#idk how many parts there will be exactly depends on how long i make each part
the aliens from the show are difficult, I have a reboot in my head but I'll separate them for hopefully a more digestible read I also haven't seen the show in a long time so my memory is blahhh
General Headcanons
Coverton gives me amphibious vibes, tho I do think those cheek "flaps" are like. gills or something, not exactly. his chrysalis rejuvenation molting whatever is ?? helps keep his skin squishy soft and get rid of skin disease. human equivalent of a "birthday" but he only does it every 6¾ (earth) years, he's also 180 so you do the math for his human age
"Coverton" is not his real name, that's a title, as is "Coverlord" for leader of the interstellar conquering empire
loves a good mocha, I also think he would like boba tea. idk I like to imagine the aliens just trying earth drinks, I'm gonna project more and say he doesn't like soda, or champagne but does appreciate wine. the lemonade he had from the pilot was meh, whatever
from what I understand Sta'abi doesn't have a home anymore? she's a survivor of some horrid giant beast's rampage. at some point she left her planet to join an interspecies group of warriors that travel the stars, which has some association to the Coverlord Empire. so her position under this council of warriors is.. a monster hunter
her favourite kind of food is from the sea, enjoys shellfish & cephalopods the most (because her usual hunt is on land, seafood is fancy). she likes to dance despite not being very elegant, but her priority is "the mission" which excludes "having fun" (tho her idea of fun is tag)
Sqweep's skin is like. dry slime. or putty texture. she is like a sterilised marshmallow if that makes any sense. smells like roasted walnuts or a burnt almond cookie
Reboot Headcanons
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concept art I love better than the og + sketches of inspired slight redesign from my ig (and a drawing I forgor)
Coverton's legs are pretty weak compared to even the average of his species, Earth's atmosphere & gravity doesn't help either. so while he can stand, it's only for a brief time, it also fluctuates how long depending on the weather. he'd use his hoverchair or just put the spacesuit on, especially for going outdoors
‌can't stand saltwater, lousy swimmer, afraid of Earth's ocean & easily seasick
‌unlike show canon, his telekinesis is artificial & enhanced with technology
weighs like a bunch of grapes, flexible & hypermobile, near-sighted so he may wear contact lense
he carries out his rejuvenation cycle in a secure chamber, symptoms include excessive sliming ("sweat"), bubbling skin (boils), and flaking (desquamation is just the beginning). like the rest of his species, he was grown in a lab
I honestly have no idea if that's natural hair or a wig lmao
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concept art where I'd just combine the best ones imo
Sqweep is a nickname! she gets it from the "eep" sounds she makes when excited or surprised
idk why I feel like she has a hundred or more siblings, not many are close to each other. perhaps several parents too, at least 5
like her parents and grandparents and great grandparents she's a super rich adult scientist that works as part of an interstellar organisation dedicated to protecting life harbouring star systems
a field researcher therefore planetary explorer, her job is to document & study life on Earth
likes romantic comedies, and loves all animals on Earth, but she's allergic to fur, which is devastating
since she does have a face and therefore is able to emote, I think the antenna colour coded light emoting is unnecessary. I'd like to find another place for it in relation to her but not her biology itself. she sparkles instead
pretty sure no bones (therefore no teeth), light as a cloud so a gust of wind could send her off like a tumbleweed, but I feel the density of her own body can regulate itself, depending on certain conditions? covered in fine fuzz, her nubby hands (tentacles?) hold things like itty bitty hooks
can't digest foods unless in the form of fluids, probably likes bland foods tbh. anything too flavorful would make her head explode
y'know maybe her species is. delicious. their "flesh" tastes like space mango, but cotton candy weight & texture 💀
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some of the concepts I refer to for the most challenging and frustrating of the alien bunch, and today's look of her as I also went through & played with various designs
this version of Sta'abi is dropped on Earth to manage her "anger issues". her peers decided she needed to chill out, which is coincidentally the same day a vornicarn is brought into the world. as a hunter, she would've killed on sight, but after helping to capture it and being held captive by Area 5X herself, she starts to empathize with and eventually befriend the creature
Coverton eventually gets her to somewhat roam free in the facility and offers her a way off world but only if she helps him with his plans. he's not completely transparent about them and Sta'abi just wants to leave, she's already familiar with the empire he works for so there's some trust in his word
the males of her species have wings? is that canon? I feel like it's canon.. but in modern days they're just for show, can't fly but can glide and catch wind to hover, though only for so long as they're mostly small
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none of these concept art belong to me btw if that wasn't obvious I just took them from the wiki
came from the only egg that survived the initial meteor crash & wasn't frozen to death, laid dormant and got covered in the antartic ice until global warming exposed it millions of years later (which scientists soon discover but let the monster agents investigate as they have alien consultants)
instead of Link's nose I really hammed up the alien parody for my own indulgence haha (blood cw; initial drawings + non-canon chest bursting)
steals coverton's chocolate either when he's not looking or right in his face, probably doesn't like baths, loves chin/neck scratches & belly rubs (only from Sta'abi)
smells with the tip of his tongue, bipedal & quadrupedal, not great at hearing
skin is scaly like a snake, full of muscle
can and will survive in all extreme environments except the desert? for heat & hydration reasons mayhaps as he can't withstand both at once
some of these may change with time and I'd love to read everyone else's hcs! or how you'd rewrite them perhaps :]
since you made it to the very end you're obligated to tell me your favourite alien 🫵
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10 months on low dose Androgel timeline
I think the last one I did of these was at 7 months, oops. I started on 1 pump of 1% androgel, which has 12.5 mg of testosterone in each pump. Since December, I have been on 2 pumps a day. I have yet to have any blood work done, so i don’t know my levels. 
This is a timeline of the most recent, biggest changes. I have other posts about my earlier timeline in my Testosterone gel tag.
The *biggest* change these past few months have been my voice. It’s changed drastically from February to now, but I think it’s actually sort of levelled out recently. It was hard to speak loudly for a most of February and March, because my voice would try to go higher but I just didn’t have that range anymore, so it would crack or just, make no sound at all. I think, for the most part, that is over. I think this was just one voice drop and im sure more will come (I still sound androgynous too, but that could be because of speaking mannerisms rather than voice) but I’ve learned how to talk with my lower voice now, and can speak loudly without the problems i used to have. 
i went from my lowest, median, and highest of my voice being 176hz, 215hz, and 255hz respectively, to 96hz lowest, 137hz median, and 179hz highest, but those numbers do fluctuate a bit depending on day which is normal. It’s strange to see what used to be the lowest my voice went when talking is now the highest it goes. It’s been really great. 
I will say, that I am now at the point where i cannot play it off like im sick or anything when people ask about my voice. I have been specifically asked if i’m on testosterone, and people I haven’t seen in a while are shocked at my voice now. If you are someone thinking about low dose T to hide changes for as ling as you can from unsupportive people, I only got 10 months, and many people get less. you cannot guarentee when you will get what changed.
on to things besides voice. 
My arm and hand veins are,, extremely prominent when I get warm. It’s really interesting, gives me huge euphoria, but is also really weird to look at. 
My period hasn’t stopped yet, still gotten a lot lighter though which has been great.
My face has definitely changed, but in a way where it’s hard to tell what exactly has changed. i just know i look different. I just can’t really place how. My eyebrows are thicker, my skin looks different, but there’s something bigger that is just hard to see. 
I still don’t really pass in public, long hair androgynous voice and no binder will do that, but i’m really liking how everything is going so far. Genuinely I think going on T has just cured my depression??????? I’m only normal sad like once a month, not thinking about offing myself once a day. I didn’t think testosterone would change so much about how I feel, but it’s made me feel so much more calm and rational. I have a good grasp on my emotions, and they don’t consume me anymore. I’m able to think past them and make good decisions without letting my depression or anxiety or anger rule out my rational brain. That won’t be the experience for everyone, but it is mine. and it has been great. 
Also maybe expect a trans tape review soon idk, I’m getting some because my binder fits me on paper, but irritates my arms sooo much that it’s hard to wear. 
Feel free to ask any questions, I’d be happy to answer
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fullmusicbardsquared · 3 months
How about a broad overview of the world to start with :3? A crash course if you will
Idk how helpful this is so please ask followup questions..oh that makes me sound like a nerd doesn't it .
Most importantly, this world is populated by the personifications of new wave music songs- and the world itself has patches that are also based on songs. What, exactly, does this mean?
The characters are personifications of songs, which means that their minds and goals are based on whatever song they are. A love song is going to be primarily concerned with love- details depend. They’re like this even when they aren’t performing, a term I will explain in just a bit. This doesn’t mean that a character’s emotional range is limited to the song’s emotions and themes, but getting them to feel something different would be difficult, since no one is concerned with anyone else (more on this later). In general, most characters only have one song. The only exceptions are if a character is personifying a concept album, or if there are songs that the writers intended to be together. Songs that are from the same (non-concept) album may know each other, or live in the same areas, but this is more for the plot than any real reason.
I should clarify now that, even though they are personifications of real-world songs, these characters don’t know about the real world. They can understand that their lives are repetitive, but they aren’t aware that they are songs, and could probably not comprehend being that. I refuse to do a ‘humans as eldritch beings’ plot, both because that’s..weird to do to real people, and because it is boring. The song characters do not know that they are made-up, and generally don’t question their lives.
Characters personify one song, but there can be multiple characters. There can be more ‘active’ characters, who personify the song’s narrator(s), and more ‘passive’ characters, who are characters in the song itself. This doesn’t have any correlation on how complex or plot-relevant a character is, it just determines who performs it. ‘Passive’ characters are just as real.
Okay, performing. Vinyl Hell is a jukebox musical, and the characters do sing their songs. Not everyone can sing all at once, because singing is essentially their purest way to express their dreams, longings, suffering- whatever the song is about. It’d be confusing if everyone was doing it. Instead, characters wait until something happens to ‘trigger’ playing their song. What this is depends, and how long they wait is different each time. It’s a little cycle: perform -> wait -> perform, and their memories all blend together into this cycle. Their minds are occupied with wanting to perform- and so no matter how different their songs are, the characters all share a bit of a self-centered view. Even if they cross paths with others, characters are only focused on what they have to do, and are blind to everything else. Everyone’s a bit selfish, but it’s not worth getting offended over- they’re all too busy.
I do not have many established locations- there are cities (as I talk about here), and stuff like that. My original draft has a ‘space-station’, which I feel like is worth keeping. At least part of its name is Venus. The geography of their little planet is a patchwork of everything needed for everybody- and the planet itself is.. Ambiguously alive. Ambiguous, because I want to keep it vague- it is molding the protagonist into a doll, but it doesn’t really need sentience for that. Songs about god(s) will sometimes associate them with the planet itself.
Okay, that’s basically all of it. There are other musical worlds like this, for different genres, and they generally hold to these rules. Except for the planet bit..maybe.
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mukamibabe · 2 years
If the S and M boys would meet their childhood self somehow then would they say something to kids about what will happen to them in the future? Like about their mothers or about the sacrifice brides
spoiler tw??? idk? also tw’s regarding things that happened in each diaboy’s pasts idk ///// 
under the cut because it’s long. if you’re new, or don’t remember, i type a lot. i have too many words and repeat myself way too much. i also think i’m too funny for my own good so there’s that lol anyways mwah!! thank you anon for this ancient ask. this was a fun concept ❤️
it would be something like ‘don’t get attached’, i imagine. 
he really doesn’t have much to say. it’s not like he can stop his mother and father from pressuring him into doing ‘future king things’
and he also can’t stop his friend from dying,, 
which i mean. yes, he kind of can but rule 1 with time travel: don’t change fate. or something like that lol (true quote stolen from shu. i swear
anyways, he feels like the best advice he can give is to not get attached to anyone, if he hasn’t already
and if he has met edgar already.. he tells his younger self to be prepared for him to disappear one day. he has no clue how to put it nicely, as.. he’s telling a child that his best friend is going to die, but.. to at least be prepared is nice, right?
also, he might warn him about the whole schoolwork thing; unless he wants to get sent to antarctica or whatever, but i think shu wasn’t exactly young when that happened? i can’t remember honestly
anyways yeah; shu doesn’t tell his younger self about much, other than the not wanting to mess with time but also because he doesn’t really feel like anything bad happened to him? besides his friend dying and the pressure of being a future king but i think that he'd think compared to others, his past wasn't that bad but - trauma is trauma.
he might even get a little dark on him and say ‘things don’t get better.’ unless! current shu is happy, and not so depressed. idk. otherwise, he might be a little cliche and tell him to ‘be patient. in the end, things will be worth it.’
now for the perspective of a young shu: or ririe, whatever that means??
i genuinely think younger shu would take his older self’s words to consideration. no matter the age, shu is a lot smarter than how he comes off, so.. 
yeah, it definitely would be tough to hear. it would actually hurt a lot, depending on how close shu was to edgar at the time. and of course, there would be at least a little disbelief but the scenario of meeting his future self is already unbelievable as is, so.. i imagine afterwards young shu would be wary for the most part. would that stop him? no. but it’d spook him, at least.
um.. well, he’s kind of rattled about this entire situation, and he’d really rather not mess with anything from the past because he doesn’t want to hurt the present and/or future?
so if he were to talk to his younger self, not only would he feel like he’s going insane, he’d probably.. not be the nicest about it?
he’d tell the kid to study harder, and that it is useless to continue to worry about things
also, edgar doesn’t die. you don’t know who edgar is, little baby reiji? oh well, you’ll figure it out eventually. if you’re smart enough, you’ll be able to remember this.
ALSO big warning about his mother’s death. 
'for beatrix.. make sure she suffers. do not let her death be quick.’ 
he knows it’s pretty gruesome to talk about his mother’s death to a child, but.. this is reiji we’re talking about. even though he’s a child, current reiji believes that his younger self shouldn’t let things get to him and to stop being so childish
basically it’s along the lines of ‘if you don’t push yourself harder, you’ll never be good enough.’
for younger reiji’s perspective, well. ouch, honestly. young reiji is already hard enough on himself as is, so for his future self to just pop in and tell him to work harder?? .. yikes
at least they both have the same thought of : this should not be possible. please go back to your time or i’ll start thinking i’ve officially lost my mind, thanks.
also love how reiji is like : nah i don’t want to mess with different timelines but also continues to tell young!reiji how to mess with fate lol
kill the bitch as soon as possible. it’s really not that hard as you'd think.
except don’t be surprised when she comes back in some other girl’s body because your uncle removed her heart or something??
i feel like he’d be really reassuring to his younger self, and tell him that he’s already the best, and doesn’t need to worry about what anyone else thinks
i mean, look? look at what you grow up to be like!! a badass that’s what!!
ngl he kinda feels like a father figure to his younger self? or like.. the nice, cool big brother he never had. probably the latter.
also warns him about how his brothers grow up to be. don’t even bother with shu, get ready to deal with reiji being !!!mean!!!, kanato is crazy, laito...-
he actually pauses for like... a minute, before continuing. even young ayato is able to tell that something’s wrong
he doesn’t get into detail, because as horrible as ayato feels for it (”psh, pity for me? no, youre stupid”) he does feel bad for his younger self. it’s weird, and it’s complicated, but he can’t help his feelings.
so ayato tells him to either kill cordelia if he ever gets the chance, or make sure she never gets near laito. never. and once she does, stop her. never let her near your brothers.
it’ll hurt and it’ll suck, but for the sake of protecting them, and preventing them from a shitty life, it will be worth it.
basically, he kind of just tells him that life is shitty, but you are the coolest, and the greatest guy to exist, and some day, you’ll kill your piece of shit father too. yay!
now: young ayato. 
he definitely would see it as a lot to take in. because it is.
yes, young ayato isn’t like. . living in a world with sunshine and rainbows because of his mother, but she’s doing it for a reason, right?
he has to be the best, if not for her sake for his own, at least.
seeing his older self.. well, i don’t think it’d be what young ayato would expect. young ayato would 100% expect his older self to be a king already at that age, but.. he’s not.
so we have yet another awkward situation, lol
i don’t think young ayato would heed his older self’s advice then, but it would definitely stick with him, i think. especially the things regarding his brothers. 
like, do his brothers die or something? does his mother end up killing them?? why does he have to protect them?? he already does that, doesn’t he? besides, his mother barely pays attention to them, so what’s the issue??
young ayato doesn’t receive any answers, but again, he does take older ayato’s advice, considering they grew like. an instant attachment for like 10 seconds lmao 
tbh.. idk who would handle it more maturely lol
this one is genuinely hard for me to think about. i dont think anything would be very serious or deep compared to the others.
i say this because i don’t think kanato sees himself as having any issues? unlike some of the others who at least know morally some things are off (that doesn’t mean they care though) but kanato genuinely thinks nothing of it. 
if anything, i think both older kanato and young kanato would be comforted at each other's presences, as weird as it may be. 
kanato, as a child craved attention, and while his older self doesn’t necessarily yearn for that affection as much, there’s a comforting feeling to be near, and to get along with someone else who isn’t your mother and/or brothers. yea, it might literally be himself, but neither of them care.
older kanato is actually pretty nice to his younger self. there's not much to say because i dont think kanato, both old and young, would have anything to say about it
seriously, if you were to directly ask kanato like. “why didn’t you tell your younger self about anything that will happen to him?” he’d probably be like “what is there to tell?” because,,, that’s what he thinks. it’s almost like shu, where it’s like ‘oh my trauma wasn’t that bad’, except kanato doesn’t even recognize the trauma. 
if for whatever reason he was forced to share something about the current times, or young kanato’s future, it’d probably be about their mother’s death. current kanato is unbothered, though. he coped with it fine ig??
they'd get along at the very least. honestly though i think young kanato would have more feelings about older kanato, if that makes sense?
that being said, younger kanato. younger kanato loves older kanato, and feels comforted by it because despite everything, he sees that his older self is doing just fine. 
it’s a strange situation for sure, but young kanato can’t complain because he’s grateful to even have such a comforting moment. even if it’s an odd concept.
hm. ok, well honestly im stumped on this one as well-
correct me if i’m wrong but cordelia started abusing laito later in his life, right? 
so in this situation, it’d probably be before the abuse from cordelia, at least abuse that isn’t emotional/neglect. 
in that case, i think laito would probably tell his younger self something along the lines of ‘love is not real.’ or ‘don’t believe what.. your mother says to you.’ 
honestly laito is such a complex character. we know this. i’m stuck between what he’d actually tell his younger self though
because does he regret anything during his past? no. was it his fault? no, and he knows that, too, but for his younger self, there’s really nothing he could do about it.
also, i can almost see his response being similar compared to ayato’s, regarding two things: 
one, being, kill that bitch
two, being, yes yippee my younger self now has the sweet older brother he’s never had, yay
i honestly don’t know if laito talking to his younger self would do more harm than good for the young vampire.
poor younger laito would first of all be seriously confused as to why he’s seeing and interacting with himself from the future. he’s never heard of that before?? shouldn’t that be like.. impossible?
regardless, he’s excited by the idea at first. like woo! i can’t wait to see what i’m like when i’m older! you know, to give him at least something to be hopeful for.
