#and multiple times ive heard it as “the hot guy” and ended up trying to figure out which of these anime men my mom would consider attractive
savethepinecones · 7 months
my mom has been watching mha but she cant remember anyones names so every time they mention everyone she stops the show to be like "whos that one again?" and ive gotten to the point where im using bakugou tactics to keep track of people smh
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tuesday again 5/16/2023
used up all my words writing fic this week, this is uncharacteristically short
the last time i listened to this song, i was in a rental car on the way back to umass from seeing The Last Jedi with some friends. real oldheads: do you remember the mustang we all made fun of with lights that projected a little running horse onto the ground? that was the rental car.
this is a perfect feelgood summery song. no notes.
how'd i find this: listening to the s/tar wars rewatch podcast A More Civilized Age reminded me of how i cried in sheer rage at the end of The Las/t Jedi lol
this is one of the coolest textile/data/activism projects ive ever heard of.
Even with natural dyes, for the most part, people don’t think about their water quality. They don’t understand that the invisible things in the water can affect the outcome of the color. You know, it’s just like, “Oh, madder is red, so I’m gonna get a red textile.” But there are so many more steps in dyeing a piece of fabric with a plant dye, or an insect dye. It’s not as easy as just putting some plants in a pot and turning the water heat up.
The goal of using color was to be able to visually demonstrate that not all water is the same. I was hoping to see if I could sort of pull out the pollution, but then what I figured out was that it’s very complex. It’s very possible that I’m demonstrating pollution, but I think I need to gather and do way more tests in order to prove something. 
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a bunch of stuff, but a lot of surface level critique.
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Symphony for a Massacre (1963, Deray) is a french noir i picked somewhat at random bc it was on my library's streaming service. this is a film about a drug shipment, counterfeit money, and multiple double crosses (but none of them overlap in interesting ways) that takes you by the arm and drags you along, unwavering, toward the end. i want to sound less complimentary than i do there, but i can't be bothered. wanted to like it, it didn't grab me. i had some difficulty telling actors apart, and i don't think anyone's performance stood out except for the wife of a club owner, who flings her jewel box at someone's feet to pay her husband's debt.
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Maverick (1994, dir. Donner) is full of guys i love to see (Molina, Coburn, Garner) but committed the unforgivable sin of reminding me that there were two much better movies i could be watching instead: Silverado (1985, dir. Kasdan) and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989, Spielberg). Jodie Foster is extremely fucking hot and more than holds her own. i think my big beef with this film is that i don't care for mel gibson as an actor or a person. also, this film cannot decide if it wants to be a comedy or an action-adventure (even though there are many funny action-adventure films) and as a result does neither genre well. i said "oh come ON" out loud at the final twist.
also rewatched The Batman (2022, dir. Reeves). i don't know why either. i think if it ended on the roof of gotham square garden and we didn't have the following goodbye scene with catwoman AND the following arkham scene, it would have stuck its landing a little better. wish this movie wasn't visually so fuckin dark, bud. throw some contrast in there.
friday afternoon, remembered i had a code for Powerwasher Simulator, and since then i have played almost twenty hours. i've also almost caught up with A More Civilized Age, a podcast in the Austin Walker extended universe about rewatching all of star wars. five star podcast five star runtime
most importantly, BIG FOOKIN DISH
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it is so very seductive to open this game and have my brain turn off. it is SO seductive to feel like i am actually accomplishing tangible things. unfortunately, i need to do many things with no tangible results (or no tangible results i will see for many months, which is almost as bad) and i seem to have fucked up my shoulder by playing too much viddy gaem.
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the writing in this game (mostly in the form of text messages from your clients that pop in as you hit certain cleaning milestones) is so goddamn funny. this is a job sim game. there are eight billion of these games. they didn't have to be funny at all
read my pornography. it has math jokes. you do not need to have read anything else i've written.
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cracks knuckles. so, been just trying to gauge overall reception with this, but what are your thoughts on the fan made return to the bunker episode? i’ve noticed glowing reviews from people who vaguely describe it—hit the character vibes right, jokes were cool, i liked the art, etc, but scathing ones from people who go more into detail—stan would never be this explicit in his desperation, ford was never this outcast or terrified of himself/others nor did he consider dipper as below, the entire thing was misogynistic, etc. so, what’s your opinion?
i did say i wasnt going to talk/reblog anymore posts about return to the bunker, but ill answer this anyway
i feel its kind of important to say right off the bat that i never finished the episode and i certainly dont intend to. i never even got to one of the b plot scenes with stan and dipper. i stopped around the bit where they got into the bunker and ford started trying to warn them about the shapeshifter. the clearly-not-ford-ness radiating off of 'ford' was too much to ignore and i couldnt finish it
anyway- what was good about the episode? well, the art and voice acting, for sure. during the first part, it also seemed like they had gotten the characters down pretty well and i thought some of the jokes were good.
in the first part.
and then mabel comes in. this is around the time real ford goes missing and fake ford shows up. no there arent two fords in the actual episode, its just that the difference between them is stark enough that theyre completely separate entities in my mind. anyway
i noticed that the sweater thing was weird to a lot of people. glad im not the only one that was extremely confused by the guy wearing a sweater saying it was too hot to wear a sweater. maybe it was meant to be a joke? it really just came off as ford trying to make excuses not to wear mabel's sweater.
which- its not like him not wanting to wear the sweater cant coexist with him liking mabel. maybe its a situation where he doesnt want her to see all his scars, or maybe he doesnt want it to get ruined when he goes to beat the shit out of the hawktopus (since yknow that was kinda the whole point of him being outside)
the point im trying to make here is that it really seems like the episode is just trying to paint ford as unreasonable and not liking mabel. speaking of which-
the way ford treats mabel is uncharacteristic. the first time we ever see ford smile in the show is when he's meeting mabel. he literally says 'i like this kid, she weird!', why are we acting like he doesnt like her?? genuinely confused. who looks at the way he was treating her in the episode and goes 'yeah fords just like that'?
sorry, anyway, last thing i have to say-
the entire bit where theyre making their way through the bunker struck me as a bit odd. it sorta felt like the episode was trying to make a joke out of ford and his wariness about the place? hes trying to guide mabel and some other kids he barely knows through the place, theyre rushing ahead (which cant be good for his paranoia), and for some reason when theyre getting close to shifty and hes trying to warn them its framed as him being melodramatic?
shifty locked his friend in a cabinet and pretended to be said friend so it could catch a look at the creatures in ford's journal and start transforming into them. i think hes allowed to be a bit cautious/afraid about meeting shifty again
and some bonus stuff ive heard about below:
ive heard that ford wipes their memories with the memory gun. he was a victim of it (implied or directly stated multiple times- who wants to bet hes got brain damage from that?) and he struggled so much to use it on stan in a situation where it was necessary to keep the world from ending. no, theres no way ford could just hit them with it like that
ive also heard fiddleford shows up and ford is weirdly antagonistic to him? 'im sorry fiddleford' is a phrase running through ford's mind on the constant for over thirty years and his first reaction to seeing fiddleford again is to apologize to him and assume he hates him. according to the journal, he actually mentioned to everyone else in the shack that he was wondering what happened to fiddleford. its implied he did that several times.
i dont have anything else to say and i dont know how to end this so. thats all. thank you for the ask and sorry if anything i said here sounded aggressive at all. not my intention.
uh moral of the story: i didnt like it :(
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searchingwardrobes · 3 years
Ivory Runs Red: 5/6
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First off, massive thanks to the @cssns​, my beta @demisexualemmaswan​, and my artist @cocohook38​. Cocohook created this amazing cover art, and she is working on something else too to go with this story. The rough sketch made my jaw drop, so I can’t wait for ya’ll to see it!
This part  is going to be a little long, but I need to address something that I got multiple comments about. Just bear with me; this is the only way I can think to clear things up. I was really surprised to see that some people were angry at David and Mary Margaret for not doing anything to find Emma and/or "allowing" her relationship with Neal. Others simply expressed things along the lines of "I hope you explain what David and Mary Margaret did about all this." The reason this reaction surprised me so much is because I thought it was clear that they HAD done something. Why would the Golds need to get rid of police files if the Swans never reported Emma missing? Why would issues of the newspaper be missing from the library if Emma's disappearance wasn't reported on? Obviously, David and Mary Margaret did something! As for Neal, they had no idea Emma was seeing him. If you'll recall, in a previous chapter, Emma told Killian she had to sneak out at night to meet Neal. So that wasn't Snowing's fault either. Also, how would any of these characters know what David and Mary Margaret did or didn't do for their daughter? This is almost a hundred years later, and Emma's memories are dulled from being a ghost for so long. The only way I could spell out clearly how Snowing handled their daughter's disappearance would be some sort of convoluted info-dump, and I didn't want to destroy the tone and mood of the story to do that. But just so everyone knows: Yes, Emma's parents were devastated. They did everything in their power to find her, never giving up hope (which is so in character for them!). They died still believing she was either still out there or that crimes against her had gone unpunished. It broke their hearts. The Golds spread rumors that Emma was some kind of slut who ran away with a guy, and the people of Storybrooke overall thought the Swans had gone crazy. So there it is, that's the back story that I just couldn't figure out how to fit in the story, lol.
I'm not mad at the questions, to be clear. I was just surprised by them. I guess I blame the show for ruining these two as parents the last couple of seasons. Maybe that's why everyone jumped on them so fast. I was also honestly worried that ya'll would be upset with me for not addressing the topic, hence this long explanation! No one was rude by any means, so don't go trying to defend me from nonexistent trolls, lol! My feelings have NOT been hurt. I simply wanted to address the questions that were asked and the misplaced anger toward Snowing. (Not anger towards me - but fictional characters!)
Okay, now that I've cleared all THAT up, let's get on with the next chapter, shall we? And I'll go ahead and warn you: this is gonna hurt . . .
Summary: When ebony flashes gold, blood runs cold. When ivory runs red, you’ll be dead. Killian Jones had heard the old rhyme his entire life. Every child did in Storybrooke, Maine. They heard it whispered in the dark at sleepovers as children; taunted as a challenge as teenagers. Killian never believed it was actually true. Until that fateful night …
Rated M for graphic depictions of violence, abusive relationships, and major character death (I mean, it’s a ghost story ya’ll, people are dead. BUT I promise, there is a happy ending. Trust me? *peeks from around a corner*)
Length: 6 chapters, complete, updated every Friday
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @kmomof4​ @xhookswenchx​ @let-it-raines​ @bethacaciakay​ @tiganasummertree​ @shireness-says​ @stahlop​ @scientificapricot​ @spartanguard​ @welllpthisishappening​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @thislassishooked​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @kday426​ @ekr032-blog-blog​ @lfh1226-linda​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @nikkiemms @optomisticgirl​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @carpedzem​ @branlovestowrite​ @superchocovian​ @hollyethecurious​ @vvbooklady1256​ @winterbaby89​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @jennjenn615​ @snidgetsafan​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @lassluna​ @distant-rose​ @courtorderedcake​ @winterbythesea​ @thesschesthair​ @killian-whump​ @thisonesatellite​ @batana54​ @it-meant-something​ @xsajx​ @therooksshiningknight​ @gingerchangeling​​
Chapter Five: Run
“You’ve got to tell them what you saw - what you’ve learned,” Killian pleaded. 
Graham shook his head, his curly hair falling in his eyes as he stared at the slender hands he clasped in his. His eyes were bloodshot, his jaw sported far more facial hair than it normally did, and Killian didn’t have to ask if he’d slept in the past forty-eight hours. 
“They won’t believe me.”
Killian’s jaw clenched in frustration. “But if I saw Emma, and you saw her, then maybe they’ll believe -”
“That Belle saw a ghost push Mike Gaston off the troll bridge? They’ll believe that? Really?” Graham let out a sarcastic, bitter laugh. “You really are just a naive kid if that’s what you're thinking.”
“But you’re a cop!”
“I’m still only nineteen! They’ll think we’re just over-imaginative teenagers.” Graham paused, reaching up with one hand to trace the curve of Belle’s cheek as she slept in her drug-induced prison. “That will land us in rooms just down the hall with our own IV full of an antipsychotic cocktail. How will I help her then?”
“You’ve fallen in love with her.” It wasn’t a question. 
Graham sighed. “How could I not? And how could he -” He broke off, his blue eyes flashing. “I’m not sorry he’s dead. If I’d been there and saw him hurt her -”
“Shh, I wouldn’t say things like that. Not here.”
Killian’s gaze fell to the bruises around Belle’s neck, and he didn’t blame Graham at all. It terrified him to think what could have happened if Emma hadn’t shown up.
“History repeats itself,” he murmured under his breath. 
Killian had scarcely arrived at the bridge when headlights blinded him. He turned away, blinking, stumbling, refusing to be stopped. 
“Emma! Emma!” he shouted. He tripped and dropped his flashlight. It broke as it hit the ground, rolling to the edge of the bridge. Now all he could see was ebony before him and radiant luminescence behind him. 
His palms scraped against the asphalt as Liam hauled him to his feet. His brother gripped his upper arms so tightly it was almost painful, and he gave him a brief shake. 
“You’ve got to stop this!”
Killian fought him. “I have to see her!”
Liam had always been broader than Killian with an unfair advantage in all their childhood tussles. Even now, Killian was no match for him as he lifted him bodily with one arm and hauled him over to his car. 
“You need help!” Liam literally tossed him into the backseat. 
“I’m not going home!” Killian tried to scramble out, but Liam just shoved him back inside. 
“Good, because I’m not taking you home.”
“Why won’t you be straight with us, kid?”
Killian glared at the detective with a cynical sneer. The psychiatrist on the cop’s left frowned at Killian’s attitude. The choice of words was cruel considering he was in a literal straightjacket. His vision of the two men was obscured by the long strands of dark hair before his eyes. Haircuts were apparently seen as a luxury on the psych ward. 
“I’ve answered all your questions,” Killian finally told them wearily, “you just don’t like what I had to say.”
“Because we want the truth,” the psychiatrist, Dr. Archie Hopper, said gently. He was clearly playing the part of “good cop.” Or “good doctor.” Whatever.
“I told you the truth.”
“There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
Killian snorted a laugh. “Tell that to Mike Gaston.”
The detective’s voice took on a harsh, warning tone. “Mike Gaston was the victim of murder.”
“The victim!” Killian cried, his voice snapping up. “What about the bruises he put on Belle? Or the fact that I nearly died when he tied me to that bridge!”
The detective’s lips curled up in a lewd sneer as he lit a cigarette. “If some horny teenager likes it a bit rough, that’s none of my business.”
Killian fought his bonds, his jaw clenching at the detective’s insinuation. He was as bad as Neal Gold, maybe worse. He had to be pushing fifty at least, and a pot belly strained at his button up shirt. His eyes widened as Killian raged.
“Bothers you though, I see.” He leaned forward. “Nobody blames you for wanting her, kid. Nobody blames you for being jealous. But murder? That’s a different story.”
“I told you I had nothing to do with that!”
The detective glanced at Dr. Hopper, and the soft spoken psychiatrist took over. “Killian, start at the beginning for us. What did Belle say when she called you that night?”
“I’m telling you, she didn’t call me, she didn’t come to my house. I saw her early that afternoon at the library. That was it. Then my brother got a phone call that there had been an accident, and we came to the hospital.”
“You and Belle were at the library together a lot,” Hopper said softly, “what did you two do there?”
Killian rolled his eyes. He hated the patronizing way the man asked the question. “We studied. Did our homework. We were friends.”
The detective snorted again, and Killian wanted to scream. “Drop the act, kid. You really expect us to believe that you spent all that time with her, all that time with a hot chick, and you never fucked her?”
Dr. Hopper recoiled at the foul language, and Killian thought his own jaw might actually break. 
“You’re just as much a misogynistic, narrow-minded, neanderthal as Mike Gaston.”
The detective grinned and slapped Dr. Hopper on the knee. “You were right, shrink, this kid’s smart.” He took another puff of his cigarette as he eyed Killian. “Smart enough to plan an elaborate murder with your knocked-up girlfriend?”
“That’s the most ridiculous - wait - did you say knocked up?”
“Hm,” the detective mused, leaning back in his chair and rubbing at his five o’clock shadow. “You didn’t know?”
Killian was horrified when a laugh slipped past his lips. Another bitter laugh followed, then another, until before he knew it, he was shaking with them. He was laughing hysterically while wearing a straightjacket. That thought made him laugh even more, and if he didn’t seem like a lunatic before, he sure as hell did now. 
“What the hell is so funny?” thundered the detective.
Killian’s laughter stopped abruptly and he leveled the man with an intense stare. “History repeating itself. That’s what’s so funny.”
A smile that he knew bordered on manic curled his lips. Yes, history had repeated itself, and this time, Emma Swan had won. 
They didn’t have enough to charge him, or Belle, or anyone else really with Gaston’s murder. It was officially declared an accident, and theoretically, Belle French and Killian Jones were free to move on. 
Killian wouldn’t say it was easy for Belle. She had severe trauma from that terrifying night, and she ended up losing the baby because of it. Nevertheless, she had Dr. Hopper’s patient help, her father’s support, and Graham’s unwavering devotion. Soon, though it would be a long time before she was truly healed, she was able to go home. 
