#oh.... oh hold on. grounding moment. I'm being so dramatic right now. ah
bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Lock Me Up | Short #1
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In which he realizes some things, but denies himself others.
Tags/Warnings: Detective Agust D my friends, Criminal Kitty!Reader, hybrid Yoongi, mentions of murder, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of past abuse, strangers to enemies to I don't even know, sexual tension?, dead dove do not eat
Length: Mid/short
-> Series Masterlist
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"Takehiko is under arrest currently, and is being watched until we can all agree on a court date. She's still with you, right?" The detective is being asked, as he takes a drag of his cigarette outside his apartment on the rooftop.
"She is." He agrees.
"But..?" His superior questions over the phone, knowing Yoongi well enough to realize when he's got something to say. "Don't tell me she wants to retract her statement. Tell her she's safe-"
"No, no that's not it." Yoongi denies, flicking the ash off of his cigarette while he leans his arms on the railings. "Rather.. unforseen circumstances that will probably push anything involving her back by a week or so." He explains with a sigh. "At least."
"So she's in heat." His superior chuckles, and Yoongi feels a bit irritated. Kim Seokjin might be a smart man, but he sure knows how to draw amusement from Yoongi's struggles every single time the chance is there.
"Not quite yet, but probably soon. She's medicated, but still, she won't be able to make any date you might have in mind right now." He explains, flicking away the smoked bud somewhere down to the ground while he checks your tracker- just to make sure.
Legally, any statement you make in court won't have any weight as long as you're in heat- so right now, you're pretty much holding the whole process in the air until you're no longer under the influence of any drugs or your hormones to say it bluntly. Yoongi himself entirely forgot about the possibility of this.
"Oh, I was about to ask how you wanted to handle that." Seokjin chuckles.
"Anything else would've gone against proto-"
"Ah come on Min Yoongi, everyone steps over the protocol here and there!" He laughs over the phone. "Do you not like her? She seemed cute when I met her, not going to lie."
"…" Yoongi can't answer. He wants to- but he realizes in this moment that he just.. never thought about it. Does he like you? Or has he just gotten used to you?
Well, he certainly doesn't mind you.
He neither minded going out to get your medications, nor does he mind how you sometimes reach for his hand at night when you sleep. He doesn't mind how you constantly try to rile him up or get on his nerves, and he definitely doesn't mind your presence when he works. But does he like it?
He.. kind of does, come to think of it.
"It's alright to admit it, you know." Seokjin hums over the phone. "I'm not testing you or anything."
"That would be exactly what you'd say if you were testing me." Yoongi argues back defensively. "Listen, I'll supervise her while she's on her meds, and I'll ring you up the minute she's through with it."
"Well, you do you detective blank-face." Seokjin jokes. "Have fun!" He laughs, and Yoongi rolls his eyes before ending the call and walking back into his apartment where you're laying flat on your stomach-
In the middle of the main room.
"And.. what is this?" He asks, though you just groan into floorboards in agony.
"I'm gonna die~!" You wail, and he sighs.
This is going to be the longest heat he'll probably ever have to sit through.
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"Stop- hey, slow down alright? One is enough for now." He tells you, taking away the pack of snacks from you. You immediately become teary eyed, grabbing after them- though his arm is longer, palm pressed against your sternum keeping you away.
"But I'm hungry!" You cry out. "I'll starve! You're gonna make me starve, is that it? Did I bother you so much that you want me dead now?" You ask dramatically, and he takes a deep breath.
"You're not starving." He clarifies as carefully as he can manage, putting the snacks back into the highest shelf where he keeps most of your foods at the moment since you use any moment where he's not looking to practically consume everything edible in his household. "You just feel empty, and you confuse that with hunger." He explains, and now you just look annoyed.
"Yeah well, who's fault is that?" You accuse with crossed arms. "Anyone else would've just screwed me already to get it over and done with." You say, and he looks at you with a blank face.
"I'm not anyone, however." He reminds you.
"I know.. I'm sorry- you're tryin'a be nice and I'm such a bitch for no reason.." you suddenly deflate, walking away from him to crawl underneath a blanket on your chaotic bed, hiding.
It's your medication- and he honestly feels sorry for you.
When you're not cramping and uncomfortable and most of all nauseous, you start to feel empty and hungry, not to mention the mess that's your emotions. One moment you're irritated by nothing, the next you're scared of everything. It's a little tough to handle, he won't lie.
Mostly because he wants to help as much as he can, but there's really a tough limit to what he can actually do without.. well, that.
"Here, drink something instead, that's more important right now." He offers, squatting down at the side of your bed with a bottle of water.
There's no answer.
"You're not asleep."
"How'd you know?!" You suddenly ask, throwing back the covers as you sit up, holding your heat quickly from the whiplash.
"Its not that hard to tell." He- chuckles?!- before he unscrews the cap of the water bottle. You drink eagerly- though you keep your eyes on him the entire time, as if you're thinking of something that involves him. "What?- no no no, my God..." he sighs as you try and talk without having swallowed down the last gulp of water, immediately forcing yourself to cough.
When you finally stop, he tries again. "First drink, then talk." He reminds you, and you nod.
"Can I ask how you got that scar? Like, who did that?" You wonder, finger reaching out to touch it- and he instinctively leans away from you. "Oh sorry, my bad." You apologize, and he shakes it off.
"Its not a cool story, really." He mumbles quietly. "Nothing what you might expect." He shrugs, screwing the cap back onto the bottle before he stands up to put it back into the fridge.
"..so?" You ask meekly, still wanting to know. "I mean you don't have to say-" you start, but he cuts you off as he washes some dishes in the sink.
"Me." He says, and you freeze in your spot. "You asked who did it." He says over his shoulder when he notices your silence, and at that, you watch him with an unreadable expression, before you get up. "What, you wanna look at it aga-"
But he's caught off guard when you simply quietly hug him from the back, soft purring trying to somehow get your feelings across.
And he understands.
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"What is it?" He asks when he notices you pacing again, not wanting to sit down at all it seems like. Your tail snaps upwards at the sound of his voice- but you're not answering for a moment.
"I need to go outside." You say, and he puts his pen down, ready to argue. You've already argued twice about this very specific topic- he can't let you outside like this on your own, the risks too high. And unbeknownst to you, it's not just because you're still a key witness to his case- but also because he personally doesn't want you to roam around outside while clearly still in heat, medicated or not.
He doesn't want to admit it yet, but his reasoning aren't just because he's a hybrid and therefore influenced by you.
"I know! I know you said I can't but I really need something and-" you argue instantly, standing in front of his desk with your legs pushed together suspiciously.
"I bought them already." He tells you nonchalantly, picking up his pen again to continue working. "They're in the bathroom, underneath the sink." He explains, and you stare at him for a moment, before you squint your eyes in suspicion, walking where he told you he'd pit what you need.
There's no way he actually-
He did.
It's definitely a more expensive brand you'd be using- but you won't question it for now, rather glad to be able to clean up and regain some comfort as you do your business and line your underwear with the hybrid-heat pads.
Maybe that'll help him, too.
You know he's affected by you inside his home even if he doesn't admit it- it's not hard to notice. He tends to go outside a lot more, he keeps a window open next to him when he works, he tries to keep any close contact to a minimum. You like that he stays respectful, sure- but you also feel awful about it, because you're just making his job and life so much more complicated right now. No one wants to willingly take care of a medicated hybrid in heat- it's exhausting, annoying, and most of all-
"Everything alright in there?" He asks through the door, knocking pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Y-yeah, no issues!" You call out, and he seems to leave at that, making you deflate. The detective seems to be a pretty good guy underneath that weird tough guy persona he puts up during his work- but it's clear to you that while he might tolerate you, and doesn't truly mind you, he doesn't like you either. He's still someone who despises his own genes, so it's a no-brainer that he probably doesn't like you either.
And you don't blame him at all.
Walking outside the bathroom, you rub your eye- and he immediately gets up to check on you. "What happened?" He wants to know, thinking you're crying, but you wave him off.
"..got.. something in my eye.." you mumble, making him click his tongue as he holds your face in his hands to tilt it upwards so he can see better. He's concentrated on his task, but his grip isn't rough or anything- he's awfully gentle, careful in locating and brushing the hair out ofbyour eye, before he lets go of you again. "..thanks." You mumble, and he nods, walking back to his desk.
"No problem." He simply answers, orange hue from the setting sun coloring the entire interior of his apartment.
"Hey, Detective.?" You ask, carefully pushing some things on his desk with your leg as you sit on the corner, making him furrow his brows at your antics- though he's used to them at this point. "Do you have like- hobbies?" You wonder, and he clicks something on his laptop before he closes the device, leaning back in his seat with crossed arms.
"Not really, no." He answers dryly.
"Boring." You huff. "Not even old-people-stuff like, I don't know, collecting stamps or something?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"No." He simply answers, and you let your shoulders drop.
"Oh come on man, I'm trying to make smalltalk here!" You whine, and he chuckles- something he's been doing recently, and it fills you with happiness, in a way. "You gotta help me out!"
"Why would I?" He asks, leaning his head to the side a bit. "You're pretty entertaining like this." He shrugs.
You, in return, pull out your tongue, before jumping down to walk into the kitchen, attempting to climb on the countertop to reach your snack-stash.
"Hey- stop that!" He immediately calls out rushing to you, pulling you down but your middle before setting you back down onto the ground.
"But De-te-ctive~!" You wail dramatically. "I'm gonna-"
"You're not going to starve, I told you." He reminds you, but you simply suddenly fall limp in his grip, practically melting through his arms like liquid before you're on the ground, giggling. He sighs.
"Your life is gonna be so fucking boring when I'm gone." You joke-
And he knows, deep inside, just how right you are.
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"Pssst, Detective.!" You hiss- but he's dead asleep. "Detective!" You hiss again, but still, he's unconscious.
It's unusual for him to sleep this tightly, not even reacting to you when you're pulling on his arm. And it's freaking you out- because you know for a fact, someone's on the roof, and its a stranger.
You're just about to slap the man, when the window crashes, making you instantly try and hide- but it's no use, because his apartment isn't big at all, and gives you nowhere to truly go in the spur of the moment like this.
You notice how the detective's eyes slowly open, as if he's fighting to wake up- but he still doesn't move.
The food delivered. The young delivery guy at the door that seemed awfully nervous. The soda only he himself had drunk yesterday.
He's so fucking stupid, he thinks to himself.
You can feel Yoongi's grip trying to hold you close to him as you hold onto his hand- but he can't bring himself to do anything else as you finally slip from his fingers, a hit to your head making you go limp as you lose consciousness right in front of his eyes.
And suddenly you're gone, apartment cold and empty again.
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pipsqk-art · 7 months
One Time She Fell and Three Times She Didn't - Part 2
An interesting thing about artificial life is that they experience time differently than organic life, they process things so quickly, almost instantaneously, that time slows dramatically for them. You already know this, you have experienced being shut down hundreds of times. You have experienced the slow process of all of your systems turning off, from least to most crucial. And at the end you haven't died, no, nothing as dramatic as that, but you have to admit it is...unnerving. Being reduced to a fraction of yourself, having to rely on someone else to bring you back. This was not an issue until you became sentient, now having to deal with irrational feelings such as fear and worry. And it is irrational, you fully trust your handlers and coworkers to bring you back. It never stops being scary though...
You are in a void, you are in your most simple state. You sit there in stasis waiting for a single command: On.
Oh. There it is, you're back. Internal clock indicates you've been out for...3 years and 7 months. Huh, that's a bit longer than you expected. (Those systems aren't up yet but you will panic about the time loss later.) Ah, perfect, audio input and processing are back up. Hopefully you can figure out what's going on.
"Ooookay, I think that should do it." says the mysterious voice with a hint of optimism. She sounds..kinda young? Aw heck, you really hope you didn't shut down in front of any kiddos.
Visual systems comin' online. You see several figures crouched in front of you. Chica sits to your right, hands clasped in front of her. Despite the missin' beak you can tell she's thrilled to see you. To your left you see Roxy, you blink at her and her ears (what's left of 'em) perk up. And in the middle you see a girl, can't be more than 14. Let's see...guest profile says this is Cassie Mendez, poor kid looks tired. She looks up at Roxy and mutters, "Did it work?"
"Wait, you fixed me??"
She looks sheepish and gestures towards the faz wrench, "I...yeah I just..I guess I picked up some stuff from my dad- woah!" You pick her up and pull her into a hug, "Aw kiddo I dunno what to say! Thank you so much!" You start to spin her around, absolutely giddy. Roxy tries to say somethin' but there's no time! You're back! This calls for a celebration! Startin' with givin' this kid a proper thank you. You gently toss her into the air, she lets out a squeal and you catch her. "Cassie, I can't thank you enough-" you are harshly interrupted.
"GODDAMMIT, BONNIE, PUT HER DOWN." Roxy growls at you and steps closer.
You stop spinnin' and glare at her, "Hold your horses, Roxanne, I was just..." your sentence trails off as you start to notice the shaking in your arms. You look down and the girl is clutching the sides of her head and crying, you can vaguely hear her whispering "stop, stop, please..."
Shit. This kid is upset and crying because of you. You got carried away and broke the most important rule at the Pizzaplex, your programming won't even let you do this on purpose. You hurt a guest. You hurt a kid. "Oh, geez, honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Bonnie." You look over and Roxy is glaring at you again, though this time there's a hint of sorrow in her expression. You carefully and slowly crouch down and set the girl down. She falls to her knees and continuously taps at the ground like it would fall away from her at any moment. Roxy sits in front of her and places a hand on her shoulder, "Cassie?"
Chica comes over and gently leads you away, you can hear the girl muttering "you're okay, you're okay, you're okay" on a loop. "Chica, I...I feel awful.."
"It's okay, Bonnie, you didn't know. She'll be okay, she just..." Chica considers her words for a moment, "I don't know what happened to her, but I think she's scared of falling..."
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plutofromafar · 2 years
promises fulfilled
Summary: Natasha and Stefaniya are at Vormir's cliff.
Warnings: you already know :((
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[natasha's pov]
"Wow. Under different circumstances, this would be a totally awesome place for a date," Stefaniya admires the scenery. White flakes fall from the sky like snow and she cups her hands, catching them.
"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain," I grumble.
"Technically, he's not a raccoon."
"Whatever, he eats garbage."
"Welcome," a voice startles me. Stefaniya and I draw our weapons and point it at a floating cloaked figure.
"Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Stefaniya, daughter of Dominik."
Stefaniya and I meet eyes, taken aback by the new information. "Who are you?"
"Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone," the red figure says.
"He's Red Skull," Stefaniya whispers.
"He fought against Cap in the 1940s for the Tesseract. I read about it."
"Oh, good. Tell us where the stone is. Then we'll be on our way."
"Ah, liebchen— If only it were that easy."
Red Skull moves to the cliff. Stefaniya and I walk behind him cautiously.
"What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear."
Stefaniya huffs. "Stop speaking in codes and tell us already. We need to hurry back."
"The stone is down there," I nod to the bottom of the cliff.
"For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul." He floats backwards, moving through our bodies and going back to stand where he was before.
Stefaniya stands near the edge, peering down at the bottom of the cliff while I move to sit on a log, deep in thought.
"Careful, Stef."
Stefaniya back up and sits down next to me.
"Maybe he's just bullshitting us," she suggests.
"No, I don't think so."
"Why, 'cause he knows our daddies' names? We don't even know if those are their real ones. He could have easily made them up."
"Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter. It's not a coincidence."
Stefaniya scoffs. "Oh, please. After everything we've been through? After taking down Red Room? We're practically immortal. I'm like a cat with nine lives."
"That may be more of a truth than you realize, Miss Kotova," Red Skull says. I ignore him.
"Only one of us is leaving with the stone alive, Stefaniya."
Her gaze drops to her shoe.
"I have an idea. I'm aware that it's stupid as fuck, but just hear me out?"
I lift an eyebrow in curiosity. "Okay?"
"What if I threw my shoe down there?"
I don't say anything, purely out of confusion as to what Stefaniya is going on about. "Please explain."
"A sole for a soul," she points to the bottom of her shoe. I can't help but erupt into laughter.
"Nat, I'm being serious," Stefaniya says once my laughter died down.
I cut myself off. "Really?"
I think for a moment. "It would be worth a shot, right?"
Stefaniya smiles excitedly, taking off her shoe and offering her hand. I take it and she leads me over to the ledge and takes a dramatic pause before tossing her shoe down. After about fifteen seconds of falling, the shoe bounces off of the ground with an echoing thunk, but nothing happens. Stefaniya scoffs and turns to Red Skull.
"Seriously? That was really clever. Can't you just give us a free pass?"
"I made it clear, Miss Kotova. You must exchange someone you love for the soul stone."
"I loved these pair of shoes," she tries to reason with him. "It's comfortable, great for fighting in, holds my knives, and it doesn't make my sock slip off inside. What more do you want?"
"Stefaniya, don't test him."
"What's he gonna do, push me off? He's like, a ghost," Stefaniya reaches out to touch him, retracting immediately when her hand actually makes contact with his body. She yelps and sits back down next to me.
"Now I only have one shoe."
"One of us has to jump."
"I really loved that shoe."
"Stefaniya, I love you, but can you please be serious for one second?" I snap, immediately regretting it. Hurt flashes across her face.
"I'm so sorry," I begin to apologize.
"No, I'm sorry. You're right."
"It's okay, Nat, you're right. I've used humor for years as a coping mechanism, and not all situations call for it. I realize that now. I'm sorry."
I place my hand on top of hers. "No, I'm sorry. If it's your way to get through things, I shouldn't tell you not to do it."
She stays silent.
"You know that's what I've always admired about you?"
"Yeah. You always know now to lighten the mood, no matter how dire the situation is. Like it's just a second nature to you to find the good in everything. I wish I could be like you."
Stefaniya smiles. "You're already the greatest human to ever exist."
I chuckle. "Thank you."
Stefaniya sighs. "We really do need to decide who jumps, though."
"Yeah, we do. There's only one answer."
"Me—" "I'm doing it—" We talk in unison.
"What? No way, you're not jumping."
"It should be me, Nat. I owe this to you and Yelena. To the world. They both still need you."
"You've been Yelena's best friend for twenty-three years, Stefaniya. I've only been her sister for three, plus the two years after Red Room. I can't go back and be the one to tell her you're dead when it could have easily been me to die. She needs you more than she needs me."
"Stop, Natasha. You're right, I've been in her life for longer than you have, but that's exactly the reason why it should be me. Those twenty-three years were the best parts of my life, besides the seven years in which I've known you. When we were kids, I promised Yelena that I'd get us out and reunite her with you. That promise was all I had been living for. And I've fulfilled that promise. You only had one week together, and most, if not all, of it was spent trying to take down Red Room. You still have so much to do together as sisters, and I won't let you throw that away. You're her big sister— she'll always need you. And you're the Black Widow! You're a hero to so many people."
"And you're not?"
"Earth still needs you. Yelena and the Avengers need you. The Widows need someone to look to for guidance. Melina and Alexei still wants to have a relationship with you. Gosh, you don't even know how proud they are of you, Natasha. You're all that they ever talk about."
I wipe my tears away. She was really serious. This was it. "Stef—"
"Natasha, I've already lived so much. I got more than everything my five-year-old self could ever have dreamed of having in life. I have the most amazing friends I could ever ask for, I got the chance to be an Avenger, to redeem myself after Red Room, and I found the love of my life. I've made my peace with dying years ago. It's okay."
She pulls me in for a soft kiss and I pour all of my love into it, knowing that there's some truth to what she's saying. She pulls away and buries her face into my neck, wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
Her hugs are nothing like I've ever experienced before. Yelena and Wanda's hugs are always warm. Steve's hugs feel protective. Clint's are strong, yet also soft. But Stefaniya's are magic. They're safe. Welcoming. Gentle. Like coming home to your bed after a long day. They make you feel like everything will be okay. Being in her arms feel like home.
And this is the last time I'll experience it.
"I still have so much I want to say to you."
Stefaniya smiles softly, tears streaming down her own cheeks. "It's okay. I already know, Natasha. Quantum entanglement, remember?"
I smile, thinking about that conversation from three years ago.
She walks closer to the cliff and pivots around to face me. "Oh, uh... Top left drawer under my t-shirts."
"In our closet. Top left drawer with the t-shirts, okay? Just remember that."
I nod frantically. "I will. I promise."
She smiles at me one last time. "Thank you, for everything. Till we meet again."
She jumps.
Next chapter
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baeklination · 3 years
With My Favourite Ally
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Date: 210923
Warnings: SMUT 🔞, a lot of general fucking, anal, mouth fucking (incl. gagging), sucking, fingering, water*1, eating out, buttplug, gen.expl.lang.
Pairing: Baekhyun x F. Reader
WC: 7,1k
NOTE: *1. Yes, people - we have a shower scene. 2. It's a bit on the rough side at times, so remember that things are said/done in - and with - love.
"...so they closed it off, but if you take the exit just before that one you'll be okay", Gemma explains over the speaker.
"Yeah, okay. It should be on the GPS, I think. We wouldn't want to make a…"
Too many times you've laughed at that joke - too many times you've seen that movie.
"Oh, wait, here he comes", you say, hearing the keys in the door. "Baekhyun..?"
"Your GPS shows roadworks, right?"
"Yeah, sure. Hi", he says, giving you a quick kiss. "Do we have to take a different route?"
"Roadworks. Nothing cumbersome", Gemma assures him.
"Why can't you be friends with people who live in the city", Baekhyun jokes, speaking loudly for Fiona to hear.
"Hey, Baekhyun..! The ocean breeze will do you good, you'll see… So anyway, see you tomorrow? And remember you don't have to…"
A package of hard plastic lands on the table in front of you, flipping it around you raise your eyebrows and look at Baekhyun.
"...just come as you are."
"Yeah, sure. I'll call when we get there, let you know. Bye, Gem."
"A little small, no?"
Baekhyun takes a spoonful of your ice cream, shaking his head as he drags the spoon out.
"It's not for you, honey."
"When you told me you were getting your nails done I felt kinda…"
"Ah, you felt kinda…", you smile at him.
"Yeah. And I thought I'd get an upgrade. You done with dinner?"
"You want to try it now? A size jump? What if it hurts tomorrow?"
He cradles your hand in his, kissing it and smiling mischievously.
"Is that how you felt when you met me..?"
Rolling eyes in head and tongue in mouth, you sigh at his cheek.
"Actually, you're right, Baekhyun. I can't wait."
"And then…", he says, getting to his knees in front of you, putting his hands on your thighs. "...we do it my way."
Baekhyun moans with delight when you press the circle against his hole, securing the plug.
"Can you move?"
"Now why…", he says, pulling you over him. "...are you treating me like a virgin? It's only bigger… Yes, I can move. Or were you hoping I wouldn't be able to..?"
He almost rips your zipper in two when he opens it, but without a care in the world for Maison, he continues to put his hand down your trousers. Twirling your panties around his hand, dragging them upwards, he teases your clit.
"Go change into something I like..?", he asks sweetly, planting juicy kisses on your lips. "Maybe...something black..? Do that for me?"
The way he asks, you'd wear any and every piece of clothing he likes… But also: the way he asks, what he likes may be in tatters by morning, so you don't pick from the high-end side. Giving him a dramatic twirl (mostly in jest) you show off your pick: a spaghetti-strapped mesh body - black.
"Good enough?"
He stops stroking himself, eagerly opening his arms when you join him on the bed - you in turn eagerly open your lips to his. They move delicately but hungrily on your mouth, matching his hands caressing your waist, thighs and rounding the curve of your ass, jiggling it.
"What's this?", he coos playfully, smacking you.
"Hey, I'm wearing a dress tomorrow. No marks", you remind him.
"The new one?"
"Yes. So don't-"
"Then your body's fine", he says and smacks your ass again. "This is fine.. Now be a good little wifey and lay down."
Placing himself behind you, his arm slides around your neck almost like a chokehold, but he keeps his hand firmly on your shoulder, grounding him.
Lifting your leg, he watches himself fuck you in the mirror, his dark eyes fixed on your stretched out pussy. He bites his lip, moaning as he rolls his now slick cock in and out.
"Move it…", he whispers deeply behind your ear, referring to the mesh covering you. "I want to see when you get swollen."
Baekhyun's not alone in enjoying the view; seeing yourself being filled by him adds a lewd layer to the act - one you've been partial to since the days you used to do it in front of his TV, for lack of a big mirror.
"This plug...mh…"
"Is it better..?"
"It's on my g-spot every time I push...and with your pussy around me…", he mumbles stickily, moving faster. "Ohh…"
You feel his entire range of motion with his length, curving up, getting thicker, lodging deep - in this position he even strokes just below your entrance when he slides in and out.
"And I thought I was the main event…", you moan, pressing on his back.
"You are my main event."
Letting go of your leg he closes his mouth around your breast, sucking and dragging his teeth over it, breathing salaciously. His saliva is stuck between the pattern of the mesh when he removes his mouth to pull it down, kissing roughly directly on your skin. Your fingers on his neck draws his attention to your mouth, where he buries his tongue deep, tasting every part of it and pushing his hand between your now closed legs and lets it rest in its tight fit as he thrusts hard into you from behind.
Moving back to kneel, he moves the skin on his cock over its head. When it glides over your tongue you taste yourself before his pre-cum eventually dominates the taste in your mouth. It doesn't take long for it to be clear he doesn't want a blowjob, not the way he's pushing his pelvis forward, steadying your head with a hand on the side of your face, so you stay still.
"Mmm...look at that…"
Throwing a glance at the mirror you're met by your puffed up cheeks trying to keep up with Baekhyun's cock.
"Ahh...look at that", he moans huskily, dropping his head back, grabbing his shaft tightly, squeezing a ring around it with his thumb and index, thrusting faster.
Your nose starts running along with your eyes. He ignores the small jerking of your body - he wants the big one. Blowing out air through your coughing, he gets it. You groan, catching your breath, and shake your head at him and his antics.
His hands are soft going down the sides of your face, as soft as soft as his chuckle and subsequent kiss on your temple before he straightens up, angling your head up to take him in your mouth again.
"Don't block me, honey", he demands in a sweet voice, juxtaposed to his wish to shove his cock down your throat.
Trying a slower approach, he lets you relax your jaw before letting him in, the head of his cock now just nudging down the rounded back of your mouth.
Even though tears have stopped gathering in your eyes from roughness, the slow pace means your larynx is blocked for a longer period, so you start feeling your chest - lungs - contract. Trying to match your breaths with his thrusts, you look up at him - the pout on his lips, tilted head and petting of your head tells you he knows exactly what's going on. For Baekhyun it's not about the sensation, not even about the gagging right now; he likes to know that his cock is lodged in your throat, that he has that kind of wife. Slipping his other hand behind your neck he pushes deep, making your muscles try to swallow him - literally. He groans and sucks in through his teeth, exhaling as he slides in again, his stomach pressing on your head.
"Breathe…", he hums, but knows it's gonna be impossible.
Not pulling out for even half a breath, he rolls his hips in quick succession, making you heave and pull back in no time. So, sitting back you glare at him - an act of complaint he adores. You turn sideways, pushing him away when he comes closer. When he tries to grab your hand you swat his away, but Baekhyun's fast; gripping your wrist before you can pull it back he bends your arm behind you. You lean forward to get away from the pain, enabling him to grab your other arm, essentially cuffing them on your back, pushing your head into the mattress. Sure, you could fight him - but do you really want to..?
Aggressively pulling your lingerie to the side he rams his cock into you.
"Ah...Ah", he growls with every hard thrust. "You think I can't see how wet you are?...Ah… Don't pretend you don't like it...Mh!"
Unintentionally, you moan, biting your lip when his groin smacks against you.
"That's it, honey...show me how you feel…", he continues, running his hand up your ass to your hip.
Taking his cock out, he flicks it back-and-forth over your anal, his breathing shaky - he's about to come. Moaning loudly as he slides back in, he lets go of your arms and holds your hips.
"Uh, fuck..!", he groans, as he rams his cock into you as fast as he can. "Shit, turn around… Uh, turn around..."
His speech is barely more than a huff. The moment you start, he pulls out, roughly grabbing your neck and pumps his cock.
"Aghh...aghh", he growls deeply, as his cum spurts over your face. "Ohhh... oh, shi…"
He crashes into the mattress knitting his brows, a necklace of sweat around his throat, glistening down between his pecs.
"Baekhyun..!", you whine, holding your hand out, keeping one eye shut tight.
Swinging his arm by the edge of the bed he comes up with his trousers in hand and gives them to you.
"Here..", he breathes hard, his stomach rising high.
After wiping his cum off, you tuck your hand under his thigh, but he's quick - so quick - to catch it.
"Don't even think about it…"
You bury your head in the covers, jokingly muttering he's no fun. He laughs, but cuts and jumps to a loud wail, again feeling how exhausted he is.
"How was it? I guess I don't have to ask, but..."
"How was it..?", he echoes, putting his hand on his cock. "I… Felt like the pressure of a goddamn fire hose went through me…", he says, rolling over, nuzzling your neck. "But you already know all about that, don't you?"
Sliding his hand between your legs, he glances up and sighs.
"I'll buy you a new one."
Whether it's because he feels he might've been a bit too rough or because he actually only has softness left, that's what you always get from him after this type of sex.
Pulling you down to sit on his lap, you brush your teeth in sync, the shushushu filling the bathroom of your otherwise still apartment. Even being done before you he waits, biting his toothbrush between his teeth, resting his hand on your lower back.
The start of a relationship is usually where you do everything together, but the both of you having tiny bathrooms back then meant one at a time which years on turned into double sinks. If Baekhyun is home - if you are - you wash up together. Not saying much, but together.
His stretched out arm is the airstrip personnel: "land here", which you gratefully do. The sheets are cold and make you shiver, but between pulling the covers and finding the warmth of his torso, you soon cosy on in.
"No ailments to report..?", he asks, stroking your arm.
"Nope", you shake your head on his chest. "I guess I'll see the final product tomorrow, but I shouldn't have any problems with the dress. But if I do…"
"If you do, huh..?", he smiles and tips your chin up for a kiss.
Musing for a second he starts giggling, his chest bobbing under your head.
"Do you… Do you want me to dig up my old Halloween costume just to be safe? The mummy?"
With Baekhyun being such a dork, even laughing at his own lame jokes, how could you not follow suit?
"Pff, knowing you, you probably already have at least three dirty ideas about it…"
"I might. And knowing you…", he says, stretching to turn off the light."...you probably already have four."
Kissing you good night on the forehead he settles into the mattress with a faint grunt, like a thud in his throat, wrapping his arms tighter around you.
You're woken up by Baekhyun's knuckles gracing your ass.
"I know you're not thinking about putting your dick in me before saying good morning…", you mumble, drunk with sleep, not even opening your eyes.
"Never, ma'am", he whispers, keeping his laughter in his throat.
