#but. ugh today has been a set back because i woke up AGAIN thinking about. what happened. and her. and
dollywheeler · 11 months
September 3rd, 1996
Dear diary,
I survived my first day as a Junior. Not that I am surprised because I'd planned everything perfectly. Almost everything.
I woke a few minutes before my alarm as I always do - I don't even know why I set it anymore, other than the fact I know the universe will screw me over the one time I won't. I went down to have breakfast with dad before he had to leave and went up to get ready after he'd gone at 7:15.
Whitney was late as usual when I went to pick her up, but I'd accounted for that so we were still out of her street by 7:50. We pulled into our parking spot at exactly 8:00. I don't know why that brings me so much joy.
Anyway, we went into homeroom together as Whit, Dylan and I all have Mrs. Haywood again. I hate that we only get our schedules during the first day - I never know what to prepare for. I know it's mostly introduction anyway and we won't need more than a notebook but it still irks me.
Today was the perfect example as to why. As usual, I'm one of the last to be handed paperwork - stupid double u - and everyone was already skimming over their classes and their teachers. At first, I assumed the murmuring was just the recognition of my last name on some people's rosters, but Whitney turned to talk to Dylan instead of me so there must have been something else going on.
Once I got the roster, I understood why.
My third period today was art.
With mister Byers.
Of course, he'd be here too. I mean, why else would they both come back? But did they both have to get jobs in Hawkins?
At least it distracted people from English with Mr. Wheeler, which I have seventh period - joy! Luckily, Zombie Boy returning is more noteworthy than Holly's weirdo older brother - small blessings I guess.
I don't get the hype though - he's just Will. Just one of Mike's lame friends.
And now he's going to teach my art class which used to be my one moment of peace during the week.
Dylan asked about my brother when we were walking into our next class. She apparently has him fourth period which sucks because it means I can't keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't befriend Mike behind my back. She has a tendency to lull teachers into personal conversations, which everyone loves because it means a distraction from the coursework but I know only means we have more work at home later. It's not really her fault she's just so damn likeable, anyway. Her chattiness is exactly why she's one of my best friends.
It became apparent that Dylan wasn't the only one who'd recognized Mike's name, either. After my second period French class I caught Daniel's eye in the hallway. I swear his smile brightened upon seeing me and for a second today was perfect - until he asked about Mike. Apparently we both have him seventh period. I want to be happy we're finally sharing a class but what kind of sick joke is it that Mike will be there?
He couldn't be present for any of my birthdays but he's going to be watching every second of me hanging out with the guy I like? The universe is clearly out to get me.
I managed to smile and shrug through an explanation though, and I don't think it came off too weird. He continued smiling at me so that's good. We compared schedules and other than English we don't share any classes at all, which put even more of a damper on today.
We reached Mister Byers' classroom, but luckily he wasn't greeting students outside the door so I could send Daniel on his way before Will saw us. I took a deep breath and forced myself to walk in and find a seat without looking in the direction of his desk. I don't know why my heart was pounding - it's not like I thought he was going to single me out or anything. It was just unsettling I guess, to be near this person you used to know, who probably knows more about you than you do about them.
Or think they know you - I'm not six years old anymore.
When he finally started the class I was able to look up at him now I knew his attention wasn't on me. He honestly hadn't changed at all. He still had a bowl cut, which possibly endeared him to me a little bit. It was more mature now, of course, shorter, and overall didn't look too out of place. Maybe just because he's Will. He's always been Will. I don't know how I would have felt if he'd didn't have the bowl cut anymore. Mike probably would have thrown a fit. He always hated change - until he didn't, I guess.
There was something sad about his posture as he started his class though; Like his excitement had dimmed. He didn't sound like he used to when talking about his favorite colors or arguing crayon against pencil. I felt bad once I caught him glance at me before quickly redirecting his gaze and realized why.
None of this is his fault, after all, and I always used to like him most of Mike's idiot friends. He was always nice to me, and now I was being childish.
So after his class was over I hung back a little and went to say hi. He looked surprised but pleased to see me standing at his desk and it immediately made me feel a lot better. I apologized for not saying anything earlier but he said it was fine and he understood this must be weird. He said he was glad I still liked art and we talked about that for a moment before he sent me on my way to my next class.
Nevertheless, it was actually nice to talk to him, even if it was only briefly, and he didn't bring up Mike, which I'm sure was intentional.
Of course, seeing Mike was inevitable.
I tried the same tactic as I had with Will's class - just keep my head down - but of course Mike can't take a hint. He actually tried to catch my attention and greet me as I was walking in and I couldn't really ignore him in front of everyone - in front of Daniel - so I just forced a smile and nodded before sitting down as far away from him as possible. At least he wasn't wearing a nerdy t-shirt as I'd feared but a button-up and slacks - proper English teacher attire. Mom would have approved.
I tried to take notes even though I hate sitting in the back of the class, and as my attention was slipping anyway I had to try harder not to look at Daniel. Mike is not allowed to catch me staring at him.
Not that it's any of his business.
When the bell finally rang I already had my bag packed and was ready to bolt, but of course so was everyone else. Seriously, back of the class is not the most efficient seating arrangement.
"Hey, Holls, wait up!" Mike called me back, and I had to do my best not to visibly cringe. At least he didn't call me 'Holly Dolly' again. The room was still emptying and some were curiously glancing over at us so I just forced a smile and moved closer so they couldn't listen in.
He asked if I'd received his letter and if I wanted to have dinner tonight. I told him I had cheer practice and went home.
He probably isn't stupid enough to believe me but maybe he'll get the hint.
Anyway, mom was waiting on me when I got home. She asked about Mike. I didn't have anything to tell her, which made me feel strangely guilty. It's not my job to play telephone, but mom just looked so disappointed... I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault even though it clearly isn't.
I hope she won't ask again tomorrow. Or the day after that.
Love, Holly
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Roll up your sleeves and start building Communism. (Opt in.)
RHETORIC - Oh yeah! Get the firing squads and the animal wagons ready!
Wait, what? Firing squads? You didn't say anything about those.
Roll your sleeves up further and breathe in the pristine air. [Finish thought.]
RHETORIC - Too late to back out now. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few million eggs!
Roll your sleeves up further and breathe in the pristine air. [Finish thought.]
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Temporary research bonus: -2 Visual Calculus: Looks like reaction... Research time: 3h 10m
People think Communism was some crazy idea that had its comeuppance 40 years ago. A fever that shook the world, never to return again. They were right. Until *he* woke up today – a spiritual corpse responsive only to the call of Commodore Red, prostitutes, and Kras Mazov. For him, Communism is still a *thing*. He will single-handedly raise the Commune of '02 from the oceanic trench where it has been resting, covered in ghosts and seaweed! He is the Big Communism Builder. Come, witness his attempt to rebuild Communism in the year '51!
Ugh, -2 Visual Calculus is not great for us, but I can't *not* equip the Thought.
Anyway, I guess we can look around the bookstore, but remember: we don't have any money, and we need the money that we don't have to have a room tonight.
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Gift books and molten candy.
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MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - The display rack is brimming with worn paperbacks featuring an extremely muscular, sword-wielding barbarian on the cover. Nearly all the titles contain the word *Hjelmdall* somewhere.
"Storekeep, tell me about the muscleman books."
Look through the display of books.
PLAISANCE - "Oh, *Man from Hjelmdall*. A very popular series of adventure novels." She looks at the book with some disdain. "They're awfully immoral and violent books."
"Why are they so popular?"
PLAISANCE - "Blood and violence, scantily clad women, epic narratives, all those mystical things he encounters. They're bound to grab those with little imagination and nothing to do."
"Sounds good. Which one should I start with?"
"That doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in."
PLAISANCE - "What does it matter? They're all the same." She rolls her eyes, then fiddles with her pendant. "However, the customer is always right, they say."
"If you're a novice of the series, I'd recommend 'Hjelmdallermann: the Man from Hjelmdall.' It's supposed to be a good introduction to the series."
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As you can see, the option to buy the book is locked because we don't have 9 real.
2. Look through the display of books.
MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - Rows and rows of Hjelmdallermenn blur your vision. You make out some titles: "Man from Hjelmdall and the Mammoth-Riders", "Man from Hjelmdall: Return to Hjelmdall", and the solipsistic "Man From Hjelmdall and the Hjelmdall Man."
Good god, how many are there?
MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - Maybe a hundred? "Man from Hjelmdall and the Sages at the End of the World", "Man from Hjelmdall and the False-God", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Scorched Earth", "Man from Hjelmdall: The Hjelmdall Colonies", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Swamp Beast", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Snow Crabs."
Is that all?
MAN FROM HJELMDALL SERIES - Not even close! "Man from Hjelmdall in Hell", "Man from Hjelmdall and the Forest of Slaves", "Man from Hjelmdall Under the Lake", "Man from Hjelmdall: Hjelmdall Burning". There's even "The Trial of Death", a Pasternal combat game book set in the world of Hjelmdallermann, and so much more.
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3. [Pain Threshold - Medium 10] Do any of the books call out to me?
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PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Failure] - Nothing of interest. Only silence and the cosmic background pain-radiation.
5. [Leave.]
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Old sports magazines, tucked away in a dark corner.
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MOUNTAIN OF BOARD GAMES - A small mountain of colourful board game boxes. There are numerous types of games for all ages. A lot of shelf space seems to be taken up by Wirrâl-related merchandise.
"Storekeep, what board games do you have here?"
Look through the pile of Wirrâl-related items.
PLAISANCE - "Wonderful board games, sir. 'The Viticulturist' is a classic for sure, or perhaps you'd like 'Archipelagos of Insulinde', a very educational game for those interested in geography."
"Raubritter' is a fun game of economic competition, but can get quite intense after a while. We have games for the whole family. You can play with your children!"
INLAND EMPIRE [Medium: Success] - Who are you going to play board games with? Do you have friends or family?
Wow, I have children? A family?
Do I have friends? (Look at the lieutenant.)
I don't want to think about this.
INLAND EMPIRE - Are you actually friends? Or just colleagues thrown together by circumstance?
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pbandjesse · 7 months
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I just tried to reperm my eyelashes and it did not go super well and I'm a little frustrated. I hope it takes and doesn't completely burn my eyelashes off. Ugh.
Thankfully, besides that, I felt a lot better today. My energy levels were more normal. And my throat and chest didn't hurt anymore. I coughed like twice this morning and dislodged something and then I felt fine. Like I could be even better but I was in a much better space. Physically and mentally.
I slept pretty well. I had stayed up for a bit reading but my head hurt very bad. So
eventually I had to just close my eyes and try and sleep it off. When I woke up at 9 I felt a lot better. But I also didn't really want to get up. I waited in a dreamy state until James came and got me. I asked for five more minutes. But I would get up. And stretch. And go to get dressed.
I loved my outfit today. I felt so cute. The zipper on these overalls is broken though so I will have to replace that but I still felt great in my little outfit. James did help me change my hoop earring that has been hurting me so much the last month. And it absolutely sucked getting it changed because it hurt so much but having a non hoop earring has helped a lot already. Still hurts but not as much so it was the correct move.
While I was getting ready, James went down to the car to get the shoes I wanted to wear. I decided it was finally cool enough to wear my new ugg loafers. And for the begining of the day I was correct! But then it would get warmer and I got a blister and my ankles hurt very very much. Frustrating but I tried to not let it ruin my day.
Me and James would head out after I had a little bowl of cereal. The weather today was a bit all over the place. It seems fall had taken a pause this last week. But this morning seemed more fall like. It would warm up mid day, but then it stormed which seems to have brought in the cold again.
I was very comfy this morning though and so I had James take pictures of me. Which I appreciated. Also James looked so cute but I never got a picture of them which I am slightly disappointed about. Ah well. Them being so cute gets to just be for me.
We would drive to Glen Burnie. It was very pretty out. We went to value village first. In the parking lot I noticed how dirty our car was and drew a heart on the back window. James came over and drew an arrow going through it. We are so gross. Love them so much.
I had fun walking around the thrift store but sometimes it's hard when I'm shopping with someone else who mostly is it follows. That's not fun. Go look at your things and we come back together. They would find a few things on their own but sometimes I felt like they were just waiting for me and I don't like that.
I found some good stuff though. I was mostly looking for a long sleeve black crop top to replace the one I already have that is getting very worn out. And I would find that and I found a very very soft oversized black shirt I'm thrilled with. Great jammies.
We got a few other household things. We did find a pair of vans for James but they had no laces and when we got laces for them they were to tight. Disappointed but we'll find a home for them I'm sure.
We left there and headed to five below. I did not enjoy being in there.i was to hot and my feet were starting to hurt. I wanted to leave pretty fast.
I had wanted to go to Ulta because I thought there was one right there but I was wrong. So instead we went straight to target.
I had better luck there. Mostly. We were able to get our face wash. And some snacks. I got a balm stick which I am hoping with help the dry skin patches I've been struggling with. They didn't have the brand I was actually looking for but the one I ended up getting I actually think I like better anyway.
I was pretty disappointed when they did have my lips crib but not the flavor I wanted. We were walking around seeing if they were hiding anywhere and out of the corner of my eye I saw they had a lip gift set with it being one of the included things!! So I ended up with a whole bunch of different lip products. Including some lipsticks which is neat. Besides the lipstick I wore to our wedding I don't have any anymore so that's fun to have on hand. I also just had fun looking though makeups and things with James. I was just really enjoying their company.
It was time for lunch though. I decided I wanted to go to Denny's. I dont know why but it seemed right.
So James took me to Denny's. Where the wait staff made a fuss about how cute I was. And the food was pretty good. I liked the vibe of them all yelling at each other in the kitchen though. No sarcasm, it was just fun.
I had fun talking to James about trying to have a baby. Things we should be doing. Vitamins and eating and such. Plans and ideas. It was just really nice and I love my husband and how supported I feel from them.
Even though my feet were hurting so bad we decided to go grocery shopping. The first step was to go to the organic store to look for some vegetarian things. It was about a half hour from where we were so I got a nice break and we listened to music and I read on my phone.
I would complain about my ankle pain but I was holding it together. I had fun at Mom's, the organic grocery store. And while I did not find the shrimp I like I did get fake fish fillets. And James found a squash for a recipe I wanted to try. I also got a new scrubber that looks like a teddy bear because I have a brand. And I'm nothing but consistent.
While we were there my mom texted me about how she found 50 Disney pins for $20?? Incredible. She's such a good finder, I really did learn from the best.
We would go to the regular grocery store next. Got cheeses and yogurts and some frozen things. Bread and chocolate. And then it was time to go home.
I was very ready to be home. We brought everything upstairs, including the package that had my new boots in it! I was surprised how light the box was. I was worried something was wrong.
But it seems the soles are just lighter. Neat
They are a little more brown. And the toe box inside seems to be a little mishaped so I'm hoping wearing them will sort them back out since they are real leather. I cut some insoles for them from the last set I have. They fit great though and I'm excited to have a new pair in better shape then my normal ones.
James would clean out the fridge while I worked on taking off labels and stuff. I was having a nice day.
James decided to go for a bike ride before the weather shifted. I would lay down to read. And just have a cozy afternoon.
The wind would pick up really strongly around 4. And James would come home as the rain started. It would get cool enough that I needed to close the windows. And they would get in bed with me to warm up after they got a shower. Just a cozy afternoon.
At 530 we got in the car to go down the street to our friend Meghan's place. She's moving out and was giving us a chair and a Christmas miniature set. James gets to see her everyday now because she's at the museum full time. But it was a nice treat for me to see her.
We headed home and I vacuumed the chair. Put baking soda on it and everything. James is going to use it as their desk chair. It's such a beautiful blue velvet.
I would chill on the couch for a while after that. Eventually though I decided to take a bath. And that helped all my aches. And once I was done I would spend the next half hour or so working on perming my eyelashes. Which like I said did not go great. I struggled to get them to stick to the glue and I'm not sure it's going to take but I hope it does.
Now we are in bed. Sweetp is here. We are supposed to be keeping an eye on if the heat comes on but it has not yet. But we are still cozy.
I think I will be alright at work tomorrow. But I am not sure I will have the energy to go on an hour hike. I already told Elizabeth but we will see how I am in the morning. I don't have high hopes. I do hope it's a good day though.
I hope you all have a good night tonight. Take care of yourselves. Be safe and stay warm.
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Little Flower
Alcina Dimitrescu x female reader
You and Lady Dimitrescu’s vampire baby
Bela, Cassandra and Daniela Dimitrescu
b/g= baby’s gender
b/n= baby’s name
Summary: New baby fluff, that’s it.
Warnings/tags: new vampire baby, the girls are besides themselves, you and Alcina are proud mamas, fluffy fluff 
A/n: Requested by @coolninjavoid, they wanted new baby fluff continuing from my fic “Birth and Rebirth,” enjoy! 
“Good morning floarea mea,” you cooed picking up b/n from their crib. “Did you sleep well my little love?” B/n let out a laugh looking up at b/g mother. “You did!?” you sang peppering b/n’s face with kisses making b/g giggle.
“How is our floare mică this morning?” Alcina’s voice came into the nursery. You sat down in the rocking chair a soft fire already crackling undoing a few buttons on your shirt as b/n latched on for breakfast.
“B/g’s perfect as usual,” you sighed looking up at Alcina as she placed a soft kiss on your lips. Alcina knelt down next to you resting her head on your shoulder so she could look at b/n. At seeing her other mother, b/n’s eyes sparkled in delight. Alcina smiled broadly ever so gently stroking b/n’s head so she didn’t disturb b/g breakfast. 
“Hungry aren’t you draga mea,” Alcina chuckled, “you take after your sisters.” You and Alcina both laughed. The two you watched as b/n had her fill, letting go once b/g was full.
“You need to eat as well lubirea mea,” Alcina said to you taking b/n in her arms. Compared to Lady Dimitrescu b/n was even tinier than b/g already was in the arms of her giantess mother.
“Yes yes my lover I have every intention,” you said rising from the rocking chair stretching.
“How is our sibling this morning!?” Bela’s voice came crashing into the nursery her sisters fast behind her.
“SHUSH!” Alcina scolded, “B/n just ate and b/g can’t have so much commotion in b/g poor ears.” Alcina finished covering b/n’s ears.
“That’s my bad mother,” Bela said now whispering.
“See mother, this is why I should watch over her,” Cassandra said even quieter.
“You are Bela are always tied for whose the loudest, I’m quiet as mouse,” Daniela said in a barely audible whisper.
“No you aren’t” Cassandra and Bela didn’t say, but mouthed. This fracus between the girls had been going on since the moment b/n was born. The girls were in constant competition to see who was the “better older sister.” You and Alcina had mixed feelings about this; on one hand your hearts swelled with such pride you two thought you might burst when the girls would care for their youngest sibling, on the other hand it would grate on your nerves having to constantly break them from fighting not wanting b/n to hear stressed voices so early in b/g life. You and Alcina were both sure the girls had held b/n more than you two had since b/g was born.
“If you three don’t knock it off right now no one is getting to hold, play or feed b/n at all today,” you growled not having the energy to deal with the girls’ antics today. The girls immediately softened their faces and nodded so hard you and Alcina were surprised their heads didn’t pop off their bodies. You didn’t notice but Lady Dimitrescu grinned, pleased with your new motherly sternness that was starting to rival hers at times.
“I’m sure breakfast is ready now let’s go and eat,” Alcina said handing b/n back to you as you all made your way to the breakfast nook. Alcina held b/n as you ate heartily because breastfeeding a vampire baby was no joke. Just as you finished eating b/n started crying.
“What’s wrong my love!?” Alcina said voice fraught with concern. You laughed to yourself rolling your eyes. Ever since b/n was born if b/g made the slightest cry Alcina would go into fight mode. You found this very sweet and amusing.
“Again my little dearest? B/g is just hungry again drag mea calm down,” you said as Alcina handed you b/n. You got up to head to the sitting room to feed b/g.
After b/n had their fill again the girls poked their heads in the sitting room. “Come in my sweets,” you motioned for them to come in their mother following behind coming to where you sat.
“Can we play with b/g now?” Cassandra asked.
“In a minute b/g needs to digest,” you replied. “Here,” you said handing b/n to Cassandra along with a small towel. When you handed b/n over Alcina picked you up and sat down placing you on her lap. Cassandra knew what to do and before long b/n let out a cute little burp.
“Ha-ha nice,” Bela laughed burping herself. Daniela and Cassandra followed suit making b/n screech with laughter.
“Ugh girls-“Alcina started but stopped when b/n kept laughing so she couldn’t bring herself to chastise her daughters. Bela jumped up dragging b/n’s huge toy chest over to the where her sisters sat.
“Look it’s mister lycan,” Bela chirped bouncing the stuffed animal around making b/n squeal. 
“Peek-a-boo!” Daniela sang as Bela held b/n.
“Where’s Daniela?” Bela asked b/n.
“Peek-a-boo!” Cassandra sang.
“Where’a Cassandra?” Bela asked b/n. You and Alcina sat with your tea as you watched your girls play together. You had been melted into Alcina’s lap while the girls entertained their youngest sibling. B/n let out a yawn.
“Did your sisters tire you out my little darling?” You cooed walking over taking b/n from Bela. “Nap time for you.” You walked upstairs to the nursery, Alcina keeping stride next to you. You placed b/n in the crib and b/g let out another yawn.
“What a big yawn cel mic,” whispered Alcina as the two of you caressed your baby’s face until b/n was fast asleep.
B/n woke up screaming b/g head off. You were in the room within seconds. “Is someone hungry again my lupul mic?” you said settling in. You heard Alcina’s footsteps dashing down the hall.
“What’s wrong with b/n?!” She said looking very worried.
“Alcina, lubirea mea, b/g is just hungry...again. No emergency here,” you laughed as Alcina’s worry left her face. She made her way over to you and b/n watching you feed your child once again. 
