#and my poor cousin ended up having a fever for like a week
skyward-floored · 24 days
For the incredibles au fic requests (I think you’re still doing those? Unless I’m an idiot and can’t read 😭) could you do Legend being sick? <:3
I’m incapable of keeping fics short when they’re sickfics so here’s over 2k of Legend being sick <3 I hope you enjoy plink (and that if you’re still feeling sick you feel better! 💖)
Malon woke up feeling that something was wrong.
She opened her eyes into the darkness of her bedroom, lit only by a thin shaft of moonlight, and simply laid there for a moment, listening to Time breathe beside her.
No noise had woken her up, as far as she could tell. The street outside was silent, Time was deeply asleep beside her, for once, and she didn’t feel in danger or anything like that.
Something just... didn’t feel right.
Malon waited to see if it would fade, wondering if it was just leftover feelings from a forgotten dream, but the niggling feeling refused to abate. If anything, it got stronger.
Finally it got to be too much, and Malon slipped out of bed, pulling on her bathrobe and creeping out of her bedroom and down the hall to where her kids slept.
She checked on the younger three first, Four, Wind, and Hyrule all appearing okay. Wind had crawled into Four’s bed, the two of them snuggled together, and Hyrule’s face was peaceful where he was sleeping under his own blankets. They all seemed content, and Malon simply adjusted a few blankets before leaving them be.
The older boys’ room was next, and Malon was glad she’d put on her slippers as she crept inside, hoping they would be enough not to wake Twilight. He was fast asleep when she checked on him though, and Wild was as well, shockingly enough.
Something still felt wrong though, so Malon quietly climbed the ladder to the top bunk where Legend slept to check on him as well. She peered over the side, and frowned at the sight that met her.
Legend’s face was deeply creased, his blankets partially thrown off, the rest twisted around him. A faint sheen of sweat shone on his face, and Malon quickly put a hand to his forehead, her worry spiking.
Legend was absolutely burning up.
“Legend, honey, are you awake?” Malon whispered as she ran a hand along his cheek. A low moan came from him, Legend turning into her hand, and the wrong feeling she’d had ever since she’d been woken up suddenly sharpened. “Link, I think you need to wake up.”
He mumbled something, but finally his eyes cracked open, the blue unusually bright.
“Mom..?” Legend mumbled dizzily, and Malon ran a soothing hand over his forehead.
“It’s okay, hon. I think you’re sick. I’m going to take your temperature, all right?” she said, and Legend merely gave her a bleary hum in response.
Malon quickly slid back down the ladder, and went to the bathroom to grab their thermometer. It took her a minute to find it, but when she finally returned, Legend hadn’t moved an inch.
The small glass device went under Legend’s tongue, and Malon ran her hand through his sweaty hair while she waited for it to register. Legend remained almost completely still while the thermometer sat in his mouth, his eyes half-lidded while Malon watched him, and she tried her best not worry.
Legend had been a little sniffly when he’d gone to bed, but it hadn’t been anything worrying then. And now he had a fever...
Malon sighed, and rubbed her eyes. Why did kids always have to get sick in the middle of the night?
Those few minutes while the thermometer worked seemed to last forever, Legend staying still except for a few shivers, Malon gently petting his head. But finally the time was up, and Malon pulled the thermometer out to check the red line.
And stared, her blood going cold.
That can’t be right.
Malon held the little red line closer to the window, hoping she’d read it wrong, but it was the same as the first time she’d read it, the measurement unmistakable.
Legend had a fever of 104.
Malon swallowed, then ran her hand over Legend’s forehead again, wiping some of the sweat away.
“I’ll be right back honey, sit tight,” she whispered, and Legend didn’t even reply this time, merely closing his eyes.
Malon tried to be quiet as she hurried down the hallway, going back to her own bedroom and giving Time a gentle but firm shake.
“Link,” she whispered, then leaned back to avoid the split-second of alarm that always showed itself when her husband was woken up.
“Malon?” he asked once his eye focused, and she bit her lip at his sleepy voice, wondering if she’d really needed to wake him. Then she remembered Legend, how horrible he’d looked and how red the thermometer had been, and she exhaled.
“Legend has a fever.”
“...Really?” Time asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
“Yes. I woke up and felt like something was wrong, so I checked on all the boys, and Legend... the thermometer registered him at 104.”
“That’s not good,” Time murmured, moving to get out of bed. Then he blanched, and stared at her. “A hundred and four?”
“That’s what it said, I... should we take him to the hospital?” Malon asked, and Time put a hand to his chin, face deeply creased.
Hospitals always got messy when their family was involved, too many probing questions and exams, not enough protection. And if Legend wasn’t thinking straight, then he might not even think to hide his powers, which would be disastrous in more than one way.
But between that, and letting a high fever get even worse...
“...Only if it gets any higher,” Time murmured finally. “We can watch him for a bit first, see if we can lower it at all. Then we... we’ll see.”
“Okay,” Malon agreed quietly, and Time gave her hand a tight squeeze.
They headed back to the older boys’s room and up to Legend’s bed, Malon letting Time climb up this time, since the ladder was too small for the both of them. Time felt Legend’s forehead, their son watching him dizzily, and Time breathed out as he felt the heat Malon was so worried about.
“How are you feeling, Legend?” Time asked softly, and Legend slowly blinked, only appearing half-conscious.
“Hot... c-cold? M’ head... hurts,” he murmured, and Time ran a hand over his head.
“Okay. I think we’re going to put you somewhere else so we can reach you better,” Time said, Malon nodding when he looked back at her. “Can you climb down?”
Legend stared at him, and a shiver wracked his body.
“I ca... can’t,” he said dizzily, not moving. Some sweat beaded on his face, and Legend squeezed his eyes shut, voice upset. “I can’t. It’s too d... dizzy. M-my head, ‘s spinny.”
“Okay. You don’t have to climb down yourself, you just have to scoot over here a little so I can help you,” Time encouraged, and Legend’s lip wobbled.
“I can’t. I can’t, I-I’ll fall,” he stuttered, a tear slipping down his cheek. “I don’t...”
Malon saw Time’s face further crease as Legend sniffled, and the room got a little brighter as her husband drew on his powers, leaning over and tugging Legend closer to the edge. Legend didn’t resist, and Time scooped him into his arms.
He lifted him out of his bed, carefully stepping down the ladder as he did so, and Legend buried his face in Time’s shoulder with a soft whine. Malon exchanged looks with Time, and he held Legend a little tighter to his chest.
“Let’s get you settled on the couch, bun,” Time said softly.
Legend only shivered.
Malon grabbed the only blanket of Legend’s that didn’t seem soaked in sweat, and followed Time out of the room and downstairs, putting the couch into order for Legend to sleep on. Legend stayed silent where he was clinging to Time, only letting out the occasional soft moan, and barely reacted when Time set him down, face creased with pain.
Time left to go see what medicine they had, and Malon fixed up a damp cloth, setting it over Legend’s forehead with a thick swallow.
She’d dealt with fevers plenty over the years; kids were germ magnets after all, and she had six of them. But none of her sons had ever registered such a high fever before, and her worry felt like a ball of ice in her stomach.
104 was dangerous, or right on the verge of it at least. If Legend got any warmer they would truly have no choice but to take him to the hospital. Which Malon and Time would both do without hesitation if the need arose, but both of them were hoping desperately it wouldn’t get that bad.
Legend moaned again, and Malon squeezed his hand, rubbing her thumb over his palm.
“It’s all right, honey,” she soothed, and his eyes flickered as she knelt beside him.
“M-Mama..?” he whispered. “I... I feel really... bad.”
“I know. Try and rest, honey. It’ll be alright,” she murmured, sweeping his bangs from his face. “We’ll have some medicine for you in a second.”
Legend only groaned, closing his eyes again.
A creak came from the other side of the room, and Malon turned around to see Twilight peering around the corner, his eyes shining just a little. Obviously despite their efforts, they hadn’t succeeded in keeping him asleep through all of their noise.
“Mom?” Twilight whispered as he crept to her side, looking down at Legend, “what’s wrong?”
“It’s okay, Twilight. Legend is sick, we just moved him out here so we could reach him a bit better,” she reassured.
“...How sick?”
Malon swallowed. “He’s got a fever. But he’ll be all right. It’s okay.”
Malon exhaled, and refused to think further about it. Worrying would do no good.
Twilight’s eyes glimmered a little in the lamplight as he looked at Legend, his gaze flickering to the thermometer on the table. “Can I stay up with him?”
“I... suppose so,” Malon sighed, knowing Twilight wouldn’t sleep even if they sent him back to bed. “Just make sure you let him rest.”
Twilight nodded, then sat himself down at Legend’s side, watching him in silence.
Time came back with a pill bottle in hand, and they gave Legend the medicine, hoping it would kick in quickly and help lower his fever. Malon and Time consulted, and they decided to check Legend’s temperature every half hour, or fifteen minutes if it seemed to be getting worse. They’d watch it as closely as possible.
Twilight stayed silent beside Legend through most of their discussion, and though they hadn’t told him, Malon knew he’d caught on to the seriousness of the situation.
He didn’t say anything about it though. Just kept watch over his little brother, curled into a ball, shivering and pale.
The night dragged on, dark and slow. Legend went between being extremely restless, moaning and pressing his face into the pillows, and staying eerily still, so quiet that Malon couldn’t help but keep a hand near his chest to be sure he was still breathing.
The temperature checks went on, every half hour, Time keeping track. Malon dozed off for two of them, and startled awake in a mild panic when she realized, but Time and Twilight had handled them. And when she asked if there was any change, they both shook their heads.
Still 104.
So it went the rest of the night. Checking Legend’s temperature, making sure he drank water. Calming him down when the fever gripped him, and he became strangely emotional. Malon trying not to fret herself to pieces.
No change.
The first rays of dawn roused Malon from the doze she’d fallen into.
She blinked sleepily, looking around the room. Time was sitting quietly beside her, awake as ever (she never understood how he could stay up so long), and Twilight was curled up on the floor in wolf form, softly snoring.
Malon yawned, and Time squeezed her hand as she grabbed the thermometer, letting her get up and do her check. Legend had fallen into a somewhat deeper sleep, face shiny with sweat, and Malon kissed his forehead as she tucked the thermometer in his mouth yet again.
“He’s out?” Time whispered, joining her side, and Malon nodded.
“Like a light. He needs it,” she murmured, fixing the cloth over his forehead. Malon was unable to stop her yawn as she finished speaking, and Time gave her hand another squeeze.
She looked at him, worry still bright in his eyes, shadows lining the skin underneath, knowing she looked much the same. The silence stretched, both of them just looking at each other, and somehow Time knew she needed it when he pulled her into his arms, giving her a quick hug.
“I’ll go make some coffee,” he offered softly, and Malon nearly started crying on the spot for some reason.
“Thanks honey,” she said in a mostly not-shaky voice, and Time kissed her before going to the kitchen.
Malon took a deep breath, calming herself down while she waited for the thermometer to finish its work. Time clattered softly in the kitchen, and Malon pulled the glass instrument out, prepared to see the same 104 it had been reading all night.
Then she stopped, and looked at it closer, her heart speeding up.
Her hand shook as she held it up to the light, just to be sure she wasn’t imagining it, but sure enough, it still read the same 102.
Legend’s fever was finally going down.
Malon exhaled, leaning her head back against the armrest of the couch, a couple tears pricking at her eyes.
They weren’t out of the woods yet, but it was a start. A fever of 102 wasn’t anything to scoff at, but so long as it kept going down... they wouldn’t have to take Legend to the hospital. He was out of the danger zone.
He’d be all right.
Malon raised her head, and saw Legend looking at her, eyes still bright with fever, expression bleary.
“‘r... you okay?” he murmured, and Malon nodded, kissing his cheek.
“I’m fine, honey. You just focus on feeling better.”
“‘kay,” Legend sighed, and his eyes slipped closed again.
Malon took his hand in hers as he drifted back off, and Twilight rolled over in his sleep, ending up pressed against her side. She used her other hand to lightly pet Twilight’s head, and he let out a contented growl in his sleep.
Time came back a few minutes later to find Malon smiling brightly, and the relief on his face when she showed him the thermometer was worth its weight in gold. He sat himself down next to her, and Malon quickly dozed off on his shoulder, Twilight still snuggled at her side, Legend’s hand tight in hers.
Time watched all three of them in silence, content to keep an eye on things while they slept.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 8 days
ok but the silver hatchling not letting go of adaine once its time for actual bedtime and their parents are trying to go “you’ll see auntie adaine in the morning dear”
but then adaine goes “me and oisin can take them for the night, right oisin?”
and that’s how oisin ends up with a hatchling in his nest in between him and adaine
and by the morning hatchling is as clingy to oisin as they were with adaine just a few hours ago and they spend breakfast and basically the entire day attached to one of their hips
i can also see the hatchling being balanced on oisin’s head so they can be a “big dragon” like oisin is and adaine is worrying he’ll drop the baby and oisin is trying to sooth her while also still balancing the small babe in his head by saying “i have feather fall prepared don’t worry.”
and adaine goes “when we have a hatchling of our own you most certainly aren’t going to be doing this.”
and that’s how he gets cornered by the older family members the elves and the ones of dragon lineage, because adaine mentioned having kids with him
and that’s a separate conversation to the general “hurt her we kill and resurrect and kill you again speech he got a few nights ago”
Oh my god, yes, I love this, thank you for indulging me in this.
So the thing I need to say first is that my approach to oisaine/inkblade is that Oisin has been obsessed with Adaine since day one and has had baby fever since like. The second week of freshman year. He'd be sitting behind her in class, admiring how the light made her hair look like gold, while he brainstormed baby/hatchling names in his notebook. So the moment he sees her actually holding a dragonborn hatchling (even if the scale color isn't right), he is THERE. One moment he's chatting with her cousin about some territorial dispute between clans, then Adaine blinks and he is at her shoulder, staring down at her and her baby cousin and he Does Not Leave.
And Adaine's a smart girl, if she didn't know about his whole. . . thing already (he has NEVER mentioned the list of baby names he still has hidden in his hoard), then his reaction at the reunion is a dead giveaway. And yeah, maybe she takes advantage of a clingy cousin to mess around with her boyfriend a bit, but it's all in good fun and the hatchling's parents are thrilled to have the night off.
It takes a while for the hatchling to warm up to Oisin (scary and strange dragonborn! danger!! but smells like family?? confusing???) and they keep leaning out of Adaine's arms to sniff Oisin or poke at his fins before very quickly retreating back to the safety of their cousin. At one point they bite Oisin, probably his hand when he tries to touch Adaine, but their teeth are still so small that it's just really adorable seeing them try to break through a nearly grown dragonborn's scales. And yes, by morning, the hatchling is just as clingy with Oisin; there's a point where the poor kid is looking desperately between Oisin and Adaine trying to decide who they want to be held by and they compromise by being in Oisin's arms and holding Adaine's hand.
The hatchling climbing all over Oisin aaaaaaa!! The thing about dragonborn hatchlings is that they're pretty sturdy compared to the (physically) softer races like elves, so Oisin isn't really worried about the hatchling falling but still keeps feather fall stocked just in case (and also because he doesn't want to be murdered by parents who see their child hit the ground, even if said child is totally fine).
For Adaine, this whole experience is to see how well Oisin handles that kind of responsibility (and if he can let go of his possessiveness enough to not see a child as a threat to her). He followed the parents' bedtime routine, didn't mind the hatchling being in their bed, did great at helping the kid eat dinner and breakfast (it was gross seeing him feed strips of raw meat and egg to her cousin, but Adaine has seen Fabian people eat far worse), and answers the endless questions even if he struggles with the language barrier mixed with babytalk. The whole "acting like a jungle gym" thing is. . . worrying, but she can probably break him of that habit. Maybe.
That one little offhand comment though. . . It's her own fault. She shouldn't have said that in the dining room, where family members were still finishing up breakfast. The next thing she knows, the hatchling is safely back with their parents and Adaine and Oisin are neatly corralled into separate rooms to receive multiple talks at once.
Adaine gets the "you're too young to have kids" and "are you sure he's the one" and "you know, I've been widowed 7 times, I can give you some tips" and "I've carried a few dragonborn pregnancies and this is what you NEED to know" talks. Oisin, in the other room down the hall where he is surrounded by many very intimidating and powerful magic users, gets the "hurt her and we'll do far worse than kill you" and "you know you'll be marrying into our family and not the other way around, right" and "how dare you think you're good enough for her" and "here are my tips on helping her conceive an egg in EXCRUCIATING detail" and "you need to propose first, the wedding should be here" talks.
This all culminates in Grandma Abernant, the family matriarch, calling them both into her greenhouse/gallery/tearoom, where she has them sit with her under the suspended skeleton of her late silver dragon wife and in front of the giant mural of her and her wife, all to give them a very long and rambly lecture about marriage and love and parenting and extending lifespans with magic (Wait, what? Adaine asks. Her grandma does not elaborate.), with several long tangents about her different marriages and how she'll fade away one day and leave the family to Adaine's care (WAIT, WHAT? Adaine demands. Her grandma still does not elaborate.) and exactly what it's like to carry and birth a dragonborn hatchling (Please stop talking, Adaine begs. Her grandma does not stop talking.) and Adaine and Oisin have to redirect her back to the main topic several times. She's like 8,000 years old, give her a break.
That whole conversation ends with Grandma Abernant giving them her blessing and demanding to see a wedding and grandchildren within the next century. Adaine, who is used to old elves not understanding the passage of time, agrees. Oisin is still stuck on the extending lifespans part. Can they get back to that?
Adaine and Oisin are in college here, at the absolute oldest, but now they're apparently engaged and planning their family?? How did they end up here.
(Oisin is thrilled. He's finally gonna get to use his baby name list!)
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muns0nslov3r · 8 months
joseph quinn loves how cute you are with his cousins. during christmas just cuddling with them while you all watch a movie, or talking all sweet with them when they show you something, or playing dress up or games with them. it drives joseph insane, seeing how sweet you are with them. it drives him so insane, he’s driving your poor pussy insane with little whispers that make your baby fever run wild. him pounding your pussy each night, growling that it’ll stick. that he’ll make it stick no matter what. after fucking, keeping his cock deep in you cuddling you while you calmed down in his arms. night after night, he tried and tried. one day, you texted him while he was out with some friends.
“my period is late.”
you texted him, joseph’s insisting thought was that you were pregnant. when he came home, and bought you a pregnancy test, he saw you in the bathroom. sobbing while you sat on the toilet, he looked down to see bloody panties of yours as he felt his excitement melt away. “oh baby.” he said as he held you close, after that.. you both had a nice warm bath. being in his arms as you felt tired from crying.. your eyes heavy and droopy as you stared up at him, soon shutting. once your period was done, he was on you like a hungry animal. the endless pounding each night, yeah some nights you didn’t. to have your poor cunt heal from his wild thrusts, once again. he got the text.
“my period is late again”
joseph prayed and prayed that you were actually pregnant, but once again. came home to you crying while bloody panties sat on the ground, joseph didn’t want to give up. but you both took a break from it for a while, four weeks later. you ended up roughly fucking again, drunkenly. you woke up the next day, a hangover like normal.. that slight sickness.. but it was more overwhelming. you found yourself vomiting into the toilet, joe was out at work again. you had been laying on the couch while watching tv, eating this snack you were weirdly craving. you didn’t think about it, sense you now just finally thought that you just couldn’t get pregnant. out of boredom you decided to take a test, seeing it was positive. staring at it in disbelief as you sobbed, taking two more. all positive, taking a photo of them and sending them to joseph. who soon an hour later got home, rushing to you as he looked at the tests. that day you both celebrated and sobbed, everyday you both cuddled anytime you guys got to. the baby shower was amazing, the gender reveal party was fun. you were so close to popping, it was now anyday. your little baby girl was so close to being here, during one of the ultrasounds.. your little baby didn’t show up on the screen. soon found out you had a miscarriage.
you and joseph were both shattered, seeing joseph miserable made you miserable, and joseph seeing you miserable made him miserable. it felt like a piece of you both was just ripped away, because it was. you both stopped trying for a baby, until around 5 months later.. you both shamelessly tried again. after a date joseph took you out to, you found out you were pregnant after a while. you both were scared, worried that it’ll end up being a miscarriage again. the baby shower was fun, same with the gender reveal. until it came up to the birthing process, it was stressful and painful for you. joe was worried sick for you, as you ended up having to have a c- section so you wouldn’t hurt you nor your baby. once joseph was finally able to see you and his baby, he cried. holding his sweet baby girl in his arms as she cooed, she had a lot of hair.. just like joseph’s hair. you joked that was why you were getting a lot of heart burn during your pregnancy.
joseph and you were blessed with the sweetest little thing, your guys little miracle baby. her name, was mary. she had the sweetest eyes, the cutest little gummy smile, and the most adorable curls.
she was you and joseph’s beautiful little girl.
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drenchedfireworks · 9 months
Of Stolen Moments
Helion X Lady of the Autumn
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One of the thousands of stolen moments between Helion and Lady of the Autumn before Under The Mountain.
Word Count: 3.2K
Mostly unedited.
Rhysand is purple (obvs) and Helion is orange.
Helion picked another flute of champagne from the passerby waiter, his third one in ten minutes.
In his defense, it took much, much more to get him tipsy and Cauldron be damned, he was trying to get there.
Coming to the Autumn Court always had that effect on him. Beron loved throwing lavish parties the week of his birthday and while all the HighLords were invited to stay the entire week, by some unspoken agreement everyone only arrived on the eve of his birthday and left the next morning.
This year, Helion had been tempted to pull lots and the whichever poor minister of his pulled the shortest end of the stick would have attended as a representative. The idea was vetoed and he had been sent to the hellish court to participate in the even more hellish celebrations anyway. The only saving grace was the fact that it was a masquerade theme which meant Helion had all the reason to not have to greet Beron and simply blame it on the fact that he hadn't recognized him under the masks.
And Helion was going to stick to his story even if it was crystal clear who Beron was considering he sat on a freaking dais, all alone.
Finishing the contents of his champagne flute in one go, Helion was about to go for another one when a whiskey glass was placed in his palm instead.
If he was dressed like the Sun, all whites and golds with the matching white mask with its gold undertone and threads, Rhysand was dressed like his night counterpart. Decked out completely in black with silver linings in his jacket and a midnight black mask resting on his face outlined in silver that was only found on starlight.
"Stop playing safe sober games and drink up"
Helion chuckled, raising his glass to that and throwing it back in one gulp. Rhys grinned, tipping his own glass in cheers before he, too, finished his drink in one go.
"Can you believe this pretentious party?"
Rhys shot him a look, easy to decipher despite the mask he was wearing. "You think this is the only pretentious party we attend in one year?"
"You're right. Tamlin's are just as awful"
Rhys laughed sardonically before making a shuddering gesture "Somehow they are even worse. It's like an invite for pollen fever"
"Where is your lovely cousin?" Helion asked, eyes roaming around like he was searching for a blonde and not trying to avoid looking at a certain redhead.
"With Vivianne" Rhys jut his chin in the direction of where Morrigan and Vivianne were standing next to an exasperated Kallias who rolled his eyes behind his mask exaggeratedly when he found the two Highlords looking at him.
"Think you can take Morrigan away for enough time to let Kallias grab a dance with the girl he swears he's not in love with?" Helion snickered, flagging down a waiter carrying champagne.
"I can also keep an eye on Beron for enough time so you can do what you actually came here for"
Helion paused in the act of taking a sip, slanting a look to the Highlord of the Night Court who casually picked off a piece of non-existent lint off his jacket.
"And what might that be, dear Rhysand?"
"Don't insult my intelligence by pretending to be obtuse, Helion" Rhys smiled, feline-like. "This is the only bracket you might get, don't waste it"
"Who is to say where she is and how many sentries surround her?" Helion gritted out, despite his better judgement.
Rhys smiled, patted him on the shoulder and made his way toward Kallias. Helion watched him go, turned the other way and made his way deeper into the crowd.
On the East Wing, on the 2nd floor, last room. Shares a balcony with the adjacent one. You'll have a ten minute window to slip into that room. I'll let you know if Beron so much as shifts in his seat.
Helion smiled, a secret one. I owe you one.
Stop bothering Cassian and Azriel for a threesome.
Aw, Rhysie, jealous? You can join us too.
Don't forget to put up wards.
Helion made sure he was in Beron's line of sight as he danced with a curvaceous red-head, running hands all over her too-eager intoxicated body. A few minutes of dilly-dallying and then he was leading her into a corridor, through a silent hallway and away from the festivities till they finally encountered an empty bedroom. To her credit, she tried her hardest to pull him in but Helion sent a silent apology to her as he put her under a sleeping spell, warded that room so no one could enter and silently made his way to the other side of the mansion.
Glamouring himself as he passed Autumn Court sentries so no one would recognize him, Helion made it to the East Wing in record time. When he reached the second floor, however, his steps slowed. One of the sentries turned to him, head lolled at an uncomfortable angle, looking at him as if he was seeing right through him. Helion slipped into the adjacent room.
He made quick work of climbing over the balcony into the adjacent room's. Wards, he told himself as he silently put those up. He couldn't trust himself to remember to put those up after he laid eyes on her. Wasn't sure he'd remember to do anything.
