#it's so fluffly
lluviagf · 11 months
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meroaw · 1 year
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bleh1bleh2 · 11 months
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smh no room
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rinwhore · 8 months
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morning mikey!!
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starrywangxian · 4 months
i think one of the reasons why wangxian's love is so powerful and strong is because wei wuxian is a romantic at heart but believes he isn't deserving of love and lan wangji is also a romantic but believes he doesn't love enough so when you put them together you get this sappy romantic and unconditional love because they are each other's safe spaces. they are helping each other heal and they are unlearning their trauma together.
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soobinies · 1 year
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svibian · 7 months
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favourite xiao zhan looks [1/?]
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osamusriceballs · 5 months
The Accident - Part XIV
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: Alcohol
Words: ~ 2.3 k
About: Meeting Atsumu- not in the way you planned though >.<
Part I II -> Next Part
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"How would you feel about maybe going out tonight? Hinata and Kageyama will be there too. They would love to see you again, y/n!" You press the phone against your ear and listen to Yachi's cheerful voice while you get a glass of water. "I'd rather stay at home, if that's alright with you." Yachi breaths out deeply at your reply, and you embarrassedly scratch the back of your head.
"That's okay. Is it... because you're still thinking about him?" She carefully asks, and your heart skips a beat when your thoughts drift to him.
She's talking about Atsumu, who still hasn't tried to contact you after more than a month- and you still stalk his Instagram every day, kind of hoping that he'll notice you. A part of you finds yourself very pathetic for that, but you know that you'll let him go eventually. Or at least you hope that you'll be able to. You still feel a pang in your heart whenever you receive a letter addressed to "Mrs. Miya" or when you look at the diamond ring that you finally put aside in a box in your nightstand.
"A bit, yeah. But it's not because of him. I'm just a bit tired. I'll probably go to bed early today."
She hums and hesitates for a second. "If you need me, or if you need to talk about him again, you know that you can always reach out to me, 'kay?" You smile fondly at her words, her concern for you making you feel a bit more at ease, because you know she'll always be on your side. "Thank you. Have fun and say hello to Hinata and Kageyama!"
"I will!"
You both say goodbye, and then you end the call. A relaxing night with a good TV show and a facial mask sounds just perfect to you. And this also might help you to get Atsumu off your mind.
The shrill ringing sound of your phone wakes you in the middle of the night, and you're alert when you blindly reach out for the phone and see the contact's name.
Osamu Miya is calling
You remember when he had given you his card back then at Onigiri Miya's while Atsumu was using the restroom, just in case anything ever happens, and you had saved his contact without giving it much thought but never reached out to him. Why would he call you in the middle of the night?
You hesitate but finally take the call.
"Y/n? It's Osamu. I know you probably don't wanna talk to me too, but can I ask for a favor?"
You're in shock when you hear his familiar voice, even more so when you hear his request. "Uhm... what favor?"
"It's about—ya know. Tsumu. He's... kinda unstable ever since ya ignored him. I wanted—" You frown at his words and can't help yourself but to interrupt him.
"Wait a second. What do you mean ignored him?"
You sit up straight in your bed, all your fatigue gone instantly. "The message he left last week? Listen, I get it, he is an idiot, and he is a little pain in the ass, I wouldn't listen to him either."
You blink confused, having no clue what he's talking about and he seems to interpret your silence as agreement.
"Forget it. Y/n, the favor. Can ya come over at Onigiri Miya's? He's drunk and dumb, and I can't do this anymore. I don't know what'll happen if he keeps up with that attitude."
You hold your breath while you listen to him, and your jaw drops at his words. "I- I don't know what to say. If you really need me, I'll come. I don't know if I can be much of a help though."
"Yes. Yes, we need ya here. Ya need a taxi? I can get ya one." He is quick to offer and you hear him sigh in relief.
"Uhm... yes, that would be good. Thanks." You hear a loud shout in the back and the sound of a shattering glass and flinch subconsciously. Osamu curses and yells something inaudible before you hear him clearly again.
"You're welcome. Thank ya for helpin' me out."
"Uhm... sure? I Shouldn't you call his girlfriend though?" Osamu yells another time and you nervously fidget with the blanket in your hands.
"His girlfriend? Wait. Ya actually met her? No wonder ya never tried to reach out. Forget that freak real quick, just come here. He can explain that whole thing to ya."
You stay silent and then nod. This might be the only way for you to find out what really happened back then. "Okay. He'll have a lot of explaining to do, though."
