#they boys got it allllll covered
sun-e-chips · 4 months
Wait you said the boys get a bit of slack from fazco right? So when they do the flower in y/n’s hat, or when they yell that they are their wife, would fazco do anything about it if guests like recorded it and put on social media?
Nope the wonderful thing is fazco has absolutely no say in how the boys manage their waterpark now! The only ties that fazco has to the park is their name included in affiliation, and them receiving payments for the branding pretty much.
So if some of the boys teasing with poor y/n gets posted on social media there would be no consequences, poor y/n though if their uncomfortable with being recorded.
If the boys catch on to your unease some unexplained technical problems may arise with peoples phones within your vicinity.
Because yeah that’s the solution, not leaving you alone of course :)
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msookyspooky · 2 months
I've been waiting for that especially since you've posted Gomez and Morticia (The goal of all goals) on your blog! It's an odd request but I still read and love your Set Up series so can we get a crossover with YN as Lisa Swallow's and the boys as The Creature? ( Cole Sprouse lowkey reminds me of young Skeet Ulrich which considering Riverdale it's no wonder)
Wait cause no this is such a good idea I cannot pass it up I got so much work to do but I REALLY wanna write for this! (I got so many request I'm trying to do in my inbox but uh...This is my current hyperfixation srry)
I wish I could draw better to make zombies of them fhjaafg ♡♡♡ If anyone wants to add onto this or request other characters please do (And anyone seeing this; watch Lisa Frankenstein I loved it)
🔪 Scream / Lisa Frankenstein Crossover 🧟‍♂️
Iⁿᶜˡᵘᵈᵉᵈ﹕ ʳᵃⁿᵈʸ ᵐᵉᵉᵏˢ, ˢᵗᵘ ᵐᵃᶜʰᵉʳ, ᵇⁱˡˡʸ ˡᵒᵒᵐⁱˢ, ᵐⁱᶜᵏᵉʸ ᵃˡᵗᵉʳⁱ
(Everyone is buried in this despite canon and set in the present. Fem!Reader TW: Corpse/Dead Body, Talk of Rot and Decay, Zombie BF)
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🪦 Randy Meeks: Died 1998
♡ You loved his character in Stab. After you did some deep diving studying who the actual Randy was outside of the movie; you found his tombstone. (who would do this? Me and @f1nalboys Might do what Lisa did and write your name over his etched name *Meeks* on a piece of paper. Bc of course YN Meeks just has a nice ring to it)
♡ Heard you venting about life and fell in love in his restless but lucid slumber 6ft underground. Someone actually likes his character for more than comic relief? Someone understood him? They didn't think he was just the geek?
♡ After a terrible lightning storm...Guess who fumbled and broke through your window drenched in mud and decay?
♡ Is a little hurt you aren't head over heels for him in his current state. He accidentally cried even if his pride hates that he quite literally cried his own eyes out. He's used to not getting who he wants and...Well, he may not smell himself with his nostrils rotted out but considering his eye popped out; still attached to the retina and had to be pushed back in while you're covering your nose gagging; he understands even if it hurts.
♡ Takes a shower (I'd use Dawn. Bar soap or Dove ain't gonna cut it.) and wears your clothes or robe. He still smells like a dead body and has worms but he's trying. He's got a LOT of old stab wounds from dying in that van at Windsor...Holes...Things seep out so you might wanna get tape or something idk.
♡ Do not stress this undead man out if you mischaracterize a film; he cannot talk with a missing tongue to argue; it decayed decades ago.
♡ His dead, dull eyes actually have some spark of life to them when he sees streaming for the first time. So many movies he's missed out on! Give him the remote and you never gotta worry about him leaving your room while you're gone.
♡ He accidentally kills someone you definitely did not want killed after they smelled something awful in your room, went up there, screamed, Randy went to knock them out in a panic and accidentally kills them
♡ He feels awful about it and you both decide to hide the body and use their hand to replace his missing one (Fell off lol just dead things) and shock him back to circulation somehow
♡ If you do what Lisa did and let him do...Other things with a 'back massager'. He's so madly in love and yearning for you it's insane. But if you got a crush you're yearning for; he is rolling his eyes with a grunt at this being Sid and Billy or Sid and Derek allllll over again.
♡ Less corpsey he gets with each shock session; more he can't help his feelings for you. YOU have to be the one to admit your feelings to him though because what would you want with an undead geek like him? At least in his mind.
♡ Would cry his eyes out (Not literally this time) if you were killed and 100% would resurrect your body and take care of you like you did him
♡ Is as loyal as they come. Will worship you accepting him at his geekiest, dead, grossest versions of himself and you're still here
🪦 Stu Macher: Died 1996
♡ You found his tombstone as a dare to 'bring him back' like bloody mary....No duh, it didn't work. But Stu was still aware of it in a dream like state sorta way. You didn't believe in that stuff rolling your eyes at people badgering you on where you lived.
♡ A car hits a power line and the line of electricity zaps his grave and he goes home just to see...Holy shit, you own his house!
♡ He thinks he's still the playboy man slut he was in life that can get anyone he wants so he's really offended you aren't wanting him to kiss you. Why!? Cause he has worms and his lips are a little dry from sinking into rot, he's a little bit dirty with body fluid stained clothes and he smells like a dead body? Picky!
♡ Is even more offended you're gagging and covering your nose demanding he bathe. Begrudgingly takes your dumb shower and your entire tub smells like dead bird and covered in dirt.
♡ When he comes out you see his face is very scarred under all that mud he had on him. Maybe the rumor he died via a tv crashing on his head and shocking him was true?
♡ If you piss him off...Well he can't kill you cause he needs you. But he WILL hack up a worm like a hairball just to gross you out out of pure pettiness.
♡ Just steals your clothes without asking. Lounging in your best clothes that can fit while he's leaking fluids. If not, he's stealing some guys clothes in your home. Catch him lounging in your Dad/Step Dad/Brothers/Friends best fit.
♡ Tries to steal your bed till you yell at him to get in the closet before someone sees. He guards your clothes and forces you to wear the sluttiest sexiest clothes you have...What? He's helping!
♡ He is soooooooo elated they made Stab! A whole movie with him portrayed in it by a good looking actor? He is over the moon watching it on repeat.
♡ Gets lonely easily...And bored! He's sighing to himself when you're gone and thinking how Billy is dead now and all the people he once knew, knew him as a murderer and were in their 40's. In fact, don't leave him alone long; its disastrous.
♡ Not able to yap HURTS HIM. Expect a lot of hand gestures and getting him a note pad to write on because he can't handle this
♡ Kills someone after you have an issue with them not even second guessing it. What? Problem solved! AND he gets a new body part to replace the one that rotted. Win win.
♡ He is very aware and depressed his manhood rotted off decades ago and that's probably the first body part he's going for. Especially a crush/boyfriend of yours. He can handle no ear or hand or even a tongue but his dick!? No.
♡ Sits in bed painting your nails while you rant about boys. He nods at everything when it comes to guys having their mind on one thing because well...Yeah. Especially in his case
♡ HE is the one smirking if he finds any massager and even if you want a back rub that thing is going lower. Just cause he doesn't have a peen rn doesn't mean his mind isn't in the gutter still
♡ He thinks your a girlfriend of his right away so casually without even asking you so; of course any guy coming near you is dead. Of course he's resurrecting you if you die because...Well he's starting to realize you're the only girl that doesn't scream when you see him so he's gonna hang up his player towel.
♡ Even fully restored he still has scars on his face and feels indebted to you that you don't care about his murderous ways or his face now. He takes care of you if you're dead and the roles reverse...Hell, he finds it hot you need him now.
Billy Loomis: Died 1996
♡ You were a bit odd yourself and found yourself studying the murders. Feeling conflicted about Billy because yeah he was an awful incel but researching his background you felt a bit bad he felt so alone and abandoned even with people around him. You clean off vandalism on his grave and talk to him for hours.
♡ A storm occurs after you have an awful day and cry to his grave 'I wish I was with you'...You meant dead. But well...
♡ That night lightning hits the grave and you wake up in bed to the god awful smell and his dead dirty face looking down at you. You go to scream and he covers your mouth with a cold clammy hand. Going to talk to you and a centipede falls out his mouth making you scream even louder.
♡ You almost knock his head off before he points to a picture on your desk you took of his grave surrounded by newspaper articles of his death.
♡ He thinks he finally has a person that's not a 'whore, bitch, or poser' in his eyes. A bit in love with you and is bitter you don't exactly want an ex serial killer from the 90's like that...
♡ He almost wants to kill you thinking of the betrayal till he sees his reflection and is completely defeated. Sunken dead eyes, matted dirty hair missing in places, longer haggered dirty nails, skin looking ready to fall off.
♡ He sits in your bathroom and you try to comfort him till you smell what smells like...Sewage and death and embalming fluid and your trying not to throw up.
♡ He takes a shower without being told to. Disgusted by his own rot and grime. His gun shot wound in the middle of his forehead a reminder of his failure almost 3 decades ago...Might have scrambled his brain a bit.
♡ He's a manipulator and user but he's not as...Tactless and spoiled as Stu. He feels grateful you offered him to stay despite the smell and the misunderstanding even if he's not happy sleeping on the floor or closet.
♡ He feels even more defeated when you tell him his Mom died in 1998 at Windsor College trying to avenge his death. He's beside himself over it and honestly just wants to crawl back in his icky coffin and die again.
♡ He wanders your home despite being told not to. Goes through all of your things. The lack of speaking doesn't bother him. Especially when it means he can hear you spill your guts more. He wants to observe everything.
♡ Like Randy he's pleased by the movies on streaming but not as obsessed as he was. Whether that bullet was like a lobotomy or just laying in the ground so long to 'think' in the afterlife; he's not the same guy he was in 96...Not completely. Is annoyed at his portrayal in Stab. His hair never looked like that! (Yes it did)
♡ He does kill someone when they bully or mistreat you. He feels possessive of you already and he just doesn't like assholes. He's the one that decides to steal a body part while you're staring in horror.
♡ He gets shocked and you see him a little less dead and a working body part now. So it becomes a thing for you both but you tell him 'Only those that deserve it' and he shrugs. He ain't following that but okay.
♡ Is pinning over you but hides it well. Enjoying just listening to you or watching you. HATES with a passion when you talk about guys but hides it with grunts and subtle glares.
♡ Is your ride or die when he hears police are investigating you for murder after he was the one killing them. I mean...What will they do? Re-kill him? He will do anything he can especially the more 'alive' he becomes to protect you.
♡ Once he's...Fully equipped he actually refuses to sleep with you. Still thinking 'virgins live, sluts die' like he use to. You have to tell him 'You know Sidney is still alive, right? That rule is dumb and not true.' he may get over it and sleep with you or it might still take time.
♡ He wants to go after Sid but also what's the point now? He's not exactly in tip top shape...Don't even tell him about Sam being rumored to possibly being his daughter by mega Stab fans. His undead brain will stop working.
♡ If you die he will resurrect you not out of convenience and want like Stu or devotion like Randy but more possessive ownership. You're his. Whether that's love or to control you (Both). Not even death will seperate you from him.
♡ Once he's fully recovered he has a migraine till that bullet eventually is pushed out by that one last shock and his body starts bleeding again.
♡ More than happy to be together away from everyone just you and him.
Mickey Alteri: Died 1998
♡ Everyone knows Mickey as the freak that was so obsessed with Stab and the original killers he imitated them. But what they don't realize is he killed even before Nancy found him. He was just wired different and it made him feel alive...How ironic now.
♡ You accidentally stumbled upon his grave after trying to find a different one. And...Why is it empty? Well, you had nothing to do with his resurrection just wrong place wrong time as a corpse is lumbering towards you from behind a tombstone with bullet wounds all over him.
♡ He wanted to snap your neck just to fell something again till his own leg fell off and he face planted on the ground.
♡ You of course didn't know he was trying to kill you. You still tried to get away before you saw him just sitting there and...Sighing? It wasn't a mindless zombie after you? Even worse; he grabbed your keys when you ran.
♡ Ask for them back and like a damn child he shakes his head with grunts. You swear to God you heard 'nuh uh' in his grunt. (Keep his leg away give me the keys or I'm yeeting your leg)
♡ Takes a shower at your house and like Randy all those holes are leaking...Icky stuff. He had more muscle before he died so his body mass shockingly is thinner but not as much as it should be? You're talking to a corpse it doesn't have to make sense. All you know is he just walked around naked and you saw disgusting things on the human body you never wanna know after death. You gotta make him wear clothes!
♡ You're in this awkward situation where...The dead guy has feelings and thoughts and is urging he wants to go home with you. Whether you say yes or no he knows your car and will find you.
♡ Sew his leg back on or give him a funny replacement like a peg leg and tell him deal with it. What are you? A surgeon?
♡ Little did you know the second you came for your keys and talked to him he claimed you as his just for being different than most victims. More eager than Stu, falling even faster than Randy, more obsessive than Billy and POSSIBLY crazier than the og Ghostface's...You're having a corpse that is already planning to make you his (Might even kill you so you have to be with him when he resurrects you like he was.)
♡ Other than killing and movies you're the first thing to make him feel something and he is not letting that go.
♡ Wears your clothes, watches your tv, listens to you talk, plans to kill anyone that fucks with you, watches you when you sleep, dresses you up.
♡ The first kill is a guy interested in you. You are his now! He doesn't hesitate to take a few body parts to have you sew on him. Finds the whole process endearing. He's nuts guys idk. You just gotta drill it in his head not to kill a family member, close friend or pet or you won't forgive him because he cannot have that. He wants your affection and attention so he'll be good when it comes to that.
♡ With each shock he gets more lively and bolder. Dancing with you and ignoring the worm that you don't know where it fell out of. Trying to cuddle you even if you gotta start smearing vicks under your nose. Won't hesitate to kiss all over you once he's not as rotten and tries to think of your pleasure before his.