Unlocking the balcony door, he stepped inside the candlelit room just as she stepped in through the connecting doorway.
Their eyes met and for a moment, the world went still. Her breath caught, he could hear it, her hand flying to her chest.
"You shouldn't be here-" She started toward him the same time he moved toward her.
"Seraphina" He breathed, one second before her mouth was on his and he was kissing her for all the years spent apart, all the yearning.
Her hands were in his hair, pulling him closer as he ran his hands over everywhere he could touch, trying to familiarize himself with her all over again, worried that this was one of his cruel nightmares where she'd disappear come morning.
"Helion-" She whispered, but Helion didn't stop kissing her to give her a chance to say more "Helion-" She tried again, but he took that chance and plunged his tongue in her mouth, the force of the kiss making her knees weak and his arms around her body the only thing keeping her up "Heli-" She gave up, kissing him back with all the desperation she felt.
"Sera" He breathed, moving from her lips to her cheeks, her nose, eyes, forehead and jaw, anywhere he could reach to kiss her, hands in her hair and around her waist and on her back, scared their time would be up.
"What are you doing here?" And it broke his heart to see she looked worried not for what Beron might do if he found her with another man but for him.
"Ten years" He cupped her face, bringing his forehead down to hers "Ten years I've dreamt of holding you in my arms again" She was crying before he was done talking but so was he.
"You shouldn't be here. He- He can't find you"
Wrapping his arms around her, Helion picked her up and carried her to the bed "I know" He said, sitting on the edge and bringing her down on his lap.
She took his face in her hands, lovingly running her fingers over his cheeks and lips, his eyebrows, the slant of his nose before she moved in to kiss him again "How I've missed you"
And it was as if they couldn't stand to stay clothed for one more second as Helion began undoing her robe and she was pulling at his tunic, while he kissed a path down her throat, biting and nibbling against the skin knowing he'd have to heal it before he left. Knowing she'd have to mask his scent before Beron came to check on her.
Realizing they didn't have that much time to waste, Helion simply loosened his pants, pulling his cock out and positioned himself below her.
"Sera, are you sure?"
She leaned in once and kissed him "Give me all of you, Helion"
Driving into her to the hilt in one go, Helion bit her shoulder to hold in the roar that was building at the base of his throat. Her breath had caught and her legs were trembling but the scent of her arousal was thick in the air, mixing with his own.
He gave her a moment to adjust "I've missed you so much" Helion was soothing the spot he'd bit on with his tongue "This is not how I wanted to do it. I want to do it right, Sera"
"We don't have that time, Helion" Tears were forming in her eyes and the string around his chest tightened, pulling taut against his ribs "But we will" She kissed his brow "And when we do, we will do all of it right" Moving her hips, she pulled a groan of long-suffering from him as he started to move inside of her slowly.
"You feel so good" Helion gritted out, his pace quickening, his movements feral and his thrusts almost animalistic. He was tapping into his beast side, using centuries of his training to hold off on shooting into her like he was a pubescent teenager. She met him for every thrust, arms wrapped tightly around him, lips hovering over his own as her breaths shortened.
"Helion.." Her fingernails were digging into his shoulder "Helion, I'm so…so.." The rest of her words dissolved into a moan that Helion swallowed as he kissed her, his tongue plunging into her mouth in sync with his thrusts.
Holding her by her thighs, Helion made quick work of picking her up and flipping them over. Bringing her ankles over on his shoulders, he was enveloped completely in her warmth, her walls impossibly tight around him and driving him half mad. Wrapping her arms around him again, she brought him down to kiss her as his movements turned frantic, one hand on her belly where he could feel himself inside her.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful" Biting her jaw, his movements turning frantic as he reached a hand between them, rubbing circles on her clit as she whimpered. Helion gritted out "Come for me, Sera" He was kissing her, speaking against her lips, one hand pulling on her nipple peeking out of her robe "Come for me, love"
And she did. Legs trembling, shivering and shaking, Helion swallowed her scream as he kissed and fucked her through her orgasm, his fingers working her up all over again till the tears in her eyes were those of pleasure and she was chanting his name like a prayer.
Helion pretended not to notice the glow of his skin, the string that was pulling uncomfortably inside his chest, groaning while he held himself back as Seraphina moaned loudly, her eyes rolling back in her head.
"Please..please…HelionHelionHelionHelion- oh my-" She was already coming a second time and this time Helion detonated with her, shooting into her without stopping, pulling back only to watch his own cum dripping down her legs mixed with her own. Gathering all of it, he pushed it back into her pussy as he pulled out, a whimper escaping her at the loss.
Helion leaned in to kiss her “I’m kidnapping you” He whispered against her lips, something he’d been saying for decades, trying to get her to agree to disappear with him.
Shaking her head, Seraphina rested her forehead against his “I can’t leave my sons alone with him..he treats them horribly as it is” At that she broke down, sobbing in earnest as he held her, running his fingers through her hair and pulling her against his chest.
“And you?” Helion managed to ask, his eyes catching the bruising against her arms where her robe sleeves had fallen back. Eyes narrowing on them as Seraphina quickly covered them “I’m going to kill him”
“No, Helion” She brushed her fingers against his face as if she, too, was memorizing his face for she didn’t know how long it would be before they got a chance to be together again.
“Mate, Sera” His voice broke, catching at the word “You’re my mate” Her eyes closed as if the reminder pained her, shoulders shaking with silent sobs “I will adopt all your sons if that’s what it takes”
Ignoring Rhysand’s voice in his head, Helion took both of her hands in his “Say yes and you don’t have to suffer at his hands for a second longer”
Seraphina pulled her hands back, crying against his shoulder “You should go, Helion. P-Please” But she was kissing him, her actions a complete contrast to her words.
Helion, Beron’s sentries are alert.
“Go” Wiping at her tears, she stood up, putting much needed distance between them "And thank Rhysand for me"
“Sera- please”
Beron seems to be looking for you.
She turned her back to him, like she had done countless times “I-" She began, considered her words “I-It’s not the time..b-but-” She peeked over her shoulder at him “Please wait for me?”
He was hugging her then, wrapping all of himself around her as he buried his face in her hair “Forever. I will wait another millenia just for you”
Helion. Beron is leaving the banquet hall.
“I have to go” He murmured and she nodded, refusing to watch him go or her control would snap “Stay safe, please take care..I-I’ll try to come back soon” With one last squeeze, he let her go, turning around and leaving immediately or he’d have been tempted to follow through with his earlier plan of kidnapping the Lady of another court as he removed the wards, wiped her room clean of his scent.
Helion, where the fuck are you?
By out he meant jumping the two floors down from the balcony, so distracted that he had no time to smoothen the fall and dropped straight into a bush, the poor plant flattening under him. Helion had no time to complain, making his way hastily toward the banquet hall hoping he didn’t encounter the birthday boy. For Seraphina’s sake more than his own.
His escape was going successfully until he ran straight into another problem. More like the problem ran into him.
The youngest Vanserra scowled up at the Highlord of the Day Court, rubbing against his forehead where he had accidentally collided with Helion’s side.
Crouching down to reach his level, Helion held an arm out to inspect the damage “Does it hurt a lot?”
“Even if it does, as the Highlord with healing abilities, shouldn’t you be able to soothe it?”
Helion opened his mouth, closed it, utterly and completely speechless before he threw his head back and laughed “Listen here, boy, I’m Helion Spell-Cleaver, Highlord of the Day Court”
“And?” Helion gaped “You are talking about Thesan”
“You’re not Thesan?”
“Ofcourse not. Having even 1/4th of my looks would be a blessing for him”
The youngest Vanserra looked unimpressed “Atleast he doesn’t announce himself with a title” he muttered.
Helion blinked, realizing that the little boy who hardly looked to be 8-9 years old, had known who he was this whole time “Who are you?”
At that, the little boy jut his chin out, his aristocratic nose high in the air as he replied “Lucien Vanserra, son of Beron, Highlord of the Autumn Court”
Helion smiled at the arrogance that looked like it was hereditary in the Vanserra household, noticing how Lucien’s hair color was similar to Seraphina’s “Well, Sir Lucien, while I cannot heal your injury as well as Thesan can, I could do something better”
To his credit, Lucien tried not to look too intrigued as he kept a straight face “I doubt it but let’s hear it”
He even had Seraphina’s stubbornness, Helion noted with amusement as he gently took Lucien’s hand in his, sidelining the zap that went through his body and the goosebumps on his skin “I can show you a spell that won’t make you feel hurt at all”
At that, Lucien turned his entire attention to the Highlord, his voice betraying his excitement “How?”
"You do this" Helion drew the symbol on Lucien's palm to demonstrate.
Eyes lighting up, Lucien watched entraced before taking Helion's palm in his and trying to replicate the symbol "Like this?"
Helion corrected it for him, holding his hand and drawing it over his palm again "Like…this"
Lucien looked like he had achieved enlightenment as he laughed, doing and redoing the symbol to make sure he got it right "You're sure this works, right? Right?!"
"Go ahead, try it on me" Helion held his arm out and while he was sure even without the spell, little Lucien wouldn't be able to do much harm he gave him his best weary look "Go easy on me"
"Nuh uh" Lucien tutted, pulling his fist back and swinging with full force, the hit not registering in the slightest.
"See?" Helion asked "What do you think?"
"You could be lying" The amber-eyed prince was not having it "Go ahead, you try it on me now"
Helion worried he might actually end up bruising the kid if he used even a tenth of his energy so he chose to go the easy path and flicked his forehead. Hands flying to his forehead, Lucien pulled them away a second later, his face a kaleidoscope of awe and disbelief.
"I-It didn't hurt at all!" He was jumping around now, making flicking gestures and little punching actions.
"This will come in handy when your older brothers push you around, huh?" Helion teased, a smile breaking on his face replicating Lucien's.
"Nah" Lucien was still in the middle of his happy dance "I’m gonna teach it to my Mom" When Helion's smile dropped, Lucien realized what he had accidentally divulged.
Immediately recognizing that the little boy was about to panic, Helion decided to do instant damage control even if his blood boiled at the reminder of Seraphina's bruises "You're too strong when you playfight with your mother and she needs to be shielded?"
Lucien latched on to the excuse with desperate hands "Yep. I'm going to be stronger than all my brothers one day!"
"That's very commendable" Helion nodded along "However, take care of your mother and don't hurt her. That's not how good sons behave. You have to protect her"
Lucien was silent for a moment before he stepped away "L-Like I need you to tell me! I will protect my mother from everyone!" He was getting flustered and Helion knew it so he stood up and dusted off the dirt on his clothes.
"You're a good boy, Lucien. I'm proud of you"
"I don't care!" Lucien turned away, walking toward one of the entrances too quickly before he seemed to second guess himself and turned back toward Helion "Thanks..for your help"
Helion grinned, all toothy and cocky "You're welcome, little Lucien"
"I'll come visit you in Dawn Court sometime!" Lucien turned away and was already running, an all too familiar mischievous smile on his face.
"I'm the Highlord of the Day Co-! Ah damnit" Helion laughed as Lucien disappeared around the corner, something in his chest warming.
Helion stood there for a long time before he turned and made his way back to the party to pester his favorite Highlord, thoughts of his mate and her youngest son still fresh in his mind, his heart full.
My contribution to the Helion X LoA community because I don't see a lot of fanfics on this pairing (or maybe I'm looking at all the wrong places). This is a plea to send all and every Helion X LoA fanfic my way.
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dramaphan · 7 months
God drama where do we even begin?
So! The Sims came back and dnp made Dil & Tabitha young again. Dalien is an emo teen now. Dab and Evan are going to get married by the end of the year. They decided their house desperately needed a makeover, so they bulldozed the whole thing and are planning to start from scratch in the new high school world.
Then after that spooky week happened. They played a game called "Don't Scream" where the objective is to well...not scream when the game throws various jumpscares at you. Dan grabbed Phil's hand after getting jumpscared and they replayed it not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES. They played Poppy Playtime, a weird indie golfing game, another indie horror game called Elevated Dread, Five Nights at Freddy's. THEN to conclude spooky week, there was The Baking video. Omg drama the baking video...it still feels like a fever dream.
So they baked spooky cinnamon rolls & Phil (dressed as the devil) convinced Dan to put on his nun costume. He completely LOST it when Dan came out. He turned bright red and was giggling like a schoolboy. Dan kept making it worse by flirting with him too. He ran his hand down Phil's arm suggestively, which already had Phil struggling to keep it together (God this sounds like a phanfic but I swear that's how it happened), but THEN Dan flicked his devil horns and Phil totally lost his cool and had to go squat down behind their kitchen island for a minute. Dan's ass cheeks were fully on display in several shots bc the dress was so short. Dan really leaned into the bimbo persona in the nun costume, and Phil embraced the himbo and as a result, they were the stupidest they've ever been. They don't know how to do basic math, or spell or know who discovered gravity, but that's ok bc they're hot. At one point they pressed up close together and made one of those "me and my partner saw you across the room" jokes and it was genuinely funny but also totally wild. Then the video ended with Dan stripping completely naked. I can't believe what I just typed either.
THEN when spooky week was done they came back with a video where they looked at a fan-recreation of their first London apartment in Roblox. It was nostalgic, impressive and incredibly creepy at the same time. Dan probably had to go lie down on the floor and think about his life choices after it.
THEN google feud came back. It was dumb as always. Dan called Phil cousin, so now I'm on cousin hill. They used the video as an excuse to bring back Dan vs Phil so we can look forward to that in the near future.
And THEN they dealt the ultimate psychic damage with the cat video, which you saw so I don't need to give you a summary. Queenusagi of Lazy Days fame designed their legalize catboys sweater, which is really cool. I love how they're commissioning phannie artists now, but also Why are they doing that?
THEN they went back into Roblox and looked at more disturbing creations that were probably made by some poor 12 yr old in 2018. There was a ladydoor room where the song was playing and it was II themed. They went into a room that had recreations of several of their most ironic moments throughout the years including the pinof tackle. To which Dan said "what are they doing honey? Wrestling.... they're wrestling..."
And that's what you missed on Dan and Phil. I probably forgot some things bc soooo much happened. But yeah Drama. it's been a weird and wild ride. Glad to have you back.
Okay first of all forget kissing you with tongue I am sucking you off for this. Second of all hey, what the fuck? And third of all I forgot all about the catboy comic did Phil ever fuck the cat
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 7x19 Flower Child
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So, turns out I had a fever during last week’s rewatch because I have covid. Not doing too bad though.
I think Alice would have liked her auntie Yarrow and grandmother.
Does Gothel only have one sister or is she just the oldest of all the nymphs?
It’s so bizarre to me that this is supposed to be the land without magic before everyone was destroyed and humanity started again. Like this is freaking before ancient times and their clothing looks like it belongs in maybe the 18th century. Although, I suppose it could be that humanity advanced over the years before everyone was destroyed. 
Isla is just the freaking ultimate bitch. She’s like Regina George but if she committed genocide. 
So Gothel has magic in the lwom now because she absorbed it from Anastasia. I’m only learning this on this rewatch. Must have absorbed a lot of it. And it seems it wasn’t Anastasia’s brand of magic.
That’s ridiculous. You’re telling me this desk sergeant dude found and woke all the Coven of the Eight in less than a day when Gothel couldn’t?! 
They’re not very talkative.
I like Gothel’s mum.
Why do they have dead butterflies in their hair?
Tilly and Margot being cute.
Stop stalking her Gothel!
Good to know Gothel doesn’t seem to be homophobic though. That’s about the only decent thing she’s got going for her. Tbh Seraphina seems to be her life partner anyway. They’ve known each other for thousands of years and there’s nothing hetero about their interactions. Seraphina deserves better, of course but ngl I ship it.
I can never tell if those tears are real. I’d like to believe they were and Gothel feels some regret for what she did to Alice but I’m not sure. I think she means what she says about the world being cruel to her so she became cruel.
Tilly must have memories of her mum leaving when she was very young for her not to remember her face.
How is she gonna explain away her creepy waving at the security camera?
If I was Tilly I’d demand a DNA test, though that could prove difficult if they wanna keep their nymph blood hidden. 
Aggh poor Tilly.
Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if things had been different, if Gothel hadn’t tricked Hook and had loved and had joint custody of Alice. She had the potential to be a good mother, if she’d only taken her own mother’s last words to heart. Instead, she did the complete freaking opposite and terrorised and traumatised her own child. But still, idk could make an interesting fic. She’d still have her dark tendencies and would perhaps try to brainwash Alice but still she would be loving in this hypothetical au. I just love complicated mother-daughter relationships. 
She does still look upset even after Tilly turns her back.
Facilier would make a great step-grandad to Lucy. I love their dynamic.
I don’t understand how Facilier seemed to have magic in the lwom from when he first appeared in HH. He messed up the lights when he entered the room. Maybe because his brand of magic exists in some form in this world. Also, I wonder why he took 2 years to reach out to Regina. Did someone wake him up? And if so, who?
God, I hate Gothel for upsetting Tilly like that.
Rogers believing in Tilly. Aww.
Isla is the worst.
Seraphina is probably screaming inside every second she’s around Isla. She must be terrified for her life on top of having to put up with such a fake ass biatch.
Seraphina’s trying to help her out. 
I really like Seraphina and I think it’s mainly ‘cause she looks a lot like my cousin. I want to know more about her. How does she have magic? Why does she always end up hanging with genocidal monsters? Did Gothel/Isla kill her family? How did she really feel after Gothel slaughtered all of humanity presumably in front of her? Is she constantly in fear and will she ever catch a break??!
Wow, what a bully. I can’t believe she went from bitchy mean girl to genocidal so quick. Talk about turning it from 0 to 100.
Why does she say “you lied” specifically to Seraphina?
Gross. That mud would never get out of my afro. 
Okay but that look between Gothel and Seraphina. Jesus Christ, why am I shipping them?
I think I’ve said it before but Gothel’s ability to put people in a trance and control them is so cool and opens up so many opportunities. I wish it was explored more.
Lol, Eloise Gardener is a gardener.
I wonder if Margot even remembers talking to Eloise. She must be thinking, “did that woman just randomly cut me?! We were having a nice convo about trees! What the hell?!” 
Lol. Henry’s boards are so fun. One is just like, “My Mom? Wife? Daughter???”
Bless Tilly. She always wanted a mum. I wonder if Alice felt the same. I wonder when and how Alice found out Gothel was her mother if she was ever told. I headcanon that Gothel told her cruelly a short time after her father was banished. She probably taunted her about not even her own mother wanting her or something. Anyway, Tiana’s married to Wish Hook and is Alice’s mother now. And I’m sure Zelena’s a great mother-in-law.
It’s interesting that so many people are starting to believe they were magically cursed before the curse is broken. That’s a lot to believe. 
Oh gosh, I’m burning up again.
Granny sells t-shirts? I want that t-shirt! Why are they called t-shirts?
I thought Lucy was gonna pull out a mouldy 20-year-old burger from that granny’s take-out bag.
If I was Cinderella, despite the prince’s face-blindness I’d be pretty easy to find because my feet are huge. I’m not even that tall but they’re size 8-9 and longer than my head. Sometimes I look at them and wonder who swapped their feet with mine. But I wouldn’t change them for the world. I love my feet! 
I’m so easily distracted lol. Back to the rewatch! 
Love Tilly’s little mushroom and bunny set up. She must have just made them. Love that she always finds unique ways to entertain herself.
Love that Rogers foresaw that she’d be hungry and brought her a sandwich. So sweet of him! And it’s marmalade! He knows his kid! 
And he’s so happy. And she’s so thankful. I love them so much.
I wonder what would have happened if Tilly stayed in the car.
Oh my God, I do feel for Gothel here. They killed her whole family! 
Her screams. Gut wrenching. 
That’s so freaking awful. 
Her poor mum.
“Each swing of their axe and touch of their torch.” Jesus! That’s so needlessly violent. 
At first, I thought Isla killed them all herself, which I honestly wouldn’t put past her.
So, they were all her sisters? Are tree nymphs all women? I have a theory that Gothel’s father abandoned her, which is part of the reason she gives Hook such hell.
Oh, Gothel’s mother is called Flora.
She would have loved Alice and would be rolling in her grave if she knew how Gothel had treated her. She wanted Gothel to be a good mother to all. Imagine if she knew how Gothel had colossally failed at that with her own daughter.
When Flora says she holds a very powerful seed within her, is she referring to Alice? Could she see the future?
“All mothers know that only goodness can bear sweet fruit.” Gothel completely ignored her. Must have had her earpods in.
Rogers going into full protective papa bear mode when they take Tilly. He’s about to murder someone.
He’s so scared for her.
“I swear Eloise, I won’t let my badge stop me from killing you if you hurt that girl.” Bless him. He’d do anything for her even when he doesn’t remember she’s his daughter.
What the actual f is wrong with you Isla?!! You commit freaking genocide and then throw a party!! She’s seriously messed up.
Now she’s scared.
Okay, I can’t help feeling sorry for Gothel hear. What she went through is absolutely horrific. 
The way she seems to feel a special kind of betrayed by Seraphina. You can’t tell me they didn’t kiss.
I don’t think Seraphina’s got a choice in the matter. Guess you gotta join her, girl.
Gothel’s pretty powerful. Love that she’s a chlorokinetic. It’s nice to see more unique powers for the magic users in this show. 
Rogers: “Hey. It’ll be alright Tilly.” Bless him. He’s frightened himself and knows Tilly must be even more scared and anxious and the most important thing to him is to reassure her. The girl’s traumatised as it is and he must be worried about how this event will affect her mental health. 
Tilly: “I really don’t like it here.” I just wanna hug her. Someone get her a marmalade sandwich! 
“I am truly sorry I never saw it sooner; how special you are. Had I known you were like us things would have been very different for you.” I wonder if that’s true and how things would have been different. And did she only just find out Alice was magical or something? It seems like it. Otherwise, she would have approached her sooner, I think.
Seraphina, my girl! Are you okay? How have you been? 
Rogers trying to work out if he ever fathered anyone.
Psst. Cheeky self-promo for my fic ‘The Letters from No One’. It’s about Rogers receiving letters telling him that he’s fathered a baby who he gets really attached to just by reading about her, and later is told she died only to realise years later that Tilly was that child. 
Also, if Tilly is so easily convinced that Rogers is her father does that mean the father she remembers died when she was too young to remember what he looked like? It could be a result of her memory not being very good. Or I guess she might be questioning whether that guy was her biological father and whether Rogers might be her bio dad. Anyway, read my friend abetternameneeded on ao3’s fics about Tilly growing up with the cult with her misguided father. They’re amazing! 
Gothel: “You were born from both sides of the looking glass.” I see your Alice in Wonderland reference there Gothel!
Do all the coven members hate humanity as well. She does know they’re human, right? I guess she makes an exception for witches.
Seraphina has seen some freaking horrors tonight. Are you okay, hun?
What if Seraphina just wants to go home and drink some hot cocoa? My girl’s had a long, traumatising day! 
Oh, is that the place that becomes the place where Gothel and Regina fight in the next ep? I think it must be. And the cave’s underneath that, I guess.
Oh, thousands of years later. I thought it was just a thousand. I wonder how many thousand years later. Shouldn’t it be more like millions? What about dinosaurs?! Wow. Mother Gothel is kinda our worlds creator. Who’d have thunk? People should be worshipping her I guess cause that kinda makes her God. Oh yeah and she’s mother nature, so that makes sense.
Does Seraphina’s magic keep her young? Magic seems to do that because I think Regina and Zelena are in their 60s or 70s this season. 
But, like, is Seraphina immortal? How’s she still alive. Did Gothel keep her alive?
Don’t touch Rogers. Tilly looks so disturbed. Same, girl.
Bless her, Tilly would do anything for her Papa even when she doesn’t remember him.
Facilier’s so good with kids.
He’s gonna give himself glass splinters crushing that slipper with his bare hands!
Curing Henry was too easy in the end.
They’re so ready to believe wow. I’m not sure I would. Although I’d like to believe it.
Why didn’t their kiss work? Do dark curses need a Savior to break them? Otherwise, it should have worked. They both believed. Is it cause they’re not holding the book? It can’t be. Idk, it doesn’t make sense.
Aww. Tilly already wants to spend the rest of her life with Margot. My heart! Gosh I love them.
I wonder if Rogers believes he’s Tilly’s father at this point.
She’s so happy at the prospect of Rogers being her father.
Love their spell. It’s so creepy. My favourite line is ‘old for nursery, dark for church.’ Though I have no idea what any of it means.
Gothel: “Hold on to your mother’s hand dear. I’m your family.” Some family she is.
Poor Tilly. She must be freaked out by all this.
I really, really loved that episode. I always forget how much I do.
