#yes people were tried for adultery back then
quill-of-thoth · 1 year
Letters From Watson: The Resident Patient
Part 1, the fun bits: - “it’s a billion degrees out, there’s no interesting news, and nobody’s in town to hang out with” is such a mood. That was me all last summer. 
- All the scenes where Holmes deduces Watson’s train of thought are adorable and Holmes has correctly discovered that showing off to Watson brings them closer. (Also Holmes watches Watson as often as Watson watches Holmes.) - Context digression, but Henry Ward Beecher is primarily known today for being an abolitionist. He also advocated for temperance and women’s suffrage (and died in 1887).  General Gordon is probably Major-General Charles George Gordon, a british officer and colonial administrator, who died in 1885. Likely Gordon’s relevance to Watson is his defense of city of Khartoum, which lasted a year and was very popular with the public. So we have two of Watson’s current heroes: a military man who was best known for his defense of the civilians under his care, despite what his own government preferred, and a man who said slavery was evil and that women should vote. 
- Further digression Henry Ward Beecher’s wikipedia page is a LOT. If you think leftist / progressive fighting over a public figure’s relationships is new you haven’t read enough about the abolition, temperance, or womens suffrage movements.  - Watson came back from his military service anti-war despite requisite victorian imperial patriotism. 
- Holmes has provided me all these details as a roundabout way of saying “Hey Watson, you’re bored and you’re starting to ruminate, want to go for a walk?” Also, Watson is sufficiently recovered from his state during Study in Scarlet to keep at that for three hours.  - Watson instantly recognizes their new client as the author of a monograph on “obscure nervous lesions” - he’s very clearly keeping up on his reading. (Lesions, by the way, are referring to damage overall - instead of the more common understanding of say, a wound or ulcer, these could refer to damage by disease, or to tumors.)
- Also medical note: Catalepsy is probably referring to the seizure symptoms of Epilepsy. - Another thing you should learn from these stories is that anyone who wants to invest in you as a businessperson is probably shady.  - Lady Day is April 25, for those who wanted to know. It marked the end of the first financial quarter of the year.
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arreuyas · 10 months
Emperor! Gojo x Blind! F!reader
*⁠.⁠✧ In which the womanizer emperor got engaged in an arranged marriage with a blind woman.
warnings: mentions of adultery to which you will forgive; gojo is cruel towards your disability at the beginning; a bit of angst; suggestive content at the end, dirty words and cursing.
english is not my first language! i'm sorry for minor mistakes. and please, if you don't like the theme just scroll.
word count: 1.5k
GOJO SATORU went from crowned prince to a emperor way too soon, after the past emperor passed away. That might've lead him to worsen the spoiled, childish personality he already had. As a emperor, he could have anything he wanted and oh, Gojo was a lover of all luxurious and pretty things. He wanted, so he got it; it was that simple.
He lived a hedonist life, it wasn't a surprise for people that their emperor was a womanizer, considering how frequently he could call for more concubines to him room at the evenings. The rumours and gossips about his ways spread, and his reputation was far from being a good one. As a ruler, Gojo was lazy, always leaving the work, meetings, paperwork and any other management to his trusted subjects. He didn't really care about the situation of his territory.
And because of that, he was back-fired with something from years ago – a engagement. A contract that his father accepted when Gojo was only a baby, with a girl from a smaller kingdom that provided them with a lot of resources. His ‘trusted’ subjects were the ones to bring up the arranged marriage, because the other kingdom was pressing them for the ceremony, considering that both Gojo and the girl were above adulthood now.
Yet, there was a small problem. Gojo's supposed wife was blind.
That wasn't mentioned in the contract, but it still wasn't enough for an annulment. The Emperor would be damned to the marriage, wanting it or not. And oh, how Gojo wanted to kill his already deceased father for making him go through all that bother.
The ceremony was awkward, it wasn't a big thing like it would normally be – but it was something that both Gojo and you agreed on. There was no loving gazes, no happy guests, no happy couple. Only a political thing you two were forced upon.
The following days were even worse.
Your blindness wasn't really a problem when Gojo actually stopped to give it a thought. No, it was a good thing. He could just cheat. After all, what could you do about it?
For starters, you didn't bring any loyal servants with you, and the ones tending to you were loyal to Gojo. Second, it's not like you could see the evidence – the lipstick on the corner of his lips or the nail marks on his back. And if you did end up learning about it, well, wasn't it common for emperors to have concubines?
It was cruel.
Yes, Gojo knew. He knew that he was using your disability to his advantage. Maybe he did feel slightly guilty for you, but that didn't stop him from bringing women to bed.
And days passed since then.
He didn't know when, why or how. It was ridiculous, and he didn't like it one bit. But at some point, your clumsy self and obliviousness got to him. Gojo had to admit: you were adorable. And smart! You actually handled the politic matters with vast knowledge – something he never tried doing before because he was lazy. You were almost a perfect empress.
No, you were perfect.
He noticed that after a few weeks. How you would ask for directions with your polite, soft words to the servants and how your soft hands you touch things to identify them. How your eyes were always closed, probably because you didn't want people finding it disgusting – to which he felt bad, considering that he laughed at your condition just some days before. And your appearance, oh, how didn't he notice it at first? How beautiful you were. Truly, a goddess. It was saddening that you couldn't see yourself on the mirror and Gojo felt a weird need to tell you just how pretty you were.
At some point, Gojo started to communicate with you more, wanting to get closer to you – going as far as dismissing the servants and helping you himself. He would always walk you to the garden that you loved so much. He found himself missing you and asking the servants about your whereabouts. And the womanizer emperor started, surprisingly and shockingly, turn down women that swooned over him. Everyone was so shocked, because no one had ever thought that the spoiled emperor they knew would have such a drastic change.
You still couldn't forgive him completely. It hurt knowing that he made fun of you with other women because of your disability. It hurt knowing that he ignored you at the start of the marriage. And Gojo knew that you wouldn't forgive you that easily, but at least he was trying, right? Even if he was doing the bare minimum.
But at some point, you too started to appreciate his company. Of course, it didn't mean that you would forget, but you could forgive. ‘Only one chance,’ is what you said to him. And Gojo couldn't be more happier to make you the happiest you deserved to be – he would be damned to not take such a chance. He had already fallen for you. Maybe it wasn't love, it was still too early to tell, but he couldn't deny that it was very close to that.
Yet, people don't change everything from a day to another. Gojo didn't cheat anymore and he respected you, but his naughtiness was still there. It was hard controlling himself, specially now that he saw you in a new light.
He wondered how it would feel to hear your sweet voice calling him, moaning his name. He wondered how your warm fingers would touch his chest, biceps and back to feel around his muscles. He wondered if you were sensitive to the touch, like a person with a blindfold. He started fantasizing about you constantly, and every single time his cock would harden and twitch inside his pants. Fuck, you were so tempting.
One day, he drank too much. Gojo was a lightweight despite always stuffing his chest, saying that he was good with alcohol. But oh, he wasn't. Only one or two drinks and he would start rambling whatever came to mind loudly.
The emperor stumbled inside your shared chambers, his pale cheeks now pinkish and he was breathing heavily, almost sweating. You were laying down, but turned your head to the direction of the sound of the door opening and closing, surprised and slightly suspicious. “Satoru? Is that you?”
Gojo wasn't in his right mind. So, when he saw your laying form in your nightdress, those sexy thighs of yours and your cute, curious face- oh man. His mind automatically started to have the most dirty thoughts ever, already having a bulge on his pants. And you see, he was an experienced man. Yet, you were the first to drive him that crazy.
“Yesss~,” he mumbled as he approached the bed, falling down on the mattress and wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. “I mist yuw.” I missed you.
You had to hold back a chuckle when you heard his nonsense and by the alcohol smell you took notice that he was probably drunk. “Drunkard,” you said while patting his soft, white locks. The emperor almost purred like a kitten, hell, he loved your headpats.
He nuzzled his face on your lap, closing his eyes with a hum. It was then when he realized just how close he was to your thighs and he couldn't hold himself back. Not with that much of alcohol in his system.
“Ah! S-Satoru..?!” You gasped with surprise as you felt his teeth sinking down your skin, your body almost jolted and a pinkish mark was made on your thigh. “What are you–”
“I want you.”
You were surprised when you heard those words from his lips. After all, Gojo did stop sleeping with women. Yet he never once tried flirting with you, always respecting your personal space and boundaries — even though you hadn't set any. So you finally realized... that he probably must've had taken care of himself for weeks, alone.
Gojo stared up at you even if you couldn't see his pleading eyes. At this moment he wasn't a bratty, hedonist emperor anymore. Only a man that desired you deeply. “Please. I've been holding back for so long...” It was almost as if he wanted some sort of praise. He never acted submissive like that in front of you, so the alcohol probably was having some effect on him. However, he wasn't that drunk. Gojo knew what he wanted and what he wanted was you. So, so badly.
“Alright,” you finally said after a long time wondering about the pros and cons. You didn't have any experience with a man, first because you were a woman of power and couldn't simply sleep around without having your reputation tarnished. Second, because of your insecurities towards your blindness, and yet... You felt like you could trust Gojo, somehow. He wasn't that cruel man you met at the beginning anymore. He actually took your chance and didn't let you down once since then. “But be gentle... and stop if I ask.”
Gojo opened a happy, yet malicious smirk once he heard you – you would feel tempted to go back on your words had you seen it. “I'll stop whenever you want... but I won't make promises about the gentle part.”
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getlostsquidward · 2 years
articles of faith
pairing: agatha harkness x fem!reader
a/n: inspired by this added by my highly sexualized religious trauma 😚 written from a mormon perspective bc yes i'm a member lmfao so if you are and you're a firm believer stay away from this filth.
summary: sunday is the sabbath day. remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. if they only knew of the most unholy things agatha does with you.
warnings: 18+, smut, blasphemy, sacrilegious themes, d/s, innocence kink, corruption, praise and degradation, religious trauma and guilt, dark!agatha
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It all started with a knock on the door, a courteous smile, and a firm handshake on a fine Wednesday afternoon, with the intention of inviting everyone to come unto Christ.
Agatha is a suburban housewife in the throes of divorce who welcomes you and your companion to her home. She's very welcoming, unlike some of the people in the neighborhood, but you're used to people politely declining or shutting their doors in your face. Agatha was the first to actually listen to the gospel you were sharing.
Despite the personal battles she was going through, she was eager to learn, which makes you happy to come back to her home to teach her further, and hopefully, convert Agatha. Aside from that, there was something so captivating about the woman, that you always wanted to see her so you invited her to every activity that the Church holds, and every Sunday just to see her and spend more time with her.
You took it upon yourself to help the woman not only with her faith but also to give a shoulder to cry on with her personal struggles brought about by her divorce. She was only living by herself, and whenever your schedule permits, you go out of your way to help her feel that she's not alone in this. Agatha needed you, and you were willing to give her whatever she wants.
As luck would have it, what she wants, is you.
The close friendship that was born out of that fateful day was an unexpected but most gratifying thing to come out of your mission call. It was confusing at best, you've never wanted to convert someone so badly before—you want her to be close to Heavenly Father, and you want her to be closer to you.
The conversation you had in that first meeting constantly rings in your head.
“Other missionaries in the past have tried to convert me before, y'know? I didn't feel the connection with them that time.”
“Did you feel the connection with us?” your sister companion asked.
“Well,” Agatha nodded shyly, looking straight into your eyes. How she looked at you held something dire and dark and foreboding that something stirred inside you. “you're something special, baby.”
She had apologized for the slip of the pet name, but the still, small voice inside your head tells you it's not, and it's directly for you.
The still, small voice grew louder—tainting all your thoughts about the woman dripping red, all lustful and improper—and you knew it definitely wasn't God.
You had repented profusely, begging Him to get these sinful thoughts out of your head. You tried to seek answers in the scriptures as to why you feel this way, but they all only made you feel worse. This had prevented you from confessing to the mission president, leaving these pent-up feelings all bottled up to yourself.
“But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”
There was something so captivating, dangerous, and tempting about Agatha that you didn't even think about the consequences of heeding the call of the flesh, giving in to temptation, and breaking the law of chastity that they taught you to keep.
Well, you weren't the only one committing sins.
This was supposed to be a teaching visit. The scriptures are open on the table, with scribbled notes and highlights scattered on the pages. You couldn't remember what led you to this situation. Who kissed who first? It was all a blur to you, too dizzy and drunk in her scent.
You sat in silence, chests rising and falling unevenly as you stared into each other's eyes, heads resting on one another. Agatha starts kissing your jaw, her lips grounding you.
“Sister Agatha, we shouldn't... this is...”
Yes. You should say yes because this is morally wrong, so, so wrong.
But you crane your neck to make more room for her kisses, too far gone under her spell to care for your morals, or to stop because Heavenly Father is watching you, frowning upon you for submitting to temptation. Today, there's only Agatha.
“Please what, princess?”
“Please touch me.”
Satan’s deceptions come in many ways, they said... and what a sweet, addictive deception this is.
“You can confess to me. Tell me everything.”
“I–I've been thinking about you every time...and they're all...improper,” Agatha shouldn't be the one you confess to, but her voice, her touch, her whole presence makes you feel safe and seen. With Agatha, there's no judgment, no condemnation.
“I've been thinking about you too, baby. How your body would feel against mine...been thinking about how pure and chaste you are. I want to break you, show you what you've been missing.”
“What is it that I have been missing?”
“Me, my dear. You've been missing me, and now you're here. Isn't it wonderful? God led you right here, to me, for me,” Agatha whispers as she presses wet kisses to your chest. “Just...” her lips travelled to your stomach. “...for...” she continues to your belly, making a pause as she pushes your legs wider apart. Your breath hitched as her fingers pushed your lips, presenting your aching clit to herself, then licking a stripe up from your hole, “...me.”
As you lay in your bed at night, your thoughts would always go to the woman and your hand would find its way under the waistband of your pants, the other playing with your nipple just like how Agatha does it. You would relive the first time that she showed you how to touch yourself, the memory so clearly burned in your mind likewise to the scriptures that you had read cover to cover too many times to count.
Your body so vividly remembers the way her lips ghosted against yours, whispering praise after praise that makes your insides melt; the same lips that nipped and bit on your neck, across your shoulders, and to your chest, before latching on your stiff and sensitive buds. Her hands would always wander around your body, ultimately leading up to four of her fingers stretching deep into your needy cunt, the other gripping the sides of your neck as she assures you that you moaning her name as she fucks your dripping pussy was even better than the sacrament hymns.
You'd rub your clit faster as you relive the moment when Agatha had buried her face between your legs, her tongue working wonders on your core. It was a feeling like no other, and it makes you wonder, how could something so evil feel so good?
The brunette would then wrap your clit in her lips as her tongue expertly flicks against it, and it takes less than a minute for you to see stars. She would hover above you, her lower face soaked with your arousal—then put her lips to yours, her tongue always seeking entrance in your mouth. She would say, “The flesh and blood of Christ don't hold a candle compared to the sweetness of your pussy, darling.”
Then you would drift onto a dream where Agatha's bare, wet heat sat on your face. You clung to her thighs as your tongue explored her lips and hole. She wants you to look at her, to look at what you're doing to her. She could feel the Holy Spirit with your mouth better this way, she said.
You wonder if this is what Eve felt when she ate the forbidden fruit.
You felt so dirty and impure, so you would always pray and ask for repentance, but you couldn't stop yourself from wanting more. The more you try to stay away from her, the more you find yourself drawn to her. The devil works hard, but Agatha works harder.
“They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.”
But it was so good, so freeing. Every time you're a wreathing mess beneath her, your mind clears of everything—offering you salvation that the church and the community would shun you if they knew how sinful you are.
You don't think about how in others' eyes, you are now unworthy—because in Agatha's, you're perfect and precious, and that's all that matters to you.
“Look at that, you got all dolled up for me? My pretty girl, so good for me,” Agatha says as she eyes the dark purple lace number that she got for you as a gift for showing her the true Church of Jesus Christ.
She doesn't take them off and instead fucks you in them as the two of you watch the churchgoers passing by the street to go home after today's service. 
Sunday is the Sabbath Day. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.
If they only knew of the most unholy things Agatha does with you.
“What would your brothers and sisters say if they saw you whoring yourself out, huh? How their perfect, sister missionary loves to be fucked dumb from behind?”
You could only whimper in response as she pounds her thick cock into you, using both your arms as leverage, your tits and the side of your face pressed against the tinted window that someone could see you if they squinted very hard.
“Let me hear your words, dear. For someone who talks and preaches, you sure are out of them.”
“I'm– I'm a slut, your slut. Please, ah- fuck, don't stop!”
“Say that again.”
“I'm your fucking slut—”
“Atta girl, that's right. You're mine,” she slips one hand towards your clit, drawing circles harshly as she continues to thrust her hips. “Cum for me.”
Your body shook, limbs quivering uncontrollably. You would never forget about this back-arching, toe-curling orgasm Agatha pulled out of you. Baptism by smoldering fire of lust.
She wraps her arms around you as you get down from your high, her strap still filling you to the brim. The woman peppers you with kisses along your shoulder. “You take me so well, sugar. So perfect.”
Agatha's soothing voice against your ear never fails to bring a smile to your face. You stayed there for a while, Agatha's breasts and perky nipples pressed up against your back, and you could tell by the way her hips are lazily thrusting inside you again that the day is far from over.
Clearing your throat, you proactively asked, “What do you want me to do, mommy?”
Agatha groaned in arousal while a hiss slipped from your mouth when she pulled out of you abruptly and turned your body around. “I want to see that pretty little face in my between my thighs.”
You nodded almost imperceptibly—desperate to please, desperate to hear her praise you again so you let her drag you by the hand towards the bed. “Good girl.”
Agatha laughed at your visible fluster at her compliment, her eyes lowering on the way your thighs clench like you just hadn't gotten an orgasm. You don't have to worry, she'll use your cunt until you can't walk and go to your scheduled home visits tomorrow.
“I thought you'd rather give praise to our Lord and Savior but here you are, seeking for mine instead.”
tags: @ilovehotactresses @midnight-lestrange @minszhuo @tr333sus @thenazwife @poetsdeadxo @p-nymph @wandakink @shayzulia @phattypoobutt @starrknessblog @gmtsu @our-blood-is-our-ink (join the taglist here)
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lady-hirako · 5 months
P. I. Reader x Shinji Hirako
Chapter 2:
[You finally open up to Shinji about you and Kari's relationship. Then the mission begins]
(Reader is depicted as Black Female)
You looked at Shinji after settling on your cot. You took a deep breath and started to speak.
"Well. Kari and I are... close. Closer than most people would think. Her being more reserved, reserved, and me... Firey and combative. We first met in Salem. Funny right? Two black women in the mid 1600's, running rampant and trying to save who we could... And as you guessed... We've been alive for longer... Kari is roughly 600 years old... I was 23 when we met...
Shinji gave you a small nod. You kept going.
"We met on the stake... rather on a convoy headed to one. Salem wasn't that big, but it was large enough to be a big place to hold trials. And Kari sat smiling that whole time. Eventually I got the courage to asked her why she was so happy about the fact of about to die. It seemed so... out of place. And as she spoke, Kari told me she was planning on breaking free... but she needed help."
You paused taking a moment to breathe. Shinji scooted closer on his cot, looking at you.
"She wanted me to make a pact... N-no... Take a oath. To be her partner...."
You took a shallow breath. Adrenaline from back then came up again.
"Kari promised me a life of freedom and power... but only if I made a promise to stay be her side and help her with her endeavors. And it was too good to pass up. I asked what she needed ot wanted to have this pact or oath come to be. Kari only asked for a drop of blood... That night... I gave it to her."
You took a look at Shinji.
"So now... you work as a Paranormal Investigator. How did that come about? Like... I get the years, centuries are a big part of it all. So how... how did you guys get to where you are now?"
It was a good question... how did a coven of witches and warlocks become Paranormal Investigators? You took a breath and then sighed,
"Kari's idea. We are apart of the world of the impossible. Kari believes that the impossible can only help the other impossibility amongst the cosmos."
Shinji seemed to take the answer and nodded. Then you both grew silent. He looked up again,
"What made you say yes?"
You blinked and smiled.
"I was reasonably afraid. Scared, terrified. I was headed to be burned, for a crime that was... inconceivable... Murder. They say I had enchanted a man to commit adultery and when he tried to run from me, I killed him."
You were crying. Red tears, streaming down your face. Decades of not purging your emotions were falling infront of your partner.
Shinji, wasn't a man of many things... but he could feel empathy. It came with being a victim of circumstance as well. At least you had a choice: die or live freely...
"Are you really free? Did the pact make you and the others made with Kari actually grant you freedom?"
You wiped your face.
"In alot of ways, yes. But... Kari isn't like other witches, wizards or warlocks. She... she has an eye on everyone that works for us..."
Kari seemed to be the head of the coven.
"An eye?"
Shinji raised an eyebrow at you.
"What does that mean?"
You laid down on your cot, flat on your back. And folded your hands together, resting them on your stomach.
"Put it this way: you have to give and take in life. Kari takes your freedom and replaces it with power. Power you can use on your own will... leaving her is easy... but she can easily bring you back. We've had... 6 people leave the coven. They never got as high in the ranks like myself or 4 others, but Kari can bring them back of she chooses. And they are always under watch. Once you leave, you aren't allowed to speak of your powers."
"So she can't take away the powers she gives?"
You shook your head at his question.
"No. She can... but like I said, she's kinder... in her own way."
Shinji left it at that. Seeing that he was done prying, you rolled over and slept.
The following morning, you had woken up early. A simple routine that stuck after your long life. The dawn greeted you. And you felt rejuvenated with its light pink and varying oranges, yellows that painted the sky with vibrant color. You were a dawn/sun witch. Kari had taught you the ways of light and the warmth of the sun. And you were grateful for her teachings.
"Bright and early as always, right Sunny?"
You turned and greeted your friend. She called you "Sunny" for obvious reasons: you were a sun/dawn witch and your attitude, it was quite fitting... most of the time. You could be quite the firestorm.
Kari had walked from the hut she and Kenpachi shared. You smirked at her.
"As always."
You confirmed. Both of you stood side by side watching the sunrise. You looked at her after the sun had climbed high,
"You like him then? Kenpachi?"
Kari gave you a small smile, wrapping her arms around her torso.
"Yeah. I do... you know 8 months is quite a bit of time to learn about someone..."
Kari and Kenpachi had been working together since the start of this program. You and Shinji started two months later. But you smiled.
"So... its safe to say he's going to be a constant?"
Kari nodded, but then waved her hand.
"What about you? I know your kryponite is blonde men with silver tounges."
Kari gave a lewd motion, holding her index and middle fingers up, and licking inbetween them. You gave an embarrassed smile and tried to shy away. So Kari had seen the piercing in Shinji's mouth.
"Shut up..."
Kari gave a laugh, and gave you a pat on the back. The pair of you settling again. Kari looked at you.
"I want you happy, you know that right?"
Kari was the only person that knew about your past. That's why she offered you the life she did. You nodded ar her question. And then you looked at her.
"Same goes for you... but what are we doing? This program... it's-"
Kari interrupted you, sighing and removing her hand from your shoulder.
"Sunny, I told you. We need help. No one sees witches or warlocks like they used to. Romanticizing what we are. They don't take us as threats only something to be neither sought out or truly bothered. Only the few paranoid or seekers try to find us. And... thats how we need it to be. So the majority stays out of our way. There are very few true beings of real magic left. We are apart of that. And with all of it, we have to protect those boundaries."
You looked back at the sunrise. Kari had told you that once before, when you started your training. You sighed. You knew she was right. But still... A new set of footsteps joined you and Kari. It was Kenpachi. The man let out a yawn and looked down at you.
"Take it easy when you can Sunny. Trust me. This responsibility you witches carry ain't an easy one. But I'm glad us Shinigami can help out."
You smiled. Kenpachi was right as well... any help you guys could get was good. Even moreso that other beings were willing to step in and help. You gave Kenpachi a look and then watched as the man pulled Kari to him. The other woman was short. 5'2, and Kenpachi was a giant among men standing at 6'7 and a half, like he needed that half to be anymore intimidating.
Kari let out a giggle as Kenpachi, lifted her up with ease and pressed his face into her chest. Shinji walked out of the hut and have a stretch.
Shinji saw Kari and Kenpachi and rolled his eyes.
"You two can't for like 5 minutes? It's fuck-"
Kenpachi sent the other male a glare and growled out. Kari patted his head and Kenpachi lowered her to the ground."
"Sorry Hirako."
Shinji nodded and gave you a wink. Then he looked around,
"Sooo... where's the other team?"
You gave a shrug and Kari spoke up.
"They were supposed to be here last night. But... I haven't gotten a call from them..."
She looked a bit worried, and Kenpachi lifted his head, looking around alert. Then Kenpachi grunted and pointed. It was Captain Hitsuguya and one of the younger warlocks of the coven.
The younger warlock was riding a summoned mount and Captain Hitsuguya was suing his shikai. You rolled your eyes at the younger warlock. When they landed you and Kari both smacked him, one after the other, upside his head.
"The fuck took you so long!"
You barked at him. Silas, the boy you and your friend smacked rubbed his head.
"We took a detour!"
Kari sighed rubbing her forehead, and you kept control of the scolding. But Silas shook his head, his dreaded black hair flopping as he did.
"Listen, listen, Sunny, Kari, there was this unicorn! It was getting hunted! And you guys said we're supposed to help-"
Kari raised her hand.
"Ok. Ok. We get it. So long as you both are safe. Did you-"
"Yes Boss Lady! I got the unicorn to the safety zone! You shoulda seen Toshiro's face!"
Silas laughed and you could see Hitsuguya frowning. You shook your head. Letting Kari take over and she looked over Silas.
"Well if your ok, we can go meet with the chief."
She looked over you, Silas and the accompanying Captain's. You gave a nod, Silas gave a thumbs up, Toshiro gave a nod, Shinji horribly gave you and Kari both finger guns and Kenpachi gave Kari a look. With everyone ready, Kari led the way into the Shaman's hut.
Inside two male dog men sat. Kari entered first, giving a bow, and an odd type of salute with her hand, her thumb pressed to her palm and her remaining 4 finger curled to mimick claws. You did the same, and the others followed suit. With the sunlight blocked by the dark hut. You and the others sat in a V shape behind Kari. She sat facing the fire. The Shaman and the Dog Village's Cheif sat on the other side of the ethereal fire. The Dog Chief introduced himself.
"Im Falling Waters. Chief of this Village. I'm glad to see you both return, Sun Shade and Moon Walker."
You and Kari both nodded. You, Sun Shade, as Falling Waters named you for your dark skin but your amazing power that was as powerful and bright as the sun. And Kari Moon Walker as the powers of the moon she possessed.
"Its good to see you too, Falling Waters."
You smiled at the Dog Chief. And he nodded. Kari introduced Silas and the Captain's. One after another. Falling Waters nodded to them in turn, and then introduced the Dog Shaman who seemed in a trace by the yellow burning fire.
"This is Shadows Wing."
No one else spoke, for a moment and then Shadows wing cut to the chase:
"A demon... has moved into these woods... one I cannot defeat. It purges the lands around our home. Our guardian, cannot thwart it for long. The guardian grows weak... Please. Expel it..."
Kari gave a nod.
"Which of your warriors have seen or encountered this demon?"
Falling Waters rose and waved for the group to follow them.
"Two. Red Rock and Shifting Sands. They... they were the only ones that returned from the encounter with the beast. Come."
The Chief led them along. The rest of the village had rose with the sun. The women and children already moving about. The pup-kids running and playing. Their mothers watching the outsiders that moved with you and Kari. The pair of you had previously helped the dog-people. And had gained their trust, Silas and the Captain's were strangers. And you understood their weariness. The group of you soon made way into a small medicine hut, the concoctions, causing Silas to sputter and cough. You sent the young warlock a glare and he calmed his coughing.
In the middle sat two younger dog-men. They looked up and gave the odd hand gesture and bowed as the Dog Chief entered. The two quickly stood. Seeming ready at the sight of you and Kari. The understood right away. And both stepped to the sides of Falling Waters.
"They are ready to assist you, Moon Walker and Sun Shade."
Kari nodded and looked at you. You narrowed your eyes at her. She had that look in her eyes... You sighed, as she turned to the Captain's.
"I think you three should work together on this on. We'll split into two groups. I'll take Silas and (Y/N) with me."
Kari turned and waved Red Rock with her. Shifting Sands nodded and stood with the Captain's.
"Is this a good idea?"
You looked at Kari, and she nodded.
"Yes. I'm treating them like I did all of you. Like I did Silas."
You gave a shiver, this... the way Kari was treating the others was... kinder. Her abandonment of you on a rough mission, flashed back to you. It... it was a Wendigo you both were hunting. Kari had told you to go your own direction. A wild card thrown at you randomly... that night... the Wendigo had made two trails. Kari took one and you the other. Snow and ice freezing you, you got attacked, luckily your honed instincts saved you, flames bursting out and searing the Wendigo...
You were alive and unscathed. When you exploded on Kari, she told you that it was worth waking up the Sun's Blaze. It was your Witching Mark.
And... it seemed that she was going to awaken some new power for the Shinigami. One only she and The Captain Commander Shunsui Kyōraku had learned...
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beneaththetangles · 2 years
Call of the Night: Sick, Lonely Humans (and Vampires)
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Arisa is the second most popular waitress at Maid Café Vamp. Yes, that’s right, second. She was first, but then was supplanted by an actual vampire, Midori, when the latter joined the establishment.
But that’s still pretty good, right? Second is nothing to scoff at. To be honest with you, if I was the second best in my occupation at work, I think I would feel satisfied. But Arisa isn’t like me. Despite not letting on about it, it’s revealed later in episode ten of Call of the Night that she feels insecure about her position, so much so that she hatches a scheme to turn things around that ultimately blows up in her face.
Having been led to Maid Café Vamp by Midori, Nazuna and Ko meet Arisa and offer to help her with a stalker problem she’s been having. An anonymous social media user is posting candid photos of the maid online. But as Ko eventually deduces, the stalker is none other than Arisa herself, using the account to create the kind of buzz that might raise her back to number one so that she can, what, get more tips? Gain more fame and influence?
