#realizing this is my favorite type of (fictional) guy
rollercoasterwords · 13 days
What other fandoms do you think you’d write for? Or are you strictly an HP writer?
PS. Love ATWMD and THTF. Your writing is impeccable.
i’ve written a captive prince & succession fic as well so! & have also briefly written fics in some other fandoms when i was much younger which r now too embarrassing 2 name lmao
honestly not sure what other fandoms i’d write for it honestly just comes down 2 whether i’m gripped w an idea for certain characters…would love 2 escape hp fandom lol but i think part of why it’s sucked me in so bad is that i like fucking around w the holes in the canon universe…like most of the marauders fic i’ve written has been either canon compliant or canon divergent & me going “hmmm what would these characters do in this context” & now bc i’ve spent so much time thinking abt & writing them it’s just also becoming easy 2 plug these characters into aus 🤧
actually thinking abt my fic writing experience generally the thing that tends 2 make me wanna write fic is if there’s something abt canon that i wanna patch in…like my captive prince fic is just canon but from a different character’s pov & my succession fic is just “what if kenstewy were canon” lol. have thought abt writing aftg from andrew’s pov & the first book of the feverwake duology from dara’s pov simply bc that’s something i enjoyed doing w atyd & captive prince but never actually did…guess i could also see myself potentially writing spn fic if i came up w an idea i liked…& honestly i think if i ever reread trc i might go crazy for real & could then potentially decide 2 write fic who knows. but atp i feel like marauders fic has just become my comfort zone…it’s just a weird balance to strike where a story has to have characters i love but be unsatisfying (poorly written/queerbait/not actually queerbait but i’m delusional/would be fun 2 see from another character’s pov) enough that there r gaps i wanna fill. so like there r various stories/franchises/series i’ve loved where i’ve just never felt compelled at all 2 read or write fic bc i got everything i wanted out of the story etc!
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silvrhxnd · 3 months
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give me recs to add to this list :)
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voonroo · 7 months
Things They Do As Just "Friends"
Lucifer: Re-reads texts more than he would ever admit.
Mammon: Immediately looking at you after he says something funny to see your reaction.
Leviathan: Finding similar fictional characters who have the same MBTI types as you guys.
Satan: Has unspoken inside jokes with you that nobody else understands. (90% of them are insults for others.)
Asmodeus: Making sure that your appearance is always at its best whenever you're around him.
Beelzebub: Associating random things with you. (Colors, foods, etc.)
Belphgor: Stays up late to talk with you on the phone.
Diavolo: "My home is yours, you're always welcome and safe here."
Barbatos: Knowing your favorite everything and going out of his way to get things for you.
Simeon: Argues with a wall that platonic relationships are a thing. (He doesn't realize that getting you flowers on special occasions is something that mainly couples do.)
Solomon: Being your home away from home.
Word Count: 151
This was mainly set in Nightbringer but could be interpreted for either game.
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pshcomforts · 4 months
➳ line without a hook | psh.
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collegestudent!sunghoon x fem!reader (feat. sanha from astro)
“all my emotions feel like explosions when you are around”
synopsis: you and sunghoon have been friends since high school and though you guys can’t admit it, you two are in love with each other.
warnings/content: written in third pov. college au. friends to lovers. idiots in love. fluff! slight angst? sunghoon gets jealous (i always make him get jealous hehe). happy ending. sickly amount of “loser” & “idiot” used a lot as nicknames. suicide jokes. cursing and not proofread. i think that’s it?
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 6.2k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s boyfriend), min-su (heeseung’s girlfriend), and ji-woo (jake’s girlfriend). another personal oneshot fav.
current song playing: line without a hook by ricky montgomery
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
0:32 ──|───────────────── 3:36
the early morning made its peaking cracks of sunshine as y/n arose in her bed.
she rubbed her eyes awake, hands reaching for her phone for the time.
[ 7:48 am ] — it read.
the girl groaned out a sigh. ‘whose idea was it to register for a 9am class again?’ she thought before swiping her screen to check her missed notifications. almost immediately, she jumped out of her blanket when finding a text from her friend, sunghoon.
hoonster :) :
y/n, you awake??
Wake up loser, I’m on the way
You better be awake when I come
“aw shit!” she yelled, pushing her tired body.
in a rush, y/n exhibited loud thuds of footsteps as she ran back and forth from the bathroom to get ready.
“don’t be here yet, don’t be here yet!” she uttered under her breath.
her hands shakily found some casual clothes once she was done with the bathroom area.
just then, her phone furiously buzzed.
“hello??” she spoke.
“hey loser, you ready yet?” she heard sunghoon ask on the other side.
immediately, her heart thumped. she felt the butterflies of a high school type of crush hit her stomach. she swallowed down her feelings for her friend as she murmured, “you’re already here?”
hoon gave a quiet chuckle that exerted more butterflies to flood her abdomen. “yes dummy, i’m waiting at the front of your house. hurry up, we’re gonna be late!”
y/n groaned out a sigh after coming into the realization that her crush was still her asshole friend after all. “okay, okay! i’m coming out now!” she yelled, digging her feet into her favorite shoes before running out.
a few seconds later and sunghoon found the girl he’s liked since high school burst out of her house. a half smile tugged at his lips as he watched her quietly fume out a few words that he figured was most likely about being late.
his eyes formed into half moon crescents in a glistening look, heart and mind directly falling in the thought of being in her presence.
his car doors clicked and in came y/n.
she huffed out a few breaths of air before buckling her seat in. “now why the hell did i choose a 9am class??” her hand reached to her chest, feeling her heart beat like crazy.
sunghoon chuckled. he was in complete love and there was no doubt about that. “because you wanted a class with me, loser.” he joked, hands reaching down to his cup holder.
the girl shot him a glare — “excuse me? you were the one who said ‘let’s do chemistry 2A together,’ and now we’re both struggling!”
he cackled out another laugh as he merged the car into the next lane. “yeah yeah, you know you wanted that class with me.”
y/n huffed out a sigh in annoyance. “hoon, i swear-“
“got you some coffee, i know you’ll probably need it.” he said, quickly cutting her morning anger off.
there it was again. that nervous sensation bubbling inside of her. “you did??” her head tilted down to find her attractive friend hand her the cup of coffee.
this is what friends did right? pick them up? get them coffee? have a class together? surely, sunghoon thought of her just as a friend?
no. the two were idiots in love, but they liked it. the mixed signals. the chemistry. the tension. they loved the game of push and pull, and it became obvious to everyone but them.
“don’t act so surprised,” the handsome male intruded her thoughts. “i’m nice to you.”
y/n automatically scoffed at his words. “nice?? you are anything but nice, park sunghoon.”
the car screeched to a stop with a red light in front of them, causing him to glance back at her. “so if i’m not nice to you, what’s this then? picking you up, hm?” one of his thick brows raised in question as his inner lips softly curled.
the girl had to look away with how handsome he looked. just a simple stare could set her heart off.
“shut up, hoon. we’re friends, this is what we do.” she playfully rolled her eyes as he widened his smile.
“yeah.. friends.” he murmured. his heart lightly sank at the friend zone but he couldn’t dare to do anything else other than stare back at the road. “take the coffee, will you? i need to drive, unless you want us to crash.”
y/n gasped at his suicidal joke but quickly turnt it into a mount of giggles. “do it, sunghoon! crash us! i don’t want to go to chemistry.”
sunghoon immersed into laughter as well, shaking his head at how his favorite girl just joked about death. “sorry, looks like we have to make it through another day of torture.”
she sighed. “fine but if the professor asks why we’re late, i’m blaming you.”
“right back at you,” he snorted with a head shake, causing the girl to nudge his arms.
y/n rolled her eyes before turning her attention to her phone.
jake’s girl 🫂:
are you guys almost here??
sunoo’s been wondering
y/n <33:
well tell sunoo to hold on bc we still have to find parking!
jake’s girl 🫂:
girl your class starts in like 20 minutes!
jungwon’s bae 🩶:
Just get your butt over here!
hee’s fav 🤍:
hee and i are about to leave before you guys show
y/n <33:
LMFAOO we’ll be there soon!
“hurry up, hoon! they’re waiting!”
sunghoon made a ‘tsk’ noise with his tongue as he said, “i can’t go pass the speed limit here y/n. what do you want me to do?”
she groaned out a sigh before crossing her arms. “geez hoon, you’re driving like a grandma.”
“i’m sorry, speedy, i don’t want to get a ticket this early in the morning.”
the girl smiled as she watched him pull up to a parking spot. “finallyy! you parked far but..,”
“just shut up and walk, loser.” he responded, ruffling her hair before walking out of the car.
she clicked her tongue as she obeyed, slinging her heavy bag around her shoulders. as she did so, she felt the weight suddenly relieve off of her.
y/n turned her direction to where her friend was, and found him carrying her bag.
“hoon what-“
“i can see you practically struggling and well.. you’re weak so i’ll carry it for you.”
she rolled her eyes before letting him in proceed. “that’s sweet but that’s still asshole-like.”
hoon chuckled at her words as he held her bag around his shoulders. “come on, we’re gonna be late.”
the two rushed to their friend group, legs speeding through campus to find them huddled in a corner.
“finally! you guys took so long,” min-su groaned.
y/n laughed before sending a smack to her arms. “shut up, we’re here now!” she yelled back as she gave a soft nudge.
sunghoon chuckled, laying his arm on his friend’s shoulder in comfort. “she woke up late as usual,” he said, ruffling his own hair. “that’s why you don’t see her with her usual makeup on.”
the girl took offending, gasping in shock before harshly hitting his arm. “i hope that bruises, loser!” she cackled out a laugh as she proudly nodded.
hoon rubbed his arm while displaying a smile on his face. “never, i’m too strong.” he teased with a shit eating grin.
the group shared their laughs before ji-woo intruded — “stop being lovey dovey, your class starts soon!”
y/n groaned, ignoring her teasings about her and sunghoon as she replied, “you just had to remind me..,”
“shut up and go!” her friend yelled back, pushing her arm with a wide smile.
soon, y/n, sunghoon, and sunoo walked to their dreaded chemistry class while the others stayed together.
“why don’t we just ditch??” the girl murmured in a pout.
“you know we can’t y/n,” sunoo scowled.
“you guys suck.”
“just stay for the lecture, our exam is next week anyway,” responded sunghoon.
before she could give another remark, the three entered in the class.
with them being a little late, scattered seats filled the room, causing the three to separate. sunghoon and sunoo sat near each other while y/n sat about two seats away from them.
she huffed out a soft sigh as she plopped down. “let’s just go through this for the day..,” she murmured to herself.
hoon glanced at her from afar, pupils basically forming heart shapes in his eyes that had sunoo scoffing. his attention landed on the male who was only shaking his head.
“what?” sunghoon seethed through a clenched jaw.
“nothing.. loverboy.” sunoo snorted in a laugh afterwards, causing an irritating sigh to come out of hoon’s mouth.
“don’t call me that.”
“it fits you, surprised she hasn’t noticed yet with how much you stare at her.”
the older male quietly fumed in his seat, rolling his eyes as sunoo was spurting out every ticklish bone in his body.
“seriously, hoonie” sunoo teased — “she’s gonna notice at some point.”
“shut up,” sunghoon harshly whispered back, hands almost raising to send a smack like y/n always does.
“see? you’re picking up on her habits too.”
right when hoon was about to speak, the professor intruded in with a clear throat, hinting that class would be starting in seconds.
“deny it all you want, but you like the girl.” the younger boy softly said with a lean towards him. “don’t take too long though, someone else might steal her.”
sunghoon’s head popped up. he instantly looked at his friend with confusion/betrayal plastered across his face.
“not me, dumbdumb.” sunoo tilted his head towards y/n. “look who’s talking to her.”
almost immediately, hoon found his close friend talking to sanha — a guy in their class who was a few years older. he sat next to her, taking the empty seat and made small talk towards her.
“sanha??” he repeated the name with a scoff.
“you don’t have to be so obvious about your jealousy.”
“i’m not jealous,” hoon lied, an oblivious amount of red tinted on his ears.
the taller male began to ignore the remaining words sunoo spewed out, tuning it away so he could distract himself from the hurtful sight.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when what felt like long hours had finally passed, students scattered out of the class.
y/n stayed behind as usual, taking her time to gather her things when sanha approached her.
“hey, you said your name was y/n right?” he asked with glistening eyes.
“yeah, yours was.. sanha?”
her response that turned into a question caused a chuckle to erupt out of the tall boy.
“sorry, i have bad memory.” y/n quickly defended, allowing him to holler out a few more laughs.
“you’re okay, don’t worry. i was just wondering if we could exchange numbers? just if you want to have a study session together or something.”
the girl stood still in her stance. she’s never really been approached this way before. even if he was just being friendly, it’s definitely been a bigger step to how guys were upfront with her.
“oh.. yeah, sure!” y/n reached down for her phone and gave him the desired phone number.
it was then that sunghoon and sunoo walked in on the scene. “you ready?” the shorter male asked with lips pressing into a line.
“yeah, let me just finish this up.”
hoon took a quick glance down to her hands; watching how they softly grazed against some strangers burned his heart. he felt his blood boiling at how she was so politely nice to sanha.