After some shifting, rustling and cool air hitting your back you feel his palm on your cheek, pulling it up. He places a soft kiss on your entrance, following with a few licks, and another kiss.
"Good morning."
"No, stay", you urge, trying to put your hand on his head under the covers.
He tsks when he comes up, pulling your lower body closer.
"I tagged you first. Besides…", he says, pushing the head of his cock into you. "...you'll barely notice, sleepy head."
Not yet wet, the spit on his cock helps, but doesn't provide the same sensuous glide as the real deal, but he semi-waits patiently; only the shortest thrusts once he's lodged his cock in you. Stroking your thigh, your stomach, kissing your shoulder, lightly pinching your nipple between his fingers while your breast lays in his palm. When you place your hand over his and push your ass back he extends his range of motion - now with the sweet glide of your juice - pressing firmly against your body, almost pausing, with every thrust. Turning towards him you tangle your fingers in his hair and enjoy the deep taste of his tongue.
"I guess a good night really does bring a good morning", you smile.
"Then I think it's gonna be a very good morning", he whispers over your lips.
Contrary to increasing his speed, he pulls out altogether and rolls out of bed. Neither far nor long though; he just gets up to pull the curtain to the side. Not completely, just enough to let in more than the echo of light you had, the overcast sky notwithstanding. His naked silhouette is gorgeous against the sliver of daylight - overcast as it may be - shining behind him and as he comes back his wet cock sways with his footsteps.
You get on his lap the moment he sits down, pushing your pussy against his length.
"Sit on me", he whispers hoarsely against your neck, gripping the underside of your legs.
You press his cock harder against your clit, in your hand feeling exactly how turned on he is, and let it stroke you before raising yourself up - and sliding down. Being pushed, Baekhyun doesn't mind laying, barely keeping his hands on your waist, biting his lips, as you pound him.
His thickness feels good, there's no need to rush. The sensation of your entrance hugging around him when you slide up, as if not wanting to let go, the way it stretches when he fills you.
He hums and caresses your stomach with his thumbs, cocking his head.
"Are you trying to get me to breed you, mama..?"
"No…", you shake your head, dropping to his chest, smiling at his remark.
Wrapping his arms around you, light as feathers, he rounds his length deep inside.
"Then why are you working my cock like that, hm?", he asks softly in your hair.
"Cus it's what I like…"
"It's what you like..? Well if it's what you like…"
He lets you sit back up again, but holds your hips firmly above his body, and thrusts. Bracing with his feet he goes just like you did, precise and hard, purposefully hitting your spot to bring out your orgasm. Even behind all the layers of hunger in his eyes, love is evident; the way he looks to see that he pleases you, does it the way you like it even though his morning hard-on is telling him to F...you...up.
With so many years passed, nearly all insecurities about being on display are far gone; you freely touch yourself in front of him - for him. Sliding your palms up your nipples sends a spark to your core, so, wetting your fingers, you run them over your clit, a signal to Baekhyun to thrust faster. With that, he starts moaning, joining in with your heavy breaths and the wet claps from your bodies.
"Baby…", you moan, dropping your head back.
It's impossible not to move your body, make the smacking harder as your fingers work deliciously on your clit. Baekhyun has always loved his morning naughties, so you bite your lip, squeeze your breast and look at him, eyes fluttering.
"Make me come, honey…"
He shivers, then he grunts, and digs his fingers into you. His pounding vibrates all between your legs as his cock pierces you over and over, and it starts your legs stiffening. You tremble and rub harder, desperately keeping your hand in place despite your tense muscles until it hits; shaking, wailing, releasing more fluids on Baekhyun's cock, you come.
He waits patiently as you ride it out, slowly pushing in and out, enjoying the mess you've made on him. Sliding out, you slump down next to him.
"I should start breakfast…", you breathe heavily, pretending to get up.
Baekhyun's hand encircles your upper arm - with a little smack due to the sweaty impact - and he comes up close behind.
"You - wife - are not going anywhere", he huffs, and kneels behind you.
"Higher", you say looking back at him, when he aligns himself.
Laying down on your back, kissing your shoulder he coos:
"Higher?", and wets his finger, gently sliding it in your ass. "You mean here..?"
When you arch deeper he giggles against your back.
"Yeah, I think you mean...right...here…"
Dropping a big ball of spit on his fingers, he smears it over your hole and presses the smooth head of his cock in, taking his time.
"Ahh...ahh...", he moans with every thrust, getting closer to being fully inside you.
Putting his arm around your neck, the right hand holding your hip, he finds his tempo. Seeing your ass being pushed up with every slap from his crotch is the perfect compliment to his burning breath on your shoulder and the ohh's that roll off his tongue every other time he bottoms out.
Pushing in deep, he changes to pressing his elbows in the mattress, clasping his hands together in front of your chest. It's barely that the rest of his body moves, only his ass swinging up and down, pushing your spine together; it's times like these you wish for some kind of reflection, to see Baekhyun's glutes tightening, the curve of his ass down to the back of his equally taut thighs.
"Ah….hhh...hhh...", he breathes hard, a spray of saliva landing on your neck, and he continues. "...hhh...uh, uh, ah", grips your pelvis hard, ramming, heaving out air as he comes in shaky thrusts.
Slowing down, he bounces against your ass, pushes deep, pulling you towards him, moaning. Even after he's settled he sweeps the hair from your neck, kisses you and, humming, rolls his hips.
When he's finally ready to get going his embrace reveals his hard-on, so you stick your butt out, poking him.
"Ooh, don't", he groans and holds you still.
You turn around and look at him, surprised by his odd response.
"I want it to go down", he says and chuckles. "It's 'cus I put the plug in…"
"You did..? That's why you were taking so long..!", you exclaim with a big smile. "Really? Did you really?"
"I did really", he says, mimicking your tone, kissing you over the brow. "It was easier when you did it…"
"Mm-hm…", he nods, putting his shoes on. "But it's fi-ine now. Shit..."
Straightening himself up, he puts his hand over his bulge and bites his lip.
It's both sexy and sweet, knowing he has it in - and that he did it in part for you.
"Are you gonna be okay to drive?", you ask, trying not to laugh.
"I'll be fine, hun. And when we get there…", he says, lifting his brow with a smile.
After some initial gasping and groaning, Baekhyun managed to get used to sitting with the plug, and now, twenty minutes on, you don't pay it very much mind - except for the occasional realisation that the sexiest man you know is three feet away from you with a sex toy in his ass.
With not much traffic outside of the city, Baekhyun is free to let his fingertips caress the nape of your neck as you lean towards the window, into the warming sunlight.
"I really love fucking you in the ass in the morning…", he says languidly.
"You make it sound as if I usually say no…", you murmur.
"No", he says, weaving his fingers into yours, giving your hand a kiss before resting them on your thigh. "Not at all."
With such a picturesque atmosphere it's no wonder you doze off.
Baekhyun loves singing in the car and though he's dreadfully out of tune it makes you happy to see him happy; tapping his thumb on the steering wheel, swaying his head, feeling good.
"...gateun geudaen yeppeoyo-oh-oh-ooh..!"
"Oh, you're up."
"Mm…", you sigh drowsily. "What time is it?"
"Hm, ten to four."
"Oh, it felt more like an hour than fifteen."
"Did I wake you up too early this morning? Go back to sleep...", he says, stroking your head.
"I'm not tired anymore. I wasn't even to begin with, I think."
Why are men sexy when they drive? There's nothing inherently sexy about, yet they are. At least your man is…
Nonchalantly you place your hand between his legs. He doesn't say anything, merely grunts when he slides forward a bit, touching the corners of his mouth with his fingers. He quickly becomes stiff in your hand - partly thanks to his toy, you suspect - so you put your hand down his trousers. A nudge with your fingers and his cock stands straight up in his boxers, an appetising protrusion against your palm. His hand automatically finds your thigh, squeezing it, when you drag your nails over the rim of his head. Faintly bucking his groin, he looks in both the rearview- and side mirror.
"Take it out", he says, voice thick with lust.
Contrary to traffic safety regulations you slip under the top part of the belt and lean to his side. Not pulling his pants down means you can't access his entire length, but it's nonetheless a good mouthful. Baekhyun's cock still tastes of this morning's semen since you decided on showering on arrival, bringing up images of the morning as well.
His fingers tip tap under the hem of your trousers, trying to slide in, grab your ass, but it's too tight, so he lets them rest where they are. His arousal amuses you, so you push him to the back of your throat.
"Mmm...", he groans, running his hand up your back. "Let's pull in at a rest stop…"
Releasing him, but pumping, you shake your head. Throwing a glance to the side he looks almost worried, running his hand along your neck, his thumb petting your earlobe.
"Why not..?"
Then he chuckles softly through his nose and manages to put at least half of his mouth on your lips while still watching the road.
"Is it too base for my baby? Hm..?"
"No, but it's too soon for my baby", you say and sit back, nodding towards his backside.
He grimaces and squeezes himself, letting go with a loud sigh and pulls his trousers up.
"I know… You're right."
"You'll thank me when we get there", you affirm and take his hand.
"Oh, I'll something you…"
"...are you sure? Oh, my god, I'm so sorry."
"It's o-kay, relax..!", Gemma assures you on the other end of the line. "It's not your fault the highway jammed up, and I much prefer to have you guys groomed and clean when you do get over here."
"Argh..! Yeah, I know, but aish… Whatever, okay. We'll hurry up and see you soon."
After making good time - not pulling in at a rest stop - the highway had suddenly become crammed with cars with little to no movement in forty-five minutes, leading to you having circa fifteen minutes until the party starts.
"What'd she say?", Baekhyun asks, hanging up your dress on the closet door.
"You know her, doesn't sweat a thing. I would've said the same thing, it's just different being on this side of things", you sigh, putting your hair in a bun. "It's okay if I don't wash it, right?"
"Oooh, baby, you're so dirty…", he jokes, putting his arms around you. "But if you want to, there's time. I don't want to hurt you, but I think it's time you knew…"
"What?", you squint your eyes at him.
"Gemma...has other friends to hang out with. She's been seeing them behind your ba-…"
"Oh, I knew it was gonna be some-..!", you holler and break free, continuing to undress. "I'll be fifteen minutes."
Wringing out the water from your hair you hear the woosh of the glass door sliding and get a chill on your body.
"Has it been fifteen minutes already?"
"Maybe ten…", he says, stepping in behind you, his cock swaying stiffly.
Grabbing the shower head from you, he lets the water drench his hair, run over his closed eyes, down his body. Combing his hair back and wiping his face he smiles cheekily and starts screwing the shower head off its hose. The water flows out concentrated but soft, like from a gardening hose, so partly covering it with his thumb he regulates the water's pressure and backs you into the corner.
"We've got time."
Feeling behind his balls your fingers meet the plug; you pull it out just an inch and slide it back. Baekhyun moans, enveloping his lips over yours.
He doesn't have to tell you to spread your legs, you do it eagerly when he puts the water stream to your stomach and brings it downward. The first hit on your clit gets you up on your toes, gasping, pushing your pelvis out. Baekhyun giggles in your mouth and curls two fingers into you, at the same time spraying the water on your clit again. You moan, grabbing his neck - unsuccessfully trying to grind against it, while he fiercely fucks his fingers into you.
"That's my baby", he whispers, turned on by your whines in his ear.
You pull up the skin to reveal the most sensitive part of your clit and when he aims for it your muscles immediately contract, pushing your pelvis out even further. Your mouth hangs open as you claw at his neck, convulsing on his pounding hand, crying out in pained wails.
"Shh, baby", he laughs at your excessive volume, but flicks his fingers over your clit, making you jerk and whine all the more while you come down.
Offhandedly tossing the hose to the side, pressing close, he lifts your leg and slides his hand behind your head. Sucking roughly on your lips he caresses his cock against you, looking for your entrance. Finding it, he nudges the tip in, then rounds out and snaps his pelvis.
"Ah, fuck", you gasp, putting your arm around his shoulders for support.
Continuing snapping, he doesn't stop kissing you. They're both rough, both what you want.
"Now, about what happened in the car…", he coos, looking at you while ramming his cock as deep as he can.
"What..?", you gasp. "What happened..?"
He leans in again, his back becoming hunched with every new thrust as he quickens the tempo. He exhales in high-pitched moans coated in honey, telling of his desire for you.
Water sloshes on the floor when he gets new footing, digging his fingers into your ass, his face in your shoulder. His wet hair gets plastered to his - and your - skin. Pounding into you, yet moving you along with him, he whispers hoarsely:
"I'm your husband, you shouldn't deny me these things…"
Fighting to even catch your breath between the gasps, answering him is not a priority. Being on time isn't a priority - not having your shoulder blades ground to dust against the tiles isn't a priority.
His even-paced pants are interrupted by a deep-chested trembling and his precise smacking turns to rolling when he comes.
"Ah-h-h...ash… A-HH, A-HH, AH, fu…", he moans and cries into your neck, filling you with his cum.
He pushes so deep while riding it out you have to push his shoulders down in turn; he understands, goes a little easier, a little gentler each time, ending up slowly rolling while lavishing juicy kisses on your lips.
Puffs of the giggle through his nose tickle you over the lip and he slides his length out and look down, kicking in the water.
"Leave it…", you sigh, sliding down to the floor, when he bends to grab the hose. "I'll finish up showering from down here… Come. I'll take it out."
So, kneeling in front of you, he arches with a faint moan as you drag the plug out.
"Oh, 'cus I'm the one who told you to wear it then work yourself up…"
"You are the one who worked me up, hun", he reminds you, screwing the showerhead back on and giving it to you.
"Eh...I don't-"
"I know, but wait 'til you see it on", Baekhyun says, holding his finger up.
Taking his first option off, he pulls the second over his head. You cock your head, knitting your brows.
"I know, right?", he smiles, holding out his arms.
"How has it done that?", you exclaim in surprise.
In his hand, this flowy silk shirt looked like a woman's blouse, particularly with the knit lace encircling its short sleeves, but on him it - he - looks suave and sexy in a casual way.
"I love it. Ugh… What… And it goes great with the pants."
"Right? Even if it's all black it's a little something, something. I'm just gonna", he says and grabs his watch from the nightstand. "You ready?"
"Technically, but hmm, I don't know… Feels like something's missing…", you muse, looking in the mirror.
"Feeling a little competitive..?", he teases, looking in the mirror behind you. "Didn't you bring earrings? The small gold ones?"
He breathes in loudly, smacking his lips with a nod; you know him well enough to sigh and wait for his joke about being a top fashionista.
"We're not that late..!", you holler, refusing to accept Michael's impromptu trumpet work.
"I had my finger on the dial to Missing People - whow! Coming through with the fashions, bro'. Nice!", he roars when Baekhyun takes off his jacket.
"Aeh…", he sighs and helps you with yours like the gentleman he is. "I have to make an effort when the missus looks like this."
Waving at a few familiar faces, your attention is diverted when Gemma appears in the kitchen door, crossing her arms:
"Well, well... Look who decided to show up!"
You extend your arm, bottle of gin in hand.
"For being late", you grimace apologetically.
"...and you know it's all her fault", Baekhyun says, pointing his thumb at you.
"...since way back in school, I've known them", Gemma explains to one of her guests.
You're not the type of couple to hang on each other's arms the whole night, but being midway through your second drink your eyes keep travelling across the room to where Baekhyun is. There's something unusually alluring about the way he looks in that shirt, be it the thin fabric whispering about his body underneath, the lace hanging off his triceps when he takes a sip or the three buttons he left undone so you'd be "begging for me to take you round back", as he had put it before you left.
Catching you eye, he casually pours a glass of water, takes a sip and - not so accidentally - spills, the water running down his neck to his chest.
"Whow. Here...", Michael says, handing him some paper.
After patting his neck dry he goes to his chest, opening another button to reach, casting an eye your way.
"Ah...ah...", he moans quietly, the soft, wet clapping matching him.
Unlike in the shower, his hands now hug your hips softly as he takes you from behind. His boxers - anchored around his thighs - grace the inside of your leg as he moves.
Needs knows no bounds so for now a house wall to lean against and an outdoor sofa to rest your leg on is as good as any bedroom.
"Don't look now...", he whispers amused, lowering himself to your ear. "But I think someone's looking…"
You shut your eyes to not accidentally search for whoever it is.
"You know the edge of the lawn..? He's pretending to be on the phone, maybe he is, but he keeps walking back and forth, looking here every time..."
"You wanna go back in?"
"No. I want to show you off", he says and pulls up your dress to the small of your back. "Should I spank your ass with my cock..?", he snickers.
"Shh, don't overdo it. Don't embarrass him."
"He's the little perv, spying on us. Or maybe you told him to come out..? Ah…Oh...I know how you like an audience…"
"So do you."
Carefully looking to your side, you spot him - and he's indeed a little spy. Baekhyun's right about you liking an audience, so you arch a little deeper, bend your knee higher up. Turning to face him you mouth "faster", so he goes faster, sliding his hands down your cheeks, pressing them apart. Cocking his head he can't resist to caress your anal with his thumb and moans..
His tongue plays in the side of his mouth, as if he knows your secret, knows what a dirty little girl you are, wanting him so bad you don't care who sees.
"I'm….ssh, pulling out...", he says, wetting his thumb then continues to rub.
"Wait 'til we get home…"
"Not like that", he says, letting the tip of his finger slide in, not at all having meant for it to be his length.
Even just that bit of stimulation increases your arousal, so you push back on him. Following your lead, he presses his entire thumb in, breathing all the harder.
"No, no…", he pants after a while, more so to himself than you. "I'm teasing myself..."
"You're not gonna come?"
"No", he replies, on his way over the edge. "Ahh...no, I'm waiting...ah...ah, shit."
He pulls out at the last minute, grabs the shaft of his cock and leans over you with stuttering breaths.
"Fucking close…"
Baekhyun's curious way of sleeping when you're out of town continues; at home he likes his side, anywhere else and he tends to stay on yours. As if he's barely moved, his head is tucked deep in the pillow, his arm seemingly slid off your waist lying just behind your back. Knowing he's had a rough week at work you decide to let him sleep in, tuck your feet in the courtesy slippers and carefully close the door behind you.
Finding an - equally courteous - robe in the bathroom you take a deep breath, smelling the hem of it. It is just a morning robe, but the stitching reminds you of the dobok Baekhyun used to wear for hapkido, when you'd pretend to be watching any- and everyone compete until he finally asked you out. He's really loved you for that long...
It's a lovely day. There's no sunny sky, or birdsong when you open the kitchen window, but an overcast, quiet morning. It might be in your head, but you imagine getting a whiff of the salty ocean and decide to have your coffee outside (hoping the beach hammock you've set your sights on doesn't flip you over).
Sighing over just how randomly you managed to pick a random magazine from the pile, you welcome the low snort coming from inside. Bending your knees, letting the robe slide from your legs, you pretend to not notice and continue "reading". A cheeky whistle rings out from the kitchen window.
"My, my…"
Bingo. Hiding behind the magazine, you compose yourself and count to three before dropping it on the grass, and sure as salt on fries, there he walks across the lawn.
"I thought I'd let you sleep in."
"M-hm…", he murmurs, opening his robe, showing his hardening cock. Stroking the back of your thigh he gives you a kiss. "How'd you sleep?"
"I was out in five. You?"
"Same", he nods, letting his robe fall down.
Straightening your legs up, he kisses a trail from your calf downwards, caressing the back of your legs. When his eyes meet yours he spanks your cheek, a quick flick of the wrist causing a lashing effect. He smiles at your jolting and the subsequent bucking of your hips in pleasure.
"Did you put the plug in again?"
"No…", he shakes his head, guiding his cock into you. "You're still my favourite toy."
It's a tighter squeeze with having your legs closed, but it means his length strokes your entrance harder - a different nuance. And when he hikes your legs up, hugging your thighs, you almost feel like a toy; letting your body bounce up and down on meeting his energetic rolling, stroking you here, digging his fingers into you there, biting his lip with dark eyes fixed on yours - Baekhyun knows full well this is the position that makes you feel the most filthy. Because with no anchoring, there's nothing you can do, no action to take than to be fucked by him. Your powerlessness makes you squirm, but also makes you wet. When Baekhyun fucks you like this...your brain goes splat. And of course, he wouldn't be Baekhyun if he didn't tease you about it. Chuckling, sucking on your leg, he coos:
"Mmpoor baby…"
Closing your eyes earns you a rough slam.
"Look at me, honey…"
Continuing with the same, hard, thrusts, he lets out a cascade of sweet moans and hums, he himself eventually closing his own eyes, elation painted on his face. Letting himself be momentarily swept away, he comes back with a few deep, soft thrusts before pulling out, spreading your bent legs. Untying the belt still round your waist, he leans in, dousing you in moany kisses, circling his thumb over your nipple. Backing, kneeling high in the grass, he softly feathers his fingertips on your thighs, his kisses leading the way, sending shivers through your body. When he reaches the edge between your legs and pussy, he runs them along it, up...down...up...down...up...down, letting his fingers follow the curve close to your hole, meeting just below it. By the pull of his lips you can tell he's near bursting with desire to eat you out, yet he waits - not only to tease you, but for your pleasure.
Sliding his fingers up, onto your folds, he carefully parts them, making sure you feel the stretch on your clit. Knowing better than to rush him all you can do is caress yourself, try not to roll your hips.
"You're swollen…", he whispers, swaying his head, taking a deep breath. Stroking circles on your ass with his thumbs, he at last lets his lips touch you, a juicy kiss just under your entrance. Wrapping his arm around your leg, he lets his fingers glide over your entrance, collecting fluids which he uses to slide up either side of your clit, massaging while continuing working under your entrance.
You watch with anticipation when he comes closer. Barely opening his mouth he envelopes your clit, letting his slick lips slide from it before doing it again.
"Put your fingers inside…", you whisper, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He calmly takes it away with a mild "no..." and flicks his tongue over you, gently panting. You moan and automatically bring your hand back - a phenomenal pain electrifies your core up to your chest when he spanks your clit. Don't means don't. He smiles at you while lapping to soothe it, putting some pressure on your entrance, rubbing it, while you grip your thighs in want.
"Get down here", he says, sliding his hands to your waist.
Tipping over in his lap with a yelp, you welcome feeling his body against yours for a moment before he gets you on your back.
Spreading his thighs wide, he steers his cock down and pushes it into you. Knowing you're definitely ready, he sets a quick pace from the get, hooking his hands at the top of your legs, pulsating firmly. Paying special attention to his shaft he makes sure it meets your body with each thrust, squeezing his balls on your ass. The entrance stimulation - smacking and stretching - releases more juice, leading to wetter claps.
He lets you pull him down, but keeps pounding like before, supporting himself on his knees, grunting when you dig your nails in his ass - separating them gives his sensitive hole a tickle.
He breathes wetly next to you, lying down, rocking your body as well as he begins billowing his hips, lifting you up by your ass to get - and give - a deeper hit. The smell of his perfume long gone, only the scent of his slept in skin remains, mixing with notes of freshly cut grass as your moving's broken it to release its scent.
"Mhh", he grunts in your neck. "I love you…".
Raising his head, the muscles on his back grow even stiffer, protruding above his spine. Barely finishing your kiss, he whispers "I love you" in your mouth, his wet lips caressing yours before a wail rings in your head. Dropping his head he stutters, his breath hitching as he swings his hips back-and-forth erratically, fucking his cum into you.
"Uh...ah...mmmm…", he moans, pressing deeply.
His breath is hot on your collarbone, his stomach pushing down on yours as he pants and swallows hard.
"Marry me."
"Marr…", you stutter, breathing heavily, then laugh, seeing as how you already are. "What if I say no..?"
"Nah-ah, marry me...", he says again, peppering tickling kisses on your neck.
You cry out and try to get away, to no avail.
"Okay, okay! On one condition."
"What?", he asks, looking at you.
"Finish what you started…"
A sly smile spreads across his face then he showers you with kisses again.
"You're gonna marry me so many times over..."
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
BLOOM | Sukuna X You | Part 3/3 [COMPLETED]
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CHARACTERS: Sukuna X You | Gojo Satoru | Geto Suguru | Shoko Ieiri | Maki | Fushiguro Toji | Baby Megumi | Megumi's Mom (OC) CHAPTER COUNT: 3/3 WORD COUNT: 10,900+ GENRE: romance | fluff | slight angst | smut | ooc sukuna | female reader | modern au CHAPTER TRIGGER WARNING: profanity/strong language | alcohol use | age gap | smut/sexual intercourse SPOILERS: N/A
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one two three | Bloom Masterlist
“You up for it?”
You were sitting at your usual spot at Maki’s. It was still quite early so the pub wasn’t as crowded as it usually is, and it was a weekday. You were there to meet Sukuna but the owner suddenly started chatting you up like she usually does, beating around the bush for a bit before she finally asked you a favor. Apparently, they’re under-staffed and is in need of another waitress but hiring a new one was out of the question since it was a temporary post, just until the person who really works for her recovers from a broken ankle.
“It’s just from four in the afternoon to eight on weekdays, and since you’re usually hanging around here during those times, I thought of asking you. We’re just really short of hands for the next week,” she said, flashing you a rueful smile. “I asked Ieiri but she’s in the middle of her internship.”
Maki had been there for you before, talking to you when you had issues you couldn’t share with your friends and always giving you free non-alcoholic drinks during your exams, and you didn’t see anything wrong with helping her out for once. You’ll earn from it, too. “Sure. When do I begin?”
She clapped her hands excitedly which took you aback. She’s always so tough, barking orders here and there or putting rowdy customers in their proper places, that you didn’t really expect her to be all giggly and excited all of a sudden. “You’ll do it?”
“Yeah, why not?”
She hugged you then. “Oh my god, Y/N. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You waved her aside, chuckling. “It’s fine. It’s for a week anyway. No big deal.”
She sighed in relief. “You don’t know how much weight you’ve taken off my shoulders, so it is a big deal. Okay for you to start on Monday?”
You nodded.
“I’m giving you all the cherry blossom tea smoothie you want.” She grinned cheekily at you then. “And speaking of cherry blossoms, I noticed you and Sukuna coming here together. Are you together now?”
You felt your face heating up at the mention of the man's name but you shook your head. "Not yet."
You chuckled awkwardly. "We're working it out, I guess. We're not exclusively dating though and he isn't my boyfriend..." You felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought. It's the first time you're saying it out loud, what Sukuna isn't to you, and you had to admit the notion was kinda disappointing. But the problem was with you. "Yeah...just that."
"He likes you though. I see the way he looks at you." Maki smiled knowingly at you. "Does this have something to do with your no dating policy? It's ridiculous if you ask me. Sukuna is a good man."
Ah, straightforward as always. "I know that. That's why I'm letting him have a go at changing my mind."
"And is he successful so far?"
"He's almost there." You frowned then, catching her comment about him. "You seem to know him well."
"We go way back," Maki explained. "My old man still owns the pub when he was a student and he came here all the time listening to me and that old geezer fight."
"Oh. That must have been a sight."
"Plus he's friends with my cousin, Toji."
You tilted your head in question. Sukuna never really talked about his friends, and he has never introduced you to any of them. It’s the first time you’re hearing about that side of him. “Really? What was he like back then?”
Maki snorted. “He was an idiot who had too much time in his hands. He’s smart, but had a penchant for mischief. I mean, I guess you already figured that out just looking at him. Nobody really thought he would end up to be this big-shot architect.”
You laughed. “Really?”
“Toji’s influence, I guess. That one’s a bigger idiot.” She looked deep in thought for a moment then said, “Why his wife chose him instead of Sukuna is a puzzle.”
You were confused. You did not know what she was talking exactly, and why her cousin’s wife should have chosen Sukuna was beyond you. For some reason, you didn’t have a good feeling about it, then you remembered what he told you before about dating just one person.
Could it be… “No…” You didn’t even realize you said that out loud until Maki held onto your hand, squeezing gently.
“I’m sorry. I said too much.”
“Well, don’t stop now,” you found yourself saying, unable to help it. “Is the situation what I think it is? Your cousin’s wife…He told me before that he only ever steadily dated one girl. Is it…?”
Maki nodded, grimacing. “They cheated on him six years ago.”
“So, he lost his girlfriend and best friend?” You felt your heart break at the thought. You might not have known him back then, but you couldn’t help but feel bad on his behalf.
“Yes. I’m not saying it’s his fault, but he’s hardly ever there since he was busy.”
“It’s not enough grounds for them to do that!” you stated loudly, feeling genuinely hurt for him. Damn, if he dated just one woman ever and never had a relationship again before you – for six years – then that spoke volumes of how much it affected him afterwards. You caught yourself and flashed Maki an apologetic look. “I’m sorry.”
“Understandable.” She sighed. “He went overseas and didn’t come back until just two years ago. Guess why he came back.”
“To attend their wedding.”
You didn’t know what was more messed up, but you also know Sukuna to be a genuinely good person. If he disappeared for that long only to come back to attend his best friend and ex’s wedding, then it only meant he totally forgave them. If he was giving another relationship a chance, particularly with you, then it also meant he has healed. How he could be so caring and affectionate towards you despite what he went through astonished you, but maybe that’s just how he really was as a person.
“Are they okay now?”
“Yes.” She laughed slightly then. “You should see how he dotes on Toji’s son.”
Maki ruffled your hair, seeing how you’ve reacted. “Just one piece of unsolicited advice, Y/N. If you decide to be with him, be certain about it and don’t ever hurt him.”
You only nodded, taking her words to heart. She was right. Just as you were afraid to be left alone, nobody deserves to be hurt like that. You wanted to be angry at the fact that his own best friend did that to him but at the same time, you were proud of him for coming out of it while maintaining a good view about the whole concept of relationships and perhaps love. It radiated in the way he treated you, and all the effort he is putting into making things work despite your hesitations.
He arrived a few moments later, showing you that crooked smile of his. You both had one beer, and over that, he asked about your day and he told you about yours. When you were finished with your drinks, he said, “Mind going out for a drive? I wanted to tell you something.”
“Okay.” You couldn’t meet his eyes after what Maki told you, and several times, he asked if you were okay to which you responded affirmatively, trying to keep your emotions at bay.
Sukuna took you to the cliffs just around the city limits, parking his car a few yards from the edge enough to have a good view of the sea of lights below. When he killed the engine, you disembarked from his Jeep, walking closer to the edge when you felt his hand on your arm.
“Not too close to the edge,” he said, looking at you with concern written all over his face, but before he could ask what was bothering you, you said, “You were going to tell me something.”
At that, he sighed as if in long-suffering. “Yes, that.” He looked at you seriously as if he was going to tell you something grave only to end up saying, “I’m going to be away for two weeks starting Monday. I’m going to London.”
Momentarily forgetting about your conversation with Maki, you blinked, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. “Why did you have to look like you’re about to tell me you’re going to be executed or something? Jesus, Sukuna.” You laughed despite yourself.
“Don’t laugh. I’m annoyed.” He pouted. “Aren’t you sad? Two weeks is a long time. I won’t get to see you, and I have to check for time zones if I want to talk to you over the phone.”
