#a baptism
knightofleo · 1 month
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http-sawposting · 4 months
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and he has come to absolve you of your sins, the sacrificial lamb weeps for it knows it’s fate is sealed
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fettfleisch · 10 months
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at the holy mass in the woods last night. we ate more than just the wind
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fliegenengel · 7 months
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when I felt sad, I was at my best
Soeren Baptism, truck tarpaulin, 2023
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tomicscomics · 1 month
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The widdle baybeee!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. This cartoon is based on a story from the 6th session of St. Joan's trial. Before I explain it, here's the original segment, translated by W. S. Scott: "Asked what was the age of the child at Lagny that she went to see, she replied: The baby was three days old. And it was brought to Lagny to Notre Dame. And she was told that the maidens of the town were before [the statue of] Our Lady; and that she might like to go and pray to God and Our Lady that it might live. And she went there and prayed to God with the others. And finally life appeared in it, and it yawned three times; then it was baptised and immediately after died, and was buried in consecrated ground. For three days, they said, no life had appeared in the child; and it was as black as her tunic. But when it yawned, the colour began to come back. And she was with the maidens on her knees in front of [the statue of] Our Lady, offering prayers. Asked if it were not said by the town that she had brought this about, and that it was by her intercession, she replied: I never inquired." 2. To summarize, Joan was in a town called Lagny, where a stillborn child was placed before a statue of Mary in hopes of a miraculous revival. Joan is asked to pray over him with the other young women of the town, and when they finish, the baby is temporarily revived and quickly baptized before dying again. 3. Medieval Catholics believed baptism was essential for salvation, and that anyone who died without it could not get into heaven. Losing a child would've been bad enough without believing their soul was lost too, so although this baby's return to life was only temporary, his quick baptism would have meant the world to his family and community. For those who are curious, the Church still believes that baptism is necessary for salvation, but they also teach that God can offer its graces Himself, without the need for formal ceremony. The sacraments are bound to God, but He is not bound by His sacraments. 4. Though it's not explicitly stated in this part of the manuscript, one of the narratives being pushed by the judges during the trial was that Joan was always out to glorify herself, not God. They ask her if the people of Lagny credited her for the miracle, but in this cartoon, I expand that question a bit to get at what they were really trying to say. 5. For more background on this story, here's one of the sites I referenced: https://www.online-literature.com/anatole-france/joan-of-arc/25/
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bluedillylee · 6 months
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trying to figure out book Geralt vibes
not quite there yet but I like how this turned out
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
shoutout to judith deuteros for, in a series full of people simply not having a good time of it right now, being in probably the top five people consistently simply not having a good time of it right now. again I cannot exaggerate how stiff the competition she's up against is, but for three books now nothing good has ever happened to judith deuteros and no one but corona seems to worry overmuch about it
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nopekaat · 10 months
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Geralt trying to be subtle in Baptism of fire 🔥
Spoiler : he is not.
The fact that’s an actual moment from the book made me go crazy, I love it hhh
Click for better quality :)
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fawndollita · 10 days
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scheunensohn · 8 months
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You died by my side but it never felt right
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odetokeons · 2 years
diversity win! the local satanic cult leader is bisexual!
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bereaving · 1 year
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- They can't beat us, Bea. Not together. - I know that.
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mintaikcorpse · 2 months
Okay, serious question.
What's the deal with purity in most abrahamic religions, especially christianity? This isn't me making fun of these people; if abstinence helps you feel closer to God, so whatever you want! But I'm just confused as to why it's a thing?
My original theory is because pregnancy was very dangerous back then (still is) and since lust can lead to sex which can lead to pregnany, they made it a sin so people wouldn't die brutal and painful deaths. But that's just my theory, and I can't find much other than it "taking away from God." But Adam and Eve were litterally made have sex and populate the Earth, which seems counterproductive. So, why is lust a sin?
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fettfleisch · 1 year
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fliegenengel · 1 year
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Angels stuck in wood
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meanpersonaart · 11 months
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Based on the post I made a while ago:
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I feel like Regis is just silly fella. Also higher vampires love shiny things like their lesser cousins and you can fascinate a higher vampire with a piece of jewelry
(I chose yarrow (common yarrow) beacause It grows everywhere here and in Polish the name is krwawnik and it relates to blood (krew- blood) haha funny.)
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