“My beautiful doves, my sweet darlings,” Alcina fawned kissing you and b/n. You leaned up capturing her lips again in a gentle kiss as b/n suckled on your chest. “I love you, I love you both, so much, my babies,” Alcina continued hugging your upper body careful not to disturb b/n. 
“And we love you Alcina,” you said tears welling in your eyes. A gentle knocking on the nursery door caught your attention. “Come in,” you sniffled wiping your eyes. 
“My ladies, it’s a lovely day outside, would you and your daughters and your little one like to take lunch on the veranda?” your head maid asked. 
“Yes that sounds lovely thank you,” you answered as the maid nodded turning away. 
The Dimitrescu family sat outside enjoying a delicious lunch as Daniela held b/n showing b/g the different birds flitting around. 
“And that one there is a a gold finch,” Daniela said excitedly pointing at a nearby bird, “can you see it’s beautiful yellow and black feathers b/n? It’s such a pretty bird just like you!” 
After lunch, you mentioned something about b/n needing a bath and the girls jumped on the opportunity.   
“Can we please give b/n a bath y/n please?” Bela begged. “We’ll be so so careful and we won’t fight or bicker!” It’s not like you didn’t trust the girls completely it’s just they had never bathed an infant before. 
“Oh-um-well,” you struggled as you looked at b/n and back at the three sets of eyes that were silently begging. 
“I think they can manage y/n. They have been on their best behavior today after all and besides, it’s not like b/n can drown,” Alcina reassured looking down at you. 
“You make an excellent point Alci. All right girls you may give b/g a bath,” you said handing over b/n. The girls could hardly hold in their pure excitement as they whisked their baby sibling into their bathroom. 
“Come sit with me lubirea mea, they’ll be fine,” Alcina said patting her lap. You looked after the girls, sighing as you curled up in your lady’s lap. The moment your head hit Alcina’s chest you were out like a light. 
“Let’s show your mothers how squeaky clean you are you little rascal,” you awoke hearing Bela’s voice. You rubbed your eyes seeing b/n in Bela’s arms, fresh and clean and in a new outfit. 
“Hello floarea mea, look at you!” you smiled taking b/n. “Girls! B/g looks marvelous, thank you, well done!” you praised making the girls smile so widely their faces hurt.   
“Very well done my doves, you take such astounding care of b/n!” Alcina added hugging her girls tightly. You all spent some down time together in the sitting room until dinner was served, once again on the veranda. You held your child in your arms as you ate, the setting sun casting lovely colors along the castle. 
After dinner, you and Lady Dimitrescu headed up to the nursery to put b/n down for bed time. You sat in your rocking chair feeding b/n one last time before b/g inevitably decided to wake up in a few hours with demanding cries for more. While you fed b/g, Alcina busied herself making b/n’s crib as comfortable as it could be, turning the dial on b/g music box. The gentle tune danced in the air as you finished feeding b/n. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela silently glided into the nursery kissing b/n in your arms. 
“Goodnight love,” Bela cooed. 
“Goodnight little bird,” Daniela whispered. 
“Goodnight darling,” Cassandra cooed. After the girls had left, you and Alcina laid b/n down giving b/g kisses of your own. 
“Goodnight my beautiful one,” Alcina whispered tracing a finger along the side of b/g cheek. 
“Goodnight my perfect angel,” you whispered placing b/n’s favorite plushie next to b/g. You and Alcina looked at each with pure, undying love for each other, your girls and your baby...your little flowers. 
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delicrieux · 3 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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kirishoshego · 3 years
!!!MINORS DNI!!! 18+ONLY!!! Summary: Bakugo and you have been dating for two years now and things went well, but lately he didn’t had much time for you, something he plans to apologize for on your anniversary  Words: 3.2k+ TW:nsfw: unprotected sex, toys, anal play, anal, choking, spanking, degrading and praise, oral (him receiving), using a gag on you, hair pulling, multiple orgasms, lots of drool basically, at the end a cute little fluffy scene I’m sorry it’s a bit messy 😖 I hope you still enjoy it and wishing everyone a great start in the new week :) You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror, cladded in a red lace body suit with some cute flower details. It hugged your curves in all the right places, your waist adored by straps that clung to matching knee high socks. “Ugh, I don’t know Mina, I think it’s too much...” you said through the door, turning around to look at your backside.  “Let me see,” before you could say anything she opened the door and slipped in, careful so no one else could peak inside. “Girl please, you look like a fucking masterpiece, you really make me question my sexuality right now,” she told you, looking you up and down. “Momo, what do you think?” Mina asked your sick friend on the other side of the screen, turning the camera to you. “You look absolutely stunning! If it’s the money I’ll send the amount you need to you on Venmo, just buy it, Bakugo will definitely fu-” she was cut of by a fit of coughs, taking a sip of her tea. “That’s not it, it’s just...” you trailed off, wrapping a lacy coat over your body before sitting down in the small changing room. “Oh please, that man is deeply in love with you, I met him a couple of days ago and he would only talk about you. He’s just stressed with Hero Work, with Kiri sick right now he’s a bit overworked, it has nothing to do with you,” said Momo. “Imagine being one of the strongest shields to ever exist and getting defeated by a badly cooked piece of chicken, poor Eijiro,” Mina shook her head. “You’re right, I worry too much... We actually want to visit him later tonight, I hope he’s a bit better, Bakugo wanted to cook chicken soup for him,” you told the girls with a smile on your lips.  “See. Now please buy this or I’ll lose my mind,” your pink haired friend told you. “Fine, if it keeps you sane,” you laughed.  Mina walks out of the stall so you have enough space to change back into your normal clothes, ready to go all in.  Bakugo was indeed very stressed, coming home later than usual and barely talking to you. Not because he didn’t want to like you thought, but because he was so on edge that he was scared to snap at the one person who took some weight off his shoulder, not adding onto it. He knew it was shitty, that you didn’t like it when he shut off like that and especially push you away he does right now. So Bakugo hoped pulling you in close at night when he came back from work, noticing how hard you tried to stay away to see him, would tell you how much he appreciated you.  When you woke up the spot next to you was already cold, the only sign of him laying next to you was the dent in his pillow. He had made you breakfast, leaving a note that read: I will be late again today princess, I love you x A small smile found its way on your face, he always left you notes when he’s stressed and sorry about not being able to spend as much time with you as he usually does. You kept them all in a small box in your night stand, reading through them when ever he was on a hero mission. You texted him good morning and thanked him for the breakfast, not awaiting a reply as you knew how busy he was. But much to your surprise his ringtone signaled you that he had send you a message: I’ll be at home by 11:30 p.m, see you then? Of course he will. You have been craving him for long now, your body and mind screaming his name, begging for his touch, begging for his hot kisses all over your body, wanted to feel him inside of you again, his skin on yours. You couldn’t remember the last time he bend you over and fucked you, his hand wrapped around your throat, reminding you who’s slut you are. 
Now you had 13 hours to pass, so much time on hand and yet so little. You had so many ideas popping up in your head that you didn’t know where to start. You made yourself a list and hoped to finish everything before he came home so you could spend the night together nicely, partying into your special day. Once you were done with cleaning your living space you decided to go out and grab Bakugo’s favorite take out, not being able to pass by your local flower shop without grabbing a couple of new plants to fill your flat nicely.  Still having two more hours to pass you decided it was time to prepare yourself. As the warm water fell onto your skin and making your muscles relax, your mind wandered off to the many times Bakugo had joined you in here, taking the stress out on you, the windows not only fogged from the hot water. After you had dried yourself and put on some lotion that left your skin extra soft you applied his favorite perfume, the one he gifted you on your birthday last year. You still had enough time left, drinking a cup of coffee so you’ll stay awake long enough, answering the girls group chat and texting Bakugo that you can’t wait to see him. You had send him a picture of you holding up the take out, letting him know he doesn’t has to worry about his dinner. He texted you back earlier, stating that he doesn’t know what looks more delicious, you or the food, with a text following suit after to let you know that his decision fell on you. The red lace outfit was hidden in one of your drawers, not wanting him to see it on accident. You slipped into it, twisting and turning in the mirror to make sure everything sat nicely. Not a moment too soon apparently as you could hear Bakugo’s key rattling and the door being opened.  The light in your hallway was being turned on and you could hear Bakugo taking off his shoes and jacket, his bag falling on the floor as he walked into the living room.  “Princess?” he called out, making your heart flutter and setting off a tingle between your legs. “I’m here,” you answered, hearing him walk to where you stood. “Holy shit,” he groaned as his crimson red eyes fell onto your in lace clad frame. His eyes wandered over every curve of your body, taking in the beautiful view he could never get enough from. “Come here baby,” he motioned for you walk up to him, licking his lips as you stopped right in front of him.  “You look so good, I’m so fucking in love with you, do you know that?” “I love you too Katsuki,” you whispered against his lips that were mere moments away from crashing into yours.  One of his warm hands cupped your cheek, drawing small circles on your skin as his other hand wandered down to the swell of your ass, squeezing it and delivering a slap onto the soft skin, pulling out a soft moan from your throat.  His mouth now wandered along your jaw, kissing down your neck, licking over your sweet spot before biting down on it. Bakugo turned you around so you would face the broad mirror, his eyes meeting you in the reflective surface. You could see the glint in his eyes and knew you were in for a long nights, feeling him smirk against the crotch of your neck. He made sure your body was pressed into his so you feel his hard dick through his pants. The blond stopped kissing you, watching your face twist in pleasure as his hand slipped into your underwear, middle finger sliding into your wet walls, collecting some of your wetness before pulling out again and licking his finger clean. Making sure your eyes were on him the whole time he now grabbed your face between his other hand, turning it to him so he could kiss you, his tongue coated in his spit and your juice. The blond returned his hand back to were you most craved it, flicking your clit every now and then to hear your sinful mewls swallowed by his mouth on yours. He had enough of muffling your moans so he turned your face to the mirror again, ordering you to keep looking at yourself with his hand wrapped around throat, his mouth licking and biting along your shoulder. His fingers were circling your clit over and over again until he heard your breath hitch, your hands now gripping his underarms tightly.  “Are you close Princess?” he asked you, a smug look on his face as a whimper of a ‘yes’ left your puffy lips.  “Wanna cum? Already? That’s a bit pathetic, don’t you think?” he groaned, biting your earlobe gently as his fingers picked up speed, his hard on throbbing in his now tight pants. You couldn’t help yourself but agree with him, how could you not? He knew your body better than anyone, knew how to make you cum within minutes. “It’s okay, you can cum, I neglected you for so long, hm? Be a good girl and show me that pretty ahegao face you make,” he slapped your clit before dipping a finger into your needy cunt, his thumb now drawing eights on your sensitive nub, sending you over the edge.  “There we go,” he didn’t stop there, making you ride out your orgasm before his finger disappeared from your wet core, turning you around again to kiss you, chuckling at your pitiful whines. Always so needy for him. “Go grab your special box and come into the living room, I’ll be waiting for you,” Bakugo told you with a husky voice and your eyes landed on his dick imprint, mouth watering.  You didn’t need to be told twice, darting straight for the hidden silver box somewhere in your shared wardrobe.  When you entered the living room you noticed that Bakugo had striped down, now laying on the couch in his full glory. You made your way over to him, putting the box down on the couch table before crawling on top of him. He made you sit, his meat right between your labia, as he ground your hips onto him. Pulling you in for another kiss, his tongue slipped into your mouth and once again his hands were on your ass. How he loved squeezing it, massaging it between his big hands and feeling your body shutter whenever his fingers would stroker over the rim of your ass.  Bakugo flipped the two of you over, him now on top of you as his lips wandered down to your chest, licking your nipples through the lacy material, his hand opening the buttons of your body suit and exposing your wet cunt to him.  He sat up, looking you up and down yet again, not able to get enough of how good you looked, he was so lucky, he thought to himself. Katsuki opened the box, roaming through the different toys before pulling out the ones he liked to use the most on you.  “Ass in the air,” he ordered, pulling out the lube, dripping it on the black plug as you arched your back the way he loved it. He bit onto your left ass cheek before spitting onto your puckered hole, before you could feel the cold tip off the plug dipping into you. He twisted and turned it, not pushing it in completely but more and more every time he went in, cock throbbing whenever another moan slipped out of your mouth. With one final push the thick toy was buried snug inside of you, the dime adoring the end glowing in the red of the LED lights. Bakugo tapped on it a couple of times, wiggling it slightly looking at your glistening pussy, your wetness dripping down on the fabric beneath you.  “Hands,” he tapped your back, making you fold your arms behind it as anticipation grew inside your stomach. You wouldn’t dare to be bratty with him, not now. Way too many times had it backfired badly, leaving you hanging for sometimes a whole week and you couldn’t handle that happening right now, you were going to be his good girl so he would fuck you senseless.  Taking out the robes Bakugo tied your hands up, making sure they were tight enough before pulling out a paddle but deciding against it. If you were going to have an imprint on your ass then he wants it to be his hands, marking you as his in a place for only him to see. If only your friends knew how dirty you were.  He held you down with his hand between your shoulders as his hands abused your jiggling ass cheeks, spanking you over and over again. He might set off his quirk on the last spank, to make sure you couldn’t sit without thinking about the way he makes you feel.  Without warning he slammed into you, making you scream out his name. Bakugo pulled your body towards his with every thrust, his hand on your wrists, showing no mercy as he pounded into your cunt. He could sense you were embarrassed, biting your lip to muffle your moans, so your boyfriend pulled out completely, letting your upper body fall onto the couch. He grabbed the ball gag out of the box and pulled you up by your hair, wrapping it around your head.  “None of that, you’re a filthy little whore, stop trying to hide that,” the blond kissed your forehead before returning to his previous spot. His tip dipped into your wet walls, now teasing as if to warn you not to pull anything funny anymore. He knew he made you feel good but hearing it from you spurred him on even more. The living room was one of his favorite places to fuck you as he could see watch you in the reflection of the window and right now all he could see was how he fucked you stupid. Drool dripped down your chin and chest, your tongue out as the ball wouldn’t allow you to close your mouth. He loved seeing you so stuffed, every hole used as he used you however he wanted. Bakugo pulled on your restrains harder, pulling your body flush against him so could wrap his hands around you throat, squeezing tightly, your walls around him doing the same. It was his goal to make you cum as quick as possible, as many times as he could before he would. Taking a vibrator into his other hand he pushed it down on your clit, watching your eyes grew wide. There was no doubt in his mind that you pushed yourself down on his dick even harder, chasing your second high that crashed down with in seconds. Not waiting for you to come down he pulled out your plug, slowly inserting himself where the toy was just seconds ago, the vibrator falling onto the couch as his hands gripped your waist tightly. His crimson red eyes watched his thick shaft disappearing inside of you, ass jiggling every time he was balls deep inside of your tight hole.  “Fuck, you’re such a cock hungry slut, aren’t you? My good little bitch, so needy for her man to fuck her hard, hm?” he knew you couldn’t answer him, not in your current state. You looked so messy, mascara stains all over your cheeks as your tears mixed with your drool while he choked you hard enough to have you wear a turtle neck for the following days, unless you wanted everyone to know what he did. Katsuki untied your hands, pushing them down next to your head, his hands wrapped around your wrists as his body was now pressed against yours, his smell all you can register next to the extreme amount of pleasure filling every inch of your body.  “Gonna cum for me again? Can you do that?” he moaned into your ear, his hips slamming into yours. All you could was hum in agreement, feeling another knot in your stomach ready to explode. The muscular man kissed up and down your neck, feeling you clench around him, legs shaky as you were barely able to hold yourself up anymore. Bakugo found the still vibrating toy, pushing it into you this time and thrusting it in and out sloppily, making you scream out his name as good as you could while coming undone yet again.  He pulled out, standing up and stroking himself in front of you. “I’m not done yet, on your knees,” he ordered, pulling you down and propping you up the way he wanted. Unclasping the band that kept the ball inside your mouth he didn’t waste any time before pushing his swollen cock past your wet lips and down your throat. His hand was in your hair, pushing you down so the tip of your nose hit the skin above his meat. Bakugo thrusted in and out, your hooded eyes locked with his. All you could do is push out your tongue, knowing he loved you like that, on your knees, fucked stupid with only his dick and pleasure in your mind. The way Katsuki would grown every time he went down your throat made your pussy throb, craving more. It didn’t take long for him to pull out and cum all over your face. “Don’t swallow just yet, let me have a nice look first,” he told you, watching the vibrator slip out of your dripping cunt, your other hole clenching around nothing. He felt himself already hardening at the view again, but he had to take care of you first before making you ride him.  He picked you up in his strong arms, kissing your forehead. “You did so well for me princess, I’m so proud of you, let’s get you cleaned up, sounds good?” he asked, already on his way to the bathroom. “You won’t break up with me, right?” you suddenly asked him timidly, making him chuckle, the doubts of before filling your mind. “Definitely not, I plan on doing quite the opposite of it actually,” he told you, watching you as you tried to make out what he just told you.  “It means, I want to marry you dumbass, of course only if you’re up for it?” he planed on asking you tomorrow but he just couldn’t wait, the ring in his jacket basically burning a hole through the pocket.  “You’re not joking, right?” you asked him as he sat you down in the bathtub, pulling you into his body so he can clean you. “No Idiot, I mean it, you’re everything I ever wanted, you’re so patient with me and so understanding and I couldn’t handle a day without you by my side, so Y/N, I’m asking you will you become Mrs. Bakugo?” “Of course!” you told him with the biggest smile he has ever seen, eyes sparkling full of love as you pulled him the best you could, wincing as the pain of your bruising asscheeks made itself noticeable.  “Good, it would have been really embarrassing to return the ring tomorrow,” he told you, kissing your lips. 
©Kirishoshego//do not repost on any plattform
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jkstompers · 3 years
just to study | jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
summary: your seat partner asks if you’re free after class, just to study.
genre: fluff, college!au, established friendship, flirtationship, mutual pining, they go to a ‘frat’ party together, also yugyeom! a sweetheart<3 we love him.
warnings: mature!!, mentions of alcohol + alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, strong language, SEXUAL TENSION, mentions of dick sucking??, hints of a wet dream on oc’s end, very strong urges to kiss each other but no kisses today </3, that’s pretty much it!
word count: 7.4k (i...kinda went overboard)
authors’ note: hello!! this is a pt. 2 to sleepyhead! it’s based a few weeks after so yeah <3 also the pacing is kind of weird but… i don’t really know how being drunk is so............(>人<) i’m sorry about that! one scene was inspired by this post haha it was just so cute to think about i had to do it. ALSO i literally haven’t taken anatomy since high school so i just used random terms from quizlet T_T pls excuse that as well! but otherwise, enjoy!!!!!!!!! (っ^_^)っ
(if u see any typos...ignore them pls T_T)
side note: imagine jk looking like this when he goes to the party lmao classic fboy look with the camo bomber and his piercings ugh <3
banner pic creds here ! <3
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you made it to class on time today, woke to your alarm and even had enough time to eat breakfast before you came. in a particularly good mood, you made your way up the stairs to the row jungkook was sitting in, hoping that the seat next to him was empty (you didn’t have to hope, jungkook always saved the seat next to him for you, no matter what.)
“good morning, ___!” jungkook’s voice greets you the same as always as soon as you appear next to him. he moves his bag out of the way for you to sit down.
he looks especially cute today. his long floppy hair framing his face, his sweet smile beaming up to you. you wonder how dumb you looked drooling over him for a minute before you replied, “hi jungkook, how are you?” with the same smile on your face that you show him every time he sees you. it never changes, but it never fails to make jungkook’s heart skip a beat.
“i’m doing okay, you?” he answers while you pull out your laptop.
you didn’t have a chance to reply before your professor starts talking. informing the class about the test that’s planned at the end of the month, finals in two months, and then dropping the bomb that there’s a quiz tomorrow about the things you’ve learned in the past week. a slight panic takes over you, although you didn’t know why, you understood what he was teaching and you were retaining all of the information well. but when the professor pulls up all the information on the screen to review it all, all of the words and pictures overwhelm you.
to make things worse, jungkook is to your left, not paying attention to a word your professor is saying. instead, playing some game where he has to click his touchpad an obnoxious amount of times. your attention is split between jungkook’s erratic tapping and the notes that the professor projects onto the screen, even though his computer barely made any noise, his incessant movement was distracting you.
“jungkook, you’re taking notes and playing a game?” your voice comes out as a rushed whisper. there’s a snort that comes from him before he nods. you couldn’t be mad at him. “there’s a quiz on all of this tomorrow, you know?”
“i know,” he continues to tap and click, the motion growing incredibly annoying. you didn’t know why you couldn’t have just tried to block it out, but he was just so close to you and admittedly, you looked at his hands, a lot. the way that his fingers tapped against his keyboard and his veins that accentuate his already beautiful hands, it was free art you could look at, how could you not? at this point, you’re contemplating holding his hand to make him stop tapping.
you were in the middle of typing when he finally stops, leaning back and stretching his arms up into the air. you let out a sigh of relief, until he starts again. apparently he reached the next level on his game, tapping even faster, if that was even fucking possible.
quietly, you groan. turning your attention solely on him. you place your hand on top of his, the tapping ceasing almost immediately. “please, jungkook, you’re distracting me.”
he looks at your hand before he looks at you, his chocolate doe eyes wide to the action. he gulps, “sorry.”
you remove your hand, focusing back to the presentation. jungkook feels the heat from his cheeks travel to his hand. the feeling of your hand on his wasn’t something he was expecting to experience today, but he wants nothing more than for you to do it again. he exits the game tab and changes his focus to the lecture.
or moreso, you focusing on the lecture.
you look so cute. your cheek pressed up against your fist. he stares at the way that your forehead creases in concentration. he taps on your arm that’s resting on the table, “hey, you look like you’re stressed out.”
you turn your head slightly to look over to him. “that’s because i am,” you send him a quick smile before you go back to looking at the projection.
he furrows his eyebrows, “why? you’re smart, there’s no need to worry about what you get on this.” you were an a+ student, never anything less than that. jungkook knows that you ace every test that you take, so he doesn’t quite understand why you’re so stressed.