“we don’t have all day,” he grumbled, causing a confused and annoyed glare to be shot at him from y/n.
she quickly turned back to sanha with an apologetic smile. “sorry, they’re in a rush more than usual. i’m always the one who has to rush them,” she cheekily said.
the older boy reflected the smile back as he warmly replied, “don’t worry, y/n, i can wait all day for you.”
sunghoon’s ears perked up at his words. ‘what is he trying to do? flirt with her?’ he thought to himself with a clear scoff in his throat.
the puff of air that left his mouth caused the three heads to turn to him. sunoo cackled out a laugh, hands on his mouth to shut himself up with amusement. he hit hoon’s chest while murmuring, “sorry he’s really cranky, he didn’t wake up on the right side of the bed today.”
y/n’s head cocked to the side. ‘but he seemed perfectly fine today,’ she thought. what an idiot.
“um, okay… well just text me when you want a study session.” she said to sanha, who began to furiously blush, pissing sunghoon off even more.
“hurry up, you’re taking a long time.” the boy who was jealous uttered in an eye roll.
she sent a glare towards him before turning her head back to sanha in a smile. “see you soon, sanha.”
he beamed an ear-to-ear grin to her before nodding and taking off from the scene.
“couldn’t have been more obvious that he liked you?” hoon unintentionally blurted in an eye roll.
“are you okay or what? why are you suddenly so bitter?” y/n shot to him with a side eye.
“yeah hoon, what’s wrong? cant handle seeing your friend get hit on?” sunoo intervened, raising his brows ever so slightly to display how much of an asshole he was being. he slung an arm around the girl, bringing her closer in his embrace as they walked out.
sunghoon let out a ‘pft’ before walking side by side with them. “why wouldn’t i be able to handle it? i’m shocked that some guy was even willing to ask for her number.” he said, causing a harsh push to be made from y/n.
“uh do i act like this when some girl asks you out?? no, i help you by giving advice..,” she rolled her eyes, ignoring the burning sensation in her heart before scooting her body closer to sunoo’s — allowing him to just chuckle alongside their bicker.
hoon huffed out a sigh. “can’t give you advice on this one then. sorry, loser.” he murmured. his attempt to play it cool was stupid, but the girl still bought into it with how annoying he was being.
“i didn’t ask for your advice, did i?” y/n snickered, causing another holler to be heard from sunoo.
sunghoon rolled his eyes and poked his tongue through his cheek. he hated how close she was suddenly becoming with their friend. usually, she’d be in his arms, his presence, and his care.
but all he could do for now was make snarky comments about some guy that asked for her number.
“so what? you’re gonna go out with this guy now? he’s gonna come to our hangouts now?” the annoyed boy half-heartedly joked, trying to let it come off as something playful with an awkward laugh.
his words only made sunoo and y/n look at each other. and with that, it only filled every inch of his body with more jealousy. he was a protective boy, what can he say?
he wanted to pull the girl he liked back into his arms but as much as he wanted to do so, they were still only friends — friends who joked and pushed each other around, not hugged.
so he scoffed once he realized it got quiet after what he said.
“what? our group is already big enough.”
“don’t tell me.. you’re jealous?” y/n replied, brows knitting together in shock.
sunghoon’s face began to blush in red, heart racing at how she suddenly figured him out. “what?? no. you’re stupid for thinking that.” smooth, sunghoon, real smooth.
she scoffed out a laugh as sunoo remained giggling. “you can admit it, i know you’re jealous.” she said with a tinting red starting to hit her cheeks as well.
her heart dropped at the thought that her longtime friend could be just ever so slightly jealous with who she was talking to. with their passing years of friendship, he never really took interest in her love life — or at least that’s what she thought.
the girl would tell him and he’d do his best in hyping her up, but she always secretly wished that he was the one she was excited about (and he did too).
but yet again, they were idiots in love.
“so are you gonna admit it?” she poked.
sunghoon rolled his eyes, jaw clenching with how well his favorite girl was provoking him. “what is there to admit?” he seethed.
sunoo laughed at his reaction. “geez, hyung, you don’t need to get too mad here.”
a scoff came out of the older male. “sunoo, stay out of this.” he murmured with a turned head.
y/n immediately took notice of hoon’s uncomfortable state and felt the need to stop. her light manner of stupid, silly jokes halted as she uttered — “okay let’s move on from this. should we meet with the others?”
“aren’t they in different classes right now?” sunoo asked, also attempting to move on from what just happened.
“well ji-woo’s in psych right now, i think min-su and dae are free, heeseung’s with them, jake’s in philosophy & ethnics, and jungwon’s in microbiology. and jay and niki are in.. forensics i think?”
sunoo and sunghoon looked at her in bewilderment.
“do you just know everyone’s schedule or what?” hoon asked, mouth gaping open in shock.
y/n sent a quick smack to his arms. there’s the girl he knew. “i have their schedule in my notes, don’t judge me! i just want to know our available times..,”
her crush grinned, eyes twinkling in delight of how thoughtful she was. “looking at everyone else’s schedule.. you’re such a loser.” he teased, smiling wide at her defended gasp.
she continued to bully him with a mount of insults and hits. sunoo watched it happen, shaking his head at how he suddenly began third wheeling.
“okay, okay, enough! dae and them are near us, let’s go meet them.” he intervened, swatting a hand between the two.
sunghoon’s heart filled with joy as he ruffled her hair. he heard her give a soft grumble, smacking his hand away that only caused him to laugh even more.
the three continued like this until they eventually reached the others.
“you guys got here a little late..,” dae murmured, side eyeing them.
“sorry, we got held back because some guy wanted her number.” sunghoon responded, feeling a hint of jealousy seep through.
min-su and dae immediately bopped their heads up. “oh??” they asked in unison, earning a chuckle from their friend.
“it’s nothing, this cute guy was just sitting next to me the entire lecture and asked for my number at the end.” y/n replied with a shrug to her shoulders.
“girl, nothing???” dae guffawed.
“cute? mm, i’ll have to see about that,” min-su added in.
with that, her boyfriend, heeseung shot his head up. “you want to see another cute guy when your boyfriend’s right here?” he pouted, causing his girl to melt right at the spot.
“no, baby, i just have to make sure he’s good for her!” she quickly defended.
the group giggled at the couples quarrel before sunoo intruded — “his name’s sanha though.”
sunghoon subtly rolled his eyes but it didn’t go unnoticed by heeseung. the older male looked at him in the eyes that spoke — ‘this must be bothering you huh?’ but hoon chose to ignore and act like he didn’t see it.
“hmm.. sanha.. do you have a picture?” dae questioned.
“she just met the guy, why would she have a picture??” the undeniably jealous guy spoke with anger in his throat.
y/n pushed her brows together before agreeing. “yeah i just met him so i don’t have a picture but..,”
“i guess we can’t see if he’s good for you, y/n..,” dae said. “i do know who’d be good for you though.”
the girl tilted her head to the side. “uh.. who?”
her friend wore a cheeky smile, brows slightly raising as he shifted his gaze to sunghoon, who immediately caught on and began to panic.
“yeah, who is this guy..?” hoon blurted, scratching the back of his nape.
“well he’s been jungwon’s friend for a while now and i’d like it if he had the courage to ask you out, but he’s been too fucking shy.”
y/n looked as if she was confused but she wasn’t stupid. she knew dae was talking about sunghoon, she just wanted him to actually admit it.
“who’s the guy? do i know him?” her coy tone was obvious to min-su and dae, and possibly sunoo but not her crush. no, he stayed oblivious but mainly because he was scared.
as dae was about to speak, sunghoon stopped him — “hey is that jungwon?? that’s him, right?” he pointed behind the boy’s back; and lo and behold, it really was him.
hoon’s ass just got saved and all he could do was sigh out in relief.
while jungwon’s boyfriend ran to the man in the distance, y/n exchanged a look with min-su that could only emphasize their telepathy.
heeseung noticed their look since he was alarmingly close to his girlfriend, and because of that, he spurted out soft laughs.
once jungwon came into everyone’s view, the topic was changed.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
after about an hour, jake texted that he was waiting for ji-woo and eventually, they came together, and then jay and niki as well.
“so are we gonna go eat?” niki asked.
“yes please, i’m starving!” y/n beamed, causing sunghoon’s heart to thud in his chest.
“where at?” jake’s voice spoke, scooting himself closer to his girlfriend’s embrace while pushing his glasses up.
“just anywhere,” min-su replied as her fingers clung around heeseung’s hands.
“okay let’s go to ‘anywhere,’ i heard that place is good!” yelled dae. the stupid joke earned a shrieking laugh from jungwon, popping his dimples as he kept hollering — “that was funny, babe.”
the group laughed as well, maybe not as much as won, but just enough.
eventually, they agreed on some fried chicken place and set out to leave. before doing so, the question that min-su just had to pop to y/n caught everyone’s attention — “so are you gonna bring your boyfriend?” sunghoon shot his head up, thick brows furrowing at the joke.
“boyfriend?? you got a boyfriend and we haven’t even met him yet?” jay instigated with a brow raise.
y/n nervously laughed once she felt aware of everyone’s stares. “that’s what we’re calling him now?”
“what the hell did i miss??” ji-woo asked, turning her head to min-su and dae.
as the two teasingly smiled, a low voice suddenly spewed, “he’s not her boyfriend.”
the attention that was once on y/n had now shifted to the voice that was evidently sunghoon’s. the girl he liked cocked a head tilt in confusion with how upset he sounded while the others were silently judging him.
jungwon had the look of — ‘you’re busted,’ and jake had the look of — ‘too obvious bro,’ whereas heeseung spoke with his eyes that said — ���min-su and i are definitely debriefing about this later.’
the rest of the members also exchanged glances that were somewhere along the lines of jungwon’s and jake’s.
as they all stared at him, sunghoon’s cheeks flushed with a deep color of red. “i was just um.. there to witness it, they’re not together.” he tried to play it off, but ji-woo was obviously not convinced.
“so you just witnessed it? that’s it?” she questioned towards the awkward male who was just nodding.
hating how quick the atmosphere became awkward, y/n broke the ice by saying, “okay okay, that’s enough. i’m hungry, let’s go.”
the tense moment passed and each couple went in their own transportation (as did sunghoon and y/n), allowing jay to drive sunoo and niki.
while hoon drove, y/n controlled the music.
“oh come on, stop putting this song on.” he grumbled.
“what! come on, it’s cute!” she defended, lightly slapping his arm.
the boy sent a scowling look as he replied, “it’s not cute, it’s sad and depressing.”
“hoon, it’s lily of the valley, how can you hate it??”
“it’s not the vibes right now,” he uttered while making a signal turn.
y/n rolled her eyes. she played the song because it was thee song she associated him with. “fine..,” she groaned, fingers typing fast to change the music.
silence filled the air for a second before another slow and steady song played, causing sunghoon to shoot her another look.
“this song is still sad, y/n.”
the song that she put on was ‘everything’ by the black skirts — another song she associated him with.
“excuse me, you like sad songs! that’s what we have in common, loser.” the girl fumed while crossing her arms together.
hoon let out a low chuckle that sent goosebumps down her spine. “play something more upbeat, these songs are like something you slow dance to.” exactly.
her heart pounded at his words before grumbling out a low sigh. “fine… but just because you never shut up about this song.”
a click to another song was made and ‘mad’ by neyo began to boom in the car.
sunghoon instantly wore a huge smile. “that’s more like it!” he beamed, glancing over at her to shine that deathly grin.
y/n felt a butterfly tingle in her stomach but ignored it with her random karaoke session with him.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
soon, the group found themselves gathered around a table with large mounts of fried chicken and fried goods in the center.
“let’s eat!” yelled one of the boys.
everyone began digging in and enjoying the food in front of them.
the couples sat across from each other, being love sick in watching their partner eat and be full on their tummies.
meanwhile, the single friends were in absolute disgust. every face morphed into horror as niki uttered — “we’re trying to eat here, stop that.”
ji-woo rolled her eyes at him as she squished her favorite boy’s cheeks, causing his glasses to slightly fall to the tip of his nose. jake gave a cheeky grin afterward as he muzzled his head further into her hands.
y/n nudged her. “ew ji-woo, don’t do that.”
“we’re cute, shut up.”
the single girl turned her attention to sunghoon who was also mirroring her facial expression. she cracked a laugh as soon as she saw him side eyeing his close friend.
“alright, just because you guys aren’t together, doesn’t mean that you guys can judge us.” min-su murmured. “but that is disgusting, ji-woo.”
the group erupted into harsh laughs afterwards, allowing a few to choke here and there on their chicken.
the night continued on and everyone soon went back to their light jokes about other things.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
eventually, the gang gathered out of the restaurant and left in their separate ways.
the couples left together of course, and jay took niki and sunoo — giving just sunghoon to take y/n home.
“are you gonna play better music?” he asked while getting in the car.
“um.. sure!” she beamed back.
he let out a soft chuckle before driving off to her address.
once the car ride that was filled with endless talks of past high school memories reached its destination (sorry that was long), sunghoon stopped the car with a soft screech.
