#maybe i can scoot my bed a bit and put some kinda small table between it and the window and put it there and relocate the grow light
finnyboywolfhard · 3 years
Shut Him Up
Richie Tozier x Reader 
Aged up 5 years after fight with IT so they are 18 :)
summary: The Losers Club has a movie night and Richie doesn’t know how to shut up. 
warnings: cursing, fluff
word count: 2.1k 
           Popcorn popped loudly in the vibrating microwave, Y/N maneuvered around the kitchen gathering the various snacks and drinks that the Loser’s requested. She grabbed a large bowl for the popcorn as a knock pounded against the door.
“Hold on!” Y/N dropped the hot bag and rushed over to the door, pulling it open with a huff, delighted to see Beverly Marsh behind the door. “Oh thank god it’s you.” Y/N said wrapping her arms around Bev.
“You sure are happy to see me.”
“Because I know you’ll actually help me get everything set up and not just goof off. If Richie was the first one here one more time I was gonna go crazy.” Y/N explained as she walked to the kitchen, handing Bev a few bags of chips and a tray holding drinks. Y/N poured the popcorn in a bowl and grabbed the packages of candy from beside her and ushered for Bev to follow her through the corridor to her Living Room. They dropped the snacks onto the table. Y/N looked down to see she was still in her “nicer” clothes.
“Hey, I’m gonna go get changed real quick, open the door if any of them come.”
“I need you to know I’m gonna snoop.” Bev yelled out as Y/N began bounding up the stairs.
“You always do!” Y/N yelled back. Once inside her room, she rummaged through her drawers to find an old t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. She put on a pair of socks, grabbed a few blankets from her room and came back down to a room full of teenage boys. She looked around at how the chairs and couches filled up, to see that she was once again stranded on the loveseat with the chatterbox himself Richie Tozier.
“Hey Bev! I think you might have left something in my room last week, can you come with me for a sec?” Y/N yelled, just peering around the corner. All eyes looked at her.
“What did she forget?” Ben asked as Bev passed by him.
“A girl thing, there’s a reason I didn’t say what.”
“Oh so a Brassiere!” Richie said in the annoying British voice before switching back to his own. “You could have just said Y/N/N, we all know you both have tits.”
           Y/N simply flipped him off and grabbed Bev’s hand to go upstairs. The two got inside Y/N’s room and Y/N just crossed her arms and looked at her.
“What? Why are you mad?”
“How the hell did I end up next to Richie AGAIN?”
“We practically have assigned seats at this point…” Bev said trying to play it off.
“Bullshit. Last week you sat in the La-Z-Boy with Bill and this week you’re on the big couch with Ben, Mike and Stan. What is up?” Y/N stared at Bev until she finally broke.
“Okay, he has a crush on you and is too scared to tell you so he keeps asking to sit next to you and showing up first.” Y/N’s jaw hung slack for a few moments before she snapped it shut and ran her hands through her hair. She collapsed backwards onto her bed.
“Beeeevvvvvv. This can’t be happening to me.”
“Oh please, like you don’t feel the same way.” Bev said grabbing Y/N’s hands and pulling her to sit up.
“What are you—“ Y/N looks at Bev who just cocks her head as if to ask ‘are you serious?’. “Fine, maybe I do. But he NEVER shuts up during movies. It ruins the experience.”
“Just ask him to stop, he’d do anything you ask, I’m sure of it.” Bev said. “Now, we have to get down there or else they’ll know this was definitely a lie.”
The two giggle as they leave the room and go back down the stairs. Y/N hip bumps Bev as Bev goes to her seat on the couch and Y/N puts in the movie.
“Kay Stanley, what did you bring us on this fine evening?” Y/N said as she glanced down at the CD.
“Forrest Gump. It was released in theaters a few months ago, the woman at Blockbuster said that it is a must see. It has Tom Hanks.”
“Oh that’s the dude on the poster in the Arcade!” Richie piped in.
“Yeah it is Richie! Doesn’t it have umm…the woman who played Princess Buttercup…umm Ro—“
“Robin Wright!” Stanley finished her thought. “Yeah it is, so you’ve heard of it?”
“Yeah my parents saw it, they loved it. I guess we’re in for a treat.” Y/N flashed her smile to the Loser’s as she tiptoed her way to beside Richie. She couldn’t help but notice that there was only one blanket on the seat.
“Hey guys? I thought I brought down a blanket for each of us?” Y/N looked around the room, the sound of previews playing. Her eyes finally landed on Bev, who had a curious smirk across her face.
“Oh…huh…when I was distributing them there was only seven…I guess you didn’t.”
“It’s fine, I’ll just go grab another.” Before she could leave, Richie grabbed a hold of her hand.
“Don’t worry about that, just take this one. I don’t get cold.”
“Yeah, okay, sure. We all know that’s true.” Y/N said sarcastically, dropping onto the seat. The movie had only been playing for about 15 minutes and Y/N swore that Richie was leaning over and whispering something for 14 minutes of it.  
“Psst…Y/N/N…” Richie leaned over to whisper once more.
“What?!” Y/N whispered back with force.
“I actually am cold, can we share?” She looked over, he was giving her puppy dog eyes and her hard exterior was being broken with each second she held eye contact.
“Fine.” She untucked the blanked from under her and threw it across Richie’s Lap. She had to scoot closer in order for the blanket to comfortably cover them both.
“Oooh, awfully close there sweetheart. It’s almost like you like me or some shit.” Richie teased. Y/N just rolled her eyes and kept her focus onto the movie. The blanket and close proximity kept Richie quiet for a bit, but not too long.
“Richie, please, can you just shut the fuck up?” Y/N/N plead to him in a whisper. She looked toward him, unaware of how close they were, as their noses nearly grazed. Richie took in a breath.
“Make me.” He said, softening his frame. Y/N didn’t know what took over her. Maybe it was the fact that she wanted to actually watch the movie. Maybe it was the fact that she’s had a crush on Richie for the past two years. Maybe she’s using it as ammunition against his crush. She didn’t know for certain, but she leaned forward and kissed Richie. At first gently--longingly. But then she pulled his head closer to her for a more passionate kiss for a few seconds and then she pulled back. She sat back firmly against the couch. Richie sat dazed for a second, glancing between Y/N and his own lap before sitting back just as Y/N did.
           The credits began to roll when Mike leaned over and flicked on the lamp in the room. Everyone did the usual stretching and readjusting to light. Stan and Eddie started to small talk about the movie but their attention was piqued by Bev.
“Y/N, did you break Richie?” Bev asked, looking towards the boy who was sitting back against the loveseat, with love struck eyes and a confused look across his face. Every so often he would just look over towards Y/N and then immediately just back to his lap. Y/N glanced over for the first time since and giggled to herself a little bit.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N said just for the ruse.
“Look at him! He’s like…glazed over.” Eddie said flailing at the boy sitting there.
“Yeah, and I haven’t heard him in like 45 minutes, that’s not normal.” Stanley agreed. Suddenly, Richie snaps out of his daze and cockily turns to Y/N.
“Come on, Y/N/N. Show them what you did to me.” Richie smirked in the cockiest way he ever has. As much as she hated it, she kinda loved it too.
“Fine, I will.” Y/N declared in the same tone, making glaring eye contact as she pulled Richie in for a kiss. It lasted for a few moments before they pulled apart. They looked at each other for a few moments.
“What just happened?” Mike said blankly bursting the bubble the two were in.
“That was so…” Eddie pauses to gag. “So fucking nasty.”
“Wow thank you Eds for those touching words.” Y/N sarcastically said.
“Are you gonna explain or are we just gonna sit here?” Bev asked.
“He wouldn’t shut the fuck up during the movie so I asked him to, and he said ‘make me’, so I kissed him. It worked.” She said, maintaining eye contact with Bev, who then started to giggle. Richie’s eyes moved between the two girls, piecing things together.
“Fuck you Bev. You fucking told her.” Richie said standing up angrily, gathering his stuff up, clearly about to storm out.
“Richie I—“Bev started to answer.
“I don’t want to hear it. You both embarrassed me, I…I gotta go.” Richie tried to get past Bill and Mike who had now formed a barrier in front of the door.
“R-R-R-Richie, just listen to th-th-them.” Bill said.
“Why should I?” Richie said. Y/N nervously stood from the love seat and turned to face the doorway.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
“You’re fucking in love with me?” Richie asked shocked.
“Let’s go upstairs, shall we?” Y/N laced her hands through Richie’s and pulls him up the stairs. She slinks through her door and sits on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to her for Richie. He sits down, and starts wringing his hands. The silence is deafening. “Hey.” She said as she leans to bump into him.
“Y/N/N…” he said dishearteningly. As she looked at him, her gut told her to just say ‘Fuck it’.
“Richie I have had a crush on you since that day two years ago when you found me crying in the clubhouse. You just sat and listened to me, and you made me feel so…safe. It was a side of you I had never seen before. And I liked it. And then suddenly I started liking everything. Except for when you talk through movies, but everything else.” She giggled, and looked at him. She loved the way his curls framed his face and the way his brown eyes still sparkled unlike any other. She loved the way sometimes his mouth looked too big for his face. She loved the way he would overcompensate with his jokes. She loved the way he would tease and treat all of the Losers the same way, and that he cared about spending time with each and every single one of them. He was so loyal, and funny, and handsome, and he was just so utterly Richie.
“You were even pretty when you were crying.” Richie joked back. “I’ve liked you since after the fight with IT, when you asked me if I was okay. No one ever asks me that. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on to this whole fucking crush thing sooner.”
“I’m surprised you were such a pussy and didn’t make the first move.” Y/N responded back.
“Ouch, Y/N, getting me right where it hurts.” Richie pretending to stab himself through the heart and fell back onto the bed. He pulled a dead face, only for a second before he opened one eye and turned to her to see her reaction. Through breathy laughs, she leaned down to hover over the boy. His hand found a base at the nape of her neck and pulled her in for a gentle kiss. It started off sweet and soft but as they realized the position they were in, Y/N flipped her leg over his waist in order to straddle him. The kiss began to pick up speed and passion. The two started to really get into it, only to be cut off by the Losers slamming the door open.
“Oh gross! You guys! We were right down stairs!” Eddie shrieked. Y/N climbed off of Richie.
“As if I would fuck him the very first night we’re dating.”
“We’re dAting?” Richie’s voice cracked with excitement. Y/N turned to him, gave him a peck and a smiley nod yes. “Oh Fuck yeah!”
“Does this mean we’re gonna find y’all making out during movie nights now?”
“God no!”-- “Hell yeah!” Richie and Y/N responded in unison, there were definitely a few things they still needed to work out, but they were happier than ever before.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 1: Rimming
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader
Words: 3,560
Warnings: Rimming, anal sex, some vaginal fingering, himbo Ben (mild unintentional hypnosis I guess)
A/N: Welcome to Kinktober! This is actually an idea i’ve been thinking about for quite a while. We’ve done himbo Rog and himbo Gwil so it only seemed fair to do himbo Ben and since he’s obviously an ass man......only made sense that he’d be into anal lmao. It seemed like the perfect fit for the first of these prompts. But this is the first time I’ve written (or even really thought about) rimming so I hope it’s okay!
“Geeze Ben, could you maybe close your porn next time. Didn’t really expect to see that autoplay when I woke the computer up this morning,”  Ben snorted into his plate of eggs, “Which one was it?”  “Something called Anal Punisher 3.”  “Don’t know what you’re complaining about, that’s a good one.” His eyes twinkled teasingly and he poked his tongue out as you sat in front of your own plate.  “I’m sure it is.” You chuckled, able to see the funny side now that you weren’t staring directly at close up of a porn stars arsehole, “Just not when I’m trying to check my emails on our shared desktop.”   “As if you’ve never had a cheeky wank at that computer.”  “That’s what I have a laptop for,” You laughed again, shaking your head.  “Alright, fair play. I only left it up cause you got home early last night and I had to, um, clean up.”  You rolled your eyes at the flimsy excuse.  “And if you don’t want me watching Anal Punisher 3 then maybe you should let me punish your anal....arse....fuck, you know what I mean.”  It was your turn to snort into your breakfast, Ben’s clumsy attempt at seduction nearly making you inhale the scrambled eggs. When you finally got yourself under control you said, “I don’t care if you watch it, just shut it down when you’re finished.”   “Sorry love,”  “But  y’know, if you did want to anal arse fuck me tonight I wouldn’t say no.”  Ben’s eyes lit up in excitement. He’d either not heard the joke you’d made at his expense or decided it wasn’t worth bringing up if the possibility of anal was on the table, “Serious?”  “Serious. I’ll even put my plug in when I get dressed so we don’t have to spend as much time on foreplay.”  “If I hadn’t already married you, I’d propose on the spot.” 
But by the time Ben got home he seemed more interested in just cuddling on the couch. You’d done as you said you would and worn your plug all day, constantly thinking about what would happen later that night. Right up until Ben stepped inside yawning, when you snuck off to the bathroom to remove it, realising your plans were unlikely to go ahead. You’d half expected him to fall asleep on the couch after dinner but evidently, some part of him still wanted you. He tapped his thigh and beckoned you towards him, pulling you down so he could hold you close and kiss your shoulder. Soon enough that cuddling had turned to making out, you straddling his lap as you kissed him deeply, his large hands pulling you into him, stroking whatever bare skin he could find. Without thinking you dragged your fingers through his hair. He hummed in response so you did it again, your fingers creating small, firm circles against his scalp, drawing random patterns there as you focused on keeping your lips on his and your tongues entwined. Ben made soft pleased sounds as your fingers kept up their movement, almost moaning at the sensation. You could feel him getting harder under you as you carefully rocked your hips.   “Benny?”  “Huh?”  His hands had begun to roam more, moving down to your arse, grabbing and squeezing as he pulled you against him.  “Kinda got me excited here honey. Might wanna stop if you’re too tired to carry through,”  “What?”   He seemed nearly dazed, not properly comprehending what you were saying.   You shifted your hand to his chest, drawing small circles with your finger, “I mean I’ve been thinking about you fucking me all day anyway.”  “Think?”  “Exactly, thinking about our conversation this morning. Remember? Anal Punisher 3?”  “Anal?” It was still a question but there was a tone of excitement behind the dopey confusion.  “You said you wanted to.... I kinda really want you to.”  “Mmmm,”  “I mean I get it if you’re too tired,” you said softly, stroking your palms over his biceps, “but I’m up for it now if you are. So, do you still want to?”  “Mmhmm,” but as keen as he sounded, Ben didn’t seem inclined to move to the bedroom or even to begin to undress you. He was too caught up in feeling you up and trying to kiss you again.   “Don’t you want me Benny?”  He was slow to react, eyes still shut as he nodded, speech flowing like treacle “Want - you.”  “You can have me.” You had to lean back to stop him from kissing you again. As much as you liked making out, you were getting eager for more and wanted to know where he was at.  He nodded again, not seeming to hear you, and then, when he couldn’t immediately locate your lips again, opened his eyes.   It reminded you of the time a few friends had dragged you and Ben to a hypnotists show. None of your group had been pulled on stage to experience the hypnotic powers the man claimed to have, but those who had been had all worn similar expressions to Ben. Eyes heavy lidded and almost glazed over and when they’d gone back to their seats you’d noticed that they seemed a bit dazed and confused. You’d not seen Ben look like that before. Well, maybe a bit dazed after you gave him a proper good blow job, but nothing to this extent. Not even when you edged him repeatedly. He tended to get whiny and loud rather than glassy eyed and dopey. Usually more talkative too, begging or moaning your name. This was something new.  
Curiously, you stoked his hair back off his face and asked him how he felt, tugging lightly on the ends that reached the back of his neck.  “Good,” he sighed softly, “Kiss?”  You couldn’t deny him that when he’d asked so cutely, so you leaned in to kiss him again, letting him draw you in deeply for a moment. When the chance arose you let your lips slip from his, kissing along his jaw until you reached his ear, “What else do you want?”  Ben hummed softly and then said, “Arse.”  It was unusual for Ben to be so monosyllabic. Even when he was super horny and desperate for you, he could generally get most of a coherent sentence out. Nothing that would win any literary awards of course, but enough so you knew what he meant.  “What do you mean Benny?”  “Ummm....arse.....cock.”  It sounded like it had been a struggle for him to even think of the two words he wanted but you couldn’t help but giggle, “Does that mean you want to fuck me?”  “Yeah,”  “Okay baby. But you have to do everything I say, understand?”  Ben nodded.  “Can you do what I say Benny? Be a good boy and follow my instructions?”  He nodded again, “Yes. Please.”  You kissed him once more, trying not to laugh too much, and then scooted off his lap.  Ben whined as soon as the physical contact was broken.  “If you want my arse we gotta move to the bedroom,”  He frowned as if he didn’t quite understand but let you take his hand all the same and followed you to the bedroom. 
Ben’s hands began to wander again when you stopped to open your bedroom door, grasping your hips and then dropping lower to rest against your behind.   It was hard to ignore the tingle the light contact sent through you but you bit down on your rising need as you turned and grasped Ben’s hands, “Gotta wait for that Benny. Just a little longer.” You stepped back towards the bed and Ben smiled dopily as you pulled him along. “I mean I’m ready but not all the way. But if you help get me lubed up you can fuck my arse for as long as you want.”  It was like a light turned on inside Ben’s mind. His eyes still had that unfocused look but they were wider and he was nodding enthusiastically.  “You gonna undress me or should I start for you?” You laughed and when he didn’t immediately move you began pulling your shirt off over your head, too eager to wait. You reached behind you to unclasp your bra, “C’mon Benny. Help me out.”  Ben blinked twice before he seemed to understand but was soon offering his help, pulling the bra from your arms, gently cupping your breasts as he revealed them, thumbs falling into a familiar rhythm rubbing back and forth over your nipples. Still moving slowly, Ben leaned in and kissed your throat, humming in response as you pressed your chest into his hands and sighed contentedly. But he clearly had something else on his mind because soon enough his hands fell, fingers picking at the waistband of your leggings. Indulging him you quickly shed your pants, turning so he could see the thing he really wanted as you stripped off the final layer of clothing. Ben watched intently as you wiggled your hips teasingly and eked the waistband of your knickers down a few inches. And then something changed. 
You felt it in the air, a shift in energy, but even that wasn’t enough to prepare you as Ben growled and lunged forward, his hands tight on your waist as he lifted you onto the bed, barely giving you time to settle on your hands and knees before he dived in behind you.   All you could manage was to gasp his name as he rushed to tear your underpants down your thighs. But your surprise at his sudden movement doubled as he spread your cheeks and buried his face between them. He’d licked you like that once or twice but only when he’d been eating your pussy and teasingly snuck his tongue elsewhere as you tried to recover from your orgasm. This was entirely different.  
It felt similar to the vaguely tickly sensation he made you feel when he was helping you relax before a round of anal, when he would tease you with light strokes from his fingers until you were shivering and wanting more. But there was more heat to it. His breath hot and his tongue wet as he traced your hole. You felt like you’d been completely lit up from within, like he’d suddenly discovered a hundred more nerve endings than he usually hit. And adding to all the physical sensations of Ben’s fingers holding you open and his mouth exploring your darkest nooks, was the feeling of doing something properly filthy. You’d felt the same when you and Ben first tried anal, completely depraved at enjoying something so taboo. That feeling had lessened as you did it more, your enjoyment then stemming from Ben’s improved skills more than the act itself. But with your head against the sheets and your arse in the air you remembered why you’d liked feeling so downright dirty. It only heightened your desire and made every caress of Ben’s tongue sweeter.  
Of course, best of all was just how into Ben was. You wondered how he could possibly be breathing when every second seemed to be taken up with moans and groans as he feasted on you. The noises started softly as he tantalized you with hard licks against your arsehole and the surrounding area. But as his tongue explored deeper, as he pressed into you, making your arse feel slick and hot with his drool and making your pussy throb, he got louder. He seemed to enjoy you more and more, as if he’d never eaten anything as satisfying in his life. That was enough to have you shaking. You were already wet from grinding against him on the couch but the ways he was touching you and how thoroughly he was enjoying it had you positively soaked.   “Finger me Benny,” you gasped, trying to maintain some of the control you’d intended to have.  Ben did as you asked, never able to deny you what you craved, but it wasn’t up to his usual standard. His fingers weren’t as deft as normal, moving awkwardly and out of time. It was as if his fingers were trying to work off of muscle memory alone, his mind too consumed with something else to take any notice of your cunt.   With a needy whine you clumsily disentangled one fist from the sheets and batted Ben’s hand out of the way, replacing it with your own.  Ben didn’t make any indication that he’d noticed you start touching yourself, except to tighten his grip on your arse, holding you firmly as you began to writhe against your fingers. He happily went back to gripping a cheek in each hand, pulling them wide to give himself better access to your arsehole.   It seemed that wearing your plug had been a good idea because Ben found it easy to press his tongue into you, licking around and making your muscles tighten before withdrawing and sinking in again.   And that stimulation plus your own fingers in your cunt made you moan wantonly into the bedding.  Ben answered with his own long, loud moan of desire, sending a shiver along your spine. It was enough to tip you over the edge, your fingers massaging a spot within you as Ben rapidly tongued your hole. 
You rode out your high before letting your fingers slip back to tangle in the sheets once more, but Ben showed no signs of stopping. He might very well have kept up the intoxicating performance all night if you hadn’t whined his name. Even that wasn’t enough to make him stop entirely, just slow down and hum.  “Ben? Benny?” you gasped, as he readjusted his grip on you, “You gonna fuck me or what?”  Ben groaned as if he didn’t want to stop tasting you but wanted to move on to other things as well. And you were on the verge of instructing him to get the lube when you felt his fingers. He reached under you, two digits carefully tracing along your cunt, sliding through the creamy evidence of your earlier orgasm. He didn’t break contact, his fingers just as softly sliding along your crack and up to your arsehole. And then they were pushing against the ring of muscle.  Usually he’d take his time applying lube but he seemed too lost in the moment to remember it. You didn’t mind too much though. Lube might have made it a touch more comfortable but wearing the plug had helped loosen you up and Ben had thoroughly coated everything with his saliva and your own cum. His fingers breached you moderately easily, making you shiver and whine at the feeling of being filled again.   “God it’s a good thing we do this a lot,” you half sighed, half laughed into the sheets, as Ben’s fingers sank another inch into you.  Ben’s only response was to lean forward and lick around where his fingers were penetrating you, humming happily as he did so. 
Ben seemed inclined to spend just as long fingering you as he did licking you, but the way his fingers moved inside you quickly had you worked up and eager for more.   “God Ben. You’re hard right?”  Ben only pumped his fingers into you faster but you took it as a yes.  "So fuck me already. Please Benny,” It came out whinier than you’d expected so you cleared your throat and tried a proper demand, “I need your cock in my arse now Ben.”  You weren’t sure it would be enough to get Ben’s attention. He seemed too engrossed in fingering you to even hear what you were saying. But thankfully, something broke through his blinders.  Suddenly, his fingers disappeared. It was followed by the sound of his pants coming down and then you felt the head of his cock against your back entrance.  “Wait,” You gasped, “Wait. Lube.”  Ben repeated the word lube in a grunt, shifting hips slightly so he could run his shaft along your soaked cunt. You felt him between your lips, as if he were teasing you, sliding back and forth, coating his length in your juices.   A moment later, he returned to your other hole, his hands on your hips to pull your arse back onto him.  Ben let out a satisfied groan as he sank into you but you were panting roughly, almost seeing stars with how good it felt to finally be filled the way you wanted to be. Once or twice your breath hitched, the discomfort of his size pushing into you exacerbated by the lack of proper lube. But it wasn’t enough to truly bother, certainly not enough to stop. The fact that just seeing your arse had made Ben snap into an animalistic, almost feral demeanour had made you impossibly horny. And you were desperate for him to fuck you properly now he was fully sheathed in your arsehole’s tight embrace.   Ben moaned at the feeling, vocalising your own desire. And then he said something.   “What was that Benny?” you asked, unable to comprehend him.  “Fuck....arse......hngggg.....arse.....” he said though you were sure you were missing something. But as nonsensical as it was it was still hot. Knowing Ben was so desperate for this, for you, knowing you could make him babble incomprehensibly. It was insanely hot.   And then he began to fuck you.   You whined and brought your hand to your pussy again, finding your clit, though Ben’s frantic thrusts made it hard to keep the contact consistent.  
You screamed when you came, voice tearing out of your throat as Ben roughly pounded into you, his hips almost bruising hard against your arse.   It was nearly impossible for you to breathe under so much pleasure and you panted for air as the orgasm subsided.  But Ben was still going, still thrusting into you furiously, grunting with the effort as he neared his own release.   You gasped his name and told him to cum, trying to not get swept away by the feeling of his cock moving inside you, wanted him to keep going almost as much as you wanted to feel his semen warm you from the inside out, and drip out of you.   Your request was enough to make him shudder to a halt, his hands squeezing your hips tightly as he released himself with a groan.  He thrust a few more times and your limbs gave out. You felt them wobble and then collapse under you, Ben’s body pressing you into the mattress as he sank down too, still trying to fuck you.  