...older laito completely blows it. perhaps it’s just his younger self’s innocence and naivety but he wasn’t expecting to hear something so.. sad. 
i mean, his mother loves him, right?? she doesn’t show it all the time, in fact, it’s closer to never showing any affection but.. she loves him. he knows this.
he does, in fact, not know this.
yeah so old laito isn’t beating around the bush or anything. he’s not throwing out details or anything but he will do his best to convince his younger self that his mother, or their mother, is no good.
also young laito be like?? oooh where can i get that fedora though fdkgjdf 
again, i don’t know if this would be better for young subaru, but current subaru would probably go over some things with his younger self, with a lot of hesitance.
subaru thinking so lowly of himself wants to tell his younger self to get used to being a monster and whatnot but he’s not entirely heartless. at least, he’s got some pity for the small child who he can barely recognize as himself, so innocent and gentle.
that being said, he’s stuck between telling him things will get better, as cliche as it is, or he will remain an awful being for the rest of his life. 
the truth is, subaru isn’t really an optimist, but!! he does feel bad for the kid, who just so happens to be him. from years ago.
he’d end up deciding to just lay it all on him explaining how his mother is broken, if young subaru hadn’t known already he did but.. it’s the thought that counts?
older subaru would like to say yet another cliche thing, being something along the lines of ‘stay strong’, and ‘some days with your mother will be tough but it’s not your fault and it’s not her fault’.
who’s fault is it, then? his father’s.
outright, i think older subaru will tell himself that karlheinz is utter garbage and that his younger self should never trust him. in fact, i can see him telling his younger self that he should seek whatever way he can in order to rid of him for good.
young subaru kind of already has a good idea of like.. how things are currently, such as his mother being a literal hot mess, to put it lightly, so it’s not much of a surprise to him compared to the fact that his future self is a time traveler???
his older self in the end does impact him in a way that no one else has, that being his only support system at the time but i imagine he wouldn’t always believe in what his older self’s words. 
that being said, like the others, seeing his older self provided a bit of comfort for him but not enough, unfortunately. 
well. this would be awkward lol
older ruki would give his younger self a lot of warnings. but, at the same, and whether you want to see this as a wise act or not, ruki wouldn’t tell his younger self about everything that happens.
i say this because .. a lot of the others have done opposite? anyways
ruki would tell his younger self first to not believe any words from his mother from that point on and to completely lose interest in her while he can.
also, probably mentions how his father doesn’t love him as much as he claims, either.
i think older ruki knows for a fact that young ruki is too much of a pompous brat to accept what his older self is saying, in fact, i bet younger ruki doesn’t even believe it but.. i mean. ruki will straight up tell him like ‘it’s up to you whether you want to believe me or not. to be clear, i don’t care whether you do or not, i’m simply providing a warning for what’s to come.’
young ruki is such a brat lmao it’s kinda funny, oops
so does this kid believe ruki? hell no. does he want to believe his older self? hell no
again, ruki knows this. after all, whatever weird timeline current ruki got thrown into, he doesn’t want to mess things up. he knows telling his younger self is really going to go through one ear and out the other, but. whatever.
pushing all the bad stuff aside, ruki will tell his younger self that everything is worth it.
does younger ruki have any idea what older ruki is talking about? no, not even the slightest idea. 
and older ruki is correct by assuming his younger self wouldn’t listen, because immediately, other than the ‘what in the world this isn’t possible??’, is like okay, liar. 
even if older ruki told him something only ruki would know? still, no, you’re a liar, and you’re wrong.
does he look nearly identical to yourself? yes. but still, the stubborn little thing he is, refuses to believe it. again, this is exactly what older ruki expected.
though after a bit of like.. shut up, i’m done talking to you, older ruki remains patient and coolheaded. probably says something like “what, you’re trying to fool me into thinking you aren’t curious?” to which young ruki is like eugh whatever spit it out, grandpa.
he does, and young ruki still doesn’t care. he’s too good for it, no offense but also like. offense 
so, before his older self is gone, he shares that he will be much happier in the future because that is : the truth. 
both kou’s don’t even know where to begin
ouch ok honestly this one is hurting me a bit HAHA 
first, getting the whole “woah this is weird” thing out of the way, it probably hurts older kou more than he’d like to admit.
while he can’t deny the fact that he was once a child and unfortunately did not have the best beginning in his life, i imagine current kou kinda wants to push all that to the side and pretend it never happened.
that, however, is easier said than done and kou knows that. so instead, he tries to just.. avoid thinking about those times. again, easier said than done.
regardless, kou meets his younger self. and it hurts him. he can’t even imagine going through his experience at the orphanage again, so to look his younger self in the eyes and just knowing what’s going to happen to him?
yeah it doesn’t feel very nice.
in fact, i think kou would be the one most likely to fuck up timelines, honestly.
the way he wants to get his poor young baby self out of the sewer (assuming he meets his younger self before all the orphanage stuff) and just take him away to see the big blue sky and all the beautiful things and to eat such wonderful things like vongole bianco?? 
honestly, either ruki, karl or some unknown being needs to remove kou from the situation before it’s too late. or, maybe he’ll have the small voice in his head that tells him he shouldn’t mess with time because he will for sure feel tempted to just.. take his little baby version of himself to somewhere safer.. ugh. 
ngl the urge to see papa!kou rn?? 😩 he’d be such a good parent when he’s at least sane
so, in a scenario where kou isn’t ruining timelines and different universes, at the very least kou would allow his younger self see the sky. and to see cats. and to eat good food, and to feel love.
he wants his younger self to know that he does have something to hope for, and that in the future, things will be perfect.
now, young kou.. sweet little thing doesn’t know how to respond. again, i don’t know if this would be one of the cases where it does more harm than good, but in this case, i think it’d work out for both of them. i’d like to think so, at least
it would give young kou something to look forward to, it’s just.. how long can one hope, really? but he holds on to it.
this one is definitely interesting but also kind of like kou’s where it just.. isn’t as deep?
also, it really depends on what younger yuma old!yuma is talking to, being edgar or bear?
either way, older yuma will tell his younger self that like.. honestly life sucks but work hard enough and you’ll be okay.
reaffirming big bro yuma? yeah
he really would be super nice and chill about it, again, once you push aside the whole ‘this is weird and impossible’ thing.
not much to say, honestly lol rip 
regardless if whether or not older yuma has a bit of recollection about his past before being ‘bear’, it doesn’t affect his words. i mean, he looks at it like well. this happened and it made me who i am today.
and at the end of the day, he’s just a simple farmer vampire dude who likes to eat. jk im sorry iknow this is my first post since being back but im on crack. always sorry
i don’t think he’d be upfront about some of his friends dying or anything but like i said, older yuma won’t sugarcoat the facts of life- it can suck. young yuma isn’t completely unaware of this, though, whether he is edgar or not.
that being said, i think yuma might be the only one, or one of the few who is actually like.. excited to share information about himself currently to his younger self.
i mean, is there really harm in telling your younger self all this stuff? idk and yuma doesn’t know either
but he’s really happy to give his younger self a nice moment of peace and quiet where it’s just . them.
in fact, young yuma please ask questions about your future because older yuma is more than happy to share.
like “yep, you’ve got a HUGE ass garden that grows the best crops, and you’ve got the best brothers, too.” you could probably hear him mutter “even though kou’s a little shit..” Fhjsdf 
young yuma’s like what?? ?? i don’t? i don’t have any brothers?? but okay i guess. 
honestly like some of the other diaboys, yuma grows a nice tight bond with his younger self, despite not knowing each other for long and despite the fact that like.. it’s unusual.
now, onto young yuma’s reactions; 
no matter who young yuma is at the time, like pre-amnesia or anything, i think, like some of the other young diaboys who meet their older selves, feel a sense of comfort and hope at the idea. 
actually, young!yuma seeing how .. lively his older self is? he really can look up to that.
there is a sense of disbelief, especially for ‘bear’ because how can things get that great?? did he strike gold at one point or something??
either way, it probably does make young yuma feel hopeful about his life. thanks big yuma youre epic i loev ou
hmm.. ok
i hate to say it but i feel like azusa’s response might be a bit like kanato’s where like.. azusa doesn’t have much to say, at least
again, like kanato, i don’t think azusa has the brightest concept of like.. hurting himself and getting hurt isn’t good but also he is at least more.. self aware compared to kanato
although, i , once again, think kanato’s and azusa’s reactions would be really similar.
i think i’m kind of stuck because azusa likes pain. and sure, i think azusa might have an idea of it being not so much of a good thing but that doesn’t stop him, nor does it convince him because for him, pain is good.
to azusa, i think he can’t help but think his younger self should get used to the pain if he hasn’t already.
other than that, i’m really not sure.
i think he’d be kind of like yuma where he’d actually be more open to sharing things about himself currently, such as how he has a nice happy family with his bros and stuff like that.
i can also see him wanting to warn his younger self about what happens to justin, christina and melissa but i don’t actually think he would.
current azusa/older azusa is pretty content with the way things are and, similarly to yuma, thinks everything he has gone through made him the person he is today, and he’s okay with that.
now, for younger azusa? well, i think he’d be curious, at least.
i also want to say younger azusa would be a bit freaked out by his older self’s appearance but i don’t really think he would. would he think it’s different? yeah, probably, but at the same time he can immediately recognize himself as. himself. 
also, i mean, his older self has clean clothes so?? that’s good? he’s also got a fancy little hat, too. 
in the end, i’m not sure if younger azusa would really consider their meeting as important as it should be, i mean i think he knows this isn’t some ordinary thing but.. should he care?? 
i don’t know if he would. but older azusa would, and would really like to interact with his younger self more if he could.
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chryzuree · 10 months
3, 6, and 9 for all four categories; well no 9 in the first but for the three others lmao
3. Who felt romantic feelings first?
questions that genuinely make me stop and stare at the ceiling for ten minutes. who did feel romantic feelings first?? chrysi started flirting w gil first, but that was mostly bc she was running away frm the pain of losing azure + gil was one of theeeeee least likely ppl to fall in love w her. and she was rlly only flirting w him because it was a fun pastime. plus, a huge part of their relationship is them both not realizing their feelings for each other… hmmmm. so is it who knew they had romantic feelings first, or who developed the unaware crush first??
…. i think i’m going to say gil, then. mostly bc chrysi’s still so wrapped up in her pain of losing azure that she can’t tell if she genuinely likes gil or if he’s jst a good distraction.
6. What was their "flirting stage" like?
answered here :))
3. What was their first kiss like?
answered here <3
6. How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
OH BOY. MY FAV TOPIC EVERRRR. bc chrysi and gil are both so similar (protective. defensive of those they love. oblivious to their feelings for convenience reasons) and yet soooo difference (violently codependent versus violently independent, clueless versus astute, off-balance versus deliberately startling) and it’s jst such a fun dynamic.. they complement each other when it gets down to protecting others. they work p well in battle, for example, and for a few shining moments, they feel understood..
but they clash violently when it comes to communication styles. such as: neither of them fucking communicate to save their lives, and it’s accidental on gil’s part and 100% on purpose on chrysi’s part.
idk if i’m making sense, but they’re soooo. they’.re. they are. i meaaaan. yeag.
9. Who gets jealous easier?
GILLLL, gil gil gil!!!!!!!!!!! chrysi’s using him most of the time, so whenever she sees gil w someone (coughs, dahlia frm the light novel), she’s like “huh. good for him <3” whereas gil is sweating and crying and throwing up any time he sees chrysi w/ another man. no, he doesn’t have feelings for her. yes, he wants to shrivel up and die when she gives someone else attention that’s not HIM. please, for the love of GOD!!!! he is RIGHT HERE!!!!
3. Who uses the cheesy pick-up lines, or does corny gestures?
okay, so depending on the circumstance,, both do. chrysi does it bc it makes gil blush + it’s funny and cute!! gil does it bc break told him it would be a good idea (source: just trust me). that still makes gil blush and chrysi thinks it’s funny and cute, so it works in both directions :)) ((break is doing his older brother duties of embarrassing chrysi’s future boyfriend in front of her, since he won’t be there to see them actually get together…… oh. made myself a little sad there. okay, i have to leave.))
6. What are their favorite things to do together?
answered here!!
9. What reminds them of each other?
whenever chrysi sees ravens/crows, cigarettes, coffee shops, tea shops, white gloves, a black hat, a long black coat, she thinks of gil! she also thinks of him when she sees a pretty lighter & a pretty tin box. mostly bc she thinks that gil would find a use for it (and if he doesn’t, alice will steal it and use it instead!!)
gil thinks of chrysi whenever he sees a red dress, a parasol (??? chrysi has used one exactly ONE TIME, i’m NOT sure what’s going on in gil’s head tbh), BOOKS, SO MANY BOOKS, sketchbooks too <33 also pretty ring sets.. oz nearly convinced gil to buy an engagement set for chrysi bc it was so pretty. he was BATTLING to be the devil on gil’s shoulder. shame it didn’t work (oz is kicking rocks and pouting down the street. plan foiled.)
3. What is the wedding like? Who attends?
answered here :D
6. Do they have any pets?
answered hereee
9. How do they celebrate holidays?
they spend SO MUCH TIME in the kitchen. gil doesn’t like having chrysi help cook bc she’ll get distracted if he doesn’t have a task for her going at all times, but she’s good at keeping the kitchen clean even as he’s cooking and such. nd when they aren’t in the kitchen, chrysi’s crawling into their bay window w a blanket and a book and she’s begging gil to join her PLEASEEEE bc they never get a break from keeping the abyss company’s :(( come here pleaseeeeee. he obliges, but only bc he loves her sososo much.
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Odinson M.D. (Loki x reader) Pt. 1
I’m excited for this series honestly. I’m doing a lot of research so I write this medically correct tho, if yall see anything wrong don’t be afraid to tell me ^^
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Summary: Y’all wanted a House AU so here it is. Loki is a doctor who keeps most people at bay with his sharp wit and sarcasm. He doesn’t understand the need for romantic ploys and casual human discussion. He thrives in the hospital, trying to figure out the unknown, even if his methods turn a bit morally ambiguous at times. That’s why he has Thor and Frigga to keep him in line although he would argue he has no need for it. You just happen to be a doctor on tenure under Loki’s tutelage along with Steve Rogers and Peter Parker. Can you convince the jaded doctor you’re just what he needs to keep him on his toes? 
Loki feels the, what had started as pin pricks now, full blown boredom eating away at his overactive mind. He folds sticky notes, from his rolling chair, into small balls and flicks them over to his brother, Thor, who stands fiddling with a broken, plastic Santa sitting on the desk they hang around. Thor proudly wears his white lab coat on top of a nice plaid button down and brown, pressed slacks. Loki prefers to stick to his more casual clothes, if not a bit fashionable for casual, for a doctor. He wears a black cashmere sweater with gray, pressed slacks, a nice pair of oxfords to finish his style. It’s enough to keep him warm during the winter season.
Christmas, such a mainstream holiday. Loki abhors this season what with all the festive cheer and decorations that litter NYC. You can’t walk two feet without being guilted into giving money to the people who stand on corners with bells for the Salvation Army. You can’t buy something nice without a cashier smiling at you, as if all knowing, and asking who you’re giving this gift to with cheerfulness in their high pitched voices. What he especially hates is that Odin expects him to show up to the family dinner every Christmas, seeing as Thor has a wife and has to spend half his time with her family. Loki is the black sheep that’s expected to pick up where his brother has neglected. All in all, Loki would demolish this one holiday from existence if he had the even the slightest chance.
The only good thing about being a doctor was that meant he could get away from most of the holiday by working through it. He couldn’t always escape the dinners seeing as his mother, Frigga, was of administration and Dean of Medicine on his floor. Not only did that hinder him but his father owned the hospital, so he was at a disadvantage, if only by a bit. 
“We are condemned to useless labor.” Loki sighs out, his fingers playing with another yellow sticky note, crushing it into a ball. 
“Fourth circle of hell,” Thor replies with a roll of his eyes as a paper ball launches towards him, hitting him in the cheek before falling to the ground. “Charting goes a lot faster when you eliminate all classic poetry, brother.” Thor says lightly. A suggestive twitch of his lips all Thor gives to a bored Loki.
Loki takes time from making paper balls to look over at the pile of charts next to him, sitting on the clinic’s lobby desk, waiting for his attention. He’s sure if the charts came to life they would resemble a dog, desperate for attention, wagging its tail with excitement when he finally looks at it. “Writing down what we already know to be read by nobody,” Loki brings his attention back to making another paper ball, completely ignoring the fact that Thor had rolled his eyes so hard he probably has a headache. “Pretty sure Dante would qualify that as useless,” Loki says lightly, a frown on his lips.
“You’re two weeks behind on your charting!” Thor says with exasperation, stopping his fiddling with the Santa to look at Loki as if he had offended Thor personally. 
Loki flicks another ball at Thor, however he misses his target and, it sails past Thor, hits Frigga on the chest whom had just walked into the clinic. She watches the paper fall to the ground, giving Loki a look of disappointment. The man gives his mother an innocent smile from his seat. “Oops! I missed.” 
“Are you eight years old?” The poised woman asks with a squint in her eyes as she walks over to the side of the desk Loki and Thor reside at. She picks up one of Loki’s charts and reads it with flickering eyes.