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
The Geraskier (and Lambden) H2O: Just Add Water AU of my dreams (bc Mermay is almost over and I haven’t done a thing for it and putting Geraskier into my favourite teenage shows is too much fun; this got long and messy):
-Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert grew up on the coast of Australia on an estate that is very big and private with its own sectioned-off part of the beach; among all their surfer kid school friends they are definitely the outcasts; they keep to themselves a lot and everyone thinks it’s because of their overprotective father who keeps them from throwing the best parties and also doesn't want them to go out into the ocean or have swimming lessons
-Vesemir is overprotective, but not for the reason everyone thinks; whenever he and/or his boys come into contact with water, they turn into mer-boys, complete with shimmering golden tails; he hoped this genetic oddity would pass them by, but it didn’t and so he taught them to be very careful for fear of them getting hurt
-they all cope with this in different manners: Geralt and Eskel mostly use their ability to do good; they protect little turtles from falling prey to predators, they collect trash from the bottom of the ocean; they also wrestle in the water a lot; Lambert tries to forget this is a thing and stays as far away form any body of water as he can; he spends most of his time secluded in his room, listening to edgy grunge music; sometimes his brothers can lure him out for a round of waterball in their private pool
-Jaskier is one of the popular kids one grade below Geralt (together with Lambert). He always gets the lead role in theatre, he has dozens of friends and a cool band and his outfits are outrageously fashionable; he vlogs a lot, he vlogs so much that anyone who has half a mind to get invested in his life will know everything from his morning routine to the night cream he uses; his favourite cafeteria lunch, the name of his teddy bear and his least favourite cousin
-Jaskier is also determined to befriend Geralt and his bros; he grew up in the same street as them and ever since he discovered Instagram, he’s been dying to take some shots in that house; he’s been over once, when Vesemir made the mistake of inviting a few kids Lambert’s age to his birthday party which ended up in a cake-throwing disaster; little Jaskier thought it was a great idea to tow the garden hose in and clean everything which ruined Vesemir’s favourite rug and had Geralt turn into a mer-boy on the spot; needless to say, Jaskier attributes this memory to a fever dream
-So, Jaskier starts following Geralt and Eskel around (he knows he’ll have no luck with Lambert) and they brush him off every opportunity they get
-What Jaskier doesn’t realize is that Geralt is hardcore in love with him, like so much so that his poor teenage mind cannot stop producing hormones on overload; he spends a lot of time out in the depths to distract himself from this
-What Jaskier also doesn’t realize is that he is falling for Geralt; it’s only for the sake of the 'gram, he tells himself, and because his followers seem to love the chunky mysterious senior with his strangely white hair
-Jaskier’s followers figure it out, the whole school figures it out, Lambert and Eskel figure it out (Geralt lets the guy sit at their lunch table, of course they’re in love) and eventually, even Geralt figures it out. Only Jaskier doesn’t and Geralt has a big-ass secret to keep anyway
-and so, to get rid of his pent-up frustration, he dives deeper and deeper; Eskel starts to worry, Vesemir says it’s just a phase, Lambert plainly doesn’t care
-Speaking of: Aiden is the snarky rich kid / bully that spends way too much time obsessing over uncovering their secret (bc he thinks he’s smart and always thought something about Vesemir was weird and he doesn’t like how they make such a fuss over their privacy). when he invities the three to one of his pool parties, he tries everything to make them reveal what they have going on, but Geralt doesn’t even show and Eskel keeps disappearing to play with Aiden’s dog and so Aiden is stuck with Lambert whom he definitely has a crush on, but won’t ever admit it. they’re enemies, okay? there’s a lot of tension and they end up drunkenly making out behind garden shed, something they both regret in the morning; Lambert doesn’t leave his room for a week straight and feigns a flu so he doesn’t have to meet Aiden at school; Aiden and Jaskier are friends ofc
-one day at school Geralt and Jaskier hang out on the lunch break alone because Eskel’s on a zoo trip with his class and Lambert is avoiding Aiden so he spends all his time holed up beneath the seats of the football field writing angry poems; Jaskier’s forgotten to charge his camera battery so it’s just them, stealing fries off each other’s plates, actually talking for once and Geralt’s sweating because Jaskier sits so close their knees bump and he looks ridiculously cute in his pastel dungarees and there’s this spot of ketchup on his nose that Geralt’s just itching to reach out and wipe away
-Jaskier isn’t all that hungry and he watches Geralt devour a third slice of pizza when he remembers his stupid childhood fever dream; he tells Geralt all about it, the cake fight, the ensuing mess and how he distinctly remembers Geralt growing a fish-tail and flopping around on the living room floor while Vesemir was screaming at them all to get out. “Funny, isn’t it? What your brain can make up?”; Geralt turns chalk-white and splutters a fake laugh
-he isn’t at school the next day and neither are Eskel or Lambert
-nor the next
-they are all a bit afraid, cautious and they just need to spend a few days, just the four of them, throwing themselves into the waves and being free of the shackles of their secrets; they chase each other around, they play some water ball and Vesemir makes them hot cocoa and rubs them dry the way he used to when they were younger and still unable to handle their transformation well
-as he does this, Vesemir thinks about moving somewhere more secure where there are less people, but he can’t take the boys’ life away; Geralt is clearly happy with Jaskier, Lambert’s coming around to opening up to someone, even if that someone is a giant asshole, and Eskel’s too easily unsettled to move elsewhere
-by the third day the boys don’t appear at school - and answer none of his texts - Jaskier gets unsettled; his followers urge him to just go and visit Geralt (they also finally enlighten Jaskier about his own feelings) and Jaskier does. thankfully, his camera is still uncharged and he forgot his phone at home or he would have filmed what he saw as he climbed their garden fence very ungracefully (no one opened the door)
-Geralt went too far out, too deep and got caught in the undertow of some massive waves, then was pulled under and cut himself on some rocks; Jaskier just about catches Eskel and Lambert dragging their brother ashore, his tail flopping helplessly; there’s blood washing away in the waves; Geralt’s eyes are closed and Jaskier understands with rare clarity that somehow this is his fault
-he hurtles towards Geralt, kicking up mud, so afraid that Geralt is going to die and as he does so he calls for Geralt, ignores Lambert’s curses and Eskel’s glower. They gently lower Geralt to the sand where the other two are out of reach of the hungry waves and Lambert runs for Vesemir, Eskel crouches down by Geralt’s tail, inspecting his wounds; meanwhile Jaskier is completely unfazed by the mer-boy thing, he simply drags Geralt’s head onto his lap and strokes his hair, apologizing over and over
-once Geralt is transformed back into human form, his wounds are patched up and Vesemir has given him a thorough lecture, he and Jaskier cuddle on the back porch couch and Jaskier keeps altering between laughing and crying; it’s ridiculous, Geralt is a mer-boy, but also he looked so fragile being hauled out of the water and Jaskier just loves him so fucking much
-and Geralt loves him back. and that’s how a spot of angst orchestrates their happily ever after
-meanwhile Aiden finds out when he has Lambert over for some making out one day and thinks it’s a funny idea to deposit his not-boyfriend in the pool mid-kiss; Lambert just floats in the pool, arms crossed, tail beating, waiting for Aiden to call the cops on him, but Aiden is super turned on and jumps in the pool with him and there’s more making out
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“I never said I was good at picking names, for all I care we could call them Bob.”
Warnings: Baby fever
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Words: 1.9k
Summary: Seeing you with a baby in your arms gives George baby fever.
(I want a baby so bad. I’m only 19, but I just want a baby sooo bad!)
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If George could capture any moment of his life, he’d snap a photo of you. You. All he could think about was you sometimes. He found himself amazed that someone as beautiful and kind as yourself had decided to love him, a poor boy of seven children who loved jokes and pranks. He watched you across the makeshift dance floor that the Weasley’s had put together in preparation for Bill and Fleur’s wedding. You wore a simple green dress with short puffy sleeves, on your neck adorned a small locket that George had gotten you for your eighth anniversary about a year ago. He could barely even place words on his tongue as you seemed to render him speechless, you were so carelessly beautiful, breathtaking, and stunning. He watched you laugh cutely, your nose wrinkled and eyes sparkling as you picked up Fleur’s cousin’s baby. You seemed entrenched, holding that small child in your arms. You bounced her on your hip, making wide eyes and speaking in a hushed voice, likely telling her how adorable she was with the blue bow on her head. You lifted your finger so she could grasp it with her small fat hands as you cooed and continued to talk to Fleur’s cousin. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. George swallowed thickly as your eyes caught his, send him a smile. You raised the small baby’s hand to pretend to wave at George. He could see you mouth to the baby, with a happy delight on your face,
“Whose that? Whose that? That’s George!” 
It was no secret that George wanted children, he thought about his future and enjoyed daydreaming about teaching his child how to play quidditch or how to play a silly prank on Uncle Fred. But, seeing you with that tiny baby in your arms nearly made George faint. He had seen his future in front of him and he was more than happy with it. George had been certain he was in love with you the moment he met you, but he was for certain now you were the only woman he wanted. George managed to shake himself out of his trance and sipped on his glass of Firewhiskey whilst Lee Jordan and his twin made conversation, probably laughing about something silly. 
“Excuse me, boys. I think I should see my lady over there,”
Fred rolled his eyes, “Don’t need to brag about it, mate, we all know you have a wicked girlfriend.”
“Yeah, bloody hell is it annoying,” Jordan joked but then asked with a straight face, “how did you do it?”
“Charm and wit and, well boys, I’m afraid you’re straight out of luck as you also need to be devilishly handsome and you two seem to lack that.” George heard Fred laugh whilst Jordan calling him a prick as he walked away. George made his way across the reception tent, placing himself at your side as you continued to speak to Fleur’s cousin.
“Don’t you look just absolutely enchanting,”
“Thank you, love.” You turned to face George, the baby babbling away happily in your arms. 
“Actually, how awkward, ‘was talking about the little darling in your arms there.”
You let out a bark of a laugh before shoving his arm, “Oh, you little sod,”
“Oi! Should we be using that type of language ‘round the baby?” George placed his large, rough hands on your hip, cooing at the baby as well whose eyes seemed to widen at the sight of George’s red hair.
“I think she likes you, Georgie,” 
“What can I say? I’m a ladies man,” George grinned, bending his head down to greet the child, “Hello you! She’s quite adorable don’t you think?” George asked you. You hummed in response, steadying her on your hip before reaching on your tippy-toes to slightly pull George’s bandages into a better position. You frowned softly and patted his cheek.
“What’s that look for?” George’s hands didn’t leave your hips,
“I don’t think I like seeing you hurt, actually, I forbid you to get hurt from here on end.”
“Yes Ma’am,” George looked at you so tenderly, so in love. 
“Would you like to hold her?”
“Hell yes, I’d like to hold her!” George said excitedly, you scolded him before handing her off into his arms. He raised her above his head and making a wooshing noise with his lips. “Look at you, you’re a natural in the air. You’ll make for a good chaser, maybe even a beater if you bulk up a bit, but it seems you’ve got quite a bit of muscle there.” He squeezed the baby’s tiny arm. George seemed to be in his own world, with nothing but adoration in his eyes. You watched, reaching out your hand to place comfortably on his abdomen. If anyone were to look upon you two, they’d surely assume you were a young family, happy and loving as ever. You desperately wanted a family, despite the war storming onto your futures, you wished for a child. 
“What do you think about having one?” George asked, making you blink. 
“Having...?” You trailed off, also reaching to fix the baby’s bow on her head.
“Having a baby, of course.” George bit his lip to hold back his smile as he watched your eyes trail to look at his. You were simply so beautiful, it actually began to hurt.
“I’d love to have children, you know that.”
“I mean, with me.” Your boyfriend clarified. His voice seemed to portray humor however he couldn’t help but become nervous. Maybe you weren’t planning on staying with him? God knows he didn’t deserve you. Maybe you wanted children but wanted a rich boyfriend or husband or just, in general, didn’t want him. George’s worries were squashed as you blushed and looked down at the child in your arms,
“Of course, who else would I have children with? Fred?”
“Please don’t put that image in my head,” George groaned.
“Sorry, sorry.” You laughed lightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “I mean it, I would love to have children with you, one day.”
“One day?” George exclaimed, “How about now?”
“Mmm, no.”
“Next week?”
“This year?”
“Next year?”
George chuckled, handing off the sweet child back to her mother. He held his hand out in front of him, motioning to you to join him in a dance. Night settled around the burrow as guests chattered and danced, all joyous in celebrating the love of Bill and Fleur. George held you in his arms, towering over you as he slowly swayed to the enchanted instruments that played. His hand placed softly on the small of your back. He could smell the perfume he so loved on your neck and could see the gloss you had placed on your lips just minutes before the wedding. He daydreamed about your children, wondering if they’d have his eyes or yours. If they’d be smart little arses or be more like their mother.
“Okay, maybe.” He heard you mumble against his chest,
“What’s that, Love?” George asked, lifting your chin with his thumb.
“Maybe we can have a baby... this year.” 
George nearly jumped, rocketing into the sky and leaving nothing but his trousers and his shoes, he smiled wildly, “Really?”
“I’m just hesitant, I suppose. A baby is a big responsibility, Georgie.”
“I’m well aware, you seem to forget I have two younger siblings who so happened to have been babies once in their life.”
“That’s different! This would be... would be our child. I’m just a tad bit nervous.”
“Don’t be, we both want children, we both love each other, why not?”
“We’re quite young, George.”
“Mum had Bill young. Not much older than us, actually.” 
“Yes but, the war-”
“Mum had Bill during the war as well. Really, Darling, your excuses are slacking quite a bit.”
“But the shop-”
“Is doing quite wonderful, now how else can I diminish your worries? I love you immensely, and I assume you love me, or at least tolerate me enough to be dancing with me now.”
You were silent for a bit, laying your head back on his chest. “What would you name him or her?”
George thought for a bit, “Well, I’d never name him after Fred. He’d surely grow a big head if I ever did that. ‘Sides, that’s something you only do after someone dies.” George thought a little longer. “Maybe something old fashioned like Geraldo or Hubert.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, covering your mouth, “Oh Georgie, our poor child.”
“I never said I was good at picking names, for all I care we could call them Bob.”
“Yes, well, that’s exactly what we won’t be doing.”
“If you’re so smart, why don’t you pick a name all of them, then.”
“Them? As in multiple?”
“Yes?” George asked confused, “Were we not going to have multiple?”
“How many were you thinking, Weasley?” 
“How’s seven?”
“My mother had seven,” George said defensively,
“Yes, and I’m not nearly as strong as your mother. I’m not even sure how she raised you lot without pulling out her hair.”
George beamed and kissed your forehead lightly, “Alright, six?”
“Let’s try for one, and then go from there.” You laugh, pulling away from his chest to look up into his brown eyes.
“Fine with me,” George held your chin leaning in to press a kiss on your sweet lips. Before he could, a white orb flew into the tent making the guests gasp. Kingsley Shacklebolt’s voice rang out,
“The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.”
For a beat, everyone was silent as if they weren’t sure what to do. Then, chaos ensued. Tables were flipped and frightened screams rang. People began to disapparate in a hurry as black flashes apparated into the tent. George held your arms as you stared up at him in horror. 
“Y/N, go!” He shouted, grabbing his wand from his pocket. You searched for your wand that you had stupidly placed somewhere. You could hear George spit a spell at a Death Eater, yelling in your ears to return to the Burrow or at least apparate to safety. Realization flooded your bloodstream cold as you felt your entire self shiver with fear. You turned to George who had successfully disarmed the Death Eater and ran towards you, attempting to drag you away.
“George!” You yelled over the screaming,
“Y/N.  It’s not safe here, Love. Go, please!”
“George!” You yelled louder, panic-stricken, “The baby, George!” Before he could do anything,
George watched you dash across the tent, your green dress leaving his eyesight. 
“Wait! Y/N, your wand!” But you couldn’t hear him. George cursed, before throwing another spell at another Death Eater and chased after you, dodging the people and the flipped chairs. He was terrified that once he crossed the tent, he’d find your limp body. However, he found you helping up Fleur’s cousin who had fallen, the baby in your arms. You whispered panicky, pushing the baby in her arms.
“Leave! Run, quickly!” The mother looked at you and then George before nodding quickly and disapparating away with her child. 
George sprinted over to you, you searched him for injuries as you held each other’s forearms. The eye contact you made was frantic and worried but glad you had found safety in each other. You nodded at your boyfriend with a knowing look before the two of you apparated away together, hand in hand.  
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𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
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full masterlist - fic masterlist
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The next morning found all the townhouse residents asleep, Celaena decided to take her leave of her brother—how she marveled at the word—through a note, citing prior obligations that needed to be attended though he was welcome to visit her in the evening if his duties could spare him, which she left with the efficient butler, who assured her the message would be delivered. The ride back home was unexpectedly short considering the roads were teeming with entourages of families returning from their country estates for the London Season or ladies running off to modistes to have their wardrobes updated with the latest fashions before the invitations started rolling ko in.
Her relief at returning was great, though she purposefully hid from her parents—or her elder sister, Eleanor—attending diligently to her correspondence. It was a miracle the stack of letters thinned at all, considering how preoccupied her mind was. Two hours after the torment of trying to focus on her letters, Celaena gave it up in favour of returning Countess Lieven's visit from last week. There was a considerable difference in age, personality and social ranks between them but both enjoyed each other's conversation, and the russian ambassadress was excellent company. Celaena did not expect to find the woman alone—the countess' drawing rooms rarely ever were—but she did look forward to sensible conversation about politics and such and was thoroughly displeased to find that esteemed lady attempting to look interested in Lady Jersey's—another lady patroness of the Almack's and a social leader whose favourite pastime was gossip—rants about the latest love affairs of Lady Caroline Lamb, and Mrs Burnwell among other ladies, who though a sensible lady did not look much pleased with Celaena, though she could not tell if it was because of her rank or her public insult to the lady's beloved niece—Lady Perrington—at the dinner party the other day. Despite the former's thrice professed hatred for the topic, Lady Jersey lament about Caroline Lamb extensively and with all the knowledge of one well-informed of her activities. The other ladies listened keenly and with interest, and by the end of their visit, Celaena felt she knew Caroline's social life better than her own and the countess looked ready to pull her hair out.
"I cannot stand her hypocrisy," said Her Ladyship once they were alone, "condemning Caroline—as obnoxious as she is—for her 'love affairs' when her own mother-in-law is so infamous a mistress to the Prince of Wales. If she thinks it is different just because the Royal House of Hanover is involved—oh, I cannot countenance her. It is a pity she should be such a public figure that I cannot avoid her, or I should happily see the back of that one. Come, my dear," said she, noticing her friend smile behind her teacup, "you came looking for an enjoyable half hour and were instead subjected to gossip and derision. You cannot have anything to say in Lady Jersey's defence?" this said with a tone that indicated she did not know how anyone could have anything to say in Lady Jersey's defence.
"I cannot defend her, but I can understand why she thinks the situations are different—it's not because the prince regent is involved, but rather Caroline's utter lack of discretion. I could easily forgive her affairs if they caused harm to no one but herself, but alas, as it is, her husband's standing in society is affected by her behaviour." This was said in reference to Lady Heathcote's ball in July, 1813 where, after being publicly insulted by her—former?—lover, Lord Byron, she had slashed at her wrists with a broken wineglass and only her mother-in-law Lady Melbourne's prompt thinking and quick intervention had kept her from serious harm. When it became clear she had no suicidal tendencies, the whole affair attached such a ridiculous air to all the parties involved, it could not have been in anyone's favour.
"You would condone her actions if she were only being discreet?" asked Countess Lieven, surprised.
"Perhaps not condone, no," said she, "but I would not object to them. Really, she and her husband are both adults in a marriage that is less a marriage and more a business contract based on terms and conditions. If both decide between themselves that the other can look for love—or rather, a lover—outside their household, and if they can manage it discreetly, what is the harm in it? Viscount Melbourne admits himself he does not care for his wife, nor she for him. If they must remain in a marriage neither wants, I do not see the harm in looking for satisfaction outside with both spouses' consent."
"But you would not act in the same way in her place," accused she.
"If my marriage was more like hers?" she wondered aloud. "I would hope to reach an understanding with my husband we can both be happy with." Seeing her friend look unconvinced, she said, "Really, I strongly believe that if something makes you happy, you must ask yourself if it harms someone? If it does not, I would not hold myself back out of respect for society's ridiculous edicts; not at the expense of my happiness."
"Adultery would be a disrespect to one's marital vows."
"Oh, certainly," agreed she, "but are they not already disrespecting their marital vows by vowing to love each other? I would rather a husband and wife live by an arrangement that keeps both happy than be miserable trying to respect marriage vows they never truly meant."
Countess Lieven who herself was faithful to her husband—a rarity among the upper ten thousands, whose own marriage was arranged and who lived—if not happily, than in a content state of harmony with her husband, could have nothing more to say on this subject, so she steered the conversation away from it. "I suppose you are thinking of the Whitethorns when you mention that example? I admit I was surprised to hear from Mrs Burnwell earlier Mr Whitethorn appreciated your company so—oh, do not be offended, dear—it is only that I have never seen him appreciate anyone's company at all, though I say he has fine taste if he does indeed show you preference."
Celaena had been thinking of him in relation to the subject, but denied it. "I do not think their troubles can be solved simply by taking lovers." Celaena put her teacup down and leaned forward, more to stop drinking the overly sweet concoction than to show interest in the subject. "I had the impression those two do not get on because she is not suited to the duties his rank and station entails and he is not equipped with enough knowledge or patience to know how to guide her in it. They are bound by constraints of society in a marriage that makes both miserable."
Countess Lieven looked at her speculatively before the subject was dropped.
A perverse curiosity drove her to mention meeting Mr Galathynius and Lord Fenrys, which had the happy effect of inducing the countess to volunteer information about that family.
"The House of Galathynius," said she, "has been suffering from a lack of inactivity. Lord Rhoe lost a child some years ago and has not been the same since. His father abdicated his title after a severe bout of influenza in their county, but he soon recovered. The damage was done; Rhoe, the poor man was not prepared for the title and his estates and position suffered for it; now his sons take care of the properties while he pursues politics. The grandfather constantly battles them for power but he does not have half the influence as Viscount Layton—that is the elder brother, hardly social at all, so solemn and reserved but he is a responsible man. Far better than the rakes and dandies of town spending their days in the club, neck deep in debts of honor."
"Viscount Layton? I have not heard much of him at all, aside from his fondness for the written word."
"So you would not, for Galathynius is a name that does not appear in the tabloids often. The younger son does not have the trademark grave countenance of his forefathers—he inherited the ashryver charm from his mother and the elder is so antisocial, he hides himself in the country. For two boys who lost their sister and mother at an early age and were brought up by an uninterested father, they grew up to be fine indeed."
"The Countess of Narrowcreek, yes. Mrs Burnwell told me she was a fine lady."
"Lady Helen was, not pretty but so well-mannered and polite! She died of fever an year after her daughter, though some say it was the heartbreak that killed her."
"They are a big family, are they not? You said something about the ashryvers? I met one of them."
"Yes, the cousins," said she, "fine young men, all either determined bachelors or trapped in poor marriages. The ashryvers don't have their Galathynius cousins' impeccable reputations but the natural ashryver charm easily accounts for that." The Countess smiled knowingly and she shifted in her seat at the silent implication that she was interested in one of them—god forbid—and not wanting to further this idea, Celaena was obliged to put an end to this line of inquiry and introduced a generally neutral topic of conversation. Though Celaena was far too aware of the speculative look on the countess' face everytime she looked at her, the visit ended pleasantly on both sides, with one party anxious and the other intrigued with the subjects of conversation introduced.
That afternoon, Celaena was admitted into Lysandra's modest apartments by a housemaid who bade her to wait in the drawing room. Impatient to her own detriment, she thought nothing of barging into her friends' room and was wholly unprepared for the sight she was met with.
"Oh, no," said she, stupidly, "I-I came to talk, I didn't know—Captain Ashryver, I-I-oh."
Celaena flushed, prompting the colonel to fish for his clothes while he clutched the bedsheet in an attempt to cover his lower-half. The poor man looked ready to fling himself off the nearest cliff, which soothed her mortification somewhat. Like all englishwomen of respectable birth, Celaena had a suppressed but prurient curiosity that was only encouraged by the books available in her father's well-stocked library. Her odd fascination with the ladies of the demi-monde had been one of the initial reasons she extended an acquaintanceship with the courtesan who was now her dearest friend, though she soon learned to love the lady for her own merits. However, all education in that area did not prepare her for exposure to such a sight. She colored, gaped, stammered an incoherent excuse about needing air and fled the room. Her distress increased when Captain Ashryver stepped out of the room first, properly dressed to the boot.
He bowed formally, which seemed absurd given what had passed before.
"Captain Ashryver."
He flushed. "Miss Sardothein. It is—it is actually Colonel Ashryver now."
Celaena murmured vague congratulations, studiously avoiding his eyes. "I thought you were still with the army, sir, in Brussels—I am surprised to find you here. Do you know yet how long you will stay with us?"
"Six months," said he, looking away.
"Aedion," called she, startling him with her address of his given name, "I hope you know you are as dear to me as a brother. If there is anything you wish to talk about, I would happily listen to you."
Hesitation warred with trust in his eyes, and he looked cautiously towards the bedroom.
"I will not betray your confidence to anyone," she assured him firmly.
Aedion looked at his hands, blonde strands of hair falling in front of his eyes. "I was offered a posting here in London and—and I am not sure if I can accept it."
"It must be hard," she observed, "to give up a career you spent half your life pursuing."