It took you saying his name twice before he stopped though he made a reluctant sort of a sound when he realised he had to pull out.  “Well if you didn’t fuck me so well you probably could have gone on a bit longer,” you laughed as he, somewhat grudgingly, pushed himself to his feet.  With a satisfied groan you rolled over and stretched your arm out to grab Ben’s hand so you could pull him onto the bed too.   He lay on his front, sighing as his head fell into the crook of your neck, his body resting almost entirely over yours.   You were half being crushed by his weight but you enjoyed it. It was comforting and warm and you softly drew your hands over his back as you caught your breath properly.  Ben was quiet as he lay there until, some ten minutes later, he suddenly pushed himself to his knees, blinking at you. His eyes still had a vaguely unfocused appearance but the more he blinked the more normal he seemed.   “Are you okay?” He asked slowly.  You laughed and nodded, “More than okay. Lie back down, I’m too tired to sit up.”  He compiled with your request, lowering himself again but this time on his back, “I have no idea what just came over me, babe.”  With a sigh you shifted to your side, propping your head up on one hand, “What do you mean?”  “All I know is I saw your arse and just needed it, more than anything else, more than air, I just wanted you.”  “Gotta admit, it was a little unexpected,” you lay your palm on Ben’s chest, his skin still flushed and warm to the touch, “But ummmm, definitely didn’t hate it.”  His hand landed gently on top of yours, holding you against his heart, “Did I use any lube at all?”  “Only spit and my cum.”  “Fucking hell. Are you sure you’re okay?”  “It’s fine Benny. If I’d needed anything else I would have made you stop. If I’m honest....kind of made it hotter.”  “Babe!”  “Not in a weird way! I’m not going to let you get away without lube all the time.” You laughed, “Just knowing you wanted me so badly was nice.”  “I always want you badly.”  You patted Ben’s chest softly, your heart fluttering, “Does that mean you’d want to eat my arse again another time?”  “You liked it?”  “Well you were very thorough.”  Ben groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes which just made you laugh again.  “I did enjoy it,” you said softly, deciding to put him out of his misery, “Wasn’t necessarily expecting it but it felt really good.”  “Well that’s something. I still don’t understand what just happened though.”  “What’s that saying...Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?” 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini 
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souichieatr · 3 years
hiluuu! can i request a scenario/drabble for tsukishima, kuroo, oikawa, and akaashi where they're in a heated argument with their fem!s/o, then she suddenly faints? turns out she had a fever since the morning and hid it from them but got worse during their fight?
their s/o faints during a heated argument
with tsukishima k, kuroo t, oikawa t, akaashi k
a/n: thank you for requesting i hope you enjoy, im sorry this took forever?????? they get longer each one omg
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tsukishima k
you don't even remember why you both are fighting, as he sips another insult your headache gets worse. as you don't say anything just raise your hand to your head he gets even more frustrated. "can you at least act like your age, ignoring me isn't going to resolve the issue." he says not noticing how your body starts to shuffle as you try and keep your balance. rolling his eyes turning to the door, "im not going to deal with this today-" before he can finish he hears a loud thud, turning around he sees your body on the floor. rushing to the floor next to you, "y/n?" bringing his hands up to your head, biting his lip cursing at himself in his head. picking up and lays you down in the bed as he gets water and a towel. when you wake up again you notice youre in bed, trying to sit up youre pushed back down. “don't do that, that wasn't cool” he says in a low tone, handing you a glass and some medicine. taking them both with a nod, “thank you kei and im sorry” you say handing the glass back to him, setting it down on the table he takes your hand. gently kissing the back of it and resting his head on your hand. “why are you on the floor?” you softly smile at him hearing a small ‘shut up.’
kuroo t
the fight started because he started to prioritize the volleyball team more than you. it didnt bother you that he stayed late, went early to practice, it didnt bother you until he started canceling plans with you. he told you repeatedly he would spend more time with you, today not being any different waiting in the rain in front of the cafe you both decided to eat at. not until 10 minutes had passed you went back to the school, walking to the gym with angry steps you opened the door roughly. the whole team looking at you soaking wet, frozen for a second he walks over to you. “y/n what are you doing here?” he says in an annoyed tone. “don't give me that bullshit tetsurō, we had plans today i waited for you to only be stood up again, are you even serious about this? us?” you say motioning your hand between him and you. rolling his eyes and he huffs, “can you stop being dramatic? im a captain this team needs me i didnt know you could be so selfish” widening your eyes at him, trying to catch your breath you close your eyes. “selfish? me selfish? you have some nerve i'll be leaving since i dont wanna bother the captain and his team” you say sarcastically, stepping back outside you start coughing. kuroo following behind you, “this conversation isn't done yet” he says grabbing your wrist, turning you around and his eyes widen. “y/n? you look pale are you okay?” he says as he does your eyes roll back and your legs give out. taking you in his arms he rushed inside asking the guys to grab towels to dry you off. sitting down on the floor with you in between his legs, he holds you close feeling guilty. feeling you stir awake he kisses your cheek, “im so sorry babe this is my fault, if i had just been there you wouldnt have been waiting in the rain” he says hugging you tighter. “im serious about us more than anything. i'll try harder to put more effort into our relationship. “i trust you tetsu and do you have any medicine? my heads killing me” you say smiling, he smiles and hands you a bottle of pills and a water.
oikawa t
sitting on the couch, rubbing your temples. “tooru can we please talk about this? youve been ignoring me all day” you say looking at him as he paces the room. “oh now you wanna talk? i thought you were too busy with iwa to notice me” he said stopping to look at you. “wow why are you so mad? what does iwaizumi have to do with this?” you say giving him a confused face as you rest your hand on the back of the couch. “y/n why dont you just date him huh? you obviously like him so much, why are you even with me?” he says getting louder each word. “literally what?” you saying this getting him more frustrated. sighing at those words he runs his hands through his hair, “i saw you both hugging if i knew you were just jumping my friends maybe i what've listened to all those girls.” “okay now what the actual fuck tooru? i can't hug a friend all of a sudden? did you just imply that i am cheating? i cannot believe you” you say feeling your anger bubble up, he opens his mouth to say something. “no no! because how dare you, you have girls all over you everywhere trying to take pictures and give you gifts, you expect me to worship the ground like they do dont you? guess what im not, you dont get to accuse me of cheating because i hugged someone that someone being your closest friend just what person do you take me as huh?” you say getting up fast, maybe too fast as the pounding in your head gets louder. leaning your weight on the couch as you continue, “me and iwaizumi share one simple goal and thats to keep your ass in line, all those late nights and you overworking yourself, you not coming to anyone for help and your bratty ass attitude hes the only one who'll help me deal with you, im not gonna let you blame him because all hes done is help you.” you say getting the strength to get closer to him as you try and take a step your legs falter. his initial reaction to everything you said had his eyes widened and mouth agape, seeing you almost fall sent him over to you trying to help. “no i can do i-” you say as you start to fall and everything goes black. opening your eyes slowly you feel something cool on your head, “hey youre up” a voice says softly. looking over to see tooru next to you as he grabs your hand, before you could say anything else he speaks up. “let me talk for a bit yeah?” he asks as he looks at your joined hands, whispering a soft “okay” he continues. “im sorry, im sorry for not noticing you weren't feeling good, im sorry for saying you cheated, im sorry for yelling, i just got insecure after i heard some girls talk about how cute you and iwa look and seeing you both hug like that just set me off” he says lifting your hands and kisses your knuckles. “i like how you dont worship the ground i step on, i like how you fight back but when i need you most youre always there. i appreciate everything you and iwa do, i love you y/n.” he finishes and looks at you with teary eyes, pulling him down into a hug you whisper “i love you too.”
akaashi k
now arguing with him isnt a normal thing, usually you both can speak calmly and work it out. he gets frustrated because you're not listening and he's been having a stressed week and just kinda blows up. sighing as he runs his hands through his hair, breathing in and out slowly trying to calm himself down. you roll your eyes, “keiji im fine can you just leave me alone, you dont have to treat me like a baby- '' before you could finish he lets out a small mocking laugh. “i wouldnt treat you like one if you didnt act like one, y/n grow up and take some responsibility so /i/ dont have to be the bad guy, the stressed one, the one who has to take care of you.” staring at him with wide eyes he continues, “you wanted me to stop treating you like a baby stop looking so shocked.” you feel a tickle in your throat, trying to hold it in hoping if youre quiet enough you could sneak away. ultimately failing and having a coughing fit you feel your legs get wobbly. “were you trying to hold it in? so childish” he says looking away about to walk off, turning his head to look at you before he walks away he sees your eyes roll back. you wake up on the couch with a wet towel and a blanket on you, slowly sitting up and looking towards the kitchen you see akaashi quietly making you food. looking back at the table you see a glass and some medicine. taking the items and washing them down alerted akaashi to you being awake, rushing to you he looks down at his hands as he picks at them. “how are you feeling?” he asks quietly, you answer with a quick “fine.” sitting on the side of the couch he faces you, “im sorry theres really no excuse for the way i acted i just i hate seeing you trying to be okay when youre not.” scooting closer you rest your head on his shoulder, “if what its worth i like when you baby me” smiling at you he kisses your forehead. “i'll remember that.”
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not proofread
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obabyobeymeme · 3 years
Resting with the Boys[TM]
summary: what i think falling asleep with them around would be like. that- that’s it, that’s the post note: yayayayy first post! this has been in my notes app for a Long time, so.. buckle up, this is going to be kinda long no matter what i do, thoughts went brrrrrr, sorry lmao.
Lucifer ➛ Good luck getting a moment alone with him. With all the work he has assigned by Diavolo, the time he spends cleaning up after his brothers’ shenanigans, and his duties as the eldest, it seems like he never has free time. ➛ When you do catch him alone, he’s either not in the mood for any sort of interaction or he’s taken the liberty of passing out at his desk, pen still in hand as he rests. ➛ You aren’t doing so well yourself, being a human exchange student doesn’t mean R.A.D. will go easy on you. Classes, assignments, and sometimes even just having to deal with the rest of the student body can be pretty tiring. ➛ Your patience pays off when the day finally comes that he’s mostly free of duties and your assigned tasks at the moment are all finished as well.
➛ You two don’t really do much, you spend the time talking over hot beverages and enjoying each other’s company in his office. Just having you around and not causing a ruckus is already more than enough for him. ➛ Lucifer ends up going on a halfhearted rant about his brothers as he organizes some papers next to you. How he found out about another one Satan and Belphie’s plots to inconvenience him and how he’ll turn it against them, wondering how the house hasn’t been decimated while he went on business trips sometimes... It’s nice seeing him not as uptight as he usually is. ➛ You end up getting a little drowsy despite your best attempts to listen to what he’s saying. Eventually your drowsiness wins over and you kinda.. nod off. Hopefully he doesn’t mind. (He does mind, actually. Sleeping sitting down may sound like a good idea at first, but Lucifer knows your neck will hate you for it when you wake up.) ➛ He doesn’t want to wake you, so he carefully nudges your head onto his lap before finishing up with the papers, occasionally running his hand through your hair. ➛ Once he’s done, he carries you to your room and makes sure you’re comfortable before leaving a kiss on your forehead and leaving, closing the door softly behind him.
Mammon ➛ When you suggest a lazy afternoon to him, he’ll act as if he has no time for a silly activity like that. Why would he? The Great Mammon has better things to do with his time than spending it lazing around with some- ➛ He trails off once he sees your slightly disappointed face. When you say you’ll find someone else to nap with, he changes his tune almost instantly. ➛ He just.. takes your wrist and goes “W-well, if ya want it THAT badly... but just this once, got it??” as he sorta tugs you along to his bedroom. ➛ This is where you learn that he has no idea how to share a bed with someone else. He seems torn between wanting to scoot closer or give you as much space he can without actually leaving the bed. ➛ You decide to make the decision for him, resting your head on his shoulder as you start rambling. Mammon warms up eventually and slings an arm around your shoulders, pulling you a bit closer. ➛ You drift off during a lull in the conversation, unintentionally leaving him hanging for a full minute before he realizes you’re asleep. ➛ He watches you for a while and makes sure you’re really out, then reaches for his phone and takes a picture (or five) of your sleeping face. What? You’re cute even when you sleep apparently! He’d rather go through one of Lucifer’s scoldings than admit that to your face in the near future though. ➛ You know that meme where people say they can't do anything because a cat fell asleep on them? Yeah, that happened to Mammon because of the arm he placed around you, he ended up falling asleep with you wrapped in his arms. ➛ When you wake up, you cannot move without his grip getting just a bit tighter. Greedy even in his sleep, it seems... rip if you have to go to the bathroom lmao
Leviathan ➛ You two spent pretty much the whole day in his room, geeking out over shared interests, catching up on anime Levi introduced to you, trying (and occasionally failing) at the games you both play ➛ You don’t even notice it’s well past 1 AM until you feel like you’ve been staring at a screen for an awful long time now, what time is- oh. ➛ Levi’s slightly disappointed that your hangout has to end, but yeah, he gets it. Everyone needs their sleep, even hardcore otakus. He’s about to tell you that you can leave when you flop into his bathtub bed, saying you’re too tired to walk all the way back. ➛ He short-circuits at the sight of you wrapping yourself around one of the many body-sized pillows, and when you realize he still has to get in the tub to sleep? And instead of getting out, you sit up and insist on him getting in with you??? ➛ A system error has occurred. Please restart your Leviathan. Come on, this is like that one scene in this shoujo anime he’s found where the main character and the person they’re pining for share a bed! ➛ He doesn’t say anything, but judging by the expression he’s making and how he’s clambering in behind you, you don’t think he minds too much. ➛ You two end up with his upper body propped up by the pillows and you kinda laying on top of him. It's a bit awkward considering the unconventional sleeping area, but it’s honestly more comfortable than you expected. ➛ Levi actually ends up falling asleep before you. You thought you were tired? Try being awake for 22 hours straight waiting for an exclusive merch drop you just couldn’t miss. He is out, and nothing you do can wake him. ➛ You both end up waking around noon thanks to your little late night stunt. Consider yourselves lucky that Satan saved you guys a plate before Beel got to it.
Satan ➛ He finds you in the House’s library, bent over at a table studying three textbooks at once. Understandable, given that it’s exam season, but it doesn’t look like you’re doing yourself any favors. ➛ And he’s right. You can’t make sense of anything in the books and you can feel a small headache coming on ➛ Satan offers to give you some help with your studies... after you’ve rested. He won’t take no for an answer, and since his room is much closer, he thinks it’s fine if you crash there while you take a break. ➛ He just has to... actually make space for you to rest first, though. He can navigate the chaos that is his room just fine, but you could easily trip on something, or worse, accidentally activate something cursed. ➛ Once that’s taken care of, you take a seat on his bed, scrolling through your D.D.D. as he takes one of the chairs, picking up a novel he bookmarked.  ➛ The scent of the books and the occasional sound of a page turning as Satan reads, along with his occasional hums of interest really helped put you at ease. After a couple of moments, despite yourself, you curl up and drift off. ➛ In between page turns, Satan would turn to check on you. When he realizes you’re asleep, he marks his novel and sets it down, turning to face you instead.  Since he knows his room can get a bit drafty sometimes, he drapes a blanket over you, smiling softly as you wrap the blanket more around yourself. ➛ You looking so cozy almost makes him want to join you, but just seeing that you’re comfy and much less stressed than before is enough right now. He instead gives you a head pat and goes back to his novel, the smile never quite leaving his face.
Asmodeus ➛ You know Asmo loves spending time together, from shopping trips to going to new places to even simple things like a tea spilling session every other night. ➛ So when you come to his room one evening to tell him sorry, you don’t really feel like a night on the town right now and would rather stay in and recharge, he’s not even as disappointed as you’d thought he’d be. ➛ He insists on pampering you both tonight, that way, you get to rest and relax with him, and he gets you all to himself for at least a couple of hours, uninterrupted. It’s a win-win scenario, in his opinion, and who are you to decline? ➛ You let him work his magic with whatever he has laying around, falling into your usual routine of talking as he does his and your nails and readies a face mask for the two of you as ambient music from his D.D.D. fills the air. ➛ When you find yourself getting sleepy, Asmo doesn’t mind at all! He puts away the stuff he used and suggests a little impromptu sleepover. ➛ You shouldn’t have been that surprised when he climbs into the bed after you, and you should’ve realized he’d be just as clingy in bed as he is normally. He can and will be all over you if you let him— running his fingers through your hair, cuddles like there’s no tomorrow...  ➛ His ridiculously soft and comfy bed definitely isn’t helping matters, and you drift off in record time. ➛ He’ll make sure you’re all tucked in and maybe internally squeal at how adorable you’re being, leaning into his touch in your sleep makes his heart do a flip ➛ You wake up the next day feeling like a new person, and next to you, looking surprisingly photogenic for someone half-asleep, is Asmo, tugging you back under the covers because it’s warmer with you in there. 
Beelzebub ➛ He’s been waiting at R.A.D.’s entrance for 20 minutes now. You were supposed to meet him so you could head to Hell’s Kitchen and hang out for a bit, but there’s still no sign of you and you haven’t read any of his texts. ➛ He gets a text from you then. Turns out your phone was on silent, because you felt a little burnt out from school and juggling hangout times with everyone else and went straight back to the House, wanting some quiet time. ➛ You send another message apologizing for the sudden change of plans and for not seeing his messages sooner, but Beel is pretty understanding. ➛ He isn’t letting his chance at being with you go that easily, though. He drops by a store to get you a little care package (and a handful of snacks so he still has something to give you by the time he gets to the house) and heads home. ➛ A few moments later, your door opens to reveal Beel. He leaves the food he brought on your table and sits down on the edge of your bed. You decide a cuddle buddy doesn’t sound too bad right now. After all, you already had the experience of sharing a room with Beel, surely sharing a bed will be similar? ➛ ... Not exactly. He’ll unintentionally take up half your bed no matter what you two do; you’ll either be searching for space or be pulled into the space he’s occupying like some sort of demon-shaped black hole. ➛ The solution: lay on his chest. He assures you that you aren’t too heavy for him, and if he’s being honest? Your weight is actually kinda comforting. ➛ You stay like that for a while, listening to his breathing and heartbeat, and eventually the stress of the past few days melts away, and you fall asleep with your arms draped over him like a pillow. ➛ He doesn’t mind, since you’re pretty much a living teddy bear to him, and he lets himself relax, a hand resting on your back. He just hopes his stomach won’t wake you both up...
Belphegor ➛ Let me get this straight. You want Belphegor, the literal Avatar of Sloth, to take a nap with you? Chances are he’s already half-asleep and all that’s left to do is join him... if he lets you. ➛ He’ll look at you, slightly irritated, but he’s too tired to argue, and you’d be warmer than a pillow, at least, so he motions for you to get in next to him. Just don’t move around too much or he’ll hog all the blankets in retaliation. ➛ If you’re close enough with him, either one of you has unspoken permission to join the other while they’re resting, no questions asked.  ➛ Probably has a bunch of pillows and blankets stowed away in various parts of the House, so nap supplies are readily available. Saves him from having to drag his stuff from place to place. ➛ The one downside to sleeping with Belphie is that he doesn’t need any time to unwind. He can go from full attention to catching Zs in minutes, leaving you no choice but to follow him into dreamland. ➛ He does cuddle a lot, though he’ll brush it off as using you as his personal heater. He’ll complain if you try to do it first, but he won’t make any moves to actually stop you. He actually might lean into you, making up an excuse about your side being comfier. ➛ If he really, really trusts you, he’ll lend you his beloved cow-print pillow. Only five minutes tops, though, then you have to give it back. ➛  When nights are bad and he doesn’t want to wake Beel up, he used to head to the planetarium to calm himself down. Now he slips into your room and takes comfort in knowing that you’re still safe and sound. You’ve woken up several times finding Belphie nuzzled into your blanket. ➛ If he feels especially clingy, his demon form’s tail will appear, slowly but firmly wrapping itself around your waist. Good luck getting out of bed without him knowing.
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oblxvion · 3 years
euphoric | eren jaeger (3)
-> pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader
-> wc: 3.3k
-> warnings: swearing, fluff kinda, angst
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it had been a week since you’d last seen eren, and you had just finished your exams. you plopped down onto your bed, exhausted but yet relieved that you had finished the tests. you had spent a large portion of the past couple weeks prepping for this and you really hoped that you had gotten a good grade to bring the ones you currently had to a better mark. 
now that you were finally done, you had time to relax and focus on yourself. you had planned to spend time with friends to make up for some of the time that you had lost while drowning yourself in your studies. you picked up your phone, lazily scrolling through your socials and texts messages.
you and eren had been talking quite a lot since he had been at your house. the flirty texts back and fourth, it almost seemed too good. it felt unreal, the way that you and him seemed to suddenly jump into what was almost a relationship. you didn’t question it though, you were happy. although he had a reputation, it didn’t bother you because you knew how he felt for you and how you felt for him, you weren’t intimidated at all.
“y/n? earth to y/n!” sasha brought you out of your trance while waving her hand in your face. 
“oh, fuck, yeah sash, what’s up?” you smiled sheepishly, you had been spacing out a lot recently and it did not go unnoticed by her.
“you keep spacing out,” she chuckles as she opens the fridge, grabbing herself some strawberries. “something on your mind?” she knew you too well.
“oh, it’s nothing,” you laughed nervously as you scratched the back of your head. you had pretty much given yourself away and she gave you a look. “okay, fine. i was thinking about eren, and my situation with him.”
“what about it?” 
“well, it’s just that it feels too good to be true, you know? i just don’t want something to happen and then i get heartbroken once again.” you told her, placing your phone down and playing with your fingers in the process; it was a habit of yours.
“what are you worrying about? you’re not seeing anyone other than eren and i can assure you that he isn’t seeing anyone else either.” she responds with a mouth full of fruit which earned a laugh out of you. sasha is very protective of you, you knew that. and if eren did anything to mess with you or hurt your feelings, she would ruin him. 
“yeah, but he’s had history with girls and…” you trailed off, not knowing how to go about this. you didn’t know why it was hard to talk about because sasha was the one who had told you about his previous flings with other girls in the past. it shouldn’t bother you, but now talking with sasha about it, it made you feel weird.
“and?” she asks as she placed the food back into the fridge before coming down and sitting across from you at your shared table. sasha could sense that there was uneasiness going on and she didn’t want to push you. “why don’t you talk to him? you could maybe set boundaries or even establish your relationship together so you won’t have anything to worry about.”
“yeah,” sasha’s words were making you feel better, she always knew what to do. “i’ll text him and we can maybe meet somewhere to talk.” you felt a bit better, knowing that you’d soon confirm the relationship between the two of you. she smiled at you, and told you to text him so you could figure out plans. you thanked her and made your way to your room opening eren’s contact number and pressing his number.
it rang a few times before it went to voicemail. voicemail? maybe he’s busy? other thoughts began pouring into your head, but you immediately shut them down. you trusted eren, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. after the voicemail operator stopped talking, you left him a message.
“hey eren, you’re probably busy right now but i just wanted to see if you were available later today so we could talk. it’s nothing bad though, i also just miss you. get back to me when you can.” 
you shut off your phone, placing it beside you as you reached for your computer to watch some anime that you had missed while being so preoccupied with your studying. occasionally you would look over to your phone to see if he got back to you, but he hadn’t. 
you were about halfway done with watching the 3rd episode of your show when you heard your phone buzz. you reached for your phone embarrassingly fast to see the texts.
eren jaeger
hey i’m so sorry i just saw u called
i was napping but yeah we definitely can talk later
what time are u free
you chuckled quietly and felt somewhat relieved that he was at home. you quickly responded to him with ideas.
oh dw about it
i’m free whenever i don’t really have much to do 
eren jaeger
we can go to a cafe if u wanna and chat there
i need food anyways lol
ok lol we can go to the cafe downtown if that works
eren jaeger
ok baby
i’ll see u then :)
even though it was a small text interaction between the two of you, it left your heart fluttering. it was around 12:45 so you had time to change into something more presentable but still comfortable for your liking. you decided that you would go early because you had to go to the store and buy some more shampoo and conditioner because you had just used the last bit of it this morning. 
when you walked out of your room, sasha was watching tv while texting someone who you assumed to be niccolo. she had seen him a few times the past week and you thought what they had was adorable. she would go over those nights and he would have a full course meal already prepared for her. imagine being in a relationship with a chef, that would be amazing.
“hey sash?” you asked as you slipped on your shoes, placing your hand on the door handle while reaching for your car keys.
“hm?” she looked up from her phone, and put two and two together. “you’re gonna talk to him?”
“yeah, i’ll be back later. i need to grab some stuff from the store though, text me if you need anything, ‘kay?” you smiled at her as you walked through the door. you heard her yell okay and that she’d text you if she needed something later. you made your way down to the entrance of your apartment complex and got into your car. you felt a bit tense, but you knew you were overreacting and that everything would be fine. 
you played your playlist while you drove, it calmed you down a bit more and you parked in the parking lot of the supermarket which was a five minute walk away from the cafe that you and eren had agreed to meet at. it was around 1:00 and you wanted to make the trip to the store quickly, double checking your phone to see if there was anything that sasha wanted. she hadn’t texted, so you went inside and went to find your favorite hair products. you grabbed the two that you liked, and made your way towards the front of the store to check out before you bumped into someone.
“y/n?” you looked up and saw jean standing in front of you. 
“oh, hi!” you backed up to meet his eyes, feeling embarrassed that you had not been watching where you were going. “i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention.”
“no worries, what’re you up to?” 
“oh nothing, i was just getting some stuff and i’m supposed to be meeting eren in a few.” you responded, eying the isles to see if there was anything else that you needed. 
“that’s nice,” he said with a smile. “are you guys together yet?” the word yet made you feel jittery, it meant that eren had talked about the possibility of a relationship with jean, someone who he always is butting heads with.
“actually, that’s what i was going to talk to him about…” you laughed sheepishly, trying not to seem to eager about it. “what’re you doing?” 
