#our rose is french. can we get f in the replies for rose
incorrect-hs-quotes · 27 days
TG: so youre french
TT: Yes.
TG: do you speak english?
TT: Are you stupid?
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euovennia · 3 years
Summary: In which Carlisle finds his mate with the subtle guidance of Alice.
Pairing: fem!reader x Carlisle Cullen
Word Count: 1,860
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"Slow down, Alice! There's no need to be this excited, it's just skating." Rosalie remarked with a bored expression as she and the rest of the Cullen family struggled to keep up with the tiny woman.
"Maybe it is just skating, but we haven't had a family outing like this in forever, Rose! Trust me when I say this is good for us, it'll be unforgettable." Alice spoke, a mix of mischief and excitement glimmering in her golden eyes. Jasper came towering beside her and wrapped an arm around her small frame, "Just what are you planning, darlin'?" Alice only smiled before quickly escaping his grasp and continuing bouncing her way toward the entrance of the skating rink as the small group attempted to rid themselves of the uncomfortable nagging feeling in the back of their minds.
Something was going to happen, but no one knew what.
With the door held open by Alice, the family quickly filed into the building before being dragged over to the check-out counter where an older man stood hunched over the counter as he kept his eyes trained on a small TV in the corner of the counter. His calm exterior fumbled momentarily as the sound of the entrance door slamming shut behind the rather large group snapped him out of his focus. He quickly straightened himself out as he painted a warm smile onto his face, "Well hello there folks, what can I do for you?"
At this, Alice quickly pushed a surprised Carlisle to the front of the group. Feeling awkward, he quickly clasped his hands in front of him as he looked directly at the man who was patiently awaiting a response, "Hello. My family and I were interested in doing some skating. Perhaps for an hour or two."
The man turned to look down at his wristwatch before changing his attention to Carlisle once again, "Of course, but I have to say that there's gonna be about a ten-minute wait. I can get you all situated with your skates and take you down to the observation room while you wait. If that's alright, of course."
Carlisle glanced back at his family and upon receiving one enthusiastic reply from Alice and a shrug from Edward before he turned to the man, "Yes, that'll work out fine."
With their skates in hand, the Cullen clan followed the man down a long, brightly lit hallway before reaching a set of worn-in blue metal doors. The doors let out a loud creak as they were pushed open by the man. As the group filed inside the cold room, they were met with an intensely fast-paced tune composed of numerous cellos. They glanced at one another, the uncomfortable feeling slowly beginning to blossom in their bodies further with the exception of Alice who stood there with a large, expectant grin on her pale face. Realization dawned on Rosalie as she caught sight of her sister's face and she harshly grabbed her wrist as she spoke in a low tone, "What the hell are we doing here, Alice?" Ignoring her harsh, venom-filled tone Alice only shrugged. Huffing, Rosalie returned to Emmett's side as she crossed her arms. Sensing the tension that was growing between his adoptive children, Carlisle turned to the old man who was looking out a window that was faced outward toward the skating rink. "Is there a specific reason for the music?"
The man looked back at Carlisle and wordlessly motioned him to stand by his side. Carlisle furrowed his brows together in slight confusion but walked over by the man as requested. Eyes focused on the glass window in front of him, Carlisle watched as a woman feverishly skated around the rink with a heightened sense of grace and elegance that could rival that of his own family. He found himself enthralled with the precise and quick movements coming from the mysterious woman and found himself letting out an unnecessary breath as he asked, "Who is that?"
The old man kept his eyes trained on the woman's skating figure as he answered, "I don't know much about her if I'm being honest. All I know is that she's a pro skater and that her coach is pretty strict." Carlisle reluctantly tore his gaze away from the woman and glued them to the man beside him, "Coach?" The man nodded as he turned to face Carlisle fully, "Yeah. That guy over there." He spoke as he lamely motioned to the left side of the rather large rink. Carlisle's gaze settled on a well-built man with medium brown hair that was immaculately styled with calculating and judgmental eyes that seemed to rake over every movement of the female skater.
As Carlisle's gaze went to settle on the woman once again, he was pulled from his thoughts as his adoptive children had grown an apparent interest in Carlisle's overly observant attitude. "What're you looking at, pops?" Emmett spoke loudly causing Carlisle to cringe at both the nickname and volume of his voice. "Nothing, Emmett. Just looking around the rink is all." Rosalie scoffed, "Seems to me like you were checking out something special," Her gaze quickly turned to the woman who was effortlessly gliding across the ice, "Or someone." It was at this moment where Carlisle knew that if he was still capable of blushing, his face would be on fire. "She seems to be very talented, it's eye-catching." Esme gently defended. "Well, the music is a bit obnoxious." Rosalie muttered. "A flair for the dramatics never hurt anyone." Edward mused. "Oh please, all you know how to do is be dramatic." Rosalie fired back, her annoyance growing with each passing second.
Carlisle watched the scene unfold in front of him with weariness in his eyes as he gave a small nod toward Jasper who then unleashed a subtle calming effect on everyone present. Unable to fight back the sudden wave of calmness she felt, Rosalie let out a deep breath before walking away with Emmett trailing behind her, ready to calm her down further if needed. Relaxing his posture slightly, he turned to face the old man. "I apologize. My family, unfortunately, do not see eye to eye on everything." The man simply waved off his apology. "I used to be a family man myself. No worries. Anyhow, I best be getting back to the front desk. As soon as those two get out, feel free to hop on in." He said before giving the family a departing wave and walking away.
Carlisle watched him disappear behind the rusty blue doors before directing his attention back to the now-empty ice rink. He felt his undead heart fall to the pit of his stomach as one question raced through his mind: Where did she go?
His question was quickly answered as the doors leading to the rink opened and the man and woman walked in speaking in what Carlisle could make out to be French-based on his rather limited knowledge. He watched with great interest as the man and woman went back and forth with their conversation.
"Vous vous déplacez trop lentement dans certains domaines. Vous devez l'accélérer." (tr: You move too slow in some areas. You need to speed it up.) The man spoke, his tone a bit rough and body language that gave off the impression that he was annoyed. The woman seemed a bit exasperated as she responded, "Je sais que oui, mais je me sens épuisé. Donnez-moi juste un jour de repos, c'est tout ce dont j'ai besoin. Je serai mieux après, je te le promets!" (tr: I know I do, but I feel exhausted. Just give me one rest day, that's all I need. I'll be better after, I promise!) Once finished speaking, the man turned to her and shoved a finger in her face as he spoke quickly and sternly, an annoyed expression present on his face. "Non. Vous ne vous améliorez qu'avec une pratique constante. Pas de jours de repos pour vous. Arrête de demander." (tr: No. You only get better with consistent practice. No rest days for you. Stop asking.) The woman seemed disheartened by his attitude as she crossed her arms and simply nodded. The man let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair, "Pardon. Juste ... Habillez-vous. Nous devons partir." (tr: Sorry. Just...Get dressed. We need to leave.) The man tore his gaze from the woman in front of him and was surprised to see a large group of pale people awkwardly trying to pretend as though they weren't just eavesdropping. A light pink color dusted his cheeks as he pulled his jacket closer to his frame. "My apologies. Just a small disagreement. Have fun on the ice." He said, an awkward smile on his face as he walked out of the cold room.
With the door slamming shut behind him, the woman looked up at the family, her eyes quickly moving over the appearance of all of them, her gaze lingering on a certain blonde doctor for a second longer before speaking, "Sorry to take up all the ice. It's just that people normally don't come here." At the sound of her soft voice, Carlisle looked away from the door where the man had once gone through and fixed his eyes on the beauty in front of him.
She had dark brown hair that was thrown up to an elegantly messy bun with two fallen wisps of hair that worked to frame her face perfectly. Her eyes were a few shades lighter than her hair whereas her perfectly arched eyebrows matched her hair color perfectly. He found himself admiring her long eyelashes that beautifully fluttered with every blink and her long, slim nose that sat perfectly on her face. He admired the light pink color that stained her lips and cheeks, a glorious reminder for Carlisle of the humanity that remained within the woman before him.
Carlisle looked over at Alice who had a knowing grin on her face as she motioned with her head toward the woman. He looked back at her, "I just wanted to know if you were alright. You seemed a little...Out of it."
At the sound of her melodic voice, Carlisle gave her a warm smile. "Yes. I do that sometimes. Sorry to concern you." The woman returned his smile as she spoke, "It's fine. We all have our moments." Carlisle nodded as his smile stayed painted on his face. After a few moments, the woman spoke again, "It was nice seeing you all, but I must get going. Have fun." Carlisle's face fell at her admission and he nearly reached out to stop her but restrained himself from doing so. "Of course. Have a wonderful day." With a final smile, she gave the group a nod of acknowledgment before taking her leave.
"What was that?" Jasper spoke once the doors shut behind the woman. Carlisle could feel his undead heart clench as he uttered the next two words,
"My mate."
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ren-therose · 3 years
It Was Always You
Dr. John Watson X F!Reader (3.9k words)
Summary: You walk into 221B, knowing full well that Sherlock, a colleague of yours, isn’t there; however, his flatmate John is. In his own jealousy and anger at Sherlock, a misunderstanding occurs, and you attempt to resolve it. 
Warnings: angst, fluff, jealousy, smut 18+, thigh riding, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), this mans sexy hands ( dont @ me)
Mrs. Hudson was kind enough to let me into 221 Baker Street, knowing that no one else would ever answer the door except her. When she opened it, she was taken aback to see me standing there, still in my work clothes with an envelope in hand. 
“Oh hello dear! I thought you were Sherlock. That man always seems to lose the keys to the flat. I have had to make so many copies for him. Just the other day, I caught him trying to slip his hand through the mail slot and, oh! Anyway, that’s probably not why you are here- you must be here to see Sherlock! If you’re looking for him, he isn’t here love, but you might be able to find him-”
I cut her off, grabbing her hands and pulling her in to give her a tight hug, landing a peck on her cheek as I pulled away. I loved the boys landlady, but Mrs. Hudson had a way of going on incredibly long and irrelevant tangents. She made the best biscuits in all of London though. 
“No Mrs. Hudson, I’m not here to see Sherlock....I...I-I’m actually here to see John,” I said sheepishly, looking down at the envelope in my hands. I shook my head, trying not to get caught up in my own stress, and stretched the envelope out to her. “Mrs. Hudson, before I go up, I have a present for you. Two tickets to the opera, and a handsome man waiting for you there. I know he is the one that has been bringing you those gorgeous roses,” I said, looking behind her to see the vase on the entry table. Her eyes widened as she shifts slightly, stealing a glance at the flowers, as if she was checking to see if they were still there. She turned, taking the envelope and pulled out the tickets to the Royal Opera House, only to immediately shove them back in. She tried to push the envelope into my hands again, but I declined, making a surrendering gesture and backing away. We quarreled for a few moments, pivoting around the tiny entry until I finally made it up a few of the steps, asserting my dominance to show the unwillingness I held. 
“Ms. Y/N, you are quite the meddler,” she said with a shake of her head, opening the envelope once more. “...what time does the show start....my goodness! I have to change now!” Mrs. Hudson exclaims. Lucky for her, my plan was already in motion.
“You have 15 minutes until the private car will come to pick you up, ma’am, but you always look lovely,” I reply with a wink. 
“Wear red!” I call back to her, as I climb the stairs to the second floor, hearing her coo as she made her way back into her flat. 
The door of 221B was unlatched, and I didn’t think John would mind the intrusion. He too would probably just assume it was Sherlock waltzing in. I opened the door to see the doctor, sitting in his usual spot, typing away on a new blog post. He had today's morning paper next to him, as though he needed to cite another source about his own adventure with the famous Mr. Holmes. He didn’t look up, but instead called out, “I thought you weren’t coming back tonight. Something to do with some new case? Or was it perhaps Mycroft? I can’t keep track of you anymore, though I’m sure you care little for my location and/or well-being if it doesn’t affect a case”. He was clearly in a mood, but it was my fault Sherlock was out. He may be a genius, but he didn’t seem to realize that Molly and I had played him. He would be busy playing with cadavers all evening. 
I took off my coat and hung it on the rack by the door, as well as my scarf. My work clothes were not usually something I would wear around their flat, but I had come straight from the university where I teach and research human behavior, attitude and persuasion. The button up blouse and navy blue skirt were a staple to my wardrobe of simplistic outfits. The only bits character I would add to my looks were my shoes. Today, I had settled on well-loved, leather loafers with a good sized heel that matched my tweed coat. I kicked off the shoes and walked behind him into the kitchen, looking for something to defrost the chill I had caught from walking across town. Or maybe it was the nerves. 
“You better not be placing any more human remains in our fridge Sherlock. I’m tired of the disembodied heads, an-and, and, singular eyeballs! It’s like they are staring into my soul...” his words trailed off. “Y/N?” he asked with a hint of fear, as well as amusement. He knew it was me, but it was hard to tell from the outfit and position I was in. I could very well be a murderer, client, or complete stranger, rummaging through his fridge. But it was me. I was bent over in the fridge, looking for cream, and I hadn’t noticed him stand and turn back towards the kitchen. As my arse stuck out from the behind the door of the fridge, I called back to him. “Do you want a drink? I feel like a tea,” I exclaimed, standing up right to look at him with bottle of creamer in hand. I could see him relax as he looked me over, checking to make sure I wasn’t in any distress. My hair was in a French-twist of sorts, but by this time of day, it usually fell around my face and would lose its form, becoming a messy blob. I brushed the hair out of my face, giving him a smile as I set the creamer down on the meth-lab of a kitchen island. I often acted manic around them, trying to control my own obsessions and addictions, but they both looked out for me. John enjoyed caring for people, especially Sherlock and I. 
He shook his head, complete with his mental examination of me. “I didn’t know you were coming over. You know that Sherlock isn’t-”
I pounded my fist on the counter, not hard enough to be angry, but enough to show my irritation. “Why does everyone think I have come to see Sherlock? Even Mrs. Hudson had assumed!” I exclaimed, walking across the kitchen. Huffily, I grabbed the kettle and began to fill it with tap water, leaning over the sink as I lifted my heels, back and forth, shifting my weight. 
“Well,” he began, rubbing the back of his neck, looking off to the side. “The two of you work closely together, I just assumed that you would want to pick his brain about some new theory you’re trying to publish,” he murmured.
“Jesus John, you make it sound so salacious,” I laugh, reaching up to get the mugs. “What do you think we are doing at my office, or when we are gone?”  I had to go on my tip toes, especially since I had taken off my heels. As I reached, I didn’t notice that John had been looking over my stocking covered legs, taking in the tone of my calves as I struggled to grasp a mug. 
“Here, let me help you Y/N,” John said, rushing over to help grab the cups. I had already grabbed them, but his hands wrapped around mine, supporting the mugs and me. He was so close, my chest mere inches from his, the drinkware between us. He looked down between us, then back at me, a look in his eyes that gave my stomach butterflies. 
Before I could get ahead of myself, I stepped back to put the mugs on the island next to us. “John, Sherlock is merely a colleague with an annoyingly witty brain that can help me with my publication. I can’t stand the bastard most of the time,” I say, pouring an ungodly amount of sugar into my cup. 
“Well, that makes two of us. I just thought you fancied him, especially since you come over and help take care of the place quite a bit.”
It was true. Anytime I came over to ask them about the latest case and the actions of the killer, I found myself tidying up, doing dishes, and even making meals. But it wasn’t for Sherlock. 
“No John, that’s not why I help out,” I say tentatively. My body was facing the many bottles and beakers on the counter in the center of the kitchen, while he stood next to me, leaning his side against the counter, still looking down at me. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face him. “John, it’s because I-”
Before I could finish, we hear the familiar owl-like call from Mrs. Hudson to vocalize her entrance. “Hoo Hoo! Y/N, thank you again for these tickets. However will I repay you?” the woman asks as she wraps her arms around me for a hug. 
“Oh Mrs. Hudson, consider it an early gift!” I say, squeezing her back.
“There is no holiday coming up,” John says inquisitively.
“Sometimes, there isn’t a reason, John,” I say with a little edge to my voice. “Give my best to your handsome admirer!”
“I will love, I will. See you later tonight!” she chirped as she walked out. 
“Or not,” I mumble with a small snicker. 
“Heard that!” She calls out behind her. For an older woman, her hearing can be remarkable. I laugh, and John emits a slight chuckle as well. We look to each other once more, smiling with content, though I can see John’s brain trying to solve the question of why I gave her the tickets. But before he could interrogate me, the kettle begins to whistle. 
“Tea’s ready. Earl Grey or Black Tea?” I ask, quickly moving past him to the tin. 
“I know you know what I like,” he says, arms crossed as he watches me pick out the bags. 
“I just thought I’d give you an option,” I say, bringing the bags back and dropping them in the mugs. “But I know not to ask about the sugar,” I say with a wink, a sense of my more relaxed self peeking through. I turn to grab the kettle, but John has already done so. I am standing in front of the mugs, when he comes up behind me, pouring the water from around. He is close to me, but not touching. His other hand is just barely ghosting over mine, hanging by my side. 
“I’m so sorry, I could move,” I manage to say, stepping off to the side. 
“No, no, you’re no bother,” he softly says. I can smell the aftershave on his skin, a smell I had often found so comforting. This new proximity, however, allowed me to better isolate the smell of pine, a hint of mint, and a spice I couldn’t name. 
I stirred our drinks, pulling the teabags out now that they had steeped. Adding a dash of cream to mine, I hold it the cup up, signaling a toast. 
“To knowing one another.”
“To knowing one another,” he responds. 
We clink our cups, taking a sip, not breaking eye contact. I lower my mug, breaking the stare, as I look down at the light brown color of the tea. John clears his throat, moving slightly closer as he looks down at the contents of his own drink.
“Umm..should we, maybe, er, sit?” I say, sounding as though I hadn’t just barged in there several minutes before like I owned the place.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” he replies. 
I was the first to move, coming around to his chair and sitting in the warm seat. 
“Yeah, no, get up that’s my spot,” he says, shaking his head as he comes to stand in front of me. 
“Sherlock isn’t here, why can’t you sit in his seat?” I ask, pulling my legs up into the cushion, tucking them under my bum. 
“I can, but I was in the middle of writing something,” he says, hesitantly sitting down in his friends leather chair. 
“I’ll proof it before you continue,” I say, picking up his laptop to put in my lap. He sighs across from me, clearly annoyed. I toss the paper at him. “Here, do the word puzzle or something. Sherlock can’t bother us “ordinary” people about it if we solve it without him around,” I say, scrolling to the beginning of his post. 
He picks up the pencil next to the chair, searching the pages for the crossword. As I begin reading, I can’t help but look up to steal glances at the doctor across from me, a man who is constantly overshadowed by the genius he solves crimes with. Sherlock had once told me that while he solves crimes, Watson saves lives. I wonder if he will need to save that for a speech one day, but for now, it reminds me of what an incredible man John is. He has saved my life on many occasions, probably not even knowing, though if he did, probably never taking the credit. 
“John, this might be your best entry yet,” I exclaim. Though I felt he was too humble in his writing, he did a wonderful job of painting a picture for the reader and giving us a map inside the detectives thought process. 
“No no, it was all Sherlock. He is always the one who solves it,” he says without looking up. 
I set the laptop down beside me, pulling my legs down to be crossed over one another at the ankles.
“John, you don’t think very highly of yourself and...well.... it breaks my heart. Truly. Sherlock can’t do these things without you,” I say, looking at the newspaper that hides his face. 
“Well, it isn’t without your help around here that I don’t kill him. You’re my saving grace, Y/N,” he says softly. My breathing hitches in my throat. Now was as good a time as any. He still hasn’t moved the paper, as if afraid to see me reaction. Quietly, I slip from the chair to my knees. I move towards him and my place a hand on the top of his leg. He lowers the paper, looking into my bright eyes. As he sets the paper down beside him, John sits up a bit more, leaning in to me. I straighten up, bringing my face closer to his. My hand goes to his cheek, rubbing it softly with my thumb. 
“John, it’s always been you,” I whisper. 
I slide my hand to the nape of his neck, drawing him. He leans down with parted lips, grabbing my face with both of his hands and kisses me. 
Years of knowing the two men, and all I could think of was this moment, the one I never knew if I could have. Our lips fit like puzzle pieces, one on top of the other, allowing for us to feel the buzz of our connection as it lingered on. My other hand had gone to his sweater and was now gripping it, the only thing left grounding me to the earth. As we pulled away, our eyes met, as they had so many times, and the look that we saw finally had a name: desire. 
I pulled him back in again, this time with more passion and the need to truly feel that he was mine. His hands had moved from my face down to my waist, and pulled me up onto his lap. My skirt rode up so that I could straddle him, and I prayed it wouldn’t rip (but if it did, i wouldn’t feel too bad).The feeling of his grip around my torso brought back the butterflies, as we gave sharp, open mouthed kisses, our bodies closer than they had ever been. His mouth started to trail from my mine, down to my jaw, under to my neck, causes little hiccup-like gasps to escape me. My hands were on his neck and in his hair, scratching softly to encourage this. As he came down to my collarbone, he stopped abruptly and pulled back to look at me. 
“Is something wrong?” I asked, worry clouding my face. I start to get off of him when his arms pull me back, holding me in his lap. 
“No no, it’s just...we are in Sherlock's chair,” he says awkwardly. 
“Do you think I care whose chair it is John? Besides it’s a bit better for sitting on you and I don’t think I want to get off you anytime soon,” I say smuggly, dragging my hands down to his chest. 
“Oh you like sitting in my lap,” he responds, looking quite proud of himself. In response, I rolled my hips against him, feeling him grow underneath me. I bite my lip as I lean to whisper “feels like you do too”. I lick the shell of his ear, exhaling softly. 
A low groan comes from his throat and he places his hands on my waist, giving them a pull that causes my body to roll against him once more. I shiver, dropping my head back as I do so. I don’t think either of us have done something like this since we were quite young, but the friction of it, matched with our tension we had stored for years felt so good. 
As he continued to roll my hips against his, I leaned back down to kiss him, this time, allowing for him to search my mouth. My hands went to his sweater as I peeled it off of him. I then started unbuttoning his shirt, dragging my nails as I did so. This caused him to buck up into me and I let out a yelp, grinding down against him. 
“Here,” he said, lifting me from his lap to his knee. “I want you to ride it for me, could you love?”
How could I say no? Immediately, I rocked against him, feeling myself grow wetter. My skirt was still up around my waist, but as he undid my blouse, He could see that I had a matching set of lingerie underneath. He smirked with a low growl, wrapping his arm around me again, letting my blouse hang freely as he pulled my chest to his mouth. He left love bites on the tops of my chest, suckling and licking as he pulled my bra away from my nipples. They were already perked up from the way I was still grinding onto his knee, but the moment his mouth latched onto my right nipple, I couldn’t help but pull at his hair. He moaned against my breast, causing a vibration that ripped through my body. 
“John, I’m so close, please help me,” I gasp, rocking myself in a rhythm I could barely keep. He removes his mouth from my chest, and I drop my forehead to his, as he moves his hands to take control of my waist once more. He tenses his thigh underneath me, creating a new pressure against my clit. I cry out, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck. 
“Right there John, please don’t stop,” I choke, trying to breathe a little deeper for fear I might hyperventilate. 
He plants a kiss on my lips, pulling my lip away from between his teeth. My legs begin to shake as my orgasm takes my body, releasing my fluids onto his thigh as he continues to roll my hips through it. I can barely sit up, as he lays me down to rest against his chest, drawing on my back with his finger. 
