#Fostering Empathy and Kindness
kidsinnowadays · 8 months
How to Raise Superstar Siblings: 8 Proven Strategies for Cultivating Harmonious Family Bonds
Explore effective methods to nurture strong family bonds and foster harmonious relationships among siblings, creating a supportive and loving environment. #Siblings #FamilyBonds #ParentingTips #HarmoniousHome
Fostering Sibling Harmony for Lifelong Connections Family is the cornerstone of our lives, and the relationships we forge within our family circle are among the most enduring and influential. As parents, one of our greatest aspirations is to raise children who not only achieve their individual potential but also form deep, harmonious bonds with their siblings. In this blog post, we’ll explore…
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sarcasmnsnacks · 2 months
The Polite Ransacker and the Boy with the Rocktopus
Hey there! Well, look who’s back after a little rendezvous with life’s chaotic rollercoaster! It’s been a whirlwind, let me tell you. I’ve survived some questionable culinary adventures (failed homemade mac’n’cheese), played detective when my car turned into a crime scene, and worn the “bad cop” hat with my kids more times than I care to admit. But amidst the madness, there was a shining moment…
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gjenkatarot · 2 months
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tarot masterlist ☾ paid readings ☾ exchange readings
MDNI 18+
In this pick-a-card reading, we'll explore what qualities make you seductive and captivating to others, particularly in a sexual context, and how it affects them. Please note that this reading is intended for those 18 years and older.
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What makes you irresistible and fascinating to others is your ability to help them let go of pain and suffering. Your past experiences and hurts have shaped your sexual expression, making it deeply meaningful. You're able to connect on a primal level, understanding subtle cues and unspoken desires, which draws people to you. Your mysterious nature, coupled with your ability to keep your true intentions hidden, piques curiosity and makes others eager to know you better. Your aura of mystery captivates them, inviting them to explore desire and passion with you.
Your knack for understanding others' desires and connecting with them deeply is remarkable. With confidence, charm, and persuasive communication skills, you guide them toward their deepest longings effortlessly. Your skill and finesse in this area garner admiration from those around you.
Your seductive power lies in creating emotional intimacy and connection. People often find themselves daydreaming about you, imagining various scenarios, drawn to your innocent appearance. Your emotional intelligence and empathy are the foundation of your allure. You understand your own desires and emotions deeply and intuitively grasp the needs of your partners, creating a safe space for vulnerability.
There's an irresistible magnetism about you that draws people in; they're compelled to be near you. Your seemingly unaffected demeanour intrigues them further, leaving them wanting more. Some sense a hidden, wild side to you, unseen by most, fueling their desire to uncover it.
✮⋆。 How your seductiveness influences others sexually?
Your approach to intimacy is patient and understanding. You can create a calm and balanced atmosphere where people feel safe to explore their desires. Your presence helps to ease any tensions or worries, making the exchange of sexual energy smooth and comfortable. The way you attract others sexually is based on your ability to establish a secure and nurturing space for sexual exploration. You deeply comprehend physical pleasure and sensuality, and you make sure your partners feel supported and valued during their intimate experiences with you. Your natural and down-to-earth sensuality is not only attractive but also fosters a strong sense of connection and trust.
Your ability to captivate others sexually is marked by your profound emotional intelligence and your capacity to connect on a deep emotional level with others. You have a sharp intuition that enables you to grasp and respond to both the physical and emotional needs and desires of your partners. Your empathy and kindness contribute to creating a caring and intimate sexual atmosphere, where vulnerability is not just accepted but celebrated.
Your seductive influence has a transformative impact on people sexually. You excel at helping them navigate through challenges or uncertainties, guiding them towards a place of greater comfort and satisfaction in their sexual experiences. Your calm and reassuring presence acts like a guiding light, leading your partners to deeper levels of closeness and connection. You have a mommy energy about you!
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What makes you irresistible and enchanting to others is your knack for igniting intense passion and deep connections during intimate moments. You have a special talent for turning up the heat quickly, making others feel aroused in no time. Your approach to sexuality is like poetry in motion, infusing every encounter with rich emotions and longing. Whether through grand romantic gestures or subtle touches, you have a way of captivating others, whisking them away into a realm of enchantment and bliss.
Your willingness to be vulnerable and delve into the depths of intimacy adds to your allure, especially for those who crave emotional connection in their sexual experiences. You exude confidence and mastery, with a sharp mind that grasps the complexities of desire effortlessly. Your ability to communicate your needs and boundaries clearly earns you the respect and admiration of your partners.
You're likely skilled in the art of dirty talk, adding another layer to your seductive prowess. Your youthful energy and insatiable curiosity drive you to constantly seek new pleasures and sensations. Your playful nature keeps things exciting and spontaneous in the bedroom, inviting your partners to join you on a journey of exploration and delight.
Your disciplined approach to sexuality, coupled with your dedication to improving as a lover, ensures that each encounter is fulfilling and satisfying. You're attentive to your partners' desires, making you a thoughtful and considerate lover. Your mischievous charm adds an element of excitement, as you delight in teasing and tantalizing your partners, keeping them intrigued and eager for more.
Your adventurous spirit and openness to new experiences make you an exciting and dynamic partner. You approach each encounter with enthusiasm and curiosity, eager to uncover new realms of pleasure and intimacy. Your willingness to embrace novelty creates an atmosphere of anticipation, drawing your partners into a world of endless possibilities and desires waiting to be explored.
✮⋆。 How your seductiveness influences others sexually?
Your captivating charm and confidence have a powerful effect on others, especially in the realm of sexuality. You naturally draw people in with your magnetic personality. Your ability to turn your desires into action creates an electric atmosphere full of sexual energy. Your confidence and assertiveness are like a magnet, pulling others towards you with an irresistible force. You have the skills and presence to orchestrate deeply satisfying sexual experiences, leaving your partners enchanted by your seductive abilities.
Your influence on others sexually goes beyond just physical attraction. You bring a sense of balance and respect to your encounters. You approach sexuality with honor and integrity, making sure that both you and your partners' needs and desires are acknowledged and respected. Your commitment to fairness creates a harmonious dynamic where pleasure is shared and everyone feels valued.
Your seductive influence also stems from the trust and security you inspire. You've faced challenges and emerged stronger, showing your partners your resilience and inner strength. They feel safe and protected with you, allowing them to fully let go and experience pleasure without worry. Your steadfastness creates a stable foundation for intimacy, where both you and your partners can explore freely.