“i was just getting some shit for connie because he wants something good tonight. i swear, hanging around sasha has made him a food monster like her. it’s crazy.” you couldn’t help but giggle at his remark. connie and sasha’s friendship was truly funny.
“well, have fun with that! i have to go because i don’t want to be late but we should all hangout again! that was fun!” you replied as you looked at your phone to check the time, which you had 15 minutes so it was perfect.
“yeah, if i don’t have to third wheel again.” you felt your face heat up at the comment. “nah, i’m playing. have fun!” he waves goodbye as he makes his way to the food section of the store and you walked towards the register.
after you finished paying, you made your way back to your car and placed your bag in the passenger seat. you had enough time to walk over to the cafe, and plus, you felt like you needed some exercise. 
you had an idea of what you wanted to say to eren. it was just that you wanted to confirm your relationship and make it exclusive, and after hearing the comment jean made, you knew that he felt the same way about it. it wasn’t long before you arrived in front of the cafe and you went into the back to where the seats were. you made a order for your favorite baked treat and sat down at a two seated table while you waited for eren. you checked your phone, scrolling through tik tok and instagram when you felt two hands on your shoulders, causing you to jolt in surprise.
“hi baby,” he whispered into your ear before giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
“hi eren,” you laughed, placing your phone down onto the table.
“what’s up?” he asked as he made his way over to the seat in front of you. he was wearing a black crewneck with gray sweatpants and vans, hair in a messy bun as per usual.
“nothing, i just missed you. are you gonna get something to eat?” you asked, looking over to the register.
“i placed an order and then i came over to you, how’ve you been? i haven’t seen you for a bit.”
“i’ve been good, i’m really glad that my exams are over. i now have time to relax,” you smiled at him as you scooted your chair closer to the table. you had truly been overwhelmed with all the studying and now you felt relieved that you now had free time to do what you wanted. 
“and to spend some time with me, right?” he teased as he gave you a playful smile. the little things that he does pulled on your heartstrings.
“no.” he gasped, placing his hand over his chest. “of course, idiot.”
“good,” he chuckled. “you know you love me.”
“you knew that already!” you whined as you gave him a cheeky smile. you and eren both caught up with each others lives. he told you that armin and annie had gotten together, and how mikasa was starting to see jean but that she also wanted to pursue with school so she didn’t want many distractions. you told him about how sasha and niccolo had been spending a lot of time together and how you thought they were perfect for each other. your food was brought to you by one of the employees and you both thanked them as you began to eat.
“so, what’d you wanna talk about?” he asked as he took a bite into his muffin with his coffee in the other hand.
“i just wanted to know if we were exclusive and stuff…” you couldn’t finish your sentence before eren started to stifle a laugh.
“i thought it was obvious,” he swallowed his food before continuing to talk. “we’re exclusive, i’m not seeing or talking to anyone else besides you. no one else interests me besides you.”
“oh, i guess i’m just blind,” you felt relieved at him saying that, you were worried for no reason. “i was just nervous because sasha told me about historia and i-” 
“historia?” he interrupts you. “what’d she say?”
“just that you guys were fuck buddies in the past and that you’re over now and all that stuff,” you responded, trying to sound as nonchalant as you could. you didn’t want him to notice that it was a touchy subject. he knew that you had bad experiences with relationships in the past but you were never one to really be insecure of past relationships that your partner had.
“i see, we don’t really talk anymore, so you had nothing to worry about.”
“okay, go- ” before you could finish your sentence, you heard someones voice so you turned your head.
a blonde girl with blue eyes, shorter than you stood between you and eren at the table. you felt your stomach twist as you put the pieces together. you weren’t sure if you had met her before or not, but she looked just like the girl that you were just speaking about.
“historia?” eren choked on his coffee, looking over to meet her eyes. you could tell that he was shocked and slightly uncomfortable. had she heard your conversation?
“oh my god, what a coincidence seeing you here! how have you been?” she smiled, maintaining eye contact with him before he looked back towards you.
“‘m fine, how have you been?” it was obvious that he was only trying to be polite but for some reason, her voice annoyed the shit out of you.
“i’ve been good!” she looks over to you and gives you a look before smiling and bringing her hand out. “we should-”
“okay, you must be y/n? i’ve heard so much about you!” her comment made you feel uncomfortable, where had she heard about you from? 
“uh, hi!” you smiled at her and shook her hand. you had to at least be nice even though you felt like there was something weird going on, it was clear that you and eren were on a date and she had come over to talk. “where’d you hear about me from?”
“eren talks about you all the time!” talks? didn’t he just say-
“we haven’t talked in months.” eren interrupts, annoyance seeping through his voice. 
“that doesn’t matter!” she looked back over to eren with a huge smile on her face, as if she was waiting for him to show her any sort of attention. “he would talk about how much he cared about you when we would hang out and-” 
“enough, historia.” eren said, giving her a stern look before he looked over to you. “we’re kinda busy right now.” you stayed silent, you didn’t know what to feel but you weren’t about to let historia have her way right now. although you didn’t know her too well, you didn’t like the way she was acting.
“but i was just coming over to say hi! i haven’t met her before, i was trying to be nice!” you lost it, she was clearly trying to get at something here. she seemed like a nice person but the impression she was giving you right now was not good.
“listen, historia.” eren looked at you, his face tense. he had no idea what you were about to say but he could tell that you were beginning to get pissed off. “eren and i are on a date right now, and as much as i appreciate meeting you and all, i wanna spend some time with him because i haven’t seen him in a while.” she stood there, dumbfounded as you continued to speak to her. “so maybe if we could talk and get to know each other another time, that’d be great!”
“oh, uh, yeah of course!” she said as she stepped away. “i guess i’ll catch you later then. bye eren, bye y/n!” she smiled as she walked away and every ounce in your body told you that it was the fakest smile you had ever seen. you watched her walk away before letting out a sigh. it definitely did not seem that she was in a relationship with that ymir girl because she was clearly trying to talk to eren more, but who were you to say?
you and eren both sat there in silence before anyone said anything.
“i’m so-” you began before eren interrupted you once again.
“don’t. she’s hella annoying. that’s why i cut her off.” eren said as he looked over at you. he could tell you were uncomfortable and wanted to leave. “hey are you okay?”
“i’m fine, eren.” you snapped, face softening after you realized how mean you sounded. “i’m sorry, she just really annoyed me right there.”
“no, i get it. is there anything i can do?” he asked as you began to stand up from your chair in which he did as well. you picked up your trash and brought it to the trashcan, trying to steady your heartbeat. you were a bit rude to her but she was being rude too, was she? “do you wanna go home?”
“yeah.” he nodded his head in response and reached his hand out for you to hold. you interlocked your fingers with his as you both walked out. you both walked in silence, thinking about the interaction that had just taken place. you felt bad. you were a bitch to her but she was being annoying so what were you supposed to do? “did you drive?”
“hm? oh, no i didn’t. i live pretty close so i can walk home.” 
“i drove, so if you want a ride i can give you one,” you looked up at him with a smile. eren’s presence calmed you down, and he noticed that too. 
“yeah, i’d like that.” eren leaned down and gave you a quick kiss on your head, squeezing your hand in the process. you continued to walk back to the supermarket to where your car was parked  and made your way into the vehicle. he opened the passenger side and saw the bag that you had gotten earlier.
“you can just put that bag in the back, it has my shampoo since you used almost all of it when you were over,” you teased as you started the car. he smirked before sitting down next to you and putting on his seatbelt.
“you know how to get to my apartment right?” you gave him a playful look before backing out of your parking spot. “just messing with you.”
eren’s place wasn’t that far so it took you a few minutes to get there. you pulled into a spot and waiting for him to get out of the car after exchanging a kiss and just as he was about to get out of the car before he stopped and looked over to you. 
“what’s up?” you smiled, he looked like a lost puppy.
“do you wanna stay over for a bit? we can chill and watch something…” he trailed off once he heard your laughter. 
“sure,” you smiled and got out of the car and came over to the side that he was on. you poked your finger into his chest playfully, “you’re so needy!”
“needy, yeah?” he pulled you into a hug with your face buried into his chest, the smell of his cologne fogging your brain. “let’s see who’s gonna be needy later.”
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a/n: im so sorry that this took so long i’ve been super busy but i will def try to upload more consistently these upcoming weeks!! this hasn't been edited cuz im tired rn but i will look over it later tonight if there is anything.
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© all content belongs to oblxvion 2021, do not repost or change.
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Somewhere Safe Chapter 1
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Somewhere Safe Chapter 1
Pairing: soft!dark!Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: You wake up somewhere you don’t know and there’s someone in the room with you, who you don’t know. What will happen?
Series and chapter warnings: Non-sexual dubcon/noncon, kidnapping, abduction, ddlg undertones, Stockholm syndrome
Word count: ~2000
You heard something that could be taken for mumbled English, but you weren’t sure. You tried opening your eyes and after some tries, they opened. You couldn’t move your head. That was the first thing you noticed of your body.
“Ugh” You moaned, trying to make sense of that dizzy feeling in your head.
“So, you are awake” You heard a male voice say. It came from the foot of whatever you were laying on, in the left corner. You could see that much when you moved your eyes.
“You already drifted in and out of consciousness a few times. Seems like the sedative is finally wearing off” The voice explained.
“Sedative?” You mumbled.
“Yes. I had to get you here somehow.”
“Where am I?” Your voice was slurred.
“Somewhere safe.”
All of this didn’t make sense. It couldn’t. This all had to be some weird nightmare; you’d just like to know what the hell your brain was trying to work through in your sleep.
You closed your eyes and slowly, everything went black.
Some time later, you woke up again.
“I hope, you stay awake this time” The same voice came from the same place with the same volume as before. Quieter, it added: “Shit, I think I overdosed her a little.”
You didn’t answer, instead you focused on feeling something. Or moving something except your eyes.
‘Start with your toes. Or your fingers’ You thought. And you could. But those body parts were about as much as you could move.
“You can move your fingers! That’s good” The voice sounded glad and not threatening but it made you jump. He could see that little movement under the soft blanket that had been put over you.
He took a bottle of water and asked: “Are you thirsty? Don’t worry, I didn’t spike it.”
Could you trust this person? He admitted to sedating you, apparently even overdosing you and brought you to wherever the hell you were. But your throat hurt, and even the unspoken promise of water was enough to make you nod.
He stood up and walked over to you and you could see him for the first time. He was tall, muscular, had longer brown hair and blue eyes.
“I’ll help you move into a sitting position, okay? And when your back is upright, you lean against my arm. Got it?”
When you mumbled an “Okay”, he reached below the blanket to hook his left arm behind your knees and put his right hand on your back to steady you and move you into position. Moving you, the blanket slipped down a bit and you were surprised to see you were still in your own pajamas.
He sat down on your left side and reached for a small bottle. His hand engulfed the bottom of it and he put his thumb on the body of it. His thumb seemed to reflect a little in the dim light of the room, and suddenly there was a low whirring sound.
Then, both things were gone and you didn’t know if you imagined them or not.
Meanwhile, the man put the bottle to your lips and tilted it, until slowly, water flowed into your mouth. It felt heavenly. Like a cold, clear mountain spring.
“Slowly, slowly. Don’t want you to choke” You could hear a smile in his voice.
After two gulps, you pulled back, and in the process some water dribbled on your chin. He put the bottle back and dried your chin off with his shirt sleeve.
“Thank you” You whispered, and that was when you heard it again. As he moved his arm, to put the bottle back, the whirring sound was back.
He smiled at you and moved you back down to lay on your back again, head propped up by a pillow.
Back in his chair, it seemed to be a high-backed armchair, he started to talk.
“Now that you’re really conscious, we can start. I’m Bucky, but you will either call me ‘Sir’ or ‘Daddy’. If you don’t, you’ll be punished. You obey me and do something or stop doing something when I tell you to. Understood?”
You nodded weakly. What other choice did you have? Appeasing him was probably the fastest way to get you out of wherever you were. Or at least get you some concessions.
“Answer me with words, and title please.” Bucky looked sternly at you.
“Yes… Sir.”
“Good girl. I will bring you food and water at set times. Breakfast will be at 7am, lunch at 12am and dinner at 6pm. You will get some snacks in the afternoon. Every two hours, I will bring you water. Breakfast will be something smaller, just to get you going and without coffee. So, say goodbye to your favorite caffeinated beverage. The day before you came here was the last day with coffee for you.”
You didn’t know how to react. On one hand, that sounded okay and reasonable. Like he cared for you. And that was the weird thing. But on the other hand, he had kidnapped you.
“That’s the first part. On to the next. You’ll live in this room until I’m sure you can follow rules. Next to this room is a bathroom. I’ll bathe you and wash your hair when necessary. I will also choose your clothes. Again, if you show me you can follow rules, you’ll have a say in what you wear. Although even then, you may only pick something of the clothes in the wardrobe. You hear me?”
You were frozen. He would bathe you? What did he mean by that? Did he mean everywhere? You didn’t know this man!
“What?” You squeaked.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you mean by ‘bathing’? Will you… will you touch me? There?”
“Yes, although not like that. Only to clean you up. You don’t have to fear anything. I’ll never touch you like that without your consent.”
He seemed honest. Still, you’d only believe that when, or if, it should, and probably would, happen.
“Okay?” His voice was softer.
Was his voice softer now? Or did you imagine that, because you hoped for it to be?
You nodded.
“Good” He smiled.
Silence now stretched into the room.
“Are you hungry?” Bucky asked. “I got something here, if you want.”
“I’m not hungry” You whispered. Putting some defiance in your voice, you added: “And I won’t eat anything while I’m here!”
“As you wish. And believe me, when I say you will eat. I don’t care how long it’ll take, but you will eat.”
He stood up and made for the door. “I’ll leave you to it. Oh, and bed time is at 9pm.”
With that, he left. And you didn’t know what to do. Yes, now you could move your entire body, but there was literally nothing you could do. You could walk around the room and then the bathroom and that was about it. Maybe you could look at the room closer? At least that would be something to do.
You slowly stood up and looked around. The bed you had been on was a queen size. It was entirely in light pink. The cushions, you didn’t count them, there were so many, were in different colors of pink and some white thrown in. They still had the imprint of Bucky’s back on them from when he had sat you up so you could drink something. The headboard was light pink velvet with a dark pink pattern on it and a canopy on it.
On the left side of the wall opposite the headboard was that high-backed arm chair in yellow, with a side table and next to it a tall book shelf. It was empty. On the other side of the wall was a slightly ajar door. That was most likely the bathroom door. Between the door and the shelf were two wardrobes that had a vanity between them. The wardrobes were empty as well. What kinda clothes would he put in there?
Anything that wasn’t some kind of cloth was white wood.
The door left of the bed was closed. That had to be the door through which you could, in theory, get out. Even if you managed that, you’d probably have to get through a house or at least a flat and then who knew what kind of surroundings for who knew how long.
Still, you tried the door handle. No luck. Defeated, you flopped back down on the bed.
Later, you didn’t know how much time later since there were no clocks in the room, which was no doubt deliberately, Bucky appeared again. He carried a tray. You could see a glass water on it, some pancakes and a syrup bottle.
“It’s dinner time” He smiled and set everything down.
So, it was 7pm on the first day you were awake. You vowed to remember that. Maybe keeping tabs on this structure would help you keep sane, for you to stay yourself.
“Scoot over here and you can have something to eat.”
You did, your tummy had been rumbling since he left you alone.
Now near the corner of the bed, you reached for the cutlery to cut up the pancakes. Before you could grasp it, both of Bucky’s hands grabbed it and that’s when you saw it. He didn’t exactly hide it but apparently you had been too distracted and sedated to really notice it before. The hand grasping the knife was human. The hand grasping the fork had human form, but it was made of metal.
“You’re not allowed to use cutlery. I said you’d have something to eat. Not that you could fed yourself.”
“Sorry” You mumbled, your eyes glued to his metal hand.
“’Sorry’ what?”
“Sorry, Sir.” Still, your eyes were glued to his metal hand. There was just one question swirling in your head but how would he react to you asking a question without him saying something beforehand? And then such an invasive question?
“Thank you. And I’m sure you know it’s rude to stare. Ask.”
Your head snapped up.
“I… uhm, what- what happened to your hand?” You whispered.
“My whole arm actually” He shrugged and your eyes went wide. “Something bad. That’s all you need to know, but this prosthetic is a good replacement.”
Your mouth formed an “Oh”.
“Now, pancakes?” He asked and cut them up and drizzled syrup over them.
You nodded timidly. You still didn’t know what to make of all this.
The pancakes actually tasted good. You had to wait for him to feed you every small bite. If that was what it took to get some nutrition, you could play along with whatever this was.
When you were done eating, Bucky softly wiped the corners of your mouth and chin with a napkin although you were sure nothing had drizzled down and that action hadn’t been necessary.
“What do you say?”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Good girl” He smiled. “I’ll come back when it’s time for bed.”
You nodded, and Bucky left.
It had to be 9pm, or around that time, because the door on the left opened and in came Bucky with a book and a glass of milk.
“I’ll read you a story and you’ll drink your milk, how’s that sound?”
You smiled to appease him.
Bucky propped himself up against the headboard and beckoned you over to him, to sit between his legs and lean against his chest. You hesitated.
“C’mere. I don’t bite.”
You went over to him and accepted the glass of milk he gave you. It was warm and tasted sweet. He must have put honey in it.
Bucky started to read the book. It was some generic fairytale and not even that long, but you felt yourself being lulled to sleep by his voice, the warmth of his body around you and the warm milk.
Your eyes fell close and your last thought before you fell asleep was how until now he had fed you, gave you water, didn’t touch you in any way you didn’t want. And yet, all this had only happened because he had abducted you.
You slept like a log and didn’t notice Bucky slipping out of the bed nor him stroking your head before he left the room.
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Hugs and Kisses | F.W.
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Title: Hugs and Kisses
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Y/N is not a big fan of physical contact and Fred finds out why.
Warning/s: mentions of abuse, violence, mentions of physical abuse in the past, mention of a gun, bruises
Flashbacks are in italics.
Like everyone else, I have a pet peeve.
Mine was physical contact. Not that I didn’t like touching others, I was fine if someone rested their elbow on my shoulder, but hugging, holding hands, putting an arm around someone’s shoulder/waist. No thanks.
I was walking out of the library with Angelina when I suddenly felt an elbow rest on my right shoulder.
I breathed in the familiar scent of cinnamon and firework powder.
“Hey Freddie.” I said, turning to ginger by my side.
“Hey Princess.” He said, keeping his elbow on my shoulder as George appeared next to Angelina and the four of us started to head towards the common room.
Butterflies flew around in my stomach at the nickname, hopefully the blush on my cheeks wasn’t that visible.
“You guys remember the first time Fred attempted to put an arm around Y/N?” George asked, out of the blue, causing Angelina, Fred and I to laugh.
“Oh yeah.” Angelina said, “That was so hilarious.”
Snow lightly dropped down from the heavens. Painting the ground white and letting out a small chill into the air.
The twins and I were building a snowman outside, very innocent and calm from the usual chaos and havoc we caused, but who doesn’t enjoy building a snowman?
But that peaceful atmosphere was soon destroyed when George threw a snowball at Fred. Thus, the peaceful activity of building a snowman soon transitioned into a huge chaotic snowball fight.
“Oi!” I scolded as a poorly aimed snowball from Fred hit my shoulder.
I scooped up some snow, it was time to join the fun.
“Okay! Okay! I give up!” George said, both hands up in mock surrender as he came out from behind the tree he was hiding.
A smirk grew on Fred’s lips, “See? You can’t beat the dream team.” He teased as he put an arm around my shoulder.
Out of instinct, I immediately pulled away, looking up to see Fred and George both taken aback.
“Sorry.” Fred immediately apologized, “Did I make you uncomfortable or anything?”
I shook my head, “No. You could never make me uncomfortable. It’s just, I’m not a huge fan of physical contact.”
The twins looked at each other, probably using their twin telepathy to communicate.
“Any type of physical contact?” George asked.
I shrugged, “Not all. I suppose that there are exceptions.”
Fred then stepped forward, cautiously resting his elbow on my shoulder, “Is this okay?”
I nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay.”
“Fred’s face was absolutely priceless.” George said, aiming a teasing smile at his twin, “He looked he’d been given an electric shock.”
“Maybe he couldn’t believe that the prettiest girl he ever laid eyes on would react like that.” Angelina added.
I rolled my eyes at the both of them, “Piss off you two before I smother you two with the nearest deadly object I find.”
Angelina scoffed, “What? Don’t tell me you don’t agree.”
I tried to stop the blush that was rising up to my cheeks, “Oh for Merlin’s sake, give me a break Angie.”
I sat on the couch by the common room fire, the clock had struck one a few minutes ago but I can’t seem to put down the book I was holding.
The quiet rustling of the page being turned mixed in perfectly with the soft cackling of the fireplace.
Just as the climax was put in motion, the tension between the two lovers was growing with each passing moment, and just as if Merlin had a grudge against me, the book was suddenly snatched out of my hands.
“Hey!” I complained, looking up at the culprit to see the grinning face of a certain Weasley.
“Fred!” I whined, crossing my arms over my chest, “Why?”
He chuckled, taking a seat next to me as he took the bookmark from my hands and placed it on the page I was reading before closing the book and placing on the table next to the couch, “It’s already one in the morning and you’re still reading.”
“So?” I huffed, “Just because you have never read a book in a day of your life doesn’t mean I can’t.”
He laughed, “Shouldn’t you be sleeping instead of waiting for the two lovers to just suck it up and kiss at the ungodly hours of the morning?”
I smiled, “That’s because I need answers. Besides, I could ask you the same thing, shouldn’t you be sleeping instead of bothering me?”
Fred laughed, playing with my hair, “When did I bother you?”
I shrugged teasingly, “I don’t know. Perhaps now.”
The two of us laughed before falling into comfortable silence, his hands still playing with my hair.
“Darling, can I ask you a question?” Fred suddenly said, breaking through the silence.
I looked up at him, “Sure.”
He combed his hand through his hair, “This might be kinda sensitive. But why aren’t you a big fan of physical contact?”
I bit my lip, avoiding his gaze, contemplating whether I should tell Fred the truth or not.
The smashing of glass that came from the kitchen could be heard even from the closed door of my bedroom.
The yelling from another one of my parents’ argument echoed through the walls of the house.
Then there was a thud, causing me to wince. He must’ve hit her again; it’s being going on for years. He made her promise not tell, he swore that if she did, he would kill me.
So, she never told anyone. She covered every single evidence up with makeup and kept a smile on her lips at every family gathering we attended. No matter how many times she told me that it was okay, I knew that she wasn’t.
I took in a shaky breath as I heard nothing but silence. I slowly opened the door of my bedroom, the creak probably being the loudest sound in the house.
I was about to head to the kitchen when I was that the door to my parents’ bedroom was opened ajar, I took a peek to see my mum stuffing her clothes into a gym bag.
Her shirt was riding up a bit, exposing the almost-black bruises that was littered across her back and, as far as I knew, the rest of her body.
“Mummy?” I said, the fear inside me growing with every passing minute.
She turned to face me, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Hey sweetie.” She said, her voice a little hoarse as she stooped down to my height, “I want you to pack every important belonging you have. Okay honey? Just like we practiced.”
I nodded, running back to my room as I took the small gym bag I hid under my bed and stuffed every essential thing I could.
My mum held my hand tightly as we tiptoed through the living room, our freedom from this nightmare was just around the corner.
I looked around the living room, it looked like a storm had just passed by. Shards of glass was shattered everywhere, random things that have been thrown laid on the floor. Picture frames that once hang on the walls rested on the cement floor, shattered, broken, just like their promise of forever.
What once was a place of comfort and safety, a home, turned into a place of fear and pain, turned into hell.
Mum was just about to reach for the door handle, the only thing separating us from freedom.
“Where do you two think you’re going?” A cold, furious voice asked.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Mum asked, turning to face my father as she clutched my hand tighter, “We’re leaving.”
My father gave a humorless chuckle, “Acting all tough now huh? What if I don’t let you.”
Mum stepped in front of me protectively, shielding me from my father, “I don’t give a damn on what you think anymore! I had enough and we’re leaving whether you like it or not!”
Before mum could reach the handle, my father pulled her away by the back of her shirt then smacked her across the face. The force had been enough to knock her over to the coffee table.
I stood there, frozen in fear, thinking for a moment that the force was enough to kill her. Once I realized that she was alright, I immediately ran to her side.
I shot my father a death glare, and did what I thought was pretty brave (or stupid) for a toddler, I ran towards him and tried to push him away. Which, obviously, had no effect.
He looked down at me with burning rage, pulling me by the hair as tears started to stream down my cheeks. Next thing I knew, a gun was pointed to my temple.
“I dare you. Walk out that door.” He threatened, tightening his grip on me, “I promise you that your daughter won’t ever be able to see another light of day.”
“Darling?” Fred’s voice pulled me out of my flashback, “Are you okay?”
I looked back at him, not realizing the tears that were dripping down my cheeks.
Without a word, he was about to put his arm around me when he stopped in his tracks. He looked at me for a moment, silently asking me for permission.
I nodded, scooting closer to him as I rested my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.
I hated physical contact. But Fred was an exemption to that rule, or at least for now.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked softly.
I sniffed, wiping away the remaining tears from my eyes, “My dad used to physically abuse my mum. Whenever she made a mistake or talked back to him, he would hit her brutally. He made her swore not to tell anyone or else he’ll kill me. One day, my mum had enough so the two of us were supposed to escape but he caught us. He hit my mum then pointed a gun at my head. I really thought that I was going to die. Luckily for us, our neighbor suspected that something was wrong and called the police. They arrested him then my mum and I lived at my grandma’s house. Since that day, I knew that I hated physical contact.”
