#cursed post haha
rainbow-taishi · 7 months
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Cursed post
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gnomeantics · 1 year
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i love knowing basic css
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toiri · 3 months
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drew like a dark, fucked up version of a cat haha
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kaiotisk · 2 years
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the angel at your shoulder does not speak so sweetly anymore
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pepurika · 9 months
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Found this old thing..
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skywerse · 2 months
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I designed finch's dad!!!!
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dilhhindustani · 2 months
In another universe I'm not the eldest daughter
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where-is-vivian · 1 year
[my fic in a nutshell pt.2]
James, wiggling his eyebrows: I'll make you blush, Regulus.
Regulus: Your flirting skills are shitty.
James: Yeah? What do you know about flirting anyway?
Regulus, with a straight face, without looking away: Je sais très bien comment flirter, et si j'en avais le courage, je te dirais comment me faire rougir de mille manières, pour que jamais plus tu n'essayes de séduire quiconque d'autre. (I know very well how to flirt, and if I was brave enough, I'd tell you thousands ways to make me blush, so that you'll never ever flirt with anyone else.)
James, clueless, blushing hard: *speechless*
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If Jesus Christ Superstar came out in 2015 🤭
Based on the glorious original
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
I find it really funny that Dazai has, if my memory serves me right, has swore only two times in the whole manga (he seldom swears even at his enemies, he an annoyingly polite boy) and both times coz of Fyodor... like this man made Dazai-annoy-everyone-around-me-to-death-Osamu go WTF at his antics
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I bet if Fyodor drops his mask of the perfectly-in-control mastermind and let loose, he's gonna be weirder than Dazai + Gogol combined. Sigma hasn't seen the worst of this gang yet...
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slowjamastan · 2 months
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this ad has been on my dash TWICE man what the hell
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desultory-novice · 3 months
"Brighter Skies"
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...Ended up drawing this while working on other sketches. Because my brain is just wired for wistful, emotional takes I guess XD
Arguably, White-Haired Noir, the Noir who lived, is the Noir who had the hardest journey learning to love not hate himself. Teenage Noir could have never imagined this kind of life for him, because his whole life, he'd just been waiting to die.
In Darkened Skies, when he makes a soft, restrained plea to Kirby for that blessed mercy kill, some part of him was relieved, calm even, that he'd finally survived to the point where he might at last be set free from the pain of living. An ironic wish...
It's a damn hard thing to learn: to live and live positively for yourself. To trust and move forward even though you're lost and confused and making constant dumb mistakes and there's no one around to reassure you, "Of course you're a good big brother!" (or whatever else one might be) when, hell, you don't FEEL good on the inside, but somehow you still NEED to hear it. And to hear it from someone else, because you've lost the ability to trust your own voice ages ago...
Kirby's "stop" is referring back to asking Dark Matter Swordsman to stop the invasion of Popstar (1) but in a general context can also be read as "I'm glad you learned to stop hurting yourself."
(1) Random Apologies AU AU Lore
As White-Haired Noir grew up, he became aware that he is only alive because he exists in a branch dimension. He was never supposed to survive. Adeleine was. His fate was always to become Dark Matter's Swordsman and be consumed, body and soul. You only have to live on Popstar for a while to pick up on the existence of alternate dimensions/timelines, and Adult Noir knows he is living in one. 
Kirby, through some mysterious power no one can explain, is also aware of this. Furthermore, on occasion, he expresses explicit, true knowledge of the main timeline, while Noir himself only has guesses about how a world without him would have played out.
(These sideways flashes mean that this Kirby does know about and misses playing with Adeleine, same as he would miss the absence of any of his friends, but Apologies AU AU Kirby cares equally about Noir. He could not trade one sibling/one friend for the other.) (2)
Even when he wasn't sure his existence was an anomaly, White-Haired Noir spent most of his later teenage years trying to find a way to "fix things," to either trade his life back for Adeleine's or to bring her back through some other means. It was following the Apologies AU Star Dream incident where Noir finally realized pursuing this path would only end up with him dead and no one happy. He began, at last, to accept his own reality not as an anomaly or a mistake but as something fragile, yes, something unprepared for, yes, but entirely and wholly for him and to start to cherish his own existence.
Now, if you were to wave a wish granting star or magic wand in front of Noir, he would solemnly decline it. And if you dropped a random AU Adeleine in his lap, he would do no more than give his alternate sister the warmest hug (she would be willing to accept XD) and tell her that, whether his words sound like utter nonsense or not, "Your older brother wishes you all the happiness in the world."
Then he'd send her back on her way.
This is ki~nd of meta-textual based on the fact that while Kirby isn't ever really like "Oh man, Meta Knight's not in this game!" we the players are aware of it and put our feelings into Kirby.
...Or something. I thought it was a fun idea at least?! ^^
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hee-blee-art · 15 days
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happy nine years everybody
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lovegiroke · 3 months
let’s make a new meme or trend or whatever, Tim and Moby discover cursed media
Tim and Moby finds out of <insert cursed media here>
Here’s mine, Tim and Moby discover boku no pico
Reblog this for every meme you make from this clip
I dare you
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greatmotivation · 3 months
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Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth, for within its twists and turns lies the essence of your true potential. Let passion fuel your endeavors, turning dreams into reality and obstacles into opportunities. With each passing moment, you have the chance to redefine what is possible and shape the world around you. Believe in your abilities, for you are capable of achieving greatness beyond measure. So, dare to dream boldly, strive relentlessly, and let your indomitable spirit illuminate the path to your brightest future.
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moomoocowmaid · 3 months
“Siri, set a reminder to ‘Swallow Spit’ every five seconds please. Thanks.”
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