“That was so good, Y/N, you did so good for me,” he whispers. I smile, kissing his neck. His eyes flutter closed as I continue to kiss and suck at his neck. As I swing my leg off of him so that I am once again between his legs, I slowly start kissing down to his chest, licking up, and then continuing to kiss back down. 
“Jesus, love, you’re gonna be the death of me he says, a hand on his forehead as he looks down to see me biting at his pelvic bone, while my hands creep up his thighs to his belt. I can feel his hard on against my boner, and I feel bad for neglecting it during my ride, but I know how to make it up to him. Once I undid his pants, I started shimming them down him. Pulling his swollen cock out from his trousers, I can already see the beads of precum seeping from his slit. I involuntarily lick my lips, before I give his cock a slow stroke. 
John groans above me, his head rolled back and to the side, looking at me with a smile. I smile back, maintaining eye contact as I lean down to plant a kiss on the tip of his dick. His mouth parts lightly as his breathing becomes more shallow, waiting to see what I will do next. I kiss my way down his shaft, all the way to his balls, holding them in one hand while I continued to slowly pump his member in my other. I sucked at them for a moment, releasing them with a pop, causing him to buck up into my hand. I open my mouth and let my tongue drag all the way up the underside of his cock, until I reach the top. I wrap my lips around him, slowly pushing my head down as far as I could take him. His hand goes for my hair, which at this point had fallen out of my usual work-do, so that he could see my face. 
“Oh...you know what you’re doing. Keep going love,” he groans out, desperate for more. 
I begin to bob my head up and down, taking the rest of shaft in my hand. I use my tongue as well to swipe of his dick as I messily blow the doctor above me. It was no surprise to learn that he had jerked off to this very thought many times, but to actually have it happen was a dream come true for him. As I continue to work his cock, the wetness of my vagina continues to throb at the thought that he could be inside me. I can feel him getting closer as his moans become more strained and grip on my hair tightens. 
“Oh, oh, Y/N, you’re gonna have to stop love, I wanna be inside you when I finish,” he says, looking down on me, signaling our next move. I look up at him as I go down as far as I can, gagging on his dick while little tears prick at the corner of my eyes. He pulls me off of him by my hair, leaning down to kiss me sloppily. I had never seen the army doctor so disheveled before, but I loved this different side of him. I stood up to straddle him once more, and as I sat, he took his fingers and ran them through my slit. I hissed at the action, not wanting his fingers when I was ready for his cock. But he took the cum and slickness from my first orgasm and rubbed it onto his cock, preparing me for it. As I sat up, he held his tip to my entrance, looking into my eyes for the green light. I slid down onto him, my mouth gaping open with a sharp inhale as he filled me. 
“Jesus Christ...” was all he could say, as I sat with him inside me, both of us half dressed in his living room. 
I rolled my hips as I had when I first sat on him, shivering at the girth of his member. I found a rhythm to pace myself with, causing us to pant and groan in unison. As I bounced on him, he brushed my hair behind my ears, cupping my face while I braced myself with my hands on his chest. 
He slid down a little shifting the angle of him inside me, causing him to hit my g-spot. 
“Jesus, John, that’s it, right there,” I cry, rolling my hips against him. His hands move to wrap around my waist once more, as he takes control, pounding up into me. I shouted, leaning forward with one hand on the back of the chair, the other supporting his neck. Although my mouth was on his, all I could do was moan into him as he relentless hit spot that needed him most. 
“Touch yourself,” he demanded. It was a voice he used when he needed to be taken seriously and I wasn’t about to go against him. I snaked my hand between us and made tight circles are my clit, rolling against him and my hand.
“John, please, I can’t, I’m gonna cu-”
He cut me off by sitting up a bit more and replacing my hand with his. I shouted as I gripped his shoulders, riding his cock as the tension broke. I began to pulse around him as I cried out his name over and over. My orgasm ripped through me, and before I could stop myself, I was squirting on top of Dr. John Watson. 
He groaned out, “Y/n, Y/n, oh my god, good girl,” as he bucked up into me, coating my walls with his cum. 
We rode out our high, forehead to forehead, trying to catch our breaths as our eyes remained close. After a few moments passed, we opened our eyes, looking to see if what we had done was a mistake. But there was no trace of regret in either of our faces. 
“I’m yours, Dr. Watson,” I say, taking his face in my hand. He leans into me, then turning to kiss the inside of my hand. “I was always yours”. 
Still inside me, we look around. Nothing had changed, except for maybe our relationship status. 
“Do you think he will know?” I ask. 
“There is not a doubt in my mind,” John replies. 
“But do you think he will know we did it in his chair?” I laugh. 
“Not if we clean it well enough,” he says, leaning in to rub his nose against mine. 
We get up and begin cleaning, though it was hard to bend over, as my knees buckled nearly every time. By the time we had cleaned the room and ourselves up, it was nearly one in the morning. I moved my clothes into Johns room so that Sherlock wouldn’t notice if I slipped out the next morning. All the dishes had been dried and put away so that there was no trace of a guest. 
As John and I lay in bed together, waiting for Sherlock to come home, John leans over and asks cautiously, “is this why you gave Mrs. Hudson those opera tickets?”
I freeze for a moment, knowing that I had been caught. 
“I just needed her to not interrupt when I told you how I felt. I didn’t know it would lead to...well, this,” I giggle. 
He laughs, pulling me towards him to kiss my forehead. “God, I love you.”
He freezes against my forehead, realizing it was the first time we had ever even said the word love to one another, even as friends. 
I pull him down by the chin, to kiss him softly on the lips. “I love you too”.
A few hours after we had fallen asleep, we were awoken to the bedroom door being swung open and slammed against the wall. 
“On my chair, John?!”
If you can’t tell, Martin Freeman rules my life and I have a deep and passionate love for him. I hope you enjoyed and look out for more of this because I am on a ROLL! xoxo
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mel-the-fangirl · 3 years
Wildest Dreams
Henry Cavill x Reader (inspired by the Taylor Swift song and music video)
Part Two: The Grand Illusion
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Words: 2,418
Hey Cavillry! Sorry this took so long, I just have so many ideas and it’s not exactly the best idea to start them all at the same time, huh? Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this part, don’t forget to read part one! Also, side note, I finished Night Hunter and I reaaaaally enjoyed it, I think I’ll be writing a Walter fic in the near future??
fic taglist: @andromedasstarship​, @januarystears​, @inlovewithhisblueeyes​, @legendarywizarddetective, @summersong69​
"Cut! Beautiful work!" your director, John, rose from his seat and turned to you, "Miss Producer, what do you say? Can we pack up and finally see our families?" 
"You know what, Johnny?" you surveyed the tired faces of the crew and smiled at them, "Let's go home." 
Hats were thrown into the air and cheers erupted throughout your crew. Months of ungodly call times and extremely close encounters with the savanna’s more untamed residents have finally come to an end.
“Before we go,” you stepped on top of a crate to address everyone, “I’d like to say a few words. Thank you to everyone who has been present throughout the past months…”
Henry watched you from afar, leaning on one of the transport vehicles with his arms crossed. It wasn’t a secret that the two of you had formed a relationship during your time there. Nights spent in each other’s rooms, hands in your hair, clothes strewn on the floor, whispered conversations about dreams unrealised.
It was dangerous, how much he felt for you. Just seeing you now, commanding the room with the kind of charisma and charm only you had, a pang settled in his heart. But he couldn’t dwell on it for long.
You squealed giddily and propelled yourself into Henry's strong arms. Never have you seen anyone look so ruggedly handsome in just a t-shirt and safari pants.
Your thumb caressed his stubbled cheek and pressed a tender kiss onto his lips, one that wasn't for the cameras.
They could write pages and pages of love songs based on the way he looked at you and that alone. You flourished underneath his loving gaze, feeling like you were walking on air.
"Go on and get dressed, darling. I've got one last surprise before we go home." he kissed you once more, winked, then returned to his trailer
Your cheeks were sufficiently flushed. Before we go home he said. 
Did he mean it that way? Surely he didn’t. It hadn’t even crossed your mind how things would be like when you returned to America, was it so terrible that you were imagining houses with white picket fences?
Goodness, this was nothing like you. You straightened your blouse and marched over to your own trailer, trying to shake it off.
A few outfit deliberations later, you settled on a lovely pale blue palazzo jumpsuit, a matching headscarf, your signature white oval-framed sunglasses which you made popular, as far as you were concerned, and vibrant red lipstick.
You met Henry in a clearing not too far away from where you were staying. 
"Well, well!" you marveled at the imposing aircraft in the middle of the field and you marveled even more intently at your handsome pilot,
"Just how did you manage this?"
He scooped you up in his arms and you decided that from then on, your favourite scent and view would be Henry in his leather aviator jacket. 
"Darling, I figure I can manage just about anything just as long as it's for you."
“You flatter me, Mr. Cavill.”
Henry stepped away from you, propped a foot up on the little lift and held a hand out for you to take, “Shall we, gorgeous?”
“We shall.” you took his hand and let him help you into your seat
“Ready?” Henry asked from his seat behind you, rubbing your shoulder with a gloved hand
You placed your hand on his and shot a thumbs up in the air, enthusiastic as ever.
“That’s my girl.” he chuckled, guiding the plane down the makeshift runway
Once safely in the air, you reveled in its warmth caressing your cheeks, the deafening roar of the engines downsized to a somewhat pleasant hum. Would it be inappropriate to shut your eyes for a bit? In an open plane a few hundred feet above ground?
“Y/N, down there! How marvelous!”
The sound of Henry’s voice snapped you back to the present and when you opened your eyes, your breath hitched in your throat.
You supposed flying was something you would never get used to. The clear sky was a shade of blue you couldn’t even begin to comprehend, the clouds were white and wispy and you longed to reach out your hand and feel them.
"Down there, Y/N!" Henry urged you again
Once you did as he said, you realised why.
Below you, racing across the vast, sun-drenched grass was a pack of lions. The joy you felt was indescribable, seeing these powerful creatures roaming free, untouched and undisturbed by human intervention.
"Incredible.” you breathed, looking back at Henry 
Once Henry had landed the plane, rather flawlessly, you'd say, a car was already waiting to bring you to the lodge where he had arranged for you to stay.
“I do admire an organised man.” you complimented breathily, batting your eyelashes at him for theatrics
“Alright, alright.”
His tone was dismissive but you were sure you could see the blush spreading on his cheeks. Henry bent down and swept you off your feet, carrying you bridal-style towards your ride.
"This is just glorious!" you took off your headscarf and shook your hair out as you waltzed around your suite
It was a stark contrast to the suites you usually took up residence in. Gone were the stuffy imitation French furniture and tacky wallpaper, in its place was rich, dark wood you were positive you wouldn't find anywhere else and a clean white canopy bed with cozy earthy neutral toned cushions, you thought everything was simply ethereal, but the cherry on top was undoubtedly the view from your balcony.
You stepped on, the gentle sunlight soaking into your bare feet and filling you with a kind of vigour and appetite for life completely different from the one you felt when you were doing your job. You surveyed the scenery ahead, rays of afternoon sunshine peeking through the tall branches of trees that resembled something from another world.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Henry’s deep voice materialised in your ear, his hands resting on your hips
“Absolutely.” you replied, twirling around to place your lips on his
Heat rose to your cheeks and further down south as your tongues met, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined. You broke away for a fraction of a second, taking it all in.
If there was anything your life has taught you thus far, it was the heavy handed importance of hard work and resilience, nothing else would get you very far. You didn’t believe in luck.
But as you stood there surrounded by all the beauty nature had to offer, Henry cradling your face with nothing short of devotion and admiration in his eyes, it was hard not to change your mind.
“I think I may be falling in love with you.”
He looked absolutely stunned and to be honest, you were as well. This was uncharted territory for you. The number of flirtations and affairs you’ve had throughout your time in Tinseltown was much more than the tabloids could even guess but they were just that and nothing more.
But with Henry?
Before you could even anxiously retract what you had just said in fear of rejection, Henry pulled you towards him and pressed his lips firmly to yours. Somehow, everything he had failed to say was imbued in each searing kiss, each squeeze on your hips.
Nothing much was said for the rest of the day and well into the night.
The morning after, you found yourselves on a nature hike. Having heard from locals of a magnificent waterfall nearby. The pair of you trekked your way through the rocky crest of the waterfall, your finish line was a series of boulders, each one stacked by increasing height. You wanted to get to the biggest one, you were positive the view was spectacular from up there. 
“Darling, are you sure you’d want to-”
“Oh, don’t be such a killjoy, Henry!” you yelled, slipping away from his grasp and vaulting over a rock
“Be careful, Y/N, Jesus!” he yelped, nearly losing his balance
Your laughter cascaded down with the rushing water. You ignored how your muscles were beginning to strain with the effort of climbing each boulder as carefully as you could but you got the job done, overlooking the glittering water below and the surrounding wildlife.
“God, this place is beautiful.” you marveled just as Henry finally joined you at the top
“How in God’s name did you get up here so fast?” Henry panted, placing his hands on his knees in an effort to catch his breath
“Well, maybe all of those muscles are purely for decoration.” you commented, unashamedly appreciating his physique as he glistened with sweat
He arched his brow at you, seemingly perfecting your trademark move. “Oh, is that so?”
You squealed as he hoisted you into his arms, then in a display of strength, lifted you over his shoulder.
“Purely for decoration, eh?” he laughed, descending from the boulder with you still draped over his shoulder
"Put me down this instant!" you chortled, all arms and legs as he waded deeper into the warm water
"Sorry, what was that? I can't hear you." 
"I said, put me down!" you firmly clamped your teeth down on a portion of his back
"Ow! Okay, okay. Hold on."
Henry set you down in the water gently, keeping his hand on your hips, looking at you mirthfully.
"Madame Y/L/N," he tutted, shaking his head, "Did you just bite me? Not very ladylike one would say." 
"Oh, boo hoo." you stuck your tongue out at him
“Getting cheeky are we?” Henry lunged at you, causing water to splash everywhere
You dodged just in time, appearing behind him and lifting yourself onto his back. He secured your legs and began to run as fast as the water would let him.
“Ride, my noble steed! Ride!” you yelled into the wind
There was nothing on the face of this earth that could ever make you feel as you did in that moment ever again, you were sure of it. At that moment, you were the happiest you have ever been in your entire life. That feeling would never be replicated.
You swam and horsed around for as long as your muscles would let you, when they finally ached too much, you found yourselves on the tallest boulder again. The sun had just begun to dip into the horizon, setting the sky ablaze in a million different colours.
No words could even begin to do justice to the miracle before you. Henry held you tighter in his arms and pressed an earnest kiss to your temple, you felt his shoulders fall as he let out a heavy sigh.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” you asked, turning around to face him
The perfect happiness you felt just seconds before evaporated as you set eyes on his crestfallen expression. You lifted his chin up with a finger and offered him an encouraging smile, “What’s the matter, my love?”
He had no answer for you at first, turning away to gaze pensively at the sunset. All you could do was admire the way the shadows highlighted his strong jawline, you traced over it with your finger.
“Y/N,” Henry began, “Our time here together, it’s been the greatest of my life,”
Oh, thank God. You thought it was going to be something horrible!
“I feel the exact same way, Henry. It’s been heaven.” you reached forward and hugged him with all you had
You expected him to hug you back as he always does, but this time, he detached your arms from him, That’s when you had the sinking feeling that your relief may have been a bit premature.
“Please. I must tell you something. And as I say this, I beg of you to remember how happy we were here, how much we understand each other and enjoy one another’s company.”
Despite the fact that this was the most serious you have ever seen him, you still didn’t catch on to the fact that something was about to go very wrong.
"Now, come on, darling!” you chirped, “It can't be that bad! We can manage anything as long as we're together, can't we?" you stared into his eyes for any hint of reciprocation
When you found none, your heart began to pound against your chest. The silence that followed was unbearable, it was like waiting for your turn at the gallows but when he finally said what he wanted to say, you might have actually preferred the silence.
"I'm engaged to be married. And she is pregnant. With my child."
His words felt like a bucket of ice poured over your bare skin. You shot up and stared at him in utter disbelief. 
“If this is your idea of a joke…” your feeble attempt at denial was met with a shake of his head
He had the audacity to look ashamed. Ashamed! The nerve.
This certainly was not your first brush with a situation like this. It was foolish of you to have thought of this dalliance as different from all the other ones. Men were all the same. It didn’t matter how longingly they looked at you or how many godforsaken times they brushed your hair tenderly from your face, they all wanted the same thing.
Jesus, was it always so damn cold here?
You wrapped your arms tightly around yourself, feeling much too exposed in your bathing suit. Henry stood up and made a move to put his arms around you.
“I’m alright, thank you.” you said curtly, stepping away from him
His arms fell to his sides in an instant and he looked to you pleadingly, “Y/N, please. I never meant to hurt you, it is the last thing I wanted. It isn’t what you think.”
“I think!” you interjected, your voice becoming shrill as the usual string of overused lines flowed from his heavenly mouth. “I think you are quite the actor, Mr. Cavill and it has been a pleasure to see your methods up close.”
With that, you climbed down the rocks as fast as you could without hurting yourself and took off in the direction of your lodge. You ignored Henry calling out your name, you ignored the rough tree branches leaving scratches on your arms, and most of all, you ignored how the illusion of you and Henry shattered into a million pieces.
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new-sandrafilter · 4 years
Timothée Chalamet and Eileen Atkins Interview - British Vogue May 2020
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“Maybe your knuckles weren’t bleeding, but there was ice,” Timothée Chalamet tells Dame Eileen Atkins. He is recounting, with no small amount of awe, how he first came to hear of the legendary 85-year-old actor with whom he is about to appear at The Old Vic. It transpires that Oscar Isaac, Chalamet’s co-star in the upcoming blockbuster Dune, was at the receiving end of Atkins’ fist in Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood (all in the name of acting, of course). Chalamet was duly impressed.
“I gave him the worst time of his life,” says Atkins, bristling at the memory, before merrily launching into several candid, very dame-like stories from her time on set – “That was a nightmare movie. A nightmare.”
It is a Saturday afternoon in late February, and the two actors – one a titan of British theatre with an eight-decade career; the other, Hollywood’s most in-demand young leading man, with an insatiable Instagram following – have just finished being photographed together for Vogue. Chalamet, 24, in louche, low-slung denim and a white T-shirt, has folded his Bambi limbs into a chair next to Atkins, whose hawkish frame, in a navy jumper and jeans, belies her 85 years.
“Do you like being called Tim or Timothée or what?” Atkins asks in her warm but brisk RP, all trace of her Tottenham upbringing erased.
“Whatever works,” he replies in a bright American accent, that shock of chestnut hair falling into his eyes. “Anything.”
“So you won’t object to ‘darling’? I call everyone darling. I’m told I mustn’t say it these days.” He assures her he is fine with it: “It’s a rite of passage, being called darling by Dame Eileen Atkins.”
“You always, always, have to put the dame in, otherwise you can’t address me,” she jokes.
It’s good the two are getting all this sorted now. A couple of days after our interview they will begin rehearsals for a seven-week run of Amy Herzog’s play 4000 Miles, in which they star as a grandmother and grandson, each quietly dealing with their own grief. Chalamet takes on the role of Leo Joseph-Connell, a somewhat lost 21-year-old who experiences a tragedy while on a 4,000-mile-long cycle ride with his best friend. Atkins plays Vera Joseph, his widowed 91-year-old grandmother, upon whose Manhattan doorstep Leo unexpectedly arrives in the middle of the night, unsure of where else to go. What follows is a wonderful, and wonderfully witty, study in human relationships, a portrait of two generations with decades between them trying to make sense of the world.
Its stars, who’ve met twice previously, in New York last year, are still very much getting to know each other – and are confident in the appeal. “There are things like this play – hoping I don’t butcher it – where you can just sit back and go, ‘Oh, this is a delicious meal,’” says Chalamet. Atkins agrees. “I have a phrase in mind that I shouldn’t really say because it’s going to sound terrible in print.” Which is? “I find it a dear little play, a really dear little play. I think it should be very moving. But who knows? We might f**k it up.”
It’s unlikely. Atkins has been a regular on The Old Vic’s stage since the 1960s, going toe-to-toe with greats from Laurence Olivier to Alec Guinness, and fellow dames (and close friends) Maggie Smith and Judi Dench. Chalamet, meanwhile, is a relative novice, with only two professional plays under his belt. But since his turn as Elio in 2017’s Call Me by Your Name (for which he was Oscar-nominated), his celluloid rise has been meteoric. Roles in Lady Bird, Little Women, The King and Wes Anderson’s upcoming The French Dispatch have not only earned him the slightly fraught badge of “heart-throb”, but proved him to be among the most captivating actors of his generation.
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He says he couldn’t resist the opportunity to come to the capital. “There was something exciting about doing a play that feels very New York in London,” Chalamet explains of taking on the part. He’s a diehard theatre fan, too, revealing he saw the six-and-a-half-hour epic The Inheritance – twice. “There are films like The Dark Knight or Punch-Drunk Love or Parasite that can give you a special feeling. But nothing will be like seeing Death of a Salesman on Broadway with Philip Seymour Hoffman or A Raisin in the Sun with Denzel Washington.”
Herzog’s writing particularly spoke to him. “Leo’s in a stasis that was very appealing to me,” he continues. “We find our crisis in moments of stasis, but there’s an irony to it when you’re young, because the law of the land would have you think that to be young is to be having fun, to be coming into your own. But as everyone at this age who’s going through it knows, it’s often a shitshow.”
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It’s safe to say that, in casting terms, director Matthew Warchus, also artistic director of The Old Vic, has hit the jackpot. He first took the play to Atkins three years ago, but it was only towards the end of 2019 that Chalamet came on board. When it was announced, in December, that Hollywood’s heir apparent to Leonardo DiCaprio would be making his London stage debut, the news was met with a level of hysteria not usually associated with the 202-year-old theatre’s crowd.
“Oh, my friends have told me who the audience is,” Atkins chimes in when I ask who they think will be coming to see the show. “It’s 40 per cent girls who want to go to bed with Timothée, it’s 40 per cent men who want to go to bed with Timothée, and it’s 20 per cent my old faithfuls.” Is Chalamet prepared for the onslaught? “I think it will be 100 per cent Eileen’s faithfuls,” he demurs.
On the surface, they can seem quite the odd couple. Chalamet, raised in Manhattan by an American dancer-turned-realtor mother and French father, an in-house editor at the United Nations, may be living a breathless, nomadic movie-star life but there’s an iron core of Gen Z earnestness there. He arrives on set with minimal fuss, even deciding to wear the clothes he came in for one shot, before knocking out some push-ups, politely ordering an omelette and generally being divinely well-mannered.
He turns on the star power for the camera, though, and I can confirm it’s as dazzling up close as it is on the red carpet, where he has, famously, casually redrawn the rules for male dressing. From that Louis Vuitton sparkly bib at the 2018 Golden Globes, to a dove-grey satin Haider Ackermann tux at Venice last year, he’s a true fashion darling. Then, of course, there’s his dating life – from Lourdes Ciccone Leon to Lily-Rose Depp – that remains an endless source of fascination to millions worldwide. (All this, it must be said, is of significantly less interest to Dame Eileen.)
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Atkins started dance lessons aged three, shortly before the start of the Second World War. By 12, she was performing professionally in pantomime, not far from where she grew up in north London, the youngest daughter in a working-class family. A fast-established theatre star, wider fame didn’t find her until late in life. Despite memorable turns in Upstairs, Downstairs and Gosford Park, it was the 2000 television hits Cranford and Doc Martin, when she was in her early seventies, that finally made her a household name. Today, she lives alone in west London, since her second husband, the TV and film producer Bill Shepherd, died in 2016. She has often spoken of being happily childless, and has zero time for razzmatazz.