You held his hand, twining your fingers with his before raising it to plant a kiss on his knuckles. “I will miss you, but you don’t have to be so upset about it. I’ll be right here when you come back. Stop being all dramatic.”
“I’m not!”
“You’re funny.”
He rolled his eyes, but then said, “So, before that, I was planning to take you to meet my best friend and his wife on Saturday. I’ve been telling them about you…”
The rest of his words faded, the only thought registering in your head was how he mentioned his best friend and his wife. You were going to meet them. You couldn’t say no to that given that they seem to play integral parts in his life despite what happened. “Okay.”
“You’re gonna love their little boy,” he said excitedly.
“But really, Y/N? You won’t have a whirlwind romance with some college brat while I’m away?”
You let go of his hand, stepping back. You didn’t like the sound of that. Not one bit. Not when he was speaking from experience. “What do you take me for?!” The words came out a little harsher than you intended, the resentment you felt for his previous relationship resurfacing.
He arched a brow at you, puzzled at your outburst. “Y/N, I was kidding.”
Not able to hold back anymore, you turned away from him as tears started flooding your vision. You didn’t even know why you were crying over the whole thing, and you just felt like an idiot as you faced him again, frantically drying your tears.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He looked alarmed as he held onto both of your hands, stopping you from wiping harshly at your face. “Why are you crying? Is it because of what I said?”
You shook your head. “No…no. Can I hug you though?” you asked and he almost laughed as he himself drew you closer, wrapping his arms around you. “You never have to ask.”
You did the same, holding onto him tightly, hoping it was enough for you to get rid of any feeling of hurt left in him if there was any to begin with; that it was enough for him to be at ease where you were concerned when he goes away. Still, you wanted to make sure. You stayed like that until you’ve calmed down, thinking you were doing it more for yourself than for him.
“What brought this on?”
“You won’t get mad?” you asked between hiccups, looking up at him.
“Why would I?”
“Promise me first. I just don’t want to hide anything from you and it’s been bothering me.”
“Okay. I promise.” As if to emphasize his words, he pecked you on the tip of your nose. “Now what is bothering you?”
“Since you mentioned your best friend,” you began, “Toji, right?”
He eyed you, nonplussed. “How did you know?”
“Maki told me…” You started tearing up again. “She-she told me w-what happened. Everything…so I know…Please don’t get mad.”
He clucked his tongue. “That woman. Seriously.”
“I’m glad she told me and I’m sorry if I pried, but I can’t…”
“Is that why you’re crying?”
“Because they hurt you.”
His expressions softened. “Silly.”
You pulled him close, wrapping your arms around him. “It’s not silly. Nobody deserves that, least of all you. You’re always so good to me, and I can’t imagine anybody doing that to you, least of all your best friend.”
Sukuna’s hug tightened a tad, placing his chin on top of your head. “No sense crying about it anymore, Y/N. I’ve forgiven and forgotten. It wasn’t their fault if they felt that way when I went away. They found common ground, I guess. Toji thought he was losing his best friend and she felt the same way.”
“If it isn’t too much to ask, I want you to get to know them, too, just like I want to be close to Satoru, Suguru and Ieiri. They’re important to me.”
“You mean it?”
“Yes.” You met his gaze. “If they’re important to you, then I will do that for you and meet them.”
He wiped away your tears then. “Thank you.”
“Don’t sweat it,” you mumbled, breathing in deeply. “Sorry you had to see me like this.”
“You don’t have to hide anything from me.” He shrugged then, snickering. “Maki’s timing sure is impeccable.”
And so, Saturday came and you held onto Sukuna’s hand as he helped you out of the Jeep after parking in front of a two-story house with pale yellow walls and white shutters. Before it was a small, well-tended yard surrounded with white picket fences, very much like the house you grew up in under the care of your grandfather. A small, plastic slide and swing set was placed on the grass along with a tiny bike and some toys in the sandbox.
“You okay?” he asked, interrupting your reverie. When you nodded, he said, “You’re not gonna cry, are you?” making you smack him on the arm. “Ow?”
“Serves you right.”
Just then, the door opened revealing this couple you assumed to be the Fushiguros. They looked good together, both with raven hair with their equally dark-haired little boy who looked about eighteen months old, all chubby cheeks and pudgy cuteness.
Toji was this big, hulking man with a vertical scar on the right side of his mouth which oddly added to his charm instead of marring his handsome face. He was carrying his little boy in his muscular arms, taking the edge off his tough looks. He was the first one to approach.
"Hi. Y/N, right?"
"Yes, hi." You shook his hand, smiling genuinely despite your previous notions regarding him and his wife who also stepped forward, taking your hands in hers. She was beautiful, too, and she gave you this feeling of coming home with her bright eyes and kind smile. You couldn’t blame Toji for falling for her, then again, Sukuna used to be in love with her, too.
"You're so pretty!" she said as a way of greeting. "I'm Mirai. It's nice to meet you."
Toji glanced at Sukuna, the gesture injected with meaning. "It's nice to finally meet you. Typically, he's quiet, but he won't shut up about you."
"Shut up," Sukuna muttered.
"It's nice to meet you both." You chuckled. "He isn't quiet around me either." Then your eyes shifted to their kid. You weren't exactly enamored with the idea of children, but you understood what Sukuna meant. "Hi, little angel," you couldn't help but say to the boy who was looking at you with wide, sparkly eyes framed with long lashes. "Your son is lovely."
"Thank you," Mirai returned happily, watching her son reaching for you. "Aww, Megumi likes you."
"Megumi," you repeated. "Blessing?"
"Yes," Toji said proudly and you gathered from his statement that he named the baby.
You looked towards Sukuna as if for assurance as you reached out. "May I hold him?"
"Sure." Toji handed Megumi to you and you followed after them as they led you and Sukuna into their home, marveling at how well-behaved he was, just leaning against your chest and sucking on his thumb, all warm and smelling like baby powder and everything that reminded you of happiness.
The two men went to the living room to catch up while you went to the kitchen with Mirai who was curiously asking you one thing after the other.
"Sukuna told us you're a student. What are you studying?" she asked as she stirred something in a pot.
"Comprehensive literature," you answered, untangling Megumi's hand from your hair.
"Are you sure you're okay carrying Megumi?" Mirai threw you a rueful smile.
You nodded, beaming warmly at the child. "I don't mind. He's so adorable."
Mirai smiled lovingly at her son. "Isn't he? I was so happy when I first had him and saw how much he looked like his dad."
"Yeah, he's like a mini version of Toji. He has your eyes though."
“Thank you.” She grinned. "So, how long have you known Sukuna?"
"Just almost half a year. Around that."
"Guy's whipped for you, Y/N."
"I heard that!" Sukuna called out from the living room. He suddenly entered the kitchen, plucking Megumi off your arms saying, "My turn. How's my favorite boy?"
You just snickered, your thoughts elsewhere. It got you wondering if you would even have met Sukuna if things didn't turn out the way they have. You were picturing Sukuna standing beside Mirai instead of Toji but you just couldn't and it got you contemplating that maybe things ended up the way they did because that's what's meant to be.
As opposed to your resentment to what they did to him, you were now glad, perhaps even thankful and more understanding of Sukuna's reasons for letting things go and remaining friends with them. Because if those things didn't happen, you won't have him. Because if they didn't turn out that way, you wouldn't be watching him being all silly and adorable with Megumi, giving you a picture of what kind of father he would be when he did have kids. Because then, you wouldn't be considering the possibility of a future with anyone…with him.
Then you froze as your feelings for him became clearer. Because why else would you be spending all your time with him, being close to him and getting to know him? Why were you so keen on making sure he was happy? Why were you hurting on his behalf? Why was the world suddenly a better place despite the fact that you're supposedly alone?
It was simple. You're in love with him.
"Y/N?" you heard his deep voice resonating from inside your head then louder as your vision began to focus. He was standing in front of you with Megumi in his arms.
"You okay? You were spacing out."
"Just thinking." You bit your lower lip, looking apologetic.
"Getting lost in your own world again, I see?" he teased.
"Getting lost in yours is more like it."
He and Miriai looked at you at the same time, the latter giggling pretty much like Ieiri whenever you told her about Sukuna. "You two are so cute."
You brushed the comment off, approaching her. "How can I help?"
You set the table with Toji's help, listening to him talk about Megumi and Mirai with such profound fondness and pride. Just like Sukuna, his appearance was an irony to his funny and soft personality it was disconcerting.
"It's great to have guests over. We rarely do this but Sukuna comes here every Saturday, and well, he isn't a guest anymore," Mirai said as she fed Megumi.
"Thanks for having me then," you replied, still fixated on their kid who was babbling about with his mouth full while he repeatedly knocked a plastic spoon on his high chair.
The conversation was light, circling on their old days, but you knew they were trying to skirt around the ugly things. Mirai regaled you of how Toji got the scar on his mouth. Turns out he and Sukuna were street racers at some point. "Easy cash," as the former had put it. "I mean who wants a part time job if you earn thousands a night?"
"So, what do you plan to become after you graduate?" she asked you again.
"A writer, maybe?"
At that, Sukuna started telling them about your date at the fancy restaurant and how you pretty much nailed the story of the lone old woman who gave you wine. "She's amazing like that," he said fondly, absently patting you on your thigh.
"I'm sure Y/N here finds you impressive, too," Toji teased. "Right, Y/N?"
"Yeah, he smells awfully great it's making my thoughts incoherent," you sallied, "But jokes aside..." You let your voice trail off on purpose, gauging his reaction.
"What?" he prompted.
"That's for me to know," you finally stated, making the couple laugh.
"No fair!"
After lunch, you helped Mirai clean up. Megumi was asleep in his crib after his meal and the guys stood by the backdoor, enjoying some beer. You dried the plates quietly while she washed and told you about Toji.
"It's like raising two kids, really," she told you. "He doesn't pick up after himself and our Megumi is more considerate than he is."
"But you love him," you teased.
"With all that I am." Her eyes strayed to Sukuna then. "Cherish him. Don't let that one get away."
At her words, you felt the same hurt you did when you first learned what the real deal was with them from Maki. You blood boiled out of the blue as thoughts started racing in your head a hundred miles per second. How dare she say that to you when she herself let him go? How dare she hurt him like that and yet keep him as a friend?
The sound of something breaking brought you out of your trance, and you realized the plate you were wiping had fallen onto the floor. But your attention was on her, your steely eyes hard and intense as you said, "You're the last person I expect to be telling me such things."
You stepped away from her only to be met by Sukuna's disappointed expression, but you ignored that as well as you turned away. "Excuse me,” you said, bowing slightly as you walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, grabbing your bag before walking out of the house.
The crisp autumn air blew coldly against you, ruffling your hair and your dress as you stood there, not really knowing where to go or what to do. Suddenly, you felt stupid for saying something like that to Mirai when she had been nothing but nice towards you, her and Toji. You also liked their son. And judging by how Sukuna looked at you, you had this niggling feeling that you've ruined it all, eating at you from the inside out.
Just then, the door opened and closed behind you. You didn't have to turn around to know it was Sukuna who followed you out. You've grown so accustomed to his presence that at times, he only had to look at you and you already understand what he wants to convey.
"Y/N, sweetheart, what's going on?" he asked, trying hard to keep the edge off his tone.
You didn't turn to face him, afraid of what you will see. "You heard what I said. Do I really have to explain?"
He walked around you, grabbing you by the shoulders, shaking you slightly. "I thought we're over this. I thought I already explained this to you."
That doesn't cut it, you thought but opted not to say it. He might have told you that he has forgiven and forgotten, and although you weren't involved in it, you still felt displeasure whenever you remembered it. It wasn't as if Mirai and Toji did you wrong, and it wasn't as if you had the right to say shit but she didn't have the right to tell you anything either knowing to herself what she had done. You didn't want to hear anything from her about what you ought to do and decide where Sukuna was concerned. It just didn't sit right with you.
"I know. I'm wrong. I get it," you snapped, shrugging his hands off you. "I wanna go home." You started walking away from him, but you stopped when he said, "What is wrong with you?"
You turned back, breath snagging as you let out a mirthless chuckle. "What is wrong with me?" you repeated, your voice coming out soft but with a bitter edge to it. "I know I am wrong for blurting out the things I did, and I am sorry."
"Y/N –"
"But don't strip me of my right to be angry when Mirai tells me to cherish you and not let you go as if she has any right to do it," you cut him off. "I didn't have the right to call her out on her transgressions to you, but don't tell me I can't cry or be mad at the fact that you had to go through all that because I care too damn much for you!"
Your eyes started to fill with tears as you regarded him, seeing the world come alive with blossoms dancing in the wind while in reality, the world was at its last legs, leaves falling all around you. Whenever you looked at him, you felt like everything was flourishing, filling your existence with beautiful things in an abundance of colors. "I'm so in love with you that I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt. I hate it when I know you're tired but you still smile for me anyway. I hate it when you look disappointed whenever I hesitate and couldn't make up my mind."
"I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. I was being a jerk, but that's how much I love you. I love you, Sukuna, more than I can possibly tell you. I can't pretend I don't."
"Say that again," he murmured.
"What?" you demanded gruffly, too caught up in your emotions to comprehend.
"You said you love me. Say it again." Now he looked like he was about to cry, eyes glistening even as he smiled wide with joy, drawing nearer and taking your hand in his.
You sighed in relief, feeling your chest loosen up. It felt great saying it out loud. Beyond just great. "I love you."
The moment you let go of the words, you were wrapped up in his warmth, his arms tight around you while you listened to the thundering beats of his heart. He held you at arm's length, looked deep into your eyes as he cupped your face and leaned in to claim your lips in a brief kiss. Spring has come in the middle of autumn, filling your senses and making you feel like you could fly. He held you in place, eyes closed as he touched his forehead to yours, letting out a shaky laugh.
"Do you mean that?" He opened his eyes slowly and you were lost in their depths as you nodded. "Yes."
"You haven't asked, but I happen to be just as in love with you if not more."
"I already knew that. How can I not when you show me every day? It's comforting to hear you say it out loud though." You smirked at him. "You know, when you don't think I'm asleep."
He stiffened against you. "You heard that?"
"God, it was so hard to keep my eyes closed and stop myself from reacting when you told me you're in love with me."
He clucked his tongue. "You waited this long to respond to me?"
"I told you I didn't wanna give it to you half-assed. I’m giving you my heart just as I want yours, and if you’re ready to entrust it wholly to me, I can’t just reciprocate with pieces of mine."
“You had it since the first day we met. I didn’t have to see everything else to know you’re the one who owns it.” Sukuna kissed you on the forehead, hugging you to him and just standing there with you, watching cars pass by the road, reveling in his proximity and his warmth. You didn’t need much of anything if you had him.
But then you broke out of his hold, realizing the mess you’ve made.
"What is it?"
"I have to apologize to our hosts. Stay here," you stated, walking back to the house to find the couple in the living room, standing there as if they were expecting you to come back. Without hesitation, you bowed before them. "I sincerely apologize for what I said. I should not have said that to you, Mirai. And it isn't my intention to indirectly hurt you, too, Toji. I'm sorry."
"What is this girl saying?" you heard Mirai say as she approached you and hugged you tight. "You silly girl. We deserve that and we don't deserve Sukuna. Everyone just gave us a free pass, and we were glad you were brave enough to say it to us like that. You have nothing to apologize for."
Toji shook his head. "No, Y/N. Thank you. For loving Sukuna and for giving us the chance to finally forgive ourselves, too."
At that, you smiled, nodding in understanding.
When it was time to leave, Megumi woke up and you had the chance to say goodbye to him, too, holding onto him until you had to get out the door.
"Visit us anytime, Y/N," Mirai said, winking. "Sukuna doesn't have to be with you."
"So, you're throwing me away cause you have Y/N now? Some friends you are," he sniped, causing another round of easy laughter.
"I'll come by soon," you promised, pecking Megumi on the cheek. "See you, angel."
"So, you're officially together now?" Suguru asked, helping you pack for the trip to the mountains Sukuna had planned, scheduled immediately after his return.
"Two weeks ago, but he had to go to London," you said, and in the next second, Ieiri and Satoru both brought out their wallets, handing bills to Suguru.
"I knew there was something different when he drove you home that afternoon."
"I can't believe you three are betting over my relationship with Sukuna," you muttered, zipping up your small luggage.
Suguru won fair and square though. He had been right to ask from the start when he walked in on you and Sukuna making out on the porch when the latter dropped you off. The drive then was quiet but you had the shut the guy up for teasing you about that "one hell of a confession," as he had put it. But he immediately took control, shoving you against the wall beside the door and kissing you stupid.
"What did I say about raising her on my own?" Suguru gloated, slinging an arm over your shoulder much to the annoyance of your supposed two other parents.
Satoru scoffed. "I was the one who did the hardest job of interrogating him the first time he came and brought our little girl dead drunk!"
"Yeah, he said you're intimidating," you told him, chuckling, and he positively glowed until you said, "But he said you apologized afterwards so..."
Suguru and Ieiri laughed hard at him.
"On a more serious note, Sukuna isn't gonna be as lucky the moment you get hurt, Y/N," Satoru stated calmly and the other two nodded in agreement. "Just putting it out there."
You would do the same for them, too, so you also agreed. "And if I'm the one causing him shit?"
"That's on him, too," Suguru said, ruffling your hair. "You're our princess, Y/N. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong when the time comes. You'll probably get an earful from us, too, cause we like the guy, but you will always have us first."
You clucked you tongue. "You're all being dramatic, but thanks. Much appreciated."
"It's the first time you're going steady with anyone. We're just making sure we've covered all the bases," Ieiri stated.
"Yeah, and before we forget..." Satoru took something out from under your bed, handing it to you.
You eagerly looked into the bag, thinking it was a present but you wanted to throw it at his face the moment you found out what it was.
"I got the bigger sizes cause Sukuna looks loaded in that department. Special edition, ultra-thin in – wait for it – mixed berry flavor." He winked. "Wrap it before you tap it."
"Ha ha, Satoru. You're really funny." You motioned to hit him, but laughed with him nonetheless as you rummaged through the bag. "Where the hell did you even get these?"
"Ordered them in from Amsterdam. You're welcome, princess."
"You're fucking weird for handing me rubbers, but thanks, dad." You handed the bag back to him. "You're giving them to Sukuna yourself though."
And that he did when Sukuna arrived to come pick you up, strictly telling the man to open it in private much to the latter's confusion. Still, he accepted graciously.
"Don't open that thing," you said the moment you were in his car.
"That makes me want to open it now," he said.
You clucked you tongue, and shook your head. "Do that when I'm not looking." You tilted your head to have a better look at him, reaching over to make him face you. You frowned at the dark circles under his eyes. "What have you been doing in London?"
"Not sleeping enough is one of them, and I'm jetlagged." He took your hand in his and started planting butterfly kisses on your fingers. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too." You cupped the side of his face and leaned over, pecking him on the lips. "You're going to sleep the moment we get to our destination."
"But –"
"No buts." You took the key off the ignition. "And I'm driving." You got out of the car, rounding it to the driver's side, opening the door. "Scoot."
Sukuna grinned at you. "Is being bossed around what it entails to be your boyfriend, sweetheart?" he asked, swinging his legs towards the door.
You moved closer, standing between his legs. "And if I say yes? Do you want out?" you asked, flashing him a sultry smile as you drew closer to him, your breaths mingling.
"I can't say I don't like it." He kissed you, deeper than the peck you gave him earlier.
"It's safer if I drive," you spoke against his lips. "Move."
"Just this once," he acceded, moving towards the passenger side while you climbed behind the wheel, gunning the car out of the property. But opposite to his words, he was asleep not an hour into the drive.
You never really realized how long two weeks could be until you had to wait for Sukuna to come back safe and sound. Though your time had been occupied by your studies and every other thing you did, you were always distracted by your phone, waiting for his messages and calls that you had to find yet another distraction in the form of a new video game you've gotten over the mail just two days after he left. But that was just momentary as you finished it in three days of continual gaming. You even went to visit the Fushiguros the weekend prior much to Mirai's delight just to have a semblance of familiarity where Sukuna was involved but it just made you miss him more.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, indeed. You could just laugh at yourself over the past days, thinking yourself selfish at the thought of not wanting him to go anywhere you couldn't easily reach him. But now that he was back, you are back to normal, and you knew you have to come to terms with accepting that it is a part of his job to be away from you every now and then if things are going to work out for the two of you.
You're whipped, and you know it. You've accepted that. Now, it's just a matter of not allowing yourself to become too dependent on his presence.
Sukuna woke up when you stopped for gas three hours later. Why he had to choose such a far off place to bring you to was beyond you, but you weren't complaining in that you'd go wherever he was, but it was more for the fact that he came straight out of the airport and yet he was traveling again and by car, too.
"You okay?" he asked while you munched on gummy bears, standing against the Jeep as you filled it with gas. "We can switch."
"I go on farther road trips with the boys and Ieiri every time we have the chance. Stop worrying about me."
He whined sleepily, his voice coming out thick, trapping you against the car with his body. "You're crabby today. It doesn't feel like you miss me."
"Oi, I had to order a new game just so I won't send stupid texts telling you to come back home. How dare you doubt that?"
He burst out laughing. "So you were nerding out while I was away?"
"Pretty much. Don't run away when one day, you walk into my room and find a monster holding onto my controller in the middle of pizza boxes and a whole lot of other mess. That's me needing to be brought out of my hole."
"Hey, don't do that when I go away for business trips." He looked seriously worried now. "You should do your normal routine."
"So don't say I didn't miss you because I was nearly that monster nerd I was telling you about." You popped a green gummy bear into his mouth. "And I'm still driving."
The drive continued for another two hours with you reaching the foot of the mountain at the side of the highway where you really had to switch with Sukuna since you didn't know the way.
"You didn't bring me here to murder me, did you?" you quipped, seeing how thick the forest was on the one-lane road going up the mountain. It was such green world that you almost wanted the feeling of being lost
"Probably. You're too bossy today."
"Hey, that's me being nice."
"I won't. I have other things in mind to do with you." He grinned mischievously at you, winking to which you just shook your head.
Soon enough, you reached a small, traditional village which was pretty much turned into a hot spring resort. Sukuna stopped at the largest building in the vicinity, telling you to wait in the car as he disembarked, returning very shortly later with a key dangling on his thumb. The drive continued for another twenty minutes until he parked in front of this old-style house which didn't look old at all, located at a much more secluded area of the resort. He handed you the key, telling you to go ahead while he unloads your stuff.
Yup. There was nothing old about the facilities at all with the south-facing side made entirely of glass that looked over the private hot spring and a view of the mountains beyond that. The kitchen was as modern as it could get, and judging by how Sukuna was carrying bag after bag of things into the fridge, he planned to cook during your entire stay there. You took over the job while he carried your luggage into the house. Poor thing did the shopping before coming to pick you up without telling you.
"Go shower and sleep. I can handle it from here," you told him when he entered the kitchen again, muscular arms crossed over his wide chest, eyeing you appreciatively.
Instead of doing as he was told, he came up to you, standing behind you, hands fastening onto your waist as he drew your hair to one side. He nuzzled your neck, slowly making his way up your jawline where he pressed his lips and lingered there for a bit. You smiled, reaching up with your hand to place it on his cheek.
"You need to rest, my love."
"Say that again," he whispered.
"You need to rest?" You teased, feeling him nip at your ear. "My love?"
"You keep annoying me today."
"You keep commenting about how I'm behaving today," you countered, facing him. "Come on, let me boss you around for now. You really need to get some shuteye."
"You'll let me boss you around later then?"
"Back already?"
You looked over your shoulder as you combed through your hair when you heard the sliding door open. A smile graced your lips seeing as how Sukuna looked better, more well-rested and more like himself after a long sleep, only coming to at nightfall. He took a dip in the hot spring after dinner and was returning from it.
He came in wearing that dark blue yukata provided by the resort, feeling your face grow hot when you realized you were ogling him yet again. How can you not when the garment hung loosely over his shoulder. He didn't bother tying it properly, and from the partition of the robe, you can see the broad expanse of his chest, the smattering of inked patterns following the sinews of his form.
It wasn't the first time you were seeing his tattoos, the artistic floral and tribal patterns making themselves known to you that day you woke up to him naked from the waist up. However, you did not realize they expanded all the way down the right side of his body, all the way down to the outer area of his thighs. Since he was just wearing a pair of boxers underneath the yukata, when he stepped forward, you were able to see it, and as curiosity won over you, you didn't look away even when he raised a brow at you, the ghost of amusement playing at the corners of his mouth.
You stood up, walking slowly towards him, stopping when you were less than a foot away. Your eyes shifted hesitantly between his face and that area of his anatomy silently asking for his permission to see more of it but your hands refused to move midway.
"What is it?" he asked, not exactly sure as to what you were trying to do.
Biting your lower lip. "M-may I..." You couldn't say it out loud so you pointed at his tattoos, feeling a lump forming on your throat when you realized how bold you were being.
"You don't have to ask," Sukuna whispered, taking your hand and placing it on his chest, warm and alive underneath your palm, while he drew his robe apart, eyes intent on you as you followed the expanse of skin that served as a canvass to the artfully-made representation of the four seasons in a single branch of a cherry blossom tree, meandering downwards. From his chest going down the length of his side, your hand traced over the colored patterns of smaller branches that progressed from summer to winter. Your fingers lingered over his iliac crest where new buds of the familiar pink blossoms that promised spring were immortalized on his skin.
Sukuna's breathing had deepened the moment your hand reached lower, and you relished the fact that you had that effect on him, too. You could feel heat behind your eyes as your blood rushed up to your head at the realization that you could do that to him, and even greater than that, the reality of just how much you wanted this man in front of you, how much you wanted to make him yours in every sense of the word and how much you wanted to be his and his alone.
In the dim light of the moon that was filtered by the mist rising from the springs through the open sliding doors, you looked up at Sukuna, the man you love with every single fiber of your being, leaning your head on his chest, listening to his beating heart that mirrored the thrumming in your chest.
You brushed your lips onto his bare skin, trailing kisses across his chest before looking up at him and letting yourself be devoured by those deep, hooded eyes as you stepped even closer.
"You're beautiful," you breathed out, pulling him down towards you, tears pooling in your eyes when he finally kissed you, taking your breath away.
Sukuna's large hands roamed your body as he continued to mold your mouth against his, his tongue pushing between your lips which you welcomed with your own, loving his taste, hot and wet and stirring you alive. His hands were warm and nimble as he kneaded the flesh of your hip through the fabric of your kimono, traveling lower to where the garment parted so he can slide his hand underneath. They made their way to your ass, squeezing hard before he slid lower, hooking both of his hands under your thighs. He lifted you up, urgently maneuvering your legs to wrap around his waist.
Neither of you came up for air even as he walked deeper into the room where the bed was, pawing and hungrily devouring each other, what began as a gentle kiss turning into a scorching show of dominance as you both took from each other, not quite getting enough.
"I love you," he rasped, breathless as he nipped at the shell of your ear. "I want all of you."
He then continued kissing you, seizing you at the back of your neck, roughly nibbling on your lips then progressing towards the columns of your throat, spreading the V that formed the collar of your robe. You ran your fingers through his hair, intoxicated by his scent, your toes curling as his hands travelled to outline the sides of your body possessively.
Sukuna then returned to your lips after leaving open-mouthed kisses all over your chest and collar bones, and you kissed him back just as fervently as he pressed you down against his clothed crotch, making you shiver as you felt stirrings at the pit of your stomach. You gasped at the feeling of him poking against your thigh but before you could recover, he entered his hot tongue into your mouth again, gently luring yours to mingle with his. You just let him have his way, not quite believing what was happening as you felt your skin bursting into flames wherever he touched you.
Sukuna lifted you slightly off the bed, putting you down so that you were facing away from him. From behind, he guided you towards the pillows and snaked his hands around your waist, reaching for the sash of your robe and tugging on it. When he was successful, he tossed it somewhere on the floor and reached over your shoulders, slowly feeling for the lapels of the robe, making sure his fingers brushed against your skin, sending jolts of electricity all over your body as he peeled the garment off you in deliberate and calculated slowness, coupled with his mouth following the train down your nape to your shoulders before he pushed you face down on the bed.
"Oh god," you whispered, fighting for air as he gathered your hair to your left shoulder and licked the shell of your ear. "What are you thinking about? You're too stiff. Relax," he said in that deep, sensual voice that turned your legs to jelly.
You grabbed onto the pillow, anticipating what he was gonna do next when you felt his febrile tongue making a trail on your right shoulder, the action morphing into sloppy, wet kisses going down your bare back until you could not feel your robe anywhere near your body anymore. He has already undressed you.
You were on edge and just hyper aware of everything he was doing and every single touch he left on your body made you feel like it was leaving a mark and being absorbed by every cell in your system. It felt good being this close to him, being touched by him and you wouldn’t really mind if he marked you everywhere. You wanted to be his and you wanted the world to know.
His hands travelled everywhere it could touch, pushing you to the edge and making you feel like you were burning slowly, the kind that made every corner of your body tingle with anticipation. What you didn't realize was how tight you were holding the pillow to yourself until he suddenly mentioned it.
"Hmm?" Your voice came out at a higher pitch, making you want to smack yourself. This was that you wanted and yet you were being all jittery.
He chuckled softly, stopping his ministrations. "What are you doing?"
At that, you pushed yourself off the bed a bit and turned your head sideways to meet his gaze from over your shoulder. “Sorry, I’m just…”
“Overwhelmed,” you whispered, chuckling slightly. While it wasn’t your first time, everything felt new with the added sensations that your deep emotions for him were throwing into the mix. “How do you want me?”
He turned you over on your back, chuckling. "For starters, cut out the pillow hugging." He pried the thing off your arms and chucked it against the headboard. Sukuna then hovered over you, pinning your hands on either side of your head then began his assault on your neck going lower and lower until he reached your left breast and started licking and tugging on your nipple, his other hand busy kneading the other.
“You are beautiful,” he said, mouth moving against the swell of your flesh while his other hand took possession of the other hand, tentatively squeezing with his long fingers.
You let out a moan, craving for more but not certain whether you could take it or not with your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest. You wanted him to touch you more and as if he read your mind, he returned to kissing you intensely until you thought you couldn't breathe, well aware of how his other hand was taking off your panties. Your heart was beating erratically in your chest as you anticipated the moment, but halfway down your thighs, he raised himself a bit and laid himself on top of you, burying his face into your hair.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked cautiously as he raised himself slightly, looking into the depths of your eyes as if he was looking right through you.
Cupping his face, you rose slightly on your elbows, pressing your lips at the corner of his mouth. "A hundred times yes. I'm yours," you said with all the conviction you could muster in your hazy state – love drunk, kiss drunk, Sukuna drunk.
