#the final better be 5 hours long there's so many things left unanswered still
leemarkies · 12 days
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omega - s3 ep14: flash strike
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petri808 · 3 years
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Inukag *warning this chapter might hurt*
Staring out through the windshield of his car, his darkened home was the picture-perfect mirror of the pain settling into his soul. Inuyasha had no idea how he’d even managed to make it home without driving off a cliff or plowing himself into a stone wall, because his body and mind were completely numb.
‘Read’ but not answered…
Was it a good sign that the woman at least looked at it? Inuyasha rested his head against the steering wheel and closed his eyes. He’d fucked up… again— just like the night of the accident. His eyes squeezed tighter shut as the emotional pain of everything slammed him with the force of a freight train. This was bad… bad, bad, bad… “FUCK!!” He roared into the still night air. With Kagome’s memories coming back, she’ll remember everything, and it was over. He’d had this second chance to reverse all the damage and he went and fucked it up again.
Not surprisingly, Kagome didn’t respond to his first text, so he typed out a final message for the night: ‘You’re mad at me. I get that so I’ll give you some space but I just wanna say good night Kagome. I love you -Inu’
‘Read’ but not answered…
It was all he could do for now, his only solace knowing Kagome had her mother to comfort her. Inuyasha sighed, long and deep as he pulled the keys from the ignition and dragged himself into his home. His body felt heavy with exhaustion. A weight crushing him down like a boulder. It took all he had to just drop his keys to the floor beside the entrance and shuffle into the bedroom instead of falling right then and there. He didn’t want to move anymore. He deserved the silent darkness of this tomb-like home along with its judgmental echoes of the life it once held.
The next morning after a restless sleep, Inuyasha called out of work. When would he be back, he couldn’t answer them? Part of him didn’t care anymore. Fire him, it wouldn’t matter to the walking dead. Miroku called in concern for his friend, but Inuyasha let it go to voicemail. He didn’t feel like talking to anybody right now, not when he knew it would have a ring of ‘I told you so,’ mixed in. That wasn’t necessary. Didn’t he feel bad enough?
A good morning text sent… left on Read…
An apology text….
Another apology text…
Voice messages left randomly through the day…
All left on Read and unanswered.
The anxiety filled hours ticked on with Inuyasha left curled up in a ball under his blanket. He’d done a number on his living room to physically release the anger he felt at himself, and now he was just dead to the world. All the drapes were tightly closed to the sunlight outside and he only left his bed to attend to bathroom matters. He didn’t wanna give up all hope, but with his mind in tatters and thoughts only of despair, there was nothing left to cling to.
By nightfall Inuyasha was convinced Kagome had truly given him up and he couldn’t blame her for it. This was all his fault. Him and his stupid big mouth. There was no denying it. He shouldn’t have argued with her. Just like before, instead of using his ears to listen, he responded with ego when he had no right to chastise her over not telling him something. The whole reason he was in this mess is because he never listened to her when it mattered the most— and there in lay the heart of it all. Neither of them had the opportunity to talk about what caused the original fight or process what drove Kagome to leave. Inuyasha thought he’d understood its origins and accepted responsibility for it, but clearly, he was wrong, and this new situation is most certainly what would have taken place if Kagome hadn’t crashed her car— a debilitating depression.
If Kagome didn’t want him anymore, then there wasn’t anything left for him in this world as far as Inuyasha was concerned. His yoki called out for her, wept for her loss, and with it all the energy in his soul to care slipped away. He was simply empty without her. No appetite or desire or thirst, just an ocean of dread, and waves of numbness dulling all his senses.
How much time had elapsed, how many days gone by? The clock ticked away hour by hour like a death knell with Inuyasha simply waiting for a release to come. All the messages left on his phone were from everyone other than the one person who could have brought him out of this funk. But her ringtone never came. It is what is it. Was it day four? Five? Six? Inuyasha couldn’t tell, but feeling his body starting to let go, he decided to send one last message to Miroku before shutting off the phone for good.
At the Hoshii residence, Miroku and Sango were on edge dealing with the crisis. Sango had been doing her best to help Kagome to cope with her pain, but Miroku was growing frantic over Inuyasha’s refusal to answer him. He’d driven by the man’s home and knew the car was there, and that was it. No one answered the door and with all the curtains closed he couldn’t see inside. Finally, on day five while they were visiting with Kagome, Miroku heard his phone ping with a message.
Inuyasha: thanks for being a good friend. Tell her she was the only one I’ve ever loved
“What the hell?” Miroku blurted out as he mulled the message over and over in his head.
Sango rushed over at the concern in her husband’s voice. “What is it?!”
“I think that idiot is planning to kill himself— I better… I better go.”
Hearing the commotion, Mrs. Higurashi also came out of the kitchen. “What’s going on?”
“It’s about a message Inuyasha just sent,” Sango explained as her husband was digging around in his small pouch and grabbing his car keys. “Miroku is gonna check on him.”
“What did it say?” Mrs. Higurashi questioned.
So, Miroku showed the woman his phone. “It doesn’t sound good.”
“Oh, dear!” She reached for a jacket near the front door. “I’m coming too! Sango will you stay?”
“Of course, I’ll be here with Kagome. You two go.”
It was a good thing that Miroku had held onto a spare key to Inuyasha’s home that he’d been given and simply forgotten to return. When he and Mrs. Higurashi walked through the door, chills crawled over his skin. It was evident that the house had been closed-up for several days, no windows opened, or ventilation, just a silent graveyard feeling with a fog of musty air mixed with the scent of rotting kitchen garbage and body odor. It was revolting and only heightened the pairs concern for the occupant.
“Inuyasha?!” Miroku yelled as they made their way through the dark home but received no response. The man wasn’t in the living areas or bathroom, so the logical option was the master bedroom at the far end of the hallway. ‘Please be alive,’ he prayed.
Once inside the room, they could see an unmoving body underneath the blankets and if the buildup of body odor told a story, it was sure to be his friend underneath those covers. “Inu?” Still no response.
Mrs. Higurashi turned on the bedroom light, and the brightness finally caused the blanket to shift ever so slightly. “Oh, thank heavens,” she gasped out in relief as she held a hand to her chest. He was still alive.
Miroku rushed over and yanked the blanket off. “Inuyasha!” Tears instantly gathered in the panicked man’s eyes. The state of his friend was heart breaking. Inuyasha had lost weight. His skin was gaunt and pasty white, hair matted and dirty. “Oh, fuck, we— we should call emergency!”
“No…” Inuyasha croaked out and buried his face deeper under his arm. “Let me die.”
“Fuck no, you idiot! Kagome still needs you!”
“Better… off… without me…”
‘Seriously?!’ It was rare for Miroku to get so upset, but in that moment, the anger that bubbled up to surface took over and his arm flew up ready to strike his friend. “You stupid—!!”
“Don’t!” Mrs. Higurashi yelled at Miroku. “He needs help, not anger right now.”
That seemed to snap Miroku out of his emotions, but the tears broke free. It was hard to see his friend in this position, just so frail— nothing like the tough hanyo that he’s known for years. Even after the death of his mother, Inuyasha didn’t break down this badly. Miroku grit his teeth to his own pain and pushed forward. “You idiot. Dying isn’t gonna help Kagome. So, whether you like it or not, we’re gonna help you.”
Mrs. Higurashi now moved around the bed to where she could sit beside Inuyasha. Her own eyes were clouded too, but the woman pulled on all the strength she could muster to hold it together. She placed a hand on the arm he was using to cover his face. “Inu, Miroku is right. Kagome is hurting just as much as you, and I don’t think you’d want to cause her anymore heart ache by going out this way.”
“But she hates me…” Inuyasha whimpered weakly. “Please just let me go.”
Mrs. Higurashi had to squeeze her eyes shut to hold back her tears. Her heart broke for the man. Gently, she pulled his arm down, her voice shaking as she spoke. “Inuyasha, you’re like a son to me, and I won’t let me son die. We’re gonna figure this out, but you need to live please, for her, for all of us that cares about you.”
Inuyasha’s eyes cracked open just a tad. “I’m so, sorry,” he mumbled. “So… sorry…”
She kept her voice as soothing as possible. “I know, and so does Kagome.” Mrs. Higurashi then turned to Miroku. “Do you think you can get him into the shower and clean him up? I’ll make something for him to eat. He needs something in his stomach immediately.”
“Y-Yeah, I think I can do it.”
It took both of them to help Inuyasha into the bathtub. He was so emaciated and dehydrated, that he had no strength left in his body, just dead weight. While Mrs. Higurashi left them to deal with the kitchen, Miroku stripped his friend of clothing and ran a bath to bathe him. Inuyasha offered no resistance, just a few tears flowing down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” Inuyasha kept repeating.
“Don’t apologize to me. Save it for Kagome. I can’t believe you’d think we’d be okay with you dying! You’re my best fucking friend you asshole! I want my kids to grow up with their uncle!”
“But I keep screwing up.”
“And that’s life. It ain’t the end of the world yet.”
“Feels like it.”
“Whether you believe us if not, Kagome is hurting cause she in love with your stupid ass too. You can still fix this.”
“Don’t know how.”
“And that’s why we’re here.”
“Thank you…”
Inuyasha’s eyes started to roll back, so Miroku slapped him hard in the face. “Oi! Don’t you be dying on me now! So, wake the fuck up!”
“So… tired…”
“Gonna clean you up and momma Higurashi will get your strength back, so hang on just a little longer…”
Now cleaned up and dressed in something comfortable, they prop Inuyasha up in a recliner since he was still struggling to hold up his own body weight. He simply had no reserves left to draw from and under human standards wouldn’t have lasted this long. A hospital was better equipped to deal with this kind of situation. Inuyasha should have been put on IV fluids to hydrate him faster along with special supplements pumped directly into his system because after this long, the organs would have started to shut down, and his stomach would struggle to process anything. But Mrs. Higurashi made due to honor his request, starting with a bland rice water chicken broth of starch, proteins, and vegetable nutrients to re-prime it slowly. She also sent Miroku to the store to purchase drinks with electrolytes given to infants when they are dehydrated. It was a painstaking process to feed Inuyasha spoonful by spoonful.
“I need you to help me fight Inuyasha,” the woman coaxed the weakened hanyo. “So, you can live through this and see Kagome again.”
Tears flooded Inuyasha’s eyes at the mention of Kagome’s name. “After everything, why would you still want me around her?”
“Because you love her, and she loves you, and as long as there’s love it can find a way. Son,” she placed a hand on his, “I know it feels like the end of the world, but it will get better if you want it to. Do you want it to?”
“Yes,” he sobbed.
Her hand now gripped his tightly as her expression grew determined. “Then fight for it!”
It took several bowls of soup before gradually Mrs. Higurashi started giving Inuyasha fish and small pieces of chicken meat to eat. She had to stick to easily digestible foods, but at least his coloring was improving, and he could feed himself now. The sun has already set, by the time Inuyasha could finally stand up on his own.
“You’re lucky you’re a hanyo. That’s what’s probably saved your life.” Miroku expressed to his friend.
“I know.” Inuyasha could feel his demon half working harder to regenerate his physical body. Though while his body was recovering, his heart still felt broken. They kept telling him that Kagome still loved him so there is hope, but a part of him struggled to believe it. He’d already hit such a low point, to suffer rejection now was almost too unbearable to even comprehend.
Miroku continued talking. “Inuyasha, you’re not gonna do this alone. We will be there to support both of you, but it’s time you confront this. You and Kagome need to talk… about everything— even though she may not remember, a lack of communication is exactly what triggered this whole situation.”
“I know…” Inuyasha sighed.
“All couples go through struggles,” Mrs. Higurashi added with a comforting tone in her voice. “A strong relationship doesn’t come from a having a perfect one, Inuyasha. It’s developed through adversity. How well a couple can take the challenges thrown at them and grow from it.”
“You remember what happened with me and Sango, we almost didn’t make it because of my bad behaviors…”
“Your damn womanizing,” Inuyasha cut in.
“Yeah, that,” Miroku grumpily agreed. “She had to give me a harsh ultimatum to wake me up. But I did, and now look at us. This is your harsh moment, and you can choose to wake up, or loose the best thing that’s ever happened to you. It’s your choice.”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Inuyasha ran a hand down his face. “Of course, I don’t wanna lose her.”
“Then are you ready to see Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi questioned.
Inuyasha exhaled slowly. “Ready? No…” he was terrified to face the woman. “But I’ve gotta do it.”
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marjansmarwani · 3 years
would’ve loved you for a lifetime
Tarlos || 7.6k || ao3
Prompt: Characters are secretly married and one of them is hurt at work 
The story of how TK and Carlos came together, and how they almost missed out on their future before it even got a chance to start.
For the wonderful @acejuddryder on her birthday! I hope you enjoy this AC and that you have a day as good as you deserve 💕
I came across this prompt a while ago and @bellakitse encouraged me to write it and I am so glad she did! I have been wanting to do a non-linear narrative for a while, and this worked perfectly for that. Shoutouts to both @officereyes and @firefighterstrand for helping me with bits and editing for me, you’re champs 🥰
Judd watched as TK went about repacking the first aid kit with a smile on his face, humming to himself. This had been going on for the majority of their 24-hour shift now and in hour 23, Judd’s patience was finally up. 
“Okay kid, what gives? You’ve been grinning like the butcher’s dog all shift.” 
TK glanced up from his work, startled, “I have not.” 
“Yeah, you have dude,” Marjan informed him as she tossed him more supplies, “want to fill us in?” 
“It’s not just today either,” Paul noted, coming around from the other side of the engine, “you’ve been suspiciously chipper for a few days now.” 
“Can’t a guy just be happy without getting the third degree? Jeez.” 
“There’s happy, and then there’s this.” 
“You too Mateo, really? I thought you had my back, man.” 
“Don’t guilt-trip the probie,” Paul admonished, throwing his polishing rag at TK for emphasis, “just tell us what’s up.” 
TK was saved the trouble of dodging the question by the sound of his phone ringing in his pocket. 
“Saved by the bell,” he declared as he fished it out of his pocket and stepped to the back of the rig for some semblance of privacy. 
“Don’t count on it lasting,” Judd called after him, “we’re getting right back into this as soon as you are done.” 
The others returned to their tasks, eager to finish with the end of their shift in sight. Their focus was soon broken by the sound of a gasp and a clattering sound from where TK stood. They all looked over to see TK, standing on the other side of the engine bay, expression stricken and body trembling. 
“TK?” Paul asked hesitantly but got no response. Not even an indication that their teammate had heard him. They crossed over as a group but Judd got there first and reached down to grab the abandoned phone. The call was still going. He watched as Marjan approached TK, comforting hands reaching for his and Paul reminded him to breathe in his even, calming voice as he lifted the abandoned phone to his ear.
“Mr. Strand?” 
“No, this is his friend. He seems to be...a little out of sorts right now.” 
The voice on the other end sighed, “that’s understandable. Would you please just inform him that his husband should be heading into surgery shortly and that he should check in upon his arrival so that the doctor can give him an update?” 
Husband? Judd was so stuck on that word he almost missed the rest of the sentence. He managed to unfreeze his brain long enough to answer, “Of course, I’ll make sure he gets there. What hospital?” 
“St. David’s.” 
“Thank you.” 
Judd hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment. He felt the eyes of the team on him but he took a steadying breath before he looked up. When he did he ignored the curious gazes of the others and looked directly at TK, “they said I should tell you that your husband should be heading into surgery shortly, and that you should check-in when you get there so a doctor can update you.” 
TK nodded, but said nothing else. No explanation, no objection that they were wrong; that he didn’t have a husband. 
Because as far as Judd had known as of a few minutes ago, he didn’t. 
“I need to go,” TK finally said and his voice was so pained it almost hurt to hear, “I need to get there.” 
“I hate to break it to you man,” Paul said gently, “but you are in no shape to drive right now.” 
“I’ll take him.” 
The words were out of his mouth before he had even fully processed them. But when the eyes of the team fell to him, he repeated them: “I’ll take him. Clear it with Cap?” 
The others nodded and he hoped they had picked up on what was left unsaid: tell Owen that he apparently has a son-in-law he doesn’t know about; tell the Captain that TK is a wreck but that Judd had him. 
“There’s only a bit of shift left, we should be able to hold down the fort. Go, and keep us updated.” 
Judd nodded at Paul and the others before reaching out a hand to put on TK’s shoulder, “C’mon kid, let’s go.” 
His voice and guiding hand were gentle, and TK barely nodded before allowing himself to be led out of the station and to Judd’s truck. He climbed into the passenger seat silently and didn’t utter a word for the whole drive. All Judd could do was shoot him concerned glances and try to push back all the unanswered questions in his mind. Now was not the time for answers —his one and only concern was making sure TK was okay. The rest could come later. 
They started on a Tuesday. 
As things went it wasn’t a particularly notable day for a beginning, but there wasn’t much notable about their start. 
They were two people colliding; contrasting desires meeting in the in between, in the common ground. They wanted different ends but the means suited them both just fine. It was hot and heavy; it was rough and quick. It was needy and physical and everything they wanted (if only for a moment). 
Then eventually, it was more. 
Not at first —it wasn’t more for a long time. For months it was just blowing off steam, just mind blowing sex. There were a few dates of varying success, but they continued their dance around each other and the feelings they both had. Then TK got shot and they both watched their potential future teetering on the edge, ready to topple over with the weight of uncertainty. Eventually TK woke up to the chaos of adjusting to life again and a solar storm, and in the quiet that followed the chaos they found themselves in each other. 
From there it was simple: after the start they had it couldn’t be anything but. In all that time they had gotten to know each without really meaning to and now they found themselves fitting together like a pair of gloves; fine on their own, but infinitely better together. They slipped into rhythms like they did embraces, and they were happy. 
They dedicated time to getting to know what they were without an audience and without really realizing it, they had become a secret. A badly kept one, but a secret none-the-less. They existed in the peripherals, their life together a separate entity from their lives as seen by the rest of the world. 
From the outskirts they became TK and Carlos and as time went on, there was less and less space between their bodies, their names, and their hearts. 
And with each passing Tuesday, they grew closer. 
Judd kept stealing glances at TK. 
They were in the waiting room of the hospital, and TK had spent every moment since they sat down anxiously bouncing his leg while he fiddled with the necklace he always wore. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” 
“You don’t know that Judd.”
His voice was strained and quiet, so unlike the TK Judd was used to. He followed his gaze to the door the nurse had informed them the doctor would be coming through to give TK an update. That was nearly 10 minutes ago and TK’s eyes hadn’t left the door once. 
Judd had so many questions but wasn’t sure how to broach the topic. How do you ask your friend about a spouse you didn’t know they had when they are full of fear of losing them? 
He was saved the trouble of trying when TK spoke beside him, “I know what you’re thinking, just go ahead and ask.” 
His voice was resigned and Judd felt bad for even thinking about the question, but he did need to know. 
“You have a husband. Is it...someone we know?” 
TK pulled his glance away from the door long enough to glance at Judd. After a moment, he nodded: “Carlos.” 
“How long?” 
“Not long.” 
“Are you…” he began, but trailed off. He wasn’t sure what to ask. He had been leaning towards “happy,” but that seemed wrong in this context.  He didn’t know what the right thing to say was;  he had no idea how to approach this situation. He wished Grace was here. She was so much better at this kind of stuff.
They were quiet again until TK spoke, “I love him Judd.” 
The admission was made quietly, TK’s voice low and sad. Judd turned to look at him and TK met his eyes as he continued, “I need him in my life. I don’t know what I’d do without him. I can’t lose him, Judd.” 
Judd swallowed as he studied TK’s expression. It was full of a familiar fear; one that he had felt anytime he thought about the mere idea of losing Grace. He reached out a hand and gave TK’s shoulder a comforting squeeze. He knew better to promise that it would be alright — they had no way of knowing that. Instead he settled on a truth he knew. 
“You’ll get through this,” he told TK firmly, “and you won’t be alone.” 
Time passed and they began to learn the mysteries of each other past the physical. Before TK knew just the spot to kiss to make Carlos moan each and every time, now he could tell you the name of his childhood dog and that when he was 5, he had wanted to be an astronaut. 
Carlos still knew all the ways to make TK melt under his touch but now he also knew how TK had pushed himself in the fire academy so he could feel worthy of the legacy of being the legendary Owen Strand’s son. Their secrets emerged from the shadows into open hearts, more and more revealing themselves with each passing day.
Stolen hours became endless evenings and frantic hookups became languid movie nights. Time passed and they began to feel at home with each other. Soon it became normal for TK to show up at Carlos’s home at the end of his shift as it slowly became more of a home to him. But, then again, the person who lived there was starting to feel an awful lot like home too. 
Their connection was generally known; they weren’t trying to sneak around. But while seeing them dancing at the bar or grabbing lunch at a food truck became more and more commonplace, the depth of their relationship was still a secret from most —including them, for a time. Michelle likely knew, Paul surely suspected; but the fact that they were falling more and more in love each passing day was a surprise to even them. 
It was TK who said it first; in a casual moment without a second thought. Carlos nearly tripped over his own feet when he heard it, but it had been like a dam breaking and soon it became commonplace, almost like breathing for them both. 
Time went on and their love grew. Time went on and they grew together —learning each other's edges and finding out where they fit. They were a puzzle, slowly coming together until the right piece was found. From there, it was a quick solve before the final picture revealed itself. 
And what a picture it was, Carlos thought to himself as he lay in his bed, watching TK sleeping soundly beside him. There were times he had to stop himself from reaching out to touch him, to make sure he was real. Sleep didn’t come easily to the other man and once it was found it was easily lost, so Carlos refrained, allowing his gaze to do the work for him. After everything he could scarcely believe they were here, after everything he couldn’t believe that they had found each other.  
These were his favorite nights, he decided. The ones where he got to fall asleep to the sight of TK beside him, the nights he was lulled to sleep by the sound of his breathing. He knew he wanted more nights like this — really, he wanted every night to be like this. 
But it was too soon for that, so for now he would savor the nights they had.
[continue reading on ao3]
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Observation Skills - Part Seven - Lindsey Horan x Reader
Lindsey finally goes on her date. 
Note: This is probably the last part for this serious, I am debating doing some one shots for it if there is interest. Send me some suggestions! 
Lindsey couldn’t keep the smile off her face the rest of the night and the entire next day. Sara made her feel incredible, confident and so many other things. She couldn’t even think of the accurate wording to describe how she felt, let alone how Sara made her feel.
Horan had the next few days off for recovery after the game and with Sara still on shift at the firehouse, she wasn’t sure when she would see the blonde again. It was surprising how quickly she had grown attached to getting to see the blonde as often as she had been.
           Diasni: So get to be maid of honor, right?
           Linessi: What are you talking about?
           Mal: For your wedding, when you marry the hot firefighter
           Rose:    Duh 🙄
           Rose:     But I get to be maid of honor Sonny
Lindsey rolled her eyes at Sonnetts comments. Of course her friends would be planning her wedding before the two even went on a proper date.
She closed their group, letting her friends to continue to banter about who would get to be her maid of honor. Opening her previous conversation with Tobin, she continued talking to her fellow Thorn and what to possibly expect from her coming up date.
           Tobin: You’re over thinking it again
           Lindsey: I know, but I have no idea what to expect. We haven’t even made plans yet!
           Tobin: So then make plans!
Lindsey was tempted to throw her phone down and forget about this for now. Sara was on nights now so she was sleeping and wouldn’t be awake for a couple hours. The blondes good mood was dwindling while her nerves started to get to her again. Her friends were nothing but supportive and Sara had calmly reassured her. But now, given time to think and overthink, her nerves returned.  What would they do for the date? When would they go out? What should she wear? Would Sara kiss her? Did she want Sara to kiss her? Would she kiss Sara herself? Was she ready for this?
Her thoughts continued to spiral, her anxiety increasing. She paced her condo, Fergy sensing it and feeding off her anxiety followed closely behind. Deciding she needed to get out of and move, she clipped his leash on and made her way outside.
Lindsey began to walk around the block, clearing her mind, attempting to answer all her own questions.
Sara was on shift for one more night, so they would be going in a couple days. Lindsey wouldn’t be able to plan what to wear until they decided where to go, or more accurately, where Sara planned to take her. She still planned a few possible outfits.