And yet, despite their differences, the pair appear perfectly matched. They already have their grandmother-grandson dynamic down pat. Atkins does a fine line in mischievous eyebrow-raising, and at one point recites a limerick that is, honestly, so rude it almost makes her co-star blush. Chalamet, meanwhile, is politeness personified, still trying to work out his thoughts on various subjects, less inclined to give so much of himself away. There is a physical likeness, too, in their delicate features and fine bone structure. They share a naturally melancholic look, one that melts away when they laugh.
Their upcoming play, which premiered to rapturous reviews Off-Broadway in 2011, “about a block” from Chalamet’s high school, LaGuardia, could have been written for them. “Other than not being American, I’m very like the old woman,” says Atkins of the Pulitzer-shortlisted play. “I can’t be bothered to learn the internet.” If there’s one thing she won’t tolerate in rehearsals, it’s people on their phones. That’s the only thing that will “piss me off ”, she says, brusquely.
Ah, phones. Are they really the symbol of generational disconnect? “It’s easy to point to these things,” Chalamet says, tapping his phone on the table, “as the cause or the symptom, but I think my generation is a guinea pig generation of sorts. We’re figuring out the pros and cons and limits of technology.”
Equally, Atkins is keen to distance herself from some of the criticism levelled at her age group. “There’s a saying isn’t there: if you’re not very left wing when you’re young, you’re heartless. And if you’re not very right wing when you’re old, you’re foolish. I’m not political, but I’m not with this government I can assure you – and I’m not with Brexit. I wanted to wear a sweater saying ‘I did not vote Brexit’, because it was all old people who did. Not me, not me,” she snaps. “I went on the march.”
Both are in agreement that intergenerational friendships are too rare these days. “So. Important,” Chalamet says, hitting the table between each word. “There is so much to learn from people who have walked the path of life. That’s why I’m so looking forward to these next couple of months.”
Atkins is thoughtful on the matter. “I don’t miss the fact I don’t have children, but I do envy my friends who have grandchildren,” she says. “About five or six years ago I met a couple of young people – they are just about 30 this year – and, do you know, we go out together. And people immediately say to me, ‘Are these your grandchildren?’ And I say, ‘No.’ And they say, ‘Your godchildren?’ And I say, ‘No, they’re just friends.’ Everybody thinks there is something weird about all three of us. They just don’t get it. But the boy makes me laugh more than anybody and the girl is enchanting. I have more fun with them than I do with almost anybody else.”
I remind Atkins about her description of today’s youth as being overly serious. “I do call them the New Puritans, yes,” she says, before motioning to her young co-star. “He probably drinks like a fish.”
Chalamet, currently single, is remaining tight-lipped about plans for his new London life, and how many late-night manoeuvres in Soho or Peckham it may involve. “I’ve got friends here, which is nice. But I’m here for this – to be terrified at The Old Vic.”
Before we leave, there is a final thing to clear up – Atkins’ aforementioned limerick. “Do you know about the Colin Farrell situation?” Eileen asks Timothée. No, comes his reply. “Better get it over with now because someone will tell you,” she says, proceeding to explain how, when she was “69, about to be 70” and filming Ask the Dust with a 27-year-old Farrell, “he made a pass at me. He came to my hotel room. He was enchanting. I let him chat for two hours, thoroughly enjoying it, but no not that. He was very cross I didn’t.”
But then, she explains guiltily, she later told the story during “some stupid TV show” (Loose Women), where despite her best efforts at keeping Farrell’s identity secret, the internet did its thing and news got out. An apology to Farrell was required. “So I left a limerick on Colin’s phone…” she says. She clears her throat: “There once was a **** of a dame…” she begins, in her imitable theatrical timbre, before reeling off one of the filthiest rhymes I’ve ever heard.
There is a moment of stunned laughter. “Wow, that’s sincerely amazing,” comes Chalamet’s response, as Atkins finishes the verse. He gives her a solemn oath: “I promise I won’t hit on you.”
4000 Miles is at The Old Vic, SE1, from 6 April
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catlynhoss05 · 4 years
My Blonde Beauty
Ch. 1: Like A Rodeo
(Link is to a picture of what the reader's eye's look like)
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Pairing: Jethro Gibbs x fem!reader & fem!reader x mother!Reba
*not my gif*
Set in season 8 (yes I know, Emily Fornell doesn't show up until probably season 11, but I really don't care)
Summary: Gibbs is in for a big surprise when he meets a beautiful famous singer and falls in love with her.
   Jethro was weaving through the crowd with his hand on Emily's head. He didn't want to risk losing her in the mess of people. He had decided to take Emily to a rodeo that was in town. Because he knew that one of her favorite singers was singing the National Anthem and was going to ride a bull and a few other events. Also, Jethro had figured that she would love to meet her.
   He quickly finds them a seat in the front row to escape the crowd. Jethro had chosen the seats that they got because he wanted Emily to have a perfect view of the rodeo and of the singer, of course. Once the rodeo announcer's voice came over the speakers, everyone had taken their seats and quieted down. "Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and remove your hats for the National Anthem." The crowd stood for the National Anthem. A young woman in a red plaid shirt, light blue boot cut jeans, brown pointed toe cowboy boots and red chaps had stepped out into the arena and started to sing. Jethro felt his chest tighten, but not how it normally did when he heard the song. Wow, she's amazing. Jethro had thought to himself.
   After the song was over, the young woman had made her way out of the arena to go and get her horse ready for the barrel racing and the roping events. When it was her turn for both events, she had gotten perfect scores for both. Jethro and Emily were both in complete shock after watching both of the events. When it came to the bull riding event, Jethro was left taken aback from this gorgeous woman's bravery. "Isn't she amazing, Uncle Gibbs?" Emily asked with a wide smile as they made their way over to where the young woman was doing autographs and taking pictures with some fans at an entrance into the arena.
   "Yeah, she is. She's very talented and very brave." Jethro smiled down at Emily as they waited in line. As they were the next ones in line for a meet and greet, Emily was getting even more excited with each passing second. Emily's finally going to meet one of her absolute favorite singers, (y/F/n) McEntire. When it was their turn to meet her, Emily was ecstatic to finally meet her. "Hi." Emily couldn't get anything else out but a greeting.
   "Hi. How are y'all doin'?" (Y/N) asked with a bright smile as she signed a picture for the girl. "We're doing great. You're amazing and very brave to get on that bull." Emily said. "Well, thank you. You're too sweet. I had actually grown up around all this stuff and on a farm in Oklahoma. Ya know, you have beautiful red hair like my mama." (Y/N) smiled as she handed the girl the signed picture. She looked over at Gibbs and winked at him, making his cheeks go pink. "Who's your mom?" Emily wondered. "Reba McEntire. She had adopted me when I was 2 years old after my parents had passed away." (Y/N) said as she made full eye contact with Jethro for the first time. Jethro could get completely lost in (Y/N)'s gorgeous deep blue eyes for forever if he could.
   "Hi. You must be in charge of this beautiful young lady." (Y/N) smiled brightly at Jethro. He's completely lost in her eyes before he finally realized that she had said something to him. "I'm so sorry. Yes, I am. I've been close friends with her parents. I guess I'm like an uncle to her. Jethro Gibbs." He said, extending his hand out to her that she gladly accepts. Emily elbows him lightly to try and get him to ask (Y/N) out on a date. Emily rolls her eyes at him when he gives her a confused look.
   "My uncle here would like to ask you if you would like to go on a date with him." Emily said, causing Jethro to blush deeply. "That's probably the nicest way I've ever been asked out." (Y/N) laughed a bit, taking a pen and writing her number on the back of Jethro's hand. "Is that really the nicest way someone has asked you out?" Jethro asked as he watched her write her number on his hand. He couldn't help but enjoy the way (Y/N)'s hands felt on his. "Yes, really. There you go. It was nice to meet you both, but I gotta get goin'. Call me sometime." (Y/N) kissed Jethro's cheek and winked at Emily before running off.
   When Friday morning had come around for Jethro and his team, there were no new cases for them to solve. The whole day consisted of paperwork for the whole team. All morning, Jethro couldn't help but think of the beautiful woman that he had the pleasure of meeting the previous night. The way her long blonde hair fell perfectly around her face that was up in a gorgeous French braid just moments before. The way her stunning blue eyes sparkled in the overhead lights and the way she smiled at him. Around noon, Jethro had decided to go call (Y/N) and to her out on that date.
   "Hello?" (Y/N) answered her phone on the second ring. "(Y/N)? It's Jethro Gibbs." He said with a smile on his face. "Hey, Jethro. What's up?" She asked sweetly. "I was calling to see if you would like to go on that date with me. There's this nice little diner near here that has really good food." Jethro said as he looked around to make sure that none of his agents were around. Especially Tony DiNozzo. Jethro likes to keep his personal life, well, personal and away from the office. "I would absolutely love to, Jethro. How about tonight at 7 o'clock?" (Y/N) asked. "Yeah, that sounds great. Where are you staying at so I can pick you up?" Jethro wondered. "I'm staying at the Adam's House Hotel." She replied. "Alright, sounds great. I'll see you tonight at 7 o'clock." Jethro smiled into the phone. "Alright, I'll see you tonight. Bye, Jethro." (Y/N) said and hung up. Jethro smiled, pocketed his phone and went back to work.
   When Jethro walked back into the bullpen and back to his desk, the other three agents noticed the smile on his face that he was trying to hide. "What was that about, boss? Do we have a case?" Tony asked. "No case and it's none of your business, DiNozzo. Get back to work." Jethro orders. For the rest of the day, Jethro had a smile plastered on his face and was in a relatively good mood. Ziva knew exactly why Jethro was in such a good mood and why he was smiling when he returned back into the bullpen.
   Tony and McGee kept looking up at their boss every few seconds to make sure that he was alright. When 5 o'clock came around, Jethro didn't hesitate to leave work on time to get ready for his date. "Have a nice weekend. See you guys on Monday." Jethro said as he made his way to the elevator. Tony and McGee looked at each other confused. "Ziva. Do you know what that was all about?" Tony asked as they all packed up their stuff.
   "Yes, but I'm not telling either of you." Ziva glares at the 2 men. Tony frowns at the response. He turns to his partner in mischief; McGee. "Well, McGee. Looks like it's time for a steak out." McGee looks incredulous. "Tony, he'll kill us both if he finds us following him." McGee tries to reason with Tony. "Let's just go ask Abby to see if she knows anything." Tim suggests. "Ask if she knows about what?" Abby said as she walked into the bullpen.
   "Do you know what's going on with Gibbs? He's been smiling since he made a phone call at lunch, been in a very good mood and just left on time for once." Tony explained with a questionable look on his face. "Woah, that is weird. But, all I know is that Gibbs had taken Emily to the rodeo that was in town last night. And, if he has met someone, he will tell us when he's ready. So, c'mon boys and Ziva. Let's go home." Abby said as they all walked to the elevator to go home.
   On his way home, Jethro stops by the store to pick up a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Jethro got back to his house. 'It's been a while since I've been on a date with a woman. I don't even wear cologne.' He thought to himself. He quickly gets cleaned up and changes into nice, clean clothes and tries to fix his hair a little bit. He grabs the bouquet of roses, leaves his house and makes his way to the Adam's House Hotel. As Jethro arrives at the hotel, he parks his truck, grabs the flowers and makes his way into the hotel.
   As Jethro made his way into the hotel lobby, he saw the beautiful woman that he met the night before, sitting comfortably on the couch. She was wearing a nice black plaid shirt, blue bootcut jeans and her black pointed toe cowboy boots. 'Man, she's absolutely gorgeous.' Jethro thought to himself. (Y/n) looked up from where she was sitting on the couch, making eye contact with the handsome man she had met at the rodeo. She stood up and made her way to him as he was making his way to her as well. Jethro couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face as he approached (y/n).
   "Hey, (y/n). You look absolutely…… amazing." Jethro said as he hugged her close. "Well thank you, Jethro. You look absolutely ravishing." (Y/n) smiled one of those million dollar smiles. "These are for you." Jethro said nervously, handing her the bouquet of roses. "Aw, thank you. That's so sweet of you and how'd you know that roses are my favorite?" She asked, a light blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Just a lucky guess, I suppose. Are you ready to go on our date?" Jethro asked, offering her his arm. "Yes, I am. Such a gentleman." She smiled. "I try. Especially for someone as gorgeous as yourself." Jethro smooth talked as he opened the passenger side door of his truck for her.
   As Jethro pulled out of the hotel's parking lot, he glanced over at (y/n), who was looking out the window and checking out D.C.. As she turned back around to face forward, she smiled as she felt him glance at her a couple times. "So, what do you do for a living?" (Y/n) asked. "I'm a Federal Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, or NCIS for short. We investigate crimes against the Navy and Marine Corps and their families." Jethro explains. "That's amazing. You're a Marine, correct? Well, veteran." She asked. "Yes ma'am. Once a Marine-" "Always a Marine." She finished. Jethro's amazed by her. After talking for a bit, Jethro turns on the radio and the first song that's being played is her song called 'Vandalized'.
   "Hey. It's one of my songs. 'If I was a wall, you'd take a can, And spray paint, paint all over this man.' (Y/n) started to sing and Jethro was in complete 'awe' of her. She looked over at him as he pulled into the parking lot of the diner. "What?" She asked with a sly smirk as Jethro parked the truck. "What?" He asked, confused. "You just looked like you were about to say something. That's all." She takes her seatbelt off and he does the same. "I was just amazed to hear you sing. You have a beautiful voice and you're amazing. And, not just at singing." He winked at her as they got out of the truck and headed into the diner.
   As Jethro and (y/n) enter the diner, (y/n)'s a bit surprised that she's not getting bombarded by fans. Jethro had made a call to the diner saying how he wanted to make this date as 'normal' for (y/n) as he could. Jethro wanted to give (y/n) the experience of a life outside of fame. Even if it was only for an evening. He escorted her to an empty booth by the windows. "This diner is nice, Jethro. I love the feeling it gives." (Y/n) said, smiling shyly. "I'm glad you like it here." Jethro chuckled. The nice waitress behind the counter came over to their table.
   "Hi. How are you two doing tonight? May I start you two off with some drinks?" The waitress asked nicely "I'll take a coffee." Jethro smiled. "I'll take a coke and a small packet of peanuts if you have any." (Y/n) said nervously. "Yes, ma'am. I'll be back with your drinks." The waitress smiled kindly, making her way back to the counter. "What!? You'd be surprised with the things that I grew up with. Especially some of the foods." (Y/n) giggled. "Really? What kind of foods did you grow up with?" Jethro asked with a smirk. "Have ya ever heard of mountain oysters?" (Y/n) asked as the waitress, Elaine, came back with their drinks.
   "Here's your coffee and here's your coke and peanuts. Have you two decided on what you want yet?" Elaine asked with a bright smile. "I'll take the usual, please." Jethro smiles. "And for you, miss?" Elaine asked kindly. "I'll just take a cheeseburger and some home fries, please." (Y/n) said politely, with a gentle smile. "Alright. I'll put these orders in for you two and I'll be back." "Thank you, Elaine." Jethro smiled. He turned his attention back to (y/n) and gave her a content smile. "A cheeseburger on the first date. That's something a bit different than I normally see women order."
   (Y/n) took a drink of her coke and peanuts before responding. "Lemme guess. They'd normally order a salad on the first date." (Y/n) chuckled. "Usually, but not always." "Well, I usually don't go on many dates. But when I do, I normally order a salad when I know that I won't be seeing that person again." (Y/n) chuckled nervously. Jethro leaned forward, resting his elbows onto the table and taking one of (y/n)'s hands in his. "Do you really want to see me again after tonight?" Jethro asked cautiously. (Y/n) gave him a promising smile and a slight nod. "Yes, of course. Only if you're wanting to see me after tonight as well. And, if you would be willing to experience a busy schedule like mine." (Y/n) bit her lip and had the look of hope in her eyes.
   "I'm glad you said that because I'd like to see you more after tonight as well." Jethro smiled. After Elaine brings their food out, Jethro and (y/n) get lost in conversation while enjoying their food. Jethro asked (y/n) about her childhood and what it was like to grow up in Oklahoma. (Y/n) asked him about his life before joining the Marines and about Stillwater, Virginia. When they finished their food, Jethro was about to grab the check when (y/n) snatched it out of his hand. "Jethro, you drove. Please, lemme get this. It's the least I could do." (Y/n) said with a smile. "Alright. But, only if you'll tell me what mountain oysters are." Jethro chuckled. (Y/n) leaned forward so that no one else could hear her besides Jethro. "Mountain Oysters are actually made from bull testicles." (Y/n) whispered, then standing up and making her way over to the register to pay.
   After paying the check, (y/n) came back over to where Jethro was sitting, staring wide-eyed at the table in front of him. "Jethro, are you okay? Sweetheart, please blink." (Y/n) sat down next to him and rubbed his shoulder. "Huh. Oh, yeah I'm good. Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Yes, I am." (Y/n) stood back up and offered her hand to Jethro, who gladly accepted her hand. As they make their way back to Jethro's truck hand in hand, (y/n) noticed a camera flash from the bushes. "Jethro, run. Run to the truck. There's paparazzi." (Y/n) ordered, not wanting to have Jethro experience what paparazzi is like. They both sprint to his truck, he has her get into the truck through his side and he jumps into the truck after her. He then quickly, but carefully drives off.
   "I am so, so sorry Jethro. I was really hoping there wouldn't be any paparazzi around. I don't even know how they knew where I was." (Y/n) said embarrassed, as she sat in the passenger seat. "Hey, it's alright. It's all part of the job, right?" Jethro soothed, giving her a small smile. "I just didn't want to make you uneasy with all of the cameras and flashing lights. I would understand if you changed your mind about wanting to see me again after what just happened." (Y/n) said, looking down at her hands. Jethro reached over and took her hand in his. She looked over at him a bit confused. "(Y/n), I don't care about the paparazzi, or the cameras and flashing lights. Or, about the busy schedules. I still want to see you after tonight and take you on more dates. I want to meet your friends and family. (Y/n), I want you. I want to be with you." Jethro reassured her. (Y/n) smiled at Jethro. She let go of his hand, unbuckled herself and slid over into the middle seat. She took Jethro's right arm, put it around her shoulders and leaned a bit into his side as they made their way back to the hotel.
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Origins of Magic
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 15 - Black Christmas
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The Day Before Christmas
Kayne Black and his older brother Magnus had spent a long time travelling the world together in the hopes of finding a lead of where Magnus’ missing part was as Kayne hoped to restore his brother to his former glory, despite Magnus’ distrust of his younger brother. Both brothers grew more and more frustrated with the lack of results which continued to strain their already fragile relationship leading to many fallouts between them as they continued their search. “So, in other words you are of no use to me!” Kayne complained as he lifted his right hand and magically snapped the neck of a male witch, the witch falling to the dirt within the woods completely lifeless, as Magnus stood behind his brother, far from amused by his antics. “Did you really have to kill him?” Magnus asked his younger brother. “Look at you, building up a conscious, tell me brother where was these morals when you burned me alive?” Kayne asked rhetorically, before going on to say. “He knew nothing which meant he was completely useless to me and if he lived, he’d let word slip about our family’s plan to restore ourselves at the top of the food chain…I mean it is bad enough the originals know our secrets let alone the witches we created.” “I just think if we ever want to be considered royalty among the witches again then we probably should not go around killing them all.” Magnus argued. “It also does not help you’ve spent centuries massacring them to prolong your life all these years.” “Oh Magnus, I am fond of the witches and their creations but do not get me wrong for one moment I’d rather die than play kings and queens with you and our sisters again…yes I want you all restored like me, but I’m done playing witch games.” Kayne explained to his older brother. “Once we are all restored, we can finally be us…that is the only gift we need, not illusions of some kingdom.” “So, your big master plan is to give the four most power hungry beings in the world even more power and then expect none of us all to do something with this power?” Magnus asked him, unable to find any logic in his brother’s plans. “I honestly never thought about it like that…” Kayne admitted, beginning to rethink his plans for a moment. “No, once all your memories are returned you will see the truth.” “Maybe but tell me how much the truth has changed who you are?” Magnus questioned his brother, believing his brother was no different than before having his full memories restored.
Annabella Black had once again found herself alone, having been months since she had seen her siblings or anyone else, she knew, as she had now found herself spending all her time desperately searching for a lead towards finding a key to restoring herself despite constant dead ends and little to nothing to go on and she was beginning to think it was time to quit her search like her younger sister Primrose had done already. “You’re spending Christmas with Kol and his human family?” Bella said in shock, while sitting on a bench within a busy street in the French Quarter of New Orleans and on the phone to her sister Rose. “Wait…their leaving you alone with children…if you need me to cast a spell, I could be there…you sure you have it…yeah okay…” Before Bella could begin to utter any more words on the phone call, her sister had hung up, making it clear to Bella that she was far from forgiven for all her manipulations and lies over the centuries, to which she could not blame her sister for but still it sucked not being needed by her and since Kayne was currently more powerful than them all it is not like he needed her. Which is why Bella found herself back in New Orleans hoping to get a glance of Rebekah, the only person outside of her siblings that meant anything to her, hoping to see her or even to share a conversation with the original female vampire, anything to make her feel any less alone during Christmas time but sadly alone is what she would be, having not known no Mikaelson was currently in the city, as all were attending Hope’s wedding in Mystic Falls. “So, I’ve been trying to work out who you were since you first came to my city a few days ago and then the rumour mill quickly got spilling the secrets of your rather complicated family tree.” Marcel stated after speeding his way to now stand in front of the powerful witch. “Are you the one whose as crazy as Kol or the one who had something with Rebekah? I know you’re not the one who had something going on with Klaus…” “I’m Annabella Black and judging by the amount of power I can feel coming from you and how it is somehow stronger than that of an original tells me you are Marcel Gerard.” Bella replied as she stood up to face the upgraded original. “I was believed to think you had abandoned New Orleans after your brief marriage to Rebekah Mikaelson.” “I took a break from the family yeah, but I never took a break from this city.” Marcel admitted to her. “Although even I know there’s no Mikaelsons in town as my sort of sister Hope is getting married right about now.” “I got that message, a little late but still the message has been received.” Bella told him, trying to hide her sadness over missing Rebekah. “This is going to sound out of the blue but…how would you like to spend Christmas with me?” Marcel asked the bewitching beauty, shocking her by the invitation. “I can tell a lonely face and it just so happens I am also lonely this Christmas…nothing sinister I promise, just consider it a thank you from me for bringing black Klaus heck I’m even a little grateful you brought back Elijah.” “Connections with the Mikaelsons are never straight forward.” Bella laughed, before going on to say with great sarcasm. “Two exes of the same woman spending Christmas together…what could possibly go wrong?”