♡ He never hides his obsession and will let you know with a hand on your throat not to talk about guys around him before lovingly caressing your cheek afterwards as an apology.
♡ If you die, not by him, he is furious and will kill anyone in his path before resurrecting you. He'll take care of you in the most yanadere way. You're his forever now.
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Hey Bard, may I ask for an imagine of the boys receiving an extremely fancy and detailed oil painting group portrait from their artist S/O? I think they deserve something extravagant as a little treat. :3c
Of course, Mika, what a sweet gift to give them 🥰 Hope it's okay if it's on the long-headcanonish side with this imagine. With his eyes lighting up, Osomatsu's immediate reaction is to shout "WOAHHHH!" He knew you were an artist and always admired the talent that you possessed, but to see it actually involve him and his family? He can't stop starting it at, it's so amazing to him! Your face ends up covered in kisses accompanied by very loud 'thank you's. "I can't believe I'm in a painting, haha oh man! No one better ever tell me I'm not worth anything ever again!" The second brother is rendered speechless. His eyes won't leave the painting, taking in every stroke and color that covers the canvas. Karamatsu knows the time this must've taken you (he sometimes watches you when you paint), and it touches him that you picked him to be part of your subject muse. He's overwhelmed with an amalgam of emotions - he tries his hardest not to cry as he thanks you for such a beautiful piece of art. "My love, I...I don't have words. This is beyond incredible, to be portrayed this way by you, I...thank you."
Choromatsu takes the painting with gentle hands, his mouth agape at the sheer artistry of the piece. He comments on all the little details you got in: the skintones, the shading, even little character accents. He's so impressed by your skill and even moreso that you thought to include him in this. There's sincerity in his eyes when he holds the painting close to chest, a gentle smile on his face as he voices his appreciation. "You even got the the shape of my mouth perfect. I swear this looks like an actual photo! You're amazing, you know that, right?" Breathless at the reveal of the painting, Ichimatsu's gaze holds some serious admiration. He carefully traces his fingers over the canvas, small whispers of astonishment escaping him while he physically feels the strokes of your genius under his fingertips. When he sees his face in the painting, he freezes. The tears that slide into the corners of his eyes are unstoppable. He's hoping you don't see them when you ask if he likes the painting, but they fall anyway. "Of course I do...it was something you made. For me...with me in it...I...I love it."
Jyushimatsu becomes instantly animated - so much so you swear you see sparkles and stars bouncing off of him. He catches sight of his face in the portrait and his grin grows even wider. Switching between looking at you and looking at the painting, his pleased laugh warms your heart. Even moreso when he makes that jovial face you adore so much when he gives you his thanks. "Wow! Is that me? Did you paint me?! I look so real! Can I keep this? I wanna hang it up so I can look at it allllll the time!"
The squeal that Todomatsu lets out almost hurts your ears, but it's followed by a rapid fire succession of words of gratitude. He's gawking at the piece with stars twinkling in his eyes. You're almost touched by his extreme excitement for something you worked hard on. He presses a hard kiss to your cheek before immediately taking off to show his family his elegant gift. You receive a series of text messages later that day thanking you for the phenomenal art (as well as an apology for just ditching you the way he did, he was just too excited and couldn't wait to show it off). "I promise I'll make it up to you! Coffee on me this Friday? I'm so sorry again, but can you blame me? You made me so cute! I just HAD to show everyone!"
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jlf23tumble · 17 days
Hello Jen! I noticed you always share songs by non-american/english speaking artists, and I’ve been wanting to expand my music taste for a while because I’m sure there’s a lot of great stuff out there beyond what I’m used to hearing on the radio and good old favorites, but I just don’t know where to start. Have you got any tips, recommendations or some favorites of yours to share?
Ooooh, I love this!!! I tend to go more vibes vs. lyrics, and because of that, I end up with a lot of vintage, but if you want more modern, I think spotify can really help? I'll just share some random musings via YouTube, if that helps, too, no real order.
One of my very favorite songs is Waters of March, which is pure vintage Brazilian, but any bossa nova, sign me up. For modern Brazil, I'm more recently obsessed with Ludmilla, who KILLED IT at Coachella. If you want to explore all things Brazil, I have to shout out my beloved Bhia, @aboutmetamorphosis, who not only gifted me with the world's best spotify playlist, but also regularly introduces me to some AMAZING shit, like this list.
If you're looking for modern Belgian/French, I'm a huge Stromae fan, and he has too many songs to count, but you can listen to my fave album here, Racine Carree. For vintage French, where to even start?? I'd say Francoise Hardy, then spin out from there, dig deep into the various artists making up the Ye-Ye Girls (and Boys). Similarly, there's some fun vintage Italian, like Mina or Raffaella Carra. Allllll of that stuff can be found/dug deep into via scopitone collections.
Generally speaking, collections are the way to go, I'm a big fan of Skatalites, which I want to say I found through some of the Cult Cargo CD collection/sets from a while back? I'll bet it's all on spotify, but I still have rando CD collections covering, Bombay the Hard Way, Nigerian funk, funky Fraulines, you get the picture, lmao. For more modern music, I was honestly surprised to hear so much new stuff out of Coachella, like the aforementioned Ludmilla and Saint Levant, whose Nails song killed me.
And yeah, I know I'm not even TOUCHING kpop, but it's so vast, so deep, you don't have to dig to far to find current/past glory...if you find new faves, lmk, and if this is way off the mark, lmk that, too! Happy to dig with you!
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jovenshires · 6 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 18💛
What are your top 3 fave clothes, that you currently own? (can be faves for any reason, like comfort, smth you love to wear on special occasions, etc. 🤗)
Bonus: What are your top 3 fave accessories? (like jewelry, belts, bags, etc. 👜)
oh my god....... this is so hard bc i am a Fashion Girlie. but i digress. have some gpoys as well to showcase the Fits bc i am Proud of Them
the first is this cropped sweatshirt that says practice safe hex. i love her. SO much. i study witchcraft (one day ill practice. one day.) and i think this shirt is so funny and the and when fall hits? im a menace this is all i wear. (bonus shoutout to the patterned jeans in that pic bc they'd probably be my fourth pick for this list i LOVE those jeans.)
second is this brown corduroy skirt!! this is a more recent addition to my closet (i think i got it like last year?) and i wear it all the time. it is sitting on my bed to be put away from the wash rn. it's so cute and simple and goes with so many different things. ive got this outfit i really like to do with it (but no pics of the full thing unfortch) i call my shaggy fit where i wear this with like a lil green tank top sweater combo and its SUCH a cute winter/fall fit. (also this picture peeps one of my weeb tattoos so enjoy xx)
third and finally i cannot believe this is the best picture i have of this stupid thing (censored the face and an identifying landmark in the background LKNFKNSFLKNR) BUT this lil plaid overshirt? i have had that thing since i was literally... 13. so like 12 years and i STILL wear it ALLLLLL of the time. showing my arms makes me Uncomfy so this thing is a lifesaver. and i also wear a lot of plain black clothing so if smth needs a lil spice? ya just throw this bad boy on. plain black dress? plaid overshirt. lil romper? plaid overshirt. plain t-shirt? plaid overshirt. she's everything to me.
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OH BOY OH BOY okay so two of these are like. staples to my wardrobe and the other one is. just for fun!
so the first one - my best friend handmade this for my birthday. this is my very own clown collar!!!!!! katie lore drop incoming - i am obsessed with clowns. i have a clown collection and a clown tattoo. so of course when she went to knit me smth she made me this!! i have not had the occasion to wear it but. im manifesting it soon (i will say she gave me this While i was dressed as a clown)
the second picture is of my class rings. (don't worry they've been heavily censored i'm not doxxing myself <3) the lighting is terrible and they also. don't leave my hands so the gems are grody as hell but the gems are blue zircon (my brother and mother's birthstone) and amethyst. im not even like. very proud of being an alumni from my schools but they remind me how hard i fought and all i learned to be where i am today and honestly. i love a ring! i love a ring moment and i wish i wore more so. class rings stick around.
and FINALLY. oh Boy oh Boy. i can talk about this thing for hours. this is my backpack. it is Covered in pins and keychains (spot all my special interests in there....... so many things....) and i take it Everywhere with me. this is actually the Third iteration of this backpack - i had a black backpack that all these pins were on (it broke tragically), then his white backpack had different pins, and now we've moved the black backpack pins onto the white backpack. im a bag enthusiast and a pin collector (i have so many pins....... so many) so i have multiple bags with pins all over them but. these pins are my faves.
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ANYWAY. sorry ab being so extra but i love all these things soooo yeah <3<3<3
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krisseratops · 7 months
Hi! How about A9, B9 and C6? Oh, and D10!
Hiiii hon! Alright lets see...
A9. Who was your first ship?
The earliest ship I remember that I got actually invested in is Reaper76 from Overwatch. I mean, traumatized old gay men who like to shoot at each other and have a HistoryTM? It covers all the basics for me. Also this ship is what made me find AO3, so it kinda introduced me to fandom as a whole and is therefore technically responsible for all the madness that came after it.
B9. Who is your OTP?
You know, I was going to say this is a hard question because I have so many pairings I like in several fandoms and I dont really pick favorites because I like different aspects about them and also Im indecisive. And then I remembered Symbrock. And nothing really comes near the level of absolutely messy devotion of (comics!)Symbrock. So yeah.
C6. Is there anything in canon that made you want to quit the show? What was it? Why do you hate it?
Oh boy, here we go... So not a show, but allllll the shit Cates did with absolute garbage & co and what came after essentially made me quit venom comics and comics in general. Do I even need to explain myself? Like I was keeping up with Venom and also Spider-man and some others because it was fun and enjoyable. And then came the egregious retconning, inconsistencies, character butchering (both how they were written but also literally), characters dying and coming back and dying again and coming back again and fucking gods apparently and how every single issue was The Most Shocking And Dramatic Things The Characters Have Ever Been Through and everything is just edgy and grimdark and angsty and so fucking STUPID and it was just. It wasnt fun or enjoyable anymore, only exhausting and frustrating and sad. And not sad like a sad story makes you feel, but sad like watching something you care about irreparably crash and burn in real time without being able to do anything about it and knowing you can never have it back the way it was (which there is enough of IRL). So I powered through until king in black where I just said "reading this bullshit is draining and depressing and doesnt bring me anything, its not worth it anymore so fuck it" and just stopped. And with my main reason for reading comics gone I ditched marvel comics altogether because lets be honest keeping up with all the different stories and timelines and crossovers and whatnot is exhausting cuz theres just so damn much going on all the time. And why torment yourself with shitty canon when you can have wonderful fanfics tailored to your specific tastes all for free? So I quit comics, read fics instead, got into some new fandoms, indulged my hc and have ever since been living blissfully unaware of the burning dumpster fire (derogatory) that is canon. I only see glimpses of it when it crosses my dash, which I use for cherrypicking for my hc and aggressively ignore the rest.
D10. What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
I have a whole lot of story ideas I really want to read (my hcs) that no one has written yet (that would be cuz of me not writing them). But for real, I would love more stories with symbiote & spider-people shenanigans. Like there was this one comic of Peter, Miles and Gwen meeting Venom and fighting Doc Ock toghether and they were kinda buddies? More stuff like that, that has spider/symbiote interaction besides them just trying to kill each other. Maybe it exists and I just havent found it. But like, Venom in spiderverse, they have to team up with the spider gang and they kinda get along because he doesnt have any personal beef with them. He will absolutely recite and discuss Shakespear with that medieval spiderman, be enamored with little Mayday, and be nothing but gentlemanly toward spider ma'am. The other spiders find that "yeah he is freaky and has some dubious morals but isnt actually just an evil monster, he just doesnt like you Peter". The Peter in question does not like it one bit. Him and Venom (barely) tolerate each other, as they always do when they team up, but are constantly petty and passive aggressive towards each other in a funny way, bickering like an old married couple. Because of the nature of their history they also know stuff about each other and will casually drop highly personal details about the other that makes the other spiders go "👀 you sure he's your enemy and not just your ex?". Which Peter likes even less. Other story ideas i desperately need is ANYTHING WITH ANTI-VENOM HOLY SHIT WHERE IS MY BABY!?!?!?! I need stories that let him be a silly dumbass and a pathetic wet beast and occasionally getting railed that dont just exist in my head. But the amount of content on him is just dismal. I often feel like the sole inhabitant of the ghost town that is the Anti-Venom fandom. I've come across one (1) quality fic that portrays him properly (thank you @kitausuret for your invaluable service) and good art is hard to come by compared to other characters. And I realize that if I want more art of him and an Anti-Venom x Agent Venom arch-enemies-to-reluctant-allies-to-even-more-reluctant-friends-to-how-the-hell-did-this-happen excruciating slow burn, I will probably have to do it myself, which hghgnghgnhhh will take forever, but oh well.
Well, this sorta turned into an essay that turned into an impromptu vent post. Hope thats okay and you got your answers!
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formulaonedirection · 10 months
Wait so, any inception fic recs?
Omg like ever??? Okay these aren't like. Deep cuts or anything these all have like 50k+ hits but these are my top 5
1. having let go forever the fallacy of ever being alone by gyzym
Start from like part 1 but as we covered yesterday I love happy endings so I love this one particularly the most. That scene in the kitchen where Eames is cooking dinner I literally just play it in my head allllll the time.
2. I've Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile (The Only Living Boy in New York) by gyzym
THEEE coffee shop AU of all time. If you need cheering up today read that. I also just recc everything gyzym has ever written just as a rule. Like every single thing. I endorse them all.
3. The Material Life of the Californian Suburb by eleveninches
This one is sooo charming and every single character is written with such vibrance like there are descriptions in here that I literally to this day can recall so well.
