#when you accept the gift of an introvert
amynchan · 1 year
So people talk about extroverts adopting introverts all the time; however, it was recently brought to my attention that I, an introvert, have adopted extroverts in the past.
Adoption by extroverts takes, like, a few seconds. Adoption by introverts, on the other hand, can take weeks or months.
Imagine, for a sec, that you're in class. You've been in this class for a while, and you're just... chilling out, talking with your friends. You notice everyone in the class, including the loner in the back who honestly seems to just want to be left alone. Ok, cool, they can do them. It's not exactly the best day you've had, but it's not the worst. It's fine. It's fine, it's fine, it's totally fine.
Class goes on, you guys all do your own work, you get some notes from some of your friends asking to hang out, and life goes on. You're not really in a mood to hang out, and you kinda want to be left alone. You wave everyone off, and for a second, you're by yourself.
Well, except for the loner in the back. They've stayed in their corner with their book, and it doesn't look like they'll leave, but they're not bugging you or anything, so... meh. You leave them be.
It takes you a few moments, but you manage to pull yourself out of your funk. You think about talking to the loner in the back, but then you decide against it. Probably best not to bug them. Then you move on with your day. No big deal.
A few weeks later, something similar happens. Not the best day, kinda worse than the last, and you don't take any of the notes that are being handed to you by the people around you. Everyone else leaves class at the end, and you just... you need a moment or two. You set your head down on the desk and shut your eyes.
You just need to relax for a little bit. Just a bit of rest, and you'll be fine.
A soft sound, probably not even intended to be heard. You look up, and the loner of the class is leaving. When you look at your desk again, there's something there.
There isn't a note. It's just a small baggie filled with goldfish crackers.
Weird. Ok.
You take the goldfish, and you eat them. They're not drugged or magic or anything, but they're nice. The crunching helps with your mood, oddly enough.
The next day, you make it to class with your usual group, just a little bit before class actually starts, as is normal. The loner is where they usually are, book in hand and--now that you notice it--a little bag of goldfish crackers. They're eating them.
"Hey, gimme a sec," you tell your friends, and you make your way over. You think they wouldn't like a huge group of people by them right now--or ever, honestly, but right now seems like a good thing to start with. When you get close enough, you're not quite sure what to say, but it's not like that's stopped you before.
"Hey," you blurt, and the loner startles for a second. They turn to you. They don't look scared. Just a little disoriented, but still. "You okay?"
"Uh, yeah," they say. There's no stutter or anything to indicate that they're shy or anything. They blink a few times, and the disorientation goes away. "Just got lost in my book. It happens sometimes. What about you? You okay? You looked kind of rough yesterday."
You're... not really sure why they noticed, but they gave you goldfish, so... You shrug.
"It wasn't the best day, but it got better after the goldfish. Thanks for that, by the way."
"No problem," they say. They look... pretty comfortable talking with you, actually. For some reason, you always thought they were shy. "I think your friends are waiting for you."
You turn, and your friend group is staring at you. You grin sheepishly and start to slink away. Before you get too far, you turn back to the loner, who's kept their eye on you.
"Why did you give me the goldfish?" you ask. "It was nice, but... it's not like we ever talked or anything. You didn't have to give me the rest of your snack. You had half a bag left. That could have lasted you, what, another class or two?"
The other shrugged, still comfortable in their seat. "You respected my space."
"Few weeks ago," said the loner. The day comes back to you very vaguely. It's been a while since then! You've slept! "Sometimes, when people are upset, they stay after class. Then they get better, and they notice me, and they try to talk to me even when I'm reading. Not sure why; it's really awkward. You didn't, though. You kept to yourself, I saw you notice me, and then you let me be. It's one of the nicest things someone's done for me."
That.... sounds very backwards to you, honestly.
"So I guess I just... kept an eye out in case you needed something." They finally look away from you, down at their book. It's a hard cover, and they start fiddling with the front cover, moving it back and forth with gentleness. "Figured it'd be nice to be friends or something."
You stare, just for a moment, and wonder about how backwards it feels. You're usually the kind of person who just goes up and asks to be friends. To wait in the long haul like that...
Well, it's just not your style. If you want a friend, you usually ask. And why fix what isn't broken?
"You wanna hang out sometime?" you ask, and the other lets the hard cover fall safely on the pages. You look at the book and grin. "Tell me about what you're reading or something?"
You've never been interested before, but this person doesn't seem bad. You honestly haven't really given the other person that much thought before. They do a little quirk of a smile, like they're trying not to laugh.
"Sure," they say. "After class?"
Honestly, it's not like you don't have the time. You grin.
You go back to your friends, joining in the chatter with ease, when one of them asks, "Hey, did you just adopt an introvert?"
You look back at your new friend, and you find that they're lost in their book again. you laugh, amused at the bizarre turn of events.
"I think," you say with a grin, "that the introvert just adopted me."
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vivmaek · 3 months
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The moon acts as a guiding light within the night sky and humans have used it to orient themselves within time and space since the dawn of our existence. However, our connection to the moon goes beyond practicality. Looking up at the moon evokes a sense of comfort, and its beauty is inspirational. As much as our planet has changed, for better or for worse, the moon remains consistent with its cycles. This sense of stability offers us wisdom, and each period of the lunar cycle represents a different stage of growth.  I was inspired to write this post after reading a fascinating article that is titled, “Effects of different phases of the lunar month on humans.” The Author, Ujjwal Chakraborty, explored the ways in which the lunar cycle exerts influence upon human psychology and physiology. Chakraborty states, “The altered autonomic neural activity and cardiovascular activity during different lunar phases is probably one of the fundamental causes of the changes of human physiology.”(2014) The autonomic nervous system regulates heart rate, digestion, respiration, blood pressure, and sexual arousal. Any changes that occurs within the autonomic nervous system is going to affect human behavior. To see a spiritual phenomenon be explained through scientific research is incredibly thought provoking; this leads me to believe that the spiritual meanings attached to each lunar phase must hold a certain amount of truth to them. If anyone is interested, the article can be found here. Chakraborty has a few other articles dedicated to lunar research that are also quite compelling. If this information intrigues you, I’d recommend looking into “The Transylvania Effect.”  
I. Lunar Phase Personalities
Click here to calculate the lunar phase you were born under.
✰ New Moon - Individuals born under this phase tend to be psychic and are gifted in their ability to acknowledge the unseen. They represent new beginnings and trust their inner instincts. This can make them rather impulsive at times. New moon babies seek out adventure and are dedicated to the process of learning. They want to experience all that life has to offer them and are not afraid to dream big. This is the only phase of the moon that is absent of light, and because of this new moon babies naturally stand out from the rest. They also make for efficient leaders because their emotions and ego are in alignment. However, they’re not the types to seek attention and would prefer to work behind the scenes. Their introverted qualities and reserved nature spark a lot of intrigue. People born under this phase can find potential within any endeavor and always have a fresh perspective to offer up. Learning how to embrace the unknown is a major life lesson for these types. 
✰ Waxing Crescent - These types can appear timid, but once you get to know them they are incredibly lively individuals who are full of curiosity. They prefer to stick to the things that they know and might struggle with accepting change. People born under a waxing crescent moon might get stuck within the past at times. Being courageous is something they struggle with. However, they still feel a desire to go out and explore, but they will approach these adventures with a practical mindset. Waxing crescent babies are attached to their comfort zone and are good at maintaining this even when chasing after new experiences. They are also good at finding the right people to associate with. Security is everything to these types, and they prefer to build deep relationships with people who will be in their life for a very long time. I’ve noticed that these individuals might feel more awkward than they come across. They are perfectionist and struggle with self criticism, they might get stuck within their own head during social exchanges. 
✰ First Quarter - There are not many individuals born under a first quarter moon, which makes these types out to be rather unique. These people are the “main characters,” and they know it. They are not afraid to take charge of their own lives and are highly ambitious. Individuals born under this phase are not dependent upon admiration or attention. The only person they’re looking to impress is themselves. First quarter babies embrace challenges. The more challenges a situation throws at them, the more likely they are to succeed. The type of person  who never backs down, they love putting their skills and talents to the test. Someone looking for a solution is going to be drawn to an individual born under a first quarter moon. Their strong personalities invoke action within other people and they serve as a source of inspiration. These individuals become unstoppable once they develop patience and learn how to wait. 
✰ Waxing Gibbous - A sense of maturity is immediately evident within these individuals. They are natural caretakers and people often seek them out to be nurtured. Waxing gibbous babies have a calm presence that elicits a sense of peace within others. These types maneuver social situations with grace and making friends comes easy to them. They inspire other people to be better, and some might try to emulate them. Other people notice their potential and can see what they’re capable of achieving, but individuals born under this phase struggle to see it within themselves. They might feel life they somehow always fall short or will tell themselves that they are not “enough.” This is the opposite of how people are perceiving them. They must learn how to care for themselves in the same way they care for other people. Developing a deep sense of self love is vital for waxing gibbous babies. 
✰ Full Moon - Individuals born under this phase are filled to the brim with energy. They might come across as more aggressive than they intend to be. Learning how to gain control over their emotions is a major life lesson for these types. Full moon babies might feel as though they are being pulled in two opposite directions. Their ego and emotions are not in alignment, they feel stuck between passion and logic. Sometimes they will chase after their desires even if that's not what's actually best for them. They can see themselves going in many different directions and it can be hard for them to choose just one. This indecisive behavior frustrates other people, especially those who depend on them. These individuals will find more success once they develop a sense of consistency within their lives. Their sense of creativity is deserving of focus and should not be overlooked. As much as their spontaneous nature might frustrate people, they also bring with them a sense of excitement and this is greatly appreciated. 
✰ Waning Gibbous - People born under this phase are often sought after for their wisdom and ability to teach. These old souls are great at communicating their thoughts and learning comes easy to them. It is unlikely that they will have to be taught the same lesson twice, they are not the types to make the same mistakes over and over again. However, being judgmental of others may be a struggle. These individuals need to understand that not everyone is going to learn as quickly as they do. They might become frustrated watching their friends running into the same issues over and over again and will offer up unsolicited advice. It would be best to let people come to them, people will ask for help if they need it. These types tend to place themselves within positions of authority and might struggle with their listening skills. They’re often caught lecturing people when really they should be listening. 
✰ Third Quarter - These types are sentimental individuals who are capable of finding deep meaning within everyday life. They hold an appreciation for the little things and show gratitude for what they have. Third quarter babies become easily attached, it can be hard for them to move on from the past. They take things slowly and aren’t likely to be caught up within a rush. Their loyalty is often taken for granted, as well as their kindness. They are commonly found within their own little world. Nostalgia maintains a strong hold upon these types. However, this connection to the past can create unpleasantries within their present life. They may be quick to forgive, but that doesn't mean they’re over it. Sometimes this can be unfair, third quarter babies need to learn how to let go of the past when it's for the best. 
✰ Waning Crescent - The ultimate day dreamers. Waning crescent babies have an extremely active imagination and are highly creative. They often have visions of what's to come and very little takes them by surprise. People are drawn to their deep insight and are attracted to their unconventional personalities. These types have a mystical presence, it seems as if they are from another world. Their opinions are uniquely theirs, which can sometimes lead to them being outcasted. However, they thrive when alone and oftentimes complete their best creative work during these moments. Throughout life, they remain true to themselves and are not afraid to embrace their eccentric qualities. They have lots of unconventional wisdom to offer. Many of these types are psychic and are in touch with the spiritual realm, but don’t quite realize this. Learning to embrace and trust their intuition is a big lesson for these types. 
II. Living in Alignment with the Lunar Cycle
✰ New Moon - Plant your seeds. This is a time to set new intentions and begin new projects. Take it easy by planning a relaxing night in so you can get in touch with yourself. Forget about the past so you can focus on what's best for the present moment. Journal about your hopes and dreams and think about the steps you can take within the next week to get closer to your desires. Burn a white candle, and incorporate the smell of tangerine, lemon, and jasmine into your routine. 
✰ Waxing Crescent Moon - This is the time to be productive. Make sure to partake in healthy habits, give yourself an extra hour of sleep by going to bed early. Continue to build upon the goals you set for yourself during the new moon. Practice meditation to remain focused within daily life. Eat a meal that would be beneficial for your health. Burn a green candle and incorporate the smell of bergamot, cedarwood, and ginger into your routine. 
✰ First Quarter Moon - Take time to focus on what's working for you and what isn’t. What tweeks need to be made within your daily routines and habits? Try to complete any tasks you’ve been putting off under this lunar phase. Go for a walk and listen to music that energizes you. Burn a red candle and incorporate the smell of patchouli, lemon and ylang ylang into your routine. 
✰ Waxing Gibbous Moon - Practice patience and journal about the times in your life in which you persevered. Focus on the progress you’ve made thus far and show gratitude for what you have. Try to complete whatever preparations are needed for the next few days so they will run more smoothly. Burn a yellow candle and incorporate the smell of rose or juniper into your routine. 
✰ Full Moon - Celebrate all the work you’ve completed by doing activities that bring you happiness. Have a fun night out with friends, take yourself out to your favorite restaurant. This would be a good time to focus on socialization. Make an effort to show your friends and family  some love. Burn a pink candle and incorporate the smell of sandalwood, cardamom and cinnamon into your routine. 
✰ Waning Gibbous Moon - Take time to reflect on the lessons you’ve learned within the past couple weeks. This would be a great time to declutter your space. Make an effort to let go of any disappointment or minor inconveniences that have been bothering you. Be kind to yourself and journal about the opportunities certain failures have brought you. Burn a light blue candle and incorporate the smell of lavender and tea tree into your routine. 
✰ Last Quarter Moon - Remove yourself from your burdens by engaging your mind with relaxing activities. This would be a good time to sit within nature. Read a book, watch one of your favorite tv shows or movies. Journal about recent frustrations so you can get them off your chest. Practice forgiveness for yourself and for others. Burn an indigo candle and incorporate the smell of peppermint and eucalyptus into your routine. 
✰ Waning Crescent Moon - Prepare yourself a comfort meal and draw a hot bath. Stretch your body and practice breathing exercises. Give yourself a massage or ask someone else to give you one. Focus on what you are drawn to as well as the desires that are developed while in a state of relaxation, try to write them down. Burn a purple candle and incorporate the smell of frankincense, sage, and lavender. 
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tonixe · 4 months
I dare you to do the darkest, dirtiest, most disturbing shit with Coriolanus peacekeeper
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A/N: I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE! UGHH, I love possessive coriolanus, he is so sexy when he has authority, man I love him.
WARNING: p in the v, non to dub-con, love bombing, gaslighting, fear, hitting, kidnapping, coercion, hair pulling, bondage, forced mudpie, oral sex (male receiving), jealousy, cum eating. *** coriolanus being possessive and obsessive.
PAIRING: Peacekeeper!coriolanus x district!reader
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Born into the district—born into a life of hardships and pain...you were luckily born to two parents, and though you weren't financially stable you managed to enjoy a happy with your family. You had 3 siblings you had to look after, and whenever your parents went off to work, life was stressful but every time you got to see their faces smiling you were also satisfied.
When you got older you got a part-time job, at the vendor selling food, it was owned by an old couple who graciously gave you the job, though it wasn't a lot of money you took to support your parents. They asked to take a shift that was deeper into the night, so you accepted the offer, needing the money. Holding yourself up at the cart, waiting as you called out for customers, feeling yourself getting tired as the second. Stretching your arms out, as you looked further into the night. The night there were more Peacekeepers out, inspecting the district, it slightly made you feel apprehensive at the armed men walking through the area.
Your eyes hesitantly look and watch their movements, brushing the dust off your aprons, fixing your hair as your hair stuck to your neck from the humid air. Hearing footsteps inching near you, as you looked up...you felt your heart dropping in automatic dread, at the blonde Peacekeeper in front of you. You cleared your throat before speaking up to him, "Could I interest you, Sir?" you asked, your voice quivering as you spoke just to keep a positive tone. You felt his eyes raking you. He nodded, "I'll have that" He pointed, as you nodded. His eyes looked at you as you wrapped it up, "Have I seen you before?" He questioned, you looked up at him, "I don't think so..." You smiled at him, as you quickly boxed it up. "Enjoy, Sir" You put your hand out gesturing for him to take the box, "Thank you," He said, taking the box from your hand, and you felt his rough hands against yours.
You watched as he took his leave...you finally got to breathe, releasing the pending oxygen in your lungs and exhaling through your nose.
From the simple exchange, Coriolanus found himself visiting you at your vendor stall. Though, your introverted nature, you reluctantly started talking to him. You told him little things about your life, but he was smart enough to connect the puzzle pieces that you told him and connect it back to your life. He found your coquettish antics cute...and after your shifts you found yourself spending time with him, and often the districts were hot and humid, spending time by the lakes.
His sky-blue eyes took the appearance of your disheveled form, but he found you still captivating—from your dress strap falling to your shoulder and your light dress sticking against your wet skin. He wanted to take a picture of you to save the memory...but Time after time, he found himself getting slowly addicted to you...his visits got frequent, and he would deliver little gifts or care packages to you such as medicine, food, or water. You were grateful for him doing this, but you didn't want to feel like a burden to him, at first you were hesitant to take the gifts but he would ensure that it was a gift for you.
