#( we're building it up to burn it down – we can't wait to burn it to the ground ; kyan )
The Pull Of You - Part 5
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
Soulmates - Feeling the pull between each other indicates a bond. A kiss confirms it.
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Summary: You meet Steve and Bucky on a Tuesday. Steve ignores the soulmate pull, Bucky can't. There's something about you that neither can shake, even when you're wearing one of Clint's t-shirts and your unicorn slippers. After weeks of slipping into your bed Bucky decides he can't hold back anymore. He's telling you after the mission, whether Steve is all in or not. When you don't come back from the mission, they are both ready to burn the world down and the team have the matches to help. But is everything as it seems and have they been betrayed by someone on the inside.
Chapter Summary: Something is off as you approach the base.
"Plan remains the same." Steve confirmed, Captain's voice in full effect.
"Captain?" your voice quieter than usual took the team by surprise, as did the fact you'd called Steve by his rank. Steve observed you for a second before replying, noticing the wrinkles in your brow as you viewed the latest scans.
"What is it?"
"Latest scan shows the powers on."
Steve moved to stand beside you and let out a sigh.
Tony's voice came through the Quinjet's comms.
"Already on it."
Back at the compound Tony ran fresh scans and sent through all the updates to the jet. F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoed around the jet.
"It seems the data received this morning from S.H.I.E.L.D is inaccurate, the base is showing activity, power, fresh tracks in and out, minimum of thirty hostiles."
"Plan remains the same. Stay in your allocated pairs. Nat and Clint, Buck and Y/N, Pietro with me, Sam on air cover. Watch each other's six. Tony and base team standby for backup."
"Copy" echoed around the jet and from the compound.
Sam handed over landing to F.R.I.D.A.Y and jumped from the opening ramp to give air cover. You all waited for the sound of gunfire but nothing game.
"Somethings off" you muttered, Sam's agreement coming over the comms.
"Capsicle, you want to hold off? We're suiting up."
"They'll know we're here now. Let's get this done. We're sitting ducks if we wait." Steve ordered.
"Copy" echoed again round the jet and you let out a shuddered breath. Bucky squeezed your hand in reassurance, you squeezed back, not taking your eyes from the ramp.
"Y/N, knock out their power."
You pulled out a device from your utility belt, clicking it and throwing it towards the building, triggering a pulse. You pulled out a small tablet, tapping it twice and placing it back on your belt.
"Powers out. Doors are unlocked, remember you've all got master keys and fobs should you come up against anything."
"Copy, fallout." came Steve's response.
You all ran down the ramp, weapons drawn as you made your way to your points of entry. Steve and Pietro were furthest away, Nat and Clint at the first and you and Bucky at the centre point, Steve's plan based on who was fastest. Sure you weren't a super soldier but you were damn fast.
It wasn't often that Nat looked away from her point of her focus on a mission but you and Sam were right, something was off, and her gut churned as she watched you round the corner.
Nat and the team would soon discover that would be the last time they'd see you.
"You're sure on this?"
"100%, if we want to take them down, we take what's holding them together."
@imdoingbetternow @abaker74 @mcira @blackhawkfanatic
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confessedlyfannish · 7 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #9
"Are you sure about this?" J'onn asks, reading the discontent amongst the Kents. Clark and Lois each have a hand on their teenage son's shoulders, who several weeks prior was aged ten years old.
"We're sure," Clark says. He is not, nor is his wife. But his son is, who lays his hand on his mother's and squeezes. It is that surety that J'onn honors as he delves into the young (but not as young as he should be) man's mind.
The memories are hard to find but not gone, hidden behind what Jon can only see manifested as a glowing green wall. When he raises a tentative hand, the shield sparks green, but does no harm. Pushing through is like wading through the consistency of jello, which he finds an overall unpleasant experience. But he is unharmed as he passes through.
Before J'onn can sort through the memories he is all but sucked into the one at the forefront, where a Jon most similar in visage to the one recently returned perches on the edge of a building. Beside him lies a burger, partially unwrapped though uneaten, and a small soda.
As the memory builds out a sun sets on a small suburban town, and a muscled thigh knocks into Jon's, an older man with a shock of white hair and eyes the same light and color as the shield formed around these memories appearing. He's tall even sitting, likely about as tall as Superman, and looks to be in his thirties. A full body suit comprised of black and silver accents stretches across broad shoulders, a stylized D on his chest. He knocks his thigh into Jon's again.
"You said I couldn't go back," Jon says quietly.
"I lied," the man says lightly.
"You're lying now," Jon says, glaring at him. "I can hear your heart."
"Nice try, kiddo, I don't have a heart in this form," the man says, reaching a hand out, presumably to ruffle his hair. Jon dodges.
"I know you're lying. You would've told me. You would've helped me get home."
"You're protecting Clockwork, aren't you?" Jon demands, eyes beginning to burn red. "That old coot decided it wasn't enough to play with you, he had to play with me too."
The man slaps a hand over Jon's eyes. "Breathe, like we practiced," he instructs firmly. Steam rises from where his palm meets Jon's eyes, but if it hurts he shows no indication. "In, 2, 3. Out, 2, 3."
Jon whimpers but heaves a breath, and the burst of red light dies down from between the man's fingers. His hand moves down to Jon's shoulder.
"I can't pretend to understand Clockwork's decisions," the man says, as tears begin to pool in Jon's eyes. "Frankly, I don't want to. I suspect they are hard decisions to make, sometimes."
"I don't get why you defend him," Jon says. "Dumbledore acting bastard."
"Language," the man says, lightly bopping him on the head. J'onn notes the boy actually winces, as if the blow hurts.
"I am upset with him, I hope you know that," the man continues. "But at the end of the day I'm also grateful. Because I got to meet you." He hooks an arm around Jon's shoulders, pulling him in. "And now you'll get to see your family again. And Sally, Arnold, and Damian!"
Jon sniffles, rubbing roughly at his face. He leans into the man's bicep. A trusted adult figure, then. One he's described his life to. A life, J'onn is sad to note, he appears to have lived for the past six years, as opposed to a sudden shift in appearance. Jon's next question all but confirm it: "Can I really go back? It's been so long. They'll be all grown up."
"Hey, of course you can," the man says, rubbing his shoulder. "I'm sure they've missed you so much. They'll be so happy to see you again."
Jon starts to smile. "I'm going home."
"You're going home!" The man laughs, shaking him.
"I can finally eat some decent barbecue again!"
"Hey!" the man protests, "The smoker blew up one time!"
Jon continues, beginning to get excited. "And Ma will make her jalapeño cornbread! I never could get it right, I can't wait for you to try it!"
J'onn notes the older man's smile fading, eyes growing sad.
"And Damian will definitely want to spar and oh, oh! With you on our side we can totally prank Batman! I bet Alfred will even help! And Mom gives the best hugs, Pops comes really close but Mom will be really excited to meet you, everyone will."
"Jon," The man says.
"I knew you'd be worried about it, but they'll want to meet you," Jon says, clocking his expression. "They'll be grateful. You, you helped me. You kept me safe and taught me how to be Superman. They'll love you, I promise."
"Jon, I can't go with you," the man says gently.
"I'm not saying you stay, but you can visit! I'm sure the Justice League can figure out a way to maintain a portal, they're super used to all that multiverse stuff. Once they have the coordinates, you can stop by whenever!"
"I can't go through the portal, Jon," the man says. "To other worlds, I'm a god. And gods can't interfere. The only reason I can continue to live here is because this is the world of my origin."
Jon gapes at him. "But--but,"
"You're going to see your Mom and Dad again," the man says. "And your brother, and grandparents."
"I can come here, then," Jon says desperately, pushing his way out of the man's arms. The man is already shaking his head. "I can!"
"You can't."
"Why, because Clockwork says so? He's a liar!"
"Because multiverse travel is never a good idea. If you got trapped here again--"
"I wouldn't,"
"You belong with your family,"
"You're my family!" Jon cries. The man freezes. "You, and Sam, and Jazz, and Tucker and Val and Ellie and Pops and Mads, you're all my family! I can't just leave you, I won't!"
"Oh kiddo," The man says, eyes wet. "I love you too. We all do."
"So I'll stay," Jon says decisively. "For all we know my world is a wasteland. Gramps wasn't exactly right in the head when I left. It's better to stay here."
J'onn notes a green vine unwinding from a nearby trellis. It slides down the eave towards the pair.
"You don't mean that," the man is saying.
"I'm sixteen. I can make my own decisions. I'm staying."
The man cups Jon's face. "Your parents did not have a choice in losing you. I'm willing to bet they're devastated. Because I'd be devastated, losing a kid as great as you."
"Maybe they're not even there," Jon says, but the words are half-hearted, and it clearly hurts him to say them.
"I know I seem like a pushover, but if I thought Clockwork was sending you back to anything less than your loving family, I'd destroy him first. And he knows that. They're going to be there, I promise."
"I don't want to go," Jon says. Behind him, the vine rises from the eave of its own will, poised like a cobra enchanted by a snark charmer.
"I know," the man says, eyes drifting to the vine. "I'm so sorry, Jon."
"For what?" Jon asks, as the vine attaches itself to the nape of his neck. His eyes roll back as he collapses into the man's arms. The man hugs him tighter than is strictly necessary.
J'onn expects the memory to now end, alongside Jon's consciousness. To his curiosity, it does not.
"For what it's worth," a young woman spits bitterly, vines supporting her weight as she slips over the side of the roof. "I still think this is horrible." Her eyes are red and miserable.
"Seriously, team punching Dumbledore in the face," A young black man says, appearing in the air supported by a woman almost identical in appearance to the man holding Jon, down to the suit colors. They land on the rooftop.
"Are you sure about this," the dark haired woman with powers over plants asks. "Because to be honest, Danny, I'm five seconds away from punching you in the face."
"Jazz won't speak to you for months," the girl, likely his sister, points out.
"Make it a year," the man says, crossing his arms.
The man, Danny, ignores them all. He cards a hand through Jon's hair. "He'll retain the experience, but not the memories?"
"Yes, he'll be a perfect little superhero, just as you taught him," the woman says, vines twisting agitatedly around her, wrapping around her thigh, wrists and neck almost punishingly.
"Sam," the man says. "He needs to go home. All of you know that."
"He doesn't have to forget us to do so!" the sister bursts, eyes flashing green.
"Remembering would be a torment," Danny says. "He'll know he was loved. That's enough."
"Danny," the plant woman says, sitting beside them both. She puts a gentle hand on his, both on Jon's back. "This is just a different torment."
"And if someone finds out?" Danny asks. He has been patient amidst their scorn, but now a tiny edge ekes into his voice. "A god's child, unprotected? Threatened? He would never stop looking for a way back, and being vocal about it could get him killed."
The others are silent.
"He'll be home. He'll be happy," Danny says. More powerful than a prayer. A directive. He raises his head past the child slumbering in his lap, past them all, face hardening, and says to J'onn: "And you will say nothing."
J'onn takes a step back, fear so thick he could choke on it flooding his very being. Thismanwillkillhim, thismanwillkillhim.
This man will reach through dimensions and kill him.
"Now, get the fuck out of my kid's head," Danny snarls. J'onn is pushed back with enough force he enters his own mind in a vicious whirl that leaves him physically on the floor, gasping.
"I'm sorry," he says as Superman rushes to lift him, and he's not sure who he's apologizing to. Green eyes will pierce his dreams. Vines will crush his throat in his nightmares, screaming silence, silence.
You will say nothing.
"I'm sorry," J'onn says, politely pushing Clark's hands away as he rises. He's already beginning to calm, because he understands. Those are consequences he will not face. He will do as directed. He looks at Jon Kent, bewildered but unharmed, clutching his mother's hand.
J'onn reaches down and dusts at his pants. "I'm sorry," he says evenly, ready to spin his tale. Perhaps the Kents will continue to seek their answers. Perhaps not. He will stay out of it either way. He has been warned.
You were loved by gods. And to keep you safe, they would quiet us all.
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writeforfandoms · 4 months
Homeward Bound 1
Find the series masterlist
Welcome to my newest wip, because dragons are my absolute favorite fantasy creature. Also, please leave canon at the door, this is a full on fantasy AU we're now entering.
Seriously. I have so much world building already done for this. Come ask me questions.
We've got a bit of a slow burn, dragons, baby dragons, and drama. What more could you want?
Eventual Simon Riley x f!reader
Warnings: Swearing, fantasy au rules, literal dragons.
Word count: 1k
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You huffed as, yet again, Kyle and John invaded the nesting area. They had gotten more polite over the last weeks, but still. 
Truly, though, you couldn't entirely blame them. They were both in the group for this upcoming Hatching, and were very eager. John had been passed over last time, and Kyle was new this time. 
You would never tell them, but you had a good feeling for them, for this season. 
“Quiet down,” you told them, stern and no-nonsense, refusing to smile at their silliness. 
“Aw, we jus’ wanted te see,” John wheedled, his northern accent still strong despite his time in the capital. 
You rolled your eyes. “Quietly, then,” you stressed, taking a quick look round. Most of the dragons were still calm, only one or two first timers fidgety and anxious. Good enough. Nothing to fuss over. 
Kyle nodded eagerly, making a face at John. But the two were quick to look around the nests, whispering to each other. 
You just closed your eyes and leaned back in your seat. They'd be fine. And if they weren't, they'd get hissed at. 
Good enough. 
Yawning briefly, you blinked lazily up at the ceiling of the cave, which stretched far above your head. Strategic perches had been hewn into the rock over generations of dragons, giving plenty of spaces above the hatching grounds for the dragons to observe. The seating had been added for humans to observe, long before you. 
In a matter of weeks, the seats would be filled, and the cave would be the site of great joy once again. 
Kyle cleared his throat softly, prompting you to look at him instead of the ceiling. You raised one eyebrow in silent question. 
“You know best,” he murmured with a little smile. “How are they looking?”
“Healthy,” you murmured. “No issues that I can see. It's a good clutch this year.” 
“Good.” Kyle smiled, clearly pleased. “That's good to hear.” 
“You don't have long to wait now,” you encouraged gently, taking pity on the young man. 
He nodded, looking at the nests and the mothers with something akin to awe in his eyes. “Not long,” he agreed in a murmur. 
Your lips twitched in a smile, a little against your will. You had appearances to maintain, after all. “Go on,” you murmured. “Either go say hi to some of them, or go elsewhere.”
He shot you a look, a little startled and a little betrayed, but he nodded. He made the smart choice and went to the silver near you, greeting her. He'd be fine. 
You, instead, looked for John to make sure he wasn't getting into trouble. It took you a moment to spot him, way out by Ilsbet. Rather to your surprise, she had tucked him into her nest. 
Could be first-timer instincts, although most first-time mothers went the other way and drove everyone away from their nests… 
You meandered your way over there, smiling when Ilsbet chirruped at you in greeting, stretching her head out to gently nudge your shoulder. “Hi, sweetheart,” you murmured, scratching under her chin. “You seem to have a pest in your nest.” 
“Oi!” John's indignation was muffled somewhat. 
Ilsbet purred, trying to encourage you closer. Probably so she could tuck you into her nest along with John. 
“No, sweetheart.” You patted her nose. “I can't. We've talked about this, remember?” 
She drooped, massive green body only squishing John a little. He oofed. 
