#i need to write today omg this is energizing me so much
non-un-topo · 4 months
End of the year questions!
Tagged by @aphroditestummyrolls. Thank you, my friend! <3
Tagging @guarncre @spacegirlsgang @andrea-lyn @ladytessa74, and everyone!
What is your favourite thing you created?
I've talked about it more than enough, but probably my big baby, Axis. Jericho, My Moon is a favourite too, for its whimsy and dream-like quality and gothic romance. I want to write more things like that.
Which work are you proudest of?
Definitely Axis. It's just under 30 thousand words, and took me a year while I was working through a ton of grief, stress, an identity crisis (ongoing to this day lol), and just generally losing touch with reality. I think it's one of the most raw and beautiful things I've written, though I'm def overselling it. I'm also happy with the section break illustrations I made for it!
Is there anything you are proud of that you achieved this year?
Mostly my university achievements. I won 3 awards/bursaries this year due to my hard work! Got a work/study position at a small feminist library in my faculty, made some classroom friends, and have been enjoying helping students when they come to me. I guess I'm also proud of myself for... maybe.. perhaps... coming to the point where I can no longer deny that I'm trans. It's been a lot. It's shaken the very ground from under me. But at this point I don't think it can be denied anymore. It's time to be brave.
Did you explore anything new this year? (A new way to be creative, a trope you didn’t write before, or an idea you hadn’t thought of earlier, etc.)
I guess gothic romance is a new thing for my writing. I'm kind of a romance hater tbh, so I usually just background the relationships or struggle with forefronting them, but I'm becoming more of a fan of the weird and macabre kind of romance. Also not necessarily new, but I almost never write modern aus and I completed one this year: tempests of dust. I guess you could say my canon-divergent t4t au, Wolf Tooth, is new too!
Which work gave you the most difficulty?
Besides the aforementioned 30k fic, probably finishing misplaced items of great (in)convenience. I let that one sit for a while, which I guess kind of lines up with the themes of the fic lol. Burnout is real.
What was your biggest creative challenge this year?
Drawing ;_; At all. Perfectionism and self-scrutiny stop me before I can begin. That, and I have a lot of WIPs I started in 2023 that are supposed to be pretty big.
Which work brought you the most joy?
Hounds! I wrote that 8k bitch in nearly one sitting because I was so fired up.
Which of your works do you think people should check out?
Not all from 2023, but perhaps some of my less read ones. Obviously I want people to read the long ones about grief and liminal space and adventures that I worked so hard on, but I know most people don't have the energy or desire to sit down and read a lot of plot.
I'd recommend an Andy-focused one from my mystery series, Chronos, and Primavera, my little Nico 3000-headcanons-stuffed-into-a-trenchcoat backstory. My time loop fic, la mer a bercé mon coeur pour la vie, is also a fun little Andy-centric team adventure. My queer ass is also very fond of Eight Minutes. Lastly, one of my Booker fics, all things pass into the night.
I should say that not all of my fics are available for people without ao3 accounts.
Do you have creative plans for next year? Is there anything exciting you’re currently working on?
Oh gosh, I want to be so productive in 2024. I really hope I can be! I have plans for another queer quartet adventure with mystery elements that will hopefully be longer and more adventurous than the works in the Tetrad Mysteries. I miss it when that was my specialty! I also am working on a big canon-divergent au in which Joe and Nicky were childhood friends (and still end up killing each other). That fic mostly takes place during their adolescence and young adult years, so I'm sort of stuck on how to end it since I'm worried it'll be a disappointing read for people if it ends in Jerusalem. But we already know the rest of their story, more or less. I've put it on hold for a while due to sensitive subject matter that I feel is just inappropriate for the world right now.
Those are the two big projects, but I'm also hoping to do some collaborations, maybe open up commissions (we'll see how busy I am in the summer!), and have some smaller works in progress.
Lastly, any words of wisdom or anything else you would like to share?
We are not defined by our productivity. The process is always happening and we are always changing and learning, even if we're not actively "creating."
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 months
Today I was telling Mom about something I watched (a mediocre vampire film) , and as I got talking I wondered why never has a certain sort of character. It occurred to me would be a natural, yet in decades of watching and reading I have never once encountered anyone like them.
So I started going on about it, and Mom was getting interested even though she was tired. Suddenly I said, “Now THAT’S the character I want to read about!”
No really. Damn. It would take a lot of work to get right, and time I don’t have, and OMG the research, and…
Still, I said to Mom that I really needed to go write the idea down. Maybe I would actually do something with it.
But then I was busy. Really busy.
Just before the post office closed I popped in to mail Mom some jelly. To my surprise someone recognized me from high school even though we hadn’t seen each other in decades. While I was scrambling to remember who they were, I did kind of a lousy job of asking about them while trying to answer their questions.
And what was about the first thing they asked?
“Did you ever write that book? You always said you were going to write one.”
Did I? I was always writing in my notebooks but I don’t remember ever telling anyone. I wanted to, just because all my brain was good for was daydreaming and that the only practical use I could figure for it. I just don’t remember talking about it.
Geez, maybe I did. I’ve had my old elementary school teachers nag me every time I run into them for not writing a book. “I expect you to have published a children’s book by the next time I see you!”
BTW! I have never intended to write children’s books. Undisciplined sprawling epics about grumpy outcasts saving the day through decidedly un-child friendly means with bittersweet endings only the victorious but traumatized know, sure. But what these people expect I don’t think I’m capable of, at least without ending up banned by some schools! LOL
“Did you ever write that book?”
It haunted me.
I went to rest my poor ankle before the last push of on my feet for the day. I flopped for 15 whole minutes, an eternity of rest for me, and what did my brain do for that time? Think about that character I’d mentioned to Mom!
My brain was obsessed. If they are this, then what would encountering that mean. How would this detail impact their past? How would their present be? Would they fit in the world or would the world of the story have to shift a little for them. In just a few minutes I had spun an ever increasing web around them.
Double damn!
I had an idea for a character I REALLY want to see, and the universe seems to be trying to nudge me into writing it…..
But I have no story. No plot. Just a character.
I thought tonight, feeling so energized by the ideas, I’d work on it.
Life didn’t let that happen. Too much to do, too little time, and always the exhaustion that mushes my brain too much for ideas to find a space.
The character is going to fester away in my mind, a sore place that won’t quite heal until I cut it open and let it bleed out onto the page. Or a sculpt. Or one of my silly painted boxes.
Unless life gets too much in the way. Then given enough time it will heal, but a messy healing that leaves a scar that no one else will see. But I will know it’s there, a reminder of the wounding an idea unused can cause.
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Do you have any executive dysfunction hacks?? More specifically ones that relate to schoolwork and keeping myself motivated? Love your blog by the way 💖💖
Omg thank you so so much it makes me so happy to hear that you like my blog you are literally the sweetest🥺💕💖💘
I’m really sorry this took so long to answer I have been having the hardest time with executive dysfunction lately (ironically) and I procrastinated answering.
Hackning your executive dysfunction ✨
+Study edition📚📝
#1 Learn your triggers and how to spot executive dysfunction🧠
A lot of times I can tell that certain circumstances makes my executive dysfunction worse. And recognising these ”triggers” can help you become more aware of your behaviors. Knowing what contributes to your executive dysfunction will help you work towards creating strategies to overcome it.
A few examples of my triggers:
Not getting dressed in the morning
Skipping meals🍳
Working from home 🏡
Not washing my face in the morning🧼
Not using my calendar 🗓
Skipping workouts 🏋️‍♀️
Not brushing my teeth
Now a lot of these are tied to my physical health and hygiene and sometimes these are things that my exectutive dysfunction keep me from doing. But I try to look at them as medicine. I have to eat and brush my teeth and workout because it makes my brain and body happy. It’s hard but with practice you’ll get there.
By avoiding your triggers you’re at least setting yourself up for succsess. As silly as it sounds. Getting dressed in the morning can make the difference between lying on the couch all say and having anxiety because I haven’t gotten anything done and actually being productive and beating my executive dysfunction.
#2 Plan everything and write it down🗓✏️
I have a lot of issues with working memory. It’s just not there a lot of days. I forget everything. When I’m trying not to forget things, I’m spending a lot more energy than non ADHD people just trying to remember. Now this is a lot of energy that you can save by simply writing it down. Use a planner or a to do list or fifty of them if you have to.
I use a very simple system for this. I take a piece of paper and write ”to do” then I make 2 seperate colums. Above the first I write ”overall” or something like it. There I write down literally everything I can think of. ”Study” ”shower” ”laundry” ”make to do list” ” ”put away dirty socks” ”think about what to make for dinner” whatever, big or small.
Once that list is finished, I write above the second column ”today” and I pick from the first list what things I need/want to have finished on the same day. Try not to go overboard with this one. Think baby steps. It’s easy to become excited and think that you’re going to do everything because you often will get a burst of energy from planning stuff but stick to maybe 4-5 things a day at first.
Now the hardest part is to keep doing it. Usually you do really good for 2 weeks and then forget about it. Especially when the benefits are starting to show, you tend to forget your system because things are doing so good and then you stop and end up right where you started.
The way I (sort of) solved this was to make weekly ”evaluations”. What I do is I sit down and evaluate how much I planned this week and how much of what I planned I actually acomplished. By doing this I held myself accountable.
#3 ”The one thing” strategy
Now if all else fails despite your best efforts and you have no energy or motivation to do any of the things you want/have to, this is a good strategy to get yourself into a more productive mindset or at least check one thing of your to-do list.
It’s pretty much self-explanatory. You pick one thing and one thing only, even if you have a mountain of things that has to get done. Ignore them. All of them. They don’t exist anymore, they’re poofed out out existance for now.
Instead put your energy into doing one productive thing. After you finished the one thing you’re done. 100% done. No more doing stuff for you. You get to throw yourself back in bed if you like, or get a snack, whatever.
What usually happens however is that you’ll feel more energized and motivated by having completed a task and you’ll feel like continuing. If that’s the case, GREAT, if not you at least got 1 thing done instead of nothing.
#4 Find a studying technique that actually works for you🔑
I’m going to be brutally honest with you. This right here☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻is what made the difference between passing and not passing my exams this year.
I struggled for a really long time with my studies, No matter if I spent 5 hours reading a text book it just. Didn’t. Stick. And I used to get so upset because I was trying sooooo hard and everyone else could do it so why not me? It really lowered my motivation because no matter how hard I tried I always failed.
I watched hundreds of ”how to study” and ”study tips” videos on youtube and read tumblr posts but I still never really understood why I was having such a hard time until I tried using flashcards and it changed my whole view on studying.
It turned out I wasn’t stupid or lazy. I could understand everything on the page but as soon as I had read it, it was gone. I couldn’t remember any of it so it didn’t matter that I actually understood the subject quite well because I could never remember the contents.
What changed the game for me entirely was switching entirely over to flash cards and memory based studying. I went from failing entirely to actually getting really good results.
(A lot of people with ADHD struggle with memory so I would suggest always incorporating a lot of ”memory based” studying even if your best study technique is based on a different strategy)
The moral of the story is that sometimes we struggle without knowing why and it’s only by trying new things that we find out that maybe we weren’t lacking the ability as much as we thought, we just needed the right key to unlock it.