You nod and hang up the call to get off the bed, your whole body feeling electrified. You definitely wouldn't have thought that you'd meet him so soon- leave alone tonight. But thinking about how you've been feeling during these past few weeks, you know that you need this. You need to talk to Atsumu Miya, and you need to talk to him tonight.
You take a deep breath when you finally stand in front of Onigiri Miya. Not exactly how you expected your Saturday night to go, but here you are. At 2:10 am.
You hesitantly reach out for the door and pause. How will he react when he sees you? Has Osamu already told him that you'll come? How will you react when you see him? You push the door open with sweaty palms and you're met with a sight you did not expect.
Atsumu is sitting at the counter of the restaurant with Osamu standing right next to him, both of them yelling at each other and Osamu wildly gesticulating and throwing a towel. You spot two bottles of beer behind them on the counter and you're pretty sure that they are both from Atsumu. They both don't seem to notice you, still too absorbed into their fight.
The door loudly falls shut behind you and both suddenly stop yelling—not that you could even get a single word—but the sudden silence is almost awkward. They turn to you, and they both just look at you like you're a ghost, without saying anything. You wait for a few seconds, but can't stand any more awkwardness when the silence stretches longer.
"Uhm... hello?"
Atsumu suddenly gets on his feet and approaches you, and you stand there frozen when you see his red-rimmed eyes and the way he's almost stumbling while trying to reach you. Before he gets even close to you, he suddenly falls to the ground, his feet clumsily tangling with each other.
"Atsumu!" you quickly get closer and kneel next to him, concern evident in your voice, and he heavily gets on his arms and lifts his upper body just enough to look at you. You stare wide-eyed at him, your hands hesitantly reaching out for him but pausing mid-air while you look down at him.
"Y/n?" It sounds a bit slurred, and you nod with a frown.
"Yeah." You awkwardly stare at him while he clumsily takes a seat on his ass, his eyes now shining happily while he watches you. "I missed ya." You force a smile on your lips that you hope doesn't look too bitter. He pinches his eyes together, and one of his hands comes to your cheek—almost slapping you, and you flinch a bit when he leans a bit closer, the strong alcohol in his breath evident when he exhales deeply. "Ya don't look happy." He looks sad while he watches your face, and you suddenly feel tears in your eyes. "I'm... you hurt me, Atsumu." You know that he is intoxicated, and that he is in no state to give you a proper answer, but you still needed to get this off your chest.
"Hurt?" he echoes, his eyebrows furrowed while he's trying to understand your words. "Don't wanna hurt ya."
You nod and gently take his hand to remove it from your cheek and hold it. He looks kind of cute sitting there on his ass, and you simply stare at him, a part of you wanting to cry while another part wants to yell at him, but you just stay silent.
You hear someone clear his throat and look at Osamu standing behind him and watching you both attentively. "Don't wanna interrupt, but I wanna go home. I couldn't get him to leave tonight. It's gotten worse since last week. Since that message he left ya."
"What message?" You frown and direct your attention to Osamu. He raises an eyebrow and gestures towards Atsumu. "The one in which he pathetically asked ya to talk to him?"
You shake your head. "I didn't get a message from him."
"Oh." You look blankly at Osamu, and he looks blankly at you. Atsumu's hand suddenly tightens around you, and he whines cutely. "Y/n! Talk to me- yer here for me!" Osamu rolls his eyes and sighs deeply.
"I'm sorry. I was just so annoyed, couldn't stand him. It's fine if ya don't wanna give me a hand here."
"No, I can... I can help you out. What do you want me to do?" You try to ignore how your skin prickles where Atsumu starts to rub circles on the back of your hand, something that feels surprisingly way too intimate for you.
"Can ya help me get him home? I can get ya a taxi or- wait. Do you have a driver's license?"
You nod, and Osamu smiles happily. "Ya wanna drive his car then? Don't worry about the insurance, it's all good. You're officially married after all." He snorts at that and grabs Atsumu's bag to search for the keys. "It's only fair that ya get to drive his damn car then."
Your eyes go wide when you think about driving Atsumu's luxurious car, but you know that Atsumu does not live too far away, so you hesitantly nod, thinking about how nice Osamu has always been to you and how you want to help him out of this misery. And since you're already here, you can at least help him get Atsumu back.