You didn't think about the kind gestures he would do for you, but you would always thank him for what he did. Soon, his obsession with you was like a disease, it kept on spreading and spreading over time, every time he closed his eyes, it would be just you, even when he worked on his daily tasks, his mind would be infected with pictures of you. He would always prefer to be stationed somewhere near you, he would be observing you as you worked, he hated when you talked to other men that weren't him, and his obsession with you was unhealthy, It felt like he couldn't last a day without or seeing you, sometime he would show up unannounced with a bouquet of roses in his hands surprising you.
The first time it was a nice gesture, and you loved it but it started again and again, his presence was almost suffocating to you, and when he asked you the question, you felt fear of saying no to him. But you knew if you were to say 'yes' it would get worse, so you told him to give you some time to think about it, he nodded but you knew he was displeased.
You had a plan to just run away, but you knew sooner or later he would catch you, you shivered at the thought. Knowing that your family would be harmed in the invasion, your ear perked at the sound of the door, you dragged your feet to the door, opening it up. It was him, a bouquet of roses in his hands, his Arctic blue eyes staring at you. It was haunting, he cleared his throat before talking, "So..have you made your decision?" every word he said made your heart pump faster, your flight response ringing alarms through your body to run.
"Coriolanus..um" you stopped mid-way, looking at him in his eyes, "I do thank you for what you do for me, but—I barely know you, and I don't think we would..be good together" you finished your sentence, feeling an eerily feeling in your gut, "Why" that all he said, you looked again at him. It looked like a shadow was cast, his bright sky blue eyes that he looked at you with, were darkening as he spoke.
"For all I do for you, you choose to deny me" The volume of his voice increases, and you force yourself to look at him as he yells at you, he laughs for a short while, before grabbing your jaw, "I protected you, I have done everything for you" you eyes watered from his grip, "I think you should leave, Corio" you whispered, it felt like whip when you used his nickname in that sentence, he released your jaw. His hand was in your hair down, pulling you down, as you felt tears threatening to be produced, his rough hands pulling on your hair, making your scalp hurt, "Corio..please!" You exclaimed, he started to say something else, every word uttering from his word was like venom to an open wound. He threw down the bouquet of roses onto the floor
Your knee felt weak as you fell down onto the floor, hearing his footsteps receding, and the sound door being slammed closed. Tears dripping down from your cheek, the bouquet of roses on the floor, as the petals were scattered on the floor, it was some sick remember of Coriolanus. Days passed, and you saw roses on your doormat, every day it would happen, and you felt fear looming over you.
Every time the color would change from pink to a deep red, they varied every day.
But you went back to your job, selling at the stand to the deep of night, noticing the tie, you quickly packed the cart up for tomorrow and rolled it back to where the old couple resided. You sang to yourself as the wheels of the cart rolled against the broken concrete before you knew it, you felt a hand wrapping your torso, and something else like cloth suffocating you, you tried to scream, but it went deaf in your throat, succumbing to the cloth as you closed your eyes, fainting into the strangers hands.
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Your eyes fluttered open, as your eyes wandered around your surroundings. You felt your legs numb, as you tried to stand up, but couldn't, looking down at yourself, rope wrapped around your body. You tried not to move from the friction of the rope hurting you.
Your ears perked at the sound of footsteps,. "Your finally awake, my dove" He walked towards you, taking a knee when he got a good look at you. His fingers caressed your cheek, "We were meant for each other, Y/N" He whispered, you started shaking when his hands lowered, and you turned yourself away from him before he withdrew from him. Before he grabbed you by your jaw, forcing you to look at him, "Do I scare you, am I that ugly that you don't want to love me, Y/N" You shook your head immediately, "Then why.." He growled, and you felt tears on your cheeks, "Don't try to use your crocodile tears on me, Y/N" He glared at you.
You looked away from him, as you sniffled, "Fuck, you don't know what you do to me.." he traveled his finger over your lip, parting it, as you stared at him. Before he kissed you, his tongue forcing itself into your mouth, you felt yourself crying more, as you bit down on his tongue. He withdrew from you, the trail of blood on his lips. His haunting chuckle echo in your ear, "You fucking bitch" He held his jaw. He stood up from the floor, looking away from him.
You heard the sound of belt jingling, your eyes widening at the sight, of his cock in his hand, "Corio, no..please' you begged, your felt yourself crying more, his footsteps inching near you, he slapped his cock on your cheek, it was degrading. "Open," He said, and you felt your lips trembling at the size, "N-no" you whispered, and he repeated himself again, you turned away before he pried your lips open and forced himself into your mouth, making you gag. His hands were in your hair, as he dragged you against his cock, fucking into your mouth. Salvia dripping down from your chin, his groans ringing out in your ears.
"Fuck, you're doing so good, sweetheart" He looked down at you, as your tears filled your vision, he smirked looking at your vulnerable form, before he thrust himself into you. You felt his hot load going down your throat, "Swallow" He said, and you obeyed, The bitter taste coating your mouth, his hands caressing your cheek, "Good girl" he smiled at you. Before he released your jaw, your eyes looked down at the floor, before you heard him tucking himself into his pants.
Days passed,
He treated you with kindness, gifting you a rose, and caressing your back as you lay on his lap, but you managed to convince him to remove the rope around your body. He would braid your hair, comb it, and treat you like a doll. It kept on happening, you started worrying about your family if they were currently looking for you. "Coriolanus, can I visit my family, please" He stopped combing your hair, and he down at you, "Do you deserve it?" He asked, "Please" you begged, sitting up as you looked at him. He breathed out, looking away from you.
"I deserve it, you kidnapped me against my own will!" You stood and yelled, he just glared at you, as he stood up. His height towering over you, "You don't need them at all, I..can give you what you need. you don't need them" He yelled at you, grabbing your shoulder as he forced you to look up at him. "No, I never asked for you to do anything, you came up to me. You did this just to do it, Coriolanus" You yelled at him, finally using his full name instead of the nickname you gave me, you felt your cheek throbbing, his hand harshly hitting you, before he grabbed you by your shirt, "I will fucking kill you and your family if you leave me, Y/N..do you hear me" He lowered his voice, you were shaking. His eyes softened at you crying, before he held you not a hug and you held him, his hands rubbing your back, soothing you.
"Just not now, Y/N.." He whispered and kissed your forehead, you felt sick to your stomach. The next day, he apologized to you, and you were forced to accept, he covered you with kisses and love, and gifted roses.
A month passed still being caged by Coriolanus, but you got some freedom from him, but you weren't allowed to leave a tall. he had surveillance on you. He always reminds you that he loved you, did kind things with you, and surprised you with flowers like he always did. Red roses everywhere,
You stared at the window, it was fairly getting dark, and no signs of Coriolanus coming back. You wanted to escape but knowing the consequence would be horrible if you committed the act, before you heard stomping from the door, your eyes looking at the furious Coriolanus in front of you. "How many men, have you slept with Y/N" You got up from your feet, looking at him incredulously, "What are you talking about?" before you felt a sting on your cheek, "Don't play dumb with me" He yelled at you, "How many" He repeated himself, "I —none, I didn't do anything, Coriolanus" you sniffled, before he took a fist of your hair, pulling you towards him, "Don't fucking lie to me, Y/N" He growled, "I'm not lying, please" He hit you a second time, this time it was worse, feeling your nose bleeding from the impact. He started dragging you to the bedroom, where he forced you to sleep, throwing you onto the mattress of the bed, you heard him taking off his belt, forcefully tying up your hands above you.
"Coriolanus, please' you screamed, kicking your legs everywhere, "Please-please, stop" you cried as he got on top of you, taking off your pants and panties in the same quick motion. Aligning himself against, before you felt himself inside of you, it was painful, horrible. He moaned against you, as he forced himself into you and out, thrusting his hips against yours, you screamed at him, hitting him on his biceps to stop.
Your screams were deaf to his ears, as he fucked himself into you, his cock tearing everything inside of you, "Please" you heaved, hitting him, his sky-blue eyes staring at you. Time passed slowly, purposely you felt, before he cummed inside of you, you screamed for him to stop and pull out but he didn't. You lay there motionless, dried tears on your cheeks and naked in front of him, "Don't touch me" you cried, flipping to the side away from him. He called your name again, but you ignored him, holding yourself, you rolled yourself into a ball and cried to yourself until you fell asleep.
When you woke up,, you didn't see Coriolanus, you looked at yourself, your bottom still exposed, a reminder of at the ordeal that happened yesterday. You stood up, putting back your underwear and your pants, before walking out of the bedroom, rubbing your eyes still tired. There was something on the table, as you walked, it was a bouquet of fresh roses and a note attached to it with his handwriting.
You covered your mouth, and you fell to your knee and cried to yourself, knowing that he wouldn't let you go...the roses he gifted you are just a reminder of his torment.
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gyusrose · 4 months
➵ 5-star michelin -> p.js
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-dm or comment to be added to taglist -
⚠︎ smut (mdni) , sprinkle of angst
✎ teacher!jay x student, slight age gap (25 & 23), jay is kinda mean, dom!jay + sub!reader, jealous!jay, praising, dirty talk
summary: achieving your dream of becoming a chef is not easy, even worse when your teacher’s always up your ass.
{btw! i don’t cook like at all so bear with me 🙏}
(non!idol jay x fem.reader)
~ late christmas + new year’s gift *ੈ✩‧₊˚🥂*ੈ✩‧₊˚
wc: 4.2k
you love the kitchen, you pretty much live there day and night. it’s no surprise to anyone that your dream job is eventually becoming a real chef. that’s why you’ve spent almost your whole life perfecting the one skill you’re good at. most of the recipes you use come from your mom. before she passed she left a whole book of recipes in it and what a hell of a good time you had with it.
it helped you cope, that’s what drove it. you feel sad? make something yummy. you feel mad? bake something nice. you feel happy? cool something delicious. your problems seemed to fade away while your cooking.
over the last year, you’ve started attending culinary school. obviously, you’re not perfect and you still need some work on your dishes but you’re not doing too bad to say the least. now though, it’s a new chapter opening for you.
you’ve been wanting to get out of your hometown for a while and move to the city as there were more opportunities down here and to your luck, you got accepted into a (very prestigious) culinary school nearby your apartment, a win-win situation.
like anyone, you were scared, scared to make new friends, scared to meet new people, scared to start from zero, a new place, a new routine. but it’s all for the better.
you sighed as you tied your apron around your waist, almost heading out the door to your first day of school. boxes were still unpacked all around your floor, it was a total mess, you literally slept on the floor last night. it was definitely not the best case scenario for a great morning but eh.
you finally caught your breath trying to calm down grabbing your tote bag and leaving your messy apartment.
the school was no more than five minutes away walking. at least you’re gonna be on time.
your entered the glass doors of the huge white building. the receptionist noticed you, you quickly showed her your ID, which they gave you during your orientation last week. she gave you a nod and you headed into the elevator, pressing the number 13.
your hands were shaking and sweaty. coming into a new school in the middle of the year has got to be the worst scenario for an introvert like you. you finally reached the room where the class will be taking place ( i genuinely don’t know what culinary school is like pls) as soon as you stepped in, all eyes were on you. including the head chef’s.
“you must be the new student right? happy first day you’re late.” one of them spoke, your cheeks couldn’t have become any redder than what they already were. you hated all the attention on you.
late? didn’t class start at 7:30? you thought.
“class started fifteen minutes ago, take a seat and catch up.” almost like he could read your mind he responded.
you muttered a low ‘sorry’ before heading onto an empty seat trying to take as much attention away from you. of course his happens to you.
you gathered all the ingredients you were told to get and set them on the table in front of you. mimicking what the other students were doing. as you weee doing that the chef came up to your side, an evident scowl noticed on his face.
it was until then you realized how handsome he was, he looked very young as well, not someone that you would expect to be a head chef. his jawline was sharper than the knife on your hand. you shook those thoughts away quickly though, he’s your teacher! what are you thinking?
“i’m just letting you know, whatever you did today can’t happen anymore, attendance is very important everyday, this is a very advanced class so you might not want to be missing any of it, got it?” even though he whispered, it felt like he was yelling at you. it was very aggressive and harsh making you flinch.
you quickly nodded, now scared of him even more. suddenly you want to change classes with another chef. finally leaving you let out a big sigh which you were holding in ever since he came over, and resumed cutting your vegetables and stir frying them.
“you need more seasoning on that, it’s too bland!” the chef, which you now you know as ‘Chef Park’ said as he tasted your chicken. you were almost sweating, from the way he speaks and acts, you felt nothing but intimidated by his presence, even more when he’s tasting your first dish for him. throughout the whole lesson today, he seemed to be only picking at you, he didn’t taste any of the other student’s food, only yours. you found it kind of irritating but tried not to think much about it.
“i’ll definitely note that chef.” you smiled at him bowing.
“ i’m expecting a lot from you, ______” he said before heading back to his space.
you were confused. why you? you’re probably the least talented person in this room right now so why you? you had so many questions but decided that maybe you just needed a good nights rest and starting packing up your stuff on your bag.
jay sighed at the empty room in front of him. it was currently 1 am, and he couldn’t find the urge to go home. he was just thinking, thinking about you.
he was the one that read your application into the school, he read your recommendation letters from your past teachers. you were put into his advanced class for a reason.
what he didn’t expect was the glory of a woman that was going to get in that door. it was as if the universe slapped his type right in front of him. that’s what he saw. how could someone look so beautiful in such a simple uniform? he also wonders that.
he can’t let down his demeanor though. yes he finds you attractive, but he can’t soften up just for you, that’s unfair to the rest of the students that have to put up with him. plus he hasn’t forgotten that he’s the teacher and you’re a student, it’s unethical for him to even be thinking of you in that way.
it’s been approximately a month since you’ve started going to this new school and to be honest, it was eating you up. chef park kept nit-picking everything you did, which honestly is what’s. teacher should do but not to that extent. you saw the way he was always looking your way when you were cooking. how he would yell at you across the room when you did something wrong ( even if other people were also doing it) it’s driving you insane to the point that you’re about to actually request for a change of teacher.
you were struggling to cook the steak to chef park’s desired temperature when you felt someone tap your shoulder. you turned your head around to see a boy. if you’re not mistaken his name is jake.
“i see you’re kind of struggling with that, there’s a trick i do that always manages to cook the steak to chef’s park liking. may i?” he asked if he could touch the knobs of your stove. you nodded and he turned the heat to the maximum for a few seconds, turning the steak over on both sides while bathing it in butter , then he turned it to low heat, repeating the same action.
jay obviously noticed this and did not appreciate it. he should be happy seeing another student sharing tips with you but that wasn’t the case this time. without thinking he walked over the two of your laughing figures.
“sim! it’s very inappropriate of you to be talking with your little friend when you should be cooking..”
“oh sorry chef park. i was just giving her a hand. i thought you wouldn’t mind.”
you looked at chef park, noticing his glaring eyes on jake. is it that bad for a student to help another student out?
“well i do! back to your place.” he said not sparing you a glance while jake decided to not respond back and just gave you an apologetic smile before heading off.
“alright everyone, that would be it for today, but don’t forget that by the end of the semester you’re gonna have to cook something of your own, impress me okay? “
as students left you decided to have a word with the chef, wanting to know if he just truly just didn’t like you or if he had a problem with you being here, so you could change chefs.
there was another girl talking to him before you. he acted so different with her, so respectful, kind and smiley. his face sours up every time he’s talking with you, so you barely see him smile and you almost melted at it.
“is there a problem miss ______?”
you jumped out of your other world and looked at him. suddenly feeling shy. you felt your confidence slip away as he was now looking straight at you, waiting for you to speak.
“ well-uh i’ve been noticing how harsh you’re on me compared to the other students, did i do something to cause that?”
jay was taken aback from your straightforwardness, but he responded either way.
“ you just need more toughness out on you _____, do you want to be mediocre?” he was lying through his teeth. jay knew you were if anything, the best of the class, he couldn’t just say that out loud.
you on the other hand, were crushed. was mediocre all he saw in you? have you been lied to by your other teachers?
“ is the yelling necessary though ? there’s way to effectively communicate without yelling.” you hated being yelled at. every time someone raised their voice at you, tears would just fall like a waterfall. thankfully, you’ve managed to hold in your tears during class so chef hasn’t seen you cry.
“are you questioning my teaching skills now? “
shit. now you offended him.
“n-no that’s not what i meant, i just-“
“you don’t think i’m a good teacher ?” he said getting up closer to you, pretty much standing inches in front of you. suddenly you felt your heartbeat fasten.
“i d-do chef, i just kind of find it unfair?” you said, trying to not stutter all your words.
jay smirked, now standing less than a feet in front of you, grabbing your chin and holding it up, making you look straight at him. jay could definitely see your rosy cheeks that you were so embarrassedly trying to hide.
