed face-first with a happy moan.
Without further conversation, everyone eagerly gets ready to retire for the night. FX still hasn’t chosen where he’s sleeping, most likely squaring up to fight MQ for his own bed. Except a tiny voice makes him change his course of action.
“Feng Xin, come cuddle me,” XL mumbles into his pillow. He’s in sweatpants that definitely used to be MQ’s and a worn-out university tank which neither FX nor MQ know where he got it from, as no one they know went to that school.
Not one to deny XL a request, FX sticks his tongue out at MQ before shuffling to the other side of the room. FX finally deposits his things in a designated area, away from MQ’s well-deserved separate space. MQ rolls his eyes, wrapping up brushing his teeth. He spares a fleeting glance at the sight of FX climbing into bed with XL, wiggling under the covers as XL brings him to snuggle into his side.
Once the lights are out, MQ faces the opposite direction away from the bundle of tangled limbs. He wills his mind and body to relax enough to sleep. MQ tosses and turns a couple of times, in search of a decent sleeping position.
Unfortunately, it’s useless.
With a huff, MQ rolls off his bed. He shoves down his pride and approaches FX and XL’s bed. Enough time has passed for MQ’s eyes to adjust to the dark. He gazes down at his friends’ motionless forms, XL on his back with FX curled on his side. Unsure of how to ask for what he wants, MQ nervously crosses his arms. He stands quietly for a minute or so.
Miraculously, XL’s eyelids flutter open, taking in MQ’s stance. Without hesitation, XL extends his other arm as an invitation. MQ disregards his inhibitions and wedges himself against XL’s other side.
“I knew it,” FX mutters.
“Shut up,” MQ retorts.
“Goodnight,” XL proclaims.
Five minutes later, all three of them fall asleep, warm and content.
Sometime in the middle of the night, MQ wakes up to realize he’s somehow yet again stuck in the middle of a clingy angel and a snoring idiot. MQ makes sure both of them are still deeply asleep before smiling to himself, allowing tranquil slumber to consume him once more.
(Brainchild with @no-one-says-hi)
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mellowyandere · 3 years
One Hell of a Logical Ruse Part 1
Reader: F
Characters: Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead) 
Summary: Shouta loves a good game of cat and mouse, unfortunately for you the game’s a little rigged. This is somewhat of an experiment to try and write a smut scene from the male POV. Disclaimer I am not a man so uh yeah lmao. 
Based off the pre-established fic You’re Ours to Protect. 
Length: 4.5K
Warnings: non-con, yandere themes, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, praise kink
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Aizawa Shouta was a rational man. He did his best to adhere to logic, and to never waste time with unnecessary action. And yet despite this, he absolutely loved watching you try to escape. You were pretty clever, even without him “accidentally” forgetting to lock the second story window that just so happened to be above some forgivingly soft shrubbery. 
You probably would have figured some way out on your own, but something feral inside him didn’t want to wait around for you to act. Normally it was his ever-loud husband Hizashi that fell flat when it came to the notion of patience, but today he would relent to his own selfish desires. 
Toshinori would have been utterly distressed had he been aware of the sleepy pros scheme. The number one was a man of swift action, seemingly never thinking twice before charging fist first into danger. He would not be happy Shouta was playing with you like this, but Toshinori and Hizashi wouldn’t be made aware of his little game with you. After all they had no idea he set this up, so they might genuinely try to punish you. He’d keep it quiet once he caught you and pretend it’s your little secret. Maybe you’d even be a little grateful if you believed he was saving your skin.
He rationalized his behavior by telling himself you seemed so bored, truly this was the perfect way to stimulate your mind and body. So when he heard the telltale sound of a body landing in bushes on the back side of the house he simply started a timer for 20 minutes to give you a bit of a head start. 
Was it cruel to get your hopes up like this? Perhaps, but he’d make sure to fuck you senseless to alleviate the disappointment. After all, if you were a good girl you’d have settled into your life with them already. But you really did enjoy testing them, which brought out the side of him that wanted to put you in your place. 
Giving himself a once over he made sure he had everything he would need for your inevitable return home. Well, now that you were basically quirkiness, all he needed was his capture weapon just in case you put up a struggle. He hadn’t decided yet if he was going to fuck you when he caught you, or if he was going to haul your cute ass home first. 
Thinking about plowing into you with adrenaline still pumping through his veins from the hunt had some blood rushing below his belt. Well he could always just do both.
The shrill ringing of his phones alarm brought him back from his wandering thoughts. With a sadistic grin stretching wide across his face he headed for the front door.
Three weeks. Three fucking weeks trapped inside that house with three insane men. Sure they might not beat you or starve you, but the constant belittling, undermining and infantilizing was about to drive you to insanity yourself. You almost jumped for joy when you noticed an unlocked window on the second floor in Hizashi’s and Shouta’s room. The blond man had a bad habit of using too much cologne, and his dark-haired counterpart was always having to air out the room when the radio star went overboard. 
Eraserhead was normally very diligent about ensuring the window was sealed tight, but last night Toshinori had come home in a flurry of smoke and blood, sending his blond junior into hysterics. It was nothing serious, unfortunately, but Shouta had been the one to calm Hizashi and tend to the number ones injuries. Amidst all the ruckus he had left the window unlocked. 
You knew Shouta would soon realize his mistake and lock the window down tight, leaving you with a small time frame to enact your grand escape. It wasn't ideal, but the best you had been able to do was wait for both blonds to leave, trapping you in the house with Shouta. Normally he let you be during the day, opting to nap and grade what appeared to be homework. Hopefully today would seem like just another day, and he wouldn’t think to check on you until dinner approached. 
You found yourself perched on the window sill, ready to take flight. All you had were the clothes on your back, not wanting to make any suspicious noises that would tip you off. On the count of three you braced yourself and pushed off from the ledge, landing on the bushes below with a thud. 
Fuck, that was a bit louder than you had anticipated. Ignoring your growing anxiety, you made quick work of escaping the clutches of the now flattened bush and took off into the woods on the back half of the house. 
Your heart was hammering like mad in your chest as you sprinted as fast as you could. It was hardly fair that it was your first time outside in three weeks and you couldn’t even slow down to take it all in. Thankfully it was spring, meaning you wouldn’t have to worry about the cold. All you needed to do was find someone to get this stupid quirk canceling collar off and then you could safely recede into the background, making sure the three pros never found you again. 
Easier said than done when one of those pros was All Might, and the other two were just as formidable, but you’d be damned if you didn’t try. You did your best to not leave a trail behind, but knew once Shouta figured out you were gone he’d have no trouble tracing your tracks. It was the unfortunately shitty reality you were dealing with. 
Were you really going to be able to escape? Even now as you ran as fast as you could it felt like a fruitless endeavor. There were too many variables that had to line up perfectly in order for you to pull this off, and as you ran directionless through the woods no viable solutions were coming to you. Hell, even now your lungs were burning from exertion, legs begging you to stop. 
But if there was one thing that you were it was stubborn. Stubborn to a fault sometimes, and so you pushed onwards. After what felt like an eternity of non-stop running you slowed to a walk. The forest seemed never ending, taunting you with its sprawling army of trees and shrubbery. You decided to be more mindful of the tracks you were leaving, veering off course in a way that would hopefully go undetected. 
Now no longer running you simply kept your steps quiet and ears alert in case Shouta had already discovered your absence. He was good at his work, but even he had limitations. 
Shouta had to give credit where credit was due, you were better at this than he thought you’d be. If you were his student he’d be proud, but you were his prey so he was a bit annoyed. At first your tracks had been sloppy, easy to follow and incredibly straight forward. At some point though you had changed your approach, footsteps almost vanishing as you adopted a new tactic. 
He found himself crouching low, inspecting leaves to see which you had accidentally broken. There were no more snapped limbs as you carefully maneuvered through the woods. If he wasn’t a pro at hunting people down you probably would have been able to evade him, but this was his livelihood. 
Ever so carefully he followed your almost invisible trail. He had you beat in endurance so you’d have to settle somewhere eventually, and without food and water you were at a distinct disadvantage. Everything was lining up in his favor as he intended, even if you were making this a little harder than expected. 
The anticipation of catching a glimpse of you, of watching you realize he was there and taking off, made his heart beat faster. The longer you evaded him, the more time he had to come up with a fun punishment for you. 
The sun had been directly overhead at the beginning of your escape, and was now kissing the horizon. Oranges and reds were thrown about the woods as the creatures of the night began to wake from their slumber. You listened to see if you could hear the chirping of frogs to find a water source but no luck. 
There was no doubt in your mind that Shouta was 110% aware of your absence by now and was probably hot on your trail. You were zigzagging a bit, trying your best to not disturb the forest floor while making it harder to track you. Dammit this was the fucking worst, it had to have been at least 6 hours in these woods, and without any food or water you were famished. 
And yet despite wandering about for 6 fucking hours you had yet to see anything besides the woods. Maybe you should just give up, sit down and accept defeat and whatever punishment you had awaiting you. You couldn’t help but shiver a bit at the fear of what that would entail. 
As dusk quickly turned dark you debated on whether or not you were going to rest for the night. Visibility would be lower, giving you a slight edge, but Eraserhead was a night owl meaning you were entering his domain of peak performance. There was also no guessing if he was the only one looking for you. All Might could move faster than you could even comprehend and Present Mic was fine-tuned when it came to noise location. 
Sighing in annoyance as your wayward thoughts shot holes through your confidence you decided to find somewhere to try and lay down for a bit. If all three were out hunting you down they could take turns and overlap the time so you never got to rest. As busy as they should be with hero work they always seemed to find too much time to hover around you. 
Spotting some dense shrubbery, you crossed your fingers that any creepy crawlies would keep to themselves and carefully began to conceal yourself. Perhaps one of them would pass by and you could gain some intel. If you were lucky they’d write this area off after not finding you and search elsewhere. 
Settling as comfortably as one could in a bush you closed your eyes and did your best to focus on the sounds around you. The melodic chirping of crickets was the most overwhelming of all the sounds. Skittering of small forest animals echoing around as well. Your mind began to desensitize to those sounds, the lack of adrenaline that pushed you along at the start of all this causing it to dip into unconsciousness. 
That was until you heard the distinct snap of a branch. Eyes flying open you were on high alert as you kept still. You tried to hear if there would be any follow up sounds, knowing something of a decent size had to have broken the branch. If it had been a deer they would have simply kept moving, which made you all the more anxious. 
“No more tracks kitten, I know you’re here somewhere. This little game dragged on a lot longer than I had anticipated so it seems there won’t be any way to hide this from Zashi and Toshinori.” 
You wanted to scream. Even though you had tried your best it simply wasn’t enough against Eraserhead. 
“If you come out kitten I’ll give you one last shot to run. Those bushes over there look like a mighty fine hiding spot for someone of your size.” His voice was pointed directly towards you.
FUCK. You couldn’t tell if he was bluffing or not at this point but he knew you were here, might as well come out with some dignity before he dragged you out kicking and screaming. 
The bush rustled loudly as you forced your way out. You were tired, famished and most of all so frustrated you wanted to cry. You didn’t even need to look at him to know he had a condescending smirk plastered to his face. 
“There’s my pretty kitty, did you have fun outside?”
Shouta knew just what to say to strike a nerve, but you held your tongue. “One last shot to run. You said so yourself. Ditch the capture weapon and catch me like a man, I mean unless you don’t think you can. I’m already quirkiness which is your gimmick on a regular day, so really you're just beating on someone while they're already down.” You looked up now, glaring at him as his smile grew in amusement. 
“I’m going to have to be a lot more physical without it you know, I’ll have no choice but you manhandle you.”
“I’d rather take my chances.” You knew even without his capture weapon you didn’t stand much of a chance of escape. Your only goal now was to try and see how much he was willing to handicap himself. 
“Gonna give me a head start or are you going to just run as soon as I do?”
At this Shouta had to keep himself from snarking back at you. He had already given you a head start, but if he told you this was all set up you’d probably lose the will to fight on. “Five minutes. I’ll give you five minutes to run as far as you can and then I’ll come after you,” he said while pulling out his phone. 
“What about Toshinori and Hizashi?” 
“At the house. I told them I’d handle this, Toshinori will be coming to get us though once I tell him game over. We’re pretty deep in the woods and I don’t feel like walking back for six hours.”
You nodded at his words. So it was just the two of you then. Your combat skills were nothing to write home about, but maybe if you fought dirty you could gain the upper hand. 
“Alright, tell me when.”
“Oh, I already started it. You have 4 minutes and 17 seconds.”
Fucking asshole. You took off sprinting, running as fast as you could, only opting to slow to a jog once you thought you were out of earshot. You wanted him to believe you’d be trying your damndest to put distance between the two of you. But you knew you’d never outrun him. Instead you were going to continue jogging for a bit, counting down the seconds in your head so you didn’t lose track your timer. 
Once your remaining time was up you were going to lay low and try to ambush him. He wouldn’t be paying as close attention to your trail since he knew he could easily catch up. 
After the remaining 4 minutes had passed you found a decent sized tree to hide behind and worked on slowing down your breathing. It felt like your heart was going to chisel its way straight through your bones, your limbs trembling with anxiety. It wasn’t often you were hunted back when you were an anti-hero. Not many people knew who you were which made it incredibly easy to be looked over. 
Scooping up handfuls of dirt you waited. You heard him before you saw him. He wasn’t bothering to take it slow, seemingly eager to get it over with. He ran right past you, noticing you a second too late as dirt and debris were chucked straight into his face. 
He yelled out in surprise, hands reaching out to grab you but you jumped out of reach. True to his word his capture weapon was nowhere in sight. Screaming in anger you lunged at him, nails attempting to claw his face but his own larger hands were working on wiping off your dirt assault, effectively blocking you.  
He stumbled back a bit, unprepared for your hostility, before steadying himself and turning the tables back on you. In one swift motion his fist collided with your gut, forcing the air from your lungs. Your arms came down to protect where he had hit as you wheezed pathetically. Seconds later his larger frame came crashing into you, easily knocking you to the ground. 
