#one with little kittens floating in the air
kuone-05 · 2 years
Just went to The Haunting Of Night Vale. IT. WAS. THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER. REALLY.
9 notes · View notes
moonchildstyles · 2 months
First time sex with rosemary 🌿
wordcount: 9k
Wiping her floured hands on her apron, (Y/N) brushed her hair out of her face with her wrist before reaching towards her back pocket for her vibrating phone. Her lips curled into a soft smile seeing Harry's name on her screen, his contact featuring a photo of him sleepy-eyed next to his kitten in her bed had her smile stretching wider. Taking a quick glance at the time, she was sure he'd just made it back to his apartment after finishing up at the grocery store. 
Quickly, she peeled her gloves from her hands and peeked out into the storefront of the bakery. Just as she had left it a handful of minutes before, there weren't any patrons now that the morning rush had passed, leaving Sabrina tucked behind the desk with her book folded open. 
"Hey, I'm going to take my fifteen really quick. Is that okay?" As soon as Sabrina gave her the go ahead with a wave of her hand with her eyes still stuck to her book, (Y/N) was answering the call with a tap of her thumb. "Harry?" she greeted, stepping out back of the bakery for a bit of privacy in the mid-morning air. 
"Hi, peach," he murmured through the receiver, voice drooping and soft, "Is it alright that I called you? I know you're still working, so." 
"Your timing was perfect, actually," she told him, knowing he was probably more worried than he was letting on for fear of having ruined her day, "Everything just cleared out from this morning, and I needed a break." 
"Yeah? Long shift already?" he pressed, the sound of sheets shuffling on the other side with a petite meow chirping through. 
"A little bit, yeah," she sighed, wishing she was wrapped up in warm sheets with Harry and Rosemary, "Just one of those Sunday morning shifts, you know. How was your night, though? Work was okay?" 
"Yeah," he said, the syllable floating out on a long suffering sigh, "Theo and Brett were still annoying, but I think Fawn is going to cover one of my shifts this week." 
(Y/N) immediately perked up at the new information. She'd been urging him to take some time off this past month; he didn't have to work himself to the bone anymore, not now that his issues from back home had been resolved. It was unhealthy, she'd told him more than once—he would make himself sick with more than just exhaustion if he wasn't careful. 
"Really? What day?" she bubbled off, ready and willing to shift her own schedule around if he wanted. 
She could hear the smile in his voice as he uttered the words. He knew what reaction he was going to get. 
"Are you serious?" she beamed, bouncing on the soles of her feet, "You have the whole weekend off then?" 
"I do, yeah. So do you." 
"Harry," she bleated, "I'm so excited! We haven't had any time together I feel like, and now we get a whole weekend! Thank you!" 
"That's what I was thinking when I made my request; barely seen you this past week. 'S not fair." 
"It's not," she affirmed, "You haven't even been able to sleep over since Friday. I'm not used to that." 
"Me neither, peach," he murmured, his tone decidedly more somber than just a moment before though she understood where he was coming from. 
Ever since their impromptu road trip, they tended to have as many sleepovers as their schedules would allow. Besides the comfort that came along with being at each other's side—especially in the case of Harry's frequent nightmares—, it was hard to forget how much they liked sharing a bed and sitting down for meals together. 
"Did you want to do anything special?" she prompted, already racking her brain for anything that Harry would enjoy leaving the house for. 
"I've got to go to the library at some point," he mused, another chirping meow sounding from the background prompting a huff of laughter to leave his lips, "But, other than that, I was hoping I could catch up on m'sleep." 
"We can do that," (Y/N) decided, shifting her view of the days off to turn into cozy sheets and breakfasts in bed, "A weekend long sleepover. We'll make a thing of it." 
"Yeah?" Harry asked, a smile audible in his tone—a vision that had (Y/N)'s chest warming. "How are we gonna do that?" 
She hummed, sifting through her ideas before landing on a few to share, "Probably movies if we have the attention span for it—if not, we can read together or something. We can do face masks too—Ooh, or I'll get another of that hair mask you like. Let me think, but I have some ideas." 
"'M sure y'do, peach," he murmured, his voice decidedly lower and slower than before, sleep vining around the edges of his words, "Whatever y'want, we'll do. I trust you." 
"I'll make sure we make a thing of it, H," she told him, reluctant to say her next words but knowing he needed to get as much sleep as he could manage, "I've got to get back to the ovens, but I'll text you when I'm off." 
"Yeah?" he mumbled, "Tell me when y'get home?" 
"You've got it," she smiled, feeling the winter sun warm on her cheeks, "Goodnight, H."
"Goodnight, peach." 
With that, (Y/N) ended the call. Hopefully, he would be able to sleep through the rest of her shift at least. He just needed to get through the next few days, then he'd have some time off to spend at her gingerbread house. 
The thought had that soft curl on her lips feeling permanent. She would have to remind him how proud she was that he was taking a couple of days off, the time well-deserved. 
Just like she said, she would make a thing of it, she only had to figure out what a thing for Harry looked like. 
With Rosemary wriggling in his arms, Harry nearly fumbled his keys to the ground while on (Y/N)'s stoop. She was a calm little thing nearly any other time of the day, but as soon as they were at (Y/N)'s door, Rosie couldn't settle. 
Keeping his hold on her tight, he was able to finally stumble through the door before letting her spill out of his arms. Her feet pattered over the hardwood, beelining for the kitchen just as he knew she would. Harry could only shake his head as he kicked off his shoes by the door, setting them next to (Y/N)'s under the foyer table. He couldn't stay mad, though, especially not when he heard the familiar cooing of his peach filtering down the hall. 
"Where's your daddy, Rosie?" (Y/N) crooned, voice a soft murmur through the house, "We've got to talk to him about how hungry you are when you come over. Is he not giving you enough treats?"
Following the sound of her voice, Harry's lips curled instinctively into a soft smile when he spotted (Y/N) crouched next to his kitten, fingers massaging through her fur. There was a part of him that wanted to peer out the small window above her sink, ensuring no one was watching in—a part of him that he forcefully tamped down in favor of reveling in the sight of his stitched family. 
"You know I feed her," he drawled, leaning against the threshold of the entrance, "I don't know why she acts like this when we come over." 
It was the way (Y/N)'s features seemingly bloomed when she looked up at him. Her hand absently continued petting Rosemary, but it was clear all of her attention was splashed upon him. It was when her eyes were on him with nothing but adoration that had Harry happily anchored to the moment, warm and comfortable in his skin. He hoped he was able to make her feel that way when he looked at her. 
"Hey, H," she smiled, giving one last stroke to Rosie before she was standing to her feet and crossing the kitchen towards him, "I was going to ask you how work was, but you're on vacation." 
"I am, aren't I?" he mused, collecting her into his arms.
(Y/N) looped her arms around his neck while he hugged her around her middle, face cradled into the crook of her neck. His eyes fell closed reflexively, his chest expanding as he pulled in a deep breath. The sugary scent of her skin filled his lungs, her hair tickling his nose. 
"Are you excited?" she asked, trailing her fingers up and into his hair as she drew away. 
Matching her eyes, her question drifted away in favor of tipping forward and pressing a kiss to her lips. A giggled out his name against his mouth, muttering something about answering her, though Harry didn't pay it any mind. He focused on the give of her lips under his, the seam parting when she eventually melted into him. Her hands in his hair was a warming tether, keeping him from drifting out of her pastel kitchen. 
It was her that pulled away first, cutting off his indulgences earlier than he liked. He attempted to chase after her, craning his neck with puckered lips, though that only granted him a peal of her laughter fluttering between them. 
"Not in front of Rosie, H," she teased, unwrapping from his arms to move towards the stove where a warm oven and bubbling pan had gone unnoticed before. 
Harry stood back, watching as she stirred and tasted and adjusted, clicking on the light in her oven to take a peek inside. No matter how many times he'd offered to make dinner, take care of her meals—told her that he liked cooking, even—she had insisted that she wanted to take care of him, take one worry off of his plate. When she put it that way, he didn't feel like fighting with her. 
"She's seen worse, peach," he countered, leaning over the peninsula counter with his forearms flat on the surface. He had a perfect view into the domestic dream that was his (Y/N), complete with a bow in her hair despite the mess of a bun on the top of her head. 
A small laugh fell from her lips as she looked over her shoulder at him, "Maybe, but we shouldn't encourage it. Dinner's almost ready anyway, so we don't need to be distracted." 
"Yeah? What'd y'make?" He could see just the edges of something creamy in the pot she was stirring.
"Sabrina's family is visiting, and her dad gave me this recipe for stuffed shells with all this cheese and, like, spinach and stuff. I thought we'd try it out." She gave him a beaming smile when she finished whatever she was stirring, taking it off of the burner with the timer on the oven ticking down to less than two minutes. 
"That sounds really nice, love. Thank you. I've got dishes tonight." 
"Harry." A small scold—as expected.
"(Y/N)," he responded in the same arguing tone as she, "You're letting me—and my cat—stay here all weekend, 'm not letting us leave a mess here for you too. 'S alright." 
This was one of those things he didn't allow much room for argument on. It was one of those things—fear of feeling like a burden—that had come with the years on the run while attempting to ensure his impact was never felt. He was working on it, sure, but the least he could do for all of (Y/N)'s kindness was taking care of the dishes. 
"Okay," she relented, eyes rounding out as she looked up at him, "Just not tonight, though. I have something special for you after dinner." 
He did recall her saying something about making this weekend a thing for him, he just didn't really know what exactly that meant. "And, what's that?" 
A sheepish look crossed her face, softening her features and lining her eyes. "It's kind of silly, but I got some fun bath things and, like, candles and stuff. I wanted to make everything a little special tonight since it's your first extra, real day off in a long time." 
The longer she went on explaining herself, Harry could feel his own lips curling into a small smile. "Really?" he asked when she finally took a breath. 
"Yeah," she started, dropping her eyes from his, "But, you don't have to use them or anything if you don't want to. I know it might not really be your thing, and all." 
"Love," he crooned, the petname falling from his lips just for her to hear, "Thank you. That sounds really nice actually—don't remember the last time I took a bath like that. 'M always too worried about the water running cold." 
(Y/N)'s expression brightened at his words. "I'm excited for you to see all the stuff I got for you, then. But only after dinner—and dessert."
"Of course dessert," (Y/N) smiled, moving back to the oven on the brink of beeping, "But that's a surprise." 
It was the way she looked at him before she gave her attention to the oven and baking pasta, how bubbly she seemed over something as simple as a surprise sweet for him to have at the end of the meal. That was what had him all but melting into the countertop. She could have fed him garbage and left him to soak in an ice bath and he'd be just as happy—all he needed was for her to keep looking at him like that. 
"Are y'sure y'don't want me to do the dishes tonight?" 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, pulling out of Harry's embrace to head towards the kitchen and the plates waiting by the sink. "Yes, I'm sure, H. I want you to relax this weekend, I don't mind doing a couple of plates." 
"No," (Y/N) cut him off, plugging the sink before beginning to fill the basin with soapy water, "As soon as I get this ready, we're going to my bathroom and I'm showing you all the stuff I got for you, and then you're going to not think about the kitchen again for the rest of the night." 
"I'm not?" he asked, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips at her insistence. Sometimes it was fun to argue with her for no other reason than he liked to see her put her foot down with a smoke to her gaze. 
He thought it was cute.
"Nope. Not even for a second." Amusement covered her own features by the time she cut the tap and turned to face him. "C'mon." 
With that, she flitted out of the kitchen with socked feet padding over the flooring. She didn't have to look back to know Harry was following. 
Tailing her through the house with his gaze carefully landing on the round of her hips as they swayed with her steps, she took him to her bathroom. There, on the counter, was a brown paper bag with a white painted logo on the front. A gifting ribbon had the handles tied together on top,  a tag with his name dangling from the tendril. 
In presentation, (Y/N) stood off to the side of the counter, a beaming smile on her face as she flourished her hands out. "Happy free weekend." 
"What's this, hm?" he hummed, stepping over the tile with his gaze narrowed teasingly in her direction. 
"Your bath stuff," she said, practically bouncing in her spot as he began reluctantly untying the bow. He wanted to keep it perfect—he couldn't remember the last time he received a gift, especially one like this. 
Harry could feel his eyes on her as he began digging through the bag. Floating on top were two powdery spheres, striped in alternating colors with dried flowers stamped inside. He settled them gently on the counter, his hands coming away with remnants of the sweet smelling dust. 
"They're bath bombs," (Y/N) piped up, "They're those things that dissolve in the water and make it colorful with all these nice skin things in them. The purple one is lavender and sage, and the blue one is lotus and jasmine."
Smiling at her explanation, he reached back inside the bag. A glass bottle filled with sweet smelling oil was his next find, the wax seal corking it closed having dripped its way down to the label. He could smell the warm, floral notes from here, even with the contents sealed away. Looking at the simple label wrapped around the thick of the bottle, he looked up at her with raised brows. 
"Massage oil?" 
It was the way she hesitated that had his lips stretching into a smile. "Its—I—It doesn't have to be used for that. It can just be a nice body oil if you want, but I... I mean if you want a massage, I could use that, so." 
So far, this was his favorite gift from her reaction alone. He settled it with a clink next to the bath bombs. "I'll keep that in mind." 
Next in line was a candle, standing tall in a cold glass voice in the bag. Pulling it out, the four wicks were sealed away with the help of the suctioned lid, showing off the marbling of the wax tucked inside. It was a swirling jade color, complete with lapping white streaks to emulate the gemstone. Under the just right light, he could see bursts of glitter suspended inside. The label boasted a vanilla sage scent, surely meant to match the sage bath bomb he'd picked up earlier. 
"Peach," he smiled, looking at his gifts spread out on the counter for him, "These are so nice, than—" 
"There's more," she bubbled, unable to contain herself this time, "At the bottom." 
He raised a brow but dug inside like she suggested. At the bottom, his fingertips brushed something smooth and flat. Getting his fingers around it, Harry already had a good idea of what he was pulling out, a smile spreading over his features and denting his cheeks with dimples. 
It was a book—one of his favorites from the library. One he had loved enough that he wished he had his own copy to keep him company—something he had told (Y/N). The cover was the black and white with splashes of red, the artwork glossier than what he had borrowed from the library. The spine was uncracked, kept in pristine condition—just the way he liked it.
"I know you've already read it, but I thought you might want to read a little again while you take your bath," (Y/N) mused at his side, her hands in a fumbling bundle before her. 
"(Y/N)," Harry sighed, looking up from his new, personal edition, "This is all wonderful, really. Thank you, so much." 
With his book still in hand, he collected her in his arms, tucking her against his chest. While he wasn't one hundred percent sure what all of the things he had received were, it was more than warming to think about her perusing a shop with him in mind, plucking things up with the intention of sharing them only with him. 
"I know it's all kind of silly, but I'm happy you like it," she murmured into his shoulder, the curl of her smile felt against the cuff. 
"'S not silly," he told her, drawing back just enough to get a look in her eyes, "I can't remember the last time anyone has done anything like this for me. I really like all of it, (Y/N). Thank you." 
Tipping his chin, he pressed his lips to hers, hoping she felt his words as much as she heard them. He felt eased when her lips molded into a soft smile. 
"I'm happy I could change that," she cemented, beginning to untangle himself from his hold, "I'll leave you to it, then. Take as long as you want, I'm just going to clean up and we'll go to bed—" 
"You're not staying with me?" 
How was he supposed to enjoy all of these trinkets and things without her there? What was the point of a sage candle and glittery bath bomb if she wasn't going to be indulging with him? 
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks, one foot out of the bathroom. "Oh—um, no? I was going to go clean the kitchen and things, remember?" 
"Yeah, but," he started, watching to reach out and keep her on the tiled floor with him, "can y'do that later?" 
"Do you want me to?" was her simple response. 
Harry nodded. "Yeah." 
Her features were warm, taking a step back into the bathroom with him. "Then, I'll do it later." 
It didn't take long for their clothing to be shed, lying in a lumpy file on the floor with the tub filled to the brim with steaming water. Harry had chosen the lavender bomb to be placed in the water, (Y/N) all too excited to show him the magic of the fizzy powder. She had urged him to sink in first, her gaze following the lines of his body before she had gone after him. 
Harry wrapped his arms around her as she sunk into him, his chest to her back. The steaming water rippled around them, scenting the air with crisp lavender and warming sage. Every deep breath he took had the bunching in his muscles lessening and lessening until he was lax with (Y/N) in his hold. He could feel her every breath, the expanding of her chest that pressed back into him, the brush of her hair drifting through the surface of the water and tickling his skin, the careful way she had her hands laying atop his own where they were threaded over the soft of her stomach. It was easy for his eyes to shutter closed with his head tipping back against the rim of the tub. 
It was almost enough to keep him from acknowledging the curve of her body pressed against his cock.
Now wasn't the time though, he starkly reminded himself, taking in a deep breath of the calming lavender. She had wanted to relax with him, not get felt up with a dick pressing against her ass. 
"Do you like it?" 
The sound of (Y/N)'s crooned words had him blinking his eyes open. He wasn't even hard yet, how could she know that he was already talking himself down? 
"The bath bomb," she laughed, oblivious, "You said you've never used one before, right?" 
"Oh," he sounded, exhaling finally, "Yeah. 'S nice—it smells really nice. I could fall asleep in here.”
Twisting in his arms, (Y/N) shot him a beaming smile over her shoulder. "I have before—I don't recommend." 
"Yeah?" he smiled, much more willing to focus on this anecdote than on the way the shifting of her body hit points on him he would have rather ignored for the time being. 
"Oh yeah," she cemented, shaking her head, "I only woke up when I felt water going up my nose 'cause I started slipping." 
Though she laughed off the remark, a frown settled on Harry's lips. "Y'almost drowned? (Y/N)..."
Her name came out as a scold, one that had her letting out another peal of laughter. "No, I didn't drown, H—" 
"You almost did," he pointed out. 
There were parts of him, traits that he gained during his years protecting his mother and sister, that were now woven into the fabric of his personality. Hearing (Y/N)'s story had that protective gene flaring up in him, urging him to hold her tighter, keep her at his side. He wouldn't let his mind wander to another version of events where she hadn't spasmed awake when the warm water touched her nose. 
His limbs became a warming cradle around her form, caging her to him lest the bathtub somehow raise tsunami waves and try to pull them apart. He pressed his lips to the back of her shoulder, speaking against the skin, "I don't like that." 
(Y/N) wiggled her hands underneath his, turning her palms up to match his own with her fingers threading between. "It's just a funny story, H. I'm fine—you know I don't take baths, like, ever, anyway." 
His brows pinched into a furrow. Sure, maybe he did know that. "Still," he grumbled.
Harry's petulance only served to draw another breath of laughter from her chest. 
She wriggled in his hold some, melting into him as she slid deeper into the water. The milky shaded water ripped around her, Harry keeping her close as she settled with her head resting against his shoulder. 
"I'm fine, Harry," she cemented, peeking up at him with an adoring smile on her features, "But, you're cute for worrying." 
Taking in a deep breath, he did nothing more than dropping another kiss to the cuff of her shoulder. He wasn't trying to be cute—he was protective. It was a part of his nature. 
Shuttering his eyes, Harry indulged himself and allowed his kissing to continue down her shoulder, only stopping when the lapping line of the water halted him. With his fingers laced between hers, he pulled her arm out of the pastel bath. He dotted his lips down the line of her limb, nose skimming her skin in his wake and raising goosebumps. A plume of laughter left his peach, the sound enough to have his own smile taking place as he fought to smear his lips over her skin. 
It wasn't until he was headed towards her wrist, landing on the soft underside of her arm that he slowed when he, through cracked eyes, spotted a slash that had made a home in her skin. It was small, though it looked only partially healed—still a warm red and slightly raised.
"What happened here?" he murmured, a pinch furrowing his brow. 
"Hm?" (Y/N) hummed dazedly, shuffling in his hold before spotting what had made him stop in the first place, "Oh, Rosie scratched me by accident." 
It was something so minor, completely mundane and curable. The scratch wouldn't even scar, and yet Harry still felt his shoulders deflate. He would have to remind Rosemary to be gentle with her mother—she was entirely too special, no need to have claws out when being held by her. 
He apologized for his cat with a small press of his lips to the cut. 
Under the cover of the pastel water, (Y/N) untangled her hand from his that was still laid against her stomach. He was left to feel the give of her plush skin under the pads of his fingertips while she carded her own through his hair. Though he attempted to continue the dotted affection of his kiss over her skin, he didn't stand much of a chance as he reveled under her touch. 
Maybe it was the brush of her nails against his scalp, or the slight give of her body under his hand, or just the fact that he could feel every line of her body against his own, but Harry felt his stomach tense then. It was minute and fleeting, but something he felt under the blocking muscles of his abdomen. 
He attempted to keep a lid on whatever that feeling could lead to by taking a deep breath, but that only reminded him of (Y/N)'s skin right under his nose and the fact that she had been the one to run him this bath and that was why she was naked, and warm, and wet, and pressed right against him, and that was why his hands were on her and—
Blinking his eyes open and drawing away from her, Harry looked up to match her wide eyes. "Hm?" 