Killian, on the other hand, didn’t really want to go home. For one, he, unlike Belle and Graham, refused to stop talking about Emma - refused to lie and say he made it up. He didn’t fault his friends for it; didn’t take it as a betrayal. He even understood their reasoning when they begged him to do the same and just play along, damn it. He simply couldn’t do it. Emma was too real, too precious. He knew her in a way they never would. He knew the feel of her skin, the taste of her lips. He wouldn’t - couldn’t - let that go.
The psych ward wasn’t so bad. The drugs numbed him to the point that he sailed on a sea of oblivion half the time. He’d stopped fighting, so there was no more straight jacket, no more bed straps. 
And she came to him. Sometimes the drugs meant he wasn’t lucid enough to really carry on a conversation. On those nights, she curled up next to him on the bed. She ran her fingers through his hair and caressed his cheeks. She pressed kisses to his lips, and sometimes he could respond in kind. 
Other times, though admittedly rare, they would talk. About everything and nothing at all. One night, they talked about their dreams for later, after high school, and suddenly Emma began to weep. 
“I know,” he soothed, brushing her forehead with a kiss, “you fear you can never have that. But maybe we can figure it out. If we somehow get the truth out. About your murder -”
Emma silenced him with a finger to his lips. “That isn’t it, Killian. It’s you. I have no more tomorrows but you can.”
His brow furrowed, and she sighed and soothed the lines away with the pad of her thumb. 
“But not if you keep holding onto me.”
His arms instinctively pulled her closer. “I’ll never let you go.”
She sighed, and sadness filled her eyes. She slipped out of his embrace and rose from the bed. Her skin grew white, her gown floated in an ethereal way at her feet. He frowned and scrambled to a sitting position. 
“I have to say goodbye,” she told him. She said it with an edge of discovery in her voice. Her lips turned up in a soft smile even as a tear slipped down her cheek. 
He shook his head and tried to reach for her, to leave the bed, but he had just enough drugs in his system to make his movements sluggish and ineffectual. 
“I won’t let you see me again.”
“No, Emma, please! I love you!”
“And I love you. That’s why I have to do this.” 
She was already fading away. Killian made a fist and slammed it into his thigh. Tears stung his eyes. 
“Be happy,” she told him, “for me.”
Then she was gone.
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Fundy 21 APR 21
OSMP Dr*g Lab Part 1/1
The boy is doing disasters!
And now he’s got his new computer! Hooray!
Let’s see if the stream functions. I doubt it but it’ll be funny.
I’m typing this and attempting to fill out digital paper work for my college. Let’s see how this goes.
Hooray cat! We love Boots. Look at that pretty kitty laying on her pillow! I need to do more art for Boots. I’ve done some in the past.
Fundy gets to annoy people with his appearance. Everyone in chat shouting no. I think it’d be funny.
I don’t want to do my work. I just want to watch the chaotic fox boy.
We’ve hit problem two. Woo.
The people demand an Ad.
Oh we get facecam! Oh never mind he’s stuck again.
Ah yes. The temporary facecam.
My stream quality is going to drop just cause it can. I’m calling it.
Poor Fundy wants his mic not to cut out, but its become a thing and we all love it. “Twitch Pr”
He’s trying to break the mic for us. LOL.
Oh things sound Funky.
Echo, echo, echo
Oh no. My poor head.
He’s just laughing at us now.
He’s wondering how he didn’t lose all his viewers, we’re loyal, sadly.
Fox with his lovely base. It always looks so cool.
Ah we’ve been abandoned.
Bless your soulza
Yuck. Normal Minecraft. Yuck Spiders.
Dodge those skeleton shots! Do it!
Enslave Berry Foxes!
He has become a slow airplane.
Posture check. I am laying on my back I have no posture.
The boy eats the valued things.
I almost want to dual wield streams and watch Phil’s reactions to all this, but also not seeing the reactions is funny.
Puns. I love them. RUN FOX RUN!
Fundy Just causing problems on purpose. We love our chaos boy.
Ha ha. Karma.
Fox go YOINK.
Boots? Pet the cat. I wish we could see the cat. Boots is being banished downstairs.
Aww. He’s trying to be helpful. but the zombies just going to burn. Oh he realized before he burned the zombie. Good.
What is crow father doing? Just kelping? Is Phil just ignoring him?
Oh Phil just watching Fundy save the slab.
And giving him a reward. I am seeing parallels between this and what I do with troublesome campers.
I wonder how the crows have been reacting to Fundy being a problem on purpose?
Wealth goes in the mouth.
Sadness. Zombie friend despawned.
I love how Fundy can go from “I am tough” to “I am weak” to “I am tough” its always funny to me.
Something happened with sticky keys but I’m not sure because I was making a hot pocket.
Not crash is typically a goal of driving.
no reusing jokes. Boo someone throw a tomato.
“R” well alright then.
Don’t put wealth in the mouth. Got it.
Chat goes zoom? He’s oh noing.
“I don’t have a phone” as you text on your phone.
Wat. Some donos make negative amounts of sense.
I’d listen to him play that in the background while I work.
Look at the crowfather making his achievements.
Why would a fox have gold nuggets?
Foxes will look at Fundy and go “ah big fox. He is our leader now”
Ooo another video? A game show?
Don’t mind me. Just nearly drowning drinking water because a skeleton dropped on the small fox.
Humans designed bananas. Natural bananas are tiny and seedy. I know, Ive tried one. It was nasty.
Are star fruit rounded?
Foxes are dogs with a cat attitude. Who steal. The thief animals.
Digsirton. Dogson. Dogust. III. What an interesting name.
He was a fox. Because.
Fundy in the ring.
BRB gotta go cover plants so they don’t die during the cold snap.
Plants have been covered.
I know you guys attempted to surf the void and failed and that’s about it.
Now the Fox is chatting with the inchling.
Oops. Didn’t time it right.
He is a spring.
How does everyone have so many diamond things.
Nice. Enderman one shot.
Guilt free trident.
Woosh! With a trident the fox can fly!
And he didn’t thief it. Proud of him.
I love how close everyone stayed near spawn.
Poor lil fox.
Someone get the fox a trident!
Oh Phil’s view was probably great.
We’re looking scuffed again.
Phil witnessing the murder of 1 (one) fox.
Sneeg is a bullet.
Poor Fundy wants to become stacked, but he doesn’t hunt for anything.
Ah the bee. And there he goes.
Secret chest. Lovely.
Storage Unit Fox. Infinite mouth.
Sizzle Fox
Sneeg and Fundy work well together.
I’m betting on “no” for his next death being burning. Someone’s going to stab em or something.
Rats. Oh well. It was just 10 points
Quality entertainment.
Up he goes. He made it! Mitsakes are made (error intended)
Fundy one shotting everything is so great.
Aren’t ghast sounds cat sounds made weird? Or is that just something I heard once?
I’m voting no again. I’ll probably be wrong but again it’s 10 channel points.
No sizzle fox please. He will, but I’m saying no.
He one shot the ghast, but he did sizzle.
All this fox knows is sizzle. Ooo that give me an art idea.
Oh no he’s going to feel bad about the people who donated multiple times when it was paused.
Hi 5up.
Wow calling his “lover” short. How rude. Lol.
Du du du du
The tortles were released. Poor Niki.
I hate the mouth sound effect so much.
Training Arc with the pounce.
I hoard channel points like some people hoard money.
Because he coldn’t help it? Poor boy.
I’m not involved in the prediction but these people have no hope in our boy.
Bee boy!
Oopsy. He is dead. The predictors were correct.
Bye bee boy.
Bee boy is back!
Ender boy is here! It’s a party now!
Fox just wants a skull.
Also yeah chat no spamming VC. Have good etiquette. We don’t do that’s here.
Prediction once again was right to not believe in the fox.
Drug corner looking nice. We can officially drugs now!
Oh no. He said chat. He does that when he’s ending.
Ah we are ending. That was productive.
Shaders! Gorgeous!
Oh it’s night. I never know if it’s night or not with the fox.
A pretty fox hole.
Phil over there Fox proofing his house.
Ah were attacking Phil. Nice.
The Fundy raid is here!
Tubbo! Really? Oh well. At least there is the mouth.
Anyway. I’m off. Good luck out there everyone!
I’m back to say that Fundy attempting to jump and get Tubbo was great.
Come on Fundy! Get him!
Ah. There goes the low heart boy.
Ah and the bullet appears.
I’m going to chill until Fundy gets Tubbo.
“C’mere” -Fundy
We’re used to watching our streamer get murdered Phil. This happens a lot.
He did it!
Go Fundy! Put the Wealth in the Mouth!
Oh no. Tubbo hired the bullet.
The bullet strikes again.
Oh he mouthed the zombie head.
Proud of our streamer.
No Fundy. Quit making problems.
Bees and foxes. Natural enemies.
Oh others can always hear the fox.
Anyway. That settles that. I’m heading off for real.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || Another Member Doesn’t Like You
It didn't take a genius to work out that Min Yoongi didn't like you, you knew it and so did everyone else but your boyfriend Jin, who insisted that Yoongi did like you, he was just tired whenever you were around together and that's why he threw comments at you that made you uncomfortable or left whenever you were coming to the dorms to hang out with Jin. You just got on with the fact that you couldn't get along with everyone and not everyone was going to get along with you, so you did your best to stay out of Min Yoongi's way, you figured it would be best that way, you stay out of his way meaning no more sly comments about your relationship with Jin or how you dressed or acted and that plan was going well until now. Jin had invited you down to the studios to come and see him before you went out to lunch together and you were just about to get into the elevator when Yoongi appeared and got into it before you, to save an argument you took the staircase instead heading up towards the dance studio where Jin told you to meet him inside.
"Jin?" You called out, walking further into the darkroom feeling along the wall for the light switch, you flicked it on and no one was inside so you went and sat on the floor by the back of the room, knowing Jin would be there soon to come and meet you and that he was probably just held up somewhere in the building.
"Jin why did you want to meet in here?" You heard Yoongi question, shutting the door behind him but not looking up from his phone, you looked up and he stared at you.
"Jin?" He called out sending you a glare and turning back to the door which was slammed shut behind him, you got up on your feet and walked over to it, trying to open it and groaning when you realised it was locked.
"It's locked." You said in a low tone to Yoongi who grumbled something before pushing you out of the way and trying the door for himself as if he had some magical ability to be able to open it.
"You mean we're stuck in here?" He questioned, pulling harder at the handle as if that was going to do anything.
"It's locked." He repeated and you resisted the urge to tell him you told him so, you took out your phone and began texting Jin to come and let you out, and that it wasn't funny.
"Nothing from Jin?" Yoongi questioned breaking the silence you had both been sitting in for the last hour, you checked your phone and shook your head.
"Nothing." You whispered back to him, reaching down into your bag and pulling out a bottle of water, offering it to Yoongi instead of drinking from it right away.
"Thanks." He whispered taking it away and drinking from it, you reached through your bag trying to find something else for you both.
"I have some fruit, crisps and a chocolate bar if you're hungry?" You questioned, he looked at you with a raised eyebrow and came closer to you.
"I am pretty hungry." You let out a small laugh and handed him the food, while he was eating you played with your fingers, unsure of how to bring up any conversation with him as this was the most you'd talked to one another without an insult being thrown in your direction.
"Why do you hate me?" You blurted out, he almost choked on the piece of chocolate he was eating and looked at the floor, you needed to know why if you were going to avoid him.
"I don't hate you-" You cut him off with a laugh and threw your head back against the mirrored wall you were sitting along.
"Yoongi you insult me all the time, I'm constantly getting glared at and you always leave when I'm around." He felt bad that you thought he hated you, he didn't particularly like you but he didn't hate you.
"I don't...I just, when you and Jin first started dating it threw him off his game, he stopped practising so hard and he just thought and talked about you all of the time...I didn't want to be around someone who could be taking the chances of our dreams away from us." You sighed and looked at him, finally he was opening up to you about it.
"I told Jin I didn't want to be a distraction, and that I didn't want to date him if it was going to start something." Yoongi shook his head, turning to face you now and making sure you were looking at him.
"I've never hated you though. I figured it was easier to stay away from you then to get distracted as well." You nodded and smiled a little, looking up into his eyes, his were soft and a small smile was on his lips, this was the first time he'd smiled at you in the whole time you'd known him.
"I promise to keep him on track and not distract him anymore, you guys are amazing at what you do and I've loved your music forever." The door began to rattle and you both got to your feet.
"After all you are my favourite rapper." You said as Jin came through the door, you rushed over to him leaving a kiss on his cheek and smiling.
"Beside Jin of course." You giggled and Yoongi chuckled along with you.
"You haven't killed one another so that's a good sign." You heard Namjoon say from outside the dance studio door, you sent him a playful glare and Jin took your hand in his, getting ready to take you to lunch like he'd promised.
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Multiple times you told Yoongi to slow down and take regular breaks when he needed to but he wouldn't listen to you, he wouldn't listen to anyone and with the new comeback coming up he was working even harder than before so you tried to make sure he took breaks whenever he could, or whenever you could get him to. You knew that this was his dream but he still needed to take breaks or he could get sick, you tried to talking to the other guys to help you get him to relax but none of them could get him to relax either. That's how you ended up here, on your way to the hospital after getting a phone call from Namjoon at 3 am telling you he found Yoongi passed out in his studio, you were in a race to the hospital, you didn't think there would be much traffic since it was 3 in the morning but it was still busy. Once you got to the hospital and called Namjoon to let him know you were outside but he said he'd gone back to the apartment to get some clothes for Yoongi and to call Hoseok who was upstairs with him, you hung up and debated it for a second. You and Hoseok didn't see eye to eye at all, for some reason he'd just never liked you, your finger hung above the call button next to his name and you sighed locking the phone and going into the hospital to find Yoongi yourself.
"Y/N?" You heard someone ask from behind you, you were standing at the nurse's station trying to find out some information on where Yoongi was being held but they weren't telling you anything, you looked over your shoulder to see Taehyung standing there with a tray of hot drinks, you smiled at him softly and then looked around.
"Is he on this floor? They won't tell me anything." You sighed, he nodded for you to follow him and you went through the halls together, he was about to talk to you when you reached Yoongi's room, you could see him through the small window and wanted to cry, it felt like your whole world had stopped, he was laid in the bed with an IV in his arm and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.
"You." You heard someone say, your attention was dragged away from Yoongi to Hoseok who was storming over to you, red in the face with anger, Taehyung awkwardly walked into the room and left you and Hoseok in the hall alone.
"This is your fault." You were taken back but let him continue his verbal attack on you,
"You did this to him! Always wanting to go out on dates! Spending time together! He had to stretch himself so thin he got sick!" He yelled gaining attention from nurses but you kept your head down, you'd never seen Hoseok this angry before with anyone and you knew he needed to be mad at someone right now.
"You should just break up and make it easier on everyone." You looked behind him at Yoongi who was still asleep but then back at Hoseok who was still angry with you.
"I get that you're angry Hoseok but this isn't my fault." You whispered not wanting to drawer any more unwanted attention but he wasn't having it, he was shaking his head and yelling again.
"But it is, you're always asking him for attention, or to take you out, or to come home and spend time with you when he needs and has to work." That was it, you had enough. You knew Hoseok didn't like you but he didn't need to pin something that wasn't your fault on you and spin-off fake facts.
"Listen, I get that you're mad okay Hoseok and I know you hate me for some reason but I didn't do this. I didn't put him in this hospital bed." You said, he tried to cut you off but you held up your hands to stop him from talking.
"All those times when I was asking him for 'attention' or to come home was to get him to rest because he needed sleep a and real meal for once Hoseok instead of living off take away and sleeping on his sofa! I was trying to prevent him from ending up in this place, not make him stretch so thin he'd be here." You pushed past his shoulder going to the door but he took your wrist in his hand to stop you from moving away from him, you turned around ready for another argument with him but you found him crying, tears streaming down his cheeks, you stepped closer to him half expecting him to move away but he stepped into your arms and hugged you, you hugged back softly patting his back in a comforting way and shh'd him as he cried into your arms.
"What did the doctors say?" You questioned when you pulled away from each other, he wiped his eyes and both of you looked at Yoongi on the bed.
"That he'll be okay after a night here, and that he has to go home on bed rest." You sighed leaning your head against the cold glass.
"Bedrest? That's not going to be easy with him." Hoseok chuckled in agreement and then looked at you, you frowned and looked down at yourself, you were dressed in your Mang PJ's, you laughed and rolled your eyes.
"Mang's the best." You admitted causing him to laugh a little more coming to stand next to you and look at his sleeping best friend.
"I don't hate you by the way." He admitted you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow,
"I just hated the way Yoongi would always be too busy for anything anymore." You nodded in agreement.
"Well he'll be on bed rest, you can help me get him to stick to it."
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You agreed to go on tour with Hoseok, your boyfriend of six months when he asked you because you figured it would be great to spend time together even though he would be on tour, he assured you it would be fun and you guys would enjoy it and you agreed. You were taking some work with you from college so you could study while he was busy and you wouldn't in the way of them when they had practice or a show. The first month of the tour was going great except for the fact that Namjoon was giving you glares every chance he could or sending snide comments whenever he could, you did your best to ignore it but it was getting to be every time you would come to see Hoseok now, and when you were alone waiting for Hoseok to finish practising he would have something to say to anyone in the room about you, thinking you couldn't hear him or saying it knowing you could hear him and not caring. Today was no different, you'd come by the arena to meet Hoseok for lunch and he was running late so you waited with some of the stylists, Namjoon walked in and let out a grown when he saw you sitting there, you ignored him and he sat on the sofa behind you.