I hope you find some of these tips at least a little bit helpful and i wish you luck with your studies📚✨
Feel free to comment/reblog with your own tips and hacks for executive dysfunction/study motivation☺️✨
PS: This is a sideblog so I reply to comments as @time-for-tea-and-flattery
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sokka-simp · 3 years
Bakugo x stressed Reader
Drabble thing
A/N: write an indulgent fic pffffffff couldn’t be me 😳🤚🏼
N e wayz I want all of you who read this, whether you think it’s good or not, to not overwork yourself and make sure to take care of yourself 💕
These “—“ mean that the pov changed to third person Baku, so it’s like his thoughts.
this was not read through at all. Which is stressing me out but it’s fine and I don’t really have time to go over it anyway and it kinda sucks but I hope you like it 🥲
Fun fact(that is probably known by like everyone): crying releases emotion, so when you cry while being happy, sad, angry, etc. it’s because your feeling so much of that emotion, your body has to release it. Crying also release endorphins, which help ease pain.
Warnings: cussing, insecurities about body (barely mentioned)
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You were very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very stressed out
You had so much work to do and it was beginning to completely take over your thoughts 24/7
You had like 8 tests the week before, which you thought were your final exams, but nooooooo the teachers decided to give you more tests scheduled next week, and those would be your finals
Not only that but you had to read an entire book and answer 5 fucking pages worth of questions
You were a good student and the idea of losing your good grades right before the semester ended...weeeellll wasn’t working well for your mental health
And you hated asking for help on assignments, it made you feel stupid and incompetent
So it’s easy to say you were so stressed you were on the verge of an anxiety attack every few hours
You were trying so hard to sit the fuck down and work on studying and your book assignments but you just couldn’t
You would stare blankly at the book or the study guide and just feel empty
Your mind went, your body felt heavy but light at the same time, tears brimmed your eyes but you just knew you couldn’t cry, even if you wanted to
You would then crawl into bed and stare at a wall until you passed, which was a huge sign that your weren’t ok because you never ever took naps, even when you tried you just couldn’t will yourself to sleep
Your movements were lagging and you couldn’t focus on training
You were distancing yourself from everyone and becoming unresponsive
You stopped eating as much, only eating dinner when your classmates forced you to
And the stress was feeding your other insecurities. You looked at yourself in the mirror and all you could was your stomache. You heard yourself on a recording when practicing for a presnetation, all you could hear was your annoying voice.
You were no longer your usual upbeat, energetic, self
You didn’t say stupid sarcastic jokes every 5 minutes
You didn’t mess around with everyone or jump on them whenever you got a random urge for affection
You didn’t laugh at everything around.
everything about you was just so off
Everyone noticed of course, but the person it affected most was your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo.
He just felt so concerned seeing you like that and he had no idea what at all
And we was way to nervous prideful to go up and give you straight up comfort cause he just doesn’t know how.
Emotionally inept dumbass omg 🤷‍♀️🥰
It was Thursday and you have barely even started the book you were supposed to read for Mic sensei. Usually, you would have gotten through at least half it by now, but as you sit down and look at it, still closed, you feel like you can’t read. Your mind goes empty and tired, and painful headaches begin pounding on your temples. You stare at it a few more minutes before attempting to try again with your other overwhelming work. You pull out your study guides and try to focus on them, but you just can’t. Small tears well up in your eyes as your mind told you how much of a failure you are, but they never fall. Your body seems to be permitting the tears from falling and releasing the stress you were feeling. You stare at the study guides, then the book. Study guide, book, study guide, book, study guide book, the tears still brimming your eyes. Sighing, you stand up from your desk, retreating to your bed. Crawling under the warm covers and staring at the wall, evil thoughts flooding your mind.
You’re stupid. You’re not good enough. You’re going to fail. Are going to get out of bed fucking lazy bitch. You’re not good enough. You can’t even begin to do anything. You’re worthless. You’re stupid. You’re ugly. You’re fat. You’re not worth anyone’s time. You’re not good for anyone. You’re not good enough to be dating Katsuki. You’re not worth anything at all.
You stare and stare with blank, expressionless eyes, until you fall into a restless sleep. They were filled with nightmares, people you love dying, your younger sister crashing a car, Bakugo leaving you, the bakusquad pushing you away. And you wake up hours later feeling even worse than before. You spent all your time obsessing over yourself and sleeping, you were weak. You could never be a hero. You could never be anything important.
As you sit in your bed after waking, the thoughts coming back to torment you, Mina, Bakugo and Denki come up to your room, as they have been since Tuesday when you started shutting down due to the stress. They ask you if you are alright, to which you respond with a small, unconvincing smile, and force you to come down for dinner. You sit at the table silently, so different from your normal, energized self, moving your food around your plate thoughtlessly.
Bakugo takes notice and immediately starts to panic. He notices that you haven’t changed since class ended yesterday, and he finally registers how bad you’re feeling this time. He feels his hands slightly trembling at the thought of you being so stressed that you can’t function properly. All he wants to do is wrap you up in his arms and force you to eat, but he can’t, not in front of all these people, so he does what he does best. He channels his fear for you into anger.
“You haven’t eaten at all today, have you fuckface.” Bakugo whispers to you harshly, but his voice is filled with concern that you don’t let yourself notice.
You look over to him and see his “disappointment” in you, looking over the love and concern shining in his eyes, and your mind starts up again.
See I told you would only hurt Katsuki. You’re not good enough. Can’t even take care of yourself. How are you supposed to help him grow? How are you supposed to live up to his hero expectations?
You shake your head quickly, turning back to your plate to avoid meetings his angry, disappointed eyes.
“Then fucking eat dumbass.” He said, his voice getting increasingly louder, causing a few classmates to look up before returning to their former conversations.
His heart hurt so much seeing you like this, your usual upbeat, fun self was replaced an unresponsive, self-degrading version of you he never wanted to meet. He isn’t good at the comfort thing, so as long as he could get you to eat, he’ll feel better.
A tear slides down your cheek before you you quickly finish the meal Momo made for the class. You then immediately excuse yourself and rush back to your dorm. Katsuki’s eyes widen and he rushes up, going to go after you, but Mina holds him back, thinking that you need a few minutes to think before he goes in. He growls before yanking away his arm and making a slow trek to your room.
The tears are coming down faster and all you want is to crawl into your soft, comforting bed. Opening the door, you rush into your room and flop to your bed, curling around your favorite pillow, the tears now turning into sobs. The stress is leaving your body rapidly, but not fast enough. You are shaking and can’t breath, throat restricting you from the inside. Gasping for air, you grab at your throat begging it to let a single once of air slither in. Your body flings up, putting you into a sitting position, and you begin to rock back and forth. Shivers are shaking your body, trying to release the painful emotions inside. You hear a door open, but you don’t look over. All you can focus on is trying to breath, trying to get a breath of air in before you pass out.
“Shhhh, y/n, baby, it’s me.” Someone is whispering into your ear, their lips softly brushing against it.
You feel your body become slightly less tense at the comforting words they continue to say. But then you feel their arms wrap you and it’s happening again. They’re stopping your breathing and you begin to take in rough gasps. The person immediately let’s go at your change in attitude and instead squeezes you hand and pets your hair.
“Shhh, you’re ok. I’m here. Calm down.”
Your shaking becomes much slower.
“I’m here baby, I’m not going anywhere. Just breath, listen to me breath and do that for it.”
You lean into their touch, still gasping for air, one hand still on your neck, but you recognize the rough voice and caramel smell and can’t resist, even if you feel like you can’t breathe ever again.
“There you go, calm down. Y/n, I love you. It’s ok.”
You get in a breath, small but enough to calm you down more.
“Good job baby, in and out.”
Your breaths become more frequent and you feel Bakugo hesitantly put his arms around you. You sink into them and breath in his caramel scent, breathing becoming easier and easier again.
“I-I’m so sorry Katsu.” You cry out af the regaining your breath. You push to ur face into his chest and he pulls you into his lap. You hands move to his shirt and your squeezing the fabric.
“Why are you apologizing du-y/n?” He says annoyed, but blushing at the way your holding into him.
“I-“ a sob-induced hiccup floats passed you lips. “I’m not good enough for you. I’m weak and I can’t do anything right. I’m so sorry.” the words leave your mouth before you can think about them. You would never say something like that, hating sounding vulnerable or self-pitying, but right now you couldn’t stop the words from leaving your mouth.
Bakugo tenses up as the word leave your mouth. Not good enough for him, no he’s not good enough for you. The funny, smart, strong, kind-hearted y/n. His grip around you tightens in anger at how you decrease yourself.
“Shut the fuck up y/n, you’re perfect. We both know I wouldn’t have a problem telling you otherwise. I fucking love you, got that?” He growls out, his voice tight with repressed tears. He waits for your response but you say nothing. “Oi, answer me.”
You nod into his chest and and the tears slow. You stay like that, you tightly in his lap while he rubs slow circles on your back. He plays with your hair gently and never speaks, knowing that it’s not what was needed right now. He looks over and realizes that it’s already 9:14. Leans back slowly, still holding onto you, and flattens out. You squirm from his lap and instead nuzzle into his side.
“Goodnight dumbass.” He whispers into your head as he goes down to give you a kiss to the forehead.
“G’night Katsu.” You mutter back, into his arm.
“Oi, I’m gonna help you with your work tomorrow, got it.
You tense up slightly, before leaning back into him.
“Ok, Suki” you say, no fight leaving your mouth, seeing no reason to ruin a moment like this, ...and knowing that you needed someone to motivate you.
You both fall asleep cuddled up, and you finally rest without a single stress-induced nightmare.
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A/N: ngl this is bad buuuut I want it because I’m stressed as fuck and need it soooo
The ending is trash
But like sorry for real because it kinda sucks a lot 🥲
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ancientangel333 · 3 years
been feeling energized and inspired and hopeful and just good for the past couple weeks #blessed seriously
ugh i need to write here more because i actually like writing shit out to think about stuff and process ideas, and i need a place to be annoying online
yes hi everyoneeeee omgggggg my friends and pals on the internet
i ordered some stuff to make a mask for halloween! i'm gonna try to speed run it as fast as possible but if it's not done by halloween then.... oh well i guess. my main inspiration is the wilder mann photography book by charles freger with all the funky pagan costumes and outfits and it just. hits inside me man! activates the primal monkey brain
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here's the one that's been inspiring me the most, i'm gonna do something like this, but i'm gonna make the base of the mask out of plaster bandages and then just build it up into the shape i want. i'm getting some rabbit pelts on etsy to make the hood portion to sew onto the edge of the mask, and some random assorted bone beads with cool designs to make little chains. the best part though which i'm most excited about is the deer teeth.
so i read an article not too long ago where they found evidence of paleolithic humans sewing elk teeth in tight little rows onto their clothing so they would jingle and clink together when dancing and i just love that so much. so i'm gonna do something similar on the sides of the hood and sew deer teeth into little rows on either side of my head. here's the cambridge article about it in case you're interested in reading, it's super cool. OH there's also a video!
idk i just!!!!!!!! have been feeling strangely motivated and shit and it's like. it feels weird because i automatically assumed the worst like "omg is there something wrong with my brain or my body or hormones i feel TOO good and it's NOT normal" but like. i guess the culmination of everything i've been doing to take care of myself has finally started paying off and man..... it feels good!
i have other ideas also like to make a store to sell little clay figurines and bone carvings and pins and stickers but. i'm trying to take it one step at a time so i don't burn out because i am EXTREMELY prone to burn out so i'm just gonna. Chill before i get super into it. i'm gonna start by just making stuff for fun with the clay and just enjoying myself, then getting into the whole thing of running and managing a business.
i have another idea that's a little more practical for the time being and it's like. a photography series about the horses at the barn where i do my horse riding lessons and like. asking my trainer to give me a breakdown of their backstory and history like where she got them from, what they did before they got there, etc. and making it like a series on my portfolio site (of course i gotta plug) or even on here and just. getting to know all the horses and taking pictures that reflect their own personality and stuff. after taking a couple lessons and seeing how complex horses are it just makes me love them so much more, they're like people in that sense. each has things they like, things they don't. each reacts to things in their own way. some are stubborn and sassy, others are lazy and childish. like it's just super neat.
okay i think i'm done spewing for today. goodnight my friends!