“because jungkook,” you groan. you expected a lot from yourself, sure b’s were okay, but a’s and a+’s were what you wanted and what you thought would make you feel satisfied. there was no way you could explain this without sounding like an overachiever. so you just sigh, “i’m just not really prepared.”
jungkook thinks of the perfect way to spend more time with you, snapping his fingers before suggesting, “we should study together after class, studies show that studying with someone else will give you an a+, guaranteed.” the confidence in his voice makes you smile, and helps you ease up a little bit.
you raise an eyebrow, a laugh creeping up from your lungs. “source for that statistic, sir?”
he taps his right temple, the gesture making you snort. “no but seriously, i’ll help you out,” he assures. his laptop turns towards you to show you all the notes he took, different words highlighted and colored differently.
you act like you think about it, staying quiet for a minute or so. but you know the answer was yes no matter what. “just to study?” you tease. jungkook raises his eyebrows in surprise, an amused smile on his face, “just kidding, we can go to mine? i owe you for the ride you gave me like two weeks ago.” you tap your fingers against your laptop nervously, your teeth taking in your bottom lip as you ask. you haven’t had a guy over to your apartment, not since you’ve moved in. there’s a certain anxiousness that comes with the suggestion.
jungkook nods, “sounds good.”
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“okay, again.” you brush your hair behind your ears, preparing yourself once more for another pass of the flashcards. the two of you have been at it with these cards for the past hour or so, you were determined to get these right no matter how long it took. jungkook knew you were gonna get it down, you only had three more cards, these ones specifically stumping you.
“aponeuroses,” he looks at the card and then to you.
“connective tissue that forms a broad sheet which attach muscle to bone or muscle to other muscles,” you speak confidently. jungkook nods, moving onto the next card of the set of three.
“endomysium,” he reads the card. you hesitate on this one for a second, he plays with the corner of the card until you snap your fingers.
“that’s the connective tissue surrounding the… the— uh, oh! muscle fiber?” your brain works extra hard. jungkook rewards you with another nod, flipping to the last card.
“dense connective tissue,” you begin, pausing to think of the rest of the answer. you start biting your thumb nail, knowing there’s more to it but it’s not coming to your brain quick enough.
jungkook just stares, watching your facial expressions as you search for the answer in your brain. this could be the worst crush he’s ever had, he thinks you’re cute when you’re just sitting there, thinking. he doesn’t remember ever liking someone this much, most of the time his crushes went away after a few weeks or so. but it’s almost been an entire year since he’s started crushing on you, and it still hasn’t stopped. you still manage to find a way to make his thoughts surround you.
“separates and holds individual tissues? it’s the one that extends into the tendons, right?” you perk up after a minute or so. your brain finally coming up with the answer. you blame jungkook’s presence for slowing you down. maybe you shouldn’t have accepted this offer to study together, because how could you focus when jeon jungkook is sitting right in front of you?
“you’re amazing,” he praises, setting the flashcards down onto the table. you blush at the compliment, jungkook takes notice, but he doesn’t mind, he thinks pink is pretty on you. he’s never wanted to kiss your cheeks as much as he did now, and trust, he’s thought about it many, many times. “all done?” he asks after staring at you for the longest time.
you nod, “just gonna highlight these terms to review them later so i can get it down 100%.”
jungkook watches as you diligently reread your notes and highlight them. an apple on the table taking his attention away for a second when he realizes he hasn’t eaten at all today. he takes a bite, the loud crunch noise seemingly startling the both of you. it makes you turn your head and raise an eyebrow towards him.
“sorry,” he chews, “hungry.”
your stare lingers a little longer than you wanted it to. his cheeks are full of apple, you can’t help but laugh a little. “there’s still the sticker on it,” you point out.
he turns the apple around to see the blue sticker. peeling it off, he holds it on his fingertip, an idea sprouting in his mind to see that sweet smile of yours again. so he places the sticker on your cheek, your gaze moving from your screen to him and then to the fruit sticker now stuck onto your cheek. “get it? ‘cause you’re sweet like this apple is,” he smiles.
oh my god. you blush embarrassingly, your entire face flushed pink as you hide your cheeks behind your hands. he laughs at your reaction. jungkook was feeling bold today, so he moves forward, gently taking your hands away from your face to see the cute pink tint he caused. he sits back, admiring your pretty face.
you feel yourself burning hotter and hotter the longer he stares, looking everywhere but his face, too scared to make eye contact. you look back to your computer screen, “um— there’s pasta in the fridge— if you’re hungry, i made it last night.” you offer, but he declines politely, telling you that he has to leave pretty soon because his friends are expecting him to join them today.
begrudgingly, you watch as jungkook packs his things up. he thinks about how content he felt hanging out with you today, and how he wanted to do it again, as soon as possible. a thought pops into his head before he opens the door to leave. he turns on his heel.
you weren’t expecting the sudden turn, accidentally bumping into his chest. “oof! sorry.”
“it’s alright,” he laughs, helping you steady yourself by holding your shoulders. “i just wanted to ask— uh, my friends are throwing a party tomorrow night, do you— do you wanna come?” his words come out jumbled, jungkook never fails to trip on his words whenever he’s near you.
tomorrow night...it’s a friday tomorrow, the quiz is tomorrow, why the fuck not? a stress reliever from all the studying you’ve done. “sure,” you answer after a minute or so of deliberation. you look up at him with a smile, suddenly realizing how close the two of you are.
your eyes flicker between his eyes and his lips, the close proximity makes you hold your breath. “great! i can pick you up? be your DD?” he quirks his head, a smile that matches yours on his face.
you nod, “yeah, i’d like that.” with that, jungkook takes a step back, widening the space between you both as his right hand goes to hold the strap of his bag.
“okay, i’ll text you the details.” before he turns around, turning the knob of your front door and letting himself out. before the door closes, he sends you a wave, one which you reflect as he pulls the door closed. you move up and lock the door, your forehead resting against the cold metal slab.
you wonder if this crush will ever advance into something more. neither of you really push the agenda, most of the time just cutely flirting with each other and only talking to each other during class. maybe this party will be a chance to further the bond the two of you have. you could only wish that you could drop this nervous shield that pops up everytime you’re around him, but jungkook is just so cool. the campus heartthrob, everyone wants to be him or be with him.
for the rest of the day, jungkook seems to occupy your mind, as he always does. when you get to sleep, the fantasies of jungkook’s lips on yours drift you into a deep sleep, one that eventually leads to a dream that has you rubbing your thighs together. his hands were all over your body, his cologne that you were so familiar with tormenting your nose, it all felt too real. so when you woke up to the sound of your alarm, sweat beaded at your hairline. you took deep breaths, cementing the fact that he isn’t here, and he certainly isn’t doing those things with you right now.
it was not helping that you dreamt of him sexually on the day of your quiz, the one that you were immensely stressing over. now, you’re gonna have to walk into class, act normal around jungkook even though your brain produced pornographic images of him, (it’s not the first time, but it’s the first time you’ve had to face him right after it happened) and ace this quiz.
you tried almost everything you could to have cleared your brain of your dream sequence. taking a shower, eating breakfast, studying once more, etc. but when you’re walking into the lecture hall, flashes of the dream and the sound of his imagined moan echo in your mind.
you walk up the stairs with your eyes down, not sure if you could make eye contact with jungkook without turning red. “hey, ___, good morning!” the familiar voice greets you.
“morning,” you reply, dryly. taking the seat next to him and silently taking your laptop out, waiting for the professor to start the quiz. jungkook seemed a bit taken aback by your cold answer, but he took into account that you’re probably just super nervous and stressed out because of the quiz, so he doesn’t take it too personally. instead, just sitting back in his chair and waiting patiently to take the quiz as well.
at this point, you were psyching yourself out, swearing that you already forgot all of the terms. if you were quizzed on the parts of male anatomy, specifically jungkook’s, then maybe you could ace it, but the terms that you were working oh so hard to memorize yesterday slip from your mind. when the professor tells you to separate and start the quiz, you start to bite your thumb nail again.
jungkook takes a look over at you, noticing the bad habit of yours. he gently takes a hold of your arm, pulling your thumb away from your teeth. the action causing you to make eye contact with him and his big doe eyes that hold so much love and light. you find yourself a bit speechless then, too many thoughts running around in your mind.
he whispers, “you’ll do great, okay?” the statement soothing your nerves. his voice somehow makes your body relax, even though you thought you would freak out if you made any sort of contact with him.
“you— you too, good luck,” you mutter. a half smile on your face. you were grateful that jungkook broke you out of your trance, his words of encouragement suddenly placing you in the testing state of mind. the images from last night's dream seem to put themselves away for now.
the next twenty minutes are complete silence. everyone focused on the questions before them. of course, you zoomed through the quiz, prepared for the trick questions and the harder ones that come up. jungkook finishes after you. it wasn’t a surprise, jungkook didn’t even have to try, you swear you’ve never seen him stress out before. nobody was perfect, you believed that, but jeon jungkook was the closest to it.
“okay, class! the quiz will be graded by tonight hopefully, you’re free to leave,” your professor alerts the class. jungkook waits patiently until you’re standing, following you down the stairs and out the door.
you decide to speak first, since you greeted him with such a dry response this morning. it wasn’t his fault that you dreamed of him on top of you, so why were you punishing him for it? “how’d you think you did?” you asked, turning to look at him.
he shrugs, “good i guess, i think i fucked up on one or two questions.”
“was it the striation part? i think i messed up on that one too.”
he shakes his head, “you know you aced that, don’t lie.”
you stay silent, the two of you walking to the campus parking lot. neither of you engage in conversation as you usually do. the images of last night’s dream slipping into your consciousness once again. you try to shake your head, to rid yourself of the thoughts. nothing else to distract you from them because jungkook was oddly silent the entire walk. you fear that he can actually read your mind and see all of your thoughts. if he could, he doesn’t mention it. not saying one word to you until he walks you to your car, greeting you with a ‘see you next class!’ before leaving to go to his car. not even mentioning the party to you, you start to wonder if he regrets inviting you. up until you heard your phone ring when you parked in the lot of your apartment complex.
[10:24 am] jungkook: hey! forgot to remind u about the party 😫
[10:24 am] jungkook: ur still down to come, right?
[10:28 am] you: hi! yeah :)
[10:28 am] you: is there a dress code or smth? haha
[10:29 am] jungkook: not that i know of 😂
[10:30 am] jungkook: u can wear anything u want
[10:30 am] jungkook: ur cute whatever u wear
[10:31 am] you: oh stop it jeon ur making me blush
[10:32 am] you: but tell me :( should i wear something casual? pants? a dress?
[10:34 am] jungkook: 😂
[10:34 am] jungkook: it’s kind of like a frat party…
[10:35 am] jungkook: so anything is okay
[10:37 am] you: ah okay
[10:37 am] you: i’ll surprise u then ;)
[10:40 am] jungkook: alright :)
[10:41 am] jungkook: i’ll come by around 9 to pick u up? sound good?
[10:42 am] you: yeah! gives me enough time to nap and get ready lol
[10:44 am] jungkook: great :) see u then cutie
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you wake up from your nap around one, you had more than enough time for you to get ready for a party. so you decide to clean your apartment first, little chores to waste time before you get yourself dolled up. when you finished, it was around seven thirty. you washed your face, brushed your teeth, all that good stuff before sliding on a simple black bodycon that you got last summer. styling your hair and spraying on your favorite perfume before looking at yourself in the mirror. this wasn’t too much, right? lots of people wear stuff like this to frat parties, so you didn’t find it too fancy. the notification sound from your phone goes off, you move to check and see if it was who you were expecting.
[8:54 pm] jungkook: i’m here :)
[8:54 pm] you: ahh gimme a sec i need to pee haha
[8:55 pm] jungkook: take ur time cutie
[8:56 pm] jungkook: i’m right in front
jungkook only really had to wait about five minutes. the visual of you walking out of your apartment doors, looking the way you did, was breathtaking. his jaw drops, mouth slightly agape as he watches you walk up to his car through the passenger window. you are so gorgeous. it’s probably the first time jungkook’s seen you in clothes that really compliment your figure, most of the time you show up to class in hoodies and sweaters. so greedily, he takes in the way the dress hugs your curves deliciously. he shakes the thoughts from his head to get out of the car and open the door for you.
“what a gentleman,” you tease, getting into the car.
he joins you soon after, “you look...gorgeous.” jungkook doesn’t seem so shy now, his eyes taking in your beautiful self.
“thank you,” you blush under his stare. “is it too much?”
“no! no— not at all, all eyes will be on you tonight.” he smiles, turning the car on. now you were able to gawk over him. a simple outfit, all black with a black and white camo bomber. his side profile is perfect, his long hair draping over his face so gracefully and his piercings somehow sparkling in the dark of the car.
he doesn’t drive too far, somewhere in the suburbs where the big houses are. a huge iron gate in the front, seemingly too fancy for a frat party setting. jungkook rolls his window down to greet someone waiting in front of the gate with a couple of other guys.
“jeon! you’re late dude,” one of the guys gives him a handshake through the window.
“sorry man, i’m here now though,” jungkook laughs. the guy giving him the greenlight and opening the gate for him, jungkook parks inside on their stone driveway, decorated with a fountain and a beautiful garden.
“your friend lives here?” you inquire, impressed by the look of the place.
he nods, “fancy right? his parents are ceo’s.” makes sense, and it would also make sense as to why they were throwing a frat party here, rich sons always seem to stir up trouble whenever they’re bored.
he steps out of the car to open the door for you, always a gentleman. he takes your hand and helps you out, the two of you walking to the huge open double doors. as soon as you walk in, the smell of alcohol hits your nose, you try your best not to cringe. the blare of the speakers is the second thing you notice, along with the shouting of jungkook’s friends greeting him. “who’s this?” one of them asks, referring to you.
jungkook seems to hesitate at first, not really knowing how to introduce you. he settles by saying, “this is ___!” not attaching any ‘friend’, ‘classmate’, or anything to the introduction. his friend holds his hand out to shake yours.
you take it with a smile on your face, “i’m yugyeom, it’s nice to meet you!” a smile that reflects yours is on his face, it made you feel welcome. you were never really the type to go to parties, your time is spent working and/or going to school, but this interaction helps you ease up a little more.
“hello, yugyeom!” you reply, shouting over the music.
“do you wanna take a shot?” he asks. pointing to the enormous kitchen where they’re housing all the alcohol, you look to jungkook first who’s paying more attention to his phone rather than the conversation you were just having.
you shrug, “why not?”
yugyeom leads the two of you to the kitchen, jungkook following behind you blindly. he looks up from his phone, done with whatever business he was dealing with to ask, “where are we going?”
“taking a shot,” you answer, pointing to yugyeom who’s already pouring three shots.
“dude, i’m not drinking, don’t pour three.” jungkook tries to stop him before he fills up the third shot glass but his arm knocks yugyeom’s in the process, the bottle spilling the clear liquid into the third shot glass.
“i’ll take two,” you suggest, feeling a bit wild and down to venture out of your comfort zone.
yugyeom smiles at this, “i like her, jeon.” he hands you the two shot glasses full of vodka, jungkook stands next to you and watches as you down the first shot. your face cringing as soon as the alcohol touches your tongue.
“you didn’t even give her a chaser,” jungkook notices, scolding yugyeom who's already downed his shot and is sucking on a lime. “here, suck,” holding a slice of lime up to your lips. his choice of words disorienting you, especially since he was holding the lime up to your mouth instead of just handing it to you. your eyes flicker between the lime and his face, but nevertheless, you suck. sinking your teeth into the sour fruit. jungkook’s eyes zeroed in on how your lips wrap around the slice, slightly grazing his fingers. it’s not long before you’re making a cute scrunched up face from the sourness. “good,” he praises. you don’t deny the slight burn your lower belly felt when he said that to you. you swear he was making sex eyes to you, but you couldn’t tell. he broke eye contact with you soon after, throwing the fruit into the trash below the table that the alcohol was perched on.
yugyeom hands you another lime for your second shot, this time no jungkook to hold the fruit for you. the second shot burning down your throat with the lime chasing after, both yugyeom and jungkook cheer, congratulating you for being a trooper (even though two shots were their warmups).
the next hour or so, jungkook brings you around. he introduces you to his friends and making conversation with them. one certain group, you didn’t really enjoy. a group of five girls, clearly swarming jungkook as soon as he turned around from talking to another one of his friends. the girls ask how he’s been doing, all of the basic conversation starters. when jungkook tries to introduce you, they all turn to you and give you a little head nod before turning their attention back to jungkook. he stands there, conversing with them longer than he had with any of his other friends, and you found yourself getting, hm, jealous.
so you search around the room crowded room, looking for some way out. your eyes spot yugyeom in the backyard through the huge sliding doors, sitting on one of those lawn chairs with the one next to him empty. you decide to leave the group you were currently getting pushed out of and join yugyeom. he notices you when you step onto the grass, trying your best not to sink into the dirt with your heels. “you doing alright? where’s jungkookie?” he asks, sitting up.
you plop down onto the lawn chair next to him. “he’s in there,” you point to the house, “with five girls.”
the last bit of the sentence makes him laugh, a cackle where he holds his stomach because he was laughing so hard. “do you want a shot?” he offers after he recovers from his fit, pulling a tequila bottle out from nowhere.
but you agree, “two, please.” he fills the two shot glasses, but not completely like he did with the vodka earlier. there were no limes, or any type of chaser for you to take around, so you take the two shots like ripping off a band-aid, quick.
“you’re a funny girl,” yugyeom compliments when you’ve downed the shots.
“thanks?” you cough, the feeling of the alcohol still burning your nose and throat, “what did i say that was funny?”
“i think it’s because i’m tipsy, but that joke you made about jungkook being with five girls was hilarious.” he slaps his knee, almost making himself laugh up a storm again, but you weren’t laughing.
you raised an eyebrow, speaking with a serious tone. “it wasn’t a joke, he’s in there with five girls.”
yugyeom tries to collect himself, sitting properly on the lawn chair when he asks you to clarify, “you mean he’s fucking them? or he’s talking to them?”
you’re silent for a second before replying, why did you say it like he was in there fucking them? maybe it’s because he might as well be, so engrossed in whatever the hell they were saying to even notice that you were gone. “just talking to them,” you reply.
“that’s what i thought, jungkook isn’t like that anymore,” yugyeom nods his head, pouring another shot out for you.
“anymore?” you ask. he hands you the shot, you hesitate this time, starting to feel the effects of the first four shots you took. he doesn’t push you to take it. he just leans back onto the lawn chair as he sighs.
“you could say he’s retired,” he shrugs.
the term makes you laugh, “...a retired fuckboy?” you sit back into the lawn chair as well, looking up to the night sky. the shot glass forgotten on the table next to you. your body feels like it’s floating.
“yeah, he hasn’t really been doing stuff like that recently,” yugyeom spills. you stay quiet after he feeds you this information. yugyeom offhandedly telling you that you shouldn’t be jealous makes you feel guilty. why were you even jealous? jungkook was technically still just a friend to you. just because the two of you flirt every now and then doesn’t mean you’re together. of course he would be surrounded by girls, just look at him!
“there you are! i was looking all over for you,” jungkook interrupts your inner monologue. his voice comes from across the lawn, you look up to see him walking over to you and yugyeom.
“hi, jungkookie,” you smile up at him. the alcohol having more of an effect on you the longer you let it sit in your stomach.
he almost freezes up at the nickname, looking over to yugyeom and asking, “did you tell her to call me that?”
yugyeom holds his hands up in innocence, “i didn’t tell her to do anything, she’s like five or six shots deep though.”
you take the shot that was forgotten on the table and down it. “six,” you clarify.
“alright, slow down, iron liver,” jungkook jokes. yugyeom stands from the lawn chair, receiving jungkook’s telepathic signals to get the fuck up to he could talk and hang out with you.
“play beer pong with me later, ___! i’m gonna go look for eunwoo,” yugyeom points to you, giving you a thumbs up before leaving the backyard and moving into the house.
“feeling okay? think you might throw up soon?” jungkook asks, replacing yugyeom in the chair next to you.
“feel like i’m surfing, you know? like wavy,” you answer. the feeling was hard to explain, you weren’t dizzy but at the same time your brain was telling you to stop moving, even though you were completely still.
“ah, you’re getting there,” jungkook snorts. you didn’t have much willpower to answer, so the two of you sit there in a comfortable silence before a group of people coming towards, all greeting jungkook and you. they offer you a red cup, despite your current predicament. leaning against the chair and your droopy eyes, telling them that you’ve taken too many shots. a lightweight at her peak.
jungkook tries to deny it for you, but with a smile, you accept the cup. it was filled with the fancy mixed alcohol juice they had. “thank you,” you place the cup onto the table, “i’ll drink it.... later..” your words begin to draw themselves out. jungkook somehow finding a way to make the entire group leave, making it just the two of you again.
“give it to me, you’re starting to slur your words.” his hand is open, laying on the table and waiting for you to surrender the cup.
your eyes flicker from the red cup, to his face, then to his hand. a smirk on your face when you hold the cup up to your lips, tilting it back and drinking the cursed juice. you weren’t able to down it all, it was too much, you drank maybe ⅔ of it. you cough, taking in a deep breath as you try to steady yourself.
you weren’t sure if it was because you were drunk, but the way that his face looks in the moonlight was so pretty. so you just had to tell him. leaning forward, you speak, almost a whisper, “you’re so handsome.” you drag your finger across the expanse of jungkook’s hand. “did you know i have no gag reflex?” you smile, not your typical sweet smile that he’s used to, but a devilish grin.
jungkook’s eyes widen, his cheeks flushing immediately at your remark. “alright, you drank way too much.” he takes the red cup from your hands, dumping it out onto the grass in front of you both.