No, it’s nothing so superficial. Arisa deceives her co-workers and new friends so that she can gain a measure of self-worth, a feeling she lost when the top spot slipped away from her.
When confronted with her deed, and with her head hanging down in shame and humility, Arisa says she’ll resign her position. But right at the moment of resignation, comes another voice, one that speaks with authority and surprising gentleness (for a vampire):
“Arisa-chan, it’s okay to be ill.”
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Midori, who is right at the center of this situation since it’s her popularity that Arisa has reacted so strongly against, offers the other maid words of understanding and grace. “You made a bit of a mistake this time,” she says before adding, “humans are pretty much all sick in their own ways.”
The tension and embarrassment begin to melt away as Midori explains how all people are “sick,” including all the waitresses and patrons at their café, also hinting that she has the same type of self-worth issues as Arisa.
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Midori doesn’t let her off the hook completely, but nevertheless, Arisa begins to feel relief in knowing that she’s not alone.
The acknowledgment that we are all suffering under the same condition can be powerful and moving. While most of us accept that we’re imperfect, to hear it said out loud confirms the condition and keeps us from the isolation we can experience when our minds relentlessly impress upon us the guilt of sin, the loneliness that it brings, and the lie that we are our sin and nothing more.
I remember times in my own life when I’ve dealt with some secret sin. While I understood both that others were working through their own sins and that we all as Christians are forgiven through grace, I still believed the lie that “you’re really messed up, more than any reasonable person should be.” And then there were times, too, when I felt relief and freedom as each member of an accountability group admitted that we were dealing with profound sins and issues in our lives, if not exactly the same ones.
There’s something godly about the open sharing of our imperfections. If we think about it, Midori’s approach here is reminiscent of Christ’s response every time he encountered sinners, maybe most famously with the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11).
Throughout his ministry, religious leaders tried to play “gotcha” with Jesus. The Pharisees, furious that this “upstart” would say that they—the experts specially appointed by God to lead the people in religious life—were neither in compliance with the letter nor the heart of the law that they followed so systematically, sought to discredit Jesus by attempting to show that his teachings were not in accordance with scripture. In this specific situation, a woman caught in adultery is dragged to where Jesus is teaching, thrown down before him, and surrounded by a crowd ready to stone her to death, as was the penalty called for by the law. Would Jesus, a champion of women and the downtrodden, approve of the execution, or would he deny scripture?
Jesus does neither. In fact, at first he just hunches down and draws in the dirt. Can you imagine? A public execution, in which the community members themselves are the executioners, is about to occur, and Jesus just traces the sand as if there’s no pressure on him and the woman at all. After a time, he replies to the crowd: You can stone her, but only one who is perfect can carry out the judgment.
One by one, the surrounding crowd—the older (and perhaps wiser) and then then the younger—walk away, apparently convicted of their own imperfections, leaving the woman unharmed. Jesus, who had bent down on the ground to draw in the dirt again, then asks the woman where her accusers have gone and if any remain to condemn her. She responds that no one is left, and Jesus tells her that he won’t condemn her either (though as the only perfect one, he has the right to), and instead tells her she should leave her life of sin.
Like Arisa, this woman has been publicly exposed, unable to hide her deeds. But rather than turn away in disgust, both Midori and Jesus approach with compassion. In her moment of exposure, Arisa must have felt so alone. I imagine that for the adulterous woman, she must also have felt abandoned, without a single ally—until she was brought before Jesus.
Arisa, too, found an unexpected ally in Midori. She no doubt expected to be met with anger and derision from her friends and colleagues, but instead receives understanding.
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But while the episode models this life-giving shift in focus really well, it’s still missing something. Midori can only go so far, for as she extends her metaphor of illness to all humanity (and to vampires, too), she includes herself. And both by that self-admission and a lack of any hope beyond the advice to just “accept that you’re sick,” Midori indicates that she does not know the cure.
But for us, there is a hope. There is a remedy to the disease that infects all humankind, and it is in the person of Christ. Remember what Jesus tells the woman: he will not condemn her. She is forgiven of her sin. This is the cure that God offers us as well: a forgiveness not based on what we do—which deserves punishment—but based on who God is—One who demonstrates love to a people who don’t deserve it. This is the gospel, that the perfect God of heaven gifts us a sure and certain hope that we cannot attain for ourselves. This is the “good news”—without it, we are hopeless.
Jesus also follows up by instructing the woman to stop living in her sin. A life impacted by the hope of Christ leads to transformation in which our lives exhibit more and more the fruits of the Spirit as we leave sin behind and grow in faith.
And this is a great promise of the Christian life. Like Arisa, when our thoughts and deeds are exposed to the light, our shameful condition is revealed. But also like Arisa, we are loved by one who has the right to turn away, yet instead reminds us that we’re not alone, and that we are not the only ones suffering from this disease. In fact, we are like everyone else, and it is Christ himself that gives us hope by standing by us, saving us, and pointing us toward a better life.
Humans are pretty much all sick in their own ways, you know? This is true. But thank God that we have the hope of salvation and transformation in Christ, who has come to be our physician, to treat and cure us so that in him, we are sick no more.
Call of the Night is available for streaming on HiDIVE.
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coghive · 2 years
Download Mp3: Jealous feat. Chandler Moore & Lizzie Morgan | Maverick City Music x Kirk Franklin
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Tribl Records releases official music video For “Jealous” featuring Chandler Moore, Kirk Franklin & Lizzie Morgan. Kingdom was written by Chandler Moore, Charles Butler & Kirk Franklin. It is from Maverick City Music’s collaboration album with Kirk Franklin entitled “Kingdom Book One” Available Now! On June 17, 2015, nine African-American men and women lost their lives in a single act of hatred during a weekly Bible study at Mother Emanuel AMEC in Charleston, SC. The heart behind this project is to not only expand the idea of what the Kingdom of God looks like, but to also share and spread music and a message that taps into an inspirational, unfiltered love for all people. Watch Jealous Video Below https://youtu.be/SHSAteXOzUY https://coghive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Jealous.mp3 LYRICS Verse 1 It breaks Your heart When You see me dancing with the enemy Yes it breaks Your heart When You see Your bride in adultery Pre Chorus You were meant to be My only one Chorus You are a jealous God You are jealous for me You are a jealous God You are jealous for me Verse 2 You know my heart How easily it wanders when I look away But You have my heart And there’s no competition when it comes to You Bridge You, just want to be close Just want to be intimate, with Your bride And You just want to be close You don’t want anything Drawing me from Verse 3 I’ve had some idols I’ve won some trophies I’ve tried hard to make this world my home But when I was thirsty None satisfied me The pleasure I once felt now, it was gone Verse 4 Lost in the desert You died to find me You told hell he’s Mine now He’s back where he belongs You threw me a party Heaven rejoices They said welcome back home Tag 1 You threw me a party You threw me a party You threw me a party You threw me a party Tag 2 They say welcome back home You gave me a robe and a ring They say welcome back home You saved a seat just for me Tag 3 Welcome, welcome Welcome to the party Welcome, welcome Welcome to the party Read the full article
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
I'm pretty sure this is prompt four. Jiang Cheng/Qin Su - Jin Rusong as heir to Lotus Pier
Jiang Cheng heard the news in pieces, scraps of wild rumor and gossip repeated a hundred times over, but he still refused to believe it until he actually saw the official announcement.
Jin Guangyao had divorced his wife and sent her back to her father’s house, along with their son.
“Is he insane?” Jiang Cheng asked his second in command, who only shrugged helplessly. “Putting aside the fact that I’m certain that he loves her madly, putting everything else aside, Sect Leader Qin is influential and powerful, and a strong supporter of his father – no matter what happened between them, surely someone as pleasant and compromising as Jin Guangyao could find a way to work it out?”
Jiang Cheng had only met Qin Su a few times, always at Jin Guangyao’s side. He’d heard about how she’d fallen for the dashing young man that turned out to be Jin Guangyao and sworn to marry him, no matter the obstacles; he’d heard how they’d managed to overcome every storm, fight the wind and rain, and eventually made it to their marriage bed.
They’d even had a son together, little Jin Rusong; he was Jin Ling’s best playmate.
And Jin Guangyao was kicking him out? Kicking her out?
Who did he think he was?
And yet, contrary to Jiang Cheng’s expectations, Sect Leader Qin did not immediately explode, or, rather, within a few days, he did, but not in the way anyone had expected. Everyone had joked that he would find Jin Guangyao and strangle him, and he really did physically attack someone – but not Jin Guangyao.
He attacked Jin Guangshan instead.
It was as if he’d gone mad, red-eyed like Nie Mingjue in the throes of his qi deviation; he’d charged at Jin Guangshan, his old friend of thirty years or more, right in the middle of Jinlin Tower, and swiped at him viciously with his sword, cutting a gash in his chest as the surprised Jin sect leader darted back too slowly to wholly dodge.
What could be done? The Lanling Jin sect guards could not stand silently by with such provocation – they counter-attacked at once, and Sect Leader Qin did not survive. A little later, and it was discovered that he had never intended on it: his sword was laced with poison.
Sect Leader Qin died, but he took Jin Guangshan down with him the underworld.
The rumor mill exploded.
Everyone was talking about Sect Leader Qin’s motivations – the suspicious timing of the divorce – Jin Guangyao’s now inevitable ascension to the seat of Sect Leader Jin –
Only Jiang Cheng thought about Qin Su, who should have been ascending right beside him. It had been her father that had died, after all.
Laoling Qin was far enough away from Lanling Jin that they were still mostly independent, and they were close enough to the Qinghe Nie that Jiang Cheng could pretend that he’d only made a short detour on a visit directed towards Nie Huaisang, that notorious purveyor of gossip; luckily enough, Nie Huaisang remembered their old friendship and was more than happy to help cover his tracks.
When Jiang Cheng arrived, the house was already decked out in mourning. Qin Su greeted him, eyes red and swollen from tears.
“I’m sorry,” Jiang Cheng said awkwardly, then flinched when he realized he probably should have said something in greeting first – they really didn’t know each other well enough to skip over all that.
Nevertheless, Qin Su nodded, forgiving him the slip-up before he could even retract it. She was gracious and gentle, kind and quiet, economical and thoughtful – a consummate hostess. The wife of Jin Guangyao could not afford to be anything less.
Former wife.
Jiang Cheng’s gaze danced around the room, searching for something to say, and then abruptly he noticed – “There are two deaths in your household?”
“My mother took her own life,” Qin Su said, her voice dull. She tried to suppress it, but tears gathered in her eyes again. “Shortly before…”
Whatever it was that Jin Guangshan had done that had driven Sect Leader Qin mad, it had involved his wife, Jiang Cheng thought, and then abruptly he turned pale as he put two and two together. He’d never doubted that Jin Guangyao had adored Qin Su, so why would he divorce her?
Jin Guangshan had a reputation.
Qin Su laughed a little, a bitter sound. “Everyone will know, soon enough,” she said wisely, seeing that Jiang Cheng had figured it out. “I don’t blame my former husband at all; he acted as he ought to in every respect. It’s only my poor A-Song…I can’t imagine what his life will be like from now on.”
Jiang Cheng looked helplessly at her. To lose not only your parents, one right after the other, but your husband, your reputation, and next even your son…
“Marry me,” he said suddenly, and Qin Su stared at him. “If Sect Leader Jin’s assault were recent rather than ancient, it would have provoked the same result. The only reason anyone might suspect the truth is because of the timing of your divorce – if there’s a reason given for that, people won’t think twice about it.”
His words had come out all in a rush, smashing together like stones tossed around by a waterfall; he hadn’t thought of the idea until right this moment.
“Are you suggesting I admit to adultery?” she asked. Her eyes were as round as the full moon.
Jiang Cheng shrugged, a little helpless. “Your reputation is gone,” he pointed out, wishing he knew how to be kind or tactful. “Adultery or incest – it’s the same either way for you. But for A-Song…”
To be the son of an adulterous woman was disgraceful, but such things happened and people generally looked the other way, as long as the real father was powerful enough.
It was better than being a child of incest.
“But what of your reputation?” she asked. “Sect Leader Jiang, you can’t. I won’t let you injure yourself for my sake.”
“Not for you,” he said, though maybe it was, just a little bit. The loss of your parents, the loss of your whole life, everything you’d ever believed – who could understand that better than him? “For A-Song. He’s Jin Ling’s best friend.”
Qin Su had always been kind to Jin Ling, he thought. She didn’t need to be, could just tolerate him the way most people in Jinlin Tower did, but she really seemed to like him…
It occurred to him suddenly that Qin Su met all of his requirements for a bride: a beauty from a good family, obedient, economical, with a mild personality who wasn’t too loud and wasn’t too talkative, who was good to Jin Ling…
“How’s your cultivation?” he asked abruptly. “Do you know how to cook?”
“Mediocre,” she said, blinking at him. “And I’m better at baking, I think. I like making sweets.”
“Good,” Jiang Cheng said, relieved. “That’s – good. I’m glad. Will you marry me?”
Qin Su bit her lip. “Let me think about it?”
Thoughtful, he added to the list. Cautious, not reckless.
“Take all the time you need,” he said.
She came back to him two shichen later. “What happens to A-Song?” she asked.
“I’ll adopt him as my own,” Jiang Cheng said. “Or he can keep the surname Jin, if you prefer. And if Lianfeng-zun agrees, which I think he will – it’s his birthright, after all.” Too many times over. “Jin Ling lives with me sometimes; they can grow up as cousins, the way they should.”
Qin Su nodded, lips trembling a little. “You won’t regret this?”
“I might,” Jiang Cheng admitted. “But I’m probably not going to marry anyone else, and I’m willing. Are you?”
“I am,” she said, and smiled at him. Her eyes were still red, and the smile shaky, but it was something. “Thank you. I…no, never mind.”
“If we’re going to be married, you’re going to need to learn to ask things of me,” he reminded her.
Qin Su wiped her eyes. “Yes, but there’s asking reasonable things, and then there’s asking to alert my former husband before we announce our engagement.”
“Oh, no, that’s a great idea,” Jiang Cheng said, immediately relieved. “If there’s one thing Lianfeng-zun knows, it’s how to manage an announcement of that sort of magnitude. We should definitely tell him.”
Qin Su’s smile this time was stronger.
Nie Huaisang pulled a few strings and got Jin Guangyao to come over to the Unclean Realm, and when he walked in and saw Qin Su, he flinched. Jiang Cheng could see on his face that he still loved her, and he felt bad for him – not enough to stop, but still.
“I see,” Jin Guangyao said, hearing the plan. His expression was surprisingly neutral – thoughtful, but not as upset as Jiang Cheng would have expected. “It’s not a bad idea. And you don’t even need to admit to adultery, either.”
“We don’t?” Jiang Cheng asked, surprised.
“We can say that my marriage with A-Su broke down after my father’s actions - painting them as recent, rather than ancient,” Jin Guangyao explained. “I didn’t feel I could oppose him, she had no choice but to do so – it was an irrevocable breach. You came to comfort her, having met her during your visits with Jin Ling, and her sect is in need of support…you can say it developed naturally from there. It might not work to quell the rumors, of course, but it would at least provide a way to save face in public…Leave it to me.”
“Thank you, A-Yao,” Qin Su said quietly, and he smiled at her, pained.
“Just be happy,” he said to her, then looked at Jiang Cheng. “Treat her well.”
“I will,” Jiang Cheng promised, and took her by the hand. “I swear.”
It was a few years later. Nie Huaisang sat beside Jiang Cheng.
“I think he killed my brother,” he said, playing with his fan. “I’m going to destroy him.”
Jiang Cheng stared at the newest memorial tablet in the Lotus Pier, his hands clenched into fists with knuckles turned white.
“Good,” he said, voice savage. “I’ll help.”
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the-modernmary · 3 years
chess, not checkers || a. hotchner x f!reader
Summary: Cross-examining Agent Hotchner should have been a lot more simple than it had been. But when the questioning slips out of your control, you find yourself being profiled right there in the middle of the courtroom. Amazing how one stranger can know you better than anybody you've ever met.
Contains: SMUT! 18+ only, minors DNI. Fingering, (light) choking, semi-public sex, adultery, anger sex, enemies to lovers, edging, lawyer hotch <3
Word Count: 8k+
Comments: This is so heavily inspired by “charcoal grey” because we all know how hot he was in that scene. Thank you to @angelfxllcm for being an absolute godsend as I wrote this and being the most supportive friend ever. (If you haven’t read her work, you absolutely should!)
“Fucking FBI and their selfish ass schedules,” you grumbled as you hurried through the hallway of the courthouse, your intern Robin on on your heels. “Court gets pushed back for a week because Agent Hotchner just had to leave with them on a case instead of working remotely, and then expects us to drop everything to go to court the second he gets back to D.C. As if we don’t have jobs too. As if I don’t have six other cases sitting on my desk that now have to be pushed back because of him.”
 Robin scrambled behind you, nodding along to every word that left your mouth. “Does this happen with the, uh…”
  “BAU,” you supplied.
  “—BAU, right. Do court cases usually get pushed back for them?”
  You shook your head as you checked your watch. A glint caught the corner of your eye. Shit, your ring. You hadn’t expected to go to court, and completely forgot to leave it at home. You pulled it off and slipped it into the outside pocket of your bag, hoping nobody noticed.
“No. Most cases from the BAU never go to court,” you explained. “There’s enough evidence against the people they arrest that it’s almost always a plea.”
  The Bankers Box in Robin’s hands almost slipped as you placed another file precariously on top of it. “Then why is this case going to court?”
  Your step faltered as you processed her question, and you couldn’t hide the disbelief on your face. “You did read the brief for this case, right?” you asked, unsure if you really wanted the answer, except her embarrassed blush and averted gaze gave you enough of one. “Seriously? Okay, well, first of all, because of that, you won’t be sitting at the attorney’s table with us. Instead you’ll be in the public seating. I won’t weaken my case because you decided to be unprepared. If this happens again, you won’t be welcome to join me in court at all, am I clear?”
  “Yes, ma’am.”
  “Good.” Deciding to take pity on the poor intern, you sighed as you started your explanation. “Our client claims that his arrest was unlawful and therefore none of the evidence they found should be usable. I’m inclined to agree with him, so we’re fighting all of the charges that were made with evidence found after the arrest.”
  “So you don’t think he’s guilty?”
  “I don’t ask that question. I’m not God and I’m not his priest, I don’t need to hear his confession. I just need to get him out of unjust and illegal charges.”
  Robin’s eyebrows furrowed. “So he’s going to walk free? Even after everything he did? How do you sleep at night?”
  Fucking Christ, how did this girl even get into law school? You rolled your eyes, suddenly regretting your decision to take on an intern. “No, he’s not going to walk free. He’s going to get a lesser charge, because everything else was obtained illegally. And I sleep very well, actually, because my job isn’t some episode of Law & Order. Less than 10% of my cases ever go to trial. I’m not here to suddenly convince juries that the evidence is wrong. My job is making sure that everybody is given their constitutional rights, that the police are doing their jobs correctly, and that the State isn’t over-punishing. Any cop knows that, and if you ever come across one that doesn’t, you know that you should look into those cases even further. You have to realize, criminal defense lawyers—”
  “— are the last line of protection against a corrupt system.” You turned to see your assistant, Marcus, making his way towards you, briefcase and your spare blazer that you keep in the office in hand. “I see you’re giving her your famous anti-prosecutor lecture.”
  Marcus helped you slip on your blazer over your satin button up, his hands lingering on your skin for just a little too long to be considered professional, and it made you shiver in anticipation. “God knows she needs it. Thank you, Marcus, for bringing these so quickly. Were you able to get the physical copies of Agent Hotchner’s files?”
  Marcus held up his briefcase. “All right here. Although I have to say, I’m a little lost as to why you need his service records.”
  The three of you turned the corner to enter the courtroom, your heels clicking on the tiled floor. Robin obediently took her seat in the public viewing area while you and Marcus pushed through the swinging door to settle at your table. “I’ve heard stories of Agent Hotchner’s testimonies. He used to be a prosecutor, so he’s not easily tricked, but he is prideful and will defend his work. I’m going to use that to my advantage. It’s like I always say, practicing law means always playing chess, never checkers.”
  Marcus took the seat next to you, making sure to sit close enough that his knee brushed yours the whole time. “You know, I was thinking, this case is complicated,” he whispered, “And we haven’t combed through everything yet… It could take more time than we planned.”
  You smirked, knowing exactly what he was insinuating. “Agreed. I’ll tell Tony I have to stay late at the office tonight.”
  Before Marcus could continue his flirting, you were distracted by the door to the judge’s chamber opening, revealing the back of a man in a black suit. “Thank you again, your honor, for the continuance,” came the deep timbre of the man, and oh. You certainly weren’t expecting that. “A young girl was able to be reunited with her family this week because of it.”
  The man in the doorway turned, and your breath caught in your throat. He was tall and buff and expensive-looking and absolutely gorgeous. His suit was tailored to fit him perfectly, the sleeves of his blazer straining against his biceps. He carried himself with an aura of confidence, like he belonged in the courtroom, and he was making his way directly towards you. Unconsciously, you separated from Marcus, putting as much distance between you and your assistant as possible without raising suspicion.
  The man said something to the prosecution before turning to you, hand outstretched. He said your name as a greeting, and your name had never sounded so good. “I’m Aaron Hotchner.”
  When you stood up to shake his hand, you tried to ignore the way his eyes raked down your body, or the way the two of you held on just a moment too long to be considered proper. It felt as if he was looking right through you, learning all of your secrets as though they were written on your body. No, you knew that look. He was studying you. “Agent Hotchner, it’s a pleasure.”
  “Likewise, Counselor. Please, call me Aaron.”
  You raised your eyebrows in Aaron’s direction, still shaking his hand, and it made your skin burn. You dropped his hand. “I’m just glad we’re able to get this case done and over with. Hopefully with no more delays.”
  His eyebrows quirked upwards in what could only be described as shock. “I see your reputation precedes you,” was his only reply before going to his respective seat, and if he noticed you watching his every move, he made no indication of it. That being said, you definitely felt his gaze on the back of your head as the judge entered the room and the session began.
  As the proceedings dragged on, you and Marcus continued to talk strategy, his hand finding its way to your thigh ever so often. You also continued negotiating with the prosecutor, both of you flashing Post-It notes of potential plea deals that you would be willing to accept, always careful to keep it out of the eyes of the judge and jury. By the time Aaron had been called to the stand, the offer given to you still wasn’t low enough. Fine, if the prosecution wanted to make a fool of themselves, so be it.
  You listened to Aaron’s testimony with the prosecution, completely enraptured. There was something about the way he spoke, so full of authority and confidence, that made the entire room drawn to him. He was incredibly intelligent, that much was clear, and despite the many years since he had actually practiced law, that prosecutor candor hadn’t left him. Staying focused on the case had proven to be more difficult than previously expected. You found yourself staring at his lips, and it didn’t take long for your mind to conjure up some obscene and explicit situations starring the man in front of you. 
  Eventually, his eyes caught yours, and he watched you, his lips — god, those lips — quirked up in a smirk. Aaron watched you expectantly, and in the light of the courtroom, his eyes were almost the color of whiskey, and you wanted nothing more than to drink it all in.
  A sharp “Counselor” broke you out of your trance. In the corner of your eye, you could see Marcus looking at you in concern, but he was the furthest thing from your mind now, especially as Aaron let out an amused huff of air.
  “Counselor, does the prosecution wish to cross-examine the witness?” the judge asked with barely hidden annoyance, making you think that it probably wasn’t the first time she had asked the question.
  You stood up quickly, smoothing down your pencil skirt as you did. “Yes, your honor. Thank you,” you said, trying your best to keep your voice steady as you noticed Aaron’s eyes trailing down your bare legs.
  The cross-examination started normally, and Aaron answered all of your questions with careful precision that only a lawyer could pull off. He seemed to know exactly where you were trying to go with your questions, and easily sidestepped any unflattering implication you were trying to make. Long, biased questions were met with short, clipped answers, not giving you anything to work with. Whatever move you made, Aaron was right there, two steps ahead with you. Never in your life had you met somebody who could follow you so easily or could match your wit without so much breaking a sweat.
  It was exhilarating.
  “Agent Hotchner,” you started, hands clasped behind your back. “Could you please explain to the court how profiles are used when finding and apprehending suspects?”
  Aaron sat up a little taller in the witness box. “Using behavioral research and past case studies, we’re able to construct what we call a profile of the perpetrator, or unsub. Anything they do can give us insights as to who they are — their victims, what weapons they use, even how they dispose of the bodies. Once we have a profile of who we believe is committing these crimes, we have our technical analyst run the parameters through her system. From there, narrowing down our search is easy.”
  You nodded slowly, pretending to mull over what he was saying. “For clarification’s sake, in layman’s terms, you build your profile off of assumed psychology, and not concrete evidence, is that correct?”
  The muscles in Aaron’s jaw flexed, a sure sign he was gritting his teeth. “Behavior analysis is a tool, just like any other—”
  “It’s a yes or no question, Agent,” you interrupted, and oh, he was not happy about that.
  His tongue darted out from between his lips. “The research we use for behavior is—”
  “Yes. Or no.”
  Aaron hesitated, his frustration building up to palpable tension that settled in the courtroom like a thick fog. You weren’t giving him a chance to explain or show off anymore, didn’t allow him to be seen as the smartest person in the room anymore, and that was getting to him.
  “Yes,” he conceded, grimacing as if admitting that was physically painful for him.
  “Thank you,” you replied, and he caught the unspoken that wasn’t so hard now, was it? even if the rest of the room did not. You walked back over to your table, snatching up a piece of paper and holding it in the air. “Your honor, the defense would like to submit Exhibit Seven into evidence.”
  Once the judge gave her express permission, you placed the form in front of Aaron with your left hand, perfectly manicured fingers splayed out in front of his eyes. You almost missed the way his head tilted ever so slightly and his eyes narrowed, like he was staring at a puzzle half complete. “Agent, could you please tell us what’s laying in front of you now.”
  He leaned forward slightly, eyes scanning the paper before meeting back with yours. “This is a part of our official report of the case. Specifically, it has the profile that was used to lead us to the apprehension of Mr. Mckenna.”
  “Does it say on that paper who had the final sign off on the profile before it was circulated?”
  “Yes, that would be me. As Unit Chief, my job is to sign and finalize any reports.”
  “And could you please read the profile, verbatim, as written on that report?”
  Aaron’s face remained neutral, with the exception of his eyebrows scrunching together. Slowly, he had started to piece together your strategy, and he didn’t like it. “The unsub is a white male, between 32 and 40 years old. He’ll most likely be unemployed and driving a van or truck — anything that would let him easily transport his equipment and victims. We believe that he’s also had run-ins with the law before, likely as a juvenile. He’ll come across as friendly, if not a little shy. We believe that this comes from a failed relationship in his past, one where he believes that he was manipulated and wronged, and now he’s going after surrogates for that woman. Killing these women is the only thing that gives him any sort of power. If we can figure out who this past relationship was, it will lead us directly to the killer.”
  You paced back and forth in front of the witness stand, your skirt tightening around your legs with every step you took. “Between 32 and 40 years old, unemployed, and killing surrogates… Except Mr. Mckenna is 22 and works part time as a bartender. How do you justify arresting my client with those inconsistencies?”
  “As I mentioned before,” Aaron started, his voice dangerously low, “A profile is just one tool we use of many. Not every single part of the profile will fit every single time. Which is why we also rely on outside evidence to ensure that we have the best chance at catching the unknown subject as quickly as possible.”
  “Except you had no concrete evidence, which you admit in your own report!” You took two steps closer to him, getting as in his face as possible without risking being held in contempt. With every word that left your mouth, your voice got more and more forceful, and you got more and more under Aaron’s skin.
  “All of it was circumstantial at best. You had a hunch, an inherent bias against my client due to his previous conviction record, and you were frustrated at your own inability to get a good lead. But you can’t arrest somebody on a hunch, or because you’re angry. You had no evidence and the man you arrested didn’t even match the profile that you came up with!”
  Your eyes locked with Aaron, his gaze heavy, and neither of you dared look away first. “Objection!” came from the prosecutor behind you. Exactly what you wanted. “Argumentative and foundation.” You flashed Aaron a predatory grin.
  Two moves to checkmate.
  “Sustained,” said the judge.
  “Withdrawn.” You tapped the witness bench, hoping to convey an air of aloofness and calm. Aaron scowled. “Agent Hotchner, before joining the FBI, you were a prosecutor, is that true?”
  Confusion flashed across his face for the briefest of moments, and it gave you a twisted sense of satisfaction to know that you had the upper hand. You knew the answer to every question you were about to ask, and he knew that. He just couldn’t figure out where you were going with this line of questioning, or what the relevance even was. “Yes, that’s correct.”
  You made a soft hum of approval. “Could you please walk us through your higher education?”
  “I attended George Washington University for both my undergraduate and law degree.”
  “What did you major in for your undergrad?”
  Aaron hesitated. “Political Science.”
  Check. “So all together, you’ve had about seven years in higher education. In that time, how many psychology classes did you take?”
  It was almost sadistic, the way you relished in the slight twitch of his face — the realization that he had been backed into a corner. The silence was deafening as Aaron’s scowl met your smug grin.
  “None,” Aaron said finally.
  “None,” you repeated, performative shock dripping from your words. “Do you have any academic background in psychology or human behavior, then?”
  Aaron’s jaw clenched, and as you made your way closer to the witness stand, you saw his thumb frantically moving back and forth over his fingertips. Clearly, you had struck a nerve. “The FBI has rigorous coursework in order to become a profiler, along with multiple exams and continued training as more research becomes available to us. The profiling classes are no easy feat and are written by experts in the field. Creating profiles has a long and respected history in detective work, and these profilers have caught some of the most prolific serial killers of all time.”
  You placed a hand over your chest in faux modesty. “My apologies, Agent Hotchner, I believe I wasn’t very clear. I’m not calling into question the validity and effectiveness of profiles. I’m calling into question the validity and effectiveness of you as a profiler.”
