#if i go to x i can only spend y amount of money because i want to see my friends and if i spend all my money i won't be able to
yourgothiccqueen · 2 months
LN4 - “Formula One Sucks”
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Summary: A grumpy reader meets her match.
Parings : Lando Norris x Female Reader
Warnings: none except swearing - fluff and silliness!
“I think just don’t give a shit about it!”
“That’s because you’re a boring cow!”
Y/N sat crossed legged on the grass outside her tent, sun beating down on her face as she half heartedly sipped on a capri sun. Spending the night lying on the floor had left her aching and exhausted, and she feared spending the day watching ‘cars go round in circles’ would truly tip her over the edge.
“I just don’t get why I had to come.” Y/N groaned. “You know loads of other people.”
“None of whom were free at short notice on a Sunday!” Y/N’s friend Annie exclaimed.
Y/N groaned dramatically. She was already hating the fact that she was going to be spending the day trying to shelter from the heat whilst pushing her way through crowds of obsessive fans.
“It’s the three things I hate the most - cars, people and outside.”
“Oh shush, you had to come because you’re such a joyous, positive influence in my life who I knew would jump at the opportunity!” Annie said, sarcastically. “Now stop being so bloody miserable.”
Y/N scowled and playfully swatted Annie on the leg.
“You’re a bitch, you know that?”
“I know. Now drink your capri sun and cheer the fuck up.”
By 12pm Y/N had not, in fact, cheered the fuck up. She was truly finished with the world of formula one. So far she had queued for the loo, listened to some very loud music and spent an extortionate amount of money on a relatively small (and cold) hot dog.
Annie had long disappeared, claiming to have spotted some guy called ‘Fernando’ before rushing off into the crowd with a squeal, promising to meet Y/N at their seats later on.
It was beginning to get all too much for little Y/N L/N (😉) as she made her way throughout the bustle of people, eager to finally find someplace quiet to eat.
Eventually she found herself going through a set of doors (which definitely did not say staff only) as she found herself a quiet corner.
Before she could even take a bite, she heard a cough from behind her.
“Ermmm, what are you doing?”
Turning around, Y/N found herself faced with a relatively young man, wearing an orange cap with curls of brown peeking out the bottom. He looked strangely familiar, but Y/N couldn’t put her finger on it, and quite frankly she was too hangry to care.
“I’m eating my hot dog.”
The man smirked and let out a small laugh.
“Yeah, I can see that.”
Y/N shrugged and said “ask stupid questions, get stupid answers” before taking a bite.
The man raised an eyebrow slightly, intrigued by the passive aggressive woman in front of him, who seemingly didn’t know who he was.
“Are you here for the race? Or do you work here?” He questioned.
“I’m here for the race. Are you?”
The curly haired man smirked slightly, letting out a little laugh.
“Yeah, I suppose you could say that.”
Y/N crammed another bite of hot dog into her mouth “Well, enjoy. It’s all a load of crap if you ask me though.”
A look of intrigue on his face, he asked “what makes you say that?”
“It’s just boring!” Y/N exclaimed. “Car goes zoom, someone wins, hurrah - so bloody what?! What’s the point?”
The man looked back at her, a look of mild bewilderment and irration written across his face.
“Well yeah, the car is one aspect of it, sure. But it’s the drivers that bring that passion, that excitement every week. They’re the ones who shake things up and keep things fresh. They’re the ones who make it worth watching.” The man let out a small cough. “I mean, that’s my opinion anyway.”
“Hmm. So which driver should I look out for today then?” Y/N queried.
The curly haired man shot her a questionable look.
“Don’t you know the names of any of the drivers?”
Y/N shrugged “I know Lewis Hamilton.”
He let out a laugh and another smirk again “well, that’s a start I suppose.”
Y/N was getting sick of this man smirking at her. But then again, it was a very nice smirk. And he did seem like a very nice man.
“So, what are you doing here if you hate formula one?” The man queried, arms folded against his chest.
“My friend’s a big fan, and her boyfriend who was was meant to be coming has got the flu.” Y/N sighed. “As much as I hate being here, I’d feel even shitter if she came on her own.”
The man let out a small smile “Well, that’s nice of you to do that for your friend.”
He suddenly glanced down at Y/N’s lips, and appeared to take a step closer.
Was this mysterious, attractive stranger about to kiss her?
His thumb reached up to her chin and she couldn’t help but look up into his eyes.
God he had beautiful eyes.
She felt his thumb touch her skin with the gentlest of touches, and her eyes fluttered shut.
He smelt *heavenly*. What aftershave was he wearing?
“Sorry, you had some ketchup on your chin.” He let out a soft giggle.
Y/N’s eyes snapped open, and she felt herself return to reality.
The mystery man let out a giggle as his thumb brushed against her chin - “all gone.”
She laughed. “Thank you. It’s not everyday a stranger wipes ketchup off your face. Did we just get to second base?”
The man let out a laugh (it’s a very nice laugh).
“Sure. I’ll count it if you do.”
An urgent shout sounded from a door behind them.
“I’ve got to go. It was nice chatting to you though.” The man stated. “And to answer your question, look out for Lando Norris today. I’ve heard he’s one to watch!”
“Will do.” Y/N called, still slightly stunned from the interaction.
A few moments passed before a security clad gentlemen rounded the corner.
“Oi, you shouldn’t be back here! Get back out the front!”
“Relax - I’ve finished my hot dog, I’m going!”
The rest of the afternoon was a blur, as Y/N sat close to Annie, eyes fixated on a certain McLaren as he reached his final lap of the race.
“And Lando Norris has finished in P2!”
Cheers erupted from around Y/N and she found herself joining it. Turned out that ‘cars, and people and outside’ could be pretty exciting - who knew?!
“Fuck yeah!” Annie shouted, jumping up and down.
The McLaren driver removed his helmet before waving up to the crowds, a grin plastered on his face.
Y/N’s own grin left her face.
“Oh shit. That’s the guy I met earlier!”
“What?” Annie exclaimed. “You met Lando Norris?”
“Yes! Is he a big deal?” Y/N stated, panic rising.
Annie glanced around them, signalling to the cheering crowds - “Duh! What did you say to him?”
Y/N gulped - “I shoved a hot dog in my mouth and told him formula one is crap.”
Annie stared. No words left her mouth.
Y/N could feel her face turning red. “I then proceeded to ask him if he was going to the race.”
A quick, sharp laugh left Annie’s mouth, before she fell into floods of hysterics.
“Holy shit! What is wrong with you?!”
Y/N could feel herself cringing.
“Oh god, I don’t know! Lots apparently!”
She glanced down to Lando again, to find him smirking up at her. He winked, before turning back towards his team.
“Oh my god, I’m never going outside again.” Y/N cringed. “This is all your fault!”
“My fault?” Annie laughed. “I didn’t tell an F1 driver that his sport is crap!”
Before Y/N could respond, she felt a tap on her shoulder. A uniformed worker pressed a piece of paper into her hand.
“I’ve been asked to give this to you.” The woman smiled, before walking away.
“What is it?” Annie questioned, eyeing the paper.
Y/N unwrapped it, finding quickly scrawled words,
Hello Grumpy,
I hope the race was enough to change your mind about formula one. Here’s my number if you ever fancy a hot dog or a debate over ‘cars going zoom’.
LN xx
“What. The. Fuck.” Annie’s eyes widened.
Y/N grinned.
“Maybe I do like F1 after all!”
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violet-butterflies · 10 months
❥︎ yandere! Dilf
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ drugging, stalking, delusional, doing things without consent ( male yandere! oc x female reader ) Click to see part 2 !
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It was a sunny afternoon when yandere! dilf finally finished unloading his and his son's stuff into their new home. Due to work and terrible memories from his past marriage, he moved into a different town with his son to start a new life. He was just beginning to unpack everything when someone knocked on his door.
"Hi! I'm your neighbor! I noticed that you were spending the whole day just unloading stuff so I decided to make you and your son some lemonade!"
The voice came from a woman who had a jug of lemonade on a tray with a couple of glass cups to pour the citrus drink into. Yandere! dilf couldn't help but smile at the offer as his muscular hands take the tray from your hands as he sent a pearly white smile their way.
"Thanks! I really appreciate it. I'm yandere! dilf by the way," he introduced himself while his son hides behind his leg "and this is my son."
"I'm (y/n)! Well then, I'll see you around neighbor!" (y/n) then disappeared back into their house which was right beside his. At first, yandere! dilf thought that he liked them because of their kind gift but it was only going to escalate from there.
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It really surprised yandere! dilf a few days when he met (y/n) again only in the most unexpected place. He was picking his son up from kindergarten when he realized that you were there, playing with his son.
"(y/n)? What are you doing here?"
"Oh! This is really such a coincidence! I happen to be your son's kindergarten teacher!" she explained with a bright smile on her face as his son came rushing to hug him.
"I was only playing with him since all the kids left already and I didn't want him to be alone for too long"
Yandere! dilf felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"I'm really sorry about that. I've just been swamped with work and before I knew it, I was 2 hours late to pick him up."
You sent the muscular man a sympathetic smile.
"No, I completely understand... Does this mean that he's with babysitters most of the time?"
"That's what My plan is but well... it seems like I'm finding difficulty finding any babysitters in this neighborhood"
"If you'd like, I can babysit your son on the weekends? I happen to need some extra money but, don't worry, I won't charge a crazy amount. We're neighbors after all," she offered.
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Ever since (y/n) offered yandere! dilf to be his son's babysitter, he only began seeing more and more of you inside his house. Yandere! dilf only expected you to take care of his son but you always seemed to go above and beyond. Sometimes, if the house was messy you'd try to clean it as best you could. Or maybe when you knew that he'll be home late, you'd prepare a simple dinner for both his son and him.
"Don't worry about it! Being a single parent must be really hard so I'll try to help you as best as I can!" That was always the kind of answer you would give when yandere! dilf feels bad for having you do all the housework.
Slowly though, yandere! dilf can't help but feel like (y/n) was acting just like a stay-at-home wife for him and he liked it. He can't help but daydream of situations where you were actually his wife. Situations where he was sharing a bed with you or taking you out on dates or sometimes to the extent of either their marriage or what their future children would look like.
Yandere! dilf might not look like it but, he was completely smitten. He was scared however of you finding out that he had a fat massive crush on you since he was at least 7 years older than you. This crush caused him to be obsessive and overprotective of you.
"What if she finds someone better? What if she is seeing someone?" Those were the questions that always made him have a small panic attack. He can't afford to lose someone so perfect; someone, who proved herself to be the perfect wife for him.
So, yandere! dilf would set up cameras in his house and ask you to babysit all the time. This would mean that he could always see you playing with his son through his phone and it always makes his heart swell with joy. He loved seeing how well you were getting along with the most precious little human in his world which only boosts the idea of how you were the only perfect person to be his son's mother and his wife. Not only that, but to take it one step further, he loved to buy you some treats or drinks when he gets back from work. The only catch is that they were drugged so you'd always end up falling asleep in yandere! dilf's house. (Y/n) never found it too odd though since you always connected it to you being too exhausted by playing with yandere! dilf's son all day.
(Y/n) falling asleep in his house was a big win for yandere! dilf too. The drugs that he used would make (y/n) fall into such a deep sleep it would actually be impossible to wake you up. This would mean that he can take as many pictures as he can and make you sleep on the bed with him before he has to move you to a spare room before you wake up to avoid suspicion. He loves it when he gets to snuggle your smaller body on his bed; a bigger plus if his son decides to join in. It was as if you three were already a picture-perfect family that yandere!dilf always dreamed of. His phone gallery is now filled to the brim with pictures of his son and you. His phone wallpaper is (y/n), there was a group picture of (y/n), his son and him set as his computer wallpaper, and there was a picture of (y/n) and his son in his wallet; acting like the perfect family he always dreamed of.
"Oh, good morning (y/n)! You fell asleep here again. Don't worry about it though! Here I made us all breakfast!"
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ynsbarbbb · 16 days
down bad | d. ricciardo
hypothesis - daniel is not ready nor is he willing to leave this thing behind.
pairing - daniel ricciardo x fem!baker!reader
[fic is inspired by “down bad” by taylor swift]
“fuck it if i can’t have us, i might just not get up, i might stay down bad”
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“y/n,” your name slipped past his lips in a devastated sigh, eyes big as he stared at you. brown orbs drowning in a pool of tears.
a big, red suitcase sat on your bed, clothes haphazardly thrown around and you, sitting there on the foot end of the bed, messy hair surrounding your face and one of your favourite tops scrunched up in your hands.
daniel’s feet is glued to the hardwood floor by the door, his mind swimming, “wh—what are you doing?”
he looks around the room, your belongings, their familiar spots now empty. a sob escapes your mouth and you crumble from the edge of the bed down to the floor, ankles crossing and knees bucking up.
“i can’t do this anymore, daniel.”
his feet moves him to crouch in front of you, “baby, what are you talking about?”
you look up at him, “this,” you gesture around you with your hand, “the spotlight, the constant hate, the amount of time you leave.”
“let’s talk about it, yeah?” daniel asked, his voice hoarse. he’s swallowing at the lump in his throat, as he moves to sit down.
chuckling, you throw the top to the side, “what’s there to talk about? i’m a baker, i bake cakes, in a small town. and you,” you sniff and wipe your nose with the back side of your hand, “you travel the world, you race, everyone knows about you.”
he nods, “baby, i still don’t see the problem here.”
“i’m out of your league, i’m so far out of your league. i don’t fit into this lifestyle, i can’t flaunt money anywhere i go.”
daniel takes hold of your hands, “where’s all of this coming from, honey?”
you look up at him, and reach your arm back on the bed where you have thrown your phone after spending hours reading what his fans had written about you.
his fans, the people that would run to the end of this world to support him, that go to his every race to shout his name as he passes the finish line, the people he confided in the most when he started dating you.
“i can talk to them, disable our comments on our posts, hell, baby, i’ll even delete all social media,” daniel says, his eyes not leaving the phone. his eyes reading every comment twice and his heart swelling and breaking.
switching off the phone, you stand up and grap the top you had thrown to the side, “don’t bother, it’ll either way just get worse.”
daniel shoots to his feet, grabbing the things you had haphazardly throw into the suitcase and putting it on the bed.
he’s not going to loose you. he won’t.
“y/n, please don’t do this, it’s almost winter break, we can go somewhere private, just us. we can work this out, we will get past this,” daniel is practically begging, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he keeps on swallowing on the lump.
your shoulders sag, “daniel, stop,” you place the jeans in your suitcase and walk up to him to take his hands in yours, “find someone else, someone who fits into this life, who will walk it with you every step of the way. there are so many women out there who’ll be better and much more supportive than i am, and someone who can handle a bunch of teenage girls’ comments.”
daniel shakes his head wildly and grips your hands tighter, “no, no, fuck all else if i cannot do this with you. i don’t need someone else, God, i only want you. i am my best when i am with you, y/n, forget those fucking comments. remember what i said in the beginning of this relationship?” daniel’s hands moved up to cup your face, wiping at the wetness under your eyes, nodding his head,
“it’s us, baby, it’s us against all else,” his voice breaks as he said it. he bites his lips, the tears he was forcing away finally slips down his cheeks.
“i will fight, y/n, i will fight for us. i will fight for you. i will fight anyone who is against us, because, baby, i will not survive this night if you walk out those doors,” he moves to tuck those little hairs around your face behind your ears.
you nod your head as best as you can with daniel’s large calloused palms holding it. falling into him, resting your head on his chest and securely wrapping your arms around him, you believe him.
because, against all odds, you weren’t ready to leave, to leave everything you’ve accomplished together.
you weren’t ready to loose daniel. to loose his jokes, his comfort that comes with his presence, his laugh that made everyone in the room giggle, his hands that easily engulfed yours, his shoulder when you needed someone to lean on. you weren’t ready to loose that.
his chest heaved with a sigh of relief as he rested his chin on the crown of your head and wrapping his arms around your shoulders tightly.
“it’s us against it all, yeah?”
with your face smushed into his chest, a mumbled agreement sealed with a kiss to your forehead is all both you and daniel needed to know that none of you were going anywhere anytime soon.
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scara-writes · 11 months
change of heart
Sugar Mommy Reader X Y! Gold digger Male
Let's make a story about the reader falling in love first :>
Yes, this yandere is an asshole.
Might make a part two?
CW: yandere, manipulation, consensual-smut, gold digger yandere
No proof read. Will edit it later on.
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Sheon wasn't rich nor poor but he wanted an easy money to make his life easier.
He knows he was becoming addicted on spending money. He can't blame himself, he was getting picked on for not having enough money to buy what he wants unlike his rich classmates that will flaunt their items at each other. He even sneak out of his way to take his father's credit card to buy him useless things that would entertain himself for a little bit like games and toys, Sheon would also flaunt them that his parents has the money when in actuality he is in the middle class. Although his arrogance did not last long after his father finds out about it, grounded him for a whole year for that. He still kept on spending money, he was pretty good at accounting which pretty weird coming from someone who spends a lot.
Now that he became a college student, with his major being aligned in accounting. His parents literally forced him to move out and gave him a right amount of allowance every month for him to study from his dream university but it wasn't enough. He just wants more money to spend, either to indulge himself or to avoid being picked on by his peers.
Not until he met you.
A kind person who introduced yourself to him, your cheeks were bright red as you told him that you fell inlove at first sight.
Sheon do look good. He was popular among women around the campus but those said girls can only glance at him as they feel bad that he was only a middle class. So don't blame him when he was surprised at your sudden confession, and he wanted to reject you right away, the red haired doesn't have the time to find a love, he wants money not a freeloader. But when you told him your last name when you introduce yourself to him, it caught him off guard.
"what was...your last name again?"
"(l-l/n)!" You exclaimed as you bashfully waited for his response about your confesion.
There are three siblings that is going to inherit three companies. If he remembered correctly, he saw an article of on one of them inheriting the biggest company once they graduated. Your face is somewhat coincidentally look the same as it is in the article.
A dark idea pop up to his mind. His greed was whispering at him.
If he can be with you. He can get what he wants right?
Easy money is easy life!
"…so… C-can I court you?" Your hands fiddling as you wait for his response. He looked at you up and down. You looked pretty average for his taste. The only thing that is pretty about you is the money you will inherit, but hey that will do if he wants to get what he wants.