Fred rubbed my back comfortingly, stunned with my confession, “I’m your best friend and I didn’t know that you went through all that.”
I sniffed, “No one did.”
“But,” Fred continued, “Not every physical contact would hurt you. If you want, I can show you.”
I gave him a hesitant smile, “I don’t know Freddie.”
“Look, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. But, if you want, let’s try it for a week. If it still makes you uneasy, then just say the word and we’ll stop.” He offered.
I licked my lips, “Okay. Let’s try it.”
It was a Saturday morning, Angelina, Alicia and I were eating breakfast while discussing Alicia’s recent date with Ravenclaw keeper, Roger Davies.
“He is just absolutely amazing.” Alicia said, obviously swooning over the guy.
“I call dibs on the maid of honor!” Angelina suddenly said.
“Hey!” I complained, taking a sip of pumpkin juice, “You already called dibs on maid of honor for my wedding you can’t call dibs on Alicia’s wedding too!”
I then pointed a finger at Alicia, “I call dibs on maid of honor.”
“What’s all this talk about weddings?” George asked with a teasing grin as he sat down next to Angelina.
“Oh nothing.” I said as the older twin took a seat next to me, “We were just planning Alicia’s future wedding.”
“Wedding huh?” Fred teased, putting an arm around my shoulder, causing me to tense up at first before relaxing into his touch, “Didn’t think of you three as wedding planners.”
No answer or retort came as George, Angelina and Alicia stared at Fred’s arm that was around my shoulder, their mouths slightly agape.
“Fred.” George tried to say, thinking his twin had done it accidentally.
“Don’t you remember?” Angelina and Alicia said at the same time.
He gave them a small, reassuring smile, “Don’t worry guys. Y/N and I talked last night and she willing to give this whole thing a try.”
I nodded, “I told him the reason why I wasn’t a big fan of physical contact and he offered to show how good it is.”
“So, what’s the reason?” Alicia asked.
Fred and I exchanged a look, then he said, “I think that would be a secret between Y/N and I for now.”
His answer was met with the overlapping chatter of the group.
“That’s no fair.”
“Why does Fred get to know but we don’t?”
Fred put both his hands up, palms facing outwards, commanding silence, “Look, I’m sure that she’ll tell you the whole story once she’s ready. But for now, we should respect her decision.”
The group nodded in agreement.
Fred clapped his hands together with a small smile, “Great! Now going back to Alicia’s wedding planning, who’s the groom?”
Fred and I were hanging out by the courtyard, watching the sunset, his arm resting across my waist.
For the rest of the day since breakfast, Fred would frequently put an arm around my shoulder or waist.
At first, it felt a bit weird to feel his arm around me but by the afternoon I was used to it.
I had to admit, it felt nice.
“You okay?” He asked.
I nodded, giving him a small smile, “Yeah.”
“Are you sure your fine with this arrangement? Because if your uncomfortable we can stop.” He said.
I giggled, “Honestly Freddie, I’m fine. It actually feels better than I expected.”
He grinned, “Oh darling, just wait until I spoil you with hugs.”
His tone then turned serious, “Thank you for trusting me with your secret.”
I smiled up at him, “I’d trust you with my life Freddie.”
Over the next few weeks, Fred every physical contact as possible.
He was right, not every touch would hurt me.
I enjoyed every single one of his hugs, whenever he would place his arm around my shoulders or waist. He always seemed to find an excuse just to hold me close to him. I had to admit, there was something comforting about being so close to him, that I regretted not trying this out sooner.
“Penny for your thoughts darling?” Fred asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I turned around to face him, “Nothing much.”
“So, how does you feel about physical contact now?” He asked with a sly smile.
“I’m loving it.” I said returning the smile, “Thank you so much for showing me how good it is.”
He laughed, “Well I think that there is another form of physical contact you might like.”
I raised a brow at him, “Oh yeah? What is it?”
He slowly leaned forward and connected our lips together in a hungry and desperate kiss, all those years of pent-up feelings being poured into that kiss.
His hands rested on my waist as I cupped his cheeks in my hands.
Even if it was happening right in the moment, I still couldn’t believe that my best friend, my crush ever since first year was kissing me.
We pulled away for a minute before he reconnected our lips together again, this time it was slow and sloppy but full with passion.
Once we pulled away, Fred rested his forehand against mine, both of us breathless and cheeks painted a deep shade of red.
“I liked you for such a long time.” He whispered, “I have never met anyone so cute, so stunning, so intelligent, so funny and so damn hot and sexy. I have never been so in love and wanted anyone more than you. So, will you be my girlfriend?”
I smiled, “Please tell me that I’m not dreaming.”
He chuckled, tracing a finger over my arm, watching the goosebumps erupt from it, “I’m positive that you’re not dreaming.”
I giggled, “Then I would absolutely love to be yours. I would love to be able to hug you, hold your hand and kiss you. Thank you for showing me how it feels to be loved by someone so perfect.”
@lumosandnoxwriting​​ @gostupid-godumb​​ @fandomhideout @nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff​​  @pandaxnienke @escapingrealitybyreading​​ @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts​​​ (Send a Message/Ask or fill out my taglist form if you want to be added!)
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Prompt: Just some good old fluff with Finny boy
Word Count: Long, bitch! So fucking long
Pairings: Finn Bálor x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut (implied)
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic , @sassymox , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @yungbludjazz360 , @starwithaheart
Notes: Found this in an old file (wrote this about two years ago, maybe?) But I kinda like this little story ❤️ If you’d like to check out my previous works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
A deep sigh of relief left my lips as I brushed my damp hair. I heard a commotion in the living room, and began to dread the potential fight I would have to break up between a four and six year-old over a remote control.
“Mommy, mommy, mommy!” Caleb screamed in excitement, while bursting through my bedroom door like a maniac
“You’ll never believe who’s downstairs with us” He jumped with a cheeky smile
“Cal, who’s downstairs?” I ask worryingly, instinctively reaching for the gun that I kept in my nightstand
Caleb laughed and ran downstairs again.
As a homicide detective, my cop instincts combined with my motherly instincts took over me and I ran to the living room in only a tank top and panties, with my gun already aimed to shoot.
Although, the last person I thought I would see standing there, braiding my daughter Maeve’s hair in a style reminiscent of queen Elsa, and watching Caleb showing off his somersault technique was HIM…
That caught me off guard and he must have sensed it, because the first thing he did was look up.
“Hi” He said shyly
“What are you doing here, Finn?” I asked, putting my gun down on the dinner table
“I swear I didn’t break in” He laughed, attempting a joke
“What do you want?” I decided to ignore the small talk...there was no need for that, not after everything he did
“I have an injury. So I have some time off for a while and I wanted to stop by to see the kids and you” He whispered the last part
“Injury, huh? Is it bad?”
Even after everything he did, I couldn’t help but worry about his well being, you know, for the kids sake!...
Ok fine, I still love him, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“No, nothing serious. But I got two months off and I was excited to see my family” He looked at me when he said that
“Are you going to see your parents?”
“Yeah and I was thinking if it would be ok with you if I take the kids with me?”
“Of course! Why would I mind?”
His family was always very loving and kind to me, and we became very close once the kids were born. Sometimes I would take them to Ireland on my vacation so they could see their grandparents or they would travel to New York so they could see the kids.
“Because of...you know” He trailed off
“Neither your family or the kids have anything to do with that. I’m a grown woman, Finn. I know how to separate the sheep from the goat, ok?!”
I could feel the air becoming thicker with the tension, until Maeve said
“Mommy, why aren’t you wearing any pants? Are you feeling hot? I can get you the Japanese hand fan daddy gave it to me, if you’d like” She smiled
“Thank you buttercup, but that won’t be necessary. I’ll be right back”
Now, properly dressed, I made my way towards the kitchen to get dinner ready.
“Do you need any help?” Finn asked from behind me
“No, thank you. You can go stay with the kids” I didn’t even bother to turn around to face him
“Y/N, can we talk?”
I sighed “There’s nothing worth talking about, Finn”
“What can you possibly say that will change what happened? Nothing! It will be a bunch of empty sorry’s and excuses, so let’s just save it, ok?!”
“It’s not empty, I truly am sorry”
“You should’ve thought that before you believed the bunch of lies she told you”
He opened his mouth to say something but Caleb began calling for him to go watch the cartoons with them.
“Mommy, can daddy have dinner with us?” Maeve asked
“Of course, pumpkin. If he would like to”
“Yay” She screams “Daddy, come!” She beckoned him
The subjects of conversation at dinner were mostly controlled by the kids. They, as per usual, asked me how many bad people I had taken down that day, but also asked Finn about his traveling, which state or city he liked the most, the best foods he’d eaten, which LEGO set was he building, if the hotel beds were soft and ‘what about the blankets?’
“Alright, I know you two are very excited to see daddy, but we need to brush those teeth! So, let’s go kiddos” I got up from my chair
“I’ll do it” He grabbed both kids, resting one on each side of his hip and went up to brush their teeth
When he came back down alone, I give him a questioning look
“They’re asleep” He smiled softly
“Oh, you already put them down for bed?! Thank you” I said, cleaning the kitchen island.
He nodded “I just didn’t bathe them because they said you already did”
“Yeah, that’s the first thing I do when I get home. Or my mom does it for me if I get caught up in a case, but most of the time I do it”
“How’s work?” He asked, sitting down on one of the high benches.
“Good, Richard is my superior again, so he helps me a lot with my shifts, because of the kids” I smiled
“The old man is still working?” He laughed, amused
“Yeah, he already said he will only leave his badge when he’s dead” I cackled “How’s road life? Amazing, I presume”
“Nah, don’t let the bright lights fool ya” He laughed, bitterly “I love wrestling, being in the ring, performing for the audience, but once I pass through the curtains backstage it gets lonely” A little bit of sadness could be heard in his voice “It’s very lonely... it’s different from when I came back home to you and the kids. Now I just get back to an empty apartment, wishing I could get back home” He looks at me
“Finn, please”
“I love you! Why can’t we just try again?”
“Because no!”
“Why?” He pleaded
“Because you don’t know what it was like ok?! You don’t know how much it hurt me, the things you said, the fact that you believed some envious woman’s gossip about me having an affair with Lucas! He’s married for fuck’s sake! To a man!”
“I- I didn’t knew Lucas was gay, Y/N”
“Yeah, you didn’t! And why is that? Oh yeah, because you did not trust your own wife, all you saw was the fact that he is a man and my work partner so you just bought the assumption that woman sold you, choosing to believe her instead of me!”
“It wasn’t like that, ok?” He tried to explain
“It wasn’t like that, you say? When you were the one who came in here filled with accusations! Saying that I had an affair with him, that I cheated on you, that you wished you would’ve slept with half of the women who throw themselves at you everyday, doubting that those kids upstairs are yours, when they’re the fucking spitting image of you! You said all those horrible things, Finn. Not me!”
He stared at his knuckles as I continued, now crying
“How do you think that made me feel? To listen from my own husband how much he wished he had cheated on me. Bragging about all of the hot young women who are waiting to be fucked by a wrestler...You know it was always hard for me to accept that you wanted me and not some hot girl in the locker room, that you had chosen me, that I got lucky enough to not only marry a man who’s physically breathtaking but also such a beautiful person on the inside. And still, it was that same Prince Charming who became the frog! I never thought that” I had to stop myself from saying the next horrible words roaming through my mind
“You never thought that, what, Y/N?”
I shook my head
“Say it”
I shook my head again and he got up from the bench, coming to where I was standing
“Say it, love. I can take it”
“I don’t want to say it” I whispered as more tears rolled down my cheeks
“Shhh, it’s ok, love” Finn pulled my head to his chest “Please don’t cry, I hate when you cry” His arms are tightly locked around me, providing me the sense of comfort that only he could give. And I hated that!
“Let me go” I tried to push him away
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“Just don’t touch me” I said, shoving him away
He knew that I was closing him off, I could see it in his eyes
“Say it! You never thought that what?” He insisted, more forcefully this time
“I never thought that someday I would regret meeting you! Marrying you, starting a family with you. If I could do it all again, I wouldn’t!” I spat
“You wouldn’t?” He scooted closer
“No” I answered with venom in my voice, trying to turn my undying love for him into hatred
“But I would!” Finn said firmly
I shook my head in denial, as he cupped my cheeks in his calloused hands, making me look up to meet his blue eyes
“I would do it, all over again. Meeting you, dating you, marrying you, having kids with you, in the future seeing the kids graduate high school, college, be at their wedding, take our future grandkids to the park, and spend the rest of my life with you! I would choose you over and over and over again! I choose you everyday, Y/N”
I squeezed my eyes shut
“You’re lying! Stop lying, Finn” I whispered
“Am I though? Open your eyes and look at me. I was never able to hide ANYTHING from you, I can lie to anyone but you. You can always see through me, so just look at me and tell me if I’m lying. If I am, then I promise you, I’ll leave this house right now and you’ll never have to see me again! Just open your eyes” He kissed each closed eyelid
After a few minutes, I gathered the courage to finally look at him and I could only see love, regret, pain and truth.
“I love you Y/N and always will. Yes, I was dumb to listen to some random gossip and I’m paying the price for it, but the only thing I ask you is: please, don’t give up on us! I’ll give you whatever time you need, just promise me that we’ll fix it. That we’ll be together again...You, Caleb and Maeve are my life! I would die to save you in a blink, love. If I had to choose between your life or mine I would choose yours, becau-“
I placed two fingers on his lips
“Stop talking like that! You know I don’t like it. It attracts those bad vibes, you know?”
Finn lightly chuckled “But I mean it”
“Stop! I don’t like when you talk like that... I hate to think that something bad could ever happen to you. You know, because of the kids” I tried to hide my feelings
“And you wouldn’t miss me, not even a little bit?” He teased
“I miss you everyday” I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I just said
He smiled sweetly, leaning down to place sweet and innocent pecks all over my face.
Finn started on my forehead, then he went to my temples, followed by the cheekbones, apple’s of the cheek, jaw, chin, side of my lips. Finn pulled back to search for any resistance signs and when he found none, he kissed my lips. A lazy kiss, that grew more urgent by the minute.
“Fuck, I missed you so much” He moaned, now kissing my neck
“Finn, wait. Wait a minute” I tried to pull his head back by his hair but that only made him moan.
“Finn!” I said harshly, finally having his attention
“What’s wrong, love? Don’t you want it? I thought that-“
“Have you seen anyone since we broke up?” I asked, not even letting him finish his sentence
“We didn’t break up! You asked me for some time and-“
“Finn, just answer the fucking question please” I pleaded
“No, I haven’t been with anyone in those 8 months. Except for my hand when I look at your pictures” He smirked
“You’re so ridiculous” I whispered in relief as my arms circled his waist
“So...do you still want to make love?” He eagerly asked
“We never made love, Finny. We’ve always fucked senseless” I laughed
“No! We’ve always made love it’s just that we’re more frantic about it” He chuckled
“Ok, we sleep together and then what?” I asked
“Then you stay here and I go back to my apartment” He simply said
My heart sunk in my chest as a faint “Oh, ok” left my lips
“So I can pack my clothes and bring them back home” He said, as a devilish smile grew on his face “That’s of course, if you want me here”
“Asshole” I lightly punched his chest “I thought you just wanted a one night stand and that’s it. You scared me!”
Finn chuckled, beckoning me closer to him
“You could never be just a one night stand, love. You fuck too good to be just a one time thing” He winked
“So you just want me for my bedroom skills, huh?” I teased
“Yes and no” He giggled “Yes, because no other woman fucks like you do” He bit my neck, growling “And no, because there’s so much more about you than the bedroom” He hugged my waist “You’re my best friend, my nurturer, my supporter, the air that keeps me alive, my everything!” He kissed me passionately
“Can we try again? Start over and leave all that shit behind us?” He whispered
“If you promise me that if we get back together, you won’t listen to other people’s gossip and will come to me whenever you hear somethi-“
“Yes!” He pecked my lips excitedly, as a wide smile took over his face “I promise you, love! That’ll never happen again, you have my word!” He gave me a bear hug and spun me around the kitchen
“Finn!” I squealed, when we almost fell to the ground “We’re going to wake up the kids” I giggled
“Oh no, shhhh” He shut me up with a kiss “We can’t let that happen! Because as much as I love our children, I haven’t gotten any in eight months and I can’t wait to change that with you right now” He pushed us towards the couch and laid on top of me
“But I thought you were going to go and get your clothes”
“I don’t need clothes, woman! You know I like to sleep naked” He winked
And roamed his head down to...
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
sleeping over at their s/o’s house for the first time [scenarios]
pairings: sakusa kiyoomi; hirugami sachirou; kuroo tetsurou x fem reader
genre: fluff and humor, as per usual
warning(s): n/a
notes: kinda popped off on hirugami’s part. couldn't help myself. not sorry bout it either. can’t wait til we get to see more of his cute lil face in the anime.
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he is so painfully awkward I love him
will just stand in the entryway with his duffle slung over his shoulder, staring straight at you until you tell him when he can put his stuff
this literally isn’t his first time over at your house but he acts like it???
poor baby’s obviously nervous about ~ spending the night ~
immediately washes his hands
brings his own pillow
asks if you’ve sanitized all your surfaces recently/if anyone in your household has been sick lately
does he wanna play video games? not until he’s wiped down all the controllers.
does he wanna watch real housewives? no, but you put it on anyway because you know he secretly loves the drama
does he want a snack? possibly? but refuses to eat on your bed because lying on crumbs is nasty
all he does is get under the covers and hang out
only moves to brush his teeth and, of course, wash his hands
will do a face mask with you but only after thoroughly reading the contents of the bottle/package
wears his hoodie and sweats to bed
is asleep before 10pm
2/10. total party pooper who only gets points because he’s hot and dislikes the same housewives as you do
Moments after releasing a rather loud guffaw at a funny scene from the television show you have playing on your laptop, you hear a small groan echo from beside you. Turning your head to the source of the noise brings your attention to your boyfriend, whose tall form rested on the bed beside you, ensconced in your blankets. His eyelids flutter open and his eyes the color of charcoal fasten on you before narrowing in a small glare of annoyance from underneath the sea of black waves atop his head.
Maybe you would’ve felt even the slightest bit intimidated if his face wasn’t close to being absorbed by the yellow fabric of his hoodie--and if he hadn’t flattened his hair against his forehead by closing the drawstrings to secure his hood around his head.
“Kiyo!” you whine, crossing your arms in front of you chest, “Were you really asleep just now?”
His dark eyebrows furrow as he answers matter-of-factly, “Yes. You know I go to bed at ten o’clock, (f/n). It’s ten thirty.”
You roll your (e/c) eyes at him and protest, “But this is a sleepover! Would it kill you to stay awake a little longer so you can spend some precious time with your beloved girlfriend?”
“Lack of sleep can lead to sickness. Sickness can lead to death. So, yes, staying awake longer to spend precious time with my beloved girlfriend could kill me.”
“I hate you.”
He lets out a long sigh and reaches over towards your laptop to close it, putting an end to your Real Housewives marathon. Once he’s moved it off of your bed, one of his arms snakes around your waist and pulls your body down towards the mattress. His midnight gaze doesn’t falter as he says, “If you get sick, I won’t be able to spend time with you like this, so sleep with me.”
Your heart skips a beat at his tenderly spoken words, and you crawl underneath the covers so you can place your head on his muscular chest and curl up beside him. The feeling of his warmth surrounding you is enough to make you melt into his arms and forgive him for completely ditching you in favor of sleep.
“Yes, baby?”
“If you kick me off the bed, this will be our last sleepover.”
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sweet boy who is very excited to spend the night at his girlfriend’s house!!
brings snacks and movies
he enjoys doing any activity with you, whether it’s watching movies, playing video/board games, or just cuddling on the couch and talking
not hard to please at all!!!
watches rom coms with you. secretly a hopeless romantic
you’ll probably spend at least ten minutes of your night trying to catch pieces of popcorn in your mouths
and another ten doing the same thing with m&ms
poor boy is too tall to fit under your blankets, so you have to give him an extra one for his legs and feet
bedtime attire consists of boxers with corgis on them, a sweater, and crew socks to keep his tootsies warm 🥺
brings you a pair of matching, corgi-patterned sleeping shorts bc he wants to twin with you
your parents are gone, meaning you can do chaotic activities...
... like baking at 2am!!
he loves to bake (and you can’t convince me otherwise). pls bake with him
wants to stay up all night with you but ends up passing out around 3am after y'all eat all the cookies you made together
11/10, best sleepover ever
Few things were more romantic than spending an evening with your boyfriend on your hands and knees, against the cold, tile floor of the kitchen, cleaning up the aftermath of the mess you’d created.
Lifting your gaze from the white goop coating the flooring, you glance over at Hirugami, who looks completely unfazed and unbothered despite his face still being decorated with dollops of whipped cream. Beholding this sight once more sends you into another fit of laughter that makes it hard for you to keep yourself steady.
“What?” he asks, a small smile creeping onto his lips at seeing you so amused.
In between breaths, you manage to ask, “Why’ve you still got whipped cream on your face?”
With a roll of his chestnut brown eyes, he uses his fingers to swipe some of it off so he can help himself to another serving. “Obviously,” he scoffs sassily, “I’m saving it for later.” His smart comment makes you snort rather unattractively, which, in turn, causes chuckles to pour out from his mouth. “I’m assuming that’s what you’re doing too, right?”
Your (e/c) eyes widen, since you thought you’d done a good job of clearing up the results of your whipped cream battle from your face. A glance at your reflection in the glass of the oven where the cookies were slowly baking soon proved you wrong. Instead of being irritated by this discovery, however, you let out another, wheezing laugh and fell onto your side.
To any outsider, the situation would’ve looked rather strange--an incredibly tall volleyball player dressed only in corgi-patterned boxers, a sweater, and socks, face covered in whipped cream as he fell about laughing with his girlfriend who wore a similar ensemble and was sporting the same whipped cream situation. However, in your defense, it was two o’clock am, and you were high on sugar.
"Come over here and I’ll get the rest off your face, then,” Hirugami suggests, extending his long arms towards you that beckon you closer to him. After you scoot closer to him, he pulls you into his embrace and starts peppering your skin reddened from laughing so heartily with kisses. With each press of his lips against your face, your heart flutters in your chest.
He only pulls away from you when the oven beeps, alerting you that the cookies you’ve been awaiting are finally ready. But he does so with hesitation, seeing as he’d been caught up in savoring the sweet taste of your lips instead.
“You ready to eat some cookies?” he asks with a grin.
Your reply makes him snicker: “Always.”
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is fully prepared to stay up the entire night (spoiler alert: doesn't)
made an entire party playlist for y'all to listen to throughout the evening
expect lots of dancing, vibing, singing, and buzzfeed unsolved episodes
brings dance dance revolution over to your house and then proceeds to challenge you to a dance off
was not prepared for what you brought to the table
tries twerking to distract you but still fails
will go on a midnight mcdonalds run with you
is the kinda person to share deep, late night thoughts with
only with him can your conversations go from discussing the questions of human existence to debating which form of potatoes is the most elite
will 100% do face masks with you to keep his complexion lookin godly
INSISTS on watching scary movies
expectation: “don’t worry, babe; I got you!!”
reality: is visibly shaking underneath the covers, questioning all the shadows in your house
wears only a pair of shorts to bed even tho it’s cold af (he runs hot, if ya know what I mean heheh)
8/10. would’ve scored the last 2 points if he hadn’t stolen the blankets and made you wonder if your house was haunted
The familiar and gentle voice of your boyfriend rouses you from your semi-conscious state, and you hear the sheets of your bed rustle.
“I’m so tired, Tetsu... what is it?” you wonder groggily, not even bothering to open your eyes to see what’s upset him.
“I think your house is haunted,” is his response. Though he speaks calmly and coherently, his hazel eyes are wide with fear and darting around the dark bedroom.
“Oh, stop. I knew it was a bad idea to watch those supernatural Buzzfeed Unsolved episodes before bed.”
The bed sinks behind you, and you feel the warmth of the blanket he’d stolen from you earlier around your body as he pulls you towards him so your back is flush against his chest. While you appreciate his closeness to you, you can tell he’s far from relaxed. The grip his fingers have around one of your shoulders is tight, as if he’s using it as a stress ball.
You murmur his name with indignation and pry his cold hand off your shoulder, but press a gentle kiss against the back of it. “Baby, go to sleep.”
He noticeably stiffens when a quiet whoosh sounds from another part of your house. “What the heck was that?” he asks from where his face is buried in the back of your neck, too afraid to look around and risk finding something he might not want to see.
“The dishwasher.”
“Y-Yeah,” he stammers, “the dishwasher... of course...” 
With a gentle groan, you lift your head so you can turn and press a gentle kiss against his forehead in an attempt to soothe him. As soon as you plop back down onto your pillow, Kuroo takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, desperate to get a wink of sleep.
The sound of a creak brings both of you to attention moments later, however, and your heart begins to race.
“That was the house settling... right?” you whisper.
He pulls the blanket over both of your heads, fully cloaking your bodies beneath it and says, “Yeah. Yeah. Let’s go with that.”
At this point, you realize it’s going to be a long night for reasons other than those you’d expected.