“Oh come now,” you scolded gently. “None of that, hm? Or your rider will insist I'm tormenting you.” 
“Are you not?” The dry question came from behind you. 
You didn't jump, but you did slowly turn to look. Ilsbet's rider was big and broad, blonde hair kept short, the usual fabric covering the lower half of his face. Brown eyes stared at you, impassive and unimpressed. 
“No, Simon. I am not tormenting your dragon.” You kept your tone flat as you spoke to him, none of the teasing warmth you had for Ilsbet coming through. 
Simon grunted once and stepped around you, staring down at John in his dragon's nest. “Out.” 
“But–” John started to protest. 
“Out,” Simon repeated, crossing his arms over his chest. 
John sighed but got out of the nest carefully. Ilsbet didn't even notice, busy purring and chirping at her rider. You did catch a glimpse of four eggs, shells still soft beige flecked with gold. Good. 
You were quick to back off and leave Simon alone. He was notorious for being difficult to get close to, even among the riders. And since this was Ilsbet's first time nesting… Well. You expected him to be extra grumpy. 
But the hatching wasn't that far away now, thankfully. 
You made your way back over to your seat, settling down again. In a little while, you'd check on the mothers, see if they needed anything. See if you could get another count on the eggs. 
But that would be in a little bit. For now, you found Kyle and John, watching them talk quietly. Your gaze wandered back to Simon, taking in the breadth of his shoulders, the way his body language had softened as he spoke to his dragon. 
He did have a heart. You'd known that, of course. You'd been at the hatching when he'd been selected. Dragons didn't select people who were heartless. 
Although how such a sweet dragon had selected someone as reserved as Simon… You would never understand. 
John and Kyle left, and Simon left not long after them. Your domain returned to quiet, the sand warm even through your shoes. All was as it should be. 
You breathed out slowly, eyes drooping half-closed again. This was better. 
Not too much longer until the hatching. 
Not that you went a single day without seeing Simon, as he came in to check on Ilsbet often. It was almost like he didn't trust you. 
Honestly, you weren't sure if it was just you, or if he was just like that in general. After several days of dealing with him, you were inclined to think he was just like that. 
Well. The hatching would be over soon, and then it was unlikely you'd see much of him for three more years.
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Neighbour!Eddie x Neighbour! Reader
Knock, knock.
Chapter Warnings: 18+ for smut in later parts if you are under 18 you do not belong here, be gone.
AFAB reader, use of the nickname sweetheart. Eddie pov. Reader pov. Fluff, yearning, awkward flirting, angst, jealous reader, depressive state, comfort, mentions of past toxic relationships, dubious explanations of electricals, stress. Strong language. Nightmares. Whispers in the walls. Horror/creepy vibes.
See Masterlist for full list of warnings.
Author note: Thank you for the love on the last chapter, you beautiful humans. I offer to you a vignette chapter that has a bit of everything, some burning in our slow burn between these two
Featuring some new… guests.
As always, all my love to @bettyfrommars @allthingsjoeq and @somnambulic-thing for writing the original prompt that birthed this weird little world and being wonderful.
Extra thanks to Somna for beta reading and letting me use their green carpet Eddie edit for the header💙.
Reblogs and comments are much appreciated. Love you bye.
Part 7 - Vignette knots in Lachesis's thread.
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“They moved the door.” one whispers
“They moved the door?”
“They moved the door.”
“Broke the hinges.” another hisses
“It doesn't fit.”
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He's not as quiet as he thinks he is.
It's an obvious hush.
One that floats through the silence of the morning, the cadence of his footsteps is soft but he's all elbows and heavy hands, clumsy movements and low mumbling.
The sound travels in under your bedroom door and pulls you gently from a reality you can't recall, you always drift back under once you hear him leave.
The sound of your alarm however, once chosen because of the relatively pleasant sound now grates immediately and has you reaching out blindly to turn it off as quickly as possible.
Stumbling from your room, the morning sun blinds you as it coats the walls in amber.
Cotton mouth and achy joints accompanying you as you stretch your arms above your head, a breath pausing in your chest as you spot the paper sticking out from underneath your front door.
Heavy ink is partially visible through the page as you pick it up, the paper folded twice into a rough square, the creases off centre and you flick the fanned edges which stick out as you start your morning.
You don't read it yet, you wait until there's hot tea and toast which is overdone on one side to accompany his words. Building a little excitement into the morning before the day gets going into a predictable routine.
Your knuckles press into your grin as your eyes finally take it in.
The first read is always a hurried intake of words, greedily consuming what he has to say. You'll read it again with more clarity once the sleep has been washed from you.
But his plans for the day aren't why you're smiling, there's a second page
“Thought I'd make you a character sheet.”
Apparently you're a rogue, and he's drawn you or, a version of you anyway. It's all crude black lines and blue ballpoint shading, you're grinning, nose high.
“Chaotic good.”
He graces you with the ability to make your own back story but.
“Within reason, I've been writing something in case you ever want to play while we're trapped in the planes.”
A rogue.
You look down at yourself, standing in off white underwear and a t-shirt with bleach stains littering the hems.
Sunlight dapples over the paper where your character stares back at you, and your thumb traces the shape of a sun that rests over the chest.
Emotion bubbles up your throat and you shake your head to rid yourself of it.
Your tea is going cold.
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“We cannot keep it out.” One says.
“The tide is sprawling.”
“It's imperceptible, they don't know.”
“Like the frog that slowly boils.” says another.
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A rouge, only dressed in cotton and oversized socks.
He's starting to wonder again if he's made this all up, if you're a character he's imagined. He'd have a little more control over you though if that was the case, right?
“Do you have to go fucking near it.”
You turn to look over your shoulder at him, eyes sparkling with mischief.
He doesn't know how you're so calm, it's a dream you keep on saying, but it all feels pretty fucking real to him.
His hands itch to pull you back, keep you away, but instead he chews his lip, arms crossed tightly as he watches you with a frown.
“It's fine, I'm just looking.”
Your socked feet toe the line between the back of your couch and the abyss which hums lowly.
It's a near perfect match for the sound that made him feel like he was going to puke up a lung, but it's low, far away and it's the only thing that has come from it in the weeks since.
He still refuses to get close to it though.
He had graduated from sitting on the floor by the light to sitting on the arm of his couch, it juts out at a 90 degree angle from the centre of your own, far enough away to feel acceptable.
Then you'd said he “looked like Gollum perched there.”
So out of spite, he refuses to even go near it again.
You'd apologised, tried to pull him back over, but he's nothing but dedicated to the bit, or stubborn whichever you want to call it.
“You said it could be another world-”
“Full of shit that will suck out your soul.”
His tempers flaring anxiety making his skin feel too tight as he watches you.
“You're not even a tiny bit curious?”
The feeling evaporates as you approach him, arms falling to his side as he rolls his eyes at the same argument you've had almost every time you've seen him since he showed you those books.
“I just don't want to be sucked into oblivion," he says, pressing his fingers to his chest and leaning toward you.
You raise your eyebrows, a smile escaping through pressed lips “What you're into is your own business. ”
He falters at your words.
“Th..That doesn't even make sense.” he tries, his usual quick comebacks are turning to ash and leaving his mind blank as his back straightens uncomfortably.
You just shrug still smiling, and he avoids your eyes, willing his brain to think of something other than… Shit.
He looks past you, eyes searching for something to stop you looking at him.
A coaster sits on the side and he picks it up, turns it over in his hands, and throws it into the void.
It's swallowed without a sound.
Your head whips around to follow it and he slumps.
“Hey! What the hell?”
He goes to speak, something snarky about being ‘curious’ but the wind’s knocked from him as it comes hurtling back, hitting him square in the chest and bouncing limply onto the floor.
His hand immediately grabs at the place it hit, eyes wide and heart thrumming too quick.
You snort loudly from beside him and his eyes dart to you.
“That's not funny.” He says, voice pinched a little as he still grips his shirt.
Muffled laughter slips between your fingers that are now clasped over your mouth and you shake your head.
His nostrils flare, temples already aching from the frown he's wearing, but the longer he looks at you, mirth crinkling the side of your eyes as you try not to laugh, the more he struggles to maintain it.
He sucks at his teeth, eyebrows raising.
“You finished?”
Your eyes flit to the dark and another bubble of laughter breaks free when you look back at him.
“Can you stop going near it, before something grabs you.”
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“Boundaries made by man hold little ground,” says one pacing.
“Broken ones even less, the tides will spill.”
“Fix it.” spits another.
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The days are still long, office life mundane, but the weeks are starting to pass a little quicker.
Home's finally becoming the reprieve that you desperately need, but today the hours have felt longer than you thought possible.
You'd woken like this, a little numb for no reason, a little frayed and tender despite the 8 hours of dreamless sleep. You couldn't shake it, the feeling of ghosts hanging around your neck all day.
Now, the last strands of you are snapping, coming undone with every minute that you wait for the god damn elevator.
It never arrives, and you drag yourself up the stairs at a snail's pace, passing the metal gate that's ajar on the second floor, taunting you.
You don't get on it out of spite.
Your door looms back at you when you reach it, rough wood and mismatched frame, you swallow harshly.
You thought you would feel better when you got home.
But the door feels heavier than usual, muscles in your arm biting out in protest at the force needed to open it and you wince as you fall in the threshold.
A distant chime makes you pause as you slam it closed.
A warped, ringing.
He didn't.
It rings again
He did.
“You bought a bell.” You exhale the words more than you say them, they're meant to hold laughter, but your voice barely lilts.
“I am but a merciful roommate.” He rings it again. “Found it at a thrift store for a buck.”
The sound floats oddly down to you from the scar, gnarled protrusions singing, it makes your teeth sit on edge.
You try to smile to yourself, wordlessly pulling yourself over to the couch and collapsing back as the silence hangs, thick and suffocating.
“Thought you'd be more into it, unless you're secretly into me scaring you” He laughs, but it's a little hollow and you cringe to yourself.
“No,” you say, squeezing your eyes closed, “thanks it's funny. Sorry.”
The silence drags out again, you know he's still there, the lack of heavy footsteps that follow him everywhere absent as you curl into yourself a little. You just want to be alone, want him to leave, want-.
“You okay?”
The question catches somewhere in your chest, like fabric caught in a zipper,makes your breath feel a little uneven.
Because you are okay, it's just.
“I'm fine, it's just, I'm. I'm probably going to hang out in my room tonight. I won't be much company“
“Oh, yeah, uh sure.”
You sit up, an outline of clothing and belongings left in your wake as you move to close out the world.
“You know,” he starts, voice curling down and around you “I'm like here, if you need to talk, or whatever.”
Your footsteps falter, head turning to look toward the crumbling plaster that stares back.
You hug yourself, willing the feeling away.
“Yeah, I know. Thanks Eddie.”
You crawl into bed, not bothering to fully change, just hoping that you will sleep and the tightness in your chest will be gone when you wake.
Sleep doesn't come though, hours passing with eyes closed, consciously drifting in white noise and darkness.
You're not sure what time it is when you hear it, the faint sound of music playing behind the wall, it makes you adjust from where your head’s been buried beneath blankets.
He's playing guitar.
Something soft and repetitive.
A knock sounds against the wall.
You don't knock back, but the weight around your neck lessons a little.
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“It didn't work.” One whispers
“They can't be here, if we know.”
“They do too.” another finishes.
“I can hear them already, their laughter’s like mould.”
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“Do you write a lot of your own stuff?” Your voice is muffled a little from where your head rests awkwardly against the arm of the couch so you can watch him play.
He's moved the couch, a compromise born of an argument the last time you were here.
He didn't want to be anywhere near the abyss, you wanted to keep an eye on it despite it not doing, well anything lately really.
So the couch was moved, backed up towards the wall of light where you now lie watching Eddie, he’s lying on the threadbear carpet adjacent to where your door should be. Playing songs and telling you stories of teenage boys making noise in a garage somewhere in nowhere Indiana.
“Yeah, but I mean we still play the classics, you know, gets the crowd going when there's something they all know.”
He looks relaxed for possibly the first time, that you've seen. Speaking to you with his head tilted, eyes soft and stories of his life tumbling out as you listen.
His fingers lazily pluck a tune as he pries his eyes from you and stares at the ceiling, a low hum falling from his chest as he plays you a song you don't know.
It's almost peaceful, and you take in the halo of hair around him, black tee riding up so alabaster skin shows the start of a tattoo you can't make out, fingers moving, practised motions over the strings.
You blink away the stare, shifting awkwardly and swallowing as your eyes flit up to his which are now closed.
“So do you think you will get together sometime soon?” You say around your tongue which suddenly feels too big for your mouth.
“Last time I saw Grant he said Ruby’s sleeping now, so hopefully we can get in some practice, but it's whatever.” he sighs, fingers pausing their movements. “Everyone's busy, it's fine.”
“It's nice they're so close though.”
He gives you a thoughtful look. It's only for a moment but you see it.
You'd taken him up on his offer to talk, hand forced slightly after your ex had changed his number and managed to call you one night while Eddie was narrating a game show you'd never heard of.
Then it all came out, he'd been quiet, let you talk until you ran out of breath. Then he'd been, sweet, funny and then a little angry. You'd made him promise to just forget about it and he hadn't brought it up since.
But now, every time he speaks about his friends you can see him remember, his face changing, a pause in his words that tells you he's gone somewhere else in his head.
“Eddie.” you warn pulling him back.
A wet rhythmic sound comes from the abyss cutting you off from scolding him.
It gurgles, pops and slithers from different points and Eddie crawls quickly up onto the couch beside you.
Then it's gone, as fast as it came.
The drip sounds louder than before in the silence that's left behind.
You look over the impersonation of your shared living space for anything that may be lurking and realise, his hands holding your forearm, side pressed against yours, like he's ready to drag you away.
You look from where it rests to his face which is still trained on the darkness.
At least you have him.
Kind of.
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“They will see it soon, surely.” One says.
“They must.”
“They ignore it.” says another.
“They blind each other.”
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“Thought he was just sending a mic, shit.” he mumbles, box heavy in his arms as he takes the stairs two at a time.
He feels giddy like a kid on Christmas, it has been a long ass 6 weeks.
The fact you had been paid and ordered your mic, only for it to be delivered the next day made him antsy, checking the mail every day only to be left disappointed.
He's tired of talking into empty space, your voice dipping in and out while he sits uncomfortably in the spots where he can hear you the best.
He wants it to feel, real.
It's too early for you to be home, but he wants to be ready and he barges into the apartment heading straight for the kitchen.
The drawer rattles loudly as he throws it open, and he lets it hang on its runners as he rams a pair of scissors into the layers of tape at the box's seam.
Thick black words tear in half on the address label.
“Sir Eddie Munson”
A letter rests on top and he disgards it, diving into bubble wrap and more layers of tape, shredding the wrapping until he reveals cables, metal boxes and a short boxy mic with a stand.
He stares at it all, displayed out between the ripped apart wrapping and scratches at his jaw.
He's not sure it will work, but if he could pick up your music when the stereo’s were close and you could pick up his then he doesn't see why you couldn't use it sort of like an amp. Speak through it to each other.
Obviously he couldn't tell Henderson that.
“I don't know why you need all this.”
He rolls his eyes, Dustin's voice ringing out inside his head as he reads the letter.
