#listening to it unlocks hidden emotions. also unlocks fear
transmorphobots · 8 months
A piece about the enigmatic Coldfront featuring of course the lovely @classychassiss Venus (who also came up with the pin-locking knee joint that is utterly gruesome but I love) and a mention of @messengerofmechs Castor.
Depictions of PTSD and child harm ahead.
Waking facing the ceiling makes defense protocols activate. Instincts surging to the surface. Where was it? What was taken this time? Memory diagnostics ran fast, trying to get as far as they could get before someone took notice of the sound. System diagnostics found something first- it was plugged into a computer. Wires had been hooked into its sensor hubs. Before it could be stopped, revulsion surged through all of its processes and on its heels came fear. Overwhelming, unstoppable fear. Diagnostics quit the processes as defense protocols take priority. It can't maneuver its arms well enough to remove the wires itself, it'll have to use distance and its body weight.
Peeling off the back of the table-
[Error! Surroundings need to be confirmed]
-and jerking the legs out of the bindings-
[Error! Surroundings need to be confirmed]
-The machine starts to scream in protest. It pulls an arm forward. Wires snap, some fall away and some stay plugged in after their severance. The blade flattens against the guard as it jams the edged point somewhere into the center of its mass to silence it-
[Error! Surroundings need to be confirmed]
-Coldfront pulls with all its might to be unplugged while revulsion floods every emotional processor and input. It would rather be destroyed than to be here again, to be put through the erasure and the modifications again. Its bindings are pulled out or broken, the supportive tension being lost, almost sending it to the floor had its knees not defensively locked to keep it upright.
The pins bite into the joint. The sensation traveling through the twisted wires all the way to the support struts in its back which triggered a feeling like all of the heating coils in its body went off at once. It didn't scream. It couldn't because it already moved, that noise was enough, and Supercell would be back at the commotion and it needed some sort of element of surprise. It forces the joints to unlock so it can maneuver.
It turns its whole body to face the door -
It faces a wall instead.
[Error! Surroundings need to be confirmed]
- and it finally listens to that annoying message when it sees that the door is different, the lab is different... and Venus is sleeping at the computer. Defense protocols drop back immediately as it confirms where it actually is and runs its memory diagnostic again. Fragmentation in earlier files was to be expected but these last few weeks featured no break up or corruption. Supercell had not caught onto it yet... or... tentatively it could consider...
It couldn't consider anything yet, not until he was gone.
Fear was stubborn to let go of its hold on its systems and so comfortable there. A niche made for it, growing inside, thriving on a feast of its archived emotions. Supercell let Coldfront have fear. He was the only one who knew it could be afraid and he was the only one who could make it move despite it. Bravery and courage kept preserved and if that did not work then the lack of control of its movements would. One single directive above all - Keep moving forward. However, the conflicting and broken code, the memory core itself as mutilated as the rest of it, meant those fail safes eventually eroded. They broke down and the rest of the pieces fell out. A wave of disgust rolls through it like a roaming blackout before it settles back in the fog of its processes.
It would thank Supercell for the shielding around its spark to keep it hidden if only because that meant its emotional responses were harder to read. The people helping it didn't have to see that every time it woke up in the lab its anxiety would spike. That while it held itself so still and docile under every investigative touch and poke of their tools it was only that sheer will that kept it from trembling.
When was the last time a touch laid on its frame had been anything but pain? Countless touches, seemingly all of them had been with pain. Its memory lost track of what it was like without. Instead of keeping records of suffering it threw the data out because if it had kept a record, its processor would have no space for anything else.
But it was collecting new data. It may only have moments it can count on its hands that were of genuine mercy and relief but that was just the start and it had been so welcome. Sidesplit and Venus had been so kind to it without any reason to. Calling out was not even a plea for mercy but rather one desperate attempt in a thousand failed attempts to deny Supercell a victory.
It had just wanted to deny him what he wanted and a mission so far away from the usual territory was perfect for staging a crash. It had left a witness, left some perfect bait to see what it was taking. Nebulean coins, some philosophy and historical books, and a Matrix. Something so carefully crafted to pass knowledge from one to the other and he would have it placed on a shelf, far away from anyone using it. He would maybe even wipe its memory core with something more suiting to his tastes. A Matrix of Supercell. A tremor of disgust rolls through it again, stronger this time, for it knew that its handiwork would be imprinted on crystalline circuits to preserve it for eons. He would gloat about its construction, it knew this and depised it.
All of it would be on there. It, the heirs, and the.............
It couldn't let him..............
let him............... ?
The thoughts veer away from it before they can even be realized. With Sidesplit cutting some of the restrictions in its emotional processors out it could at least feel anger without fear of being forced into shut down. It surged forward and made its frame tense with a famailiar but corrupted combat protocol.
Supercell treasured knowledge above all else, hoarding it away from the people he destroyed. Whatever was always lingering at the edges of its understanding was denied. The artifacts he hade Coldfront fetch, things from his homeworld that he destroyed... Supercell loved the power of knowing things other people didn't. Nothing would infuriate him more than not having it.
Now it didn't have any of his trophies.
It had bared its wounds to the Dirge crew and they responded with mercy. Peace was a feeling it hardly felt and it wasn't sure if that was Supercell's design or the predicament it was in. With the situation steadily changing, perhaps, becoming more secure... it didn't know what to feel. The moment's ancient anger dropped away like a curtain, or a shield maybe? It could feel that hope was lingering in the recesses of its processor it had been sequestered to. It had bared its wounds and... it stabbed the considerate rig that Sidesplit had made for it. One of the display screens hangs loosely by some cables. Parts of it sparking from the wound it was given. Guilt activates in one of its emotional processors. Creeping through its memory looking for a target to amplify its potency. Lashing out at the speaker to trap her against the very wall it had been facing when it woke- taking her city in its unstoppable march- taking other cities. Other people. Other worlds.
It focused on Venus asleep at the table. With slow, painful steps it goes to her side and it does not wake her. She fell asleep with a pillow of notes. Notes that kept the score of what had been taken from it, notes on how to get it back. It sets a hand on Venus gently just to rest it there, mindful of the weight of its arm.
The speaker had... breached something when she had dug through all of the shielding and touched the reserve of anger. Within its own archives there was something desperately trying to understand and make a connection to the action with knowledge. It was a mangled collection of data but its systems kept trying to access it with no success. What did she remind itself of so much that it was driving itself mad?
The files won't get uncorrupted by constantly recalling them but it's loop continues.
One failure after the other but the desire to know was powerful. What had she touched? If she had come back to the lab perhaps it could have asked her. It had no intention of doing so, how could it? The first time it had seen her it had tried to to stop. Put as much dead weight in its legs as it could to give her time to get out of the way but she didn't. Her people fought and they paid like other worlds had.
Terror on her face because that is all it was now. There was a time people smiled [Error!] when they saw it. [Error!] There was a time it was different. Maybe. It felt like a dream to want something that wasn't tied to him. That place [Error!] Person? Home? Whatever it was. It didn't know what the Tower was. Something important but out of reach. The data scrubbed over and over again to leave nothing but still, persistently, it remembered that it was different.
Did she remind it of that time? Were they similar? Was the Tower its home in the same way as her?
Was she even still there?
Its own sequence of crashes mesh into a memory of Volt-tier's own cries of the word. Younger, smaller, still in a rudimentary form because- [Error!] He was not yet the Count and in this memory he was vulnerable and dear. His arm torn open from the heat of lightning. Leaving a trail of energon where he's stumbling as he goes from one drone to the next looking for someone to answer his cries for help. They have no programming to respond to that and neither does it. Still, compelled by something it doesn't understand, it gently cradles his face with its elongated hand and looks over his destroyed one with the other. Parts of its processor try to connect it to something, it's something familiar.
The stroking of Volt-tier's cheek with its fingers to calm him.....
was.............. ?
Fragments of corrupted imagery keep being recalled. They were hard to parse, most of them were a mess of visual snow and black holes burned through the center of them. Only small hints of people in the images. A finger in the mess of color. Snippets of a location.
Its hand strokes Venus' back. An idle motion while it tried to sort through the chaos. Its hands were getting stronger but some movement was still hard just because the hands were not meant to function like hands. The joints would catch often and some would be too loose. Both of them, could it shakily call them friends at this point, tried to fix it so it could have a little autonomy and it was touched by that. There was so much more to be doing- Getting Pollux back for one but also its other systems. It didn't want to be turned against them after all they had done. Still, they chose sometimes work that was grueling and not for their own interests, but for the comfort of Coldfront.
Much more pleasant than the pins locking its knees but still the motion of realization is similar. Up from the source to something deeper. The repeated motion, the gratitude- its familiar. A touch on a body that no longer conforms to the original shape. A sensation of a great weight being lifted though leaving exhaustion in the new space. A type of relief. A satisfaction maybe? A tired, tired satisfaction. The motion repeated in the same way as it does now, wisps of relief not its own at the edges of what it is/was and something else.
Are you still there? Is a thought that cannot be shaken. Who? It doesn't know.
The images cannot get any clearer but as they retreat back into its disorganized archive, briefly, they make more sense. A touch to the cheek, a hand on its own when it had a shape more like a hand, a smile from a friend. Who are they? It doesn't know.
Venus stirs under its touch finally. It noted that the struggle should have woken her sooner but she was constantly working. Her systems were tired. Familiarly tired. Why? It keeps its hand there and as she wakes to the disaster she missed, it says words that aren't its own but they're familiar. Someone said them to it once.
"Thank you, for everything. I’m sorry for putting you through this. Help me, please."
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suryaprabisha1 · 7 months
Unlocking Parenting's Hidden Gems: Strategies for Thriving with Preschoolers
Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting preschoolers! It’s a time filled with boundless curiosity, joy, and yes, its fair share of challenges. As a parent, you’re probably wondering how to navigate this critical stage in your child’s development while nurturing a strong parent-child bond. Fear not! In this blog, we’ll explore some tried-and-true effective parenting strategies for preschoolers that will not only make your journey smoother but also help your child flourish.
Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement
Preschoolers are like sponges, soaking up information and experiences. One of the most effective parenting strategies is to use positive reinforcement and encouragement. Praise their efforts and achievements, no matter how small. It boosts their self-esteem and motivates them to learn and explore. For example, when they successfully complete a puzzle or tie their shoes for the first time, celebrate these milestones together.
Establish Consistent Routines
Preschoolers thrive on routines. Establishing consistent daily schedules for meals, naptime, play, and bedtime can create a sense of security and predictability. When children know what to expect, they often exhibit better behaviour and are more cooperative. Make sure to communicate these routines clearly and stick to them as much as possible.
Active Listening and Communication
Effective communication is key to understanding your preschooler's needs and emotions. Take the time to actively listen when your child talks, and respond with empathy. This not only strengthens your connection but also helps your child develop language skills and emotional intelligence. When they express their feelings or concerns, acknowledge their emotions and offer comfort and support.
Setting Boundaries and Consistent Discipline
Preschoolers are testing boundaries as they explore the world around them. Setting clear and age-appropriate limits is essential. Use discipline techniques such as time-outs or loss of privileges consistently when necessary. However, always ensure that your discipline is gentle and respectful, focusing on teaching rather than punishing. Explain the reasons behind the rules to help your child understand the importance of following them.
Promote Independence and Decision-Making
Encourage your preschooler's independence by allowing them to make choices within safe boundaries. Let them select their clothes, choose between healthy snack options, or decide on an activity for the day. This fosters a sense of autonomy and decision-making skills. Be patient and offer guidance when needed, as they learn to make choices and face consequences.
Quality Playtime and Learning
Preschoolers learn through play, so make sure to engage in meaningful and interactive activities with them. Reading together, exploring nature, and doing arts and crafts can be both educational and enjoyable. Create opportunities for hands-on learning experiences that stimulate their creativity and curiosity.
Parenting preschoolers can be an incredible journey filled with love, laughter, and learning. By incorporating these effective parenting strategies into your daily routine, you’ll not only nurture your child’s growth but also build a strong, lasting connection. Remember that every child is unique, so tailor your approach to suit their individual needs, and cherish every moment of this precious stage in their development. Happy parenting!
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Anon Ask | Caius Volturi x F!Witch Reader: Punishments
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Canon Divergent Dora is true mated to Renata because I <3 Renata Fight Me
Reader is a Witch.
You are a human. Who managed because of a latent heritage of being a Witch to wander past Heidi into the Throne Room thinking it’s a tour.
You’re not stupid, you walk right in and get near the dais and look around and realize that this is not just a tour.
Sighing, you glance around and face palm. “Ahhhhhh Fuck My Life.”
The Kings of Volterra are eyeing you with amusement.
You sigh, and glare UP at the throne of a very, very gorgeous almost elfin, platinum haired King who’s GLARING back at you with a raised brow and a scowl.
“So ah do I get to pick who offs me?”
All vampires just PAUSE.
“Because okay, if I’m gonna die.” You point at Caius. “That one. You. You’ve got dibs Sir.”
Caius is Shooketh.
This little human has got some guts.
He hates humans. HATES humans.
So why when he snatches you up and you just look at him with those big eyes, and a small smile “just make it quick hm?”
You wait, eyes closed.
Caius pauses, growling and suddenly NOPE you’re picked up and ZOOM.
Aro: The fuck just happened?
You’re tucked away in his inner sanctuary of his rooms, sat down on a chair. “Sit RIGHT here human. If you move I shall be displeased, you won’t like what happens if you make me angry.”
“Uhhhhhh kay.”
Caius goes and feeds and after he sits amongst his brothers. “I’m keeping it.” He growls
Turns out he can keep you because you’re not human! YAY!
“So am I like a bunny.”
“Less than a Rabbit you’re human.” Caius would growl at you.
How things Go:
You are the chillest bitch to ever chill. Life has not been great, in fact it’s been a horror show, Aro of course sees this and he scolds Caius for treating you like a piece of furniture rather than a person.
Aro knows you’re just feeling Caius out, watching because there are moments— the very few moments— when he is oh so gentle.
You shiver, a blanket is flung at your face. “My luck you’d catch pneumonia.”
Your tummy rumbles, the chef brings a five star meal. “I don’t need you dying.”
You’re bored, suddenly you’re in front of the TV and given access to ALL the shows. “You’re being a pest.”
Aro also knows your temper is starting to appear the more Caius pushes you away.
Caius isn’t sure what to even do with you— he is FEELING things, things he’s never even felt with Dora. And Dora is berating him alongside Marcus for being an utter nitwit.
“Cai for all your brilliance for strategy you’re an idiot in romance.” Dora says.
He knows it’s true. He’s an asshole.
And angry.
All the time. But when you’re around he’s not angry anymore.
But at one point you’re still fidgeting with your hands. “What is the problem now.”
“Ah…well…” you fidget some more, “c-can I have some water colors?”
Caius freezes. “You paint?” He seems curious.
You nod. “I do digital art but I like canvas art too!” You show him your phone of photoshop collages, watercolor, digital paintings and such.
“You do this on a computer?” He tilts his head. He hates technology. So seeing that one can create art this way is astounding to him.
“Yeah I had to sell my iPad a while ago so sadly I can’t do much right now but if I have some water colors that would be a good start!” You bounce on your feet.
You have the a massive iMac, a Wacom Cintiq 24”, an entire selection of Derwent colors and crazy amounts of canvases and anything else you might need that an artist can think of.
Caius is utterly stunned when you tackle him and kiss his cheek thanking him.
His heart explodes into confetti.
Art is how Caius communicates his gentler side. His art is beautiful, evoking deep emotions, and his hand is gentle and fluid enough in motion to capture even the most minute details.
You both grow exceptionally close, till Marcus one day pulls him aside to inform him of the Mate Bond that is between you two.
The Kiss:
You’re modeling for Caius, it’s a random request and you feel utterly embarrassed dressed in flowing robes and sprawled on a chaise lounge half hanging off, your hair spilling onto the marble floor.
You can’t quite help but notice how his gaze is pitch black and devouring you.
“M-Master Caius?”
“Caius.” He grumbles.
“I think it’s about time you can call me Caius y/n.”
He can hear your heart thump an erratic beat as magic swirls in your eyes. It’s slowly been coming back to you, being cared for, like a plant long neglected, your magic has begun to grow under the tender albeit aloof care of the vampire King you’re so utterly in love with.
But you know it’s silly, there’s no way it’d work—
He’s suddenly next to you, hovering nose to nose, pulling you towards him, “you consume me.”
It’s the last thing he says for a long while as you both end up staying on that lounge for a— ahem lengthy amount of time.
Caius is a sadist.
But he’s a loving sadist.
He has so many kinks he doesn’t know what to do with them. And luckily for him— surprise surprise you’re kinky too.
But you tend to be mouthy. And Caius does not like when he is disobeyed. “Be a good pet and go sit.”
When Aro counts it’s for orgasms.
When Caius counts it’s for paddling or the crop.
Or it’s for forced orgasms and overstimulation.
The dynamic between you is quite lovely, boundaries are discussed whenever needed, although Caius can come across as gruff and uncaring, at one point during punishment play you had said your safe word rather quickly, and everything stopped. Oils, bath, rub down, talks, blankets, snuggles, and so many kisses to the forehead. “Bunny, oh my little bunny what happened?”
As someone who does not cry.
Aro has attested to this.
It astounds Caius that you’d trust him enough to do so.
He realizes that he’s earned a trust that has not been earned by anyone in a long long time, knowing that feeling, he would never break it by overdoing things or going past your boundaries.
Punishments are talked out. Explained. Rules are fairly discussed and you ALWAYS have a say in vetoing or staying off for another day.
If it’s a topic that has yet to be discussed it is tabled, and discussed for what an appropriate response should be.
Punishments include:
Crop (your favorite)
Being suspended and teased.
Leashed. Yes he will have you walk behind him with a leash and collar. And yes he will sit in the Library with you on a leash and your head in his lap. “Good Bunny.”
You are a very good bunny.
Caius has only had only lost his temper with you once. And never will again.
It was due to negligence on your part, you had disobeyed him when it was imperative for you to listen, not aware of the danger of a local coven’s very out of control member. “But Cai why—“
They had heard your blood sing to them.
Caius had torn the individual to pieces in a fit of utter rage before turning on you with a shout, “I told you NEVER to disobey me.” he roared at you, the energy coming off him practically feral as his eyes were murderous.
Seeing you shrink back; the fear in your gaze at him almost broke his heart when the dread kicked in as to what he had done. He had frightened you.
He was supposed to be your comfort and safety.
of course you wouldn't understand vampire's ways of doing things.
or what a singer was...you were a witch...
But before he could even think to reach for you...
You had fled.
Hidden away in Dora’s rooms you tucked yourself away in her bathroom in the tub with a blanket curled up and wept.
Dora and Sulpricia beat the shit out of Caius.
He had sat outside the door pleading with you for hours.
He knew he had utterly fucked up.
He had a horrid temper, he knew it, and the idea of you being drained dry right in front of him had been far too much for him to think of. “Y/n please talk to me. I'm so sorry please forgive me.”
You had unlocked the door with magic…. And he had merely crawled into the tub with you, curled around you underneath the blanket and held you while you cried into him and smacked at his chest. “Don’t do that ever again!!!”
“I know, I know bunny I know. Never again. I'm a bastard I know.”
You calmed down and glared at him.
“Would you like to delve out a punishment?”
You blinked, confused and then realized what he was offering.
And that is how you ended up quite happy with your vampire begrudgingly, and amused sitting at your feet in your shared rooms with GOOD BOY on a thick leather collar.
Turns out Caius likes being punished too.
“Also a masochist hm?” You laugh at him and grip him by his hair.
“So it seems.” He muses kissing your knee and nudging your legs apart. “But the reward is worth it isn’t it bunny?”
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hyunjilicious · 3 years
3:11am [captain syverson]
Summary: you’re just an army medic so in order to have your voice heard you need to go straight to the captain with your ideas, right? And what better way to do it, if not at 3:11am in his room? (SMUT) 4.3k
Warnings: daddy kink, size kink, unprotected sex, Sy is a little bit of ass, dirty talk, manhandling, a tad bit of humiliation/degradation.. :) I didn’t go too far.
Feedback makes my day! Maybe tell me what you thought? Please? :)
Danger loomed at every corner. And you couldn't have been oblivious to it. Every one was either panicked or enraged, both emotions driven by the ongoing terror forced upon your group as you have been caught in the crossfire. The conflict you found yourselves stuck in was generations old, and the fact that you had hidden eyes, watching your moves from every shadow, was as unsettling as it could be.
You crossed the camp on high alert, even if those were supposed to be safe grounds. Laughter was audible from the tents nearby, yet the fear never left your bones. Palms cold but still damp with nervous sweat, you counted the steps you had to take until you reached your destination. Ever since you left your designated bunk, you've been picturing the stairs that led down to Captain Syverson room, and now they were mere meters in front of you, but you still felt like you couldn't breathe. 
Even when you reached the door, you still couldn't swallow the lump in your throat. And the fact that it was unlocked, made you all the more nervous. 
You didn't want to knock. The lights were all off, and you were afraid the sound would draw unnecessary attention. So, going against your gut, you slowly pushed the door open, cautiously stepping inside.
Dead silence.
Only a pair of red glowing numbers were visible in the thick darkness, showing you just how late and unacceptable it was for you to be there. 3:11 am. Not only should you have been asleep for hours, but you were also pretty sure that if you were to be awake, the bunk was the place where you should be counting the sheep until you dozed off. 
From memory, you turned to the left, picturing inside your mind where the door that led to the hallway was supposed to be. You probably managed to get about two steps in before, from the suffocating darkness to your left, a loud clattering noise was heard, before a pair of strong arms restrained you. 
Only a gasp managed to escape your lips before your mouth was forced shut by a hand, aggressively making it impossible for you to make any sound. Realising kicking and squirming in this person's hold would be of absolutely no use, you raised your left leg in the air, gathering momentum for a strategic hit. But the blow was never delivered.
Despite threatening and capable of making anybody's blood run cold, that southern accent was impossible to mistake. 
"Don't fucking move" he said again.
With your brain soaked in adrenaline, obeying his command sounded near impossible. You fidgeted against his rock hard chest, and all it did for you was get him to tighten his hold.
"I don't know if your eyes got accustomed to the dark yet" captain Syverson said through gritted teeth, "But at about 2 o'clock, MacGregor is sleeping. If you wake him up, we're both dead"
You swallowed the information with difficulty, but it relaxed you to some extent. However, despite calming down and not showing any signs of wanting to put up a fight anymore, Sy didn't let you go.
Instead, with high precision, he dragged you through the darkness, and across the room, right where you were initially planning to go. Clutching the hand that was still roughly pressing down against your lips, you stumbled obediently in every direction he dragged you to. When you reached a plain black door, he opened it with maximal caution, and pushed you inside, before turning around to close it in the same silent manner.
You stumbled a few steps forward before regaining your balance as your knees have probably never been weaker. Struggling to catch your breath, you saw Sy turn and face you, the coldest of death stares plastered on his blue eyes.
"The fuck you doin' here, hm?" he growled, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"I-" you said, squinting in the neon light of the tiny room, "I have an idea for the crew, it's-"
"Don't fucking care what idea you got, darlin'" he shook his head, taking another step in your direction, "Do you even know what time it is?"
"Late" you sighed, stating the obvious.
"Damn right it's late" he nodded, "What I wanna know now is why you were stupid enough to sneak all the way over here, when you know-"
"No one saw me, Sy" you exclaimed.
A grin tilted the corner of his lips upwards, "I fucking saw you"
"Yeah but-" you stopped to frown as confusion hit you, "How did you see me?"
"Listen here, little girl" he taunted, each word more threatening as he started to close the distance that was keeping you apart, "You're a doctor, not a soldier, fixing our shit is none of your business. Two, you don't report to me-" he said, nodding his head to the side, "And three, I'm sure no idea was too urgent that you couldn't wait until the morning"
Calling you out like that was completely unnecessary. You had been lying to yourself, claiming the reason for your late night visit was purely selfless, however when you heard the words come out of his mouth, you realised just how strongly you had been bulshitting yourself.
"Fine-" you huffed with annoyance, getting ready to walk past him, "You want me to leave? I'll leave"
"Nuh-uh" he shook his head, grabbing you by the forearm. He didn't move any other muscle of his body and continued talking without turning to look at you, "You're a smart woman, tell me why you're really here"
"Because I wanna help!" you rolled your eyes - a lie you almost believed yourself.
"Try again, doll" he commanded, tightening his grip. The fact that you felt a bruise already forming riled you up, but it wasn't enough to get you to cooperate in the way he wanted you to.
Once you realised what he was waiting to hear, you shook your head in disbelief, "You got no class!"
After spitting the anger filled words in his direction, you tried to free your arm, and walk away, but he wasn't having it.
"Well-" Sy took a deep breath, harshly spinning you around and slamming you face first against his desk, "If you had any, you wouldn't be here now, would you?"
Knees weak under his heavy presence, you gathered all your strength into your arms, planting your palms against the metal surface of the desk in order to push yourself up.
All it took him to cancel your intentions was an effortless shove against your upper back. He got you back down in under a second with a loud thud, but this time he bent down too, towering above you.
"Now that you saw your antics don't work with me-" he growled directly into your ear, his thick beard tickling the skin of your neck. Sy lodged his hand into your hair, curling his fingers around your roots and forcing your head back, "Mind telling me why you're really here? We can do this until the morning, I ain't tired"
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" you huffed through gritted teeth.
"What? Seeing you squirming under me with absolutely no say in what's about to happen to that sweet little pussy of yours? Yes, very much so"
"Fuck you"
"Isn't that why you came here?" Sy taunted.
He grunted, shaking his head in disbelief. "Try again" 
This time, he didn't pull your hair anymore, and the sting you expected to reach your scalp never came. However, he bucked his hips into yours, pressing your body even harder against the desk. With every time and every way his body brushed against yours, the pain between your legs grew stronger and stronger. But still, you didn't want to word your need, instead just settled for milking every last drop of this unexpected turn of events. About 15 minutes before, when you had just left your room, you weren't sure you would even get to talk to him, let alone end up in this situation. Under him. His cock shamelessly pressing up against your ass, as every word that came out of his mouth only managed to make you crave him more.
"Are gonna tell me, hm?" he moaned into your ear, the weight of his body on top of yours becoming difficult to bear. "Or am I gonna have to force the words out of you?"
The way he talked, honey sweet yet goosebumps worthy, his tone managed to crack your self control. Against your better judgement, you breathed out slowly, the pleasure in the back of your throat materialising into the softest of whimpers.