"It is, and yet, it is not the only reason. I didn't choose to go to the army—I—when my grandfather found out about my inclinations," this word was spat out with enough venom that she knew what he thought about the man, "he sent me there and I accepted it as my lot, as if I were a second son. I don't know if father knows why I insisted on joining the army but, gods, I did belong there, with my men—there were some others from aristocratic families like mine who hoped any unusual proclivities would be beaten out of us there. It was just part of a job—killing people was not a good thing or a bad thing—it just was. But I was at Hougomont, Celaena," this being one of the chateaus in the village of Waterloo, "and by God, I never saw so much death as I saw there, so many friends dead, their wives widowed, their—their children orphans. I did not—if I have to see a war half so drastic as that again, I do not think I will survive it."
Celaena reached for his hand, frowning. "Then why hesitate?"
"I did not go there by choice; he—my grandfather, that is—forced me into it and he will not be pleased if I am against him. If he decides to cut off my allowance, on a colonel's payroll alone, I will not have nearly enough to pay off Lysandra's debts."
"I can help with that—"
"No." His voice was soft, but firm.
"Aedion, don't be foolish. You haven't much choice. You said yourself you could not survive another war and I could—"
"I said no."
"Pride goeth before a fall, colonel."
"Pride!" exclaimed he, looking resentful at the implication. "It is hardly that. You know what Arobynn did the last time you tried to pay off those debts—and whatever you can spare from your allowance, you need to save for your own future. Lysandra is not the only one bound to a monster by law."
She did know, but because she felt like being difficult, Celaena scoffed. "Say what you mean, sir. You do not wish to have help from a woman. If it had been a male friend offering instead, you would have jumped to accept—"
He threw his hands up. "You are putting words in my mouth."
"I am saying what you are too proud to admit out loud."
Aedion did not take the bait, replying calmly that he would not save one of his ladies from the Hamel's fire only to throw the other in it. Celaena could find nothing snappish to say to that, but having gotten over her own embarassment, she was determined to be difficult. "This is all well and good," said she, "but I hope the next time you will lock your door."
"The maid knew to leave you here," argued he. "If you had followed the instructions—"
"Instructions!" cried she. "This is not an army camp, colonel, and I am not a fellow soldier under your authority."
"I say, a good thing you are not. You have not the discipline for a soldier's life."
"If all your men are as disagreeable as you, I am happy to have missed the chance." Clamping down on the very inappropriate desire to stomp her foot on the ground, she turned her face away. "At least I am well-mannered enough to not lay blame on others for my own faults."
"Fine manners you have indeed, walking into someone's bedroom unannounced."
"The door was open," argued she, weakly.
"The latch broke last night," he flushed and she decided she did not wish to know how. Celaena felt a pair of accusing eyes fixed on her. "But the incident was a fitting punishment for you—I hope you will think twice before doing that again."
To no one's surprise, they retreated into a calm silence while their tempers cooled off. Both were impulsive and hot-headed, too similar to never fight and too prideful to give in, and they had surprised everyone—including themselves—by striking up a lasting friendship that had suffered through time and distance. Propriety dictated an unmarried woman could not write to a bachelor, so she had her father address it for her; society said they would be ruined if they were found together without a chaperone, so they started meeting in each other's homes, where they could not be found at all; decorum demanded they speak not a word of love untill the gentleman offered marriage—and that the lady should not at all say anything but a polite yes, so they talked of everything but marriage. Their showdowns with each other were frequent something to watch—and friend was not at all an ideal title to assign to an eligible gentleman; it raised many an eyebrow at balls and dinner parties where the Colonel was so attentive to her, and all felt certain a marriage proposal was not far away. Speaking materially, it would be a splendid match—with his rank as the penniless second son of an earl—and her, an accomplished society woman with an inheritance big enough for all to overcome the worst of their prejudices about trade. It would have been a splendid match; if he wasn't taken and if she was more amicable to the idea of marriage, that is. Celaena thought guiltily of all he had done for her, fending off suitors determinedly like a dutiful elder brother all the while pretending to be one, and she wondered shortly what he would say if he knew who she was. Did he know her brothers, or Lord Fenrys perhaps? He would be sceptical at first, she knew, and then he would be pleased she was close to being free of Arobynn's shadow. Celaena looked up to do something—to tell him perhaps or to apologise? But there, he had his eyes fixed on her already—his eyes, thought she, were turquoise blue ringed with gold. Oh.
Celaena rose from her seat, saying unsteadily, "Forgive me, but I just remembered I have an appointment at my modiste."
"I can drop you—"
"No, no," she was already out of her seat, donning her cloak, "I came in my carriage. Pray, tell Lysandra I will return tomorrow."
The carriage ride back home was so short, she hardly felt it. Celaena had not much time to ruminate on her present realisation, but she felt stupid at her distress a few minutes ago. Her new family—a reality which had seemed like such a surety this morning—was now shrouded in doubts. Aedion had not recognised her as his cousin for years, and if he who was practically her mirror image by all accounts, did not, no one else could be expected to believe her claim by one look at her face. But what other proof had she? It was with near trepidation that she entered her house, and was happily recieved by her brother who had been waiting in her parlor for a half hour.
"I thought," said he, "I should personally come to you with an invitation to a dinner party tonight at my home—our home, rather. I should like to reintroduce you to relations who are already in town—they have all been waiting so long, Aelin, if you like? You are acquainted with most of them already, and I know father wishes to apologise."
"He does? I hope he is feeling better after that—that attack." Celaena thought ashamedly how little consideration she had given him except to worry the others might follow his lead, believing her to be a fortune huntress.
"He is," assured James, "He refused to believe me when I told him—and then to see you, looking so much like mama, he was overset. But he is fine now, and very remorseful, dearest. I hope you will not hold that first impression against him for long—we had all quite lost hope, and it seems fragile still, like I would look away from you for a moment and you would disappear into the mist, he was being cautious."
"I will try my best," she promised in an attempt to appease.
Celaena knew she was blessed with a handful of attractive features that compensated for the majority of average ones; and, by early adolescence, she had discovered that with the help of cosmetics, these average features could easily match the extraordinary assets. Vanity she had always acknowledged freely to be her chief sin after pride, and she felt her nerves ease at the familiar ritual of having herself pushed into a pretty dress, her hair tugged and pulled before an event. By the time she was dressed in a fine evening gown of soft pink muslin, golden curls pinned atop her head with diamond pins gifted by her brother—a family heirloom, apparently—she was almost beaming on her brother's arm. In the carriage, she distracted herself by asking him questions about his involvement in the House of Lords, their father's health and had the immense pleasure of hearing him talk about meating Madame d'arbley who wrote Cecilia, which had been her favourite novel since she first read it. The talk soon turned to the night's guests and she inquired after their identity.
"You already know Fenrys and the younger Mr Whitethorn; Fenrys' parents will be there, as will our father and Rowan's parents, his elder brother is out of town and his younger sister, Mrs Parkinson and her husband could not attend, and the little Whitethorn boys will come too; though their mother holds the traditional belief that children should eat in the nursery until they are fifteen, so I do not know if they will be present at dinner."
"Rowan—that is Mr Whitethorn's given name, yes? I met his children before," said she, "in the park yesterday. They were sweet, well-mannered boys."
Her brother allowed it to be so, regaling her with anecdotes of their youth and Celaena felt she had never spent a half hour half as entertained before.
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"Really, Rhoe," said Lady Meave, rising from her seat, "you are being absurd. I would think thirteen years of grief would make you accept it, but you are starting to grow more deranged with time."
The family members had all arrived a half hour ago when Rhoe explained the purpose of the meeting. James believed that the family would be informed of the situation before meeting Aelin so the element of surprise would not bring out ill-mannered reactions and accusations like this one and Rhoe had agreed to do it himself as the head of the household, though whether he did out of obligation or out of a desire to redeem himself in Aelin's eyes, Fenrys could not tell. Their cousins had more or less recieved the news with good grace, curious but tentatively delighted. The Whitethorns were curious, though Lady Mora expressed her delight at the news repeatedly and tearfully. Lord Jared was more reserved in his congratulations—a reserved disposition was a Whitethorn trait—as was his son, Rowan, who seemed more curious than anything else. His wife made incoherent noises about how nice it must be to be surrounded by all of one's relations, which made her husband stiffen. It was public knowledge Mr Whitethorn's relationship with his mother-in-law was contentious. She was a widow who lived in her father the earl's home, infamous for her very public affairs with Lord Shuttleton and the Marquess of Mowry, and did not have much regard for propriety or morals. The Earl had recently sent her back to live with her relations in Scarborough, prompting Mrs Whitethorn to insist her mother be invited to stay indefinitely in her home instead, an idea which Mr Whitethorn did not approve of. This served to increase the tension between the mismatched couple, and that Mrs Whitethorn seemed wholly unaware of it only served to aggravate her husband more. Fenrys was saved from replying when Lady Meave having finally processed the news, loudly and fervently denied it.
Rhoe did not look at all perturbed. He said, "We thought Aelin died, because we found a girl's dead body—which was unrecognizable—and an anklet near it. I am now ashamed I did not once consider it might not be her, for if I had, perhaps she would have been with us—but I do intend to make up for the lost years, cousin. I believe the anklet we procured was either circumstancial evidence or a delibrate cover-up. I have hired private investigators to look into the matters, though we have not much hope, but as it stands, I believe—no, I know—Aelin is alive and will be joining us all for dinner. Oh no," he added quickly, holding up a hand to forestall their aunt's objections, "This is not a discussion where Your Ladyship can pitch in her own two cents. If you are not prepared to acknowledge Aelin, you may see yourself out."
"You are putting a lot of faith in a fortune-hunter."
"Really, my lady," interrupted Fenrys, bemusedly, "I have met the lady on three occassions before; I can assure you she looked like an ashryver—"
"That proves nothing!" cried she, acerbically. "How do we know she is not one of your father's by-blows, hoping to extract a fortune? You are the one who put this whole idea in James' head—so perhaps, perhaps you are in cahoots with her."
"Sister!" exclaimed Mora, wide-eyed at the acid spewing from her mouth.
Poor woman—bless her gentle heart—looked scandalized her sister would even think those accusations, let alone voice them out loud. Rowan patted his mother's arm, looking pained while his father turned all sorts of blue and red. Lord Jared was offended on the behalf of his dearest friend—Fenrys' father, the Earl of Bedford. To Fenrys, the idea that his noble, stuck-up, proper and prudish father would have a mistress—let alone a bastard child—was laughable.
"Hold your tongue there, Meave," chided Lord Jared disapprovingly. "This childish petulance does not become you."
"You believe him?" Seeing none of them deny the accusation, she said, "If you are determined to fool yourself, please do. I will have no part in the downfall of this family." And so saying, she turned on her heel and left.
"If anyone else has grievances with this new discovery," said Rhoe, "they may join Meave in her self-inflicted banishment from my homes."
"Oh, Rhoe," said Lady Mora, defending her sister. "I hope you will forgive her. The news was very much surprising, and I think she was much surprised. I am sure she was only being cautious to save you from one she thought was a fortune hunter. We are all very happy little Aelin is back." Fenrys thought he would not assign so pure a motive to his other aunt's outburst but Mora was a compassionate soul, incapable to think meanly of others so he let the statement go unchallenged. Before the silence could turn awkward, he heard Colonel Ashryver say dryly, "Well, at least when Aelin comes, we can assure her there is no lack of entertainment here."
"If I recall, she was rather fond of drama as a child," agreed he.
"No, no, that was Fenrys," said a voice in the doorway. "Aelin just liked to follow him in whatever he did." James looked affectionately at his sister, escorting her inside.
Aelin smiled at Fenrys who kissed her cheek. "Welcome home, Aelin."
"It's Lady Aelin now, sir."
Two different voices called 'Miss Sardothein?!' though no one paid them much attention as Lord Rhoe stepped forward tentatively in front of his daughter.
"Aelin," he said.
Fenrys tried instead to look at Rowan and Aedion, both of whom were gaping inelegantly but failed, eyes repeatedly snapping back to Aelin who was watching the old man warily. She returned his bow with a curtsy, then rose on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Father."
Lord Rhoe said tearfully, "Oh, Aelin."
"It is all forgiven," said she quietly, in response, "I was surprised too."
He was almost disappointed when Aedion interrupted the father-daughter reunion. "You," said he accusingly, turning to the lady of the hour, "You knew the truth this morning?"
"You didn't tell me."
"With all the commotion of the morning—which by the by was your fault—I did not realize," said Aelin. "And when I did, I was too surprised to do anything more than flee."
"Wait," said James, suspiciously. "This morning? I thought you were to attend your business affairs this morning, Aelin."
Aedion's face flushed, matching Aelin's in it's hue. "Yes, well," she said, "I had, uh, some calls to return."
"You called on Aedion?" asked Fenrys, surprised.
It was terribly improper for a gentlewoman to call alone on a bachelor, but with her formerly a tradesman's daughter, Aelin did not bother to stick with the more ridiculous edicts of society; she would not have accepted their dinner invitation if she had. Besides as far as he was concerned, Aelin could grow two heads, murder someone or dye her hair lavender and he would still consider her perfect. Fenrys did not know about the others but he had missed the little spitfire terribly; pranks were not nearly enough fun without her trying to stifle her giggles by his side.
"I did not call on him; rather, on a friend he too was calling on," she defended herself. Her face was red.
James narrowed his eyes, looking between them. "You are courting each other!"
"Heavens no!" said Aedion. "Believe me, you have nothing to fear on that account." At the look of mock-offense on her face, he smirked. "You are not half as pretty as you think you are, Cel—Aelin."
"Did I permit you to address me so informally?" she asked primly. "Considering I look almost the same as you do, my appearance is not something you should be disparaging, colonel."
Rhoe huffed in amusement, "Yes, well, come along, children, there are others waiting to be introduced."
And so they did, though Fenrys could tell James was not yet convinced there was nothing between the two. Lady Mora was every bit as pleased as she had claimed, greeting her cousins' daughter with pure delight. Lord Jared was more formal, though not at all unkind. Mrs Whitethorn had a distracted air towards her, though she did smile pleasantly and Fenrys could detect no animosity in her. It was Mr Whitethorn—Rowan—whose reaction surprised him the most. He looked—pained, almost—which did not quite make sense, though perhaps that was just his discomfort with strangers shining through. The civilities were only just exchanged when the butler announced dinner was ready and the whole party proceeded inside in an informal order, Rhoe ditching the normal propriety edicts in favour of leading his daughter into dinner. He seated her at the opposite end of the long, mahogany table as himself, in the seat reserved for the mistress of the house.
Aelin's answering smile was a lot more genuine than before.
Dinner passed almost pleasantly, the seven course meal enough to sustain the conversation for some time and if the silence ever stretched, it did not stay long. With fine conversationalists like Fenrys and James at the same table, and with Aelin's lively manners the atmosphere was merry enough to overcome even the infamous Whitethorn reserve, Lord Jared expounding passionately on the fine horses in his stables on such occassions when provoked. Mr Whitethorn talked animatedly of books—but only with Aelin and only when she delibrately directed her statements to him—and even Mrs Whitethorn ventured a few shy remarks here and there. They were in the best of spirits when in the middle of the dinner by the end when the men stood up to retire to the study for port—a traditional seperation of sexes following dinner—when the door opened. The poor butler hastily entered the room behind the new addition, struggling to keep up with the man's but determined to follow the protocol, announcing to the room between pants, Viscount Preston, Lord Edward Galathynius of Graceview.
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Celaena's fork clattered on the floor; her eyes were fixed on the dark-haired man, curls just barely pushed away from his face. A light pink tinted his cheeks and the tip of his nose—a result of the biting wind outside—and dust clung to the lapels of his overcoat, white cravat almost coming apart. Edward's eyes so identical to her own were entirely cold; he bowed formally to the dinner guests and she had the impression he had stormed inside unaware of them. He did not see me, she thought, embarassed as he was at having the attention directed at him. Edward's eyes went over the crowd in a quick movement and he murmured polite greetings—until they caught on her and her heart thumped wildly inside her chest. Edward's noble mein was intimidating and his features arranged neutrally and she worried the boy whose memory she had clung to for years was but an illusion until he whispered her name 'Aelin' with a quite awe and muted wonder; for the first time, it felt like hers. Then he choked on a sob; Aelin was running at him and he had his arm around her, a movement so natural like he had been doing it all his life.
Aelin buried her face in her brother's neck, trying to commit his scent to memory.
"Shh," said he, lovingly, caressing her cheek with one hand, "Please don't cry, dearest."
"You smell like horses," said Aelin, tearfully. "It's making my eyes water."
Edward threw his head back and laughed, a sound rare enough, she could feel her cousins' surprise from behind them. He sighed quietly, a small, contented noise that made her smile. "I missed you, Aelin, though I know I have no right to say that. Had I done something differently—"
"Ridiculous man," said Aelin, tenderly wiping the tears from his cheeks. "James told me you were not four and ten; what could you have done? I have long since learned not to regret what has passed and make the best of my lot. I had a good life, brother," she told him, squeezing his hands, "if not a perfect one. I—I was brought up with an education no lady recieves. It suits my disposition perfectly and you may call me selfish but I am happy I had that chance—though I wish we had more time together."
Edward smiled softly, "We have all the time in the world now."
"Perhaps not all the time," she teased with an imp-like grin, seeing the whole table's attention fixed on them, "After all, you are in dire need of a bath and if I am forced into your vicinity for another half hour, I shall faint from the horror of it." Edward too stiffened, and she realised the extent of his shyness. "Refresh yourselves, sir," ordered Aelin, in her best haughty tone, and had the desired effect of making him laugh, "and when you are ready, you may call for me. I will bring a dinner tray to you and we may talk all we like."
Edward bowed gallantly. "I am but your loyal servant, madam." He kissed her cheek and she detected in him a hesitation to leave.
"I will not go anywhere," assured Aelin, smilingly, "I promise I will not."
Edward formally took his leave of the dinner party and retired to his rooms. Aelin collected herself, joining the ladies with an enthusiasm she did not feel.
No one commented on the happy tears that flowed from her cheeks.
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Dear Victor, Please Answer (Ernest study)
[click here to read on AO3]
Summary: On a cold winter night, as a snowstorm buffers at his windows, Ernest attempts to draft a letter to his late brother Victor Frankenstein.
Notes: CW // allusions to death, mention of incest (Victor and Elizabeth, but they don't have feelings for each other it's just their wedding), allusions to chronic illness.
Word Count: 2499-2511 depending if you ask Google Docs or AO3
Story after the cut
Dear Victor,
Ernest’s hands paused, twirling his quill between his fingers as he contemplated that phrase. Some of the ink bled onto his fingertips.
Dear Victor. Two words with the world as their shadow. How many times had Elizabeth written them? Henry? How often had Ernest wished to dip a pen into the ink and hash out those letters?
Would this be the last of them?
Ernest looked up from the paper, ripping his mind from the ancient memories unlocked between the familiar strokes of his pen. The window before his desk glimmered with ice. The panes had frozen with intricate designs of frost, like someone had traced their finger over the mountain silhouetted by the setting sun in the distance.
Winter had fallen so quickly. Ernest hardly had enough time to dust off his thicker coats before the mornings had grown later and the daytime shorter. A storm strong enough to blanket the entire house in white was coming soon, he was sure of it.
Ernest could never properly enjoy winter. His father used to preach about how he was “too frail for the cold but too stubborn for the fire.”
While other kids of his class and age would go about their days with more layers, drenching themselves in snow, Ernest’s winter was often spent huddled under blankets or trying not to singe himself as he embraced the fireplace in the hall.
This year, he didn’t even have the comfort of a home.
He had a house, mind. A large house at that. A house full of so many rooms and so many ghosts that he should be dead before he salts it all.
But ghosts weren't much company anyway.
The thing about houses and ghosts is that they don't do much but sit there and rot. Just last week the roof had begun to creak in an alarming fashion, and Ernest was sure some rodents had found their way from outside into the walls.
These developments had not worried him in the autumn as the season passed by, like a cow trudging up a hill to snowy days and freezing nights. But as winter took hold of the land and grew colder, so did the rooms, and so did Ernest. Where he was lethargic and blissful in the summer, this winter reality struck him awake with icy winds.
Ernest stared at the window. It was closed, but a deep chill still lay deep in his chest, regardless of whether the wind pushed at the walls or not.
His eyes shifted downward to the floral patterns etched into the window frame. Perched atop the wood stood a small carving of a dove, its dusty body curving toward the heavens, beseeching its maker for unknowable desires with rounded eyes.
Ernest eyed it for a moment.
His mother had loved doves in the way that all compassionate people did, for their symbolism and their association with large, over-romanticized events. Her dresses, her accessories, and even her make up all held that same disposition as a dove about to take flight, an olive branch in its beak.
Caroline had believed in that branch—that simple twig carved from nature and hearts willing to change. Her dying wish rested on that simple twig.
It was a dying wish never to be: Her wish for her eldest children to marry.
Ernest sighed, eyes shifting back to his paper.
Caroline had put her everything into that poor, rotten, old twig. She did not notice the apathetic glances from Victor and Elizabeth nor the way they never spoke of it except at her prodding. And on her deathbed, her head stuffed with fever, Caroline had held out that wretched stick with such compassion. Such ignorance.
Up until her last breath, Caroline had held that branch tightly, hoping someone would take it.
If Ernest had been by her bedside as she fought for breath—if she had entrusted him with her woes—if any of them had only known of the cursed disease of fate running through his cursed family, Ernest would have taken it. He would have taken the branch before it could be snatched by the cold winds outside. He should have taken it.
His breath hitched, but his eyes did not water. Ernest clasped his hands around his pen to stop them shaking.
Victor should have taken it. He should have honestly taken that final offering, not picked it up like some wretched apple meant for the ground and smiled up at their mother, as if the twig hadn't stabbed him in the heart repeatedly since the day Caroline brought home his sister and expected all of them—him, Victor, Elizabeth, and Henry—to play nicely together like perfect little children.
If they had ever truly been kids to begin with, considering the mental anguish all of them had endured, ingrained into their very personalities and strong enough to drive all of them into madness—for regret, for ambition, for recognition, or for love.
Caroline thought Victor had accepted her offer, and this knowledge had brought her peace in her final moments. It kept her from this sickness of mortal minds.
She thought wrong.
Dear Victor, the paper taunted Ernest as he finally loosened his grip on the pen. Dear Victor.
Would things have changed if that branch had been anything but selfish? Passed from one soul-seeking hand to the next? Or was it converted, the moment it contorted along the family tree, to a broken bridge hanging between the romantic apathy of cousins?
Ernest finally moved his hand, and onto the paper the ink bled these words:
Dear Victor,
I never asked you, busy as you were in grief and study, just how Mother was in her final moments. Was she scared? Did she accept her illness with grace as I never could? Did she ever blame me for my absence? I do not expect an answer, but if you should find a way to give one, I will wait. If afterlife does truly exist I trust your first (and most likely final) apology for mortal affairs be to our mother instead of me.
Ernest lifted the tip of his pen and rested his elbow on the desk, rereading his words.
He remembered how that wish had ended, when Victor and Elizabeth had endeavored to go through with it. He had been present for the wedding ceremony of his brother and adopted sister, as well as the preparation and the tragedy thereafter.
William never saw such white as Ernest did that day. He never had the chance.
More ink bled onto his hand as the quill rolled between Ernest’s fingers. He pressed it deeper into the paper and carved the message:
Victor, Mother did not deserve all that we gave her. Nor did she deserve her death, just as our brother and sister did not deserve theirs.
Nevertheless, they are dead, and I can ask only the afterlife how they fare.
His hands shook and the nib of the pen bent oddly, threatening to break, as Ernest pressed it deeper into the paper.
A question. He could write a question, surely. Just one thing to ask his brother, and then he would know.
He hashed out the words:
Is William there with you now, or have you two been separated for your mortal paths? How about Elizabeth? Have you yet reunited with Henry?
Do you think I could see you all again some day?
At this final sentence, Ernest inhaled sharply. His hands lifted from the page like it had become the surface of a heated stove, and he grasped at the edge of the paper, fumbling with the corner. He glared at the ink-blotted message a moment longer, then ripped it from the wooden surface with an audible cut of air.
He crumpled the paper in his hand and yanked open a thin drawer which usually sunk deep into the desk’s rim. From the drawer he produced another piece of paper which he slid into the last one’s place.
It laid quietly on the desk, waiting.
Ernest pulled his quill where he had dropped it and dipped the tip into the inkwell once more.
The wind outside rose in volume as Ernest stared at the new canvas. The sound was a scream in the ghost-riddled yard of the house, and for just a moment, Ernest wondered to himself how many of his resting siblings had screamed that same scream in their final moments.
With a shiver, Ernest stared deeper into the grooves of the paper, urging himself to move the pen. When no such movement came, he sighed and slouched lower into the chair.
Is this how Henry felt, slaving at a desk covered in paperwork and a half-written poem hidden beneath it? Ernest remembered how Henry had often appeared in his room on summer days, driven in by the heat and a desire to get away from that horrid desk of work.
Henry spent most days in the Frankenstein house, in part for the company and in part to evade his father. When Victor and Elizabeth were unavailable to tempt him toward more exciting adventures, Henry would grab a paper and a pen, sit at the foot of Ernest’s bed, and write poetry. His voice was calming.
