#the head love bonk no no no stop i wanna die i can’t stop
exilecrown · 9 months
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
okay prompt. uhh tokyo revengers
okay mitsuya brainrot so let’s see if i can come up with something ummm
he’s trying to do something, like sew or embroider or read or whatever. draken and mikey are screwing around and being loud and mitsuya gets a wee bit annoyed (very rare, he’s so Chill) and is like ARE YOU FIVE and draken and mikey are like, sassy mitsuya???? so they start poking him and annoying him on purpose and it turns into them just tickling him so he stops pouting lmao
as per usual, just delete if you aren’t feeling it!! <3
I blame @ticklish-n-stuff and @duckymcdoorknob (lovingly) for this- their Tokyo Revengers love has infected me and made me wanna rewatch/finish the show kjakjrekjarjkejkr I adore Mitsuya- this is so much fun! I've gotcha covered, friend!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13
“Say that again, shrimp- I dare you!”
“Ooo, that’s so scary coming from the BFG!”
“You wanna die today, Mikey?”
Mitsuya felt his eye twitch, the pattern of his latest project seeming to blur with each exchange going on around him. He was never going to get this done!
“Balk, balk balk! Mother Ken is angry!” Mikey made chicken noises, crossing his eyes and flapping his arms before taking off running, Draken in toe. The room wasn’t that small, but somehow these two managed to make it feel smaller. Pillows flew, a notebook Mitsuya forgot he even had gone soaring high, along with a handful of pens Mikey attempted to throw like ninja stars.
When a spar pin cushion bonked him in the head- thankfully lacking any pins in it- Mitsuya had enough.
“Are you two FIVE?” He snapped, twisting in his seat to glare. Mikey and Draken were in a sort of crouch, the bigger of the two’s hand around Mikey’s ponytail and said boy’s hand pulling Draken down by the side of his mouth. Both blinked owlishly at him. “Calm your asses down! This isn’t the playpen at a nursery!”
With that, he twisted around in his seat, returning to his project. Silence fell upon the room following it, something charged in the air. For a brief moment, Mitsuya wondered if he went too far.
A poke to the ribs told him otherwise.
“Oo, someone’s mad.” Mikey cooed, his face unnervingly cheeky. “We pissed off Taka, Kenny!”
“So we did.” Another poke to his other side made him jerk back, leaning away from the devilish look in Draken’s gaze. “Can’t have that, can we?”
“Go away! You two are pissing me off more now!” Mitsuya tried to stay mad, but each prod and poke tapped away at his mood, forcing his arms against his sides as he struggled not to smile. “Stop poking me, I’m working!”
“Oo, he’s working, Kenny! Better stop it now!” Poke poke poke.
“Don’t look at me, Mikey, you’re the one egging him on. Look, he’s getting red!” Poke poke poke.
Mitsuya was slightly flushed, the efforts to not burst into giggles right there proving difficult. “G-Go away! Bo-oth of yo-ou, sta-ahp thaht!”
“Oo, he’s laughing!” The pokes came to a halt. Mitsuya let out a sigh of relief. Behind him, Draken raised an eyebrow to Mikey. The shorter man nodded.
The next thing Mitsuya knew, twenty fingers were attacking his sides.
“AH! Ahehahahahahahha! Nohohohohoho, dohohoohn’t you dahhahahahahre!” Mitsuya squealed, flailing forward before sinking back in his chair, trying to curl up against the vicious attack. “Dohohohohn’t tihihihihihickle mehehehehehehehe!”
“Oo, why not? We’re only wittle five year olds! We don’t listen!” Mikey cooed at him in his best baby voice, snickering when Mitsuya cackled. “I wanna juice box!”
“And some animal crackers.” Draken added, moving his fingers up to the silver blonde’s belly, making him spasm. “Though that just sounds like a normal thing for you, Mikey. Sure you’re not secretly five? You pass for it being that short.”
“You know what, Kenny-”
“Guhuuhuuhuhys pelhahahhahhahahase!” Mitsuya howled, kicking his feet some when Mikey switched to his neck, pressing in all the sensitve spots. “Ahehahahahaha, dohohohohon’t! Iihihihihiihhm gohoohhoohohnna kihihihiihll yoohohohohohohou!”
“Threatening Toman’s leader? How bold.” Draken snickered, squeezing his hips. “You’re lucky we like you, Taka.”
“Yeah! And you make good brownies in a mug. I suppose I can let it slide.” Mikey nodded in agreement, snorting when the taller boy squealed, voice near silent. “Are you still mad?”
“Gonna forgive us?” Draken grinned, squeezing Mitsuya’s knee and making him kick.
“...Can I still have a juice box?”
The tickles finally came to an end. Mitsuya groaned through residue giggles as he sank further in his chair, nearly falling out. His vision was slightly blurred, and his body felt both light and exhausted- tingling from the tickles. Above him, Mikey and Draken laughed and cheered, high fiving.
“Jeheherks.” He groaned, shooting his hands out to jab them in the pits. Mikey all but flailed backwards while Draken jerked with a snort. “I hahahte you!”
“No you don’t.” Mikey recovered, ruffling Mitsuya’s hair until he was laughing once more. “So, where’s my juice box?”
“I don’t have any on me.” He confessed, earning a small pout from Mikey. “But I’ll buy you one. We can go down to the convenience store a few blocks from here.
“Whoo-hooo! You hear that Kenny? Juice!” Mikey cheered, already running out the door like a little kid. Draken laughed, standing up and pulling Mitsuya to his feet. 
“He really does act like a child. Heh, you good Taka?” The taller of the two looked around, wincing at the clutter. “Sorry about your room.”
“Don’t worry about it. You two can clean it up when we get back.” The silver haired teen shrugged, smacking Draken on the back as they headed out. “Hey, when I poked you-”
“Want round two?” Draken’s hand squeezed his hip out of nowhere, making the other jump back with a squeak.
“That’s what I thought.”
Thanks for reading!
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meltingpotimagines · 3 years
Warnings: None
A/N: Thank you for 100 followers!! I still can't believe 100 people have liked what I've written enough to follow me asjksjkd I appreciate every single one of you and will do my best to keep producing even better content 🤍
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if you have any sweet thoughts about katsuki as a boyfriend, imma need you to leave them at the door thanks
he's not kirishima
this boy is an explosive punk
but i mean isn't that the appeal?
i do however headcanon him as a lowkey mama's boy
and you know what they say about mama's boys
how they treat their mom is how they'll treat you
hope you can keep up in an argument asjdksjsk
imma be honest
did not like you at first
but it's okay bc he doesn't like anyone at first
he doesn't like most people at all aksjsj
but somewhere along the line you became less annoying than the others
more tolerable
almost... enjoyable to be around
he even liked you more than kirishima, not that he was willing to admit it
partially bc that would mean admitting to liking kiri and he was not about to acknowledge his feelings like that
honestly it didn't hurt that you didn't seem to be afraid of him
you said hi to him whenever you saw him, and you invited him to a party you threw a while back
and your smiles were never... forced
they were genuine and kind and it didn't seem like you had anything against him??
which makes no sense bc he's
loud and explosive
even his classmates only tolerated him baby they like you and kiri and denki frickin LOVE you hush
you definitely piqued his interest
so when he found out you needed a tutor, boy nonchalantly offered to tutor you
and by nonchalantly i mean practically j u m p e d at the chance but in a way that made it seem like he was only doing it so you'd owe him
which... would be a little challenging bc he's not the most patient person in the world
but he is one of the smartest in his class so you were willing to make it work plus he's super cute soooo
surprisingly he's more patient than you thought he'd be?
he's not deku but he's not screaming at you or bonking you on the head like he did kirishima asjdkad
he actively did his best to be patient and understanding, which shocked the entire class when they found out
kiri and denki had figured out from that that katsuki liked you and immediately started encouraging him to ask you out
which obviously he fought bc no wdym i don't like anyone
l i a r
did they accept that answer? no
took a few months of them constantly pushing and risking being blown to bits before he finally accepted that he likes you
still took him a little longer before he could work up the courage to ask you out
you know he's insecure, he had to make sure you weren't going to reject him before putting himself out there like that
and considering you were painfully obvious about your crush to everyone b u t him, kiri had no problem reassuring him that you wouldn't turn him down
he was a frickin t s u n d r e when he asked you out, but of course that didn't stop you from saying yes
nor did his slightly stand-offish attitude stop you from going on more dates
he was trying his best and you knew that
the dates were simple but (for him) sweet
he'd hesitate for a moment before quickly grabbing your hand to hold, slightly blushing and refusing to look at you
he'd buy you a snack from a street vendor when he bought himself one and act like it was no big deal
occasionally if he was really struggling with his emotions, he'd "buy himself a snack" and take one bite before giving it to you
he most definitely actually bought it for you but he wasn't going to admit that
honestly he was even awkward when he asked you to be official
"so... we're dating now. you're mine. aight?"
this frickin loser aksnsjs
but it's okay bc he's a cutie
and angy cutie but a cutie nonetheless
and now he's your cutie~
and boy if it ain't an interesting experience
he's ticklish on the sides of his neck only
you only found out bc you had your face buried in his neck while cuddling and he flinched slightly when you sighed
it was barely noticeable, but you were in tune with him well enough that you noticed
threatened to punch you if you ever dared intentionally tickle him
it was an empty threat and you both knew it
luckily for him, you agreed to not tickle him most of the time
definitely the type to hold your hand 24/7 while driving
like, he doesn't let go even to shift gears, just uses your hand to do it
will make you food when you're sick
or if there's something you really really wanna eat
it's one of his ways of saying i love you without actually saying it
gets jealous easily but never in a way that's directed at you
if he notices someone checking you out, he'd show them that you're his
what he does depends on how interested or sleezy they seem
if it's not much, he'll just grab your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulders
if it's a little too much for his liking, he'll wrap an arm around your waist or peck your cheek or lips
if they're r e a l l y lookin, he'll pull you into him and give you a deep kiss before locking eyes with them, a fire in his that just screams "get lost"
honestly comes off as more protective than jealous if you know him well enough which you do~
if someone smacks your butt, grabs you, or gropes you in a n y way
hope they picked out their casket bc they w i l l die
that boy will beat the living crap out of them
w i t h o u t his powers just to make it worse and to avoid getting in trouble bc this boy is a future hero
when you hold hands, he does the thing where he rubs your thumb with his
90% of the time he doesn't even realize he's doing it
it just helps him relax a little more and maybe just maybe helps remind him that yes you a r e real and there is indeed someone who loves him that much but you didn't hear that from me
he's not usually the greatest at initiating any kind of physical contact, but sometimes if he's feeling really cuddly or missed you a lot, he'll just kinda throw you over his shoulder and take you to bed to snuggle
if you're willing, he actually really likes working out with you
you encourage him, he encourages you (in his own way ofc)
and he takes care of you, but like... wordlessly
like he'll bring you a towel if he notices you need one or fill your water bottle when he fills his
he may not say it, but he feels responsible for you
you're his partner after all
everyone else may be extras but maybe- just maybe- you can be a main character with him
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Okay, but, the obey me brother's with a MC/S-O who's the embodiment of a gen z?👀
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! thank you for the ask!
Oh you know I gotta do that!
The brothers with a gen-z MC
It all started when he threatened to punish you
You went too far with one of your pranks with belphie and Satan
Your brain only processed 'come to my room' and 'punishment'
"you've forced my hand, don't worry though, I cannot hurt you due to Diavolos wishes"
"now, don't try to run- what are you wearing?"
This is awkward
You decided to strut in proud with your hottest outfit
"it seems there was a miscommunication."
You'd rather die (again) than deal with this
"uh- YEET!"
You threw the closest book to you, it bonked him right on the head
You're going to die now
"repeat after me, eat the rich - get that bread, get that head and leave, peace out."
You're teaching him well
You and Mammon are partners in crime.....literally
This is a headache for EVERYONE
You need to stop teaching him memes - please levithan was enough!
You just know that the brothers would of protected the capital better
He's hip, he's down with the fellow kids
He knows human world memes but when you find out the devildom has their own version
It becomes war
You'll never agree what's right
"be my greasy gamer boyfriend, I will be your e-thot"
You both only speak in reaction memes
Everyone is sure you two speak another language
You are one of his worst enemies yet he cannot fully hate you
He loves education so being able to learn from you about your internet culture is a gold mine
You walked in on him and Lucifer having an arguement
Due to your genius, you immediately pulled at your phone and started to play 'daddy issues'
"no memes in gen, don't worry kitten I'll protect you"
"I shouldn't of trusted you on my server"
"but kitten-"
One word
You HAD to introduce asmo to Megan thee stallion and Nicki Minaj
Tik tok dances are a must
He will barge into your room and demand you show him more dances
You two make those object earings
Please he will buy loads of clothes from the human world to fit into the trends
"oh, dear, I love your shoes laces~"
Wanna see some real speed?
You ASCENDED from the cringe memories
Is it cake or is it a normal object?
When that was the hype you were pranking this poor man CONSTANTLY
Though, it's canon he's ate a pillar so nothing is stopping him
Beel has watched you pick fights with other demons so it was a surprise when you came running up to him
Phone in hand and looked like you were on the verge of tears
"Beel, I can't talk on the phone! Please do it for me!"
He's basically your guard dog, he has to carry you out of situations so you don't get killed by demons
Choke me like you hate me but you love me-
"hey, belphie - remember when you killed me? Wanna do it again?"
"I thought we moved past this-"
"okay but I failed my latest test and I refuse to tell Lucifer- END ME!"
You showed him squish-mellows and now that's all you see on his bed
He lets you dress him up in different trends
His favourites are cottage core and e-boy
"humanity should die"
"I second that"
I'm gen Z and somehow this made me feel old and out of touch
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sainadazai · 3 years
Ack hello! Can I request 10+13 prompt drabble for dazai? Thank you in advance! ><
10 . "I-i think we should go to dinner first."