4. I Seem to Be a Verb by Aja
NOTTING HILL AU!!!!! Notting Hill AU. Come on. The best Notting Hill AU out there I love all the little cameos in this like Kate Winslet u will always be famous as a side character in the Inception Notting Hill AU fanfic.
5. Skybird by windsweptfic
Okay this is maybe a cheat because it's kind of a White Collar fic but also I just LOVE IT. Found family is maybe my favourite trope and this plays on that SOOOOO WELL.
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Baby In Blue
Summary: Tony's having a bad day and Peter wears something pretty for him to make it better. For my SF Summerbingo Prompt Dry Orgasm, combined with Peter in a skirt request from the Super Starkers Server.
Tags: Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Feminization, Feminine Peter Parker, Peter Parker crossdressing, Mild Painplay, BDSM, Sugar Daddy Tony Stark, Sugar Baby Peter Parker, Bondage but like bondage lite really, Peter dresses up pretty for his daddy and helps him relieve some stress, lots of smut, allllll the smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Mafia AU, mafia boss tony, kept boy Peter, Aged-Up Peter Parker, Still age difference though
Read on AO3
To @starkerhowlter for saying we need more Peter in a skirt, and to the Super Starker server for the encouragement.
Peter clutched the hem of his sweater nervously as the elevator rose higher and higher. Tony was working in the office today, and apparently it was going bad enough that he sent Bucky to bring Peter in.
The boy had been Tony’s pet for over a year now, handing over his freedom for safety. At least that had been the deal at the time. He had been homeless with no prospects and a handsy asshole who insisted on trying to put Peter to “work.”
Now, he was Tony’s spoiled baby. He wanted for nothing, was safe and warm, and got to go to school again, even if it was limited to online classes. In return, he doted on Tony and let the man use him however he pleased. Not that this was a hardship either. Peter loved how Tony made him feel, loved being dressed in nice clothes and then shattered to pieces under Tony’s rough hands and soft lips. Peter loved Tony too, not that he’d been brave enough to admit it to the older man.
Regardless, Peter was happy, but still nervous because today he had picked his own outfit and he wasn’t sure if Tony would like it. He had been shopping for something else when he had spotted the pastel blue sweater made of the softest material he had ever felt. It had taken an hour to put together an entire outfit, but Peter loved it.
The elevator finally opened and Peter followed Bucky through the hall until they reached the door to Tony’s office. Even with them closed tight, he could hear his lover shouting, and he shivered. Tony wasn’t gentle with Peter, per se, but he also tried to keep the ruthless side to his personality directed away. The few times he hadn’t, Peter had been left covered in bites and bruises, still satisfied but also wrung out. It always took him a bit to recover, though he never complained because Tony doted on him even more those days.
Bucky knocked, and Steve was quick to let them in, his face tight even as he gave Peter a small smile before turning and hurrying back into the large room.
“Boss, Peter’s here,” Steve said, cutting Tony off before he could start ranting again. Peter watched as Tony turned towards him, mouth already open to say something, and then froze.
Peter stood motionless under the intense gaze, watching as Tony’s eyes flicked up and down taking him in.
“Everyone, out. Now.” Tony ordered, voice low and eyes dark. Peter lowered his eyes shyly as everyone else scurried out, waiting for Tony to take command.
If Tony wasn’t so pissed off, he would have been harder than ever at the sight of his pet. Peter stood before him in a soft pastel blue sweater that was hanging off one shoulder, flashing just a hint of lace underneath. Along with the sweater was also the shortest pleated white skirt he’d ever seen. More white lace peeked out the bottom, drawing Tony’s eyes further down and to the lace topped thigh high socks. Lace ribbons twined up and down the entire length on both legs, ending in delicate baby blue ballet flats.
“You’re here,” Tony said, his voice sharper than he meant it to be. He was fighting to keep his face neutral, to not let his irritation leak out.
“For you, sir,” Peter agreed, his voice hesitant in the face of Tony’s stiffness.
Tony stepped closer, trying to appreciate the treat before him. He felt his irritation fade slightly despite the unplanned interruption to an already shitty day. With a deep breath, he dragged his fingertips up along the stockings, just feeling the soft texture before sliding his hand up under the skirt. He grabbed Peter’s ass, enjoying the feel of the lacy panties the boy had worn underneath at least.  He made a questioning sound when his hand slid further down and he realized the panties were crotchless.
“Feeling a bit needy there, Princess?” Tony asked, giving Peter a raised eyebrow as he ran his fingers over the boy’s hole before sliding them back around to cup the semi- hard little cock that strained against the panty’s front. “You’re all dressed up too. Is it a special occasion?”
Tony fondled Peter’s cock as he leaned forward, licking along the exposed strip of Peter’s shoulder. He knew he should be gentle but the porcelain skin taunted him, and Tony couldn’t help but nip and suck hard enough to leave a purple mark. Peter yelped, then moaned as his arms clutched tightly at Tony’s shoulders.
Tony grinned against the skin and stopped holding back, not pulling away until Peter’s neck was properly covered in his marks. He normally held back, worried he’d scare his pet away if he showed just what he really wanted sometimes, but Peter’s whimpers and moans just egged him on. They dared him to do more.
“Awfully brave of you to beard the lion in his den,” Tony whispered into Peter’s ear. Then he walked away, throwing himself onto the nearby couch and “Well, get over here. Give daddy a show.”
Tony leaned back, one arm stretched along the back of the couch and legs crossed as Peter walked slowly towards him, swaying his hips. The boy kept giving him shy glances which Tony gave dark looks in return, bringing a pink flush to Peter’s cheeks.
Tony let his legs fall open as Peter got closer, heat pooling in his stomach as the boy slid gracefully to his knees on the floor between Tony’s legs. The boy would have been a picture of innocence in pastel if not for the lace showing where the sweater fell off his shoulder. Instead, he just looked like an angel waiting to be debauched.  
Peter ran his hands up Tony’s pant legs, reveling in the feeling of the soft fabric against his skin. He leaned forward, nuzzling his way up the older man’s thighs before burying his nose against his clothed cock.
“Don’t get daddy’s suit dirty,” Tony warned, sliding his hand through Peter’s hair and pulling warningly.
“Promise I won’t, daddy,” Peter said, nuzzling again before pulling away enough to undo the man’s belt.
He wasn’t coordinated enough to open Tony’s pants with his mouth, so Peter settled on running his hands teasingly over the area multiple times before finally popping the button and pulling the zipper down as slowly as he could. Tony didn’t say anything, though he never took his hand back out of Peter’s hair either.
Feeling mischievous, Peter leant forward again and licked at Tony’s cock through his underwear. The hand in his hair immediately tightened, and Peter whimpered, his hips thrusting uselessly against the air as his cock strained against his panties.
“Looking for trouble there, pet?” Tony rumbled above him. Peter looked up and shook his head, eyes as wide as he could make them.
“No daddy, sorry daddy,” Peter promised. Tony just huffed at him in disbelief.
Peter didn’t say anything, instead opting for a distraction by pulling the older man’s cock out. He leant over and kitten licked the top of the other man’s cock while giving him the most guileless look he could.
“Fuck, baby, you’re asking for it,” Tony growled as his hand tightened in Peter’s curls. Peter whined and caught the tip of Tony’s cock in his mouth to suckle on properly. “That’s better.”
Peter moaned as Tony pulled him further onto the man’s cock but he didn’t fight it. One of the first things he had learned as Tony’s pet was how to take the man this way, too nervous for anal sex but more nervous about not pleasing his new owner. It was a compromise that helped Peter learn to trust Tony, and Tony to learn Peter’s tells. Now, it was one of his favorite things.
He sucked and licked not caring when Tony would push further back, gagging him briefly before being pulled off the hard cock again. His eyes watered and spit dripped off his chin but he didn’t care so long as Tony was happy.
“That’s right, put that mouth to good use,” Tony growled. “Better than these other assholes I’ve had to deal with. Fucking Hammer always running his mouth and good for nothing.”
Peter whimpered and Tony just went harder.
“Cocksucker’s got nothing on you though, baby boy,” Tony said, holding Peter all the way down for a moment before letting him up again. “Prick just likes to stick things where they don’t belong intead of listening to orders.”
Peter focused on Tony’s cock, doing his best not to fight. Every time he dared to glance up, Tony’s eyes were fixed on him, dark and sharper than usual. Everything about Tony was darker than usual today though, and Peter refused to run from his master just because things were a little different today.
“Go ahead and get yourself wet for me, princess. Want you to mess that cute little skirt up,” Tony ordered suddenly, his voice enough to send shivers down Peter’s spine. He was quick to shove a hand under the skirt, though he didn’t bother pulling himself out of his panties.
It only took a few strokes before he was coming, moaning around Tony’s hard cock in his mouth and twitching as the pleasure wracked his body.   
“Such a good slut for me, aren’t you, baby,” Tony said, pulling Peter off his cock enough to take in the absolutely wrecked look on the boy’s face. He leaned forward and used the sleeve of his jacket to wipe his face clean. “Get up here, I want more than just your mouth.”
Tony watched intently as his baby stood, still slightly shaky, but giving Tony a sultry look as he slid his hands up his own thighs, catching some of the skirt and flashing the front of the panties before letting the skirt fall but continuing up to grab the sweater instead. As Peter pulled the outer layer further up, Tony saw that the lace he had assumed was a bralet was actually a white baby doll with powder blue ribbons. The sweater dropped to the floor and Peter toed out of the flats. Then the boy climbed onto his lap, and Tony bit back a moan as he felt Peter’s warm skin contrasting with the wet panties underneath the skirt.   
Peter moaned as he felt Tony’s cock through the slit in the panties, turned on by how dirty the whole thing was. He bent forward, catching Tony’s mouth with his own in a gentle kiss. It didn’t stay gentle as Tony took control, making Peter squirm with need again.
“Please, sir, please,” Peter begged, his voice wrecked. Tony grinned darkly in response and Peter shuddered in response.
“How could I not give my princess what she wants?” Tony asked, and Peter gasped as Tony’s hand found his already hard cock. “Why don’t you lift that skirt up for me so I can see what I’m doing, baby.”
Peter grabbed the hem and lifted it, feeling suddenly shy as he showed off the matching white lace and blue bows of the wet panties.
“Look at those cute little panties,” Tony said, tracing a finger along the ribbons. “I’m going to have to buy you new ones though, baby, because I’m going to ruin these ones.
Peter shuddered as Tony put his hand right over where Peter’s cock was straining against a large wet spot and started rubbing firmly.
“Don’t look away, baby,” Tony demanded, his heavy gaze and domineering attitude setting Peter on fire. “I want you to see me playing with you and see what your cute little panties look like stained with even more cum.”
Peter whimpered but kept his eyes open and skirt held up as Tony quickly brought him over the edge. As the aftershocks wore off, Tony dipped his hand into the panties and gathered up the cum, sliding his hand back instead to finger Peter’s ass.
“Gonna get you nice and wet for me, baby,” Tony murmured even as he pulled Peter forward and started nibbling at one of Peter’s nipples through the lacy babydoll. Peter couldn’t help pushing up against Tony’s mouth as the man teased him. It was lighting straight to his cock, and Peter loved it.   
Tony knew Peter’s cum wouldn’t be enough to actually fuck him with, even with the two orgasms, but it was fun to torture his baby, sliding his hand to grab as much as he could and then stretching him with it. His own cock was hard as a rock, and Peter’s baby doll had two very dark spots over his nipples when Tony finally decided he could wait no longer.
He grabbed the lube that he kept tucked in the couch and popped it open, drizzling some on his hand.
“Hold yourself open for me, princess,” Tony ordered, even as he pushed first two then three fingers into Peter’s ass, carefully spreading the lube everywhere. Then Tony lubed himself up as well. They both groaned as Peter slid slowly down his cock, the boy’s ass tight and warm around him. Peter whimpered and moaned, gasping as Tony put his hands to work touching anything he could reach, reveling in the textures and softness.
“That’s my beautiful princess,” Tony murmured, grabbing Peter’s hips and starting to pull the boy on and off his cock. “Look at you, so soft and sweet just for me, aren’t you, baby? Gonna make daddy’s bad day better, huh?”
“Y-yes, sir,” Peter gasped out amid Tony’s thrusts. “Just wanna make you happy, daddy.”
Tony couldn’t hold back as he gripped Peter even harder, his fingers undoubtedly bruising the pale thighs as he pounded into the boy’s tight body. The stress and frustration of the day bled out as Tony came hard, buried deep inside his pet.    
Tony eventually came back to himself to find Peter slumped over against him and a wet patch on Peter’s skirt. He grinned as he realized his boy must have come again.
“Hey, you ok?” Tony asked, running his hands gently through Peter’s curls. “I wasn’t too rough?”
“No, it was good,” Peter croaked even as he nuzzled closer in. “I hope you’re feeling a bit better.”
“Oh, I’m feeling a lot better, but I think I have a bit more energy to work off,” Tony said as his hands slid down Peter’s waist to his legs. Those ribbons were taunting him after all.
“Tooony,” Peter whined but Tony wasn’t listening. He stood and dropped Peter onto the couch instead, tossing off his jacket and sinking to his knees and gently picking up one of Peter’s feet.
“You can hardly blame me, princess,” Tony teased as he nuzzled Peter’s ankle, then started nibbling his way up the boy’s leg. “Look at these beautiful presents, all wrapped like it’s Christmas.”
Peter squirmed but didn’t yank his leg away as Tony kissed and bit his way to the top of the ribbon. When he reached the top, he grabbed the end of the ribbon with his teeth and pulled slowly until the bow came loose. Tony pulled at it, intentionally trailing the ends along Peter’s thigh and calf as he unwound it. Then he slowly pulled off the tall socks, nipping and kissing.
The other leg was given the same treatment, and Tony took great pleasure in how red Peter went, blushing under his tender touches.
“What to do now?” Tony asked, though he already knew exactly what he intended to do. Those ribbons would be perfect for tying Peter up and putting him on display.    