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kpopaddicted06 · 3 years
My lucky day - one shot
Summary: I just meet him, I don’t even know his name but my heart beats faster just thinking about him.
pairing: Stray Kids’s Lee Minho x reader
genre: strangers to lovers au
type: fluff, slight angst, slight comedy
words: 3.9k
warnings: none
A/N: Hey guys!! This is my first time writing something, so please bear with me (also english isn’t my first language). Hope you’ll like it and feedback is always welcomed! Thanks for taking time to read it!
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I was awakened by my annoying alarm at 6:30AM. I got out of my bed and entered the bathroom that’s inside my room, took a quick shower and then prepared to go out for a walk in the park with my dog Kkami, before my first class starts today. I was dressed in a white t-shirt, blue jeans, a black leather jacket and my favourite pair of black sneakers. I got my phone, the key of my apartment and put the leash on Kkami; finally at 7:02AM I left the apartment after I made sure to lock it.
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The park was quiet this morning and the sunrise was coming up. Inside the park were only a few people jogging because it was still early in the morning. I like it when I’m outside with Kkami, it’s so relaxing and it energizes me for the day. I was near the middle of the park when I heard a few voices laughing a bit too loud so I turned my head in the direction of where the sound was coming. There I saw a group of boys, probably about my age. They were really good looking, and I didn’t realise I was staring at them until when I realized one of them looking back at me with amusement in his eyes.
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Fuck I got caught staring! This is so embarrassing...
I felt my face turning pink from blushing out of embarrassment. The boy was still looking at me, but now he had an unreadable look on his face. I started to walk faster and left the park earlier than usual.
When I got back home I put some food and water in Kkami’s bowls and made a sandwich for myself. While I was chewing it my mind got back at the boy from earlier and at how handsome he really was. I was thinking if maybe I would meet him again in park another day. When I finished my meal I put the plate in the sink to wash it later. It was 8:30AM already, I was having my first class at 10AM so I took my backpack from my room, said goodbye to my cute little dog and left the apartment. I decided to walk instead of taking the bus today as I had enough time, so I could buy my favourite drink too, a latte macchiato from the coffee shop that was on the way to my college.
When I entered the shop, the smell of coffee hit me and made me smile instantly. I got in line to order, there was only one person before me so I didn’t have to wait for too long. I told the worker what drink I wanted and paid for it. He told me it will take 5 minutes to be done so I waited patiently on a chair. While looking out the window, I heard the ‘ding’ from the door announcing another costumer coming in. I turned my head in the direction of the door just to see the same guy from earlier in the park, accompanied by just a few of his friends, now coming in. I immediately turned my head so he won’t see me, but to my luck my name was called because my latte was ready, so I had to go to the counter next to them. All their heads turned and looked at me for a second but only he made eye contact with me for a moment before I heard somebody clear their throat, the poor worker was still waiting for me to get my drink and leave. After I got it I bid my goodbye and left quickly, but not before stealing another glance at that boy just to see him already looking at me but this time he was giving me a smile, making me realise he was looking really cute, like a bunny. Seeing his smile made my lips curve almost automatically in a smile mirroring his. Seeing me smile back at him, he sent me a wink and then turned to place his command when the boys called him but unfortunately I didn’t catch his name. After leaving the coffee shop I was a blushing mess because of that cute guy and I don’t even know his name...
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I walked to my university with that boy’s smile still in my head, and I didn’t even heard my best friend calling my name a few times.
“Why are you so happy in this morning? Did you got your day off from your job?” Dahyun asked me sensing already that something good happened because I’m usually grumpy in the mornings.
“No, actually is something better!” I was grinning at Dahyun who was still waiting for me to say the reason of my sudden happiness.
So I started to explain my two encounters from this morning with the mysterious boy who’s name I still needed to find out.
“OMG! Which were the chances to meet twice already? But why didn’t you ask for his name or number the second time you meet? What if you won’t see him again? What if you only had this chance to make your first boyfriend so you won’t die alone?” Dahyun started to ask a lot of questions, but I cut her off offended when she said that I need a boyfriend so I won’t die alone.
“Hey! I won’t die alone just because I don’t have a boyfriend, I have my baby Kkami! So don’t start with your theory that a boyfriend would make me happier!” I say loud and smake her arm to shut her up, already feed up with her suggestions that I need a boy in my life.
“I was just saying that again because your smile was so bright when you told me about him, I can see clearly that you like him already... You know I just want you to be happy, because after your brother left in Europe your mood was down and you were smiling less...” Dahyun was looking down not facing me anymore, she knows I’m getting sad when I’m thinking about my brother who left because he didn’t like living here where our parents would nag him from everything he was doing wrong.
“Ok maybe you are right.... I should try looking for him maybe tomorrow at the park and ask his name at least.”
“Yay!! You will finally make a boyfriend so I can tease you about it!” she was grinning like a fool at me now. I just looked at her with my best dead glare I could muster up and left for my class that was opposite of her because we are in different majors. I could hear her saying “sorry” and a “see you later” while laughing at my reaction.
I finished my 10-12 class and left in the direction of the canteen where I will have my lunch with Dahyun. At the lunch she was still teasing me that I finally took interest in a boy and that she’s proud of me for growing up because I’m her baby and I was so close to beat her up so she could shut up already. When I finished my food I was so happy I could leave from Dahyun because she was starting to give me a headache when she got too far talking about my sex life.
I finished my classes for the day at 4PM, I took the bus home so I could arrive faster to feed Kkami, leave my backpack home and go to my workplace. I’m working at an arcade from 5PM to 9PM from Monday to Friday and in weekends I’m working from 8AM to 2PM.
I like working there because my boss is really good and lets me play games and eat food for free, and all the work I need to do is supervise the people so they won’t break the game machines and to serve them the food they buy.
It was a quiet night because it was Tuesday, and the most people that are coming here are kids and they have school, so it’s busier in the weekends. It’s boring because only a few people are inside playing games right now, so I decided to go on my social media account to distract myself so the time would fly faster. After 2 hours on my shift, a group of boys walked in and my heart skipper a beat when I saw it was the same group I meet in the park and the coffee shop this morning.
They all greeted me at unison and I shyly greeted them back while asking if they would want something to eat while playing games.
The one who answered me was the boy I had in my mind the whole day.
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“I want 8 packs of ramen and 8 cans of Coca-Cola, please.” He was flashing me his charming smile while locking eyes with me. Oh God…not only he is gorgeous but his voice was like music to my ears.
“O-of course, that would be $67 and I will bring it to you when the ramen it’s done.” I said smiling shyly and embarrassed from my shuttering because his gaze on me made my heart beat like crazy against my rib cage.
He was smiling wider after my response. “Thanks, pretty.” He said while giving me the money. Then he left to join his group of friends, leaving me there with my face all red like a tomato probably, after hearing the nickname.
After 20 minutes I got all the ramen done for them and I put all 8 packs on 2 trays and started to make my way to them but I was struggling with so much ramen and almost dropped one on the floor, but to my surprise a hand catched it before that could happen. Before my eyes was again the good looking boy who just saved me from my struggle. He took one of the trays without saying anything to me and helped me give them to his friends. When we were done he came with me to put the tray back.
“Thank you for helping me…” I said while biting my lower lip and looking down because I couldn’t make eye contact due to my shy personality.
I felt two fingers under my chin trying to raise my head up so I could look at his face. He was closer than I expected, I felt flustered and I could feel my blood going up to my cheeks. Up close I could see his beautiful dark brown eyes that were shining. He has very long eyelashes, his lips are plump and look so soft, making me want to kiss him to confirm it but I snap out of my staring when he says “It’s rude to stare, you know?” I cough and murmur an apology at that. “Do you need something else?” I ask as I try to put some distance between us, but he doesn’t let my chin go and he gets even closer than before. “Yes. I want your name and number.” I swear my heart just stopped beating right at that moment and I forgot how to breathe. The guy I just meet today and catched my interest wanted my number... I can’t believe my luck today! “Well my name is Y/F/N and about my phone number, before I give it to you I should know your name too, don’t you think so?”  I ask more confident now because I don’t want to make a fool out of myself. “Of course. My name is Lee Minho and it’s a pleasure to meet you three times in a day already, beautiful.“ There goes my confidence right out the window because of that stupid nickname, making my poor heart suffering too much for one day already. Even his name is perfect and suitable for his God like looks. I gulp and try to look unaffected by his closeness. “Give me your phone then, Minho.” He hands me his phone, our fingers brushing in the process and I blush a little again. I save my number and send a message to myself quickly to have his number too, then hand his phone back to him. “Thanks. I will message you later, Y/N.” I liked the way my name sounded coming out of his mouth. After that he went back to his friend to play games, while I kept stealing glances in his way to see him sometimes.
After another hour or so, Minho and his group of friends left and the place became quiet again. Until my shift ended I eated a pack of ramen too because it was free thanks to my kind boss, so why not. After I finished cleaning I got my things and left home. Kkami jumped on me when I entered my apartment, happy to see me again after so many hours alone. I feed him again and left to take a shower and change in my pajamas. When I was done it was already 11PM so I went at my desk to write at my easy that’s due in a week. While I was writing I got a notification. A message from Minho! I unlocked my phone and opened the message.
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I can't believe he just asked me out on a date! OMG!!
After the message from Minho I couldn’t focus on my task anymore, so I went to bed and sent a message to Dahyun, informing her about my date on Saturday and ask her for help, to which she of course agrees. The rest of the week went faster now that I was waiting for my date. While doing my shift at work, I observe it’s almost 12PM, which means that I should still have 2 more hours of work to do, but I asked my boss for permission to leave earlier today, to which he agreed, saying he would handle the arcade and I promised I would work 2 more hours tomorrow and thanked him. The clock was 12:00PM now so I quickly got my things and headed home where I will meet my best friend to help me get ready for the date.
Dahyun did my make-up natural and my hair in curls. She picked for me to wear a baby pink summer dress with white sandals, since it was May now, so it's warm enough outside for a dress. When I was ready I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I thought I looked good enough for a first date.
"Thanks for the help, Dahyun!"
"You’re welcome and good luck on your date!"