Moreover, your approach to sexuality is filled with passion and excitement. You embrace adventure and new experiences eagerly, bringing a sense of thrill to your encounters. Your boldness and spontaneity create an electric atmosphere that ignites intense desire. People are drawn to your adventurous spirit, feeling alive and exhilarated in your presence. Your ability to spark passion and excitement makes you an unforgettable and deeply satisfying lover.
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What makes you irresistible and captivating to others is your natural ability to navigate sexuality with grace. You effortlessly adjust to different roles and desires to meet your partners' needs, which makes you intriguing and attractive. Your adaptability creates a sense of harmony, making your partners feel comfortable and relaxed around you.
You have a talent for forming strong emotional and physical connections with others, which draws them to you like a magnet. Your understanding of desire and intimacy runs deep, allowing you to create connections that go beyond the physical. People are enchanted by the depth of emotion and passion you inspire, whether through teasing or genuine affection.
Your radiant energy and positive attitude make you incredibly seductive. Confidence oozes from you, and you revel in your sensuality. Your enthusiasm for pleasure and exploration lights a fire in others, filling the room with warmth and excitement. Some may even find you irresistible in a way that ignites desires for a deeper connection.
Your willingness to give and receive pleasure equally adds to your allure. You approach intimacy with a generous spirit, aiming to satisfy both your own desires and those of your partners. This selflessness creates an environment where everyone feels valued and fulfilled.
You command attention in the bedroom, exuding confidence and authority in your sexuality. People are drawn to your strength and skill, eagerly following your lead in pursuit of mutual satisfaction.
Your willingness to embrace vulnerability adds to your seductiveness. You approach intimacy with openness, allowing yourself to fully experience the moment. Your readiness to explore all aspects of pleasure and desire makes you fascinating and irresistible to others.
✮⋆。 How your seductiveness influences others sexually?
Your seductiveness has a powerful influence on others, especially when it comes to breaking free from constraints and inhibitions in a sexual context. You embody a sense of liberation and freedom, encouraging your partners to let go of their own insecurities and fears. Your openness to vulnerability and your fearlessness in exploring new experiences inspire others to do the same. This creates a safe and liberating space where everyone can freely explore and be intimate without reservations.
Your impact on others sexually goes beyond just the physical. You have a profound ability to connect emotionally and ignite intense passion. You can delve into the depths of emotion and desire, creating an atmosphere filled with love and intimacy. By fully opening your heart to pleasure and connection, you inspire others to do so as well, fostering emotional closeness and vulnerability that enriches the sexual encounter.
Your influence is also felt through your ability to inspire and uplift others, particularly in a sexual way. You radiate optimism and possibility, encouraging your partners to release past hurts and insecurities and embrace the present moment with enthusiasm. Your presence acts like a guiding light, leading others toward a deeper understanding of themselves and their desires. This fosters a sense of healing and transformation in their sexual experiences with you, bringing a potential for emotional and sexual healing.
Your dynamic and magnetic energy electrifies the bedroom, infusing every moment with intensity and desire. Your enthusiasm for pleasure and exploration is contagious, inspiring your partners to embrace their own desires and fantasies with newfound vigour. Your ability to spark excitement and arousal makes you utterly irresistible and captivating.
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novlr · 9 months
Do you have any tips on how to write a character who’s being manipulated?
Your blog has been very helpful to me! :) thanks a lot
Quick Tips for Writing Manipulative Characters
To convincingly write a character who is being manipulated, you must first understand how to write a believable manipulator. Often hidden in plain sight, manipulators pull the strings, guiding the actions of those who are often unaware that they're dancing to someone else's tune.
Let’s look at manipulators as puppet masters, exploring how they function and how their actions echo throughout your story. By understanding the manipulator, you'll better equip yourself to create realistic characters who are unwittingly under their sway.
How do they behave?
Play the victim to garner sympathy
Charming and persuasive
Twist and distort the truth to suit their agenda
Play mind games
Are silver-tongued
Passive-aggressive when confronted
Use guilt to control others
Don’t hesitate to lie or deceive
Demonstrate a sense of entitlement.
Project their feelings onto others
How do they interact?
Play different roles with different people
Prefer indirect communication to direct confrontation
Gaslight others, making them doubt their own perceptions
Shift the blame onto others
Exploit others' vulnerabilities
Use people’s secrets against them
Make others feel obligated or in debt to them
Use flattery to get their way
Create conflict between other characters
Deliberately create confusion and chaos
Describe their body language
Maintain intense eye contact
Use touch to seem friendly and intimate
Facial expressions often don't match their words
Use large, expressive gestures to dramatise
Have a confident and exaggerated posture
Soften expression to look more trustworthy
Smile artificially or excessively
Lean in close, invading personal space
Mirror others’ behaviours to seem more likeable
Mimic emotions they may not feel
Describe their attitudes
Believe they are always right
Feel entitled and superior
Lack empathy
Highly competitive
Often impatient and intolerant
Controlling and like to be in charge
Rarely apologize sincerely
Often play the martyr, acting self-sacrificing
Can be sceptical of others’ intentions
Kindness is often an act
Positive narrative effects
Paradoxically, manipulative characters can have a positive narrative effect on those they manipulate. These characters can act as a catalyst for change, pushing others to unlock hidden potential and indirectly teaching them to be more cautious. In the face of manipulation, characters can mature and grow resilience.
Manipulative characters can also reveal people’s true natures by tricking them into revelations or by fostering unity as others band together against them. Furthermore, their actions can create dramatic plot twists, make people question their own perceptions and realities, and add intrigue.
Negative narrative effects
Manipulators can cause emotional and psychological distress, breed distrust and insecurity, and disrupt relationships and friendships. These characters often lead others to make damaging decisions, creating a toxic environment.
By exploiting and exposing others' vulnerabilities, manipulators make individuals question their self-worth. The extent of their manipulation can even cause physical harm and lead to the downfall of other characters. Their lasting legacy? Emotional scars that define their victims long after the manipulator has exited the narrative.
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coven-of-genesis · 8 months
How to incorporate spirituality into your everyday life
Incorporating spirituality into everyday life can bring a sense of purpose, inner peace, and connectedness.
Here are some ways to do it:
1. **Mindfulness and Presence**: Practice being fully present in the moment. This can be through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking a moment to observe your surroundings.
2. **Gratitude Practice**: Reflect on and express gratitude for the blessings in your life. This can be done through journaling or simply taking a moment each day to acknowledge what you're thankful for.
3. **Acts of Kindness**: Perform acts of kindness towards others without expecting anything in return. This can be as simple as offering a kind word, helping someone in need, or volunteering your time.