Peter could barely breath as Tony picked up the ribbon again, his mind already guessing where Tony was going with it. This wasn’t the first time he had been tied up, and there was something so sensual but also reassuring to Peter to be at Tony’s mercy like that. If only because he knew the older man would always take care of him.
“Give me your hands,” Tony commanded, and Peter obeyed without hesitation even as his breath hitched in anticipation.
Tony bound his wrists together, then wound the tails of the ribbon up his arms in a mimicry of what had been on his legs earlier. A little on each shoulder held the ribbon ends, keeping it from slipping apart.
The second ribbon was wrapped around his neck and tied in a large bow with the tails hanging down his front.
“So pretty for me, wrapped up like it’s my birthday,” Tony murmured, as he climbed on top of Peter, pushing his hands above his head and caging him in on the couch.
“Not Christmas, sir?” Peter teased breathlessly, basking in the heat coming off of Tony’s body.
“Nah because then everyone gets presents. I like birthdays better since it means I can be a selfish asshole and no one says anything,” Tony quipped back, nipping at Peter’s neck.
“Pret-pretty sure no one says anything to youuuuu,” Peter couldn’t stop the long drawn out moan that slipped out as Tony latched on to the most sensitive part of Peter’s neck.
“Not if they want to live long,” Tony muttered darkly, causing Peter to shiver at the promise of violence. It was quickly tucked away though, and Tony shot him a salacious grin. “You know what I want?”
“More sex and Hammer out of business?” Peter hazarded, given that today’s stress came from the most recent round of irritation caused by the empty headed man.
His answer startled a laugh out of Tony, and Peter’s heart warmed at the sound. When Bucky had shown up at the mansion, he had been so worried that the day was going to be an utter disaster. If Tony could laugh like that though, then just maybe they could salvage it.
“I definitely wouldn’t say no to Hammer not being a pain any longer, but no, in this instance I was thinking how my cute little princess ruined her panties and I haven’t seen it properly. So you’re going to stay just like this for me and not move,” Tony instructed as dropped one last kiss on Peter’s lips, then sat up. He settled himself between Peter’s legs, in easy reach but far enough back to get another eyeful when he flipped Peter’s skirt up.
Peter wanted to move. To squirm or at least try to hide away, still embarrassed by the fact that he loved this, not just what Tony did to him but the soft clothes and gentle pet names. But he wouldn’t, because Tony had told him to stay, and Tony owned him in all the ways that mattered.    
“So very perfect for me, aren’t you?” Tony asked as he watched Peter struggle. The boy clearly wanted to move, but every time he twitched or tried to move, he would catch himself.
Tony palmed the soft cock tucked into the wet, ruined panties and squeezed it gently. He fondled it with one hand while the other aimlessly pet up Peter’s leg and then down again, teasing but never going where Peter really wanted.
It was a slower build up this time, with Peter having already come twice, but Tony almost enjoyed it more because of that. He nipped and sucked dark marks on the inside of Peter’s thighs, pulling more gasps from Peter as Tony stopped trying to hold back.
“Tooony, sir, please,” Peter pleaded breathlessly, and Tony took dark pleasure seeing the boy come apart for him. He’d always known Peter had submissive tendencies but this was the furthest he’d pushed him, and the boy seemed to be slipping right into the role.
Finally though, Peter was hard again, and Tony pulled the panties down just enough to let the kid’s cock spring free. Tony took a moment to appreciate the picture, with Peter flushed and his little cock laying against white lace.
Then he bent over and took Peter’s entire cock into his mouth. Peter made a choked noise and his hips tried to shoot up but Tony had anticipated it and had Peter’s hips pinned with his arms. He pulled off, shooting the boy a grin, and then dived back in, this time using one hand to finger him while the other held him still.
Peter was a wreck and he knew it. Tony’s mouth was heaven and hell to his oversensitive body, and he didn’t know how he was going to come again for the man, but he knew Tony would accept nothing less.
Tony was focused as he worked Peter over, not stopping to talk or tease, but instead pushing him toward the edge relentlessly. Peter gasped and his hands scrabbled against the couch as he tried to find purchase despite his lower half being pinned.
“Please, please, please,” Peter whined, unable to even form a sentence but praying that Tony knew what he was asking for.
Whether he took pity or whether it was just what he wanted so he gave it to Peter anyway, Peter wasn’t sure, but the next thing he knew, his body was seizing up around Tony’s fingers. He was so sensitive that it was nearly painful, and he sobbed as his body slumped against the couch.
Tony pulled Peter into his arms, settling them both more comfortably but leaving Peter’s arms bound. The younger man dozed in his arms while Tony just soaked in the warmth of Peter’s body against his. He could really admire how gorgeous his pet looked, now that the edge of the day was finally draining. Tony knew he’d still have to fix the mess waiting for him, but he could afford another 30 minutes with his pet first. After all, he needed to let him recover enough for one last round.
Peter woke to the feeling of Tony’s fingers inside him again, and he groaned when he realized his cock was being fondled gently as well.
“I can’t, please,” Peter whispered, tears filling his eyes. Already his cock felt sensitive, right on the edge of pain.
“One more, baby,” Tony growled, and Peter whined in response. Then he was being lifted, only to be laid out across Tony’s desk on his stomach, hands still tied in front of him. “You’re going to give me one more, and you’re not leaving until you do.”
Peter sagged against the desk, letting his body slump as he felt Tony push into him. He’d never get tired of feeling so full or the way Tony’s heat warmed him to his core. Even as exhausted as he was, it felt so good, like he was exactly where he was supposed to be.
“That’s it, baby,” Tony murmured, his hands running along Peter’s sides and back. “Just take what I’m going to give you. And then, when it’s time, you’re going to come for me too.”
It felt impossible, and yet as Tony pressed into him slowly but deeply, Peter felt the tingling warmth start to build again.
Tony knew it was a lot, to draw four orgasms from his pet in such a short time, and yet he was determined to do so. He watched closely as Peter went from accepting but drained to squirming on his cock again, chasing release without even realizing it.
“That's it, pet. Keep going for me,” Tony said, finally picking up his pace. His hands slid underneath Peter’s legs, changing the angle and letting Tony get even closer. He stopped holding back and started pounding into Peter.
Peter gasped and tried to find something to help steady himself with but Tony didn’t let him, yanking him back onto his cock again.
“Come on, princess, come for daddy,” Tony encouraged. “You can do it.”
As he spoke, he grabbed some lube and got his hand wet, sliding it around and loosely holding Peter’s cock. Peter jerked against him, hips stuttering as he thrust into Tony’s hand a few times before tightening around his cock.
Tony groaned and kept chasing his own orgasm as Peter’s muscles tightened around him. Then he was coming, buried deep in his pet.
When he came back to himself, he realized Peter had passed out from that last round. A quick glance showed the kid had also come dry.
“Come on, princess,” Tony said, his voice finally gentle again. “Let’s get you comfortable.”
Peter barely noticed as he was pulled off the desk and carried back over to the couch. Tony carefully unwound the ribbons, dropping them to the ground. Then he pulled the ruined panties off and added them to the pile. He grabbed a warm washcloth from his private bathroom and cleaned the kid up as best as he could before draping his suit jacket over Peter to keep him warm. He then rolled up the soft sweater and tucked it underneath the younger man’s head.
“Sweet dreams, Princess,” Tony whispered, then set about making himself as tidy as he could.
Bucky almost froze when he walked back into Tony’s office. Only years of masking his reactions kept him walking forward as if nothing was wrong.
Peter was curled up on the couch, his sweater tucked under his head while a suit jacket was draped over him like a blanket. Tony, meanwhile, was sitting at his desk, sleeves rolled up and a neutral expression on his face.
Bucky bit back a swallow and followed Steve and the others over towards the desk, doing his best to ignore the sleeping kid. Who was covered in purpling bite marks and still had tear tracks staining his face. And who had clearly been used roughly before being left on the couch with only a jacket to cover him if the clothes laying around everywhere were any indication.
Tony gave all of them an unimpressed look, and Bucky understood. They had gone behind his back to bring Peter in, after all, with Steve making the call after Tony had threatened a massacre. Peter had come willingly enough but despite their relationship, Tony had always kept Peter separate from the worst of his temper, and from the office in general.
“Let me make myself very clear,” Tony finally said, his voice dark and dangerous. “My pet is off limits. You don’t take him anywhere or do anything without my explicit permission. And if you feel the need to hide behind him just because I’m pissed, then find a new boss.”
“Understood, Boss,” Steve replied, Bucky’s voice chiming in as well. None of them had guessed that he wouldn’t hold back on the kid, given how much he seemed to treasure him. It was a grave miscalculation, and Bucky was berating himself for underestimating how far his boss would go. It was a mistake he wouldn’t make again.
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lightlycareless · 1 year
and before I leave... a sneak peek of next chapter. 🥺❤ As always, this is not proofread at allllll so some things might change; detailed more, so on and so forth. Still, it's the general idea :>
And now, off I go to my trip ❤ Thank you so much for your patience and support!!
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The story of your parent’s romance started from an heir’s unwillingness to commit to responsibility—or more likely, the necessity of a break.
Eiichi, ever since being appointed as the future leader of the L/N clan, he’s been in the continuous mission of getting accustomed to his new responsibilities. Meeting all of the villages under the L/N jurisdiction, their representatives, their people—see what makes them tick, what needs to be changed, earn their trust so he could obtain their confidence— and smoothen all the other formalities needed to introduce a new power into the jujutsu community.
And naturally, after those introductions were completed, all that was left for a young ripe man his age, is secure the future of the clan, probably the most intense of his responsibilities. In other words, find a wife.
He had an idea of what he was getting into upon being called by the elders, but he never imagined that the dating (or more like matchmaking) scene would be so tedious.
Sure, he could be grateful of the fact that his clan already screened what they deemed the best “selection” so he didn’t have to go out and find people but still, it was only under the qualities they considered for their gain, not his own. So eventually, after he got too tired of all these shenanigans, he decided to take a break, sneaking out from the house he was temporarily staying in (coincidentally of the family of the courtesan he was to meet that moment) at night and heading down to the village, into the many stores.
Eiichi felt a bit bad for having to do such a thing, since the family had been nothing but attentive with him—but his boredom and dissatisfaction was much bigger. Their young daughter was… to put it easily, not a good match. All interactions with her were forced, awkward, and a bit redundant considering he could see their overwhelming need to convince him into marrying her.
Had they gotten along, he might’ve even asked her to go out, but they didn’t so instead, he finds himself trekking across the somewhat busy streets of the village, passing by each store until he makes his way until a record store; being a music fan himself, he decides to walk inside once he think he might as well take this opportunity to buy the missing vinyl in his collection—the newest release from his favorite band, which he didn’t get the chance to buy due to his new lifestyle.
Your father steps into the store, and he finds relief in not being greeted by anyone—at least not theatrically. Because for the past few weeks, he seems to be the most recognizable figure in whatever room he walks in, giving him the sensation that he’s being scrutinizes in whatever steps he takes, something both overwhelming and frustrating. He’s glad to be given a change for once.
He looks around the store, trying to make out the location of his favorite genre; there is no one else in there with him, asides from an employee and a boy, who was frantically looking through the vinyl’s.
Eiichi doesn’t say nor do much, outside of a curt nod and the silent prayer that his visit won’t be cut short once identified, as he walks over to the many shelves packed with albums of his interest, and begins riffling through them.
Even if he wasn’t sure if he was to find the album of his interest, he still found the whole process to be therapeutic—he liked how the plastic, fresh and yet to be ripped, feels against his fingers. From there, the wide variety of covers for him to see. If they were attractive enough, he might even be prompted to hear a few songs or two, his go-to method when he was to discover new bands.
He enjoyed these moments of tranquility, of isolation, where there is nothing more but him, his thoughts, and the ambient sound of music in the—
“Ah!” a sharp gasp interjects, followed by a shrilly chant of cheers and a squeak that further serves to irritate him “Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes!!”
Considering there was no one else but him and another person in the store, Eiichi’s head is forced to swirl into the sole origin of said noises, to the kid he remembers seeing upon entering, who was now excitedly jumping and grinning at the album in his hands.
Your father wasn’t one to judge when it came to the excitement of finding an album, either the normal or special edition, at least outwardly. He gets it, it’s why he was there to begin with, but today had been a rather tiring day and he just wanted to do nothing more than enjoy in the therapeutic method of just browsing through albums.
Well, he’s not to ruin someone else’s fun. So instead, he keeps his thoughts to himself as he lets the other man enjoy his finding.
Or at least that what he thinks he’s doing, completely unaware that he’d actually been shooting daggers at the poor onlooker while going through his internal dialogue, a scorned look on his face that prompted the other person to speak up once realizing this disdain was directed towards them.
“Oh, you don’t like him?” the other person said, in such a gentle, uncharacteristically soft voice for a man that made Eiichi blink before darting his eyes to their direction.
It’s only here that he realized that it wasn’t a boy, as he previously stated, looking through the albums when he entered. Fooled by their short hair, he didn’t realize they had been a woman all along.
Ashamed by being both caught in his expression, as well as his misjudgment, Eiichi can only stammer a quick “no” before glancing back to the albums before him.
“That’s weird, there’s not a single person I know who doesn’t like him!” the young woman says “Have you heard the album at least?”
“…A bit” he quietly adds “It’s not really my genre”
The woman’s bright eyes fall to the shelves before him, a brief look at the few covers she was able to distinguish and she immediately recognized the genre—heavy metal.
“I see…” the woman murmurs, before looking up to him with a bright smile, comparable only to the sun, or so it appears to him. “Still, how can you be so decisive if you haven’t heard the album completely? At least give it a chance!”
“No, really—that’s fine” he says, a bit flustered when he sees her get closer and closer to him, to the point where he’s intruding his personal space. However, now that he’s able to get a better look at her features, he finds this cheerful young woman to be incredibly cute. “Re—Really” he stammers, looking away.