The greedy man grinned and traps you between his arms and lean down to meet your face. Not even caring at the other student passing by looking at the both of you by either cringing or looking weirdly.
He boldly gave your left cheek a quick peck before answering your question with another question.
"… If I say yes, what's in it for me love?"
Not long after, the two of you became official. Your courting lasted around two weeks and that's about it. He always request for you to buy him this and that and you gave it him the very next day as you love him very much and trusted him wholeheartedly. He would taunt the said gifts he received from you to his old peers that he got himself the items that is much worth than their brand. Their frown look satisfies him.
Some of them asked where did he got the money to buy, but he will answer one word. cerise.
No one knows about his plan except for his ex friend, Tyr.
The ex friend of his cut ties off with him immediately after knowing he was using an innocent person like you for his greed.
Oh well his lost! He was about to share his dimes and gold with him.
Sheon thought about what will he give you something back for all the items you gave him. Well, His exchange for everything was himself of course!
His body is probably enough to make you feel something close to heaven. It made you whine out in satisfaction whenever he hit the right spot. Sheon could tell you never experienced this, a virgin at that. The way you moan out his name make his heart swell with pride.
"…is.. this what it..nghh… f-feels..uuhhmm..l-like?" You whimpered when he hit the same spot that made you cried out it on pleasure. Your hands were trembling around his sweaty shoulder, eyes rolling when he hits it again. He leaned to down to peck your parted lips. "… Do you like it?"
He fastened his pace up to chase down the ecstasy that you were feeling. He felt the walls grip of yours tightened around him feeling that you are getting close.
"I… I love…i-it..p-please don't s-stop!" You moaned out, unconsciously digging your nails to his skin. Sheon smirked at your reaction, wiping off your sweaty temple before giving it a soft kiss, then giving what you asked for.
You must be missing out from parties, seeing you had never experience like this before and that's okay. So long as this is a payment to get what he wants.
"Your wish is my command, cerise." He whispered his pet name to you.
"I-I love Sheon." You whimpered as you feel him pulled out when he gave you released. Sheon sighs, his load went through your stomach, giving you one last kiss before cleaning you up. Dabbing the towel around your body, cleaning you gently, asking you if he hurt you too badly. You answered meekly, telling him that you are fine, he was a sweet for giving you an aftercare.
He scoffs at you, teasing you. "It's a bare minimum, cerise. It's normal to take care of their partner after their love making." He carried you at the bathroom of your own apartment. Putting you down at the bathtub as he twist the faucet open.
Sheon joined you in the bath, he gently massage your scalp, making you shudder in relaxation, "do you like it?"
"I love it." You meekly replied leaning your back between his thighs. He wash down the foam around your hair, he rinse the shampoo out after he was done. He took a soap and was about to clean your body too but you insist that you will do it yourself. Sheon stopped and heed your words and starts washing himself up, the male was the first one to finish, he dried himself off by his own towel and starts to wear the pajamas that was already prepared besides the lavatory. After he was done, he told you that he will prepare you a snacks and turn on the tv for the movie you requested yesterday.
The red haired male's relationship with you went pretty well. Of course his body and his face shouldn't be the only thing he could do for you. He needed to act like a good boyfriend, being the fast learner that he is. He found himself, he was rather good at cooking and baking.
He would lie if he say he doesn't enjoy it when he cooks for you.
He would give you your favorites, something you cannot eat in your household. You told him you were on a strict diet ordered by your very own parents. They didn't know your relationship with him, Sheon was a secret affair and you revealed you were in arrange marriage during the time you courted him. It worried him seeing that his source of money will leave him for the arrange marriage.
You held his hand and you promised him that it will never happen, that you will fight for the "love" the two of you had.
The greedy male stared at you for a minute, realizing you are too naïve to think that he actually loves you. Were you that oblivious?
He wanted to laugh at your face but…
Why does his heart starts hammering when you told him that you will fight for him against your parents?
A little guilt went up to his throat before swallowing it by his pride.
The two of you lasted for three years as a couple, graduated and help him out to hire him to your company. His colleagues at his work respected him quickly seeing that he is the boyfriend of their soon-to-be boss, Sheon enjoyed the power he had over them, no more people looking down on him.
It didn't last long because your parents immediately confronted you about him and you had enough of it. It was the first time you neglected your parents orders and Sheon was there to witness it.
"I don't care about the agreement! The arrange marriage, I didn't agree on that! Mother, Father! I've been nothing but a good child since the day I was born! I have never ever went against you and I am obedient child who never goes against your will just so the two of you can be happy! But this is the only time I asked for you to let me have something I want in my life!" He felt the grip of your hands on him. The red haired male stares at your quivering form but he saw how determined you are about him.
He felt guilty knowing he was the cause of why you arguing with your parents right now.
Wait… He's feeling guilty?
"He's using you for your money! Look at your ridiculous amount you spent! From the moment you had a relationship with him!" Your father shouted at you, before glaring at him.
Truthfully, your father wasn't wrong. He used you for your money.
"And so what? I am willing to give everything he wants because I love him!"
Do you love him that much?
"The least I could do for him is to give what he likes because he is the only person who showed me what it feels like to be loved!"
Throughout the heated argument with your parents. He was silent for the whole time until you broke down to tears. Just a droplet from your tears made himself go blank. Sheon didn't know what happened to himself, all he knows that his body act on its own and went to cover your vulnerability from your parents.
You were surprised at his action before letting yourself be buried in his chest.
"I think it's time for us to leave." He told your parents before guiding you out to leave the mansion, not looking back.
He hop you on the passenger seat of his car before closing the doorway after he heard your parents trailing behind him, yelling. He doesn't want you to hear what he was about to say.
His blue eyes glared at them.
"I have never throughout in our relationship witness (Y/n) weep and broken down until this day, I always ensure her happiness on everything I'd done. If we have disagreements we will let each other agree to separate for a little bit until we are calm enough to discuss it again."
His mouth continued to flow out the next words he didn't think he would find himself struggling with his words. Thankfully, he didn't stutter.
"...I love her more than you could ever know. I won't let her cry and force her to do the things she doesn't want to. If she doesn't want something, she will let me know and I will stop because I don't want her to feel sad, bothered and suffocate. Truthfully, your daughter is the most sincere person that I've known in my entire life. She always gives out her best to make everyone happy."
He let out a deep breath. "I cannot believe she went through all her years of her life of enduring your demands and pressures the day she was born. It's no wonder your children are starting to neglect you. Most people might have called an authority because of your abuse if it weren't for the money you have. Every child deserve a parents but not every parents deserve a child." He paused before continuing again.
"If I see her cry again because of the both of you.No matter how much money you used to separate us. I will make sure you will regret it." With that he walk around his car before opening the doorway of the driver seat and drive away from your wrecked family. The whole ride was silent. Sheon never felt his heart rate beating this fast.
What happened to him?
Why did he do that?
What if his job from your company is going to make him terminated from his internship?
You were still on your way to become boss but your parents still owns it as long as they are alive.
"… I-I'm sorry.. you witnessed that." You sniffed as you tried to wipe off your tears trying your best to minimize your hiccups.
"… Don't mention it." He grunted before tossing you a box of tissue carelessly, eyes trained at the road not caring if you catch it or not.
You blew away your snots, as his thoughts were clouded of doubt.
"Stop crying." He said before parking the car after reaching his home. You nodded, trying to minimize your tears.
He exited the car and you did too before following him behind. A small squeak was heard from the car indicating that his car is locked.
Sheon didn't bother on walking beside you as he went to unlock the door of his home.
He went himself in, he doesn't care to tell you to follow because you will.
You sat on the couch and collect your thoughts for bit, staring the tiled floor of the living room. He look at your form and rolled his eyes before changing his clothes. What's next? Are you going to be stuck with him, onwards?
He went to the kitchen and starts to cook. Trying his best figure out something but nothing comes up in his mind.
He put the food in to two plates before serving you a lasagna. "Eat, cerise."
You thanked him and starts to eat your food slowly, your appetite isn't in good shape after your burst of emotion to your parents.
Sheon just picked his food but not eating as he stared at you.
What is he going to do with you now? He can't have you here! You… You need to come back and apologize! What if your parents cut off your card? Most of your money were from your parents! Then what about his money? What about the items you promised him to buy it for him?!
what about your feelings?
…what about her..?..
Stop... Stop making him feel guilty.
He quietly sigh and starts to eat. This mixed feelings are eating him up.
"Does it taste good?" He asked. You nod, sniffing.
"Leave the plate, I'll wash them up later. You can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."
You tried to reason him that you can sleep on the couch but he insisted.
You were stuck with him for three months. Your card was indeed cut off and you and him were evicted temporarily at your company by your mother. At that time he was conflicted whether or not he should just ditch you…. Since you don't have money anymore. You just stay at home.
Seeing you apologize for being inconvenient at his home he felt guilty for thinking about it. But for some reason... he can't bare the thought of you wandering around depending on no one.
Sheon went outside to get a hose to water the outdoor the plants until he saw a man who looks similar to you.
"Hey." The said stranger called for him. He must be one of your sibling, seeing almost all of your resemblance to him, except his demeanor. People would feel intimidated when they look at him but not him, Sheon wasn't scared of him. He is one of the siblings who neglect his parents.
The red haired male raised his eyebrow before walking up to him.
"Yes? Do you need something?"
"… My older sister, (Y/n)? Are you perhaps her boyfriend..?" The way he spoke the word boyfriend. Sheon can feel the distaste from him.
"What about it?"
His (e/c) eyes was staring at his soul. They both of knew they are never gonna be in good terms.
"(Y/n) can go back to the company. Our parents needs her."
"And what? Are they gonna invalidate her again?"
Your brother scoff. "If that were to happen, she can call me right away. They can't complain when it comes to me. They know I don't act like my soft hearted older sister." He tossed an atm card at him. Sheon catches it confused.
"What's this for?"
"Give that to my sister. It's her new card."
Your brother pulled the handle of his own car before going in. "What about (Y/n)? Do you not want to look at her?"
"No need… I'm sure she will be fine."
After that, He left without a bid of farewell.
Sheon looked at the card in his hand. Greed went on his mind to keep the card and hide it from you. Just telling you the details that you can go back to the company. He should get back the payment he used to buy the items he wasted on you for the past few months—
You called to him. Snapping out of his thoughts when he realized he was already in the kitchen, cooking food for the both of you.
"You almost burned the eggs… Is there something wrong?"
Sheon blinked before smiling at you.
"Your brother went to see you but he was in a hurry so… He told me that you can go back. Your parents need you back to the company."
Your eyes lit up."really?"
He went silent. Deciding that he should just give your atm card. It was stupid idea to think of him hiding your card, that will result of him being arrested and making you abandon him. He can't ruin his hardwork for making you his bank.
You blinked when you stiffly take the card from his hand. "What's this?"
"Your new card. Your… Umm.. brother wants to give it to you."
You look at him in the eyes for a second before leaning in to kiss him.
"I love you." You smiled, your eyes were brightened. As if something cleared up your mind and he noticed it.
He gave you a tight grin. "I'll put this on the plate before it actually burns."
Just like his first week on a relationship with you. His life went back smoothly. Everything went back to normal. The next three weeks, the two of you went on a date, suggested by you of course.
The both of you enjoyed the rides at carnival. He laughed when you didn't like the taste of the sweet corn of the nearby shop, telling him you preferred the street food sweet corn he brought on your first date with him. After having a snack,Sheon went to take a picture of the two of you capturing every moment he can find.
You told him that you book a private resort nearby the beach. So he drove there. Enjoying the night ride with him.
His heart fluttered when he hear you humming happily while you were scrolling on the phone, probably buying an item that he request yesterday, you ask him what color he liked on the item. Right now, the red haired doesn't care about it and tells you to keep humming the tune and forget about the item he wanted.
He just found himself, liking the sound of your voice.
The first thing he did when the both of you went inside the resort was to pop out a wine and serve you one before quickly kissing your lips. The both of you enjoyed gazing the night at cozy fireplace lit on the modern table. You cuddled with him and he held you, warming you up. As he sighed, relaxing himself.
You let yourself go on his hold before toying his hands with yours until you let it go."What's wrong?" You look down, staring through his shirt.
"I have… Been meaning to tell you this.. I don't know if it's the right time but…"
Sheon held his breath. Did you find out that he was using you?
He looked at your right hand that is tapping something from behind of your pocket before showing it to you.
A small black box was given to him.
He looked at you confused before he assessed your new gift to him. The box looked liked it could store a jewel.
His world stops when he opened it.
"I know… you went all the trouble of taking care of me when… when I was kicked out from the house but… I never felt so indebt to you after all the love you showered m-me… I-I'm not good with this kind of things… and might even call it corny so….W-would-you-like-to-spend-the-rest-of-your-time-together-with-me?" You fiddle your hand nervously as you look up to him, rushing the last sentence. Awaiting for his response, whether he will reject you or not.
Before you could call his name again. His lips had already met yours, arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you closer.
You were shocked by your boyfriend's action before returning your kiss. Slowly wrapping your arms around his neck.
He pushed tongue inside your mouth, caressing your caverns and sucking your tongue, drinking the sound of your whimpers and moans. He loves the whimpers that you make, it makes him want to keep going.
You tap him by the shoulder, signalling him to halt his actions but he continued to assault your lips until the thirst in him quenched. It was the first time he ignore your orders, but he just can't help himself.
He felt euphoric.
Sheon was grinning, widely. One of his hands went to your buttoned shirt. Slowly unclasping them, one by one.
His cheeks matches the color of his hair. His voice laced with love and affection."I'm officially yours, cerise."
For the first time, he felt genuine towards you. He felt everything was clear. He doesn't know when, where and why he didn't realize it sooner but…
He actually like you more than the money itself..
He loves you that no money can replace you.
Fuck all the items, he got. You're much more valuable, the most treasured thing he wants.
He went to kiss your collarbone before softly gazing on you.
For the first time, your relationship with him. Kaiser uttered the words that are genuine and meaningful from the bottom of his heart.
"…I love you."
This might be a mistake in your part.
He will never let you go now.
Part 2?
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
MC scams drunk demons
Demon brothers x gn!MC
Summary: The demon brothers found out that MC has taken advantage of not being affected by demonus and decided to scam demons by beating them in drinking competitions.
A/N: I think it's unfair that MC can't get drunk on demonus at all. You mean to tell me that everyone else(except Solomon and Luke) can get wasted and we have to look after them??
-he heard about it when some demons were complaining about losing their money at RAD. He honestly thought it was Mammon at first and was already thinking about a punishment, that was until he heard them talk about one of the human exchange students
-"What were you two saying about the human exchange students? You should have no problem telling me about it, do you?" Yeah...the two demons nearly shit themselves when they saw the avatar of pride behind them
-what he managed to find out was that you accepted drinking challanges from random demons at bars in exchange for money, only to beat them without seeming to be remotely drunk
-That's when he realized that not every demon knows that demonus doesn't affect humans. He decided not to tell them that, so they won't come after you
-He decided to confront back at the house of lamentation. After dinner he called you into his room and made you explain yourself
-You explained that it all started when some demon challanged you to a drinking competition thinking you couldn't handle large amounts of demonus. And when you beat him and took his money you realized how you could take advantage of that. You also didn't mention that Mammon helped you
-You tried to explain that it was basically their fault for entering in a drinking competition with a human without doing their research. You even added the fact that you were always feeling left out when the others were getting drunk but you didn't as an emotional reason to try to make him empathaze with you
-Least to say...that didn't work. You were no longer allowed to go to bars alone so you wouldn't scam anymore demons. You were also not allowed to drink demonus for a week as a punishment.
-You did find that a section of the storage where the demonus is held in HOL was dedicated solely to human world alcohol. And the really expensive type too. So I guess that was a win for you??
-he was the first one to know and that's because you told him.
-Needless to say he was really proud of you. THAT'S HIS HUMAN. He probably even helped you from time to time to find demons that would take you up for the challange.
-90% of the times he comes with you and watches from the distance in case a demon gets angry about losing to you. He wasn't gonna let anyone harm his human that's for sure.
-When he heard Lucifer finally caught wind about the whole thing he was already prepared for a brutal punishement that never...actually came? What? You later told him that you didn't tell Lucifer about his involvement, after all it was your idea.
-Lucifer never sent him as your escort to bars, while you didn't say it he knew Mammon was also involved.
-Guess that was the end of this scheme...for now at least
-he found out about it after you said you couldn't attend a video game night. At first he thought it was because you didn't want to spend time with him and that sent him into self depricating episode
-after calming him down and reassuring him you explained the whole situation he actually got pretty excited. It reminded him of some cool anime scenes
-he did go with you a few time to watch from a distance. He wanted to see if it would resemble some of the animes he has seen
-there was one time a demon got really angry with you(Mammon was not there) so you took Levi by his hand ran away from that bar together. He didn't know if he should die from happines or embarrassement.
-Levi was on of your escorts to bars after Lucifer caught on your scheme. You couldn't really bring yourself to put Levi in a tight spot by scaming demons with him around.
-found out a bit before Lucifer punished you. He heard it from some acquaintance of him and decided to just ask you directly.
-he was a bit dissapointed you would do stuff like that, but he did agree with you on the fact that the other demons were stupid for going agaisnt you in a drinking competitions. They should research a bit about their opponents.
-he went with you one time just to see how far other demons pushed themselves in order to beat you. He already knew the demonus had no effect on you, but he wanted to see if other demons would figure it out
-one of the brothers that has to go with you to bars after Lucifer punishes you, but unlike Levi he does let you enter in one drinking contest or two. Only to mess with Lucifer.
-probably drank some of your human world alcohol to see how it affects him(while not immune, it seems that demon have crazy high tolerande)
-"It doesn't taste too bad, I wonder how it would taste mixed with demonus. I should probably ask MC to try it with me"
-found out about it from his fanclub. He heard them gossip about a human beating demons in drinking competitions.