“I must not go bland,” Henry would say as he produced from his person a copy of Swift or some other poet's work (Ernest could never figure out where he stored them in a jacket so thin), “for my father thinks it best I abandon writing all together! Can you believe that, Ernest? Abandon poetry for whatever ‘business’ he wishes me to attend.” At this he made a displeased noise that held a few seconds too many, along with a pout up to the Heavens.
Ernest laughed at the theatrics. Until those laughs turned into wheezes. Then wheezes into gasps. And then he coughed until the mirth finally disappeared under the need for air.
As usual.
“He sets me up with lessons and work all day,” Henry continued when Ernest had finally caught his breath, glancing at him cautiously every now and again, “like I am some mule to carry his business for him.” Now he leaned closer, his tie of bright hair falling from the perch on his shoulder and mussing his bangs.
Ernest would pitch closer, too, so he could hear the words whispered to him.
“But I always manage to sneak a few plays in with me. The secret is to keep them under the jacket and say how cold it is every few minutes. Oh!” Pulling back, Henry reached for his paper and began to scribble. “That’s a good theme for something, don't you think?” He smiled at Ernest.
Even if given a thousand years, Ernest thought he could never forget Henry’s smile. Henry smiled with his whole body, like he had a candle stuck inside of him and transparent skin; he always smiled like he completely meant it. Ernest admired him for that.
Victor had, too. Sometimes Ernest suspected that Victor wished to be more like Henry.
But Henry and Victor would never be alike, for Henry would rather have his own blood spilled upon the ground again than be tarnished with what vile substance staining Victor's hands. If that substance had not been Henry’s blood in the first place.
In truth, Ernest knew what killed Henry had not been his brother. In that same vein, however, he knew Victor had a trail behind him. Sometime between Caroline’s sickness and William’s murder, Victor had walked along a path of red, blazing with a human desire to see the fundamentals of the world break.
Victor had always been ambitious like that. He always sought what he wanted, and very often received it—at least, in some sense.
Sometimes Ernest wished he had inherited such a trait as well.
He stared back down at the paper.
Ernest pondered at his desk for a moment, the winter storm making the walls whine around him.
His back straightened with resolve.
Maybe, he thought to himself, maybe I could try.
And so he began to write.
What Ernest realized in that moment was that he didn't want answers. He had never wanted an answer, even before Clerval disappeared, before the wedding, before Ernest and William’s game had led both his brother and his friend to their deaths, and even before Victor had left for that cursed school.
Ernest did not care why Victor had left them for a school so far away. He could live without knowing who had really framed Justine. He never even had to ask his mother just how it felt in her sickbed if fate forbade it.
No, Ernest didn't want answers. What good would an explanation do in this empty house in the middle of winter? No letter he could write would ever answer all—or even any—of his questions.
What Ernest really wanted—needed to do, before this storm caved the roof of his psyche and he descended into that madness rooted within his blood—was trust himself.
Trust himself enough not to make the same mistakes as his mother.
To be there when someone else meets their maker; to never again lose sight of anything of worth in his life.
To enjoy life and poetry as he never could as a child.
To hoist himself out of bed, not because he is sick, but because he has rested with a reason to go outside.
But Ernest could live without all those. They were meaningless sentiments for a grieving man. He did not need to fix all of his mistakes, nor did he have to prove to himself that his life could, indeed, go on.
The only thing Ernest needed in order to finally rest without fidgeting all night in his bed, or to stop those recordings of old conversations and faces from flashing in his mind, was to trust himself.
More specifically, trust himself to let go of misplaced sympathy.
With a long inhale, which made his eyes water as he released it, Ernest put the quill tip back to the paper. The lines were messier this time, margins less defined and letters spilling into each other.
But beyond that disorganization the paper read:
Dear Victor,
You were a brother and friend. I looked up to you. I looked up to your wit and your drive—that same wit and drive which drove you so mad that I still feel the bitterness of your delusions in my morning drink.
I hope your death was quick and fair to you, because I know that is all that you wanted upon your deathbed, unlike our mother who wished only for you and our sister to live on without her.
I wish I could ask for a final word to William, but I know you shall not see each other. Your egotism has surely damned you. So instead I ask one thing of you— Say hello to Zeus’ eagle for me.
Your brother and legacy,
The snowstorm wailed.
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shootingsun · 3 years
There was a prompt knock at the door of Félix's guest room in the manor. Kali disappeared almost instantly to hide from the person about to enter the room. "Come in!" He called for the person at his door. Nathalie entered the room and looked around, seemingly searching for… something.
She's looking for me. Kali whispered into his ear.
"Your uncle desires to see you in his study soon." She deadpanned. Félix liked Nathalie, she was a decent person - although he still believed she was an idiot for putting up with Public Enemy Number 1, Gabriel Agreste.
As much as he despised his presence, there was something about the whole, "I tricked you into shaking my hand so I could steal these really cool rings that ended up being magical jewellery!" thing that was supposed to be just a fun little way to mess with him - it wasn't supposed to cause any more harm to their already unstable relationship.
That is, until now.
"Greetings, Félix." Said the designer, putting his arms behind his back. Because, being related is no exception to being professional at all times.
"Hello Uncle, you wanted to see me?" 
"There's something I've been meaning to discuss with you for quite some time now. I assume you must already know what that is, correct?"
Ohshitohshitohshit! Quick, play dumb!
"I'm afraid not Uncle, I would be delighted if you were to enlighten me." He lied, internally screaming.
"Hmm. Well then, I'm sure you recall your visit a while back. Your mother has so kindly asked me to hand over the rings that seemed to belong to her family. Does that ring a bell?" He smirked. 
That absolute bastard. Nobody talked about Félix's Mother in a passive aggressive manner!
Except for you, Kali reminded him. 
"Yes Uncle, I do seem to remember that." He commented, rolling his eyes.
"A couple hours after you left, I couldn't find the ring anywhere in the mansion. I'm not accusing you of thievery, really - I just want to clear matters up."
"But Uncle, I seem to recall you having a ring on when Mother and I came to stay because of her production." He had, of course, stolen that ring too. He was petty like that, and they were his after all.
"True indeed. Coincidentally I lost that one too afterwards, which brings me to this point - may I check your hand to make sure of something?"
Ha, jokes on him, they weren't on his hand, he was smarter than that, they were hidden in a custom made pocket in his jacket, and that would be incredibly invasive for him to pull Felix's jacket off and search it without consent wouldn't it? 
As expected, Gabriel didn't find anything. Then again, he's the same person who's been keeping tabs on two literal minors and still didn't succeed at stealing jewellery from them. Whatever Félix did was probably karma for all that. Either way, the topic at hand was another set of rings. And had he thrown a temper tantrum, it would've made him look especially bad in front of his mother. Oh, and his own kid too but, whatever, right? 
"This is a one time offer, Félix. Hand over the rings, or I may take them myself. I have my very own ways to do so." He scoffed. "My patience has a limit."
And suddenly, Félix felt fear.
Fear that didn't come from him, it that came from…
Kali, calm down!
Her emotions were like a flood, there was fear, then sadness, then anger and fear again. She had to calm herself down before they had a panic attack. How to get out of this situation…? He couldn't think straight, his breathing was sharp and shallow, mimicking his Kwami's.
Oh God..  this wasn't gonna end well was it? 
This was it…
"Gabriel? I've been looking all over for you!" His Mother flounced into the room, thank god. He decided then and there that he would never make another sarcastic comment about her again.
"What is it this time?" He asked, slightly irritated.
"Gabriel, you know you always have a 2 o'clock meeting! Nathalie wanted to remind you, but the poor woman's having another dizzy spell and so I insisted I would come and get you instead!" She beamed passive aggressively, an art of which Amelie Graham de Vanily was well versed in. 
It was moments like this that made Gabriel want to punch his in-laws - and it was moments like this that reminded Félix how much he absolutely loved his mother. She was always there, just on time. 
Thank goodness for that. 
His Uncle looked down. Then he glared at his nephew, and he sighed. "Thanks for the reminder, I'll be going soon." Is what he said, but what he really meant was, "This isn't over yet!" And Félix knew.
He stumbled out of the study, breathing wildly, attempting to block out his Kwamis pained screams. He slammed the door to the guest room closed and slumped into a chair.
Kali it's okay! 
Kali we're perfectly safe right now. He tried to reason.
We aren't safe as long as we're in this house! We need to leave! He wants to separate us! 
That can't happen! It can't! It can't!
The thought of forcefully having his Kwami taken from him made Félix want to scream! But he had to remain calm.
Kali, that won't happen, I understand your fear, but you need to take a breath. He went first, showing the breathing exercise he had learnt over time, 5 in, hold for 7, out 8. As her breathing evened out, the Kwami began to lose her invisibility, her form flickered as she slowly calmed herself down.
Do you promise?
Promise me that nobody will make me leave you, please?
Her voice and demeanor were unlike the Kali that had developed, it reminded him of when she had first come out of those rings. 
Scared and afraid. And now he knew why.
I promise Kali, nobody will ever keep us apart.
And he truly meant that. Nobody, not even a superhero, could keep them apart for long.
Just a bit after that confrontation, someone came back from his most recent photoshoot. He found his cousin laying on his bed, likely lost in his thoughts. 
He knew Félix was going through a hard time, and he also knew that they've been very close for most of their lives. Adrien would've done anything to help his cousin - and this instance was no exception.
"Hey! How come you're in my room?" He chuckled.
"Ah, erm, it appears I took a wrong turn, sorry about that…"
"How come? You never get lost usually…"
"Well, let's just say that your Father doesn't exactly do good things for my anxiety." He sighed.
"...Oh." And there it comes, stupid Adrien, wrapped around his father's finger, always choosing his parent over him! "Listen… I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry! I think I owe you an apology," he frowned. "for, you know, constantly excusing my father. I'm sorry he's putting you through some stressful stuff, and I'm… not doing anything about it." He turned to look at him. "I hope you can understand that, really. I wish I could do something about it other than offer a shoulder to cry on, but I'm scared of disrespecting his wishes. I apologize." The boy muttered.
"...I guess I was wrong. You didn't do it to hurt me. I thought that was why-" Félix was dumbfounded. Adrien? Admitting his Father was a jerk?? Was this some kind of fever dream???
"...That was why I didn't go to your Dad's funeral?" He guessed. Félix quietly nodded. "No, I'd never want to do that, not after you were there for me when I lost Mom. I'm so sorry, Félix, I should have been there." Tears shone in the latter's green eyes.
"You shouldn't have to apologize, I'm sorry for the way I treated you! You were manipulated, I was just a jerk." He protested, how could he have thought such awful things about such a caring person?
Because you were grieving Lex, you still are.
Don't call me Lex - it was a weak response.
"We were both in pain. And look at you now, you're a good person, I know you are, I can feel it! So maybe since we both apologized for being jerks we just, I dunno, eat ice cream instead?" He smiled awkwardly, for a model he always was such a dork.
Félix raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you lactose intolerant?" he let out a smug grin.
"Oh hush! I can handle a tub of ice cream!" He was going to get so sick tomorrow... Eh, what the hell!
Hey, are you sure you don’t wanna tell him that you know he's Chat Noir?
Kali! You're ruining the moment!
This fic was made in collaboration with @yawngearyoie at around midnight while we both craved hurt/comfort
This fic IS Cannon to our Bat Félix AU, and will be referenced in other oneshots and the fic. Approximately a quarter of this fic has foreshadowing in it for the actual AU. Pick up on that and you get a cookie 🍪 lol.
The first (offical) part of our AU should be coming either today or at some point next week. We're gonna create a masterpost so y'all can read the fics in the order they actually happen in and not our crazy upload schedule (whenever we feel like it).
Send in Asks if you have any questions, or if you just wanna talk about the AU.
Thanks for reading! (We will be making a tag list, so if you wanna be on that, just say)
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mystical-flute · 3 years
Uncharted Waters (YGOxOne Piece Crossover)
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Also on AO3 || Buy me a ko-fi?
The worlds "Earth" and "Eturn" used to be united, until a mysterious force ripped them apart eight-hundred years ago. Now, the Veil between worlds is starting to crack, just as the Shadow Games return to Earth. Reika Muto, an undercover operative in Eturn and owner of the Millennium Bracelet, is caught between two worlds.
“Did you really think that a rookie like you could really stop Baroque Works?” Mr. 3 asked with a sneer, staring down at Reika with contempt in his eyes. “You pirates should have just left well enough alone, don’t you understand that? Then your poor body wouldn’t be in the state it's in!”
As if to emphasize, he wiggled the dagger that had been stuck in her, causing her to cry out in pain again.
“But don’t worry, you’re going to be at peace soon enough,” he continued, the wax slowly climbing up her foot.
Reika shifted her outstretched arm, desperately grasping for one of the batons just outside her grip. “I’m not dying here,” she choked out.
“Aren’t you? You’re out of moves! Out of options, and out of time.”
Her pinky grasped the baton, sliding it into her palm as his back turned away, keeping an eye out for any of her allies.
“Hey Mr. 3, do you know what’s scarier than a little shock?” she questioned.
“Hm? What do you - ”
“Jupiter’s Storm!” she called out, a bolt of lightning shooting from the baton and straight onto the Baroque Works Officer.
He slumped to the ground, unmoving.
“It came from this way!”
“It sounded like Sakura!”
Sakura. Stupid undercover names. But it was to protect her from the Marines, so she dealt with it.
She slowly sat up, knocking some of the wax off her foot just as two familiar shadows appeared in the alley.
“Chopper! Usopp!”
Chopper rushed forward with his medical kit. “What did he do to you?!”
“He picked up a dagger from one of his minions and tried to distract me before turning me to wax,” she grunted, looking at Usopp, who was almost totally covered in bandages. “I’m in better shape than you though, Usopp.”
“Nothing can keep the great Captain Usopp down!” Usopp replied, puffing out his chest before going into a coughing fit.
“Uh-huh. Where are the others? Are they okay? What about our captain?”
Chopper tied the last of the bandages to her shoulder. “This is all I can do for now. Luffy went to go hunt down Crocodile, but the others are waiting at the end of the alley!”
“I’m okay, Azila. I promise.”
She rose to her feet. “Let’s go.”
All they needed to do was stop a civil war and disarm a bomb.
Get Princess Vivi to the top of the clock tower… watch in horror as Pell, the captain of the Alabasta guards, flew the bomb up to the sky. Watch it explode, knocking everyone off their feet. Watch as the fighting resumed despite the horror that just took place.
Be… unable to stop them. Marine and pirate alike stood in utter disbelief as VIvi’s cries for peace went unheard until rain, precious, life-giving rain, that had been denied Alabasta for three long years thanks to Crocodile’s manipulations, finally began to fall.
“I don’t remember much of what happened after that,” she admitted, days later. “We passed out in an alley after telling Vivi to go be with her father and her people. When I woke up, we’d been out for almost a full day.”
“So to recap, you’re telling me a rookie pirate with a thirty million berry bounty defeated one of the Seven Warlords?” Commander Kenji Hashimoto questioned, squinting at her from his screen.
Reika rolled her eyes. “Do you really think I would lie about a report like this?”
“I know you’d never lie to me, Reika,” Kenji said with a heavy sigh. “Have you spoken with your family?”
Reika Muto nodded slowly. “I talked to them about a week ago. I warned them that I’d be unavailable for a while. Said I was going off the grid for a desert excavation for an internship.”
It wasn’t a complete lie, technically. Alabasta was a desert, she did see ancient sites, and she never would have been able to contact her family with how chaotic the fight against Crocodile was.
Alabasta just wasn’t anywhere in the United States… or on Earth.
“I spoke to your aunt the other day. They don’t seem suspicious about your whereabouts,” Kenji explained.
“Good,” Reika said, glancing at her watch. “I should head back to the palace. The others are going to start wondering what took me so long. Agent Sakura signing out.”
The name still felt weird in her ears, but she was a scout, and the best scouts had disguises, after all.
“Thank you for letting me use your equipment,” she said to the old woman in the next room. “My commander was pleased to hear from me.”
“Of course. It must be hard to get a chance to contact them while you’re at sea,” Megumi replied with a smile. “Now, I’ve added a few little trinkets to your bag as a thank you for helping me arrange my furniture.”
Reika grinned as she grabbed her things, tucking her cell phone out of sight after sending a quick text to her boyfriend. “Of course. Thank you. It was good to speak with you.”
The walk back to the palace was swift, nod and say hello to the citizens who were diligently working to rebuild their city, duck when it came to Marines, and keep gaze steady when passing the ones that had stationed themselves on the palace steps, blocked by the royal guard, who let her through without issue.
“There you are, Reika! What did that old lady want, anyway?” Usopp asked with a small frown when she entered the room they’d bunked down at.
“Oh - nothing major. She just said I reminded her of her granddaughter and asked for help arranging some furniture,” she said, waving her hand dismissively as she set her bags on her bed to look over what the woman had given her.
“So… did she give you any cash as a thanks?” Nami questioned. If it were possible, Reika was sure Nami’s eyes would be money signs all the time.
Reika rolled her eyes and tossed over a small sack of coins, hearing Nami’s delighted ‘hah!’.
“Luffy’s still out of it, huh?” she asked, glancing over at the bed where their captain lay fast asleep.
“His fever broke, which is good, but otherwise no, nothing,” Chopper replied with a sigh.
Reika smiled. “Hey, don’t be so glum. You’re going to be the world’s best doctor, remember? I’m sure he’ll wake up -”
Her head throbbed.
The Shadow Games are coming…
She snapped her head back up, looking at the worried crew in front of her. “Sorry, I’m fine. My head just hurt for a second. I’m just going to go splash some water on my face.”
“You sure?”
Luffy chose that moment to wake up, creating the perfect distraction as she ducked out of the room and took her phone out of her pocket, seeing an incoming call and feeling her stomach sink.
“Okay okay okay!” she grumbled to it, moving into an empty bathroom before putting it to her ear. “Hello?”
“Oh thank goodness I got through! Reika, grandpa’s hurt!” came her cousin’s frantic voice from the other end. “I was dueling with Pegasus and when it ended all of a sudden grandpa was passed out! We can’t get him to wake up!”
Reika blinked several times, trying to process the information. “Okay - what? Slow down this time.”
She heard Yugi taking deep breaths before he spoke again. “You know how I won against Kaiba a few weeks ago?”
“Yes, of course I do. I had a very… interesting conversation with him that night,” she said, frowning.
“Pegasus somehow found out that I won against him and wanted to find out more about me. But the DVD he sent was a trap - he was on it using his Millennium Item on it. He - he said he took grandpa’s soul and now grandpa won’t wake up!”
She pinched her brows together. “Well, that explains the headache.”
“What do you mean?”
A sigh escaped her. “I got the worst headache a few minutes ago. Heard a voice say something about the Shadow Games? Listen, I can’t really talk right now. I’ll be home as soon as I can. I promise. Call me if anything changes with grandpa.”
“O - okay…”
Reika ended the call and swallowed back the lump in her throat. Why now? Of all the times for this to happen, it had to be while they were celebrating their victory. After she’d clawed her way into the Grand Line to find her parents.
“Dammit all…” she grumbled, switching to her agency communicator. “This is Agent Muto requesting extraction from the Kingdom of Alabasta.”
“Reika? What seems to be the issue?”
“My grandfather’s in a coma. I’m at the palace. Be advised there are Marine ships in the area. The group I’m with plans to cross the desert tonight, so I’ll make sure my tracker is on.”
“Aiko will find you. We’ll get you home safe.”
With her family believing she was studying in California, they needed to match up the amount of time it would take for a cross-continental flight. Thirteen hours ought to do it.
Reika slid to the ground, her head in her hands. She’d finally made it to the sea her parents had gone missing in. She finally had started being able to investigate and now… now she had to leave it all behind.
But her grandfather had raised her, and she knew deep down Domino was where she needed to be.
“Reika! Where’d you go?”
She rose to her feet, swallowed the lump in her throat, quickly splashed some cold water on her face to get rid of the redness that had started forming, and opened the door to find Vivi.
“Sorry Vivi, splashing water on my face did the trick. I feel much better now,” Reika lied with a wide smile. “Did I miss anything?”
“Well, Terracotta said dinner will be ready soon. I’d say she brought an appetizer, but Luffy ate it all, so…”
“I can wait until dinner,” she said with a laugh. She wasn’t very hungry anyway, knowing what was going to happen tonight.
At midnight, the Straw Hat crew packed up their belongings and descended from the palace.
Reika switched on her tracker as soon as they hit the desert. It was only moments before Aiko appeared in a bright flash of light, the pirates tensing immediately.
“Who the hell are you?” Zoro asked, hand already on his sword.
“Zoro, wait! Aiko’s a friend of mine!” she said, eyes wide. “But how did you find me all the way out here?”
“Sheer dumb luck I suppose. You know my powers are still a little scattered,” Aiko said, slipping into the lie with ease. “I’m not here with great news though. Your grandfather’s fallen ill, Reika. The doctors can’t seem to wake him up.”
She let the tears she’d hidden before flow. “What?!”
“What’s wrong? Was it some sort of disease?” Chopper asked with wide eyes.
“Grandpa’s had heart issues for years now.” Reika sniffled. “I knew he shouldn’t have stayed by himself.”
“We’ll help him. Chopper’s the best doctor here!” Nami insisted. “Er, right, Luffy?”
Monkey D. Luffy sat with a contemplative look on his face.
“Where is this island?” he finally asked.
“Oxram Island,” Reika explained. “It’s only a couple days journey from here, but it’s back the way we came, and with the Marine ships around, it’d be too dangerous for you guys to come with me.”
Luffy gave her an uncharacteristically serious look. “I see then. If you feel you need to leave the crew, that’s okay. I understand.”
“You’re sure?” Reika asked, looking at the crew with wide eyes.
“It’s your family and your grandfather’s in trouble. Of course I’m okay with it,” Luffy agreed with a wide grin. “Besides, you can come find us again!”
“Luffy, she has to go back the way we came,” Zoro grumbled. “I don’t know if - ”
“Aiko has the power of the portal-portal fruit. It can help guide me back to you, especially if you guys keep making waves!” Reika said. “Come on, Aiko. You can ride with me back to the ship. I’ll hurry up and pack the rest of my stuff.”
The journey across the desert was long, and they arrived at the Going Merry around three in the morning. She ignored most of the chaos on the deck with the escaped Baroque Works member who called himself a friend, and ducked into the women’s room, haphazardly tossing her things back into her suitcase.
“You sure you’re okay?” Aiko asked.
“I have to be, Aiko. You know what Uncle Takeo and Aunt Kumi will say if I don’t go home,” she replied, slipping a tracking device behind her nightstand so she could find the crew whenever her grandfather recovered. “Let's just get this over with.”
“I guess this is goodbye for now!” she called to the deck, unsure if any of the crew could hear her. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise.”
Aiko summoned a portal (using her technology, not a devil fruit power), and with a deep breath, Reika vanished through the Veil, back to Domino, Japan.
“Welcome back, Agent Muto,” Kenji greeted. “I’m just going to need you to go through a health check and we’ll get you home to your family.”
Reika nodded, first making a stop in the changing room, where she rid herself of the Alabastan fashion she’d been wearing, removing the batons and their braces from her arms, revealing the golden bracelet she’d kept hidden during her time in Eturn. She slipped into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then reached up to take the clip out of her hair, letting it hang free around her shoulders as the dark brown she’d had faded back into her normal color.
In the med bay, as the doctor took her vitals, she stared at herself in the mirror. It had been days since she’d truly been able to look at herself this way - her natural state. Multicolored hair like her father, warm brown eyes like her mother. The older she got, the more of them she could see herself in them.
It was why she’d been sent to Eturn. Why she’d been on a pirate crew, sailing around that mysterious world and getting into danger. She had a clawing, desperate need to find out why her parents had disappeared in that same world ten years ago.
She winced when Hiro’s fingers found the scar on her shoulder. “Easy there, would you?”
“When did you get this?”
“Four days ago. I jumped in the way of an enemy that had been going after my friend. The assailant ended up driving their dagger into my shoulder before I managed to get them off me,” she explained as Hiro’s fingers traced down it gently.
Hiro frowned. “It’s healing well, but I’m concerned about nerve damage in your shoulder. I’d like you to come back in a couple days so I can run some tests.”
Reika nodded in agreement, hopping off the exam table. “Sure.”
“One more thing before you leave, Agent Muto,” Kenji said, frowning as she passed him on her way toward the elevator. “The Veil is beginning to wane.”
She stared. “Wane? Megumi didn’t mention anything to me about that.”
“It hasn’t spread to all corners of the dimensions yet. Megumi’s superiors may not have informed her,” Kenji explained. “It seems to have started here in Japan, though.”
“Okay, so I’ll keep an eye out. Is it glowing blue like our portals?”
“It is, and worse, it seems to keep pulling people between worlds.”
Her eyes widened. “This could be a disaster. Is there any way to stop it?”
“At this time, it seems the only way to stop it is to close the portals. Each agent has been given a personal transporter for this emergency.”
Reika stared at the device as it was pushed into her hand. “Pretty odd to have one of these here in Domino,” she admitted. “You and Yume are always so strict about not using them unless we’re in danger in Eturn.”