We hugged each other and I left my apartament after taking my purse, letting her stay over with Kkami because she wanted to study but couldn't at her home, as her 8 year old sister would bother her, that plus she wanted to hear the details of my date as soon as possible. When I arrived at the set place it was 3:03PM already. Minho didn't say exactly where we would meet in the park but I got a feeling he was referring to the place we first saw each other a few day ago. But when I got there I didn't saw him nowhere. I was about to reach my phone to call him when I felt a hand on my waist. I quickly turned to see who it was and I was welcomed by Minho’s beautiful smile.
"Hi. You look gorgeous."
"Hi! You look handsome too." I got a better look at him, he was wearing a white shirt, black jeans and sneakers. His hair was parted and I could see his forehead, he was wearing earrigs and a chain to complete his look; in conclusion he was breathtaking. He took my hand in his and started to head out of the park.
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"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise." He said smiling, but I could sense he was a bit nervous about the surprise he told me about.
He took me to the mall and I thought maybe we will go to eat something or see a movie, but I didn't expect him to enter an Animal Coffee Shop. He looked at my face searching for any hints of dislike to his surprise, and when he saw my happy expression he started to talk.
"First time I saw you was at the park, you were walking with your dog, that by the way is very cute, and the second time we met was at the coffee shop so I thought this place would be perfect for our first date. What do you think?"
"I love it! So what’s your favourite animal?"
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"Cats, I love cats! Actually I have 3 at home!" He looked so excited to talk about his cats and I loved listening to him talking about them. We continued to talk about our animals and then about us. I found out that he's 3 years older than me, that he always hangs out with the other seven guys I saw him with before because they’ve been best friends for a few years already and that his major is in dance. I asked him to show me his dancing skills and he promised to show them on our next date, to witch I happily accepted. After we played more with the animals and finished our coffee, which Minho ended up paying for after we had a little argument about who’s gonna do it, we left the shop, promising him I’ll pay next time.
After our amazing time at the animal coffee shop we walked by the Han River and he bought us ice cream. I felt very relaxed and comfortable all the time we talked. I opened very easily to him and I felt like I’ve knew him for years. He is very funny and I realised he has a 4D personality. Minho walked me home after some more time spent by the river.
"I had a great time today, thanks Minho!"
"Me too. See you next week. Good night, princess." He said, then leaned to kiss my forehead.
"Good night." I murmured shyly and I could swear I heard him whisper a "cute". After that he left and I entered my apartment where Dahyun jumped on me and started asking a ton of questions like always and I told her that I had a great time and we are planning already our next date to which she was really happy to hear. She spent the night with me so we could talk more and have a movie night, which I regretted agreeing to because I had to work the next day.
Me and Minho have already been on four dates and all of them were incredible. On the second date we went to karaoke so he could show me his dancing and to hear his singing. I was shocked and very impressed because he's really talented and I could see his passion and love for what he’s doing. On the third date I meet his friends and ended having a game night with them all. I learned that all of them are dancing and singing, and that they’re really funny and kind. I really liked his friends, and I think they like me too since they invited me to their movies night next Friday. On our fourth date we went to an amusement park where Minho won me a bunny plush.
Now it was the time for our fifth date and I could see that Minho was a little bit nervous, and I didn't understand why. We were at the Han River to have a picnic and Minho looked like he wanted to say something but he’s hesitating, he looked lost at the river so I tried to help him.
He snaped his head in my direction even more nervous now.
"Do you want to say something? Because I can see how nervous you are. You know you can tell me anything, right?"
I talked softly to encourage him to speak. He noded his head and a sight escaped his plumps lips.
"I actually have a question to ask you..."
I noded my head for him to continue. He was chewing nervous on his lower lip, then suddenly took my hands in his and locked eyes with me.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” He looked in my eyes hopeful.
“Of course!” I said smiling and blushing a little bit. Then he started leaning in and my breath got caught in my throat. He was close that I could even count how many eyelashes he has, I could feel his breath on my lips and at that moment I closed my eyes anticipating the feeling of his soft looking lips on mine. Minho closed the remaining distance between us and the moment I felt his lips on mine, I felt butterflies in my stomach. His lips were soft and gentle moving against mine, I  was  captured in the feeling of his lips like a speel that was put on me, so I could only focus on the kiss. When he started putting more pressure and titled his head to deepen the kiss my mind just went crazy. I kissed him back with the same passion he did and I could feel him smile against my mouth. When we broke the kiss to catch our breath we stayed with our foreheads against each other.
This was our first kiss and I realised that he wanted me to be his girlfriend before we kissed, I thought that’s really cute from him.
“I like you, Y/N.”
“I like you too, Minho.”
He kissed me again but this time was shorter that the first and when I leaned back to kiss him again he turned his head so I kissed his cheek instead. I pouted and he laughed at my reaction and started to smooch my cheeks saying that I’m cute.
“I will kiss you later don’t worry, but first you need to eat because I put a lot of effort in cooking those dishes.”
“You cooked all this? Because you know, the last time I saw you trying to make something you almost burned down the kitchen...“ I raised an eyebrow at him. He blushed a little embarrassed at the memory.
“Well, I got help from the boys too...”
“Oh! I missed seeing you struggling in the kitchen with the boys then. That’s a shame!” I laughed louder when I saw he’s pouting from my teasing and I kissed his nose before I started eating. At that moment his pout was replaced by his cute bunny smile.
“Wow! This is actually really good! Thanks for cooking for me Minho, I really appreciat it.” I smiled happily at him.
“I’m glad you like it, princess.” The smile he gave me was so genuine that I could feel his feelings for me from it, and that warmed my heart.
I feel really lucky that Minho entered my life, because he’s making me really happy. Seeing his smile makes me want to keep him happy forever. I really like him and I can say that I’m already falling in love with him even after just one month of knowing him. I can almost say that I love him and I can see his feelings are the same for me from the way he looks at me and his gestures thowards me.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Tumblr sucks so I had to post this twice but you should still read it because I had a lot of fun writing it xD Yamato is so easy to tease omg
Today’s Digimon Adventure: 2020 episode is entitled, “Time To Bring Back Visual Kei Bands,” because that’s pretty much where WereGarurumon belongs. I know what you’re thinking, he’s a wolf man in jeans with a kind of grungy rock n roll cowboy theme, how is that visual kei?
My friend, it’s all about the NAILS.
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Those perfectly manicured, PINK freaking nails.
Tto start I’ll say this episode lowers the tension significantly compared to previous ones. That’s to be expected, and doesn’t mean it’s boring. It does a lot - it lets us confirm some things about Yamato, and a couple things about Sora and Jou in relation to him as well. It is otherwise a carbon copy of episode 8 in terms of story arc. More below as usual
So this ep is Yamato/Sora/Jou main inside a Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi sandwich.
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We are starting to see more of Mimi Herself, complaining and whining about the unfairness of it all. Taichi appears to have scaled this wall by himself and Mimi’s like “YOU HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY, YOU’LL PUT THE ENERGIZER BUNNY OUT OF A JOB, DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HOMELESS BUNNIES?? HE HAS TO PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY”
Adding salt to the wound, Koushirou then zips up the wall like this..
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The good thing about Mimi is, though she’s emotional, it’s easy to lift her spirits. She’s very in the moment. And fortunate that she has a partner who is both very patient and useful in these circumstances.
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Meanwhile the slightly-less-energetic group has put their heads together and decided to fly first class to their destination. I would ask where they got the basket but I’m sure I’d get the same answer as Taichi’s raft from episode 4 and Jou’s pergola from episode 7: these kids are extremely good at woodcraft and speedy
(or maybe Sora just had a giant basket in her bag, which we all understand by now is really a Bag of Holding)
While airborne they are Attacked!!! by SandYanmamon and not one but two tornadoes.
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Jou: Wonderful!
(for a hot second there I mistook this for Birdramon’s line and was like “??? birdramon’s unusually sarcastic today” but of course it’s the king of morbid humor kido jou)
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These Kyaromon appear out of nowhere to show off their dramatic eyeliner. Work it baby
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Just when you think SandYanmamon and TWO FREAKING TORNADOES are enough, turns out there’s another threat lurking below the sand for the sole purpose of reminding us yet again “Pokemon this is not!”
SandYanmamon: Aaaaaaahhh nooooooooo i had so much living left to doooo heeeelp mommyyyyyyyyy
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Cool-headed Yamato figures out that the new monster is able to track their movements under the sand. He sends the others away while he stays behind to hold off the bad guy.
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The Kyaromon lead them to a cave where they meet...
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ewww uuggghh noooo I hate them aaaahh make it stoppp
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and also Neemon! and I’m just going to assume this is a parallel universe version of Frontier’s Neemon because it tickles me to think this is what he actually sounds and acts like and is just riding Bokumon out of pure spite
also Bearmon’s cap says “Bears.” Not bear, bears plural. I believe he’s an outcast former member of the Gummy Bears.
The Labramon look like Rainbow Brite rejects
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Pictured above: First lovers’ tiff!
Neemon doesn’t know about the holy Digimon and tells the kids he is leading his group of perfectly helpless Digimon across the monster-infested desert because of the dark forces taking over everywhere. They will seek asylum with Leomon! We got our first mention of Leomon! Quick, cast your bets, how long till he dies? My guess is sooner rather than later because this seems like the kind of show that likes to kill your darlings.
Sora takes one look at this pathetic group and goes “We must go with them to protect them!” conveniently forgetting that she just got her ass kicked, but hey it’s the thought that counts
Yamato is quick to disagree.
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Yamato: Did you forget that I stayed behind while you RAN AWAY? When you say let’s protect them, you mean I’M gonna be protecting them, right? RIGHT? That’s what you mean RIGHT??
(he thinks, but doesn’t say. that wouldn’t be Cool)
Yamato doesn’t want to lose sight of their mission, which is to fix things in their home world. He’s already at his limit hanging out with other human children who don’t know what they’re doing, he doesn’t want to be slowed down by freaking Bearmon. Wishy-washy Jou is like “Eh, either way sounds like death and torment to me, so...”
The interesting thing to me here is that no one’s upset. A bit surprised, I think, but Sora just stands her ground, Jou wibbles but eventually gets pumped up enough by Gomamon to decide to help her. They don’t even try much to stop Yamato from leaving which I think is what surprised me the most. I would have expected at least a vibe more like “We shouldn’t split up!” or something. If Taichi were there, maybe we’d have seen more conflict... but I’m really not sure. So far, conflict among the kids has been very low key. Even last week, the first time we saw Taichi and Yamato butt heads, to the other kids it was shocking but to a 99 Adventurer like me it was barely a kerfluffle xP
Well, anyway, the result is Sora and Jou stay with Neemon, and Yamato goes off on his own, and there is surprisingly little bad blood about any of this. They are all just getting to know each other though, so maybe that loyalty’s not quite expected yet.
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Same as episode 8, Gabumon hints that there’s more to Yamato’s behavior than he lets on. He’s not just coldly abandoning his friends... except that he totally is >_> (As an adult, I don’t exactly think Yamato is wrong. I’d be more likely to agree with him than the others probably xP But these are children in a show for children, so Protecting Others and Following Your Feelings get a boost over cool rationale.)
Gabumon says Yamato should open up to the other kids. YEAH RIGHT. Yamato says “You’re all I need.” AWWWWWWWWW this wont backfire on them in a way that will wrench out my heart and tear it to a million pieces in forty episodes or so, no way
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Ikkakumon becomes a Sand Boat while Birdramon covers the sky. At first I was like “hey! not a bad plan!” If they can help Neemon’s group get across the desert faster, it will be a big help even if they can’t take them further.