4. **Reflective Practices**: Engage in activities like journaling, prayer, or contemplation to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can help you gain insight and connect with your inner self.
5. **Connect with Nature**: Spend time in nature, appreciating its beauty and serenity. This can foster a sense of awe and wonder, helping you feel more connected to the universe.
6. **Engage in Spiritual Study**: Read books, attend lectures, or participate in discussions related to spirituality and personal growth. This can help deepen your understanding and provide new perspectives.
7. **Cultivate Compassion**: Practice compassion and empathy towards yourself and others. Understand that we all have our struggles and challenges.
8. **Set Intentions**: Begin your day with a clear intention, whether it's to be more patient, kind, or focused. This can guide your actions and help you stay aligned with your spiritual goals.
9. **Practice Forgiveness**: Let go of resentment and practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself. This can free you from negative emotions and promote inner peace.
10. **Engage in Rituals**: Create personal rituals or routines that hold meaning for you. This could be a morning ritual, a bedtime routine, or any practice that helps you feel more grounded.
11. **Community and Connection**: Seek out like-minded individuals or groups who share your spiritual beliefs and values. Connecting with others can provide support and a sense of belonging.
12. **Live in Alignment with Your Values**: Strive to live in a way that aligns with your spiritual beliefs and values. This might involve making conscious choices about your actions, relationships, and lifestyle.
Remember that spirituality is a deeply personal journey, and what resonates with one person may be different for another. It's important to explore and find practices that feel authentic and meaningful to you.
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books · 2 years
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Writer Spotlight: Tamsyn Muir
Tamsyn Muir probably doesn’t need a lot of introduction here on Tumblr, but for those who aren’t yet familiar with her work: Tamsyn Muir is the bestselling author of the Locked Tomb Series. Her fiction has won the Locus and Crawford awards. It has been nominated for the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, the Shirley Jackson Award, the World Fantasy Award, the Dragon Award, and the Eugie Foster Memorial Award. A Kiwi, she has spent most of her life in Howick, New Zealand, with time living in Waiuku and central Wellington. She currently lives and works in Oxford, in the United Kingdom. 
We asked Tamsyn some questions about Nona the Ninth, the next installment of the Locked Tomb series, which comes out on September 13. (Mild spoilers ahead. You have been warned!)
Can you tell us about Nona the Ninth? How would you contextualize it alongside the previous Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth?
The Locked Tomb has always followed a concrete set of rules about whose point of view we’re in—there’s a priority list and a hard if-and-else-if set of codes about who is telling the tale. The priority character is always Gideon Nav herself, but after Gideon the Ninth, in many ways, she gets knocked out of the ring.
Nona is the next rule on the priority list—the next storyteller. Except there are also a bunch of other storytellers popping up in the priority list as she lets her guard down. That’s kind of one curtain I wanted to pull back on The Locked Tomb as a whole. Who’s telling this story? What is the truth as someone else understands it? Which is why, where the last two books have been told very much from the perspectives of the Nine Houses, we’re finally in a setting where the Houses have pulled back, and the truth told is completely different.
You have a knack for approaching the next part of the story from a completely different vantage point, which is deliciously frustrating for the reader. Why do you think this works so well (when really, it sort of shouldn’t)?
Oh, but it does, and it’s been proved to work—just play an RPG! One thing I passionately loved in Final Fantasy IX, my very favourite Final Fantasy at the end of the day, is that one moment you’re with the thief-turned-thespian Zidane and a wonderfully dashing attempt to kidnap a princess in the middle of a theater performance—then you’re with…some very bizarre kid called Vivi…who has lost his ticket and is getting negged by a horrifying rat child. You’re given a completely different lens on a completely different situation in what’s basically a completely different genre. In the same game! There’s a risk of getting too comfortable in someone’s truth—you might want to settle down in a character whom you have learned to understand. But then you have to practice a very radical empathy in settling down in Nona, who just absolutely does not give a shit about swords or empire and, at her worst, can be quite an irritating, materialistic babe in the woods who is WAY too into dogs. Of course it’s alienating. If the experience of being in Gideon’s head was the same as being in Harrow’s as being in Nona’s, there wouldn’t be any point. If different vantage points didn’t work, A Song of Ice and Fire would never have gotten off the ground. Hell, neither would The Iliad. I just sit longer with my vantage point.
After writing foul-mouthed and horny Gideon and acerbic, memory-challenged, and also horny Harrow, how did you approach writing Nona’s character, and what did you enjoy most about the process?
Harrow would hate that you described her as horny. Gideon would be fine with being described as horny. Nona would love to sit you down and talk about all the things that make her horny, at the end of which you are 50% worried that she doesn’t honestly understand ‘horny,’ and 50% worried that she DOES understand ‘horny.’
Nona is my character who doesn’t give a fuck. Gideon and Harrow both give too many. It was fun to write a character who sincerely seeks out love as she understands it, who has a large collection of friends and interests, and has no ambition. And yet what I really enjoyed is that Nona is easily also the most terrifying POV character of the series. 
We meet some old friends in a new place in Nona. What aspect of the familiar characters meeting the unfamiliar world was the most fun to write?
Honestly, the fact that they’re in such a different milieu was fun enough. One is a woman completely out of time, trying to find something to live for; two are dyed-in-the-wool Housers forced to re-examine values they’ve always taken for granted and what the next part of life after death is going to look like for them. All three are fish out of water. And then there’s actually the reader meeting the familiar after two long books about the unfamiliar, and all the ways I hope that’s entirely weird and recontextualizing. And then, for Nona, what’s familiar to us is entirely unfamiliar to her. Writing Nona was like one long experiment with jamais vu.
When Lyctorhood goes south or gets experimented with, we get someone’s mind in someone else’s body. What is it that drew you to writing this Cartesian mechanism into the universe of the Nine Houses?
Oh my God, please do not spring words like Cartesian on me, I have not had lunch yet.
My understanding is that Descartes thought mind and matter were two completely different things and then got stuck trying to explain why they don’t feel like two completely different things. So if someone kicks you in the goolies and your mind forms the thought ‘yowch, my goolies,’ how is that mind-matter gulf being bridged? Minds in The Locked Tomb lose to matter nine times out of ten. (This is linked, not coincidentally, to my experience of psychosis.) Gideon’s mind is constantly in danger of being sucked away into the storm drain of Harrow’s matter. Revenants are minds that have temporarily anchored themselves to foreign matter, but over time the matter exerts itself, and the mind starts to fall apart. So when you get a mind that’s big enough not only to resist the matter it’s attached to but actually to start burning that matter up…well, what kind of mind could possibly be so powerful?? (Significant looks at camera.)