  You could practically see the cartoon fire spewing out of Aaron’s ears. He was so close to being in your trap, something he had to have known, too, yet he continued to toe dangerously close to that line.
  “A lack of formal education in profiling,” you continued, keeping your voice light, “and the blatant disregard for basic police and legal procedure as shown in this case with my client… I mean, how many other mistakes were made in your past cases? It’s hard to believe that you can read anybody, much less the hardened criminal that you have painted my client to be.”
  “Objection!” cried the prosecutor again. “Your Honor, this is —”
  He was cut off by the judge raising her hand. “Sustained. Counselor, I would advise you to tread lightly from here on out.”
  You raised your hands in mock surrender. “Withdrawn.” You turned around to make your way back to your table, ignoring Marcus’s look of complete disbelief. Baiting Aaron had been easy, and now all you had to do was wait.
  The courtroom was uncomfortably silent for one beat… two beats…
  “Not only can I read Mr. Mckenna,” echoed Aaron’s voice, “But I can also read you.”
  Once you got back to your desk, you turned around, hands resting on the cool wood of the table top, but you never sat down. Instead, you leaned forward, and arched your eyebrows in a silent challenge — one he was all too eager to pursue.
  “The red Harvard Law tag on your briefcase is a perfect match to your lipstick, and you wear the same one every time you go to court. Not because you’re superstitious the way most lawyers are, but because it’s your way of maintaining control in the courtroom, something you’re desperate to keep in every aspect of your life, personal and professional. I would guess that this need goes back to late high school, early college. But you’ve been worried about appearances and how you’re perceived for even longer than that.”
  You fought the urge to roll your eyes. So he thought you were Type A? Anybody could have guessed that by your anything. All they would have to do is look at your color coded case files or your daily schedule, planned down to the minute. You had only been trying to sway the jury when you insinuated that he wasn’t a good profiler, but maybe you were actually starting to believe it yourself.
  Except Aaron got a dangerous glint in his eye, causing your stomach to bubble with anxiety. Clearly, he was playing chess, too, and by the looks of it, he believed he was winning. 
  “In fact, you’re so worried about losing control, that despite your busy schedule, you refuse to hire a planner for your upcoming wedding.”
  That got your attention. The objection that you were about to call died on your lips, and all you could do was stare with poorly hidden shock. Next to you, Marcus turned pale as a ghost.
  Aaron, cocky bastard, continued his profile of you, with no clear signs of stopping anytime soon. “You have a tan where your ring usually is, and I know you’ve been wearing it recently as you subconsciously fiddle with where it would be whenever things in court aren’t going your way. Just like you’re doing now. You still have your maiden name, which you plan on giving up when you do get married because not taking his last name would arouse too many questions that you want to avoid. Just another way your concern of appearances is manifested. So you’re engaged.
  “I would say congratulations, but it’s not a happy relationship, not on your side, anyway. Younger female professionals will take their rings off in fear of not being taken seriously, but you’re an established and respected lawyer. You needn't worry about that. So if it’s not about you, it’s about the fiance. You don’t want to be associated with him.”
  You gripped the edge of the table, too angry to form words. Your nails dug into the varnish, and you were sure that your heavy breathing could be heard from across the room. This dick. This absolute, garbage, piece of shit dick. The worst part was how casual he sounded as he aired all of your dirty laundry for everybody to hear.
  “He’s holding you back, in all aspects of life, but mostly intellectually. He doesn’t have a sliver of your capabilities. The two of you are probably high school sweethearts, prom king and queen type, but while you grew up and matured, he never did. He can’t keep up with you. Still acts the same way he did in high school, only now with more access to alcohol and money. Career wise, he doesn’t have much going for him, probably some sports related pipe dream. But you stay with him because you know how to control him and how to use him to your advantage.”
  Aaron’s eyes zeroed in on Marcus, and all of the color drained from your face. The voice in the back of your mind was screaming at you to object, to get the judge involved, anything, before Aaron did any more damage, but you were frozen in your spot. For the first time in your life, you were completely and utterly speechless and spiraling out of control.
  “That need for control is also why you’re sleeping with your assistant. It’s casual for you, but not for him anymore. You should break that off. That’s nothing new for you, though. In fact, I would bet that if we looked back at all of your affairs since your engagement, we’d find a long string of men and women, all of whom are your subordinates or of lower status than you. It’s a win-win situation — they’re more than eager to have a chance with you, and you get to stay in control. Oh, you’ll stop when you actually get married, but you continue to push that date back, as well. So…”
  He leaned back in his chair, clearly feeling good about himself, and God, you could kill him. You could reach over the witness box and wrap your hands around his throat and squeeze until his whiskey colored eyes popped out of his smug, beautiful face.
  Aaron lifted his chin, eyebrows raised in your direction. “Do you believe in my abilities as a profiler now, Counselor?”
  That snapped you back into action. You cleared your throat and unnecessarily smoothed down your skirt in an attempt to regroup your thoughts. “Well, Agent Hotchner, thank you for that little show and tell. It’s clear that you are very passionate about your career. However, just like your profile of my client, you have no evidence for any of your unsubstantiated accusations.”
  It was a pathetic attempt at saving face, and Aaron knew it, but it had to be enough for you. You turned your back towards Aaron so that you could face the judge, who, to her credit, had a perfect poker face the whole time. “Your Honor, I move to strike Agent Hotchner’s outburst” — not an outburst, Aaron was too composed to ever have one of those, but he grimaced at the word all the same — “from the record, as no question stands before the witness at this time.”
  The judge looked at you dubiously, clearly debating her ruling. There shouldn’t have been any reason to worry, you were legally in the right, but there was always the chance that she wouldn’t be on your side. You noticed yourself fiddling with where your engagement ring would usually be, and you cursed yourself under your breath. How could Aaron have possibly known all of that?
  “Sustained,” she said finally, “I direct the jury to disregard the witness’s, uh, example when considering the evidence.”
  You let out a breath of relief. It wasn’t much of a win — everybody still heard what had happened, it was still in the back of their minds, like the ring of a bell echoing — but at least in regards to the case, you had the legal upper hand.
  The judge turned back to you. “Defense, the witness is still yours, if you have any further questions.”
  If you were a little more in your right mind, you would have cut your losses, but between your oath to defend your client to the best of your ability and that stupid self assured grin on Aaron’s face, you knew that you really had no choice.
  Deep breath in… Slow breath out… You’re at a stalemate now.
  “Agent Hotchner,” you said, causing him to perk him up in interest. Clearly, he hadn’t been expecting you to continue. “Wouldn’t an ex-lawyer and an FBI agent be familiar with the rules of decorum in a courtroom?”
  His eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure I understand your question, Counselor.”
  “Let me rephrase, then. Would you say that you have a history of emotional outbursts and rule breaking in your line of work? And I’ll remind you that you are still under oath.”
  Aaron shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “No, I wouldn’t. Integrity is one of our core values, and we take that very seriously.”
  With shaking hands, Marcus handed you one of the files you’d had him print out on Aaron. “If that’s so, can you explain why, since your promotion to Unit Chief in 2005, you and your team have had seven disciplinary hearings, one of which being an internal investigation into the excessive force used by one of your agents, and another being a congressional hearing?”
  A sick sense of satisfaction passed over you when you saw him get visibly shocked, his poker face breaking for the first time that day. If he wanted to go for blood, you could fight back twice as hard. “I’m not at liberty to discuss either of those cases.”
  You shrugged nonchalantly. “Very well, Agent. So between the discrepancies in the profile, your inability to control your temper, and your history of breaking procedure, coupled with the fact that you arrested my client without any warrant by kicking in the door to an innocent civilian’s house, do you really believe that your arrest and the subsequent evidence that came from that arrest was obtained legally? Or do you just not care either way, as long as you’re able to prove that you’re right?”
  Right as he opened his mouth to speak, you turned your back on him and started to walk back to your table. Aaron wasn’t even able to get a peep out before you cut him off with a sharp “Question withdrawn. At this time, the defense rests.”
  “Our arrest was made on the grounds of—” Aaron tried, and you smirked to yourself. He must have been desperate if he was trying that move twice. You whipped around, gaze steeled.
  “I have no further questions, Agent Hotchner,” you repeated, only letting out the slightest hint of amusement. “But thank you for your cooperation with Lady Justice today.”
  Aaron’s eyes met yours, and a weight settled in the pit of your stomach. You should have hated him, but something about him had you completely and utterly entranced by him. Maybe it was the novelty of the case. Maybe it was the matching intellects and the fact that he was the only other person who could give you a challenge.
  Maybe you just liked the way you got to lose control with him.
  As he passed you, his arm brushed yours, and your whole body burned.
  “Very cute, Counselor,” he whispered, voice dripping with condescension. “How long did it take you to come up with that little switch up?”
  “Don’t patronize me,” you snapped. “I was playing chess, you were playing checkers, and that’s why you lost.”
  The rest of the session went on normally, if not a little tense. To your surprise, Aaron hadn’t left immediately after his testimony, and instead took a seat in the section for the public. Good. As soon as courtroom decorum wasn’t a factor, you were sure to give him a piece of your mind.
  Court adjourned for the day, and you couldn’t get out of there fast enough. You told Marcus to continue to push for a better plea option as you grabbed your briefcase and stormed out, pushing through the throngs of people until you could see the back of Aaron’s head.
  You sped up your steps until you were right behind him, and you grabbed his wrist to stop him in his tracks. “I have a bone to pick with you.”
  You pulled Aaron into an empty conference room, hoping to get some privacy before you completely blew your lid. You already had one public humiliation because of him, and you did not need another.
  “What is your problem?” you hissed, locking the door behind you. “You had no right to put my personal life on blast like that.”
  Aaron placed his hands on his hips, swooping the sides of his suit jacket back, and you had to make a very conscious effort to not stare. “You questioned my profiling abilities, and I proved them.”
  “You didn’t prove shit,” you argued, folding your arms across your chest. “Except for the fact that you’re an insufferable bastard.”
  “Are you saying that my profile was off? Because if you didn’t want to be caught committing adultery, then you shouldn’t have made it so obvious.”
  You gritted your teeth and took a step towards him in a futile attempt to come across as intimidating. Even in your heels, he still seemed to be towering over you. You’d have to level the playing field somehow. You gripped his tie and used it to pull him down so that he was closer to eye level with you. “I don’t need your judgment, Aaron.”
  Aaron moved closer to you, and you could feel the heat radiating off his body. His Adam's apple bobbed and it captivated you. “I couldn’t care less about what you do,” he said flippantly. “Matter of fact, I don’t think this fit of anger is even inherently about your little secret coming out. Do you want to know what I think it is?”
  “Not at all.”
  “I think,” he continued, completely ignoring your protest, “You’re angry because as much as you can dish it out, you can’t take it.”
  Your grip on his tie tightened at his words. “Trust me, I can take anything,” you said, voice low and breathy.
  Aaron’s eyes flickered to your lips — those kissable, red stained lips of yours. You hadn’t had to reapply your lipstick once throughout the day, and he idly wondered just exactly what it would take to muss up that perfect, pouty red lip. 
  “I also think that for the first time in a very long time, you didn’t have control, and you liked it.” He bent down a little bit more so that his lips brushed against your ear with every word and you could feel his breath run down your spine. “Aren’t you bored of sleeping with boys who are so far beneath you?”
  You’re not sure who initiated it, but the next thing you knew, your lips crashed against his, the two of you making out like it was the last kiss either of you were ever going to get. His hands felt impossibly everywhere all at once — gripping your hips, tugging at your hair, and even snaking under your work blouse to palm at your breast. His teeth nipped at the fibres of your lips. With every movement of his hands, little gasps escaped you, and you could feel the curve of his lips curling up into a smirk.
  His fingers trailed up the side of your body, past the curve of your neck, and tangled themselves in your hair before yanking it back, exposing the column of your throat. Immediately he attached his lips to your neck, nipping at your pulse point.
  “Aaron,” you whined, trying to regain the breath he stole from your lungs. You practically melted in his arms, going completely weak at the knees, especially as his tongue trailed across the underside of your jaw. You let his tie fall from your grip, instead bringing your hands up to cup his face to pull him in for another kiss. 
  His lips set a bruising pace, and it caused a fire to burn in the pit of your stomach. You had never once been kissed like this, never once felt so all-consumed by a person. Aaron’s cologne surrounded you, making your head spin. Bruises were sure to form from how harshly he was gripping your hips, but you didn’t care. He was addicting, and you wanted more.
  Hotch walked you backwards until you were pressed up against the wall, his thigh shoved in between your legs, forcing your skirt to ride up. The position made his arousal obvious as he pressed against you. The way he held you was possessive, primal even, Unconsciously, you ground down on his thigh, hoping for anything to help relieve the ache between your legs. 
  Unfortunately for you, Aaron caught on to what you were trying to do, and he chuckled against your lips before pulling away just far enough to speak. “Look at you,” he whispered, and the raspiness of his voice only served to turn you on even more. He hooked a finger under your chin, forcing you to look up at him, and his thumb traced your bottom lip, tugging at it ever so slightly. His other hand slowly trailed its way up your thigh, nails scratching at your skin. “Skirt hiked up around your waist, desperate to get off. Your little boyfriends aren’t doing it for you anymore?”
  He pressed his thigh further into you, ripping an involuntary moan from your throat. “Fuck,” you gasped, your hips still moving back and forth against him, not caring how needy it made you seem. “I need… I…”
  “What? Big, bad lawyer doesn’t have any more smart ass comments?” he cooed sarcastically, pushing your skirt up even higher. He replaced his thigh with his hand, and his fingers ghosted over your covered pussy, teasing you, not giving you nearly enough contact. “Fuck, you’re so wet already. Go ahead, needy girl, if you’re that desperate.” Aaron yanked down your panties in one fell swoop, and you blindly kicked them off to the side. “Be a good girl and show me how much you want this.”
  Without any more of a warning, one of his fingers entered you, and you let out a breathy moan that Aaron was sure to have on repeat in his mind for days to come. When the heel of his palm pressed against your clit, your brain completely short circuited. You threw your head back as far as you could despite being pressed against the wall as his name clumsily tumbled from your lips like a prayer.
  “You’re so fucking tight,” he grunted, pressing you further against the wall. “Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
  Electricity coursed through your veins as he added a second finger, easily finding that spot in you that made you see stars. You rocked your hips back and forth against his hand, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. His lips trailed from your jawline, down your neck, and to your collarbone. 
  “Look at me,” Aaron ordered, tightening his grip on your chin, and your eyes shot right back open. Instead of the whiskey colored irises you had gotten used to, Aaron’s pupils were so blown that they made his eyes completely black. “I want to see you lose control all over me. Gonna make sure you come harder for me than you have for any of your boy toys.”
  That wouldn’t be very difficult. Nobody had ever made you feel the way you did then, Aaron’s fingers buried deep in your cunt and lips exploring every inch of skin he could access. No part of this was for his pleasure — from the curl of his fingers to the slow circles on your clit, it was all expertly calculated to bring you to the edge with as much intensity as possible, and it was all devastatingly effective.
  “I’m so close,” you whimpered, and if it weren’t for the wall behind you, you would have completely lost your balance. “More, fuck, please.”
  “More?” he mumbled against the column of your throat. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
  Coherent sentences were not an option for you at the moment, not when you were so deliciously overwhelmed with pleasure and with Aaron. Besides, how could you tell him that you wanted him to completely and utterly ruin you? That you wanted him to bend you over the conference table and pound into you until you could barely speak. You wanted Aaron to mark you and send you home to your fiance with reminders of every little thing he did to you for the days to come. You wanted raw and untamed passion. You wanted to be consumed, for him to settle in your lungs like smoke, and haunt your dreams for the rest of your life. 
  You didn’t want nice and calculated the way every other man you’d been with had acted — you wanted Aaron Hotchner to take control.
  You couldn't say any of that, so instead, you grabbed his wrist, the one that was holding your chin in place and, without breaking eye contact with him, you guided his hand down until it rested on your throat. “More,” you choked out, giving him an animalistic grin.
  That was all it took. Using his grip on your neck, he pulled you in for another kiss, messy and desperate and swallowing all of your incoherent moans as his fingers moved harder, faster.
  You clung to him like a lifeline as you felt your whole body tense up, your orgasm fast approaching. You were so fucking close and he felt so fucking good and, God, if this is what losing control felt like, then you and Aaron could do this forever and —
  His fingers were gone from you, and you clenched around nothing. You cried out in protest, which only seemed to amuse him.
  “Oh? Prom queen isn’t used to not getting what she wants?” Keeping his hand on your throat and you pinned against the wall, he made slow, teasing work of his belt buckle.
  Your chest rose and fell in a desperate attempt to catch your breath. “What happened to watching me come undone all over you?” you shot, trying to even out your voice as much as possible. It didn’t work very well. “Did you lose your nerve?”
   A dark, humorless chuckle escaped his lips. “Don’t worry, Princess, that’s still the plan. I just never said where. I want to make sure you’re nice and wet and ready for me to turn you into a moaning mess on my cock.”
  In an attempt to regain some control of the situation, you rolled your eyes. “Yeah? And how do you expect to do that?”
  He smirked and released your throat. Wordlessly, he grabbed your wrist, and guided your hand down your body, further and further until you reached your throbbing pussy. He used his hands to press your fingers to your clit, and you whimpered softly. God, you were dripping, and the extra stimulation didn’t help your shaking legs.
  “By making you so needy and whiny that by the end of this, you're begging for me,” he hissed, lips brushing the shell of your ear with every word. He moved your fingers so that you were rubbing small, slow circles around your clit, although it wasn’t nearly enough to give any real relief. “Begging for me to come and fuck you over and over and over again. Because you know that your pathetic fiance and your string of affairs have never made you feel like this before.”
  Aaron yanked your hand away from your clit and you could sob. You wanted to cum so badly that you could barely put it into words. Still holding your wrist, Aaron brought your hand up to his face. He took a brief moment to admire the way your fingers glistened, covered in your arousal, before bringing them to his lips and sucking.
  Eyes wide, you made a choked noise as you committed the view of Aaron to memory. “Please, Aaron, fuck, I need you,” you whined, the start of a long string of incoherent begging. You needed him then and there, damn the consequences.
  He pulled your fingers out of his mouth slowly, and you moaned at the obscene wet noise it made. “So desperate,” he murmured as he began to unbutton his slacks. “All for me. All because I edged you once.”
  Aaron pulled down his pants just enough to pull out his dick, and you licked your lips involuntarily when you saw it, big and thick and leaking precum. Clearly, it gave Aaron a bit of an ego boost, because as he ran the head up and down your sensitive folds, he reminded you, “You did say you could take anything, Princess.”
  Your breathing came out shaking as you shivered, waiting for him to do something — anything. You were so empty and you needed him so badly. If you didn’t get his dick in you soon, you were pretty sure you would lose your mind completely.
  “Fuck me, Aaron,” you moaned, arching your back to press into him more.
  He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips in an almost intimate gesture. “Patience is a virtue,” he chastised.
  In your haze of arousal, you barely noticed him grabbing your briefcase and digging through the small pocket in the front. You especially didn’t notice his pause when his finger touched something small, round, and metal in the bottom of the bag. The only thing you cared about was him coming back to you, holding up a condom packet with a smirk.
  “I knew I’d find one somewhere in your briefcase.” You let the comment slide, the excitement at the prospect of sex with Aaron Hotchner outweighing any jackass comment he could make. Aaron made quick work of putting on the condom. The second he was done, one of his hands ran up your thigh, getting a good grip on it before pulling it up and around his waist.
  “Do you feel how wet you are for me? How willing you were to give up control? All for me? That—” Lips pressed to your ear, he pushed his cock into you, bottoming out with one thrust. You threw your head back in pleasure. “—Is playing chess, sweetheart.”
  Aaron dropped his forehead to the crook of your neck as he began pounding into you at a desperate pace. He had held off on his own pleasure for long enough, and now he was chasing his orgasm with a ruthless determination. One hand stayed gripping your thigh, the other one braced against the wall next to your head. Aaron nipped at your neck in between moans of praise for you.
  “I — oh, fuck — knew it,” he groaned, digging his fingers deeper into your thigh. “You wanted somebody to take control. Somebody who knows how to please you.”
  You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer to you. You were an incoherent mess at this point, his name tumbling from your lips like it was the only thing you knew how to say. At that moment, it probably was. 
  “Finally, that bratty mouth of yours is good for something. You sound so pretty, moaning out my name. Say it again.” A particularly deep thrust caused you to tug at his hair. “Louder.”
  Never before had you met somebody like Aaron Hotchner, and you weren’t sure if you ever would again, so you screwed your eyes shut and let yourself get lost in the absolute pleasure he was providing. You memorized everything you could — the way the calluses on his hands felt against your skin, the way he moaned out your name, how deliciously full you felt, and how for the first time in your life you felt truly seen — so that you could suspend the moment in amber to preserve in the back of your mind.
  “Please,” you begged, scratching his scalp lightly with your nails. “I’m so close. Fuck, Aaron, you feel so good, please.”
  Aaron tore his lips from your throat, choosing instead to press his forehead against yours. His lips brushed yours with every word he spoke, so close that you were practically kissing him. “That’s it, princess,” he murmured. “Be a good girl. Be a good girl and come. All over my dick.”
  When you came, it was with a cry of his name as your whole body shuddered. You clung to him as he continued to fuck you. His thrusts began to stutter, and he took the opportunity to capture your lips in one last, scorching kiss, and you were all too happy to oblige.
  You think he moaned something as he came, but you couldn’t hear it over the sounds of skin slapping against skin. He fucked you through his orgasm, making sure that you felt every single inch of him. As if you could ever forget it. 
  The two of you stayed where you were for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of being full a little longer. Your walls fluttered around Aaron, which caused him to muffle his whimpers into your throat.
  “Aaron…” you whispered, not wanting to disturb the moment. “That was so—”
  “I know.”
  “We shouldn’t have done it.”
  “I know.” He pulled back just enough to leave a lingering kiss on your lips, and your whole body burned. “But I don’t regret it. Do you?”
  You shook your head. “Not at all.” The confession lingered in the hair for a tense second because both of you seemed to remember where you were.
  Aaron slowly pulled out of you, an act that looked almost painful for him when you let out an involuntary moan at the feeling. He could have spent all day in you, if given the chance.
  The two of you adjusted yourselves in silence, both of you hoping to be able to leave the room with some semblance of professionalism. At the very least, the goal was to not look like you had just had sex in a courthouse conference room. Shame and embarrassment flooded you — what had you been thinking?
  Once you felt that you were presentable enough, you grabbed your briefcase and tried to ignore Aaron burning a hole in the back of your head with his gaze.
  “Well, Aaron, this was fun.” You cleared your throat. “I’m sure we’ll see each other around at some point.”
  You were two steps away from the door when you heard his smug, courthouse voice come back in full swing.
  “Forgetting something?”
  You turned around in a huff, ready to go right back to arguing with him, but what you saw made your whole body heat up in embarrassment. There was Aaron with a self-satisfied grin and dangling off his finger was your panties.
  “These are cute,” he mused. “It’s a shame I didn’t get to fully appreciate them.”
  You rushed over there, fully prepared to snatch them out of his hand. “And you never will,” you shot, but even as you said it, you didn’t make much of an effort to take them out of his hands. You just stared at him and his swollen lips and mussed hair, all your doing.
  Ever the gentleman, Aaron started to hand your underwear back to you, but instead of taking it back like you knew you should have done, you covered his hand with yours, closing it in a fist around your panties.
  “Who says you can’t?” you whispered, guiding his pantie-filled hand down to his pockets. “This way… You can keep it as collateral. To make sure I’ll come and see you again.”
  His breath hitched in his throat as you guided him to put your panties into his suit pocket, and you were glad to be the one surprising him this time.
  “I don’t care about your fiance,” Aaron started, and you braced yourself for the worse. “But I’m not interested in being the ‘other man’ to your affairs with your assistants, too.”
  “Consider it ended,” you promised, not caring how desperate or easy it made you look. You wanted to keep Aaron around for a long, long time.
  Just until the wedding, you corrected yourself.
  You slung your briefcase over your shoulder, wincing as it dug into a bruise that Aaron had left. It would be there for a while — you’d have to find a way to hide it from Tony until it faded. The thought made you stupidly giddy. “I’ll see you around, Aaron.”
  He nodded in goodbye, and you slipped out of the conference room on shaking legs. As soon as the door closed behind you, you reached into your bag, and reluctantly slipped on your engagement ring.
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getlostsquidward · 2 years
you may be poison, but sure as hell taste like honey
[Taste Of A Poison Paradise Ch. 3] - Series Overview
Agatha Harkness x Fem!Reader
A/N: Ooohh last chapter!! Thank you to everyone who gave their feedback all throughout ;-; i love all of u! title from oh my god - (g)i-dle
Warnings: 18+, darkfic,mother-in-law!agatha, infidelity and adultery, reader having full-on morality and sexuality crisis, semi-public sex, praising, mommy kink, twisted use of wedding vow, manipulation, agatha the sweet mother that she is having some mercy for his son <3 minors dni!!!
ch. 2
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This craving is gonna be (almost gonna be), deadly
Agatha indeed helped with the pre-wedding jitters. You aren’t even nervous about the wedding anymore. Thanks, or no thanks to Agatha, it was now the least of your worries as other pressing issues filled your mind.
One of the aftermaths was that you were now having illicit thoughts about her fucking you deep until you forget your name.
The term ‘monster-in-law’ is common knowledge for you. Admittedly, you thought Agatha was one of those, but after…everything, you quite can’t place how you feel towards her.
On the other hand, Agatha thinks that the term is not fit for her. The ‘overbearing mother scheming to ruin his son’s relationship who will do everything she can to make him call off the wedding’ does not necessarily describe her. The ‘scheming’, yes, absolutely. She was actually waiting for this since Frank announced your engagement.
You tried to shake the dirty thoughts off, but as you looked at Franklin’s baby blue eyes, you knew you were doomed.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
At the priest’s confirmation, Frank lifted the veil covering your face to capture your lips. You had kissed him one too many times before this day, but why does this one feel so… off? It lacks the softness and delicateness to it that you just had begun to miss (and crave).
The room echoed with applause and cheers from the guests as you both pulled away. Your eyes landed on Agatha, who had a sly grin on her lips.
The woman never left your mind the whole time, and it doesn’t help that in every turn of your head, you could see her with her eyes already on you.
You excused yourself to go to the bathroom farthest from the main venue, wishing there were no other people in there for you to collect your thoughts. As you opened the door, you sighed in relief at the bleak lights and quiet of your little refuge welcoming you.
Leaning against the sink, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, everything that happened in the past few hours came crashing down on you. Your eyes flickered to the silver band on your ring finger glistening under the light.
My god, what have you done?
Guilt, remorse, and shame were all that you could feel as you realized you just cheated on your boyfriend–now husband, with his mother of all people.
It’s technically cheating, isn’t it? Despite the fact that you had done it to ‘teach’ you.
Because you liked it.
You wouldn’t admit it because of your pride and few of your morals hanging on by a thread, but you loved it. You’re probably crazy but you need it­–you need her. Agatha is now an inevitable part of your life, and the promise of what’s coming has your stomach forming knots.
Aside from that, you don’t even want to think about the sexuality crisis. Not wanting to think about this complicated stuff right now, you just settled on the fact that you certainly are not straight.
How would you even act normal at your house with Agatha with you? You were beginning to doubt yourself if you could even handle your desire given how insatiable the brunette was. The same thing applies to Agatha. Fuck.
At this point, you don’t even want to think at all.
The sound of the door opening startled you, and your hands moved to open the faucet to pretend you were washing your hands and not totally having an internal dilemma.
“That dress leaves a little to my imagination, don’t you think?”
Your gaze shot up to the mirror, Agatha’s reflection staring back at you as she leans on the wall with a smug look on her face. “I picked it out for you.”
Well, of course, she did.
After the ceremony, you changed from your wedding gown to a white lace edge cocktail dress.
“You know my size?” Heh. What was that response? You internally scoffed at yourself for your attempt in a conversation.
Naturally. She has very observant eyes. How could she not when she had her eyes on you from the beginning?
Agatha shrugged as she walked towards you. She was directly behind you, her hands coming up to rest on your shoulders. “I almost don’t want to take this off you,” she purred, her mouth gently nibbling your ear.
You tried to move away, but the brunette has you cornered. All of your attempts to avoid the walking temptation were futile. Agatha pressed her body to yours, and you shuddered when you felt the bulge of her strap poking your backside.
“You looked gorgeous in your wedding gown, sweetheart,” Agatha rests her chin on your shoulder, looking at you in the mirror. “Not as gorgeous when naked, though.”
“Agatha…” the woman in question renders you speechless again, her hips pressing to you, arms looping around your waist.
She could see the hesitation in your eyes. Agatha knew you would eventually feel this way after being given some time to mull over what happened between you.
But oh, just a few coaxing words and touches here and there will get you to break completely, the broken pieces of you will be for her to fix according to her keen desires.
“We shouldn’t really… do this. I’m married now,” breathlessly, you tried to put on a brave face. “I’m married to your son.”
“Where was this Y/N earlier when you were moaning my name like you’re praying to God? Hmm?”
You stiffened as you realized she was right. Frank was completely out of your mind like he doesn’t even exist. During that moment, it was all just you and Agatha, mostly her, and she knows you know it.
“I believe you were just thinking about your mother-in-law fucking you against the glass, honey. Or am I wrong?”
Your shoulders sagged in defeat as you turned around to face Agatha. You shook your head and buried your face in the crook of her neck. “Don’t act all shy and innocent, you were grinding your pretty pussy on my face a couple of hours ago,” she coos, her tone slightly condescending. Her hands come up to sweetly pat your hair.
“I do want you,” you admitted sheepishly. “But Fra–”
Hearing you admit it out loud, at last, has Agatha teeming with excitement. “Shh. No one will ever know, baby. He will never know.”
The woman gently tilted your head to look you in the eyes. “It could be our little secret.”
You never thought just how hot the color blue could be when you’re subjected to Agatha’s fiery gaze.