You cried out in pain, head hitting the ground a bit too hard as stars danced behind your eyes.
“Not very smart of you Y/N, I mean it beats trying to outrun me, but really? Dirt? It’s like you want me to punish you or something.”
Placing a hand on the back of your head he pushed you down while his other arm pulled the lower half of your body flush against him. You could feel his erection pressing up against your ass.
You were a snarling sobbing mess at this point. All your emotions crashing down at once as you thrashed below Shouta.
“Easy now easy, calm down kitten. You did really good, better than I thought you were going to. If you calm down I might be willing to reduce your punishment, but you have to stop throwing a fit first.”
Despite his words Shouta was enjoying almost every second of your thrashing. The only thing he didn’t enjoy was knowing how disappointed you were right now. Anyone would be after coming so far. Now was his chance to make it up to you before giving Toshinori the go ahead. 
As your struggles subsided the only movement from your body was from your gentle sobs. Shouta for his part was slowly grinding his hard cock against your ass as he softly shushed you. 
“I know you’re disappointed kitten but I’ll make you feel better. If you’re a good girl for me I’ll be willing to look past that little dirt tactic. You’re such a smart girl though, you really did catch me by surprise.”
Leaning down he began to whisper into your ear, removing the hand from your head and bringing it down to your clothed pussy. 
“You always were resourceful, it’s one of the things I fell in love with about you. If only you were a hero, but then again if you were I wouldn’t have had the fun of hunting you down.”
You felt your stomach drop at his words. All three of them enjoyed reminiscing about how they first saw you and all their subsequent actions that lead to your imprisonment. The effort they had put into bringing you “home”. It was beyond disturbing. 
“Please Shouta, not here. Can we, can we just go home first?”
“Maybe if I had found you 4 hours ago, but right now you’re treading on very thin ice. Be a good girl for me and I’ll make sure Hizashi and Toshinori don’t punish you too harshly when we get back.”
His large hand was pawing at your clothed sex, black hair draping over your own face as his body curled around you. He slowly rutted against you, excited huffs of air ghosting across the side of your face. You could practically feel his heart vibrating against your back he was so worked up. 
He gently rubbed his stubble against the side of your face, composure slipping a bit. While Shouta absolutely loved how feisty you could be, nothing compared to when you submitted to him. He craved the feeling of your tired body giving in to his ministrations, but he needed more. 
His hand quickly slipped between your pants and underwear, index finger eagerly aiming for your folds. He couldn’t care less that you were sweaty and dirty from the hunt. Right now all he could think about was the softness of your exposed flesh, and much to his delight, the slight wetness to your outer lips. 
“Seems like someone likes being caught more than they let on hmm kitten?”
He couldn't help but taunt you a bit, loving the way you sniffled and whimpered beneath him. You knew when to behave yourself, when to be good for him. Arousal was flooding his veins. The way it felt to rub himself against your perfect ass, even through layers of clothes, had his mind blanking out. 
Your core was warm, even without him dipping a finger inside. Gently he began to delve deeper, gathering up your arousal to spread around. Your pants were starting to bother him a bit, retracting his hands he made quick work of not only your bottoms, but his as well. You remained still for him, opting to sulk like a child as he prepared to ravish you. 
You were too cute like this, and with the lower half of your body on full display he couldn't help but groan in delight. Bringing a hand down he slapped your ass hard, mesmerized by the way your flesh gave way. You yelped in surprise, body rutting forward. His cock twitched as he palmed your sore flesh, cooing softly in apology. You glared back at him, pretty little face set in a pout.
As much as he wanted to slap your ass until you cried for him to stop he restrained himself. Although this was a punishment, he had set you up. He would go easy on you, not forgetting his promise to himself to help you forget the frustration you were feeling right now. 
Whenever you got angry you opted to stop talking, instead waiting for a moment of weakness to strike or quietly accept your fate. Judging by your defeated expression he could safely assume the latter 
Folding himself over you he brought his hand back down to your pussy, thumb working slow circles on your clit while he middle finger delved deeper. Your entrance was a bit tight, but with gentle persistence he worked his way inside. 
Your velvety inner walls clamped down on him. He couldn’t help but rut his aching cock against your bare ass as his mind drifted to the feeling of you clamping down on his arousal instead. Your whines of protest only further spurring on his overwhelming need to be inside you. 
Adding a second finger he began to pump into you with a bit more urgency. Your slick was quickly coating his hand as he hit all the spots he knew would work you up to your orgasm. Groaning in delight he brought his lips to your exposed neck, sucking and nipping at your soft flesh. 
He loved when he could tell you were getting close. Your warm walls would clamp down on him, breathy mewls and moans escaping your soft lips. You were rocking back into him, uncaring of the fact that you were grinding against him as you chased your release. In these moments you abandoned your resolve to fight against him, and he happily took advantage of that. After all, if your body knew what you wanted, surely your mind would catch up one day.
Your moans were more audible now, hands grasping at the forest floor. Your back was arched into him, desperate to use him. So close, you were so close he knew it, and right before you could finish he pulled his hand away. He laughed as you huffed in frustration. 
“Shouta pl-please.” Fuck, he loved it when you begged. It didn’t happen often with how stubborn you were but when it did he knew he had to comply. 
Instead of verbally responding he opted to do what he wanted to all night long. Lining up the tip of his cock to your entrance he groaned at the heat radiating off you. Pumping his hand along his length a couple times to lube himself up with your excess fluid he pushed the tip in. You stilled beneath him, and in one swift movement he fully sheathed himself. 
His mind went blank as you cried out in pleasure, wet walls convulsing around him as your orgasm tore through you. He held still, opting to gently pet you while cooing softly down at you. Before he met you, even with Hizashi, he had never been very vocal during sex. But now he couldn’t stop himself from babbling a bit, praising you for being such a good girl. 
As your body stilled in his arms he continued to plant kisses along your delicate neck. Your soft sniffles made his heart clench a bit, how was it possible for you to be so damn cute? 
“Alright kitten now it’s my turn. No pulling anything stupid, I won’t take long.”
This whole hunt had been one giant tease, working him up in a way he normally wouldn’t allow himself. Pulling out he groaned at the feeling of his cock sliding against you. Moving his hands he grabbed your waist, eyes transfixed on where you were joined. Your back was arched as you braced yourself on your elbows, presenting yourself to him. 
His mind clouded over, blood opting to drag his attention elsewhere. He began to push back in, desperate to feel you surrounding him. Setting a tempo he pulled about halfway out before slamming back in, loving the way your body moved as you bounced off him. 
His hands dug into your supple flesh, possibly leaving bruises. He could feel the oncoming of his own orgasm, the muscles in his lower abdomen pulsating. He was panting, heart racing in his rib cage as his eyes rolled back into his head. He didn’t have the patience to edge himself today, he needed this, needed you.
He loved hearing the way your breath was forced from your lungs when he fully sheathed himself inside you. He knew he was overstimulating you a bit, but the part of him that needed to find his own release didn’t pay that fact much mind. All he could think about was the way it felt to be one with you, lost inside your soft warmth.  
After only a couple more minutes of relentlessly pounding into you he couldn’t hold it back any longer. A wave like sensation rushed through his body as his hips stuttered. He folded over you, wrapping his arms around you as he felt his hot cum rush through his cock and fill your body. The emotions rushing through him as he released into you, the woman he loved, were indescribable.
It didn’t take long for his muscles to relax, euphoria swept away by the need to take a nap washing over him. You had long since stopped crying, remaining motionless beneath him. He wondered what was going through your mind as he held you flush against him.
“Sho-Shouta.” So meek, so quiet. His heart fluttered a bit. “Can we go home now... I want to take a shower.”
Chuckling softly he pulled himself out, groaning a bit at the feeling of overstimulation as your warm walls dragged against him. Leaning away he smiled as his cum leaked out your pussy. 
“Yes kitten we can go home. I’ll make sure to clean you up.”
You groaned in protest, hating when they insisted on washing you. He knew you liked your privacy but Hizashi and Toshinori were still going to want to punish you. He’d keep close by to keep them from being too harsh. 
Pulling up his pants he fished his phone out of his pocket, rolling his eyes at the sheer quantity of missed calls from the two aforementioned. Poor little kitten, it didn’t look like you’d be getting off easy. 
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leonhardt-simp · 3 years
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How The AOT Girls + Hange
Comfort You.
[modern au]
I hope this came out good! thank you for requesting!
reblogs welcomed! requests open!
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Annie Leonhardt: When you are in a bad mood then Annie will look at you more than usual and try to figure out what upset you. If you are someone who usually covers your face when you are upset then expect her to guide your face into her shoulder, she knows how you feel and wants you to know that she is there for you if you need anything. She isn’t great at comforting but she will try, she doesn’t like to see you sad.
Mikasa Ackerman: The biggest sweetheart ever, you’ll be upset and here she comes with a cold water bottle and some tissues. She does her best to find the problem and resolve it with you. She isn’t afraid to leave wherever you both are to take you home, she wants you in a comfortable space! Mikasa is your shoulder to cry on.
Sasha Braus: Not the best person to have comfort you but at least she tries! If someone made you upset then she’s calling up Connie to help take care of it. Seriously, she tries and you can give her that much. Sometimes she gets you snacks, leaving them beside you. Sasha learns that sometimes you need to be alone and she respects that! If you need her then just come up to her, she’ll give you anything you want.
Historia Reiss: Historia gets upset with you, she doesn’t like to see you sad. She ends up tearing up just a bit before denying that she’s crying. It makes you laugh a bit and now you’re both crying together and comforting one another. If someone is upsetting you then she’s not afraid to hurt their feelings, that’s what they get.
Ymir: You being upset makes Ymir so worried. Yes, she’s an ass sometimes but she’s your ass. Expect her to pull you into her chest and rubs your back. Ymir will hold you until you’re ready to talk about it. She’ll shield you from judgmental eyes and gives them cold stares. She’s not afraid to throw hands.
Hitch Dreyse: She doesn’t know what to do but she will offer tissues. If you’re crying then she will motion you to her so that you guys can leave, she doesn’t want you feeling even more overwhelmed. Hitch just wants you to be okay. She will ask questions and if you need to be left alone then she will do it. Take your time! She ain’t going anywhere.
Pieck Finger: Pieck is the best person to go to for comfort, her hugs are just the best. She is just so warm. Comforting whispers are always a thing with her, she will just tell you all the right things. She will even offer to cuddle up and just take a relaxing nap with you. Those naps are the best because she will always hold you and just lightly massage your scalp, humming softly. All your worries just melt away.
Yelena: Yelena is very protective of you, she sees that you are upset and immediately springs into action to figure out why. “What’s wrong, love?” while she holds the sides of your face to look at her. If you don’t say anything then she just pulls you into her for a hug and won’t let you leave her space.
Hange Zoë: They don’t realize that you’re upset until you’re becoming distant and wanting to go home. When they finally realize then they are so worried! They get a little nervous because they don’t want to say something wrong by accident. Hange has their tactic of taking you on a small car ride to help ease your mind, they don’t mind blasting music and dramatically singing along to get you smiling. And it works!
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ruthlesslistener · 3 years
Ok idk how to phrase this because language is hard so sorry if it sounds weird but
What are your headacanons on fav cuddling positions for some of your hk ships? (Mainly palewatcher lol but I’m also very curious about wl x dryya (idk the ship name) or any other ships you might have)
Anyways I love your blog! <3
Anyways yes hello I love cuddling headcanons and will answer them for pretty much any combo, be it platonic or romantic, bc cuddling...good
Palewatcher- PK prefers to be physically resting on/coiled around his partners, so he'll usually either lay down on Lurien's chest or spoon him! In both cases, he'll rest his chin on Lurien's ruff (bc somft) and coil his tail around one leg, loosely draping his arms over Lurien's torso (or holding his hand bc even if he is a bastard, he is v. soft with his mates). Lurien's fine with pretty much anything because he's touch-starved to hell and back, but he especially likes feeling PK's weight on him, as the pressure calms him down a great deal. He's also the type to pull PK closer and either press PK's face into the crook of his neck or to squash his own face into PK's shoulder, oftentimes while sleepily rubbing a hand up and down wherever he can reach in a before-bed grooming ritual. If they're just cuddling together without the intention of sleeping, then they'll usually sit side by side with their heads on each other's shoulders, or their foreheads/temples touching. They're not really a verbally sappy couple, it's all about physical touch and the allowance of it that does it for them
(Also Lurien totally would be the big spoon if he could, but the horns + PK not liking his wings being touched means that's kind of impossible, rip)
Wyrmroot- My hc for WL is that she's the most comfortable when she's sleeping upright, so what she normally does when in bed with PK is recline against the headboard, with PK draping himself over her lap under the covers- the more hidden, the better! She'll usually coil her roots around him to embrace him, which in turn helps him feel more secure and protected. Alternatively, he'll coil up by her side, with his head resting on her thigh, but what's most common for them both is for him to be lounging on her under the covers while she cradles him close to her. Non-sleeping snuggling can vary wildly, but almost always involves PK being picked up and carried by WL, something he only really tolerates from people he trusts (...which is minimal)
WL/Dryya (man we gotta come up with a ship name for them...kinda leaning towards fierceroot or something, idk)- I can't see Dryya having the luxury to sleep on the job often, but I can def. see her leaning her head on WL's shoulder to let her stroke her horns, perhaps taking quick naps to refresh while WL focuses on her work of maintaining the kingdom's crops and ecosystem through her roots. I can also see Dryya preferring to sleep with her back pressed securely up against her queen while she rests, taking comfort in her prescence while also being ready to spring into action. WL def. wouldn't do the coiling grasp around her like she does for her husband (bc Dryya either sleeps super lightly or deep enougb to be very startled by constraints if she jolts awake, but she would put an arm around her waist, or perhaps pull her up into her arms so that she can comfortably hold her without inhibiting her too much. They're more side snugglers than stackers, so with them there's a lot of arms thrown around shoulders, waists, or stomachs, lol
Bonus Crimson Nails, bc I've been in a Mood for them recently: Xero always ends up under Markoth's wing. Always. Markoth always is v. gruff/in denial about it, but if he doesn't wake up snug against a fluffy chest in a moth wing burrito roll, then SOMETHING is wrong, bc Markoth is just one of those guys who's a bear hugger even if he doesn't seem like it (or a headlocker, depending on the position)
As for Xero? He's one of those dudes who'll grab his partner's ass and/or stick his hand between their legs while dead asleep. Literally zero sexual motivations to it lol, he's just a low hugger and Markoth has to 'deal' with it, even if it ends up with Xero awkwardly hugging his knees while dead asleep. The shit u do when you're a grumpy ghost in love, amirite?