"Oh" Sy grinned, his right hand groping its way down your body, "Can't hide it anymore, can you?"
If until now you did a fairly bad job at hiding your true emotions, when he grabbed a handful of your ass, his fingers threatening to leave purple bruises, you dropped the facade all together.
"Fuck" you moaned, forehead pressed against the desk as you arched your body back, harder against his palm.
"That's my girl" he laughed.
Much to your dismay, after his deep amused tone reached your ears, he pulled away. Upset at the sudden loss of contact, you choked back a whine, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder.
Even with the lights turned on, he was facing away from the source, so that soft shadows contoured his features perfectly. His eyes hooded with greed looked down at you, and as soon as he saw the hungry expression on your face, his lips curled into a devious smile. "No, sweetheart. Face the wall", he said, nodding his head.
Reluctantly, you did so. Delectable anticipation washed over you when his calloused hands grabbed your waist. It was only for a minute, though. He roughly pulled you back until your hips passed the edge of the desk. You didn't get a chance to put two and two together before Sy forced your pants open, and pulled them down your legs, along with your underwear in under a moment. 
Flushed with embarrassment at the full, sudden exposure, you clamped your thighs together.
Without a word, he lodged his boot between your feet, forcing your legs open. "This could've been avoided" he stated, "But I don't think you wanted that. I think you wanted the slut fucked out of you"
"Come on…" you pleaded, lodging your teeth deep into your bottom lip.
Your entire body fired up when his bare fingers connected to your opening. He moved agonisingly slow, teasing his way along your lips, intentionally applying the perfect amount of pressure to have you crying for more.
"You know you're gonna have to do so much fucking better than that, don't you?" Sy chuckled, dipping his fingers into your wetness. "I know you can beg."
"Fucking hell-" you cried, squirming under his influence, "Please"
"No, baby. Tell me, use your words. I wanna hear you tell me how to fuck you. And don't bother holding back 'cause you know I won't"
"Come on, Sy-" you whined, trying your best to grind down against his fingers, "You know I want- I want you-"
A rough slap that echoed around the room attacked your ass, delightful pain propagating in waves across your whole body. You let out a tortured yelp, but it wasn't enough to impress.
"You already made a mess on my fingers. You're dripping wet, love. Why try to hide just how big of a slut you are?"
"I'm a slut-" you panted, breathing heavily through every word, "I'm a slut, please, I need you"
Another blow. This time, his palm landed on already inflamed skin, doubling the pain that fueled your pleasure.
"Need me to what, baby girl?"
"I need you to fuck me" you whimpered, tears running down your cheeks. Digging your nails into the underside of the edge of his desk, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to concentrate around the ecstasy he had running through your veins. "I need your cock, Sy, please. I fucking need you really bad right now, please. I'll do anything you want"
"All you need to do, pet, is learn your place" Syverson said, greedily caressing your ass. "Did you come here just to get that cunt used?"
"Yes" you nodded, not even remembering that in the beginning, you really did have something important to talk to him about. "Yes, I only wanted your cock. Please fuck me, I promise I'll be good forever"
"My good slut forever?" he questioned, the perverted enthusiasm audible in his tone.
As he spoke, Sy slid his middle finger inside your pussy. "Is that all you want, whore? To be my property?"
"You want me to own you?" he taunted, sliding another finger into your pussy, just for the sake of pushing your buttons, "Want me to use your whore body for my pleasure whenever I feel like it?"
A rush of electricity coursed through you.
"That's all I want, Sy" you whispered.
"Are you sure, baby girl?" he taunted, bending down.
His immense frame hovered above your shivering body, his haunting presence enough to get you drunk on the ecstasy of what was to come. 
You swallowed thickly, pained tears stinging your eyes. Cupping his cheek over your shoulder, your words came out as a ghostly whisper, "Please-" you breathed out, "I need you now, Sy. I wanted you since I met you back home, you know that. Please, I can't wait any longer"
His daunting chuckle sent shivers all over your body. He pushed himself off of you, but his breath still tickled the back of your neck. It was enough for you to know that you were to remain in place and wait for his next move.
"Of course you can wait, angel" he said, moments before the metallic clank of his belt being unbuckled fueled your senses, "You're lucky I don't want you to"
You released a weak chuckle, shaking your head in disbelief at the way he managed to carry the situation. Your shoulders were dangerously tense as you waited. For anything. For him to say or do something, but he forced you to sit and boil in anticipation. But the build-up was worth the frustration, as when you felt his touch against your pussy, adrenaline started to pump through your veins.
"You know how long I thought about fucking you like this?" Sy asked.
It was then that you realised it wasn't his finger probing your folds, but the tip of his cock. Slick and solid against your pussy, he expertly teased all your right spots.
"You flaunt this fucking tight ass all day long, panting in the heat, sweat dripping down your tits-" Sy exclaimed, his need and hunger for you audible through every word, "and now you're telling me-"
He paused to bend down above you, hands planted on the desk on either side of your shoulders as he spoke lewdly in your ear, "And now you're telling me I got you naked and whimperin', beggin' me to empty my balls inside your pussy?"
Refusing to use your words, you settled for a better answer - the only answer your dazed mind was able to give. Arching your back as you moaned his name, you pushed your ass back, his massive cock inching inside your pussy.
Syverson grunted, low and guttural, pleasure erupting from the depths of his throat. Goosebumps arose across your body.
"Fuck me, Sy-" you cried, your voice breathy and seductive, "Rough me up, come on"
And he did. You managed to push all his buttons and get him to lose the self control he tries so hard to put on display. He did an excellent job, judging by how hard his cock was when he slammed his hips into yours. Your walls spread beyond what you ever thought would be pleasurable, yet he had you crying out his name as your eyes rolled back. 
His immense hands held your hips with damaging force, planting bruises all of your skin. Not that you had any choice, but you let yourself go limp, and allowed him to manhandle your frame to his will. With ever powerful thrusts of his body against yours, the desk underneath you rocked, slamming into the wall, making a sound loud and obnoxious enough to awake just about anyone who was sleeping there. 
But you didn't care. And neither did Sy.
The only thing you had on your mind was the killed ecstasy he fucked into you, his cock slamming balls deep into your aching pussy. You rolled your head, whined and dug your nails into your palms, in what was probably the most pathetic attempt to keep yourself grounded. 
Syverson wasn't far behind. His breathing aggravated, turned into guttural groans that made the hairs on your body stand up. 
"Fucking hell" he cursed, his fingers sinking deeper into your flesh as he picked up his pace, "FUCK"
You moaned, a wave of pleasure coursing through you, "Harder please"
Those words went against all your senses, against the pain you felt between your legs, the strain on your back or the lack of air in your lungs. But you wanted more. Needed more.
With one long, hard thrust, Sy pushed his cock all the way inside your pussy, his balls pressing against your clit, "Wouldn't wanna break you, little girl"
The teasing side of you awoke. You pushed yourself up and threw your hair back so that you could turn and look at him over your shoulder, "You couldn't if you tried"
His whole frame darkened. Not just the look in his eyes. He now seemed taller, more dangerous and menacing as your words tickled his lust. Syverson shook his head, and in one swift motion, lodged his hand in your hair pulling you all the way up with your back against his chest.
"I don't want you talking to me like that," he groaned.
If you hadn't felt his cock twitch, fear would have definitely enveloped you. 
"You're in no place to undermine me, ok?" he growled, voice deep, ringing against your ear, "You're so small and powerless. It's fucking clear I call the shots. Be a good little girl and don't piss me off" he threatened, his free hand wrapping itself around your neck.
"Or what?" you whispered. 
"You're a soldier, right?" Sy laughed, "Wouldn't it be a shame if for a few days you wouldn't be able to walk straight. Or sit down?"
You swallowed thickly, his words turning you own even more as your pussy clenched around his cock just thinking about it, "Sounds more like an offer than a punishment"
Sy took his sweet time answering. Before he opened his mouth to speak, his hand traveled down your body, all the way over to your clit, where he began to apply pressure in the form of experienced, delicate circles.
You whimpered in return and only then did he answer. "Turns out you're a bigger slut than I thought, but don't think it will take me long to have you crying and begging"
You nodded yes. He never asked any kind of question, so you had no idea why you responded that way, you just did, and Sy took it as his cue to resume his work.
This time, he held you against his body. With each thrust, the tip of his cock applied more and more pressure to your sweet and overly sensitive spots, braiding pain into the pleasure he created for you.
But it was what you wanted. How you wanted it. Because it was a matter of time until he had you moaning and crying, expressing the pure ecstasy that was surging through your body. You were approaching your high at such a dangerous speed that the strain in your back was no longer of importance, and the force with which Sy pulled at the roots of your hair, wasn't even passing the threshold of discomfort anymore.
All your thoughts had been flooded by his breathing, low and guttural, against your temple. The simple fact that his pleasure was audible in his tone, aggravated your arousal. You've never in your life been so eager to please someone. But now, you were beaming proudly, your stomach in knots.
You came soon after that. The orgasm came down crushing on you, blurring your thoughts completely. Your muscles spammed uncontrollably, and the cries that escaped your lips were sure to wake up everyone in the compound. But neither you, nor Sy cared.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck-" you panted, seconds before your eyes rolled back in pleasure, your body remaining weak and consumed in his hold.
"Come on, darling" Sy chuckled, readjusting his hold around your body, pressing you even harder against his chest, "Daddy's gotta finish too. Otherwise we did this for nothing"
"Yes" you moaned. 
The way he forced his cock in and out of your sensitive and overly-used cunt brought tears to your eyes. You knew he was close when he slowed down his pace, now his thrusts becoming deeper and less regulated. Each slam of his hips into yours rocked your whole frame, until your toes barely reached the ground. Sy held you up into his massive arms, guiding and handling your body to fit his needs perfectly. 
And it fucking worked because in a matter of seconds, he lost control, aggressively riding his high until there was no amount of cum to be released. When he pulled out, panting and exhausted, he moved to the side, planting his hands on the edge of the desk to catch his breath.
Determined to not piss him off anymore, you gathered yourself much faster than him, ready to dress yourself back up and bolt.
"What are you doing?" Sy asked, looking at you over his shoulder with confusion in his eyes.
"I'm- uh, I was gonna-" you mumbled, pointing to the door but he stopped you.
"Hop on" he said.
He pointed to the desk, and although unsure, you did as he told you. You barely managed to stay awake while he was in the small bathroom attached to his room, but when he returned and placed a damp washcloth between your legs, your mind buzzed awake.
"I hurt you" he said, massaging your thighs as he softly cleaned you up, "I got-"
"No, it's fine" you stopped him, "I'm just exhausted and probably very sore, god, but I'm good"
Sy just nodded, something obviously still bothering him. But he didn’t say anything, and instead, proceeded to clean you up, ending with a gentle kiss against your sensitive opening.
You hissed unconsciously, but then ended up smiling widely, amused with your own reactions. Sy helped you off the desk and guided you to his bed, his hand on your ass as you leaned into his side for support.
“It hurts, right?”
“I’m just sore, it’s fine” you tried to dismiss his concerns, but he wasn’t having it.
Sy grabbed your face into his hands and forced you to look into his eyes, “It’s gotta, darling, you understand that”
You shook your head, smiling, but he wasn’t waiting for your approval.
“Come on” he said, guiding you to lay down, “We have about 2 hours of sleep left, and god knows, you’re gonna need them”
“Fuck yes” you sighed, plopping down next to him.
Although every fiber of your body begged for closeness, you stopped yourself, afraid to not cross any lines. But, much to your surprise, Syverson didn’t waste a second before pulling you into his arms and tucking your head in the crook of his neck. It gave you a sense of security you never felt before in your life - the way his heart beat against your skin. He fell asleep with his arms fastened around your frame, tightening his hold every time you tried to move.
It was just a matter of seconds until you both drifted off. Considering your whereabouts and the circumstances you’ve lived though, it was safe to say this was probably the best night’s sleep you had gotten in months. That was why, when you were pulled awake by him getting ready around the room, you were so disappointed.
“Is it 6 already?” you mumbled, rolling over only to land face first into his pillow.
“Go back to sleep, darling,” Sy said, fastening his belt, “Got some paperwork to do. I’ll cover for you and then I’ll come back with coffee in about 2 hours or so, how’s that sound, hm?”
“Mmm” you moaned, “Perfect”
The last thing you heard was Sy chuckling at himself, and then, you fell back asleep. You had no idea how much time passed until a loud, redundant noise woke you up. It took you about a few seconds to realise what it actually was that you were hearing.
“Y/n?” a grave male voice echoed from behind the door, “You in there?”
After that, he knocked a few times more, before starting to repeatedly slam his fist into the door.
“It’s open, what the fuck-” you groaned, not even standing up from the bed.
Instantly, the door flew open, Sgm. MacGregor bursting into the room, features ablaze with pure anger.
Your face fell.
“Sergeant, I-” you tried to speak, hurrying to find a way to explain what exactly it was that you were doing naked, in a room other than yours, when in fact you should have already been on post for god knows how many hours.
“Don’t even wanna hear it” he groaned, waving towards you, “This is about Captain Syverson”
“What-?” you muttered, “What happ-”
“Shot” he said bluntly, “3 times. You need to move. Now”
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 3 years
✾A.J.- Like a Teen Again?☼✶
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Words: 2968
Warnings: masturbation, overstim, bit o’ begging, smut
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki x FEM!reader
Summary: Tamaki gets hit with some sort of mood enhancement quirk, and it’s effects are questionable 
You weren't totally caught up on Tamaki's situation, but you did know his predicament revolved around a mood type quirk. You didn't know what to expect when you arrived at the hospital he was in. Apparently he was in great physical condition, which didn't really shock you. It also didn't shock you when Tamaki was leaning his forehead against the hospital wall, and you had to reassure the nurses that this was normal.
He was let out soon after you arrived, and the doctor filled in more of the details.
"This quirk isn't powerful," the doctor explained, "Just enhances Amajiki-kun's emotions; his moods are that of a fifteen year-old boy, basically."
You nodded along, not worrying too much about Tamaki. He would just be a bit more nervous and worrisome than usual; he'd have to take a few days off to recuperate. The doctor prescribed some medication if it got really bad.
"—typical teens have sudden waves of depression, so if he shows any serious symptoms he should take one of these in the morning. You shouldn't need to use them, but it's better to be safe than sorry," the doctor smiled, handing you a small vile of what you assumed to be anti-depressants.
You thanked the doctor, and Tamaki just gave a stiff nod as he followed you out of the building.
"I-I don't feel particularly different..." Tamaki stuttered, curling his pinky with yours.
"You just seem a bit off, is all," you flashed him a smile.
"Uh- hn," he stammered, his face flushing a bright pink. You didn't think much of it when you hopped into the car with Tamaki, but you did have to help him with his seatbelt because his hands were shaking.
"Why are you so shaky, Tami?" You placed your hand on his, and his eyes widened and he seemed to freeze.
"—uh, um. Ghn," Tamaki sputtered, his cheeks becoming impossibly redder. "S-so... so... you're so hot!"
Your jaw hit the floor, and you analyzed his terrified expression. He didn't mean to say that, you realized. Was he.. really like a teenage boy right now?
"I- oh my g-god. I didn't- I, I'm so sorry," Tamaki whimpered quietly, tears forming in his eyes.
"Oh butterfly, don't cry!" You leaned forward and cupped his face in your hands. "It's ok for you to say that, I'm your girlfriend, bub."
You bit your lip trying to think of what Tamaki was like in his first year of UA. How should you comfort him? Has he always been like this?
"O-ok," he gulped, wiping away his tears.
He was silent the rest of the way home, staring out of the window and probably overthinking what he did two minutes ago. His cape surrounded him like a blanket, and his face was hidden in his hood. Damn, was he really like this all the time? You wondered.
Tamaki practically ran out of the car when you finally got to the apartment, hardly waiting for you as he strode up the stairs to your guys' room. You caught up to him a few moments later, and he stood at the door waiting for you to unlock it.
"I would ask 'what has gotten into you?', but I already know," you said as you let him in.
"Y-you do?!" Tamaki sweat dropped, and he looked as though he was going to faint.
"Tami," you deadpanned, hanging up your coat, "not twenty minutes ago did the doctor explain to me your state of mind."
"Oh, r-right," Tamaki whispered, scratching the back of his neck. "I-I'll just be in o-our room."
You watched, flabbergasted, as he disappeared into your room, not quite closing the door behind him. Aaaalrighty then.
After you started prepping dinner, you realized that you probably shouldn't leave Tamaki alone for too long, incase something happened. You quickly finished chopping the carrots, and put down the knife. You hung up your apron and opened the door to your room a crack. Your eyes nearly popped out of your skull; there Tamaki was in all his glory, hero outfit stripped to the floor, sprawled out on the bed with his hand on his cock.
"B-bunny~ p-please, oh you feel so good," he whimpered, eyes scrunched tightly shut.
Oh. Now this was a rare sight. Tamaki was usually very careful to not masturbate with you in the house, fearing that you would be disappointed that he didn't just come to you instead, (Only when you walked in on him and he started crying did you realize how he felt; integrating mutual masturbation into your sex life made him feel better about doing it).
"Oh fuck, y/n," Tamaki stumbled, his toes curling. "S-so good~ your hands— so.. good."
You couldn't help but walk in and close the door behind you. The sound of your arrival startled Tamaki, and his face reddened yet again, "I-I... uh.."
"It's ok Tami," you purred, edging closer to the bed. "Do you want me to... touch you?"
Tamaki could only nod, shock still in his eyes. He gulped as you crawled towards him on the bed, taking off your shirt and reaching out your hand to his cock. His head threw back once you teased a finger along his length, fisting the bedsheets under him, "I-I'm close."
You didn't tease Tamaki, instead you encouraged him, "c'mon, Butterfly. Come for me."
You gripped him loosely, using your other hand to gently rake your nails up and down his chest. His breath quickened, and his eyes hid behind his hair, trying to conceal his desperate state. You flicked your wrist in the way you knew he liked, and he came with a long groan. You licked his cum off your hand and his chest, not breaking eye contact with his awed expression.
"I'm sorry!" Tamaki squeaked, sitting up and pressing his knees to his chest. "I didn't— I just— I c-came super fast, a-and that was r-really weird and e-embarrassing-."
"Tama, baby, it's alright," you comforted, scooting closer to rest a hand on his exposed knee. "I'm always honoured whenever I make you cum. Doesn't matter how quick."
Tamaki peeked up at you through his hair, and gave you a shaky smile, face heating up considerably. You saw his eyes widen, and you knew immediately that he was getting hard again. Tamaki squeezed his legs closer together, attempting to hide his growing erection.
You leaned down to whisper in his ear, "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night."
Tamaki's breath hitched softly, and he gave you a slight nod, gulping down his nerves. You rubbed his knee before standing up and walking towards the bedroom door. He let out a hefty sigh once you closed the door as you left, relaxing his legs and running his fingers through his hair.
He couldn't help but feel guilty. He was the horniest he'd been since high school, and he didn't know how to cope. It was so sudden, and his body was so overwhelmed with feeling. He tried to relax and close his eyes, waiting for you to be done with dinner.
Tamaki padded down the short hallway, now clothed with sweatpants and a T-shirt, to eat with you. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, the short nap he had taken made him feel a tad bit better.
"Hey, Butterfly!" You cheered from the sink, a dishcloth on your shoulder, "dinner is just on the table. I'll be there in a sec."
"Thank you, Bunny," Tamaki blushed, pulling out a chair to sit in. "I-It smells really good."
You hung up your cloth and smiled at him brightly, "of course, Tama-chan!"
You steered over to the table, (hair askew, and) some flour on your cheek. Tamaki couldn't help but admire your slightly disheveled appearance; he felt wrong to think of such lewd things at your flushed face. He felt his own cheeks heat up again, and bowed his head down to his meal.
Tamaki listened to you ramble about your day, a small smile adorning his face at your enthusiasm. He couldn't finish his food, too flustered about what was to come later. "let me finish making dinner, and after we eat I'm all yours for the night." He shuttered at your words, sort of restless and impatient.
You giggled at your spot by the sink, watching Tamaki drown in his thoughts as you slowly started to undress. He hadn't even realized that you took his plate from him, chopsticks still in his hand. Once you were completely naked, you tied the apron back on and continued cleaning the dishes.
A clatter from Tamaki's chopsticks sounded a few minutes later, and you assumed that he had finally come back to his senses, "can you pass me your cup and chopsticks please, Tami?"
You could practically feel the heat radiating off of Tamaki from behind you, his utensils being placed beside you on the counter. You took a few more minutes to clean up, enjoying the tension in the air. When you finally turned around to face Tamaki, it was like he'd hardly moved. He was leaning against the table, cheeks completely red, head bowed to the floor, and a raging hard-on in his pants.
"Don't you have room for a little dessert, Tama?" You teased, leaning your forearms behind you on the countertop.
You saw him visibly gulp, and nervously look up to you. His knuckles were white, still gripping the edge of the table. Usually he wouldn't be too scared to step closer and engage in a kiss, but tonight was different. You had to initiate. You slowly walked towards him, reaching out a hand to lay on his shoulder. He was tense under your gaze, and looked to the floor again.
"B-bunny, I-I-," Tamaki shook. "I'm s-so overwhelmed. I'm so- t-turned.. on. I can barely function."
"Just try and relax, Butterfly," you cooed, stroking his cheek. "How about we start off here, by the table, hmm?"
Tamaki's eyes met yours, wide and dilated. He gave a stout nod, and swallowed harshly. You guided your hands to his hips, signalling him to sit on the table. He did as he was told, now around the same hight as you. You grasped his shirt with one hand and leaned in to kiss him, causing Tamaki to let out a muffled sob. A little bit of sanity came back to him and he wrapped his arms around you, eagerly deepening the kiss.
Your hand inched lower, hovering over his sweatpants' strings. Tamaki chirped when you grazed over his cock, bucking his hips up in an attempt to get more friction. You could feel him begin to pull away, prepared to apologize, but your other hand came up and fisted the back of his head, forcing him to stay put. Tamaki whined loudly, his crotch bucking up continuously to make contact with your hand. With another rut of his hips he let out a glut of groans and whimpers, desperately clinging to your figure.
You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath, and you peered down to examine Tamaki's stained pants.
"Oh Bu-Bunny~" Tamaki said in a daze, head lolling to the side.
"Second time today, huh?" You ribbed, patting the wet spot with the pad of your finger.
"N-no," Tamaki shook his head. "Third time. I-I had a wet dream after you left and I took a n-nap."
You grinned at him, marvelling at the afterglow on his flushed face, "hm, maybe we won't even need to continue~."
"W-wait," Tamaki's eyes widened desperately, "I- I can go a few m-more rounds. Please."
You bit your lip at his puppy-dog eyes, pretending to think about his plea, "well, I don't see why not. You do have tomorrow off..."
"Thank y-you, Bunny," Tamaki cracked a wobbly smile, "I love you..."
"I love you too, my little Butterfly~," you kissed the tip of his nose, "y'think you can come to the bedroom with me?"
Tamaki nodded, hungrily licking his lips. You guided him to your room, hand interlocked with his, and lay him down on the bed. He was already semi-hard again, grasping the sheets beside him. He looked at you longingly as you slowly unraveled your apron, taking care to fold it neatly and setting it on your dresser.
Even though you stood butt naked in front of him, you still felt powerful from his zealous gaze. You took a slow turn, walking towards the dresser and pulling out a tube of lube. You placed it on the bedside table and went back to Tamaki. His chest rose and fell unevenly, elated from his past orgasms. His wide eyes watched as you slowly dragged down his soiled sweatpants, stuttering nonsense when you saw that he wasn't wearing any underwear.
"I-it was just, um. I, uh— well, y'see.." Tamaki rambled.
"S' ok, Butterfly," you soothed, throwing his pants in the laundry basket. "I was wondering why you looked so much more delicious this evening."
Tamaki whined when you gripped his tumescent cock, gleaming with leftover cum, "I-I'm so sensitive. It almost hurts, b-but I want more. So, so b-bad, bunny."
"Hm, how about I fuck you real good? How's that sound?" You asked, picking up the pace of your pumps.
Tamaki nodded eagerly, "yesyesyesyesyess pl-please."
You sat up and positioned yourself above his twitching cock, eager for his gorgeous moans and whines. You slowly dropped your hips, quickly adjusting to his size, and bottomed out.
"F-fuck, bunny," Tamaki cried, throwing his head back against his pillow. "You feel so-ho good!"
Tamaki's indigo halo of hair was spread out; sheening with his sweat. He looked dazed, his body sprawled out on the bed, and his thighs slightly sticky with cum. He sobbed in pleasure as he watched you bounce on his cock, his hands were too weak to even grip the sheets underneath him. He rubbed his hands along your thighs and waist, squeaking out moans and jumbled sentences.
"You look so pretty like this, Butterfly," you lulled, swaying your hips in teasing motions, "you're doing so well, baby. I love you."
"Iloveyoutoo~!" Tamaki griped in reply, hardly able to decipher your words. He felt like he was wrapped in a cocoon of clouds and pleasure. Is that what they mean by 'cloud 9'? He didn't have enough brainpower to think about that; or much of anything, really.
You reached over and grabbed your vibrator, having a feeling that you wouldn't be able to come from the slow pace you were set at for Tamaki. Soft buzzing filled the room as you pressed the button a few times, and you pressed it to your clit.
"Feels so good, Tama," you moaned deeply, trying to egg him on.
He seemed to stir, eyebrows scrunching up, and letting out a small whimper. Tamaki honestly felt like he was dreaming, or maybe even in Heaven. He squinted his eyes open, gazing at your blurry figure riding him. He weakly bucked his hips up, wanting you to bounce harder.
"Please," he whispered, "h-hard— harder."
You did as he wished, laying the vibrator on his stomach so you could get more leverage. Your pussy clenched deliciously around Tamaki's cock whenever your clit made contact with the vibrator, practically forcing groans and whimpers out of Tamaki.
He felt his abs clench once again, alerting him that he was close. Again. His abs were sore as hell, but he still wanted more. He wanted you to absolutely ruin him, ride him into oblivion, and milk him completely dry of his cum. Your pussy felt so good, and he thought he could feel his tongue lull out of his mouth. So... good...
A long keen left your lips as you watched Tamaki's face contort in pleasure. He was so fucked out, babbling pleads and whines. You scrambled for your phone, still riding him, and snapped a few pictures. Your little Butterfly was so hot.
You gripped the vibrator again, pressing it against your delicate clit, desperately chasing the upcoming high. "You're being so good for me, Tama. Come again with me. You can do it."