There was something teasing on her expression, lighthearted in her eyes with a small tug edging on the corner of her mouth. "Are you okay? You weren't breathing for a second." 
"Oh," he sounded, mouth dry, "Sorry." 
She shook her head, murmuring something about him being funny or cute or something, but, admittedly, Harry didn't have an ear to lend at that moment as (Y/N) started moving around him. Wriggling out of his hold, Harry stayed still in the water as she maneuvered around until she deposited herself in his lap. Her thighs were spread to cushion his hips, her bottom settled on the thick of his thighs while her chest was flush against his. Only trickles of the lavender water were able to make their way between her breasts and the curves of her body, leaving her shimmering with the scented oil on her skin and suddenly warmer than the steaming water. 
Looking up at her, Harry took his time tracing the lines of her piled hair with the wet ends sticking to her skin, warm cheeks glowy and dewy, the soft light reflecting in her eyes from the candle she had lit and stationed behind their cuddled bodies. He felt breathless—reverent. 
It was never far from his mind just how deeply (Y/N) had impacted him. Without her, he never would have been knocked out of the daze that was his life—the cycle of never-ending loneliness and purposeless decisions. She had changed him in ways he was scared of, the ways that he had avoided for years because it was easier to stay the same. He didn't enjoy thinking of who he would be without her, where he would be. 
It was with that knowledge and the sight before him, that Harry wanted nothing more than to worship her and show her the purple that he had been given now that she was in his life. Religion wasn't anything that ever consoled him during his years on the run, but if the temples and altars had looked like her, the gods held her kind eyes and warming touch, he may have reconsidered. 
"You can touch me, you know." 
Dropping back to earth with a flutter of his eyes, he realized his hands were lax at his sides, careful to keep a distance from her skin. She had been the one to tie her arms around his neck, to keep their bodies close, while he had basked in the sight of her alone. 
"Sorry," he murmured, placing his palms on the full curve of her thighs. 
He skated them over her form, taking in the rounded edges of her body and warm skin. He'd touched her before, enough times to have mapped out every crook and groove, and yet, it still felt like the first time when he allowed him to feel. It would never get old knowing that he had someone like her that loved him enough to allow his hands to land on her. 
"Don't be sorry," she murmured, ducking her head until she planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I just don't want you to feel like you can't touch me—I'm yours, H, remember?" 
There was that stirring again in his stomach, that tensing in his muscles that felt much deeper and lower than he would have liked during a relaxing cuddle with his girlfriend. It was just the reminder, that declaration that got to him just like it always did. 
(It was a bit embarrassing, in Harry's opinion. Would it always be this easy to work him up? Would (Y/N) always be able to say a handful of words, let his hands wander to her hips, and then he would be done for?) 
"You're mine," he sighed, sinking deeper into the water. 
It was (Y/N)'s turn then to trail her lips over his skin, the pillows of her lips never fully lifting from his skin before she was planting another kiss. She went on with the tip of her nose smushing against the line of his jaw as she worked down to the column of his throat. He could feel himself growing harder and harder with every kiss, every brush of his hands over her body, until he was sure (Y/N) was well aware as well. Though she made it abundantly clear she didn't mind when she rocked her hips against his, his cock pressed against his stomach and the soft core between her thighs. 
A shuddering exhale caved his chest. 
"I'm yours," she crooned, the heat of her words fanning over his heated skin.
Her own arms wrapped around his neck began to drift, leaving only one tangled in the waves of his hair with the blunt of her nails tracing his scalp. Her touch skated down the length of his chest, her eyes settling into a daze as they followed the journey of her hand until it disappeared under the water. His abdomen jumped under her hand the lower she went until the heel of her palm grazed the plumped head of his cock.
He couldn't help the way he tossed his head back, leaning into the palm of her hand. His voice came out in a breath, "I want you so bad, peach, I'm so sorry." 
(Y/N) drew away just enough to match his eyes, her wandering hand settling against the middle of his chest. "Why are you sorry?" she asked with amusement in her eyes, a soft smile on her lips as she shook her head, "You don't have to be sorry." 
"Jus'" he started, focusing on the sight of her as opposed to the weight of her form and warmth of her skin against him, "I don't... Don't want to ruin tonight since you're already doing so much, and you're only trying to relax and 'm reacting like this and—" 
She cut him off with her lips pressing against his, the edges of her mouth unable to fall in line with her kiss as she fought back a smile. "Do you think I don't want you, too, right now? If I didn't, I wouldn't be climbing all over you, H—or trying to get you to take me back to my room." 
Shifting on his lap once more, (Y/N) emphasized her point with a small roll of her hips against him, her warmth grazing over his length. 
His hands on her waist tensed, denting into her flesh with stern fingertips. Was she asking for what he hoped—what he'd been wanting but was too fearful to ask for in worry of pushing her?
His mouth felt dry as he took in her features, watching as something heated lingered in her irises. "A-Are y'sure?" he mumbled, unwilling to misread the conversation. (Y/N) loved taking care of him, he never wanted her to think he was intending to take advantage of that. 
Carding her fingers through his hair, the tip of her tongue peeked out from between her lips to run along the seam. "I've really missed you, H. It's not always enough just to call you before I fall asleep, you know. It's not the same as actually having you." 
A spark pinged in his chest at her words, the memories they dredged up. A couple of times over the last week with his busy schedule, they'd spent some extra time on the phone before (Y/N) fell asleep for the night and Harry worked through an especially long shift. He knew exactly what she meant: now that he knew what it was like to be touched by her, his own hand, his own fantasies paled so starkly in comparison it was almost embarrassing. 
"I can take care of you, peach. 'M sorry I haven't been doing m'job, but I'll make it up to you," he crooned, tipping his head in hopes of pulling her in for a kiss, "Y'want m'mouth or m'fingers, love?" 
It was only when she shook her head that he paused. That hand trapped between their bodies made a deliberate graze down his body until she skated her fingertips over his length, the ruddy head twitching over her touch. "I want you," she corrected, "Don't you want to fuck me?" 
Maybe it was the fact she rarely cursed, or just how intensely she was meeting his eyes, or the feel of her grabbing his cock, but Harry could have blown it all right then. His throat felt thick as he attempted to swallow down the moan building in his chest. His eyes were hooded, a vignette forming around his view of her. 
It would be so easy to sink inside her, split open her walls and make a home between them. All he needed was to shift his hips just right, and then he would be taking advantage of her spread legs and the slick around them. But, his worry of disappointing her—leaving her unsatisfied—held him back. 
His mouth felt dry by the time he found his voice. "I—um—(Y/N)," he started, unsure of how exactly to divulge the information in him, "'S been a while since I've—..." 
He wasn't sure what he was expecting her reaction to be, but he gladly took the small kiss she offered him, sealing his lips to hers. "How long?" 
"Since before everything," he sighed, allowing himself to sink into her kiss and the brush of her mouth against his, "I don't want to... leave y'unsatisfied if 'm not... good." 
That had her lips curling against his, a cluster of small kisses being pressed to the full of his lips before she pulled away. "It's going to be good before it's you, H. I'm not worried—I love you, remember?" 
Was it normal for him to feel his cock pulse at her declaration? Or was he really that easy? 
"I love you, too," he slurred before taking her mouth against his once more. It was messy and heavy, clumsy and unsure, but he didn't care. "I want to fuck you so bad, peach. Can I?" 
All it took was a soft nod of her head before he had his arms lacing underneath the thick of her thighs with the water splashing around the tub. He held her tight, grip stern as he stood tall in the pastel water. (Y/N) let out a bubbling laugh, clinging to him with a gasp as if he would ever drop her. 
With her pressed tightly to his chest, his cock was now fit snugly between the planes of his abdomen and the soft folds between her legs. Water sluiced down his form, a chill befalling his skin now that they'd left the steaming pool behind, though that had no effect on just how hard he was for his peach. 
"We didn't have to right away," (Y/N) laughed, fingers denting the broad of his shoulders, "If you weren't done—" 
"'M done," he cemented, dropping her onto the bounce of her mattress with only a small amount of guilt at getting so much water on her sheets. He'd change them for her later. "You're m'favorite way to relax, peach—don't need all the rest." 
Laid on the center of her bed with her skin gleaming and warm, scented so sweetly from their bath, Harry had a new level of respect for his self-control. But, that was in the past now, left in the bathroom along with the droplets of water on the floor and the candle he would have to remember to blow out before they fell asleep. 
Crawling on the mattress with his cock heavy between his legs, he fit his body between her spread legs, reveling in the plush of her thighs on either side of his hips. (Y/N) reached for him on instinct, looping her arms around his neck with the curls on the back of his neck dampening against her skin. 
"Hi, you," she murmured, a bubbly smile on her lips as if she hadn't just asked him to fuck her a moment ago. 
He could only shake his head, dropping a kiss to the bridge of her nose as he situated himself above him with his forearms stationed on either side of her head. "Hi, peach. What are you up to, hm?" 
"Nothing much," she laughed, hitching a thigh over his lip in a languid move to thrust him forwards. "You?" 
Harry's voice was stilted in his throat, feeling her slick folds give around his cock when his length split through. He could feel the minute pulsing of her clit against his base. "Jus' worried 'm not gonna last very long at all, nothing important," he attempted to joke, if only to feel of plume of her laughter fill the air. 
Instead, he garnered a smearing of (Y/N)'s lips against his own, her affection tender and lingering. "Don't worry about that," she urged him, "I don't care—I just want you to feel good." 
A furrow pinched his brow, his heart rattling when she rocked her hips underneath him as if it wasn't already hard enough to concentrate. "But, I want y'to feel good too, and—" 
"I will as long as you do," she reiterated, amusement sparking in her blown pupils, "I don't care if you finish early, just finish in me, that's all I ask." 
Harry couldn't contain the moan in his throat, the rumbling falling from his throat as he rested his forehead against hers with shuttered eyes. He could feel a bead of warm precum blurting from his tip, dripping to land on the soft of (Y/N)'s stomach with a pulse. 
"You're going to kill me," he murmured, not sure if he was speaking for her to hear, "D-Do y'need me to do anything f—" 
Cutting him off with a kiss, (Y/N) slipped her tongue between his lips only to offer a quick taste before she was pulling away once more. "You can feel how wet I am, right?" 
As if he could forget with the way she was pressed against the underside of his cock, the ridge of his head tight between their stomachs. He answered with a small nod. 
"Y-You're sure, then?" he murmured, attempting to tap into that self control he had back in the tub. 
"I want you, H," she assured, nothing teasing or urgent in her voice, only sincerity, "As long as you're ready, I am, too. It's just me—you don't have to worry." 
His only response came in the form of a small kiss and a declaration: "I love you, (Y/N)." 
"I love you too," she smiled into his kiss, a small roll of her hips turning his brain to mush. 
His breathing was strained as he reached between their bodies, his fist wrapping around his shaft. Looking down, he watched as she spread her thighs that much wider as he swiped his cock between her folds. She was sticky and wet, clinging to the width of him as he split her open enough for his head to kiss her clit. He could see the jump of her muscles, the small whine that chirped from her lips, but he couldn't seem to stop himself—especially when a thread of her slick stuck to him, only bowing and breaking when he reached his cock towards his stomach, too far for the string to extend. 
"Harry, please," she quietly pleaded with him.
The sound of her voice was just enough to knock him back into the universe. It was enough to remind him that this wasn't the main event, there was even more warmth and wetness to be explored. 
Pressing the tip of his cock to her opening, he held himself steady as he pressed his hips forward. It was a tight squeeze, a feeling that took his breath away. As much as he wanted to catch (Y/N)'s expressions, see exactly what she looked like as he sunk inside her for the first time, he couldn't seem to peel his eyes away from the sight of his cock fitting inside her core. With every stretch of his length pushing through, less and less coherent thought filtered through his head. 
Instead, all he could think about was the snug fit of her walls around him, the pulsing with every heartbeat, just how wet she was, the warmth that enveloped him and welcomed him deeper and deeper. By the time he bottomed out, his mouth had fallen into a gape and his arm propping him up was now shaky. His only anchor was the grip he moved to have on her hip, his palm slick and sticky from fisting his cock though he didn't have it in him to care. 
He really, really hoped (Y/N) meant it when she said she wouldn't mind if he blew it fast; he doubted he had much longer left, and he'd only just sunk inside. 
"Y'alright, peach?" he breathed, his words fanning across her skin when he finally looked up to reach her eyes. 
Looking at him with hooded eyes, the pupils wide, (Y/N) gave him her confirmation in the form of a jerky nod. "I'm okay," she mumbled, "Are you?" 
"'M good," he said, feeling drunk despite not a single drop of alcohol even being present in (Y/N)'s home, "'M so good, peach. 'M scared 'm too good." 
"It's okay," she smiled at him, if only a bit dazed when she threaded her fingers through his damp curls, "Just do whatever makes you feel good—that's enough for me." 
He wished he could have told her how much her affection meant to him, how he couldn't believe she loved him the way she did, how there was no one who had such an effect on him, but there was no way his tongue was going to follow any kind of command let alone any train of thought to actually form. Instead, he settled for a searing kiss against her already swollen lips. 
Though he doubted he would have any chance at composure, he still attempted to catch his breath and his brain before he reared his hips back for the first time. Pulling out of her warm channel was enough to add some form of clarity to his mind, though it didn't last long before he pushed forward in a shallow thrust. Her walls welcomed him in once more, warm and snug with every ridge forming around him in a pulse. (Y/N)'s thighs tensed around his hips, a slight tremor to her muscles though she managed to let out a sigh of pleasure against his kiss. 
"Fuck, peach," he murmured when he bottomed out once more, the crown of his length tapping her furthest walls. 
A furrow had his brows pinched though his eyes remained closed, even when he couldn't manage to kiss her anymore, his lips simply resting against her own parted ones. He shared panted breaths with her, his forehead resting on her own with (Y/N)'s fingers curling in his hair. 
Though the pace was slow, he was able to curate a rhythm that kept him from finishing right away. He didn't feel too far from the edge, but this was as good of a chance as he was going to get when she felt as good as she did. 
"H-Harry," she whined, her voice breathy and airy, "You're so big." 
His hips stuttered at her words, the previously shallow thrust he was working on turning into a harsh grind against her core. The jolt had another moan rumbling her chest with a curse falling from Harry's lips. 
"Y'can't say that, peach," he murmured, unable to keep his pacing, "You're gonna make me cum and we've barely started." 
Every stroke was indulgent, lingering when he wanted, harsh and deep when he changed his mind, anything and everything to his taste. His only chance was in moving his hand from her hip and shaky positioning it between his punishing hips and her forgiving core. At the apex of her folds, her clit pearled. Though his hand was shaky, he still managed to smear the pad of his thumb against the bud, feeling the budding pulse that matched the hammering of her heart. 
Suddenly coming to light, (Y/N) managed to bring him in for a kiss. It was sloppy and clumsy, leaving their lips swollen and teeth glancing off one another, but there wasn't any room for perfection. 
Harry needed her, that was all he knew. His stomach tightened with every thrust, his balls shining with her slick with every slap against her ass. (Y/N)'s thighs were warm and tight on either side of his pelvis, unwilling to let him venture too far before accepting him back inside. 
"(Y/N)," he panted, shaking his head, "P-Peach, 'm so sorry." 
"Don't be sorry, do—shit—don't be sorry, H. I want you to cum, okay? Cum in me, please." 
How was he supposed to deny her? What kind of boyfriend would he be if he said no to such pretty words?
Keeping his thumb running circles around her swollen clit, Harry couldn't stop himself before harshly thrusting inside her and pausing when he felt the first spasm wrack through his abdomen. There was a bunch to his muscles he hadn't even realized until the thread keeping them together snapped. 
Ropes of his cum spurted out, decorating and flooding her walls with every pulse. She grew impossibly wet around him, his thumb barely keeping track as he tried to tend to her clit even through the tremors. He ground his hips against hers, unwilling to draw away even an inch out of her warmth as he came.
The world slowly came back into focus as he pulled in puffs of air, (Y/N) delicately kissing his bottom lip. He felt so hot, sticky despite the bath he'd just soaked in. 
Was sex always like this? He couldn't recall ever coming this hard, but had it been too long for him to remember? Or was this another (Y/N)-only thing? He could readily believe that highs like this only came from being in her arms. 
"Still with me?" his peach murmured, a wanton edge to her voice that reminded him that there were much more important things than his own pleasure. 
He nodded, finally reciprocating her kiss. "'M here, peach. I've got you."
Despite the oversensitivity beginning to leak into his system, he managed to grind into her just enough to match the swirling of his thumb against her clit. She gasped into his mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue past her lips and sweep over her own. He got a taste of her pleasured moans, reveling in the feel until it seemingly became too much for her. 
In a way he was now familiar with, (Y/N) let out a chirping moan, delicate and shaky into his mouth. That was the first sign before her fingers in his hair began to tug at the roots in a stinging pull, and toes curled. Her pussy clung to the shape of his cock, his cum overflowing around himself and dripping down to the bed under her ass as she gushed around him. His oversensitivity had him crying out a call of her name, her pulsing walls almost too hot to handle as she came around him. 
He could have done this all night, Harry decided. He could have pet his fingers over her clit and pressed into her walls for hours if not for the fact that they were both beginning to see the less than favorable side of sensitivity. 
"'M gonna pull out, okay?" he panted, blinking his eyes open to find his (Y/N)'s still shuttered. She answered in a quiet nod, her lips parted as she breathed. 
Though it was a bit reluctant, he drew his hips back in a slow glide. His softening cock slipped out with a wet sound as (Y/N) unfurled her legs from around him. A small whine left her lips, but she didn't stop him, only clinging to him.
Settling in bed beside her, reaching for one of the pillows stationed at the head of the bed, Harry fixed it under their heads. (Y/N) instinctively rolled to face him, sharing the cushion with him. He gave her time as she came down, brushing his fingers through her hair and over the planes of her features until she managed to crack her eyes open. 
"Hi, you," he smiled, repeating her small tease from earlier. 
A plume of laughter fell from her lips, a slight smile forming on her kiss-swollen lips. "Hi. What are you up to?" 
"Nothing. Jus' looking at you." 
"Nothing important then, I see," she laughed, snuggling closer to him until Harry was collecting her into his arms with her head tucked into his neck.
"Very important, actually," he corrected, amusement draining from his tone, "Thank you, peach. Really." 
"You don't have to thank me, H," she countered, "I obviously got my own benefits out of this, so don't think I just did this for you." 
He knew she was trying to play with him, get him to loosen up, but he wasn't in the mood for that just yet. He was a touch too sentimental at the moment. 
"You know what I mean," he murmured, planting a kiss to the top of her head, "I jus' love you, and... always means a lot when y'trust me, and let me be with you. Thank you." 
"I love you, too, Harry," she reciprocated, her own arms giving him a pulsing hug, "It's easy to trust you, really. I wouldn't want to have these kinds of moments with anyone else—you're the best thing that ever happened to me, honey." 
Though he knew they needed to change her bedding, and blow out the candle in the bathroom, get (Y/N) cleaned up, and mop up the bathroom, Harry couldn't find any good reason to extract himself from her arms. 
There would never be a good enough reason that came above being with her like this. 
ahhhhh! thank u sm for reading and to whoever requested this! sorry for any mistakes and if you have any fun ideas or requests of your own please send them in!! if you want to read more, you can check my patreon page:)
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muddyorbsblr · 6 months
onyx pt2
See my full list of works here!
Summary: Thor's return to the Compound reveals that your new pet kitten wasn't quite what you thought he was
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: language (it's like 2 cuss words but i'm still not sorry, Rogers); the lightest sprinkle of angst [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: himbo Thor hours
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You couldn't believe what you were hearing from Thor. Implying that the sweet tiny kitten on your shoulder was actually the god that wouldn't even spare you a single glance sideways. The one that barely even registered that you existed.
"Thor no. It can't be. This little bub is small and baking biscuits on my cheek. He purrs. He's cat-shaped. Onyx is a cat. He's my cat. And right now you're scaring him being all up in his face like this. I say this with so much love…Thunder? Back the fuck off." Your kitten shivered even harder as he snuggled into your neck, keeping his little face buried in your hair.
"Lady Y/N, I know my brother's eyes anywhere. Especially after he disguised himself as a snake when we were merely eight years old and--"
"Changed back and stabbed you. Bleh it's me. I know the story, Thunder," you finished for him, suddenly exceedingly aware of the weight of maybe-Onyx-maybe-Loki on your shoulder despite the tiny feline frame. "But I'm telling you there's just no way that my cat is--"
You looked into Onyx's eyes and immediately your shoulders dropped, realizing that it wasn't a coincidence that his eyes were a familiar shade of blue. Thor was right; he knew his brother's eyes anywhere. The kitten embraced your face, pressing his nose to your cheek repeatedly.
"Onyx, look at me." He stilled against your cheek, his wide pleading eyes looking into yours with something that looked akin to resignation. "You were hissing at FRIDAY and Shaun about getting chipped because you understood everything we were saying. Am I right?" He didn't move, the pupils in his eyes growing wider and the corners of his eyes starting to fill with tears. "Because you're Loki?"