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Ooooh can I do positions with Sebastian Stan???
Omg hi!!!🖤 Thank you sm for the request, I hope you like it!🥰
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Thank you for the requests!! And thank you for the support love! I hope you enjoy this and my other requests (which I need to do soon)!🖤🥰 @its-izzys
a/n: Decided to switch it up for this one and made the song about Seb’s feelings towards the reader:)
warnings: Some smut for you filthy animals😉
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Heaven sent you to me
I'm just hopin’ I don't repeat history
It has been known that Sebastian has poor judgement in romantic partners. Now, that doesn’t apply to everyone he’s dated but there are a few who were just out of line. Everyone knew he wasn’t the best at relationships. His family, friends, heck even his fans could see through the facade of his so called “girlfriends”. He could never tell the difference between someone who’s using him and someone who genuinely liked him. Sebastian was one to be intoxicated with his feelings and loses himself in the moment. Which was probably why he never found anything wrong with the ‘candid’ paparazzi pictures or the constant posting of proof that someone was with him.
You were different from all the other girls he had dated. You were like Spring to his Winter. You symbolized a new beginning for him. Like how Spring would mark the beginning of a new season with its blossoming flowers and the awakening of animals, you brought liveliness to his cold and dark life. You actually terrified him to the core. He was afraid to fall for you because you were well off on your own. In his head you didn’t need him, but he needed you. You kept the grown man on his toes and without you he was not sure how he would survive.
Unlike the other girls, he was scared to loose you. Not only were you the most loyal, selfless, kindest, and caring person he knew. But he knew you genuinely loved him for him. He knew that you could care less about the fame, his social status, or the money. You wanted him for him. You wanted him at his worst, at his best, all parts of him. And it terrifies him that he could fuck it all up in an instant and loose you completely. If that happened he wouldn’t know what to do because he’s never experienced a love like yours. Compared to the others, he wasn’t going to repeat history and make stupid decisions, this time he was going to try and not fuck it up.
Boy, I'm tryna meet your mama on a Sunday
Then make a lotta love on a Monday (Ah, ah)
Never need no (No), no one else, babe
’Cause I'll be
Sebastian would do anything to make you happy. Seeing that contagious smile on your face always gave him butterflies in his stomach that made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Hey Sebba?” You asked as you knocked on the wall of his home office one day. Sebastian’s eyes leave the script he had been reading for the past hour and a half as he turned to your figure leaning against the doorframe. You were cladded in one of his sweatshirts and a pair of those biker shorts that made your bum look incredible.
“How was your nap, draga?” He was about to get up from his swivel chair when you motioned for him to stay. You settled yourself onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Resting your cheek against his head you began to play with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck.
“It was good. Except someone wasn’t there when I woke up.” You softly answered as Sebastian pressed light kisses along your neck.
“The bed was cold without you.” You frowned against his hair. The scent of his shampoo filling up your senses.
“I’m sorry, I got excited when the script came and I couldn’t help myself.” He apologized as his squeezed your hips.
“Yeah, I know.” You chuckled as you leaned back to look down at him. He stared up at you with those ocean eyes that you just wanted to constantly dive into.
“Oh! I forgot to ask you.” You jumped in his lap as you remembered the text your mother had sent you earlier that morning. Sebastian nods at you, “What’s up?”
He saw how you slightly shrunk into your body and how your arms unwrapped around him so you can fiddle with your fingers. A little tic you had when you were either nervous or embarrassed. Sebastian comfortingly pressed his large warm hand against your back as the other took one of your hands into his.
“So...um. My mom’s birthday is during the weekend and we’re planning on having a dinner party with the family.” You started as you looked at your and Sebastian’s connected hands.
“My mom said she’d like it if you came along. She wants to finally meet you and she thinks the rest of the family would too.” You finished as you glanced up at him.
You were quick to tell him that it was his choice. You didn’t want to pressure him into suddenly meeting your family. Though it would be nice for him to finally meet everyone, you had to respect whether he was ready or not.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’d love to come!” He immediately agreed, a wide smile on his face that made the sides of his eyes crinkle. Your head snaps up to him in shock. You were expecting to find a playful glint in his eyes but it was nothing but sincerity and joy.
“Wait, you want to meet my family?”
“Of course I do, draga. It’s your family we’re talking about! They’re the most important people in your life and it’d be an honor to meet all of them.” He explained as he gripped both of your hands. Sebastian felt himself smile when he saw the corners of your lips raise to your cheeks.
“You have no idea how much this means to me, Seb. Thank you!” You excitedly wrapped your arms around him again pulling him into a suffocating hug. You felt his chest vibrate against yours as he chuckled.
He hummed as he savored the feeling of your limbs wrapped around him and how elated he felt when you were around him. Wrapping his arms around your figure he mumbled into your ear, “Plus, I should finally thank your parents for creating the love of my life.”
Switchin' them positions for you
Cookin' in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom
I'm in the Olympics, way I'm jumpin' through hoops
Know my love infinite, nothin’ I wouldn’t do
That I won't do, switchin’ for you
The aroma of spices lingered around the house after the delicious dinner Seb had cooked. You guys decided to have an at home date night since the two of you weren’t in the mood to get all dressed up for a restaurant. Plus Sebastian had just gotten back from the airport after months on end of filming in Atlanta.
The two of you were now out on the balcony of your shared apartment sipping on glasses of wine. The two of you looked out towards the city as you leaned against Sebastian’s chest. There wasn’t much talking, just the sounds of the city and each other’s breathing.
“Thank you for dinner. Although, it should’ve been me cooking for you, because you literally just came back from filming.” You turn around in his arms as you admire the man in front of you.
“No, I wanted to cook for you. You’ve been so understanding with my job and the hectic schedules. Plus we had to be apart for so long, I owe you.” Sebastian explained as he moved a strand of hair from your face.
You shook your head at him, “You don’t owe me anything, Seb. You’re just doing your job and I understand that.”
“No, I do. I get that we had our night time calls and FaceTime sessions but it just isn’t the same as being in person with you.” He started.
“You’ve been so supportive and patient with me. While I’ve left you waiting here for so long.” He shook his head at himself before looking down at you. His blue eyes now dark with longing and lust. He leaned down to brush his nose against yours. His plush lips leaving a lingering kiss on your own.
“Let me take care of you, (y/n).”
Perfect, perfect
You're too good to be true (You're too good to be true)
But I get tired of runnin', fuck it
Now, I’m runnin' with you (With you)
Sebastian laid you down gently on the cool comforter of the bedroom. The atmosphere around you two felt heavy as your lips clashed together with desperation and passion. Though the months of not seeing each other were miserable, it began to all feel worth it when you felt his touch for the first time again.
Your hands roamed his body, only stopping when they were hovering over his sweatpants, where a bulge was starting to form. Sebastian pulled away from your lips and took your hand, placing it to rest along his shoulder.
“No, don’t worry about me. This is about you, I just want to focus on you.” His voice was soft and quiet compared to the events that were about to go down between you two.
He gazed down at you for a moment before his palm came up to rest against your cheek. He latched his lips onto yours, nipping at your bottom lips to grant his tongue access into your mouth. Your tongues poked and licked against each other. The heat below you was getting hotter and hotter, making your heartbeat race and a thin layer of sweat to form on your body.
Sebastian moved on to kiss along your jaw and neck. He stopped at your neck, nipping and sucking on the skin until a mark began to form. He helped you take your shirt off, throwing it aside to land on the floor. He watched as your breasts bounced in your red lace bra as you landed on your back again. He sucked in his breath as he looked at you through hooded eyes.
“Take this off, Sebby.” You voice was low with sultry as your nails teasingly dragged on his abs. He yanked his shirt off and threw it to the side. He dived down to claim your lips again, his hands running down to grip your thighs and wrap them around his torso. He ground down on you causing you to softly moan as his clothed crotch pressed down on your mound.
His mouth teased your nipples through your bra. He grazed his teeth along the lace material before sucking on your clothed nipple. He repeated the same action on your other nipple. You pulled on his soft hair as you watched him concentrate on pleasuring you. Your nipples were now peaking against the lace, wanting to be freed from the material. One of his hands flatten on your back and fiddle with the bra until it comes undone. His warm tongue attaches to your breast as soon as they’re exposed, giving them both the attention they needed.
He helps you take your shorts off before removing his sweats. He shifts himself so he’s laying in between your legs with your soaking heat in front of him. You feel his breath against your core causing goosebumps to form on your arms and legs.
“Draga I could smell you all the way here. I’ve been making you wait for too long, huh?” His voice teased you with hints of dominance. He enjoyed the effects he had on you. The way you instantly opened your legs for him and how he was the only one who could make you dripping wet without even doing anything.
You nodded against the pillow and looked down at him. A smirk was on his lips as his nose swiped along your clothed slit. He pressed a searing kiss above your mound as his eyes remained connected to yours.
“Who made you this wet, baby?” He asked huskily against your heat. He felt you clench around nothing as he kissed the wet lace that covered your pussy.
“You did, Seb.” You breathed out.
“Damn right I did.” He pulled your panties off you, the cold air meeting your heat. His mouth was agape as he was met with your heat glistening with arousal. He moaned at the sight and stuffed his face between your thighs. You let out a moan as your eyes fluttered shut.
His tongue flattened against your folds until he found your bud. His mouth latched onto it, sucking and licking at your clit. You emitted a moan, your back arching, as his mouth helped release the tension that was building up in you. He hummed in approval as he brought his fingers to spread your wetness through your folds. His finger teased your entrance before it smoothly slipped in. Sebastian groaned as he felt you clench down on his finger. He moved his finger in and out until he felt you ease up around him. He added a second finger stretching you out a bit more. He made a come hither motion with his fingers as they rubbed against your walls. When his fingers began hitting a familiar spongy area, your toes curled as you hips rutted against him.
He wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you down. You were a mess above him. One of your hands gripping the sheets as the other pulled on his hair. Your head was thrown back, your hair sticking to your face as you moaned at the immense pleasure Sebastian was giving you.
“I can feel you. C’mon baby, cum on my fingers.” He rasped out before his tongue flicked rapidly at your bud. Your knees had came up to your chest as the tension in your body had reached a peak. With the harsh and fast movements from his tongue and fingers, you came with a loud choking moan as your body trembled above him. Your cum spilling all over his hand. Sebastian licked you clean as you came down from your high. He kissed your thighs before coming up to rest his forehead against yours.
“I missed the taste of you. Missed you so much.” He muttered as he licked his fingers. He left some of your cum on his fingers so you can have a taste of yourself. You sucked on his fingers until they were clean of your juice.
Sebastian pressed a sweet kiss to your lips as he lined himself up with you. One hand interlocked with yours while the other led his cock into your sensitive entrance.
“Te iubesc.” He said as he pushed himself into you. Your breath hitched as your walls hugged onto his length. You were filled with him to the brim. You felt the veins along his length and the weight of him in you.
“Si eu te iubesc.” You whimpered as he pushed even deeper into you. His eyes intensely locked onto yours as his hips rocked back and forth. His cock pushing in and out of you. He was dizzy with the feeling of you around him. You were like a drug and he was addicted to you. Everything about you was perfect. He fit into you like a puzzle piece, like you were meant for him, and he didn’t need anyone else. Just you.
This some shit that I usually don't do (Yeah)
But for you, I kinda, kinda want to (Mmm)
'Cause you're down for me and I'm down too
Sebastian would do anything for you. If he could, he would take you around the world to show you new places that you’ve been dreaming of visiting. He wasn’t afraid to show you off. Of course, he was private when it came to your relationship, but when he had the chance to show you off he always took it. He was proud to take you to premieres and introduce you to his friends and co-stars. Everyone could see how deeply in love he was with you. They’ve never seen him so entranced with someone. From the way he looked at you to how his hand was always protectively on you.
Sebastian thanked his lucky stars as he watched you lean against the balcony railing of the hotel you two were staying at in Paris. You were watching the city below you as the wind blew against your hair. The sun shined on you enhancing your natural glow. You looked so relaxed and carefree as if you’ve never had experience a day of stress in your life. He saw a small smile on your face as your fingers skimmed the rail.
You turned around to see Sebastian sitting on a chair inside the bedroom. He was staring at you, a dreamy look on his face. You smiled at him and giggled.
“Get over here and look at the city with me.” You motioned for him to come over as you held your hand out for him. He got up and took your hand, bringing it up to press a kiss on your knuckles. You turned around to lean against his chest as his buff arms wrapped around your figure. His head rested on your shoulder, pressing kisses against the bare skin every few minutes.
He could stay there for eternity. You in his arms as you both silently watched the hues of pink, purple, and orange take over the sky in Paris. You were all he needed, it didn’t matter where he was, he just needed to have you with him.
draga ~ darling
te iubesc ~ I love you
si eu te iubesc ~ I love you too 
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braindeadbaddie · 3 years
A Study on Love: Relearning What It Means to Be Human
Takemichi doesn’t really remember what it’s like to love. He doesn’t really remember what it’s like to live either.
So he is forced to relearn.
In his first life, he blocked all his emotions out, buried his fiery personality away, and kept his head down always apologizing apologizing apologizing. He never wanted to live through the hell his arrogance cost him ever again.
One mistake was all it took to fuck up his life for good.
And yet one push was all it took to make it right.