“so i’ll see you tomorrow?” the tall male asked with a slight eyebrow raise. he leaned his head closer towards her, causing her heart rate to rapidly increase.
she gulped down her saliva before nodding her head. “yes, i’ll be more ready tomorrow..,” she murmured, voice weakening at the end to highlight her vulnerability.
he chuckled at her empty promise — “yeah you keep telling yourself that, i’ll be here around the same time.” his sparkly eyes trailed down from her lips and back to her eyes.
a nervous gulp was taken as he leaned in just an inch closer, leaving an obvious gap between them. the gap that defined their relationship. the clear boundary that was between friends and lovers.
it only lingered for a second before sunghoon pulled away, not letting any suspicions creep in with his feelings for her.
y/n panicked for a second. she felt the yearn for their lips to connect, but she, too, ignored it with the way he pulled away.
the girl rolled her eyes as she slightly smacked his shoulder. “whatever, bye hoonie!” she tried to break the awkward atmosphere.
his cheeks instantly grew red at the name call. she’s only used it on serious occasions and for her to just randomly call him that throbbed his heart.
“b..bye,” he nervously stuttered, mentally smacking his head afterward.
y/n beamed a smile, waving goodbye as she rushed out to avoid any other tension-filled moment.
soon, hoon drove off once confirming that she entered in safely.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
a week had now passed, and their exam for chemistry was coming up.
y/n walked into the class, shoulders slumping down as she was reminded of their test. a pout formed on her face while taking her seat next to sanha.
the boy beamed a sweet smile towards her, catching sunghoon’s attention and causing him to almost break his pencil in half.
“hey y/n.”
her head whipped up to sanha in an instant. “since our exam is coming up, i was wondering if we could have a study session soon?”
“oh.. yeah, sure! when did you want to do it?”
hoon’s ears were colored red with every word that was processing through, but still, he was eager to hear more about the plans.
“how about today? are you free?”
“yeah, i should be after 4.” y/n responded, displaying a half smile towards the cute boy.
“okay, i’ll text you where to meet me at the library.”
she nodded in agreement before turning to the professor’s attention.
sunghoon scoffed like he always did, loud and clear. “study session my ass,” he mumbled under his breath.
sunoo laughed at his reaction as he softly ridiculed the older male. y/n didn’t catch on though, remaining attentive to the lecture; while hoon silently fumed in his seat even more.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when the day was almost coming to an end, y/n found herself already done with the study session.
sanha and her walked out while he apologetically said, “sorry that i’m not able to drop you off, i would but i have to rush home.”
she shook her head at his expression of regret. “don’t be! it’s okay, i’ll find a ride home, a family member will come!” she lied.
he walked away from the scene after uttering out another sorry. in return, she waved goodbye as she huffed out a breath of air.
“i’m alone.. and it’s dark… and i’m on an empty campus.. great!” the girl cursed to herself.
she sighed as she reached for her phone. “my last resort..”
y/n <33:
um are you awake…
hoonster :) :
It’s 6, of course I’m awake
You need something?
y/n <33:
oh… LMAO
hoonster :) :
What happened? Are you okay?
y/n <33:
can you..
pick me up….
hoonster :) :
Yeah I’m on my way
You’re still on campus?
y/n <33:
hoonster :) :
Okay I’m coming right now
“that easy?” y/n questioned to herself.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
a few minutes passed and sunghoon pulled up with his car.
a sigh of relief left her mouth as she rushed to her passenger princess seat.
“thank goodness,” the girl mumbled with a clench to her chest.
“so this date of yours couldn’t even take your home?” hoon asked, giving an unbelievable scoff afterwards.
y/n rolled her eyes as he turned into a lane. “shut up. and it wasn’t a date, we just studied together,” she replied while looking out the window.
“you’re saying it wasn’t a date but i saw how you tried to make it subtle in touching up your makeup.” he paused for a second. contemplating whether he should say it or not, he impulsively spoke, “you looked pretty.”
her head quickly shot up. “what?”
“nothing,” the male swiftly shot back. “you really went out with him though?”
her heart began to burn at his question. “i mean.. it was just a study session, nothing more.” she nervously picked at her fingers, nails scratching at the barrier of skin.
a loud ‘pft’ left sunghoon’s mouth. “yeah that’s how it starts, idiot.” jealousy seethed through his body as he poked his tongue through his cheek.
“can i just tell you something real quick?” he asked, letting the car come to a harsh halt at a semi-empty parking lot.
y/n cocked her head. “sure..?”
hoon avoided eye contact for a second, turning his head away once he felt his cheeks heat up.
“you okay..?” he heard his favorite girl ask.
his throat cleared and he finally locked eye contact with her. “i can’t take it anymore, y/n.”
“take what?”
“i can’t stand seeing you talk to some guy you barely know. i can’t stand it, i hate that you’re talking to him like he’s your boyfriend when you…,” he stopped in a breathless voice.
y/n didn’t say anything, hinting that he should continue — “when you should be doing that with me.”
“i know we’re friends and i know i probably just made matters worse but i can’t stand it anymore. i want you, y/n.“
sunghoon’s hand firmly gripped onto the steering wheel in fear, heart almost beating out of his chest with how abrupt he was being.
“i’m sorry, i understand that you probably don’t like me back but i-“
his constant ranting was shut up with a soft peck on the lips. immediately, his eyes widened and he choked a little on his saliva with how quick the kiss was.
y/n breathed out a laugh at his reaction, grinning wide as she replied, “i like you too.. loser.”
sunghoon bit his lips in an attempt to hide his smile. he was feeling shy for a second before immediately pulling her back onto his lips. they smashed against each others, causing a satisfied groan to leave his throat.
he was finally kissing the girl he’s been liking since high school and all he could do was groan.
his hands cupped her cheeks as hers laid on his shoulders. his lips continued to firmly press against hers before pulling away.
hoon heavily breathed, eyes closing shut at the weighing relief that lifted off of his shoulders.
“like you.. so, so much.” he whispered in her ear.
y/n giggled, feeling the ticklish breath linger around her. “shut up, i heard you.” she teased.
he cackled a laugh as well before bringing his gaze up to her, letting his eyes stare at her heated face.
the girl quickly noticed and nudged his head away. “stop looking at me with those eyes,” she shamed her own head away before glancing at him again.
“what eyes?” sunghoon questioned, brows teasingly raising with a mischievous grin. his eyes trailed up and down as he stayed in a complete daze.
y/n groaned out a sigh as she pushed him away again. “stop it, hoonie.”
he felt blood rush to his cheeks with every heart throb that was taken. that nickname would now permanently be only for her to use.
“call me that again.”
“what? hoonie?” y/n poked, lips curling into a smile.
the male grinned ear to ear before pulling her into another soft kiss.
a second passed and he pulled away.
“i should take you home but i can’t stop kissing you.” he whispered gently against her skin.
“take me on a real date and then you can kiss me all you want.”
his hands intertwined with hers and brought it up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss at the back of it.
“okay i’ll take you on one tomorrow, show you what sanha couldn’t do.”
y/n playfully rolled her eyes — “yeah yeah you do that.”
he kissed her cheek before backing the car out of its parking spot.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
soon, the two arrived to her place late at night, and it was then that sunghoon promised her an actual date for tomorrow.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, gorgeous.”
“gorgeous??” her head bolted at the name, and he only cheekily smiled.
“yeah.. gorgeous.”
“shut up.. good night.” y/n’s cheeks flushed with red as she left the car.
he watched her safely get in and soon drove off with silent giggles and warm heart throbs.
sunghoon and y/n were officially a couple. no more being idiots, and no more being friends.
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q-theeccentric · 1 year
Sampo Koski Lore Notes
Because we love our HSR conman, Trailblazers all over the internet have begun to form many theories surrounding our beloved scammer. There are a lot of details about this man that are peculiar, and for those like me who love to overanalyze their favorite characters and how they contribute to the lore, I have created a list of notes about Sampo that point to him being downright suspicious.
Warning: Very, very long post ahead.
He is has a lot of intel apparently... where does he get them from?
Knowledge Voiceline: "Come on, how did you guys end up in the middle of the Snow Plains? UFO? Let me guess, you took a train, haha. Seriously though."
About Natasha Voiceline: He's not from the Underworld.
He loves money; money is considered to be a form of pleasure; does this refer to the Masked Fools being hedonists?
Turn Begins 1: "We're just having fun." Elation??
Hit by Heavy Attack: "Hey! W-watch the face!" Sampo is not really the type to be narcissistic… unless this is a pleasure-related matter…
Ultimate: Unleash: "Betraying the king" is often seen in literary works and other similar fictional media, and these types of things are often used for pleasure and entertainment
Return to Battle, Health Recovery, Natasha's About Sampo Voicelines: He's also… altruistic?
Hook's About Sampo Voiceline: He can be everywhere
Character Story: Part I: He slips away easily
Character Story: He is good at disguises, as if he's an actor… as if he were wearing a mask… because actors and masks and roles… Masked Fools foreshadowing?
Character Story: Why did they choose this specific story to be the one in his profile? The tale seems so random… or is it?
Character Story: Everything is purely dialogue… almost as if it were a script. If we compare it to the others, they have character stories that match them well, such as Bailu, whose character story is in the format of a prescription because she is a doctor.
Light Cone - Eyes of the Prey: "In reality most prety don't realize when danger is encroaching. This one's no exception." After reading the description, it may seem weird since Sampo noticed the sniper BUT what if the sniper is the REAL prey?
Light Cone - Eyes of the Prey: "So that's what greed looks like. That amount is equal to several of my contracts already… No wonder someone wants him dead." Another reference to money being a form of pleasure.
Light Cone - Eyes of the Prey: "As if these thoughts were broadcasted out loud, the an in the scope turns his head, looking straight into the eyes of the sniper. 'I've been waiting for you. Would this much be enough for you to hear me out?'" The EYES of the PREY refers to the SCOPE of the SNIPER. The light cone depicts Sampo from the EYES of the PREY.
Splash Art: The city in the background is likely NOT on Jarilo VI
Splash Art: It looks like he's jumping off a ledge or something similar
Design: @littlekiara96 noticed that his design refers to death a little too much due to the amount of skeleton imagery on him…
Kit: His technique is to blind enemies, which may call back to the fact that he slips away easily without anyone noticing
Kit: Why are his weapons blades that turn into boomerangs and not anything related to his obvious line of work?
Kit: His basic attack is called "Dazzling Blades"; I might be overthinking but the word "dazzling" is something I would hear when one describes an actor…
Kit: His skill is called "Ricochet Love"; "ricochet" often refers to projectiles bouncing more than once off of a surface (verb) or a shot that bounces more than once off of a surface (noun)---so where does the "love" come into all this? Love is another form of pleasure; I don't know but this skill reminds me of the Masked Fools again just because of all the bouncing more than once off of a surface and the love thing..
Kit: His ultimate is called "Surprise Present"; Sampo can be called a master of the element of surprise as he often appears suddenly without anyone suspecting him to---the present can also be something unexpected and weird (like a RICKROLL) which gives off MAJOR Masked Fools vibes…
Kit: Why is his element Wind?
Kit: Why is his path Nihility? @gachagen pointed out that Nihility characters hide secrets (Welt, Pela, Silver Wolf, Kafka). For my own observation, Nihility states that the universe is meaningless while Elation states that the universe is one big joke; both paths seem to infer that the universe has little meaning…
Kit: Half his Eidolons are about his scamming business and the other half are about… love and enthusiasm; both aforementioned concepts seem to call back to the Masked Fools and Aha the Elation…
Achievements: Versatile Joker is a hidden achievement until it is unlocked… does this fact and the achievement itself indirectly infer to Sampo's secret connection to the Masked Fools and Aha the Elation?
Missions: Besides Pela, Sampo is the only other 4-star character from Jarilo VI who does not have a companion mission yet
Character Traits: He BOWS like an actor (as seen in the Jarilo VI Trailblaze Mission), as if he is bowing for his PERFORMANCE
Character Traits: If I had a penny for every time Sampo was aware that he was being watched like how Aha did in the Simulated Universe (Jarilo VI quest conclusion, Eyes of the Prey light cone), I'd have two pennies… which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice…
And that's pretty much it! Feel free to add more observations in the replies, or reblog too.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 8 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: 🫠
Warnings: Dom Steddie and plus size sub reader and all that that implies! (I regret nothing!). Smut for sure. Degrading (whore, brat, slut I believe), slapping, choking, handcuffs 🫠, DP, overstimulation as a punishment. Jealous Steddie especially Steve, Steve and Billy fight (mentions of the aftermath), angsty feels with a dash of fluff near the end!
Word count: 5668
After that night at Steve’s house, the next few months felt like they flew by; for you anyway. When you weren’t with the guys or Masie, you were busy with school and basketball. By the time December rolled around, you were ecstatic for the upcoming winter break. 
Since you had been helping them with their schoolwork, Steve had finally taken you up on your offer to sit with you and your friend at lunch. Masie hated it at first but after noticing the turnaround he had made from last year she started to actually enjoy his presence. 
“It makes no fucking sense.”, Steve whined as he furrowed his eyebrows. 
“It’s science. None of it makes sense.”, she giggles. 
“I’m afraid I can’t help you too much with that. I mean I have my notes but physics isn’t my forte. Eddie may know something.”
“Munson is into science fiction. Not the same thing.”
“Eh, it feels like it is.”, Masie shrugs as she looks over her own work. 
A gentle sigh left your chest as you felt Steve’s legs lean against yours under the table. It was so hard for you to keep your hands off them at school and it seemed to be just as equally hard for them. One day during your free period, Steve pulled you into a nearby closet outside of the gym and fucked you against the wall as you tried not to scream, giving yourselves away. 