Of course, first they have to deal with the SandYanmamon.
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Ikkakumon: Why does everyone go straight for the horn!?!
Oh, and also the two tornadoes.
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Sora, standing on Birdramon’s leg: don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down
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And now Sora’s on fire! That is it, I’m headcanoning it that the kids are basically invulnerable as long as they are touching their partners. THERE’S JUST NO EXPLAINING THIS
The flaming elementary school child does well until her partner is snared by the same monster from before, who turns out to be Scorpiomon. But this ain’t your momma’s Scorpimon from 99 Adventure, who was really Anomalocarimon but that was too hard to expect kids to say. This is the real Scorpiomon who is much scarier.
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All of a sudden, from above!
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Yamato and Garurumon, both physically incapable of doing anything normally when there is a cooler, more awesome method available, drop into the battle from the air and start burning shit up.
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They stand, bodies licked by blue flame, piercing eyes bright with the fever of battle, the sound of swooning fan girls echoing into the night
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Garurumon does his best but Scorpiomon is a level higher so, duh, he doesn’t stand much of a chance. WHAT WILL OUR HERO DO.
Well, first, same as in episode 8, he flashes back to each of his newfound friends, gaining strength from their memory. Yamato is so sentimental it Hurts
Then his mind flashes to someone else...
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... his favorite bobble head doll. No wait, that’s his round-headed baby brother, Charlie Brown.
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he is infused with the power of Friendship!!!!!!!
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Garurumon: What... is this feeling... so passionate... so... powerful... FFFRIENDSHIPPPPPP IS MAGIC
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He then evolves into a brony into a furry in the coolest freakiest way he knows how.
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WereGarurumon is basically everything the creators thought little boys like besides dinosaurs (because Taichi’s got that one covered) thrown together to make the ultimate little boy dream action figure: wolves, leather, hardware, piercings, brass knuckles, belts, skulls, scars, dog tags, and fuchsia stiletto nails
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Ikkakumon: Sugoi... so shiny... oooh... blinding me...
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WereGarurumon kicks Scorpiomon’s ass, it’s a cool battle scenes complete with kicks so fast his foot appears detached from his body. He then gives Yamato thumbs up.
Yamato: With nails like those the brass knuckles are kind of overkill...
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Yamato dodges apologizing for going off on his own like that by saying he only came back because it’d be useful to him to have the others around as a decoy. Jou’s like FRIGGING DECOYS AGAIN??
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But his dedication to remaining cool and aloof falters and he ends up telling them he’s just extra pressured to get their mission handled because he has a little brother, Takeru, living in Tokyo who is probably very scared stuck in the blackout. Sora and Jou are like “Oh, that makes sense, that’s why you’re so high strung.” They don’t point out the obvious, which is that they also have families affected by the blackout... >_>
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Jou passionately thanks Yamato for being so forthcoming so early in the season and looks forward to telling Yamato about himself in the future.
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The others: “But we already know all about you.”
Jou: “But HE doesn’t!”
xD look forward to it, Yamato...
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It’s episode 11 and Yamato can already smile like this... I had to cap it.
Yamato: Ahh, I’m finally getting used to wearing this purple shirt. Still can’t get quite suppress the urge to cut off the sleeves though...
The other slice of bread completes our sandwich when we shoot back briefly to Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi’s group.
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Taichi gets annoyed with Koushirou for the first time because of how much time Koushirou spends taking pictures of everything. Koushirou is that kid on the museum field trip who holds up the entire class reading every last word on the exhibit plaques while everyone else groans ‘cmon dude I wanna get to the dinosaurs before we go extinct too!!’
fyi I, Fizzing Wizard, was and am that slow ass kid
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Mimi’s even more impatient than Taichi and in her boredom she starts touching things, because she’s never seen The Mummy.
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Next ep’s trailer includes:
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And Lillymon!!!
Oprah voice: You get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get-
Yeah so, clearly everyone’s gonna get to Perfect level much quicker than in 99 Adventure, which again, it’s good they’re mixing things up. The question is, what’s next? My guess is down the line everyone will get Ultimate levels and of course, at some point we’ll see Omegamon. I wonder if there will be other Jogress possibilities? Just because it’s hard to believe evolution will stop being important, but if they’re going through both Adult and Perfect so fast it doesn’t leave much left for the rest of the season...
I give this ep a 5.5/10 for being basically a remix of episode 8, and I’m looking forward to getting new stuff for Yamato eventually. Next week’s looking to be Mimi-centric if Lillymon’s any indication, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for a few Taishiro moments anyway.
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seoultraveller · 3 years
Thank you!!💕 It really is such a rewarding feeling, and I needed to feel it too :)) exactlyyy, and I always get nervous for the results when it’s maths because when I think it went well - it went bad, and when I think it went bad - it went well😂😂 I will try to not worry though🥰 thank you so much awh🥺🥺
Sounds great!! Relaxation is key to a good health, so I hope you take care during the break💕✨
Yes I love astrology!!! It’s so interesting and tells so much about basically everything~ definitely not lame though!! I’m not great at it, I know the basics, but I love learning more about astrology🥳 OMGG which rising signs are the rest?? Seonghwa with a cancer rising... oooghhmyy- makes sense hold up bshdjfof (Hongjoong is so cool though😌)
Okay I’ll be sure to!!:) Hehe I understand, Sweden is nothing to know about tbh😂 I wanna move out from the country because I just don’t fit in ugh... I guess the country is a bit better than most, and it’s so beautiful, but I cant stand the people://
HE LOOKED SOO GOOD !!😍 exactly who ?? allowed ?? him ?? Insane😅 he’s stealing everyone’s heart tbh😌
I do think Black Cat Nero fits into the creepy vibe though (maybe not zombies zombies but close enough maybe??)👀 Lol fun fact, since my mom is italian, she recognized the child’s song which ateez sampled/covered in black cat nero :P
So good to hear!! For me it’s been a very chill weekend, I’ve basically done nothing and only relaxing😅 I let myself waste this weekend and save my energies to be productive for next week!! Okay that’s good hehe🥰
*In regards to that ask that I just sent you... nevermind 🙃
I’ll be here rooting for you!! No matter what score you received. 😉
Yeah! This break was great and I feel more energized today than I did on Monday. I took a bath this week, which I haven’t done in a while, did a lot of skincare, slept early (but also woke up early... 😞), and a fair bit of reading. I felt as if I just kind of abandoned you this week... 😣 for that, I am so sorry. Overall, how was your week? How’s Kiwi!?!?!? (it’s been so long, that’s her name if I remember correctly right?)
OMG SAME!!!!! Yes! I feel as if it’s such an eye-opener at times and really interesting. Hongjoong is a (potential) Leo Rising, Seonghwa is a Cancer Rising, Yunho is a Scorpio Rising, and Wooyoung is a (potential) Libra Rising.
I heard that it is actually one of the few best places on Earth to live. I think the Scandinavian countries, in general, just topped the list of the “best quality of life” in general. I’d want to live there for six months or so but I can’t speak the language, or read or write it 😕. What’s wrong with the people though?? 😂 I feel the same way about America, at times. I just found out some disturbing things about my brother’s wife and his family and I just want to put as much distance between me and Americans like them.
Seonghwa is really good at that. 😉 I mean- they all are... but like... Seonghwa~ 😍 putting in the work this year!
Oh~ that’s so cute!! Did it bring back memories for her? I knew it was Italian, but had no idea it was a children’s song. It makes sense though. That’s too precious!! 🐱But that song definitely does fit into the creepy vibe for sure. It was a really nice treat from the group to their fans.
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littleamethystcatra · 5 years
Roommates AU + Proposal AU + Catradora💖
 TSo here is how it goes:
-after living with Shadow Weaver and being forced to participate in all of her “business”, an accident occurs rezulting Head Hordak’s death, SW is arrested and Catra is free to do whatever she wants to for the first time in forever
-One single motel in the middle of no where. Very fewvisitors, 2 house keepers, a pool, food , quiet and pace, exactly how Catra likes  it. She likes being alone, and not having totalk with others, and the ladys that run thins place get it too so they don’ttry talking with her anymore. Which is good, almost perfect. It’s been a fewmonths since she moved here. After everything went down in her life, after shegot rid of that bitch, after it all she needed a break. 
-This place was all Catra wanted from it. But there stillwere little problems, like other people stopping by. It didn’t mind usually,because they left after one night or a few hours, but it was still annoying tobe forced to share her room.  The ladysthat own this building don’t wanna work more than they have to, so cleaning andpreparing a whole new room for one night stand guests is not an option forthem. Catra learnt to accept it, not happy about it, but accepting.
-one night a new guest comes, a blonde girl, and of course she ends up in catra’s room for the night.
-”So.. my name is Adora” she raises her hand waiting for a response. she doesn’t get one. Catra doesnt care of giving her any, after all what use would it be? Tomorrow she will be gone for good. 
-But she isn’t. Not that day, or the one after, or the one after that. The girl stays longer than anyone else catra had seen in months. And that wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for the shared room, and the fact that the blonde keeps trying to get catra to talk.
-Catra  refuses to crack, and refuses to listen to any of Adora’s trys to comunicate.
-She expects the girl to leave any moment, hopeing he won’t be forced to share her room with this stranger more than she already had. So she goes to her room, mentally preapering herself for the energic girl on the other side. When she gets to the door, just before opening it, she hears screems, angry screems.
-” Come on, babe! How much more do you plan on running away from me?”
“I’ve told you already I”M NOT INTERESTED!”
“Seariosly darling, we are tired of waiting, come home. I’m sure your parents will be thrilled to see us! To see you!”
“The only thing they are gonna be thrilled about is to see me married! That is all they care about, and that is all you care about! So leave me!”
“I’m not going anywhere, darling. Remember that little contract you signed? Time runs out today. And if I can see well, and I can, you haven’t gotten yourseld any fiance, did you? “
- Catra bursted through the door. And for the first time since adora was there, she talked to her, to them, with more complex words than ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘maybe’
“What is going on? Who are you? What are you doing with my Adora?”
“Your,.. excuse me? Who are you?”
“Her future wife, duh! What, you thought all this mess in the room was hers?”
They both stilled, unsure what was going on. Catra moved forward, pops on one knee, and gets out her ring, her only ring, the ring she stole from hordak 1 year ago.
“I was planning on doing it tonight, but i see this clown is trying to take you away, so,., My dearest Adora, will you make me the pleasure of being mine and only mine from now and forever?”
-Adora plays along, and to make it more realistic they end it with a kiss. Soon after, Catra kicks the guy out  and they watch him leave from the window.
-”OMG, thank you so much! You have no idea how grateful i am right now!”
“Yeah well, i know how being forced into things feels like, so..it’s alright i guess… So who was that fool?”
“Guess i’ll have to tell you at dinner, if you’d do me the pleasure of joining?”
Adora smiled at her, and catra smiled back. Maybe this one wasn’t so bad after all.
Sorry this took so long. I was planing on actually writing a minific out of it, but i decided it took me long enough already. So here is a little plan of the action :)
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studylix · 6 years
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¡Hey! It’s been 3 days since I finished my first term of University. I have completed this first half with one of the highest grades of the class, and I’m really happy about it! 