-at first he thought it was Solomon running some weird magic experiment but when he asked the sorcerer he realized he was wrong
-he then went to you and you confirmed his suspicions."MC why didn't you tell me!? It was so cruel that I had to find out from other demons. You have to make up for it now~"
-he insisted to come with you the next time to the bar. He wanted to take so many photos to post them on Devilgram. You had to talk with him to at least block Lucifer from seeing the photos so he wouldn't find out
-the posts brought you more popularity and by extension brought you more demons to challange...the bad part was that the popularity made demons talk about you more and that's how Lucifer found out oops
-Asmo was banned from escorting you to bars after he saw a posts on the fifth born's devilgram about you being in a drinking competition after your punishment
-found out from Mammon after he asked him to go with you in case a demon got angry. And good thing he did cause a huge ass demon got really angry and tried to attack you.
-Beel knocked them out in a second. While a short fight it was a really cool one. When the demon tried to attack you Beel caught their fist and punched in the face. That was enough for the demon to fall unconscious.
-you bought some food for Beel as a thanks but he told you don't have to but he wasn't gonna refuse if you're offering
-he did wonder if he could do the same thing as you but with eating competitions. You had to break it to him that there aren't many demons that would go up against him.
-one of the brothers that has to be with you when going to the bars after punishments. If you bribe him with some food he will let you scam a demon.
-"Thanks MC, you're really kind and don't worry, I won't tell Lucifer"
-he overheard some RAD students talking when he was trying to fall asleep. He didn't really pay too much attention to it until he realized Beel was starting to go with you to bars when Mammon couldn't so he could protect you from angry demons
-then he got both interested and worried for you and decided to go once. He talked more like insulted a demon into leaving you alone.
-"Really? You're such a sore loser because you lost in a drinking competition agaisnt a human? Or is the alcohol just making you more of a useless idiot than usual?" He knows his way around words when he needs to.
-couldn't really think of a way to make Lucifer's life harder without getting you into some serious trouble so he kind of gave up on the idea
-asked for cuddles in exchange for keeping your secret safe he would have kept your secret safe anyway but why not take advantage of it?
-"MC, come to bed with me. You have been away for too long and I miss cuddling you. I am sure you don't want me to tell your little secret to Lucifer" good thing you know he is joking
-Lucifer doesn't even ask him to make sure you won't get into any drinking competitions. He knows too damn well Belphegor will let you do what you want
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koiir · 1 year
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— In which they spoil you
Characters - Ayato, Childe, Diluc, Heizou x fem!reader
Genre - fluff, a bit suggestive in Childe’s part
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Are you really surprised that Ayato spoils you to the brim? He did this even before the two of you got together. Always finding a way to figure out what you wanted, he says it’s as a way to thank you for being his friend. And hopefully soon, more than friends. You remember always being greeted with gifts whenever the two of you would met. Flowers, jewelry, clothing, it didn’t matter what Ayato had given you, it would all be designed by him to your liking.
He didn’t want you to receive just any normal gift, he wanted to make it known that it was by him. You still remember the day Ayato had asked you to be his. I mean, how could you forget? With the way he had set up dinner for the two of you, with the surprise firework show he had planned, and all the flowers he had gotten you, it was a night you would never forget.
It got even worse when the two of you become official, ayato who would leave small gifts to you first thing in the morning, making a promise to spend the afternoon together once he had finished his duties. And of course, that only meant more spendings for the man that cherished you. Eyes stayed glued to the two of you as you walked about, gasping at how many bags the two of you carried (which was mainly stuff for you as a matter of fact).
It didn’t matter what others said about his unbelievable spending habits on the one he loved, Ayato knew that you only deserved the best. He also knew that it was a way to show others who belonged to him. So why not spend as much as he can on the one who deserves it?
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Childe who never seems to run out of date ideas, how does he even come up with them? One thing though that never changes is the ungodly amount he will spend. “And? Cmon babe it’ll be fun I promise!” And oh. It was amazing. It was like an adventure for you two, the way he even surprised you with a boat for two of you to stay in made you gasp with excitement.
And of course, the little stay on this boat trip was only filled with the best of the best. One to be exact was the food, oh how amazing the food was, how did Childe even get this food? And the price? You knew he would spend a fortune just for you to enjoy the food. Yet one of the greatest joys that came with this was the fact that the both of you would cook together. You always loved it when he showed of his cooking skills, and when he allowed you to help? Gosh it only made you fall deeper for the man.
“Childe stop! You’re gonna make a mess and I’m not going to clean it up!” Currently, your boyfriend was throwing flour at you since he had proposed to make a cake. Now he has turned this into a food fight (with only him fighting). “Don’t say that [name], you know you love it when I’m messy baby.” He now had you on the kitchen counter, with him in between your legs as his tried to grab your face with his hands covered in flour. You only groaned as he managed to grab your face, your face now contained flour due to the man in-front of you. “I don’t even know why I agreed to this.” “Because you love having fun with me.” He said that as he looked deep into your eyes, a smirk now on his face.
Yet you had your own little plan, before he knew it you had grabbed a bag of flour and threw it all over him. This caused Childe to gasp out loud with you laughing like crazy. He opened his eyes with a slight annoyance until he saw you laughing. God. He loved the look on your face as you smiled and laughed so brightly. He stared at you in awe, then chuckled. “I admit you got me babe, but two can play that game.”
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Who ever thought the Diluc would spoil someone to the brim? I mean yeah he had the money obviously, yet many never viewed him as one to show affection much. Unless it was you. Diluc was never the best with his emotions, or words, so with you he wanted a way to show you how he cared for you. Which would be with giving you items that he had put thought into. Unlike some, Diluc would wait until the perfect moment to gift you anything. He wanted it to show his thought and what he felt right in the moment with you.
Everything about it was romantic to the brim. You knew deep down diluc alway loved to be romantic with you, also because of how you would stare at awe of everything that he has planned. “Diluc it’s beautiful,” the scene was right out of a dream, the platter of food laying on on the long table with the room being covered in roses that reminded you of your lovers hair, fairy lights that made the place seem more intimate and cozy. It was perfect.
“If it’s for you, then I’ll make sure it’s beautiful.” God the way his words affect you, it’s insane what he does to you. “Somehow you seem to out do yourself, Luc.” You looked back at him, flashing him with the grin on your face. Now it was his turn to be flustered. Diluc loved that warm smile of yours that he fell in love with. You two shared the same passion in your eyes, looking at one another passionately.
Your lover had stepped forward, in order to get closer to you. “You flatter me too much [name]. Like it’s said, it’s you who deserves this.” He pulled you in by the waist, giving you a kiss to the top of your head. “I love you [name].” “And I to you diluc” he grabbed your hand, leading you to the table for the two of you to enjoy the dinner he has planned. Little did you know he had another surprise awaiting you in a small box he had in his pocket.
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Your boyfriend always had a knack for surprising you, bad or good, Heizou always found a way. So it was odd when you found a trial of sticky notes leading towards the door of your room. None had anything written on it, only the one placed on your nightstand. “Good morning love! When you wake up, make sure to follow the trail that I set up. Then, continue with what is it to come.” At the very bottom, was the name of your boyfriend and next to it, and winking face.
After each sticky note, it would give you a new direction or place to go next. First, was the breakfast after you had awoken. The breakfast made by the one and only, heizou. Once that was done, the sticky note then instructed you to go over to the city and do your daily errands, he has said what place to head to and in what order. Whenever you got to that destination, you were immediately greeted by a staff member and given a bag. When you looked inside, you would find things that you remember telling heizou that you had wanted. So this is what he planned.
By the last sticky note you had gotten, the sun was starting to set and the moon was soon to come. You were instructed to go to Chinju forest to see your final surprise for the day. Once you got there, you saw the one who masterminded this whole plan. “You’re here! Welcome, come, let me get those for you babe.” You laughed as heizou grabbed all the bags and set them next to what seemed to be a blanket laying on the ground. It looked like it held a basket of food and goodies. He had more gifts for you.
“What’s this all about Mr.detective?” You questioned but it’s not like you didn’t appreciate what Heizou had done. “Cmon, can’t I have some fun surprising you [name]? You have to admit, it is cool the way I had set this up. Thought of this all by myself, just for you babe.” You looked away, heizou grew a grin on his face. That’s when he grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the blanket that you saw when you got here. “Look, isn’t it amazing? Especially when the sun sets the view is ten times more amazing is it not?” He wasn’t wrong, it was beautiful. “Did you plan a date for us?”
“Of course I did! It’s been a while since we’ve had time to ourselves. So I wanted to spoil my favorite girl. Enjoy yourself pretty girl.”
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There's Beauty in Tragedy: Part Three
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: JJ feels insecure with the amount of money she has compared to you and hates she can't give you what you can give her. So, she decides to show you a bit of her world by taking you on a date.
Part One Part Two
Square Filled: "your laugh is adorable" for @goodthingshappenbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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JJ walks into work on Monday morning with a slight smile on her face. She had just spent the weekend with you in Milan. You whisked her away for a romantic but expensive weekend in one of the places she’s always wanted to visit. You spoiled her with whatever she wanted, even showered her with gifts she couldn’t possibly accept under normal circumstances. You have all this money you want to spend on someone, and now you do.
She just feels so bad because she doesn’t make nearly as much as you do, so she can’t give you the same treatment. She’s brought up the money concerns even though you’ve dismissed them. You truly don’t care if she has money to spend on you or not. You do, and you love spending money on those you love.
It’s just hard on her because you’re giving her so much luxury and she can’t do the same for you.
Emily and Penelope are in the break room talking about their weekends when they notice JJ walk past them. Yes, she has a smile on her face but it’s not reaching her ears. They know she spent the weekend with you, so they’re not sure why she doesn’t look truly happy. Without a word, both of them follow her to her office.
“Hey, are you okay?” Emily asks.
“Yeah, fine. Why?”
“Babe, we can sense something isn’t right. Did something happen between you and Y/N?”
“No, the weekend was perfect, actually,” JJ sighs and sits down.
“Then, what’s bothering you?”
“We all know how much money she has. She’s given me so much, and she spoils me even if I tell her not to spend money on me. I mean, she has it. She might as well spend it on everything she can. I don’t make as much money as her, and I don’t want it coming across as me taking advantage of her.”
“Do you love her?”
“I don’t know, honestly,” JJ blushes. “It could be if given some more time. We’ve only been seeing each other for a few months.”
“If Y/N likes you for you, then money shouldn’t be an issue.”
“Yeah,” JJ nods.
“She’s been taking you on all these expensive dates, right?” Penelope asks. “Why don’t you take her on a date? Maybe it’s more mellow and more your style. Show her that you two can still have fun without all that luxury.”
“The Redskins are playing in the Superbowl. I’ve always wanted to go to the game. Maybe I can bring her.”
“Yeah! Like I said, if she likes you for you, she’ll love going to the game. We gotta go but let us know how it goes.”
Once Emily and Penelope are gone, JJ takes out her phone to call you. She has a lot of work to do today but will do it after she’s talked to you.
“Hey, I was just thinking of you,” you answer with a grin. “We spent a whole weekend together and I already miss you.”
“Yeah, I kind of wish we were back on the beach.”
“We could think weekend if you want. I hear Bora Bora has beaches to die for at this time of year.”
“Maybe we can do that, sure. I called because I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date this weekend with me. The Superbowl is this weekend, and I’ve always wanted to go. I think it could be fun.”
JJ bites her lower lip nervously as she waits for your answer.
“I think that sounds amazing. What time?”
“Two-thirty on Friday. I can pick you up this time.”
“I look forward to it. I have to go now. Have fun at work.”
“I’ll talk to you later,” JJ smiles and hangs up.
If you’re going to go to a football game, then you need to dress the part. All you’ve ever worn are fancy and elegant clothes because you’re expected to dress a certain way. Being a CEO comes with downfalls, so you have to go to the store to buy more casual clothing for the football game. You don’t think you can get away with wearing heels, a fancy dress, and a designer-brand bag at a football game.
Once you got a whole wardrobe full of a new style of clothing, you got dressed in jeans, converse sneakers, and a red and gold shirt to represent the Redskins’ colors. You’ve been looking forward to this date all week because you want to get to know JJ in an environment that’s more her style. Sure, you can take her all around the world and shower her with gifts and luxury, but she won’t fully be herself unless she is in her world.
Two hours before the game starts, JJ shows up at your house to pick you up. Where you have town cars and expensive cars, she has her SUV which is a bit older than the newer models that are on the lot. You get into the car and greet JJ with a loving kiss.
“Hi. I’ve been thinking of you all week. I’m really excited about this game.”
“Have you ever been to a football game?” she asks and starts to drive off.
“Never, but I’m glad my first is with you.”
You know nothing about sports. The only reason you’re going is for JJ because this is what makes her happy. You want nothing more than to see her happy, and you’ll do anything to keep that smile on her face. Once you get there, you quickly find your seats which are in the lower bowl of the stadium.
The frigid February weather bites at your skin but you welcome the cold. It gives you a chance to snuggle close to JJ.
“So, who’s playing?”
“Redksins vs Green Bay. I’ve been a major Redskins fan since I was little. My dad and I would try to make it every game they did.”
“That sounds awesome.”
“Yeah, it was. I haven’t been to a game in a long time, so I’m really happy we’re doing this together.”
You reach over and grab her hand, intertwining your fingers together.
“Me too. Thank you for inviting me.”
“I know this isn’t luxury or expensive dinners, but--”
“No, this is amazing. I’m really glad I’m here with you. As long as you’re happy and we’re together, I don’t care what we do,” you kiss the back of her hand.
There’s that beautiful blush on JJ. The color compliments her skin. As soon as the game starts, something changes in JJ. She becomes more animated as she cheers for her team when they score and growls in frustration when they lose. You’re not sure when you cheer, so you follow her lead. One of the members of her team runs toward the endzone when someone from the opposite team tackles him to the ground.
Someone a few rows down from you stands up and yells at how stupid that play was, and JJ is caught off guard by the outburst. She covers her mouth and giggles but you hear it.
“Your laugh is adorable,” you smile at her.
“You are adorable,” she smiles. “I hope you’re not too bored.”
You let go of her hand to wrap an arm around her back. You rub her shoulder sensually and cock your head to the left.
“I am happy wherever you are. I’m starving.”
“They have food up top.”
“You mean I get to try stadium hot dogs and beer? Sign me up,” you chuckle. “Do you want one?”
“I’ll go with you.”
“Are you sure?”
You two head to the concession stands where you get two beers and four hotdogs. This is so much different than the elegant restaurants you’re so used to going to, but you love the change of scenery. This is something you’ll have to get used to if you want to continue dating JJ. You can’t expect her to adapt to your lifestyle. That's not how a relationship works.
During a small break, you look over at JJ to see some mustard on the corner of her mouth. You reach other and wipe it with your thumb only to put that same thumb into your mouth to lick off the condiment.
“You got something there.”
“Is it all gone?” she asks after she swallows.
“No. Here, let me.” You grab her chin with your index finger and thumb and pull her into you. You kiss her without caring who is watching you two. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
Whatever thoughts and worries she had about you and your money are gone because she really likes you and hopes this lasts for a long time.
“Thank you for coming with me,” she grins.
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Close. Pt.1 (Captain Price x Reader)
!NSFW, Smut, Age Gap, virgin reader, fingering, mentions of death, violence, alcohol, !MINORS DNI!
(Summary): Reader gets left alone with Captain Price for a few months. How long can he spend alone with her before he caves?
Part 2 here
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You can't remember the last time you had felt at peace with yourself. It's not that you were unhappy or anything, just uncomfortable in your own skin.
You've just turned 18, have no real life plans, you and your dad are constantly at each other's throats. It's a shit show for now, but you know it won't be forever. Your dad is in the military and he is very stern with you. He wants everything to look perfect and sometimes you just can't manage that. Your mum had passed away and he was all you had left as none of your other family really cared too much to stay in contact with you after she had died.
Your dad was due to be coming home soon and he expected the house to be spotless when he came home, which you had scrubbed the entire thing head to toe. Even going as far to dust off ceiling fans and light fixtures.
You had mentioned a couple times to him about moving out, but he'd flipped out on you. You're sure it wasn't anything personal, more or less just him being scared to lose you too.
He took it very hard when your mum passed away. He couldn't function for some time afterward. You and him fought like crazy because he seemed to take his sadness out on you. You didn't appreciate it and were going through it just as bad as he was. When she passed away, it meant you were alone while he was deployed. You had nobody to rely on when he wasn't there. You had no one but yourself 10/12 months a year.
"Y/N, you remember Captain Price?" he says to you over the phone. Your stomach falling slightly. "Of course I do, why?"
His name alone causes your hair to stand up. He was around a lot when you were a kid, your dad had gotten stationed alongside him in Britain and brought you and your mom to live there with him for a few months. During that time, you ended up spending a good majority of time with Captain Price, considering your home life wasn't so good. From about 8-10 you were with him. You had a huge crush on Captain Price. You had only just come to terms with the fact that you and him would never be anything, and your dad comes to lay this on you.
"He's coming to stay with me on the base for a few months, he'll be staying in our guest room. Is that okay?" he asks. "oh uh.. of course. Why wouldn't it be?" you laugh the nervousness in your voice off. "I'm sure he will be grateful we're having him, but make sure the house is clean for my return please, sweet pea?"
"Course dad." he laughs into the phone. "You always sound so unamused. When did you grow up and stop being my little girl ah?" he slurs his words. You can't help but roll your eyes. You hadn't realized he'd been drinking before. "Get some sleep dad. I'll talk to you tomorrow night." You laugh, hanging up the phone. You looked around the house, it was spotless, just like he'd asked. You made your way up the large staircase. Your dad made a fair amount of money and provided you with everything you needed and more. He had a nice house, and everything. But you didn't like to take his money. You slipped your hand over the oak railing, frowning to yourself. It was so lonely here without your mum. You hated being here alone.
"Hey. I've some bad news." Is the first thing you hear from your dads mouth a couple days later. "What?" you ask. "My contract extended another 6 months. But John has already gotten his plane ticket and can't get it refunded. It'll be just you and him for a while. Is that okay?"
You think to yourself. Alone? In a big house? With the finest man you've ever laid eyes on?
"Of course it's okay. It's not like I haven't done it before. No reason he shouldn't be able to check the base here out." You smile into the phone. "Oh good. I'm glad you're such a good sport Y/N." Your dad chuckles over the phone. "I'll ask him to keep an eye on you, yeah?" He laughs. "Yeah right. I've been here alone for like 10 months and I've done just fine." You roll your eyes, he can't see it obviously. "I'm sorry honey. But you know how this is."