At your response, he latched his lips onto the skin of your neck, kissing lower and lower, passing over your breasts where he lingered, biting and sucking gently. You hissed as you watched him progress downward, his mouth doing all the magic from the valley of your chest down to your stomach, his hand reaching for the garment he had taken off you halfway down your legs, discarding it. The rough pads of his hands brushed over your thighs, pushing them apart as he lowered himself between them.
You let out a sharp cry when he licked a long stripe on your nether lips, his hot tongue swirling over your sensitive nub. He hummed in approval upon tasting you while he teased your folds with two of his digits. Without a warning he simultaneously pushed his fingers into you and sucked on your clit, building a rhythm that had you seeing stars with every thrust, coaxing out whimpers from your slightly parted lips. Your hips bucked towards him when you felt him reaching deep enough to touch your sweet spot again and again.
Sukuna anchored his arms around your thighs, his elbows on the mattress as he held you steady, continuing to lap at you and move his digits inside you as you felt that familiar sensation of coming undone, guiding you through it until you released so hard your juices squirted out despite his fingers still inserted in you, making a right mess of his mouth, chin and hand.
You spasmed against him but he didn't let go, continuing with his ministrations. He removed his fingers from inside you and started eating you out like a starved man, catching all of your essence from your initial orgasm and cajoling you into another one as he shoved his tongue right into you.
Your hand reached down, fingers tangling with his cherry blossom locks, not knowing whether you want to push him or keep him right where he was. He moaned as he felt your walls clenching, the vibrations caused by his voice stimulating you further, and in no time, you were releasing into his mouth again, your high hitting you like a speeding truck, slamming onto you and leaving you a shaking mess.
Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to calm down, chuckling in between each intake of breath when you felt Sukuna planting ephemeral kisses on your feverish skin, working his way up this time, worshipping your body before catching your lips in his where you tasted yourself on him.
"Can I eat you forever?" he asked with a groan. "You taste exquisite, my love."
"Alright," you panted, "But before that..." You looked him in the eye, running your hand down his chiseled abs until you reached the band of his boxers, excitement filling you as you palmed his crotch over the fabric. You snickered when his whole body seized on top of you, but you were just as out of breath feeling how massive and warm he was against your palm. You bit your lip as your hand moved, rubbing him slowly. Sukuna's eyes drooped a little as he drank in the clouded look in your eyes.
Satoru wasn't wrong about the condoms, and it further got proven to you when you pushed Sukuna’s underwear down and he rose up to his knees, finishing the job. You swore your eyes were going to pop out of their sockets when his length was released from its restraints, slapping against his stomach, thick, long and standing proud, its pink tip leaking precum that dripped down, following a prominent vein on its underside. You never wanted to put anything in your mouth as much as you wanted his dick, but the idea of it stretching you and ripping you apart from between your legs was more intriguing.
Sukuna smirked down at you. "Like what you see, sweetheart?"
"That's an understatement." You swallowed hard, taking you herculean effort to look at his face instead. "I don't just wanna look at it though."
He reached over to the nightstand, taking out that familiar bag from Satoru, quickly rummaging through it. "I'd be insulted if that's all you wanna do." He said as he took out a packet, about to rip it but you shook your head, taking it away from him.
He arched a brow at you. "You don't...Are you –"
"Stop asking me if I'm sure. I'm certain as I'll ever be." You smiled at him. "Or maybe I'll change my mind if you keep asking."
Laughing, he bent down, positioning himself between your legs as he took possession of your lips once more. You took a deep breath when you felt his tip nudging between your folds, teasing you while he busied himself with tracing the topography of your body as if committing it to memory.
Watching him now, you wished you've met him earlier in your life, loved him longer than you have at present. If you knew someone like Sukuna would come to care for you as much as he does, even in acts that are mostly governed by sheer instinct and senses, driven by need and lust, you would have combed the earth to find him. He cares so damn much for you that you knew he will find it in him to stop if you just said so even at his own expense.
"Sukuna..." his name spilled from your mouth, wanting him all for yourself, body, heart and soul. "Baby, please..." You were pleading, but for what, you didn't know exactly.
"Yes, my love?" he questioned, a smug grin playing at the corners of his mouth as he watched the mess that you are beneath him. "Tell me what you want."
"You," you whimpered, raising your hip to meet his cock, hard and burning on your skin. "I want you," you breathed out, the delicious torture in your voice coming to a crescendo when he thrust in agonizingly slow, making your wish his command.
He stretched you, gradually, gently as if he was afraid to break you, but your breath hitched for a different reason entirely. His girth left a slight burn as he pushed in, the rapturous feel of him invading your space and being wrapped in your flesh making a heated mess out of you as you grabbed everything you can get a grip on – the sheets, his shoulders, the pillow nearest to you – trying to anchor yourself from the sudden high of knowing he was inside you.
Your eyes watered at the sheer thought of being connected to him so deeply, and you found yourself falling to blissful surrender when he finally bottomed out. You felt him twitch inside you, but instead of moving as he wished, he cupped your face, delicately brushing his fingers over your flushed cheeks. He had that look of disquiet as he examined your expressions.
"You okay?"
You nodded, beaming in your state of stupor. "Please…move."
Sukuna begins to do as he was told, sliding in and out and acquainting you to his rhythm, his intense eyes hooded yet intense as he regarded you, aware of every nuance of your expressions with every single thrust. He started picking up the pace when he felt you wrap your legs around him, hitting you deeper every single time.
Pleasurable groans elicited from Sukuna's lips as he held himself up, driving his hips against yours repeatedly. "You're so tight," he rasped, his snagged breaths hot on your ears. "You feel so good."
"So good," you repeated, completely going out of it when the mere brushing of his rod against your walls drove you over the edge. You clenched tight around him and he let out a groan, eyes rounding when he realized you were close.
"Let go, baby. Cum for me," he said between pants as he pounded onto you unrelentingly.
You spoke broken syllables of his name as you came around him, riding you through your high. Acid white flashes started to flash behind your eyelids, your back arching from the bed as you keened loudly, too enraptured and absorbed in the pleasure that he was giving you.
However, before you could even recover, Sukuna lifted you off the bed, holding you against him so that your breast were rubbing against his taut chest. You wrapped your arms around him, gripping onto his shoulders while you sat astride him on your knees.
"You'll give me one more, won't you, my love?" he said, thrusting up to you whilst he gripped your waist so tight you knew you will have bruises after, making you meet every single push of his thick length.
Both your moans filled the room along with skin hitting skin, the friction between you two kept at bay by the sheen of sweat that covered your bodies. He held onto the back of your neck, roughly kissing you, your tongues dancing the lovers' minuet. Your lungs begged for air, but you were reluctant to be released from Sukuna's wild kisses while he fucked you senseless.
"Fuck," he growled through gritted teeth. "I love you," he whispered repeatedly like a mantra.
You felt him getting harder inside you as he hastened his pace, ramming into you faster and stronger, and in no time, you were screaming out his name as you came undone again with him following shortly after you did, a deep groan falling out of his mouth in a dragged out note when he spilled his seed inside of you, making you feel even fuller, your walls throbbing around his softening length.
Spent, you both fell back on the welcoming softness of the mattress with him still inside you. He landed on top of you, catching his breath while he rested his head on the crook of your neck while you wrapped your arm around him, your fingers carding through his damp locks.
“You’re amazing, Y/N,” he purred in hushed tones once he caught your breath.
Your brows furrowed in perplexity. “I didn’t do anything.”
He shook his head, pulling out and rolling away, his eyes between your thighs, watching as your mixed juices dripped down on the sheets. “I’m not just talking about your body and how you felt. That in itself is amazing, but I’m referring to everything that you are.”
You felt heat creeping up your neck, all the way to your scalp. Abashed, you covered your face with your hands. “Don’t say things like that. You’re making me a shy mess. Geez.”
“Hey, look at me.” He clucked his tongue when you didn’t move, taking your hands off of your face. When you finally did as you were told, he said, “I mean it. Sometimes, I can’t believe you’re real.”
“I should be saying that. You’re so kind to me, and I feel how much you care for me every single time you say or do something. And I’m just selfish, really.”
“No, you’re not?”
“I am, Sukuna. I want you all to myself from that time you first kissed me, but I didn’t really do much to make that happen because I’m also a wimp, so thank you for going the extra mile for me.” You smiled slightly, feeling your eyes fill with tears.
“Stop saying that.”
“But it’s true. You’re always the one putting in the effort.”
“Because I want to.” He suddenly sat up, pulling you by the arm to lift you up when you gasped, feeling a sudden jolt of pain at the base of your back and the joints on your thighs at your sudden movement. “What’s wrong?” he asked, alarmed.
You raised a finger, moving on the mattress on your own while you held onto his arm for support. “Give me a moment.”
Sukuna regarded you with wide eyes. “Did I hurt you?” He sat beside you, wrapping arm around your shoulder and soothingly rubbing your arm. “Are you aching anywhere?”
“A bit, but it’s the good kind.” You smirked at him. “You’re amazing,” you said, imitating his tone earlier when he said you’re beautiful, your eyes traveling to his crotch. “You wrecked me, my love.”
He didn’t know whether to laugh or be upset. “You say the most outrageous things and it doesn’t help that you don’t hold back either.”
“Too shocking?” you offered.
“Scandalous!” he quipped, chuckling and you joined in on the laughter, the merry sound breaking through the stillness. “Can I carry you now?”
“Sure.” You lifted your arms, latching onto his neck, letting him take you to the bathroom.
“Let’s wash up and take a dip.”
You nodded and let him have his way around you, standing on the shower stall with him as he did everything while you just held onto him, your legs still wobbly. He kissed you on the cheek, the action soft and delicate, filling you with happiness. You can’t believe he is real.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he spoke against your skin.
You pulled away from him, placing your hand on either side of his face, and with a triumphant smile, you said, “I’m not. Never will be.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more. Don’t argue.” You pecked him on the lips.
Sukuna beamed at you toothily. “Alright, sweetheart.”
He carried you out of the bath and out of the sliding doors that led to the hot spring, setting you down into the water carefully as if you’d break if he didn’t take caution. The hot water felt glorious on your skin, immediately melting the knots of your muscles as you sat between his legs, both of you submerged chest-deep.
“Damn, that feels good,” you sighed, mollified as you leaned against Sukuna’s broad chest, closing your eyes in bliss. “I can stay here forever.”
“Are you talking about the hot spring?”
“Yes and no,” you said without hesitation. “The water feels nice, but it wouldn’t be complete without you holding me.”
“You’re being sweet now after bossing me around earlier?” He wrapped his arms around you, placing his chin on your shoulder. “We can always come here when we both have free time. And I’ll always hold you like this.”
“I like that.”
“I love you,” he mumbled, nuzzling on the spot below your ear and breathing in deeply. “You smell divine.”
“I know. I smell like you.”
“Thank heavens then cause that’s what seemed to lure you to me,” he kidded.
You just smiled, reaching blindly to place your palm on his cheek, trying to get a semblance of reality although it was already staring you in the face, the emotions and sensations he has making you feel very much real, but you seem to be in a dream state, unable to come to terms with the fact that spring has finally come for you in the person of the man whose arms held you tight and close to his heart.
“Yes, my love?”
“Thanks for existing."
So, I made Megumi's mom's name here "Miriai." I made her an OC because I can't just keep referring to her as "she/her." It's quite confusing. I hope this doesn't bother anyone. I cringed, too, trust me.
Okay, Toji is also OOC here. Haha! I went all the way with conjuring these characteristics and since Sukuna, my love, is super soft here (he has cherry blossom tats XD), why not Toji, too?
Anyway, I would like to say thank you to everyone who read this fic! Stay tuned for more. Love you guys :)
Additional notes are available in the masterlist, particularly on the reasons why I wrote some things the way I did.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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thecraftymagician · 2 years
Let's get Rowdy
I used to write alot of fan fiction about 8 years ago OOF and I got inspired to get back into it. This is the first thing I wrote in regards to the Arcana with Julian and my MC. I'm still trying to figure out her personality among other things but I think it turned out alright. That being said it might be rough and I absolutely appreciate feedback.
(This is about the first time Julian takes MC to the Rowdy Raven pre-plague. You can insert yourself or your MC if you want to! ❤)
The sun has started to set by the time I get to the clinic. I knock rhythmically on the worn wood door. "Just a moment!" calls a muffled voice beyond the door, followed by grunts and groans accompanied by a heavy dragging sound. Just as I'm about to ask the door swings open. Julian stands in the doorway, panting as he tries to fix his hair. "Ah, MC! What brings you to my, er, neck of the woods so to speak?" I smirk and raise an eyebrow.  "Were you.. in the middle of something? I can come back later." His eyes grow wide as he blushes. "Huh-What? Oh! OH, no no it's not- the dog-" he stamers, stepping back and gesturing to a large sleeping mass on the ground. "Brundle here is supposed to be my guard dog though he's not the best at it. But I suppose falling asleep and blocking the door could be considered guarding, hm?" I can't help but laugh as the dog snores loudly just then as if to set in the point. He chuckles and I notice then that he has his coat on. "I'm sorry if you're in a hurry, but I'm glad I caught you before you left. Today was slow enough I was able to complete your order early." I hand him a basket full of remedies and medicines. While it's not my specialty I've learned enough from Julian's books to make most of what he needs. He takes the basket with a grin and takes it over to the counter, inspecting as he goes. "Ah, you even made extras? You're too kind, you didn't have to do that." I shrug and make my way over to the old pup. Even dead asleep he stretches into my pets and belly rubs. "Well you know Mrs. Fergus has a bad habit of breaking her jars, and besides I've heard chicken pox is going around so you can never be too safe. Isn't that right, Dr. Devorak?" He chuckles but makes a point to roll his eyes at the title. "And I presume there is not magic business in these, O great and powerful Magician?" I fane offense, gasping and holding my hand to my heart dramatically. "It was only one time! I was new to the recipe and used the wrong powder. You'll never let me live it down." Sighing, I swoon in faux distressed. There's a beat before he barks out laughing and I dissolve into giggles. "No but in all seriousness, thank you." "Of course, anything for you." He smiles, eyes dark and tired after a long day of helping people. "Oh, right! You were on your way out. I should let you get home." I stand up and adjust my cloak. "Oh I wasn't heading home! In fact I live just upstairs, too. I was actually just on my way to a tavern. The Rowdy Raven, do you know it?" I'm not as familiar with this part of town but I think I may have heard the name in passing. Nonetheless I shake my head no which makes him beam. "Oh, you'd love it! Such a lively joint, perfect after a long day. You're welcome to join me if you'd like." Considering all I really planned on doing after work was having dinner and rereading my astrology books.. I hadn't really gotten out much lately. I usually don't do much when Asra is on his adventures just in case he needs me in a pinch but what harm could a night out do? "I think I'll take you up on that. Let's go get rowdy!" He laughs at my enthusiasm and extends his arm out to me. I snake my own through his as we head to the door. "Will Brundle be okay?" Julian and I both look as the pooch twitches in his slumber. "Atta boy, now stay. Stay.. Such a good guard, yes you are! I'll be back later, don't wait up now!" With that he locks the door and we head to the tavern.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
if you’re still taking event requests, i’d like to request a (fluff) tendo x reader soulmate au!
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Tendou + 1
1: Soulmate AU
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When you reached the ripe age of 7, all the colors disappeared from the world. Just like everyone else, you dreaded that day, missing colors in your life, only seeing shades of grey, black, and white here and there. It wasn't very appealing to look at.
You didn't know what clothes matched you now, you didn't know if you bought your favorite color or not, and over time you kind of forgotten what certain colors looked like.
As you went to clean up your stuff, preparing to go to the canteen, a friend of yours walked towards your desk. A sad look etched all over her face.
"Do you think we'll find our soulmates any time soon?" she groaned, laying down her head on your table. You could only sigh and shrug, "You don't seem that annoyed about it," she looked at you annoyingly.
"Well, why should I? Eventually, I'll meet whoever it is anyway," you stood up and started to head to the canteen, "Well true, but I want to find mine before we graduate!!! It's only a year away you know? I want to see the beautiful COLORS!" she dramatized the word colors, trying to get you to see her point of view.
"No, you're just lonely and want to love someone," you continued to tease her as you both finished grabbing food and sat down. "Fuck you."
As the two of you finished eating, you both decided to stroll around the school before going back to your classroom. "Bask in the high school life one last time," as your friend had called it.
Not long into the walk, the both of you passed by the volleyball gym, "You know our school has an amazing team right?" your friend spoke, "Yeah, Ushijima's the star." You answered her.
"Have you watched any of their games?" She peaked into the gym, "Nah, I'm not really into volleyball." She seemed to not listen to you as she snuck into the gym. Watching the practice much closer.
"We're not supposed to be here, we have to go," you tried taking your friend's hand and pulling her out. Instead, she pulled you in, effectively putting you in the gym, and in the crossfire of all the volleyballs coming in your direction.
One such volleyball hurled towards your direction the moment you stepped foot into the room. At that moment, your reflexes failed you. The next thing you felt was a sharp pain on your face and your friend calling out your name.
"Woah! Damn now I feel so bad, you're really cute!" An unfamiliar voice reached your ears.
Groaning as you opened your eyes, your hand reached to rub the back of your head. Painfully aching because of the impact from your fall to the ground.
"Fucking hell, that hurt a lot," you tried sitting up, only to feel someone's arms around your back helping you sit up. "Thank you," you spoke feeling much better now that you were sitting up and not on the ground.
Though that feeling immediately went away when you opened your eyes and met the person in front of you's eyes. "Ah!" your eyes couldn't process the image and because of it, your head began to ache even more.
"Huh? Oh!" The guy holding you up seemed confused for a moment and then exclaimed in surprise.
"You're my soulmate?!" The man yelled grinning wildly, "WHAT?!" Your friend also yelled right beside you. The headache grew more and more with their yelling.
"Can you both be quiet, please? It's so bright," you opened your eyes again only to shield them with your hand at the colors now overwhelming your senses.
The man holding you up being the most overwhelming sight. His red, or what you presumed to be red, hair was way too bright for your eyes who's just been able to see color once again.
"You're so bright," you groaned at the man who laughed, "And you're really colorful!!!" he seemingly didn't have any boundaries as he immediately pulled you closer to hug you tightly.
"I'm Tendou Satori, by the way, I'm the guy who accidentally threw the ball in your direction," he paused, "Sorry,"
You giggled at his hilarious apology, "It's fine, I'm L/n Y/n, it's nice to meet you, finally," you emphasized at the last word.
He seemed to beam even brighter at your words and his grin only grew larger. "You two are making me feel more and more lonely." Your friend interrupted the moment between you two.
"We really have to continue the practice, there is a game coming up soon," a taller, bigger man, who you knew as Ushijima, went towards the three of you. "Well! It's nice meeting you L/n!!! We can talk after okay?!"
Tendou stood up after making sure you can stabilize yourself after the hit. But when he walked away, Ushijima continued to stare at your friend. And she, to him.
"Yoho!" Tendou waved his hand in front of Ushijima's face who snapped out of his daze, "Practice?" Ushijima briskly nodded and followed behind Tendou.
"Still feeling lonely?" You teased her, knowing that wowed look from anywhere. After all, you just had the same exact look the moment you locked eyes with your soulmate.
"Shut up," your friend muttered after a while of blanking out.
Thinking back to your first encounter with Tendou could only make you laugh loudly now. This laugh made a certain, now bald, red-head turn towards your direction.
"What're you laughing at cutie?" he poked your cheek, grinning just as wildly as you remembered when you first saw him. You shrugged, "Just how we first met, my head hurt for a week because of you, you know? Jerk," you playfully elbowed his side.
Only for him to feign actual pain, "Hey, I said sorry! Plus, it made our meeting much more interesting. Like those in a manga!!!!" he laughed out loud, you rolled your eyes at him, but still couldn't suppress the small fits of laughter from his own laugh.
"I hated your hair with a burning passion," he looked at you with a shocked expression, "What?! Why?!?!" you patted his now bald head, though there was still hair, creating a rough texture on your hand. "It was so bright my eyes literally felt like it'll go blind."
"You're so rude," he pouted at you, "I called you cute!" you laughed even louder at the chocolatier. Putting your hands on his cheek you held him there and peppered his face with kisses.
"I think you're cute too."
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A/n: sorry this took a while, I really liked writing this though. I almost went overboard with this one, up until I gave it to my friend to proofread, and she complained about my favoritism. So, I had to shorten it down and this is what it became of it (it's still 1k words though... I'm sorry)! Thank you sm for requesting Tendou, I love him sm!!!
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 775
2,183 - Words
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2021
Curled up in bed comfortably, (Y/n) tried desperately to fall asleep. Yet as the minutes ticked by she found herself restless, and inevitably annoyed. With a distraught sigh (Y/n) sat up in bed, flinging her blankets away from her body. The moment the cool air of her room hit her bare legs (Y/n) shivered, but as she rubbed her face tiredly, a loud ringing sound rang through the room. The sound and pitch being loud enough to make (Y/n) cry out, her hands covering her ears and her eyes screwed shut. Hissing in pain she fell from her bed, but instead of hitting the floor she continued to fall. In an instant her eyes sprung open and (Y/n) screamed, she was falling from the sky at rapid speed. She hit the pavement with a painful grunt, the air being knocked from her lungs, and her head spinning. Dr. Schreber had nearly jumped out of his skin when this strange looking woman landing a few feet away from him on the sidewalk. "Ah." (Y/n) hissed under her breath as she tried to move, freezing when she someone called out to her. "Don't move!" Schreber cried out with worry, as he hobbled to her side as quickly as he could. (Y/n) frowned as she looked up to the man, as he slowly knelt beside her, his hands upon her face as he looked into her eyes. "I'm a Doctor." He murmured softly, as he continued to observe her, looking for any wounds. "Where am I Doc?" (Y/n) licked her lips, holding back a hiss of pain as he helped her sit up. "You don't know?" He frowned a little confused. "Look Doc about twenty seconds ago I was laying in my bed in (Y/h/t), next thing I know there was this deafening ringing, then I was falling from the sky." (Y/n) pointed to the dark sky, to which Schreber looked up, half expecting to see some portal or something. "How I didn't die on impact is freaking me out." (Y/n) added before she observed her surroundings, frowning as she took note of the cars lining the streets. "Check that... This place is freaking me out." She looked to the Doctor, who looked rather alarmed and nervous. "I-I can help you." He stammered. "How?" (Y/n) wondered aloud as she stood to her feet, the cold night air nipping at her exposed skin, as she stood there in her night time attire. "I can't e-explain here, please come with me." The Doctor looked around frantically, walking off in the opposite direction a moment later.
Following the Doctor (Y/n) ignored the strange looks she was receiving from the people they passed. "I-its safer in here." He waved for her to follow, leading her into the indoor pool. "Safe from what, Jason Voorhees?" (Y/n) murmured to herself, her eyes almost hypnotically casting to the ceiling, smiling faintly at the sight of its artistic beauty. "You can change in here." The Doctor showed (Y/n) into a more private room. "Excuse me?" (Y/n) arched a brow at him, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's safer in the water, please trust me. I want to help you." He encouraged her, and while part of her told her these were some serious red flags, she indulged his wish. Stepping into the room she found a locker with a clean swimsuit, however when she looked at it she sneered. "So not happening." She sighed under her breath, looking around she attempted to find something more to her liking. However after a few minutes with no success she simply exited the room, finding the Doctor waiting in the water. "You didn't change." He pointed out with a distraught frown. "Please you need-" (Y/n) was quick to silence him by holding her hand up. "You're the strangest Doctor I've ever met, however I feel inclined to trust you. But before I do as you ask, I want to know your name." (Y/n) rest her wight on one hip, propping her opposite hand onto the opposite hip. "M-my name i-is Doctor Daniel Schreber." He stammered with a small blush, his eyes involuntarily trailing up her bare legs. "My names (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n)." She introduced herself before she stripped herself of her tee shirt and shorts, leaving her in a matching set of bra and panties. "Oh!" Daniel squeaked in surprise, quickly averting his eyes elsewhere.
(Y/n) sat at the edge of the pool before she slipped in slowly, the temperature difference sending a shiver up her spine. "So Doctor Schreber, why are we here?" (Y/n) asked as she slowly swam closer to his side, tilting her head with a faint smile at Daniels nervousness to look at her. "B-because t-this." He cut himself off, taking a deep breath before he continued. "This is the safest place to talk." He explained, trying to focus his eyes on (Y/n)'s, finding the sight of the supple looking flesh of her breasts almost unbearable. "Safest from who?" (Y/n) asked as she moved to sit beside Daniel. "The Strangers." He pushed his glasses up a little, quickly glancing around them to make sure they were alone. "Please... I need you to tell me everything that happened, before they find us." Daniel was almost whispering. "I already did. I was at home trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't. In my frustration I pushed off my blankets and was rubbing my face when this loud ringing started. I covered my ears and fell from my bed, but I never hit my bedroom floor. Instead I just kept falling, when I opened my eyes I was falling from the sky. I hit the ground, and then you came to me." (Y/n) explained, only confusing Daniel further. "Where did you come from?" He murmured with a tilt of his head. "(Y/h/t)?" (Y/n) frowned with confusion. "I've never heard of it." Daniel mirrored her frown. "Am I dead Doctor Schreber?" (Y/n) whispered softly. "No I don't think so." Daniel shook his head dismissively. "Then why is this place familiar to me?" (Y/n) whispered even quieter. "I don't know... I've never seen you before... I've never seen anyone like you before." Daniel admitted, quickly sparring a glance at one of her tattoos. "Good observation Doctor." A voice called out as a tall man dressed in all black entered the room, Daniel gasped in surprise, fear pooling within his eyes. While (Y/n) simply looked at the new man with questioning eyes. "Who are you?" (Y/n) asked, ignoring the fact that Daniel was swimming back to stay away from the approaching man. "Mr. Book." He stood up a little straighter. "Right." (Y/n) rose her brows with mocked sarcasm. "And who are you?" Mr. Book asked in a bored tone. "(Y/n)." She only offered her first name, not trusting this man like she had the Doctor. "Well then (Y/n) I suggest you get out of the water." Mr. Book waved his hand towards the pool ladder. "And if I don't want to?" (Y/n) argued. "(Y/n) please do as he says." Daniel whispered pleadingly. "You should listen to the Doctor." Mr. Book mused, (Y/n) looked to Daniel, finding his fearful gaze locked onto her. "Fine." She exited the pool, Daniel following behind her when Mr. Book demanded his presence as well.
"Sleep." Mr. Book waved his hand in front of (Y/n)'s face, who frowned at him. "What are you doing?" She scowled taking a small step back, both Mr. Book and Daniel looking at her with astonishment. "Sleep." Mr. Book tried again, this time however (Y/n) shoved his hand away. "Fuck off." She hissed, thoroughly annoyed with the pale humanoid being. "Fascinating." Daniel muttered with an amazed grin. Mr. Book however was not quite so amused, trying to throw her back like a ragdoll with his powers. "Why are you looking at me like that?" (Y/n) frowned at the stranger. "What are you?" The stranger frowned when his powers failed to work on her. "I could ask you the same question." (Y/n) retorted, unknowingly making Daniel internally snicker. "You're coming with us." Mr. Book concluded, two more of his companions entering the building. "No." (Y/n) crossed her arms, ignoring the cold chill that ran down her body, caused by both the beings presence, and the fact that she was still dripping wet from the pool. "That wasn't a request." He retorted as he pulled out a knife, Daniel wanted to intervene, but he was afraid it would only make matters worse. However (Y/n) simply rolled her eyes as she uncrossed her arms, pushing passed Mr. Book she grabbed her clothes and pulled them back on. "Fine." She sighed as she re approached him, crossing her arms again. Daniel found her bravery both admirable, and worrying. Mr. Book allowed Daniel to get dressed before he and his companions escorted them out of the building, leading them down below into the strangers lair. As (Y/n) observed her surroundings, she linked her arm with Daniels, momentarily starting the man. She smiled softy at that, leaning in to his side she whispered into his ear. "I remember why this is so familiar now." His eyes widened as he turned his head to look at her, a blush fanning his cheeks when she winked, keeping her arm linked with his.
"I'm of no danger to you all you know." (Y/n) stated casually, Mr. Book stopped walking, turning to look at her. "I've been trying to will that knife of yours through you, and it ain't working." She whispered dramatically, her free hand beside her mouth. "I can't do what you do, your mojo just don't work on lil old me." (Y/n) added with a small giggle. "How can you know what we were thinking?" Mr. Book glowered down at her. "I don't know what you're thinking, I just happen know what conclusion you all jumped to, because well I hate to be the one to tell you. But you're not real, at least not in my world. In my world you're all just characters in a movie that come out in the late 90s. However by the looks of things, this is set before that timeline." (Y/n) shrugged casually, her words momentarily stunning everyone within ear shot. "He's played by Kiefer Sutherland, one of my all time favorite actors." She added pointed her free hand to Daniel. "I just didn't realize it earlier, guess I was still in a daze from that blow to the head." (Y/n) admitted to Daniel specifically, his shocked face undeniably adorable. "If you don't believe me, you should know that I was born (Y/b/d) and I was living somewhat peacefully in the year 2021, even with a global pandemic going on since the very end of 2019." (Y/n) pointed to herself with her free hand. "Hence why I look so strange compared to everyone else here in Dark City." She smiled faintly, giggling to herself when the strangers began chattering among themselves in their native language. "Is all of that true?" Daniel whispered. "Yeah." (Y/n) nodded her head, with a grin cast his way.
After a few hours of the strangers asking (Y/n) questions about this and that, along with some tests they demanded to run. She was allowed to leave with Doctor Schreber, with her memories intact. (Simply because they couldn't alter her memories along with everything else.) With an almost exhausted sigh, both she and Daniel sat down on the couch in his apartment. "Is it true that, that Sutherland fellow is one of your favorite actors?" Daniel hesitated to ask after a moment. "Oh yeah, he's a good actor. It also helps that I find him incredibly handsome. Plus I have a weakness for blondes." (Y/n) admitted shamelessly, her words causing a blush to bloom on Daniels cheeks. "O-oh." He stuttered bashfully. "Did... Did you like the movie, this one?" He asked after he gathered his composure. "One of my favorites." (Y/n) smiled as she turned her body to look at Daniel. "You're my favorite character." She added in a whisper. "R-really?" He turned his head to look at her, his eyes as wide as saucers. "Yep... You're just so cute." (Y/n) cooed with a wolfish grin, her words making Daniel all flustered. "T-thank you." He stammered with a nervous chuckle. "You are very welcome Doctor." (Y/n) hummed casually, her tone making Daniel swallow thickly. "I think it is going to be quiet interesting to get to know you (Y/n)." Daniel mused aloud. "Likewise Doctor." (Y/n) hummed. "Please call me Daniel." He murmured quietly. "Alright then... Daniel." She cooed his name, making it sound oh so heavenly to the flustered man.
Not my best work, but eh I still like it.