The Night Before Christmas
Kayne walked into the twin hotel room of which he was sharing with his brother Magnus in Jefferson City, shocked to see no sign of Magnus whatsoever, catching on quickly as he noticed a note left on one of the beds, as he walked over picked it up and began reading what his older brother had to say to himself, which simply read one word, that word saying bye, much to Kayne’s dismay and frustration. “Sometimes when someone burns you alive you should just call it quits trying to make that family bond work.” Klaus announced after vamp speeding into the room. “I am truly sorry you have a brother foolish enough to ever want to leave your side.” “It’s what people do…centuries go by, sights change, empires change, people change, but one thing that never changes is they always leave.” Kayne admitted, as he threw the note back on to the bed. “Is your daughter not getting married today? For some mad reason Rose is on babysitting duties…I know this because the crazy bitch tried to get me to help her like I would be any better with children.” “The wedding has come and gone, and I should be in Mystic Falls still but after the reception I decided to get my eldest sister Freya to do a location spell on you, I’ve tried for her to find you a million times but only now it seemed to work.” Klaus revealed to him. “And with you being so close to Mystic Falls I could not help but pay you a visit.” “Well as out of the blue this is, my family is no longer paired with yours since I took down the supreme bitch, so, I am just going to and if I were you, I would not try stopping me.” Kayne warned him as he began to walk past him only for Klaus to grab him by the arm. “After everything we have been through you did not care to tell me goodbye when you left New Orleans and still you cannot say goodbye to me now.” Klaus said, as he pulled Kayne’s body closer into his. “All I came here for was a simple…goodbye.” “Goodbye.” Kayne breathed, as he struggled to restrain himself from kissing Klaus then and there, as the feeling of the original hybrid’s body pressed up against his felt as good as it did centuries ago, struggling to contain his longing for him as Klaus began looking deep into his eyes, realizing Klaus wanted the same as his. “I have changed my mind,” Klaus replied with a sly smirk before gently kissing Kayne on the lips. “I do not want to ever say goodbye to you again!” Suddenly the power witch and the original hybrid’s bodies began crashing against each other’s, the two kissing passionately while tearing at each other’s clothes, and beginning to make their way over to the nearest twin bed, longing to make love to each other, longing to rekindle a love they had started many, many, years ago.
Christmas Day
Bella never knew exactly why she accept Marcel’s invite to join him for Christmas, maybe the idea of being a lone for yet another year was too much for her to take, maybe she wanted Rebekah to learn she was spending Christmas with her ex-husband or maybe she was simply happy to put a face to the name of the self-made upgraded original vampire whose charm was only matched by his deadliness. “If you have brought me here to try and take me out than you’re a very brave but very stupid man!” Bella warned Marcel as she walked into the living room of her New Orleans apartment wearing a tight fitted black dress, only to find Marcel stood there holding two glasses of champagne. “I meant what I said when I invited you here…there is no need for us to both be lonely.” Marcel replied as he handed one of the glasses of champagne to Bella. “Yes, I heard that line just yesterday but considering your ties are still pretty tight with the Mikaelsons I fail to see why you did not go to Mystic Falls with the rest of them.” Bella questioned him as she took a drink from her glass. “No poisons other than alcohol…I am surprised.” “I’m not in Mystic Falls for the very same reason that you are in New Orleans Annabella Black.” Marcel admitted to her. “When you love a woman like Rebekah Mikaelson you cannot stop…even when you realize you can never be with her…I choose to handle that knowledge by avoiding her, you did too for a long time, but I guess curiosity brought you back once again, to which I too have found myself falling to.” “The girl whose heart always gets broken does not realize how many hearts of her own she has broken.” Bella responded with a sly smirk as she finished her glass. “I did not agree to this invitation to speak of Rebekah or even to celebrate Christmas…” “Then why did you come here? As if we both do not already know.” Marcel questioned her, while knowing damn fine what the witch was doing in his apartment. Bella Black was done feeling lonely at the loneliest time of the year and Marcel looked like a real hunk of the man, she could see what Rebekah had seen in this fine specimen and in that moment, she decided to explore more of him but before she could make the first move, Marcel had stolen a kiss from her lips. The two shared a knowing smile before continuing to kiss each other passionately, crashing their way to the couch before Bella threw him down on it and climbed onto the upgraded original, ready to unwrap her unexpected Christmas gift.
Rose Black was known for many things, none of them particularly pleasant and instead of showing any signs of shame the witch was delighted and proud of the name she had made for herself and the fear she struck in others, a fear that she believed she had worked hard to earn. So, when her only friend in the entire world Kol Mikaelson requested her presence she was quick to accept, having given up on her plans for restoration, the woman was ready to do some wicked deeds with the original vampire but upon her arrival to San Francisco she quickly learned her duties were needed for babysitting. “I cannot thank you enough for keeping my three unruly girls alive during our little trip to Mystic Falls on Christmas Eve.” Kol thanked Rose as he walked into the kitchen of his and Davina’s San Francisco home, as Rose stood in the kitchen drinking a glass of rose wine. “To be honest I have never been more terrified in my life and I was literally just almost burned at the stake…but they were actually rather amusing minus the dreaded Disney reruns I actually found myself enjoying their company.” Rose reluctantly admitted before taking a drink from her glass. “I think I actually want to be a mother!” “Well, I will give you something Primrose,” Kol said, while in a state of shock by Rose’s revelation. “You never know what to expect from you.” “I just need to find a single human whose seed I can tolerate enough to impregnate me…problem is I’ve not liked a single human in centuries!” Rose said before downing her glass of wine. “I mean if you can parent a child, I am sure I will raise the perfect little psychopath that will make mama real proud.” Rose Black never expected to become a babysitter but then she did and after spending Christmas with Kol, Davina and their three children she found herself lifted by the spirit of Christmas, suddenly ready to begin a path towards motherhood.
As Klaus woke up from his slumber, naked but for a sheet, he was shocked to see no sign of Kayne but after a few moments he heard the shower running which prompted the original hybrid to stand up from the twin bed, wrapping the sheet around himself before walking into the hotel bathroom ready for another round with his long-lost lover, only to be left shocked to find no-one there much to his disappointment. Within mere moments Klaus heard the vibrating from his mobile phone ringing and vamp sped his way back into the hotel room, picking up the phone and instantly answering it. “I truly am sorry for leaving in such haste Niklaus, but you see I fell for you once before and I cannot make another mistake like that again.” Kayne said across the phone to a stunned and hurt Klaus. “I know your not the same man you were back then, but neither am I and I’m afraid sooner or later your going to realize the person I am to you now is not some lost love but a foe and when that day comes, when we are reunited remember the hurt you feel now, the hurt you made me once feel…then prepare for war!”
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starshine583 · 5 years
Le Paon Part 1
(Alright! So we’re gonna try this! here’s chapter one of the Le Paon AU. I used origins for the beginning, but I’m gonna try to veer off the cannon plot for the rest. Tell me what you guys think or if you want to read more!)
Part 2
Felix sighed. Adrien was always so dramatic.
~What happened this time?~
~I was so close Fe SO CLOSE! Like I was on the stairs and at the door!!~
~and then I saw this poor old guy who fell and lost his cane 😓~
Felix face palmed. 
~You wasted your 13th attempt at a school life for an old man who was probably dying tomorrow anyway?~
~I couldn't just leave him there! How can you be so heartless?!~
~Call it a family trait. All I'm saying is that that was our closest shot, and Father is starting to suspect that I'm the one disrupting the video feed on the security cameras.~
Why Adrien wanted to go to public school so badly was beyond Felix. They were already surrounded by people daily for photoshoots. He, personally, wasn't interested in seeing more humans than necessary at this point. They only think about themselves and cause drama. Goodness knows he has enough of that with the reporters constantly looming outside the front gate.
~I know I know. we're coming home now~
~I will see you soon then.~
Felix set down his phone, gingerly going back to his book. He wanted to enjoy the quiet as much as possible before his little brother got home.
Adrien sulked through the front door around twenty minutes later. Nathalie and Gorilla were right behind him, indifferent as always. 
“Your lessons resume in five minutes. Go to the dining room to prepare.” Nathalie ordered, glancing at Felix before moving towards their Father’s office. 
“Yes, Nathalie.” Adrien sighed, pulling his bag over his shoulder.
Felix sent a glare to Nathalie and Gorilla as Adrien passed, then followed his sibling into the dining room to show him what they were doing for today’s lesson.
Nathalie came in a few minutes later. Felix had already finished the homework he’d been assigned. Therefore, he continued reading while they started review.
“Who was the first president of the fifth French republic?”
Adrien propped his arm up on the table, resting his chin on his palm as he recited the answer. “Everyone thinks it was De Gaulle, but it was actually Rene Cote before the first elections.” 
Felix nodded to himself. He remembered learning those names last year in school. 
“Excellent, Adrien!” Nathalie praised, turning to him with a smile.
Felix rolled his eyes. If she really cared for the boy, she would do something about his wish to go to public school. Adrien had only begged her a hundred times.
“Give me a minute, would you, Nathalie?” 
A chill ran down Felix’s spine when his Father spoke from the doorway. His gaze flicked to Adrien, who suddenly looked stiff.
“Yes, sir.” Nathalie replied, submissively standing to the side.
Gabriel turned his hollow eyes on Adrien, and Feix tensed. He didn’t mind helping Adrien out with his schemes, but standing up to their Father was still hard. 
“You’re not going to school, Adrien. I’ve already told you.” He stated sternly.
Adrien stood. “But, Father-”
“Everything you need is right here where I can keep an eye on you. I will not have you in that dangerous world.” 
“It’s not dangerous, Father. I’m always stuck in here by myself-”
“You have Felix, don’t you?” Gabriel countered, and Adrien flinched.
He didn’t mean it. He didn’t mean alone alone. Felix knew that. It was just different, being with family and being with friends. 
“Why can’t I just make friends like everyone else?” Adrien continued to argue. Felix couldn’t decide if it was bold or stupid. 
“Because you’re not like everyone else. You are my son.” Gabriel snapped. “Continue.” 
With those final words, he walked away, leaving them in a heavy silence.
After a moment, Nathalie spoke, “We can leave it there for today if you-”
Adrien ran out of the room before she could finish. Felix sighed, standing and picking up his books. No doubt he’d be pouting about this for the rest of the day.
“Wonderful work, Sancoeur. You’ve collectively ruined everyone’s day.” Felix bit out, sending her another hateful glare.
Nathalie straightened, returning his glare with an impassive expression. “I was only doing my job.” 
Felix rolled his eyes again. “Keep telling yourself that.” 
He slipped his books into his brown, leather bag, and headed for the door.. in the opposite direction of Adrien. 
“Where are you going?” Nathalie asked, a strange sense of panic rising in her voice.
“To talk with my Father.” Felix answered shortly, not even stopping or looking in her direction.
“Wait! You can’t, he’s busy!” She said, her heels clicking on the floor as she ran to him. 
Felix scoffed, picking up his pace. “Don’t act like you can order me around like you do Adrien.” 
He barely made it to the office door before Nathalie, throwing it open and ducking inside.
“Father, I wanted to-” 
He stopped. The room was empty. Didn’t Gabriel just come in here, though? Where else would he have gone?
Felix scanned the room, his eyes landing on a small hole in the floor next to his mother’s portrait. As soon as he noticed it, though, the hole vanished. 
He blinked, rubbing his eyes and looking at the floor again. This wasn’t some trick of the light, right? He’d definitely seen a hole.  
“Felix!” Nathalie scolded, pulling him out of the room and closing the door. “I told you not to go in there!”
“And I told you you’re not my boss.” Felix hissed, yanking his arm out of her grasp. 
Before Nathalie could reply, the two were thrown off by something he assumed was an earthquake, except it had rhythm. It vaguely reminded him of.. Footsteps?
“What’s going on?” He thought aloud, glancing towards the window. Adrien- when did he come downstairs? -ran past him, opening the front door. Felix followed him and they both stopped on the front steps, watching the scene before them slack-jawed.
Police men and cars lined the streets. He didn’t understand why until this- this thing came stomping towards them.
“Ready?” The main officer called, holding his arm out to his comrades. “Fire!”
Felix watched as they shot at the giant rock monster. It growled and curled in on itself. Then, to everyone’s horror, it got bigger.
Adrien and Felix closed the doors, retreating back to their room to see what was happening. 
As incredible as it seems, it’s been confirmed that Paris is indeed being attacked by a super villain. A reporter Felix recognized as Nadja Shamack said over the TV screen. The police have been struggling to keep the situation under control.
“Stay here. I’m going to lock down the house.” Felix instructed, hurrying out the door as the main officer from earlier appeared on the screen.
To his annoyance, Nathalie and Gorilla were still standing by the window, doing nothing. 
What did we even hire them for! He thought bitterly, marching down the stairs. He didn’t bother acknowledging them as he got to the control system and began putting the house on lockdown. Where would the safest place to hide be? They didn’t have a basement. Not one that he knew of, anyway. Perhaps they could hide in a bathroom? What do you even do in these kinds of situations?
Felix finished locking down the windows and doors, promptly going back to his room to grab Adrien. 
Panic twisted in his stomach when he opened the door, only to find Adrien gone and the window open. It must have been open before he got to the system, since it was the only one without a metal plate in front of it.
No, no, no, no, what was Adrien doing now?
“Adrien Agreste, if this is some sort of joke, I swear I’m not laughing!” He yelled, leaning out the second story window. How would Adrien even get out this way?
A groan of exasperation escaped him when there was no answer. This kid was going to be the death of him!
Now in full-blown panic mode, Felix raced back down to the control systems. As soon as he had the front doors unlocked, he was gone, darting down the streets and shouting for Adrien.
Two hours. Two. full. Freaking. Hours. That’s how long he searched for that boy. And he still hadn’t found him. Not a trace.
After seeing the reports of a “Ladybug and Chat Noir” over the news and hearing the danger was over, Felix finally decided to head home. If Adrien was dead, he deserved it. If he wasn’t, he would be when Felix got his hands on him.
He trudged up the mansion steps- which he was getting real tired of, by the way- and headed for their bedroom. Once inside, he made a point to slam the door behind him, and just fall onto the couch. He was so done. So tired from walking around all of Paris for nothing.
“Felix?” A voice inquired.
He froze.
Slowly, Felix rose from his position on the couch. It better not be him. If he was here this whole time-
There Adrien stood. Innocently staring at him as if he hadn’t sent Felix on a wild goose chase for two hours straight. 
“Where have you been?” Felix bit out, getting to his feet.
Adrien took a step back, the only smart decision he’s made all day. 
“W-what do you mean? I’ve- you know -I’ve been here, haven’t I?” He stammered, scratching the back of his head and moving back again as Felix got closer.
Dang right, he should be scared.
“Adrien, I am going to throttle you myself!” He growled, lunging for his poor, defenseless sibling. 
Adrien yelped, ducking away from Felix and jumping over the bed.
“Boys!” Nathalie suddenly interrupted, causing the two to pause mid jump. 
“You’re dinner is ready. Come downstairs.” She instructed, leaving as quickly and quietly as she came. Felix huffed, crawling off the bed and glaring at Adrien.
“Soon.” He warned, smirking when Adrien shivered.
“Sorry I made you worry.” The blonde apologized, maneuvering around him to get to the door.
Felix sighed. “Just save the escape tactics for tomorrow morning.” 
“We’re trying for school again tomorrow?” Adrien grinned.
“If you’re done wailing like a Disney Princess.” He teased.
Adrien scoffed. “Whatever, Fe. what’s the new plan?” 
Felix pulled back the curtain to one of the front windows. Still no cars in the driveway.
He checked his phone. Despite Adrien leaving half an hour ago, he had no new messages.
“I guess he succeeded then.” Felix shrugged to himself, putting his phone in his back pocket. Then he felt a buzz.
He winced, taking his phone back out to see Adrien had indeed sent him a message. They were probably in the car again.
Felix opened the app, ready to read an essay on how the plan failed this time or why Adrien couldn’t just be a normal kid. To his surprise, there was only a picture. A picture of a classroom with students filling the seats. 
A few more pictures were sent, one being a selfie with- ugh -Chloe Bourgeois. He hated that girl. Another picture had the rest of the class in it, then there was one with a single girl. She had a black, half sleeved jacket, and raven-colored hair, which was pulled into pigtails. Her eyes were hard to catch in the photo, but they seemed to be a blue-ish color. She was, in a word, pretty.
Felix was pulled from his thoughts when the front door creaked open. Ah. good. They were home. 
He quietly stashed his phone in his bag of books, creeping to the door of the dining room. Peeking around the doorframe, he saw Gorilla go upstairs- probably trying to find him - and Nathalie slip into Gabriel's office. What excuse was she going to give for not getting Adrien?
“Sir, we didn’t get to Adrien in time.” The secretary informed in a monotonous tone.
What! His father’s voice growled. It almost sounded like it came from a screen. Shouldn’t he be home?
Glancing at the stairs to make sure Gorilla was still absent, Felix carefully cracked open the door. Not much, just enough to see inside.
Nathalie faced the computer screen across from his mother’s portrait. 
I’m coming up there and I want an immediate explanation!
Up there? 
Nathalie nodded. “Yes sir.” 
The screen flickered off, and she sighed.
“You’re lucky.” The women said out of the blue. Felix thought she’d seen him, until she turned to the painting of Emilie.
“He’s risking everything for you, to bring you back.” 
Bring you back. What does that mean?
Nathalie shook her head, hugging her tablet to her chest and leaning against the desk. “I wish he loved me that way.” 
Felix’s nose scrunched up in disgust. Nathelie and his father? What a wretched pairing.
Something in the room clicked, and Nathalie straightened. A circle in the middle of the floor rattled, before descending into the ground.
So it hadn’t been a trick of the light! There was a hole! But why?
Gabriel rose from the “secret elevator” a few seconds later, a nasty look on his face.
“I give you one job to do!” He huffed, clasping his hands tightly behind his back.
“Adrien just wants to go to school, sir. He’s not going to stop running away until that happens.” Nathalie defended.
“Then double the body guards! He’s no time for school with everything else he has to do.”
“I could reorganize his schedule?” Nathalie offered, already unlocking her tablet to do so.
“Then what about while he’s there? He won’t agree to Gorilla going with him, and neither will the school. I don’t trust them to watch my son properly!” 
Felix drew in a breath to calm his nerves. If Adrien was to ever have a school life, it was now or never.
“If it’s supervision you’re worried about,” He started, opening the door fully, “Then send me to school with him.” 
Nathalie jumped. “Felix, how long have you been there?” 
“I’ll personally see to it that Adrien stays in line.” He finished, ignoring Nathalie’s question.
Gabriel raised an eyebrow. “You would go to school with him?”
Well, that wasn’t a no.
“I thought you hated any form of public outings.”
Felix shrugged. “Will you let Adrien go to school or not?” 
Gabriel pressed his lips together, thinking it over. 
“Alright.” He relented. “But make sure you keep an eye on him. If I hear anything regarding bad behavior, you will both be pulled out of the school immediately.”
Felix nodded, hiding a triumphant smile as he exited the room. No need to stay longer than necessary and ruin his chances. 
Felix stared out the car window, watching the buildings pass. The rock monsters from yesterday suddenly sprouted up again that morning. They rampaged through Paris, destroying everything in their path. Thankfully, the new superheroes saved the day, but something still plagued his mind.
A face constructed of butterflies had appeared around the end of the fight, announcing itself as Hawkmoth. That was concerning on its own, yes, but the voice sounded so.. Familiar. He couldn’t place where he’d heard it before, but he’d definitely heard it.
“Where are we going again?” Adrien asked dejectedly, slumping against the car door. It was pathetic really.
“We’re almost there.” Felix answered vaguely.
The car rolled to a stop in front of the school a few minutes later, and the screen in front of them flickered to life, revealing their Father.
You disobeyed me, Adrien. Take a look at that school.
Adrien frowned, looking at the building as he was told, then bowed his head. “Yes, Father.” 
You will never, I say never, go back there again.
“Father, no-”
Without your bodyguard. He will drop you off and pick you up everyday. Nathalie has offered to organize your new schedule, and Felix has agreed to attend with you in case something should happen. You’ll be continuing your music, Chinese, and fencing classes and your photoshoots.
The grin on Adrien’s face erased any doubts Felix had about going to school with him. Considering his brother hadn’t been that happy since their Mother went missing, he supposed he could put a little effort into this whole “public school” scenario.
“Thank you, Nathalie! Thank you, Father! Come on, Fe!” Adrien beamed, grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the car. “I’m gonna show you all of my new friends!” 
“You have friends?” 
Then again, it was Adrien. Why should he be surprised?
As they neared the classroom, Felix heard a revolting voice he distinctly remembered as Chloe Bourgeois. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” She sneered. 
Another voice, one he didn’t recognize. “It means that I’m not putting up with your crud anymore, Chloe, and neither is anyone else around here, so take your attitude and go on! Get lost!” 
Bold words for someone speaking to the Mayor’s daughter. You could get in a lot of trouble for that. In other words, Felix already liked whoever was responsible.
They walked in just in time to see Chloe begrudgingly sit down in the front row. He also noticed a ravenette in the second row sitting down. Felix smirked when he realized it was the same girl from the picture Adrien sent him earlier.
“Yo, dude! Who’s the second Adrien?” A dark-skinned boy greeted them, smiling towards Felix.
“Nino, this is my brother, Felix.” Adrien introduced, patting Felix on the back.
“Good to have you in class with us.” The red-capped boy grinned, politely offering his hand.
“I’m only visiting today. Tomorrow, I’m going to Mr. Chevalier’s class.” Felix replied flatly, shaking Nino’s hand. 
Adrien waved the girls in the second row, only for the pigtailed girl to humph and turn away. 
Looks like she’s also the one Adrien had that misunderstanding with.
His brother sighed, sitting next to Nino who nudged him encouragingly. Speaking of which, where was he going to sit?
Felix’s eyes glazed over the room. The seats appeared to be full, except for the one in the back. At least he’d be the furthest away from anyone.
Marinette held her hand out towards the grey sky, sighing when she felt the steady rhythm of raindrops on her palm. Great. Rain. That was exactly what she needed right now. Not only had the responsibility of saving Paris been dumped on her, but she also had a new bully to deal with at school. And both of those instances happened in the span of two days! Now, it was pouring and she really didn’t feel like getting soaked on the walk home.
A scoff of disgust came from her right, and she jumped.
“How convenient.” A boy said sarcastically, reaching out his hand like she’d done moments before. His dark grey and black attire matched the colors of the clouds, which she would have found humorous if she didn’t remember who he was from roll call.
“You’re Adrien’s brother, right?” 
 The blonde glanced in her direction, his silver eyes looking her over. “Yes, that’s correct.” 
Marinette frowned and crossed her arms at the answer. “Then I guess that means you’re Chloe’s friend, too?” 
His scowl surprised her. “Hardly. I would quite literally rather die than be friends with that spoiled brat.” 
A small pause ensued as she took in his answer.
She then smiled, extending her hand to him. “Well, any enemy of Chloe is a friend of mine. I’m Marinette. Nice to meet you.” 
He didn’t respond at first, simply staring at her with a strange expression. 
“Felix.” He finally said, taking her hand in his. For some reason, her heart skipped a beat when he did.
Thunder crackled across the sky, and the two pulled their hands back. 
“Hey, Fe! Sorry I made you wait.” Adrien suddenly called, stopping between them. 
Felix shrugged, catching Marinette’s eye one last time before walking down the steps to a silver car.
Adrien turned to her then with a smile. She huffed and looked away. His brother may be nice- and sort of handsome, though she wasn’t going to address it -but Adrien had still tried to stick gum on her chair the other day. And he was friends with Chloe! She couldn’t trust that. 
The model sighed, wistfully looking up at the sky. 
“I just wanted you to know, that I was only trying to talk the chewing gum off your seat. I swear.”
Marinette blinked, certainly not expecting the apology.
Nevertheless, he continued. “I’ve never been to school before. I’ve never had friends. It’s all sort of.. new to me.” 
He glanced back at her and shrugged, holding out his umbrella to her.
She took it, still staring from shock. That is, until the black umbrella snapped shut around her.
Adrien laughed at the scene, causing her to laugh as well, despite the embarrassment. 
“See you tomorrow.” He smiled, started down the steps again.
“R-right, tomorrow..” She replied absently.
Maybe the Agreste boys weren’t so bad, after all.