Winter break has started for me, and I stopped to think about everything I learned in this first 4 months of University, and what I can do to improve. And so, this post was born. Let’s go!:
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I study Multimedial Design and it turned hard, very quickly. It’s a career that requires a lot of planning and organization to succeed. 
OWN AN AGENDA: If you don’t have one, then take a random piece of paper, a notebook, your notepad, whatever!. Write down important dates, what you need to get done today, and the days that follow.
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME: There isn’t a single task that can’t be done in time. With some exceptions, it’s common that big projects are announced at least a week before it’s due. Start the big projects when they are little!. Divide your time so you can complete everything in time, without having to risk your health and sleeping habits (you’ll lose some sleep inevitably, so don’t add more hours!)
READ THE MATERIAL BEFORE THE CLASS STARTS: Be it a book, a powerpoint presentation, or a related article. Prepare yourself so you can start and actually follow the class. It won’t be the first time you are exposed to the topic, so you can ask questions when doubt rises.
SORT YOUR NOTES OUT: A mess of papers will only bring problems. Here, opinions differ. I personally like to divide each subject in different folders. The idea is to group the notes and pages that belong to one class, in the same place. If you can number the pages, even better. 
SET AN ALARM AND RESPECT IT: Pretty self-explanatory. Being late to class is harmful to you and the image the professors have of you. You can risk losing an entire term to retake a class because you didn’t attend. Honestly? Those 5 minutes are not worth it.
PREPARE EVERYTHING YOU NEED THE NIGHT BEFORE: Plan the outfit you’ll wear to class and leave it in the chair by your bed. Prepare the accesories and your bag. Clean your shoes and leave them by the door. Prepare all the things you need for class, put your wallet in there, along with your documents and your keys. Check the weather and leave a jacket ready for the cold. Charge your phone, set your alarm and...
GET AT LEAST 7 HOURS OF SLEEP: Sleep is important, people. If you are correctly organized, you can finish everything you need to do and go to bed at a reasonable hour. Of course, this can vary when it’s exam season, but even then, try at least to sleep 5. 
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My classes start at 7:50AM and finish a little past lunch. Some things to consider:
MAKE THE MOST OUT OF YOUR CLASSES: Pay attention, take notes, discuss, add to the topic, ask questions, listen. If it’s hard for you to talk, listen to the questions others make: They may ask just what you need. Establish a good, respectful relationship with your professors, They want to teach and answer questions. Submit your work on time, too.
BRING SOMETHING TO EAT: Class periods can transform into long, long hours in which you need to eat at least something. Bring a tiny snack. Water, cookies, cereal bars, fruit, cereal and yoghurt. If it’s cold, bring coffee or tea, or a light soup that will warm you inside out!
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Oh, the horror!
WRITE DOWN ALL THE DATES RELATED TO THE EXAM: Days when they will revise with the class, the date and time of the actual exam, and the date to retake it. If your University offers a virtual campus, they will most likely post an Academic Calendar listing all the important dates. Read it and write it down!
KNOW THE REQUIREMENTS TO SIGN UP FOR AN EXAM: This is so important. You don’t want to miss an exam because you couldn’t successfully register to take it. Some subjects need a specific amount of attendance % to register (Mine, for example, is 80%). For this subject in particular I needed to register at least 2 days before the actual exam. Some of my classmates tried signing up the night before and the system rejected it, and they lost the opportunity to take the exam. So! Be careful! Ask your professors about the specific method for the class so you don’t have any problems!
PREPARE TO STUDY AT LEAST A WEEK BEFORE: Everyone has their own methods, but before actually studying you need to have your material ready. Have you done all the exercises? Have you read the mandatory reading list? If you take notes, have you revised or rewritten them? It’s fundamental that you have everything set so you can start studying. If you don’t, then the time is now. Complete your notes, read what you haven’t, ask all the doubts away, rewrite the info, everything. Reach the deadline with a calm mindset, knowing that you have done everything in time. It’s good because if you start early, you can go at your own pace. If you are late, you’ll rush it. So start at least a week before.
IT’S TIME TO STUDY: Leave your phone charging in another room. Some people like to study with music, I prefer silence. Find what’s best for you if you haven’t already. Gather all your notes and mental maps, and start. Don’t forget to take breaks and to eat properly. There is a phrase a professor told me that really helps me when i’m feeling stressed: STUDY WITH LOVE. Remember that you chose this career because you want to be a professional. Study with your goals in mind, know that studying this is a step towards that professional that you want to become. Of course, this doesn’t always work. If the subject is shit, and you just need to know it and you’ll forget as soon as you are out of the exam, then breathe and just get on with it.
The time has come:
BEFORE THE EXAM: Dress up comfortable, don’t break the dresscode if there is one (I, for example, have to wear a button-up and heels to take a Final). Have a good breakfast so you are energized and ready to nail the exam. Reread your notes one last time, briefly go over them but don’t try to study something you left out. Go with what you know. Prepare all the materials you need and greet the professor when you enter the classroom.
DURING THE EXAM: Don’t copy, please. Be honest about what you know and what you don’t. Write what you know, take in consideration how much time you have to do the exam. Write your name, the date, and pour everything you know. It’s time to show how much have studied.
AFTER THE EXAM: Breathe. It’s over. If you feel like you didn’t do so great, don’t worry over it too much. It’s done and you can’t change what you wrote there. Take charge of what you will write when you retake the exam by studying again, and better. Rest a little before starting up a new task, and take a shower. Pat yourself in the back. You did it.
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BE YOURSELF: A bit basic, isn’t it? But seriously. Be yourself. You are older, you attend University. There is no need to be who others want you to be, there is no need to please others. Be who you are and people who like you and are like you will gravitate towards you. That’s how you make long lasting friendships.
EXCHANGE NUMBERS/EMAILS: If not for chatting, at least get the number or mail of someone who shares classes with you, just in case. Maybe, when you get sick or can’t attend a lecture, they can give you a helping hand or record the class for you. You never know!
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Buy a box of white stamps/labels, they will come in handy.
Write down how you feel, track it: In a notebook, in a piece of paper, in your notepad, wherever. Allow yourself to feel and write it down when it feels too overwhelming. Give yourself time to adjust, it’s a new experience!
If you want that boxset of markers and you can afford it, buy it. Treat yourself, life’s too short not to.
Continue with your hobbies. Don’t let Uni take over all aspects of your life. Sure, it’s a big thing, but try to continue your extracurricular hobbies. An hour a day, an hour a week, but don’t drop them!.
But most importantly:
ENJOY! It can be stressful and you will be busy most of the time, but ENJOY!!! It’s a new stage in your life. It’s a priviledge that you have amazing professors who share the art of what they do. Absorb all of it! Enjoy it! Study hard. Study with love and with discipline, be constant and honest, and turn into the person you dream to be, one note at a time.
Oh!! This is so long omg. I hope you find this useful! There is a lot more to say and topics to cover, but this is a general view of what I took out of my first 4 months of university. It’s different that what I imagined it would be, but there are also familiar things. 
It’s a new experience, and I hope we can grow in this path together! The studyblr community has helped me a lot in this 4 months, and even before, when I was in high school. I hope I can give back a little with this long post. 
Let’s have a good day, everyone! 
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doki-doki-imagines · 6 years
OMG i actually really want the knight!shinsou and merchant!s/o imagine please? That sounds so good!
Thank you for requesting it, I hope you are going to appreciate it as much as I liked writing it.
(I made the s/o female).
Hitoshi needed to make a good impression. He just got elected knight thanks to his friendship with the four reigns hero Izuku Midoriya, but now he has to demonstrate that he isn't only a recommended, but that he is also good at his work. He styled his purple hair more tidy than usual, the suit was flawless, not a wrinkle on it and his precious sword at his right side.
Hitoshi was patrolling the city when, for the first time, he saw a "tradeswoman", there were voices about delinquents taking the part of the tradesman when the official one wasn't there to rake off money and this seemed a fantastic opportunity for Shinsou to demonstrate how seriously he took his work.
"Dame, is this stand yours?" Hitoshi said with his firmest voice.
"Yes, it is lord." She was smirking and she wasn't dressed as good as a merchant should me; he didn't trust you at all.
"Well, where is your husband? Or do you have a certificate of his death?" The last test he needed. Now a smirk plastered his face; Hitoshi was sure that she was just a criminal.
Now while thinking about how lucky he was to have found his first day of work a criminal, the girl just went inside the stand and bring to him the certificate.
"Here it is the certificate and an apple in homage. They say fruits help a lot with fever and probably it will help you with your feverish vision since you thought I was a criminal."
Hitoshi never felt so humiliated and intrigued in all his life. He took the apple and walked off your stand, his purple locks falling on his face, he gave you a final glance then he returned patrolling.
Hitoshi found out you were only twenty, a year less than him, and with already a child of three years. Your parents made you marry a rich merchant of 20 when you were only sixteen, but it seemed that love blossomed between you two until the day he died of a pulmonary illness.
Your son name is Shou and he was the most energic and cheerful child Hitoshi ever met. He was the one that made you and Hitoshi talk more and more. Shou was a pure child, but got in trouble often and every time Hitoshi was there to stop him, take him to his mother and get an apple as a sign of gratitude.
It was after six months of hesitation and teasing remarks between you two that Hitoshi decided to make his move.
"Shou stop stressing me! Why are you so agitated?! Calm down!"
"Mom look it's aubergine guy!" Shou screamed as he couldn't wait anymore this big news inside his head.
"Good morning dame, I have something for you today." Hitoshi calloused hand posed a peach on your stand.
"Do you want to tell me you changed supplier?" But you noticed pretty fast that something was wrong with that peach; there was a big circular cut around it.
"Open it dame." And inside you found a ring with a small diamond shining on top; saying you were surprised wouldn't be enough to describe your actual emotions.
"Did you liked it mom?! Mom, mom do you know that I helped aubergine guy?! I told him what is your favorite fruit! I am right, am I?" Shou was jumping up and down waiting for your answer. Hitoshi was also waiting for your answer, but instead of jumping up and down he was keeping his breath; he felt like he was going to faint.
Both males looked at you with a quizzical look.
"It is a beautiful surprise and...yes, yes I want to marry you!"Hitoshi usual un-emotional eyes got bigger and shined with joy. A kiss was shared in front of all the square. Someone applauding happily to know that finally can live your life quietly since they were tired of your teasing.
"Bleagh mum, it's so gross! But now answer me, the fruit I choose was right?! Was it, was it,was it?!"
The happy couple looked at him, a gentle smile gracing your face.
"Yes dear, you know your mom well."
"Thank you for helping me rascal." Hitoshi hand ruffled Shou's hair.
"And know (Y/n) when we'll have a little us running around the square?"