"Don't you just hate being distracted at work, you would think people have something better to do with their time." You ignored him, playing on your phone when you heard him say something about that too.
"Using people for their money as well, that's something that really grinds my gears." You looked up in the mirror to see him staring in your direction, an evil glare playing on his lips so you got up from the seat going to the door.
"Imagine using someone for their money." You'd had enough so you stopped yourself from walking out of the door and turned around to look at Namjoon who was laughing to himself.
"I wouldn't know, I'm not using my boyfriend for anything." You said going to the door but he stopped you,
"You have a new laptop, new phone and are currently visiting different countries but sure...you're not using Hoseok for anything, he's too blind to see through you but I'm not." You scoffed pulling your bag over your shoulder and shook your head at him.
"I get that you hate me Namjoon but I love him, I never asked for those things he did that. Now I think I'll go home, and not hotel home, I mean Home, home so I'll let you explain it to Hoseok." You said going to the door again but Namjoon's last words caught your attention.
"I wouldn't miss you. Nobody would." Your breath hitched in your throat and everyone in the room fell into a total silence by what he'd just said to you.
"Well, you explain to Hobi where I am and why I'm gone." You said, leaving and slamming the door behind you.
The knock on the hotel room door caught your attention, Hoseok probably forgot his key again so you got up and walked over to it, opening it to see Namjoon standing there before you could slam the door in his face he put his foot in the way to stop you.
"What do you want?" You questioned throwing clothes into your suitcase and trying to find everything you had in the room so you could go and catch a plane ride home.
"To apologise." You scoffed at him, ignoring him and going to find the bathroom products that you'd packed.
"I mean it, what I said was mean...What I always say to you is mean." He admitted you stopped in the doorway to the bathroom and bedroom and looked at him, he was being serious.
"It's fine." You lied.
"No it's not, what I said was out of order and I don't hate you." You scoffed again and came back to the suitcase, folding up some clothes and adding them into it.
"I'm serious, I don't hate you."
"You make it hard to believe." You sighed at him but he nodded in agreement.
"When Hoseok told us you were coming I didn't want you to and it's not because I hate you, because I don't. I think you're the best thing to ever happen to Hoseok but I hated the fact that there would be another distraction for us all...As the leader-"
"You want them to have their heads on right and be in total concentration mode...I told Hoseok that but he promised it would be fine and that he asked you before he asked me to come." Namjoon chuckled and sat on the bed next to your suitcase.
"Yeah he did, I just didn't have the heart to say no to him." You nodded and looked at the case.
"Still want me to leave?" He shook his head, taking out one of your college books and flicking through it.
"No, who else will tell me facts I don't know and who else will I get to tell my facts to." You smiled and he chuckled, nodding over at the door.
"Now let's get back to the arena, I promised Hoseok I'd bring back coffee."
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You were waiting for forNamjoon in his bedroom at the dorms when you heard him come through the door, you wiped the tears from your cheeks, you'd had a fight with one of your close friends that day and she told you never to talk to her again so you knew it was over, the friendship had been toxic for a while but you thought you were close enough to overcome it but apparently not. So you came to see Namjoon, your boyfriend, but he wasn't home so Taehyung let you in and let you hide out in his room until he got home from the studios.
"Baby?" You looked up from the bed to see Namjoon standing there, he dropped his bag onto the floor as soon as he saw you'd been crying and rushed to your side to sit with you and hold you while you told him what was wrong and going on that day, but you knew he had another dance practice later with Jimin so you told him to leave it, you didn't want to keep him from it again since you'd already done it twice this week, you and Jimin didn't get along on the best of days so you didn't want to give him an extra reason to hate you.
"You have practice." You tried to protest but he said nothing, just sat back in the bed with you in his arms, rubbing small circles into the bottom of you back while you told him what happened to you.
You must have fallen asleep because you woke up to yelling coming from outside of Namjoon's bedroom door, you climbed out of the bed and went to open the door but stopped when you heard your name being mentioned.
"She's just having a rough time right now Jimin." You heard Namjoon defend you but Jimin was having none of it.
"Practice is more important." You wanted to tell him you agreed but Namjoon started talking again.
"She's having a hard time Jimin, her friend just ditched her." Namjoon walked away and you came out into the hall, Jimin looked up at you and scoffed. You were a mess, your hair was thrown into a messy bun, tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes.
"No wonder nobody likes you." You felt your heartbreak a little, you knew Jimin didn't like you but he'd never been so direct with it, it was normally sly comments about it or ignoring you whenever you tried to do something nice for him.
"Look Jimin it's not my fault he won't go." You tried to explain but he wasn't having any of it, he went to walk away and ignoring you as he always did but you weren't having it this time, you grabbed his wrist in your hand and made him stop walking away from you.
"No, you're going to listen to me." You ordered, he stared at your hand and then back up to your face so you dropped his wrist from your hand.
"I'm trying to make him go to practice, I told him I was fine but he's insisting Jimin it isn't my fault...What am I supposed to do to make him go? Leave him? Will that make you happy?" You felt tears rushing to your eyes at just the thought of leaving Namjoon but if it would make things calmer between them you didn't mind. Anyone would be blind if they didn't notice the tension between Namjoon and Jimin at the moment, ever since Joonie started seeing you more and more, things with Jimin got tense and he started being rude to his Hyung.
"Maybe it'll make things easier on everyone if you did, we'd have our leader back." You nodded, giving in and looking at him, thinking that if you did you would end up crying in front of him and that's not what you wanted to do.
"Can I ask why you hate me?" You questioned, you had to know what his problem was before everything with Namjoon was potentially thrown away.
"Because you're a huge distraction to Namjoon." You shook your head, you knew he hated you before you and Namjoon got serious, back when you were just friends.
"No you hated me before that, back with Joonie and I were just friends." You stated, remembering all of the times you used to come over and he would instantly leave the house or ignore you all of the time.
"I didn't hate you. It was just easier that way." You frowned, standing your ground.
"What was easier?" He sighed and looked up and down the hall before continuing to speak.
"I used to like you...Namjoon never knew about it, no one did so I started to hate you. It was easier to hate you than to like you and see you with someone else." Your mouth formed an 'O' shape and you went to ask him something but he answered before you could get the question out to him.
"I don't like you like that anymore, but I don't hate you...You have to know it's not hate it's just how I deal with it." You nodded and looked at him in silence for a couple of seconds,
"Do you think we could try and get along? Act like civilised people?" He looked at you, your eyes bloodshot and still badly swollen from the crying you'd been doing all afternoon and nodded,
"Yeah sure, I have some ben and jerry's stashed away and we can get you something for your eyes to bring down the swelling." You smiled brightly and nodded.
"I'd love that." You both walked down the hall together in silence coming out into the living room where everyone looked up at you, neither of you were throwing insults at each other and Namjoon was shocked.
"I'm going to get you some cold tea bags for your eyes, make sure you get comfy." You went over to the sofa and Jin stared at you in disbelief.
"You're just friends now?" You nodded with a smile and lent your head on his shoulder.
"We are."
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You were supposed to be meeting Jimin for a meal tonight for your anniversary but you'd been waiting in the restaurant for an hour and he never showed up, you walked out of the restaurant with your head kept down, not wanting people to look at you and have yourself feel more embarrassed than before. You took out your phone to find out where your boyfriend was when you were met with drunken messages from him, he was with Taehyung and both of them were drinking back at the dorms, you groaned going to find a taxi to take you back home where you would go to bed and ignore his drunken calls and messages all night. You weren't mad that he forgot your plans you were just annoyed, but you knew he wanted to spend time with his friends, he'd not seen them much on the break they were all on and it was just a small anniversary meal, no big deal.
"Jimin?" You quizzed as you opened your front door to find him standing there, or rather, leaning there. It was 2 am and he was drunkenly trying to talk to you, he'd been calling all night but you ignored your phone, wanting him to have time with his friends, You let him inside and he went over to the sofa, crashing onto it and crying.
"What's wrong?" You panicked rushing to his side in case he'd hurt himself on the way over to your apartment.
"I forgot our anniversary." You sighed and went to go and get him some water to sober up with.
"It's nothing Jimin, you were having fun with Tae." Jimin let out a fake laugh and laid back on the sofa, he knew you and Taehyung didn't get along.
"But it's our day and I spent it with someone you hate." You sat him up handing him the cup of water and making him drink from it.
"I don't hate him Jimin." You defended, he nodded in disagreement with you,
"You do, Tae told me you hate him and he doesn't like you." You didn't want to fight him on this tonight so you got up to find him some blankets when the doorbell began ringing, you walked over to find Taehyung standing there, sober.
"He's on the sofa." You said moving out of the way and letting him into the apartment, he looked at Jimin and then are you.
"You're so pathetic you know." You were taken back at what he said to you, you frowned and looked at him then to Jimin who was now asleep on the sofa, empty cup in his hand.
"Why's that?" You questioned, going over and moving the glass from Jimin's grasp so he wouldn't smash it in his sleep, Taehyung shook his head at you.
"Texting him all night to get him to come over here when he hasn't seen me in a month, we were having fun." You crossed your arms over your chest and stared at him.
"Excuse me, but Jimin was the one texting and calling me all night. I ignored his texts because he was with you despite it being our anniversary and him forgetting our meal and leaving me alone in a restaurant for an hour." You defended yourself, there was no need for Taehyung to be like this with you, you knew he hated you but you didn't actually know why he hated you so much.
"Oh." You scoffed and moved into the kitchen placing the glass in the sink and going on the hunt for a blanket for Jimin, you had no chances of moving him up to the bedroom and you knew waking him up would be a bad idea.
"You had an anniversary dinner?" You nodded laying a blanket over Jimin and looking up at Taehyung who, for the first time, looked like he was sorry towards you.
"I'm not bothered, he needed time with you." You said going into the kitchen and signalling for him to follow you, you began making a cup of coffee and a hot chocolate.
"I knew he missed you over the break, so I understood...What I don't understand is why he thinks you think I hate you." Taehyung sat down on the barstool in the kitchen and looked at you.
"You don't hate me?" You shook your head with a frown on your face,
"Why would I hate you?" You slid him his drink and he shrugged his shoulders,
"I just assumed you did...So I hated you back." You let out a small laugh but stopped yourself when you saw how hurt he was about this misunderstanding.
"Taehyung, I don't hate you. I think you're amazing, in fact...Don't tell Jimin but you're my favourite." He chuckled and sipped on his drink.
"Well I'm glad that's out of the way, I should get going though." You shook your head.
"Stay over, if you help me move Jimin up to the bed you can have the guest room tonight. I'm sure Jimin will love to hear the story of how we both thought we hated one another for the longest time."
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You and Jungkook had grown up together so when he started to act strangely with you it was weird, he stopped hanging around with you and started insulting you whenever he got the chance to, people always say that friends grow apart so you assumed that's what happened with Jungkook but it didn't stop it hurting less, especially when every secret you ever told him he was telling to everyone else. In the end, you stopped trying to keep your friendship alive and decided to ignore him like he was doing to you, family members stopped trying to force you to be friends and you never spoke again, that was until you began dating one of his friend Taehyung, but you didn't know they were friends when you started dating. Things were awkward at first, considering Tae didn't know you were friends before and just invited you to hang out all the time, you and Jungkook would act civilised in front of him but as soon as Taehyung was out of earshot you were getting insults over and over again.
Today was no different, Taehyung had invited everyone out to dinner to celebrate the fact that you'd just landed your dream job and Jungkook was coming along. The restaurant was lovely but if you'd organised this event you could never afford it which made you feel guilty that Tae was splashing his cash for you, even if it was a celebration.
"To Y/n," Namjoon said with a giant smile on his face, you smiled back at him and everyone cheered before drinking from their glasses.
"Yeah congrats," Jungkook said sarcastically in your ear, you ignored him and went to get another drink from the bar, him following behind you. You continued to ignore him until he began whispering insults at you, you looked over at the table, the boys were lost in their own conversations.
"Can you please be happy for me for five minutes?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow but he began laughing at you, you felt your blood boil as soon as he did this,
"What is your problem Jungkook?" You spat at him wanting answers now, you were sick of this Freud that he had with you.
"You're my problem." You scoffed at him and ordered a drink, going back to looking at Jungkook once again.
"What's wrong with me? What did I do?" He stared at you, you really didn't know what you did to him?
"You know what you did." He said trying to walk away but you forced him to stand there and talk to you about whatever it was he was talking about.
"You spread all those rumours in school, about us being together, about me, telling everyone my secrets." He said to you, you stared at him puzzled by what he was talking about.
"You did that to me Jungkook not the other way round, you singled me out and spread all of the secrets I told you." He shook his head at you, a cocky smile across his face and you had enough.
"Jungkook I assure you I kept every secret you ever told me...Even though you made my life a living hell I've kept everything a secret because that's what best friends do." You scoffed going over to the table and excusing yourself for some fresh air, Taehyung tried to come with you but you told him you would be fine alone.  
"Leave me alone Jungkook," You said as he came out onto the balcony of the restaurant.
"You really didn't spread any rumours?" You shook your head at him and looked out at the view of the city in front of you.
"I wouldn't do that, unlike someone I know." He sighed and came to your side, putting his jacket over your shoulders.
"I thought you did it first...I was getting payback." You sighed and laid your head on the balcony bar in front of you.
"Well, it hurt like a bitch." He chuckled at you and you giggled along with him, it felt good to be together and not have him insulting you the entire time.
"I don't hate you though...When I heard those rumours and secrets I pushed you away, it was easier to hate you than to deal with the fact that you'd done that...or I guess not done that." You nodded in agreement with him and looked at him.
"I didn't do it, maybe now we can go back to being friends? It'd be nice to be in the same room as you and not dread what you're going to say to me." He nodded and gave you a side hug and you smiled.
"Now let's go celebrate your new job."
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Dating Jungkook was one of the best things to happen to you, you met him in the small cafe you work at and it was love at first sight. He'd come in every day for the same drink just to speak to you until you finally gave him your number. You'd been dating for seven months now and you were close to all of his friends, well all of them except for Jin. He didn't like you very much from what you could tell so you tried to stay out of his way whenever you went over to the dorms or hung out with them all. You didn't know why he didn't like you, you just knew he didn't like you and you accepted it, not everyone was going to like you. From all the death glares that were sent your way and snide comments, he made about you or in front of you about you.  If anyone else heard them it would sound like banter between friends but you knew it wasn't that, it was something more than that. He would purposely go out of his way to make sure you felt singled out and out of place whenever you went to events with Jungkook, so much so that you stopped accepting Jungkook's offers to go out together and just hang out alone.
You were dressed in a red silk gown, Jungkook had invited you to be his date at a charity event tonight so you were going all out, you'd saved up all your money to buy your own dress and felt proud of yourself.
"You look stunning," Jungkook said as you walked through the charity hall together looking for everyone else, you walked over and he smiled leaving you alone with Jin and Jimin while he went to find you some drinks.
"I'll go help him," Jimin said leaving you alone, you wanted to scream out for him to stay but he was gone so you smiled politely at Jin and looked around the room, going to make small talk when he started first.
"I'm surprised you let Jungkook come, you're usually wanting to keep him to yourself." You looked at him but he was looking in the opposite direction so you ignored his comment, wanting Jungkook to hurry up back so you could get away from Jin.
"Your dress looks expensive, get Jungkook to buy it for you?" You stared at him, was he being serious right now? You looked down at the dress and back up at Jin. You weren't going to stand around all night and have insults thrown at you before you could open your mouth to talk he was walking out of the room, so you followed behind him, making him stop before he went into the men's bathroom,
"I know most people don't like me; I don't care, I don't like most people but what is your problem with me?" You questioned finally wanting answers from him instead of stupid comments about you but he scoffed trying to walk away again, you grabbed his wrist and forced him to stand there until he told you.
"I haven't told Jungkook you hate me or make snide comments about me so you can either tell me your problem or I will tell him everything." You threatened, not meaning it and hoping he wouldn't call your bluff.
"I hate you because you're you. You're always keeping Jungkook away from us, he's always with you instead of with us. When we're supposed to practise he's distracted when we're supposed to have a nice evening he brings you along, like tonight. You're just using him for his money so do us all a favour and just leave him." With that, he walked into the restroom and left you outside of the door with a dumb look on your face but this wasn't over.
He came back out and you were still standing there, going through your purse, once you found what you were looking for you pushed it into his chest.
"The receipt for the dress I bought, I have paycheques at home from all three of my jobs I work despite Jungkook begging me to quit because he can 'care' for me, I'm not using him for anything. I happen to love him." You said closing your purse and looking up at Jin who looked shocked that you were doing this.
"I love him enough that I stayed away from one of his best friends who wouldn't stop insulting me as if we were in school together and it was the normal thing to do. I tell him to go to practise and concentrate, it's not my fault if he doesn't Jin...Tell him I wasn't feeling well." You said going over to the exit but being stopped by his hand on your wrist.
"Look...I'm sorry. I thought him being away from us was your fault because you told him not to stay with us...Not because of me." You nodded and he let go of your wrist,
"Can we start over?" You thought about it, it would be nice to not have to avoid the boys all of the time.
"I'd love that Jin."
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@lovies-kpop-fan-fiction​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​
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angst-king · 3 years
Misery love Company pt 5
(mention of vomit, and ablelist behavior
It  had been a week and a half since Katsuki had eaten a proper meal, or felt normal. His entire body had felt like it was burning but that wasn’t because he had a fever, oh no he was cold to the bone but his bones were hurting so bad. Moving hurt so much, moving also made him incredibly dizzy to the point where he collapsed once or twice. These dizzy spells were accompanied by nausea, chest pain, his heart feeling like it would explode from his chest, feeling very hot and then suddenly he’d drop. 