"Yeah. I know. But it'll be alright. You'll be home before you know it."
When that Friday came, you had to pick John up from the airport, it was the plan from the beginning as you were supposed to pick your dad up as well. You couldn't help but be a little sad that your dad wouldn't be coming home. He was really all you had left.
You don't know what you would do if you didn't have him.
You had to be awake at 5am to go get John, you weren't happy about it. But thankfully, it was a warm summer night.
You had on a t-shirt and some shorts, not really thinking about how you looked in front of John. You were a little too tired to even think straight. You waited inside the airport by where the baggage claim was. You're sitting in a chair in the small waiting area. Pretty soon, you make eye contact with him, and he looks just as good as he did when you were younger. The same facial hair, same kind of uniform. Everything.
You send a smile his way and his eyes widen. "Good god. You're a woman." He laughs, pulling you into a hug. "What?" You laugh, wrapping your arms around his waist. "The last time I seen you, you were just a little girl." He laughs, pulling away. You missed his accent. He grasps his bag. "Yeah, was a long time ago." You blush. You make your way out to your car together, it was parked right at the entrance. "It's just crazy." He stares you up and down. "Although... are you in pajamas?" he says in confusion as you pass him to walk around the car. He climbs into your passenger seat. "Uhhh. Perhaps." You smile. He makes a "tsk" sound, shaking his head. "Didn't your dad always teach you to be prepared?" You reach in front of him, opening the glovebox. Inside was a gun your dad made you carry. "Jesus. I meant.. If your car breaks down or something."
"Bold of you to assume I can't change a tire in pajamas."
"You are definitely your fathers daughter." He laughs. He hears the song on in the car, and he smiles, reaching for the dial to turn the sound up. "Your playlist?" You roll your eyes. "Always." he laughs. "Man.. 20 year old me would've killed to be with a girl like you."
What's stopping you now?
You have to shake the thoughts from your head. "Yeah, show me a picture of you at 20." You laugh. He thinks to himself. "I don't even know if I have one." you lick your lips. "Suppose they didn't have cameras in the 1800's ah?" You smirk. He narrows his eyes. "Ha Ha. You're hilarious." He rolls his eyes. You laugh. "Now I'm gonna look for one." He slides his phone out.
When you arrive at your house, he grasps his bag out of the back and you both make your way for the front door. You unlock it and hold the door open for John. "Come on, guest room is this way." You walk down the hallway. He follows you and you open up the door for him. "Goddamn, when your dad said you had a spare room I didn't think he meant in a damn mansion." He laughs. "Yeah, it's a little extreme for 2 people." You laugh. You leave him to unpack his stuff.
"I found a picture of me when I was in my 20's." He laughs. You're sitting on your couch and he's walking up behind it from the hallway. "Show me." You smirk. He holds the phone in front of your face. "Holy shit." You laugh. "What?" he laughs. "If only you weren't 20 years younger." You smirk. He freezes up. "Yeah right, I was way out of your league." He brushes off your comment. "I just wanna know what happened?" You smirk. He narrows his eyes. "I got more attractive that's what happened." He crosses his arms. "Mhmmmm."
You were really good at getting under his skin for some reason.
He almost couldn't take the torture. He'd been here for a week so far and was struggling.
You walking around in nothing but shorts and tank tops, back talking him with those pretty lips.
You thought for sure he didn't have any feelings for you, but you didn't realize just how close you were to cracking him. He waits for you to get back from a friends house. Sitting at a stool at the countertop in the massive kitchen. He'd gone out and bought a good bottle of scotch, and maybe he'd had little too much to drink.
When you finally come in, you step inside. Walking into the kitchen after you'd kicked your shoes off. He noticed you had a messenger bag with black fabric peeking out. He knows exactly what you were out doing.
"Kinda late ah?" He smirks, startling you. "Jesus Christ!" you hold your hand over your heart. "Why are you just sitting there like that?" you sigh. "Come sit sweetheart. You ever had scotch before?" you swallow hard. "Uh.. no. Have you met my dad?"
He's got an evil grin on his lips. "Well. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. I mean, you weren't really at a friends house were you? I can see the dress sticking out of the bag. I'm sure he wouldn't have allowed that either." He smirks. "Well. It was a waste of time anyways." You laugh. He pours a small amount into another glass, sliding it over to you. You pick it up and put your lips to the glass and he smiles, watching you try it. Your nose immediately scrunches up and you cringe. He laughs a little too hard. "Maybe scotch shouldn't have been your first drink." You laugh. "It's fine."
"Why was the party a bust hm?" He asks. "I just don't fit in. At all." You look down at the countertop. "How's that?" You smile. "Since I've been so sheltered, bounced back and fourth. I don't really know how to fit in with people my age. They all wanna get drunk and party. I just decided to leave early because spending time with you sounded like way more fun." You laugh.
"But I suppose you probably don't see it. You probably just see me as some kid." He smiles down at the countertop. "Of course I do. I was there, watching you grow for a couple years there. I'll always see you that way." He laughs. "Exactly." He could sense the annoyance in your voice. "Y/N, what's going on hm? You've been acting weird for the last couple days." He grasps your shoulder to make you look at him, he looks you in the eyes. You pause for a minute. You lean forward, making possibly the biggest mistake you'll ever make. You plant your lips right onto his, and he draws back immediately. "Woah." He pushes you back by your hips. "Y/N.. I'm sorry. I can't kiss you like that. I can't-" you stand up from the stool, "no.. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me." You shake your head. "It's okay. I..." He stands up, brushing his hands off on his jeans. You quickly make your way for your room. Humiliated. He sighs as he sits back down at the countertop.
When he wakes up the next morning, he hears nothing but silence and his head pounding. He definitely had too much to drink the night before. But not enough to forget what happened. When he walks around the house, you’re nowhere to be found. Probably off to school already. He lets out a groan as his phone begins ringing. His head already throbbing.
“Hello?” He asks into the phone. “Hey John.” He hears your dads voice, his stomach falling a little.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Y/N got into a scuffle at school this morning, she’s getting dropped off by her counselor. You mind keeping an eye on her for me?”
“Yeah no problem. And.. a scuffle?”
“I guess some dumb kid was being mean to her. Hurt her wrist pretty bad.” John thinks for a second. “You make it sound like it was a boy.” He laughs.
“From what I understand it was.” John’s face falls immediately. “It’s been going on for some time now, I was gonna take care of it when I got back but.. I got an extension.”
“I might be able to talk to the school about it, if you want.” He offers. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.” He says. “It’s no problem. I’ll take good care of her, don’t you worry.”
John hears the front door open, and makes his way out from the kitchen. Your counselor is helping you inside. “What the hell happened?” He asks. John finds it a little weird that your counselor is a middle aged man, and was alone with you while you were completely inebriated. “Well..” he sighs. “A boy at her school was being a little mean. I guess they kinda got into a little bit of a tussle, he slammed her hand in her locker.”
That explains the wrap around your wrist.
“He said something about her mom, so Y/N just.. attacked him. They had to sedate her to get her to calm down. She’s coming down from it, but she’ll be alright.”
John nods his head. “Who are you? If you don’t mind me asking?” He asks John. “I’m Captain John Price. I’m looking after Y/N until her dad gets back from deployment.” Her counselor nods his head. “Well. This is going to go under investigation. I’ll be surprised if Y/N is allowed back after this.” He narrows his eyes. “That boy slammed her hand in a locker, and made a comment about her dead mother. If I were her, I’d have attacked him too.” He crosses his arms. “Yeah.. but it’s not up to me or you. It’s up to the school.”
John laughs. “Thanks for bringing her home. But if you’ll excuse us.” John says.
After saying goodbye, he leaves.
John sits on the coffee table, placing his hands on your knees. “Are you okay?”
You’re really quiet. You nod your head. You look drowsy. “Don’t lie to me.” He says sternly.
You shake your head no. He brushes hair out of your face. Watching you blink, the tiredness so apparent in your eyes. “You’ll be alright.” He flattens your hair with his hand, running it over and over again. He’s trying to calm you.
“I’m..” your voice cracks a little and your speech is slurring. “I’m sorry that I tried to kiss you.” You look up at him. He sits up from the coffee table, sitting next to you. “It’s fine, it.. was a crazy night. Let’s not worry about that though.” He pulls you into his side. You rest your head on his shoulder. “Who is this boy and why is he fucking with you?” He asks. “I don’t really know, he just started doing it one day and went with it.” Your voice slurs slightly. “Hm..”
“Everyone says he has a crush on me. That’s why he does it,” you laugh. “Yeah, that’s no excuse to do what he did.”
“And he’s really ugly.” He laughs a little harder than he should. “You’re so innocent. It’s so cute.” He smiles. Your heart aches in your chest.
So close, yet so far out of your reach. “Here. You get some sleep okay?” He covers you up with a blanket, standing up. You turn your head to the side, laying on the couch. He watches your eyes close, your body relaxing. He picks up his phone, disappearing into the other room.
When you wake up, you’re confused. It takes a few minutes until everything comes back to you. A yawn leaves your lips and you stand up, going up the stairs. You don’t see John anywhere around. You change your clothes into something more comfortable. You look at yourself in the mirror. The embarrassment from the night before still fresh in your brain. “Y/N?” You hear John calling for you. You quickly finish what you’re doing, going down the stairs.
“I took care of everything.” You frown, “what do you mean?” He lifts up a stack of papers. “You’re on a 2 week mandatory suspension, but I took care of the rest.” He smiles. “What did you do?”
“I just went down there, talked to your school. Seen the kid so I talked to him too. I could tell it was him because of the scratches and stuff all over his face. Has a hell of a shiner." He smiles.
“Oh god…” you cross your arms. “What did you say to him?” He laughs. “Don’t worry about it.”
You knew he probably threatened the boy to get him to back off of you. “He’s a little prick but he should leave you alone.”
He laughs. “Thank you, John. I appreciate it.” He nods his head. “It’s nothing. You feeling better?” He asks. You follow him into the kitchen, “I’m fine.” You grasp a water bottle out of the refrigerator, passing him one too. “So.. about your counselor..” he trails off. “What about him?” John shakes his head. “Just seems weird that he’s alone with you. Like that.” He pauses to take a drink out of the water bottle. “I’m alone with you.” You pull a stool out from the counter, hopping up onto it. He does the same, sitting next to you.
“Yeah but that’s different. I’m a family friend.” You laugh. “He’s just there to make sure I’m good at school.” John nods his head. “I only have like 3 more months of school left.” He nods his head. “That’s good, cause that guy gave me the creeps.”
“He probably thought the same about you.” He rolls his eyes. “I can’t be that creepy, you tried to kiss me.” He smirks. “Oh god.” You cover your face. He laughs. “Do you like me or.. was it just.. heat of the moment thing?” You look up at him. “Heat of the moment.” You lie, rolling your eyes. “For a Captain you sure are soft.” You glance at his hands, hoping he doesn’t catch it as you adjust yourself in your seat awkwardly. Even his hands had your attention. “I’m soft toward you. I’m only harsh when I need to be.” He shrugs. “So what, I’m the only person you’re soft towards? Why?”
“I don’t know.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Yes you do.”
“I just figure your dad is probably already pretty hard on you. I mean I heard some of the screaming matches you two had.” You nod your head. You laugh. “Yeah. It was pretty ugly.” He smiles. “Plus maybe I just have a soft spot for you, what’s wrong with that?” He smiles. Giving you a playful shove. No matter what, he thought of you as a kid. A little girl he watched grow. You hated it. It unsettled you to no end that he’d never see you the way you seen him. “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” He asks. You shoot a smile his way. “That’s classified.” You roll your eyes. “Oh come on. Tell me, there’s gotta be a reason.” He smiles. “Okay. Why don’t you have a wife?” You ask, tilting your head and leaning back in your chair. He smiles. “I don’t like the games you’re playing.” He laughs. You bite your bottom lip. “I don’t have a wife because the one long term relationship I was in, ended pretty badly.” He says. “There, now you tell me.”
“I don’t like guys my age.” He looks confused for a minute. “What do you mean?”
“Guys my age are immature and stupid. I don’t like it.”
“So.. what? You think men in their 20’s have that figured out?”
“No.” He looks even more confused. “Men in their 30’s and 40’s might though.” His eyes widen. “I-“ he pauses for a second. “For your sake, I hope your dad never finds that information out.”
“Me too.” You laugh.
“You have to be careful, Y/N.” He looks down. “Older men.. they just wanna use you and take advantage of you.”
“I know.”
He freezes up. “How do you know that? Have you been with an older man before?” He sits up straight in his chair, a laugh spills it’s way from your mouth. “Relax, I’ve never been with anyone before.”
He relaxes. “Wait.. anyone? Like ever? You’ve never had a boyfriend?”
“I went on one date. And it did not end well.”
He laughs. “Thank god. You’re still innocent.” He smiles.
You roll your eyes. “You have no idea, Captain Price.” You smirk.
“I hope you never date anyone. Ever.” You tilt your head back with a laugh. “Why’s that?”
“Cause the thought of you with another guy. Your age, older, or not. Makes me cringe.”
“Why? I’m not your daughter.”
“Yeah, but I was there with you. I pretty much raised you for two entire years cause you wouldn’t leave my house.” He laughs. “You offered.” You scoff. “I know. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Your parents were fighting a lot, I didn’t mind having you around.” He laughs. “I guess I just have such a pure image of you in my head that I hate the thought of some dumbass guy ruining it.”
“I want a family. So.. I hate to tarnish that little pure girl in your mind but I’ll have sex, get married, and have kids at some point.” He cringes as you say it. “Hopefully not in that order.” He laughs.
“Definitely in that order.”
“Ah god I don’t wanna think about that.” He scrunches his face up in disgust. “You’re still young, you have so much time to think about that bullshit. Enjoy it while you have it.” You sit up slightly in the stool you’d sat on. “You’re gonna tell me you don’t have sex?” You laugh. “Not in a long damn time, no.”
“Exactly, that constant need you feel? You aren’t the only one who feels that.” You laugh. “Here.” He slides his cup toward you. He’d filled it with Scotch at some point. “It helps take that feeling away. Just plug your nose.” You roll your eyes, tipping it back. Flinching much less than you had the night before. “You know my dad would be pissed if he found out you were letting me drink.”
“Yeah, but you’re a secretive little thing so I’m not too worried.” You smile.
A few hours later, you’re sitting on the couch. He’s next to you trying to play a video game but it’s only pissing him off. You’re drunk, staring at the screen, laughing as he raged. “What the fuck is this? My teammates suck!” You roll your eyes. “Yeah? You sure it’s the teammates and not you?” You laugh.
“Ha Ha. I’m at the top of the scoreboard. And I have the best KD of everyone.” He rolls his eyes. You smirk. “I don’t like your attitude.” He sets the controller down. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” You cross your arms, challenging him. “Oh. Babygirl those are fighting words. You better quit while you’re ahead.”
“Make me.”
He stands up, “alright. But I warned you.” He smiles, an evil smile. He grasps your legs pulling you down, beginning to tickle at your sides. You squirm hard, laughter beginning to spill out of your lips. He leans down on top of you on the couch, straddling your hips to hold you down. “Okay! Okay! I’m sorry!” You cry out. “Say "I’m sorry for disobeying Captain Price!” He smirks, sliding his tongue along his teeth. “I’m sorry for disobeying Captain Price!” You cry it out as loud as you can. He draws his hands back, laughing as you came down. Your stomach hurt from laughing so hard.
Once you had stilled, his smile falters and he’s looking down at you. His eyes flashing to your lips and than back to your eyes. He swallows hard. You can see it in his eyes he’s weighing out the pros and cons of kissing you. He shakes his head, sitting up and moving away from you. “There.” He smiles. “Now watch me kick some ass.” He picks up the controller and you sit up.
What was that?
You know now, he’s thought about it.
When he loses another round, he rage quits and sets the controller down.
He leans back onto the couch, propping one foot up on the coffee table. “Earlier.” He grasps your attention. “You said you went on a date and it didn’t end well, what happened?”
You look down. “Uh.. this guy was bugging me for a while to go out with him. Like.. following me around in school, following me to my car afterward. Constantly messaging me. So I finally gave in and he just said a bunch of gross shit to me.” You laugh awkwardly. “What did he say?” You look down. “He said um.. that.. oh god,” your face heats up and he can tell you’re getting embarrassed. “He said.. stuff about my body. Like.. maybe if I ate less my thighs wouldn’t be so big because he didn’t like it.” You take a deep breath, John raising his eyebrows. “I told him I wasn’t interested in having sex or anything like that because I was a virgin. And he told me ‘if he doesn’t put it all the way in, it doesn’t count’ and.. just always said stuff about stretch marks and stuff.” John shakes his head. “I see what you mean, about boys your age. Because everything he hates? I fuckin love. Thighs?” He rolls his eyes back with a groan. “He’s an idiot and you shouldn’t listen to him.” You laugh. “I didn’t. I went on one “date” and that was it. Ignored him after that.” He smiles. “So.. you’ve.. never had sex. But. Have you ever been touched? Like at all?”
You shake your head, crimson creeping up onto your cheeks. He runs his fingers over his facial hair. “Have you ever wanted to?” He leans back into the couch, tapping on the beer bottle he had in his hand. “Of course I have.” You roll your eyes. “But.. I don’t even know how to do it myself.” You laugh. You're holding a beer bottle as well. Holding it between your thighs. “What do you mean, you don’t touch yourself?” You look down. “I.. have tried. It just.. doesn’t feel all that good I guess.”
He chews on his lip, creating an awkward silence for around a minute.
“I could show you, if you want.” He finally says it.
Your stomach falls. And you look up at him, those wide innocent eyes. And he knows he’s probably gonna regret this. You’re young and innocent and he was there when you were a kid. But again, you were 18, sexy. And you wanted him, he could tell.
“I.. I guess?” You say skeptically. You take in a sharp breath when he stands up. Is he joking? “C'mere.” He grasps your ankles, much like he had done when he was tickling you. He pulls you down onto the couch again. You set down the beer bottle and lay back. “Relax. I’ll stop if you want me to okay?”
You nod your head, staring up at him. That same sense of innocence in your eyes. He breathes out. “I shouldn’t do this, should I?” He breathes. “Probably not..” You trail off.