“It's going to sound like shit. Plus you already have a mic and an amp. ”
Had, he thinks bitterly and swallows the irritation that follows the memory of selling them .
He skims over the rambling, half a page of it before the kid finally tells him how to set it up.
He can't just plug it in; he knows that there's no output but it's still pretty simple compared to the convoluted explanations that Dustin’s written, diagrams and all.
He tests it, his voice coming quietly through the speaker as the green light on the screen sits dimly displaying ‘unknown input.’
The sound of your door opening and slamming against the wall makes him jump, a bolt of excitement coming with it.
He falls over his feet through the living room, whipping around before he spots it.
The bell rings out shrill and loud and your laughter fills the space with it.
“You know the bell's kind of redundant if I can hear you running around trying to find it.”
He grins at your snark, “I guess you don't want to know what came in the mail for me today then.”
“It came?!”
Your excitement sends another thrill through him and he grins as you tell him to wait, your belongings clattering as you drop them and you run to get your own stuff.
“Okay. So we set it up where it was the first time?” You say voice coming back to him.
Last time, it seems like so long ago. Before you'd even strolled into his mind in mismatched pyjamas, when he thought he might be dead, for a minute.
He flicks it back on, the small screen turning pale green again, and his eyes widen as it brightens, numbers rolling across it in quick succession, the silence crackles.
Your voice comes out through the speaker strong and close and it almost knocks the wind from him as a grin splits his face.
“Did it work?”
“Shit. Hi.” he says, the grin he’s wearing is already aching.
“It works!” The excitement in your voice is palpable, a slight echo ringing out at the volume of it as it leaks through the air.
“Do you think it's just against this wall? Move over to the other side.”
Before he can say anything the line cuts out, screen returning to normal and his stomach drops.
“Are you coming?” your voice calls out from a little further away.
He laughs to himself, feigning irritation “Gimme a second this thing weighs like 30lbs.” He unplugs the behemoth and piles the wires on top, then stares into the empty space.
“Where are you?”
Excitement runs through him, clumsy fingers and hands arranging things quickly in a rush to hear you again.
The switch clicks on and he leans in ready to speak when screeching static roars out, the numbers flying by on the screen in a blur, its increasing in volume like the sound is crawling down the wires.
He yanks the cord out.
“Okay, not there.” You say, nervous laughter evident in the air around him.
His pounding heart slows as he braces a hand on the sideboard.
“Let's try the bedrooms.” Your voice is hesitant as it drifts away and he looks over the wall before turning around as if he'll see you there waiting, he unplugs everything and walks away.
The bedroom works, he should probably say something about what just happened, but you haven't mentioned it either.
Ignoring it is easy when he's here, the worry soon drowned out by laughter and a soft mattress beneath him.
It's comfortable, simple and he doesn't want to leave.
He's ignoring the time.
But you're not.
“Don't you have work?”
He groans, “Yeah.” he looks at the spot beside him where the stereo leans awkwardly against the pillows.
You should be sitting there.
“Think of the money. Work that Munson charm you always tell me about.”
“Tell you about?” he says, pursing his lips and tipping his head back softly against the wall.
“Mhmmm.” There's a tease there in the sound that makes his inside flicker.
“So, you want me to leave?” he says, pitching his voice a little low and equally teasing, a pause follows making him squint, maybe he's read this completely wrong.
“I didn't say that.” Your voice is soft, a little quieter, he expected laughter or an over the top tease.
It catches him off guard, and he nods to himself as a smile creeps onto his face, it drops as he glances over to the clock, he's going to be late.
He takes one last look over your adjoining wall.
“Sweet dreams sweetheart”
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“The threads are fraying.” one says, pacing. 
“Like spider webs.”
“They're caught, wrapped up.” whispers another. 
“Like flies.”
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Light pours through the dark windows throwing light over him, but he casts no shadow. 
“She got it on her like, second go. I swear, that kid's going to be playing the garden before she's out of highschool”
His feet knock against the cabinets below him, the noise ricocheting around the narrow kitchen as you listen to him ramble from your place leaning against the wall across from him. 
A story about his last lesson of the day has bled into tangents, multitudes of stories pouring from him about teaching Lizzy.
It's cute, and you've listened in rapt attention as he gushes about her, but the longer he talks the more you have to hold up your smile. 
“You care about her a lot,” you say, nails dragging bluntly over a bump on your upper arm, not quite meeting his eye “her mom sounds cool too.”
“Oh fuck yeah, she's the best.” He says leaning forward from where he's sat on the counter. 
“Honestly Lizzy wouldn't play half as good if her mom hadn't started her off, I'm just, refining.”He gives you jazz hands and you manage a small smile. 
You can imagine them all, raucous laughter, easy interactions. Warmth and hot drinks, maybe a couple of beers at the holidays. 
It's making you feel sick. 
And it's stupid. 
You know it is. 
So you swallow it. 
But he's perceptive, irritatingly so and his head tips to the side, as big brown eyes try to catch yours.
You can't let him, he'll see. 
That you're jealous, in the most mundane way. 
Jealous of the people who get to walk down the street with him, go grocery shopping with him, cook with him, watch the skies change over the course of a day with him.
So your feet carry you away, to the end of the room. “Maybe Corroded Coffin and her can go on tour some day.”
You hear his feet hit the floor behind you, plaster and dirt being knocked aside as you draw marks in the dust on the counter,  back facing him. You can feel him looking at you and you peek over your shoulder at him. 
“What?” Your voice is small and you cough to cover it. Smiling in a faux confusion that you're hoping will make him leave it alone, but he only mimics your expression. 
“What's wrong?”
“You're being weird.”
“No I'm not.” You clench your teeth at how defensive your tone is, turning to face him fully and leaning back.
“Yeah, you are. We were talking then you just.” he waves a hand over your face. Eyes lingering on yours and pinning you to the counter 
Please leave it be, you plead into your mind and it's like he heard it, saw it maybe, because his eyes flit away.
He flicks up the lid of a pizza box, making a small sound of approval before pulling out a slice. 
“Don't eat that.'' You say nose wrinkled and he pauses, slice mid way to his mouth. 
“It's still good, I had it for dinner.”
“That's not the issue.” Your laugh is small but it's there and the tension in your chest lifts a little at the change of subject. “It's pizza from here.” 
He shrugs, going to take a bite and you pull at his arm. 
“You can't be hungry, we're sleeping.”
“It's fine.” he pulls away his arm and you grimace at him as he takes a bite, his face thoughtful and over exaggerated as he chews. 
“You're going to be sick.” You say as you watch him.
It's a sly grin he gives you after he swallows, and he leans in so his face inches closer to yours. 
He pulls off another bite, chewing around a smile.
“You're gross.” You can't help the genuine smile in your voice and he grins in return. 
Behind the wall away from prying eyes, the darkness twitches at its edges, the scar sparking in time.
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“Enough.” says One. 
“They will not listen.”
“They cannot, they do not understand.”
“Make them.” Says another standing.
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Speaking through the stereo has become the new norm over shouting at each other through the ether.
It's odd that a little clarity in his voice feels like such a monumental change, but the ease of just picking up the mic and knowing you'll be able to sit and speak without straining to hear him makes it so much easier to fall into conversation.
Words that were usually kept for morning letters or when you met in your sleep are said over dinner, he reads books aloud to you when there's nothing good on TV, it's comfortable, easy.
There's always been a disconnect, a barrier of the surreal that meant it was easy to switch off, but now.
It's domestic.
You hear him pad over, back from a shower that was needed, “to wash the last house offa him”.
The mic crackles to life across from you “So.”
“So?” You say leaning into it, eyes still trained on your TV as you look for something to watch.
“You got any plans for, sleeping?”
“Any plans for sleeping?” you tease.
“Yeah you know, I'm just pretty tired so I might not be up for reading and, I mean I'll probably head to bed round… 10. So if you want to, carry on.. ”
“I'm pretty tired,” you say, failing to fight off a smile.
“Yeah? Cool, okay. So, what you doing? ”
It's not like you hadn't arranged to meet up in the planes before, but lately the reasons to meet there were less about wanting to explore what lay there and more just wanting to, be there.
As you drift to sleep and then slowly wake to the sound of the drip it sends adrenaline through you, no longer just because of the nightmare-scape that waits outside your door.
He appears through the light as you walk around the edge of the puddle, still slowly growing outside your bedroom door.
Book in hand, thumb jammed between the pages where you left off and a grin on his face.
He looks warm.
Face flushed, hair a mess, sweats hanging off lanky limbs. Comfortable.
“Shall we continue?” He shakes the book in his hand and nods his head towards the couch.
A whisper, in the back of your head that appears from time to time tells you that you're going to regret this.
This isn't right.
What good could come of this?
You smother it.
It's an awkward dance that proceeds you both taking opposing sides of the couch, both deciding to have your feet up, knees curled against the back pillows.
Then he starts.
The couch cushion’s soft beneath your head as you listen, his rings glinting in the light where he holds the book against his knees.
He forgot to take them off again.
Every character has a different voice, memorised words flowing easily from him and you can tell when he finds himself funny, his eyes lifting to yours to see if his inflection has you grinning.
He was made to tell stories.
You're not sure when it started or who started it.
The slow conscious rearrangement of your legs that's closing the gap between you, but both of your feet are edging, painfully slow towards the centre of the couch.
It's not like you've never touched the guy and you're a goddamn adult but, fuck if this doesn't have you feeling like you're back in high-school, all nervous intention covered up in a nonchalant guise
Striped socked toes stretch and adjust towards you and you pretend not to see.
You wait a few minutes, nerves twitching at the muscles in your legs, you nudge yours a little closer and catch his eyes flitting from the book to your feet, he doesn't miss a word, but adjusts himself so that his foot's now parallel to yours.
You press your foot down into the couch cushion and it moves forward a fraction, a fraction more than you thought it would and your foot’s brushing up the side of his.
His voice falters, and you bite your cheek to stifle the smile that's threatening to break out.
He reads on, his toe coming up to rub gently against your ankle, and you're drowning in petulant butterflies which want to crawl out your throat, you lean into it returning the gesture.
Risking a look up, you watch as he talks through a smile.
Something from the corner of your eye flashes in the dark, but when you turn there's nothing there.
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There's a sound.
Is it the sea?
It dips in and out.
You can't see, your body erased by dense black.
Your feet carry you forward nonetheless.
There's one light, a thin line which stretches over your head to infinity, both in front of you and behind.
Your voice ricochets back at you from all angles, varying volumes and delays making you flinch and turn in place.
You keep walking, footsteps making no sound.
Dread builds the further you go, the overwhelming sense of everything being wrong.
It's suffocating.
You try to stray from the path you've been walking, but your feet won't move any faster and the line above you never moves from your line of sight, always stretching out to show you a path to nothing, no matter which way you turn.
Then it starts to shake.
Like somebody's pulling the ends taught, causing it to vibrate. The sound of a storm surrounds you, and you watch in unfounded horror as the light breaks, fraying and falling apart, pieces caught and swept away by gusts that you can't feel.
Then it's gone.
No sound.
No light.
No up or down, you're not even sure you can feel your feet on the ground anymore.
You're adrift in nothing.
Panic rises to almost the point of hysteria. You can't even move.
“You're not meant to be here.” Comes a voice spoken against the crown of your head.
The scream that rips out your throat rattles your chest as you thrash in the dark.
Frantic knocking comes from behind you but your blood’s still pounding in your ears.
Kicking away your blankets, you back-up until you meet cold wall and the radio beside your bed crackles to life.
The worlds coming into focus too quickly, pixelated shadows dancing in the dark.
Eddie's calling your name almost as frantic as you.
“Sweetheart, I'm fucking begging you here!”
His voice makes its way to you finally, a sob wracking you as you try to breathe, turning on the light, trembling hands pull his voice towards you as far as wire will permit.
You push your head into your knee cradling the microphone to your chest.
“A dream.” you choke out.
“It was just a dream.”
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
Hi, I have an Eva request!
So she was giving reader her first "therapy" session and when asking what her biggest secret she's hiding is, reader is like "the fact i really wish you'd go down on me" 😫🙌🏽
Secret Thoughts
Pairing: Eva x bisexual!reader
ANOOOOOON. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST. I literally can't thank you enough holy shit. I hope you enjoy this :) also shout out to my fellow bisexuals (as well as all the other gays who happen to be attracted to women😌)
Warning(s): smut ofc, this is basically straight porn. y/n use.
Summary: During one of your sessions with Eva, you can't help but spill a secret you didn't think you would. Eva is thrilled to hear it and decides to fulfill your request.
Word count: 1.9k
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~~~~~~18+ MINORS DNI~~~~~~
"Ah you came! Come sit down" Eva hugged you before moving to close the doors behind you.
You sat down on the chair that was facing Eva’s and you looked at her, nervous as she sat down.
She wasn't very far away if you were being honest, your leg bounced rapidly as you suppressed the thoughts coming through your head.
She watched you with her piercing blue eyes and a small smirk played at her lips, making you want to shrink into your chair but instead you glanced away, unable to keep eye contact.
"So" you cleared your throat.
"Is this like...therapy?" You asked, glancing back at her.
She let out a small chuckle before answering,
"No, think of this as a bonding experience for the two of us, which should be easy, considering how drawn I feel to you" her slightly hooded eyes seemed to drop down to your lips and you suddenly felt butterflies erupt in your stomach
"Alright, so here's how this is gonna work," Eva started as her eyes shot back up to yours, startling you.
"I'm going to snap, and every time I snap, you're going to say your name. Think of it as a grounding point. And we're going to keep building on that grounding point, so it can be strong. Like you." her eyes dropped to your hands and she brushed her fingertips along them.
you nodded doltishly and she pulled her hand, along with her body, away from yours.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss the contact already.
Eva leaned back in her chair and snapped her fingers.
"What's your name?"
"So y/n, let's start with something simple, why are you here with us?" Eva asked with a low voice.
"As embarrassing as it is, you found me crying on the sidewalk after my boyfriend broke up with me and kicked me out," you said sheepishly.
Her smile slightly faded at the mention of your ex-boyfriend.
"Yeah, I remember."
"Why did he break up with you?"
"Well, he said there was 'someone else'." You did air quotes.
Eva's frown deepened before she went back to a neutral expression and snapped her fingers.
"Have you ever been with anyone other than your ex?"
Curiosity glistened in Eva's eyes as she waited for you to respond.
"Mmm, yeah, there was a girl," you started, watching Eva's face for any reactions.
A smile pulled at her lips and you felt your insides melt.
"We dated for a while but it didn't end up working out, even so, our relationship was better than Derrick and me. I'm thinking of going full lesbian after him." You stated truthfully.
Her eyebrows raised at your confession and she unfolded her hands, bringing her chair a bit forward and closer to you so your knees were almost touching.
You suddenly felt very aware, and you sat up as she settled in her chair, watching-
Analyzing- you.
You felt your breath Hitch as her eyes slowly seemed to be undressing you.
When her eyes met yours once again, you clenched your jaw, trying to keep your mouth from saying anything crazy, but the weird thing was, you felt like telling Eva everything for some reason.
You were jerked from your thoughts when you heard a snap.
Eva's voice was now seemingly lower and a bit husky.
Fire burned through your veins as you opened your mouth to answer her prompt.
Eva leaned in towards you, you felt yourself slightly go forward as well.