13. "I love you more than coffee." *distant gasps*
More than coffee?
"But y/nnn, work can wait til later, don't you wanna stay and cuddle with meee!?" A whine sounded fro mbehind you, as two arms wrapped around your waist to pull you back into bed.
You wouldn't lie and say that his warm, bare chest on your back didn't feel soothing in all too many ways, but you had to go to work and get out of his house. Last night wasn't something you necessarily regret, but it for sure was a one time thing.
Dating Dazai isn't something women can just do. He doesn't settle, or compromise, and to be honest, his addiction to making life harder for people around him is bothersome. The man was a player, sweet talking and sleeping around, it was his thing.
There was no judgment from you, his life, his choices, it just was a big mess you weren't ready to get into.
"Last night, was a One. Time. Thing." You anounce, getting off of the naked man's lap, not looking back because you know he will look too good to resist when he is draped in only a black silk sheet. The bastard.
You don't see his face turn to a pout, but you can practically hear it through his childish whine.
"But it was so fuun!! And might I add you are surprisingly submissive~"
That sentence earns him a bonk in the head with the shoe you were putting on. "Watch it, Dazai." There's a faint fluster in your tone, despite the glare on your face. Then you're gone, off to the agency to pretend like nothing happened.
Yet as he watches you work all day, Dazai can't help but feel conflicted, because he didn't want any one night things with you. Not anymore at least.
Sure, getting into a heated game of strip poker was a good one time thing, but the afterwards. When he couldn't resist your body any longer? The heat flowing through you both as you satiated a craving neither of you knew you had? Those are things he wants every night.
So he decides to test a boundary. If you sat stop, he'll always stop, but he can see in the your eyes linger a bit when he walks past you, that you want more. Dazai knows his own reputation well, and he won't deny it, he sleeps around. Finds some strange thrill in being able to pick up women left and right, knowing the lengths girls would go for him. It's an ego boost if anything.
He doesn't blame you not wanting to dive into the depths of his complex emotional structure. However he also doesn't understand why he is drawn to you like a moth to flame, knowing you could easily kill him, but he'd honestly be willing to die for another taste.
"Oh, y/n~" He wraps an arm over your shoulder while entering the coffee shop downstairs.
You send him a dry glare, knowing that tone of voice all too well. "Yes, dazai?"
He smirks a bit, "Do you know that your the greatest?" A tingle flies through you at the sensation of his hand gliding lower along your back. Until you catch it with your hand and quickly throw it off of you. "One. Time. Thing."
The man just chuckles at how you have to shove your face in your hands to hide the embarassed expression. Your just so cute, even when you try to act all though in battle.
"You know you don't have to be scared of me, I'd never treat you like I treat other women." He speaks out of no where, taking you fully by surprise. You didn't know that, nor did you believe it. He's met so many beautiful and kind women, granted most of them think he is a bit insane, but he still never takes any of them seriously. What in the world could make you different?
However, to Dazai there were a million little things that made you better than the rest. He loved the glint in your eyes you have during fights, excitement pouring through you as you slash your blades.
He loves the stoic face you use to seem unbothered, the way you'll never admit to being shy or vulnerable. Even the little stutter you developed when your uncomfortable, or stressed. It frustrates the hell out you, but he thinks it's a beautiful reminder that even though you are perfect, you are human.
"What? You're saying you would love me better than all the other women you've been with? Do you even remember their names?" You raise your brows, trying to act confident.
"I loved tea more than I loved those women, and I'm honestly a coffee guy, y/n."
"So your saying it's actually an insult to them..not a compliment to me." You deadpan.
He widens his eyes, "no I love you way more!"
Now that takes you by surprise, because, yeah you've known Dazai for a long time, but never have you ever heard him say that he loves you.You haven't heard him say he loved anyone.
Yes, you loved him, but it was always the kind of love you pretend is platonic, for his safety, and yours. It was never supposed to be reciprocated. Nor expected to be so.
With your silence and awestruck expression, though, Dazai realized that he had actually said it out loud. The L word, to you, HIS GIRL, whatever that means.
He was freaking out inside wondering what on earth could be going on up in that head of yours. Until a smirk grew on your lips.
"You love me more than coffee?"
And he didn't even laugh, because he was serious about coffee, but more serious about you.
"I love you more than coffee." When he says it out loud though, you let a out a little gasp. Dazai really likes coffee, you know.
"Oh...haha, tch, cool." You play off the excitement bubbling inside of you.
Dazai simply laughs, and reaches his hand to your thigh, trailing up slowly as he whispers. "Dont act to tough, y/n, im sure I can easy wipe that look off your face~"
"I-i think we should go to dinner first."
His hand finally reaches the line of your panties and snaps em against you, "I have a better idea for dinner."
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daynada · 3 years
The Real You
Kugisaki Nobara x GN!Reader
[Content Warning: Enemies to Lovers, Fake Relationship, Tsundere Nobara, Poor Grammar]
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“Hey! Stand up straight! I don’t want people to think I’m dating a spineless coward.” The orange-haired girl elbows your in the ribs.
“Oh so I’m the coward? I’m sorry, who’s the one who decided to lie and boast that you’re in a relationship??? Or what? Can’t take the high road and admit your single because of your feral and animalistic temper- OW!!”
Immediately interrupted, Nobara bonks you on the head with her balled-up fist.
“Oh shut up! You know, you oughta' be grateful that it’s me. With my S-tier model looks, most interesting personality, along with my higher IQ intellect, I’m pretty much the reason why everyone would even know you.” She smirks at you.
What you would do to remove that smug gesture on her lips.
“You’re only doing this because Mai said you weren’t girlfriend material.” You turn your head to glance at your so-called girlfriend.
Only you would notice the detail, but it looked like she slouched at your words.
She could be easily read like a book, but it still felt unfamiliar seeing a saddened Nobara, over the confident and strong one you’ve known and secretly loved.
You sigh heavily, “she’s not right, you know.”
She hid her surprise hearing you say that.
A little embarrassed at her childish ways, she nervously tugs on the sleeve of her uniform jacket.
“I’m the one dating you.”
“Fake dating me…”
“Dating you. No one can tell my girlfriend otherwise, especially if they don’t know, right?” She stops fiddling shyly at her sleeves as you pulled and softly intertwine hands.
She mutters an agreement to you quietly. Something very out of character for someone like her.
“Don’t pout.”
“Mm’ not.”
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The image was no longer a fake one. If anyone walked in now, would’ve been the most embarrassing and heated scene in the school's basement. Who would’ve thought your fake girlfriend would straddle onto your lap and commit serious actions that would ultimately change your fake relationship forever?
No one did. Certainly not you.
“I mean… if we really wanna sell it to them… we should start kissing in public, yenno?”
Good thing Nobara cannot hear the cogs and gears malfunctioning in your brain nor your heart drumming against your chest.
You can’t even register the fact that she would say such an intimate thing.
“Ah- if you’re so sure about it..” Boldly, you brush the sides of hair out of her face to then cup softly at her skin.
Marveling at her smooth skin, you didn’t even notice how starry-eyed her gaze was at you.
Wow her skin really is pore-less.
“We should.. probably even give each other pet names too.” Your ‘girlfriend’ tilts at you curiously like a puppy with no comprehension.
This was rarest sight eyes could ever lay on, you relish the soft side Nobara shows you.
Is this how fake love feels like or was this the real deal?
“Yeah? Like what?” Softly you brush your thumb against her bottom lip.
The scene was so romantic, Kugisaki wasn’t sure how she was still breathing. Was this the way she was gonna die? The answer: yes. Was this the best way to die? The answer: also yes.
“Mm.. well you can call me darling.”
“What about me?”
She pushes off your chest playfullyh, giggling hard in a laughing fit. You had said it too confidently it's almost like you've already planned to call her that.
“What the hell is a Pooki?? Pfft-“ you grin at her, satisfied about her reaction.
“Careful now, ‘might accidentally show your sweeter side.”
“Good thing I don’t care about what anyone else thinks.”
“Good. But I’m just saying. I’ve never seen this domesticated Nobara. Because you know, you would get more eyes and attention from everyone this way. A person would like to have you if you were more like this to be around.”
“What? A person like you?
“I do know you, so. I’m more fit for you than anyone. It’s best to be who you are.”
“You too…” you look at her to query what she meant by that, but your mind immediately points blank as you melt by her sudden kiss.
She pulls away her lips from yours delicately, gazing at you like you’re the only person in the world.
“Be yourself when you’re with me.”
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under The Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part 2 // Itachi
Itachi Uchiha
Itachi stands under the little green plant, looking unsettled. It was explained to him that this is “just a fun game” but this just seems weird to him. However he doesn’t wish to alienate himself from the group, so he complies.
His first instinct is to pull a bomb from his pocket and hurl it straight at Itachi’s lips, because “that’s the only ‘kiss’ the Uchiha bastard deserves, hm!” However he’s talked out of it by Konan who tells him that such a thing would make him a really bad sport. He scowls but accepts it. Itachi murmurs softly “You don’t have to kiss me if you don’t wish, Deidara.”; he says it nicely, but Deidara hears it as a challenge. “Ah?! You think I’m scared? You think I won’t kiss you?!” He rushes at Itachi, leans in, and kisses him so aggressively that he accidentally bonks Itachi’s forehead a good one, raising a small bump for both of them. Itachi will just sigh (he really doesn’t understand why, even after all this time, Deidara still seems to hate him so much) and quietly say “Thanks.” Deidara will react immediately, going “Thanks? What the hell are you thanking me for, Uchiha? Don’t tell me you’re in love with me now?” and he’ll keep teasing the brunette until Sasori comes and drags him away.
Another person to kiss? Really? Sasori never kissed anyone other than his parents before his transformation, but now it’s gotten out of hand. Nevertheless ... he leans up and gives Itachi a quick peck to the lips. Itachi doesn’t react but Sasori draws back, startled. What is this?? As someone who grew up with a knowledge of herbs and healing, and as someone who makes his own poisons, Sasori has become an expert at identifying various chemicals by a simple taste. But Itachi’s lips tasted ... strange. Something unidentifiable, but Sasori recognizes as dangerous. Itachi is ill; his chemical balance is completely off. A moment passes between them where Sasori almost opens his mouth and questions this, but the look in Itachi’s eyes tell Sasori that he’s very aware that he’s sick ... but intends to do nothing about it. It makes Sasori feel a great deal of sadness; Itachi is a calm, intelligent young man, and a good friend ... but this is his choice. Hidan is nearby and he sees the way Sasori and Itachi are staring at each other, and misinterprets it, saying loudly “Looks like these two went totally gay for each other!”; Sasori lashes out and hits him with a poison dart. After all, no amount of poison will make the white haired nuisance die; but maybe it’ll shut him up for a while.
LOUDLY protests against kissing Itachi. He was fine with it when it was Konan, but this ... “I don’t wanna make out with this ugly-ass homo!” But the others tell him he has to. He’ll go into Kakuzu’s room and get his Sake, taking several healthy swigs before coming back out to where Itachi waits. The alcohol hitting him in full effect ((it was clearly more than a FEW swigs)) and starts telling Itachi some pretty awkward things (“Damn wait you’re actually kinda hot; with that long hair you kinda look like a bitch.”) and, grabbing hold of Itachi’s neck, pulls him close and plants a very sloppy open-mouthed kiss on him. The others make noises of disgust; alcohol or not he took it way too far. Hidan has the audacity to try and go for a second kiss before Kakuzu extends his tentacles and grabs him, dragging him away. The others ask Itachi if he minds going to brush his teeth before they have their turns, to which he heartily agrees.
Two people in and this “game” has already gotten on his nerves. But he likes Itachi; he’s one of the few he’s never had an issue or an argument with. A kiss on the lips would have been beyond strange, so he settles on a light brush on Itachi’s forehead. The others tease him, but Itachi actually enjoyed the gesture; being kissed on the forehead reminded him of the one time in Itachi’s life that his own father did the same, after Itachi successfully learned a new jutsu. It’s a nostalgic feeling and a comforting one, which Itachi will hold on to for the rest of the day. Kakuzu, however, has slightly different feelings. As somebody who knows extensive medical jutsu, he took note of how overly warm Itachi’s forehead was. That, and, looking closely, the pronounced flush of his cheeks. It’s somewhat obvious that Itachi is sick; but Kakuzu has always seen the kid as capable of taking care of himself, so he won’t question Itachi on whatever may be wrong with him. He does, however, make a mental note to start slipping a herbal immune system booster into the tea that Itachi drinks so often.
Like Itachi did for her, Konan gives Itachi a warm hug, rather than a kiss. Her arms circled around his waist make her aware of how thin he is, how young. It’s so difficult for her to believe that somebody who possesses Itachi’s raw intelligence hasn’t even seen his 25th year of life yet. She tries several times during the embrace to let go, but Itachi is reluctant to release her. As with Kakuzu, Konan’s warmth reminds him of being hugged by his mother, something that he greatly misses. Eventually he does let go, only this time he follows up the hug by kissing HER, gently, on the cheek.