After a heated D&D session during a Hellfire club meeting, Eddie bent you over the table and pounded into you until you were quiet literally begging him to stop because you had cum too many times.
Of course, after the rough, the calm followed. One weekend, they took you to see the new Wes Craven movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street, that freaked Steve out but Eddie thought was amazing. Eddie took you to your first concert just outside of town and you had a blast listening to Dio live. Your favorite part though was being able to fall asleep next to him at his trailer afterwards. He looked so peaceful when he slept and all the anxieties he seemed to carry just disappeared.
Steve took you to a play at the theater and even bought you a beautiful dress that you loved. When the production started, he seemed bored until you held his hand and leaned against his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head as you smiled.
The sound of the bell shook you back into the moment as the three of you headed to your next class. This particular class you and Steve had together but you also shared it with Billy who continued to make the boy’s life hell. Today was different, however. Instead of coming in and flirting with you like he usual did, Billy angrily sauntered in and threw his body into the chair next to you. 
Anger was just radiating off him which is something you had seen in with Eddie and Steve. It wasn’t just a normal type of anger but one mixed with pain.
“Can I help you?”, he snapped. You hadn’t realized you were staring at him. 
“Are…are you alright?”
“Like you fucking care.”
“Hey!”, Steve growled. “Don’t talk to her that way.”
Billy glared at the boy as class begun. About halfway through you felt a light tap on your shoulder as a note slid across your desk. 
I’m sorry if I scared you, pretty girl. Just had a rough morning.
You turn your head to see him gently smiling at you, his blue eyes shimmering as they meet yours. 
You don’t scare me. You just aren’t displaying your usual arrogance is all.”
Billy chuckles as he leans back in his seat, writing something down before handing the paper back to you.
God, baby, do I love your attitude. 
ARE you alright?
My dad and I had a disagreement…about respect.
Your heart breaks slightly as you glance at him again. Just like Eddie and Steve, he seemed to have a shitty dad but unlike them it didn’t seem like he wanted to try and become a better man. If anything, you imagined his father probably carried the same demeanor Billy did.
You handed the note back to him without writing anything in return and he huffed a bit before passing it back to you. 
I can probably teach you a thing or two about respect, baby girl. If you’d let me. I assure you a bitch like Steve Harrington can only teach beautiful women like yourself that there are better men out there who can satisfy and take care of you. 
As the bell rung you crumpled the note and threw it at his chest as you rose to your feet. When your eyes met Steve’s firey ones you knew you were in trouble. 
“Tina is having a party tonight. Are we going or…?”
“That is the vaguest invite I’ve ever gotten to a party.”, you giggle as you place the book in your hands back onto the shelf. “Who’s Tina?”
“I don’t know, Y/N. Fucking Tina!”, Masie smiles. “It’s supposed to be a big thing. Eddie will be there.”, she teases as you roll your eyes. 
You follow behind her as she continues to walk forward, heading towards the next aisle of books in the library when suddenly a ringed hand darted out from a dark room and pulled you in, closing the door. 
“Jesus! You scared me.” You breathed a sigh of relief as your eyes landed on Eddie and Steve. 
“Good. You should be scared. What were you and Billy Hargrove talking about?”, the metalhead asked. 
Your eyes lulled towards the other boy full of annoyance. “First off, tattle tell. Second, nothing. He yelled at me before class and just wanted to apologize.”
“That guy isn’t the type to apologize, Y/N.”
“Harrington, you didn’t tell me he yelled at her.”
“Hey, I got on him, alright? And even if he was ‘just apologizing’ like she claims then why were they going back and forth until the bell rang? He definitely said more than that.”
Your eyes met Eddie’s as understanding flashed through them. 
“Ah. I see. Seems they were talking about you, Stevie.”
“What about me?” The boy stepped back so his friend could take over as he loomed over you. “Answer the question. What the fuck did that asshole say?”
“Please…let it go. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“Oh. Okay, I get it. You think he’s better than me, hm?”
“I didn’t say that!”
Steve hand gripped your throat as he walked you back towards the wall. “Then what are you saying?”
“Why does it matter, Daddy? He’s not important.”
“It matters, little girl, because I say it does. Now…this is the last chance I’m giving you before we raise the blinds and spank you in front of all these people outside.”
You sighed as your head hung, telling him everything Billy had said. While you were talking, Steve’s palm had slide down your arm and steadily began tightening his grip as he got angrier. 
Eddie noticed the panicked look in your eyes as he stepped forward. “Ok, Harrington. She did good and answered you. Loosen your hold or let her go, man.” 
The boy blinked back into the moment, releasing you before opening the door to the study room and disappearing. 
“I just didn’t want to hurt him.”
“I know, sweetheart.”, Eddie pulled you into his arms. “I know. He’ll cool down by tonight. What did you want to do tonight, by the way? I was thinking we could rent a movie or something.”
“I can’t come over tonight. Masie invited me to go to a party with her.”
The boy pulled back from your embrace and sat on the table in front of you as he crossed his arms. “You didn’t say anything about a party before.”
“She just told me about it. I don’t know the host but it could be fun. You guys should come.”
“So, you’re going to a party at someone’s house you don’t know filled with people who have bullied you and hurt you at the last party you went to?”
Your eyes scanned his annoyed demeanor. “What the problem, Eddie?” His eyebrows raised as your jaw tightened. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“Thank you. The problem is I don’t think you should go. You have all the popular assholes and I’m sure this other douchebag will be there.”
“Then come with me and show him who I belong to.”
Eddie sighs as he shakes his head. “No.”
A growl emits from your throat and his head snaps up to look at you. “Did Steve tell you that Billy calls me names like ‘pretty girl’ and ‘baby girl’ to? Hell, he shouts it in the fucking hallway. Why are you both still afraid to be seen with me at school?”
“First of all, you watch you tone when you’re speaking to me. Second, we are not afraid to be seen with you.”
“Oh please! Yeah, Steve sits with us at lunch but people think it’s because we’re dorks who help him with his homework. You guys didn’t even sit with me in our classes. Billy did.”
“I see. Then why don’t you go fuck him then!”
“Don’t test me, Eddie. I am NOT that shy girl anymore.” You both glare at each other. “You may be in charge of me or whatever but I deserve to be shown off.”
When he doesn’t respond, you huff out of the study room on a mission. 
“Y/N, where have you been? I’ve been looking—”
You pass by Masie out of the library and into the parking lot where you find Billy smoking a cigarette by his car. 
“Hey, pretty girl.”
“Do you want to go to a party with me tonight?!”
“Whoa. Um…yeah, sure. Sounds like fun.”
When you turn back around, you find Eddie, Steve, and Masie staring at you like you’ve gone insane. As you head back and grab your friend’s arm, you address them. “I deserve to be seen. I’m tired of everything being unclear!”
You were playing with fire but to you it was worth it.
“Wow. You look breath taking.” 
You smiled as Billy held his car door open for you. Tonight, you decided to go all out wearing a beautiful short sleeve dress that cut off just above your knee. The top was black and the skirt was a bright purple with a belt cutting the colors in half in the middle. Instead of wearing Eddie’s jacket, you decided on a black jacket of your own that still showed off your curves. Thankfully, your parents were out of town this weekend so they wouldn’t make you wear something else. 
The entire drive to Tina’s, Billy kept glancing over at your body.
“How, um, how are things with your dad? Did he still get on your case when you got home?”
He chuckled until he realized you were genuinely asking. “Oh, uh, no. They weren’t home and my stepsister is out with friends so no one to get on my case.”, he winks. 
“I get that. Is your mom a bit of hard ass as well?”
“No. Susan is alright.” You noticed his tone change so you decided to leave it there. “What about you?”
“My parents can be strict but nothing too dramatic.”
“Hm. How do they feel about you and King Steve?”
“There’s nothing between me and Steve.”
“Uh huh. Sure, honey. I’m not an idiot and I’m not blind. He obviously has a thing for you and vise versa. What I don’t get is why neither of you makes a move. Is it because of that long haired dude everyone calls a freak? I’ve seen you talk to him to. Keeping your options open?”
You exhale at his line of questioning, mostly because it’s loaded with condescension towards Steve and Eddie.
“I assume that’s why you invited me to this party. Hey, I’m not upset. I’ve told you before I’m more than happy to show you how a real man treats a queen like you, gorgeous.”
As soon as he pulls up to the house, you recognize Eddie’s van immediately. You look around for him and Steve, oddly feeling lonely that they weren’t beside you. Billy leads you into the kitchen and hands you a cup filled with bitter liquid. He laughs as you cough and rubs your back. 
“Don’t tell me you can’t handle your alcohol, baby girl!”, he shouts over the music. Some of the other kids swarm around him including Tommy. 
“Wow, Y/N. Getting around I see.”
Billy glares at him as he pulls the boy by the collar. “Hey! You show the lady some respect, asshole.”
Tommy holds up his hands in defense as he and some of the other boys head outside with Billy in tow. You refill your cup and slosh it back before following after them. As they set him up in front of keg, a strong cologne smell you’ve come to enjoy fills the air. 
“Having a good time?” Steve stands beside you as he watches the display before him. 
“I would hope so especially since I told her not to come.” Eddie snapped the lighter closed after lighting the cigarette in his mouth. 
“Yeah and then you told me I should just fuck him so…”, you shrug.
“Hm. Well you’ll have to tell us if he lives up to that promise of ‘being a better man that can satisfy you’.” 
You feel the tears sting your eyes as they speak. 
“Eddie told me what you said about wanting to be seen. I guess taking you on dates in town and spending time with you outside of school isn’t enough. We should smack a name tag on you or something that says ‘Eddie and Steve’s girl.’” When he finally turns to look at you, his eyes fully drink you in. “Still can’t just fucking be, can we?”
“Harrington!”, Billy saunters over with beer dribbling down his abs. “You had your chance. Pretty girl said she wanted to spend tonight with me. Go play with someone else.”
Eddie’s fists clench at his sides as he stops himself from punching the man in front him for putting his hands on you. You were theirs. Billy was touching something that belonged to them and what was worse was you didn’t move away or recoil at his touch but instead walked back inside the house with him.
After that moment, the tension in the air hangs between the three of you that no one else seems to notice. While you sit on the couch with your date, your eyes dart around, watching Steve dance with another girl while another flirtatiously runs her hand along Eddie’s chest as he leans in close to talk to her over the music. 
Angrily, you rise from your seat and head towards the kitchen to get more fuel for what you were about to do. 
“Hey! Hey, hey. You don’t need any more.” Billy reaches over trying to take the now empty up cup from your hand. 
“You don’t tell me what to do.”
His gorgeous blue eyes narrow down at as he smirks, bumping you with his chest as he gradually walks you back towards the counter. 
“Do you want me to?”
Your lips attach to his as you cling to his neck. He tasted better then you thought he would but the overpowering hint of nicotine was almost too much. Eddie tasted like cigarettes but he was a delicious mix of other things that drove you crazy. Steve’s lips always lingered with you even after you stopped kissing him. The best way to describe his taste was just that it was Steve. You could kiss them both until your own lips went numb. With Billy, you couldn’t remove his mouth from yours fast enough. 
They trailed down your neck as his strong palms gripped the back of your thighs and lifted you onto the countertop. Your fingers tangled in his hair as he grinded against your center. When you opened your eyes they met Eddie’s as he leaned against the fridge watching with his arms folded. He glanced out into the living room before turning to face you again, rising 3 fingers in the air. A shaky breath left you as he began counting down and as soon as he hit zero, Steve came into view. 
He asked the metalhead what he was doing before turning to you. Your pussy fluttered as you watched the fire quickly build in his eyes. 
“Billy…”, you whispered as Steve confidently strides towards you both.
“Yeah, baby?”
The man grabs his shoulder, yanking him around before punching him in the face. As he flies towards the opposite counter, Steve roughly grips your waist and places you on your feet, shoving you towards Eddie and out of the way. 
Billy laughs sarcastically as he stands to face him, taking a swing of his own as the boy tucks out of the way and hits him again. The other man grabs a nearby cup throwing the liquid in Steve’s face before punching him in the stomach. 
“No!” You lurch forward but Eddie grips your arm, pulling you back as he steps forward to take over. Coming from behind he grips the man’s arms, tugging him off of his friend. 
“Now, William, if you can’t fight fair then we won’t either.”
Steve stands to his full height and grabs Billy’s collar. “No more nicknames. No more hitting on her. No more even looking in her direction. She belongs to people already and you’re not one of them. Do I make myself clear?” The boy glares at him as his jaw tightens causing Steve to punch him again. “I SAID DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?”
“Yeah, man.”
“Good boy.” He pats his cheek as Eddie tosses him to the ground. Steve bypasses you as the metalhead grabs your arm and follows him out the front door towards his van. 
“You’re hurting me, Sir.” Your tone is feeble as you try and tug yourself out of his grasp. 
“Oh, did you hear that, Harrington? Calling me by my title like she knows how to follow instructions.”
They open the backdoors of the van and all but lift you inside before slamming the doors shut. As Eddie starts to drive down the road you sit behind his seat as you cling to your knees. You glance at Steve who’s still fuming as he glares out the windshield. You can’t help the tears that fall as you notice a cut that’s bleeding above his cheekbone near his eye where Billy had hit him. His attire still completely trenched in red punch. 