Even though your voice was muffled, your words urged him on. Tamaki nodded helplessly, not sure whether he was sobbing or moaning, (probably both).
"Please, Bunny," he tried to call. "Cum. Want you to cum on m-my cock."
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, rocking your hips faster. "Oh fuck, Tamaki. So good, so good~"
Tamaki couldn't tell if he was coming once again, or if he was just feeling really good. He heaved out a sharp whine, squirming and bucking up from under you. Yeah, he was coming again.
"Yes!" You hollered, eyes rolling back and legs uncontrollably shaking. "Yesyesyesyesssss~ Ta-ma-kiiiiii."
"Thank you thank you thank you," he pleaded, vision turning white and fuzzy. "I- cum- I came so h-ard."
You switched off the vibrator, and tossed it on the bed. You weakly lifted yourself off of Tamaki's now soft dick, a few glops of cum falling onto his stomach. Tamaki was a trembling mess, whimpering 'thank you''s, and 'let me come one more time'. You sneakily snapped a picture before rushing off to grab a warm soapy cloth.
"How are you feeling, Butterfly?" You soothed the cloth carefully around his pelvic area, cleaning up dried cum and sweat.
"A-again?" He mumbled weakly. "Please?"
"No, not until you rest up. You're over your limit and you're way too out of it to be thinking clearly," you explained, wiping his face clean of drool and sweat, "I'll get you some water and then we can cuddle."
He nodded weakly as you left for the kitchen, and you made a mental note to phone the doctor that you were pretty sure this wasn't any normal mood quirk Tamaki was hit with.
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reverielix · 3 years
Bang chan as a boyfriend based on his chart?
Sure ;)))
Let’s get straight into it!💭
I’ve been wanting to talk about his interceptions/duplications for some time, and now it finally fits haha!!😊 His Venus is intercepted and...let’s say that his chart (+ Saturn singleton and other aspects) poses some obstacles for romantic relationships, and suggests a personal transition/journey he has to go through in order to even allow himself to experience romantic love and affection....🤭
Scorpio is intercepted in the 6th house in his chart while Taurus is intercepted in the 12th house. Capricorn makes up for it and rules both the 8th and 9th house as Cancer rules both the 2nd and 3rd house. So what does that mean?
First of all, the qualities associated with Scorpio and Taurus are hard for him to access as they weren’t taught or understood at an early age. This can further suggest that he experienced a lack of love and tenderness, while receiving criticism, (Saturn singleton, 6th house stellium, Chiron in the 6th makes him extremely sensitive to criticism, he started young as a trainee and went through monthly evaluations and such for 7 years!) which probably influenced his self-perception, as he already has low self-esteem and lots of self-doubt implied in his interception, which suggests a need for validation and extra-love, though he was given the opposite. Moreover, he could’ve had issues forming an opinion and sticking to it (supported by his Libra placements), fully devoting himself in a relationship (any type, Mars conjunct 7th house) and leaving his comfort zone. Lack of privacy, fear of loss and struggles regarding finances/recourses may have also occurred in his life. These aspects in regard to the 6th and 12th houses hint at an unstable and insecure environment as a result of lacking routine (e.g. going to sleep at odd hours with Pisces and Virgo here) and giving into bad habits. Something generally big in his chart is his insecurity and deceiving perception of himself as well as his ways of coping (intercepted Taurus, Saturn singleton, Virgo Chiron,... surpresses/ignores feelings or ignores them). He may use his self-doubt and criticism from both others and himself as a ���fuel” for his determination and work-ethic to try and prove others and a part of himself wrong. Although one might argue that using negativity to grow from it is benificial, he harms himself subconsciously by having that mindset, since when a) he fails, like all of us do sometimes, he will fall into a pit of self-hatred or b) he achieved a goal, but after it, he’ll still be unsatisfied and want more. It always ends back where he started; craving for UNCONDITIONAL love, but he won’t give himself that type of love (unconditional love can also be associated with Neptune, which is in retrograde in his chart, and can contribute to hyper-awareness of his own wrongs). The love he gives himself is conditional and situational, which he adapted from all the lack of love and criticism and makes him feel like he will never be enough. A big lesson he has to learn is that his work/success doesn’t define him, and he is enough without his awards and wins. He’s an amazing person just being himself, and once he realizes that he deserves unconditional love, he will also be a step further to allow love to come his way. (You can’t come from a place of hatred and expect love to come out at the end!)
In terms of his Venus and his 7th house conjunctions, I can see how he craves love deeply and intensely, he craves privacy and validation, though with intercepted planets the individual isn’t allowed or suppresses a core-part of their personality. In Chan’s case, he suppresses his longing for romantic love and relationships as he is taught to focus on his work (he channels all his energy through his Saturn singleton, work is existential to him) rather than his need for affection, because “I don’t deserve love anyway” (conditional self-love, damaged awareness of self-worth). He perhaps doesn’t consciously know who he is looking for, but craves stability, (a routine to help him feel comfortable, as he values that with his Cancer and Capricorn duplications, but we’ll get to that later) sensuality, validation, appreciation, inspiration, acceptance and most importantly: love! In terms of Taurus here, which is intercepted and is ruled by Venus, I can see how a big life lesson is to value and appreciate his materialistic possessions and achievements that originated from hard work. He needs to learn how to feel appreciative of his past efforts and learn to feel satisfied with himself and his past efforts as well as allow himself to rest.
His Saturn singleton in conjunction with what I’ve discussed previously briefly points out; he channels his entire energy though his work, through restrictions, through his reputation and his ambition. (This Placement fits perfectly with him being on stage. He performs with such purpose, with such determination and devotion by using his body (Aries), and most importantly with his group (11th house).) The Pluto Mars conjunction also hints at Chan being a very devoted individual, who can get engulfed in his task and even isolate himself when doing something he’s passionate about. His Saturn is also in retrograde, which internalizes this placement and makes him very conscious about his success, reputation and overall misery and hardship that he wants to (perhaps aggressively or boldly) take action on and improve all the time. He fears letting people down and wants to live up to their expectations, while often letting himself down in the process, which feeds into his conditional self-love and lack of self-acceptance. He sets limits for himself, when actually, he wants to be free, because he lives in fear of not being enough and fulfilling people’s expectations of him as he wants to have a good reputation and success, be better than all the authority figures with criticizing eyes he’s been exposed to all his life. A contradiction within himself here is that he doesn’t want people to tell him what to do, he doesn’t like being pushed around and wants to be his own boss, but as soon as somebody expects something of him or questions his authority, he wants to prove them wrong and so does what they want. He is a pushover, in a way, but is consciously very resistant toward rules and boundaries other authority figures set for him to follow. Additionally, valuing tradition and following a routine (6th house interception) can be hard for him (especially when it comes to sleep, 12th house). Further interpreting, his Sun (Libra, 5th house) is opposite his Saturn, which can indicate a gap in self-perception that I touched on in the previous paragraph, outlining his rather subconscious (12th house interception, so this part is more “hidden” from him, while the 12th house is already hard to access in the first place) way of self-destruction considering his way with doubt and criticism and how it will forever remain a spiral of negativity that results in no progress if he doesn’t understand he is deserving of UNconditional love). Additionally, he might believe he can only be loved when he performs well and succeeds, which is obviously not true, though it is a big life lesson for him to truly understand that, with his 12th house interception and his tendency to ignore his intuition/spirituality to listen to the logics (air signs and other). He can escape this spiral of negativity by learning this big lesson; he is worthy, he deserves love, he deserves privacy, he deserves care (from himself and others).
Ways to “unlock interceptions” and learn the previously mentioned life lessons are to look at the “directors” (the signs that rule the intercepted houses, so in Chan’s case it’s Libra and Aries), the duplications and take into consideration his intercepted Chiron. First, let’s look at his 6th house ruler: Libra. Libra ruling the 6th house is usually a sign of self-care in a physical sense and beauty and care in everyday routine, pets or a desire of taking care of one. Though, with his Saturn singleton in Aries (opposite Libra) I can see how he works too much and disregards his mental and physical health (12th house would be mental health here). A helpful way of dealing with this is arranging a routine in which he assembles self-care and private time (he had a lack of, which the interceptions point at) to feel instead of brushing his emotions off (12th house interception). He will feel lonely. He longs for love with his Pluto conjunction his descendant, he can even become obsessive about it and feel the need to be with somebody. But as long as he doesn’t understand he deserves UNconditional love from most importantly himself, he won’t be able to allow (healthy) love in his life and recognize when he isn’t being treated the right way, because he pushes others away and has no clarity of what he deserves. In this routine that I have previously mentioned, where he shall implement self-care and privacy, he needs to give himself time to feel and not push his emotions away anymore. And as he accepts his emotions and turmoil, this 12th house part that we all have (this part that Billie addresses in idontwannabeyouanymore), that is hurt and deals with all the things we brush off in a “call me what you wanna, ‘cause I’ve probably called me worse.” way (self-criticism with the Chiron in the 6th — as Chiron is also healing and the 6th house comes together with routine and stability, I can see how this fortifies my claim — and interceptions). When he lets himself feel, accepts his negative feelings and takes care of himself, he will learn to love ALL of him (also his “demon” and will learn to access his 12th house). Through all of this, he will trust himself and his intuition more, learn to use both his brain & heart — here I think it’s remarkable that Melanie has multiple Taurus placements and a Scorpio rising — as the line between reality and delusion isn’t blurry anymore. Listening to his intuition, he will start to feel comfortable with himself and the things and people around him. He will learn to surround himself with the things he feels comfortable with, and not only “should” (brain). This is a big desire: comfort. His Cancer/Capricorn duplications leave him longing for a home, though as long as he doesn’t feel at home with himself, he won’t feel at home anywhere (ties in with 2nd house Cancer and his self-esteem being ruled by the moon with a desire for comfort). And when he learned to love, accept and feel comfortable with himself, he will allow love into his life and not push anyone away anymore (he will learn that it doesn’t matter if he failed or not, if he worked hard enough or not: he deserves love and care like he gives it to others). This is how he could “unlock” his Venus, perhaps. Regarding his Neptune retrograde in the 9th; in conjunction with his 12th house being intercepted, he needs to learn to create a sleep pattern that is healthy and provides him with enough rest. This will then also strengthen his trust and intuition.
Also, his Pluto Mars conjunction conjunct his 7th can imply that whenever he experiences hurt or is left by somebody else, he can transition this pain and obstacle into power and drive, motivation with which he approaches new relationships. This ties in with the dominant role that Saturn plays in his life, as Saturn is essentially working hard through hurdles and misery to come out successful.
So, now that we’ve established that his chart is challenging in regards to his love life and really just anything, we can get into the actual thing haha
⇢ confession/beginning stages
His Libra Sun and Mercury in the 5th, Gemini rising and Aquarius mc can give him a very playful and airy first impression
He is generally attracted to mannerism, soft spokenness and gentleness, as he also likes showing these parts of himself to romance others haha
Would probably take it slow and not rush into relationships (would take a while to confess, he first has to relish in the feeling of having a crush lol)
He might want to introduce himself as the fun and flirty version of himself, though I feel like he’d be way less bold than Minho (he’s a shy Libra bean) — it doesn’t mean he’s “acting” or anything. That’s just as much him as is every other part of his chart.
I don’t think his Venus would shine through in the beginning (I’d be more his air signs taking the lead, talking away and vibing lol) He’d most likely keep it light and nice on the first date, show off his manners yk👀
His intercepted Venus stressed that it would take him a lot of work to let himself freely express his love language and refrain from bottling it up
But once he does let himself express his love freely, during his confession or an intimate moment, it would fizz all up
His confession may be very thought through and planned, though in the moment, he’d just improvise anyway and fizz up like a bottle of sparkling water under too much pressure from holding back everything
Heartfelt confessions are his specialty, though he’d probably get very emotional
Scorpio is already kind of a wild sea, waves hitting the stones, but that interception would just contribute to this inner tension and turmoil
Once he feels attraction toward somebody, it can be very intense, even scary at times
His confession would be the one of a young boy who feels love for the very first time, intense and emotional, maybe clumsy
Though he’d mean every word
He’s just such a loving and caring person,,,,I’m not crying you are because even astrology says he’s nurturing and lovely
⇢ overall behavior in relationship
I feel like this short fic describes it pretty well haha (I read it and immediately thought of his Scorpio Venus interception)
It could be scary for him to be in love with somebody and go past the first, flirty phase
He’d be very devoted and give his all in the relationship (like how Minho would)
Just with the exception that Minho is pretty aware of this part of himself and embraces it with confidence
Though Chan on the other hand would get to know himself in another light
His emotions would fizz up, as he’s held the desire for love back for way too long (his Libra placements and especially his Pluto descendant conjunction have been begging him) and he could perhaps find the intensity of his romantic feelings scary or shocking
His Pluto descendant conjunction gives him a transformative feature. He can be drawn to relationships in which power dynamics can become toxic, though he has the skill to take the pain and transform himself from a hurting to a more powerful person in control. This can be something to look out for when he hasn’t yet gone through the lesson of acceptance and love for himself as his little self-esteem can be abused by a partner with this placement (Also, his Taurus interception hints at a lack of self-worth and boundaries, just like his 12 and 6th house interceptions do, as he can have issues recognizing when something is happening to him that is not right and he doesn’t deserve). Pluto conjunct the descendant can also hint at a partnership in which both partners are very successful and work together toward wealth, success and a comfortable home. His Venus is intercepted and this aspect points at, amongst other things, an unknowingness when it comes to an ideal type or what someone looks for in relationships. The Pluto descendant conjunction and Venus placement suggest that he is subconsciously on the outlook for or especially attracted by somebody who he can work hard together with and is devoted to the relationship and him. He may end up with somebody very successful and wealthy, who transforms him deeply as this person can feel to him like they are too intense for words to describe them.
His Mars conjunct his Pluto and the descendant accentuates what I previously said as he tends to express his drive and motivation in one-to-one relationships, which can bring a passion and determination into a relationship. He tends to get swallowed up by what he does, oftentimes forgets time or a sense of when to stop when he’s especially motivated or passionate about something. In a relationship that could mean a great deal of loyalty and devotion as well as proactiveness when it comes to achieving shared goals and fulfilling shared desires.
His Venus is in a square aspect with his Neptune, which is in retrograde. As I have discussed before, he needs to give himself time to let himself feel. Here it is suggested that there can be a cloud where certain feelings lie. He has a hard time accessing his subconscious, dreams, spirituality and intuition (in conjunction with his 12th house and Neptune rx he, as he has also confirmed, doesn’t have a good relationship with sleep). He has difficulty with his feelings and recognizing, accepting and embracing them. He can be prone to deception and misjudgment (reality and delusion are blurred, as I said previously and also mentioned a way to “unlock” that). Here it’s possible he may choose a partner not right for him, somebody who deludes him into that tale of an intense and powerful bond as his Venus interception also suggests, as already mentioned; he doesn’t consciously know who he’s looking for. He simply craves love and a comfortable, successful future and tends to see that in people who are not for him. It may be hard for him to feel fulfilled if he doesn’t feel fulfilled with himself yet and also because of this deceptiveness he tends to have.
All these things, the 7th house, Pluto, Scorpio, Mars and the interceptions are very much rooted within him. Having watched this video (I would highly recommend you to check her channel out if you’re into astrology!) on shadows and blind spots in astrology, I realized that love and Chan’s attitude toward love is deeply rooted in him. It can be a sensitive topic and bring out blind spots, parts of himself that he doesn’t really know or want to except. He may push his s/o away for bringing out these deeply rooted and emotionally triggering as well as intense things and shining a light on these aspects he dislikes and rejects about himself. He can live in denial of his longing for love and behavior in love as well as his desires, and be protective over these things. This can express itself in engagement with toxic endeavors and relationships. A build-up of jelousy, rage, vengeance and other negative qualities associated with especially Scorpio can come into play. He may be in denial of them and hardly even be able to access these parts, though I feel like in relationships, these qualities are prone to explode in his chart, as he is also likely to bottle anger up and avoid conflict. Maybe he has a hard time staying with somebody, though he is a devoted lover, because he can’t address the problems rooted within himself and rather projects them onto others in one-to-one relationships. Again, though, when he lets himself feel all these negative feelings, all the hurt and aggression, he can transform into a very powerful person and change who he is on a deeper level. These placements, which are tightly conjunct with love and relationships, point at the most vulnerable and scariest parts of him. Confronting scary parts and being brave is the key here!
His Venus interception, if not resolved, (though even when it’s resolved, it won’t forever be gone,) poses obstacles in love style and overall behavior in specifically romantic relationships. He may be shy and tapping into the unknown as he can be clumsy and confused in love. Like a boy loving for the first time, he will have issues expressing his love in a way he feels like is true to himself or feels comfortable. He has difficulty accessing Scorpio qualities and since his Venus lies in Scorpio, I can see him also bursting sometimes. As in, one day he’s more cold and holds back and on another day he showers his s/o with all the love. He can be very intense in love, especially on these days where he just can’t hold back anymore, where this intensity fizzes up.
I think he’d run into a lot of problems finding somebody who is right for him, but once he’s figured it out, he will be such a devoted partner with a passion to proactively work on the relationship and shared goals and desires. He will work hard for the relationship, just like he does for everything, because after all, that’s how he expresses himself with his Saturn singleton; through work and dedication. Love can be life-changing for him. But emotional highs and lows can occur as he “transitions” and continues to grow. It can often be a deep transformation that can feel like death and rebirth. This is the thing I’ve talked about earlier: he is self-destructive (and can also project these denied things about himself onto others) as he tries holding things associated to Mars, Pluto, the 7th house and Scorpio in his chart back/in. The interception being “unlocked” doesn’t make it disappear though — he’ll still be struggling with it and find it hard to address his emotions, establish routine or take care of himself as he gets lost in his passion and work-ethic.
Lastly, we cannot forget that the 5th house, the Sun, the Moon and the 2nd house usually play a big role concerning love in the birth chart as well. Most of these placements reflect how he knows himself and identifies with certain traits. All the previous things I’ve discussed are things hidden and deeply-rooted in his persona that he can have difficulties recognizing and coping with. So let’s jump into the parts of himself that he’s more comfortable with and more aware of, which also implies a more direct and conscious expression of the following aspects. As I already said referring to the first stages; he approaches romance in a flirty, gentle, fun and romantic way. He may enjoy going on dates a lot, meeting new people, being open-minded and generally gets along with most. He just has an easy time with romance in general as he possesses a natural way with words, though shyly, and a characteristic ability to attract many. It could be that he sees it as a priority to keep the romance alive, so he will keep arranging dates and such all throughout the relationship. Somebody with Libra placements or traits can make him feel special and admired, understood even. He can be a good advisor, great at giving compliments or a “therapist figure” to his partner, and is generally very giving. Good for him would be somebody who gives him validation, reminds him of his self-worth, respects his personal space and creates an environment of privacy and intimacy that’s in a way secret and visatable to only him and his s/o. Somebody who provides comfort, care and affection. (Something else would be conditional love. He could base love off of fairness and imply conditions, which both his Libra placements and his Neptune rx suggest, as Neptune can represent unconditional love and the “merging” of two souls. His Venus in the 6th can also suggest high expectations that hold him back from forgiving his partner’s mistakes and flaws as he could hold a grudge or hold these mistakes against his partner in future affairs.) He may also show his affection in a more practical way with gifts, acts of service and touch.
⇢ dates
I can see him being pretty spontaneous haha. Sagittarius is on the cusp of the 7th house and his Pluto and Mars, which are conjunct his 7th, are also in Sagittarius, so he may enjoy little trips into other cultures with his partner to relax a bit from work. Also, let’s not forget, he has his Sun and Mercury in his 5th and many personal Libra placements, he’s a big romantic. It’s how he knows himself, how he shows himself, how he communicates and how he feels. I thought I’d mention this part of his personality, because it’s the most straight-forward and commonly known “version” of Chan, even to himself. Since a partner tends to bring out 7th house qualities and motivate a person to be less their ascendant (the person they were motivated to be as a child or in their early lives) and more a “hidden” version of themselves (so in Chan’s case more bigger-picture-oriented or in favor of getting to know new cultures instead of only taking short road trips,...). So, here’s a little scenario in 1st person (just skip it if you’re not into flash fiction haha):
After 17 hours of flights and waiting, a hard-bedspring hotel mattress seemed a dream, but “the stars shine bright tonight,” Chan smiled
So instead of a douvet, a beach towel pressed against our backs
It had been 2 months, and though it was only an extended weekend, I was gonna spend every second enjoying him and Montpellier.
“I still hate that I forgot my dress.”
“You look better in my jacket anyway.”
The waning moon painted the sea, shone in his eyes
“Can’t have a cute French guy steal my baby.” Sweater paws covered his dimples, but his eyes told in the way they winged up
The Scorpio and Pluto conjunction is coming through🤭
Taper candle lit and polyester napkin folded into a lotus, we sipped on the nicest sounding wine the menu offered.
He laughed with gold in the eyes, an Italian-style suit and curls on his forehead.
“I’ll get whatever they do.” He tilted his head as shadows traced his dimples. The waiter rose his brows.
“I’d like...uhm...Beu- Boeuf bouuu-” Letters morphed into each other, a strand fell.
“Boeuf Bourguignon. Oui, ready in a minute, madame, monsieur.” He left behind an onion smell.
When Chan reached for Ficelle slices, sleeves were loose on his suit.
“This garlic spread’s nice.”
“So nice, you’ve got to have it on your face?”
He covered his face with the sleeves as he wiped
And then some of the spread ends up on his sleeve lol
If life is a movie // Oh you’re the best part.
D-Major vibrated off his acoustic guitar, and his voice accompanied mine through the last chorus
The mattress was softer than expected and his voice fuzzier than I’d remembered.
Love me, won’t you “ever leave me”
Guitar on the bedside table, his arms enclosed me. Nowhere else would I have rather been. (Lol sorry for being cheesy)
Also can we just appreciate his TALENT for a second like this man gives me goosebumps with that tone and his stunning vocal stability☁️💗
Additional small thought; I think with his Sun conjunct his Mercury in the 5th, he isn’t only good at communication, thinks a lot and is proud of it, but also probably talks to himself haha
Feel free to lmk your own thoughts on this post as well as other aspects concerning his chart, let’s chat!💫
//I also want to add that, yes, without the possibility of him using his birth chart to his advantage and making his “demons” a controlled part of him that he turns for the better, he does have a very difficult love life focused on business and unhealthy power dynamics in which he would most likely be the one seeking control, considering his libra placements as well as the significance of Saturn in his birth chart suggesting that he feels the constant need to conform to societal norms for self-esteem reasons and others talked about above like the Saturn retrograde.//
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There:  7.2
Author’s Note:  This is the longest chapter so far!! *ehe*  Can’t wait for all the comments on this one....
Xiao eyed the three Fatui agents that were in charge of escorting the two of you to Dottore's arena the next day.  You found it rather odd that Childe and Dottore didn't accompany them this time, but didn't question it until they sought to bring only you with them.
Is this a chance for Xiao to escape?  Your gaze flit to the yaksha behind you as the agents bound your wrists with metal cuffs.  Xiao seemed as confused as you were.  "Where are we going?" You asked in hopes that they'll take you far enough away to avoid Xiao's powers.  They didn't answer you and pushed you out of the hallway.
They stopped just short of the throne room, taking a right instead of heading for those giant unwelcoming doors.  When they opened the next door, you halted.  It seemed like it was meant for some sort of conference room, but lighting was a bit over-the-top with candle lights and such.  A delicious aroma rose steadily into the air from the exquisite food that sat on the table.
"You're an idiot if you think this will woo me," you snorted as the agents removed your cuffs and left the room.  "Let's skip the crap, Tartaglia, and tell me what the hell you think you're doing."
"Why so skeptical, ojou-chan?  I just thought you'd like something to eat."  Childe held a smug smirk that complimented the devious glint in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah no.  I'll be going back to my cell now."  You spun on your heel and grabbed the doorknob.
"If you insist, I could fetch Dottore and resume your testing for the day."  When your hand froze on the knob, his smile widened.  "That's what I thought.  Sit."
You sat as far away from him as physically possible, and it drew a light chuckle from his lips.  "What do you want?"
"I just wanted to check in with you."  Childe grabbed a fork with ease and began to dig into the meal.  "This kind of treatment could continue day after day if you chose to cooperate."
"Are you trying to butter me up with food?  Do you seriously not know me well enough to know this trick won't work on me?"
"I seem to recall that it worked if it was chocolate," a boyish glint sparkled in his eyes.
Your fist slammed on the table and your eyes began to glow from the agitation.  "If you're trying to pull that 'shark week' stunt again, I swear I will--"
"--'Impale me?'  Were those the words you were looking for?"
"Okay, if there is no point to this conversation other than to infuriate me, I'm leaving."
"Have you thought of what I said, ojou-chan?"  When you raised an unamused brow, he continued.  "You can make a life for yourself here.  I'm sure with your...unique abilities, you'd be able to climb the ranks and might even rise to harbinger status."
"I have no interest in becoming a harbinger."
"The point being, you could choose whatever path you want if you joined us."
"The last time I checked, the Childe I knew enjoyed watching me suffer.  Why is he going out of his way to recruit me?"
"I think it'd be much easier on all of us if you joined our ranks.  Besides, at least with us, you could find something greater in life than..."
"Than chasing the love of a yaksha? Is that what you were going to say?"  Your glare was as cold as ice.  "I have no interest in this conversation."
"Listen to you; you're beginning to sound just like him," he retorted.  "Hold off on your retorts for a moment, ojou-chan." He placed his utensils down.  "Tell me, what would your plans be if you escaped with him?"
"Like I would tell you," you sneered.
"You've just proved my point.  I can see right through you; you don't have any."  Childe leaned forward and set his chin on his hand.  He held a smile that was somewhere between teasing and cruel.  You weren't intimidated and continued to hold his gaze.  "Ojou-chan, I'll be honest.  You'll die one way or another if you managed to escape, whether that be at the hands of the Fatui, or at the doing of the yaksha.  As a matter of fact, we wouldn't be the ones to kill you; you're the one killing yourself.  Death by a broken heart sounds more agonizing than what awaits you with us."
"You're not getting in my head."
"I'm not?  Then why, ojou-chan, does internal conflict arise on your face when you look at him?"
"Maybe because I'm having a conversation with him in my head."  