This helped settle some of her anxiety. That still left the most important questions unanswered.
She knew the answer though, she was definitely ready for the blonde firefighter to kiss her. The other woman had been incredibly respectful the last two times they went out, so she felt comfortable that it wouldn’t be pushed past anything she was uncomfortable.
Finishing one more lap around the block, the soccer player felt better.
Walking into her apartment, she unclipped her now exhausted dog and made her way to the kitchen to continue to distract herself. Deciding to leave her phone for now, not wanting to spike her anxiety again.
Finally caving after only an hour, Lindsey found that Sara had woken up and messaged her.
Hot Trainer: Morning sunshine!
Lindsey: it’s 2pm…
Hot Trainer: this is practically the middle of the night for me! I don’t know how to socialize with you day time dwellers
Lindsey: day time dwellers? I take it back, I’m not sure I can date you.
Hot trainer: I don’t think you mean that, I have an awesome date planned.
Lindsey: are you going to share what that is?
Hot trainer: I’m not sure I do.
Lindsey wasn’t sure what to think after that. Her nerves returned slightly, had she taken the banter too far? She didn’t think she had crossed the line, but the last message seemed so short compared to their others. The blonde still couldn’t help but over think interactions like this. In the past, this was usually the start of a fight.
Before Lindsey could spiral too much, her phone lit up, Sara was attempting to FaceTime her.
Quickly accepting the call, she was greeted with the site of Sara half seated in bed with a lamp on, Blaze stretched the length of her. Her hair in a messy bun, eyes crinkled still half asleep, arms stretched out holding the phone against her bare stomach. Lindsey paused at the amount of skin shown, Sara was shirtless, a sport bra the only thing covering her chest and a sheet half covering her abdomen. This gave the midfielder a pleasant view of the trainers well defined chest and shoulders, while giving her a peak at the strong core.
“Good afternoon sunshine,” Sara greeted, missing Lindsey checking her out while she rubbed her eyes. “Is that a better greeting?”
“Meh, I guess it will have to do,” Lindsey shrugged, forcing herself to look at Sara’s face. “Now tell me about this ‘awesome’ date you have planned.”
“With an answer like that, I might just make you wait,” Sara yawned, rubbing her face again, forcing Lindsey to pause when she saw the arm flex at the motion.
“Is there a reason you called then?”
“I could feel you over thinking over text.”
Lindsey rolled her eyes at the comment, but felt elated that the blonde picked up on something so simple through texting.
“I finish tomorrow morning, so if you’re free, I was thinking we could go out tomorrow?” Sara continued at Lindsey’s pause.
“That’s all I get? Just that it will be tomorrow?”
“Well not really, that was just me checking if tomorrow night worked,” Sara said cheekily. “Now I think that’s all you’ll get though.”
“You’re very difficult in the morning,” Lindsey commented.
“So you admit it’s morning!” Sara said, excited, clearly more awake now. “Just for that, I will tell you what I was thinking for tomorrow.”  
Lindsey rolled her eyes again, “yes, tomorrow night works for me.”
“Perfect! So I’m thinking we go out, have a good time, I’ll pick up up at 7, drop you off by 10:30. Gotta make it back by curfew,” Sara winked, a smirk remaining on her face.
“That’s really all you’re going to say?,” Lindsey pouted, she had expected more details than that. “Besides, I’m an adult, I can stay out as late as I want.”
She loved how easy they could talk and banter. Hardly an hour ago she was filled with anxiety, now, she calm; Sara could show up for their date now and she would be fine.
“Dress comfortable, probably wear a coat. And I know you’re an adult, but you’re a professional soccer player with training at 5 the next day.”
Of course Sara would be considerate of her having training. Russel was always irritated that it interferes with what he wanted to do.
True to her word, Sara was texting her at 6:55 saying she was there, then buzzing her condo to be let in.
Lindsey let her up, quickly rushing to make sure she was ready. Hearing a knock on her door, Lindsey took a steadying breath and walked to answer the door.
In the threshold Sara stood with a small bouquet of flowers, she looked up, giving Lindsey a shy smile she hand her the flowers.
“It’s cliché I know,” she shrugged her shoulders, clearly nervous. “You look beautiful by the way.”
Lindsey had over thought what to wear, her bed a clear indication based off the amount of clothes thrown across it. She had finally settled for jeans, a long sleeve, and insulated jean jacket.
The compliment caused her to blush, she reached for the flowers, bringing them I her nose to smell them, “they’re perfect Sara.” She couldn’t think of a time anyone had every brought her flowers prior to a date.
Sara waited in the doorway while Lindsey moved to quickly put the flowers in water. She stepped out of the way to allow Lindsey to lock her door while they made their way to the elevator.
“You finally going to give me anything work with yet?” Lindsey asked, trying to shake any nerves she had lingering. Sara made it difficult not to be now though, she was being so sweet, and looked so good.
The firefighter showed up in well fitted jeans, the cuffs rolled to sit just above a pair of boots, a bomber jacket and what looked like a white v-neck T-shirt underneath.
Sara paused, pretending to think, before blushing and looking down. “You’re going to think it’s super cheesy.”
They exited the elevator, Sara opening the exterior door and guiding her outside.
“Try me.”
Sara opened the passenger door to her vehicle, allowing Lindsey to slide into the seat.
“We’re going for ice cream then I was thinking a walk around the water front if it’s not too cold.”
Lindsey could see the trainer was nervous about the idea, she gently grasped her elbow, “that sounds perfect Sara.”
She was immediately rewarded with a quick grin before Sara closed the door and made her way to the driver side.
The two made casual conversation while the drove to the small ice cream truck.
After ordering, the two began to walk around, both keeping close to the other.
“So not that I’m complaining, because this is perfect, but why ice cream and a walk?” Lindsey asked after they had been walking for a bit, ice cream finished.
Lindsey felt an odd amount of satisfaction when she saw the normal confident blonde blush and look down again, she knew she was making her as nervous and the trainer did her.
“It’s going to sound cheesy,” she paused to gather her words. “But I didn’t want to overwhelm you. You said this would be your first date with a woman, so I figured you were already pretty out of your element. And dinner and movie seemed too cliché. And anything else seemed like it would too much. So I wanted to keep it simple.” Sara finished with a shrug.
Lindsey immediately stopped walking, staring directly at Sara. Sara quickly turned to see why Lindsey had stopped.
“I’m sorry, it was stupid, I shouldn’t have assumed anything.”
Lindsey didn’t let her finish anything else she was going to say, crashing her body into the blondes, pulling herself into a hug.
“That has to be the most considerate thing anyone has thought of for me,” Lindsey mumbled Into Saras neck.
Sara tentatively wrapped her arms around the soccer player. At feelings arms around her, Lindsey tightened her grip. The height difference made it slightly awkward, but Lindsey tucked her nose into Sara’s neck.
Sensing the importance of this to Lindsey, Sara squeezed back, running a soothing hand up and down her back.
The two stayed like this for a moment, Lindsey slowly pulled away, flushed at her own unexpected response. Sara slid her arms from Lindsey’s back along her shoulders, stopping at her elbows, keeping contact but allowing Lindsey the space she needed.
“I’m sorry, thank you,” she looked down, embarrassed, “I don’t know where that came from.”
Not wanting to make her feel more uncomfortable, Sara slid her right hand the rest of the way down, lacing their fingers together, tugging her to continue walking.
“Don’t worry about it Linds,” Sara gave her a quick smile, squeezing her hand.
Lindsey let herself be tugged along, too shocked to do anything else. She reacted impulsively and emotionally and Sara wasn’t phased by it at all. Sara just started to tell her about a funny call they had at work a couple weeks ago.
For the rest of their walk, the couple remained connected. Sara kept their hands interlocked, but Lindsey noticed her hesitancy to push more, so she took every opportunity to press her body against the firefighter.
Sara keeping with her pattern, was promptly walking Lindsey to her door at 10:20. She casually leaned against the wall while Lindsey unlocked her door, but didn’t move when Lindsey opened it and stepped in.
“I had a great time tonight Sara,” Lindsey groaned internally at the cliché line.
“Yeah? It wasn’t too cheesy?” Sara confirmed hesitantly.
“Definitely not, perfect amount of cheese,” at that Lindsey did visibly wince, feeling like that teenager with a crush again.
“I’m glad it was the perfect amount of cheese,” the trainer grinned, standing a little taller, taking half a step towards Lindsey. “And I had a great time tonight too.”
Lindsey closed the distance and pulled Sara into a hug goodbye. The other blonde quickly reciprocated the hug, as they separated, Sara paused, placing a gentle kiss on Lindsey’s cheek.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” she said lowly. “Have a good sleep beautiful.”
Sara pulled away fully, starting to turn away.
Lindsey took her chance, quickly reaching out and gripped the firefighters arm, tugging her back into her.
“You can kiss me,” she affirmed, speaking low, their faces close together now.
Sara placed her right hand on Lindsey’s hip while her left hesitated before resting on her shoulder and was slowly slid to the back of her neck. Lindsey didn’t know what to do now, her brief moment of confidence gone, her hands loosely gripping the front of Sara’s coat.
She gently pulled Lindsey into her by her hip, Sara had her eyes focused on Linseys lips, her eyes darted up to look into Lindseys.
“Can I kiss you?” she confirmed.
At Lindseys nod, Sara closed the small distance, gently kissing her.
Feeling Sara begin to pull away, Lindsey tugged on the coat, one hand sliding up to the collar. The midfielder pulled her into another kiss, lips meeting much firmer this time.
Sara moved her hands to each of Lindseys wrists, gently pulling them off her coat as they separated, but remained close.
“Goodnight Lindsey,” Sara whispered, placing one last kiss on Lindsey’s lips before turning and walking away.
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Secret Hero [9/10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Angst, Drama, AU
Word Count: 3.4K
A/N: Yikes! My bad for the silent 2 weeks! It’s been forever hasn’t it? Well I’m getting back into the groove of things and hopefully I can balance everything I’m already doing on top of Christmas gifts and whatnot. If you need a refresher, please go back and read the chapters again. But other than that, please let me know what you think and I can’t wait for the last chapter of the series next week!!! <3 Happy reading my loves! And don’t forget to let me know if you want to be tagged!
Summary:  After becoming the number 2 hero, Bakugou accomplished everything he ever wanted. He beat Deku in a few matches, even if he wasn’t the number 1 hero. He got all the fame, beat countless villains, was acknowledged by all his friends and family. But he wasn’t satisfied. He wasn’t happy. Bakugou realized that this wasn’t the life he wanted. So he left the life of a hero and decided to hide to live the rest of his life as a normal person.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
You could finally say that you found your person. Bakugou was already back with you, you didn’t even need to persuade him. After your rather surprise kiss from Bakugou in the train station, you were already ready to persuade him to stay. You didn’t have to say anything because he was already taking your hand in his and led you out of the station and back to your apartment.
Speaking of your apartment, Ushijima no longer lived there. He respected your decision and although he was still trying to talk you into marrying him one last time, the moment he saw Bakugou’s face and the look you gave each other, he knew he lost. What could he say? What could he do? Be the asshole of the story? Please, he didn’t have the energy to keep that up. But your mother wasn’t very happy about the news.
When you told her that the engagement was off, she was livid. She was telling you how much better off you’d be marrying Ushijima. You’d be happier. Richer. You’d be with a handsome man who is successful and therefore, you would be successful. He has a stable job and can take care of you for the rest of your life. All that was certainly true. Except you weren’t happy. Yet, even knowing that fact, your mother refused to believe you wouldn’t be happy in the future. It was like you were throwing your whole life away. So, your mother kept insisting the wedding to continue. Even with Ushijima interfering and saying that the wedding was off, she didn’t want that.
You and Bakugou were pretty persistent though. It took lots of convincing to get your mother on your side. And that may or may not include Bakugou sending your mother gifts every single day. What kinds of gifts? The one that will always capture the heart of a women. Flowers, chocolates, fruit bouquets, luxury items in a gift basket. Need you say more? Eventually she approved, but it took her a while.
So now, you actually moved out of your apartment and into Bakugou’s. Well, not necessarily moved out? You still have your apartment, but you’re over at his so much that you basically live there now. Surprisingly, his apartment is very nice and spacious. Almost to the level of your apartment. You wonder how he could afford that with his construction job, but you weren’t one to pry… just yet.
You were cooking dinner for the both of you in Bakugou’s apartment. Of course, you had a spare key thanks to Bakugou gifting it to you for your one month together. Bakugou had yet to come home yet so you were taking your sweet time cooking up that delicious recipe of yours. It was getting a little quiet in the apartment so you turned your phone on to fill the space.
Music? Oh no. The news. That’s what happens when you get older: you watch the news while cooking. Nothing too important came on. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. You zoned out a few times since the news was just backgrounds noise. But you started to tune in when the news reporter talked about a story on the local, mysterious hero and who was this man? You heart did a little leap in your chest thinking about the hero. He’s saved you a few times, which is unreal first of all. Second of all, he was dreamy! You could never talk to him because he would always leave in a hurry. The only time you did have a talk was when he first came to town. But that was ages ago! Sure, you remember the encounter but you knew nothing of what he looked like, what he sounded like or what you guys even talked about. Even these pictures the media takes don’t do him justice. They are always blurry or too dark to see anything.
The news reporters were in the middle of their story when Bakugou came back from his shift. You immediately stopped what you were doing: turned off the stove and everything to jump in his arms to greet him.
“Welcome home!” you squealed, wrapping your legs around his waist while he digs his nose in the crook of your neck.
“I missed you,” he confessed, taking in a whiff of your scent. It wasn’t long until he started smelling something else, something more delicious and mouth-watering. “And I miss food. What you cooking?” he lets you down and heads towards the kitchen.
All eyes were now on your almost finished food. You quickly turned back on the stove to give it the finishing touches before serving it. You wanted to finish cooking so that you could finally eat, but Bakugou had other plans. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and took a good whiff of your food.
“Mm, smells good,” he says.
“I’m almost done,” you giggle when his nose touches the back of your neck.
“Smells so good, I might have to take a bite now,” Bakugou teased, opening his mouth to lightly bite the sensitive area on your neck.
“Bakugou Katsuki!” you scream and try to get away from him. But the more you try to get out of his embrace, the tighter his arms become around you, making it nearly impossible for you to escape. Nearly. You managed to escape his embrace but soon found yourself trapped between the counter and your hungry boyfriend.
“You can get dessert later,” you scolded him, hitting him playfully on the chest.
“Baby, I want some now,” he lowers his voice that makes him sound oh so seductive. His eyes were looking you up and down. He bites his lower lip in the way that makes your legs melt. Oh he meant business now. You were mesmerized and put in a trance the closer his body came. You mind was telling you to wait, at least until after dinner and you could have all the fun you want. Plus, if you did it now, your dinner would get cold and then it would all be to waste because of your needs. But your body was falling for his charms so badly. And you almost gave in, if it wasn’t for a noticeable bruise on his cheek and that cut on his lip. That’s when you completely snapped out of it and held his face to get a closer inspection.
“Woah, I like it when you take charge,” Bakugou continued to flirt, not knowing that you can found marks on his face and change attitudes in a split second.
“What happened?” you asked with a concerned frown on your face. Oh, that’s what you were talking about? Bakugou cleared his throat and slowly turned away from you, like he was completely disregarding the topic.
“Bakugou,” you whined, making him turn to face you.
“I just- got a few marks from working, that’s all,” he reassured you, but you were suspicious. What was he doing that he got cuts on his face? Sure, maybe his hands or his legs. But the face?
“What were you doing at work that made your face like this?” you asked. No matter what kind of situations you put yourself in, it made no sense to get that beat up as a construction worker.
“Work is so fast paced. Sometimes I don’t even know I got hurt until hours later. I feel fine. See? Doesn’t hurt,” he poked his face and he wasn’t flinching one bit. Maybe you were overreacting a little bit. Bakugou could tell on your face that you wanted to continue to talk about it until you got a satisfying answer, so he changed the subject real fast. He couldn’t have you knowing how he really got those bruises.
“What ya watching?” he asked, turning your attention away from his face and back to the news on your phone. They took a commercial break and were now continuing on with the story of who Ground Zero really is.
“Don’t you want to know who this hero is?” you started the conversation, your eyes glued to the screen.
“Not really. Why, do you?”
“Yes! You’re not curious?” you looked at him with wide eyes, like he was crazy for not wanting to know what the whole city wants to know.
“Why do you care so much anyway?” he asks like he doesn’t care and is uninterested when really, his ears are all open.
“He’s just so cool! He appears out of nowhere and saves this town from crime? Not even our police does that good of a job. It’s refreshing to see a hero, a real hero, here. Did you know he saved me a few times? Don’t be jealous, babe. But he was something. It’s just weird that he only appears at night, you know? Crime happens at all times of the day, but he only shows up at night where you can’t see his face that well. He also wears a mask, too. So I guess that’s another reason why we can’t figure out who he is. But isn’t that weird, babe? Makes me want to know who he is,” you went on a rant, talking about everything and anything you knew about him. Bakugou’s eyes softened when you talked about him. He didn’t know you were so passionate about his secret hero life. The way you were talking about the hero makes it seem like you have a crush on him. How cute. You were dating him in real life and you have a crush on him as a hero? You really couldn’t get enough of him.
Ever since that news story came out about him, the whole town was buzzing about who could this mysterious hero be? Who is he? Where did he come from? And why is he here, saving this city? So many questions were left unanswered. Of course, there were some conspiracy theories but none of them could be proven. There were some so determined to find out who this guy was that they were hunting him down.
Every time Bakugou found himself in a villain fight, best believe that there would be paparazzi or civilians with their bright phones out, trying to get a good picture of his face in. Annoying as it was, he was also determined to keep his identity a secret. That meant hiding his face from the phones as he was fighting. Not only did he have to try to hide away from paparazzi, but he also had to hide his scratches from you.
He was a good hero. Good fighter and can capture any villain coming his way. Now, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t land a punch or two on him. Sometimes he wasn’t trying his hardest and would land a lucky punch. Or he could underestimate his opponent and they would surprise him with a few punches.
He had to be careful because you were observant. Like very observant. If anything was off, you would notice it right away. And Bakugou was getting these wounds more often than you would like. Bakugou would lie and insist that they were from work, but he knew that you weren’t buying it. For some reason, you didn’t press on about it. And that made him nervous. Did you know? Or did you not care?
Word got out fast in this town. And it just so happens that three certain heroes were passing by and overheard this news.
 It was rare that both of you had days off. Today was one of those days. What other way to spend together than run some errands, go home to cook some amazing food, and chill on the couch watching TV?
You were browsing the aisle while Bakugou was following behind with a cart full of groceries. Instead of one of you just cooking, it was decided that both of you were going to make a collaboration dish. It included a lot of ingredients, but you were sure it was going to turn out amazing like always.
At the same time, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, and Kirishima Eijirou entered the same store. Kirishima and Uraraka were complaining that their stomachs were literally eating itself and they had to get snacks or else they’d turn into puddy. So to the nearest supermarket they went. Who would have thought, after weeks of searching, they’d find the one they’ve been looking for.
“Oi, is that..?” Kirishima started and Uraraka could only nod slowly.
“Yeah…” It was Bakugou Katsuki in the flesh. He hasn’t seen them yet. No. He was too focused wrapping his arms around his girlfriend and pecking her with kisses as she tries pushing him away, laughing. The sight was definitely… something. Was this really Bakugou Katsuki? The Bakugou they knew was loud, aggressive, mean. He wasn’t the type to fall in love. He never even looked in a woman’s direction.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Izuku marched towards the blonde and his significant other, the other two heroes following closely behind. They only took a few steps when a elderly woman stopped them from approaching their long lost friend.
“Wha-” Izuku was startled by the small lady’s presence. If he didn’t stop in time, he was sure to run over her like a bug. By accident, of course.
“I’d leave them alone, if I were you,” she stated. That confused the trio. “Those two have been through so much and they are finally able to be together with no obstacles in their way. Don’t bother the lovely couple.” The old lady shooed the trio away from you two. Izuku looked back at this friend. Bakugou was looking down at you with the sweetest smile. He looked happy for once. He looked like he was genuinely happy. Izuku saw the love in Bakugou’s eyes and he felt immediate guilt. Bakugou was happy, but the world needed him. Shit, what was he going to do now?
 You were in the middle of prepping your ingredients for tonight’s dinner. Bakugou was supposed to help you, but he’s been stuck in the bathroom for 30 minutes, so you started without him. When you were about finished, a knock at the door scared you. You never got visitors, so who could possibly be at the door? You wiped your hands on your pants and went to open the door. Three strangers, whom you’ve never seen before in your life, were standing in front of you.
“Hi. Can I help you?” you asked.
“Hi, is Kacchan there?” The one in the middle with green curly hair spoke. You tilted your heard upon hearing that name.
“Kacchan? You must have gotten the wrong place. No one by ‘Kacchan’ lives here,” you informed them. The one in the middle shook his head and apologized.
“I’m sorry. I meant, is Bakugou Katsuki there?” Mm? They were looking for your boyfriend? Now you were confused even more. Bakugou never mentioned people were coming over. Actually, he never mentioned having friends ever. Nonetheless, they knew your boyfriend so it would be rude to have them stand outside like that. You invited them in, allowing them to sit on the sofa. You prepped some tea and set it down for them to help themselves. Then, you were freaking out, going to find your boyfriend because who the hell were these built yet very attractive people doing here?
“Katsuki?” you called for your boyfriend. Thank god he got out of the bathroom on time. You ran up to him, clenching onto his arm.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, defense up.
“Three people were asking for you so I let them in and they are on your couch right now. They were kind of intimidating. They were all so built and muscular, kind of like you. I don’t know what they want though. The one with the green, curly hair talked the most and they asked for a ‘Kacchan’ at first but I didn’t know who that was and then-” you started rambling on because of how nervous you were. But the moment he heard about a green haired boy and ‘Kacchan’, his stomach dropped.
“Okay, okay. Babe, calm down. Let me handle this,” Bakugou grabbed onto your shoulders in a comforting matter and headed out to the living room. You were curious about who these people were so of course, you also joined him.
The three strangers helped themselves to a cup of tea and talked among themselves before Bakugou came out to greet them. The moment the former blonde hero comes into view, all three of them shot up.
“Kacchan,” Deku was the first to speak but Kirishima was the first to come up to him and give him a manly hug.
“We missed you, bro,” Kirishima almost sobbed. Bakugou hugged him back, the feeling of nostalgia coming back to him.
“Missed you, too,” Bakugou confessed. He gave Uraraka a smile and nod, her returning the favor. Bakugou went up to his old friend who was already in tears and patted him on the shoulder.
“Kacchan!” Deku lifted his arm and cried in his sleeve, masking his crying face. Bakugou’s gaze softened. Letting his guard down for this one time, he pulled Izuku in for a hug. A shock to all, but Izuku wasn’t going to pass this opportunity up and hugged him back.
“Aren’t you a little too old to be crying like a baby,” Bakugou teased. While Bakugou was have a small reunion with his old friends, you watched the whole event unfold. It was like you were seeing a different side to Bakugou. And you thought you knew him pretty well.
Bakugou’s three friends sat on the couch while you and Bakugou pulled up two chairs and sat right across from them. It was silent, neither side knowing where or how to start. You got a good look at all of them. They had scars all over, the men especially. When you looked over at the girl, you couldn’t help but feel insecure. She was gorgeous. Perfect body, cute face. She was looking at Bakugou. When you side glanced at your boyfriend, he was looking down, avoiding everyone’s stares. You looked back at her and couldn’t help but think, did they use to have a thing? While you were deep in your insecure thoughts, Uraraka cleared her throat to fill the awkward silence. If no one was going to speak, she will.
“I’m Uraraka. This is Deku, and that one over there is Kirishima. We’re Bakugou’s old classmates,” she explained. You nodded your head. This was the first time you were hearing about Bakugou’s past. Every time you brought it up, he would avoid it or change topics. So this conversation was intriguing you. “And what’s your name?”
“Ah, I’m (y/n),” you introduced yourself.
“My girlfriend,” Bakugou added, confidently. You looked at him embarrassed, but he wasn’t afraid to show you off.