She leaned in, leaving a little space – giving you a choice to leave if you really wanted out, and when she felt that you don’t, she had finally captured your lips. A broken moan slipped past your mouth as you melt under her to the hilt. It’s a lot different than how you were kissing earlier, this one all soft and gentle that’s making your heart flutter.
Chattering noises could be heard just outside the door making you pull away from each other, and at Agatha’s surprisingly quick movements, you find yourselves locked behind one of the bathroom stalls. Your eyes were wide as you heard the door open. You were sure whoever that was just heard Agatha close the door in an abrupt manner.
Good thing your back was resting against the wall or else you would have collapsed in fear. Your heartbeat was ringing in your ears as they knocked on your stall, your hands fisting Agatha’s suit jacket tightly.
There's a knock on your stall. “Have you seen the bride?” the lady asked. “We need her for photos.”
Agatha looked at you. “No, I haven’t seen her,” Agatha answered. “Sorry.”
“That’s alright. If you see her tell her to come immediately!” she added before leaving, her heels clicking against the tiled floor.
When she was sure that the lady left already, she slowly removed her hand from your mouth. “Where were we?” she asked, lips leaning in to kiss you with that shit-eating grin on her lips. It amazes you how cocky she can get.
You feel like you had spent eternity making out in the confined space as you draw back, the two of you panting heavily. You were sure your lipstick was just as smeared as hers with the intensity. You actually feel light-headed from all that.
“Did you hear what that woman said?”
You shot her a confused look. “That they’re looking for me?”
“If I see you, I should tell you to come immediately.”
All the blood in your body rushed to your face with the innuendo. “Right here…? Now?”
“Do you always get so flustered?” The nerve of this woman to chuckle at you. “And yes. Unless you want to make a show of how good you are for me?”
“No. And it’s not really fair how you get me all worked up, you know,” you bite back. Agatha grinned amusingly.
“Well, I like seeing you like this, doll. All hot and bothered,” her lips brushed against yours, wandering hands sliding down to cup your pussy, earning a suppressed moan from you. “Soaking wet just for me.”
Agatha laughed quietly as you bucked your hips against her hand. “Look at you, grinding against everything, you’re really desperate for it. Aren’t you?”
She drew her hand back, and promptly replaced it with her thigh, pushing it into your center. “Agatha, just- please,” you didn’t know what exactly are you asking for, but you need her to do something to appease your ever-growing need.
“Try to stay quiet, understand?”
You bite your lips as you nodded eagerly, willing to take anything the woman would give you. Her hands slid down to grip your hips, guiding them to move against her thigh wedged between your legs. Agatha’s mouth moved to place wet kisses on your jaw, biting it very lightly. Your hands moved to circle her waist to pull her much closer, craving more contact.
It was like your body had control on its own as you mindlessly grind down against the brunette’s clothed thigh. She was wearing pants, but you were sure your heat was radiating off from your core.
“Keep going, angel, just like that.”
You very much would have liked to remove your underwear but time is of the essence. You rested your forehead against Agatha’s and whispered, “Mommy, please.”
Agatha groaned at the name and the way you begged – eyes blown black, little whines escaping your mouth, and your hips frantically trying to find a rhythm.
Her right hand moved to tip your head up, grabbing a fistful of your hair while the other came up to cup your jaw. “Open your mouth.”
You complied without further ado, even sticking out your tongue in anticipation. Seconds later, Agatha bestowed you her spit, its trail from her mouth down to yours somehow the most erotic thing you’ve seen.
“That’s my good girl.”
The praise spurred you on. Her hands came back on your hips gripping firmly as she helps set the pace.
“Oh fuck,” you breathed, not sure if that was quiet or loud enough even for the next stall to hear, but all your care was thrown across the room as Agatha’s bruising grasp moves your hips vigorously. “I-I’m close, mommy.”
“Make a mess on my thigh, baby. Cum for me.”
At her command, you let go, your legs shaking as you went over the edge. You clamped your lips tightly, breathy and shaky moans somehow a beautiful sound in Agatha’s ears. Thankfully, her hold on you prevents you from losing balance, with her thigh still lodged between you.
Agatha soothes you as you collapsed into her arms, coming down from your high. “You did so well, baby girl.”
A few minutes later, the woman tidies your slightly unkempt hair out, brushes the tears that gathered in your eyes, and wipes the smudged lipstick on your mouth. You both chuckled when she took a lipstick from her pockets, with Agatha having to scold you halfheartedly because you wouldn’t stop smiling and biting your lip as she puts it on your lips.
“There,” Agatha says, looking at your face proudly. Your cheeks burned when she pressed a kiss on your temple, and then to your lips.
You don’t know why but her affectionate gestures make you feel so safe you wanted to be here forever.
“Look at your mess, honey. Good thing I’m wearing a dark suit,” Agatha mentioned as you made your way back to the venue. You paused to take a good look, having to squint your eyes to make out the wet spot that you caused. “’M sorry.”
And as your eyes flickered just above her thighs, you swear you could recognize the bulge of her strap. She smirked when she saw your eyes widen in realization, looking away immediately and resumed walking as you noticed she noticed you staring.
As everyone hounded the bride for being missing in action for nearly an hour, Agatha watched you sputter out excuses with a drink in her hand. She had you where she wanted you, she’s got you wrapped around her finger, you are hooked.
For her son, well, she wasn’t that cruel. Agatha would let him have this night, this one moment. We all know who you really belong to. You are hers, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do you part.
Funny enough, everyone was too busy to notice the two of you wearing the exact same shade of lipstick.
tags: @ilovehotactresses @midnight-lestrange @apricxtt @pianogirl2121 @thenazwife @poetsdeadxo @inluvwithfictionalwomen @p-nymph @imthenatynat
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katsucutie · 4 years
i hate your guts (m)
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader genre: smut, humor warnings: smut, swearing (you know the good stuff) overview: class 1-a has this belief that you and katsuki hate each other, though one incident has their minds changed word count: 4.2k author’s note: this was written to fight my writer’s block and i happened to find a psycho-analysis of katsuki which helped somewhat and its quite interesting. anyways...the song choice while writing this was house of cards, also this was written in three days and i tried using any relevant medical terms i’ve learned so far in uni. hope you enjoy!! masterlist | ko-fi
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Walking through the azure-rimmed gate you knew the day would be the same. Homeroom for ten minutes then classes back to back with a minor minute break in between, next an oh-so-needed fifty-minute lunch, and finally two classes to end the day. Not that you could complain, heroes in training must earn some type of education.
Though school wasn’t the worst thing invented, you can definitely say occasions in English class were not lackluster with Present Mic as the teacher. Or in math, when Midoriya yells out an inaccurate answer only to be corrected by Yaoyorozu. It's the little moments that bring laughter, or maybe it’s watching someone embarrass themselves in front of a class that's joyful.
And you could never forget the times where Jirou teased Kaminari for short-circuiting.
While all those moments are fun and dandy, 1-A can also be quite the chatterboxes and gossipy, especially when it comes to your feelings towards Bakugou. Believing that your relationship consists of mutual hatred, class 1-A constantly manages to tease both you and the blonde-headed male. Even All-Might manages to separate the two of you during training.
Although you never said anything against the rumors, it's quite humorous to see a school be so wrong in their thoughts. Is it not obvious that the glares the two of you send are not out of anger but endearment? Clearly not to Todoroki who claimed that Midoriya was All-Might’s secret love child, but that's beside the point. Additionally, you’ve yet to hear an accurate hypothesis as to why you and Bakugou would hate each other. Many of the theories revolve around Bakugou’s ‘anger problems’ but honestly, who doesn’t get mad?
Nonetheless, the rumors surrounding your alleged detestation toward the blonde sparked a little prank between you two. Pretending to hate each other until people catch on that you’re dating.
And the joke has been going on for quite a while, four months to be exact. Four months of pretending to hate in front of crowds, yet loving behind closed doors. Four months of experiencing the rush of adrenaline when you sneak around to his dorm room in the late hours of the night. Four months of leaving your friend groups to hang out during lunch.  
Four months of waking up early to walk to class with Bakugou. And don’t forget about four months of the blonde-headed male constantly breaking you away from your thoughts.
“Oi Y/n, break out of that daze and let’s go, we have thirty-minutes before class and I’d like to spend that time not pretending to hate you” Bakugou calls while molding his fingers into yours.
“Oh please, I’m not pretending you know I hate your guts” You smile, leaning into the broad male walking towards homeroom. “Do you think today will be the same?”
“Yes, those idiots could watch us kiss and still think we hate each other, though I can’t complain, their oblivion is better than if they were to pester us about our relationship” he snarks.
Mindlessly nodding in agreement, you and Bakugou wander through the purple-stained floors of U.A., passing by random classrooms, and peering out the glass windows that overlook the campus.
After twenty-five minutes of strolling through the halls, Bakugou and you turn down the corridor leading to class 1-A, while unlocking hands and prepping for your fake and falsely-interpreted loathing glares.
“Today marks day ninety-six of the class believing we hate each other” you whisper.
“They’re hopeless….”
“But if at any point, you want to stop pretending let me know… I wouldn’t mind, jokes are funny but you’re my top priority”
“Is Bakugou Katsuki getting soft on me?”
“No.. shut up-”
“And they're back at it again Ladies and Gentlemen… the feud between Y/n and Bakugou seems everlasting” Kaminari calls sliding open the tall door leading to class 1-A. Way to ruin a cute moment.
“Honestly the two would probably be best friends if they didn’t hate each other, they both like the same things” Oh they wouldn’t believe the interests you two share.
“Yeah, but their personalities are so different, they’re just not meant to be and that’s fine” What a shock your relationship would be then.
“I’m so glad that you’re interested in my ‘relationship’ with Lord Explosion Murder… but I have more important matters to attend to such as earning my education so that I can be a top pro-hero” you remark sliding into your chair. Your comments are never intended to insult your boyfriend, but teasing his choice of a hero name couldn’t hurt anyone.
Waiting for the remaining two minutes for class to start, you check your phone and see a message notification from a familiar contact.
Babe 💗: storage room during lunch?
Quicker than your mind made a decision, your fingers don’t hesitate to press the send button.
You: i’ll bring the key        
Bakugou was a master of three things. Okay maybe more than three, but three traits excel. His talent, his mind, and his ability to use his fingers.
Bakugou’s talent is tremendous and has been able to advance his goals of becoming a pro-hero. He acknowledges that he was born with such an extraordinary quirk, and has a flair for using it. Notwithstanding the male’s breakdown and internal belief that he is inferior to his pre-quirkless childhood friend, Bakugou unceasingly exerts himself to be more than a student with talent.
His mind is magnificent and allowed Bakugou to comprehend multiple topics of interest. Placing third in the class’ midterm exam, it’s evident that he shines in academic settings. And though few peers in 1-A state that Bakugou fails in the social aspect, you claim the opposite. In their eyes Bakugou is brash, however, after spending time with the boy, you have viewed him as self-reflecting, with social skills that others cannot see.  
While brains and talent may all be magnificent qualities of the blonde, nothing beats Bakugou’s ability to use his fingers. Combined with both his talent and his mind, Bakugou has the ability to make both inanimate and living things explode. And that isn’t related to his quirk.
“You’re imagining events that haven’t occurred yet. Am I truly that talented?”
Flushed and blinking in a shocked manner towards the male in front of you, you ask him if his quirk was mind-reading.
“Hmmm… No, but after seeing you so embarrassed I’d love to have such a quirk so that I’d be able to view the thoughts inside that mind of yours, but I was gifted with explosions... You, on the other hand, were blessed with the ability to swap items on your command. A quirk so useful, especially in times like these when I don’t have a key to the storage room”
“Oh please, just admit that you use me to gain entrance into forbidden rooms” You tease, giving Bakugou the janitor’s key to unlock the storage room.
The male chuckles unlocking the door to the storage closet, “Maybe a bit, though you reap the benefits of getting it” Change of thought, maybe he is brash.
Shutting the door behind you two, you finally express your raw emotions towards your boyfriend, engulfing him in a hug.
“I missed you”
“You came over my dorm last night” What an ass, couldn’t he just accept your affection?
“Yeah, but you go to sleep at like eight-thirty, which means I have to leave you dorm before then, and then I’m stuck in my dorm with nobody to talk to until I go to sleep at midnight, that’s about three and a half hours being alone”
“You’re so clingy… it's cute”
“Is there anything else I can do to make you feel less lonely since I go to sleep at like eight-thirty and leave you alone’”
Bashfully looking down at the floor rather than your boyfriend, you mumble your request.
Releasing the hug, Bakugou smirks, poking fun at your diffidence, “With that ask, I don't think you can be shy… Are you sure that's what you truly want?”
Nodding your head you look up to the red-eyed male, taking in his dilated pupils. It's always been him that you’ve desired.
Accepting your form of consent, Bakugou kisses you, enveloping your figure while you sneak your hands around his neck to deepen the embrace. And although the two of you are in a storage closet skipping out on lunch, the feeling of epinephrine dispersing within your bloodstream, inducing fast heart rates, is blissful. A salacious rendezvous with the man you’ve come to love could never hurt anyone… as long as they didn't find out.  
And if one were to catch you two, would they truly stop two aroused students halfway from committing adultery? Would a teacher not be embarrassed if he/she watched as Bakugou hurriedly zips down your green skirt in order to slide his fingers inside of your warmth? Or would someone scamper along hearing the lewd mewls arising from your throat?
“You’re so loud Princess, we have to keep it down or else someone will hear us, okay?”
Yet the person to blame for such noises was Bakugou himself. One could imagine the boy having rough, unmoisturized hands from his explosive quirk, but his inheritance of glycerin allows him to easily travel in and out of you.
“You’re close aren’t you? I can tell. Your walls are contracting at a faster rate and tightening each time I pump my fingers into you. It's really hot too, especially knowing that the world believes you hate my guts when behind the scenes, I rearrange yours”.  
Words cannot describe the pleasure Bakugou exposes you to. A thumb pressed against your clitoris, his middle and ring finger dug past your labia, and you’re unraveling beneath him. He has you under his full control. And how Bakugou feels will determine your release. An untroubled Bakugou can earn you multiple chances of release, whereas the current Bakugou you’re experiencing will rip your attempt at euphoria, despite you being almost there.  
“Katsuki please, I was right there… I’m so close you even said it yourself” You plead, wanting to reach a climax.
“I don’t know… strenuous activities make me tired and I wouldn’t want to upset you with the hour I may fall asleep” Bakugou smirks while tasting his digits, “You taste like caramelized sugar, I wonder where that came about?”
“Suki please, don’t leave me like this”
“It’ll only be for a little while babe, but lunch is almost over, we have to go back to class. I’ll help you out at my dorm alright?”
What more could you do but nod, put back on your skirt, and pretend to hate Bakugou once more in public?
The walk back to class was internally embarrassing. Arousal saturated your underwear, heat filling up between your legs and left you with a foggy mind. You couldn’t imagine pretending to hate Bakugou now when all you could think about was Bakugou hovering above you in his dorm room, aggressively ramming into your hole as you pleaded for mercy. But you’re in school containing students who are not Bakugou to distract you from your misery.
“Y/n pay attention to me, and why do you smell like caramel?” Well shit, is the cat out of the bag?
Looking up at the voice calling, you smile faintly in means of apologizing and mutter an incoherent response to Mina’s question.
“Sorry, and thanks I guess... It might be from the sweets I had during lunch”
“I see, well since you like sugary foods we should go to the bakery today after school, I’m sure the others would like to come too” The pinky bounces brightly.
“I can’t today, sorry! I’m super behind on work and barely understand what's going on in class, let’s go this weekend when I’m free?” What a Lie.
Fortunately, the promise of a raincheck is enough for Mina to back off from the situation and accept your rejection. Today would have been a perfect day to go out with friends, yet the blonde-headed boyfriend of yours decided to be unfair, leaving you to crave his affection. Though, the school day would be over soon enough with only two periods following lunch. And only then would you be able to gain some type of relief.
As if that ideology would be so simple.
Bakugou Katsuki is a man full of pride --rightfully achieved, of course, meaning he knew how and when to push your buttons. Right now being one of those times.
Despite wanting to pay attention in your world language class, Bakugou made it very difficult to do so. Especially knowing that he is the cause of your phone silently vibrating every three minutes in your pocket. He doesn't want you to forget he is the cause of your erotic thoughts. Rather, he’ll keep reminding you that he is controlling your excitement.
However, from the glance across the room, Bakugou didn’t look like the lead in this relationship. His eyes were majorly dilated, with his red iris visually smaller in circumference. Additionally, a prominent cherry hue spread across his cheeks, that one may call flustered from afar. Although, only the two of you understood each other’s physical response towards seduction.
Babe 💗: you look dazed
Babe 💗 : I don’t think that’s the best for someone who wants to become a hero, don't you think?
Babe 💗: this class is so important
Babe 💗: …
Babe 💗 : don’t look at me
Babe 💗: i'm not the teacher
Babe 💗: your so cute trying to ignore these texts
Oh how badly you wanted school to be over
As the clock hit 2:45 PM, you watch everyone around you hurrying to leave the school and have freedom. And once five minutes go past, 1-A is a semi-empty classroom with two students remaining. Two hormonal, amorous, epinephrine-surged students patiently waiting for their peers to leave the school grounds, so that they can walk to the dorms together in peace.  
Whilst hand-holding may be a shock to onlookers, if they had the capability to read your mind, myocardial infarction would sure to follow. Outstandingly too, if they did not foreshadow the events of you walking within the fourth floor of heights alliance and entering the second room from your left.
“Your room is so homey” You comment. Despite visiting the blonde’s dorm room on multiple occasions, the comforting aura never ceases to relax you.
“I would hope so, I don’t want to be reminded that we’ve been moved from our homes to our school campus in fear of malicious attacks against students”  
“Thanks for that… truly an amazing choice of words” You sarcastically remark. Not everyone needs a reminder of the traumatic incidents students of U.A. have been through, especially when it's clear that students of 1-A (and others) have not received enough therapeutic aid to cope with the events suffered.
One would think that Bakugou of all students would be most affected by trauma, starting from falling victim to the Sludge Villain incident, to being kidnapped by the infamous League of Villains, though he shows the opposite effects. While you cannot see inside the mind of Bakugou and tell if he is extremely traumatized by the incidents and is repressing his memories as a form of coping, you can see what he is physically doing. And at this current moment, you cannot see someone disturbed by his past, but impassioned with the ideas of what is to come.
Tossing your backpack to a discarded corner of Bakugou’s dorm, you throw yourself onto his bed, relishing in the comfort of his bedsheets. You’ve always loved his bed, your favorite moments with him have occurred there. Random naps while cuddling on Saturday afternoon, binge-watching cult-classics after a big exam, or simply having Bakugou’s powerfully built arms wrapped around you like they are now is unforgettable.
“I don’t understand how you’re so built? We go to the same school, attend the same classes and both do athletic training. I mean I’m not complaining because you definitely look good, but it's interesting how my figure compares to yours”
“That's like me asking why you’re so attractive, it's just luck within life, plus I like your figure, it blends perfectly with mine”. A man with such words can only follow with actions that prove it, and the blonde was sure to do so.
Except for when his phone goes off multiple times.
“I think you should check your texts, it may be important”
Halfway sliding off of your body, Bakugou pulls his phone out of his pockets to read his text messages. “It's nothing important, Kirishima just wanted me to join him and the others to go to some bakery since you didn't want to go”
“Oh okay-” Again you were cut off by the sound of his phone going off, however this time, the alert was a long-lasting ring, signaling that Bakugou was receiving a call.
“He’s so persistent, why would I want to go to a bakery when the best dessert is in front of me”
Lightly throwing his phone on the floor of his dorm, Bakugou discards any form of human interaction outside of the bed, focusing his attention on the one he loves.
“You know I really fucking love and care for you?” You do. You fully understand his love for you, from the way his iris shrinks to the rosy pigments formulating on his cheeks when looking at you. And you’ve never once questioned his devoutness towards expressing his adoration for you.
In moments like these, where Bakugou gently strips clothing from your body admiring every crevice, you know the two of you are in love. The boy may come off as an entitled brat, but when push comes to shove, he will bend over backwards trying to make you feel happy.
“You’re so mushy when you're in the feels”
“Oh forgive me for wanting to praise my girlfriend”
“I’m joking, but it is nice to know the feeling is reciprocated”
His silence you took as acknowledgment. ‘I love you too’ was a phrase you didn’t say often, it sounds too forced. Being obligated to say a phrase in return is meaningless when both parties understand each other’s feelings. And it's even more worthless when the actions committed speak louder than words. Bakugou does not need to hear you say ‘I love you’ constantly when he knows you dragging the zipper down of his pants and springing free his cock from the restraints of his underwear means the same thing.
And when you free yourself from the fondling of your boyfriend to meet your lips with the tip of his enraged dick, Bakugou has fallen prey to submission. Having yet to insert the body part into your mouth, you take notice of the male in front of you. Cheeks flushes, head lolled back, visible veins peeking from his sand-colored skin, and light pants as a result of excitement. Hot.  
One kiss to his head and you feel a little twitch. He wouldn’t last long. Understanding that thought you decide to mess with the male, putting half of his length within your mouth and pumping the other half. It was a shame he toyed with you earlier, now he’d face the repercussions. Light squelches filled the quiet air, and Bakugou’s groans got increasingly vocal overtime. The combination forming a sexual melody awaiting to be abruptly paused.
Releasing your lips from the now wet surface of the blonde’s dick, you hear the annoyed groan of the male. “Why’d you stop?”
“I’m sorry were you close?”
“Obviously, but that doesn’t answer my question”
“It’s just that strenuous activities make me tired Suki, and I wouldn’t to make you upset if I accidentally fell asleep”
Tch. The little sound of irritation fell from Bakugou’s mouth, only signaled one thing, rough sex.
“How I’ve come to date such a slutty brat is beyond me. Getting back at me isn’t going to help you in this situation. All you’ll receive is a punishment, though knowing you, you’ll probably enjoy it”  
Although enticed by the proposition, you failed to speak out after being muffled by your boyfriend. Your own skirt which the male had managed to take off earlier now laid scrunched up in your mouth. In addition to that, your arms were now constricted by a gold-rimmed belt.
And while whining in complaint about the new restrictions placed on you, Bakugou alters your kneeling position into one laying beneath him. The primal glare he sends you would signal fear to others, however, you know that the fun is only about to begin.  
Widening your legs apart Bakugou spares no time plunging two fingers into you, stretching the pair apart. Despite being unable to speak, your moans are heard loud enough by your boyfriend to increase his speed. Every sound encouraging the male to continue to berate your walls.
Thinking that the punishment you’ll receive is overstimulation by being one step away from ecstasy, you’re disturbed by the sudden absence of feeling in your core.
“I didn’t say you could come”
Twice today he’d done that. One denial was not enough for him, and that’s when you identified your mistake. Bakugou had the power to reject your advances to climax however many times he’d like. Maybe being a brat today wasn’t the best idea.  
Granted that Bakugou could undeniably be the most ruthless person when it comes to sex, today marked the first time he’d ever advanced into you without warning. The thrusts he implemented assaulting your hole. Even so, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“My god Y/n, you’re so tight, so perfectly made to take my dick”
“You make it so easy for me to unravel within the warmth of your pussy”
“Fuck I’m so close baby, I’m sure you are too”
He wasn’t wrong. The magnitude of the thrusts presented plus the physical restraints and multiple orgasm denials has sped up your ability to reach a climax. You were a mess underneath the man, hoping that soon he would grant you the gift of release. And by the looks of it, Bakugou would provide you with it soon. His cock inconsistently twitching in your warmth, notifying both you and him that he would come soon.
So when the removal of your gag began, you were not surprised. He was close and needed the extra aid of your uncovered moans to aid him to let go. Bare lewd noises ricocheted from the walls of Bakugou’s dorm, and you became thankful that Kirishima went to a bakery rather than located next door. Though had he been, he would have been overhearing an occasion so pornographic, one would think you’re in the business.
They wouldn’t be fully wrong either. Whilst uploading an adult video while training to be pro-heroes sounds absurd, Bakugou has no problem taping to two of you in the act. It may be the idea of possibly getting the video leaked or a similar exhibitionist-like kink, but the blonde constantly acts to videotape during sex.
“This would be perfect on video. The noises you make before you come are so fucking hot I’d replay them until the end of time”
Yet Bakugou is gravely mistaken. Yes, the noises you exhale are angelic, but compared to the rugged groan he calls while releasing his load in you is divine, and never fails in making you follow suit. So when you recognize that tone in addition to the feeling of warmth coating the inside of your walls, you have no choice but to mirror his actions.
“You’re so perfect” He states, slipping himself from your cunt and delivering pecks to your lips while he unbuckles his belt from your wrists. Post-sex always has Bakugou sappy, but how could you complain.  
Wrapping your freed arms around his neck, you pull the male closer to your embrace while nuzzling your nose into his neck. You felt the rapid pace of his heartbeat begin to slow down.
“Are you guys done, because I still haven’t received a response from Bakugou about if he wanted to go to the bakery or not?” What the fuck.
“Did you not press decline when answering Kirishima’s phone?”
“I thought I did…”
“Is that a no or?”
“Of course it's a fucking no, and don’t tell anyone else what you heard. Why were you even listen-” He hung up.
“You think we can go another day pretending to hate each other?”
“Nope… he definitely told the entire class”
“That's a shame, it was fun having them think I hate your guts”
“Awe how tragic… now get up so we can clean you off, heroes in training don't get UTIs”
How sweet.
The trek to school the next day seemed no different than the past. You woke up early to walk to class with Bakugou and strolled the corridors. Only this time while sauntering into homeroom, nobody greeted the couple at the door, rather class 1-A smiled awkwardly as you held hands walking to your seats. Although you wouldn’t have known the reason for the tension in the classroom had Kaminari not jokingly mumble to Sero that he would’ve never expected the blonde to be an exhibitionist.
“Hm, if I recall correctly, I said not to tell anyone”
“I’m sorry my phone was on speaker when I called you” Great.
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5 Reasons Roman Is Infuriating (And Why I DO NOT have a crush on him)
Chapter 4: A Date With Destiny
Read on AO3 Chapter 1
Word count:  2991
Tw: Food, Almost an innuendo, Fear of not being accepted for orientation
"I think I'm ready."
Logan looks at himself in the mirror, adjusting his bowtie. He hadn't gone super extra with his 'date' outfit, despite Roman's insistence to go big or go home. (Which wouldn't really matter, as Thomas is home right now, and therefore they wouldn't need to go very far.)
Just a few changes, to treat himself. The blue striped bowtie, obviously, some black dress pants, black socks and a black dress shirt instead of a polo. He also tried out a new shampoo, just for that extra self-care. That may sound like a fairly big change, but Roman looked uncomfortable when he presented the outfit.
Roman waves his hand about, diverting his eyes. "Ugh, whatever. You look great. I still think a full tux would've been a better choice."
"That would most likely be overdressing. I don't want to go into this date looking like a buffoon, now do I?" He retorted, slipping on his dress shoes. They're sleek and black, with a heel that gives him just that extra added height.
"Pfft, coming from the Nerdy Professor! You look like a buffoon all the time, I'm just doing you a favor."
"You don't think I'm ready like this?" Logan asks.
"You do. You're rocking it. No romo." Roman says, giving him an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
"No... Romo?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah. Like... Uh, romantic. I invented it. Just now." Roman says, nervously fiddling with his sash.
"Oh." And if that doesn't feel like a metaphorical stab to the gut, Logan's not sure what it is.
Roman stands for a few seconds in silence, before looking away, into the mirror. "Now, go get your Daisy, Loguigi."
"That was a stretch, but thank you." Logan takes Roman's hand, squeezes it (he's sure Roman won't mind. He may think of it as a reassurance to calm Logan's nerves. Logan thinks of it as he wants to hold Roman's hand), and walks to the door.
"Logan-" Roman says before he can leave, and Logan turns back to him. He opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again, and seems to realize that Logan's waiting for him to say something. His hand reaches towards him, then recedes.
"Good luck." He slumps, giving what seems to be an encouraging smirk. Logan nods, adjusing his bowtie once more, and strutting out of the room. If he had a cape, it would be flowing behind him dramatically, due to the sheer energy of his determination. Tonight is going to be the start of a big change.
"Alright Patton, prepare yourself for the strangest date you'll ever go on." He says in full confidence.
Patton sat at the dining table, feeling certainly awkward. Things certainly looked... Different. It was dim, mostly because the only light sources were an array of candles and a strand of fairy lights. There was a silky tablecloth thrown over the table, and a lovely bouquet of red roses in a glass vase as the centerpiece. There were also two glasses, and a bottle of red wine. Soft violin music played from an unknown source.
Usually this was something Patton would coo at. He always loved romance between people. Whenever Thomas and his boyfriends over the years hung out, it would be all he'd talk about. How happy he is for them. He'd even help Roman out with helping Thomas in his gestures of romance. It's true, Patton loved romance.
However, not when it was directed at himself.
He didn't want to be rude and leave, obviously. Logan set this up, and the last thing Patton wanted to do was break his heart beyond repair. He loves Logan as a friend, and he cares about him, and the emotions he barely lets himself show.
Patton twiddles with his thumbs, sweating quite a bit. He wonders what Roman has to do with this. He's certainly not also going to be here, unless this is a three-way date. That is unlikely, as there are only two chairs. Perhaps he's the wing-man? That would make sense, as he's much better in the romance category than Logan. But wait a minute, why would he help? Doesn't Roman-
"This is atmospheric." Patton gets pulled out of his thoughts by Logan standing there, looking at the decor. He takes a seat. Pouring himself a glass of the wine, he takes a big sip, before setting it down. "Patton, I have something to tell you."
Oh no.
Patton's sweating buckets now. "B-before you do, I just want to tell you that I respect you Logan, and that you're a very good person, and that I cherish the time we spend together, but I guess I haven't told you some very important information about myself, and I hope this doesn't hurt you too bad, it's that-" He takes a deep breath, about to spill. He's always been scared of this moment. Didn't he already tell Logan? Does he not believe in his identity? Patton opens his mouth to speak.