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ethereal-bang · 4 years
Stormy Night
Authors Note: Hey guys!! It’s finally here, my first fic to post! AANNND ITS SEUNGMIN SMUT YOU’RE WELCOME this probably seems very rough and rushed and I’m sorry lol it’s my first time writing smut and my first time in a few years writing a fic, but I’m really happy with it!
Characters: Seungmin x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.3k (oops lol) 
Type: Friends to Lovers, An equal amount of fluff as there is smut “There’s enough room on the bed for both of us”, somewhat of a buildup
This piece of fiction is intended for adult audiences, 18+ ONLY 
Watching the rain as it hits the windshield, a mild feeling of panic starts to wash over you. The storm was getting bad, and it would be getting dark pretty soon. Looking back on it, maybe taking the 18 hour road trip home with Seungmin wasn’t the smartest idea you’d had. You were nearly half way there, so close but so far to your hometown, where you insisted--no, begged for Seungmin to come with you due to a family wedding that you wanted no part in, but were obligated to be at. Not to mention, your cousins had been pestering you about when you were finally going to bring a plus one to such important family gatherings.
“So Y/N,” your cousin started, and you immediately feel a little panic set in, knowing where this was going. “Is your boyfriend coming with you to Jennie’s wedding? I mean..you do have a boyfriend, right?” You can hear the smirk in her voice over the phone, asking about the wedding that you would be attending this weekend. Every time one of these events take place, she’s always there to make fun of your relationship-- or lack thereof. Searching around the room as you try to think of an excuse, your eyes land on your best friend, Seungmin, who is sitting on the couch watching some drama he had turned on when your cousin called. An idea forming, you slowly smile. “Actually..yes. I am bringing my boyfriend with me.” At your words, Seungmin’s ears perk up and he turns to look at you. Eyes going wide, he immediately catches onto your plan, mouthing words of protest at you as you try to wave him off. “Yes. We will make sure to be there by noon. Okay, I’ve gotta go, I’ll talk to you later bye!” You tell your cousin, quickly getting her off the phone as Seungmin has now stood up and was making his way towards you. 
Hanging up the phone, Seungmin looks at you like you're crazy. “No.” He says quickly, not letting you get a word in edgewise. “No. I am NOT going to play boyfriend at this wedding. Please don’t make me do it,” he pleads, eyes going wide. “Seungmiiiinnnn,” you whine, “it’ll only be for a weekend, please just hear me out!” you beg. He shakes his head in resistance and you groan, throwing yourself onto the couch. “Pleeease. I’ll do anything!” At this, he stops. “Anything?” You nod at him, looking hopeful. “Do my biology homework for a week and you’ve got yourself a deal.” You smile at him, surprise taking over your features. “Done.” you beam, and he groans, not thinking you would actually agree. 
And that was how you got here, Seungmin volunteering to drive the first half of the way. However, you weren’t expecting the rain to hit as hard as it was. Sensing you were a tad bit anxious at the growing storm, Seungmin takes a hand off the steering wheel and places it on your thigh. You really wish he wouldn’t do that.
It’s no secret that your best friend is attractive. Seungmin is a traditionally handsome kinda guy-- brown, soft hair, big chocolate eyes that scrunch at the corners when he smiles and a laugh that can brighten anyone’s day. You take a second to appreciate said features, hoping that he wouldn’t notice the blush making its way to your cheeks and focusing on the road instead.
Yeah...so maybe you have a thing for your best friend. No big deal.
A loud crack of thunder pulls you out of your trance, and it starts to rain even harder, if that was even possible. “Seungmin..” you start, voice small, “maybe we should stop somewhere, just until the rain calms down a little.” Your eyes are drawn to a road marker: “LODGING: EXIT 15 (1.5 miles)” Pointing it out to Seungmin, he nods and keeps an eye out for the next exit, which should be quickly approaching. “You’re right, man who would’ve thought it would rain this bad..” he says, trying to keep the car on the road despite the rain making it hard to see.
Soon enough, you see the neon lights of a hotel come into view. Seungmin, sighing with relief now that he won’t be driving in the dangerous weather, pulls into the parking lot. “You stay here, I’ll head inside and get us a room,” He says, undoing his seatbelt and pulling the hood on his jacket tight. You nod in response, watching him jog through the parking lot and into the lobby. You focus on the sounds of the rain, now oddly calming as you know you’re not going to be in it. Really, you were just worried about this wedding, wanting it to go well and hope that no one will see through the little act you’re about to put on with your best friend. 
A few minutes later, Seungmin runs back out to the car. Brandishing a key on a little feather chain, he smiles at you. “Got the room, let’s go on up.” You grab your backpacks that were sitting in the back seat, and follow Seungmin to the room. Upon opening the door, you take a look around at the place you’ll call home for the night. A patterned rug, wall lights soft but warm which make the room feel oddly cozy, and dark red curtains make you laugh, feeling comfort in the very stereotypical decor. That is, until your eyes fall on the bed.
That’s right, the bed. One bed. For the two of you.
Now, you’ve had sleepovers with Seungmin plenty of times, memories of all nighters before finals and drunken celebrations crossing your mind. However, when he stayed over you almost always ended up falling asleep on the couch; TV playing a movie that eventually neither of you could keep your minds focused on, too occupied with the idea of sweet sweet sleep. Your back might have hated you for not sleeping in your own bed, but waking up on the couch with Seungmin’s head resting atop yours was something you’ll always find comfort in; his hair tickling your forehead as you take in your surroundings. 
“Only one bed?” You ask him, feeling a little nervous. “Yeah, it was all they had left..I can sleep on the floor if you want me to, it’s no big deal.” He shrugs as he sets his bag down on the table near the front door. The idea of him sleeping on a hotel carpet does not sit well with you, thinking of how many people have been through this room and questioning just what has went down here. “No no it’s okay. I don’t want you sleeping on the floor. There’s enough room on the bed for the both of us “ You say, trying to hide the nervous tint in your voice. “Are you sure?” He asks and you nod your head, not wanting your voice to betray you. Shrugging his shoulders, Seungmin announces that he’s going to take a shower, feeling gross after being in the car since the early hours of the morning and being caught in the rain. 
You get comfortable in the hotel room, setting your things down and getting ready to let sleep take you over. While laying in the bed, as close to one side as you possibly can, you scroll through your social media as Seungmin finally makes his way out of the bathroom. Glancing up  at him from your screen, you hold back a gasp as you take in the way he looks: Hair still a little wet, a fresh tshirt that fits his arms just right and his grey sweatpants sitting a little low on his hips making you want to lift his shirt and kiss the exposed skin. Your mind goes absolutely insane as you try to push the thoughts away, wanting to get some sleep. 
Picking up the covers, Seungmin slides in next to you and chuckles about how apprehensive you seem. “You know, Y/N, you’re almost falling off the bed. You don’t have to be so far away.” he says, getting under the covers and making himself comfy. “No, really, I’m alright,” you lie to him, wanting to maintain your distance otherwise your sanity will slowly chip away. Even with the small distance in between you, you can smell the cinnamon of his body wash, one that you’ve definitely used on the occasional chance that you’ve stayed at his apartment. The scent is almost intoxicating, because it’s just purely..Seungmin. “Okay, suit yourself. Try and get some sleep, I set an alarm for the morning so we’ll be fine,” he says, punctuating his sentence with a yawn. You set your phone down on the side table and turn off the lamp, closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep, willing away dreams of the boy who is snoring peacefully next to you. (Seriously? How did he fall asleep so fast?)
You almost had a peaceful sleep. Almost.
You’re unsure how much time has passed, but your slumber was rudely interrupted by a very bright strike of lightning, loud thunder following not too close behind. The sound made you wake in a panic, heart racing and sitting straight up in bed. Once you realized what was happening you lay back down, trying to relax yourself back to sleep.
It wasn’t working. The lightning and thunder continued, and for some reason you just cannot bring your brain to calm down enough. Tossing and turning, you’re thankful that the darkness can hide the blush on your cheeks as you take in Seungmin’s sleeping form. His mouth is partially open, soft snores emitting from it and making you smile. His hair has dried, fluffy and falling into his eyes where his lashes cast a delicate shadow onto his cheeks. 
Another crack of thunder makes you jump, and this time it was loud enough to make Seungmin stir too. Afraid he would wake up and catch you staring at him, you quickly shut your eyes, pretending to be asleep and praying that your best friend wouldn’t be able to hear your heart pounding in your chest. 
You hear Seungmin take in a deep breath, and he scoots a little closer to you. “I know you’re awake,” you hear him say, and the gentle yet sleepy tone makes you open your eyes, even though you were desperately trying to get yourself to fall asleep. Taking a look at him, you try to hide the fact that you’re a little flustered, but that isn’t easy as Seungmin reaches across the space in between you and pulls you into his chest. If he couldn’t hear your heart beating before, he should be able to feel it by now, but sure enough you relaxed in his hold, as if you were made for his arms to be wrapped around you. Seungmin runs his fingers through your hair in a slightly comforting gesture. “Thunderstorm keeping you up?” He asks quietly, and you nod your head. “It’s gotten worse. I hope it lets up before we have to leave…” you trail off, and Seungmin just shushes you, the patterns he’s drawing on his scalp slowing to a stop as he holds you.
Taking a chance, you look up at your best friend, nose touching his chin as he lays there with his eyes closed. Sensing your stare, he pulls away a little and looks at you, and that’s when you see it. Something is there, but you’re not quite able to make it out.
That is, until suddenly Seungmin is leaning down towards you, face coming closer slowly as if to gauge your reaction. Taking the plunge, you meet him halfway in a searing kiss, one that you did not expect to come from him right now, or ever.
You were always positive that your feelings for Seungmin were unrequited, looking for signs that he may have even the littlest bit of feelings for you over the years. Maybe you’re just oblivious, but all of those thoughts fly out the window at the feeling of his lips on yours, the hand that was once on your waist now on your cheek, his other hand still in your hair.
You stay like that for a few minutes, just kissing, enjoying the fact that you’re both finally getting what you wanted. You’re the first one to pull away, out of breath and absolutely smitten.
“You,” Seungmin starts, a shy smile on his lips as he looks at your pink cheeks, “have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for,” he confesses, and it makes you smile. “Well, why’d you stop?” you tease and pull him back down for another kiss.
The first kiss was gentle, loving, sweet. Everything you ever expected of Kim Seungmin. The second kiss, however, turned into something deeper, more sensual and passionate as you swiped your tongue along his bottom lip, him granting you access but immediately fighting you for dominance. You let him win, giving into the feelings that were slowly forming in the pit of your stomach. His hold on you tightens, and he pushes you into the mattress, hovering over you while still driving you absolutely insane. His hands move under your shirt, the brunette tracing circles on your hip bones that automatically start a fire inside of you. His kisses move down to your neck, biting on a spot between your neck and your collarbone which elicits a small groan of his name from your mouth.
“Fuck,” he says under his breath, the noise you made clearly affecting him. He pushes his hands farther up your shirt and looks at you for permission. “Can I?” he asks, and you simply nod your head, raising your arms to help him get you out of your shirt. 
Being in front of Seungmin in this way was totally new-- the most he’s ever seen of you is in a bikini, and even then you wore a tshirt over it more often than not. You go to cover yourself but Seungmin moves your arms away and his lips immediately attach to your chest, making eye contact with you as his tongue runs across your nipple. Seungmin seems to be spurred on by the noises you’re making, running his hands up and down your sides, going lower each time but refusing to put his hands where you really want them. He pulls away for a quick moment, and you whine at the loss of contact. Seungmin sits up, a chuckle falling from his lips as he takes off his own tshirt, and you can’t help but stare at the lithe body that’s presented before you. You’ve always known he was in shape, but watching his muscles flex with each movement he makes suddenly makes you very impatient. 
Suddenly he’s back on you, lips traveling farther down to your core and the knot in your stomach tightens a little bit more with each kiss he leaves on your body. “You,” he begins, “are the most. Beautiful. Woman. I. have. Ever. seen.” he accentuates each word with a kiss, starting at your ribcage and ending on your inner thighs. His lips are ghosting your core, opting to continue the sweet kisses on your inner thighs. “Seungmin..please,” you whine out, a hand moving down to grip his hair. “What do you want, baby? I need you to use your words,” he says with a smirk on his face. 
“Seungmin please. I need your tongue, your fingers, fuck anything just...touch me. Please,” you beg him. Happy to hear your breathy moans, he finally slips off your sleep shorts and your underwear at once, running a finger through your folds. “So, so pretty,” he says in amazement, reveling in the fact that you’re soaked, and it’s all for him. 
Seungmin begins placing soft kitten licks to your clit, the feeling making you want to roll your eyes into the back of your head. Instead you opt to watch him, his eyes completely blown with lust as he adds a finger to the mix. Looking up at you to gauge your reaction, Seungmin is more than happy with what he sees. Your eyes have gone dark, trying not to throw your head back in pleasure because you want to watch as he slowly has you falling apart around him. 
The feeling of his finger inside you makes you whimper. It’s nice, but it’s nowhere near enough. “Seungmin..please stop teasing,” you beg him. He looks up at you questioningly. “Nu uh baby, I have to get you ready for me,” “I am ready for you, Seungmin, God please-- just fuck me,”
Hearing the absolute desperation in your voice, he decides to grant you mercy, removing his fingers and pulling your legs up a little higher. “You sure?” he asks once more, looking for your consent before you cross a boundary that the two of you will never be able to come back from. You pull him down to you for a kiss, hoping that he can feel all of the emotions you’re pouring into it. “Seungmin, I want you. In every sense of the word. I have never been so sure about something,” you say. With a gentle smile on his lips, he leans back to pull down his sweatpants, cock springing up against his stomach. You feel your heart begin to beat even faster-- as if that was possible-- knowing what was coming.
Seungmin runs the head of his cock in between your folds, something that has you keening with pleasure and excitement. Leaning close to you, he takes your hand in his, and uses his free hand to guide his cock into your entrance. Seungmin lets out a deep groan that mirrors your own, getting lost in the feeling of how tight you feel around him. The stretch stings for just a moment, but is soon replaced with a feeling of absolute euphoria. It’s like Seungmin was made for you; feeling absolutely full once he bottoms out. He stays like that for a moment or two, letting you get adjusted to the feeling as he peppers kisses on your neck, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You wiggle your hips just a bit, and Seungmin gets the hint. Slowly pulling out, you moan at the feeling of him inside you. He picks up a steady pace, not too fast but not agonizingly slow. 
The only sounds that can be heard in the room are skin slapping, and your moans mixed with Seungmin’s quieter noises as well. “F-fuck,” he stutters, hips starting to move faster, hitting you harder and looking for your gspot. “S-seungmin dont..d-dont stop,” you say, the knot in your stomach turning white hot as he continued.
Seungmin leans in closer to you, your legs pushed up against your chest and the position has you seeing stars. Feeling your wall clench around him, one of Seungmin’s hands travels down to your clit, rubbing fast circles. His high was approaching too, but he wanted to make sure that you came before he did. “Oh my god,” you breathe out as the knot in your stomach finally snaps, vision going white and the only thing coming from your mouth is Seungmin’s name, repeated like a mantra that you would live by your entire life. Not even seconds later Seungmin’s orgasm comes, triggered by your wall tightening around him. You feel him fill you completely, a soft moan let out as you both finally come down from your highs.
Pulling out and laying back down beside you, Seungmin pulls you close to him once again. “I meant what I said, you know. About wanting you. I do. All of the time,” you quietly say, still a little out of breath and your cheeks flushing pink. Throwing his arm over your waist, he presses a kiss to your cheek. “I know. I want you too, always. Y/N, would you do me the honors and be my actual girlfriend?” He asks, looking you in the eyes. You smile softly, leaning into kiss him once more.
“Absolutely,” you say, right before sleep takes you, the thunderstorm completely forgotten.
A/N: Hey! If you’ve made it this far, make sure you like/reblog/give me any kind of feedback! I really hope you guys like it!!
Also my requests ARE OPEN so if you have anything you wanna send in, feel free to do so!!!
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 18
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on, on Mayans M.C., are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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It was a quiet morning in the Teller-Reyes residence. Nina woke up to Angel’s beard tickling her neck, as he nuzzled up to her; still sleeping like a baby. His arm was locked around her in a vice grip, but Nina desperately needed to pee; so, she kissed his forehead, before scooting downwards in the bed, to get out from under his hold. He muttered something unintelligible, and Nina smiled to herself as she slipped on one of his flannels, and snuck quietly out of the room.
After handling her business, Nina went through the living room – hearing Angel beginning to rouse and get out of bed – and headed into the kitchen. She smiled through the serving hatch at the biker, who returned the gesture, and walked into the bathroom; rubbing his eyes. He’d put on a pair of sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips, and Nina couldn’t help but think a couple of impure thoughts about what was hiding behind them.
As she began searching the cabinets for something edible, Angel got out of the bathroom, and headed towards the bedroom again. Nina found a box of pancake-mix, and turned to the fridge to see if there was any chance Angel had stored anything other than beer and stale pizza in there – preferably, milk. Something small, with long antennae scuttered across the floor; and she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Angel…!”, she squealed, and climbed onto the counter. “What the fuck?”, she heard Angel roar. He came storming through the house, and barged into the kitchen; his gun drawn. “Where are they?”, he growled, his eyes scanning the kitchen. Nina was shaking, and she pointed at the bug, which was calmly wiggling its feelers on the floor. “There…”, she croaked.
Angel let out a deep breath. “Fuck, I thought someone had come to…”, he began; before looking at her, as she sat, hugging her knees, on the counter. “Ma’… It’s just a cockroach”, he smiled. “Get rid of it!”, Nina demanded. Angel sighed, and grabbed a newspaper, getting ready to fold it up. “No, don’t kill it! Take it outside…”. “Are you…? Shit, whatever…”, Angel muttered, and gently picked up the cockroach. While Nina moved backwards on the counter, to get as far away from the bug as possible, Angel carried it out the back door; muttering to himself all the way. He came back a few moments later, and reached out to help Nina down to the floor. “Nuh uh. Nope. Wash your hands first”, she said. Angel rolled his eyes, went over to the sink, and washed his hands. Nina watched him, to make sure he was thorough. “Call an exterminator, or burn down the house. Those are your two options”, she growled. Angel rolled his eyes. “You know, it’s your fault it was in here. They like clean houses”, he said, and pulled Nina off the counter with a firm grip on her waist. His shirt rode up her hips, and he smirked at her. “No panties?”. Nina scowled at him, and pulled the shirt down to cover herself. “I’m gonna take a shower; and don’t tell me roaches like water, ‘cuz I’ll run naked out the front door; and you’ll never see me again”.
She went into the bedroom, and dug out some clothes from the drawer Angel had cleared out for her few belongings. Angel had followed her, and when she went to pass him; when he halted her with a light hand on her hip. “I could go in with you… Squash any little monster that tries anything”, he offered. “No thanks. But you can get me some coffee. Extra strong…”, Nina said. When Angel pouted, she relented, and gave him a small kiss. “I though you got enough last night…”, she smiled against his lips. “I never get enough, querida”, Angel replied, and moved his hand to give her butt a little squeeze. “I’ll go cook up your next high”. “Thank you, papi”, Nina said, and slipped into the bathroom. “That’s not fair. You know what it does to me, when you call me that”, Angel called after her. “I’m locking this”, she replied, and closed the door behind her.
When she’d finished her shower, Nina got dressed, and did her makeup. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw that she looked well and fucked. Not in the bad way, though; quite the opposite. She was practically glowing, and had a brand new hickey on her neck. She smiled as she ran her fingertips over it.
Angel had left a mug of coffee on the table for her, and after having put on her shoes – she was not going barefoot before she was sure she wasn’t going to step on a stray roach – she grabbed it; before going to stand in the doorway to the bedroom. She nipped at her hot drink, and leaned against the wall, while watching Angel tying his boots. He was wearing jeans and a short-sleeved t-shirt as usual, and she studied his tattoos, as his skin moved over his muscles. “See something you like?”, Angel asked, and stood up from where he’d been seated on the edge of the bed. “You know you look good. I don’t need to bolster your ego”, Nina grinned. He walked over to her, and nabbed her mug; taking a sip, before handing it back. His cut was hanging over a chair, and he put it on. “And now you look even better”. “You’re objectifying me”, Angel said in mock offence. “I’m just saying… That thing belongs on your back”, Nina chuckled. “I’m glad you still have it”.
Angel walked up to her, and placed a finger under her chin. “You just want me for my cut”. He leaned in to nibble at her neck, and Nina hummed in delight, when his hand travelled under her top, and began stroking her bare skin. “Do the patches turn you on, mami? I could kneecap Riz; get him off his bike for a while. They’d need a new secretario; and I’d get another one for the collection”. “That’s not funny!”, Nina chided. Angel chuckled. “I’m just kidding. Just thought you’d like to see me with a bit more flash”, he said. “I thought I proved to you that rank doesn’t matter”, Nina said, set down the mug, and tugged at his beard playfully. “If it did, it would have been Packer balls deep in me last night”. Angel looked seriously at her. “Now, that’s not funny”. “I could go call him right now… He could be here in about three hours”, Nina teased, and pulled out of Angel’s arms. “Two, if I offer him a blowjob for the extra effort”. Angel let out a sound between a growl and a hiss, and Nina ran to get away from him.
She managed to reach the kitchen before he was on her, attacking her body with tickles; and making her squeal from laughter. She was thrown over his shoulder, carried into the living room; and deposited on the couch. Angel stood over her with a hard look on his face. “Ain’t no one gonna be balls deep in you but me, mami”, he growled, and threw himself at her. Nina was almost crying from laughter, as he once again began tickling her. His hands moved between her thighs, and Nina tried clenching them together, but Angel was stronger, and forced them apart. “I’ll be good. I promise!”, Nina shrieked. “I know you will”, he smirked, and cupped her crotch; rubbing her through her shorts. “Only good girls get to…”.
His phone started buzzing on the coffee table. EZ lit up the screen, and Angel picked up the call with an annoyed grunt. “What? I was about to…”. His face dropped. “Yeah, man… of course… No, I’ll go do it myself. It was my fuck-up… Yeah… See you then”. He hung up, and sat back on the couch; sighing deeply. “What’s wrong?”, Nina asked, getting up to sit next to him. “Pap went by my mom’s grave. He saw what I did…”, Angel said gloomily. “I gotta go fix it”. Nina took his hand, and kissed it. “Do you want help?”, she asked. “Nah, you shouldn’t be out in the open… And I was the one who… I gotta do it alone”. He looked down at the floor. “I get it”, Nina said. Angel got up to stand, and pulled Nina with him. “I’ll take you to the yard, and then go take care of it”. “Ok. Then, maybe… drop by your pap’”, Nina said. “Just say you’re sorry”. Angel shrugged. “I’ve given up apologizing to the old man”, he said. “I’ve done too much shit. I’d be there for a year”.
Nina put her arms around him. “He loves you. And he’s proud of you”, she said. Angel let out a short scoffing laugh. “It’s true! I saw it, when he came by the clubhouse… And I know onething you did, that he’s happy about”. “What’s that?”, Angel asked. “Well, he likes me”, Nina shrugged. Angel’s frown turned into a bright smile. “And I did you…”, he said. “You make everything dirty”, Nina chuckled. “You know it”, Angel said, and patted her bottom. “Let’s go”.
Nina went to grab her helmet, when Angel frowned again. “What?”, she asked. “I know that thing has sentimental value to you; but I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s unsafe”, Angel replied. Nina chewed her lip. She knew Angel was right, but not using Jackson’s helmet felt like a weird betrayal. “I really don’t want to get another…”, she said. Angel sighed. “I’m gonna say something that you might piss you off”, he said. Nina looked at him warily. “If we get in a crash, you’ll end up just like him”. A jolt of pain went through Nina’s heart, and she blinked away a tear. “He wasn’t wearing it when… Maybe if he had…”. “He didn’t wear it, because he chose not to”, Angel said. “By wearing it, instead of one that fits you, your kinda choosing that outcome yourself”. Nina shot him a sad and slightly angry look. “Why are you so fucking smart?”, she asked. “Because my helmet fits, and my head is safe when I go down”, Angel said, and smiled softly at her.
Nina put down the helmet on the workbench, and picked up the one she’d borrowed from the club. “I’ll get you a new one like it”, Angel said. “Uh huh”, she muttered, and went towards the front door. Angel stopped her, and cupped her face in his hands. “Hey… Te amo, ok?”. “I love you too”, Nina whispered, and wiped her eyes.
She gave Jax’s helmet one last look, before they left the house.
Once at the yard, Angel kissed her goodbye; and went to take care of his mistake. Nina spent a little while keeping herself busy; both to get back in the groove of the clubhouse, and to keep her mind of Angel’s face as he’d driven away. He’d been glum, and she knew he’d need her once he returned.
Bishop waved her over to join him and Taza at their table. “What’s up?”, she asked, as she sat down. “I talked to Palo”, Taza said. “The handover is set for three days from now”. Nina swallowed thickly, and clenched her fists on the table. “Which means we’re in a rush to find the snitch”, Bishop said. He must have interpreted her expression as fear, because he reached over, and patted her arm. “We’re not going to let anything happen to you. I promise”. “I know. I’m still just feeling shitty about letting someone else take my place”, she said. “And what happens after that? Am I supposed to hide for the rest of my life, so Palo doesn’t discover that I’m still alive?”. She sighed, and shook her head. “We’ll keep working on finding something to use against Palo”, Taza said. Nina shot him a look of actual fear; though not for her own safety; but his. “Call around for your old acquaintances down south”, Bishop said. “Some of them have got to still be alive…”. “I’ll look in to it”, Taza said.