You turn to Atsumu and try to smile as sweetly as you can. "Atsumu? Will you come with me then?" Atsumu seems to have a hard time understanding what you want from him, but finally nods and grabs your hand tighter while he tries to get on his feet. Osamu is quick to come from behind and to pull on his shoulders until he's fully standing, and you raise your brows when you see Atsumu barely pulling himself together. "I'll help ya get him in the car. I need to close the store; will you manage on your own after that? You can call if you need me."
You nod wearily and watch him carry Atsumu basically to the front door, when Atsumu starts complaining. "Y/n, come with us—" he whines and grabs your hand tighter, and you actually smile a bit when he's pouting adorably. "I'm here. Don't worry."
It feels like an eternity to get Atsumu in the car when he calls for you every few seconds and wants to make sure you're still with him, but Osamu finally managed to get Atsumu on the passenger seat where he starts snoring after a few moments.
Osamu sighs and rubs his eyes. "If he's not waking up when yer at his place, ya can call me. I'll take care of him then."
You nod and take the car keys with a slight hint of nervousness. You're just glad that the streets are basically empty at this time, so it should be fine for just a few minutes of driving. And technically, you're still his wife, so this should be fine, even if you scratch it accidentally. Osamu looks at you and nods, and you grab the keys tighter. "Thank you." Osamu opens the car door for you, and you slowly get on the seat. "I really appreciate it. Yer gettin' a free meal when yer comin' to Onigiri Miya next." You softly laugh at his comment and nod. "I'll come back to that offer."
He grins and yawns tiredly. "Drive safely."
You turn on the engine, and you wave at him. "You too. See ya."
"See ya."
The ride went smoothly, and you couldn't be more thankful when you finally park the car in the spacious garage. Atsumu has simply been snoring next to you, just mumbling a few inaudible things every now and then and the streets were basically empty at this time. You exit the car and open the door on his side, softly shaking his shoulder. "Atsumu? Can you come with me? Atsumu?" You coo, trying to softly wake him up, and he finally opens his eyes, still groggy and sleepy. "Y/n?"
"Yes, it's me. Will you come with me?"
He seems to have a hard time understanding what you want from him again, but he nods.
"Come here." You wrap Atsumu's arm around your shoulders and desperately pull him with you, and he finally gives in and lets you take him out of the car. "Y/n... missed ya. Yer gonna stay the night? Ya can have my bed. We can share. Share with my pretty- wife." He hiccups, and you take a deep breath to suppress your feelings. He sounds so genuine and cute, you almost want to believe his words. "Come on. We can talk about that later."
You have no idea how long it takes you to bring him to the elevator—more like drag him to the elevator—but you sigh in relief when you press the familiar number, even though the elevator has brought you so many painful memories by now. He mumbles some barely understandable words in your neck, his weight heavily resting on your body while you pull him with you as soon as the doors open.
"Come on, we're almost there."
"Hmm... coming." He lulls, following your direction, and you both finally make it around the corner—only to find someone already standing there. A familiar face that you hoped to never see again.
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ewwww-what · 1 month
I notice your fig redesign has hooves (gorgeous design btw she's so cute lol), do you picture her hooves coming in with her horns, or with her becoming an archdevil or similar?
I imagine that the hooves and tail would come in after she signs the archdevil contract, mostly because I don’t want to think about how horribly painful it would be to go from human legs to goat legs over an extended period of time (like growing pains but so much worse), and also because I don’t know if I could easily make that really work story-wise.
I think it makes sense that when you sign to become an archdevil you would have some kind of physical transformation to go with that, y’know? Gorthalax has digitigrade legs and hooves, plus that long whip tail, and I don’t think it’s too far out to assume he got those when he became a pit fiend. I haven’t quite figured out why Fig’s legs would be goat-ish and furry as opposed to just digitigrade and hooved, but I’m trying not to think too hard about it cause truly it was just a silly split second choice :))
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theshyspy · 1 year
you learn to crochet (headcanon) - h. s
a/n: is this inspired by my own inability to crochet?? yes and I’m suffering from it.
I cooked this together in an hour and had a lot of fun so lmk if you’d like more of these🫶🏻
reblogs and feedback is greatly appreciated (even a thumbs up)! 🦋
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You refused to tell him what you were making as you came home with yarn and crochet-needles.
He’d told you a few days earlier how he needed a new beanie, and you took the task upon yourself to make him a new one. You’d carefully chosen a colour you knew he’d like and a material that wouldn’t itch.
You never showed him what you were making, always quick to hide it if he came home from the studio early or pause the youtube tutorial if he walked in the room while you watched it.