"You know what I think?  I think deep down, you know I'm right.  Part of you hates me for it, but the rest of you agrees with me.  With us, you could have anything you want if you can take it.  Be it fame, fear, glory, power, money.  Even love could grow within the ranks if you so desired it."
"Is this some sort of weird courting ritual?"  You bit back, but despite the hostility you portrayed to Childe, you were beginning to falter.  "I don't care for any of that stuff."
"But what you want most is love, no?  The yaksha can't give it to you; he's incapable of it.  You can't deny that much."  Childe refrained from grinning ear-to-ear as he watched the internal turmoil reach your expression.  You had hidden your hands under the table, haven't blinked in the past two minutes, and kept shifting in your seat.  Oh, how he's gotten under your skin.  He loved watching you squirm.  "Don't misunderstand me, ojou-chan. I'm not trying to insinuate love between us; that ship has sailed.  I'm simply looking out for your wellbeing."
You gripped the butter knife that was sitting next to your plate, flipping it over as you thought of the possibility of being able to one-shot him from here.  His lips curled upward slightly as if he knew what you were thinking.  Then, you placed the utensil back down and let out a long irritated sigh.  "Your words are falling on deaf ears, Tartaglia.  I'm going back to my cell now."
On the contrary, I think you've heard me loud and clear, ojou-chan.
The second you were shoved back into your cell, the tears began to fall.  Xiao watched you for a moment before gesturing for you to sit next to him, but you ignored him and sat in the far corner of the room.  You had glanced up at him once, noticing the tears that were also falling from his cheeks and thinking he was actually crying.  When you remembered it was just a side effect and that the tears manifested involuntarily, you reburied your face in your knees.
"Are you okay?"  Xiao sat so he was facing you, but didn't come any closer to the walls.  He hastily wiped your tears away from his face.  What a nuisance.  Can't emotions manifest themselves in a more convenient way?
"Just peachy," you sniffled without raising your head.  
As if I could ever join the Fatui! He's diluted for thinking something so stupid, for thinking I'm anything like him!  You wanted to scream and punch the wall from how frustrated you were.  How dare he try and twist me around like that!  The tears continued to spill and soak into your jeans as helplessness and hatred washed over you like the tide.  Xiao, why...?
The yaksha perked up when he heard you.  "What?"  
Why can't I be free of human emotions, just as you are?  Why must I be burdened with them?
Two more days passed, but the two of you were never taken to the arena.  Apparently the Tsaritsa had other temporary plans that required the presence of the harbingers for the time being.  So, when the time finally came for you and Xiao to be escorted out of the cell once again, you were surprised to see what looked like rookie guards instead of the usual seasoned agents.
Their rookie-ness was primarily given away by the fumbling of the keys before the cell door unlocked.  Then it was painfully obvious that these three guards were idiots by the way they swung the door open enough that it effectively gave Xiao an opening out of the sealed box.  The two of you exchanged shocked glances before Xiao bolted through the door, his lance manifesting in time to pierce through the first guard and pin him to the opposing wall outside the hallway.  
It was an outright slaughter.
Before you even had the chance to get to your feet, the yaksha was already retracting his polearm from the third guard's torso that lay on the floor.  The heavy metallic stench of blood made your stomach riot and you averted your eyes to keep the nausea under control.
"A-Are we really doing this?  Are we really making our escape?"  Your hands were shaking from the adrenaline as well as an emotion you recognized to be fear.
Zhongli...was it really a coincidence that I heard you last night, and now the guard schedules are mixed up?  Xiao furrowed his brows as his eyes danced over the bloody corpses.  "Let's move."
"Okay..."  You carefully avoided slipping on the soaked floor and followed Xiao.  He was surprisingly familiar with the hallways considering he had been blindfolded whenever he was outside the cell.  "How do you know this place so well?"
"Sight is not the only thing we are gifted," he answered as he peeked down a corridor.  "This way."
Several Fatui agents and skirmishers turned the corner as if they had been intentionally sent.  There was no way they could have heard the ruckus from up here.  Xiao waved a hand over his face, and his mask manifested with ease.  A demonic aura emanated around him, visibly blackening the immediate area around his body.  The new sight sent a chill down your spine.  "Stay out of my way."
You followed his order and ran back the way you came, using the corner as cover.  He first burst into the cryo skirmisher, who was practically first in line for a quick death.  The polearm sliced across his torso, then Xiao shoved it through his heart.  The second the blade was ripped out of flesh, geo and pyro skirmishers surrounded him.
"LAMENT!"  Xiao leapt into the air and dove into the ground with his spear.  The shockwave of his anemo burst sent spears of air ricocheting into the skirmishers.  They struggled to their feet after the devastating blow, and more Fatui agents filtered into the hallway.  Xiao performed another series of plunging attacks until no one but him was moving.  He jerked his head to the side and his mask evaporated.  "Come."
You didn't have time to drool over how hot that was--"Ah, wait, Xiao.  That's the throne room up ahead--"
If my intuition is correct...The yaksha burst through the doors despite your warning.
"Xiao--! H-huh?"  You ran after him only to run into his back.  You peeked over his shoulder to see why he stopped in his tracks.  "What's going on?"
No one was in the throne room save for the most important players of this story.  The Tsaritsa, who was standing in front of her throne; Childe, her beloved war hammer; Signora and Scaramouche, who stood off to the side as mere observers; Zhongli, with his arms crossed and eyes blazing with fury; and Aether, who held a firm look of determination.  The atmosphere was tense, even as they all turned their heads to the sound of the doors crashing open.
"I've massacred every last one of your agents," Xiao seethed at the cryo archon as the two of you approached the group.  "Our suffering is no longer."
"Xiao," Zhongli nodded, relief washing over him when he confirmed the two of you were okay.
"Thank the archons," Aether ran over and hugged you.  "I'm sorry we took so long."  He hid his surprise at how thin you were.
"You were saying, Morax?"  The Tsaritsa refocused everyone's attention, and you and Xiao stood at Zhongli's side.  The room seemed to inhabit a colder atmosphere than the first time you visited.  She could've cared less that you and Xiao killed her men.
"You've broken our contract," the archon clenched his jaw, but remained as composed as ever.  "Thou shall not interfere with Liyue or the adepti."
The Tsaritsa's gaze flicked to the two of you.  "Oh, is that so?  I told you I'd do anything necessary to accomplish my goal."
"Those who break the contract will suffer the wrath of the rock.  We have every nation on our side; the people of Teyvat are more than willing to wage war against you for your trespasses if you refuse to return the two of them."
"You think that's going to intimidate me?" The Tsaritsa let out a frigid chuckle at the thought.  "Oh, Morax.  You really are more brawn than brains.  Alright, I will return the yaksha to you."  She nudged her head at Xiao.
"And her."  Zhongli pointed to you.
"Ha!"  Another full laugh arose from the archon's lips.  "Have you already forgotten the terms of your own contract?  Liyue and adepti alone are to be untouched.  She is neither."
"You can't do that!"  Aether shouted, grabbing the hilt of his sword.
"Then I'm afraid we'll have to wage war because of your refusal."  Zhongli hardened his gaze as he continued to stare at the Tsaritsa.  You peered up at him only to realize that he was completely serious.
He wants to wage a world war for my sake?  You sent a nervous glance to Xiao, and he didn't appear to have a problem with his superior's proposition.  Neither did Aether.  Your wavering eyes came to a rest on an amused Childe, who stood across from you.  But...this bloodshed...would be my fault...
"Relax, Morax.  Her test trials are already over; we have what we need."  Your eyes lifted to the Tsaritsa.  "She won't be put through such harsh treatment again."
"Then why do you want to keep her?  Just let her go!"  Aether continued to glare daggers.  To watch his friend be taken away by a god just as Lumine had...he never wanted to feel the same pain again.  The walls appeared to close in on him as he watched the same events repeat before his very eyes.
"She'll be an excellent addition to our ranks.  I seek to recruit her; she will aid us in commencing trials for the hosts of the adeptal enhancements."  Xiao shifted so that you were mostly hidden behind him.  "She will be treated with great care as long as she cooperates."
"She will be part of no such thing," Xiao and Zhongli jinxed one another.
You couldn't pull your gaze away from Childe; it was like the two of you came to some sort of weird understanding of one another in this moment.  You were right, your eyes widened at him.  This bloodshed for my sake...I can't let them go through with this.
"You can't fight without your gnosis, Morax.  Your threats do not concern me."
I told you, ojou-chan.  Out there, you cannot live, the harbinger seemed to say with his eyes.
We'll be on the run if we took off right now.  We'll be hiding every day for the rest of our lives.  If the war actually happens instead of an escape, all these people will die for one measly girl.  Their blood will be on my hands, on Xiao's hands--And then there's the matter of my unrequited feelings...I can't deal with any of this--The world seemed to spin around you, and you grimaced at the feeling.
"So be it," Zhongli materialized his polearm.  Aether drew his sword.
Xiao tensed when he felt your despair and dread flow through him.  He glanced over his shoulder to gage your wellbeing and was still just as confused as he tried to pinpoint your thoughts.  
I can't...You gaze rose to meet your protector.  For both our sakes...
Childe's grin widened when you stepped forward.  "Stop this!"  Your high-pitched cry interrupted the rising arguments between Aether, Zhongli, and the Tsaritsa.  "All of you, stop!"  When all eyes turned to you, you took a deep breath to stop the tears from forming.  "I'll do it."
"If she's willing to stay, your war is pointless," a thin smile spread across the cryo archon's lips.  Then she addressed you directly.  "A wise choice, young lady.  You will be treated well now that you are choosing to participate."
You spun around when Xiao gripped your upper arm.  "What do you think you're doing?"  His voice was hushed, but there was something fierce both in his gaze and his grip on you.  "There's no need to--"
Your arm left his grip, and you addressed Zhongli and Aether.  "I can't let you guys wage war on my behalf whether it's a bluff or not.  Whatever the outcome would be, it would end in thousands of pointless deaths.  I can't let you guys do this."
"But they'll kill you!"  Aether shook your shoulders, desperate to prevent another incident like his sister's.  "Don't you understand what's happening?!  You'll--"
"I'll be just fine on my own," you gave him a half-smile.  "It's not like I'll be able to live peacefully if I escaped anyway.  They'd always be on our tail.  We'd never escape the danger of the Fatui."  Xiao glared at Childe when he heard the regurgitation of the harbinger's words.
"...Are you sure you want this?"  Zhongli observed you carefully.  "Once you join the Fatui, there will be no escape."
"If it's to protect everyone, if it's to protect the three of you, I'm sure."  You weren't aware of the tears that stained your face.  You then turned your attention to Xiao, who stood back.  "Listen, I-"
"I don't agree with this," he said plainly.  "I told you there was no need to sacrifice yourself for anyone's sake.  I told you to trust in us."
"Xiao."  You threw your arms around him, feeling him flinch under your sudden touch before hesitantly placing his hands at your sides.  I can't stand around and let innocents get hurt, just as you can't do the same.  His eyes widened as he quietly listened to your prayer.  You pulled away slightly and brushed his bangs out of his face, hand cupping his cheek.  A few of your tears were falling from his eyes as he looked into yours.  You brought your forehead to his, intent on holding him for as long as he'd let you.  You may never understand this, and that's okay, but I love you.
Xiao's breath caught in his throat and his grip around you tightened.  His eyes wavered immensely, releasing more tears as he replayed your prayer in his mind.  Only, a couple of those tears didn't belong to you; they were his own.  "What're you..."
"Heh, you have no idea how hard it was to say that," you forced a laugh as more tears dripped down your cheeks, and you tore away from him completely.
Aether watched the two of you with utter confusion, while Zhongli observed you intently.  It appears she has admitted her feelings.  Xiao, will you follow suite?  His gaze flicked expectantly  to the yaksha, who was more than distraught and traumatized by the entire situation.
You didn't wait nor expect a reply.  "I will aid you," you spun around and addressed the Tsaritsa, "but it will be under my terms.  These three are to stay out of whatever you're scheming.  Not a single hair on the tops of their heads is to be harmed."
"You have my word." The Tsaritsa thought it was adorable at how hard-headed you were.  It reminded her of Childe, and also that of an ant.  Such a small insignificant being that thought it held a significant place in this world.  Absolutely adorable.
"You guys should leave," you lowered your voice as you turned back to the trio of your apparently-not-needed rescuers.  "I'm sorry I've caused you all this trouble.  Please know traveling with you three meant the world to me."  The tears continued to fall even though you failed to acknowledge their presence.
"You're serious about this," Aether bit his lip to prevent himself from crying.  "But your Granny...the village...the Lantern Rite--"
"I'll come back one day.  That's a promise," your eyes met Xiao's.  I swear to Rex Lapis, I will return.
The Tsaritsa watched you return to her after seeing your friends off.  A disturbing smile spread across her lips as you forced yourself to kneel at her feet.  "I believe you've earned this back."  She held her hand out to reveal your vision, to which you slowly took it into your hands and stared at it with vacant eyes.
You felt nothing as you attached it to your belt loop.
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ivesambrose · 3 years
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As promised, a late Christmas but early new year gift from my side. 💚
Choose the screen you feel strikes a memory from your childhood or your dreams or something that's been on your mind lately xo
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected]
Life hasn't been as harmonious due to the obvious circumstances have made you feel that this is your new reality now. Finding a new normal in where you've always been. But that's far from the truth.
Maybe you have strayed from something you had faith in, but in 2021 its time to get back in touch with that again. But I'm not seeing blind faith here, there's a sense of clarity. One you didn't have before and caused you foggines. I literally see a thick fog. You're going to have a chance to live what you've missed out on the year before.
There will be a boost in self esteem as well as desire to focus on focus on the sweetness moments in life has to offer. It's almost as though you're bored of the news, bored of the bitterness and being concerned. So to put it in simpler terms, your attitude has become rather Yolo.
I see some of you building immunity, focusing on what you eat, maybe even taking supplements for health. I literally see someone weight lifting this could be as literal as building strength / muscle. Good for you!
The start of the year it seems an idea will take a tangible form. I see some of you committed to learning something new or working on something that you would like to put out the public. I see someone devoted to some form of expression honestly.
It's also advised to protect your energy not everyone is going to be happy with your goals and plans.
You'll also be able to see beyond current circumstances. So long term plans will be the focus as well as a general attitude of, "I don't care anymore, I'm gonna do what it takes eitherway."
I also see you learning more about finances, savings, investments etc
There will be opportunities to travel or what was once halted will pick up.
Aquarius and virgo season are significant.
Some keys themes are,
- knowing when to leave a situation discreetly.
- again, know when to leave.
- recognizing opportunities and seizing them instead of awaiting validation or looking back at the ones that didn't bring you fulfillment.
I feel you've been restless and anxious throughout the year so now that sudden patience and understanding hits you, you're unfamiliar with this feeling. The, "I don't have to worry anymore you mean? I don't have to wake up feeling not messed up? That's suspicious!"
I see some of you finding some comfort in walking while listening to music, picturing different scenarios etc. You could be walking indoors or outdoors, doesn't matter. All I know is that it'll ground you. I see you feeling a little more stable as though you can rely on yourself.
I see you attracting a lot of wealth honestly. Money is just energy, eitherway you'll attract it. I think you'll tap into that power honestly. You might even find yourself having purchased something you consider a luxury item sometime this year. Increase in wealth will also give you a boost in other areas of your life. You may also take a liking towards warmer colors. You may like gold over black combination a lot too.
I'm seeing you heal an old would. Wanting more adrenaline in your life too. Some of you may dance, take up dancing etc something that gets the blood pumping.
There's also a theme of getting in touch with the emotions you have often kicked under the rug or have shamed yourself for and left unexpressed.
Why do I sense a more feral energy in some of you? Like you've been quiet for so long and settled for things but deep inside you are a wild, wild thing.
A cycle of turmoil is complete, the person you were in jan 2020 and the one you are in Jan 2021 are extremely different people.
There's also a connection you have been dreaming of or getting signs of but you're fearing the worst it seems too? Don't worry about it too much,
Significant months are Aries and Leo season.
Key themes for this year,
- relocation
- long distance travel
- flexibility
- multiple jobs
- silently knowing you're the baddest bitch ever
Calming of your nerves. No thought head empty. But in the best way possible since you've flushed out a lot of toxicity from your life. There's probably something you've incorporated maybe an affirmation, hobby, routine etc that you're going to be or are advised to be persistent about. Some of you may also be suffering from sleeplessness, nightmares, restlessness etc maybe even headaches, eye strain. You're truly advised to make your health well being your priority. Calming music, meditation, painting etc will help with this.
Your gift of visualization will be very useful for some reason.
You may have felt unrequited love in the past but this year brings about more synchronicity and balance. Its simply because you've chosen to bring the priority to you. So you won't be settling for less.
The biggest theme for you is breaking an ancestral pattern and shedding old skin. Don't be surprised if the whole year feels like a Pokémon evolution for you. It's high time to follow what you want instead of what others want for you.
I see some of you leaving a hostile/exhausting situation/residence to somewhere much calmer.
There's a key theme of rebirth and heeding the call of something you couldn't do earlier. Being more active in pursuit of your goals. I see you determined to do something for yourself.
I also see clarity of thought more assertiveness in your part and knowing when to command things into fruition.
Significant months are capricorn and taurus season. Even Gemini season.
Key themes for the year:
- don't blind yourself to the love you literally just manifested.
- it's okay to be selfish of your earned resources.
- as your shed your old skin, don't expect yourself to not have an upgrade.
- you indeed won and their gaslighting did not.
You feel you have lost your shine it seems...
As though you don't have the gifts or the right amount of talent or perhaps you feel disconnected with the things that once made you happy.
2021 is all about finding that sparkle and dropping the heaviness one day at a time. It'll be a transformative period from feeling lack lustre to discovering a whole new array of things you feel connected to. A lot of awakened creativity without the fear of having to prove to others that, "Hey look, I did this thing please validate." no. Do this cuz you want to. Do this even if you think its bad. You have to be persistent and allow yourself to improve.
I see a lot of you channeling certain emotions into creative expression or achieving something. Also a lot of connecting with nature by yourself since you feel the need to maybe isolate a bit or disconnect from people who drain you off your energy.
You'll be reaping a lot of rewards for your earlier efforts as well as the efforts you're going to put in. I get a picture of a tree filled with apples, the tree certainly belongs to you and you have your sweet rewards with you. Your patience has paid off.
You may also be drawn to cool tones or cool colors. You'll also learn that you don't need to be right or perfect all the time. It's a growing stage and if you don't learn from your mistakes then what's the point. I just see this year as being you keeping your peace and not dwindling in others business anymore simply because you seek peace from extra drama. I also truly see you dropping the need to be right and being stubborn cuz that's been hindering you for the longest time. There are people although few seeking to guide and help but you may have been subconsciously rejecting it.
I also wouldn't be surprised if some of you break up with current partners or a friend group to go different ways. You've been straying form things and not really growing. This year might be full of a lot of self awareness for you.
There's an opportunity that brings you emotional fulfillment of sorts too but you'll be lowkey about it. I also see you wanting to seek refuge from your own thoughts at one point. If you're an artist of any kind, this year is gonna be a benchmark for you. I can tell that. Perhaps admist this soul searching you'll find someone that aligns with you too. (this could be romantic or platonic)
Significant seasons are taurus and likely Leo season.
Main themes I'm seeing are that of,
- Finding people you feel at home with
- learning what you want to commit to before you decide in who.
- taking the risk to take certain journeys by yourself. You may think you're alone, but you'll meet souls just like you along the way.
- leave your comfort zone. Please.
You're truly about the collect the biggest glow up award and I would like to congratulate you in advanced. That's it. That's the overview.
Okay I'm kidding ofc I'm not gonna leave you at just that.
Something that is long inevitable will happen. You have been waiting for this. It could be a travel plan that did not come through because of the previous year. But whatever it is that you're waiting for is making its way to you and not just that, you're making your way towards something or some place to.
You maybe going the distance for something that has a lot to do with your career as well.
You have finally unlocked a hidden fire within you (for real I see a scarlet red and a flame) that is just so stunning like?? Some of you might just embody this sexy siren energy. Do not be surprised if you attract people left, right and center this year. But then again I see y'all being invested in your passions and one of these passions is being your best like, there's just so much 7 rings by Ariana energy here what even? Please own it!
Expect love offers. Expect love to come in. Although I do hesitancy here since a lot of you just had this sudden glow and are simply maybe not used to tenderness, honesty and affection.
I also see leadership, management and business skills is something you will learn this year. Also expect hearing certain messages in conversations and music I feel a lot of you simply connect deeply with music or it's connected with your life path.
Key themes for the year,
- A long term romance coming in. This person is such a charm, I feel as though when you were busy tending to your goals and looking at how far you've come, they come in for you. You saw them coming but it still feels unexpected.
Significant seasons are, cancer, virgo and scorpio.
- money saved secretly. Patience and constant efforts bringing in monetary rewards.
- connecting with like minded people
- travel, skincare, health, aesthetics. 
- learning to be more graceful and composed
- slow progress is still progress. The most beneficial kind.
270 notes · View notes
Picking Mushroom: A Severus Snape Short One-Shot
It was nearing the end of May at Hogwarts. A warm breeze danced through the large open windows that littered the halls, students chilling on window sills and spending a great deal of time out at the Quidditch pitch was evident of the beginning of summer. Trips to Hogsmeade became popular as students ditched their heavy winter coats for light jean jackets. It was perfect weather to enjoy with one's friends.
However, Zoe Kingsley found herself enviously staring at her fellow Slytherin peers, dressed up and ready to spend all their galleons at Honeydukes. It should be criminal to have detention on a Friday evening. Her back pressed against the cool cobblestone wall of the Slytherin dungeon, aimlessly idle as she waited for Professor Snape to come around and begin detention.
Her hands grasped at her tie as she unloosed it, growing anxious as time ticked on. She heard horror stories from her friends on how tough and nasty Snape could be during detention. She never received any sort of serious punishment before in her life. She was a well-round student, too busy trying to outshine Gryffindor and gain points for the House Cup. She was a dedicated Quidditch player as well, known for her insane Seeker skills. In Zoe's eyes, to be in detention with Snape, was a life-long sentence at Azkaban.
She took in a giant breath, her chest heavily heaving as the smell of moss and Blood-Replenishing Potion wafted through the air. The halls, especially around Snape's classroom, always smelled like some sort of mythical and magical scent. There was never any smell of flowers or fresh air, just mythic ingredients that bubbled into creation. As the halls gradually grew emptier, Zoe secretly hoped that Snape has forgotten their little evening together and she was free to go. But the sound of jangling keys and heavy footsteps made her fill with dread.
A tall, cloaked man dressed in black swooped down the hall. Emerging from the shadows like a bat coming out of its cage, Snape's cloak wildly whipped behind him as turned a cold shoulder on Zoe, unlocking his classroom door. He stepped in without a word, silently slithering to his desk and rummaging through his drawers. When he noticed the girl didn't follow him, his rock hard force turned sour, a disapproving scowl telling her that if she doesn't follow him, it'll be a long night.
Zoe took a few cautious steps inside the classroom, the door closing behind her once she was fully stepped in. Zoe looked around the dust-covered room. She could hear soft waves of the Black Lake hit the stained-glass window. His classroom when no one was in it was surprisingly calm. It was quiet, tranquil. It was also cold and typically dark, so when Snape didn't bother closing the curtains, Zoe could see the dust dance in the minimal amount of light that broke through the Black Lake. Zoe knew that the sunset outside must've been strong if it was enough to break through the swampy green that inhabited the Slytherin windows.
Zoe walked over to where she usually sat; in the back, a perfect corner to be hidden by the shadows. She plopped her heavy over-the-shoulder bag onto the desk. She was expecting to bang chalkboard erasers or grade student exams but when Snape stopped what he was doing and stared at her like she was insane, she assumed otherwise.
"Lucky for you, Miss Kinglsey, we won't be hosting detention in my classroom," Snape droned out.
Zoe's eyebrows furrowed, confused as to where they were going and what she would be doing.
"Do you understand the concept of the outdoors?" Snape scoffed, his beady eyes not breaking contact with hers.
"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't think we would be going outdoors."
"I best advice you to stop doing that or else your brain might explode," He snapped.
Zoe grabbed her bag again, her cheeks going numb and she could feel the blood rush to them. She understood her professor put on a mean persona, but she didn't know he was going to keep it going after hours.
Snape stepped away from his desk with two black wicker baskets, the front door to his classroom magically opening as he began to walk out without a word. Of course, Zoe was expected to follow without question. And this time she did so correctly. Snape sped down the hallways, Zoe finding herself having to occasionally jog to match his pace.
Suddenly, the two found themselves stepping into the warm sunlight and touching the soft, delicate grass the Hogwarts grouds had to hold. Chatter and banter muffled in the distance as birds chirped through the skies. Zoe could hear the chariot clambering away on the rocky pavement, heading into Hogsmeade. Desperately, she wished that was her. She blindly followed her Professor as they continued their journey. Zoe was hoping that Snape was going to drop her off at Hagrid's and he was going to take care of her himself. But when they passed his hut and his magnificently massive mountain of cauliflower, Zoe frowned to herself once more.
She realized where they were heading as they approached the Forbidden Forest. Zoe was convinced that time functioned differently in there. It was always a pale, cold blue once one enters that forest. It always smells the day after it rains and it feels like harsh eyes are watching your every step. It was an ominous place, a world within its own that housed creatures still unknown to the Hogwarts student body. It was highly advised since First Year to never enter that place, Merlin knows what kind of animal would jump out and attack.
Zoe felt the warm breeze get replaced with a chiller breeze. Tallgrass tickled her calves as she walked deeper into the Forbidden Forest with her Professor. Her eyes tracked the deep depths of the forest, making sure that there wasn't a mysterious shadow watching them from afar.
"We're picking Bursting Mushrooms," Snape spoke. His voice echoed and danced through the rotting, decaying trees. Se felt like his voice bounced off for miles, her heart hammering. She was afraid that anyone could be listening to their conversation.
"You do know what that is," Snape said, suddenly stopping in his tracks, making Zoe bump right into him. "Right?"
Zoe groaned, taking a step back and looking up at her Professor with wide, alarmed eyes.
"It's for the Fire Protection Potion. Their home is located here, in the forest," Zoe said, trying to keep her voice as hush as possible.
Snape narrowed his eyes down at his student, his lips pursing thin. He was quiet for a couple of seconds until he began his trail again, mentioning that they're not going too deep into the forest. Even though it's been five minutes of walking, Zoe felt like hours have passed. It was so eerily dark and suspiciously quiet in the forest, the concept of time didn't feel like a real thing. Finally, Professor Snape handed Zoe the black wicker basket and instructed her to search the base of the trees.