“Who could have thought grumpy Bakugou here could get a girl? How’d you do it, bro? Show off your cool explosions? Save her from those horrible villains?” Kirishima’s blabber mouth went on and on. But you had no idea what he was talking about. Grumpy? Your Bakugou wasn’t grumpy or angry. Explosions? Beating villains? How could your Bakugou do that? He was quirkless, just like you. You looked at Bakugou to help give you answers but he was avoiding your stare and trying to get Kirishima to shut up.
“There’s no way he’d flirt with his explosions. That’d scare her away. He probably showed her tricks with his quirk,” Uraraka chimed in. Bakugou by now was sweating. Everything was going downhill.
“You have a quirk?” you asked in disbelief at Bakugou. Shit, shit shit. Bakugou wanted to explain but nothing was coming out of his mouth.
“You didn’t know?” Uraraka asked innocently. “You’d have to know that he was a hero… right?” wrong. Dead silence. Your mouth was slightly ajar and Bakugou hung his head low. He had a headache now. The trio sensed that something was wrong but Kirishima had to go on a say more.
“Wait till she finds out that the top 4 heroes are sitting right in front of her,” Kirishima whispered not so quietly.
“The… top 4 heroes?” you emphasized, not believing that you were hearing correctly.
“Well, cat’s out of the bag. I’m the number 4 hero: Red Riot. Uraraka is number 3: Uravity. Izuku is the number 1 hero: Deku. And our man here is the number 2 hero: Ground Zero.” You felt like your ears were deceiving you. That, or you swear you were dreaming. You weren’t even mad, just in complete shock. You slowly faced your boyfriend, who you thought you knew so well. Now he was like a stranger because what did you know about him? What was the truth?
“You’re Ground Zero?”
A/N: Okay, I know Bakugou’s official hero name is Dynamight, but I’m going to keep it Ground Zero for this series. In later stories, I will be correcting it to Dynamight!
Tagged:@superblyspeedydragon @simpforeveryone @sam-i-am-1025​ @daddy-daichis​ @bonbonthedragon​ @bakasbitch18 @misssugarless-blog @romansecrets​ @oneseharuxo​ @introvertatitsfinest​ @the2ndl​ @waffleareniceandfluffy​
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sncwbaz · 3 years
left on read.
| Carry On Countdown | Day 5 | Nov. 29th 2020 | Sleepless | @carryon-countdown |
Once a year I rise from the ashes to write a fic for the Carry On Countdown. This time about troubled boys and their unexpected late night texts. I hope you enjoy.  
(This takes place somewhere before Wayward Son I think? Maybe?)
link to ao3
He felt stupid about it, but there were times when Baz missed the Watford catacombs. He specifically missed them as he lay awake at unreasonable hours, with his head full of worries. He knew it wasn’t a good place to long back to. Not a good time in his life to long back to, either. However, it had been nice to have a place to retreat to when the voices in his head wouldn’t quiet down. It had been a good place to feel lonely; in the catacombs his loneliness just became part of the scenery, whereas in his London flat it turned the air so heavy that he felt constantly weighted down. 
It had been good to have a physical place to put his emotions. Now that he lacked such a place, he resulted to outsmarting and outrunning all the feelings and thoughts that tugged at him. 
Baz rolled over in his bed and reached for his phone, that he unwisely kept on his nightstand where it could act as a perfect distraction from sleeping. He knew he wasn’t sleeping tonight anyway, though, so it didn’t matter if the brightness of his phone screen kept him further from a proper night’s rest. If he found himself feeling nostalgic to his angst-ridden days at Watford, then he truly was in a bad place. 
He unlocked his phone and, without much thought, found his way to his text conversation with Simon. The conversation was mostly one-sided, as had been normal the last few months. Both with texting and real life conversations. Most of the texts were Baz asking Simon practical questions: If he wanted something from from supermarket (butter), if Baz should come over on Friday to cook dinner for him (sure), if Simon wanted back his hoodie that he’d left at Baz’s flat way back when (no answer).
Looking at the text only made Baz feel lonelier, but he still clung to them like they were a life line. Simon was still there, just… less. 
Baz scrolled all the way down again, to the last text he’d sent Simon the previous evening. 
Baz (21:39) - Will you let me know if you need anything from me? 
He’d sent this unprompted. The fact that it had gone unanswered was answer enough for Baz. Simon wouldn’t ask for help, which left Baz with a permanent furrowed brow.  
Baz stared at the texts long enough that his screen almost turned to black again. He was about to close out of the app when a tiny speech bubble with moving dots appeared at the bottom of the chat. It took him a moment and a held breath to figure out what this meant. Simon was typing. 
Simon was awake, with his chat to Baz open. And Simon was typing. 
Baz’s heart was suddenly racing. He sat up in bed as he waited for Simon to finish typing. 
But then the speech bubble disappeared, and no text followed. Baz waited for a bit, but nothing came. Baz considered the option that he might have imagined the little speech bubble, but his breathlessness told him otherwise. 
Even more awake than before, Baz kept staring at his lit phone screen. 
Will you let me know if you need anything from me? 
What if Simon had been trying? Baz decided to bite the bullet and typed out a message himself.
Baz (03:12) - Hey, are you awake?
The longer he waited for an answer, the more he regretted sending the text in the first place. Something in Baz kept telling him that he shouldn’t push Simon. That he should follow the pace Simon set for them. That he shouldn’t ask more questions than Simon would have the energy to answer. That he shouldn’t want more from Simon than Simon was willing to give. 
But he felt alone and sad, and his inability to reach Simon was eating at him more than the voice that told him that he should leave Simon alone. 
When Baz almost lost hope that Simon would reply, the little speech bubble with the moving dots reappeared, causing Baz to still completely. 
This time the speech bubble really did turn into an actual message. 
Simon (03:29) - Yeah
It wasn’t much—barely a word—but it was something. Baz took a few deep breaths, and decided to take Simon’s short reply as an invitation. 
Baz (03:30) - What’s keeping you awake?
Baz’s heart did a leap as Simon started typing back almost instantly. Simon had been typing for a while, but Baz only got a one word reply. 
Simon (03:32) - Caffeine
Baz snorted despite himself. Considering the time it had taken Simon to type such a short message, it had probably gone through many revisions. Baz knew he wasn’t getting the full truth. However, it was an answer nonetheless, which was more than Baz could have hoped for. 
Baz lay back down in bed, and wondered shortly how to follow up on Simon’s text, but he didn’t get the chance to come up with anything.
Simon (03:32) - What’s keeping you awake? 
Baz (03:33) - My head won’t quiet down. It’s full with uni stuff.
Baz contemplated for a moment before sending an additional message, his fingers shaking with adrenaline as he pressed send. 
Baz (03:33) - And you.
Simon (03:34) - Oh
Baz (03:34) - Yeah.
Baz couldn’t stand the idea of allowing a silence to fall between them at this moment, so he continued typing. 
Baz (03:34) - Perhaps I was missing you
Simon (03:35) - You were here yesterday
Baz (03:35) - Well, yes. You’re saying you don’t miss me after not seeing me for a single day?
Simon (03:35) - Don’t be ridiculous
Baz (03:36) - And how exactly am I being ridiculous?
Simon (03:36) - I always miss you. 
Something stilled in Baz. He didn’t know if it was his heart, or simply his breathing. 
Baz (03:36) - You don’t have to, you know.
Baz (03:36) - I mean
Baz (03:36) - You can always reach out to me when you miss me.
Simon (03:37) - Okay
Simon (03:37) - I think I know that
Baz (03:37) - You *think* you know? 
Simon (03:37) - Things aren’t always clear in my head. Not used to thinking. It’s tiring. 
Simon (03:38) - I used to be better at not thinking. 
Baz felt at a loss for words here. He felt like Simon was finally saying things to him—really saying things. He was finally showing him a little of what was going on in his head, and Baz didn’t know what to do with it. His inability to act as proper support for Simon left him feeling hollowed out. 
In a panic of not knowing what to reply he ended up pressing the call button. If he couldn’t find the words to comfort Simon, then he at least wanted Simon to know that he was really there with him.
The call got denied within seconds. 
Simon (03:39) - Did you mean to call? 
Baz (03:39) - Yeah.
Simon (03:39) - Oh right. It made me jump. Sorry. 
And then a call came in from Simon. 
“Hey,” Baz said as he answered the call. 
“Hey,” Simon’s voice sounded, cracking through the speakers of Baz’s phone. 
“I figured listening to me could maybe help you a little with the thinking problem?” 
“You sound unsure.”
“I am unsure.” Baz sighed. “I just didn’t want you to think that my silence would mean that I was leaving you on read. I’m here with you even if I don’t know what to say.” 
Simon makes a snorting sound at that. 
“Are you laughing at me, Snow?” 
“You don’t seem like someone who’d have trouble with finding things to say.” Simon’s voice had a sleepy kind of roughness to it, over the phone like this. Baz melted a little at the sound of it. 
“I do when I want the things I say to mean something.” 
“Oh, okay.” 
A silence fell. 
“I think I’m getting sleepy,” Simon said after a while. 
“I can stay on the phone until you fall asleep, if you want?”
“Of course,” Baz said, soft enough that it could almost pass as a whisper. 
“Won’t it be weird?”
“I don’t know, Snow. Won’t it be?” 
Simon made a huffing sound, which Baz guessed was the audible version of a shrug. 
“Maybe it’s better if we hang up. What if the call stays on the entire night?”
Baz couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. “Yeah, okay.”
They were quiet for another moment. 
“Well, good night then, Simon.”
“Good night,” Simon said back, and Baz thought he could hear a smile in Simon’s words. Though, maybe it was just wishful thinking. 
“See you tomorrow, right?” 
“Okay. Good.” 
Another silence fell. Baz had already firmly decided that he wouldn’t be the one to hang up. 
“Okay, bye then,” Simon said.
“Bye, love,” Baz whispered back and Simon ended the call. 
The feeling that spread out from Baz’s chest to his throat was one he couldn’t quite understand. He was happy. Simon had properly talked to him for what felt like the first time in ages. Yet he felt heavy in a way that came too close to dread.
He wondered if the conversation they’d had just now would change anything between them when Baz visited him tomorrow. He wondered if anything about Simon’s state would be improved tomorrow. If Simon would come greet him and kiss him at the door when he arrived. If Simon would talk about his day and actually listen while Baz told him about his. 
But the heavy feeling in his chest told him not to hope. Simon was not okay, that much was clear. And Baz didn’t really know how to help him, that was clear too. But maybe, he’d made Simon understand that he would still be there for him, even if he didn’t really know how to, and maybe that was a good start.  
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 3.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Here it is guys part 3.! I’m so glad you all like this series, and I’m so grateful for all the amazing comments and reactions you send me 🥰. I would still appreciate it if you reblog, leave a comment or send a feedback!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing, mentions of alcohol
Part 1. Part 2.
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“Tom get that.”
“Tom your phone is ringing.”
“For fuck’s sake.”
The annoying beeping of the phone woke you from the deep slumber.
You were so jaded. The sharp pain in your muscles and in between your thighs made you yelp as you tried to sit yourself up.
Your eyes were burning, aching for more sleep.
“Are you deaf or what?” You said, finally opening your eyes.
However you were welcomed with an empty bed. The right side of the bed was cold, so it meant he went away a long time ago.
Stupid you.
“Well what did you thought Y/N? That he would stay in the morning, snuggle you up and make you breakfast?! Of course he would leave, that’s Tom after all.” You let out a loud sigh, crossing your arms, clearly annoyed that he didn’t at least tell you he was going home.
“A fucking message would be polite Holland.” You muttered to yourself.
Okay calm down. That’s how this thing works right? You wanted this, so we’re going to put the feelings aside.
“Okay the overthinking needs to stop, everything will be just fine.” You said, sliding back into your bed.
Hey it’s Saturday, nothing to do so why not?
Oh wait if it wasn’t Tom’s phone ringing it was yours.
Who is even already up at this time, and on weekend as well?
11:50 AM
Already noon? That explains a lot.
1 missed call from Anna
3 text messages from Anna
2 missed calls from Tom
3 text messages from Tom
So he did call after all. Lucky me.
Hey you up?
It’s almost noon Y/N you never sleep that long, call me when you wake up.
Are you going today? Do you want me to pick you up?
What the hell are you talking about Anna?
Did I make some plans and totally forgot about them? That would be embarrassing.
Morning love, I just wanted you to know I left early because the guys from the frat needed me. Didn’t want to wake you up, thought you need that rest after last night.
You still sleeping or? Did I dick you down that good?
Never mind. Harry is having a chill barbecue party tonight, so he told me to call you, Anna and Amelia are going too so they told me they would pick you up. Also take a bikini if you want to.
Dicked me down to good?! Idiot.
So the barbecue party is what they are talking about. Cool.
Will there be more cute girls? Probably.
And boys as well, so that means let’s have fun.
He isn’t the only one that can enjoy himself.
To Anna:
I’m going, pick me up around six.
Oh you better! Take that red cute bikini, some bird told me there will be some hot guys.
Typical Anna. But she ain’t wrong.
Stupid pain. I’m a mess, my room is a mess.
I need a break for sure, and a bath would definitely help because limping all day is a big no.
The scent of the eucalyptus oil filled the whole bathroom. The warm water mixed with it reduced the soreness and stiffness that was making you feel exhausted.
It was what you needed, enjoying the silence and some me time.
Until the phone rang again.
“Are you kidding me right now?” You groaned from the feeling of the chilly air coming in contact with your warm body as you tried to reach your phone.
“Hello.” You answered, closing your eyes to relax as much as possible.
“Good morning to you too love. Didn’t wanna answer my calls eh?”
“I was sleeping Tom.”
“Yes, but you replied to Anna’s messages.”
“Well she needed to know if she will pick me up or not.”
“So you’re going?” He asked.
“Of course I’m going, wouldn’t miss that.”
“I kinda called you to say that I’m going to ask Sophie for that coffee, so God please help me and get her off my dick.” Tom continued, hoping that this will go as planned.
“Mmm great.” You moaned, the bath doing the job, making you feel ten times better.
“Are you touching yourself?” The voice on the other line spoke. You could practically hear him smirking.
“Excuse you?!” You screeched, not believing his words now.
Well there goes your relaxing time.
Thanks Tom.
“Nothing to be ashamed of. If I was you, I would do that too after the good sex last night, with me in your mind, rewinding the scenes that happened.” He laughed through the phone.
“Your ego is really bigger than your dick Holland.” You joked, but still telling the truth.
“Ouch sweetheart, should I let you finish what you started? We don’t want you to be that infuriated tonight.”
“For your information I’m having a bath. Trying to relax a bit.” You spit back.
“Ohh, so I did a good job after all?”
“Goodbye Thomas, see you tonight.”
“Sure sweetheart, see you.”
He really was a pain in the ass sometimes, but there was something that made you totally hooked.
You ended the call, standing up from the bath drying yourself up.
“Let’s find that bikini then.”
It was 5 PM now, the doorbell echoing through the small apartment.
“Just a minute!”
“Hello to you too gorgeous.” Anna’s singing voice lightened up your mood instantly.
The anxiety was present. Normally it would just be a stupid barbecue party. All good, nothing to worry about. Anna, Amelia, Tom and Harry would be your company, you would all enjoy the night, talking and drinking together.
But after everything you couldn’t suppress the nervousness that was making you almost puke.
“You look beautiful Y/N! So I believe that you put on the red thing right?” She smiled, winking at you.
“I did. Who knows maybe someone will love that old piece?” You joked, looking for your bag.
“Oh come on, I have someone for you to meet tonight, he is totally your type!” She began, “A great opportunity to set aside the crush for our famous lover.”
Anna was the only one who knew about the silly crush on Tom.
I mean how could she not? You, Tom and Anna were inseparable since you were little kids.
Harry was younger so he joined the group later.
Amelia was the last addition. You two met in college, clicking immediately. So you introduced her to others, and that’s how it began.
“Fair enough, I do need someone right?” You questioned, styling your hair.
“Yes! It has been a while since you have had a boyfriend, and sex.” She raised her eyebrows, sending you a cheeky smile.
Yes, it has been. Especially sex. Fifteen hours is extremely long. I agree with that Anna.
“Oh, wait you had company yesterday?” She asked, eyeing the two wine stained glasses that were on the kitchen counter.
What am I supposed to say now?
“Uhm, n-no..both glasses are mine.” You said, hoping that she doesn’t suspect something.
“Both?” She asked suspiciously.
“Yeah, I was reading a book. My regular Friday night, and I was in the mood for some wine. I kinda put the first glass in my room, and when I went back to the living room I was already tipsy and I forgot where I put my glass, so I just took a new one.”
“Christ what a lame excuse Y/N.” You thought, feeling your cheeks getting hotter.
“Not going to lie, that sounds like you. You’re so confused when you get drunk.” She laughed, making you relaxed.
“Yeah, yeah…totally. Are we going now?” You said changing the theme, exhaling the air that got stuck in your throat a few seconds ago.
“Let’s go, you’re boy is waiting!”
Jesus give me strength for this night.
“Y/N! Anna!” Harry yelled, drawing the attention to us.
A chill barbecue party? This place is almost jam-packed.
“Well long time no see Harry.” You smiled, embracing him in a tight hug.
“Since Monday. I know you can’t go without me that long.”
“I guess I can’t.”
“You two can get a drink and take a seat or whatever you want. I still need to finish this food so I will find you after that, yes?” He asked.
“Don’t worry Holland Y/N will definitely be busy in a while.” Anna stated, laughing together with Harry.
“Oooh yes, forgot about that.”
“Why does everyone know something that I don’t?” You asked completely confused.
“Enjoy yourself Y/N! Why don’t you get us something to drink and I will try to find Amelia?”
“Sure, whatever.” You answered, still a bit suspicious because of their behaviour.
The place was starting to get full. The music that was playing in the house was loud enough for you to make your way to the kitchen as fast as you could.
You were looking around the house trying to find him. You couldn’t help yourself.
The kitchen was small but at least empty, and it had a view on the whole living room.
You put Anna’s drink on the counter, resting your back on it and looking at the sea of people, hoping you would catch at least a glimpse of Tom.
And you caught more than a glimpse for sure.
Tom and a familiar blonde attached to his hip.
Nothing unusual.
If only he wasn’t that dumb and blind, so he could see how much you like him and how a relationship isn’t a bad thing.
If only.
You are his best friend but you still didn’t know him.
Tom was a great guy. He had a good heart, but why didn’t he trust girls? Why is commitment such an issue for him?
Many questions were in your head right now and they were all unanswered.
Oh Tom, I definitely need to lose these feelings.
“He sure knows how to get a girl.” A male voice spoke behind you, making you turn instantly.
You were greeted with a pair of deep blue eyes that were fixed on yours. His broad smile and perfect teeth were absolutely breathtaking. They could brighten up every girls day.
His figure was leaning on the fridge, drink in his hand. He adjusted his glasses, still looking at you.
“You mean Tom? Yeah, but only in his bed.” You joked, making him laugh.
“You’re not wrong.” He spoke.
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. Harrison.” He extended his hand, waiting for your name.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.” You took his hand in yours, the warm feeling sending chills through your body.
Jesus those irresistible blue eyes.
You were smiling like crazy, possibly looking like a fool.
“Beautiful name.” He spoke.
“Thank you, yours is not that bad either.” You smiled, unable to keep your eyes away from him.
Oh shit Anna’s drink.
Well she wouldn’t mind.
“Would you like to go outside maybe? A bit to crowded here.” He asked.
Is he really asking me to go with him somewhere?
Just be yourself Y/N.
“After you.” He motioned you to go first, standing close behind you.
How incredible would it be if Tom saw you now.
However he was to busy facing the girl that will be his partner for the night. He was whispering in her ear, making the blonde giggle.
You couldn’t judge, you fell for his actions too.
This is just for fun. This is just sex. Nothing else.
Keep that in mind.
Someone out there is waiting for you.
“What do you say?” Harrison’s voice was ringing in your ears.
I zoned out again, why am I so embarrassing?
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you the music is just too much.” You turned your head, his face now close to yours.
“No worries. I asked if you would like to sit there.” He asked one more time, pointing to the small table in the garden.
You nodded.
There were still people around you, but his presence was making you more nervous than them.
You didn’t feel like this in a while, that’s a good start.
“So..you’re here with someone?” He began the small talk.
“Yes, with my friends. Couldn’t miss Harry’s ‘chill’ party.” You laughed, emphasising the word chill.
“Harry and his chill parties.” Harrison laughed, seeing where you’re coming from.
“You know him?” He added.
“Harry? We’re best friends since forever.”
“Really? How did I never met such a beautiful friend of his?”
You were blushing like a teen girl on her first date.
Who wouldn’t? Look at him, he was not just handsome but kind and sweet as well.
“I’m not someone who would immediately catch a boy’s attention, but thank you.” You smiled, glancing at him lowering your eyes on your drink.
“You sure caught mine.” His sweet voice spoke back.
The damn weird feeling in my stomach. Is he really making me feel these things already?
“Oh stop it you’re making me blush.” You covered your face, grinning widely.
“I think that you’re absolutely adorable when you blush if I may add.” He laughed.
Harrison was smitten.
He just wanted to get himself a drink and go find Harry.
However his plans were interrupted by a gorgeous girl in a pastel dress.
She was already lost in her thoughts when he stepped inside.
Harrison still got a perfect view of her face that was staring at the crowd forming inside the house. He saw her looking at his best friend, her facial expression turning into a disgusting one after she saw Tom fondling the girl’s bare arm.
“First girl that doesn’t find his flirting intriguing.” He thought.
He needed to talk to you. You were something else, he didn’t want to lose the chance.
Thank God he found the courage to say something, because now he wouldn’t be here sitting with you. Looking at the most engaging smile ever.
“Thank you.” You spoke, trying to calm yourself.
“So.. You and Tom?” He smirked rising his eyebrow, waiting for an answer.
Oh no he saw you staring.
Harrison was just curious. He saw the difference between you and other girls from college, but he still asked that.
“Me and him? God no! I’m his best friend.” You replied, putting on a disgusting face.
“Hey I don’t judge, just asking.” He put his hands up in in defence.
“But honestly, you don’t seem like that kind of girl.”
Now you were the one waiting for an answer.
“What I wanted to say is that you seem very bright. That the lame flirting attempts aren’t your weakness and that you’re not an attention seeker. You’re a girl who knows what she deserves. Gosh that sounded better in my head I’m sorry.” He chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I just think that you’re pretty cute, not like the other girls here.”
This guy.
You couldn’t get enough of him. Hopefully he will be around here much more.
“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you Harrison, it turned out really nice.”
“Just the truth beautiful.” He smiled at you.
“Well, well, look what we have here.”
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softsalome · 3 years
Repost from my old account, @/softperfuma.
2$ USD = 1.64€ = 5 UNY (United Republic of Nations Yuan)
The first time Mako didn’t show up for dinner should’ve been the red flag that finally caught Wu’s eye. They’d known each other for a few years, but in the past few months they had a silent agreement that brought them closer: some obscure foreign drama that they both loved and had no one else to talk to about. So every Friday night, like clockwork, Mako would pull up to the gates of Wu’s apartment complex with takeout in the passenger seat and the gate code quickly scribbled on his palm. Until it had gone on for so long, that he didn’t need to write it down anymore.
But despite all the Fridays Mako spent in Wu’s house, all the hours of dissecting the episode and picking up noodles that had spilled on the floor, something was stirring between the lines of their friendship. Something that Wu had been afraid to acknowledge, ignoring the growing wound in the hopes that it wouldn’t get worse, wouldn’t hurt him in the end.
But for him, hope wasn’t enough.
So there he was, sitting alone in his living room with his fingers tightly wrapped around his phone, trying to remember the last time his apartment felt so empty. He kept locking and unlocking the little block in his hand, hoping that the screen would eventually light up with a reply to the text he sent hours ago.
‘hey do you still wanna watch the show w me tonight?’
‘mako are u ok? u haven’t been answering me lately’
‘if u wanna talk im here ok?’
All read. All unanswered.
Wu finally abandoned his hopes and opened an app to order dinner. He decided that if he was going to be miserable, he should at least be full. Within the hour, he was pulling apart chopsticks and picking at chow mein, wondering why he was dumb enough to fall for a straight guy.