“Hiya, Itachi-san! Is it Tobi’s turn to give you a kissy?” Itachi merely nods and watches Tobi approach. Unlike with any of the others, Itachi tenses up, and he has to fight himself on the urge to activate his sharingan. Something about Tobi, this tall, simplistic, childlike fool ... sets off ALL of Itachi’s warning bells. As with Konan, Tobi starts to remove his mask just enough to expose his lips ... but Itachi abruptly holds up his hand, stopping him. “No,” Itachi says quietly, and instead extends his arm for a handshake. Itachi can feel the energy coming off of Tobi; Itachi’s unexpected gesture has left the masked one a mixture of surprise, fear, and ... anger. But Tobi can’t afford to show this, to everyone else in the room who are already confused watching them. “Awww; are ya shy, Itachi-san?”, he’ll ask out-loud, before pumping Itachi’s hand up and down in an exaggerated gesture. He’ll walk away calmly, but inside, he’ll be in turmoil; because in those brief few seconds, Tobi has been able to sense it: Itachi had come within a hair of trying to kill him. Could it be that he’d figured out — but no. No, no. Surely just a mistake, right? Maybe Itachi really WAS shy, and by the time it was Tobi’s turn, his tolerance limits had been reached. A plausible explanation ... but was it the right one?
He sees Itachi standing under the mistletoe and thinks to himself, that man looks delicious. He’s eaten a lot of people in his time, but never once somebody who possessed the sharingan. Would that visual prowess make the meat taste better? His mouth starts to water; Itachi is fairly young and therefore should be soft and delectable. He stands there staring at Itachi until somebody (likely Kisame) asks him what’s up with that weird look on his face. Not wanting the others to think he’s any more of a freak than they already do, he steps up and kisses Itachi’s cheek — and takes the opportunity to flick out his tongue and lick the man’s skin. Saltier than expected, but warm, with a faint scent of tea. He quickly walks away before he loses control, and goes out into the night to find others to fulfill his awakened appetite.
Pein welcomed Itachi into the Akatsuki when the latter was still a very young man. Over the past few years he’s watched the way he’s grown and matured, and he’s come to think of him almost as one would think of a son. Pein will smooth Itachi’s hair back and lightly kiss his forehead, and then lightly pat his head, before going on his way.
He sees Itachi standing there, and his heart jumps into his throat. Itachi ... is a level of light and of perfection that someone like Kisame doesn’t dare to touch. He stands back and watches the others have their turns. He’s gotten to know this man pretty closely these past few years, and can often tell what he’s thinking or feeling just by glancing at his face. Right now, what Itachi was feeling, was Patience. The kissing game is just another thing he’s enduring, not particularly liking or disliking it, simply getting through. Kisame thinks that he should spare Itachi and go quietly to his room, so that Itachi can return to his own. But Itachi sees Kisame start to walk away, and actually calls out to him, stopping him. Hearing his name makes Kisame’s heart thump even faster. But WHY? Itachi was simply his young friend, for goodness sake. An intelligent, thoughtful partner. A — “Hey shark man, you gonna slobber on red-eyes here or what?” Kisame glares at Hidan before walking quickly up to Itachi, he takes a deep breath and leans in to kiss his cheek— but Itachi turns his head at the last second, and Kisame finds their lips are touching. Kisame is not sure of how much time is passing; the clock seems to stand still for this moment. Itachi’s lips are as soft as flower petals, his hair smooth and silky as it brushes against Kisame’s cheek. Itachi eventually breaks the kiss, and, to Kisame’s shock, he’s smiling. Not the smirks or grins that Kisame has come to know, but a real, tooth-bearing smile. Seeing that expression makes Itachi look younger than ever to him, and Kisame ... feels flustered. Although there’s no reason to feel flustered. He’d only shared a kiss with his friend, that’s all. Both of them look at each other a few moments longer and then Itachi, his “sentence” over, says his Goodnights to the members and goes to his room. Eventually Kisame (and everyone else) does the same.
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derivativealigner · 3 years
Well, I’m done rewatching season 2 of south park and I’ve taken plenty of notes and screenshots to document all the facts and tidbits I thought were interesting or just funny. Under the cut is a collection of notes where I progressively start caring more and more about fake children
Kenny’s house is full of empty bottles, his family eats frozen waffles for dinner, and his dad is drinking at the dinner table
Kenny’s and Kyle’s dads have some history. They were best friends as teenagers
Kenny’s dad is kind of anti-Semitic, he says Kyle’s dad was successful because he’s Jewish
Cartman kind of expresses agreement with Stuart’s anti-Semitism, which I think is the first time Cartman’s been clearly anti-Semitic
Kenny’s house has rats, but his room has lights that shut off when you clap twice
WOW KYLE wtf he says “Kenny's not really my friend, Ma. I don't give a rat's ass about him.” FUCKING RUDE
Kyle and Kenny have a fun little sleepover where they play “ookie mouth”, a game where they take turn spitting in each other’s mouths. This episode (S02E10 Chickenpox) is great for fans of K2 despite how absolutely disgusting ookie mouth is
The McCormick house was something Stuart and Gerald built as teenagers. A fort in Stuart’s mom’s backyard
Gerald went to community college
Gerald and Stuart have a fun fist fight by a pond
Kyle makes a haiku: Fatass Cartman was / not on the school bus today. / What a big, fat turd.
Kenny makes a haiku: When you rub your dick, / you might find a discharge that / winds up on the floor.
Kyle makes another: Ass full of pork fat / jiggles like a Jello mold. / Mouth is flapping, too.
And another by Kyle: I bet you don't win. / They don't let big fat asses / perform on TV.
Cartman responds: Shut your God-damned mouth / or else I'm... gonna... kick you / square in the balls... asshole
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I spy with my desperate eye the beginnings of Craig’s gang, featuring Kenny with wonky eyes
Bebe thinks Kyle has a hot ass and she’s not shy about saying it
Bebe writes a note to Kyle, and Stan tries to pass it on but Mr. Garrison thinks it’s Stan’s note for Kyle and makes him read it out loud. So he reads: “Dear Kyle. You have got such a great ass. I could sleep for days on those perked cheeks, let me tell you. I'd like to live with you and wear your ass as a hat for all eternity.” (If that happened to me I’d be embarrassed forever)
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POV: You’re Stan and you just said you love Kyle’s juicy ass in front of the whole 3rd grade class
The first time Stan’s mom and dad get a divorce is in S02E12, way sooner than I remembered
Bebe kisses Kyle when they’re playing truth or dare in their clubhouse, probably Kyle’s first kiss. Kyle thinks it’s disgusting (despite having played ookie mouth with Kenny which is arguably more disgusting)
Bebe breaks up with Kyle and goes off with Clyde, who says “Bitchin’ 😎”. Later Clyde is with Bebe, Stan, and Wendy at the club house
Cartman and Kyle have a fist fight once again. Kyle hated Cartman way more than Stan did very early on, kind of all along really, they truly were destined to be arch enemies
Kenny has food stamps
Oh, and Cartman’s made poor jokes about Kenny and twice (I think) Kenny has punched him in retaliation in the past 2 seasons. Kenny’s family is probably a bad and violent example for him
By the way, if you’ve ever wondered what Kenny says in the theme song but never looked it up, in seasons 1-2 he sings “I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with deep vaginas” but in the remastered versions of seasons 1-2 (which is the version I’m watching) they changed it to the season 3-5 lyrics: “I have got a ten-inch penis, use you mouth if you wanna clean it”.
When an evil twin version of Cartman says nice things, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny stare at him in horror. Stan says, “Dude, this is creepy.”
Also, the boys say dude a lot. At least Stan, Kyle, and Kenny do, Cartman not as much
Kenny’s mom hits him when he’s hogging the blanket from his brother. Kenny makes a sad face and it made me feel bad :(
When evil twin Cartman comes to give the McCormicks some supplies, Kenny’s dad asks if that was his “fat, racist, foul-mouthed friend” so Cartman clearly has a reputation
When Stan gets scared of his evil fish, he wakes Shelly up and she slaps him. Their mom sees it and says nothing
But on the other hand his mom buries a body that Stan’s fish killed because she thinks he killed it so I guess she’s not entirely a bad mom
Kenny was supposed to buy a pumpkin for Halloween but he could only afford a squash and his friends are really mean about it. The more I watch the more I feel bad for Kenny (and Stan)
Cartman kind of has a shitty friendship with Kenny. He says “I hate you Kenny” because of the squash
Kyle is really annoyed by Cartman saying “hella” all the time, nobody else is as annoyed
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Evil Cartman sings a cute little song while wielding a knife: You guys / are my best friends, / through thick and thin, / we've always been together! / We're four of a kind, / having fun all day, / palling around and laughing away. / Just best friends, / best friends are we!
Stan still has his dog, Sparky, in season 2
After Stan’s fish kills Kenny, Kenny’s mom comes over to ask about her son and she’s drunk and upset. Honestly seeing Kenny die all the time makes me kind of sad
Stan says Kenny’s squash isn’t a bad little squash. Very heartwarming. The squash gets first prize at the pumpkin carving contest :)
Cartman’s grandma and extended family live in Nebraska
When the boys go to Cartman’s family to have Christmas dinner, Kenny’s dad tells him to take any leftovers and bring them back home (he does it very gently and Kenny just says “okay” and why do I care that this fake child dies all the time and barely has food at home, like why the fuck do I care so much???)
Cartman’s mom is wearing glasses when she drives. She doesn’t do it in the later seasons but maybe she has contacts
Cartman and his mom sing a road trip song for 4 hours. Kyle says “please stop” but when they ignore him, he kicks Cartman’s seat and makes Cartman hit his head
Stan has a complicated relationship with his family, he says they’re dead to him because they didn’t want him to go on a road trip to Nebraska so Stan went without telling them
Kenny doesn’t eat at the dinner table with Cartman’s family, he just shoves the food in a bag :( I feel so bad for him
Stan, Kyle, and Kenny all hit Cartman after they wake in the night to make sure they’re not dreaming
Under his coat, Cartman wears a pink tank top that says BEEFCAKE. He wore it in S1E02 Weight Gain 2000
Charles Manson invites Kenny to go to a more secluded location and Kenny just says okay and goes, but honestly he should know better since he’s aware that he keeps dying
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Cartman bonks his cousin Elvin on the head and gives him brain damage. Elvin gets better though
Token gets named when he’s put in a group with Wendy, Bebe, Clyde, and Pip. Craig’s gang is getting closer to becoming a thing!!
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Tweek says he’s awake at 3:30am because he can’t sleep, ever
Jesus, Tweek’s dad kind of sucks immediately. He says he might have to sell Tweek to slavery if his coffee shop goes out of business
Cartman says Kenny’s family is happy being poor and on welfare, “right, Kenny?” and Kenny says “fuck you” which is completely justified
When the underpants gnomes don’t appear, Tweek is worried he’s going insane and pulls on his hair
His parents say Tweek is jittery and anxious just because he has ADD (but the kind of severe jitteriness and anxiety Tweek has isn’t a symptom of primarily inattentive ADHD, even though people with ADHD do experience restlessness and can even have some tics and are more likely to have anxiety as a comorbid disorder than a neurotypical person is, but I mean come on, we all know Tweek’s slurping way too much coffee so even if he has ADHD beneath all that, his parents should stop giving him coffee and they definitely should not start lacing it with meth. Basically what I’m saying is that Tweek’s parents are full of shit)
Actually Tweek’s mom is kind of okay. She tells Tweek’s dad that he’s being shitty for using kids to advance his agenda. But… the agenda is against big corporations and I hate to say it but Tweek’s dad kind of has a point
Ew, the boys are giving a pro big corporations speech. That aged really poorly considering how shitty billionaires are
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Aww, look at Kenny! He got scared of a crocodile that Steve Irwin is about to bother by jamming his thumb up its butthole
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The boys are really excited about Steve Irwin jamming his thumb up a crocodile’s butthole
Oh my God, Kyle calls Cartman a fatass penis
Kenny is a mediator between Stan and Kyle. They ask him which one found this ice man in a cave first, but Kenny just deflects and agrees with Kyle’s name suggestion (Steve) for the ice man
I kind of like Dr. Mephesto. I’m glad he came back for Fractured But Whole
Stan and Kyle are having a terrible fight about who found the ice man. Kyle says they’re not best friends anymore and that Cartman is his new best friend and Cartman says “Sweet!”, then Stan claims Cartman as his new best friend and Cartman says “Killer!”
This prehistoric ice man episode is actually funny, I love it
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Stan and Kyle are having a fight to the death
They reconcile and become best friends again. They both agree that Cartman’s a sucky best friend
Well, that was the last episode of the season. This was fun. South Park is actually a fun show
Kenny deaths:
S02E10 Kenny is in the hospital because of chicken pox. He laughs at Cartman’s joke so hard that his heart flatlines like beeeeeeeeeeeeeep
S02E11 Kenny’s head explodes after Stan and Kyle make him watch planetarium lights at a high intensity
S02E12 Kenny gets trampled in a mosh pit
S02E13 A cow impales Kenny’s head with its horn
S02E14 Ozzy Osbourne bites Kenny’s head off
S02E15 Kenny is killed by Stan’s evil fish, he gets spun in the fish tank until the water’s red
S02E16 The police shoot Kenny who came outside with a white flag during a hostage situation, then the police hit his dead body with a baton and handcuff him
S02E17 Kenny gets crushed by the underpants gnomes’ mine cart. The gnomes are horrified but Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Tweek are kinda like whatever
S02E18 Kenny gets squished underneath a conveyer belt
Onto the next season I go. I’ll watch the movie too since it was released around halfway through season 3
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writingforevren · 3 years
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WIP Intro Coming Soon
Excerpt - The boy who fell in
POV - Eros Rosario
Words - 1761
I was twelve or thirteen when it happened; On that day I had gone closer to land. I had always enjoyed watching humans my age hang out together and have fun, though I was too nervous to talk or interact with them- which could be due to the fact I was worried they might judge me for my rather… Unusual appearance. So I just watched them and wished... and watched... and that night I was just minding my own business, floating under the water as you do, when I heard a splash. Somebody was sinking and they weren't trying to stop themselves. I swam quickly and grabbed them, bringing them to the surface. I was worried; What if he’d drowned? I mean he had sunk, so what if something had happened to him or somebody wanted to kill him or something? I had no clue but all I knew is that I wanted to help.