“I’m.. just showing you. Yeah?” You nod your head. "Nothing more." He says. "Yeah... Nothing more." you repeat, a little quieter than he had said.
You wanted him to touch you so badly you’d tell him anything he wanted to hear. He loops his fingers over the waistband of your shorts, panties too. Pulling them down your legs. He swallows hard as he finally sees all of you. “Do.. you have any toys you like to use? Or have tried?”
You shake your head. “Have.. you ever.. had anything inside of you?”
Once again, shaking your head no. “Okay. Just relax for me?” He slides his hand up onto your thigh, moving it higher. His gentle touch on your skin has your cheeks heating up, your face feels like it’s on fire. Where his skin touches your own, burns. It’s almost too much to take. All of those years yearning for his touch, his attention. And you were finally getting it. He runs his finger up your slit and a gasp leaves your lips as he rests it on your clit, drawing small circles into it. You squirm immediately, and he smiles to himself. “You’ve not done much huh? So sensitive…” he breathes out.
There was this part of him that wanted to preserve your innocence. Wanted to pull away, apologize and walk away. And than, there was a devil on his shoulder chanting for him to go further. To take your virginity and fill you completely full of his cum right where you laid, to taint every last bit of innocence left inside of you. Leave you full and wanting more.
He wanted you to taste him on your tongue every time you thought about him. His bitterness. He had an internal debate as you squirmed at his touch. So sweet. It was like dangling a piece of meat in front of a lion, you didn’t see it. Didn’t know what he was capable of doing to you. He breathes out, trying to hold back. You didn’t know any of this, because he was gentle with you. Hid all of the evil parts about himself from you, especially the one that thought about burying his face between your thighs as soon as he seen you at the airport, all grown up. He lifts your leg up, moving himself closer between them. Resting it in his lap. He lets out a deep chuckle. “Just relax for me sweetheart. You’re too tense.” His voice is deep and it’s a voice you’d never heard from him before. “Just focus on what I’m doing to you okay?” You nod your head, staring down to where he was touching you.
You’re watching, lips parted. You’re completely mesmerized and you’re holding back. He doesn’t like that you’re holding back. He starts to rub faster, drawing pants from your lips. You’re getting wet, which is what he wants. “M’gonna try something, okay?” You nod your head. He slides his finger over your entrance, gathering your wetness on it. He starts drawing circles over your entrance, and you’re confused. It feels good but it’s not anything like him rubbing at your nub. A gasp leaves your lips as he presses it into you, and he could feel you stretching around his finger. Just one finger and you were this tight. You lift your hips into his touch, your eyes screwing shut. “Does it hurt?” You shake your head. Once he feels like you’re wet enough, he tries to slowly add a second finger but a hiss leaves your lips and you move back slightly. “Sorry love..” he chuckles. “It’s.. it’s okay.”
“You’re so tight..” he breathes. His cock throbs uncomfortably against his jeans. He palms himself slightly when he knows you’re not looking. “Is.. is that bad?”
“No sweetheart. Well.. it just means. It’ll hurt more when you.. have sex for the first time.” He mumbles. “Because.. most likely. You’ll be dealing with something bigger than a couple fingers.” He pumps his finger a little faster. “Can you.. try to add another finger?” He bites his lip. Keeping his eyes from rolling back. “It’s gonna hurt.”
“That’s okay.”
He slides his finger out of you, watching you blush as he puts them in his mouth to wet them down further with his saliva. You thought he was oblivious to the fact that he’d just tasted your arousal, but he wasn’t. You tasted sweet and he loved it. He wanted more. Wanted to bury his face into you until you screamed.
He slides the first finger inside of you and once he thought you were ready, he lined the second up. You grasp the hem of your own shirt tightly, closing your eyes. He goes as slow as he can, pushing his finger into you. Your body has so much resistance and he sees you flinch as he pushes it in further and further. When he finally reaches his knuckle, the tightness around his fingers has him so on edge he could barely take it. He wants to feel you clench this tight around his cock more than he could put into words. He draws it back, pushing it back inside of you until they moved comfortably. You unintentionally spread your legs further for him, and he grits his teeth. You were so comfortable with him touching you.
“John..” a whimper falls from your lips and his stomach falls, his cock throbbing hard. He wants to get up and yell, the feeling in his chest that he has is too much to bare. The way you moan his name makes him wanna climb on top of you and fuck you until you forget his name. He breathes out. Closing his eyes, still moving his fingers into you. “I want you to do it.” He draws his hand back. You look at him. “Here.” He grasps your hand. Moving it to your soaked opening, “try one finger,” you nod your head, swallowing hard as you tried to push it into yourself. Once you did, your body relaxes. “That’s it. That’s a good girl. Just like that.” He smiles, watching the way you pumped your fingers fast into yourself. Struggling to hold back your moans. He could tell you were still desperate. His fingers were larger and he was better. So he moves your hand again, replacing your fingers with his own. Pumping them at a steady pace. Listening to the wet sounds his fingers moving inside of you made. The longer he did it, the louder you got. Moaning and whimpering his name. You looked down, beads of sweat forming in your face as you clutched the couch, trying desperately to hold still. “John-“ you gasp out. “It.. it feels weird.” You buck your hips into him, thighs clenching up tightly. “Relax, you’re getting close.” He sits up on his knees, moving himself between your legs. When he leans over you, you grasp his shirt with a death grip and he can't help but smile. “Look at me.” He leans down, holding himself up with one hand that was by your head, his other not stopping for even a second. He curls his finger up into your spongy spot, cries leaving your lips, tears streaming down your face at how overwhelmed you were because of him. He chuckles when he sees them. “So worked up..” he mumbles. He leans down, you silence yourself as you look him in the eyes, his lips only centimeters from your own. “Cum for me.” He whispers. “Give yourself to me, Y/N.” You bite your lip, he has you right on the edge.
He leans down, lips brushing against yours. He thinks about if he should do it or not, but it’s already past a simple kiss. So he leans into you, lips crushing against your own. Moving against each other in desperation and need. He pulls away when he feels your hips buck, pressing his forehead to yours, his cheek brushes against yours and he can feel your tears smearing onto his cheek. He wanted to hear that sweet cry you’re going to let out when he makes you cum.
“I- I-“ a mewl leaves your lips and you clutch onto his shirt tightly as you reach your high, eyes rolling back and clenching shut, gasps leaving your lips and your hips jerk as he rubs your sensitive nub with his thumb, pumping his fingers into you still. You squirm, grasping his hand and trying to stop him. He finally draws his hand away, webs of your wetness coat his fingers and you blush once more as he places them against his tongue, closing his lips around them and sucking them clean of your sweetness. He leans down again, pressing his lips to yours and kissing you with as much passion as he did before. When he pulls away a final time, his phone ringing brings him away from you. "Hold on." He sits up looking at it. "It's your dad, I gotta take this." He says, a little nervous as he answers the phone.
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Kabal x Reader: Usual Visit
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~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pleasure doing business with ya as always, Flash." The red eyed Aussie grins wickedly at Kabal after handing him today's cut. The fast man smirks beneath the mask, counting through his pay like a child in triumph after doing such simple allowance.
Simple tasks such as terrorizing and killing a few people for Kano due to late fees they never paid back. How unfortunate for them, but to Kabal - and definitely Kano - a job is a job.
"Don't spend it all on hooks and hookers." Kano joked before dismissing Kabal off.
"Right," Kabal scoffed with amusement. "I have better things to spend it on." Without giving Kano the chance to pretend to be interested enough to ask, Kabal dashed off in his usual abnormal speed. Far outside the clan, he runs to a big house on a hill. Thank the gods, no cars were outside, and he's willing to bet there isn't one inside the garage.
Carefully, he walks around the house to the back and knocks on a specific window.
You peered at the window, putting down your brush and walking to see who it was. Pushing the blinds away, you smile happily to see your masked friend. Opening the window with a little struggle, you greet him. "Kabal!" You lean over to kiss his cheek affectionately. If only you see the goofy, flustered smirk beneath his mask.
"Hey, Y/n! Doing well today?" He asks charmingly.
"Fine as usual. I don't take my medication until about an hour, so I'm not drowsy yet." You shrug with an aloof hint. But you didn't want to bring down the mood. "What did you do today? Beat any bad guys?!" Your eyes sparkled, hoping he has a cool story on how great of a hero he is.
"Ehh, just a few." Kabal says, tilting his hand side to side. "No one too powerful, but I still got a good amount of money from it." The boasting continues. You were slightly disappointed, not because there wasn't much of a story today, but-
"I thought heroes don't get paid." You murmur with furrowed brows. You folded your arms on the window frame and rested your chin, looking at him, downed.
"Well, yeah- but I need to eat too, you know?"
"I guess." You agree with the easy excuse, much to his relief.
"I've actually forgot something for you! I'll be back in not even three seconds." Kabal promises. You lifted your head up and raised an eyebrow at him. It feels like a dare.
"Really? One-"
A gust of wind flew through your hair as Kabal rushes off, your heart skipping a beat or two before he suddenly appears back with a small bouquet of flowers. He makes sure to rip the price tag off before you notice. "Sorry, a few of the petals came off on the way back." He hands his gift to you.
The flowers were still pretty nevertheless. They brought a warm smile to your face, the joy radiating from you to Kabal. "They're beautiful! Thanks!"
"No problem. Is there something else I can do for you?"
Setting your gift gently aside, you thought for a moment. "Well, father doesn't let me order food online. For awhile, I've been wanting to try that bakery from down-" You weren't given the chance to finish your sentence before he rushes off again.
Briefly he returns with a fancy bag for you. Inside was a fancy plastic box of macarons - and you knew those were pricy - along with fresh strawberries, covered in chocolate. One of your favorite treats that made you disregard sadness. "Ohh, thank you so much, Kabal. I'll go get my-"
"No need, princess." Kabal 'humbly' raises his hand. "It's my treat to treat you."
You softly coo at him before you hear the garage open. Readjusting your gown you stood up, alerted. "My dad's back. You should probably go now." You warn him. He nods and steps back.
"I'll visit you again soon, okay?"
"Okay." You smile once more. "Thank you for stopping by."
Kabal takes off before he gets caught. As for you, you hid the flowers somewhere. Before you hid your treats, you took one out to eat it before hiding it.
What an admirable hero Kabal is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 15)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Sexual jokes and Ward being a meany.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.9K
Summary: The end of the school year brings about a lot of different activities when you are graduating and spending the with Rafe is absolutely perfect. But this also means the start of a new chapter in their lives.
A/N: Can't believe this is the last part! I absolutely loved writing this story and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you to the anonymous person who sent me that ask for inspiring this series. I don't know if this is the Rafe you were talking about but still got me inspired.
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Y/N never understood the big hubbub people throw when it comes to Prom. And she definitely does not understand how any girl could want such a public display of being asked to Prom. She watches as Bane Rogers rides into the cafe on a horse in a knight costume toward Grace Harper. He held a promposal sign in his hand and the look on Grace’s face indicates she is going to say yes. Y/N watches the whole scene with clear disinterest, which contrasts the look of most of the other girls in the room. “You seem to be the only girl not captivated by the Bane’s scene right now,” Mason comments, sliding beside his sister into the booth. Rafe is not far behind, his eyes not leaving the scene. He is so glad he knows Y/N would not want a big spectacle when he asks her because he doesn’t know if he’d be able to handle the embarrassing feeling of doing something like Bane.
Y/N watches Rafe as she replies, “Yeah, well I just don’t get the point. Big and fancy proposals, prom related or not, have always weirded me out. With such a public display, it almost feels like you are trapped to say yes and I don’t like that. I definitely don’t want anything special for a promposal anyways. I mean poor Rafe is already going to have to think of a marriage proposal, I don’t want to give him a harder time by having to top a promposal.” Rafe nods at her words in  understanding and feels a blush creep up on his neck at her mention of marriage. “Well, in that case. My rose, will you go to prom with me?” 
She looks at him with an incredulous look. “Ugh, no. Rafe, you were supposed to disregard my words and give me a promposal that tops Bane’s.” Rafe panics quickly as he tries to backpedal disappointing his girlfriend. She sees his struggle and giggles, “I’m joking, Cameron. I would love to go with you. Could we match? I’m thinking light purple.” Rafe not one to say no to his rose, of course, agrees. 
Y/N looks around at all the other girls showing off their prom dresses and her eyes almost pop out of their sockets at the amount of money some of them spent. Rafe looks amused at the look on her face. “What’s wrong?” Y/N tilts her head so she can look him in the eye. She brings her lips close to his ear, “All their dresses are so expensive. I mean twenty thousand dollars for a dress. Going to Paris to get the dress made. I don’t want to make fun of people but these girls are acting like they are getting married. I wouldn’t pay that much for a wedding dress, let alone a prom dress.” Rafe laughs at her candour and just shakes his head. “Well, you aren’t like most girls. Wow, that was cheesy. But those girls were cheated, honestly. You probably paid one percent of what they did and you are the most beautiful person here.” She smiles up at him and rewards his adorableness with a kiss. “Come on, let’s go dance.”
Her lilac a-line scoop floor-length chiffon dress trails along the floor just perfectly thanks to the cream-coloured heels she is wearing. She absolutely loves it, but her favourite part is the pockets. It was the very first thing she showed Rafe when he came to pick her up. Rafe follows Y/N towards the dance floor and places his hands on her hips when she started dancing. He is wearing a lilac suit jacket and pants that are an identical shade to Y/N’s dress. It is a bold colour he would not usually wear, but he loves the idea of matching her. He wears a white dress shirt with no tie to give it a little bit more of a causal look that matches the same aesthetic of Y/N’s dress. They both looked formal in their attire but with a hint of leisure. 
The beat of the music moves the crowd of teens in various directions. At a certain point, Lacey joins the couple and starts dancing with Y/N. Rafe being made the third wheel, not that he minded, makes his way to the food table. He wants to get something for Y/N to eat when she eventually gets peckish after dancing. He fills one plate with a few fruits and vegetables before filling another plate with just about every cocktail food at the table. He makes sure to add double of anything that has cheese in it. He gets himself some chicken wings and then balances all the plates over to the table Y/N wanted to sit at. 
Mason comes over to see the stockpile Rafe created. “You plan on hibernating this summer?” Rafe shakes his head, “Haha, I’m just getting all the good stuff for Y/N before they are gone. She is dancing over there with Lace.” Mason looks over to where Rafe points. “I see. Preparing for when she gets cranky. I see you got two of all the cheese things. Good, cheese calms Y/N/N,” Mace teases. He doesn’t see that his sister has made her way behind him, so he doesn’t expect the hit on the arm she throws at him. “Hey, I don’t get cranky,” she objects. “And thank you, Cameron. I am pretty hungry, right now. These all look so good. What do you guys choose for dinner? I got the portobello ravioli and I’m excited.” “Mace and I chose the steak. You can have some of mine if you want,” Rafe answers. Lacey sits at the table with them, “I ordered the vegan meal. I wanted to see how they made an upscale vegan dish.” It doesn’t surprise the group that Lacey’s dinner choice was based on her curiosity about how the meal is made instead of what she actually wants to eat. 
Dinner is served a few minutes after the group sits down. Dancing quickly resumes once the meal is finished and it is soon time for Prom Queen and King to be announced. Y/N isn’t too thrilled about being on the Prom court. The idea of being crowned is not high on her list of things she wants to accomplish, but she knows Rafe secretly loves the idea of being Prom royalty. So she is going to suck up her lack of enthusiasm and put on a smiling face for him. “And this year's Prom Queen and King are Y/N Y/L/N and Rafe Cameron,” Principal Grant announces. The sound of applause fills the banquet hall as crowns are placed on both of their heads. 
Rafe looks down at her as they slow dance as the King and Queen of the night. He can’t hide the love held in his eyes from her and even though she doesn’t understand the big deal about prom, she can understand that this moment is perfect. Pretending it is only her and Rafe in their own little bubble under the beautiful fake stars on the ceiling.
Graduation. An important milestone that people like to celebrate with extravagance. The students at Kildare Academy aren’t immune to these wishes. Y/N and Rafe had decorated their caps with matching roses the week before. It’s easy to spot each other through the crowd of other graduates looking for their own friends and loved ones. She runs into his arms with her diploma in hand, making sure to hold her cap so it doesn’t fall off her head. “We did it,” Rafe cheers, twirling her around a little quickly. She laughs at his action, “We did. I’m so proud of us!” “Come on, let’s go find everyone else so we can go to the graduation party.”
Surprisingly, Ward Cameron helped Cassie and Marvin a little bit with planning the joint graduation party. Rafe had refused to have his graduation party without the presence of Y/N and Mason, so he left Ward no choice but to allow the party to be combined with the Y/L/N’s. All of the three graduates' family and friends, who didn’t have their own parties, came to celebrate them. “Yes, Great-Aunt Ida. I am dating Rafe. Yes, Rafe as in Mason’s best friend,” Y/N clarifies to her mother’s aunt. Ida gives her a funny look, “Really, my dear? You don’t seem like you would have the same personality. From what I remember, he is much more social than you are.” Y/N meekly nods at the statement and excuses herself with some fake excuse of helping Bella with something. 
Y/N had had multiple conversations like that one throughout the party and she was beginning to get tired of having to reiterate the same points to her family member’s still unaware of her relationship with Rafe because it had been a while since she’s seen them. Luckily, Rafe is there to whisk her away somewhere private. “Now, why do we have to be in private? It would be really weird to do anything during the party with literally just about all of our family downstairs,” she teases, turning towards Rafe. 
“Of course, that’s not what I want. When did you get such a dirty mind? I just have a gift to give you. Now, close your eyes.”
“But Cameron, we promised no graduation gifts.” 
“I know, but this isn’t really a gift just for you. It’s a gift for both of us. I promise.”
“Okay, fine. But the next big event we celebrate, I’m buying the gift for ‘us’.”
Rafe waits for Y/N to close her eyes before placing an envelope on top of her palms facing up. She peeks her eyes open and quickly shuts them before he can see her; she knows he would want to be the one to advise her to open her eyes. “Okay, you can open them, now.” She does just that and opens the envelope without hesitation. Inside, she finds various receipt screenshots for plane tickets from North Carolina to Oxford. The dates on the tickets are for all throughout her school year and the last one is even the seat beside hers for when she goes home for next summer. 