“am i making you nervous miss _____?” you only gulped, you didn’t even know what to respond to that, even though it was bluntly obvious based on your state right now.
the both of you didn’t say anything for a moment, the two just stared at each other, waiting for one to make a move first.
you don’t know exactly where you got the guts to actually make the move. you engulfed your chef into a suffocating kiss. the kiss itself was enough to show how much y’all were yearning for each other. jay was dying to do this ever since he laid his eyes on you, but you on the other hand, didn’t know how much you actually wanted to do this until now. sure you found him handsome and smart and literally perfect but you never expected for him to think of you the same way to the point we’re he’s actually kissing you back and heating up the kiss you once started. his tongue grazed over your lip. his hands moved from your face to your waist, pulling you closer, melting into his embrace. your lips tasted so sweet, jay felt insatiable.
both of you forgot about the fact that this was very much not allowed. the world ceased to exist to exist at that moment. there were no boundaries, no constraints, just the two of you.
jay’s hand traveled down further and further, now down to your ass, giving it a light squeeze. the small action made you moan into his lips. even though your eyes were closed, you could feel him smirking at you.
your own hands travelled along his broad shoulders, down his shoulders. once again, confidence shot through you. your fingertips found their way to his belt buckle, about to undo it when his fingers wrapped around your wrist. stopping your movements.
“see you next class.” that’s all he said before gathering his things and leaving you there. high and dry.
that’s when you woke up. realizing what you were about to do, more like who you were about to do it with.
embarrassed. that’s what you were. he could literally lose his job what were you thinking?!
you let out a shaky sigh and left the empty room. all you need right now is a hot shower and sleep, you need to forget this ever happened. the worse thing is that tomorrow you still have to face him in class.
you knew showing up in the classroom that the two of you almost fucked in yesterday was going to be hard to show your face in. although no one noticed you, you just felt exposed. you refused to make eye contact with jay the whole time. jay definitely noticed this right away. he felt kind of bad in leaving you like that, but he knew that if he stayed there a little longer, he wouldn’t have controlled himself. he did think though, you looked kind of cute all shy and red, avoiding his eyes the whole class.
he took matters to his hands and approached you for the first time today, which was odd since he would’ve already yelled at you for something at this point.
“what are you working on miss ______?” his voice startled you, not even noticing he walked over to you.
“ just finishing the sauce for this.” you shortly said looking down at your food. jay’s stare didn’t leave your face once. and you could feel it very much. it felt hard to breathe at that moment. you have no doubt your face is boiling at his simple presence.
“ look at me when i’m speaking to you.” you didn’t want to. but he was still your teacher and the last thing you want to be is disrespectful so you looked at him. and god you wished you didn’t. those brown eyes have a world of its own. you found yourself staring at him shamelessly, forgetting he was speaking to you.
“are you even listening?” of course you weren’t yet you nodded assuringly.
“great then see you friday night.” you nodded but it took you a moments to realize what he said.
friday night? for what? this is what you get for daydreaming. embarrassingly, you asked him what he meant after you just told him you were listening to what he was saying.
jay chuckled and shook his head at your lie. “ i said if you were coming to the dinner i have set up for the class, since christmas is coming. and you responded yes, so you better be there miss ______.” he said with a smirk, palming your cheek. your eyes widened at his move. you looked around to see if anyone noticed, to your relief no one did as they were too focused on their food. “someone could’ve seen!” you whisper-shouted your chef. he just rolled his eyes and said “ just be there on friday, i have a gift for you.”
the last thing he said before walking away. you were left dumbfounded. what did any of that mean? you didn’t notice that you’ve doesn’t about 10 minutes just standing there thinking until you smelt something burning.
“your meat is overdone _____!!!” jake told you walking up to you turning the stove off.
you weren’t the one to like social events much. as a teenager, you barely went out with your friends. you were a proud nerd. always focused on school, that’s how you were thought to be, which explains how you’ve only made one friend (jake) ever since been here for months. now you’re gonna be forced to socialize for a whole evening.
you weren’t unprepared thankfully. you brought a couple of classy dresses with you, you could imagine that things like these were gonna happen. you eventually decided on a white silk dress. it was elegant yet comfortable for you. not too short or not too long as well. you decided to not do anything special with your hair and let it down.
you suddenly felt the urge to not go. the last person you want to see is your chef. you don’t see the point of going yet you kept doing your makeup, you just want to change into your pyjamas and lay in bed all night. a ding in your phone caught your attention, revealing a text message from jake.
-I’m here
it seemed like you have to go now. quickly you gathered your things and left your lot.
jay kept waiting and waiting. you was all he was waiting on. a bunch of people kept coming up and talking to him but he didn’t care. girls showed up trying to impress him, but nothing. he wanted you to come up to him, impress him.
what he didn’t expect is you coming in with some company. jake was obviously invited but not as your date, he thought. he could see his hand on your back as he said a few sorry’s for being late due to traffic. jay couldn’t focus on anything but you. what the fuck was jake saying to make you laugh so hard. was that on purpose? to see how he would react? jay couldn’t tell. it didn’t help how beautiful you looked tonight, more than usual. that fucker doesn’t get your beauty like he does.
the whole night jay kept quiet. stealing glances towards you and jake. when someone talked to him he kept his reposes dry. for a moment he could swear you stared at him.
jay didn’t miss when you stood up to go to the bathroom. he obviously took this opportunity to talk to you, if it wasn’t right now then it was never.
you left the bathroom, as a soon as you turned around, you were encaged. your breath hitched seeing who it was.
“oh please don’t act all innocent _____, i know what you’re trying to do.”
“i’m sorry..? i don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“coming in here with jake, wearing such tight dress showing off just enough to make me go crazy. do you realize how much power you have over me hm?”
you didn’t know what to respond to that. deep down you loved the way you made him feel. it was planned, at all, but it felt nice knowing how much little effort had an effect on him.
“ it’s not my fault that’s the way you think jay.” honourifics dropped. jay wasn’t expecting that response from you. the alcohol running through your blood was showing at the moment.
jay grabbed your neck and pulled you into a heated kiss. unlike your first kiss, this one was emerged in lust. both of your tongues entangled with each other. your hands rummaged through his hair pulling him closer to you.
all it took was a simple “wanna get out of here?” from jay for you to weaken in the knees, allowing your full submission to him.
“fuck jay, right ther-shit!” so much happened in the last thirty minutes, nothing could’ve prepared you to be eaten out by your teacher at that time.
you don’t even know how jay didn’t crash the car while driving to his house and completely stripping you in seconds. he ate your pussy like he’s been starving for months (which he was) your eyes rolled back, pulling his hair, engulfing him into you, wrapping your legs around his neck. jay was in fucking bliss.
“shit baby, you’re such a mess, so fucking sensitive.” he said pulling away from your cunt, earning a whine from you.
“such a desperate little brat. tell me, what do you want baby.” he said caressing your lips. you couldn’t stop biting them. from your angle, you could see everything of him. his sharp eyes staring down at you, his biceps, his chest, his abs, fuck you could cum right there.
“fuck me jay, i want you to use me.” unlike other instances, you didn’t break eye contact making him moan before grabbing your thighs and spreading them around his pelvis. your core was dying for his cock, it was noticible from how swollen it was.
jay rubbed his head along your folds before looking up at you for reassurance. you nodded, desperate written all over your face.
the first thrust in you was insane. the stretch felt like he was ripping up your insides. it was painful, a good type of pain. “fuck you’re so fucking big jay.” jay only groaned. he couldn’t even say anything, this was better than anything he could ever imagine.
once he was fully in he started to move in and out of your core, grabbing your waist, feeling himself in you. the crude sounds coming out of the both of you echoed throughout the house. jay’s hands played with your tits while you grabbed his waist, making sure he stays inside you as much possible.
“shit you’re so tight, that’s pussy’s all mine ain’t it?” his hand left your tits and started rubbing your clit while his thrusts turned very hostile you couldn’t even form words from the immense amount of pleasure.
“yes yes, it’s all your baby.”
jay didn’t think it could get better than this, but it did.
he flipped you over, now on all-fours, back arched. not wasting any time in fucking you from behind. he groped your ass, leaving his hand marks all over them.
you were about to explode when a ring could be heard, more specifically from your phone. you looked over it on the night stand seeing ‘jake’ displayed on the screen. shit you completely forgot that you just left him at the restaurant. you could call him back lat-
“answer it.” jay said from behind you sternly, fucking you even deeper.
“i don’t think i ca-“
“answer the fucking phone, it must be important.” as much as he didn’t like jake, it turned him on the way you could barely breath let alone speak while he’s fucking you restlessly.
you could barely talk but you managed to grab the phone and answer it, trying to sound as normal as possible.
“ sorry jake, i just wasn’t-hmp feeling well.” your hand went over your mouth to stop you from moaning into the phone. jay was just laughing in the background at your state right now.
“yea yea i-i’m so sorry, have f-fun though.” you nodded at his last sentence before hanging up and glaring at jay from behind you.
“fuck you!” you said then slamming your head into the pillow letting out muffled moans.
“i’m quite literally doing that baby.” you rolled your eyes in pleasure and annoyance. your orgasm was very close, even jay could feel the way you clench around him.
“fuck i’m cumming, so fucking close.” your weak voice said .
jay was on the same boat, he would’ve cum way earlier but it just felt so damn good, he wanted to treasure every moment.
“me too baby, c’mon cum all over my dick, do it baby.” that’s exactly what you did. your body twitched at the sudden feeling. your body going limp.
jay was also on edge, with a few more thrust he pulled out of you and came all over your back moaning in the process.
after the two of you balanced your breathing, jay laid next to you caressing your hair, the both of you were just giggling like little kids.
“so this was the gift you were talking about?”
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flwrstqr · 2 months
enhypen and their love tropes
pairings: enhypen x fem!reader *some idols may be referenced in here* | genre: fluff, different types of tropes | wc: 2400+ | prompt: enhypen and their different love tropes | warnings: not proofread, kind of not smooth in some of the members... | an: i wrote a little too much i think but this is my little gift for my 200 follower milestone!! | LIBRARY FOR MORE...
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이희승 (lhs) - brother's best friend
you, yeonjun's younger sister, are also heeseung's number one crush. ever since he visited your house (technically also yeonjun's), he fell in love. the way your hair was in a loose ponytail and your outfit, just a simple spaghetti top with grey shorts, captivated him. heeseung found you effortlessly gorgeous, noticing the difference between your demeanor at school and at home. he personally admired this natural and sweet side of you. eventually, he mustered the courage to confess his feelings to you, fully aware that it could strain his friendship. despite the risk, he was willing to pursue his love. fortunately, your brother accepted their relationship, and now you two are happily dating
박종성 (pjy) - arranged marriage
daughter of the ceo, of course you hold so much responsibilities. such as taking hands of the company, controlling the company, making arrangements, and the list can go on forever. but one thing on the list you hated was you had to marry the son of the ceo of park corporation. when you met jay on your first "arranged" date, you did quite found him cute but of course both of you guys had a bit of a cold demeanor. later on, you slowly end up falling in love with jay as you learn more things. your cold like personality slowly melts away and ever since then, for once you were excited to marry him. for jay, he was quite similar, it was hard for him to accept the arrangement his parents made for him. but after talking to you and numerous of dates, he saw the good side of you and both of you are now officially married!!
심재윤 (sjy) - opposites attract
jake, the golden retriever type, has a playful, friendly, and bright personality. then there's you, the black cat type, with a smart, quiet, and introverted personality—polar opposites, for sure. one day, your teacher assigns the whole class a project, and to your surprise, pairs you up with jake. great... on the first day of working together, you mainly handle the tasks (because you're the smart one). the next day, you hope it'll be less awkward, and thankfully, it is. jake becomes closer to you with each passing day, and before you know it, you're falling for him. It turns out, jake actually liked you from the beginning, ever since you were in his class and caught his eye. after completing the project, you assume your relationship with jake is over, but then you find yourselves IN a relationship together! :)
박성훈 (psh) - fake dating
so basically, you're single af + broke, currently in university. your friends force you on blind dates so you go to a dating app and after over 48 dates, you meet park sunghoon, who's not at all interested in dating (ironic isn't it). sunghoon gives you a deal to fake date you for $1,000 (rich kid he is) since his parents expect him to have a girlfriend. which you hesitantly accept since you had to pay for your dorm and bills + you were incredibly broke. after meeting his parent and going on dates to figure more about his, both of you guys are like deep in love. he is so whipped for you but he's obviously scared that you don't take this relationship seriously which you do and to admit he was in love. after the whole fake dating is over, you confess how much you fell in love with him which takes a couple of days to accept. later, he accepts your love and now hes so happy he accepted it cause your the best gf he could ever ask for.
김선우 (ksn) - love triangle
kim sunoo has a crush on you. strong statement, right? guess who else does? kim mingyu, your senior at the high school you attend. it's a love triangle, not cute. sunoo feels hopeless since mingyu, one of the most popular kids, likes you. who wouldn't want a popular bf? you didn't really like mingyu; he wasn't your type. so, sunoo hoped you would like him. he left anonymous love notes at your locker, a lollipop on your desk, and more. after months, you realized sunoo was behind these actions. it was time for you to do a little more investigation about him. you knew sunoo because you were science lab partners with his friend, jungwon. later, you found yourself thinking about sunoo constantly. finally, your extroverted self greeted sunoo, and 3 seconds later, you were best friends (easy to befriend). sunoo wanted to be close to you since he liked you. what about mingyu? a couple of months later, mingyu asked you out. you rejected him because you liked sunoo. this led to a fight, and when mingyu learned you liked sunoo, he was furious. it escalated into a physical fight, but you stopped it and confessed your feelings to sunoo.
양정원 (yjw) - academic rivals
jungwon and you were the definition of perfect. you both possessed drop-dead gorgeous visuals, excelled academically, were kind, skilled in arts and music, and extremely athletic. being "perfect," naturally led to a competition between you. although jungwon always took the lead, you were a close second. you couldn't stand each other. every class turned into a new competition, as usual. until one day, both of you ended up in detention (surprisingly shocking). in the silent room, with no talking allowed, when the teacher stepped out, jungwon saw it as a chance to talk. surprisingly, as you conversed, you both began to feel like friends, something neither of you could have imagined. days passed, and your dislike for jungwon seemed to diminish. for jungwon, he discovered a whole new side of you that he practically fell in love with. on the last day of school, jungwon finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings to you on the rooftop (after practicing for 3 months straight). and before you knew it, you spent the entire summer holding hands with jungwon.
西村力 (nsr) - enemies to lovers
riki, the number 1 person you absolute hated. you had a whole list with 100 reasons why you hated that man. ever since you were in elementary, riki teased you nonstop. while walking to school he would tease you, while you got drinks from the vending machine he would tease you. he would tease you everywhere. no matter the time or situation, he would bully you. but in reality, riki liked you a lot. he founded cute every time you would scrunch your nose when you see him. far away, he would see your adorable smile light up the whole room. it was when your parents brought riki and his parents home for dinner, thats when you saw the different side of him. his polite, calm, and cute side of him. for the first time, you felt your stomach have butterflies every time you saw him. and a couple of weeks later, thats when you accidentally confessed to him. he founded a sticky note that you dropped on the way to your next class which turned out to be a whole love letter to him. then after school, he would ask you to meet in the rooftop and spill his whole love confession to you <3
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sim-patelle · 1 month
Francis Mosses headcanons
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sfw, nsfw mentioned ¬> MDNI
neutral!reader, it's really sweet, the tired guy, from the game "That's not my neighbor", MILKMAN
Artist from the fanart : @__kozuu on X(Twitter)
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His hands + fingers are long and slim, a little bit brighter skin tone than his usual skin (yk cus cold)
His knuckles are a bit raw, just a little bit
Has cold hands definitely
Height between 5'10 and 6'2
Definitely is slim, but a little defined six pack
Not that wide shoulders, more like average
Had Scoliosis as a kid
A bit longer arms
Always looks kind of pale because he's tired all the time
Has defined cheekbones and jawline
clothes & jewelry
Mostly wears straight black jeans or trousers
He has black cardigans
He literally doesn't know any other color to wear except white, black, Grey and grey-blue
He needs clothing education from you
Only has a slim silver ring on his right middle finger as jewlery
But also wears a watch with him, just not on his wrist but in the pocket of his jeans
Anything pt. 1
Definitely listens to true crime podcasts (how ironic haha)
But when music is on his ears, it's mostly Falco, Joy Division, Taco and The Police
Still kind of Lana del Rey coded
I'd say he has a big brother who had asked him for money several times, but Francis got tired of it
Regrets his job, or at least wants to change his occupation
If he reads he has extra glasses for it, otherwise his eyes will burn
Reads mostly magazines about architecture and daily news
He definitely is a person that reads the newspapers
Physical activity
Challenge him to a fight and he'd win easily because even though he's slim, he surely has strength in his legs and arms
Flexible as hell
Can play basketball, but you need to build up endurance with him
Took some surfboard lessons in the past, but never surely can ride a wave in perfection
Today he mostly is busy with his job and chores, that he doesn't do any sports anymore
Messy, his appartment is quite dirty, but still okay to look at
But definetly don't go into the kitchen
He only washes the dishes once in a week
Please show this man some color, his appartment is only decorated with white and black things
The plants he has are dried out, even the cacti
But Francis's bathroom is really clean
Like really clean
If you would enter the bathroom with shoes, he'd literally throw you out
He only once all 3 months has the urge to really clean his appartment
Had gone through a divorce in his mid 20's
Since then he never really trusted anyone, except you
You finally showed him how acception feels
He's grateful to have you
And he shows it by gift giving and acts of service
Since you are there, he finally tries to get his life together
Don't expect to get many words of affirmation, because you know he's an introvert
He loves to listen to you
He'd lean on the palm of his hand with his head and slightly smiles as he listens to you yapping
Then out of nowhere, he'd say how much he loves you
When you both go to sleep, he is on the side of the wall, with his back on it
He'd gently wrap his arms around you from behind, that you back is on his stomach
It's beautiful to sleep like that, when you're the little spoon
Often kisses your hand and scalp, everytime when he greets you
His hand would look so beautiful on your forearm, covering it almost fully
Nsfw ¬> MDNI
You know what those fingers could do..