"You're aromantic. I know that Patton, and I respect that. Your orientation is completely justified and valid. I was going to tell you that this was not my idea. I do not harbor any romantic feelings for you, and I certainly don't expect you to either." Logan says, taking another sip of wine.
Well, that makes Patton feel much better.
"Then... Why are we here?" He asks, the nervous feeling replaced by confusion.
"Well..." Logan blushes as red as the wine. "I happened to be... Discussing my 'lack' of romantic feelings for... a side, which I realised was in fact a falsehood, and then that side happened to swoop in right after I realized, and mistook my presentation for being about you. Therefore, he decided to set us up."
The cogs in Patton's brain start to turn. He's not exactly known to be the brightest of the bunch, but he thinks he can decipher this one.
"Nm...Teh... Oh, it's Roman." He looks at Logan, who lowers his head into his hands.
"Yes. Yes it is." He admits.
"So, he doesn't know." Patton concludes.
"No, no he doesn't."
The words finally settle in, and Patton's face brightens significantly in a matter of milliseconds. "Oh my god! Logan! You like him!" He stands up, and jumps for joy. He twirls around the room a few times, and then pulls up Logan and gives him a hug. "I'm so proud of you kiddo."
"Thank you Patton. It certainly felt strange admitting it." Sighs, hugging him back. They break off soon after.
"Why didn't you tell him?" Patton asks, a little bit worried.
"I don't think I'm quite ready yet." They both sit down. "That's actually why I'm here. I was wondering if we could keep up a sort of facade for a while, until I'm ready to tell Roman. Obviously, we won't make anything official, but I could use your help, as I am not very skilled in this romance business, and we could use fake dates as a sort of counseling session. I could.. Use your help." Logan admits.
Patton is surprised, but delighted. "Oh! Well, thank you for telling me kiddo. I wouldn't mind helping you out." He pats Logan' shoulder encouragingly. "Do you... have a plan?"
"Not yet. I didn't want to start without you, in case I would need to scrap the whole thing." Logan takes another sip of wine.
“That’s absolutely A-okay. I don’t know if I’d be much help today though, cause this roller-coaster ‘date’ has really tired me out!” Patton says. (He’s never quite been put on the spot, and then given a plot twist like that one before. Oh wait, haha, he has.) He needs a bit of a mental break before he does any of that adultery thinking.
Logan looks around the room. “We aren’t on a roller coaster.”
“It’s an expression.” Patton clarifies. He sighs, adjusting himself on the seat. “I forgot that I haven’t come out to Roman yet. Or the others, for that matter.”
“You don’t have to if you aren’t comfortable. There’s never a bad reason not to come out.” Logan assures him, finishing his glass of wine. “And if you ever need my help, I will be there to support you in whatever ways I can.”
“Alrighty kiddo.” He smiles, looking to the kitchen.
“Do we have any leftover cookies?”
Patton suddenly looks guilty. “Well… About that.”
“Patton.” Logan’s gaze snaps to him, surprised. “Last time I checked, there were at least five left.”
“It wasn’t just me! Janus had one too!” He pleads, stating his case.
“One? That leaves four.” Logan squints at him. “I wanted at least two more for myself.”
A light in Patton’s brain ignites, and he jumps up. “Oh! What do you say we turn this into a baking ‘date’ then??” He does over exaggerated quotations with his hands on ‘date’.
“Bake ‘date’ it is then.” Logan fixes his bowtie in steely determination, and they both make their way to the kitchen.
“How did the date go?” Roman asks when Logan returns to his room, a giant fluffy red robe draped over himself, face mask on, and nails in the process of being painted. He’s got some showtunes that Logan doesn’t know the name of playing from a vinyl record player, which is illogical, because he’s pretty sure the musical is modern and that they can’t play voices, but he doesn’t comment.
“It went surprisingly… Well. He told me he may need a few more dates to make a decision.” Logan lies, trying to put anything other than indifference in his voice.
“Oh.” Roman looks taken aback for a second. “That’s great Specs. I’m proud of you.” The shaky hand he was painting swerves off to the side, and nail polish gets all over his finger. He looks at it, sighs, and puts the brush back into the bottle.
“You know, it isn’t a good idea to paint your nails in bed.” Logan sits on the edge, (of his own bed. Strange how Roman didn't just go back to his own room. He’s quite the stark contrast, him and his items bright red in a sensible dull, midnight blue room.) and turns his torso to face him.
“But it’s so much more dramatiiic. Besides, you told me not to touch your desk, and I am a princ- uh, a man of my word.” He laughs a little nervous laugh. “Besides, I can just clean it up with the powers of magic.”
“That’s nice.” Logan says, distracted by Roman’s nails. He’s hiding the hand he messed up. On his non-dominant hand, he has masterfully done nails, red with golden designs, such as a crown on his middle finger, a flower pattern on his pointer, thumb and pinky, and on the ring finger there’s an ‘L’...
Logan gently extends his hand. “Can I see?”
“Oh, um, yeah.” Roman lets him take his hand. Up close he notices that the gold is sparkly. Certainly a touch that is in character.
“What does the ‘L’ stand for?” Logan asks, looking at him.
Roman seems to burst red in the face. “O-Ooh it means ‘Left’. I… Often forget which direction is which, so I put it on my nails to remember. There’s no second meaning behind it or anything. Not at all.” He smiles wide.
Now Logan suspects there may be a second meaning, but he does not comment. “Is it okay for me to see your other hand?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t want to, I mean, it’s not nearly as good and it isn’t at all finished and I just made a mistake-”
“I didn’t ask if I would want to see it. I asked if you were okay with me seeing it.” Logan cuts his self-deprecating ramble off, assuring him softly. “I won’t look for the imperfections if you don’t want me to.”
“I…” Roman sighs and nods. “Go ahead.”
Logan takes Roman’s right hand gently with his own, and brings it close enough to inspect. It retains the same colors, but even with just the base red layer it looks a little bit less neatly done. The color extends past the cuticle, and you can see little bumps and imprints of things that accidentally touched the nail before it could fully dry. It wasn’t bad, per se, because those things could easily be fixed without removing the entire coating, but it probably seemed pretty bad to Roman when comparing it to his other hand. And then there was the streak, which was unfortunate but can be arranged.
“I can help you with this hand, if you’d like.” He offers, much to Roman’s surprise.
“Sure… But you don’t have to-”
“Preposterous. I want to help, and although I am not a master in the arts and creating designs, I happen to be a master duplicator. I believe Virgil described it as ‘cloning but like without the technology part and shit’. I even remade an exact duplicate of a frankly disgusting and creepy doll for Remus from scratch.”
“Oh.” Roman laughs softly. “Talented.”
“Yes. I am.” Logan says, internally giddy from the compliment. He uncaps the nail polish remover from a very fancy tray, where all the supplies are stationed on. “We just need this for the stain.” He takes a cotton pad, letting go of Roman’s hands to wet it, and recaps the bottle. He retakes Roman’s right hand, and lightly swipes the pad across the smear.
“You smell like baking.” Roman notes, barely over a whisper.
“That makes sense. We did some baking. Mostly me, and he kind of watched until they were ready to decorate.” He places the cotton pad in a little glass junk bowl on the tray.
“Are you sure he’s not just going to use these dates to make him cookies?” He says lightheartedly, tapping his other hand along to the sound of the music.
“Perhaps” Logan laughs a little bit. “Actually, I set aside a bunch for you. They’re in a bag, wrapped in a ribbon. That usually wards off everyone else from eating what’s inside for a few days, but do get to them before the fourth day because that’s often when Remus loses his patience.” He doesn’t admit that it was a spur of the moment decision, and that he felt like a lovesick fool setting aside those for him. He did admit that to Patton though, who chuckled.
“Mmm, thank you. What kind?” Roman asks, as Logan uncaps the red nail polish bottle and starts applying a light coat on each nail to even things out.
“Cranberry and White Chocolate Chip.” Roman’s favorite. That may have also been on purpose.
“Oh.” He says, and that’s where that subject of conversation ends. Logan continues applying the coating, then recaps the bottle.
“Alright, this will need to dry.” Logan guides his hand to a solid resting place. They sit quietly for a moment, only the sound of what he recognizes as Razzle Dazzle playing. It’s quite strange to have music in here. The rows and rows of dark-wood bookshelves, kept neat and clean, seem much brighter like this. His planning cork-board, with strings run around and pictures and notes in a neat order (along with the depressing sight of his calendar), looks less dull. Maybe it’s his mood. Maybe it’s just Roman.
Roman scoots over, without moving his drying hand. He leans in closely, looking just above Logan’s eyeline.
“Y-yes?” He squirms as Roman reaches with his dry hand to the top of his head. He shakes Logan’s hair, and he presumes it looks like a mess now.
“What?” Logan asks, as he returns to sitting like he did before.
“You had flour in your hair. It was bothering me.” Roman informs him, pointing to his head.
“Ah.” They return to their silence.
When Logan determines the perfect time for the polish to dry, he uncaps the glittery gold nail pen. Using the other hand as reference, he copies the designs finger by finger, putting all of his concentration into it.
“And… We’ll put an ‘R’ here... ” He tries his best to copy the font of the swirly ‘L’. It looks pretty good, if he does say so himself. Which he does say out loud.”
“Yeah, it does. Thank you Logan.” He looks up at Roman, who smiles a very shy smile. He suddenly brightens, and jumps up, rattling the tray and scaring Logan. “Aha! I’ve thought of a perfect nickname! Holm Office Photopy Machine! I need to write that down.” He fumbles around, and then summons himself a very used-looking sketchbook. He stays standing on the bed, flipping through pages and then scribbling it down.
“That certainly is long.” Logan adjusts his glasses in surprise.
“Long like my- Sorry that was a strange thought.” Roman makes his things disappear, checks his nails, and then flops back down onto the bed.
“I hate to bother you, but at one point I’m going to have to sleep on here.” He watches as Roman unsticks his face-masked face from the bed in disgust.
“Why did I do that- Oh, yeah, sorry.” Roman gets up, looking guilty, and certainly not as fancy as he did before, fibres from the blankets stuck to his face mask and some of the mask still attached to Logan’s bed. Still, he’s got his stupid smile on his face, and that power stance. He’s…
“Wonderful.” Logan says under his breath as Roman’s turning to leave.
Unfortunately, he heard, and he turns back, confused. “Huh?”
“One earful.”
“Alright.” Roman looks perhaps even more confused, but turns back and sinks out, with a “Buh-bye Specs.”
When he’s out of Logan’s room, he snaps his fingers to rid of the mess (He left the tray there too. The nerve. The gall. He sends it to Roman’s room, and prays that it lands somewhere incredibly inconvenient just for revenge sake. He also keeps the record player, because he could use some music in his life) and prepares for bed.
Step 1: Complete.
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xlovelyyoongix · 4 years
wedding dress | myg
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*I do not own this gif* 
summary: it didn't matter how much you loved yoongi, you were still obligated to take another man’s hand in marriage, and sadly, Yoongi had to watch. 
pairing: yoongi x f. reader. 18+
word count: 3674
genre: Vanilla smut, fluff, angst, (sad boy Yoongi) -gosh, why do I always put my mans through such a hard time-
warnings: penetrative sex (literally the whole first part of the fic is vanilla smut) , adultery (but not what you think), jealousy, and cursing. (if you notice anything else I should add as a warning, please let me know)
a/n: I literally got this idea after listening to Taeyang's song Wedding Dress for the billionth time. If you've never heard that song..... Wtf, how have you never heard of Wedding Dress? It's such a k-pop classic, and you should listen to it while reading this, or listen to it before reading this... or may listen to it after if you're anything like me and struggle with multitasking *laughs awkwardly*.😅 Ummm, I'v rambled long enough, enjoy.  😊 
"Fuck~" Yoongi's throaty moan hisses into the shell of your ear. "I l-love you." His fingers intertwining with your very own as his hips thrust in and out of your sopping core, fucking you into the hotel mattress. "I love you so much,__" Sweat building across his porcelain skin, dumpling cheeks, a misty pink along with onyx orbs mixed with the sensation of infatuation and sexual desire.  
"Y...Yoon..." You don't have the strength to finish his name as waves of pleasure ripple throughout your body. "I-I love y-you, too" Your exhausted voice speaks in a whimper, squeezing onto his hands as a euphoric buildup tightens within your abdomen. "C-close." Your lips quiver, legs tightening around Yoongi's waist, pulling him in closer.  
"I-I know..." Yoongi's muscles start to weaken as your soaking walls begin to clench around his throbbing dick, teasing your nearing release. "You feel so good~" His mouth finds a place on your neck, nibbling and kissing the sensitive spots of your soft flesh. "Will you be a good girl and cum for me?" He smirks into the curve of your neck.
With your brows creasing together, lashes fluttering like butterfly wings and thighs quivering around Yoongi's waist, you were absolutely positive the steady buildup within your core would explode at any moment. "Y-yes." was all you could manage to muster.
"Good." Using his last ounce of strength, Yoongi repositions his hips at an angle he knew would send you to heaven. His length reaches deeper, scraping across your spongy surface and slamming into the moist wall of your cervix.  
"Shhhhit!" Your head knocks, nails digging into the skin of Yoongi's back. "You. Feel. So. Good. Don't. Stop." You whimper between the beat of Yoongi slamming into you, causing the headboard to aggressively bang into the wall. "G-gonna c-cum- AH!" With tears in your eyes, colors burst into your vision as your body explodes into a flatline of bliss.  
Slamming into you with one final thrust, your walls immediately tighten around Yoongi's girth. "FUCK!" Clamping his eyes shut, the rubber band feeling snaps within his core, releasing his hot strips of cum into the tip of the condom. With his tired body collapsing into the spot beside you, Yoongi is quick to dispose of the condom into the trashbin beside the mattress.
The two of you searching for air as you gaze into each other's eyes, lost in the paradise of love. You loved him, you truly loved Min Yoongi, and no man could ever capture your heart the way he has.  
You part your lips to speak, but the loud buzzing of your alarm interrupts you, signaling that the final hour was close at hand. You bit into your lip anxiously as you put a regretful silence to the ringing.
Yoongi's nostrils release a sigh. "You don't have to do this." His tender hand reaching out, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Please don't do this." His once husk voice, now dipping in anguish.
"Yoongi..." You whisper his name in sorrow, witnessing the sadness within his broken eyes. God, how you wish you could give in, to be able to stay in his arms forever. To run away from all your family ties and responsibilities to be with the love of your life. Sadly, you knew it was nothing more than a fantasy, and there was no turning back. "I love you so much... b-but."
"Tch!" Yoongi smacks his teeth with a grunt, dismissing your further statement. He pulls himself from the mattress, gathering his clothes that were scattered across the floor. "For once in your life,__, can't you make a decision for yourself and not give a damn what your family thinks?" Yoongi spits back, sliding his legs into his jeans.
Frustrated that Yoongi would choose now of all times to have this conversation with you, you roll your eyes with attitude. "For the thousandth time, Yoongi," You yank yourself up in bed, pulling your shirt over your head. "there isn't anything I can do!" Your hands slap into the comforter out of aggravation.
"Yes, there is." Yoongi shakes his head, tossing his shirt over his body. "You could not marry him. That's what you could do." He snaps back. "If you really love me, you would just leave with me."
Your swollen lips tighten into a line, nostrils flaring. "Don't do that... you know I love you, Yoongi." You're disappointed at the fact he would even throw that in your face at a time like this.
Yoongi's thick brows furrow together, provokingly. "And yet, you're marrying another man." He shrugs his shoulders a-matter-a-factly. "Do you think I'm just gonna sneak around and climb into your bedroom window at night, fucking you while your husband is in the other room, huh?"
Frustrated by your lover's choice of words, your fingers rub at your temples, hoping to relieve the stress. "You knew this would happen...you knew I was arranged to be married. This is what you signed up for-..."
"BULLSHIT!" Yoongi's harsh voice challenges back. He took a moment to catch himself, never being the type to raise his voice, especially at you. He inhales a breath before releasing it slowly. "You said you would find a way out of it, __. That you wouldn't marry him." His jet eyes cut to yours once again.
"I said, I would TRY to find a way out of this marriage. I never promised you that I would." You couldn't believe the two of you were fighting at a time like this. You'd rather spend your last moments as a free woman, wrapped in Yoongi’s embrace instead of arguing over something that can't be controlled. "And I did try! I tried everything I possibly could, but my parents need me to marry him. There isn't any other way..." Your voice starts to crack as the emotions ripple throughout your body. "T-this is hard on me, too, ya know." You break, a tear slipping down the round of your cheek as you remember in 3 hours, you'll be married to a man you barely knew.
Yoongi was silent, the hands at his sides balling into fists as he attempted to gather his thoughts and emotions.
Opening your mouth to console your lover, you're interrupted by a knock on the door. You flinch at the sound, afraid that someone would catch Yoongi in your bedroom, which would ruin the entire plan your family had in place for today.
"__, it's me, Alex." A female voice speaks from the other side.
You release a sigh of relief in hearing your best friend's voice. "Come in, Alex." You announce, straightening yourself in bed.
You hear the living room door creak open, soon the slender frame of your best friend steps into your bedroom. Her black hair styled in a neat top bun, natural makeup designed across her honey face, and carrying her maid of honor dress across her arms. "Jungkook is keeping guard of the hallways, making sure no one sees Yoongi leaving the room." She sends a nod towards the male, signaling it was his time to exit.  
"Fine." Was all Yoongi could manage to say as he gathered the rest of his belongings.
Your eyes follow his every move, somberly. "Y-Yoongi, I ..." Your heart aches, knowing this would be the last time you'll see Yoongi as a free woman. You want to hold him, kiss him, tell him that no matter what happens, he will be the only man that will ever reside in your heart.
Pretending not to hear you, Yoongi brushes past you as if you didn't exist, heading out the door. "I'll see you at the wedding," He says before leaving, never once looking back. He didn't have the strength to.  
The aching in your chest tightens, and your throat becomes rasp, warm tears streaming from your eyes. You hated this. Absolutely hated this, the fact you were getting married to a stranger, but mostly, the fact that you were the cause of your lover's pain. How could you possibly manage the stress of it all?  
"Oh no,__. Don't cry." Alex whimpers in a pout, witnessing her best friend's dismay.  
Taking a breath, you rub the tears from your eyes, gathering your thoughts. You didn't have time to think, or feel emotion. Today was about business, and no matter how much you desperately wanted to chase after your lover to aid his wounded heart, you had an obligation to your family that needed to be fulfilled. "I'll be alright." You wipe your nose with the back of your sleeve. "Let's get ready for the wedding."
  Stepping into the chapel, raven-hair freshly washed, bowtie neatly in place around his white collar and a sleek black suit fitting around his frame, Yoongi chewed the inside of his lip anxiously. Observing the sea of people that call themself your family, all dressed in the most elegant fashion money could buy as they sit in pews of the church, gossiping amongst each other.
It was no secret that Yoongi despised your family, not only because of their petty political ties but because they were the ones responsible for this mess. Marrying you off to a man twice your age for their own powerful gain. "Fuckin' rich people." He mutters to himself.  
"Mr.Min, please get into position. The ceremony will begin shortly." One of the ushers pats Yoongi on the shoulder.
"Sure," He responds dryly, immediately regretting ever agreeing to be a part of the damn wedding in the first place.
Making his way through the sea of people, Yoongi overhears a conversation that makes his ears burn.
"Oh, isn't __ just the sweetest girl!" The elderly woman brags to her circle of friends. "My son, Andrew, promised me, grandchildren, as soon as the honeymoon is over." She giggles cheerfully. "I can't believe I'll finally get to be a grandmother!" Her smile from ear to ear.
The very thought of a man touching you, loving you, and fucking a baby into you causes Yoongi's stomach to twist in disgust. Even though you were always promised to another, Yoongi thought that by the grace of God, you'd somehow end up with his last name. "I'll need a drink after this." He mumbles to himself, taking a seat on the white piano bench, cracking his knuckles to prepare for his performance.
 Time passes, and Andrew makes his way into the Chapple. His brown hair slick back, hazel eyes shimmering under the crystal lights, as his slender white suit fits around him handsomely. For being an older gentleman, Andrew was indeed a sight for sore eyes; however, Yoongi knew a man like that could never be your cup of tea.
The moment Andrew takes his place at the altar, the musical director signals Yoongi to start. His jet orbs roll callously, as his regretful fingers begin to dance across the keys of the grand piano. A part of Yoongi wondered, if he stopped playing and if the church didn't have any music, would that be enough to stop the wedding? Would that buy him enough time to find you, whisking you away in his broken-down car? "Tch.." Yoongi sucks in a breath. "As if that could happen." He mumbles, bringing himself back to reality.
Yoongi's eyes spot Alex in her maid of honor dress walking down the aisle with Jungkook at her side, the two split off as they make their way to the altar.
The moment that everyone is in place, the music director signals Yoongi to halt the piano. Yoongi's fingers come to a stop.
The wooden chapel doors creak open again. Your body steps out, sheer veil concealing your precious face, the sweetheart chest of the white wedding dress supports your breast elegantly, torso hugging into your shapely curves as the rest of your dress puffs out into a classic ball gown. Yoongi's lips hang ajar in disbelief, inhaling the essence of your beauty.
The music director signals him to play again.
His fingers dancing across the keys creating a happy tune despite the anguish pooling within his soul. Every step you took down the aisle, Yoongi felt a blow to his chest, as if his heart was being yanked from its strings. He immediately regrets getting upset with you in the last moments you had together, not giving you the proper goodbye you deserved. "I love you." He whispers into the air for no one but himself to hear.
Before taking your final step at the altar, your saddened eyes connect with Yoongi's onyx ones. You never thought you'd see the day Yoongi would ever wear a suit. You remember him expressing his hate for fancy clothing, explaining that they made him uncomfortable, how he'd rather be in a pair of sweats and a baggy T-shirt. Your lips curl with a giggle at the memory, the only thing bringing you happiness at that moment. "I love you, Yoongi." You whisper as the aching in your chest cried out for him.
Andrew interrupts your thoughts with a loud cough, signaling you to finally take your place at the altar.  
"O-Oh, right." You snap back to reality, lifting your dress to waltz up the step, taking your place in front of Andrew. Even though the man you would soon call your husband was now standing before you, you couldn't help but keep your eyes on the real love of your life, Yoongi.
"Let us begin in prayer." The music stops, and the priest standing between the two of you bows his head to speak the prayer. Of course, you aren't listening, his holy words slipping in one ear and out the other as you recall all the moments you've spent with Yoongi. Remembering the times he made you laugh, the times he dried your tears, how his beautiful hands would touch you as if you were the most delicate flower, how he'd make love to you. God, you wish Yoongi was the man standing in front of you, taking your hand in marriage.
"For once in your life,__, can't you make a decision for yourself and not give a damn what your family thinks?"
The words Yoongi fought back at you this morning, begin to replay in your mind. With regretful eyes, you glance over at your mother and father in the front row. Your mother with the biggest smile on her face and your father with broad shoulders, proud.
You can't falter now. You were doing this for your family. There was no turning back...right?
"I do." Andrew's vow interrupts your thoughts. His eyes shining, looking into you with admiration. Unlike yourself, Andrew wanted this wedding. He knew from the very moment he first laid eyes on you, he’d have you for a wife. So, using his power, he convinced your father for your hand in marriage, and in return, Andrew would fulfill his promise by tripling the profit of your father's company, leaving you without a say in the matter.  
"And do you,__, take Andrew Mathew, to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, threw sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" The priest asks you, thick holy bible in hand.
Your heart drops, hands tightly gripping onto the fabric of your wedding dress. "I...I ah..." Your lips quiver and your throat grows dry. You don't want to marry Andrew. You don't want to start a life with someone you barely even knew. You wanted Yoongi. "Father, I..." You lift the veil from your face, your distressed eyes connecting with your father's confused ones. It was now or never. "Father, I'm so sorry, but I can't do this."
The entire congregation gasps in disbelief, gossip and whispers echo throughout the Chapple.
Yoongi's hooded eyes widened in shock at your words. Taking a stand from his seat, his vision is glued to you, curious to what your next move would be.
"W-wait, wait, wait..." Andrew chuckles, rubbing the stress away from his temples. "Your father promised I would be marrying you today." His lips curve arrogantly.
"I'm sorry, Andrew." Your tone drops apologetically. "But I can't marry you." Your brows crinkle together, lips forming into a frown, displaying your sincerest condolences to your now, ex-fiance.  
"No!" Andrew's robust voice shouts, aggressively grabbing onto your wrist to hold you in place "You will marry me,__ or the deal I have planned with your father is voided." He sneers through clenched teeth.  
With the thick vein forming in the corner of Andrew's head, face burning red, and nostrils flared, you now knew the kind of husband Andrew would be in a marriage, and you'd be damned if you ever let a man treat you that way. "I won't." You reply back with a confident attitude.
Andrew steps into your face with hostile force. "Tch. Why you..."
"Let her go."
Your heart thumps wildly as your ears pick up the familiar deep tone of voice. "Y-Yoongi?" you see him, his hand grabbing hold of Andrews's forearm, prompting your ex-fiance to release you from his tight grip.
Andrew chuckles wickedly. "Look what we have here. The help, telling me what to do." Andrew shoves a finger into Yoongi's chest, nudging him backward. "Do you even know who I am? How powerful my family name is?" He questions with a cocked brow.
Yoongi's expression remains stoic, unphased by the rich male’s threats. "I don't care who you are, but if you don't let my girlfriend go, we're going to have a problem." Yoongi's eyes cut dangerously, his jaw locking, as his hand balls into a fist at his side.
"Y-Yoongi..." You've never seen your lover with such a daring expression, but you knew he was serious.
For a moment, Andrew locks eyes with Yoongi, studying the flaming rage that danced behind his jet orbs. Despite the difference in weight and height between the two men, Andrew now knew it was best not to challenge the younger male. "Tch." The ex-fiance smacks his teeth, realizing his defeat. "She isn't even worth it. You can have her." He releases your wrist, brushing past the pastor. "The wedding is off, and the deal is canceled." He announces to your father before making his furious exit out of the Chapple.  
"__,!" Your father's loud voice yells out your name. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He shouts, rushing to your side in a panic.
"Father, I'm so sorry," You begin with apologetic eyes. "But I won't marry someone that I don't love, just to make you happy." You finally find the courage to stand up to the man responsible for your birth. "The person that I love is Min Yoongi." You proudly say your boyfriend's name, taking hold of his hand.
Proud you were finally standing up for yourself, Yoongi's lips pulled into a smile, his fingers intertwining with your own.
"D-do you realize what you've done?!" Your father's spit flying through the air as he screamed.
Even with your father in such an enraged state, there was nothing you were afraid of so long as Yoongi stood by your side. "I do, actually." You give your lover's hand a firm squeeze. "This time, I'm choosing me." Despite the monstrous expression on your father's face, you smile.
You witness the muscles in your father's face move as he releases his clenched teeth, nostrils exhaling a heavy breath. "I..." Realizing what he has done, his eyes softened. "I'm sorry,__" The apology slipped from his lips remorsefully." I can't believe I was about to marry my daughter off to a man she barely knew." He shakes his head in disbelief of himself. "Can you ever forgive me?"  
"Oh father," Your brows creasing together, eyes softening at your father's digression. "Of course, I can forgive you." Overjoyed, your hands reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you into a tight embrace. "Thank you so much." You're nearly close to tears.  
Your father pats your back, savoring the moment the two of you were sharing together. "I'm sure this, Min Yoongi, is a bright, young man." He pulls away, now eyeing down the man you called your boyfriend. "You take care of my daughter now." His meaty index finger wags.
Yoongi chuckles because, of course, he would take care of you. "Yes, sir." He agrees.
Your father pats your shoulder. "Now the two of you get the hell outta here. From the way things turned out today, I have a mess that needs cleaning."  
You send your father one last smile before rushing off with Yoongi down the aisle. Members of your family shout, demanding an explanation, but the two of you laugh it all off, holding hands as you rush out of the church.
Finally, reaching the car, Yoongi opens the passenger side for you, providing you a hand as you step into his vehicle, gathering the tail of your wedding dress to fit into your lap. Once you're buckled in, Yoongi makes his way to the driver's side, slipping into the seat. "I may not be able to take you to Bora Bora, but I can still give you a honeymoon back at my place." He winks with a gummy smile.
You giggle at your boyfriend's words, somehow always able to bring a smile to your face. "It doesn't matter where in the world I am," You lean in, planting a kiss on his dumpling cheek. "My paradise is always with you."
Yoongi's onyx eyes find yours once again. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He gently cups your cheek into his hand, swiping his thumb across your delicate skin. "I love you, __." His heart flipping with joy that you were now free to love whoever you choose. Free to love him.
You nudge your cheek into Yoongi's palm, starry eyes gazing into your lover through the thicks of your lashes. There was no one else you'd rather give your heart to than the man in front of you. "I love you too, Min Yoongi."
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biznichwrites · 4 years
Biiiiz, may I please have a NSFW scene where Sabito dares Giyuu to have sex with his (Sabito’s) female s/o, and he gives in while watching them go at it— so it results in a dp? 🤤 Thank you!!! 💜✨✨✨ 
@dudeandduchess I hope you like this. 
"What-- you want me to….?" Giyuu's tongue caught in his throat, the man choking on his own words as the other water pillar seemed to laugh as if he hadn't given the shorter man a heart attack. 
"I bet you can't fuck her. And I'm right, aren't I?" The knowing grin on his lips was a sign of his calculating nature - he was steps ahead of everyone when it came to sexually deviant plans, especially when Giyuu was involved. "It's a shame, she did wonder what it'd be like with you. She said you'd be soft and gentle, but I think she's just wishful since I'm rough on her."
"You- she thinks- you're rough? Why would you hurt her?" Giyuu tried to gloss over the part where the peach haired man admitted his girlfriend fantasized about him, apparently openly enough to admit it to her boyfriend. 
"That's what she likes, at least it's what she likes when I have her on her hands and knees." He didn't miss the way Giyuu's cheeks tinted pink lightly as he looked away. "If you heard the way she moans, then you'd know I was pleasing her more than anything."