You’ve previously headcanoned the often affectionately named “Jod” as Taika Waititi (which offers up the potential for some delightful space-god-gay-pirate crossover fic, thank you). Do you have any casting headcanons for the other characters?
I have recently admitted to loving Erana James as Harrow, except I don’t think Harrowhark is quite that good-looking.
By the way, I wish I had come up with Jod. Whoever did, well done you. 
We know you’re not allowed to read fanfic for legal reasons, but who would you find intriguing as a ship proposition and why?
I find all ships intriguing. I’ve spent too long in these mines. No ship is too problematic or cracky for me. My only hope is to out-fandom fandom by presenting them with ships more problematic and crack-filled than they do (I will not; fandom always wins). In these tiresome days where ship wars have been taking on airs, as is my understanding, of virtue versus sin (I don’t even know what Bakudeku is and yet I feel sorry for anyone who ships it; I didn’t ship Reylo because it wasn’t messed-up enough and feel the same), I hope the Locked Tomb fandom is just accepting that all shipping is batshit and every ship is just as bad as the next. Gideon x Harrow is just as bad as Teacher x Crux is as bad as Hot Sauce x Cytherea the First is as bad as Camilla x Juno Zeta is as bad as Silas x Every Asht Brother (actually, I wrote the Asht brothers in an unrelated piece that’ll never see the light of day and imo they’ve suffered enough, but). 
I was in the Kingdom Hearts fandom briefly. We shipped people with Goofy. Actually, let’s go with that. Naberius Tern x Goofy. On second thought, please don’t go with that. Goofy had a happy marriage and would know better.
This question has sparked some debate among the editorial team here because we absolutely can’t agree on one. Do you have a favorite character?
Yes. As of twenty seconds ago, it’s Naberius because I can’t enthuse enough over how he and Goofy’s relationship would break down because Babs spends so much money on silk pillowcases to avoid hair frizz. He only needs two, max, but has twenty. I hope Goofy goes on longer and longer adventures with Sora and Donald to try to ignore how his love life is breaking down over Naberius leaving the wedding they were just attending because he saw some other dude wearing the same shirt. Leave him, Goofy!!!
If Nona had a Tumblr, what would it be called, and what would she post?
It would just be a single text post with ‘hi,’ and she didn’t even write it. She dictated to Camilla, then ran out of ideas. Her profile just says ‘nona,’ and it’s a default layout. Nona just wouldn’t see the point of Tumblr, even if you told her there were pictures of dogs: why would you want to see a picture of a dog when you could be near a dog in real life? (I told you Nona was scary.)
Which house would you belong to, and do you see yourself more as an adept or cavalier?
I belong to No House. I’ve never been able to belong to a House. I’ve never been able to sort myself into anything really; I’ve tried, and nothing sticks. I can’t be an adept or a cavalier either, I’m just sitting in the corner glumly eating hot dogs. I guess I’m Hot Dog House.
The Locked Tomb fanart is strong here on Tumblr. Do you have a favorite piece you’ve seen recently?
Every piece I have seen recently is my most favorite piece! I was just in Spain for the Celsius convention, and the most intensely wonderful thing was that I came away with fan art that the fans have done. I don’t know what they’re feeding them there in Spain, but pretty much every fan was just nonchalantly like, ‘I drew this,’ and presented me with the goddamn Sistine Chapel. Someone had, while they were waiting in a queue, just filled a sketchbook with the most incredible work on the fly. Special shout-out to a marvelous flipbook I got where Harrow and Gideon are ducks.
The plan was for Alecto the Ninth to be the third and last book. Here we are with Nona the Ninth and Alecto still set to appear (we are not complaining). How has that process been?
It took me a long time to let go of the fact that it wasn’t going to be a trilogy; it was four books. I want the story to be done now! For one thing, because I’m really excited about the ending, and for another thing, the longer this goes on, the more of a terrible gremlin I become. The Locked Tomb is very special to me, but also I have five million other stories to write and only so long in a lifetime. I’ve been with this world since 2018, and I am wildly excited to get to all the other places. My editor and I will, I think, shed a sentimental tear on the final page, but also, you haven’t even met Teresa Santos yet, who has kept every gun she has ever loved.
What kind of writer are you? A plotter? A pantser? Do you have any morning rituals that set you up for a day of writing?
Plotter. I envy pantsers and gardeners. This is why Nona being unexpected got to me so much. I don’t actually have any rituals or exercises or anything—it’s important for me to have a specific writing space and a good breakfast. But every book is different. Like, what helped with Harrow was breaking every so often to die in Donkey Kong Country.
Do you have any writing or publishing or life advice for any budding queer sci-fi writers reading this?
I see so many writers—and this may also have something to do with being a queer writer—giving themselves SUCH a goddamned hard time. If I could give any advice to them, it would be to stop beating themselves up so much. I’m really dubious at how there’s this perceived glamorous youthquake to writing— like, that if you haven’t been published by 25 and don’t have BookTok at your feet, you’re a failure—it is so much more important to live your life. I’m so grateful I lived in an era where I could write fanfiction, for instance, and not have the sense that it ought to be my side hustle. You don’t have to have published the world’s most important and meaningful queer SFF story by the time you are 29. You don’t need to have done jack shit. 
I do have one piece of practical life advice because if I have any regrets, it is that for a large portion of my early twenties, I used to consume like six cans of Mountain Dew a day. I don’t think this sparked queer joy. I think it stripped away all my tooth enamel. You will LOVE having tooth enamel in your old age, so stop.
The Locked Tomb is seriously good and gloriously queer, and its continued success will hopefully encourage more publishers to publish more queer sci-fi, all of the time. Do you have any queer sci-fi reading recs to tide us over while we await Alecto? 
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh is coming soon. It should really be called Problematic Gays I Have Loved (this is why they don’t let me title things).
Thank you so much to Tamsyn for taking the time to answer our questions! We’re so excited to see everyone’s reactions to Nona the Ninth when she arrives on September 13!! In the meantime, head over to the #the locked tomb tag for fan theories, fics, and art (remember to filter for spoilers)!
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mintsuwu · 22 days
Yet another part of the Smiling Critters Family Headcanons!!
Bobby Bearhug
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Teddy Bearhug, a charismatic figure, serves as the mayor of Critter Ville, a role he fulfills with unwavering dedication and a genuine desire to solve any challenges that may arise within the community. With his outgoing nature and friendly demeanor, Teddy is beloved by all who know him. He embodies the spirit of unity and cooperation that defines Critter Ville, always ready to lend a helping hand and listening ear to those in need.