"Now, remind me again Miss. Kinglsey, if I didn't know what a Bursting Mushroom would look like, how would you describe it to me?" Snape said, getting down on his knees as he stopped in front of a tree. His head tilted low, his hands pushing and plucking away the tall grass.
"It has. white stalk and a red bulb cap with white dots on it. They're pretty large, hard to miss, but they can also quickly shrink if they sense danger."
Snape turned his head around his shoulder to look at his student, an eyebrow raised high. Again, for a couple of seconds, he was quiet until he suddenly spoke, "Well, get to work."
Zoe began to slowly walk around the perimeter of the area, keeping an eye out for a bright red mushroom. It was fairly easy to spot them when there was a random gust of wind that tilted the tall grass to the side. Zoe quickly managed to pluck at least two with ease. She glanced over at her Professors basket that was seemingly already halfway full. She knew that they weren't going to leave anytime soon unless her basket was filled to the rim with Bursting Mushrooms.
"For someone so intelligent and fairly bright," Snape spoke up, his deep voice right behind Zoe's shoulder.
"Can you care to explain that burst of anger in my class today towards Mister Malfoy?"
Zoe quickly spun around, her heart dropping as her Professor shadowed over her.
"I-I just got angry with him. sir. The way he was talking to Granger just filled me up with so much hatred. It's not fair that he can get away with his speech but when I stick up for a friend, I get the repercussions-"
"There is a fine line between speaking up for a friend and violently shouting obscene things to a classmate because you allowed your emotions to rule your heart," Snape interrupted, eyeing Zoe down.
Zoe gulped, looking to the side.
"And as for Mister Malfoy, he is going to be receiving his punishment. I don't allow any of my students to get favorable treatment. That would completely contradict my honor code of teaching," Snape snorted, turning his back and continuing to look around.
Zoe bit back a smile as she continued to do the same, her thoughts racing wildly. She never experienced her Professor become so . . . open before. She was intrigued to find out if he would be giving her any more advice tonight and if so, what would it be? She knew he was a wise, strict man, but she didn't think that deep down, he was sensitive as well.
Zoe wondered what punishment Draco Malfoy would be receiving. She began to conjure up the idea of him writing a three-page long essay on bullying or how to be nice to your fellow peers. Zoe spotted a Bursting Mushroom, ready to pluck it from its natural habitat, turning to look at Snape.
"So what kind of punishment-" Zoe cut herself short as she watched fear grow in Snape's eyes. He dropped his basket and ran straight towards her, forcefully pushing her body to the side. As Zoe's body thumped hard onto the ground, narrowly missing a rock that could've caused a concussion, an exploding sound rang through her ears.
Zoe blinked as she tried to gain her eyesight back, the ringing slowly fading as she acknowledged what was happening. She desperately wanted to scream but no noise coming out of her mouth. On the ground, covered in burn marks that were freshly sizzling on Snape's skin, Zoe crawled over to her Professor, violently shaking.
Snape was knocked out cold, bits and pieces of the Bursting Mushroom Zoe forgot to pick scattered across and around his body. She grabbed his head, gently placing it on her lap as she wildly looked around, confused and scared. She didn't know what to do and if leaving him here was the right idea. Any spells of protection and healing left her mind as, she too, laid limp.
Zoe felt the darkness of Forbidden Forest taunt her, an overwhelming omen that no matter who you are, only bad things happen to those who enter. Zoe felt like the universes laughing stock, Dumbledore's words echoing in her mind since she heard them from day one: "The first years, please note... that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students." Now here she was, six years later, clearly avoiding his advice and now stuck in a situation she accidentally created.
Zoe felt the waterworks turn on and in an instant, she was crying. Her shoulders shook as she violently sniffled, her eyes blurring from the hot, salty tears that dripped down her equally red cheeks. She couldn't live with herself if she caused serious, life-long, and permanent damage to her Professor. Zoe looked down at the man, her tears dropping onto his face, sizzling and creating steam as they hit his burn marks.
This made Zoe weep even harder, the trauma of the sound scaring her. Tears began to flow out her eyes, a waterfall of sadness as they continued to splash on his face. Zoe felt an immense amount of guilt as she swept his hair away from his face, hoping that he'd wake up on his own soon- what was that?
Zoe suddenly stopped crying as she watched the inflamed skin on Snape's face began to patch up. She watched as his molecules and atoms began to stitch up, creating a barrier of new, untouched, fresh skin. The few remaining teardrops on Zoe's face hit Snape and on contact, his skin began to heal.
Zoe watched in pure amazement and complete shock. Was she imagining this? Was she seeing this right? Zoe couldn't quite comprehend that her tears saved him. As his face slowly began to heal, the man below her began to shuffle and groan. In a matter of minutes, Snape was sitting up by himself, rubbing his head and looking around, confused.
"I can explain everything to you once we get out of here, sir," Zoe rambled, quick to intervene before Professor Snape had to chance of loading thousands of questions on her.
Zoe quickly stood up and gathered both of their baskets, going over and helping her Professor get to his feet. By the time they officially left the Forbidden Forest, the pink, strawberry sky fell to a dark blue, stars twinkling as they became brighter the darker the sky grew. Zoe was glad that they didn't spend any more time in there after his accident and even more relieved that he was walking alright.
The walk back was deadly silent. Zoe could tell her Professor was deep into his train of thought. She didn't want to interrupt him or put him into another state of shock so she waited until they both safely made it back to his classroom. Zoe never thought she would be as happy as she was to feel the cool and dampness of the Slytherin dungeons until this very second.
Inside Snape's classroom, Zoe placed the wicker baskets on top of his desks, watching him as he slowly sat down in his chair. He stared at the baskets, once filled to the top of Bursting Mushrooms and one barely making a dent into it. Instead of lashing out, Snape simply looked up at Zoe and asked, "What happened?"
Zoe bit her lip, unsure if she wanted to fully tell him the truth. "Sir, maybe you should go see Madame Pomfrey? Just in case-"
"Miss Kingsley, what happened to me in that forest?" Snape demanded.
Zoe shut her eyes, breathing out a sigh.
"You got injured and you knocked out for a while. But then you woke up and now we're here so-"
"Zoe," Snape demanded.
"You got hit with a Bursting Mushroom that I was too slow to pick. You pushed me out of the way before it could get to me and you took the fall . . . I'm so sorry, Professor!" Zoe said, randomly bursting out into tears. She covered her face with her hands, embarrassed.
"I know I should've been watching what I was doing, it was an honest mistake, I didn't mean for you to get hurt!"
Zoe cried into her hands, overwhelmed by the number of emotions she felt in one day. Zoe heard the scrape of Snape's chair and a heavy hand on her shoulder. Her hands were taken away from her face as Snape wiped away her tears.
"I know, Miss Kingsley," He said in a soft, soothing voice.
"I won't hold this against you. I thank you for taking care of me and watching over me at that moment."
Zoe nodded, her bottom lip quivering as she took a couple of deep breaths to regain her control.
"I won't pressure you tonight, but there's going to be a day where you tell me exactly how you saved me, Miss Kingsley. Bursting Mushrooms don't give you typical cuts or scrapes."
Zoe nodded, licking her dry lips, exhausted.
"You're free to leave, Miss Kingsley."
Zoe felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she turned to walk towards the door. She wanted nothing more than a warm shower and a nice, long sleep. As her hand grasped the cool metal of the door, Snape called out to her one last time.
"And keep this little incident between us, Miss Kingsley."
Zoe looked over her shoulder at her Professor who was storing the mushrooms in a glass jar. She gave him a small smile and headed off to her dorm for the night.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
Kuroo x Reader - Scenario
desc: sometimes loneliness finds you in your weakest moments. however, even as you grapple with your feelings for Kuroo, he still manages to make you feel at home.
warnings: depictions/discussions of loneliness, anxiety, mild angst, briefly mentions family issues, language
wc: 4k
This isn’t exactly what Kuroo had expected when you’d texted him to come get you from the campus library. 
He’d driven up to the building’s curb-side donning a gray hoodie and a cheeky, cheshire grin, ready to take you back to the apartment and put on some sort of sci-fi movie. But as you slowly approach the dented, familiar car, your feet lightly dragging on the concrete as you grew closer, he realizes that the movie watching would have to wait.
Because as he opens the tinted passenger-side window, Kuroo can tell you’ve been crying.
It was dark out, something you had hoped would disguise your teary eyes. But grief was etched into the lines of a tired grimace and the illumination of the lamppost was just bright enough to reveal your tear-streaked cheeks. By the look of it, he could deduce that you’ve been wiping them away for a while now.
Kuroo can’t help but stare, taken-aback by the puffiness in your face and that lost look in your eyes. You seemed so vulnerable, so alone out in the open like that.
If it weren’t for his tight, surprise-induced grip on the wheel, he would’ve gotten out of the car and held you right where you stood. But his feelings for you were… more than complicated. You also appeared uncomfortable standing out there on your own, and understandably so. This wasn’t exactly your emotional norm. Or at least, knowing you, he didn’t think it was.
You tugged at your sleeves, biting your lip sharply enough that Kuroo thought it had to hurt, and avoided his golden gaze. You were ashamed that he had to see you like this. 
Kuroo, your roommate turned best friend, was finally witnessing one of your infrequent, but debilitating mental breakdowns. No one was supposed to see you like this, eyes red and lips bruised from frustrated chewing. It was rare to even see you cry outside of a movie theater or without your face being wedged between the pages of a book with some sort of sentimental value, so this was quite emotionally revealing to say the least. 
It must have come as a bit of a shock to your usually more talkative, teasing friend, but if he was startled, he didn’t show it. Kuroo kept a calm demeanor and softened his features after getting a good look at you through the window.
But you remained a safe distance from the car, not yet ready to hop in yet. Because once you did you knew there would be questions.
The bed-headed boy had always been observant, sometimes to the point where you wondered if he had mind-reading abilities. He always noticed your mood changes and quirked expressions even when you were sure you’d hidden them well enough. Whether it was the sparkle of elation in your eye when you’d received a good grade on a project you’d poured your all into or the way your face fell while you crashed onto the couch after a failed date, Kuroo knew each and every look perfectly. Some might wonder why he cared to memorize your expressions and their meanings, but you passed it off as something that all best friends could do.
Either way, the novelty of the situation had him at a loss, so you were sure that the questions would roll once you’d made it back to the quiet of the apartment.
But the problem is... questions mean closeness.
You didn’t quite want to be an open-book with him yet. At least not to the point of spilling your heart out all over him in a messy stream of tears and endless sniffles.
Not when you were balancing your friendship and feelings for him. Not when he made your heart flutter helplessly like that. Not when your living arrangements required a certain level of comfort and freedom from both parties. And definitely not when you’d just been crying over the perpetual state of loneliness you periodically found yourself in.
Because in all honesty, you really liked Kuroo. 
And you had every reason to like him. From the black, rooster hair that you’d ruffle first thing in the morning while he made his espresso. The displeased face he pulled whenever he attempted to drink it without milk and sugar to feel more ‘sophisticated.’ The goofy, jabbing comments that managed to make you laugh after an achingly long day… 
And those small, seemingly innocent touches. The ones that sent sparks flying within your chest, warming you from the center of your heart all the way up to your burning cheeks. His eyes grew warmer, dare you say affectionate, after seeing your face light up from one of his stupid science puns that other friends of his would simply sigh at. It had your heart on overdrive.
Feelings could really fuck with this world you two had built together.
It was already hard enough living with him. You were so close, yet still so far from his reach. Your sock clad feet could rest on his lap, but not your head. You could tug at his hair, but you couldn’t tenderly twirl it around. And he could always flirt with you, leaving your skin burning hotter than a midsummer Carolina night, but you wouldn’t let yourself comment back, fearful that your true feelings would come out.
But just like dirty laundry, you were airing yourself out to the world. Or at least to the ebony-haired boy who you considered to be a big part of your world.
You’re not quite sure why you’d called him of all people anyway. You could’ve just as easily texted someone who wouldn’t ask for an explanation. Your tears would’ve probably dried by the time you’d gotten home if you’d chosen to grab an Ub*r. But you knew he would be worried for you, though his sharp eyes hid it so well. 
Underneath all of the wit and humor, those scheming smiles and that fiery determination, Kuroo was softhearted. He would listen, advise, and worst of all… he would understand, which scared you. You had already fallen hard for him and letting him see into that blackhole, that pool of murky, suffocating loneliness, would only make you want to hold him more.
But for him to see right through you, right into your long-suffering feelings for him and for them to not be reciprocated… it would break you. 
“...Hey.” Kuroo’s smile fades, his softened voice pricking at your heart a little.
He sifts through the right words to say. What phrasing would sound the most comforting? What sounded the most natural coming from him? It was like trying to catch a plummeting piece of pottery. Kuroo wanted to break your mental fall and give you something softer to land on. You were all but shattering right in front of him, so he opted for words that soothed. Words he wished he’d heard years ago when he’d been at his lowest point.
“Let’s go home.”
He said it so steadily. So simply. There was authority in his tone, but it wasn’t sharp. Just sure.
How could one little word give you so much hope? 
‘Home’ meant warmth. It meant safety and security. ‘Home’ was where you could be yourself, take a deep breath, and release whispery secrets out loud without fear of judgement. 
You knew Kuroo meant your apartment when he’d said ‘home’ but you can’t help but think that there was some sentimental value to it.
You gave a sniff followed by a quiet, slightly nasally response, 
“...Yeah. Please.”
You hear the click from him unlocking the car doors and you step in slowly, one foot in, then the next. Your hands, still a little shaky, plopped down on your legs and your eyes glued themselves to the dark, starlit sky through the windshield.
You’re exhausted and you feel a little out of place, but you’re just glad you’re not alone anymore, even if his steady, thoughtful gaze is basically burning a hole in your head right now.
Your breath quietly hitches at the sudden warmth seeping into your exposed skin.
He had rested a hand on your knee, a concerned look decorating his features, and begun stroking it slowly with his thumb. His methodical movements intended to soothe an already very fragile person.
Kuroo had only touched you like this once before. At a time when your eyes were frantic and your heart, pacing with worry. You had been drowning in finals papers and your mind threatened to go into an anxious spiral. Yet somehow, his touch, his selective words, and his offer to help you out had kept you afloat. Thanks to Kuroo, you managed to keep from breaking down then.
This time however, he was a bit too late.
But he kept drawing little circles, analyzing a new, yet strangely familiar face. An expression you hadn’t personally worn before, but that he’d seen somewhere in the past.
You feared that if he kept staring, the tears would start to fall all over again, his touch only reminding you of just how lonely you really were. So close to him, yet so far.
“Can we just go?” You plead, voice at a whisper.
And as you glance over to him, he can tell that there’s something you want to say, but you can’t quite put it into words. At least not right at this moment.
“Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking…” Kuroo’s voice is low. He nods, but doesn’t quite finish his thought.
It would be better to get you home first before asking about anything. Otherwise you might shut down on him entirely. Whether or not you realized it, Kuroo was well aware of your tendency to avoid these more ‘personal topics.’ When something got too close to home, you were suddenly tired and needed to catch some extra Z’s. When he got a bit flirty, suddenly your phone became incredibly interesting. And any time he caught you close to tears, you would play it off as though it were nothing you couldn’t handle on your own.
But you aren’t nothing to Kuroo.
So far from it, actually.
You were as close to ‘home’ as he’d ever gotten. 
Without having much close family, home was more of a physical destination to Kuroo. A structure with a solid door and a bed to crawl into. Where he could study in peace and quiet...
But there was always an emptiness deeply set within that silence.
It was impersonal at best. At worst, the space was frigid and lifeless. The iciness of the house took a toll on him, resulting in an anxious, quiet child. One who could hardly speak to friends and couldn’t look an adult in the eye.
Only when he’d met Kenma, when he had finally discovered a place where warmth overcame the bitter tundra of loneliness, did Kuroo understand what ‘home’ was supposed to be like.
‘Home’ was always welcoming. 
It was birthdays with cake and ice cream. It became multiplayer video games and frustrated sighs or bickering after a shitty round of Mario Kart. It turned into short jaunts with friends to a local 7/11 where one could spend way too much money on a basket full of snacks. It was locking eyes with you for the first time after agreeing to room with a stranger at university. It was finding out that you two shared classes and could walk together every morning. ‘Home’ was found within the conversations that bloomed like a bright, young flower from your many hours willingly spent together over the next couple of years.
And in time, you two learned each other's patterns, quirks, and minds, thus growing increasingly comfortable in the other’s presence.
‘Home,’ in its truest form, is a beautiful thing and you wore it radiantly. To the point that Kuroo had caught his own fluttering feelings for you over the years, but even his best efforts to tell you were thwarted by your little diversions.
But that didn’t matter right now. Kuroo had finally gotten you two pulled into the parking lot after a painfully quiet drive home, so he needed to focus on getting you inside and comfortable.
“Just sit there, I’ll get your door.” Kuroo directed gently.
You nod, staying in place because you really didn’t have the energy to argue with him right now.
He tugs at the door handle and before you can blink, he’s got your arm looped around his. Something he only did teasingly in the past, usually resulting in you shoving him playfully away from you. You can’t bring yourself to push him off of you and, even though you’re already warm from the heat that’s spreading to your face, you find yourself leaning into his side.
Kuroo is comfortingly warm, you note. The way he tugs you closer has you mentally tripping over yourself. You can feel the heat from his forearm radiating through your thin, long-sleeved shirt as he walks you up the stairs and towards the apartment door.
The echo of your footsteps end as you two enter the flat and, knowing that there’s a lot to talk about, you opt to grab a fuzzy blanket from the basket beside the couch and prop yourself up on a barstool at the small kitchen island.
“You want some tea?” Kuroo turns his head to check with you, his hands already busy at work getting the water boiling for his own mug.
“Yeah, something with ginger in it maybe?” You mumble out, sniffling again.
“Already got it.” He shoots you a small smile, flashing you the tea packet wedged between his index and his thumb.
He knew you pretty damn well, you guessed.
“So y/n… you wanna tell me what happened tonight?”
Kuroo’s words are prompting, but you assume he’s already got some ideas of his own.
“Would you hate me if I said no?” You let a shy, humorous smile peek through your otherwise exhausted face.
“Y/n…” Kuroo sighs, running a hand through his hair and leaning back against the countertop opposite to your seat at the kitchen island.
He’s trying his hardest to maintain some level of calm, but the fact that you won’t tell him has him even more frustrated. You had every right to keep your business to yourself… but you looked like you were dying to tell him something.
Kuroo opens his mouth again, his brow creasing when you don’t answer, but you don’t let him get another word in.
“I-- I’m just not really sure where to start.” Your eyes grow a little hazy as you begin to decipher your feelings again. You let your elbows rest on the countertop, but use your hands to prop up your chin, glancing from Kuroo’s golden irises to the steaming water on the stove.
“You can start wherever.” Kuroo answers easily, his head tilting a little.
“It may take awhile to explain…” You press, both warning him and buying yourself some time.
“I’ve got all night, sweetheart.” He quips back, unfazed by your attempts at stalling.
He turns to pour the hot water into two mugs, tea bags already resting at the bottom of the cups. Kuroo turns back, grasping both mugs and setting both on the island, only to realize that your face has changed once again.
You’re anxious. Unsure. He can see it in the way you’re studying him, trying to gage his potential reaction to what you’re about to say. And unfortunately, Kuroo recognized the look faraway in your eyes. A blank, helpless stare that he himself had once wore when the sharp fangs of loneliness had once latched onto him.
So he takes a few steps toward your side of the kitchen, sets the mugs aside, and leans his forearms on the counter. Kuroo meets your eyes at a much closer range. Your arms fold into your chest in an odd, physical attempt to hold in a breath because his face is so close to yours now.
“Look…” He huffs out, “You really don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, but I need you to know,”
He lifts a hand out and tilts your chin up, leaving you dumbfounded by the confidence in his reassuring touch.
“You can tell me anything, okay? I’ll always be right here.”
He’d managed to, once again, send you into a state of complete, baffling security. It might’ve helped that, even bent over the counter, his towering figure and stronger build allowed you to feel just as protected outside as you did in. Not only were the butterflies in your stomach acting up again and the burn in your cheeks back with a vengeance, but a wave of bravery flowed into you.
And that word flickers through your mind like a firefly.
And ‘home’ meant safety. And safety meant you could speak freely.
So you do.
“It’s just… I haven’t been doing too well lately.” You blink at him, words frank to the point that they’re almost hilarious.
He blinks back… and then a milder version of that cheeky grin is back, followed by, “Well, I think I could glean at least that much.”
Kuroo’s fingers fall from your face, but he doesn’t break eye-contact except to snag a chair. He sits right across from you, resting his cheek in his palm. Partly to cover up the tint spreading across his cheeks, partly to fix his full attention on you.
You give him a weak but real smile and slouch into your chair, letting your tight shoulders loosen up a little bit.
“Give me a break okay?” You flick his forehead and he bites his lip, but it still remains in that lopsided smile.
However, your smile fades as his own face grows a little more serious, drawing the both of you back to the topic at hand.
“Kuroo, I’ve just been really... lonely.” You let out, voice small and soft compared to the teasing tone you’d carried seconds ago. “Like there’s this weight, this pressure inside of my chest and it just won’t lift no matter what I try, y’know? But today...”
You huff, letting out a deep sigh, “I think I finally hit some sort of breaking point.”
“I mean, saying that out loud feels really dramatic, but I think that’s all I can equate it to? And I guess it just came out in tears...” You express, looking down at your hands and messing with your own fingers. You felt silly. Like you’d built everything up only for it to sound like a stupid little problem.
But Kuroo’s face convinced you that he was taking every word seriously. That every little phrase mattered.
“Okay…” Kuroo processes, scanning your face and glancing down at your hands.
“So then why didn’t you say anything before?”
Well… that’s a pretty fair question, you think to yourself.
Because being real with someone meant being vulnerable? Because ridding yourself of loneliness meant putting your secrets and feelings out there in the open? Because it meant that closeness and proximity would change with whoever you shared your thoughts with? And because, specifically with Kuroo, you fear that the attachment would be too much for you to handle? All of these were the truth.
It’s hard to pick one answer, so you choose something simpler.
“I… was scared.” You admit, looking away from his gaze.
“Have you always felt this way?” His question at first sounds straightforward, but there’s a somber twinge to his voice.
“...Even around me?” And there’s the pause. Your words had definitely stung.
“I- Kuroo, that’s not fair…” You catch yourself speaking faster than you can think. 
“You know you’re the only…” The answer is almost honest, nearly the truth… but the words catch in your throat as you realize what you’re saying. 
“I- I mean… not around you,” You stutter out, hands actually making their way to your face this time. “What am I saying…”
You’d started this night crying hurt-heavy tears from not being able to open up to anyone... And now you’ve been reduced to this flustered, hot mess in a matter of hours? Who even were you today?
“You were saying that, ‘I’m the only… ?’” Kuroo tilts his head once again, this time in confusion.
There’s a flash of panic in your eyes. But not out of fear. It’s out of… embarrassment?
Then a lightbulb goes off and Kuroo’s eyes widen slightly in a slow realization. The puzzles pieces had finally clicked together, one by one.
You were both so close. So close to touching. So close to being something more all the time… but never close enough to tell him how you really felt. About him and about how much things, to put it lightly, sucked for you right now. And you’d pushed it to be that way. You’d purposefully kept yourself away because openness hurts. At some point in time, you had somehow convinced yourself that being vulnerable on purpose was far more painful than suffering in silence.
And you can tell that Kuroo has caught on. But not because he’s grinning nor because he’s said anything to make you think so. No, it’s those eyes again.
He’s giving you that softened look again.
The one that could convince you that maybe there was more to this ‘friendship’ than what you were allowing yourself to admit. A look that reminded you of ‘home’ more than any other person, city, or beautiful, sturdy building could.
And, once more, Kuroo’s touch surprises you. A hand found its way to your own, grasping it firmly, the confidence in his outreach creating a deep contrast to the uncharacteristic, shy pink painting his cheeks.
“Can I be completely honest with you?” He cuts you off, eyes fixed on your hands locked within his own.
“Well, it wouldn’t be like you to be anything else, would it?” You manage to stammer out, nerves reaching your voice.
“You’re not wrong.” Kuroo hums, rubbing your hand with his thumb.
“But I think now is a good time to say that I never want you to feel alone.” He starts, “I never want you to feel lonely like that because you’ve always made me feel so… at home.”
That word again.
“Like I couldn’t be lonely even if everyone I knew left me. Because at least I’d have you, y/n.” And if your heart wasn’t already racing furiously, it’s now beating loudly enough that you would be surprised if he couldn’t hear it.
“Well, I mean if Kenma ditched me, that would suck and I’d probably be miserable for awhile, but that’s beside the point.” His lip twitches into a quick smile, lightening the mood.
“What I’m trying to say is that I- I like you. And, I think you might like me too…” He searches your gaze for some sort of confirmation.
“But whatever you feel towards me, I never want you to handle loneliness by yourself.”
“You’ll always have me. Whenever you need me. You’re home to me, y/n. I don’t say that lightly.”
He goes to release your hand, but you quickly tangle your digits with his, earning yourself a quick glance from his usually less revealing eyes.
“You’re home to me too.”
Your voice is small. The phrase comes out quickly. The emotion is heavily emphasized in that word ‘home’ again… but you mean it with every ounce of your being.
And looking into his eyes, you’re being affirmed by his knowing presence. That adoring look that’s reserved just for you, on full display. Absolute affection seeping through the gentle break of his smile.
“And I might like you too… just a little.” You break into your own small smile, reaching with the other hand to brush his messy hair away from his eyes.
And you’re shocked by the simplicity of your actions. Surprised by the sudden freedom you’ve given your hands.
Because now he’s close enough.
Close enough to card your fingers through his hair as tenderly as you pleased. Close enough to grab hold of him in a long, hopeful hug when the nights get cold or as dreams go sour. Close enough for his warmth to melt away the iciness of those lonesome feelings.
And best of all… Kuroo was finally close enough to call ‘home.’
Do Not Repost
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals, @moonlightaangel, @kit-tea, @theworldupthere, @sugasugawarau, @randomesk-yuku, @ideshine, @macaronnv, @anseoo, @aprettyfruit, @bloom-uwu, @spikertrash, @bbakougo
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suryaprabisha1 · 7 months
Unlocking Parenting's Hidden Gems: Strategies for Thriving with Preschoolers
Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting preschoolers! It’s a time filled with boundless curiosity, joy, and yes, its fair share of challenges. As a parent, you’re probably wondering how to navigate this critical stage in your child’s development while nurturing a strong parent-child bond. Fear not! In this blog, we’ll explore some tried-and-true effective parenting strategies for preschoolers that will not only make your journey smoother but also help your child flourish.
Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement
Preschoolers are like sponges, soaking up information and experiences. One of the most effective parenting strategies is to use positive reinforcement and encouragement. Praise their efforts and achievements, no matter how small. It boosts their self-esteem and motivates them to learn and explore. For example, when they successfully complete a puzzle or tie their shoes for the first time, celebrate these milestones together.
Establish Consistent Routines
Preschoolers thrive on routines. Establishing consistent daily schedules for meals, naptime, play, and bedtime can create a sense of security and predictability. When children know what to expect, they often exhibit better behaviour and are more cooperative. Make sure to communicate these routines clearly and stick to them as much as possible.
Active Listening and Communication
Effective communication is key to understanding your preschooler's needs and emotions. Take the time to actively listen when your child talks, and respond with empathy. This not only strengthens your connection but also helps your child develop language skills and emotional intelligence. When they express their feelings or concerns, acknowledge their emotions and offer comfort and support.
Setting Boundaries and Consistent Discipline
Preschoolers are testing boundaries as they explore the world around them. Setting clear and age-appropriate limits is essential. Use discipline techniques such as time-outs or loss of privileges consistently when necessary. However, always ensure that your discipline is gentle and respectful, focusing on teaching rather than punishing. Explain the reasons behind the rules to help your child understand the importance of following them.
Promote Independence and Decision-Making
Encourage your preschooler's independence by allowing them to make choices within safe boundaries. Let them select their clothes, choose between healthy snack options, or decide on an activity for the day. This fosters a sense of autonomy and decision-making skills. Be patient and offer guidance when needed, as they learn to make choices and face consequences.
Quality Playtime and Learning
Preschoolers learn through play, so make sure to engage in meaningful and interactive activities with them. Reading together, exploring nature, and doing arts and crafts can be both educational and enjoyable. Create opportunities for hands-on learning experiences that stimulate their creativity and curiosity.
Parenting preschoolers can be an incredible journey filled with love, laughter, and learning. By incorporating these effective parenting strategies into your daily routine, you’ll not only nurture your child’s growth but also build a strong, lasting connection. Remember that every child is unique, so tailor your approach to suit their individual needs, and cherish every moment of this precious stage in their development. Happy parenting!
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yslkook · 3 years
#take it offline (3)
#corporate masterlist summary: in the weeks leading up to the first workshop taking place in tokyo, you find yourself having several epiphanies and become better acquainted with jeon jungkook. word count: 7765 warnings: cursing, parental death, a mom who walked out, discussion of mental health, alcohol a/n: enjoy the VIBES. i like using appa because appa means dad in my language, and eomma is pronounced the same way for mom in my language too (i’m not korean)
After a year passed after your dad’s death, you had gotten a tattoo. It’s big and bold and colorful on your thigh, filled with all of the flowers that your dad treasured the most. Your dad had been so artistic and soft, taking time to enjoy the beauty of small things. He had a small garden in your childhood home, and you remember how meticulously he took care of his flowers. Namely, his favorites were cherry blossoms, pink hibiscuses, white roses and lilies.
There’s always a vase of flowers at home, on your nightstand. As your little tribute to him.
You remember the first time your dad had seen a sunflower- he’d seen it on the internet, and had been fascinated. He had picked you up and twirled you around, promising you that he’d take you to America to see it, to see mazes and fields of sunflowers.
Of course, you never went. Still, the memory is a fond one for you. 
You often think that your mother must have been a cruel woman, and that you had received all of her personality and none of your father’s. Your father, who was quiet, soft, and steadfast. And then you, who was brash, impulsive and always angry.
You gave up trying to understand how she could leave your father- she had left when you were just two. Appa never hid her from you, always wanting you to know that you did have a mother. He would show you pictures of her throughout your childhood, telling you bits and pieces of her. It had made your heart ache at the time. That your dad had at least had time with her, and you had nothing to remember her by.
He wasn’t perfect. He tried his best, but you wonder what was worse- never knowing that you had a mother… or knowing that you had her, she left, and then hearing stories from your father about her. 
It didn’t matter, not anymore. You only think of your absent mother fleetingly these days, and it’s been years since you’ve thought of her as anything more than a minor side character in your book.
Once you got the first tattoo, you couldn’t stop. There was a small lion below your heart, because your dad and grandma always called you their lion cub. An arrow on the inside of your wrist. It was an itch, a craving that you could never quite satisfy. The desire for fresh ink came and went in waves.
Today is the fifth death anniversary of Appa, and you contemplate whether you should get another tattoo. To celebrate, or mourn really, five years without him.
Ultimately, you decide against it. Instead choosing to continue the tradition of dinner with Grandma and with Seokjin. You and Grandma cooked all of Appa’s favorite foods and desserts on the day of his death anniversary. Jin, as your closest friend and as the person who quite literally picked you up at your lowest, always came every year for Appa’s dinner. 
You think Jin saved you from yourself all those years ago, and you don’t even know if he knows that. And how could he know? If you had never properly voiced it?
Appa’s dinner is usually a quiet, but fun affair. Just the way your dad would have liked it. You and Jin fill the silence with your banter, and Grandma even jumps in, taking sides when neither of you expect it.
Bowls of meat dishes, even seafood (because Jin liked seafood even though you hated it), rice dishes and vegetables were neatly arranged on the table. The flavorful aromas wafts into your nose and your mouth waters. Looking over to Jin, you see the same thoughts reflected on his face and grin at him.
Appa also loved seafood, specifically fish and octopus- both him and Jin would often tease you about how you had no taste. To which you always responded, “I would rather die than eat something that crawls on the ocean floor. You don’t know where it’s been!”
“The same could be said about chicken and beef-”
“I prefer my meat to be a land animal, thanks.”
“Jin,” You say suddenly, “How are your parents? Your sister? I texted her the other day, but I’m sure she’s busy with school...”
“You tell me, Ma told me that you called her the other day,” Jin says wryly, “You probably talk to her more than I do.”
“You should call your parents, Seokjin,” Grandma scolds and Jin gives her a sheepish grin, “Go visit them soon. Your Ma told me she misses you.”
“Oh, fine, everyone can just gang up on me then, I guess,” Jin rolls his eyes, “Next time I go home, you and grandma should come with me. I’ll get scolded by them too if I don’t bring you.”
“Oh, well when you put it that way, you make it sound so enticing, Seokjin,” You scoff, getting up to get a drink, “D’you want soju or wine?”
“Wine,” Grandma chirps.
“Soju,” Seokjin replies.
“I’ll drive you home, Jin. Enjoy yourself,” You wink at him despite his protests.
Jin is quiet in the car, his attention undivided to his phone. You don’t mind, but you see his phone lighting up every few seconds. An occasional smile and breathy chuckle leaves his lips as he types away.
You even see a heart emoji or two on the screen.
“Who are you textin’? You got a secret lover or somethin’?” You tease. But he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t deny you. Instead, the tips of his ears go red and your smile fades.
“Uh,” Jin says, “Not a secret lover… Just a girl that I met a few weeks ago.”
“Oh,” You say, in a strangled voice, “Cool. Awesome. I’m happy for you.”
It hurts you more than it should, that Jin hadn’t told you about the woman he’s been seeing for the last few weeks. He knew it too- your heart and your emotions are always on your sleeve, at least to him. He starts to ask you to come inside so that you can talk, but your face is tightened in hurt, and the words die on his lips.
Your smile was forced when you had dropped him off at his apartment building, ignoring the sudden wave of sadness that tumbled over you. Did he not trust you enough to tell you? Have you been a bad friend to him, that he felt like he couldn’t tell you?
You can’t recall the last time he had intentionally hidden something like that from you. You swallow tears down nervously, wiping your eyes and subtly shaking your head to focus on driving home. 
Maybe you have been a bad friend lately. Have you asked about him enough? Does he know that you cherish him? Memories of the last few weeks replay in your head, wondering if you had done something to push him away.
But before you can leave the curb, Jin is sprinting from the building and towards you like a madman. His cheeks are flushed, eyes wide and hair blowing with the wind. 
In all of your years of friendship, Jin never lets you leave him when he knew you were upset. He knew how your silly mind worked, how if you revelled in your own thoughts you would end up spiraling further and further away from him.
He slides into the passenger seat of the car, not even admonishing you for leaving the doors unlocked after he had left. 
Tears gather in your eyes and you bite your bottom lip to keep it from trembling.
“Listen to me,” Jin says, turning to you and holding your face in his hands as if you’ll break, “I didn’t tell you about her because… if I told you about her, it would make it so much more real. I don’t know if me and her are real yet. I can’t introduce you to her yet because I don’t know. And you know I need your approval, otherwise she’s gone.”
He says it lightly, to get you to smile and it works but tears drop from your eyes anyway.
“You could’ve still told me you were seeing someone,” You say in a small voice, “You’ve told me every other time…”
“This time feels different,” Jin admits, “But you’re right. I’m sorry.”
Maybe you’re being too clingy. You scoff out loud, already wanting to curl into yourself and forget about your stupid heart.
“God, I’m so stupid. I’m sorry I freaked out,” You mumble, avoiding his eyes, “I know you’d tell me if it was important.”
“Don’t apologize for me hurting you,” Jin says, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
“Have I been a good friend to you, Jin?” You whisper after a beat and Jin’s eyes widen. He feels terrible for making you doubt yourself and doubt your friendship with him.
“What? Of course you’ve been a good friend. What’s going on?” 
“I just- Maybe you didn’t want to tell me because I haven’t been a great friend to you. I don’t know. Maybe I haven’t showed you-”
“Stop,” Jin whispers, “Stop that.”
And that’s so very you, thinking that you had done something to upset him. When really, it was him who actively chose not to tell you out of his own fears. 
You normally don’t really like hugs. Or being touched. Except by Jin. The exception has always been Jin.
“Can I have a hug?” You mumble quietly, looking up at him with red eyes.
Jin coos softly at you, pulling you in tightly to his chest over the console of the car. He rubs your back, waiting for you to calm down as you inhale him in generously.
“If I was upset with you, you know I would tell you. I love you too much to let you get away from me,” Jin murmurs into your ear, “You’re my best friend. When I say that I didn’t tell you because it terrifies me to be in something serious, that’s all it means. Telling you makes it serious, and that’s all it is. Please trust me?”
“I do, I do,” You mumble, face pressed into his purple sweater, “Of course I trust you. It’s my own mind I feel like I can’t trust sometimes. That’s… that’s not a fair reaction to have. It’s not fair...
Jin looks at you for a long moment, and you already know what is going to come out of his mouth. Because it’s something you’ve been thinking about more and more frequently over the past few weeks. 
And because you both seem to almost always be on the same wavelength.
There’s a far away look in his eyes. He waits for you to say something, not wanting to upset you further.
“I think… I think I should see someone. Sometimes I feel like I’m just losing control. It scares me how quick I spiral,” You mumble. Meeting his eyes is difficult for you in your vulnerability, so you just don’t.
Jin yanks you into his chest again and hugs you tight. You’re both silent for a few minutes, your grip on his sweater starting to loosen.
“Hey,” Jin finally says, “I’m proud of you. I’m here for you, and I’ll help you find someone.”
“Jin,” You breathe, shaking your head, “You don’t have to do that.”
“Last time we talked about this, we fought so much. We didn’t even talk for like, three days. Which is a record for us,” Jin chuckles, “Of course, I’ll help you.”
You squeeze his hand tightly in gratitude, giving him a tender smile.
“Hey. When you finally do decide that you like this girl,” You say, “Let’s have drinks together. She’s different, I can tell. Haven’t seen you blush at a text like that like… ever. And I want to meet whoever makes you this happy.”
“Yeah,” Jin nods, cheeks reddening at the mention of the woman he likes, “Yes, I’ll coordinate with her-”
“Like, remember that girl you were seeing during our third year? The one who threw up in your shoes, forgot about it, and then blamed it on me? Let’s hope your new girl won’t throw up in your shoes, huh?”
“Shut up,” Jin says and elbow you gently, “You hated her from the beginning.”
“The vibes were just off, Seokjin. You can’t say I didn’t warn you,” You laugh.
Silence falls between you both again, the setting sun pulling you away from your comfortable bubble.
“I should get going. Grandma’s probably wondering what’s taking so long,” You lament and almost shyly give him another hug.
Jin presses a long kiss to your forehead. You’re certain you might combust, you’re not used to being touched like this. Whether it’s platonic or romantic. 
“I mean it,” Jin says, “I’m really proud of you.”
He says it so strongly, so full of conviction and love for you that you’re almost proud of yourself, too.
Tonight is a late night with Jungkook and Sana. Namjoon had entrusted the next slate of deliverables to you this week, as he was out of the office for the majority of the week. So, you had straightened your back and got to work, outlining exactly what had to be done for the first workshop taking place in Tokyo in exactly one month.
You booked the conference room, your favorite one with the big projector and the nicer chairs, for the later half of the day. When it began to look like you were going to have to stay late, you told Jungkook and Sana to go home.
But they both vehemently refused to leave you, and that itself brought a small smile to your face.
But Namjoon is still neurotic enough to text you at least twice during the week to see how things are going. At first, you had been startled- hardly anyone ever texts you besides Grandma and Seokjin. But then you relaxed when you realized it was just Namjoon texting you for work.
It had thrown you off when he had continued the conversation, speaking to you as if you were more than coworkers, and as if you were friends.
Jin had looked at you like you had three heads when you voiced your confusion-
“What are you talking about? Namjoon talks about you all the time, he always says how funny you are and how you keep everyone in check at work. He even mentioned those recipes you sent to him. Of course you both are friends,” Jin says, his eyes softening when your lips open in surprise.
You’re rendered to contemplation by that. Had you always been that dense? Not realizing when people liked you?
It was something to discuss at your next appointment with your therapist.
“Your boss is stressing me out,” You joke to Jungkook, “Dude’s on vacation and he’s still worried about work.”
Jungkook freezes, his tongue seemingly stuck in his mouth. You’re looking at him with a disarming smile and he’s just not used to it.
“Uh,” He manages, “I’m still trying to figure out what makes him tick. But I think he’s always had to carry the load for projects, maybe it’s a habit to break…”
“Yeah,” You snort, “Because he’s never had me as a lead on one of his projects. Namjoon’s been cursed with shitty teams before. But not this time.”
“What does that mean?” Sana asks curiously, looking up from her laptop.
“It means that sometimes directors and senior directors don’t know what the hell they’re doing and they don’t know how to strategize,” You say dryly, “The Tokyo team won’t know what hit them. And we’re gonna make our bosses look great.”
The last bit comes out bitterly without it meaning to.
You lean back in your chair and take your blazer off. Jungkook gulps despite himself at the sight of your tanned arms and the brief expanse of your neck. He feels like he’s twenty-one again, shyly watching you speak animatedly to him at your favorite coffee shop. 
The sound of your voice yanks him back to reality and he blinks at you.
“I think we still have just one more thing to finalize…” You murmur, flipping through your notes, “It’s already late, I can finish the rest at home-”
“Wait, I really want to stay, but I can’t- I have to take my dad to an appointment,” Sana says, about to apologize but you hold your hand up to stop her.
“Go then, seriously. You should’ve told me you couldn’t stay late,” You scold lightly, “Work will always be there, Sana. Time won’t.”
You offer her another smile and she smiles nervously back at you.
“Wait, before you go- let me get your phone number,” You murmur, ignoring the way your heartbeat rushes in anticipation.
Your therapist has been helping you get comfortable in your own skin and allow yourself the apparent luxury of leaning on others. You figure that part of that is accepting and seeking friendship from others. You’ve only had several sessions with her, but you feel something after each session.
“Our boss never asked for my phone number when I started,” Sana says dryly when she gives you a missed call and you text her so she has your number.
“Yeah, sometimes I wonder if he even remembers my name,” You say lightly, keeping your face in a warm smile.
Jungkook has never seen you smile so much. Not recently at least. It’s… different. He hates to revel in the past, in the version of you that he knew. But he wonders if he ever really knew you at all. The only thing familiar about you is your smile and your eyes. 
He doesn’t even realize it, but his tongue is poking at the inside of his cheek.
He wonders if you still even have his phone number. He wonders if you’d even ask for it.
“Jungkook, I can finish this at home if you have somewhere to be,” You offer with a shrug and stretch your arms outward. 
“Nah, let’s finish this now,” Jungkook says shortly.
He’s nothing if not a perfectionist.
“Yeah, tomorrow’s Friday anyway. D’you wanna do one last review tomorrow morning and then we can go home early?” You pose it like a question, but really, it’s a demand. 
“Sounds good.”
“Wanna order dinner? Since we’ll be here for a while,” You suggest, already googling takeout options.
Jungkook shrugs noncommittally, instead working to spell check the document you had been working on previously. 
“How do you feel about fried rice? Or… pizza? You used to love pineapple on pizza right?” You ask airily.
Jungkook has whiplash. Again. How can you remember something so insignificant about him and still be such a stranger to him? 
“Yeah, pineapple on pizza is a way of life. Pineapple and jalapeno on pizza, specifically,” Jungkook says, not looking up from his laptop. 
His tongue is poking his cheek again, but you don’t notice. At least, he doesn’t think he does.
“I’ll get a pie of pineapple and jalapeno then. And maybe some garlic bread,” You muse, putting your credit card information into the website.
“Wait, I can pay, too,” Jungkook protests when he sees you whip out your card.
“You can get it next time,” You shrug carelessly and absent-mindedly scratch at your forearms, then your cheek.
Next time? Jungkook barely gives it a second thought, his eyes catching on the smattering of tattoos and the swirl of colors on your wrist. He doesn’t know how he missed it, but it’s not often that he is ever this close to you.
Those are new, and he subtly looks at his own tattoos before sneaking a glance at yours. 
You lean back in your chair, watching what Jungkook is doing on the projector. You pull up several documents on your own laptop to fact check the document. You both develop an easy rhythm of you telling him what to add and him typing away, and you continue like that even as the pizza and garlic bread arrives. You had quickly dipped out and brought the food to the conference room before Jungkook could even protest.
He reads each paragraph after it’s completed, briefly scanning to see if anything more needs to be included.
“Can you check this sentence, on the acquisitions piece? It doesn’t sound accurate…” Jungkook says thoughtfully. The smell of the pizza leaves his mouth watering but he just wants to finish this one last sentence...
You hum in agreement, leaning back further and relaxing your hands behind your head. You feel like your eyes are beginning to cross as an initial wave of hunger passes through you.
“Let’s eat instead,” You announce, standing up abruptly.
You quickly send a text to Grandma, telling her that you’ll already have eaten dinner by the time you get home. You toss a set of plates and napkins to Jungkook, gesturing for him to take as many slices as he wants.
Jungkook watches you inhale three slices of pizza in less than seven minutes, a small spattering of sauce at the corner of your lips. 
“Can’t believe I was ever the type of person to openly hate on pineapple on pizza,” You moan, kicking your legs up onto the chair next to you and looking at Jungkook, “Remember how much shit I used to talk on pineapple on pizza? As if it didn’t belong…”
He does remember. He remembers how you would always make fun of him for it, until he had convinced you to try a slice. And then you had fallen in love. But your hot and cold behavior stings and he doesn’t want to entertain it. Or entertain you. You spent so long acting like you didn’t know him, and now you want to talk about old memories?
Nah. He could be petty, too.
Jungkook shrugs, “Not really. It was a while ago.”
His normally warm, brown eyes are distant, and far away as his glance passes over you and to his laptop. Jungkook turns away from you, his hair nearly covering his eyes and typing rapidly. 
Like he’d rather be anywhere but next to you.
You don’t really blame him, but you ignore the brief, dissipating sting at his sudden coldness.
“Do you have roommates?” You ask abruptly.
“Huh?” Jungkook asks, taken aback by the question.
“Roommates? There’s a lot of extra food and I live with my grandma. She won’t eat this,” You explain, waving to the boxes of food in front of you.
“Oh. Yeah I’ve got a roommate, I’ll take it home,” Jungkook replies.
Your grandmother? 
You nod and swallow to alleviate the sudden dryness of your throat. You both work the remainder of the hour in silence for the most part, occasional questions and thoughts being thrown around as Jungkook types. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Jungkook finally stands up, stretching his legs and his back. You avert your eyes when his baby blue dress shirt rides up a little as he stretches his arms. You catch the inky trails on his forearm (his sleeves are pulled up at the elbow) and his fingers and you wonder, not for the first time, how this was the boy you knew all those years ago.
All those years ago. The words, the memories that you’ve somehow forced into a box have slowly been unfurling. The mental block that you’ve had over your time in graduate school is linked to memories of your dad getting sick and passing away. You’re not dense- you know why you avoid Jungkook, at the heart of it. Seeing him that first day reminded you so much of when you were happy.
Your therapist put it in words when you couldn’t. It’s quite embarrassing you think, how much Jungkook has come up during your therapy sessions. The appearance of him also brought on seemingly unwanted memories of your father. It makes sense.
“We’re done,” Jungkook exhales, rubbing a hand over his face, “We’ll look over it tomorrow with Sana and send it to Namjoon.”
“Yeah,” You say a little breathlessly, “Thanks, Jungkook. For… for everything, I guess.”
His eyes are wide, doe-like and familiar.
“Thanks for the food,” He grins, flashing you his bunny smile.
“It’s on you next time,” You say easily, packing your things up and slinging your blazer over your shoulder.
You don’t care. You know that your boss and other men in general have looked at you in offense when you show skin. But you don’t care. What did it matter, at the end of the day? 
Even if Jungkook is annoyed at you for whatever reason, you don’t miss the way his eyes rake over your body. At least you’ve got him there, even if he can’t stand the sight of you.
You elicit a laugh from yourself that Jungkook doesn’t hear.
You both walk in silence to your respective cars. Before you part ways, you dig some courage out from your spine and ignore the way your hands tremble-
“Hey,” You call softly, “I-uh- still have your phone number. Don’t flatter yourself-” When you see him grin confidently at you, “I’ll start a group chat with us and Namjoon. And umm… Great work today. I’m glad we’re on the same team.”
You visibly cringe. You’re going soft.
“I knew it, you’re obsessed with me,” Jungkook teases and you can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips.
“It’s only ‘cause I kept forgetting to delete your number,” You shoot back, without any real heat behind your words.
Jungkook smiles warmly at you, teeth on full display and eyes sparkling and god, you never want him to look at you with emptiness in his eyes ever again.
You look, simply put, like shit. Despite the concealer you had dabbed to your undereyes, you feel every bit as exhausted as you look. 
But nobody picks up on it, except for you. Your lipstick is meticulous as it always is, not even a single hair is out of place and your outfit is crisp. Despite the misery coursing through your veins, you still have an image to upkeep.
Fake it till you make it, as you’ve always said.
You’re currently in a half day team meeting with your submissions team and your respective bosses. Today is not the day to be tired. And yet, you’re on your second cup of coffee and it’s not even 11 AM yet.
It’s been a rough few weeks since the last late night planning session you had with Jungkook and Sana. Therapy has been getting harder and more frustrating to work through- your therapist, Dr. Lee, is asking you questions that you genuinely don’t want to answer. 
Your session a few weeks ago had ended with you being a smartass and avoiding every single question. And she took all of it. She was truly an angel, you think. And then you decide to give it a chance, give her at least an inch.
She asks you about graduate school. Why you don’t want to talk about it. Why Jungkook sets you off, why the mention of your former mentee sent you into a frenzy. She asks you about your dad. About your mom.
She puts the pieces together for you, until you sort of see the fully painted picture. That it’s all connected- school, your dad, why the last five years have felt like a blur to you. Because you’ve been avoiding all of it, and what all of it means.
You feel especially vulnerable and exposed. You’re not used to it- you feel like everyone can see right through you. You feel like everyone can see right through you and see you for the person you are.
You don’t know what’s more terrifying- being seen, or not being seen at all.
It’s two weeks until the first workshop in Tokyo, which is why you’re gathered with Namjoon, Sana and Jungkook and your respective bosses.
You at least straighten your back for this meeting, not wanting to allow room for your boss to criticize you. You don’t think you can handle it, not today. You’re struggling with staying focused, but you try your best.
When you present your portion of the slide deck, outlining exactly what you’ll be doing with the team in Tokyo during the first workshop, your boss cuts you off with a derisive chuckle that makes your blood boil.
“You should put some emotion into it and smile a little. It wouldn’t kill ya,” Your boss says with a smug grin. As if he knows how much it gets under your skin. Which he does, you’re certain of it.
You could take it to HR, you know you could. But you don’t want trouble. You don’t want to be painted as the villain. You wanted to rise above it, but right now, you just want to cry.
“I’ll smile with the Tokyo team, don’t you worry,” You grit your teeth. When I actually have something to smile for.
The air is tense all of a sudden, and it’s your fault. Of course it is. Your boss and Namjoon’s boss look at you as if you have ten heads. Nobody says a word, and you want to scream at all of them. And cry at the same time.
“She’s doing great,” Comes Namjoon’s steady voice from the head of the table.
“Yeah, she put this presentation together. She’s got this in the bag,” Jungkook adds, offering you a small smile. His eyes sparkle at you.
“We’re a great team, you know. It’s really great that you put us together,” Sana says, looking at your boss with acid in her eyes. Not that he can tell.
This time, you really do want to cry. You don’t think anyone at this godforsaken company has ever stuck up for you that way, besides Seokjin. You swallow the tears down and give them a watery smile before continuing on.
You continue on.
The first workshop in Tokyo is in two days, and Namjoon wanted to have a little teambuilding night before you all left, just to loosen the nerves. You’re about ten minutes early to the bar, as you usually are to places that you’re invited to. You hate to be late- that was something your Grandma had instilled in you from a young age.
You text her saying you’ve arrived and thank your Uber driver for the ride. Normally, you would’ve just driven, but you know better than to go out for drinks with Jin and think that you’d be okay to drive at the end of the night.
You’re glad Jin will be coming. Seeing your colleagues outside of work unnerves you to no end. So you’re glad that Jin will be there as your buffer. Namjoon had asked him to come, as they were friends outside of work, too.
You grab a booth for the five of you and tap your freshly done nails on the sleek, matte black table. It’s a nice place, you observe. Namjoon has good taste. It’s not often that you come out like this. To bars, and so far outside of your comfort zone. The only time you would ever be seen at a bar was with Jin, and it wasn’t that often to begin with.