“Could an eight year old do this?” Loki asks, catching Frigga’s eyes, and sticks his tongue out at his mother who rolls her eyes. What is it about Loki that causes everyone to roll their eyes? Something he’ll never get the answer to, not because he can’t but because he doesn’t care enough to find the answer when it’s so painfully obvious. 
Loki’s mother lifts Loki’s chart, she had picked up, a little higher as if trying to garner Loki’s attention, after she had finished reading through it, and looks at him with frustration. “You have a patient in exam one, Loki.” 
Loki settles further into the rolling chair, throwing the pad of sticky notes on the desk, bringing his hands together over his stomach and lacing his fingers. Loki embodies the epitome of comfort and relaxation. He shrugs. “Yes but see I’m off at twelve and it’s already five off...” He shakes his head minutely with a look that says ‘Not much I can do’. He’s rather hoping his mother will let him off the hook this one time. He knows she has a soft spot for him and takes full advantage of that. Thor remains quiet on the matter, playing with the plastic Santa that’s supposed to sing when you press its button.
“She’s been waiting for you since eleven.” Frigga says with finality. Setting his chart down, Loki swears he could hear a gravel slamming down, and then she leaves but not without a pointed look at Loki. This meant Loki isn’t getting away this time. He sits there with his lips pursed and a frown etched into his eyebrows as he watches her retreating form.
“Melancholy without hope, which circle is that?” Loki pointedly asks Thor who looks at him with a sympathetic look only causing Loki to scoff and rolls his eyes as he stands, grabs his cane, and makes his way towards exam room one. 
Loki limps into the room, already conscientious about his gold and green cane, making sure it doesn’t hit the wall as he slips into the exam room. 
Looking back Loki doesn’t regret the choices his made on the cane. The man liked attention from the right people. He hates most casual people seeing as he usually finds them boring, predictable, and the need for small talk not something he takes much joy from. The cane definitely stood out and was the starter of conversation for common man that passed him by, unfortunately. This wasn’t enough to make Loki regret his ostentatious picks on his cane though.
The cane itself is light but durable. The stabilizer at the bottom had four anti-slip feet, covered by a wide quad base, all black and shiny. The cane, in all its glory, was emerald green, specifically requested by Loki, and had snakes engraved in the metal base. The snake outline, repeated around the entire cane, were then dusted in gold and, shined pretty and proper when in the sun. The snakes that run from the bottom to the top, run up the cane with open mouths as if devouring the brethren that followed up the last snake. When they reach the top of the cane, the handle’s edge, they stopped. The handle itself was covered in pure gold. The inside of it was carbon so it was lighter to carry but still very durable. The handle was fashioned after the head of a Black Mamba. Sleek and slim but one of the deadliest, most venomous snakes in the world. A symbol of Loki’s true power, or at least that’s what he told anyone that asks. In all honesty, Loki had picked the Black Mamba head because he thought it looked cute. He had a reputation to uphold, however.
Loki pushes his way into the exam room to find three nuns, one on the medical bed with two nuns on each side. As he closes the door he turns his head so he may let his eyes go wide without the women seeing his exasperated look. He turns his head back after the door is closed and he reins in his emotions.
“Hi, I’m doctor Odinson,” Loki supplies the three women, setting his cane aside in the room and looking up at the women with a small tilt of his lips. “What seems to be the problem?” He asks the woman sitting on the bed. 
“Show him your hands, Augustine,” One of the sisters demands of Augustine, the woman on the bed Loki tabs in his head. 
As the woman shifts the cloth covering her hands Loki takes the time to pop a pain pill into his mouth, swallowing without water if only because he’s been taking them for years for his disability. The use of the word disability is new, seeing how he didn’t take to the word too kindly in the beginning. As of now, he has accepted it for what it is and calls it as it should be, a disability. Something that may hinder him but does not define who he is or ever shall be. 
Sister Augustine lifts her hands in front of her and they shake a bit as she holds them out for Loki to examine. They look raw, red, and as if they’re wet but in reality it’s because they’re covered in an ointment and severe rash. They’re pruned as if they spent too much time in water. When she turns over her hands to show him the palms he notes that they’re also raw and red, but more so and bleeding probably from scratching.
“It looks like stigmata.” The sister on the right of Augustine needlessly announces to Loki, or possibly to no one in particular. The other sister on the left shushes at her. Loki has to resist the urge to roll his eyes at her remark. Of course this ignorant nun would condemn her sister for something as simple as an allergic reaction. She finds the rash to be a form of disgrace on her sister. Typical. 
Loki steps forwards, his eyes on her hands, “Must be all the talk around the holy water cooler.” He lightly supplies the three sisters with a joke to break the tension that had risen from the sister’s remark of stigmata. His eyes come to rest on her hands and as he reaches up to hold them in his own says, “You been washing a lot of dishes lately?” Loki glances up at sister Augustine’s aloof face.
“I help out in the kitchen.” Augustine replies. 
“Anything new in the kitchen?” Loki asks, trying to pinpoint what’s causing the rash.
“We just got a donation of pots and pans this week.” The nameless nun tells Loki which supplies Loki with an answer for her reaction. Dish soap, pots and pans wouldn’t have caused such a reaction. 
“I unpacked and washed them.” Augustin gives Loki, trying to help him out.
“Should have spent your time saving souls,” Loki says, his natural sarcasm coming over him, “It’s easier on the hands.” He says with a face that could be taken as contrite but is actually irony. “This is contact dermatitis. You’re allergic to dish soap.” Loki tells the nuns, his mind bored with how easy this diagnoses is. 
As Loki turns to write down his report in the chart one of the nameless nuns speaks up. “Nonsense! We’ve always used that soap, why would it be a problem now?” She asks Loki.
Loki lets his head tilt back as he looks at the ceiling with a playful look on his face. “I’ve been a doctor for years,” He looks at the nun who spoke up, “Why do I have to keep assuring people I know what I’m doing?” He asks rhetorically. Not only talking about the nuns, Loki thinks of the many times where he has had to convince his own mother, and brother, that he knew what he was doing, going so far as to proving it. 
“A person can become allergic to substances they’ve had repeated and prolonged exposure to.” Loki explains, his eyebrow raising perfectly, as if asking if the sisters had any other remarks to make before he looks down at the chart for Augustine to write his report real quick. 
Loki then makes his way to the cabinet and picks out a small box inside of it. “Good news is, free samples!” He gives a fake smile, and excited tone, to the nuns. “I’m giving you an antihistamine to stop the allergic reaction,” He explains his process. “Take one every eight hours, might make you sleepy, and get some over the counter Cortisone cream, for the itchiness.” Loki looks at sister Augustine to make sure she understood his words, nodding at her when she gives an understanding nod, then handing her two pills from the box he had pulled from the cabinet. 
“Thank you, doctor.” Augustine says with a small smile and nod.
“Want me to get some water?” Loki asks the women. 
“I have some tea!” A nameless nun says, grabbing her thermos and giving it to Augustine.
Loki nods at the nun and backs up to pick up the chart. “Relax for a minute, the pills work pretty fast.” Then he leaves the room thinking he is done for the day in the clinic, thank god. 
Loki throws the chart on top of his other charts he had left on the desk with Thor, in the lobby, and sighs as he limps around the desk and to Thor’s side.
“Still out by twelve.” Thor says, more so to grate on Loki’s nerves than anything. 
Loki lets it go but replies, “How do you solve the problem of dermatitis.” 
“Doctor? I want to thank you for your patience.” A sister says interrupting the conversation Loki was about to have with Thor. One of the sisters from Augustine’s side now stands in the clinic’s lobby with Loki and Thor. Her face showing she genuinely means it.
Loki manages to give Thor a disparaging look when he asks, “She talking to you?” As if shocked Loki was getting any kind of compliment. Loki can’t fault him there, he isn’t used to getting compliments either. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t bask in it but it is a little uncomfortable.
“I don’t know, she’s certainly looking at me...” Loki says back to Thor, shifting his weight from foot to foot in discomfort. He turns, watches, as the sister makes her way over to him, standing a little over a foot away. Enough distance to be comfortable since she is a stranger but a little too close for Loki’s comfort anyways. He hates people, so physical, so sentimental. 
“It’s so good to get a secular diagnosis.” The nun offers Loki with a gratified look on her face, her body swaying with her words like she really means them. 
Loki feels the frown come over his face and he tilts his head down at the sister. 
“The sisters tend to interpret their diagnosis as divine intervention.” The nun explains to a bewildered Loki. 
“And you don’t?” Loki asks, his voice not betraying his confusion but it’s definitely there. This sister is very...different from regular nuns, he can already tell. Her ideologies being promulgated so plainly are leaving Loki in an almost disoriented state. “Then you’re wearing an awfully funny hat.” Loki says, his sarcasm coming out to hide his true feelings on this whole conversation. The sister merely tilts her head with a look that says ‘Very funny’. 
“Oh boy.” Thor whispers behind Loki. Loki can feel him shifting as if he wants to escape this situation just as much as Loki. “Excuse me.” Thor says grabbing all his charts and reports so he may make a swift exit. Loki glances back at Thor, his face now shifting from its usual neutrality to a look of perplexity and a hint of longing as he wants to leave too. Loki looks back to the sister, hiding his emotions again as she speaks.
“If I break my leg I believe it happened for a reason. I believe God wanted me to break my leg,” The sister says, her face showing nothing short than utter earnestness that almost makes Loki gag. “I also believe he wants me to put a cast on it.” The sister finishes causing Loki’s lips to twitch upwards and forget his brief nausea. He likes her, something no one that truly knew him would take lightly. 
“Doctor! Something’s wrong!” The other sister says loudly as she races into the lobby. This breaks the little moment the sister was having with Loki and he stands at attention. 
They all make their way back to exam room one with hast in their steps and Loki’s limp. 
When Loki enters the room he finds Augustine to be hunched over, rapidly breathing but the air is filled with wheezes as if she can’t get breath into her lungs. Loki quickly tabs this as an asthmatic attack but grabs his stethoscope and brings it up to her chest. “Lift up your chin.” He demands softly, letting the stethoscope land on her chest when she does and moves it from the left to the right side listening to her lungs and heart as she panically breathes in faster. 
“Sister you’re having an asthma attack, I need you to relax,” Loki drops the stethoscope from her chest, taking it from his ears, and turns to the drawers in the room, “Roll up her sleeve, please.” He demands of the sister next to him. He quickly picks up an syringe from the drawer he opened and turns back to sister Augustine. “I’m going to give you epinephrine,” He explains. “It will open your lungs and help you breathe.” 
Loki uncaps the shot, by mouth, and quickly sticks the sister’s arm, injecting the liquid components of the epinephrine into her upper arm with fluid movements as if he’s done this a thousand times before, because he has. 
Loki looks up at sister Augustine to assess the situation. The cap of the needle still in his mouth which he lightly grinds around with his teeth, almost nervous but not quite.
Everything is quiet for a moment. Loki takes this time to remove the needle from the sister’s arm and replace it with a cotton ball which he presses to her skin with moderate strength to stop any blood flow that may have followed the intrusion. 
“What happened?” One of the sisters ask. 
Loki foregoes the answer to that question to ask his own, “Did she take the pill?” He looks at the sister next to him, the one that had warned him of the situation and had stayed behind with sister Augustine. The one that had called it stigmata.
“Yes.” She says in a tone that betrays confusion and defensiveness.
“It’s an allergic reaction.” Loki explains ignoring the sister’s emotions at his question. 
“She’s allergic to an anti-allergy medicine?” The same sister asks in an incredulous tone now. 
Sister Augustine sits there taking in small mouthfuls of air, as if she now understands breathing is a commodity. Her body is still hunched over as she grabs at the medical bed with a white knuckled grip. Loki looks at her sympathetically. “How are you feeling?” He asks thinking about what variations he can use to treat her allergic reaction on her hands now that the blood rushing experience is over. “I’ll put you on some steroids instead.” He decides out loud, capping the syringe he used and throwing it away in the designated red safety box.
“Is my heart supposed to be feeling so funny?” Sister Augustine asks breathlessly, Loki watching as she brings a hand up to grab at her chest. 
“It’s called adrenaline, makes the heart beat fast.” Loki says flippantly but puts two fingers on her pulse point on her wrist just to check if it’s something worth looking into. Loki looks at Augustine with concern, his eyes flitting around the room in thought, “But not this fast.” 
Sister Augustine takes in a deep breath, wheezing again.
“Get a nurse, please.” He tells one of the sisters in a calm but pressing tone.
Sister Augustine leans into Loki’s body with a whimper and he grabs her so he may lightly rest her on the bed in a supine position. He leans over her watching her and trying to figure out what’s wrong, what could possibly be causing this, and how to fix it, fast. 
“Somebody help!” Loki hears the nun call outside the room. 
His attention is diverted when sister Augustine passes out. He quickly puts the stethoscope in his ears and puts the diaphragm on her chest, checking for her heart beat first, then her lungs. There is no comforting beat to be heard and her breathing has completely stopped as if it never existed, pulling this situation from a simple allergic reaction to something far, far more serious than Loki had anticipated. 
“Somebody get in here!” Loki yells out frustrated no one has answered their calls for help. Finally a nurse in blue scrubs comes in, realizing the situation is of immediate emergency and looks at Loki so she may help. 
“Call a code and charge up the defibrillator, she’s got no pulse.” He says speedily, starting to perform CPR on sister Augustine. The nurse flees from the room in record time to grab a defibrillator and yell at someone to call a code blue. 
Loki manages CPR for a few minutes until the defib team comes in and takes over. They only barely manage to bring sister Augustine back to life. 
Loki stands at the doorway, the two other sister next to him praying, he bites at his thumb. His mind is racing with the need for an answer. What caused this? What was he missing? It’s an allergic reaction, there’s no doubt about that, nonetheless he can’t figure out why everything he tried sent her into further shock. She couldn’t possibly have been allergic to everything he gave her, antihistamine and epinephrine. There is a factor here that he doesn’t know about, something is missing, and he would figure it out if it was the last thing he did. 
Loki barely glances at one of the sisters as they take a drink from a thermos before going back to saying their Hail Mary’s. 
Tagging (because they showed interest for this series): @rosaline-black​ @blueberrynonnie​ 
I won’t tag yall in any other posts unless you specify you’d like that! i just wanted you both to know i started it and if you’d still be interested 😊
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angelplummie · 2 years
dilf kiri with a 21 year old intern dilf chaser that is blatantly trying to fuck him LMAO
(it’s kinda long oopsies idk how that happened)
“hello mr riot!”
you breeze into his office while he’s scribbling away at paper work, cheerful and overconfident as ever.
oh dear lord, kirishima thinks, more of this.
“hello y/n” he sighs, leaning back in his desk chair. he wonders what it will be this time, whether it’s two exclusive tickets to the UA sports festival (as if he wouldn’t have them already, being a big shot pro hero that came directly from UA), or whether it’s a new bar that’s opened up, we should totally check it out! Or even just a blatantly asking him over, your flirting, constant confessions of adoration and plights to get into his pants never stop.
It’s not like he doesn’t like you, you’re a good kid. You’re hardworking, quick thinking, agile and powerful. Not only that, you’re funny and witty and make his shifts a lot more enjoyable. And, he hates to admit it, but you are easy on the eyes. In a lot of ways you’re exactly his type, and he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t have a special fondness for you. He has high hopes for your future at the very least, you could be a side kick, or even a pro hero in your own right one day. It’s just, part of the reason why you’re so good is you tenacity and ambition. And, somehow, he is experiencing that ambition at full force.
He can’t for the life of him figure out why you would want him, a stubbly middle aged man clunking around the office, sniffin and yawnin, smelling like old spice shower gel and sweat. Why a fine young thing like yourself would be chasing after a man so much older is beyond him, when surely you have the pickings of the lot. But oh boy, do you want him.
You want him so bad it makes your tummy hurt! You want him so bad you wanna bite your fist every time he walks his beefy, kind, thoughtful, experienced fine ass into a room! You want him so bad you even risk your life in fights to impress him, doing stupid shit to seem cooler! You would do anything, anything, for just one date, one chance.
You’ve never been very good at acting alluring, at least not in the raw sexual way. You can’t just be sexy and hope he catches on, and besides, you don’t think he’s enough of a misogynist to fall for something like that. No, you would just be dependable and persistent, and you were sure to win the big lugs heart.
It isn’t just lust! Oh no! you’re convinced you’re in love with him, nay, you know you’re in love with him. You don’t care that you’ve never spoken outside of work, or that you don’t know the first thing about each other, or any of the other stupid details. You love him and he’s the only man in the world for you and that’s that.
and ever since you met, you’ve wanted him. and you didn’t bother hiding it neither, what’s the use? if you let him know early you speed up the process by tenfold! or so you suppose. persistence is key, you soon surmised, at least in this case. Kirishima Eijiro is a honest man, with a kind heat and good morals above all else. He would look at you and see a kid, a naive kid that’s bitten off more than you can chew, going after a man 18 years her senior. But all you had to do was show him 1. you really did like him! and 2. you’re enough of an adult to know what you want, and if he wants you too then there’s no use in denying it.
He can remember the last time you visited his office, last week if he’s not mistaken. It was your average thursday, he was sat manspreading in his chair. And you were there, at his desk, hands splayed on the counter and leaning forward like you were delivering a very important business pitch.
“come on sir! just one date and then if you don’t like me we call it quits and i’ll never bring it up again!”
“y/n, how many times do i have to tell you,” he says, amused lilt to his voice,”i’m your direct superior, it would be inappropriate even if you weren’t just a baby.”
You gasp and widen your eyes, making him smile. Damn it.
“A baby?! Sir, I am the furthest thing from a baby, I am as woman as they come. Just because i’m young doesn’t mean i’m not mature, i am very mature.”
He sighed, but he could scarcely fight the smile on his face. Whether he liked it or not he had a young soul, and you excited him, you were fun.
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” he laughed, placing his pen down definitively.
“Aw, come on man!”
He raised his eyebrows you, and you quickly corrected yourself
“I mean, come on sir! You know I could treat you better than women your age, just look at me. I’ve got man pleasing abilities for miles and miles.”
He snorts.
“You got any money? Could you spoil me y/n?”
You open your mouth to answer, but close it shortly after.