Steve’s eyes flick down towards you before he focuses his attention back to the window. “Save those tears, Y/N. We’re about to give you a real reason to fucking cry.”
“Daddy…I’m…I’m sorry.”
“No, little girl, but you will be.”
As soon as you got three got back to Steve’s house, he pulled you out of the van and pushed you through the house till you reached his bedroom. 
“I think you should take over until I’ve calmed down a bit.”
“You. Sit.” Eddie gestures towards the bed and you immediately do as your told. “Do you want me to take care of his welt on your face?”
“No, dude. Not yet. Let her continue to see what her stupid fucking actions did.”, he spits as he takes a seat in his desk chair.
They expected to see you pout but when you squared your shoulders, it surprised them. “You were flirting with other girls to. I saw it!”
“Oh? You saw us kissing on other girls? Grinding our dicks between their legs?” You hung your head at Eddie’s words. “Yeah, that’s what I thought you fucking whore. Now shut the fuck up while I talk to Harrington here.”
“You also invited him and rode with him to Tina’s house. Who knows what else you did with him before you got there!”
“Nothing, Daddy! I swear!”
The metalhead digs through some of the other man’s things and finds what he is looking for. He marches up to you, tearing the duct tape from the role and placing it over your mouth. 
“Shut. Up.” He turns to Steve. “What were you thinking? Spanking?”
“I don’t know…she might enjoy that too much.”
“I know something she won’t enjoy.” A wicked smirk spreads across his face as he disappears heading outside towards his van. 
Steve’s eyes penetrate yours as you both wait. “So did he prove himself? Show you what a real man can do for a girl like you?” He chuckled when you shook your head. “That’s a shame. Makes all this drama seem like a waste. You fucking hurt me tonight. Way more than this.” He points to the cut on his face. 
“I—we--- missed you so fucking much while you were in New York this summer. We talked about you all the time. ‘Oh, when Y/N gets back maybe we can take her here.’ Or ‘Yeah, I think Y/N would enjoy this.’ Then you come back and we take fucking care of you yet it’s not enough?!” He sighs as Eddie enters the room again. “I’m sorry we apparently haven’t been clear enough about how much we fucking like you. Or maybe we made a mistake in trying this you because WE aren’t enough.”
You felt like absolute garbage. Steve was right. Since you had come home, they had done so much for you, showing you time and again how much they cared for you. Yeah, they didn’t parade you around school but they did spend time with you there; Steve sitting with you and befriending Masie while Eddie had even invited you to watch him and his friends play D & D in their Hellfire club. Literally the alternative would be to smack a name tag on you showing that they owned you. How had you never noticed before?
Eddie sat by your side as he removed the tape and tossed it on the floor. “Have you ever heard of the stop light system?” You shook your head as the tears cascaded down your face. “Green is good, Yellow is slow down, and usually Red is stop but in our case it’s Vanilla. So for example, right now, I’m seeing you cry like that and it’s scaring me a bit so I’m going to ask you what color you feel you are at right now.”
You wipe your face, turning to face him. “Green, Sir. I just… I feel so selfish.”
Eddie nods as he reaches for your wrists and clicks a set of handcuffs around one of them. “Too tight?”
“No, Sir. Thank you.”
He lifts your dress over your head before guiding you back against the pillows and chaining you to Steve’s headboard. His fingers gently remove your shoes tossing your clothes to the floor. 
His palms run down your skin as he watches your face. 
“Why do you feel selfish, little girl?”
“Because…Daddy is right. You both…have—”
While you were speaking, Eddie had slid his hand between your legs and had began pressing slow circle into your clit.
“Go on.”
“You both h-h-have been good to me—mmm—since I got hom-m-me.” He had gradually picked up his pace making you moan. “Why?”
“Why have we been good to you?”
You shook your head. “Why are you—mmm—making me f-feel good?”
“Good question, Munson.”, Steve squinted towards his friend.
“Watch the master work, Harrington.”, he winks. “Speaking off, can you grab the thing in my backpack. You’ll know it when you see it.” He chuckles as your body trembles and you cum. “I got the idea when I fucked her on our D &D table and that night we were trying not to bore her. I did some research and apparently, it’s very effective.”
“Eddie…please…”, you beg. You know where he’s headed with this. Rolling his eyes, he smacks you lightly across the face. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“Still fucking apologizing instead of just listening the first time and following the fucking rules.” Eddie thanks Steve as he hands him a white wand. “I had to go two hours outside of Hawkins to buy this thing. This town is so closed minded, I swear. Now this, little girl, is wand. Makes sense, I mean it looks like one.” He displays it in front of you as the other boy plugs it into the socket by the wall. 
The metalhead pushes a button and it vibrates to life. “Now like most wands, this thing is magic.” He abruptly presses to your clit and you cry out at the feeling, your eyes promptly rolling back. “Supposedly, Stevie, this little vibrator is guaranteed to make someone cum hard every…single…time.” Between each word he pushes the device aggressively against you. 
They giggle as you pull against your restraints, your feet kicking nothing as you cum faster and harder than you ever had before. Three orgasms later and you body feels completely worn out. 
“Sir…please…it’s too much.”
“Aw poor baby. Is this too intense for your little pussy to take?” Eddie laughs as you nod. “Steve, why don’t you give her something else to focus on.”
The boy grins as he removes his shirt and takes off his pants with his boxers before crawling on the bed above your head.
“Can your hands still tap the headboard?”
“Yes, Daddy.” The metal clanks as you adjust your wrists slightly and prominently smack it with your palm. 
“Good girl. If you need to stop or get our attention just tap twice.” As soon as you confirm, he straddles his knees just above your shoulders, tapping your lips with his cock. “Open your mouth.” You do as he commands, bobbing your head as he groans. 
Eddie collects some of the slick between your folds, making you moan around Steve as he pushes two of his fingers deep inside of you. 
“God damn. You’re so fucking tight right now, sweetheart. Fuck. I can’t wait to stretch you open.” 
Steve grips your hair in his fingers. “Flatten your tongue. That’s it. Just like that.” His eyes squeeze shut as he pants out moans, thrusting in small motions as you gag around him. 
“Tonight, Y/N, we’re going to show you what Billy thought he was man enough to do.” The metalhead presses the wand on your bundle of nerves as he pumps his fingers into you. “We are the real men that can take care of and handle a woman like you. After tonight there will never be a fucking doubt in your mind.”
Steve felt your moans vibrate around him as you began to climax again, holding your head still as your throat practically closed around him. You coughed as he released you, shimmying his body till he was straddling your hips. He wiped your face with his arm as he scanned you for any signs of discomfort. “C-color?” The boy wasn’t used to asking yet, making a mental note to ask Eddie more questions about things like this later. 
“Green, Daddy.” Your gravel filled voice was just making him harder; if it’s possible. 
A now naked Eddie pushed Steve’s shoulder, signaling for him to get on the other side of you. He turns you on to your side facing him, lifting your leg over his waist. His lips passionately kiss yours as his hand holds the back of your neck. You whimper, feeling his cock breach your sex.
Your pussy clenches around him as you watch his mouth fall open in a silent moan as he slowly thrusts his hips, feeling you grip him tightly. 
Eddie tries to keep his eyes open as you lean your forehead on his when Steve runs his dick along your ass. The metalhead brings your mouth to this again, holding you to him as he feels you wince, the other man entering your body. “You’re ok. You’re ok, baby.”, he whispers as you tug against your restraints. “Good girl. Such a good fucking girl. Taking us both. I told you; no one will ever make you feel this good.” He gradually began picking up his pace as Steve began to do the same.
“He told me—fuck—about us falling asleep inside you. Maybe next time—mmm—you fucking behave we can…we can do that. God damn, Y/N.”
Steve hadn’t said a word but his grunts were music to your ears. His arms had wrapped around to your front, massaging your breasts as he occasionally kissed and sucked on your shoulder. 
The pain had long subsided and all that was left was the overwhelming pleasure of having them inside of you, hitting all the right places as they stretched you open. 
As you came, you screamed, feeling like your body was going to explode into a million pieces. Eddie followed, unable to hold back any longer as he hugged your head to his chest and released inside of you. Steve’s fingers dug into your hips as he held you, climaxing with a strangled grunt as his forehead pressed to your back. 
You three laid still for awhile until you couldn’t take the soreness in your arms any longer. “Eddie…”, you whimpered. The sound of his name caused his head to shoot up at attention. “My wrists hurt.”
“Shit. Baby, ok, let me…” He held your waist as he pulled out of you, reaching above you to click you free. “Y/N, you said they weren’t tight.” You followed his eyes to where you had deep red indents on your skin.
“They weren’t. Maybe I pulled on ‘em to hard.”, you pout. Your breath stutters as Steve carefully pulls out of you as well and slides off the bed. 
“Ed, go ahead and get a bath going. I’ll be right back.”
“Can you walk, sweetheart?”
“Yeah…just not very fast.”
He grins as he takes your hand and helps you off the mattress, guiding you towards the bathroom. “Well shit. Either Harrington is testing out new body washes or he got these for you.” A nice delicate smell fills the room as Eddie pours some of the liquid into the water. 
“I didn’t know what kind you liked so I just got what I thought smelled good.”, Steve came in with some bandages and an ice pack in his hands. “If you hate it just tell me—”
“No! I love it. What is it?”
His eyes light up a bit at your smile. “Um, it’s supposed to smell like the beach.”
“I’ve never been to the beach.”
“We’ll have to rectify that, immediately. Climb in, princess.” He reaches for your hand but you fold your arms tightly around your body. “What’s wrong?”
“I…I want to ask you both to sit with me but…I don’t think I deserve it.”
Eddie’s fingers lift your chin as he flashes you a comforting smile. “Nice to know meek Y/N IS still in there somewhere. Ask us, baby. Like you need it.”
“I do need it. Will you please sit with me?”
He reaches for your hand again as he climbs into the tub and you follow. Steve does the same, shifting the items in his hands as he places them on the side. You flinch as Eddie cleans you, leaning against his chest as you burrow into his neck making him chuckle.
“I may just settle for scarfs or ribbons or something because this?” He holds up your arms to display your wrists. “I don’t like this.”
“I didn’t even realize…”
Steve places the ice pack on them and you hiss at the cold. A comfortable silence falls between you three as Eddie traces his finger along your back and down your arms. 
“I’m sorry… for everything. You’re right. I mean even if we didn’t have this.”, you gesture between you. “You do a lot for me and I have so much fun with you guys outside of the bedroom. I don’t know, I guess I just hate that guys like Billy feel like they can hit on me freely and vice versa.”
You reached for the antiseptic Steve had brought and leaned forward to clean the cut on his face, feeling his eyes scanning over you as he heavily sighs. “I’m sorry if we made you feel like you don’t deserve to be seen. We just thought since this is so unorthodox, you’d want to keep it a secret but Y/N, I don’t hide that I like spending time with you or that you’re my friend. I was telling someone the other day about that creepy fucking movie we saw.”
“Oh my god, Harrington. Calm down. It wasn’t even that bad.”
“Munson, the dude pulled a guy THROUGH his bed and tossed back his blood. What the fuck?!”
You giggled as you placed the tiny Band-Aid over his cut. “Evil Dead is much worse.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Hm, debatable.”
“I told the Hellfire guys about the concert we went to.”, Eddie grinned as you leaned back against his chest. “Next month, Poison is coming to town and they said we should all go. I, um, I don’t actually have a lot of people to tell or talk to but, um, Wayne wants to meet you one of these days.”
Your own grin grows as the remaining tension leaves the air. 
“Can I ask you something before we pretend that you never went on a date with Billy Hargrove?” Steve smiles as you laugh and nod. “I have to know…is his kissing like God’s gift to mankind?”
“Dear Lord, no. That was one of, if not, the worst kiss I’ve ever experienced and I’m not just saying that! It was like…kissing an aggressive ashtray.”
They both cackle as you wrap Eddie’s arms around you and place your legs in Steve’s lap. 
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @local-stoner-bitch
“Well, thank goodness he’s pretty then.”
@katethetank @danandphilequalsmemes @luna-munson83
@sidthedollface2 @mandyjo8719 @bexreastoomuch
@chelebelletx @shayeddie @emmalee-01 @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso
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pacific-rimbaud · 3 months
i was reading your thoughts on how fans felt about l&oha and while i concur it is a perfect piece of work in my head and have reread it 5x, i wonder if you think fans tend to be harsher/more critical of hermione and let draco slide? i see it a lot in fics where he's more of an alphahole type
Oh, man. Okay. The can is open, the worms are loose. Rant under the cut.
I'm actually going to set men aside entirely. Just. To the side with you. I desperately need more realistically complicated men, too, but that's a whole separate discussion. Right now: women.
There must be whole dissertations out there on the phenomenon of readers hating female characters with negative traits. I'm a fandom old, so I didn't grow up identifying with Hermione, and wouldn't have even if I'd been young enough to. I did that "which character are you" test just now and my top three matches were Janis Ian from Mean Girls, Jughead from Riverdale and April from Parks and Rec, which, massive grain of salt, etc. BUT gives you an idea. I am not a Hermione and never was, so she's never been a comfort character or self-insert for me. Some of my favorite fictional women are Sophie Hatter (mean, irrational, petty, old and mostly loving it), Harrowhark Nonagesimus (evil stick), Phryne Fisher (zero fucks to give). What I like about Hermione is how imperfect she is. I'm a "cleverest witch of your age I've ever met" truther (book!Lupin is absolutely saying "you're the canniest 14 year-old child I have personally met, saying this as a guy who doesn't get out much," not "you are a once-in-a-century genius"), and from my perspective, she's often wrong and often a dick, and not in a fun and fiesty burn-down-the-world BAMF way. Which. Good for her! Be human.