“hey, i wasn’t done,” you pout, but jungkook didn’t give you much time to mourn your spilled drink before he was holding your arm, lifting you from the lawn chair you were sitting on. “where are we going?” you ask, trailing behind him with your hand in his.
“gonna get you some water and something to eat,” he answers. the two of you move through the house, jungkook pushes through groups of people and makes sure you’re safe behind him.
“i have to pee.” you tip toe to tell him your emergency in his ear. he stops at the stairs, knowing a bathroom where no one else goes. his friend specifically telling him to use that bathroom when they have parties because the other ones get way too gross.
he brings you up the stairs to the guest bedroom, opening the door to reveal one of the biggest rooms you’ve seen. “the bathroom is there,” jungkook points to the door on the left. you nod, your wobbly legs making their way to the toilet.
jungkook sits on the bed patiently, waiting for you to finish. he hears the flush and the sound of the sink running, the door opens and you’re coming out of the bathroom, pulling your dress down. “are we gonna have sex?” you utter, slurring the end of your sentence. your alcohol poisoned mind taking over your ability to speak.
his eyes widen at the question. “no! no— oh my god, this is just the room with the cleanest bathroom, we’re not—“
you’re next to him now, “you don’t want to?” you pout. glassy eyes looking into his.
“no! i mean, yes, i want to but— fuck, just— just not now, yeah?” jungkook stumbles over his words, his face blushing a blood red. your pretty face peering up at him makes him even more flustered, his hands start to sweat.
“okay,” you nodded. your drunken brain deciding to stop the interrogation of jungkook’s desire for you. to which jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, taking your hand and bringing you out of the room, down the stairs, and out into the driveway. he brings you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. “wait, are we leaving already? yugyeomie wants me to play beer pong with him,” you complain, wiggling your hand from his grasp.
goosebumps appear on your arm when you make it outside of the house. jungkook notices when he turns around to look at you. without a second thought, he takes his jacket off and places it over your shoulders. the newfound warmth shielding you from the cold night. he didn’t mind the breeze, especially since he was still recovering from the stunt you pulled in the guest room.
“we can come back later if you want, let’s just go grab something to eat first so you won’t regret this tomorrow morning.” his explanation is pretty solid according to your drunken brain, so you oblige, moving to sit in his passenger seat.
he joins you in the driver’s seat not long after. “can we get mcdonald’s?” you ask as soon as he sits down.
a smile appears on his face as he starts the car, “sure.”
the drive made you feel a little dizzy, it makes you laugh. “you okay?” jungkook asks, but you nod your head. he’s so sweet, always asking if you’re okay, making sure you weren’t feeling too awful, etc. it only makes sense that you were falling head over heels for him.
“totally fine,” you look over to him with a smile on your face. he’s so fucking pretty, his side profile is something you could rave about for days. as he’s pulling into the mcdonald’s drive through, he’s talking into the intercom, ordering the two of you something to eat when you’re suddenly mumbling, “mcflurry, kookie, oreo mcflurry.”
he looks back to you, an amused smile on his face, “oreo mcflurry?” he repeats. you nod, “okay, anything for you.”
he reiterates the request into the intercom and the server gives him the greenlight. he drives forward and waits until the next car moves up, in the time being, he looks to you. your head laying up against the door and your eyes slowly blinking, warning him that you might fall asleep. so he reaches into his backseat, his arm looking for the water bottles that he usually keeps in his car.
“hey,” he taps your arm gently, “drink some of this first.” he hands you the water bottle, you blink slowly, trying to figure out what he was handing you. once you realize it was a water bottle, you take it, opening it and gulping some of the water down. jungkook is grabbing the food when you’re screwing the cap back on. he parks somewhere in the parking lot and tells you to start eating.
you grab your mcflurry first, the feeling of the cold ice cream on your tongue soothing your dizzy brain. “yum,” you think out loud.
jungkook laughs, taking out his hamburger while he takes out your chicken nuggets. “make sure to eat some of this, yeah? don’t want you throwing up and hating me.”
the thought makes you smile. jungkook was taking such great care of you. sure, he let you down the alcohol like it was nothing, but you never opposed to it, always taking the shot because you wanted to. now jungkook is here, taking care of you, because he wanted to. you knew that if it were anybody else, they probably would have left you at the party, letting you fend for yourself. the sudden warmth in your chest makes you want to tell jungkook everything.
with his jacket wrapped around you instead of him, you can see the bulge of his arm muscles peek out from the short sleeved shirt he was wearing. even drunk, your brain seems to travel back to the images from your dream. “you know, i had a dream about you, a reeaaaallllllyyyyy dirty dream, jeon jungkook.” you blurt out the confession before your thoughts catch up with you, the alcohol still very much blocking off the common sense part of your brain.
he tries his best not to overreact, but you had a dream about him? a dirty dream at that? it awakens something in jungkook, but he pushes it down, ignoring the feeling as he asks, “you did? what was it about?” he curious as to what you meant and what your dream entailed, but he didn’t want to push too far. especially since you were drunk and most likely just spilling everything because your brain doesn’t have the willpower to hold it back.
you stick your hand into the bag to steal some fries, stuffing them in your mouth. “oh, you don’t wanna know,” you chew.
jungkook quirks a brow, “well, was i good at least?” he jokes.
you scrunch your nose, nodding nevertheless. “too good, couldn’t even focus during the quiz because of it.”
jungkook is silent for a second. the conversation making him hot even though he wasn’t wearing his jacket anymore. so he clears his throat, trying to change the subject in a subtle manner. “is that why you were so mean to me this morning?” he pouts, connecting the dots.
you laugh at the question, “sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear.”
with that, the rest of the time is spent eating. jungkook makes sure that you ate enough and drank enough water, the empty water bottle in his cupholder as proof. “do you want me to take you home now?” he asks, the two of you finished eating and now a silence takes over the car.
“are you going back?” you ask, fiddling with your fingers. he thinks you’ve started to sober up, or maybe have gotten to the point where you just want to sleep.
he shakes his head to your question, “honestly, i’m kind of tired, but if you want to go back, we can go.”
“no, i’m okay,” you decline the offer. jungkook laughs, starting the car again and driving back to your apartment complex.
you take this time to try to get yourself together. you know you’ll regret confessing to jungkook that you had a wet dream about him in the morning. but in the moment, it felt right to confess, (to your drunken brain of course). you tilt your head back, pushing your head against the headrest, and suddenly, you’re reminded of the stars jungkook has on his ceiling. you were silent as you admired the lights, jungkook takes a look at you when he’s stopped at a red light.
so cute, he thinks, staring up at his ceiling like it’s the real night sky. when he pulls up to your apartment complex, he wishes the night could be longer, that he could spend more time with you. he parks the car in the front, exactly where he picked you up. you’re looking to him now, your hands in your lap and your heart seemingly beating three times as fast as it usually does. it wasn’t the alcohol.
“did you have fun tonight?” he asks. his voice never fails to make you melt.
you nod, “i did.”
“i’m glad,” he smiles. there’s a small silence before he speaks once more, “also, y’know, you don’t have to stress yourself out so much, i know you might have expectations for yourself and stuff, but you should give yourself a break from time to time.”
the alcohol’s effects fading slowly from your brain when you start to realize that the entire reason jungkook invited you out was to help you destress. it makes you fall even harder, he was so thoughtful. even though a party wasn’t your scene, he invited you to give you a glimpse into how he has fun and hoped that it would help you loosen up a bit. you were grateful for the mental break he provided you.
you didn’t reply, purely because you were thinking about how much you want to kiss him right now, but it wouldn’t be right. when he speaks up again, there’s a nervous lilt in his voice, scared that he’s overstepped. “if you need anyone to help you— i don’t know, let loose? you can— you can always call me.” he scratches the back of his neck.
but you try your best to reassure him, smiling at the offer. “i will, thank you for tonight, jungkook, i really enjoyed it, despite being a lightweight.”
he laughs, staring at the way your face cutely scrunches when you giggle. he too, is fighting the urge to kiss you, because right now isn’t a good time. he wants to do it right. he doesn’t want to fuck it up with you. so instead, he hops out of the car and moves to open the door for you. helping you out of the car and walking you to your door, your hand in his.
“i’ll see you in class?” you turn to face him, squeezing his hand.
he nods, “yeah.” his signature bunny smile coming out to greet you a goodnight. “text me before you sleep?” he requests. you give him a thumbs up before he’s letting go of your hand and you’re sticking the key into your door, it’s then that you realize that you’re still wearing his jacket.
“oh!” you exclaim, taking the jacket off and handing it to him. but he holds his hand out to stop you.
“keep it, you can give it to me the next time we hang out, or something,” he suggests. you try to hide the growing smile behind a nod.
you hold onto his jacket, “goodnight, jungkook.”
he sticks his hands in his pockets, sending you another grin, “goodnight, ___.”
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jungkook drives home, his empty apartment welcoming him. he plops down onto his bed, not even bothering to change out of the clothes he was in because he was that tired. the events of today running through his mind.
he hopes you don’t think he was doing anything with those five girls. he saw you walk away when you did, he tried his best to escape the conversation, but they kept pulling him back. he gave up after ten tries of trying to get away, standing there for a good fifteen minutes listening to them babble about how much they missed him. jungkook had never rolled his eyes so many times in a conversation.
the talk the two of you had after was another thing taking over his mind. your dirty flirting and your dream you mentioned in the car had his imagination running all over the place. he didn’t want to push you when you explained, but he was very curious as to what he did in your dream, and how good it was for you to have it run through your mind all day.
his phone rings next to him. he turns and opens it, a smile on his face when he reads your message.
[12:32 am] you: hi jungkookieeeeeeeee
[12:33 am] you: im sleeping noww
[12:33 am] jungkook: alright cutie
[12:33 am] jungkook: goodnight! again 😂
[12:34 am] you: goodnight <3
he turns his phone off after that. looking up to his ceiling with a dumb smile on his face. his mind thinking of you and only you.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Fifty Bucks
Bishop Losa x Reader
Request from the babe @masterlistforimagines: Reader and Angel made a bet that she couldn’t last without having sex with Bishop for a week so she keeps “running” away every time her and Bishop get close to having sex. In the end, she lasts a week, collects her money from Angel and Bishop then finds out and takes her to Templo and has sex with her then. Oooh but I want Bishop to literally pick the reader up and bring her into templo and also the crew to hear them going at it
Warnings: language, (unprotected) sex, dominant Bishop giving all of us life
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: Sometimes you have to write Bishop smut at midnight on a Sunday and that’s totally valid. This was incredibly fun to write so I hope y’all enjoy it!
Bish Tag: @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @queenbeered​ @louisianalady​
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“No way you could do it,” Angel laughed as he leaned back in his chair.
You scoffed, shaking your head, “I could totally do it. One week? Easy.”
He took a sip of his beer but you could still see the smirk on his face, “Alright then. What’s the bet? Twenty bucks?”
You rolled your eyes, “If I’m gonna go a whole week without having sex with my boyfriend you gotta at least make it worth my while. A hundred.”
He immediately shook his head, “No fuckin’ way.”
“If you’re so sure you’re going to win it shouldn’t matter, right?”
“Fifty,” he paused, “And no getting yourself off either.”
“Ugh. You’re the worst. But you’re about to make me fifty dollars richer so fine,” you held your hand out to shake on it.
He grasped your hand tight in his, “Oh, and you can’t tell Bish. Don’t want him taking it easy on you to help you win a bet.”
It wasn’t going to be a fun week for you, but you figured it was going to be a manageable one. You and Bishop had a healthy sex life, and you immediately started brainstorming ways to get out of sexual situations with him, which was something that you never thought that you would have to be doing. For most of the time that you’d known him, you were trying to figure out how to get in to sexual situations with him. This all felt foreign and also wrong.
Monday evening rolled around and you were in the kitchen making dinner for the two of you. You felt his chest press up against your back as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his lips against your neck. Your legs went a little weak as you gave in slightly to his touch.
“How long ‘til it’s all ready?” he mumbled, his scruff tickling the sensitive skin of your neck.
You smiled, shaking your head, “Not too long.”
“Long enough?” his hands slid down into your shorts, his fingers pulling your panties off to the side.
Ordinarily you would have said, “Fuck it, let dinner burn and we can order in when we’re done,” but you had fifty bucks on the line. And also your pride. You spun around so that you were facing him and you repositioned his hands so they were no longer on the inside of your shorts, “Not this time. Can you grab some plates and cups from the cabinet, please?” you smiled at him.
Confusion crossed over his face for a moment but he did as you asked. You let out a quiet sigh of relief at one avoided situation. You knew how persistent he could be, though, and you had the feeling that you were in for a very long week.
You figured that Bishop assumed that you weren’t in the mood, because for the rest of the night he didn’t push it. The two of you were cuddled up on the couch after dinner and for the first time in a long time he didn’t try to get handsy with you. Part of you hoped that he would keep this up for most of the week so you wouldn’t have to try and dodge him.
Too bad you hardly ever get what you hope for. The next morning you woke up to Bishop’s fingers lightly trailing along your sides and thighs, his lips pressing against your neck. You giggled, still feeling heavy with sleep. He pulled you back against him and pressed a firm kiss onto your jaw.
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
You turned so that you were facing him, forcing your eyes open all the way, “Good morning.”
He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, one hand snaking up behind your neck to keep you pressed against him. You moaned lightly into your kiss as your hands came to rest against his chest. He attempted to pull you on top so that you were straddling him and you caught yourself right before you let him. You peeled yourself away from him, hating everything about the stupid bet that you had made with Angel.
“I gotta get ready, I have an early meeting today,” you kissed him on the lips and cupped his face for a moment, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he placed his hand over yours. You could see it in his eyes that he wanted to say something but he stopped himself.
After work, you ran home to throw on a more comfortable set of clothes and then head over to the clubhouse. You knew that the guys would all be there, and you figured that if you were out of the house, the less likely it would be that you would end up in a sexual situation with your boyfriend. It wasn’t completely out of the question, but it definitely put the odds in your favor a little bit more.
You were sitting at the bar, scrolling absently through your phone when you felt a pair of hands press down hard on your shoulders. Angel’s laugh filled your ears, “You owe me fifty bucks yet?”
You huffed, rolling your eyes, “Not yet. Only two days in and I feel like it’s been two weeks,” you glared at him as he sat down on the stool next to you, “You’re the fucking worst by the way.”
He laughed as he took a beer off the surface of the bar, “You could just pay up now and be done with it. Go home with Bish and get your back blown out. Fine by me.”
You laughed and gave him a firm but playful shove, “No fucking way. I’m not gonna let you win this.”
“You two all good over here?” Bishop appeared, gently resting his hands on your hips.
You looked up at him with a smile, “We’re fine.”
He leaned down and gave you a quick peck on the lips, “No beating up my new secretario. I need him…for now.”
“Damn, Pres, that’s cold,” Angel chuckled. He waited for Bishop to walk away and pick up a conversation with someone else before he turned back to you, a smug grin on his face, “Not as cold as you’re gonna have to be for the next five days, though.”
“Again, I say, you’re the worst.”
Wednesday night you were in the shower, lip-syncing to your playlist and rinsing off what had been an incredibly long day. You heard the door creak as it was slowly pushed open. You smiled to yourself and stuck your head outside the curtain. Bishop was standing there, a grin plastered on his face as he watched water drip down the sides of your face. He walked over and pressed a kiss to your dripping forehead.
“Got room in there for one more?”
Your entire face got hot. You desperately wanted to say yes, but you knew that it would, most likely, lead to the two of you having sex. But you also knew that saying no was going to set off some type of alarm bell in Bishop’s head.
“I was actually just about to hop out. Water’s starting to get cold,” you hated lying but it was the only way you could think to say no without having to actually say no. If he was annoyed, he was very good at hiding it. He placed one extra kiss on the tip of your nose before leaving you to get out and dry off. You let out a sigh of relief when he shut the door behind him.
Thursday was your only day of rest because you and Bishop hardly saw each other at all. You had to leave early for work, and by the time he got home from dealing with the club, you were passed out and he was too exhausted to try and wake you. You stirred slightly when he got into bed but didn’t stay awake for long after you felt his arms wrap around your waist. Within seconds he was snoring and you happily drifted back to sleep.
Bishop walked into the bedroom on Friday night and whistled when he saw you standing in front of the mirror, checking your hair and makeup. “Where are you going,” he walked up and snaked his arms around your waist, “dressed like this?” he kissed your shoulder, “And can I go with you?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Girl’s night, remember?” you rested your hands on top of his, “I told you about it last week. Some of my college girlfriends are in town so we’re all going out tonight,” you gave him a look through the reflection of the mirror, “No boys allowed.”
He smiled, squeezing you lightly, “What about men?”
You chuckled, “Still a no from me, Obispo. Sorry.”
“Fine. I’ll be here waiting when you get home, though,” he kissed your neck.
The contact made your whole body ache, absolutely hating that you haven’t been touched by your boyfriend in five days. “I’ll text you and keep you updated, okay?”
He nodded, “Have fun.”
It was around 2AM when you called Bishop from your friend’s hotel room, telling him that you were staying the night with them and that you would be home in the morning. He offered to come and pick you up, he offered to get you an Uber, but you told him that it’d just be easier to crash with the girls and come home in the morning. He didn’t like it but it accepted it, asking you to please text him first thing in the morning so he knew that you were alright.
You stumbled through the door early Saturday afternoon. Your hair was a mess and your head was pounding. Bishop was nowhere to be found, and his bike hadn’t been in the driveway either. You grabbed some comfy clothes to change into and made your way to the bathroom to shower. There was a note on the counter next to a bottle of aspirin and you smiled as you read it.
“Sorry I can’t be there when you get back. I’ll be home tonight. Hopefully your hangover will be done by then. I love you.”
You were sprawled out on the bed on your stomach, half asleep with the television on in the background when you heard the sound of Bishop’s boots in the hallway. You turned so that you were facing the doorway and he smiled at the sight of you. He stripped down to his boxers and crawled onto the bed. He positioned himself so that he was straddling you, situated right above your hips. He pushed up the fabric of your shirt (his shirt) and started to rub gentle circles into your back. You smiled, humming in approval as you all but melted into the mattress at his touch.
“I’m assuming from the volume of the television that your head still isn’t feeling great?” he chuckled as his hands worked their way up to your shoulders.
You smiled, “I’m alright. I’m not that old yet.”
Somewhere along the way the massage became a lot more than just a massage. For a moment you were wondering if just oral would break the bet with Angel. But you had less than twenty-four hours and you were so close to winning. You were a terrible liar so if you caved you wouldn’t be able to hide it from Angel.
Bishop had your panties pushed halfway down your legs when you pulled your lips off of his, placing a hand on his chest. His hands stilled as he looked down at you, concern all over his face when he saw your expression, “Everything okay, sweetheart?”
You nodded, “Yea. I just, you know,” you paused, trying to string together the right words to safely derail this situation, “you think you could just hold me for a little bit?”
He repositioned himself so that he was lying on his side facing you, “Of course,” he pulled you up against him, “You feeling okay? You’ve felt far away lately.”
You smiled up at him, nodding, “Yea, I’m okay. Just in a cuddly mood…is that okay?”
He laughed, nodding, “Of course. Can I still kiss you?”
You chuckled, “Of course.”
Sunday night rolled around and you all but kicked the doors in to the clubhouse. The MC was already there—Bishop had left the house a few hours earlier for Templo. The meeting had since adjourned because all of the guys were milling about the expanse of the clubhouse with the usual hang-arounds.
You went up to Angel, who was sitting with his brother at the bar. You held out your hand, “Pay up, Reyes.”
EZ looked back and forth between the two of you with confusion all over his face. Angel chuckled, “Damn, you really did it, didn’t you? No wonder Bish was so uptight in Templo tonight,” he laughed as he dug his wallet out and slapped the money into your hand.
Before you could come up with a smart remark, Bishop materialized next to you, wondering why you hadn’t come over to say hello but instead came over to Angel. Bishop was always your first stop when you arrived at the clubhouse.
“What’s going on over here?” he asked with a curious smile.
You wrapped your arm around Bishop’s waist, “Your secretario just made me fifty bucks richer. That’s what’s going on.”
“Oh? How’d that happen?”
You looked at Angel, “Go on. Tell him. I’m getting a fucking drink,” you laughed as you walked over to the bartender.
“So?” Bishop looked at Angel.
It was written all over his face that he didn’t want to tell the MC president that he had made a bet about the man’s sex life. But you hadn’t left him with much of a choice. Angel chuckled nervously and shrugged his shoulders, “I made a bet with Y/N that she couldn’t, y’know, that she couldn’t go a week without—”
“A week without fucking you,” you interrupted your way back into the conversation when you saw that the discomfort was about to kill Angel on the spot. The look on his face was almost worth more than the fifty dollars.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Bishop was looking at Angel when he asked. When he saw that Angel wasn’t going to be able to come up with an answer, he turned to you, “Why did you agree?”
You held up the fifty-dollar bill that was in your hand, “Fifty bucks is fifty bucks, baby.”
He shook his head and without another word he crouched down, wrapped his arms around your thighs, and threw you over his shoulder. You let you a scream that turned into a laugh as he carried you across the expanse of the clubhouse. You awkwardly tried to tuck the money back into your back pocket as he carried you. The most impressive part of the whole thing was that he hefted you off the ground like he had done it a million times before, and you were content to just let him.
He walked into Templo and slid the door shut hard behind him. You giggled to yourself as he set you on the end of the table. He spread your legs and stood between them, looking down into your eyes.
“You think this is funny?” his tone was serious.
“A little,” you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling at the absurdity of the entire situation. How you had successfully dodged every sexual situation with him that week was beyond you.
He gripped your hips, “It’s been a long fuckin’ week, sweetheart.”
The playful smile disappeared from your face as a shiver went through your whole body. He grabbed the bottom hem of your shirt and pulled it off over your head, tossing it to the side. You pulled him in close to you and kissed him hard on the lips, melting into him as his hands roamed all over your body. He bit down on your bottom lip and you moaned, pressing your fingertips harder into his shoulder blades.