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wondernimbus · 4 years
a day in hogsmeade — ron weasley
pairing: ron weasley x female!reader
summary: ron weasley may be one awkward lad who can’t hold reader’s gaze for any more than ten seconds, but he is also terribly endearing. 
a/n: @glisseoo​ asked for some ron fluff so i shall deliver
requests are closed for now. please refrain from plagiarizing my work! 
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"You do realize you've been staring at me for the past minute, right?"
The redhead next to her flushes the same hue as his hair and puffs his cheeks out, gaze skittering away. "I wasn't," he says indignantly, sounding far too defensive, snorting out a laugh as though the mere idea of it is outrageous. “Why would I be.. ha.. staring at you.. ridiculous.."
[Y/N] shakes her head, grinning.
Ron Weasley is one awkward lad; it has only taken her an hour into their date at Hogsmeade to realize this. Part of her had been expecting it ever since he'd come up to her in the Great Hall three days ago, a furiously blushing mess as he blubbered something about asking her out. Looking back on it, despite him having rambled on in front of her for about half a minute, all she can really remember—all she'd vaguely made out at that moment through his constant stammering—were the words "Hogsmeade" and "this Saturday" and "want to—um—go with me". 
She’d said yes, of course. Ron Weasley may be awkward, but she can't deny herself the pleasure of going on a date with a very cute—and apparently very funny, according to the rumors—redheaded boy. 
And to be honest, his awkwardness is quite endearing. [Y/N] finds herself laughing every five minutes or so whenever she spots him downright staring at her—and whenever she catches him, he always tears his gaze away and pretends to be preoccupied with something else.
Ron does it again now, as [Y/N] surveys the Honeydukes shelves and glances at him out of the corner of her eye. The effect is almost immediate; the moment her eyes land on his, he looks away, hand flying up to randomly pluck a box of—ah, Cockroach Clusters—off of the shelves.
"Interesting choice," muses [Y/N], turning around to properly face him, twiddling with a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans in her hands. "Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone pick up a box of Cockroach Clusters for their own enjoyment—it almost always has something to do with some sort of practical joke.”
Ron coughs and puts the box back on the shelf. "Was just looking."
[Y/N] purses her lips together to contain the giggles threatening to burst out from behind them. She smiles down at her feet for a moment, lips pinched in a poorly-concealed smile, and then gestures to the row of Cockroach Clusters. "Well," she shifts on her feet, "Have you ever tried them?"
Ron's eyes widen. He practically blanches and says, "Never. My brothers—Fred and George—tricked Percy into eating it once.. don't think he was the same ever since."
[Y/N] laughs at this. Ron looks up, seemingly pleasantly surprised at her reaction, and then laughs quietly under his breath, hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "That does sound like Fred and George," [Y/N] giggles. "Do you take after them?"
"Gah, no." They’ve started walking now, Ron keeping pace next to her in the narrow aisle, their shoulders brushing slightly. "Mum would have a heart attack. She’s got enough on her platter with two troublemakers in the family already."
[Y/N] raises her eyebrows and glances up at him. "You sure you aren't one? I’m in your Potions class, you know. I’ve heard you talk back to Snape plenty of times."
Ron flushes red not for the first time that day. "Can't really help it. He’s a bit of a git." And then he adds, "Sorry."
"Oh, don't be." [Y/N] waves a hand in the air as though to brush it off. "You’re not wrong. Can’t keep his nose out of other people's business—you know he gave my friend detention once for disrupting his class when all he did was sneeze?"
"I remember that. Wasn’t that Ernie?"
"Exactly—Ernie Macmillan. Snape made him clean the trophy room."
Ron makes a sound in the back of his throat like a snort. "Ah. The trophy room. Probably didn't have much to clean, then. I scrubbed the bloody hell out of those trophies four years ago when I got detention."
[Y/N] laughs, nudging him lightly by the elbow. "And you say you're not a troublemaker."
This time, Ron doesn't blush beet red; he actually laughs, and [Y/N] is pleased at how he's managed to ease up a little. Shrugging, he admits, "Suppose I am. Not as bad as the twins, though, as I’m sure you know."
"I and the rest of the castle," [Y/N] affirms, giggling. They’ve reached the cashier by now—and speak of the devil; the Weasley twins are standing in line, though their backs are turned. "Isn’t that them?" asks [Y/N] curiously, looking to Ron for confirmation.
But the sight she's met with is rather comical. All the color seems to have drained from Ron's face; he looks like he's seen a ghost. Gaping a little, eyes wide in what looks like panic, he clears his throat and says, "I think we should go."
But luck is not on Ron's side, because either Fred or George—[Y/N] can't really tell which one—turns around, and at the sight of their younger brother, beams widely and exclaims, "Ron! Fancy seeing you here, dear brother!"
"Fred," says Ron through gritted teeth, and then, once the other twin has turned around, "George."
"Shopping for sweets, aren't we?" grins George. 
And then, seemingly at the same time, their gazes land on [Y/N], who stands at Ron's side, amused. An identical flicker of surprise crosses the both of their faces before Fred manages to say, with his eyes darting between the two of them, "Is this what I think it is?" 
"Oh, my." George’s mouth has fallen open in an incredulous laugh. "Is ickle-Ronniekins on a date? with [Y/F/N], no less?"
[Y/N] side-eyes Ron to see that he has tensed and is glancing around as though in search for the nearest exit. She scoffs a little at the twins, and, sending them an exasperated look, scolds them by saying, "Oh, leave 'Ronniekins’ alone. He’s been nothing but sweet the entire day."
Their grins grow even wider. "Isn’t that right?" says Fred, tone still teasing. "Well, I must say: We're proud of you, Ronniekins. See you've finally found it in you to ask out the girl you've been obsessing over for two whole years now."
[Y/N]'s eyebrows rise up in intrigue. Ron's cheeks, meanwhile, flush an even darker shade of red. "I'm not—" he begins.
"And since you two are together—"
"We’re not—" Ron tries again. 
"—you ought to start teaching him how to play Quidditch, [Y/N], you being a Hufflepuff chaser and all," Fred continues smoothly. Up ahead by the cashier, someone has successfully made their purchase; the twins take a step back, moving up the line without even looking behind them. "Ron’s planning on trying out for the Gryffindor team next year, you see."
"What the—how do you know that?” Ron gapes. 
"We’d teach him ourselves," says George, sighing, "But Ron's temper is a little—ah—"
"Fiery?" Fred suggests.
"Let’s just say one time he grabbed my Beater bat in mid-air and whacked me upside the head with it."
An amused laugh leaves [Y/N]'s lips before she can even think about suppressing it. "Is that true, Ron?" she says, tone playfully scolding.
Ron rolls his eyes, grumbling, "That was after they jinxed my broom to let out farting noises every five seconds."
Another laugh. "Interesting," she hums. "Well, thanks for the tip, you two." And then, narrowing her eyes at them good-naturedly, "I’ll be sure to teach your brother Quidditch—with a method that doesn’t involve farting jinxes, of course."
Fred and George beam. They’re up next in line. "I bagsy best man at your wedding," Fred announces, swiveling around to face the cashier.
"No, I do—" argues George, turning around to pile up the sweets in his arms on the counter. 
Moments later, the twins are waving their goodbyes, all the while dramatically sobbing into their hands and saying something about their little brother growing up too fast. Fred pats [Y/N] on the shoulder as he passes by, saying in a hushed voice that he'd totally meant for Ron to hear, "Take care of ickle-Ronniekins for us."
And then [Y/N] and Ron are left in the Honeydukes shop, Ron with a flushed face and [Y/N] heavily amused. "That was.." she exhales, laughing as she slides her box of Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans across the counter. "Quite something. Are they always like that?"
"Every bloody waking moment," complains Ron, shoulders sagging as he practically deflates against the counter, leaning his hip on it. "Sorry about them, they're.."
"A bit much?”
"That’s an understatement," Ron comments, obviously still spiteful.
"Did you really hit your brother with his own bat?" she glances at him, eyes alight with genuine curiosity as she takes the paper Honeydukes bag from the shopkeeper with a polite "thank you". 
Making their way to the exit, Ron nods, his own eyes shining with a kind of fieriness that [Y/N] can't help but laugh at. Passionately, he says, "And I’d do it again."
She starts chortling at this, walking through the door as Ron holds it open for her. “Interesting group of brothers, you all are," she enthuses, smiling at him somewhat sympathetically once her giggles have faded. It’s still snowing outside; she pulls the ends of her scarf tighter around her neck.
[Y/N] purses her lips, falling quiet for a moment as though pondering over something, and then, her lips tugging up at the edges, she looks up at him and asks, "And have you really been obsessing over me for two years?"
Ron's eyes grow wide and they skirt away almost immediately, hand flying up to scratch the back of his neck like some sort of defense mechanism. "I—I don't—" he sputters out," I mean—not obsessed—" and then he pauses, as though to start over. Shoulders deflating, he mutters, eyes still downcast, "I've.. always found you really pretty, is all."
[Y/N] scuffles her feet against the ground. The smile tugging on her lips is far too insistent, so she just lets herself succumb to it and grin down at her shoes before she looks up at him, eyes alight with mirth, and says, "It's fine, Ron. That's really sweet of you." And because she has a feeling he doesn't want to talk about his—erm—feelings anymore, she asks, "Do you want to go into the Three Broomsticks next? Grab some butterbeer, maybe?"
Ron nods. But his eyes don’t fail to catch onto the way she’s rubbing her naked hands together—she’d forgotten her gloves. He doesn’t pause to ask and instead takes off his own immediately, handing them to her without quite meeting her eyes.
Despite the rush of gratitude this tiny act gives her (and the butterflies it lets loose in her stomach), she holds her palms out at Ron in a stopping gesture, hurriedly saying, “Oh, no—keep them, Ron, your hands will get cold—“
“Just take them,” Ron says, still abashed. “Can’t have you freezing to death.”
She pauses, another fond smile tugging on the corners of her lips, and then exhales defeatedly and takes the gloves from him, putting them on. “Well, I doubt I’d freeze to death,” she mutters, “but thank you.” Once the gloves have fitted snugly around her hands, she looks up at Ron, smiling softly, and says, “Ready to go, then?”
“Yeah, let’s—oh, blimey. I forgot. Wait here!”
Before [Y/N] even begins to register his words, Ron has disappeared and is dashing back into Honeydukes, leaving her standing outside, bewildered.
Isn’t he something else—leaving his date behind, alone in the snow. [Y/N] can’t help but laugh, giggling to herself as she clamps her hand over her mouth, earning strange looks from Hogwarts students passing by. 
Ron Weasley is awkward and a bit of a mess around her, but [Y/N] finds that it’s quite adorable. And it’s certainly an assurance to know that she’s not the only one venturing into unknown territory—this is her first date, after all. And to be completely honest, she’s enjoying it. Initially she thought she’d be having too hard of a time dealing with Ron’s overbearing awkwardness, but it’s quite the opposite, as she’s grown fond both of it and of him in general.
And that fondness only multiplies when Ron bumbles out of the Honeydukes shop a few minutes later, holding an entire block of wrapped chocolate in his hands, which he hands to her.
“Thought you might like it,” he says, abashed, only managing to hold her gaze for a few moments before his eyes are darting away again. “Would’ve bought it earlier.. got distracted..”
[Y/N] tells herself that the pink blush that is no doubt spreading across her cheeks is most definitely because of the cold and not because of a certain Ron Weasley.
Feeling a thousand things all at once—all of which (so be it) have something to do with Ron—she smiles, all crinkled eyes and dimpled cheeks, and stands on her tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
Flushing, she pulls away. This time she’s not quite meeting his gaze, either, as she says, “Let’s get going, shall we?”
Without waiting for a response, she scurries away, cheeks a blazing shade of red as Ron stands there, hand coming up to brush against the spot on his cheek where she’d kissed him.
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ponds-puddle · 3 years
Threats ~{Shinsou}~ (6/??)
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words: 1404
Hey guys! Sorry this took so long. Some of you may have seen that post that I made about my dog, and I'm thankful to say that she was able to get her surgery and she (as of yesterday) is fully recovered and happy. Thank you guys so much for waiting! Here's part 6!
“If you do not put that down right now I will throw this at you,” you threatened Shinsou from across the island in your kitchen. He was on the opposite side holding your journal. He laughed maniacally, waving the little book around. In all honesty he had no intention to read it. He picked it up while cleaning off the table and loved the way you dove at him in an attempt to get it away from him. After a ten minute chase around the island, you settled on opposite sides with your choice of weapons. His was your book and yours… Well yours was a flower vase.
“You’re so violent!” he laughed loudly, acting as if he wasn’t the least bit intimidated. Though after seeing the sheer determination and force of your dive to get it away from him, he was actually slightly scared you’d throw it.
“And you’re annoying! Put it down!”
“Or what?” he teased.
“This vase is made out of granite, wanna test me?”
Shinsou thought for a moment, looking between you and the vase. After a second he slowly placed the book on the counter and threw his hands up in surrender.
“God,” he laughed as you snatched the book like a crazed goblin, “You’re kinda terrifying.”
“Yeah and don’t forget it,” you threatened as you walked to your room to hide the book.
When you returned to the kitchen, Shinsou was delicately chopping ingredients for the dinner the two of you had bought. It had become a sort of tradition now. Every week you would go out to get groceries and Shinsou would accompany you. Afterwards you would hole up in your house, cooking and binging shows. The two of you would play a round of rock/paper/scissors to see who would have the honors of picking the show. This has been going on for three weeks now and Shinsou never got to pick a show. Though you suspect that he’s losing on purpose. He likes The Vampire Diaries, he just won’t admit it.
“What’s so secret about that book?” he asked you without looking up.
You made a face at him, one that screamed “did you get dropped as a baby?”
“I went through all of that and you think that I’m gonna come out here and tell you exactly what I was trying to keep you from reading?”
Shinsou stopped chopping and looked up at you, “One, attitude. Two, you’re right.”
“So I’ll just guess.”
“No,” you deadpanned.
“Your secret family recipes?”
“A detailed list of everyone you’ve ever killed?”
“Woah that escalated, you weirdo.”
“Ah but I got an answer from that one!”
“Point taken, no more replies.”
You walked briskly to the sink to wash your hands, ignoring the multiple guesses Shinsou threw your way. All ranging from normal to “seriously what is wrong with you?”.
“Is it a detailed account of all the feelings you have for me?”
“Oh of course,” you snorted, “It starts with unadulterated anger.”
“OO! Big word!” Shinsou jokingly praised, poking his lip out with his puppy dog eyes, “They grow up so fast.”
“Don’t make me get the vase.”
Shinsou raised his hands in defeat, chuckling softly to himself.
“You’re such a toddler,” you laughed at him, going to stand beside him to help prep the ingredients.
“Well you’re the weird one for willingly hanging out with a toddler.”
“Excuse me,” you scoffed with offense, “Toddlers are cool as heck. At holidays I like to hang with them over the adults. I mean come on. It's either relationship drama and taxes or two little humans beating the shit out of each other and pretending to be dinosaurs. The choice is obvious, no?”
Shinsou bit back a smile and simply nodded, trying to mask his humor with a “sophisticated” tone, “Oh of course. No argument here.”
You smiled up at the tall boy, a playful smile on your lips. His eyes flickered down to yours, catching your attention completely. Cliche stars and cupid songs shot off in your head, but you were more concerned with the slight disarray of his hair. There was a single strand out of place, most likely from the fight earlier. You tried to hide your grimace at the cliche atmosphere that was surrounding you right now. But despite it, you bounced onto your tip-toes and reached for the hair, lightly moving it to it’s spot.
You tried to ignore the way you hear Shinou inhale when your fingertips brushed through your hair. You tried to ignore the burning sensation you felt from his lavender irises as they inspected every small feature of your face, painfully enjoying the fleeting moment of closeness you had created. But try as you might, you let your eyes flicker to his. You felt swirling in your stomach, like happy bubbles. It weirded you out to be honest.
“Don’t look at me like that when I’m holding a knife, Y/N,” Shinsou chuckled nervously, breaking eye contact instantly. You dropped back down off your toes, turning to your ingredients with a hushed tone, “Sorry you had a stray hair.”
During the show you were sitting criss-cross on the couch with Shinsou below you. He was slowly working on his bowl of food while you had finished yours forever ago. You always mock him about being a slow eater and he always replies the same.
“Maybe I’m trying to stay a little longer.”
That made no sense to you, he always stays even after eating. It’s normally until you pass out and he heads home. He’s a lot better at the whole insomnia thing than you are.
“Stefan annoys me,” Shinsou groaned pathetically, placing his bowl on the ground beside him. Nakoma eagerly ran towards it but was scooped up by the purple haired boy before she could get a taste. She wiggled angrily for a moment, but eventually settled into his arms.
“Why?” you snorted, used to his complaining over this show by now.
“He’s portrayed as some hero, right?”
“Well nothing,” he huffed sassily, “He’s not a hero. He’s a bad guy. And he’s over here fucking with Elena’s life which, in my opinion, makes him an even worse guy.”
“Well I don’t think Elena would even let him get away at this point. I mean she loves him, right? She doesn’t care about what he’s done.”
Shinsou turned and looked at you with a blank face, “Look at me in my eyes and tell me you’d date a mass murderer.”
You looked at Shinsou and smiled, “I’m not a Stefan girl, but if a mass murderer who looked like Damon Salvatore showed up, it would be all over. I’d go Harley Quinn in this bitch, no questions.”
“No question?”
“You’re a mess, you know that?”
“Oh but you like that about me right?”
“I never said I liked you.”
You gasped dramatically, holding your hands over your heart, ��That’s it, I’m broken.”
“You just admitted you’d date a mass murderer, I think you were broken before you met me.”
“Shinsou!” you yelled, “That’s it, you lost Nakoma privileges. Give her to me now.”
“No,” he scoffed, cuddling her sweetly, “She likes me better anyways.”
“Sir, I’m gonna ask you to leave if you don’t watch your mouth.”
Shinsou raised his eyebrows comically at you, a small smirk on his lips.
“Say it again,” he said in the most dramatic tone, eliciting a smile on your lips. You tried to bite it down but the way he just stared at you with the most teasing smile had you wanting to burst into a fit of laughter.
“You’re demented.”
“You like that about me.”
“Who said I liked anything about you?”
“Your notebook.”
“You didn’t even read it!”
“Did I?”
The two of you stared each other down. For a moment you thought he had actually read it, but at the same time there was no way he could’ve, right?
“You didn’t.”
“Did I?”
“Did you?”
Shinsou shrugged, “I didn’t, but you definitely just gave away the fact you’ve written about me in it.”
“No I didn’t!”
“Sure you didn’t.”
“Shut up and finish your food, jackass,” you finally huffed, crossing your arms angrily while turning to the show. Shinsou smiled at your blushing figure for a moment longer before turning back around to the show. He didn’t stop grinning until he left that night.
taglist (just send me a message!): @just-a-girl-with-alot-of-issues @pansexualproblemchild @delicatefleur
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flowercrown-bard · 3 years
I'm just thinking about the first time Jaskier learns that Geralt names every horse he gets Roach. Does this amuse Jaskier? Does he realise the abandonment issues involved? Is Geralt nervous or embarrassed to tell him? Does this count as a prompt? I'm not sure if it does but I hope your day gets better!
that absolutely counts as a prompt! thank you :)
A Horse by Any Other Name
The insistent strumming of the lute was starting to get on Geralt’s nerves. One would think by now he’d be able to tune it out, but no. It was like everything the bard did was demanding Geralt’s full attention. The bard would probably let it get to his head if he knew, insisting that Geralt liked having him near or some such nonsense.
“The mighty steed by the name of Roach
Loyal even when a monster approach…es.”
The notes faltered as the bard stumbled over the words of his new song for the umpteenth time. “Damn it.”
Geralt’s lips twitched upwards, when the bard picked up the tune again, trying in vain to find a decent rhyme.
Eventually he gave up. Finally, some silence. Though not for long.
“Really, Geralt. Roach? How am I supposed to fit that into any song? She deserves to be sung about, but nothing makes a decent rhyme for that name and if I change the syntax it doesn’t fit the metre anymore.” He scoffed and put the lute onto his back. “Sometimes I think you only named her that to spite me. Roach! You couldn’t have picked literally any other name, could you? Something that would sound good in a ballad about heroism and adventure maybe?”
Geralt grunted. “No.”
His jaw clenched. The bard had no right to demand such a thing. It was none of his business what Geralt called his horse. Roach wasn’t here to be a shining accessory to the bard’s songs. She was his companion.
Despite his time at the theatre, the bard didn’t know how to take a cue. Geralt’s frown and obvious dismissal must not have been obvious enough for him.
The bard skipped some steps ahead, until he was walking backwards, looking at him with an impish grin.
“Oh…that almost sounds like it has a story behind it.” He spread his arms widely. “The great tale of why Roach is the only acceptable name for this valiant mare.”
“There isn’t one.” None that the bard would get to hear any time soon, at least.
Geralt guided Roach around the bard and urged her on to walk faster.
“Come on!” He ignored the bard calling after him. “Tell me!”
“Fuck off, bard.”
Geralt didn’t look back, but after a few seconds he heard an indignant huff and the sound of hurried footsteps.
The bard didn’t broach the subject again. Almost a week had passed and Geralt was starting to relax, hoping against his better judgement that the bard had lost interest. Experience should have told him that this hope was stupid.
As per usual Geralt was riding on horse while the bard walked behind him like a stone stuck in one’s shoe, annoying and likely to still be there, even when one thought they had finally gotten rid of it for good. And as per usual the bard was talking.
“My feet are killing me, Geralt! Don’t ever let me put on these shoes when we are going for a long walk again. Gorgeous as they are, they are not made for adventuring.”
Geralt grunted and damn it, he was unable to keep the amusement out of his voice.
The bard must have picked up on it, because he doubled down, sighing overdramatically.
“You could save me from my misery, you know? You are supposed to be my hero. My knight in shining armour. So, if we keep travelling together for much longer, you could just let me ride –“
“No,” Geralt said, though at this point it was more to see the bard’s reaction than anything else. He was loath to admit it, but the bard had a point. If he were to stick around, it would be better if he didn’t have to walk everywhere. It was slowing them down and it would do no good for the bard to get blisters. If for some reason the bard would ever get in danger, being exhausted from a long walk would prove fatal.
Geralt ground his teeth together. He shouldn’t be thinking such things. There would be no travelling together. Soon enough the bard would get tired of trailing after Geralt and find someone else to latch onto, probably some pretty woman who openly showered him in adoration.
The bard’s huff brought him back to the here and now, in which the bard was still very much by his side.
“Fine then. Maybe in the next town I will just buy my own horse. And I will give it a truly beautiful name, one that can actually be used in my poetry. Like Pegasus. That is a name worthy of ballads.”
Geralt tensed. He didn’t mean to, but his heels must have dug into Roach’s sides, for she made a disgruntled sound.
The bard chuckled. “Don’t worry, Roach, my dear.” The bard came closer and gently stroked her nostrils. Geralt couldn’t help the relief he felt when Roach didn’t snap at the bard, biting the fingers that he so dearly needed for his playing. “You are still my one and only Roach.”
“She isn’t.”
The words were out before Geralt could stop himself.
The way the bard rolled his eyes was far too exaggerated for him to be truly annoyed. “Oh hush, you can stop it with your boorishness. I know you get touchy about her, but you can’t deny that Roach and I have become friends.” He paused. “Just like you can’t deny that we have become friends.”
Geralt could and very much would deny that as often as he must until the bard finally saw reason. Geralt’s jaw worked while the bard looked up at him challengingly.
Ah fuck it.
“That’s not what I meant. She isn’t the only Roach.” He paused, trying to find the right words. “Not the first one anyway.”
“The first one?” Despite Geralt avoiding the bard’s eyes, he could see his expression turn confused. “You mean there were others before her? And there will be Roaches after her?”
Geralt nodded curtly. And that was that. At least as far as Geralt was concerned. The bard obviously had a different view on things.
“So that’s why you didn’t want to talk about her name!” There was a smile in his voice that had no business being there. “It’s alright, you know. I won’t judge you for not being creative with names. Happens to the best of us. To be frank, I think it’s quite endearing.”
Geralt snapped around sharply. “Stop talking about things you know nothing about.”
He was about to spurn Roach on, just to get away from the conversation and the uncomfortably tight feeling in his chest, when he noticed that the bard had fallen eerily quiet.
Geralt risked a glance over his shoulder to find the bard staring at the ground, where he was kicking a stone in front of him, apparently lost in thought. Geralt didn’t know what to make of it. He knew he was gruff and just overall not good company, but he hadn’t thought that he would actually manage to get the bard to shut up. Somehow it didn’t sit right with him. As much as the constant chatter could be annoying, it was part of the bard and losing it felt a step closer to the inevitable. Still, he didn’t know what to do about it. He had never been good at keeping things close.
He almost slumped in relief, when the bard spoke up again, quieter this time and with none of the dramatics and exaggerated emotion of a performance. “What was the first Roach like?”
Geralt’s breath hitched. It had been so long since he had taken the time to think back to the first one, even though the memory never left him.
When Geralt didn’t immediately answer, the bard swallowed and averted his eyes. “Sorry. Ignore my question. I don’t actually want you to talk about things you don’t want to talk about.”
“He wasn’t mine,” Geralt said, unsure how much the bard was willing to hear, but feeling the strange need to tell him anyway. “When I became a witcher, I didn’t have a horse. I was quite disappointed about that actually.” His lips twitched. “It would have fit into the ridiculous idea I had about being some heroic defender of mankind.”
The bard started fidgeting and pressed his lips together, like he was burning to say something, but holding back to let Geralt talk. Geralt wouldn’t admit it, but he was grateful for it.
“The first monster I killed…. let’s just say the one I saved didn’t exactly see me as a defender.” His brows drew together at the memory. “After she regained consciousness, she ran away as fast as she could. Didn’t care that she had left her horse behind. I didn’t want him either. I was no hero and I was too bitter to think of how useful a horse would be.
“But he kept following me around.” A smile stole itself onto Geralt’s face. “Just wouldn’t leave me behind, that stubborn horse. For a week or so I didn’t give him a name. I wasn’t planning on keeping him. It was only when I had to choose between spending my coin on food for him or for myself that I decided to name him. I caught my own food that day – a roach – and figured it was a good enough name. It wasn’t the best, but I wasn’t going to keep the horse for long anyway. He didn’t leave though. Stayed with me until he wasn’t able to run fast enough when a griffin got away from me.”
There was that silence again. It was what Geralt had wanted, wasn’t it? For the bard to be quiet. But this silence was heavy, filled with something Geralt didn’t dare name, lest he would have to admit to himself that the bard wasn’t just some idiot who only followed him because he hadn’t yet realised the foolishness of it.  
He scoffed, filled with the unexpected need to hear the bard react in some way.
“You satisfied?” Geralt’s voice sounded bitter even in his own ears. “Is that something you can make a song out of?”
“No. I don’t think I will,” the bard said quietly, thoughtfully. So unlike the way Geralt was used to hearing him speak. He wasn’t sure if he minded it. “Thank you for telling me.”
Geralt grunted, his throat suddenly dry. For a terrifying moment, he had come so close to making a fool of himself by thanking the bard for listening.
When he looked at the bard out of the corner of his eye, he had a tiny smile dancing on his lips.
“It’s good to finally know that she is named after the fish.” Something loosened inside Geralt at the bard’s light-hearted words. “For the longest time I thought our dearest Roach was named after a cockroach and that would have just been a strange name.”
Geralt huffed, but didn’t hide the tiny smile that tugged at his lips. “Says someone named after a flower.”
The hearty laugh was enough to vanquish the last of the heaviness around Geralt’s chest that made it hard to breathe.
“So you do know my name after all.” The bard cocked his head to the side, smile still in place. “I had begun to wonder if you just didn’t know and reached a point where it would have been embarrassing to ask.”
“Hard to miss the name people shout when they chase you out of their rooms.”
The bard grinned. “Not to mention the multitude of adoring fans shouting my name. As they will yours once I make you famous.”
Geralt snorted.
“Actually, could you halt Roach for a moment? There’s been a pebble stuck inside my shoe for forever now and I really need to get rid of it.”
Geralt lifted a brow, but did as the bard had said. His breathe got stuck in his throat when the bard placed a hand on his leg for balance, as he took one boot off.
The smile on the bard’s face when he had finally managed to shake the pebble out of it was incredibly smug.
“Alright then, onwards!”
Geralt hesitated. “Come here.”  
“I said come here. Onto Roach. I want to reach town before nightfall and I can’t do that when stones keep getting stuck in your shoes.”
For a heartbeat, the bard looked at Geralt with an unreadable expression, before a grin spread across his face.
It was only when he was sat behind Geralt with his arms slung around him, that the bard spoke again. “Just in case you were worried. I am not going to leave you, Geralt.”
Geralt sighed, but somehow the annoyance he had come to expect at such a declaration didn’t come.
“I am afraid you’re right, Jaskier.”
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bby-ahgastay · 4 years
Locked In - H.J.S
a/n: so this took way too long :/. my brain cell is giving out fr🤧. i hope you enjoy it!
member: Han Jisung (Stray Kids)
summary: one friday some of you decide to sneak into school and hotbox the principal's office, but you and jisung get locked in together, leaving you alone for a while👀.
warnings: smoking weed, oral(m.receiving), fingering, unprotected sex(always use condoms tho bc fuck them kids loll), slight degradation, hair pulling, a little choking.
requested: yes!! and i wanted to say again thank you for requesting this at all, and i'm still sorry it took so long���. i really want to try writing more so feel free to request more too!
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"miss y/l/n, would you like to repeat that?" your math teacher tilts one ear towards you from her spot in front of the class, new seating chart still clutched tightly in her clammy hands. every one of your classmates shifts to look back at you, your seat in the way back and clearly on purpose. while you were back there, your three closest friends were all scattered in the front.
each of them watches you as well, on standby in case you need any of them to help you out. ryujin is good at helping you rile the teacher up even more. jeongin and chaeryeong use their baby faces to their advantage, usually throwing the teacher some puppy dog eyes and hardly even saying anything, yet still managing to get her to back off of you guys. in some cases they even distract her long enough for you two to escape.
you're not sure why, it's not like she doesn't know that they're your friends. it must be something about their cute, innocent looks that always seemed to make your teacher forget whose side they were on.
"oh, sure!" you chirp, setting your pencil down and beginning to fold the paper you just wrote on. the words 'let's leave early, fuck this' get covered more and more each time you fold a piece of the paper, your eyes not even moving to look at the teacher as you continue. "i said, this seating chart is bullshit. moving us all from our friends won't stop us, you know. it might be quiet for now, but we are not paying attention," you chuckle bitterly, inspecting the paper airplane as you finish it.
"now we'll just be even more distracted finding new ways to communicate," you hold up the plane to show your teacher, making a small 'pop' sound with your mouth as you launch it to ryujin. your friend lights up and stands to catch it, opening the paper and snickering before nodding at you, chae and innie catching your faces and already knowing what to do.