“Now you know that’s not fair sir, you know i’m only an intern. If you want me to spoil you you’ll have to give the agency a talking to about actually paying me. I can get you free coffee from my other job though?”
He shook his head dismissively, still chuckling his deep laugh. He raised a mug of creamy coffee to his mouth.
“Why do you even want an old man like me? Boys your own age really that bad?”
“Mr Riot, you’re really not that old. 39 is nothing, you’re too harsh on yourself. And it’s not a question of other boys,” you say primly, “there’s no one in the whole world for me but you sir. I would do anything sir, believe me.”
He snorted into his coffee at that, choking a little, waving you away with his hand as you jumped to help him.
He continued half-laughing half-choking until he stopped choking and was able to get a word in.
“You’re gonna be the death of me girl, i swear.”
He glanced at the clock and finished the last of his coffee.
“It’s 5:30, go home.”
And you left, just as chipper as ever. He’s not sure how you’re so cheerful after rejection after rejection, he certainly couldn’t be. If anything, it made him respect you more, which put him in more of a bind.
But, regardless of all that, here you stand, as proud as the day you walked in here, with a renewed glow on your soft looking cheeks. He braces himself for your new bought of audacity, as he looks up at you with a warm smile.
“What can I do for you today, y/n?”
He’s a bit taken aback, you don’t place your hands on his desk today. Instead, you cross them in front of your chest and give him a calm, superior look. He is instantly put on edge.
This has to work, you think, if nothing else, this has to be what works. You take a deep breath in and open your mouth. You can hardly fight your giggles, it’s just too much fun.
“Oh nothing sir, nothing at all. I just wanted to let you know that i’ve decided to stop pursuing you.”
oh? you’ve piqued his interest.
“You have?”
“Yes, I have. I’ve decided you’re absolutely right. You’re my superior and my supervisor, it just wouldn’t be right. And our age gap is far too large, i mean, a 21 year old and a 39 year old? truly diabolical.”
He frowns. Now he’s really suspicious.
“Cut to the chase, will you y/n?”
“Yes, sorry Mr. Riot. I just wanted to let you know that I’m letting you go, and...” you drag it on for dramatic effect, “I have a date tonight. With, uh, one of your friends I believe.”
His little smile drops in half a second and his pen stops moving.
“What? Really?”
You nod, shit eating grin hiding beneath your serene exterior.
“You know Katsuki right?”
I’ll kill him, he thought, catching himself of guard with the twinge of annoyance and the sinking feeling in his stomach. What is that feeling?
“Yeah, I know Katsuki. He was my very first side kick.”
Bakugou Katsuki was a first year at UA the year after Kirishima first established the agency, and ever since he’d first seen him at the sports festival, he knew he had to have him on his side. He now realised how much of a blunder this was.
“Oh really! He’s never told me that!”
Kirishima grits his teeth, a strange feeling he couldn’t quite shake dwelling in him.
“Yes, well. Bakugou is full of surprises. Isn’t he a bit young for you? He’s still in his 20s, it’s almost not wildly inappropriate.”
It was a joke, but seriously, what could bakugou know about women? And what does he know about you? He’s never even talked to you on mission, fucking loser virgin nerd.
He’s shocked himself again with the malice he feels towards his friend. What has gotten into him? He loves Bakugou! Bakugou is his boy! What on earth...
Your giggle brings him back to earth, where he is gripping the fabric of his trousers and grinding his teeth, and you are stood in front of him looking as beautiful as ever.
“No sir, don’t be ridiculous. I like him because I like him, just like i liked you because I liked you.”
That wasn’t entirely true, his experienced energy was largely what drew you to him, not to mention that man aged like fine wine, with his surprisingly current mullet, his huge chest and his... other assets. But it was worth saying, because as soon as the word “liked” left your smug little mouth, you knew you had done exactly what you came here to do.
“Look y/n, not over step, but do you really think bakugou katsuki is the right guy for you? I mean, have you ever seen him speak to a woman?”
“He speaks to me all the time! I’m a woman, aren’t I?”
His cheeks burn and he fears he may actually be blushing.
“Well yes, but-“
“Aha! So you admit i’m not a baby!”
He groans in exasperation, spluttering slightly as he tries to regain his train of thought.
“Yes, no, whatever. Point is, he’s a bit of a dumb ass when it comes to girls, total virgin. He’s too mean too, he wouldn’t get on with someone as... opinionated as you.”
You snort, and he smoothes his papers irritably.
“What’s so funny?”
“Well, aren’t you two supposed to be really close? I don’t know how poor Katsuki would feel knowing his mentor feels so horribly about him.”
“Poor Katsuki will live,” he mutters,”Where are you two headed anyway?”
“Oh! We’re going to an italian restaurant, he says it’s his favourite.”
I love italian, he thinks grumpily. This is bullshit.
“I hope you have a fun time. And thank you for giving up on me, it’ll speed up my productivity greatly.”
“Ah, of course, sorry to be such a distraction sir! Won’t happen again! And don’t worry about me and your little prodigy, we get on just fine!”
hmph, he watches you as you leave, and has yet to come to terms with the pit in his toned belly.
Does he really care that you’re going on a date with bakugou? or will he just miss the attention? maybe he got used to the feeling of being wanted, after his divorce he’s been a little lacking in confidence. maybe you were just a pick me up, something to point to when he felt he’s lost it.
But the more he thinks about it, the more he knows he would love to go on that date with you, to sit and bask in your overt flirting, your humour and your warmth. It’s not just that he doesn’t want anyone else to go on dates with you, he wants to go on dates with you. And the more he thinks, the more he hates the idea that someone else will be getting your attention. And that someone, being the volatile snot nosed kid that got him stacks and stacks of paper work with his temper. He loves the guy, really, but he is not good enough for you.
How annoying. He’s realised all this too late. He feels a certain desperation, an urge to stop u from going out with his junior. But he can’t... can he?
No. It’s mean and wrong. What about all the reasons why he didn’t pursue you before?
Like the fact you were too young! That’s valid, that’s a good reason. But it didn’t feel good enough right now, not when you were still going out with older men. Wouldn’t it be better it be him? he can trust himself not to mistreat you, can he trust other men?
No. he can’t. Damn it. He should reach out to you. send you a text. Stop you before you go.
He can’t though... Yes he can.
No he can’t.
“Oh for fucks sake,” he mutters to himself. Alright. Fuck it.
He finishes his work and gets home as quickly as possible. He throws off his jacket and sinks into his big arm chair.
With a reluctant sigh, he grabs his phone and looks for you in his contacts. Are his hands shaking? Fucking hell.
When he finds you, he copies and pastes the text he had written in his notes app while on the agency’s toilet. The text read:
Hello. I know I should’ve made things clear earlier, but I really like you. I don’t think you should go out with Bakugou tonight.
p.s I love italian
He didn’t do the italian bit on the toilet, that was spontaneous. He now deeply regrets it, but it’s too late because it’s already delivered. His big heart thumps in his even bigger chest and he hadn’t felt this nervous since he asked out his ex wife. Oh god, he hadn’t felt this nervous since he asked out his ex wife, and that was 15 years ago.
You made him feel like a new man. Which scared him even more, because he might lose you now. Oh god what if you quit? That was wildly inappropriate wasn’t it? He should never have sent it, he should’ve swallowed his feelings and let you and bakugou be. Poor bakugou, you were probably the only play he’d gotten in years, and here he was trying to ruin it. He set his phone down and began to knaw at his nails, knee bouncing beneath him.
Just as regret and embarrassment ate him alive, his phone dings, and he scrambles to pick it up. Taking a deep deep breath, he opened the message from you.
thought you’d never ask!! i’ll pick you up at 8:15, yeah?
can’t wait to see you eiji x
Now he was certain, you would be the death of him someday.
722 notes · View notes
because-of-a-friend · 3 years
Enemies to Lovers!Jeonghan
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One day I will come up with titles for my works lol. 
Hi Hannah!!!! Thanks for requesting! I loved doing this one! I went ahead and went with Jeonghan cuz I feel like he fits this trope best! Sorry you had to wait so long, this particular fic got deleted like... three times so it was a struggle lol. I hope it’s what you were looking for!
I hope this is a good one, I’m realizing I get real insecure about my writing anytime I’m not doing a bulletpoint or reaction fic, so I don’t feel great about this time. Also I only started recently putting actual detail into my kiss scenes and idk how I’m doing with those???? Like do they seem ok??? Also I feel like I make it so obvious that I am such a sucker for SVT having cute nicknames for siblings, friends, partners, etc in fics lol. Anyways...
Also, I really said: Jeonghan... but in different types of lighting
Remember I don’t own the gif! Link to OP is right there if you want to go give the creator some love!!!
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Mentions eating, reader is using female pronouns (I will keep things gn unless you request differently), I think that’s it, pls let me know if I missed any
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You’re not sure exactly how it happened. It was probably just an instance of getting off on the wrong foot, that led to more awkward interactions, giving both of you the wrong impression of each other. You knew this, you could rationalize it all. You were well aware that all it would take was one “I think we might have the wrong idea of each other” conversation and it would all be over. You could easily fix it all, but…
But his stupid smug face. The sarcastic jokes. The never-ending pranks that were not as funny as he thought they were. His ridiculous arrogance. His overall unapologetic nature towards all of it.
You couldn’t help but hate Yoon Jeonghan.
“I don’t know, Wonnie…” you say uneasily over the phone. In previous years, you’d go over to the dorm without hesitation. You loved spending time with your brother and many of the other boys. But ever since you had officially met and begun interacting with Jeonghan…
“C’mon, [Y/N]! I bought that new game you were talking about! We can play it together on my gaming system!” Wonwoo began to persuade. You knew you’d give in; you always did. Your brother was far too sweet a person and far too comforting a presence to reject. The question was how long did you want to argue with him about going to the dorm.
You sighed, accepting defeat early to save time, “I’ll head over there in a bit.”
Wonwoo gives a small cry of victory, “Ok, I’ll have Gyu make extra ramen.” Wonwoo abruptly hangs up the phone right after, leaving you in silence to groan in regret of your decision.
You immediately straighten yourself out, though, trying to put yourself in a mindset of determination. What were you thinking? Just because you and that asshole didn’t get along meant you couldn’t go see your own twin brother without feeling uncomfortable? Screw that! If he wanted to keep the peace then he was going to have to start watching where he stepped around you. 
You knocked loud and clear on the door of their dorm, knowing that with thirteen people living inside, it was usually too noisy for them to hear someone signal their arrival. To your relief, Seungcheol opened the door just moments after you knocked and greeted you with a warm smile followed by a hand sneaking into your hair to ruffle it, “Hey there, kiddo! How’s it hanging?”
“Just fine,” you tilt your head down slightly in his direction as you pass him to enter the dorm. “How are things here?” As soon as you ask, your ears are met with the noise of someone dropping something in the kitchen, followed by Seungkwan crying in alarm.
“Same as always, I supposed,” Seungcheol sighs, but his smile doesn’t fade. “I think Mingyu and Wonwoo are already in the computer room, if you want to go ahead and see them!”
“Ok, thanks Cheol!” you call as you both rush off in different directions, him towards the kitchen and you towards the small room that would provide you solace from the possibility of having to see Yoon Jeonghan.
You were determined not to let things go how they usually did: you with your mouth clamped shut as Jeonghan spoke whatever teasing words he had saved up for you, and the most you can do to fight back is by rolling your eyes and finding any way to get away from him.
This time, you would still avoid contact with him, but if it happened, you’d speak your mind and not care what he thought, since that’s how he treated you.
But there was no sign of him or anyone else as you walked to the computer room. You could hear Mingyu and Wonwoo yelling and cheering at the game long before you opened the door. It was pitch black inside, the piercing light of the screen making you squint your eyes.
The two men inside both turn immediately to check who offended their dark space with the soft, yellow light from the hallway.
“Oh [Y/N], you came!” Mingyu beams up at you. You nod, matching his bright expression.
“How’s the game?” you ask simply, looking up to your brother.
“We like it so far,” Wonwoo’s smile is wide, he always gets excited about new games, whether they’re good or not. He leans over to grab a can of some sort of energy drink before gulping it down. “We left some ramen for you over there on the table. Eat first, then I’ll let you have a turn.”
You roll your eyes, though Wonwoo was only mere minutes older than you, he found those moments to be enough leverage to order you around and act like you should be dependent on his care. There were times when he even referred to himself as “oppa” to you and insisted that you do the same.
Most of the time you let it slide, especially when you weren’t in the mood to argue. However, there were times when you’d pull out the “We’re the same age,” “Even if you’re older, I’m smarter,” or “Don’t boss me around when I’m more mature than you” cards at the drop of a hat.
“Can you at least turn on the LEDs while I eat?” you ask, tip-toeing in the darkness towards the table at the back end of the room. You hear a click before a soft blue glow fills the room, finally giving you a clear view of your path. You pull the bowl of ramen towards you as you sit and resist the urge to comment on how little they left you. The dorm was filled with food anyways, you could find more later if you got hungry again.
Wonwoo and Mingyu begin to eagerly tell you what they like about the game as you eat. You listen happily, feeling safe in the presence of your brother and friend.
Then of course…
“Hey you two, Cheol wanted me to remind you that we have to get up early tomorrow,” you can’t help the sour expression that comes over your face as Jeonghan enters the room to speak to Wonwoo and Mingyu. “Oh, hey there cutie, I didn’t know you were here!” His smirk makes you sick.
“Don’t call me that,” you say bitterly into the nearly empty bowl.
Wonwoo looks nervously between you and his bandmate, well aware of the dislike you have for him. He’s grateful that you’ve always kept it so civil, but still feels bothered by the unrest between you.
Jeonghan lets out a little giggle in response, and Wonwoo feels a tug in the pit of his stomach, he wishes Jeonghan wouldn’t be so hard on you sometimes. He knows his hyung doesn’t mean anything by it, but you…
You feel your heart sink as Jeonghan steps fully into the room, striding to sit across from you at the table. You can only stare in wonder at his audacity as he slides the bowl towards himself and finishes off the ramen in one bite.
“I was eating that,” you try to keep your tone measured, attempting to keep within the balance of standing up for yourself but not starting any drama that would affect the boys.
“Go make more if you’re hungry, then,” Jeonghan says casually, making your anger positively flare.
You don’t even give your brother the chance to mediate, jumping up from your place and leaving the room, wanting to be anywhere but around that prick.
“You’re leaving already?” Mingyu pouts at you.
“Gyu, I’ve been here for hours,” you laugh, stretching out your fingers as they start to prick from pain of slamming into a keyboard for so long. You had returned to the computer room but only after Jeonghan left. Part of you had wished you had done more to confront him; another part was glad you didn’t start a fight and put Wonwoo in an awkward position. “Besides all of you, as well as me have to get up early tomorrow, it’s already late. I need to get back home.”
“You can stay here,” Wonwoo was quick to offer.
You shook your head at him, “Then I’ll just have to get up even earlier, I’ll go back to my place.” Wonwoo nods almost reluctantly, standing to walk you out.
All of you run into Joshua on your way to the front door, he turns out to be the only one smart enough to ask how you got there.
“Oh, I took the bus,” you say slowly, knowing this is about to cause issues.
“Well, the last one would have already stopped running by now,” Mingyu says looking at the time on his phone.
“I’ll give you a ride,” Josh offers immediately.
You bring your hands up to shake them back and forth, “No, no, I can find a way home, you all need to go to bed.”
“[Y/N],” Wonwoo speaks up immediately in that stern voice you hate but also can’t help but listen to, “let Josh take you home. It’s either that or you stay here, I won’t have you walking around alone at night.” Wonwoo waits a moment to gauge your expression. He finally nods affirmatively, before speaking directly to Joshua, “Take her home, please.”
Joshua nods before walking off to grab his keys. You and Wonwoo send Mingyu off to bed. Once you’re alone, your brother pulls you in for a tight hug. “Do you want me to say something to him?” he asks lowly.
You shake your head, “I don’t want to cause any problems with you guys.” You sit in silence for a moment. “Come and stay over with me sometime, I miss our sleepovers.”
Joshua comes back and Wonwoo pulls away, “Thanks, hyung. Please get her home safe.” For the second time that night, your hair gets ruffled before your brother disappears to go off to bed.
The ride home with Joshua is comfortable. He speaks kindly to you and makes you smile.
You begin to wonder how amongst all these angels, there exists a person like Yoon Jeonghan.
Wonwoo used the new game as leverage to guilt you into coming over quite often in the following weeks. You hadn’t realized how much you had limited your time at the dorm until you started going consistently once more. It was nice being able to spend time with the boys again. You hated that Jeonghan had become such an unbearable presence that it affected your relationship with the rest of your friends.
But ever since you had started to stand your ground and talk back, he had finally begun to avoid you. You supposed it was only fun for him when you sat there and took it.
It didn’t stop the two of you from bickering when you saw each other, but now both of you preferred to avoid each other instead of Jeonghan seeking you out to tease you.
The following weeks of visiting were fairly comfortable. Whenever Jeonghan wasn’t around, you got to spend plenty of time with the other boys and your brother. Plus, the new video game was even better than expected.
Jeonghan’s presence slowly became uncomfortable in a different way.
Instead of being smug and overbearing, he became strangely quiet around you. His facial expressions became more serious as he sent genuine glares your way before letting out bitter remarks and going on his way.
It made you even angrier.
Who the hell was he to torture you all this time and then act like a kicked puppy when you finally fought back???
Your anger and his bitterness slowly escalated the tension between you two. Although they were happening less frequently, the arguments between you became more serious and almost hurtful.
Whatever, you told yourself, he could do as he pleased, you wouldn’t let it affect you anymore.
You stared down at your phone screen. Why? Why did it have to be here, while you were at the dorm?
The call was only five minutes. They didn’t even do it in person. Of course, they had warned that because of hard times, there’d be lay-offs soon. But they couldn’t even do it in person? And all you got was a simple “Sorry, come collect your things on Monday”??? You were a hard worker, passionate about the job, more efficient than most of your coworkers and this is how they treated you???
A part of you could’ve guessed, many of the employees your age had gotten in because of nepotism. But you didn’t want to believe that they’d just brush off all your years of hard work just to avoid stepping on the toes of higher-ups who had relative connections hired at the company.