Today had been the last straw or well tonight was the last straw. Katsuki was miserable, laying in his bed unable to be comfortable at all with how sick he was. A trash can next to the side of his bed in case he got sick but. Even just moving to get sick into the trash can made Katsuki feel very faint. Like now, Massaru was helping Katsuki who was busy getting sick into the trash can for what felt like the millionth time this week which made Massaru wanna take Katsuki to the ER but. Katsuki had been brainwashed by Mitsuki into the idea that he just needed to sleep it off but. This time Mitsuki wasn’t home and Massaru was too anxious to care especially when he heard Katsuki gasping for breath, clutching his chest, and whimpering to the point of tears running down his flushed red, and pale pink face. Massaru had to hold Katsuki up when the other’s eyes went back and he went limp, he knew the other had fainted again but this time he listened to his gut. He quickly grabbed everything he needed, and pulled Katsuki out of bed and into his car, and left for the emergency room.
When he got there he carried Katsuki in and allowed them to whisk his son away. Of course they had to ask the usual questions as well as some other ones but other than that Massaru was left in the waiting room. That lonely sickeningly white walled waiting room. Massaru knew he needed to call Mitsuki even if he didn’t want to know how his wife would most likely react though a piece of him hoped she would have a shred of selflessness to get off of work to come and see him.  
Ever since Katsuki’s condition began to make an appearance Mitsuki hadn’t been reacting to this well. She’d been rather dismissive about Katsuki’s complaints of pain, and rather passive aggressive with her replies. Then when Katsuki started getting sicker and sicker she wouldn’t even be bothered to help him. It was as if that was a job completely beneath her. Telling Katsuki to stop being weak or lazy and that he could do it himself.. The frequent fainting spells weren’t helping, making it even more difficult for Katsuki to try and help himself. It finally got to the point where Katsuki could hardly sit up without needing to immediately lay back down because he was gonna pass out.  Mitsuki ignored everything and passed it off as puberty, being a wimp, growing, needing to take care of himself. All her words were laced with a coldness that made Katsuki feel so weak.
Making the decision, Massaru called his wife and told her what had happened and, to put it frankly, her response wasn’t very empathetic or motherly. “Ugh what the hell! I told you not to Massaru!” “i-I know dear but come on, the kid fainted again and he hasn’t been keeping down almost anything but gatorade, and he’s in pain.” “Katsuki is just weak Massaru, he just wants attention and is playing it up to get it!” Massaru was getting fed up with his wife’s protests and replied in an annoyed tone.“Mitsuki, our son couldn’t even sit up on his own without blacking out. I don’t care if you think he’s faking, if you truly loved and cared then you’d come over here.” He hung up before she could reply as he didn’t want to hear another word from her at the moment. Still alone in this waiting room, waiting for any information on his son’s condition was making the man anxious. It felt like hours, upon hours, but it had only been one hour but. Time in here seemed to feel like forever, it went by so slowly yet too quick at the same time.
Finally, a doctor walked over to him smiling. “Mr Bakugou?” Looking up he sees the woman coming over to him and he gives a sigh. “Yes?” He says as he stands up, the woman approaches him and starts. “We’ve got your son Katsuki, stabilized the best we could here. We did some testing after learning his symptoms and well, the results aren’t great…” The way the woman spoke, Massaru had a bad feeling from the start, but said nothing allowing the woman to go on. “Mr Massaru, let's sit.” She says, now he’s feeling more and more anxious about the possible news. Nodding he sits down in the chair he started in while she sat beside him turning to face him. “Your son could’ve died tonight if you didn’t bring him. He was that sick.” That made Massaru want to be sick himself, the feeling that if he waited a day or two longer, Katsuki could’ve died. Still Massaru didn’t know how the boy could’ve gotten so bad or what was wrong with him, so he asked. “Wh-what’s wrong with Katsuki?” His voice wasn’t very strong, it was strained with concern and fear. “Well your son is sick, and I don’t mean that he has the flu, he’s chronically ill.” It hadn’t hit him completely but hearing that his son was chronically hit him but. How could his son just suddenly fall ill like this though? Even with a chronic illness, shouldn’t this have appeared when he was younger? So he asked what he was thinking “shouldn’t this appear when he was younger?”  “Well some things probably did but they never manifested like this or he did and the doctors just dismissed it as something else.” Massaru couldn’t help but feel guilty, his son could’ve been suffering for years and this is how he finds out. Twiddling his thumbs unconsciously and asking “So what does he have?”
“Katsuki has H.E.D.S which is called Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos syndrome. This is a connective tissue disorder that allows your son to be very flexible and have very elastic yet very thin skin. Due to him being very flexible and having lots of collagen his joints are very loose which means he can easily dislocate things and have horrible body pain from it.” Taking this information Massaru had more questions. “How could this condition almost kill Katsuki? Or is there more to this than just horrible body pain?” “Well I’m glad you’re asking these questions because, yes there is more to this disorder. How I explain this is I call this the H.E.D.S expansion back because this disorder has the possibility to contain multiple other disorders and problems and. For Katsuki those other disorders seem to be POTS and Gastroparesis. Though gastroparesis is a theory I’m not totally solid on that one but it's a good possibility that he has it.” This was so much information coming at him at once but he wanted to know how these conditions would have ended Katsuki’s life. So Massaru asked for the doctor to explain the second ailment. “POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Which is a heart condition in which standing or sitting up can cause the blood flow to pool away from Katsuki’s head and make him faint. It can also cause lightheaded-ness, chest pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, fast heart rate, tremors, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can become very exaggerated during a flare up, which explains why his heart rate was so high but his blood pressure was low.” Massaru silently let everything sink in until he asked1
“so your theory about Gastroparesis? What is that exactly and why do you have a theory for this?” “Well Gastroparesis is a fancy word for stomach paralysis. It's when the nerve that controls the stomach’s contractions that move food from your stomach to your small intestine has stopped functioning or maybe the sphincter of his stomach to his small intestine won't open properly. So his body is digesting things way too slow which can cause lots of pain, bloating, nausea, the feeling of being constantly full or not hungry. SInce his body isn’t digesting his food correctly that means that he’s not absorbing any nutrients through what he eats by mouth….so if he does have gastroparesis they may have to find another way to provide him nutrition.” All of this was a lot for Massaru to grasp but he could also do his research but. Then he had another question. “So how are you guys going to treat my son, what are the plans?” “Well Mr Bakugou, I suggest that your son be transferred to a long stay facility because his condition is not good and we can’t do what a pediatric long stay hospital can do.”
That’s when he knew Katsuki’s world had officially turned upside down. Massaru couldn’t help but feel terrible. If he had waited any longer, if he’d listened to his wife, they may not have woken up the next morning to see Katsuki with a pulse. If he hadn’t listened to his own instincts Massaru would have never forgiven himself. Now his son was gonna have to be transferred to a long stay hospital and he knew Katsuki wasn’t gonna take this well at all. Still he wanted to see Katsuki and knew this information would be accepted better than it would coming from him than the doctor. “We can admit him, but can I see my son please?” “Sure, he should be waking up. He did faint on us when we had to get blood drawn and hooked him up to some IVs. Your son definitely has anxiety around needles, I can tell you that for sure.” She chuckles a little while standing up from her seat, Massaru follows suit and is led down the hallways to find Katsuki.
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goblinmanifesto · 3 years
Ive already accidentally deleted this once so fucking kill me (I forgot to save it).
But this is my post for @doinmybesthere Mental Health Awareness May collab! I will be doing Bokuto Koutarou. To explain a bit, to cope with bullshit that is life, I accidentally made myself a coping mechanism that I loving refer to as the ‘Klaus Hargreeves‘ (if you know anything about that character, you already know where my mental state is) because I can’t remember what my therapist said the actual name for it was. To put it simply, it’s like overactive day dreaming. I act out and create scenarios in my head to comfort myself, most of the time using characters or real people as an enabler for the comfort I wish to gain. Side effects being; if caught, considered crazy, sometimes don’t realize I’m doing it which can lead to awkward situations, sometimes I fuck up what’s real and what’s not. So, in these little stories, I will be retelling scenarios I have created through this coping mechanism that relate to both Bokuto and my mental problems! Each will be labeled with what they deal with so you can skip the one that might trigger you. Enjoy and happy reading! (I WILL ALSO BE MENTIONING AND USING STIMMING) ((I will probably use this to make other fics like this in the future mentioning my other ~stuff~ but in the meantime this is all I want to do so enjoy!))
1. ~Anxiety, Self harm, Mentions of Stimming~ He should’ve been home an hour ago! I was pacing in the living room, shaking hands holding my phone. It was 7:13 and Koutarou was supposed to be home at 6:00. I was spiraling and I could feel it, but I didn't know what to do about it. Id sent him text after text, but he was yet to respond. I glanced at my cell, only stopping my frantic shuffling to focus my attention on reading the screen;
Hey, is practice running late? [6:11] When do you think you’ll be home? [6:15] Are you there? [6:19] Koutarou??????? [6:23] Kou pick up your damn phone! [6:27] Did something happen???!! [6:34] Is everything okay?! [6:39] Are you mad or something??? [6:47] Bokuto Koutarou I’m dead serious where are you?!?!?! [6:53] Bo-ku-to!!!! [6:59] Koutarou it’s been hour please text me [7:07] Koutarou!!! [7:12] -Unread-
My eyes scanned the messages again, not leaving the blue screen until until my shin collided with the side of the coffee table. I hadn’t even realized I had started pacing again. I checked the texts I had sent to Akaashi as well, since I knew he was at that practice too, but I hadn’t gotten any responses from him either. Slipping my phone screen up onto the table I continued my pacing, not even processing when my finger nails found their way under my teeth, and how when they left my mouth to scratch at my neck or claw at my shirt, my teeth resorted to gnawing at my lip instead, tearing up the thin skin. All habits I was trying to kill but didn’t have enough brain power to focus on not doing them. My eyes constantly searched the driveway for the headlights of any car, any car at all, but they always came up with nothing. It was 7:24 when my phone struck with the sound of text, the bing of anticipation sent me diving for, and consequently almost dropping, my phone in an attempt to find out if it was Koutarou. It was!
Hey, is practice running late? [6:11] When do you think you’ll be home? [6:15] Are you there? [6:19] Koutarou??????? [6:23] Kou pick up your damn phone! [6:27] Did something happen???!! [6:34] Is everything okay?! [6:39] Are you mad or something??? [6:47] Bokuto Koutarou I’m dead serious where are you?!?!?! [6:53] Bo-ku-to!!!! [6:59] Koutarou it’s been hour please text me [7:07] Koutarou!!! [7:12]
Im so sorry!! Yes practice did end up running late! But something else happened and I
wasn’t able to text you! I’m not mad about
anything I promise!! What happened is also
minor and nothing to worry about and I’ll explain when I get home in about ten
[7:21] minutes!! I’m so sorry!! -Read-
I sighed, relieved, the weight on my chest and in my head dissolved and I felt like I could finally breathe again. Though, as I came down from my anxiety rush, I became aware of a lot of things all at once. The first was a good deal of pain. From knocking my leg into a table and pacing for over an hour, to bitten lips and nails, and my scraped neck. I groaned, I need to get a better handle on this.
But that wasnt important. Koutarou was okay and on his way home! I waited at the window, feeling a bit like a dog waiting on its owner (that was a kink joke yes), and leaped to the front door when I saw his car in the driveway. Throwing open the door, I pulled him inside the second I could get my hands on him and pulled him through the doorway. The moment he was inside, I shoved myself into his arms in a tight hug, so glad he was okay. He returned the hug and held me tightly, I let out a shuddering breathe and he let out comforting sounds I sometimes use to stim. “Hey, hey, hey, I’m so sorry to have you worry, it was about Akaashi! We were running extra practice with a handful of the other guys and I literally had half a text to you written out when he a spike to the face! I was the only one left with a car so I drove him to hospital! I’m so sorry you are so worried you sent like 15 texts! I’m so-“ I cut him short with a hand over his mouth since that was one of the only ways to get him to stop talking. “Kou, it’s okay, I understand, it just really scared me ‘is all-“ he pried my hand off his face but held it in his own.
”I know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t apologize for it, whether I was in complete control of the situation or not! Which I was not, by the way, no control what-so-fucking-ever, I had four other guys in the car and one of them was bleeding and concussed, it was chaos!!” His eyes were wide and he went off on the stress of the situation and, for a moment, I forgot that it was 7:26 at night on a Thursday and I had a biology test in the morning, and that Koutarou just got home and I hadn’t even eaten yet and all the other things that werent right in the world. Everything was fine in that moment. But that ended when Koutarou took a good hard look at me. The redness and scratch marks on my neck, the bitten to bleeding finger nails, the small bruise forming on my shin, my blotchy face and my probably-way-too-red lips. He stopped dead in his words and I felt my eyebrows scrunch up.
“Whats wrong?-“
“You did the things again didn’t you?!” He sounded distressed and his broad shoulders sunk. Koutarous hands rubbed my shoulders as he stared into my eyes with the most concerned look I’d ever seen. He pulled me back to his chest again and promised it wouldn’t happen again.
7:46, Koutarou insisted on taking care of my ‘injuries’ since he was who I was having anxiety over anyway. I protested a little, but gave up when he gave me the baby-owl eyes.
First, he had wrapped bandaids on my fingers. Thankfully, they were black, and I made a comment on it was like a 2-second manicure just to hear him chuckle.
Then, Kou applied a moisturizer to my neck. “Kou, I can do this myself-“
”Nope! I insist!”
”I’m not a child-“
”Don’t care, I’m doing it so just shush up and let me do what I need to do!”
Next, he made me apply ice to my bruise even though it was tiny and caused by a damn two-foot-tall coffee table.
Lastly, he gave me chapstick. Again, wouldn’t let me do it myself, so I made several sarcastic remarks to make him blush, all working quite well. Koutarou had to tell me to stop giggling multiple times so I could stay still.
”Alright, are you done playing nurse?”
”Forgive me for wanting to take care of you!!” He stuck his tongue out at me with an audible “bleh!” and I cackled.
”You are forgiven, Nurse Bokuto.”
2. ~Tourette’s, Stimming~ My neck painfully popped when it jerked to the left, my tics had been bad all day and I no clue why. Could be exams, or the fucking toaster for all I knew. I hissed, rubbing at my neck and adjusting the water can I almost dropped, trying to continue about my Saturday.
It was obnoxious, really, having to me-proof everything around in case I end up kicking it, dropping it, or hitting it. My joints constantly cracking and snapping and jolting in the strangest ways at any given moment. Sometimes repeating what people say back at them in perfect mirror-like fashion. Though that last one can be kind of funny.
Clicking my toungue to make nice noises to try and stim the tic away, I returned back to my plants. I could feel them chuckling at me and, in that moment, I understood everything about Crowley from ‘Good Omens’.
I heard the door unlock in the other room and I put my can down as a precaution and peeked out of the doorway.
A moment later, Koutarou popped through the door after his morning jog. He called out; “Hey, hey, hey!” as a greeting.
I felt my hands go up behind my head and I thought Oh gods dammit, and then my jaw jutted forward in a very unattractive way and I repeated his phrase in the same manner as him, then immediately dropped, as my body decreed.
I groaned, looking up at him, who looked slightly bewildered at my little madness ritual. His hair laid flat on his head, he had chosen not to mess with it this morning, much to my delight, his amber eyes a little wide and his eyebrows raised. He was barely even in the house yet.
We just kind of stared at each other for a hot second before I awkwardly waved ‘hello’ and cracked a weird grin. He grinned back, his more pleasant than mine. Walking over, he opened his arms for a hug, and I accepted, since he wasn’t all that sweaty this time around, and it was the least I could do since he had to witness that.
Koutarou planted a kiss on the top of my head, cheering “Good morning!”
I muttered a response into his shirt.
“One of those days, huh?” I nodded.
“Coffee? I think we have muffins in the cabinet?” I nodded again and he lead me into the kitchen to set up some breakfast. It was 9:00 am on a Saturday after all. A weird Saturday, but watching Koutarou finagle through the cabinets, it couldn’t be that bad.
That is all for now! Have a wonderful day and I am going to sleep for three years see y’all (edited: June 18 2021, because I can’t spell)
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elianamarie-blog · 3 years
Hey bestie! could i get a ship for that 70s show?
i’m a 5’6 nonbinary (she/they) with short hair and curtain bangs my hair colour is done to look like narcissa malfoys (dark brown with platinum blonde on the underside). I have blue/grey eyes.
i’m an INFP, Ravenclaw, and a Taurus. My hobbies are making music, and playing pranks on my sister lol. I love marvel, harry potter, and criminal minds.
ive been told i’m very cocky and my ego is through the roof. I’d consider myself a very kind person who’s easy to talk to. i like to joke around a lot with my friends and sarcasm is my first language,
My aesthetic conveniently is very 70s/vintage, and my music taste is also a lot of throwbacks.
what i want to do when i’m older is forensic psychology!
hope you get to mine but if not that’s fine! Love your writing!
Thank you bestie! You sound like an amazing, interesting person! (And gorgeous too) I got you! And thank you SO much for reading my content. You, are amazing <3 
Who’s Up For A Challenge?