He took a deep breath, this little chest puffing up with air and suddenly looking significantly less cat-like than he did a minute ago. Onyx -- actually, Loki -- pressed his face to your cheek again, the action now making your breath hitch in the back of your throat. Then finally he nodded,  and the air left your lungs.
You walked over to  your apartment, Thor's heavy footsteps following just behind you, and placed Onyx/Loki on your desk in front of a notepad and a pen. "Talk." He looked up at you again with those wide pleading eyes. "Please," you added, unsure of what to feel now that the last few hours you spent with your newfound pet was being colored with the context of who he actually was.
Too many thoughts, too many questions, floated around your head, nearly overwhelming you, as your last round of pain meds began to wear off and the discomfort you were feeling gradually became a throbbing pulsating sensation throughout your left side.
Most of them revolving around why he acted the way that he did in this tiny form with you, and how long this could have gone on if Thor hadn't revealed his identity within ten seconds of seeing him. The blond god pulled out a chair for you to read along as Loki's green magic surrounded the pen and words began to form on the paper.
I made a misstep while practicing my magic and cast a spell that turned me into this diminutive feline form. I had exited my quarters earlier today to find assistance in retrieving the spell I require to reverse its effects.
"Hold on." The pen stopped mid-stroke, the cat looking at you with your hand held up. "If you can make things move with your mind, why couldn't you just get the spell book--"
"Grimoire," Thor corrected you. "He gets a bit testy when you use the other word."
"Right then, why couldn't you just move the grimoire down and reverse the spell on your own?" The pen lifted again, you and his brother crowding around the paper to read his answer.
When I scale down my form to something so vulnerable, my magic is not as potent. In theory the grimoire is only just at the limit of my powers' reach in this form and I run the risk of crushing myself with the tome.
"Loki, are you telling me you need help reaching the top shelf?" Thor chortled at the question, sounding like he was struggling to keep his chuckles at bay. "Can it, Thunder, it's not that funny." The cat nodded at you, starting to stand on his back legs again. "Okay, so why not ask your brother? He's way taller than me."
"Oh that I can answer for him, Lady Y/N," he quipped, raising his own hand up in the air. "My brother doesn't trust me around his possessions. Something about how I have a tendency to break his things."
"You know what, that tracks," you muttered, standing and presenting the kitten your hand. "Come on then, let's get you back to normal." He hopped onto your hand and you were about to put him on your shoulder before you stopped, keeping him perched on your hands instead. He meowed at you, starting to climb up your arm before you picked him up again, keeping him in your hands.
"Think my brother wants to be on your shoulder, Lady Y/N. Seemed quite comfortable there," Thor spoke up, letting out a soft chuckle when the kitten started nodding enthusiastically, agreeing with him. "Perhaps you should--"
"I let him stay there earlier because he was my cat," you shot back. "Now he's your brother, it's not the same thing." He whimpered, his little cat body shaking in your hands, taking every ounce of strength you could spare not to give in and just place him back there. He kneaded at your palms the entire way to his apartment, Thor carrying around your stepping stool.
You all got to Loki's study, setting him down on the desk as he guided you to the grimoire he needed, shaking his head at each tome on the shelf that you'd pointed at so far.
"My word, Brother, your attention to detail in these sketches is remarkable, you even got--" Loki hissed at his brother, who was currently standing by a stack of journals, a small sketchbook in his hand. "Alright alright I desist. I shall take my leave. You shall be the one to divulge this information once you are yourself again."
The blond Asgardian's heavy footsteps sounded throughout the apartment until he left, then a few moments afterward you faintly heard his booming voice as he rejoined the rest of the team. You pointed at another grimoire that finally had him nodding his little head, stepping aside on the desk to make room for you to set it down.
"Okay then," you spoke up once you stepped back down to the ground, suddenly feeling more awkward as you stood alone with him in his apartment. "I'll uhh…I'll leave you to it."
You made it to the door of his study before you heard his tiny meow again, seeing him standing on his back legs at the edge of his desk, grabby hands outstretched towards you.
"I'll see you when you're…you again. Later, Loki." The sound of his little meows tugged at your heartstrings, nearly making you turn around and…honestly you didn't even know why he'd want you there with him but you'd stay if only to wipe the sad look from his face. You couldn't deny the adorable little cat much anyways in the hours he was yours.
Then again, you probably couldn't deny him anything in his Asgardian form, either.
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An hour after you walked out of Loki's apartment you were hobbling your way back to yours, having eaten enough to take your next round of medications and toting a compound that Banner whipped up in his lab that could maybe help your injuries heal a touch faster. You had half a mind to just cut the sweatshirt off of you once you got inside to avoid the lingering discomfort, but ultimately decided against it.
That wasn't a good enough reason to let a perfectly good forest green sweatshirt go to waste.
You were about to start using the compound on your ribs first when a voice stopped you. "Darling…"
That voice. You recognized that voice anywhere. Giving you butterflies whenever you heard it in mission briefings. Haunting your vivid fantasies regardless of the time or appropriateness. The voice that had you incapable of forming words on any other day.
"Good to see you back," you said, trying to keep your composure around the god.
You reached for your sweatshirt again to cover yourself from his piercing stormy gaze, but before you could, he stood before you, his hand gently grasping your arm while the other rested on your waist. "I received a message from my brother while I was in my feline form, asking if I could check on your injuries. Aid in your healing somehow, if I feel inclined. His words, not mine." Your breath hitched when his thumbs stroked at your skin more tenderly than any of your former lovers had ever touched you. "I would have done it regardless."
Your pulse was thumping in your ears from his proximity, from the way he held your gaze. From the way he held you like he was fighting every urge to pull you to him. Like he would let you step out of it if that was what you wanted.
But all you wanted at the moment was to ask him, "Why didn't you tell me who you were the second you saw me in the pantry?"
The journal Thor was holding earlier materialized on your desk, diverting your attention to the open page. Probably the page that he was commending earlier that made the raven-haired god hiss at him in cat form. The image on the page had the air leave your lungs.
It was a sketch of you.
"My refusal to look at you before was not from disdain, little mortal," he spoke, taking a step closer to you, his hand traveling up your arm and framing your face. You could feel his breath on  your skin. "It was because every time I would look upon your features, I had to fight back every compulsion to do this."
He tucked his finger under your chin, turning you to face him before pressing a tender kiss to your lips that had you weakening in his hold, your stomach violently fluttering as his lips moved against yours. You whimpered against his lips, making him pull you into his arms, weaving his fingers into your hair.
"I've longed for you, precious mortal," he whispered once he pulled away, pressing kisses along the side of your face while you caught your breath. "To know the taste of your lips on mine. The feel of your supple body pressed against me." He kissed you again, lifting you off your feet and carrying you deeper into your apartment. Into your bedroom. He laid you down on your bed, briefly licking into your mouth before pulling away, making light wash over the room with a wave of his hand. "May I heal you, darling?"
Words failed you at the sight of him hovering over you, eyes wide and pleading as he looked on at the bruises and cuts that colored the left side of your torso. You wordlessly nodded your head to grant him the permission he needed to go forward, giving you a soft smile before he leaned down and pressed his lips to your bruises.
"Much better," he breathed out, nipping at your skin before moving his hands down to the waistband of your leggings, lips traveling down to your thigh and kissing you over the fabric. "Once I have seen to your injuries, you should know that I have every intention to make you mine." He kissed you just below your belly button, humming against your skin as you squirmed underneath him, deft hands working the tight fabric down your legs. "If you wish to be, that is."
"I do," you gasped out, ceasing to give a flying fuck how desperate and wanton you sounded at the moment. "I'm yours, I'm all yours."
He smiled against your skin, kissing away at the injuries you sustained on your left leg before making his way back up your body. "You've no idea how delighted I am to hear those words from you, my darling." You felt what remained of your clothing melting away along with his, your moan when skin met skin muffled by him slanting his mouth over yours.
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You woke up the next morning to the feel of Loki's nose brushing against yours, pressing kisses along your face until you let out a soft giggle from his attentions. "Good morning, sweetheart."
Your response had him running his fingers along your sides, turning you into a squirming giggling mess as you tried to wrestle your way out of his hold. "Good morning, Onyx."
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A/N: I heavily debated w/ myself if I was gonna put smut in this but ultimately decided not to because it's a fluff story and I wanted it to stay a full fluff story 🥴 Just know that he did, in fact, give her plenty a mango ride 😏😏
This is probs the last story I'll post for 2023, so I'm gonna wish you all a Happy New Year and here's to the whorish insanity we'll all get up to in 2024. I have a whole lot planned out, starting with more horny bitches cuts and…a certain celebration I've been putting off because I'm drowning in a sea of WIPs 😂
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover
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sunkendreams · 6 months
You’ve got me absolutely melting for David!!
How about him and something with edging, because he’s an asshole who would def love your needy frustration🥴
flesh for fantasy.
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. | david (the lost boys) x fem!reader.
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓. | one-shot — requested.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. | 8.3K (not sorry!)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. | SMUT! (mdni), vampire antics, gore/violence (people die), very mild seduction/hypnosis, edging, rough sex (david is not gentle at all), missionary and from behind, biting, bloodplay (he’s a vampire), choking, hair-pulling, david is mean, blowjob, cunnilingus, dirty talk, pet names (kitten, sweetheart), clothes ripping, fingering, teasing, david is extremely possessive, begging, crying, etc. this fic is nasty & david is an asshole
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑’𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄. | w h e w — here we are AGAIN. I promise that there will be a marko fic guys !!! I have so many lost boys projects going rn that the content is endless at this point! thank you so much for your support, requests, love, etc. I literally adore y’all so much you don’t understand :)) hope you guys enjoy!
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David had become a fever that you couldn’t sweat out — your pale-headed, blue-eyed infatuation. Even in your moments spent alone, his voice rang within your head, echoing like the lull of a siren. His sly laughter, his smirk — they were embedded into your brain. It was almost like some fog had come over you, and he was the only thing on your mind, the only thing that you were permitted to think about.
After that night spent within the darkness of the boardwalk’s endless carnival, he wanted you to meet him at the beach, shrouded by the cover of dusk. It had become easier to fib to your mother about where you were going at night — it was always a rotation of excuses. Friends, a beach concert, or another group hangout.
Frilly, pastel-yellow fabric clung to your frame, a sundress that billowed in the cool, night breeze of Santa Carla. It was covered in a ditsy floral pattern, something sweet and a little innocuous. The boardwalk was always congested, crowded with waves of people that swarmed you wherever you went.
You hadn’t pinpointed exactly where you were supposed to meet David, so you joined the massive herd of people that were partying around the current concert. The noisy thrum of rock music floated through the air, and you blended in seamlessly with the rest of the crowd. He would find you eventually — he always did.
Even through the midst of music, you could still hear David, always buried somewhere within the recesses of your mind. You had no idea how you’d become so enamored with him and so quickly, but you didn’t want to go against the grain and fight your feelings. He was naturally charming and enticing — you assumed that you were just smitten and awestruck.
Someone bumped into you, prompting you to shift elsewhere, toward a wooden ledge that seemed less populated. You watched the concert with idle interest, flesh erupting with goosebumps as a gloved hand grabbed at your waist. You shivered, whirling around to find David’s smirking countenance.
He was close, wedged behind you with a devious grin, pressing a brief kiss against your neck. “Found you.” He chuckled, circling you like a predator would prey as he searched for your hand. “Were you hiding from me?” David inquired, wanting to tease you a little bit. You were always so flustered and smitten — it was difficult not to find enjoyment in it.
Your lips parted, skin crawling with heat as it licked across the column of your spine. As David took your hand, he began to lead you from the crowd and into the unoccupied, sandy shores. There was a spacious staircase that led back up from the boardwalk and a terrace above.
“Never,” You protested, and that was enough to earn you a laugh from David. It was ominous and enticing, like the encroaching darkness — your curiosity was insatiable. You followed him as if you were in a trance, spotting the pack of ragtag motorcycles and the boys you’d encountered before. “Where are we going?”
David stopped midway atop the steps, guiding you forward until you were pressed against him. Your scent invaded his senses, thick and saccharine as that familiar pang of thirst scratched within his throat. He towered over you, brushing his thumb along the curve of your jawline. “Somewhere special.”
A brief laugh escaped you — he was going to keep you in the dark until you arrived. “Okay,” You hummed, gaze glued to his features as he playfully squeezed at your hip. His touch was incendiary, and you wanted to feel him anywhere and everywhere. “No hints?” You asked, listening to his sly chuckling.
“Not this time, sweetheart.” David mused, briefly nipping at your lower lip before coaxing you up the stairs again. You followed, rounding the grated bannister as he released your hand. The pack of boys were all waiting on their bikes, and the one you’d spoken to before, Paul, winked and waved at you.
You hesitated, poised along the edge of the walkway as David sauntered toward his bike, a dust-laden Triumph, taking a seat atop the vehicle as he revved the engine to life. He then peered toward you, expectant and unusually patient. Those crystalline, pale eyes shamelessly roamed across your body, drinking in the look of you in that sundress.
“Are you coming?” David asked, gesturing toward the empty space behind him. Even from the few feet of distance between you both, he listened to the excited, erratic beating of your heart. His lips twitched into a smirk, knowing that you’d go with him anyway.
“Not yet, she’s not.” Paul guffawed, releasing a series of wolfish whistles and howls. The other curly-headed blonde laughed along with him as the two smacked at one another.
David’s gaze narrowed slightly, but this sort of crass behavior was to be expected. He’d keep you safe. Finally, he extended his hand towards you, head cocked to one side. He was silent, enticing you through eyes and expression alone. Part of him wanted to utilize persuasion, but he thoroughly enjoyed whenever you chose him of your own free will.
The desire to leave the boardwalk behind for a night to spend it with David was much too tantalizing to ignore. Your feet shuffled forward, and you finally reached him, taking a hold of his hand. “I’ve never ridden one of these before.” You were a little concerned — motorcycles weren’t exactly the safest option.
Wordlessly, David coaxed you onto the seat behind him, craning to look over his shoulder at you. “Just hold on tight, kitten. I won’t let you fall.” He sneered, and to add fuel to the fire, he tilted backward, mouth sloppily landing against your plush, sweet lips. That devilish grin appeared again, prompting you to wrap your arms around his midsection.
As the bikes roared to life, David made sure that you were clinging on before spinning around within the patch of sand, making it fly across the boardwalk. He revved the engine, signaling for the rest to follow as they flew down a set of stairs, making you gasp and rock forward. David sped out onto the stretch of open beach, laughing and howling.
You hadn’t seen him like this — wild and carefree, screaming into the dead of night. David was often calculating and methodical, but you enjoyed seeing this other side of him, this primal, unrestrained edge he now possessed. The more he drove, the more comfortable you became, leaning up to get a better look of your surroundings.
As he drove toward the pier, you gasped, fingers twisting into his coat as he went straight through the wooden rafters underneath. Dangerous and daunting — but that pang of fear inevitably dissipated into excitement and sheer exhilaration. You glanced over your shoulder, watching the other boys close in behind you.
Santa Carla’s shoreline inevitably stretched into cliffsides and a wilderness of cypress trees and dirt, which is where David veered off into. Paul playfully wove his bike a little closer to you, letting out a series of whistles before David inevitably got bored of his antics, applying a barrage of pressure on the gas.
The night sky was uninhibited by clouds — it was endlessly clear, marked by a smattering of millions of stars and the silvery glow of a full moon. Forest dwindled the closer you got toward Hudson’s Bluff, waves crashing against the rock. Along the small patch of shoreline near the old lighthouse, there was a group of people partying around a small bonfire.
“Hold on.” David cautioned, swinging his bike around as he drove down a steeper incline. The bluff had an old, rocky dirt path that climbed down to the mouth of a cavern at the very bottom. It was surrounded by a mess of ‘DO NOT ENTER’ signs, barricades, and old paneling, now rotted from the ocean’s encroaching tides.
You rocked forward, colliding with his back as he made it towards the very bottom. It was a relatively wide patch of dirt and rock, where the rest of the pack promptly parked their motorcycles, draping tarps over them. The group surrounding the bonfire didn’t seem to pay any of you much attention at all.
David helped you off of the bike, grasping ahold of your hand as he motioned toward the dark entrance of the cave. The rest of the boys began to whoop and laugh as they barreled down the path inside of the cavern, torchlight diminishing as it left you and David alone outside of the cave.
He was bathed in moonlight — flesh unnaturally pale, eyes vibrant, hair turned to tresses of silver. His musculature pressed into your side, gloved palm calmly cupping your cheek. “Come with me,” He murmured, lips ghosting above the shell of your ear. “Be with me.” David’s voice had become sultry, and it almost held some sway and power over you.
A shudder rattled the length of your spine, goosebumps following suit as they coalesced across your body. David gingerly turned your face, forcing you to look up at him as he stroked his thumb against your chin. “Of course, David.” You were intrigued by what awaited you within that cave — you assumed that it was their hangout, a place to simply exist.
With a sly chuckle, he led you into the shadowed maw of the cavern, and you were launched into a place unlike any other. Dim torchlight illuminated your path as David coaxed you into their lair, where moonlight pooled onto a massive, stone fountain in the very center. It looked old — the architecture was dilapidated and crumbling, but it was all decorated with whatever they enjoyed.
Paul made himself at home, perched atop the edge of the fountain as Dwayne climbed up toward a nook carved into the rock, retrieving a case of what appeared to be alcohol. Marko came up to David, murmuring something in secrecy. Both pairs of eyes momentarily darted toward you, until David’s lips twitched into a smirk.
Marko gestured towards Paul, and the pair exited the cave, laughing and howling their way back out into the cool, oceanic dusk. You wondered what that was all about, but decided not to question it as David motioned to your newfound surroundings.
“This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about eighty-five years ago,” David released your hand, idly sauntering around the central fountain as he prodded at the dangling fixtures of shells and bone. “They built it right along the faultline, and once the ground opened up?” He trailed off, rounding the stone until he made his way back to you. “Swallowed it whole. Now, it’s ours.”
You were intimately familiar with Santa Carla, but not enough to fully comprehend the immense amount of history lying around. You leaned over, sweeping your fingertips against the massive chandelier, rotting away within the basin of cave water. A wad of cobwebs stuck to your hand.
“It’s pretty. There’s so much to see here, too.” You chimed, peering toward the cavernous roof of the cave, where slats of moonlight pooled through, right into the center. “Where did the others go?” It was odd that they’d left so soon after just arriving.
David chuckled, knowing the gravity of the situation that you would soon find yourself caught within. If you weren’t exposed to them now, it would become increasingly difficult for him to suppress what he really was. “They went to get dinner.” He stated, which, in some twisted sense, was the truth.
With a brief laugh, you decided to pass off David’s statement as humorous, studying the intricate details of their home-away-from-home. You noticed the dangling sculptures made of animal bone, seashells, and various pieces of sea-glass. A massive banner of Jim Morrison hung on one of the rocky walls, another of Motley Crüe.
Vulnerability seeped from every pore, and David knew that he would have you — soon enough. He followed closely behind you, letting you explore as you pleased, wandering about the cave. You felt his hand press against the small of your back, gloved digits idly massaging into your curves, easy to feel beneath your sundress.
As you stepped toward a collection of chairs, you noticed one with a very high back, made of mahogany and velveteen cushions, layered in a fine sheen of dust. David moved around you, sitting down with a huff in that seat, head cocked to one side. “Don’t be shy.” He uttered, patting his thigh with a gloved palm.
Heat swept through you, crawling across your flesh as you hesitantly wandered toward David. You were a little nervous, considering that the boys were around, but he seemed entirely unbothered by this. He was smirking at you, patiently waiting until you lowered yourself into his lap, feeling him anchor an arm around your hips.
Your scent was intoxicating — heavy and warm, like the innocence of springtime. David absentmindedly licked his lower lip as he played a dangerous game, leaning in to press a kiss against your bare shoulder. Teeth momentarily grazed flesh, causing you to shudder as you made yourself comfortable.
Sounds of rancor and laughter reverberated throughout the cavern, prompting you to glance up at the rocky incline. Marko and Paul returned with two strangers — a younger couple who seemed intrigued by their surroundings.
Confusion flickered across your features, but you let it subside, assuming that they wanted to make it a party of-sorts. David held you close, practically pinning you against him as he idly caressed along your supple curves. He knew what was about to happen — your terror would come to a head.
“Wow! Look at this place, Con!” The girl echoed, hanging onto the arm of her boyfriend. They were your age, if not a little older, oblivious as to what was about to happen. Dwayne hopped down from the nook above, gaze bristling with a thinly-veiled hunger.
“Good choice.” David mused, grin becoming devilish and wrathful as he leaned forward within his chair. “I don’t think our guest will be very hungry. They’re all ours.” He assured, giving your hip a playful pat. He had no intention of turning you — not yet, anyway.
Paul and Marko began to snicker, with Marko cocking his head to one side before he gestured to you. “Off limits?” He’d ask, evoking a rather visceral response from David, whose eyes were akin to frozen pits full of ire and protectiveness.
“Yes.” David quipped, able to taste the bewilderment and confusion that dripped from you. It oozed from your pores — he could smell that surge of nervousness looming about you. It produced a peculiar pheromone that he could detect, something akin to uncertainty. You were something that he had no desire to share.