You squatted against the wall of the hallway, still too in shock to move.
So, you simply sat in silence, for what seemed like forever.
“You good?” you had never felt worse than the exact moment his voice reached your ears.
“Go away,” you said sternly, knowing you’d be crying soon.
“Geez, forgive me for asking,” Jeonghan responds before turning to walk away. He stops abruptly after you sniffle. “So, you’re not ok?”
“No offense, Jeonghan,” you say hating the way your voice is shaking, “but you are the last person I want to speak to right now.”
There’s a heavy silence for a long moment. You silently pray that he’ll just leave. “Do you want me to get your brother?” he asks lightly.
You shake your head, “No, I don’t want to ruin the mood. I’m going to go home, just tell him I had a stomach ache.” You push yourself up and begin to walk briskly towards the door.
To your surprise, Jeonghan reaches out to stop you. You stare at his hand wrapped around your arm and wonder if you’ve ever even allowed him to touch you before. “It’s already late, let me give you a ride.”
You pull his hand off of you, “No, thanks.” You grab your coat and start to dig around in your purse to make sure you have all of your belongings.
“[Y/N],” Jeonghan’s voice rings clear in your head despite your brain feeling fuzzy. You don’t want to look at him. Who is this person that’s showing concern and speaking kindly? You don’t like it. It feels fake. It feels like a predator playing with a wounded prey. You’re just waiting for him to laugh or make a remark or do anything to make you feel worse than you already do.
But Jeonghan simply grabs the keys laying on the front table, grabs your arm once more, and leads you out to the car.
The ride is suffocatingly silent. You wished he’d at least turn on some music to cover up the sound of your crying, but you remained in the quiet. You rolled down your window and stuck your head out, letting the warm night air and sound of wind comfort you. Since you were turned away from him completely, you didn’t see Jeonghan glancing over at you throughout the drive.
You couldn’t have left that car faster when you finally pulled up to your apartment.
To your dismay, Jeonghan also gets out, apparently intent on walking you up.
“You don’t have to-” you start but abruptly stop when he gives you a look telling you an emotion you don’t quite understand.
Jeonghan finally speaks when you’re riding the elevator up to your floor, “I don’t really mean it, you know.”
“Mean what?” you say weakly, starting to feel the exhaustion from crying so much.
“When I talk to you like that… I mean when I’m… rude,” he trails off, running a hand through his hair. “Usually it’s just teasing, but obviously I went too far with you. And I didn’t realize it until you started showing how upsetting it was for you. I should’ve known before that, though.”
“You seemed ruder after I started talking back,” you say, confused.  
“I was just being petty and defensive. I kept telling myself things like: It’s her fault, isn’t it? She should have made it more clear from the beginning that it was upsetting her. How was I supposed to know? But that was just me being immature, I should’ve just talked to you.”
“Is that an… apology, Yoon Jeonghan?” you ask, letting yourself be a little smug.
For the first time, you get a genuine smile out of him, “Maybe.”
There’s more silence for a second.
“It’s a two-way road, though,” you say finally.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“I mean, I could have also come and talked to you instead of letting things escalate,” you say. “I played some part in all of this… unpleasantness. You can’t entirely blame yourself.”
Jeonghan smiles again, reaching out to ruffle your hair the way Seungcheol always did. Then he takes a dramatic deep breath and rolls his shoulders, “There! That feels better, doesn’t it? We can finally be friends!”
You roll your eyes in a playful manner, but you feel it too, a weight has been lifted.
Wonwoo showed up at your door in the middle of the night that night. You took one look at his frantic face and groaned, “I told Jeonghan I would tell you myself.”
“You should have told me immediately!” your brother pouts as he passes you to walk into your apartment.
“I didn’t want to worry you so late, especially when all of you were having a good time. I was going to tell you tomorrow,” you close the door behind him. You watch as he turns on the TV and starts picking through your pantry. “Hmmm, yes it seems quite clear that you came here out of concern for me,” you can’t help but use a sarcastic tone.
Wonwoo sends a glare your way as he grabs snacks and settles on the couch. You sit next to him, grabbing your fair share of the food. You try to keep your attention on the show, but the feeling of Wonwoo staring straight at you is distracting.
“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry,” you sigh.
“Really? Because Jeonghan described you as an emotional wreck,” your brother scoffs.
“I was just shocked and upset. I’ll be ok. I have a good resume, I can find a new job,” you insist.
“I keep telling you, you don’t have to work-”
“I don’t care how much you make,” you interrupt. “I’m not going to depend on you. It’ll just make trouble for both of us.”
“Will you at least let me help out if there’s any problems before you find a new job?” Wonwoo kicks at your leg.
“Like I would even tell you if I was having trouble,” you return his kick.
“You just can’t help but be difficult,” your brother complains quietly.
You let the sound of the show take over the room for a few minutes. “I do have good news,” you finally speak up, wanting to give your brother some peace of mind about something. “Me and Jeonghan made up. We figured it out.”
Wonwoo bolts upright with a grin on his face, “Really??? It’s really all good now?”
“100%,” you say, unable to stop yourself from pinching your brother’s cheeks, finding his excited expression cute.
“Let’s celebrate soon then! We can have a big gaming party with all of the boys!” You agree to your brother’s proposal. You feel content in this moment, knowing you’ll wake up in the morning in an uncomfortable position, immediately kick at his legs and tell him to get his stinky feet away from you.
Your time at the dorm increases with the weight of you and Jeonghan’s rivalry being gone. You’re enjoying getting to know him as a friend instead of constantly walking on eggshells around him. Going to visit the boys is once again a happy and comfortable experience.
You hadn’t realized how much Jeonghan had affected you until you two had worked things out. The world felt light again and you could breathe, no longer in constant worry of possibly ruining things between your brother and his bandmates.
You hoped things would remain without complications for a long time.
“Seungkwan, you should come with us!” you begged. “The carnival only comes once a year; you can’t miss it!”
“But it’s so crowded and there are screaming kids everywhere,” Seungkwan complains.
“Oh, whatever,” Soonyoung interjects. “You love it every time we go.”
Seungkwan gives Soonyoung a look that has you laughing through your mouthful of ramen. “Oh, shoot,” you say feeling liquid start to dribble down your chin. “Can I get a napkin?”
“Here’s one,” you hear Jeonghan’s voice as he enters the room. You reach out to grab the napkin as Seungkwan and Soonyoung continue bickering. But instead of handing it to you, Jeonghan extends his hand not holding the napkin towards you. His fingers come to lightly touch your chin and turn you towards him. Jeonghan wipes your face with the napkin himself, taking the time to make sure it’s really all clean. “All better,” he smiles at you, running his thumb across your chin to check its cleanliness one last time.
As Jeonghan walks away, you turn to see if Seungkwan or Soonyoung saw what had happened. They were still arguing, though. The boys showing you physical touch or affection wasn’t really all that uncommon. But for some reason, the way Jeonghan had grabbed your chin just now… Why was your heart beating so hard?
You couldn’t stop yourself from dragging Wonwoo all over the carnival. It was nice to get out in this environment, the lights, the laughter, the food, the games, the rides. You wanted to do everything, but not before you looked at all there was and took in the spectacle.
You could hear all the boys laughing excitedly behind you, you knew they’d want to try everything as well. You shook your head at Seungkwan’s bright expression, you couldn’t wait to play the ‘I told you so’ card later.
The night was a blur. All of you ran from games to rides to snacks and then all over again.
You couldn’t help but stop completely in your tracks as you passed a booth with a giant stuffie of your favorite animal as a prize. Your fascination with the plushie doesn’t go unnoticed.
“You want me to win it for you?” Jeonghan’s voice is suddenly speaking right into your ear. You jump after realizing he was right behind you. You grip your cotton candy a bit tighter and shyly nod. The way Jeonghan grins at you fills you with warmth.
You watch him walk over to the booth. His light hair and pink shirt were illuminated by the soft glow of the surrounding lights. Jeonghan takes his wallet out and hands some bills to the vendor. You step up closer to stand next to him as he plays the game. He laughs as he chats back and forth with the vendor. You watch in awe as Jeonghan clears the game, no problem.
“Anything from the top shelf!” the vendor exclaims happily.
“That one please,” Jeonghan points right at the stuffie you had been staring at.
“It’ll be a wonderful memory for your girlfriend,” the vendor smiles as he hands the prize directly to you.
“Oh, I’m-”
“Of course!” Jeonghan interrupts you almost instantly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and starting to pull you away from the game. “We’ll cherish it for a long time! Thanks for the game!” The vendor waves kindly as you two walk away. After a moment, Jeonghan pulls his arm off of you, “Sorry, sometimes it’s just easier to agree than explain, you know?” You nod in agreement. “Wait a second,” he stops you by putting his hands on your shoulders and standing in front of you. Before you can ask what’s wrong, his hand comes up towards your face as it had earlier that day. He quickly swipes his thumb across your lips before pulling to back to show you remnants of your cotton candy. “Do you always eat this messily?” he grins and then, to your surprise, puts his thumb in his mouth to clean it off.
You stand there, frozen, unable to really comprehend what just happened as Jeonghan walks away towards the other boys.
“For the second time today?” Soonyoung is suddenly standing next to you.
“So you did see what happened earlier!” you exclaimed, hitting his arm lightly. “It was weird, right?!”
“Can’t tell yet,” Soonyoung replies cocking his head to the side and putting his hands in his pocket. “Sometimes Jeonghan is just sort of naturally flirtatious. But I’m not sure about you. I figured since you two didn’t get along at first, it’d take him awhile to warm up to you at that level. He seemed to get comfortable with you quite quickly.” Soonyoung turns and shrugs at you after his words.
“You’re no help at all,” you say emotionlessly. There’s a pause before both you and Soonyoung slowly look at each other and laugh at your quip.
You decide to brush off your new concerns about Jeonghan and enjoy this night with the boys. The vendor was right, it was a good memory, and you’re sure it’d last you for your whole lifetime.
You hate yourself a bit for it, but you once again seem to be avoiding Jeonghan. He had made you so nervous that day, and the way your heart pounded… You didn’t want to get sucked into having a silly crush on him if he wasn’t actually trying to flirt with you.
No, from now on, interactions with Jeonghan would be friendly but short and appropriate.
You were stupid to think he wouldn’t notice.
It wasn’t long before there came a night when Jeonghan insisted that he be the one to give you a ride home. You couldn’t help the way your nerves spiked at his determination to be the one to take you. You knew he most likely wanted to talk to you about your sudden distance from him.
The ride itself was nice, Jeonghan rolled the windows down for you, remembering that you enjoyed the warm night air of summer. You talked comfortably with one another. Jeonghan was always able to make you smile so easily.
You couldn’t stop yourself from staring at him. He was just wearing a t-shirt and sweats but… His blonde hair being illuminated in the moonlight as he ran his hands through it and his bright smile as he laughed...
He really was beautiful.
Once again, Jeonghan came with you to walk you to your door. And once again, he finally spoke up in the elevator, “You’ve been avoiding me, sweetheart.” Your heart drops to your stomach at the nickname. “Is everything ok? Did I do something to make you mad again?”
You quickly shake your head and pull your hands up to shake them as well, “No! Not at all!”
“You sure?” he insists.
“Yoon Jeonghan, you really don’t think I’d tell you if you did?” you say.
He giggles, “Yeah, that’s true. You’d let me know the moment I messed up, wouldn’t you?” The elevator dings and opens up to your floor. You and Jeonghan step out together. “Is everything else ok, then? You don’t start avoiding people for no reason.”
You nod as casually as possible, “Everything is great.” Your tone isn’t convincing and Jeonghan nudges you. “I guess, I just got… nervous? I mean one moment we were like enemies and then the next we were suddenly really… close, and-”
“I made you uncomfortable?” Jeonghan’s voice is slightly panicked.
“No, you did nothing wrong! It’s all on me, I just got caught up in my emotions and-” you stop abruptly when you realize what you were about to do.
Jeonghan nods quietly as if to say he understands, but what it is he understands, you’re not sure. “Is it ok for us to remain close, or do you want me to back off?”
“I don’t want any more distance between us, but…” you trail off.
“But, what?” he prompts you again.
“I don’t want to get the wrong idea about anything…” you say, finally reaching your door.
Jeonghan watches as you slowly unlock your door and push it open, “You haven’t gotten the wrong idea about anything.” He avoids eye contact when you look up at him.
You’re shocked by his forwardness. But once he voices his thoughts out loud, you once again feel the feeling of a weight being lifted.
Jeonghan gestures for you to step inside, catching your arm once you fully pass him. He pulls you back to him, close enough for him to lean in and leave a quick kiss on your cheek, “Night, babe, I’ll see you later.”
You stand there, completely still, staring at your door that had shut closed in front of you. You can feel heat rise from the tip of your toes all the way up to your ears. You finally let yourself fall into a squatting position, covering your face with your hands, and letting out a squeal.
Jeonghan invites you to meet up outside of the dorm. It’s a cute little coffee shop at a quiet part of the city. You’re already sitting when he walks in. Maybe one day, you won’t be completely caught off guard by his beauty… but today is not that day.
His whole person is bathed in the glow of the early morning light as he approaches you, the softest, most genuine smile gracing his face.
“No, don’t get up,” he says when you try to leave your chair, “I need to go off and order anyways.” Jeonghan leans down to kiss your forehead firmly. “I just wanted to come say hi first,” he whispers, holding your face close to his.
Your first date sets a wonderful precedent to the rest of your relationship. Jeonghan gets your heart racing with flirty comments and sweet touches. But he also makes you feel calm and content, easily keeping a smile on your face. You just feel… good throughout it all.
You insist on walking him back to the dorm, since they had schedules that day.
“So, we’ll be doing this again?” Jeonghan asks hopefully, as you reach the front door.
“Definitely,” you nod enthusiastically up at him, wondering how you had ever managed to despise the man that made you feel so whole and happy.
Jeonghan looks utterly happy and a tiny bit nervous as he stares down at you. His hand reaches up to brush back your hair before settling firmly against your face. Jeonghan looks at you so fondly as he leans in. His lips connect to yours… so softly… so sweetly. You can feel his nose nudge against your face to push it into a preferred position. He pulls back slightly after every little kiss to let out laughter so sweet, it sounds like it should be coming from the mouth of an angel. But he’s never far away for long, reconnecting to you quickly every time. You let him take the lead, allowing his lips to take care of yours, giving them the sweetest kind of attention. He pulls back for a moment longer to nuzzle his nose against yours, an action that has you gripping his shirt to keep him close. His hands keep themselves entertained by running across your face or through your hair.
He’s going back in to kiss you once again when he front door of the dorm opens, leaving you caught in the act. Wonwoo stares at you two for a long moment before making a single comment that causes you and Jeonghan to laugh.
“You know, when I said I wanted you two to have a better relationship, this isn’t exactly what I meant.”
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
omg now im jealous about all of the breaking up and making up stories!!! they're all so wonderful but is it okay to ask for a steve/tony one? i know you've made one inspired by ts (amazing) and this time, maybe they meet/bump in a coffee shop? idk angst potential but also hopeful/happy ending aahhh. your stories are amazing esp ivy!!! thank you! <3
thank you so much!! it ended up being more cute than angsty, but I hope you like it!
Steve's pencil drifts idly across the page of his sketchbook with no end vision in mind. He's killing time until Nat shows up, which could be anywhere between the next five minutes and the next two hours with her vague text that simply said running late. When he looks up to reach for his near empty coffee cup, he freezes with his hand in the middle of the air.
At first he thinks it might not even actually be him. Tony's hair was never quite this well styled before, always a tangled mop on his head that sometimes fell into his eyes. Steve used to spend hours sometimes running his fingers through those wild curls while Tony slept on his chest. It's been tamed since then, cut shorter and held into place by some type of product. The facial hair is new, too. He remembers a time when it would always come in patchy and uneven, and Tony would pout as he shaved away the latest attempt at looking older than he was. The eighteen year old boy in oversized hoodies and stained jeans he met years ago has been replaced by a man in a well-pressed, expensive looking suit with a leather briefcase, like he just stepped out of a boardroom a minute ago. From what Steve has read about his life since they broke up, he probably did.
Steve stares without fully meaning to and for much longer than he would have if it was intentional. He watches him order his drink and smiles when the barista’s eyes widen at what he knows is an overly complicated order, wondering if Tony ever did finish his quest to find that perfect combination of syrup flavors, sugar, and cream that only he would ever like.
He catches the double take when Tony notices him there, right as he’s taking his first sip of the iced drink, and the cough when he chokes on it is anything but subtle. Steve looks away with red cheeks and tries to pretend he wasn’t staring, but it’s a futile effort. He can’t say he minds, though. Not when it means Tony walks over to him and unceremoniously drops himself into the chair across from him.
His mouth forms a familiar smirk, and he says, “You seem to have a staring problem, Rogers.”
Suddenly, Steve is nineteen again, falling hopelessly in love with the boy in his introductory chemistry class. It felt sort of like fate at first when they were paired together for the final project, and Steve remembers thinking that his chances were shot to hell when Tony sat down next to him and said those exact words. He never was any good at being discreet.
Back then, for that first time, all he could manage was a stuttered apology in response. But eventually it became their thing. Something just for them that no one else could ever understand. When Steve would watch him from across the room at parties, because he knew how much Tony loved having his eyes on him, and Tony would saunter over with that same smirk and those same words, there was only ever one reply.
“Guess I just really like what I see,” Steve says, and Tony’s face splits into a grin that matches Steve’s own. He’s still beautiful, even if it’s different now. Less softness to his appearance and more defined edges and sharp lines, but heart stoppingly beautiful nonetheless. He doesn’t quite say as much, but he does comment, “You do look good, by the way. Different, but good.”
Tony’s smile softens into another familiar one. It’s his smile for compliments, when he’s thinking self-deprecating thoughts that he won’t voice. Instead he’ll turn the attention back around, shifting the spotlight.
“So do you. The good part, but not really the different part.”
Steve runs a hand through his hair, contemplating if not looking different contributes to the good or not. He should look different somehow, shouldn’t he? After two and a half years not seeing each other in person and what feels like a lifetime’s worth of heartbreak in between then and now, he should look as changed as he feels. As changed as Tony looks now, like he’s someone new entirely. He’s pretty sure the t-shirt he’s wearing now is one he owned back then.