Michael Kelso x reader
-Y/n L/n was new in town and found enjoyment in messing with the players of the town.
-She was known as “that chick”
-She was incredibly witty, sarcastic, cocky, but so kind and beautiful.
-She may have accidentally had a couple of good guys fall in love with her.
-She had to gently turn them down and that actually broke her heart.
-She loved a good challenge though.
-She was sitting in the Hub with her college lab partner, Donna, when the none other than himself, Michael Kelso, walked in.
-Y/n had heard about him.
-The infamous Michael Kelso. Playboy of Point Place.
-Donna called him over and as he sat down, he noticed her.
-Of course, he had to hit on her.
-When he asked her out, she, of course said yes.
- “Alright, I’ll be here to pick you up tonight.”
-Y/n smiled as he walked away.
-As Donna leaned in and started to warn Y/n about him, Y/n cut her off.
- “I know.”
- “You know?”
- “Yes. I’ve heard of this dillhole and I’ve got a plan.”
-Donna was intrigued as Y/n started unraveling her plan. 
- “I’m going to make him fall in love with me. Then I’m going to break his heart and make him feel what he makes every girl here feel.”
-Donna wasn’t so into it, but knew she couldn’t stop her.
-So, Y/n went through with the plan and met up with Kelso that night.
-He got her a burger from Fatso Burger and took her to Mt. Hump.
-He started kissing her neck and making out with her.
-She knew she was good at sex and everything else.
-But she refused to give it to him on the first date.
-She was a classy person after all.
-Kelso had set up a challenge to get in the sack.
-She already knew that though, because well duh.
-She ended up befriending Donna and Jackie over it.
-Jackie was thrilled and squealing.
- “Finally, he’s going to feel the hell that he put me through,” Jackie said.
- “You scare me,” Donna said. “Besides, you’re with Hyde now. It shouldn’t matter.”
- “Oh, whatever. Revenge is dish best served cold.”
- Y/n laughed and threw an arm over Jackie’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, girl. I got you. I’m going to drag him through the mud and then hang him out to dry.”
- “Oh, I love you!” Jackie squeaked and hugged Y/n tightly.
- “Okay, now you both scare me,” Donna said.
-Donna tried to warn Kelso, but of course he didn’t listen to her.
-He just took it as her being jealous that he wasn’t going to nail her.
-Even though she was back with Eric.
-Kelso this time took Y/n to a drive in and bought her the classic: popcorn and a coke.
-Y/n was down to date 2 out of 10.
-He started kissing her again, softer, gentler, but started getting handsy again.
-Y/n smacked his hand away multiple times before he finally up.
- “Well, damn, Y/n!” he cried out, shaking his hand. 
- “Keep your hands to yourself, lover boy,” she threatened.
- “Yeah, or what?” he challenged.
- “Trust me, you don’t want to challenge me.”
- “Maybe I do.”
- “Trust me, sweetie, you don’t. I can snap you in half.”
-His eyes lit up. “You must be hot in the sack!”
-Y/n couldn’t help but laugh. “Take me home, you jerk.”
- He chuckled. “Yes, dear.”
-When he dropped her off, she turned to him. “Pick me up Friday for dinner at 8pm.”
- Kelso nodded and smiled at her.
-Eric, Hyde, and Fez caught onto the challenge and decided to make it a bet.
-Hyde said Kelso would make a fool out of himself and end up being dumped.
-Eric said Kelso would actually score.
-Fez said he just wanted to be part of the action and said Y/n would win.
-Doesn’t mean Hyde didn’t try to sabotage the bet by giving Kelso wrong information.
-For example, he told him to pick up Y/n late instead of on time because it shows that he’s desperate and clingy.
-Which is what the idiot did.
-Y/n was NOT pleased.
-She made him buy her lobster and flowers.
-At the end of the night she ended up giving him a hot make out sesh, but left him to take care of himself.
-Date 3 out of 10 down.
-Now, Eric was trying to sabotage the bet by giving Kelso tips how to get laid.
-Which Kelso laughed at until Donna spoke up.
- “You got to invoke her mind, man,” Eric said. “People like her like to be intellectually challenged.”
- “Yeah right,” Michael scoffed.
- “No, Eric is actually right for once,” Donna said, bored. “Y/n isn’t like the other girls in this town. She actually has a brain.”
- “And some nice jugs,” Fez said earning a glare from the group.
- “Try talking to her about literature and psychology and music. She likes that kind of stuff. And leave out any kinds of ‘doing it.’ Intelligent people like her don’t like that.”
- “But I wanna do it.”
- “I know, but you got to make her think you want her mind, not her body.”
- “Yeah, that’s a good idea!” Kelso said and ran out the door to spontaneously surprised Y/n at her house with flowers and a...book.
- “Donna, what the hell are you doing?” Hyde asked.
- “I know, I’m such a bad friend to her,” Donna said. “I’m going to hell.”
- “No, not that. I’m trying to get her to dump him for being stupid. Don’t give the guy pointers!”
-Kelso showed up at Y/n’s door with a picnic basket, a blanket, flowers, and a gift.
-She was definitely surprised.
-He found the perfect spot under the tree and laid out the blanket. 
- “I got you something” he said and gave her a gift sloppily wrapped in paper. 
-She opened it up and it was a vintage psychology book from the late 1800′s.
-She was genuinely impressed. “Where did you find this?”
-Well, I heard you talking about your love of psychology and vintage things and found this at an antique store. Thought you’d might like it.”
-Her eyes actually filled with tears.
-Even thought it was their fourth date, she felt touched by the gift and allowed 2nd base.
-The next few dates ended going the same flow. 
-He’d take her out, hoping for sex, she would tease him and then leave him to take care of himself.
-By their 7th date, he was beginning to grow frustrated.
-So, far Fez was winning the bet.
-On the eighth date, Y/n introduced Michael to her parents.
-They were spectacle, but polite to him nonetheless.
-Eighth date consisted of the carnival.
-As the lights shown down on y/n’s beautiful face, he realized he might actually feelings for her.
-Y/n knew she started developing feelings for him after the fourth date, but she refused to say anything. It was just a reaction to the sweet gift.
-Even though she knew he had a kid with another woman, it didn’t stop her from feeling the way she did.
-He won her a stuffed elephant, a goldfish, and bought her a hotdog.
-Back in the car, they were making out again. “I think I really like you.”
-She smiled into the kiss. “I like you too, but you’re still not getting any.”
- “That’s okay,” he whispered, shocking both of them.
-He ended up panicking to the guys later on that night.
- “So? Just go bang the next chick you see. You did that to Jackie a lot when she didn’t want to sleep with you,” Hyde said.
- “That’s the problem. I can’t,” Kelso said and ran a hand through his hair. “I tried but every time I went to, I just couldn’t find myself to do it. They’re not her, man.”
-The guys gave him crap and started taunting him.
- “You love her!” Fez said and tried to make kissy faces with Eric.
- “Yeah, we don’t do that,” Eric said, pushing Fez’s face away from his.
- “What’re you going to do?” Hyde asked seriously.
- “Just...try to make her mine at this point.”
-On the ninth date, Y/n was freaking out.
-How could she have fallen for him?
-She’s never felt this way after messing with a guy like this.
-Stupid, stupid, stupid--
-The doorbell rang.
-He stood there with a dozen red roses.
- “I got something special,” he said.
-He ended up taking her to the lake with a complete romantic dinner.
-Candles, wine, chocolates, and pasta that he had help from mom make.
-Y/n’s eyes pricked with tears.
-No one has ever done this for her before.
-Throughout the evening, he had actually engaged in intelligent conversation and opened up to her.
-He talked about his hopes and dreams, his fears, and his loves.
- “People don’t give you enough credit,” she said. “You have a lot going for you. You just don’t show this side to people. Why?”
- He shrugged. “It’s funnier this way. I don’t want them knowing this side of me, Then they’ll start...expecting stuff from me and I don’t want that pressure.”
- “Well, you’re secret is safe with me,” she said, taking a sip of wine.
- “Well, come on, you have a lot more going for you. You want to be a forensic psychologist. That’s awesome, whatever that is.”
-Y/n chuckled and explained it to him while he actually listened to her!
-She actually changed the playboy of the town!
-Y/n wasn’t sure if it was the wine, but she couldn’t take it anymore and brought him for a hasty kiss. “I want to go all the way with you tonight.”
-At this point, she didn’t care if he broke her heart, she just needed him before he could.
-The moment was actually beautiful.
-He was so gentle and and sweet, making sure she was actually okay with it.
-And it was the best sex either one of them ever had.
-As they laid down in the back of the car, they confessed they ended up confessing their feelings towards each other, including the plans they each had for each other.
- “I’ve never felt this way towards anyone before,” y/n said. “This really bit me in the ass this time.”
- “I’ve never felt this way before period,” he chuckled. “I guess it bit me in the ass too.”
- “Are we dumb for doing this?” she whispered.
- “Totally.”
-They laughed together and ended up doing it again the second time that night.
-On their tenth date, he took her to the carnival again, but he had something more special planned.
-He took her to the top of the Ferris wheel and when it got to the top, he grabbed her hand and nervously asked her if she’d officially be his.
-She grinned at him brightly and nodded yes.
- “Great, now I can give you this,” he said and took off his hoodie that he was wearing. “You’re my girl now and I want you to have it. It’s my favorite hoodie.”
-She kissed him deeply and put it on.
-She wore it everyday from then on.
-One day she was over at the Forman’s and while they were waiting for everyone to join them, they started making out on the couch.
-The door opened, revealing Hyde, Eric, and Fez.
- “DAMMIT!” Hyde shouted.
- Fez laughed. “Pay up!”
- “Wait,” Eric asked. “Did you guys do it yet?”
- Kelso smiled. “Totally.”
-Eric turned to Hyde with his palm turned upwards. “Pay up, bitch.”
- “What’s that not fair!” he bitched.
- “Oh, it totally is,” Fez laughed.
- “No, I’ll tell you what’s not fair. Michael didn’t get hurt like he was supposed to!” Jackie said.
- “No, he got something better,” Donna said. “True love! And someone to kick his ass into shape.”
- “A matchmade in Heaven,” Fez joked while Hyde handed him his cash. “Thank you Hyde.”
- “Yeah, shut up.”
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Alrught so Modern soulmate AU bending is still a thing because I want it to be, sit down.
Soulmate AU: lock and key.
Everyone is born with either a lock or a key somewhere on them. The most common placements are the neck or the wrist. Some can be on their thigh, ankle, or even their waist.
Sokka has a key around both wrists
Suki has a key around her left wrist and a lock on her right
And Zuko has two locks on a single chain around his waist just above his hip bones.
Modern AU: looking for roommates.
Zuko put some 'looking for roommates' posters around town and gets a call from two people Sokka and Suki. He decides to meet up with them at his Uncle's tea shop (which I'm calling 'Dragon Insomniac' because I want it to be a 24hr teashop).
Now, onto the story:
"Zuko, you told them to meet up at 4 , its still 3" his Uncle said as he set down his nephew's cup of tea.
"I kno that Uncle, I just wanted to be ready for them" he fidgeted in his seat for a moment and readjusted the sleeves on his shirt out of habit.
"An extra hour of preparation before discussing roommates?" Iroh chuckled when Zuko nodded "alright, enjoy the tea, I'll show them to your table when they get here"
Zuko hummed a response as his Uncle walked off. Taking a drink of his tea he went over what he planned on saying to the duo when they managed to get to the shop.
Lost in thought he didnt even notice it had been a half an hour already, and only managed to resurface when he heard the little bell go off and two people walk in, a tall man with an undercut and his hair pulled back into a ponytail and a woman with shoulder length hair with the top half pulled back into a braid going down the back of her head. The man had a blue jacket on while the girl simply wore a green turtleneck sweater.
"Didn't expect us to come in at the same time, wonder which one he is" the man said while looking around
"Lets ask the man at the counter, I think he said his uncle owned the place" the woman pointed out
Ah, thats them. Interesting. Zuko let out a sigh and tried to swallow his sudden anxiety. He watched as his uncle directed the duo over to him and they both kind of stared at him for a second, turned to look st eachother and then back at him. Most people have that reaction due to his scar so he didnt find it unusual. He made a small wave and took a sip of his tea.
The two walked over and took their seats "Zuko?" The man asked as he sat down
"The one and only" he smirked a little "Suki and Sokka I presume?"
They nodded "yeah, so uhm, we actually know eachother from high-school" Suki motioned between her and Sokka
"Oh?" That was a little unexpected
"Yeah, I didnt know you meant this Suki when you told me her name, we haven't seen eachother in years!" Sokka chimed in
"Is the fact you two have a past together a deal breaker with being roommates?" Zuko rose his brow
"Oh not at all! It's a pleasant surprise to be honest" Suki chirped "we were two of the very few non-benders in the school"
"Oh? That's a relief to be honest. Last time I roomed with another bender they broke my gaming console" Zuko laughed
After they went over the agreements and signed some papers they all hopped into their cars and the duo followed Zuko to the apartment complex. Zuko gave them a mini tour and showed them his animals, that being a bearded dragon named Druk and two cats named Mushi and Lee
Before the end of the day Zuko handed them both keys to the apartment and sent them on their way to pack up, telling them he'd have their rooms ready by the next morning.
And he did, he had the rooms ready and organized with beds made (he totally went out and bought them both really nice bedsets in the colors they wore that day.) Laundry hampers, little bedside tables and a desk in both rooms, knowing through text conversations that Suki blogged and Sokka drew and carved.
Sokka was the first to arrive, having spent most of the night meticulously packing his items into boxes. "Wow, this is different than yesterday? Did you have this packed away?"
Zuko let out a snort "no, I went out and got the blankets and hampers after you two left, my Uncle had the rest of it in storage, I steamed the beds though so you don't have to worry about any dust or what have you."
Sokka raised a brow "you went all out huh?"
"Just being hospitable, I hope you like the bed set, I'll go start lunch, you down for burgers?"
"Hell yeah I'm down for burgers"
Zuko chuckled "alright, Ill get them started, when Suki gets here let me know."
Later on Suki arrived and she was just in time for lunch. Walking in and slipping off her shoes to set them on the small shoe rack Zuko set up, she sniffed the air "oooohhh whats that smell!"
"Zuko! Suki's here!" Sokka called
"Yeah! I could here that! Thank you though!" And with that said Zuko rounded the corner and made a little wave "Im making Burgers, do you want wheat buns, white buns or Brioche buns?"
"Brioche please, I like the apron" she giggled
He flushed "it was a gift from my uncle" the apron simply read 'look at these hot buns on the chef' and Zuko didnt want to get a new apron because he was afraid of hurting his Uncle's feelings
"He sure has a good sense of humor" she laughed
The rest of the day went smoothly and they all eventually went to bed around 11 that night. The next two weeks Zuko was busy working doubles at the teashop, Suki was busy working as a bouncer at Kyoshi Rise and Sokka was busy doing commissions and working at his dads flower shop, so it was kind of a blur.
The Saturday after the busy two weeks they all had off. Suki and Sokka were sleeping in while Zuko was taking the time to do some morning yoga, donning a pair of black yoga shorts and a red crop top as he did his stretches. The soul chain and locks hanging around his waist now visible to anyone who might see him. Though he was sure his roommates wouldn't be waking up any time soon.
Little did he know Sokka was leaned against the doorway to the kitchen watching his flexible roommate do yoga while sipping on a mug of coffee. "So thats where your soulmate thing is?"
"Ack!" Zuko lost his balance and collapsed on his mat "you twat! You could have waited until I was in a more stable stretch! Ow that really hurt" he rubbed his backside "and yeah, thats where my soul locks are"
"Locks? As in plural? I have two keys, Suki has a lock and key"
"Oh? Thats uh... interesting?"
"Whats interesting and what was that bang?" Suki yawned as she walked out of her bedroom
"Oh just the fact that we all happen to have two soulmates" Zuko said in a grumpy tone "and that bang was me falling because this jerk scared me while I was doing yo-"
"Woah, you're kinda hot" Suki blurted and turned red "sorry, ive just never seen you in a crop top. You're uh, well built" she cleared her throat awkwardly
Zuko froze and turned beet red "uh, thank you? I kick box and do yoga and that's about it" he then stood and stretched his arms above his head "anyways, do you guys want waffles for- agh! What are you doing?" He jumped back when Suki reached out to one of his locks
"Shush, one of your locks has a similar pattern my key I wanna try something" She brought her left wrist up to the lock "hey, what'd'y'know, it actually matches" she smiled but brought her hand back to her side "I guess I'm one of your soulmates huh?"
Zuko blinked at her and then looked to Sokka and then back to Suki "why didn't you unlock it then?"
She laughed "well if you have multiple soulmates you have to have both unlock at the same time, thats why me and Sokka lost touch after sch- Sokka come here real quick"
"Oh my gods" Zuko mumbled under his breath as Sokka came closer and brought his right hand up and smirked
"Would you look at that, weve been under the same rook for a total of two weeks and never noticed." The duo then looked at Zuko "would you be okay with us unlocking them?"
He nodded and watched them unlock his soul locks simultaneously and watched sokka unlock Suki's. His face was probably the same shade as his shirt when the chain sealed around his waist as a sort of tattoo instead of an actual chain.
"Well, this has been an interesting morning. But I have to restate my question, who wants waffles for breakfast?"