"What's your biggest secret?" She looked at you through hooded eyes, darting between both of yours before they settled on your lips.
She licked her own lips before letting her teeth drag against her lower lip.
It felt like she was torturing you.
The smell of her perfume seemed to surround you and occlude all of your senses, causing your thoughts to be surrounded by haze.
You felt hypnotized by her.
"My biggest secret is I want you to go down on me so bad right now" you breathed out.
Your eyes widened at your own words as soon as they left your mouth. Eva smirked.
"Yeah?" She simply asked.
You felt a jolt in your stomach, you couldn't even explain the hold this woman had over you if you tried.
"Yeah" you simply stated.
"Well, why didn't you tell me baby?" She said, chuckling lowly, her eyes dropped down to her hand as she ran it up your thigh slowly.
You stared at her with your mouth hanging open and her eyes met yours once again.
"Answer me."
"I-I don't know" you said, your chest starting to rise and fall quicker as she used her other hand to slip up your shirt.
"Well I'm glad it's not a secret anymore" she leaned in closer and ghosted her lips over yours
"Eva" you whined.
"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked.
"I've been wanting to hear my name come from your pretty little lips like that since the day I first saw you" she said huskily.
You moaned before smashing your lips into hers.
You felt her hand slip under your bra as she ran her thumb over your hardened nipple.
You moaned into her mouth causing her to chuckle darkly.
"God you're so sexy" you groaned "I want you so bad" and she captured your lips in another heated kiss.
She pulled away from the kiss, taking her hand out from under your shirt before resting her forehead against yours as the two of you panted heavily.
You were surprised as she got up and pushed her chair back. She sat down on her knees, looking up at you.
You could cum at the sight alone.
She spread your legs open and slotted herself in between them, you felt your heart speed up.
She bit her lip and hooked her finger in the waistband of your loose sweatpants.
You lifted your hips up to let her remove them, almost moaning at the sight of how hungry she looked staring at your soaked lace underwear.
"God look at you, so wet for me already that you've ruined your panties" she moaned, licking her lips.
You spread your legs wider, your back slightly arched in the chair as you moaned for her desperately.
"Eva please, I need you" you gasped.
"You're so good for me, keep moaning my name like that" Eva groaned, bending down between your legs.
She pressed her tongue against your clothed center causing pleasure to explode low in your stomach.
Your hand shot into her hair and you grabbed it, pushing her tongue harder against you.
You felt her laugh, which vibrated through your body, causing you to shiver.
She wrapped her mouth around your clit through the thin lace and you moaned loudly as she sucked on it.
"Eva, please holy shit, take them off" you moaned feverishly.
"So impatient angel" she chuckled as she hooked her delicate fingers in the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down when you lifted your hips.
Eva reveled in the sight before her, licking her lips and groaning.
She pulled your hips forward and then held your thighs open as she went back in between your legs to taste you fully this time.
Your jaw dropped open as soon as her tongue made contact and you felt her moan vibrate through your whole body.
She licked your slit up to your clit before pulling back.
You felt your stomach burn with fire as you watched her sit back onto her knees, her hands still on your thighs.
Eva's eyes were closed as she took in the taste of you.
When she opened them her dark blue eyes looked up at you causing you to let out a whine.
"God, you taste so good baby" Eva groaned, licking her lips.
You moaned loudly, bucking your hips towards her.
"Don't worry angel, I haven't had of you enough yet" she smirked before moving in between my thighs again.
You let out a languid moan feeling your walls clench, pumping out more wetness that Eva happily lapped up with a flat tongue against your core.
Your hand made its way into her hair once again as she stuck her tongue inside you.
"Holy fucking shit" you moaned out, chest heaving as Eva ate you out like she was starving.
She moaned into your core as she felt your walls clench.
The room was filled with obscene wet noises harmonizing with both of your moans.
You bucked your hips into her face when her nose brushed against your clit.
As you peeled your eyes away from Eva in between your legs you noticed her hand moving slightly.
"Oh- my God, Eva are you touching yourself?" Her eyes opened as she looked up at you, but didn't stop the rapid movements of her tongue against you.
You saw her hand speed up as her eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh, you're fingering yourself" you gasped out.
Her eyes closed again as she let out a moan against you causing your stomach to tighten as you shuddered.
"Fuck you're so hot" you panted rapidly "I think I'm gonna cum."
She took her mouth away from your soaked center and looked up at you, her lips and nose glistening with your wetness. It was a filthy sight.
"I'm gonna cum too" she moved her hand inside her pants at a now, medium pace.
Before you could say anything, she took her hand out of her pants, her wetness still coating her fingers, she pushed them inside you and separated them, causing you to feel a wonderful stretch.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck" you groaned as Eva watched your core, your walls squeezing her fingers.
She snaked her other hand into her pants once again.
Her eyes met yours and she started pushing her fingers inside you at the same pace as hers.
"Don't cum until I say so" she moaned breathily.
"Yes" you choked out.
She added a third finger inside of you and your chest tightened once again, waves of pleasure taking over your body.
"Eva" you moaned out her name, signaling your release was close.
"Come on baby, hold it in, I'm almost there" she husked out.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly and you gripped onto the back of the chair, throwing your head back as you moaned loudly.
She was knuckles deep in you, thrusting her fingers faster, and the feeling was sending you to heaven.
"Alright, you can cum for me angel" Eva groaned.
You arched off the seat and your eyes rolled back as your legs shook with the power of your orgasm.
Eva let out a languid moan, reaching her climax at the same time.
She took her fingers out of both of you before watching your cum spill out causing her to let out an almost pornographic moan.
She sat back on her legs as she huffed, catching her breath and waiting for you to come down as well.
"So, how do you feel?" She breathed out as you looked back down at her.
"What do you mean? I feel so good, that was amazing" your eyes widened.
She giggled a little before elaborating.
"No silly, I mean do you feel connected to me now that we've cum together?" She raised her eyebrows.
"Ohhhh!" You nodded,
"Yeah I guess I do"  almost losing your train of thought as you watched her stick the fingers that were just inside you, into her mouth.
She removed them with an audible pop.
"How about we revisit this thought next session?" She smirked up at you.
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feelbokkie · 6 months
 Winter dates with SKZ
Feelbokkiemas Day 3
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genre: fluff
pov: 2nd person
description: various winter themed dates that you would go on with skz.
pairing: bf!skz x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive
word count: 1,276
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
☀️Feelbokkie M.list ☀️
🎄12 Days of Feelbokkiemas🎄
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방 찬 (Bang Chan)
Bake and Decorate Cookies Together
to be fair, you took over the baking portion after the first batch got burned
completely Chan's fault, if he just kept his hands to himself, none of this would have happened
while you worked on the new batch, Chan is doing his best to salvage what he can from the burnt cookies
halfway through, he's giving you a back hug while you continue to bake, nestling his face into your neck
clearly, he didn't learn from his mistakes with the first batch
"Channie, stop eating those. we need them to decorate the cookies." "but i want to snack on something...and you told me to keep my hands to myself." "eat the burnt cookies,"
the decorating part goes as smoothly as possible
you reenact the 'do you know the muffin man' scene from shrek
and more frosting ends up on each other than the cookies
and there is more candy in your stomach than on the poor cookie
at this point, you should have just made a desert charcuterie board and called it a day
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이 민 호 (Lee Know)
Overnight in a Cabin
he loves camping so a little overnight in cabin is perfect
cuddling by the fire
going on walks by the frozen lake
go back to cuddle by the fire, yet again
oh what a shame
The two of you spend more time just cuddling up against each other than anything else
"I'm almost convinced that you brought me here just to cuddle." "you can't prove that. now get over here, i'm freezing."
you two find other ways to keep warm
like cooking together and eating hot food
and dancing together in the living room of the cabin
and well, other ways too
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서 창 빈 (Changbin)
Building Snowpeople
this is going to end up way more chaotic than it started off
like all things, it started off innocently
you two were walking back from a date when you slipped and fell into the snow
instead of standing up, you just started making a snow angel
after checking on you, Changbin joined you in making a snow angel
that's when you quickly got up and pelted him right in the face with a snowball
big mistake
"Hey!" "Try to get--oh shit,"
pelts you with a bigger snowball
the two you just keep hitting each other with snowballs, Changbin's getting bigger each time
"Wait, wait, wait! Truce! But I have an idea."
that's how the two of you end up building snow people together
"Look, yours is your height!" "Yeah! But we're taller than yours!"
eventually, you "accidentally" knock his over
cue to Changbin chasing you around with the head of his snow person
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황 현 진 (Hyunjin)
Ice Skating
you'd think that with how gracefully he dances, it's be easy for Hyunjin
you're dead wrong
he's as graceful as a newborn giraffe trying to walk for the first time
it's pitiful really
if you also don't know how to skate, it becomes a game of survival
if you can skate, you're now in charge of a baby giraffe Hyunjin
eventually, he gets the hang of it
he's doing a weird stance like he's squatting and his hands are in front of him in case he falls, but he's moving
if you can skate, you're literally skating circles around him to 1. check on him and 2. pick on him
if you can't skate, good luck. you're on your own now. he's fallen so many times, he's not letting you drag him down with you
slowly but surely, he's getting the hang of it and getting out of the squatting position
except, there is one problem
"Y/n...Y/n...Y/n, how do i stop?"
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한 지 성 (Han)
Watch Holiday Movies Together
perfect date night for when it's too cold to do anything else
or two introverts
maybe just the one introvert
you two can crank up the heater, and order food
cuddle up next to each other
feeding each other snacks
the two of you hardly get up from your position
the whole time you two are cracking jokes with the movies
and just chit chatting the whole time
"wait, shh, this is my favorite part."
"we, personally, I wouldn't let a 12 year old disrespect me like that." "i don't think you would be able to outsmart his traps." "no, no, i'm built different."
and you'd sing along so some of the songs while watching
"~grandpa is gonna sue the pants off of santa...~" "what even is this movie?"
and if the movie is boring? don't worry, you'll find other ways to get through it
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이 용 복 (Felix)
Build a Gingerbread House
separately, you two would have been fine, but together?
it's a disaster
in all honesty, you probably should just bought two kits
it started off well
and that's the problem
you two got cocky after successfully assembling the walls
Sure, you had to sit there and whole the walls together while the walls dried
but they weren't immediately slipping and that was enough to give you a false sense of hope
the two of you have a christmas movie on in the background and are talking about how you should decorate the house while Felix puts some icing on the roof pieces
Felix left for one second after setting the roof pieces on top to get a napkin to clean up his mess
and that's when all hell broke loose
"It's falling, it's falling, Felix it's--"
"Oh no," "Oh naur," "Hey, hey, hey!"
the roof falls and cracks on impact
you let go of the walls and those fall too
"okay, plan b: we get a hot glue gun--" "I wanted to eat the house though." "...Okay plan c,"
The two of you just end up decorating the pieces of the house and eating them while you finish watching the movie
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김 승 민 (Seungmin)
Going to See the Christmas Lights
tt's more of an impromptu date
the two of you were walking home after spending the day together when you stumble upon a street completely decorated
before walking down the street, the two of you go and find a place to get some hot chocolate to keep you warm as you walk
the two of you just have fun walking hand in hand, drinking your warm beverages, and talking a bit
"wow, imagine their electricity bill" "rich people behavior," "aren't you...you know what, nevermind."
"wow, that house is really pretty" "not as pretty as you... hey, hey don't take off your coat!" "i'm suddenly really hot!"
Seungmin will softly sing christmas song while you two walk
"when we get a place of our own one day, do you want to use color lights or white lights?" "hm...i used to be a color light person but i think we should do white lights." "really? why?" "i dunno. something about it reminds me of the twinkle in your eyes when you smile...ha! i made you blush, minnie." "s-shut up!"
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양 정 인 (I.N)
Decorate your Living Space Together
works out well if you two live together
cute if you two live apart
and two separate dates
either way, Innie is putting you in charge of the decorating
he just doesn't want to mess up anything and will gladly let you be in charge
somehow, accidents still happen
he's clumsy, he can't help it
"Y/n! help!" "what happened--how did you manage to get your whole body tangled in the lights?" "can we talk about this when i'm not in a prison of lights?" "a prism if you will." "i love you, but you're "pushing it." "i'll leave you in there"
"hey, how attached are you to that nutcracker ornament?" "what happened to norman?" "...norman has gone into the light...and the trash." "Jeongin!" "it wasn't my fault!"
it gives you the excuse to go shopping together for new decorations
and make new memories with the new decorations
Buy me a coffee?
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@puppysmileseungmin @jiisungllvr @its-hannjisung @veedoesntknaur @turtledove824 @lanatheawesome @marked-unknown @kibs-and-bits 
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153 notes · View notes
girlygguk · 1 year
fame - jjk (three)
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pairing ; idol!jk x idol!oc.
synopsis ; aera; the main dancer in one of the biggest k-pop groups in the world, Siren. debuting in 2014, it was nothing but immense hard work and perseverance (and being on the absolute verge of disbandment), but she and the four girls that grew to become her sisters pulled through. they did it. now they're performing at some of the most significant arenas and stadiums worldwide. meeting a cheeky, flirtatious and annoyingly gorgeous fellow idol that threatens to break down every wall of protection she's built around herself was not part of the plan. her career has always come first, having sacrificed and jeopardised many relationships and friendships in her journey to debut. so why does this time feel different?
story warnings ; smut, explicit language, violent & possibly triggering scenes.
chapter warnings ; explicit language, fluff, flirty jk
word count ; 3.2k
a/n: thank you sm for liking and commenting even reblogging its SO SWEEETTTT THANK YOU! first jk x oc interaction of the story finallyy
previous chapters ; prologue | one | two | drabble1 | three | four | ...
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
📅 July 22, 2015 — A year ago...
» Aera's point of view «
• • •
"—Sarang ha neun Aera-shiiiii," my sisters chorused as they clapped to the beat of their out-of-tune serenade.
"Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!" They cheered, the flats of their palms slapping against the table while they waited for me to extinguish the burning sticks of wax stuffed into the swamp-green-coloured cake before me. I was informed earlier that Ha-Joon led the baking ensemble this morning, so I'm pretty sure it's ninety percent icing. The way the candles were at a thirty-degree angle, almost completely submerged in the desert, only furthers my suspicions.
With a cheesy grin, my eyes flutter closed as I put an end to the candles' lives. Little clouds of smoke whisp towards the ceiling when the flames die out, and I lean back a little to avoid inhaling the fume. "What'd you wish for?" Asami teased, swatting at Joonie's hand when the youngest tried to scrape her finger along the cake's side in hopes of retrieving some icing.
"I can't tell you, or it won't come true." I clichéd, pulling the candles out of the mountain of icing before they sunk like an injured battleship. Dumping the burnt sticks into the garbage can behind us, I turn to our leader as she scrolls through the comments of our current V-Live.
"Can you pass the knife, please, Unnie?" My request snaps her out of her daze, and she leans back from her phone like she didn't even realize she was so close to it. Then, grabbing the knife on the table's edge, she placed the handle in my direction and slid it across to me.
"We're at a thousand viewers!" Hanna screeched, her hand smacking at her knee in glee, and I joined in with the rest of the girls as we giggled at her excitement.