“Thanks,” Steve says anyway, for lack of anything better.
Just before it has the chance to fall into awkward silence, Tony says, “I didn’t know you were in New York these days. I would’ve called or something if I’d known.”
Steve raises an eyebrow. “Would you have?”
“I don’t know, maybe. I would’ve thought about it, at least. You know, stalked you online, found your number, dialed and hung up a few times.”
Steve laughs, fiddling with the straw wrapper from earlier to give himself something to look at other than Tony. “I moved back last year. Thought about calling, but I figured you were busy. Didn’t want to waste your time.”
It’s only a partial truth. He did think about calling when he came to Brooklyn after his year-long internship in London ended, but he didn’t want to know what Tony would say if he did. If he would have some sort of transparent excuse to avoid seeing him or if it would be an outright rejection.
“I would’ve made time for you,” Tony says, so painfully sincere that Steve has to look up again to meet his eyes.
He wonders if Tony is thinking of that last fight, if it’s a purposeful or coincidental reference to some of what Steve said. It was by far the worst fight they’d ever had, all over the phone with an ocean between them and so many things that Steve still wishes he could take back. Accusations flew on both sides until the entire thing was blown so completely out of proportion, yet impossible to reel back in. He should have just hung up the phone before it went that far. Before he could tell Tony that he always felt unimportant compared to everything else in his life, which was sometimes true but entirely unfair. Before Tony could say that Steve talked about Peggy in the same way he used to talk about him, and he didn’t have to finish the thought for Steve to understand the implication.
“Are we talking about it?” Steve asks.
Tony shrugs, feigning casual, but just the corner of his lip is between his teeth in that way that means he’s nervous and trying to hide it. “I guess that depends on what this is.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we said back then that maybe it was just bad timing. You were in London, and I was in Boston until graduation, and it was always going to be a bit of a mess, but there was always that someday chance, right? So maybe this is someday, and we talk about it, and try to get it right this time,” Tony says. “Or maybe that was just something we said and didn’t mean, and I ask you about your life, and you ask about mine, and we talk and laugh and pretend that we’re friends again for the next half hour or so before we go our separate ways.”
It’s an easy choice, really. If there’s one thing that Steve’s sure of, it’s that it’s always been him and always will be.
“I don’t want to go separate ways,” Steve says. “The first time was hard enough, and I never really moved on. I got better, but I don’t think I’ve been more than just fine in a long time.”
Tony nods slowly, “I kept thinking you would call, you know. Back then. I thought you would call and tell me that it was a mistake and it would be okay again, but you never did. Although, I guess I could’ve called, too.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“For the same reason as you, probably. I couldn’t risk it if you didn’t want me again. Couldn’t risk getting back together just to break up again, either. We weren’t exactly the poster children for making long distance work.”
“We were terrible at it, weren’t we?”
Tony’s smile is tinged with the pain of the past. “It’s kind of funny because I remember thinking that it might be a good thing for us when you told me about London. Can’t get sick of somebody if they’re not always around.”
“You thought I would get sick of you? You never told me that.”
“Why would I?” Tony laughs. “Just put all my insecurities on display like that? Come on, Steve, that doesn’t sound like me, does it?”
Steve laughs with him briefly, “No, but I could’ve told you back then that it wasn’t possible. Told you that I wanted you around all the time and I missed you every second you were gone. I might’ve even stayed if you had told me. I was thinking about it, you know? I almost turned the internship down. Probably would’ve if you’d asked even once for me not to go.”
“It was your career. I never would’ve asked you to give that up for me.”
“There would have been something else. Another job somewhere closer to you.”
“I still wouldn’t have asked,” Tony says. “And I would have told you to go if you’d said you were staying.”
Steve knows that, which is why they never talked about it much before he left. Tony pretended to be happy for him, and Steve pretended to be happy for himself, when really it already felt like the beginning of the end. A year apart is longer than it seems, and it didn’t take more than a few months to realize it.
“I never…” Steve starts, trailing off when he doesn’t quite know how to finish the sentence. “There was never anyone else. Not while we were together, and never with Peggy.”
“I know. I knew back then, too, that you were never that kind of person. Jealousy’s just a real bitch sometimes.”
“There’s really not been anyone since, either,” Steve adds, and Tony’s mouth quirks into a half smile. “I mean, a couple of people here and there, but nothing like what we were.”
“There’s not a whole lot out there like what we were, is there?”
Steve smiles, leaning back in his chair, “No, there’s really not. But I do remember reading a rumor that you got engaged.”
Tony groans, and it’s so much like he used to sound when he was nine pages deep into a ten page essay at three in the morning that Steve has to laugh.
“Don’t you dare laugh. That rumor haunts me, Steven,” Tony says, belied by a grin that he seemingly can’t control. “Do you know how I found out about my supposed engagement? When my mother called and asked why I hadn’t told her I was planning on proposing.”
“So I’m still the only person you’ve ever proposed to,” Steve teases, just for the way he knows Tony will get indignant about it.
“How many times do I have to tell you that one didn’t count?”
“You were on one knee, you asked a question, and you had a ring. All the boxes are checked, sweetheart.”
“It was a blue raspberry ring pop, and you ate it,” Tony argues. “Not to mention that I actually asked you to marry me someday in the distant future. That’s not a proposal.”
Steve laughs again, thinking about that day in the middle of their living room, just a few weeks before Steve got the call that would take him to London and change everything. It was almost like a joke, and for anyone else it would have been. Not for them, though, because Steve remembers the look in Tony’s eyes when he dropped down in front of him, spur of the moment and impulsive like almost everything was back then. He remembers how it still felt like a promise, even if it wasn’t the real thing.
“But I said yes, which I think technically means we’re still engaged.”
“Absolutely not,” Tony scoffs. “It’s going to be a production when we get engaged. Elaborate and planned and romantic as hell.”
“When, huh?” Steve grins.
Tony’s cheeks pinken a touch, but he doesn’t take it back. He reaches for Steve’s hand on the table. “Yeah, when. Is that alright with you?”
Steve threads their fingers together, holding on tight. “That’s alright with me.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Hey idk if I’ve asked for this before but can you do nsfw Bakugo x fem reader fic, where you do work studies with him. He’s obviously going to be a little older 3-6 years, and you two have know each other since you were kids and he’s always just been a little nicer to you and cared about you more than others, and when you are working with him you get hurt and he flips out. You’re really confused and your like “wtf why do you care this isn’t affecting your job” and he gets mad your not getting the hint that he cares about you in a “not friendly” way, he ends up tch’ing and just says frick it and confesses that he has feelings for you and you’re just like cool I reciprocate and he’s like “with”... it just gets frisky from there... Idk if this is like a thing you might be interested in writing about, but like it just an idea😃... Anyways I love your work please keep it up🥺(sorry for any grammatical errors I’m writing this at 2:30am)
What Took So Long? - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugo x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, f!receiving, mutual pining, angst, injury, fluff, cursing, all the good stuff
Summary: you and Katsuki have been close friends for forever, how long is it gonna take to realize both your love is mutual?
Growing up, you and Katsuki got along really well. You knew him before he got his quirk so you got to see his non-egotistical self. You saw the him that was kind and caring and he always looked out for you, always took care of you, always was there for you. In your eyes, you thought he thought it was in a big brother kinda way. Oh how that changed once you both became teenagers.
You both made it into UA, of course at different times, but you still kept in touch. You guys hung out like, everyday! It was always wake up, FaceTime, go to school, text throughout the day, and meet and go to either your house or his. It was like there was nobody else in the world except you two.
Throughout the years, you developed a small crush on the blonde boy. What went from a small crush turned into love. To you, it was unreciprocated love. He was 3 years older than you! He had to have seen you as a little sister. It only made sense! When you came to that terribly incorrect realization, you pushed back your feelings. What you had with Katsuki was special! You’re friendship meant the world to you. It didn’t matter if you wanted more, what you had was already perfect, there was no way it could’ve gotten better than this.
This. These moments. These memories being made with Katsuki kept you sane. As you both cuddled up and watched a trashy reality tv show in your room on your computer, you both threw popcorn at the screen at the cringe scenes.
“BoooooOOOOO!!” You both said as you threw a handful of the buttery snack. You both laughed at the moment as you settled down again. With you both laying on each other, your head on his, while his own rested on your shoulder, you were sure both of you would get neck pains the next day.
“So,” Katsuki started up a conversation, “how’s your third year at UA?”
“Ugh, don’t get me started. Classes got crazy hard outta nowhere. BUT, lucky for me, I have a UA graduate to help me out!” You said while nudging his arm.
“No way teddy bear, you’re finishing that on your own. As a graduate, that means I don’t gotta deal with that bullshit anymore.” He said as he popped some pieces of the snack into his mouth. With that, you pouted. Something he noticed and thought was insanely adorable. He poked your plump lips and told you, “hey, I’m helping you by letting you do your work study at my agency. You’re very welcome for that.”
“Helping? Suuukkiiii, you barely let me go out and fight. How am I supposed to get experience and actually do my work study if I don’t...you know..WORK?” You whined out. Katsuki had always been avoiding this topic. Yeah, he let you get your credits by going to his agency, but he never let you do any real hero work other than paperwork. Don’t get me wrong, you loved hanging out with him as much as you could, but it was beginning to get boring not doing anything at the agency.
“Y/N, no. You’re getting enough experience. Paper work is a big part in the life of a Pro,” he argued.
“Yeah, well saving people and actually getting out there in the field is a bigger part in the life of a pro.” You rebuttled as you flopped down next to him. You looked at him with puppy eyes and he knew what was coming.
“Pleaseee Suki!”
“Sukiiiiiii!!” You whined while tugging at his arm. He sighed before answering.
“One job, WITH ME, and that’s all you get.” He said while staring at you with a stern look. You smiled and jumped in the air.
So now here you are, on job number whatever. You weren’t sure how many you’ve actually been on because ever since your first job with Katsuki was a huge success, he let you join him more and more. You were almost like a partner to him now, fighting crime together. Except this time...things went a little south.
As the villain struck you down mid air with his quirk, you fell to the ground with a now burned arm. Katsuki saw red. No fucking way. No way in HELL is he going to let some shit faced freak bring harm to his teddy bear, his world, his best friend, and the love of his life. Yup. Katsuki Bakugou fell for his best friend. But could you blame him? You knew him better than anyone else, you guys got along so well, you were absolutely gorgeous and he was sure he’d give his life for you. 100%. So when this scum bag thought he could try and ruin you, he saw red. Blasting him a thousand times over and once he was sure he was out cold, battered, bloodied, and bruised he ran to check on you.
You were sitting on the ground holding your left arm where the burn mark was. Your costume was tattered and your head felt like it was gonna blow. Katsuki came along and didn’t really help with that all too much.
“YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!” He screamed. Oh, the throbbing your head had only increased with his booming voice.
“You see?! This is exactly why I hate bringing you along! You’re always gonna get hurt!” He said as he picked you up off the ground to help you stand.
“Of course I’m gonna get hurt Dynamight, my job as a hero includes a little beating every now and then for the sake and safety of others!” You replied, raising your voice as well.
“You’re NOT a hero Y/N!” He said as he reached out for your arm.
“Yet! Not yet at least! But I will be!” You replied while pulling away from him. His eyes were shaken and it was clear he was mad. You pushing his buttons didn’t help soothe his anger either.
“NO YOU WONT. Y/N ITS SO OBVIOUS YOU’D MAKE A SHIT HERO! YOU ALREADY GOT HURT ON SUCH A SIMPLE JOB, DO YOU HONESTLY THINK ANYBODY WOULD BE WILLING TO DEPEND ON YOU FOR THEIR SAFETY?!?!?” Bakugou heard the words he said and he thought he was doing the right thing. Granted, he knew the delivery was bad, but his message was in there. He didn’t want Y/N to be hurt. If she died on the battle field, Katsuki wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Y/N can’t be a hero, for her safety and his sanity. He loved her too much to have to watch her take beating after beating. However, Y/N took it in a completely different way.
“Are you trying to say I can’t be a good hero?!” You asked filled with anger and hurt.
“It’s H/N, Dynamight. That’s the name you’ll address me as for when we’re on the job. That’s the name you’ll have to get used to because I will be a hero!” You exclaimed.
“You can’t be a hero Y/N! You’re gonna get hurt! You always get hurt! You’d be more of a burden on a mission instead of an advantage! So just stop trying ‘Cuz you’re never gonna make it!” He screamed at you. Is this what he really thought of you. That you were weak and wouldn’t be able to do jack shit? As your eyes began to water, you walked away from him in silence.
“Y/N...where are you going?” He asked you as he followed.
“Recovery girl. She’ll heal me up and I’ll be perfectly fine.” You simply stated.
“At least let me help you,” Bakugou said as he tried to reach out to you, but you only stepped away from him again, which made his heart hurt a little.
“Don’t touch me, Bakugou. I’ll be fine on my own.” You said.
“Bakugou? Who the fuck are you talking to teddy bear?” He said as he got all up in your face. You only rolled your eyes and stepped to the side. You used your quirk to get into the air and travel faster. In the dust, you left behind a confused and hurt Katsuki.
“Uhh....Okay! See you later for movie night!” He yelled out as he watched you fly off. You’d still show up, right? Yeah, you’d show. You always spent everyday together after school and work so it only made sense...right?
Well he was wrong. Really wrong. It’s been a week since you last spoke to him, the longest it’s ever been, and he was starting to get into a depressing cycle. Wake up, call Y/N. No reply. Get ready, spam her. No reply. Go to work, text Y/N throughout the day. No reply. Get out of work, go home, shower, eat dinner, do whatever while stalking your social media, go to bed, spam a little more, call twice more, and still. No reply. He misses his teddy bear.
Y/N doesn’t even go to her work study anymore. She’s been doing everything she could to avoid Bakugou, and he’s noticed it all too well. He still gave her the credits, he wanted her to pass of course, but he was also tempted to stop doing that just so she could show up and see him. Thankfully he didn’t.
Now here lies Bakugou Katsuki, watching a movie by himself again, hoping his crush and best friend would show up. But again, like every other night for the past week, she hasn’t shown. The end credits roll in and Bakugou sighs as he looks down, thinking back to all he said.
Bakugou flopped down onto his bed.
“Great idea Katsuki, tell your dream girl she won’t ever reach her goals. That’ll win her heart,” he sarcastically said aloud as he cringed at his own thoughts. Bakugou just let a few tears fall, before rolling over and going to bed. He had patrol in the morning, maybe it’ll get his mind off of Y/N.
Orrrr maybe not. Because here he was, Pro-hero Dynamight, following around his 18 year old crush as she walked home after getting some coffee from their favorite cafe. Should he have been on patrol keeping the city safe? Yes. But was he going to take this chance to talk to Y/N to fix this shit? Yes.
Once Y/N made it to her doorstep she heard a voice behind her.
“Glad you made it home safe..Maybe we could pick up on that trashy reality show now that we’re both here,” Katsuki said while trying to joke around. Y/N only rolled her eyes at the hero and attempted to put her key into the lock. Katsuki was quick to react though. He snatched her keys out of her hand before speaking again.
“Y/N please! I can’t live like this! I can’t live without you in my life. You’ve been absent for a week and it’s been driving me insane!” He said while holding onto your wrist.
“Katsuki, give me back my keys.” You calmly said.
“Y/N, just hear me out.” He also calmly said.
“And listen to you say what Katsuki?! That I’ll never be a hero? That even if I was I’d be a terrible one? That I should just give up and stop trying?! Don’t worry, I already have. So now, let me go-“ Bakugou shut you up with a kiss. You were shocked and froze up. He kissed you with such passion and you melted into it, closing your eyes and letting him hold you as he pleased. He speperated from you before speaking again.
“You are not a terrible hero. Y/N you’re one of the strongest people I know. If anything, you’d be a better hero than me...but if you got hurt, I don’t know what I would do.” He said looking down. You turned your head in confusion at his small confession.
“When you got hurt that day, I was livid. I almost killed that guy, just for scorching your arm. There are so many worse things that could happen to you when you do become a pro and the fact that I freaked out so bad over a little burn is insane! I just want you to be safe. I can’t let you risk your life when I need you hear with me the most...... I can’t let the girl of my dreams get hurt.” He said while placing his forehead on yours.
“When I become a hero, I’d be taking on an oath to put others before my own. And that’s what I choose to do. I’m gonna get banged up from time to time and I understand you’re worried about me, but you have to trust me when I saw I’ll always come back to you. I love you Katsuki.” With that, Bakugou slowly moved in to give you another kiss. This time, you kissed him back, letting your hands travel to his soft, golden hair as he pressed you up against the door.
You heard him unlock your door during the kiss, and as he separated he spoke.
“Let me show you just how much I love you Y/N.” He pushed open the door and continued to make out with you. Kicking the door to close it, he pushed you up against the wall. There he picked you up, and groped your ass, earning a moan from you. With your mouth open, he slipped his tongue in, tasting all of you. He walked to your bedroom, kicking open the door this time, and shutting it the same way as before. He dropped you onto the bed as you both giggled in excitement. You noticed something though. He was still in hero gear.
“Shouldnt you be on patrol, Dynamight?” You asked as he came up to kiss your neck and you pulled him in closer.
“Dynamight has something better to do right now, Teddy Bear. And you know what?” He asked while putting his face right infront of yours.
“Tell me what, hero.”
“That’s the exact name I want you screaming.” He smirked. He tore off his top and mask before taking off your own. He then attacked your breast. He pulled off your bra before taking a second to admire your perfect curves. He squeezed a mound in one hand before taking in the other one with his mouth, biting at your nipple. Leaving hickies all over your chest, he was proud to see the purple marks that now adorn your upper body. He pulled down your pants and kissed your inner thighs. Right at the center was his treat. He pulled at your panties and stuffed them in his pocket.
“Hey!” You said after you noticed what he did.
“My little souvenir. Don’t worry about it princess, I’ll buy you more.” He kissed up on your legs and saw your arousal glistening. He licked his lips as his ruby eyes dialated. He was excited. He took an experimental lick as you moaned at the feeling and he savored the sweet taste. He could help himself, he dove right in for more. As his tongue lapped up against your clit, you moaned out in pleasure.