His hands wandered down to the button on your jeans and you smiled into your kiss as he deftly undid both the button and the zipper without missing a beat. You braced yourself against him and lifted your hips up slightly, allowing him to pull down your jeans and underwear in one smooth motion. You gasped as you sat back down on the table, the cold sensation against your freshly-exposed skin shocking you for a moment.
Bishop attached his lips to your neck and you moaned as you blindly reached for his belt. You tried to stay focused enough to undo it, which was proving difficult as you felt him sucking a dark mark into the side of your neck. A wave of heat washed over your entire body, reveling in the fact that he was touching you and you didn’t have to come up with a reason to make him stop. You finally yanked down on his jeans and you felt him chuckle against your neck.
He pulled you closer to the edge of the table and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him as close to you as you could. Seven days felt like an eternity, and as you felt him pressing against your entrance, you wondered how the hell you managed it.
“You been this wet waiting for me all week, querida?” his nipped at your bottom lip.
You nodded, letting out an unsteady breath, “Yes.”
There was a smug grin on his face as he slowly pushed into you. He let out a low groan as he did and you dropped your head back, a loud moan escaping you before you could try to censor yourself.
“Fuck, Obispo,” you dug your nails into his shoulders as you pressed yourself tight to him, “You feel so good.”
He pressed kisses all over your neck and jawline as he started to slowly thrust into you, “You miss this?”
You nodded, hardly able to form a coherent thought, “Fuck, yes.”
He quickly pulled out of you, peeling your body off of his. You whimpered at the loss of contact. Before you could say anything, he pulled you completely off the table and bent you over it, causing you to gasp. He spread your legs and slid back inside you. You gripped the edges of the table to try and steady yourself.
He wrapped one hand around your throat and gripped slightly, pulling you upwards just a bit as he thrust into you. “Was it worth it?” he grunted, “Going all week without this, without me?” his applied more pressure to your throat, letting you know that it was not a question he wanted you to actually respond to.
He let go of you and you sucked in a breath, bracing yourself against the tabletop. His hands dropped down to your hips and pulled you back hard against him. You moaned as his hand came down hard against your ass. You bit down on your lip to try and quiet yourself but Bishop wasn’t having it.
“Moan louder for me, sweetheart,” one hand slid up your back and gripped the back of your neck.
“Obispo,” you panted, “they’ll hear—”
“You made it their fuckin’ business already, Y/N, don’t get shy now.”
The statement made your whole face get hot, but you didn’t have much time to think about being embarrassed. His fingertips dug back in to your hips as he slammed into you, making you let out a yelp. He reached one hand around and started rubbing circles onto your clit and you couldn’t fight back the moans that escaped you. Your entire body started to shake and you knew that you weren’t going to be able to hold out any longer, not after a week of no real contact with him.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you gripped the table.
He pushed farther into you, “Cum for me.”
That was all you needed to hear. You were completely depending on him and the table to keep you somewhat upright as your orgasm rolled through you. You felt his pace speed up as he started to get close as well. He gripped one of your shoulders hard as he came inside you, moaning as he pressed his face into your back. You let out a shaky breath, soaking up the feeling of him leaning into you, keeping you held tight to him.
Once he caught his breath, he slowly pulled out of you. He gently lifted you and set you back on the table, knowing it was going to be difficult for you to stand. There was a small smile on his face as he pulled up his jeans and redid his belt. He stepped in close to you again, leaving a trail of soft kisses from your chest up your neck and to your lips. You laughed lightly, your hands reaching out to gently cup his face.
You rested your forehead against his, “I wanna go home, Obispo.”
He chuckled, “There gonna be enough hot water for both of us to shower this time?”
You laughed, your face getting hot, “Yea, I think so.”
You got dressed, instantly ready to get your clothes off and get clean the second you got home. You wished that you didn’t need to drive back. You tried to fix and adjust your clothing, not that it would really matter—the guys knew what the two of you had been doing.
Bishop slid the door open and let you walk out first. Everyone was making an effort to look anywhere but at the two of you. You placed a light kiss on Bishop’s lips and headed right out to your car, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. They were all expected Bishop to follow right after you but instead he walked up to Angel, who was staring very intently at his beer bottle.
“Get all that sorted out, Pres?” Angel chuckled, trying to pretend that there wasn’t fear shooting up and down his spine.
“I find out you’re making any other stupid fucking bets like that again I’ll take your flash,” his face was serious for a moment before he allowed himself to smile. He clapped Angel on the back and walked away, leaving the man sitting there wondering just how serious that threat was.
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snowmiku · 7 years
im really sad and upset and i brought this upon myself and i hate it so much and hhhhhhhhhhhhh
#irl.txt#this is SO text heavy im so sorry im literally just crying and spilling out my thoughts im sorry#this is just me being Emo ughguhg#u kno im so bad! with this moving on process ! bc im ok for DAYS but ukno i still. Think about It it never leaves me#but i can be okay! i wont cry i wont. dwell on it i dont Want it again#but. ugh today has been a set back because i woke up AGAIN thinking about. what happened. and her. and#i hate it. i hate it so much bc my brain Wouldnt stop thinking about it and so i started writing about it so it was thinking about it More#n then the entire day was wasted with thinking about Her and Us and What Happened And why did she leave me again ?? oh yeah bc im a piece of#shit and it was all my fault and she left me and i have No One and ill always have no one#and i found. UGH im literalyl doing this as punishment at this point and ik its! wrong to do this!#but i found my old google docs of. her. of when we were actually Together Together and i can Feel how in love i was and i fuKCING HATE IT#i hate how im never going to feel like that again i hate how im never going to have anyone again i hate how im thinking of her i hate how#shes taking over my life because of what. fucking. happened.#i hate knowing ! i hate thinking ! i hate wanting !#her her her thats all i think about her her her it never leaves me her her her i just want Her back#i just want her. fucking back.#and thats So emo to say thats so fucking emo to say like stop crying over a girl rip youve been crying over her for months#almost a year! u cant move on from her! bc u know that she was suppose to be with u ur entire life! bc she was ur soulmate! and ur never#going to find another person like her ripley ur so fucking stupid u Messed up ur entire life rip you did thsi u did this you fucking did thi#its not even because i loved her! she was my best friend! she was my best friend she was my best friend#yeha i loved her. i loved her i needed her ineeded her to function and i cant function and i cant . do this anymore!!!!!!!!#i just Want her back or at least . i want to fucking feel something again. but i cant move on and it sucks and i dont know what to do.
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Keep it a Secret - Part Two - Kristie Mewis x Reader
Sequel to Keep it a Secret 
The next morning the Kristie woke up with Y/N in her arms, she smiled, settling back down to enjoy the last couple minutes before their alarm would go off. Y/N had moved herself as close as possible in her sleep, both hands coiled tightly in Kristies shirt, head resting on her chest. It was the same position they had fallen asleep in; they hadn’t shifted the entire night somehow. Both knowing the other needed the physical contact in their unconscious state.
Kristie began to apply pressure to Y/N’s shoulders, encouraging her to slowly wake up. Y/N groaned and turned her head to nestle her nose in closer to Kristies neck.
“Time to wake up gorgeous,” Kristie leaned down, brushing her lips against Y/N’s ears, placing a delicate kiss to the tip. Y/N smiled, nestling closer. “I know you’re awake goof,” this time biting the ear.
Y/N giggled, biting Kristies neck. Hands loosening on the shirt, shifting her weight, and pressing herself up to stare in the blondes eyes, “thank you,” she whispered leaning down to kiss her.
Kristie slowly opened her eyes, a soft smile on her face, “for what?” she whispered back just as softly, not wanting to break the quiet bubble they made.
“For being you and letting me have my weird freak out yesterday.”
“I love you Y/N,” Kristie reached a hand up and ran a thumb across Y/N’s bottom lip, “you can have as many freak outs as you want and I will be with you for all of them,” she leaned up and kissed Y/N.
Y/N followed her as Kristie leaned back down on the bed, kissing her on the forehead. They were startled out of their softness as their alarm went off. Kristie leaned up, kissing Y/N one more time before pushing her off and began getting ready for breakfast.
Christen smirked when she watched the couple walk into the banquet room. Y/N had her hand on the small of Kristies back, Kristie leaning into Y/N’s side, chin tilted up and smiling at something said between them. The pair continued along the buffet, oblivious to anyone else in the room. Christen was happy at how much better Y/N looked today, more relaxed, more comfortable in herself.
The couple sat down next at the same table this time, both instinctively sliding closer to each other. Rose squinted at them, “you guys are being weird.”
“Good morning to you too Rose, I did have a good sleep thank you. How about yourself?” Y/N answered, sarcasm thick in her tone, smiling at her.
The table all laughed, Rose sulked back into her chair, arms crossed.
“Seriously, you guys don’t see it? They’re being weird.”
“Of course they are, they’re always weird, just like you,” Sonnett shrugged, grinning.
Rose huffed, no one would join in her teasing.
“Stop pouting Rosey, we can make fun of Sam when she continues to not know these two are banging,” Lindsey said flippantly, shrugging one shoulder, and taking a bite of her breakfast.
Kristie dropped her fork on her plate, “you guys knew?”
“Yea, Y/N’s shirt was inside out when we came to your room yesterday.”
“And Kristie had serious sex hair.”
Y/N and Kristie opened and closed their mouths, looking back and forth to each other, look at everyone at the table. Rose sat up straight, slamming her hands on the table, “what? You guys knew and didn’t say anything?”
“We thought you knew,” Mal shrugged. Everyone remaining indifferent at the table, Kristie and Y/N still shocked everyone knew.
“Why are you guys so calm?” Y/N squinted at them.
“Meh, we’ve matured,” Sonnett said casually, not looking up.
“They have a bet, well bets,” Mal rolled her eyes.
“You’re betting on us?” Kristie whipped her head to the blonde defender.
“Tattle tale,” Lindsey smacked Mal’s arm, “ugh, yes, we were waiting to see how long before you were going to tell us. Slash, how long before Sam would figure it out on her own.”
Y/N leaned back in her chair, “how’d you figure it out? When did you figure it out?”
“Last night. Inside out shirt,” Sonnett pointed her fork at Y/N, then shifted it to Kristie, “sex hair. It wasn’t hard.”
“So how long has this been a thing?”
“Like you said, last night,” Y/N grinned, if they were going to bet on them, they weren’t going to make it easy.
Kristie smirked at her girlfriend; she knew what she was doing. They had agreed last night that they would just be themselves, not over think their actions. They weren’t going to announce it or outright confirm it, but not actively hide it.
“What was last night?” Sam asked as she sat down with her own breakfast.
“Y/N and I snuck out for ice cream,” the midfielder answered her sister.
“Kris, you guys know that’s against the rules! You guys could get in so much trouble,” Sam chastised them.
“Sam don’t worry about it, we needed a date night, it’s been too long,” Y/N leaned back and rested her arm on the back of Kristies chair.
Everyone’s eyebrows shot up, not expecting Y/N to be so blunt about her response.
“I get it, friends need friend dates, didn’t expect Y/N to be a friend date kind of person,” Sam softened.
“Could she have friend zoned both of them any harder?” Lindsey leaned and whispered into Sonnetts ear, both smirking.
Conversation shifted while everyone ate before leaving to get ready for training.
“So obvious do you think we can do before Sam figures it out?” Kristie leaned into Y/N’s side while they rode the elevator up to their room.
“Based off the friend zoning she did at breakfast, we could probably make out and she would think we are making out as friends,” Y/N placed a kiss to the top of Kristies head.
“I’m always happy to make out with you,” Kristie smirked, slipping a hand under Y/N’s shirt, scrapping her teeth along her collar bone.
“We are standing right here, go back to pretending you aren’t together,” Rose gaged.
Y/N tugged Kristie closer to her side, while smirking at the small midfielder.
“Are we going to need to carry a spray bottle around?”
“Be quick! Bus leaves in 20 minutes.”  
They all separated to their respective rooms, Kristie making a point of sliding her hand down to grip Y/N’s butt while they walked in front of them.
“You’re alright with how that went?” Kristie asked once they were alone in their room, her tone gentle while she stared into Y/N’s eyes.
“Yea, they handled it so much better than I expected. I thought they would have teased us way more than they did.”
“It’s coming, they can’t behave for very long. But seriously, I know we talked last night, and you said were alright with this, I just wanted to make sure now that some people know,” Kristie scratched her fingers on Y/N’s stomach.
“I am, I know they will be insufferable soon, but I’m ok with it. I am insanely proud to have you as my girlfriend, and now I get to show off how much I love you. I am still worried about how Sam will be, she loves you so much and is so protective of you,” Y/N groaned when Kristie squeezed her hips.
“Sam will see how incredible you are to me and how happy you make me. She’ll freak out because she’s Sam, but don’t let it get to you,” Kristie placed a delicate kiss to Y/N’s throat before pulling away to get ready for training.
“Really?” Rose rolled her eyes when she saw Y/N carrying Kristies training bag to the bus.
“What?” Y/N furrowed her brow, she always did little things like this for her girlfriend. She every bit the cliché ‘gentle-person’.
“Will you carry my stuff too?” Mal tossed her bag at Y/N, who let it hit her chest, she stepped over it, gently guiding Kristie to the entrance with a hand on the small of her back again.
“I think that’s a no Mal,” Kristie called over her shoulder.
Everyone could see the change in the pair for the rest of the day, but no one said anything, just happy that the couple felt comfortable enough to be themselves around the team. There were the odd teasing comments thrown out to them, but it was all just their way to show they approved of the relationship.
“Such a gentleman,” Sonnett sassed while she watched Y/N pull out Kristies chair with one hand as they got to the table for supper.
“You bet she is,” Kristie smiled at Y/N, running a hand down her arm while she sat down. Y/N smiled back, the two briefly lost in their own world.
“Hey! Love birds! There are other people at the table,” Lindsey threw a piece of ice at Y/N.
Y/N blushed and sat down, Sam continued eating, unaware to the interactions around her.
“Aww I forgot to grab some of the brussels sprouts,” Kristie set her fork down and started to stand up. Y/N set her fork down, pushing Kristie to sit back down, and wordlessly made her way back to the buffet to get a separate plate of brussels sprouts.
“She just does stuff for you without you asking?” Mal asked, head tilted to the side, “Dansby never does anything like that for me. Why they hell am I jealous over you and brussels sprouts?”
Kristie smiled and nodded, watching as her girlfriend made her way back to the table. Y/N set the plate down, sat back down with a soft smile to Kristie who leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek.
Sam squinted her eyes at them, darting between them both. Taking in the smile Kristie was giving Y/N, the way Y/N filled Kristies water glass before topping up her own. She dropped her fork to her plate with a loud clang, “no,” her face was hard, serious.
“No what Sammy?” Kristie tilted her head, confused at how serious her sister suddenly was.
“You two,” Sam shot a hand up, stiff pointed finger moving between Kristie and Y/N, “no!”
The commotion had started to turn heads toward their table. Sam had dropped her hand, but was staring hard at Y/N. The smile on Y/N’s face dropped, hands crossed in her lap, shoulder rounded in. Christen slowly pushed her chair out, ready to intervene for her sister if needed.
“Sam,” Kristie started, glancing to Y/N and back to Sam, she rested a hand on her thigh attempting to ground both of them.
“No,” Sam harshly cut her off, “I don’t care what you say. You are not fucking each other.”
Everyone recoiled at the aggressiveness Sam had behind her tone, the tension radiating off of her, the glare she was shooting Y/N, it was all unexpected.
“Sammy, it is way more than ‘fucking’,” Kristie’s voice was soft and timid, she had expected Sam to be outraged but not angry about it. Kristie tried to reach for Y/N’s hand, only for her to tug it away, she looked to see how sunken her girlfriend was and now noticing that everyone was watching them. “I love her Sammy, she loves me too.”
“I don’t care, you can do better,” that brought Y/N’s head up, she got sucked into the glare Sam was giving her.
Y/N gave one small nod, looking down, she turned slightly to Kristie, “it’s fine, all good, I’m going to go head to bed.”
Y/N was up and walking towards the door before Kristie had a chance to stop her. Christen was immediately out of her chair and following behind her.
“Sam,” Sonnett cut in, “you’ve seen them all day, you know how good Y/N is.”
“You said it yourself Sonnett, Kristie could do better.”
“I was kidding Sam!”
“Y/N is amazing to me Sam, there is no way I could do better than her. I love her. I’m going to go fix this, don’t fucking talk to me until you get your shit together,” Kristie had stood up, staring hard at her sister, she took hard fast steps to the stair well.
Upstairs she found Christen walking out of the room. She went to the rush past, when Christen stopped her with a hand on the arm, “she went for a run.”
“Fuck,” Kristie groaned, running a frustrated hand through her hair, “how was she is?”
“Quiet, she wouldn’t say anything to me when I caught up to her.”
“Fuck,” Kristie repeated, she knew Y/N was going to internalize this, there was no mincing what Sam had said, it was the exact thing she had been worried about. Kristie paced the room, she had no idea what to say to Y/N when she would get back, and that it would probably be a while before she would be back.
Christen came over and pulled Kristie into a hug, “let me know when she’s back safe and if you guys need anything. And, I, just, be gentle with her. I know you know, but please take care of her.”
Kristie nodded against Christen before the forward left the room. She tried sitting for a bit, sent a text to Y/N to check in on her, only then seeing her phone on the end table. When sitting didn’t work, she took to pacing the room, eyes darting to the door at every sound she heard in the hallway.
Finally, after two hours, the door opened slowly, Y/N stepped in. Kristie took long strides to the door, immediately pulling Y/N into her, fingers gripping her shirt, bringing them flush together. Their momentum pushing them against the door. Y/N slowly wrapped her arms around Kristie, allowing the smaller woman to pull herself closer.
“I’m going to go for a shower,” Y/N said softly as Kristie pulled away.
“Wait, Y/N, can we talk first?” Kristie kept her close, both hands still holding the shirt firmly in her grasp.
“I just want to shower and go to bed Kris,” Y/N mumbled, attempting to pull away.
Kristie hesitated, before letting her go, stepping back and taking her shirt off, dropping It to the floor and walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on.
“What are you doing?” Y/N leaned against the door frame, her voice low, all emotion gone. Ignoring that her girlfriend was shirtless and clearly going to shower with her.
“Showering with you,” Kristie said it like it was the most obvious thing, continuing to remove her clothes, then stepping forward and starting to tug Y/N’s shirt up.
Y/N remained pliant the whole time, not saying a word while Kristie undressed her, allowing herself to be tugged into the shower. Kristie wordlessly stood behind Y/N and began to lather body wash into her shoulders, digging her fingers into the tense muscles. She moved one hand up to Y/N’s neck, gripping the column of her neck, sliding it up and down, earning a deep moan. Her other hand moved to her hip, thumb pressing hard into the dimple there. She trailed the hand on her neck, fingers pressing individually to each vertebrae. At the base, she slid both hands to along her hips, squeezing before moving them up the sides.
“Fuck Kristie,” Y/N moaned, leaning back so Kristies chest was flush against her. Kristie pushed them forward to rinse the soap off. Once clear, she scattered kisses across the width of her shoulder, whispering praises between each kiss.
“You are smart,” kiss, “you are hilarious,” kiss, “you make me feel safe,” kiss, “you protect me,” kiss, “you are genuine,” kiss, “and most importantly, you love me,” the last kiss lingering on the back of her neck. Kristie wrapped her arms around the taller woman and splayed her fingers across her belly, just letting them stand under the spray of the shower.
After a minute Kristie pulled away, keeping on hand on Y/N’s hip while she stretched to reach for the shampoo. Hands only leaving Y/N’s body to pour the shampoo into her hand, then beginning to massage it into her hair.        Y/N moaned and tilted her head back, encouraging Kristie to scrap her fingers into the skin.
She turned them to rinse her hair, bringing them chest to chest. Kristie repeated her action of kissing along Y/N’s collar bones.
“You are beautiful,” kiss, “you are considerate,” kiss, “I love you,” kiss, “and most importantly, I can never, never do better than you.” She let the last kiss linger on the underside of Y/N’s jaw. Kristie glided her hands up to the back of Y/N’s neck, forcing her to tilt her down, bringing their foreheads together, “I love you,” she whispered before pressing closer for a soft kiss.
Kristie reached around them and turned the water off, then stretching out of the shower curtain to grab a towel and wrap it around Y/N, before doing herself.
Y/N was still quiet while they got ready for bed, but the tension was gone from her body.
Kristie laid in bed first, then forcing Y/N to lay on top of her. Hand guiding Y/N’s head to rest on her chest, she resisted slightly, but gradually eased into the hold.
“I love you Kristie,” Y/N whispered softly, her voiced muffled by Kristies shirt.
“I know you do, love, I love you too,” Kristie whispered back, kissing her hairline.
Kristie ran her hand up and down Y/N’s back, feeling as Y/N’s muscles slowly loosened as she fell asleep.
The next morning, Y/N was still quiet while they made their way for breakfast, she attempted to pull away from Kristie, only for the midfielder to forcefully tug her back.
“Kris can I talk to you?” Sam cautiously approached the couple.
This time Kristie did let Y/N pull away, “only if you are over yourself.”
“I am,” Sam rushed out, reaching to grab her arm before she could even think of pulling away, “I am, I don’t know what got into me yesterday. And then literally everyone yelled at me yesterday. I am so sorry, I know Y/N is good for you, you’ve been so happy the last couple months. I’m guessing that’s because of Y/N. No one will ever be good enough for you, you are amazing, but Y/N can come pretty close.”
Kristie watched her sister, giving her a calculated stare, determining if she was genuine. She nodded after a second, “but you owe Y/N a massive apology Sam.”
“I know, of course I will talk to Y/N. I just wanted you to be happy and with someone who took care of you. And if that’s Y/N, then I support it, not that you needed my approval, but I approve. Y/N is really great, and you guys are great together.”