Giyuu's eyes flickered between the other pillar and the ground a few times as he tried to imagine her moans before shaking his head. Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't hurt to indulge himself this one time. It was Sabito's girlfriend, it'd be awkward the next time he saw her, but it was someone he trusted - someone he had a crush on, if he were being fully honest. So how could he pass an opportunity like this? 
"Fine. I'll do it." Even if Giyuu was facing the ground he could feel the way Sabito's lips curled into a cunning smile. 
Blue eyes flickered in the room, from one face of the couple to the other as they lounged against the table as if Sabito hadn't orchestrated adultery for his own amusement. A few drinks of sake were shared, enough to calm his nerves before he made himself nauseous with anxiety. Giyuu couldn't wipe the blush off his face as he stared at (y/n), openly taking in her features even if he would deny he was doing so later. 
"She's pretty, isn't she?" Sabito's voice broke through Giyuu's gawking, causing his eyes to widen at him as he gripped the cloth along his leg in embarrassment. The other pillar already knew he was embarrassed, he didn't need additional reminders. Still, he wasn't wrong. She was beautiful - with eyes he wanted to look into at all times, a cute smile on well framed lips, perfect curve of her nose - he couldn't deny it. 
"Yes… very pretty." Giyuu didn't miss the way she preened at their attention, the way her lips curved upward and cheeks tinted pink. It was far too adorable, too innocent for the thoughts he knew she had of him. But that's what made this alluring - he could see a different part of her, a side he hadn't been allowed to see before. 
"Thank you, Giyuu." He swore her eyes glittered at his praise and he wondered how much he could make her react if she was so responsive at something as simple as a compliment. A pat on the shoulder from Sabito with a nod was given to her, as if he had given his permission. Slowly she moved closer, crawling around the table to sit by Giyuu's side. 
Tension rose as he expected something intense, lewd in nature. In a rather pleasant surprise she settled next to him, her thigh pressed against his with a head on his shoulder as her hand pulled his fingers away from their grip on his yukata. Tenderly her hands closed around his, their fingers weaving together as if it were natural. His face flushed deeply as he felt his heart skip a beat. 
"I know you're nervous. We can go slow." Her words were sealed with a soft kiss to his cheek that left his face hot. The affection for her that he begged to lay dormant within him crept to the surface and he dared not waste such a moment. With a nod he timidly returned the kiss to her temple, his hand trembling lightly in her hold as a mixture of anxiety and excitement grew within him. 
"You two look more like lovers than a couple of people getting ready to fuck." As much as Giyuu loved Sabito, he had a way of ruining  things for him. "What are you, a virgin?" 
"Sabito! Be nice to him. Just because he wants to go slower doesn't mean you need to speed things up. Besides, he's being sweet and I like it. Maybe you could learn a thing or two." Her rush to Giyuu's defense made him smile timidly. While it was a bit awkward to be in the middle of a bickering couple, it was more than heartwarming to know the woman he held affection for was quick to take his side and understand him. 
"You're the one that said you wanted to fuck him." Sabito rolled his eyes as he took a sip of sake, waving his hand at the pair before turning to face the engawa. 
"Things take time, Sabito. Don't pressure him. We have plenty of time, no need to rush." Her attention turned back to Giyuu, another kiss pressed to his cheek as his gaze settled on her. "Don't mind him, we can go at your pace." 
He felt his heart swelling and found it hard to not place a hand over his chest. His fingers enclosed around her hand and gave her palm a gentle squeeze. 
"You're cute, you know that? In a sweet way, it's nice." Again she placed a kiss to his cheek, narrowly missing the corner of his mouth. The way she encouraged him with affection and praise motivated him more than Sabito's provoking criticisms. With his free hand he brushed a piece of hair from her face, not missing how her cheeks flooded with color and plumped due to her smile. 
"You're really… Beautiful." It embarrassed him to say it out loud, but he didn't regret saying it - especially when happy hums, almost like cooing, echoed from her. His eyes trailed down to her lips, thoughts of kissing her filled his mind. That wasn't so bad, right? Especially compared to what Sabito had in mind. 
"You're handsome, especially your eyes." Her nose brushed against his as she tilted her upper body to face him more. Her lips pressed to his, giving into his wishes. It was good, too good - she was too good. Her lips were so soft yet they fit against his own perfectly. 
The kiss was chaste, simple to not overwhelm him. Yet he found himself growing excited at how gentle she was, how much care she treated him with. His saving grace being that he didn't arouse easily, or he would have been embarrassed at Sabito finding out that just a kiss and hand holding with a few affectionate words got him hard. 
She recognized he was embarrassed from the way his cheeks flushed, particularly the top of his cheeks hidden behind his hair burned red. The blush was far too adorable to be on a man that had killed hundreds of demons on his blade. And yet here he was, blushing heavily just for her. Maybe he was as inexperienced as Sabito said, but she always took Sabito's grandeur at face value. 
"Have you ever had sex with anyone before?" She wanted to at least have some bearing at his experience level before they started. If not to avoid overwhelming him, then at least to gage her expectations for his abilities. 
Giyuu's eyes flickered to Sabito's back, wondering if he had ever mentioned some of their exploration when they were younger. Was it sex? No, not truly, but it was sexual in nature. Light touches and watching each other to see what felt good. Things never escalated past that, especially when they became full fledged slayers that were busy on missions. 
He shook his head, a bit of unease washing over him. How could he compare to Sabito? She had to know they were on completely different levels. From how Sabito spoke of their escapades he had mastered her body. Giyuu had barely even seen a woman naked before. 
"Do you want me to take the lead for now?" One of her hands left their hold on his to cup his cheek. Unconsciously he leaned into the warmth of her touch and nodded. 
"Just tell me what you like." Even if he was unsure of himself, he'd do anything she asked for. 
"Well… I'd like for you to cuddle fuck me, but we can work up to that." Her casual laugh and smile really didn't match the words she spoke, at least not to him. He turned his face into her palm, as if hiding from her blunt answer. 
Taking her hand in his, he distracted himself by placing a few soft kisses from her palm to her finger tips. Happy hums entered his ears, clearly a noise of contentment from her. 
"Can I have a kiss? Please?" He had no idea why she would ask in such a way, but it did give him a small surge of pride - that she wanted his permission for just a kiss, that he had a tiny bit of power in the situation for once. Maybe this is the rush Sabito felt being the dominant force between the couple. 
His lips connected to hers without a second thought. Absently he was aware her hands had busied themselves along his neck, but he could care less when he could feel her warmth. How readily she responded, how her body moved with his as his hands pulled her closer by her waist - it pushed him into a world where nothing else mattered, just her and the touches they shared. 
As their kisses grew heated and lips parted he felt her tongue along his lower lip. He could almost moan at her taste when their wet muscles met. As gentle as ever she didn't fight him for dominance, rather just sensually rubbing her tongue along his, as if asking him to play with her. Her head tilted, pushing their mouths together just right as their heart rates increased. 
Her hands on his cheeks kept their kiss connected as she moved to sit on his lap. The relief in his neck sang praise to her idea, only to be silenced in comparison at his joy of feeling her body heat against him. He was painfully aware of the way her yukata parted to make room for her legs, leaving her thighs exposed. 
"And here I never thought you had it in you to be on top, even for a moment." Sabito teased his girlfriend, a smirk on his face as she broke the kiss to glare at him. Giyuu's face buried against her shoulder in embarrassment, prepared to hear that he wasn't a real man for letting her be on top. Still his hands held her steady on his lap, foregoing his distress at Sabito's opinion to make sure she didn't fall. 
"Sabito, you said you were just going to watch." Her pouting at her lover was cute to both men. Giyuu wanted to treasure such an adorable look while it made Sabito want to push her beyond making that expression. 
"You two haven't done anything worth watching yet. Your tits aren't even out either. Which is a shame, they look really cute when you're on your back." 
With a huff she turned back to the blue eyef man before her, biting her lip timidly as she took in his kiss drunk expression. 
"Would you like to see me naked?" She wouldn't admit it but she liked the idea of being naked before both men as they're fully clothed. Idly her fingers played down the exposed skin of Giyuu's chest as his yukata had shifted as they kissed. 
He nodded too eagerly, he knew his anticipation was too much to deny. Her hands pulled the obi along her waist, the cloth falling freely as the cloth of her yukata fell apart. His hands gripped the table behind her, somewhere to anchor himself as intimate flesh was revealed to him. 
"Will you undress me?" She didn't need to ask twice, not when his shaking hands pulled the fabric off her shoulders as the words left her mouth. His hands froze as her bare form was revealed to him, his mind reeling at her body. Blue eyes looked over her, taking in every inch of her skin, the curves of a woman he'd never seen before. 
"You're so beautiful." Captivating was really the best word, but all logical thought left him at the moment. His fingers forgot about her yukata, dropping it to hang in the bend of her arms as he grasped her waist, reveling in the soft skin. Leaning forward he kissed the center of her body, right below her breasts. Ocean eyes looked up at her, taking in the scent of her skin as he basked in her warmth. 
Her hands rested atop his head, combing her fingers through his hair. With a gentle urging of her fingers he tilted his head to one breast, opening his mouth to take her nipple between his lips. Both moaned, her at the sensation of his tender sucking and he at the taste of her skin. 
"Use your tongue- flick it." It was a breathless command, simple enough for him to follow through immediately. His hands flattened against her back as her spine arched, pushing her chest toward his pleasurable mouth. 
Sabito watched, not saying a word. He wanted to teach Giyuu what to do, how to touch her. For better or worse he agreed to not do that, at least the first time. She wanted to know how Giyuu would touch her without outside influence. Still Sabito thought it was a shame he couldn't latch to her other nipple. At least her bare, arched back was a pretty view. 
Giyuu switched sides, his eyes had grown unfocused and hazy as his thoughts scattered. For the moment all he cared about was pleasing her, hearing more of those pretty sighs that were painfully close to a moan. His tongue circled the neglected nipple before sucking it between his lips to nibble and tease. 
"Giyuu…" The softest moan of his name poured from her lips as she rolled her hips down, body screaming for friction to feed the fire of her need. Her hips shifted forward, leaving her sitting atop his cock. The movement pushed his yukata out of the way, thanks to her knees, but the fundoshi he wore separated them. 
His hands dropped to her hips, lightly grasping as she grinded her damp folds against his covered length. A soft groan was pulled from him, leaving his forehead pressed between her breasts as he gasped a silent breath. Her hips were unrelenting, even as he tried to hold her still. She was too eager and he dared not hold her tight enough to leave a bruise. 
"Put her on her back, she likes it." Even if Sabito told himself just to watch, he didn't want their fun to be over too soon. Not to mention he wanted a better view than just her back. He wants a whole show, not just some teasing. God help him if they cum from something so mundane and decide to stop before he can even get interested enough to wrap his hand around his cock. 
The girlfriend in question tilted her head back as her lover before looking forward at Giyuu with a hint of a playful smile. His hands guided her back, the swell of her ass bumping against the table before he lightly lifted her to sit atop it with her legs splayed open around his own. As he rose to his knees she dipped her head to meet his lips in a kiss. 
His hands pushed the yukata off her arms fully, his touch more confident than before. With her arms free she pushed his yukata off as well and reached for his fundoshi, a little displeased he wore it knowing well what their intentions were today. Still, she knew in her head that he'd never be so lewd as to walk around without proper clothing. He just wasn't that type of man. Her teeth bit as his lower lip tugging it as she pulled away before letting it slip from her hold. 
The moan he let out was airy, light, above all needy. Despite his innocence, he couldn't have looked more erotic, especially as his eyes lidded and cheeks darkened. His hands gripped her, one on the small of her back and the other on her breast, pinching the nipple below his fingers. Her own impure noises joined his before muffling herself against his neck. 
She placed attention along the column of his throat, tracing the line of his pulse with her lips - teasing with licks, nips, kisses - anything that made his breath stutter. Her hands went to work untying his undergarments as her lips sealed over the slope of his neck. It was a merciful spot, closer to the shoulder and easier to hide once the red flush left and filled in with bruising, leaving her mark on him. He should consider himself lucky she can pull off the twists of cloth so easily, no doubt due to repetition with Sabito. 
As the cloth dropped to the floor her chest swelled in pride as well as anticipation. She wondered what he looked like naked, if he was handsome in reality as she could make out behind his clothing. With one last nip to his collar bone she pulled back, gaze traveling from his chest downward. 
She could feel he was doing the same, especially as his hands rose to trace over the curve of her breasts, along her waist, down to her hips where his hands anchored themselves. Her eyes traced his toned muscles below pale skin, her own fingers tracing over scars along his abdomen. Unconsciously an airy noise left her as her nails scratched at his hips. A thin trail of dark hair traveled from his navel downward, stopping at the base of his length. It was obvious he had cleaned himself up for the occasion, not that she minded a bit.
Without a second thought her hand wrapped around his cock, stroking languidly. She wanted to take her time, feel the weight of it in her hand and watch as precum leaked from the tip. Carefully she pulled his foreskin back, just enough to expose the head but not the sensitive glands beneath. His hands fell to her thighs, gripping the soft flesh as her thumb traced over the slit on the head of his cock. If it didn't feel so good he would have been embarrassed at the whimper that slipped from his lips as she smeared the tip of his cock with his own juices. 
He felt the coil within him tighten and he knew he had to stop her. It was coming too fast, he didn't want things to end like this - he wanted to be inside her at least. His hand pushed her shoulder to urge her backward, one along her back to keep her from slamming against the table and hitting her head.
Deep blue eyes watched as she laid back, getting comfortable. For all that was worth, it didn't matter when his hands slid down to her hips to tug her to the very edge of the table. Her legs were forced open further as the position put her pussy on display for him. He had to bite his lower lip when he took her in, mindful that staring wasn't proper but uncaring as he watched a drop of her wetness leave her clenching core to soak her lower lips. 
Without a second thought he lunged forward, licking the escaping juices from her hole to her clit in a broad stroke. He did his best to forget about his weeping cock, ignoring how much harder he throbbed at her taste. A low groan echoed is his throat, reverberating against her cunt as he lapped at her folds. He wasn't sure what made women feel good, if anything he felt under prepared and cursed himself for blocking out most of Uzui's perverted ramblings about the sexcapades with his wives. He lives to regret that now. 
Still it didn't keep him from redoubling his efforts, licking passionately and noting any reaction of hers. The soft bud he bumped his nose against made her thighs tremble and he wasn't shy to wrap his lips around it. Taking initiative from how she instructed him to suck her nipples, he nibbled and flicked her clit with his tongue. More wetness greeted his chin and he prayed she'd be understanding that he needed to taste her. Dipping back down he pressed his tongue into her core, licking as deeply as he could as his nose bumped her clit. 
"Giyuu!" Her fingers dove into his inky locks, tugging the strands while keeping his face flush against her cunt. A deeper groan echoed from him, low enough to be considered a growl. Her shaking legs were held steady by his calloused hands, ignoring how they tried to close as her hips rolled against his face. "I-I can't - oh God. Please, don't stop. I'm gonna-" 
He didn't need to hear the rest, especially when a cry of pleasure broke from her. Harmonizing with her, he groaned deeply as he felt her clenching around his tongue as her hips  twisted with intensity against his face before her body went limp. He pulled away, watching her chest rise and fall as she remembered how to breath. His eyes flickered down to look at her spent pussy, dripping and flushed, swollen even, with the extra blood flow his actions caused. 
"(Y/N), you're really pretty." He didn't have the nerves within him to tell her directly that he thought she had a pretty pussy he would spend the rest of his life licking, but he hoped it sufficed. A small giggle bubbled from within her, tired and subdued, but still cute. 
Movement caught his attention, flicking his eyes from her sweat dampened face to see Sabito stroking himself at the scene. His hand was slow, taking his time as if to enjoy every moment of his girlfriend's playtime. 
The woman lazily turned on her stomach after shifting off the table, giving Giyuu a full view of her ass, as she crawled closer to Sabito. The way he could see just a hint of her cunt as her thighs became soaked with her juices was more than enough to distract him. Her whimpers up to her lover weren't missed by either men. 
"What is it? Didn't he make you cum?" Sabito's teasing didn't seem to affect her, especially as she dipped her head to lick at the base of his cock. Giyuu knew he should demand she come back to him, but watching the way her legs spread as she adjusted the weight on her knees left no room for discussion, especially as her pussy was put on display for him again. 
"Let me lick you." The peach haired man couldn't deny her pouting - not when she was so cute when doing it. He shifted higher on his knees, hand never leaving his length as her tongue licked her lips. Tenderly she kissed along his sack, moaning at the fullness, just knowing he had plenty of cum for her. Her tongue caressed his balls, lapping at the skin and bringing it into her mouth to lightly suck. 
"You're good, baby. But I think you forgot about your playmate." Giyuu sat tense as he watched his best friend reach to slap her ass. Even if she did moan, wasn't that brutal? "Now go back there and let him fuck you. Unless that part where you told me you wanted him to fill you with cum was a lie."
"No!" She whined, just like a brat, as her mouth left his body. "I want his cum, so don't tease me." A weak glare was sent his way as she turned to crawl towards Giyuu. Sabito would let most her sass go, but delivered a harsh smack against her ass that jolted her forward. 
Giyuu didn't wait for the cry she let out, so ignorant to the world of sex and the definite deferences between a yelp of pain and pleasure. He scooped her into his arms, pulling her chest to his and away from Sabito. Fingers brushed her hair from her face, searching her expression for distress. 
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Even if Sabito huffed at Giyuu, he didn't let go of her. Despite the fact it wasn't a bad slap, especially compared to some of the more brutal spankings he delivered, she cuddled into Giyuu's chest. It was nice to be immediately comforted. 
"I'm fine." It'd be tender for a little bit at worst, but by then she hoped to fucked out and unaware of much of anything. Still he looked over her shoulder, eyeing the red handprint on her skin. 
"Don't act like I'm abusing her, she's just soaking up the attention. Usually she's asking for more." Sabito laughed, not taking any of Giyuu's hard stares to heart. "She's not weak, she just likes being babied by you."
Giyuu was about to speak up when she nodded against his shoulder. Her eyes peeked up at him, so cute despite her lust. His heart swelled looking at her, especially when her lips pressed to his cheek. 
"You're such a sweetheart beneath your poker face." The praise, as innocent as it was, shot down to his cock. He prayed she didn't notice how he throbbed against her thigh. To keep his mind at bay he traced his fingers over the reddened flesh of her ass, petting the tender skin with reverence as if it would hurt her otherwise. It may have been an excuse to touch her, but above worshipping her form he wanted to provide comfort to her. 
"You two are such suckers for each other." Sabito felt a tinge of jealousy. He knew he could be gentle and get the same kind of reactions, but he didn't have the patience. He was fully planning on the both of them fucking like rabbits but he should have known better. Giyuu was a virgin with an obvious crush, of course he would take the time to treat the object of his affections in such a way. Still it was better than figuring out his best friend was into some absolute brutality in the bedroom. He'd rather deal with a lovesick fool between both choices. "Even if you don't spank her, which I don't understand why you wouldn't, you can still play with her ass if you like it so much."
Giyuu didn't want to admit it, but Sabito was right. His hands gently grasped the roundness of her ass, mindful to not dig his nails into her skin. She tucked herself closer, giving him a good view over her shoulder. Experimentally he squeezed, taking in the distinct combination of muscle and fat in his hands. Firm yet soft. Any hardness he had lost in worry for her was back at full force. 
"You like it?" It was a rhetorical question, but she wanted to hear his praise - not that she really needed more affirmation with his dick stiff and flush against her. Still he nodded, a soft yes muffled from his lips into her hair. She giggled to herself, glad he was treating her as if she were flawless. "Then watch this."
Her hold on his form let go, rather tucking her finger under the curve of her ass and pressing up, alternating sides causing her ass to jiggle. Sabito would have laughed at Giyuu's wide eyes if he wasn't captivated as well. The man in front of her felt his heart rate increase as it tried to slam out of his chest. His hands slide from the small of her back to where her own were, taking his opportunity to play with her body. 
She smirked to herself before tilting her head and kissing his cheek once more. "Can I play, too?" 
The woman didn't wait for an answer, rather pushing her ass out and moving until she was posed before him as she had in front of Sabito before. Those pretty blue eyes stared down at her, watching her movements. Her hand wrapped around his cock again, stroking lazily as she licked along the path of his happy trail, letting it lead her lower and lower. 
Giyuu gave up on making her almost lay on the floor for her prize, rather shifting to sit on his ass with his legs spread to give her room. Even if he wanted to keep groping her, he knew he needed to move on. His hands propped himself up, looking down at her as she pressed a kiss to the tip of his cock. His breath caught in his throat as she licked her lips with a hum, a sweet smile that was at odds with the fact she licked his precum from her mouth. 
"You taste good." As if that wasn't enough, she pressed the flat of her tongue along the underside of his cock, lapping from base to tip until the entirety of his length was soaked. Her hand glided over his dick with much less resistance, using just enough grip to use the extra skin to reduce friction while massaging the muscle beneath. Sabito must have taught her well, and for once Giyuu was glad the other water pillar was a pervert. 
"Tell me when you get close, okay?" He nodded deftly, watching as she kissed along his hips. Her hand slowed as her lips pressed to his sack, pressing open mouth kisses to the sensitive skin. Her tongue laved over his balls before taking one into her mouth, giving the most gentle suction with a hum that left his eyes rolled back. At this point she didn't even need to touch his cock, just her tender treatment of his balls could be enough to make him cum. 
Her other hand shifted below her, pressing the skin between his balls and hole, massaging gentle circles. Her hands gained a rhythm, working together to make him a shaking mess. Her hand tightly grasped the base of his cock right as he began throbbing, holding his release at bay as she drove him mad. It wasn't even fair, he couldn't even thrust into her mouth to find his end if he tried. 
"Damn baby, I never knew you were suck a cock tease." The lavender eyed man watched closely, taking in how her cunt clenched at the noises Giyuu made - which just caused her thighs to become a complete wreck of wetness - and how she lavished attention to the other water pillar. 
Parting her lips from Giyuu's balls, she gave the skin a tender lick before tilting her head over her shoulder. "He tastes good. And he's letting me do what I want, not being relentlessly  dominating like someone." Turning her head back to Giyuu she gave him a smile, sweet an adoring despite the fact they both needed the other to fuck them as soon as possible. "You're doing so good, Giyuu."
"You're just trying to get him horny enough to cum buckets." Sabito knew her game, he wasn't new to it in the slightest. Especially her breeding kink, something he conveniently forgot to tell Giyuu about. It was surprising she wasn't pregnant yet, as much as she made him cum inside her. For now he considered it a miracle. Perhaps Giyuu would have more luck. "Are you going to let him fuck you or are you gonna tease him to death? Have mercy on him, he's going to have blue balls, especially the way you've been sucking on them."
She bit her lip at the thought, her eyes locked with Giyuu's as her hand pulled his foreskin back, exposing the sensitive skin to her touch. His hip bucked up, fucking into her hand at the feeling of her finger tips gracing the delicate skin. 
"Do you want to cum?" The moment the words left her lips he nodded vigorously, panting an unintelligible mess of pleas. She squirmed in place at such an expression but she stayed on the task at hand. "I want to try something. It'll feel good but it'll take some time, okay?" 
Even if that confused him, he nodded anyway. He knew she was gentle and would never hurt him - not to mention she was more experienced, she knew what she was doing. She leaned forward, moving to hover over him. "You trust me, right? I promise I'll take good care of you." 
"Yes, (Y/N)." Despite the fact she had something in mind he leaned up to kiss her, a hand cupping her cheek. Inside he just wanted to tug her into his lap push up into her warm, wet depths, but he let it be for now. Parting from his lips, she nuzzled her nose against his for a moment before pulling away. 
"Just a moment." She padded across the room, hips swaying with her movement that captivated both men. Neither really watched what she was doing, rather staring at her ass and thighs until she returned with a bottle of oil and a few cloths. 
"Damn, baby. You're gonna do that?" Sabito gripped his dick tighter for a moment before letting go to keep his excitement at bay. 
"You make it sound sinister. I'm just going to make him feel good. I know what it's like anyway." Turning back to Giyuu she smoothed a hand over his thigh, her thumb rubbing soft circles over the smooth skin. "Lift your hips for me for just a second, okay?" 
While he complied with her demands tension grew in him. Just what was she going to do that would get such a reaction from Sabito? As she slid a cloth under him, her hands groped his ass, leaving his hips arched up as his shoulders laid against the floor. 
"You have a nice ass, too. You're so handsome." He blushed heavily at her compliments as his hips lowered back to the floor but his embarrassment didn't end there as she urged his legs apart. 
"What are you doing?" Timid blue eyes stared up at her, his face burning as he realized she could see all of him. 
"Don't be scared. I'm going to massage your prostate." She felt her explanation was enough, but the confused look in his eyes told her he didn't understand. His innocence to the deeper end of sexuality was cute. "You'll cum so hard, baby. I just have to work my fingers inside you and you'll love it, I promise." 
He was hyper aware how his hole clenched at just the sound of that, both fear and excitement of the myriads of possibilities filling him. Tracing her lips over his chest she latch to his nipple, sucking tenderly. His back arched into her touch, a moan falling from his lips as her hand pinched and rolled the unattended nipple between her fingers. 
"She's put her fingers inside her ass enough, she knows what to do." Sabito could almost laugh at the expression Giyuu made at that, his eyes wide without looking at her directly. Rather his eyes locked to Sabito's. 
"Oh, you'll see. I don't want to spoil her surprise for you." 
A shiver of anticipation wracked down his back at the thought of her pushing her fingers inside herself, no matter which entrance she used. A soft touch to his thighs brought his attention back to her. 
"Let me know if anything hurts or feels weird, okay?" He distinctly noticed the slickness of her fingers as they trailed over his inner thighs. Not once in his life did he think the flesh would be so sensitive, yet it has his toes curling at just the feeling. 
Her fingers trailed higher, tracing where his thigh met his groin. His eyelids fluttered at the feeling before a breathy moan followed as she caressed his length with one hand as the other massaged below his sack. 
A gasp of her name fell from his lips and he didn't care anymore. It felt good, even if he wished Sabito wasn't watching him being topped by his girlfriend. At the same time it filled him with pride - the more dominating male had to watch his lover service him, make him cum and praise him. It was more than he could have dreamed of, so his embarrassment was forgotten for the moment. 
Her slick finger traced his hole and he willed his body to relax. It felt odd at first, he couldn't deny that, but as she poured more oil over his taint and hole he found himself giving in. At least he understood the cloth was below him to allow her liberal use of oil. 
His ass twitched below her fingertips, slowly letting one finger pass through the first ring of muscle. She didn't press forward, rather massaging the spot towards the front of his body. He expected it to hurt but rather he felt warmth filling him, making his hips buck against her hand. 
"Want more, baby?" His eyes cracked, catching her expression - a mixture of warmth and lust. How did he get so lucky? Still he nodded, willing to accept anything she gave him. Her finger pushed past the second ring of muscles, frowning when he bit his lip with a wince. 
"I know, it'll be over soon." Just to have mercy on him she shifted her hand on his cock lower, cupping his balls and massaging them gently in her palm. Gently her finger within him put light pressure on his walls, a soft, pulsing feeling overtaking the ache within him. His hands reached for something to hold on to, unconsciously reaching to her and pulling her closer. 
She shifted herself to straddle one of his legs, grinding her soaked cunt against his thigh. Her finger partially withdrew from him, pushing back in experimentally. The way his back arched and legs tensed left her humping against his leg. The friction on her clit gave her both relief and frustration. Knowing it felt good she set a decent pace with her fingers while still searching for the spot within him that would drive him mad. Admittedly she had never done this before, but she prayed it felt good for him. 
"Fuck!" His cry echoed in the room as his hand gripped her thigh. Her free hand left his cock, watching it jump at every press of her fingers. He sat up, balancing on one elbow to watch her work. He couldn't see her fingers but he easily recognized the way his dick twitched. 
He pushed his leg up, stilling her for a moment as the pressure on her cunt pushed her to her knees. The hand on her hip wasted no time, dipping between her thighs to run her soaked folds. Her slick made it easy for him to side his fingers inside her, collecting her wetness on his fingertips before coming back to circle her clit. Her own hand matched his pace, pressing against his depths until he couldn't articulate his fingers any longer. 
"I want to eat you out." His breaths left him in a huff, drool beginning to drip from the corner of his mouth. A whine of desperation came from the usually quiet man. "You taste so good, let me." 
Her hands left him, just for a moment, to shift her body over him and hover her cunt over his face as she kissed over the length of his cock. Her oil slicked hand slid under his thigh, prodding at his hole to let her in again. As his hips bucked down, her other hand wrapped around his length and her lips sealed to his sack. 
Giyuu was almost embarrassed at his moan, the sensations in how lower body and the erotic sight of her swollen, dripping pussy leaving him unable to hold back. Strong arms looped her body, pulling her against his mouth. His tongue worked fast, frantically lapping at her lips and clit between nibbles and sucks. His fingers, still drenched in her cum, came around her hip to circle her second entrance as his other hand gripped one cheek, keeping her spread open for him. 
Both were consumed in the other, feeding off of the others high. Her hips rolled against his lips, dragging her cunt along his lower face and wetting it with her slick. His hips bucked up needy and demanding until she took his cock in her mouth. Her skilled tongue circled the head and pressed along the nerve-rich foreskin before sucking and her finger plummeted in and out of him before adding another digit. 
"You two are fucking sluts. Bitches in heat." Sabito's words sounded derogatory, but Giyuu could only think of (Y/N) becoming insatiable with lust for him - he needed to make sure he kept her happy and full of cum. "I can't wait to fuck both of you."
The thought of having his insides stroked while her cunt milked his cock was too much. Involuntarily his hips bucked - sending his cock into her mouth every move up and fucking himself on her fingers on the way down. He eagerly sucked her clit, praying to make her cum before he lost his mind. As a warm hand cupped his balls as she pressed against his prostate he knew it was all over. 