ˇOMG, Rafe. These are too much. What if something happens?” 
“Nothing will happen. And I just wanted to get us them to show you how sure I am about our relationship.”
“Thank you so much! I love them. I can’t wait for you to visit already and I’m not even in Oxford. I’m going to spend all my free time looking for places for us to go.”
Rafe laughs at her excitement and lets himself be pulled into the big hug she throws at him. 
A week before Rafe is supposed to go off college, Ward asks Y/N if he could talk to her. After graduation, Rafe had gone back to living at Tannyhill because he only had a few more days with his sisters, so the couple was spending more time at his house. Rafe is currently dropping Wheezie off at a friend’s house. “So my son is off to college next week,” Ward states, rounding his desk to sit in front of it. Y/N inches a little bit from the door, “Yes, I know that. I’m supposed to help him move into his dorm. Mason is already in Toronto and I start at the beginning of October, so I have time to help out.”
“I see. And am I to understand that my son already bought tickets to come to visit you at Oxford.” 
“He did. I didn’t ask him to, but it was a sweet graduation gift.”
“It is. It is. And what have you sacrificed for my son?”
“Excuse me?”
“Well, from a parent's perspective, I see Rafe always making an attempt to sacrifice things in his life to keep your relationship going. He didn’t throw a big birthday party for his 18th because you don’t love big parties. He was going to break the family tradition of going to UNC, just to follow you across the pond. Now, he is sacrificing his reading weeks to go to Oxford. Instead of going to Miami or California for spring break, he is going to Oxford to watch you study.”
“I never asked him to buy those tickets.”
“Yet, you didn’t think of buying them yourself. Is it because deep down, you already know what you have to do?”
“No, it’s just… it’s just that UK universities have a different timing for school breaks so it’s better to buy my tickets closer to the actual day.”
“Sure, you keep telling yourself that. I have nothing more to say to you. You may go.”
Y/N leaves the room without another word. Truth is that Ward had been correct. At the time, she was super excited about Rafe’s gift. It felt so romantic. However, the more she started to plan her future with Rafe, she realizes he is indeed the one doing all the sacrifices. Ward pounding that into her head doesn’t help. Rafe is now returning from dropping Wheezie off and he sees her. “Hey, everything okay?” She smiles up at him, “Yeah. I just thought I saw a spider.” 
A week has passed meaning Rafe’s move-in day is today. He is packing up his stuff into his jeep and waiting for Y/N to get here with Mason’s car, so she can bring the stuff that doesn’t fit into the car. He hears the gravel succumbing to the weight of the tires and turns towards the opening of the gate. He watches her get out of the car, jogging over to give her a kiss. She doesn’t have her brilliant smile on his face which concerns him, but he doesn’t say anything. He notices as she leans away from his kiss instead of leaning into it like she normally does. He shyly moves away from her and watches as she starts putting his stuff into Mason’s car without saying anything. Once they have everything packed up, Rafe says a heartfelt goodbye to his family and they drive off. 
Rafe and Y/N planned to stay on call throughout the drive when they were separated between the two cars to make sure she doesn’t get lost. Rafe expected the conversation to flow and to be bountiful, but instead, he is left with a one-sided conversation with her just humming in response. Rafe knew the silent battle going on in her head. The argument she is having with herself about what she is going to do when they get to their final destination. However, Rafe isn’t going to let her just give up on them without a fight. 
They arrive at Rafe’s dorm and they swiftly get all of his stuff out of their cars and into his room. Rafe’s roommate isn’t supposed to come for another two days, so they have the room to themselves. He doesn’t feel like doing anything else after they get all the boxes inside. “Should we get some dumplings? Or maybe a pizza? Or how about some ramen?” he recommends, wanting to delay the unwanted conversation as much as he can. “Cameron, we need to talk.”
“No, we really don’t. We need food. Food is what we need.”
“Cameron, please. Don’t make this any harder for me than it already is.” 
“Then don’t do it. You don’t have to. We can work out the long distances. This doesn’t need to be the end.”
His tears begin to shed like a waterfall. He feels helpless in this situation like he is drowning. He tries to cover his eyes; however, she takes his hands into hers. “You know it has to be. Cameron, there is just so much against us. I mean the distance, our personalities, our futures. We aren’t meant to be.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t say it as if you believe it. Please, my rose.” 
“But I do. I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t believe it. I love you, but I need to let you go.” 
“No, my rose. Please. Just give this a shot before you end the possibility completely.”
“I’m sorry, Cameron. I can’t. I’m breaking up with you.” 
Rafe’s sadness shifts to anger as he realizes how easily she is willing to let him go. He knows it’s futile to put up any more of a fight, so his brain switches to the next best thing, which is defending his heart from any more heartbreak. “Fine, you want to be that way, then go! I don’t need you anymore, Y/L/N. You were always such a ball and chain to me anyways. I’ll be better off without you!” he shouts, gesturing his hands around like a wild man. Y/N looks at him with sad eyes. She can see the hurt in his eyes and understands what he is doing. It still doesn’t stop the sting of his words in her hurt. She gets up slowly from the bed they sat upon, “Okay. If that’s what you want, then I’ll go. This past year with you has been amazing. And I will never stop loving you. But I’m doing this for us, Rafe. You’ll see.”
With that, she gets her purse off the floor and walks out of his dorm. Rafe has no choice but to watch his rose slip out of his hands without a clue of if she is ever going to be back within his grasp. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @terraeluce @f4ll-for-you @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @rafegirly
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coffeedepressionsoup · 11 months
Somebody does love | MYG - They Meet
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Pairing - Yoongi x F!reader
Summary - "What is grief, if not love persevering?" Two people are in love but that is not enough because sometimes loving requires courage.
This is the one where the two meet for the first time. Part 2 of Somebody Does Love.
Series Masterlist
Genre - fluff, strangers to lovers, eventual smut and angst
Word count - 3k+
Warnings - lil swearing, SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH! nothing else I can think of
Ratings - 13+
A/N - Apologies for the late update. But do let me know in the comments what you think of the chapter and what direction you want to see the narrative flow in. Also, this is not proofed, please excuse typos, tense, and grammar errors. And if you liked it, please please please engage with the post. Comment, like, repost. Your engagement is the sole reason I am pushed to write. 
Your flight landed with a two-hour delay at 5 pm at the Incheon airport. After collecting your baggage and going through customs, you shot a text to your friend and waited near one of the cafes inside the airport for the crowd to die down. In about 10 minutes you lugged your bags behind you, pulling your mask further up your nose and pulling the bucket hat to right above your eyes. 
It didn’t take long to spot Sammy. Dressed in all black, he had a casual gait that only he could have. It also helped that he carried a little cat poster. You could see his eyes crinkle with a smile as he saw you walking out, which mirrored your own.
“Oh it’s so good to finally have you here!” he said while hugging and slightly managing to lift you off the ground.
“I know. But I am so hungry and nervous and I have such a bad headache,” you mumbled into his jacket shoulder.
“Let’s get you washed, fed and rested. Come on,” he chuckled patted your back and took one of your bags before starting walking towards his car. Ah! His car. A black 2022 Maserati Ghibli Modena. One that he has been yapping about for months on end. 
You honestly found it ridiculous. The inordinate amount of money people would pay to procure “luxury” items always confounded you. Sure, wealth commands a certain amount of comfort- Your brain stopped as soon as you sat down on the passenger’s seat of the car. Your ass was far more comfortable than it has ever been on any bed or couch that you have ever owned. Maybe you can allow yourself to see why someone would spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on a car. 
Sammy closed the back of the car, with all your bags safely tucked in, and walked over to the driver’s seat. He saw you leaning back onto the seat with your eyes closed. He smirked behind the mask and sat down, swiftly starting the car.
“Still think this was an unnecessary splurge?” his mask had come off and he had that wide eye-crinkling smile.
“Maybe not,” you smiled to yourself. “How far is your place from here?”
“About an hour, with the school and office traffic now, some more.”
“My dead body will enter your residence, Kim Woosung,” you groaned and pulled at the seatbelt in annoyance. Both your mask and hat were now on your lap. Your head felt like the persistent beating of 500 drums all at once.
“Try to take a nap, I will play your sleep playlist,” he suggested. 
You could not move another muscle to bother with a response. His reply was like a command. With your eyes shut, you shifted your shoulders to place your neck relatively comfortably. The last thing you remember is the comforting, low hum of white noise filling up the space around you.
You walked out of the SNU campus, your colleague and friend Samairah in tow. She is the reason you are in Seoul in the first place. You met at an academic conference in Edinburgh when you were still PhD researchers. Dr Samairah Nazli is now a full-time professor of Gender Studies at the prestigious Seoul National University. 
“It is just a contract for the coming academic year, Y/N! Come on! You will also get to spend time with Sammy.” You had scoffed back at your friend over the video call last November when she said her department wanted to invite you as a Visiting Professor for their newly-introduced Feminist Economics course and the existing Gender and Media course that a now-retired professor used to handle. 
But a week later when you found yourself in a virtual meeting with the Dean, Department Head and the Vice Chancellor, the opportunity did seem intriguing. They did want to eventually offer you a full-time position. You would be tenured at 32! Also, you can work with Samairah again, after working on your first book together, you knew you would work together again. 
And of course, you get to spend time with Sammy. One of your best friends. Kim Woosung of The Rose. But only Sammy to you. Crazy to think that you only met him about three years ago, at Friar Park of all places on the planet, but lord, did you love that dude to bits.
“Wanna grab a drink?” Samairah asks, as you both head towards the subway station.
“No, meeting the broker again.”
“This will be the 8th place she’s showing you?”
You shook your head as you dug in your pockets for the cigarette case. “No. Ninth.”
You lit a cigarette and said, “I really want to finalise a place and settle down before the semester begins.”
“Tough to do all that in what- 12 days now?” she counted the days mentally and grabbed the smoke you held out for her to counter.
“I wish I were a millionaire at times like these,” you took back the smoke and gave it a long drag as you stopped at the crossing. Samairah would go straight from here to catch her train and you will take a left and meet Hwang Seul-gi. Your realtor. Broker. Currently, the most important person in your life.
You could have opted to stay at the Siheung-Si staff residence for part-time and visiting faculties, but that would mean you would spend half the day in transit. And you hated transit. Motion made you sick. So yes, car trips with you are absolute joyrides for your friends. 
You also wanted time to work on the manuscript of the next book you are planning. And you want enough time to sleep. God, you wish to have a carefree night of sleep soon. Not that Sammy’s guest room is bad, it is comfortable, and luxurious even when you consider the free cuddles from Woolfie, but it still is not a place of your own. 
Although Sammy argued the opposite back when you told him about your year-long relocation to Seoul. He wanted you to live as roommates. Even offered you to pay for house-sitting in mirth, for all the times he would be away on tour. 
Again, you loved the guy. But his social butterfly stages of self are something you could take in small doses. You knew what his schedule was like, how many people dropped by for work at his home studio, and even just because to share drinks. But a whole year of it would drive you mad. So Sammy finally gave up trying to convince you and connected you to Seul-gi.
The lovely Seul-gi who yet again showed you a wonderful place, reasonably near the campus. But the deposit itself would require you to sell both your kidneys, maybe an eye and even a good chunk of your liver.
It was almost 7:30 by the time you left the apartment complex and headed towards Sammy’s place. You could take a cab, but the crisp late February air made a nice weather for a walk. You were passing through a park, almost deserted at the time, when you heard a noise that alerted you.
It sounded like someone was struggling. Some animal. You could hear low grunts, probably a puppy or a kitten, but you looked around and saw nothing immediately. The noise continued so you stopped and tried to follow the direction of the sound. 
You reached a bush at the side of the pathway and were sure that this was the location. But the sun was already down. Dim yellow lights sparsely lit the park pathway, enough for people to look and walk, but not enough to see within the bushes. 
By the noise you could now tell that there was also a metal scraping noise, but barely so. You turned on your phone's flashlight but still saw nothing. You looked around but saw no one. Trying your best to not step on any of the plants, you entered the bush and squatted down with the flashlight.
“Hey, are you okay?” a low but heavy voice from above you startled you and the phone almost dropped from your grip as you stood up to see who it was. A man donning all black with a mask, a cap and a hoodie looked right back at you. Only his eyes were visible and the eyes were filled with concern. In the commotion of your entry into the bush and stomping around, ever so mildly within it had now increased the noise. 
It sounded like a distressed kitten. You looked back down and could see one of the drainage grills under the dense foliage of the bush. You looked back up at the stranger and said, “I think a kitten has fallen into the drain.”
Before the man could respond, you squatted back down again and saw the drain and beady little eyes inside it clearly this time. You put down your bag beside you on the ground and put all your effort into pulling the iron rungs up. You could feel it move a little, but not enough to dislodge it. 
“Hey baby, don’t worry. I will get you out of there,” you cooed through your laboured breath. By now, the stranger had joined you. You both exchanged glances and without saying a word you went in and pulled at the grille together at the same time. It seemed a lot easier with the two of you having pulled at it. With one arm, the stranger shifted the grille aside. 
You peered down the drain and extended your arm to grab the kitten. The poor being was scared and cold and probably even more traumatised by all the strange and sudden commotion. You leant down completely, with your stomach on the ground and lowered yourself into the opening up to your shoulders to grab the kitten with both your hands.
The man next to you extended a cautious arm as if to make sure you don’t fall in. Well, the opening was not big enough for you to fall into. But you could get weirdly stuck. But soon he saw your body lifting up and his extended hand hovered over your body, never touching, but ready to help if needed.
You came back up with a feisty calico kitten in your hands who initially made a few tiny scratches on your palm but was now just shivering. The man beside you promptly took off the work jacket he was wearing over his hoodie and handed it towards you. How many layers is he wearing? A small part of your mind wandered, but you quickly grabbed it from him, giving him a thankful smile and wrapped the kitten up in the jacket and held her close to your body, for maximum warmth.
You looked down at the ground near your feet where your bag was and before you could bend over to grab it, the man swooped in and said, “I got this.”
After you stepped out of the bush, you turned to the man again and said, bowing politely, “Thank you for your help.”
“No problem at all. I have two cats of my own, I know the fear of losing them” he said in a calm but understanding tone. You looked at his eyes more closely while he talked, you could have sworn you had met him before, but didn’t know where.
You shook your head and replied, “Oh no, this is not my cat.” And then you explained the noise you followed. The man nodded his head and looked around probably thinking the same thing that you were. “Do you think the mother is around here somewhere?” you asked.
“If she were, she wouldn’t be too far away.”
You looked back down at the kitten, who had stopped shivering now but was still covered in a considerable amount of mud and dirt. You also considered checking if she was chipped and if the person could be notified if she was already a pet. “Do you know of any vet nearby? I am new here, so-”
“Yes, it’s on my way. I will drop you,” he held his arm out to point in the general direction of where you were headed to go back to Sammy’s. You started walking and the man joined you. Out of the park, and having crossed two traffic signals and taken two right turns, you reached the vet’s chamber. It was reasonably empty. You put your name in the register and waited. 
The man sat in a chair next to you but one. He looked over to see you making conversation with the kitten. Of course, she won’t be able to say if she lost her mother or forgot her way home. But the sing-song voice you used clearly worked. He could see the large dark beady eyes of the kitten staring back at your face with wonder and trust.
He too looked at your face with wonder and felt a strange sense of trust and comfort. When he saw a person climb inside a bush at a more or less empty park on a random Thursday evening, he half expected it to be a madman. But when he peered in and saw the glow of a flashlight, he grew more curious. 
He noticed how a part of your right elbow was scraped slightly, not that you seemed to notice. He also saw the muddy bits on your beige outfit. And then looked again at the kitten wrapped in his jacket, on your lap.
“Y/N,” the receptionist called out. You stood up and turned towards the man and gave him a curt nod. He blinked several times before nodding back at your retreating figure and gulped down a deep breath. Did you catch him staring? Even if you did, you didn’t let it show. Y/N. Y/N. He repeated the name in his head a couple of times. 
It was only after the doctor examined the kitten and told you that she has no chips, and is healthy but is slightly malnourished, that you realised you have so far, that is almost in 30 to 40 minutes’ time, not once asked for the man's name - the stranger in black, now at pet clinic reception.
You just followed a stranger through a dimly lit park and ended up where you are now. When put that way, doesn’t sound like the safest thing to do.
The groomers had taken the kitten to another room to clean her up. The vet wrote up some supplements that the kitten could be given and asked you to wait outside. You walked out and saw the man, right where he was, hugging your bag on his lap, scrolling through his phone. Cap, mask and hoodie - still intact. You went up to him and sat in the seat next to him but one. 
“Thanks for looking after my bag,” you smiled. 
The man looked up at you and held the bag out, you could see the crinkles of his smile near his eyes. “Is she alright?” he asked.
You explained whatever the doctor said. 
“Are you going to keep her then?”
Your eyes widened comically and then it dawned on you. You don’t even have a place for yourself. Where the fuck are you gonna keep her? And if the mother was still around, she would likely not be malnourished, so it is not like you can hope to reunite her with her mom. 
Sammy would not mind, for now, you knew. But Woolfie? How would he react?
Seeing you stunned, the man chuckled, “You hadn’t really thought so far, had you?”
“Not really. My immediate instinct was to just release the kitten. But she’s so small and frail, I cannot possibly let her be anywhere else. But-”
Before you could say anything else, one of the groomers approached you, with the kitten now in a cosy, little carrier, all clean and dried. And he carried the jacket she was wrapped in, in the other hand. 
You thanked him and then turned to the man next to you and looked guiltily down at the jacket on your right hand. “I am sorry about this. I will get it dry-cleaned and return it to you. And also, I am sorry I didn’t catch your name till now. I am Y/N Y/L/N," you draped the jacket over your other forearm and extended your arm for a shake.
“HI Y/N, I am Min Yo-,” he choked on his words before he cleared his throat and said taking your hand and giving it a firm shake, “I am Min Yong-Ho.”
You smiled back and walked out of the vet clinic. “I go this way now,” you pointed towards the left. 
“Oh I go the opposite way,” you could see the hint of a smile but also maybe apprehension.