“Mm...yess Suki! Oh fuck right there..” you said as you pulled on his hair. He smacked your thigh, receiving a yelp from you.
“That’s not my name, princess~” he smirked against your pussy. He stuck his tongue in you and you cried out even more.
“F-Fuck! Dynamight, pleasee...more!” He squeezed your ass in approval as your legs began to shake. He knew what was coming and used his fingers to rub against your bud.
“Fuck..cum for me princess, cum in my mouth and let your hero taste you.” He said as your squirted in his face and Bakugou suck your clit, collecting all your sweet nectar.
“What a good girl,” he said as he came up to kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
“You ready for the main event?” He asked while giving you this cocky grin.
“Please..” you whined out.
“Please what, princess? You’re gonna need to be specific.” He knew what he was doing. He wanted you to beg. And you were going to do it.
“Mm..Please Dynamight! Please fuck me with your cock! Please fuck my pussy!” You begged. He smiled and smacked your ass.
“Good girl.” He said as he pulled down his hero slacks and stepped out of the material. Here he was, Pro-hero Dynamight and your now ex best friend completely stripped infront of you. His member hanging out with a hard erection and your eyes went wide at the length. He noticed this and tilted your chin up so your E/C diamonds could meet his eyes. “Don’t worry, it’ll fit,” he kindly said.
“Doubt it,” you sarcastically replied.
“Then we’ll make it fit, Princess.” You bit your lip in excitement. He pumped his cock a few times before placing the tip at your entrance. He rubbed his tip up and down you slit as he spoke.
“I’ve wanted this for so long princess, and now I’m finally gonna make you mine.” He said before he slammed in as you both cried out in ecstasy.
“Oh-oh my god..” you whimpered. He peppered your face in kisses to distract you from the pain. Once you adjusted to his size, you begged him to move.
With your permission, he began to thrust in and out of your heat, with hard, slow strokes. Both of you moaning as the sensation. The way he filled you up completely was euphoric. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, moaning into it as he picked up his pace a little more. You could hear his grunts and soft moans as he sped up, enjoying the way your pussy held him tight.
“Mm...Harder, Dynamight...F-Faster..please!” You whined. Katsuki listened, and he listened well. His strokes went deeper, his speed increased, and he fucked you harder than ever as he went up to your ear.
“Yeah...you want it harder?...deeper?....Mm fuck, faster princess? You like it rough? You like how Dynamight fucks your tight little cunt?” He asked while you cried out in pure pleasure.
“Y-yesss. Oh my god yes Dynamight. Fuck me just like this...ahhh!” Bakugou grabbed onto your ass with both his hands as he pummeled into you. You gripped his hair and he moaned at the feeling. He sucked on one of your tits as he looked at you. God, you were gorgeous. The blush that covered your face, you mouth hanging open with a slight smile as moans fall from it, and your eyes looking up like you’ve been fucked stupid.
“Oh..I’m gonna cum! Please, I’m gonna cum!” You moaned out.
“Not yet Teddy bear. Hold it,” he said as he gave your ass a hard smack and pulled out of you. You whined at the loss of his cock and looked at him with begging eyes.
“Turn around princess. I want you on all fours.” He simply said as he continued to pump his cock.” You moaned at the sight of it and smirked to yourself. He watched as you dragged your hand to your center and began playing with yourself.
“And if I don’t listen?” You smiled as you moaned at the way your fingers rubbed at your pussy. Bakugou grabbed your hand and got in your face before you could go any further.
“Then the brat who wants to cum so bad will cum for me 100 times over as her punishment.” He said as a threat but you only took it the best way possible.
“Sounds fun..Katsuki.” With that, he yanked your hand away from yourself and flipped you over before slamming back into you from behind and smacking your ass again and again.
“Ohh fuck...Ah...you think you’re funny, huh y-you brat? Let’s see how funny you are when I fuck you so dumb the only thing you’ll know is my name.” He said as he pounded into you. Your cried were muffled as you screamed into the mattress.
“Don’t do that, princess, I wanna hear your pretty cries,” he said as he yanked your hair, lifting your head up. He grabbed onto your neck and kissed you as you both loudly moaned into it. He squeezed your neck ever so lightly but tightly as he placed his forehead on yours to look down at where you both meet and become one. He sped up at the sight.
“I bet you love this. I bet you love having Dynamight’s cock deep inside you. Can you feel me? Huh? Feel me in your guts? Feel my big dick deep inside you?” He asked as he looked back at you.
“Y-Yesss! Oh f-fuck...ohhh so big!” Bakugou smiled at your comments and felt you squeeze around him.
“S-shit...you gonna cum? Gonna come on this big dick?” He asked as his hand traveled to you pussy, rubbing at your clit.
“Do it! Do it now, cum on my cock!” You squirted around his cock and Bakugou continued to fuck you through your orgasm and you cried out, and your upper body fell to the mattress. His hands grabbed at your waist as he pounded your pussy. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and bit his bottom lip as he threw his head back moaning out.
“Fuck! Ohh f-fuck, I’m gonna cum. You want my cum princess? Can I fill your pussy with my cum?” He asked while looking down at you. You had little tears poking at the ends of your eyes due to the mass amount of pleasure and Bakugou came at the sight. His thrust stopped as his hips met your ass in a final push, while his cum went deeper into your pussy, filling you to the brim. You both cried out as he finished and he kept himself in there for a little until you both caught your breath. He kissed up your spine to your cheek as he pulled out and layed down next to you.
As he pulled you closer to him he could hear your soft voice.
“A-amazing...Suki.” You said as you nuzzled into his neck. He only smiled as he realized you forgot.
“I hope so, cuz we’re not done teddy bear.” He said while smirking. Your eyes went wide as you looked at him in shock.
“Your punishment. Remember? I want you cumming on my cock a 100 times over. I don’t even want you to be able to walk for the next week.” He said while looking you right in his eyes. You took on his little challenge and straddled his waist before pumping his cock a few times and hovering over it. He watched the whole thing and licked his lips at you.
“Fine then Dynamight,” you said as his hands traveled to your hips. “Show me what you got,” you said as you slammed back down on him releasing cries from both you and him. This was gonna be a fun, long night.
After rounds 2, 3, 4, and 5, you both lie on your bed completely fucked out as you held onto each other. Bakugou was contempt as he held you under his chin and thought you were asleep. You were only resting your eyes with a soft smile on your face. Bakugou kissed the top of your head before softly speaking.
“I’m so sorry for everything I said teddy bear. You are the most amazing person in the world. I just don’t want you to be hurt. I wanna protect you for the rest of my life. I love you with my everything and I really want you to officially be mine. When you wake up, I’m gonna tell you all of this.” Bakugou sighed. Now it was your turn to speak.
“You don’t have to wait Suki,” you softly spoke as Bakugou looked down at you in shock. “I already heard it all, and I want to officially be yours too.” You said while looking right at him.
“Heh..I thought you passed out,” he teased.
“Well then I guess you’re not as good as you thought, Dynamight.” You teased back.
“You tryna say I didn’t fuck you good enough princess?! Cuz I still got enough for one more round that’ll be sure to shut your mouth real quick!” You only laughed at his little outburst.
“I’m good Suki. Trust me, you did more than enough.” You said.
“You’re damn right. And by the way you were screaming my name, I’m sure of it.” He proudly stated.
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes and softly spoke. You both gently laughed at the teasing and embraced each other once more, but this time a little tighter.
After a few peaceful moments of silence, you heard him speak up.
“So..you’re being serious about really wanting to be mine..right?” Bakugou asked with worry laced in his voice.
“Of course I’m serious Suki. I don’t wanna be anybody else’s but yours.” You said in the cutest voice. Bakugou blushed at the confession.
“Ok then teddy bear. You’re mine now, and I’m never gonna let you go again.” He whispered. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Suki.”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good. I’m great actually, a lot of good stuff happened on my patrol.” Bakugou said as he drank from his glass of water.
“Dude. Seriously?” The red head said in disbelief. What could possibly make up for all the crimes committed on his best friend’s watch?!
“Seriously. Gotta go, talk to you later shitty hair.” Katsuki said as he hung up the phone. As he finished cooking, he brought two plates of food to the couch for Y/N and himself. He had to carry Y/N there.
“What was all that about?” Y/N asked as she took a sip from her cup and turning away from the trashy reality show you both were watching.
“Just another reason why you’d make a better hero than me, teddy bear.” You awed at the compliment and cuddled into him. If only you knew how serious he was being.
Kirishima would know. For he was the one running around like a mad man trying to stop all the crimes committed due to his best friend being absent thanks to his horny desires.
A/N: YAYYY MY FIRST REQUEST! I really enjoyed writing this one and I’m sorry if it wasn’t exactly what you were looking for. I’m hope you enjoyed it tho! Feel free to drop more request for me to do!💗🧸
P.S. New series coming on the way!
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okay-klepto · 3 years
I just need to get my horny thoughts about August Walker out
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we all know this is going to be nsfw, and idk how long this will be, so everything will be under the cut. Also, probably none of this is close to original thought. I'm just sick of this stuff being suck in my head all day.
Spoiler: it's angry!August, jealous!August, possessive!August, like-to-play-with-your-pussy-whenever-he-wants!August, torturous!August (then maybe a little bit of semi-soft!August)
It's a given that August is the one who is going to be in control in the bedroom, but I think about how that actually manifests.
The first option is that it comes out in the form of hard, rough sex. This is very August to me, but only after an incident, and there are two types of "incidents" that occur the most often
He's frustrated from work. Where it's just a day when no one did or said anything of value or coming home from a long, hard mission, he needs a way to let off steam. And you're perfect for doing that. When he does get back he wants things to happen pretty much right away. Sure, he can maybe wait until after dinner, but he'd prefer to blend you over the dining table and give you a good fucking right there. And you can always tell when he's gonna want it rough. He's quiet and pushes just a little. He's not worried about being neat, and he doesn't care about whether clothes are still half on or not. Once you're both exposed enough to get the deed done, he's in full force. No amount of crying and moaning is going to stop him from plowing you deep into whichever surface was closest (tho he does prefer the bed). He's rough and grunts and hold you hard enough to leave dark red marks on your skin. There are very few words spoken, most often the occasional "fuck" grunted out through gritted teeth. Sometimes he cums instead; sometimes he doesn't. Once everything is done, he has usually calmed down enough for you to cuddle up next to him and ask about his day. His head is clear enough by then that he can vent to you about how stupid he thinks his coworkers are or how much a shitshow a mission was.
He's jealous. You CANNOT tell me that August isn't the jealous and possessive type. What's his is his and he isn't sharing (sharing is for a different post). So I can just picture August catching you talking to some other man and he's making you smile more than August would like, or he catches too many wandering eyes while you're out and about on a date. Or those comments you get on the photos you post online. It makes his blood boil. He tries to keep his cool until you're in a private place or back home, but he'd really love to just sucker punch those assholes in the nose. He tries to not think about it too much, but those feelings are hard for him to repress. That angry sex starts in a similar way as the previous, but he typically waits until you're both in the bedroom. Rough kisses to start, and he is more likely to strip you all the way down. He goes just as hard, but he's more vocal. He tells and shows you that you are his. He reminds you who you belong to. He tells you that he's never gonna let another man come near you. He emphasized each of his points by slamming into you over and over again, teeth gritted and brow furrowed the entire time. He cums inside of you every time. He leaves more marks, too, and tries to put them in the most obvious spots in case someone tries to take a look at you again. There are more cuddles afterward, too - more kisses and rubs and whispers of sweet nothings.
The second option is that it comes out in torture. Torture with a side of dependency.
See, we know August has an animalistic side. He likes the hunt. He likes being a predator and you're the perfect prey. He likes knowing that you are at his disposal. He likes to stalk you around the house, watching your every move before deciding when to pounce. This could be as simple as being able to come up behind you and put his hand down your panties whenever he wants to. He likes what you squirm as he plays with your pussy just for s minute. He likes making you a little wet before leaving you with no way to help yourself. He likes giving you deep kissing and putting his tongue in your mouth before going out. He likes whispering filthy things in your ear while you're out in public. Anything to get you a little excited. He likes that you're his. But you give him some playing back, and that drives him nuts.
And then there's when he dedicates some time to put his fingers instead of you just to make you cry. For you, coming is not an option at these times. He's sitting on the bed and you're kneeling on the bend over his lap, hands gripping his shoulders as he plays with your pussy. He likes to watch your face twist and relax as he moves his fingers in and out of you. He likes that he can make you whimper and whine with such simple actions. He likes getting you against a wall and your panties around your knees. He likes telling you dirty things in a way that sounds so sweet. He especially likes stopping right before you're going to climax because you always whine about it. He likes to know that he is the only means you have to finish.
And there's when he ties you to the bed and really goes in on you. The more toys the better. He'll strap your wrists (and sometimes) ankles to the bed so you can be perfectly spread out. You're completely nude while August wears nice pants and a dress shirt. He loves putting things inside of you: big things, little things, things that vibrate, things with texture. He does so slowly and thoughtfully, always feeling a careful eye on your face to watch how you react. Sometimes he'll give you a little bit of love by using his mouth on your pussy, but that's only if you are really crying. And oh he loves to hear you cry. He loves the tears that single you have given up - that you have nothing left. He knows then that you are completely bare. But he also loves the tears you shed out of fear. Knives are his favorite tool. He usually uses a big one with a sharp tip, and he runs it over your skin, leaving a little red trail. He never pushes hard enough to draw blood, but he does know exactly how much force to give it to make you think it will break your skin. He likes how your body tenses whenever you get scared, and he likes how your voice shakes when he runs the tip of his knife over your sensitive areas. You may think that August wouldn't let you come, but that isn't the whole truth. He does deny you orgasm over and over, but then he forces them out. He goes in on your hard with toys and doesn't let up until your a writhing on the bed. Then he does it a little longer. He shows you he is in control over everything about you.
August's favorite part is when that's all done. Who do you go to have he's done making you his little plaything? Him. You go back to him. Why? Because you are dependent on him. He is your everything. August is just as happy fucking you with a dildo as he is kissing your cheeks as you all asleep. He loves to slowly pull you apart and he loves to put you back together because it means he'll get to do it all over again
all done
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iamdeku · 3 years
prohero!Deku hcs
Just a few prohero!Deku headcanons bc I love him
Warnings: mentions of babies, spoilers for the new issue of BNHA
Pro-hero Deku is literally like, the gentlest giant. He’s probably like 6’5, 6’6 or something and he’s just absolutely JACKED because of all the work he had to do to be able to properly control One for All and he’s got hands like the size of a dinner plate
Despite this he is literally just the softest most dependable man
When he gets married he barely lets your feet touch the ground he always has you in some kind of romantic bridal carry and he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky
And don’t even get me started on Deku with babies
Like I already have the Deku as a kindergarten teacher AU but Deku with babies Deku with babies DEKU WITH BABIES
He can literally fit a newborn baby in like the palm of his hand they’re just so small and tiny and he’s just no thoughts head empty only PROTECT
Like if you thought this man was protective before just wait until you put him in charge of a baby
You know how everybody has a story about how they hit their head or something as a child when their parents weren’t paying attention idk it’s always something you know what i’m talking about okay
He’s literally so careful with them
Okay but imagine pro-hero Deku getting home from a very long day and he’s all roughed up and he’s not even out of his suit but he’s just fast asleep on the bed not even under the covers with a tiny little baby dozing on his chest
Or better yet Deku in the same position but in sweats and an old t-shirt just KNOCKED OUT while this baby drools all over him but it’s okay bc Deku is definitely drooling a little bit too
He spends so much extra time at crime or fight scenes because he’s talking to the kids on the scene bc there are always all these like 3-12 year olds who are just huge fans of him
All the other heroes on the scene are like, talking to the press or dealing with the police or something, but meanwhile Deku is just over here on his knees talking to these kids and he is always EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF EXCITED ABOUT THIS WHOLE AFFAIR AS THEY ARE
They’re like, “Mr. Deku sir, the way you punched that bad guy was totally awesome!!!” and he’s just like “I KNOW RIGHT!!! Okay but did you see the way DynaMight took down that one guy that was the biggest explosion I’ve EVER seen!!!!”
This rarely works out well for Katsuki because he usually ends up being swarmed by all these kids thanks to Deku and he has to refrain from swearing which he’s terrible at
There’s a swear jar somewhere that Kirishima set up that the Bakusquad makes him put money in every time he swears in front of the babies and the proceeds all go to a local children’s hospital
Bakugou is going BROKE he can’t keep doing this
Before he has kids of his own Deku is the chosen baby-sitter of all his friends kids just love him
I mean it makes sense he’s basically just a big kid himself
Okay but going back to Deku as a married man I feel like he would always be dancing with you
Like he’s always just sweeping you off into a slow dance around the kitchen just swaying softly to whatever music he’s got going
He’s really into date nights at home because he loves just being comfy on the couch and watching movies except really he’s just blatantly staring at you like not even kind of subtle about it
That being said he also adores taking you out to big hero galas and stuff because he ADORES getting to show you off
Pretends he doesn’t know how to tie a tie to get you to do it for him
You are well aware this is a scheme you just think it’s a very CUTE scheme and so allow it to happen
He thinks he’s getting away with it
You constantly have each other’s hands in the other’s back pocket it’s just like a thing with you guys don’t ask me why I can’t explain myself idk
Before every gala you go to you have to go buy a new dress and you always drag Deku along but he’s never any help because he’s legitimately awed by every single one you wear
You’re always like “How does this look” and he’s just staring, jaw dropped, about to just jump you in the middle of this very respectable establishment
This happens with every single dress
The one time he tried something you threatened not to bring him anymore
Since then he has been very well behaved
Always tries to buy you every single thing you try on
“But baby, why do I even have all this hero money if I can’t buy you a dress!”
“That is not one dress Izuku that is 20 dresses and half of them didn’t even look good on me.”
“Say that last part again because I am absolutely positive I misheard you.”
“No you heard me right.”