Cries were muffled against her pussy as his body trembled. Shakes consumed him as her fingers insistently prodded his gland and balls as he came. His eyes rolled back into his head as his body spasmed into oversensitivity as she prolonged his orgasm. 
He felt light headed as he came back down, breathing heavily through his nose as her warm cunt still graced his lips. Her back arched as she sat up, rolling her hips back as she chased her own release. Cum dripped from her lips, her throat and mouth full and past the point she could swallow, and it cascaded down her collarbone and chest. 
"I'm probably never going to say this again, but Giyuu - stop eating her out. You have to see this." It wasn't rare for Sabito to see his lover so debauched, but never when she had been in control before - not that he let that happen often. He wasn't as selfish as to deny the other water pillar the chance to see her like this. 
It took some effort, but Giyuu managed to pull himself from her lower lips to see what Sabito was talking about. The moment his eyes saw the sheer amount of his cum falling down her lips - how it trailed down her neck and breasts before dripping in her lap - brought stiffness to his softening erection.
"Please!" She was so close, feeling the tightened coils within her relax as the stimulation had been taken from her. Without shame her hand dipped between her thighs to stroke her cunt. No matter what she tried - massaging her clit in tight circles, pressing her fingers inside herself to mercilessly pound against her g spot - nothing got her close like before. If she weren't at the brink of a lust filled drop she would have yelled at Sabito. 
"I need to cum. Please." Both men looked at each other, almost as if to see if the other would move to fulfill her request first. She was so desperate, so needy, that neither could look away for more than a moment. Her hands gripped the cloth below her in frustration, about the jump the first one that moved. 
"Fuck her first. I have a few ideas for afterwards." Sabito urged Giyuu forward where his lover moved in, wrapping her arms around him and bringing his lips against hers. The taste of their cum mixed and the dark haired man couldn't deny it was heavenly. Maybe it'd be ironic to make Sabito lick her clean after he cums in her, just so he can appreciate how good they taste. 
Between heated kisses and dances with their tongues she has ended up on her back below him again. Her hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it with intent as she watched him harden fully. Heavy breaths puffed from their lips as she pressed the tip of his length to her clit. His hand took over, using his dick to rub between her folds to collect wetness before running against the pleasure bud of nerves. 
"I need you inside. Please, Giyuu." Her legs spread wider, opening herself to him fully. The head of his cock caught at her entrance and he felt like he was melting. This was really the moment - he would no longer be a virgin. Excitement and anxiety pulsed through him in waves as he wondered if he would last inside her. Blue eyes watched her soaked cunt as he pressed inside, meeting just the lightest resistance before her body stretched to allow him inside. He sunk in deeper and deeper, unaware how far he had gone within her until their hips met. 
"Oh my God, Giyuu-" 
Both moaned, adjusting to the feeling of becoming one with the other. Her arms pulled him closer to her and her legs wrapped around his body, locking her ankles together behind his back. There was no need to hold on so tightly, especially when his arms encircled her, holding her close as his lips met hers in a messy kiss. 
His first thrusts were slow, unsure of what to do and how to move. Yet he slowly found a rhythm - balanced on his knees and elbows above her, kissing her breathless as his lower back put in the work of snapping his hips into her depths. 
"You're so warm, so good…" He wasn't even aware he was speaking, becoming too consumed in her loving heat to even think much about anything else. Subconsciously he knew he should think more of her pleasure and make sure she felt good too, but the moans muffled against his lips said as much as he needed to know.
"Giyuu, please. I need you." His head lifted to stare down at her, slowing his hips to roll deeply. 
"You have me. I'm all yours." He really meant it, too. For better or worse he was head over heels in love with her. He adjusted his arms, moving his hand to cup a breast. 
"I…" Her eyes shut tightly, brows furrowing as she bit her lip. "I need you to breed me." Her request came out as an airy moan, almost too quiet to be heard. Hearing that his hips slammed into her hard and deep before stilling. 
"Breed you?" He felt his hands shake at the thought - of her taking his cum, her stomach swelling with his child. It was a symbol of their connection, of his love to her. His hand on her breast strengthened its grasp, pinching his nipple between his fingers. "You want me to put a baby in you?" 
Her head nodded so fast it was dizzying. Feminine legs adjusted themselves, bringing her knees to her chest to allow him even deeper. His eyes took her in, how she displayed herself for him - how she put herself into a breeding press for him. All that was left was for him to follow suit. 
His legs adjusted, pushing himself atop her further. His thighs rested atop her ass as gravity let him push in deep enough to meet the end of her walls. His sack was snug between her ass cheeks, as if her body was designed to be out into a pree and bred for all she was worth. His forehead rested against hers as his hips rocked into her core. 
"Giyuu! You're so deep. You're pressing against my womb." With her legs held by his arms in this position she found it difficult to cling to his shoulders. Rather she reached down, feeling his lower back and the rolling muscles beneath the skin as he worked to make her feel good. Her hands drifted lower, grasping the roundness of his ass and pushing him in as deep as he could go.
He watched the way her eyes rolled back, how her jaw went lax and her legs shook. She was so beautiful like this - at the mercy of his cock, on the brink of release, face distorted with pleasure and her chin to her chest dirtied with his drying cum. This was everything he ever wanted and more.
With renewed vigor he thrusted into her, short and deep strokes, to never let up on the spot that brought her so much pleasure. Her moans were no longer sweet and airy, but now garbled messes of sounds that were once his name that were cried loud enough for all to hear. 
His head dipped down, biting her throat as a feral need to mark her as his over took his logic. It didn't matter that she belonged to Sabito - for the moment she was his and he would pump her full of cum until she could never forget it. 
"Fuck, I-" Satisfied with his mark he pulled back, resting his forehead against hers to watch her lidded eyes. "I can't take it much longer."
"Giyuu! Please. Inside me." Her hand reached down, stroking her clit in time with his thrusting. "Please cum in me. I need it."
"Dammit!" He felt her walls pulse, squeezing down on his shaft as if to milk him of his cum. "I'm about to-" 
"Me too."
He laid against her, chest to chest. Despite the adrenaline and the rush, he didn't forget when she said she wanted him to cuddle fuck her. Anything she wanted he would give her, no matter the request. 
"I-I-" His hands cupped her cheeks, bringing her blurred vision to him as her fingers pinched her sensitive clit. "Fuck, I need you to cum. I love you, I love you so much. Cum for me."
His command was followed immediately - her body arched and trembled, her walls clenching rhythmically around his cock as he let go. Her body milked his cock for all he was worth, making his seed flow into her. He hadn't cum so hard in his life, two earth shattering orgasm back to back leaving him lightheaded.
"I love you, too." Her voice was soft, just a horse whisper given her previous load moans. He was shocked, no believing he had even said all of that out loud. But still it made his chest fill with warmth. His lips sealed to hers, tenderly kissing the woman of his dreams. 
Sabito watched with a tinge of jealousy. Just a touch, nothing he would ever admit to. He knew she loved him dearly, but he knew well she had a sweet spot for the lonely water pillar. On the other hand, that might be a good thing and they had their way about making a baby. 
"Don't get too soft on me now. I think you both have another round left in you." The peach haired man eyed the oils that laid forgotten across the room, almost smiling with a glint in his lavender eyes. Two tired sets of eyes lulled over to him, lazily watching as they felt their heart rates return to a normal rate slowly. 
"You two are such a mess. You even got your own cum on you, Giyuu." Blue eyes blinked at that, not realizing he had smeared his own drying seed on his chest and chin when kissing and cuddle fucking her. Not that he minded, not when she was involved. He'd do anything for her. 
Sabito picked up the bottle oil, moving to sit next to the pair. As he grew closer they untangled their limbs, though not completely separating. 
"So this is gonna be how it works." His assertive tone was back, making shivers run down both his girlfriend and Giyuu's spines. Such authority in their afterglow did something special - particularly making both too soft and unwilling to argue. "I'm going to fuck one of you. And you're still going to fuck each other. You get to decide how, but I'm gonna cum inside someone tonight."
His lover bit her lip at the thought, possibilities running through her mind as she and Giyuu sat up. Giyuu, on the other hand, looked at Sabito's cock with a tinge of fear. He knew that technically he could take Sabito, but he hadn't had but a couple of fingers inside him - and that was a process to just those in. 
"I know what I want." The woman wiggled in anticipation, glowing as she realized her boyfriend gave her chance that she had forgotten about on her rush to cum. 
"Is it your surprise for him, baby?" She nodded eagerly, vibrating in excitement, at least emotionally. Giyuu looked between the two with a moment of confusion. Sabito only smiled to himself and handed her the oil. 
"Can I get a kiss? From either of you?" Sabito didn't wait for the end of her sentence to seal his mouth to hers, biting her lower lip before pulling away. Giyuu's kiss was more chaste, his timid nature returning. 
She settled into Sabito's lap, legs spread open and feet placed outside of his thighs. Giyuu could only watch as his thick cum dropped from her used entrance and submitted to gravity. Her fingers, oil slicked, reached down with the drop of cum to rub it into her second entrance. Sabito took to holding her legs behind the knees, keeping her spread open for their visitor to watch. 
Her fingers massaged the ring of muscle, firm but gentle as she pushed a finger into her ass. His cum dribbled down, allowing her to push his cum into her other hole. Giyuu held his breath, watching as she prepared herself in front of him. He was amazed how needy she was, how she worked herself into heavy breathing so soon after cumming. 
Sabito let go of her leg and tilted the bottle of oil above her. The slick substance coated her cunt, lubricant spreading from her lower lips to her thighs. Sabito's hand joined in, rubbing small circles on her clit as she scissored the fingers in her ass. 
"Your pussy is so pretty like this." He took his time rubbing between her folds before returning to her tender bud only when she whimpered. Giyuu watched in fascination. It was so erotic, it was almost too much. "Are you gonna tell him about his surprise?" 
Giyuu tilted his head, confused what else there could be. After all, this was more than he had ever expected. Yet when her eyes flickered to his he couldn't deny he was interested. Her oil slicked fingers pulled from her ass before she crawled closer. 
"I want you inside me. I want you to fuck my ass." Her lubricated hand found his cock, stroking it to stiffness. "I want my first to be you, I know you'll take care of me."
"First?" He almost stuttered at the thought, eyes searching hers before Sabito spoke up. 
"She wanted to give that particular honor to you. Think of it like a second virginity." He didn't mention that she was scared he would tear her open, given how thick he was. Even without that he is sure she'd save something special for Giyuu. 
The cock in her hand returned to hardness at that. He wasn't ready to admit it, but he liked the idea of it all. Loved it even. She trusted him with this, with something that could be uncomfortable yet feel so good. There was also a sense of pride - he would have done something to her Sabito hadn't done. At least yet. 
"Please? I really want it to be you." She looked so cute when she begged, he understood why Sabito liked it so much. Without a second thought he nodded. She stole a kiss, his lips tender but fast as she pulled away. 
Right as his hips began to roll into her stroking she withdrew her hand. The bottle of oil, almost empty now, had the rest of its contents poured on his cock. It dipped down his balls, but he found he didn't mind the sensation so much. Her hips settled on his lap with her ass facing him, her hand guiding his dick to her ass. The tight ring of muscle had him choking even if she had only the head of his length inside. 
"You look so sexy like that, baby. Take his dick, open up that pretty ass for him. I know you can take it." Sabito edged closer, moving until he sat in front of her. His hands held her hips, helping her bounce on the first few inches of Giyuu cock. 
As she matched his pace he let one hand wander from her hip downwards, stroking over the soaked lips of her cunt. Giyuu struggled not to thrust up into her, but he gave in to gentle rolls of his hips. Bit by bit she was beginning to take all of him. 
"Baby girl," Sabito kissed her lips as the hand not petting her pussy trailed to her neck, lightly wrapping his hand around the column of her throat as a lingering reminder of his control, "I need you to take all of his cock. Right. Now."
His hand tightened around her throat and pushed down, causing her will to crumble under his force. Choked moans  were muffled behind her lips as her eyes rolled. Giyuu's head shot back as she took him to the hilt, her ass so much tighter than her cunt. Immediately Sabito let up on his hold, cupping her cheek gently as he pushed his fingers into her sopping core. 
"That's a good girl, so good. I bet you feel nice and full, don't you?" She nodded, tightening around Giyuu as she subconsciously clenched. Her hips twisted, shifting to feel her boyfriend's fingers stroking a tender place on her walls. "Want me inside you, too?" 
Giyuu's eyes widened at that, unsure how she could fit both of them, even if Sabito was going to be inside her cunt. Yet it had begun, her body shifting positions to lay her back against him to give Sabito room between her spread legs. The feeling was odd but nice. He never imagined he would be feeling Sabito's cock through the walls between his girlfriend's cunt and ass. 
Both men pressed in as deep as possible, her body taking all of them. She was sandwiched between them, kept in place with their strength. Sabito moved first, the lube on the other two causing obscene slapping noises as his hips met hers and his balls bounced against Giyuu's. The more timid man barely had to move to feel pleasure - between her clenching walls and the head of Sabito's cock running against him through her flesh, he felt as if this was something he had wrongly denied himself for years. Why hadn't he done this sooner? It felt so good. 
"Deep, deep." Her pleas weren't even needed, not when both men wanted the same thing. 
"You like your needy womb rubbed with our clocks, don't you? My dirty little slut." Sabito sounded so vulgar, but it was obvious that she enjoyed such a spot stimulated, even to Giyuu. 
The man below her started to move gently pushing and pulling within her. Even if everything was slick with oil Giyuu was still timid to rapidly pound into her ass the way Sabito did to her pussy. 
"Please, I-" Her hand reached down, rubbing her clit again before Sabito slapped it away. Rather he grabbed Giyuu's hand, placing it against the top of her folds. 
"You're barely moving. Play with her pussy." Sabito was commanding but he wasn't wrong. To be fair he was scared of cumming too fast if he did move, but he was just as happy to make her feel good. Ragged cries were pulled from her lips, her cunt clenching in a way she hadn't felt before. 
"So full… Fuck." Her head lolled back to Giyuu's shoulder to find a place to rest as the sensations in her lower half became overwhelming. 
"Are you gonna cum just from being stuffed full of cock? Do it then. Be a good slut and cum all over our clocks." Sabito, as eager and horny as he was, spoke up first. 
"It's okay, just let go." Giyuu, as always, was more gentle. His fingers pinched her clit, rolling it between his fingers until Sabito's own hand joined the fray. His thumb flicked over the top of her clit overwhelming her senses as he pushed his cock along her deepest walls. 
"Cum in me - please, please, please." Her words lacked coherence from there forward, not that she needed it with both men rubbing on along either side of her womb. Too soon she fell into her release, her walls clenching both men painfully tight and milking them for all the cum they were worth. A wail of pleasure echoed from her lips as her eyes rolled and her back arched. Before consciousness left her she felt both men fulfilled her request - in both holes she was full of cum. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
If you write more for the NM/LW/WWX fic I would lose my entire mind
part 1, part 2
“You know that I was joking, right?” Nie Mingjue asked his younger brother, feeling a little bemused.
He’d only meant to tease a little: it hadn’t taken much time in Wei Wuxian’s presence to realize that the man was inclined towards physical contact with others that often blurred (or simply ignored) the line of propriety, so finding him having clambered into Lan Wangji’s lap to win an argument hadn’t been really a surprise – and neither was Lan Wangji’s reaction, which was to act as though Nie Mingjue had walked in on the two of them engaged in adultery.
Ah, the Lan sect and their rules.
Nie Mingjue was very bad at teasing, actually, a fact Nie Huaisang never failed to mock him over; he had very early on in life perfected an expression that revealed nothing and had somewhere along the line forgotten how to do anything else with his face, and so people invariably took him to have no sense of humor at all when that wasn’t the case at all.
He wasn’t sure if this counted as another instance of that.
Wei Wuxian was so enthusiastic about the idea, too – talking about how convenient it would be (for what?), the political benefits they would derive (never specified), and how it solved all the problems (there had been problems?) – and Lan Wangji was just bright red all the time, stealing glances underneath his lashes, and –
To be perfectly honest, Nie Mingjue had no idea how this had all happened.
Oh, the beginning had been clear enough. Nie Mingjue had never actually seriously considered the question of marriage, having always planned to leave the sect to his younger brother – no matter how Nie Huaisang protested, Nie Mingjue was determined that it would go to him in time, and to his children thereafter, and perhaps at last his ancestor’s line would no longer be afflicted with their hereditary rage which was only in part due to their cultivation style.
Since he didn’t intend to have children, he didn’t intend to marry – his choices were his own, and not something he would impose on a woman – and that had been that, at least until Jiang Cheng had burst in through his door with an ancient contract in hand.
A cutsleeve marriage hadn’t ever occurred to him as an option, but Jiang Cheng had been desperate, all but throwing himself down on his knees to ask that Nie Mingjue consider the proposal as the only means to save his shixiong and his sect, plus a political bargain besides.
It had seemed as decent an option as any. The love match between the Jin heir and the Jiang daughter was extremely convenient for the Jin sect; this would be a good way to balance things out, and keep the inexperienced and still healing Jiang sect from becoming mere weapons in the hands of Lanling Jin.
After thinking it over, Nie Mingjue had expressed his consent, agreed to handle all the arrangements, and then gone to tell Nie Huaisang about it.
“Are you sure about this?” Nie Huaisang had asked, oddly solemn and intense. “What about – the other parts of marriage?”
“Sex, you mean?” he’d replied. He’d faced up years ago to the fact that Nie Huaisang was an unusually avid collector (and a purveyor, at this point) of erotic art, and who even knew where he’d gotten the taste for it; it was easier to just be blunt and straightforward about this sort of thing than try to dance around the subject. “I’m willing to follow his lead. Sect Leader Jiang said he was agreeable, but that could be just to the political aspect; if he prefers not to be in my bed, I can find relief elsewhere.”
“And if he does want to be in your bed?”
“Then I’ll bed him,” Nie Mingjue had said, not really seeing the issue. His tastes had always been as straightforward as he was, without discrimination by gender or even overly much by appearance; if they liked him, and he liked them, it was good enough for him – why bother thinking it over any more than that? “He seemed lively enough.”
Nie Huaisang had sighed. “Yes, he’s lively all right; more importantly, he’s competent, and that’s been your thing since forever. But that’s not – a marriage isn’t just sex. I know what you’re like, da-ge, better than anyone: when you’re sincere, you’re sincere, and nothing can be done about it. I’d even assumed, once, that you would end up marrying – well, never mind. The question remains: even if you’re indifferent now, what happens if you fall in love?”
“Then I’d be in love with my husband?” Nie Mingjue had hazarded. “That doesn’t seem like a problem?”
Nie Huaisang had groaned, declared Nie Mingjue ‘a useless good-for-nothing when it comes to romance’, and agreed to handle all aspects of the marriage going forward.
And now –
“Oh, yes, I know you were joking when you said that,” Nie Huaisang said, tapping his fan to his lips the way he did when he was scheming something. It was usually something stupid (how to get out of responsibilities, how to get something he wanted, how to pull a truly amazing prank on someone he disliked) but in all actuality Nie Mingjue’s brother was incredibly smart, endlessly stubborn, and highly capable, no matter how he tried to hide his light under a bushel. There was a reason Nie Mingjue wanted their sect to go to him. “But the question is – are you?”
Nie Mingjue stared at him. “What?”
“You don’t have to be joking,” Nie Huaisang said. “You could marry them both. It’s not as if our treasury couldn’t afford the dowries, especially after all our victories in the war.”
“But there isn’t any reason for it. We already have a connection to the Lan sect – I’m sworn brothers with their sect leader!”
“Yes,” Nie Huaisang said patiently. “There is no political benefit to it whatsoever. You could still do it.”
Nie Mingjue opened his mouth, then closed it, and then finally shot Nie Huaisang a look that asked him to explain.
“Wei-xiong and Lan-er-gongzi are both extremely desirable,” Nie Huaisang said. “They’re brilliant cultivators, incredibly smart, incredibly powerful, highly principled – Wei-xiong had the integrity to stand up for the Wen remnants even against the entire cultivation world, Lan-er-gongzi has always acted for the greater good without any doubt or reservation. There’s a reason they’re ranked so highly in the list of young masters.”
He leaned back in his seat, shifting over and starting to idly fan himself.  
“Take Lan-er-gongzi: he’s one of the most technically skilled cultivators of my generation, whether in music, sword, archery, or otherwise; there’s isn’t one of the six arts in which he’s lacking, and he’s already known for always being where the chaos is, no matter how little fame it may bring him. Wei-xiong, in turn, is among the most creative cultivators alive, inventing not only an entire new path of cultivation but a myriad of inventions that have proven helpful to all– the spirit attraction flag, the compass of evil, just to name two – and he’s shared them openly, without the slightest inclination to keep them back for his own sect over others. In short, both of them have qualities you greatly admire in people.”
Nie Mingjue nodded. There was nothing wrong with Nie Huaisang’s analysis, excepting only his omission that they had both been fierce advocates of his war against the Wens, both having made significant contributions both on their own merits and through their advocacy – without the two of them, the war might not yet have been won.
For Nie Mingjue, whose filial duty to his father demanded Wen blood, that was a strong mark in their favor.
“Based on what you’re telling me,” Nie Huaisang continued, “for whatever reason, both of them seem to be interested in you. You’re one of the few people who can reliably read Lan expressions: if you tell me Lan Wangji isn’t opposed to the idea, it’s all but saying that he’s fiercely in favor of it. Wei Wuxian hasn’t been even remotely shy about how much he likes the concept. So that brings me to my question: do you want them?”
Nie Mingjue opened his mouth, only to find a fan on his lips, silencing him.
“I want you to think about this seriously, da-ge,” Nie Huaisang said. “If you’re really determined for me to be the next Sect Leader Nie, you’ll eventually have to listen to me, so start now. For once in your life, don’t think about the sect. Don’t think about me. Don’t think about anything. No considerations, no benefits and disadvantages, nothing at all. Just close your eyes, think about the two of them, think about the fact that you can have them if you want them, and then tell me – do you want them?”
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binary5tar · 3 years
Once Upon a Dream
Pairing: Yoonmin (Yoongi/Jimin)
Genre/AU: Smut, Supernatural/Demon AU, strangers to lovers
Rating: E for Explicit
Warnings/Tags: Smut, Demons, Incubi/Succubi, Demon Jimin, Virgin Jimin, First Time
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: Yoongi meets the man of his dreams. Literally. Jimin has been visiting Yoongi's dreams for weeks and finally decides to show up in person. Yoongi is surprised to discover not only is Jimin real, and an incubus (aka a sexy sex demon), he is also a cute blushing virgin. Yoongi kindly offers to change that last part.
A/N: So, this is my first fic in a while. And the first fic with smut in even longer. I'm feeling a little out of practice so please forgive any awkwardness. This was written for @chemicalpink​ for a fic exchange with The BTS Writers' Club. It also fits the July monthly prompt of "x to lovers" as Strangers to Lovers. And because I love double dipping apparently it is also filling my Min Yoongi bingo square for BTS Writing Bingo.
Link: AO3
Yoongi answered the door to the last face he ever expected to see.
"You!" He blurted. He froze but his gut twisted with desire.
In his doorway stood the man of his dreams. Literally. Yoongi had dreamt about him many times over the past few weeks. He was dressed casually in well fitted jeans and a loose white t-shirt with a jean jacket over it. His black hair hung slightly in his face and his lips quirked in a smile.
"Me," he agreed.
Yoongi blinked. He couldn't be real. Yoongi had assumed his mind had conjured up his ideal type and been haunting him with it. Not that there was an actual person who looked like the man from his dreams. Maybe they had met sometime before and Yoongi had just forgotten.
"I'm sorry. But, um, do we know each other? Have we met?" Yoongi asked. Every detail of his face was etched in Yoongi's memory and part of him wanted to bury his fingers in the man's hair and kiss him breathless. But, that was crazy, right?
The man looked offended at the question. "Of course. I'm Jimin. I've been in your dreams many times. I didn't realize I was that easily forgettable." Jimin pouted slightly.
"You're not!" Yoongi assured him. "I-" Yoongi wasn't sure what to say. There was no way this was real. People don't share dreams. And yet, he couldn’t deny that Jimin felt so familiar.
Yoongi just stood there staring dumbfounded until Jimin shifted nervously. “Can I come in?” he asked.
Yoongi suddenly remembered his manners and jumped back. "Please. Make yourself at home. I’m sorry for the mess.” Yoongi was suddenly grateful that in the dreams the background was just hazy grey. Nothing had really mattered outside him, his partner and the bed. He swallowed thickly as the memories flooded his mind. “Would you like something to drink?" Yoongi ran one hand through his hair. He didn't know the protocol for having a guest that was both a total stranger and someone he'd dreamt, countless times, with varying degrees of intensity, about fucking.
Jimin for his part looked mildly amused at Yoongi's confusion.
"How?" Yoongi finally asked. It was the only word bouncing around in his head.
"Oh… I'm an incubus." 
Jimin said it as though that explained everything but Yoongi was still confused. He vaguely remembered stories about incubi and succubi seducing humans and having their way with them. But he'd assumed, like most rational, sane people, those were stories made up to explain vivid dreams, pre-marital sex and adultery.
"An incubus?"
"A, well uh, a sex demon." Jimin smiled a little awkwardly but tried to push past it. "Is it too vain to say a sexy sex demon too?" He grinned.
He was stunning, gorgeous, sexy, Yoongi had mentioned it to Jimin in the dreams. But right now, Yoongi was still confused and starting to get slightly concerned. Either he was going crazy or... He swallowed nervously. "Are you going to kill me now?" If he was a demon, there probably wasn't much Yoongi could do about it but he still tried to run through anything he could use as a weapon.
Jimin looked shocked. "What? No! Why would I…?" He sighed, twisting his fingers nervously. "Look, I just wanted to meet you in person. If it's freaking you out too much I can leave." He took a step toward the door.
"No!" Yoongi put out his hands to stop him and moved to block the door. "It's just weird. I've been dreaming about you for weeks. I thought I was going crazy. But…You're real." He could hear the wonder, even reverence, in his voice. He wanted to reach out a hand to touch Jimin’s face and confirm he was solid but held himself back. Dreams were different from reality and what was allowed there, probably wasn’t here.
"Yeah." Jimin stopped fidgeting. He met Yoongi's eyes and they stared at each other for a moment, the air becoming charged. For as often as Yoongi had dreamed of Jimin, he'd thought about Jimin during his waking hours too. He'd wondered what Jimin would be like if he were real. He'd felt a chemistry that had gone beyond sex but the dreams never allowed them to explore it much. Now, Jimin was here, in his kitchen.
"So." Yoongi swallowed. "What does this mean? If you aren't here to kill me…"
Jimin toed at the floor. "I just wanted to talk to you. We've only gotten bits of conversations in the dreams after…"
"You're blushing!" Yoongi couldn't help the exclamation that burst from him. "You're a sex demon. A sexy sex demon. And you're blushing talking about dirty dreams." Yoongi chuckled when Jimin blushed further but frowned again. "...wait...were they dreams or did they actually happen?"
Jimin shook his head. “They were dreams. It's just part of my power to be able to enter humans’ dreams, to…um..." He faltered but eventually finished. "Feed.”
Yoongi gulped. "Feed?" Maybe Jimin wasn't going to kill him now, maybe he was just slowly killing him in his dreams. He didn’t want to die but couldn’t help thinking it might almost be worth it. Almost.
Jimin hurried to explain. "Yes, incubi and succubi feed off human sexual energy. It regenerates within a week, sometimes less depending on the person. So we can enter dreams to… well you know…and it doesn't hurt the humans so long as we don't… feed… too often." Jimins cheeks were pink again.
Yoongi chuckled. "You're blushing again." It was cute. And made Yoongi want to squish his cheeks. Had he ever thought demons were real he wouldn't have imagined he'd want to squish their cheeks. "Aside from being gorgeous, you aren't really what I pictured a sex demon to be like."
Jimin seemed bothered by this comment, pouting his lower lip out, furthering his cuteness. "I… I'm young. And somewhat inexperienced."
Yoongi chuckled again, darker this time as his mind filled with memories of their escapades. "You didn't seem inexperienced in the dream."
Jimin was now as red as a tomato. "I, uh, dreams are dreams. It's easier."
Yoongi wasn't sure what that meant. "Huh. Well, the blushing is still kind of cute."
"Thanks," Jimin mumbled, looking away embarrassed.
"How young is young for a demon?" Yoongi expected he was hundreds of years old or something, like vampires from romance books, and was ready to make a crack about looking good for his age.
"I'm 22," Jimin said. "We age the same as humans. Aside from different sources of energy and a few special powers, we aren't all that different." He shrugged, his blush starting to subside.
Yoongi's curiosity was piqued. "How often do you… feed? Fuck? I'm not sure what you'd call the mind blowing dreams," he said with a lascivious grin.
"Feeding," Jimin was quick to answer. "Only once a week or so."
"Wait...So then why was I dreaming of you more than that?" Yoongi drew his brows together thinking. He'd definitely dreamed about Jimin more than once a week.
"Y-you were?" Jimin seemed equally confused. "That must have been your own mind then."
"Oh." It was Yoongi’s turn to be embarrassed. "I probably wasn't your only source of food either."
"No...you were."
Yoongi felt a little better. If Jimin kept coming back, maybe he had enjoyed their nights together too. "If I've been your only source of food for a few months now. Doesn't that get boring? Isn't it like a human having the same thing everyday?"
Jimin hesitated. "Most incubi would say yes but… um… I quite enjoyed my, er, time with you." He brushed his hair out of his face, cheeks burning again. "It's why I came to meet you in person," he mumbled.
Yoongi laughed. "We've fucked a bunch in my dreams. And you're apparently a literal sex demon. There's really no need to blush like a virgin everytime sex comes up." 
Jimin gave a weak chuckle. "Oh, yeah, right."
Something about the way he agreed made Yoongi curious. "Wait… you aren't actually a virgin, right? You've had sex, outside of dreams?"
Jimin toed at the floor again and didn't answer.
"But wait, is it even different for you in dreams? For a human it is. Those were vivid dreams but they were still dreams. Maybe for you it isn't like that?"