You belonged to him, now.
With a brief bout of laughter, your brows furrowed together. “Hungry?” You’d ask, unsure of why David was referring to food when there wasn’t a lick of it in-sight. The atmosphere began to shift — instinct and foresight told you to flee, but there you sat, glued to David’s lap like a good little human. He knew you’d stay.
Dwayne let out a thunderous growl, grabbing the man by the collar as he thrust him toward his knees as if he weighed nothing at all. His girlfriend yelped and squeaked, wriggling around as Paul and Marko sprang forward, keeping her restrained.
This felt wrong.
“David, wh — what’s going on?” With a strained tone of voice, it hopped up an octave, laced with fear. Anxiousness swirled within the pit of your stomach, and you shuffled within David’s lap, prompting him to press his digits into the swell of your hip.
You became uneasy, looking to David for something — protest, a command, anything. Instead, he was grinning like a cheshire cat, the apex predator, visage taking on some leer of amusement as he peered toward you. “I told you, sweetheart,” He began, pressing a kiss against your jaw. “Dinner.”
It was as if everything happened all at once, your world beginning to spin so fast that you very nearly fainted, but David was keen on keeping you safe. Dwayne’s hands would rend and tear into the man, razor-sharp incisors suddenly sinking into his jugular.
You watched with shock and horror as Paul and Marko bit into the throat and shoulder of the woman, callously tearing at her flesh, crimson spurting into the open air as it pooled around her clothing. They were laughing, akin to a pack of slavering hyenas as the girl went down into the sand-laden dirt.
Their faces transformed, no longer the boyish visages from before — they were glistening with a sweat-like sheen and wolfish, with eyes like the sun, a liquid-gold adorned in a red ring, like a halo. Fangs protruded from their canines, and the air began to smell pungent, thick with the coppery haze of blood.
You yelped, immediately attempting to scramble off of David’s lap, but he kept you pinned, now fueled with inhuman strength in the presence of prey. That dark, sly laughter of his rang within your mind and throughout the cave, and again, you tried to throw yourself onto the ground. You feared that you would be next.
“Easy, easy,” David purred, grabbing your hips as he crushed your back against his chest. “I’ll keep you safe.” He uttered, and as convincing as it sounded, a sliver of you didn’t want to believe him anymore. Then again, it was solemn — it lacked that coy, cajoling tone from before.
A pair of fangs scraped across your neck, threatening to break the skin, and you realized that it was David. Your throat felt too thick, even if you wanted nothing more than to scream. Finally, he released you, watching as you immediately fled in the opposite direction, sundress snagging on a rock.
David chuckled, gracefully pushing himself out of the chair as he sauntered toward the now-mangled body of the woman. He knew that you wouldn’t be going anywhere — he had very little to worry about. Marko and Dwayne were having their fill of the man, whose body was as limp as a ragdoll, flesh an ashen pallor.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the sight of David sinking his fangs into the collarbone of the woman, drinking straight from the source as he and Paul drained her life away. You felt lightheaded, on the verge of collapsing as you tried to climb away, only to fall right back down into the dirt.
“David?” You croaked, attempting to push yourself up from the dirt, knees wobbling. The world felt as if it’d been turned upside-down, and you were simply along for the ride, dizzy and delirious. The four were in the midst of feeding, stained with red, glowering at you through the dim light of the cave.
As you stood upright, you began to sway, but before you could collapse and hit the ground, David caught you, mouth drenched in crimson. His tongue lashed across his fangs as he ogled you, letting out another chuckle. With a bow of his head, he kissed you, and you gasped when you tasted that swarming sting of blood.
With a swift and eager tongue, he lapped at the traces of scarlet left behind from his feeding, greedily hauling you in for another lewd, passionate kiss. He was surprised to find that you weren’t recoiling, hapless within his embrace as you let out a shrewd, agonzied whine. Even if what they’d done was terrifying, you still couldn’t keep yourself away from David.
You poor thing — scared to death, trembling within his arms. Without pause, he picked you up, cradling your warm body as he carried you toward his wing of the cave. He could sense that you were on the verge of passing out, and as soon as he’d placed you onto his bed, you fainted.
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Be with me.
A strangled gasp tore past your lips as your eyes shot open, swiftly surveying your surroundings. Your heart began to beat erratically, threatening to rip free from your collarbone. David’s voice was still reverberating within your mind — the screams had drowned out from the cave, leaving you with the distant lull of Billy Idol and the cavern’s ambiance.
You were swaddled in a thin shawl, made of white silk and embroidered with silver stitching. The mattress you were strewn across smelled like spiced cigarettes, cologne, and that familiar twang of copper. You traced your fingers across the ages-old, ruffled blanket. Clearly, this bed was barely used.
“You’re awake,” David murmured, perched by the foot of the bed within the blink of an eye. His vampiric features had dwindled, leaving the man you’d become infatuated with standing there, icy hues and all. “I wondered if it would be too much for you.” For a moment, he worried that they’d scared you into a comatose state. “Now you know what we are.”
Admittedly, part of you was enticed and intrigued by what he was. It was hard not to be. “You’re not going to do that to me, are you?” You pondered aloud, shuddering when his countenance contorted into a look of agitation and disdain.
“No,” His voice was sharp, like the edge of a blade. “I’ve never wanted to hurt you, sweetheart. Though,” David’s lips twitched into a faint smirk. “I do enjoy your taste.” He’d tasted your blood on multiple occasions — it was sweeter than anything he’d savored before.
You were his forbidden fruit.
Heat crept through you, and you knew that you shouldn’t have been so calm about this, but it was still David — nothing changed about him. Your feelings certainly hadn’t diminished, either. You felt his gloved palm cup the curve of your jaw, thumb tracing over your cheek. “What — What are you?” You asked.
Your question lacked malice or anything accusatory. In fact, it was nearly a whisper, soft as could be as he pulled you up and against his chest. David chuckled when you shivered in his grasp, especially when he flicked a single digit over the strap of your sundress.
“A creature of the night,” He could smell the sudden pang of arousal that struck between your thighs, savoring that scintillating aroma. It made him want to tear you apart — make you scream for him. “Something that you should be terrified of.” David huffed, holding your chin in-place.
When he touched you, it only made that yearning grow tenfold, opening the way for desire to fester through you like a raging fire. You careened into his embrace, unable to pry yourself away from him. David was dangerous, but he wasn’t terrifying — he was still the same. “It won’t change how I feel.” You mumbled.
David’s eyes became bright, ignited with a sudden fire and glittering desire. “Is that so?” He purred, lips curling into a wolfish grin. “How do you feel, kitten?” His voice was a borderline snarl as he grabbed at your hips, hard enough to leave behind bruise-like imprints.
A soft, stuttering exhale escaped you as you leaned up upon your toes, pressing your lips to his. The gesture was unusually soft, but it swiftly turned into something salacious. David held you tightly, gloved digits beginning to curl into the fabric of your sundress. It was all tongue, teeth, and sheer want as he nipped at your lower lip.
He dragged you with him, using the rocky wall of the cave as his perch, mouth still fixed to yours. He tasted like the bitter bite of copper, something that you would inevitably grow accustomed to. His grip became unnaturally ironclad, clinging to you with a firm grip as he tugged at your dress. A noise skin to stitches being ripped filled the air.
“You don’t mind, do you?” David chuckled, causing your breath to hitch within your throat. With a forceful tug, he rucked your dress into a state of dishevel, ripping one of the thin, cloth straps in the process. A growl emanated from deep within his chest as he stepped back, sinking down into an old, velvet chair.
Goosebumps gathered along the nape of your neck, sending an excitable chill across your flesh as you stood in front of him, between his legs. “I want you,” You whined, desperate for him even after everything you’d witnessed. Did it make you depraved for still desiring him? Sick, perhaps? You weren’t sure. “David, please.”
Precocious, furtive laughter escaped David — he knew exactly what he wanted from you. “I’ve got something you can have, sweetheart.” He uttered, icy hues flickering over your body, shamelessly admiring your curves. That sundress flattered your frame — a shame that he was about to tear it to shreds.
Wordlessly, David coaxed you onto your knees, completely at his mercy as you swallowed the growing lump within your throat. He trailed a hand across your jaw, squeezing on either side as he splayed his legs apart, lounging in the chair with some domineering edge. His lips curled into a devious grin.
You knew what he wanted — it wasn’t hard to tell. With a shiver of anticipation, your hands moved toward his waist, slipping underneath the coat and hem of his sweater. “Aren’t you going to take anything off?” You’d ask, voice innocuous and sweet as you fumbled with his belt, attempting to quell your nerves.
“No,” David mused, watching you with hungry eyes. “You’ll have to use your imagination.” With a liquid-smooth, alluring tone, he let you go at your own pace — which was undeniably sluggish. Your mind was racing, a tangled web of lascivious thoughts that made him sneer.
A soft huff escaped you, but you continued, loosening up those leather pants of his with nimble digits. Nervousness swelled within the pit of your stomach, afraid of disappointing David with your inexperience. A hiccup rippled through your throat as his erection fell against his clothed thigh.
In an attempt to soothe your nerves, David trailed his gloved fingers throughout your tresses, caressing your scalp. “So pretty,” He purred, smirking when he could smell that pang of arousal pooling between your legs. “Go on, kitten.” He encouraged, thumb sweeping over your lower lip.
His hand cradled the base of your skull, strong enough to crush you in one fell swoop if he chose. Instead, those digits idly massaged into your hair, tensing into the formation of a grip as your palm closed around his cock. You stroked him off with a few slower pumps, absentmindedly wetting your lower lip.
David began to read your mind, raking through every thought that manifested. A low growl reverberated from the back of his throat as you opened your mouth, cock flat atop your tongue as you began to suck him off. You were sweet about it — with those doe-like eyes and uncertain hands.
As you bobbed your head back and forth, creating a little rhythm for yourself, David guided you with one hand, the other clutching at the mahogany arm of the chair. It was steadily splintering underneath his ironclad grasp. “Good girl.” He purred, a husky sound escaping him as he pushed his hips forward.
Watching you suck his cock was mesmerizing — in a rather crass way. He exuded control over you, crystalline eyes drinking you in as you hollowed your cheeks with certain strokes, tongue lapping at the swollen head. Pearls of precum oozed from his length and into your maw, and you tried your best to maintain your composure.
Heat burned right through you, consuming your body like the crash of a tidal wave as you pressed your thighs together. No amount of smothering the warmth would mask your smell. You brought your head back, sliding back and forth along his cock, tongue flicking along the underside of his length.
A grunt escaped him as you pressed forward, hands hesitantly perching atop his thighs, to which David tilted forward once again. Your lips felt incredible, but more importantly, you were enjoying yourself, too. That initial sting of anxiousness melted away, feeling David’s hand twist into your tresses.
You took more of his length into your mouth, becoming a little bolder as you sucked and licked wherever possible. David wasn’t loud — his volume was all restrained, manifesting in the forms of rumbling grunts or brief, husky sighs of pleasure. Your nails dug into his leather-clad legs, shuddering when he let out a snarl.
With another jolt of his hips, you nearly recoiled when the first rope of hot seed landed upon your tongue. You hastily swallowed, but David had different intentions, ripping you off of his cock as he painted your poor chest and clothes with his seed. It was deliberate, and you could see the pearlescent gleam of his wolfish grin as he came.
“Sorry for the mess,” His apology was sardonic, spoken through his sultry lull as he wiped away a tendril of drool from the corner of your mouth. “You look pretty like that.” David sighed, icy-blue hues flashing with a momentary spark of gold. You were sweet enough to buckle him back up, too.
With a chuckle, he watched with amusement as you sheepishly cleaned yourself up, flesh crawling with warmth as his hands locked around your hips again. “David,” You sighed with passion, feeling his face press into your stomach. He could smell you — it was overwhelming. “Need you.”
Another low, sharp growl escaped him as he clawed at your dress, causing the fabric to tear, stitches coming apart at the seams. “My turn.” He uttered, and in one swift movement, he had you pinned on the bed, crawling down until his scruffy visage was nestled between your legs. He sighed, fighting off the urge to tear into you.
A strangled gasp tore past your lips, stomach erupting with butterflies as your vampiric paramour knelt between your legs, pressing a string of greedy kisses along your thighs. The burn of his beard was beyond pleasant, keeping you grounded as his hand snatched at your sundress.
“You were made for me,” David hissed, tone raging with possessiveness and a borderline obsession. There was a fire within his eyes that you hadn’t seen before, and you were now a witness to his strength as he tore your dress asunder. The fabric was ripped away entirely, leaving you in your frilly brassiere and panties. “Mine.”
Again, he continued on his warpath, letting out a delightful chuckle as he ripped your panties off, too. Your eyes flew open, watching as he tossed the now-destroyed remnants aside. David removed his gloves for this, allowing his icy flesh to melt against your warmth.
“David, I—“ You shivered when his teeth grazed along your inner thigh, able to spot those fangs of his. They were as sharp as razors, teasing your soft, fragile flesh. You wondered if he was going to turn you — if he truly wanted to, he would’ve done it at the boardwalk. “Are you going to …”
“Not yet,” David intercepted you, making it clear that your thoughts were no longer safe. He invaded your mind, and it was so very enjoyable. Your fantasies laid bare, stripped to the bone, all belonging to him. He leaned in, cold palm resting just above your breast, able to feel the erratic beating of your human heart. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?” He uttered, pressing a kiss along your knee. “To be mine — forever?”
There was something enthralling about the way he spoke to you — perhaps it was his voice or the piercing, calculating stare he gave you. You wanted nothing more than to become his, to feast in this supposed immortality, but you wanted to enjoy humanity for a little while longer. “Yes,” You whispered, reaching for his hand. “I’m yours.” It was an unspoken promise.
His fangs disappeared, but his grin did not, still present as he began to kiss along your leg once more. David kept quiet, gaze burning with lust as he nipped at your thigh, and then bit down. No fangs — just teeth. A little yelp escaped you, and he began to lap at the newly-formed bite mark, which would certainly leave a bruise.
He stooped lower, body nearly flat against the rickety mattress as he inhaled your scent. It only served to spur him on as another growl rippled through him. “Aren’t you going to use your manners?” David mused, tormenting you again with his teasing, but you weren’t above begging. He pinned your writhing hips down with one hand.
“Please,” You babbled, a strangled whine escaping you as David’s tongue briefly flicked across your slit. “Please David, please!” It was the worst form of torture, but you hoped he would continue, hands clamoring as you clutched onto the sheet in fistfuls.
“That’s better.” With another sharp nip against your soft flesh, he immediately went to work, dragging his tongue along your wet cunt. He was vigorous, passionate — you almost expected him to tease you, but you were pleasantly surprised. He gripped your thigh, keeping an arm hooked underneath for leverage.
Warmth pooled between your thighs, manifesting in the form of arousal. David was more than pleased to lap it all up, throat vibrating with an occasional grunt or growl as he flicked his tongue across your clit. One hand would snake down to assist, fingers working in-tandem to stroke at your cunt, intending on working you open.
Your back arched slightly, a myriad of moans leaving your parted lips as David touched you. His mouth was mesmerizing, dutifully lapping along the length of your cunt, taking a particular interest in your clit. When his lips pursed around that bundle of nerves, you nearly cried out, legs wobbling.
His tongue raked hot embers across your cunt, causing you to tremble and quiver, hips attempting to jolt forward again. You could practically feel David’s smirk as he buried his face between your thighs, beard scratching something ragged against your silky flesh.
Another moan left you when he began to suck on your clit, adding that little graze of his teeth. Your flesh felt so sensitive, crawling with goosebumps as David began to curl his fingers just slightly, making you whimper and twitch, legs accidentally pushing against his head.
David found enjoyment in making your writhe and squirm, your saccharine scent swimming around him like a thick fog. He could tell that you hadn’t done this before, judging from your constant whimpering and canting your hips forward. Nails buried themselves into your thigh, leaving behind angry impressions as he sunk two digits into your cunt, listening to you gasp.
A thin layer of dewy perspiration broke out along your flesh, provided by the continuous wave of heat drifting between the both of you. David was cold, like the bitter sting of winter as he soothed your feverish heat. “David!” You whined, cunt clenching around his digits as he pistoned them in and out of you.
All tact had dissipated as he began to submit to feral urges, another snarl rippling within his throat. His body shook from the noise, poised and leaning into you as he raked his tongue over your cunt. David’s hands kept you locked into place as he suckled on your clit again, causing you to cling to the sheets.
“David, m’close,” You huffed, eyes fluttering shut as you reclined on the mattress, allowing yourself to sink inward, hips occasionally attempting to twitch and jolt forward. As your head lolled to one side, your half-lidded stare drifted toward David, whose eyes were unnaturally vibrant — two liquid pools of gold. “David.”
His mouth worked with an unrestrained ardor, interlaced with a sinful hunger. Of course, he longed for your body just as much as he desired those sanguine rivers that pumped through your veins. With another purse of his lips and flick of his tongue, you were trapped within the throes of bliss.
Pleasure unfurled from the pit of your stomach, bristling through your body as it devoured you whole. You swore that you saw stars as a white-hot wave struck you again and again. David’s muffled laughter reverberated from between your thighs, prompting him to trace his tongue over your cunt again.
“David!” You moaned, feeling as if you were set ablaze, hips bucking off the bed just a little bit. Your orgasm ripped through you, sending shivers down your spine as you recovered. You tasted divine, able to hear his cacophony of soft grunts as he lifted his head, tongue lashing across his lower lip.
At last, he withdrew, dragging those sharp fangs across the inside of your thigh. A singular pearl of blood blossomed across your flesh, prompting David to swipe at it with an inhuman haste. His hands languidly groped and caressed along your haunches, yanking you toward the edge of the bed.
David stood between your legs, dark and towering like a pale-headed shadow, eclipsing all light from your view. The sight of you, blissed-out with a wet mess between your legs and a heaving chest was enchanting. Even he felt that rush of arousal as it all came crashing in again. Silently, he gestured toward his belt, waiting for you to come down from your climax.
With a soft huff, you sat up on your elbows, hands fumbling with his belt and leather pants again. You nearly jumped out of your own flesh when he grabbed your neck, dragging you in for a heated, messy kiss. David had little desire to be rough with you — this time, at least. He allowed his tongue to momentarily clash with yours, freeing his cock as he pressed closer.
“You ready, sweetheart?” David uttered, sluggishly pushing the head of his cock against your slick cunt, beginning to test the waters. His lips twitched into a devious smirk, filled with a twinge of desperation as he grabbed at either of your thighs.
You nodded, chewing at the inside of your cheek. A sloshing warmth filled the pit of your stomach as he pushed his cock inside of you, deliberately feeding you every inch of his length until he was buried at the base. You were tight, lips parting as a strangled moan escaped you.
A low growl ripped through David’s throat, feeling your sweet cunt clench pathetically around him. Sharp nails briefly dug into the pliant flesh of your hips as he thrust forward, causing you to gasp. He wasn’t exactly gentle, but his restraint was borderline, ready to crack and splinter at any moment.
His longing, whilst initially subdued, was now on full display. David’s eyes glistened like a feral animal, countenance contorted into an expression of need and desire, hips snapping forward as he began to bury his cock inside of you. You whimpered, legs threatening to slip around his waist.
“David,” You huffed, nearly squeaking when he stooped over, much closer to you. Any tact and sensuality dissipated as David began to rut into you, cock pistoning in and out of your tight cunt. His rhythm was swift and all-consuming as he held your hip with an iron grip, fingers leaving behind bruises. “Feels so good.” Your voice escaped you in a garbled slur.
Your hands fluttered from the sheets to him, gliding against his chest as they slipped upward, grabbing fistfuls of those platinum-blonde tresses. A grunt left him as heat blistered between the both of you, more from you than from him. Fire would meet ice as he pressed close, nipping at your lower lip as you urged him in for a kiss.
There was something primal and hungry about his kiss, as if he’d been completely starved of all contact. It was teeth and tongue colliding as he roughly gained entry into your mouth, teeth scraping across your lower lip, growling into your mouth. His pace seemed to match that sensation, brutal and unrelenting as he hammered away at your poor cunt with no sign of slowing down.
The contact was short-lived as David brusquely jerked backward, pulling his cock out of you. That emptiness made you whimper, desperate for him to continue — and he intended to, but in a different way. He turned you over, manhandling you onto your stomach as he grabbed your hips, shoving his cock back into you.
His cajoling laughter reverberated throughout the alcove, making your mind go fuzzy as he fucked you within an inch of your life. You felt David’s hand tangle into your hair, pulling at the roots with a firm grip. Another hapless whine left you, cunt clenching pathetically around his cock as he filled you to the brim, thrusts becoming a little more animalistic.
“David!” You cried, no longer able to see your vampiric paramour, but you could feel him. Even with your eyes closed, his voice reverberated throughout your mind, burnished-gold hues emblazoned into your brain like a hot brand. He fucked you senseless, chest bursting with a cacophony of growls and snarls.
It was almost overwhelming — your poor cunt was being pounded away at by David, who was eager to release for a second time. Your climax would be secondary, if he was feeling generous. You clawed at the sheets, grabbing it in fistfuls, hips pushing backwards into him. His fingers were so forceful, leaving behind angry imprints on your flesh.