At first he didn't breathe. I couldn’t help but think, Oh crap did he die? Humans needed to breathe right? He was motionless. I leaned forward and gently slapped his cheek. "Are you alright?" I asked softly and watched as his eyes fluttered open and his gaze settled upon me.
"Wh- who are you?" He jumped back away from me as he caught sight of my tail. "What are you? and what're doing to me?" he asked again and I could sense fear in his voice.
"Hey it’s okay! I’m just here to help, okay? I thought you were gonna drown so-” I tried to explain that I was there to help- that I wasn’t trying to hurt him, but… he didn’t get it.
"G-get off of me you're a monster!" he exclaimed and pushed his hands against my chest, sending this feeling of pulsing pain, causing me to fall backward on the sand. My chest throbbed and it was so painfully hard to breathe, I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on steadying my breathing. "What did I just do? What did you do to me?!" He cried, his voice was very shaky and I could tell he truly had no idea what was going on.
"P-please I was just trying to help..." I stammered through the painful pulsing that ran through my body.
"I- but can't you see I wanted to sink... why'd you- why would- why would anyone save me?" As I opened my eyes, there were thick tears rolling down the boy's cheek. I felt bad…  It was obvious he was hurt and fragile so I couldn't blame him for lashing out at me but... a monster? It still hurt.
I took a deep breath and laid back on the sand as the pain subsided. "Nobody deserves to die... we are all a part of this planet and we all have our purpose, now I dunno what yours is, but I promise you whatever is going on in your life is nothing compared to the amazing things that will come in the future." I tried to cheer him up, despite the fact that’s not really something I’d had to do before. Usually I told myself those things when I felt down, I had never actually said anything like that to someone else before.
"I- what's your purpose?" He had asked.
I felt- Well I didn’t know the answer and that’s something I had been trying to figure out. But I couldn’t exactly say ‘i don’t know’ I highly doubt that would’ve worked "mm perhaps it's to help save the world..." "Or maybe it's to save an innocent life that was far before their expiration date." I gave him a warm smile.
"Are you an angel? Are you sure I'm not dead? Is this a test of some sort?" he started asking all these questions that I found himself utterly confused as to where to start.
"Uh-” I paused for a moment. “No, Yes, and No, I'm not an angel, I'm actually a siren.” I replied, I wasn’t exactly thinking, I didn’t understand that he would judge me for being a siren, I didn’t know all the false rumours that humans had spread about us, Which makes me wonder what other false information humans are taught.
"I- A siren? Holy crap a siren? PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!” He yelled and put his hands up in front of him.
"Why would I eat you? I literally just saved your life..." Obviously he wasn’t seeing the logic here, If I wanted to eat him I would’ve just waited for him to drown and then ate him. It would be so much easier than what I had done.
"Because sirens lure humans to eat them?" He answered hesitantly, looking as if he was ready to run away at any moment.
I shook my head. "No... I eat fish also fish eggs are nice they have this sort of popping feeling in your mouth and they have a really strong-”
"So you don't eat humans?" he interrupted, and seemed genuinely confused.
I shook my head again "No I dunno who would wanna eat a human- I think I accidentally bit someone one time and they didn't taste very good."
"Oh..." He looked down.
"Why do you sound disappointed? did you want me to eat you?" 
"Uh- n-no I just uhhmmmm I dunno I wasn't disappointed-" he stammered.
"Why're your cheeks red?" I poked his cheek. Once again I was naive and had no idea what a blush was considering I had never met a human or someone with pale skin; All the sirens I knew had darker skin and were at least tanned.
"This is a really weird situation- I don't know what to say… s-o I'm not dead?" He seemed to have calmed down at least a little bit at this point.
"Nope- you seem alive to me... Also why does this cloth take so long to dry and why do humans always wear them?" I leaned over and started to peel the wet shirt off of his skin.
"D-D'you think you could not do that?" He stammered and pulled his shirt back down.
"Hmm…” I ignored him and leaned closer to his face "you're a nice one~”
"Wh-what's that supposed to mean?" He shrank back onto his hands behind him.
I leaned forward and cupped his face, it was so soft. I briefly pressed my lips against his which were soft and warm. "I mean you're pretty and your skin is soft."
"I- uh- thanks" The boy flushed bright red and averted his eyes.
"Mhm... Wow, legs feel different than they look." I ran my hands along one of his legs "What's this hard part?" I bonked his knee.
The boy quickly retracted his leg "Ow shit that was my knee and that hurt-"
"Oh- sorry-"
"Uhm do you mind me asking what sirens actually do with humans if they don't eat them?..."
"Mm well it’s a bit different, A lot of sirens are just lonely and lure sailors to keep them company for the night. Most of the time the Sirens have no idea where they came from so they just dump them on a random plot of land which is usually pretty far from where they should've been, so a lot of the sailors are reported to have gone missing after going to these parts of the water where there are sirens. Probably some random person came up with the idea that we eat them 'cause he saw one of us and that we have sharp teeth y'know but like worse sirens do to humans is like sometimes we can leave bites- I mean I never have but sometimes there are teeth marks and pretty dark bruises.” I explained.
"Mhm..." I smiled 
"Is this a dream?..." He asked, as he looked around the beach.
"Uhm no I don't think so- why?"
"I just tried to drown myself, so technically I could be in a coma- Sirens are mythology- and also you are incredibly attractive and I feel like only my dreams could make you."
"Am I not real enough for you?" I pouted and leaned on his chest
"Uhm- I'm just really confused mate..."
"Mate? but wait, you're a human..."
"I- what?"
"Oh wait- do humans not have mates? Mm ah yeah right I should probably explain that too. Sirens generally have to choose a siren mate before they're eighteen so that we don't go extinct considering we actually don't find each other that attractive compared to humans.”
"I eh... Okay-”
"Mmm do you have a mate?"
"I- ehm no I don't- I mean I've never even- I’ve never even kissed anyone before..." 
"Never? why not? I kiss pretty much everyone I like-"
"Oh eheh- just different for humans I guess..." He laughed awkwardly and seemed to be looking anyway other than myself
"Can humans not sense when someone is mutually attracted to them?"
"No- Sirens can?"
"Mhm I mean I could tell at first you didn't like me but then you realized what was happening and you are now very attracted to me." he smiles. "That's why I knew if I kissed you, you wouldn't reject me."
"So you're on land- how does that work?..." He changed the subject.
"Well I can breathe both air and water so going on land isn't much of a problem however the sunlight does burn our scales so we can't really go to the surface in the daylight also we can't really move around that much without legs" I swished my tail around in emphasis.
"Right but uhm do you need moisture to survive?"
"Mhm we have to be in water uhm I think it was at least 6 hours a day otherwise we'll start to dry out."
"okay cool- ehm..."
"Do you have water at your house?"
"Uhh I mean yeah?"
"Can I come with you?"
"As much as I'd love to say yes- no-"
"... So you have magic right- do you think you could figure out the spell to give me legs? Because I'm bored with the ocean. it's so big and all I do is swim around and eat fish."
"I have magic?"
"Well obviously you just shocked me when you got scared."
The boy was so confused, the look on his face said it all.
"The sun's gonna start coming up soon so I'll see you tomorrow night meet me here 'kay?" I smiled at him.
"Uhm alright I guess-"
"Mhm" I cupped his face and pecked his cheek before turning and swimming away back into the sea.
Thanks for reading!
This is something I wrote about a month ago and just got around to editing, it’s more to introduce you to the characters and the way that sirens work in this world. I probably won’t include all of it in the final story but I wanted to give you a little taste of the story idea.
General Writing - @weirdfishy @wannabeauthorzofija @annlillyjose @iespeciallyme @radiomacbeth @opes-magnas (ask to be +/-)
A Song From The Deep - (ask to be added)
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how-to-voleebol · 4 years
Heeyy could I request Kuroo, Oikawa, Bokuto and Sugawara's reaction to hearing their S/O's loud laughter, like with snorts and wheezes and if they say anything she just laughs harder and they end up having to help her calm down because she ends up having trouble breathing from how hard she was laughing
Hey there! Of course, I’m sorry this answer was so late :(
Kuroo Tetsurou
When Kuroo hear’s his s/o’s laughter, he just bursts into his own crazy laughter
Not in a bad way of course
He loves his s/o’s laugh because he finds it so adorable and cute and he just wants them to be laughing all day
But when it comes to the point where he has to calm them down, he can’t stop laughing either
So they try to calm each other down
Let’s just say it takes a while lmao
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa finds it adorable too
But he bursts into laughter because of how ridiculous it sounds
When it gets out of hand, he panics a lot
“(N-Name)-chan! Hey hey, stop laughing! You wanna die - breathe you moron!”
Is so relieved when his s/o finally stops laughing
“Gosh...give me a heart attack next time!”
Bokuto Koutarou
Bokuto is so very confused
“...oya oya? (Name)-chan, why are you laughing like that?”
Can someone even have that kind of laugh?
Full on freaks out when his s/o starts having trouble breathing because he doesn’t know CPR
Because of his panicking, his s/o just calms down by themselves
Is this close to calling the ambulance
Sugawara Koushi
First laughs along with them because he finds them so freaking cute
But will try and calm you down before anyone dies
This guy WILL resort to bonking you on the head if you can’t control yourself
But will laugh about you later
Sugawara means a lot, and his intentions are good, but he will learn multiple ways on how to give someone air when they are struggling
He’s a precious angel uwu
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bucky-smiles · 5 years
Doing Good
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A oneshot? WOAH! Happy Early Halloween, here’s yall’s treat. Big love to @honeybucks and @delicatelyherdreams for betaing and helping in making my insecurities about this a little less. I’m going to note and say that flashbacks are not in chronological order. That’s all I’m saying though!
Prompt: This is an entry for my @star-spangled-bingo card for the Domestic AU square! If Bucky didn’t “die” in the war... Set in the late 60s and based on The Gambler by fun. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k+
Warnings: Fluff, angst, description of injury, mentions of blood and PTSD, war, children 
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Honest to God, Bucky Barnes always wondered how the hell he got to where he was. The last thing that he thought of when growing up was that he’d end up with the life he has now. The focus then was staying alive and getting by on the tiny sums given to him on all of the paychecks he received from the jobs he worked. 
Falling in love was the last thing on his mind… Although he did indulge himself in that world from time to time. 
Even though Bucky and Steve were living paycheck to paycheck, they still tried to make the most of their lives by going to dance clubs, bars, and Coney Island whenever they had a little bit extra they could spend. That’s what happened the night his life changed for the better. That’s what happened the night he met her. 
It was a chillier night in Brooklyn when Bucky convinced Steve to go out for a night of dancing with dames. Steve didn’t want to, but figured he’d just indulge his best friend rather that listening to all the complaints Bucky would have about staying in. So there they were, the loud music hitting them the moment they entered the place. There was laughing, glasses clinking, and a jazz band ready to play to the night’s end… And Bucky’s smile and excitement made going out worth it to Steve.
Bucky was already scoping out the area, looking for potential dance partners as Steve found them a booth to put their jackets down at.. Also where Steve would likely be spending most of the night. Bucky got two coke bottles, moving to where Steve was sat and setting them down. He removed his jacket and set it down in the booth, eyes still flitting about the smiling faces in the vicinity. 
That's when his steel blue eyes meet hers... It was barely a glance, in all honesty. Bucky and her eyes bounced off each other before moving to other people and parts of the room.. The eye contact was unintentional, not to be spoken about again to anyone if brought up.. They didn’t even know it happened in all honesty, so what was the point?
The moment  Y/N looked back to Bucky was when she realized that there was a good looking, brunet man without a dance partner. Or at least without a visible dance partner. If she asked him to dance, what was the worst thing that could happen? Rejection? That wasn’t all that big a threat.. Especially if she’d never see him again after this.. Which was why she found herself moving in his direction, her own coke bottle in hand as she moved. 
When Bucky noticed a pretty girl coming his way, his heart found its way into his throat. She took his breath away and just.. Wow.. 
He was pretty sure his mouth was hanging open when the girl flashed him a bright smile before speaking, “Hiya! I’m Y/N.. Wanna dance?” 
Love at second sight. 
“Bucky, did I schedule people to handle the shop today? I can’t remem-” Y/N walked into their shared bedroom, the stress radiating from her. She had a habit of misplacing her journal that had all of these notes and would go on a stress spree trying to remember everything. 
“Doll,” Bucky interrupted, “you know you did.. You’re a good shop owner, don’t stress this much..” The man sits up in bed, metal arm creaking just a little bit as he boosts himself. “C’mere.. It’s barely 10.. We have time left to be lazy..” There was a soft smile on his lips and it quickly passed to Y/N’s as well and she let out a quiet sigh before moving to get back into bed beside her husband of 30 years, curling up into his side and wrapping an arm around his bare torso. 
“You’re right.. M’sorry..” Y/N lets out a quiet laugh before continuing, “I still have to find the damn journal though.. But.. Yeah later.. It’s fine.. You’re right, we have time..” She looks up to her husband before tapping his side gently, “What’s got you in such a good mood, hm? Sleep real well or something?”
Bucky leans down and presses a soft kiss to his wife’s forehead before speaking, “That and.. And I was thinking about us.. And how far we’ve come.. And all that.. Hey, don’t give me that look, I’m feeling nostalgic..” He laughs a little at the way that Y/N wrinkled her nose a little. 
“You’re such a sap, Buck..” 
“I know.. But I’m your sap.”
“So how does a beautiful doll like you end up working in a diner, hm? You should be in Hollywood or something,” That was Bucky speaking as he walked Y/N home. This was their third date now. They hadn’t counted the first night of dancing.. But every time they were together after that was most definitely a date. 