"It's… I don't…. I don't know," Jimin muttered. He was sticking out his lower lip again. "Other incubi say it is."
"So… you are a virgin!" Yoongi exclaimed.
Yoongi laughed in surprise. "I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh. It's not bad. It really doesn't actually mean anything. It's just odd that… you… of all people are a virgin."
"You don't have to keep rubbing it in," Jimin pouted. He was still cute, all frowny and mad, but Yoongi could tell it was actually bugging him.
"I'm sorry," Yoongi said sincerely. "I'm not trying to rub it in. Like I said, it doesn't even matter. It's such a made up thing."
"Easy for you to say," Jimin huffed.
Yoongi shrugged. "True." A thought occurred to him. "I could help you with that if it's a problem?" He grinned slyly, arching an eyebrow. He stepped closer, into Jimin’s space. The tension between them was familiar. He knew how to make Jimin feel good and he was eager to prove it.
Jimin shook his head and backed up till his back hit the wall. "No no, that's not it. It's okay. I wanted to talk to you. Just… get to know you."
Yoongi frowned. He’d been the one asking all the questions. He cocked his head to the side, still slowly closing the distance between them. "Oh, then what do you want to know?"
Jimin licked his lips. "Um. I don't know anymore." 
It was obvious Jimin was frazzled from Yoongi's nearness. He waited to see if Jimin would say anything then stepped closer.
"What’s your favorite color?" Jimin blurted.
Yoongi paused. "White. Yours?"
Yoongi took another step.
 "When's your birthday?" Jimin asked nervously. He was looking at Yoongi, his eyes round and flicking to his lips every few seconds.
"March 9th."
"October 13th. You're a pisces."
Yoongi nodded in agreement. "Any other questions?"
Jimin made a pained expression. "All I can think about right now is whether your lips are as soft in real life as they are in the dream."
"I can answer that too." Yoongi stepped forward again, now close enough to feel Jimin's heat. "And… you know… there's plenty of time for talking… later. I've got all night." He put one hand on the wall next to Jimin and stepped close enough their thighs were just touching.
Jimin met his gaze, his eyes wide and dark. "Yeah?"
Yoongi licked his lips and hummed in agreement. Jimin smelled amazing, sweet and intoxicating, better even than he had in his dreams. Yoongi reached out to cup Jimin’s face and stroke his lower lip with his thumb. He was as solid as Yoongi had been hoping, so either this was a very vivid dream or hallucination or it really was real. Yoongi had stopped caring either way. "...Jimin?"
"Yes?" He said breathlessly.
"Can I kiss you?" Yoongi asked.
Yoongi closed the space between them, pressing Jimin against the wall. Jimin’s hands came up to find their usual place, one around Yoongi’s waist and one buried in the hair at the nap of his neck. 
Their lips met eagerly, moving against each other in practiced patterns. The lightest pressure of Yoongi’s thumb on Jimin’s chin had him opening invitingly. As they explored each other's mouths, Yoongi let his hands explore Jimin’s body, finding the familiar jut of Jimin’s hip bone, the pebbled hardness of his nipples, and the delicate curve of his ass. Everything was familiar but given new life in reality. Jimin’s hands on his body were like brands, raising heat wherever they went.
Yoongi finally had to gasp for air, pulling away sharply but staying close enough to brush his forehead against Jimin’s. Jimin swayed, his head knocking against Yoongi’s hard enough to hurt.
“Ouch.” Yoongi leaned his head away and got a better look at Jimin. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes glazed. “Are you okay?”
Jimin shook his head and blinked a few times. “Yeah, sorry. I guess it is different in person.”
Yoongi brushed Jimin’s hair off his forehead. “We can stop,” he said, though every inch of his flaming skin begged Jimin to say no. “Just talk, like you wanted.”
Jimin shook his head again. “No I…” He wound his arms around Yoongi’s neck but looked away. “I want to keep going… if you do.”
“Oh, I definitely do.” Yoongi ground himself against Jimin’s hip so he could feel just how much he wanted to keep going. Jimin moaned when Yoongi’s thigh rubbed against his erection. “Want you so bad,” Yoongi mumbled against Jimin’s lips.
“Yes,” Jimin gasped.
Yoongi broke the kiss to meet Jimin’s eyes. They were a little hazy still, dark with want. “We can go slow. If it’s too much, tell me.”
Jimin nodded.
Yoongi took Jimin’s hand and led him to the bedroom. He quickly shed his own baggy t-shirt before helping Jimin with his own. The sight of Jimin shirtless made his mouth water. He marveled at the smooth skin, solid beneath his palms, he could feel Jimin’s heart beating frantically and the red flush of warmth across his chest.
Jimin seemed to be doing the same, combing gentle fingers through Yoongi’s hair and running his hands over his neck and shoulders. 
Yoongi had said they could go slow, so he resisted throwing Jimin on the bed and pouncing on him. Instead, he kissed him gently and guided him back to lay in the middle of the bed. He climbed over him, slotting one leg between Jimin’s and propping himself up on his elbows to look down at Jimin’s beautiful face.
“You are so gorgeous,” Yoongi marveled.
Jimin blushed and bit his lip.
“A sexy sex demon for sure.” Yoongi chuckled and his joke made Jimin smile. 
He pressed a soft kiss to Jimin’s plush lips before leaning down to mouth his way over Jimin’s neck. He tried to go slow, to let Jimin get used to the feel of his mouth and tongue against his skin, the soft sucks and gentle bites. He already knew where Jimin was most sensitive though, and he laved extra attention to his nipples, nipping gently just below them in a way that had driven Jimin crazy in the dreams. It seems to have a similar effect in reality. Jimin arched and moaned, his fingers digging sharply into Yoongi’s shoulders. 
Yoongi glanced up at Jimin’s face to check on him before moving lower. He held his gaze as he undid Jimin’s jeans and pulled them down. Jimin lifted his hips to help.
There was a wet spot already at the tip of the bulge in Jimin’s boxers. Yoongi leaned down to press his mouth to it, licking through the fabric.
Jimin let out a garbled cry, his hands fisting in the sheets.
“It’s okay, relax. I’ll go slow,” Yoongi murmured, rubbing calming circles into Jimin’s muscular thighs.
Jimin whimpered but settled.
Yoongi rubbed higher, till his thumbs brushed against Jimin’s balls. He lowered his mouth to the base of Jimin’s cock, pressing open mouth kisses and cupping his sack.
Jimin hummed above him in appreciation. Yoongi had always loved how vocal Jimin had been in his dreams. He was glad to see that in person it wasn't much different. He was a little quieter but Yoongi chalked it up to nerves.
Eventually Yoongi sat up and tugged Jimin’s boxers down. He almost gasped to finally see Jimin bare, all that smooth tan skin and at the center, Jimin’s cock, hard and red and leaking.
He leaned down, licking a stripe up Jimin’s cock and dipping his tongue in pre cum gathered at the slit. It was almost sweet, just like the rest of him.
He repeated the action, provoking a shuddering breath from Jimin. This time Yoongi ended with wrapping his lips around the tip of Jimin's cock. He sucked, taking more into his mouth and massaging the underside with his tongue.
"Fuck, that feels good." Jimin's voice was high at the end. One hand scratched against Yoongi’s scalp and tugged gently at his hair.
"Yeah?" Yoongi popped off and stroked Jimin's cock. "Tell me how good it feels," Yoongi encouraged, before sucking Jimin down as far as he could.
Jimin bucked his hips up into Yoongi's mouth with a surprised pleasured groan. "Ah, fuck, fuck. So-so good," Jimin mumbled, his head was turned to the side so his voice was muffled by the pillow.
"Yeah?" Yoongi asked again.
"Fuck, I knew you were good with your mouth in the dreams but-ah," Jimin stuttered as Yoongi flicked his tongue expertly. 
Yoongi smirked. "You haven't seen anything yet." He sat back and tapped Jimin on the side encouraging him to flip over. Jimin obliged and lifted his hips when Yoongi grabbed them so he was on hands and knees.
This gave Yoongi a perfect view of Jimin's ass. He palmed both globes, kneading the firm flesh, and marveling at how fucking gorgeous Jimin was. He didn't think it was possible for a person this hot to exist and yet here he was. Sexy sex demon was right.
He brushed a thumb over the tight ring of muscle causing Jimin to jump a little. He used his other hand to massage Jimin’s ass, encouraging him to relax. He pressed light kisses along his cheeks until he was close enough to breathe across Jimin’s hole. Jimin shuddered a little but this time Yoongi didn’t let him adjust. He pressed his tongue to his furled entrance, licking and nibbling. Jimin cried out in surprise but was soon lost in the feeling, moaning senseless praise. 
Yoongi filled him with his tongue over and over, using his chin for leverage to get as deep as possible. Jimin was voicing his pleasure loud enough Yoongi might have worried the neighbors would complain if he wasn't enjoying it so much. His own cock ached untouched between his legs but Yoongi ignored it. 
When his jaw started to ache, Yoongi stopped to admire his work. Jimin's hole was puffy pink and glistening with spit. He rubbed it with his thumb and this time Jimin leaned into it, asking for more. Yoongi obliged, licking his thumb, soaking it in spit and sliding in to the first knuckle. 
Jimin pushed back against him, whining. “Just fuck me already, please.”
Yoongi chuckled. “We’ll get there." He moved his thumb in a circle, testing Jimin’s tightness. Before the spit could dry, he leaned over to the night stand and pulled out a bottle of lube. He squeezed some onto his fingers, curling them to try to warm it up a bit. "This might be cold, sorry," Yoongi mumbled.
Jimin flinched when Yoongi used two fingers to spread the lube but it wasn't long before he was back to panting and moaning. 
"You're still so tight," Yoongi said, two fingers buried in Jimin's ass. He eased them out slowly, scissoring them to try to loosen Jimin enough to take him. 
This part was new. In the dreams, Jimin had always been ready for him. Yoongi still ate him out or fingered him to tease but Jimin was always ready to take his cock whenever Yoongi wanted. It reminded Yoongi this was real and he marveled again at Jimin's existence.
"Please, I need your cock. Fuck me already. Fill me up. Please." Jimin's moans brought Yoongi more firmly back to the present. For a virgin, Jimin sure had a dirty mouth, but Yoongi wasn't complaining.
"Yeah? You think you're ready?" Yoongi slipped a third finger in alongside the other two and prodded at Jimin's prostate.
"Fuck, yes, please."
Yoongi really loved the begging. He couldn't resist anymore. He climbed off the bed to shuck his pants and boxers and grab a condom from the nightstand.
Jimin noticed the foil packet. "Oh, you don't, I mean, if you are comfortable bare, you don't have to. But if you aren't, I won't be offended."
Yoongi wondered whether incubi could even get std's but it didn't really matter. He believed Jimin was a virgin and he knew he was clean. So if Jimin didn't want him to use a condom, he was happy to toss it back in the drawer. 
Jimin bit his lip to hide a pleased grin. 
Once Yoongi was back in position, he popped open the bottle of lube again. He spread some over his cock gasping a little at the cold and the smooth glide of his hand. He was more wound up than he realized and hoped he wouldn’t end things too soon. 
He used the head of his cock to spread more lube on Jimin’s hole. He had to resist the animal urge to just fuck Jimin into the mattress then and there. 
"You ready?" Yoongi asked. He lined his cock up and put a reassuring hand on the small of Jimin's back. 
Jimin nodded.
"All you have to do is ask and I can stop or go slower. Whatever you need."
"Just do it already," Jimin huffed.
Yoongi smirked and gave Jimin’s ass a light smack. "Bossy," he mumbled.
Jimin rolled his eyes.
Yoongi leaned over to plant a gentle kiss on Jimin's spine. "I just don't want to hurt you."
With a deep breath, Yoongi pushed in.
"Ah," Jimin gasped.
Yoongi stopped, only the head of his cock gripped by Jimin's ass.
"You okay?"
"It's so much." Jimin had his head between his shoulders so Yoongi couldn't tell if it was a good too much or a bad too much.
"Keep going. Slow."
Yoongi swallowed. Slow was hard. Jimin was warm and slick around his cock, but Yoongi managed. He eased his way inside. All the while Jimin made pleasured-pained noises of encouragement that did nothing for Yoongi’s self control. 
When his hips finally met Jimin's ass they both sighed. 
Yoongi bent over to brush more kisses against Jimin's back. "You feel so good. So tight," he whispered.
"So do you," Jimin said, equally as quiet. "So big, so full. It's so much more than in the dreams."
Yoongi nodded in agreement. "Can I move now?"
"Yes. Slow though."
"Of course." Yoongi’s feral drive had evaporated once he was fully inside Jimin. All he wanted now was to hear Jimin’s soft sighs and feel his warmth around him over and over.
Yoongi eased out and gently back in, watching himself disappear. He checked Jimin's face for a reaction. When he didn't seem in pain he did it again and again. On every thrust Jimin would let out a breathy groan.
Jimin leaned back into Yoongi, their hips meeting harder and Jimin getting louder. Yoongi picked up the pace.
“Fuck, feels so good,” Jimin moaned.
Yoongi ran his hand down Jimin’s back. It didn’t feel like enough, so he wrapped an arm around Jimin’s chest and pulled him up against him. Jimin arched his back and laid his head on Yoongi’s shoulder. Yoongi took the opportunity to nibble at Jimin’s neck. From this position he couldn’t thrust as hard so he settled for rocking up into Jimin as Jimin ground back against him.
Jimin let out a little chorus of “ahs” that Yoongi could feel through his chest. The sound went straight to the fire at the base of his spine.
“I love hearing how good I make you feel,” Yoongi whispered against Jimin’s ear. 
Jimin bit his lip making a high noise in the back of his throat.
Yoongi sucked Jimin’s neck and lowered one hand to Jimin’s cock, stroking it steadily. 
“Oh, fuck, fuck, I’m getting close,” Jimin gasped.
Yoongi stopped and pulled out. Jimin blinked, startled, but Yoongi pushed him over onto his back and climbed between his legs before he could even ask.
“I want to be able to see you,” Yoongi said looking down at Jimin.
If Jimin could have blushed further he probably would have but all his blood was busy elsewhere. He nodded.
Yoongi lined his cock up and pushed in again. It was far easier this time but still felt amazing. He leaned down to kiss Jimin and he rocked into him. This way he could swallow all of Jimin’s little moans and gasps. He eased into a steady rhythm. When he felt Jimin getting close again, he sat back to free a hand to stroke Jimin’s cock. 
Watching Jimin fall apart beneath him was the most gorgeous sight Yoongi had ever seen. He still couldn’t believe it was real. He’d seen it in his dreams before, but so rarely do such beautiful visions become reality. Yoongi was a little in awe that this ethereal being had chosen his dreams to visit and his bed to occupy. 
Jimin met his eyes and must have read the intensity of his thoughts on his face. He reached out to pull Yoongi close enough to fill his fingers with Yoongi’s hair. “You make me feel so good. So fucking good.” Jimin’s eyes were dark and unfocused, his face flushed, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. 
Yoongi leaned forward for a harsh kiss. “So gorgeous. Want to see you come. Come for me baby.”
“Fuck, Yoongi!” Jimin threw his head back and arched off the bed, all his muscles tensed as he came. His brows furrowed and his mouth opened in a wordless cry. Jimin clenched around Yoongi’s cock, his walls pulsing with the waves of his orgasm. Yoongi wanted so badly to watch every second but it was too much. His vision went white and the universe seemed to explode into a million pieces. 
When the world finally pulled itself together, Yoongi could focus on Jimin looking up at him. His eyes were hazy and he smiled, fuzzy and soft. He reached for Yoongi for a lazy kiss which Yoongi returned happily.
Yoongi could feel his cock softening, so he pulled out and rolled to the side. 
“That was…” Yoongi laughed. He couldn’t even begin to describe it. 
“Yeah,” Jimin agreed, giggling. He rolled to his side to lean his forehead against Yoongi's shoulder. 
Yoongi shifted, tucking an arm under Jimin and pulling him close to let him lay against his chest. 
“So, sexy sex demon, different than dreams?” Yoongi asked, smirking.
Jimin nodded vigorously. “I feel like I could run a marathon.”
Yoongi frowned. “Uh…” Not the response he was expecting. He wasn’t sure if he should be offended.
“Oh, um… you meant…” He trailed off. “Yeah that was different too. Really different. I liked it though,” Jimin added quickly. 
Yoongi was still confused. He sat up to look at Jimin fully.
Jimin looked a little guilty. “Well, incubi don’t have to feed in dreams. They can feed in person. And it can actually be more, um, fulfilling, that way.”
Yoongi nodded considering. “Am I going to feel any different?”
Jimin shook his head. “You shouldn’t. It’s actually less draining for the humans this way.”
There was an awkward pause.
“So, you liked the sex though? Just… liked it?” Yoongi shouldn’t be surprised, he supposed. Jimin was a literal sex demon, they probably had really high standards. ”Because I thought it was pretty damn amazing.”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “It was. I’m not sure any incubus has ever had a better first time. I’ll have to write epic poetry about your tongue and cock,” Jimin laughed. 
“Well if you insist.” Yoongi shrugged.
Jimin smacked him lightly. “It was a lot for me.”
“Yeah? Anything I can do? Want something to drink?”
“Maybe later. I was really enjoying the cuddling actually.”
Yoongi laid back down and opened his arms. “Me too.”
Jimin snuggled against him again. It probably should feel weird. They didn’t actually know each other that well. But Yoongi was content, especially when he was able to link his hand with Jimin’s over his chest. 
Yoongi yawned. “I might fall asleep.”
Jimin pinched his side. “You can’t. You owe me answers. You said after!”
Yoongi nuzzled Jimin’s hair and kissed the top of his head. His eyes are already feeling heavy.
“Oh fine. I guess I can just ask them in your dreams instead. You’ll probably be more honest that way anyway.”
Yoongi was too close to sleep to worry too much. If Jimin was in his dreams, it would be a good dream. And if Jimin was there when he woke up, it would be even better.
Jimin and Yoongi sat cross legged facing each other on the bed, the surroundings were dark and hazy but Yoongi wasn’t scared.
“So, first question…”
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Mea Culpas & Revelations: The Play
And then the co-conspirator wrote some heartwarming/angsty Creativitwins/DLAMPR stuff (all cred to him here, basically a drabble he wrote on the fly):
Unknown Speaker: "What is the real reason you and Remus don't get along?"
Roman: unintelligible mumbling and forefingers pushing against each other.
Logan: "Speak up." Roman: "We both have to be at the center of attention. We get mad jealous of each other when the other gets more attention." Roman: "And then I chase him with a sword, and he attacks me with a spiked morningstar. It's just best if we're never in the same place at the same time..." Roman: "So we divided what we covered creatively..."
Logan: "And you agreed on this deal?" Roman: "YES, well... at first... But then when I noticed Thomas was disturbed by Remus I started working to push him to the side so that he'd pay more attention to me..." Roman: "And then I may have started a whisper campaign cause Janus told me that it was a good idea..." Remus: from a distance, "Whisper campaign, WHISPER CAMPAIGN. YOU MOTHER DUCKING ASSHAT. YOU STRAIGHT UP TOLD EVERYONE THAT I WAS GOING TO GET THOMAS MURDERED IF THEY DIDN'T LOCK ME OUT."
Logan: That... is partially on me. I apologize Remus, we were younger and the world was far more black and white than we see it now. Statistically speaking your suggestions were going to result in Thomas's death... If he always acted on them." Remus: "And how often did he act on them?!" Logan: pained, "Almost never. You could occasionally get him to lick things, or smell things that were clearly horrendously foul. But for the most part he's never acted on anything you suggested that could've killed him." Remus: "And so you all decided to lock me behind that door." Patton: "Not without misgivings." Virgil: "Not without feeling certain we were making a mistake.” Logan: "I made an error in judgement." Roman: silent
Virgil: "i was the first to volunteer to check on you..." Remus: sighing, "I know, Tickle-Me-Emo, I know. How did that work out for you?" Virgil: glaring at Logan and Roman, "They locked the door behind me." Logan: "I made a series of errors that year. I had deemed that you were the next greatest detriment to Thomas's ability to function. I allowed cognitive bias to cloud my eyes and disregarded the important things you did for Thomas in return for the things I deemed detrimental." Roman: still silent
Janus: "I'll admit, I went in after Virgil. I'm not sure who locked the door behind me." Patton: hanging head in shame, "I'm sorry Janus, that was me. I couldn't accept your existence at that point in Thomas's development. I was wrong, and Thomas didn't learn some of life's most important lessons until it happened the hard way." Remus: "And that's how we stayed, relatively muted to Thomas for oh so long." Janus: "You know there's just one thing that confuses me still." Virgil: glancing between them, "Why the door unlocked?" Janus: "Yes, that is the final question left to answer isn't it?"
Everyone looking between themselves.
Virgil: "You know I always sat nearest to the door. So imagine my surprise when suddenly I heard the lock click one day."
Everyone looks to Virgil.
Virgil: "So imagine my surprise when I turn the knob and the door opened back up." Remus: "Did you see who unlocked it?" Virgil: "No, looked like they did it from a distance using some string."
Virgil: "You've been awfully quiet for awhile now Roman." Roman: blushing, "Yea." Virgil: "Anything you want to contribute to this discussion?" Roman: "Um... I suck at apologies?" Virgil: "Yes, that is well known." Roman: "And admitting when I've been, or actively am wrong." Janus: "Yes, I spent years helping you deny that." Roman: "And I have a lot of feelings of Imposter Syndrome." Remus: "Well Imagine that, you tried claiming to be the entirety of Thomas's creativity." Roman: nods, but falls back into silence
Roman: faintly, "I did it" Remus: "Speak up brother, I know you're more than capable of projecting your voice to the audience." Roman: "I UNLOCKED THE DOOR." Janus: Jamming fingers in ears, "He said projecting to the audience, not deafening them." Virgil: "So the guy who insisted on starting this whole debacle is the one who ended it? I guess the next question is, why?" Roman: "I realized that I wasn't able to act that well without Janus's help to mask my own thoughts." Janus: nodding thoughtfully, "Surely that can't be the only reason." Roman: "I also realized that Virgil gave me the push I needed to write better material, cause I got complacent and coasted on past successes." Virgil: rolling his eyes, "Yes, yes you did. But, you had to have known we'd never have left Remus in that room." Roman: softly, "Was kind of counting on that." Remus: "Speak up brother, unless you want me to lend you my ear to speak into." Roman: chuckling, "I missed that."
Group does a double take.
Logan: "What?" Roman: "I missed my brothers sense of humor. Sure it's sometimes gross, or outright revolting. But he knew how to tell a good dirty joke." Remus: balling up his fists, "You let them out cause you wanted to hear me tell dirty jokes?!" Janus: placing a hand on Remus's shoulder, "No, look at his eye direction and movement as he's talking. I've studied his tells for years; He's lying." Roman: shouting, "BECAUSE I MISSED YOU. DO YOU THINK I FELT GOOD LOCKING MY OWN BROTHER AWAY?"
Roman: to himself, “You’re just as much an integral part of my identity as I am a part of yours. I’ve denied parts of myself all this time and it hurts Remus. It hurts far more than I ever thought it would. Not that I gave it much thought to begin with, I never was the type to give much forethought to harebrained schemes.”
Roman: "Yea, I've been impersonating both of us this whole time, and that felt great at first because Thomas only paid attention to me. But then I realized I don't enjoy always being in the spotlight. I'm not great at one man plays. I need co-stars, or perhaps just a brother. Sure we got jealous of each other when Thomas paid more attention to the other one of us, but we still had fun competing for that attention. It felt hollow without you, like this wasn't a victory."
Roman: "I'm just... tired. I needed a distraction from Thomas's gaze. Then I realized there were 3 perfectly good distractions locked behind a door." Virgil: murderous stare, "Distractions?!" Roman: holding hands up in a placating manner and in surrender, "At first, yes. But with each of you coming back out of that door I noticed that Thomas seemed... more alive. More... Himself, than he'd been since..." Remus: growling, "Since you had us locked behind the door." Roman: nodding regretfully, "I took a joke from Janus the wrong way. It was a moment of weakness when I realized that I could feasibly get away with it. Logan was far more literal back then." Janus: groaning, "Yea, remind me never to tell you a joke." Roman: chuckling in spite of himself, "Indeed, you're too good at telling them. Sounded like serious advice at the time." Virgil: "Yes, he's unfortunately a master of the deadpan face. I'm pretty sure only Remus can tell when he's joking." Remus: "Pshaw. I simply laughed at everything on the off chance he was joking. He couldn't tell if I was manic or appreciating his humor that way." Roman: "Anyways, Virgil you brought back that creative spark I'd been looking for all this time. At first I resented that you had it. But then over time I realized it's not that you had a spark, but that you were the spark I needed. Sure sometimes Logan unintentionally says something that sparks an idea, but you were always there pushing me to do better. Throwing out ideas that would make the audience laugh instead of boo because you were so conscious of their mood."
Virgil: "Or cheer. Plays can't be all laughter." Janus: "I believe comedies beg to differ." Virgil: "People can only laugh so much before they feel numb, and trust me; I'd know." Roman: "Then when Deceit finally decided to announce his presence, I felt like I was starting to get back into the groove of acting. The small things came back to me, like how to control my facial muscles to portray scenes better." Janus: "Those can be difficult to control without really focusing on them." Roman: "But the biggest thing was that I kept seeing signs of my brother all the time. He's in all of us in his own way. Logan's love of 'mad science', Virgil's love of 'horror' films, Janus's willingness to push the boundaries of what Thomas is comfortable with, and even some of Patton's.... Misunderstandings have been borne of Remus's influence."
Logan: looking at Patton, "Adultery, really?" Remus: giggling uncontrollably, "I still can't believe I taught him what that word meant before you got a chance to." Patton: blushing furiously, "I have said that to others sooooooo many times through Thomas. They must all think we're idiots." Virgil: rubbing his arms self consciously, "Pretty sure they don't. Logan is pretty good at damage control." Logan: surprised, "How did you know?" Virgil: "I sat closest to the door, the entire time. I was just waiting for someone to open it back up. It had a window, you know? We could still see things going on, and exert some influence on Thomas. But Janus and Remus mostly got bored and wandered away a lot." Logan: nodding, "I suppose that makes sense, and why Thomas always exhibited some degree of anxiety even after... I will never be able to say I'm sorry enough for the actions I've done. I can only hope to prove through my own actions and behavior from now on that I'm repentant for them." Virgil: "Aye, and I'll keep an eye on that myself. I'll damn well let you know if you're being an asshat again." Logan: chuckling, "Thanks, I need a good reminder that though the chance is infinitesimally small, I can make mistakes." Remus: growing bored, "That's great and all, but Roman still hasn't told us what I brought back to Thomas!"
Roman: looking at his brother as if it's obvious, "Seriously?" Remus: nodding fiercely, "I want to know!" Roman: embarrassed, "You brought color back to Thomas's world. The metaphorical paint palette has been lacking a good stark contrast. Plus we'd never be able to come up with something like Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" without you to fill in the creative bits that I'm not good with." Patton: "He means that he sucks at them." Roman: looking at Patton shocked, "What?"
Patton: shrugging, "It's the truth Roman. I've sugar coated that knowledge all this time cause Remus wasn't around to demonstrate how to do it properly." Janus: in mock surprise, "Why Patton, did I just hear that you've been lying to not hurt Roman's feelings?" Patton: staring Janus straight in the eyes, "Yes, yes you did. You were absolutely right that there are times when it's not only appropriate, but necessary to lie. I realized that without Remus, Thomas had to have Roman around and functioning. He couldn't have a day off, so to speak. So I may have helped to inflate his ego to the point it's at to this day." Janus: nodding smugly, "Ok." Remus: "So what you're saying Roman. is that you couldn't:
♫ Ever hear the werewolf cry to the red blood moon Or asked the grinning cannibal why he grinned Can you sing with all the voices of the trash mountains Can you paint with all the colors of the foul wind?♫
Roman: scrunching face in disgust, "I loved that song." Remus: chuckling, "I know."
Roman: "But... Yes. I was wrong, you were all important parts of Thomas. I have stewed on that knowledge for awhile now and I've hated myself more by the day for that moment of selfish whim. *crying* I missed Virgil, Janus, but most importantly I missed my brother."
Janus: sharing a glance with Remus, "That's a sincere admission." Remus: nodding, "We'll never get along like we used to." Patton: "I think that's fine actually. We've all gotten older, and changed in one way or another. Nothing remains in stasis forever. Not the body, brain, or emotions." Logan: "I've learned a lot since then, and I've known for some time that I was wrong. I just... couldn't bring myself to confront my past." Virgil: "Yes, that's something I had to push you to do."
Janus: "Well, there's really only one thing left to discuss then." Remus: "Indeed." Patton: "You don't mean?" Logan: "I'm pretty sure they do." Roman: "Are we sure Thomas is ready?" Virgil: "Ready or not, he'll have to deal with it eventually. Best to treat it like a Band-aid and rip it off quick."
Faint tapping comes from a table in the distance.
Unknown Speaker: "So you expect me to show up?" Logan: "It is inevitable, you are an aspect of Thomas." Patton: "But not necessarily the final aspect of Thomas." Janus: "We all rely on you in one way or another." Roman: "Ditto." Remus: "My brother is emotionally overloaded, ignore him. I think you should come in like a wrecking ball when you make your appearance into his life. Just Kool-Aid man your way into the room." Patton: "I think that's a terrible idea. Do you know how much we'd have to pay in repair costs if he did that?" Unknown speaker: chuckling, "In time, perhaps."
Unknown speaker: "I believe we're done for this round table of the psyche?" Logan: "I've got nothing productive to add." Virgil: "I've certainly enjoyed having these again." Patton: "I feel like we made a lot of progress." Janus: "I feel like I'm gonna hurl if you keep up that always positive facade." Remus: "I CAN HURL ON COMMAND, DO YOU WANT TO SEE?" Everyone else: screaming, "NO!"
Unknown Speaker: "Very well then, I'm gonna head back to my mind palace. Thomas will meet me, eventually. If it's necessary."
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