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519 notes · View notes
stealinghero · 4 years
This blog seems cool! For a scenario: I'm a visiting detective from America with a diplomat traveling with me. I thought it'd be neat to be seduced by Lupin so he can impersonate me while Fujiko does the same for the diplomat woman. For bonus, they have to tie us up and keep us quiet with no drugs when Zenigata and Goro show up for a chat (and flirting)! And I think a headcanon: do you think Fujiko or Lupin would be the type to "sign" their work on a tied and taped person they'd step in for?
I still don’t know what to think about it. Your request is so great and induced so many images in my mind but it came out like that. Not so much flirting and seducing in the end but a smart little Lupin. ^^”   I hope it’s still okay?
For the hcs: Lupin would leave them in a comfortable way, mostly leaving a small card with a pun and his name/drawing. With a person he likes he might steal a kiss or two before leaving. (Once he left a rose with a special lady.)
Fujiko will just leave her victims whenever they fell down. Only the cute ones get special attention. She loves to bind them to any poles and calls them her pole-dancers on an attached card, signing it with F. and a little heart.
The scenario is under a cut for length:
“You must be our guests. And such lovely guests, too! Welcome to France!”
You hesitated for a second as the ambassador hugged you and kissed your cheek. Your accompaniment wasn’t happy about if either, but you both let it happen. You knew from movies that this practice was common in France.
“I will bring you to the office soon. But first: You must be so exhausted, my friends! Let us enjoy the best cheese and wine France has to offer.”
You nodded eagerly but remembered your position and gave the diplomat travelling with you a curious glance, grinning as she nodded in acceptance.
“Let us bring your baggage into your hotel and we will eat there. Security reasons.”
It seemed great. During the flight and everything your nerves had worked overtime for two reasons: first – you had to work and to protect the diplomat on her journey to France; second – you were afraid of flying. You had been afraid of it a long time ago, but being an American it had worsened after 9/11 and you weren’t able to fly without heavy medications. A good sleep would get those out of your system. For additional security a colleague would be coming from Interpol.
While you were getting in the car with the diplomat, you went through the schedule of the day. Eat, take a nap, in the evening bring the woman to a grand opening of some jewel museum, fly back the next day.
“Are you feeling better?”
You nodded and blushed a bit from embarrassment. She had to learn about your problems the hard way and had since then cared for you during the flight.
“Thank you. I really feel better now. And after a meal I will be back to my best form,” you told her. Normally this would be the death of any trust between officer and diplomat on such a mission, but you knew her for a longer time now and she had specifically asked for you to bring her to Europe.
“It’s really nothing. We will be opening the exhibition on Africa’s long and bloody diamond rush and have a nice evening. After that you can sleep in and tomorrow around midday we will be on our way home,” she said, patting your shoulder. It sounded too good to be true.
“We will be protecting you from now on.”
You eyed your French colleagues and were a bit uneasy. One was big and seemed clumsy. He had too big eyes and was wearing a trench coat like a detective from those old movies. Really bad taste. The other was a bit smaller and had trusting eyes. What a pair. The old detective – the bad cop- and his younger partner – the good cop.
But still, you nodded in agreement and held the door open for your diplomat friend and the two officers.
“My name is Koichi Zenigata, Inspector from Interpol. This is my assistant Goro Yatagarasu.” They showed you their badges briefly.
The younger man bowed in a sheepish fashion. He seemed to adore his older partner.
“While in France, we will accompany you on any way and later to the museum. Any objections?” The old man seemed to do at least a good job, even if he had to suffer from bad taste.
I shook my head and introduced us.
The food was great and with a full stomach now I really felt tired. When my eyelids grew too heavy to be opened again, I got up from my seat, ready to leave in the direction of the couch I would be sleeping on.
“Let me help you.” The Inspector got up and let me lean on him and I had to stifle a yawn.
The other two watched us with a grin and I heard my friend tell the assistant about my problems with flying. I was too tired to be ashamed now.
“Here we go.”
You let yourself fall on the couch and went to Dreamland immediately.
A gentle shake on my shoulder woke me up. A young man smiled in my face when I had opened my eyes.
“No time to sleep. I still need you to tell me some information.”
You immediately got up but it was too late. A woman was holding on to ‘my’ diplomat, holding a gun to her ribcage.
“Don’t worry! Fujiko won’t harm her. But we are a bit in a hassle, you know? Normally I would just put you to sleep but I simply forgot the gas.” He laughed.
“Me! Forgetting something as simple as that!”
You raised a brow, unsure how to react. How fast would his accomplice use the gun?
“Fujiko Mine,” you muttered the name as a document appeared before your inner eye. The exhibition was said to be a possible target for Lupin the thief and she was one of his partners in crime. So this young man would be…
“But I got this pretty little thing here.” He smiled apologetically and held up your handcuffs.
“I don’t really want to do this, but I think you might hurt me if you are not restrained,” he told you, giving them to you, motioning you to go into the bedroom.
“However, he won’t hesitate to kill you if you make a sound.”
You recognized the… well, you didn’t see enough of the face to recognize it, but you knew the gunman from the documents. Daisuke Jigen, a henchman of Lupin’s gang.
“Cuff yourself on the bed and I will even be such a nice man to bring you guys some snacks and drinks.”
What the fuck?! Slowly you stepped on the bed, walked to the headboard and sat down. The diplomat was brought in and you had to hold back as Lupin leaned over you two and cuffed your hands together around a thick board of the headrest.
“That’s great. Remember: Make a sound and… well, it depends on him.”
Jigen grinned a bit under his hat and showed you his Magnum. Show-off!
“Why didn’t you cuff me when I slept?!”
The thief smiled at you.
“Because I wanted to show you my work. You, my dear, will assist me in a magic little trick.”
With a curious glance you watched him putting a headset in and taping the sender on your cheek.
“You will listen and you will reply if anything is worth replying. Got it?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Like what?” you asked.
His grin was broad and pride showed through it.
“Like your rank, any police special things. And the most important: The code words at the museum.”
Fuck. How did he know?! Those papers had been completely confidential! In case of Lupin attacking the museum and posing as one of them, Interpol and his boss had made a list of words to make sure Lupin couldn’t just wear a mask of them. A good twenty words were made to ensure the safety of the diplomat and the heart of the exhibition: A gigantic diamond, as a special gift for the opening ceremony.
“Ah, I see you are a quick thinker. Don’t worry, I haven’t got hold of the list. If I had, I wouldn’t need you, right?”
How could be such a petty thief like this be so intelligent?! Somehow it made sense that no one seemed capable of catching him.
He checked the connection and suddenly you could hear his voice in your ear as he went into the other room.
“The connection is perfect. It’s time for the magic to happen.”
You flinched a bit as the static noise flooded your left ear.
“I hope you can hear me loud and clear,” Lupin’s voice seemed cheerful.
“I do,” you answered.
“That’s great. I will tell you what’s happening right now. My lovely Fujiko and me are posing as you and your little friend. It’s so fun to be you. And you wanted to know why I let you sleep, right?”
You hesitated a bit but nodded and answered with a yes.
“Because you are quite the cute one when you sleep. Your hard face suddenly grows soft, giving you the sleeping face of an angel.” He laughed and you could hear Fujiko laughing, too.
“I know it sounds stupid, but I simply didn’t want to wake you up, my dear.”
“But still you had to kiss this detective!” Fujiko seemed to be pouting?
Lupin laughed. “I couldn’t resist those lips.”
He had kissed you when you were sleeping?! Jigen was snorting to stifle a laugh. So he listened to the whole conversation, too? Great.
Time slowed down as Lupin and Fujiko acted like you and your friend. They had a small playful banter on the way to the elevator and together they went to the underground car park to meet up with the real Zenigata and Yatagarasu. You bit your lip. How could you have been so careless?! Why didn’t you had any suspicions about them when they met you at the hotel earlier than planned?! Why had you believed their lies so readily?
You heard the ping of the elevator as they arrived at the car park.
“Detective?” A low rumbling voice was heard through the connection.
“You must be the famous Inspector Zenigata!” Lupin said with a happy voice. He was a good actor, you had to give that to him.
“Famous? Well…” A pause, then: “I am here to guarantee your safety at the museum. As soon as you leave and take the diamond with you, I will accompany you to the airport.”
Change of plans?! You wished you were there. Why did they change the plans so suddenly? No night in Paris? And why did you have to take the diamond with you?! Slowly it dawned on you. That’s why they had introduced the code words. Because you were destined to take the diamond back home with you with the diplomat. And that was why the hurried departure from France. To not give Lupin a chance.
You bit your lip. Somehow you had to warn the Inspector that Lupin was already there, right in front of him.
“You drive a really nice car,” the thief suddenly said.
“It’s from work,” Zenigata answered.
“I know those from America. Huge and heavy cars to protect the most fragile lives. What car do you use in your free time?”
“Uhm… I have a small Volkswagen beetle.”
“I love those! They are so classic. And you know what they say about men driving fast and big cars, right?” Lupin laughed.
“I doubt the truth behind it. Doesn’t every American drive a huge car?”
You grimaced. This wasn’t true!! Stereotypical and discriminating!
“Well, I never said we Americans didn’t have a lot to compensate! But it seems the total opposite for you.”
Both men laughed and you heard a car door open.
“This is my assistant Yatagarasu. He will be our driver. The best in the force.”
“Yatagarasu? My, what an exotic name. Does it have any meaning?”
People got into a car and closed the doors.
“It’s a mythical crow.”
“But you seem so much nicer than a crow!” Fujiko told him.
So this was the plan? Lupin would be working on Zenigata and Fujiko on Yatagarasu? But why? They just had to survive the evening and the diamond would be theirs to take away without any problems. You grind your teeth. What a disaster!
The whole drive had been a long flirt and you were tired of these stupid policemen. How could they not notice that they were played?! It was so…. You stopped your thoughts and let out a sigh. It didn’t occur to you either that they had been fake.
The car had reached the museum and they left it at a car park to walk the last metres to the entry.
“It will be a great evening,” Fujiko said.
Something in the bedroom changed as Jigen got up from his chair and pulled it closer to the bed. To the side of your companion.
“Listen up now. You will answer to any codeword in the right way. Hesitate or answer wrong and the lady will pay.”
His voice was calm as he lifted the gun to her forehead. You had nothing left to do but to nod.
“Detective, isn’t this weather great?”
Something in your mind began to work as you heard Zenigata’s voice asking that specific question. You had to think about that. What was the right answer?
“It’s a good day for a good start of this wonderful exhibition,” Lupin answered. Silence followed.
“Yes, it is. But the weather is great, isn’t it?”
You had to think now!
A shriek next to you got your thoughts all tangled up as Jigen began to take the diplomat’s free hand and broke a finger without flinching.
“It seems I brought my umbrella for nothing!” you shouted at him, giving away the correct phrase for this codeword.
“It seems I brought my umbrella for nothing,” Lupin repeated your words and you could hear Zenigata laugh.
“Perfect. Keep up the work, detective.”
Jigen grinned at you like a hungry hyena.
If there was one thing you had to praise on their work, it was their dedication. You listened to a heartfelt speech at the opening of the exhibition, delivered by Fujiko without any notes. Your friend next to you had learned her speech by heart and so now the thieves had no notes to work with. And still the speech was great.
The other three seemed to stand offstage as they were talking about this and that.
“Inspector, if you ever come to America, we have to drink a beer! I will invite you to the best restaurant in the town! Bring your assistant, too!”
“That sounds good, but I am always working to catch Lupin.”
“To no avail.”
“For now. But we will get him soon. He has announced he would steal the diamond tonight and there’s no way he can pull it off now.”
You had listened to this conversation and flinched as you had heard another codeword.
“He couldn’t even steal the Eiffel Tower!” you told Lupin through the headset.
He repeated your words, dripping with malice.
So he was a proud man but also vain. It would be of use later, you hoped.
“Come on, Lupin, you couldn’t. You are nothing but a petty thief,” you told him, knowing he couldn’t answer you even if he wanted to.
Zenigata laughed again.
“He will fail tonight. And we will catch him for sure this time.”
“He might be a petty thief, but he is still a free man, Inspector.”
You grinned. He was really conceited!
“Tonight will be his last night in freedom.”
“Don’t fight.” Fujiko’s voice was heard.
“We weren’t fighting. Just checking a few facts,” Lupin told her.
“Facts that might change soon,” Zenigata added.
“They were fighting,” Yatagarasu admitted.
Fujiko laughed and you could hear glasses clinking.
“To a wonderful evening with three strong officers to protect me.”
Zenigata stuttered something and Lupin stifled a laugh.
“Do you want to take the Diamond back home or the Inspector?” he asked her.
“Maybe both?”
Lupin laughed.
“We have nice company at home.”
You growled. Nice company?! Sure! Handcuffed and threatened by some psycho!
“I hate you,” you told him.
“We could let them wait and go for drinks after this.”
“The orders are clear. With the last guest you will be leaving with the diamond.”
A side-glance to Jigen to make sure everything was alright. Hopefully the Inspector would get the wave now…
“Too soon, I fear.” Silence followed Lupin’s words. Then:
“Maybe we could go out for a drink later. Just us four,” Zenigata said.
You smiled. He had gotten behind the meaning of the missing answer to the codeword “last guest”.
“That would be great,” Fujiko chimed in.
“Do you want something to drink?” Lupin was alone with Zenigata. Fujiko had taken Yatagarasu to wander around the museum to see the exhibition.
“A red wine would be nice,” you said. Lupin repeated your words.
“Sure. Just wait here.”
Lupin was left alone by Zenigata.
“You are doing good work. Keep it up and you are free to go when this is over,” he told you.
You leaned back on the headrest.
“How do you plan on escaping? Zenigata will escort you to the airport and you will have to fly to the States. And there my colleagues will be already waiting.”
He laughed a bit.
“Don’t worry. I know how to fly a plane.”
Damn, he was good. Surely he would throw out the pilot and steer the plane himself.
“They will check the flight route.”
“They can. We will be flying towards the States long enough. And maybe even landing there.”
So his plans were to escape by plane to the States. He would find a way to land there without a permission or fake some emergency? You had to tell Zenigata in some way.
“Here’s your red wine.”
“Thank you.”
“What are your plans when you get back home?” Zenigata asked in a happy voice.
“I don’t know. Deliver the diplomat and the diamond and then mostly sleep and watch TV. I have a few days off.”
“If we catch Lupin tonight, maybe I’ll come with you and take up the offer of yours.”
Lupin laughed.
“Sure, it would be nice to have you around.”
“Is your family okay with a sudden guest?”  
You coughed. He really had it worked out!! All your colleagues had told you about the stupid Inspector, but he seemed to be very intelligent to react like that to your vague clues.
“I’m single,” you said and Lupin repeated the lie. The truth was you were happily married for a few years now.
“What a shame! A person like you?”
“I’m a workaholic,” you told Lupin. He told Zenigata another codeword without anyone realising it.
“I know your problem. A single fighter has just his work.”
“But in the end I’m alone,” you replied.
“But in the end, I’ll have my friends,” Lupin answered. Jigen grinned and got up to free the diplomat besides you only to drag her into the living room. Behind the closed door you heard muffled screams and closed your eyes. You had fucked up.
With half an ear you heard Lupin excusing himself for a toilet break.
“You really had to tell him, right? What was it? The red wine?” his voice wasn’t angry, just disappointed.
“Does it matter?” you asked him.
“No. Not to me.”
“You will never get the diamond now.”
“Who says I don’t already have it?”
You paled and shivered. Your friend had to suffer because of your stupidity and all because of nothing?!
“You are right. I had the diamond already when I left the hotel. Your lovely little friend lied to you. She had it in her handbag.”
She had told you the diamond was already in France!! You had worried about its safety before the flight and didn’t want to take your tablets to be ready if someone wanted to steal it.
‘It’s in France already, don’t worry. Take your pills’, she had said. Said to help you with the fight against your anxiety because of the flight. You had messed this mission up from the beginning!!
The door opened and Jigen dragged her inside the room. He left her whimpering on the floor and watched you.
“Ask her.”
“Michelle… you didn’t have the diamond with you, right?”
Her silence was answer enough. Your heart sank.
“We will leave now. Don’t worry. I’ll call the room service once we are in a safe distance.”
Jigen left the room and locked the main door behind him. You were trapped in the bedroom, on the bed, cuffed and had to watch your friend cry over her superficial wounds. All because you had fucked up.
He was true to his words. When the hotel manager burst in with Inspector Zenigata in tow, you had already written your resignation in your mind. Maybe your boss would accept it before beating you for this mistake.
“Don’t beat yourself up for this. He plays us like he wants.”
You shook your head. How could the Inspector keep his cool in this situation?! Lupin and his gang had escaped with the diamond.
“Hey, I get that once in a week. It’s annoying but there’s nothing you could’ve done. Your clues were great.”
Medics were helping the diplomat to her feet and a fire-fighter freed you from your own handcuffs.
“I feel like shit. And I will lose my job for this,” you told the older man.
“You might. And if this happens, call me.”
He left his business card with you and got up.
“I will need to file a report with my office soon. Don’t worry, everything will be alright.”
There was just one thing on your mind.
“You asked him the weather thing a bit too late. Not at meeting.” It was in the script that this would be the first question asked after getting introduced.
He laughed and leaned down to you sitting on the bed.
“Only Lupin flirts with me like that.”
He winked and left you puzzled. Why hadn’t he acted sooner? Unless… well, it wouldn’t be your problem anymore.
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marriedthedark · 5 years
Ladybug Week: Day 1 - First Date
Modern AU, 1.7k words
Ruby fidgeted nervously as she continued to stare at the front door to her apartment. Blake had told her she would pick her up at 6:30 sharp yet the green digital numbers on the nearby clock made he aware it was 6:40. She once again defaulted to smoothing out the skirt of her dress for the umpteenth time as she nervously wondered if Blake had somehow forgotten about their date. She soon shook off the notion as she realized there was no way Yang would have allowed her best friend to forget about her first date with her younger sister.
Ruby sunk into the old couch as she huffed with impatience. Why was it her idea to go to a fancy restaurant on their first date? She frowned slightly as she remembered Yang informing her that normally the fancy sort of restaurants she had in mind required some sort of a dress code. As a result, Ruby begrudgingly accepted the knee length red dress and black T-strap kitten heels her older sister had taken upon herself to purchase for her big night. Ruby hated dressing up, but this is what couples were supposed to do on their first date, right?
She glanced again towards the digital green numbers. 6:42 was displayed. Realizing only two agonizing minuets had passed, Ruby groaned as she threw her head against the back of the couch. The universe was really going to make her suffer in this stuffy outfit for hours before-
A knock as the door startled her to her feet; Blake was finally here! Ruby quickly scampered over to the entrance of the apartment before smoothing her dress for the final time. After a few deep breaths, she opened the door.
Sure enough, Blake stood on the other side. Ruby stared at her in awe as she took in the lovely cold shoulder purple gradient dress Blake had decided to wear that night.
“Wow, you look super pretty,” Ruby breathed out.
Blake couldn’t help but blush slightly at Ruby’s reaction. “Thanks, you look really cute as well.”
Ruby felt her heart swell at her date’s compliment. Perhaps her outfit wouldn’t prove to be such a downer to her night after all.
“Shall we?” Blake inquired as she moved over to allow Ruby to exit the doorway.
The duo began navigating their way out of the apartment building, making small talk as they went. By the time they had reached Blake’s car however, the conversation had been replaced by slightly uncomfortable silence.
“Um, Ruby, can I make a small confession?” Blake hesitated as they had finished buckling their seatbelts.
Suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious, all Ruby could manage was an awkward nod.
“I know going to this restaurant was your idea, but those sort of places aren’t exactly my…thing. I know I should’ve said something earlier, but I guess I was scared of disappointing you since you seemed so enthusiastic about it.”
Ruby could hardly believe the words she was hearing. Blake was just as uncomfortable with the thought of going to a stuffy high-end place as she was?
“Same! Honestly, I thought this is what you’re supposed to do on first dates. I didn’t really want to go either. I just didn’t want you to think the girl asking you out was this total lameo loser weirdo type of person…”
Blake couldn’t help but softly giggle at her date’s self- deprecating response.
“I don’t think you’re any of those things, Ruby. Believe me I’m flattered that you wanted to treat me to something so nice, but I’m quite relieved you feel similarly to the situation as I do.”
Ruby’s heart fluttered as she took in the genuine look of relief and appreciation on Blake’s face.
“Can I also confess something? I hate wearing these stupid things,” she muttered as she lightly kicked her feet against the car floor.
Blake found herself giggling again. Ruby seemed to have a habit of making her laugh more than she was used to.
“Well, I mean what I said back there. I think you look lovely tonight.”
Ruby diverted her gaze to her lap as she felt her cheeks warm.
“You can thank Yang for that. She went out and got me all this stuff.”
Blake hummed thoughtfully as she turned the key in the ignition. Soon after the old Camry purred to life.
“Since we’re in agreement then, how about a little change of plans? There’s this new coffee shop that opened on the other side of town that’s supposedly Edgar Allen Poe themed. I’ve been dying to go check it out, but only if you want to of course. I don’t mean to hijack your date idea or anyt-”
Let’s go!” Ruby interjected. She was practically bouncing in her seat with the giddiness of knowing Blake wanted to share this new experience with her.
After 20 minutes of driving, Ruby and Blake arrived at the Nevermore Coffee and Tea House. Both girls grinned as the rich comforting scent of ground coffee beans met their nostrils. True to Blake’s word, the interior of the coffee shop oozed dark gothic aesthetic as the duo took in the dark colors and ravens scattered throughout the place. In the far corner a young women sat on a small stage with a guitar as she sang a gentle somber tune. Not far from her, a large book shelf covered the wall with rows of multicolored spines filling its shelves.
“I can see why you wanted to come here. This place is so cool!” Ruby bounced in place as she continued to soak up the atmosphere. “This so beats that dumb fancy restaurant.”
Blake smiled fondly at Ruby’s enthusiasm. It was so adorable how excitable she was over most anything. The anxiety and worry both girls felt earlier that evening had completely melted away and instead was replaced with the warm embrace of coffee and pastries.
After grabbing a table, both Ruby and Blake scoured the menu for potential treats. A truffle mac and cheese caught Ruby’s eye in addition to a cup of dirt (homemade chocolate pudding with a cookie crumble on top) and hazelnut hot chocolate. Blake meanwhile settled on French onion soup with an almond croissant and a cup chocolate rose tea.
Once both girls had placed their orders, Ruby noticed Blake’s gaze fixed on the large bookshelf. Apparently the shop had an “open book” policy in which you were free to take a book from the shop so long as you left one in its place.
“Ugh, I have so many good books I could’ve left here,” Blake huffed in disappointment. “I have to remember to bring one next time we come back.”
Ruby once again felt her heart flutter at the implication of Blake wanting to return to this place again. With her no less! The thought filled her mind with glee as they both navigated the bookshelf for something good to read. Ruby settled on an action manga she hadn’t heard of while Blake had selected an old poetry book.
“’Demon Slayer’ huh? I think I heard about that one from somewhere,” Blake though aloud as they both made their way back to their table. “I think it’s supposed to be good. You’ll probably like it.”
Ruby beamed at her selection knowing it was Blake approved.
“Well I don’t see what can be more fitting to read at an Edgar Allen Poe coffee shop than a poetry book. I’ve never been that good with words though,” Ruby admitted.
“I’m not that fond of writing poetry either, but reading it can be enjoyable. Some people are a lot better about articulating their thoughts and feelings than I am.”
“Tell me about it,” Ruby agreed wholeheartedly.
After several minutes of comfortable silence with each girl fully engrossed in their reading selections, their food had arrived to their table. Blake started with a small sip from her tea and was pleasantly surprised to how good it was. Ruby meanwhile sank her spoon into a glob of mac and cheese admiring the stretches of cheese still attached to her spoon as she bought it to her mouth.