>should I continue this? I'm tempted, but im gonna end it here for now<
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Comparing RWBY and YGO DM: The Handling and Evolution of Themes
Hey! Its been a hot minute since I last posted anything RWBY-related but Im laying in my bed right now and Im sick and bored so I guess we're doing this. Today I will do my best to analyze what I percieve to be the main themes and messages of both of these shows, or more specifically, how theyre handled narratively. Im mostly focusing on that part because, while these series do have similar themes and messaging, they are still a few things in which they are wildly different. And with that, lets start with this essay-post-thing!
1. Theres something we need to adress first
Okay so, before we can really talk about this, theres something I feel the need to clarify here: Neither of these stories was "planned from the beginning".
Now, I dont think a story being planned from the beginning or not nesscessarily makes the story any better or worse by default, however, it is still important to acknowledge because the way the story is planned is going to affect every facet of it. Things are not going to be foreshadowed properly, things are gonna be set up only for nothing to come of it, the story might drastically change directions, characters might act differently, etc, etc.
And, this is bit off-topic but, it's much better to just admit that the story was not planned than trying to pretend that it was. Like, there are a lot of reasons why I tend to be so forgiving towards YGO even though its not very good, but one of them is definitely the fact that, as far as Im aware atleast, the guy who wrote it isnt pretending to have had this big master plan all along and neither is the fandom. With RWBY on the other hand... yeaaaah, its kinda the opposite. From what Ive seen of RWBYs fandom, there seems to be this pretty popular narrative that everything was planned even though it clearly wasnt. Thats pretty bad and honestly lowers my opinion of the writers so much more than if they would just admit to not having a proper plan.
Like, I initially consumed YGO like this: Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh (aka Season 0), like, a quarter of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga (I still havent finished it)
In all three of these we have the character of Yami Yuugi, or just Yami. Broadly speaking, he is an ancient egyptian gamer spirit who lives in a magical puzzle that has not been solved for 3000 years until this highschooler named Yuugi Mutou comes along and solves it, thus setting him free and allowing him to possess Yuugi and have access to the vague magical powers of the puzzle.
In Duel Monsters he's perfectly fine most of time, morally speaking. There is an instance of him almost murdering a guy and its a bit unclear what exactly happens to those he mindcrushes but overall he's very much a pretty good guy. In Season 0 most of what he does is set up these games for bad people, where they will go insane no matter what they do. From how I understand this whole Shadow Game, Penalty Game stuff, if you lose a Shadow Game, you get violent and intense hallucinations and you will always cuz yknow, gamer spirit. But if you try to cheat, which most of the bad people do in this show, you get violent and intense hallucinations as a punishment.
Since the two anime are generally considered two different continuities, its perfectly fine that Yamis characterization is wildly different in both of them. But in the manga both of these characterizations appear, basically one after the other with no real arc or consequences, for that matter. Why is that? Simply put, someone thought it was a good idea to try to turn an episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror manga into a more traditional, more plot-driven battle shounen. From what Ive heard, it was apparently largely because of network interference or something, but the point is, it changed directions incredibly drastically with little planning and everyone knows this and I can understand that for the most part.
In RWBY we have the character of Blake Belladonna, who, in the first 3 volumes/seasons atleast, was this aloof, more toned down loner-type character with a pretty strong sense of justice. She's an in-universe marginilized racial minority and she clearly cares about racial injustice. The way its initially framed makes it seem like she had a very hard life and no stable support system, which is what eventually pushed her to join a Civil Rights group/Terrorist organization (good god, the Faunus subplot is so awful, I could write a whole essay about it but Im already de-railing rn so I'll just save that for later).
Then, in volumes 4-5 it turns out her father is actually like, the mayor or chief of this island-place called Menagerie and she grew up in this big mansion with multiple guards/servants. Oh and also, apparently "space is a commodity" on there, so theres that. She still retains large parts of her personality but she's kinda like, worse somehow I think. I cant really describe it in a meaningful way but I hope you get what Im saying anyway. Then in Volume 6 she confronted her emotional abuser Adam (sorry for not mentioning him sooner but yeah, he was like, her abusive boyfriend, which is something that a lot of people disagree with but I wont really say anything about it either way because I dont really feel any specific way) with her friend, Yang, and ended up killing him.
After all that, she pretty much lost the rest of her personality, as well as her arc about all the Faunus stuff. She just kinda became the meek, generically nice, recovering abuse victim. Why? Well, the actual reason is that they didnt plan out shit and are just kinda flying by the seat of their oversized clown-pants and if they and the fandom just admitted it, I would have less of an issue. I still wouldnt be as forgiving towards RWBY as I am towards YGO because the crux of the issue, for me, is just that I dont particulary like RWBY but also like. Do you really expect me to take MKEK seriously as writers after admitting to not have a timeline because iT wOuLd CaUsE pLoThOlEs?
However, since they want us to believe that everything was planned out from the beginning, the explaination would be.... Idk, they deliberately butchered one of their main characters?? Because.. they hate her?? Maybe????
So yeah, that was quite a detour however, I would like you to keep this mind going forward.
2. Themes of the Early Series'
First, what do mean by 'Early Series' for both of these shows respectively? Well, for YGO that would have to be Season 0 or if youre reading the manga, everything pre-Duelist Kingdom. Basically, the part of the series thats a episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror series.
For RWBY that would be the first three Volumes, also known as the Poser-Era. Back then it was just kinda an action series that took place at Anime Warrior Academy (also known as Beacon) with some pretty bare minimum worldbuilding, character-driven plots and developments but now its more of an epic high-fantasy story with more of an emphasis on plot as opposed to just action.
The themes and messages in Early YGO are kinda vague, very confusing to me and if you were to follow any of it literally that would be pretty bad. For now Im just gonna say the main themes are Friendship and Identity and mostly focus on the Identity aspect.
Now, it took me a little while to figure out RWBYs deal but I think the main themes for Volumes 1-3 are also Friendship and Heroism. Once again, I'll mostly focus on Heroism and touch on Friendship more briefly later.
I dont have much more to add to YGOs themes right now, so I'll briefly go over Heroism in RWBY.
In RWBYs setting there are these man-eating monsters called Grimm that have basically infected the planet. In order to deal with that, they have people called huntsmen and huntresses that kill them and protect people. Theyre trained at special academies like Beacon and go on missions there and stuff like that. Our four main characters, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang, are training to become huntresses and one day they go on this mission to clean up a grimm infested city block with one of their teachers. Obviously, that takes a long time so they have to camp out in one of the empty houses. Weiss, Blake and Yang cant sleep because theyve been thinking about this question that their teacher asked them when they were fighting grimm: "Why do you want to become a huntress?"
They have a heart to heart and we find out about their motivations; Weiss wants to bring honour back to her family, Blake want to distance herself from the White Fang (that terrorist organization I mentioned earlier) and as an extension from Adam, Yang wants to have a life of adventure. They also talk about why Ruby wants to be a huntress and it turns out that she judt wants to help people. Unlike the others, she has no motivation besides that. We're meant to listen to that and look at her as a sort-of personification of Heroism: kind, but not naive, strong and most of all, selfless. The others on her team are not portayed as bad for not being like Ruby by any means but we are clearly meant to admire her the most out of all of them.
Okay, now comes the part Ive been looking forward to the most:
3. How did these themes evolve in the Modern Series'?
Alright, before we can really delve into the way they evolved in YGO I'll have to give you a brief summary of the character progression. At the start of DM, during the Duelist Kingdom arc, Yami Yuugi is just that; A darker Yuugi. Hes more confident, bolder, his voice is deeper, hes somehow taller, more ruthless, all that good stuff. Notably, he doesnt actually seem more skilled than Yuugi even at the start of this story, but he's still dependent on Yami. Yami on the other hand, has no identity of his own or even hints at one at this point. He's just The Other Yuugi.
Then during the Battle City arc, they find out that Yami was actually a pharao prior to being sealed in the puzzle, he just didnt know because of amnesia, I guess. So now they need to find out his real name and then send him to the afterlife because hes meant to be dead, but not before saving the world from being swallowed by darkness, which is also a thing they have to do now.
Then we finally get to the Memory World arc, where Yami, Yuugi and the rest of the gang astralproject to ancient egypt via puzzle magic. Yami is trying to figure out what the hell is going on and who all these familiar people are, while Yuugi & Co are trying their best to help him. Then some weird shit happens and it turns out that all of that is not just Yamis sealed away memories, but also a giant D&D Shadow Game that will destroy the world if Yami loses. So now theres Pharao!Yami who is still clueless on the metaphorical and literal playing field and Player!Yami, who is kinda controlling himself now? I guess?? Yamis opponent, The Spirit of The Ring, has something similar to that going on where hes both controlling and properly participating in the game. So Player!Yami is now fighting against Player!TSoTR, Pharao!Yami is now fighting against Thief King Bakura (who is like, the human, ancient egyptian version of the Ring Spirit) and Yuugi is now fighting against Yami Bakura (who is like, the human, modern japanese version of the Ring Spirit). Yuugi gets Yamis real name, he and the gang go over to Pharao!Yami and tell him his name, meanwhile Player!Yami is also somehow helping as well and they defeat the Ring Spirit, thus saving the world. Then they travel to modern Egypt, the Ceremonial Duel happens and Yuugi wins, sending Yami to the Afterlife where he can finally rest and that was the series!
I originally wanted to recount the stuff that was going on with the Ring Spirit and his host as well because they parallel eachother, but this summary is already far too long and I think youll get the point without me needing to explain any more.
My point here is, that the story went from being vaguely about Identity, maybe? to being very clearly about Self-Discovery and Learning to Be Independent. I think this is a very good way to evolve the messaging of your story. How does RWBY track on that?
Well, uh... its not great. I will acknowledge that they have tried to introduce new themes and ideas since, even though I wont really be talking about them in this post. But yeah, the whole Heroism thing really regressed.
Like, I didnt explicitly say it when I was explaining grimm earlier, but theyre not going away. The grimm have always been there and people who sign up to become huntsmen and huntresses are effectively signing up for a job that will never truly be done, no matter what they do. Characters like Ruby and even more minor ones like Phyrrah have shown us that that doesnt matter when youre a hero. No life isnt worth saving, no grimm isnt worth killing, no criminal isnt worth arresting. Then, in volume 6 they find out about Salem. Salem is the Big Bad of the show, shes immortal, controls the grimm and is supposed to be very powerful.
What do our heroes do? They give up. Sike! They were just mindcontrolled by monsters or some shit, of course they didnt give up their mission (which is to bring an Important Macguffin to a city called Atlas, sorry I didnt mention it)!
But then they arrive in Atlas (which is llike, a city thats floating over another city called Mantle) and yknow, they do some plot stuff thats not really important right now until the city gets invaded by Salem and this big grimm army she has.
What do our heroes do? Well, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and some side characters are chilling, drinking tea in a mansion and Yang and the B Team were actually trying to do something, but even those efforts seem incredibly minimal.
Oh wait, I also forgot to mention that Ironwood (a fairly minor, vaguely antagonistic character up until now) wanted to lift Atlas even higher to save Atleasian civilians from danger while leaving Mantle vulnerable to Salems invasion.
What would be the most heroic thing to do?
A) Let Ironwood lift Atlas, get as much support as they can down to Mantle and save as many Mantle civilians as they can from the invasion
B) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas but then split up in order to protect both Atlas and Mantle civilians
C) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas and then dont do anything else
Congrats! If you choose C, you think exactly like the writers!
And I just
This is so mindboggling to me, I feel like I shouldnt even have explain how this is bad. And like, it wouldve been so easy to actually make them seem herokc through their actions, to make it seem like they did try but no.
I have never seen a central theme be this botched, how in the world did they do that? Why did they think it was a good idea for Ruby "The Embodiment of Heroism" Rose to sit in a mansion doing nothing, no planning, no organizing just ..... God, how are they this bad? Like, this doesnt even have anything to do with it being planned in any way, this is just straight up incompetence
4. Very briefly touching on friendship
The friendship is awful and its not solely because they all have the same opinions. They barely interact with eachother outside their designated pairs which leads to it all feeling incredibly hollow. Theyre also practically indistingushable from one another now, which is a shame because it wasnt always like that. Like, I dont think the characters were that well-developed in earlier volumes but they were very well-characterized. But now we've gotten to a point where you can literally copy and paste one characters dialogue onto another and literally nothing changes, it really sucks.
5. Some closing words
Damn, this took way longer than I thought it would and now Im pretty exhausted. I have no idea how yall always write these but props to you! I feel like this ended up a bit rambly but overall, Im pretty proud.
Please let me know what you think of the points I brought up! Id also really appreciate some tips on how to get better at these longer posts because I am planning on writing more in the future (not the near future, probably but yknow).
Thats all I have to say for now, thanks for reading!
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S5E11 -- Swan Song
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
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Me getting through this episode . . . . . . . 
So . . . . this is gonna be LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG.  I have time, I have opinions, and I’m not holding back.  Under the cut for length and just a heads up there WILL BE BELLE CRITICISM UNDER HERE.  When I get to that point I will strike out all of the Belle critical stuff like this.  It doesn’t mean I don’t MEAN IT -- I just want to give those who can’t handle Belle being dragged the opportunity to easily bypass that section.  
Are we ready?
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Me AFTER I watched this episode, BTW . . . . . . 
So, honestly, as has been the case since this arc crap started, this is a rushed, sloppy, choppy, hacked up episode with a bunch of shit going on, it’s clearly a hot mess of shit, there are OBVIOUS deleted scenes we never saw and never WILL see, and I can totally understand why so many just flat out noped the fuck out of this show at this point.  Because it really is NOT enjoyable and frankly, even knowing what comes, it still makes me stabby.  
But I have to find a way of plodding through this here, so let’s do a point by point order of things, in no particular order:
1.  So Hook murdered his dad and left his little brother an orphan.  Whatta guy!  Honestly, here’s the thing -- all the anti-Rumple folk bitch about how many people he killed, and really I don’t think his body count is higher than Hook’s.  Rumple kills when he’s pissed off, and almost always in a heat of the moment thing (see: Milah, the dudes that used to bully him as a spinner, Tamara).  He doesn’t just go off killing to kill for thrills and funsies and murder trinkets.  Hook has admitted ON SCREEN to killing dozens -- and this was as a mortal with no dark curse whispering in his ear 24/7.  What’s HIS excuse?  
2.  OMG, Emma really just got completely destroyed at this point, didn’t she.  I found a VERY GOOD meta on the destruction of Emma Swan and why CS is such utter bullshit so I thought I’d share it here:
3.  Slight fun side note -- DON’S Mess with OQ, yo!  
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From the OFFICIAL Once Upon a Time Twitter!  Happy Endgins!  
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Okay where was I . . . . this is what happens when I scroll through late 2015 me . . . ahem . . . 
4.  This would have been the perfect way to keep Zee the fuck off the show forever.  Just saying . . . . . . 
5.  Side note 2: some fun times with December 2015 me live blogging this shitfest . . . . . 
Yup . . . they cut it . . . shocking, right?
6.  Post-episode Adam Horowitz being an absolute DICK to fans on Twitter -- just follow our vision, FUCK your vision, you hack! (Bonus points for a hijacking of this post by some asshole CS fan):
7.  The AMY MANSON saga:
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There are also BTS somewhere of Merida marching Arthur out of Storybrooke that were filmed for this episode.  Remember . . . at the end of The Bear King, Merida promised she was coming for Arthur.  Did that ever happen?  Of course not.  HACKS.  Also Amy did PRESS for this episode and so it’s clear they never even TOLD HER that her scenes for this episode were CUT.  So there’s also that.  HACKS. 
8.  Check out the Lily Sparks review of this episode because it is EVERYTHING:
I want to point out specifically, on page 3, what she says about Rumple taking back the Dark One powers:
And then Emma heard all the Parseltongue and followed the sounds to the pawnshop and Rumple was like, "LOL okay you got me, I totally performed a quick spell that somehow cleaved apart the Excalibur and became the Dark One because eff everybody invested in my character. I essentially have a multiple-personality disorder and no one on the writing staff gave me the memo about not trying to convey a genuine struggle while I was playing Rumple these last three years." I'm sorry but this twist was so lazy it infuriated me. I can't believe that shit made it out of a first draft, let alone through studio and network notes.
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Which, sadly . . . . . . brings me to Belle and Rumbelle.
9. Belle’s theme song:
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Yeah, it’s not gonna get better from here . . . . 
So damn . . . . Belle really was kind of a bitch in this episode, huh?  I mean . . . . at the TIME I was happy for the hugs and kisses and sex but watching it again just . . . DAMN . . . . . 
Also, “For the first time ever you were selfless” GTFO of here!!!!!
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For the first time EVER????  GTFO, what kind of shit writing is this???  How did Emilie even deliver that garbage fire of a line with a straight face, and how did Bobby even react to it without a lot of cursing?  Or maybe he did.  We do know that they wanted Rumbelle to bang on the bed in the shop and Bobby put his foot down on that one and they literally created a bedroom set for that 30 second scene because Bobby wasn’t gonna have them film the post-coital scene in the shop.  
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So yay for Bobby?  
10.  I wrote this post regarding this episode IN DEFENSE OF RUMPLE -- still stand by every word (there is Belle dragging and I mean DRAGGING in this post -- you’ve been warned):
11.  In closing -- A SUMMARY:
Here have some fan art:
Points tally:
40 points to start
20 points for 2 Rumbelle hugs
20 points for 2 Rumbelle kisses
5 points for Swan Queen
20 points deducted for BOTH OOC Belle and Rumple nonsense
10 points deducted for Hook & Zelena
Full 25 deducted and I want to give bonus for the Rumbelle sex but . . . . this episode just doesn’t deserve it.  