And not only his fingers
Gentle Dom and Switch
Loves to see you over him as you sit down on his dick, his slim arms holding onto you as he sits on the edge of the bed
He's a hickey guy, but not like an owner thing, he doesn't really like to 'own' you, you are an individual and he loves how independent you are
He definitely loves when his eyes are covered with a blindfold when you take charge
he would also be the type who would start to whimper slightly when you put your hand over his mouth, when he's close to releasing
And when you do, god he comes so much
He's not really someone noisy, but he knows that you like it, so you hear his heavy breaths all the time and sometimes little grunts, and as mentioned the little whimpers
You always have your hands intertwined, he just loves to press your hands
It's also a safe-word thing between you two
accidently called you "mommy" one time
Mostly would say pet names like "honey", "my little one", "darling"
When you press his hand three times fast in a row, he knows to slow down or stop if you want it
It's really important for him to know you're alright
Would try out anything you want to try out with him and he'd be honest with you when he likes it or not
Is proud of you when you take his length all in you
He mostly would fuck you in the appartment, mostly on the couch or bed
But if the kitchen is clean, then definitely there, 100%
Would say things like: "I know you like that", "show me a little more honey", "you are so beautiful", "take it a bit more", "I'll be so good to you"
Anything pt. 2
Doesn't really drink Limonade or any other drink like that
Just give him water and he'll be fine
But istg don't give him milk, he'd freak out because he can't see it anymore
He'd fall asleep first when you wanna watch a series with him, you know why
Francis finally looks relaxed when he falls asleep next to you, his head leaning onto your shoulder or head
You have so many pictures of him sleeping
Francis always buys groceries when they're reduced
Drank too much energy drinks that they don't even help him anymore
When you once gave him a rose, he literally couldn't keep it together and you bet you saw a little tear in his eyes
He immediately wrapped his arms around you and didn't let you go for 10 minutes
He is just so happy to have you
And you are happy to be someone so special to him, that he got a picture from you next to his bed
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randombush3 · 1 month
(to get back to the main post)
carry on reading!!!
Bali is hot. Or at least, by your English standards, it is. 
The children enjoy the villa at the Ritz, less so the yoga you partake in when your best friends find out that it can mend broken hearts, and there are big TVs in the living rooms that the World Cup matches are broadcasted on. 
Your fingers remain bare, but no one knows about the ring in your suitcase anyway, so no one questions the absence of jewellery that used to adorn your hands. Or, at least, no one whose opinion you actually care about. 
Nico and Elena are happy to play and play and play, barely granting you their attention when you disrupt their endless hours in the pool or exploring the beautiful grounds of the hotel with the 24-hour childcare service. You had been reluctant to accept the help, but Gio was fine with her own daughter being stolen away, and they both called you ‘uptight and preoccupied, a sad, faded picture of how fun you used to be’ until you gave in. 
You let Alexia wonder about how her children are, attributing her lack of phone calls to her focus on chasing World Cup glory, blissfully ignorant to the fact that your friends have been micro-managing your interactions ever since they agreed they aren’t sure about letting you forgive the blonde just yet. That is not to say she doesn’t ever speak to them – Nico was gifted an iPad for Easter (a shoddy, shoddy excuse of an occasion to be given it, but you barely batted an eye as he tore open the packaging and thanked Auntie Anya profusely). He sort of understands how to FaceTime Alexia. They often happen when he is with what Alexia calls ‘the can’t-mother-too-busy-doing-drugs nanny’. 
You are lounging on the sunbeds, sweat pooling on your navel, music playing softly through the speaker Elena had begged you to bring. Though Moana pales in comparison to the days you’d attend concerts that weren’t your own, you are quite content to relax and zone out the lively songs and stare up at the brilliant, blue sky. 
Today is a bit different. You are two weeks into your holiday, with one remaining, and, today is the day you are finally going to open Alexia’s gift. 
You worked out what it was the moment she had given it, but, since you know that curiosity kills the cat, you have stopped yourself from opening it, not sure if you will cope with seeing a ring. What would this ring even be? A ‘sorry I fucked my best friend’? 
Elena hasn’t been included in the children’s entertainment plans for the morning; they have gone for a visit to a coral reef, accompanied by their babysitter and Anya (who you are beginning to think is enjoying their activities more than they are). Despite being relatively advanced for her age, some things fall short, such as her attention span. It doesn’t help that the sleeping issues Alexia had noticed are leaking into her time spent with you, too. 
“Mama,” comes a small whine, followed by a sniffle. Elena has been trying her best to copy you, lying underneath a towel for shade. You had hoped she’d finally fallen asleep, seeing as that didn’t happen last night. With her evidently still awake, you sit up, reaching out to run your hand through her damp hair, not quite dry from when she had enough energy to splash around in the pool. 
“Mama, tired.” 
“I’m not surprised. That’s what happens if you don’t sleep.” 
“Mama.” The petulance is a little glimpse into her teenage years, but then she begins to cry and your imagination falters at the sound. 
Elena, as far as toddlers go, is not the most emotional. She is generally well-behaved, if a little unresponsive at times, but she is quiet and introverted and happy to follow the leader, whoever that may be. She is a complete contrast to her brother, who basks in the attention he demands from those around him, loud about what he loves and hates, yearning to make friends with everything he sees. Elena, Elisabet Segura has told you, is just like Alexia, when she was that age. Controlled, reserved. (And your parents were quick to draw the similarities between you and your son.) 
Just like her mother, Elena is drawn to you. Just like his mother, Nico is drawn to Alexia. Opposites attract. 
It’s hard to ignore if you notice it. 
So, when Elena begins to cry, you are alarmed to see, in her eyes, the same fear that clouds hazel irises you know far too well. The tears glide down her cheeks in inherited patterns, and you try not to panic at how much she looks like Alexia – even if they do not share the same DNA. 
Part of you, the same part that suffered from postpartum depression and dulled your motherly instincts, wants nothing more than to run away from the crying toddler, horrified at the sight as you spiral and begin to imagine Alexia in her place, just as distraught as your daughter seems to be. And it’s weird and unsettling and you are so confused because Elena hasn’t cried like this since you told Alexia to leave. She continues, and even that night starts to seem minor in comparison to her meltdown right now. 
Elena does not sob, she does not scream, she does not shout and go bright red in the face earnestly. A developmental tantrum, sure, but never, ever like this. 
You have never seen this before, and you are at a loss for how to respond. Naturally, you draw her into your arms, holding her close and rocking her gently as she continues to wail. 
“Oh, my darling,” you stagger out, trying to forget your desire to join her, to break down with her. “Mama’s here, Lela. It’s okay.” The words feel inadequate and do nothing to soothe her, though your hands stroke her back as if to rub the comfort in, to absorb her anguish and bleed it out. You would do it, if you could. You’d take all of her pain away in an instant. 
In your mind, a whirlwind of thoughts swells up and disgorges bubbling, burning ideas into the pit of your stomach, none of them quite fitting as an explanation for her distress. Is she hurt? Is she missing Alexia? Or is it something deeper, something you’d overlooked? 
You can be selfish, you know that. Perhaps you have been too focused on getting over the destruction of your family that you have forgotten said family in the process?
Perhaps this has happened before! You were touring for a while.
As you hold her, helplessness washes over you, as though the pool you are right next to has grown thrice the size and is trying to drown you both. You wish Alexia were here all of a sudden. Alexia, gifted at soothing crying children and being a mother and managing a career and parenthood in a way that you have never quite managed. 
Alexia, who gave into your request for children and ended up besting you at it. 
Alexia, whom you still love and miss and hope, sometimes, will wake up beside you even if you know that it is wrong and pathetic and… God, do you really lack such self-respect that you’d take her back? Are you this useless that the crying child in your arms should be passed off to someone else because you can’t cope and you never will and you still smoke because you’re stressed and the last time you took drugs was far too recent to be called a good mother and Elena cries and cries and cries and…
You take a deep breath. 
“It’s okay,” you repeat, hating that you are lying to her. It’s not okay! None of it is okay. “Mama’s here, Lela, Mama’s here. You’re safe.” 
Your voice trembles, and she hears the weakness of your tone, unconvinced and uncomforted, failed by the woman who is supposed to guide her through all of her storms as steady as the sun’s movement each passing hour. Elena’s cries continue unabated, her small frame wracked with sobs as she clings to you, squeezing your skin tightly in a way that tells you that you are not enough. 
You, alone, are not enough for her. 
You can’t do this. 
With your arms holding her securely in place, you dip down slightly, grasping your phone from the tote bag it’s shaded in. It has been warmed by the sun anyway, but the heat of the screen as you press it to your ear is nothing in comparison to the burning in your chest, the fire her cries have ignited in a way that destroys everything in you. 
She continues to scream into your body as the dial tone buzzes and beeps three times, picked up on the fourth as if she has been counting the rings.
“Dime,” Alexia’s gruff voice huffs out, unimpressed that you have called her after refusing for the past month, seemingly always busy. Anya and Gio had given her excuses; you were busy talking to Leah, you were in a meeting, you didn’t want to speak to her. “Now is not a good time.” 
You only manage to breath out her name before she understands that something is seriously wrong. 
“Alexia, it’s Elena… she’s… she’s crying, she hasn’t stopped. Alexia, I-I don’t know what to do,” you admit, voice breaking. You know she will be able to hear the sobs coming from the toddler, her voice mighty and fierce despite how small she seems. “She hasn’t slept at all, and it just… happened. I can’t calm her down.” 
“Is she hurt?” 
“No, no,” you stutter, words tumbling out in a rush, “I don’t think so.” 
“What do you mean ‘hasn’t slept’? Not even a nap?” 
You shake your head, panicked. At Alexia’s lack of response, you remember that she is not here with you. You swallow your own sobs. “She’s been sharing a room with Nico and everything’s been fine, except, last night, she wouldn’t sleep. It was like she was terrified of it. She begged me to let her sleep with me, so I brought her into my bed and, I don’t know, it didn’t help. I tried to tire her out, read to her, sang to her, told her off, comforted her, but she wouldn’t and so I drifted off and she didn’t and we were relaxing today – it’s just us, today – and she started crying half an hour ago and hasn’t stopped.” 
As if on cue, Elena’s sobs grow louder, piercing through the phone line in a way that makes both you and Alexia feel sick. But Alexia has heard these before, and has kept them from you for a very good reason.
“She’s exhausted,” Alexia decides calmly. “She’ll cry herself to sleep.” 
“She doesn’t want to sleep!” you snap, frustrated. 
“She’s scared you are going to leave her. She usually… she usually cries for you, when she’s with me. I guess not seeing me has flipped it.” 
You pale. 
“Usually, Alexia?” 
You hear a sigh. “Do you want me to talk to her?” she asks, ignoring your horrified question. “Rub her back and keep touching her, so that she knows you’re there. I’ll… I’ll see if I can get her to calm down a bit so that you can – you need a breather, don’t you?” 
“My daughter is crying as though the world is about to end.” 
“Well, for her, it feels like it is. Put me on speaker.” 
You obey her instruction, reclining on the lounger so that Elena is now curled on top of you, wetting your chest with her tears. You place the phone near her head, both hands trying desperately to remind her that she is not alone. 
“Lela, petita, no estàs sola. Estoy aquí, y Mama también. Mai et deixarem.” 
Elena sniffles, surprised by the sound of Alexia’s voice. 
“That’s it, darling,” you encourage as the sobs are quickly replaced by resigned whimpering. Alexia continues to talk, hardly understandable as you let yourself succumb to your own emotions, your tears running down the sides of your face, hands still drawing circles on your daughter’s back. “That’s it,” you whisper. 
Alexia hangs up when she hears both of you breathing deeply, slowly, softly; fast asleep. 
She wipes the sweat from her brow, more exhausted from this than the gym session she had stepped out of. 
“What was that about?” Codi asks her curiously, taken in the blush in her captain’s cheeks, the slight dent in her lips from where she has bitten them. “Rather inappropriate to pick up a booty call when we’re this close,” she pinches her fingers together, “to the semis, no?” 
“Elena won’t sleep with her either,” Alexia says, if not because she needs to tell someone then because she relishes in the embarrassment that clouds Laia’s face as she hurries to take her comment back. 
“I thought you’d overcome it,” Laia replies sadly. “She was sleeping the whole night in her own bed, wasn’t she? That was only two months ago.” 
“She can’t deal with it, Codi.” Her sigh is a little more heartbroken than what is fitting for such a communal area, but Alexia does not care that her hunched shoulders have caught Irene’s attention, the defender well-acquainted with the signs of family issues. “She can’t deal with the back-and-forth. She is only three.”
“It has been a year,” comforts her friend. “Maybe she needs more time to adjust.” 
“Laia, you did not hear her. She cried like she was going to die, and I felt like I was going to die with her. You know how Y/n is with… You remember what it was like when Nico was a baby, when he wouldn’t stop crying. We were lucky that Elena didn’t have that, or that the doctors were more vigilant or whatever, but… I was keeping this from her for a reason.” 
Alexia doesn’t want to guilt you back to her. There is the slightest possibility that, if you were to know just how much Elena has been struggling while away from you, you would suffer through your heartbreak and pretend everything was fine, just to make her happy. Just to make their lives easier. 
But Alexia knows. Alexia knows you wake up every day and relive it again and again. She sees the repulsion in your eyes when you look at her – she saw it through the wine and the pleasure. 
She knows you smoke, she knows the rumours about the parties you go to are mostly true. She knows that the album is about her, and that the success didn’t taste sweet because it exploited your heartbreak. 
She knows that you don’t feel anything towards Leah Williamson, that you’re only trying to get her attention or fill her place. 
Alexia knows all of this, because you are a part of her. She knows how you feel like she knows where her right hand is, and, the worst part about that, is that she knows it is all entirely her fault. 
“Irene, where is Mateo?! Alexia needs her little person hugs!” shouts Laia, sympathy hidden by her teasing tone, which Alexia is very grateful for. “Get the nen, and get him now!” 
The unopened ring box travels with you to Australia. 
Spain’s failure to lose has led them to the World Cup Final, and while you are going to support your own country, Elena and Nico are dressed in ALEXIA jerseys, yellow and red stripes painted onto their chubby cheeks. 
You had found out, after the Elena incident, that your friends had been lying to Alexia for your peace of mind, or so they claimed. 
You don’t know how to tell Alexia that you called Leah before you left for Bali and told her that you couldn’t be with her. Or that Gio and Anya had been meddling, going as far as to calculatedly gift Nico an iPad in preparation for a summer of trying to save you from a broken heart. 
So… you send her a heads-up that you’ll be attending the final, wish her luck (but not too much, for the sake of the Lionesses), and ensure the children are down for naps so that they have energy to party late into the night regardless of the outcome. 
As a desperate, short-term solution while separate from Alexia, you had your manager seek out the best paediatrician in Bali and get a reasonable prescription for melatonin, just so that Elena can sleep. You plan to let Alexia focus on her tournament and bring up the issue when preseason starts, aware that drugging the child to sleep is definitely not the best option. 
With another hour of sleep in their systems, you have time to re-pack your suitcases, ready to leave the next day. 
And you are reminded of your unopened gift. 
Alexia had said to open it when you were home, but you reason that home is with your children, and home, due to your career, is often also in the hotel suites in foreign countries. 
You root through the piles of neatly-folded clothes, searching for the box you had buried at the bottom. Its velvet edges are soft under the wrapping paper and the box is sitting in the palm of your hand, naked now, before you realise what you are doing. 
The lid flicks open, and you prepare yourself to see something shiny, some insanely expensive diamond that certainly won’t fix all that she has done. 
But you brace for nothing, for inside the box lies only a slip of paper. 
A boarding pass from London Stansted to Barcelona-El Prat Airport, decorated in aged, black ink.
Scrawled on top of the flight details is something much more valuable than the entrance into First Class the paper allows. 
Eleven digits. 
Your old phone number. 
You remember this. 
It was the night you first kissed Alexia, or, rather, she kissed you. You’d been at some FC Barcelona event, and you’d gone outside because you had realised it might not have been acceptable for Alexia to hit on you in front of all those people, no matter how much she had wanted to. 
You’d smoked to get her attention, to get her to tell you off. To start a conversation. And you had loved her from the minute she kissed you, so tentative, so unsure. 
The boarding pass is sentimental, and you are amazed at the condition it is in, or even the fact that she still has it. 
You drop the box, plucking the paper from the slit it had been situated in, unfolding it, examining it with tears in your eyes. 
You turn it over in your palm, re-acquainting yourself with your memories from that evening. 
And you notice fresh, blue ink written on the back of the boarding pass. 
It’s Alexia’s handwriting, this time, though neater than usual, having clearly taken care to form her letters correctly. 
Can we start again? it says.
There is a drawing of three stick women, short dresses, high ponytails, too. One is circled, an arrow leaping out of the wobbly shape. That one is labelled with your name, and, underneath, ‘esta es mi favorita y me casaré con ella algún día’. 