“Either way, we still have to plan the handover”, Bishop said. “Palo understands that we can’t do it publicly; because we’re breaking our rules of protecting family”. “So, what?”, Nina asked. “A dark van in an alley?” “Actually, we’re thinking another party”, Taza said. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”, Nina gasped. “Just once, I’d like to enjoy drinks and good times without having to fear for my life”. “You’ll be perfectly…”, Taza began. “Safe. Yeah; so you tell me”, Nina said. “We’ll have a full house of guests; meaning Palo won’t draw on you the minute he sees you”, Bishop said. “Then we do the deed somewhere on the yard, away from the clubhouse”. “Do the deed, as in let Palo kill some woman”, Nina said. “Basically”, Bishop said. “You don’t have to worry; you won’t be there for that part”.
Nina closed her eyes; as if doing so would make the two bikers disappear in front of her. It didn’t work. When she opened them again, Bishop and Taza were still there; looking at her intently. “Ok… In that case, I guess I have a party to plan”, she said, and got to her feet. “Any special requests?”. “No dried apricots this time”, Taza said. “I’ll buy an extra bag, just for you”, Nina smiled sarcastically. “Anything else?”. “Yeah”, Bishop said. “Lockdown is back on for you. Just in case VM tries anything before then”. “Great. I’m grounded again”, Nina said. “I’m not staying in that fucking trailer, though”. “Fine”, Bishop said. “But you don’t leave the clubhouse during the day, and it’s straight to Angel’s, and straight back, every day… And Angel keeps a loaded gun within arms-reach at all times, when you two are alone.”. “What else is new…”, Nina grumbled. Taza chuckled. “You’re lucky. We were considering having someone watching you when you sleep”, he said. “You wanna watch me and Angel in bed?”, Nina smirked. “Go ahead. We’ll give you a show”.
She got on her feet, and went back towards the bar. EZ walked into the clubhouse, lugging a case of beers. “Yo, prospect. Where’s your brother?”, Taza asked. “We got a load this afternoon with his name on it”. EZ put down the case, and shot Nina a short look. “He’s taking care of some family shit”, he said. Nina swallowed thickly. “Yeah, I heard about your mom’s grave. Someone seriously fucked it over”, Bishop said. “Do you need to go?”. The warmth in his voice was surprising. “No. Angel wanted to take care of himself”, EZ muttered. “Well, let me know if you need help finding who did it. Shit like that, we don’t let slide”, Bishop said. “Thanks… but we got it”, the prospect said.
Nina smiled thankfully at him. Angel didn’t need to add to his guilt, by being chastised by his president; EZ knew that as well as her.
Angel arrived at the clubhouse a little before noon, and gave EZ a short nod, before going over to put his arms around Nina. He stood upright, and tried to keep a cool demeanor; but Nina could feel the sadness and guilt stream through him. “Come on…”, she muttered, and pulled him by the hand, into the back room; where Angel instantly buried his face in the crook of her neck. Nina held him tight; stroking his back, and kissing his temple. “Do you wanna talk about it?”. Angel pulled back, and looked at her. “The place was trashed”, he said. “It wasn’t that bad. It was just a few bottles”, Nina said. “She would have whooped my ass, if she was there to see it”, Angel said. “No she wouldn’t. If she was anything like you, she’d understand that you were in pain”. She kissed his lips softly. “It’s like I let her down again". He was doing his best not to shed tears. “What do you mean?”.
Angel met her eyes for a second, before sighing. It was as if he had to force himself to tell the story, because it pained him so much. “The night my mam' died, I was supposed to help her lock up the shop". He paused for a second, as if gathering strength to continue. “I decided I wanted to go to a party instead, so EZ went there instead of me… He found her, shot". Nina let out a deep breath; her heart breaking slightly. “I was supposed to be there… I didn’t protect her, and I made my kid brother have to deal with what happened… He went to jail, ‘cuz he shot a cop; chasing after the killer… I did that". It was agony to hear Angel retell the tale, but Nina owed him to help carry the burden of his story; as he had helped her. “You couldn’t have known, Angel…”, she whispered in his ear, as he once again hid his face against her neck. “I was getting drunk and high, while some shithead killed my mam'; and EZ went to jail over it”.
Nina was beginning to understand the reason for Angel’s tendency to self-hatred; though she didn’t agree with it. He had an ego the size of a small country, sure; but when it came to how he thought of himself as a person, Angel had trouble finding any value there. This tragic event changed his life, and the life if his family, and Angel thought that he was the reason for all their woes.
She looked at the fragile man in her arms, and she wished she could make him love himself as much as she did. “Angel… listen", she said. “You didn’t kill your mother. You didn’t send EZ to jail. The fact that you weren’t there, doesn’t make you guilty of anything… Someone else decided to pull that trigger, and you could have just as easily been hurt, or even killed, if you’d been in the shop that night. Your father and brother would have lost both your mother and you”. Nina put her hands to the back of Angel’s head, and forced him to look down and meet her eyes. “You are not to blame for everything bad that happens around you". “I don’t know… It feels like it”, Angel sighed. “That shit with Dani… It put those kids in danger; made you leave… I’m a fuck-up”. Nina cut him off by pressing her lips against his. “Stop… Stop acting like you’re not worth anything. You mean the world to me, and talking like this about yourself… It’s insulting!”, she said. “What do you mean?”. He looked adorably confused. “Well… you’re talking shit about my man…”, Nina smirked. “Where I come from, you would get your ass kicked for that. And it’s such a cute ass; so, I reallydon’t wanna have to do that”. She slid down her hands, and pinched his butt.
Angel finally let a smile form on his face. “Te amo, cuervo”, he said, and kissed her deeply.
By lunchtime, Angel was in a much better mood. “I’m telling you, mano; she was sitting on the counter, like all crying and shit”. There was a roar of laughter from around the table at his story. “Over a fucking cockroach?”, Gilly grinned. Nina handed out a round of cokes, putting Angel’s bottle to her own mouth, before he could take it. “Get your own drink, hero…”, she sneered. “Where’s the beer?”, Gilly asked, staring at the bottle of soda in his hand. “You’re at work. Beer later”, Nina said; her voice reminding herself of a schoolmarm. Angel laughed, pressed a kiss to her temple, and went to grab a cold coke from the fridge himself.
Apparently, when he came back to the table, he wasn’t finished making fun of Nina’s encounter with the cockroach that morning. “You were hilarious, ma’. Angel, save me. Oh my god. Please, no. I’m so scared!”, he said, his voice high pitched and exaggerated. “I didn’t sound like that; and the thing was the size of a dog!”, Nina growled. She shuddered at the memory. “Haven’t you ever seen one before, up north?”, Ez asked. “Not this big. And not in people’s houses. They hang out in crack-dens", Nina said. “Then crack-heads keep cleaner houses than SAMCRO", Coco sniggered. “They like it…”. “Clean. Yeah, I got it", Nina grunted. “Which is bullshit, by the way. I googled it, and those little bastards leave shit all over the house; and they can cause asthma attacks…”. “I already called the exterminator; relax, ma'", Angel said. “I’ll relax when our house isn’t trying to kill me anymore!”, Nina snapped, and instantly felt her cheeks burning, at her use of the word our. She cleared her throat. “Don’t you have a load to get to?” Angel smiled brightly, and leaned in for a soft kiss. “Yeah”, he said, and looked at the others. “Let’s go”. The guys all got up, and left the clubhouse to get to work; and Nina got back to her own duties.
Camille came in a little while after. Since she had started helping out behind the bar, a lot more drinks were being spilled; and quite a few beers met their end on the floor, before she could serve them. The red-head was enthusiastic about her work; but she wasn’t truly cut out for it. Whenever she poured shots, she’d get more liquor on the counter, than she got in the glasses. In spite of this, Nina was thankful for the help, as well as the company. Nina hadn’t seen Letty or Gaby since she came back, and was seriously lacking some feminine conversation. Nina liked Camille. She’d been through hell and back, but was still standing, and not letting a bad experience get in her way of trying to be happy, and finding a place of her own to thrive in. Before long, they were laughing and sharing stories about club life; and though Nina could have done without the details about Camille’s sexual escapades with the Mayans she had come to see as brothers, she spent the next couple of hours in a good mood.
“They really like you around here, huh…?”, Camille said, after Riz and Hank had come in, and both of them came over to give Nina the welcome back hug she hadn’t gotten the night before. “I guess… I like them too”, Nina smiled. “It’s just crazy… You haven’t been around that long, but you’re like family to everyone”. Camille looked at her inquisitively. “I pretty much grew up in a club like this”, Nina said. “I guess being here just comes natural to me; and they sense it”. Camille chuckled, and nudged her with her shoulder. “Come on… You have to have a secret”. Nina thought about it for a moment. “I don’t treat them like gods, like some women around here do”, she said; and instantly felt her cheeks burn. “I mean… present company not included”, she lied. Camille shrugged. “I don’t know… They are pretty awesome. It’s like, when they put on their cuts, they become… They’re just so amazing”. Nina laughed at this. “Camille; they’re just men”, she said. “Give them their favorite beer and tell them their bikes are rad, and they’ll think you’re heaven-sent”. “Really?”, Camille said. She began wiping down the counter for the third time since she’d arrived, and Nina left her too it.
Coco peeked in through a half open door, and looked at Nina hesitantly. “Yo, niña? We finished work. Can we get some beers now?”, he asked. “Sure, Coco…”, Nina laughed. “I got it!”, Camille smiled brightly, and quickly grabbed a round of cold ones for the bikers returning from work. “Be my guest”, Nina shrugged, and went to check on the bathroom situation. Gilly had been in there, after gulping down a large serving of chimichangas – extra cheese. To her relief, the damage wasn’t that bad; but she still set up an extra air-freshener. Camille hadn’t returned by the time she came back to the bar, and Nina decided to go check she hadn’t dropped the beers all over the porch.
Once outside, she found no beer on the porch, only Coco and Gilly smirking, and shaking their heads. They were looking in the direction of the row of bikes, where Camille was leaning against Angel’s bike, talking with an enthused expression about something; and he was smiling and nodding casually, his beer in hand. Camille licked her lips, and pushed out her breasts. It was like a flashback to the day after the party, where Daniella had been trying get it on with Angel; and Nina had to stop herself from running over and hiss at the woman to back the fuck off. “He might need some help”, Coco muttered at Nina. “Yeah…”, Nina said.
She walked as calmly as she could towards Camille and Angel. Camille hadn’t noticed her coming, and kept up her flirting. “I noticed that’s your favorite, so I thought I’d bring it for you”, she said. “Thanks. That was nice of you”, Angel said, and locked eyes with Nina; looking relieved. “I’m just gonna…”. Camille walked towards him, and put her hand on his lower arm. “I really like your bike, Angel. Maybe we could go for a ride some time…”. “Camille, can I talk to you?”, Nina called out. Camille turned around, and looked at her with a confused expression. “Is something wrong?”, she asked. “I’m gonna go… over there”, Angel said, and edged away from Camille; moving towards the porch.
Nina walked all the way over to Camille, and blew out a deep breath; trying to remain calm. “I’d really appreciate it if you stop flirting with Angel”, she said. Camille frowned, and shook her head in puzzlement. “But… you said…”. “He’s off limits”, Nina declared. Camille laughed a little. “I know you guys were together, before you went away for a while...”. "You saw us together last night!", Nina exclaimed. "Yeah; but just last week, he was with Daniella...". “Angel is mine”, Nina said. “I’m not gonna repeat myself again. If you want to hang around here, you keep away from him”. “So, you’re like his old lady?”, Camille asked. “Yes… Now, go inside. Bish’ and Taza need refills”. Nina was surprised at her own ability to keep her voice as level as it was. Camille nodded. “Yeah, sure. I didn’t mean to…”, she said. “It’s fine. We’re good. Just don’t do it again”, Nina said. Camille walked back towards the clubhouse, avoiding eye contact with the three bikers who had watched the interaction. Once the door closed behind her, Coco and Gilly made a show of slow clapping at Nina. “Fuck off”, she sneered, and went back towards the porch herself.
Angel came down to meet her, and Coco and Gilly went inside the clubhouse. “You know I didn’t…”, he began. “No, I know”, Nina cut him off. “I was just… marking my claim”. She shot him a sly smirk, and Angel put his arms around her, pulling her close; so that her could whisper in her ear. “That was fucking hot, mami”, he said, and kissed her neck, before leaning back again. “And thanks. She was getting butt prints on my bike”. “Only my butt gets to leave prints there”, Nina grinned. Angel’s eyes lit up. “That gives me an idea…”. “We’re not having sex on your bike”, Nina said. “At least not on the yard. Too many eyes”. “Then let’s take a ride somewhere…”, Angel said with a smirk. “I can’t… I’m on lockdown again”, Nina groaned.
They walked back towards the clubhouse, Angel’s arm around Nina’s shoulders; when he spoke again. “Do you think my bike would fit through the front door of the house?”.
Tags: @cole-winchester @doloreschanal
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dal3ks · 4 years
the project
pairing: peter parker x female reader 
word count: 3.2k
warnings: smut, cursing, teasing, coaxing, pet names, mentions to anatomy, marking, oral(receiving), both characters are of age! 
a/n: this was a fic i had posted on my main account @a-dorin​, but i am in the process of switching over content so that it is a strictly star wars account! just a disclaimer, i am not plagiarizing or stealing content, as this is my fic!
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"today i have an exciting announcement," your chemistry teacher gushed, "since we are right on track for the unit, we will be taking a slight detour in our lesson plans. this whole week, we will be learning all about human chemistry!"
the class groaned, and you turned around to your best friend, nova, "how fucking lame."
she winked at you, "it'll be fun."
"so, to kick off this unit, we will be conducting a project on chemical reactions in the human body. i know you all have lab partners, but to make it fun, i will be drawing names out of a cup. everyone's name is on a slip of paper. i will begin drawing names right now, then we will discuss some of the parameters of the project," your teacher continued, a wide smile on his face.
drawing in a sigh, you glanced around the entirety of the room. m.j., one of your close friends, looked intrigued, as she was sitting next to your best friend, nova. flash looked disgusted, while peter and ned both grimaced to one another.
a part of you was hoping you would be paired up with your high school crush, peter parker. ever since the first semester of your freshman year, you had been attracted to him. he had bumped into you in the hallway between seventh and eighth period, knocking your coffee out of your hand. he apologized profusely, even handing you a ten dollar bill for the next coffee run. ever since then, you wanted to get to know the shy boy.
peter was guarded. extremely guarded. his awkward demeanor didn't help at all. anytime you asked him the simplest question, he got flustered, red-faced and stuttered. part of you wondered if it was because he just wasn't a people person, or if it was because he liked you. 
both of you guys had made small exchanges since that encounter, whether it was greeting one another in the hallway, sharing a seat on a bus ride, or giving one another snacks in class. since m.j. was within your friend group, you did get to see peter some, as they were mutual friends.
every girl at your high school adored peter. he was charismatic, charming, and was passionate about his friends and school. also, who was ever offered the opportunity to work alongside tony stark? that was another aspect you adored about peter. whenever you guys did chat, it was usually a vivid, funny story about peter's internship with stark industries. his stories made you laugh every time.
even though peter was short, he was taller than you. his floppy brown curls had all of the girls drooling. his smile was radiant, and his body was amazing. you had snuck glances during gym class. the boy was extremely fit. you figured it was due to his internship with stark industries, or maybe the boy just liked to work out. regardless, his body was extremely attractive.
"(y/n) (l/n)," your chemistry teachers voice rang out, snapping you out of your thoughts, "you will be paired with... peter parker."
you widened your eyes, surprised at what you were hearing. glancing over at peter, you realized he looked just as surprised as you were. even though the class had "random" partners, the chemistry teacher usually paired you up with your friends.
after the teacher finished assigning partners, he cleared his throat, "all right everyone! please sit next to your partner while i hand out the rubrics. m.j., can you please help me pass out the papers?"
peter slid into the seat next to you, clearing his throat, "well, i guess we're partners."
"i don't mind it one bit," you flashed him a wide smile.
"so i'm not entirely sure what this project is," peter mumbled, his eyes focused on the table.
m.j. handed us the rubrics, "i'm not sure if you listened to the entire lecture, dipshit. the project is over chemical reactions in the human body."
peter looked sheepish, "yeah, i got that part. but is there anything in the rubric that states that we need to do?"
"i'm sure it's all in the rubric," m.j. smiled sweetly.
you slid peter a rubric for the project, "hey, i'm really sorry if i'm not ned."
"it's cool," he shrugged, obviously in distress. ned was paired with nova, and they were already working on their project, taking notes.
"how about i give you my number?" you inquired, sliding your phone out of your hoodie pocket, "and you come over tonight so we can get a head start?"
"that sounds good," he nodded, taking your phone and typing the number into his phone, "how about i call you when i'm on my way?"
you smiled, eagerly taking the phone back, "that works. i'm home alone tonight, so even better."
peter blushed, just nodding, "i'll call you later then when i'm on my way."
the bell rang, signifying the end of the period. luckily chemistry was your last class of the day. you walked home, bubbly that peter was coming over tonight. once you arrived home, you took a hot shower, shaved your legs, put on lotion, and threw on some clothes. since it was fall, you opted for an over sized hoodie, paired with black leggings. you sprayed your favorite perfume, ensured your skin looked good, and threw on mascara.
once you were all ready, you straightened up your room. you made your bed, throwing some stuffed animals in the closet. peter never told you a time he would come over, but you assumed it would be later in the evening. by the time you finished cleaning the house, it was about seven thirty-eight. you sighed, a feeling of distress creeping over you. what if peter didn't want to come over? what if he stood you up?
a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. you fluffed your hair, opening the door. there, stood peter, with a white paper bag in his hand, a two liter of cherry coke in the other, "hey, can i come in?"
"of course," he stepped in, setting his book bag near the door, "what did ya bring me?"
he smiled slightly, "oh, my aunt went down to this deli and picked us up some subs and this soda."
"well," you began, "i'm not too hungry right now. maybe we could start on our project, and eat later?"
"okay," he handed you the bag, "you probably know where to put this."
you took it from him, "yeah, the kitchen is just this way. follow me."
"your house is so nice," peter breathed as he followed you, his voice low.
"thank you," you placed the bag in the fridge, taking the two liter from his hand, "you can thank my dad for that. he remodeled the whole house."
"he did an excellent job," peter peered at the kitchen, his brown eyes taking in the granite island, "this looks like somewhere tony stark would live."
you giggled, "it's not that nice."
"it's nice," he nodded enthusiastically, "your dad must be a genius. like a interior design genius."
"honestly he had this idea for a while," you felt myself smile again, "he just acted on it and made it happen. do you wanna head up to my room?"
peter's eyes widened, and he rubbed the back of his neck, "i mean, yeah, we can do that. for sure."
you had him follow you upstairs to your room, guiding him. once you were in the room, he marveled at all of the posters, polaroids, and lights plastered on the walls. you sat down on the floor, grabbing your laptop. peter sat down next to you, biting his lip anxiously.
"oh shit," he mumbled, "i forgot my laptop downstairs."
"don't worry about it," you placed your hand on top of his, "we just need to do a little bit of research anyways. i was thinking maybe we could just do an oral presentation? or we could do PowerPoint. whatever you wanna do."
"okay," you were sure peter's lip would start bleeding if he chewed it even more than he already was.
as you both locked eyes, you noticed that he had a slight cut on his right cheekbone. you frowned, feeling yourself instinctively place your hand on his cheek, the pad of your thumb gently caressing it. he flinched at your touch, but kept looking at you.
"what happened? you didn't have that earlier today in class." the words tumbled out of your mouth, and you immediately felt nosy for asking.
"oh," he stuttered, "i ran into the door frame at the apartment on my way over here. i guess i was a little excited."
"excited to see me?" you raised a brow, feeling heat rush into your cheeks. a blush spread into your cheeks, and you immediately wanted to cover up your face.
"well," peter shifted nervously, "i mean, i didn't want to be too late, and i heard how you were going to be alone so i didn't want you to be alone, and yeah. um, yeah, i was excited to see you tonight."
you scooted closer to him, and his shyness began to dissolve, as he allowed you to continue to hold his face. you could almost feel his waves of anxiety radiating off of him. he was extremely nervous but you didn't know what about.
"peter," your voice was soft, "are you okay?"
his eyes met yours, “i kinda want to tell you something."
"and that is?" you bit my lip.
"i like you, like a lot. i mean, god you're so beautiful. all of the guys at school talk about you and jesus. i probably act like a fucking idiot all the time around you but god i like you so much. i even ran into the door frame because i was so excited to see you. and maybe you don't like me either but i just can't help but be nervous. i just care about you so much. you're so beautiful. like really really beautiful." all of the words tumbling out of his mouth sounded sincere. his cheeks were burning crimson with embarrassment.
"peter," you murmured, your face dangerously close to his. his bottom lip was swollen from him biting it earlier, "i have feelings for you too."
peter sighed with relief, "that makes me so happy."
"what's our project about again?" your hands felt for your laptop, and you pulled it closer to you two.
"chemical reactions in humans," peter answered, not breaking his gaze away from mine, "i have an idea for research since we haven't found a specific topic yet."
"and that is?" you raised an inquisitive brow.
he scooped you into his arms, laying you on your back on the bed. his lips met yours, kissing you eagerly. you pressed your lips against his, kissing him back, surprised at his rush of confidence. his tongue entered your mouth, the kisses becoming more and more hungry. peter's callused hands roamed your body under your hoodie, making contact with your skin. you shivered, goosebumps covering your body.
peter pulled back for a second, "is this okay?"
kissing him gently, you gave an answer against his lips, "yes, this is more than okay. it's amazing."
his lips pressed against your neck, sucking slightly. you knew there would be hickeys in the morning. you ran your hands through his hair, tugging lightly. he pressed his body against yours, and you could feel his hard on through his joggers. as he kissed down your neck, you palmed him through the fabric. he groaned against your neck, whining slightly.
peter motioned you to sit up, and you obeyed. his gentle fingers slipped the hoodie off your top half. a part of you wondered if he had done this with any other girl before. he slipped off his own shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs. you felt a slight wave of insecurity washing over you, you weren't as near as fit as he was.
peter seemed to sense the shift in your mood, kissing your chest, "stop. you're beautiful. god, i need all of you."
you undid the clasp on your lace nude bralette, letting it fall onto the floor beside the bed. peter widened his eyes, grasping each one of your breasts in his hands. he squeezed gently, unsure of what to do next. his eyes met yours, full of lust. his bottom lip was slightly swollen from the kissing, and his pupils were dilated.
his mouth latched onto your breasts, giving each one of them an equal amount of attention. you laced your fingers into his hair, tugging harder this time as peter sucked, kissed, and licked all over your chest and breasts. the actions were driving you crazy. you could feel how wet you were, even with your leggings still on. as peter continued, you let out a small moan.
"what princess?" peter's voice was husky, "tell me what you want."
"i want you," you whined, "i want you so bad."
"mmm," he hummed, "that's not specific enough, baby. tell me exactly what you want."
"i want your touch so bad," your voice was edged with desire.
"yeah?" his voice was low.
you nodded eagerly, "i need you to touch me."
"as you wish princess," his lips pressed against yours gently.
peter's lips trailed down your stomach, leaving sloppy kisses. he stopped at the waistband of your leggings, his fingers hooking the fabric. he slipped your leggings off, his cheeks tinged red at the sight of your black lace thong.
"are you sure you're ready for it, princess?" peter's eyes met yours.
you bit your lip, nodding. god, he was so hot like this. his fingers delicately took your thong off, casting it to the floor. he took a second to let his eyes roam your body, savoring every inch of it. you felt peter's tongue immediately connect itself to your clit, going in slow, circular motions. you gripped his head, pressing his face into your thighs. that only encouraged him, as he began to suck on your clit. he inserted a finger inside of you, pumping it in and out.
"god," he groaned, "you taste so good baby."
"you're going to make me cum," you moaned, your cheeks hot and jaw slack. even though you had received oral before, peter was by far the best you ever had.
his tongue slowly licked up, taking in all of your pussy. he fingered you, making a hook with his two fingers. you could feel tension building up in you, driving you crazy. your orgasm was coming soon, and peter showed no signs of slowing down. peter wanted nothing more to do this all night if he could.
"you're close aren't you?" peter's breath was hot, "c'mon princess, you're almost there."
he sucked on your clit, squeezing one of your breasts in his hand. his fingers pulled on your nipple, and you felt yourself come undone. your loud moans filled the room, and peter gripped your thighs to keep you on the bed. he licked you until your thighs stopped trembling. once he was finished, he glanced up at you, his cheeks flushed.
you took his hand, sucking on his two fingers. he bit his lip, letting out a small sigh, "i told you that you tasted good."
your eyes drifted down at the sight of his hard on through his joggers. your hand palmed him through the fabric, and pleasure washed over him.
"hey peter," you murmured, "did you bring any condoms?"
his face reddened, "no, i, um. i have some, but not with me."
your fingers latched themselves on the waistband of his joggers, slowly gliding down his legs. he was still hard, his skin hot and his face flushed. his breath hitched in his throat as you pulled down his boxers, your hand wrapping around the base of his cock.
"peter," your eyes met his, "please fuck me."
he almost came at the sound of your words, the innocence in your tone. he pushed you on your back, kissing you hungrily. you felt his tip on your clit, and you let out a small whine.
"what princess?" his voice made the room ten times hotter, "tell me what you want."