You were desperate, body convulsing with pleasant spasms, legs struggling to keep yourself propped up. It all felt as if you were turning to mush, crawling with heat as David bit at your shoulder. He didn’t want to keep holding himself back, using your hair to roughly tug you backward. The firm musculature of his chest pressed into your back.
“You belong to me,” David snarled, sharp teeth mere centimeters away from the shell of your ear. They danced along your neck, hovering above your pulse point. It would’ve only taken one bite — he didn’t want to lose you so quickly. A turbulent wildfire of possessiveness surged inside of him, violent as ever as one of his palms clasped at your neck. “Say it!” He sneered.
A shiver passed through your body, lips parting as a myriad of needy, noisy moans escaped you. David forcefully parted your legs with one knee, grunting into your ear. The sounds were delicious — terrifying when you realized what he was. You could barely form the words, clutching onto his forearm.
David’s abrasive behavior might’ve been off-putting to many — but not to you. Deep down, it aroused you to no end, producing another wave of molten liquid within the pit of your belly, oozing between your thighs. “Going silent on me, kitten?” He chuckled, nipping at the sensitive flesh just beside your jugular. “Where’s that pretty voice of yours?”
Another whine tore past your parted lips as you sucked in a sharp breath, nearly crying out when his cock slapped away at your cunt. Any semblance of compassion had been exchanged for roughness and pure lust, as if you were a plaything for David. “I—I belong to you,” You slurred, attempting to move your hips in-tandem. “David, please!”
There would be no divide between you and David, no more distance. He’d keep you here in the cave, his precious mate, and when he felt like you were deserving of it, he’d make you like him — immortal, eternally trapped within a state of youth. You surrendered yourself completely, feeling him drive his cock into you again until he could go no further.
You were chasing after every sensation, set ablaze in the fire of David’s insatiable desire, gasping when his hand squeezed around your throat. The pressure caused you to shudder, cunt clenching around his length as you sought your release. When you sneakily attempted to shove your hand between your legs, he stopped entirely.
“What do we have here?” David admonished you, clicking his tongue with a mocking hint of disdain. “Trying to speed things up?” You felt cold, almost a little delirious as he simply dropped you onto the mattress, pulling himself from you. “If you’re so desperate, you can finish yourself, kitten.” He sneered, eyes a burnished amber, nearly a golden-red.
“Wh—Wait!” Being denied so close to your climax made you feel clammy, as if every wisp of air had been ripped from your throat. “D—David, I’m sorry! Please keep going!” You didn’t think he was serious, watching him stand at the foot of the bed, towering over you with a rather sardonic expression, full of rebuke.
“If you want to cum, you’ll have to beg.” David clicked his tongue, grabbing at your legs as he pulled you close again. “Why should I let you after that little stunt? Not good enough for you?” His voice surged with agitation, and you couldn’t discern if it was genuine or fabricated to fit his lust and appetite.
You nearly sobbed when he brushed his thumb over your clit, so feather-light that you wouldn’t have felt it if it weren’t for your constant squirming. “David, I — Please fuck me, please keep fucking me,” You babbled, tears stinging your eyes. The denial blistered through you, coupled with your own desperation to continue. He’d fucked you so good — it’d ruin you to stop now. “P—Please!”
David smirked, gazing down at you with a look of faux pity and want. Of course, he had no desire to simply abandon you here and now — but it was fun to play with you, poke and prod for a reaction. “You’re lucky, sweetheart.” He crooned, digits deliberately sliding across your clit again, causing you to let out a noisy whine.
“Please fuck me, please,” Your stammered, stumbling over your words as a coo of delight left you. “David, I need you.” With a trembling exhale, you continued to murmur something about wanting him. His laughter floated above your head, sinking into your very bones.
“Good girl.” David’s praise was spoken upon a silver tongue and dark eyes as he hastily shoved his cock back into your tight cunt, resuming the brutal pace he’d set before. You were on your back again, hapless beneath him as he railed you into a blissful oblivion.
He exuded dominance — he exuded a calculating control that you bent to, so very easily. David’s brow furrowed, countenance drawn into a look of rapture. He would never admit it, but he was thoroughly enamored with you, be it your sweet demeanor, your body, or your blood. Each thrust hit you hard, making you see stars.
One hand clutched the meat of your thigh, the other wrapped snugly underneath your throat, wedged against your jaw. He fucked you at a near-inhuman pace, rough and needy, causing you to part your legs just a little further for him. You huffed, a mess of moans and whimpers; his snarl was a familiar one.
David grunted, letting out a bestial hiss as he reached his peak, allowing himself to cum inside of you for a second or two, but that was painfully short-lived. His cock fell onto your stomach, painting your abdomen and breasts in ropes of hot, sticky seed. You shouldn’t have been so surprised — he got off on it.
His pearlescent grin glinted within the flickering candlelight as you came soon after, thanks to that generous caressing of his thumb pressing into your clit. You were spent, body spasming and quivering as you reached your peak, orgasm just as insanity-inducing as the last.
Warmth cascaded through you, goosebumps coalescing down the length of your spine when David caressed your jaw. He was stroking your silky flesh, head slightly cocked to one side as he watched you ride out your orgasm. You had gotten a little embarrassed, but he thought very little of it, peering towards the tattered remnants of your clothes.
“You’ll need something to wear.” David hummed, briefly correcting his attire as he found one of the many articles of clothing he’d collected in his immortal lifetime. It was a mahogany-hued sweater, something he lacked any attachment to, but you’d have his scent. He tossed it toward you, letting it land next to your head.
His callous behavior afterward was certainly something you’d have to get used to, but you decided to play one of the cards you had up your sleeve. “David,” You murmured, reaching for the ruined scraps of your dress to clean his cum off of you. “Come here?”
David paused, wondering if you were expecting a little tender, loving care afterwards. If that was what you wanted, it was best if you asked Paul or Dwayne. He decided to indulge you, stepping closer until he was back at your side again.
Wordlessly, you stood up, now shrouded in his sweater, which seemed entirely too big for you. He thoroughly reveled in that — your scent intermingled with his. It was a way to keep you close, now that you belonged to him. You rocked up onto your toes to kiss him, something that he reciprocated.
He felt your lips quirk into the ghost of a smile before you crawled back onto his mattress, both physically and mentally exhausted. David’s tongue swept across his teeth as he watched you lay down, and instead of leaving entirely, he turned, taking up residence in the rickety, velvet-cushioned chair he’d been in earlier.
As he struck his lighter, David placed the cigarette between his lips, ogling you across the way. It was difficult not to be a little soft on you — though, if you were to become an immortal, you had so much more to go. Initiation was far from over, but for now, he let you rest. “Goodnight, sweetheart.” He exhaled, tone saturated with an edge of mockery.
As sleep claimed you, your dreams were only filled with him — and that distant scent of blood.
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mydearesthrry · 11 months
the end - h.s.
a/n: and just like that, harry styles love on tour is over. thank you for the memories. hoping and praying h stays happy and safe and healthy always. enjoy nearly 600 words of me being emo also none of this makes sense and it’s so so shit but I had to post something im so sorry
🎀 warnings/cw: angst. fluff. harry crying
🐇 pairing: fem!reader x harry styles
💐 wc: 583
summary: following the final show of love on tour, you reassure harry that it’s time for him to rest now.
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“C’mere Bunny,” she whispers in the muffled quiet of the dressing room. Harry was sat on the opposite side of her on the couch, and she knew to give him space at this moment in time. Harry was fully soaking everything in. Every ounce of love, support, every atom of appreciation he felt, he was allowing it to happen in the safe of his dressing room, no prying eyes there to watch one of the most vulnerable states he’s been in besides his love.
He looked up from where his head was in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Her heart broke when she saw his face. Watery eyes, splotchy redness covering his cheeks, and pink pillowy lips damp from him flattening them into his mouth. He crawled over to her without a second thought, resting his body from his waist up on hers, twisting to bury his head into her neck, the tears falling at an even more rapid pace.
“Bunny, ‘s the matter?” YN asked, her lips pressed to his sweaty mop of curls, pecking soft kisses to his head.
“‘M jus- I dunno, I jus- I feel so loved, and I feel selfish that ‘M leaving them when they’ve given me everythin’ I have… I jus- It doesn’t feel… right?” He let his insecurities float around in the stale air of the room, wincing at the quietness that seemed to amplify now that he let his thoughts roam free, thoughts that he knew would now spill into his girlfriends.
“You— Harry, you saying that is more selfish than you leaving. Baby, do you know how long we’ve been on tour? Truthfully, do you?” She asked, a look of confusion blatant on her face as she pulled his head from the crook of her neck.
“I- no, time doesn’t really… ‘M not good at that stuff, Lovie.” He hung his head in shame and sadness.
“H, we got Peach in May of last year when she was a kitten, a few months before we left, and guess what, H? She’s stayed with Mum and has had babies, and my sister had her baby in June, a week before the tour started, and he’s turning two this year. So many things have happened, Baby, you’ve just been so caught up in this tour that you aren’t allowing yourself to see them happen,” She whispered, knowing he needed a little ounce of tough love in this moment. “You have to let yourself rest.”
“‘M so tired, YN.” His voice cracked, and she felt the tears begin to whir behind her eyelids.
“I know, I know baby, I’m so tired too, but you can rest now, my sweet love. It’s time for us now. You can— we can rest, and we can go anywhere y’want. We can go home, if you want, or we can stay at the villa, even. It’s just— it’s time for you to rest.” She allowed herself to get emotional, wanting Harry to know that he wasn’t in this alone.
“Thank you,” Harry whispered. “I don’t… I don’t deserve you, at all.”
“Bunny, you deserve more than me. You deserve everything that’s good in this world, sweet boy, and I kick myself every day that I can’t give that to you. I love you more than I can even explain, Harry. You’ve changed my life and have saved me, time and time again.”
Harry shook his head. “There’s no one above you. You’re it for me, I swear on it.”
“I know, H,” She smiled down at him. “I feel the same way. I always have and always will.”
“Can we go home?” Harry asked sweetly.
“Of course we can, Baby. Wherever you want. I love you.”
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
And all of my wildest dreams They just end up with you and me
Richie is a pretty boy, yes he is, but so is Buggy.
Rating: PG! It's a soft and silly fic.
Warning: Animal fur. Allergies. Sneezing. Buggy doesn't catch a break.
A/N: Suggested by a lovely Anon! I wrote and rewrote this a few times and then after brushing my dog I was inspired. Have you ever had an allergy attack where you sneeze and can't breathe, and then suddenly you're choking because you inhaled one little something and you think you're dying? Imagine that while reading this. Also I still love Richie so much.
Title comes from "So Good Right Now" by Fall Out Boy.
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“Ohh, who’s a pretty boy!” You cooed over Richie, Mohji’s large and (not) so ferocious lion. The beast tamer was feeling a little under the weather and you offered to look after the animal. To some, the lion was scary, murderous, and fierce, but to you he was a soft little kitten who liked it when you ran a brush through his mane and fed him treats. “You are!” 
He rolled onto his back for you, purring happily as you ran the brush through his fur, being mindful of any knots or matting. Any time you came upon one, you carefully picked it apart, not wanting to pull on it or hurt the lion. While he was docile towards you at the best of times, you have seen how wide his mouth can open and it wouldn’t take much for him to swallow you whole if he so desired.
“What the hell are you doing?” 
You looked up when the captain entered, looking none too thrilled that you were with the large cat. Richie’s bedding had been changed, his food and water dishes cleaned, and now you were brushing out the excess fur. A pile of fur had grown and it almost looked like you had a mini-Richie starting to form.
“Mohji wasn't feeling good so I offered to care for Richie today.” You grinned as you brushed some fur off your clothes. Buggy made a face as the cat hair flew about. And then he sneezed.
“Do you have to brush him?!” He snapped. “That damn fur is getting everywhere!”
“Well, yea.” You chuckled as you looked back at the lion. He was looking up at you with huge doe eyes, demanding more attention. It was a cute sight and reminded you of a certain boyfriend of yours, who was currently glaring at you while sneezing as the fur floated around. “He’s a pretty, pretty boy and he needs to look his best!”
Buggy rubbed his nose and glared at you. He wasn’t pleased you were spending this much time with Richie when you could have been spending it with him. The lion didn’t need you to groom him like this, and he was not a pretty boy, he was a murderous member of the crew. 
You looked back at Buggy and grinned. He managed to keep glaring at you while sneezing repeatedly, obviously irritated by all the fur flying about in the air. His eyes and nose were both running, and then he was suddenly coughing from inhaling some of the fur. You probably should take pity on him but you weren’t done with Richie yet.
“Gimme a few more minutes and I’ll be done.” You said, but you weren’t sure he heard you over the coughing and sneezing fit. Oof, maybe you should stop. He didn’t look too good. Sighing, you gave Richie a few ear scritches. “I’ll finish with you later, Richie.” 
Carefully, you approached Buggy and grabbed his arm. He tried to pull away from you but now he was gasping a bit as he coughed so much. Maybe he was allergic? Who knew, but you held his arm firm as you started to lead him away from Richie and the cloud of fur.
“Let’s go, pretty boy.” You chuckled. “Let’s get you fresh air.”
Buggy didn’t budge at first, squinting at you as tears streamed down his face from the sneezing and coughing fits. You felt a little bad because he looked like shit now. 
“I said let’s go, pretty boy.” You urged as you pulled him along. “Get your silly ass out of here!”
He finally followed after you, feeling his throat clear up just a bit as he got further away from the lion. He took a few deep breaths, trying to inhale fresh, clean air, before he looked at you. “I-I’m a pretty boy?”
To someone else at that moment, probably not. Not only were his eyes red and streaming, but his nose was dripping like a faucet. He was no longer gasping for air, and he wasn’t sneezing as much as before. He looked absolutely miserable. 
“Oh!” You didn’t realize what you had said at first. You were so used to calling Richie that affectionate name that it must have slipped out with Buggy, but he was now looking at you, red-eyed and flushed, and well, you didn’t want to upset him. “Yea! Of course.” 
Oof, you may have said that little too quickly, but he was clearly brain fogged from the lack of oxygen due to sneezing, and he gave you some goofy smile, and if his face wasn’t covered in a layer of snot, tears, and lion fur, you may have kissed his cheek to help convince him of it. 
And admittedly, you did find him pretty, even looking absolutely miserable right in that moment. 
“R-Really?” He stammered out, stopping you just before you could get him on deck and out into the fresh, fur-free air. “Pretty?”
Oh, the way his voice asked was so sweet, and you smiled at him and squeezed his gloved hand before bringing it up to your lips, kissing the top of it gently. You pretended not to notice how his eyes watered just a bit but for a different reason now. Tender moments like this were something he still wasn’t used to with a relationship, so you smiled at him and lowered his hand.
“The prettiest boy I know, Buggy.” You assured him. “Now, go wash that pretty face of yours so I can give you a kiss.”
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one-idea · 3 months
You know what would be hilarious in the Shanks raises ASL AU?
The boys accidentally causing Chaos for Buggy, and him finally getting his hands on them and trying to find their parents and find out who raised these nuisances, and then oop! They're his secret nephewz!
Oh we will get to Buggy.
Part of me says they don’t meet Buggy until in cannon on orange island. Because Luffy gets one look at Buggy and just yells “Uncle Buggy!”
He grew up hearing stories for Shanks about his childhood on the Oro Jackson. Hearing about his adventures with Buggy, and how much Shanks misses him.
Now face to face with his uncle, Luffy is PUMPED. He could finally give something back to Shanks and reunite him with his brother. He’s talking a mile a minute about how much Shanks misses Buggy.
Meanwhile Buggy is standing there staring at this crazy kid, who he has locked in a cage with a canon pointed at him, who is talking crazy about Shanks. Shanks doesn’t miss him! Wait how does this kid know Shanks? Wait is that Shanks/Roger’s hat?
(Note: Nami is standing there so confused by what this crazy kid is talking about.)
The other part of me wants all of ASL to run into Buggy. While leaving Dawn island they Red force stops to restock and they just happen to dock on an island where Buggy is.
ASL go off to explore, probably being trailed by Benn or another member in of the crew.
Of course shenanigans happen and the boys lose/ditch their adult supervision. And find their way into clown territory.
Buggy goes to chase the dumb kids out of his turf. He gets sacked upside the head by Ace or Sabo (probably both) for his trouble.
Cue scooby doo style chase between Buggy and ASL.
He finally gets a hold of Luffy. His hand flying out and grabbing Luffy by the back of his shirt (scruffs him like a cat) Ace and Sabo are furious. But of course he does this right in front of the Red hair pirates.
Shanks is furious that his sons are being chased around by another pirate. Especially with Luffy being held in the air like a misbehaving kitten (it’s eerily similar to how Higuma held Luffy over the sea. It’s a fresh wound)
But then he sees who is holding Luffy. “Buggy is that you?”
“Shanks? What are you doing here!?!” And then Buggy take a closer look at the kid in his hand. More specifically the hat he’s wearing. “And why does this kid have your hat? What’s going on? Wait I don’t care about you!” Buggy is all over the place. Literally, so many body parts are floating around. ASL hit him a lot.
“Shanks you know this big nose?” Ace asked pointing at the man holding his little brother.
“What did you just say about my nose?!?” Buggy hates these gremlins.
“Oh ya” Shanks ignores Buggy’s yelling. “Kids meet your Uncle Buggy.”
“Uncle?” ASL cries out looking at the clown. One with disgust, one with intrigue, and one with excitement (guess who’s who)
“Uncle?” Buggy says at the same time. He’s so shocked he drops Luffy. The kid landing with an oof. (How many women has Shanks knocked up?)
Wait until he finds out who Ace is!
Here’s a link to the main idea
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tteokbin · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ [closet] - 연준.
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yeonjun -> sub!yeonjun x dom!male!reader
content -> dom!reader, grinding, hints at ot5! x reader, reader is the 6th member of txt, alluding to a blowjob, tiny tiny amount of degrading for like a second
pt. 1 of my txt ot5 au.
note : tbh i was debating if i should post this or not cause i usually write for genshin, if this flops then oh well 🤷🏾‍♀️
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Hot breathes and muffled pants heat up the restricted air of the small storage closet.
yeonjun let’s out a high-pitched muffled whine when you suck on his tongue just the way he likes, cold hand twisting at his nipples through his lace vest. his arms around your neck tightens as he tries to smother you against him.
he pulls apart and nearly slams his head on the wall behind him in a gasped moan when you grind against his bulge just right. his pretty neck adorned with jeweled chokers you want to pull with your teeth. you bury your head in the crook of his neck, kissing as lightly as possible to not leave any marks or disrupt his makeup, though both of your makeup seems to be ruined through your frenzy.
“ fuck… such a sexy kitty.” you groan against his ear. yeonjun lifts his head to kiss your lips a few times, pushing his hips into yours with visible desperation. he tries to pry your hand off his chest and around his neck but you don’t let him. instead hooking your thumb into his mouth, pressing down on his hot tongue. “ we have to go soon, pretty. what’re you gonna do abt our little problem, hm?”
jjun gargles a unintelligible response as your thumb pushes further into his throat, rolling his hips harder against you. he moans heavily around your finger, dark bangs covering his lust struck eyes. his cock throbs harshly against the constricting leather. one of his hands travel up to pull your hand out his mouth, giving one last suckle before popping it out.
“ want you to fuck me—“ he presses his lips to yours, “please fuck me, want your cock so bad.” dragging out the last word with a swallowed moan as you reach into his pants and jerk off his pre-cum slicked dick. your lips devour his pouty ones, making sure to swell them more than usual.
“you know i want to fuck you more than anything right now kitten, but then we’d be late.” you whisper against his lips, “ plus i can already hear gyu whining abt how it’s not fair when he’s been begging for-“ he cuts your sentence off with his lips, nearly rolling his eyes at the thought of beomgyus antics.
yeonjun yelps in suprise when you bite at his bottom lip harshly, trailing down and biting dark marks into his jaw. “fuck please faster. m’ gonna cum soon.” he whines out. you smile into his neck, jerking your hand faster and tighter around his cock. “ o-oh my god!! fuccck!”
yeonjun thrusts his hips up to meet your fists the best he could, eyes rolling back as he lets out a loud whiny moan. you giggle at his cute fucked out face, trying to resist swallowing up his fat lips in turn of watching him tremble and whimper pathetically.
“ohmygodimgonnacum—!” he babbles incoherently after a couple more rough pumps to his swollen tip. yeonjun feels like he’s floating. body nearly vibrating from the pleasure as he screams into a hand he quickly slapped over his mouth. his knees wobble from the intensity, collapsing into your arms as his mind tries to navigate back into his head.
you press sweet kisses all over his face, gently pressing him against the wall to stand on his own two feet. “did so well my prince, always doing so good for me..” mumbling sweet nothings in between each kiss planted on his pretty face.
yeonjun basked in the fluffy atmosphere of your actions, letting you place one last kiss on the tip of his nose before he giggles and sinks to his knees. he leans forward and presses his nose into your clothed bulge while keeping eye contact with you from the ground.