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Opposite to Teddy's effervescent personality stands Ivory Rosemary Locklaw, a woman of quiet strength and unwavering loyalty. Due to her quiet and mysterious nature, many of the residents of Critter Ville equally respect or fear Ivory, but some don't understand how someone like the mayor married her. Though she battles with social anxiety, Ivory's love for her family knows no bounds.
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In her younger days, she often found solace in solitude, until Teddy's persistent warmth and understanding broke through her barriers, leading to a deep and enduring love between the two.
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Together, Teddy and Ivory foster a home filled with boundless affection and support, instilling in Bobby the values of kindness, empathy, and community service. The Bearhug family's unwavering commitment to the well-being of Critter Ville earns them the adoration and respect of their fellow residents, who appreciate their tireless efforts to make their town a better place.
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However, not everyone in Critter Ville harbors such goodwill towards the Bearhugs. A family of foxes known as the Vixeniques holds a longstanding grudge against them stemming from Vanny's father past rivalry with Teddy during a political campaign. Despite this animosity, Teddy remains blissfully unaware, treating Vanny and her family with the same warmth and kindness he extends to everyone else. And so does Bobby- Even though Vanny does not reciprocate those feelings as she is bling with envy due to Bobby having everything she could ever ask for... But they will resolve their differences later on don't worry(?
BONUS: As Ivory and Catnap share that "eerie" energy and both are pretty much introverted, they actually get along quite well! She understood how Catnap was struggling to fit into the town when he first arrived and she inmediately dared to reach out and provide him of support. So she sorta became like a motherly figure or cool aunt to him. Which is kind of special because Catnap doesn't normally open to others too much, but he likes to spend more time around certain people like Dogday or even Loola. They hang out sometimes to have cake & vibe(?
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astrolovecosmos · 2 months
Chiron in Aries as a spiritual warrior is confronting, impulsive, and strong. They embrace the bravery needed to navigate self-discovery, healing of the ego or identity, and empowerment overall. They fight for their soul. Despite this self-focus they can be good at getting others passionate about a cause or sense of justice.
Chiron in Taurus as a spiritual warrior embodies grounded healing, stability, and prosperity. They face issues of self-worth and material security with resilience. They can get stronger with a deep connection to nature, with self-acceptance, and seeing intrinsic value in things or people. Chiron in Taurus teaches that true healing arises from a strong sense of worthiness and connection to what you can create, nurture, or sustain.
Chiron in Gemini as a spiritual warrior is intellectually agile, communicative, and adaptable. They confront inner conflicts through dialogue, seeking understanding and integration. Embracing the power of words and ideas, they navigate the complexities of their psyche and relationships with curiosity and flexibility. They fight for clarity of thought and the liberation of the mind.
Chiron in Cancer as a spiritual warrior is the protector, guard, and natural healer. They address inner wounds with empathy and sensitivity, embracing vulnerability as a path to healing. Guided by intuition and the wisdom of the heart, they navigate the depths of their emotional landscape with compassion and courage. They fight for emotional security and the healing of ancestral patterns, fostering a sense of belonging and nurturing within themselves and others.
Chiron in Leo as a spiritual warrior is bold, creative, and fiercely authentic. They mend inner wounds related to self-expression and validation with heart and passion. Embracing their unique gifts and talents, they shine brightly as beacons of self-love and empowerment. They are guided by an inner fire and can inspire others to embrace their own sovereignty and creative potential. They fight for the liberation of the authentic self and the reigniting of a spiritual flame. They can also act as spiritual leaders at times.
Chiron in Virgo as a spiritual warrior is meticulous, analytical, and devoted to their causes or sense of justice. They must deal with inner wounds related to self-criticism and perfectionism with humility and acceptance. Embracing the power of self-care and service, they navigate the journey of self-improvement with precision and compassion. Guided by a desire for wholeness, they seek to heal themselves and others through practical, tangible means. They fight for inner purity and the integration of mind, body, and spirit.
Chiron in Libra as a spiritual warrior is guided by a desire for peace, they fight for inner equilibrium and harmonious connections. They fight and defend their inner peace and level-headedness. Logic and objectivity being tools for them on their healing journey. Embracing pros and cons of intimate or partnership-like dynamics, fighting for fairness, and seeking justice are all battles for this soul. Inner beauty, kindness, and grace are their weapons.
Chiron in Scorpio as a spiritual warrior delve into the shadows of the psyche, embracing the power of regeneration and healing. Guided by a profound understanding of the cycle of death and rebirth, they navigate the soul's journey with passion, intensity, and emotional strength. These are perceptive beings that must learn a lot about inner power and outer power dynamics. They fight for the integration of darkness and light, embracing the alchemical process.
Chiron in Sagittarius as a spiritual warrior seek a spiritual truth, they seek meaning and purpose. They are guided by a spirit of adventure and a thirst for higher knowledge, they navigate the terrain of their inner world with courage and optimism. They fight for liberation from limiting beliefs and dogma, embracing the transformative power of open-mindedness and philosophical exploration.
Chiron in Capricorn as a spiritual warrior navigates the rocky terrain of their inner world with patience and perseverance. They fight for self-reliance and the empowerment of their true potential, embracing the promise of hard work and follow the path to personal and spiritual growth. They are responsible, enduring, and ambitious spiritual leaders or followers. They have a deep sense of integrity and duty.
Chiron in Aquarius as a spiritual warrior breaks free from societal norms and embrace their authenticity. Guided by a spirit of innovation and a desire for social change, they navigate the complexities of their inner world with unconventional wisdom and radical self-acceptance. They fight for the freedom of the soul and the advancement of humanity, embracing collaboration and progressive thinking on the path to spiritual evolution. They inspire, rebel, argue, and shake things up.
Chiron in Pisces as a spiritual warrior transcends with profound empathy and spiritual insight. They are drawn to ideas and practices of enlightenment, seeking to dissolve boundaries and connect with the universal consciousness. They confront wounds related to vulnerability and sacrifice with a deep sense of compassion and selflessness. They fight to defend the sanctity of spiritual realms and to safeguard the well-being of all beings, embracing the archetype of a hero who fights out of love and devotion.
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bitchy-craft · 9 months
What People Admire About You | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out what people admire about you. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist > Questions
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
In this pile, it becomes evident that people admire your intelligence, wisdom, and problem-solving skills. They recognize the depth of your knowledge and your ability to think critically. Your analytical approach and insightful perspective make you a valuable resource for others. People appreciate your ability to offer sound advice and guidance, especially in difficult situations. Your mental agility and sharp intellect set you apart and make you an admirable figure.