He’d been only flipping through his movie list for a few minutes before the doorbell rang again. Rising with groan and a scowl, he made his way to the door, dragging his feet the whole way. He unlocked his phone as he opened the door, hoping the lack of eye contact with the delivery boy would make him feel a little less on edge.
“Look man, I know 75Y isn’t the best tip, but I really don’t have any more cash on me right now-”
One word. His own name, at that. But it was enough to make Wu feel like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. It only took a moment for him to meet those amber eyes with his own before he silently wished he was facing a grumpy delivery boy instead. He choked out a response, trying his damndest to hide his discomfort behind whatever bravado he had left.
“Mako! There you are! I was- I’m- I’m glad you were able to make it tonight!”
Mako slowly shrunk at his laughter, the plastic bag in his hands rustling as he moved.
“And-and you brought food! That’s so great because I was so hungry I was just about to hunt the turtleducks in the pond out front-”
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better, Wu,” Mako sighed, running his hands through his hair. “I could smell the chow mein from the elevator.”
Wu swallowed hard at being caught, as if any more lies he might’ve told were trapped and sent back down his throat. He looked at his phone again, thinking the moment might pass sooner if he was looking at the clock. Then Mako spoke, the tips of his shoes sneaking into Wu’s line of sight.
“Can I- can I come in? Is that okay?”
Wu’s head snapped up as he swung his front door backwards, stumbling into the doorknob as he made space for Mako to walk in.
“Of course, of course! I can’t just leave one of my best bros stranded in the hallway, can I?”
Mako quickly passed the threshold of the door, stepping out of his shoes before walking deeper into the apartment. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.” Wu gasped at that, hand to his chest as he exaggerated his response.
“Mako! How could you think I’d do such a thing! What little faith ye have!” To further spoil the moment with his antics, Wu spun his way to the couch, sinking into it as he raised the back of his hand to his forehead.
“To think so lowly of me… I don’t think my heart can bear the pain!” Eyes closed, he couldn’t see the small smile on Mako’s face, but he wound up hearing it. A small laugh left his lips as he made his way to the living room, the glass table fogging as he set his food atop it.
“Would you mind bearing the pain a little less horizontally? I kind of wanna sit on the couch.” Wu laughed as a first answer, his hand still on his forehead. “Well you’ve bailed so many times, maybe you should sit on the floor.”
The silence quickly filled the room, and Wu sat up fast as he realized what he’d done. “Mako, I didn’t mean-”
“No, it’s okay. I deserve it.”
“No you don’t!” Wu shot back, challenging him with his eyes. Wu moved away from him then, making space on the couch for him as he continued to hold his gaze, daring him to let another drop of self-deprecation slip. Mako slowly sat beside him, his eyes moving towards the television. It took a moment before either of them spoke again.
“I’m really sorry I bailed, man… twice. I’m sorry I bailed twice. I should’ve told you I couldn’t come, that wasn’t okay.” Wu clapped him on the back, pulling his hand back fast as if he’d been shocked.
“That’s okay buddy! I half forgive you.” Mako bit back a smile, turning to look at Wu. For a moment, Wu pretended as if Mako was looking at him the way he always wanted him to look at him. But only for a moment. His eyes shimmered, molten in the lamplight. “Half?”
“Duh! I half forgive you now and then I’ll forgive you the other half once we watch the latest episode!” He punctuated his flawless logic by digging through Mako’s takeout bag, grabbing one of the small containers he saw peeking at him earlier. “Is this-”
“Sticky rice. With mango. And I’m really sorry, again.”
“Dude, seriously, it’s fine. Do you…. do you want to talk about it?”
Mako swallowed the bite of pad thai on his tongue, passing the remote to Wu without looking at him. “I don’t think I want to. Sorry.”
Wu bit off a piece of mango before answering, hoping the juice wouldn’t stain his shirt. “That’s okay! We can definitely not talk about it, I am so cool with that. We can just watch the show and not talk about it at all.”
Mako cleared his throat after he swallowed another bite. “I might be a little lost, just to let you know. I haven’t watched the last two episodes-” Wu cut him off, quickly flipping through the shows to look for the one they shared.
“Oh yeah, neither have I.”
Wu glanced over his shoulder, confused at his reply. “What do you mean, ‘What’? I wasn’t gonna watch it without you.” He laughed as he looked back at the TV screen, finally find what he was looking for. “You ready for me to play it or do you need to get something else?” Wu could feel Mako’s weight shift beside him, and he turned to see Mako settling deep into the cushion.
“No. I’m fine.”
Wu quickly turned to the TV and hit play, hoping Mako couldn’t see how his eyes widened, how he almost opened his mouth to answer. Because yes, yes he was.
They agreed to watch the past episodes back to back before discussing it and moving on to the latest one., and Wu was more than grateful for the time to process both the show and the boundless energy thrumming just beneath his skin.
It was annoying and frustrating and scary how good Mako smelt, how good he looked, and how even though he completely ignored him and didn’t show up for two weeks, Wu couldn’t even fathom being angry with him. At this point, he was only mad on principle. But in truth? He just wished that they would gravitate towards each other like they did three weeks ago, when their legs were touching, and then their arms, and then Wu woke up on Mako’s shoulder, jostled awake by Mako’s strained voice telling him that he needed to go home.
But as much as Wu wished for it, the reality was more along the lines of pausing to look for blankets, spilling sticky rice on his shirt, and rewinding scenes because he was too busy thinking about how he had a crush on someone who would never return his feelings. He hoped he could tuck it all within the folds of his persona: bright Wu, happy Wu, the dramatic and dopey and forgetful ex-prince that couldn’t be bothered to suck on a spoon that wasn’t sterling silver. But he was a fool to think that Mako wouldn’t be able to see right through him.
“Wu, you doing alright? You seem a little distracted.”
Wu sat up straighter, tugging the blankets closer to him as if they’d protect him. “No, I’m fine! Great actually. Just a lot on my mind, that’s all. But not like, in a bad way. Just a lot.”
“Do you- do you want me to go-”
“No!” Wu cut him off, driving the point home by grabbing his shoulder and looking him dead in the eye. “It’s fine, you’re fine, we can talk about it and then watch the last episode.”
Mako’s eyes widened, and Wu drew back, worried that he did something wrong, said something wrong. Mako kept looking at him, as if he was waiting for Wu to say something. So he did.
“That camera angle from the first episode was so crazy right? It looked like someone was watching him through the window, but the realtor said the house has been empty for years-” “Um. Wu?”
And then came the worry. It wrapped its vines around Wu’s heart and tightened, hard enough to make him feel like the beating would be dragged down into his stomach. Mako’s tone, his lack of eye contact, the fiddling with his hands. Something was wrong. The kind of wrong that Wu knew would leave him crying into his pillow for days.
“Uh… yeah? What’s up Mako, my good man?”
Mako’s hands clasped together tightly as he stared at them, as if they held answers he desperately needed. “I don’t think…I don’t think I want to be friends with you.”
And that was all it took. Just a few moments, a short pause, before Wu burst into tears. Mako leapt to his side, holding him close as he tried to talk him down.
“Wait no, I didn’t mean it like that, Wu, please!” But Wu was too far gone to hear him, crying so hard he couldn’t see through his tears.
“Is it because I’m gay?!” he wailed as his tears began to stain Mako’s shirt. Mako pulled his head away from him, trying to meet his eyes and failing miserably.
“No, that’s not it at all! Wu please-”
“Is it because I’m an earthbender?”
“Wu, I’m literally mixed, please-”
“I just don’t-I just don’t understand, I’m sorry-”
“Wu, please just listen!”
Wu was finally reduced to quiet whimpers and sniffles, his tears still obscuring his vision. He wanted to wipe his tears away but that meant moving from Mako’s arms, and as painful as it felt, he wanted to relish what he thought would be his last time there. A few seconds passed like that, in silence, as Wu looked through blurry tears and felt Mako’s labored breathing. It came to an end as Mako moved him out of his arms, bringing his hands to Wu’s face as his thumbs wiped away his tears.
“I said that wrong, I- I didn’t mean it like that.” Wu started to tear up again, and Mako was worried that his fingers wouldn’t be able to keep up.
“Then what- what did you even mean? Mako, why would you even say that?”
Wu tried to look at Mako until he realized how close they were. He started to pull away until Mako’s hands flexed and warmed against his cheeks, keeping his face in place as he mumbled something under his breath. Wu leaned a little closer, his vision finally clearing as he searched Mako’s face.
“What did you say? I didn’t hear you…”
Mako took in a deep breath before meeting Wu’s eyes.
“I wanna be with you, not your friend. I wanna be….I wanna be…” Mako trailed off, his eyes falling to Wu’s lips. “Can I-”
“Please,” Wu whispered, nodding as he leaned in to meet Mako halfway.
It took Wu a moment to realize that the salt he tasted between kisses were his own tears, streaming down his cheeks as he leaned deeper into Mako’s arms and silently begged to meet his lips again. After what felt like forever, Wu finally pulled away, sucking on Mako’s lip one last time on his way out. When Mako moaned, Wu giggled in response, giving a peck on the cheek before speaking again.
“Does this mean we can watch the last episode?”
Mako’s laugh rang through the apartment, so loud that it bounced off the walls and begged Wu’s to join in. His head fell back and tears gathered at the corners of his eyes before he managed to catch his breath and nestle close to Wu once again.
“Sure we can. But… is it okay if I kiss you again?”
Wu’s mouth fell into a lazy smile as he looked back at the TV. They’d barely started the end credits.
“Why are you so eager for more kisses?” He was so sure of himself, so confident in his retort. And it all came crashing down once he felt Mako’s lips graze the shell of his ear, whispering soft as if what he was saying was a secret.
“I can’t help it. You taste like mangoes.” Wu whipped his head to look at Mako, their noses grazing at the sudden motion. They sat there, breaths mingling, hearts beating, until Mako said the words he was holding onto.
“I’m really sorry I made you cry, Wu.”
“I forgive you. One and a half times… and I’m sorry for thinking you were straight.”
Mako grinned, lacing his fingers through Wu’s as he met his forehead with his own. “It’s alright. It happens. But… one and a half?”
“Why of course,” Wu jokingly huffed, grabbing the fallen blanket and laying it over the both of their legs. “I forgave you for making me cry but I also promised you one half forgiveness from earlier. It’s just the proper math.” Mako shook his head as he gazed at Wu, who realized that the look on his face was the exact one that he had wanted all along.
“Of course. Proper math.”
Gazing at each other, watching Mako’s eyes flicker to Wu’s lips ever so often, the ex-prince got around to asking the question that had burrowed its way through his head from the moment their lips met.
“Mako, what do you want from this? From me?” Mako leaned closer, Wu’s voice too soft for him to catch sitting deep in the couch cushion. He grasped Wu’s hand a little more firmly, rubbing his thumb across his knuckles as he spoke.
“I want to date you. Be your boyfriend. I like kissing you… is that what you want? Do you… wanna try that?” Wu brought Mako’s hand up to his lips, kissing his knuckles before answering.
“Yeah. I wanna try that.”
Mako smiled so hard and Wu felt like he could run to the moon and back if it meant he could always bring such joy into Mako’s life. He smiled back, but it fell fast as Mako leaned forward to grab the remote.
“Mako, what are you doing?” The firebender looked back at him, confusion marring his face as he slowly leaned back into the couch once more.
“I’m playing the last episode. Don’t you wanna watch it?”
Wu looked down at their hands. Still joined, still warm. He kept looking at them, as if they left his sight, if he looked away for just a moment, they might disappear.
“I do, I just,” he looked up at Mako through his lashes then, “I just thought you wanted to taste some more mango.”
The sound of the remote hitting the floor filled Wu’s lungs with laughter, but before he could begin to tease Mako, the mans’ lips were already on his own, kissing hard and biting soft and warming him in ways only a firebender could.
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camelely · 3 years
TFATWS Spoilers under the cut
Literally the following is my thoughts and opinions, and there are probably some unpopular opinions lol. It's kinda really long lol.
Starting with some positives.
I loved how the two leads had storylines that mirrored each other. Sam needed to become Captain America and gain a title and Bucky needed to move on from The Winter Solider and loose a title.
Sam. Just Sam I loved him before but now I love him more.
Sam becoming Cap.
I loved Isaiah and his story.
I loved Sam's family, how they welcomed Bucky and the struggles Sarah had.
I really liked how they spent time with both Sam and Bucky and didn't forget the show was supposed to be about both of them. Often times shows tend to lean into the more popular or fan favorite lead and this show didn't do that. When Sam took center it felt natural and when Bucky took center it felt natural.
The Wakandans were great. I love Ayo and her friendship with Bucky.
Zemo was fine and fun enough.
John Walker was incredibly done. Wyatt Russell did an amazing job and the scene with the blood on the shield will forever be in my memory. Hands down one of the most impactful MCU moments.
I like the genderbend on Karl/Karli and the direction they took her character. People that go from sympathetic ideas to unforgivable means, make good villains. I think her more boring elements come from the lack of development she got.
Now on to the negatives.
This show could have been like two hours shorter and still told the same story with the same impact. Also earlier episodes, (maybe later episodes too I might have just gotten used to it and stopped noticing lol), had some weird ADR moments. IDK what happened behind the scenes but it was noticeable.
I would have loved it if one of the episodes was a flashback episode. The Sharon twist was obvious from the first episode she appeared in but like they thought it was good enough to save confirmation for the mid/end of the finale? Both her and Karli would have been benefited from a flashback episode.
Karli should have fought Bucky while Sam was focused on Walker. Sam could have had a moment where he tells him he will never be forgiven and Walker would responded with something similar to "I do what is right. I don't need forgiveness." Then when he becomes USAgent it lands more like the next progression in an arc rather than the redemption arc this could be interpreted as. I personally think this is a stepping stone and not a redemption but the MCU (and Disney) doesnt have a great track record when it comes to handling anything with nuance and the fans have an even worse track record when handling things that arent black and white. I guess my point is they could have handled the John Walker set up better.
Speaking of set up, this entire show was set up. This is my main and only real problem with this show. Nothing felt like it was resolved at the end. Karli even says she was part of a bigger movement. Killing her didn't change the fact a lot of people felt the un blip ruined their lives. People always shit on Tony for wanting to bring people back five years later instead of going back in time but like it had been five years, while some like Steve and Natasha hadn't moved on, others had. Some had better lives. Assuming everyone wanted to back to the way things used to be would also be a mistake. This has consequences too, as we see in these shows. But ruining the lives of the people who had bettered themselves would have been shitty too. And yea some people who had been bettered were worsened once again when the un blip happened but my point is going back and erasing the five years would have been shitty too. There is not really a right answer here as the right answer would have been to either stop the snap before it happened or to come to terms with the fact that the snap can never be undone. Leaving everyone as dead might have hurt, but it was the best thing for a community that had five years of mourning and moving on and counseling ETC. Ooof that was a tangent lol and I could probably write an essay so going back to my original point about set up. The flag smashers, or at least people who think the way they did still exist, Sharon Carter is the powerbroker but Sam and Bucky dont know and now shes back as agent 13, John Walker went from war hero to committing war crimes and his journey as USAgent is just starting, Sam has taken the Cap mantle and is ready to begin acting as Cap, and Bucky is both coming to terms with and moving on from his past. Nothing is actually resolved in this mini series. I know it's supposed to make you excited for the next movie/show/season whatever but have six episodes of little to no payoff IMO made for a flat show.
Building off the set up problem. This show had too much going on. Sam and Bucky each had their own personal journey (The A and B plot depending on the episode), Sam and Bucky being friends and their shared journey (C), John Walker and the Flag Smashers (the D and E plot depending on the episode), Zemo and the Wakandans (F), The PowerBroker/Sharon (G), The boat and Sarah which could be considered part of Sam's plot but since if you cut it out the only thing that actually effected Sam's journey would be the bank in the first episode and yet it still went on till basically the end I'm calling it it's own plot (H), Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, which might be part of John Walker's story but since it's all set up for her to take a bigger role in the future and his set up could be completed without her I'm counts her separately (I), then you have the big meeting at the end, the senators and policy makers making choices the vote that they keep mentioning and once again more set up... (J). 10 ideas by my count, all needed their own set up, follow through, and payoff. And yes some stuff like Valentina the pay off will come later but still... It's all too many plots! And thats not mentioning side characters that were new to the show that they wanted to spend time with but couldn't.
Even though I think the shows aren't comparable/two different genres WandaVision had two more episodes (and yes some were shorter but I already mentioned I think FATWS could have benefited from that), completed all the main plots and had Wanda's journey (A), Vision's journey (B), Agatha, Pietro/Ralph, and the citizens of the hex (C), Outside the hex Monica (D), Outside the hex everyone else and sure you can separate Darcy, Jimmy and Heyward but none of them were setting up future stories or had their own distinctive plot outside the hex thing like Monica so she is the only one I am separating (E), the kids who could be counted as an extension of the Wanda and Vision plots since they didnt really have their own arc or story (F). 6 total. And some of those could be combined. Like I think we should separate Wanda Vision and the kids but technically they are just an extension of Wanda. And same with Monica, her story was mostly intertwined with Darcy, Jimmy and the outside the hex stuff. I separated her since I think she had enough moments to herself and she set up secret invasion or whatever, but like Valentina being a part of John's story it is arguable. Of these plots only the missing witness Jimmy thing, Wanda's post credits moment a moment seperate from everything else, Monica's mid credits i think? moment another one separate from everything else, and white vision were unresolved. They gave Agatha an opening ending but it was still an ending. And yes Darcy Heyward etc will probably come back but the plot they had here was finished. So arguably they had 2/6 unfinished plots. And if you don't count Jimmy's witness as a plot and just count it as an unanswered question then 1/6. And technically white vision is just half a vision and the other vision got a complete plot so really it's 0.5/6 At best they completed 92(ish)% of the plots and left 8 (ish) % for future stuff.
In contrast FATWS only finished Sam's journey into becoming Cap, Zemo and the Wakandans, and arguably Sam and Bucky's friendship. You might be able to argue that Bucky had a full circle moment with the guy whose son he killed, but that is one guy and Bucky has been carrying around a list of people like that guy. It's not the end of a story it is the start of a journey. And maybe it is possible to say the boat thing had an ending kinda. 2/10 completed. maybe 3/10 if you wanna push it 5/10. IMO at best they completed 50% of plot set up.
Clearly FATWS is meant to be this way and thats why it bothered me. They want you to watch Cap 4 or whatever they decide to call the theatrical movie that will come after this. I guess I was just expecting it to stand on it's own, and other than Sam's journey into becoming Captain America, which was amazing and deserved in every way, nothing this show did felt like it could have stood on its own. I know it's arguable that was the main story and only story that deserved to end. But I've already pointed out all the other running plots this show had, and I think at least two or three of them should have had follow through in the show.
Someone who plans to never seen an MCU movie after these shows could have watched WandaVision and enjoyed it. That is not the case for FATWS. If you don't plan on watching any MCU stuff in the future you won't know how over half the plots of this show will end. THis isn't even how the movies work. They each tell their own story while also setting up other things, so it is clear they know how to do this.
I can see why Disney decided to submit it as a series and not a mini series. Not only do they not want to compete with themselves (nominating WV as a miniseries) but also this isn't a miniseries.
I guess to conclude I'll say I did really enjoy watching this show. It was fun and there were some great moments. It featured amazing character and amazing actors, but I wish it had bothered to finish more of what it started.
Thank you so much for reading till the end of a post that has surely become unintelligible gloop by now. If you disagree I'd love to hear why!
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 7/8
Will we attend the long awaited meeting?
Final stretch before the end... How are you doing?
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Loki's apartment - 2021
Loki turned the drawing over, Mobius had added a few words to it.
Answer me after 6pm, I'll wait by the mailbox.
Loki looked at the clock, it was 5:15 p.m., he took his notepad and his pencil and left in a hurry towards the house on the cliff.
Arriving a few minutes after 6pm, he went to the mailbox, scribbled quickly on his notebook, tore out the page and after putting it in the box, he raised the flag.
It was lowered almost immediately, the start of another conversation punctuated by its movement.
Mobius House - 2019
Mobius was pacing around the box, avoiding looking at his watch every minute, wondering if he had frightened Loki with his request for a date, when the flag suddenly rose.
L -How?
M -Pick a place. I will be there. I promise. Tomorrow, what do you say?
L -Mobius. It's not tomorrow for you. You'll have to wait two years.
M -I don't care. I'll wait. Meet me at the restaurant tomorrow and I'll be there. I'll be two years older, but I'll be there.
L -What will you be doing all that time?
M -Think about you. And working out every day, getting in shape, praying I don't lose my hair...
L -Are you sure?
M -I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I've already lost so much time. I don't want to waste any more with you.
Loki suddenly felt almost dizzy. Mobius had two years to prepare for this appointment while Loki had less than twenty-four hours. He took a deep breath before closing the mailbox.
L - See you in two years, then.
M - See you tomorrow night. Where would you like to go?
Frigga  restaurant - 2019
Mobius entered the restaurant and was greeted by the hostess.
"Hi, I'd like to reserve a table for two."
She flipped through the reservation book before telling him in an apologetic tone, "Well, I'm sorry, but we just received our fourth star and I'm afraid it's extremely difficult to get a reservation at this hour. When did you expect to dine here?"
Mobius replied with a smile, "Two years from tomorrow. September 15, 2021."
The hostess blinked a few times and then closed the book, before answering with a big smile, "We should be able to accommodate you, sir."
Loki's apartment - September 15, 2021 - Morning
Loki prepared to leave for work. He looked at the outfit he prepared for that evening. He couldn't remember when he hadn't felt such excitement. He couldn't remember ever feeling this excited.
September High School - September 15, 2021 - 5pm
As he packed up his things after having finished his last class of the day, and was already looking forward to the evening ahead, he was jolted out of his reverie by Thor's stormy arrival in his office.
"Thank God you're still here."
"Obviously." replied Loki, pointing out with irony.
"I'm sorry, I know it's not your week, but can you do a detention watch for an hour? Jane is visiting between flights and I was supposed to monitor tonight's detention, but-"
Loki looked at his watch and sighed, "Yes, I can, but one hour not more. I have a date."
"Thank you, thank you! I promise, it's just an hour, no more. But I want to hear all about this date tomorrow, okay?"
Loki shook his head and chuckled, "Alright, alright, go meet Jane!"
Before leaving, Thor threw over his shoulder, "I don't know who that is, but I've never seen you smile like that before, Loki, and it suits you! Bye!"
He was gone before Loki had time to answer.
An hour later, Loki was walking quickly towards his apartment. He entered in a hurry, ran into the room and threw off his clothes.
Croki followed him around, curious, as Loki muttered, "He waited two years. What's another half hour? Right?"
He continued his preparations, but at a calmer pace. He put on a dark green v-neck sweater, of a shade that he knew brought out his eyes, at least that's what the saleswoman had told him, a pair of charcoal-colored pants that highlighted his silhouette. He looked at himself two or three times in the mirror before shrugging his shoulders.
A few minutes later, he left his building and took a cab to the restaurant.
Frigga Restaurant - September 2021
Loki stopped before entering. He inhaled several times to calm himself. He was ready, excited but confident. He opened the door with a firm hand.
While removing his coat, he scanned the room. There are not many tables. Before he could find Mobius, the hostess approached him.
"Good evening sir, can I help you?"
Loki cleared his throat, "Yes, I have a reservation. Laufeyson. Or Mobius, I'm not sure what name it was made under."
The hostess examined her book and looked up with a huge smile, "Oh yes! You're the..." she paused before pulling herself together, "Follow me."
Loki was led to a table for two. It was empty. He was a little surprised.
The hostess turned to him and said, a little embarrassed, "I hope you'll forgive me, but I can't help asking..."
"This reservation is sort of... legendary. It's been here longer than most employees. There's always been intense speculation about who made it, and why, and whether you were really going to show up. Some of the team members even made bets..."
Loki looked around. Throughout the room, waiters were glaring at him. The chefs and kitchen helpers were looking out the kitchen door. Loki suddenly felt very embarrassed.
The hostess immediately apologized, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I'll send the waiter to get your drink order right away."
A little later a waiter returned and poured Loki a glass of champagne.