“Things may get dicey here, so be on your guard. We’ve been trying to increase security, but it seems with each ripple we close, another opens. It’s like someone is trying to combine the dimensions,” Kenji sighed. “But I shouldn’t be bothering you with this now. Go home and get some rest. I’ll call you when we’re ready to put you on active duty.”
“Thanks, Mr. Hashimoto,” she murmured, making her way to the private parking lot and finally pulling out into the familiar Domino streets.
Three-thirty in the morning even in the heart of Domino City meant not many people were out and about, but still, it almost felt wrong seeing cars instead of ships. As she drove past the hospital, she squinted at the bright, fluorescent lighting of the parking lot.
Reika’s hands shook against the steering wheel.
She let out a heavy exhale as she pulled up to the game shop, cutting the engine. In all honesty, she hadn’t even thought about what she might say or do if she ever came back to Domino.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
The scent of yakitori still hung in the air as she pushed her way into the apartment, closing the door as quietly as she could behind her and glancing around.
It hadn’t changed much in her absence. Not that she expected it to - Domino as a whole, despite being a city, seemed to be stuck in the mundane. They didn’t know about the global espionage agency that used a restaurant as a front. They didn’t know that there was an entire world beyond strange portals.
It was perfectly ordinary.
A yawn escaped her as she opened her bedroom door, dumping her bags by it and pulling out her phone as she flopped onto the bed. There was at least a fifty-fifty chance that her boyfriend would be awake, knowing his tendency to work through the night.
Seto, I’m home. Text me if you have time to meet.
She meant to stay up and check if he got back with her, but the exhaustion of the day finally caught up with her, and she drifted off, not even bothering to get under the covers.
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restingdomface · 4 years
Okay but I’m in a ‘Sizhui is baby and no one can compare to how baby he is’ mood and I want two things:
—-The unseen scene from traveling from Yiling to Lotus pier. I have theories about this (or, at least, I know what I want to have happened) and it’s beautiful: WangXian ends up traveling to Lotus Pier with LJY and LSZ and WN, this is the most logical explanation for how they traveled (unless LJY ended up with the rest of the Lans, but as LWJ’s son, I don’t think they could do anything to convince LSZ not to stay with LWJ when he’s about to feel seasickness for the next however many hours it’s gonna take to get to Lotus Pier, but LJY is the only one I’ll concede might not have traveled with them, the only way I would say LSZ too is if they have a healer he goes to when he feels sick, but they only seemed to travel with Cultivators rn so I’m guessing he would have stayed with Baba) but then, when they got to Lotus Pier, LSZ acted like he didn’t just have several hours to talk to WN about his life in the Burial Mounds. TBH that would actually have been the best time for LSZ to come to WWX and say he’s A-Yuan, when WWX feels like shit and could use a pick me up and just got confronted by the whole Cultivation world
As an aside here, let’s talk about how out of everyone in this conference, the only people shunned from walking about like nothing’s wrong are Sizhui, Wen Ning, Wei Wuxian, and Lan Wangji. Can we talk about how fam all got excluded together? And the fact is, Sizhui didn’t have to choose that exclusion, but he decided that learning about his own family is, right now, more important than blindly following the pack to keep his status within the sect that raised him. He’s kind. He wants to talk to his uncle who is also kind. He wants to bond with him.
So. Why didn’t he spend the boat ride talking to Uncle Ning? Is it because he wasn’t ready to confront WWX who’s Right There yet? No. It’s because baby boy was fucking sick as hell. Sea sickness, as we’ve seen, gives him IMMEDAITE anxiety upon even standing on the pier to the boats. LJY comes up to him and says it’s okay, they can wait a few minutes before they get on a boat. He’s got anxiety. He Knows he’s gonna spend the next few hours sitting feeling sick as hell and absolutely miserable.
Now, what’s different about having WWX and WN with him, instead of just having LWJ? Well, LWJ is great, he’s Baba, he’s probably going to play a healing song that makes him feel bearable enough to make it through this, but then you add WN and WWX and their whole routine is gonna be thrown off.
WWX doesn’t realize how seasick this lil bun is till he’s in the boat with them, and immediate worry descends over him. Poor bun is already moaning in pain as he sits at the bottom of the boat, just close enough that he’s in the shade of the canopy but close to the edge so he can get over in time not to throw up on Baba.
He’s turned on full baby mode rn, and that’s about to set off WWX’s daddy instincts like none other. WN, on the other hand, is a trained nurse (probably would have trained as a doctor, if given the chance) and he’s already ushering WWX to sit behind the kid to give him something to lean against. LWJ is already pulling out the musical instruments so he can play a calm tummy song for his lil bun.
Why does WWX need to let the baby lean on him? Because Uncle Ning is coming to the rescue and he’s got Needles (WWX is a little horrified at WN gonna be using these needles on this poor defenseless bun who can’t even protect himself from icky tummy feel, but accepts that child abuse is about to happen right in front of him and he cannot stop it) but, the needles, are going to make LSZ’s entire abdomen numb af, and that includes his hips and upper back. Baby boy not gonna feel a damn thing with these needles, but he ain’t gonna be able to hold himself either.
Lots of questions from curious bunny when he’s no longer feeling anything and he’s a melty puddle against WWX who’s stroking his hair and giving him little nuzzles and cuddles and is holding his hand (WWX can’t figure out why, maybe it’s because he misses A-Yuan so much, but he just wants to hold this little one’s hand and give him kisses and tell him he’s being so very good even tho that evil Ghost General used instruments of torture on him and he’s got an icky tummy) and LWJ looks genuinely happy to see the teen no longer upset.
LWJ is going to learn this specific trick for numbing if it kills him. No way in hell is he letting his bun go seasick from now on.
But then, there’s no reason to play healing songs since no one’s gonna throw up, so, of course, this anxious dad pulls up what he knows will delight his lil bun, his son’s childhood lullaby. He hasn’t played it for him in years, and admittedly, he always used to hum it (with said little bun curled into his chest and being rocked to sleep, but he stopped being able to do it when LSZ moved into his own dormitory) and LSZ is just too damn tired to say anything other than having heard WWX play that back in Mo Village before he’s snuggling back into WWX and closing his eyes for a nap.
Anyways. That’s my wish fulfillment for the boat scene to Lotus Pier, baby cuddles and icky tummy’s and uncle’s to the rescue.
—- The second thing that I REALLY want rn!!! Okay so a few days ago I made a post about medical quirks I think people have, and I decided, that LSZ gets long term memory loss (amnesia) after a fever. No matter what, the memories come back, but you need to trigger them first.
The first thing they do when LSZ is sick, is move him back into the Jingshi so he can be with LWJ. No forgetting Baba allowed!!! Make sure he’s comfy while he’s healing, but only adults and healers to visit, because they don’t want the other kids getting sick too. So he usually stays remembering Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji the whole time, since they’re the usual suspects to take care of him. This sometimes leads him to think he’s less than 6 and resorts to asking a million questions like a child and climbing into laps for cuddles. It’s super cute and his Baba and Shufu love it. Give him lots of kisses and snuggles.
But then afterwards, he’s allowed outside again, and gets to reacquaint himself with the bunnies, and his friends. It’s super adorable because it’s always like meeting Lan Jingyi all over again. He loves him instantly every time. Also the bunnies. Sometimes Baba buries him in bunnies again while Shufu sits on the side and sighs a lot.
But then it finally happens. Post canon Sizhui gets a fever. And it happens while they’re on a night hunt. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
LJY is the only one that knows what to do when Sizhui starts crying and pointing to them all and saying he Doesn’t Know Who They Are And Where Is Baba???????? Which mainly consists of saying ‘oh shit’ a lot and going to send a flare (he didn’t even go outside okay that little shit stuck his arm out the window and sent one lol) up before going over to LSZ and sitting next to him and piling blankets on him and saying that Baba is on his way but rn he gets to hang out with his cousin Jin Ling and their friend Ouyang Zizhen! Isn’t that fun! He can have fun with his cousin and friend!
No. That is not fun, and Sizhui’s little lower lip sticks out far enough that LJY knows he’s about to start crying and saying he hates all of them and wants Baba.
Jin Ling be shooketh. Sizhui? Little cuddly Sizhui? Hates them? The first one to say fuck it and climb into someone else’s bed when he’s cold? The one who’s learned how to make Mother’s Lotus Root And Pork Rib soup and the first time JiuJiu tried it he cried cause it was perfect? Sizhui who buried him in rabbits once and told him he was a good kid, just had a lot of anger in him? He hates them? Lol.
So then it seems like the whole crew shows up (Wen Ning, Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, the whole dumbass crew in one go) which is good, cause Shufu to the rescue once more, making LSZ feel comfy and giving medicine. LWJ tells him they’re going home to Cloud Recesses and WWX frets over his baby.
It’s super cute. A week later, LSZ wanders out of the Jingshi not knowing left from right, and has to be reintroduced to his friends all over again.
WWX finally understands why his little boy forgot him for so long, and why memory is so damn precious to Lan Sizhui.
Anyways. I have feels.
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sw-daydreamer · 4 years
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SOURCE: tvsourcemagazine.com/2019/12/the-rise-of-skywalker-roundtable/
First Impressions of the movie?
Cam: Honestly, the first thought that kept repeating in my head as I continued watching the movie was “Who greenlight this?”. Too many hours spent on pointless plot points, bad dialogue, character regression and a clear intent to take digs at the previous movie.
April: The first time I saw the film I found it largely enjoyable. It reminded me of “old school” Star Wars films, which fits with J.J.’s nerdy love for the original films. However, there were glaring issues, largely that, in an effort to make every fan group happy, J.J. created a film where every fan group instead found something to nitpick. He bent to the will of the racist fans from “The Last Jedi” and shrunk Kelly Marie Tran’s role to nothing, he created women out of thin air (Jannah and Zorrie) to stand as helpmates to the men around them, just to name a few things. But as an end to Luke Skywalker’s story, it’s acceptable.
Anika: Thanks to spoilers, which I actively sought, I already knew what to expect. While I didn’t hate the movie in it’s entirety, my dissatisfaction with it made it the only Star Wars movie that I am quite happy seeing just once. So much of it just felt cobbled together and didn’t make any sense. It felt like the writers were trying to please every Star Wars fan base with this film, but never quite managed that feat.
Logan: As the credits rolled I thought, “Well, I enjoyed a majority of that movie until the end.” Originally, I said I enjoyed about 80% of the movie but the 20% I didn’t like were huge plot points. After thinking about the movie for a week, I’d say my percentage of enjoyment has majorly decreased.
Maggie: Unfortunately, I was entirely spoiled by Reddit and Burger King by the time I sat down to watch The Rise of Skywalker opening night. I mostly felt dread throughout the entire film and struggled to even enjoy the enjoyable moments. I think “fever dream” is the best way to summarize my first impressions.
Jenna: Like most people, I was spoiled by Reddit leaks that none of us could have ever anticipated being true. Sadly, they were. Although I knew what was going to happen, I still tried to go in with an open mind. While I did enjoy some of the movie, those feelings were unfortunately overshadowed by my intense dislike of the major plot holes and the poor messages this movie conveyed.  
Heather: My first impressions were from Reddit Spoilers months ago because I am a known Spoiler Whore (I don’t like surprises) so if we’re going from the leaks my first impression was, “There’s no way this is true. It’s so stupid. Most of this doesn’t even make sense. Nah. I’ll wait for the LA premiere and the real leaks.” Little did I know.
When did you become a fan of Star Wars?
Cam: I have first watched Star Wars when in 1999 (Phantom Menace), then I watched the rest of them in 2015. But I only became a fan on 2017 when I watched The Last Jedi.
April: I was introduced to Star Wars when I was 7 years old. My cousin, 10 years my senior, had been tasked with babysitting me for the night and, in her desire to keep me quiet and happy she did what most teens would and plopped me in front of a VHS tape playing ‘A New Hope’. Within moments of R2-D2 and C3PO showing up on the screen I was enthralled.
Anika: I was 11 years old when I first saw Star Wars. The story of Luke, Princess Leia, Han Solo and a galaxy far, far away was an immediate obsession for science-fiction/fantasy nerd girl me. A New Hope is my favorite childhood movie and the saga, along with Rogue One and Solo, continues to be my obsession. I cried when I saw the first trailer for TROS because the movies were a big part of my childhood and teen years and knowing this would be the last story ever told about the Skywalkers was an extremely emotional moment for me.
Logan: The better question is when wasn’t I a fan of Star Wars. I grew up with a brother who is 10 years older than me and he was small during the theatrical release of Empire and Return of the Jedi. I grew up watching them because he watched them and I immediately wanted to be a part of that world.
Maggie: My father took me to see The Phantom Menace opening weekend when I was six years old. Despite the devastation of losing Qui-Gon Jinn, Star Wars basically overtook my life from that moment forward. For twenty years I’ve collected Star Wars ephemera and read through nearly the entire library of the Extended Universe.
Jenna: When I was around 10 or 11, the first six episodes were playing on TV for about a week. I saw my step dad watching one of them and I was captivated by it as soon as I walked by. I asked him what order I should watch them in, and then I could be found that whole week in front of the TV watching them every time they came on. After that, I didn’t watch them for a long time, but my love for the franchise returned when The Last Jedi was in theaters.
Heather: Star Wars has been a part of my life in a mostly passing way since I was nine years old when I was brought to see one of the prequels in theaters. My aunt and uncle and I also watched the originals and prequels at various points when I was a teenager though admittedly my interest was fleeting at best. In January of 2016 that very same aunt and uncle were back in our hometown visiting from England and they wanted to go see The Force Awakens for their third time. I had absolutely no interest in going to go see it but I wanted the family time so I did and I’m glad I did because I walked out a huge fan. For all of the grief I now give JJ Abrams I will say that he set out to make TFA both for old fans and to create new fans and he succeeded in that.
What did you think of Rey’s journey in this movie?
Cam: A complete regression of whatever it was supposed to be. I can’t explain it in a different way. From the beginning Rey was alone, in a desert planet, begging to find her parents and a belonging. As the movies progressed she finally learned she had to continue her life, she couldn’t be stuck in that place forever, and that she could find other people who would love her, “the belonging you seek is ahead” and all. She realized she could be powerful and important just for being who she is on the Last Jedi. She didn’t need famous parents to matter.
On Rise of Skywalker they reverted all that, she did need famous parents indeed and she never should have had to learn how to move on from her pain and self doubt regarding them since they were always good people that had loved her. Despite her entire journey, the movie frames her ending as someone who was again alone and again on a desert planet (despite arguments that it didn’t mean she would be alone, when a movie ends in a certain note that’s what you want your audience to take from it). It’s just a terrible regression that didn’t care for all the things this character needed but that instead cared about online complaints regarding her surname.
April: Rey’s journey in this film felt, in many ways, unfinished. We’ve always known that the Star Wars Saga was ultimately Luke’s story, even as we had other protagonists in the prequel trilogy it was clear that we were watching the beginnings of Luke (Padme and Anakin wind up being his parents and we watch the birth of his ultimate foe, Darth Vader). Unfortunately, “The Rise of Skywalker” (and indeed the entire sequel trilogy) struggle with the idea of Rey being anything more than just the final piece of Luke Skywalker’s story. Perhaps this would have read better had Rey been a Skywalker (as was clearly J.J. Abram’s (director of “The Force Awakens” and “ The Rise of Skywalker) initial plan, but instead Rey doesn’t actually begin her journey until the moment she stares off into the sun on Tatooine as the music swells dramatically. While it’s not unusual for a story to end with the hero heading into a new adventure, for this to be the “end” of Rey’s story feels almost empty, because we never truly saw her beginning.
Anika: Where do I start with Rey’s journey in TROS? Quite honestly, except for Rey becoming the powerful Jedi we all knew she would be, I don’t think she had much of a journey. She wanted to know her place in all of this and she does learn it along with a few other truths, but her reaction to every thing she learns was virtually non-existent. Rey’s journey is the saddest part of this movie. She finds the belonging that she wanted, but she has lost a maternal and paternal figure, a mentor and her other half in the Force. Rey is at the end of it alone again. How is that a happy ending for her?
Logan: Trying to think through my opinion is making me realize she didn’t really have much of one in this film. She started a strong Jedi and ended a strong Jedi. She started out as part of The Resistance and ended as part of The Resistance. The only changes to her journey revolve around finding out her lineage, which didn’t change any part of who she is, and also loss. Loss of Leia. Loss of Ben. Isolating Rey’s journey leaves me sort of depressed. So, my thoughts are that I don’t like it.
Maggie: At the end of The Last Jedi Rey was posed to have an incredible final act, unfortunately The Rise of Skywalker ended up being a regressive ending to her story. Her journey is rushed, disjointed, and nonsensical in this film. We never get her reacting to the revelation that she’s Darth Sidious’ granddaughter, which is perhaps one of the worst mistakes this film commits. The main protagonist is presented with a life changing detail about her past and is denied the chance to react verbally to the revelation. Not only was the implementation lacking, but the reasoning behind her having to be related to someone felt unnecessary. If Palpatine had always been the endgame for the trilogy, he should’ve been alluded to in the previous two films.
Jenna: Not only did I think that Rey had no growth in this movie, but I would even go as far as to say she regressed. In The Force Awakens, Rey’s story began with her living in the desert alone and waiting for parents that would never come back to her. In The Rise of Skywalker, Rey’s story ended with her living in the desert alone and isolating herself from the friends and family she has come to know. At least, that’s how I interpreted it. The Last Jedi set this movie up to have Rey realize how special and loved she is regardless of who her parents were, but this idea was thrown aside in favor of making her special only because of her family name.
Heather: Hated. It. I loved the message of TLJ that you don’t have to come from a powerful bloodline to be special or important and it was completely re-written. You’re only special if you come from one of these two families. Sucks to suck for the rest of you.
What was your favorite part of the sequel trilogy?
Cam: Ben and Rey’s ever growing understanding and love for each other. And Kylo Ren/Ben Solo’s entire arc that showed his pull to the light and his pain regarding the darkness.
April: The chemistry between the new trio (Rey, Finn and Poe) is hands down my favorite aspect of the new trilogy. Oscar Issac, John Boyega and Daisy Ridley play excellently off of each other and their interactions are a joy to watch. One thing The Rise of Skywalker did tremendously well was highlight their relationship and it is my opinion that Rey is now happily touring the sky with her boyfriend (Finn) and his boyfriend (Poe).
Anika: It’s a tie between the Throne Room scene and the hand touch scene in the hut. In the scene where she touches Kylo’s hand, we get to see both their vulnerabilities. He’s admitting that what she is going through, her loneliness is how he feels, too, and she’s reassuring him that it’s never too late to change that. The Throne Room scene is the best one in the trilogy. It was perfection in it’s execution. They way moved in sync with each other, watched each other’s back and that heartbreaking end when he offers her his hand and she knows she cannot take it was beyond anything else I had seen.
Logan: Admiral Holdo lightspeeding through a Star Destroyer. Hands Down. For me, Holdo was one of the most memorable characters of the sequel trilogy and that moment was followed by an eerie silence in the theater that I will never forget. Aside from that is all the confirmation of Jedi Leia, the return of Han, Poe’s introduction in The Force Awakens, the glory of Rose Tico. There are many moments that I will remember for many Star Wars films to come.
Maggie: The Throne Room scene in The Last Jedi will remain my favorite part of this entire trilogy. The fight choreography is incredible and I felt like it was really a defining moment for both Rey and Ben. Watching them fight back-to-back was pretty amazing to see. Not to mention it’s some of Adam and Daisy’s best acting in the trilogy. So many emotions play out from the start to end of that scene. It’s flawless.
Jenna: The Throne Room scene in The Last Jedi, by far. Adam so clearly showcased the emotions passing through Ben’s mind when he decided to take down the man who had been abusing him his whole life. When Ben and Rey stood back-to-back to fight together after Ben ripped Anakin’s lightsaber through Snoke I could feel every cell in my body start to scream in excitement. It felt like such a pivotal moment in not only the movie, but the entire trilogy. Seeing a clip of Ben leaning forward so Rey could grab onto his thigh and balance herself on his back to kick one of the Praetorian Guard is actually what convinced me to watch the sequel trilogy.
Heather: Reylo. Kidding…mostly. I can’t deny that their chemistry and the thrill of a possible enemies to lovers/good girl & bad boy story was what made me originally interested in the first place but I think my favorite part was all of the fandom anticipation. Who would Rey be? Would Kylo turn back to the light? Would the Resistance survive? Would Leia keep her role as General? In between each movie fandom was always alive with theories and speculation and there’s a sort of magic and unity in that that I’ve always enjoyed.
What was your favorite part of TRoS?
Cam: Ben Solo being redeemed, as he should have. And all of the amazing scenes between him and Rey.
April: My favorite part of The Rise of Skywalker would have to be the reinforcement of the idea of “togetherness”. You see it, perhaps most clearly, in the moment when, wrapped up in his devastation about leading his forces once more into a hopeless battle, Poe hears Lando’s voice over the radio. When he pulls up and sees the crowd of ships full of “just people” to quote one First Order combatant, it’s such a powerful feeling. That same theme makes itself present again in Rey’s battle against Palpatines, when she is at her most defeated and we hear the voices of Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, Luke, Ashoka and more, reminding her that she is not alone, because she is “all the Jedi”, it’s also repeated throughout the trio’s interactions, they even go so far as to use the word “together”. It’s a constant message in this film and it’s so necessary in our current time. It’s a reminder to each one and all of us that there are always “more of us” then those who would seek to keep us downtrodden and together, we can spark a true revolution.
Anika: Without a doubt, Han and Ben’s scene on the Death Star. Leia reached Ben, but it was his father’s love and forgiveness which truly made the difference. Ben was never the same after killing Han and he needed to make peace with what he did and to accept that forgiveness is possible. Change is possible, even if we veer so off course that we can’t possibly see the way back. My two favorite characters in Star Wars sharing a much needed cathartic moment literally made me tear up.
Logan: If I’m picking just one thing then I’m choosing General Leia Organa. My gasp at the flashback of her and Luke was loud and probably annoying to everyone around me. She has a lightsaber. She’s a Jedi Master. She’s fearless and selfless and as bad ass as she ever was. I got to say a beautiful goodbye to Carrie Fisher and that meant more than anything else. Honorable mentions, though, to Harrison Ford returning as Han for one brief shining moment and to Kylo/Ben’s redemption arc that I never for one second thought I would ever buy into and yet somehow did. (Also, D-O and Babu Frik because how can you not love them?)
Maggie: I wish I could say the Reylo kiss was my favorite part of the film, however the moment was so rushed and poorly orchestrated that I struggle with enjoying it. I can’t even think of dialogue in this film that I enjoyed. With The Last Jedi so many lines stood out — lines with substance. I suppose I enjoyed seeing the porgs one last time.
Jenna: My favorite part was when Ben showed up on Exegol to help Rey. The second you saw him running, you knew you were no longer looking at Kylo Ren. This was now Ben Solo. From his hair to his loose sweater to his quiet “Ow”, there was no question about who was on the screen. When Rey and Ben finally used their forcebond to help each other and she gave him Anakin’s lightsaber, I could physically feel my heart squeeze in joy. Oh yeah, the Reylo kiss was pretty amazing, too. Too bad he had to die right after.
Heather: The final force bond between Rey and Ben when she gives him the light saber and he pulls it out from behind his back. That was a moment. I also really liked when after the trio fell through the quicksand stuff Rey lit her saber to light the way and Poe turned on his little flashlight. It was a cheap way to make the audience laugh but it worked and I did.
What was your least favorite part of TRoS?
Cam: I could say literally anything else but i’m gonna go with Ben Solo’s death.
April: The sidelining of Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose along with the insertion of Jannah and Zorrie feels purposeful and wrong. It was recently announced that Rose had only about one and a half minutes of screen time in the entirety of “The Rise of Skywalker” which seems particularly egregious when one considers how prominently she was featured in “The Last Jedi”. Even worse, she is almost “replaced” by the insertion of Zorrie and Jannah, both of whom serve no true purpose to the overall plot of the film.
Zorrie is there to forcefully remind us that Oscar Issac’s Poe is straight and that’s it! You could argue that she put them in contact with the tiny alien (Babu Frik) who wound up highjacking C3PO’s memory drives, but, Poe was a spice runner in this same crew and thus already knew him. We never even see her entire face, but we do get to see her modeling a skin tight pink catsuit-to emphasis her femininity.
The same thing happens with Jannah, an ex-Stormtrooper who exists only to provide a point of similarity with Finn and also to be Lando’s daughter (something that’s not even clearly told in the film. She’s tough and strong and has grit and determination in spades. She doesn’t hesitate to run into battle and in fact supports Finn as he makes what could be a suicide play to take out the lead ship. Both Jannah and Zorrie serve almost as opposites of Rose, in Zorrie: the ultrafeminine and in Jannah, the toughness that Rose wasn’t allowed to have. They even manage to strip Rose of her leadership, refusing to allow her to wear the badge of her station (commander). It’s a disgrace and it should be discussed far and wide.