You had bought cat food worth a week, food bowls, a litter box, litter pellets and a small cat bed. You requested the store to deliver the items to Sammy’s address. In the meantime, you had texted the bare bones of your encounter to him. So he was ready to greet a kitten into his home by the time you went back and for the time being had locked his bedroom door, where Woolfie was fast asleep.
You nodded and asked the man, “So, Yong-ho, how do I return your jacket?”
The man looked around, eyes seeming frantic, almost like a deer caught in headlights. Until finally he pointed at a cafe on the opposite side of the road. “How about we meet at that cafe on Sunday evening?”
“Sure, I will bring back a spick and span jacket, I promise,” you said and asked, “6 PM sounds good?”
“6 PM sounds perfect,” the man nodded and waved back at you as you went your way - the kitten in the carrier in one hand, his jacket in the other and your bag, now draped as a sling across your body. He doesn’t know how long he stood there. But he kept staring your way for five seconds longer after your silhouette disappeared over the horizon.
Taglist: @majiiisstuff, @starlighttaek8, @yoongrace
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lykaios2 · 11 months
Hello :D can you do a Rise Leo x fem reader where Leo has a crush on the reader but is scared to confess because he is a mutant but then realize that most of readers fictional crushes are not human? (For example: sidon, venom, jack skeleton)
this was very fun to write but for some reason I was really struggling to incorporate all of my initial ideas and have a story that flowed well :/ so I do hope this is okay, I worked very hard to try and make this work. I also tried something different and kinda wrote it from leo's perspective, I thought it might be interesting
Human or Not
rise leo x fem reader, friends to lovers
cw: fluff
word count: 2397
One night, Mikey came into Leo’s room to ask him a question.
“Hey Leo, I invited y/n to our Hidden City outing later tonight. Is that okay?” Leo looked up from his phone.
“Yeah, that’s fine, it would be cool if she could join us.”
“Well…she said yes! So expect her to be there.”
Leo started to get ready for the outing. Leo was happy to hear from Mikey that you were coming on the trip. He truly enjoyed spending time with you. He had had a crush on you for a while now, and this was just another chance to show off how amazing he was. He knew he shouldn’t come in a suit and tie because it was just supposed to be a fun night out to the Hidden City, but he took a considerable amount of time making sure he would look very nice for you. Mikey even stopped by to check on Leo and see if he was ready and said he looked good, so he must have done a good job.
“Come on Leo, we gotta leave soon if we want to pick up y/n.”
“Coming! Be there in a second.” Leo looked in the mirror to make sure everything was good and then he was off.
Leo followed Mikey out of the lair and to the spot where they were supposed to meet you. After a couple minutes, Leo spotted you around the corner. You were looking stunning on this particular night.
“Hi y/n! I’m so glad you could join us tonight!”
“Yeah! I’m excited, I haven’t been to the Hidden City before.”
“Well luckily for you, you have the best, most handsome tour guide to help you navigate.”
“I'm so lucky to have you. But we can’t forget about Michelangelo, our favorite tour guide assistant.”
“Aw, you’re too kind. Come on, let’s go! There’s so much to show you!”
Mikey led you through the portal, with Leo following close behind. As you stepped through the portal, Leo watched as you marveled at the wonders in front of you. It appeared to be an incredibly large underground city, but with towers that reached to the sky. The crowd was bustling, but before you could take everything in, Leo grabbed your hand and tugged you along.
“Vamanos, amiga!”
Leo and Mikey took you around to see all of their favorite spots. Their favorite stores, sightseeing spots, and all of the cool shortcuts and secrets they had discovered during their trips here before. The final spot Leo and Mikey took you to was one of Mikey’s favorite restaurants in the Hidden City. You showed some concern considering it was youkai food, but Mikey reassured you that it was perfectly fine to eat.
“You know, since our esteemed guest has never been here before, I only think it’s fair that someone should pay for them. Food is on me tonight.”
“Oh Leo, you really don’t have to, I brought money-”
“Please, allow me. You’re our guest, it would be rude of me to not pay for you after you’ve had such a great time tonight. Hopefully. Have you been having fun?”
“Yes, Leo, I’ve had an amazing time with you and Mikey tonight.”
“That’s good, or else your best, most handsome tour guide would have failed to do his job.”
“Huh, as if I would ever fail to give only my best.”
“Oh, come on guys, we gotta order food.”
After ordering and eating, you complemented Mikey on his choice of food and started to leave. Leo walked behind you and Mikey and you laughed and chatted the whole way home. It was enough for him to see you happy. You turned around to look at him, and he just smiled.
“You okay, Leo? You look a little red in the face there.” Leo regained his composure, not realizing he had started blushing.
“Oh, me? Yeah, I’m just a little warm from all this walking. I’ll be fine.”
You seemed to buy it and turned back to Mikey and kept walking. Leo took a breath of relief and tried to distract himself for the rest of the way home.
After saying your goodbyes, Leo and Mikey headed back to the lair. Leo and Mikey went to their rooms.
“Come on, Leo, just stop. She doesn’t like you like that. You don’t have a chance with her.”
While Leo was talking to himself, Donnie happened to walk by his room.
“Oh, hey Leo. How was your- uh, Leo? You’re talking to yourself, are you alright?”
“Donnie? What- what are you doing? You didn’t hear any of that, did you?”
“Something about “her”, which I assume might refer to y/n. May I ask what?”
“You promise not to tell anyone if I tell you?”
“I’ll determine that after I hear what it is.”
“You- you’re so- whatever. I’ll tell you anyway. So you know y/n? Well, I kinda have a…crush on them. But…I never told anyone, because, well, I’m a mutant and y/n is just a human. So I kinda figured that it wouldn’t work out.”
“You know, that actually makes a lot of sense now. Well, I can’t exactly help you with all of the feelings stuff, but I can tell you that I happen to know that youkai and humans have been together in the past, so it’s not completely unreasonable.”
“Wait…so you mean I might actually have a chance with y/n?!”
“I’m just saying that it wouldn’t be illogical if you two were to get together.”
“Oh, thank you so much Donnie! You have no idea how happy that makes me!” Leo ran over to give his brother a hug.
“Hey, watch it. I just said I’m not good with feelings, weren’t you listening?”
However, Leo still had his doubts. Sure, he now knew that a mutant and human could be together, but did you even like him? He could love you all he wanted, but that didn’t guarantee any feelings in return. And would you even like a mutant? I mean, you hung out with him and his brothers so you probably didn’t hate mutants, but would you ever consider getting together with one? The thoughts clouded his mind and wouldn’t allow him to sleep, but he would just have to figure it out at some point.
Leo woke up the next morning, feeling tired from lack of sleep. He was very sluggish, and took a while to get out of bed. At breakfast, everyone noticed that Leo hadn’t joined them.
“Hey, where’s Leo?”
“Uhm, I haven’t seen him since you guys left last night.”
“I talked to him last night after you guys came back. I don’t think he left his room.”
“I’m going to go check on him, you guys keep eating. I’ll be right back.”
Raph walked up to Leo’s room to see him lying in bed, eyes half closed.
“Who goes there?”
“It’s Raph. You okay? You look tired. I know you have trouble sleeping, but it’s not normally this bad.”
“Yeah, just a…particularly bad night. I’ll be fine.”
“Well, breakfast is ready. Want me to help you down there?”
“No, I’ll be okay. I’ll be down in a second.”
Raph headed back to the kitchen, and Leo followed behind shortly after. Leo slowly made himself some breakfast. He sat down and began to eat.
“Mikey, you never told me about your trip last night. Donnie, you said you talked to Leo last night, right?”
“Oh yeah, but it wasn’t exactly about the trip.”
“What was it then? Now I’m kinda curious.”
“He said he’d rather not talk about it. Unless, Leo, you wouldn’t mind me sharing?” Leo looked up from his food.
“Uhm…what was it again?”
“About a certain someone…”
“Oh, right. Uh…I guess.”
Donnie proceeded to explain what Leo had said the night before about y/n, and why Leo hadn’t told anyone. Raph and Mikey waited until he was done explaining before they said anything.
“Oh Leo, that’s so sweet! I think you and y/n would be so cute together.”
“Mikey’s right. You and y/n are like peas in a pod.”
“Heh, thanks. But…I don’t know if she’ll even want to be with me. I guess I’ll just have to find out the hard way.”
“Don’t think like that, it’ll only make it worse. Besides, we can help you. Don’t sweat it.”
“You guys are so nice.”
“It’s our pleasure to help a brother out. And it would be so adorable to see you guys get together.”
Now the only one that didn’t know about Leo’s crush was you, but Leo planned to keep it that way, for a little while at least. He would have to tell you at some point, or you might figure it out on your own. That would make it worse. But Leo didn’t want to think about that right now. All he wanted to focus on was making a good enough impression on you.
A few days later, Raph texted you unexpectedly. It wasn’t often you got a text from him.
-Hey, has Leo ever been over to your apartment?
-uh, no? why do you ask
-Okay, that’s what I thought. He said he’d never been, even though he’s known you for so long. You should invite him over, I think he’d enjoy it.
-that sounds fun! totally, I’ll shoot him a text
You texted Leo, inviting him over. He responded almost immediately, saying that we would very much love to come over, and that he was free tomorrow. You texted back saying that it worked for you as well, and you two finalized a plan for him to visit tomorrow. Leo was surprised. You had invited him over? He didn’t even ask. But he dare not question it anymore. He had to prepare for this incredible opportunity. To be alone with you was something he could not miss.
“Guys! y/n invited me over! Did she invite anyone else?”
“Wow, really?” Raph turned to Mikey and winked. Mikey got the hint. “She didn’t invite me over.”
“Me neither. Guess it was just you.”
“Aw, what? Now I kinda feel bad for making it a big thing.”
“Nah, man. You should take this opportunity, spend a little alone time y/n. You know, since you have a crush on her or whatever.”
“Yeah, when’s the last time you spent time alone with y/n?” Leo thought for a moment.
“I don’t know, but are you guys sure you wouldn’t mind?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“Well, if you guys say so.” Leo went to his room to get ready, but before he could get far Mikey stopped by his room.
“You know, I wouldn’t sweat it if I were you. You don’t have to make a grand entrance or anything, just be yourself. I know it sounds cliché, but it really does work. It helps the relationship not feel forced.”
“You’re right. I’m just…really stressed out. I don’t know if this would be a good time to ask her, or if I should wait…I mean, we’ve known each other for a while now. But…yeah, I don’t know.”
“Well, if you’re unsure, you can always text me and ask. But I suggest you go with your gut.”
“Thank you so much. This is causing me a lot more stress than I think it should. I’ll be fine though, I just need to relax and be myself.”
Eventually, tomorrow rolled around and Leo left for your apartment.
“Good luck out there.”
“Like I need it.” Mikey chimed in.
“Have that attitude and you certainly won’t.”
Leo left the lair and made his way to your apartment. He was looking at the directions on his phone most of the way to your apartment, so he didn’t notice you standing outside waiting for him.
“Hey Leo! Over here!”
“Oh, hi y/n! Didn’t see you there. So, this is where you live? Nice place.”
“Come on inside, it’s a little chilly out here.”
Leo followed you inside and looked all around. The main thing he noticed were all your posters all over the walls. So many different characters.
“Come sit down, you don’t have to stand. You want something to eat?”
You and Leo hung out for the next couple hours. Sharing stories, watching movies, playing video games. Leo was having a great time, completely forgetting about any stresses he had before coming. However, while playing one game, you ran into a side quest that involved passing letters between two secret admirers.
“So weird that I have to do this, if they love each other so much, shouldn’t they be able to talk to themselves?”
“Yeah, right? Imagine if you had to do this in real life.”
“Not like I’d have anyone to do it with.”
“Oh? Is there anyone that you do like?”
“Well, kinda. I mean, no one real, heh.”
“So like fictional characters? I got you. Who would you date if you could, any character from any video game or show?”
“Ooh, I know this one. Monty Gator from Security Breach, Shadow from Sonic, just to name a few.”
“Wait, so you like…don’t care if they’re human or whatever?”
“I mean, not like animals, but yeah, I could care less.”
“So like, mutant animal-human hybrids wouldn’t be off the table?”
“Yeah, no, not really.”
Leo knew this was it. Everything had fallen into place, everything was perfect, he just had to say it.
“Uhm, then…can I tell you something?”
“Sure, what did you wanna tell me?”
“Well, you know we’ve been friends for a while, and we’re pretty good friends but…I-I like you. Like, more than a friend. And I’ve only been keeping it to myself because I wasn’t sure if you would even like me back, what with me being a mutant and all. You don’t have to like me back, but I just figured-”
“Oh Leo, come here! You know, I wouldn’t mind being with you. You’re such a good friend to me, I would love to be your girlfriend.”
“R-really? You mean it?”
“Yes, silly, I do mean it. Now come here, because if I have a boyfriend, I’m going to want to cuddle with him. And if you pick out something to watch, we can turn this hangout into a movie cuddle date.”
“I think I’d like that.”
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xclowniex · 2 months
Return on investment when educating against antisemitism in pro Palestine spaces
I am not done talking about how antisemitism actually distracts from helping Palestine and stopping antisemitism is beneficial to everyone so I'm going to use my sales skills as thats what i do for a living, so please see here a pitch on the return on investment or ROI for short on stopping antisemitism within pro Palestine spaces.
I will do this first by substituting numbers with letters then I will arbitrary numbers for anyone who is lost. Please note that this is all within the context of antisemitism within pro Palestine spaces.
A person spends N minutes being antisemitic. A person spends at least Y times a week participating in antisemitism, either through actions, words or posts.
It also takes x minutes to educate someone against antisemitism.
This means that (N×Y)-X= Z aka amount of time gained or lost by educating against antisemitism.
Now I will use arbitrary numbers to explain those who are lost. These numbers are solely hypothetical.
If a person spends 3 minutes (N) being antisemitic, 5 times a week (Y) and it takes 5 minutes to educate someone against antisemitism (X) then the equation and solution for ROI would be (3x5)-5 = 10 (Z).
That is 10 minutes gained per week by educating against antisemitism.
That is 10 minutes more a week said antisemite could use to donate food, money or other donations to organizations helping Palestine. That's 10 more minutes that could be used to spread donations, sign and spread petitions, organize protests.
Fuck that could even be 10 more minutes spent to recharge so they can spend more than 10 minutes doing all the above and more!
Even if we assume minimum numbers for things. A person who is antisemitic for 1 minute a day, once a week. 1 minute is spent shutting down their antisemitism.
Sure there's no return on investment but you sure as hell aren't loosing time and energy a week.
If we change it per week to per a month, it ends up being (1×4)-1 = 3 as you already shut down the antisemitism on first week.
It may not be a lot but it sure is something.
Even if it ends up initially being a loss, it ends up still being a profit of time. Well keep the bare minimum numbers except for the time spent addressing antisemitism that first week which we will bring back to 5.
(1×1)-5 = -4
It would take a month to break even, and 5 weeks to have a net profit of 1 minute.
You are still going to end up in a profit of time.
Not to mention the benefits to pro Palestine places which aren't profit.
You remove bigots who are hijacking the movement because they solely hate jews who are contributing to the negative name of the movement and you are also educating those who's jews hatred is a secondary motive making them focus on only helping Palestinians.
You also make your spaces a safer place for jews, replacing bigots who weren't even doing anything helpful, with jews who genuinely care but felt ostracized from said spaces as they didn't want to experience or see antisemitism.
It's also now much harder for news agencies to paint the movement as bad aka making it harder for bad PR to actually stick.
It is a no brainer to educate against antisemitism as any effort put towards it ends up in not only an effort and time profit, but less bad PR and more people who actually contribute.
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lazypeachsoul · 1 year
Summary: A housewarming party that turns a bit warmer that one might expect.
Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x fem!reader (no Y/N mention)
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+ only. Oral sex (f receiving), a slight embarrassing situation. can't promise it's good smut because it's my first time writing it, but enjoy.
masterlist ; requests are open
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Too busy arranging some sliders on a plate you ignored the company you now had in the kitchen. It wasn’t until you felt a pair of arms wind themselves around your waist that you realized sweet Robert had found his way to you.
“How come it’s our party and I haven’t been able to talk with you since everyone arrived?” He murmured, lips pressed against the crown of your head.
“How come it’s our party and I haven’t been able to talk with you since everyone arrived?” He murmured, lips pressed against the crown of your head.
“How come it’s our party and I haven’t been able to talk with you since everyone arrived?” He murmured, lips pressed against the crown of your head.
“Because I’ve been busy being a good host.” You shrugged, trying the perfect position for the appetizer. “And you were too busy talking about the best film. And best book. Oh, don’t forget the best record.”
You both laughed thinking about the amount of debates that had taken place during the party. Most of them with Jake and Phoenix as main debaters and Maverick or Penny as the moderator. It was chaotic, and borderline stupid that those topics seemed to rile your friends so much. But you knew Bob wouldn’t change his found family for all the money in the world, and you couldn’t be happier to consider them family too. 
“I didn’t even have to talk, Phoenix has enough strong arguments to destroy Jake.” He joked while moving his hand from your waist to the sliders, trying to snatch one before you before you slapped his hand away.
“Those are for the guests! I’m trying to make them look pretty.”
“I can’t believe I’m not allowed to eat in my own house, that’s a sacrilege.” He huffed, trying again to reach for the plate. “You wouldn’t let me go hungry, right sunshine?”
His sweet voice against your ear was almost enough to let your guard down. Almost. 
“I wouldn’t let you go hungry, Robby, of course not. But the guests get first dibs, it’s part of being good hosts.” 
“Sunshine, they are friends. Do you really think they would notice if a plate was missing something? We spend months living on carriers, whatever you give us is gourmet.” He argued, squeezing his arms around you softly before pressing a soft kiss against your neck. “But I do like this new side of you. You look beautiful, fleeting around our house and playing the perfect host.” 
You felt heat rise from your belly at his words. Or maybe it was because his lips kept pressing closer and closer to that spot under your ear that made your knees buckle. He was playing a dangerous game, knowing the living room was full of people who were probably close to realizing that you weren’t with them. But the move had been stressful and it didn’t allow for much time together, which made you almost wish you didn’t have to move. 