Kristie immediately pulled Sam into a tight hug, “thank you Sam, now go fix my girlfriend.”
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deaconusdelirium · 3 years
Fight your demons
Requested: “what if the reader slipped in and out of what happened and what’s not. Like, switch Crosshair out with the reader, after they get their chip removed, she’s just really scared about hurting the Batch and especially Omega, maybe she just has a mental breakdown and then that’s when everyone notices how much you’ve lost yourself. I’ve also noticed you have more Crosshair lovers than the other, so go ahead and do Crosshair. Soft! Please🥰”
Oh man, that definitely hits the feels
You ran, ran far, Gerreras soldiers weren’t cut off, and they sure went going to get back to him. “Commander. We caught a few of Gerreras men, six to be exact” you stopped, making the other Elites as well. You held a fist up, “Fall back, we’ve got what we need” “but the orders were to eliminate all of Gerreras troops” the guy who thought of himself higher than the group spoke up, throwing an attitude already, the others looked at him. They knew he said something, “oh?” You turned, facing him, “I’m the commander here, you take orders from me. And I say we fall back, let those two go, they’ll tell Gerrera we’re here. He’ll send out more of his soldiers. Then we’ll strike, got it?” You explained, walking closer as he backed off, “yes, commander” he nodded, standing straight again as you took off towards the Regs who had the hostages.
They weren’t far, but that didn’t mean you could walk. By the time you got there, there was eight of them, “we caught two sneaking around” you hummed, walking up to the soldiers, “let’s make this easy and short. Where’s Gerrera?” “like we’ll tell you” one of the guys spat, “oh I’ll make you, starting with her” you pointed at one of the ladies, the Elite grabbed her. Forcing her to her knees. “Talk” the soldiers looked at her worryingly, “don’t! Tell her, I’ll be fine” the woman spoke, “let her go” “talk and then maybe I will” they all glared at you, the Elites stood behind them, just in case they got any ideas. They seemed to talk to each other, you watched as they exchanged words between them “We lay our life down for Gerrera, we’re not telling you anything” their heads held up high with pride.
“Fine, kill her” the Elite that was holding her, shot her, making Gerreras squad yell and try to break free. “Last chance, all of you” you warned, wasting time on people who weren’t worth it. “Didn’t you hear the first time? Or can’t you get anything through that helmet of yours? We’re not saying anything.” The supposed leader spoke for them all. You leaned over to the ‘executioner’ as he always did as told. “Kill them all, leave the one at the end alive” you said, he gave a swift nod. Telling the others as the guy at the end flinched as his teammates fell, the sound of leaves crunched under your boots as you walked up to him. Kneeling down to meet his eye level, “you’re chosen for a reason, now, I promise not to hurt you if you tell me, where Gerrera is” he shook, looking at you. “He left, but his caravan..” he finally spoke. “Uh huh” “they’re the vulnerable ones, down the road, just before you caught us” you stood up, walking away, “thank you for your cooperation, your no longer needed” you shot him, making the troopers around look at you.
“You said you wouldn’t hurt him if he told you the truth!” The woman slightly raised her voice at you, “and he’s lying, we have scanners all over this planet, more than one. If someone was disobeying orders to help Gerrera, we would still have others to tell us if a ship has left or not. And they’re has been no word on that, however. The caravans most likely here, I’d say far off considering we have troops a few clicks out and we would have found them by now. We have no use of a liar with us” they listened, you were right. If someone did betray the Empire, then there were still others loyal, and they would immediately alert you. They watched as you walked off, coming to your side again. “Find them” you told others as they got into squads and set out.
The caravan wasn’t hard to find either, it seemed like they didn’t know that you were there. Now you watched as they quivered by their ship, holding each other. One of the Elites spoke against your orders, “we signed up to be soldiers, not an execution squad” he spoke, the others unsure if they should follow the man, “you know why they put me in charge?” You asked, he turned to face you, the other Elites stepping back, knowing he was done for “it’s because I’m willing to do what needs to be done” you shot him as the others backed up again, looking at you. “Good soldiers follow orders, finish the mission” you told the others as they walked closer to the civilians. You watched as they complied with your orders, feeling a bit of pride grow for your squad since they almost stopped questioning your ways.
You woke up, gasping as tears had already made their way down your face in your sleep. The image played like it was moments ago, but it seemed like forever, you touched the side of your head. The feeling of the small scar there told you that the chip wasn’t there anymore. You felt like you were trying to breath, your eyes watered again. As you heard Hunter run in while a sleepy Omega jogging after him, her eyes widen as she seen you. “Y/n, Y/n are you ok? What’s wrong?” Hunter came to kneel at the edge of your bed, his hand touched your arms as you pulled away, “don’t...” pulling away from his grasp. “Y/n?” Omega called out, walking towards you, her hands held out to grab yours. “I said don’t, go away” Omega looked at Hunter worryingly, he nodded to her, she walked out feeling sad. “Y/n, what happened, is everything alright?” Hunter asked, his voice gentle as to not make you anymore upset. “I.. I don’t want to talk about it” you held your knees up to your chest as you spoke through your arms. He understood, standing up and walking out the door “I’ll be here if you need me” he said before leaving.
You wiped your tears with the end of your blanket, regaining your breath as you calmed yourself. “Problem?” Crosshair asked, leaning against your doorframe with his arms crossed, he was the only person you didn’t want to show tears around, considering he was more intimidating than Wrecker and Echo. “No” you answered shortly, sitting there as the thought of innocent people were gone. “I know you’re lying,” he spoke, coming to sit at the end of your bed, “I’m listening” he said it like he does it all the time. I mean, he did, he mostly listened to Tech rant about things he didn’t understand. And he liked listening to him, he didn’t mind at all. You didn’t answer, but he seen as you came to touch your head again. Oh, he knew now.
“You’re worried?” He questioned, hoping to at least get a short answer from you. He didn’t sound upset or moody like he usually was, you scoffed, “more like scared... and worried. I pushed Omega and Hunter away- but I was just so.. scared I’d hurt her. I remember it like it was just today, those innocent people” he was surprised at how easily you pried open. “Those children, just like Omega. They died at my hands, I did it without hesitation. I knew what I was doing yet, I didn’t. It felt like I couldn’t control myself. It seemed right, but now, now it’s wrong” did being under the influence of the chip take that much of a toll on you? Was it like that for all clones? He nodded, “I didn’t mean it, it just..” tears fell as you cried, “it hurts to even think I did that. I would never have done that” you wiped them away, Crosshair felt like he needed to do something.. anything.
“It’s not your fault. It’s the chip” he spoke, trying to reassure you. “And that chip, ugh it still feels like its there and” you cut off as you rubbed the scar. “I just want to be my old self again, one who wasn’t being used by everyone to get what they didn’t want to do, done. I hated it, I hated every second of staying with those Elites, and having to see Rampart almost all the time when I reported back to Kamino” it sounded awful, it must have been too. “I just wish I could forget about it” you confessed, finally feeling like you were able to breath after getting that all off of your chest. And he didn’t judge, he didn’t say anything rude like he always did. You silently cried to yourself, Crosshair didn’t say anything for awhile. You felt like you made him uncomfortable, “sorry, I just..” you apologized, wiping your tears away as embarrassment replaced your self pity.
He didn’t know what to say, it sounded like nothing could be done to help you. So he did the one thing he could think of, he turned and pulled you into his arms. Unsure if he was hugging too soft or too tight, he didn’t even know if hugging too soft was a thing. “Cross, you don’t have too” “shh, just.. relax” you smiled weakly at his attempt to sooth you, and you did relax. His warm embrace felt comforting, something you’ve never felt before. Maybe it was because you’ve never been held or hugged, or maybe because you just tried and needed someone to listen after all you’ve been through. He stayed like that for a long time, he felt the occasional hiccup of you trying not to cry again, he moved away, and so did you. You watched as he stood up, then came to lay down. He pulled the covers over him as he made you lay down. He wrapped his arms around you, but what if this was too far for him?
You laid there, still, not wanting to step over his boundaries. You grew tired, finally putting a hand on his side, making him tense up, but soon relax under your touch. He gently squeezed you, making you slowly come closer until you were holding onto him. “Cross?” You asked, whispering to him while facing his chest. “Hmm?” He was curious to know what you had in mind again, “tell.. tell me this is real?” You hesitantly spoke, grabbing his shirt and holding as much as you could of him in your grasp. “It is.. why?” He waited for your answer, “I’ve had dreams like this, when I was back on Kamino with the Empire. Where one of you held me, mostly you. I missed you guys terribly, then I realized it was always a dream” his cheeks grew warm and his heart broke at the thought of you missing them.
They didn’t mean to leave you all the time, but they had too. “You’re back with us now, don’t worry” he said, tangling his legs with yours and holding you closer. The sound of his heartbeat was new, you actually felt it, and his breathing was something to add onto. It matched yours, or did yours match his? It got late, and you still couldn’t sleep, what if your chip instincts came into play without you even knowing, and then you hurt one of them. Crosshair seemed to be sleeping, but you weren’t sure as you kept tossing and turning every minute, “Y/n, what is it now?” He asked, finding you far away from him when the side you were sleeping on was empty. “I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you... sorry” “there’s no need to apologize, come on” he pulled your arm, making you lay beside him again.
It felt a little better, but not enough to make you sleep. He took note of it, “it’s not there anymore if you’re wondering” he knew you were worried about to chip, so his hand came up to softly rub your temple with a feather like touch. It seems to make you sleep, considering you weren’t moving and your heartbeat slowed to a gentle pace, and your breathing was shallow. Was this all it took to make you sleep? His question was answered as you snuggled into him again, it may have been new to him too. But he had already loved this new found form of touch and reassurance. He only wished he could take away your darkest memories and never have you think of them again, but if this helped you sleep at night knowing someone was finally there, then he would be there every night to fight your demons.
Wow. I like this one, although... lemme know if you clones want it softer cause I feel like it’s not soft enough...
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Do You Want the Knife You Left In My Back, or Can I Keep It?
Rating: Teen and up, Gen
An injured Hunter wanders into Hexside. What was Luz supposed to do, just let him bleed out on the floor?
Ch 2/5: Settling In
Ch 1
Hunter woke up facedown on a couch. His back ached and throbbed, and he felt weak all over. Ugh—
Hunter yelped as a bird—worm—thing—stuck its head in his face.
“Luuuuuuuz, he’s uuuuuuuup!”
The human shooed the bird-worm-thing out of Hunter’s face. “Hey! Get out of his personal space, Hooty!”
Hunter groaned, putting his face back in the couch. “Where am I?”
“The owl house,” Luz replied casually.
Hunter yelped again, rolling off of the couch. “I can’t be—” the movement sent spikes of pain hammering through his nerves, and his vision went spotty. His stomach heaved, and he retched, shaking. “Hngh—”
“Whoa, hey!” Luz knelt next to him. “You can’t be moving around! You just got stabbed, for titan’s sake, Hunter!”
“Remember!” the owl lady’s voice called from another room, “You’re cleaning up after him, Luz!”
Hunter’s face heated up. “I don’t—need—to be taken care of—”
He tried to push himself up, but another wave of pain swept over him, and everything went black for a minute. When he woke up again, he was back on the couch, Luz crouching next to him.
“You really shouldn’t move. Viney said it’s going to take time for your back to heal, and it would be… really bad… if you ripped out your stitches.”
“Take me back to the Emperor’s palace. Now.”
“See?” the owl lady said, poking her head in, “He agrees! Take the twerp back.”
“I’m not taking him back,” Luz said, exasperated, as if they’d been having this argument for a while. She turned back to Hunter. “I’m not taking you back. I’m going to keep you here, where you’re safe, until you’re better. Kikimora has it out for you, and you’re in no state to fight her off.”
“What else is new—I can handle Kikimora, I just—”
Luz pressed down on his shoulders as he tried to get up again. “Quit being so stubborn! You can’t handle her right now, you can’t even walk! What was the point of coming to me for help if you won’t let me help you!”
“I didn’t go to you for help, I went to you because if I didn’t warn you, Kikimora would have killed both of us and gotten the Emperor’s sole attention!”
Luz leaned back. “The emperor… isn’t a good guy, Hunter.”
Hunter looked away. “You wouldn’t get it.”
“No, I don’t.” Luz sighed. “Why did the emperor send you after me?”
Right. There it was. The real reason she’d saved him. “’m not telling.”
“What?! Seriously?! I saved your life!”
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“You were bleeding out in front of me! What was I supposed to do, just let you die?!”
Luz paused and stared at him. “Wait, what?”
Hunter looked away, a sick feeling churning in his stomach. “I failed, again—you’re free, and I’m not even close to getting you back to the emperor. My own coven member tried to kill me outright—no subtlety, no monster attacks, just stabbed me in the back and planned to pin it on you. And now I’ve been captured by the person who I was supposed to be capturing.” He buried his face in the couch. “You should have just let me die,” he mumbled, muffled by the couch.
Luz didn’t say anything for a minute, and then gently touched his shoulder. “Hunter? I wasn’t ever going to let you die.”
“No, because you’re ‘too nice,’” he grumbled, “I get it. Fine. You’re the good guy, I’m the bad guy, is that what you want to hear? Just… leave me alone. Please.”
“Okay,” Luz said quietly, “if that’s what you really want.”
Her footsteps padded away, and Hunter tried one more time to get up, but a wave of dizzy exhaustion swept over him, and he flopped back down.
The owl lady came through, making an “I’m watching you,” gesture as she left, and he sighed. Okay. He just had to be patient. He could ride this out, pretend to be helpless longer than he really was, nab the human, expose Kikimora, bada-bing, bada-boom, everything would be perfect.
A bolt of panic shot through Hunter, and he rolled off of the couch, adrenaline battling exhaustion and pain.
“Whoa, hey, there, you can’t—” Hooty started, but Hunter shoved the bird’s face away with a groan, stumbling towards the door.
“I have—to go—back—”
“Luz!” the house demon called, “Your sad friend is trying to escape!”
“I KNEW it!” the owl lady’s voice yowled, and Hunter was on the ground in two seconds flat. He screamed as she put pressure on his back, his vision wavering out. “You were just pretending to be hurt to get in here!” the owl lady continued, “And you were planning to—oh, beans, you weren’t pretending, you just have no sense of self-preservation, titan, kid, what were you thinking, I coulda killed you!”
Hunter whimpered, blinking spots out of his eyes as she climbed off of him. He retched at the pain, his back screaming in agony.
Luz came tearing down the stairs two at a time, skidding to a halt next to them. “Edaaaa! What happened?!”
“He was making a break for it!” Eda replied defensively, “He is a quick little bugger when he wants to be!”
“Huuuunteeeer!” Luz groaned, “You can’t go anywhere, how did you even get off of the couch, you literally got stabbed today!”
“My palisman,” Hunter gasped, “It’s—all alone—” he struggled to get back up, blinking back tears. “I have—to go back—for—”
Luz grabbed his shoulders. “No. Your palisman wouldn’t want you hurting yourself. It’ll be fine for a while.”
Hunter shook his head. “No—have to—”
“You’re not going anywhere, Hunter, you wouldn’t even make it to Bonesborough.”
“It’s true,” Hooty chimed in, “The funny little demon lady is lurking out there. She isn’t getting any closer right now, but if you go out there… you’re toast!”
Hunter clutched Luz’s arm, barely holding back tears. She didn’t get it! “I can’t—leave it—”
Luz put a hand on his arm. “Okay. If it really means that much to you… I’ll go get it.”
Eda shook her head. “Absolutely not, Luz, that creep is out for you, too!”
Right. That was it, then. Luz wouldn’t let him leave to get his palisman, and Eda wouldn’t let Luz leave.
Then Luz did a. Thing. With her face. A strange pouty thing, where she made her eyes really big at Eda. The owl lady sighed.
“Oh, geeze, don’t make that—ahhhh, Luz. Okay. Here’s the deal. I will send Owlbert to check on the palisman. If it’s safe enough, Owlbert will tell the Golden Dork’s palisman what’s going on and where he is. Everyone okay with that?”
Luz threw her arms around Eda. “You’re the best!”
“I know,” Eda grumbled, “Now take care of your dumb Belos-ite, he looks like he’s going to pass out.”
Hunter was drifting off to sleep when it happened.
Kikimora appeared in front of him. “There you are.”
He yelped, struggling up, but his back throbbed and he fell back down.
“Consorting with traitors now, are we? I never thought you’d stoop this low.”
“Bold—words—coming from a backstabber,” Hunter gritted out, “Just—finish it—then.”
Kikimora swiped her claws at him, but they went right through. “I’m not really here, or you’d be dead already. You’re a persistent little worm, though, aren’t you?”
“That’s my middle name. Persistent little worm.”
Kikimora traced one translucent claw in a circle. “I haven’t figured out how to get past the house demon yet. But I will. And when I do, you are a sitting duck, and your little human friend will be next. Look at you. You’re pathetic. You can’t even move.”
Hunter swiped a hand through the illusion, gritting his teeth as the movement made his back throb.
“Hunter?” Luz was standing in the doorway, holding a bowl of something steaming and a juicebox. “Is… everything okay?”
Hunter gestured to the air where Kikimora had just been. “Didn’t you see her?!”
“See who, Hunter?”
“Kikimora! Or—a projection of her! She was right there!”
Luz set down the bowl and felt his forehead with the back of her hand. “Uh-oh. Feels like a fever.”
“She was there, I saw her, I talked to her—”
“Hunter, I didn’t see anyone.”
“I’m not crazy!”
She sat down next to him. “I didn’t say you were. But you do have a fever, and you lost a lot of blood, and you haven’t eaten, and you’re probably tired, and you’re in a new place—”
“Don’t patronize me! I know what I saw!”
To his surprise, Luz nodded. “Okay. I’ll have Hooty check the perimeter, and I’ll call Gus—he’d know more about illusion magic than I would.”
“Of course.” Luz patted his head as she got up, ignoring his growl. “I said you’d be safe here, Hunter. If you saw Kikimora, if she projected herself in here, then I’ll look into it.”
He eyed her. “This doesn’t change anything. I’m still not going to tell you any information.”
“I know. And… that’s okay.” Luz took in a deep breath. “As much as I’d like to know what Belos is up to, it wouldn’t be fair to put you in that position. I decided to help you because it was the right thing to do, not because of any information you could give me. This isn’t a business transaction—you don’t owe me anything.” She gave his head another pat, and walked off.
She was making it really hard to want to capture her and bring her to Belos.
No. What was he thinking?! After the disaster this had been so far? There was a snowball’s chance that he’d be going back empty handed.
You don’t have to go back at all, a tiny, treacherous voice whispered in the back of his head. He squashed the idea. Of course he was going back! The only reason he’d thought that was because Kikimora would be there. And… he didn’t want to see her again, not the least because she’d attempted to kill him twice. Three times if you counted Eclipse Lake. Yes. That was it. Plus, he had to go back for his palisman, anyway. It might be okay hiding out on its own for a bit until he healed, but he certainly didn’t want to abandon it there forever.
He heard a low, worried warble, and Owlbert flew in, his own cardinal right behind him. Hunter sort of hated how much relief and happiness swept over him when he saw the bird, but he lifted one hand for the palisman to perch on anyway.
The cardinal hopped up his arm, and nestled into his hair with a chirp that Hunter took to mean ‘Hi.’
“Hey, there.”
The palisman snuggled down, gripping his scalp with its tiny claws. Hunter winced.
“Hey, ow!”
It chirped fiercely at him about how he needed to be more careful.
“I got stabbed in the back by my coworker, there wasn’t much I could do about it!”
“Awwww, that’s adorable!”
Hunter groaned as Luz came back in, fawning over the palisman. “What do you want?”
“Just checking in.” She made kissy faces at Hunter’s palisman. “Awwww, he’s curled up in your hair like a blonde nest, that’s so cuuuuuuuuuute!” She pulled out a rectangle and pointed it at him, tapping her side of it. “Say cheese!”
“Hey—heyyyyy, what was that? What was that?”
Luz made another kissy face at his palisman, and turned the rectangle around to show him an image of himself, his palisman firmly rooted in his hair. Wow, he looked awful. “Look how cute the two of you are—best buddies for life! I’m gonna show Amity! She can’t possibly still think you’re going to kill me in my sleep after she sees this!”
“Do not—don’t you dare show Blight that picture!” Hunter swiped at the phone, yelping as his back throbbed.
Luz skipped backwards. “Ehehehe, still too slow!” She grabbed her cloak, heading for the door. “Edaaaa, I’m going to the library, don’t kill Hunter while I’m gooooone!”
“No proooooomiseeeees,” Eda called back, “Have fun, watch out for Kikimora!”
Luz ran out the door. Hunter put his face back in the couch while his palisman chirped comfortingly, wiggling down further into his hair. Never mind. He wouldn’t regret turning that human in to Belos one bit.
Ch 3
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 13
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
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When you woke up the next morning, you could barely breathe from the lump that was Min Yoongi resting on top of you. 
Looking down, you smiled when you saw his head on your chest with his cheek smushed against your breast, his nose resting at the base of your neck. His legs were intertwined with yours and you couldn’t help but to notice how nicely your scent mixed with his as they both hung in the air. 
You still couldn’t believe how quickly things had moved between you and Yoongi, when you had the time to sit down and really think about it. You had never expected to even want to be in the same room with him but now, you had definitely fallen for him and at the rate that things were going, you knew it wouldn’t be long until you fell in love with him. 
“You’re thinking too loud,” Yoongi suddenly grumbled, and you smiled as you reached down and set your hands in his hair. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
“What time is it?” He asked and you glanced over at his bedside table, taking note of the time on the clock that sat there.
“I don’t function before 10 so let’s go back to sleep,” he muttered.
“I’m gonna have to raincheck,” you giggled. “I need to go to the Head Hall and talk to my brother about some things.”
“Everything ok?” 