You possess an intuitive nature that allows you to tap into deep wisdom. Your insights are valued, and others recognize your perceptive qualities. Your inclination towards introspection and reflection is admired, as it enables you to find answers within yourself and share your wisdom with those around you. Your clarity of thought and ability to cut through confusion are highly regarded. Your balanced emotional intelligence is respected, as you handle emotions with grace and compassion.
Pile 2:
This pile reveals that people admire your kindness, compassion, and empathetic nature. They see you as a source of comfort and support in their lives. Your ability to understand and connect with others on an emotional level is highly valued. People appreciate your genuine willingness to listen without judgment and provide a safe space for them to express themselves. Your warm and nurturing presence makes you an admirable individual.
Your nurturing and caring nature is recognized and admired by others. They see how you create a supportive and loving environment for those around you. Your capacity to cultivate meaningful connections and foster harmonious relationships is highly regarded. People admire how you bring people together and create a sense of unity. Your genuine kindness and the emotional support you offer are deeply appreciated. Your ability to understand and validate the emotions of others without judgment is respected.
Pile 3:
This pile suggests that people admire your strength, resilience, and determination. They recognize your ability to overcome challenges and adversity with grace and perseverance. Your unwavering resolve and tenacity in pursuing your goals inspire and motivate others. People see you as a role model for resilience and courage.
Your strong willpower and the way you navigate through obstacles to achieve your objectives are admired. Your determination and focus are evident, and others respect your ability to stay on track. Your inner strength and ability to remain calm in the face of adversity are deeply admired. Your resilience and capacity to bounce back from difficult situations inspire those around you. Your empathy and willingness to support others during tough times are highly regarded. Your compassion and generosity are seen as remarkable traits. Your fiery passion and self-confidence leave a lasting impact on others, who recognize your leadership qualities and ability to take charge.
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hero-israel · 5 months
Let me tell you being a former Christian this shit goes so much deeper than a lot of born Jews realize. The Christian worldview (specifically Calvinist/Puritan) seeping into and pervading all of modern leftism is honestly frightening. But also it's very funny.
They believe that there are Good people and Bad people, and that any mistake or lapse in judgment or instance of not being educated is a Mask Off moment, showing who is a member of the Elect and who is not. If you fuck up, that's not just a fuck up, it's Revealing. You are damned, were always damned, you were just good at hiding it, and now we know the truth and are doubly angry because not only are you evil, you lied about it. The only recourse is to shun you, and if that leads to your death, so be it. Anyone who's seen any micro celebrity get canceled saw this in action.
And the only way you can prove you're a member of the Elect is to operate as if you have nothing to hide. You have to loudly and proudly proclaim your righteousness. If you don't have anything to hide why would you be worried? Privacy is suspicious. You Must Speak on everything they deem important or else you obviously agree with the Bad People. There is no room for discussion or healthy debate. There are no loopholes or subclauses or other points of view to consider. You're with us or against us. If you don't constantly go around saying you're with us, you're probably secretly against us. The only way to convince your neighbors, whom you inherently distrust, that you're one of the Good Ones, is to perform righteousness, parrot righteous words. The only way to redeem yourself is by grandiose acts of self flagellation, perhaps being the right demographic, or by accusing others of Heresy.
The goal is not to bring good into the world, it's to recruit more people into the same thought patterns (that's kind of all Christian denominations though). Because if you can convince your community that you're one of the Elect, that means G-d preselected you for Heaven, and you're golden. No repercussions or consequences baby. The only material benefit for you is that you "get" to proclaim you're going to Heaven and everyone has to agree with you. If anyone doesn't they're probably going to Hell anyway. You're on the right side (of history), so why should you ever self reflect or grow? Why should you question anything? Why should nuance or empathy exist? This is about Right and Wrong. We know where we stand, where do you stand?
Every single aspect of American culture and politics, right and "left" alike, was planted by the pilgrims, and it is so fundamentally antithetical to true Leftist thought. Remember all the actually successful Western Leftist movements were started in Europe (and Israel cough cough)... because they kicked all their fucking psychotic Calvinists out. Those people went to America and that's a big big big reason why we don't have any near as much of a robust Leftist movement as even socially conservative European countries (and Israel cough cough). And what's funny is I still find myself slipping into these thought patterns, which is so not compatible with Jewish philosophy or theology. It's been years and I'm still not done.
It's a hell of a drug to kick, so I definitely don't trust white goysiche college kids who've been antitheists for about 6 months since they left their Republican parents' homes to have any great success in unlearning and unprogramming from this. Which is kind of obvious in that I see them acting just like their conservative Christian parents every day on every social media platform, swap out a gun toting white Jesus with some noble savage idea of Palestine, absolving the West of its sins against the Global South.
It is a cult structured around spiritual isolation, antisocial behavior, and it is inherently against any kind of political movement that centers and celebrates the Community. It is designed to tear communities apart and foster obedience to whatever authority can force itself on them. And this has been going on for almost 500 years, there is nothing we can do about it.
Thank you for the insightful look. Their "purity culture" approach definitely had to come from somewhere.
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theereina · 15 days
Start a daily gratitude journal to cultivate a positive mindset.
Practice mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes each day.
Set specific, achievable goals for yourself in all areas of your life.
Read a self-improvement book or listen to a motivational podcast each week.
Create a budget and track your expenses to improve your financial literacy.
Take a new fitness class or try a different workout routine to stay active and healthy.
Volunteer your time to a cause you're passionate about.
Practice self-care regularly, whether it's through skincare, baths, or relaxation techniques.
Develop a morning routine that sets a positive tone for your day.
Learn a new skill or hobby that interests you, such as painting, cooking, or coding.
Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges or resentments from the past.
Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift and inspire you.
Start a savings account or investment portfolio to secure your financial future.
Practice assertiveness and boundary-setting in your relationships.
Spend time in nature to recharge and reconnect with yourself.
Take a solo trip to explore new places and gain independence.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare providers for preventive care.
Practice saying "no" to obligations or activities that drain your energy.
Explore different forms of spirituality or connect with your spiritual beliefs.
Declutter your living space to create a more organized and peaceful environment.
Practice random acts of kindness to spread positivity in your community.
Learn to manage stress through techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.
Attend workshops or seminars to continue learning and growing personally and professionally.
Set aside time for creative expression, whether it's through writing, drawing, or crafting.
Practice self-reflection to identify areas for growth and improvement.
Cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude rather than scarcity and fear.