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baekbaes · 7 years
coffeeshop au! seventeen (performance unit)
a/n: performance unit version is finally here, and that brings an end to the coffeeshop series for seventeen! (if you want any other group, then feel free to request it :) )
pairing: none genre: fluff warning: none others in the series: vocal unit, hip hop unit, performance unit 
soonyoung (hoshi)
soonyoung is that customer that comes in not knowing what he wants 
ends up stalling the line bc he keeps asking jeonghan the same thing every time 
“what’s the best thing on the menu” 
“you literally asked that yesterday” 
“yeah but what if it changes” 
“it doesn’t ever change” 
messes with jeonghan a lot when he orders 
“what do you recommend, what’s good to start the day with” 
“well, there’s mingyu’s special roast, I think there’s still some — “ 
“ok I’ll take a glass of oj” 
“B O Y” 
does this all on purpose bc he likes to mess with jeonghan 
bffs with dk
likes to help dk yell out orders whenever the cafe’s too busy (bc there’s literally only one server)
since dk sings out his orders, soonyoung wanted to do something special too
so he does a little dance move whenever he gives out an order (how cute)
but was stopped by jeonghan when soonyoung dropped his fourth order in a row
but does a little wave of his arms when he gives out orders bc he still wants make the customers smile :)
also sings the orders out too (bC HIS VOICE IS HEAVEN , FIGHT ME ON THIS)
& sometimes he and dk harmonizes the orders and it’s just hecka cute
omg they can be called the sunshine servers
considered the cafe’s little ball of energy & ray of sunshine bc whenever he walks into the cafe, it seems like the atmosphere brightens
like students who are stressing away from studying are instantly energized and motivated
the couple arguing in the corner is cooling down from their argument and is ready to say their sorry’s
wow just wow, his presence is just great and knows how to lift up the atmosphere of the cafe 
tbh seungcheol ends up hiring soonyoung anyway
jeonghan’s even more tired now
barista jun also makes good coffee, but tends to make it too bitter 
bc he wants everyone to enjoy “the pure taste of coffee”
& plus, he wants you to be healthy
coffee is zero calories yall... or like less than 5.. .. ... ..
“adding creamer and all those extra stuff is bad for you”
ok junhui
tends to change the music that’s playing bc he thinks that “jeonghan’s taste of music is ugly”
aside of differing tastes of music, jun gets along with jeonghan tho
they actually talk a lot behind the counter
like to lowkey talk about their customers
they really know their customers bc they’re mainly regulars
they observe their customers a lot; it’s like they’re outgoing wallflowers (if that’s even a thing)
“do you think she’s ok today”
“no she broke up with her boyfriend just now”
“how in the heck do you know”
“it happened outside, cmon hyung, get with the program” 
flirts 24/7 behind the counter 
very smooth junhui
jeonghan has to stop him from straying away from his work
tbh if seokmin runs out of things to write on the cups, jun always has something clever to say 
most of the time it’s pick up lines but;;;;
the type of barista to do tricks when he brews coffee
like think of a bartender 
but with coffee
that’s jun (so extra)
ends up spilling a lot of coffee on the ground;;
minghao (the8)
a part time worker at the carat cafe
& he’s one of the baristas!
he’s only part time bc he teaches dance at a near by studio hehe
whenever he’s not working at the cafe or in the studio, he usually sits at a table nearest to the counter so the two can talk to each other
bc he’s bffs with barista jun 
only orders a latte bc he likes how mingyu pours the milk 
lowkey does it for the insta
wow cute
sometimes he brings in his students to treat them out (wow minghao, so cute)
but that means that’s like 20+ more customers.... on top of their usual rush hour amount which is around 40 customers.... . .. ... 
oh no
so during these times if the cafe gets way too busy for josh, mingyu, and jun combined, minghao jumps in to help them
& his students are like “wow!!!!! look at our teacher go!!!” so cute
as a barista, he’s actually pretty good at brewing coffee
better than jun (woops sorry junhui)
tries his hardest on latte art bc he wants to be as good as mingyu 
a very quiet barista tbh
doesn’t really talk much 
does his work quickly & efficiently whenever he’s behind the counter
however, he’s like... really.. loud.... when he’s not working & just chilling in the coffee shop 
chan (dino)
chan is also a regular customer 
but is not allowed to drink coffee;;;
apparently, he drank coffee once and couldn’t stay in one place... like at all
let’s just say that he was behind the counter when he wasn’t supposed to be
& let’s just say... some orders were not given that day;;;;;
“lee chan you are not allowed to drink coffee ever again” -jeonghan
sometimes barista jun takes over the cashier whenever jeonghan’s sick
rumor has it that chan ended up ordering coffee on one of those days, and jeonghan literally burst through the doors to deny him the order
“how the hell—“
“my spidey senses were tingling, this child is not allowed coffee”!!!!!
since he’s still in school, he brings his schoolwork to the cafe a lot
his hyungs help him with it from time to time
is that customer that ends up camping out when it’s exam season
he literally has a table saved just for him the shop
he cannot confirm nor deny that he was the one that wrote his name on the table
he did 
“hyung, pls let me drink coffee”
seokmin feels sorry for the kid so he sneaks in an iced coffee for chan whenever he looked like he needed an energy booster
*cue chan being really energetic*
“yah, did you give him coffee”
“ofc not hyung, he might just have been packing on sugar instead…”
*tired sighs from jeonghan*
since both he and vernon are still in school, they like to study together sometimes when they’re both in the cafe
you can hear them quizzing each other from across the room bc they both have ap chem with each other
“what’s the chemical formula for acetate”
“cho 232! what’s the chemical formula for dihydrogen phosphate”
“h2po4 negative 1″
it’s just a really cute scene to see those two hard at work ♡
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babyfairy · 7 years
The last interpretation!!! :DDD
Scorpio rules your 7th house. In traditional astrology, Mars originally reigned over this sign. But today Pluto is considered the current ruler. Regardless, both your Mars and Pluto are in the 7th house. Therefore, your 7th house ruler is in the 7th house. This means that the activities of the 7th house serve the agenda of the 7th–the 7th house being all your relationships but especially your romantic, legal (read: marriage), and business relationships; your awareness of others, and open enemies (this just means they (the “enemies”) are known to you; hidden enemies are in the 12th house).
When a house ruler is in the house that it rules, this means that the planet is solely focused on and influencing the house that it is in. Some common interpretations of this particular placement include:
-You are in love with the relationship you are in
-You may feel as though you need to be in a relationship to feel whole. Thus you tend to be co-dependent at times.
-Marriage partners are business partners, and business partners are marriage partners
-Partners can become open enemies; you/your partner may be aggressive and/or you may have fights with your partners
-You crave a cooperative partner
With Mars and/or Pluto as the 7th house ruler, your relationships may go through a lot of ups and downs and changes and transformations as indicated by not only these planets, but Scorpio as well. But according to some astrologers, Mars can signify a partner who sticks with you through these rough patches and be the “protector” of the relationship and in the relationship. It must be noted, however, that both Mars and Pluto are malefic planets, meaning that their influence is typically seen as negative. So although your partner can be a protector, they can also be an abuser or at least someone who is aggressive. Now, I don’t want to get too dark so I won’t. I’m sure your can find a plethora of sources online that can go into detail, but I want to keep things light.
So a more positive interpretation of Mars in the 7th and as the 7th house ruler is that although you may very much want to be in a relationship, you still maintain your sense of independence. In fact, you may have an issue cooperating with others at times! Yes, relationships energize you and you may seek an active partner who you can do things with, but there is the need to be someone who is still distinguishable outside of a relationship.
Another way to interpret this is with Pluto and Scorpio. Instead of being independent, you may have a fear of but also have a desire for a type of close relationship where you may lose a part of yourself or your sense of control over your life. But you still want an authentic relationship that is “real” and will make it through the test of time and turmoil. Like with Mars, you want someone who is strong and powerful and someone who can handle you. The difference between Mars and Pluto, however, is that of power. With Pluto in the 7th, you may find your power through relationships for there may be power struggles in your relationships. Regardless of who wields it, you and your partner may go through some profound changes. Be careful not to feel trapped in relationships (or trap your partners in relationships) simply because you crave love.
…Well sorry that ended up getting dark. It’s sometimes hard to be lighter when it comes to talking about Pluto and Scorpio. Anyway, this was the last of my interpretations! :D I hope you liked it Miss Bri! I’m thinking about doing a summary of all this so it seems more coherent but I’d have to go write it first so lol. I guess I’ll be going. Feel free to ask me any questions! :D I’ll try my best to answer them, I’m love you! ;_;
wow. my wig! this has all been so interesting and eye opening! and also crazy accurate! i don’t think i have any questions omg i’m just absorbing it all...thank you so much for writing all of this out for me!! i feel exposed LDMKSFJDSK but this was so insightful and fascinating!! you’re an angel!!
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ktrxs · 5 years
It’s been extremely hard for me to work more than 4 hours a day. It’s also been extremely hard for me to work up to 4 hours a day.
Yesterday, I sat down and I was so unenergized and tired that I didn’t know how I would get stuff done.
So I decided to take a day off. Even if it feels unwarranted because I’ve been barely working 4 hours a day, I knew that days off were okay. Plus I didn’t have a day off since last Sunday, but I spent it in the hospital. So...
I took the day off and watched YouTube all day. And I took a nap for about 30 minutes and felt super energized afterward. 
Then I got vegan pizza. OMG yasss
So, yesterday was much needed and today I’m down to business. Especially since I have two deadlines to make today.
I kinda.... started the writing gig again... Which is good right now! Because as much benefits I will get in the FUTURE with my business, I still need money RIGHT NOW to fund our next adventure. And with me averaging almost a thousand dollars a month with the writing gig, it’s too good not to pass up.
I asked to be a writer again and they put me through another test a couple weeks ago. I passed and now I have 3 assignments! Which I’m thankful for because out off all the writing gigs I’ve had, this one is by far the best one! I get to pick an choose assignments, choose the amount I want to work and I get paid more than all the other gigs.
It’s a win for me even though it’ll take time away from the business. But that’s the thing. If I can work up to long hours, then it wouldn’t be a problem.
I also haven’t told Brandon I got the writing gig back lol. I’m waiting for 2k to hit my bank by August xD Between Dom and writing, my income is set.
And now I have to get to business so my future income is set. And I can work on things with a bigger impact and have more fun.
Also, I am severely grateful I am able to make money online. Granted not the way I would like, but I’m still grateful I can work anywhere at any time from my computer and get paid.
Okay, so today’s today list that doesn’t include stuff I need to do at home:
-Writing assignment x2
-DTC learning
-DECODEING CS class x2
Then I’ll call it a good day.
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cassieminus-blog · 7 years
experimenting w/ calories
at the beginning of the summer, I lost weight while eating in the mid to high 2000 calorie range. I don’t even know how I lost weight eating that much cuz even at my highest weight, 2,300 calories was well above maintenance. But anyways, I was off to a decent start. I was aware of how much I was eating and I was consciously trying to make better food choices; I don’t even wanna know how many calories I was eating when I wasn’t writing everything down. I slipped up briefly before getting really frustrated, which is when I decided to take things seriously. I started eating 2,000 calories and under daily. I didn’t struggle that much with it. I probably mis-estimated my calories now and again (oh, one slice of lemon pie is probably 210 calories even though I’m not sure exactly what’s in it) but I was tracking my calories via a food scale, measuring cups and carefully examining nutrition labels, and it was working. I kind of got a little stricter with myself after a while, trying to stick closer to 1,300 than 1,700, but still letting myself eat 1,700 now and again. then I changed the settings on MFP from 2,000 to 1,650. the problem was that I was now using every calorie up, unlike when I had 2,000. although 1,650 was a number that was supposed to create a deficit for me, I went from 162.2 to 161.6 and now, Thursday of the week after 161.6, I’m at 161.4 after bouncing around between 161 and 161.6 all week. while I’m not too worked up over it, it did cause me to look at my TDEE and BMR on a couple other websites, and I decided my new daily limit is now 1,450. If that doesn’t work I’ll go another hundred calories lower, but I thought a two hundred calorie cut should help me see weight loss. I realize that at 1,650 I was able to fit Starbucks and treats into my day just about every day, and that’s fine, but I definitely had more calories than I needed just to feel energized and satisfied and to get through the day! So 1,450 should be better. If it doesn’t work, I’ll tweak it. But I needed to make a change because I want to see some more progress these next few weeks. After this week, which only has the rest of today and all of tomorrow left in it, I only have five weeks left of summer. And, I’m not leaving Saturday morning anymore for school, I’m leaving Friday. So I’ll have one day cut off my overall summer 15 pound weight-loss challenge. Unless the hotel I’m at happens to have a scale, or I buy my new scale Saturday morning and set it up in the hotel, I won’t be able to weigh myself that day. So I think I’ll just have my last day be Friday, so basically, I have five weeks left of summer to work towards my goal. Which is okay, but I’d really like to see another 5 pound loss between now and then and I won’t if I don’t try this new caloric intake.