My jaw dropped in disgust and amusement as my assumptions about this cake's ingredients were correct. The knife dragged into the mush, slicing down an alp of icing before hitting a thin layer of cake far later than it should've. My eyes snapped straight to Joon as she bit her lip, her cheeks pink and puffed, no doubt trying to harbour a loud cackle at the look on my face.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I let out a breathy chuckle, continuing, or more so attempting, to cut the desert into presentable slices. Slapping each piece onto a paper plate, the girls pull a serving towards themselves as I go, waiting for me to dish up my own before they indulge. I lift the board that the remaining cake is melting on as we speak and put it out of the camera's view before sitting back in my chair with a huff.
Joonie's fork dug into her portion the moment I sat back in my seat, scooping a mouthful of pure icing and consuming it like somebody was trying to take it away from her. I snicker before doing the same, and a slight hum of approval escapes my lips when the fork hits my tongue, the icing surprisingly better and much tastier than I thought. I blame the shitty diet we're on. Cat food would taste good at this point.
Lifting my head, I browse the comments flooding through on our live, and my eyes widen at all the birthday wishes that dominated the comment section. "Thank you guys for the happy birthdays; you're so sweet." I gush, swirling my fork around my plate to try and find a chunk of actual cake and hopefully stop the tears I feel burning at my lower lash line.
I could feel the gaze of Nali on me, and I was failing to find a piece of solid food on my plate of pure topping, which was only making me more frustrated and almost losing the battle with the water pooling in my waterline.
"We couldn't afford two cakes." Nali blurted, and the sound of forks scraping against paper plates pulled to a halt, four heads turning to stare at the blonde.
A few moments of silence passed, and I didn't fight it anymore, my grip on my plate loosening, and I rested it on the table before bursting into a fit of laughter. I seem to have broken the dam because the rest of the girls were heaving over, a chorus of laughs and howls bouncing off the walls of our shitty little cramped office that we cleared out for the v-live.
"It was our first anniversary a few days ago, and if we made a cake for that, we would've blown our allowance then and not had enough for Aera's birthday. So it's sort of a conjoined celebration." Hanna explained to the viewers, wiping at the corners of her eyes to rid the stray tears gathering there from laughing.
Hanna, Asami, and Joon continued breezing through the comments pouring in from the fans on our live, spotting a few familiar usernames and greeting them like they were our own members. Our sweet yet disturbing maknae had finished her cake, her gaze dropping to the left when she saw Asami's unfinished plate pushed to the side, indicating she didn't want anymore.
I felt my eyebrows crinkle slightly, watching my roommate, one spoonful of icing away from a stomach ache and never-ending whining when we try to sleep later tonight, grab Asami's plate, and devour the remnants. You would think we don't feed this girl.
Brushing the hair that had fallen in front of my eye, my gaze fell to the blonde on my right to see her attention was already on me. I give her a small, thankful smile, grateful for how she had drawn the attention away from me for a moment to compose myself. Nali nodded in understanding, her hand finding mine under the table and delivering a soft squeeze that sent a wave of comfort through my body.
It had been an hour or so since we started the live stream, and we still had choreo to work on later tonight, so we responded to as many questions and messages as possible before wrapping up the celebration. Our leader, Hanna, took a screenshot of the viewer count, still giddy at the fact that we hit 1,100, which beat our personal record by far. We thanked our Allures profusely, big gummy grins covering our faces as we sent waves and kisses toward Hanna's phone as she ended the stream.
The sound of my phone vibrating on the table's edge caught my attention as we tidied up the area. Asami took the remaining cake to the kitchen and informed us she'd wrap it and put it in the refrigerator. Ha-Joon finished stacking the used paper plates and all but sprinted out the office door, muttering a quick "I'll help!" that earned a chorus of scoffs and eye-rolls from her unnies.
"That girl will return with a permanent green upper lip," Hanna grumbled, halfway through a thank-you post on our Instagram account with the statistics from today's live.
She pulled me over to get approval for the photos of me she was using for my birthday post, and I set my phone back down before getting a chance to check my notifications. She was scrolling through today's pictures, Nali's phone becoming our camera as we were streaming from Hanna's. I chuckled at how Hanna literally took a hundred photos, my face invading Nali's camera roll; you'd think it was my phone.
Settling on a few, I suggested she use the candid of Joonie wiping the green icing on my nose as the first slide. She nodded ecstatically, murmuring a quaint "yes! i thought so too" before returning to social media manager mode.
Hanna sent the chosen pictures to herself, handing Nali's phone back with a kissy noise causing the visual to retaliate with a playful scowl that paparazzi would pay thousands to capture. They both started to head towards the door, Nali with the full bin liner and Hanna with her phone clad in their hands, before the eldest turned back towards me. "Practice in 15," she announced, not looking up from her phone but her words flying in my direction.
"Okay, unnie." I smiled, and she glanced up from her device, a smirk gracing her lips as she waited for me to face the other direction before delivering a hearty slap to my ass. Winded, I spin around to return the favour but only catch sight of the raven-haired girl sprinting down the hall to catch up with Nali.
"Freak," I mutter, my laugh fizzing out in the room that now only contains me. My abandoned phone remains face-down on the table, and I trudge over, tapping the screen to bring it back to life. Staring at the notification perched at the top of my cracked phone screen, it glares back at me before my phone fades out due to inactivity. I continue bringing the phone back to life, each time staring at the same notification for thirty seconds before the screen goes black again.
Happy birthday Aera 🎂
I click on the notification, and my screen reacts to my demand, transitioning to the messages app. As I think of a response, my nail begins to tap against the side of my phone case in angst, and I almost put my phone away altogether.
It's just a happy birthday message, not a fucking proposal. My inner thoughts are demonic, taunting me as I discover five characters is apparently my limit before I delete everything and start over.
15:38 ME
thank you jungkook
Poetic. You truly have a way with words, Aera. My thumb scrambled to the side of my case, resting against the lock button, so close to ending my misery, before I saw the word 'delivered' change to 'seen' at the bottom of my message. He's fast to reply, almost as if staring at the text waiting for a response.
How are you?
Rolling my eyes at the basic pleasantries, I consider leaving him on read and heading towards the practice room with the rest of my members. Then, against my better judgment, I concede.
15:39 ME
i'm okay, you?
Just okay? It's your birthday, you should be happy! 🥳
15:39 ME
i am happy. today has been great 🥳
You know, mirroring the actions of someone else can often be misinterpreted as a show of affection
15:41 ME
aaaaand you fucking ruined it. i have to go practice
Wait Aera
Can we
Video call later tonight
My heart skips a beat, or six, as I stare at his text. He's so fucking blunt. So forward. It drives me mad. So mad that I find myself sending back a thumbs-up emoji before shoving my phone into my pocket and leaving the office that, I swear, has increased by five degrees in the last few minutes.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
The squeak of my reusable water bottle wrung in my ears as I squeezed the life out of the canister, the chilled liquid it holds trying its hardest to fight the internal burning temperature of my body. I run my hand through my damp hair in an attempt to incorporate air into the strands and allow my scalp a chance to breathe.
We wrapped up practice a few minutes ago; the rest of the girls had scrambled out of the burning suite when we unanimously agreed that we physically couldn't continue today. Hanna led the eager troops to the kitchen to prepare our dinner, and I secured the lid of my bottle shut before tailing the train down our company's hall. Stopping at my dorm once they had just entered the kitchen's quarter, I threw out a quick "i'll be there in a sec, just need to use the bathroom" before ducking into my room.
Snatching my hoodie that I threw on my bed carelessly earlier today, I flip it inside out at lightning speed, shoving my head and arms through the holes in what I'm sure is a personal best. Leaning over my bed with a huff, I grunt in triumph when I feel my phone in my grasp after a few failed attempts to grab it off my bedside table. Shoving it into the pocket of my sweatshirt, I make my way out of the dorm, looking in the direction of the kitchen before turning the opposite way and heading for the exit of our building.
A sigh of ecstasy leaves my lips as the chilled night air envelopes my frame once I push through the bulky door of our building and make my way toward the stony path that lines the structure. My butt hits the pavement with a thud, and I fish my phone out of my pocket; the device's light illuminating a ray of yellow in the darkness of the night as it comes to life.
Clicking on the familiar contact in my list, I hit the video icon and listen to the low hum of the outgoing tone as it attempts to connect me to the desired recipient. No more than five seconds pass before the loading symbol appears on the screen, the background black as the device works to load the picture of the awaiting parties.
I'm staring at the box in the bottom right corner that mirrors my appearance, halfway through pulling the hood of my jacket over my head to shield my matted hair before his bunny smile stately renders onto my phone screen.
My action is pulled to a halt, my hand releasing my shirt's hood as I take in the picture being shamelessly displayed by my busted phone. Jungkook leans against his headboard, clad in a black shirt that accentuates the shape of his arms. Speaking of arms, the one of his that isn't currently busy holding his device up runs through his woolly, fluffed hair before resting behind his head against the board.
"Saeng il chuk—" Jungkook started once my camera connected and displayed my face on the screen. A cringed scowl overtook me as I hushed him, shaking my head rapidly and begging him to stop the birthday anthem.
His cheeky giggle blew through my speaker when I cut off his song, eyebrows raised in amusement, "How's the big 19? Feel any different?"
"Days don't even feel like days right now, so no, I don't feel that different." My response is honest, eyes trailing down to the heel of my sneaker, currently scraping against the gravel beneath me that I'm sure is staining my sweatpants.
He nods in understanding, knowing exactly how I feel at the moment, having been in a similar situation in his rookie days. "Do you want me to call you Noona now?" He quips with a smirk, reminding me that I am, in fact, two months older than him.
My eyes widen as his question catches me off guard, and I do not bother to stop my eyes from rolling to the back of my head while he chuckles hoarsely at my reaction. "I will fucking kill you."
My response only seems to amuse him more, his eyes wide in faux fear, and I feel a smile breaking through onto my face, forcing me to look away from my phone for a moment. The smell of spices invades my nostrils, bringing me back to consciousness, and I glance up at the time displayed on my device.
"I have to go eat dinner," I say, watching his plump bottom lip purse into a pout.
My team probably thinks I am having abhorrent bowel movements right now. However, Jungkook's question pulls me out of my thoughts, his big bug eyes curious as he quizzes, "Why are you eating dinner at 11 pm?"
"The kitchen doesn't close until 12 on weekends, so we usually train later on Saturdays and Sundays." I shrug, shuffling a little until my back is flush against the side of the building. His eyebrows furrow, seemingly taken aback by my answer, and I'm unsure why.
"The kitchen closes at certain times?" His question is low and soft, and I can't decipher the look on his face as he says those words. This had become my reality that I adapted to so quickly since becoming a trainee. I often forget to filter out certain things before sharing with people.
"Do you want me to get you something delivered?" He asks; the tone of his voice is gasoline on the burning flame in my lower stomach.
"Oh yeah? Are you gonna supply food for five people?"
"Yes." His answer is instant, and I admit defeat to the battle with my mouth as my lips curve into a soft smile.
"Don't do that," I shake my head, pulling my knees closer to my chest as the wind picks up, and I hope it blows the phone out of my hand and into the local lake.
"Do what?" His tone is innocent though his features are anything but.
"Don't say shit like that."
"Shit like what?" The corner of his mouth upturns as he senses my frustration, my displeasure only seeming to egg him on.
The loud chatter and laughter of my members pull me back to my reality, and I let the laugh trapped in my throat escape before clambering to my feet, glaring at the boy leaning against his headboard once I steady myself, "I have to go."
Jungkook nods in understanding, looking like he didn't expect to get me for this long anyway. Just as I'm about to say goodbye, he leans up a little, the muscle in his arm tensing as it adjusts behind his head. "Wait, are you guys attending MAMA?"
I knew he meant well, but it didn't stop the unsettling feeling brewing in my stomach, the possibility of being unable to break through in our career despite the work my sisters and I put in daily glooming over my head like a heavy, grey cloud.
"Don't be ridiculous; we could never get an invite to a show like that."
"You will one day." He responds, his tone sure and confident, and I almost believe him.
"Maybe one day." I nod, a grateful smile finding its way to my lips, and he returns the gesture, his bunny teeth peeking out slightly in a cheesy grin.
"Have a good dinner, Noona. Happy birthday," he wishes, and my finger instantly dashes to the disconnect button in reflex. Giving him one final glance, I poke my tongue out teasingly, clicking the red icon that ends both the call and my suffering. 
Letting out a heavy breath, I walk back to the entrance of our building, swinging the door open and flicking the lock once it shuts behind me. My head falls forward onto the glass, and I have to stop myself from lifting it and slamming it back down a few more times.
Shoving my phone back into my hoodie pocket, I finally make my way toward my members in the kitchen. The smell that wafts from the kitchen tickles the aggressive hunger in my stomach, distracting my thoughts from other things. Halfway down the hallway, my eyes fall to the back of my head for the umpteenth time this night alone as I grind to a halt. Now I actually have to pee.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist ; @0anodite0
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How about Tara and R grew very close, kissed here and there but then Tara friendzones R. R distances herself and only then Tara realizes that she wants more than friendship
We're Gonna Make It Work
5 times Tara and Y/N shared meaningless kisses + one time they actually meant it. Or: A quick 5 + 1 fic!
Disclaimer: certain themes in this story I don't have tons of experience with, so sorry if not everything's accurate. EX: I definitely haven't been to a college party lmao.
Tara and I met on our first day in college. Freshmen year in college is intimidating enough. Freshmen Year in a big city like New York is terrifying.
We bonded quickly, and soon enough I was spending tons of time with her friend group. I even introduced my roommate, Anika to my new friend, Mindy, and now the two are happily dating. It seems I've seamlessly assimilated into their group.
I've always thought she was extremely beautiful. I really don't want to risk the friendship I've worked so hard to build with her. At the same time, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to try.
The first time we kissed it was an accident. That's all it was. An accident.
She was blackout drunk at a party. Mindy and Anika had disappeared into some room. Chad was doing shots in the kitchen. Ethan was at his dorm, doing homework like the "quirky" pick me he is.
So many people crowded the building, dancing terribly to awful music, drunk on cheap booze. The frat house reeked of liquor and the distinct scent of marijuana.
Not to say I wasn't drunk too, though. Just less drunk than everyone else in the group. There was a slight wobble in my step as I walked from the kitchen to the living room, wanting to sit for a split second.
Tara had a three round winning streak at beer pong against some guy I'd never seen before. In the corner of my eye, I could see her downing a cup every 45 seconds or so. Maybe if the alcohol hadn't clouded my judgement, I would have been smart enough to get her away from that sooner.
It wasn't until I saw her wobbling towards the steps with he guy she had just been competing with that I sprang into action.
In retrospect, can see why people call booze liquid courage. Man, if I were sober, there would have been no way I would do what I did next.
"Hey, Tara, your boyfriend's looking for you," I grabbed her away from the clearly less drunk man in front of me. He reached out and grabbed her other arm, "she'll be fine."
"Her boyfriend is a football recruit," I lied, "he'll beat the shit out of your weak ass."
"What?" she slurred, unable to comprehend what I'm saying.
"I said, your boyfriend's here, let's go find him," I repeated, dragging her away from the situation.
"Why did you do thattttt," she whined once we're out of ear shot.
"He was taking advantage of you, you'll thank me in the morning," I told her, "you're a mess, let's get you home."