And that's the thing. I personally don't want Hermione to be perfect, I want her to be what I think she is, textually, which is intelligent, hardworking, loyal, competitive, compassionate, controlling, belittling, rude, petty, insecure, vindictive, volatile. She has the right to be that way, because she's human. The desire for perfected women (or unapologetically and unstoppably awful ones, another brand of female power fantasy) is not limited to Dramione fandom. I think it's amplified in DHr by many readers who DO identify as former gifted children, books-as-coping-mechanism kids and Strong Female Personalities who felt marginalized in childhood and want to see Hermione have it all: she's slim, she's tiny, she's fragile as a bird, she'll break your neck, she'll step on your throat, she'll tear down the system, she'll heal all wounds, she does not need help, she holds all the knowledge, she holds all the cards, she is forever wronged, she can do no wrong, her vagina is tight, her nipples are hard, her hair is on point, her waist is tiny, her tits are bouncing, her ass is in the style of Now. And like. This isn't at all unique to DHr and Hermione. It's pervasive in fiction written by and for women. Female power fantasies are obviously feeding a massive hunger. It's just not what I personally want. Personally, I find it alienating and uncomfortable, which I know equates to, "That is wrong and shouldn't exist" to a lot of people, but that's its own tale as old as time.
There's a disconnect that happens too often where a reader wants one (1) thing from their fiction, and receives something else, even when the contents are clearly labeled on the tin. In this case, wanting a female power fantasy and encountering a woman who's written with flaws makes people upset. And maybe if we could be more honest with ourselves about what we're looking for when we read, work to accept that not everyone wants the same experience, and learn to close a book when it's not working for us and say, "No shade, this isn't for me," it would be less upsetting when we encounter a character who isn't written to meet our personal expectations. I will open a book, realize the FMC is a female power fantasy archetype and close it, because that's not what I show up for. I like my women gritty and weird and foolish and vulnerable and liable to hurt people and feel terrible about it. Give me all the exhausting chatterers and evil sticks and jocks with swords and their hearts on their sleeves (their hearts ripped out), give me shy Anne Elliot and her suitcase full of regrets and the ugly fuckup who never has a glow up, give me dirtbag stoners and Fleabag and Alicent Hightower apologetics and every role Natasha Lyon has ever played. It's not a moral high ground, it's about a preference for seeing actual, demeritus flaws on the page and on the screen. Blame that woman. It's her fault. She has so many faults. Then show me how to forgive her so I can figure out how to forgive myself.
The thing is, I love women. I love women so fucking much. I want to be around them, to get to know them, to read about them, to watch them on TV and see them in films. And personally, I like them ugly. Physically. Spiritually. Morally. Give a woman a Bad Personality and watch her succeed in the most self-injurious way possible, fuck you. Give her a gaping chest wound and line it with teeth. Stick a piece of grit in that girl's tightly sealed shell so that a pearl is her only option. Make her love other women, make her fuck it up, make her have to earn them back.
Thankfully I do feel like we're getting more ugly women in fiction, especially BIPOC, queer and marginalized women who deserve gross, weird, nasty representation and not just didactic moralism, patronization and misguided sainthood. Some readers won't want that, and that's fine. Again, personally (it's all so personal, please, please remember that when you hit that comment button), I'm here for it. If you write about women like this, know that you have a thirsty reader here. I'm swallowing them up. I'm smacking my lips. I'm smashing my mug on the cafeteria floor and calling for another.
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our-aroace-experience · 5 months
I feel like a defining aroace moment is when you realize that some people will look for ANY way to try and get together with someone, even when it doesn't seem remotely appropriate. This happened a little while before I figured out I was aroace and what particular labels fit me best, but it's one of my favorite interactions ever just because of how ridiculous I found it.
I was going grocery shopping and minding my own business when this guy came up to me to try to get my number. I politely declined saying I wasn't interested and made the mistake of not making up a fictional boyfriend in an effort to make him give up. He kept pestering me so I finally snapped at him and told him if I was looking for a date I'd be at a bar or club and not a damn store. Casanova then asks me which places I hang, which is literally zero. The end of the conversation went like this:
Guy: Well if you don't hang at any clubs then how am I supposed to get to know you?
Me: Exactly.
The unfortunate part is it was a little late so there weren't a ton of other people in the store and it was already dark out, so there's always a fear that people like him would try something, but thankfully he finally left me alone and I didn't see him again. It was just funny in a way because I'm thinking "Dude. Dude. I understand the whole shoot your shot thing but a miss is a miss. Why would you even be in a grocery store expecting to get a date?"
Is this... really how some people think? I go to the store to buy things and leave. Period. I don't wanna talk to anyone, I certainly don't wanna be harassed for a date by someone I don't even know. Maybe it's more the anti social in me rather than me being disinterested in dating but I just find it annoying if someone interrupts my business to bug me to go out with them. It's not even the fact that they ask in general, it's the way they just don't quit. Like this guy saw it as a personal attack that I didn't want to go out with him and had to find out why not. Idk, maybe I'm the weird one here. I just wanted to share this random situation because even now I still think it's funny in a way.
a supermarket is a super weird place to be weaker on a date! i’m glad nothing bad happened, as is possible in that type of situation, but that’s pretty odd. i don’t think you’re the weird one here, but as a fellow aspec i don’t think i have the best judgment lol
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
Oh,you should try watching though,it's a pretty good show but if you don't like anime just ignore what i said lol.
Another ask you say...
Maybe i have one? Yeah,i have!
How would be our precious blue boy dating his first girl? I headcanon Leo been pan but for mostly of the times,he dated mens until a girl (reader) really interesting just show up in his life and after some time knowing each other,they start dating and well,how this goes?
Rise!Leo BF headcanons
AN: I do like anime and have been meaning to watch it! I just haven't gotten the time to do it and also have a lot of series and movies waiting already, but I will at some point!
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Pairing: Rise!Leo x Fem! reader
Summary: Leo dating his first girlfriend
Type: Headcanons
Warnings: None
•I headcanon Leo as pan too, you know that dialogue people use of him going "You think I would deprive half of the population of all of this?", 100% him.
•Despite this, Leo so far had only ever dated boys.
•It wasn't for any particular reason, most of his female crushes had just been fictional or celebrity crushes.
•That was of course until the first time you laughed at one of his jokes. Do you believe in love at first laugh?
•Coincidentally it happened the day you both met, and maybe his eyes hadn't left you the whole night before that but it was probably just because you were a new person to get along with.
•No, he stopped deluding himself once he saw you laughing unabashedly at a pun he had made while the rest of his family rolled their eyes, his pupils were suddenly heart shaped.
•Raph freaked out when he saw it.
•So after a while of you hanging around and him constantly stealing you from his family to spend time together one on one, he finally got the courage to confess.
•He was over the moon when you agreed, beaming at you as he twirled you in his arms.
•Dating Leo is sweet.
•He loves PDA and showing you off to his brothers.
•"Have you seen my girlfriend? She is just so adorable, so perfect" "Oh, my girlfriend would love that, it's her favorite flavor" "I dedicate this skating trick to my lovely girlfriend~"
•He loves the word girlfriend, his brothers are exhausted of him.
• Since he had only dated guys before at first he worries a bit about what differences a relationship with you will have, maybe you'll have certain expectations of him as a boyfriend.
•And you realize he is acting weird, like he is trying to force himself into a certain role.
•So you reassure him that you both just have to be comfortable with each other and that you already know what he is like, that's exactly how you like him.
•He melts in your hands at these words.
•On his most confident days Leo loves being the big spoon, but sometimes he needs you to hold him, to ground him and just stay there for a moment, giving him reassuring words.
•When he looks up at you during those moments while you caress him and sees the absolute adoration in your eyes he feels like he could cry; how can you look at him like he is everything in the world even when he feels at his weakest?
•You both go out on dates often and whenever you end up at a store he starts looking for blue items and clothing for you.
•In fact, he starts sneaking into your wardrobe whenever he hangs out at your place, and some of your clothes start disappearing, while some of his or new clothes in blue pop up in there.
•From both of these things your wardrobe is so filled with blue over time that people start doubting you possess any other colors.
•Though you're certain the black hoodie Leo was wearing on lazy days around the lair was very familiar.
•Loves when you call him your champion, he is absolute puty in your hands when you compliment him, you can use this to your advantage because he will agree to anything you say during these moments.
•All in all, Leo loves you very much and he is really proud to be able to call you his.
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leeehye · 1 year
Shy Couple .• ❤️
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Summary ~ Hoshi and you are known for being a “shy couple”. But you both love each other so much the way you both are. Without the need of s*x or anything like that. But you both start realizing that expressing it more is just so lovely.
WARNINGS ⚠️ - mentions sex, kissing, alcohol, and that’s pretty much it. IT’S CUTE THO ❤️ not really revised, everything is fictional
a/n ~ I am in love with this one! I think my favorite one so far. Please let me know what you think. 💭
enjoy !
Y/n’s POV
The sweet aroma of coffee filled the air while I looked around the new coffee shop that had opened as my friends Breanna and Jia bragged about their boyfriends. Ugh, it was nice talking about our men but they would always flip things around and it ended in a conversation about Hoshi, my boyfriend and I. It wasn’t bad, but it was always about how we never showed affection towards each other, and part of it was true. We had not even kissed since we started dating almost 6 months ago. Hoshi wasn’t the clingy type of boyfriend and I wasn’t either, so I guess that was interesting to others. We cuddled and held hands when we were home alone, but it never ended “in bed” as Jia would call it. 
“So Y/n! Has Hoshi made a move these past…days?” she asked teasingly, giggling with Breanna. I looked at them and rolled my eyes while taking a sip of my coffee.
“No, Jia, nothing spicy…” I whispered blushing. I wasn’t going to lie, talking about Hoshi with my friends was starting to make me curious about Hoshi’s “other side” but I wasn’t going to rush either, I think it made it more captivating. I saw Jia roll her eyes playfully before speaking.
“Oh come on! That man needs to show you love at least by kissing you…on the cheek!” she exclaimed, making people turn to look at us, making the blush on my cheeks grow. I widened my eyes at her signaling to shut the fuck up. 
“Jia, we are both comfortable like this, and he does show me love. He gives me compliments and his sweet jokes and laughs…I don’t think I need to sleep with him to know if he loves me. In fact I think it will make our first time more romantic between the two…” I said, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. Hearing Breanna giggling.
“Aw, that is so cute! Jia leaves little Y/n alone, I think Hoshi and her are such a cute couple… let’s say they are just an adorable shy couple” Breanna said, giving me a sweet smile and I returned the smile.
Hoshi’s POV
I was breathing heavily, adjusting the settings on the treadmill running faster, while a voice reached me, no other than Seungkwan. 
“Hey guys! Looking good, keep going!” He said to Mingyu and Jun laughing, coming to me with a drink and some snacks, he was amazing at annoying us with delicious snacks while we worked out. He got on the treadmill next to me and chuckled. I glanced at him.
“I saw your girl at the coffee shop across the street,” he said, eating his snacks. I nodded my head. But it didn’t stop him from asking questions. I sighed and stopped the treadmill breathing heavily, drying the sweat on my neck with a towel. 
“Yeah we’re meeting them after working out, Jun wants to meet his girl and I want to see mine” I said laughing softly thinking about Y/n. My eyes look at Seungkwan seeing how he made a face. 
“Ew…lovebirds…” Seungkwan exclaimed as Jun came from behind me. 
“That’s what you think Seungkwan, those two have not even kissed!” Jun exclaimed, making me elbow him. 
“Yah! That is private okay!?” I said pouting before looking at them crossing my arms. 
“Come on guys! I mean we are comfortable like that…and we show each other love in private…” I mumbled , looking away shyly.
“So it has happened? You know…you two have fu—” Mingyu started but I widened my eyes quickly, cutting him off.
“Hey! No! I…we haven’t…the thing is…well I don’t want to rush her and…I guess I’m shy?” I suggested shrugging my shoulders. Seungkwan crunched on some chips before widening his eyes and waving his hand up.
“Guys! I have an idea! Jun is having a party today! why don’t you try being lovey dovey with her there?” Seungkwan said happily as Jun chuckled, nodding, as the three of them looked at me.
“Oh shit! would you look at the time! The girls might be done by now…” I said looking at my watch getting out of the conversation into the shower rooms.
Y/n’s POV
The girls and I walked out of the coffee shop and walked towards the gym, enjoying the walk the boys were already coming towards us. Jia smiled widely and ran into Jun’s arms and she hugged him giving him a sweet kiss. I felt shy and went to Hoshi smiling.
“Hi love…how was the work out?” I asked him as we all started walking and Hoshi and I were at the very front. He giggled and looked at me, putting his hands in his pockets.
“It was good love, I think I’m getting better times in,” he said smiling “though it would have been better without Seungkwan,” he added playfully, making me laugh. As we glanced at the back, we saw Seungkwan talking with Mingyu.