Marta once told you, at the expense of her club captain, that that had been Alexia’s only comment about you back when they were all obsessed with your break-out girl group and could never talk about anything else. 
Twenty-nine-year-old Alexia Putellas knows that her mistakes have lost her many battles, but twenty-nine-year-old Alexia Putellas also knows that her love will win her the war. Because there you are, and nothing is worth fighting for more than you. 
(to get back to the main post)
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amourdivine · 3 months
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Hello, lovelies, I know it has been some time, but I missed you. I hope everyone is doing ok these days. Let's look into your energy today, shall we?
paid readings are closed as of february 2024
none of the images are mine unless stated otherwise!
pick a card masterlist & information
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the piles.
1 → 2 3 → 4
how to choose your pile.  take deep breaths for a few minutes & look at each and every one of the piles separately. see which one brings you to a feeling, a place or a memory. take your time and feel free to come back to it later.
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
disclaimer. this is a general reading! tarot is a divination tool & is not a substitute for medical and professional advice, nor is it meant to be taken as such. i do not take responsibility for any choice(s) made by you or others regarding my readings.
queen of cups ✧ death ✧ ace of swords ✧ the high priestess
Before I shuffled, I couldn’t help but feel lonely, like there’s this pang in my chest whenever I think of life and the current state of the world. It reminds me of the term “loneliness epidemic” and how so many of us are struggling to make friends or maintain pre-existing relationships. I think you are beginning to find emotional fulfillment in different things than you did before. Nothing may have worked out - at least, the things that used to work out aren’t working out anymore. There’s this voice inside of you begging for a new beginning, for clarity, and it’s slow but surely coming towards you. Where your energy is will wildly depend on how much you’ve listened to that inner voice already, but it’s a calling towards something new, regardless.
I think you’re scared because you haven’t done this before. You may be discovering things about yourself as well that are quite surprising, like new hobbies or gifts. It’s refreshing too, both painful and refreshing. Sort of like the concept of growing pains - growing up is not easy and there are no guidelines, no roadmaps. Often, we discover things through trial and error. 
You may have withdrawn your energy as well, especially from old social circles. I get the feeling you were unsatisfied. Things felt stuck. They may still feel stuck, boring and completely lost in the routine of it all. It’s okay. You’re growing. Bones can hurt when they heal and grow. The same goes for you. I see snakes here, shedding their old skin. In your case, I don’t think you have found a “new skin” already, but you’ve shed your old life either way. It’s okay to want more, pile one. It’s okay to change. We’re ever-evolving. What suited you then won’t suit you now, that’s how life goes, with the changing of the seasons. It’s beautiful to witness - and when you look back you’ll realize just how much we can shift, how many places we’ll go and how much more there is to life than our old selves.
It’s okay to let it go. You’ll be okay even if the waters are muddy for now.
This is a very spiritual pile! Make sure to cater to your emotional and spiritual needs, taking care of your physical body and being around soothing, comforting or quiet places while you tend to this new self.
channeled messages & songs: white snakes, ring, scarf, life path 8 (or 8 in general), silver jewelry, bodies of water, sleeping, bed-rotting, kundalini awakening, modern loneliness by lauv, scorpio, pisces and cancer, hermitting, social batteries, introvert, epiphany, books, the bible, prophetic dreams, chocolate, ego death. 
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six of cups ✧ the hanged man ✧ eight of cups ✧ seven of wands
You are returning to yourself, it feels like a sort of homecoming. Fighting for your peace while, at the same time, learning to accept what you can’t control. You have walked away from old beliefs, from restraints of the past and renewing your faith in yourself. Even the picture you’ve chosen is a close-up of someone’s outfit walking away. You’ve found dignity and you’re not willing to sacrifice it anymore. Maybe you’ve left a situationship or relationship that was draining you, molding you into someone you weren’t. Props to you for that. It’s not easy and I know it.
Your guides are proud - they’re very serious and regal. They think you deserve more than what you’ve had. Not in a self-serving way, don’t mistake it for self-indulgence, but in a human, dignified way. They see you as royalty, too. They don’t want you to settle for breadcrumbs in life anymore. No matter how difficult it’s been, they don’t want you to stop believing that things can get better.
For most of you, this is a time when you’re shifting into a more peaceful but assertive phase. You’re taking charge of your joy, your future and your responsibilities without clinging to self-blame or guilt. Maybe it took you a long time. I heard “recovery” in my mind and this has possibly something to do with a specific illness or disease you’ve battled for so long. There’s a huge feeling of relief, of taking a long breath after a tiring day. 
It’s okay, you’re home now, you’re safe now. You can relax. You’ve got this, pile two.
channeled messages & songs: therapy, journaling, barbie or baby doll, sage green, green tea, pastels, tiktok, doomscrolling, healing, “i’m not the girl i used to be”, rainbow by kacey musgraves, self-acceptance, shadow work, “i’m still standing”, camping, nature, libra and taurus.
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three of swords ✧ the hermit ✧ the star ✧ queen of pentacles
Your heart is broken. Someone or something has left you to lick your wounds and tend to the bruises they gave you. You’re in pain, so much pain that it may be unbearable to wake up everyday. You’re questioning your worth, your self-esteem has crumbled.. and you don’t want anyone to find you, to see you in such a vulnerable state. All you do now is hope for better days, pray a rainbow comes after the storm because the current is heavy and has taken you astray.
Unfortunately life can’t always be what we want or expect. Allow room for these heavy emotions - this too shall pass. It’s okay to be disappointed, to feel betrayed and hurt by what happened. If the ground was pulled beneath your feet, was it ever really that solid to begin with?
This is the aftermath of something painful. And that’s okay. You can’t force yourself to feel good. In the meantime, you can take it slow, nurture the hope for better days and hold onto it. I know we tend to view hope as mostly something negative and passive, but you can take baby steps towards emotional fulfillment. The Queen of Pentacles suggests you take it slow - there is no rush to healing, nothing to be accomplished, there is nothing for you to prove. You’re human, and therefore, worthy of compassion, patience and healing. Remember the Wheel of Fortune: what comes up must go down, what goes down must go up eventually. You’ll feel better, pile three. I promise.
channeled messages & songs: taking a walk, flower pot, cacti, heartbreak anthems, olivia rodrigo, punk rock, “i’m angry all the time”, hurts like hell by fleurie, capricorn, saturn, personal year 5, backstabbing, depression, navy blue by muna.
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the hanged man ✧ the hierophant ✧ six of pentacles ✧ the star
You’re learning and teaching. Giving and receiving. Letting the scales balance themselves out, remembering that balance is not always fifty fifty. All the piles have had somewhat similar themes, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you have felt drawn to either pile one or two, but this one feels like a continuation of it, so it could be that you’re transitioning from one to another. Naturally, please take only what resonates for you!
You may have found a new job, a stable relationship, a good circle of friends. You know, despite the positive feeling of these cards, I can’t help but wonder if you’re waiting for it all to crumble again, feeling like the shadows of your past are going to haunt you forever. I keep wondering if you’re okay, I keep wanting to ask you. You’re scared, you’ve got your guard up. You can’t really trust it will last - and while it’s true that it all comes and goes, you can trust nothing is ever wasted. 
Let your guard down. Not everyone has your worst interests in their heart. Maybe self-isolation suited you before, didn’t it? You weren’t used to being loved, you still aren’t. But you still deserve it. Sometimes it’s easier to endure the hard things because they’re all we expect. It’s difficult to take in the good things, isn’t it? To feel worthy of them. To realize there is more to life than survival. You’re finally living now - and that’s a good thing. Uncertainty is scary, but in a way, so is the familiarity of hurt, of unrequited lovers and callous friendships. Are you ready to be loved, pile four? You can ask for the good times as much as you want, but when it is here, you have to remember to enjoy it, to not be on the lookout for the bad things so much.
We’re rarely in control. I know it’s difficult, but that’s often a good thing. Not being in control means you can worry less. You can fret less. You can take it day by day, knowing that the outside forces will do what they must and we’re all silly little souls on a giant floating rock.
PS: You’re doing well, I promise.
channeled messages & songs: self-sabotage, nightmares, attachment issues, bulletproof by la roux, bones, candles by daughter, earrings, 2024 planner, five year plan, entj, istj, quiet singing, “the pen is mightier than the sword”, studying, sweater weather, stress cleaning, autumn girl.
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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luffyvace · 2 months
Saiki k x Reader headcanons
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This is on my anime’s I write for list and I haven’t written for it yet so I wanted to show what I can do! 😉
Enjoy!! I Love Saiki, Aren and Aiura 💗💜💛
Okay let’s face it
your regular.
literally. (probably) like you are irl
doesn’t it feel good to have reader be accurate to how you are for once?
and that your fav would genuinely be into that and you know it?!
like you don’t have to pretend or imagine to be this cool, physically strong person your not for once?? Just me?
idk but it sure is refreshing
especially since it’s canon with saiki after he practically stalked that one dude
anyway onto the headcanons
I wanna start off by saying Saiki’s love languages are gift giving and quality time
the best part about gift giving is he could just leave it on your desk or night stand and watch your reaction from afar
they’re always very thoughtful since he can read your mind :) which is a plus!
and as for quality time he finds it quite peaceful to be around someone who’s not such a weirdo for once
and even if you are one, for some reason he can tolerate your strange behavior way better than he can your friends 😂
it’s always fun to play that one video game he has together
and it’s practically a requirement that every saiki k hcs have—you two will eat coffee jelly together
he would at least want you to try it and if you don’t like it’s that’s fine more for him
He’ll just get you whatever sweet, savory or spicy food you like so you can both enjoy something (and someone 💋) you love together!~
his mother absolutely adores you and is always pestering Saiki about when you’ll be back again
his dad thinks your a “good kid” (🗿) (like every dad says 😭)
Saiki loves to go on walks together
What he doesn’t like is when something chaotic happens to ruin it
but that’s besides the point—he loves to walk to school together!
nothing like getting up every day and seeing your lover. Going on a romantic walk too?*chefs kiss* 💋👩‍🍳
will try to indulge in your interests and hobbies to keep you happy
you may or may not be a introvert like him
if you aren’t he’ll go out and hang out with friends even if that’s outside of his comfort zone for you
but do remember to cut him some slack if he doesn’t want to or wants to go home early <3
and if your an introvert? Wonderful!
99.99% of dates are spent at either of your rooms (not just houses cuz parents are annoying)
or at that one shop that sells the coffee jelly he likes
only if you agree of course
if you prefer something even more private that’s just fine with him!
he only ever wants some peace anyway
and you simply never disturb that, to which he very much appreciates
if your a touchy-feely typa peep, please keep it to a minimum? Especially in public??
he’s already not really a physical touch person the way a perceive it
not that he hates it or anything
he just is more comfy without it when unnecessary
at least in public
he already will probably want to keep your relationship a secret/private for as long as possible
(he knows it’ll get out eventually by some misfortune event 🤦‍♀️)
but since they find out anyway here’s they’re reactions!
Honestly Nendo probably won’t realize your dating until you explicitly say so
either that or he’ll be the first one to know and just be like ‘oh, i thought everyone knew that’
Aren really doesn’t mind and thinks your relationship is sweet
Hairo supports wholeheartedly- maybe a little too much 😅💗
Chiyo is lowkey jealous you both got into a relationship before her but she’s happy
Torisuka is MAD jealous of Saiki but deep inside he’s still happy for you two
Kaido is also a tad jealous because he knows he would practically never find a girl his mom would accept but otherwise he pretty much supports 😭💕
Mera just uses your dates to get some free food (JOKING) she thinks you guys are cute
Saiko (Teruhashi’s brother) would be happy Saiki finally stopped desperately chasing his sister and learned his place (it’s the other way around bro 😑)
Uryoku (the magician dude) would be like ‘oh you dating someone master? Great! Now I need help for my upcoming show-“
Aiura immediately tests to see if you two are compatible and how long you’ll be together
turns out you are!! And you two stay together ♡
she thinks that’s adorable and will do anything for your relationship
will tear anyone who tries to split you apart a new one (they were just trying to say hi)
Aiura is the most supportive of your relationship
btw here we’re going with Saiki is her platonic soulmate instead (she prob already is)
Kusuke (Saiki’s brother) is very much so interested in the person his brother has fallen in love with
he will observe you and ask you lots of questions once he meets you
which I’m telling you Saiki tried so hard to make sure you never would.
what happened?
his mom happened.
”Kusuo! He’s your brother! He should get to meet your partner!”
now Teruhashi I had to save for last..
her reaction depends
if she still loves Saiki she tries to befriend you while turning on the charm with Saiki
her plan is to befriend you and basically make you go ‘oh! You like Saiki? Well I guess I’ll back off then since were friends”
and finally have Saiki go ‘oh wow’ and fall in love with her
otherwise if she doesn’t love him, moves on or whatever the case may be..
she probably doesn’t care much for your relationship unless your friends
i mean she’s kinda like that to anyone she isn’t friends with right?
In other news
Your friends def mess up your dates unintentionally
poor Saiki- since he’s usually the one to plan them
nothing too extravagant- usually just out for food..BUT STILL!
They always tag along and become 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th wheels or more! 😀
on the bright side-
at some point in the relationship you get to call him Kusuo and it’s a big step for you two! 💖
”well, I guess we’ve been dating long enough right? You can just call me Kusuo..”
I wanna write for the disastrous life of Saiki k (mob psycho 100 and black butler as well) more in the future! So send in requests!
Truly hope you enjoyed loves~
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
Thinking about it, in a world with an otaku!MC the brothers are kind of obligated to be nicer to Levi bc any insults towards him would be dragging MC down with him..
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A/N: Oooooh. I wrote Player Two which is the brothers basically treating Levi and MC the same (as geeky weirdos) but MC doesn't really care because Levi's the best friend they've always wanted. Thinking about the reverse of that situation is interesting in its own way too.
LEVIATHAN x gn!Reader, 0.6k words, SFW.
Content warnings: some cursing and jealousy.
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It started with a pack of candy. Beel picked it up at one of the Devildom shops known for importing human world sweets. You've talked about the brand and he thought he'd surprise you. He would've given it to you in private, but Levi was glued to your hip more often than not these days. He found both of you in your bedroom playing Super Smash Devils.
"Oh...you meant this was for both of us, right?" you asked, glancing between the pack of candy and Levi guiltily.
Beel fumbled through a lie to cover up his mistake and rushed from the room. He makes a note for next time so he remembers to buy three boxes instead of two (one for you, one for Levi, and one for himself).
After he left, you took a piece for yourself and handed Levi the box. You hummed happily around the coated end of your stick candy while you turned back to the screen to select your character for the new match.
Maybe you bought Beel's flimsy excuse earlier, but Levi didn't. Things have been strange with his family lately, but you seem ignorant about the changing family dynamics going on around you.
The other siblings don't tease Levi anymore when he talks about a game he bought or some random gacha toy he managed to get, because you're excited about it too. They don't want to hurt your feelings, so they try to keep their opinions to themselves.
Some of them, like Beel or Mammon, make an effort to surprise you with little gifts: capsules from a gacha machine in downtown Devildom, overpriced knock-off plushies of anime characters at the ghost carnival passing through. Satan surprises you with manga off your Akuzon wish list, and Asmo paints your nails while you watch anime together in your room.
From Levi's perspective, their sudden change of heart about his dorky hobbies is a double-edged sword.
He's happy that they're accepting of you now. When you first arrived, they initially treated you like a weird outcast—the way they used to treat him. You're not as introverted as he is, and they're making an effort to include you both in activities you might actually enjoy.
But on the other hand, part of him wishes they would just fuck off. You're perfect. He knows you've charmed them as much as you've charmed him, but he was your friend first. He thought he was going to be able to keep you all to himself. He knew from the first time you stepped into his room that you were the real-life Henry he's always wanted. He's the one that should be buying you gifts so he can hoard your praise for himself. You should be spending time in his room, or inviting him to yours, if you want to watch anime.
Why are you even giving them a chance? They don't deserve it. They were too stupid to realize how special you were. Don't you realize they're only tolerating the things you love so they can be close to you?
He tries to hide his growing jealousy, but it gets harder as time passes and his brothers keep finding new ways to insert themselves into your hobbies.
You notice Levi's foul mood sometimes when he can't contain the bitterness that laces his voice or the irritation in his glances. He gives you an excuse so you don't worry about him; he doesn't want to taint you with the bitter venom coursing through his veins.
You're finally happy living in the Devildom now that his family seems more accepting of you—of both of you.
He's furious that their acceptance means having to share you with anyone else.
365 notes · View notes
backtoyuta · 20 days
I'm Mr Brightside
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Han Jisung fluffy College au
There are some facts in this world that you can’t deny; the sky is blue, the grass is green, and you and Han Jisung had a chemistry that couldn’t be ignored.
When your friend had first introduced you to her cute, freckled boyfriend and his wild bunch of friends, you were a little intimidated. Their loudness and exuberance had caught you off guard and you could’ve cried when she and Felix had left you to go to the convenience store, paying no mind to how awkward you felt with these new people.
However, you really needn’t have worried. Whilst you were sat there clutching your can of drink and pretending to look busy on your phone, a boy with rounded cheeks and brown doe eyes had sidled into the seat next to you and before you knew it- friendship was born.
Jisung was an incredible friend to have around, he was fucking funny, for a start. He also could be very sensitive when need be, and you and his introverted self gelled so well that you naturally just gravitated towards each other.