“Come on! — Oh, I know” she gasps, clasping her hands together “How about I listen to one of your favorite songs, and you listen to one of mines? That’s all I need, and then, I’ll leave you alone!”
Eiichi doesn’t know what prompts him to accept her suggestion. Was it the twinkle in her pleading eyes, the understanding that he really shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, or that this had been the most normal conversation he’s gotten in weeks? One that made him feel… like a human being, and not the future leader of a prestigious clan?
Whatever it was, Eiichi ends up tagging along with her—following her to the counter, where both pay for their respective albums (the nameless woman taking Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and Eiichi Dio’s Holy Diver, whom he’d luckily managed to find just a few moments ago) before informing the employee that they were to planning on renting one of the sound booths located at the end of the store.
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yeetwinchester2 · 2 years
Excuses Pt. 2
Pairings: The Avengers x reader, Steve Rogers x daughter!reader, Peter Parker x reader (Reader is a teen because, yeah)
Warnings: ⚠️TW⚠️Self harm, razor blade(s), body image issues, depression, mentioned suicide, angst, fluff, caring family, ✨tears✨
A/N: if you or someone you know is going through something you can ALWAYS text me. The suicide hotline is 800-273-8255. there is always another way and people WILL miss you. also, not my gif :) I'm obsessed with dad!Steve and he just seems like he'd be a great dad. idk. i love him
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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With a pounding headache, you get yourself out of bed and into the bathroom for some Tylenol. Using one of your small throw-away cups for water, you toss the pills to the back of you tongue and swallow them, along with the water. Looking in the mirror, you start to remember last night. All the thoughts start coming back to you. You pull up your hoodie sleeve, revealing the bandage that covered your cuts. It's okay. Today's a new day... I can hide.
The ringing of your phone pulls you out of your thoughts and towards your bedside table. Its Peter. He texted you several times last night after you had fallen asleep. I didn't say "goodnight"... You answer your phone and hear a worried voice on the other side.
"Y/n? Babe? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay, Peter. Im okay. Sorry, I fell asleep before I could text you and let you know. I had a long day yesterday and was just extra tired, I guess."
"Oh, I'm sorry... You're okay, though?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Just tired."
"Its still early. You should go back to bed. Sleep in today, ya know?"
"Yeah, I know. But I've got a busy schedule today, so it'll have to wait. I'm okay, Peter, really."
"Okay. Well, maybe try to go to sleep early tonight? You need the extra sleep."
"We'll see. I've got to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Okay, babe. I'll talk to you later. Bye"
"Bye, honey"
Lying to Peter like this... you hate it. You know its not fair to him. He's been nothing but kind and caring to you since the beginning. But oh boy.. if he found out you were doing this to yourself... Its for the best, right? Right...
You start the water for the shower while you slowly undress yourself, careful not to re-open last night's cuts. Next, you brush you hair thoroughly, getting out each and every knot. Stepping into the warm water, you feel a small sense of relief. You don't need to worry ahout anyone seeing you while you're in the shower. This is the only time you truely get alone. Every other time of the day, anyone can walk in your room and start talking. But now... now you're alone. It's just you and the sound of running water.
Pulling yourself from your thoughts once again, your body is put on auto-pilot and you get done what you need to: washing and conditioning your hair and scrubbing your body while being careful around your arm. Once you come back to reality from zoning out, you realise that you're clean, dry, and out of the shower. You wrap up your arm to help cover what you did the night prior. You put on a pair of your favorite leggings, a workout top, and a thin sweatshirt.
Finally downstairs with the rest of the team, you say "good morning" to everyone.
"Good morning, y/n! How'd you sleep?" Clint said, sounding cheery as usual.
"Pretty good. How about you?"
"I'm swell. Thanks for askin'" He seemed happy. How can someone be in such a good mood allllll of the time? That just can't be normal...
"Yeah. I think I'm gonna go workout. I'll talk to y'all later."
"Hey, guys. Is it just me, or does y/n seem to be acting different lately?" Steve seemed a little more worried than usual. The only people left in the room were Clint and Bucky.
"Different how?" Clint seems to notice some of the little things since he has kids of his own.
"I don't know... She's been more distant lately, I think. I've noticed that its been going on for a couple weeks now. She stays in her bedroom more. And some days she barely eats at all, but other days she eats more than she usually does."
"Have you talked to her about it? If I need to, I can try." Bucky always got y/n to talk whether it was just about a regular school day, or about her nightmares. But it wasn't forceful. She felt comfortable enough to talk to him about these things. Peter too. Those were her two people. Of course she could always go to her dad, but its not the same. She doesn't want to worry her dad more than she already has.
"I think I'm going to try to talk to her again. Last night, I told her that we'd have to talk about it. I'm not the only one who's noticed it, am I?"
"No, I've noticed some things too. I was going to talk to her about it a couple days ago but ended up being busy and honestly forgot. I've got some training to go teach some kids now, so I'll see ya later. Let me know how the talk with her goes."
"I will, thanks." And Clint leaves. He's always showing some kids how to do tricks or self defense or something of the sort.
"I agree. She's definitely been acting different than usual. She usual talks to me about these things though. She hasn't said anything to me about it though. Could it be Peter? Last I heard, they were doing good."
"No, I don't think so. I asked her last night. She said it definitely wasn't him. She said she was just tired. That can't just be it though, right? I'm not crazy, am I?"
"No, we've all noticed a little something too. Let me know how it goes."
"I will, Buck. Thank you. She loves you, you know that? You're one of her favorites." He said it with a small smile. Seeing his daughter bond with him like he used to is good for him. The two most important people in his life are just as close as he is with each of them. Thats all he can ask for.
"Thanks man. I'll see ya in a bit."
@notasofti @that-one-person @angeldreineedshelp
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: The Boys Taste Their S/o’s Chapstick
Anonymous:  could I request headcannons for shinso, mirio, denki, sero, and bakugo kissing their s/o and tasting their chapstick ? Or if you want or when they realize their s/o takes care of them in really subtle ways that they didn’t really notice it at first ? i love your blog so much 🥺❤️
Hey babe omg Im so happy you like my blog!!!! Also this ask OMG I have been wanting to write it for so long!!!! Im a sucker for these super cute and fluffy headcanons, so thank you so much for the idea!
Pairings: Shinso x reader, Mirio x reader, Denki x reader, Sero x reader, Bakugo x reader
Warnings: some might get suggestive, but none of these are full blown NSFW! Just a sprinkle of spiciness, thats all!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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Flavor: Cherry Vanilla
Your currently trying to get ready for bed with Shinsou, his purple hair cascading against the pillow as he’s scrolling through Insta
defintely looking at cat vids
Youre just BEAT from the day- work, school, practice, whatever your life entails it just felt so incredibly tiring today
Of course, Shinsou seems to have other plans
Once he sees you come out of the bathroom, your hair wet, your skin dewy from washing, your body only wearing one of his oversized shirts and some small shorts....
man is gonna wanna be allllll over you
“Damn, kitten who allowed you to look that hot,” he’d purr, his eyes drinking you in as he propped his body on his elbows to get a better look
You’d roll your eyes, a smile on your lips-
Lowkey a perv for his s/o fight me on this
Once you sit down on the bed, its over
Shinso’s hands are all over you, his palms trailing under your shirt as he leaved lazy kisses on your neck
“Cmon, baby, lets have a little fun before we sleep....”
Just tell him your tired, and he’ll comply, turning super fluffy and cuddly in a matter of minutes
Reluctantly tho this boi is horny when hes horny
“Ahh my kitten’s tired? Fine then, you need your rest.”
He’ll lean in to give a sweet kiss, unknowingly of how flavorful you taste now with your chapstick
And OHOHOHO after that its OVER
The taste of vanilla bursts in his mouth, the scent of cherry becoming more prominent-
When did you start tasting so good?
He honestly wont know how to react- he’ll shake his head and blink a few times, “The hell-?” spilling out of his lips
He grabs you buy the chin, his thumb swiping against your lips gently
Once he sees the faint red sheen on his digit, it kinda dawns on him whats going on
You catch on to his confusion, a small giggle spilling out of you as you tell him its just chapstick you bought since your lips felt dry
He’ll just give you a lazy smirk, his lilac eyes a royal purple as he eyes you
This man cant HELP HIMSELF
He’ll lean in for another kiss, this one lasting much longer and more passionate as he tried to capture that taste again
“Do me a favor and keep wearing that kitten,”
M I R I O 
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Flavor: Birthday Cake
Im so proud of fidning this picture im sorry it just matches so well
You had just gotten out of the locker room, your UA uniform a little wrinkled from being balled up while you were training
You walked out the metal doors, your lips feeling much softer than usual- you were in desperate need of chapstick after that particular lesson
Thanks UA for having training grounds that blow up every 5 seconds and spray dust everywhere
But thankfully Neijire is the best person ever and hooked you up with some super cute chapstick
Since it was new and just sitting in her book bag, she just told you to keep it
You had to admit though, you really liked it- the packaging was pretty cute, it was nice on your skin, but the SMELL
You felt like a bakery was near you every step you took
And everytime you licked your lips it tasted like sweets, which was an amazing addition
Makes ya wonder how safe it is to consume makeup 👀
Mirio is the cutest boyfirend though-wherever your class is, he waits for you outside and walks with you until you have to go your seperate ways
So, as usual, he’s waiting for you outside the locker room, a wide grin plastered on his face
Once he sees you walk out of the doors, he’s already bounding over, his arms swinging cause hes always just so happy to see you 
“Hey sunshine!” he greets you like any other day, his voice just radiating happiness
Some days though, Mirio will kiss the top of your head as he grabs your hand and walks you to his class
Other days, he’s a little more bold, instead leaning down to give you a kiss on your lips as he snakes his hand around your waist
You can tell he’s feeling a little more *frisky cause he’s got this mischievous glint in his eyes
ehhhh why not indulge him?
So you get on your tippie toes, leaning in to him and planting a quick kiss on his lips
But thats when Mirio gets confused- did you eat something?Is it cake? CInnamon roll? Cookie? But whatever it is, it tastes GOOD
“Sweetie, did you buy something from the vending machine?” he asks, a confused grin on his face as he eyes you
You laugh, not realizing that Mirio would be affected by your new chapstick too, 
“Oh no, its just a chapstick Niejire gave me, I think its cake batter flavored- do you like it?”
Mirio licked his lips , savoring the lingering flavor on his skin
“You batter belive it!”
*cue the groaning
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Flavor: Pina Colada
So Mina, bless her little music crazed heart, somehow won a pack of tickets from a radio station to a new water park opening up not too far from UA
It was superrrrr expensive to get in, but the music station hooked all you guys up with VIP tickers, a private cabana, food, THE WORKS
You had been running around with the group all day
(except Bakugo- he either went to the lazy river or the surfing simulator thignie cause Kaminari said he would wipe out and wanted to prove him wrong)
Everybody else wanted to do everythingggg, from ride the craziest rides to trying all the food the park had
By the end of the day, you were completely beat and just wanted to rest
Mina was sitting beside you in  the cabana (again, thank you radio station for hooking some teens up!), just searching it for snacks the boys hadnt eaten
“Aww cmon, really?! We have chapstick but no food?!”
Your head instantly perked up at the sound- chapstick? God, you could deifnitely use some right now from all that chlorine and sun...
You asked Mina to toss you one, the pink skinned girl throwing you a tube as she grumbled about how “piggy” boys were
You checked the flavor on the tube, the fruits on the side label instantly telling you it was something tropical
As you were putting it on, the boys of Bakusquad were bounding up the steps, their feets covered in sand-
“Guess what?! We got Bakugo to go in the wave pool! Isnt that crazy! It had sand on the bottom, like a real beach-”
Kirishima was just gushing and super excited, Bakugo looking like a pissed off wet cat next to him
You sat up quickly, happy to see your boyfriend, his spiky hair all wet from the day and his boxers dripping
As Kirishima and Sero were messing with an extremely annoyed Bakugo, you went and grabbed the boys some towels, giving the last one to your boyfriend
“Aww thanks babe,” he gushed out, his hands grabbing the towel gingerly as he leaned to kiss you
But wait- you tasted- really sweet?
Kaminari pulled back slightly, a small smirk on his lips, cause damn, that tasted really good
“Did you eat some fruit or something? Cause you taste super yummy babe-”
You  pointed to your lips as you told him how Mina found some free chapstick lying around in the cabana
Kaminari just gave you this really blissed out stare as he sneaked one more peck from you- he was kinda wishing his friends weren't here, cause hed totally be making out with you with that yummy stuff on your lips...
“Do me a favor and dont take that stuff off, okay? Until we get back to the dorms,”
He sent you a small wink, weaving behind you inconspicously, and giving your bottom a playful pinch
(Also before you left Kamianri most definitely dumped the whole jar of chapsticks into his backpack)
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Flavor: Peppermint
You and Sero had just gotten coffee from a little cafe when it starts to rain
Like alottttttttttt
And of course it happens when your right outside, waiting for your ride to take you back home
So you two are just standing there like weirdos with the rain POURING, Sero holding up his jacket over both of your heads
But honestly, it’s not doing much to block out the rain, so honestly-why not have some fun?
You run out of the fabric, instantly feeling your whole body get drenched as you start twirling and laughing
“He-hey wait, babe!”
Sero’s gonna be laughing, and now y’all playing a wierd game of tag
Aghhhhhh so cute tho 🥺🥺
He catches you pretty quickly, his tape grabbing your waist and pulling you to him,,,
You instantly collide with his chest, your cheeks rosy from running around so much and your hands resting on his chest
Sero gives you the biggest grin, his finger under your chin and raising it to look at him
“You know your the biggest tease I know?”