Set boundaries around technology use to prioritize real-life connections.
Experiment with different styles and fashion choices to express your unique personality.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals and aspirations.
Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding.
Explore your passions and interests to find what truly lights you up.
Develop a morning or evening skincare routine to care for your skin.
Take up a regular exercise routine, whether it's yoga, running, or weightlifting.
Practice effective communication skills to express yourself clearly and assertively.
Set aside time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Invest in experiences rather than material possessions for long-lasting happiness.
Foster gratitude by expressing appreciation for the people and things in your life.
Practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself, to release negative emotions.
Engage in acts of self-love, such as positive affirmations and pampering sessions.
Cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder by exploring new ideas and perspectives.
Invest in your education and personal development through courses or workshops.
Practice empathy and compassion towards others, seeking to understand their perspectives.
Practice mindfulness in everyday activities, such as eating and walking.
Set realistic expectations for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.
Surround yourself with supportive friends and mentors who encourage your growth.
Create a financial plan to save for future goals, such as buying a home or traveling.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal of things you're thankful for.
Take time to relax and recharge by engaging in activities you enjoy.
Reflect on your values and priorities to ensure your actions align with your true self.
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bejeweledblondie · 7 months
hey! I have a request- I wonder what you think would be the type of girl 141 + konig + graves + any others would go for, thanks!!
Ooooo I legit have this one in my drafts! So buckle up! (Since these men take their careers very seriously I don’t think they’d actually peruse a relationship with a colleague due to professionalism,) I also apologize for not immediately posting this my husband rescued a small kitten from our storm drain & we’re getting her acclimated to our home
•Simon “Ghost” Riley- I feel like he’d lean into a very feminine type of woman, solely due to being around men constantly & his upbringing. So to him being with a woman who leans into very feminine roles would be something that I think he’d find incredibly attractive. Like dresses, makeup, very fashionable, loves to cook, etc.
• Captain John Price- I feel like he’d lean more into a old soul at heart type of woman. A woman who doesn’t settle for anything less & is also incredibly elegant at the same time. To me he’s an old soul himself so it’s very fitting he’d go for a woman who’s an old soul herself. You love to watch old movies, cross words puzzles, actual puzzles, etc.
• Johnny “Soap” MacTavish- I feel like his ideal woman is a full on extrovert that’s incredibly athletic. He needs someone to match his personality & energy at all times. Someone who is adventurous & has a incredible sense of humor. You can easily drink him under the table & love football.
• Gaz- I think his ideal woman is headstrong & intelligent. She doesn’t take shit from anyone, even Gaz when he’s being a “man.” She has a lot of empathy (I believe Gaz does too especially with his reactions to seeing the aftermath of terror attacks) & that can be a downfall for her sometimes. Luckily the both of them use their empathy to their advantage. Y’all love walking the dogs in your local animal shelter, & even foster animals
• Alex Keller- I feel like he’d go a woman who’s bookish, but not afraid to get her hands dirty. Her intelligence can get the best of her. But she can overthink situations & Alex has to reassure her sometimes that’s she’s making the right decision. Overall she’s a big sweetheart & does lean more into her feminine side. I’d say you love to read, paint, have a veggie garden, & love to go on hikes
• Keegan P. Russ- you’re far more extroverted than he is. You’re constantly helping him break out of his shell a bit. He’s can be so serious sometimes that he’d find your fearless attitude refreshing but also stressful. You’d give him a heart attack whenever you do something semi dangerous, like bring in a stray possum because it was cute
König- He’s going for a woman who’s patient & empathetic right off the bat. No joke like a kindergarten teacher imo would be perfect. Someone who can listen to him, take care of him, but also provide space when needed. I feel like y’all would enjoy reading books together, he’s very intelligent & book reading is a great way to bond over something but if needed he can always read by himself or with you.
Sobiesław- he’s going for a Slavic woman, a woman who’s traditional but has a little sass. You definitely lean into your more feminine side & be incredibly fashionable. I also feel like he’d into joining you on your shopping trips because you have a good idea for what looks good on him.
Phillip Graves- the All American type of girl, picture Cindy Crawford in that Pepsi Super Bowl commercial. Outgoing, kind, you’d have to be patriotic (RAH 🦅) to some extent obviously, & confident. You’d be his biggest cheerleader & provide the best support system for him in his career.
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beatmyfeet · 9 months
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Respect the decisions and instructions of your wife, she knows exactly what is best for you
The Strength of a Formidable Woman: A Compass for Partnership
In the diverse tapestry of marital bonds, the figure of the formidable woman often stands out as a beacon of respect and admiration. Far removed from the stereotyped image of a dependent or submissive woman, the formidable woman is one who commands respect, not just through intelligence and capability but also through love and compassion. In many relationships, she becomes the moral and practical compass, guiding both her partner and family with wisdom and kindness.
"Respect the decisions and instructions of your wife; she knows exactly what is best for you." This mantra may sound singular, but it unveils a profound truth in the dynamics of many couples. Why so? Because the formidable woman doesn't just dictate her whims; she evaluates, contemplates, and decides with a mix of logic, intuition, and empathy.
The formidable woman is often the cornerstone of the family. She understands the needs and wants of each member and balances them with the realities and priorities of daily life. She may not be infallible, but her decisions are taken with care, and her judgment is often honed by a deep understanding of people and the world around her.
In this dynamic, respecting the wife's decisions and instructions isn't about blind subservience. Instead, it's an acknowledgment of her ability to see clearly, to grasp the nuances of life that may escape others. It's trust in her love, her wisdom, and her intent for what's best for her partner and family.
This doesn't diminish the role or value of the man in the relationship. He can, and should, have his own viewpoints, his strengths, and his unique contributions. But in this particular dynamic, recognizing and respecting the woman's leadership can foster a powerful and positive synergy.
The formidable woman is not a threatening figure; she's a pillar of strength, a font of wisdom, and often, the very heart of the family. Recognizing and respecting her decisions and instructions is not a sign of weakness but rather a celebration of her strength, intelligence, and love.
In an era where roles and expectations are continually evolving, the figure of the formidable woman in a relationship can serve as a reminder that strength isn't just about authority, but about wisdom, compassion, and mutual understanding. It's a delicate balance, but when achieved, it can craft enduring harmony and happiness, guiding the family with a steady yet loving hand.
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Five Mental Lessons The Gym Has Taught Me About Life:
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Through my fitness journey, I have discovered several valuable lessons that have shaped my mindset and attitude towards life.