When your friends had coerced you into joining them clubbing after having pre-drinks in yours and your friend’s apartment, it was Jisung who stayed sat in the booth with you, chatting over cheap drinks and plotting how you would get the others to call it a night and go get a MacDonald’s.
When you were drowning in the horrendous amount of work your tutor had set you with a deadline due in a matter of hours, it was Jisung who stayed up with you, finding sources for you to cite, organising your notes and coming up with ridiculous ways to lengthen your sentences so you would reach the word count.
When your family pet had passed away, it was Jisung who surprised you by coming over with food, a movie and a “manly shoulder to cry on” which you snorted at, accepting all the gifts graciously before allowing Jisung to take you to the local animal shelter to pet some puppies and grieve for a little bit.
Jisung was amazing, but you can imagine his horror when he found out you had a boyfriend.
Said boyfriend had been left at home while you studied away at university, and Jisung couldn’t deny that he was absolutely sickened. Thus far, it had been an unspoken consensus that you and Jisung were bound to get together at some point. Afterall, you were the one he always scouted the room for at parties, you were the one he went the extra mile for on the daily, and you were the one he was constantly thinking about when you weren’t in the same room.
You can imagine the horror when Jisung swung by your apartment as part of a routine and walked in on you face timing your boyfriend. He couldn’t hide the sneer on his face when he observed how disinterested he was when you were sat in front of his screen, or how he interrupted you when you spoke. After that day, Jisung found himself becoming a little sulky around you and listening to Heartbreak Girl by 5SOS perhaps a little too often. You would often be comforting him or trying to draw him out of his shell, but you never knew for what reason because he would never tell you.
A new dynamic had settled in your group. Jisung liked you, you liked Jisung- this was common knowledge. However, you couldn’t ignore the tension in the room when the boyfriend was brought up. You may have just mentioned him in passing, occasionally you would have an argument or two that came with the long distance, but Minho’s eyes would flicker to Jisung’s concernedly while the blonde boy tried to remain unbothered.
“sounds like an ass to me.” Minho piped; his face full of mirth while you got flustered.
“He’s not… he’s just weird like that.” You had attempted to defend, though it was true, he could be a bit of an arse sometimes. Despite the truth in Minho’s words, it was to a certain someone’s dismay that it didn’t appear that you would be breaking up with this arsey boyfriend of yours any time soon.
Though it was painful, Jisung had been raised right, plus he wanted to maintain a good friendship with you at the very least. He had perfected hiding his emotions to a tee and reigned in the heart eyes out of respect for your relationship. As time had progressed you both got closer, a sort of chemical imbalance occurring as it was obvious yours and Jisung’s chemistry overrode yours and your boyfriends completely.
How about that time during movie night at Jisung’s apartment? The flat he shared with his seven other roommates was at max capacity with you and your best friend there too and it was at Jeongin’s request that you watch all the Woman in Black movies in succession. Having never been a fan of horror, and nor was Jisung, it wasn’t long until you felt your phone vibrate with a text while Jisung tried to look as though he wasn’t shitting his pants from across the room.
J: you wanna watch toy story in my room upstairs?
Y/N: I would very much enjoy that.
J: nice
It was Seungmin that had eventually excused himself to use the bathroom, which was where he thought he would find you after you made your great escape, but instead the glow of Jisung’s laptop catching his attention through the door that was ajar and You got a friend in me wafting from the room. You maintained a friendly distance in Jisung’s bed, the blanket was warm, but the heat Jisung radiated was warmer, you couldn’t help but feel the itch to tuck yourself into his side- like a couple would. Seungmin figured he’d tease you both for being pussies later, something was telling him that he should leave you both be in the bubble you created.
There was that other time you were sat in the boys’ kitchen close to midnight, your best friend listening intently with Chris and Felix while you bitched about your boyfriend over the kitchen table.
“So, remind me what he did again?” Chris questioned exasperatedly; his head tilted in your direction while you huffed into your mug of tea.
“You know that video I posted of Jisung on my story?” You elaborated, Chris and Felix’s heads nodding in unison as they thought back to the clip you had taken of the two of you. Like mature young adults, you and the others had been bored and tired of classes and thought it would be fun to let off some steam in the deserted play park at eleven ‘o clock at night. It was Felix who had suggested a game of sardines in the dark and eerie play area, and you and Jisung thought you were geniuses by hiding in the giant plastic slide. Not only had the boys and your best friend taken ages to find you and congregate in the same slide- while Chris was left scratching his head and scouring the park to find you all, but you had also taken some pretty hilarious videos of Jisung in the tube, reading the vile graffiti that teens had written in sharpie on the inside and at one point him losing a shoe in the confined space.
“Yeah, he was pissed at Jisung for literally no reason.” You vented, taking a sip of your drink and cringing at how the fun memory had turned sour because of your petty boyfriend.
“Pissed how?” Felix asked, curious about what he could possibly have had to say about one of his closest friends. With your back to the living area, you didn’t hear the soft pad of Jisung’s socked feet entering the room, you just continued to explain your tiff before Chris or Felix could say anything.
“He was saying stuff like: “Why are you always so close with Jisung? You always laugh with Jisung, you never laugh like that with me, you’re always so awkward with me now- blah, blah, blah.” You finished, rolling your eyes. You’d feel more sympathetic towards your boyfriend’s insecurities if they weren’t so irrational. He’d met Jisung on facetime enough times and hadn’t said a word then, plus he was acting like you should be totally friendless and unhappy so long as he wasn’t there to make you laugh. You couldn’t help that being with Jisung was so seamless, his charisma and humour complimented yours almost a little too well.
“I don’t know…” You sighed, still ignorant to the figure behind you, “… maybe don’t tell Jisung, I don’t want him to get all weird about it.” You finished, finally looking up to meet the eyes of the two boys who were staring at something straight over your head.
As soon as you saw the way that Chris fought the laugh that was etching onto his face, and how your best friend was looking like a deer caught in headlights, you just knew. You turned to face the blonde properly, he was dressed in sweats and a loose t-shirt, seemingly roused from his sleep and you couldn’t help but coo internally at his ruffled hair and awkward expression at what he heard. You had tried to mollify the situation, babbling explanations and telling him to not worry about your ass-hat of a boyfriend but you had no idea what was going on in Jisung’s head. He knew it was a little petty, but he couldn’t help but preen at his ego being groomed at the thought of despite knowing you for less than half the time your boyfriend had known you, the laugh that made his serotonin shoot was a laugh that you reserved for only him; and he was the one you weren’t awkward around.
“I’ll be down in a sec!” You yelled to your friend from your dorm room. It was 11:30 at night, late for a school night, but early in the evening you had planned. You weren’t a massive fan of the uni clubbing scene; more often than not, you were more likely to stay for the pre drinks and wave off your drunken friends out the door, but tonight you had made a promise to at least try and enjoy yourself. You gulped down the last of the vodka lemonade you had been nursing while adding the last touches to your makeup. It was impossible not to cringe at the burning taste of the liquor, but you’d do anything to get yourself sufficiently drunk tonight. It was a delicate balance; with the right alcohol, the right people and the right music you could have an amazing time- if anything out of those things were off, you’d be whining to go home in no time at all.
You put little emphasis on the right people, you had no doubt that the group of boys your friend had introduced you to were the right people to go out with- loud as hell and all with a lust for life that was infectious. You felt warm at the thought of seeing Jisung, despite seeing him most days, you knew he’d be the Clyde to your Bonnie tonight… If Bonnie and Clyde were notorious introverts, and not, ya know… murderers.
You could already hear the base of the grimy music thumping, and the yells and whoops of the boys from the communal kitchen. The LEDs that were lazily hung by one of your roommates flashed and changed and made the corridor look disorientating until your eyes adjusted, and you strolled your way to your friends with your empty cup in hand- eager for a refill.
Your friend greeted you animatedly from the entryway, Felix in tow as per usual, she spoke quickly about mixer in the fridge and how you would be leaving for the club at half past twelve at the earliest. You were only half paying attention, you could see in your periphery Jisung’s cute round face from his perch on the kitchen stool, his hands holding his phone but his doe eyes watching your form intently. In a matter of seconds, your eyes were making contact with his and you smiled warmly. You could see from his hunched figure and severe lack of a drink that he was feeling a little out of his depth- you knew the feeling all too well and wasted no time to stroll over to him with two cups in hand.
Jisung knew he was being obvious, try as he might to be subtle, it was impossible not to gawp at your figure clad in a cute dress and your ankle boots, gorgeous as ever and a little rough around the edges. He couldn’t help it, your presence was always a huge comfort to him, you were the best person to seek refuge with when he went through spells of anxiety and you were his favourite shoulder to cry on. He couldn’t supress the smile that crept on his face when you noticed his figure, both of you sharing a knowing smile when you grabbed two cups from the side and made your way over.
“Boy looks like he needs a drink,” you teased playfully, slinking up to his rigid body and swiftly twisting the cap off the bottle of vodka that was in reaching distance.
“You know me too well.” Jisung answered back, the undertone of an inside joke lingering around you. You were both cut from the same cloth; pretty much being forced to go out to the club when it was a mutual understanding that you’d just rather- not?
After sloshing a shot of vodka in the cup, you cracked open a new can of Redbull and split it between the two of you, chuckling at Jisung’s cringed out expression after taking a brave gulp of the concoction. Yeah, it was strong, but the key to survival and making the most of these kinds of nights was to get at least sufficiently tipsy. Worst case was that the alcohol never hit you and you would spend a sobering time circulating the smoking area, photobooth and seating area with your platonic other half.
The pre-drinks continued smoothly, a game of ring of fire ensuing whilst you were in an animated conversation with Jisung about your “game plan” for night.
“You know Changbin had nearly a whole bottle of wine before we got here, he won’t last the whole night.” Jisung attested, the both of you observing the boy laugh loudly while simultaneously trying to chat up one of your roommates.
“God, he’ll be sick before 3am, he’s drinking a desperado…” You gaped horrified, Jisung laughing before the severity of the situation hit him.
“Crap… I don’t really want to peel him off the kitchen floor again, he nearly vommed on my shoes last time.” The blonde shuddered at the memory. You just ruffled his hair affectionately, Changbin was a big boy, and you felt comforted when you noticed the watchful eye of Chris observing him from across the kitchen island; Changbin was in good hands.
The following hour flew by, you and Jisung making what you thought were accurate predictions on how you thought the night was going to go down based on your drunken friends. When it was time to grab your little cropped denim jacket and your purse, it was just shy of one in the morning, and you all began the small trek to the nearest club.
It didn’t escape your notice how close you were when you walked. Occasionally Jisung would stick an arm out and draw your waist closer to him when a stranger walked past, your hands brushing against each other’s in a frustrating game of will they or won’t they hold hands. Just as you were coming to the club’s entrance, your phone rang, and you couldn’t hold back the urge to roll your eyes. You shouldn’t have told your boyfriend you were going out tonight, he had choice words about it earlier and no doubt did he have choice words about it now.
“You could just not answer him.” Jisung mused gently, both of you joining the back of the queue and watching your phone light up with the call. Not wanting the impending argument to roll over to tomorrow you answered anyway, chuckling at Jisung and giving yourself some space while you had a conversation.
“You would love that, wouldn’t you?” Jeongin teased quietly, only so he and Jisung could hear. A swift jab to the ribs was what caused Jeongin to squawk, and then cease his tormenting. Jisung’s attention was recaptured by you; your inability to hide your expressions coming to the forefront when he caught sight of your scowl that was illuminated by the street- light that loomed above you.
“I can’t believe you went out anyway.” You boyfriend lectured, annoying as ever.
“I don’t know why you expect me to just sit around all day and do nothing? I want to have some fun for fucks sake-” You replied angrily, your temper quickly reaching a peak.
“You’re at a club! How do I know you’re not gonna neck it on with every guy there?!”
“It’s not my problem you’re feeling insecure… just leave me alone.” You quipped back, causing a chorus of “Oooohhhhs” from Chris and Changbin at your verbal take down. You were trying really hard not to giggle; this wasn’t a good time.
“Yeah, well, what do you expect? You’re always with that other guy how do you expect me to feel? Is he there now?” You glanced at Jisung anxiously, not really wanting to lie, but you knew what your boyfriend wanted to hear. “Well? Is he, or isn’t he?” Your boyfriend continued to put pressure on you, making you squirm.
“Well… yes, he is, but what’s that got to do with anything?” You huffed dejectedly, already hearing the loud sigh from the other side of the line.
“Just go home Y/N, have someone else walk you home or something, just go home before I get really mad.”
“I want to have fun, you can get really mad for all I care,” and you hung up with a flourish. Looking back up, you couldn’t supress the laugh at watching Felix pretend to drop a mic, the others jeering at you standing up to your dick of a boyfriend. You got back in line with Jisung, trying to shake off your pissy mood so as not to ruin your night.
“He really hates me, doesn’t he?” Jisung muttered, fiddling with one of his bracelets anxiously.
“You don’t mind him Jisung,” you comforted, “He hates everything with a penis.” You tried to joke to take the edge off. He did laugh though, so it kind of worked. Finally, you got the front of the line, presenting your IDs to the bouncer before making your way inside the illuminated building, your heart already vibrating from the loud music.
The club was an absolute mess in the best way. Choosing a highlight wasn’t easy- however at one point your friend had captured the attention of someone who was not Felix. You were fully prepared to go over there and snatch her back with no questions asked but watching Felix Mc Hammer his way over to reclaim his girlfriend was much more entertaining. Your pre-drinking had worked a charm, you weren’t off your face, but you definitely felt a lot looser than you normally would and as did Jisung, even daring to join the others on the main dancefloor at one point. You were never a sexy dancer, but that wasn’t the vibe anyway with the 2000’s hits the DJ was playing, and you couldn’t be happier to get groovy with Jisung to Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull or absolutely losing it over Avril Lavigne.
The mood was high by the time you finally decided to leave, your heart set on putting your pyjamas on and ordering a McDonalds before calling it a night. You clung to Jisung absentmindedly, the drinks you had consumed in the club making you wobble and sway with every step. You had been right about Changbin by the way; you knew it was your cue to leave when he announced he had vomited in the club toilets, a defeated look gracing his features.
You didn’t feel too great either, but the nausea in your stomach wasn’t caused by the alcohol. Your boyfriend had called back a couple of times, probably fuming at your last conversation, but for the sake of everyone enjoying the night out Minho had tugged the phone from your hands and promptly switched it off before handing it back. You couldn’t help but worry though, the inevitable wrath you’d have to deal with came closer with every minute that ticked by.
Finally, you stumbled back into your student apartment, eight boys, your best friend and a couple of your other roommates in tow, all ready to collapse into the living room and demolish some fast food. You excused yourself to your room to shed your jacket and shoes, your body failing you quickly when opening the door. Luckily, you had waiting arms to steady you, Jisung pushing the heavy door for you and following in behind, his stance looking a little wavy as he too- was very drunk.
“God, he’s gonna be so pissed at me…” You said to no one in particular, flinging yourself onto your bed. Jisung followed suit, the sound of your door clicking shut as he settled beside you and let his gaze fall to the photos and polaroids you had decorated your pin board with. He couldn’t help but feel his confidence inflate a little as he observed that a photo you had taken with your boyfriend had been covered up almost entirely by the pictures you had taken in a photobooth from a different night out with him. The four pictures were undeniably adorable, his favourite being the one where you both finally figured out where to look and both of your giant smiles taking the focal point, the other be the one where you were laughing, and Felix and your best friend had poked their heads into the curtain to photobomb you. Jisung took up an awful lot of your photos, from the slightly awkward smiles from when you first met each other to the shameless silly faces you pulled from the last time you had your camera out. Surely, there had to be a reason, subconsciously or not, why Jisung’s picture shrouded the person’s that you were supposed to be dating.
“Why are you still with him?” Jisung quizzed bravely, his drunkenness making him more confident. There was a sudden change in atmosphere, the air around you became thick with tension at the softness of his voice. You both knew he wasn’t just asking out of curiosity, there was a clear subliminal and unanswered question; why aren’t you with me?
“I… don’t know.” You answered honestly, your voice sounding so unsure as you flipped onto your side to face the boy properly. You propped your head up with your hand, your mind still swimming with intoxication as Jisung looked to you properly too. His hair was pushed from his face, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes bloodshot. He looked hot tonight, his light denim jacket and white T-shirt and jeans a simple outfit, but of course he made it look like a runway outfit effortlessly. “It’s not easy… breaking up with someone, we’ve been together a long time.” You explained softly. It hurt, to watch the disappointment cloud his eyes, so much so, that you stood swiftly to shed more of your accessories in order to distract yourself from the conversation at hand. It didn’t seem like Jisung was having it though, being the polite and gracious boy he was, he normally would’ve left the conversation at that, but being drunk and in his feels was spurring on a different side of him tonight.
“It could be though…” Jisung stood just as you turned to face him, your new close proximity catching you off guard and causing you to stumble back. “… I don’t want to upset you, but it’s not fair… he’s an ass.” He emphasised the last word deliberately, to which you couldn’t bring yourself to disagree. Jisung wasn’t much taller than you, but in this moment, with his newly found confidence he seemed to tower you, your figure shrinking in the small space. You took a step back, though you were mad at your boyfriend- you weren’t a cheater, but that resolve was becoming weaker and weaker as Jisung took a step closer to shrink the gap you had made wider. “I don’t want to do the cringe speech where I say how much better I am... but I don’t want to be with anyone else.” He took another step, and you took one back. Your dorm room was tiny, and it didn’t take much until you were entrapped by the wall and the boy in front of you. It wasn’t that you were uncomfortable, thrilled was probably the better word for it. Equally terrified and equally excited, you low-key loved this part of Jisung- but you didn’t want to be disloyal either.
