martian-garden · 11 months
Hey besties help a weird ND guy out
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mysticdragon3md3 · 6 months
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I'm sorry to say this, but the number can be WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY MORE than 3 years.
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wopfedra · 2 months
Consider this: The Protocol!verse does not have the FEARS, but OBSESSIONS.
As a seasoned TMA fan, I have come to automatically try to classify what I hear by the Fears, and while there are clear indicators at times, I always find at least like, two per statement. Of course, matching is not at all impossible, but the statements we heared were often less about a confrontation with something and more about some strange drive urging the person to go further. Like they were obsessed with it, getting themselves deeper and deeper into it. We even see it in Sam, who seems quite obsessed with the Magnus Institute.
Just me rambling though, PLEASE share your thoughts on that with me!! Am I totally off or onto something?
Think about it. No, seriously, do. I'm just not good at lore analysing, take this and turn it into something...
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Why do so many people like...have such an aversion to admitting they might have OCD? Like someone will be talking about OCD symptoms and people will be like "oh I do that but it's because of my autism!" or "oh yeah that's totally me except ADHD lol"
Like...guys I've got news for you.
ASD and ADHD do not cause obsessions or compulsions. They might cause symptoms that look similar (like dependence on routine in ASD or mental hyperactivity in ADHD), but aren't obsessions or compulsions like what's seen in OCD. If you see OCD people describing their inner thought processes and you relate, you can't chalk it up to ASD or ADHD. However ASD and ADHD are highly comorbid with OCD (about 30% for both autism and ADHD), so chances are you just also have OCD. But an autistic or ADHD person without comorbid OCD is not going to have obsessions or compulsions (again, they might have symptoms that resemble them from an outside perspective, but they aren't going to relate to OCD people describing their OCD).
The only other neurodivergencies that can cause obsessions and compulsions are Tourette's and sometimes personality disorders if we're being technical with our definitions (that could be a whole other post because it's complicated).
Like yes there's overlap between neurodivergencies, but they don't cause identical symptoms, and when you look at the internal processing they're easy to tell apart. If you have the exact same internal processing as someone with OCD, chances are you have OCD. There's probably something to be said about recent OCD demonization leading to this aversion, but that can be saved for another time.
Untreated OCD can be really deadly, you aren't going to be able to get better with OCD if you think it's just your autism or ADHD, that's why this is important.
Bottom line is: research whether certain symptoms appear in a disorder before attributing those things to that disorder to avoid misinfo. Because good God this shit has caused a lot of that.
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some comparisons between disorders and symptoms
we've been meaning to write this for a while now, because we often receive asks that are like "how do I know if I have a schizospec disorder or (another disorder)?"
so, here are breakdowns of symptoms that affect thoughts, some things we'll take from the EASE for more officiality and clarity
intrusive and impulsive thoughts
intrusive thoughts are by nature aggressive, horrid, macabre, and/or sexual.
they're different from impulsive thoughts. impulsive thoughts are silly, usually fun, are things that wouldn't bring too much harm on yourself or others if acted upon. things you would realistically do in the spur of the moment. they are purely caused by impulsivity.
examples of impulsive thoughts:
thoughts/imagery of breaking some object
thoughts/imagery of sneaking up on a person to give them a scare
thoughts/imagery of impulsive buying, spending, etc
examples of intrusive thoughts:
thoughts/imagery of blood, catastrophes, death, etc
thoughts/imagery of harming yourself/others
thoughts/imagery of sexual harassment, violence, etc
intrusive thoughts are unwanted, cause distress, are met with resistance, and often with attempts to push them away
impulsive thoughts aren't necessarily unwanted, cause minor distress or no distress at all, aren't met with much resistance
intrusive thoughts are a symptom of many, many, many mental health issues and illnesses. though, they also happen in healthy people, occasionally.
the keyword is: occasionally.
when intrusive thoughts become frequent and constant, they become obsessions.
obsessions are, simply put, ongoing intrusive thoughts.
they are repetitive, they won't stop showing up no matter how much resistance or attempts to ignore them is shown, and are cause of great distress.
they are often met with attempts to push them away, which can too become frequent and become compulsions.
compulsions are often present with obsessions, but not always, and the reverse is also true. obsessions are often present with compulsions, but not always.
obsessions are the defining feature of OCspec disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (both obsessive and obsessive-compulsive types, but not compulsive type) and body dysmorphic disorder.
thoughts/imagery of any past event.
ruminations are frequent and ongoing as obsessions, but they're a bit different depending on the subtype of ruminations.
subtype 1:
the person is unable to find any reason for their tendency to obsessive-like states; they simply rethink and relive what happened during the day/past days – not motivated by perplexity, paranoid attitude, or sense of vulnerability or inferiority.
subtype 2
the obsessive-like states appear as a consequence of a loss of natural evidence, disturbed basic sense of the self, or hyperreflectivity, or they appear to be caused by more primary paranoid phenomena (suspiciousness, self-reference, etc) or a depressive state.
subtype 3
ego-dystonic, as in obsessive-compulsive disorders, with ongoing internal resistance, but a content that is not aggressive, horrid, macabre, or sexual. they're also categorised as true obsessions, but can have a different content.