“Oh my god I’ve never had mac and cheese this good before,” Ruby gushed with her mouth still full. She swallowed before continuing, “Yang’s isn’t even as good as this. Oh, don’t tell her I said that though.”
Blake smirked as she bought the piping hot cup of tea to her lips once more. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret,” she said with a playful wink.
The rest of the evening went extremely well with both girls talking about whatever came to their minds: the books they were reading, what sort of character tropes they enjoyed, how the live performer definitely forgot the last verse to her own song. Unlike earlier that evening, the minuets seemed to fly by like cars on the highway.
By the time Blake and Ruby returned to the apartment building it was nearly 11pm. Yang had given Ruby a “soft” return time of midnight, but Ruby didn’t want to leave Yang awake all night waiting for her to get home safely (which she would definitely have done).
“Tonight was so fun! Thanks for changing the plans Blake, I had an awesome time!”
Blake made no effort to hold back the grin that was spreading across her face.
“I did too. Thank you for asking me out. Next time you can chose where to go.”
Ruby narrowed her eyes affectionately as she stretched her hand out.
“Pinky promise?”
Blake followed suit by wrapping her own pinky around Ruby’s.
“Good,” Ruby replied simply. Before Blake could say anything more, Ruby went ahead and quickly placed a chaste kiss on her lips.
“See you soon!” She blurted out before dashing out of the car and into the building out of sight.
Blake sat there stunned, her arm still outstretched. She didn’t need to look into the rearview mirror to know that her face was red as a tomato.
“Oh god, I hope my breath didn’t smell like onions...”
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theawkwardterrier · 5 years
things left behind and the things that are ahead, ch. 11
AO3 link here
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Shelby Peterson’s family has been to Disneyland and Disney World, which means she has been on an airplane four whole times. Shelby Peterson has taken pictures with Mickey, Minnie, Pooh Bear, and all seven of the dwarves. Shelby Peterson’s favorite rides is the Rocket Jets, but she likes the Alice in Wonderland teacups too because sometimes they spin so much that her little sister throws up. Shelby Peterson thinks that the Swiss Family Treehouse is so boring that she considered writing to the people at Disney Studios to tell them to come up with something better. Shelby Peterson thinks it’s a real shame that not everyone can experience the most magical place on Earth.
Steve hates Shelby Peterson.
He knows she’s a fifth grader and he knows he’s never met her, but if Nate brings even the specter of her into the house again, Steve’s banning her name.
It’s only because it’s Nate that he hasn’t already. He doesn’t say any of it in a wheedling way, or faux casually while peering up through his eyelashes to see how the information is landing. He doesn’t put it forward as if demanding anything. He drops the comments randomly - after spitting toothpaste into the sink, as he pulls out his math folder in the afternoon, when he asks if the peaches on the backyard tree are still too hard to eat - as if they are always turning over in his mind. His words are always simple and considered, the way Nate is, but there’s a jealousy there, a deep longing that makes Steve’s own brain start working.
“Have you thought about what you want to do with your vacation this year?” he asks Peggy. They have made sure over the past few years that Peggy takes at least two weeks off from carrying too much of the world on her shoulders. “I thought this summer might be a good time to take a trip. Rosie’s going to be starting college in the fall, Drea’s had a pretty tough year, and where have our kids gone in their lives? Brooklyn, up to Howard’s place in Maine, a little time at the beach here and there?”
They stand side by side at the kitchen sink - it’s one of their nights to do the dishes. Steve’s wedding ring (the replacement, which he’s grown quite fond of in its own right) sits on the countertop as he scrubs and rinses a frying pan then hands it to Peggy to dry. She circles the towel over it with an amused expression.
“Is this about Shelby Peterson?” she asks indulgently, slotting the pan into the rack. “Have you finally been convinced to experience Mr. Disney’s dreamland despite the expense?”
Steve finishes the last of the cutlery and hands it off to her, letting the scummy water circle down the drain. “Not exactly,” he says. “But if you can free up some time in August, I thought we might experience something else.”
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They shuffle the kids out of bed at 6 AM, dressed in sweaters and comfortable clothing for the car and carrying their own pillows and blankets. The station wagon was packed the night before, its spacious trunk filled with suitcases, and once everyone is tucked in and already dozing again, they set off.
Peggy squeezes Steve’s hand and leans to take a catnap herself. The sun rising behind them, Steve pulls out of the driveway. As they move easily through quiet, empty streets, Steve looks in the rearview at his sleepy family. When he takes the time to consider it, when he isn’t caught up in the day-to-day routine of it all, there’s a strangely tinged sweetness in looking at them. They are the loves of a life he nearly didn’t have, and he is so grateful that he has had the opportunity to know them and be loved by them, for them to know and love each other.
He smiles to himself: he has no idea why Peggy thought this would be a rough trip.
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By 9 AM everyone is up again and clamoring for breakfast.
By 10, they’re returning to the car following a nasty fight in the diner between Rose and Drea over whether they should both get pancakes or if one of them should get French toast (Rose: “It makes sense to have one of each! Then we can trade, a taste for a taste.” Drea: “You wouldn’t stop at just a taste! You’d probably eat all of yours and half of mine!”).
By 11, everyone is stewing in the aftermath of the argument between Nate and Drea as they’d returned to the car (Drea: “You can’t have that seat - you know we’re supposed to trade, plus I had dibs on that one and you know I get nauseous.” Nate: “The first part of the ride was short! Trades only count when it’s been hours. And we all know you’re faking because you just don’t like the back.”) and another between - surprisingly - Rose and Emma because Rosie refused to root around under the seats for Em’s sky blue colored pencil (Emma: “But you have the longest arms! They’re so long, it will be easy for you.” Rose: “I’m sorry, my weird long arms are busy.”)
Steve refuses to look over at Peggy, even as they stop for bathrooms, gas, and lunch around 1.
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They divide into a kids’ room and a parents’ room at the motel in Indianapolis that night. Through the wall, Steve can hear the four of them bickering about who should have to share beds with who.
“I have no idea whether or not Rosie’s snoring is the equivalent of Nate’s kicking, but if they don’t go to sleep soon I don’t know that it will matter,” Peggy mumbles.
“If they’re tired out, it might make things easier tomorrow,” Steve suggests.
“I’m not certain that you’re in a place to comment,” she tells him, and rolls over to go to sleep.
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Peggy takes the first driving shift the next morning, outfitting herself with sunglasses and a determined expression. They’re supposed to make it to Missouri by tonight.
“You look great today,” Steve tries about ten minutes down the highway, but Peggy just raises a waspish eyebrow at him and puts her foot to the gas. He sighs and tries to find a comfortable way to stretch his legs as he takes out his book.
The kids are following his example in the back, having each apparently elected to give the silent treatment to the rest. He isn’t sure how effective it is when they’re all doing it, but at least it’s quiet. Quiet enough that with the road whizzing beneath them and the scenery blurring outside, Steve actually falls asleep.
When he wakes up, Peggy is saying sternly, “No dirty words, Rose,” and Rosie is replying back, “I just said that we should look for signs that have the letters F and U in them! We’ve gone through the whole alphabet already, we have to move on to combinations. It’s just logic.”
“I can do without that logic,” Steve tells her, straightening in his seat and clearing his throat. “Your mother’s right, pick something else.”
“Hello, again,” Peggy says to him as he scrubs his fingers over his eyes to clear them. Behind them, the kids are reminding each other of the rules for Twenty Questions.
“Hey.” He smiles over at her. “I didn’t think I’d slept that long. Are these our same kids from this morning?”
“They are, they’ve simply remembered that they actually like one another.”
“Mom, Emma says that Drea’s pushing on the back of her seat!”
“That’s what happens when I’m all the way back here! My legs need somewhere to go.”
“Well, they like each other most of the time,” Steve says, and points to an awning beside the road proclaiming Dolly’s, the smaller print below reading Hamburgers, Floats, Fries. “And they’ll probably like each other more after lunch.”
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Their motel that night has a pool, and the fact that none of the kids beg for a swim before bed should probably be a tipoff that something is up. Steve is still awake and reading at 11 when there’s a splash outside the window. He brushes back the curtain and stretches up as much as he can from his position sitting up against the wall. Rosie and Drea have already jumped in, and Nate is climbing down the ladder. Emma seems content to simply dangle her feet, at least for now.
“Are you going to tell them off?” Peggy mumbles into his shirt from where she’s dozing on his shoulder.
“Nah.” Steve closes his book and puts it on the bedside table. He leans over and rests his face into Peggy’s hair for a moment. “Hey, Peg,” he finally says, kissing the top of her head with his eyes closed. “You brought a swimsuit too, didn’t you?”
The night manager comes out at half past midnight to grumble at them that the pool’s closed, and when they go to check out, a charge has been added to their bill for a noise violation. Steve’s about ready to argue that he isn’t paying for any made up fine, but then he watches Nate and Emma guarding the luggage in the corner, interrupting each other with eagerness as they recall the underwater somersault contest they had with Peggy the night before.
He pays the charge.
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They drive past a sign advertising a local square dance in one of towns near the border of Oklahoma, and even though they’re meant to just be driving through, the kids want to see it badly enough that they while away the rest of the day and put together the most appropriate outfits they can find from what remains in their suitcases.
It’s too intimidating for the kids to actually participate. Even Rose, who is usually difficult to embarrass, doesn’t attempt a venture into the fast paced synchronicity in front of her. But they enjoy themselves anyway, clapping along to the beat that echoes from the huge tent which has been set up, trying to translate the unfamiliar language of the dance for Emma, and appreciating the energy of the caller, a grinning, red-faced man whose enthusiasm only increases as the evening goes on, until he’s ending each number with a bellowed “Yeehaw, it’s done!”
For the rest of the trip, whenever something is completed - a meal or a book, the drive through another state - it will be inevitably and solemnly announced, “Yeehaw, it’s done.”
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The plan had been to have arrived in time to celebrate Nate’s birthday, but the stop in Oklahoma puts them a bit off. They end up in a joint called Elmer’s for his celebratory dinner, which Steve doesn’t think looks particularly promising, until he meets Myra, the brains behind the operation.
She doesn’t even let them order, just brings out family sized dishes of lasagna and garlic bread and some kind of broccoli dish that all the kids actually eat. When they mention that it’s Nate’s birthday, she nods solemnly and asks how old he is. The cake, topped with eleven candles plus one to grow on, arrives at the end of the meal, so enormous that Myra has to balance it on both arms.
“How did you know what kind I wanted?” Nate asks her, wide-eyed, as they get ready to go. “No one ever guesses that I like white frosting but chocolate cake inside.”
Myra taps the side of her nose. “Restaurant owner secret.”
(Emma won’t leave until Myra’s given up her lasagna recipe, even though she and Steve have been perfecting their own for years.)
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“If we’re just going to find a place for the night,” Rosie asks slyly as they return to the car, “why don’t I drive?”
“No,” Steve says firmly, only to find himself echoed by everyone else. Rose is a maniac driver. He’d tried to give her a couple of lessons but couldn’t concentrate on advice when he was consistently formulating strategies for evasive maneuvers - he was certainly getting older, but he could probably still get the two of them out if it came to it. It is common family wisdom that she’d only been licensed to drive because the examiner had interpreted her handling of the test course as a direct threat on his life.
Keeping a tight grip on the keys, Steve says, “I’m actually in the mood to drive a little more. You all go to sleep. I’ll wake you up when I find somewhere to stop.”
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He turns off of I-40 around 5 AM. The sun is just beginning to trickle up the horizon. He leans over and runs his fingers over Peggy’s cheek.
“Are we there?” she asks, her voice soft and sleepy. She blinks a few times, slow, groggy, barely opening her eyes, and stretches a bit. “Have you accomplished your latest bullheaded idea?”
“Almost. Thanks for agreeing to come with me.”
“I always will,” she says. “You know that.”
He drives the rest of the way with one hand on the wheel, the other hand holding hers.
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They don’t quite make it before sunrise, but that’s alright. There isn’t anyone much there: it’s chilly, a Monday morning. The kids bundle themselves up in their blankets as they stumble from the car. They are still in their clothes from dinner last night.
They stand together on the rim of the Canyon, looking out.
“This is it,” Steve signs when no one says anything first. He wonders if they’re regretting letting themselves get dragged all the way across the country. Maybe this isn’t enough for them the way he had thought it would be.
Then Drea says, “The world is so big.” For once she does not stretch the sign to exaggeration; it is held against her chest in wonder, a whisper. She looks up at him. “Dad, did you know the world is so big?”
He smiles down at her. “I had a bit of an idea.”
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They start to drive back at night after two days at and around the Grand Canyon. It’s the only way Mom is going to get back in time for her to start work again, and everyone still has to go back-to-school shopping.
“At least you let us prepare this time,” Rosie grumps as they climb into the car. “No one likes sleeping in their jeans, Dad.”
Dad just kisses the top of her head and says, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Nate, like all his siblings, falls asleep pretty easily on car rides. But he wakes up a little while later and isn’t sure why. It’s really dark out, even darker than at home, and the stars look pretty from where his head is leaning by the window. Mom and Dad are talking softly up front. He likes when they do that. It makes him feel safe.
“I’ve been thinking,” Mom says. “It seems to me that once the cost of the various food and lodgings, the gas and souvenirs and all the rest have been tallied up, a trip to Orlando might have been more cost effective.”
“Maybe,” says Dad. “But wasn’t this worth it?”
“Hmm,” says Mom in that smiling way she does when Dad makes a good point. “I suppose it was.”
Nate remembers doing handclaps across the car seat with Emma until his palms were sore and they declared themselves world champions, making Rosie laugh until she’d almost peed in the pool, trying to remember the square dance steps with Drea even though he was too short and she was too tall and they kept tripping over each other. He remembers his birthday cake. He remembers Mom leaning over to Dad that first day at the Canyon and asking very quietly, “You really never saw it before? In all that time?” and the way he’d replied, “No. I guess I was waiting to see it with all of you,” and how Nate had felt all lit up inside from hearing that.
Worth it, Nate thinks drowsily, and closes his eyes again as Dad drives them steadily through the dark.
He’ll have plenty of stories of his own to tell Shelby Peterson when sixth grade starts.
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Not That Kind of Alpha Request 1 [Alpha!Kirishima/Timid!Asexual!Omega!Reader]
Thank you so much, @grace-of-hearts!!! This was such a cute request! I really enjoyed writing it and hope you like it! 
I chose the amusement park because there’s only so much one can do at the zoo and I’d have run out of animals eventually! XD Sorry, but I hope amusement park is okay! 
Anyway, hope you all like, too, and please send in requests you all have! I have run out of ideas and would love to do some requests in this universe! 
Edit: Somehow forgot to add in the links for the other parts to this like i meant to. Whoops!
Part 1: Link!
Part 2: Link! 
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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(I guess this is when they stop to eat lunch?? IDK, I just thought it was cute! XD)
“Babe, you ready?” Eijiro asks from inside the bedroom. I grin and chuckle while french-braiding my hair facing the bathroom mirror.
I was admittedly a little nervous about this, but I also knew it was something Kiri had been looking forward to; a day for just us, doing whatever we want at an amusement park all day. I then take a breath, looping the hair tie securely around the end of the braid, eying my Bond Mark like I had too many times since that night. I blush, as always, at the memory, fingers ghosting over my lips. They way he’d kissed me...it was so sincere, so passionate...I loved it! He’d rarely gotten that emotional since then, but he made it a point to pour passion and love in every kiss, some of which were on the Bond Mark while hugging me from behind. That never failed to make me flustered and red-faced.
The Bonding was a month ago, but it felt like yesterday and a lifetime ago, all at once. I then shake myself and pivot. “Yup! Coming!” I call back, scurrying out to the bedroom and grabbing my purse. It was April, so there was still a slight chill in the air. As such, I had a thin grey varsity jacket on on top of a rose-patterned peasant blouse with a pair of nice jeans that weren’t skinny on me, but weren’t super loose. I also had combat boots on with red socks peeking out and a rose-pendant choker. Kiri blushes. I’d just gotten out of the shower and he hadn’t seen my outfit.
“Holy- -you look...you look stunning.” He murmurs breathily. He had a black wife-beater under a neon tiger-stripe hawaiian-style shirt with army green cargo pants and- -
“Are you really wearing crocs?!” I tease, smirking. “With socks?” He scratches the back of his neck.
“We’ll be walking around a lot. I just figured these are best.” I nod.
“As long as you have a reason, I guess.” I reply, smiling and melting against his gentle hug and kissing him back as he eased his lips over mine. He was never rough unless he just had to kiss me because I looked ‘too damn pretty not to kiss’ or ‘I just love you so much’. It was adorable and really sweet and I smile into the kiss. “Are we gonna go or not?” I mock-grumble, leaning away. He chuckles and reluctantly lets me go.
“Alright, alright. Let’s go.” He says. We hold hands and walk out to the car together.
“I don’t know...it looks...um...it looks really rickety and…” I stammer and shake, clinging to Eijiro’s arm. “I, uh…” It was the first roller coaster we wanted to go on. And I wasn’t sure I wanted to go on it. Eijiro pats my arm and kisses my temple.
“Then we won’t go on it.” I look at him sheepishly.
“Sorry. It’s just nerves. I’ll get over it.” I mumble.
“No, you’re not comfortable. We don’t have to go on a roller coaster as our first ride. We have all day.” He says softly, smiling. “Really, if you don’t want to go on this ride, we don’t have to.” I shake my head.
“I need to try to get over my skittishness. It’s just...I need to get through this.” I reply resolutely. Eijiro smiles proudly at me.
“If you’re sure. There’s nothing wrong with picking a different ride.” I chuckle.
“I’d rather not ride the carousel all day.” I confess nervously. Eijiro laughs.
“Okay. Like I said, we don’t have to ride every ride. We can take it slow if you want.” I nod.
“Thanks for being patient with me.” He nuzzles my neck, right over the Bond Mark. I blush and kiss his temple.
“Of course.” He says when he draws away. Together, we get on the ride and I try not to grip the bar too tightly. It was a tense few seconds as the workers made sure the riders were secured properly and then we were off. It was a series of terrifyingly fast turns and hills followed by a corkscrew and then a loop and when it was over, I am so high on adrenaline, I am laughing and twitchy as we get out of the car. Eijiro takes my hand again and we stumble down the exit path, giddy. He kisses me. “How was that?” He asks. I grin.
“It might be the adrenaline talking, but it wasn’t that bad!” I reply, giggling. Eijiro laughs.
“Okay!” We walk around til we aren’t jittery and then get in line for a swing ride that nearly goes upside down. I wasn’t as nervous for this one and it was actually kinda fun, all things considered, though I grabbed Kiri’s hand and was screaming the entire time.
After that, we went to an arcade and spent an hour burning through about twenty dollars each, coming away with hardly any prizes except a stuffed shark that I somehow grabbed in a claw game for Kiri and I had a traditional teddy bear Eijiro had been determined to win enough tickets for in a shooter game. “I’m your teddy bear!” He’d proclaimed, “And this way you have something to remind you of me when I’m not around.” I blush scarlet and kiss him. He was too sweet sometimes. We then went on a drop tower which took Eijiro basically talking me into it saying it wasn’t that intense of a drop and it would be over soon. He obviously said I didn’t have to go on it, but I wanted to try just about any ride he wanted to go on. It was terrifying and I felt high on adrenaline again when it’s over. So far, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. This was a lot of fun, actually!
As the day went on, I got progressively less timid and tried different rides I might not have otherwise. And it was all thanks to Eijiro’s patient, encouraging presence. He never pressured me too much to do things if I showed signs of wanting to back out. By the time the sun began to set, I pointed to the ferris wheel. I wanted to save it for the last ride and make it a cliche romantic moment.
This was our 6-month anniversary, after all. I wanted to end it on a high note. “Hey, Eiji. What about making that our last ride?” I suggest and am treated to Eijiro’s loving heart-eyes and a deep kiss.
“Hell yeah, babe! Let’s go it!” I giggle and let him all but yank me into line. He was positively bouncing in excitement. “The sun’s setting, too!” He chirps.
“I know.” I reply. “That’s why I wanted it to be our last ride of the day.” There were times Eijiro needed a little patience on my end, but that was why we worked so well together. We knew how the other ticked and could handle them in a healthy, productive way.
We walk into the car and sit down, Eijiro adjusting me so I was half in his lap and facing the sunset. I sigh contentedly.
“Are you having fun?” He asks. I nod, the pleasant atmosphere and Eijiro’s scent filling me up and making me slowly grow tired from all the excitement of a day of roller coasters and arcade games.
“Oh, yeah.” The ferris wheel moves slowly at first, stopping to let more people on, then begins going non stop and we finally get to take the proper time to enjoy the sunset. Eijiro suddenly turns me gently to him and kisses me soundly. So soundly, in fact, I don’t see or hear him raising his phone and snapping a picture just as we reached the top of the wheel. “...Wow…” I breathe when we break apart.
“I love you so much.” He murmurs, resting his forehead against mine. I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.
“I love you, too, Eijiro.” We cuddle and enjoy the ride, kissing lazily every once in a while.
It had been a perfect day and I wouldn’t change a thing. Every day, I am blessed to be with an Alpha like Eijiro. And he loved being with me, somehow. He runs content hands through my hair as the ride slowly starts and stops to let other people off. He then sits up, clearing his throat and turning to me. “Hey, Y/N?” I nod.
“Yeah, Eijiro?” I reply, wondering why he was so nervous and blushing all of a sudden. He licks his lips, fingers twitching in his pocket before he takes my left hand and holds something up. I blush and stammer for words. Was that…
“Wi-will...will you marry me, Y/N F/N?” He holds the ring up for me to see as the seconds tick by. Was he...was he proposing?!
“Eijiro...I...o-of course! I didn’t think...I thought you’d...but yes, I’ll marry you! Of course!”
Bonus: The Ring, Pictured Below.
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tink-bell · 6 years
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Tink Bell (closed rip), Rita Saluki-Sykes, Duchess LaBlanc, DeSoto Sykes, Adam Best, Soleil (closed rip)
Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you!) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now? 
Tink Bell: These three years have been one hell of a roller coaster for Tink. It seems like just yesterday I was writing my town alcoholic hell-bent on having a good time even though inside she was a mess. When we first saw Tink, she was your typical punk-rock rebel without a cause. Her idea of a good time was a good lay, a bottle of tequila, and whatever drugs she could find. She was an absolute mess. And as the years progressed we saw Tink sort of lose herself. She got lost in the bottle and the drugs and the dark spiral that was her mind. She lost some good friends (Simba) in the process and made some unexpected ones (Copper, I’m talkin’ about you). But like a phoenix she rose from the ashes and repaired herself and those friendships she lost. She got an amazing girlfriend who literally went through hell and back with her (pun intended). And now as the year closes, so does this chapter of Tink’s life. Her life of adventure with Sophie is starting and it’s the ending I always wanted for Tink. Cue girl walking into the sunset with a bag slung over her shoulder ready to take on the world.
Adam Best: My babe I’ve had the second longest, not counting the time I dropped him for personal reasons. He’s also a character that has been through a lot. We’ve seen Adam be the surly young man who only wants to punish himself for all the death and destruction he’d caused. He was grappling with the loss of his parents and the loss of his first serious girlfriend. That’s a lot for a dude. He made mistakes, hurt people he grew to care about. Then he got himself a best friend and then a boyfriend and things were looking up for our dear Adam. Then Jaby had an existential life crisis and all that went to shit. Adam found a journal that said you could get rid of the curse by killing the wolf that killed you and guess what? Adam went to Greece and got his ass kicked. But it was a brand new starting point for me and my boy. It allowed me to delve into Adam’s need for a normal human life and try to figure out a way to reconcile it with the fact he will never have that. I expected Adam to remain very surly when I picked him back up and to an extent he has. But he’s also moved away from that. He’s no longer filled with the same angst. Instead it’s changed and evolved into something so much more. He’s no longer mourning his parents and Jennifer but instead mourning the life he’ll never get to have. It’s something I never expected from him and I’m honestly very excited to see where it takes us.