"Compliments of the chef."
Loki nodded in thanks.
Just before leaving, the waiter threw him a small smile, "Good luck."
Loki began to sip the champagne, a little more nervous.
Some time later, his glass was empty and he was still waiting, alone at the table. The waiter approached to refill his glass, but Loki stopped him.
He was aware that the restaurant staff was watching him, whispering among themselves. Two hours passed, other customers lingered over dessert, coffee, chatting intimately at the candlelit tables.
Loki was still alone.
After a long moment, he pushed back his chair and stood up. Everyone was looking at him, gravely.
He walked to the front, expressionless, and took his coat, without speaking to anyone before leaving under the sad look of the hostess watching him leave. Loki returned home, alone. His stoic facade began to crumble. He had tears in his eyes.
He took a paper and wanted to write but didn't have the heart. Not now.
House on the cliff - September 16, 2019
The day was gray and windy, Mobius stood in front of his mailbox and read the words "YOU WEREN'T THERE." He shook his head, lost.
M - I'm really sorry. I don't understand. Something must have happened. Look, I have two years. I'll try to fix it.
L -No, Mobius... You don't understand. It's too late. It's already happened.
I'm not upset. I mean, I was at first.
But now I just feel stupid... that I forgot how much a person's life can change in two years.
And for expecting yours not to change.
For expecting you to wait, to stand still, to put your life on hold, for me.
M - But I can do it. I can wait for you. I know I can. I won't forget.
L -Maybe you did. Maybe, wherever you are, you are busy, happy, and living so fully in the present that the dinner you planned two years ago just... slipped your mind. Just like you forget about impossible fantasies when they're over, when you get on with real life.
M - You mean I should go on with my real life?
L- I mean... I think we both should.
After seeing his words, Mobius hurried to answer, his hand trembling with emotion.
Please write to me, answer me.
Mobius put his letter in the mailbox and raised the flag. It stayed up.
An hour later, the flag was still up, Mobius opened the mailbox, there was only the note he had put in.
Hours, then days, then months passed, as Mobius wrote and posted letter after letter. Finally, there was a stack of his letters in the box. They continued to pile up, unanswered. Until the box was so full that Mobius could not put any more letters in.
Bi-Frost Bar - Février 2022
It was winter, everything outside was covered in snow.
Loki was sitting at a table with Bruce, Thor, Heimdall and Carol.
They were now meeting here at least once a week after work.
As Bruce and Carol debated some obscure point of astronomy, mediated by Heimdall, Thor leaned toward Loki and put his hand on his arm.
"Are you okay?"
Loki gave a half-smile and answered honestly because Thor was one of the few people who could read him, "I've been better."
"Are you still writing to your mysterious pen pal."
Loki, his throat tight, could not answer and shook his head.
Thor simply said, without insisting, "I'm sorry, Loki, if you need to talk, you know my phone number."
Loki did not answer.
Later, as he returned home, he found a message on his answering machine.
"Hi, Lo. It's Sigyn. I'm in town. I had to come in for a meeting."
Loki started to press the button to delete the message, when Sigyn's voice continued, "A real one this time. I swear to you. Call me. Only if you feel like it."
The next evening Loki and Sigyn were sitting in the pizzeria where they had met before. Neither of them really felt comfortable.
Sigyn said quietly, "I didn't think you'd come out."
Loki replied wryly, "Don't take this personally but..."
Sigyn interrupted him, "You couldn't say no to the free meal."
"Exactly." they both laughed.
Then Loki asked, "So. How did your ' meeting ' go?"
Sigyn looked slightly offended at the way Loki had emphasized the word meeting.
"I told you I didn't make it up, it really happened. They offered me a job.A bigger firm. I'm going to be in-house counsel." She smiled proudly before continuing, "Call them if you don't believe me."
A little later, they arrived in front of Loki's residence which was on the way to Sigyn's hotel. They stopped at the door.
Sigyn said quietly, "I took this job because I wanted to. This is not an ambush, Lo."
Loki nodded and replied softly, "Well, that's great news.  Congratulations, Sigyn. I'm really happy for you."
Sigyn smiled, "Thank you, and thank you for coming."
Loki leaned over and kissed her goodnight, briefly. Sigyn looked surprised and pleased.
Loki watched her, it was comfortable and familiar, but then his gaze slipped to the tree behind Sigyn. Its leaves swayed in the night air. It was the tree Mobius had planted. Loki looked at it, then closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry Sigyn, but I can't."
After a tearful goodbye, as he walked back up to his apartment, Loki muttered to himself, "I may not be able to meet him, but I can't lie to myself either."
Mobius House - 2020
The mailbox was covered with snow. It was so cold that the lake had frozen over. Mobius, who was walking outside, looked inside the mailbox, by reflex. It was empty. He closed it slowly, disappointment on his face.
Distracted, he didn't notice that Croki was walking away quickly, towards the forest.
Mobius finally looked around.
Croki started to run. Mobius chased him. But soon, in the density of the forest, he did not see him anymore. Mobius ran straight ahead, continuing to call. He tripped on a stump and fell into the snow, he got up and called again, looking around, upset. Croki was really gone.
Mobius was about to run again, when he suddenly stopped. A realization dawned on his face.
Croki was going to find his new owner.
Mobius knew what he had to do.
A few days later, he was talking in the living room with Casey.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Mobius replied with a wistful look on his face, "Yes, I need to move on, staying here, I won't make it."
Casey nodded, understanding and added simply, "If you need help, you can count on me."
A few weeks later, "Mobius packed the house methodically and with determination. He assembled boxes with tape and threw his things in. He put the trash in bags, swept and mopped.
As he was tidying up, he found the stack of letters from Loki. He looked at them for a moment, then packed them up and shoved them in the bottom of a cardboard box before carrying the box to the attic and sealing it.
Hill & Fury Law Firm - 2020
Mobius checked the address on his phone, walked in, and headed to the front desk.
"Hello, I'd like to speak to Sigyn Iwaldi, I don't have an appointment, but tell her it's Mobius and it's urgent."
A few minutes later, Sigyn arrived in the lobby, and motioned for him to follow her into an adjoining meeting room.  She barely greeted him and did not look happy to see him.
Mobius didn't wait and asked her point-blank, "Do you still want to rent a house by the lake?"
He didn't wait for an answer and tossed her a bunch of keys. Sigyn looked puzzled.
Mobius continued, "That's what Loki wants."
Sigyn looked angry and asked him abruptly, "How can you know that? How can you know what he wants? Besides, we're not even..."
Mobius shook his head, "I don't want to know anything, but trust me this is what he wants."
Mobius waited no longer and stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Later, as Sigyn was opening her car, something caught her eye in the distance. An alligator was slowly strolling down the street, looking lost but heading straight for her. It was Croki.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
I've said in the last chapter, as a reader I hate cliffhangers. So for you, I've put the turbo on and I'm just saying, stay tuned... you won't have to wait until tomorrow for the last chapter... maybe with only one comment on this chapter, I'll be convinced to publish it even sooner... 😏
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rhubarbbaby · 4 years
Strawberries and Art 3
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Jihoon x Y/N
Genre: College AU, Fluff Word Count: 5k Summary: Like every passionate art student, you spent most of your time immersed in your drawings and paintings. The day you meet Jihoon, your everyday life suddenly gets a lot more exciting…
All chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Chapter 3
You woke up to the exaggeratedly loud chirping of a bird that seemed to be sitting right on your window sill. What was it even doing there? Rude. Rolling to your side, the first rays of sunshine fell onto your face. Not wanting to open your eyes just yet you let the warmth linger on your face. As your consciousness slowly tore itself free from the claws of the dreams, you wouldn´t be able to remember in a second, you realized you were still wearing the jeans from last night. Last night…Last night…Jihoon. Suddenly everything that happened hit you like bricks.
Did Jihoon really walk you home? Had he really held your hand? For a moment you thought you were messing up remaining pieces of your dreams with reality but then you remembered the text he had sent you before you fell asleep. Prying your eyes open you looked at your phone. The text was still there, staring back at you, still unanswered. (You also had 4 unread messages from Jo but you couldn´t care less right now)
Unknown: I just got home. Goodnight, Sweetie. Don´t forget to drink lots of water!
Sweetie. You knew you wouldn´t be getting used to that soon. When he had called you Sweetie last night you felt so taken aback because maybe for the first time in your life, you had enjoyed a guy calling you by a pet name. He had sounded so honest, in a certain way even serious, he had sounded so different from all those boys who were calling girls by all those sickly sweet things just to get into their pants, belittling them in the process. He had been so incredibly considerate. The way his voice had seemed to have gotten a tad bit deeper when saying it, the way you could practically hear him smirking, it was sheer impossible getting used to something like that.
After you had saved his contact you stared at your phone. Simply seeing his name on your screen made your heart, not jump, but it did make a distinct little hop. With a big sigh you let yourself fall back onto your mattress. What crazy ass romantic movie parallel universe have you stumbled into? Meeting a guy you were interested in, was already a rare occurrence. But meeting a guy you were interested in, who was also showing interest in you (AND CALLED YOU SWEETIE) was something that only happened once in a blue moon.
You knew you had to send him a reply. It didn´t help that you were reading his message over and over again, hearing his voice in your head. You needed to focus. Just because you didn´t have to look him in the eyes, and didn´t have to actually form words with your mouth, just because you simply had to type it, you did only spend about 5 minutes coming up with a (you hoped) funny text.  
You: Hey! I fell asleep yesterday. With my clothes still on! Like I actually wore jeans to sleep. That´s like fucked up. Anyways, thank you for texting me :) I had so much fun last night.
After hitting send you instantly threw your phone onto your bed. You were scared of him answering right away. Scared but also excited but also scared. Giggling to yourself because you were aware of how dramatic you were handling the entire situation you decided to get up and start with your day. It was only eight and you made an agreement with yourself not to think about him until after breakfast because having a crush on a (extremely beautiful and funny and handsome and hot) boy who you had just met two days ago was ridiculous, or so you told yourself. Taking a shower, brushing your teeth, putting on clean clothes… your undertaking was going well, you hadn´t thought of him, at least not directly. You had thought of not thinking about him…and you counted that as a win. During breakfast you decided to check Jo´s messages.
Jo: Did you use condoms??
Jo: Did you get home safely?
Jo: Is he staying over?
Jo: Are you ok?
You couldn´t help but laugh at how excited she was about the whole situation. She probably had been annoying Hansol with it all evening. Poor man.
You: Yup I got home very safely. And no he didn´t stay over.
You: We had so much fun tho.
You: Did you get home safely?
She answered within two minutes.
Jo: Don´t you dare make this about me. I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING.
Jo: Did you kiss?
You: No we didn´t. But we held hands.
Jo: CUTE.  When will you see him again?
You: I don´t know yet. I hope soon.
Jo: I hope so too. I´m already planning the marriage.
You: omg stop it…LOL
Just after you had hit send, you felt your phone vibrate with a new text. Of course it was from Jihoon. Without an ounce of hesitation you practically threw your phone next to you on the couch. You did not want to look at it. Actually, you did. But you needed to physically prepare yourself for reading what he had messaged you. You could feel your heart oh so clearly in your chest. How ridiculous it was that you reacted this way just because of a goddamn text…Calm down. You took a deep breath in and out.
Before reading his new message (and it wasn´t just one!!!! There were three of them) you reread what you had last written.
You: Hey! I fell asleep yesterday. With my clothes still on! Like I actually wore jeans to sleep. That´s like fucked up. Anyways, thank you for texting me :) I had so much fun last night.
Deep breath in. And out.
Jihoon: Hahahahaha yes Y/N, that is fucked up.
Jihoon: But I´m pretty sure you still looked cute.
Jihoon: You wanna get lunch tomorrow after class?
HOLY FUCK. This was real. You just got asked on a date by one of the most beautiful boys you had ever seen. Yes, you had already held hands yesterday, but there had been alcohol involved and people do a lot of things when they´re drunk. But all of your past overthinking just turned out to have been utterly pointless because Jihoon wanted to see you again. And he had called you cute. Your entire face was burning and your stomach seemed to do some weird gymnastic exercises.
You did not have to think long before typing your answer.
You: I´d love that :)
Jihoon: Awesome. I´ll show you my favorite place.
He actually wanted to show you his favorite place. Your heart was still beating way too fast and the blush on your face was still very visible but at the same time you felt a calming warmth spread through your stomach. You remembered you had felt so comfortable talking to him last night and for some dumb cliché romantic movie reason you felt like you had already known him for years. And now he wanted to show you his favorite place. That was a big hell of a deal. You couldn´t stop smiling.  
After dumbly grinning at the ceiling for several seconds you scolded yourself. You couldn´t just be lying around all day daydreaming about a boy. Sighing you remembered that today, you had to finally start with your portrait assignment. It was already due on Wednesday. You needed it to be good. Your professor was very supportive and had been pushing you to become better. Disappointing her was the last thing you wanted to do. But you didn´t even know who you wanted to draw yet…some random celebrity was just boring…a family member maybe? But you had all drawn them before already. Burying your face in your hands you sat on your couch. After about fifteen minutes you reluctantly started sketching your mother´s face. You´ve drawn her face so many times already, it was nothing special. You weren´t satisfied with your choice at all but you couldn´t think of someone better at the moment.
When you realized it was already getting dark outside you stared down at the lines you had been working on for basically the entire day. You didn´t like it. Far back in your head you knew that other people would label your work as good, maybe even great, but you just couldn´t bring yourself to like it. The facial features you were trying to portrait just didn´t seem right to you. You only had so many good pictures of your mother and remembering every single wrinkle and mark on her face was harder than you thought. The way the lines were flowing over the paper didn´t look right, it didn´t look like you had drawn them. You were aware that every artist had days like this, but the deadline was next week and you simply didn´t have the time to start over.  Also you had a date tomorrow. How the fuck were you going to survive the next days?
Before going to bed you forced yourself to lay out the clothes you wanted to wear for tomorrow. You weren´t exactly a morning person and you knew you´d panic if you had to find an outfit to wear right after waking up. An outfit Jihoon was going to see you in…
You fell asleep thinking of tomorrow, a mixture of anxiety and anticipation making your stomach feel weird.
The first thing you did, after waking up the next day, was to check your phone:
Jihoon: You still up for lunch today?
Jihoon: 1pm in front of the arts building?
You: I´ll be there!
After having typed an answer, you got dressed, grabbed all your things and left your apartment. You weren´t one of those people who got up an hour earlier to do yoga or whatever bullshit normal people do in the morning. Every day you woke up only twenty minutes before your first lecture started. Every single second of sleep counted.
While you were walking you got a message from Jo.
Jo: You up for breakfast after the second lesson? You need to tell me everything!!!!
You knew she was probably already dying from curiosity. She was too nosy for her own good. But you had mercy.
You: Sure!
You were actually looking forward to telling Jo everything. You still couldn´t believe what had happened yourself, maybe it would become more real through finally saying everything out loud. Your first two lessons you spent listening to the professor talk about Paul Cézanne and, for some reason, reciting every last unnecessary detail of his private life. You decided that the only important piece of information from this lecture was that some of Cézanne´s landscape paintings were sort of pretty.
When you finally sunk down in the chair opposite of Jo´s you were already grinning. You simply could not wait for her reaction to everything. She immediately leaned forward while leaning on her elbows. “Start already” “Oh my god. Can´t I just relax for a second.” “NO.” You had to giggle at her urgency. “Alright, alright…”
After you had told her everything, from the long talk the two of you had had, over the way he had made you blush continuously, to when he had walked you home and had given you his phone number she just said, “That´s so unbearably cute and romantic it´s disgusting.” You couldn´t help but laugh out loud at her remark. “You two are so sickeningly romantic I wanna die. Why can´t you be as cool as me and Hansol?” she was grinning.   “First of all, we´re not a couple and second of all, you two are at least as disgusting!” you were laughing. “You realize mine and Hansol´s first date was when I drank too much and he had to hold my hair while I was throwing up?” “Yeah. I know the story.”, you were still laughing. She continued anyway “And then he drove me home. And he kissed me even though I had just thrown up minutes ago. Ok, now that I think of it, maybe our first date was even more disgusting. I´ll shut up.” Both of your laughter was carried through the entire cafeteria. The other people, who were most likely just trying to have a calm morning were probably already, annoyed by the both of you but you couldn´t care less. “Also. I kinda maybe have a lunch date with him later.” “You´re kidding!!!!!” You just shook your head and smiled. “Oh my god,  I´m dying this is the cutest shit. I´m sooo happy for you. Are you nervous?” “So fucking much. But I can´t wait to see him again.”
The rest of your classes passed rather quickly. Not being the biggest fan of auditory learning you were happy about it, but at the same time you couldn´t help getting more nervous every time the hand of the clock on the wall moved. Rationally you knew you were being silly. There was nothing to worry about. You were only going on a date with the most attractive guy you´ve ever seen, who is able to make you blush with just a raise of his eyebrow. There was totally nothing to worry about. Fuck.
When you classes had ended you still had fifteen minutes before you were meeting Jihoon. You were so nervous, your hands were shaking and you didn´t have the faintest clue how you would be able to form a straight sentence later. You slipped through the door into the girl´s bathroom. You washed your hands with cold water while staring at your own face in the mirror. The last time you had spoken to him, you had been drunk, there was no doubt the alcohol had helped you with your anxiety. Today you were on your own. Why did you always have to be so nervous? With one long breath and a last look in the mirror, you were actually happy with how your hair fell today; you pushed yourself away from the sink and made your way to your meeting place.
Through the glass front of the building you could see him standing next to that weird sculpture, which the seniors from last year had designed, in front of the building. He was looking at his phone. Every step you took made you even more nervous (how was that even possible?). How were you going to greet him? Hug him? Shake his hand?? NOoo, what the fuck that´d be way too formal. Why were you thinking bullshit like that? You took a deep breath, put a loose strand of hair behind your ear and opened the door. He still hadn´t seen you.
“Hey.” You called softly, loud enough for him to realize it was meant for him. “Hey you.” He looked up and if you weren´t mistaken, his eyes lit up when he saw you, a sparkle that you were sure you could watch all day. But maybe it was just the sun reflecting in his eyes (it was not). You were now standing in front of him, unsure what to do. He smiled at you; put his phone away in his back pocket and then he pulled you into a hug. Your first hug. And holy fuck, a hug shouldn´t be a big deal but it definitely felt like it. It wasn´t one of those hugs people gave because they thought it was expected of them. His hug was tight and you could actually feel his hands on your back. Jihoon´s embrace was so soft, so affectionate. You actually felt like you were stuck in one of Claude Monet´s paintings. Gentle, colorful, overwhelming, so beautiful, yet realistic and real. You smiled, thinking of that comparison. Neither one of you noticed the students leaving the building smiling at you because the hug was obviously too long for a hug to be considered normal. He felt so warm and safe, and when you wrapped your arms around him even tighter you briefly touched his hair, and goddamn it, it was so soft.
“It´s good to see you again.” He finally mumbled against your shoulder. “You too.” He pulled away and looked at you. He was grinning like a kid in a candy store, his eyes had disappeared and small wrinkles had appeared around his nose. It was absolutely precious. You had no choice but to smile back at him.
“You hungry?” he finally broke the silence. “A bit.” At that moment your stomach growled. (It must´ve been destiny) “A bit? I see…,” he laughed. Your cheeks flushed with a light tone of red. “Come on.” he took your hand, not giving you enough time to be embarrassed about the situation. “Where are we going?” you asked. “I promised I´d show you my favorite place.” He gently started pulling you away from the building while still looking at you, smiling. Your body still felt like there was electricity running through your veins and your face must have been still flushed red but it felt so right to hold his hand. You smiled back.  
He took you to a little ramen restaurant, close to town. The front door seemed so inconspicuous that you had probably walked past it without noticing it in the past. As the two of you entered he was still holding your hand. He led you through the interior of the restaurant, where some people were already having lunch. You knew you already liked the place when you saw how diverse the clientele was. At one table sat two boys, approximately your age, stuffing their mouths full of Ramen, while at another table two businesswomen seemed to have a heated conversation. Jihoon dragged you past them, and only stopped when you were standing in a small backyard with a few tables of which only one of them was occupied by an elderly couple who were sharing a plate of what looked like Gyoza.
You chose the table for two that was the furthest away from the door and took a seat. On the way here, you had been overly focused on Jihoon, on how tightly he pressed your fingers, how he occasionally stroked the back of your hand with his thumb, the quick glances he threw at you, your undivided attention had been all on him but now that you were sitting here in this absolutely adorable backyard, you allowed your brain to briefly focus your attention on your surroundings. Climbing plants were growing up the wall of the house, carrying small pretty blue blossoms, the blue of the flowers looking especially pretty in front of the beige colored wall plaster.  In the corner, where two walls from two different buildings met each other, the blue and beige mixed with a white from the neighboring wall and a light pink of some petals that were growing on bushes that were planted there. The colors alone went so beautifully together you just couldn´t help but stare. When you saw the little clay-figure of a frog in a suit sitting on the ground, as if he had to guard those bushes, you had to giggle.
“What is it?” Jihoon interrupted your thoughts. He was beaming at you as if you had just found the cure for cancer. You couldn´t have known it, of course, but Jihoon would´ve been able to watch you look at those flowers for hours on end. He was sure the way your eyes started to sparkle when looking at something beautiful was the cutest thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
“Nothing really. It´s just, that frog there looks so adorable.” “What frog?” he turned his head to look at the figure himself and then continued “Oh that frog. That´s just Ferdinand.” As you were laughing at his remark, he smiled fondly at you, proud of himself for being the one bringing those sounds out of you. “Ferdinand? You serious?” you grinned, finally having caught your breath again. “Yep. He´s like my best buddy. We always have very interesting conversations whenever I come here.”   “Ferdinand does seem like an intellectual to me, I bet your talks are always incredibly exciting.” At that Jihoon joined your laughter. His laughter reminded you of vacation, of secluded beaches, of evening sun, of a loaded ice cream cone, of not worrying. “Can I tell you something.” you already knew from the tone in his voice that he wasn´t going to say anything serious. “Always.” “I don´t even know Ferdinand. This is the first time I noticed him. We´re basically strangers. Hell, I don´t even know if his name is Ferdinand.” Your stomach already hurt from laughter while you held your hand in front of your mouth, trying not to laugh out loud again. “Jihoon, you are so silly.” “Oh, I know sweetie, I know.” he smiled knowingly, almost cocky as he leaned back into his chair and locked his arms behind the back of his head. You were still laughing but you had no choice but being You stunned over how easily he could go from being the sweetest and cutest human being to making you blush like crazy. It was simply not fair.
“So tell me, how was your day?” he came to your rescue. He was still smiling, enjoying the effect he had on you. When you started talking, it took you a few sentences to gain back your confidence and certainty in your voice. Your conversation was light and easy but not at all shallow. He listened to you attentively and even asked for details, you seriously felt like you were telling him the most exciting and fascinating stories he has ever heard. Maybe you really were living in a romantic movie now because he honestly was making you feel like you were the most important girl on earth right now. You only were interrupted by the waiter who quickly took your order. Talking to Jihoon felt so familiar while at the same time not. You did have the feeling of having known him for years, but you also felt like you didn´t know anything about this boy sitting in front of you. Both in a good way. He made you comfortable and curious. And because people who have a crush are blind to some things you wondered if he was feeling the same way about you.
When the waiter had dropped off the two plates of food in front of you, and you both had just taken your first bite, neither of you had to say anything. You even closed your eyes briefly and let out a short sigh. The food really was that good.
“It tastes like heaven, doesn´t it?” he cocked an eyebrow at you. “It really does. How have I never been here, I´ve been missing out on this for so long.” You sighed dramatically which made him grin. “Thank god you met me, huh?” Your gazes met, and although his remark had definitely contained a hint of cockiness, he now looked at you, as gently as if you were the most beautiful, most delicate thing he had ever seen in his life. Looking into his eyes, your heart skipped a beat, and even though you were flustered, you could simply not turn your eyes away. Because, yes, he was right, you were really happy you had met him. “Thank you so much for showing me this place. Seriously.” You finally said, your voice way too hushed to sound confident. “You´re very welcome, Y/N. I´m happy you´re here with me.”