You couldn’t think of the words to argue, because your argument was void. Jisung had every right to feel like he was the better guy for you… because he was. It was a tad daunting at how self-aware he was but any fool could see it. The air was so hot and thick between you, your words kept falling off the tip of your tongue as you attempted to rationalise your feelings, ultimately failing each time.
“You make me so happy; I’ve never met anyone like you… I don’t think I’ll ever meet anyone like you again.” He continued, taking one, final, baby step closer. You couldn’t have been any more than a couple of inches apart, his breath warm as it fanned against your face and it made your stomach flip.
“You’re drunk…” You tried, the last-ditch effort to deter the boy in front of you.
“So are you… plus they say drunk words are sober thoughts…” He trailed off almost cheekily, a dark chuckle sounding as his eyes fell down to your lips, his tongue poking out to wet his own in anticipation.
“Jisung…” You muttered, already knowing full well where this was going.
“…Just say no, if you want me to stop.” He murmured, his head dipping closer and closer to yours by the second.
Whilst your conscious was screaming at you to say no, push him away, slam the door on him, literally anything to stop what was about to happen from happening, you just didn’t care. Jisung’s lips were light on your own, first dipping down to kiss you experimentally, his hair tickling your forehead and hands wrapping around your waist lightly, before going back in with new fervour.
The only way you could explain the feeling was pure relief. The way he kissed you with both passion and a tenderness was something you could never experience with your boyfriend. Obviously, a part of this felt so wrong, but a huge part felt so right. The hand that slid around your side and the other that came to tangle in your hair had you fitting together like puzzle pieces. It took a minute for your subconscious to overlap your moral compass, but when it finally did, Jisung sighed contently at the feeling of you kissing him back with equal emotion. The taste of liquor remained on both of your tongues, your bodies equally warm from drunkenness and it made the room feel stifling. Only when Jisung had begun to tug and push your jacket from your shoulders, the movement of his head feeling like it had every intention of pressing the most searing kisses to the newly exposed skin, that you felt like you had to stop.
You pulled away stiffly, your body language evidently moving against its will. Your head fell back against the wall with a dull thump, your breathing slightly laboured as you let the silence and tension speak for itself. Welp, it was official. You had cheated on your boyfriend, to some degree… Shit.
“I’m sorry…” The boy in front of you muttered, his cosy embrace already slipping off from around you, making you feel cold and empty.
“Me too.” You whispered back, your head hanging. It didn’t need to be said, you both knew that no one, other than the two people in the room would ever know about what just happened. Jisung sniffed, shrugging his shoulders back in an attempt at getting himself together before pushing his sweaty hair from his face.
“I’m gonna go, order some food…” He spoke in a tone that was supposed to feel casual. You just nodded, allowing him to leave the room and walk down the corridor to join the others in the living area.
Jisung knew it was a mistake to kiss you, not because of your boyfriend, but because he knew in his heart that if he kissed you once he would inevitably want to kiss you again. Not knowing what it would feel like was one thing but knowing that it sent his heart into an addictive over drive, his nerves charging with electricity was something else. In short, he felt like an idiot; it already sucked enough to be the guy that everyone knew was in love with a girl that he couldn’t have, what sucked even more was that he knew for sure now that you liked him back. However, he was far too used to acting like he was unbothered, a skill he never thought he would have to utilise so much- until he met you. He had perfected the art of playing Mr Brightside, and no matter how sick to his stomach it made him feel to see you remain with the D-bag that was your boyfriend, he still had the ability to be a genuine and supportive friend.
Maybe it was more obvious to an outsider, but you weren’t dumb. It was clear that the longer you stayed away from your boyfriend the more your relationship broke down. A part of you was telling you to keep persevering because all relationships have their struggles, but another part was telling you to just dump his ass. You were more inclined to listen to the latter; unsurprisingly, the kiss you shared with Jisung had stuck with you for weeks. In the shower, eating breakfast, trying to catch up on work, any given moment your brain was occupied with the memory of his hands in your hair and the brush of his lips. Quite honestly, the most hot and heavy moment you had ever experienced in your life- not once had the guy you were in a committed relationship with kissed you with so much passion. You had attempted to actively avoid the boy for a couple of days, but it all just seemed redundant when he was living rent-free in your mind anyway. He didn’t need to be there physically; you were a mess either way.
Being the person that you were, you didn’t think to announce to all of your friends when the deed had been done. Looking back, the breakup itself had taken a bit of beating around the bush to finally come out with it, and a huge amount of explaining that you weren’t dumping him solely for Jisung. At the end of the day, he just wasn’t the one, and you had to assure to him and yourself that you were doing this for you and only you. Of course, you were quite saddened by how things had worked out, but the overwhelming feeling of freedom had eclipsed that after a day or two of moping around. Only you were aware for the first few days that you were now a single pringle, you didn’t want to announce it to everyone as if your life was some kind of reality show, so when the cat did come out of the bag you tried to be as lowkey about it as possible:
“How are you Y/N?”
“Doing better Jisung, thanks.” You fumbled, taking off your shoes.
“How’s the boyfriend?”
“… What boyfriend?”
You hid your smirk as everyone’s breath caught at your words, the silence that lasted half a beat deafening as you straightened up and made your way to the sofa to flop. Jisung was in shock, evident from the way his mouth gaped slightly at his loss for words, but his most guilt-tripping dream had finally come true.
The next few weeks was a true test of Jisung’s patience. He knew you, and despite your totally valid past complaining, he knew that you wouldn’t jump into a relationship with him immediately. However, despite the undertone of angst and anticipation that normally hung in the air around you two, it was more or less vaporised by Jisung’s hilarious and totally not-subtle flirting.
“You don’t understand Felix, Y/N used to be obsessed with Cody Simpson when we were in middle school.” Your best friend teased.
“So I liked blonde boys with Justin Bieber haircuts, sue me!” You laughed in response. The others laughed along with you, but not at what you had just said. Jisung was putting on an Oscar worthy performance of miming writing down this imperative information about your 12-year-old self’s ideal type, making a show of looking invested while you had your back to him.
You almost felt bad, your “mourning period” (as your best friend had called it) wasn’t nearly as depressing as you had anticipated. Frankly, you thought you’d be more of a wreck, but Jisung was making that nearly impossible, as not a day went by where you weren’t exposed to some of the worst pickup lines you had ever heard.
“If you were a transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine” Jisung exclaimed proudly, his eyebrows wriggling suggestively in an attempt to be smooth.
“Chris taught you that, didn’t he Jisung?” You deadpanned, trying not to laugh at his derpy face.
“I’m not Jisung right now… I’m Peter.” This caused you to choke out a laugh, the joke being that you’d only use his English name when he was being either a shameless fuck boy, or an absolute idiot. His chaotic alter ego, if you will.
The best part to come out of this was the freedom for being physically affectionate, the little voice in your head telling you to keep your distance finally silenced. There wasn’t time to feel upset about your long-term relationship coming to an end, not when you spent the time you would’ve been crying wrapped up in a blonde boy’s embrace, the rain pattering against the window as you indulged in some good true crime in your blanket nest. Jisung’s chest was the perfect pillow for your head, his arms that had become a lot more buff since he had been working out daily warm and secure around your form as you sprawled out half on top of him. You had no qualms about your questionable position when your eyes got heavy, the arduous all-nighter you had both committed to the night before finally taking its toll as you both napped to the sound of graphic murder on your laptop.
All of this went hand in hand with the previous consensus. You and Jisung were bound to get together. The question was simple- when?
This leads to the current situation. Now in March, it wasn’t long until you’d all be separating for the easter break, and so it was only appropriate to have one last meetup at one of the university’s bars and enjoy drinks for buy one get one free.
Walking out onto the balcony, you felt the mild breeze ruffle your hair a little, pulling your jacket around you tighter, you watched fondly as your friend did a little run to greet Felix with a hug and a sweet peck on the lips, you took your own time to walk over to the group of boys you were meeting.
As naturally as ever, your gaze met Jisung’s quickly, him sending you a little half smile as he moved his jacket to reveal an empty space on the bench beside him. Not wasting a moment, you sidled up next to him, already pulling out your phone to order your drinks and falling into easy conversation with the boy beside you. The others exchanged knowing glances, Changbin and Hyunjin rolling their eyes and laughing at how useless it was trying to engage you two in their chat when you were both engrossed in your own bubble.
The hours had slipped by; you barely noticed how dark it had gotten and the balcony was fully illuminated by the trendy twinkly lights that lined the perimeter. When the time had rolled from 10 pm to 11 pm, you all made the effort to grab your coats, down the last of the drinks and begin the dawdle back to your respective apartments.
Jisung knew his timing wasn’t great, but he couldn’t say goodbye to you for three weeks and twiddle his thumbs without at least trying to ask you out- officially. You were in no rush, walking and talking slowly to try and prolong the conversation you were having as you walked side by side along the river. Your laughter resonated along the busy street, the little alcohol in your system and Jisung’s usual funny self making your ribs ache with giggles.
The others were way ahead of you, and you felt your heart sink at the sight of your apartment building coming into view. You weren’t quite ready to say goodbye- though you could probably manage to visit each-other, and you would call and text, you would miss seeing Jisung every day. Your walk dwindled into a stand-still, the darkness making the campus buildings and various complexes look ten times prettier as they were illuminated, and Jisung held your hands tentatively.
The anticipation that you both felt continuously quickly built up, this time though, it felt like you had reached breaking point. The elastic band that was being stretched and stretched was about to snap, and your stomach flipped with adrenaline and fondness for the boy standing right in front of you.
“I have to tell you a secret, before I actually throw myself into the river.” Jisung chuckled, both his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the back of your hand, his face a mixture of mirth and nerves.
“I’m listening.” You replied simply, trying to look sincere.
Jisung swiped his tongue over his lips quickly, daring to look you in the eyes for half a second before averting his gaze to the floor again. Clearly, “liquid courage” was the leading factor to his boldness the last time you were this close. You hoped Jisung didn’t need to be almost wasted in order to be as forward as he was before, the hot and heavy kiss you had shared previously wouldn’t be unwelcome in the near future. With a gentle squeeze to his warm hands did he finally gain a little confidence, his usual cheeky smile adorning his cute face once again and you braced yourself for what he had to say.
“I really, really like you.”
“Not really a secret though, is it?” You caught him off guard with your sass, his mouth gaping comically as you laughed at his expression, him still clinging to your hands. He couldn’t help but join in on your giggles though, your contagious laughter and easy-going personality made him wonder why he was so nervous in the first place.
“Whatever! Will you go out with me?” He asked, almost exasperatedly, now letting go of your hands and circling your waist instead, both of your bodies fitting together like a lock and key while you placed your hands on his shoulders.
“of course, I will.” You smiled, taking a moment to appreciate the way Jisung’s face lit up and the giant smile that broke out onto his features
Though it was cliché, it really felt like your “happily ever after” moment. In no time at all did you feel a familiar pair of lips make contact with yours, and a familiar hand trailing up your spine under your coat, coming to a halt at the base of your neck. You had the freedom to give into your instincts and clutch his jacket, pulling him in closer before allowing a hand to bury itself into his fluffy hair. You knew Jisung was never a fan of PDA, but it warmed your insides knowing that he apparently couldn’t wait until you were somewhere more private to do this. Honestly, you were so excited to start this relationship with him; he was already a best friend to you, and your connection had such a strong platonic foundation that meant he had the ability to make you laugh until you could pee whilst also making you a mess of butterflies and stutters. You smiled lightly when he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, both of your faces flushed and lips swollen, you kept one hand interlocked as you tried to catch up with the others. Patience really was a virtue, it would seem, and Jisung couldn’t deny that it had paid off. No matter how much he felt tormented by your past relationship, he could sleep soundly at night with the knowledge that he would never have to be Mr Brightside ever again.
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loveemii · 3 months
𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭!
𝐈𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐀𝐟𝐚𝐛 - 𝐡𝐜𝐬 (i’m so sorry this is late ToT)
• When Inosuke realized that he had romantically had feelings for you he immediately went to Tanjiro and Zenitsu for help (Zenitsu ended up giving him lessons on how to give romantic gestures)
• It took Ino sometime to get used to a person who was the exact opposite from him; he is very hyperactive all the time as well as very touchy, as you; you’re calm and shy overall very introverted
• Inosuke forgets a lot of things including peoples names very easily; but he remembered yours, it was the only name he could remember besides his own
• It took you a while to get comfortable around him but once you did you were talking more and laughing all together; occasionally Inosuke would introduce you to roughhousing but he was more gentle with you and tried his very hardest not to touch your ass or boobs (ofc it’s an inosuke thing)
• When he did “accidentally” grab your breast once he just looked at you through his mask not moving his hand and he slowly moved his arm away from you; you were blushing like crazy and it drove him insane, “Sorry..” he mumbled and you accepted his apology
• You two started dating when Inosuke brought you your favorite flowers and a rock that was the color of your eyes. “For you, and this rock!” Inosuke shouted in excitement; when he gave you your gift he took off his boars mask; when you did start to date him he would take it off even more then a few minutes out of the day.
• After almost a month you kissed Inosuke’s lips and he always wanted kisses afterwards; he was addicted to it, any chance he gets he’s pressing his lips on yours.
• Pda is a must for Inosuke. You don’t mind it at all unless he overdoes it but he never does; he absolutely loves holding your hand or putting an arm around your waist in public and small kisses occasionally he’ll make out with you for a good 5 seconds which gives you adrenaline 100% in the best way possible
• He knows you’re a very shy person so he does anything in his power to make sure you’re feeling comfortable and safe; when he noticed someone scolding you over a item at a shop once he didn’t hesitate to jump into action
“What do you think you’re doing!? Can’t you see she’s buying that? Idiot!”
• Right after shouting at the person causing you trouble he’d wrap his arm around your waist and pay for what you wanted, anytime he saw the person out of the store afterwards he’d give them the nastiest glare
+ spicy!
• At first when things started to get heated Inosuke would love to make out with you anywhere and everywhere, although you were shy you tuned out everything else and melted into his kisses
• But when the two of you were alone he’d be so so so addicted to hearing your whimpers as he kissed n sucked all over your neck making you feel weak, it was like a drug to him
• Things started to get more interesting when you began to give him hickeys now; it was sexy enough that he gave you marks but when you did it to him oh man; he was a whining mess
“D-damn it..!” Inosuke would gasp as you surprised him with another kiss.
• Alright now; things quickly were beginning to become even more heated in the best way ofc. Inosuke would insert his middle and index finger inside of your wet pussy; he’d only thrust slowly but went deep as he knew you didn’t like these intimate moments to be rough
• When you did get more comfortable you let him taste you and he was addicted to the taste of you, always almost every night he’d ask to have another taste
• Now occasionally after those moments he’d ask for a handjob and man oh man he didn’t think you’d be so talented in such a skill, he would always buck his hips up from time to time trying his very best not to be too rough
• Blowjobs, you thought to yourself one night; “I should taste him? I really want it in my mouth” But hey; you’d never ever say a thing like that out of your mind
• When you first brought it up to him he was super excited and well his uniform was already off; you obviously had never done this before so you bobbed your head slow but licked his tip and spit on it a few times to get it even more wet
• The sound of his tip choking your throat made him go absolutely feral, he wanted to hear you choke even more on his amazing girthy cock! And so he’d go deeper but slower so he’d make sure not to hurt you; you never minded in fact; you loved it especially when he’d tangle his hands in your hair
again i am so sorry this is very, very late. but i hoped it was worth the wait lol ><
- please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, thank you
p.s. i had to add some spicy parts cause i honestly wanted it too ToT
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celestialtinkerbell · 2 years
✯°˖Your Villain Era: Medusa (149)°˖✯
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I have a theory that Medusa, asteroid #149, shows where you're wrongfully villainized and how your vilification transforms you, in the house that it inhabits in your chart. I will be interpreting this asteroid with tarotstrology, a concept that I got from @taisoleil, a wonderful reader and astrologer that you guys should check out.
Here is my site if you'd like to book a service with me 🌌.
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First House
You're villainized for your presence and your looks. You could encounter a lot of people that refuse to take accountability for their own insecurities that could revolve around their appearance or childhood wounds that they refuse to unpack and dreams that they chose not to chase. You transform from this by giving those that are so scared and threatened of you, something real to actually be intimidated by. This can look like empowering yourselves by disempowering the slurs that they call you, unapologetically showcasing your taboos, and appreciating yourself regardless amongst people who want you to hate yourself, once they realize that the damage that they've done didn't shatter you like they thought it would.
Second House
These individuals are villainized for what they've lost. People will this placement could have experienced something devastating and out of your control regarding your appearance, like maybe losing your hair or your teeth, but not limited to just these things. This can also indicate being villainized for what you won't give up, other people could feel entitled to your belongings and accuse you of being selfish for things that you don't have or need to share. You transform from this by upholding your dignity, continuing to move forward, working with what you have, or letting go of what's superficial or socially acceptable. This placement allows you to recognize that you are more than what you possess and that your beauty is something that never left.