He almost begged for some sort of clue, impatient to see what you were doing.
But when you actually were done with it…
Glancing at the finished product, you contemplated on whether you could actually give it to him or not. It was obvious that you’d never crochet before, the whole thing oddly shaped and uneven. You actually felt embarrassed at the thought of showing it to him, or anyone for that matter.
But he was so eager, always asking you how it was going and if you needed him to get you more yarn.
So you figured you could give it to him and have it rest nicely in a drawer somewhere.
“Okay, so you don’t have to wear it. But I remember you said you wanted a new one, so I made… this. I don’t know if it even counts as what I was trying to make.” You chuckled nervously as you gave him the small gift.
He was so quick to open it, a grin spreading over his face as he ripped the paper away. He immediately put it on, and you had to stop yourself from cringing at how bad it looked.
“It looks weird, so you should probably still go out and get a new one.”
“Are you kidding me? I love it! I can’t believe you actually took the time to do this for me, that- I love you so much.”
He was so soft for you, heart swelling at the thought of your dedication to make it for him. He adored it and just wanted to wear it all the time, tell everyone how you made it for him.
He leaned down and kissed your forehead before wrapping his arms around your frame. “I really do love it, thank you so much.” 
@suchalonelysunflower @notanacousticsetcal @hoodhoran @5-seconds-of-bucky @japanchrry @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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lluviagf · 11 months
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Hair ice, also known as Ice wool or Frost beard, forms when a particular fungus, Exidiopsis effusa, is present in decaying wood at low temperatures!!
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verndusk · 1 month
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a hades style study <33
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i drew a robot beause uhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmm i drew a robot
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Fun fluffy microfic for y’all today based off this post
Remus was just sitting in the common room, flicking idly through a book, as Sirius walked in, dropping down next to him. Remus smiled at him, the smile quickly giving way for concern for a moment.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Mmm, tired.” He hummed, resting his head on Remus’ shoulder, hand winding through his arm.
Remus froze, trying to make sure his shoulders hadn’t tended up.
He was still staring straight ahead at his book, the word suddenly unintelligible as his heart sped up, face heating as he was pretty sure he was turning a dangerous shade of red. Merlin knows how long he stayed like that until Sirius’ breathing turned even, having bloody fallen asleep.
Remus couldn’t move, not unless he wanted to wake Sirius up, which he didn’t, which meant he had to live with the warmth of the boy he loved who he hoped to god would someday love him back slept.
The painting opened again, Remus turning his head as Lily walked in. She paused in front of the two of them, arching an eyebrow.
“Turning a bit red there, Remus?” She said quietly, amused.
“Shut up. I’m going to jump off the fucking astronomy tower.” Remus whispered back declaratively.
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I reread The Black Games trilogy and I realized I never truly finished the last two chapters of the third installment (despite reading the whole triology at least five times) and y'all...
It rocked me emotionally.
Anyways, I love the trilogy so much and I'm so happy I finally got to finish it!
(also, it has my favorite OCs ever!!!)
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abysswalkersknight · 7 months
Here's one of the quick long fics I've been doing the past two weeks while catsitting. This was really just to past the time so I wasn't paying too much attention to it but hopefully you all enjoy.
One dark rainy season, Lilia became aware of something crawling around his domain in the woods. Judging by the light scuffles, it was surely larger than a dog.
Currently it was one of those nights where all of Briar Valley was enveloped by an endless torrent of hard, harsh rain, and filled Lilia’s cabin with the soothing melody of tinks and trickles and drips, he’d only noticed the creature because his sharp ears had picked up a faint whining sound underneath the rhythmic rain, they probably thought that nobody could hear them. Over the days the rain hailed on, enough so that Lilia could barely take a step outside before either slipping or coming ankle deep in mud. It were times like these where he was glad he was retired from the front lines and can prepare comfortably for this sort of weather, where he had also found the joys of having warm, dry clothing on hand as well as being able to easily slip out of his drenched shirt and boots and rest his aching muscles next to the blazing hearth. Perhaps it was these thoughts which had prompted him to keep an eye outside for the creature. It was starting to get really bad out there, the wind was picking up and he heard that it was beginning to flood in some places. Though it could also simply be the old habit of being mindful of enemies or the like. Seven knows how often Lilia’s had to weasel out a shoddy spy or two, or an assassin if he was lucky.