You quickly fell back into a conversation about music. You absolutely loved listening to him talk about his passion. He got so excited talking about his work and when you mentioned that he finally had to show you some of his work, he even got a little shy. As fellow artist you understood the insecurity that came with showing other people personal works. Nothing was more relatable to you than the fear of not being able to convey to other people what you had tried so hard to express through your art, or the fear people wouldn´t even understand your kind of expression. But you also knew that any kind of art is always, in a way, a portrait of the artist himself. And when you were looking at Jihoon, listened to the way he talked, you already knew that his music was going to be just so goddamn beautiful.
The minutes you had spent talking to him had disappeared like the wind carries away seeds from a dandelion clock. The time had gone by so quickly, you hadn´t even realized that the two of you had been talking for over two hours. When the waiter came with your bill, you wanted to grab your wallet, because fuck gender roles but Jihoon was faster. You looked at him aghast, ready to tell him he really should´ve let you pay. The words already on your lips, Jihoon didn´t even let you start “I know, I know”, he held his hands up defensively “You wanted to pay and I´m sorry, well actually I´m not…” he laughed. “You didn´t even give me the time to look at the bill!” you were smiling now too but you still tried to keep your tone at least somewhat serious. “I´m sorry, sweetie.” He took your hand “What if I just let you pay next time?” You felt like the floor had been pulled from under your feet (and you were still sitting on your chair). He really wanted to see you again. You weren´t completely oblivious (only a bit) and you knew the date had been going well, but hearing him say those words was a totally different story. You nodded; he was still smiling at you. “Yes, I can live with that.” Your voice was a bit shaky. “Deal.” He was still holding your hand over the table, brushing his thumb over your knuckles.
He shortly looked down before posing his question “Ok so the thing is, I really enjoyed this and I kinda wanna keep talking to you so, do you wanna go for a walk?” And fuck you really really really really wanted to. Like REALLY. But the thought of your portrait assignment made you hesitate. You knew you still had so much work to do, hell you probably had to redo everything you drew yesterday.   “I…” you started when he cut you off. “You don´t have to, Y/N. I don´t want to pressure you into anything.” he smiled softly but you could see a tiny bit of disappointment changing his features, he must´ve noticed you were a bit hesitant to answer him. 
“No! I´d really love to. I love talking to you too. But I should go home to work on an assignment. It´s due on Wednesday and I´m kinda panicking because I haven´t even really started yet.” You looked down at the table where your hands were intervened. “Oh I get it. What´s the assignment?” “Basically I just need to draw a portrait of someone but I really really want it to be good. I started drawing my mom yesterday but I don´t like it. I think I don´t have enough good photos to draw her realistically and I´m not that great at drawing from memory.” “So you basically need someone to model for you.” You laughed softly, “I guess so.” “Why don´t you draw me then?” he winked at you. You blinked. Once, twice. Had he actually winked at you?? This man was going to be the death of you. Your eyes slightly widened, a blush was creeping up your neck again “You´re kidding.” “I am. Unless…” he was grinning from ear to hear. He really was enjoying your embarrassment way too much. “Also I´d say my face is pretty.” If he wasn´t holding your hand you would´ve tried hiding your face but that wasn´t an option now. “It is.” You stammered. “Did you just call me pretty?” he smirked. That was the last straw. You couldn´t take it anymore. You pulled your hand out of his grasp and hid your blushing face. “Maybe.” “I see. But I do think your face is even prettier.” He chuckled. You looked at him, that goddamn cocky grin on his slips. He knew what he was doing. Gathering all your left confidence you replied, “I can´t draw myself though.” “That´s why you should be drawing me.” “Wait, are you actually being serious?” “I´m not not serious.” He was still grinning but you could hear the earnestness in his voice. “I don´t even know what to say…” “Just say: yes Jihoon I´d love to draw your pretty face and I´ll even make your eyes a bit bigger so you´ll be even prettier than in real life.” You momentarily forgot about your heart beating this fast and your still cherry red face. You loved his eyes and how they disappeared whenever he was smiling. “What? No! Your eyes are perfect just the way they are.” “I appreciate the compliment, sweetie.” He smiled warmly at you. “But I really think we should go now, you still have to draw my portrait today.” You giggled. “I didn´t even agree yet!” He was getting up from his chair “Oh come on,” as soon as you were standing up too he reached for your hand again, “no one would turn down an offer like this.” “Jihoon, you are so full of yourself.” you laughed heartily. He over dramatically clutched his heart with his free hand. “Ow, don´t hurt me like that Y/N when I´m just trying to trick you into spending more time with me.” His blatant honesty made you speechless. You just looked at him and if you weren´t completely mistaken a tiny bit of red was covering his cheeks now too. “Fine. I´ll draw you.” “I am disproportionately delighted to hear that.” You giggled at his choice of words while squeezing his hand a bit tighter. And then the two of you were walking to your apartment, side by side, hand in hand, wearing matching grins.
Hi! It´s me, Jo. I´d like to thank you for reading my stuff! I really hope you enjoyed it. If you have any feedback, comments, requests, questions please let me know!
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hi! I'm glad to have found your blog!😊 can I ask for 3 and 5 from the prompt list with Shoto Todoroki pls? Todoroki and reader are best friends (secretly with feelings for each other)? And could it be aged up! to college age please if that's okay? (oh, and one last thing, sorry for asking so much👉👈 if possible without spoilers from the manga or heroes rising movie pls? I still need to catch up on those) thank u so much💕💕 and i'm sorry for being annoying with so many questions
it’s about time
AgedUp!Shoto Todoroki x gn!reader
prompts #3 “I’ve got you.” & #5 “I’ll always be here.”
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[a/n: lmao I have absolutely no good reason for this gif but Hello there my love! I’m glad you find my blog too 🥺 no need to apologize, you weren’t being annoying at all❣️I really enjoyed writing this one. I avoided any spoilers, there’s mention of the USJ attack but that was season one so....yeah. Thank you so much for requesting✨ feel free to send in another any time! enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ps. the prompts are in bold, there are mentions of alcohol and it gets a bit suggestive at the end 🥵]
Sendai Tech was the top university for heroes and those in hero support. Getting into uni was effortless. Graduating at the top of your class at UA was to thank for that. A lot of class 1-A went on to Sendai and some went straight into the hero business. You had been attending Sendai and working part-time patrols at Bakugou’s hero agency, he had risen in the ranks quite quickly, taking a spot in the top 5. Todoroki had also been working part-time patrols at Midoriya’s agency, refusing his father’s invitation for full time work. The both of you wanted to start an agency together so you had enrolled in the business course they offered at Sendai.
Why did Todoroki want to start an agency with you, you might ask? Well, the answer was quite simple yet still perplexing to some people. You were his best friend. Though neither of you cared to admit that the title ‘best friend’ wasn’t enough, you both wanted more than that but the fear of ruining a perfectly good friendship was strong. You had told yourself multiple times, you’d rather have him as a friend than not at all. And the possibility that admitting your feelings and not having them returned was painful.
You first met him when you were little. You heard someone crying as you made you way passed the towering fence that surrounded his home. You had been returning from playing with some of the neighborhood kids and you had offered him half your cookie. You learned his name and why he was sad. Needless to say, your hate for Endeavor started early on. You had never seen his face but you made your way to the fence every day after school to share your snacks and stories about your day with the sad boy but one day, he didn’t show up. One day turned into two, and three until you also decided to stop showing up. I wasn’t until your first day at UA did you find out what he looked like. He surprisingly remembered you and profusely apologized for suddenly disappearing and you picked up where you left off.
Natsuo and Fuyumi knew about this and would be adamant about asking their little brother when he’d finally admit his feelings to you during their weekly sibling dinners only to roll their eyes when he said, ‘She sees me as a friend and nothing more. I don’t really plan on risking our friendship with a stupid lapse of judgment.’
It was the same for Bakugou and Eijiro when you’d go get drinks with them on Friday nights. They’ve known about your crush since high school. Heck, everyone did. And they were getting tired of hearing your drunken pining about the icy-hot boy.
“Look idiot, stop crying over how much you love him...you’re ruining the vibe.” Bakugou grumbled as you pouted at him.
“There’s no need to be rude, you angry explosion freak. I will cry over a boy for as long as I want.” You slurred, taking a bite of a chicken wing.
“You wouldn’t need to cry over one if you just told him how you feel. It’s that simple.” He leaned back against the couch, lazily taking a sip of his beer. Kirishima chuckled at the deja vu that suddenly hit him.
Every Friday you’d go over to their shared apartment for beers and pizza. Usually to relax after a stressful week of school and work, and without fail, you and Bakugou would have the exact same conversation. It was like clockwork. Exactly after two beers and three or four slices of pizza later, you’d confess your love for Shoto Todoroki before turning gloomy and pouting that he’d never love you the same way. You’d usually pout while eating a chicken wing or two. This never failed to amuse the red head. No matter how much Bakugou complained, he had a soft spot for you. During your days at UA, Mina and Denki had taken it upon themselves to let you into the Baku-squad after passing the 𝓋𝒾𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀. Since then, Bakugou had complained and complained but once he saw that you were powerful enough to hold your own during the USJ attack, he deemed you worthy of his respect. Thus meaning you had earned his friendship as well. Many of their classmates had gotten together after graduation, even Bakugou admitted that he had feelings for the spiky red head sitting next to him.
“Come on (y/n), you should tell him. I think you’d be surprised with how silly you’re being.” Kirishima grinned his usual happy go-lucky grin.
“Exactly! You’re not a wimp, are you? Even that idiot Deku confessed to chubby cheeks already! Are you trying to tell me that you’re wimpier than broccoli head!?”
“Maybe I am a wimp.” You stick your tongue out childishly at the angry blonde.
“I don’t remember hiring a wimp.”
“Well you did, so deal with it.” You frowned as you took a greedy sip of the beer you were nursing.
After a couple of hours later, you were drunk. Very, very drunk. And it wasn’t too pretty. You were an emotional drunk, with only two available emotions. Sad and angry. Both Bakugo and Kirishima were glad it seemed you were the former, this time around. Snuggling as you settled onto their couch.
“Uh Uh. Nope!” Bakugou tutted. “You are not staying the night.”
“But Bakubro!” You whined, hugging a pillow cushion to your chest. “You know who is in my dorm.” You looked around cautiously. “Shoto is in there.” You whispered as if it were the biggest secret in the planet.
“That’s what you get for requesting him as a dorm mate. Now come on.” He lifted you up and tossed you over his shoulder. “You’re lucky I’m switching my afternoon patrol with your morning one. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you patrol hungover.” He grabbed your bag and made his way to the door. “Eiji, give me my wallet. I’m getting her a cab.”
“You’re not gonna leave her by herself, are you?”
“Of course not.” He hissed, “What kind of idiot do you take me for? Why the hell would I leave her alone like this.” He pointed at your slouched form for emphasis.
Once out in the chilly evening, he called a cab. Thankful that there were still some running at 1am. He grabbed your phone and found Shoto’s contact, holding the phone to his ear with one hand and holding your head up with the others as he huffed in annoyance when the line kept ringing and ringing before it finally stopped.
“H-hello? (Y/n)?” The groggy voice on the other end spoke first.
“I’m on my way to drop off your idiot, half and half bastard. You better be outside to help them up to your dorm.” And he hung up. Confused, Todoroki got out of bed and slipped on a sweater and some sneakers before heading down to the lobby. Eyes squinted with discomfort at the sudden bright lights of the hallway. He stepped outside and stood at the curb. He was slightly concerned, he knew that Bakugou and Kirishima wouldn’t let anything happen to you but why did he need to help you? Did you get hurt? His thoughts were quelled when a cab pulled in right in front of him. Bakugou had stepped out first, helping you out after him and grumbling at the driver to wait.
“She drank too much. Make sure she doesn’t choke on her own vomit or something.”
“Thanks Bakugou.” He mumbled as he steadied you on your feet.
“Bye Bakubro~!” You waved cheerily.
“Yeah whatever. I expect you to be at the agency at 1pm sharp. Get some rest.”
“Yes sir!” You exaggerated a salute as he rolled his eyes and got back into the cab. Todoroki’s eyes widened when you slung your arms around his neck and cuddled into him.
“You’re so warm Shoto.” The way you had basically purred his name made his cheeks flush a deep red.
“R-right.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s get you inside.” You decided to wrap your legs around his waist, finding great comfort in being in his arms. He obliged and hooked his hands under your thighs to make sure you wouldn’t fall and as he made his way back inside, he tried to ignore the feeling of your plush thighs against his palms. Locking the door to your shared dorm behind him, he made his way to your room. He placed you gently on your bed, kneeling down to unlace your shoes and pull them off your feet.
“You’re so gentle, Sho...” you hummed sleepily, eyes closed with a cute grin on your lips. He left your comment unanswered seeing that he’d be a stuttering mess if he had. He made his way over to the head of the bed and combed your hair back.
“Sweet dreams, (y/n).” He kissed a feather soft kiss on your forehead. He chuckled when you made a soft grunt of disapproval when his warmth left you.
“Sho...don’t leave me.” You whimpered, eyes slowly opening as they shone with tears. “Don’t go.” He frowned and couldn’t help but think that there was an underlying fear with that statement, other than just wanting to cuddle. So, he peeled off his hoodie and pulled back the covers and slid in next to you. In an instant, you clutched onto him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he nudged your chin with his knuckle, making you look right into those beautiful bicolored eyes. You tears had started to slide down your pink cheeks.
“I don’t want you to leave me, Shoto.”
“Why would I leave you?” He was confused, he knew this could just be an alcohol induced insecurity but he knew you enough to know that the fear in your eyes was genuine.
“Because I-“ you paused, unsure if now was the time. Sighing as the liquid courage urged you to continue. “Because I like you. More than I should, more than a best friend should. But I can’t help it and I don’t want to ruin what we already have by making you uncomfortable.”
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” His voice was small but you heard it as he ran his thumb softly over your cheekbone.
“Because you don’t feel the same.” He remained quiet. He was bewildered, you had feelings for him too. He couldn’t believe it. However, you had taken his stunned silence in a negative way and started to cry even more.
“Shh.” He cooed as he pulled you into his chest. “I’ve got you, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He decided to leave this conversation for the morning when you’d actually remember. There you two had laid for the rest of the early morning. He was always reminded that he slept better with you in his arms. There were a bunch of things that he did much better with you there. And he couldn’t wait to tell you.
You were confused but pleased when you were met with the sight and feeling of Todoroki’s bare chest. He was always so warm. Not to mention how muscular he was. You definitely didn’t mind when he’d walk around the dorm shirtless right after a shower. The feeling of bile starting to make its way up your throat, you ripped yourself from his arms and ran to the bathroom. The sudden movement startled him awake and when he heard the retching noise come from the bathroom, he was quick to get in his feet and make his way to you. Pulling your hair from your face and rubbing four back soothingly as you expelled the contents of your stomach. Once you finished, you groaned. Staying in your position hunched over the toilet bowl just in case.
“Why don’t you take a shower. I’ll make you some breakfast.” He suggested softly as he helped you up. Embarrassed, you nodded quietly, watching as he shut the door behind him. Not bothering to lock it, you stripped and hopped in the shower. While you where in there, you tried to make sense of anything that happened the night before but all you could remember was being at Bakugou’s place, then a cab, then with Shoto and—The memory of the words you had exchanged swept through your mind and you groaned. Maybe he wouldn’t remember...right?
The cool water of the shower seemed to have soothed your hangover a bit as you made your way to your room and pulled on some sweats, grabbing Shoto’s hoodie from the ground and pulling that on as well. The smell of fresh coffee called you to the little kitchenette. Grabbing a mug gratefully, you leaned against the counter and took a sip of the dark liquid.
“So...do you remember anything from last night?” He asked tentatively, you gasped and inhaled some of the coffee. You coughed, putting the mug down and cleared your throat.
“I do.” You nodded slowly, a pink blush crawling up your neck. “And I understand if you want to go, sorry if-“
“Who said anything about going anywhere.” He cut you off, there was a sly smile playing on his lips. “I never said I didn’t feel the same way.”
“What?” He seemed amused at your confusion. “Wait, are you serious?” He approached you. His arms trapping you against the counter.
“I think—no. I know.” He looked down into your eyes, one hand coming up to caress your jaw. “I love you, (y/n). I have for a long time.” His confession made you feel warm inside, your heart swelling in happiness.
“I love you too, Sho.” Your lips met in a sweet kiss, lips moving together to convey all the pent up emotions you were feeling. You smiled into it as it got a bit more passionate. Your hands coming up to run through his hair.
Breathlessly, you pulled away.
“You never need to worry about me leaving. I’ll always be here.” He explained softly, nuzzling your nose with his.
“Really?” You asked happily.!
“Mhmm, you’re mine.” And with that, his lips met your hungrily. Lifting you up on the counter, and standing in between your legs. His hands gripped your hips as he began to trail kisses down your neck. Nibbling and tugging at the skin with his teeth. “And I’m gonna show you just how long I’ve waited.” His voice was deep with lust. Tugging down the bottoms you just changed into, he sunk to his knees in between your thighs.
Needless to say, he made you his. And you had no complaints.
You showed up to the Ground Zero Agency 5 minutes late.
“Oi! I thought I said to not be late!” Bakugou shouted as you put your bag in your locker.
“Sorry, I uh got preoccupied with something.” You stuttered as you avoided his eye line as you turned to face him. He smirked when he saw the bruised skin on your neck, your hero suit barely covering them.
“Eijiro!” He chuckled wildly. “You owe me $30!” Footsteps rushed into the room and there stood the red head with wide eyes.
“Finally!” He shouted. Pulling out his wallet and giving Bakugou the money. “I’m not even mad.” Grinning, he gave you a sly look. “It was about time.”
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ldrmas · 4 years
OctoLolli Full Story
~~ This is based on https://www.instagram.com/p/CB_9reanS0H/ & https://www.instagram.com/p/CDC_IH5nLpg/  by  Ordinary__Art , please go check out her art!! All her art! SHES NOW ON TWITTER TOO AH I’M SO EXCITED!!
This is the full story from the part 1 post. The part 1 was just a tease but this is the full story! 
Btw OctoLolli is Remus and Logan, aka Intrulogical just so you all know! 
This will also mention Patton, Janus, etc. Remember I’m really bad at writing Remus so if he is a little oc I’m very sorry! I have no beta as well so if there are mistakes I apologize for those as well.  
Also Tagglist: @decadentscissorsapricotdeputy  Warnings for Swearing from Remus and Presmut attraction and activities!
Logan could admit that he was becoming a hypocrite. He was getting on Thomas’s case anytime he had a chance to about sleeping in a perfect sleep schedule. And it had been that he would follow the same schedule, but lately that was not the case. After Janus had took his seat at the table, Thomas had been slightly more selfish. He had even admitted to his followers that he was finally taking a break.
Logan would never tell anyone, but he had been the one side who had been there to witness Janus’s break down dance in victory after Thomas made the announcement. It had made Logan begin to think. If Thomas could take a break for himself then Logan could be a little less strict. As long as Thomas was getting 7 hours of sleep like a grown adult should, then that was all that mattered. If seven hours were achieved then Logan was alright. He wouldn’t bother Thomas unless he deeply needed to step in and remind Thomas to sleep. That wasn’t the same for Logan. It didn’t just happen one night. It happened gradually.
He stayed up later and later and then it became that he would stay up for 24 hrs at a time. Being just a side, an imagined figment, he did not actually need to sleep. The sides slept so to perform at the best of their abilities. Not sleeping hadn’t hindered Logan yet so for now he would continue to perform his tasks until all the work was completed. But he didn’t always work in his room. It wasn’t his rooms fault. He couldn’t exactly blame his room which had been programmed by him. His room would in a way shut down at 8 every night. When he had been on a sleep schedule in the past, he had wanted it that way. But now not so much. He started working in the Mind Palace Common area, specifically at the table that was just outside the kitchen. He would only have a few lights on so he could see his screen but not bring notice that he was working in the room. The other sides usually were asleep when he was out there working, so he was never concerned about being found out. Then one night an interaction occurred that Logan didn’t quite suspect would happen.   The light sides and dark sides rooms were in two different parts of the MindScape. The Mind Palace usually looked Thomas’s apartment since it was the space they all basically knew by heart and could recreate without any trouble. Up the staircase was where one would find the “light” sides bedrooms. Janus’s room had just been recently added after the events of their latest video and though the others had been surprised, Logan hadn’t really been. Janus and Patton needed to start working together so that if Thomas came against another mature problem then they could confront it as a team instead of sending Thomas into another mental health breakdown. They couldn’t exactly learn to work together and start to get along better if Janus was still living and staying in the “dark” side. Logan didn’t like labeling them like they always had. Not one of the sides could be put in either category of light or dark. They were all just a part of Thomas and were doing the jobs given to them. No more no less. There was a “hidden” door attached to the stairs that led down to the “dark” side common space. The only thing about the dark sides space was that they didn’t have a kitchen. The only kitchen was in the light space. So both sides had to share the kitchen. Logan shouldn’t have been surprised that eventually he would meet one of the dark sides during his nightly escapades. Logan had taken a second to stretch and rub at his neck. The room was so quiet without his loud typing. It was in that moment that Remus slammed open the dark side door and stormed into the kitchen. In the second Remus had opened the fridge, the light of the appliance shined upon him and Logan was able to catch a glimpse of his outfit. His mouth immediately went dry and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Remus was in a simple suite jacket and pants. The jacket was nightshade of black with mother of pearl lapels. The undershirt was Remus’s signature green color but instead of looking bad with the other parts of the suit it just added the perfect amount of color the creativity side needed to make the outfit look drop dead perfect. Logan was also able to see just a quick look at Remus’s face. He had on what appeared to be a very light shade of blush on the high of his cheeks and his hair was slightly curled as well. If Logan had to guess he would dare even say that it looked like Remus’s mustache had been groomed as well.
The dark side slammed the kitchen fridge door shut and started chugging the bottle of water he had grabbed. He must have been somewhat pissed to have grabbed a normal substance instead of the usual stuff Remus consumed. He still had yet to notice Logan was watching his every move. Usually Logan would have wanted to keep it that way. Remus would eventually go back down the stairs and Logan could resume his work. It appeared though that wasn’t something Logan had wanted. He was curious of why Remus was dressed this way and he wanted-no needed to know more about what was going on. So as Remus left the kitchen to go back downstairs, he was just about to grab the door, Logan spoke up.
“Remus?” “MO----ER F----KER, J----US SH-T ON A M---THER F—KING CRACKER!” Remus screamed and Logan held back a chuckle as the light side common place had took the liberty to bleep out Remus’s curse words. That was no doubt Patton’s doing. Remus turned on the lights and faced Logan, looking at him in complete disbelief. “What the f---king h-ll, Logic! You are g-d da-n lucky I didn’t have my mother f--king morningstar or I would have clobbered you to death! Je—s, why am I’m getting bleeped! What I’m saying isn’t as strong because of it!” Remus growled as he looked to the ceiling, as if that was the whole reason he was getting bleeped. “Why the h-ll are you sitting there in the dark?” “I’m working.” Logan answered simply as he gestured to his laptop. He closed it knowing that now he had Remus’s attention he wouldn’t be doing work for a while. Remus moved to the table and sat across from him chugging the water once more. Once he was done with that, he struck the water down upon the table, he leveled Logan with a glare. He wasn’t happy about Logic scaring him. He was usually the one to terrify the other sides. “You’re working out here why exactly?” “Do I get to ask a question if I answer yours?” “Like what we play 20 questions or something?” Remus chuckled as he swirled around the water in the bottle as if it was a fine wine. “I just don’t believe it would be justifiable if I answer and then you just leave me hanging.” Logan replied with a slight shrug. It was reasonable. Janus and Remus were known for not giving answers if they didn’t want to. “Fair enough. I’ll answer all your questions as long as you answer mine.” “You know me, Remus, I could never leave a question unanswered.” Logan answered as an agreement which brought a chuckle from the dark creativity side. “Yeah Yeah, Pocket Protector, now I believe you haven’t answered my question yet?” Remus commented as he waved his hand over his water bottle which magically refilled it. He took another sip from it never losing eyesight with Logan. “Oh yes, of course, I’m working out here because my room basically shuts down at 8 o’ clock every night.” “Shut down?” “Yes, the lights turn off and my power outlets don’t work. You know what I say no electronics 30 minutes before bed, so my room does that. But there is work to be done so I work out here now.” “Okaaaaaaaaaayy….” Remus drew out the word as he took a second to think about what exactly the Logical side was saying to him.