I’m a little nervy about going to D.C. but I’m just going to tell my friends I’m trying to lose weight and count calories and they’ll be understanding. They’re both athletes and in good shape, and they’ll understand where I’m coming from and be supportive. I can’t tell you how much FatLogic has opened my eyes. Realizing that my skinny friends like the one I’m visiting aren’t ‘naturally thin’ unless ‘naturally thin’ = naturally low appetite and love of physical activity. Realizing that I can be skinny and still eat Cane’s is awesome! It’s just, realistically, it’ll be the only big meal I can eat all day. If I want a 1,200 calorie chicken finger box, and I’m eating 1,450, I can have 2 eggs, a coffee and an apple in the early afternoon and then Cane’s for dinner, but that’s it. knowing that has been useful; it explains how skinny people eat junk and stay skinny, and it explains how I can fit my favorite processed, fried foods into my new lifestyle. realizing that my thin friends might order than 1,200 chicken box but only eat half of it and eat it slowly, or that they might only eat that all day, or that they might eat it and other meals but then eat a lot less the next couple days just naturally from overeating the day or two before....that’s opened my eyes. It’s true, too. my thin friends eat less than me. which inspires me! I’ve written before about wanting to emulate my friends who are thin because they eat a lot differently from me, and I think that holds true. I read today on Reddit about someone who watched her thin relative eat; small portions, eats slowly, drinks water, talks a lot and is focused on the company at social events rather than focusing on the food. which brings me to my next point...
food’s always been a big part of my life. I think this is pretty obvious, because I was technically obese literally last month. but realizing that it doesn’t need to be something I focus on so much has been really freeing. I plan out my meals and often jot down in a note on my phone what I’m going to eat during that day or the next one. It helps me stay focused and on track. but it’s nice to realize I’m perfectly functional without eating large meals every few hours. like today, I had an 80 cal bag of popcorn and a 20 cal coffee before babysitting, and when I got home I had a pint of halo top (240 cal) and a diet soda (0 cal). so I haven’t eaten a super dense meal yet today, and I don’t feel like I’m doing something wrong. my appetite is adjusting to more reasonable portions and I’m not overeating and justifying it by saying that I need to get things done, I need energy, blah blah blah. I have a lot to do before I leave for my trip tomorrow, so I’m going to get some cleaning done (and laundry/maybe dishes) and then I’m going to make myself food afterward. I don’t need to eat now, so I’m not going to do it. As a result, I’ll be able to eat more when I am hungry and I won’t have to feel deprived.
Ugh. These get so rambly, but they help me kinda take stock of where I’m at. I think I’m at a good place. If I start losing weight super fast and feeling like I could benefit from a few more calories every day, I’ll go back to 1650. But for now, I think 1450 is a good amount and I think it’ll work! 1450 a day with some sort of exercise most days will lead to safe weight loss and allow me to eat healthy amounts of healthy, delicious foods. I’m really excited and motivated! I’m past that initial omg I’m losing weight!!! so shiny and new and fun!!! stage of weight loss but I’m still pushing. just knowing I can handle what someone on Reddit put as that ‘intermediate’ stage of weight loss has been really comforting so far. it’s also nice to know that while yeah, I’ll have to count calories probably for the rest of my life, it’s not hard, and it’s not a chore or an obligation so much as it’s just something that I do. it doesn’t add much time to my day and it keeps me aware of my consumption. a small price to pay for a healthy weight if you ask me. and it’s nice to know that in no more than a year, I’ll be in maintenance meaning I can eat around 1950 a day as long as I’m regularly exercising once I’m done losing weight, and I won’t gain weight. remembering that I’m in a deficit helps me bear in mind that I’m supposed to be a lil hungry or a lil unsatisfied now and again (hence making low-cal ‘diet’ foods a good choice for me rn). Once I’m in maintenance I can either just make my portions a teeny bit bigger, choose higher calorie food, or a small combination of both. or I can eat more frequently. I’m sure it won’t be hard :-). but the point is, I’ll never truly have to feel deprived cuz even now, I’m never feeling exhausted or nutritionally deprived. at most, just a lil irritated cuz i want seconds or a random snack but know it won’t fit into my calories for the day. again. I’m rambling! but it’s a good kind cuz it’s an excited and determined kind. In just over 5 weeks, I’ll be heading back to my campus in the 150s! now it’s time to kill these next 5 weeks.
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Mc trying to seduce rfa + v &Saeran using the virgin killing sweater 😂😂🍑🍑👀👀
Oh my goddd. I had never heard of the virgin killing sweater before (if you haven’t either, I highly suggest looking it up - my first introduction into it was this article) and everything I’ve seen on it is just the girl wearing the sweater and nothing else so that’s kind of what I had in mind when I wrote these lolol. I swear this is totally something I would illustrate if I actually could art. Thank you, anon, this was genuinely a joy to write! I hope I did it justice!
I mean…MC really does love her sweaters.
Requests are open.~
he’s been practicing for rehearsal all day
at this point he has everything down but he’s still going
“Zenny…you’ve been at it all day…come take a break with me.~”
“I just need to practice a little more, I have to do a good job.”
well…drastic times call for drastic measures
you had heard the craze and bought one…just in case
the virgin killing sweater now time to see if it works
you come out of the room wearing it
“Are you sure you can’t take just a little break, Zenny?”  
something in your tone of voice makes him turn around
and he FREEZES
you have unleashed The BEAST™
has you pinned to the wall so fast omg what rehearsal?
doesn’t even make it to the bedroom tbh
“You’re going to be the death of me someday, MC” said after the sweater is long forgotten on the floor, of course
makes sure the sweater is folded on the top of other clothes in the drawer hoping you decide to use it again soon
between studying to be a veterinarian, after school clubs, and you, this boy has been busy
so it’s really understandable that when he has a day to relax, he wants to play LOLOL
but he has been playing for five hours it really had been a long time since he played
so you decide to play a little dirty literally?
you come up behind him wearing the virgin killing sweater and wrap your arms around him
“Oh, MC, just one more round–”
“Are you sure that’s what you want, Yoosung?”
then you spin his chair around to face you he’s eye level with “the girls” omg omg what happened to his brain
Yoosung.exe has stopped working
his face is so red
his friends are yelling into his headset, they are under attack
then he recovers a little
“If you were looking at what I’m looking at, you’d ditch LOLOL in a heartbeat too” and then he logs out with no other explanation
he’s still blushing like mad but he pulls you into his lap omg you’re not even wearing pants, he’s the luckiest guy ever???
he ends up carrying you to the bedroom bridal style after making out on the chair for a while
owning a bakery is exhausting
she’s much happier than when she was working for Jumin but seems no less tired?
so it had been a little while since you two had been intimate
…and tbh you were thirsty
so you bought the sweater and put it on the second it came in
when she gets home, you are going about your usual business
not even acknowledging the virgin killing sweater
she’s standing in the doorway, blushing and open-mouthed
when you bend down in an over-exaggerated way, bend & snap anyone? she drops her purse
suddenly she’s grabbing your hand to lead you to the bedroom
“You’re not too tired?” what’s with that innocent tone of voice
“On the contrary, I am feeling quite energized, thanks to you.”
tbh she’d heard of the sweater and thought it was ridiculous but consider her mind changed now
he had been working late all week
you decided to order the virgin killing sweater without telling him
you had showed him in amusement when you first discovered it and he had been unimpressed
“That woman must be freezing. The sweater has no arms…or a back…or even sides. It is barely even clothing.” sweetheart that’s the point
it’s around noon when it comes in and you decide to text Jumin
“Can’t you come home early today? You’ve been there late all week and my new sweater came in. I want your opinion.”
“I wish I could, you know that, my love. Is a new sweater really a reason to cut work short?”
“Hmm…you tell me, Mr. Han.~” [sent with a selfie you took while wearing it]
“…I’ll be right there.”
Jaehee had to cancel the rest of his day you promise her you’ll make it up to her later
Driver Kim knows that look; he is speeding on the way home
you are waiting at the door when he arrives
he immediately kisses you
“I was wrong about the sweater. It is…very effective. I hope you don’t have plans for the next two days…”
carries you to the bedroom, closing the door behind you
“I love the sweater, but you look best wearing nothing at all…”
tbh you bought it bc you thought it would be hilarious
then you put it on and hey you don’t look half bad
and you decide you are definitely going to use it today
when Saeyoung gets home, you’re in the bedroom waiting for him
on the bed, with this absolutely ridiculous pose
so he’s laughing at first
but then you turn just so and omg you went from funny to ridiculously hot in .5 seconds flat
no more laughter
he jumps on the bed and starts kissing you
did you really just seduce him with a meme you two are perfect together
he really enjoys running his hands underneath the sweater tbh so it takes a while for it to actually come off
later on, he’s picking it up from the floor and putting it on
“Hey, this looks pretty good on me! We should get one in every color!”
he can’t…really see what you’re wearing too well
but you actually kind of prefer that?
you have a plan
he comes home and you’re wearing the sweater and ofc he makes no comment
so you sit in his lap and rest your head on his shoulder nothing out of the ordinary, you two do this all the time
it isn’t until his hand rests on your leg that he realizes something is different
“MC…you aren’t wearing pants?”
suddenly he’s exploring a little more closely just what you wanted
he runs his hands down your sides and back and feels loose-fitting fabric and lots of skin
he’s breathing quite a bit heavier now
continues running his hands all over you until you can’t take it anymore
you grab his face and kiss him which makes him chuckle
“Taking too long for your tastes, love?”
“You are such a tease.”
“Only returning the favor. Shall we move to the bedroom?”
he is not prepared
you’d had a little spat that hasn’t quite been resolved yet
and then you come home with a shopping bag and a smirk on your face
and you change immediately
and now you’re standing in front of him…wearing that
he never really understood the point of dressing a certain way to seduce someone
and yet…he can’t deny the effectiveness of it
tbh part of him wants to leave out of protest this isn’t fair
legit stands there warring with himself for several good minutes
while you just stand there waiting for the virgin killing sweater to work its magic
“…fuck it.”
then he pushes you against the wall and starts kissing you
“Does this mean we aren’t fighting anymore?”
“Ask me later.”
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