Luckily, her apartment wasn't far, because I was practically carrying her down the street. She flutters in and out of consciousness, making her balance even less stable.
The elevator ride was painfully quiet, what even is there to say. I opened the apartment door, guiding the barely conscious Tara inside. Immediately, I saw Sam, sitting in the kitchen. Waiting for us.
"Where were you?" she interrogated, "I was scared out of my mind."
"Hey, Sam, she's pretty fucked up right now, maybe you should wait for her to sober up. I'm gonna get her to sleep, okay?" She nods, angrily. I can tell she isn't happy about this.
I walkedvTara down to her room, setting her down on the bed.
"Goodnight, Tara," I smiled, helping her take off her shoes and pulling the blankets up over her.
"Night Night, pretty girl," she pulled my face down for a quick kiss.
What the fuck is happening? I could taste the burning liquor on her lips. She's gonna have one hell of a headache in the morning. I quickly break away, I can't do this while she's drunk.
The second time we kiss, she's actually sober.
It's a silly situation, really.
We're at Rockefeller center, shopping for clothes on sale. They put up the ice rink for the winter. Even though it's technically November, I guess New York doesn't care about technical seasons though.
Tara and I stroll down the pavement, warm coffee in our hands. She's very cute all bundled up in her winter gear. A beanie compresses her bangs, and her winter coat looks nearly suffocating yet not nearly arm enough for a New York winter.
"Fuck," she mumbles, looking behind us.
"What's wrong?" I ask, concerned.
"I need you to kiss me, right now," she commands.
"Damn, at least take me out to dinner first," I laugh awkardly.
"Y/N, shut up and do it, I'll explain later," she pleads. I happily oblige her, allowing her lips to make their way to mine. She caresses my cheek through her gloved hands, and I find myself lost in a daze. She's good at this. Her hands slide down my face to wrap themselves around my neck and she slowly breaks the kiss. A part of me wished it would never end.
"So you wanna tell me what that was about?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Creepy ex, wanted to make sure he didn't think he had a shot," she explains. My face falls. Such an amazing experience, ruined by the context.
"I'm sorry, Tar," I pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her.
We kiss for a third time a month later.
"Hi," I smile, walking through the apartment door, "why'd you call?"
"I don't know, I'm just bored I guess," she shrugs.
"Okay," I say. To be honest, I needed something to do with my afternoon, and who better to spend it with.
We decide to put on a movie, Clueless. I found some popcorn in the cabinet, so I decided to microwave some up.
I place the metal bowl between us on the couch. I think if I'm much closer to her I might try to kiss her again.
"So, what have you been doing these past few weeks?" she asks.
"The usual," I respond, "homework, my job, and sleeping. And you?"
"Yeah, just homework," she purses her lips, trying to think.
God what I would give to feel those soft warm lips again.
"No, I've also been reading some weird ass Stephen King book about a guy going crazy."
"So pretty much every Stephen King book?" I ask.
"Not true!" she playfully shoves me, "IT is about multiple people going crazy. The Dark Half is about someone who thinks he's crazy, but also knows he's not. There's lots of non insanity related ones too."
"Nerd," I playfully tease her.
"Shut up," she laughs.
"Make me?" I tease her more.
"Nope, sorry, you gotta earn that," she teases back.
I open a beer for each of us, "It's happy hour somewhere."
"It's 4:30, so we're not doing terribly," she reminds me.
"We're great at this," I joke.
"So great at this."
We go back to the movie, it's such a classic. Other than the ending, it's a perfect movie.
She smiles a priceless smile when Cher assumes Tai doesn't know seven multiplied by seven.
"This girl! I swear, she was a perfect casting for Tatum in Stab!"
"You have a great smile," I muse aloud, quickly regretting it. Damn it. Why did I say that?
"Thank you," I can see a blush creeping up her cheeks as she starts to smile even wider.
The movie seems to fade out of view as does everything else except us. The popcorn bowl is quickly discarded and her lips crash onto mine, kissing with a desperation so strong it's almost aggressive. I immediately reciprocate the kiss, leaning forward to get closer to her.
"If we do this," she pants in between kisses, "there's no strings attached."
I nod in agreement.
We fall into a routine of kissing or hooking up no strings attached. I know friend with benefits never works. Especially if you already have feelings for that person but god, she's irresistible.
There's two notable times after that afternoon when it feels different.
The first time, she's coming out of a rough therapy session.
"Hello, this is Y/N L/N," I answer the phone.
"Hey, Y/N, it's Tara," I can hear her voice crack.
"Hey Tara, what's up?" I ask.
"C-can you come over?" she says, trying to sound nonchalant about it. I see right through her facade.
"On my way, stay safe, pretty girl," I rush to the subway, trying to catch the first train I can to her side of the city.
I practically tear down the door to get into the apartment, there's nothing to do but make a beeline for Tara's room.
"Hey Tar, I'm here," I quietly announce.
She bolts up and wraps herself around me in a near suffocating hug. Her tears soak their way through my shirt, and I caress her hair comfortingly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.
"No," she shakes her head.
"Can I do anything at all to help?"
"You can distract me," she winks. I nod, a little unsure of what to do.
Is this really the right time to hook up with her? Like she should be in a place of emotional stability to properly consent, right?
"Y/N, I know your like panicking about the morals, but please. Just do it. I need it. Please?" she widens her eyes pleadingly. How can I say no to that?
The next time of note is also the last time.
I've become unhappy with this whole "friends with benefits thing." I know, it was stupid of me to agree to it in the first place. And don't get me wrong, I've had tons of fun. So much fun. But there's limits to our situation.
I want to be able to tell her how I feel, I want strings attached. I want to take her out on dates, and hold her hand in front of our friends.
It's a freezing cold Thursday, I'm so tired. I forgot my textbooks at Tara's apartment after our "study" session last night, so i had to take a subway back to get them, which made me late the the only lecture I was interested in. Damn it.
I had thirty minutes to kill until my next class, so here I am, in the school courtyard, thinking about Tara.
Do I love her? Yes.
Does she love me? I don't know.
Will telling her I need to be more than just friends with benefits risk everything? Yes.
Speak of the devil and she shall appear, because right as I'm thinking about this, I see a short brunette making a beeline towards me. I think this means we need to discuss this.
"Hey there, tiny Carpenter," I tease her.
"Shut up!" she gets on the tips of her toes to pat my head.
"Do you wanna come over tonight?" I ask, "Anika and Mindy are having a date night?" I figure then would be a good time to tell her.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur and just a few hours later, I hear Tara's familiar voice at my door.
I take a deep breath, "Hey Tar, can we talk? I ask.
"What's up?" she asks.
"I feel like this isn't working," I admit, it's pretty obvious almost immediately what I'm talking about.
"O-oh," she stammers, "why?"
Oh god this is so awkward, like what are you supposed to say, yeah no I'm in love with you.
"I.... cuz friends with benefits never works out when there's feelings involved," I word vomit.
We sit in an awkward silence.
"Tara, please say something," I say quietly.
"I'm so sorry, I can't do this anymore," she gets up and leaves, but I'm frozen in my seat. Unable to move.
I don't see Tara except in a few classes for at least a month. Though it could have been longer or shorter. Not like I want to see her though.
The days begin to blend together in a big lengthy mess.
I barely turn my assignments in, and the best grade I've gotten was a low C.
I go to parties more often than before. Hooking up with strangers, drinking myself to a blackout and being hungover as hell in the morning.
Anika's voiced her concern for me, but I find it so hard to listen.
I'm just numb.
I don't think I ever felt anything before I met Tara, and I don't think I'll feel anything again without her.
And to think of all the times we've kissed, made out and hooked up. Did those mean anything to her? She barely meets my gaze in class.
We haven't talked at all.
Lying down in my bed, I stare at the ceiling, out of the corner of my eye, I can see the date on the calendar.
March 7. It's been four months since our kiss at Rockefeller. I guess I should just forget about that though.
I hear a quiet knocking on my door, "come in, Anika.
The door slowly creaks open and in steps Tara.
"Hey," she says quietly. I scramble up to my feet, preparing to tell her to get out.
"Before you scream at me and tell me to go away, just let me talk?"
I nod wondering why can I never say no to her. I gesture for her to sit next to me.
"Look, I fucked up," she admits, "friends with benefits almost never works out. And I'm so so sorry. I didn't realize fucking it up would mean hurting you. I really thought about what you said."
"What did I say?" I asked.
"That what we had wasn't working," she says.
"And what have you decided?"
"It wasn't," she reassured me, "but it could."
I'm totally taken aback, "If you think I want to be 'just a friend that you sometimes fuck,' you're crazy, Tara."
"No, I mean a real relationship," she blurts.
"Y/N, I have feelings for you!" she exasperatedly exclaims.
"Y-you do?" I ask incredulously.
"Yeah, I do," I see a blush creep up her cheeks.
"Well I like you too," I smile. She starts to get closer to me, but I stop her, "Look, give me a week to turn around my mental wellbeing, and I'll take you out on a date. I want to do this, but I want to do it right."
"Take your time," she smiles back, "see ya on Saturday for this 'date' you wanna take me on."
She winks, gets up, and leaves the dorm, blowing me a kiss on the way out.
We're gonna make this work.
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doeilovr · 1 year
[2:02 AM]
It was cold outside, you had your arms crossed in front of your chest in an attempt to feel at least a bit warmer.
You were waking down the street some time after midnight, the full moon and the stars were shining and you could hear waves crash softly in the distance.
Next to you, arm brushing yours every now and then, was your crush.
You've spent the entire summer with him, meeting for coffee in the mornings, going out for lunch, taking a swim or getting kind of drunk after work at night. It all happened at least once.
Another thing that happens at least once - having a crush. And so for this summer - for the first time in your life - you had a crush. And it was no other than Mark.
"So you will leave early tomorrow?"
Marks voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"My friend is gonna take me to the airport at 12", you bit your lips.
This was your last night, the last time for you to see Mark for god knows how long. It hurt a bit.
"Ah, that's nice."
You hummed, feeling slightly awkward.
The thing about your crush on Mark was that Mark himself knew about it. You told him, you confessed.
And you talked it out, settling on being good friends, because Mark was still getting over a fairly recent heartbreak.
And you had cried days and nights. But it didn't matter anymore, you got over your pain and accepted the situation and Mark's decision. After all, what else could you have done.
"I think it's sad", Mark chuckled, "it's sad we're all leaving and this summer is ending."
You nodded, "yes I know."
You had almost reached your apartment, Mark having insisted on walking you home.
"I think we will probably not see each other for a while after tonight."
You glanced over at Mark and you weren't sure if it was because of the cold or if he was holding back tears, but he sniffled a few times.
"Do you still want to be in contact with me even after you leave?" Mark asked very carefully.
"What? Of course, I want to, if that's okay with you?" You looked at him, stopping in your tracks as you were now standing next to your front door.
"Yes me too", Mark smiled, "I would like that."
You smiled too.
"Alright, there we are, so, there is one more thing I want to say", Mark paused, stepped closer to you. "You are very lovely and I wish I could give you what you want and deserve. "
"Mark", you whispered. It hurt a bit.
Mark gave you a half smile, his eyes glistening. "But my heart is not well and before I can't fix it, I don't think I should give it away. You deserve a strong heart and all the love in the world."
Your eyes burned, "No, Mark. I just ask for you."
"Maybe when we meet again my heart will be fixed. And then, if you are still interested, we could try again."
Mark grabbed your hand and squeezed it.
You held back tears as you looked up at him. You understood it and altough you just asked for him to stay by your side, you understood that he needed space and time to heal.
There wasn't a lot you could say or wanted to say. Now you needed time, too.
You softly smiled. "Okay."
Mark smiled too and pulled you into a long hug. "I'll come visit you next month, as planned."
You stepped back and smiled widely. "I'll ask you again then. Is that okay?" Your eyes were sparkling with hope.
Mark chuckled softly. "Ask me again in a month, yes."
"Okay, I'll see you then", you waved at him and stepped back even further to where your door was. "Wait for me."
"I will", Mark nodded, watching you disappear inside your apartment building.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
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Day 20: “Let’s do something that puts us on the naughty list.”
Fandom: Resident Evil
Character: Chris Redfield
Naughty or Nice
Warnings: P in V, teasing smut.
A/n: I apologize for the
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Chris wanted you, wanted you desperately wanted you and now he was going to get that chance. After finally being done with missions he felt like he could finally relax with you.
Yes it was December, yes he was not able to see walk around in that cute little bathing suit of yours but at least you were by his side and while it may not be summer did not mean you didn't look good wearing his flannel shirt.
Grinning, Chris gripped your hips as you sat on his lap.“Let’s do something that puts us on the naughty list.”
A small giggle escaped your lips as you let her hands run down his chest. "We can do that." Your lips then grazed his neck.
Chris's breath hitched at the sensation of your teeth grazing against his neck. He groaned, the desire in his eyes intensifying.
"Fuck."he murmured, his voice filled with need."You're going to be the death of me."
He swiftly stood up, gripping your hips firmly as he carried you towards the office desk. With a swift motion, he cleared it of any papers or clutter, making space for you.
Placing you on the edge, Chris stepped back for a moment, admiring the sight before him. "Spread your legs for me," he commanded, his voice firm yet laced with desire.
As you complied, Chris wasted no time. He positioned himself at your entrance, the tip of his cock teasingly brushing against your slick folds. With a single thrust, he plunged deep inside you, filling you completely.
His movements were relentless, his hips driving forward with a fervent rhythm. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the room, mingling with your moans of pleasure. The desk shook beneath you, a testament to the intensity of your coupling.
Chris's grip on your hips tightened as he continued to pound into you, the pressure building within both of you. With each thrust, he couldn't help but revel in the tightness and warmth that surrounded him. He was lost in the sensation, completely consumed by the raw, primal connection between you.
As the pleasure became too much to bear, Chris's movements grew more urgent. He could feel his release building, ready to explode. "Fuck," he gasped, his voice strained. "I'm gonna cum. Are you ready for it?"
You gasped and moaned out Chris's name, you nails digging into his shoulder as your legs wrapped tightly around his hips. "God! Chris! Yes." You cried out his name.
Chris's eyes burned with desire as he heard your desperate plea. He could feel himself reaching the edge, his own need for release overwhelming him.
"Fuck."he groaned, his voice strained with lust."You're gonna make me cum so fucking hard."
He quickened his pace, his thrusts becoming harder and more erratic. The sound of your moans and the feeling of your walls tightening around him pushed him closer to the brink.
With one final, powerful thrust, Chris released himself inside you, his hot seed spilling deep within your core. He grunted in satisfaction, his body trembling with the intensity of his orgasm.
Collapsing onto the desk, Chris took a moment to catch his breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked at you, a mix of adoration and satisfaction in his eyes.
"Fuck, babe," he said, his voice filled with awe. "You're fucking incredible."
He leaned down and kissed you deeply, savoring the taste of your lips. "I can't get enough of you," he whispered against your mouth. "And we're just getting started."
Biting your lip, you gave him a sly smile as you ran your hand down his neck. "I can't wait."