“i know you love my mouth…” he mumbles against the fabric, mouthing and sucking teasingly through the cloth. “know you want to fuck my throat so fucking bad.” you watch as the slutty junnie you know comes to life, teasing the waistband of your pants to rouse a reaction out of you.
and damn does it work.
swiftly pulling your pants down and below your knees as well as your underwear, you bury his face into the musk of your leaking cock. “such a fucking cockslut you are jjun.” he moans at the degrading name and moves his face backwards from you for just a moment, sticking out his tongue while boring his pleading eyes into yours.
you immediately understand what he wants and chuckle, stroking yourself a few times before slapping the fat tip onto his hot appendage repeatedly. he whimpers each time it hits his tongue, threating to close around it and just suck you off already.
“alright my prince, make me cum with that dirty mouth of yours.”
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both you and yeonjun walk into the dressing room a disheveled mess, well more so yeonjun than you. him with dark marks all over his neck, swollen red lips, messed up hair and by the way he awkwardly walks in his pants he’s gonna have to change.
you can see the stylist visibly facepalm as she groans at the thought of having to redo his whole look, meanwhile you just needed a make up touch up. yeonjun kisses your cheek before following the stylist to the other room, sticking his tongue out at the other members that watched him from the couch.
“hyunggg.” you hear a whine come from beomgyu as he rises from his sitting spot. throwing his phone behind him and coming to wrap his long arms around your neck. “why did yeonjun hyung get to have all the fun?” he speaks in basically a pout, pushing his smaller frame into yours to lean into your ear. “ didn’t you promise to fuck me today?” he whispers before nibbling at your lobe.
you reach and grab at his hair with your hand, pulling his face away from yours and bringing your other up to grab at his neck gently. “ we’ll play when we get home pup,” you apply pressure to his throat, eliciting a gasp and a quiet whine from him. eyes getting glassy with lust already. “just be a good boy and perform well on stage for MOA.” you then let him go and walk over to the couch, ploping down between soobin and taehyun who had kai in his lap playing games on his phone.
soobin sat with his hands fisted on his knees, thighs squeezed together tight and obviously flustered watching yours and gyus little situation. he leaned over and pecked your lips with a pout, just as jealous as beom but he’s a good boy and good boys don’t complain. taehyun on the other hand tries to hold back a giggle at beomgyus denied state.
“Haha Beomgyu hyung got rejected!”
“shut up heuning, i’ll set all your plushies on fire.”
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bts-roses · 2 months
excerpt: A Dream With an Idol
summary - You've been having dreams, oddly inexplicably realistic dreams with the man you, and the rest of the world, admires. But your heart grows tired of it when you start to fall in love with him, someone you don't actually know.
pairing - Idol!Yoongi x reader
a/n: This is a little excerpt of one of the writings T'm currently working on based on the song A Dream With a Baseball Player by Faye Webster. (More to come soon!)
2 years ago
You don't notice the surreal atmosphere engulfing you as you sit on your couch. Your apartment looks the same as it always does, yet it feels inexplicably foggier, as if you could touch your surroundings and everything would fizzle and dissipate fleetingly into thin air.
Before you're able to clock onto the hazy feeling that seems to flow through your entire bloodstream, a breaking news segment on your TV steals your attention: apparently the scientifically proven cure for a broken heart is a kitten's ballad.
Normally, you would question this, grab your phone and debunk it through the internet for the sake of your sanity and your need to always be right. Instead, your consciousness accepts it and you grab the glass of water next to you, failing to register the way it feels like and weighs nothing in your seemingly numb hand.
As you're about to take a drink, a knock on your front door unexpectedly stalls you.
You practically float towards the door, not feeling the normally cold floor on your feet. As the door swings open, you're surprised (but not sceptical) to find a very familiar face on the other side.
The man stares at you as if it was you who showed up to his door unannounced. His face is painted with just as much confusion as you feel.
"Hello," you breathe out, "Would you like to come in?"
"Yes?", the man unsurely says, following you to sit down on the couch.
You both say nothing, sitting in the silence you both subjected yourselves to. You stare at him in awe of how he looks close-up, the familiar features you would regularly admire in pictures is burnt in your heart with a brand new filter of details those photos would normally miss. He stares at you in a similar way, but he slowly explores the small details of your face in a way that signals to you that this is the first time he has ever seen you.
"I'm a big fan of yours." You break the silence, breaking out into a bashful smile.
He blinks.
He offers a brief smile back.
"Thank you." he replies, continuing to intensely stare at you.
You give an acknowledging nod, thanking him for his thanks. You purse your lips out in the undeniably awkward atmosphere.
"I'm y/n", you introduce yourself in attempt to hack at the silence, "I already know who you are."
This time he gives the acknowledging nod, a bit taken aback by your sudden bluntness. Yet a genuine smile sneaks out on his face and his brain doesn't catch up to the words that spill out of his mouth.
"Can I give you a hug?" He unexpectedly says, his face showing as much surprise as you feel.
In that moment, you realise he was speaking in Korean and you, despite never actually learning the language, fully understood it like you know the sun can be seen in the sky. The realisation, however, is momentary, finally processing his question. You don't even verbalise your response, instead moving forward to show him your answer.
Then all of a sudden, everything transcends into something that is inexplicable to describe in any other way except real.
He feels real.
You feel the comforting pressure from his arms around your body. You feel every soft shape, edge, and surface on his both muscly and soft body. You feel the soothing scent from him uplifting the senses in your nose. You feel the overwhelming warmth radiating from his body. The feeling is visceral, your heart drums throughout your body when you feel his heartbeat on your skin.
He is real.
As if shocked by electricity, you both move away from each other, staring at each other in pure shock. It's in that moment you take in the surreal atmosphere, the foggy surroundings, the ridiculous news on the TV.
You realise you're dreaming and yet the man in front of you is inexplicably real.
What haunts you is that his face mirrors yours. As if he feels the exact same thing you do, as if he finally registers everything around him is surreal, as if he too realises he's dreaming. He realises.
You're real too.
He moves forward towards you again and opens his mouth, about to ask you if you just felt what he did. You feel every fibre in your body about to do the same, to confirm that you viscerally feel everything, you can feel him.
But before you either of you can utter a single word, everything and anything selfishly and unforgivingly rips through the existence, so brutally that it forces your eyes wide open.
You wake up.
a/n: thank you for reading! any feedback is greatly appreciated :) have the loveliest day <3
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Until Death Do Us Part: Part 2
@writing-on-the-wahl I have finally completed my bribe! I hope you enjoy!
Part One
Villain considered running. One more last-ditch, blind dash for the exit. Who cared who tried to stop her? However, no sooner did Superhero drop her hand, than he scooped her into a bridal carry.
Her breath hitched as she bumped against his chest, her entire body freezing within his heroic--dangerous--grip. Those circling arms would crush her if she wasn't careful. She'd experienced that strength before, only not with her own body. Over a dozen robotic shells had fallen victim to Superhero's hands, now little more than ripped and flattened scrap, she didn't want to imagine what he could do to a human body.
Superhero strode with a pace untethered from the laws of gravity, quickly bursting through the blur of brown and gold that was the exit and floating the wide staircase to the sidewalk. She barely sucked in one last breath of cool spring air, before the hero bustled her skirts around her and tucked her into the leathered backseat of a waiting car.
She immediately felt around for the door handle but found it locked. A moment later the opposite door slammed shut as Superhero slid in beside her.
"Here." Cool plastic slid over her ears and the bridge of her nose and suddenly she could see again.
Superhero's face grinned wickedly into her own, appearing even more devilish with a sharp red-haired, long-canined, high-cheekboned combo.
"I made sure one of my people got them back for you."
How magnanimous, Villain wanted to spit, but instead only managed a quivering glare.
Superhero grinned wider. “So cute.”
Villain bristled. Did he take her seriously at all? Maybe not since it had been so easy to haul and bind her here. She had never wished more for one of her suits.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t say that, hm? So…intimidating?”
That was enough.Villain's entire face flushed with fury. “Don’t make fun of me!”
Superhero cackled. “I’m not! I’m not! I just didn’t expect you to be so expressive; your reactions are so fun. If it helps, you really do intimidate me, even all itty bitty.”
Villain folded her arms across her chest and stared firmly out the window. She refused to give Superhero what he wanted. What that was…she didn’t exactly know, but as long as she didn’t speak or look at him at all, she should squash it out soundly.
Superhero chuckled, leaning toward the driver out of Villain's peripheral. "Let's go home, Hero."
Villain jolted, whipping toward the front seat where the usually bedheaded and raggedy vigilante really was seated in a only slightly crumpled suit and tie.
"You got it!" Hero chirped, and the car lurched into motion.
Villain couldn't believe this. How much reach did Superhero have over the heroing community? She expected this sort of behavior from him; he'd never made a secret of his willingness to misuse power or compromise morals for results. But Hero always gave her stray kitten vibes, always mewing at people's heels or spitting at the big dogs but not an ounce of real guile in his body.
Maybe she was bad at reading people. She hadn't thought Superhero was serious about flirting with her either.
Superhero leaned back, settling one long arm across the back of Villain's seat. "Don't grimace so hard, dear, you'll get wrinkles."
Villain fought the urge to scoff. Or bite. Right, of course, he didn't want any damage to his little prize.
"Glaring is no better."
"Shut up!" she snapped but still didn't dare wrench forward in case it encouraged him to place his hands on more than her seat.
Her breath caught in her lungs as the full extent of her situation settled on her, weighing like heavy stones she couldn't seem to lift, aching and suffocating on her chest. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.
She pressed her forehead to the cool window, glasses digging into the bridge of her nose. It took several seconds for her to exhale any air to cloud it.
"Come now, Villain," Superhero said. "Being married to me isn't so bad. I'm cute aren't I?"
Villain clenched her fists tighter in her lap.
"What?" Hero piped from the front seat. "No, you're not; you're ugly."
Hero grinned in the rearview mirror. "Just being truthful."
"You just don't appreciate my softer beautiful because you're used to Sidekick's raw edges," Superhero said matter-of-factly.
Hero's expression turned melty as warm ice cream, like his grin might slide right off his face. "She's scary and beautiful, and that's why I love her."
Sidekick. The ex-assassin. Was she in on this too? Villain's chances of escape really were getting slimmer and slimmer.
She focused on breathing, in and out, in and out. Her heart rate slowed a fraction, but the nervous racing seemed impossible to quell entirely. Not with whatever horrors awaited her. She barely noticed the turns they took or the streets they traveled., so she was surprised and filled with dread when Hero finally announced, "Here we are!" and pulled into a wide driveway.
Villain wiped the wide circle of fog off her window. She had expected a mansion, or a 100-story skyscraper with a penthouse, or even a tunnel to a secret underground base. She did not expect the perfect model of domestic suburbia.
Two squat, square stories with a wrap-around porch, peeling blue shutters with pink and lavenders flowers painted up the sides, and a little herb garden growing beside the steps
"You live here?" she said before she could catch herself.
"We live here," Superhero corrected. "Mind if I carry you across the threshold?"
Villain cringed away from his outstretched hands, causing Superhero to frown and Hero to bark a laugh.
"Well...I'll hold your hand then."
Superhero's fingers suddenly twined in hers, tugging her across the seat and out of Superhero's side of the car.
"Let go!" She sank her nails as hard as she could into his knuckles, but he merely grinned through a wince.
"I can't really do that, can I? You'll run right off, and no doubt you'll be brilliant at it, and I'll have to spend all night tracking you down. So unless you'd prefer ropes and manacles--"
"I would!"
Superhero blinked. "Well. Unfortunately, I don't have anything like that, so you'll have to make do with this--" He lifted their twined hands. "--for a few more steps."
Villain dug her heels into the pavement, but Superhero easily managed to drag her up the steps and across the threshold, locking the door behind them before finally letting her free.
Villain, pulling back with all her strength against his grip, toppled at the sudden release, landing hard on her tailbone. Superhero extended a hand to help her, but ignored it, scrambling up quickly and sinking into the corner behind the coat hanger .
"Living room is through here." Superhero gestured to an arched opening beside the entryway, not even addressing her avoidance. "Kitchen aka meeting room is down the hall. The bathroom is that door to the left, and there's another upstairs next to Hero's room. Sidekick is down in the basement which is also a sort of armory thing." He waved his hand flippantly at that description. "I'm the room at the far back, it's a little bigger but don't be jealous, it's seniority and the fact the house is in my name. Hero can show you to your room: it's the one at the top of the stairs.
"What?" Villain gripped hard to coatrack but peeked out from behind a burgundy sleeve.
"You know, that place where you'll be sleeping and keeping your things?"
Villain blinked. “My room?”
"Of course, what sort of devil do you take me for?”
She narrowed her eyes. "The type that forces people to marry him against their will."
Superhero draped himself over the stair railing. "Well, obviously you're not staying in my room, you'll clutter it up with your robot junk, and besides the bed's not big enough."
"Superhero," Hero said from where he hung back against one of the passage walls, "maybe now is the time to tell her?"
"Tell me what?"
"Oh, alright," Superhero said, "but show her her room first, I'm sure she'd kill to get out of that dress. And I don't mean that as hyperbole."
Villain refused to move until Superhero had removed himself from the stairwell and into the kitchen, as far away from her as she supposed she was going to get.
Hero trotted up the stairs like a young colt, gangly and ungrateful. He nearly tripped over the top step, but quickly balanced himself with outstretched arms. Villain followed slower, needing to grab her ridiculous train skirt in a bundle in her arms to even see her feet in front of her. Hero waited in the doorway as picked her way to the top. First one by the stairs, just as Superhero said.
Except for a twin bed under the window, a bedstand, and a dresser against the back wall, the room was unfurnished. As far as decorations went, a lamp with a pink ruffled shade sat on the bedstand beside a metal pencil cup all made up of screws and bolts to look like a squat robot. Instead of pencils, a variety of colored lollipops stuck out the top of his head.
"I told Superhero you'd hate that," Hero said, motioning to the cup. "But he saw it at a thrift store last week and insisted."
"How long has he been planning this?" Villain asked, eyeing the lollipops uncomfortably. Was it a coincidence or had another villain informed Superhero that she tended to keep one in her mouth while she worked? No doubt Supervillain had shared all sorts so intimate information with the heroes already. He'd never liked her, and she'd been too unbothered to worry about what he noticed.
"About a month?" Hero said. "Give or take a week?"
Villain insides dropped. Had Supervillain been in agreement that long too? Were the two of them just watching her? Biding their time until she was vulnerable enough to strike? She was an idiot, she never should have drawn Superhero's attention in the first place. But then...what had she done exactly? She'd fought Superhero like she would anyone else. Yes, there'd been a little more flirtation than with the others, but any sane person would have realized that wasn't an invitation.
"He's really not as bad as he seems," Hero said, reading the furrows in her expression.
"Then you marry him," Villain spat.
Hero winced. "No, I didn't mean...I mean the situation he's put you in isn't as bad-- No, that sounds pretty bad too... You're really just going to have to hear him out to understand. Though I can tell you this isn't exactly what it looks like. I'll um...be waiting outside until you're ready. There are some clothes in the dresser."
Hero ducked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Villain was glad to find a lock on the inside, twisting and testing it before immediately yanking at the ties and zipper on her back. She got it about halfway undone before losing patience and struggling the rest over her head. Her hair staticked around her face, but it felt nice to have all that weight off, and she took great satisfaction in throwing the balled wad of lace and frills into the corner.
She half expected the drawers to be full of pretty clothing just as uncomfortable and twice as revealing, but the first drawer contained several pairs of sweats and jeans, the second a few tolerable blouses. The third was empty, but Villain was thankful for the absence of underclothes. She didn't even want to imagine Superhero shopping for such things with her in mind.
She chose a pair of thick black sweat and an oversized t-shirt was a soda logo on the front, a little surprised at the nice texture of the fabric. As she opened the door, she didn't wait for Hero to guide her back downstairs, instead marching straight past him, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Superhero sat at the table with shoes kicked off and tie undone, annoyingly unconcerned as he ate a bowl of yogurt. In a moment of boldness, Villain plopped into the seat straight across from him, glaring murderously over her glasses.
"Sorry," Superhero said, mouth full. "I skipped breakfast. Wedding nerves."
"What's going on?" Villain said.
"Did you eat breakfast? We've got oranges, yogurt, cereal, this gross breakfast smoothie mix Sidekick keeps buying. Once we know what you like we can start--"
Villain pounded both fists against the table. The frustration exploded and simmered down in an instant. She shouldn't have done that. Not in the middle of a hero base without any resources to defend herself. She sank back against her chair, arms wrapped around her knees. With the right tools, she could be big, deadly, threatening. As herself...well she'd learned early on that if she was in trouble it was better to be small. People skimmed over you. They didn't take you seriously, but they also didn't worry.
"Sorry," Superhero said.
Villain's gaze shot up from her toes to Superhero's tired hand over his face.
"You need an explanation. Everything just...gets more complicated after this."
Villain rested her chin on her kneecaps and waited for the hero to continue.
"To start, this," he waved between Villain and himself, "is a front. I needed an inside ally, but I also needed them close and out of Supervillain's range of power."
A hot and cold mixture rushed Villain's intestines, relief and anger and confusion and resistance. She wet her lips. "And I had the luck of the draw?"
Superhero tipped their hand back and forth in the air. "Sort of. I probably could have picked someone else just as well, but you checked quite a few boxes: you're a villain who has met Supervillain, you commit crime for a purpose and avoid hurting people, you're not psychotic, and you are one of the only villains that I can see being really formidable. Oh and of course there was palpable tension between us."
Villain made of show of gagging.
Superhero pouted, "No need to be so rude. The people--and Supervillain--really ate it up."
"So..."Villain said slowly, slowly uncurling her legs and lifting her fingernails out her palms. "You married me so that I would help you take down Supervillain?"
"Yes, like I said, it won't be strange if we're seen together now. And I think I made a big enough show for people to believe you're just a trophy. And as far as Supervillain knows, we have a deal. You for a blind eye to them. I'll let them think that's true for a while but--"
"Why would I even help you after all this?" Villain clenched her jaw, forcing herself calm. "This was quite possibly the worst day of my life, and you want me to forget and work with you?"
"I'm pretty sure after what they did to you, you want to destroy Supervillain as much as I do."
"I also want to destroy you."
"You can try."
Superhero and Villain both swiveled their heads toward Hero as he slid in on the other end of the table. He shrugged at their furrowed faces. "Once Supervillain is taken care of, you'll have plenty of opportunities to fight Superhero. You might even know a little more about him."
Superhero looked about ready to complain but then stopped. "He's right. Wouldn't you rather destroy me after learning all my weaknesses?"
Villain sank against the table, rubbing her temples with her index and middle fingers. She wasn't sure what to do. She did want Supervillain gone, and not only because she wanted vengeance. He was a plague on this city, even from a criminal standpoint. And he would only get more power. But she hated the idea of being on Superhero's side almost as much.
"If I was to decline...would you let me go?"
"Afraid not," Superhero said. "Things have already been set in motion. I can't make a deal to marry you and then pretend it never happened."
"You could've asked me before having me kidnapped."
"You would have said no."
Probably. But Superhero didn't know that for sure. How dare he assume he knew her. How dare he force her to... Another thought suddenly crossed her mind.
"Are we really married?" she asked.
Superhero grinned that signature devilish grin. "Legally, yes. I didn't want Supervillain to become suspicious if he went digging. But it can easily be annulled later, after all, you hardly consented."
"Don't you care about your reputation? A superhero marrying a villain, let alone forcing it against her will is hardly a good look for your precious citizens."
Superhero shrugged. "Once it's all over I'll give a statement explaining everything, but honestly, my reputation is already bad, so it hardly matters if it gets worse."
Right. Superhero was the questionable hero. The one who valued results over ethicality. Did he really not care what people thought of him? It seemed unlikely in an organization that depended on civilian cooperation and sponsors, but Villain was one to talk. She didn't make nice with the criminal underbelly either.
"Well," Villain said, "you've made it abundantly clear I have no other choice. Let's get this over with. You mentioned something about robot junk?"
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii i @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia a @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin
@ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax x @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotesthetoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @tauntedoctopuses
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Hiii! i hope you don't mind me requesting but can you please do a slashers with a vampire s/o?
Vampire s/o
Tis the season to be spooky chh chh chh ahh ahh ahh
Michael RZ:
You hear the front door open. You walk down the creaky steps and enter the living room. You hear his breathing first, then turn to look at him. He is drenched in blood, more than normally. You lick your lips and walk over to him. He opens his arms for a hug that you happily accept.
Once being pressed against his bloody coveralls you just couldn’t control yourself. You open your mouth and begin licking and sucking at his clothes. He turns his head to the side, then begins petting you while you have your midnight snack. You levitate and begin giving his mask kitten licks. He slowly takes it off and you can see his clean face. You lean in and press a kiss to his lips. Then work your way down and nip around his neck. He groans when you bite a little too hard.
“Sorry, my love,” you whisper against his skin and lick the blood away. “You're just so addicting…” you savor the flavor of his blood on your tongue.
You and Jason were on a beautiful late night walk. You felt the fall breeze and sighed happily. Critters were playing in the large orange leaf piles. Everything felt…. Right. You reached over and held his calloused hand. He smiled down at you.