Y/N had Bucky’s jacket draped over her shoulders as they walked and his statement caused her to roll her eyes. She was toying with the singular rose that Bucky had gotten her earlier that evening and raised her shoulders in a gentle shrug, “The depression isn’t doing anyone favors, Bucky.. My parents need the money so I’m tryna help em’ as much as I can. Can’t do much else now that I’m 18.” 
Bucky knew the feeling, especially since he had moved in with Steve. But Y/N knew his situation for the most part. Only 3 dates and Bucky wanted to tell her everything there was to know about him. Even better, he wanted to give her everything too; his time, body, mind, and soul. Although Bucky figured that that would be a little strange to say all things considered. He’d only known Y/N for a couple of weeks now and was already feeling so strongly. 
“And if your parents didn’t need the money? What would you be doing?” Bucky felt this need to know everything about her. What she wanted from life, her hopes and dreams, worst fears and pet peeves. Anything she was willing to talk about. 
The question causes her to smile a little bit and she lets out a quiet, breathy laugh, “I’d still work.. But I’d save the money to open a flower shop of my own.” 
Bucky’s smile brightened at her words. Here she was with the desire to start her own business. Y/N really was the smartest girl in the world wasn’t she. He didn’t think twice as he spoke, “You know what doll?”
Y/N’s brow raises playfully as she looks to Bucky, “What, Buck?”
“When all the depression business is over, m’gonna stop just giving you a rose every time I see ya.. I’m gonna put the money in to help that shop of yours.. Cause’ you’re gonna make it big. I already know it.” And truly, Bucky meant every word he spoke. This wasn’t just flirting, rather a way to show how impressed he was by this girl. 
Y/N shakes her head a little at that, “We’ll see when the ‘depression business’ is over.. In the meantime, just stick with the roses.” She bonks the top of Bucky’s head with the rose as she speaks, a bright smile on her lips. He was cute with little things like that. It made Y/N’s heart swell. 
In response, Bucky only takes Y/N’s hand, swinging it between the two of them gently as they continue to walk under the starry night on the Brooklyn streets. 
Y/N lets out a quiet sigh as she shifts for just a moment to look at the clock. Seeing that it was only a little past 1 in the afternoon, she relaxes against her husband once more, looking up to him and smiling softly, “None of them are gonna be here for a few more hours.. We have more time..” 
Bucky tightens his grip around Y/N and kisses her forehead gently, looking down to meet her gaze, “I know.. That’s why I haven’t gotten out of bed yet, doll.” He leans down to kiss her properly, holding it for a few moments before pulling away, “I wish we could have more of them, ya know? I miss when they were all babies and we got to raise them and all of that..” 
Y/N laughs quietly at his words and nods her head a little, “Yeah me too.. Except I don’t miss carrying them around for 9 months.. And I don’t miss waking up every other hour.. Plus, we’re too old to have any more. I know for sure that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with a baby. And no matter how badly you want to, I know you wouldn’t either.” 
The man lets out a long sigh. His wife was always right, he knew that for sure. She was so smart and always said the things that he wouldn’t want to say. And she was right in all of this too. Now at 52, life was getting to be just a little more difficult. His arm didn’t make things easier. He could feel his mobility declining and, while it was natural, Bucky still didn’t want to give up his young soul and childish tendencies. “Yeah, I know, doll.. But a guy can dream, ya know?”
“Yeah yeah, I know.. Did Winnie say if she was coming or not?” Y/N let her hand drift over Bucky’s chest, drawing random patterns over the area as she spoke. This entire thing was planned because Winnie said she was going to be in town so hopefully she wouldn’t cancel last minute.. Not that they’d mind if she did, their daughter was an especially important woman in her work world. 
“She said she wouldn’t miss it for the world, doll.. I made her promise that much..” Their first daughter with eyes and drive both from her father. Winnie was, by far, the one that gave her parents the most trouble but in the most unconventional ways. Her younger brother, Grant, was much more of a handful when they were all growing up. 
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Barnes, his pneumonia doesn’t seem to be getting any better,” The doctor had a somber look on his face as he got up from little Grant’s bedside. “The medicine can only do so much.. And the cold climate isn’t helping his situation anymore..” 
Y/N was clutching the collar of her shirt as she listened to the doctor, taking her bottom lip between her teeth at his mention of the weather. “Are you suggesting that we move, doctor? Pick up our entire life from Brooklyn and go somewhere warmer?”
The doctor lets out a long sigh at Y/N’s question before shrugging, “At this point? With the severity of his condition? I really do think that it’d help a lot more with the medicines..” And with that, the doctor left, leaving a heartbroken Y/N thinking about the family having to leave their entire livelihood in Brooklyn for another life somewhere else. 
“Ma?” A quiet Grant spoke from bed, “We don’t hafta move, ma.. I can handle this.” 
Y/N lets out a quiet, breathy laugh at his words before nodding her head, “I bet you can, baby boy.. I’ll talk to your dad. How does that sound?” She rests a hand over the swell of her belly where another child rested before moving to her son’s bedside. “You’re such a strong boy.. I’m so proud of you..” And he was exactly like his namesake, it seemed. 
When Bucky came home that night, he wasn’t expecting Y/N to say what she did.. And it broke his heart.. Y/N being pregnant, Winnie being in third grade, and Grant so ill made the circumstances so much more difficult. But they could lose their son and they sure as hell were not going to risk him for their personal comfort and life. 
A few months later, the Barnes’ said goodbye to Brooklyn and hopped on a plane to San Diego, California. It was an up and coming city with nice weather and good people from the sound of it. Y/N had sold her flower shop in Brooklyn and started a new one up in their new city. Grant got better with time and the warmer air. Winnie made new friends quite quickly in her new school. And eventually, Y/N and Bucky welcomed their third child only 4 months after settling down in their new home. 
“Can you believe Grant is 25 now.. And bringing his girlfriend with him tonight..” That was Bucky speaking again, tugging the blanket further up over his and his wife’s body. California had been an adjustment they had to make.. But Bucky had grown to enjoy it quite a bit. He did miss Brooklyn at times but it was fine.. They were fine and their kids turned out just fine. And Grant was all grown up and okay. A true man, in Bucky’s eyes, especially because he couldn’t be more like his mother. Everyone was a lover in both of their eyes and optimism was of utmost importance. 
“Mhm.. And Winnie being pregnant yet travelling so much.. Something else..” Y/N laughs a little as she speaks. It was in moments like this that she felt especially old. Their kids were all grown up and doing their own thing.. And Y/N and Bucky were there, laying in bed, just fine and surviving. 
Surviving used to be a trial in itself. Especially when Bucky was serving during World War II. Y/N nearly shuddered at the thought, pressing closer to Bucky. 
“What is it, hm?” Bucky had a concerned look on his face at Y/N’s sudden actions, looking down at her with a curious gaze, “You alright?”
Y/N nods at his question, offering a weak smile reassuringly, “It’s crazy to think I nearly lost you at one point is all.. I dunno what I’d have done if I did..” 
Bucky lets out a quiet sigh at Y/N’s words and his gaze trails off to one of the walls of their room. “You didn’t though, and that’s all that matters..” 
1945 was by far the most difficult year Y/N had ever gone through. Bucky had received his papers towards the end of 1942, right after Winnifred Barnes was welcomed into the world. And 1943 was when he left his new daughter and wife of now 3 years. He could only come back twice in his time gone, both only for a couple of weeks which he spent with his family before he’d have to go back. The second time, he left his wife pregnant. One of his biggest regrets will always be that he missed Grant’s birth. The namesake came forth as Y/N’s only reassurance of Steve being there with her husband in Europe. 
Steve and Bucky had kept the capture in between them for the most part. Y/N knew bits and pieces of Azzano. Mainly that it was a difficult battle to win and that it was Steve’s debut as Captain America. She also knew that Bucky went through a lot but she was never told what. Bucky hated having her worry so he figured it’d just be best to avoid the situation. 
One thing Bucky knew for sure was that he would not let the horrors of war come to Y/N. Her eyes were too bright and her soul too warm to be tainted by the darkness of the wars. She saw hope in everyone.. But Bucky knew the truth of what he sees and what his fellow soldiers have been through… And he knows what that knowledge would do to his beloved wife.. So he keeps it away the best he can. 
He couldn’t keep it away, however, when the train accident occurred. 
Y/N had nearly lost her husband. There he was, hanging for his dear life from the side of a moving train when Steve managed to grab him and pull him to safety. However in the commotion, the jagged metal of the train got caught in Bucky’s shoulder. Attempting to get the metal off of him made the injury all the worse and it was a miracle that Bucky survived all the blood loss and managed to stay alive through all of the surgeries. 
Y/N got a call 2 weeks afterwards.. She had begun to get antsy as she hadn’t received Bucky’s weekly letter in two weeks.. Something wasn’t right, she knew it.. But no one would tell her anything. 
The woman had just gotten a toddler Winnifred and baby Grant to bed when the phone rang. She quickly picked it up in fear of waking the kids up and reversing all of her hard work, “Hello?”
“... Y/N?” Steve was speaking from the other line. It sounded like he hadn’t slept in days. 
“Stevie? What.. What happened? Is Bucky okay?”
“Y/N you’re going to want to sit down for this..” 
The work earlier in not wanting to wake up the children was in vain. Y/N’s shrieks at the news woke them up anyways. 
After that, Y/N got her mother to watch the kids for the week and Stark flew the plane himself to get Y/N from a covert military base. She was the wife of a Howling Commando, after all, and was to be treated with nothing but respect. 
Y/N was scared to see Bucky. The surgery had gone fine but he no longer had his left arm. She just.. God, it was terrifying to think that the man she loves the most had gone through this much pain and that she couldn’t do anything about it. 
The woman took a seat beside Bucky’s hospital bed and took his right hand gently, pressing a kiss to the back of it. Her husband was asleep, safe from the horrors of war to her knowledge.. And he seemed peaceful, like the Bucky she’d met nearly 10 years ago. 
It made Y/N cry quietly. What had war done to her love?
“You said you aren’t leaving till it’s our time.. And it isn’t our time.. I’m not quitting and you can’t either, Bucky.. You can’t leave me, Winnie, and Grant by ourselves. We need you. And I wouldn’t be able to survive without you..” Y/N presses another kiss to the back of his hand, pushing his almost shaggy hair back gently on his forehead. “I know you’re sleeping.. But I promise.. I’m not ever leaving your side.. As long as I can hold your hand, I’m not leaving you.” 
Y/N had to nudge Bucky a little to bring him out of the trance he’d fallen into thinking about war. He’d gotten discharged after the accident and spent time back at home getting himself together. Once the war was over, Stark helped Bucky’s arm situation out by fashioning a state of the art prosthetic for him. It wasn’t enough for Bucky as it wasn’t his arm. But he made due with it and would often go in to get things refitted and reworked. 
Bucky blinked a couple of times, clenching and unclenching his metal hand before looking back to Y/N and offering a weak smile, “I’m glad you never left me after the accident. Don’t know what I would’ve done.” 
With a roll of her eyes, Y/N sits up and runs a hand through her own hair before stretching out, “How could I? I love you too much.” The woman flashes a fond smile to her husband before moving to get out of bed, “Come on, the kids are all gonna be here soon.. We best get everything ready.” 
And so Y/N and Bucky worked in tandem getting everything together for their kids’ arrival. Lucy was the first to arrive, a taxi from the bus station bringing her right back home from her studies at UCLA. At the age of 19, she was on her way in the world of biology. Everyone knew she was going to make it big. 
Grant came home afterwards, his girlfriend by the name of Jane, on his arm. He was excited that his girl got to meet the entire family now. 
After Grant came Junior.. His name was James but the nickname was quickly taken up as Bucky’s full name oftentimes made him cringe. He was still in school, studying business as his working at his mother’s flower shop since a young age put him in a world he didn’t want to leave. 
And lastly, but most certainly not least, came Winnifred. Her belly was swollen and her husband was on her arm. Y/N was absolutely delighted that she was to be a grandmother soon. 
Dinner passed and all the Barnes siblings had filed to the expansive backyard. Junior was talking with Winnifred’s husband, Grant was handling the dishes with his girlfriend, and Lucy was talking with Winnifred about her plans for the baby. 
Y/N and Bucky watched from where they were sitting, fond smiles on their face. 
“Hey, Bucky?” Y/N spoke gently, her eyes slowly drifting to her husband. 
Bucky looks to her, his smile brightening just a little, “Yeah, doll?”
She takes his metal hand, her finger running over the gold band that’d been smelted onto his left finger before squeezing his hand gently, “We did good..” 
The man lets his gaze drift off to his children again, and the people they’d chosen for their lives like Bucky had done for his. Eventually, he nods a little, squeezing his wife’s hand right back. “Yeah, doll.. We did.”
~ Taglist! ~ (Send in an ask to be tagged in the future!) 
Permanent Taglist: @illegalcerebral @bibliophile1773 @peters-pacifist @saturn-aka-six @mysun-bucky  @coffeebooksandfandom @chrevastan @ashkuuuu @sgtjbuccky @moonbeambucky @lazyperfectionist705 @the-canary @marvel-lously @delicatelyherdreams @aunty-peggy @lauxxury @itsbuckysworld @jalapenobarnes @jjsoccer11 @zigadaba-stitch @notimetoblog @sebbies @oh-snap-bucky @mackevanstanfan80 @devotedlyfuriousfest @unlikelygalaxygiver @petersunderoos96  @dewy-biitch @6inchicon @neoqueen306 @floatingpetals @interestedbystanderwrites @prettyyoungtragedy @buckyofthemyscira @holy-captain @rynabarnesrogers @mood-pancakes @partlybcrnes @amazonianbeauty @alexrodriguez1269 @creepylittlemarvelgirl @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @libbymouse @cassandras-musings @badboysdoitbetter2 @awkwardfangirl2014
Bucky Barnes Taglist:  @love-dria @starkrobb​
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sickfic-with-kiko · 4 years
Hi! I’m the one who asked for the twins! This is my prompt: So there’s a night where the twins are alone in the house playing fifa, but then Atsumu wants to go to bed and Osamu thinks that is weird but let him sleep with him anyways, the thing is that Atsumu was feeling bad since morning (nauseous, stomachache and dizzy) but he don’t vomit till midnight where Osamu has to take care of him (this is stomach flu) ... a little cliche but the rest is for your imagination! Thank u❤️
Merry late Christmas, friends!