Pick another character and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year? 
DeSoto Sykes: Ugh man, I have so much planned for DeSoto. Lauren and I have actually talked out a lot with these brothers and where we want them to end up. I know he’s going to stay a big presence in Swynlake. I’d love for him to become one of the big kingpins in town. It would be hilarious because that’s what his father was back in New York and it’s what he’s been running from for nearly three years. I want him to grow and realize that having people you care about isn’t necessarily a weakness. Des has a long long way to go and his story is far from over.
Rita Saluki-Sykes: It’s no secret that Rita has become my loudest muse, slowly taking the place of Tink if I’m honest. I’ve only had her for a year or so but she’s already been put through the ringer. Her marriage went from one of necessity to one that was almost over to finally something that resembles what she’s always wanted. Even more so now that she’s got her own little kiddo on the way. I’d like to see Rita settle into that mother role. From what we’ve seen she enjoys the night life, partying and eating up all the attention she can get. But with her little one all that is going to change and she’s going to have to become that mother figure. And she’s going to have to balance care and attention for Ollie with the new baby. It’ll be interesting to see how she juggles being a businesswoman, wife, and mother.
Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it.  
UHM HELLO INTO THE FOREST. Two years ago I did one of these and said how I wanted Soleil to tap into her powers and channel her rage and this is the result of that. This plot was hands down my favorite plot I’ve ever done. It gave me a chance to break Soleil down to her darkest depths, fueled by the loss of Zero and then the fact KNIGHTS or whatever were hurting things in her forest. It was a slow burn plot and one that took a lot of work from everyone involved and it culminated into the best thing I’ve ever witnessed.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
Voice. I still think voice is something that I have a good grasp on when it comes to my characters. From Rita’s and DeSoto’s New York accents to Duchess’ French lilt and prim and proper upbringing, I think it’s something that shows distinctly in my writing.
Villains. I love my villains, I love devling into their minds and figuring out what makes them tick. And I’m tooting my own horn when I say that I’m pretty damn good at it. From Taka to Oogie (however brief he may have been), I’ve brought some pretty interesting villains to BDRP and I hope to continue to do so. I’ve got a few character ideas at the ready that I am more than eager to bring to life.
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
Plotting! I am the absolute worst when it comes to coming up and approaching people with plots. And I think a big part of that is because I really love for things to develop organically. I’m not one to nudge my characters into something I’m not sure of. I need to break out of that so that I can actually accomplish some of the things I want to for my characters.
Direction. It’s easy for me to lose direction when writing. A reply will start off as one thing and then before I know it it’s shifted to something else entirely. It makes writing an arduous process and often irritating. 
Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts. (For example, if I picked Apollo, reading “Akata Witch,” “Children of Blood and Bone,” “Trials of Apollo” series, and Homer’s Iliad might provide inspiration for different reasons– the former two for Nigerian culture and magic and the latter two for a deeper look at Greek Mythology. No, you don’t have to have read these books– maybe you just want to read them!)
Okay so picking Soleil’s forest takedown these are the things I’d look into:
Batman comics featuring Poison Ivy - Mainly because Poison Ivy is one of the few female baddies that have the same sort of magic that Soleil has. And she’s gone down Soleil’s path of wanting to take over the world with plants. It’d be a way to get inside of angry Soleil’s mind.
BtVS s6ep22 “Grave” - This is actually the episode of Buffy that sparked this desire to have Soleil go down that path of evil. It was a possible ending for Soleil in which she didn’t turn into a tree and feed her magic to Enchantra as a way to make amends. This episode showed the power of true love (even if that love is platonic) and how it can stop evil. And it was something that I had wanted to experiment with in Soleil.
The Master Book of Herbalism - Okay this book would give insight to what Soleil did. How, even before she was the spring sprite, she had a vast knowledge of plants and how to use them. 
And now, a wishlist! Jot down a few themes or stories or genres etc that you want to maybe pursue in the upcoming year! (i.e. a good ol’ fashion forbidden romance, maybe you want to dig deep into racial identity etc) This doesn’t have to necessarily be attached to any characters or stories you have now– it’s just meant to help you see for yourself what kind of stories call to your heart.
F O R B I D D E N RO M A N C E- like please guys, you don’t know how badly I want one of these. What’s more drama filled than two people who should not be together at all? C’moooooooooooon Drugs- I have always always been involved in the drug scene in Swynlake. Taka, Lock, Tink, and now Des. I love fucking people up with drugs and exploring those motivations. Coffee shop au type romance/bromance Slow burn, something that starts as nothing and then sooooo slowly turns to something more Friendships Frenemies
OPTIONAL: Why do you RP?
I RP because it’s still my escape. I enjoy it more than I enjoy most things. It gives me an outlet to channel whatever it is I’m feeling and don’t we all need that. Not to mention Mk and Lauryl own my soul at this point and there is no hopes of me ever actually leaving this place.
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jeon-jungkxook · 7 years
La Douleur Exquise | 01
Summary: “It was a question you had worn on your lips for days - like a loose thread on your favorite sweater you couldn’t resist pulling - despite knowing it could all unravel around you.
’Do you love me?’ you asked.
In his hesitation, you found your answer.”
Genre: Soulmates!Taehyung (ft. Jeon Jungkook); Smut + Angst; Hanahaki Disease (not my idea) 
La Douleur Exquise - French: (n.) the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable.
You were six years old when you discovered that not all roses were red. It seemed ignorant to believe that those kinds of flowers can only come in one color, yes, however those were the only types of roses you ever grew up around. You were on a field trip with your first grade class to a farm, seated next to the new kid in your school.
Kim Taehyung.
Apparently, you were the best student in your class and your teacher thought of that as the perfect excuse to push the boy onto you - forcing him to shadow you for the past week and a half.
Taehyung was a shy boy, keeping to himself and never causing any trouble. He barely spoke to you even when you attempted several times to start up a conversation of some sort. He’d only provide you with a one-worded reply, making you feel as though you did something to him - but you knew better than to think that of him.
“So,” you turned to the child and watched as his round eyes widened, resembling saucers, as his head snapped in your direction. His hands began to fidget with the hem of his bright green sweater and he trapped his bottom lip in between his teeth, visibly chewing on the flesh there.
“Do you like the farm?” Taehyung’s breath hitched in his throat as he let his eyes travel down to your bright pink lips. The way they formed a genuine smile was so heart-warming, but that didn’t stop his heart from beating a mile a minute.
How was he supposed to answer this? Of course he loved the farm, after all he’d grown up there with his grandmother. He wanted to tell you all about the crops he helped her to grow, his favorite cow he named Luna, and more - he just couldn’t, and he didn’t know why.
“U-um, yes. I used t-to live on a f-farm with my grandma,” he stuttered.
Taehyung watched as your eyes lit up in surprise, and he wondered what could’ve made such an expression dominate your features. Little did he know that he - finally, replied with more than two words. You could tell that he was nervous, as he was around everyone he interacted with, but at least he was warming up to you (if that’s what you could even call it).
“Really?” You gasped, casually placing your right hand over his quaking ones. At this, Taehyung flinched ever-so-slightly but he didn’t pull away - and soon enough, he halted his fidgeting fingers as he let his cold hands rest under your warm ones. “What was it like?”
Soon enough, Kim Taehyung, the kid you thought would never say anything other than ‘yes’ or ‘no’, was opening up to you - telling you about Luna, the crops he grew, and the garden that he visited everyday.
“I really do love flowers,” he smiled up at you. “My favorite is Baby’s Breath and my grandma’s are roses - the white ones-”
“There are white roses?!” You squealed, and Taehyung peered up at you with confusion lingering in his chocolate brown orbs. “Yes,” he whispered.
“I though roses were only red!” You gasped, and Taehyung found sudden interest in the ground beneath him as you babbled about your stupidity for thinking that only red roses existed.
“You’re not stupid, (Y/N),” he chuckled - and that was the first time he’d ever said your name. Your eyes widened as your left hand came to cover your mouth. You didn’t even know he’d known your name until this moment, and before you could stop yourself, you were throwing your arms around the boy next to you.
“Taehyung, you said my name!” You whispered in his ear as he stilled. What was so great about saying someone’s name? Apparently (Y/N) liked hearing her name, Taehyung thought. Why else would she react this way? But then it hit him - that was the first time he’d said your name, and a pang of guilt and regret swirled in the center of his chest.
You’d been nothing but generous, sweet, and caring towards him and he repaid you by giving you the silent treatment? He didn’t mean to, but that didn’t stop the remorse from seeping into his veins and swallowing him whole - and soon enough, Kim Taehyung was wrapping his arms around your waist, letting his forehead rest on the junction between your neck and shoulder.
“Yeah, I did,” he grinned.
You were thirteen years old when you learned about soulmates. You were in the girls’ restroom, seated on the toilet in one of the many stalls when you overheard a conversation about soulmates.
“I’ve heard that once you share a kiss with your soulmate, you get a gaurdian angel that does anything and everything to make sure that you end up with your other half,” one of the girls squealed as the others all let out ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’.
“But,” she continued. “Let’s say the girl believes in soulmates but the boy doesn’t. The boy will never get an angel to guide him to his other half. This can also happen if the boy doesn’t feel the same way about the girl after the kiss is shared.”
“Wow,” another girl sighed. “This is just- wow!”
“Wait so,” a high-pitched girl interrupted. “Let’s say after a while the boy starts to fall in love with the girl - or he starts to believe in soulmates. Will his gaurdian angel appear?”
“Hell no! He’s on his own even if he does start to love her.”
Those girls knew everything about soulmates, you thought. Eagerness coursed through your veins as your lips stretched into a wide grin. “I’m ready to find my soulmate when the time’s right!” You whispered after the group of girls exited the bathroom. “Even if my soulmate doesn’t love me or doesn’t believe in that stuff, I’ll love him and get him to feel the same way about me!”
Little did you know how wrong you were about that small statement - nor did you know much you’d hate roses later on in life; especially the white ones.
That day at lunch, you skipped over to your table where Taehyung sat - patiently waiting for your arrival. Once the boy spotted you, his beautiful brown eyes that you’d loved so much were widening with happiness as a smile grew on his plush lips.
Taehyung had grown to be a more out-going boy, making friends here-and-there and even becoming a ‘social butterfly’. After your encounter with him at the farm, you two were best friends - and you liked it that way. In fact, you loved it that way, just the two of you spending time together. Sure, he’d hang out with his other friends, but he would always try his best to include you and you were grateful for that.
“Finally! I thought you were gonna ditch me or something,” Taehyung laughed in a very nervous manner.
The boy had come a long way from the anxious mess he was back in first grade - but that didn’t mean he never showed small, yet noticable signs of anxiety at least once a day. “Of course not, Tae,” you chuckle, and his tensed shoulders relaxed a bit.
During your seven years of friendship, you’d also learned that Kim Taehyung was a very emotional person - and he also had a very low self-esteem (which you were working on building up daily). “C'mon, let’s eat lunch,” you breathed as you took a seat across from him, opening your lunch box.
That day, you told Taehyung about soulmates as well as the pros and cons of finding one. He seemed intrigued and his hand even found yours to give it a light squeeze. “This is great and all, but just remember that whoever our soulmates are - we stay friends. Don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of our friendship, okay?”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you gazed at the boy in front of you. Never have you heard such a deep, touching statement come out of Kim Taehyung’s mouth, but you agreed without hesitation - returning his squeeze and nodding your head.
You were now nineteen years of age, headed to a frat party with Taehyung. Six years has passed now, and Taehyung had grown into a beautiful man. His hair was recently dyed a dark brown, and his ears were peirced - on his left ear, he had three peircings while his right ear only held two earrings. Nonetheless, Kim Taehyung was one hot guy, to say the least. Not only has his features changed, but his voice had transfigured into a sound so deep, that it resembled Satan himself. He’d also grown into a man that - if you didn’t know any better - didn’t know what shy or quiet meant.
“Okay, this is it,” Taehyung breathed as he turned his vehicle off and stepped out, jogging around to the other side in order to open the door for you. A gentleman.
You wore light blue skinny jeans, medium-sized rips in the knees of your pants, and on your upper half was a black, long-sleeved crop top. Meanwhile, Kim Taehyung was clad in black, leather skinny jeans and an oversized, white Puma sweater. Casual, yes, but he still looked as if he could be a model. In other words, you had a major crush on your best friend, for approximately seven months.
Taking your hand in his large ones and lacing his fingers with yours, Taehyung pulled you towards the booming house. “I wanna get drunk tonight, and you’re gonna do it with me,” he grinned, and your eyes widened in horror.
“Then who the hell is going to get us back home?” You said as you slapped him playfully on his broad shoulder with your free hand. “Don’t worry about that. We could crash here or just sleep in the car,” he suggested and you shook your head in disapproval, yet the thought of getting drunk didn’t bother you as much as it should’ve.
School was tough these past few weeks and you just needed to forget about all of that for at least one night. Without another thought, you were looking into your best friend’s big brown eyes and giving him a wide grin.
“Let’s get drunk, then!”
About two hours later, you and Taehyung were a ‘drunken mess’. You were both seated in a large circle now, waiting for the game of Spin the Bottle to begin. The boy sat across from you and next to you was Hoseok and Yoongi - two of Taehyung’s close friends.
“Alright! We’re starting!” Hoseok, the owner of the house, yelped. “I’ll go first.” The man reached for the empty beer bottle and, with a flick of his wrist, the object was spinning until it stopped - facing a girl who was in your psychology class, yet you had no clue who the hell she was.
Hoseok’s eyes lit up as the two crawled towards the middle of the circle and locked lips for about a minute. You watched as the girl practically melted into the boy’s touch whilst Hoseok slid his tounge into her mouth. But soon enough, the kiss was over and it was your turn to spin the bottle.
Completing the same exact action as Hoseok had done when getting the bottle to move, you watched as it spun and spun until it landed on a very familiar face. Taehyung eyed you with a smirk as he made his way to the middle of the circle and you moved a bit slower than he had, but you reached him nonetheless.
Before you were even able to take in a shaky breath, Taehyung was crashing his lips onto yours, his hands snaking around your waist and you moved your arms to wrap them around his neck. His lips were soft, but slightly chapped, and they moved along with yours. Soon enough, his wet muscle was swiping across your bottom lip, silently asking for access, and you obliged a second later.
His tounge explored every inch of your mouth, leaving nothing untouched - and when it came to slide across your teeth, you sucked the pink muscle into your mouth, earning you both roars of excitement from the others that surrounded you.
Taehyung was the first to break away from the kiss as he gazed at you with eyes that had darkened significantly. “Let’s go get another drink,” he smiled as he took your hand, leading you to the nearby kitchen. As he lead you to said kitchen, you felt an unfamiliar tingling that traveled from the tips of your toes to the center of your chest. It was a calming sensation, yet it bothered you simply because you didn’t know where it came from.
Once you reached your destination, Taehyung grabbed a solo cup, taking a gulp out of it before handing it to you. You looked up at the boy as you emptied the remaining contents into your mouth, receiving a wide smile from the opposite.
Taehyung was way too drunk to comprehend what had just gone on between the two of you, but you had sobered up a bit due to the strange tingling. Maybe it was just the alcohol, or the weed you could smell from a mile away. Who knows?
Certainly not you.
“That was fun wasn’t it-” Taehyung began. You peered up at your friend in confusion to find him eyeing a woman that’d just entered the kitchen. She wore a pair skin-tight jeans that adorned her curves, and on her upper half was a spaghetti strap crop top with a v-neck so deep, she might as well be wearing nothing but her bra.
She’s probably one of those whores I’ve heard about, you thought. But you were very wrong, and you learned that when Taehyung strode over to the girl and gave her a small, yet meaningful embrace.
“Rose! It’s so good to see you,” Taehyung beamed, resting his hands on her shoulders.
“You too, Tae!” She blushed.
Taehyung wrapped his muscular arms around the girl’s waist and leaned down to give her a peck on her lips. They both giggled and joked around, forgetting that you were even in the room to begin with.
That’s when you felt it for the third time that day. The heat began at the tips of your toes and, unlike the first or second time, it didn’t take its time rushing to your midsection. The heat was a bit too warm to be called comfortable, and instead of settling in your chest, it raced to your stomach sending stabbing pains to your abdomen.
Hunching over, your scurry to the nearest restroom and swing the door open, thankful that it was vacant of any horny couples. You kneel over the toilet, making sure that you shut and lock the door before doing so, and inhale deeply.
This was definitely not the alcohol, it was something deeper, painful even - and a couple of minutes later, it had you heaving up the alcohol you had consumed earlier. But you weren’t done yet. As soon as all the contents of your stomach was into the toilet bowl, you began to cough up something soft and silky.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you grasp your chest as the contents spill out of your mouth once more. Once your were - finally - done with your little vomiting extravaganza, you peeled your eyes open to find millions of medium-sized rose petals swimming in the toilet water.
But they weren’t just any rose; they were the white ones - the ones 6-year-old Kim Taehyung showed you at the farm, the ones that you labeled as your favorite flower ever since that day.
After cleaning yourself up by the sink, you unlock the wooden door and walk out of the restroom as if you hadn’t just gagged up flower petals. You couldn’t stay here and watch as Taehyung and that girl groped and kissed each other as if they were in the confines of their own room - when they were actually in someone’s fucking kitchen.
Entering the room in which the two stood, you went up behind Taehyung and grabbed the car keys out of his back pocket - where he always kept them. The boy whipped his head around to face you, shock and confusion written on his handsome face.
“(Y/N)!” He breathed. “Ah, don’t do that shit. You scared me.” Taehyung visibly relaxed and his features contorted into that of worry. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m going home,” you deadpanned. “I’m not feeling too good, maybe you can get a ride from… Rose - that’s her name right?” You pointed your index finger at the silent woman and her gaze shifted to you.
“Um, are you sure? I could just come with you now-” you cut him off.
“No! It’s fine, I don’t wanna ruin your fun or anything,” you give him a fake smile, and you know he doesn’t believe you but he doesn’t push any further.
“Fine, see you when I get back!” He waves you off as he hands the solo cup in his hand to Rose, letting her drink from him for a bit.
When you arrived at you and Taehyung’s shared apartment, you entered the shower, basking in the hot water as it hit your skin. You decided that you wouldn’t bother to wash your hair tonight, as you were too drained to do so.
After your shower, you threw on your pajamas and hopped onto your queen sized bed - enveloping yourself in your white down comforter. As if on que, you yawned as you stretched your body, hugging one of your fluffy pillows close to your body - and seen enough, you were drifting into a deep slumber.
You woke up to a tall, dark figure gently removing your comforter from your body. Eyes widening in horror, you sat up to find - not Taehyung - but a total stranger. “W-who are-” you began to shout, but the man was quick to cover your mouth with his large hand.
“Shh,” he gave you a warm smile. “I’m not here to hurt you; I’m only here to protect you, okay love?” Your mouth went dry as you had no words for this man. A second later, his warm hand was off of your mouth and you watched as he made his way to your beside table, where your lamp sat. The figure turned on the source of light and made his way back to you and pointed at your top.
“That’s going to have to come of,” he breathed and you snapped your head in his direction. “So you can put on a new one,” he finished.
“B-but this one isn’t dirty,” you whispered, peering up at the handsome man with furrowed eyebrows. “I am fully aware of that,” he chuckled. You watched as his doe eyes crinkled into little crescent moons as his grin widened and his pearly whites were revealed.
“But I just need you to do it, okay? Trust me.” With that, the man was stripping himself of his white T-shirt and placing it beside you on your bed. Before you could even say anything, he was reaching for the hem of your shirt and lifting it over your head.
You we’re so flabbergasted that you didn’t even move to cover your exposed chest, but the man seemed to not pay much attention to that part of you anyway.
Thank fuck.
“Uh, can I at least ask you who you are and why you’re here?” You asked, breath shaky. “I’m Jungkook,” was his only response.
“Okay, so why are you here?”
Instead of receiving a reply, Jungkook went on to his knees and hooked his long fingers around the spandex of your joggers, pulling them down. You still weren’t able to move, as his actions flustered you to the maximum.
Once you were free of any clothing, safe for your underwear, Jungkook got to his feet once more and grabbed his T-shirt, pulling it over your head. “There,” he sighed with an emotionless face. “Lay down, love.” Without as much as a second thought, you obliged and got comfortable on your pillow, pulling your covers over you.
You heard Jungkook shuffling around the room and you peeked from under your covers to find him removing his own joggers and pulling his underwear down with it. “What the fu- Jungkook! What are you doing?!” You squeaked.
“Just go to sleep, don’t worry about me,” he whispered back, the slightest bit of annoyance lacing his words. How could one fall asleep when a handsome stranger was stripping right in front of them? You watched as Jungkook threw his underwear somewhere across the room as he did the same to your previous clothing. He then pulled his light grey joggers back on, his upper half still bare - revealing his chocolate abs and his strong arms.
You silently watched as Jungkook made his way to the side of the bed that you weren’t laying on and climbed in, but not quite laying down just yet. “Ugh,” he puckered his face in shame. “I almost forgot.”
Before you were able to ask what it was that he forgot, Jungkook was pulling you up in a sitting position - and the next minute, he had his hand right above your chest area. You suddenly began to feel a tinge of warmth along with a small, bearable pain on your collarbone. A couple more seconds, and Jungkook was removing his hand as he admired whatever the hell it was that he’d just done to your body.
“What did you do…?” You questioned, not quite trusting this man, for you’d only knew him for about a half an hour. “Don’t worry about it, you’ll find out tomorrow, now lay down and go to sleep.”
You were too lazy to ask him anymore questions, so you did as you were told and got into your sleeping position. That was soon interrupted when you felt the boy scoot closer to you and turn you around so that you were in a spooning position (him being the big spoon, of course).
Jungkook’s arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer - if that was even possible at this point - and he nuzzled his nose into the junction between your neck and your shoulders.
Warmth crept up your neck and settled on your cheeks as you felt Jungkook’s breath on the shell of your ear. Not only did you feel his cool breath, but you also felt his penis pressing on to your butt which had your breathing come to a halt, but you quickly found a distraction.
“Oh! The light is still on,” you said in a way too enthusiastic manner. Removing yourself from the boy’s body, you reach to turn off the light and go back to laying down - this time in a position of your choice. “What are you doing?” He asked as you layed down, facing him and his arm automatically slung around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“I like this better, I could feel your dick the other way,” you shamelessly told him and watched as his features contorted into that of amusement. “I see,” he replied. “Go to bed now.”
As your eyes fluttered shut, you took a deep breath when you felt a soft pair of lips, which you assumed was Jungkook’s, connect with yours. “Goodnight, love. I’m here now; your guardian is here.“
And with that, you’d fallen into a deep slumber - for the second time that night.
Author’s Note: Taehyung is a mess and Jungkook stripped in front of you hehe… I’m finally posting again!!! Sigh, it’s been rough this school year but I’ve mustered up enough courage and time to create LDE. Tell me what you think about it, asks and comments are always appreciated whether it be good or bad bc we all know there’s always room for improvement. Look forward to part 2!!!
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roseonhissleeve · 6 years
Have A Little Faith: Chapter Eleven
“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”
- Stephenie Meyer
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I was woken up by a knock on my door the next morning.