"you two cut it out right now! shin ryujin, give me that paper!" she steps closer to ryujin, the girl scowling at her as she stands on her desk, holding the paper up high as she crumples it in one hand.
"full name? really? i mean, who do you think you are? my mother? get over yourself already," ryujin scoffs. the teacher seethes, arms crossed and foot tapping.
"get down before i call security!"
"bite me, dude."
"AH!!" chaeryeong suddenly screams, climbing on top of her desk dramatically. "miss, i just saw a rat!" she cries out, pointing towards a gap between the wall and bookshelf. the teacher sighs as everyone else gasps and shouts, bringing their feet and bags off the ground.
"chaeryeong... this school does not have rats..." she rubs at her face with one hand, eyes covered as she boils in frustration. while she's not looking, ryujin slowly lowers herself back to the tile, quietly gathering her bag and backing up. you also get your stuff together and begin trying to head towards the back door.
the teacher takes her hand from her face and nearly turns around to ryujin's desk again, but jeongin jumps up to her side, clinging onto her arm to bring her towards the shelf and timidly pointing towards it.
"no, miss, she's right! i saw it too! it-it was huge!" his eyes stare down at her, wide and shining. the last thing you hear is the teacher groaning, then the bookshelf moving and even more chaos from your classmates, then you and ryujin rush to slip out of the door.
as soon as the door closes, you both break for the cafeteria, deciding on an early lunch like you usually do when you sneak out of this class. you both laugh as you make it to the lunch room, catching your breaths for a moment before walking into the large room.
a few other students are already there too, some in line to get food and some sitting at tables while they wait for friends. you and ryujin head over to where you usually sit, a large table where a couple of your friends already wait for everyone.
"hey guys," ryujin pats yeji on the shoulder, sitting between her and lia. you sit in the seat next to yeji, leaning back and smiling at your older friends. as they begin talking you just take out your phone and headphones, opting to listen to music and scroll through twitter rather than join in.
as you start your playlist you hear the chair next to you scraping against the floor. with only a glance over your shoulder you see han jisung, laughing with some friends as they all sit at your table. you try to bite back a smile as he sits next to you, turning his attention from minho and felix to you.
"hey, you're here early," he beams down at you, opening the drink he just bought and handing it to you to have a sip. you shrug and set your phone down, taking your earbuds out as you sit up straighter and take the bottle.
"yeah, some stuff happened in class today, ryujinnie and i-"
"oh my god, y/n, ryujin! you should have seen, it was so great!" you hear chaeryeong exclaim as her and jeongin come bounding towards your table. you chuckle and shake your head lightly as they plop down in seats across from you, gasping for their breaths through laughter.
the others all give them their full attention, curiosity in everyone's eyes. your partner in crime grins at them both, ready to hear what happened once you left, but you just watch jisung as he waits to hear what they have to say.
"after you guys left everyone pretty much said fuck it, we spent the rest of the class with everyone just throwing paper airplanes and the teacher totally just gave up! she sat there the whole time at her desk on her phone and just let us. it would have been sad if she wasn't such a bitch," jeongin shakes his head, cringing at the bitter memories of your teacher.
"ah, i had her, too! she was awful," jisung scrunches his nose, eyes coming back to you. he's a year older than you, meaning he's also a year ahead of you in school. "i must applaud you, as much as me and the others tried we never got her to actually give up. surprising since there were so many of us, really! you two did what me, seungmin, felix, hyunjin, yeji, and lia couldn't," he shakes his head a little, seeming amused yet proud of you.
you only smile up at him as the conversation continues around you.
"GAH!" you feel someone jumping on you, hands on your shoulders. with seungmin being consideredably larger than you, you nearly topple over and try to grab onto the closest person to keep yourself up. you catch hyunjin by surprise as you do, his reaction being to practically scream and jump back when you try to grab his arm, swatting you off of him and hardly making it any easier for you.
"my god, you two are gonna kill one of these girls one day," chan shakes his head at the younger boys.
"min, that was unprovoked!" jisung tries to stop himself from laughing, hands on both of your arms to make sure you're steady. this is really pointless given that you've already stopped yourself from falling, barely assisted by hyunjinnie.
he ruffles your hair and scrunches his nose at you playfully. you're sure that you look up at him with hearts in your eyes, your face heating up just from being this close to the boy.
"gosh, my poor baby! just look at how red her face is, she's overwhelmed!" lia exclaims, stroking your hair gently from behind you, then turning to lightly hit seungmin on the chest. the rest of your group all laugh as her and yeji both begin lightly scolding seungmin and hyunjin.
with jisung still not moving, you only look up at him. a pretty smile takes over his face as he laughs at your guys' friends. you can't help yourself as you reach out to pinch one of his cheeks, your face heating up again as he looks at you with a pout.
"what was that for," he tries not to laugh, his bottom lip still sticking out. hiding your giddy expression, you shrug, turning to ryujin before he says anything else.
"did you ever get your phone back from the principal?"
"no!" she frowns deeply, crossing her arms and glaring towards the principals office. she had been forced to go all day without it when a teacher took it in first period. "i went to go get it last period but she said that since it's happened so many times she gets to keep it here all weekend. which, by the way, is a rule that i have never heard at this school!" she nearly shouts, and everyone in your friend group just stares at her.
"sorry, i'm just mad about my phone," she mumbles, arms crossed.
most of the group nods understandingly and returns to their conversations. but you look around and pull together a group of six; you, ryujin, chaeryeong, seungmin, jeongin, and jisung. they all look at you curiously as you motion for them to take a few steps away from everyone else.
"why don't we get your phone back? like, tonight," you look at each of them. they all consider it for a moment, ryujin the only one who doesn't look unsure. "no one will be here past eight. that's when even the last security guard gets tired and goes home, and we already know how to sneak into the office," you point between yourself and the other two girls.
"why does that matter?"
"well, i mean, i'm just saying, i don't know how, so this is obviously something you did without me," jeongin grumbles, arms crossed and pouting childishly.
"god, hush up!" chaeryeong lightly smacks his head, not hard enough to actually hurt him. "bigger things are going on than when we hotboxed the office without you scrubs," she smirks, eyes on you now as she waits for you to continue.
the boys stare at you three in shock, seeming more offended than before. "the betrayal," jisung can't help but smile as he speaks, your heart racing you just smile and look away.
"anyways, it wouldn't be too hard. all we have to do is plan a little and come back around nine or something tonight. are you guys down? we can hotbox the office again?" you grin at them, knowing that's all it'll take to get them to agree.
and they all do.
"i would have been on board either way, hell yeah," jisung ruffles your hair, making your heart clench as you giggle and push his hand away.
"on board for what?"
chan, yeji, and lia all walk up to you, curious and already suspecting something bad. the three of them are easily the most parent-like friends in your group. they all tend to try to steer you and the others away from trouble, and you know they wouldn't love this plan. 'just be patient instead,' they would no doubt tell ryujin. the six of you know that's much less fun, though.
"nothing. just sungie and minnie agreeing to help us four with an assignment this weekend," you smile at your older friends. they eye you suspiciously but let it go, deciding that ignorance is bliss.
"jesus, han, please let me drive back," ryujin shakes her head, fixing her hoodie as you climb out of han's car.
"no way, i'm not that bad! besides, you probably have road rage and i don't fuck with that," he dangles the keys in front of her before shoving them in his pocket.
"he's not that bad," you assure ryujin. she looks at you as if saying 'of course you think so,' and you three continue towards the school gate to meet the other half of your group.
you and ryujin came with jisung, only because he lives closer to you guys. and seungmin lives much closer to jeongin and chaeryeong, so you guys are meeting them at the front gate.
as you guys walk up to the tall gate, you can already see seungmin, jeongin, and chaeryeong come down on the other side. ryujin is quick to jump onto it, grinning down at the three already inside your campus.
"can't believe you guys started without us! how lame!"
"well, when you guys take forever," seungmin responds, offering your friend a hand as she comes down on their side.
"blame mr. grandpa driver over there," she lazily nods in jisung's direction, letting the older boy help her land softly. the four of them wait for you and han as he only rolls his eyes, offering you a boost to climb up.
you let him help you and the two of you make your way over the gate quickly, landing with your friends with ease.
"okay, so we all know where the piggy's office is," chaeryeong speaks up, pulling her beanie down as you all look to her. "i know how to pick locks, so i'll take care of that. after, it would be easiest to leave through the window, it leaves us closer to where we parked and it's just quicker. also it's more fun to leave the window open to let her know someone was in there. sounds like a nice big 'fuck you' to me," she smiles sweetly.
the principal tends to be a bit of a bully. she's been rude to each of your friends on multiple occasions, even the sweetest ones. so it's not like you guys are doing this only for fun. or only the get ryujinnie's phone. she also deserves it, which is why you and the other girls have done it before too.
you guys all head for the office, your steps hurried and quiet just in case anyone is still on campus. it's unlikely, but you all still wanted to be careful.
once you reach the door to the principals office, all of you stand behind chaeryeong and wait for her to get the door open. it only takes her a minute to get it, and she pulls the pins out of the keyhole and pushes the door open.
"hurry up, everyone," she smiles, pushing each of you in gently. she enters last, closing and locking the door behind her as you and ryujin go straight for the desk.
"this one," ryujin mumbles as she reaches for one of the drawers. you help her rummage through it in search of her phone, eventually finding it under a stack of papers and folders. "bitch," she grumbles while slamming the drawer shut, flopping down into the principals chair and pulling her backpack off her shoulders.
unzipping her bag, ryujin begins pulling out the essentials for you guys to hotbox the office as planned. you and chae begin going around the office to close the vents and make sure the windows are closed. the guys all watch as you prepare, only finding it funny that you guys are so used to this.
"so how often do you guys break in here?" jisung questions. you shrug and pull your sweater off, stuffing it under the door to close the gap. hannie's eyes travel over you, now only in a black top and shorts, a smile tugging at his lips as you straighten back up.
"not often... but often enough to know what the fuck we're doing," ryujin speaks from behind the desk, comfortably rolling a couple blunts in the principals chair. everyone gravitates closer to her, you and chaeryeong sitting on the desk and the guys hovering around the desk and the windows behind it.
"i still can't believe you guys do this without me. the other two losers i can understand, but come on! i'm in the same year as you guys, that's supposed to mean solidarity," jeongin complains, coming to rest his chin on chae's shoulder and watch ryujin work on the blunts.
"yah, these two 'losers' are your seniors, innie, watch it," seungmin scolds playfully, stepping closer to pull the younger boys hair lightly. jeongin sits up and pouts, rubbing his head in fake pain.
"oh, both of you stop. i get why they wanted to hang out without us. we're fucking annoying," jisung smacks them both in the back of the head, sitting next to you on the desk afterwards. you gaze up at him with a grin, your heart speeding up just like always as he comes closer to you.
he notices your stare, letting his eyes move down to meet yours. "hi," he smiles cutely, patting your head.
"hi," you manage to respond, looking back to your other friends and trying to remember to breathe as he pulls your head onto his shoulder, his arm resting across your shoulders.
ryujin finishes rolling three blunts, passing them to whoever has their lighter out already. jisung, ryujin, and seungmin end up with them and they share with whoever they stand closest to. you share with jisung, ryujin shares with jeongin, and seungmin shares with chaeryeong.
as all three blunts are lit up and all six of you begin taking hits, the room slowly but surely fills with smoke.
"ah! oh, oh my god!" you all gasp for your breath through laughter nearly an hour after you start smoking. jisung rolls around on the floor and usually you'd call him extra to joke around more, but now you're right there with him as everyone else clutches onto some sort furniture or something to keep themselves up.
"s-stop my stomach hurts!" chaeryeong cries out, still giggling through it all. jeongin tries to sit up in the principals chair, failing as he collapses in more laughter. seungmin sits across from him in a chair, one that students sit in when they come to visit the principal, the two of them enacting some sort of scene where jeongin imitates the principal.
usually you guys would all laugh at the joke and move on, but given that everyone is high as shit right now, it's been the joke you guys have been dying at for the last twenty minutes. all of you try to catch your breaths as your laughter starts dying down, everyone finally calming down.
"oh, fuck," ryujin gasps, suddenly sitting up in her spot and looking towards the door. you all look too, silent as you wait for her to say more. "i just heard footsteps!" she looks at all of you, eyes wide and ready to leave already. all of you must be paranoid or something, because not one of you questions her. instead you all jump into action, speaking in hushed voices as you all make sure you have everything.
when everyone thinks they have all of their stuff, you all gather by one window and wait for chaeryeong to get it open. the footsteps become louder and clearer as she picks the lock, cursing out loud at the fact that your school had to make sure it couldn't be opened without a key even inside. once she hears the locks shift she pulls the bobby pins out, sliding the window open quickly.
"shit, everyone go!" seungmin speaks as jeongin crawls through first, the two helping everyone get out and on the ground safely. but just as it's your turn, you realize what you're forgetting.
"oh god, my hoodie," you meet eyes with jisung, and he moves aside to let you rush to grab it, telling seungmin to go while he waits for you. bending over to snatch your sweater from it's spot on floor, you can hear the last couple of footsteps before the person stops. in front of the door. you come up as the lock begins to click, a key being inserted to unlock it.
"i swear, it stinks in here," you hear a voice. straightening back up, you clutch your sweater to your chest and slowly back up. it feels like you black out, your heart is pounding and you can't think of exactly what you should do. you don't hear it, but jisung is quietly calling for you to hurry up and climb out of the window already.
before you can process anything properly, you feel a hand grab you and drag you into the open door to the left, a small room full of filing cabinets which you guys were goofing around in not long ago. now jisung is pulling you into it, closing the door just as the other one swings open, the schools principal walking in.
"oh, shit," the principal groans, the door slamming. han still has you in his arms, his chest to your back and a hand over your mouth. your try to look back at him, but you can't turn around fully in his arms, so you just listen to the woman on the other side of the door swearing some more.
"god, those stupid kids must have been in here again! it smells like god damn marijuana and my window is wide open! that's just rude, if you ask me," she grumbles to someone, probably on the phone. "i should really drop by on weekends more often, try to catch them! i'm sure this hasn't been the only time and probably won't be the last... i find this out all because i forgot my ipod."
she must have put the phone on speaker, because as she goes through a drawer you can barely hear a girls voice respond to her. "stop, mom, if nothing is missing then it's fine! leave those high schoolers alone, already... and stop using an ipod you have a phone for that!"
you and jisung almost bust out laughing, his hand on your mouth keeping yours contained and one of your hands going to cover his. the principal tries arguing, but her daughter keeps telling her she's wrong in some way. as the fight continues, she leaves the office.
both of you take your hands from each other's faces, neither of you stepping away from each other as you wait. "think she'll come back?" you glance back at him, shaking your head slightly as his eyes stare into yours.
"probably not, she's lazy. i'm surprised she came back for her ipod," you pause for a moment, still looking up at him. you two struggle to look away from each other for a moment, your mind blurring as he licks his lips.
suddenly one of your phones starts ringing, the sound making you flinch away from him. both of you search for your phones in your pockets, pulling them out and seeing that it's your phone.
"hey, we just saw her car leaving! are you guys coming down or what?" chaeryeong's voice comes through the phone. you put her on speaker for jisung to hear, opening the door and walking back into the office.
"small problem with that..." you sigh as you see the window is closed. "she closed the window. and locked it," you try without success to push it open anyways, han coming to stand next to you as you both peer out of the window.
"well, shit. it wouldn't be a problem... if i didn't lose my bobby pins climbing out," your friend sighs. you can hear the others all yelling and groaning in the background, chaeryeong whining as they do. "i'm sorry, y/n and jisung! i'll have min drive us to go get some, we'll be back, don't move!" she hangs up after that, leaving you and jisung stuck in the office.
"no clue where we'd go, but okay," jisung sighs, running a hand through his hair.
you look over at him and can't seem to hold back the laughter bubbling in your chest, one hand over your face as your try harder. he looks down at you, confused but still smiling. "what?" he questions cutely.
"i don't even know," you gasp. "just... this is so funny for some reason," you realize suddenly that you're still high, nearly falling over as you lean against the window. he stares down at you, starting to find the humor in it as he watches you, and soon enough he finds it hard not to laugh too.
"i-i think we're still a little fucked up," jisung manages to get out, placing his hands on your shoulders, shaking you lightly as he continues laughing.
"no shit, sungie," you reach up to smush his cheeks with both of your hands, giggling even more at his face as you do. he takes your wrists and brings your hands away from his face, his laughter fading as he gazes down at you.
"i like when you call me that. it sounds better coming from your mouth than other people," his charming smile and deep voice nearly kill you. he chuckles a little when all you do is stare up at him, admiration and longing in your eyes.
"stop," you whine in embarrassment as he lets go of your wrists. you bring your hands up to feel your cheeks, your skin much warmer than usual as you blush.
"no way," he mumbles before letting one of his hands come to the back of your neck, pulling you towards him for a kiss. you gasp a little as his lips touch yours, the way his mouth moves over yours making your knees weak.
han's other hand goes to your lower back, tugging you against him. when he pulls back from the kiss, you look up at him, feeling happiness buzzing through you.
you don't think you've ever been this close to jisung, not like this. maybe standing together in a crowd, or sitting next to each other in a packed car. but never with his arms actually around you, with his face hardly centimeters away from yours. your heart pounds because of it.
"you know i've liked you for like, a while now, right?" he asks you softly, resting his forehead on yours. you're not sure what to say, you don't usually do well with talking about your feelings for someone, not to that person. you just lean forward to leave small kisses against the skin on his neck, hoping he'll get it from that.
he chuckles as your lips move against him. "i know you've liked me too. jeonginnie has a big mouth." you move back with a pout.
"what?! how long have you known..." you whine, bringing your arms around him and nuzzling your head in his chest. his chest vibrates with his small laugh, teasingly pinching at your hips.
"not too long... a week or so..." you're able to hear his grin in his voice, your heart swelling as his hands begin moving up and down your back. "i just was too scared to bring it up until now, i guess," he brings two fingers under your chin, making you look up at him again. "i have no clue why, now i wish i kissed you a lot sooner."
you feel yourself melt as he gazed down at you, eyes closing as he moves to catch your lips on his again. as his tongue slips into your mouth, he steps backwards, not letting your mouths disconnect as he moves towards the principals chair.
you two part for only a second as he sits down, guiding you onto his lap, you both giggle at each other giddyly. he doesn't hesitate to bring your lips back to his, smirking through the kiss. arms tightening around your waist, he hugs you close to him as you explore each other mouths.
after making out for a few minutes, he moves down to your neck, hands moving up and down your thighs and gripping your ass every so often. a choked moan slips from your lips as he sucks and nips at a spot near your collarbone, your teeth sinking into your lower lip to stop any more from coming out.
jisung leans back slightly, his expression smug and eyes hooded as he stares up at you. "did you just moan?" he asks, amused and letting his hands roam over your body.
"no," your face heats up and you pout a little. one of his eyebrows goes up, that cockiness still very evident in his grin. "shut up," you mumble, putting your head on his shoulder. you leave a small kiss where his neck and shoulder meet, your own grin growing slightly.
"i'm sure i could get you to moan, too, sung," you chuckle a little, one of your hands going to play with his waistband. you see his eyebrows go up, eyes wide as his breath catches.
"wha- ...here..?"
you hold back more laughter, leaning back and nodding before going to kiss his lips again. he eagerly kisses you back, one hand on your hips and the other tangled in your hair at the back of your head. as you kiss him you can feel him pulling you closer to him, your body already pressed against his, just trying to be as close to you as possible.
hands roaming his body, you can feel his hard chest under the soft material of his shirt. both of you smile as you make out, this moment long awaited for each of you. your hands go under his shirt, cold fingers making him shiver and dig his own fingers into your hips. you hum quietly as he moves to leave hickies on your neck and collarbone, his hands tugging lightly at your shorts.
he pushes you back from him gently, gazing up at you with a smirk. "stand up, baby," he speaks huskily. you obey him without second thought, standing in front of him and letting him pull your shorts down. his lower lip goes between his teeth as he eyes you, hands slowly coming up to slip under your top, removing that next.
only in your bra and underwear now, you go to your knees and start unbuttoning his black jeans. you look up at him through your lashes, smiling innocently as he watches you tug his pants off, hips lifting slightly to help you.
his head falls back and he tries to hold back a throaty moan, failing terribly, when you bring one of your hands to rub him over his boxers. in no time he's panting and fully hard under your hand, so you take his cock out of his boxers and give him a mischievous look before licking a long stripe from his base to his tip.
he lets out a loud moan as you wrap your lips around his head, sucking and swirling your tongue. "ah, shit..." he swears breathlessly. "get the fuck up here already," he growls, pulling you back up on to his lap and roughly attaching his lips to yours.
one hand tangled in your hair, the other travels up your thigh to your panties, thumb finding your clit immediately. you moan into his mouth as he rubs circles over the material, the friction from the lace only adding to the sensation.
two of his fingers go to push your underwear to the side, rubbing up and down your folds to feel how wet you already are. you almost have to pull back from the kiss when he pushes a finger inside you, but his hand at the back of your head keeps you in place, his tongue still in your mouth.
after pumping in and out of you for a moment he adds one more finger, this time letting you pull away to whine and put your head on his shoulder, chuckling as you do. "what, babygirl? what's the matter," he coos, his tone smug and proud under the fake concern.
"fuck jisung, please," you breathe.
"please what, sweetheart," he speaks monotonously, forcing you to look at him, one hand on your neck. he doesn't apply any pressure, but even just the feeling of his hand on your throat is almost enough to make you moan again.
"please fuck me already."
he grins up at you, taking his finger from inside you and lifting your hips to line his dick with your entrance. his nails dig into your skin as he pulls you down onto him, both of you moaning loudly as he fills you completely.
he gives you a second to adjust, your head buried in his neck, before slowly dragging your hips against his. panting, he lets his head rest on your shoulder, eyes closed and still holding onto your hips tightly.
you moan and whine as you feel him moving inside you, hitting all the right spots. he lifts his head to look at you, leaving a kiss on your jaw as he brings one hand to unclip your bra, shocking you that he can even do it with one hand. you don't time have to react though, jisung smashing his lips to yours and his hands moving over your body, stopping to massage your boobs as you ride him.
pleasure washes over your body, making it hard for you to keep up a decent pace. he smiles as you still try, eventually wrapping his arms around you and standing up, setting you down on the desk instead.
his lips touch yours as he starts thrusting into you, slowly building up his pace until you're clinging onto him tightly as he snaps his hips against your quickly, moaning into his shoulder.
"oh, fuck," he groans. "i can't believe you're letting me fuck you at school," his voice is breathy as he continues pounding into you quickly. "right here on the principals desk... what a little slut," he smirks, pulling you by the hair to force you to look at him.
you whine as his eyes burn into you, one thumb moving to rub at your clit. "only for me though, isn't that right, baby? you'll only be my little slut from now on, huh?" you nod and moan pathetically, eyes closing as he keeps a firm grip on your hair.
"keep your fucking eyes open," he mutters, his hand going from your hair to your neck. this time he tightens his fingers around your throat lightly, you forcing your eyes open as he does. he lets out a throaty moan when you clench around him, already feel your high approaching quickly.
"you're gonna cum already, aren't you?" he chuckles as you try to get out a 'yes', the hand on your heat goes to pull one of your legs around his waist, making you cry out loudly as he hits a new, deeper spot inside you.
he grunts while pounding into you, doubting he'll last much longer either as you keep tightening around his cock. his hand tightens even more, his lip between his teeth as he watches your face, your eyes struggling to stay open as the knot in your core builds and builds.
"ji, i-" you just barely manage to get out, cut off by your orgasm when you feel him hit your spot once more. he groans and curses as you cum around him, quickly pulling out and pumping himself a few times until he releases as well.
his cum lands on your thighs and the desk underneath you, both of you out of breath as he loosens his grip on your throat. you lick your lips and glance down at his white seed on the dark-colored wood. giggling lightly, your eyes going back to jisung to see him smiling affectionately down at you.
"here," he reaches for the box of tissues on the other side of the desk, taking a few and wiping your legs and the desk clean before throwing them away. next, he hands you your clothes off of the floor and gathers his own, pulling his jeans and shirt back on as you start getting dressed again too.
once you're both fully dressed again, he pulls you into his arms for a warm hug. he sighs happily hearing your soft laughter, slightly muffled by his shirt.
"please say i can tell everyone that you're my girlfriend now," he mumbles, cheek smushed against your hair. you take a step back, beaming at him as you nod slightly.
"please do."
his face lights up and he can feel his heart flutter, grinning happily down at you. one of his hands comes up to your cheek, caressing your facing gently as he leans down to leave a sweet kiss on your lips.
you feel as if you're glowing as your mouths move against each other, the only thing you're able to pay attention to is jisung. which is why you hardly notice as the door to the office swings open, chaeryeong knealing on the carpet and everyone else huddled together behind her.
"oh, shit!" you hear seungmin exclaim loudly, making you and han flinch apart, seeing them all standing there in shock. there's a long pause where you all just look at each other, no one knowing what to say.
"well, fuck," ryujin speaks up first. "finally!" everyone nods and mutters in agreement, you just rolling your eyes as the boy next to you laughs lightly, putting an arm around you and guiding you out of the office.
"k, guys, let's go," jisung chuckles, walking past your friends and down the hall towards the school exit.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
9 - Everything Life With You
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Part 10
Iron Stone masterlist
"Tony I'm fine. It's probably just a sprane." I complain to him as he carries me to one of his sports cars, he sits me in the back with him as Happy got in the driver's seat.
"Y/n I'm not gonna take the probably possibility as anything less than serious." He brushes some hair behind my ear, giving me the puppy dog eyes. He's been serious about taking me to the hospital which is where we are now.
Happy exits the waiting room with a wheelchair when he set me down, rolling me to the nurse desk. "Mr. Stark - oh my goodness. What do you need." The nurse exclaims as I tapped my right knee seeing my ankle a little swollen from all the pressure I put on it yesterday during the battle. "My girlfriend Y/n here injured her ankle. We need a doctor right now."
"Miss. L/n you're ankle is fine. Yes, it's sprained so please stay off it for a week. And you'll have to wear a boot as well."
I roll my eyes at him being dramatic once the doctor enters setting up the x Ray's on the computer screen.
Tilting my head on my shoulder I smirked up at my boyfriend who just crosses his arms over his chest wearing his lab tea shirt. "See I'm perfectly fine...now you can stop your worrying. Let's grab lunch" I pull him down to me kissing his lips, swinging my legs over the side of the hospital bed.
"America cheeseburgers sound good and then I want to-" I cut him off resting a finger to his lips. "Way too soon for us to have sex, Ton." He planted a kiss to my forehead smiling as we exited the hospital and heading for cheeseburgers.
I shift in the blankets feeling kisses on my neck and a hand combing through my hair. Last night was probably the best of my life. He definitely took it easy - that's what I remembered. I press my head deeper into the pillow, gently gripping it in my hands not wanting to wake up. The Avengers battle a month ago took a lot of me, mainly because Loki kept trying to choke me to death and I had some bleeding from my leg from the screw. Plus I don't feel like dealing with the press right now.
I sigh in relief when Tony wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me towards his chest. Thank goodness I just want to cuddle for hours.
"Y/n, baby..." I could hear the smirk in his voice. Uh, Tony not now.
Before I could fully figure out what was about to happen, his hands were running up and down my sides, tickling my hip and then trailing down to my feet until I'm almost crying with laughter. "Ah! T-Tony - please stop!"
He planted a kiss on my shoulder but still played with my feet, loving the sound of my giggles. He'd learned I was ticklish after Dummy the robot's arm brushed over my bare feet as I rested them on the stool waiting for Tony to stop tinkering with his like 9th Iron Man suit version he had.
"Ok, ok. I'm up!" I groaned, shoving him away from me. Apparently a little too hard, because Tony rolled off his side of the bed and hit the ground with a thump. My eyes shot open to squint at the brightness and see him laying on the cold floor. I covered my mouth with my hands to contain my laughter when he gets back into bed and pulled me towards him.
"Good morning," He smirked, and I just roll my eyes. Still, there were worst ways to be woken up, and I couldn't be mad at Tony. Especially in this moment with him smiling beside me, hair tousled and cuddling with me in the bed covers all day.
"Good morning, mean Iron Man" I teased sticking my tongue out, acting like a child with my boyfriend.
"Me? Mean? Why I never." He facked being hurt, and I smiled. I'm not sure how I had not developed a crush on Tony sooner, but I counted my lucky stars that I had fallen for this man. "Mmm hmm," I pursed my lips.
Tony was on top of me in a second holding me to the mattress. Hovering above me with a huge smile as I pulled the covers, his body touching mine. "Ah! Hi Tony, cuddle now." I make grabby signals with my hands, earning a laugh from him which to me is the greatest sound ever.
"Take it back." He growled playfully, and I bit your lip, meeting eyes.
"Nah, I'm good." I gave him a little half smile, and his eyes narrowed. He leaned down and kissed me slowly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. His lips trailed down to my neck, causing my breath to catch in my throat.
"T-T-Tony," I stuttered, eyes closing. I went to lean up by my elbows to kiss him. He grabs my hands placing kisses to them before pulling away. "Will you take it back now?" He teased tilting his to the side with a raised eyebrow.
"Ugh fine, Stark child" I huffed and leaned up, kissing him again.
"I love you 3000, you know that right?" His delicate brown eyes met mine and I smiled.
"Of course. I love you 3000 too."
My hands run up his bare chest to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss. He rolled over onto his back pulling me to lay ontop of his chest, the covers laying lazily over our bare bodies. I snuggled into his warmth wanting to stay like this forever. His freehand combs through my messy locks, while the other is intertwined with my right hand that rests on his chest.
"Sir, it's time to take your medication." But sadly our peaceful moment in disturbed by Jarvis. Tony and I both moaned in annoyance before he winces, his eyes shoot to his arc reactor. Lifting my head from his chest I gently lay a hand over it. Feeling the power radiating off, some dark veins still appear every so often around it when he doesn't take his medicine on time.
"Huh, he's right Ton. We have to get out of bed." I sighed heavily getting out of the soft covers, throwing on one of his Stark industries tea shirt and some gym shorts.
Tony throws his head back against the pillows running his hands down his face. "I hate when he's right. We were enjoying the moment!"
Finally he gets out of bed throwing on clothes, to plant a few kisses to my neck as I run my fingers through my knotted hair. Pepper doesn't need to see me like this, as we headed into his lab where the injunction kit is located. Truth be told I hate needles. Whenever I had to get one at the doctor I'd look the other direction, same with me ever donating blood. But here I am now helping my boyfriend inject himself with one.