Takemichi loves Hinata.
Or he did.
When your life’s peak is in the second year of middle school, where emotions and hormones are always high, and everything is so intense, love is as simple as ice cream on a hot summer day.
His first life was simple. The days bled together, full of sorry sorry sorry. Because he was so sorry sorry sorry. Nothing was good, everything was trash, so of course he loved the only person who ever thought highly of him. Of course, that was the highlight of love.
But here he is, in his second life, with a future he crafted, that he took initiative in, that is so much more colorful than his previous one.
And so less lonely.
He doesn’t remember much, his memories of the current timeline lagging a little to catch up, but he does know that even the him that was left to live his life up to this point, started to feel it too:
The dull gray that comes with thinking that as cute as the idea of middle-school sweethearts to lifetime partners is, maybe it isn’t for him. Maybe he doesn’t love Hina the way he once did.
He loved her so much, and he still does. But not like he did before. Her kisses don’t make him feel strong the way they used to. Her embrace lacks a certain warmth. Her love doesn’t make him feel alive the way it used to.
He doesn’t regret saving her. No. He never could. Because he loves Hinata. And maybe it isn’t the blazing love it once was, but it is still a fire that keeps him warm. It makes him feel so good knowing that he saved her, that she’s alive, she’s safe. She’s happy. But she deserves to be happier. She deserves a love that will fulfill her, a love that Takemichi cannot provide for her.
And so Takemichi comes to his first conclusion about love.
That maybe we can love differently at 26 than we did at 14, but that doesn’t make the love any less real.
Just because something is no longer true, doesn’t mean that it once wasn’t, and that doesn’t make it any less valid. People grow, people learn. People become different people.
And isn’t that the most beautiful thing about human nature?
That we can change. That our lives are in our tiny, helpless but ever-changing hands.
So he breaks up with Hina, tells her as gently as possible, cushioning the blows with “I love you, just not the way I used to” and “it’s not you, it’s me,” and “I’m so sor—“
He doesn’t say it. He doesn’t apologize.
He takes a deep breath.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you like this…”
Yes. That is true. That he feels.
Hina cries and Takemichi hugs her. He offers to stay at a friend’s until she is ready to leave. She agrees because she is too much of a mess to do otherwise.
As he packs a bag to stay at Akkun’s or Mikey’s or one of the other guys’ place for a week or so, he is certain that they’ll both be okay.
He’s sure of it.
So Takemichi makes his way out, planting a final kiss to Hina’s head, whispering a soft affirmation that love will find her.
And then he’s out the door and out of her life for good.
Oddly enough, his first instinct is to call Mikey…so he does and not even 20 minutes later, a beautiful CB205T is driving up to the convenience store he is at.
Mikey gives him a reassuring smile, still unaware of why he’s been called out here and why Takemichi needs a place to crash for a while. He just heard Takemichi needed him, and he was already on his way.
Takemichi settles onto the bike, wrapping his arms around Mikey and sighs, inhaling Mikey’s fresh cologne and body wash and fabric softener.
And as he rides through the city with his cheek pressed against Mikey’s warm back, he comes to his first hypothesis about love.
That love must be warm, and smells like vanilla, cinnamon, and sweet sweet ocean breeze.
Mikey is helpless.
That is Takemichi’s first impression of staying with him in the first week.
No wonder Draken lives with him, he giggles to himself one morning.
But Takemichi is helpless too, and he realizes that maybe he wants to stop being so. Because he did want a second chance at life. The least he could do was learn household chores.
So he cooks with Draken over his shoulder, instructing him on what to do in a surprising calm voice. The drastic improvement between each meal is always shocking.
He helps Draken with dishes, laundry, and even a bit of spring cleaning.
Takemichi thinks that this is what love must be like. Because what better way to love than to take care of someone in every way you know how.
Mikey is helpless but he takes the skills he does learn and applies it to the small room he has put together in dedication of his missing family. Shin’s room made from a garage stays the same, a time capsule of love. In the memorial are the ashes of Shin, Emma, and his grandfather. The room is adorned with memories, and a picture of Baji nestled between his siblings.
He has the bunny Draken gave Emma on her birthday, three tattered kid uniforms with Sano Dojo embroidered on them hanging on the wall, a picture of the abandoned building with the collapsed ceiling in the Philippines. He has pictures of old bikes, childhood photos, a first generation Black Dragons jacket and a copy of the photo of the founders of Toman. There is a photo of Izana towards the back of the room, hidden away in the corner, a Teijiku jacket hung above and a pair of earrings lay in front.
Takemichi goes into the room sometimes, talks in a soft voice and apologizes for all that he couldn’t do to save the people closest to Mikey. But he promises them that he will dedicate himself to make sure life is a bit easier for him, because now he can share Mikey’s burden with him, instead of making him feel like he must do it alone.
Takemichi looks at all the photos, radiating love, of all of Mikey’s loss, and finally realizes why Kisaki was able to manipulate him into going dark in so many future. Why he still lost his way, even without Kisaki.
And so Takemichi, belatedly, comes to his second conclusion on love.
That love is what makes us human.
It is what fills our lives with color. It connects us to one another, makes life worth living. The two are connected, needing one another so that life does not become bleak and gray. Love hurts, but the hurt is only possible because of love.
Love is our first language.
And Takemichi so desperately wants to use his second life to become more human.
So he makes dorayaki on days that Mikey’s eyes look far away. They’re awful at first; Mikey makes a very disgusted face and a dramatic show of spitting them out. But it still doesn’t fail to bring his eyes back to the present. And Takemichi is determined and stubborn, and if he could fix the future, he can make the perfect dorayaki for his best friend.
So he consults with Draken and the internet and slowly but surely, manages to make a dorayaki so perfect that Mikey’s eyes shine and shimmer and look at him with so much emotion he feels paralyzed in place.
Ah, Takemichi thinks helplessly. That is what love must look like.
Takemichi moves in with Mikey and Draken.
It’s something brought up by Mikey, co-signed by Draken, and so it instantly becomes a course of action, no matter how badly Takemichi wants to protest.
But he doesn’t.
Because Takemichi thinks that home feels a lot more like a traditional Japanese house, right next to a dojo, with a garage time-capsule than a shitty apartment with paper-thin walls and shitty neighbors.
Home is mornings with Draken wrapped up in a blue-gray apron with a small dragon stitched into the corner pocket, made with love by Mitsuya, making a traditional Japanese breakfast, cursing out Mikey for always waking up so late.
Home is Mikey stumbling into the kitchen, looking more like an adorable 12 year old than a full grown man who could kill you with one kick.
Home is running his hair through black locks on the porch that overlooks a small garden, because Mikey is clingy and says Takemichi is so warm and insisting that he must nap in his lap every Sunday afternoon.
Home is growing fresh vegetables with Draken in the garden to make meals filled with love. It’s the perfect balance of a noisy kitchen while making dinner and a cup of calming tea in the dead quiet before bed.
And so Takemichi comes to his third conclusion about love.
That love is what makes a home.
Chifuyuu runs a pet shop with Kazutora because he still loves Baji.
Hakkai is a model because he spent so much time around Mitsuya because he loves him.
Smiley and Angry run a ramen shop together, balancing one another, because they love each other.
Mitsuya is a fashion designer because he started sewing for his two baby sisters who he loves so much.
Pey-yan is Pah-chin’s assistant because he loves him.
Draken lives with and takes care of Mikey because he loves him.
Mikey made and disbanded Toman because he loves his friends.
And so Takemichi comes to his fourth conclusion on love.
That love is a lot less like fire, and a lot more like water.
That love is not in burning the world for someone, but building a world for them instead. It is nurturing, it is life, and it refreshes. It makes up so much of who we are.
Sometimes it is soft like a drizzling rain. Sometimes it is sweet like a cool, crisp glass of water. Sometimes it is harsh like a thunderstorm. Sometimes it can be damaging like a brutal tsunami.
But it always always always nourishes the Earth. Even if the pits of it are dark and scary, unknown trenches of deep deep ocean.
Love is so integral to our being.
Takemichi is slowly but surely learning what it means to be human. He is slowly but surely learning to live each day as if it were precious.
He takes morning runs with Draken. He fosters an environment of forgiveness at work between his employees. He eats ramen at the twin’s shop. He gets bi-weekly haircuts from Akkun. He wears his special Mitsuya-made apron as he cooks dinner. He buys the magazines Hakkai is featured in. He hangs out with Chifuyuu every Friday night. He still talks to Hina and Naoto, loving the way that the light in Hina’s eyes shine brighter than they ever did with him.
And every morning, and every night, in a small futon, he kisses Mikey, sweet and lovingly.
He holds Mikey close to his chest, guarding him from drifting far away into a sea of sorrow ever again. He whispers sweet nothings into his ear, calling him Manjirou on days he sees dark clouds rolling in his eyes. He kisses him like he is trying to pour all the love he feels into Mikey’s heart.
He lets Mikey cry out about how hard life has been, and how much he has suffered. He kisses away his tears, shares his burdens, and wraps him in warm warm love.
Because he has come to a fifth conclusion about love.
That love, to him, is a fierce desire to save someone.
And hasn’t his whole second life been dedicated to saving Mikey?
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xxiaoyang · 4 years
i've got you (too) | yangyang (m)
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yangyang was the best at reading you. as much as he liked to play around, he was always there when you needed him.
words: 3.5k
warnings/tags: smut, non idol!au, college!au, unprotected sex, breeding?, switch!yangyang but kinda soft dom ig, sub!reader, hurt/comfort, love-making, feelings, fluff
a/n: this is just soft. build up but what’s new, it’s me and i can’t shut up about him. 
yangyang was always good at reading you. he was like that with most people, observant enough to pick up on the mood around him. but with you, some days he may as well be reading your thoughts. at times it's like he knows what you're feeling before or better than you do. when you walked through the door of your shared apartment with hunched shoulders, he knew something was off.
he had finished class earlier, spending the remainder of his afternoon playing games online and eating whatever he could find in the pantry. you guys really needed to go shopping. he made a mental note to chide you about it later, his mischievous self always looking for a way to tease you, even knowing full well he was the one who ate all of the food.
he was sprawled out on the couch waiting for you, mindlessly clicking through youtube videos and watching as the time ticked on. it was now thirty minutes after your last class, and he couldn't stop the slight bit of worry that creeped into his mind.
your apartment was only about eight minutes from campus, having chosen it for that reason, so you should have been home already. and you always let him know when you were held up with work or going to be home later. it wasn't that you couldn't go about your day without letting him know what you were doing, he just worried when he didn't hear from you for a while. this was unusual for you two.
he sat up straight, shaking the negative thoughts out of his mind and checking his messages in case he'd missed one. nothing. that was weird. he decided to send you one and ask how you were doing, but before he could hit send the telltale click of your deadbolt filled his ears, his head snapping over to you, ready to give you an earful.
you walked through the door a second later, turning to lock it and remove your coat and shoes by the rack without a word. yangyang let a smirk curl at his lips and took the opportunity to poke fun at you.
"what took you so long! we ran out of snacks," he teased lightly, "i almost starved."
you turned in his direction, still silent, and it was then he could see the tired look on your face, your shoulders drooping and your legs barely holding you. his smirk was wiped away at the sight of you, his legs already making their way over to you.
he held your shoulders, tilting his head in an attempt to meet your eyes, but they were unfocused as you gazed off into space. he felt his heart crack at how defeated you looked.
"what's wrong, baby? talk to me." he let his hands fuss at you, straightening out your oversized sweater, a few gentle fingers coming to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. you didn't budge. you didn't even seem present in the room. your head stayed lowered in its position. he began to worry that something bad had actually happened.
taking your face into one of his hands he turned you in his direction, checking you for any clues that could help him figure it out. 
"did something happen? did someone do something to you? at least tell me you're okay."
the hint of panic in his voice brought you to your senses, pulling you from your zoned out state to look into his eyes. it was like you hadn't even registered him there. as the warmth of his touch seeped into your skin, his eyes searching yours so intensely, you felt yours sting with tears. tears you didn't realize you were holding back.
that had him springing into action. yangyang was an energetic and playful boy, but he was serious when he needed to be and he knew exactly how to take care of you when you needed him.
"oh baby, come here," he cooed, pulling you into his arms and stroking the back of your head softly. as soon as he did, your arms were clinging to him, your form shaking slightly in his hold. he was sure his heart had broken, your weak sobs making him want to cry too. but he wouldn't, for you.
he waited patiently for you to let it all out, holding you by the door until you were ready to talk. when you sniffled and lifted your head, he brushed the hair from your forehead, staying quiet and giving you room to speak.
"i'm sorry." he knew you were going to apologize, but let you keep going. "i wasn't ignoring you, i was held up after class and i just wanted to come home so badly but he wouldn't let me and i didn't even realize the time."
"was it that professor?" you nodded, yangyang following suit in understanding. the one who always gave you a hard time about your assignments.
"that prick. one of these days i'm going to have to give that old man a talking to," he pouted, earning a giggle and a weak slap on the arm from you. he continued, "i will! i'm not above fighting an old person."
your giggles erupted into a full belly laugh, your bright smile returning to your face, lighting up the room once again. there you were.
he just watched you with his big gummy smile, happy that, for the most part, you were okay and that you were smiling again.