“Oh…why baby?” I asked with a giggle. He sighed as he started to recall everything that had happened at the gym.
“He started a conversation about us…how we apparently don’t show affection or that we haven’t…you know,” he whispered, making sure only I heard. I was looking at him and we both blushed.
“Ah…what are the odds,” I said as he gave me a confused look. “the girls and I talked about the same thing…apparently they are curious when we’ll make a move” I whispered shyly, as he opened his mouth giving me a quiet “ah” understanding while I nodded slowly as I shrugged. 
“But I told them we were happy like this…we aren’t the clingy couple but you make me happy and I love you…” I said smiling sweetly at him before looking ahead enjoying our walk slowly feeling something around my shoulders. I quickly looked at Hoshi. He had wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Not like it was the first, but it was the first in public. I noticed a slight blush on his face, starting to imagine the faces our friends might be making right now.
“Jun’s having a party tonight…do you want to go?” Hoshi said, beginning to act like a tough boyfriend making me giggle. 
“Yeah sure!” I said happily. To be honest I was fine with not rushing anything but having him being like this in public did feel different and it made me happy.
-Hours Later - 
Couple hours later, Hoshi and I entered Jun’s house and it was dark with colored lights bouncing around the room and there were more people than we expected. We widened our eyes and looked at each other, of course Jun had to over do it. I giggled softly and it was long before Jia came up to us. 
“Oh you look beautiful Y/n! Can I borrow her for a sec Hoshi?” she questioned grabbing my hand looking at Hoshi who smiled and nodded watching us leaving before going to the voice in the kitchen.
“Girl! I think that dress is provoking him!” Jia said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I blushed and glanced at Hoshi seeing him already staring at me and he quickly turned back to the conversation he was having.
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“do you think so?…I didn’t think it would…cause a spark in him” I said giggling. 
“Hm. Sure you did it on a purse huh? Wait…did he even say anything?” she asked impatiently for information. I laughed and shook my head.
“No, he just smiled and said I looked beautiful….” I said smiling and she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
“no, my best friend needs more! He needs to appreciate you!” she said and glanced at Jun, who returned the nod. Suddenly the lights started moving slower and the music changed to a slower and romantic mood. I suddenly looked over at the commotion coming from the kitchen and see Seungkwan pushing Hoshi towards me, making me giggle. Jun was already dancing closely with Jia and the other couples around started getting together.
That’s when Hoshi was pushed on to me and I was laughing looking at Seungkwan. 
“thank you Kwannie!” I said laughing as he made a proud face and went to the kitchen keeping a watch on Hoshi. I looked at Hoshi whose cheeks were burning red, I couldn’t tell if it was the blush or the alcohol the boys had already given him.
I gently took his hands slowly and placed them on my waist. Resting my hands on his arms slowly leaning in kissing his cheek.
“Love…” he started talking in full shock. “So it was true? Do you want me to express love more to you?” he asked quickly and I tilted my head slowly understanding.
“Did the boys say that to you? Hoshi I love you no matter what…but I wasn’t going to pressure you…I was waiting for you,” I said smiling as he threw his head back facepalming himself.
“god…love you should have told me…I mean…I think if you had let me be clingy with you…I think I would be one of the most clingiest boyfriends out there!” he yelled happily, making me giggle. I smiled and slowly took his face in my hands.
“hm I don’t mind my little tiger…” I said softly as he pulled me closer, giving me goosebumps. Our eyes stared at each other somehow communicating without words as he slowly leaned down pressing his soft lips on mine. Our lips moved gently and sweetly for a few seconds, nothing sloppy or fast it felt like it was just the two of us but little did we know we were now kissing in public. 
I slowly pulled away and he rested his forehead on mine.
“you better get ready for my clingy side love” he warned me cutely burying his face in my neck.
“I’m willing to take that challenge” I responded playfully.
“Okay stop being lovey doveys! I’m third-wheeling here!” He heard Seungkwan yelling from the kitchen making us look at him and laugh as Hoshi held me from my waist against him.
“you annoying couples…” Seungkwan said playfully, rolling his eyes.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a/n - I'm blushing omg! I really want to continue with shy Hoshi! 💕
Q. Who's your bias in Seventeen?
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liaarxse · 10 months
how would the tr boys react when their s/o is the funniest person ever? like they could crack anyone up with just saying something and their humor is peak humor?
This is unbelievable...
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Characters: Haruki (Pah-chin) Hayashida, Keisuke Baji, Shinichiro Sano
Warnings: None, crack if you lack cocaine
A/n: My type of humor frfr. I had a blast writing this HAHAHA
Also, can I add how insane some TR fangirls are? Like, I love my man too, but chill out, he is a fictional character, he doesn't belong to anyone. It's all fun and games until they become toxic
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— Haruki (Pah-chin) Hayashida
If you don't like Pah-chin, leave
It's literally one of my top favorite characters
Y'all were out, roaming around the city while Pah Is walking his dog, Pochi
Pochi >>>>
You were just blabbering about all kinds of shit
Toman shit, school shit, hobby shit
Shit shit
When, all of a sudden, a pregnant couple walked out of a store just a few feet away from you
Pah didn't think anything about it, probably didn't even notice them
But you?
You noticed A LOT more
"Y'know..." You started. "There is something about my unholy mind that when I see a guy and a girl walking by and they're a couple, and the girl is pregnant, I'm like... was it good?"
You? You were laughing your ass of on the middle of the side walk
Both Pah and Pochi looked at you like-
This bitch good?
"Y/n sto–"
"You've been RIDING IT" "MHMMM"
Pah elbowed you right in the stomach
And you just continued LAUGHING
Thank God the couple didn't hear you
Sweet potatoes and honey pie
This bitch mental
But you know who else is mental?
This mf in front of you, who out of nowhere starting wheezing
Are y'all not?
You just started wheezing and screaming into thin air
Nobody, but you knows why
Like, even the dog is embarrassed
Pochi had enough of your shenanigans that when Pah's hold on the leash weakend, Pochi made a RUN FOR IT
Boy just ZOOMED into space
And when I tell you
That dog is fast as a motherfucker
You and Pah? Your asses are dragging on the fucking floor
You couldn't catch Pochi even if you wanted to
Thank GOD Baji appeared from thin air and caught Pochi and you got him back
Y'all seeing ghosts now?
— Keisuke Baji
Samara entered the chat
Somebody call ghost busters
Kidding, kidding
It was like, 2am and Baji was, obviously, sleeping
Sleep is for the weak
So you called your sleeping boy to say something important
"Y/n. It's 2 fucking am—"
"Babe if I was a bee do you know what sound I'd make?"
"I wouldn't make a 'bzzzing' sound, I'd make a 'puhtk, puhtk, puhtk.'
Y/n what the fuck
You mental ass
But you could hear his muffled laughing
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Like. Bzz is boring, ya know? Puhtk-ing is wayyyy better. Like, imagine if I flew over your head. You wouldn't hear bz bz bz, but like, puhtk, puhtk, puhtk. Like a small horse with wings."
He burst out laughing
It ain't even funny
Maybe he was too sleep drunk to comprehend the situation
And you were too drunk to realize what you was saying
"Don't laugh! It's a perfectly reasonable theory that if I were to become a bee, I'd be 'tuguduking' like a horse."
Suddenly the other line went quiet
Dead quiet
He suffocated
Great job, Y/n
You ass
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— Shinichiro Sano
Y'all smell that?
Smells like reincarnation to me
You were out with Shinichiro
It was raining but who cares?
What's her snapchat?
You were just talking to Shinichiro when all of a sudden
"What's the feeling of being named after a bone, Shin?"
"Don't say that."
"Why, Shinbony?"
Shinbony-kuuuuun 🤪
"Or like, SHINaningans."
"Y/n I swear to GOD."
"Don't, you'll go back again."
Yo ass went silent
For like
2 minutes
Writer Lia here, it was 2.69 seconds, my mistake
"Shini, shini yay, shini yay, shini yam-"
"Are you fucking joking?"
Y/n what kind of cocaine did your ass inhale?
And from where
The nose, the mouth, she bellybutton, yo fucking BOOTYHOLE ??
Cuz your ass cannot COMPETE with the shit that is coming out of YO MOUTH
I'm hilarious
I mean, Shin thinks you're hilarious, not me !!!
(Fangirls don't kill me)
You both got home after like, 10 minutes
The bitch dropped the second y'all entered the house
That's because he didn't accept pneumonias snapchat friend request
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autisticandroids · 1 year
been listening to you're wrong about and like. okay @barren-and-trivial-words said once that on hannibal, serial killing is fundamentally considered a type of artistic pursuit. and they were right, obviously they were right. that's the basic structure almost, of the series. my favorite example is the eye sculpture serial killer where hannibal is literally like. we are situated in his gaze and he is evaluating the sculpture on artistic merit. but overall hannibal is a tv show about aestheticism and the inherent amorality of aestheticism - it is of course immoral to kill, but it is also often beautiful to kill, and shouldn't beauty outweigh morals sometimes?
and the thing is, media is... a good place to make this point. obviously because making a point is going to be in media, but the nature of hannibal as a tv show for consumption means that aesthetics will always trump morals. because the people on the show aren't real, but the beauty is, beauty does by default outweigh morals.
so hannibal kind of becomes this fascinating metatextual text on the nature of stories, or, you know, it can be read that way. because it is in the nature of all stories for beauty to outweigh morals.
but it's also a comment on the nature of serial killers as a concept. i want to link the two episodes of you're wrong about that got me thinking about this - both of these episodes are about the symbiotic relationships serial killers have with media. with fiction but even more especially with news and non-fiction. serial killers sell papers, and in fact the figure of the serial killer is kind of invented to sell papers - in one of these episodes, sarah marshall reads off a letter sent to a london paper "from" jack the ripper that was probably actually forged by a journalist to heat up the news cycle. it's very cinematic, it reads as absolutely cliche to the modern ear and maybe to the victorian one as well, but i'm sure it made the paper that printed it a lot of money.
and one of the things that i already kind of knew but was reinforced in these episodes is that most of the common knowledge that the public has about "serial killers" both in general and in specific cases is just... wrong. and that's for a lot of reasons. some of it is definitely because it's convenient for the police to have access to the figure of the mastermind serial killer for all sorts of reasons, especially to cover their own incompetence or to just pawn off unsolved cases. but also it's because the media needs sensation to sell papers, and so lurid stories of superhuman killers are just a lot tastier than some guy who murdered three women for obvious, petty reasons and also molested his stepdaughters. the public demands uniqueness, spectacle, extremity. it's not enough to bleed if you want to lead, stories have to bleed spectacularly. so the modern concept of the serial killer was built almost entirely on the back of newspapers, true crime paperbacks, and silence-of-the-lambs-alike feature films. it's not like. a real thing. it's a product of the spin factory, re-working reality into something marketable.
and hannibal lecter - the original, fava beans and a nice chianti hannibal lecter - is perhaps the height of this cultural concept, the star of the serial killer... craze? moral panic? i suppose the word is phenomenon. so it's interesting to read bryan fuller's hannibal as a kind of indulgent commentary on the existence of the newspaper-literary "serial killer" figure.
[i would also recommend ywa's episodes on ed gein, jeffrey dahmer, and the dc snipers for more perspectives on serial killers. while i'm at it you should also listen to their episodes on gangs, human trafficking, sex offenders, the satanic panic, stranger danger, and true crime, but i realize i'm kinda pushing it.]
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hobaworld7 · 1 year
BTS Reaction - Aftercare
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Here is another BTS Reaction just for you!
Disclaimer: As usual, BTS doesn't belong to me. This is fiction!
Thank you and enjoy!
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Jin cares so much for you
He would ask you a thousand question to know how you feel
If your legs hurt or anything
He would get up and go grab some icy water for both of you
Some snack too if you are hungry
He would then go back to bed and stroke your hair and back for a long time
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Aftercare is as much important as the sex for NamJoon
What you want, you'll get
Cuddle, bath, cleaning, kisses, etc
He would love to talk and know how you felt so you both could understand better each other needs and wants
He likes having time to hug you and cuddle with you after sex
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He loves watching a movie with you, naked, in his arms, after sex
Sex every where
After care every where too
You are so precious to him and he wants you to feel great after sex too
Hug, helping you get clean in the shower, cuddling, movie or eating
With him you get everything you want and need
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He knows too well how sore muscles can feel like
He will massage every parts of your body that hurt (or may hurt the next day) so you'll feel better the next day
He would get a warm bath ready and some comfy clothes
He would compliment you and tell you how perfect you are
Less of a quickie type of guy
Because he loves taking care of you too much
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A lot of cuddles
He would practically be a koala around you
Stroking your hair and touching every parts of your naked skin
A lot of 'iloveyou' and of 'you are so pretty my love'
As much as he love quickies when you are both busy, he loves spending time to take care of you after sex
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Hard sex, most of the time, means hard aftercare too
But i feel like everything he wants is to hold you the closest he can to his chest
You know the tiktok sound 'I wanna be inside your skin'? that's him
He would open the window during winter so it's cold in the bedroom so you can warm yourself up in his arms. Or putting the AC a little too high during summer
He's a human heater and wants to have you in his arms 24h/24
But he will always be ready for the aftercare, before you even have sex with him
Icy water, pain meds if needed, some tissues and everyting on the night stand.