Anika: I have two that really ticked me off. I absolutely hated Rose Tico’s arc in TROS. New character Beaumont had more lines than she did. After playing a big part in The Last Jedi, I expected more interactions between her, Finn, Poe and Rey, but instead she played the part of an extra, more or less. TROS made it seem as if she was an afterthought for Finn. I never got a chance to see a Rey and Rose friendship or even Rose on a mission with the others. She lost her voice because whiny, entitled fans were upset for no other reason than she was a woman and a person of color. It is even more upsetting that their vitriol was rewarded. The second thing that really bugged me was the predictability and, therefore, unoriginal end of Ben’s death. For once, it would have been nice to see the redeemed hero live.
Logan: There are two least favorite things that are tied for how enraged they make me. One, the obvious sidelining and invalidation of Rose Tico. Which is thanks to Abrams and Company caving to racist and misogynistic nerd boys. Two, the death of Ben Solo. I am by no means a fan of Kylo Ren. Prior to this movie I did not believe for one second that he could be redeemed. (Check my tweets, seriously). But his death does not enrage me for Ben’s sake but for Han and Leia’s. They sacrificed their lives to reach Ben and hopefully save his life. Ben’s death makes their sacrifices pointless. My two favorite Star Wars characters of all time were killed for nothing. Great. Perfect. Thanks, JJ Abrams. That feels fan-freaking-tastic.
Maggie: Where do I even begin? There was about 131 minutes of content I didn’t care for. I will die bitter about how they reduced Rose Tico’s role in response to racist men from the worst parts of the internet. The lines that were given to J.J.’s buddy Dominic Mongaghan could’ve been given to Rose. The fact that the only real lines that Rose had in the film were lines were she rejected joining the main plot seemed far too intentional. Outside of the #WheresRose issue, what they did with Poe Dameron’s character was perhaps my number one complaint coming out of the film. The entire subplot with Zorri Bliss was unnecessary and only served to remind FinnPoe shippers that Poe had a girlfriend and change his backstory to incorporate an unfortunate Latinx stereotype that he was a drug smuggler. Outside of yelling Rey’s name, what was Finn’s role in this film? Coming out of The Last Jedi he had matured as a character, but throughout The Rise of Skywalker it seemed like J.J. had no plan for what to do with him. Wouldn’t it have been awesome if he’d actually been able to say he was Force Sensitive and we didn’t have to get that information from subsequent interviews and an Instagram post? 
Jenna: I could probably write a whole book about what I didn’t like about this movie. Plot holes (how Palpatine is alive, Palpatine wanting Rey dead then all of a sudden wanting her alive, how a spaceship that’s been underwater for years and has been torn for scraps actually works), character stories (Rose being sidelined, Poe being a drug dealer, Ben’s redemption arc fading away with his body), and many many more aspects of this movie keep me up at night.
Heather: The sloppy editing, the incoherent storyline beats, how much this movie wanted to be an action movie with all of the “pew pew!” instead of focusing on character and emotional beats and attempting to distract the audience with bright flashing lights and loud sounds so that they wouldn’t notice how nothing was actually making sense with the plot.
If you could change one thing about this movie, what would it be and why?
Cam: I’d definitely make Ben Solo live. Perhaps this sounds simple for some but the fact is, for one if that happened I would have hope for the Skywalkers. All of their suffering, from Anakin Skywalker to Ben Solo wouldn’t have ended in such a bitter note. The Star Wars Saga have always been about the Skywalkers and while a lot is wrong in the last movie, you would think they at least would have respected the legacy and the theme of a 40 year old saga. But the way Rise ended the story Palpatine was able to manipulate and ultimately end their bloodline. It wasn’t a victory, it was a tragedy.
(I won’t even get into how watching the death of a character that felt lost and needed redemption is just a terrible message as well. The number of people that felt utterly defeated and left the movie crying speaks on its own)
April: The kiss between Kylo and Rey. I’ve seen the movie three times now, once alone, and two other times with people who are aware of the films but are not superfans. In every instance the kiss feels out of place, abrupt and unearned, not just to me but to those I attended with. I believe there were other ways to show the connection between Kylo and Rey (and in fact we’ve seen it highlighted in both “The Last Jedi” and “The Rise of Skywalker” via their force connection) without having them kiss. It is perhaps even more jarring to see them share a kiss in the moments before Ren’s death because we’ve never seen Rey or Ren acknowledge the injuries he’s dealt her, both physically and emotionally. It’s impossible to form an emotional investment in a relationship that is built on dishonesty, lack of trust and no genuine affection between either party. Perhaps if Kylo had actually been redeemed it’s a conversation worth having, but he wasn’t and thus, it isn’t.
Anika: Ben Solo’s death and, therefore, the end of the Skywalkers. When I say Ben deserved more, I am saying it from a place that wanted, needed and expected better for the last Skywalker and the child of Leia Organa and Han Solo. Ben Solo has never really known a moment’s peace. I wanted him to live so he could discover who he was without a Sith Lord in his head, to atone for the things he did and to finish the work his mother started. It was lazy and easy writing to kill Ben.
Logan: I’m gonna change two, because if you’re giving me this chance I’m pushing my limits. One: Ben lives. Two: Rose goes with our Main Trio. Ben lives so that Han and Leia’s deaths have meaning. Rose goes with the trio because the amount of times they needed a mechanic were numerous and Rose was wasted staying behind with Leia. (Obviously considering Merry from Lord of the Rings had all the dialogue Rose should have had.)
Maggie: That’s a loaded question. If I had to choose one singular change, I would’ve started the film with Leia having died in the time between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. In that situation, J.J. wouldn’t have been limited to playing around unused The Force Awakens scenes. Poe would’ve been General Poe outright, rather than handing him the role in Act 3 without any follow through. The pacing of the film would’ve likely been better and the stakes would’ve shifted.
Jenna: There are many things I would change in this movie, but if I had to pick one, it would be that Ben would get to live in the end. I’ve heard arguments that he deserved to die because of everything that he’s done, but I would argue back that he deserves to live for those same reasons. Dying is easy, but living is hard. If he had lived, he wouldn’t have just been able to jump into the Resistance with open arms. He would’ve had to work for forgiveness. He deserved to live so that he could eventually earn that forgiveness. Not to mention that his dying also ripped away not only the first love that Rey ever had, but also her Force equivalent of a soulmate.
Heather: I’ll give you three because I do what I want:
Ben Solo should have lived and earned the right to his redemption. Being redeemed through death is cheap and manipulative and had already been done in the original trilogy. Tell a new story. Let the villain earn his redemption by actively righting their wrongs instead of just killing them off.
Rose going on the adventure with the trio. Her underutilization is disgustingly criminal.
Not making Poe a drug runner just for a laugh and a plot point. There wasn’t even a hint of shady behavior in the other two movies so pulling it out of left field was not only jarring but for fans who actually read the supplemental material, noticeably false.
What unanswered questions would you like to have been addressed?
Cam: How is Palpatine back? Why didn’t Rey’s dad show up to her all these years if he was Force Sensitive? If Palpatine created Snoke why didn’t he know about the Force Dyad until the end of the movie? Why didn’t Ben Solo’s force ghost show up? Why didn’t we see Rey mourn her canonical soulmate? What is happening between Finn and Rose?  Why was Kelly Marie Tran so terribly sidelined?
April: What is the confession Finn is trying to make? Yes, it has been purported that it’s pertaining to his force sensitivity. But this is a fact already known since The Force Awakens and one that he would not seek to hide from Poe, especially not in his potential dying moments. In fact, he mentions to Jannah that what led him away from the First Order was the force. We have no reason to believe force sensitivity is truly the secret.
Why didn’t Lando search for his missing daughter? The Visual Dictionary advises us that Jannah is Lando’s daughter and yet we are to believe that Lando has not spent the past 20 years searching for his daughter but stuck on another desert planet doing exactly nothing. Even the ending scene is ambiguous about who Jannah really is.
How did Palpatine survive being thrown down a shaft by Darth Vader and blown up in the second Death Star? We’re given no hints about that, although we are shown Palpatine hooked up to a crane like device receiving constant transfusions to a zombified corpse.
When did Palpatine even have time to have a child? Given the time frame, the only possible time for Rey’s father to have been, well…fathered is between “Revenge of the Sith” and “A New Hope” and I don’t know a lot of people who would have slept with Palpatine the way he looked back then.
How did Luke and Leia discover Rey was a Palpatine? Did Luke discover it in the Force? Was it just a feeling he had? Why did neither of them think to mention it to to Rey? Why did they continue to train her after discovering it?
Anika: How is Palpatine still alive and, if he created Snoke, why didn’t he know Ben and Rey were bonded? If Palpatine could find Ben in Leia’s womb, why couldn’t he find his granddaughter who shared his blood? Why didn’t Leia become a Force Ghost until Ben’s death and why didn’t Ben become one at all? Most importantly, I need to know where the Sith death eaters came from?
Logan: Does Rey ever find out that Finn has been pining for her for three films? That seemed like something important they introduced in The Force Awakens that got dropped for no reason. (Bonus: How was Palpatine behind Snoke this whole time? That made no sense whatsoever.)
Maggie: Why wasn’t Ben a Force Ghost at the end? Why did Rey decided to bury the lightsabers on Tatooine — a planet Luke despised, Anakin hated, and Leia never visited. How is the galaxy going to react to the granddaughter of Darth Sidious? How does Rey feel about the revelation? Why didn’t Rey mourn the loss of Ben? Why was Maz smiling when Leia vanished, given that Ben had died? Why was there so much focus on Rey staring at children? What was the point of the Force Dyad? What was the point of the visions in The Force Awakens? Why did the Knights of Ren exist? Why didn’t they just say Jannah is Lando’s daughter?
Jenna: How did Palpatine survive? What happened to Finn and Rose’s relationship? What was the point of Rey’s vision in The Last Jedi signifying that she was a nobody if she was a Palpatine? How did Ben not die after being thrown off the cliff? Why did the Jedi not help Ben? Why did the Jedi not do something to help heal Rey when she died after killing Palpatine? Why was Ben not a Force Ghost in the end? Why did we see such little reaction from Rey when Ben died? Why did Rey bury the lightsabers on Tatooine? Why did Leia wait to become one with the Force until Ben died, as if that’s something she wanted? Why did Rey take the Skywalker name instead of embracing that she didn’t need a name to make her special?
Heather: So many questions. How is Palpatine back? How did Ben get to Exegol if Rey stole his Tie Fighter on the Death Star? Why did Palps not know Ben and Rey had a force bond if Snoke claimed to create it and he created Snoke? Why did both Snoke and Palpatine want Kylo to kill Rey if in the end he wanted Rey to kill him instead? How was Poe ever a drug runner when in his comic he was born and raised on the Rebel base? If killing Palpatine would bring all of the Sith in to Rey’s body and she did in fact kill him, do all of the Sith and all of the Jedi live in her now? Why did Anakin say, “Rise and bring balance to the force like I did.” when Palpatine wasn’t dead meaning he didn’t bring balance to the force (and really his whole arc is now obsolete since he was in fact, not the chosen one after all)? There are more but if I kept going I would have an entire essay. 
Were you satisfied by the ending of the trilogy? Why or why not?
Cam: Not at all. This trilogy ended making an even bigger tragedy out of the Skywalkers, I can barely watch the other movies without thinking “this was all for nothing.” The one character that knew enough about the Skywalkers and survived the ordeal (Rey) is alone. What is there to be satisfied about?
April: As an ending to Luke’s story I am absolutely satisfied with the ending of the trilogy and as a fan of his, I’m happy with what we received for him, Leia and even Anakin. As a fan of the new trio, I find myself wanting more of their stories. Who are they besides a former scavenger, spice runner and stormtrooper? Yes, Rey is “all the Jedi” and the granddaughter of Palpatine but who is Rey? We’ve spent three films with her and her primary focus has always been saving a male of the Skywalker line, in “The Force Awakens” that’s Luke and in “The Last Jedi” and “The Rise of Skywalker” that’s Kylo.
Who is she when that’s not her primary focus? Now we’ll never know. Yes, Poe is a child of the resistance, a spice runner and, now, a general, but who is Poe? In both “The Force Awakens” and  “The Rise of Skywalker we see the beginnings of his story, a child of the resistance who, perhaps due to his parent’s deaths winds up a spice runner (something I don’t find as objectionable as many do-historically People of Color often do things deemed objectionable  to support themselves or their families in troubled times) before coming back into the resistance fold with the return of information about Luke Skywalker’s return. We are given hints of his time as a spice runner, a possible past romance with Zorrie and then nothing else.
Finn is perhaps the biggest mystery. Even his name is not his own, given to him by Poe upon their first meeting. We will never know who he came from, what specifically about “the force” drove him to leave the First Order and trust the Resistance. We’ll never learn more about his force sensitivity and what that means for his potential future as a Jedi, we’ll never learn about the other stormtroopers who are also potentially force sensitive. So much is left up to guesswork and it is the worst part of the ending to me.
Anika: I was not satisfied at all. As I said before, the redeemed hero dying is so predictable. The story of the Skywalkers ends as one of tragedy and not hope(I’m sorry saying you are a Skywalker does not make you one). Rey is back in the desert again. I really don’t see how some found this satisfying.
Logan: No, because now Han and Leia died for nothing. That is the worst ending I could have imagined for two heroes of their caliber.
Maggie: No. I genuinely do not know how anyone can be satisfied with that ending. Han, Leia, and Luke died for nothing. The Skywalker line is dead. A Palpatine is using their name. Rey is back on a desert planet, right where she began.
Jenna: No. I felt like I left the theater with more questions than when I walked in, and that’s never something you want from the conclusion of a trilogy. I walked out literally feeling used and abused.
Heather: No. I am not satisfied at all. As a whole this movie was a mess. I know that JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio want to place the blame of that on to literally everyone but themselves but the fact of the matter is Rian Johnson dismantled everything in The Last Jedi which gave them a fresh start to tell a different story. Instead, they pretended that TLJ didn’t happen at all, retconned everything that happened in it, and once again fell on to using what worked in the original trilogy, instead of doing what their paid to do and giving us a cohesive, good, imaginative story. Putting all of your faith in to a trilogy and thinking it’s going to lead somewhere that they assured you was hopeful and good and having the rug pulled from under you is not what I would call a good time.
Kylo Ren; Redeemed or not? Do actions speak louder than words?
Cam: Definitely yes. Adam Driver was given nearly 0 lines after the redemption, so it’s hard to speak about words here, but ultimately his character did everything in his power to fight Palpatine and save Rey, so, yes.
April: I do not believe that Kylo Ren was redeemed, nor do I believe it was ever in the cards for him to be redeemed. There is a common belief that Kylo turned due to abuse, but we are not canonically shown any evidence of this. Yes, a voice whispering in your head can be stressful, but Kylo was born to two of the biggest heroes in the resistance and nephew to another, even if he didn’t feel comfortable turning to Luke (and who can blame him) in the aftermath of Luke contemplating killing him, his parents were still there. In choosing to run to Snoke, Kylo made a choice that would forever taint his life. In each movie of the franchise, we continue to see Kylo choose darkness and power.
In “The Force Awakens” he slaughters a village to obtain information about his uncle. He kills Snoke to become the Supreme Leader, in “The Last Jedi”,  and when Rey offers him her hand, the final opportunity to truly do good, he refuses because his desire for power is stronger. Even as “The Rise of Skywalker” begins he is once again slaughtering people (who, to be fair, were a cult loyal to both Vader and Lady Corvax-but again, this information is not shown it is told in the Visual Dictionary). When he is searching out Palpatine it is, once again, to kill the person standing between him and the potential for true power. Kylo is, for all intents and purposes his grandfather all over again and neither of them deserved redemption in the true sense of the word.
Kylo’s last few acts, to run to Exegol, to fight against Palpatine and to give his life force to Rey are-ultimately much the same as his grandfather’s. He realizes that he’ll never truly have the ability to atone for his actions and so he gives his life to Rey, allowing her to be the balance his grandfather was always meant to be. This sacrifice is the most noble thing Kylo is ever shown to have done and because it comes so late in the trilogy, literally the final act of the final act, it is largely worthless. It is possible to give characters like Kylo real redemption (see Zuko of “The Last Airbender” fame) and it would perhaps have been possible even for Kylo, if only they’d begin his journey to that redemption in the end of “The Force Awakens” or the beginning of “The Last Jedi.”.
Anika: Redeemed. It’s been something I have wanted for him since The Force Awakens. I expected more with his redemption, however. He never got to express himself through words and I hate that he was sidelined for the fight with Palpatine. I’m glad we got a redemption, but it felt a little anti-climatic.
Logan: Not a fan of Kylo Ren, but I would say yes. I think as Han said, Kylo Ren is dead. We were seeing Ben Solo by the end of that movie and I wish we hadn’t had to say goodbye so soon. Adam Driver made him the perfect combination of Han and Leia and that could have been a joy to watch for more than just a few minutes.
Maggie: I have been rooting for Bendemption since The Force Awakens. The execution of redemption was awful. I would love to know what J.J. has against Adam Driver, because from the moment Kylo Ren is “redeemed” he speaks a single line of dialogue — “ow”. While I love the moment where Ben fights the Knights of Ren, I would’ve preferred some sort of dialogue as a trade. Not to mention the film starts with Kylo Ren reduced to his The Force Awakens persona and seems to forget The Last Jedi even happened. I got redemption, but at what cost?
Jenna: Kylo Ren being redeemed was one of the things I was looking forward to most this movie, but I was severely let down with how I got it. The scene with Kylo and Han was cheaply ripped straight from The Force Awakens. I believe they could have done this in a good way, but sadly, the way they chose to do it wasn’t the best. However, I did enjoy his scene on Exegol when he fought against the Knights of Ren. Unfortunately, this was also downplayed by Ben’s lack of dialogue in the whole end of the movie. After his redemption, we never get to hear him talk again, and then he dies.
Heather: Absolutely redeemed. Not only did Han explicitly say (and it doesn’t matter that it was in Kylo’s head because it’s what the writing wanted the audience to take away from the conversation by explicitly stating it) that “Kylo Ren is dead, my son is alive.” But Kylo threw his saber in to the ocean, picked up a blaster, and became Ben Solo. His mannerisms, his wardrobe, everything screamed, “I’m a different person now!” So, yes. It’s funny that you ask if actions speak louder than words though since the only word he said after his redemption was “Ow.” Don’t get me started.
Would you like to see more of the Skywalker saga? Is it put to rest?
Cam: Before watching Rise of Skywalker I would say no, but right now I kinda need one last movie to actually give justice to the Skywallkers. Just saying.
April: As I stated earlier, I believe that “The Rise of Skywalker” puts paid to the Skywalker Saga. I believe that their story has reached it’s natural, hard fought conclusion. I am satisfied with where our original characters have been left, with perhaps the exception of General Leia Organa but we all know why her story ended the way it did. With that being said, I would be interested in following the story of our sequel trio for one more film, watching them truly discover themselves and their reason independent of the influence of the Skywalker family. I’d also love a story about Rose Tico and Paige Tico, if Kelly Marie Tran would be interested.
Anika: In the current state of affairs, no. If they explain that Ben isn’t really dead, but exists in the World between worlds and there is a quest to bring him back, I’m all for it. I don’t see how you continue the saga without a Skywalker. Again, I don’t count Rey as one because she says so.
Logan: Unless they can give me a do over of this entire movie then no. Leave it lying in it’s own mediocrity. It’s what Abrams, Kennedy, and crew deserve for allowing fear of a fandom to dictate their every decision. They were afraid of giving any one group something so, as a result, no one got anything. Let’s just put the Skywalkers out of their misery and move on to new characters and new sagas. (Once again, unless I can get a do over of the final film in the saga which will never happen.)
Maggie: Look, if it’s the actual Skywalkers and not Rey Palpatine using their name, then sure. I keep saying I would love to see them create something like The Clone Wars to improve upon this terribly rushed film.
Jenna: I would only like to see more of the Skywalker saga if they would bring back Ben. Put an actual Skywalker on my screen, or I don’t want it.
Heather: I’m not particularly thrilled that at the end of the “Skywalker Saga”  all of the Skywalker’s are actually dead. In fact, I’m downright bitter about it and don’t find that satisfying in any way whatsoever. So, I think after a rest (perhaps 5-10 years) I would like to see more of the Skywalker Story. Maybe Ben is in the World Between Worlds paying penance, maybe Force Ghost Luke is getting up to some after life shenanigans. I don’t know but I do know that I’d love to see it.
Who is your favorite character of the sequel trilogy?
Cam: Ben Solo.
April: My favorite character in this last installment of the Skywalker Saga is Finn. Former stormtrooper turned resistance hero his story is what a lot of people wanted Kylo Ren’s to be. He’s bold and protective of his found family. He’s kind and generous and, even as he makes mistakes, he works consistently to correct them. He has never left a friend behind. He is loyal and fair. His choice to consistently do “the right thing” when every piece of his upbringing tells him otherwise is hero-worthy. I’m so grateful that he was created and so grateful that John Boyega was chosen to breathe life into him.
Anika: Kylo Ren, hands down. He was more of an emotional, adult child still seeking love and approval than a real villain to me. His struggle with the Light that’s still a part of him, his connection to Rey which is his first real connection to anyone in years, his vulnerability and his redemption made him more than a one dimensional villain. No one could have done this character any more justice than Adam Driver did.
Logan: If I discount one off characters then Poe Dameron. He’s a lot like Han Solo, who has been the love of my life for as far back as I can remember. Also, his introduction in The Force Awakens is one of my all time favorite sequel trilogy moments and I loved him butting heads with Holdo all through The Last Jedi. He was also was the sole character in our main trio to truly keep me invested in this last film.
Maggie: I’m torn between Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron. I think they’re both phenomenal characters and I only wish that the final film had done better with their storylines.
Jenna: Kylo Ren is my absolute favorite. Watching his internal conflict turn to redemption, hate for Rey turn to love, and everything in between was what captivated me to this trilogy. It also helps that Adam Driver is such an amazing actor. He could make watching a cactus interesting.
Heather: Despite being Reylo Trash (which I am and have the necklace that says so to prove it), after much thought I think I’m going to give my favorite character award to Rose. While she was disgustingly underutilized and truly only got one movie to show her stuff I find myself often thinking about “We win not by fighting what we hate but saving what we love.” I find Rose to be an inspirational character. She’s tough but loving. She seems less like a character and more like someone I would know in reality. I don’t know if my love for Rose is for the character herself or because of Kelly Marie Tran’s performance of her but that’s my final answer.
Do you agree? Disagree? Love it, hate it? Either way sound off below in the comments or find us on twitter @TVSource. Thank you to all of our wonderful participants for giving us your wonderful, well thought out answers!
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matrixaffiliate · 4 years
Re-blog Tag
The fabulous @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world tagged me to re-blog a fic I’m proud of. Thank you so much darling <3
If anyone wants to play consider yourself tagged. I’ll tag @gryffindorhealer @thisismegz @petals-to-fish @pansexualsnuffles
Glimpsing Happiness
FFN and AO3
I wrote this wonderful piece with @hufflepuffmarlenemckinnon and it’s still one of my favorite ones to go back and read. I’ll post just the first two chapters here, but if you follow the links above they’ll take you to the full 34K word story. I hope you enjoy this WWII Blackinnon AU!
Chapter 1
Marlene straightened her veil and smoothed the creases out of her white apron before grabbing her gray woolen coat. She chuckled bitterly at the lies she and Mary had told themselves when the war began. September seemed like a dream not just over half a year ago.
When she'd interviewed for the QAIMNS to be a military nurse she'd been a bit startled at being asked to wait afterward. The officer had returned to the waiting room ten minutes later and handed her a packet. Open only in the event of war was printed across the front. He thanked her and sent her on her way. When Mary had the same packet after her interview, Marlene at least knew it wasn't a ploy. Marlene still remembered the chill she felt when England declared war. She and Mary opened their packets together in Marlene's room. The fact that they'd been assigned to the same place was a miracle within itself. War had a habit of pulling everyone apart. But they thought Netley would be an adventure back then. They thought they would be by the sea and have beautiful scenery to live in and that this was how they'd make a difference. Though if she was honest, Marlene would have preferred being handed a rifle and marching orders. But she had to take what she could get.
“Ready Marls?” Mary came out of the loo and walked to the small bed adjacent to the one Marlene sat upon. Her Majesty's nurses were being put up in qualified dwellings, but Marlene knew the stories from The Great War and she refused to become attached to this small flat as home.
Home was London. Home was the bustling streets where she would run to school with her brother and sister. Home was making fun of her older brother for pinning after the shop girl. Home was her younger sister playing their grandmother's violin because she had the gift. Home was her mum's Sunday dinners and her seamstress work all over the sitting room. Home was the smell of her dad's pipe tobacco wafting through their small house and his hugs that made her feel understood. Home was when everyone thought that the world had seen it's worst war. This, well this was anything but home.
Marlene sighed and grabbed her gloves, “Let's get this wretched walk over with.”
Mary tutted, “Just think of it as a pleasant stroll near the seaside.”
Marlene playfully pulled one of Mary’s black curls from under her veil, “I can always count on you to be a bright ball of sunshine can't I?”
Mary reached up and grabbed one of Marlene's blonde ringlets. Marlene flinched as the lock of hair caught on Mary's wedding band, “Your fault for wearing the sun on your head, Sister.”
The women began their trek up to Netley Hospital. The cold spring air whipped against them and Marlene nearly lost her veil twice. It was biting cold and their fingers and toes ached as they climbed the hill. There's a reason that it took two steam engines for the trains to reach the hospital station, Marlene mused as she braced herself against the wind that threatened to knock her back down the hill.