You begin to feel a bit chilly so you lean into him. You feel a little better, but the cold is still bugging you.
“I’m still a bit icey.” You joke and he picks you up in a warm embrace.
You giggle and hold onto him. You plant a big kiss onto his beautiful hockey mask and lean into his warmth. You turn into a bat and hang on his ripped shirt. He lifts his hand and helps you onto his shoulder. You snuggle right up in the crook of his neck. He sighs contently and pets you lovingly.
You sit upstairs meditating as usual. Heavy boots stomp up the stairs, you open your eyes and grin happily. You wait for him to enter your shared bedroom. He opens the door and walks up to you. You float back onto your feet and he leans down so you can kiss him.
“My big man,” you pull at his shirt lovingly and he blushes.
“Oh! I forgot something!” You quickly teleport downstairs.
You grab a small box then teleport back. You hand it to him with a smile. He looks down at the old Victorian box and opens it. Inside are items of jewelry. They look like rubies. But looks can be deceiving.
“They are our mixed blood, hardened into crystal.” You take the ring off and put it on his finger. “So we’ll always be together, no matter where the other is.” You smile and put on the matching necklace.
He smiles at the ring and leans down. He presses his soft lips to yours and gently kisses you. You smile into the kiss and you both pull away for air.
“Thank you,” he signs.
He steps out into the desolate road and approaches the newly flipped vehicle. The passengers were moaning and groaning in pain, well the conscious and alive ones anyway. He reaches in and pulls a young lady out by her hair. Her boyfriend protectively and weakly stood up to help her. The boyfriend punched Hoyt, leaving a nasty bruise, making him let go of the girl. The two began running frantically down the road.
“Just you wait till night comes! My ~lovely~ will come out, and they won’t be very happy ya hurt my handsome face,” he grinned darkly.
You used your telekinesis to stop the wounded woman from running away.
“Oh there she goes,” you let her go, only to drag her back. “Isn’t that cute? Look at her trying to escape.” You look at Hoyt as you play with the victim.
“Let ‘er go,” he orders, you do as he says and let the girl run free.
She sprints as fast as she can. Maybe she could somehow make it home! Her eyes watered with happy tears as she approached a vehicle. She looks inside and the keys are already inside. She starts cry-laughing and starts the car.
“On second thought, bring ‘er back.” He casually scratched his stubble.
You raised your hand and the girl was flung out of the car and onto the ground harshly.
“Whoopies,” you giggle mischievously.
“Oh dear, you alright, hun?” He calls out mockingly.
You start slowly dragging her back to the house as he laughs sickly.
“Let me go!! Please!!!” She screamed.
“Should we?” You ask him.
“Ya, I think it would be the kind thing to do.” He snickers.
The game goes on and on until you both grow tired of her desperate cries and finally end her suffering.
You can never be creepy in front of your beloved Bubba, he gets scared. You float down the stairs, hoping to catch one of the twins and scary the shit out of them, but instead someone else rounds the corner. Bubba shrieks and throws the rag he was holding into the air.
You quickly lower yourself and feel instant guilt. You walk up to him and rub his back.
“I’m sorry, honey bear…” you coo, he only nods into your embrace.
You pull away and try to think of a way to make things better.
“Think of something, anything, then tell me what it is,” you say sweetly.
He nods and thinks for a moment.
“Puppy,” he signs, unaware of what you were planning.
You poof out of existence to bubbas dismay. He squeals and looks around frantically. Once you reappear he sighs out of relief.
In your arms you held a little puppy. Bubba claps his hands excitedly and holds his hands out.
“Now, you must be gentle, just like you are with Henrietta.” You refer to his pet chicken.
He nods happily and you hand the small pup over. He brings them to his chest and breathes in their adorable puppy smell. The puppy begins licking Bubba's face as he giggles. You smile at the two.
Drayton is going to shit bricks. But you’ll handle that when the time comes.
You pose for your eccentric lover with a blush covering your face. He holds his camera as steady as he can and snaps photos.
“Beautiful…” he mutters out as he checks the picture.
“U-u-u-u-up there,” he points.
You nod and fly up to where he’s pointing. He snaps a couple shots and you have a fun idea. You expand your dark aura, a purple like mist lightly surrounds you.
“S-stay like that!” You excitedly yells.
Your poses were elegant and mysterious. At his command you float down. You kiss him on the forehead lovingly. He shows you his favorites and your face heats up at his complements.
You use your blood manipulation and make the victim forcibly kneel. You look at your bruised lover and sigh. Your attention turns back to the man.
“You hurt what is mine, it’s time you pay for your actions,” you say darkly.
You begin to force his heart to pump faster in his chest. He gasps and lets out a scream. You then stop his heart for a moment, not long enough to kill him.
You control his blood and contort his body painfully. You watch as he struggles against your magic. A sinister smile creeping on your face.
“Apologies,” you command the man.
“I’m- sorry!!” You yells.
“Not to me, to him,” you gesture to drayton.
“I’m so- sorry!!” He screams.
You nod satisfied and force his blood out of every orifice.
You walk throughout the dreamworld. Freddy’s always so busy, so you want to visit him. You know he’s aware of your presence. He’s watching. Why not put on a show?
You see the person he was torturing running straight for you.
“We have to wake up!” She screams and holds onto your shoulders.
“He’s around here somewhere!” She’s bleeding from multiple wounds.
“Oh you poor thing, let me help,” you smile and use your dark powers.
Dark figures dance around the two of you. They grab and scream in agony. They shake and begin to cry.
“What’s happening! Oh gods he’s here!!!” She screams.
“What’s the matter dear? I don’t understand..” you act.
“The monsters!! Can’t you see them!?” She grabs your arm.
You look around and shake your head.
“There’s nothing here…?” You sigh and place a hand on her shoulder.
She shudders and looks around as the ghoulish hallucinations beg her for help.
With a snap of your fingers the shapes and shadows materialize. They grab the girl and slowly rip her apart. After the deed you feel eyes watching you. You turn around to see Freddy smiling at you. He begins to slow clap and walk over to you.
You lean in and press a surprise kiss to his cheek. He smiles even wider and grabs your waist.
“I love when you come to visit me~ it’s such a treat~” he purrs.
“Or perhaps a trick?” You question jokingly and kiss his lips.
You silently float up to the branch your mate was sitting on. You made yourself invisible and wrapped your cloak around yourself, he wouldn’t be able to detect you in infrared. You softly land next to him and smile at his concentrated face.
“Whatcha lookin at?” You question and his head snaps in your direction.
His hand subconsciously goes for his weapon, but once he realizes it’s your voice stops. You make yourself visible once again and come out from your cloak.
“My sneaky Sain’ja,” he shakes his head in an amused manner.
He points in the distance and you see some bad-bloods unloading stolen cargo. You nod and he cloaks. You turn into a bat and fly alongside him as he jumps from tree to tree.
You flap down and begin flying around their heads.
“Pauk-de!” One of them yells and tries to swat you away, the others laugh at him.
Your mate jumps down, landing on the one farthest of the group, cutting his head off. The others catch on and turn to fight. You revert back and stab the largest yautja in the back. He confusedly roared out in pain.
You place your hand on his arm and explode his veins in that area. He yells out and swipes at you. You teleport above him and wrap your legs around his neck and squeeze. He chokes out and you strangle him. He drops to the floor and you look at the others. They lay dead on the ground as your mate watches you proudly.
You smile as he stalks towards you. He places a rough clawed hand on your exposed waist and pulls you to his chest. He looks down at you with something in his eyes. You can smell his pheromones.
He loops his arms under your thighs and lifts you up to meet his helmets eyeline.
“You did very well, my mate,” he purred.
He took his mask off and smiled proudly at you. He opened his mandibles and you leaned in. He gently wrapped them around your face for a loving kiss.
“Uuugghhh! Enough! You’ll have time for this later!! Another ship is arriving! Get ready to battle!” The hunt leader growled in comms.
You both laugh and share one last kiss. He places you down and you both hide, waiting to strike the next group.
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acermp100 · 3 months
26/3 - Exorcism: VESSELS
Reigen, Dimple, and Serizawa are out on a mission to take out something that's been affecting an old, abandoned industrial area.
Teen rating. Some depictions of animal abuse, hurt animals. Mild horror themes. More implied Seri/Rei cause I can't help it ok. 3k~ words
Clouds shifted over the sun leaving the last bit of brightness lost amongst disused smoke stacks and broken power lines. Every building rose to the same five story height- wide glass panel windows at the top with mortar and brick for the walls, all cracked and stained with grease. Cheap, corrugated metal served as roofs which did little else but keep out the weather, though rust and time had ruined that as well.
“Great.” Reigen had just finished lighting a cigarette and was now looking up at the darkening sky, a line of smoke rising from his lips. “Let’s get this done before it starts to rain.”
What few bits of nature that remained had barely managed to cling on. Serizawa remembered a movie where some old building had been reclaimed and covered in vines with plants breaking through the rubble that covered ground. Not here. Dried, brown grass peaked out from between the edges of the concrete paths, and what little dirt there was hosted nothing but sickly brambles that barely reached up a few feet. Glass lay shattered alongside other random debris causing their path to wind despite the straight, gridded construction. Not a single bird or insect could be heard.
“I think-“ Serizawa paused, giving a distant stare toward the far building on their left. A weak gust of wind billowed up dust that was less dirt and more eroded concert and rust. “I think I sense something.”
“Ugh.” Dimple floated over with little arms flopping down from his gaseous form. “No you don’t.” He cast an arrant glace at Serizawa. “Stop trying to impress all the time.”
A blush. Serizawa turned away.
“Hey.” Reigen exhaled through both his nose and lips, smoke trailing up and fading into the cloudy sky. A stiff hand rose nearly slicing through the floating spirit. “I only brought you along to help us ID this thing. Not to sass my employees.”
“Yeah whatever.” Dimple floated up right behind Reigen’s head. “Guess I’ll just have to sass only you then.”
Serizawa rubbed the back of his neck, still avoiding any eye contact. He really had felt something ahead, just weak and hard to focus on. Then he heard it: some scratching on the stone as a shadow moved along the side of the building. His feet shifted against the dusty path and he put himself between his boss and the entity, one arm ready at his side and the other out to keep Reigen from walking any closer.
“Stand back, Reigen-san!”
The air grew tense in the silence with only a few rustling sounds. Then there came a hiss and pebbles flew up as a cat bolted from its meager cover and fled down the path they had just came from.
“Ha ha!” Dimple made an exaggerated flip in the air. “A cat! You’re all worked up over a stupid stray cat!”
Frowning, Serizawa lowered his arm while his shoulders drooped. The client had reported a terrible spirit here that could even claw through the brick walls and metal support beams. Wasn’t it good he was being more safe than sorry?
“Wait.” Reigen stepped forward, holding his own serious expression despite the false alarm. “Look, there’s another one.”
Another cat emerged from a hole in the building’s wall followed by a smaller kitten: one ginger and one a dark tabby. They wandered across the path into another broken wall before disappearing.
“Odd there’s even animals here.” Reigen brought up a hand to his chin in contemplation. “This wasn’t any kind of food processing plant or storage. All construction and industry. Not like they’d have rats to prey on.”
Serizawa took comfort in Reigen’s knowledge but still let out a long exhale. Stay calm and focused, your boss is counting on you. He peered up into the sky to gather a few ounces of clarity before looking around for any more animals. Not a tree in site yet a few sparrows were sitting on an exposed metal pipe. Maybe that’s what the cats were feeding on? But then what were they eating? He flicked a glance at his boss hoping he had some kind of answer.
“Welp.” Reigen gave a stretch, bringing his cigarette up for a needed drag. “I’m gonna call this one a false alarm.” He turned and exhaled the lung full. “This is probably just some old lady feeding strays that someone thought was a witch or whatever.”
“No.” Serizawa took a few steps away from the group, staring ahead. “I still feel something.”
Crows started to caw from atop the building they had been heading for. There appeared to be over a dozen. All three watched as they formed a perfect circle in the air.
“I do too.” Dimple floated over with his arms crossed.
Reigen brought his hands up. “Alright, so give us some intel on it then.” He gestured at the floating green cloud. “You said you would actually be of help on this job.”
“Can it, pink tie.” A roll of the eyes. “We’re still far away. I can’t magically see through a wall that’s like 100 meters in front of us.”
“Humph.” Reigen grumbled under his breath. “Um, Serizawa?” He looked over at the esper now glaring up at a crow perched on the roof just to their left. “What do you see?”
Dimple jerked back. “Shit!”
That crow. Its eyes looked different. And the beak: somehow it was smiling. He didn’t care if he was wrong again, he had to protect Reigen. His arm rose involuntarily with the palm open and out while his eyes narrowed. Energy focused from his chest to his fingers, forming a concentrated burst. The crow turned and raised its wings at the last moment, flying off with a cackling, mocking call. All that was left was a crater in the stone where it has stood.
“Shit.” Dimple repeated as all three watched the bird fly into the far building through a broken window. All the other crows followed.
“So- demon crow spirit?” A pointing finger towards the window in the distance. Reigen stood before Serizawa and Dimple with his arms posed against his hips for only a moment before he started gesturing once more. “Obviously it’s controlling them. Probably stole some shiny, expensive trinket from our client.”
Dimple sank in the air. “Not even close, dude.”
Reigen crossed his arms. “Ok then oh wise ass- Hey wait!”
He had to stop this. Now. It was far more powerful than he thought, able to hide its true abilities with so many other vessels around it. His shoes skidded along the ground as he turned and entered the largest hole in the wall. Upper right in a bird, along the ground in a rat, along one of the beams as a cat- Serizawa tried to focus but could only stand there with his aura fuming for something to target.
“Oi- hey new c-company rule.” Reigen had caught up and now leaned against the opening with a hand on his chest, breathing hard. The cigarette had been left behind. “No running off into a creepy wareho- oh fuck.”
Serizawa had already noticed. This is where all the plants were. Oddly sick flowers grew along the ground with thorny brambles and a few stunted trees clinging to dead leaves. Above, vines hung down and stretched across the ceiling blocking whatever light would have came in through the holes in the roof. And amidst this cursed greenhouse stood a number of dogs, cats, and rats; all staring over at their new guests.
“Yeah. I was afraid of this.” Dimple had enough sense to only peek inside. “It’s a common type of spirit: posses some living thing and drain its energy over time. Normally likes to feed off of one thing at a time then move on to another victim, but some- well.” There came a hiss from the cats joined by crow calls. “Some like to make a collection.”
Serizawa gritted his teeth, brow furrowed with fists at his side. Left, up, right. Stop moving. Stop hiding. I won’t let you hurt anything else.
“Ohh! More friends to play with!” The voice echoed with a cackle of a cawing bird. The rest flew up into the air forming a fluttering circle around the hawk at the center. “I’ve always wanted a human for my own!” Wings rose, the feathers rotted and falling off. “And you brought a little green snack too.”
“Welp, good luck guys!”
And there went Dimple, flying off through the hole. Reigen shifted until he was behind Serizawa.
“You got this. Take it out.”
Nodding, Serizawa waited for the spirit to make the predictable first move. Knowing it was only lingering in the hawk as a decoy, he kept eying the other animals for a shift in energy. There! A dog tried a lunge from a flanking position but Serizawa was able to turn and release a wave in counter attack. A whine as the poor creature flopped to the ground, its drained body no longer supported by the evil spirit.
“Ohhh you missed!”
A cat, then a rat. Serizawa kept his power in check as to not harm the animals, but it proved difficult with how weak they already were.
“And again! Oh you are so much fun.”
The spirit would concentrate in one while influencing others around it only to jump to another and repeat. This led to an odd hive mind of uniform movement: the creatures mouths all open and eyes wide, stepping closer and closer. A cat latched on to his leg. It was a little ginger like the ones he remembered seeing in an alley he hid in one day after school as a kid. Serizawa frowned.
“What’s the matter? Don’t want to hurt the little kitties?”
More cats were now clawing at his pants with rats and the larger dogs not far behind. Serizawa could feel Reigen’s retreat backwards and he panicked.
“No Reigen-san!” He took his boss’s arm and pulled him close. “Stay by me or you’ll just end up another vessel for it.” Realizing he had gripped too hard he released, meeting Reigen’s eyes. “I’ll protect you.”
Reigen for once had nothing to say, only a nod with a frightened gaze looking back. Gathering his energy around them, Serizawa released a sphere that started from his chest and swelled larger into a shield. Every animal that came in contact with it were pushed back until there was now an angry force of claws and teeth and feathers pounding against the barrier. At least they were not being harmed.
“So cute. Think you’re so clever.”
Serizawa glared as the voice seemed to come from everywhere.
“But you forgot something.”
He tensed, waiting for an attack. A screech as the hawk slammed against the barrier, body broken with unnatural eyes staring right into Serizawa’s. The voice came out as a twisted yell.
The barrier flared for a moment before cracking, releasing a wave of energy. All the animals were now still, most fallen over, others confused and weak on shaking legs.
Serizawa scanned the warehouse in a long arc, checking every animal, every possible vessel. Suddenly a hand rested on his shoulder, causing him to jerk as he turned, mind only now catching up with reality as he stared, wide eyed at his boss.
“Aw, what’s wrong?” Reigen’s face was now pale with sharp teeth poking out from his lips. The words came out as a horrible, mocking hiss. “Did you like this one?”
“No- NO!”
Serizawa stepped back, watching as Reigen stumbled and fell forward, his movement like a child learning to walk. He couldn’t help it and rushed forward, trying to support him. The skin felt cold but there was still a heartbeat.
A twisted, inhuman face grinned back. “Mine now! So much better than dogs and cats!”
Without thinking, Serizawa gripped Reigen by the collar and lifted him up, pinning the body against the wall a few inches off the ground. His limbs trembled while his muscles clenched along with his jaw.
“Let him go. Now.” His voice came out low and steady in contrast to his frantic mind and raging aura.
Another smile. “You should be the one letting go.” A hand raised and rested on one of Serizawa’s tensed, shaking arms, the now clawed fingers trailing down his sleeve. “I like this one.” The neck lurched forward with a crack. Inhuman eyes glared back, the pupils shrinking to small black pinpoints. “So good luck getting me out with him still alive.”
The grip tightened as Serizawa raised Reigen up higher. His boss was still in there, lost, forced to a corner helpless only to watch. Ignoring the confident grin, Serizawa closed his eyes, blocking out any other stimulus save for the auras around him. The animals were weak but clinging. Dimple was still a far way off; powerless against something like this. And in the middle of it all hung Reigen’s energy. It was not yet weakened only entwined: the evil spirit’s tendrils weaved all around like some fungal infection. But there had to be a way. Like a tangled ball of yawn he had to be able to undo the knots.
“H-hey! How are you doing that?!”
The claws raked at Serizawa’s chest, ripping his suit up. Legs thrashed and lungs hissed in fruitless desperation. Amid the writhing he stood firm, focused as he carefully guided his aura between the monster and his boss.  The growling turned to a weary groan. Serizawa opened his eyes to color returning to Reigen’s face and the teeth and claws fading away.
He glared at the remaining bit of the spirit still clinging on. “You can’t have him.”
A burst of energy rose, sweeping up the wall originating from Reigen’s form. Both their suit ties and hair were blown up along with several stones and debris. The wall behind cracked. Screaming started, not from Reigen’s mouth but from inside him before the sprit was torn out, thrashing in the air one last time while Serizawa closed his anger around it. The wind stopped.
“Ugh.” Reigen slumped in Serizawa’s hold, head of messy hair against his shoulder. “Wha- what happened?”
At once Serizawa shifted his grip, guiding his boss down to the ground where he held up his chest and head. Gone was his intense stare with only concern looking down now.
“Are you alright?” Tears started to form as he realized his hadn’t prevented the spirit from draining some of Reigen’s life force. “Please be alright.”
“Feel like I woke up from a hangover.” Reigen tried to raise his head but instead just grumbled and brought a hand up to his forehead. It was only then he realized Serizawa was cradling him in gentle arms- their faces inches from each other. His fingers traced the claw marks on his employee’s suit. “Um. I think I definitely missed something.”
“Reigen-san!” Serizawa trembled before hugging his boss against his chest. “I’m so sorry! I messed up!” He was sobbing now as he buried his face in Reigen’s neck. “It was going to take you I tried to get it out but now you are hurt.” His arms hugged tighter. “I was supposed to protect you!”
“W-woah! Hey!” Reigen protested. “It’s ok big guy! I’m fine.” He pushed back a bit and tried to give some comfort. “Just a headache. So no worries.” A grin, cheeks blushing. “You did great.”
Serizawa’s tear filled eyes met Reigen’s and in their embrace, their lips grew closer, heat rising between them.
“Yeah dang. Even I can admit you did pretty good.”
Dimple floated over, causing Serizawa to drop Reigen in embarrassment.
“Sorry, Reigen-san!” He brushed off some of the dust on both of them, helping Reigen to stand.
A cough. “Where the hell have you been?” Reigen glared up at Dimple, cheeks still red. “Coulda maybe used a heads up or some support.”