Whenever the storm had paused in its fury, Lilia would quickly venture out and check the surrounding wood, peering inside tree hollows, in the tree’s canopies, checking for any suspicious looking tracks, looking for signs of anything taking refuge in the area. Unfortunately nothing wielded anything other than the usual wildlife that lived in the area. 
He’d do this for a few days out of simple curiosity, until one day he found something that made him sigh deeply and shake his head.
During one of these breaks in the weather Lilia had left a brilliant attempt at a pie out on the windowsill  to cool off. The charred, blackened crust had been broken, letting the air into the warm, gluey heart of the pie. Yet it was not the massacred pie that had soured Lilia’s spirits. Marked on the edge of the windowsill with the purplish red insides of the pie were prints from the little hands of a small child.
With this newfound information, Lilia puts more effort into his searches, and has even taken to setting out bowls of food and water, and they were always empty by the time he came to collect them. Though soon Lilia grew to be quite restless, when suddenly more and more food were left behind each day and his heart quickened when one day he caught sight of little bits of blood swimming in one of the water bowls.
Alright, now there’s a sick child suffering out there, he pondered, trying to figure out his next course of action.
He contemplated mixing in some medicine with the food but then thought against it, he had no idea what species this child was and hadn’t the foggiest clue as to how much the average child has, I don’t even know if their constitution would allow it.
The best thing I can probably do right now is try to gauge what ails them, and for that I’ll need to catch them. Easier said than done, the child proved to be an elusive one, having discarded the food altogether once they seemed to realise that Lilia was leaving them closer and closer to the cabin. Lilia cursed, since then the only reasons he hadn’t believed that the child had perished were food stolen from the garden and the occasional weak cough he’d hear in the middle of the night. The storm has yet to let up, to the point where Lilia was worried that some of the trees around him might fall, and the water levels in the river next to the cabin were rising rapidly. Of course he could easily teleport to the castle should he need to, but that child was still out there… There was no more time left for stalling, Lilia needed to find that child now. Thankfully, despite remaining hidden from his eyes he knew the child always remained close to their best food source, so wrapping himself in his travelling cloak he dashed out into the pouring rain, mud spraying everywhere as he shot towards the river. 
Just as he suspected the river was rising quickly, having breached the banks and crawling higher. The currents were rampant, forcing the water wheel to spin wildly as it crushed any debris caught under it ‘hey! Is anyone out there!’ he calls out to the raging wind ‘child! Where are you?’ he knew it was likely that the child wouldn’t respond if they had remained as cautious as they have. But he prayed that the storm would have frightened them enough to seek him out ‘answer me! it’s alright child, it’s too dangerous out here,’
‘Ah…hel-mffh!’ ears pricking Lilia urgently flocked to the shrill cry, he called out again but couldn’t hear anything, instead he caught sight of a disturbance in the rapids. Frantic splashing amongst a pile of logs and branches partly submerged in the water, Lilia would have thought nothing of it, had a tiny hand not reached up to scramble desperately along a branch only to fall back down.
He blinked at this pile for several seconds before realising what this meant. Within a few strides he had leapt onto the strongest log, searching until he found it. A small figure trying to cling onto their branch with all their waning strength, only to have their feet slip on the eroded, muddy wall the branches grew from. He lurched forward as the child suddenly lost their grip altogether and splashed into the murky water, Lilia cursed again when he found that their arm was caught on something that had the child being tugged painfully in the current as they struggled to keep their head above the water. As he got to their branch Lilia was stunned to see that it was a little chain that was caught on a broken piece of wood pointing upwards, and connected to that chain was a little shackle fastened to an even smaller wrist, what the- no time for that! Bracing his knees against the log Lilia seized the child’s arm with one hand and grasped the wood with the other, he heaved back on the log like a fisherman hauling up his net, feeling it bent and splinter until finally it snapped right off. With no hesitation he hoisted the child up into his arms and leapt as far away from the wood pile as he could before the whole structure suddenly collapsed and crunched under the water wheel.
Now safely out of the river the child tumbled down, spluttering and coughing a brown, watery spray while Lilia collapsed beside them with a tired huff.
Woo, I’m going to be feeling this for a while, he thinks, placing a hand on his aching back. Oh the frailty of old age! He glances over to his breathless companion, quite young to judge by the height about five or six though skinny as a twig.