"i want you," you whined, your pleas desperate, "i need you to fuck me so bad."
his cock entered you, and you let out a moan of pleasure. peter started with slow, rhythmic strokes, and you could feel all of him as he did so. as he fucked you, you placed wet kisses all over his toned chest and neck.
"you feel so good," peter groaned, his ears burning red. his eyes met yours, and you felt another wave of pleasure wash over you.
peter's lips met yours, his teeth grazing your bottom lip. there was a slight sheen of sweat on his skin, along with yours. he intensified his pace, your nails digging into his shoulder blades as he fucked you senseless. his shyness was now stripped away from him, and you loved it. you loved this moment and everything going on between you so goddamn much.
"i'm gonna cum," peter moaned. he pulled out, finishing on your stomach.
his eyes met yours once again, and you both laid there, taking in the moment. peter's lips met yours for a gentle kiss.
"i'll go grab something to clean this up with," you murmured, about to get up.
"no, you stay here," peter instructed, "just tell me where the bathroom is and i will grab a towel or something."
you gave in, telling peter where the bathroom was. he slipped on his boxers and joggers, and then went to on the search for a towel. he came back, carefully cleaning you up.
hopping off you bed, you grabbed a hoodie, throwing it on, "that was amazing."
he gave you a cheeky smile, "i just wanted to conduct some research."
"and what conclusions did you draw?" you giggled as you searched for a new pair of underwear.
"that one," he began, "you taste good. two, you have a beautiful body. and three, i cannot wait to do that again, baby."
you slipped on new thong, then found a pair of joggers, "how about we just forget the project for the rest of the night then?"
peter scooped you into his arms on the bed, cuddling you, "i don't think that's a bad idea. it's not due for another two weeks anyways."
you pressed your lips against his shoulder, "we'll be alone for another few hours anyways."
"sounds like there's going to be a round two soon then," he chuckled, "by the way, i hope i wasn't bad or anything. it was kind of my first time doing stuff like that."
you felt yourself gasp, "there's no way."
"i was a virgin before tonight so," he murmured, slightly embarrassed.
"don't be shy about it," you gave him a chaste kiss, "it's not something to be ashamed of."
"well maybe i will become experienced enough tonight and we can do our project about human chemistry during sex," peter teased.
"in your dreams, geek," you rolled your eyes playfully, and you felt his lips gently brush against your cheek.
you felt yourself collapse into his arms, feeling a slight wave of exhaustion overwhelm you. his fingers traced your back under the hoodie, and you allowed yourself to close your eyes, content to be in the arms of your boy.
if only you got to spend every night like this with peter.
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Faking It Ch 3
A/N: I don't remember Aedion’s mom every being explicitly named in the series so I just kinda made up a name. I picture her as being the young cool aunt so that’s just my portrayal, not canon lmao. 
Also I'm going to reveal what happened between them in the next few chapters so send me some theories in my asks!!!
Despite Aelin's attempts to forget about Rowan, the day continued to drag on slowly. First science class, where somehow her brain managed to relate molecular compounds to Rowan's face. Then lunch, when luckily Aedion had managed to distract her with donuts for the short fifty minutes. Now she was back in the last period of the day, left to brew in her own apprehension as the on-screen lecture lapsed by and turned into silent reading. 
Rowan had agreed to drive them both to her house after school, saving Aelin from walking back in the crisp autumn weather. She’d put more energy into her appearance today than she’d like to admit. If Aelin had one thing she love about herself, it would be her style. Today she was wearing a slightly too short wrap skirt and a loose satin black button up which she tucked one side into the skirt. She had chosen to wear her platform Doc Martens, naively assuming she could handle the ankle pain. Her hair was done up in a tight bun and she pulled back her short layers from her face with gold pins. Aelin fiddled with her hoop earrings as she watched the second hand move around the clock. 
“You’ll be fine.” Lysandra whispered, her head still staring down at the book they were supposed to be silently reading. 
Aelin scooted her chair a little closer to her friend, careful not to make a squeaking noise against the marble tile. “But what if I'm not?” 
Lys didn't look up but Aelin couldn't tell she was no longer actually reading. “Then call me and we’ll get white girl wasted and watch pride and prejudice for the hundredth time.” 
Aelin laughed under her breath, images of Mr. Darcy’s hand flex flashing though her mind. “Can you blame me? I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers.” 
Lysandra shot he a conniving look. “Maybe this is your chance to experience your own enemies to lovers?” 
Aelin scoffed a little too loudly and someone behind them glared. “It would be more like friends who slept together to lovers to enemies to awkwardly fake dating to lovers.” 
Lysandra stifled her laugh and went back to reading. Aelin was glad that she had someone to talk to about whatever the fuck she and Rowan were about to do. Saying she hadn't thought several times about putting the breaks on this whole thing would just be a futile lie. Rowan resented her, he’d made that much clear over their very brief and clipped conversations. A part of Aelin was holding onto a hope that today they’d be able to work some shit out at least. If not, she was in for an incredibly uncomfortable few months. If they even lasted that long. 
Unable to focus, Aelin began doodling on the front of her binder. She was about to run out of space when the bell signalling the end of school rang at last. Aelin swung her bag onto her shoulder and grabbed Lys’ hand, pulling them both out of the classroom. 
“Holy fuck you are so pale.” Lysandra exclaimed. 
Aelin released her and offered a small apologetic smile. “I feel like I might throw up.” There was a moment of awkward silence before Aelin spoke again. “Will you walk to his car with me?” 
Lysandra grinned at her. “Duh! What are best friends for?” 
Normally Aelin would've hugged her but she was too focused on not emptying the contents of her stomach on the school floor. Lysandra was going on about something trivial in her attempts to distract Aelin when she spotted him. 
He was leaning against his car talking to Lorcan and Fenrys. Or more, Fenrys was talking and the other two were listening. Aelin approached him carefully, Lys an ever steady presence on her left. 
“Hey.” She said softly. Fenrys’ talking ceased and all three massive males turned towards her. They all seemed to bear matching expressions; disdain. Despite Lorcan’s body language suggesting indifference, his eyes held a hatred Aelin had rarely seen before. 
She swallowed nervously and bumped Lysandra lightly. Lys, thank god, received the message and smiled widely. 
“I’m Lysandra.” She said, her voice filled with fake sweetness. 
“We know.” Lorcan grumbled at the same time that Fenrys said “Nice to meet you.” 
They both then shot each other matching looks and fell silent. “I’m fine guys.” Rowan said at last, his first time speaking thus far. He had yet to look straight at Aelin. “I’ll come over after.” 
They nodded reluctantly and walked away, Lorcan fighting back a laugh at something Fen said. 
Aelin pulled Lysandra into a long hug. “Call me if you need anything.” Lys whispered in her ear. Then they pulled away and her friend was gone, leaving Aelin and Rowan alone. 
“Hi.” She said again. 
He only nodded at her and walked around to the drivers seat of his car. She groaned internally, already dreading the next few hours.
The car ride to Aedion’s house, where Aelin had been living for two years, was deadly silent. It wasn't really awkward, just the type of tension that you were too scared to break in fear of a storm. 
When they finally pulled into the driveway, Aelin unbuckled her seatbelt and was halfway to the door before Rowan even got out. She unlocked the door with a spare key and walked into the house. Aedion and his mom, Althea, lived in a small semi a few miles from the high school. Upon Aelin’s parents sudden death, the spare room had been shifted into Aelin’s room and Althea had taken her in with a warm heart. 
“Althea I'm home.” She called out into the house. 
A voice came from the kitchen. “I made some sandwiches.” 
Despite herself, Aelin smiled at the prospect of food. Without turning around, she led Rowan through the small hallway and into the kitchen.
Her aunt was sitting at the island, munching on celery and dip when they walked in. Upon recognizing Rowan, she dropped her food, mouth agape. 
“Althea,” Aelin spoke through her teeth. “You remember Rowan. We’re going to study for a bit.” She silently begged her aunt not to question it. 
Ever so slowly, her aunt nodded. “Of course. It’s nice to see you again Rowan.” 
Aelin swiped the plate of sandwiches off of the table and handed them to Rowan. “Take these to my room. I’ll be up in a minute please.” 
He nodded and turned on his heels quickly, clearly desperate to get out of this room. Once Aelin was sure he was out of earshot, she turned back to the kitchen. 
“Oh my god.” Her aunt whisper shouted. “Is that the same Rowan who’s dick I walked in on you sucking.” 
Aelin cringed at the reminder. She selectively tried to forget about that very awkward encounter that had traumatized all involved parties for several weeks.
“Yes.” Was all Aelin could manage to say. 
“The same Rowan who’s heart you shattered on my front lawn while me and Aedion watched from the upstairs window.” 
Aelin began tapping her foot. “Still mad at you for that.” 
Her aunt wasn't deterred. “The same Rowan -” 
Aelin put up a hand to stop her. “From now on how about we just assume it’s all the same Rowan. It’s probably wise considering I only know one.” 
Althea let out a small laugh at that and shooed Aelin out of the kitchen. She walked up the stairs slowly, her steps unhurried on the wearing carpet. Upon arrival at her room, she found Rowan hovering over her desk. He was looking at the pictures she had framed, none of which included him. There had been a time, when nearly every single one those pictures had been him and Aelin together. In the heat of the moment, she’d smashed them all on the ground, glass shattering on her wood floor. She’d immediately regretted it, but the damage was done. Over the months since, she’d gradually replaced the photos with new ones. Her and Lysandra smiling from pool chairs. Her and Aedion drunk and laughing at something Aelin could no longer remember. There was one on the far left of her and Chaol at junior prom that Aelin had forgotten to remove. She looked beautiful that night, with a stunning pale blue dress that shimmered in the moonlight outside the venue. Chaol had looked handsome too, but he wasn't who Aelin had really wanted to be there with. 
It was that photo which Rowan was now staring at, his back to her. Leaning against the door frame, Aelin cleared her throat. Rowan whirled around, his face red as if he’d just been caught in the midst of something illegal. 
“I was just - uh...” He ran a hand through his silver hair in a way familiar to Aelin. 
“It’s fine.” She said, waving her hand dismissively. 
They both took up positions on opposite sides of the bed, Aelin at the head and Rowan at the foot. He crossed and uncrossed his legs a few times before deciding at last to lie on his stomach, legs hanging off her bed. 
“This is awkward.” He said, surprising Aelin enough that she fumbled with the sandwich in her hand before regaining control. 
“Yep.” She nodded, and took a bite to refrain from having to answer. 
He shook his head as if he wanted to say more and pulled out a notepad from his bag. “Let’s make rules and a contract.” 
Finished chewing, Aelin halted to gape at him. “Are you seriously going to make me sign a legally binding contract or some shit. Rules make everything less fun.” 
Rowan didn't meet her eye when he spoke again. “I’ve learned not to trust your word.” 
A blush crept over Aelin’s cheeks and she ignored the sudden pain in her chest. She opened her mouth to speak, to say what, she didn't know, when Rowan interrupted. 
“Besides, this isn't about fun. It’s a mutually benefitting deal.” His voice was dead serious but Aelin couldn't help but scoff. 
“You’ve always been good at making fun things sound like physics homework.” 
“And you’ve always been good at taking nothing seriously and thinking only of yourself.” He looked dead at her when he spoke, his features stone cold. 
Aelin froze up and placed her half eaten sandwich back on the plate. “You’re being mean.” 
A smirk crossed his lips, although she read no real amusement there. “My apologies, your highness.” 
“Fine.” Aelin said, turning away from him to blink back a few barely there tears. “Let’s make rules then.” 
Rowan was being a dick. He knew that. And yet somehow, every time he opened his mouth something mean and condescending came out. Clearly, he wasn't as over Aelin Galathynius as he’s convinced himself to be. Sitting on her bed after school, scrawling notes in a notebook and eating sandwiches brought back memories he’d honestly rather forget. Maybe it had been her Aunt’s reaction to seeing him, or the picture of Chaol on the dresser, but all Rowan knew was that somewhere between the threshold and here, he’d turned into a douchebag. 
Currently, Aelin was rummaging through her desk drawer for a pen. She returned a moment later and handed it to him, careful to avoiding their hands touching. 
“Fake Dating Contract”
Rowan scrawled a title messily at the top of the page, trying to ignore Aelin’s eyes on him. 
“So what’s number one?” He asked out loud. 
She tucked a few loose blond strands of hair behind her ear and bit her lip in the way she always did when she was thinking. Unable to watch the familiar motions anymore, Rowan turned back to his paper. 
“Tell no-one.” He suggested dryly. 
“I already told Lysandra,” she admitted guiltily, “and I’ll have to tell Aedion as well.” 
He had already been expecting that response. “That’s fine. I wanted to tell Lorcan and Fenrys anyway.” 
She nodded in his peripheral vision. “But no one else. If this gets out I'll be the laughing stock of the school.” 
“Of course princess. How dare I endanger your precious reputation? Need I remind you that this was your idea.” His tone was mocking, even as his brain scolded him for the cruel words. 
Aelin blanched and shot him a glare. “Don't act like you don't need this either. I’m getting you what you always wanted.” 
 “How are you even planning on doing that anyway?” 
She wouldn't lie to him about this. Would she?
Then it crossed his mind, he had no fucking clue what she would do. There had been a time when he thought he knew every thought that Aelin had. But then she’d broken his heart and altered his view on people forever. His distrust was both justified and entirely her fault. 
“You won't like it.” Aelin said softly. 
“I don't really care how you do it.” It was a lie. Despite his disdain for her, he didn't want her methods to be anything that put her in danger. 
They went silent for a moment before Rowan spoke again. “What are the limits?”
Aelin arched an eyebrow at him. “Limits.” 
“Yeah.” He sat up, suddenly feeling too uncomfortable to be lying down. “Like if we're going to make people believe it then we’re going to need some displays of public affection or whatever.” 
Rowan didn't even need to look to know Aelin was delighting in how red his face had gone. A wicked smile crossed her face, “Are you trying to seduce me Rowan Whitethorn?” 
He couldn't help the short laugh that escaped his lips. “Stop that,” he grumbled halfheartedly. Aelin had always been the best at making him blush. 
“We’ll kiss here and there, go to a few parties together, and hang out with each others friends a few times. It won't be too hard.” She shrugged as if they were just discussing the weather. 
“Alright.” If she wasn't going to act like this was a big deal, than neither was he. 
Half hour of back and forth conversation and a few snide comments later, the rules were complete. Rowan ripped out the looseleaf paper and held it up for Aelin to read. 
Fake Dating Contract
1. Tell two people each ... ONLY
2. No making out for longer than 30 seconds. 
3. No being rude or resentful to each other in public
4. Rowan must fake date Aelin for four months or until she says otherwise. 
5. Aelin must get Rowan a football tryout by week two
6. Rowan and Aelin’s friend groups have to sit together at lunch
Rowan had added the second one, much to Aelin’s amusement. She had stolen the paper at the end to add the last one and sign her name at the bottom, handing it back to Rowan to do the same. 
Once both their signatures were at the bottom, he pocketed the paper and stood to leave. 
“You’re leaving?” Aelin blurted out, clearly uneasy. 
“Why would I stay?” He meant it to come out rude, but it sounded more like a plea for a reason to. 
Aelin hesitated for a moment before offering him a small smile and turning away. Sighing, Rowan quickly exited the room, tiptoeing down the stairs and out the door to avoid any awkward encounters. It was only when he got to his car that he realized just how badly he had wanted her to make him stay. 
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
A Kings Coronation (Royal au – Otoya x Reader)
A/N: I've been trying to write this since his birthday celebration card came out
Klab please let me marry this man ~ I will give him my s o u l
God, I wish this were me...
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Word count: 2458
The day of Otoya's 18th birthday. Today he would be crowned king and take over the kingdom. You woke up early and rode all morning from your country to see him. A few hours later you woke to the sun shining in your eyes, seeing how you slept most of the way.
It was crowded when you got there. Guards lined up at every corner. People came far and wide to witness the crowning of a new king. You had to push through the crowd to even get close to the main balcony when a hand touched your shoulder.
“There you are! I finally found you!” You feel someone's arms wrap around your waist. It was him. “Otoya!” You turn and give him a hug, he squeezes you back. “Thanks for coming.”
“How could I miss my best friend's 18th birthday/coronation??” “Haha, this place is totally packed, huh? Just getting over here to you was crazy.” “They're all here for you.” You give a warm smile.
“Congratulations, King Otoya Ittoki.” You curtsy. “Gosh... Hearing you say it all formal like is kinda embarrassing.” He scratches his head. “Well, I'll answer as the birthday king should.” Otoya puts his hands on his hips puffing out his chest. “You have my thanks, dear Y/N.” Then bows. “Maybe that wasn't so regal...” you both laugh.
“Well, today is about to kick into high gear so stick close to me, ok?” “I promise I won't leave your side.”
“Still, I'd find you even if you vanished into thin air. We'll have lots more time to talk if we stick together, plus everyone can know about us right?”
“Know about us?”
“Let's go!” You follow close behind him but find it challenging with all of the people. You hesitate to grab his hand but he takes yours first. You look up and see his bright smile and wink as he guides you through the crowds of people till he sneaks you inside.
“Hey, there's something I'd like to show you.” “Oh?” “Close your eyes.” “Otoya...” You whine. “Come on it's a surprise!”
“Fine.” You close your eyes and he takes your hand guiding you slowly down the hall.
“Don't peek, ok?” “I wouldn't dream of it.” You go down a few halls then Otoya puts his hands over your eyes. “It's just up ahead, so put your trust in me. Keep walking straight.”
Continuing down the corridor you approach some steps and a large door. “There's a small staircase so watch your step.”
“Shouldn't I be the one surprising you?” “Maybe. But it's not often we see each other. Just a few more steps and we're here!” He takes his hands away from your face. “Open your eyes!” Revealed to you is a grand balcony with a gorgeous view of the land. “Ta da!”
“Wow, Otoya!” “Are you surprised?” “This is amazing! I've never been here before.” “This is the prettiest spot in the whole castle, so I had to show you! There's even an awesome view of the ocean!”
You can see every corner of the courtyard. You walk up to the railing and lean forward taking in the sights, Otoya joins you from behind.
“Beautiful isn't it? Wonderful weather, and a beautiful princess.” You giggle. “And a charming prince, soon to be king.”
You both heard a commotion from below. “Uhh, it looks like everyone is looking for me. They won't check here right?” He scratches the back of his head. “Maybe we should go back.” “Nah, it'll only be a few minutes, no harm done. Besides look!” Otoya shuffles in a bag behind his back.
“I brought us some cake for us to eat together!” You cross your arms. “Otoya isn't that for the reception?” “Well yeah but I want to eat it with you now... And it's my birthday so anything goes!” You shake your head and laugh. “Alright then, let's dig in.” “Yay!”
He places the plate on the table to the left of the balcony. “After you, princess.” He pulls out a chair. “How kind of you your majesty.” Grabbing two forks from his bag he sits across from you unwrapping the cake. “Waah, this looks sooo good. Itadakimasu!” You both took a bite savouring the vanilla cake and fluffy buttercream frosting.
“Mmm, I knew it.” “Knew what?” “That this cake is way tastier being here with you than at the party.” “Uh-huh.” “What? You don't feel the same way?” He pouts. “Everything's better with you, Otoya.” “Really? I think so too... With you I mean!” You both gobble down the rest of your cake not saying a word but simply enjoying each other's company.
“Ahh, that hit the spot. Shall we go?” “You have cake on your face silly. You'll look like a fool if you go out like that.” “Hmm? Where is it?” He licks around his lips. “No on your cheek, here.” You laugh stepping closer to wipe the icing with your thumb from his cheek. Sticking it in your mouth you then clapping your hands together.
“That's better.” “T-thanks...” He blushes but quickly recovers. “Well, the party's just getting started.” You place your hands on his shoulders. “Let's make this the best day ever!”
You and Otoya go back down to greet the people outside in the crowd. Staying closely by his side he never let you out of his sight. “Otoya there you are! I swear you have no sense of time. The ceremony is about to begin!” The queen crosses her arms. “Already?” “Yes, now let's go.” “But Y/N...” “I'll be fine.” You smile. He takes both of your hands in his. “I'll come to find you after, ok?” “Alright, now go get your crown.” You wink.
The crowning ceremony was lovely. Otoya took the coronation oath and made a speech. Afterwards, everyone gathered in the main ballroom then the celebration really began. You were wandering around near the edge of the ballroom when you felt a hand pull you around the corner.
“Hey.” “Oh hi.” You smile and fix your eyes on his crown. “So what's next, king?” “Hehe, come with me.” You spend the rest of the day greeting more people, enjoying the food at the banquet and listening to the royal orchestra. When nightfall came Otoya leads you away from the dwindling crowds to his bedroom to retire for the night.
“Wow, that was a blast.” You jump on his bed and sink into the duvet. “We hung out all day huh?” “Yup seems like it.” “Time flies when I'm with you. Oh! And did you hear the band? They were all like bweeh daa daa doooo.” Otoya mimics a violin shaking his head around.
“Ah! My crown is gonna fall!” He juggles it between his hands leaning over and catching it before it hits you. “Gotcha. Whoa!” The carpet slipping from under him he fell on top of you anyway. “S-sorry y/n!” There was a moment you stared into each other's eyes. You blushed a bright red then laughed.
“Cmon... no laughing. I just let my guard down a bit...” he pouts. “You're just a clutz, Otoya.” You scoot off to the other side of the bed. “Am not! I always act like a king should...” “Uh huh. So what does it feel like to be a king anyway?” He places his hand on his chin and ponders.
“It's not much different than being a prince yet I don't think. Though I guess a big responsibility falls on my shoulders now that I am a king. I have a whole kingdom to look out for after all. And you.” “I can look after myself.” “But you don't have to.” Otoya twiddles his thumbs together.
“Anyway... Today is special! After all, you're here with me.” He raises a brow. “Hey, why are you so far away? Didn't you promise not to leave my side? Come sit by me. You're making me lonely...” He pouts again. “Promise you won't fall on me again?” “Not on purpose.” “Haha.” You move closer and the both of you talk about the day's events. Though the whole time, you couldn't help feel butterflies dance in your stomach.
“I had a great time today, Y/N.” “Me too.” “Everything was so wild during the day, but now all I hear is you.” His hand caressing your cheek. You gaze, getting lost in his eyes. “Those lips hold the voice I cherish most.” His thumb brushes over your bottom lip. Leaning forward his lips meet yours as they come together in a sweet kiss. You stay like that for a moment, then part. You turn away embarrassed. “Wait what's wrong? Don't turn away.” He giggles. “You left yourself open for that.” You laugh too.
“Look at me.” He turns your head and your eyes meet once more. “I'm sorry I guess I just wasn't expecting that...” He places both hands on the side of your face slowly pulling you into another kiss. “Were you expecting that?” “Hehe.” You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back. You melt into each other drawing out each kiss for as long as you could. “I don't know, were you expecting that?” You both laugh and he pulls you into his arms.
“Oh, Y/N...” He sighs. “I just want you all to myself.” “So selfish, your majesty.” “Hey, a king's orders are absolute you know. That being said, I order you to stay and talk all night to me.” “I guess I cant disobey direct orders.” “Hehe, no you can't.” You lay back and chat in his arms, steadily getting more sleepy you yawn.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” “I did arrange to stay for a few days.” “Really? He beams then suddenly gets nervous. “W-what is it?” You ask, both looking serious and sit up.
“Y/N, would you stay longer if I asked you to marry me?” Your eyes widened. “O-Otoya I-”
“I know it's sudden, I just can't wait. I want you to be mine.” “Are you sure? There are plenty of other princesses that are dying for your hand in marriage.” “Well of course there are other princesses, but you're the only one I have my eyes on. You're too special not to be my beloved.”
“Otoya...” A happy tear slides down your cheek but he wipes it away and holds your hands. “Hows about I ask you again tomorrow? More formally.” “Okay.”
You're unable to hold back the grin from your face. Marry Otoya? Being his friend is one thing but this is a dream come true.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You get up and grab your purse shuffling around. “Close your eyes Otoya.” “Ok ok... You take the little box from your purse and open it to place a small wooden triangle in his hand. “You can open your eyes now.” He looks down at his hand to see a small triangular pick. “A pick?” He studies it. “For your guitar!”
“Wha-” reaching under the bed you pull out a brand new redwood guitar. “Wow! For me?! Are you sure?!” “Of course! Otoya takes the guitar running his fingers over the frets and strings. “Happy birthday Otoya.” He sets the guitar down by the nightstand beside him. “Thank you Y/N!” He tackles you to the bed holding you tight.
You spend the rest of the night giddily talking about your goals, dreams and aspirations for the future. Eventually falling asleep next to each other.
In the morning you wake to a blushing Otoya combing his hand through your hair and your eyes flutter awake.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Otoya presses a kiss to your forehead. “Morning.” You yawn. “Did you sleep well?” “That was the best sleep I've had in a while.” Otoya beams. “Good, are you hungry? Would you like breakfast? I could have the cook bring us something.” “That sounds lovely.”
“I'll be right back!” Otoya rushes off to the kitchen and has a special breakfast made. He returns with the cook serving both of you a buffet.
“Otoya!! We cant eat all this!?!” "That's ok, there's plenty of variety so just pick what you want!” You share a large breakfast together in bed. Otoya insists on feeding you dessert, but after the feast you just had you couldn't possibly take another bite.
After a quick rest, Otoya leads you on a stroll through the garden. It's early spring and the flowers are just starting to bloom. You're walking along when you pull Otoya to a stop.