Total points: 30
Moving on .  . . are we ready?
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Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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luckyspike · 5 years
Eleventh Hour Admission - A Good Omens fanfiction
Hey guys remember when I talked about writing a hospital AU
i did it but no one is a doctor they’re all nurses
title refers to literally getting an admission during the eleventh hour of your shift, possibly a fate worse than death
CW: hospitals, medical procedures, automobile accidents, the joint commission
this will never be continued (probably) or posted to AO3, so enjoy it
Ari Fell liked it his job. That wasn’t sarcasm. He really, truly liked his job: he liked helping other people, he liked watching the sickest of the sick get well again and, when he couldn’t do that, he liked being there for them, trying to help them peacefully and painlessly move on. He liked meeting the families of his patients, he liked getting to know his patients when they could talk, and he liked that every day was a new day, something different and unknown and rife with opportunity to learn something new, or to help someone.
He liked his job, but he didn’t like 6am admissions.
Which, he had a feeling, was precisely why his ASCOM phone was going off at 5:55am. The caller ID informed him that it was Gabriel, the charge for tonight. He winced and the other nurse working the east pod with him tonight, Tracy, nodded sympathetically. He picked up the phone, and answered the call.
“Ari!” Yes. Yes, that was Gabriel. By the sound of it, he was in the cafeteria, likely having coffee with the other charges during their morning “bed meeting”. Ari had long since suspected that “bed meeting” was an excuse to get coffee and kvetch for the last hour of their shift, but he’d never really had the opportunity to find out, after he’d refused the offered charge position last year. 
“Gabe.” He stared gloomily at the empty room before him. It had been empty all night, after he’d packed the last patient off to IMC to make room for a possible admit. He had known it was too good to be true, known with a sort of icy certainty that a quiet night would never last, and soon enough there would be some kind of admit rolling up. He’d hoped it wouldn’t be an hour before shift change but, well … 
Maybe it would be an intubated pneumonia. Sedated, even. That would be nice.
“Got an ED trainwreck coming up. You heard them call that level 1 trauma, yeah?”
His heart dropped into his stomach, which dropped all the way to his Danskos. “Yes.”
“MVA, lady was flying and ran off the road into the orchard. Hit like three of the apple trees, Bee told me. Anyway, she’s a hot mess. I told them they could call report and bring her up any time.”
“I’ll need to stock the room -” 
Gabriel ignored him. “I’d love to help get her settled but we’re gonna be in bed meeting until 6:30 and then I have to do the board for day shift, but I’m sure you and Tracy’ll have it in hand. Holler if you need anything!” The line went dead.
“What do you need?” Tracy asked, already half out of the pod, aimed toward the supply room. The supply room, Ari knew, where the housekeeper usually hung around this time of the morning, surreptitiously drinking instant-brew coffee behind the Pyxis. 
Ari sighed. “A whole set-up. I don’t have report yet, but it’s a trauma. Probably need suction and the whole nine yards.” The ASCOM chirped again. “That’ll be report.”
“I’ll get some culture bottles and extra red tops as well.” He nodded to her as she vanished around the corner, and picked up the phone. “Ari Fell, ICU 4 East.”
“Ari!” He might have groaned. “It’s AJ!”
“Great. You’re calling report, I assume?”
“Well, yeah, but also I was just thinking I’m off for two days after this, and I don’t have any plans after my shift, was thinking about kegs and eggs at the place across the street. Care to join?”
“Somehow,” Ari said with rather more chill to his tone than usual, “I think I’ll be getting off my shift late.”
AJ laughed. “Oh, yeah. I’m bringing up the hot mess express.”
“Oh, boy.” He half-sighed, half-groaned. “I’m ready.”
“Right, patient’s still a Jane Doe but ID in her purse said Eve Smith, 22 years old, just waiting on family to confirm. Chaplain called her parents but no answer yet. Anyway, adult female, unrestrained driver in car-versus-tree MVA, GCS of 3 at the scene, flown here, went into SVT on the way but we’ve got her on amio now at 0.5mg/hr, pan-scan showed a left-sided pneumo -”
He rattled on, Ari jotting down notes as AJ moved through the systems. At least there was that: report from AJ was, usually, good, although he did like to linger on the gory details a little longer than necessary sometimes. If he was going to get a 6am admit, at least he’d have a good report to hand off to the next shift when he inevitably presented them with this hot disaster.
Tracy was back from the supply room, a suspicious damp spot on her scrub top. The navy blue shade hid the color of the spot, but if Ari had to guess, it would be the color of Svanka instant coffee. “Enough?” she asked, holding up two bags of supplies and a handful of lab tubes. He cupped a hand over the phone.
“Two straight poles and an IV pole,” he whispered. “And an EVD hookup for the monitor.”
“Anyway,” AJ was saying, “she’s got a Foley, so you don’t have to worry about that, and, ah … Hm. Multiple lacerations and abrasions spread out all over, but no pressure wounds or anything otherwise. Right. Anything else you need?”
“Ah …” He looked at the report sheet, the notes about infusions and lines and testing left un-done, and shrugged. “You’re coming up with her, right?”
“Oh, yeah. It’ll be a miracle if she doesn’t crump on the way up. I’ll probably be bagging her when we get there.”
He grimaced. “Wonderful. I’ll have RT ready. Otherwise, uh … no, I think I should be alright. Whenever you’re ready, we’ve got the room stocked.”
“Okay.” A little distantly, as if he’d moved away from the receiver somewhat, he heard AJ call, “Hey, you ready Erica? Time to move!” And then, back into the phone. “See you in ten.”
Ari ended the call, placed a quick SOS to respiratory for a vent delivery, and tossed the ASCOM onto the desk. One last chance to check his other patient - a post-op heart cath they’d sent for access site observation overnight before planned discharge in the morning - and then he headed into the empty room, fussing around with the lines and waiting. The vent was there, already pre-programmed with the settings, blue screen glowing in the dark room as it waited. Tracy returned with the required equipment, and rolled a pole across the room, around the end of the bed, toward Ari.
“Complete train wreck.”
She patted his shoulder. “My two are primped and propped and ready for seven. I can help all you like, dear.” She was always nice like that, calling him ‘dear’. He supposed it made sense, given that Tracy was old enough to be his mother, but he had noticed she never used the term for anybody else. He’d never asked her about it, though, mostly because he was sort of afraid that if he pointed it out, she would stop. 
“I think we just wait, now.”
“Fresh meat coming?” The gruff voice of the custodian drew their attention to the doorway. “I’m off duty at 6:30, so if you think I’ll be coming in here to clean up whatever mess you and those hideous interns make -”
“I’m sure your relief will have it well in-hand, Mr. S.” Tracy fluttered her eyelashes, and leaned across the bedside table, the front of her V-neck scrub top gaping open just enough to draw the housekeeper’s eyes. “You know, I was thinking of getting breakfast and coffee at The Pantry across the street after shift … been craving their waffles.” It was a statement, but it hung open like a question. Mr. S blushed a little.
“I … I’m a little hungry myself. Could go for a nice thick pat of scrapple.” He cleared his throat. At the far corner of the ICU, Ari heard the elevator - the direct-from-the-ED elevator - ding open, and the distant sound of alarms suffused through the early-morning bustle of the unit. 
“Think they might have two seats at the breakfast bar?”
“Maybe.” He smiled a little, and then remembered himself and glowered. “If an educated woman’ll deign to eat with me, that is.”
“Mm, I think I might be able to bring myself to slum it this morning.” She waved a hand. “Here she comes, move over, there’s a love.”
And come she did, in a wail of alarms and machines and, Ari was both relieved and exasperated to see, AJ, who had, as long as Ari had known him, struggled with the concept of ‘reserved’. “Heyo, told you so!” AJ was, as promised, bagging the patient, his arm snaked between various lines and tubes, the critically-ill human attached to them almost so covered as to be invisible. “Ari.”
Ari looked at the lines, horrified, and then to AJ. “What happened?”
“Huh? Oh. She came back from radiology like this. Didn’t have time to untangle everything.”
“Nothing’s even labeled!” He waved his hands at the mess. “You’ve got fluids and pressors and is that blood? What’s going where?”
“Ah. All in the subclavian, I’d imagine.” The redhead added, with scathing sarcasm, “Pretty sure I didn’t hook anything up to the EVD. Got a slide board?”
Tracy had, and she and Ari tucked it under the unconscious young woman as AJ and Erica rolled her to the side. “Hang on, let me check her back while she’s there.” There were abrasions, and lacerations, too many to count or list as part of a specific area, and then, between her shoulder blades, was an apple blossom. He plucked it off. “Really, you couldn’t clean that off?”
“Had bigger fish to fry. You done?” AJ raised an eyebrow at him, visible of the rims of his dark-tinted glasses, and Ari nodded. AJ and Erica let the woman down. “On three -” She was light enough, and with four of them they had her slid into the ICU bed in one smooth motion, still piled with a tangled mess of lines and tubes. 
“You really had to bring this mess up,” Ari griped, trying to decide where to start first. His eyes widened. “You left the EVD lying under her pillow!”
“It’s clamped!” AJ replied with an exasperated groan, gratefully flicking on the vent and plugging it into the ET tube.
Erica rolled her eyes. “You done here? I’ve got to get back to the department.”
“Be right behind you,” AJ said, waving the other nurse off. “I’m gonna help whiny here get organized.” He pulled the EVD from under the pillow, carefully threading the buritrol back through the other lines until the tubing lay neatly over the rest of the tangled mess. Carefully, he hung it on the straight pole, leveled it, and opened the clamp. Pink-tinged spinal fluid started to drip out. “Come on, hand me the cable, I’ll even hook it up for you.”
“How charitable,” Ari grumbled, tossing the cable behind the headboard and bouncing it off AJ’s shoulder. “Bastard.”
“Now, boys,” Tracy admonished from the foot of the bed, where she was busying herself with untangling the Foley and the SCDs*. “Let’s not argue.”
[* Are SCDs really that important in a fragile immediately post-trauma patient, you may ask. To which the answer is: only if the Joint Commission is there.]
“Oh, we’re just having a good time.” AJ was tracing the IV tubing containing the fluids down through the sheets. “Alright, so this is going to the peripheral, just untangle this -”
“You know,” Ari said, as he fiddled with the monitor and the arterial line, trying to check for level in spite of the level being, as always, conspicuously absent. “I’m sure you have patients back down in the department. You don’t have to help. I was just giving you a hard time.” He ended up seizing a length of blood pressure cuff tubing and eyeballing the line between the transducer and the phlebostatic axis.
“Well, what if I want to?” He snorted. “My only other patient down there is a kid with a head lac, and he’s on ice until the LET kicks in and we can do staples anyway. Which will be, fortunately, after shift change. He looks like a screamer.” He smirked at Ari, and passed the IV pump with all of the various central line tubing across the bed to him. “Never let it be said I’m not occasionally nice.”
“You’re not.” 
At the foot of the bed, Tracy shook her head, tapping in the vital signs as she did. “Did anyone page the fellow to let them know she’s arrived?”
“Not yet,” they replied, in unison. And then exchanged a look, very briefly, before Ari looked away to busy himself with setting the monitor alarm parameters and AJ became absorbed in scribbling labels for the IV tubing. 
“I’ll do it, then.”
It was quiet for a minute while they worked, but after a time, Ari realized the white sheet atop the woman was clear, the lines were meticulously untangled and laid properly, with messily-written but legible labels. It would have done the Joint Commission proud. 
“Think she still needed cultures,” AJ muttered, grabbing the bottles off of the counter. “Where do you keep the tourniquets up here?”
“Here.” He set to checking orders, with the black-clad invader from the ED pulled the first set of cultures on the first stick. Ari frowned, impressed. “Nice one.”
“Eh, you get good at ‘em when you have to get a line in anything.”
“Seriously,” Ari said, more quietly now, noting that for the most part, all of the ED orders had been cleaned up, taken care of, and signed off before the patient had arrived, “you can go. Really, I’m grateful, but I can handle it and you don’t have to -”
“I know. But this is really selfish for me.” He tore the tip of the index finger off the fresh pair of gloves he’d donned, the better to palpate a vein in the opposite arm, where the splint would allow. “Don’t wanna eat breakfast alone.”
Ari stared at him for a minute. Blinked. “Seriously?”
“Well, yeah,” AJ replied, tone flippant. “I think it counts as alcoholism if you drink alone too much. Have to keep up the facade of being a normal, healthy, functional adult.” He winked at Ari over the rim of his glasses. “You know how it goes, choir-boy.”
“I -” he glanced into the hallway, where Tracy and Mr. S were chatting. Mr. S had clocked out - was it past 6:30 already? And Tracy had her ASCOM in hand, although by the looks of it she hadn’t yet called. If she waited much longer, the fellow wouldn’t arrive with new orders until after shift change. He could have laughed. What an angel. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. You want to get a pitcher?”
Aj laughed, although he was watching intently as the second bottle filled. “You know, I have two days off coming up - what the hell? Let’s do it.”
19 notes · View notes
My Ranking of Shin’s Drama CDs
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Oh boy did this get long so I’m putting it under the cut. Updated as of July 2020.
Some quick notes before I start: -I am only including main series full drama CDs so no bonus CDs or mini-dramas (which means I have not included the Operation X CD as that features different versions of the song and a mini-drama). -I am ranking these CDs as someone who is deep in Shinhell, therefore I'm only really focusing on interactions with him in these CDs -Expect mild spoilers -And lastly this is all based on my own preferences so if you have a completely different order for these CDs then that is 110% okay With that out of the way, let’s go (^^)b
11) Lost Eden Vol. 3 Tsukinami
It may come as a surprise that this CD is ranked lower than CL when it features both of the Tsukinami brothers, but I had to put it here as it’s the only CD on this list that I can’t see myself relistening to very much (if at all). Unlike their DF CD, which I would recommend listening to even if you’ve played Shin and Carla’s DF routes, I would not say the same for this CD if you’ve played their LE routes. I don’t feel like we really get any new information or interactions out of it, even if it is always nice to have some scenes with Shin and Carla. I also don’t feel like the writing was terribly strong here as there were a lot of very short scenes, particularly in the beginning, which made it feel a little choppy. Additionally I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a Diabolik Lovers CD with so little bloodsucking, I think Carla and Shin each bite you once and that’s it (which means I can’t even recommend it on fanservice grounds). I would only recommend getting this CD if you’re a die-hard Tsukinami fan and you already own most of the CDs on this list as well as some of Carla’s and you don’t mind the slightly sad tone to the ending (tbh I would actually recommend getting the Operation X CD over this one).
10) Chaos Lineage Vol. 3 Orange
I think if you’re a fan of the Tsukinami brothers as a duo rather than favoring Shin, you’ll probably enjoy the LE CD more than this one, but if you want a good Shin x you/Yui scene then I think this is probably the better pick. Although there’s only one bloodsucking scene with Shin, it’s very hot because he actually likes the taste of your blood. It was also fun to see the relationship dynamics between the characters in this different set up (although this might be a bit redundant if you’ve played CL). That being said, this CD isn’t any higher on this list because none of the other guys in it are that high up on my favorites list and as the boys’ memories have been altered there’s no romance with any of them either because they have no clue who you are. The conclusion feels very unsatisfying as this CD is just a set up for the game, although at least unlike the above it doesn’t have a sad undertone. 
9) Versus III Vol. 2 Laito vs Shin
Honestly I’m sad that I had to put this CD so low down but I just like the others more. It’s interesting to see Shin interact with Laito, especially as they really don’t get on that well. There’s also a scene where Laito gets EXTREMELY distressed which really hits you the first time you listen to it, as it’s such a break from the usual facade. However like all of the versus CDs I’ve listened to, there isn’t really a conclusion and there isn’t that much plot to this one either (or least not compared to the other CDs on this list in my opinion). If you’re looking for some hot bloodsucking (or a very anguished Laito) then this is a really good CD but if you’re looking for something with a bit more feeling on Shin’s part then I’d say other CDs on this list are better for that.
8) Versus II Vol. 4 Carla vs Shin
This CD has a special place in my heart because it’s the first CD I ever heard with Shin in it and one of the first DL CDs I ever bought oh how far I have fallen. It’s also the first drama CD the Tsukinami brothers appeared in, and as a result they’re not exactly nice to you. Still, I like that it offers a slightly different version of their first meeting with you/Yui than we get in dark fate and as their opening CD I think it does a good job of introducing them. This is a really good one to get if you’re a Tsukinami bros fan and you like mean founders because there’s no romance here.
7) Versus IV Vol. 1 Ayato vs Kino vs Shin
I was very torn as to whether to put this CD higher or lower as it contains one of my favorite tracks of all time, but that’s just the problem; I only really like one track. The track in question, features a very desperate Shin and it is such a treat to listen to. My problem with this CD is that Ayato and Kino are not terribly high up on my favorites list and so tracks with them, while still enjoyable, are not ones I choose to listen to that often. My other issue is that this CD is set up as though the heroine has chosen Ayato, which is great for Ayato fans but not so much for me (T_T) As much as I like hearing Shin sound desperate, I prefer it when he knows he’s loved. 