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demigodickrider · 6 months
indefinitely, forever ☆ okkotsu yuuta! [2/3]
okkotsu yuuta (post shibuya) x fem!reader click here for: part one | part two | part three - no spoilers from the manga, dwdw ;) - alternative universe where yuuta is an SCP? - [18+] three-part series, 10k+ words in total
(note: not proofread, expect grammar mistakes) warning: contains descriptions of blood, yuuta is a bit OOC/has that gojo satoru influence, romance, happy ending but contains slight angst and comfort, 2nd person pov, reader swears like a sailor
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Nanami and Maki were nowhere to be seen, probably being told to retreat back into their offices for further discussion.
All eyes were on you however, being flailed around like a ragdoll in Rika's hand as she continues her slaughter. You could tell just how much the pair were enjoying this; the bloodshed had the walls painted in complete red. A stark contrast to the bland whiteness of the facility. You couldn't bear to watch as screams erupted all around you, silenced once Rika descends her attack on them, which had somehow grown more destructive over time.
"Where now?"
You point weakly at the hall to the left. Fuck the Foundation for designing their buildings akin to mazes. It left you bedridden and sick the first night you had to memorize their layout. But it felt worth it now, the three of you trudging forward and towards the exit with no difficulty.
"Elevator. Push the down button."
"Not up?"
"That's a secret alert button," Secrets spew out of your mouth like a waterfall. Nothing really mattered now that you're siding with evil. "Don't press that or we're fucked."
Yuta does as you told him to.
Now's a matter of defending yourselves before it arrives.
Rika sets you down on the ground, a low rumble emitting from her throat. Your knees felt weak like jelly, but you manage. Rika disappears back into Yuta's body without a trace, leaving the two of you alone. Now you both look human more than ever, but the blood tainting your clothing had a lot of convincing to do if you were to try and prove so.
Your ears pick up on the hurried footsteps approaching near, and Yuta readies his katana. The figures come closer, light behind them casting a familiar silhouette over two individuals holstering weapons-
"Wait! Those are my friends."
Yuta lowers the weapon slightly.
They slow down, coming to a stop.
Maki's eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets, seeing that you were in the hands of Rika. Nanami looked beyond frustrated. "Let her go, or we'll have no choice but to neutralize you."
"Wait, you guys. This isn't-"
Yuta cuts you, "I don't want to."
"Can't you at least let me talk to them?"
"What's going on?" Maki's gaze drifts between the two of you, suspicion lingering in the air. "Are you two working together? Seriously, get your head out of the gutter! If you're working with him just because you almost saw him naked-"
"That has nothing to do with this!" You protest, your ears burning from the sudden accusation. "Listen to me, alright?"
"I'm listening." Nanami's spectacles glint under the light menacingly, weapon in hand. You've worked with him long enough to know that he'd most likely believe in reason than what's shown up front. Yet you were at a loss for words to even explain the absurdity of your situation: how would you tell them that you were coerced into this? The blood on their hands was as much the same as on yours; you lead them out all the way here. Despite wanting to do what's right, you chose to be selfish and instead helped the pair of anomalies.
You were the one who chose to betray the Foundation.
You're just as guilty as Yuta is. No less, no more.
"I... He broke out of his cell and..." Before you could finish, the elevator has reached your level. The metal doors open. "Nanami, Maki, I-"
Yuta pats your shoulder, "We need to go. Now."
"Now." And there's that same dead-eyed look again, replacing any friendliness you had shared. You swallowed thickly, nodding at his command, knowing very well that the only two people you cared for are now no longer trusting of you.
Your nails dig deep into the palm of your hands when you had to turn your back on them. Yuta waits for you to enter then presses it close, noting how your friends stood aghast without firing their weapons.
It seems that they, too, have chosen to be just as guilty as you are.
"Are you okay?" Yuta's soft voice brought you back to reality. You were no longer back at the facility but rather in the comfort of your own home. Yuta had no clue about the city, finding himself displaced from the hometown he had been used to. You were lucky enough that you had just moved into a new residential area no one knew, an hour away from the underground base.
You had no energy to fight with the criminal sitting in front of you. He sat with both legs crossed, watching the snow trickle outside. He's wearing an oversized sweater of yours that had somehow fit perfectly on him. Droplets of water cascade down the side of his cheeks from his damp hair, no longer retaining its slicked down shape.
"Obviously not." You reply snarkily.
Yuta shifts away from the magical sight and onto your tired face. Your cheeks flush red and your pants were loose. Somehow you've lost even more weight prior to getting the job. You put your head in your hands, wanting to cry, yet finding the energy to do so was futile.
He shifted in his seat, uncomfortable at your sorrow.
"I'm sorry."
Hearing him apologize drove you mad.
"Say sorry one more time and I'm kicking you out."
He zips his lips shut, choosing to avert his focus on the falling snow again. It's December this time around, mid-winter. He'd lost count of the days he spent in the military looking up at high ceilings made of concrete at night, with little to no light. They had always treated him so unkindly; so inhumanely; leaving him to sleep on the floor like an animal and locking him up until it was time to leave for a mission. At least he had a bed during his time in the facility.
He hears a sniffle from you and scoots closer. There's this instinct he has that tells him to hold you close- maybe even give you a reassuring hug- but he's not so sure. He knows, clearly, that he's the cause of your demise and that he had just screwed your life over completely; but the Foundation would keep things discreet about the damage and betrayal you've caused. There's a benefit to working in secrecy, he supposes. So he does the next best thing he could think of:
"Are you hungry?"
His words made your stomach complain. All day you were merely surviving off coffee and stale breadsticks from the staff kitchen; some days you even forgot to eat from how tired you were.
You glare at him between the cracks of your fingers.
"Okay." Yuta gets up and walks over to the kitchen. Despite his isolation from the outside world, he had gotten pretty skilled in cooking. Having Rika around was tenacious as she always preferred eating meat raw; but tendencies are simply tendencies and when Rika isn't around, Yuta preferred cooking for himself.
You wiped your tears off with the paws of your sweater. It's December, just a little over two weeks left before Christmas. Just yesterday you were planning with Maki to go on a trip, but now...
Now you can't even use your phone in case you were tracked.
Hot tears spill from the corners of your eyes as you broke down once again, this time in a fit. Whatever exhaustion that had piled up pushed you to the very edge. For weeks you've been dreading going to work, only staying for the paycheck and for your friends. Hell, you had to convince yourself that you had a crush on one of the guys in the lounge just so you could continue going.
Maybe this was a sign that you should've quitted earlier.
Your logic battles with your conscience.
It's clearly Yuta's fault, so why are you beating yourself up?
Grief turns to anger as you stood from your seat and stomp angrily towards the man poking around in your fridge. There's an array of wilted vegetables across the counter. The thought of grocery shopping crossed your mind for a brief while; then it was overpowered by the sheer emotion of wanting to strangle the source of your troubles: fucking Yuta Okkotsu and his damned pet monster.
"Dinner's not ready yet- urhmp!"
You take him by the collar and slam him onto the counter. You earn a high-pitched yelp from the man once you punch him, this time not missing; right in his fucking face. Yuta groans in pain, a purple bruise forming on his cheek. The imprints of your knuckles fade slowly from his pale skin, and he winces as you pulled him back up by the collar. Your left hand takes the win yet again as you slap him hard across his face- so hard that stars burst within his vision. You were surprised to find that Rika hadn't come out and attacked you yet for what you did to him.
"Aren't you sorry for what you did to me?"
His eyebrows knit together, arms limp on his sides. "I'm sorry."
"You think that's fucking enough?" Your words come out harsh through gritted teeth. Yuta exhales, both hands coming up to grip your wrists firmly and forcing them off his collar.
"No, it isn't. I know that."
"I'll fucking kill you one day."
"No, you can't. You know that."
You try to budge your hands away from his grip to no avail. His hands are just as cold as you remember them. His eyes fail to mask his worry when he saw your bruised knuckles and the cuts on your arm. He had forgotten just how fragile you were compared to him, a supernatural human with a stupidly OP alien slash monster slash creature by his side to almost always heal him without actively seeking for it. You were human; as dainty as a dandelion; a single blow by his hand and you'd be crushed in an instant.
Despite being roughed up, Yuta made sure to be extra gentle handling you. To make sure you wouldn't break at his touch.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?"
"Fuck off. Don't pretend like you give a shit about me."
He says nothing, hands moving up to cover over yours in spite of what you said. While you may not be physically strong, you've formulated your vocabulary enough to hurt like shards of broken glass. The room falls into temporary solace as he heals you.
"Listen. I'm really sorry."
The purple on your knuckles slowly started to fade, and the stinging subsided. "I don't give a shit, Yuta. You ruined my life and I'm not forgiving you for as long as you live."
"Then can I show you just how sorry I am?"
"And how would you do that? You think you're gonna win my heart over by some cooking?" You grit your teeth in pain when he massages over the sore knuckles that were just healed.
"I'll earn it however you want me to."
Yuta's fingers glide over the cuts and bruises on your arm, counting them. "Whatever it takes for you to forgive me, I'll do it. I don't want to become estranged to you."
There's this weird feeling in your chest that's telling you to slap him again. But you hold back, mulling his words over and over. Whatever it takes, he says? You could practically use him however you wanted to for your own personal gain. With those looks of his, you could turn him into a runaway model and have all the money for yourself. The gears of business turned into your head. You could have him clean your house everyday, tell him to get a job, and live burden-free for the rest of your life. Having Rika would be an extra plus for security.
But wait a damn minute; estranged? You've just met him today and you're both acting like lovers living underneath the same roof.
He must've caught this realization of yours with the odd way he looks down at your hand, then at his, then back to your face. Yuta feels a little self-conscious, "Um, what? Is there something on my face?"
Hey hey, wait. Doesn't he look a little cute?
You raise a hand and slap yourself.
"Huh- are you okay?!"
"If I don't kill you, then I'll kill myself."
"Oh heavens, no. Please don't do that." Yuta slips his fingers in yours without much thought, pulling you closer to him. "Just breathe. Breathe in slowly, then out. This... this isn't worth that much to die for, alright? I'll help you find another job. I won't be much of a burden to you anymore since I'll move out soon, so please don't-"
He smells so much like the vanilla shampoo you love.
"Yuta." You cut his rambling off.
The poor boy is shaking with anxiety. Whatever deadly facade he had on just a few hours ago had evaporated along with your sadness, "Y-Yeah?"
"Do you realize just how absurd we are right now?"
"What do you mean?" He blinks innocently.
"This... whatever you're doing to me."
He rakes his eyes on you- head to toe, then back up to you. "The healing? It's Rika's powers and not mine."
"No. I mean, the situation that we're in right now."
"...That I killed people and that we're on the run?"
"No. It's how close we are together."
Yuta's face turns pink at the realization, "Oh, uh. Sorry, I..." Your hands and his untangle. It's hard to believe that this was the same man that hunted you down akin a predator to its prey; his eyes that once held no regard for human life are now shaking from your intense query. He deftly looks away from you to the side instead, putting his arms behind his back. He wants to curl into a ball and melt into a puddle; his very own innocence had chipped away the walls he had once built to keep emotions at an arm's length away.
Yuta's heart stutters, like a teenage boy with a crush.
"You know... if you like touching me so much all you gotta do is ask." Something else swells within you seeing him vulnerable like that. A deadly man with a deadly SCP no doubt; but worked up just because you reminded him of his proximity? It was your turn to tease him.
"I... Why do you say it like that?"
"Then why do you keep touching me?"
His eyes meet yours, "Because I need to heal you?"
"I don't believe you."
"Would you rather I touch you in a different way, then?" Yuta asks, dipping his head closer to you. The air changes in a split second, and you feel hotter than you should be in early December.
He mimics your words with a befitting smile, "If you want me to touch you so much, all you gotta do is ask..."
You felt like you were going to explode.
From tension or embarrassment, you don't know.
"Fuck you, Yuta."
You mock him.
Yuta chuckles,
Your eyes widen when he puts a hand behind your head, leaning closer to kiss you softly on the lips.
Time had somehow stopped for the two of you, the snow outside halting in their descent. His usually cold fingers had turned warm, resting nicely on the crook of your neck. His lips were plush soft against yours. His other hand cups your face, thumb stroking your cheek slowly with the kind of affection you've never felt before.
This was personal.
This was intimate.
This has got to be some kind of fucked up love.
He pulls back abruptly, guilt pooling in his eyes. "I'm sorry-"
Yeah, it has to be.
It must be with the way you responded back to him just as hungrily when he tore apart from you. Your hands grasp desperately at the clothing you lent to him, smelling so sweetly of your strawberry scented fabric softener, as if he was going to crumble to dust in your arms. It must be in the way your eyes flutter to a close, devoting all trust in a man you barely knew. It must be in the way his touches kindle a fire in you, raising the hair on your arms and back, how your body eases into the warmth his body emits. It must be how you yearn for his touch despite knowing him so briefly; as if you had known each other forever. It must be in the way his lips fit so perfectly on yours, cherry red on Merlot wine, drunken in each other.
It must be, it must be, it must be.
It must be some kind of fucked up destiny.
His hands travel down to your waist, holding you in place. Yuta loved touching; but especially touching you now, after having just realized how devoid of love he truly was. Regarded as viler than human all his years, pent-up frustration had him abandoning his emotions; his only saving grace of ever being considered human.
But in your arms, he felt human.
Each kiss lasted longer than the last. Outside, the world had turned a shade of dark only the moon can light up. You both finally break apart, catching your breaths. You notice the pinkish hue dusting his bruised cheeks and he notices the shy smile on your lips.
"Yuta... my legs."
"I got you," Yuta mumbles softly, carefully switching your positions and placing you on top of the counter. Now he's the one looking up at you, his lips a shade redder than before and the most lovesick gaze in his eyes you've ever seen. "You look so pretty when you smile."
You blush, "See, that's my first kiss you took."
"I thought the floor took your first?"
You smack him lightly, "Don't bring that up!"
He chuckles at the memory.
"I'm sorry that I punched you. Does it still hurt?" In the back of your mind you shot yourself for casting your pride aside, but you had to. He had kissed all the hatred you had for him away.
"Don't be." He rubs his cheeks, "I can heal myself, I deserved it."
"Yeah you know what, you're right. You do."
--------------------------------------------------------------> part 3 (smut)
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
If only
Characters : Dabi/ Fem reader
Genre and Warnings : Fluff/ Suggestive Themes/ Angst/ !Tragedy/ Drabble
Notes : Don't ask, just take it.
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
It was never going to work..
_ "Touya.." his name fell from your lips in a satisfied sigh, and your arms moved weakly to encase him in your embrace.
_ "You have to stop calling me that angel, how many times have we discussed this?" he whined against the soft skin of your neck, nuzzling your warm flesh and allowing a smile that he no longer cared to conceal.
_ "We're alone and no one can hear a word we're saying, so it's fine right?" you argued playfully, whimpering against his shoulder and digging your fingers into his scarred skin as he finally pulled his softening cock out of your swollen cunt.
_ "Yeah, it's fine love." was his response before taking your breath away with a passionate liplock.
But it was never going to be fine..
You smiled brightly though your eyes still held a shred of concern that you could not hide away from him, no matter how hard you tried.
Fooling everyone has always been a piece of cake, but he's not like everyone, not to you..
_ "Go ahead and say it, I messed up didn't I?" yeah, he could read your expression clearly, despite you choosing to stay quiet.