I brought a fist up to my eyes and rubbed gently, my lips forming a small “o” as I slipped out of bed. The sunlight shone through the crack in the curtains as I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and swung the door open, hair a tangled mess and eyes still puffy from sleep.
I was greeted by Harry’s grinning features as he stood there with what looked like a small box in his hands and a guitar slung across his back. My vision was still adjusting to the light in the room, and a flash of confusion struck my own face, but it was quickly replaced by a light smile at his presence.
“G’morning, love,” he stated proudly, the curls that were beginning to grow out above his ears making him look all the more charming.
“Harry, what are you doing here so early?” I asked, leaning over to rest my head against the door as I exhaled a soft laugh.
“What do you mean? It’s ten o’clock, Ro,” he chuckled, and my eyes widened slightly. I glanced back into my room to read the time that was on the clock on my nightstand. Well, I’ll be damned.
“And I’m here because I thought that we could maybe just have a lazy day in today,” he offered, raising the box towards me a little bit as if to emphasize his words. I took the box from his grasp and lifted the lid to reveal a neat stack of cannoli’s. It made me grin.
“These are my favorite!” I exclaimed, clutching the box to my chest softly.
“I know, you ate like, five hundred of them a couple days ago,” he teased with a boyish grin, waggling his eyebrows.
“You’re just jealous you couldn’t keep up,” I gigged, shutting the box with a grin. I stood up on my tiptoes suddenly to press a soft peck against his lips—it felt natural and comfortable, and I could tell that he hadn’t been expecting it because his body tensed for just a moment before relaxing all over.
I lowered myself onto the soles of my feet with a sleepy smile, gazing into his eyes before turing on my heels to walk into the room.
“Are you gonna come in, Styles, or are you gonna stand there and think about how I just hustled you out of your half of the cannoli’s?” I announced over my shoulder, plopping down onto my mattress and opening the box on the bed.
“I always knew that boys were trouble,” I said to myself, grabbing a cannoli and taking a bite. It was delicious and I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I’d taken a bite.
“Boys are trouble, eh? Does that make me trouble?” He seemed to like the sound of that, and he slipped his guitar off of his back and set it against the wall. He plopped right down next to me in the bed, his face pressed against the mattress as he exhaled a soft grunt.
“Makes you the biggest trouble. And you probably have cooties, too,” I stated as a matter-of-fact, enjoying my breakfast and watching Harry on my bed. It should probably have felt weird, but there was nothing weird about it.
“Cooties? Well you’re probably infected then,” he retorted. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice even though it was hidden against the mattress, and I knew that he was talking about our kisses. My cheeks burned red, and I took a fingerful of cannoli filling and smeared it across Harry’s cheek that was closest to me. I watched as his muscles froze while he registered what I’d just done.
“You…little…menace….” he drawled, and I couldn’t help but giggle softly as he glanced up at me. Although he tried to sound angry I could make out a hint of a smile on the corner of his lips.
“Said you wanted some,” I replied cheekily, and took another bite out of my breakfast with a crunch. I watched as he looked at me for a long moment, and I couldn’t read what his features were giving away.
“What?” I asked softly, smile softening as I looked into his mesmerizing green eyes.
“I dunno,” he said, reaching to brush his thumb against my cheek. I relished in the feeling, tilting my head into it slightly. It sent butterflies through me. “I’ve just…never seen you this relaxed. I mean, no offense, love, but you’re kind of a high-strung little thing.”
I rolled my eyes at him playfully, lifting my hand to curl my fingers around his wrist gently. I didn’t take offense because I knew that it was true. I also knew that he was the reason for my newfound comfort.
“I feel relaxed,” I stated simply, falling over so I could lay down on my side and look in his direction. “Besides, you’ve said that already.”
It was true. Last night was the best sleep that I’d ever had, despite everything that had happened yesterday afternoon. I knew that my issues would still be waiting for me when I got home, but right now I was here with Harry and he made me happy. And after he left last night I decided that it was about time for me to stop dwelling over the past, and that was what I was going to do.
Harry and I ended up sitting out on the balcony of my room about half an hour later. I’d showered and put on clothes while he sat on my bed and plucked away at his guitar and finished the cannoli’s that I did leave for him. When we finally got settled outside I had a sketchbook in my lap with my pencils laid out on the table in between us. My glasses were sitting on the bridge of my nose and he was sitting across from me, plucking the strings of his guitar.
“So when are you gonna let me look at the rest of your drawings?” He asks nonchalantly, managing to continue playing his strumming pattern without interruption. I smiled a little bit at his question. He’d mentioned over the last handful of days that he wanted to look at them, but I refused every time.
“Why do you want to look at them? They could be awful,” I stated, even though I knew that they weren’t. I didn’t think they were professional or anything, but I knew that they weren’t bad.
“Because I have seen one, remember? Back in Barcelona,” he stated, and I smiled at the memory. His blue beanie and that first encounter seemed so far away in my mind even though it was less than three weeks ago, and it was funny how quickly things changed.
“I’ll let you see this one when it’s done, then,” I agreed, looking back down to the sketch in my lap. It was currently nothing but an outline of a generic face, but by the time I was done with it, it would hopefully look like Harry.
“I’ve never been drawn like this, you know,” he grinned smugly as he turned his attention back to the instrument in his lap.
“Haven’t your fans ever drawn you?”
“Well, I mean, yeah. But never like this, right in front ‘f me.”
“What, you’ve never been drawn like a French girl?” I snickered softly before glancing up at him only to be met with his gaze on me, and a wide grin. I had lost count of how many times I’d made him smile like that this morning, and that alone brought a burst of joy to my chest.
“Am I supposed to be Rose in this situation?” he joked, and he smiled at me for a few more seconds before turning his attention back to his music. I wished that I could capture that moment—the moment where his dimples appeared and his eyes lit up like I’d never seen before. But it was too quick and fleeting, and I realized that’s what made it so special. Too special to capture on paper.
The next half hour between us was spent in comfort, no sound between us other than the sweet music of his guitar. We were surrounded by the Italian scenery that was below the balcony, and every once in a while we both looked up at each other, only to smile and turn back to our activities. By then I was working on the outline of his jaw, and I had to admit that I was glad I finally had an excuse to look at his face as much as I wanted.
When I was about three quarters of the way done my drawing, Harry had finally settled into a consistent pattern of strumming and plucking that he was working on. It sounded soft, like a ballad, and I couldn’t wait to hear what it’d sound like when it was finished.
I felt a soft pang in my chest when I realized that it was quite possible that I wouldn’t be around to hear it. I didn’t know where this was going, and just like that, the new and relaxed Rosie was in danger of disappearing. I forced myself to push the thought aside and glanced down at my artwork again.
“Yeah, love?”
“Can you look at me while I sketch your eyes?” I said softly, and he immediately complied by lifting his gaze from his guitar, setting it aside and staring in my direction.
I’d been waiting for this for days now. I shifted my chair a little closer and leaned forward a bit more as I focused on getting his eyes just right. I bit my lower lip absently and furrowed my brows a little bit, occasionally looking back up from my sketch and into Harry’s eyes again, which never left my direction. Every so often his smile would widen just a little bit, and I’d almost lose focus.
It felt like the purest yet simultaneously most intimate thing I’d ever done.
“Alright…almost…done.” I finished, holding up the sketch so I could get a good look at it.
I couldn’t help but smile. There was something about having Harry in my book that made him feel more permanent. Like no matter how soon this ended, I’d always have him there.
“Can I see now?” He said, leaning forward onto his elbows as he simultaneously dipped his head to run his fingers through his cropped locks.
I bit my lip nervously and averted my gaze, which caused him to tut softly and shake his head.
“You promised, you goon,” he insisted.
“I did no such thing.”
“C’mon, Ro. Roooooooo. Roooooooooosiiiiiiiie,” He continued, which caused me to giggle softly and roll my eyes.
“Fine,” I gave in with a small huff.
“Perfect,” he stated proudly, leaning back into his chair and patting his lap as if he was telling me to sit. I looked at him hesitantly for a moment before standing up and walking over to settle into his lap.
“Am I too heavy?” I muttered a bit self-consciously as I rested my body weight on his legs, to which he simply clucked his tongue in disapproval and looked at me with a stern expression.
“Don’t you even ask that,” he said simply, as if it was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. It made me relax into his hold even more, and I fidgeted with my sketchbook softly.
“Alright then, sweets. Let’s see,” he prodded gently, and I continued to nibble my lip and stare at my book before looking up at him again. I exhaled a soft sigh, and eventually I flipped the page open to the picture of him I’d been working on and held it up in front of me. I could feel his chin rest on me as he looked over my shoulder, and I immediately started holding my breath.
There was a long pause and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, which made me immensely nervous. I watched as he lifted his hand and gently pressed the pads of his fingers against the paper, and several seconds went by before he made a sound at all.
“Well, damn,” he muttered softly, and I could feel his breath on the skin of my shoulder. I looked back a little bit to see his features, my voice quiet.
He simply replied by pressing a soft kiss against my cheek. The gesture was tender and enough to fill my heart with emotions that were rushing in like never before—it was like the floodgates had opened, and there was no stopping them now.
“I love it,” he murmured softly, and the approval meant more to me than it probably should have. We spent the next little while flipping through my book and chatting about the places that I’d been. It was light and comfortable and it was a huge sense of relief and safety after yesterday which was filled with such turmoil.
Harry was light—he brought light to my life, and I knew I was in the process of falling for him. Hard.
Almost every cell in my body was falling in love with the idea of loving him.
Except the part of me that was screaming at me to stop.
Two days later, we were in Paris.
I was hesitant to come because of the whole “city of romance” thing. But it was one of the destinations that I wanted to go to, and I wasn’t going to turn it down just because I was a bit afraid.
“Harry, do you need help?”
“I‘m fine, love,” he insisted, carrying both of our bags down through the hotel lobby. We’d taken a taxi from the airport to the closest hotel that we could find. For the past little while we’d always stayed in different hotels because our bookings never matched, but for this one I hadn’t booked a hotel room yet so I was kind of at a loss.
I excused myself to use the restroom while Harry went to check in and see if they had another room available. By the time I got back he was standing in the foyer waiting for me, scrolling through his phone. His eyes flickered upwards as soon as he noticed that I’d returned.
“So there’s a problem,” he admitted, pursing his lips almost nervously as his brows furrowed.
“What is it?”
“They don’t have any extra hotel rooms,” he informed me, running his hand through his hair. I could tell that he was nervous about what he was about to say. “So we either have to go out and book you a room in another hotel…or you can stay with me in my room.”
My eyes widened slightly as he mentioned the possibility of me sleeping in the same room as him. Probably in the same bed. I hadn’t even considered it, and the fact that he’d asked caught me by surprise. He could tell how nervous and anxious the thought made me, because he reached out to take my hand in his.
“Hey, Ro…s’fine. S’not like we’re gonna do anything, I’ll even sleep on the floor. Just doesn’t make sense to stay in two separate places if all our plans are together, does it now?” He made sense, and I knew that he made sense, but all I could think about was how fast it was all moving. We’d gone from holding hands and kissing every now and then, which was nice, to staying in the same room and sharing a bed? I mean, he said that he’d sleep on the floor, but still…
“Hey, Ro. Ro, come back to me…” he murmured, grazing the pad of his thumb across the back of my hand. I looked back up at him, exhaling a small breath. “It’s up to you, alright? We’ll get you somewhere else if you want. It’s just an option.”
“Okay,” I exhaled suddenly, not even really processing what I was saying until I’d said it. Once I had, however, I felt myself smile a little bit despite the small bout of anxiety that I felt.
“Okay?” I heard Harry’s voice echo, and it was small and quiet and I barely heard it, but it was definitely there.
“Okay,” I confirmed for him, and the smile that spread across his lips was beautiful. I leaned down to grab onto my bag and give him a small nod, now committed to this decision no matter what happened. He looked at me for a long time, and I raised my brows. “Well, let’s go, then!”
“Right, right,” he said, scrambling to pick up his bag. I giggled a little and shook my head, muttering how much of a goon he is under my breath and walking over to the elevator.
We made our way up to the room without much conversation, just a bit of small talk here and there about the trip from the airport and the things we’d seen on the way to the hotel.
About half an hour later we were settling in when Harry spoke to me again.
“Hey, I’ve a question for you,” I heard Harry’s voice call out to me from the balcony. I was currently laying across the bed flipping through the pages of my book, but I bent the page at the top corner so I could look up and at Harry who was now peering into the room from around the corner.
“Shoot,” I said with a smile, criss crossing my legs on the bed. I watched as he walked over and closed the distance between us, laying down beside me on his stomach with his head resting on my pillow. He looked nervous, and a few seconds went by in silence before I prodded him further. “What’s on your mind?”
“Will you go out on a date with me?” He blurted out, his gaze faltering from mine before looking up at me again. I exhaled a small laugh, reaching to trace my finger along the sharpness of his jawline.
“Why were you so nervous to ask me that?” I questioned, gently sliding my fingers into his short tuft of locks that grew right behind his ear. His lids drooped slightly at the touch, and the small act alone made me giddy.
“If I recall correctly, the last time I asked you out on a date you said no. Had to find you all the way in another country to convince you,” he reminded me, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the reminder. I’d really made it hard on him in the beginning, and it was funny to think about how far we’d come in such little time. It might not have felt like a lot to him, but to me it felt like milestones and milestones.
“I think a couple of things have changed since then,” I reassured, flashing him a grin. “I will go out on a date with you.”
“A couple of things’ve changed, eh?” He repeated, a familiar smirk spreading onto his lips as he peered up at me. I felt the redness of my cheeks brighten and I reached over to grab a pillow and swat him upside the head.
“You know what I mean, you goose,” I huffed softly as he grabbed onto my wrist in a playful manner, bringing my hand up to his lips. He pressed several pecks against the top of my hand and his scruff tickled, causing me to grin.
“Nuh-uh, tell me what’s changed,” he insisted, guiding my hand to rest my palm against his cheek. I nibbled my lower lip nervously as I watched his features, feeling a mix of everything I’d felt since I’d met him all compressed in this one moment. Everything had changed.
I lowered my face to his, the tips of our noses just barely touching as our lips remained a mere inch apart. I then pressed forward to plant a delicate kiss against his lips—it sent a rush down my spine and the butterflies in my stomach danced just as much as that first time. It lasted several seconds before I pulled away to press a kiss to the tip of his nose, whispering softly.
“That changed.”
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
10. Skin Deep, Pt.1
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Storybrooke. Present. Mill's House. Morning. (Emma pulls on her top and tousles her hair before turning to look at the woman reclined contentedly on the bed.) Emma: (Smirks:) "So I guess I'll be walking Henry to school this morning?" Regina: (Utterly relaxed:) "Mmm." Emma: (Shakes her head and continues dressing:) "After sneaking out of the house and then ringing the doorbell so Henry doesn't suspect anything, right?" Regina: (Not really listening:) "As you wish, dear." Emma: "Right. (Sits on the bed to pull on her shoes:) You know, it's a shame you're not this persuadable all the time." Regina: (Sighs and shifts on the bed:) "I'm tough because I have to be, Emma. Besides, I know you enjoy a challenge." Emma: (Standing up and turning to face her:) "Well you're definitely the most challenging person I've been with." Regina: "And I'm sure that's quite the list." Emma: "Hey! Be nice. You need to work on that jealous streak." Regina: (Scoffs:) "Jealous?" Emma: "Oh, don't try and deny it. You're gonna tell me all that stuff with Gold wasn't about you being just a little bit jealous?" Regina: (Defensively:) "Mr. Gold and I have had our issues long before you arrived in Storybrooke, Miss Swan. (Emma stands over her just watching:) What is it?" Emma: (Smiles:) "I was going to say that green is not a good colour on you. But, seeing what you're wearing, that's not true." Regina: (Rolls her eyes:) "That was really lame, Emma." Emma: "Yeah, well it's early and someone kept me up all night, (Shrugs:) best I could do." Regina: (Laughs:) "Shouldn't you be going?" Emma: (Sits on the bed beside her:) "Regina, I don't want you worrying about Gold. He may be a superlative enemy but you are one superlative f-" Regina: (Slaps her arm:) "Don't be vulgar." Emma: (Smirks:) "You weren’t complaining last night." Regina: "Out, Miss Swan, now." Emma: (Beams:) "I'm going, I'm going. (Gets up and heads for the door:) Have a good day, Madam Mayor." (As the door closes, Regina smiles briefly before her mind inevitably returns to revenge.) Regina: (To herself:) “Gold.” (She throws off the covers and gets out of bed.)
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The Enchanted Forest. Past. Maurice's Castle. (Belle, Gaston, Maurice, a steward and several others study a map of nearby regions.) Steward: “Sir, there's news from the battlefield. Avonlea has fallen.” Maurice: “Oh, my gods...” Gaston: “If only he had come...” Maurice: “Well he didn't, did he? (Crosses the room:) Ogres are not men.” (Sits down on the throne seat.) Gaston: “We have to do something, we have to stop them.” (Belle crosses the room to Maurice.) Maurice: “They are... unstoppable.” Belle: “He could be on his way right now, Papa.” Maurice: “It's too late, my girl. It's just... too late.” (There is a banging at the door.) Belle: “That's him! That has to be him.” (Everyone approaches the door.) Maurice: “How could he get past the walls? Open it!” (Some guards open the door; revealing no one standing in the hall.) Rumplestiltskin: (Sitting on Maurice's throne:) “Well, that was a bit of a let down! You sent me a message, something about, ‘Help! Help! We're dying. Can you save us?’ (Gaston points his sword at him:) Well the answer is... (Rumplestiltskin smacks the blade away:) Yes, I can. Yes, I can protect your little town... for a price.” Maurice: “We sent you a promise of gold.” Rumplestiltskin: “Ah... now, you see, um... I uh... make gold. What I want is something a bit more special. My price... is her.” (Points to Belle.) Maurice: “No.” Gaston: (Shielding Belle with his arm:) “The young lady is engaged... to me.” Rumplestiltskin: “I wasn't asking if she was engaged. I'm not looking for love! I'm looking for a caretaker... for my rather large estate. It's her, or no deal.” Maurice: “Get out. (Points to the door:) Leave!” (Gaston pulls Belle back with his arm.) Rumplestiltskin: (Walking toward the door:) “As you wish.” Belle: “No, wait! (Rumplestiltskin stops and turns as she crosses towards him:) I will go with him.“ Gaston: “I forbid it, Belle!” Belle: “No one decides my fate but me! I shall go.” Rumplestiltskin: “It's forever, dearie.” Belle: “My family, my friends... they will all live?” Rumplestiltskin: “You have my word.” Belle: “Then you have mine. I will go, with you, forever.” Rumplestiltskin: “Deal!” Maurice: “Belle... Belle... you cannot do this! Belle, please! You cannot go with this... beast.” Belle: “Father... Gaston... it's been decided.” Rumplestiltskin: “You know, she's right. The deal is struck. (Rumplestiltskin & Belle turn and leave the room.) Oh, congratulations on your little war!”
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Storybrooke. (It’s the day before Valentine's Day as Moe is unloading flowers from his delivery truck service: Game of Thorns.) Mr. Gold: “Well this is just perfect. I've been looking for you, Mr. French.” Moe: “I'll have your money next week.” Mr. Gold: “The terms of the loan were fairly specific... (To his henchman:) Take the van.” (The henchman proceeds to do so.) Moe: “Wait! No! Tomorrow's Valentine's Day! It's the biggest day of—I've got a grand in roses in the back! (Mr. Gold's henchman starts the van:) Stop! You've gotta let me sell them!” Mr. Gold: “I'm gonna leave you two to continue this conversation.” (Starts to walk away.) Moe: “Oh, this is no way to do business, Gold! You are the lowest! People aren't gonna put up with this!” (The truck is driven off; leaving Moe in the street. Mr. Gold walks down the sidewalk and comes across Regina.) Regina: “Mr. Gold. That was quite a show back there.” Mr. Gold: “Well, Mr. French is just having a bad day, happens to the best of us.” Regina: “I've been meaning to talk to you about something--” Mr. Gold: “Yeah, and the moment you have something I wanna discuss, we'll have that little chat.” Regina: (Blocks his path:) “No, we're gonna do this now. It'll only take a moment.” Mr. Gold: “Is there something eating you, dear? Something you need to get out in the open? 'Cause it's gonna have to wait, please.” (He walks away, leaving behind a confused-looking Regina, who is forced to obey his command due to the please enchantment.) Storybrooke. Granny's Diner. (David and Mary Margaret are seated at separate tables. At his own booth, David is reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.) Mary Margaret: (Noticing David's book title:) “Oh, you got the book!” David: “Yeah, yeah, I just started it. It's great. I can't wait to see how it ends.” Ruby: (Refilling Mary Margaret's coffee:) “Uh, I can push the tables together if you guys--” Mary Margaret: “Oh no, we're not together.” David: (Replying at the same time as Mary Margaret:) “No, it's--” (Emma arrives and sits at Mary Margaret's table across from her.) Emma: “Hey, David.” David: “Hey.” Emma: “Mary Margaret. So, fancy seeing you two here at the same time, again.” Mary Margaret: "I don't know what-" Emma: "Come on." (David gets up and leaves the diner, Mary Margaret watches him till the last moment then turns back to Emma.) Mary Margaret: “I know, I know, I know. I just like to... come here to see him.” Emma: “So, you're a stalker?” Mary Margaret: “No, not really. (Emma gives her a look:) Maybe a little bit. And it's not like I'm following him. I just know that he spends his mornings with Kathryn, gets coffee, then drives to the animal shelter to start work at 7:30, and then he's home around 5:00.” Emma: “Oh, is that all?” Mary Margaret: “Thursdays they pick up Chinese for dinner. (Emma gives a sympathetic look:) I can't get him out of my head.” (The diner bell jingles as Ashley walks with her daughter Alexandra.) Emma: “I know. Maybe the first step is not showing up here tomorrow.” Mary Margaret: “Valentine’s day? Ugh. Love's the worst. I wish there was a magic cure.” (Ashley hands Alexandra to Granny.)
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Ashley: “I hear that! Valentine’s day sucks.” Mary Margaret: “Ashley! I didn't--I didn't even recognize you!” Ashley: “Baby on the outside?” (She grabs a chair to sit down at their table.) Emma: “How's it going?” Ashley: “It's uh... I mean, baby's great. But, we really haven't had time to do the whole getting married thing, so... that's been rough and Sean's been working double shifts at the cannery.” Mary Margaret: “Well, he has to work.” Ashley: “On Valentine's Day? Yeah. He couldn't get out of it.” Emma: “I'm sorry, that sucks.” (Ruby brings Ashley a cup of coffee.) Ruby: “It doesn't have to! Come out with me! Let's have a girls' night! We can all go, Mary Margaret, Emma too, if you promise to leave the badge at home.” Emma: “I'm not really in the party mood, but you guys can all go and have fun!” (She exchanges a glance with Mary Margaret. Ruby walks away and Emma's phone goes off.) Mary Margaret: “What's that?” Emma: “It's the station. Something's up.” (She exits.) Storybrooke. Mr. Gold's house. (Mr. Gold walks up his front steps to see the door is ajar. Mr. Gold draws a gun and enters, walking slowly through the house. He turns to find Emma inside, also with a gun drawn.) Mr. Gold: “Sheriff Swan.” Emma: “Your neighbors saw your front door open and called it in.” Mr. Gold: “It appears I've been robbed.” Emma: “Funny how that keeps happening to you.” Mr. Gold: “Yeah, well, I'm a difficult man to love.” (They lower their weapons.)
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