"i was just kidding, by the way, i wasn't actually starving."
you shook your head, scoffing at him. "you can get your own food, you know," you teased back weakly.
he didn't respond, his deep brown eyes boring into you and making you feel small. "well... what do you want to have? it's still a bit early for dinner but we can start to make something. or order something later?" you asked.
yangyang shook his head, his hands holding you by your waist and pulling you closer to him. "i don't really want to eat right now."
your eyebrows furrowed together, "mm, okay. what do you want then?"
he leaned forward until he was flat against you, a hand trailing down your back as he spoke, "just want you. let me make you feel better."
the intent behind his words was made clear to you by his actions, his hand rubbing soothingly into the small of your back and sending a shiver down your spine. he kissed the side of your head down to your neck, stopping before he reached the sensitive skin there.
you felt yourself melting into him, your exhausted brain shutting down at his smooth voice. you felt out of control of yourself. most of all, you felt needy, wanting him more than anything now.
you leaned into him, legs nearly giving out, a small hum in the back of your throat. he smiled to himself, stepping back to place a hand behind your knees and scoop you up into his arms.
you were both shocked and impressed by the action, unaware that he had such strength. the revelation making you feel even smaller in his grasp.
yangyang carried you to your bedroom, sitting on the end of the bed and shifting you into his lap so you were sat across his legs.
one hand traced patterns on your back, his other hand smoothing up and down your thigh. he was waiting you out to make sure you wanted to continue. "are you sure this is okay? if you want we can just cuddle and watch tv or nap. those are good to me too."
your heart clenched at your boyfriend's sweet words, his soft tone breaking you down into a yearning mess for him. the feeling was unfamiliar to you, with you usually having good control of them. you just nodded and hid your face in his chest.
he chuckled and lifted you from his lap to stand you in front of him, his long legs on each side of you. "let's get these off of you."
his movements were slow and calculated as he pulled your sweater over your head. he was treating you like fragile china that would shatter in his hands at any moment. it only made you weaker. with the same carefulness he removed your bottoms, leaving you bare in front of him while he was still fully clothed.
you felt like you had been put under a microscope, acutely aware of his gaze as his eyes wandered over every curve and dip of your body. if the pure adoration wasn't so present in his eyes, you might have felt a bit self-conscious. the only thing you felt was the overwhelming desire for him to take you right there.
you were having trouble finding your words, unsure of what you even wanted to say, so you just tugged at the bottom of his hoodie hoping he'd get the hint.
he grinned, that mischievous grin you'd come to love, and pulled it over his head in one swift motion, his toned chest and arms on display for your glazed over eyes. you were barely thinking anymore, just feeling. the heaviness of the atmosphere weighed on you, making you crave him more.
your hands flew to smooth skin, fingers trailing over his prominent collar bones to his shoulders that had gotten bigger in recent months. he shivered when you dragged your nails down his abdomen, feeling up every part of him.
it wasn't usually like this. you and yangyang were pretty much always on the same wavelength, being more inclined to have fun and be less serious when you were having sex, even trying new things in a space that was more lighthearted. but this was different. this was much deeper. it was so intimate.
you felt yourself growing more timid, which was another first. your dynamic with him was different, as well, you being the one who was more experienced and typically leading. it alternated back and forth between you two, yangyang's ability to read people being very helpful for times when you didn't feel like being in control. but even in those times, you still had control - over yourself. now you just felt vulnerable and dazed. if it weren't yangyang making you feel that way, it would have terrified you.
but the boy, with his big sparkly eyes that were looking up at you now, only filled your heart with warmth, no fear present. without realizing it you had crawled back into his lap, fingers fiddling with the button of his jeans in a lazy attempt to undo it.
he laughed from deep in his chest, amused by the far off look on your face as you fumbled your way around him. he kept his comments to himself, only pressing his lips to your forehead and pushing his pants down his hips.
when you didn't make a move to let him take them off, he lifted you in his arms once again, flipping you slowly and laying you under the plush blanket.
he knew your mind was shutting off and it had his chest swelling with fullness to know he made you comfortable enough to get that way. you were always the responsible one, so often shouldering the burdens and taking care of him on top. you rarely let your guard down, even with him at times. it took him a while just to get you to open up to him in the beginning. but even at your most vulnerable, you always maintained control.
to be able to see those walls come down and for you to allow yourself to. to put enough trust in him to have total control over you made his heart pound behind his ribs. he wanted to be everything you needed, everything you were to him. to make you feel special and cared for and safe. he knew it would take a while, and now that it's here, he feels so full. full of love for you. and he just wants to show that to you.
yangyang quickly tore off his jeans and crawled up to you on the bed, leaving a trail of kisses up your leg, over your stomach and chest all the way to your lips, molding his together with yours and warming you from the inside out.
tugging at the blankets beneath you to pull them up, he moved so you both were under the covers, and settled himself between your legs on top of you.
he looked down at you with such fondness in his eyes, taking in every small detail and gracing every spot with a kiss as he went. the adoration he felt for you was immeasurable, all consuming. you were so special to him. you understood him and complimented him in a way no one else could, always making him feel loved and seen. now he could return the gesture. 
yangyang lowered himself and kissed you with all the emotions he couldn’t contain, something so tender and full of passion. the warmth that was radiating from him was so overwhelming you could cry right there. but you just kissed him back, meeting him in that place and returning his devotion.
he held you close in his embrace, a hand wandering down your stomach to your side and rubbing at your hipbone with his thumb. his fingers danced across your thigh to your core, met with the slick heat of your folds. he parted them with a finger, spreading your wetness up and down, kissing you all the while. his tongue brushed against yours in slow, focused motions. he let his finger slide back down, dipping into your entrance and making you gasp on his lips. 
he slid his finger into you all the way, curling it and drawing broken whines from you. yangyang moved back and began crawling down between your legs and your hands flew to him, grabbing at his shoulders to stop him.
you shook your head, clinging to him, “don’t need to. want you inside.”
he froze, stomach flipping at your demure tone as he returned to his spot over you. “okay, baby, let me grab a condom-”
“no,” you held his arms, lifting your hips to meet his untended erection, “want you like this, if that’s okay.”
he crashed his lips against yours, nodding and moaning into you, his need for you just as intense. he used a hand to trace along your slit with his length, coating himself in your essence before pressing the tip to your opening. slowly he pushed into you, your muscles loosening to accommodate his width. the defined edges of his head rubbed against your walls deliciously as he inched himself into you further, the feeling already too much for you in this state. 
he stilled, lips parting from yours to search your eyes for any discomfort, finding none. you pulled him back to you and encouraged him with a small thrust of your hips. without hesitation he pushed the rest of his length into you, bottoming out and reaching a place inside you that had your body humming with satisfaction. he was so close, you could feel every detail of him, hot and twitching in your center. you thought for a second that you could even stay like this, but you wanted more of him. 
when you wiggled your hips, he got the hint, laughing through his nose where his lips were pressed to your jaw. “tell me how you want it, baby.”
“don’t care. just want to feel you deep inside.” 
he couldn’t help but find you adorable and stroked your cheek, pushing aside the feelings that arose in him to focus on you. yangyang lifted himself on his arms and pulled out of you, thrusting back into you with a force that had you arching off the bed. 
lowering his head to your chest, he kissed your breast so softly you almost didn’t register it, a whimper escaping when he took your nipple between his lips.
he paid special attention to all of your sensitive areas, making sure to cover every part of you with his affection, while rolling his hips into you in a slow rhythm. it wasn’t like you to just lie and take it, you always wanted to make him feel good too. but you were sure that if it weren’t involuntary, you wouldn’t even be breathing right now. 
yangyang returned to your lips, pouring himself into you and giving you all that he could. he was losing himself in you already, quickly coming undone from the velvet feel of you wrapped around him so tightly. he wanted to be as close to you as possible, to be one with you. he increased his speed, pumping into you harder trying to get as much friction as he could for the both of you.
each thrust sent shivers across your skin. he was thrusting into you so hard you swore you could feel it in your womb. the thought had you bringing your legs up around him to hold him closer, all sorts of primal desires swimming in your mind. 
he shifted in your hold, hitting that sweet spot in you with his next thrust and ripping a cry from your throat. at your reaction he picked up the pace, now pounding into you and rendering you a moaning, panting mess. you’d never felt this good before, feeling the heat pooling in your core and building up with pressure. 
you felt like you were drifting away from yourself, from reality. you couldn’t hear any outside sounds or see anything besides the white taking over your vision. you weren’t even thinking. all of your senses were overtaken by one thing; yangyang. your body ached with the need to feel him even deeper inside of you. you wanted him to push himself into you as far as he could and plant his seed there. you wanted him to mark you on the inside, in the deepest, most intimate way. it was all you could think.
"please,” your voice sounded separate from you, struggling to form the words, “please fill me. want you to fill me up. make me yours.” 
yangyang felt like his arms were going to give out on him, the meaning of what you said flashing in his mind and making him quake from deep within. you two had always played it safe, even though you were on birth control, he would always pull out and finish somewhere else. hearing you ask for him to finish inside you had his control slipping, his movements growing sloppier as he chased that feeling.
he crashed his lips against yours, nodding and moaning against you. his hips drilled into you and had you tightening around him, the feeling drawing airy moans from his lips. the air was permeated with the sounds of skin slapping and heavy breathing, but the only thing he could focus on was your sweet voice. 
lowering himself onto his elbows he slid his hands under your back, hugging you and burying his face in your neck as he felt himself nearing the edge. “you gonna come for me, baby? let go all over my dick while i fill you up?” 
you whined and rut your hips up into his, dragging your nails across his back and making him hiss. you nodded, pleading with him to keep going, to give it to you, that being the only thought you could form. “i’m-” 
everything went white, then seeped into a warm gold like sunlight pouring over you, your body as weightless as a fluffy cloud floating in the sky. the only thing keeping you on earth being yangyang’s touch and his smooth voice as he reached his high immediately after you, burying himself in you and filling you in your deepest part. 
yangyang moaned against your neck as he rode out his high, lightly bucking his hips and milking himself in you, giving you every last drop in him. 
you felt his cum in spurts, spilling into you and spreading heat to your womb. you’d never felt anything like it before. you felt full. you felt whole. and you felt absolutely weightless as you came down from your high, your senses flooded as you drifted back into the room. 
when you opened your eyes you were met with the dim light pouring in from the living room and yangyang resting his head on your shoulder. everything seemed to have a rosy tint to your eyes, the room glowing faintly pink. 
yangyang raised his head to look at you, a small smile coming to his lips and making him look like the cute boy you had fallen for some time ago. the sparkle in his eyes made your heart skip and you pulled him in for a kiss, melting into his touch. he let himself drop onto you, still seated inside of you. 
when it came to yangyang, everything else fell away. there was nothing that took over your mind more than him. nothing that you made feel as whole as you did now. as complete as you did, just having him this close. you felt you could stay like this with him forever. 
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Getting It In
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: Something short, sweet, and spicy with a sucky ending for ya! Enjoy🙃
Ever since quarantine began in March, you and Harry were constantly trying to get it in. Before the Styles family was confined to the house, the kids would be in school all day which meant that you and Harry had the entire house to yourselves. Furthermore, when you two weren’t insanely busy throughout the day, you and Harry were able to soak up every ounce of each other in any position and in any part of the house until 2:30 pm. But per usual, some good things must come to an end. Now neither of you were complaining about the family time with the little ones. You two loved your bubs to pieces and it was so great to be at home and spend quality time together as a family. It’s just that 24 hours, 7 days a week, for 7 months was a really long time. During the day when either Harry or yourself (mainly Harry of course) wanted to engage in one of you guys’ coveted sexscapades, there was a process involved. It couldn’t be at the drop of a dime when either of you were feeling frisky, there was a checklist in both of your minds that had to be completed before anything happened.
For starters, you and Harry had to find a way to preoccupy the two 5 year olds that were in your care. Since they were at home and you two were not only parents but now teachers as well, you and Harry were tasked with staying on top of their education and finding activities that could keep the twins preoccupied for a short amount of time. Once that was taken care of, you and Harry had to then sneak off to a part of they house that was secluded yet still in reach just in case there was an emergency. After that, the two of you had to rip off and undo each other’s clothes off in a quick and quiet manner. Luckily, the two of you had taken up sweats and T-shirts as your normal everyday attire, so it was pretty easy to get everything off and get down to business. And even though you two were enjoying every second of being together because those moments were few and far between at times, you and Harry  were doing your best to be alert and ready to spring into action for the kids that were just around the corner.
In the beginning of quarantine, and all the way up until about June, you and Harry were practically glued to the two children. They were in their first year of school and needed the utmost attention at all times. And for the most part, the twins were never alone; there was always at least one of you with them to help out. The only times you two had the opportunity(if you could even call it that) to get some time alone in was during the block of time you guys let them watch tv, when they were playing with their toys or coloring, and when they took their naps. The prime times of early in the morning along with the time after they were put to bed was out of the question considering the fact that you both were exhausted after running around the house taking care of it and the small children that were running around in it. Once you and Harry hit the bed, it was lights out. And they stayed out until your alarms blared so that the two of you could get the kids up and get the day started.
Now from June to August, things were a bit better when it came to yours and Harry’s sex life. Even though the kids were on summer vacation and you two were completely in charge of their daily activities, you were able to give them more time to spend doing fun things that needed less supervision. You two were still actively spending time with them for the majority of the day but you still made sure to have activities in place just in case you and Harry were in the mood. Neither of you were complete fans of plopping them down in front of the television, but when you two were itching for some type of contact you and Harry did what you had to do. There were also little projects for them to do that would occupy their time and allow for you guys to sneak away. You and Harry even went as far as to tire them out early so that by midday they’d be ready for a nap and you two could hop into bed yourselves. And when you both still had a sliver energy left once the little ones were put to bed, you and Harry would wind the rest of the way down in each other. That is, if there weren’t two little bodies crammed between the two of you. Overall, the summer went pretty well for you and Harry in terms of getting it in. Cravings were satisfied and family memories were made.
Fast forward to now and things were still on this steady terrain. The new school year has begun and the twins were now in first grade which meant that you and Harry can step back a little bit and do other things. And other things meant each other. After getting the two children put together and seated in front of their computers that were in a room right off from the living room, you and Harry clean up the kitchen from breakfast before getting yourselves together one at a time just in case the kids needed a little help. Once you were done taking care of/getting a start on some chores around the house along with getting a little head start on lunch and Harry was done with a meeting he had over zoom, the both of you were in need of a little mommy and daddy time. The only thing you two had in the past week that was remotely close to that was a quick makeout session in the kitchen last night while the twins washed their hands before dinner. When the two of you meet in the kitchen, it’s like your minds are instantly synched and you both are on the exact same page. Harry wastes zero time coming over and sweeping you up off your feet and onto the counter behind you. He also wastes no time bringing his mouth to yours in a hurried manner. Your hands immediately gravitate to the sides of his face to pull him down closer to you, and his gravitate down to your hips so that he could tug you closer to the edge, bringing him further between your legs.