“More than,” you assured him. “It’s just some small stuff, nothing serious.”
“And you have to go now?” He whined. “And leave me here, all alone, with only the remnants of your nest and your scent to remind me that you were even here?”
“You are so dramatic, what the fuck Yoongi?” You laughed. “I have an appointment with a pregnant Omega at 10 so I need to go talk to Joon before he gets too busy.”
“Ugh, fine,” he relented, lifting his head and opening his eyes to look at you for the first time this morning. “Wanna meet for lunch?”
“I’m booked up all day,” you grimaced. “What about dinner? You could come to my place and I’ll cook for you, for a change.”
“Sounds good,” he nodded, leaning up and kissing you gently. “I’ll see you later then baby.” After pressing a few more gentle kisses to his lips, you managed to pull yourself away from him and hop into his shower. Once you were out, you may or may not have snagged one of his flannel shirts from his dresser drawer before pressing another kiss to his forehead and sneaking out of his house. 
Your walk to the Head Hall was quick, given that you’d been making the same walk literally since you were born; first to visit your father and now, to visit your brother. Once you stepped inside, you climbed the massive staircase that led you to the second floor and you walked over to stand in front of Namjoon’s secretary’s desk.
“Hi Y/N!” Mina greeted you cheerfully and you couldn’t help but to smile back.
“Hi Mina. Where’s Tae?” You wondered, since Taehyung was Namjoon’s usual secretary.
“He called in with the “flu”,” she giggled. “Though if you ask me, I think he just didn’t want to pull himself away from that Alpha of his.”
“Most likely,” you laughed in agreement. “Is Namjoon here though?”
“Just got here about 20 minutes ago,” she nodded. “Go on in.”
“Thanks,” you said before stepping around the desk and knocking on the door to Namjoon’s office.
“Come in!” You heard him say and you pushed open the door, sticking your head inside a little so that he could see you.
“Busy?” You wondered and he shook his head as he motioned for you to come inside. You did so, making sure to shut the door behind you before you walked over to sit in one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk. You always got a bittersweet feeling whenever you went to visit Namjoon, since his office used to actually be your father’s before he was killed. 
“You know, as your older brother, I’m not even gonna ask why you reek of Min Yoongi because I don’t want to know,” he spoke up before you even had the chance to say anything, which made you smirk as you looked at him.
“Oh please, as many times as Tae and I accidently caught you and Hyo making out when we were teenagers,” you snickered, making Namjoon’s cheeks redden. “You can deal with some scenting.”
“You smell like you did a whole lot more than scenting or making out though,” he laughed and it was your turn for your cheeks to redden. “But what’s up?”
“Well, I wanted to check in with you and see what you thought about Yoongi,” you told him.
“Why would you ask me that?” He wondered with a chuckle as he sat back in his chair. “We both know that you’re gonna do whatever you want regardless of what I may have to say. You always have.”
“Yeah but you’re Pack Alpha and you’re also my only big brother,” you said. “Ideally, I’d like to have your approval.”
“But you don’t need it, given your status within the pack,” he pointed out and you rolled your eyes at him bringing that up.
“Well, give me your opinion according to my new status,” you replied.
“I like him well enough,” Namjoon sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “He seems strong and dependable, and he’s a damned good hunter so I know that he’d be able to provide for you and protect you. However, he’s a little on the quiet side.”
“What’s wrong with being quiet?”
“Nothing, if it doesn’t seem like someone is using that to hide something,” Namjoon shrugged. “He seems almost too quiet. Plus, I really wish we knew more about how he ended up almost dead and why whoever did that to him would just leave him there.”
“You think it was his fault?” You questioned with an arched brow.
“No, but you know as well as I do that if a person is thrown out of their pack, most of the reasons behind it aren’t positive ones,” he responded. 
“Still, it probably wasn’t his fault,” you replied.
“Probably, but the possibility is always going to be there until he tells us otherwise,” Namjoon shot back. “You wanted my opinion, that’s a part of it.”
“Hyo said that you said that you thought we’d make a good match though,” you brought up, making Namjoon groan loudly.
“God, I love that woman but she talks too much,” he huffed, making you chuckle. “When I said that, I meant it on the basis of our biology. I almost expected the two of you to be attracted to each other, and I wasn’t at all surprised when you showed up with that necklace on.”
“So you do approve then?” You pressed him.
“Yes Y/N-ah, I approve,” he relented as he rolled his eyes. 
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” you smiled. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” he shrugged and it was then that you noticed something in his sandalwood and pine scent was off.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him, and he sighed heavily before telling you.
“Hobi caught some lurkers on the edge of our territory last night,” he revealed, making your eyes widen. 
“Seriously?” You gasped. “You think it’s anything to be concerned about?”
“I think it’s Seo-hyun’s pack,” he confessed and you immediately felt anger cloud your senses once you heard that name. 
“Are you fucking serious?” You spat and Namjoon nodded.
“Seo-hyun has been the one that’s been pressuring the packs around here to fight over territory,” he reminded you.
“Just like he did before the Great Pack War,” you added.
“Exactly, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he sent those lurkers just to test me and see what I would do,” he said.
“Well, what are you going to do?” You wondered.
“I’m still working on that,” he replied honestly. “But whatever I come up with, I’m gonna try not to take it to the extremes of war again. That’s the last thing that this pack or any of the other packs need.”
“Agreed,” you nodded. “Well, I’ll let you get back to work.” You stood up from the chair and after he nodded at you, you turned around and walked towards the door. Just as your hand wrapped around the door knob, Namjoon called out to you.
“Y/N-ah?” He said and you turned around again to look at him. “Your heat’s coming up soon, right?”
“You know, you’ve been Pack Alpha for seven years now but I’ll still never get used to you knowing my heat cycle,” you blushed lightly.
“Trust me, it’s not my favorite piece of knowledge to have but you would’ve had to do it too if you kept your former status,” he pointed out. 
“To answer your question though, yes it’s coming up in like a week or so,” you told him. 
“You should tell Yoongi before then,” he advised you. “You know what I’m talking about?”
“Yeah, I know,” you smiled softly. “I’m gonna tell him. I just...have to figure out how to.”
“I get it,” Namjoon nodded. “Have a good rest of your day Y/N-ah.”
“You too Joon,” you replied before turning around and stepping out of his office, shutting the door behind you.
“Ok, so no offense or anything,” Yoongi began but you interrupted him.
“That’s usually what someone says right before they offend you,” you pointed out, making Yoongi laugh loudly.
“This probably will offend you but I have to say it, it looks like an actual blueberry in here,” Yoongi chuckled as he looked around your cabin. The two of you had been sat on your couch, eating the chili that you had cooked for dinner. This was his first time actually coming inside your house, and you were quickly regretting it.
“Blue is my favorite color,” you muttered petulantly. The walls in your living room were colored in powder blue, with the couch and two easy chairs matching it. Yoongi also couldn’t help but to notice how many vases you had with fresh carnations around as well.
“You like carnations?” Yoongi wondered.
“Love them,” you confirmed with a soft smile. “When I was little, my dad used to always get my mom a fresh bouquet of them every week. I got so used to having them in the house, I decided to keep it going once I got my own cabin.”
“They’re beautiful,” Yoongi said as he extended his arms towards you. You immediately moved closer to him, allowing him to wrap you up into a tight hug. 
“Missed you today,” you murmured as you nuzzled your nose against his scent gland on his neck. 
“I missed you too baby,” he whispered. 
“How was your day?” You questioned. 
“Busy,” Yoongi huffed. “Kibum didn’t feel well today so I ran the hardware shop by myself.”
“Really?” You gasped in surprise. “That’s great.”
“It was nerve wrecking,” he corrected you. “I wouldn’t have even done it if Kibum didn’t basically threaten my life.”
“Yeah, that’s how he gets what he wants,” you giggled. “How did it end up going though, besides being busy?”
“It was...good, actually,” he told you. “Since everyone mostly knows me now, it was smooth sailing.”
“Aw, look who’s a part of the pack now,” you cooed, and Yoongi laughed.
“I didn’t really expect to ever be,” he admitted. “Especially with me being an outsider.”
“Because in my old pack, being kind to each other wasn’t the norm,” Yoongi huffed. “And we definitely didn’t extend kindness to outsiders.”
“But you like it?” You guessed and he nodded.
“I do. I never thought I’d end up here, but I’m glad that I did,” he confessed, taking a second to lean down and press a kiss to the side of your head. 
“I’m glad that you did too,” you smiled. After saying that though, you couldn’t help but to hope that he would react well to your secret whenever you decided to tell him because you really were glad that he was there and you didn’t want to lose him. 
Tag List: @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Groupie (part four)
Warning - smut
This is set in 2006/7, and Cillian has no children. Reader is a fan, has been since day one and is a plus size girl. I myself am a UK size 16, so I hope I don't offend anyone with my story (I'm writing about my own insecurities a little here so be kind please).
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06
You woke the following morning with a definite hangover. The girls had pestered you all night, asking questions, but you'd ignored them. You weren't the kind of girl to kiss and tell, and honestly you just wanted to forget it all happened.
While you were rubbing your eyes, Ella eased into your room with a water and a coffee and sat on the end of your bed.
"Listen.. don't be mad..." She started, placing the drinks on your bedside table before sitting back down.
"Promise me?"
"Ugh... Okay I promise I won't be mad."
"You're going for lunch today."
"Why would I be mad about going for lunch?"
"Because of who you're having lunch with." You raised an eyebrow at her, questioningly.
"Ella, if you're setting me up on another blind date I'm not interested..."
"It isn't a blind date I promise! Just be ready for 12:30 yeah? I'll drive you!" She grinned and patted your legs under the duvet. You groaned at the prospect of another disastrous date with some weirdo Ella has patched you up with and sat up, reaching for the coffee.
You both pulled up outside the small restaurant in Camden, feeling a bit fresher now the caffeine had hit you. Glaring at Ella as you stepped out of the car she grinned and waved as she pulled away. Walking in, you gave the waiter your name and he led you to a small table in the middle of the room. A young woman was sat at the table. She looked strangely familiar, but you couldn't place it. She looked up at you and smiled warmly, greeting you.
"Y/n? It's so nice to finally meet you!" That was definitely a Cork accent.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude - "
"I'm Orla. Orla Murphy." The penny dropped quickly when you realised why she looked familiar. She was the spit of her older brother. You looked to the floor, before quickly looking around.
"He isn't here, and he doesn't know I'm here. Please y/n, sit down?" She pointed to the chair next to you and against your better judgement you took it. The waiter came and offered menus, as you ordered a large glass of Rosé. Orla quickly making it a bottle and two glasses, and insisting she was paying.
"Why, Orla?" You asked after the waiter had left.
"Why are you here? Because I wanted to meet the woman who's completely bowled my brother over and refuses to let him explain. I knew that if he was here, you'd have left immediately. Just hear me out, okay?"
"Alright. I'm listening."
"My brother can be a complete douchebag, trust me. But he's also one of the most loyal, kind, generous, funny, charismatic people I've ever known. He doesn't, and has never, intentionally hurt anyone in his life. Since that night with you, he's been miserable as sin y/n. He's tried looking for you all year, he's been like a lost puppy and frankly I'm getting real sick of him moping around like a lost sheep!"
"Do you know what he did?"
"I know what Neve said he did. But I can absolutely guarantee he didn't. Neve was crazy. She couldn't accept that he wouldn't sleep with her. She'd grope him when people weren't looking - I'm not talking a bum slap, although she did that plenty of times too, I'm talking full on crotch grabs. She was so drunk one night, she straddled his hips in front of everyone at an aftershow party and gave him a lapdance - it was both embarrassing and hilarious in equal measure! He pretended to fall asleep after two minutes of her grinding against him just to get her to stop!" She chuckled at the memory and you couldn't help but smile too, even though you were horrified. If the tables were turned and Cillian had behaved that way towards her he'd have been arrested.
"Seeing you with him that night just topped the bill for her. She lied to you about the wager, hoping he'd be so heartbroken that you'd left him, he'd fall straight into her arms."
"And did he?"
"No. He told her she was a cheap, conniving, evil witch who was only after him for a career boost. He told her never to contact him again or he'd go to the press about the sexual harassment she'd subjected him to throughout the run."
"I can't believe she put him through all that..."
"She was a psycho y/n. Complete basket case. He couldn't believe his luck when he saw you last night, but when you walked away again.. he ended up at mine last night. I had to meet you in person, I thought maybe you'd believe it this time - he loves you y/n, I've never seen him like this about anyone before."
"He what?"
"He hasn't said it but my god it's obvious! He's always talking about you! Funny things you said that night, the letters you used to write him, the photos you'd send of your holidays... He kept them all you know." You smiled, remembering how you used to write fan letters to him, and he'd always reply. In the end you became almost like pen pals - he never ignored a letter.
You and Orla talked more over lunch. When it came time to pay the bill, you couldn't help but laugh when she confessed to using Cillian's credit card.
"Here's his number y/n. Call him?" She wrote his number down on a piece of paper, and hers next to it, and you nodded. She gave you a warm hug, and left you alone to think.
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galacticxcosmos · 3 years
𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞 ❣︎ ᵏᵗʰ
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Pairing :- Taehyung X Reader
Genre :- Bestfriends to Lovers AU, Erotic, Angst, Romance and Fluff.
Rating :- 18+ ( M )
Word Count :- 4.4k
Summary :- "Not everyone in this world deserves to be loved. I am one of those little number of unfortunate people" that's what you thought after your terrible breakup which led you to your bestfriend's appartment at midnight to seek comfort until things went way beyond just 'comfort'.
Warnings :- It's CEO Taehyung (but no office romance shit), Broke college student, Dom Taehyung, Sub reader, Some angst that idk how I managed to write, Sexual Tension, Buried feelings, Past feelings, Teasing, Morning Sex, Daddy Kink, Pinning, Oral (M receiving), Unprotected Sex, After care (omg) with fluff (omg).
A/N :- I know that I haven't been very active on Tumblr, but trust me I am trying my best, also I am still working on the next chapter for "Chemicals Collide", so please be a little more patient. Also I got inspiration for this Oneshot from Jungkook's cover, I think you guessed it already, but then I saw I had already written a JK Oneshot, so I gave this to Tae baby. Enjoy~
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Not everyone in this world deserves to be loved. I am one of those little number of unfortunate people.
I could feel the numb pain in my stomach, feeling like I am going to throw up, going back and forth between feeling nothing and being unable to stop the tears. All I  could think about was if this is really the end. I picked up my pace, now breaking into a fast jog towards Taehyung's house. Tears we're rapidly streaming down my face, uncontrollable at this point. I sprinted through the apartment complex, my legs moving as quickly as they could to get to him. I wiped my face with my sleeve as I got to his floor, a failed attempt to make myself look slightly okay.
I knew Taehyung would see right past these attempts though, he'll quickly understand that I've been sobbing with one glance in my direction. He knew me too well. After knocking on the door, there was a faint thud before someone cautiously opened the door. Taehyung stood there, slightly disheveled with the smell of alcohol dripping off of him. Right, Saturday means Taehyung gets shit faced every night. Although intoxicated, he quickly realised I wasn't okay. "What happened? Did someone hurt you? Do I need to go and fight someone?" He slurred slightly, stepping outside. I chuckled, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him back into the apartment before he got the both of us locked out.
"How many have you drank?" I asked, going to the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle to give him. My legs were threatening to give out, but he should property drink something besides alcohol before he puts himself in a coma. I walked over to where he sat on the couch, handing him the water bottle before going to pick up bottles. Sure, drinking was absolutely terrible and Taehyung may have developed a problem. I just never comment on it because we all have our own ways of dealing with things, not all of them being good. After cleaning up his expensive ass apartment, I went to sit down with him. He was quietly watching TV, taking interest in some show that showed people getting hurt. He was slowly sipping his water, showing barely any interest in the almost full bottle he held in his hand.
"Tae, I asked, how many have you drank?" I asked again. "I counted like 10 while cleaning up." Taehyung didn't say anything, just shrugging as he propped his feet up on the ottoman. I sighed, following his actions and getting comfortable. It must be nice to have an apartment to yourself and not be stuck in a crammed dorm room with another person. Must be nice to not go to school and struggle everyday. Nice to not have your heart broken on the day of your anniversary. Without noticing, a small sob fell from my lips, catching Taehyung's attention instantly. Worry was written across his face as he peered over to me, one eyebrow raised.
"What happened?" He mumbled, moving to wrap one arm around me. He held me close to him, a mix of his cologne and alcohol filling my nose. "He broke up with me." I mumbled, another sob falling from my lips. I wrapped my arms around Taehyung's toned torso, hugging him like there was no tomorrow. "Isn't it your anniversary? Didn't you text me earlier today about everything?" He asked gently, trying not to make it seem like a big deal. Another sob fell, making him realise that maybe it wasn't a good idea to pull on that string. He sighed, moving so he could easily pull me into his lap. I quickly straddled him in order to bury my face in his neck.
My arms still held onto his torso as he wrapped his arms around me. He must've closed the water bottle and tossed it aside sometime earlier, deciding it was more important to comfort me. So, how the hell did a broke college student become best friends with one of the youngest CEOs in Seoul? It honestly still amazes me that we're even still friends, that I get the pleasure of being his best friend. He's everything you'd want in a person. Caring, beautiful, fit despite his work schedule, one of most hardworking people you'll ever meet.
We've been friends since we were teens, simple freshmen stuck together for a lab experiment. Thinking back on it, it's sort of funny because the first thing he ever said was I like your shirt. I smiled slightly, thinking back on the fond memories. Taehyung and I are some of the closest of people, and we're always joined at the hip when we aren't busy. I mean, we grew up together, figured out college together, lost our virginity to each other. I chuckled slightly thinking about it. Two teens frustrated and scared to lose it to someone who didn't know us. It just sort of played out one night, safe word established quickly since Taehyung was so worried. Taehyung shuffled slightly under me.
"What are you laughing about, Miss?" He teased, jabbing my sides. He's always loved fucking with me, and knew how to get on my nerves in just a few attempts. I decided to lie, figuring that, if he even remembered that night, he wouldn't want to hear about it. I shrugged, shoving my face into his neck further. "I was thinking about science when we were paired together." I said, my focus going to my shirt that was riding up slightly. Taehyung paid no attention to it, his hands resting on the bare skin of my back.
"Ugh, don't remind me." He laughed before mocking himself. "I like your shirt." I laughed, shaking my head at him. I sat up, my hands placed on his chest. He seemed tired, but sobering up a bit. His hands released my torso, going to wipe the tears off my cheeks. I smiled slightly before climbing off his lap and standing back up. "Finish drinking your water." I said, tossing the bottle over to where he was sitting. I walked into his living room, opening up the fridge and seeing what was there. I shrugged, settling on leftover takeout I'm assuming was from the shop near his work. I tossed it into the microwave before calling out to Taehyung.
"Do you want anything?" I asked, waiting for a response. "You." A small reply came, unsure and small compared to his normal loud ass. I laughed at him before asking the question once more. He simply said nothing, stating he wasn't hungry. He usually isn't when he drinks anyway. I took the takeout out, walking back into the living room. I sat and ate, making sure not to spill anything because I definitely couldn't afford to buy him a new one. This couch is probably my salary, the boy's got money. "Are you okay?" He asked, reaching over to rub my thigh. "Didn't I tell you he was a dick though? You should date better people. Like me."
I laughed at him, playfully swatting his hand away from me. I went back to my food, not paying attention to the hand creeping up towards my thigh once more. He rubbed his hand up my thighs once more, smiling slightly. "Taehyung, you're drunk." I mumbled, shoving food into my mouth once more.
Taehyung moved once more, placing his hand on my arm. Whines immediately came from me, complaining about the food and expensive couch. "Taehyung, I'm going to spill this on your couch and you're going to be mad at me" I threatened. "Fuck it. I can buy a new one." He mumbled, reaching up to smack the food out of my hand. I jerked my arm away, setting the tray down on the coffee table. "No you can't you drunk cunt." I mumbled, jumping over and pulling him down on the couch. I curled up under his arm, my face buried in his chest while I placed my arm on his side. He smiled, looking up at the TV after placing a kiss on my forehead. He held me closer, and continued to hold me until I drifted off to sleep.
The sound of shuffling woke me up, my eyes barely adjusting to the bright light. Taehyung was shuffling next to me, struggling to get up. I let out a small grunt, moving so he could easily stand up. He apologized before running off to what I assumed was the bathroom. I smashed myself into the corner of the couch, trying to gain back the warmth that just left. Taehyung's chuckles filled the room as he passed by the living room, walking into the kitchen. He was probably going to go grab pain killers and a water. He waltzed back to the couch, plopping down. I let out a small grunt of disapproval.
"Come on, go and do your classes." He said, pulling me by my shirt towards him. He's always used his strength to do whatever, and it gets annoying every now and then. "Would you stop pulling me around like a ragdoll?" I said, rolling over to look at him. He had a smirk on his face, missing his shirt that he was previously wearing. "Go get a shirt on" I said. "No." He said, dropping a water bottle and laying down. I rolled over, cuddling into his warm embrace. His golden skin always give off warmth, and god I loved it. "Shouldn't you have classes to attend?" Taehyung asked, wrapping his arms around me. I rolled my eyes at him, wondering how stupid he has to be to not understand.
"I just got my heart broken yesterday, why would I want to do anything?" I mumbled, "I just want comfort and to rest for awhile." Taehyung nodded, holding me. He mumbled something that I didn't quite catch, but I was too lazy to ask what he said. "Why do you date douchebags? I mean, they don't give you the love you deserve and end up breaking your heart. You should find someone that actually cares about you." He mumbled, tangling his legs with mine. "Why does it matter to you Taehyung?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Because you come to my apartment at like 3 am sobbing usually. And you shouldn't even be out at that time, with someone else or alone for that matter. It's not safe. And you deserve better." He mumbled. "Would you stop worrying about that? I'll be okay." I could barely even finish my sentence when Taehyung crashed his lips onto mine, our lips molding together within seconds. Taehyung pulled away slightly, attaching his lips on to my jaw. My breath hitched, hands moving to grab at his arms.