"Forty-six..." Jarvis counts off as Tony injects the needle into his left arm. "U - Uh!" He grunts injecting himself a couple more times as I sit on a round rolling stool on the other side of the table. "Sir, please may I request just a few hours to calibrate. . ." I cut Jarvis off, handing him the needle again. "Sorry Jarvis but no. Forty-eight." Tony injects himself before exclaiming in pain, shacking his arm. "Uh Ow! Micro-repeatot implanting sequence complete." I set the kit aside in its case under the table. "As you wish, sir. I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore." I chuckled when he replied back to the AI. "Which I will. All right, let's do this."
Tony gets to his feet holding out an open hand for me, I let him pull me to my feet seeing Dum-E the robot wearing a hat. "Dum-E. Hi, Dum-E." The robot turned to us 'DUNCE' the hat says. "How did you get that cap on your head. You earned it." He lets go of my hand to smack his together getting the robots attention. "What are you doing out of the corner? You know what you did. Blood on my mat, handle it."
Crossing my arms over my chest I shift my knees feeling the soreness from last night's event. "Do you have to be mean to him all the time?" The robot nods my way as Tony comes to me, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear. "I could not...but he accidentally shot a screwdriver at your head as you were taking your suit off. So he earned a time out."
Jarvis's voice filled the lab causing me to gasp at the information. "Sir, may I remind you that you've been awake for nearly 72 hours." He's been having nightmares again. "Anthony Stark you've been lieing to me!" Tony froze sitting the robots recorder down muttering under his breath. "Jarvis I'm this close to unplugging you. She wasn't supposed to know that!" Walking up to him I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, growling. "Do you not recall that I said I didn't want you lieing to me anymore. Alongside the fact that I have powers that can help you. If it's nightmares again let me help-"
"Mrs. Potts is here." Jarvis cuts in as Tony runs his hands through his hair. Placing the headset that controls the suits on his head, causing the suit to enter the living room space upstairs. "Y/n....huh" He sighs heavily his arms hanging down at his sides. I raise a brow at his nervousness, he's rarely ever like this unless it's a sensitave topic.
"I'm a piping hot mess. It's been going on for a while. I haven't said anything. Nothing's been the same since New York." I raise a hand cutting him off getting up in his face, raising on my tippy toes. "New York did change things but it doesn't justify you lieing to me. You can't think for one second that I'm not losing sleep, having nightmares and struggling over what happened!"
"You experience things... and then they're over, and you still can't explain them. Gods, aliens, other dimensions. I'm just a man in a can. The only reason I haven't cracked up is probably because you moved in. Which is great. I love you. I'm lucky. But honey, I can't sleep. You go to bed, I come down here. I do what I know. I tinker. I... Threat is imminent." His eyes become watery as his body shivers at the memories of thinking the last thing he heard was 'I want everything with you and I love you 3000.' from me while he did the best to save the world.
Stepping closer to his chest I wrap my arms around his neck and he bends his forehead to rest on mine. "There's a thousand people who want to kill you, I get that. But you're not alone, you're never alone Tony. I knew what I was getting into when I let you kiss me in front of the press after you revealed you were Iron Man. And I knew what I was choosing when I helped you make me an Iron suit, that all the bad guys would come for me-"
Tony finished in laboured breaths, breathing me in as I stare up to his eyes, ending our conversation with a passionate kiss. "I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without. That's you."
His muscular arms go around my small waist, deepening the kiss. I jumped into his arms causing him to hold me up by my thighs, carrying upstairs to his bedroom. I broke for air as my back hits the mattress "Tony, look at me." His brown eyes pour into mine. I cup his face in my hands as he hovered above me hands on each of my sides.
"But it doesn't matter because I love you. I want everything with you, Tony Stark." I leaned up to kiss him deeply again but he barely kissed back, holding a smiling on his lips.
He pulls me up to sit on the bed. My hair falls everywhere as I watched him pull out a tiny black box, getting down on one knee. "Y/n L/n, you're an amazing woman with how innocent you are, how badass you can be, yet how you hate being in the spotlight of the paparazzi in fear you'll embarrass yourself. So I'm asking to take everything with me. Will you marry me?"
My hands raise up to cover my mouth in shock, happy tears slip down my face. If someone had told me months ago that I'd win the heart of Tony Stark. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. I wouldn't have believed them and called that person insane - which I guess you could say was Pepper. And now here he is asking me to marry me.
"Yes!" I exclaimed.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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gosickoonmymode · 4 years
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18+ Bloodhound x reader!!!
Summary: Run rabbit run rabbit run run run.
Details and story under the cut WEW
You've been running for a while now, unsure how long exactly, but you know it's only a matter of time before Bloodhound is on you. You're wondering why they haven't caught up already, they always find you quickly when you get separated during the games. Are they waiting for a certain amount of time? Are they on the way? Are they already right behind you, reveling in watching you from the shadows? Your heart is going a mile a minute, you want to be caught, but you want to put up a fight as well.
Some Details: Continuation of my last story, it’s gonna get SAUCY! Bloodhound and reader are gender neutral, dom stuff, primal dom stuff??? rope stuff?!?! BH has a lil something for ya but you decide what that is (strap-on or organic). Reach arounds apparently apply to everyone so ya know. Also like, BH is 6 feet or something so I wrote this for the person to be shorter than that but kept it ambiguous-ish. Sorry if you’re tall.
It's so surreal how just earlier today the two of you were good friends, and now you're being hunted in a forest by them. And you love it. You slow to a careful walk, gently tread over a log trying not to disturb anything. You softly step down and take a seat using it for cover. You have no idea where they could be, if they'll pounce while you sit. Still, you need to rest for a minute. You're beginning to feel that exhaustion from earlier, the physical toll the games had on you is creeping up.
After a couple minutes of slowing your breathing you peak out over the log, you check all surrounding areas but see nothing. Of course, that doesn't mean no one is there. You slowly rise to your feet and listen, you can only hear the sounds of the night critters. You remember how Bloodhound made no noise at all when they walked toward you in the living room, so they'll certainly make little to none out here. You do one more look over before running off again. Maybe 10 minutes pass, you can hardly run anymore but you keep trekking on clumsily. Suddenly, you get pulled backward by your wrist.
You're spun around by the force, Hound grabs your free hand and shoves you hard against a nearby tree. They press their body against yours, you’re so tired you can’t really bring yourself to push back. Now you know why they waited so long, they wanted you worn down. They force your arms together, hold both wrists with one hand and slide the rope from their shoulder. You manage to get one arm free and use your leftover strength to push against them, but Hound hardly flinches. They plant their feet firmly on the ground, put their forearm across your chest, and shove you back against the tree with more weight than before. They bring their face centimetres from yours, “Do not get cute with me,” they say through gritted teeth.
Both your arms are free, you push on them to the best of your ability but you’re wiped out. Bloodhound sighs in frustration as they grab your wrists, one again placing them in one hand in an attempt to stop you from struggling. You twist slightly only to get jerked forward, “Þú ert bráð mín,” they glare at you, “you do what I tell you, understand?” You sit still, heeding their words. Bloodhound picks up the rope up from the ground, it must have fallen when you tried to escape. They release one wrist and tie the rope around the other that’s still gripped tight in their rugged, scarred hand. Hound then grabs you by the back of your hair, “stay put,” they command. You nod in silence, they seem suspicious of your obedience, but curious over what you might do. They let you go, step to the side, and the moment there’s an opening you yank the rope from their grip. You take one step to run in the opposite direction of them before they slam you into your initial spot by pushing back on your shoulder. Their one hand pressing on your shoulder is stronger than your entire body at the moment. Their eyes are gleaming in the moonlight, their brow is furrowed, they almost look like they’re going in for the kill.
Hound steps toward you, removes their hand from your shoulder and grips your neck just hard enough to make you pleasantly dizzy, “Didn’t you hear me?” they growl. Their lips hover just by your ear, “Stay. Put,” they release you and continue where they left off. Your mind is swimming, the want for them to have their way with you is too strong to fight now, you’ve never heard them speak in this voice and you want to obey. Once they come back around, they tie your other hand. After adjusting it so you can’t pull your arms forward, but are comfortable in your position, they stand directly in front of you. You’re squirming in anticipation, you want them to touch you, to fuck you, but they just stand and observe for a while. You look at their face, they look so satisfied watching your subtle hip movements.
Just when you’re about to beg for it they move in and kiss you with ferocity. They bring their mouth to your neck and suck on it. Meanwhile they’re undoing the buttons of your pajama top. After the last button is undone, they return to kissing you, their tongue wrapping around yours. Their hands go from your chest, to your waist, to your ass. They pull you into them, squeezing your ass hard, you can feel their cock pressing up against you through their pants. Hound stops making out with you and moves down to your waist. They pull your pants off leaving your underwear behind, you breathe in deep while they stare.
They let out a soft laugh, "I see you're ready for me," they look up at you, "tell me..." They pull off your underwear and stand up, "...is this the kind of thing you thought of in the shower?" Bloodhound puts their hand on your crotch and rubs gently, “...hmm?” You don’t answer, you’re hardly paying attention to their words, you just feel your body aching for more. They notice your desperation and remove their hand. "You've been awfully disobedient, perhaps I should make you wait longer," they taunt.
You look at them with a pleading expression and shake your head, "I’m sorry. I’ll obey, I’ll do whatever you want. Just, please..."
They look at you sternly, "Please what?"
You look down and swallow hard, "please...fuck me.." you reply in a small voice.
They grab your chin and make you face them, "look me in the eyes and speak clearly. Please, what?" they demand.
You look them dead in the eyes, "please fuck me," you say decisively.
Bloodhound grabs your shoulders and pushes you to your knees, moves their sweats out of the way, and taps your face, "get it wet." You lick your lips and open your mouth without hesitation. They face fuck you briefly, making sure they’re good and slick. They pull you back up to your feet, lift your leg, and push them-self into you with ease. They don't build up, they're thrusting hard, your eyes well up in pleasure. They nibble on your ear, breathing heavily as they pound into you at a steady pace.
"B-Bloodhound...Ah!" You moan, loud. They lift your other leg and hold you up, driving you down onto them deeper. You're losing your mind, "Mmmnn, hah..fffuck! Hound!" Bloodhound is huffing and groaning, it’s so much hotter than you imagined. They bite and suck on your neck, thrusting faster. Your legs are aching but you want to keep going. Hound stops suddenly and puts you down, you look at them confused. They take out a knife, cut the rope, and put the knife away. They spin you around, “Ass up,” they push you and you drop yourself to the ground, the side of your face in the leaves and dirt.
You feel wonderfully exposed with your ass in the air, knowing they can see everything. They get on their knees and enter you with the same energy as a moment ago. One hand is squeezing your butt and the other is giving you a reach around, your body is completely engulfed with ecstasy. You're not holding back your voice even slightly, you love every second of this. Hound slaps your ass hard and you cry out, they lift you upright and grab your neck.
Their speed increases, both inside and out, their grip on your neck tightens enough to make you dizzy again. You can't hold it, "Hound, I'm..."
They slow their movement dramatically, remove their hand from your crotch, and grab your chin with the one on your neck, "you will not until I say you can," they growl. You feel like crying, you want it so bad. Bloodhound gives an occasional hard thrust or two, enough to keep you right on the cusp of climax but not enough to go all the way. They take their hand off your chin, remove your shirt completely, and shove you back to the ground. You can feel their eyes scanning your naked flesh, it makes you shiver.
Bloodhound slides their hands from your upper back to your ass. They grip and rub it as they very slowly slide in and out of you. The tension is becoming too great, you feel you might explode. "Do you wish to climax?" they ask in a calm, dominating voice.
"yes...” you plead.
They push into you hard giving you a jolt, "how bad do you want it?"
"More than anything," you say breathy and desperate.
Their hand finds its way back to your crotch, "beg, bráð mitt," they say quietly, no longer humping you.
You move your hips to stimulate yourself against them, "please, please fuck me more. I want it. I-I need it. Fuck me Blóðhundur...hh..have mercy-" you get cut off by them going at you more fierce than before, their hand working the front of you like no other. They’re gripping your ass so hard you know it’ll leave a mark. You're screaming with pleasure, they moan and grunt as they push inside you as deep as they can go. Your body is going completely wild, "Oh god I'm cumming! Ah! Fuck! Bloodhound!" they don't slow down even as you loudly orgasm, each of their thrusts prolonging your joyous release.
Bloodhound lets out a hard exhale, they thrust deep as they tremble, reaching climax as well. The two of you remain in position for a moment, catching your breath, before Hound pulls out and stands up. You stay on the ground for a moment more, you're so tired you can hardly move. Bloodhound helps you stand and hands you a rag from their pocket, they’ve already tucked their dick back into their sweats. You clean up and they take it back, folding it before putting it away, “Have to wash all of this anyway,” they mumble to them-self. They shake out your clothes and help you get dressed, your legs feel like noodles. They guide you to sit against a tree, "Are you okay to walk?" they ask as they untie your wrists.
You sit with your eyes closed, feeling your legs quiver, "um....dunno.."
They tie the halved rope back together and wrap it around their bicep, "don't worry about it." Hound picks you up bridal style and begins the walk back home.
You find it silly that you’re blushing like mad over being carried, after what the two of you just did. Suddenly you notice the dust and dirt all over you, "aww man I'm gonna need another shower," you whine, brushing the twigs and leaves out of your hair.
Bloodhound laughs, "I'll need one as well. We can take one together when we get back. I’ll wash you so you may rest." They tenderly kiss the top of your head, “From now on I’ll be caring for you, elskan mín.”
You blush more and rest your head against them. “Thanks Hound," you smile peacefully. It really is a beautiful night.
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oghoneytryst · 5 years
continuation from the sunflower. series / part 2
where harry visits a fan at her little home to surprise her with a much needed gift.
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a/n: hey so I had this up for an hour before deleting it because I'm testing something out concerning tumblr’s shit system so let me know what u think, hope u enjoy. happy reading! :~)
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- November 4 -
Insisting that the scorching weather in Los Angeles is unbearable for a woman in her situation, she begs her roommate to do the grocery shopping this week.
“Please don’t take long,” she tells him from the front door, Aaron, as he descends the outside staircase. His body plops with every step down, his back to her as she continues. “I’m really hungry. Wait, get some pistachio ice cream!”
“Pistachio?” Aaron stops mid-step and turns around with a disgusted look. “Since when have you liked pistachio? Have you ever even eaten it before?”
She mumbles something incoherent to him, then scoffs at his interrogation. “Don’t judge! Do you really want to upset my unborn child over their strange eating habits?”
Her roommate rolls his eyes. It annoys him every time she plays the pregnancy card, but he has failed to realize that she only does so because she knows it ticks him off. Either way, he can’t find the courage to argue with a pregnant woman.
He turns back around. “Of course not.” His body continues to flop in an unattractive manner all the way to the ground. He tips his head from side to side as his roommate continues to list some more requests.
“...And don’t forget the avocados!”
“Avocados are expensive. Do you have avocado money?”
“Thank you!” She ignores his question as he rounds the corner to the garage. “I appreciate it. A lot! Drive safe! Don’t forget the Twizzlers!”
The woman steps into the confinements of her home before Aaron can shout back another remark. She pulls the creaky gate in with her and locks it into place. To complement its security, she pushes the front door shut as well. The double protection had been a hassle when she had first moved in, but now she’s grown to depend on the extra safety measures.
A warm breath exhales from her chapped lips. The open window behind the couch lets in a gentle breeze from time to time, but it still isn’t enough to cool her down. The ventilation system in their unit is disappointing, but the roommates deal with it instead of investing a couple hundred dollars for a new one.
The woman leisurely moves to the kitchen, bare feet sticking to the floorboards. Her skin sweats and burns in this simmering Sunday heat; with the end of her tank top in a clump just below her chest, her hand protects the bare expanse of her belly. In spite of having just sent her roommate off to the store, she inspects every crook and cranny of the kitchen for something to satisfy her cravings.
Minutes and minutes pass. She stands on her tip-toes, stretches her neck up to the highest shelf of a cabinet, when the doorbell resonates against the walls. She closes the cabinet and presses her heels back on the floor, her face in a twist at the unfamiliar sound. Infrequently does anyone ever use the doorbell, neither her nor her roommate having invited guests in the past few months of sharing the space.
“Yes, of course, not like you have a key!” she exclaims, moving to unlock the door. She assumes that it is Aaron, as the neglecting man that he is sometimes. “Did you somehow forget that with your wallet again?”
The woman pulls open the door with a knowing look on her face. She wants to be playful in the reprimand toward her grumpy roommate, give him a tut-tut for being so unorderly, though they both know that she isn’t any better. In place of this, her eyes settle on an all-too-familiar face.
The man in front of her juts his bottom lip out, eyes squinting from the sun, designer sunglasses hanging from the collar of his refine white shirt. “Uh...” He begins to pat himself down, hands at a feel for every inch of his body before pulling out a folded leather wallet from the pocket of his trousers. He presents it to her with an “Ah!” and a flashy smile, two fingers pinching the expensive material. “No. I’ve got it right here.”
A gaping look replaces the woman’s previous smirk. Her body freezes in this burning heat, even with her skin sizzling to a sweaty warmth. Her jaw slightly drops, but the bulge of her eyes and the absence of her words properly depicts her internal reaction. She swears she had even heard herself gasp the second her mind came to terms with his presence.
“Hi there,” Harry says. He slips his wallet back into his pockets and titters, entertained by her physical response. “Erm ... are you ... are you alright?”
She doesn’t snap out of her embarrassing daze until his rich accent pronounces her name. Her eyes blink, her head shakes, and her mouth quickly shuts before it can ramble on as it usually does. She looks at him the same way she had at the diner two Fridays ago – cautiously, as though she cannot trust her own vision.
“Harry?” she croaks out, afraid that the realization will somehow cause him to fade away, as if he doesn’t exist.
“Yeah.” He bows his head proudly. “That’s me.”
“That’s ... what ... what in the...”
She tries to speak, but with her tongue as her foe, a momentary silence ensues. A breeze sweeps by and only then does she notice a chill on her bare belly. While the rest of her appearance is ungodly, she is primarily self-conscious over the swell of her stomach.
“Sorry if it’s the bad time to stop by.” Harry breaks the silence, trying his best to ignore the way she discreetly rolls her tank top back down. The material stretches over her growing shape, but there’s not much of a difference since he’s last seen her. “I’m actually really glad that I’ve managed to catch you. I rang the doorbell a couple of times in the last week and no one’s answered.”
“You ... what? The what?”
She puts a limit on her lexicon by repeating herself so much, but it is really the only word that seems to make sense in this moment: what? What is Harry Styles doing at her front door, dropping by as if the two had been life-long friends? What does he mean he’s rang the doorbell a couple of times in the past week?
The conversation is rather strange with the gate locked between them, but she can’t begin to think that it had been normal in the first place. She can’t even believe that he remembers her name, let alone where she lives, though perhaps he’d gotten it off of his driver’s GPS that one night. His letter and autograph had been enough to satisfy her daydreams, but this continuation has her head spinning right off.
Harry smiles bashfully to the floor. “I should explain myself then?”
“I mean...” she lets out an incredulous laugh. “If that’s – if you want to, sure, that’d be ... wow.”
“Wow. Wow, I can’t believe this is happening and I don’t even know why it’s happening. And you’ve – wow. You’ve been here a couple of times in the past week? And no ... no one’s answered?”
“That’s correct,” Harry confirms, clasps his hands behind him. “Startin’ to think you’ve moved somewhere else.”
She snorts quietly at the idea. “In the span of a week?”
“Eh, a week and a couple days.”
“Ah, now that definitely makes more sense.”
“Alright, alright.” Harry chuckles and holds his hands up in a lazy surrender. “It wasn’t the smartest thought I’ve ever had, I know. Was just a strange coincidence, is all.”
“It is really strange. I’m usually here when I’m not at work.”
The color of Harry’s cheeks suddenly spread to a light pinkish shade. His avoids eye contact as his lips purse, the revelation confirming that he is a harmless idiot. He hopes that it goes unnoticed by her, but her hands wrap curiously around the thin bars of the upper gate.
“Did you forget that I have work?”
“...Depends what time you have work.”
“Your usual nine to five, although sometimes it can be up to six, maybe even later.”
“Hmm.” Harry takes in this information with a neutral mien. When he looks up at her eyes sparkling in delight, he tries so hard to conceal his growing smile. “Then yes, it did slip from my mind that you might have work to attend.”
Her laughter is a high-pitch, unattractive outburst that echoes in her ears. She clamps her mouth shut when she hears the strange howl and muffles it with her hand. “Sorry, that’s not funny,” she says, her eyes now apologetic. “I mean, it is funny, but probably not that funny ... you know what I mean.”
“Yeah.” Harry nods. “Sure. If you want to laugh at me, it’s fine. I can take it.”
He declares the last sentence rather dramatically, clutching onto his heart and leaning his head back to the skies. Pretend sobs distort his face until the hysterics turn into genuine laughter. She mirrors his elation, the rays of the sun blinding every feature of his except for those lovely two front teeth.
She releases the bars of the gate, her hands tainted by tiny specks of dirt. “No, no, I’m sorry. I really appreciate that you went out of your way to be here.” She begins to unlock the gate when she notices that its barrier may indicate a distrust in him, or perhaps be even just a bit rude. In all honesty, she’d forgotten that it had even been there to begin with. Their conversation is such a dream to her that it is a distraction from everything else.
“Except, um ... I really don’t know why you’re here. It’s great that you are! I just don’t – oh, wait, I forgot something in the car, didn’t I? Was it my planner? I don’t use it as often as I should, that’s probably not smart of me, but it’s so forgettable sometimes—”
Her ramble cuts off when she pushes open the gate, Harry side-stepping to his right. On the floor of the balcony rests a large thing behind him that takes up most of the minimal space available. A clear plastic wrap protects the strange shapely thing, but through the transparency, she can see that it is a pale-blue color.
“Uh, no...” Harry stands tall and grins proudly at the little crease in her brow. “You didn’t forget anything.”
“Oh ... then it must be still in my bag.”
“Yeah, probably, but I did come to bring you something.”
The woman raises her attention up from the thing to look at Harry. Her face illustrates surprise as much as it does awe. “Bring me something? Bring ... for me? Wh—” She points downward, which elicits a suppressed giggle from him. “That? This? It’s for me?”
“Yes, it’s for you.”
Her bare feet stay frozen on the ground, but she leans her body forward to further inspect his gift. “What is it? I mean, thank you so much, that’s really nice of you, but ... what is it?”
Harry gives in; a chuckle vibrates through his chest. He suddenly notices how often it happens when he’s with her. She has some sort of energy that radiates positivity and optimism. It is a natural charm of hers, one that she doesn’t quite know she has.
“It’s a pregnancy pillow.”
The woman opens her mouth in shock, the strange shape suddenly beginning to make sense. “A what?” she whispers, holding a hand to her chest as the other dangles in the open air. The individual aspects of her face all seem to collectively light up: eyes bright, mouth open, cheeks lifting.
“Erm, it’s a pillow for pregnant woman to sleep—”
“Oh my god.” She laughs. “I know what it is! Why’d you ... what’s it doing here?”
Harry watches as she marvels over the plush and lengthy pillow from a short distance. He becomes a little shy as he explains himself, but it is nothing that he cannot conceal.
“You mentioned that you hate not being able to sleep on your back. I figured you needed as much comfort as you could possibly get at a time like this.”
A tiny “Oh,” slips from her mouth in the most delicate way possible, floating through the waves of the air. Her heart has some sort of queasy sensation, one that flutters and expands.
She doesn’t say any more. Her throat closes as the water in her eyes bundles up. She scoffs at herself in shame when the first tear falls. There had been a number of things in her first trimester that had caused her to weep, both significant and pointless. A couple of weeks into her second, she now has her emotions under control. However, this surprise of his is so simple yet so remarkably wonderful that it transforms her into an absolute mess in front of the person she looks up to the most.
A worrisome frown begins to mold over Harry’s eager grin. He looks back-and-forth from his gift to her teary demeanor. His hand invades the space between them, protecting her from the harmless pillow on the ground.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t ... s’ it okay? Is it the wrong shape or something? I got the C one cos’ I wasn’t sure if the U-shape was too large, but maybe you can have more of a variety with that one? If you’d like, I can return it and—”
“No,” she cries and interrupts his mini spiel. “No, it’s great!”
“Great?” he echoes, still unconvinced. “Are you sure? I can exchange it for another one if it’s not, maybe a different color?”
“Yes! I mean – no. Yes, it’s perfect, and no, the color is fine.”
“...Why’re you crying then?”
Her back straightens as she looks into his green eyes of concern. Her vision is a tad hazy, all thanks to this predicament of hers, but she has otherwise never seen a moment more clearly.
“Because this is the nicest thing anyone could ever do for me,” she answers, which causes Harry to finally relax. His arms fall to his side, his hands disappearing into his pockets as she tells him, “I love it. Thank you, Harry.”
“S’ my pleasure,” he sheepishly mumbles.
He is quiet, but loud enough to hear amid the normally hectic neighborhood. Where there is often a jumble of background noise – birds chirping, cars honking, music blasting – the two of them stand in silence. She becomes aware of how this is another one of their moments, if she can even acknowledge it as such a thing. There have only been two encounters, but in both there is a pause neither too natural nor too awkward.
“Um...” She sniffles. Her mind begins to tick, precious time of hers going to waste. “Do you want ... would you like to come inside maybe? If you’re not busy with anything else?”
Her sentence trails off in a manner of uncertainty. She suggests it spontaneously, but her better judgement seems to harshly awaken her from the fantasy she resides in. She has just invited Harry Styles into her home, a ridiculous request that receives a reluctant response.
Harry opens his mouth to say something, but a strange noise croaks from his throat instead. She fears what he must be thinking about. Is it a genuine excuse or a respectful decline to her offer? It makes her nervous either way.
“You don’t have to,” she quickly adds. “If you’re busy, that’s completely fine. I definitely understand. This was very nice of you, thank you so—”
“I’m not – sorry.” Harry clears his throat. “I’m not busy. I’d love to come inside, but I’m a little concerned for your roommate’s privacy. Wouldn’t want to intrude their space.”
The pregnant woman eases with a calm smile. With the exception of forgetting her work schedule, she realizes how attentive Harry is. He remembers her name, remembers where she lives – again, with the exception that perhaps he had obtained this information from his driver – and he remembers how she had mentioned once that she hated not being able to sleep on her back. Despite never once having met her roommate, he remembers that detail too.
“Their space is my space and you’re not intruding at all. Besides, my roommate just went out grocery shopping. Won’t be back for some time, unfortunately.”
“Yeah, I’m really hungry.” She puckers her lips to the side. “There’s nothing in the kitchen, so I’m sorry to say that I can’t really offer you anything to eat.”
“That’s quite alright.” Harry laughs and shakes his head. “And in that case, I’d love to be invited into your home. Just give me a second, yeah?”
Prior to her response, Harry speeds down the stairs. Her eyes follow his path and notice the ominous the black vehicle parked at the curb. The engine still runs, and as Harry nears the passenger door, the sleek window rolls down.
She doesn’t want to be caught staring, so she focuses back on the pillow. Though she hadn’t known what it had been only minutes ago, she now thinks it is the loveliest sight she’s ever seen.
Smiling to herself, she takes a step forward and crouches down every so carefully. She gathers the plastic-wrapped C-shape cushion in her arms, positioning it at a tricky angle that is on her side and above her belly. It crinkles annoyingly, its particular sturdy length threatening to flop in every other direction.
When Harry finishes his discussion, he turns and finds her struggling to move past the doorframe. The pillow blocks her view, so she can’t step in as easily as she assumes. He calls her name, his fists clenched and arms bent in a speedy jog up the stairs.
“That’s alright, love. I’ve got it.”
She feels the weight alleviate from her grip. It makes sense that Harry lifts it as if it weighs nothing – he had been the one to haul it up the stairs. Down on the ground, the black vehicle is in the midst of a 3-point-turn before speeding out of the open neighborhood.
“Oh, okay. Thanks.”
She ignores the term of endearment, for now at least. He had said it to her twice before on the first night, to which she had overthought about it before succumbing to sleep. She knows tonight will be no different.
“No worries. Is it alright if I...”
Pillow in arms, Harry nods his head in the direction of the open home. He awaits her permission despite already having it.
“Yes.” She nods ferociously. “Yeah, yeah, go right in.”
The woman’s arm flails forward as a guide for his journey across the threshold. She knows that he is humble in his own way, but the second he enters her residence, she begins to feel timorous. This small space of hers is so ... small. He has spent the last eight years of his life as reigning royalty in places far and beyond. Size does not even begin to cover this drastic difference.
She pulls the gate in, locks it. “Sorry if it’s a little messy.” She swings the door closed, locks it.
Her heart beats in silence when Harry places the pillow down on the cold floor, dead-center in the unit as he turns to face her. He faintly huffs, scanning over the four walls and all of its property. The square table near the corner to his left opposite to the worn-out couch against the window on his right. Behind him is an open bedroom door in the narrow hallway straight ahead, a closed bedroom door next to it hidden by a sharp turn.
It is simple, as far as simple can be.
“Nothing perfect,” the woman admits, “but it’s home.”
Harry shakes his head. “I like it. It’s nice. Cozy.”
Beat; another empty beat. The sunlight beams through the window, exposing a narrow cloud of dust particles that swim through the air. It strikes down in the space between them, physically representing the invisible energy that already divides them.
“Erm, where would you like it?” he innocently asks, though one can interpret such an inquiry in many different ways.
She is about to ask what he means, but saves herself the embarrassment as her vision points to the pillow on the floor. “Um, I guess ... I guess my room is fine, since that’s where I sleep.”
“Right. That makes the most sense, doesn’t it?”
He asks rhetorically – she won’t make that mistake again – so she responds with nothing but a kind smile. Her solemn attitude is obvious, but there is a major distinction between talking to Harry Styles in a diner and talking to Harry Styles in her home after he’s bought a pregnancy pillow for her.
“Which one is it?” asks Harry, bending over to grip onto the loud plastic material.
In a split second, she contemplates the idea of having Harry in her bedroom. It is something beyond her wildest dreams in circumstance she hasn’t quite imagined, but a panic arises before he can even manage to pick the pillow up.
“Uh, wait! It’s ... you don’t have to. I can take it myself.”
Bent halfway, Harry waves his hand as a dismissal. “S�� no problem.”
“Yeah, but ... okay.”
Her voice is the tiniest Harry has ever heard from her. In a slow rise from his weird position, he tilts his head as an expression of his suspicion. “Unless you don’t want me to?”
“No! No, it’s fine, I don’t mind. Just ... wait here, okay?”
A crease appears in the center of his forehead, but he nods nonetheless.
She scurries past him and down the hallway, into the bedroom with the open door. The woman does not release a breath until it closes behind her, safe from the reality of this strange event. It still doesn’t quite manage to cross past her skull, not even with Harry waiting for her in her living room.
Wow. Harry Styles is waiting for me in my living room.