subtype 4
obsession-like phenomena, which appear more as ego-syntonic (not met with resistance, or only occasionally), and with a content that is directly aggressive, sexually perverse, or otherwise bizarre. they often feature an imaginative character doing the actions, instead of the person who's experiencing the ruminations.
to make it clearer:
intrusive thoughts are unwanted, cause distress, are met with resistance, and often with attempts to push them away. they do not happen regularly, and often aren't a cause of concern, though they are distressing. everyone can experience intrusive thoughts, regardless of if they have a disorder or not.
obsessions are unwanted, cause distress, are met with resistance, and often with attempts to push them away. they happen regularly, often on a daily basis, and often are cause of concern. since they cause distress regularly, they're often basis for a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorders. again, if they don't cause distress, they're not obsessions, they might be ruminations or impulsive thoughts, or something else entirely. they are often, but not always, met with compulsions, rituals, or attempts to ignore them to neutralise the obsession.
ruminations are varied. they all have in common that they happen regularly, often on a daily basis, and they're thoughts/imagery of past events. they can just be (subtype 1); they can be in response to depression, hyperreflectivity such as anxiety, paranoia, suspiciousness, etc (subtype 2); they can be bizarre, met with resistance and distressing as obsessions, but of a different content (subtype 3); they can be of the same content as obsessions, but without the same resistance and without being distressing (subtype 4). though, they can also be met with compulsions, rituals, or attempts to ignore them. they can happen in any disorder, but especially subtype 1 can... just happen, even in healthy people. subtypes 2-4 are frequent in schizospec disorders. subtype 2 is also frequent in other non-schizospec disorders such as anxiety, depression, etc.
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aikoiya · 5 months
DP - The Nature of Ghosts & Obsessions
Regarding Danny Phantom, I read something about someone saying they were annoyed with the idea of obsessions.
They mentioned that it was ghosts being forced to do something they loved, but that this turns that thing they love into something that sucks.
That these obsessions make them one-deminsional.
That people aren't simple. They're complicated & ghosts should be too.
And I'm like... they do realize that you're not supposed to enjoy being a ghost, right?
Being a ghost isn't supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be miserable. You become a ghost when you don't feel fulfilled or content.
That's why things like unfinished business, moving on, finding peace, & letting go are such big deals for ghosts. Because they can't find rest until they let what's keeping them there, go.
I think about it like being unable to sleep. Just because the nature of being an insomniac is to not be able to sleep, doesn't mean that it's healthy for them.
Like, no one wants to become a ghost!
Becoming a ghost means that there is something missing from your life to such a degree that you refuse to leave it alone.
That's why they are portrayed as wailing or moaning. Why they're portrayed as sad or even miserable. Why they are often called "restless" or "lost." Why ghosts are noted to have routines that they rarely deviate from. That's why some seek vengeance almost single-mindedly.
Ghosts are defined by their traumas.
It's very rare that you find a truly happy ghost because the very nature of being a ghost is to not be happy because being happy would allow them to move on. (And by happy I mean fulfilled.) Thus they would no longer be a ghost.
At least, when we're talking about ghosts of the dead, anyway.
In such a situation, being a ghost is like being trapped in a state of undeath & being unable to escape.
That's why ghosts are so compelling as a concept. They're just innately tragic entities.
You take this away, you take away, like, half the entire narrative draw of ghosts.
And if ghosts aren't obsessive, then what even turned them into ghosts to begin with? What kept them from moving on to a more permanent afterlife?
It can't just be random.
I mean.. it can, but that's just really boring!
I'm just saying, without the tragic narrative & the exploration of death & its consequences, without the existential horror, why even refer to them as "ghosts" to begin with?
DP Ghost Zone Masterlist
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summonerj · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about Obsessions and instead of Jason’s being killing the Joker it’s protecting children. Like what if he subconsciously links the the two together, killing the Joker = protection, and he doesn’t understand this is an Obsession. What if his ghost form is still his 15 year old Robin self as the standard but, he can make his form younger to put some children at ease who aren’t comfortable with an adult or teenager.
(even though he can change his age, he can’t make himself older then the age he died at(he’s also in his Robin uniform no matter the age(he’s trying to fix that)))
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kiindr · 2 months
what i want you to do is stop using the words "delulu/delusional" and "intrusive thoughts" for non-clinical purposes. they are actual symptoms that people suffer with. they don't need you to add to their troubles by trivializing their experiences by casually using these terms :)
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batnouveaus · 1 year
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I've read a lot of ideas about what Danny's obsession is, but honestly not a lot about what Vlad's is.
So I give you: Vlad's obsession is not Maddie, but getting what he wants.
My explanation/head cannon:
When Vlad becomes a Halfa, it's a slow process of him dying of ecto-acne/irradiation. As opposed to Danny's death, that was a quick electrocution.
In Danny's moments of dying I always kind of imagined him panicking and in his moment of panic wondering if Sam and Tucker were okay. To then be followed up, by him realizing that ghosts are coming through the portal and that he "needs" to catch them, thus forming his obsession with "being the hero" or whatever you want to call it.