You take to admiring your newly painted mint green nails as you text your group chat with Namjoon, Sana and Jungkook letting them know that you’ve arrived. And you send a loud ‘where the hell are you’ text to Jin.
It’s a relatively mild evening, so you had decided to wear your heeled boots, a black flowy top that showcases a peek of the tattoo near your clavicle and dipped generously into your chest tucked into black jeans and you had even done your makeup up more so than what you usually do for work. Grandma had jokingly asked you if she should stay at her friend’s house for the night, in case you were bringing someone home.
To which you had protested and rolled your eyes.
“Look at you,” Jin says loudly, sliding into the booth next to you. He startled you and caused you to jump, “Brought out the lipstick, huh?”
“Shut up, I always wear lipstick at work,” You roll your eyes.
“Red lipstick?” Jin asks with a suspicious arch of his eyebrow.
Okay, fine, that wasn’t as normal. But still, it makes you feel pretty.
“Don’t make fun of me,” You grumble, elbowing him. He laughs and wraps an arm around your shoulders, squeezing tightly.
“I’m not. You look pretty tonight,” Jin says and you give him a beaming smile.
“That implies that I’m not always pretty.”
“You said it, not me.”
“Hey!” You gasp and shove his shoulder. You know he’s only joking, evidenced from the way you both burst out laughing.
“I’m only friends with pretty people, I told you,” Jin says cockily.
“You’re such a dick,” You mutter and roll your eyes for the millionth time already.
Before you can pester him about his mysterious woman that you have yet to meet, Jungkook, Namjoon and Sana eventually trickle in as well. Jungkook waves a quick hello, smile beaming at Jin, and sits across from you. Sana sits next to him and Namjoon sits next to Jin.
You can hardly meet Jungkook’s sparkling eyes, but you force yourself to. He looks good, great even- his hair is soft and wavy over his eyes and he’s dressed in all black. You wonder what the majority of his wardrobe is- is it all black? Does he like bright colors? His lips are dewy and red tinted, as if he had just swiped some cherry chapstick on. The silver of the small hoop on his ears glints in the dimness of the bar. 
Jungkook forces his eyes away from the darkened red curve of your lips, from the swell of your chest and meets your gaze with a smile. The moment is broken when Jin squeezes into you to get you to move over and you nearly shriek at the sudden weight thrown to your side.
“Jin! What’s wrong with you,” You shake your head.
“There’s so much space over there! Move over,” Jin says petulantly, “Namjoon’s basically falling off the seat!”
“You could’ve just said so,” You grumble, “Dumbass.”
You say the last bit under your breath but Jin hears it, and Jungkook does, too. Sana breaks out into laughter, hiding her giggles behind her hand. You shoot her a faux glare that quickly melts into a smile.
“What shall we order, ladies and gentlemen and Jin?” You say, ignoring Jin’s affronted gasp.
“Soju,” Jungkook and Namjoon say at the same time and grin at each other.
“No wonder he’s your boss,” Sana says, earning a chorus of laughs from the table.
“The only question Namjoon asked me during the interview was ‘what’s your favorite alcohol’,” Jungkook says and his eyes flit to you when you laugh.
“That doesn’t surprise me. Namjoon knows how to have a good time,” You wink behind Jin at Namjoon and he winks right back at you.
“I’ll have… blueberry,” Sana says definitively and sees your skeptical glance, “What? Blueberry soju is one of three flavors with rights.”
“Strawberry, peach, and pineapple are the best ones,” You protest.
“Are you kidding? Apple and green grape are the best-”
“Why are you yelling? I’m right.”
“Peach and green grape are the best,” Jungkook chimes in, ignoring the stutter of his heartbeat when you beam at him.
“See? Jungkook has taste-”
“He said green grape, too-”
“But he said peach first-”
The waitress comes and all of you cease your bickering to give her your orders of drinks and snacks. She looks guilty for a minute for interrupting your conversation, but Jin waves her off.
“Don’t feel bad, they’re all idiots,” Jin says, and you shove him on behalf of your colleagues. He rattles off the order to the waitress and she’s on her merry way. 
Once your drinks arrive in the middle of another heated conversation about seafood, Jungkook takes a long swig of his soju to calm his nerves. Specifically, his nerves around you. He’s quiet generally, but he’s not this quiet. He wonders if you remember. If you remember that he dislikes clubs and crowded places, preferring the quiet of a bar or even better- the quiet of home. 
You absently rub the back of your neck, your shirt slipping a little off of your shoulder slightly. And revealing another tattoo, as if it was a present just for his eyes. How many do you have? Are they hidden? Do you keep them hidden on purpose?
He could keep it together around you at work, under the pretense of professionalism. Never offering more than what you offer. If you smile, he’ll smile. If you bark at him, he’ll stay silent. But this is uncharted territory. He can forget about how cold you had been in the beginning, he can forget about how much it hurt. But only if you look at him the way you’re looking at him right now. Only if you look at him with those starry eyes that wrap around him and choke him from inside.
Jungkook doesn’t understand- he doesn’t know you, not really. How is he still this attracted to you? He had chalked it up to the same crush he had when he was twenty-one. But it feels different. And you have no idea. It’ll continue to stay that way, until he can move past it. He deserves better than someone who was as cold and callous as you.
But you weren’t cold or callous, were you? No- the sunburst of a smile on your face says otherwise. The way you rib Jin and try to make sure that everyone feels included in the conversation says otherwise. 
Before he can continue his train of thought, you turn your gaze sharply to him. Your red lips break apart to call his name, and he realizes you’re talking to him.
“Jungkook? Here’s your drink,” You say, passing his peach soju to him, “I got peach, too.”
“Because we have taste,” Jungkook murmurs and you grin.
“Cheers to Tokyo,” Namjoon says, “We’re gonna be great. I’m glad we’re a team-”
“Hey, I’m not on your team,” Jin protests and you elbow him again.
“Shut up, Jin, just let Namjoon toast to us. Not everything’s about you,” You hiss at Jin and he pouts. You tip your bottle to the center to meet Namjoon’s bottle and Jin dramatically follows suit.
“As I was saying,” Namjoon glares at Jin playfully, “We’ve done great work, and I know this team can do anything. I’m glad it’s us. We’re going to knock it out of the park.”
“Cheers, Joon, you’ve been a great team leader,” Sana says with a bright smile.
“Yeah, a little neurotic, but the best leader I’ve ever had,” You wink at him.
“Glad you’re my boss, Namjoon,” Jungkook says, sincerity dripping off of his tongue, “I’m honored to call you my boss.”
Namjoon beams at you all, dimples on full display and eyes shining. You clink bottles eagerly and take a long swig of your drink, meeting Jungkook’s swirling eyes briefly. Once he pulls his bottle away from his mouth, you’re instantly drawn to the wet sheen of his lips and his tongue darting out to swipe over his bottom lip. 
Your cheeks heat up, and has it always been this warm or is it just you? You can’t help yourself, watching Jungkook’s tongue poke out once more and circling his lips again. You itch your chin nervously, out of habit before ripping your eyes away from him.
You pull away immediately when you remember where you are. And who you are. He’s your colleague, nothing more, nothing less.
Nothing more, nothing less.
It’s two and a half bottles of soju later, two peach and one green grape that you’re currently nursing, when your cheeks feel hot and you’re certain your words are starting to slur. You can hear the tipsy higher pitch of your voice when you speak.
You haven’t felt tipsy like this in a long time, and the fact that it's in front of your colleagues sets you on edge. You try to stay as quiet as you can so you don’t make a fool of yourself, but you want to engage with them. They don’t feel like just colleagues. They feel like your friends. 
Or they feel like they could be your friends. If you allow them in. Your heart grows fond of the sentiment. The sentiment grows when Sana brings you to the dance floor to dance and sing along to songs with her. The bar has gotten considerably more packed since you had first arrived, and you don’t recall the last time you were surrounded by this many people your age. The lights are dimmed but bright enough that you can see Sana’s bright, happy eyes.
You subconsciously look for Jin, spotting him at the bar with Jungkook and Namjoon. He waves the both of you over and you gesture to Sana.
Jin already has shots lined up for you and Sana but you hesitate.
“I don’t know Jin,” You protest, “I don’t do well with shots…”
Before Jin can tease you and tell you that he’ll take yours for you, you hear Jungkook’s voice on your right side.
“I’ll take yours for you,” Jungkook shrugs, “Since Jin already got them.”
“Oh- uh- thanks,” You say sheepishly.
Your face feels warm again and your heart does a funny thing that you don’t recognize. You shift closer to him to hand him your shot glass, and you lean closer to him without realizing it. The warmth he radiates is intoxicating, more so than the liquor in the shot glass you think. 
Jungkook only spares you a quick glance before throwing the shot glass back easily, as if it was practiced. A glint of a silver necklace around his throat catches your eye, the column of his throat nearly glowing with the dimmed lighting.
“Tequila, Jin? Really?” Jungkook winces, washing the taste down with the drink in his hand.
Jin only shrugs and makes his way over to you and Jungkook, wrapping his arms around both sets of shoulders.
The three of you haven’t been together, not like this, since-
“Feels like old times, huh?” Jin says, lips pursing into a tipsy grin, “We were stupid kids.”
“Now we’re stupid adults,” You laugh, but your laugh fades away quickly at the pensive, somewhat cold look on Jungkook’s face.
“Old times…” Jungkook muses, “It was so long ago. We’re all so different now, huh?”
Even if he’s looking at Jin, you get the feeling he’s talking directly to you.
“A lot of time has gone by, a lot has happened since then,” You reply airily, raring up on the defensive just in case.
Jungkook says nothing, only shifting his gaze to you. The iciness around his brown irises breaks apart slowly, but his jaw is set and his lips pursed in a line.
“Oh, really? A lot happened since then?” Jungkook says, voice leveled. It’s unfamiliar, the uncharacteristic coldness in his voice. You’re only used to his bunny smiles and warmth. Again, that was from years ago. And like he had said- you were all different now.
You say nothing, holding your secrets back with your red lips. You owe him nothing. He’s only a colleague, right? 
Then why does it hurt the way it does?
Jin releases his hold on the both of you, picking up on the sudden tension between you both. There are a thousand things Jungkook wants to say to you, a thousand questions- How have you been? What have you been up to, all these years? Why are you living with your grandma? 
Instead, steel curls in his eyes and ice in his throat.
Jungkook shakes his head, closing his eyes for a second. He knows if he opens his mouth, he’ll end up hurting you. And he can’t do that. But apparently, he can’t just ask you how you’re doing, either.
You don’t really blame him for his sharp tongue.
Jin looks between the two of you with concerned, raised eyebrows, clearly feeling the unspoken tension. You want to melt into the floor so you diffuse the situation the only way you know how.
“I gotta pee, I’ll be back,” You mutter quickly and don’t bother to meet their eyes before making a hasty exit.
Jin already has texted you, asking if everything’s okay. You text him a quick yes before touching up on your lipstick and giving yourself room to breathe. You stay in the bathroom for a few minutes before heading back out and pretending like the look in Jungkook’s eyes isn’t piercing every part of the wall you’ve built up.
You avoid speaking to him directly for the rest of the night, and he avoids you. You can’t help casting glances at him when you think he isn’t looking. You feel like apologizing, but you don’t know why. So you don’t, and you bury it.
But at the end of the night, he tells you to get home safe. And that he’ll see you at the airport on Friday. You reciprocate his sentiments, carefully looking into his irises to make sure that the coldness in his eyes isn’t directed toward you.
Jin pulls you away from the group for a minute-
“Stay the night with me. I don’t like the idea of you being alone with a stranger for thirty minutes in an Uber,” Jin suggests, “And Grandma will kill me if she finds out I let you go home alone.”
“Yeah,” You say faintly, “I’ll text her.”
You and Jin say your goodbyes. Normally, you’d be worried about how the optics of you leaving to go home with Jin looks to your colleagues, but tonight you don’t really feel like caring. You know Namjoon knows of the nature of your friendship with Jin. The rest doesn’t matter.
Jungkook watches you leave with Jin. Namjoon and Sana have already called an Uber together, since they lived in the same apartment complex. Neither of them see Jin drape his jacket over your shoulders. Neither of them see you wrap an arm around Jin’s upper arm and lean your head against it as you walk further and further away.
Neither of them hear his heart ache in this crowded street of Seoul, when his brain was telling him that it had no reason to.
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trashcankitty12 · 3 years
omg thank you so much for answering! 😅 i have another ask about the origins of the ancestral witches, how did they come about? was darkar involved in their birth or even growing up? how did they end up working with/for darkar? and how did their childhood affect their mothering for valtor?
Okay, so in my head, and in my verses, the whole Darkar being the BIG, BIG BAD isn’t the case. It’s the Ancestral Witches themselves. Darkar is just someone who used to be a good person, but turned into... a servant of sorts. Which I’ll get to that soon enough. After my big spiel on the Ancestral Witches. XD (This is gonna get long, so there’s a read-more.)
Belladonna, Lysslis, and Tharma were three sisters born to a noble family on the realm (which is now dead) known as Ulmoira. Their family had been servants of the King and Queen there for eons, and their realm was in service to the Great Dark Dragon which birthed all dark realms (and dark magic), just as the Great Light Dragon birthed all light realms (and light magic).
Belladonna had ice magic, though not to the intensity we now know her to have. In fact, her magic was considered nothing more than a party trick at the time, meant for cooling drinks or crafting neat ice sculptures.
Tharma’s magic was always considered dangerous due to her outbursts. (Such an angry child...) But she could only conjure small scale storms. Nothing that spread over entire realms, not like she’s known for.
Lysslis’ magic was mostly just extreme empathy and telepathy and being able to create and manipulate emotions in others and forcing them to tell the truth. Nothing like the illusions and hallucinations she’s known for creating today.
Belladonna was the eldest sister, and the craftiest. She made her way quickly up the ranks in the Palace and became advisor to the King. The main advisor. His right hand. His partner. (And, yes, on occasion in exchange for getting her own items on the agenda, his lover.)
See, Belladonna could see just how powerful Ulmoira could be and wanted to expand it’s power and have one of the Great Dragons claim Ulmoira as a holy land, giving more reach for their kingdom than even the newly formed Council could handle.
And of course, endearing herself to the King and making herself so integral in his life and in his court gave her all the power that not even being a Queen could give her.
(She’s ambitious, so sue her.)
(And she’s great at playing the long game.)
Lysslis, the middle sister, was also quite a crafty woman, partially in thanks to her “unique gifts”. She understood people; their fears, hopes, what made them tick inside. An empath with a near excessive reach. 
Using her talents, and her way with words, Lysslis enjoyed playing spy for her sister. Always getting her intel on what others in the court were up to and what potential threats lied with other kingdoms.
(Lysslis is also the more curious sister. She’s the reason they end up going in the direction they go.)
Tharma is the youngest sister, and far more malicious and sadistic than her older sisters. She was labeled the “problem child” and the “family disgrace”. Always fighting, always starting trouble. Always where she shouldn’t be: in the way.
Belladonna and Lysslis couldn’t outcast their sister though, and found her a place to thrive: prison guard. 
Tharma loved her job and loved giving prisoners exactly what they deserved. 
It was an idyllic life. 
Until Lysslis, during one of her missions in which she got interesting information from one of the Great Dragon Priests... Information about the Dragon Fire, Primordial Magic created from the Dragon Fire (such as the Phoenix Flames and the Water Stars), and the predictions about people one day being able to harness such magic. He even had a Grimoire detailing the prophesy of the Dragons’ deaths and Them imparting Their magic to those deemed worthy, and how the other Primordial Magics would follow Their example. 
Lysslis, of course, confiscated the Grimoire and brought it to her sisters’ attention. 
This could be the big break they were all waiting for. Forget the original plan of their homeland becoming a holy ground, THEY COULD BECOME GODDESSES.
But how to prove themselves worthy to the Great Dragons and other Primordials? Simple: they make themselves stronger by any means necessary.
Their family had a Family Book of Shadows tucked away and hidden from the kingdom’s authorities, a tome mostly forgotten about due to the nature of the spells within. (Black Magic. A cursed and volatile version of Dark Magic, and, of course, forbidden to use.)
But Belladonna knew about it, had listened as a wide-eyed girl while her grandmother told stories of what their family used to be able to do. And now she had a reason to unlock her full potential. (And her sisters’ of course...)
In secret the three would practice and strengthen their magic using the spells from their forbidden tome, not realizing just how the magic was changing them. Oh yes, their magic was stronger and capable of things others could only dream of doing, but their physical and mental states? Their sanity? Their grip on reality?
Fleeting. And fleeting fast. To the point where they considered themselves gods without any Primordial magic, to the point where they didn’t need to be worthy of the Primordials, it was just a matter of taking what was already “theirs” to start with.
The King, disturbed by the increasingly erratic and terrifying behavior of his advisor and her sisters, confronted them.
Belladonna told him what they were planning, hoping he could see ‘reason’ and that they were the ones who ‘deserved to be in charge’. He called them out for their crazy behavior and with his army, he did his best to stop them.
Unfortunately, with their rage and combined magic, it wasn’t enough to stop them. 
Belladonna was now able to call forth blizzards with never before recorded temperatures. She could sense the blood within others and freeze them from the inside out. And she could create snow creatures to do her bidding.
Tharma’s storms could cover vast quantities of land and rage with the full force of the anger she’d kept inside all those years. Lightning strong enough to electrocute even the hardiest of people, tornadoes able to suck the air right out of another’s lungs. Hail storms that could destroy everything in their path. And the storm harpies she could summon to fight for her where just as terrifying as anything else she could do.
And Lysslis... She had soldiers killing themselves and their comrades, their minds completely overtaken by her own will. The hallucinations she made them see, the agony and fear she had overtake them... Nothing could save those in her grasp.
Ulmoira was ultimately destroyed.
But that was fine. They had no use for their homeland anymore. Not when they had an entire magical dimension to claim. Starting with the Dragon Fire.
Before they could take the Dragon Fire, they knew they’d need assistance. So they went to a realm known as Whisperia and stole three crystals from it. (These crystals were said to contain traces of the Water Stars within them, meaning they could damage or control the Great Dragons.)
Then they headed to Domino, wanting to face the Great Light Dragon. Unfortunately for them, she had already left her physical body, her magic and soul bonding with the future king of Domino that had just been born. (And they knew even with all their power, they couldn’t fight the realm of Domino. Not while still recovering from the destruction of Ulmoira.)
So they traveled to Obsidian, finding the aging and dying Great Dark Dragon. They thought him an easy target, using their magic and crystals to weaken him further, but he wasn’t worried. Angry, sure, but not worried.
Because the moment he died, the future queen of Obsidian took her first breath, and became his bond.
Deterred, but not defeated, the Ancestral Witches decided to seek out the other Primordials first. 
For ages they searched and scoured for Primordials, even stealing sacred items from realms in the hopes it would give them the power they sought. (And in their quest, they gained followers. Devout followers who worshipped the grounds they walked upon.)
And, curiously (and in great timing, considering their ages), they found a way to remain... Immortal. More or less. 
One part blood bond between their new “Coven” and “covenmates”, a bond where they would syphon their members’ life forces, a slow process they’d never notice happening. And one part a potion they discovered which needed unicorn blood, dragon scales, and the hearts of lumen. (Poor little things...)
Over the years, the Ancestral Witches tried to “steal back” the Dragon Fire from both Domino and Obsidian, only to have their forces blown back each time. (Though each time, without fail, new followers would fall to their knees for the Witches.)
And then, an idea struck.  Why take the Dragon Fire when they could raise it? King Gasper and Queen Gnala of Obsidian were due to have their child in a few months time. (Queen Natalia of Domino was still having issues becoming pregnant, poor dear.)
Carefully they monitored the situation in Obsidian, taking notice of the exhaustion among one of the most loyal servants to the Obsidian Throne since the Dragon bonded to the Ruler. Sir Argulus and his wife.
Lysslis saw the opening and she took it. It was slow, convincing Argulus and his wife to betray their King and Queen, but they did in exchange for the power they wished they had.
And two weeks after the young prince was born, a week before his christening, the Ancestral Witches struck with their forces, and the newly awoken Lord Darkar and Lady Mandragora. (And, a former prisoner of Obsidian’s dungeon who now had the power to absorb and redirect magic, Ogron.)
Obsidian fell. The kingdom tattered, but remade in the Ancestrals image. All correspondence and travel to the outside realms were destroyed. And the Ancestral Witches had their newest prized possession, and their future weapon, the former prince now known as Valtor.
(After Obsidian’s fall, the Council became concerned about dark magic and dark magic users. They felt that dark magic was so close to black magic, that it was only a matter of time before others turned treasonous too. Which started the crackdown on dark magic and the ostracization of dark realmers.)
(The Ancestral Witches viewed this as an opportunity and used it to manipulate dark magic users, and even some light magic ones, into joining their forces so as to “fight these injustices” and “retake their place” in the Magical Dimension.)
And that’s the story. Or well, a sort of glossed over, short version of the story.
Hope you enjoyed it. 
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simprisottowriter · 3 years
Helloo again can you write some fugo headcanons ? Some cute and funny like gyros would be very nice UwU
   Wonderful to see you again, UwU anon! Your character choices for headcanons are so lovely! Fugo is multidimensional, well-written with such depth, even if his appearance in the series was short. He deserves more attention and love!! ♡♡ Let's shower this boy with appreciation, with these headcanons! 
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°☆ Personality, Private Life & Relationships ☆°
◇ Treasures cute things, like charms or pendants. To him, their monetary value doesn’t matter. Memories are what make him keep anything close to his heart. Hidden in plain sight is his keychain, a small red puppet charm that decorates his keys. Cutesy and delicately worn by time as all the other small trinkets he owns, that remind him of the nicer moments of his childhood.
◇ Might look very unapproachable, but once someone gets close to him, they see a completely different side of him. Thoughtful, tender and sympathetic wouldn’t be the words someone would use to describe Fugo the first time they met him, but would definitely be the first words that come to mind after being near him for a while. In his private life, he would be a bit strict, but very understanding and well-mannered. He is so professional at everything he does, that it is pretty impressive.
◇ Incredibly good at card games, board games and anything that requires strategy. Wins most of the times. He doesn’t even try hard to win anymore, since he only plays with Mista and Narancia, as everyone else in Bruno’s team is too busy. They both just get confused at the game rules and do anything else than play properly, as Fugo just stares deadpan at them till they follow the rules. He can't help but laugh along with them with their antics. Even if he feels like he is babysitting them most of the time, he loves them much.
◇ Acts like he doesn’t find them even a teensy bit funny, but he adores puns and silly jokes! Tries to act serious all the time, that it’s so out of character when he secretly laughs at any ridiculous joke Narancia and Mista say. 
◇ Loves art! In all its forms. But mostly adores painting. You could probably show him a painting, and no matter how famous or not it is, he would recognize the artist solely from the art style. Bruno’s Passione considers it some sort of game to continually show random pictures of art to Fugo to recognize them, till he either gets angry or they get bored. Did I say that he loves abstract art and surrealism?
◇ When no one is around, Fugo passes his time like he always used to, by playing the piano. It is one of the most wonderful moments, that his teammates treasure, to listen to the piano playing while unlocking the door, as they return from a difficult mission. Brings the serenity back to their hearts. Makes them forget for a moment about their stressful work. Would also play soft Brahms and Bach music pieces, to ease insomnia and make a sleepless night bearable ♡
◇ More academically skilled than socially skilled, but he is trying his best! Small talk isn’t his greatest thing, but he is the best person to have around for deep conversations or debating. He is knowledgeable about many subjects and could keep the conversation interesting for hours with his facts and ideas.
◇ Loves it when he can share his interests and personal thoughts, without being ignored or belittled. Values trust more than anything.
◇ And once he finds someone he truly trusts, Fugo’s anger and fear will subside. Most notably, this would be easy to recognize not only from Fugo himself, but from Purple Haze. The stand would appear more often, but this time, more controllable, more tame and less dangerous than before, till it is completely harmless on its own. And not only that, but once Fugo manages to fully control Purple Haze, its performance and power would be unmatchable!
◇ Appreciates it with all his heart when someone helps him with his tasks. Even if he won’t admit it or even does all his chores by himself just to prove that he is very independent, he really wants a helping hand. Even if it is just staying by his side. Staying up late to aid his studying or helping him with daily problems of small importance are favors he would definitely return in the future. Acts of service and some fine quality time are a must for Fugo ♡
◇ Cleaning around the house or doing chores might be a hassle for many, but he actually likes them. Once he finds a place that he feels safe enough to settle in, that he can call his own, he is going to take care of it as much as he could.
◇ Gets disappointed in himself when he does absentmindedly a calculation wrong. It has stuck with him that he must excel in everything, and thus criticizes every small mistake he does. He’s a perfectionist to the core. Even if others around him understand and immediately forgive him, his expectations for himself have been raised too high, from all the events that took place in his past. It's difficult for him to loosen up.
◇ Emanates a soft scent of old books, perfume and a flowery aroma of freshly cleaned clothing. Feels just like home.
◇ Knitting and sewing are some of his favorite hobbies. They keep him at ease and make his intense anger disappear. He has a collection of small plushies he made himself. Refuses to show them, since he doesn’t believe they look well-made or worth showing, but in reality they are some of the cutest plushies you've ever seen!
◇ Has collections of worn-out books. With covers discolored and tattered from hours of reading next to the light of the nightstand. Their pages are slightly crumpled all over the edges, and remained as such, even if he constantly tried to straighten them out. Their white color, along with the letters, have been slightly faded and tinted brown. His bookshelves are filled with them. Upon inspection, you can recognize which book he is reading, even if most of them have a bookmark sticking out of them. His current read always has his most favorite handmade bookmark, a special request from a store in Naples.
◇ Won't be the person to approach others, but wait till someone else does the first move. He doesn’t believe he is worth someone's time, thus refuses to start anything. Usually never takes the lead, since every time he made the choice to stand up for himself, it cost him happy times of his life that he couldn't replace.
◇ Needing glasses won't be something he would admit. Even if his eyesight isn't that bad, he has always a pair of white-framed glasses in his pocket when he needs to read something up close. Wears them often when he is reading on his own, and not really in public.
◇ Has learned enough about cooking to be able to live on his own, but he is especially great at brewing tea or coffee. These are his go-to drinks, depending on the time of day or his schedule. Also loves sweets way too much!
◇ Refuses to realize that he deserves love and much, much caring. Really undervalues himself. 