Her faint laugh disappears in the November air that seeps in through her open window. With her mattress right next to it, she remembers that she hadn’t taken the time to make her bed this morning. On top of that, her undergarments litter across the floor, and empty snack packets pile over her dresser and bedside table.
Her biggest concern is the folded page from her planner. It also rests on her bedside table, inanimate over a ratty novel that devours her attention almost every night.
For the next couple of minutes, she cleans up whatever mess Harry may come across. Her bras and panties stuff in the confinements of her laundry basket, the remnants of her midnight snacks thrown in the trash can, and her most treasured letter safe under the used candle in her bedside drawer. She finishes by flinging her comforter up and over the sheets of her bed, then tugs at every corner until it looks somewhat presentable.
When she deems the room as less of a disaster, she fixes her appearance – as best as a tank top and leggings can be fixed – and lets out a nervous breath before opening the door.
“Alright, sorry about that. You can come in now.”
Down the hall, she can see that the pillow is still just a lump on the floor. No Harry waits beside it.
Her heart rate increases with alarm, even more so than the idea of having Harry enter her messy bedroom. She hates that she allows such troubling thoughts to torture her, but this whole circumstance is a desire much too wonderful to be real. It will not be a surprise to her if he had ended up changing his mind.
Her bare feet patter across the floorboards, her movements slightly frantic. As the hallway ends, Harry’s figure appears in the corner of her living room, his back to her. His upper body leans forward, eyes lingering on the acoustic guitar hidden next to the couch, if not for the neck that sticks up like a tower.
He snaps around at the sound of her voice. She notices then how his pockets restrain his hands from reaching out to caress the curve of fine wood.
“Sorry, erm ... I got kind of distracted here. Sick guitar you’ve got.”
“Thanks,” she mumbles, her expression softens at the instrument that she has not touched in months.
“You play?”
“Your roommate?”
Harry unveils his hands and stretches them out to the empty space in front of the guitar. He raises his eyebrows in an unspoken question, to which she nods and watches as he picks up and marvels at the memory.
“Not exactly,” she answers.
He does that head tilt again and cradles the dusty instrument with care. His fingers drag down the strings in a lazy fashion, ears attentive as he begins to tune it.
“See, when the two weeks that my ex gave me to move out were up, he was leaving to play a crowd at some bar downtown.”
A visible frustration compels Harry’s hands to freeze. His face maintains that well-known solemn that people gawk over. She would be the same, if not for the severe intimidation that she now feels as she continues her story.
“He didn’t say it, but I could tell that he was expecting me to be gone by the time he got back. I still had so much to pack up, and Aaron wasn’t expecting me to move in so soon, and not only that, but I also had all these emotions that were just incredibly out of control. I don’t even think they were pregnancy hormones, just plain stress and I didn’t know what to do about it. So, I may or may not have taken his guitar with me.”
Harry’s face illuminates with surprise. “You stole his guitar?” The instrument suddenly feels heavy in his hands.
“Kind of ... he has another one though! He never really plays this one anymore. Well, obviously he can’t play it anymore, but ... I don’t know, something just came over me! I know you always say to treat people with kindness, but I was really angry and really upset and too scared to vandalize anything, so I just kind of ... took it. If you ask me, it’s more of a burden on myself because it really does take up way too much space—”
Harry stops the continuous flow of her words by stating her name. It is firm and to-the-point, enough to make her tongue slither back behind her teeth. The seconds are ticking away, fingers nervously fumbling together in a knot. Harry sets the cursed instrument back onto it forgetful home next to the couch and considers her story carefully.
“I tell people to treat others with kindness,” he begins, stepping closer to her, “because it’s how I think people deserve to be treated. When it comes to him, I think you’ve done just that.”
It is fair to say that Harry makes her smitten as her demeanor turns bashful. He has some way of making her feel sane, making her feel as if there is a beauty that transcends all of the mucky, grimy dirt in the world.
“Really?” she squeaks, the corners of her mouth pulling upward.
“Of course. I think it even further illustrates your resilience.”
He seriously needs to stop before I start crying again.
“I um ... I should’ve sold it by now.” She shrugs at the lifeless object that haunts her with a distant memory. “It makes the most sense, but I just don’t know why I ... can’t. Aaron sometimes messes with it though, so I guess it’s good for something.”
“Erin? Your roommate?” Harry asks, which pries out a nod from her. “Hmm. Well, I do understand what you’re trying to say.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. You loved the bloody dickhead, right?”
The woman laughs at his assertive language, but it cuts off with an almost weak cry. Yes; she loved him.
“A part of you still holds onto that. It’s completely normal.”
“Or pathetic.”
Harry rolls his eyes. “If it were pathetic to hold onto people you’ve loved in the past,” he moves around her, bends down, and lifts up the pillow with ease, “then anyone who’s ever written a song about someone else is a complete pity party. Now tell me, do you think that’s true?”
He leaves the question open for her response, but he doesn’t wait for her to muster it out. Instead, Harry follows the exact path she had previously went down, into the hallway and through to her bedroom. His quickness takes a second for her mind to register, but she soon trails after him.
“Um, I guess not.”
Harry sets his gift down on her full-size mattress. He steps back, hands on his hips, proud over his act of kindness. He side-eyes her, discreetly smirking at her discomfort and uncertainty.
“Fine. I’ll take that answer.”
He doesn’t examine her room as he had done with the rest of the unit. He instead gets down to it and tears away the plastic wrap. He frees the plush material of the pillow and balls up the broken seal.
“You want to try it out?” Harry offers, setting the plastic crumble onto the floor to discard later.
Her hesitance and fear does not disperse. “Try it out?”
“Yeah, sure. Test it out. See if it’s comfortable enough. If not, I can change it for another one.”
“Oh, that’s ... not necessary. It’s a pillow, I’m sure it’s fine.”
“We all have our own preferences. You won’t know it’s fine until you test it out for yourself.”
Deep down, he knows he’s gotten it right. She assumes that he has a need for perfection. If not, it is his constant worry that has probably double-checked the damn thing a dozen times before delivering it to her in person. It’s enough that he appears at her home when she is in her most slump attire, but now he wants her to lie down in front of him, to break down her defenses if just for one moment to test out this silly pillow.
“Okay, I guess that’s true.”
She agrees to his suggestion rather quickly, but overthinks how to get on the bed without it being either unintentionally sensual or incredibly awkward.
She decides to just bend a knee at the end of the mattress, crawling up a couple inches and then shifting on her bottom. She scoots herself further up, turning onto her side as Harry lifts the pregnancy pillow. He carefully turns it up and over her head, resting it in a backward C-shape with the curve of the pillow against her back.
“So ... does it like ... go between my legs or something?”
She sinks into the plush material of the pillow, pulling the bottom end between her knees and squishing it.
“Erm ... yeah. Think so. That’s what the picture looked like. And the long part supports your back.”
She shuffles around, a hand on her belly as if it needs guidance alongside her. “I’m being so dramatic,” she admits. “My belly’s not even big enough for me to be complaining yet.”
“Uh-uh. There’s no argument when it comes to your comfort. You can’t sleep on your back or your stomach without it, so it is helping you out.”
“Okay, yeah, but ... oh.”
Harry crouches down to her eye-level, narrowing his eyes at her remark. “Oh?”
“Oh,” she confirms, snuggling into the pillow. “Oh, my back...”
“What’s wrong with it? Does it hurt?”
“No!” she exasperatedly laughs. His concern is persistent, but cute nonetheless. “This pillow has so much support for my back. And it’s so ... firm. And comfortable. And it smells nice.”
Harry smiles at her bliss. Her eyes flutter shut, and she digs her head deeper to breathe in the soft material.
“It’s alright, then?”
“Alright?” she opens her eyes, a close-lipped smile across her bare face. “Yeah, Harry. It’s alright.”
The moment proceeds with silence. She marvels at this new treasure of hers; Harry watches her with very great care. His legs begin to burn due to the prolong crouching position that he is in, so he settles himself down on the floorboards. His knees bend in front of him, his hands locking by the fingers around them.
A small conversation ensues thereafter, small little remarks over how her experience is going, the hassle he had gone through to get it for her, and harmless small talk that reveals a little bit about their drastically different lives.
She’s not sure how much time has passed until she hears the front door opening. The sound of crackling plastic bags mixes in with the jingle of keys, but she doesn’t relax until she hears the lock of the front door.
“I got your avocados!”
The deep voice makes Harry do a double-take. His acquaintance lets out a squeal and rises from her bed, shifting to plant her feet on the floor. She reaches down to tug on his arm, without realizing that this is the first she has actually touched him in the two separate times that they’ve met.
“C’mon, you can meet my roommate,” she whispers. “He’s going to freak out!”
“He?” Harry questions, but the woman is already out the door.
When his 24-year-old body eventually gets up and strolls down the hallway, he leans against the closest wall and begins his observation. There is a tall man in his sights whose back faces him. This guy, who he now realizes is not Erin, but Aaron, un-bags the groceries on the same kitchen counter that his pregnant roommate somehow manages to prop herself up on.
“...so expensive, you can buy them yourself next time.”
“Don’t act if you’re not going to enjoy them, too.”
“You’re lucky I even got you the Twizzlers on top of your Sour Patch Kids. They ran out of pistachio ice cream, by the way. I’m not sure how. Who even eats pistachio?”
The terrible news makes the woman’s jaw slowly fall, but when she notices Harry, the gape of her mouth turns upright.
“Aaron,” she begins, “I have a surprise for you.”
“I don’t want it.”
“It’s a good surprise!”
“I don’t think any scheme you come up with can ever be good.”
“Just stop being stubborn and turn around!”
Aaron glares at the woman suspiciously before cautiously turning his body around. His body jolts back, frightened by the unfamiliar third person, until his face suddenly goes slack.
“Holy shit,” Aaron breathes out, recognizing the luscious curls and wonderfully structured face. “What the fuck? What – he’s, that’s...”
“He’s Harry,” the only woman in the room announces, then looks to the Cheshire man. “This is Aaron, my roommate if you couldn’t tell.”
He can tell. He can also tell that his presence dumbfounds Aaron. What he doesn’t know is how much she had raved about him to Aaron the day following their first meeting. Her roommate had been incredibly jealous, insisting that he joins her on her next treat-yourself-Friday.
“Pleasure.” Harry forces a smile, steps forward, and holds his hand out for him to shake.
Aaron nods, still overwhelmed when he grips onto Harry’s hand. His hold is so tight, as if he never wants to let go.
“Harry Styles,” Aaron states, laughing at the image of the curly-headed man. “This is ... I don’t even want to ask. This is just perfect. Holy shit.”
The woman finds amusement in her roommate’s profanity. She laughs at him while Harry stands there and watches the twinkle grow in her eyes. He starts to feel uncomfortable, the space making him feel as though he is an outlier and does not belong.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Harry raises his wrist, focusing his vision to the watch clasped around. “I’m afraid I have to be heading out.”
The two people in front of him become dejected at his announcement. “Really?” the pregnant woman asks. The hour seems to have gone by far too quickly.
“Yes. I have ... um, something came up on my schedule.”
Aaron sighs. “Damn. That sucks.”
“Yes.” Harry simply nods. “Yes, it does suck, but I’ve really enjoyed my time here. Erm...”
He contemplates the idea that flashes through his mind. In a short few seconds, he fights with himself, imagining if any consequences can come out of it. He says her name anyway, without fully establishing a proper intention.
“Do you have a pen? And something I can write on?”
At his request, the two roommates instantly separate. Their busy bodies frantically search the messy unit for exactly what he needs. She finds a blue pen with its cap missing from the drawer in the kitchen; Aaron runs to retrieve a yellow sticky note from his bedroom next to hers.
“Here,” he says, a little out of breath, but still managing to flash a charming smile.
Harry thanks him, then steps forward to place himself in the space between the two roommates. He sets the sticky note down on the kitchen counter and leans over to scribble something with the colored ink.
“You seem to have everything well under your control here. Aaron obviously helps you tremendously.”
The other man smiles excitedly at the way his name drowns in Harry’s English accent.
“But if you ever need something, please...” Harry straightens up, peeling the sticky note off of the counter’s flat surface. He scans it over quickly, then turns to his right to present it to her appropriately. “Don’t hesitate to call this number.”
The woman projects her head back, blinking profusely at the blue digits staining the single sticky note. From over Harry’s shoulder, Aaron’s eyes are wide and bright, but she can’t focus on them. Her head begins to spin, eyes squinting as if to steady the ever-turning world.
Normally she would find it within herself to reject his kind offer. She would tell him with a sweet smile that it is okay, that she is fine the way she is, despite wanting nothing more than to see him again. This gesture of his is so unexpected that she is taken aback and lost at what she is to do.
“Um ... thank you,” she settles on, fingertips pinching on the thin note. She doesn’t know what she will do with it, but for now some other mindless part of her guides her actions.
Harry smiles, relieved that she accepts his proffer. He stares at her a little longer; the way she instinctively shelters her baby mesmerizes him.
“Alright, well. I must be off. Thank you for inviting me into your lovely home.” Harry turns around to Aaron, who is thankful that his cheeks do not turn red from embarrassment. “Nice meeting you.”
“An honor,” Aaron says, gripping onto his hand one final time. When Harry turns away and proceeds to the door, the other man cringes at his choice of words.
She follows after him, watches as he unlocks the door and unlatches the gate. The sun whips its fiery flames on the skin of their warm bodies, but Harry ignores the heat to turn around and gently embrace her. His gesture takes her by surprise, but she acts quickly and presses her hands against the back of his shoulder blades.
“Lovely seeing you again,” Harry mutters her name. His large hand stings on her back, the anchor on his wrist hooking her in. “I hope you like the gift. Until next time?”
When he pulls away, she isn’t in the right state of mind to respond with words. Instead, she nods in agreement and gives him a measly wave, just as she had done on the first night. While Aaron begins to silently thrash around in the kitchen, she watches Harry descend to the ground just as the black vehicle conveniently pulls up to the curb.
She watches him from the door, this time for the entire duration until his car disappears beneath the autumn skies. The yellow sticky-note is heavy in her hands, the idea of meeting with him again tickles her bones. He has been so kind to her, enough that she wonders how fortunate her little family is to receive such endearment.
Even if she has not felt her child move yet, she knows that they are just as touched by it as she is.
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
I have a prompt! How about Amy thinking Blaze and Silver make a great couple (I'm thinking this is probably them in canon-verse where they're both amnesiacs about what happened in 06 but privately feel theres a connection between them/ but this could also be them as long-time buddy-pals if you want) and she's determined to be Silver's wing woman. Bonus points if Sonic and Amy place a bet that Amy can't get them together (you decide the terms :P)
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(x This is a wallpaper)
If you’re wanting this ‘canon-wise’ I can try my best for Semi-Canon (In-character with slights au events) if you want? (But I can see Amy matchmaking lol)
Due to an abnormality in the ripples of dimensions, Silver journeyed to meet back up with his old Forces friends and met Blaze; who had recently been flung out of her dimension through a masked-menace that the team suspected was the cause of the abnormalities.
Amy had often been along Silver for various reasons in the researching area of the causes, and noticed how awfully friendly and calm the two were around one another… for a first meeting anyway.
“I’ve found some clues that I think might help.” Blaze folded her arms, angling herself a little away from the two.
Her tail flicked as Silver suddenly walked into the room while Amy was placing the footage she had taken into the computer.
“Wow! He’s able to open rifts so… effortlessly! What’s he’s planning on, anyway..?”
Blaze seemed momentarily distracted, her eyes searching his face as if trying to find meaning in her odd fascination with the white hedgehog. A persistent feeling of comradery kept nagging at her heart, but she disregarded it as Amy saw her—from the corner of her eye—turn away from gawking at him a moment with her scanning expression.
“He is rather elusive…” she stole another glance, curiosity and the strange feeling of warmth for him kept her better judgments out of the way.
“Yes…” Amy side-glanced a look at Silver, minding his own business, before holding back a smile and turning her sights on Blaze once more. “He is, isn’t he.”
She turned away as Silver walked by and up to see the footage. “Definitely has to be technology from my world.” His fists clenched, and Blaze’s eyes widened.
Why was this so… familiar? It’s like she knew his mannerisms by heart… She could play him out in her mind… but why?
“But why?”
When Silver suddenly voiced her thought, she looked away, a little unnerved.
Amy saw her tense avoidance, and pressed her lips together… tighter… as if jumping to assumptions…
“If he’s from my world… there isn’t a reason to cause such destruction in other worlds!” Tormented by the present conundrum at hand, Silver shook his head and placed a hand on it for a moment. He then shifted his eyes to Blaze, where he slowly looked up to her face.
She felt his presence piercing into her soul and shyly caught his observant glance.
The two immediately looked away, breaking eye-contact entirely and hurriedly moving on with tasks at hand.
“A-anyway,… I should look over these data charts more closely.” He scrambled to stack some papers Amy had printed out earlier. “I-I have to understand his connection to dimensional shifts and warping through these shifts into other worlds…” He stampeded, something he usually never did unless nervous.
‘But what was he nervous about?’ Amy couldn’t help but leak her restrained grin.
“Good work… Blaze.” Silver turned his back away once the papers were all together; messily… as they were, but together.
He looked slightly over his shoulder, keeping most of his face from her sight.
She also abruptly moved as if on cue with him, stiffly turning around and briskly heading for the door on a fast, marching walk.
“It’s nothing. I’ve been tracking for years. It’s just my duty. I feel embarrassed my skills aren’t what they used to be.” When he stopped… so did she. Holding her head down, she tried to also look over her shoulder but stopped herself.
A mutual quietness held then as if they both tried to break the time-deleted spell that had infused over them and crushed their memory of their extremely tight friendship.
Without it, they may have, in relief, embraced each other after so long being apart.
But in this moment, the feeling to embrace was adamant. But their memory? Gone.
It pulled so intensely, but the awkwardness of a ‘reunion moment’ they didn’t understand not only plagued their social etiquettes but also their minds and hearts…
They swarmed to find answers, but neither mind nor heart spoke out the answers they were seeking…
“…Good luck.” Silver finally broke the silence, giving up on hoping something would relieve him of his tug-o-war.
“… You too.”
The two held a minute longer. A silent plea for one last attempt at a reply from their being to make sense of this moment and feeling.
“I’ll try and collect more evidence. Amy.” Blaze nodded and looked ahead, trying to fixate her mind on other things.
Silver looked to the floor, as Amy heard the door shut and spun in her chair.
“Okay! Talk!” She excitedly held her hands out and shook them around. “What was THAT?!”
“W-what?” Startled from his depressing-feeling, he saw the papers fly everywhere around him. He held frozen as Amy watched, her excitement never dissipating, at all the papers slowly flapping down through the air.
“Oh, come on! You two clearly have some kind of a connection!”
“C-connection?” Innocent to her words, he suddenly took a more serious stance and hoped Amy would explain what she meant. “What do you mean, connection?”
An excited squee escaped Amy’s lips and she jumped up and down in her chair rhythmically. “I’ve always wanted to see two people falling in love!” She admitted out loud, then clasped her hands together and spun slowly once more in an interval within her chair, letting it do the work of inertia. “And now I see the spark firsthand!”
“The.. spark?” He suddenly realized her accusation and sprung upward, holding himself in the air as he used his powers to frantically avoid her and pick up the papers. “N-nonsense, Amy! T-that can’t be right!”
“Well~ What do you think it is!?” Amy giggled, hands on her lap as she wouldn’t be deterred from her speculation.
“…I had this strange feeling…” Silver looked up as if lost in his own thoughts… feeling he should be honest about it all.
Amy excitedly bounced her shoulders left and right. “Like you knew them all their life?” She dreamily lowered her eyelids as she watched him to say more.
“…Yes.”  Silver clutched the already formed stack in his hands as other papers flew into his hand. His face, far too serious for the topic Amy was thinking of. “Like… I could trust her. As if she was my… partner.”
He had thought Amy screeched, startled even further in the air when she leaped up and grabbed his floating feet.
“Like you’re walking on air!? HAHA!” she danced a moment, making him even more confused.
“N-no…” He reached out for her, before seeing his feet off the ground. “…Oh.” Seeing where she logically may have gotten that idea from, but not entirely what the phrase stands for, he lowered himself embarrassingly back to the floor, looking away.
“Amy, please. You’re making this out a little falsely here… I just felt like I’ve known her or something. Like… we were somehow… close.” He fiddled with the papers. “I can’t explain it… I haven’t met her in my dimension… so there’s no way I could know her… But…”
“But..?~” Amy twirled, slowing down and stopping to look back at him, arching her back like a lovesick looney.
He looked at her with the most tender and innocent eyes….
“I… This feels almost like I’ve missed someone… someone close to me… and had to let them go… only to be seeing them again.”
“…Awho.” Amy cooed, pressing her hands to her chest. She ran up to Silver, taking his arms since his hands were full.
“H-hey..” Silver, nervously, shook left and right to view her oddly placed hands, and then leaned away from her, one foot pulling back while the other tried to slide away.
“Then we’re both soldiers on our path!” She dramatically stated.
“I’ll help you, Silver! I’ll make sure you get a sweet moment with Blaze!” she then winked, “She’s a princess you know… you tiger!” she lightly threw a fist into his arm but it caused him to stumble.
“T-tiger?… Hold on, Amy… wait!” He was too slow.
Reaching for her, the door had already closed before he realized she didn’t understand him at all.
“I… Oh…” He lowered the hand in disappointment. “Please don’t put yourself out of the way to do something embarrassing… or worse,…. Make it awkward.” He shook his head, having the last of the papers and closing his eyes in a silent prayer for peace.
But Amy was anything BUT a casual gal…
She was an avid planner.
“And then I said I’d help.” Amy finished her plate as Sonic poked around his bowl, keeping his head down.
“And you’re sure he said that.” Sonic, in a bit of skeptical disbelief, looked up at her without moving his head.
“As sure you’re blue.” She quickly chimed back, lifting her head up and closing her eyes. “Now… how to get them alone together..?”
Sonic sighed and let his head drop, leaning up from the table. “Amy… Something tells me you shouldn’t meddle in his business.” Sonic ran his hands through his quills, already seeing Amy playing matchmaker.
“Ohh, but why not? He didn’t oppose…” She looked innocently away. “That’s basically begging me for help!”
“…You shouldn’t judge by those standards.” Sonic leaned back in the chair and dropped his hands, eyeing her a new one. “You should leave it be.” He finally stated.
“Ohhh! You’re no fun!” she popped the spoon into her mouth and tapped her foot, closing her eyes again. “Hmmmm…” she held a long tune before Sonic sighed softly, and then leaned forward to swipe the spoon out of her mouth.
“Ah! Hey!”
“I mean it.” He tossed it by her bowl, placing his arms on the table. “You already planned your whole life. Do you really have to plan everyone else's?” he smiled, teasing her, but still trying to make a point.
She thought a moment….
“Honestly, Sonic. I already told you.” She started, then leaned forward to speak directly to his face. “I’ve got the wedding down. You’ve just gotta show up and smile.” She beamed.
He immediately gave her a no-nonsense frown.
“…If the smile’s too much to ask for, I’ll just take you and those spit-shined red shoes.” She gestured her eyes down and smiled even more charmingly up to him.
He rolled his eyes, moving away.
He placed a hand under his head and leaned on it, lifting a leg up to his knee and letting it tap in the air.
He had given up trying…
Once her mind is set on something, nothing could change that.
“Silence means you’ll be there.~” Amy sprang a quiet tune as she stated that, turning away as if to mimic him but keeping her feet down.
“Now… a perfectly romantic and secluded spot… Ah-ha! I got it!” She slapped the table. “Sonic! I bet you by this time tonight, the two will be in each other’s arms!”
Sonic scoffed to the side. “Heh!”
“I mean it!” Amy gave him a pout back.
“Like nothin’ you will…” Sonic got up, smacking the table to give one last offensive-fighting words to her and her ‘plans’ before walking away.
“Hmmrh. Hmph!” Amy rose up. “If I do-!”
Sonic slowed his pace, turning his head to have his ear listen to whatever this next silliness was…
“..I-if I do, then… Then you’ll embrace me too!” She put her hands stiffly to the side.
“…Heh.” Sonic smirked, scoffing once again at her. “When pig’s fly, Amy.”
“Oh! Would you just-! It’s a bet then?” Amy put her hands to her hips. “That means you have to watch with me!” She shouted out a little louder than Sonic would have hoped.
He bent to his knees and hushed her, motioning his hands down respectively to do so, and looking to make sure no one was around. “Amy..! … ugh. Sure. If you get those lovebirds together, I’ll give you a lasting hug!” He said half-heartedly, still teasing her and flipping his arm out to show he had no faith it would work. “Going off of all your other schemed… planned dates alike, this won’t last more than a day!” He snickered under his breath, trying to make sure no one was listening to them. “Good luck, Amy.”
“Hmph, I’ll show him!” She gathered up their dishes. “I’ll show him that I can too make a perfect date!”
The time came and Blaze was told a special meeting about her latest information on the jumping-culprit needed further questioning and was making her way into the room.
Silver halted by the nicely set table, candles all lit with food already prepared in the pitch black room. “Umm…” He had gotten their moments before her.
She paused, surveyed the area, and then placed a hand on her hip. “A little fancy for a meeting… Did Amy set this up?”
“It… does seem to be her style.” Silver sweat-dropped awkwardly, before looking back at the table. “There seems to be only two chairs… wasn’t Amy attending?”
“Hmm… you’re right.” Blaze came a little more forward, standing beside him. “It would look like she was trying to set-up dinner, let alone a meeting.”
“I would have to confess that that decisive reasoning does seem more accurate…” He took a seat and then gestured for her to do the same. “Regardless of Amy’s fancies,… should we begin?”
“Hmm. Umm... Yes. We should discuss what needs to be clarified. At least… to the best of my abilities.” Blaze gracefully took her seat, as the two began to talk business.
“Ohhh! Why are they both so serious!?” Amy whispered through the crack of an adjacent door.
Sonic leaned on the wall, watching her hunch over and peek inside, and shaking his head as his arms came up in a shrug. “You’ve lost it, Amy. Spying on other people’s affairs… trying to start one… So, is this what you resort to when you’ve nothing else to do but wait for your ‘plans’ to work out for ya?” He adjusted his gloves, pulling them tighter before sticking a toe up and hunching down to mock her, thinking it funny.
“Shhsh! Not like you’re to blame.” She stuck her tongue out at him, and waved a hand for him to stop or come closer, he wasn’t sure which cue it was.
Rolling his eyes, he squatted down and shook his head. “I’m not one for butting in on other people’s affairs.” He seemed less than amused by this game.
“Shhh! Keep your voice down and get in here!” she was referring to him sticking his head to look in at the two.
Sonic just sighed but gave in to ‘proving her wrong’ and looked through the crack, moving under her frame, before narrowing his eyes. ��They’re not embracing.” He bluntly stated.
“Look harder!” Amy nudged him and made him a little annoyed, leading to him moving away, standing upright, and peeking above her head.
“That’s incredible! With that kind of device replicated… we could track him through his dimensional jumps and stop him from corrupting each world’s order! To think… he couldn’t rule his own dimension… so he jumped into every other one and kicked the leading figure of authority out to claim his own greed… We’ll stop him!” Silver’s sense of justice came to him as he held up his fist.
“You sure get passionate about doing what’s right,… don’t you?” She smiled, tilting her head.
“…Uhh… I’ve always been like this… for as long as I can remember.” He grew self-conscious and placed his hands together, slouching a bit. “Silly, I know… but it’s who I am. I can’t let injustice go unpunished…”
“…I may not vocalize it,… but I agree with your sentiments.” She nodded to him, and the two held a look for a moment.
Immediately, Blaze’s eyes shifted and she looked away.
“..Blaze.. there’s something else I’d actually like to discuss with you about…” Silver held a grave tone, swallowing, and unsure how to go about this.
Blaze listened in, turning her attention back to him.
“Here we go!” Amy excitedly wagged her tail, which made Sonic look behind him, then look up as if the most ridiculous situation on earth was happening at this very moment, and he was being dragged into it.
He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, moving away. “Ooookay, that’s enough eavesdropping.” He tried to pull her away. “Come on, Amy. Enough’s enough.”
“W-wait, wait! He’s about to say it!”
“Sure he is, Amy.”
“I’ve felt like this for a long time now…”
Sonic released Amy, his eyes widened in a bit of perplexed shock.
“Silver?” Blaze tilted her head again and held an equally confused expression, not sure where he was getting at.
“… I’ve felt some form of… missing you. Like I’ve known you for a long time, though we’ve only recently met. I can predict what you’re about to do, what you’ll say… what you’re even thinking sometimes… At first, I thought it could be my abilities enhancing… but I can’t do that with other people. It’s just you. Strange as it sounds… and I know it sounds very… well, odd.. but hear me out, I’m-!”
“N-no! I… understand…” Blaze was amazed at how much emotion she just showed by reaching out and stopping him as he seemed to get flustered.
She moved away, turning to the edge of the table and looking down at the floor. “It’s like a longing… to greet an old friend again… But I have no idea where it sprung from. It’s just…”
They both looked at each other.
“…Could you say it?” He nodded lightly, “What… well, what I think you’re about to say.”
“….About what?” she knew exactly what he meant.
He smiled, letting some air go and release some tension from his body.
“About how much this looks like Amy thinking theirs something more between us.” He lightly chuckled at the fact.
“…Isn’t there?”
He blushed.
“B-but not in the way A-Amy was-!”
“Haha! Oh, Silver…” Her true personality came in at once, teasing him like this… it felt like a breath of fresh air as if she missed this…
He waited, anxious for her to say it.
“I know.” He admitted.
She got up, the same time as him.
“You’re so naïve.”
Silver, as fast as instinct, used his power to float the table away from blocking the two of them as they rushed into a long-awaited embrace.
“I don’t know why this feeling is here.” Silver admitted, holding her close as she dug her head into his shoulder, breathing heavily as to control her emotions.
“But I feel like… whatever it is… it shouldn’t be ignored any longer.”
“Heh.” she smiled wider. “I agree.”
Sonic’s jaw about hit the floor, taking everything they said in the wrong way.
Amy looked up to Sonic, both not realizing the erased memories of a long forgotten realm and adventure.
“Told ya.” She piped up, giddy as a bumblebee when Sonic moved her away from the door and held her tightly in a strong embrace.
“You weren’t kidding.” He huffed out a nervous chuckle. “But you have to admit, for a confession, that was weird.”
“Ohh~ Doesn’t that make it even better?” She turned her face to wiggle into his hold even deeper, crushing her arms against his back to pull him closer, making him sweatdrop again. “Let funny people have their weird, awkward moments together, Sonic! It’s what makes life worth living!”
“Ugh… I’m letting it happen, alright.” Sonic had already let her go, but with the hold Amy had him in, there was no way he was keeping this to a ‘brief’ moment…
(I enjoyed this story :)c Thanks for letting me do more of a canon-central story!)
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