"Taehyung, I don't think this is a good idea." I mumbled, his movements coming to a stop and his body stiffing. "I just mean we're probably just confused and I just broke up and you're a famous CEO hooking up with a college st-" I knew if I asked, he would immediately stop. It's not that I was afraid of him doing something stupid, I was afraid of the underlying feelings I had for my best friend. The feelings that make me want to cherish and love him just as much as have him fuck my brains out.
"Tell me y/n, do you really think I don't notice?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Think I don't notice the looks you give me when you think I'm not paying attention? You rubbing together your thighs when you're around me?". "Taehyung I still don't think-", "You don't think this is a good idea because you're afraid. You'll have a real man now, someone that will love and appreciate you as well as please you? Listen, I have no problem with that as long as you return it." He mumbled, moving over to whisper in my ear. "Do you know how much you affect me?"
He licked my ear, sucking slightly causing me to whimper. My eyes were screwed shut, head cocked to side. He climbed around so he could be on top, grinding our hips together slightly. His bulge rubbed against my thigh, rock hard. "Taehyung-", "Waste it on me y/n. Your love, please just this once. You waste it on everyone else, so why not me? Why not your best friend that's in love? Please, it's not going to hurt if it's just once." He mumbled, locking eyes with me. "Taehyung-", "Daddy." He corrected, is he serious right now?? He wants me to fill in his kinks now??
"Taehy-", "Did you not hear me babygirl?" He said, staring down at me. I gripped his torso, wondering how the hell I got myself into this situation. How I ended up here, with him. "Daddy, please." I said, coming out more whiny than I expected. He smirked slightly, a look of confidence flushing over his face. "What babygirl? Tell me so I can please you." He said, moving so his face was a mere millimeters away. "Kiss me."
He did, quickly getting rid of the space in between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. My hands tangled in his hair, pulling slightly. His hips slightly rolled into mine, pulling a moan from the both of us. Taehyung's hands slipped down, running up and down my sides, stopping to squeeze slightly. His hands found their way to my ass, squeezing and rubbing. "Daddy~" I whined, rolling my hips up into his. He let out a small groan, moving to place hot, open mouthed kisses all along my neck. He stopped to suck a small bruise here and there, making sure to leave his mark.
His hands slipped into my shirt, squeezing my sides. I giggled slightly, jerking away from the ticklish action. Taehyung smiled up at me before slipping my shirt up and eventually over my head. My arms instinctively went to cover my skin, Taehyung clicking his tongue slightly. "Come on babe, don't make me tie you up." He mocked, smirking at me. My eyes widened slightly, taking Taehyung back for a moment. "God, I don't remember a freak in highschool.", "Oh my God. Please don't." I said, staring at him. He's referring to losing our virginity to each other, embarrassing.
"So shy and innocent-", "I don't remember such a cocky shit in the bedroom either? You think you've gotten better?" I challenged. "I know I've gotten better." He answered. He's so full of himself. "Whoever cums first, loses." I challenged, staring up at him. He looked taken back. I smiled, sitting up in order to push him back on the couch. I straddled him, sitting on his hips as I took my bra off and tossed it somewhere across the room. Taehyung's hands flew up, squeezing and pinching what he could manage. I let out a small whine when he took a sensitive bud in between his fingers, twisting it roughly. My hips involuntary rolled, Taehyung's hips jerking up. I moved, going to pull on his shorts. The more I pulled down, I realized he wasn't wearing any underwear.
"This was your plan all morning?" I questioned. "Nope, just when I seen you over here looking like a fresh baked snack." He said, making me laugh at how stupid he was. I rolled my eyes, kissing his hips slightly. Once his shorts were off, he wasted no time kicking them halfway across the room. I giggled slightly, laying down on the couch so I was level with his cock. Taehyung threw his head back, his breathing becoming uneven. I licked a long stripe from bottom to top, stopping at the top to flick my tongue along his tip. I slowly wrapped my lips around his tip, sinking down slightly before coming back up. I took inch by inch until he hit the back of my throat, sinking down a bit more before coming up. A low moan fell from Taehyung as I swallowed around him, his hips involuntary bucked up into my mouth.
I fought off my gag reflex, hallowing my cheeks around him. I let him face fuck me, his hands roughly controlling my head to please himself. A loud whine fell from him, grabbing my hair and pulling my head up an off. He wrapped his fingers around his base, squeezing. Once he calmed down, he looked up at me. "Okay Miss, your turn." He said before basically pouncing on me. Our lips connected in a rush, molding together as his hands slipped into my jeans. He popped open the buttons with ease, sliding my jeans down my legs. His warms hands squeezed my thighs, coming up to link his fingers with my lace panties.
He pulled away from the kiss, locking eyes with me quickly before sinking down. He gently pulled off the lace, tossing it aside. After a bit, he nipped at my thigh, sucking a bruise. He continued nipping at my thighs, making me get more and more impatient. "Daddy! Please!" I whined, my hips bucking up. He moved, licking a long stripe. I whined as me began sucking on my clit, flicking his tongue every now and then. My hands were buried in his hair, resisting the urge to crush his head with my thighs.
I felt Taehyung's smirk, wrapping his arms around my thighs and pinning me down. I bucked my hips into his mouth, a low moan falling from my lips. "Taehyung, slow down." I whined, my legs shaking in his arms. He did, slowing down his tongue flicks. He let go one of my legs, moving his finger to me gently. Slowly, he pushed his finger in knuckle deep. I couldn't fight the loud moan that fell from me.
"God I fucking love your thighs." He mumbled, drawing circles where one of his arms was still wrapped around me. "So thick and full, so much better than the sticks that throw themselves at me." A small laugh came from me, shaking my head at him. "I'm sure you've had plenty of those sticks in here." He shook his head, drawing his finger out slowly before pushing it back in. I grabbed his wrist, positioning it a bit differently and told him to curl his fingers next time. He followed, hitting exactly where I needed him to. My whole body jerked, making him smile up at me.
"Fuck I've missed you." Taehyung groaned, talking to himself more than anything. I wasn't sure if he meant me, or my heat. I decided not to ask, not wanting to get hurt over something so stupid. His fingers picked up their pace, hitting exactly where I told him. Moans fell from my lips, my head thrown back as I held onto his head. Slowly, I felt an orgasm coming upon me. "Taehyung!" I whined, grabbing his arm and jerking him away. He could easily continue, overpower me completely with just one hand. But Taehyung isn't like that. He became instantly worried."Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Do you want to stop?" He asked, panic striking him from all sides.
I laughed, sitting up. I pulled him to me, kissing him as deeply as I could. "No, you're okay. Just, a bit overwhelming." I smiled. He nodded, sitting up. "Is it okay if I continue, I need to stretch you out. I'd hate to hurt you." He said, slightly hesitant with each word he spoke. "Of course. And what happened to the man that was just so cocky seconds ago?" I asked, teasing him. He scoffed, continuing. He started with one finger, slowly adding a second and beginning a scissoring motion.
Small moans fell from me, gripping his arm where I was able to. Looking down, Taehyung still wore his arrogant smile. After he deemed me stretched and ready enough, he sat up and in between my thighs. He looked around for a few seconds, for what I'm assuming is for a condom or something like that. "No condom." I mumbled, making his attention snap back over to me. His cheeks were slightly flushed and eyes full of concern and slight worry. "I'm on the pill." I reassured. "Yeah, but that's not a 100% you won't get pregnant." Taehyung mumbled, still worried. I laughed, shaking my head at him.
"It's pretty damn close, but if you're really that scared go find one. I'll be here waiting for you." I teased, watching his eyes narrow at me slightly. I giggled as he pounced on top of me, pinning my arms above my head with ease. A small smirk grew on my face as I nibbled slightly on his earlobe. "Daddy, please fuck me." Taehyung couldn't resist anymore, positioning himself before easily sliding in. He let out a loud grunt as he bottomed out, his head falling into my neck. "Fuck, when's the last time you've had sex?"
"What? What do you mean?" I asked, slightly panicking at his question. Taehyung slowly pushed himself up, sitting back on his legs with my thighs in his palms. I propped myself up on my elbows, watching as he slowly slid out before slamming back into me. I jolt of pleasure shot throughout my body. "You haven't been fucked in awhile, no? You're so tight." Taehyung said, placing on of my legs over his shoulder to give him better access. I let out a loud moan as he picked up his pace, gaining a steady and rather quick rhythm. Taehyung was letting out small grunts, his face becoming sweaty and his bangs sticking to his forehead.
"Ah, Taehyung" I whined, grabbing onto his arm as he pounded into me. He scoffed, leaning forward to nail my g-spot. He was folding me in half, basically. "I'll let that one slip, babygirl. But next time you're getting punished." He growled, crashing his lips onto mine while still maintaining his thrusts. As the kiss became rougher, so did his thrusts. The sound of skin hitting skin soon filled the room accompanied by moans. Taehyung's grip was harsh, holding onto my waist and thighs like it was the only thing keeping him alive. I could barely see straight anymore, pleasure washing over me. I smiled, remembering something Taehyung was absolutely weak for. I reached up, taking one of his sensitive buds in between my fingers and flicking it roughly.
He let out a throaty groan, head falling forward slightly. He was focusing on his thrusts, speeding up and slamming harder than before. Profanities spilt from the both of us, gripping onto whatever we could to keep us in place. "Fuck, I'm going to cum." Taehyung moaned, making me smirk up at him. I mumbled a small, then I win. His head shot up, completely forgetting about the dumb bet set long ago. His fingers went straight to my clit, roughly stimulating me. I yelped, holding onto his wrist for dear life while clamping down around him.
His thrusts we're sloppy and more desperate than before, quickly reaching his high. With a few lasts thrusts and moans, he came deep inside of me. As soon as he came, the stimulation caught up and sent me flying over. Bolts of pleasure shot throughout me, my toes curling and head thrown back into the sofa. I ripped Taehyung's fingers away from me, becoming too sensitive. He smirked, sliding his fingers into my mouth. I licked them, rolling my tongue in between. He watched, shaking his head.
My body was shaking, something Taehyung was quick to notice. He laid his body weight on top of me, kissing me with the most passion he ever has. The shaking came to an eventual stop, both of us relaxing for a few seconds. "Well, I guess we both lost." I mumbled, not really knowing how to not make this awkward. Taehyung laughed, shaking his head violently.
"Let's not do that weird thing where you think I'm going to suddenly leave you." He smiled, running his hands up and down my thighs. "I'll go run us a bath." He got up, jogging into the bathroom. I heard water turn on followed by a few drawers opening. After a few moments, he came back and scooped me up into his arms bridle style, making me laugh. Taehyung sat down first, then helping me sit down in between his legs. I let out a small hum, leaning against his torso and relaxing. "You know Taehyung, this is really nice." I smiled, letting him trace little patterns onto my shoulders and chest.
He smiled, kissing my shoulder gently. "Your girlfriend is going to be so lucky, she just doesn't know it yet.", "Well um, I was actually hoping you'd be my girlfriend. And I mean like, official official like dating and going out and doing things together." He laughed, "Not just hook-ups at 3 am.", "Are you serious? You're messing with me?" I calmly said, acting as if I didn't care but the frantic beating in my chest told another story. "Yeah, I've loved you since like high school." Taehyung said, becoming cheesy and acting offended when I made fun of him for it.
"I'd love to be with you Taehyung. I just think it's weird that the youngest CEO in the world is dating a broke college student." I said. "And don't get me wrong, I'm not dating you just because you're a CEO. I actually do love and care about you a lot. I always have cared about you in a more than friends way.", "Stop referring to yourself as a broke college student. You're my best friend since high school, my first ever love and my love now." He said, a dumb smile plastered across his face. I laughed, making fun of him again.
"I'm glad Taehyung. I love you too." I smiled, looking back and pecking his lips. He wore the brightest smile, kissing my shoulders while wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. I smiled, "Jesus Christ I'm happy that dick broke up with me." Taehyung laughed in response, "Get broken up by a dick and then dicked down after. You fucking slut.", I laughed, turning around to punch him in the shoulder. "Says the one that was willing to fuck me right there, on the spot." I said, mocking him. "Hey, you never told me to stop. And if you did you know I would've." He said, beginning to ramble and get cheesy again. "Okay, relax. You just fucked me, don't get all phycological about it." You playfully rolled your eyes.
"You know what?? I am glad that this time you wasted it on me" he lovingly kissed your cheek.
The End.
Feel free to like or reblog, comment down any requests you have and you can follow me inorder to stay updated.
~peace out.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I love reading all your works and they put a smile on my face everytime I see them. Is there any chance you could do a whole Lupin family truth or drink (with or without Sirius is cool too) thanks
Hello anon! Thank you for your kind words--they mean more than you know <3 Jules isn’t included here because he’s 10 and the questions are not suited for 10-year-olds, but this was so much fun to write all the same! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for alcohol and mentions of sex
“We’re back!” Marlene announced with a smile as she set up an unlabeled bottle on the table, along with three shot glasses. “And today, we’re doing something a little different with truth or drink. Loops, do you want to do the intros?”
Remus waved at the camera. “Hey, Lions, I’m Remus Lupin and these are my parents, Hope and Lyall.” He frowned and looked over at Marlene. “You toned down the questions, right? These are PG?”
“Nope!” she said cheerfully as she took her place behind the camera. “Take it away, Hope, it’s good to have you back!”
“It’s good to be back!” she said, smiling. “I had so much fun last time. Alright, Loops, describe your first kiss.”
He shook his head with a laugh. “It’s so weird hearing you call me that. Uh, I was seventeen and I kissed Ellie Sanders from down the street during her birthday party for a game of truth or dare.”
“Seventeen? I was expecting earlier, to be honest,” Lyall said as he took a card. “Hope, darling, have you ever been arrested?”
She reached for her shot glass and Remus’ jaw fell open. “What?”
“Well, I guess I have to answer it now,” she sighed. “Sweetheart, I grew up in the seventies and eighties, and your father and I met during a protest. This should not surprise you.”
“We can drink at any time, right?” Remus asked Marlene before taking a shot and drawing a card. “I could answer this one. Was I an accident?”
“Yes,” the three of them said at the same time.
“I was 21, he was 23, we had been married for three months and were not planning on having kids for at least six years,” Hope explained. She reached over and took Remus’ hand. “But you were the best accident. Okay, my turn. Have you ever had sex in my house?”
“I knew that kind of question was coming up,” Remus muttered. “No, I have not, and I don’t plan on ever doing it. My childhood bedroom is literally the least sexy place I can think of.”
“I don’t know, those plaid sheets and wall-to-wall bookshelves are really something, “ Lyall teased as he took a card. Remus rolled his eyes. “In a similar vein: when did you lose your virginity, and did you use protection?”
“Again, I was seventeen, and I did use protection because I knew I was gay at that point and didn’t want to risk anything.” Remus ran a hand down his face. “Ugh, this was not how I thought my day was going to go.”
“Was it the same night as your first kiss?” Hope gasped when he nodded. “Look at you go!”
“Oh my god, mom.” Remus picked a new card. “Ha! This should be interesting. Who’s your favorite child? Both of you have to answer.”
Hope drummed her fingers on her knees and Lyall bit his lip. “I love you for different reasons,” he finally said. “Jules is more cuddly and outgoing than you, but you actually have an off-switch and you’re a very kind person. Yeah, it’s an even split.”
“I can’t choose,” Hope said, tapping the edge of her card on the table. “You’re my boys and I love you. That’s all that matters. Have you ever been in love?”
“Yes, I have.” A soft smile tilted the edge of Remus’ lips up and he glanced behind the camera.
“Who are you looking at?” Marlene asked. “The viewers can’t see back here.”
“Oh! Sorry. My fiancé is on a bench by the wall with the car keys.” All three of them waved to Sirius. “Alright, dad, you’re up.”
“Which parent do you like more?” He mock-frowned at Remus. “I hope you know our future relationship directly depends on your answer to this single question from a drinking game on a Wednesday afternoon.”
“Just for that, I’m choosing mom,” Remus said, laughing when Lyall cuffed him lightly on the shoulder. “In all honesty, I don’t have a favorite. Like you said earlier, I love you both for different reasons.”
“What reasons?” Hope asked.
“Dad, you taught me to cook and got me into hockey, but mom encouraged me to stick with PT and always goes the extra mile.” He rolled his shot glass between his fingers for a moment. “I just know that I’m really lucky to have you both in my life, because you’ve been nothing but supportive.”
Hope dabbed at her eye with the sleeve of her sweater and Lyall took a deep breath. “Whew. Okay. Please ask something super awkward,” he said.
“I’ll do my best,” Remus laughed. His smile turned into a grimace when he read the card and he rested his forehead on the table.
Hope nudged him with her elbow. “What, are you going to chicken out this late in the game? We don’t raise wusses in the Lupin family.”
“You have to ask it,” Marlene called.
Remus sat up and shook his shoulders out. “Dad, have you—I am begging you to drink—have you ever performed oral sex on mom?”
“Performed?” Lyall snorted. “What is this, the circus?”
Remus handed him the bottle. “Please drink.”
Lyall poured himself a shot and drank it; just as Remus was starting to look mildly relieved again, he grinned. “Yes, I have.”
“Damn it.” Remus covered his face with his hands. “I should have known you would answer anyway. Jesus. I need to sear that from my brain.”
Hope took her next card and slid the bottle to Remus. “What’s your favorite sexual position? I really don’t need to know this, sweetheart.”
“No, you certainly do not!” Remus said brightly, drinking his shot. “In fact, I’m glad you don’t want to.”
Lyall cleared his throat and took a card. “What’s something I do that embarrasses you?”
“This game is rigged to give all the loaded questions to you,” Remus laughed. “You need to figure out what you want for gifts. You always say you want nothing, and then the day after Christmas you’re pining after something you never told people you wanted.”
“I do not,” Lyall scoffed. Remus and Hope shared a look and his eyes widened. “Hey!”
“Okay, my turn.” Remus’ eyebrows rose when he read the card. “When I moved out, were you relieved or sad?”
“Oh, shit,” Hope murmured with a sniffle. “I’m already crying. Both. There was a little bit of both.”
“Yeah. The first move only happened for a little while when you went to college, but you moved back after the accident and that was…tough.”
“It was easy letting you go the first time,” Lyall said, softer than he had been yet. “You were ready then. The second time, we were so worried and also so proud of you for everything you had worked for.”
Remus scrunched his nose up and let out a shaky breath, leaning their temples together. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Hope whispered. Lyall ruffled his hair. She coughed lightly and took a new card. “Please be something uncomfortably sexual. Ah, bummer. If someone offered you $10,000 dollars to never talk to me again, would you do it?”
Remus snorted. “No.”
“What about $100,000?”
“A million?”
“Is this an auction?”
“If someone gave you ten million dollars to never speak to me again, would you take it?”
“Holy shit, mom!” he laughed. “Do you want me to stop talking to you? Is this a hint?”
“We did good,” she said, giving her husband a high-five.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “Would you guys stop talking to me for ten million dollars?”
“No, never,” Lyall assured him before turning and winking at the camera. Remus groaned. “Our minds have traded bodies—“
“They have? That explains a lot.”
“Shush. If our minds traded bodies, what is the first thing you would do in my body?”
“No offense, but I would run as far away from mom as humanly possible. We are not having any Oedipus moments in this household. The second thing I would do is reach things on the high shelves of my house, because even though I’m five foot eleven, my six foot three fiancé insists on putting things just slightly out of reach.” Remus craned his neck to see behind the camera. “Yes, I’m talking about you. Stop laughing!”
“You don’t think the aforementioned fiancé would be curious as to why your dad was suddenly on the front doorstep?”
“I would hope you would explain what was going on when you woke up in my body.” When Lyall didn’t answer, Remus pinched the bridge of his nose. “Dad. If we switch bodies, I need you to promise me you won’t sleep with my fiancé.”
“Ugh, fine.”
“You’re not even into men!”
“How do you know?” He burst out laughing at Remus’ shocked expression. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. The first thing I would do is go skating, because I bet your knees don’t hurt after ten minutes. Then I would go to the dentist, because I know you’re bad about scheduling your appointments.”
“He’s right!” A distant voice called.
Remus gave Marlene a disbelieving look as he drew a card. “Is this turning into Remus Lupin Callout Hour? Alright, if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?”
“Scheduling skills,” Lyall answered immediately.
“Answering phone calls,” Hope added.
Remus seemed surprised by her answer. “You told Sirius you didn’t like it when he got into fights on the ice. I was expecting the same here.”
She shrugged. “It’s kind of neat, seeing my kid get in a rumble out there. I’m very proud of you. Less proud when you start bleeding, but that’s only because you have a very nice nose and straight teeth.”
“You heard it here first, folks,” Remus said to the camera. “My mother worries more about my nose and my teeth that the fact that I’m getting beaten up.”
“I think that’s the last question,” Marlene said with a laugh. “How are you all feeling?”
“I feel fantastic,” Lyall answered.
“I know far too much about my parents’ sex life.”
“It was one question,” Hope scoffed. “I feel wonderful, for your information. These are always such fun.”
“Should we ask Jules to come next time?” Marlene asked.
“Seeing as he’s ten and knows way too many embarrassing stories about me, absolutely not,” Remus said.
“We could give him apple juice, he’d have a good time,” Hope shrugged. “I would not oppose it.”
“You’re famous now, Loops.” Lyall grinned. “The tabloids would love having your baby brother as a gold mine of information.”
“Can I sign us off?” he asked Marlene. “Please tell me I can sign us off. I need to leave, like, five minutes ago.”
“You’re depriving me of content, Re!”
“Hey, hockey fans, thanks for tuning in to Lion Pride’s Truth or Drink! I’m Remus Lupin, these are my parents, and we hope you have a great day.”
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