“Oi, Tsumu. Wanna play some FIFA?”
Osamu’s suggestion has Atsumu slowly lifting his head off his pillow. Osamu prods him for good measure, and he falls off the bottom bunk with a groan.
“Sure,” Atsumu murmurs, ignoring the cramp that twists and turns in his gut. His stomach’s been feeling weird ever since breakfast, or possibly even before. He hadn’t had the time to ask his parents to get him some over-the-counter pills for it, and now he’s stuck with the ache.
“Well, you’re second player.” Osamu tosses a controller at him, and the energy he puts into catching it costs him more than it should. Something’s wrong, but he’d rather die than admit it to his brother.
Atsumu grunts, opening and shutting his eyes at the bright display of the video game. It only makes the weird dizziness in his head worse. Osamu doesn’t seem to notice, too busy customising his team.
Atsumu plays less than well against Osamu, every dizzy spell making him play recklessly and make stupid mistakes. Osamu beats him mercilessly, having no reason to go easy on him. The headache only gets worse, pressure intensifying on his brain.
“I think I’m gonna go and sleep. I’m tired.” Atsumu murmurs, after his sixth loss in a row. His stomach feels… off. And whenever something feels off, sleeping it off usually works out for him.
Osamu smirks. “Jealous, are we?”
“Shut up.”
Atsumu tosses the controller aside, and Osamu turns off the TV. “I’ll sleep too, then. It’s boring when you can’t see someone’s losing face while playing.”
“You’re garbage.” Atsumu grumbles. If he wasn’t feeling so sick, he would have wiped the floor with Osamu.
“Says you, shit-pig.” Osamu lightly bonks Atsumu on the shoulder. He climbs to the top bunk, while Atsumu takes the bottom. It’s unusual how Atsumu isn’t putting up a fight about it, but he’s too tired to care.
“Goodnight. Whatever.”
The lights are switched off, and Atsumu falls into a deep sleep.
When he wakes up again, his stomach feels like it’s being stabbed repeatedly. The cramps only get worse with every second. He slowly reaches out to place his hand over it, and whines as soon as his hand touches the upset organ.
A wave of nausea washes over him, and he immediately realises he’s sicker than he thought. His first thought is food poisoning, but then Osamu should be sick too. Stomach flu?
Atsumu decides to ignore it. If he leaves it alone for long enough, it should go away. He closes his eyes, but his stomach gurgles so much, he can't sleep.
Osamu is fast asleep on the top bunk. Atsumu can hear him snore. It’s not fair, Osamu being the only one to sleep peacefully. Atsumu shouldn’t be the only one suffering.
Everything in the room starts to float. He’s dizzy, and the room itself starts to spin as well. Maybe it’s himself that’s floating. It feels like motion sickness, which does nothing to help the nausea rising in his chest.
Atsumu glances at the digital clock on the desk. It reads 11:57. He’s been sleeping for a couple of hours, but he doesn’t feel well-rested at all.
The annoyance, mixed with the stomach pain, is what makes him poke on Osamu’s mattress.
“Hey, Samu. Samu, wake up. Hey.”
Atsumu punches the mattress above him, until a small groan comes from above him. “The ‘uck do ya want, Tsumu?”
“Come down, please?” Atsumu hates how pathetic he sounds, but he can’t bring himself to care. His stomach cramps again, coiling tightly. “I feel kinda weird. The room’s too hot and too cold.”
Osamu slips down the ladder, peering into Atsumu’s face with a look of fatigue and exasperation. “It’s midnight. What the hell do you want me to do? Open the window or something?”
Atsumu grips his hand, before he can walk away to do so. “My stomach hurts. What do I do?”
“...You’re asking me?” Osamu huffs. He places his hand on Atsumu’s stomach, rubbing it with his palm. “Wow. It’s making unhappy noises.”
Atsumu frowns at his brother, as his stomach gurgles once more. “Thanks a lot. I feel like shit, Samu.”
“You look it.” Osamu says, but without the usual sarcastic tone. “Does it hurt bad? Do you think you have a fever?”
A fever. That… would make sense, really. His mouth feels hot but he can’t stop shivering. “Maybe…” He murmurs, and Osamu feels his forehead carefully.
“Definitely a fever. It could be the flu, or maybe a stomach bug?”
Osamu tosses a thermometer at him, and adds an extra blanket on Atsumu’s bed. Atsumu grabs the thermometer and sticks it under his arm. His temperature surely can’t be that high, if he’s so cold. Even with the extra blanket, he’s shivering.
“Thirty-eight degrees. Yup, you’re in sick person territory. Sleep.” Osamu stares at him disapprovingly.
“Stop with that look. Do you think being sick is fun? Want me to breathe on you?” Atsumu threatens him, but Osamu doesn’t shut up. He can’t be very convincing, with a fever.
But there’s only so much wisecracking he can do, before the stomachache gets too painful to ignore. Atsumu groans, curling up with his arms around his middle. Osamu notices him groaning, and starts rubbing his back.
“You’re really not feeling well, huh?” Osamu says, and Atsumu notices that tears are in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“I feel really sick.” Atsumu says, and not just in the sense of general unwellness. There’s a stabbing pain in his abdomen, and nausea building up in his chest. His mouth tastes like a strange combination of sweet and bitter. It’s a tell-tale sign that he’s going to be sick.
There’s sweat soaking his entire back, and it feels disgusting and wet against his skin. The room is too cold. He can’t stop shivering and groaning with fever, and the upset stomach doesn’t help.
“Do you want a drink?”
Atsumu shakes his head. “If I drink something now, I’ll throw up.” His stomach heaves at the thought of drinking, and Osamu jumps, terrified.
“Don’t throw up on the bed. Don’t.” Osamu warns him, in a tone that makes sure he’ll be skinned alive if he does vomit on the bed. “Here.”
Osamu hands him a bowl. It’s empty and made out of plastic. Atsumu wants to curse something out- his brother, his luck, the bowl. But the only thing that comes out of his mouth is a sickly burp.
“I don’t like puking.” Atsumu whines, and Osamu rolls his eyes. His brother was never one for sympathy. Oh well- the Miya brothers aren’t exactly known for their brotherly love and care.
A sudden twist of nausea rises from his stomach, and vomit splatters into the bowl. He blinks out the tears in disbelief. He couldn’t even see it coming. If Osamu hadn’t placed the bowl under his chin, he would have soiled everything on his bed.
“Oh, fuck.” Osamu cringes, but gently places a hand on Atsumu’s back and rubs supportive patterns against it. “Just let it all out. Then maybe you’ll feel better.”
Atsumu isn’t sure whether to trust him. The only thing he can register is the painful squeeze in his stomach, and a gag that pushes everything into his mouth. Everything feels so stuck inside his throat. Coughing makes the heaving worse.
“This- this is bad,” Atsumu chokes out, hands shaking as he grips the blankets. “Oh, god. My stomach hurts like a motherfucker.”
“I’m glad I can only imagine.” Osamu wrinkles his nose, as another stream of vomit splatters into the container. Atsumu’s stomach contracts hard, forcing out everything that hadn’t already been squeezed out of it.
Atsumu can’t seem to stop retching, and everything hurts because of it. His throat is sore from the acid burning its way up, and his nostrils are stuffy and achy. His salivary glands feel swollen and strange.
“I’ll go toss this out. Rinse your mouth, and try not to puke until I come back.”
Atsumu grabs the bottle of water beside his pillow, and takes a few sips of it to take the sliminess out of his mouth. “Thanks,” he murmurs, as Osamu walks out of their room with the bowl.
As annoying as Osamu is, Atsumu has to give him credit for being a decent caretaker. Atsumu doesn’t like dealing with sick people one bit, especially assholes. Unfortunately, he’s both of them, as of now.
Having a brother isn’t so bad after all, he thinks. Osamu comes back with some more medical supplies, placing a cold pack on his forehead. It’s on all straight and proper, the way their does it for them when they’re sick.
Extending his arms, Atsumu allows Osamu to cuddle with him in the bottom bunk together, just for one night.
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I’ll Love You no Matter What pt4
The training deck was about focus and having each other’s backs. Lance was good at defending and offense but some of their other excersizes were difficult. Like the invisible maze which they decided to start with today.
“I need you to take two steps forward and then go left Lance.” The honey sweet voice was in his ear and it made it hard for him to remember the directions but he was trying. He’d already been zapped four times so when he bonked into the wall he threw the helmet,” Alright why am I getting zapped!! I keep following the directions.”
He can see her cherry lips move and the point at his helmet. Lance grabs it and settles it on his head and sighs,” What now beautiful?”
“I may straight up choke you.”
“What if I’m into that?” Lance teases
“Dude that’s hardcore even for you.” Keith responds in a half grumble half sigh.
“Well we never know till we find out do we keef?” Lance is cheery waiting for direction.
“Shiro? I’ve zapped this dude four times wanna run another pair?” Keith asks letting Lance hear every word.
Shiro looks down at Lance from the window his dad face evident. And he gestures to Keith’s mike. Lance swallows nervously as Keith hands it over trying to keep her hair out of the process.
“Lance why don’t you come up in the chair and direct and we’ll give Keith a shot in the maze.” Shiro’s voice is somewhat dead and Lance knows what that means. He’s not pleased.
Keith jumps up a fist in the air and Shiro smiles pleased to have given her an opportunity to work out with the body she isn’t used to. Lance swallows nervously and makes his way upto the viewing box. Shiro stands in his normal dad arms crossed posture watching Keith on the mats below.
“Lance what do you see?” Shiro asks
“Well I mean the maze is down there. And Keith is down there stretching. She tied her hair up. The lights are on, and she’s gunna put on her helmet? What’s the point of this excersize sir?”
“How many of those things you listed were about the actual room Lance?”
Lances face grew red and Shrio smiled lightly looking at Keith who is bouncing from foot to foot like she is testing the agility of her body. Then she looks at her helmet and at the room where Shiro and Lance are standing.
“Look I get it he’s attractive. He’s got this innocent look and sweet voice and it doesn’t make sense coming from Keith. But that’s still our Keith. He’s scared and he’s afraid to admit it. He needs you to look out for him and be his friend. Just try not to let yourself get caught up in the look okay?”
Shiro claps him on the shoulder and then he waves at Keith below who gives him a thumbs up. Lance looks at him and then at Shiro his heart aching torn ,” Let’s make this a clean run alright?” Shiro says and Lance nods.
He takes a seat in the chair and looks at the pattern of the maze and then at Keith below. Had this been their Keith would he be this goofy? Would his stomach twist at the thought of him?
“Walk three steps and go left.” Lances voice wasn’t full of the laughter and teasing anymore. It was soft almost hesitant.
“What the hell happened to you?” Keith asked her honey voice was clipped and it made Lance close his eyes and he imagined his friend. The one with the mullet that was greasy and short his chest puffed up with annoyance and he couldn’t help but smile.
“Dad happened to me. Go six steps forward and three steps right.” Lance ordered looking at the map instead of the beautiful girl running the maze below.
“He really needs to pull that stick out of his ass.” Keith remarked and Lance could almost swear he felt the low gravel of the real Keith in his microphone.
“Next left take eight steps and one hard 60 degree turn left and then go straight. He’s just concerned.” Lance commented turning to wink at Shiro who rolled his eyes but continued to watch Keith pleased by at least seeing progress.
“What that I can’t take the heat?” Keith snorts and Lance smiles because it’s a cute snort not entirely girly and not manly just a snort.
“Take three rights and then one left and go straight.” Lance is trying to think of a response,” He thinks your scared.” He admits finally just being honest.
“You know what’s scary Lance?” Keith says and lance can see his dot on the screen has stopped completely and he can hear Keith panting. But To Lance it doesn’t feel like Shiro’s there it feels like it’s Keith and Lance.
“I got a puddle under my boobs.”
“ Keith, that is the most terrifying thing I have heard all day.” Lance says serious and his face is three levels deep in shock as he looks at Shiro who is pinching the bridge of his nose and trying not to laugh at the same time.
Lance covers the mic with his hand and looks at Shiro,” WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY?”
“I have no response for this. Get him out of there and I’ll have Pidge get him a towel and explain boob sweat...” Shiro says shaking his head and leaving the room.
“Looks like it’s just us buddy.” Lance calls down nervously after a moment
“Lance?” The honey sweet voice is soft and scared sounding the panting has died down. What Lance wouldn’t give to hear that name whispered before a kiss or late at night before he fell asleep.
“That’s not the scary part...” Lance recocognizes the grumble kinda it’s there but it’s just faint you just have to really pay attention and look for it.
“What’s the scary part?” He asks his tone just as soft
“Not knowing which me is real....” is the crushed response and then Lance watches as Keith carefully crumbles to the floor his body falling flat.
And all Lance can think is : I hope to god he’s okay. Please let him be okay. As he rushes down the stairs and past the now turned off Maze (he’d found a way to turn it off thank god) and to his friend who is looks simply exhausted.
“Keith talk to me buddy.” Lance says drawing him up into his arms and he realizes that Keith is cold. His skin is clamy and his lips are turning blue. “SHIRO.” He screams and then he halls himself up taking Keith with him into the hall.