1. Pain is Temporary:
One of the first mental lessons I learned from working out is that pain is temporary. During intense workouts, there are moments when our muscles ache, and fatigue sets in. However, pushing through these challenging moments teaches us that pain is transient. It reminds us that we are capable of enduring discomfort and overcoming obstacles. This mindset can be applied to various aspects of life, reminding us to persevere through difficult times, knowing that they too shall pass.
2. Character is Shaped by Prioritizing Discipline over Motivation:
Working out regularly requires discipline and commitment. It's easy to rely solely on motivation, which can fluctuate over time. However, I have learned that true character is shaped by the days when we choose discipline over motivation. By prioritizing consistency and sticking to a workout routine, even when we don't feel like it, we build resilience, self-control, and determination. This mindset extends beyond the gym, helping us develop discipline in other areas of life and achieve long-term success.
3. You Are Stronger Than You Think:
Working out has taught me that I am stronger, both physically and mentally, than I initially believed. Through challenging workouts and pushing my limits, I have realized that my body and mind are capable of achieving more than I imagined. This newfound strength translates into other areas of life, boosting confidence and providing a sense of empowerment. Recognizing and embracing our inner strength can help us overcome self-doubt and conquer any obstacles that come our way.
4. Focus on Your Own Journey:
In the fitness world, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparison. However, working out has taught me the importance of focusing on my own journey rather than comparing myself to others. Each person's fitness journey is unique, and progress should be measured against personal goals and achievements instead of external standards. By shifting the focus inward, we can celebrate our own progress, appreciate our individual strengths, and avoid the negative effects of comparison.
5. Everyone is Battling Something:
Lastly, working out has reminded me that everyone is fighting their own battles. In the gym, we encounter people from all walks of life, each with their own challenges and struggles. This realization fosters empathy and understanding, reminding us to be kind and supportive to others, both inside and outside the gym. Recognizing that everyone has their own things to focus on encourages a sense of community and collective growth.
Working out is not just about physical transformation; it has the power to shape our mental well-being and personal growth. Through the five mental lessons I have learned from working out, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself, developed resilience, and cultivated empathy towards others. Embracing these lessons has not only improved my fitness journey but has also positively impacted various aspects of my life. I encourage you to reflect on your own fitness journey and discover the valuable mental lessons it has taught you.
Leah 💋
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unhelpfulfemme · 9 months
Thalias from the Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy is how you do a female character with "traditionally feminine" virtues correctly.
The culture of the Ascendancy involves using young girls - the only Force sensitives their race has, since they all lose their Force sensitivity when they enter puberty - as ship navigators necessary to navigating the chaotic part of space that they live in. These girls are taken from their families at a young age and raised by a series of caregivers, and just like a bunch of plenty of carers IRL a lot of them are dogshit at their job. As someone who's worked similar jobs and watched other people work similar jobs, Timothy Zahn is BRILLIANT at portraying all of this - it gives me feelings like I can't describe. If you've ever seen a mean preschool teacher harranguing their charges or a shitty foster parent who doesn't treat their foster kids as individuals or anyone of the sort, you will feel this in your bones. Zahn goes hard on the "children are people" themes in this trilogy and I love love love this - it really means a lot to me to see a man known for his military and engineering competence porn stuff put so much thought and care into portraying caregiving as the important and complicated task that it is without coming off as sexist or patronizing towards it.
Anyway, Thalias is one such navigator, but even though most of them want nothing to do with the whole trauma-inducing system once they grow out of it, Thalias ends up returning as a caregiver and puts so much effort, compassion and logical thought into it that it makes me cry tears of joy. She draws on her own experiences but is quick to course correct when she realizes that Che'ri's experiences are different from her own (Thalias loved to read as a kid and still finds it comforting, Che'ri hates reading), she treats Che'ri with empathy and gives her as much autonomy and independence as she is allowed to. She uses a scientific method to figure out how the navigator powers work and adjust Che'ri's work routine accordingly - something no one has ever thought to do. She advocates for Che'ri with the rest of the ship's crew. She's amazing, and Zahn also makes sure to show how HARD it can be at times rather than just make her a perfect mind reader who always knows what her charge is thinking and what to say or do.
She's also kinda flawed - she seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Thrawn because he was once nice to her when she was a miserable kid in the throes of the shitty navigator system, and it comes off as kind of weird or cringe at times, and that's a GOOD thing in my book because it makes her character more 3D.
ALSO, the really nice part of it is that these books are filled to the brim with cool female characters that all feel really really different from each other, so Thalias being the nurturing, diplomatic type doesn't feel like Zahn sending some kind of message - the other prominent character is Ar'alani, a clever military woman who's a natural leader, excellent at handling her subordinates and recognizing their talents, excellent at handling politics even though she hates it, excellent at improvising on the fly, and also a kind and loyal friend. A lot of the other soldier or officer types are also women, and Zahn's other works also have a shitton of varied and cool women, so you feel safe in the knowledge that anything Thalias says or does is indicative of Thalias as an individual and not some vague idea of what women are like that the author has.
I also love how her character provides a contrast to all the "necessary evil" and "people are assets"-type thinking that a lot of the Ascendancy's more military types endorse (which make up a large percentage of the main cast, since this is mil scifi after all) - her conversation with Samakro about this is just chef's kiss to me. I feel like it's cool that we get this kind of POV because to me it serves as confirmation that Zahn knows what he's doing here - he's not being a stupid edgelord fanboy in love with the concept of doing shitty things for the greater good, he's just keenly observing how different people approach life and how all of these sorts of thinking are very useful in certain situations and deeply stupid in others. And the topic is treated with zero smugness - I've read things where similar arguments are used as a way of showing how wise and perfect one of the characters is and how stupid the other one is (coughvorkosigansagacough), but here everyone is treated with respect and empathy and consideration.
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kizunarae · 1 month
I think Fitz truly has quite a compassionate heart. I feel like his positive traits are often overlooked because of his own narration and boneheaded ways. But if you look at his actions, he often wants to help people even at the cost of his own desires. In just the beginning of Assassin's Quest, he helps the minstrels on the road and in the very next town, despite his resolve to remain in isolation, he moves towards helping a drunk beaten by the city guard (though he's stopped by a bystander). And of course, he was immediately kind to the Fool, and often goes to the aid of abused animals.
He ponders these acts as if they are a sense of duty, but he hardly lets that affect him in other areas. And sometimes he doesn't comment on these acts at all. I like to think his Wit sense fosters an appreciation of all life and deepens his empathy.
I'll be looking forward to noticing this in particular through the rest of my reread. I think he just belittles himself so much you really have to read between the lines to see his strengths.
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