He laughs, placing a kiss on your lips-and omg why are you minty? and it feels soooo good to him, cause honestly mint isn’t a bad flavor-
“Hey babe whatcha got on your lips? Did you eat-gum or something?”
You just laugh and tell him it’s some chapstick you got (imagine the mint eos U KNOW THE ONE)
He asks if it’s the egg chapstick OML 💀
Yes Sero the egg chapstick
His lips are parted a little, his eyes wider than usual cause he’s lowkey confused on how he liked that so much
But he send you another huge grin before he kisses you again-
“I think your gonna need to wear that more for me, yeah?”
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Flavor: Cinnamon
Bakugo has ben practically forcing you to wake up at ungodly hours with him to train
He says its cause “youre getting weak” but really he’s a total simp for having such close contact with you
Also he’s a little brat and put his all into it  so you cant ever beat him, which boosts his ego for some reason?
“Hah, that really the best you got?” he scoffs down at you, his calloused hands pinning you to the ground as his body cages you in for the umpteenth time
Honestly, its hard to fight when your 1) annoyed about loosing and 2) have your hot as hell boyfriend pining you to the ground
But thankfully
He was starting to overheat, his breathe coming out in low pants as  strands  of hair began sticking to his forehead
You felt one of his palms begin to slip ever so slightly near you, and on instinct you knew you had to do something, you finally had an opening-
so you caused a distraction 
Your hands quickly flew to the nape of his neck, pressing his head down to your so you could kiss him square on the lips
Bakugo was completely confused in the best way possible- he didnt expect that to happen, but hell, hes not complaining-
until his lips start to tingle
“-the hell?!” he sputters out, his mind trying to figure out what was going on just before you successfuly flip him over, with you now on top
You stared down triumphantly at your boyfriend, not knowing how well that worked- until you noticed how shiny Bakugo lips look
He begins mashing his lips together, trying to rub it off since you had his hands pinned down
“The hell is on my lips? Agh, dont tell me its that weird ass lip stuff that supposed to make your lips bigger or something-’’
Ummmmm how does he know about lip plumping lip gloss? Question for a another day-
“Its chapstick silly,” you giggle, “-cinnamon”
Honestly, he’s gonna like it-this boy likes spicy things and the fact that “spicy” sensation came from his s/o....shoooottttt he is in love
Of course
He’s gonna act like it’s wierd or something, cause HES wierd
“Cinnamon? You couldn’t get something normal like cherry or grape?”
You scrunch up your nose, cause yeah your not for those flavors AT ALL, and Bakugo finds his chance
He quickly flips you over, your back now against the floor and his body on top of yours
“Cmon, baka don’t tell me thats seriosuly all you got-“
Don’t remind him that you were able to flip him over tho he’ll turn red and tell you to shut it
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
The Gamble Of Prides. (Mafia!Baekhyun x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, public humiliation, exhibitionism, cum play, knife play, gun play, fear play. Both of you are legal in this. Read at own risk.
It took Y/n a moment to realise what had just happened, eyes widening slowly as she looked up from Mafioso Byun's final cards and at his smug face. "N- No… No way…" Her friend facepalmed in great stress and fear of all the men surrounding them in Byun's bar. That did not just happen. "How is that possible?" Smashing the cigarette in her hand against the table, Y/n stood up. "There is no way you won this time! I am not just good-- I am GREAT at this! How could you win?! Not when I-..." Y/n trailed off from her own words, not willing to admit that she was cheating. Since the beginning.
The older man shrugged. "Well… maybe you're not that good, Miss. I mean…" Him and his men chuckled at the 4 foreign kids visiting their country for vacation. "You lost 4 games in a row along allllll that you had" taking a drag of his cigar, the man smirked devilishly. "Confidence is good but overconfidence will drown you in the sea of reality, in the wise words of Norain."
The girl was clenching her fists, every fiber of her body loathing him. Y/n hated just how fucking smug he was.
"You bastard!"
Byun chuckled. "Adorable. So you remember all that you put on the table, right?" The female gulped, the recent memories of how she bet her body at last when she had nothing left to gamble with. A laugh left the man when she backed away and tried to run, which resulted in Byun's right hand that was sharper than an eagle, Sehun, to grip her arm before throwing her whole body back and in the Boss' feet. "Tsk. I honestly thought you were an honourable young lady. But the way you tried to run away from your own words?"
"P- Please! We will pay you back, sir!" One of Y/n's friends sobbed, causing the girl to glare at her.
"Shut up! Don't fucking plead a cheating bastard like hi- OW FUCK!" Y/n was cut off when Byun gripped her hair before her brain could decipher it and pulled her face closer to his.
"Calling me a cheater when you were trying to use pathetic little rigged ways while playing in MY casino?" Silence followed for a couple moments, the man's lip chain dangling furiously from how fast he'd moved. "You are more foolish than you seemed, baby doll."  Before the girl could shoot anything back, one of her friends shakily stood up, realising this was no game and the man was pure trouble.
"S- Sir… m- may we leave?" Gasping, Y/n turned to look at him along with their other friends. "We had nothing to do with the game nor do any of us gamble. You can sort your thing with her but we really had nothing to do with the game. Please let us go."
Byun sat up a bit straighter, a firm hold on Y/n's hair still. "That's fair." Nodding at his men, the man spoke. "Leave." He couldn't help but chuckle when that boy gathered the rest of his friends before all of them left without sparing a shocked Y/n another glance. "You really are that irritating to everyone, huh?" The girl was fuming at this point, hating how smug and entertained he looked.
“Fuck you!
A snort left the Mafioso when the small girl dared to spit on his face. Byun fucking Baekhyun's face. "I am afraid you don't realize the intensity of the situation, love." Before he motioned his men to stop in their positions, halting them for beating her up for the disrespectful gesture. Before Y/n could realise what had happened, she gasped under her breath when the man suddenly pressed a sharp knife to her throat, the blade threatening to slice against her soft skin.
"You bet all that you had and then took a loan. When they told you that you couldn't take any more loan you bet your body without thinking of the consequences…" Clicking his tongue, he dragged the knife along the length of her neck before grazing it against her collarbone, making the girl jump when he sliced through one of the strings that held her dress against her breast. "Tsk. Did you even know what that means?" The girl hated how she was made to kneel in front of him as he sat in his seat, feet on either side as one held the knife and other held his cigar.
"I- I will pay y- you back!" The men laughed at her slightly wavering tone.
"Oh, is that so?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow before nodding. "Of course you will. Of course. That is the only way. However…" Taking the other string that was on her other shoulder over the blade, the man toyed with it. "I shall give you a choice." Taking another drag, he puffed it in her face, causing her to cough. "You can either be good and even redeem yourself on the way for your naive actions or…" Inching their faces closer, Baekhyun spoke just above a whisper. "You die and all your body parts get sold."
Y/n's blood started to run cold as she realised just how fucked she was. Even her friends had abandoned her and now she was in this casino with some man she had clearly underestimated as some local gangster. His blood slightly brushed against her skin, still not cutting open the other string. "So… what's it going to be, huh? Me cutting this little dress off your body or me sliding this blade across your throat?"
"I… I d- don't want to d- die, p- please" her eyes finally wetted with tears, bringing the man great satisfaction as he nodded slowly, taking another drag as he finally cut the string open, the tight dress Y/n was wearing falling down to her waist in an instant, causing her to gasp before protective arms tried to hide her chest but Byun's foot beat them to it, pressing both of them down in her laps by one of his feet.
"No, love. You cannot decide what happens to you any longer. You lost all of those rights when you lost your body to me. Now you're my puppet." Byun fed off the fear in her eyes and across her face. "Now, let's begin the fun, shall we?" The girl shook under him as she realised that she didn't have a choice anymore.
"Stand up." The man ordered. "Stand up and take those clothes and heels off." Before the girl could protest, Sehun spoke up from behind, firmly pushing at her back with his knee.
"Didn't you hear what the boss just said, whore?!"
"Hey now, Sehun-ah… don't treat the pretty girl like that…" Byun looked up at Sehun with upset eyes, words painfully sweet like he wasn't just threatening to murder her in cold blood. "She's too weak to be treated so rough… Dolls like her are delicate and fragile… aren't they?" He looked down at the humiliated girl with teasing eyes, snorting at how she flushed in embarrassment before removing his foot from her arms.
"Get up." His tone was rough again as he leaned back in his seat, tossing the knife on the table before picking his glass of whiskey up, taking a sip. "We don't have all day and the clock's running!" He spoke aloud when the girl tried to plead, not even looking her way but in a far distance, waiting for his orders to be obeyed.
Y/n shivered under the gazes of all the men in the room as she slowly stripped from her dress and heels, cheeks red in embarrassment.
"Come here…" Byun ordered. "Kneel." And as the girl kneeled, the male grabbed his knife again, placing one of his feet under her pussy before clicking his tongue at the bra that she didn't take off, swiftly cutting it open, making it fall against her laps. "Don't." The man warned as the girl went to cover her now exposed chest with her arms, watching her carefully. "Come here."
Y/n's eyes were letting out continuous silent tears as she got closer to the man, feeling her nipples harden from the air as her face burned the hottest it could. She could only bite her lip and stare at the ground in embarrassment. "Get on your knees and undo my belt." Her eyes widened as she looked up at the man that looked almost bored. "What? Did I mumble?" His lips grazed against one of her breasts now, making her instantly mumble a small 'no' before she did as she was told, her fingertips trembling as she followed his instructions until she could see his erect cock bulging against the dark blue boxers he wore.
"Come closer now, rub your face on it, doll. Feel your Master up~" Baekhyun encouraged, fistibg her hair in one of his hands whilst the other one that was in possession of the blade grazed against the side of her neck dangerously close. Y/n bit back a sob as the man guided her face closer to his clothed member, forcing her to rub her face against and all over it, moaning lowly at just how good her warm breaths felt.
"Take it out…" The girl did as she was commanded, her hot tears falling on Baekhyun's skin one by one, only adding to the pleasure. "Come on… take it in your mouth. That's it…" Y/n was in disbelief of her situation but knew there was no way out. Opening her mouth, she took his thick head in her mouth, cringing at the taste as she slowly licked and sucked at it, literally shaking as Baekhyun leaned over, pulling her face down his cock by the hair he was holding, finally cutting the last piece of clothing she had on which was her underwear, exposing the girl to everyone in the room and increasing the tension even more. All of his henchmen were sweaty and their throats were dry. But nobody could do anything no matter how much they desired.
Because she was his toy.
"Keep going…" The Boss whispered, sliding her mouth further on his cock and grunting when she gagged around him, bringing her face up before slamming it down, causing the girl to choke again but he held it tight this time, his cock twitching from how she struggled to breathe but couldn't. "Good girl. Now that is some good behaviour." The man grinned, releasing her just enough to let her breathe before pulling it off completely.
"Lick it off." Baekhyun's voice was cold again as he guided her to his cheek which had her spit on it, tightening his hold on her head even more. Y/n was full on sobbing now after failing to suppress it felt her scalp burnt from where he was holding her, shakily placing her hands on his knees before licking her own spit off, sweat trickling down her back. "Are you sorry?" She felt a gun press against her pussy now, the blade long gone as he calmly stared down at her.
"Y- Yes! Yes! I am!" The girl rushedly spoke, feeling the cold metal of the gun slip in between her folds, rubbing back and forth."P- Please, si- sir!"
"Good." Baekhyun was satisfied from how the girl was trembling in fear, standing up before pulling her up on her feet before pushing her on the table where they had played, placing his gun on her stomach before grabbing her thighs and forcefully pushing into her, moaning when she screamed in pain while crying even harder now. "This will get you thinking, tsk. Who do you even think you are? Brats like you deserve nothing but to be treated like this…" Baekhyun loved how he stretched her walls long and deep, expanding them forcefully before he gave her another powerful thrust.
"So fucking overconfident… And what are you now? A fucking slut that's not even in control of her own body." Grabbing the gun, the man started to give her faster thrusts now, moaning loudly as sweat dripped down his forehead, hips snapping mercilessly whilst he pressed the gun to one of her breasts, rubbing the tip against her nipple. "I wonder what will happen if I shoot it… will it pop off? Deflate?"
Y/n's eyes widened as she hysterically cried, her heart thumping as she slid up and down the table, shaking her head furiously whilst her hands rested lifelessly at her sides, her whole body covered in sweat. "P- PLEASE! PLEASE! N- NO! NO! DON'T S- SHOOT ME, S- SIR! PLEASE!" She could only beg helplessly as the man got off to her fear, glaring down at her as he fucked her intensely, going balls deep as he twitched again, feeling himself closer to his orgasm.
"But you've been so fucking disrespectful today. Do you even know who I am, you little slut? How dare you?" Before he pushed the gun in her mouth, forcing her to taste herself as the fear of him suddenly deciding to pull the trigger invaded her senses.
"I- I… s- showwy-" was she could pathetically let out through the gun as he grazed it against the soft end of her throat, ramming into her harder and harder before he was emptying his load into her, pulling out and seeing his cum gush out of her along the blood of her purity, forming a pink mixture. Gathering some of the white liquid off his cock, the man rubbed it against her lips before kissing her as he tucked his cock back in followed by the gun and his blade, pulling her off the table by her hair, spitting in her face before slapping her for all the former disrespect, throwing her in his feet.
Baekhyun smirked, getting even more satisfied as he realised that he was her first time. The trip she was on was in the celebration of her 18th birthday after all. Whilst the mafia was turning 30 this year. "Maybe I won't send you to one of my brothels after all."
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devildomimagines · 3 years
hi, can i request something with the obey me boys? mc is intolerant to lactose, maybe fluff and crack 😤 thx
Hello Hello!
This made me laugh so I hope you do too~
You do a good job covering it up so that he doesn’t pick up that anything is wrong.
That is until you keep getting up from Nap Time™ to go to the bathroom.