6) More, More Blood Vol. 4 Tsukinami Shin
Okay I can’t really explain why this CD is where it is without majorly spoiling it but I’ll try my best. First off, I love the first two tracks of this CD, it’s almost pure fanservice and the scenes feel like they’re straight out of one of the scenario chapters from the games. I was super invested for the rest of it and it was interesting to see Shin deal with the plot of the CD, but then there was the twist that takes place towards the end and I just spent the rest of the CD like ( ゚o゚). I do think it’s good from a writing perspective because I really didn’t see it coming (that might just be because I’m an idiot though) but it also made me feel slightly disconnected from the story. To be fair, I felt a lot better after listening to the bonus Another Story track that came with the deluxe edition, but I think if I’d just bought the regular version then I would have found the ending a bit unsatisfying.
I think how much you like this CD will be entirely dependent on how much of a fan of the twist at the end you are (but I can’t say anymore without spoiling it >_<). If you can spare the extra cash I would 100% recommend getting the deluxe edition over the regular one just so that ending feels a bit more rounded out.
5) Dark Fate Vol.1 Chapter of Eclipse
It might seem strange for me to put this CD so high up as only two of the four tracks feature the Tsukinami brothers directly interacting with the listener while the other two are flashbacks to when they were trapped in Banmaden. However it is a really good source of information on the Tsukinamis if you haven’t played Dark Fate (in fact I think it might actually go into more detail on some aspects than the game does). The flashback scenes include Giesbach’s death (although he does not have a speaking role) and how the Tsukinamis discovered that they could break the seal keeping them trapped. On top of all of the information, you do also get a very nice track with Shin which features quite a bit of bloodsucking and menacing behavior. I will say however that I would recommend this to fans of darker content as there is no fluff/romance to be found.
4) Zero Vol. 4 Tsukinami Shin
I enjoyed this CD in a very different way to how I thought I would. Originally I thought I’d like it for the bloodsucking fanservice scenes with portrait!Shin but I actually just enjoyed the tracks with the real Shin. The final fight scene between Shin and portrait!Shin sounds incredible and I like that this CD has a satisfying conclusion (unlike the versus CDs where it just ends on a bit of cliffhanger after bloodsucking with multiple boys). While the concept is refreshing and I like that Shin has to defend you from an actual villain, I guess I just prefer the CDs that focus on your relationship with Shin.
3) Born to Die Vol. 2 Tsukinami Shin
Okay if you’re a fan of soft Shin content and you haven’t got this CD yet, do yourself a favor and get it because it’s 47 minutes of pure Shin fluff. I do think that if you prefer the darker side of DL then you’d enjoy his Zero CD (or his MMB CD) more than this one but for me personally, partly due to the animosity I felt towards Shin’s portrait counterpart, I like this one more. The final two scenes are really romantic (and they actually made me cry) and the conclusion is satisfying. That being said, I also like my fluff to have a side of angst, which is why I can’t rank this CD above remaining two, but if you just want to have a romantic date with Shin then this is the CD for you.
2) Bloody Bouquet Vol.7 Tsukinami Shin
This CD makes me so emotional ;-; It distresses me a bit because Shin sounds like he’s dying for a good part of it but I like that emotional aspect of it. Some of Shin’s dialogue in the penultimate track is pretty romantic (even if you are in a terrible situation) and the final track just makes me melt (ノ∀`♥) Morikubo always does an exceptional job as Shin but this CD is the one that sticks out in my mind the most for the voice acting, it is sooo good. The reason this CD is not number 1 is because as much as I enjoy it, listening to Shin suffer is pretty painful (made worse by the brilliant acting).
1) Para-Selene Vol.4 Tsukinami Shin
This is honestly my favorite drama CD of all time. The main reasons for this are that I like the concept a lot and, to me, it perfectly showcases the aspects of Shin’s character. You get some hot bloodsucking in the first track, some tracks where he gets really angry (which is great if you’re a huge masochist like me) and towards the end you get to see his softer side. Overall I feel that it showcases his faults as well as his good points in an interesting way which is exactly what I want out of a drama CD with my favorite character.
So what do you think? Which of these CDs is your favorite? My askbox is always open for discussing Shin related topics
37 notes · View notes
spidey-d00d · 6 years
Sober Pt. 2
Words; 1670
Warnings;  Reader has an addiction, Detox
A/N; Here is the long awaited pt. 2 of Sober. Sorry for saying it was going to be out the other day, I started procrastinating and then 4th of July and then more procrastination. 
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Hours turned into days, and days into weeks. You were about to hit a month on the streets. You had scored more Oxy, but you were almost out of money to get food. Right about now, it was either a meal or a few more pills, and you were leaning towards the pills a lot more than feeding yourself.
You didn’t have anyone else to live for anyways. The people that took you in for 7 years don’t want you near them anymore. They think you are a loss cause. They think there isn’t any hope for you, which there isn’t. You are drowning yourself in pills, who would want to be near that.
You looked out on the lively streets of Queens, New York. You had walked all the way from the upstate facility, down to the place you had been multiple times to get Peter Parker for Tony. You weren’t here seeking Peter this time though, you were just passing through. You didn’t have a certain place in mind, but all you knew is that it was going to be out of New York.
The world seemed to work without you. You never doubted that it wouldn’t, but it was so fascinating that no one seemed to know that you weren’t going to be part of the society anymore. Standing up from you sitting position, you fixed the backpack that you had been carrying everyday for weeks, and started walking again.
You stopped by a little corner shop to grab a water bottle, and then turned down a small alleyway. Pulling out the small clear baggy full of the small pills, you grabbed 3 and swallowed them without an issue.
You were already on a high, but you needed more. You didn’t know why, but the craving was too strong to ignore. You started getting a little dizzy after walking a few feet down the crowded street, but you chose to ignore it. ‘It should be gone soon.’ You told yourself. You walked a little more, trying to shake off the weird feeling that you had, but you couldn’t. It wasn’t going away, and soon it got worse. You lost your balance, heard a lot of voices, and then passed out on the hard, hot concrete of Queens.
The smell of chemicals and the sound of sneakers squeaking against tile filled your senses. You were blinded by a bright light bouncing off of the off white walls. Squinting and rubbing your eyes, you looked down at your body that was laying down, but not on the the concrete, in a bed, and you were in an ugly hospital gown with a bunch of tubes and wires hanging off of you.
You went to go and sit up, but you were too weak to even pick your arm off of the bed. You felt like your body was sitting in a fire, but it also hurt so bad. You also had a killer headache that was amplified when the sound of a door opening and closing very loudly, followed by 2 loud voices came into earshot.
You groaned in pain that was radiating off of your head and shooting pain to the rest of your body. You hadn’t had the chance to identify the people because you were more preoccupied with how much pain you were in.
After a few minutes of you letting the pain settle down, you open yo eyes to be met with 2 sets of eyes that had a lot of eyes that had a lot of emotions running threw them, but the most prominent ones were Hurt, Anger, and confusion.
You couldn’t look into them anymore because it was making you feel like a failure or a disappointment, so you looked down at your hands.
“Wh-Why-Whe-” Tony started trying to ask a bunch of questions at one but he was just confusing himself and everyone around him.
“Okay, that is enough of that.” Steve said sighing and turning back to you.
“What he is trying to ask is why did you leave and where did you go?” He said, with a stone face, something he did when he was either beyond pissed or he was thinking, and right now, you knew it was the 1st option.
You just ignored them in hopes that they would leave you alone and not question you anymore.
“Y/N, why the hell did you leave?” He asked in a more stern voice than before.
“Because you didn’t need someone who can’t get through a death without popping pills! Death comes with that job, and I can’t do it! You didn’t know what to do with me or how to help me, and when you 3 don’t know what to do, it’s a loss cause, there is no fixing it. There is no fixing me.” You started out yelling but finally simmered down towards the end.
They just stared at you in shock. They had no idea what to say or what to do. Tony was looking at you like he does with a project he is working on and he is trying to figure out what to do with it, and Steve's’ face had softened a bit, but not by much.
“We told you that we would never kick you out. Yeah, we didn’t know what to do, but that was because we felt like you didn’t want our help. You isolated yourself from the world and your family. You didn’t tell anyone until days after, and then you up and fucking left. We have looked for you everyday for the past 3 and a half weeks, so don’t say we didn’t want you.” Tony piped up in his dad voice he only used for when you and Peter got in trouble for touching or doing something you weren’t supposed to.
You still didn’t look up. You felt like your body was on fire, and you were putting things together and figured out that you were in the middle of a detox, the worst part about the drug.
“Can you answer me on why you thought we didn’t want you?” Tony said softly, totally condredicting his little rant he went on just a few seconds ago.
You stayed silent for a little while, thinking on what to say, trying to formulate a response in your head before saying anything. “Because I am an issue. I can’t get through a death without resorting to my old ways. I just wanted to be perfect like the rest of you, but I ended up back at square one, 7 years of sobriety down the drain.” You whispered, your tears starting to build up.
“None of us are perfect and you know it. Everyone of us have our flaws, and we all have our own way of coping with death. Yeah, we have all been through a death of a loved one, we know the pain, but the thing that you and Loki had was so strong, that I wouldn’t be suprised if it took you 10 years to grieve.” Tony said, setting his hand on your covered leg, in a soothing way.
Steve was just staring at you with his blank face, and his arms crossed, like he was deep in a thought.
“I just want to get better T.” You finally let the dam break and the tears started flowing.
“I know kiddo.” He smiled weakly, “I know.”
“Can we just go home please? I promise I will try and get better. I just want to go home.” You hung your head low.
“I think we can arrange something.” He nodded his head towards Steve.
“Yeah, I will get the doctor to sign the discharge papers so we can get you to Bruce.” He said smally, and walked out of the room leaving you and Tony alone.
“Does he hate me?” You asked, not having to say who ‘he’ was because there was only one other person you could be talking about.
“I don’t think he hates you, just is worried about you. You are like his little sister and then you disappeared so..” He trailed off. You just nodded and the room was left silent.
About an hour after that last conversation, you were allowed to leave to go under Bruce’s care, which might have been worse than being in the hospital, but at least you were home.
They had you on house arrest, and F.R.I.D.A.Y. Watching you constantly, besides when you were changing of course. You weren’t allowed to be alone anymore. You got where they were coming from,, but you also felt bad that they had to worry about you this much. It made you feel even more guilty about everything that you put them through.
You had finally gotten out of the sick stages of the detox, but now you were in the craving stages. It hurt so much not to have the drug in your system, not having it there to dull the pain inside of you.
You spent some of your nights crying so much that it woke Steve up and he came into your room to hold you and calm you down. Besides that, you guys didn’t talk that much. You could feel the disappointment radiating off of him from miles away.
Bruce had put you on many IV drips to keep you hydrated seen as you refused to drink anything. He also had you bed bound for a few days, but even when you were told you were allowed out of bed, you stayed there because you couldn’t handle the stares from the rest of the team.
They all had returned back to the compound about 3 days after you left, and they had the same looks as Steve did. You couldn’t stand yourself anymore because you made them hate you now and you didn’t know how to fix it. You made a huge mess in your mind and in your life and it was just a cluster fuck to clean up.
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you'll find better love      strong as it ever was            deep as the river runs                  warm as the morning sun                        please remember me.                                                                                     // self para
day: the sixteenth of april of 2018 time: 11:56pm location: halston medical center –– halston, california tw: car crash plot: what really happened the night of her accident suggested listening ( in order ): fly me to the moon: frank sinatra, best part (ft. her): daniel ceaser, small bump: ed sheeran, unfaithful: rihanna, breath me: sia, lions and tigers and bears: amber riley, please remember me: danielle bradbury (tim mcgraw cover)
the fifteenth of april at 12:33pm.
she hadn’t stopped playing it all day long. fill my heart with song and let me sing for ever more. she was finalizing the menu for bella’s brasserie, and she’d taken a small break to dial the all to familiar number on her phone for a quick call. it was lunch time –– she was sure he’d be able to answer if he wasn’t on a call. within two rings, the other picked up, a cheerful hello from the opposite end gave her a widespread smile. initially, she shoved the phone’s speaker close to the speakers that ran through the house. in other words, hold my hand. in other words, baby, kiss me. with a quick finish of their wedding song, she placed the phone back up to her ear and spoke softly.         ❛  hi there. ❜       
the fifteenth of april at 9:52pm.
fourteen hours. he’d been gone fourteen hours. she hadn’t heard from him in a few so she figured he’d been out on a call. she’d been sitting up in bed trying to figure out whether to have a soft opening or plan a grand one. within seconds, their bedroom door had opened wide and she spotted an exhausted male with scattered hair and a look on his face that claimed his day in a heartbeat. without hesitation, the female slowly got out of the bed and wattled over towards him. after holding out her hand and watching him take it, she turned her back, slightly pulling him into the bathroom. pressing the play button on her ipad, she heard the soft lyrics ring out through the room as she reached for the shower door, turning on the nozzle. you don't know babe –– when you hold me. she tested the temperature before releasing his hand and turning back around to him. she placed a soft kiss on his cheek as the words rang through. won't you give yourself to me –– give it all.
the sixteenth of april at 8:23 am.
with a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin. she needed confirmation. she needed to be sure this was a real thing before she told him. it took her a little less than two years to get pregnant with gia and she’d tried for seven years after that for another with no luck. the doctors blamed her diabetes and she knew that affected it, but not to that extent. she’d had fertility tests done and gotten near perfect results back. the gag was –– she and ezra hadn’t even been trying. they hadn’t been married but ten days, and sure they talked about the possibility, and despite their ages they were going to try. she’d taken eight at home pregnancy tests and all eight displayed a form of yes. a plus sign. two bars. the actual written out word. she bought one of every single pregnancy test in their local grocery store just to be sure. so when the doctor came back in with her results, her initial reaction was tears. she was having a baby. they were having a baby. she was being given another chance to be a mom. finger nails the size of a half grain of rice and eyelids closed to be soon opened wide. seven weeks. she was due on november 30th, and now all she needed to do was figure out a way to tell him. 
the sixteenth of april at 11:02pm.
she didn’t mean to snoop. it wasn’t until she noticed a pile of mail in his office trash can –– one envelope addressed to her, that she started looking through it. she figured it was just an accident that he threw something of hers away. a few envelopes later she found an envelope hand addressed to him. she shouldn’t have opened it. she shouldn’t have opened it. but she did. she probably read the letter twenty times. it was written by a camila. she’d marked her first year of therapy after going through a year of couples therapy. her therapist suggested she write this letter as closure. she wrote about how the both of them kept up an affair while being married and how that affected her present day. she spoke about sarah without stating her name –– felicitie was able to put two and two together. as she read for the multiple times, she caught different things each time. she was able to formulate a timeline in her head. she’d attached another letter from the time when apparently the two of them were together. and i know that he knows i'm unfaithful and it kills him inside. as she read on and on, she felt her blood start to boil as hot tears rimmed her eyelids. who did the man she marry used to be? to know that i am happy with some other guy.
the sixteenth of april at 11:56pm.
he had no idea. he’d left in a distracted huff and slammed the door because he was called in. despite ezra not even being in the house, felicitie couldn’t stay there. her eyes wouldn’t shut and her brain wouldn’t shut off. so after a simple note for the kids –– stating some sort of bullshit –– she grabbed her keys and headed out the front door. she’d only been in the car for ten minutes. ten minutes down the road and she was hit. the collision was on the passenger side and due to the speed of the car that collided with hers, fel was found completely outside of the car. there was a puddle of blood next to her head. be my friend, hold me. sirens. she heard them. they were foggy, but she heard them. wrap me up, unfold me. hands. she felt them. the were too small and rough to be her husbands. she wanted to scream. i am small, i'm needy. she felt three sets of hands lift her from the ground to a stretcher. the voices were rough and they’d mentioned ezra’s name a few times. “call him!” “don’t call him –– he’s on a rescue.” “CALL HIM!” she couldn’t move. she could barely breathe in that moment. she hadn’t felt any pain yet and it wasn’t until she felt the blood on the ground that she actually knew something had happened. warm me up and breathe me.
the seventeenth of april at 12:07am.
they gave her an iv in the ambulance. she fussed and fought about what she wanted but they pretty much told her she had no choice. she was going to be rushed into surgery and she needed medication before she went into the or. she’d been pumped with a few drugs she couldn’t remember. the lights in there were bright so her eyes were shut. she’d been poked and prodded for what felt like hours before they wheeled her off the ambulance. that’s when things started to feel fuzzy. her eyes were getting heavier –– as if she couldn’t open them. a machine started going off and a few more people surrounded her moving bed. i'd fight a bear underwater for my baby.        ❛  where’s ezra? whe––where’s my husband? ❜       the words were slurred, she could tell. she knew they weren’t going to come out properly. at the thought of ezra, her heart sank. bring on a lion, i'm not frightened.        ❛  m–my kids. where are my kids? are they safe? ❜       she wanted to scream it. she tried to scream it. in that moment, she couldn’t remember who was in the car with her or where it was going. instead of screaming it, it only came out as a whisper. her body was slowly shutting down. i'd tear the stripes off any tiger.        ❛  bryce –– and gig. ❜       her heart sank with each word. you just call me and i swear.        ❛  my gia, please. ❜       tears started to flood at this point. where was her family? i'm right there and i'm not scared of lions and tigers and bears.       ❛  my baby. make sure my baby’s okay. my baby. ❜       it was repeated until everything stopped moving. 
the fifth of august at 2:17pm.
she. woke. up.
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