“I think I need to go get my ears checked I’ve been exposed to too many explosions this is all due to a lifetime of friendship with Kacchan”
“You know...that actually makes a lot of sense that man is already so hard of hearing it wouldn’t surprise me if it rubbed off on you.”
Basically he’s just a big dumb sweet boy who just wants to protect people and make them happy
I love him so much
So so much
I am so in love with yOU DON’T UNDERSTAND
Thank you for reading everyone have a great day I have to go ponder how Izuku is not real and cannot love me and how I will never find a man as good as him now
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
for your sleepover… best and worst of danny’s characters to fuck
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okay I'm only gonna do the ones for the movies I've seen or remember well enough of course...
the GOAT is and always will be laszlo. he's literally trained in giving orgasms as that was part of a medical degree back then (don't even fucking ask lol). he's the type to make you come every way, three times each, and interview you on all your kinks beforehand so he comes prepared lmao. I honestly think his stamina for sex itself is a bit poor so he focuses on a ton of foreplay and makes you come with his fingers and mouth so many times that you're already satisfied by the time he even gets around to fucking you.
second is zemo. you know why. he has experience, and he has patience; with that, a man can do anything. like make you come so hard you briefly glimpse an alternate dimension.
next up, I'm gonna be a weirdo and say dirk brulee. I know he's barely a character and I know half of yall dont know who tf he is but I wrote that fic and I convinced myself he can lay some PIPE... a guy in neon green skinny jeans has confidence that can only come from knowing he has a monster dong and knows how to use it.
after that I'd say andrea. kind of an underdog for this one but I think he's got some skills. he seems like the thorough type, who would kiss and touch you all over until you can't help but whine because you need him so bad. and when you do whine? he'd just smile at you and keep teasing, the little bastard. honestly, now all I can think about is him driving me fucking crazy until I snap and shove him onto his back and ride him like my life depends on it... only for him to smile smugly up at me because this is exactly what he wanted.
after him is niki. I love writing niki as a sex god as much as the next guy, but honestly he seems like a somewhat selfish lover. and that's fine for me, if anything I think it's kinda hot, but yeah... don't expect him to spend two hours making you come. if you're not getting off from twenty minutes of being fucked so hard you see stars, you're not getting off and that's not his problem. the thing is, he knows that his cock is all you need and he mocks you for it constantly.
then there's alex kerner. he a lil confused but he got the spirit. does he know where the clit is? marginally. can he eat pussy? theoretically. can he last very long? not on his first go, but this kid's got spirit and passion and he's gonna look at you like you're the only fucking thing in the world. he's gonna whisper to you things that make your heart clench. he's gonna beg and plead for you to come for him until he basically talks you into it. and the moans... man, idk if I even need him to be good as long as I can hear him moan for me lol
david kern... what are we gonna do with you... he's got no game, but we can a least give him an A for effort cause he's clearly trying, poor thing. thankfully I think he'd take instruction well so if you're willing to be a teacher for the night he'll be able to at least help you out. and if worst comes to worst he wouldn't be weird about you using a vibrator while he fucked you, so hey, he's not all bad. just... mostly bad. but it's sort of endearing, it's like "aw, he's doing his best c:"
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
History of Us Part 3- Introductions
Summary: Once upon a time Todoroki and (y/n) were best friends. Now they haven’t spoken in years. When (y/n) is forced to transfer to UA, will she and Shoto reconnect or will their troubled past keep them apart? A childhood friends to enemies to lovers hybrid fic.
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You trudge downstairs already dreading meeting new people. Aizawa had assured you your last name would be kept under wraps but it still feels like it’s only a matter of time before everyone figures out who you really are. There’s a reason you dye your hair, your natural coloring is too recognizable and it’s a bitter reminder of a man you actively wish to forget. For years you hated looking in the mirror until you finally convinced your mom to let you dye it. Kirishima had been kind even after finding out but Kirishima is kind to everyone. You seriously doubt everyone is as much of a cinnamon roll as he is, especially if he-who-shall-not-be-named recognizes you and blabs to everyone like the little bitch he is.
As you walk into the lounge area it’s just your luck that you spot him first. It’s like a hit to the chest, physically stopping you in your tracks. Suddenly you’re that sobbing, confused eight year old all over again, just wanting to understand how her best friend in the whole wide world could turn his back on her when she needed him most. Kirishima calling your name snaps you out of it as you roll your eyes and make your way over. If Shoto doesn’t recognize you then fine, you’re not about to give him the satisfaction of knowing it’s upsetting you. You drop onto the couch unceremoniously in the small space between Kirishima and Bakugo, causing the blonde to shoot you a glare and huff as he and Kiri are forced to adjust themselves to make space for you. You give him a satisfied grin once you’re comfortable, which only causes his scowl to deepen more, before suddenly multiple unfamiliar faces are hovering right in your field of vision.
“Have none of you fucking heard of personal space?” you snap instinctively, feeling closed in. They seem unperturbed by your temper, instead a boy with long black hair and a wide toothy grin comments “You really are like Bakugo!” “Don’t compare me to that angry Pomeranian,” you scoff. “Hah!? The fuck you just call me half and half?” Bakugo immediately retorts, crimson eyes glaring you down as his palms spark in warning. “I called you an angry Pomeranian. You deaf or something? That why you fucking yell all the time?” you fire back as black shadows start to curl off your right hand like smoke. “You little-“ Bakugo starts to threaten, looking like he’s seconds away from launching into you and starting a proper fight, but both of you are distracted by the delighted laughter of the others. “I love you already! Name’s Mina Ashido,” the pink girl, Mina apparently, introduces herself. “Glad we’ve finally got someone who can keep Bakugo in check. I’m Kyoka Jiro,” another girl introduces. Your mind whirs as you process more and more new names. Denki Kaminari is the other blonde. The boy with the long black hair is apparently Hanta Sero. All of them introduce themselves with both their first and last names. You will not be following suit. “I’m (y/n),” you reply simply. “No surname?” the eager blonde, Denki you remind yourself, asks with a tilt of his head. The gesture reminds you of an overexcited puppy. “Nope,” is your simple reply. “Why not?” he presses. “Because I said so,” you shoot back, raising one eyebrow. To your surprise he immediately drops the subject and moves on. “So why’d you transfer?” he asks. “Moved too far from my old school,” is your quick reply. “How d’you know Kiri?” “Fatgum’s agency.” “What’s your quirk?” “Jesus Denki it’s not an interrogation. Let the girl breathe,” Sero cuts him off with a laugh, shoving Denki to the side a bit so that Sero becomes front and center in your line of vision. He openly gives you an appraising look from head to toe before saying “Don’t mind him he’s a little nosy. The better question is: are you single?” You can’t help but bark out a startled laugh at the boldness of the question. “Your laugh, while beautiful, is not an answer,” he grins. “God you guys are the worst,” Jiro groans with a roll of her eyes, “you don’t have to answer that.” “Thanks,” you laugh before turning back to Sero to say “but for the record I am single,” with a wink. Your laugh turns into a full on cackle at the way his face goes bright red. “Don’t tell me you can dish it and not take it,” you tease him. “Oh he definitely can’t take it,” Mina giggles before launching into a story to prove her point, much to Sero’s chagrin. A small part of you starts to hope that maybe this year won’t be so bad.
The sound of your laughter draws Shoto’s eyes to you. It’s such a stark contrast between how you’d looked when he last saw you. Guilt crawls up his throat like bile, leaving an acrid taste in his mouth. You’re different from when the two of you were little. Harsher. More acerbic. He’s not entirely surprised but it still saddens him. He wonders if things would’ve been different had he ignored his father’s warnings about you. He wants to ignore his father’s warning now. He wants to march right up to you and apologize for everything, lay himself out bare to prove to you he never wanted to abandon you, but something holds him back. He thinks it might be cowardice. God, how would he even begin to apologize? You were having such a bad time you moved to an entirely different prefecture and he did nothing. Of course you hate him.
Shoto is brought out of his musings by Midoriya nudging him, a questioning look in his green eyes. Midoriya would know how to right the wrongs of the past. Or at the very least would probably be able to give him some ideas. But to fully explain what had happened he’d also have to explain your father and reveal your identity. Judging by the fact your last name wasn’t even given on the list of students Aizawa gave Iida, you must be trying very hard to keep that information confidential. It’s really not his place to share and he’s hurt you quite enough already. Maybe he can talk around it a little bit though. “Midoriya, hypothetically, if you had hurt someone greatly many years ago and now had no idea how to start apologizing. What would you do?” Shoto finally asks after thinking carefully over how to phrase his question. “Hypothetically?” Midoriya asks skeptically. “Yes. Hypothetically,” Todoroki confirms. “Well I guess it depends how bad what I did was,” Midoriya hedges. “It was bad,” Shoto replies immediately, face darkening at the admission. “In this completely hypothetical scenario,” Midoriya replies with a knowing smile. “Yes exactly,” Todoroki says as he clears his throat. “Well I guess I’d start by just doing little things to show I’m sorry until we were both ready to talk and I could apologize properly,” Midoriya offers. Shoto nods thoughtfully as he mulls over Izuku’s words. Small things. He could do small things. “Hey, Todoroki-kun?” Midoriya prompts causing Shoto to return his attention to his friend. “Whatever you did to (y/n), I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as you think. She’ll forgive you eventually,” Midoriya assures him.
A loud boom causes both of them to jump in their seats, eyes seeking out the source only to land on you and Bakugo almost literally at each other’s throats as the two of you tumble over each other, the crowd around you still laughing at whatever had incited the tussle in the first place. Both of you look damn near feral, causing Midoriya to gulp. “Probably,” he amends, “she’ll probably forgive you eventually.” Todoroki nods almost solemnly. You may just kill him before he gets a chance to apologize. That doesn’t mean he can’t at least try though.
A/N: Am I back to daily updates on a fic again?? Maybe??? We’ll see lmao. It was fun to write more of the class and their dynamics but omg there’s so goddamn many students in class 1A idk how Horikoshi keeps up with them all 😩 also M*neta got kicked out for sexual harassment in this version of events, I refuse to write that little nightmare lol
Taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @miss-bakugo-writes @pixelwisp @larkspyrr @sokkaandzukosimp @akkaso
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iscariotapologist · 2 years
i know you just had an ask on this, someone pipped me to the post lol. this might seem long and rambling, but like - what is the point of prayer (as in specifically asking god for things) since the implication is only some prayers are “answered” and some are not. i don’t really believe god gives us what we pray for. so like is there any point in asking (genuinely)? do you pray ever for things, people, etc, and why (sorry if that’s too personal, please don’t feel like you have to answer). and secondly you said prayer is like talking to god … so interesting. please elaborate. how do i do that? i beg. does he talk back? i’m so intrigued. like sometimes i talk to god but it’s very much a One-Way conversation where i vent and ask for solutions … and i’m not getting much back. would love to have a positive interaction with god atp
honestly i think it depends on the request. i also think prayer is more about changing yourself than god. the lord works in mysterious ways and so on and so forth and also rather slowly, in my opinion. idk about you but i grew up with the idea that if you had enough "faith" god would basically do whatever the fuck you asked (mountains etc.) and this did a lot of damage to me since it didn't make sense and i was never able to Believe hard enough so it didn't "work." and i also heard a shit ton of magical prayer stories where (for example) poor people paid tithe instead of getting food and then magically got just enough money to pay their rent or buy groceries or whatever. i hate that shit sm my blood pressure is raised just thinking about it, anyway for the rest of us....actually i did have one of those experiences when i was like 6 and lost a hamster and prayed about it and it instantly appeared from the corner and this RUINED me for what to expect from prayer since that never happened again and it was rough to get over. anyway i find that god is not very fond of boxes....this is already long so i'll spare you more stories but i think prayers are often answered in ways we don't expect, at different times, etc. personally i am a little salty about this but what do i know. it is entertaining sometimes. also i think there's something to be said for saying what you have to say even if you don't "get the thing" i can't articulate why exactly but at least for me it's helpful. i have the audacity to believe i'm being listened to so i guess that's why. and yeah i do pray for things and people (and myself) sometimes. usually when i do it's part of the way i use my rosary and i'm falling asleep. it literally is just like talking to a friend about stuff that's bothering you, but like genuinely, not in the way evangelicals say that. it's a way i process things and also a form of meditation.
i'm perplexed by how else prayer would function except one talking to god....? i think that's fundamentally what it is. of course prayer comes in many forms, there's all kinds of specific prayers you can use (and i do use some of those) or you can talk out loud or in your head or just sit there and vibe, actions can be prayer....as simone weil said, unmixed attention is prayer. i do think god talks back, or else i have some serious unchecked issues of different kinds than the ones i'm aware of....which i have spent a lot of time considering, trust me. a lot of me talking to god is working through problems that are made obvious by the presence of god....it is immensely difficult to accept being loved like that. sometimes it's venting, sometimes i need consolation, sometimes we literally just sit in each other's presence in silence. i think god talks to everyone in different ways so there's no secret formula i can give you, but it is a two way street.
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
hi, i saw that requests are open. would a hawks nsfw alphabet be too much to request? i hope you have a good day! -☆
Hawks is never too much to request
And that’s on ~baby bird~
Warnings: sexy chicken
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Soft aftercare, plus there’s the added bonus of him not even having to leave the bed to get towels and such. He sends his feathers to get whatever you need, but if he needs to go and do something himself, he’s more than happy to
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
As we all know, Keigo is a very beautiful man, and if you asked him to name his favorite body part he’s most likely to say his wings. Something tells me he’s an ass/thigh man (same bruh) but he’s not one to base affection purely on looks
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Inside you, on you, anywhere; he doesn’t really have a preference. It really depends on where the two of you are, and how much time you’ll have to clean up afterwards
Oh, and y’all have seen the hc of his wings when he cums, right? cause that is one beautiful sight
D = Dirty secret (pretty clear, a dirty secret of theirs)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Okay, so if we’re talking fandom Hawks, everyone seems to think he’s a player. But idk if I really agree (don’t come for me it’s just my opinion). Plus, with everything going on with the commission, I doubt Hawks gets much time for fun. Still, he’s a pretty smart bird, and he’ll catch on pretty quickly to the good spots on and in your body
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Wall sex. Do I even need to explain? Well I’m gonna do it anyway. The power and feelings of possession gained from pinning you against the wall only drive Keigo further towards your destruction. Also, the classic missionary might seem boring for some, but the sight of Keigo standing above you with those beautiful red wings splayed out either side of his body is just *chefs kiss*
G = Goofy (how serious are they in the moment?)
He’s not about to crack out a joke book in the middle of sex, but he’s not exactly Mr Serious either. It’s a good balance 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Keeps himself pretty well groomed (is it called preening if he’s a bird?), so he’s likely shaved
I = Intimacy (how romantic are they in the moment?)
He wants you to feel good, so he can be pretty romantic. But if you’re being a brat, the switch flips and he’s there to make sure you know you’ve fucked up (there’s always the hint of intimacy though, even if he’s being a mean teasing asshole; he doesn’t want you to think he hates you - he never could) 
J = Jack off (what are their views on masturbation?)
Horny bird man + lots of missions away from you = lots of jacking off. He hates being away from you, but it’s just what his job calls for, so he’s happy taking things into his own hands 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Phone sex. Being a hero means he can’t always be with you, so phone sex would be a given. The first time you tried it, Keigo hadn’t expect to enjoy it as much as he did, but now, it’s almost a given each time he’s away
L = Location (favorite places to do the dance with no pants)
Honestly? Wherever he can. There was one time he tried to convince you to try it literally in the middle of the air… It didn’t go very well
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going, etc)
Wear his clothes, and he’ll pounce on you like a rabid dog (or hawk?). If you bite your lip, or do anything remotely sexy, he immediately wants to pin you against the wall and ravage you for days. He’s just a horny bird
N = No (turn offs, something they wouldn’t do)
I kinda struggled with this one cause I feel like Hawks would be willing to try pretty much anything at least once. He’s not really picky
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Silver 👏🏻 fucking 👏🏻 tongue. Seriously, this man will eat you up like you’re his last meal on earth, and he’s fucking good at it too. He likes receiving too, but honestly he prefers to be trapped between your thighs with your hands wrapped in his hair
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on where you are, but he’s on the faster/rougher side. He’s a speedy boi, but he’s also got a lot of stamina, so expect lots of shorter rounds 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
Every single hero I write for always has a ‘quickies are needed cause he’s always away’ bit and idk how to feel about that. They’re easy, quick (duh) and fun, so who is Keigo to be against that?
R = Risk (how risky are they willing to be?)
In theory, he’s willing to be pretty risky (like the time he tried to screw you while flying), but when it comes down to it, he can actually get a little scared about hurting you (physically or not) so the any risks that are actually taken are of the smaller variety
S = Stamina (how long do they last? how many rounds?)
Pretty good stamina. I mean, he’s a hero, he’s gotta be able to hold his own against villains, so it makes sense he’d be able to hold his own against you too. Like I said in pace, Keigo usually does shorter rounds, but lots of them
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them on a partner or themselves?)
Why do I feel like he’s the kinda guy to have a dildo made in an exact replica of his dick for you to use when he’s not with you?
U = Unfair (how much do they tease?)
Keigo’s teasing depends on how much of a brat you are, but he’s also a bit of an asshole anyway, so regardless of if you’re well behaved, he’s not letting you go without a little bit of teasing
V = Volume (how they sound, how loud they are, etc)
He’s not especially loud, but he’s not exactly quiet either. Where you are definitely has an effect on how loud he is. Quickies in kinda-easy-to-be-caught places Keigo tries to keep himself quiet, but when you’re at home he doesn’t care if anyone hears him
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
Now this isn’t necessarily a nsfw thing, but I’d seen some tiktoks about Keigo giving you one of his feathers as a necklace to kinda be with you even when he can’t and I just thought it was really cute
X = X-ray (let’s have a looksee in those pants)
There’s a reason he wears such baggy pants all the time. When not-so little Hawks stands to attention, he’s roughly 8 inches in length, and thick enough that he’s gonna have to stretch you out if it’s been a while
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Horny bird. Honestly he’d give up being a hero if it meant he could spend every moment of his time with you and in you
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Chances are you’ll fall asleep before him, but after sex Keigo likes to cuddle with you so it’s only a matter of time before the both of you are completely dead to the world in each others arms
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