Annoyed, he asks “Oy MC, what’s wrong?”
Your stomach answers with an angry grumble.
You cover it in an attempt to quiet it’s rumbling. Embarrassed you admit you ate something you shouldn’t have.
He sighs, “Well it’s not like I’m not used to that with Beel. So what was it?”
“The ice cream,” you frowned, “it tasted so good that I ate way more than my lactose intolerant system can process.”
He laughed as your stomach gurgled again, almost like it heard you talking sh!t.
Belphie laughed as you sighed and went to the bathroom again. He made a note to not get dairy before nap time in the future.
He walked in to see you rubbing your stomach with a deep frown.
“Tummy ache?” He asked as he pulled a pudding out of the fridge.
“Do you want some pudding? Eating always makes me feel better.” Beel offered a spoonful.
“Ah, thanks but I’d eat anything but pudding, that’s what got my stomach upset.”
“Really?” He looked at the package, was this a weird flavor or was it expired?
“I just wanted something sweet and thought maybe I’d be ok but my lactose intolerance strikes again!” You shook an angry fist in the air.
“That sucks, so you can’t have any dairy?”
“I shouldn’t…. But I do anyway,” you smiled mischievously, like you were getting away with something more impressive than making yourself suffer.
You texted him, “I can’t be around you today.” He took that as a personal challenge.
“Asmo~” you whined through your door, “I told you-”
“But MC!” He was still pounding on the door, “I can’t possibly be without you allllll day.”
“I’m dealing with something so you have to go away.”
“I can help!” Asmo proposed, “Whatever it is, I can help, I’d be happy to help!”
“It’s embarrassing,” you mumbled but he still caught it.
“All the more reason for me to help, I want to know all the most intimate details about you.”
You opened your door in a flustered state, “Stop it!” You looked down the hall, no one else was around which was a miracle considering the racket Asmo was causing. “I’m really gassy today from eating that creamy pasta dish at lunch. Is that the intimate detail you wanted to know??”
“MC, you should have come to me first! I have just the thing!” He pulled you out from your room towards his.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him it was his fault for the state you were in now.
Your stomach hurt as it bloated from the dairy in the drink he had ordered you. It wasn’t his fault, you hadn’t told him of your dietary needs nor had he been around to hear you order a drink with the necessary substitution.
He did note your frown, “Is something wrong?”
“What, of course not!” You chirped, taking an exaggerated drink from the coffee cup.
“Is it the drink? Is it not to your liking? I thought you liked coffee?”
“I do!” You defended, “It’s just the milk doesn’t agree with me.” On cue, your stomach growled loud enough for Satan to hear. Both of your eyes widened in shock and when you looked away he laughed.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were intolerant of dairy. You really shouldn’t keep drinking that then,” he leaned over to take the cup away but you shielded it.
“But it tastes good, except for the milk, you knew exactly what I like!”
He laughed again as he snatched the cup from your shield, “Then I’ll get you a replacement, sans milk.”
You could just die right now, that would be helpful, god.
A terrible silence had settled over you and Levi. The longer it went on, the more embarrassed you were. The fact that you just passed gas in front of him is actually killing you more than your stomach cramps were. 
Then your stomach decided to grumble. You think, “God, why have you cursed my bowels?”
When you looked at him, he was just as shocked and embarrassed, his face bright red. “A-are you ok?” 
“Ugh, yeah, I’m gonna go,” you got up from the beanbag trying to escape as quickly as possible without another incident.
He stops you, “D-do you n-need anything? I can get you medicine if you need.”
It was sweet of him to offer even though he was clearly unsure what to do. “No, but thank you. I’m just lactose intolerant and should NOT have had that pizza.”
“Oh! Well if that’s all, it’s ok, you should stay.” He was totally relaxed again, he caught your confused face and shrugged, “Sorry, I didn’t know what was happening for a minute there. Human digestion is weird.”
“You can say that again,” and you happily plopped back down on the beanbag.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a low rumble. He was the only demon around so who was growling? Mammon looked back at you.
With a sheepish smile you waved.
“Was that you?”
“My stomach, yeah, sorry.”
“Geez,” he charmingly offered.
You punched his arm when he sat back down next to you. “It’s your fault!”
“My fault?!”
“Yeah you got that milkshake for me!”
“What does that have to do with your stomach growling at me?”
“Technically, I can’t have milk.”
“Well why didn’t you say that instead of taking the milkshake??”
“Because it was strawberry and that’s my favorite!”
After a beat, you both started laughing.
Diavolo invited the two of you over to taste a selection of wine for the next event. Barbatos had prepared some snacks, among which were cheeses, fruits, and crackers.
As soon as you were home, you were rushing to the bathroom. Lucifer watched on with a raised eyebrow. When you didn’t come back right away, he followed you to the bathroom. He knocked gently, “Everything ok?”
“Yup! Be done in a second!” He sat and waited. He figured maybe you had too much to drink.
When you exited and found him waiting, you blushed slightly, “Sorry for running off like that.”
“No, it’s quite alright. Are you feeling ok?”
“Yes, better now. I really should know my limit but with such a fine selection in front of me it was too tempting and I ended up overdoing it.”
“Yes, Lord Diavolo does not hold back when selecting the drinks for his parties, only the best of the best.”
“Drinks?” You thought for a second, “Oh yes the wines were exquisite but I was talking about the cheeses. I’m lactose intolerant so I shouldn’t have any but Barbatos did not pull any punches with his selection tonight.”
Once Lucifer recovered, he sighed and shook his head.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
I guess the sane sibling (as in the one who isn't interested in their stepsibling not-platonically) is a rule to have a incest or pseudo-incest kink but it's just saddens my perverted sick fuck self 😭 I just wanted to yandere!step-bro Tamaki to be his creepy shy so I could (probably kill him in the process) worship his cock knowing the boy would jest get SO overwhelmed 🥴 I'm sorry but I want him to stuff his lil sis with his cum while he sobs 😭 when he sees it oozing out he would RIP
When I write a character to be yandere, it’s usually my intent to not glorify their behavior. If I were in the situation as reader, it would feel like a horror movie, bc yandere actions are so not cash money.
But I’m able to write like, non-yandere smut y’all. I’m still a dark content blog, and I’ll write kinks that are a bit.... well, dark, obvs lol you just gotta ask!
and since you did - 
(What to expect - incest, NSFW, unsafe sex, blowjobs, consensual sex, toys)
Your brother came around the corner, backpack still slung on his shoulder. Socked feet padded towards you on the couch, the ravenette shrugging his backpack off and gently setting it on the floor by the couch, before joining you as you sat on the plush cushions.
“Hey, you okay?” You asked, setting your textbooks on the coffee table in front of you before leaning against your older brother, rubbing his arm a little bit.
Both of you were in college, taking classes, working on the weekends to pay for the tiny little apartment you shared. 
Tamaki looked tired, eyes downcast, soft frown on his lips, shoulders slumped. he was a shy man, but he didn’t usually look so..... defeated when he normally returned home after class.
“Mm.” The man hummed, sinking against you, melting into your touch.
“You look tired ‘Maki.”
He hummed again, closing his eyes as he brought his feet up, curling them underneath him as he pressed against you. The soft sweater he was wearing brushed against your bare arms, a little bit of your exposed thigh.
You weren’t shy about what you wore around the house, but for your brother’s sanity, you tried to keep somewhat covered, foregoing sports bras and wearing tank tops instead, ditching booty shorts for slightly longer (but not by much) shorts that covered you more fully.
Wearing less clothing meant Tamaki was clumsier, fumbling with the remote, bumping against things while he walked, bright red flush coloring his cheeks and melting to his collarbones, all because his eyes were glued to you.
Plus, it meant the man struggled with constant erections. He tried to hide it, embarrassed at his body no matter how many times you’d told him you adored it.
Your brother was shy, too shy to come to you and initiate, to find relief where you so gladly offered it.
That just means you had to get real good at noticing when he needed to relax a little.
You pushed Tamaki upright, ignoring his cute whine as you slid off the couch to kneel in front of him, dancing your fingers along his jean-clad thighs.
“Tell me how your day went.”
Your hands gently pushed his thighs open, watching your brother’s lips part with a gasp as you handled him. His head fell back against the couch, dark hair falling away from his eyes.
He was so pretty.
“Uhm, it was nice.”
“Mmhm.” You unzipped his jeans, slowly peeling the fabric down, your brother lifting his hips to help you out, his hands clutching at his soft sweater.
Boxers came next, Tamaki gazing down at you with red cheeks as you slipped them off his legs.
“Well, I-I woke up on time this morning, and I made it to class before the professor.”
“Oh, that’s good.” Praise easily tumbled from your lips as you wrapped a loose hand around Tamaki’s pretty pink cock, squeezing the shaft gently.
“Bio and psych went well, I got my test scores for my language class, and-and I got a B+.” His breath hitched as you took your hands off his cock, bringing a palm up to your mouth so you could wet it with your tongue, get it nice and slick for when you touched him again.
“I-I ate lunch with Mirio... and then I had math...” HIs voice was getting quieter, mumbling.
Math was never his strong suit, and you know it was one of his most-hated classes. Luckily, it was just once a week, on Tuesdays.
“How’d that go?” Your hands were on his cock again, wet with your spit, twisting around his length slowly as you moved them up and down.
“Uh, it-it went alright. I-I just ha-hate math.” Tamaki whimpered, his hips bucking up a little as you squeezed his tip, watching precum bead before bubbling over.
“Mm, well, maybe you can tell me some of the concepts? I might be able to help you out with homework.”
Tamaki couldn’t even nod, nor thank you for your offer before you were slurping his cock into your mouth. The man cried out, soft voice rising in pitch as you swallowed around him.
You fluttered your eyelashes up at him, but that didn’t get his attention, so you resorted to a gentle tap to his thigh to remind him to keep talking.
“Oh, oh, uhm... There’s..... ah...s-statistics. We-we’re learning how to.... how to display, and de-scrIBE-oh!” He lurched upwards, fingers flying to your hair as you used your tongue to play with the opening at the top. You could feel his little sweater paws as Tamaki gently fisted your hair.
Another gentle tap to his thigh.
“There’s also-also.... ohhh, uhm-ah! There’s.... prob-probablity, and I don’t.... unhh, unh-don’t get it at-at all...” His sentence ended on a breathy whine as you began bobbing your head. His voice was so cute, so pretty just like the rest of him, smooth and sweet.
“Oh, (Y/N), yes, yes! Can I-can I cum? Please?”
It had only been a few minutes, but Tamaki was close to the edge, slim thighs tensing behind your head as you considered his request.
You popped off his length, licking your lips and ignoring his pleading whine.
“Of course baby boy, always-” A soft kiss was laid against his thigh, and Tamaki threw his head back, thin chest heaving underneath his cute sweater, his face bright red.
He got overwhelmed at the littlest things.
Once his cock was back in your mouth, it took a tiny bit of work to bring him to the edge, bobbing your head, swirling your tongue, hollowing your cheeks and really sucking.
Those pretty moans echoed throughout the tiny apartment, filling up the space, filling your ears, making you want to smile. He was a sweet man, and you were glad to be so close to him.
A moment more and he was cumming, hot seed dripping down your throat, his fingers twisted in your hair, balls drawn up and pulsing against your chin.
“Tamaki, you already got to cum and I didn’t.” You pouted, sitting on your bed.
You had helped your younger brother wash-up, licking his spent cock clean before tucking him back into your pants. Climbing up into his lap to boop his nose and whisper an “I love you” into his ear, grinding against his thigh in the process.
He had gotten his release, and now you were hungry for your own.
“Don’t be greedy-” Your fingers plunge into your cunt over and over, palm grinding against your clit as you stretch yourself out, watching Tamaki through hooded eyes as he sits obediently at the foot of your bed.
“Please, I-I just wanna t-touch myself a l-little?” His hands are pinching at his bare thighs, desperate to fist themselves around his dripping cock. You’d told him to be good and stay still and watch as you got yourself ready, and he had been.
Tamaki was just needy.
“Okay, but just a little, okay? No cumming.”
“Thank you, oh, thank you-” The man breathes, hands flying to wrap around his cock, his eyes fluttering shut as his hips bucked up a little towards the pressure.
You giggle a little at how cute he is, those big indigo eyes focusing back onto you again, dropping to your wet fingers as you eagerly fuck yourself on them.
But it’s not enough, and you want more.
A quick search through your bedside drawer and you find your vibrator, quickly flicking it on, watching Tamaki gulp as you bring it against your cunt. You sigh as it makes contact, the buzzy, rumbly sensation traveling through your thighs as you easily grind your hips forward against the wand.
“Mmh, I’ve been thinking... ooo, that feels so nice.” You moan, placing a hand behind you so you can steady yourself as you begin to hump against your vibrator. “I’ve been thinking though, that I should get you some-oh-get you some toys.”
Tamaki whimpers, high and pitched, and you smile when his cock visibly throbs. The man has to clench a fist around the base, squeezing hard to stop himself from humming.
“You like that idea? Yeah?”
He nodded, hair bobbing as his head moved enthusiastically.
“You’d look so pretty with a cock ring, mm, you would. And-oh, I could get one that vibrates, and it’ll feel like heaven when you fuck me.”
Your pussy was gushing, throbbing against the wand. You didn’t want to cum too soon, so you flicked it off, before crawling towards your brother.
“We could get you a nice little plug, maybe one that vibrates? And you could keep it in allllll day. You could go to class with it, and jerk yourself off in the bathrooms. I’d love if you sent me a video of you moaning my name as you cum into the toilet.”
The man whined again, his hips bucking up.
You giggled, rising to your knees so you could straddle the man, a hand finding his hard cock beneath you, lining it up to your dripping cunt.
“Would you like that ‘Maki?”
“Yes, yes-oh s-so much, please, that sounds-gUH!” His words choked off into a pathetic moan as you sank down on his length, and you sigh at the feeling of fullness.