When they finally made it to the hospital doors, Marlene groaned. The entry to the hospital was most peculiar and if she was being honest, downright disturbing. This grand entry served as some sort of deranged circus. All the skulled momentos of animals that had been collected across the British Empire. Beasts really, she shuddered and practically dragged Mary past it all as quickly as possible. Marlene didn't think she'd ever become accustomed to it.
“They really aren't all that bad, Sister Marlene,” Mary smirked and stopped to admire what was labeled as an elephant skull.
“Sister Mary, we're going to be late if we don't step to it and the Matron won't thank us for it.”
Mary sighed and removed her coat before adjusting her scarlet tippet, “Well then off we go.”
They walked to their Matron’s office, nodding politely and grabbed their assignments off the wall covered in file folders.
“Bollocks,” Marlene muttered as they walked out and she opened her folder.
Mary peered over her shoulder, “Oh dear.”
“I was supposed to be done this week!” Marlene groaned. “Private Fenwick will be cleared and on his way to the station by now and I was supposed to be done with Quarantine because we'd have no more patients. But no! We had to get a typhoid fever patient!”
“But we sent vaccines over to France. He should have been vaccinated, it was mandated, David told me so.” Mary’s husband had been sent over to France with the British Expeditionary Force.
“The vaccine isn't a guarantee, Sister. He's probably one of the lucky ones.” Marlene huffed and snapped her folder shut.
“Yes,” Mary rolled her eyes, “very lucky, indeed.”
“Enjoy surgical recovery,” Marlene tipped her head as they reached Mary's ward.
“Enjoy your walk,” Mary blew her a kiss before walking into the first room of her ward.
Marlene started her near quarter-mile trek to the far side of Netley Hospital. She'd gone home last night looking forward to a new assignment, to being done with the Quarantine patient. Not that Private Fenwick was a bad sort, but Marlene was tired of being sequestered off with the shy little ward maid, Arabella Figg. She was a sweet enough lady, but she always insisted on talking about the cats she bread and Marlene wasn't particularly fond of cats, she was more of a dog person actually, so their conversations fizzled out quickly.
“Sister Marlene,” Arabella smiled kindly at her as she pulled the sheets off of Private Fenwick's cot. “I told them to put your new patient by the window. Not much of a view, but I thought a bit of sun would do the poor officer good.”
“Thank you, Arabella,” Marlene nodded and walked to the far end of the room where a man lay unconscious under his blankets. Opening the chart, Marlene sighed, “Welcome home, Captain Black.”
Chapter 2
It started out like just a common cold. Sirius did his best to ignore the blaring headache and aches in his muscles. He was fighting in a bloody war; he had more important things to focus on than the damned sniffles.
But within a few weeks, it was high fevers to the point of full-on delirium. No amount of Iron-will stubbornness could have kept him on the field after that. He was lucky someone had dragged him off to sick bay before his vision gave out.
Losing his sight was quite jarring, even to a mind that was preoccupied with the fact it was boiling. Was he dying? Where was he? What was happening?
He woke up, and by virtue of doing so, he was fairly sure he wasn’t dead. He didn’t quite have a gage on how long he was unconscious, but when he woke he was absolutely sure he’d been moved.
The smell.
This was some sort of infirmary or hospital. It smelled like sickness. Death and dying. Was he next? What sort of soldier dies of the sniffles? Uncle Alphard would be ashamed.
Or he would have been...He was gone now. Sirius winced. The news of his favorite Uncle’s passing was fresh. The letter had only come a week before the nosebleeds began.
Uncle Alphard had been his hero. The only person he could really look up to in that whole god-forsaken family. He was also just about the only blood relation that Sirius had who hadn’t been ashamed of him.
To be fair, the shame went both ways. Having grown up in a house with his 1st cousin, Bellatrix Black, who kissed the ground that Herr Hitler walked on, was not something that Sirius was particularly proud of. Leaving aside the constant rumors that she was intimately close to the Führer and may or may not be pregnant with his horrible Nazi hellspawn. Sirius didn’t even believe that last bit, but he felt sure that Bella wished it were true. She’d had these awful framed photos of him up in her bedroom when they were children. She was living her dream… It disgusted him and he didn’t bring it up if he could help it.
Instead, he attempted to shake off any hints of German in his speech and mannerisms. This was a monumental task for someone who spoke German from the nursery. In truth, he was a quarter British, if that. His mother’s mother was a Granddaughter of Queen Victoria herself. But they’d married Germans, as the British nobility had been wont to do, and consequently, his Mother’s noble house of Black, was about as German as anyone in Europe.
His father was bitter that he never got to wear the crown he had lived his life thinking that he deserved. He’d never fully adjusted. It was a far fall from His Royal Highness Orion, Crown Prince of Saxony, to an untitled exile, taking his wife’s name and live off her relatives' generosity.
Things were always tense at Uncle Cygnus’s generosity and his estate in Berkshire. Sirius and Cygnus’s middle daughter, Andromeda, clung to each other, and their uncle Alphard, in the midst of all these disgruntled Germans. The three of them were all that was left, well before England declared war. The others contended that Herr Hitler had the right idea about the Herrenmenschen. Transparently desperate to be superior to someone after losing their titles, they made their choice.
Sirius felt that he had to make choices of his own, despite being only 15 at the time. He’d opted to stay behind with his best mate from Eton, James Potter, and Uncle Alphard. This decision, and his iron-will refusal to do as he was told, did not go over well.
His mother berated him for his choices, saying he was a traitor to his blood. He said they were traitors to his country. This was the country that had educated him and taught him to be a man more than she ever could. So his parents and younger brother went on their way to support the Fürher and Sirius Black did his damnedest to be an English Gentleman through and through. That was that.
Apparently, being an English Gentleman did nothing to fend off typhoid fever. So he was to convalesce at the rather unpleasant smelling Netley Hospital for the time being.  
Those were amongst the words of the commanding baritone voice, was it a doctor? A medic? How was Sirius supposed to know? He couldn’t bloody see. How did people manage to live like this?
This was going to get old very quickly, if, like the voice informed him, he was going to live through it. Six weeks as a blind invalid?
“Welcome home, Captain Black” the sound of his name startled him out of his half unconscious state.
“Did you say home? Are you sure about that? I think perhaps I died and went to Hell. Are you Hell’s secretary?”
“I beg your pardon! I’m Sister Marlene McKinnon. I’m charged with taking care of you while you recover here at Netley. So I recommend you be a bit nicer to me. You just asked the woman who’ll handle all your meals and medication for the next… ooooh six weeks is it… if she was Hell’s secretary.”
“And I’m still not convinced that you’re not. Sister Marlene. Are you a nun? I’m afraid I find myself dreadfully blind at the moment. You’ll have to tell me; are you wearing one of those nun head what’s-its?”
“Well, this is going to be an eventful six weeks… No, Captain Black, I’m not a nun. Sister is a rank. Sister is my rank in Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.”
“Ah yes. Great Aunt Alix. That was the funeral of the season when I was six.” He remarked casually.
“Captain, I don’t care if her Majesty herself was your aunt. You still have to be polite.”
“Do I? Is there a law? ‘Here in Hell, we must be polite’? I must say, that’s unexpected. Here I was thinking the Devil would be lax with the rules. Shows what I know.”
Sirius was pretty sure he heard the woman, Sister Marlene, groan.
“I’ll be back in an hour, Captain Black. Perhaps by then you’ll have reconsidered your attitude.” Her clipped footsteps faded towards what must have been the door.
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cynicalwonders · 5 years
Today is my birthday! And since it’s my b-day, I’ve decided to post the first chapter of a thriller-fic I’ve been working for the month of spooks and chills. For those of you who may remember, a few years back I did a poll of which fics I should work on in order. One of those prompts was given the working title of ‘Blackwoods’, this is it but with a new name and some changes done to it. I know I’m supposed to work on my other fics (GWE, Glass Slipper, etc) but this one got my creative juices flowing and will probably help me get back into writing. So without further ado, please enjoy:
Summary:  The classes of Dupont takes a winter field trip to a cozy ski-resort in the French Alps. Many use the cold climate to have free-range for fun in the snow or get closer together with their crushes in time for the holidays. However, a snowstorm has trapped the resort guest in their hotel and panic starts settling in. Is this a case of cabin fever or is there something sinister lurking in the mountains.
“I cannot wait for this trip!” Marinette skipped around her room, pulling out several articles of clothing from her various drawers and trunks. “Two weeks at a ski-resort! Right before the winter holidays!”
Tikki giggled as her holder zipped back and forth around her room. Thanks to the ‘generosity' of Chloe Bourgeois – correction: begging and whining to her father – she had gotten the school to agree to host a pre-winter break field trip to one the best ski resorts in the country. How was that possible? Well, it may be because the owner of the resort, one Rodolphe Boivin, was Chloe’s uncle and would ‘adore having his favorite niece and her class over at his resort.’
Chloe’s words, not her.
Whatever the reason, the entire school was treated to an all-expense-paid stay to the Chateau Boivin. Of course, the catch would be that the students provide good reviews for the resort and promise not to break anything, signed contracts and all. Everyone was abuzz with excitement, many thanking the blonde who soaked up the praise with unconcealed glee. Students started making plans on what they wanted to do at the resort when they arrived. From skiing to snowboarding, 24-hours spas, 5-star dining, horse-drawn sleighs, and even a wine festival, Chateau Boivin goes all out every winter.
"When we arrive, I'm going to unpack all my stuff then grab an early lunch," Marinette recited out loud. "Then I'm going to talk to the activities director to book a ski lesson for the next day. Explore the place and figure out everything is located, maybe take a dip in the Jacuzzi and end the day with a nice dinner.”
“Promise to bring me back something sweet,” Tikki chirped.
“Of course,” smiled Marinette. “From what I read, this place hires some excellent pâtissiers for their dessert menu and café.”
“Better than your parents?” joked Tikki.
“Hmmm, maybe a close second.” Marinette joked, still rummaging through her things.
“You sure you’re not packing too many things?” asked the kwami.
“Just the essentials. Plus dad will take this down in the morning. Hopefully, he won't start crying again."
“My poor baby is leaving us!” Tikki mimicked her dad’s earlier reaction to the trip. “I knew this day would come but it’s too soon!”
“Dad, it’s just two weeks,” Marinette narrated her part. “Please don’t cry. I promise to call every day.”
Both giggled as she continued packing up her stuff. Clothing, shoes, toiletries, first aid kit, and some emergency cash just in case. She even packed up her sketchbook if she got inspired, as well as some tiny jackets she knitted for Tikki. Even if Tikki wasn't that affected by the cold, the little kwami looked adorable in a wool sweater.
“Alright! I think that’s everything!” exclaimed Marinette, finally closing the suitcase.
“Can you lift it?”
Marinette hoisted the bag over her shoulder with ease. “Over a year of swinging atop rooftops and fighting super-powered villains builds up muscle strength.”
“The fact that you can throw Chat Noir at an akuma should have let you know.”
“I thought that was another superpower while as Ladybug,” replied Marinette.
“Nope, that all Marinette-power,” cheered Tikki.
Marinette shook her head and smiled. Her little kwami watched as her holder cheerfully babbles about her plans for the resort. Seeing her smile so widely made the kwami really how long it has been since her wielder felt so content. For a while, a fog of sadness seemed to have washed over the poor girl. Everything she did or said felt halfhearted. Schoolwork, homework, designing, all done with half the effort and half the enthusiasm. And Tikki knew what – or rather, who – was the cause of all these…
On cue, the designer’s phone chimed with a text message. Glancing down, Marinette smiled faded. Sighing, she responded to the text before tossing it on her chaise. Tikki read over the message and her smile, too, faded.
Alya: Hey girl! All packed up for the trip? Can’t wait until we get there! Lila promised to give us some snowboarding lessons while we're there. Her cousin won gold in the Olympics for snowboarding! I'm so excited!
Marinette: okay.
“Marinette…” Tikki gave her a sad look.
“It’s fine,” she cut her off. “I’ll just politely refuse, say I already booked a lesson. If Alya lectures me again, then so be it. I’m used to it by now.”
Tensions between Marinette and her classmate were still present after the whole expulsion-debacle. Even with her classmates ‘apologizing' to her, though she doubts they were truly apologetic, they still felt that she was being unfair to Lila because of her illness. And suddenly her love and care for her classmates started to dissipate.
Even Adrien – sweet, perfect Adrien – didn’t seem all that sweet or perfect. While he assured her that he was on her side, his action seemed to express another thing. While he didn’t want to out the liar, he didn’t try to protect their classmates either. Marinette could see the hope and excitement in her classmates’ eyes. So hopeful to believe in Lila. Believing she had the power to deliver their dreams to them on a silver platter. Sacrificing their energy, time and money to pamper her so she, in turn, would reward them for their generosity.
Never did Marinette feel a stronger urge to vomit when she realized that.
What did Adrien expect to happen when the truth about Lila's lies came out? Did he think that everything would go back to normal? That Lila would learn her lesson and become a good person? Maybe that was the naïve optimism that Adrien possessed. And while Marinette would love for that to happen, it didn't fix everything. Not the months she spent isolated from the others. The cruel words they spat at her. The glares and stares. Disappointed sighs. Like she was the cruel one. The unreasonable one.
Suddenly she was busy with online commissions or her parents needed an extra set of hands at the bakery or she had to babysit Manon. Any excuse just to avoid them all. Marinette, the girl filled with love and compassion and sweetness, felt bitterness, anger, and disgust festering inside her. She didn’t want to feel this way, especially towards her classmates, people whom she has known and loved for years. But…
‘You’d think they would at least consider what I said,’ Marinette thought. ‘With how long I’ve known them and what I did to help them…you would think…’
Marinette shook her head and took several deep breaths. Master Fu's breathing exercises would calm her down and wash out any negative thoughts. And give the following few weeks since Lila's return, Marinette has made it a routine to do them before, during and after school. The last thing she needs is another near akumazation and lose Tikki thanks to that little liar.
“Don’t worry Marinette,” her kwami consoled. “You can use this trip to reconnect with your friends.”
“Unless they invite Lila…” Marinette could not remember a single outing she had Alya had without the blogger trying to add Lila. Not that she had trouble doing so, Lila just loved to force herself between Mari and her friends.
“Maybe you and Alya can do a girl’s night,” suggested Tikki. “Just the two of you.”
“Maybe…” Marinette said, but her voice held some hesitation in the idea.
“Marinette!” Sabine’s echoed from below. “Did you finish packing?”
“Yes, maman,” answered Marinette, opening the hatched door. “All packed up and ready to go.”
“Well don’t tell your father that,” her mother gave a small chuckle. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
“Okay, I’ll get change and come down,” Marinette replied.
Marinette quickly changed into her pajamas so she could jump into bed after dinner. These pajamas were thicker, made from wool as the snow started covering the glittering city. The Dupain-Cheng shared a dinner of Boeuf Bourguignon, potato gratin and hot chocolate for dessert. Pleasantries were passed around along with reminders from parents to take care of herself and to bundle up when leaving the resort.
After dinner wrapped up, Marinette dashed back into her room, doing last-minute checks on her stuff. Just as she finished, her phone rang. Apprehensive, she picked up her phone and sighed in relief. Tapping on the video chat button, her screen opened up to reveal a familiar elder fiddling with his own cell.
 “Ah! Marinette good to see you...hold on...” she giggled as Fu’s screen kept moving around the room before finally settling on his face. “There, better! Thank you Wayzz.”
“Yes, thank you, Wayzz,” giggled Marinette.
“Are all packed up and ready to go?” asked Master Fu.
“Yes…” whined Marinette. “You’re like my parents.”
“They mean you well,” the Chinese man smiled. “This trip will be good for you.”
“Will you be alright by yourself?” she asked.
“Marinette, I am over a hundred years old. I can handle a little frozen weather. You should have seen the blizzards and snowstorms they had near the temple when I was your age!"
“But what about Hawkmoth? What if he…”
“Do not worry about him,” Master Fu waved off her concern. “Around this season, he’s more subdued due to Nooro’s sensitivity to the cold.”
“Speaking of ‘sensitivity to the cold,’” Marinette turned to Tikki, who was snuggled up in one of her pigtails.
“Insect like ladybugs and butterfly usual hibernate during the colder months,” explained Master Fu. “Even if Tikki and Nooro aren't actual insects, they do share similarities in their nature and habits."
“Good thing I made some tiny jackets and mittens for Tikki here,” Marinette teased, patting her kwami on the head.
“She should be fine. We did a regular healing session, so she won’t fall ill while on the trip,” replied Master Fu. “So I suggest you take full advantage of your time to have fun while up in the mountains. Just be warned that snowstorms are sudden, so stick close to shelter.”
"Are you sure it is alright for me to leave for this trip?” asked Marinette. “I can cancel…”
“No, no, no,” Master Fu wagged his finger at her. “This trip is for you to enjoy yourself. No Miraculous usage. No akuma attacks. Take this time to relax and replenish your energy.”
Despite Fu’s insistence, Marinette still felt a bit nervous about leaving Paris unprotective for such a length of time. With both her and Chat Noir – he was also going out of town! What are the odds?! – out of the city, Hawkmoth might take this as an opportunity to wreak havoc upon Parisian citizens.
Fu smiled and assure her that Hawkmoth would be too busy to do any sort of attack. How could he be so confident that Hawkmoth wouldn’t attack while she was gone? Marinette didn’t get a direct response, just a wink from the elder man and a giggle from his kwami. His secrecy to certain things was still in effect. The pigtailed girl just sighed and took the guardian’s word for it.
Truthfully, she felt grateful to have time for herself. Even if she didn't hang out with her friends, her time was still stretched between akuma attacks, classes, commissions, and homework. Top it off with Lila's manipulation and isolation, her stress levels were through the roof. Two weeks away at a luxurious resort seemed like a perfect opportunity for her. Even with Lila there.
“Marinette! Light’s out!” her mother’s voice called out from below. “You don’t want to be tired for tomorrow.”
“You best go to bed,” replied Master Fu. “We shall talk another day.”
“Goodnight, Master Fu,” replied Marinette before ending the call.
Adrien sighed as he finished his disappointing dinner – a small piece of salmon with a dry salad, water and a piece of bread – before heading back to his room. His house echoed with the bitter December winds, creating a cacophony of loud, wailing noises. Such noises would normally cause people to assume the home was haunted, but Adrien just took it as a sign that he was alone.
Both Gabriel and Nathalie had been busy throughout the entire week, getting ready for next year’s Spring fashion line and fulfilling the last of the orders for his winter collection. All staffers were excused for the holidays. Even Gorilla had been scarcely seen in the past few days, sticking to his driving duties as Adrien's modeling schedule was wrapping up. Had it not been for Plagg and Nino’s skype calls, the blonde believed he would go mad.
Speaking of Plagg, the tiny cat was busy stuffing his face with his signature camembert cheese. “How was dinner?” he asked, voice muffled by cheese.
Adrien shrugged his shoulder as he sat on his bed. “By the way,” continued Plagg. “Your friend texted you a few minutes ago.”
Smiling, Adrien snatched his phone and read all his messages. Most of them were from Chloe, some from his classmate, but his most recent was from Nino.
Nino: Hey! You ready?
Adrien: Yep! Everything is all packed up.
Nino: I’m so stoked for this trip! It’s going to be awesome! I looked up online and this place has an underground dance room. Think we can sneak in and use it?
Adrien: I’m sure if we ask, they’ll let us use it. Or Chloe could ask.
Nino: Aww, but that takes out the fun of it :(
Adrien: I just don’t want to get in trouble
Nino: Ah yes, the sunshine child. Mr. Goody-two shoes.
Adrien: Hey! I can be bad! I can be a rebel!
Nino: Dude, I can’t believe you typed that XD Sorry to tell you this, but you’re probably the last person that I can see breaking the rules.
Adrien chuckled at reading that. He could only imagine what Nino would think if he told him that most of his night was spent hopping off rooftops in black leather. Probably laugh, thinking he was joking.
Adrien: You never know, I may surprise you!
Nino: Sure~ anyway, we're are rooming together right?
Adrien: Yeah, Chloe made sure to put us together. We're on the fifth floor, #512
Nino: Sweet! Do you know where everyone else is?
Adrien: Not everyone. Chloe showed me the room placements and our class is on the fifth floor.
Nino: So the entire fifth floor is ours? Nice! Party all night!
Adrien: I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Mme. Mendeleiev and her class are on the floor below us. Do you want to disturb her with your music?
Nino: Uh…did I say party all night? I mean going to bed on time and making no noise after curfew.
Adrien: Smart. I’ll just ask Chloe if we can use the dance room.
Nino: Fine, we’ll go the easy way. Gotta go, mom’s telling me to go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow. Night.
Adrien: Night.
After sending his text, Adrien quickly changed into his pajamas and went over his luggage again. Even though Nathalie told him to leave things as is, no changes or add ons, Adrien thought it best to sneak in some games and emergency cheese for Plagg. And his father’s birthday scarf.
“I cannot wait for the trip,” Adrien smiled, giddy with excitement. His formerly sober mood gone and replaced with that of unbridled joy.
Class had been, for lack of a better term, tense in the past few months. Ever since Marinette was nearly expelled. And while the class did apologize and Marinette accepted, he could see the hurt and pain in her eyes. Like she didn’t believe them and was accepting their apology to be polite. And even after the incident, Lila kept lying and trying to attack Marinette, though indirectly this time.
Marinette's solution to all this: avoiding everyone in class like the plague.
He could see it: the excuses, the non-verbal answer, the fact that she physically kept her distance from them when in a group. Not to mention the fact that she had mentioned multiple times that she was helping with her parents' deliveries, only for Chat Noir to spot her on the opposite side of the city sketching or shopping. Not like he could confront her with that. Most likely it will cause her to distance herself further from the group. He hated that she was pulling away and he hated that he couldn't do anything about it.
But maybe this trip could change all that! A small resort filled with activities and games, getting in the early holiday spirit, hanging out with the class as a group. Maybe, just maybe, they can rekindle that friendship with Marinette. Maybe Lila will finally back off and leave her alone. Maybe things will finally go back to normal.
“Ugh, why couldn’t you have gotten a tropical vacation,” moaned Plagg. “I hate the cold. Frostbite, cold snaps, blizzards, and worse of all: frozen cheese!”
“They have heating in the resort,” responded Adrien, rolling his eyes. “Your cheese will be fine.”
“Frozen cheese is no laughing matter!” whined Plagg. “I still remember that awful blizzard of ’93. All my stock supply of cheese was frozen over! Cracked! Broken! Even when they thawed out, the flavor and texture turned to mush! Like eating moldy oatmeal!”
“Plagg! Gross!” Adrien gave a disgusted look. “I don’t need to hear that.”
“And I don’t need to suffer the consequences of frozen cheese!” Plagg wept.
“Well keep that whining to a minimum when we’re at the resort since the rooms are shared,” the blonde remarked.
Plagg groaned. “Great. So not only do I have to suffer through cheese freezing, I’ll be spending my days being stuffed inside a bag.”
“You’ll stay in the room while I’m out with my friends. Just be careful if any maids or cleaning staff come in.”
“And try not to stink up the room when you eat,” he stated. “I don’t want to get weird looks from my friends.”
Plagg continued to groan even louder, annoying Adrien. “I promise if you stay as quiet as a mouse and not cause trouble for the entire trip, I’ll buy you a whole crate of fancy imported cheese.”
“…what kind of cheese?” questioned Plagg.
“Every kind,” Adrien smirked. “Hard and soft. From abertam cheese to xynotyro. Just promise to be on your best behavior and it will all be yours.”
“…very well,” Plagg straighten himself out. "I'll be a good kitty. Heck, I'll act like one of those snooty, pageant cats that are on TV." The kwami gave a fake lick to his paw and meowed in a condescending tone.
“How about you just stay hidden and we’ll be good.”
“Fine, ruining my fun,” Plagg smirked before landing on the pillow next to Adrien and immediately fell asleep.
Adrien, however, kept going through his phone. Giddiness vibrated through his body as he pictured his next two weeks by himself. It took weeks and weeks of begging and bargaining with his father to even tolerate the idea let alone consider it. But Adrien persevered, getting top grades in his class, nailed all his photoshoots and stuck with his daily schedule – save a few times he had to fight an akuma – before his father looked at the permission sheet.
In the end, it all paid off! His father read over the contract, signed it and had Nathalie go over the details with Mme. Bustier to make sure everything was on the up and up. Mayor Bourgeois and M. Boivin even spoke to him to ensure that no harm would come to the young Adreste while at the Chateau Boivin. Over the top? Yes, but it was normal for Gabriel Adreste. Though it could be forgiven as this would be Adrien's first time away from his father for an extended period.
‘Two weeks on my own,’ Adrien smiled. ‘No hectic schedules. No extra lessons. Just two weeks of having fun and hanging out with my friends!’
“This will be the best vacation ever!” the blonde yawned before falling asleep.
(I can’t do line break for some reason so apologies for the rows of dots in advance)
Not any spooks in this chapter but its a slow-burn towards the actual actions so please be patience. Next chapter is coming soon <3
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