Keith is light and his body fits perfectly in Lances arms. His hair is drawn into one of those messy buns and Lance wants so badly to tease him and ask what turned him into such a girl he knows he’d get punched but that’s better than this blue lipped nothing.
“SHIRO!!!! HELP?!? Anybody!?!”
“Lonce, my word! Is he alright?”
“No he’s turning blue where’s Shiro?!?”
“POD NOW.” Lance watched as Coran took Keith deftly from his arms and ran with him carefully down the hall Allura at his shoulder.
Shiro comes running watching as Keith is pulled into the medical area,” what the hell happened lance?”
“The puddles got him Shiro...” he said turning and hiding his face in the older mans chest fear gripping his own somewhere in there to tight for comfort.
Lance & Hunk were we waiting outside the medical wing when Shiro came out with Allura eyes narrowed.
“Who told Keith he could bind his chest?” Allura looked between the two boys and Shiro crossed his arms behind her.
“Bind his chest?” Lance whispered confused and Hunks eyes went wider than dinner plates.
“Katie...” Hunk whispered and then he dragged his hands down his face and groaned,” she must have told him about how she bound her chest in the garrison to look more like a guy... Keith must have done it too tight. Those idiots.”
Lance was confused first by the binding and then by what this has to do with Keith’s current state. “ What does Pidge’s whatever have to do with Keith going Blue?”
Hunk looked at Lance and then at Allura and then at Shiro before explaining,” You can tie up breast women used to do it way back when. They would tape them n whatever to pretend to be men. But the thing was if you do it to tight you can make it to hard to breath or even break ribs. If you don’t know what your doing. Things have changed and they have equipment that have made it safe since then but there are rules and stuff and we don’t have that stuff for Keith. He could have broken a rib or he can die if he does it wrong. That numbskull. What did he use?”
“Ace wrap” Shiro responds his voice level and everyone is quiet.
Lance speaks up,” I don’t think Pidge told him that to hurt him...Shiro you told me this morning this is confusing and scary for Keith. I think Pidge tried to tell him to make him feel better.. ya know, like I tried hiding but it was better when I didn’t... but..”
“Keith took it the wrong way.” Allura whispers
“He thought maybe he could hide... hide being a girl. Hide being feminine.” Hunk finishes everyone looks at each other somberly.
“This isn’t something we can just gloss past is it?” Shiro finally asks.
Lance shakes his head. “ Keith doesn’t know which one is going to end up being the real him, he doesn’t know if he’s going to be stuck as a girl or if he’ll get to go back to being who he was... imagine that fear. Not knowing what you are and if anyone will still be there when it’s over.”
Not a single person in the room had thought about it that way besides Lance who had just started thinking about it that way. All eyes were looking at Lance and most were filled with tears.
“ So what do we do Lonce?” Allura asked
Lance stopped to give it some thought,” we give him both sides. All of it. The good the bad. And we love him through it.”
When Keith comes to somehow it’s just him and Lance. Everyone else seems to need time to figure it all out so when Keith wakes up in the sweats that are his and the tank top and Lances jacket by his feet he’s a little out of it. He touches his chest first panicked and then his hair and his face and then he hugs himself cold and looks at his room.
“ You took the binders?” The whisper is honey and soft and panicked.
“Keith, they hurt you.” Lance is level his jaw quivers more than anything he wants to hold his friend “You were turning blue.”
“But Pidg-“
“Pidge knew all the science. She read all the facts and the history.” Lance sits on the bed and he puts his coat around Keith who just looks small inside of it. Keith looks at it confused because it’s warm,” She knew what was safe for her body and what wasn’t Keith..you’ve been a girl for what 12 hours?”
Keith hangs his head and Lance pulls him into his arms unable to help it,” I have no idea how much this must suck...”
Keith punches Lance and Lance takes it because he knows that Keith can’t really say a word about how this all feels for him. And it’s not like they hurt it’s a girl slamming her fist against his chest without a lot of force. “ Just fucking let it go Keith. Let it all go.” Keith punches lance again in the chest and on the shoulder and Lance just holds her as she begins to shake and scream until she finally finally just cries.
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Stangie in 8 + 10 in the super hero au? Like, the thing that made Stan always hope it was Angie was the blonde hair poking out of the back of her mask? And Angie is just trying to not freak out over her close friend/crush being in life threatening situations every other day.
8. Oh, my God, I thought you were going to die. Please don’t ever scare me like that again.
10. Wait, my hero’s secret identity is… you? To be honest, I’d always kind of hoped…
Okay, so, I took some liberties with this.  First, I wasn’t sure what superhero AU to do because I have like a million and none of the ones I’ve posted about before seemed to fit your prompt very well.  So I sorta combined some of them, including the ones I haven’t posted about?  I think you can get context from the ficlet, though, so background isn’t needed.  Also, I switched who had which reaction.  It felt more organic that way.  And, something I’ve learned from this: if you send me a two-in-one prompt, it’s gonna be long.  This sucker’s almost 1.5k because I couldn’t shut up.
Send me a ship and a number and I’ll write a ficlet!
               Stan heard a small noise comefrom the couch, where he’d deposited Angie while she was unconscious.  He looked over at her.  She was beginning to stir.  After a few more minutes of acting like shewould wake up, she finally opened her eyes.
               “Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” Stansaid idly, closing his newspaper.  Angieturned her head to look at him in the armchair. She frowned.
               “Yeah,” Stan confirmed.  Angie’s gaze fell upon a small pile of foldedclothes on the chair next to Stan.
               “Why…do ya have some of myclothes?”
               “I told Fiddlesticks that youfell in some mud and needed a change of clothes, so he brought ‘em over.  Didn’t question it at all.  How often do you fall in mud?”
               “Change of clothes,” Angiemumbled to herself.  She turned her headagain to stare up at the ceiling, clearly thinking.  “Why am I on yer couch?”
               “I mean, I wasn’t just gonnadrop you on the floor, and if I put you in my bed, you’d have questions.  If I put you in Ford’s bed, you’d have evenmore questions.  Figured the couch wasthe best place.”
               “Man, Fiddlesticks wasn’t jokingwhen he said you take forever to act like a human being after waking up,” Stansaid.  Angie let out a small, pinchedgasp and sat up abruptly, clutching the blanket to her chest.  She looked at Stan, her face pale.  “Finally figured out why you needed clothes?”  Angie nodded jerkily.  “Yeah, you can’t exactly walk back home inheroing duds.”  Angie closed her eyestightly.
               “Stan…”  She took a breath.  “Why- how- what happened?”
               “You got knocked out.  I tried to find that hero you run with, whichI’m now realizing is probably your roommate, but couldn’t get a hold of them.”  Stan looked down at his hands.  “I, uh, knew you needed to be patched up, youwere looking pretty rough.  But hospitalsare a no-go when you’re wearing a mask, and like I said, I couldn’t find yoursidekick.”
               “We’re partners in fightin’crime.  Neither of us is the sidekick.”
               “Whatever you say,” Stan saidwith a shrug.  “Anyways, I figured- Ifigured, better someone you know to take off your mask than some stranger.  And I did have to take off your mask.  You got a pretty nasty gash on your leftcheek.”  Angie’s hand went to her cheek,which had a large bandage on it.  Shefrowned at Stan.
               “How did ya know it was me?”
               “I didn’t know Jetstream wasAngie McGucket before taking off your mask, if that’s what you’re asking.”
               “But you just said that you knewyou wouldn’t be a stranger to me.”
               “Yeah, well…you’re not the onlyperson in the room with a…”  Stan tappedhis face, indicating where his red domino mask went.  Angie dropped the blanket in shock and staredat him.
               “Good Lord.”
               “Yeah.  It’s me, the superhero with the lamestcodename ever, Flamethrower.”
               “How did I not know?” Angiegroaned.  “Ugh, it’s so obvious, now Ithink ‘bout it.”
               “Eh.  I somehow didn’t know you wereJetstream.  Even though I could see yourhair peeking out from behind your mask every now and then.”
               “Sometimes I’m in a hurry.  And it ain’t a mask.  It’s a cowl.”
               “Same difference.”
               “No, it-”  Angie froze. “You- you didn’t tell Fiddleford, did ya?”
               “No.  I told you when you woke up, he just thinksyou were visiting me and fell outside.  Imean, Ford already knows, I didn’t wanna let anyone else find out about yoursecret identity.”
               “Ford knows?”
               “He helped me patch you up.  Man, was he pissed when I brought anunconscious, injured superhero into the house.”
               “Yeah,” Angie said quietly.  She ducked her head.  “Good Lord, yer Flamethrower.”
               “Are you happy or angry aboutit?  I can’t tell.”
               “Happy.”  Angie rubbed her nose.  “Makes things easier.”
               “Now I don’t have to choosebetween the two of ya.”
               “Choose?  For what?”
               “Flirtin’,” Angie saidboldly.  She grinned crookedly at him.
               “Flirt- oh.”  Stan grinned back at Angie.  “I knew you had a thing for me.”
               “You knew nothin’.”
               “If that’s what you wanna think,I won’t stop you,” Stan said, still grinning. Angie shook her head, hiding a smile. “Man, if I knew you were gonna confess your love for me, I woulda takenJetstream to my house sooner.”
               “I didn’t ‘confess my love’,”Angie scoffed.
               “Pretty damn close.”
               “Pfft.”  Angie rolled her eyes.  She swung her legs to hang over the couch andgasped in pain.  Her face paledagain.  Stan started to get up from hischair.  Angie shook her head at him.  “I’m fine.” She winced visibly and hunched over, breathing rapidly andshallowly.  Dread filled Stan’schest.  He moved over to her.  
               “Hey,” Stan said quietly.  “What’s-” Angie shook her head again.  
               “Just- m’ healin’ factor ain’tkicked in yet.  The movement- must’vejostled some bruised bones or somethin’,” she said in a tight voice.  
               “You have a healing factor?”
               “A minor one.  It’s nothin’ special.  Ya can’t see my flesh stitch itself togetherlike with some folk.  But-”  She paused to wince in pain.  “I’ll be able to walk home to recuperatesoon.”
               “You’re not walking anywhere.”
               “I’ll be fine.”
               “I’ve got a car.  I’ll take you to your place.”
               She never gives in that fast. Stan’s dread grew heavier.  She must really be hurt.  
               “What- what happened, in thefight?” Angie asked quietly.  Stanscratched the back of his neck.
               “I mean, from what I could see,up until you got knocked out, you were just getting the normal bumps andbruises.”
               “The ones that heal overnight,”Angie said with a nod.
               “If you’ve got a healing factor,yeah, they would.  But, uh, while youwere flying, the baddie swung for you and bonked you on the head.  I didn’t realize what had happened until Iheard you hit the ground.”  Angie movedslightly and let out a small whimper.  “Okay,we are getting really close tohospital territory here,” Stan said nervously. “I’m good at patching people up on the outside.  And that’s what I did with you.  But if you’ve got internal bleeding or brokenribs or a concussion-”  Stan froze.  
               She’s confused and can’t remember what happened recently.  What if it’s not from taking a while to wakeup?  Stan jumped up and raced to thekitchen.  He rummaged through somedrawers, searching for a flashlight.
               “Stan?” Angie said weakly.
               “I’m coming,” Stan calledback.  He ran back into the livingroom.  “Shoulda done this right away.”
               “I gotta check for a concussion.”  Stan shone the light in Angie’s eyes.  Her pupils contracted.  He let out a sigh of relief.  “Okay. All good on that front.”
               “Forgot how dangerous thiscareer can be,” Angie mumbled.  
               “I’m surprised you’re not morebeat up,” Stan said.  “You’re a twiggything like Fiddlesticks.  You should’vecrumpled like a popsicle stick house.”
               “‘m tougher ‘n I look.”
               “Yeah, but…I’ve seen you inaction.  You’re not careful.  Pretty sure every fight I’ve seen you in,your sidekick reminds you to think before jumping in.  And you ignore them.”
               “Like yer one to talk.”
               “I’ve got cushioning,” Stansaid, gesturing at his body.  “And I still get more bruises than I canexplain to concerned neighbors.”  Angierolled her eyes.
               “This is why I didn’t tellFidds.  He’d give me the same spiel.  But it’s worse from you, ya big hypocrite.”
               “Hey, normally I encourage hotheaded behavior.  You can ask Ford.  But- shit, Angie, this- this is really bad.”
               “I’m fast.  I don’t usually get hurt this much.”
               “‘Usually’,” Stan repeated.  Angie sighed.
               “Can’t we go back to goofin’ ‘round?  I didn’t even get to flirt on ya yet.”
               “After you take a shower andanother nap.”
               “Lord, ya sound like Fidds.”
               “Don’t insult me like that.”  Stan watched her, concerned.  “Can you get up on your own?”
               “Yes.  I’m not an invalid.”  Angie began to stand up, but cried out andfell back to the couch.
               “Okay, I’m taking you to the ER.”
               “You- We’ll just cut off yourcostume and cover you with a robe or something.”
               “Do ya have any clue how muchthis costume cost?” Angie asked.  “I’ll just-let me take another nap.  I heal fasterwhen I sleep.”
               “And call my roommate.  They’re prob’ly worried sick ‘bout me.”
               “Got it.  On one condition.”
               “Don’t get hurt like this again.”
               “You know full well I can’tpromise that,” Angie said softly.  Shelaid back down on the couch.  “But…in thefuture, I’ll try to fall close enough to ya that you can catch me.  The news folks can snatch a Superman-LoisLane-style photo of us.”  Stan coveredher with the blanket.