Tamaki presses a hand over his mouth, embarrassed by the needy moans that he’s unable to suppress, hips bucking up against your warmth, trying to seat himself deeper.
“Don’t cover your mouth, I wanna hear you. You feel so good inside me.” You coo, using your thighs to bounce a little on his cock.
His hand falls to the side, and you lean forward to kiss him, letting your tongue play with his, slick, wet sounds filling the room.
And then you tell him to fuck you.
The man doesn’t hold back, greedy, slender hands fixing themselves around your waist as his hips work, pushing himself inside your cunt again and again and again.
Both of you are breathing heavily, and it feels so good, the way he fucks you.
“Oh fuck, keep going, ‘m almost there!” You pant, reaching a hand down to play with your clit, four fingers rubbing across the little nub as you climb higher and higher.
And when you cum, it’s with a full-body shudder, a cry tumbling from your lips as you slam your hips against your brothers.
Tamaki tumbles over the edge soon after, barely managing to pull free from your slick cunt before his cock is bursting with cum, painting the soft skin of your tummy with his release.
You rest against him, laying your head on his shoulder as you pant onto his skin, satisfied and warm.
When you gather your bearings, you shuffle off his lap, searching through the covers to wind the wand you’d previously dropped.
“You’re such a good boy ‘Maki, but I wanted you to cum inside-” You were pouting again as you held up the vibrator, waving it in the air.
Tamaki looked like a deer caught in the headlights, eyes wide. “W-what?”
“I’m gonna play with you a bit until you get hard again, and then I’m going to put your tip inside me-just the tip- and you’re going to cum while I use the vibrator on you, got it?”
The man shivers in anticipation, and you smile.
You love each other so much.
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Hey lovey! Could I request a mcyt headcanon thing of how they each are in bed?
hi angel , and of course ! as always im sorry this took forever lmao . hope u enjoy (((:
AYO LOOK AT THESE : smut ! rough sex , choking , scratching , hair pulling , breeding / unprotected sex (wrp it b4 u tap it , bbys) , overstimulation , light bondage , i think thats all (:
reblogs are always appreciated <3
dream :
out of all the feral boys dream is the roughest for sure
it's all his gamer rage coming out
he truly has to control himself  / hold back
because he wants to fuck you until you cant remember your own name
but doesnt want to break you
he’s not the biggest fan or foreplay , only because he’d much rather feel you wrapped around him
but he loves to go down on you
would prep you with his fingers because lord knows you’ll need it
and once you started to squirm he’d get so cocky
“if you cant take my fingers , you definitely cant take all of me, baby .”
so many pet names - baby , kitten , pretty girl , bunny , bun , my little whore
he’d make you cum twice on his fingers alone
and wouldn’t fuck you until he was aching for any sort of stimulation
wouldn’t use protection (w your consent !!!)
the thought of his cum deep inside you , painting your insides … it fucks him UP
you KNOW clay would be the motherfucker to slap his dick on your pussy
would groan at the sound of how wet you were for him
he’d run the tip of his cock through your folds and collect your arousal
until you were begging him to fuck you - and even then he’d wait a moment longer
he’d ease in slowly , making sure you felt every single inch 
and would praise the FUCK out of you
“look so pretty taking my cock , bunny”
he’d stop to let you adjust to his length, but he’d be so arrogant as you bucked your hips
“want more , sweet thing ?”
you’d just nod , the pressure building in your tummy too much to produce words
and clay would grab at your chin so fuCKING agressivley
“i asked you a question , whore .”
he would just ruin you (in the most respectful way possible)
you’d cum for the third time within mere seconds
the room would be filled with the sound of harsh , slapping skin
you moans mixing with his - it was like a symphony to him
at some point your legs would go completely limp from the shear amount of pleasure clay was providing
and he’d circle an arm around your hips , holding your body to his as you came yet again
he’d get progressively less vocal as he approached his high , his raspy moans turning to rough growls and groans
and he’d bury himself deep inside of you as he came , muttering scratchy praises into the crook of your neck
as you and clay started to come down together it would be a complete 180
he’d pull out so gently , watching the way his cum dripped out of you
and would press sweet , tender kisses to every inch of skin he could get his mouth on
clay would run soft fingers over every bruise , every mark he left on your skin
admiring his work
he loves the way you look after sex - all fucked out and dewy eyed
would wet a washcloth with warm water and clean you up while murmuring over and over how much he loved you
the two of you would fall asleep pretty quickly after in a tangled mess of limbs
sex with him is quite the workout
george :
gogs <3
i have many thoughts on this subject yall
wakin up in the mornin , thinkin about so many things
would LOVE foreplay
something about being so intimate but not actually fucking is so <3 to him
he loves every single moment of it
starting from when a simple peck turns to something deeper
george’s tongue rolling over yours as he cups a hand under your jaw 
would do the thumb thing™ on your cheek
his free hand would roam up and down the curve of your hips
then up and under your shirt
the way that your breath hitched would make him sh i v e r
and george would start kissing down your neck and over your jaw to your neck
loves hickeys
and biting you
he’d take yall to some place soft if you weren’t already there and start to undress you
adores the action of getting you out of your clothes and insists on taking your shirt off himself
is obsessed w your titties
rolling your nipples between his fingers
sucking on the sensitive nubs , flicking his tongue over them until you could cry from pleasure
then leaves sloppy , hot kisses all the way down your body
is so good with his hands
knows the exact way to curl his fingers inside you
and is very good at keeping a rhythm that pushes you over the edge
but truly have you seen that boys hands because like
he’s all about pleasuring you in bed
it's his number one priority
and he knows your body incredibly well
the boy knows how to make you cum without even trying
yall have experimented and figured out what feels best
and he’s perfected those techniques
on the non physical side of things however
sex with george would be s i n f u l
the things he would say to you …
and in his fucking ACCENT no less
starlight has a voice kink
god he would talk so fucking dirty
the filthiest things falling from his lips as he’s thrusting in and out of you
he’d be so vocal
“just like that , love ,” he’d pant before throwing his head back
his fingers would dig into your hips as his moans turned to whimpers
the two of you would reach your highs one after the other
but george always makes sure that you finish first
sapnap :
we’re just gonna address this right away
daddy kink
(“call me big daddy” , sapdaddy , need i say more ?)
pretty dominant but not necessarily aggressive
more mentally dominant if that makes any sense ???
wants you so far in subspace that you’re all his
dumbification is so hot to him
“baby doll , darlin’ , sweet girl”
degrades you but in a soft way :,)
“look so pretty on my cock , whore”
“my sweet little slut , taking me so well”
spits in your mouth and holds your jaw until you swallow
loves to fuck your throat
literally uses your mouth as his personal fleshlight
hold your hair up for you bc he’s a gentleman
but would rather have it in pigtails
thrusts into your mouth hhhhhhhhhh
wants to see mascara tears and won't stop until he does
loves to give you facials
then takes 1476592837310982 pictures of you like that
his my eyes only on snap is 99% your face painted with his cum
honestly likes to cum anywhere he can see it
on your stomach
l o v e s your thighs
and yall have absolutely done thigh jobs
would fuck you until you cried then marvel at the look of your tears
because you look so pretty when you’re entirely overwhelmed by pleasure
your face flushed a pretty pink 
eyes watering with crystal clear drops
then would make you cum again
“one more , sweet girl , you can take one more”
and you’d just nod , so deep into subspace that he words were like spells
how could you say no to him ?
aftercare KING though , would take such good care of you
would run you two a warm bath and carry you to the tub
bc lord knows you cant walk after him
and he’d run his hands allllll over your body , soothing any rough marks he may have left
at the end of the day he absolutely worships you
karl : 
karl jacobs , love of starlight’s life
i just think that he <3
karl has stated that he’s on the ace spectrum
so i think that sex with him wouldn’t be near as much about physicality
its about the intimacy and connection that comes with that for yall
and mans would make you feel so loved ,,,
he’d kiss every single inch of your body
and hold you so close to him as you two were getting undressed
loves kisses when yall are shirtless
because he can feel your heartbeat on his
and they sync up the longer u lay there
would go down on you for hours if he could holy fuck
he loves eating you out , drawing pretty moans from your lips
and is so good at it bye .
he can easily make you cum with just his skilled tongue
and fucks you with it i-
one of his favorite feelings in the world is your thighs tightening around his head
and your hands tugging at his hair as he makes you come undone over and over
you’re his favorite taste in the entire world
sex with karl would be sweet and soft and so so so intimate
it would be so loving
he’d have you look him in his eyes as he slid in
and would stay buried deep inside you , not moving  until you adjusted to him
karl’s packing i just know it 
moans your name quite a lot
and murmurs how much he loves you , everything he loves about you inbetween thrusts
he’d hold your hands while you two made love
his grip tightening as he got closer
karl would make DAMN sure you came first
but loves cumming at the same time if you can hold off for him
the two of you would stay like that , chest to chest for a while after your highs
karl still tucked inside you
he’d love cockwarming dont @ me
is a fluffy mess after sex and always wants to fall asleep after
with you in his arms
quackity :
sex with alex >>>>>>
he’d be . so fucking good . at everything he did .
alex loves foreplay
bc he’s so obsessed with your body
and having you put on a show just for him ?
turns him on like nothing else in the world
lets you show off for as long as possible before he finally picks you up and throws you on the bed
hands hands hands
alex is so skilled with his fingers and knows how to hit all the best spots
has absolutely made you squirt on his fingers and is so cocky about it
has you hold eye contact while he eats you out
and the minute you break it , he stops
would have his dick in your mouth 24/7 if he could
and loves the way you look with your tongue swirling around him
keeps a hand on the back of your head and pushes down so gently
alex is definitely a soft dom
when he cant hold off from fucking you any longer he’s no stranger to tying your hands up
usually with his belt
fucks you in missionary with your legs over his shoulders
but also loves when you're on top
alex is a titty guy
such a boob guy
and absolutely covers your chest in hickeys and bite marks
getting to play with them while you ride him ?? heaven
once your hips give out from feeling so good , alex would lift you up and thrust into you
his fingertips digging into your skin , leaving pretty purple bruises
would play with your clit as he fucks up into you
“cum for me , princess”
loves cumming inside you
breeding kink
just saying
and watching it drip out of your pussy gets him hard all over again
his voice goes so deep while he moans
and calls you pretty names in spanish
vvvv vocal and loves when you match that
“show me how good im making you feel , baby”
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lizandbo · 3 years
when they break your devices w/ hq bois
Okie-ha alright....so ummm i did this becuase i need some relaxation cuz I accidentally broke my sisters switch *cough cough ima gonna be fucked and dead/ shot on sight* 
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- fussing, he did it so fucking secretly it was like MaGIC
- it took a YEAR when you figured it out...like godamnnn
- he used your disks for the week, ya know why the fuck not 
- and when he tried a new game becuase he got pissed off so he switched the other game out and put the new one in...but when it wasn’t going in like he wanted it, pussyboi slamed it in and broke it in half
- tsuki baby...I’m sorry but your gonna face mama bear for now 
- more like a fucking year 
- he got it allll covered up 
- “oh its at my house , ill get it when i have the chance”
- but he forgot
- or “not right now I’m still using the three”
- bitch, they’re were four not three, but ya know yo girl is a little airheaded When talking to you
- anywho... the day after teh fucking year, you went to his room to get somethin but you glanced near the console and saw the broken disk 
- *inhales through the nose harshly* “TSUKISHIMAAAAAA” 
 -tsukifucker went in to check if you were hurt anything of the sort but instead he just saw you hold the two pieces of the disks in your hand up in the air ready to smash against his head, like he deserves 
- “y/n..its been broken and i meant to tell you that but i really forgot”
- “mmhhmmm yeah, okay...your not getting cuddles for a weeK”
- “deal. I really dont deserve it tho”
- “oh hell yes you do”
- “well, after the punishment can i have the rest of the disks?”
- “why?”
- “becuase you love me”
-”fucking fine”
- you two did not do the ‘a week off cuddling’ part tho 
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- alright he’s gonna be like infinityx original nervousness
- hell probably try to hide and said he “lost it” even tho its on his bookshelf in his room
- its cracked allllll the way (the Nintendo) from the other side from the other 
- you would’ve killed him becuase its so fucking obvious- who wouldn’t???
- so it cracked in August, now its February...and its been a long time 
- he was playing animals crossing a lot on it 
- it didnt break per say but it had a huge mf crack in the middle all tho its still working 
- so today was the day that you asked him to find the switch or tell him where the switch was in case he forgot ot tell you when he did 
- but baby boy doesn’t wanna own his actions 
- now he sweatin 
-”ummm,...i dont know where it is but ill find it soon”
- “okie dokei baby”
- rtexrytcuyivuboihljo;gfhcgjvyhkubli; now he dead...literally, no take backs now
- he almost died on the fucking spot when he asked you out and confessed feeling but....NOW? SWITCH?!? BROKEN?!?!
- just...like...why-
- so he wiggled his hands in fright like its gonna jump scare the fuck out of him
- he walked to your place imagining your reaction...are ya gonna break up with him? Or are you gonna accept his apology?
- either way your gonna be a little annoyed 
- he went to your room and softly knocked on it and once you open it he almost fainted and chucked handed you the switch and covered his eyes becuase h doesnt know what to do 
- you just looked back up to him once he peeked an eye thought the holes of his hands 
- “..so you broke it...and thats why you hid it all these months?” 
- “ its not like that!  Swear!”
- ‘its okay..i guess, its just you coudlve told me when you did the action- and also can you still play it?”
- you could stilll play it..and I’m sorry..”
- dammit why does he looks so hot when hes bashful 
- “it’s alright...I’m not mad at you, kinda disappointed in ya but, we can always go back to the store and fix it”
- “I’m so glad that your not mad at me”
- yeah you could bet you have cuddles afterwards
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