‘Where did you come from, little one?’ he murmurs once he’s recovered. They did not answer, but sat curled away from him and staring from under pale eyelashes. They were utterly filthy, the river doing nothing to wash away the mud and grit caked in their hair and clothes. They clutched at their shackled wrist as if preventing it from moving even the slightest inch, Lilia winces in sympathy, that does not look good ‘let’s have a look at you then’ he mutters, they were resting by the shed bit of the wheel so conveniently there was a bucket full of water right next to him, he grabbed it and before the curled figure could do anything he had splashed the water across their face, washing away the worst of the mud, revealing dull white locks. A boy? With his free hand Lilia grabbed the boy’s chin to gently wipe away the stubborn bits of dirt, he managed to clear off around the ear before the seemed to regain himself and made a panicky attempt to bite, showing off a full set of milk teeth. He let them latch on, hardly a sting at all, and stroked his head soothingly, murmuring sweet nothings until the boy let go. Lilia frowned at the tiny smattering of blood on his arm, clearly not his own. Ignoring the boy’s weakening protests he swiftly scooped him up and hurried back into the light and warmth of the cabin.
It was difficult at first to get the child in the tub but eventually they got him relaxed and melting on the edge of it while Lilia massaged soap in his hair and scrubbed to grit off those soft little limbs. It soon came as a shock to Lilia that with every rinse he gave to the boy’s locks, instead of a bone pale white he expected they soon revealed a mane the colour of glistening swords honed to perfection, a luxurious silver many would envy. But the greatest shock came when he swept a wet lock behind the boy’s round ear, such a funny shape it was, it was a shape he hasn’t seen since his time on the battlefield ‘so you are a human, my dear’ he whispers with revered astonishment. And he was so little the only humans Lilia’s seen were either full grown or barely into their adulthood, always swinging a sword or catapult at him. This one though only murmurs in contentment while leaning into his warm touch, judging from the horrible shackle he’s had to carefully snap off the sore wrist and the slight wheezing in his lungs the poor thing must have run away from a horrible place, the boy whimpered and whined as Lilia carefully rinsed off the raw broken skin, had it been left any longer he was sure it would get infected. Thankfully the boy settled once Lilia wrapped a warm wet cloth around his wrist and surprisingly nuzzled into his hand when he petted him, it was no wonder to Lilia that he’d revel in what was possibly the first kind touch he’s ever had ‘you must have been watching me all that time to be this cosy with me so quickly’ he says, drying him off with the fluffiest towel he had, it would explain the feeling of being watched he’s been having for a while he thinks as the boy startles at his own sneeze. Chuckling at such cuteness Lilia dressed him in the smallest clothes he could find, though still they were much too loose on the boy who wiggled his arms and legs around trying to find his hands and feet and for possibly the second time that day Lilia’s breath was cut off. 
Beautiful auroral eyes gaze up at him with an innocent curiosity, eyes that struck fear and longing in his heart. He knew those eyes, those were the eyes of his greatest enemy and rival, the eyes of the one who had slain his dear princess and orphaned the young prince. 
All of his centuries old rage came boiling up at once, this was now clearly a child descended from the cursed knight of dawn, one bearing his exact image. Lilia’s face had not moved at all but the child must have sensed something because his features slowly began to droop and quiver, he looked at his hand, fingers curling dangerously. He could do it, finish it right there, avenge his fallen friends, but…
Loud hiccupping startles him from his thoughts, the child was breathing fearfully, until a coughing fit took over his lungs, his body trembled with every cough working hard to hack out his very lungs, once it was over he wearily glanced to the door and back but made no move. Lilia could tell that he wanted to leave, having frightened him enough but the child was too weak at the moment, quivering with fear and exhaustion he even spied a smear of dark red on the corner of those lips trembling for breath. But there was something else in the boy’s expression that gave him pause, it was one of defeat, of accepting their fate. A look that should not be on the face on any child no matter what their origins. He sighed, all his rage sizzling into nothing, who was he kidding, this child has dealt with enough already, he didn’t need to add a centuries old grudge against his dead parents to the list. It took a little while but once again Lilia was cooing over the sweet little one in his arms, taking him downstairs to soothe his tired throat with a diluted healing potion and hot chocolate. It wasn’t much against whatever mysterious ailment the child has, but hopefully it will help until he could get into contact with his old lieutenant; Baul, whose daughter had married a human, hopefully they would help and then Lilia can decide what to do next, but right now he’s happy to sit languidly on the sofa sipping the greatest hot chocolate he’s ever made, with his semi claimed child resting his weary head against his shoulder.
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