“So you work out here and let me see it’s…” Remus used a tentacle that appeared from his back to move his suit sleeve back. He looked down to a watch that probably just materialized on his wrist to make his point. “…It’s 5 am and how many days have you been out here working all night long?” “I’ve been doing this since the wedding video.” Logan replied truthfully, though he looked away for he realized how bad that sounded.   “That’s what I thought. Yoink!” Remus had actually said the word “yoink” out loud and it was then that Logan realized that one of Remus’s tentacles had wrapped around his laptop, sliding it toward the mustached man. Logan was too late to stop it from happening. One moment the laptop was wrapped in octopus tentacles and the next it disappeared in thin air. “Hey! Remus!” Logan shouted, nearly shooting up from his chair. “Remus, give that back right this moment!” “Nope.” Remus smacked his lips to emphasize the ‘p’. Logan glared deadly at him and held out his hand in demand for his laptop back. Remus only smirked. “Relax, nerdy wolverine. It’s in a safe place in my room. In the next 24 hrs if you sleep for a full 7 hours then you’ll get it back.” Remus explained as he admired one of his several tentacles as if it was a hand of nails. “And how exactly will you know that I have slept for that time?” “I have my ways.” The dark creativity side chuckled ominously as his eyes meet the Logical’s side. Logan shuddered either in fear or in curiosity, he couldn’t exactly tell in the moment. Did he really want to know how Remus would know that he slept? Most likely not. “Alright. I’m not happy about this but there is nothing I can do at this point to change it. Now I believe since you have gotten to ask your questions it is my turn. Why are you dressed as such?” “Heh. Well it’s story-time…” Remus paused with a smirk to let the joke linger. Logan suppressed his own small smile. He had always wanted to hear what “story-time” would sound like from the intrusive thoughts being. “…Anyway so you remember that post Thommy-salamony posted on Instagram the other day?” “The Spotify one with the flower crown, yes.” Logan recalled with an agreeing nod.
“Yep, that’s the one. Anyway, Janus and I were talking about it today. Annnnd long story short you would think with how long I’ve been in creation I would have learned by now that I can’t beat Janus in any bet. Since I haven’t learned it yet, I lost the bet and now I gotta wear this monkey suit for another six hours.” Remus explained once he glanced at the watch on his human wrist once again. “I have been in this for so long that Janus has taken one million and one pictures of me on his phone and if I had to deal with him for one more second I would have done several unpleasant things to him. I came up here to get a f—cking break.” “I understand if this may be rude to say but may I too take a picture of you?” Logan took a chance to ask but wasn’t surprised when Remus growled at him.
“No, you may f—king not! I’ll tell Janus that you want some of his pics, I’m sure our snake-boi will share them.” Logan nodded knowing that was reasonable. Remus was probably on his last straw and the logical side didn’t wish to further anger the manifestation being of dark creativity. Remus laid out on the table with a deep sigh.
Logan could now see just how weary the green colored side seemed and he felt sorry for him.
“Well, despite you hating your attire, I am grateful that you came up here and I have gotten this chance to see you. You say your clothes are a monkey suit, but I must say you wear this suit quite beautifully. It compliments you very well.” Logic went on to say as he leaned back in his seat but didn’t look away from Remus. One could even say he was gazing at Remus as if he was in a trance of sorts. It was almost as if he was trying to take several mental snap shots of Remus to save for himself. It also could have been that he was trying to take in as much detail of Remus’s outfit as quickly as he could in fear that he would never see it again. Remus too was gazing at the navy colored side but for different reasons. “Back up there, Teach, did you…did you just call me …beautiful?” Remus asked nervously as if he was fearful that he had misheard Logan to begin with. Logan coughed into his fist, and since the intrusive thoughts had turned on the lights, they were both able to see the red start to spread across his cheeks. “I did, though I believe I said you are wearing the suit beautifully, which yes means you are beautiful in the suit.” “What the f—ck is that suppose to mean?” Remus asked wanting Logan to explain further on what he was saying. “Well…what I mean is…” Logan started as the blush now was fully engulfing his face. He also looked away from Remus so that he may gather his thoughts.
“…Your regular outfit suits you quite favorably as well, but your current outfit is, I must admit, quite surprising. In a superb way, I mean. I must say that you look so elegant in a way that I frankly never considered that you could….” Logan paused as he too came to the same realization of Remus. He now understood how what he was saying sounded. His blush deepened. 
“Ap-Apologizes, Remus. I-I don’t quite understand where that came from… I think…Please, excuse me.” Logan tried to get up from his seat to escape but Remus was faster. His tentacles had swiftly wrapped around the logical side securing him to the chair. Remus wouldn’t allow him to leave that easily. Though it wasn’t as if Logan struggled against the octopi appendages. Logic knew he would not be able to get away from Remus’s hold.  
He only gulped audibly as Remus came around the table and sat upon it right in front of the teacher like side. The intrusive thoughts being perched upon the table yet leaned forward cupping Logan’s jaw affectionately in his palm.
“Oh, Lolo, I finally understand. You, Mr. Logic, are Thomas’s suit kink.” “I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, come on Lollipop,” Remus laughed as he leaned back on the table. “You of all sides understand what my job as “Dark Creativity” is composed of. Intrusive Thoughts, nightmares, blasphemous thinking,  etc etc. And we can’t forgot the juiciest of all?” “Sexual Desires.”
“Very good, Smart Heart Bear! Anyhow, sexual desires includes sexy kinks, fetishes, and or fantasies. I know all of Thomas’s kinks from A to Z. I mean let’s be honest my brother is a f—king deer in the headlights once romance gets to the R-rated scenes. I mean sure RowRow can sweep any partner off their feet but once we to the bedroom, then it’s me time!” “Now so back what to I was saying, kinks! There have always been one or two I couldn’t for the life of me figure out, but I had found where most of them had come from. Oh, do you want to know what Patton’s is?” “Not particularly.”
“Sure you do! Patton’s is baking sex. Or sex in the kitchen. Or whatever he wants to call it. Your Happy Pappy has some pretty nasty thoughts when it comes to cooking twine, let me tell ya.” Remus snickered while Logan suppressed a shudder as he even considered what scenarios that thought could lead to.
“But anyway, like I said, I could see where most of them had come from, but I never had yours. I’m so stupid, I should have seen it. You are turned on by men in full suits. This outfit is turning you on. How did I not see that the man that is always in a tie was my connection to Thomas’s suit fetish? It’s so boringly oblivious now that I see how flushed you are in front of me.” Remus observed while reaching with one of his tentacles to start undoing his cuff links. Logan watched like a man possessed as the cuff links came off and the sleeves wrists unbuttoned. His mouth dried as the sleeves were slowly rolled up by Remus’s elegant fingers. Once both sleeves were comfortably up on Remus’s arms, he also took a second to run his right hand through his curled locks. The simple act turned the tips of Logan’s ears red.
The Intrusive Thoughts side never looked as hawt as he did just then, and Logan would have probably given anything in that moment to freeze time, so that he may enjoy the sight for as long as he wished.
“Holy sh-t, you really are turned on! Heh, must suck to be attracted to the bad guy, huh Logic?” And just like that Logan was snapped out of his distressed state and sat up straight in the chair. The lust that he had once felt was gone and now he wished he had just one arm free. He wanted to reach out to Remus desperately. “Remus…I know this won’t sound as if I’m being sincere because you will think I’m just saying this because of your clothes but I’m still going to say it.”
“Remus, I never once thought of you as the villain.” Logan took the moment to make sure the green colored side was seriously looking at him.
“You are not a bad guy, Remus. You did your job as a side nothing more nothing less. You can’t help that you were dealt the dreadful cards but just because you were, it does not in any way make you evil. Or the villain or the antihero.” “Or even a dark sid-“ Logan gasped loudly as the tentacle suddenly released him and he was roughly pulled forward. A hand had wrapped around his tie and jerked him towards the table, nearly causing him to fall off his chair.
More than that, his gasp was silenced as lips fell upon his in a deep bruising kiss. It was a surprise and just for a moment something within Logan yelled at him to pull away, yet he quickly dismissed such a thought. Instead he leaned into the action and once he got his bearings returned the passion that Remus was sharing with him. It was only when he placed his hand on Remus’s cheek that he realized the other was crying. “Shut up.” Remus wept once the two finally separated but Remus didn’t let go of the tie. He held onto it in a death grip. “You gotta shut up! You-you can’t say things like that when your looking so f--kable, Lo.”
“No.” Logan replied once he was able to catch his breath.
“I won’t stop saying it. You need to know what I think! You need to know that even without the suit, I have always thought you were beautiful. That I secretly have had a small crush on you.” Logan admitted as he tried to turn his head away. Remus stopped him by grabbing his jaw once again. “F—k, Logan.” Remus whispered then brought their lips together again for another kiss. This one just as passionate as the first but was shorter. Remus smirked at the whimper Logan let out once he had pulled away. “Me too. I was mad crushing on you for so long, Apple Watch.” Logic chuckled at the nickname, knowing there was no meanness behind the words. They sat there in silence just holding onto one another.  If there was certainly a moment that Logan wanted to last for eternity, then it would have been this one. The two of them in each other’s embrace letting their feelings be shared by touch alone. “This sucks.” Remus finally groaned as he nuzzled his forehead against the blue colored side’s. “What do you mean?” “I want to f—k you so bad right now. I want to make love to you for so long that you wouldn’t even be able to get up if Thomas called for you.” Remus pressed his lips to Logan’s once more and though he made sure to make it last longer than the second time, he still pulled away too soon for Logic’s liking. “But I won’t. You need sleep. I may be intrusive thoughts, but I won’t take advantage of you when your practically dead on your feet.  I hate to say it, but we waited this long, what’s seven more hours, am I right?” Logan grasped onto the hand that was still secure around his tie. “You promise me that we will pursue this after I sleep? I won’t just wake up and have to go back to believing that I never even cross your mind?”
Logan’s fears were answered with another kiss, a gentle reassuring one this time. “Seven hours, then you’ll never be rid of me again, Glasses.” Logic chuckled at the answer, though it seemed forced. He didn’t want to continue these next few hours alone. Not when they had at last admitted out loud and to each other about what they felt for one another. Remus was right though, Logan was dead on his feet. These last few moments without his laptop had given his body the chance to let the months of backed up exhaustion wash over him. He was convinced he wouldn’t even had been able to stay awake through foreplay let alone other sexual activities. He had Remus’s word. Once he awoke, they would explore this relationship further, or at least he hoped this thing between them would turn into a relationship.
Logan jumped as Remus deeply chuckled. “Go, Logan. Go to bed. I can practically hear your thoughts from over here. We’ll talk when you’re up.” Logan rose from the chair but before sinking out he was the one who initiated a kiss this time. He even made sure to run his tongue along Remus’s lips causing the neon green side to groan loudly in need.
Logan pulled away with a victorious smirk. “Until then, Octo.” Remus smirked as the Logical side sank down through the floor. He ran his fingertips along his lips still faintly feeling Logan’s own lips against them. “I’ll see you soon, Lollipop.” ~ Bonus ~ Remus did his best to stay away. He really had but as the hours dragged on and on, he was getting more and more impatient. It was finally just one hour left. Remus wouldn’t dare wake the side but that didn’t mean he couldn’t go to his room. Right? Remus sank out in front of Logan’s door quietly. It was now the middle of the afternoon. The other sides were up and about doing their daily endeavors. He was thankful that Thomas hadn’t called for them all. He probably would have tried, and of course fail since he was imaginary, to punch Thomas in the face if he had even tried to call for Logan while the side finally slept.  
Remus didn’t think on that any further and instead tried Logan’s door. If he stood out here any longer one of the others might see him. It was a shock that the door opened for him. He didn’t wait too long to think about it and quickly shuffled into the room, silently closing the door behind him. He hadn’t awakened Logan by entering the room. That was a good start. He crossed the room with ease since there was a soft glowing night light on the far side of the room. Once he made it to the edge of Logan’s bed it was there that he paused. Would it be too bold of him to join Logan? He wouldn’t touch the sleeping Logical side but would it still be too much if he got into the blue side’s bed? Before his thoughts to tumble into the mess of what ifs, he took the chance. He let his shirt disappear but left on a pair of comfy sleep pants. He eased into the open space in Logan’s bed and happily sighed as he sank into the perfect pillows and mattress. He let himself drift between awake and sleep, but his eyes opened as he felt Logan turn towards him as the hour came to an end. Logan didn’t react once he felt another being in his bed, he just rolled towards it in curiosity. Once he saw the wisps of white bangs and the constellation of freckles upon ivory skin, a smile shaped upon his face. “Good morning, Octo.” “Morin’, Lollipop.”
~The End!!~~
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calliecat93 · 3 years
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I don’t think it’s incorrect to say that Cinder Fall is one of the most divisive characters in the series. From my experience, she was liked well enough in Volumes 1-4, and people were interested in her character. But as time went on with her getting less focus, any focus being on her just wanting to power, much of her original threat level slowly going down, and just so many questions going unanswered, people began to turn on her. Last volume was when interest seemed to get reignited, and it had people asking one question: were we finally on our way to getting a Cinder Fall backstory? Well my friends, the clock has struck. The spell has broken, and it’s time to see Cinder as she truly is.
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Remember when the volume began with us seeing a young Cinder scrubbing floors? Well we get that again, but this time with much more detail. We see Cinder living on a farm, scrubbing floors and being bullied by other children. It’s not clear if she’s in an orphanage or a slave, but regardless we hear a woman say that she’ll take her. We cut to a city and Cinder is before a glamorous hotel, being led inside by her new stepmother. She’s lead to the back, also meeting her new stepsisters which if you’re familiar with Cinderella, you can already tell where this is going. Indeed, Cinder is forced to clean, serve guests, be given barely any food, and bullied by her stepsisters. She even resorts to eating the meals meant for guests just because she’s starving that badly. We also briefly get a new song that I... think is being sung by Casey? I couldn’t fully tell, but it is the definition of belittling and mockery.
During all of this, one individual has noticed what’s going on, a Huntsman named Rhodes. One day when particularly frustrated, Cinder sees him showing others a sword he acquired. Her stepsisters come in, trailing mud in a deliberate attempt to make Cinder’s life harder. She snaps, her Scorch Touch Semblance essentially causing her to turn her brush into a smoke bomb. As a result, her stepmother activates a shock collar that Cinder already put on, her abuse now evolving into physical torture. Having had enough, Cinder steals Rhodes sword and hides in I assume some kind of cellar. Rhodes finds her, but offers to train her to be a Huntress so that when she’s of age, she can enter a Huntsman Academy and have a better life. After all, killing her stepfamily won’t end her suffering.
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Over what looks like years, Cinder receives training whenever Rhodes returns to the hotel, and she becomes a very strong fighter. But she still has to undergo the abuse for at least years. Regardless, she’s growing closer to her goal and Rhodes even gives her his sword. Unfortunately, one day, the stepsisters inform their mother that Cinder has a weapon. By the time Rhodes returns, hours have gone by and the hotel seems empty. But it isn’t long before he enters the cellar, finding the stepsisters dead and Cinder having as hold of her stepmother. The electrocution does nothing as Cinder simply snaps her neck, killing her. Cinder is relieved, having gotten rid of her abusers and now having her freedom. But to her shock Rhodes not only disapproves, but pulls his weapons, seeming to intending to turn her in. Cinder is shocked, then enraged as they fight. In the end, Cinder kills Rhodes and he merely pats her head before falling dead to the ground. Cinder rips the shock collar off and looks out the window, crying but also smiling as she is now free.
We cut to the present with Cinder waking up, Emerald having brought her back to Monstra. Cinder is very much not happy even as Emerald tries to explain how she had been hurt. Mercury comes in, saying that it’s pointless and again telling Emerald that Cinder does not care. Cinder orders them out... but Mercury isn’t there to obey her anymore. He reveals that Salem has plans for him, and thus he’s now higher up just as he wanted in Volume 6. This, he no longer follows Cinder, and she loses one more person she once had control over. They’ve been summoned to the bridge for something big. Mercury leaves with Emerald soon following, leaving Cinder sitting alone.
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Meanwhile, Oz is trying to convince Oscar to let him take over to give the kid a break from the beatings. But Oscar has a suggestion. While they are there, why not use Salem’s own tactics against her? She uses her agents to sew the seeds of division among her enemies... so why can’t they dot he same with her allies? Hazel comes in, asking for the password once more. Ozpin now takes over, enraging Hazel. But when Oz asks why he’s even working for Salem when he’s fully aware of what she’s done, the brute says that there’s no point to fighting her. He knows what she can do. She will win. It’s foolish to go against her, and due to Oz countless young lives have been lost for what he deems a hopeless cause. But Oz points out that someone had to try and is about to reveal what’ll happen if the Relics are united to show just how bad the stakes are, when Salem enters to call everyone to the bridge.
All of Salem’s current agents are there, though Emerald and Neo are noticeably more to the side. Watts has contacted Tyrian to report his hacking efforts, which causes Salem to turn to Cinder. She causes the Grimm Arm to send Cinder into a wave of pain, just as she was forced into under her stepmother. But suddenly, Salem says that Cinder’s current actions are her fault, and the pain stops. She says that she denied Cinder what she wanted after all that she endured, so she allows Cinder to take the Winter Maiden powers from Penny, whether she or her Hound gets there first. or now, Cinder and Tyrian are to get Watts as Salem launches her attack. IDK if i’s Oscar or Oz begging them not to as they’ll be sealing their own doom, but Salem merely says that it’s too late.
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Meanwhile, the Ace-Ops are less than happy about Watts and now having to go after what Elm says is junk, causing Winter to more or less tell them to shut up. Marrow catches a comms transmission and upon putting it on speaker, finds that it’s Jaune trying to warn someone about the Grimm River. They land before the three, who are heading for Mantle on the repaired hoverbike. When Jaune tries to explain, Harriet is more interested in finding Penny and again blames them for the situation. before she can continue though, the river... well... shoots up. To Atlas. It launches several Grimm, and they destroy the Hard Light Shield Generators. Our heroes, the Ace-Ops, Ironwood, and even the people in the Crater can only watch in horror as the shields go down. Salem gives the order, and Monstra unleashes a horde of various Grimm as the chapter ends.
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As I said in the intro, many have been waiting for a Cinder backstory for a long, long time. The lack of one and a definite motivation has been one of the biggest criticisms against Cinder for years now. Before we begin, I should talk about my opinion of Cinder. As I do with Ruby, I have always found Cinder an interesting character. For all the things people complained about her, like her lack of motivation, thirst for power, her declining threat level, it only made me more interested. Why? Because there’s always just enough small things to get my attention. Her hatred of Ruby for making her feel weak, getting angry whenever someone like Watts spoke back at her, even burning him in Volume 5 for getting after her changing the invasion plans. How she seems borderline obsessed with power and being in control, becoming more and more unhinged whenever she loses it. After being the puppet-master for he first three volumes, watching as we slowly learn that she is just another’s puppet and her quest for power always had me asking why she was like this.
At long last, we have the answer. Now to be honest... most of this went exactly as I expected since I knew that she was a Cinderella expy. She had an abusive guardian. Abusive stepsisters. She was abused, treated as a slave, and generally miserable. But unlike Cinderella, who always remained kind and loving in spite of her stepfamily’s torment, Cinder was angry, spiteful, and did break. Heck considering her previous living conditions, maybe she was sold as a slave, The only thing I didn’t expect was for her to have a prince/godmother figure in Rhodes, someone who gave her a chance to eventually attain a better life. But sadly, it ended with her snapping and killing both her abusers and the only person to show her kindness. Cinder got her freedom, but also sealed herself to a miserable life.
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Now there’s already been some arguments about this. Everyone agrees that the stepfamily sucks, but how much fault does Rhodes hold? I think that he had good intentioned, but there’s the fact that ultimately he left Cinder to continue to be abused despite fully well knowing about it. Now I get why some go ‘just take her’, but that would have plenty of it’s own issues like him being accused of kidnapping, endangering an innocent girl, etc. Ultimately I think that Rhodes was a decent guy who did what he thought he could do to give Cinder a chance at a better life under the circumstances. She just had to endure the abuse for a few years as her inspiration did, then she could walk free. But sadly, that didn’t happen. Rhodes made a mistake in not at least stepping up to demand Cinder be treated better, maybe event threatening to inform someone higher up about it and endangering the business. But he didn’t, and this along with drawing his weapons' against Cinder sealed his demise. It’s sad, but with how hurt Cinder was and after the abuse she suffered, I understand why she did it. It wasn’t the right thing to do, but it’s understandable. Her stepfamily deserved it though, no argument there.
But putting all of our attention on Cinder now, this answered/confirmed everything that I had suspected for years. Why does Cinder hate Atlas/the elite? Because she was abused by them. Why does she hate Huntsmen? Because one betrayed her. Why is she so obsessed with power? Because it’s what, in her mind, gave her freedom. Why does she want control? Because she was never  allowed to have it. It’s why she burned Watts in Volume 5, he tried to overpower her and she wasn’t going to take it. It’s why she loses it every time she loses a chance at the Maiden power, because it further reminds her of how weak and powerless she once was and never wants to be again. Heck it’s why she wants Ruby dead and even fears her, because she has a power that by it’s nature makes her powerless as Volume 3 proved, which was the first true time we saw Cinder get defeated. Just as she killed the one thing left in her way at that, she got brought right back down to that powerless girl beaten by everyone around her. Isn’t re-analyzing everything after big reveals fun?!
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Everything makes sense, and we can now see how everything clicks. When we met Cinder, she was confident and in control of everything, and we didn’t question it as we knew virtually nothing back then. But as we learned about Salem, the true stakes, and the history of Remnant, the more we saw Cinder’s position slip. Every time she has gone after a Maiden past Amber, she failed. She’s failed at pretty much everything and her only success, getting The Lamp, was only because of Neo. So her anger and her grip has slipped more and more as the fact that she isn’t as powerful as she believed keeps hitting her and bringing her back to that barn/hotel. And now? Mercury has walked out on her in favor of Salem, and at this point I won’t be surprised if Neo walks and Emerald is eventually driven away. Cinder just can’t accept love and affection, having either never received it or in her eyes, those who did betrayed her. And unless she does come to understand these concepts and that people like Emerald are willing to care about her, she will be left all alone.
But the saddest part? At least with the deaths, it at least looked like Cinder could at least begin her life anew. But... she didn’t. Here’s one of my gripes with the chapter, us not seeing how she joined Salem. What happened after the deaths? Did she run away? Did she get arrested and escape? How did she meet Salem? What got Salem to take her in? I was hoping to get these answers to both know why Cinder is where she is and see more of how Salem brings people into her fold, but sadly we didn’t. That being said, we’ve seen enough to see how Cinder is just where she had previously been. She’s serving another for a goal that is not her own. She feels in control because it’s allowing her to get the power that she thinks will give her freedom. But it isn’t, and Salem occasionally showing her favor as she did here are why Cinder keeps falling back in line. Cinder escaped one abusive situation, but only ended up in another one and either doesn’t realize it or is in deep denial over it.
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Honestly, it’s just... sad. I feel legit bad for Cinder. Her life was awful, and she either never got a say in it or when she did, made the wrong choice. Now does this justify anything that she has done? No. She still killed Pyrrha. She still killed Vernal. She still killed innocent people, like that Mistral girl just so she could steal her stuff. She caused Penny’s first death. She caused the Grimm attack that killed who knows how many people in Vale. She was perfectly willing to kill an elderly woman just for her powers. And as Jaune said in Volume 5, always with a sick smirk on her face. There is a LOOOT of blood on her hands and as bad as I feel for her, nothing justifies the horrible things that she has done. The only way that I can see her at least begin a redemption arc is to both start to understand the concept of people caring as well as realize just what horrible things she’s done. If Emerald and Neo turn on her as Mercury has, that could be what does it, or has her double down. I have been pretty against Cinder being redeemed because of her lack of remorse, but I have been convinced that it’s plausible. It’s all going to depend on the execution. But in the end, whether she change or stick to the path she’s on now, she ultimately has my pity.