Third House
Natives with this placement are villainized for the way that they keep to themselves. People often mistake your introverted personality for someone that's anti-social. You could prefer to have a secluded lifestyle where not just anyone can be in your business and people take it very personal to the point where they'd rather alienate you as a punishment instead of making your privacy peaceful as you intended for it to be. What you say can easily be misinterpreted by others and can deem you as problematic. I can see people with this placement seeking activities where they can be anonymous, like for instance, ghost writing or being a Jane/John Doe with a massive online platform. This transforms you in a way where you gain more confidence and assertiveness with setting boundaries with others, maybe more likely to play the devil's advocate, but also not afraid to speak how you feel regardless if it will be popular or not, but in a way, I also feel like you'll be the person, if not already, that has the guts to say what people want to say, but don't because they're afraid.
Fourth House
Those with Medusa in the 4th house could be villainized for following their intuition and trusting their gifts. In every single card in this spread, there's a person with their eyes closed. This is reminding me of the notorious and lethal gaze that Medusa has, one look, and you're turned into stone. People hate what these individuals pick up on about them but yet they're still prone to be deceptive even though it's futile. I personally feel like this is where Medusa exalts in, because I'm getting that they're not people that can be bullied or swayed, especially when it comes to their purpose. Their "villain" era is literally their birthright. Getting in their way is inevitable because they've learned early to make a "home" within themselves, to be so grounded with who they are to the point where no one can tell them otherwise.
Fifth House
This placement could indicate being villainized for how much you outgrow people. Your tastes are always subjected to change, they never freeze in place like stone. You could have a long history of being surrounded by people who just never seem to change, and as you drift away, whether that be physically or just by your differences in what you do for fun now, they could act very immature about it and that's when it becomes problematic. In the end, you become a person that's eager to never peak when it comes to your creativity and passions. You're always going to be seeking more but at the same, not having expectations because it can be limiting, but with the 5th house being naturally ruled by the sun, this works out in your favor by letting your desires gravitate towards you. You're attracted to those with high ambitions and you will not hesitate to cut off anyone that tries to dim your light.
Sixth House
Natives with this placement are villainzed for having their own specific system. When it comes to following your daily routines, commitments, and morals, you follow them by the book. I'm getting that you guys could've been the opposite at first meaning, always people pleasing and putting others over yourself until you've had enough of your kindness being taken for granted. This transformed you by no longer being the person that sacrifices themselves anymore for anything. You're very crucial about your time and are not keen to those who want to waste it. Freedom and control over your life is what you crave and will push anyone out of the way for.
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Seventh House
People with Medusa in their seventh house are villainized for their dualism, the dark and intimate parts about themselves that are ironically not accepted by those that they're close with. I'm getting that on the outside you could be seen as the person that has it all together. People love to depend on you because they see you as this strong person to be around until you're the person that needs a hand or a shoulder to cry on too. It's like Natives with this placement are dehumanized and seen as frauds when they're not this noble hero 24/7. They transform from this by re-evaluating their roles in relationships. They're not a codependent hotline center or Jesus Christ, they're in a relationship which is supposed to be a mutual partnership, and if the other person isn't doing their half, understanding and accepting that one side of a person doesn't cancel out the other, and acknowledging them as someone who deserves empathy too, then they don't meet the criteria as someone who deserves these people at their best.
Eighth House
Kind of like the 3rd house placement, Medusa in the eighth house Natives are villainized for having their own personal space. This could placement could attract domineering and intrusive individuals who feel like they have the right to know your secrets or in general, what you're doing. You have an amazing way of transforming from this. You constantly regenerate yourself to where it's hard for others to keep up with you. You're always going to be multiple steps ahead of others, regardless of how much that they think they know. What makes this placement different from the 3rd house is that you may not prefer to have a private lifestyle, it's just that people are weirdly offended about you having anything private at all. Moreover, I feel like these individuals have a unique way of storing information, they may not want to save anything in writing at all for a particular reason. I'm getting a scenario where this placement could indicate growing up with a parent that would go through their diaries and dictated what they wrote about.
Ninth House
Natives with Medusa in the Ninth House are villainzed for beliefs and teachings. It's possible that you rile up a bunch of controversy in most people that you meet or haven't even met at all but they know about you. Those with this placement are very protected, spiritually. Because of this, you have the most accurate perception of how deities and the laws of the universe work, but ironically, your views are heavily misconstrued. I'm getting that you're not going to be understood by many because you're meant to be leaders that point people in the right direction when it comes to their purpose and getting them acquainted to a higher level of consciousness. People could try to weaponize your (or their) religion against you. Whichever title it is, medium, shaman, healer, a lot of you are meant to be in that field.
Tenth House
Medusa in the Tenth House individuals can be villainzed for two things or both.  The first reason, is your career. You could have a profession in something that's not favorable by society, I feel like this could be sex work, rootwork, an eccentric creative, etc. The second reason relates to the feminine side of yourself being really recognizable and also the most demonized. People hate or strongly abhor you for what they cannot control about you. People never tell the full story about you because they know that they cannot take any credit for what you have and who you are. You could be a prominent figure in a community that's either loved and adored or despised for transmuting your feminine energy into something that isn't submissive. You represent the dark feminine archetype.
Eleventh House
You are villainized in your community and in your friend groups, I'm getting that the reasons for this vary, but it seems like all ties back to other people's greed. I'm seeing that this placement had to endure many painful realizations that they aren't supported by the people that they needed most or that the people that they cared for deeply were not real friends. Like the number 11, I feel as if you guys are mirrors that expose the malicious traits in people who are put on a pedestal in a community, like activists, political figures, celebrities, and even people who have some sort of royalty. I feel like this gave you an advanced level of discernment. I see you guys as underrated heroes. Your betrayals may have inspired you to be huge but private humanitarians that demonstrate that you don't need an audience to do charity work and you don't need an audience to decide what your character is.
Twelfth House
This placement can indicate being villainized for what you did in a past life. Even though you're in a new life, you could have started off with a streak of unfortunate events in the beginning that seemed too much of a coincidence, but it's a repeat of different scenarios in your past lifetimes where you're on the other end of the stick. This placement predicts that you have successfully transformed your negative karma into positive karma by not letting your hurdles keep you in a never ending cycle by learning from them instead of retaliating.
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worldsetfree · 2 months
Tarot Readings: The Star in Love
Some headcanons about how I think my #specialinterest would be in love. I've sort of framed it as x reader, and I have to admit I'm feeling quite shy about posting this, but I'm trying to build up to posting more than headcanons.
Feedback and discussion is always welcome. :)
I must begin by saying I think it's very difficult to win Kujo Jotaro's heart. He is extremely introverted and often apathetic.
Attraction is born from intrigue and somehow, you surprised him. What's wrong with you? He needs to dig deep and figure this out.
Falls so wholly and completely in love without even realizing it. Wait a damn minute, he can't live without you. When did you become so important to him?
He'll need time to accept and be comfortable with that. Won't you get burned being too close to him? Isn't he too cool for this crap?
Opens up like a flower, in bits and pieces. Probably lets you in too deep and that's the moment he starts questioning why he's so comfortable. Good grief.
When Jotaro makes a move (and believe me, he will make the first move), it's with a one-liner and a gesture so completely unexpected it leaves you breathless.
He is, after all, a "go big or go home" type of guy when it counts.
Impulsive but always intentional, Jotaro is the type of man to kiss you to get you to stop talking for a minute. He's pleasantly surprised to find it makes you stop thinking altogether.
His heart can't handle this, what the fuck is he doing?- until you kiss him back and he forgets about the whole world for a moment.
This impulsiveness of his will certainly manifest in other situations, too.
In a relationship...
He is deeply devoted but struggles to express it.
Jotaro has demonstrated (in Parts 3 and 6 especially) that his loved ones will compel him to move greater distances than anything in the universe.
Affectionate in ways that may be missed or misunderstood.
Watchful. Notices when you're suffering and will be your champion in times when you can't support yourself (in his own abrasive way, of course).
Needs to be your rock. Nobody else will do. He's been taught that this is part of being a man (something he takes very seriously, despite how toxic that can be).
Expect small acts of service and gifts in place of words. Dinner's already made, the house is clean. He brought home something that reminded him of you.
Do you actually need him to do all of this for you? Only you know. But Jotaro feels secure in a relationship if he can take of you.
Part 6 shows how he pushes himself away when he feels like he can't.
To be honest, I think he would want to maintain his independence and try not to think about you too much when he's away.
But he melts into you when he's home and he might not be aware of how much he really missed you. He's never been very emotionally intelligent.
His partner is his peace in the storm of his life. Never doubt the lengths he would go in order to preserve that sanctuary.
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alexisomnias · 10 months
— "IDIONA" . . . | twst
⤷ you're in a poly relationship with Idia Shroud and Leona Kingscholar!
requested by @/11nk1d4n ,,,
angels note: I have never written poly before, so i have NO clue how I did, hope its at least plausible :')))
characters | IDIA , LEONA
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• you were the reason it turned into a poly, catching their eyes in your own flawless way.
• Meeting Leona through fellow first-year shenanigans, and Idia through the online gaming services in Twisted Wonderland, feelings blossomed between both third years. And after having a long-awaited (awkward) talk to each other about the mutual feelings for you, and the still prominent feelings for one another. The couple decided to try a poly if you decided to say yes.
• Leona was the one to make the first move, not slow or steady. Just directly asking you out in Leona's style. Being blunt and straight to the point, asking to join him in his room for a date, and come watch him play Magishift later.
• Of course, you were aware of the relationship between the two 3rd years, despite Idia never really... coming out of his room. It was a popular topic at NRC due to both of their status. So of course, you asked about Idia before answering. And to your surprise, Leona said he was okay with it! For confirmation, later that day you text Idia on Wondercord and ask about his feelings. When Idia replied that didn't mind, you accepted the date.
• It doesn't take a long while before you three go into a poly. Idia telling you about his feelings in his own, introverted way. (aka Leona had to help him), and you're pre-existing relationship with Leona.
• And it is quite a smooth relationship! If you ignore the fact that Idia and Leona banter with each other at every given moment. Whether that be Leona kicking Idia for his video game obsession, or Idia remarking about Leona's attitude. But you know by now, it's all lovingly banters, and sometimes you join in yourself.
• A common activity you do when you three are together is cuddle. It is no surprise that Leona loves his sleep, though what was more surprising is how happy Idia is to spoon others. So, upon your first cuddle session, you were surprised to see Idia naturally running his hands through Leona's hair and rubbing his lion ears like one would a cat. You fit in perfectly yourself though, because Leona grabbed you like a stuffed animal not letting you go. Idia was nervous around the first few sessions but quickly got comfortable with your added presence.
• Idia LOVES playing games with you, if anything it's his love language to have matching profile pictures with you everywhere (since Leona refuses to do it) and to do couple stuff online. If you three are together in one of your rooms, then oftentimes Leona will be on the bed, watching you and Idia play games together. If he's not watching, he's asleep. It's not as if he's bad at the games though! He just doesn't like playing much.
• Leona and Idia are rich AF! so expect to be SPOILED with gifts! They like to dress you up and spoil you because you deserve it, and they can't exactly do it with each other... if anything they're your sugar daddies/j. These two rich kids just want you to be happy! though they may be a bit ignorant of how carelessly they throw money aside for you.
• You three are surprisingly good at spreading mutual affection and communication. Although Leona is quite... not direct about it, he's good at listening, and communicating if there is a problem you or Idia feel comes up. While mutually, Idia is quite good at expressing his needs, feelings, and boundaries.
• Leona gets the most needy for attention, whether that's surprising or not is up to you. If you and Idia spend more time with your games, then he. He'll lay against you both, a quiet way of asking for attention. (You normally give in to him more often than Idia)
• Idia needs the most reassurance in the relationship, while he's perfectly happy with you both, there's always the underlying fear that you'll both leave him and be happier together. So be sure to reassure him because Leona most likely won't do it bluntly (though Leona will surely slow down his remarks, and be more kinder with his affections.)
• You and Leona are Idia's comfort people, and if you're anxious it's vice versa! Leona is surprisingly good at comforting people, he may be quiet and not good with words, but he's good at making people feel better about themselves. Also, he's the loud pride in the relationship, so if someone rubs you or Idia the wrong way. you BET he's speaking up for you both.
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Fall Drabbles, Day 6
prompt: beanie
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader
summary: Matt takes an interest in your knitting.
warnings: swearing, sweet fluff as always
a/n: This one is all over the place because I'm thinking through a new fic for later this year, but it's still cute (I think). Hope you all enjoy!
w/c: <1k
“Let the marathon commence!” Foggy exclaimed, turning out the lights with a malicious laugh, before immediately lighting a few candles (that he claimed were for “the vibe”, but you were pretty sure it was because he was too chicken to sit in the dark while watching scary movies.)
Tilting your head towards Matt, you shook your head ”Remind me how the two of us got roped into a movie marathon?” 
Though you and Foggy got along really well, your interests aligned more closely with Matt's. Whether that was because you'd known the blind lawyer since he was picking fights at St. Agnes, or because you were an introvert who preferred a good book to the cheesy special effects of Foggy's favorite films, it was unclear. Yet here you were, planted comfortably next to Matt on Foggy's worn out couch, about to work your way through his top five scary movies. 
While you had little interest in the activity, you had no idea why Matt had signed up to take part in it. Not only were movies not something he regularly indulged in, for obvious reasons, but he had previously admitted to you that horror movies were some of his least favorite because all of the jump scares were ruined by the audio descriptions. 
Shifting so that his shoulder pressed up against yours, Matt chuckled. “Because Fog asked us to, and we would do just about anything for him.”
You grumbled in dejected acceptance, unzipping the large pocket of your bag and pulling out your crafting supplies. 
“Woah, what's all that?” Foggy wondered aloud as he sat on Matt's other side.
“Knitting stuff,” You shrugged, unspooling the color you were holding and threading the giant needles. “I'm behind on Christmas gifts.”
“I don't know what I want to know more about: the fact that you're handmaking holiday gifts or that October 6th is considered 'behind' schedule.“ Matt scoffed, tucking an arm over your legs as you threw them across his lap to start knitting.
“I make winter hats for my young cousins and the members of my aunt's assisted living facility. They usually appreciate them and I like having something to do with my hands.” You shrugged, explaining the tradition indifferently. 
“That's really nice!” Foggy smiled, elbowing Matt in the ribs. “You should make some for us.” 
Matt rolled his eyes, “Fog, it sounds like she's got her work cut out for her without us adding to it. Besides, you already have a stack of very ugly hats from your late grandmother.” Turning his attention back towards you, he grinned, “'Have you seen the one with the giant flower attached to it?”
Smiling roguishly, you looked expectantly at the blushing blond, “No I have not. Foggy, care to model that one for me?” 
“Ok, FIRST of all,” Foggy glared at his business partner, “Things that you see when I am drunk off my ass in college should be kept in confidence. Secondly, she had dementia and forgot that I was 19. And a boy.” 
“What, boys can't like flowers?” You asked with mock offense, biting the inside of your lip to keep from giggling at Foggy's evident frustration.
“I WASN'T SAYING THAT!” He spluttered, “I was just explaining why I own that hat.” 
“Don't worry, Fog. We won't tell anyone you're a bigot.” Matt smirked.
Foggy huffed as you laughed openly. “Whatever. Next time, I'll watch these on my own.”
“No you won't.” You giggled. 
Stony face breaking into a toothy grin, Foggy agreed. “No I won't.”
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While you were definitely paying more attention to the movement of your darning needles than the characters on the screen, you were enjoying yourself. Foggy's eyes were glued to the screen, still flinching at every jumpscare despite the automated verbal warnings. Matt was alternating between laughing at his friend's reactions and listening to the movie, all the while running his fingers over the feather soft yarn you were working with. 
Usually, knit products bothered his skin—the wool or polyester blends scratching at every available nerve with vigor—but this material was downy and comforting. He wondered if the recipients of your painstakingly crafted gifts were as appreciative as you deserved. It was unlikely.
The quiet, consistent clicks of your needles were soothing, slowly lulling him to sleep. His eyelids must have been drooping noticeably because you adjusted your position to allow his head to pillow on your shoulder. Inhaling deeply, he tuned out the movie—choosing instead to focus on the lullaby composed by your steady pulse and kind hands. 
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A few weeks later, Matt was returning to his office after running an errand for a client. It was just as he left it, save for the paper box tied with a ribbon sitting in the middle of his desk. 
“Fog, what’s this?” He called across the empty space. 
“A gift for you from a special someone!” The response he received did not answer his question. 
Unraveling the bow cautiously, Matt slid the top off the box and ran his hands around the contents inside. It was a hat, woven together with strands of that marvelous yarn you’d been working with. 
“Fog,” He called to his partner, who had followed his curiosity straight into Matt’s office. “Did she make me a hat?”
“Looks that way,” Foggy chuckled, stroking the delicate material. “It’s…beautiful. Deep red, like your suit.”
“Oh,” Matt’s voice was strangled with emotion. 
“Still think your feelings aren’t reciprocated?” Foggy asked coyly. 
“Shut up,” Matt murmured, clenching the heartfelt gesture in his hands.
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