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outrealm-gates · 7 years
A sweet little something~ PerixLasow fic ((Wg))
Guards, maids and butlers alike in the estate keep their backs to the wall and their eyes off of their lady as she bounced with each sprightly step, her plumpened rear and thighs jiggling ever so slightly, her head bobbing back and forth to the rhythm of her stride.....Ever since her marriage Peri had been doing a good deal less killing and a good deal more cooking....and it showed a bit. She had the makings of a little tummy and her chest had received a little extra fluff....but her lower body certainly seemed a bit more accommodating of her newfound pounds.
A cart Laden with meats, sweets, soups and treats made by the candy sweet killer rolled smoothly down the halls of the estate her father had made for her when she married....an entire estate for her to play in, but where was her husband one might wonder? Still in bed lazing the day away? Off on diplomatic missions? Drinking with friends? No......Laslow was in the bedroom surely, but he was in store for his second lunch......Of the two of them Laslow had become absolutely obese.....
Now how could such an athletic, handsome young man become so fat? Well.....Peri certainly knows.....
Weeks before their wedding, their love confessed and the ring purchased and presented...Peri was enjoying a little ‘girl time’ with her good friend and recently reinstated Royal guard, Charlotte.
“Lazzy is such a cutey wutey~ Ohh but it makes my blood boil thinking he could be saying all those sweet things to other girls!”
“I mean hey....he seems to’ve learned his lesson now that he’s with you, and now that he has a golden girl to be with hopefully he won’t keep trying to bark up other trees. If not, I’ll help you throttle him.”
“Grrrr!!! I wanna throttle the girls he’s flirting with first! THEN Lazzy!”
“Has.....anyone actually caught him doing that since he proposed? Or are you just prepared for the worst?”
“W-Well nooooo....but......Its gonna be really really hard for me not to wanna go on a stabby spree, I can only imagine how hard it’ll be for Lazzy to stop flirting! Ho hummmm......”
“Well.....if you want a ‘weird old charlotte’ suggestion m’dear......maybe put a little authority on ‘im. Show him you mean business on that request.”
“Wha? Like....bonk him with a hammer until he stops?”
“Ugghh....NO Peri. Take charge, don’t be so passive on him if you’re worried. And if he gets defensive on it, remind him how hard it is for you to change stuff too, and that you’re trying your damndest.”
“Well I think he knows I wear the pants~ And the panties, and the armor and the hair ties!”
“Pff.....A guy like Laslow needs a woman who’ll take charge, so go ahead and show him he better listen. And there are plenty of ways to do that y’know. Maybe reward him for stuff, aren’t you amazing in the kitchen? Find out what he likes, reward him for keeping his trap shut around other dames. Man’s heart through his stomach and all that.”
And just like that Peri’s eyes lit up like magic.....and a devious shark toothed grin came to her face. “Thats......ssssssoooooo.....PERFECT! EeeeeeHehehehe!”
“I’m gonna reward Lazzy so much he won’t be able to flirt with other girls! I’ll be with him lots and making him so much food he’ll be too tubby to go out and flirt with other girls! Faithful tubby hubby plan is go! By char-char!!!<3″
“..........Y’know........I can’t tell if I’ve done Peri a service.....or Laslow a disservice.......Eh. Not my problem anymore~”
The night of their wedding was lovely, Laslow’s family absent due to....well....obvious issues.......and Peri’s father joining the ceremony and having a bit of a cautionary chat with his daughter’s husband......warning him of some of her less well known eccentric habits.... All in all, their wedding went off without a hitch. Laslow couldn’tve asked for a more wonderful bride, or ceremony....Peri’s hari done up in a cute curly ponytail so both her beautiful eyes were visible.....her emerald green eye and her more often than not hidden pale red eye.....Peri on the other hand was impatient to discuss some future things with her hubber wubber....and pulled him aside after the ceremony at the reception.
“Lazzy! Lazzy!”
“Ahah...yes yes Peri dearest, what’s still got you so excited?”
“Uhm......I-I was worried and all before our wedding about something you said you’d change....a-and uhm...So I came up with a plan! Charlotte helped! I’m gonna help you change bit by bit! “
“W-Wait....is this about.....Peri I would never lie to you, and I have invited any ladies out to tea since my proposal....swear on my own grave.....”
“I knowwww......but I said I’d stop wanting to kill people so much and thats REALLY REALLY HARD!!!! Especially when I see girls fawning over you and congratulation you! But Peri’s good and remembers the knife is for the meat and the cake~”
“Peri......well, how exactly did you plan on helping?”
“Thats the fuuuuuun part! I’m gonna be more assertive, Like Char Char said to be. BUT, I’m also gonna be super duper nice and reward your cute butt with delicious yummy extra food if you’re good!!!”
“Erhm....eheh....well, I suppose its hard to argue with that, your cooking is to die for after all....eheh....I just hope my waistline doesn’t get to erhm.....problematic.....”
“Huh? Why would your waist be a problem? If it got nice and big and squishy that’d be adorable! I’d play with it all day!”
Now....that struck Laslow as odd......and a pink tint soon decorated his cheeks......”Peri.....erhm....Sweetheart.....Are you saying you’d....’want’.....me to get fat?”
“Weeeeeeeeeeeell.......I really really like the thought of you being all tubby and chubby! And it works for my reward scheme! If you’re an extra good boy, then I won’t be worried AND I’ll have more husband! And you’ll get extra cuddles and kisses and yummy nummy food! Peri thinks its a win-win~ Lazzy-wazzy think so too?”
“E-Erhm.....w-wouldn’t.....people stare at me....i-if I suddenly started....p-packing on pounds?”
“Yep! But in a way I’d be fine with~ Liking big boys is rare, so I wouldn’t be so quick to jealousy if girls stared at your big tubber tushie~ And if you practice your dancing you’ll jiggle and wobble!!!! OOOOOOhhhh I’m gonna feed you so much wedding cake! Lets go lets go!” And with that, she grabbed him by the arm and took off toward the reception....Laslow very concerned about the future.....but Peri seemed ecstatic about it......And he loved seeing her happy......In the end he supposed that....well.....If he loved her enough to marry her, what was a bit of decadence and hedonism for her enjoyment? And like she said......she was changing quite a bit for him....he even noticed her taking Noble speech lessons more often with Xander.....often surprising him with bigger more erudite words out of nowhere......he resigned happily to his fattening fate in the end~
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sttngfashion · 7 years
True Q - 6.06
Oh, Q, you rake, you scalawag. You’re so mischievous that you’ve snuck into one of these mostly-unis episodes like the scoundrel you are. Also I believe this episode title, much like Return of the King, contains a spoiler within the title. But we’ll get there.
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“Don’t even try to out cheekbone me, girl. I’ll eat you for lunch.” —Bev
This blondie is Amanda Rogers (and boy does she look like an Amanda Rogers), and she’s an... intern? She’s 18 years old and is eventually supposed to go to Starfleet Academy but has somehow beat out a bunch of other youngsters for the opportunity to work on the Enterprise before she goes to study. She’s perky and a know-it-all and wears colors that must have been picked out by a girl who grew up idolizing Glinda the Good Witch. She’s rocking that square neck that we’ve seen before, but it’s doing a weird thing with that waffle undershirt she’s wearing, and I’m not convinced any of these colors works with her skin tone. 
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RIKER, SHE IS EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD. Get out of her personal space.
Riker is showing her her quarters which, to be fair are pretty lush for someone who should be preparing for the horrors of dorm life. On the other hand this room is definitely not meant for youngsters.
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Yes that is a tall skinny bottle of curaçao with matching glasses on the coffee table.
Anyway, after Riker is all up in her personal space, he leaves Amanda alone and suddenly... puppies appear. No, really.
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Is it just me or is she wearing Jellies?
Who cares, PUPPOES! They are so floppy and foldy and adorbz central. (Side note: that desk chair is def from Staples.)
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Behave? More like BeeHIVE, amirite?
I don’t really understand what is happening here as for most of the rest of the show her hair looks normal. Maybe her hair just got excited by the PUPPOOES!
So after these puppies mysteriously appear, she tells them to disappear, and they do, though kind of reluctantly. And that’s the end of the Teaser. That’s right: after the last puppy disappears, we get the DRAMATIC MUSIC because DISAPPEARING PUPPIES. I may have guffawed.
Okay, plotdump: later on, Amanda saves Riker from getting bonked on the head by a falling barrel or something, and then after that, stops a warp core breach with her hands. WHAAAAAT? Also, this is hand motion she makes when she saves Rikes.
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Oooh, I love shadow animals! What is it... an elephant?
Anyway, because this GIRL has magically SAVED THE WHOLE GODDAMN SHIP there needs to be a MEETING.
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“Her hooters were like, this big.” —Geordi
Sorry, sorry, I’m being base. Have Deanna’s eyebrows always looked like they were made out of smoke?
Obviously though, this meeting is dumb because we know who’s behind this.
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Who decided to design the conference room chairs with an omnipotent douchebag recline setting?
I mean, you gotta give John de Lancie his due: no one can do all-powerful schmuck quite like he can. But he’s only wearing his “I’m crushing so hard on you, Picard” command red uni, so blah.
How’s the rest of the senior staff feel about Q’s arrival?
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From left to right: not having it, pissed, I can’t believe this, are you kidding me, and uuugggghhhhhhhh
Everyone is earning their episode rate in this shot, but Beverly and Geordi are owning it.
So it turns out that this girl is Q, but Q has been sent to find out if she is TRUE Q. I think if she’d turned out not to be, the episode would be called True Q? or Untrue Q or FALSE Q. But you know now how it’s going to end.
Still, we have to go through the motions.
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Okay, Q, now you’re really in her personal space.
I suppose there might be some perfect metaphor of discussing Q-privilege but frankly I don’t think I’m smart enough to do it.
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Also it’s amazing the extent to which this is clearly a stunt double. Also also: no more decorative spotlight on the artifacts. The computer was able to sense what was coming, I guess.
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I can’t remember exactly what happens here but Gates just looks so awesome and sassy that I had to put it in.
Sorry guys, it’s a low-fashion episode. Oh, but hey, here’s a fashion!
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Ghost Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamsweater.
It’s hard to make out exactly what’s happening here, but as best I can see, from left to right again: block gray, block plum, block grape, block grilled peach, block mocha, AMAZING SWEATER OF ALL YOUR MOST BEAUTIFUL COLORFUL DREAAAAAMMMZ. 
These are Amanda’s parents, who it turns out were Q also? I can’t remember what the release of information is like in this episode but basically the Q Continuum MURDERED Amanda’s parents because they wanted to live in Nebraska or something. Which, like, that’s not nice, but also... Nebraska? They were killed by a freak tornado which was engineered by the Q but also IT COULD HAPPEN.
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In other news, I have four nostrils and this one dope chain.
Also, this individual has Bea Arthur’s hair. I am 100% not mad at it.
Oh man, I’m really murdering the plot of this ep... these people need help of some sort and Amanda and Q are NOT HELPING. There’s a whole thing where Q wants to take Amanda on Q lessons and so they speed up some experiment that Bev has Amanda doing, but that ruins the experiment or something? I wanted to be like “listen, Q, either you’re doing omnipotence wrong or the writers are” but I love this show so I kept quiet.
What’s Q lessons mean, btw?
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So this is one of those shots that I have basically remembered pretty much exactly since childhood because WHAAAAAAAAT. Looking at it now I’m skeptical as to whether they’ve gotten the scale right, but I guess they’re Q so they can be big as they wanna be or whatever.
Speaking of other things they want.
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Welcome to my weird Pride and Prejudice fantasy, complete with gazebo
I mean, everyone is entitled to their own fantasy, but you are wearing lacy pink things and the strangest tartan belt ever seen, and your hair seems to be fashioned after those vines growing up alongside that latticework. Who’s your Mr. Darcy?
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Where to start? The velour jacket is great, but the fancy lapelwork there is something I’d more expect to see alongside the jacuzzi that Lwaxana Troi and Worf’s son Alexander were hanging out in. Really the only thing that’s okay about this scene is how uncomfortable Rikes looks in it.
Of course, since the first scene with Riker and Amanda we’ve all been feeling that if anyone is feeling some kind of way about anybody, it’s Riker for Amanda (ew). Still, though, he does the this is not appropriate routine, until she realizes the full potential of her Q-ness and makes him fall madly in love with her.
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Disclaimer: I am a gay man. But what is happening to her breasts.
I mean, that just cannot be comfortable. Also, bless Frakes for being like “well, I guess the script calls for me to get all up on this 18 year old.” Anyway, she knows that it’s not real so is not into it. Unanswered question from the episode: DOES RIKER REMEMBER ANY OF THIS?
Okay, so basically it comes down to: does Amanda stay and finish her internship or does she go with Q to join the Continuum and basically become a god? Let’s take a look at Amanda one week after her internship starts:
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This job has destroyed me
So first of all, why she gotta always wear unitards with weird textured minidress operations on top? Second of all, though, at least this color is not quite so bubble-gum flavored. This is a lima bean and overdone spinach combination here, which, okay, not super appetizing, but at least she doesn’t look like she just jumped off the Candyland gameboard. Also, those tendrils of hair! That’s how you know she is not playing around anymore.
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This planet is burnt
Listen, you guys, some other stuff happens, but I had several glasses of wine while watching FEUD so I’m just gonna wrap it up with this little side-by-side: this is the planet 4-nostrils Bea Arthur was from and that the Enterprise was trying to help, and Q is basically like “Amanda, if you can stop using your Q powers then you don’t have to come be part of the Continuum, oh but here’s a planet with a whole lot of people that are about to die, SHRUG.”
I mean, of course she saves it. The show didn’t have enough budget for an intern character.
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Still, she gotta say goodbye.
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“Good luck girl, but don’t ever come for me the way Q comes for Jean-Luc. Because I will own you so hard.” —Bev
Have a great week, everybody! 
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