Okay, that’s enough on Cinder for now. Let’s now talk about Oscar and Oz. And just like in Chapter 4, seeing Oscar so battered and even a little bloody is... rough. Hell, Oz trying to convince Oscar to let him take over to give the kid a break with Oscar refusing is... yeah. But I do like how Oscar brings up a very good point. Salem’s power comes form her causing division. Using her pawns to go out and place doubt into other’s minds. And it works... so why can’t they do the same? Place doubt into the minds of Salem’s agents. We as the audience know fully well that not everyone is on board. Hazel is a hypocrite, but essentially serves Salem as he sees fighting her as hopeless and thus directs the hate onto Oz since that’s someone he can harm. Neo hates being there, Emerald is scared, and despite his promotion Mercury is as terrified as Emerald is and we can see he does still care about her. Even Cinder we see could turn if she ever realized that she’s in no better a place she was as before. Only Tyrian is really full-heartedly loyal. There are cracks within Salem’s ranks, and Oscar has an open chance to shatter it.
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But he’s gonna have to act fast. So... that River, huh? Yep, it was meant for Atlas. It’s a cunning move. But this makes Ironwood’s actions even more cruelly ironic. Imagine that he stayed in Mantle. Chances are, the forces would have been out in the tundra. There is a good possibility that they could have discovered the River sooner. Even with them not knowing about it turning into a geyser, they could have at least prepared for something or come up with a defense. It shows just how poor Ironwood’s decision truly was and even if he had shot Atlas upward, all it would have done was delay the inevitable. Worse, he’s sent his best soldiers to the tundra to find Penny. Even if they do, Watts will have control and Ironwood’s own temper allowed that. Ironwood okayed right into Salem’s hands, and he has sealed Atlas’ doom. Oh he won’t go down without a fight, for that I’m certain. But I get the feeling that it’s gonna be too late.
Chapter Stats
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Favorite Character: Cinder Fall Favorite Scene: Cinder and Salem interaction near the end Least Favorite Scene: Mmm... Cinder being electrocuted was hard to watch Favorite Voice Actor: Jessica Nigri (Cinder) Favorite Animation: Cinder vs Rhodes Rating: 8/10
Final Thoughts
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So far, this is my least favorite chapter of the volume. Not because it was bad, it just feels... incomplete. There are still several pieces with Cinder that I feel are missing, mainly how she came under Salem. But that may be an answer for another day. I also feel like they should have done this sooner, especially since after how long it’s been and Cinder doing worse and worse things, it’s harder for me to feel 100% bad for her, but I get they may not have had a choice. What we did get, however, was more than enough to answer the many questions regarding Cinder that we’ve had for eight volumes now. We know understand why she is how she is, and even how she could begin to turn it around. But that’s still a choice that only she can make. The wait was very much worth it, and add to two new songs (one being by Casey’s band OK Goodnight, yay!), Oscar showing his development, us seeing the cracks in the villains mindsets, and of course the ending taking us right back to the stakes of this volume. One more to go until the mid-season break folks, and knowing this show, they’re gonna ensure that we wait in agony.
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booksandseventeen · 4 years
School Project pt. 2 ☼☀
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Warning: angst 
☼☀Week 4
For once, he couldn’t wait for school to start. He wasn’t surprised to see that her desk was empty, but this time, it felt more...permanent. Now he regretted all those times he ignored her during class, only talking to her during those late night adventures. 
When it was just the moon to hear her words and see his idle touches. He had tried calling and texting her but all his calls went to voicemail and his messages unanswered. His leg jumped up and down throughout the class until finally the bell rang and he told Tadashi he would meet up with him later.
“um, excuse me.” he stood in front of the teacher, she looked up at him and shuffled the papers on her desk. 
“how can I help you, Tsukishima?”
“my...partner for my project, I was wondering if you knew when she would be back.”
“oh! that’s right, i’m sorry Tsukishima I forgot to tell you that she recently moved. If it’s no trouble you can continue the project by yourself and I can give you an automatic half percent to start with.”
She moved. She moved and didn’t tell him.
“do you know what school she transferred to?” he asked, feeling his blood begin to boil. She never mentioned it once. 
“one second.” the teacher turned to her computer and began to type away. “hmm...strange, but I don’t see her enrolled in any school at the moment.” the teacher smiled and looked up to him, “would you like another partner?” 
Tsuki stared at the screen, her smiling school picture staring back at him, she was holding up a peace sign. “no.” he heard himself say. “I don’t want another partner.”
During practice he was more stoic than usual and after he left straight away, where? He had no idea. But his head was a jumbled mess, did those 3 weeks mean nothing to her? Sure he hadn’t been the nicest but he thought....he thought that maybe they could have.... 
He shook his head angrily, he was a fool. To let himself be pulled into her little game. He would forget all about her, forget about the project and those late nights where the moon casted her face into a pale painting and that damn oversized hoodie.
He walked and walked until he came to an abandoned pool, dirt and moss clung to the edges and the slides had residue that he didn’t want to know what exactly it was. The pool was eerie, strange, and had a sense of calm that he knew immediately she would have be drawn to.
Slowly, he walked among the abandoned equipment, clouds passed in front of the moon causing him to stumble every now and then. 
And that’s when he saw it. 
A piece of paper fluttered in the wind, tied to a rusty beach chair with a piece of ribbon. He grabbed the paper and unfurled it. His eyes ran over the paper, reading it 3 times before stuffing it in his pocket. It was a paragraph written for the project, he recognized her handwriting:
“Did you ever wonder, why abandoned places look so sad, much like the people who live there”
She was still doing the project for him. 
Now he only needed to beat her to the next location.
 ☼☀ Week 5
The following days had him staying up later than usual, researching places in Miyagi that she might deem interesting and narrowing it down to only a few, he only had one night to try and catch her. He was staking everything on a saturday night. 
He hated that his heart sped up when his phone went off, hoping it was her, hoping to hear the music in the background and then she would ask to meet her somewhere. 
Saturday came around and he pulled on his jacket and snuck out. The night was different without her, almost like the moon knew she wasn’t with him and so the moon refused to show him the way, clouds obscuring the silver light. 
He biked for almost two hours, and when he finally came to the next spot he braked and looked out before him into the bowl shaped valley below.
Okama was known for its large crater where a lake resided in, its surface color changed naturally throughout the day, and at night, it almost seemed like a deep purple. 
Tsuki stood at just the lip of the valley. Something caught his eye. A light dipped in and out of view, and he knew it was her. It had to be
He ran down the trail, twisting down towards the lake, rocks tumbled down the side of the walkway but still he ran. He didn’t know what he was doing, chasing after a girl he had only known less than a month, but the way she had felt in his arms was like he was melding into something greater than himself.
Finally, finally, he had made it to the lake and to the spot he had last seen the light, he walked a few more feet and stopped. He bent down and held up her hoodie, he looked around and saw her joggers and shoes.  
He turned towards the surface of the lake, still as a mirror. 
“HEY!” He called and began to take his shoes off. His mind was frantic, his heart beating so wild that it actually pained him. 
He saw it, if he had been looking anywhere else he would have missed it. Two bubbles popped on the surface and without thinking Tsuki dove in. 
It was like diving into a glacier. The water hit him like a brick wall and he had to come up for air. He looked around calling her name. He dove back under, trying to see through the murky water, he stayed under as long as he could. He didn’t know how long he dove under and under again. Until his fingers were numb and it took every energy to kick back up to the surface
He yelled into the valley, anger bubbling up inside him as he hit the surface of the water with his fist, tears flowed down his face as he screamed her name again and again. 
He never saw more bubbles.
Exhausted, he crawled back onto the bank and laid down next to her hoodie.
It still smelled like her. 
The moon shone down on him, shivering, as he reached towards his phone and called 911. He could barely speak. He finally told them his location and hung up. 
And that’s how they found him. Laying on the bank, her hoodie clutched in his hand and tears rolling down the side of his face. 
It took them almost 3 hours to drag her body out. He looked away when the first scuba diver emerged. His last memory of her wouldn’t be like this. 
The moon had known her all its life, was it crying too?
 ☼☀ The Last Week
It was fitting, that on the last day of their project that he would be here. Sitting in front of her tombstone. She would have hated it. 
He thought back to the ceremony, the whispers around him. He had brought Tadashi, his friend only now realizing how close you two had been. 
“She was never the same after her sister died.” 
“Refused to sleep is what I heard.
“she just....Couldn’t take it anymore.”
She had so many opportunities to tell him. To tell him why she wouldn’t sleep. He could have helped her, held her....Loved her. And he knew deep down he would always love her, the part of her that called him in the middle of the night because she knew he would pick up. The part of her that laughed in the darkest parts of the night and fell asleep on his shoulder under the stars. The part of her that made him better, happier, that realized things were different in the dark. 
He once remembered thinking that he thought she was most peaceful when her eyes were closed...he wished he could take it back.
He made a promise to himself right then. That he would give everything his best, like how she did during the last month of her time with him. He was grateful, he realized, that she had chosen him to spend her nights with. He wished he had been enough, and perhaps if they had more weeks together, months, even years, things would have turned out different.
He draped her favorite jacket over the tombstone, she didn’t like to be cold, and kept her hoodie. It fit him perfectly. 
A reminder, that into the darkness she went, the wise and the lovely.
Pt. 1
This was based off the book and movie “All the Bright places” highly recommend!
ummmmm i’m so sorry! But let me know if you guys would be interested in alternate ending? One not so sad obviously!
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onceinsomniac · 4 years
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Snapshots Of Her Life Part 10
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
Jennie was 20 years old when she finally accepted that the anger would never truly fade away...
Jennie sighted as the alarm clock on her nightstand started going off. She turned over and buried her head in her pillow, wishing the sound away. It had been another long, sleepless night and Jennie was not ready to start her day. She heard her room door slamming against the wall as her pissed off roommate stormed in. “Seriously Jennie? Again? How many times do I have to ask you to turn your alarm clock off before it wakes up everyone else in the dorm?” she seethed, as she furiously pressed the off button on the alarm. Jennie ignored her, as she always did.
Jisoo stared down at Jennie’s form, still laying below her blanket, before seeing she would get no reply. She felt her anger seep away to be replaced by pity. “You can’t keep going like this. Something’s going to have to change eventually”, she told her, her voice much softer than before. She turned on her feet and left the room.
Jennie had to stop herself from going after her and starting a shouting match, which was her go to nowadays. Deep down, she knew Jisoo was right. It wasn’t fair what she was doing. To herself or to others. Especially to Jisoo who had been unbelievably kind and understanding ever since she had first arrived there. It had been almost half a year since she first arrived at NYU, ready for a fresh start. Her mom had wanted her to study somewhere closer to home but Jennie had insisted on continuing with her and Lisa's plans of moving to New York. She felt she owed her that.
She was starting to wonder if maybe her mom had been right after all. Maybe she wasn’t ready. When she had first moved into her new dorm, Jisoo had already been there, waiting to greet her new roommate. She had been so cheerful and outgoing and funny and Jennie had immediately liked her, her sense of humor reminding her of Lisa. She remembered looking forward to getting to know her better only to be overtaken by a strong sense of guilt and anger. How could she be thinking about having fun and making new friends when Lisa would never be able to do any of those things again?
She knew it didn’t make sense. Lisa would have wanted her to move on, to be happy but every time she started to do so, the memory of her would come to the forefront of her mind and she would start thinking about how Lisa should be there by her side, experiencing all these things with her. Knowing that would never happen just made her angry at the world and she would take her anger out on anyone around. It was like an endless cycle and Jennie could see no way out.
She had accepted that she would simply spend the four years of college waking up, going to her classes and going back to her dorm, her temper making it impossible for her to truly make friends. She’d tried multiple times but she always ended up pushing them away when the guilt inevitably rolled around and her angry outbursts started. She would go from feeling happy and laughing to wanting to slam her fist against the nearest surface, skin burning at the injustice of the world. She had eventually come to the decision that isolating herself would be the best option for everyone.
It had taken almost four months of Jennie’s constant refusals before Jisoo had finally given up on her and stopped inviting her to hang out or go places. She knew something must have happened to her roommate and wanted to be there for her but didn’t know how to.
Jennie didn’t know what to do. After months of talking to no one besides the daily calls with her mother, she was drowning in loneliness. She looked at her classmates laughing and talking with their friends and longed to be there with them. But another part of her hated them for being so happy. She wanted all of them to be as miserable as her. It felt wrong to her that the world should keep turning without Lisa in it.
She looked at the clock and sighted when she saw she had been laying around for half an hour already and her class had already started. She knew she should be scrambling around, gathering her things and running off to the building her class was in, but she just didn’t have it in her to care. She didn’t seem to care for much anymore. She stood up and lazily made her way to her closet, throwing on the first pair of jeans and t-shirt she saw before grabbing her bag and making her way out the dorm building.
She walked towards the main building where her sociology class was located. It was a quick, five-minute walk and before long, she was standing outside the classroom door. She quietly opened the door and sat at the closest seat available, ignoring the looks her classmates and professor were shooting her, as she arrived late once again. Ms. Ha , her professor, gazed at her for a moment longer before returning to her previous lecture.
Jennie watched as everyone around her wrote down notes but she just couldn’t be bothered to. She stared at the clock that hung on the wall as she waited for the class to end, wanting to be back in her bed. After what seemed like eternity, Ms. Ha finally reached the end of her lecture and dismissed the class. “I’ll see you all tomorrow. Ms. Kim, please stay behind.”
Jennie bit back her urge to roll her eyes at the request. She made her way down the stairs and stood by his desk, waiting as he stood by the door and waved goodbye at every student as they left. Once the last student was gone, Ms. Ha walked back to her desk. She sat down on top of it and looked at her, a pensive expression on her face. “Jennie, I’m going to be frank with you”, she said, dropping all formalities. “You’re constantly late to class, you never seem to pay attention, and you have at least two papers that are overdue. If you don’t change things around soon, you probably won’t be here next semester.”
Jennie didn’t care about what she was saying until he got to the last part. Panic started to fill her at the idea of being kicked out. This was the school she had chosen alongside Lisa. The school they had applied to together. It felt like an insult to her memory for Jennie to throw their dream away. She nodded her acknowledgement at her words before making her way to the door, clenching her fists as the idea of being kicked out lingered in her mind. She knew she was just trying to help her but that didn’t make any difference as the familiar anger drummed beneath her skin, itching to get out.
She had to get back to her room before she did something she’d regret later. She decided to leave the building using the back way, which led to a barely used parking lot, as almost no one came that way and she didn’t want to see anyone. Her wish, however, went unanswered as she was just leaving the building when she saw it.
Jisoo was leaning against a car with a guy she recognized from her high school leaning over her. She didn’t know his name, as he had been two years younger than her and she had only seen him in the hallway. Since NYU had a large campus and Jennie barely left her room, she didn’t see him often but whenever she did, she did her best to avoid him, not wanting anything to do with anyone from her hometown.
She started to leave but something about the way Jisoo was leaning back, as if trying to create space between them both, caught Jennie’s attention. She wanted nothing more than to rush back to her dorm but something kept her standing there, watching. She was too far away to hear what they were saying but by the guy’s expression, she could tell he had heard something he didn’t want to hear.
Jisoo made a move to leave but the guy grasped her arm and shoved her back in place, with her back against the door. Jennie knew that neither of them had seen her yet and that she could probably leave before they ever realized she had been there but the scared look on Jisoo's face kept her standing there. She hesitated for a few seconds longer before quickly walking over to them, silently hoping the guy wouldn’t recognize her. She tapped the guy on his back to get his attention. “Excuse me. It seems my friend doesn’t want you here so why don’t you leave before I go get a professor”, she told him, trying to get him to leave quietly.
The guy looked Jennie up and down before smirking. “You don’t have to be jealous. You can join us if you want”. He told her while leering at her. Jennie glared at him, doing her best to push her rising anger down. “Thanks, but no thanks. You’re not my type. Or hers.” The guy didn’t respond, staring at Jennie like he was trying to place her. His eyes widened in recognition a few seconds later. “Wait a minute, I know you. You’re one of those faggot girls from high school, aren’t you? You were dating that chic who was killed.”
Jennie’s anger threatened to come rushing out at his words. She ignored Jisoo's gasp at the revelation and the blood running down her hands from where her nails had broken skin from clenching her hands into fists so tightly. She glared at him, full of hatred. “Her name was Lisa, you asshole. Now I advise you to leave before I make you”, she told him through clenched teeth. The guy didn’t seem to see the dangerous aura that surrounded Jennie as he let go of Jisoo's arm and turned to face her completely.
He smirked at her, oblivious to the red signs that were pointing at him to leave as soon as possible. “Who cares about her name. She’s gone, thanks to that poor father of hers. I can’t really blame him for what he did. I mean, she’s the one who decided to become one of them. If she had simply been normal, she would still be here.” He opened his mouth to say something else but was silenced by the almost crazy look in her eyes. It seemed like his survival instincts were still somewhat intact after all, as he started backing away. Unfortunately, it was already too late and he didn’t get far before an almost animalistic growl came out of her as she threw herself on top of him. He didn’t stand a chance as she immediately started throwing punch after punch, hitting him relentlessly, deaf to the screams that came from Jisoo, begging her to stop.
Jennie’s mind had gone blank after hearing his words and she had no recollection of what had happened but the next thing she knew, there were arms wrapped around her waist, dragging her off of the guy. Her senses came back as she grew aware of the situation once more. Jisoo was kneeling over the guy, whose face was a bloody mess. She was checking to see if he was still breathing and yelling at Jennie to call 911. Jennie gazed at the guy’s unrecognizable face in shock and then looked down at her bloody hands. She ignored Jisoo's shouts and quickly ran all the way back to her dorm building.
She stumbled into her dorm and made her way to the bathroom. She turned the faucet on and started washing her hands aggressively, desperate to wash away the blood. She stood there for almost 15 minutes, long after the blood had gone down the drain, trying to eliminate the ghost feeling of it coating her hands. She looked up and saw her reflection in the mirror for the first time and she almost gasped at the sight of it.
Blood had splattered up and had now dried on her face. But that wasn’t the thing that shocked her. It was the look in her eyes. The eyes that were staring back at her were those of a stranger. It scared her to realize that if Jisoo hadn’t been there, she wouldn’t have stopped. She hadn’t just wanted to hurt him; she’d wanted to kill him. The sight of his blood had made her want to draw out more. Because, somewhere in her messed-up mind, the guy’s face had started to look like Lisa's father and like every other person in their small-minded town that had spent years judging and hating them.
She’d spent years biting her tongue back and allowing other people’s opinions to simply wash over her, but hearing him speak so callously of Lisa had made her lose control in a way she never had before. She washed the blood of her face before making her way to her room and sitting down on her bed, still in a daze after what had happened.
Seeing what she had done made her realize that maybe this anger had been a part of her for a lot longer than she had first thought. Maybe it had been buried deep inside her ever since she moved to a small town full of close minded, ignorant people, and it had slowly been growing little by little as she and Lisa were belittled and ignored year after year, treated like criminals and outcasts just because they had dared to love each other. Being made to feel like they had committed the biggest sin just for being themselves. Watching their friends leave them, one after another until they only had each other left. Maybe the anger was the result of all those years of hate and she hadn’t realized it before because she had always had Lisa there. Lisa who was so full of love and laughter that the anger had been kept buried deep down. And now that she was gone, it had come running to the surface, much stronger than ever before.
It truly scared her, knowing what she was capable of. She hated the person she had become. The person who didn’t care about anything or anyone and had a vicious streak. The person who liked to hurt people. But the worst thing was that she knew Lisa would have hated that person too.
The incident finally made her realize that she couldn’t go on living like this. She hated to admit it but she knew she needed help. She thought she could cope alone but she couldn’t. Not if she didn’t want to end up alone for the rest of her life. The realization made her start to cry and she buried her face in her hands as sobs wracked her body, washing away the numbness that had surrounded her for so long.
That was how Jisoo found her a few hours later when she entered Jennie’s room. She stood in the door for a few seconds, shocked at seeing her usually callous roommate crying her eyes out. She hadn’t known what to expect but it certainly hadn’t been this. She stared at her for a few seconds before rushing in, sitting down next to her on the bed and enveloping her shaking body in her arms. She stayed there and held her crying roommate until Jennie’s sobs finally came to a stop, aside from the occasional hiccup. Jennie sat up, breaking the embrace. She looked at Jisoo, embarrassed for her to have seen her in such a vulnerable position.
“What happened? Is he going to be okay?” she asked hesitantly, not sure she really wanted to know. Jisoo smiled reassuringly at her. “Don’t worry, he’s fine. He stopped breathing for a minute there and his face is definitely going to take some time to go back to how it looked but he’ll make a full recovery. I went to the hospital with him. And before you ask, you’re going to be fine too. I had a little talk with him once he woke up about how it would be a bad idea for him to go to the cops considering I could accuse him of sexual harassment considering his previous actions. Technically speaking, your actions were worse and would get you in bigger problems but he doesn’t need to know that.” She chuckled.
Jennie stared at her in disbelief. “I think you’re forgetting I’m a law student”, Jisoo clarified, mistaking her disbelief for being at how she managed to manipulate him into silence. Jennie shook her head. “Why would you do that. I mean, God knows I’ve been nothing but a bitch to you ever since we met. I thought you would have gone to the cops yourself.”
Jisoo smiled sadly at her. “I’m not stupid. I knew you’d been through something; I just didn’t know what. Hearing him talk about this Lisa girl. I’m just really sorry you had to go through that. Besides, I know you’re not a bad person. You’re just someone who’s had a lot of bad things happen to them.”
Jennie was still unconvinced. “Besides, who knows what he would have done to me. You saved me when you didn’t have to.” Jennie looked at the floor, not convinced she deserved such kindness from someone she had treated so badly. “I’m sorry. For being such a bad roommate. I’m going to try to do better from now on.”
Jisoo smiled and threw her arms around her, dragging her into a hug. It wasn’t long before she jumped up from the bed and made her way out the door, mumbling something about ice. She came back a few seconds later with two ice packs in her hand and sat back next to Jennie, taking her hands and putting them on top of her knuckles. “That’s definitely going to bruise”, she stated, her smile not leaving her face despite her bleak comment.
And Jennie couldn’t help but laugh as she remembered why Jisoo had reminded her so much of Lisa when she first met her. Except this time, instead of feeling angry, she felt closer, both to Jisoo and to Lisa.
Both girls spent the rest of the day looking up grief counselors near their area and Jisoo booked Jennie an appointment for the very next day once they found one.
The next morning, Jennie started regretting her decision but Jisoo refused to let her back out and dragged her all the way to the therapist’s office. She told her she would be waiting for her right outside before basically shoving her into the office. Jennie wasn’t at first sure that therapy was the right way to go but then she remembered the anger and hate that had pushed her to send someone to the hospital and the promise she had made to Jisoo about being better and decided to give it a try.
And she had. It hadn’t been easy but after months of constant therapy she had managed to make some progress. Whenever she felt the familiar anger thrumming beneath her skin, coming closer to the surface, she simply excused herself from the room and isolated herself before she could take her anger out on any innocent bystanders.
She started boxing and it became a great way to keep it in check, often spending hours in the gym taking her frustrations out on either her instructor or the punching bag. Meditating also became a great stress reliever. As time continued to go by, Jennie kept on finding different ways to cope and she slowly started getting back to who she was before. She opened up more to Jisoo and the two became really good friends. She introduced her to the rest of her friends and they quickly became Jennie’s friends. She started going out again and having fun, she met new people and started actually attending her classes and making plans for her future.
Her life, which had been close to hitting rock bottom, started looking up and for the first time in years, Jennie was actually happy. Nevertheless, no matter how much she laughed or hung out with her new friends. No matter whether she was having fun or was in the middle of class, the anger thrumming beneath her skin was always there, a constant companion. As much as her constant angry outburst had become a thing of the past, and as much as her friends and family believed she had completely recovered, the truth was, she had simply gotten better at controlling her anger instead of having it control her. The burning sensation of the anger rushing through her skin was a constant in her life. And it would always be.
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