“Hibiscus!” You wander over to the colorful display of red, yellow, white and pink flowers. “Hibiscus is my favorite flower.” You hold back your hair and take in the sweet almost fruity fragrance. “Y/N.” Otoyas hand takes yours.
“We've known each other since we were kids. As the years have gone by I've realized how special you are to me as a friend and something more. I promise to love and protect you as I will my kingdom. With you by my side, I feel as if I can do anything. I will give you each and every one of these flowers and more.” Otoya kneels down in front of you.
“My heart belongs to you and only you.” You gasp as he opens the velvet box to reveal a dazzling yet subtle ring. “Say you'll be mine, forever and always.”
“Otoya...” You tear up once more. “Yes, of course I'll be yours!” He stood and took the ring out of the box placing it on your finger. You leap to hug him almost knocking him over in the process. This was better than you could ever imagine.
"Otoya, I love you." Your heart pounds as you pull back to look him in the eyes.
"I love you too, Y/N." You share a very heartfelt passionate kiss.
Otoya plucks a flower from one of the branches and tucks it in your hair.
“There, for my beautiful bride to be.” You plant a gentle kiss on his cheek and walk hand in hand back to the castle where you greet the queen.
You feel quite foolish when you realize that it was your parent's plan all along to get you two together, but it worked out so naturally you didn't care. You were getting married to the guy of your dreams, and that was a miracle within itself.
Your wedding was celebrated with your family and civilians from far and wide.
But with Otoya by your side, this truly was a dream come true.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Jason doesn’t like children
A story in which Jason has to deal with some children in his workshop. Word Count: 1810
Jason did not like children. He swore up and down that he despised them. Babies were disgusting and irritating, small children were annoying, and teenagers? Teenagers were the most terrifying creatures to walk the earth. 
It was ironic, being a toymaker. And especially ironic considering he was fixing up a stuffed toy tarantula for a fourteen year old boy. The toy was well made, as it should have been. Jason made it for the boy when he was only about eight years old. He finished sewing up the small hole and pushed his chair back, turning to the young boy sitting against one of his other worktables. He had golden hair cut in a short bob and wore baggy yoga pants and an oversized sweater. He stood up excitedly and reached out. Jason handed him the stuffed toy.
"There you are," he said softly. "All fixed up." He sat back in his chair, watching the boy hug the plush tight. 
"Thank you Jason." He murmured. "I'm sorry again for letting him get hurt…"
Jason smiled, just a tad. "it's alright, you're a responsible boy. It was an accident." He turned back around to the table he was working at. He put away his sewing supplies and glanced over his shoulder at Charlie, who stared back at him with big blue eyes. ‘’Mr Glutton is in his bed, if you’d like to go play with him.’’ he said, turning back to his desk. Charlie nodded and smiled wide. He quickly wandered away from the toymaker’s workstation and over to the large pillow fort. Jason sighed gently and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. Just as he had begun to sketch he heard a knock on the door. Two knocks, then three more in quick succession. He knew immediately who it was.
‘’Come in, girls.’’ he called. The door opened behind him, then he heard it close. He hummed quietly in greeting. ‘’Couldn’t sleep again, Zari?’’ 
The smaller of the two girls standing by his door nodded. Lazari had long red hair, curved red horns that stuck up from her head and red eyes. Despite her demonic appearance, she wore cherry pink pyjamas, patterned with white stars. Her older sister Eloise stood beside her, wearing her own striped pyjamas. Eloise was a good deal taller than her, and chubby. Her brown hair was cut in a short bob, and like her sister she had red eyes and curved black horns. However, Eloise was paler and had seven mouths on her face alone. One large, regular one, and three smaller ones on either side of her cheeks. Lazari hugged her older sister’s arm and nodded.
‘’Yeah…’’ she murmured. ‘’Is Mr G here?’’
‘’Charlie is playing with him.’’ Jason nodded over at the boy, who waved at the two girls in greeting. Lazari smiled wide and let go of her sister and ran across the room to go bother Jason’s pet snake. Eloise smiled softly and wandered over to where Jason sat.
‘’Sorry for bothering you, Jason.’’ she murmured. Jason waved her off.
‘’It’s fine, girls.’’ he murmured. ‘’I know Zari has trouble sleeping. If being in here helps her relax then that’s fine by me.’’ Eloise nodded beside him and folded her hands in front of her. She was a prim and proper kind of girl. She was raised with good manners, and Jason appreciated that. ‘’How is your embroidery going, Eloise?’’
‘’Oh! It’s good.’’ she smiled a bit. ‘’I’m getting really good at it I think. I kinda wanna try making a quilt but I’m not sure how I’d do it…’’ 
‘’Quilts are hard work. You’d need to buy a lot of fabric, not to mention all the sewing…’’ Jason murmured. ‘’You could borrow my sewing machine for it though. It’d speed things up a bit.’’
‘’Heh...maybe I’ll just stick with making the hoops…’’ Eloise laughed sheepishly and shifted on her feet. Jason smiled a bit in amusement. 
‘’I’ll help you make it. It can be a project for the two of us,’’ Jason said. ‘’It could be a christmas gift for your father. That would be fun, wouldn’t it?’’
Eloise broke out into a smile. ‘’Oh! I didn’t even think of that!’’ she held her hands up excitedly. ‘’Papa loves comfy things, right? It’d fit perfect in his lounge!’’ 
Jason laughed gently and nodded. ‘’Yes, he would.’’ he looked up from his sketch and over at Lazari and Charlie. Mr Glutton had curled himself entirely around Lazari, and seemed to be set on constricting Charlie too. Jason smiled a bit as he watched the two children giggle and fall under the stuffed snake’s weight. He glanced over at Eloise. ‘’Are you hungry?’’ he asked. ‘’I can make you some crumpets with jam if you’d like.’’ 
Eloise smiled. ‘’That’d be lovely.’’ she nodded politely as she spoke. Jason stood up and rubbed at his neck, rolling his shoulders with a groan. ‘’Are you alright?’’ the girl asked. Jason nodded.
‘’Just tired,’’ he murmured. He pat her head as he strode past her. ‘’I’ll be fine.’’
‘’You should get papa to give you a massage.’’ Eloise said. ‘’I’m sure he’ll have the time for it.’’
Jason nodded half-heartedly. He didn’t exactly like to bother Zalgo. He was a busy man. So busy sometimes he didn’t even have time for his two daughters…
‘’Zari! Stop sticking your hands in his mouth!’’ Eloise bolted across the room to stop her sister from getting her hand bitten off by Jason’s stuffed snake. Jason listened to the two girls yelling combined with distressed wails from Charlie. Eloise would keep them out of trouble, he was sure. She was a responsible and polite girl, and she made her father proud. Very proud. Jason felt proud of her too in some...odd way. She was strong, independent and looked after her sister well. 
‘’Lazari, Charlie,’’ he called as he opened the fridge and grabbed the package of microwaveable crumpets. ‘’Are you two hungry?’’ 
‘’Starving!’’ Lazari called back excitedly as Eloise pulled Mr Glutton off of her. She calmly pet the snake, cooing at it lovingly. 
‘’What’re you making?’’ Charlie asked.
‘’Crumpets. I have biscuits too, and teacakes.’’
‘’Can I have a teacake?! And some cookies?!’’ Lazari asked excitedly. Jason sighed gently.
‘’One teacake, Lazari. Your father will kill me if I give you sweets at this time of night.’’ he replied sternly. Lazari whined in disappointment but a stern look from Jason made her go quiet. He sighed tiredly and put the crumpets in his toaster. "Anybody want tea while I'm at it?" He called.
"Yes please." The three of them chorused. Jason nodded, pulling out mugs and examining the large selection of flavored teas he kept. He decided he'd make Lazari some golden milk tea, to make her sleep, ginger and lemon for Charlie, and mixed berries for himself and Eloise. He flipped the kettle on and leaned against the kitchen counter, watching the children again. Eloise sat herself down calmly and Lazari leaned against her. Mr Glutton wrapped himself around the girls, letting out a happy hiss as he did so. He could hear Charlie quietly mumbling to them about something or other. Probably insects. 
The toaster popped and he grabbed the crumpets, putting two each on a plate and putting two more in for Charlie. While they cooked he poured boiling water into each mug and grabbed a teacake for Lazari, and then one for himself because he deserved it. Once the last two crumpets were done he spread jam on Eloise's, butter on Charlie's and both on Lazari's. With a tired, but satisfied sigh, Jason took up his tea and walked off towards the small couch he had by his kitchen area. 
"Your tea is ready." He called as he walked off. He sat himself down on the couch and took a long sip of his tea. The flavor was tangy and sweet, but the scent and warmth was calming. He heard the children grabbing their plates and, to his surprise, footsteps coming closer to him.
Lazari flopped herself down on the seat next to him and Eloise curled herself up on the arm of the couch. Charlie shyly climbed onto the seat on Jason's other side, curling up in the corner to put distance between himself and the tired toymaker. Jason looked at the three of them for a long moment, then just calmly went back to sipping his tea. The children were quiet, and ate calmly. Save for Lazari. Jason had given up on trying to teach the redheaded girl manners. 
Once Lazari had finished scarfing down her crumpets and teacake she scooted closer to the toymaker, laying against him. Jason looked down, watching her get comfy next to him. He sighed gently and draped an arm over her. She yawned and rested her head against his chest. Her yawning made Jason yawn back. She looked up at him and giggled. Jason smiled, just a tad.
‘’Did you have a long day, girls?’’ he asked quietly as the four of them sat there, just together, enjoying the quietness of each other’s company. Eloise nodded.
‘’We spent the day with Nat and Jane.’’
‘’Oh you poor things.’’ Jason murmured. The two girls laughed loudly. He smiled a bit to himself. Charlie giggled. "What were you doing together?"
"Sparring." Lazari replied below him. "Then we went out for ice cream and crepes. It was fun."
"You mean crêpes."
"Yeah, that's what I said." She looked up at the toymaker innocently. He smiled a bit in amusement. She'd pronounce it right- one day. For now though, her focus was on sleeping. She finished the last of her tea and set her mug on the coffee table, then rolled over and draped an arm over Jason, nuzzling her face up against him. He tensed up for a few moments and relaxed when she went still. He looked down at her and sighed quietly. 
"You tired, Zari?" 
"Yeah...me too." he set his own mug down carefully, being wary of shifting Lazari too much, then leaned back and looked at Eloise. He nodded for her to come closer and she did so, hugging her sister and Jason gently. He glanced over at Charlie. "Come on, you might as well get comfy too." He murmured. The boy broke into a smile and crawled over, resting against Jason's side and hugging him just like Lazari was. Jason wrapped his arms around the three children and sighed tiredly.
"Sleep well, JJ…" Lazari murmured below him. He looked at her for a long moment, then smiled. Just a tad.
"You too, Zari." He murmured as he settled down and closed his eyes. Jason did not like children, not a bit, but the three children curled up against him? ...They weren't so bad. He could stand them. Just about.
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a-dorin · 5 years
the project - peter parker
word count: 3,263
*disclaimer* this is a smut but both characters are consenting & of age. 
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"today i have an exciting announcement," your chemistry teacher gushed, "since we are right on track for the unit, we will be taking a slight detour in our lesson plans. this whole week, we will be learning all about human chemistry!"
the class groaned, and you turned around to your best friend, nova, "how fucking lame."
she winked at you, "it'll be fun."
"so, to kick off this unit, we will be conducting a project on chemical reactions in the human body. i know you all have lab partners, but to make it fun, i will be drawing names out of a cup. everyone's name is on a slip of paper. i will begin drawing names right now, then we will discuss some of the parameters of the project," your teacher continued, a wide smile on his face.
drawing in a sigh, you glanced around the entirety of the room. m.j., one of your close friends, looked intrigued, as she was sitting next to your best friend, nova. flash looked disgusted, while peter and ned both grimaced to one another.
a part of you was hoping you would be paired up with your high school crush, peter parker. ever since the first semester of your freshman year, you had been attracted to him. he had bumped into you in the hallway between seventh and eighth period, knocking your coffee out of your hand. he apologized profusely, even handing you a ten dollar bill for the next coffee run. ever since then, you wanted to get to know the shy boy.
peter was guarded. extremely guarded. his awkward demeanor didn't help at all. anytime you asked him the simplest question, he got flustered, red-faced and stuttered. part of you wondered if it was because he just wasn't a people person, or if it was because he liked you. both of you guys had made small exchanges since that encounter, whether it was greeting one another in the hallway, sharing a seat on a bus ride, or giving one another snacks in class. since m.j. was within your friend group, you did get to see peter some, as they were mutual friends.
every girl at your high school adored peter. he was charismatic, charming, and was passionate about his friends and school. also, who was ever offered the opportunity to work alongside tony stark? that was another aspect you adored about peter. whenever you guys did chat, it was usually a vivid, funny story about peter's internship with stark industries. his stories made you laugh every time.
even though peter was short, he was taller than you. his floppy brown curls had all of the girls drooling. his smile was radiant, and his body was amazing. you had snuck glances during gym class. the boy was extremely fit. you figured it was due to his internship with stark industries, or maybe the boy just liked to work out. regardless, his body was extremely attractive.
"(y/n) (l/n)," your chemistry teachers voice rang out, snapping you out of your thoughts, "you will be paired with... peter parker."
you widened your eyes, surprised at what you were hearing. glancing over at peter, you realized he looked just as surprised as you were. even though the class had "random" partners, the chemistry teacher usually paired you up with your friends.
after the teacher finished assigning partners, he cleared his throat, "all right everyone! please sit next to your partner while i hand out the rubrics. m.j., can you please help me pass out the papers?"
peter slid into the seat next to you, clearing his throat, "well, i guess we're partners."
"i don't mind it one bit," you flashed him a wide smile.
"so i'm not entirely sure what this project is," peter mumbled, his eyes focused on the table.
m.j. handed us the rubrics, "i'm not sure if you listened to the entire lecture, dipshit. the project is over chemical reactions in the human body."
peter looked sheepish, "yeah, i got that part. but is there anything in the rubric that states that we need to do?"
"i'm sure it's all in the rubric," m.j. smiled sweetly.
you slid peter a rubric for the project, "hey, i'm really sorry if i'm not ned."
"it's cool," he shrugged, obviously in distress. ned was paired with nova, and they were already working on their project, taking notes.
"how about i give you my number?" you inquired, sliding your phone out of your hoodie pocket, "and you come over tonight so we can get a head start?"
"that sounds good," he nodded, taking your phone and typing the number into his phone, "how about i call you when i'm on my way?"
you smiled, eagerly taking the phone back, "that works. i'm home alone tonight, so even better."
peter blushed, just nodding, "i'll call you later then when i'm on my way."
the bell rang, signifying the end of the period. luckily chemistry was your last class of the day. you walked home, bubbly that peter was coming over tonight. once you arrived home, you took a hot shower, shaved your legs, put on lotion, and threw on some clothes. since it was fall, you opted for an over sized hoodie, paired with black leggings. you sprayed your favorite perfume, ensured your skin looked good, and threw on mascara.
once you were all ready, you straightened up your room. you made your bed, throwing some stuffed animals in the closet. peter never told you a time he would come over, but you assumed it would be later in the evening. by the time you finished cleaning the house, it was about seven thirty-eight. you sighed, a feeling of distress creeping over you. what if peter didn't want to come over? what if he stood you up?
a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. you fluffed your hair, opening the door. there, stood peter, with a white paper bag in his hand, a two liter of cherry coke in the other, "hey, can i come in?"
"of course," he stepped in, setting his book bag near the door, "what did ya bring me?"
he smiled slightly, "oh, my aunt went down to this deli and picked us up some subs and this soda."
"well," you began, "i'm not too hungry right now. maybe we could start on our project, and eat later?"
"okay," he handed you the bag, "you probably know where to put this."
you took it from him, "yeah, the kitchen is just this way. follow me."
"your house is so nice," peter breathed as he followed you, his voice low.
"thank you," you placed the bag in the fridge, taking the two liter from his hand, "you can thank my dad for that. he remodeled the whole house."
"he did an excellent job," peter peered at the kitchen, his brown eyes taking in the granite island, "this looks like somewhere tony stark would live."
you giggled, "it's not that nice."
"it's nice," he nodded enthusiastically, "your dad must be a genius. like a interior design genius."
"honestly he had this idea for a while," you felt myself smile again, "he just acted on it and made it happen. do you wanna head up to my room?"
peter's eyes widened, and he rubbed the back of his neck, "i mean, yeah, we can do that. for sure."
you had him follow you upstairs to your room, guiding him. once you were in the room, he marveled at all of the posters, polaroids, and lights plastered on the walls. you sat down on the floor, grabbing your laptop. peter sat down next to you, biting his lip anxiously.
"oh shit," he mumbled, "i forgot my laptop downstairs."
"don't worry about it," you placed your hand on top of his, "we just need to do a little bit of research anyways. i was thinking maybe we could just do an oral presentation? or we could do PowerPoint. whatever you wanna do."
"okay," you were sure peter's lip would start bleeding if he chewed it even more than he already was.
as you both locked eyes, you noticed that he had a slight cut on his right cheekbone. you frowned, feeling yourself instinctively place your hand on his cheek, the pad of your thumb gently caressing it. he flinched at your touch, but kept looking at you.
"what happened? you didn't have that earlier today in class." the words tumbled out of your mouth, and you immediately felt nosy for asking.
"oh," he stuttered, "i ran into the door frame at the apartment on my way over here. i guess i was a little excited."
"excited to see me?" you raised a brow, feeling heat rush into your cheeks. a blush spread into your cheeks, and you immediately wanted to cover up your face.
"well," peter shifted nervously, "i mean, i didn't want to be too late, and i heard how you were going to be alone so i didn't want you to be alone, and yeah. um, yeah, i was excited to see you tonight."
you scooted closer to him, and his shyness began to dissolve, as he allowed you to continue to hold his face. you could almost feel his waves of anxiety radiating off of him. he was extremely nervous but you didn't know what about.
"peter," your voice was soft, "are you okay?"
his eyes met yours, “i kinda want to tell you something."
"and that is?" you bit my lip.
"i like you, like a lot. i mean, god you're so beautiful. all of the guys at school talk about you and jesus. i probably act like a fucking idiot all the time around you but god i like you so much. i even ran into the door frame because i was so excited to see you. and maybe you don't like me either but i just can't help but be nervous. i just care about you so much. you're so beautiful. like really really beautiful." all of the words tumbling out of his mouth sounded sincere. his cheeks were burning crimson with embarrassment.
"peter," you murmured, your face dangerously close to his. his bottom lip was swollen from him biting it earlier, "i have feelings for you too."
peter sighed with relief, "that makes me so happy."
"what's our project about again?" your hands felt for your laptop, and you pulled it closer to you two.
"chemical reactions in humans," peter answered, not breaking his gaze away from mine, "i have an idea for research since we haven't found a specific topic yet."
"and that is?" you raised an inquisitive brow.
he scooped you into his arms, laying you on your back on the bed. his lips met yours, kissing you eagerly. you pressed your lips against his, kissing him back, surprised at his rush of confidence. his tongue entered your mouth, the kisses becoming more and more hungry. peter's callused hands roamed your body under your hoodie, making contact with your skin. you shivered, goosebumps covering your body.
peter pulled back for a second, "is this okay?"
kissing him gently, you gave an answer against his lips, "yes, this is more than okay. it's amazing."
his lips pressed against your neck, sucking slightly. you knew there would be hickeys in the morning. you ran your hands through his hair, tugging lightly. he pressed his body against yours, and you could feel his hard on through his joggers. as he kissed down your neck, you palmed him through the fabric. he groaned against your neck, whining slightly.
peter motioned you to sit up, and you obeyed. his gentle fingers slipped the hoodie off your top half. a part of you wondered if he had done this with any other girl before. he slipped off his own shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs. you felt a slight wave of insecurity washing over you, you weren't as near as fit as he was.
peter seemed to sense the shift in your mood, kissing your chest, "stop. you're beautiful. god, i need all of you."
you undid the clasp on your lace nude bralette, letting it fall onto the floor beside the bed. peter widened his eyes, grasping each one of your breasts in his hands. he squeezed gently, unsure of what to do next. his eyes met yours, full of lust. his bottom lip was slightly swollen from the kissing, and his pupils were dilated.
his mouth latched onto your breasts, giving each one of them an equal amount of attention. you laced your fingers into his hair, tugging harder this time as peter sucked, kissed, and licked all over your chest and breasts. the actions were driving you crazy. you could feel how wet you were, even with your leggings still on. as peter continued, you let out a small moan.
"what princess?" peter's voice was husky, "tell me what you want."
"i want you," you whined, "i want you so bad."
"mmm," he hummed, "that's not specific enough, baby. tell me exactly what you want."
"i want your touch so bad," your voice was edged with desire.
"yeah?" his voice was low.
you nodded eagerly, "i need you to touch me."
"as you wish princess," his lips pressed against yours gently.
peter's lips trailed down your stomach, leaving sloppy kisses. he stopped at the waistband of your leggings, his fingers hooking the fabric. he slipped your leggings off, his cheeks tinged red at the sight of your black lace thong.
"are you sure you're ready for it, princess?" peter's eyes met yours.
you bit your lip, nodding. god, he was so hot like this. his fingers delicately took your thong off, casting it to the floor. he took a second to let his eyes roam your body, savoring every inch of it. you felt peter's tongue immediately connect itself to your clit, going in slow, circular motions. you gripped his head, pressing his face into your thighs. that only encouraged him, as he began to suck on your clit. he inserted a finger inside of you, pumping it in and out.
"god," he groaned, "you taste so good baby."
"you're going to make me cum," you moaned, your cheeks hot and jaw slack. even though you had received oral before, peter was by far the best you ever had.
his tongue slowly licked up, taking in all of your pussy. he fingered you, making a hook with his two fingers. you could feel tension building up in you, driving you crazy. your orgasm was coming soon, and peter showed no signs of slowing down. peter wanted nothing more to do this all night if he could.
"you're close aren't you?" peter's breath was hot, "c'mon princess, you're almost there."
he sucked on your clit, squeezing one of your breasts in his hand. his fingers pulled on your nipple, and you felt yourself come undone. your loud moans filled the room, and peter gripped your thighs to keep you on the bed. he licked you until your thighs stopped trembling. once he was finished, he glanced up at you, his cheeks flushed.
you took his hand, sucking on his two fingers. he bit his lip, letting out a small sigh, "i told you that you tasted good."
your eyes drifted down at the sight of his hard on through his joggers. your hand palmed him through the fabric, and pleasure washed over him.
"hey peter," you murmured, "did you bring any condoms?"
his face reddened, "no, i, um. i have some, but not with me."
your fingers latched themselves on the waistband of his joggers, slowly gliding down his legs. he was still hard, his skin hot and his face flushed. his breath hitched in his throat as you pulled down his boxers, your hand wrapping around the base of his cock.
"peter," your eyes met his, "please fuck me."
he almost came at the sound of your words, the innocence in your tone. he pushed you on your back, kissing you hungrily. you felt his tip on your clit, and you let out a small whine.
"what princess?" his voice made the room ten times hotter, "tell me what you want."
"i want you," you whined, your pleas desperate, "i need you to fuck me so bad."
his cock entered you, and you let out a moan of pleasure. peter started with slow, rhythmic strokes, and you could feel all of him as he did so. as he fucked you, you placed wet kisses all over his toned chest and neck.
"you feel so good," peter groaned, his ears burning red. his eyes met yours, and you felt another wave of pleasure wash over you.
peter's lips met yours, his teeth grazing your bottom lip. there was a slight sheen of sweat on his skin, along with yours. he intensified his pace, your nails digging into his shoulder blades as he fucked you senseless. his shyness was now stripped away from him, and you loved it. you loved this moment and everything going on between you so goddamn much.
"i'm gonna cum," peter moaned. he pulled out, finishing on your stomach.
his eyes met yours once again, and you both laid there, taking in the moment. peter's lips met yours for a gentle kiss.
"i'll go grab something to clean this up with," you murmured, about to get up.
"no, you stay here," peter instructed, "just tell me where the bathroom is and i will grab a towel or something."
you gave in, telling peter where the bathroom was. he slipped on his boxers and joggers, and then went to on the search for a towel. he came back, carefully cleaning you up.
hopping off you bed, you grabbed a hoodie, throwing it on, "that was amazing."
he gave you a cheeky smile, "i just wanted to conduct some research."
"and what conclusions did you draw?" you giggled as you searched for a new pair of underwear.
"that one," he began, "you taste good. two, you have a beautiful body. and three, i cannot wait to do that again, baby."
you slipped on new thong, then found a pair of joggers, "how about we just forget the project for the rest of the night then?"
peter scooped you into his arms on the bed, cuddling you, "i don't think that's a bad idea. it's not due for another two weeks anyways."
you pressed your lips against his shoulder, "we'll be alone for another few hours anyways."
"sounds like there's going to be a round two soon then," he chuckled, "by the way, i hope i wasn't bad or anything. it was kind of my first time doing stuff like that."
you felt yourself gasp, "there's no way."
"i was a virgin before tonight so," he murmured, slightly embarrassed.
"don't be shy about it," you gave him a chaste kiss, "it's not something to be ashamed of."
"well maybe i will become experienced enough tonight and we can do our project about human chemistry during sex," peter teased.
"in your dreams, geek," you rolled your eyes playfully, and you felt his lips gently brush against your cheek.
you felt yourself collapse into his arms, feeling a slight wave of exhaustion overwhelm you. his fingers traced your back under the hoodie, and you allowed yourself to close your eyes, content to be in the arms of your boy.
if only you got to spend every night like this with peter.
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