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He's good at aftercare without realizing it
Like he loves taking care of you so it's natural for him to gave you all his attention after your love making session
Cuddling on the couch in your favorite blanket with your back on jk's chest and bam on your legs
He would stroke your hair and sing some karaoke song for you because he knows you love it
You'll probably fall asleep in his arms and he would gently lift you and put you to bed
If you want to read more, here is the link of my masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/kimtaehyung-taetae-writing/710423978560421888/masterlist?source=share
thank you army!
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frozenmoonshine · 1 year
Headcanon - Tips & Tricks on how to date Sanzu Haruchiyo:
I just wrote this to cope with my unhealthy obsession with this fictional man. He's my absolute favorite TR baby, so forgive me for being shamelessly self indulgent! ...or don't.
If feminine terms of endearment and/or hinted hetero relationship trigger you for any reason, please skip this one. Cheers.
Haru is a lovebug, but that cannot be seen by just anyone. It requires a person with thick, and I mean: THICK nerves and patience to handle him right. He's prone to jealousy, he's headstrong, and he holds his grudges like Mikey's life directly depends on it!
If not handled properly, he will ghost you for days, try to make you jealous, be deliberately mean and controlling/manipulative, or in more extreme cases, turn full on yandere stalker on you! But all of that is triggered by his innate need to be loved and deeply, deeply rooted fear of being abandoned and being less than. So don't make him insecure!
It's highly recommended to build trust with him first, so if you guys start out by being genuine friends first, before you start dating, and then let the things develop naturally from there, there's a lot more chance that he'll open up to you and let you in, and he won't be as afraid of you leaving him or "betraying" him.
Seriously tho, don't leave him! He needs someone to love him, and to love back, way more than he realizes! He desperately needs someone to call "home", someone who will stay, who will accept him, and not judge him for who he is. And who he is deep down is just a soft little baby, that would do anything and everything for his loved one!
Until he gets properly comfortable with you and the fact that someone genuinely cares for him (which is a big challenge for him!) he may occaaionally act inconsistent (not messaging back for hours on end, standing you up for dates, being generally unavailable, etc.) It's either all due to his gang duties, fights, and devotion to Mikey, or simply just his struggle to adapt to love. But you can always be completely certain that he's not cheating!
Why? Because he's simply the type that falls in love for life, stays loyal and faithful even after death does you part (regardless of who dies first), and is so overprotective that it can be too much to deal with sometimes! ("Why is that ugly bitch over there giving you the side eye?! She wants me to explain to her who you are or what?!" - "No one talks like that to my Queen, I'm gonna rip his fucking skeleton apart!" etc.) And yeah, unless you stop him somehow, he will commit homicide just because someone stepped into your lane a bit too rudely for his taste.
Also, once you have successfully conquered his tattered, lonely heart, he would totally call you his Queen, and treat you as such as well. He's a lowkey simp, but a high key gentleman and super respectful in every sense of the word. His manners, albeit a little bit oldschool (legacy of having been brought up by his grandma and Takeomi), are always impeccable! If you didn't know better, you'd easily think he was some rich, spoiled, stuck-up "bocchan".
He'll be very reserved at the beginning of your dating, not exactly shy, but somewhat distant. But he'll never fail to open the door for you, move your chair for you, walk next to the car track making sure you're on the safer side, hold your coat for you or offer his if you don't have one, etc. But even holding hands will only happen after three dates or so.
And the first date is at Cozy Corner, and you guys are getting cheesecakes, it's just a fact, I don't make the rules! Once the relationship gets a bit more established it will become your monthly tradition.
On another negative side of dating Haru, however, be prepared to "share" him with Mikey! Although his attachment to Mikey is not romantic in nature, and Mikey isn't exactly someone to be jealous of in that sense, he will be a significant part of your relationship, as Haru will either talk incessantly about him, or flat our refuse to spend time with you because "Mikey needs him", and to him that is a perfectly valid reason.. But, if you (ideally) share, or (at least) understand his obsession with his King, and support his ambition to be Mikey's right hand man, he'll marry you, no joke!
* * * BONUS * * *
He used to be self conscious about his scars around you at first, not taking the mask off in front of you for 3 whole months of dating. You even "kissed" for the first time over the mask. When you asked him why he always wears it, he tried avoiding the subject at first, but when he realized he can trust you, he admitted he was afraid of your reaction when you see his face (you of course find him nothing less than drop dead gorgeous).
He hates PDA, but is quite affectionate in private, though never smothering. He'll hug you from behind when you're in the kitchen, randomly kiss your temple when you're cuddled up watching a movie together, he always speaks to you in a gentle, loving tone, he rubs small circles on the back of your hand with his thumb when holding hands, he always praises the food you make for him, he tries his best to learn to make your favorites, etc.
When the Kanto Manji-kai started getting seriously corrupted, he tried pushing you away, but you insisted on staying by his side no matter what, and he greatly appreciates you for that. Despite all, you are his safe haven.
In his KMK/early Bonten days, you half-jokingly asked him to teach you to use a sword. He taught you to play shōgi instead. It almost became a weekend tradition for the two of you. Since you started keeping scores, you've been in the lead with 139 wins, over his 137. (He may or may not have let you win on purpose, more than once.) You tease him that it's because he's such a good teacher.
As Bonten's 2nd in command, he's still as loyal to you as always, but you're never his first priority. It's Mikey and Bonten's business, and you know it. However, you can't say you haven't felt jealous of Mikey in some cases. Whenever Mikey calls, Haru will immediately leave, even mid-sex.
He always tries to make it up to you later if Mikey interrupted your time together, tho.
He avoids meeting you on the days when he's had to kill. Not just because he doesn't want to "taint" you, but also because he doesn't like himself when he's high. He'd rather wait for the drugs to wear off before meeting you. If you guys live together, then he'll just spend the day at the Bonten HQ instead.
Once you start living together, he's a godsent to have around the house! You don't have to do any cleaning ever again, his OCD kicks in and your apartment will always be spotlessly clean. He occasionally nags at you to be more tidy tho.
He's even more overprotective as an adult than he was as a teen. if you're going somewhere that is not owned by or affiliated with Bonten, and he can't go with you for whatever reason, you will unavoidably have two of his most trusted subordinates escort you and stay by your side at all times as your bodyguards. And no, he's not trying to contol where you go or what you do, (those two guys basically work for you, not him, at this point, anyway) he just won't leave anything to chance and risk you getting targetted by any of his numerous enemies when he's not around to protect you by himself. When the two of you are together out, he never leaves your side, and always has an arm around your waist or back.
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alittlextrathatway · 3 months
What are some of your best and worst Brettsey moments?
What are some moments that inspire you to write or make you write because things need to be changed?
What are some storylines you wish the show had exploded with Matt and Sylvie as individuals and Brettsey?
Or times when the writers could have gone deeper?
Is there anything you want to write but feel apprehensive about or feel like you can't get it right?
Now that the Caseys have left Chicago I can answer this one. 🥺 Been saving it.
It’s so hard to narrow down BEST moments. I love the “You’re a little extra that way” conversation, Sylvie’s confession of feelings from 9x16, their love scene from that same episode, the first kiss in 9x02, and the eye contact at Molly’s from 9x02 as well. There’s more but those are the first ones that come to mind. Of course now I have to consider the BEAUTY that was their wedding ep which gave us SO MUCH. Their vows were perfect. Making out in the turn out room, also perfect. Sylvie escaping/running for her life and Matt tackling the guy and holding Sylvie for dear life after, again perfect.
As for worst, I’d say anything out of character. Matt’s 10x22 “I don’t know” always makes me mad because there’s no way someone who loves Sylvie as much as he does wouldn’t reassure her in that moment. The way the break up was orchestrated in 11x01 with Sylvie comparing her relationship to Violet’s or Stellaride’s or even Kyle’s, Matt and she not talking for two weeks — all of it felt forced and weird. Sylvie doesn’t normally compare herself to others like that and Matt wrote Sylvie a LETTER and put it in the mail in S10 when they kept missing each other. I’d say those.
I think a lot of what inspires me to write is less things that need to be changed and more things that need to be explained. Like the break up in 11x01 and Matt’s “I don’t know” in 10x22. Both those things made me want to dig in and take something that feels OOC to me and elaborate on it. That happened to me in S9 a lot. I wanted to really explore their perspectives, thoughts, traumas, and emotions in a way TV just doesn’t have a lot of time to do.
The biggest one for me is the trauma that resulted from Arnow. Matt’s guilt over Sylvie being hurt and Otis. Sylvie’s grief over losing Otis and exploring that grief as part of the reason she didn’t realize things with Kyle wouldn’t work sooner than she did. I feel like there was some excellent material there that could have been mined for them. The other one, that I was convinced the show was saving for the dating Brettsey era that we never really got, was meeting Brett’s birth father. After everything she went through with Julie, how would that go? Would he be as lovely as Julie was? How would Matt help her through it?
Times when the writers could have gone deeper for me is always going to be exploring trauma. I wanted to know more about Matt’s relationship with his dad. We saw Nancy and we heard about his dad from her but what were Matt’s memories like? How did he remember him? Also why didn’t Christie share Matt’s opinion on their mom or see the abuse? Was their dad partial to Christie? And for Sylvie, I wanted to know more about Harrison and Hope and how that dynamic shaped a young Sylvie. Harrison and Hope were clearly the gaslighting types and if those people were her childhood best friend and high school sweetheart then there must be more emotional abuse that she didn’t reconcile until after they were gone. I also would have liked to have actually met her parents or her brother.
As far as things I want to write but can’t, I have had an idea for a regency Brettsey AU FOR YEARS. I am not great with historical fiction/romance though so I’ve never seriously attempted to write it. But man do I want to. I think it would be full of so much yearning and tenderness.
Hopefully I answered all the questions you had! I LOVED THESE QUESTIONS. My favorite part of writing fanfic of these two is trying to get inside these people’s heads. They’re complicated and loving and generous but also have experienced great tragedies and faced abuse from people they loved. The fact that they find solace and safety in each other is breathtaking to me and so well deserved.
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x0401x · 2 months
Hello....Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
I've been asked my top 10 before, but never from all of the media I love and I've never been asked to elaborate on why I love them. Not to mention that the list changes as I watch/read new stuff, so it's good to update it. Then again, I don't watch live action that much, so I'm afraid it's gonna be all animanga/books, if you don't mind.
I must say, though, that it was impossible to decide on 10 this time around. So I resorted to listing my top 5. The list is in no particular order, by the way.
1. Kuchiki Rukia
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So this one was an instant fave and I don't even think I need to explain much. Badass, kindhearted, A+ sense of humor. Just checks all the boxes. Also love her unique character design.
2. Gilbert Bougainvillea
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I strictly mean the book version of him. Gil was one of the very few fictional characters to ever surprise me. I love how unapologetically emotional he is and how he's always making sure the people he holds dear get to live a happy life. The way he's such a "family and friends first" kinda guy and yet nobody seems to realize it simply because he looks like the aloof type is bitterly relatable for me. Also the way he acknowledges how unfair life is for him despite being brough up in an environment that, in theory, had everything to meet all his needs, and yet tries to make the best of it all. And my God, the amount of Respect Women Juice that this guy drinks. Goals as a human being, tbh. (Yes, the books are that different from the anime.)
3. Oikawa Tsurara
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I normally don't vibe all that much with characters like Tsurara, but she quite literally opened new horizons for me in fandom. Imagine the dumb, clingy servant girl stereotype turned upside down. You start out fearing that she'll fit into the Mold TM, and before you realize it, she's risen to become an upper officer in command of two clans and is endgame with the protagonist (with three more guys pinning after her). Except this isn't a Cinderella kind of journey; she was always treated by her love interest as an equal and was always portrayed as having immense potential. Her jealousy of her rivals seems comical but is actually valid, as her suspicions always hit home. She's smart and strong and not at all delusional, and the story makes sure to give her a steady growth. She never becomes overpowered, but the protagonist only gets to that level because of her.
4. Takigawa Masaki
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Again, book version. Motherfucker just be casually defying every god in existence because y'all can't just try to kill my disciple like that, what the actual fuck. The "Catch These Hands" priest, because he'll punch the shit outta whoever gets between him and the little bitch who tried to harm his students. And then he'll fuck into his shrine in the middle of the woods like nothing happened. His main occupation, however, is to be hot as hell. Truly an icon.
5. Sheryl Nome
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Same as with Tsurara, I normally don't vibe much with characters like Sheryl, but holy fuck, the amount of respect I have for this woman. Macross is a franchise that specializes in taking archetypes and tropes and subverting them completely, and Frontier is my favorite because the character handling in this thing is good fucking food.
Sheryl has such an attitude but she can back it up. And she does it in ways that are charismatic, rather than annoying or bitchy. She absolutely never puts herself down and is never portrayed as actually fragile and inoffensive on the inside. The narrative gets points too for never going "she's amazing but she won't ever be as good as the protagonist". And she's cute, sure, but she's also dangerous and is out there to get what she wants. Yet there's so much heart to her. So much passion and admiration for all things alive and for connecting with them through music. She usually only does what she wants but is so ridiculously selfish with the people she cherishes. Easily one of the most extremely complex and absurdly cool femme fatales in animanga.
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