While Vlad was in the hospital, I imagine he would be having A LOT of feelings. Most of which would equate to "I want out" "I want Maddie" "I want to be healthy" "I want to strangle Jack for messing up and getting me put here" "I want to see my friends" "I want to be able to experience more before I die" ECT.
So upon him finally becoming a Halfa and "getting better" he then starts doing everything that he had been wanting to do.
He wants and needs money to accomplish most of his goals, so he makes a company and uses his powers to gain that money and power. ECT.
Maddie was never his obsession and neither was having a family. His obsession was "Getting what he wants" and since his morals were already a bit grey at the beginning, he had no problem becoming a bit of a villain to fulfill his obsession.
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ghostpebble · 1 month
reminder that danny would be losing his shit at the total eclipse rn
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itshype · 1 year
When people write Ghost/Liminal Batman and make his Obsession justice. Like...you're not as wrong as you could be
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but are you
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(It's not even a bit wrong, I just wanted to make an argument for family obsessed batman which would be fun especially if it shocked every non-batfam JLA member...fuck I'm going to end up writing this aren't I?)
Also, FYI I didn't even include any of Bruce's many, many love interests because I didn't want to but they're often also depicted as batfam members. Also if you include Batman INC members there are like another 20 of them.
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vibtttt · 9 months
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put my current obsessions into one drawing
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passivedecept · 1 year
Maybe kinda weird but there is One (1) thing i really dislike in the Danny Phantom fandom.
The Obsession Fanon.
Because I believe it takes away some very important characteristic from Danny.
If you make his so-called 'obsession' protection you take away something very important.
The fact that he choose to do it.
He choose to help people. He continues to choose it no matter what. He still helps the people who bully him.
Why? Because as he said in an episode. No one else will.
He is a good person and by just saying he has to because of an "obsession" I feel like you destroy that part of his character.
If you make his 'obsession' space you also take something away. As he mentioned he wanted to be an astronaut. By making it an obsession you take away this thing he loved. Because you end up 'forcing' him to love it because he has to to survive because of 'obsession'
Sure. The ghosts have a theme but they are more than that. Sure Ember has her music thing but she still dates and does other stuff. Youngblood plays games but he is a young kid.
What would you even give Johnny and Kitty? Love? With all the arguements they have?
I dont like the Obsession thing that Fanon seems to be convinced about is Canon and I will die on this hill.
And no. It isnt Canon. As far as I remember (and I watched the show three times but i may misremember some stuff) it was never truly mentioned as obsession. You have ghosts who have goals but the humans also have goals and you dont call that obsessions.
These ghosts are just bored out of their minds and decide to do ghost stuff and cause trouble because of that or to gain more power.
Ember doesnt sing because she wants to be a popstar. She straight up is a popstar because she gained more power from people knowing her name. (An example I know of the top of my head)
Just. Really dislike the fandoms obsession with Obsessions.
Okay that is all. 1am rant over.
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glittertomb · 2 months
Current Obsessions 🌸🍄🐸💜🌿🌼
(Haven’t done one in 3 years, I think, and I have half an ounce of energy right now but here goes)
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Scavengers Reign… an animated science-fiction show about a beautiful but dangerous planet with unusual biological mechanisms… watch for free here
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Winternight Trilogy… a historical fantasy series spun with Russian fairytales, old gods, and curious creatures… rent on Libby with a library card
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The Boy and the Heron… I know the latest Ghibli got some mixed reviews, but I’m just giddy to have another super magical film from our favorite Japanese retiree, and understanding how this film relates to his legacy and his son makes it much more emotional for me… it will be on Max at some point or watch for free on fmoviesz.to
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Southern Reach Trilogy… I realized that the Annihilation movie was loosely based off of these books, so I had to know more about this quarantined (but ever-expanding) area where strange and psychedelic phenomena occurs… these are probably also on Libby
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The Scholomance Trilogy… re-reading one of my favorite magical series in which students navigate a deadly world where monsters and even their own school seem to be coming for them at every turn… the first audiobook is available for free with a Spotify premium account, or just find them on Libby lol
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Dave the Diver… explore the deep seas by day, run a sushi restaurant by night, and more… I dunno, I play it at my sister’s house so go look for it on Steam
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This last one is kinda random but I’ve been really into Ito En teas at the moment… I usually get the giant bottles of unsweetened green tea from my local Asian markets… I’ve also been drinking a lot of giant bottles of unsweetened Aloe because I’m a giant ball of inflammation but I couldn’t find my brand.
So, the end! I hope these give you comfort as we wait for spring! If you’ve been feeling gloomy, stir-crazy, or otherwise glum, remember to keep taking your vitamin D and keep your chin up, cause spring is so close we can almost taste it. 🌸 ~love, laue
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padsmoony04 · 2 months
I love how you can see my obsessions in different fictional characters or celebrities by scrolling by my blog. For example, second is like, "Oh, hey, look! Harry Potter, dead father!" And then it is like, "Oh, hey, Batman's traumatized and resurrected son!"
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