“Need you so bad baby.” Harry mumbles against your lips as he begins to bring them down to your neck. 
“But what if they hear us?” You ask him through your soft moans. Despite wanting him more than ever right now, you were terrified at the thought of your children walking in on their parents. The last thing you wanted was to scar them for life. 
“C’mon babe, they have their headphones on they won't hear me pounding into you.” He reassures through his kisses to your neck. “Plus i made sure i got the noise cancelling headphones for them." He continues, wanting to make sure you know that everything’s fine. 
“Alright, but we have to be quick and quiet.” You oblige, giving in and letting Harry take the lead in making you both feel good. 
Keeping you on the counter in front of him, Harry hooks his fingers into the waistband of your sweats to pull them down from your waist. You urgently lift your hips up from the counter so that he could pull them off.  Since the two of you were in a bit of a crunch, Harry doesn’t even bother pulling your shirt off and he goes right into shoving his own pants down his legs. He keeps his underwear and sweats pooled at his ankles just in case. Once you both are both undressed from the waist down, Harry hooks his fore finger into the bottom of your panties and pulls them to the side to expose your pussy. From where he was standing above you, he could see your glistening folds perfectly and he was even more in need of getting inside of you. Before he actually pushes in, he pulls himself back a bit before bending down and licking a wide stripe up your folds to collect some of your juices on his tongue. He then sucks on your clit a little and comes back up to push into you.
“Ready baby?”Harry asks softly to you, bringing his other hand down to tug at his stiff cock a bit. 
“Please Harry!” You huff impatiently, needing him to push into you. Prompted by your urgent response, Harry moves in closer to you, lining his cock up with your damp entrance and beginning to push into your cunt. “Oh my- fuck” You breathe out, feeling his cock stretching your walls to fit his cock inside.
“So fucking tight” Harry grunts lowly, feeling himself being engulfed by your warmth. After about a week of not being inside you, this was absolute heaven. After continuing to push his cock as deep into you as possible, Harry gives you about a second or two to adjust before he’s quickly moving his hips back and forth into you. The way he rocked his hips into you was unmatched. He continuously pushed his cock into you again and again as you tired to keep your moans at bay. You were digging your nails into Harry’s wrist and biting into your lower lip as you took him all the way inside. You weren’t the only one who was fully immersed in the pleasure while trying their hardest not to moan out loud, Harry too was struggling. He could almost guarantee that your walls were lined in the softest and smoothest velvet. Nothing could top the feeling of your walls against his cock. You were squeezing him and whining about how good it felt while he did the same above you. 
As he continued to pound into you, Harry could feel his release bubbling up inside of him. He was beginning to feel tingles all over his body and he could feel a warm tightening sensation in the pit of his stomach. To pull you closer to the edge with him, Harry extends his thumb out to circle it around the sensitive bundle of nerves. When he does this, you feel the sensations traveling through your body and you can feel your release nearing. When you begin to lift your hips a bit up into his thrusts along with clenching around him, Harry begins to go harder. He wanted to pound you both into your releases. And that he did. With only a few hard thrusts, Harry sends you both into the downward spiral of your releases. You both were shaking a little as you held back your moans as you two let go. Your walls were contacting heavily around Harry’s cock as you came and Harry was gushing into you as he let go. After riding the tidal waves of your releases, Harry lets go of your panties and lowers himself down onto your body that was lying on the counter, bringing his mouth down to smear a kiss onto yours. You don’t even hold back, you were a bit loopy from what just happened that you just went for it. Your lips and tongue languidly moved against his as the two of you continued to “cool down” after your releases. But as if it was right on time, you both hear a small voice calling out to your both for some assistance.
“At least we got a good round in.” Harry hums optimistically against your lips, giving you one last peck before lifting himself back up. 
“Yeah, hopefully we can do it again sometime.” You joke, not even bothering to try and lift yourself up. 
“Hopefully.” Harry whispers back with a smile as he slowly pulls his cock from you. “Now I’ll be right back to clean you up, alright?” Harry asks, bending down to pull his underwear and sweats back up.
“Mhm.” You reply simply.  
“I love you.” Harry whispers, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Love you too.” You smile, continuing to lay back against the counter, hoping that you’d regain enough feeling to have yourself back to normal once Harry comes back. 
Even though you and Harry were always horny and looked for ways to sneak away from your kids, neither of you could get enough of being together as a family 24/7.
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ally22042000 · 3 years
Linked by fate
Werewolf AU
Fluff, Angst
OT7 x Reader
Pack Alpha: Namjoon
Alpha: Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook
Beta: Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung
Omega: Y/N
Wordcount: 2K
A/N: Hobi’s got kind of long 😊. I hope you like this. I had this idea in my head for a while and would love to write more pieces about them and their journey. Pls tell me what you think about it and you can always leave requests if there are certain things you’d like to read. -Ally
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It has always been the eight of you. Since your childhood you were inseparable. A bond was created whose strength and depth was unknown to most. A phase, everybody thought, that was going to fade away the older you would get. The longing for independence was supposed to fill your minds and draw you apart from each other. A prediction that since this day has not occurred.
Namjoon, the born alpha, who one day will take over his mother’s pack and be the leader everyone imagined him to be. He has shown his ability to take care of others, since a young age. Like that time in Taehyung’s first year of elementary school. He never told the others about the bullies at school who made is life a living hell simply because he had a different approach to most tasks. They declared him as weird and treated him like an outsider.
The leader picked up on his change in behaviour quickly, noticing that the six-year-old started speaking less and only answering questions that were specifically direct at him. A one-eighty to his usual happy and chattery personality. He picked the younger boy up from school the next day and walked in on a scene that made his blood run cold. Three boys were standing above Tae, the little wolf covering on the floor, his painting crushed under the tallest foot.
A growl left the alpha and before Namjoon knew what had happened, he had shifted for the first time. Four paws running across the school grounds scaring of the three kids, that knew they didn’t stand a chance against the son of the cities pack alpha. It was the first time Namjoon had to stand up for one of his members and seeing Taehyung on the floor in front of him, tears glistening on his round cheeks and admiration shining in his eyes as he petted the brown wolf in front of him, he knew, he would do anything to keep his pack safe.
Seokjin, as the medic of the group, was an important asset. Always patched up the maknae line when they were rough housing as you were all growing into your hierarchical roles and pheromones were going wild. Or that one time an older she-wolf had pushed you to the ground during Junior High, saying you were too young to play with them. Quickly you had gotten up and pulled on her hair, which resulted in her running her nails over your face and leaving scratches on your cheek and chin. Her teacher broke up the fight and you were both send home. 
After the scolding of your parents, Jin was called over and addressed your wounds. Nothing major had to be done and at the and you and the beta fell asleep watching a movie in your living room. Your faced buried in his neck, in haling the familiar mixture between wood and rice, which had always been able to calm you down.
Yoongi, who always napped in the corner during kindergarten and growled at anyone who annoyed him. But he was always more bark than bit. Unless the situation called for it of course. In elementary he shifted his nap place beneath the tree on the playgrounds. Enjoying the shade as a brise tousled his dark brown fur. Jungkook loved to sneak up on the elder and pull his ears, then quickly escape his nip and giggling while Yoongi chased him around the tree. Seokjin calling from the seesaw that he would not patch up any injuries. A smile bright on his face.
Hoseok, the glue of your group, as the son of your pack’s master of fight he was born with an amount of agility and skill like none of you. Nobody believed that the little sunshine boy could arise to the role assign but whenever the necessity arouse Hobi proved to everyone what a skilled fighter and wolf he was and that he was able to protect his pack.
You remember it clearly, that day Jimin and you went for a run. It had only been a few weeks since the both of you turned for the first time, so walking on for legs was still a hurdle to overcome. You weren’t allowed to leave the grounds of your pack; it was too dangerous considering that you still couldn’t protect yourself in this form. But you didn’t care, choosing to enjoy the freedom you had and testing your limits in this new form.
Unaware of the presence watching you, analysing your movements and swiftly deciding, that you both were an easy match. One second you were pulling on Jimin’s tail, messing with the older and the next a vicious growl came from behind you. Jimin immediately stood between you and the rouge, trying to shield his omega from harms way. One look at the other wolf showed that he was older, probably in his thirties or forties, and as strong as Jimin was or a seventeen-year-old, you both were aware of the fact, that he didn’t stand a chance against the intruder. You needed help. The second your howled, was the second the rouge decided to attack. He new he didn’t have much time and had to get rid of you fast. He crashed into Jimin’s body, their forms rolling around on the ground. The white fur of your pack member a stark contrast to your surroundings and the brown fur of the attacking wolf.
A yelp from Jimin is what caused you to spring into action. Blood was dripping down his left shoulder. You tried to let out a terrifying growl but even to your ears it sounded pathetic. It was enough to get the wanted attention though. The rough turned his attentiveness to you, baring his teeth which were covered in Jimin’s blood. You stood your ground, willing to do whatever it took to protect your pack member. His slow steps rapidly changed into a sprint and you reciprocated the action. But before you could meet, Hoseok jumped out of the bushes surrounding you, catching the wolf mid-air and forcing him to the ground.
It wasn’t much of a fight. Hoseok was clearly stronger and more skilled than the intruder. Quickly he brought the enemy on his back and snaped his neck with his teeth. Letting go of the body, he turned around and scanned the situation. It was clear that Jimin need immediate attention, so he ran over to the younger wolf. You stood frozen in place, staring at the dead animal, whose eyes were open and facing you. You hadn’t noticed when the others arrived and Seokjin tending to Jimin’s wound. Jumping slightly when Hobi pressed his head into your neck, startling you.
You stared into his eyes. Apart of both of you feared that you would be scared of him after having seen him murder someone. Taking a life so easily. But the look in his eyes showed nothing but love and protectiveness. A silent massage, that he always would protect you and the pack, whatever it may cost.
Jimin, beauty and elegance personified in one little being. Form a young age he was always well spoken and able to swoon anybody with his silver tongue and remarkable looks. Especially in Senior high, those looks brough a lot of insecurities with them and put a lot of pressure on Jimin mentally. He would skip out on meals and train whenever he could. Being a part of the dance team with Hoseok, his body was always on display for others to judge. A fact which brought a lot of fear and dark thoughts.
It was Yoongi who realised it first. The both of them were always bickered like an old married couple but cared for each other deeply. When he realised what Jimin was doing he immediately went to Jin and Namjoon. The four of them had a long talk which involved a lot of shouting and accusations. Until Jimin broke down crying. The walls he had built came trembling down and he admitted to the negative thoughts clouding his mind. That night you set up a nest for you and the alpha. Cuddling him all night long, while whispering uplifting words of affection into his hair.
Taehyung, the artist with a smile that could dazzle the sun. His talent for remembering paths and nature facts has helped your group out of a lot of scary situations and gets acknowledge often in your pack. Particularly, when the alphas and betas went out for a hunt, Taeyhung’s attended was often requested alongside Namjoon’s and Hoseok’s to insure the safe and swift return of everyone.
Furthermore, he loved to help out in the nearby day care. Playing with the kids and reading them stories took up a big part of his free time, especially during holidays. He often forced Jimin to go with him, so he could teach them a new choreography. It always ended with Jimin going home more exhausted than he is after dance practise.  
Jungkook, brute strength embodied in a boy with a heart of gold. Always ready to stir up trouble, especially with Tae or Jin, and loves to be babied my everyone. He never fails to be responsible and attentive for the ones he loves though. Like that time, you caught a cold during winter break and only the maknae line was home. The hyungs had to attend a pack meeting with Namjoon’s mother out of town.
Jungkook had cooked you soup everyday and made sure you took your medicine at the right moments. He called Jin multiple times during those four days to make sure he did everything right. Late at night he would crawl into bed with you and provide you with his body heat. His alpha on high alert to make sure his omega was comfortable and protected while she rested.
Y/N, the only omega of the group, but still a force to be reckoned with. As the only girl in the group, you know how to keep the young wolfs in check. Never letting them get out of line. Whacking them over the back of their heads whenever the situations called for it, which was often. Although you are able to stand up for yourself, your omega tendencies shine through whenever you are with the boys. Loving to be pampered and cared for by them. Physical affection playing a huge part in your relationship. A language all of you learn to read and communicate with.
Getting off form a stressful day at school, you would ride the bus past your stop and go over to one of their houses. Laying in Namjoons bed while he reads a book about pack laws and traditions or you would back hug Seokjin while he prepared something to eat for everyone. Calling the others over, so the eight of you could watch a movie or play a board game. You firmly planted on Hoseok’s lap, enjoying the way he played with your hair and getting fed popcorn by Taehyung.
In public you were the strong and independent omega your parents raised you to be, but with them you were able to relax and let them take control. Letting them indulge in their providing nature. Something you were very grateful for. Every day.
This were the eight little troublemakers whose love for each other is unheard of. A weird mixture of personalities. Where one goes the other seven follow. 32 pairs of paws, seven tails and one heartbeat.
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bosmermage · 3 years
Whumptober Day 6
Touch and Go (Bruises, Touch Starved)  Characters: Green, Blue, Grandpa Smith, Vio  
But they didn't notice. Well. That was a lie. Blue noticed. But Blue noticed everything.
They should have known something was wrong when the bruises started to appear. They littered up and down his arms and legs like freckles, peeking out in the evenings from under his nightgown. But, after all, he had been training harder and a few extra bruises were hardly anything to pay any mind to.
They should have known something was wrong when his tunics seemed to get a little snug and then suddenly too loose again. He was so busy though, always running around. Everyone brushed it off as a natural consequence of being a knight. He'd surely gain it all back on his summer break, right?
They should have known something was wrong when, on quiet nights when everyone else slept soundly, they would find him in the morning curled around his pillow like a life line.