◇ His whole body would probably freeze if someone held his hand. Mainly, he wouldn’t know how to react and would be very embarrassed about it. Though, he is so touch and attention starved that even a small movement that shows care and love would stay in his mind forever. A hug would send him. He wouldn't probably know how to articulate a sentence after that.
◇ Though, he flinches very easily when someone attempts to get close to him or touch him, like with a friendly pat on a back or his head. Not only that, but his speech becomes weaker and faster than before, he keeps looking away and his breath cannot regulate. Repressed memories of painful times flow back again. He cannot realize the person he has in front of him doesn't want to hurt him, and his body instinctively is on guard. The flinching stops when he is fully used to someone's presence, and trusts them with all his heart. He is worth the patience someone could give him, since he is a sweetheart!
◇ You can notice when he is in high spirits, since he hums joyfully the melody of his favorite songs while doing rather mundane tasks. At first it is very unnoticeable, but after you learn his behavior, you understand what makes him happy, even if he doesn't show it. Turns really bashful and tries to hide his embarrassment by looking away and sighing, when someone recognizes which song he is humming. He holds his personal interests (such as his music taste) very close to him and keeps them hidden, so it's a surprise to him to find someone that tries to break the walls he has built up. Oh, and since I mentioned his music taste, he would probably be a fan of rock, but I believe he would like any song that he just likes the vibe of it.
◇ As roughly explained above, a very private person. About his thoughts, past life and his current feelings. Takes a while for him to fully open up to someone. And even if he finds someone he trusts, he has a hard time letting all his emotions out. Knowing himself and how his feelings burden him, he refuses to let others know he truly feels. Repressing all his emotions, just because he doesn't want his loved ones to feel the pain he does. Deeply cares, even if he hides it under layers of anger. Caring and strong, as always.
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soramel · 3 years
Chained to You (Part 4)
genre: angst, romance, unconventional relationship warning: eventual smut A/N: cross-posted; the story continues at Part 18 in wattpad;
1 2 3 4
Part 4 words: 2,595
Drumming your fingers on the steering wheel, you unconsciously bit your lip as you tried to sort your thoughts out. You even closed your eyes... forehead scrunched in confusion as your failed attempt to detach yourself from all the happenings irritated you more.
So what if he has a woman?
It shouldn't be surprising at all because he's accomplished, has a good family background, and for sure, the looks that everyone would kill for.
Did I just admit that he's attractive?
You scoffed at the thought. Those sleepless nights you spent on analyzing worksheets after worksheets finally altered how your brain functions.
Your phone rang, pulling you out of your reverie. Its noise cutting through the deafening silence in your parked SUV. Then a knock came through the window, startling you. "Fuck!" you said out loud, clutching your chest.
It was your bodyguard. "Saeho!" you shouted at him sounding annoyed but it only muffled through the car door.
Taking a quick glance at your phone, you saw it was the devil you were just thinking about seconds ago. Instead of taking the call, you chose to open the window instead and talk to Saeho.
"What?" you snapped at him, also wondering how he found you so fast.
"You need to head back inside, Ma'am," he said in a stern voice, not liking the disappearing act you pulled.
You sighed and said, "I know. Just give me a break."
He watched you lean your head back on the headrest as you try to recollect yourself. The ringing of the phone just ended when it rang again with the same caller id. With a drag, you handed out the device to Saeho, but he just looked at it.
With another nudge of the phone in the air, he took it slowly from your hand.
"Sir," he answered as he put it by his ear.
There was a pause before Taehyung spoke up.
"Where is she?" he asked, his voice laced with darkness that even made a big man like Saeho gulp.
"She's safe, sir. We're in the basement parking. She's inside her car. She gave me her phone for me to answer," he explained.
"Get her back here. Now."
Then you heard the line cut off.
Saeho handed back the phone to you and pleaded for you to follow his boss' order. "Ma'am, this way, please," his voice having a more hint of emotion now as he snuck in his arm through the window to unlock your door.
With a huff, you alighted from the vehicle and passed him your purse.
Saeho followed your steps, taking an enough distance from you like he always does. You suddenly stopped from your tracks and faced him again.
"I can't really go back there this soon. I'm still annoyed," you wondered out loud, leaving the man in conflict. It really is indeed difficult to serve two masters at once. He didn't know what happened when he saw you rushing down the hall and it was not his place to ask why. But he was smart enough to deduce the reason behind your act.
He might not show it but he feels bad for you, but at the same time, he wants to keep his job. Taehyung pays him a handsome amount which sustains the needs of his wife and ailing child.
"We're in no hurry but we have to keep moving, Ma'am," he replied in compromise.
You turned around an walked towards the entrance at a much slower pace. He opened the door as you headed inside the elevator lobby and waited for a lift.
"She's tightly guarded, Sir. We can't find a window to execute the plan," the man spoke through the phone.
The news earned a sigh from the other line.
"Keep trying. It'll be more difficult to get to her once the ceremony's all over."
"Copy, sir," then the hired man ended the call.
Regardless, the receiver prepared himself for the worst, and that is having to do everything by himself.
"Useless bastards," he muttered under his breath.
It was two hours before midnight and they only had little time left to act on the situation. Once they miss this window of opportunity, they'd have to take matters to their own hands and it won't be a pretty sight.
There were still no progress from the team he sent. It was difficult to bypass the heiress' security. Although they blend well in the crowd, his men were trained enough to recognize the security team's tactic.
Namjoon wasn't the type to get his hands dirty. No matter what job that is.
J, negative
He then replied without hesitation,
Plan B
He threw the phone on the table with a thud after sending the text message.
When Jungkook received the order, he immediately left the hotel suite to pursue his target.
Saeho approached Taehyung cautiously and said, "Number unidentified, but I sent someone to follow through and extract information."
Taehyung's jaw tensed in response. "Why not grab one of them now?"
"We can't do that without grabbing much attention. Unless, that's fine with you, sir," Saeho replied. Taehyung's eyes were deeply set on you as you talk with your colleagues. He roamed his stare on their faces then to the people within your perimeter, then back to you. His eyes met yours.
Without breaking away from your gaze, he uttered, "I'll bring her back to her room. Keep me updated."
"Yes, sir."
Saeho then gave way to Taehyung as he strode the distance between you. From his cold demeanor, he flashed a warm smile to your colleagues, making them flustered.
You felt his hand slid around your waist. His hold was gentle yet firm.
"S-sir!" one of your colleagues managed to utter a greeting. Both men and women looked at your fiancé with admiration.
You casually introduced him to them. "This is Minho, Song, and Hyeji. My team in one of my projects. And you already know Jae."
Without further ado, Taehyung said, "Would you mind me taking my wife back? We need to head back early for tomorrow's wedding."
This made you take a step back but with his kind of hold, you were only able to put an unnoticeable distance from him. "Already?" you voiced out in protest.
"Of course," your team replied in unison.
"You need to have a proper rest," Taehyung told you before flashing his swooning smile back to your colleagues.
"Thank you, excuse us."
You were still confused as he led you out of the banquet hall. You were stuck to his side until you could finally free yourself from his grip once you stepped in the lift.
"What's happening? Isn't it rude to just leave our own party? Like that?"
He's getting on your nerves and your annoyance is also starting to get the best of him. He thought the attitude was because he was 10 minutes late to your dinner.
Taehyung let out a sigh and faced you after pressing the floor button for your suite. "Charles will handle it. I just want you to get your rest."
Though that was just his excuse.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest, "If you were paying attention, I was still in the middle of a conversation with my team when you decided to have things your way. I didn't like that."
He tried his best to hide his sarcastic smile by looking down but you caught on. Your brow twitched in annoyance. His actions and the way he treats you makes you feel disrespected. No matter how much you want to cut ties with him, you need to know the tricks hidden up his sleeve.
Why would the news of merger suddenly brought harm to your family's life
Why the Kims, your supposed protector, are sweeping important facts under the rug
Why does your father trust them so much
Questions that you're sure would pile up as you try to uncover the truth. Despite that, you're determined to protect what's yours even though that means selling your soul to the devil.
You stared deep into his eyes.
"Fine. See you tomorrow at our wedding," you let out in a dismissive tone.
He sighed inwardly in relief as he watched the door slam right in front of him.
The room was dark as you entered. With a sigh, you blindly took off your accessories starting with the earrings.
You're getting married tomorrow and it's really happening. To an estranged childhood friend, a man you barely know, a lover of someone else. Red flags that were enough to stop someone from proceeding with the foolish ploy.
But this is for your family's sake.
The Kims are a possible threat you had to understand first.
On a flick of a light switch, you were startled to see a man standing in the middle of your suite. You almost squealed in shock but it got cut off when he approached you in a stride, stifling your voice.
Fear rose up in your chest and your imagination had gone haywire with the thought of why would be someone in here.
"Hush, I'm not here to harm you," he looked at you intently and you slowly start to associate a name on the man's face. It should have comforted you but it only added to your growing fear and confusion.
He saw the recognition that flashed your eyes, then he continued in a much lower and hushed voice. "Promise me you won't scream, I just need to talk."
Your brows furrowed. What is Taehyung's friend doing in my room, surprising me like a murderer, in the middle of the night?
Just to know what the fuck is going on you nodded your head thrice, still breathing heavily, with your pulse racing.
Once his grip loosened, you immediately took a step back, holding your purse in front of you as if that was enough for a weapon to defend yourself.
"What are you do--" your loud and scandalous voice made him cover your mouth again. You didn't see how but he's now on your back, your body tightly pressed to his.
"Not so loud," his voice laced with irritation. It wanna made you scoff, you should be the one irritated in this situation, not him.
"Taehyung's not who you think he is," he murmured, hoping that will stop you from fighting him off.
You did your best to calm down to show him that you're ready to listen. Not that you don't know what he's talking about. You know who the true Taehyung is.
Jungkook loosened his hands on you once he thought he piqued your curiosity.
You turned to him, a little bit surprised at the very close distance he had put in between.
You looked up a bit to meet his eyes.
"I know who Taehyung is,"
You told him, full with pride.
He was about to speak when you cut him off, "So if you're here to warn me about his lover, you can leave. I've already decided," you told him and he seemed surprise at the news. It looked like that was not the thing he was pertaining about but you could care less.
This marriage is more than you and your feelings.
If being close to the threat will help save your family, then be it. If they're not and they're really trying to help, then better.
Jungkook raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You're truly whipped," he said in disbelief. Well that was not new to him. He knew Taehyung during his teenage years. He knew how he was or is with the ladies.
"I'm not. I-" you were about to spill some sensitive information but you luckily caught yourself.
No one else is supposed to know about this except you and your private investigator, Hoseok.
"Well that sucks but that was not just it, Princess," he informed, the title he used sounded like a mock.
"His family will use yours to get what they want. This might bring harm not only to your family, but to everyone."
Tilting your head to the side, "then this will be just another billion dollar venture for them," you stated after Jungkook told you what he could let you know... for now. He has yet to see for himself and the organization which side you're on. It was a huge gamble for them to involve you in this. If it were up to him, he would rather not involve a socialite like you. The type that Taehyung lures in and break. But to Namjoon, you were different.
He silently strode to the door and looked into the peephole to see if there are guards. "How did you get in here anyway?" you asked him, as you were sidetracked from his movement.
"The balcony," he stated as he walked back. "They'll eventually monopolize the IT industry. All the servers, engines, systems, running in this country will be under their control. Just masked in different names."
"We traced that 65% of the sector belonged to their family already. Indirectly,"
"and if this will go out of hand, there will be irreversible repercussions." he finished as he stood before you, meeting your gaze intently.
You walked around the living area of the hotel suite, settling on the couch. "I didn't know they had that slice too," you blurted out as you went in deep thought. The Kims are involved in a lot of ventures. May it be in security services and systems, management consultancy, logistics, and others. But so is your family. Well your mother's side to be specific. With it being more prominent in hospitality and airline industry.
You traced back your gaze to the intruder.
"Regardless, that's none of my business, Jungkook. The world is what it is." you told him.
And he knew.
A privileged woman like you won't understand it. Because the system fits well for you that you became a part of it.
His jaw almost twitched in disgust, but he managed to mask it off with a smirk. "Your family will be their puppet. You will bear the damages once things fall out of place,"
"Then I'll make sure it won't," you replied, looking at him straight in the eyes.
Taking a deep breath, you suggested, "I could pretend this didn't happen. I'll let you slip back where you came from without sending a distress call to my security next door." then you took out a black device out of your purse, lifting off its switch. Then you placed your thumb on top of it, ready to press it in any second.
He let out a chuckle. "You'll be lying dead on the floor before they arrive here, don't underestimate me."
You let out a sweet smile and shook your head. "I'm not. I know you're very capable of that seeing how you managed to get here," then you unceremoniously pressed the device which made made him jump to his feet and briskly left, leaving the glass door open. All the while making sure that you know how pissed he is and he's not yet done with you. If eyes could kill.
Saeho barged in right after a beep. "Ma'am," he let out. When you seemed fine, his eyes scanned the room immediately, looking for any threats.
With your gaze on the glass door, he jogged onto it seeing that it was ajar.
You stood up and headed into the bedroom. "Please close it. It's getting cold," you calmly ordered as you closed the bedroom door shut.
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pale-goblin · 3 years
A Little Twisted.
Chapter One: The King
Co written w/ @desertdwellerdanny
  It was late, later then Steve wanted to leave work. Working for his father’s business had been the worst mistake of his life. The long hours, business trips, and paperwork killed him. The only thing that added fun to his life was his body count and not in a sex way. Every business trip, he left a crime scene behind; it was an excellent hobby, a fun game. 
As Steve unlocked his car that was parked in the darkness of the street, he heard sounds coming from the alleyway—harsh breaths and muffled screams paired with the tell-tell sounds of struggle. There, barely visible in the alley between two abandoned shops, was a tall man dressed in dark denim and golden strands that fell over his shoulders in beautiful curls. He was pretty, despite, or maybe because of, the deep scowl etched into his features. The closer Steve looked, it seemed there was another person there, pushed up against the man and the dirty brick of the wall.
The curiosity got the better of him, and rather than sidle back into his car to drive 40 minutes to a dull house with boring people and boring television; he found his feet carrying him closer. Steve was friends with the shadows, staying well within them to edge closer to the struggle. It was when he had just made it to the opening of the alley that he heard the all-too-familiar crunch of bone and a strangled scream for help that sounded more gurgle than yell. The man was standing, staring down at the body and the bloodied mess he’d made of the wall and his hands. Shining, wet blood covered the front of him, splatters adorning the smooth skin of his face.
It was gorgeous. He was gorgeous.
Steve watched the rage boiling in the man’s face turn sour, listening to him swear under his breath. His blood-covered hands reaching for his blonde curls to smooth it out of his face. Steve smiled in the alley’s dim light. Seeing the reaction of a man’s first kill was titillating to witness. 
Steve’s first kill was cleaner, more planned, and he was 12. He had many years to fine-tune his skills and make sure he was hidden from people’s noses, Of course, unless he was too excited like now. Steve hadn’t noticed the can at his feet which he kicked into the dead body when he shifted his weight. 
The man got spooked, and in fear of losing this beautiful man, he put his hands up, showing himself.
“Wait, Wait, don’t run.”
The man’s hands were shaking, slight tremors running up and down his spine as he took Steve in. Those sharp, light eyes dragged over his suit-clad figure, and if Steve had been the type of man to blush, his cheeks would be dusted pink with the intense attention the man gave him.
“Who- I didn’t. He was,” his voice cracked, wide, terrified eyes looking down at the bloodied mess the victim’s face was, “What did I do?”
“Looks like you killed him,” Steve said calmly, eyeing the man’s messy job. “Poorly, I might add,” Steve kneeled, being careful not to get blood on himself. “Good spot though, dark alley, broken cameras.” Steve eyed the area, breaking it down for himself to see how easy this would be to cover up.
The man’s eyebrows furrowed, his body screamed defensive, waiting for Steve to shout or call the cops or something. But he didn’t.
“Who are you?” He spat, top lip pulling up into a snarl. He looked like a cornered animal, faced with a variable that had the ability to ruin him. Hell, he’d murdered someone in a blind rage—he’d already been ruined if it wasn’t for Steve, and isn’t that a nice little bit of luck.
Steve smiled when he locked gazes with the fear-filled blue of the man’s eyes. “Seems like I’m your guardian angel.” Steve winked—the excitement building in his chest was impressive; honestly, he was kind of turned on by all of this. “Wait here; I have a kit in my car. I promise I’m here to help you.”
The man stood flabbergasted, the blood coating the front of his shirt and up and down his arms starting to chill with the cold wind. Steve turned and made his way back to his car, nonchalant and even a slight spring in his step, the blond stranger left in the disturbing quiet of the alley. The silence was deafening, and it roared in the man’s ears.
Steve returned moments later, holding a large black case, wearing a rudder-looking apron and gloves. He had a smile on his face that seemed not to fade. "Can I ask you some questions? About this friend of yours, about tonight?" Steve placed the case on the ground, wondering if this was weird for him, this well-dressed stranger who happens to be a psychopathic murderer. "What's your name?”
The man’s mouth dropped open a bit, taking Steve even before giving a small, unbelieving chuckle and mumbling what the fuck under his breath. “You’re a nutcase, aren’t you?” He gave Steve a cautious side-eye before facing him head-on, meeting his gaze, “You can call me Neil. And that,” he said, pointing at the body, “is not my friend. But ask away if you gotta.”
Steve completely ignored Neil's stab at him for being 'crazy' Steve wasn't crazy—far from it.
"Did you have sex with him?" Steve mumbled as he pulled out a plastic sheet from his case and laid it on the ground.
Billy licked his lips nervously, hands tightening into fists at his side. “No! N-no,” he hesitated, stomach rolling uncomfortably at recalling what had made him do… this… in the first place, “He was trying to— he put something in my drink. But it must’ve been weak or some shit because I could still move. Kinda. I came-to here and kinda, just,” his nostrils flared with fury, eyes even beginning to blur with tears just remembering. He didn’t want to remember. “I didn’t give him the chance to.”
Steve snorted at himself as he dragged the body onto the sheet. Not at Neil's misfortune but the fact that he helped throw the defense case out the window if he got caught. "Then good riddance to this ass hole--" Steve went through the victim’s pants, pulling out a wallet but no car keys. Sad, he couldn't make it look like a car crash. "-- Mr. Bates." Steve read the ID in the wallet, pressing his lips together with a chuckle, "not anymore."
“Bates? That’s his name?” Neil gave an unbelieving laugh, giggles pouring out of him, quickly turning into hysterics, “Oh god. I’m sorry, it’s just. Like that one movie? American Psycho? Bates?” He covered his mouth with a trembling hand to quiet the chuckles forcing their way out of him, “Guess it’s not him that’s the killer this time, though.”
Steve loved hearing the laughter pouring out of Neil's mouth. It was sweet and gave Steve goosebumps just listening to it echo off the walls. He kind of forgot to give his name. He was still tied up in the blood and the blue of this man's eyes. "I'm Ste--no- uh Steve" Steve stumbled the words out of his mouth, giving Neil his real name with so much trust. His beautiful face was throwing Steve off his game.
Neil squinted at him, chuckles finally calming down a bit as he watched Steve work. “Steve,” he said slowly as if testing how the name tasted on his tongue. He must’ve approved because he nodded once before leaning back against the wall opposite to where he’d bashed the man’s head in and slid to the ground. He stretched his legs out, his foot just barely touching the body’s foot, and gave a little kick before letting his head thump back against the brick. “Well, what the fuck are we gonna do, Steve.”
        "Well, I'm taking this man home with me" Steve rolled the guy in the plastic sheet just not to make a mess of his car. "Since this was not planned, I will have to figure out how to get rid of the body, but we will clean up the blood and…" Steve's eyes flicked over Neil's body as he sat on the ground, which made Steve let out a disappointed sigh "...and we will get you cleaned up at my house."
“You’re literally helping hide a murder right now,” Neil raised an eyebrow at him, weariness pulling his features down and narrowing his eyes, “Why, pray tell, the fuck should I trust you enough to get into your car?”
Neil was on edge, hackles raised and expecting the worst from Steve. He’d narrowly avoided being attacked already tonight and instead managed to become a murderer in that short amount of time. 
“For one, you don’t have to trust me, and I don’t expect you too” Steve pulled a spray bottle out of the case. “But I’m the only chance you have right now” Steve kind of felt like he was
forcing Neil to come with him, but he wasn’t. If Steve wanted to have his way, Neil would have been knocked out and hogtied in the back of his car. Steve started cleaning the blood off the walls taking his time even though no one probably came down here much unless they were also criminals. 
Neil let his head thump back against the wall again, closing his eyes. His stomach was cramping with anxiety, and he still felt sick from earlier—the panic and disgust of being so vulnerable settled like lead in his chest.
“Maybe,” he peeked one eye open, lazily watching Steve scrub and spray at the chunky red mess on the wall, “Once I know for sure you’re not gonna fuck me over.” Neil still felt the fear clawing its way up from his chest, and yet in that mess of emotions, not one of them was guilt over what he had done. It had felt...right to kill him. Good, even.
Steve enjoyed the clean-up more than the kill itself; it added some kind of normal part to it for him. Steve never felt guilt but knew he wasn’t normal, but he didn’t care if he was. Steve looked back at the guy exhausted against the wall of the alley. “The anxiety will pass,” Steve mumbled, giving him a shy smile. “Then you will taste true freedom.”
Neil snorted, taking a deep, shuddering breath. “You sound like you’ve done this before, pretty boy. Run into a lot of murders, do you?”
Steve laughed. “I don’t run into a lot. It’s not like we have a club or anything,” Steve cleaned up the last bit on the wall before moving to where the body has been sitting. “But, I have done this before, 42 times counting helping you; I’ve even got a fancy killer name now.” 
Neil’s eyebrows shot up, face sobering, “Really now?” He looked nervous. Funny almost, like there’s a difference between killing 42 or 1 with his bare hands. “And what would that be? How so many?”
Steve licked his lips as he looked up at Neil. “They call me the King; I haven’t been caught because I don’t kill in the same city twice in the same year. They only connected the dots a few months ago.”
Neil’s eyes grew big, mouth propping open as he took in the killer who had just started to take over just about every news story as of late. “Holy fuck. Bullshit.” he sat up against the wall, pushing up off of it to stride over to Steve as if getting a better look at the man would help him make the connection to a faceless serial killer. “And you’re helping me? Now?” his face screwed up in confusion, taking yet another step towards Steve, “Why?” he said quietly, peering into his eyes as if trying to find the answers to all the questions clogging his brain there.
Steve shrugged. “My life is boring, and you’re just the excitement I needed today.” Steve stood up and finally finished the rest of the work. He watched Neil check him out, trying to figure out what was not very hard if you knew how to look. “Do I scare you?”
Neil didn’t answer right away, keeping his intense eye contact and considering the question with a low hum. “No. You don’t.” He settled on, stating it firmly and with conviction. Steve was terrifying, but the shine in Neil’s eye confirms that he would rather die than let him know that.
Steve made a face when he looked interested more than he was before in Neil. "Well, come on then" Steve put his stuff away, closing the case up and handing it to Neil with a wink, "unless you want to get caught, that is" Steve smiled faded at the possibility that Neil could just say no and run, but Steve would make sure his actions had consequences.
Fortunately, it seemed Neil had better common sense than that and hesitantly stepped forward to take the case. “You look like you know what you’re doing. I’d rather take your lead than to spend the next 30 years in prison.” Neil replied in perfect deadpan. He wasn’t a fool—he knew what happens to boys like him if he was targeted before being in a building full of men with his being as pretty as he was… well, that’s just asking for trouble, isn’t it?
Steve smiled. "Smart boy." Honestly, Steve would have so much fun with this guy; maybe they would even kill together. Hmm, the idea of that, the excitement of it. 
Steve picked up the body, throwing it over his shoulders like it was nothing to him--it was unfortunate he would have to get rid of his suit because of this. Hunting in clothes you wear is never a good idea with fibers getting everywhere. 
"My car's not far."
Neil slowed, eying how easily Steve had manhandled a grown man’s dead weight. He wasn’t sure if that added to the intimidation or stirred something in him. Neil gave his head a slight shake before gripping the case in his hands tighter and following Steve back out to his car.
It was a fancy thing, sleek black and probably more expensive than Neil had ever owned or even touched.
Steve opened the trunk of the car and placed the body down into it. Honestly, all of this tonight made him yearn for another hunt, but he wasn't going on another trip for a few weeks. 
Steve let out a sigh as he grabbed the case from Neil and put it in with the body, and removed the extra attire he was wearing. 
"Get in the back seat. I already put a sheet down for you" Steve opened the back door like a gentleman. Steve wondered what Neil was feeling, how much excitement was kicking in? Did he feel good? Steve always enjoyed the thrill of it all, but he wanted to know how other people thought.
Neil pulled a face at his commanding tone, but climbed in anyway, face passive save for his ears’ tips that flushed a pretty red. “M, not a damn dog, yknow,” he mumbled out, although he understood the reasoning given the front of his shirt was splattered in blood.
He shuffled in, careful not to touch anything that wasn't the plastic sheet lining the inside of the car. “What’re you going to do with him?” he asked quietly, the meekest Steve’s seen him all night. 
Steve got out into the car’s front seat and fixed his mirror to see Neil in the back seat, getting to see him in a slightly better light before the overhead light in the car went out as he turned the car on. “Well, dump his body somewhere in a few days,” Steve smiled, thinking about how he could take credit for it. “Maybe cut something into his skin, take the top of his skull, and put it on my wall.”
It’s not something that’s been disclosed by the cops yet, at least not officially. Reporters have spread the news like cockroaches in hidden corners, whispering about how the serial killer King takes the crown of the victims’ scalps. It’s terrifying, really. Neil narrows his eyes a smidge.
“Why do you do it?”
Steve had never thought about why he did what he did; he only started doing it three victims into this game of his. Sometimes he does it when the people are still alive, watching the fear dripping from their eyes until the shock sets in. 
“They don’t deserve a crown.”
Neil hummed, “Who deserves a crown, then?”
Steve pulled out of the parking spot, locking eyes with Neil in the mirror. “I do.”
Neil held his gaze—feeling trapped by Steve’s shockingly clear brown eyes, and yet he felt no struggle or want to break out of it.
Neil is prey. Interesting, pretty, entertaining prey.
And Steve was going to eat him alive just to force him to submit to him. To admit how scared he is of The King.
Co written w/ @desertdwellerdanny
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