“Sorry greatest psychic.” Dimple sneered back. “Best I could have done is maybe posses you first, but that thing was too powerful.” He picked at his nose, eyeing the dying plants twisted vines. “It would have just kicked me out.”
“Fine. Whatever.” Reigen coughed again. “Why did I even bring you?”
Serizawa frowned down at his boss. “Can you walk, Reigen-san?” He bent over him ever worried.
“Uh. Give me like five minutes.”
Dimple floated in between the two before they could make googly eyes at each other again. “You brought me because instead of researching spirits yourself, the two of you sit on the couch watching cute animal videos together during office breaks.”
Both looked away, clearly called out. One of the cats hobbled up followed by a dog. Despite the trauma they were happy to see humans. The cat gave a face rub against Serizawa’s leg. Reigen got to pet the dog.
“Huh. They seem to be way less um- dying? Than before.” Reigen stiffly rose to his feet as the dog wandered out of the building, tail wagging.
“Yeah. Should be fine. The thing kept them alive so they just need some food and rest.”
Dimple watched as the other animals scattered back to their own lives. The birds preened at their feathers before taking awkward launches into the air.
“We stopped it. So no one else will get hurt.” Reigen grimaced and faltered his first few steps.
Serizawa instantly wrapped his arms around his boss again. “Reigen-san. The rain is coming.”
Dimple was still ranting in the background. “What do you mean ‘we’? All you did was nearly piss yourself and get possessed.”
The two couldn’t hear him anymore. Reigen let out a sigh. “Yeah. We should get going. I can probably maybe make it to the bus stop.”
Serizawa gave a short bow of his head, one of his arm around Reigen’s back as the man held on to his suit lapel. “If you allow me, Reigen-san,” he paused for a moment to allow his brain catch up with his mouth, “I can carry you.”
Reigen blinked back. “A-Alright.” His voice snapped back into its confident prose. “But only this one time. This is an extenuating circumstance that requires advanced, unorthodox protocols to handle properly. I’ll have to amend the employee handbook to include more robust first aid and recovery instructions.”
Serizawa cracked a grin. How was he too weak to walk but able to fling his hands around like that still?
“Understood.” Another bow of his head as he support his boss’s weight under the knees and back, lifting him up.
He walked steadily, stealing a few glances down at Reigen who was struggling to keep his eyes open after the entire ordeal. A few drops of rain fell, their arrival producing little musical sounds as they hit the metal roofs. Dimple floated after, having long given up on anything getting through to them.    
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staysaneathome · 11 months
Since the wonderful @johndead answered some pressing concerns about Martin Care, decided to write a little something set in their universe!
Emil frowned at the creature sat on the countertop before him.
It was short and squat, about the size of a kitten. Its…hair? Fur? Was long and stringy, and matched the rest of its ragged appearance.
Its large eyes stared at him, unblinking and wet.
Emil blinks first, and frowned harder at the creature. His thumb hovered over the contacts in his phone.
Alexa was the most sensible one in the office, and the one most likely to know what this was and tell him with the least fuss, but she also had said when she left work that she and her boyfriend were taking a long weekend to Bath for a romantic getaway, and so any emergencies would have to wait til Monday.
Danny was probably next best, as his hyperfixations meant he could spout off detailed knowledge about any number of random subjects, but if this thing didn’t fall under that umbrella, then he and Emil would both be stumped. He was also still on that urban exploration kick, and might be bowels deep in a sewer somewhere with no phone reception.
Which left…
Emil sighs, then stiffens at the way the creature stared at him, leaning forward slightly.
He didn’t want to have to do this. But desperate times…
He hits the video call button, and waited a few tense minutes for it to ring.
“Hello? Emil, is that you?”
His heart most definitely did not skip a beat at the face filling his screen, peering at him in concern. “Lynn.”
“Hi Emil!” His boss (who he certainly did not have a crush on, shut up) chirped, a smile splitting their face. It wavers slightly. “Um. Not to be rude of anything, but you never call me outside work hours—is something wrong?”
“I got home and found something had got into my flat.” He stated. “I’ve no clue what the hell this thing is. Hold on, I’ll show you.”
He turned the phone around to face the creature. It reared back slightly, wet eyes darting between him and the screen, nose twitching.
Whatever Emil expected to happen, it was not for his boss to let out a small squeal of delight.
“Aw! Hey there buddy, hello! Oh, you’re so little, Emil he’s adorable!”
He raises an eyebrow at the creature, whose fur/hair/whatever was beginning to lift like a cat’s. “If this thing is adorable then I’m about to win Love Island. What is it.”
“Oh, oh right,” Lynn said, sounding flustered. “Well, that’s a Jon! I don’t know as much about them as I do about Martins, but they’re really fascinating creatures! A bit shy and prickly at first, but really quite sweet once you get to know them. I’ve only ever seen them in pet shops before or videos online, where did you find him?”
“I got home and found it drinking water from my sink.” Emil reports, keeping a firm eye on this “Jon” thing. “I must have not turned it off right when I left this morning—Oi. Stop that. Lynn, it’s doing something weird.”
A set of floating, glowing eyes are starting to manifest out of the air surrounding the Jon, staring hard at the phone as it bristles and lets out a low hissing noise.
“Is that the first threat display he’s made?” Lynn asks. “Didn’t he do this when you got in?”
“No,” Emil grits out, crossing the kitchen with a hand hovering over his phone protectively. Thankfully the eyes can’t follow more than a few inches, and the Jon’s hissing died down some, though it still glares imperiously at the phone. “Little bastard just walked over and stared at me the entire time.”
There’s an excited gasp from the other end of the line. “Oh wow, Emil, I think that means he likes you! Most of the videos I’ve watched say that Jons usually do a lot of threat displays to people or animals they’re not sure of. Maybe he thinks you’re a kindred spirit?”
Emil can’t help the scowl and slight flush that comes to his face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He snaps. “It’s not like I’m keeping the damn thing.”
“O-oh.” Lynn’s face falls slightly, before they smile again. Emil steadfastly ignores the pang that sends through him. “That’s fair. Not everyone has time for a pet, I guess. Though I think most shelters might be closed tonight, and I’m not sure if they open on weekends?”
Emil closes his eyes and groans. Great. Just great. Now he has to deal with a little eyeball creep staring at him for potentially two days. How’s he going to make sure it doesn’t get sick or starve during that time? He’s not even sure he has food in for himself.
“I could send you some care instructions, if you like?” Lynn offers tentatively. “There are a few good websites online where I’ve got advice for caring for my Martin before, and I think their basic needs are similar—wide, shallow bowls for food and water, soft materials for nesting in, plenty of space and enrichment, that sort of thing. There might be some differences though, because I know my Martin loves poetry—”
As if on cue, the Jon hisses loudly at the word “poetry”, it’s fur standing on end and several glowing eyes (plus one tape recorder) popping into existence around it.
“Fucking—!” Emil rears back.
“Sorry! Sorry, I shouldn’t have said the p word!” Lynn apologizes. “Yeah, there are loads of videos online of people putting a book of K-E-A-T-S behind their Jon to make him jump or start mauling it. It’s really not nice for the little guys, but I suppose since it gets their owners views they think—”
“Lynn.” Emil interrupts, before his boss can go off on another tangent about ethical treatment of pets on social media. “Just, just send me the links. Please.”
“Alright!” Lynn chirps. “I’ve also got some old stuff I had that my Martin didn’t end up using, like a carrier and toys and stuff. Would you like me to give them a wash, bring them over to see if Jon likes them?”
“Sure.” Emil says, without thinking. “Why not. I’ll be in all weekend.”
“Great!” Lynn looks almost nervous, smiling at him. “I’ll send the links and see you tomorrow then?”
It finally clicks in Emil’s brain that he’s just invited his boss (his crush) over to his place to try and help him wrangle a weird eyeball creature.
Rather than say anything sensible to abort the situation, Emil instead chokes out. “Y-yeah. I’ll send you the address. See you.”
They beam at him, and then their picture vanishes with a small bloop.
Emil puts his phone down on the countertop.
Then he promptly sits on the floor, puts his head into his knees, and screams mentally.
What was he thinking?! Sure he can just about survive during the workday, when there’s a veil of professionalism between them, and Danny and Alexa besides, but coming around to his flat?! In casual clothes, with their glow-in-the-dark nail polish and their general personality in his space?! Alone?!
He’s done for. Doomed. He may as well quit now, he’s so sure he’s going to embarrass himself and make them hate him and screw everything up forever.
There’s a weird pitter-patter sound, interrupted by small vibrations.
When he looks up, he sees the Jon is staring meaningfully down at him.
He heaves a bigger sigh. “Can’t I have a crisis in peace?”
That only makes the Jon’s eyes grow bigger and wetter, almost hungry-looking. Apparently not.
He gets to his feet and unlocks his phone. Alongside all the links Lynn has texted, they’ve also sent a picture of a much rounder, more ascetically pleasing creature in glasses, blinking happily at the camera from a nest of shredded paper, wool and scraps of fabric, and teabags.
The caption under it says “Martin says to say hello! :D”
He holds the picture up to the Jon, ready to pull it away at the first sign of hissing or floating eyes. “See this? This is cute. What do you have to say for yourself, huh?”
The Jon leans towards the screen, nose twitching, eyes wet and huge and unblinking.
It reaches out a paw and rests it against the shoulder of the Martin-picture. Then it leans its head against it.
Emil ends up slowly letting go of his phone until it is lying flat on the table again for the Jon to curl up on it.
Its unblinking eyes slide closed. It begins to make a rusty sound, almost like a cat’s purr, if a bit more…mechanical maybe? A tape recorder running, perhaps.
Emil reaches out to try and pick the phone up.
The purring stops. One eye opens and stares at him.
“Or not.” He scrubs a hand through his hair. “Hell, you’re just as hopeless as me, aren’t you.”
The Jon’s eye closes and he begins purring again at a louder rate.
Emil huffs a breath of laughter. Still. If he’s not getting his phone back soon, he’d better try and get started on the things Lynn told him about so they don’t arrive tomorrow and find he’s somehow managed to kill the Jon.
Wide shallow bowls for water, for a start…
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icequeenlila · 6 months
See right through Me (Locorro)
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"Lo?" His voice was only a whisper now, their breaths mixing together as their foreheads touched.
And oh, Lo'ak's eyes were beautifully lidded, heavy from the oozy warmth wrapping the both of them.
"You promise you won't regret this?" Their lips were almost touching now. Spider was sure he could taste him through their shared air alone.
Lo'ak chuckled softly, rubbing the sides of their noses together. "Stupid", he whispered, pressing the faintest of kisses to the corner of Spider's mouth. "It's you." A kiss to the other side. "I could never regret you."
And that was it. All it took to make Spider throw every last worry over board.
This time he had Lo’ak’s confirmation and this time Spider was prepared for the overwhelming sensation thumping through his chest, when their lips connected once more.
And wow.
Spider managed to keep his eyes open for like two seconds, before he felt himself getting sucked into eternal bliss. Lo’ak was soft and warm and soft and warm and how weren’t there other words coming to his mind? They met once, short, sweet, both gasping for air, sharing their breath, eyes flicking open to check on the other before they were joining again. Spider was floating.
Their hands were still intertwined, Lo’ak’s fingers twitching slightly as Spider leaned further in, angling his head, so their lips slotted together perfectly. There was the smallest of gasps escaping his best friend as Spider started to move his lips against him, gently, carefully, because Lo’ak was something precious.
Spider kissed him slow, lips dragging along Lo’ak’s, barely putting any pressure. He knew his friend wasn’t experienced in this, so he took his sweet time, never urging, never putting any kind of pressure onto the precious boy in his hold.
Still, the tiny gasps and trembles coming from Lo’ak showed that he was clearly affected by Spider’s touch. Every sound, every twitch he made, Spider took it all in. He was drowning, he was floating, he was feeling it all at once.
There was nothing except Lo’ak. Nothing but his best friend, the boy he loved, and Spider was kissing him. They were kissing. Eywa, this had to be a dream. But it wasn’t. It wasn’t and Spider was kissing Lo’ak.
He felt a deep sigh crawling up his throat, slipping past his lips, swallowed by Lo’ak.
“Spider”, he whispered, breathy, needy. “Kiss me right.”
And Lo’ak’s hands came up to cup his jaw, holding him close as he put sweet, little kitten kisses to Spider’s bottom lip. Spider was sure he was losing his mind.
“Am I not?”, he smiled, voice not any more solid than Lo’ak’s, one hand traveling up, cupping the boy’s cheek, thumb tracing the sharp line of his jaw.
Lo’ak shook his head, putting one more kiss to the corner of Spider’s mouth. “You don’t have to be gentle”, he said, eyes heavily lidded, pupils blown and jumping all over Spider’s face.
“But I want to be”, Spider whispered, moving his thumb to Lo’ak’s mouth, tracing his lower lip and feeling his hot breath fan over his skin. Watching Lo’ak’s eyes flutter at the sensation, the softest, most beautiful sound slipping past his lips, Spider couldn’t help himself but press down. Gently. Transfixed by the way the soft pillow beneath the pad of his thumb, red and plush from kissing, adapted to the pressure.
“Hah.” Lo’ak’s hands slipped from Spider’s jaw, to settle at his shoulders, searching for support.
“Beautiful.” The word rolled from Spider’s tongue before he could stop himself.
“Spider”, Lo’ak urged, putting a desperate, little kiss to the pad of Spider’s thumb. “Come on.”
Eywa, Spider’s heart clenched inside his chest. He had no idea how he ended up here, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. Lo’ak was soft and sweet in front of him. And he was close. And he was asking Spider to kiss him right.
If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up again.
From chapter 3 of 'See right through Me' on ao3.
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svnflowerkae · 2 years
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tw: estabiloshed relationship, reader is a little bit tipsy from alchool like they can’t walk straight but are complitely fine and consensual!!, oral (m!reciveing),  sloppy blowjob, a bit of fluff at the start, mention of pet names (good girl, darling), praising with a little bit of degrading, reader has pussy and uses sometimes she/her pronouns. I tried to do genderneutral as possible. If i missed smt let me mnow!
an: i just want to say that this is literally a piece of a dream I did some many nights ago so maybe it will be a little self insert but not too much! Plus plus i can’t choose which boy i simp for to write this one so i’ll just put is as your fave x reader! Please enjoy. (ALSO GUYS I'M REALLY SORRY FOR NOT POSTING A SMUT WRITTEN FROM ME FOR SO LONG SORRY)
Y/N entered their appartament - after leaving the elevator -, a bit tipsy at 4.30 am, a little smile plastered on their face. Heels in hand, on the doorway, as Y/N was callin' for him.
Listening to his name being called, he goes to them.
"Why are you still up? You should be sleepin' already"
"I was waiting for you, honey" he smiled and Y/N laughed.
She puts in front of her mouth her fingers, signaling him to not disturb the quiet of the neighbourhood. He laughs. Y/N obviously was a little tipsy from the alchool they drank over the night.
Y/N hugged him and he took her from the hips, lifting her up and doing a twirl. Both of them laughing together. He puts her down, letting the purse and the heels fall on the ground. Taking him by the hand they go to the living and, instead of sitting on the couch, they sit on the floor.
Y/N, on her knees, looks at him with an intense look in her eyes. She crawls towards him, opening his legs and putting herself in between them, while laying completely down. Y/N starts to kiss his bulge keeping eye contact.
"Such a greedy girl, aren't you?" he laughs softly as he starts slowly to pull his pants and underwear down, pulling his cock out. A whine and a gasp leaves her lips as she saw it and she starts kissing it from the base to the top, licking it so slowly and with kitten licks. He moans, blush spreading on his face, his hand on his mouth, tryin’ to not moan. Y/N looks at him, love stuck and her mind floating in the air, the only thought it’s his cock and the way it's not fully erected. She loved doing a blowjob while her lover cock was still soft/half soft. In Y/N opinion it was rather cute and something snaps inside when they has to do it while his cock is, if not completely, almost soft.
It was a big turn on.
As time passed by his cock become fully erected, veins visible.
"Darling, mmh, please don't stop." He was so desperate to cum, bucking his hips and grabbing their hair into a ponytail. "You're such a good girl for me, such a good cock sucker. Mnhp just like that. I'm gonna cum, gonna cum darling."
His raspy moans, his hoarse voice from the moaning, turning them on. Pussy so wet that she could feel her juices running down her thighs.
The pleasure he was feeling was so much, he just wanted to cum in her mouth but didn't want to end all of this. It was too good.
Moaning on his cock she bobs her head down quickly, taking his full lenght in her mouth. She couldn't help but rolling her eyes, only this bringing her so much pleasure. She loved pleasing her lover.
"F-fuck baby yes" he keeps their head down, hips trusting roughly as he cums down their throat.
She moans as she tastes his cum, swallowing like it was milk. His breath unsteady as he takes his cock out of her mouth.
They smile at each other, and sitting on his lap, they share a kiss. His hands on her hair and waist.
"I'll bet you're tired honey, let me help you and then we'll go to sleep, okay?" he asks while getting up with them in his arms. "You did a very good job, I love you"
"I love you too, (name of your fav)"
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tickletastic · 8 months
Golden Hour
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Thiam <3
Summary: Theo and Liam spend a lazy eveneing in bed. Day two of Miya and Mia's Tickletober: claws!
The last glimpses of sunlight trickle through the edges of Liam’s window, glittering rays cutting through wherever the curtains don’t cover. You can see the particles of dust floating through the still air, a soft golden filtering the room, slowly dimming as each minute passes. Despite their mid-afternoon nap, Theo is finding it difficult to stay awake. There’s something about being in the warmth of the sun on his face, the fact that he finally has a bedroom, one that smells like him and Liam combined, and the fact Liam’s warm body has been draped across his chest since the afternoon that allows him this serenity. 
He had been trying to read The Old Man and the Sea, a favourite of his, but he had grown distracted by Liam’s laughter, the younger having spent an hour scrolling through TikTok. He could see the soft lines of Liam’s lips, the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes when he smiled at a video of a kitten on a skateboard, or a silly dance. Theo’s book had been forgotten at his side, and he distractedly watched Liam’s TikToks, obscured by curly brown hair. 
Harnessing just enough energy to extend his claws, knowing Liam loved the feeling, Theo started scratching Liam’s head, fingers patiently sifting through soft curls. Liam practically melted, his body somehow relaxing into Theo even more, he lets out a contented hum, growing too distracted to scroll through to the next video on his phone. 
Theo softly massaged Liam��s entire head, going in circles through his hair. He could feel Liam shivering every few minutes, thinking nothing of it considering Liam had resumed his TikTok doom scrolling. Theo continues even as he feels himself slipping, eyes closing as he listens to the audio from Liam’s phone. When the sounds stop, Theo thinks that maybe Liam is dozing off too, cracking one eye open and expecting to see Liam’s soft eyelashes against his cheeks as he falls asleep, instead, he finds Liam’s eyes wide open, biting his lip as pink rises up his cheeks. 
“You alright?” Theo asks, shifting as if he’s going to sit up.
“Wait, I’m comfortable!” Liam puts his hand down flat on Theo’s chest, urging him to stay down. “I’m fine.”
“You sure?” Theo asks, voice soft.
Liam falters, looking up at Theo through his eyelashes and nodding sheepishly, “yeah, it just- it kind of tickled.”
“What tickled?” Theo grins, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh-” Liam starts to blush again, looking down at his hands, “you were scratching behind my ear with your claws.”
Theo can’t help the fondness on his face as he looks down at Liam, blush growing to his ears. He gently extends his claws again, brushing one up against the back of Liam’s ear. Liam brings his shoulder up to his ear, shaking his head. 
Theo repeats the same action on the other side, receiving the same response, and it becomes a back and forth between the two of them until Liam is finally giggling, shaking his head back and forth but doing little else to get away from his boyfriend.
“Nohoho!” Liam giggles throwing his head back as he realizes there’s no way to escape the tickly hands, “ohoho my gohohod!”
Theo’s grin is splitting his face as he looks down at Liam, smiling as bright as the sun. His fingers trail softly down to his chest and ribs, and Liam jolts, squirming from side to side. “Do my claws make it tickle worse, Li?”
“YEHES!” Liam squeals, hair flying everywhere as he thrashes. Theo’s fingers drift down to Liam’s tummy and the younger is down for the count, hysterical, boyish laughter flowing freely. “THEHEHEO NOHOHOHO! NAHAT THEHERE!”
Theo laughs, spidering his fingers in circles over Liam’s soft tummy. He knows Liam is trying his hardest to stay in place, but when he notices Liam losing the fight, nearly thrashing away from Theo entirely, Theo’s fingers slow to a stop. 
Liam pants, giggling and hiccuping throughout, going limp against Theo’s chest. Theo lets his claws go down and attempts to rub the tickling feeling away, stopping when Liam starts to giggle harder again. “You’re being sickeningly adorable right now.”
Liam slaps Theo’s hand playfully, “shuhut up.”
“Never,” Theo says, moving his head down and kissing the top of Liam’s head.
After a while of Liam catching his breath, blush dissipating as the minutes go by, he looks up at Theo, doe eyes on full display, “so, how does nap part two sound?”
Theo laughs, repositioning the two of them so they;re on their sides, Liam as the little spoon, “sounds great, Little Wolf.”
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