But they didn't notice. Well. That was a lie. Blue noticed. But Blue noticed everything. He noticed how Red would get careless with the cooking fire on rough weeks, always seeming to be nursing some sort of burn. He noticed how Vio's eye bags were slowly creeping across his face, and his hair was becoming unkempt and long from his many study sessions littered through the week.
He noticed how Red had become so close with the princess, and how his hair had begun to shift to match hers and how he spent more and more time at the palace. How excited the king was to have a son. He noticed how Link's father doted on him for things he didn't think were all that impressive, with the air of expectation that he should eventually “come home” from Grandpa's house. He noticed how Vio withdrew from society, preferring the company of the minish, eventually even retreating so far that the only time he saw the others was for weekends.
Not that Grandpa seemed to mind too much. He noticed too.
He noticed how Link's father hardly ever spared a second glance to Green. And he noticed how Green put everything he had into his facade of normality and cheerfulness and left nothing over for himself. And he noticed how Green really didn't seem to spend much time with anyone, always busy, or kept home with studies. Hollow eyed and doll-like when he did move his ass to hang out. Always preforming perfection.
And it frustrated him.
The strain on their friendship was intense, they were constantly snipping at each other. Well, Blue had started it but he sure as hell wasn't going to finish it. Green, patently (stupidly), refused to ask for help. He wouldn't bend his dumb-ass pride for a single second to reach out or even just vocalize that there was anything wrong to begin with. It had been hard for Blue too but you didn't see him moping about it! So if he wanted to be a big baby about whatever the fuck was making him so unhappy than that was fine by Blue. He was too busy dealing with his own shit to play mind reading games with the miserable crew.
Of course, it did all eventually come to a head. It came to a head on a mid-july day when he came home to find Green curled up in bed, clutching at his pillow with his face buried in it like it was his girlfriend or something.
“Hey would you quit that it's gross,” Blue stuck his tongue out at the dozing figure. Green mumbled into the pillow in response and Blue rolled his eyes.
“I said cut it out geeze Green,” Blue snatched the pillow away and Green contracted into himself.
“Hey, give that back, I was trying to take a nap,” Green reached up pitifully and Blue held the pillow away.
“Why do you even do that Green, it's fucking nasty, why not just go get a plushie like a normal person?”
“Shut up Blue it's none of your business.” Green pouted at him “And anyways that's mine so give it back already.” Finally Green got up to his feet.
“What's the big deal anyways? Huh? It's just a stupid pillow, you have two of em.”
“Just leave me alone! What have I ever done to you??” Green swiped for the pillow again and Blue rolled his eyes at the display.
“Stop being such a baby!”
“If it's just a pillow then why not leave it be?” Vio's voice cut in from the doorway, heartless as ever. Blue didn't have to turn around to know that the stupid prick was glaring at him with his little hypocritical holier than thou act plastered all over his face.
“Shut the fuck up Vio like you know so much about precious things.” Blue barely got the words out before Green was stomping on his foot. He let out a yelp and dropped the pillow that was promptly snatched up by the other colour. He noticed the tears threatening to spill down his face, and the way he shook while he clutched the dumb fucking pillow to his chest.
“Okay, what the fuck ever,” Blue threw his hands up and stalked out of the room, determined to go do something, anything, else to get his mind off it.
“Hey, are you okay Greenie?” Vio's voice was soft and even as he came closer, very practiced, and Green nodded through the panic welling up in his chest, winding him like a spring.
“I'm fine, I just, I want to sleep,” Green sighed, and Vio searched him with his gaze. He hated how perceptive their violet counterpart was at times. He knew he shouldn't be standing there lying like a hypocrite, and he knew Vio knew, but if Vio kept standing there the panic was going to bubble out into the world and then he would have to pick up the pieces.
Vio, blessedly, nodded, moving out of the room and Green let out a shaking sigh as the tears began to pour out of his eyes, in pain, and embarrassment at the way Blue had dragged his childishness out of him like that. He curled back into his bed, pulling the cover up over his head and letting the tears flow freely. He hated how pathetic he felt, how poor of a substitute his pillow was for a real hug. But it'd have to do, after all it's not like any of the others wanted to hug him, and why would they? He was the most boring colour after all. The ugliest. The others were like flowers and he was like dirt. Something necessary sure, but plain, only begrudgingly accepted. Never anyone's first choice. He was glad he couldn't hear yelling, he didn't want to have to drag himself out of bed to break up yet another disagreement gone nasty between the two others.  
He didn't hear Grandpa enter the room and when the man sat on his bedside he jumped so hard he smacked into the bottom of Blue's bunk, flinging himself back and hissing in pain as he settled into a crouch, ready to pounce. What a sight he must have been, squinting through the pain, tears dripping down his cheeks, hissing like a frightened animal at his own grandfather. He blinked through the remaining tears and settled down on his knees, ears drooping shamefully at his shoulders.
“Hey there sweet-pea, I didn't mean to frighten you,” the words stained Green's cheeks a burning shade of red and he nodded into his lap, mortified, But Grandpa's face settled into a mask of gentle determination. Grandpa snapped his fingers and Green refocused on his hands, brought out of the downward spiral of his mood by the action/
“Vio told me you and Blue had a fight. Do you want to tell me your side of it?” Grandpa's sign was gentle and soothing, but it still sent a spike of fear through Green's stomach. He nodded dutifully, and took a deep breath to steady his shot nerves back into alignment.
“I was trying to take a nap since it's my day off and then Blue came in to pick a fight, and I.. he got me riled up cause he stole my pillow and wouldn't give it back. I know it was childish but I got angry at him and made him give it back. I'll go apologize.” Green's eyes flicked down, sign nearly as frantic as the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears. Grandpa's hands stilled his own and his world narrowed down to the point of contact, he had to bite back the tears again when he pulled away to speak.
“Green, I'm glad you're being mature about this, but I'm not upset with you for being “childish”. You're still a kid, remember? I just want to help you two work it out,” Grandpa scootched closer and Green paused.
“Honestly? I usually forget,” the words slipping between his fingers like a gust of wind before he could stop them, eyes going wide with shock enough to match the sorrow that glinted in Grandpa's eyes. “I mean, it's just. I'm expected to be the Hero and keep everyone working together all the time and be the leader and be mature and just deal with it and not let anyone see weakness. It's just, it's hard to not work like that all the time.” His foot was already in his mouth, might as well get it off his chest. He sighed again, shoulders rising up to his ears.
“I'm sorry, it's just really hard and I don't want to let anyone down,” he was wiping away tears again. All he really wanted was a hug.
Grandpa shifted closer again and Green fought down the urge to collapse into his chest, “Oh sweet pea why would you think that?”
“It's just, everyone else gets to fall down and need help, and drop out and leave the public eye and be themselves. But I have the same favourite colour as Link so everyone expects me to be him and act like him and be the hero and be the leader. I don't want to ask the others for help 'cause I'm the one they all come to when they need help, and, I don't want to ask father 'cause he always looks so sad when he sees me, and I don't want to ask anyone else 'cause I don't want to burden them when they all have so much on their plates already and I don't want to be selfish but I don't know what to do anymore.” Green rambled on as everything he'd been damming back flooded out. Grandpa brushed the bangs out of his tears gently before pulling him into a hug. Green melted into the contact, dripping tears turning into desperate sobs as he clung to his grandfather's forge-warm tunic.
Eventually, after his tears had dried out, Grandpa pressed a kiss to the top of Green's head, making him promise to come and ask for help when he needed it before tucking him back into bed. He was dozing in moments, and he'd nearly drifted off when he heard a quiet knocking at his door.
“Hey Green,” Blue's voice was much quieter than it usually was and Green looked over balefully swallowing the urge to ask if he came to steal his blanket this time too.
“Um, I'm sorry, about earlier. I didn't want to hurt you, I just got really frustrated cause I could see there was something wrong and I didn't know how to get you to talk about it, and I know that's not an excuse for being mean,” Blue was nearly mumbling into his boots, but Green could hear the hurt in his voice.
Green considered him for a moment before scooting back up from bed and launching himself into Blue's unsuspecting arms.
“It's ok, I forgive you,” He mumbled into the hug and Blue's startled laughter, before the air was crushed out of him when Blue returned the favour, lifting him up off his feet with the force. He'd never felt better. Okay maybe he had, he winced with a yelp when Blue caught a particularly nasty bruise on his side, cursing the wooden sword that had given it to him.
“I'm proud of you,” Green's feet hit the floor to the sight of his Grandpa beaming in from the door, “both of you,”
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aphroditewritings · 3 years
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Pregant Omega x Dragon King
Her love for Katsuki was what she could only describe as magical. Having known each other since childhood and having dated for their teenage years being the biggest couple of the village all the time since Katsuki was next in line for the throne. It was only natural to accept when the council arranged a wedding between the two lovers, deeming her a worthy women of being queen one day and a ruler of their lands along side her boyfriend, well her husband now she could finally say.
The blonde had unsurprisingly made it one of the best nights of her life, the very best night of her life though would be when the kingdom’s doctor told her she was with child and that the future heir to the throne was healthy and growing inside of her tummy. She in not only shock but excitement went to his mother Mitsuki unsure of how exactly to tell Katsuki they were finally having dragon babies after 2 years of marriage. The women had nearly fainted when she put her hand on her stomach and used her hightened senses to listen to the babies heart beat.
“This is beautiful” Mitsuki said caressing her stomach at the thought of a grandchild running around her feet finally. Mitsuki had made it an entire day’s worth ordeal, refusing to let Katsuki see or even look at her until nightfall came for fear his extra heightened senses would pick up on the extra heart beat immediately especially with him so in tune with her sent he would know something was up the second he would see her. It was also what made Katsuki scrunch his nose when she finally did enter into their bedroom that night draped in the long light pink silk robe from the bath and spa treatment the women had given her earlier, Mitsuki being extra doting knowing she was now pregnant.
She could tell he wasn’t sniffing the air in disgust but rather...intrest. “What’s wrong?” he asked almost immediately jumping up from the bed and wrapping his arms around her unaware of his mother snickering outside of the tent. “Nothing...well something but nothing bad. At least I hope not” she mumbled the last part looking at the ground and only looking up when she felt her husband finger softly direct her jaw upwards. “You know you can tell me. Never hold back with me.”
Taking a deep breath of courage in she grabbed onto his shoulders and whispered the words “I’m pregnant” in the air. He had froze for a few seconds, frantically looking her up and down to make sure he had heard her right before she felt herself getting lifted off the ground and into his arms in a giant bear hug. Needless to say, Katsuki Bakugo had been very happy that day and all the days after that.
Even when he had to rub her feet and massage her entire body, or go across half the village to get a food she was craving, he happily either went himself or sent his mother in. Ever since finding out she was pregnant especially once she started to show, her belly having started poking out from her dresses no one but himself or his mother were allowed close near her. His trust of everyone around her even poor Kiri who couldn’t even stop by to check how she was doing without getting snarls and growls from Bakugo.
It seemed never letting anybody near her would also be Katsuki’s downfall.
It had been during winter, a strong snow storm hitting the area and more conveniently shen she had been very very pregnant. She was due any day now, her belly swelled to its giant size, sometimes even making her feel self conscious but always remembering that Katsuki reminded her she was the most beautiful thing in the world to him everyday, big belly or not. He had gone out to the other side of the village to collect more fire wood go keep them warm but promised to be back shortly to her and the baby. With being pregnant with dragon kin babies, already came trouble from the outside as well.
Dragon babies sold for high dollar on the black market, high enough to probably set somebody up for life if they ever got their hands on one to sell. As sick as it was, Katsuki’s kind were sometimes sold off like pets, their owners always cruel and monsters themselves training them to be more like guard dogs instead of the beautiful humans they could be and were. It was part of the reason why everyone was so protective over her now, knowing how many criminals and other kingdoms out there would love the chance the snatch up her and her baby.
A giant explosion and screams had made her eyes snap open mid nap in the big fluffy bed of furs and pillows Katsuki had put together for her. Wobbling out of bed she slipped on her slipper boots and a robe before peaking her head out a scared yelp leaving her mouth when she did. A tent near hers, only a few down and belonging to one of the towns people in their kingdom was on fire a giant swarm of soldiers appearing out of the snow clouds with giant swords and axes on them. It finally dawned on her that this was actually happening, they were under attack.
She knew they would probably be dealt with soon, no one usually having the balls or the missing brain cells to attack a village full of dragon shifters, but all thoughts of substance left her mind when she felt big hands yank her arm. “Found the bitch” a man, apart of the group trying to raid them sneered down at her, a gasp leaving her mouth. “Her and that damn baby are gonna sell big” his friend that lurked behind him snickered making panic flash across her eyes.
So that’s what they were here for. They were here for her and her child.
“Help!” she screamed as loud as she could trying to trash out of his hold but getting a hand wrapped around her throat and stopping her screaming. “Just cut it out of her she’s about full term anyways. Sure as hell looks fat enough to be” the mans friend said to him looking at her with an evil glint in her eyes. Tears welling up in her own from her emotional sensitivity she took their moment of distraction from her to kick the man choking her while her face was turning blue where the sun didn’t shine for him, a cry of pain leaving his mouth as he collapsed on the ground holding his groin.
Running away as fast as the snow would let her she began her journey to the edge of the village aware of the men still running and following behind her shoutinh curses at her and her unborn child. It probably wasn’t the best idea to run into the open wild, 9 months pregnant and with no means of defense against the traffickers, but with everyone else busy trying to dispose of the rest of the mens little army it had left her vulnerable and with nowhere to run but to where she could loose them.
Not able to see in front of her any longer she fell to her knees in the snow, vaguely recalling loosing the men in the snow storm a while back leaving her to huddle into a pile in the white ground praying to the gods that Katsuki or at least someone from their kingdom would find her and rescue her, otherwise she knew her and her child wouldn’t last long in the weather they were in.