“Our house does sound incredible.” You mumbled trying to move your neck away from his lips like the rational part of your brain screamed. “Robby, stop. Our friends are here.” You bit your lip when you felt one of his hands move towards your hip and grab it. “Your boss is here.”
“You can’t call me that and expect me to stop, sunshine. You know what it does to me.” You did, of course you did. But the irrational part of your brain didn’t want the moment to end. “And our friends are fine, Phoenix has enough in her for another debate.” He spoke against the shell of your ear before pulling your back against him. “I just want some time with you.”
“Later.” You tried to reason but it sounded weak even to you. He pressed you closed against him, making it very clear that waiting until later wasn’t in his plans. “Not here, everyone can see…”
And for a moment you thought you had managed to convince him to stop fooling around until you were alone again. But that thought quickly disappeared when you saw his hand move towards the counter to knock the sleeve of crackers you had set aside for the charcuterie board. 
“Robert Floyd! Don’t play with the food.” You tried to scold him but the entire situation was too funny to even sound serious.
“Oops, how clumsy of me.” And the same way you couldn’t hide your amusement, he couldn’t hide the audaciousness behind his movement. He moved away from you but before you could start missing his body heat he returned to his position with the fallen crackers in hand. “These are too broken, my love. You know what?” He left the snacks on the counter before he held your hand and started pulling you towards the door left of  “We should go to the walk-in pantry that you wanted so bad when we were looking for a house.” 
You could only giggle at the implication of his words and suddenly the charcuterie board became the most unimportant thing. As soon as you stopped fighting his pulls and looked to the entry of the kitchen, making sure nobody was looking for you two, Bob knew he had won this battle and a bright smile took over his face. 
“And we need to go together?” You asked sarcastically, knowing there was no fighting it anymore. 
“Of course, what if you go lost in this big new house?”
Bob gave a final strong pull to get you inside the pantry, wrapping his arms around you before closing the door with his foot. You turned around ready to deliver the next sarcastic answer but were quickly shut up by Bob’s lips pressing against yours. A clumsy kiss that only fueled your need for it, your need for Bob. “God, I love you so much.” He mumbled when you broke the kiss for air, but remained close enough to feel his breath against your lips. “I need to thank you for organizing the party.” 
You hummed against Bob’s lips, kissing him again and wrapping your arms around his neck, wanting to keep him as close as possible in the limited space of the pantry. “And how exactly are you going to thank me?” 
You fully expected him to tell you everything he was going to do to you that night when you were alone again. To take this small moment to rile you up and tease you, leave you wanting more during the rest of the party. What you hadn’t taken into account is that your time with Bob had been very limited the last week, with grueling air training and never ending work. And he wasn’t willing to just stop after a kiss. His hands moved from their place on your waist, wrapping around you before lifting you from the ground and sitting you on the step stool that stood to the side. 
“You are going to sit there looking pretty.” He held your face with his big hands before kissing your lips softly, murmuring a sweet ‘as always’. “And I am going to enjoy myself between your thighs. It’s a win-win if you think about it.” 
He kneeled before you, wrapping his arms around your thighs and squeezing them softly. At that moment you were thankful you found a boyfriend as incredible as him, thankful that you chose a comfortable dress… hell, you were even thankful that you saw the idea for the step stool on pinterest. 
“Robbie.” You spoke breathily, anticipation getting the best of you. “Our friends-”
But your boyfriend stopped you before you could finish your sentence with a simple movement of his hands that were now parting your thighs. Taking the glasses off his face he folded them and threading them through the cleavage of your dress with an amount of precision that should be scary. 
“You hold onto them and try not to get us caught.”
You could feel the blood pumping through your veins when his rough fingers inched towards your dampening panties. Gasping when you felt the fabric shift and the air hit your heated skin. Or maybe it was the feeling of Bob’s face so close to your wet pussy that was making you gasp. “Robb-” “We have to make this quick, but I promise this is just a taste for tonight.”
You felt a soft kiss against your mouth, a gesture that Bob always had before he made you see stars. The first stroke of his tongue was always the sweetest, always accompanied by a groan from him and a need to brace yourself. You tried to hold onto the step stool when his tongue ran through your folds again but it wasn’t enough.
With every lick you tried your best to control your volume but it was difficult when the pleasure was only growing. You felt your body getting hotter and time seemed to stop. Looking down between your legs, seeing Bob looking back at you with glazed eyes while he sucked your clit only made you throw your head back in pleasure. Your mouth opened slightly, ready to let free the moan that was growing in your chest when the sucking stopped. “Don’t.” 
Inside your muddled brain you realized the precarious position you were in and clamped your mouth, deciding to instead bite your lip. “That’s it baby, we wouldn’t want to get caught when I’ve just started.” His voice was sickly sweet and you could see the lust in his darkened eyes.
Bob’s fingers made their way between your thighs parting your folds and making you whine when you felt his tongue circle your entrance. “So good…” You breathed and you swore you could feel his smile against your pussy. The hand that was still holding you leg open lifted it until it rested on Bob’s shoulder, allowing him to be closer to you and forcing you to thread your fingers in his blonde hair. 
Every lick felt electric in your body, every time he dipped the tip into your entrance and his nose bumped against your clit making the pressure in your lower stomach grow. You hadn’t realized how wound up you had been after all the work until you were spread in your pantry fighting to keep quiet. Your toes were scrunching inside your socks, breath now coming in pants and you tried your best to buckle your hips without falling. 
“That’s it, baby. I know you are close.” He whispered looking at you with glazed eyes and circling your clit with his thumb. “Cum for me, let go.” He moved his mouth back against your clit and with a harsh suck you felt the overwhelming pressure explode. Muscles seizing, hands holding harder against Bob’s hair and your hand falling between your shoulders trying to control the waves of pleasure rolling through you. “Attagirl.” 
And even with your blissed out brain you could hear the grin in his voice. He placed a wet kiss against the inside of your thigh before lowering it from his shoulder. Looking back at him you pushed yourself to move forward, lowering your hand from his hair to the neck of his t-shirt and pulling him into you for a deep kiss. You could taste yourself on his lips, making you whine. 
“That was a hell of a thank you, flyboy.” You whispered, goosebumps covering your skin from the adrenaline and endorphins.
“It was my pleasure.” You wanted to keep kissing him but a noise on the other side of the door made both of you freeze. In a great effort you both raised from your places and straightened your clothes the best you could without a mirror.
“Bob? Are you here?” The voice spoke from the other side of the room and you recognized it was Phoenix who had ventured into the kitchen. 
You looked at Bob in a panic, wanting to push him out the door but knowing out of the two, trying to explain the messy hair and the bulge in his trousers would be complicated. You took a deep breath and tried to fix your hair again before stepping out the pantry and quickly closing the door behind you. 
“Hi Nat, anything you need?” You tried to sound inconspicuous but by the look on her face you knew she was suspicious.
“I realized both hosts had disappeared, so I was looking for Bob expecting him to be with you.” She leaned against the kitchen island and you leaned against the door of the pantry to mirror her demeanor. “Need me to help you with anything?” She spoke while pointing to the forgotten charcuterie board. 
“Oh, thank you for offering Nat but I just need the crackers and it’s done.” You shook your head. “That’s what I needed from the pantry.”
She raised an eyebrow and your heartbeat quickened. Natasha had become your best friend in the time she had been Bob’s pilot. And that position as your best friend meant she could read you like an open book. If she was looking at you like that, she knew something. 
“And you needed Bob’s glasses to look for the crackers?” Shit, his glasses were still hanging from the front of your dress. “And where are the crackers?”
You wanted the word to swallow you whole, but instead you felt the door of the pantry give slightly and a hand snaked from behind shyly. You quickly took the glasses and placed them on Bob’s hand, feeling yourself drown in embarrassment. The hand moved inside again and came out for a second time with the new sleeve of crackers. Idiot. You quickly took them and looked back at Nat who, after the entire interaction, looked to be holding back a huge laugh. 
“Looking for crackers, huh?” She spoke before she burst out, losing her battle against the laugh.
You cleared your throat, trying to swallow your embarrassment before moving back to the counter with the crackers to finish what had been so rudely interrupted. 
“Honestly, good for you.” You tried to hold a smile while arranging the plate but her words were making the best out of the awkward situation. “I wouldn’t have thought he had it in him to do something like that.” 
Both of you burst into laughter, a laughter that was only interrupted when you heard a door close with a bang. Turning you could see Bob standing outside of the pantry, glasses now on and hair still a bit messy. “You know I can hear you, right?” His cheeks were rosy, not sure if it was because of the embarrassment or the comments of his friend. 
You started laughing again, this time not even your boyfriend could hold it in. Thank goodness it had been Natasha walking in on you two and turned the awkwardness into good fun. Another person joined you in the kitchen when they heard the laugh coming from the kitchen. 
“Is this another party I have not been invited to? What is so funny?” Hangman spoke and it only made the three of you laugh harder.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hello! Could I please get a cricket crew (those who are okay with x reader Ofc) with a reader who tends to spoil them to the point it’s almost concerning? :)
yes. honestly didn't know what I was doing here so I apologize I got major writers block while doing this and idk why
HANDSOME BROS ; spoiling them
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo & badlinu
warnings ; language
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if he's sad, you're there with a blanket, a bowl of soup and his favorite movie
constantly tweeting "guys my bf is so cool he just bought me lunch" and "got a little present for mr tom simons..."
you completely spoil him and love and your money LMAO
he knows that gift giving is one of your love languages but JESUS CHRIST
like it's not even for a reason anymore, you just spoil him so much
like if he's eyeing something at the store, you might have to surprise him with it later
he feels so bad
"y/n/n, yknow I have my own money and you don't need to spoil me, right?"
you shrug and nod like yeah you know, but will you stop? nope
he appreciates it but like he's running out of space to put all the shit you get him
he genuinely has to sit you down to talk about it because he's worried it's just love bombing and you're slowly giving up on the love in the relationship and using things to replace your fallen love for him
you apologize a trillion times because that's definitely not what's happening, you just love spoiling him
but yeah new rules, you can only buy him 1 thing a week
because he's genuinely worried about your bank account
go pay your taxes
ever since day one he's been confused by the sheer amount of gift giving you do
like you'll cherish him with your words yeah, but the amount of things you get him is a little absurd
you constantly buy him new blankets and hoodies
even gift him most of your merch store 💀
you'll show up in the middle of stream w dinner for him
like a whole homemade dinner and he's very grateful dw
but he's kinda worried
maybe it's a trauma response or coping mechanism to make him stay in your life
but no amount of reassuring you that he's gonna leave you will stop it
he's very appreciative that you'll spend money and time on him but yeesh
it starts to make him feel really bad and it gets to the point where he lightly asks you to lighten up on it a bit
like don't you have groceries to pay for? buy some stuff for yourself if you need to burn some money man
plus he feels bad being so spoiled by you, he doesn't wanna accidentally somehow set this standard on you to always be there
plus he's not your boyfriend to financially drain you, he's your boyfriend cause he loves and cares about you
constantly shouting them out online like "congrats to ranboo cause u won boyfriend of the year, prize is bragging rights and me!!" and "ranboo solos"
gifting them any sort of plushie they ever show interest in
straight up doordashing them food mid stream and donating like "ran go check the door"
they love being spoiled but when it gets bad, they sit down and talk to you about it
"is it a trauma response? do you think im gonna leave if you don't spoil me enough?"
you talk about it for a while and how it's just how you show love and how people only seem to listen to you when you got them things instead of told them that you loved and cared about them
another long talk ensues
don't worry, he's never leaving
and you feel bad after so you get him a glow squid plushie!
you mightve missed the point but it's alright
at first he's like "awe, thank you darling" but it's gotten so bad that he's actually worried for the stability of your bank account
you constantly shower him in love online and stuff
always gifting him clothes he'd like, blankets, candles, etc
always tweeting shit like "Freddie badlinu pls be my husband now :D" and "@/badlinu I have kisses awaiting come recieve your gift"
he greatly appreciates that you spend money on him and think about him so often but please calm down bae
yall talk about it and you promise to ease up some
he just feels really bad that you spend so much money on him
he appreciates all the words of affirmation and stuff and how you hype him up I swear LMAO
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soleilceirinen · 7 months
Ciao, amore (Tom Ripley x fem!reader) - Plein soleil AU.
Summary: Tom tries to convince you to return to America.
A/N: Plein soleil is one of my favorite movies, although I like the book (The talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith) this version is my favorite, perhaps because Tom is played by Alain Delon.
English is not my first language, sorry for any mistake and thanks for reading!
Warning: none besides typical sexist comments of the time (50s-60s).
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Italy, 1959.
The soft summer breeze moved the white curtains as the sunset casted a golden glow to the room. It was exactly what you were waiting for. 
"Move your head a bit to the right, Tom," you said to the man sitting in your favorite armchair by the balcony. He obeyed but looked at you sideways. "Don't move."
He sighed, relaxing his shoulders. "Are you sure you don't want to go to the party tonight, Y/N?"
You shook your head, already focused on adding color to the canvas. 
Tom was one of the most gorgeous men you had ever seen, since the moment you saw him for the first time, you knew that you had to paint a portrait of him. If you were lucky enough, you could get a bit close to capture the exact blue of his eyes.
"I don't feel like going and pretend that I enjoy being there, answering their stupid questions and faking smiles. They don't even like me, they only want me for my father's money," you muttered as you added a bit of shadows to the painted version of Tom. "You could have gone with Marge and Dickie if you wanted, you can still catch them if you're fast."
"I thought you wanted to go, that's all," he said. You hummed in response. 
The both of you spent about an hour in silence until the sunset was gone and the golden light changed into darkness. 
"Are you going home for Christmas?" asked him, breaking the silence after a while. 
"You already know the answer to that, Tom. I don't want to argue again about this, alright?" 
"Alright, but you should think about it. Your family is worried about you, all alone and so far from home."
You frowned, taking the dirty brushes and starting to clean them with turpentine. The smell of it always made you feel a bit dizzy, so when they were clean enough, you headed to the balcony to get some fresh air. 
Tom followed you, positioned himself against your back, trapping you between his warm body and the balustrade. 
"Why don't you go back home yourself, ah?" you said bitterly, not expecting an answer.
He had nothing to come back, you knew that much. 
His insistence on coming back home was starting to bore you, mostly because you knew the truth. Your father, an utterly wealthy man wanted you to return to America and in order to do that, he had paid a huge amount of money to Tom to convince you. But there was no point. In Italy you were free.
"I will spend the winter traveling through Europe, learning from the great paint masters," you whispered dreamily. 
You had everything planned, starting with going to every Italian city to visit the monuments and museums, copying the greatest artists's artworks. You wanted to learn of the use of color from the venetians, the composition and the light. Your next stop was going to be Venice. 
Tom hummed and hugged you. He leaned his head on the crock of your neck and left a trail of soft kisses down your shoulder. You turned your head to the side to give him some more room. 
He was aware of his attractiveness, and he never doubted to use it in his favor. Your friend Marge always told you that she didn't trust him, that he was weird. You knew that he was sticking with you because he wanted a bounty but you didn’t mind. 
You were young, free and wanted to have fun, so as long as he kept you satisfied, you wouldn't care about his true intentions or his past. 
“I’m not going home, Tom, and this is the last time I’ll have this conversation with you or with anyone else. Am I being clear?”
He kept kissing you, cupping your breasts with his warm hands through the thin fabric of your dress. “It was just a suggestion, maybe you could think about it.”
Suddenly, you weren’t in the mood. With quick movements, you got rid of him and let yourself fall in the armchair with the skirt of your dress flowing gracefully around you. Tom stared at you, leaning against the balustrade. 
“I want to be an artist,” you said softly, playing with the hem of your dress. “And it is something that I can only achieve here. Coming back would mean getting married, giving up on all my dreams and becoming my mother, and that’s my worst nightmare.”
It was true. The moment you set foot in America again, your father would make you marry some stranger in order to increase your family wealthness, have children to inherit the fortune and live for the rest of your life as a housewife, as a trophy to show at parties. But you wanted to be your own self, an artist. 
Tom walked towards you and knelt in front of your legs, grabbing your hands in his bigger ones. “Marry me, then. We could go wherever you want, do whatever you want,” he finished kissing the back of your hand. 
You tried to hide your amusement with a pout. You liked Tom but you would never marry him. Your father would never allow it, you were the heiress of a great fortune and he had nothing, not that you minded but it would drive your father crazy. It was a good reason to do it though, just to annoy the old man, but you weren't stupid. Tom didn’t want to marry you out of love, he just wanted money. 
You caressed his chiseled cheekbones and leaned forward to give him a chaste kiss on the lips. 
“My father will choose the man I marry, and that man is not you, Tom.”
He frowned, trying to keep his face neutral but you knew that your comment had hurt him in a way that you could never understand. Tom let go of your hands and stood up, pacing around the room until he stopped in front of the canvas. 
“You know, Y/N, I’m your best option. With me you could do whatever you wanted, I already told you. By yourself you’d only be a woman. Nobody would take you seriously as an artist.” 
His cold words meant to cause you a similar pain than the one he felt moments earlier, but you counted on that. Whenever he felt hurt or humiliated he seemed to act like a wild animal. 
“I’ll use a pseudonym, a male one. That’s what we women do. We don’t need a man to be successful or independent, we are our own man.” 
Tom seemed to think about something, you could almost see the hinges inside his head turning. 
He was nothing more than a fortune hunter. Even when he tried to hide it under sweet whispers in the night, or soft caresses, the coldness was still there, it never felt real. Instead, wherever Tom was, it felt like he was playing a role. You hadn’t met the real Tom yet, and you doubted that you would ever do. 
For now, you could just play dumb and pretend that you were unaware of his true intentions. After all, you were young and most important, free. The new decade will come soon and you’ll try to enjoy your youth traveling around Europe and making memories with the people you would find in the way. 
Tom would stay by your side until one of you two got bored of the other. To him, you were just the goose that laid the golden eggs. To you, he was nothing more than a pair of blue eyes with some pretty things to say.
You sighed and stood up, walking to him and hugging his waist. “Let’s not fight, alright?”, he was staring at his portrait, with his jaw clenched. “Tom, if you are still in Italy by the end of next month we can go together to Venice. How does that sound?”
Slowly, you felt his muscles relax in your embrace. It could have been unnoticed but you saw him nod. “Venice sounds perfect.”
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