Sniffling with tears pooling down her cheeks she desperately hugged the fur robe closer to her body and clutched her stomach with two hands hoping to keep it warmer. “Please Katsuki” she whispered hoping he could somehow hear her wherever he was.
Back at the village, Katsuki had finally finished driving his sword through the chest of the last invader releaseing a battle cry of victory at once again winning a battle against petty criminals. He had been in a great mood on his way home shortly after, wonderful even ready to see his beautiful mate and talk to her and their pup. Ask them about their day. She didn’t do much nowadays but between all the pampering she was getting it gave her plenty to talk about. His world seemed to come crashing down upon entering his secluded tent though , one larger than life with a bed as big to match, completely and utterly empty.
An uneasy pit formed in his stomach as he called for his mate but got no response. Fear spiked in his blood more and more, him turning over blankets and table hoping and praying she was just playing some prank on him. They hadn’t gotten her...had they? A growl left his lips at the thought concluding something did happen to her while he was away but knowing she was at least alive kept him at bay, barley but there. Dragons could feel each others heart beats, once the mating ritual was completed mates were connected at the heart and soul for life.
“Katsuki please help me” a voice sobbed in his head. Her voice. Images and flashes of her laying out on the dirty ground in the snow, frostbite covering her toes, her heart beat getting weaker by the minute came across his mind Katsuki silently thanking the gods for allowing him to be able to track her. “I’m coming baby” he said gathering his things and calling for elite squadron and most trusted soldiers and advisors to get ready, giving them the blunt and only words they needed of “she’s missing, we leave now” to know they needed to spring into action. Bakugo shifted into his dragon, with him being the king it was the biggest and strongest of them there, pointy scales running up and down his back his body a crimson red color.
Roaring into the air he didn’t even wait for the rest of his support team before flying away and into the snow storm only one thing on the dragons mind as he felt his mates heart beat fade out more and more.
Releasing a quiet sob she was finally starting to come to terms with things. This was where she and her baby would die. Alone shivering out in the cold body huddled in a ball in the snow. A harsh breeze flew by a few ice shards spitting across her face and making her cry out in pain. Balling her fist together and rubbing her stomach one last time she could barley register the feeling of warmth spreading throughout her body.
The faint sounds of roaring and shouting were heard making her slowly blink her eyes open shocked to see herself surrounded by fire. Katsuki’s fire. Mates didn’t get burned by their dragon mates fire, another plus to marrying the man. It felt like her body slowly ignited and unfroze a gasp leaving her lips when she felt her body being lifted. She could recognize Mitsuki’s voice as the one holding her and carefully laying her now naked body from Katsuki’s fire on her in a pile of furs and wrapping her up. To scared and still to cold to move she allowed herself to be carried through the snow and placed onto the back of Katsuki who’s dragon released a happy pur at feeling her laying on his back.
Wasting no time he flew off into the air and back to the village all of the towns people crowding around as they watched their king transform into his human form again and carrying an unconscious queen in his arms. “Is she dead?” a woman whispered as Katsuki passed her but immediately quieted down when he snarled at her. “Sorry your majesty” she apologized looking anywhere but him for fear of catching his gaze.
Ripping open the flap to their tent he could faintly hear the sounds of his mother and Kiri along with medical staff ushering into the tent and lighting the fire place. He growled when the doctor tried to approach the bed he was holding her in, tears slowly but surly forming in his ruby red eyes as he rocked her unconscious body back and forth in his arms. His mother grabbed his shoulder a serious look in her eyes as she squeezed down on him.
“Let them check on her and the baby Katsuki, now” she said lowly uncovering the top half of her and her big baby bump luckily keeping everything for her bottom half decent. The doctor, who he found the least bit of comfort was a woman lifted up the bottom of the blanket and sucked in a breath. “She has frost bite on her toes, she’ll have the stay as warm as possible until they heal” she tutted and ignoring Katsuki’s gasp as she came around to her stomach. “I’m going to touch her belly, just the make sure the pup is ok” she warned waiting until Katsuki gave a hesitant nod and reached out.
Placing a hand on her stomach she felt around until she could hear the faint sounds of blood rushing to a second heart beat inside the queens body. Looking her up and down after doing a few more bodyily checks she concluded the queen was alright, just would be unconscious and exhausted for a while on top of her pregnancy. She was out for nearly a full day and night before she groaned out, her body sore and in pain and tried to sit up in the bed. Strong big arms wrapped around her hugged her tighter. “Don’t you dare” Katsuki said nuzzling his face into her neck. “I’m hungry Katsuki” she whined getting a grunt from him.
“You almost died and your first request is food?” he asked gruffly caressing her tummy and trying not to smile as he did so. “Do you not realize what could’ve happened to you out there?” he asked rubbing the top of her head to let her know he wasn’t angry at her by any means just was frustrated. “If we hadn’t of found you when we did...” he continued stopping when she placed her hand on his that was rubbing her stomach. “I know. I thought it was going to happen too, but they were going to sell him on the black market Katsuki I didn’t know where to go everyone was busy dealing with the rest.”
“Don’t ever think I’m to busy for you, you hear me” Katsuki said softly grabbing her jaw. “Anything like this happens ever again you come to me first and only”
Nodding her head at him softly she snuggled further into his chest smiling softly at hearing Katsuki call in his and her handmaidens and telling them to have the village chef immediately prepare her a feast “fit for a queen” literally and figuratively Katsuki and her both glad to have a fully healthy and safe family on the way now.
This is shit but I’m high as a kite rn so njoy ig beautiful people
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sleepyfics · 4 years
❝  got no shame,  calum hood.
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summary:   there’s a viral trend on tiktok where you get naked in front of your significant other and film their reaction. well, you thought it’d be fun to do it while your boyfriend calum is streaming with the band ---- promoting their new album.
authors note:   this is pretty much just PURE SMUT, so be warned!  i’ve been on tiktok way too much lately... also, stream calm and enjoy a cute lil’ quickie scenario!  
You’re bored out of your mind.
After taking a much needed shower, you find yourself in your favorite plush bathrobe, body sprawled across the king-sized bed you and your boyfriend share. Time inside these confined walls (to you) felt like it was dragging by, especially when Calum’s been busy doing promotions for the new album. Most of the time it was just you and Duke, and even he liked his naps throughout the day.
Blindly reaching out to grab your phone from the nightstand, you began to browse through your socials. Twitter, same old. Instagram, getting kind of boring. Facebook, always the same people posting the same thing.
Quickly growing tired of your feeds, you decide to check into the livestream that the band’s been holding for Amazon Music. Once you’re in, you immediately roll your eyes upon hearing Ashton’s attempt to write his own fanfiction about Calum and his ukulele ---- even getting a small laugh out of you.
As they continue on with their live shenanigans, you can’t stop staring at your boyfriend’s face on the top right of your screen. He’s always been more kept to himself than the rest of the guys, but when he makes those soft (and adorably funny) comments here and there, it made your heart flutter.
Something deep in your core begins to bubble after practically admiring your boyfriend through the screen, and before your mind goes further south, you decide to close out of the stream and browse through something else. TikTok immediately comes to mind. While you never really showed interest in the hype of it all ---- being in this quarantine for weeks has convinced you to give it a shot. And you’ve been hooked since. So here you are, scrolling through your feed as if it was your newfound addiction.
There’s this new trend circulating around the app where people would get naked in front of their partners (who were usually busy doing something) and film their reactions. The video idea has piqued your interest. You wonder how Calum would react if you do something of the like, mostly because he was always an avid fan of taking your clothes off for you. He found it sexier that way.
If you weren’t bored out of your mind right now, you would’ve waited. If you thought that your own fingers could give you the same satisfaction, you would’ve waited. But you’re craving for it now ---- your boyfriend’s attention, his eyes, his hands. You want him.
The guys wouldn’t mind, right?
Getting up from your previous position, you toss the towel wrapped around your damp hair to the side. As you’re standing, phone already in hand, your fingers work their way around the knot of your robe before untangling it.
Your thumb presses record once your robe unwound, the cool air trickling your skin as it entered through the opening. You then reach for the door to open it, making your way out and down the hall, towards the room Calum was streaming in. You can hear a string of laughter coming through, followed by your boyfriend murmuring a story about his favorite tattoo.
It doesn’t take long before you’re by the door of his office, body leaning against the frame. Calum’s sitting only a few feet away with his back turned against you, clearly focused on the livestream. He probably couldn’t hear you with the chunky headphones hovered securely over his ears, so saying something wouldn’t be the best idea. You didn’t want to disrupt the stream either.
So, you push the robe that was draped over your shoulders off. It glides down your bare body, before falling flat onto the dark mahogany floors. The mixture of the sight of your boyfriend and the thought of your body, revealed is enough to make you feel incredibly needy. You need to be touched, and it’s too late to go back.
As you reach down to grab the plush fabric from the ground, you mentally hope that you’ll be blessed with good aim at this very moment. You then take your chances and toss your bundled robe over Calum’s direction, and it perfectly lands on his head while he’s listening to one of his band members speak.
Instantaneously, his office chair swivels towards your direction. Your gaze meets his, and as his eyes trail further down your body, the gap between his lips grow wider.
His lips mouth a soft ‘fuck me’ while keeping his eyes on yours.
You can’t help but laugh softy, stopping the recording. You begin to really tease him by trailing your fingers down your skin. They start on your shoulder blades and move down to the tip of your nipples; a sight that’s left your boyfriend speechless.
“Yeah, I’ll be right back guys… I uh, need to use the bathroom,” Calum’s voice wasn’t steady at all.
And before he can even get a response from his friends, he’s already up from his chair, tossing the robe onto the couch that’s placed across from the desk. The beating of your heart turns rampant; you don’t know what to expect ---- is he angry? Annoyed?
Your question is soon answered when your body presses against his, his lips harshly colliding with yours full-force. His hands roam around your naked body, giving your ass a good squeeze before moving to the front to have his fingers brush against your throbbing clit, and back up to massage your breasts. These actions alone are enough for your core to pulsate. He’s hard too. You can feel it stiffen against your folds as you wrap your legs around his waist, letting your phone fall to the floor.
“God, Y/N,” he breathes, wasting no time to bring you back into the bedroom. “You can’t keep doing this to me, you know you’re my fuckin’ weakness.”
A soft giggle escapes your lips, bringing a finger up to delicately trace a line down his jaw. “I know,” you reply. “But I need you.”
That alone has your boyfriend letting out an involuntary moan, because fuck, that sounded so hot to him ---- he needs to be inside you.
Your back hits the soft mattress of the bed, and Calum settles between your legs, grinding his hard erection onto your wet pussy. You take it upon yourself to remove the hat that hovers over his eyes, throwing it as far as possible, before pulling him in for another kiss.
“We gotta be quick babe, the guys think I’m taking a shit,” he whispers with a small chuckle, which earned him a laugh on your end. It doesn’t ruin the momentum though, because after you nod, his hand snakes between your thighs, prying them apart.
His touch feels like electricity beginning to course through your veins. You can’t help but moan at his gentle fingers massaging circles around your clit. He dips them lower to spread the wetness across your folds, then bringing it back up to lubricate the sensitive bundle of nerves. You can’t contain yourself because god, his fingers feel so good on you. Your lips pepper kisses across his collarbones, softly moaning against his skin.
“I need you inside me, Cal,” you say softly into his ear, planting small kisses at the lobe.
Another moment isn’t wasted, and you help him push his athletic shorts and boxers down just enough to have his hard length spring free.
He lines his erection up against your slick folds before gradually pushing it in. Your eyes roll back at the pleasurable sensation, and you both moan in unison. His pace starts off as gentle and slow, leaning in again to satisfy his craving for your lips.
When he pulls away, he trails kisses down your neck and down to your breasts. Once he stops at your nipples, you’re greeted by his tongue flicking them, causing you to arch your back.  
His pace begins to quicken and the two of you are slapping skin. His grip on the thick duvet tightens until his knuckles lose color, and you rake your nails across his back muscles --- leaving red marks that won’t disappear until the next morning.
Calum pulls out without finishing, having you confused. He uses the time to properly get on his knees, using your legs to pull you closer to him. He takes your right leg and brings it up to rest on his shoulder and pushes himself back in. “Fuck, baby,” you almost say inaudibly at the feeling of him hitting your g-spot in the perfect way. You can feel yourself coming close to finishing as your fingers curl against the sheets.
“You ready cum for me?” there’s a smirk that’s laced across his features, fully aware of how he’s making you feel. He uses his thumb to rub your throbbing clit, matching the intensity of his thrusts. “Ready to cum all over my cock?”
Nodding feverishly with a moan, it doesn’t take longer for you to come undone. You begin to breathe heavily from the intense sensation, before flashing a smile over at your boyfriend. “That’s my girl,” he muses at the sight of you recovering from your orgasm, turning to kiss the leg that’s over his shoulder.
Calum’s thrusts begin to become sloppier and erratic. Quickly, he pulls out and begins to pump his length over you, before letting out a satisfying moan as he his strings of milky ribbons land on your glistening body.
You both take the moment to catch a breath. As your eyes meet, still breathing heavily, the two of you share an ‘I can’t believe that happened’ laugh. He pulls his shorts and boxers back up and grabs the nearest towel (the one you had on your hair after your shower), cleaning up the mess he’s made across your frame.
Once you’re all cleaned up, you hurriedly push your boyfriend out the door and back to his office to continue the livestream that totally flew past both of your heads. Calum rushes over to his chair and plops back down so hard that it almost causes him to fall off the chair. You snort at the sight ---- so loud that it definitely was caught in the stream.
“What the fuck happened to you, mate?” Michael’s voice echoes through the room. Calum must’ve removed his headphones from his computer. “You were gone for like, fifteen minutes. We thought you died, or something!”
“I had to take a shit, bro!” Calum laughs, running his fingers across his obvious sex hair before taking another deep exhale. “At least I take my time, unlike Ashton here. Fucker doesn’t even wash his hands.”
“Hey!” Ashton exclaims through the screen. “That’s not a nice thing to say, Calum. I hope…”
You need to do TikTok trends with him more often.
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