You walked right up to him, cradling his cheeks and tracing his expanding scars as you searched your brain for what to say next. What he had done was huge, something that you knew was coming but had never prepared for like you should have. Revealing his truth to the world was a huge step he craved to take for years, but now that he has, doubts and uneasiness started to plague him.
_ "No, you didn't mess up Touya, you did what you should and I'm so proud of you." yeah, that was exactly what you wanted to convey, and you were glad it came across perfectly.
You could sense the tension leaving him after hearing your assuring words, and it was all you needed at that moment.
_ "It will be alright Touya.."
But it was never going to be alright..
_ "This is it, this is what I've been waiting for." he held you in his arms as he spoke.. the screams, the blasts, and sounds of the crushing buildings served as a perfect background music for his final battle.
_ "Please be careful Touya, please come back to me," your eyes welled up as you pleaded with him, "all I care about is your safety so please watch out for yourself." in all honesty, you didn't care much about the war's outcome as you did about his well-being, he's all you have in this world after all.
And you're all he's ever wanted, "you have my word angel, so give me yours."
_ "I promise to come back alive Touya, I promise to live long with you like we've always wanted."
Liar.. it was never going to happen was it?
_ "No, no, no! sweetheart open your eyes! Please look at me!" he shook your lifeless body violently, inspecting your injuries as you laid motionless on the ground.
The war was at its ending stages, no victors to be announced as heroes and villains alike had lost something that day, and for him, it was more than he could handle.
_ "You promised! You fucking promised! Get up right now and stop messing with me! You can't, you can't do this to me! Please, I'm begging you to open your eyes.." his voice wavered after shouting his demands, blood forming in his eyes and rolling down his face, mixing with all the severe and agonizing burns he acquired throughout the battle.
It was never meant to be..
He has lost everything that day, his obsession with revenge blinded him from what was important.. you.
His mind took him back to the day you begged him to leave it all behind and start anew, away from everything and everyone who led you both down the path of villainy, but he was too broken to see clearly, too deranged to understand that it would have been his only chance for happiness..
_ "We can still do it, we can start over, just like you wanted, so please open your eyes.."
The screams, the blasts, and sounds of the crushing buildings that once served as a perfect background music for his final battle, were suddenly diluted.
He realized a little too late, that revenge would have never given him the peace of mind he searched for his entire life, it would have never given him the recognition he craved, nor the love he thought was lost.
He realized a little too late, that all he ever needed was already within his grasp, it has always been you.
If only he realized it a little earlier, but..
Alas, all is lost..
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bluebugjay · 8 months
so I've had this little not too serious theory in my head that the couple from Wild Blue Yonder and That Unwanted Animal are the same couple just in two separate time lines.
So to me it seems like the wby couple has realised they should break up (Seen that wild blue yonder and said, "Let's end this, too"), that if they don't their relationship will only grow toxic and hold them back. They're both scared of moving on (let's hide under the covers, we don't know what's out there) and being alone in the world again but they know its for the better (Don't you ever wonder what could have been? All those wonders sit in wait for us, we tried ) and plan to use everything they've learnt in this relationship on their next (Every brick you hurled, I'll use to build this world) I like to think they mutually break up in this time line and manage to move on happily.
However in tua it seems like it's telling the story of if the couple didn't break up at that point and allowed their relationship to rot and grew bitter with each other, they let their fear of moving on and the unknown keep them chained down and together so they never got that freedom they do in the wby time line. (You try so loud to love me, I cannot seem to hear.) They're trying to force themselves to continue on as a couple and not communicate how its not really what either of them want (And on the creature scratches, it doesn't know how to get out (let me out!)). To the point they're both stuck in an unhealthy relationship, resenting and possibly hating each other. (Be good to me, I beg of him, Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good, be good, be good. And he replies (oh), "No, no, not I") It's also possibly hinted at that they have a child / children in this time line that otherwise they wouldn't have, and now that they see their relationship is crumbling, regret having (And I make sure the bairns are fed // Hold the hand of the god-child, they said, as he falls from the sky)
More under the cut
They both also reference sex in two completely different ways. Wby seems to reference some kind of last goodbye, break up sex for fun like a celebration of their relationship. (So one last time, love, come and rip my clothes off // Come and rip off my socks like you're blasting the locks off of a bank vault (halt) This time we're done for.) Whereas tua's reference to sex is so much more forced and kind of unsettling because it doesn't seem much fun for either party and almost like they're just performing as a happy couple. ('Cause you, you touch, my skin peels off like paint, but beneath all of our panting, there's this noise I cannot shake // And we fall into each other, the scratching grows so loud // And our screaming joins in unison, I cry out to the Lord.) It's two completely different perspectives of the same thing.
There's also a few parallels in the lyrics such as:
Hide under the covers, We don't know what's out there // There's a second wind coming as we lie here in our bed
Try, please, try for me (Tried my best to get thinner) // And as the belt from your buckle is tightening
And the candle we lit. Well, we'll use it to burn this whole place to the ground // And you, you, you light a candle. And I make sure the bairns are fed
I've got something in my eye (I surrender what was) // "And can't you hear that scratching?" I ask your eyes
We don't know what's out there. Can't you hear that scratching? // Well, can't you hear that scratching? There's something at the door
That last one being the most obvious and telling because it's the same exact wording with probably a similar meaning but completely different presentation. In wby they're wondering what's out there whereas in tua the 'creature' is already at the door and they know it. The 'creature' could be a couple things, it could be a personification of their toxic relationship itself, the fact its seemingly not arrived in wby because they break up before it turns toxic whereas its right at their door in tua because they're living the toxic relationship. It could be yearning for freedom from the relationship, both versions of the couple are hearing it and want it but the wby couple break up and let the 'creature' in before it turns against them compared to the tua couple who leave it locked out until 'the door below, it splinters, and the creature creeps inside.' The creature could be them as a couple trying to escape the relationship (And on the creature scratches, it doesn't know how to get out (let me out!)) because being in the relationship has turned them into each other 'unwanted animals' and the scratching they hear in wby is just a warning of what could come.
Other than that the whole energy of the songs are almost opposites, wby is so full of life and hopeful and light hearted whereas tua is unsettling and concerning and makes a point to add a joke in the lyrics that flies over the other partner's head because all fun and ease has abandoned that version of the relationship. ("Well, hello, my hollow Holofernes" I wink, but you don't get the joke)
I know there's a few different parallels between a couple of their songs so this is probably just one of them and might even be able to be expanded on using more songs but either way I think it's pretty interesting and very cleverly done
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techmomma · 8 days
Various things I have learned while working at this mitigation company:
different insurance providers are more or less willing to cover more things. some companies are real lenient and will give you a lot of leeway. some will absolutely not and will find every means possible to not pay. we tend to keep an unofficial list (at least among employees) of which ones we love to work with (aka which ones will approve and pay for the most and be easiest to deal with) and which ones we hate working with (they will usually reject the claim meaning NO mitigation work is done at all because you think most regular people can afford $20K mitigation out of pocket?). you can ask us which ones we like working with.
if the overhead sprinkler system is activated, then even if nothing burned, you will still need so much mitigation. modern sprinkler systems aren't just full of water, they have various fire-fighting chemicals in them that should not come into contact with people for extended periods. and definitely not food.
not every business is willing to pay for fire sprinkler mitigation. sometimes they just decide to paint over it! one of the local grocery stores decided to do that! remember what I said about exposing those chemicals to food?
mold can start growing from a water leak within like 48 hours. faster if it's a sewage leak. if you had a leak and you waited a week to call anyone, you need a mold inspection too.
we get screwed over by churches so, so much.
all houses must be tested for asbestos before any mitigation can begin. it used to be that we only really needed to test on houses built before about 1990, but as asbestos was used in building materials LONG after that, they've finally cracked down and now all houses needed to be tested. my coworkers aren't as happy about this as I am.
if the building was built before 1978 though then we have to test for asbestos AND lead! I think we should test them all for lead frankly but the law says 1978.
asbestos and lead usually have to be removed by special companies. we use subcontractors for that since we don't have the equipment ourselves.
subcontractors! your mitigation company usually can't do everything themselves, so they'll enlist the aid of another company. so for example, when we have to test for asbestos and lead, we use a subcontractor who has the equipment to analyze samples.
generally, if you can see damage, whatever is inside the wall is so, so much worse.
there is so so much mold in like every building
even with industrial cleaners and professional equipment, mold is so hard to actually get rid of permanently. if it's gotten into an organic material like wood or cloth, you can count that as pretty much permanently affected. they will almost always be unsalvageable.
this counts for say, the wood beams of your house. we can clean them down and spray mold killer and seal them, but it'll ever be a 100% guarantee, ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIVE IN A WETTER CLIMATE. LIKE, IDK, WASHINGTON.
houses on the water are so full of mold
if you have a sudden Emergency, please make sure you decide if you're going to use a mitigation before you actually call us. especially for emergencies where there's water like actively flooding your house. please, for the love of god, don't call us and say "we have an emergency and need help cleaning this up" and then call a short while later saying "well, actually, can we be put on hold, we're not sure if we'll go with mitigation yet...". our technicians are almost always working on a job, we don't have anyone just sitting around the office we can send at any time. and sometimes those jobs can be like an hour away from our office
that means the tech has to pack up their equipment on the site (meaning making sure the site is secured especially if it's going to rain), get back to the office (remember the hour drive from before), get the right equipment for your emergency, and head out there. if they've been pulled from their previous job site they had to drive an hour for, we're not going to fucking send them back.
meaning if you cancel, that's like half of our day wasted and now that other job is going to be behind, too, because they're minus an extra five hours that could have been spent doing the work for that job
please. please don't do your own mitigation work. oh my god.at the very least because sometimes insurance companies get super super picky about that and might reject your claim for it.
if you can see water damage on the other side of a wall, it means the water has gone through the drywall. the longer it's wet and uncared for--I'm talking like, 2 days or more--the more likely things will need to be removed and/or demolished. certainly after 2 days the insulation will almost certainly need to be removed and new insulation installed. this will cost money.
the older the building, the more likely anything in that building will fail at any given time. sure maybe the piping lasted 100 years but that's because it took 100 years to eat away the piping until it finally gave out on the 101st year
meaning the older the building, the more likely it becomes that you'll experience pipe bursts, leaks, electrical mishaps, sewage leaks, etc. etc.
when it comes to water mitigation, there's two kinds: cleanwater and blackwater. cleanwater is what comes out of your tap. blackwater is poopy sewage. blackwater is, without fail, a gazillion times more expensive because it will, as a requirement, involve some form of demolition. it should. that's a health hazard man. you don't know what (else) is in poopy sewage water.
if you can't have the water turned off to do any mitigation, then you HAVE to get a specialist before we can do any restoration. if the pipe is still leaking, then mitigation work will kind of be for nothing.
if you're planning on filing any claims, do that FIRST before you call anybody. the insurance company will have a list of people to call and will tell you how to go about things so that your claim is solid. filing online is fine but it's usually a good idea to have an actual name and contact information for an adjuster (the person who'll be looking at the damage and seeing what needs to be done)
don't fret. sometimes even things I thought would be totally unsalvageable were salvageable! they have lots of tips and tricks, and the technicians and their managers are usually happy to talk about their trade with you
a lot of these technicians really do care, even if they're mostly in it for the work. so many of these guys would do this because this kind of work is pure enrichment for them, but they got families to take care of. it gets genuinely frustrating sometimes to know what work needs to be done and wanting to do so, but the insurance company won't pay out, so nothing can be done.
if your insurance company is giving you the reach-around and you think they're fucking you over, there's something called the insurance commissioner. they're who you can report insurance company fuckery to and the commissioner is usually pretty on top of it. I've seen customers be fucked over for months by their insurance company call the commissioner, and within a few hours the insurance company ~*~magically~*~ has a fire lit under their ass and just so so happy to help you out.
you get what you pay for. whether construction, mitigation, whatever. you pay for cheap mitigation work, you will get cheap results.
something you really don't want cheap results for: mitigation work
things landlords are absolutely fucking notorious for: wanting cheap mitigation work. don't listen to any stupid schpiel they give you about caring or whatever work they said they put in. sure they did pay $10k for restoration work--because it was a job worth about $20k, and they went with the rock-bottom contractor who put a half-assed half day's work in that will fall apart in a few years
fuck landlords and property managers. but you already knew that if you follow me.
Lastly, if you have time to spare and want to make a technician's day, ask them what their worst or most fun job was. they are so happy to tell you.
they have so. many. stories.
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quartzalynlove · 9 months
The Hands We're Dealt
Pairing: Cherokee bill x black fem reader
Summary: Bill wanders into your town just to see you
Warnings: angst and use of the n word
A/N: finally watched The Harder They Fall and I still can't resist a man played by my future husband
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It hadn't been your week recently. After all the years, the law was finally catching up to you and your gang. After all you sacrificed to build this town where your people could prosper, the man was finally coming to collect.
It started with the law responding just a bit too quick after your hits. That morning, a general of the U.S. army stepped into your town and gave the gang until next week to disperse before his men dealt with you themselves.
You sat with your brothers and sister that had been with you from the start. You would never surrender to the white man, but there was still only so much longer you could run. If there was one thing you hated, it was running, but even if you killed the whole fleet of troops the army sent, you'd never be safe in your town again. Your name would be all over the west.
Tina got your attention, the first to provide a solution instead of just talking about finding one.
"Law's not bad just two counties south from. We could set up there."
You waved your hand dismissively, reaching for the glass of whiskey on your desk.
"The further we run the further they'll spread. Do we keep runnin' til we're in the goddamn ocean?"
The room fell silent as defeat finally sunk into the air. At this rate, the only thing that could help you was a night in the saloon.
Suddenly, the call of a bird echoed into the night, and the corners of your mouth twitched. Everyone looked around curiously.
"That damn bird again."
"Where does it come from?"
They'd only hear it about once a week, but no one ever managed to see it. However, you knew exactly where to find that bird.
You stood from your chair, breaking the murmurs of confusion. "Y'all turn in; I'll deliberate overnight. Keep your senses sharp and your spirits high. I'll die before I let this town burn."
Everyone gave you a nod as they walked out. No matter how stern and sure you were, they all knew what was coming for them. In the empty room, you let out a heavy sigh before downing the rest of your drink.
Bill had waited a while at the back of your office building. Just as he was about to call again, you finally met him, walking slow as the distance closed between you.
"Cherokee Bill," you all but whispered. "In my town?"
A small smirk rested on his face as he leaned against the building. "I must've lost my way, ma'am."
You stared into each other's eyes for a moment before leaning into each other. Bill's hand rested on your hip as he kissed deep into you, hungry for you. You knew that kiss, and you knew the look in his eyes when you pulled away.
"How's Trudy?" You asked.
Bill shrugged. "Still Trudy."
"And Buck?"
"Do you really care?" Bill gave a dry chuckle
"No," you shook your head. "But I need somethin' to talk about, and I can't count on you for that."
Bill smiled as he crossed his arms. "I'm fine, by the way."
You mimicked him as an act of defiance. "I know you are; you better be."
"How are you?" Bill asked sincerely.
There were so many ways you could answer him, but what was Bill going to do about it? Even though you weren't fine, after those fifteen minutes he'd go back to his town and you'd go back in yours to fight your own battles.
"I'm fine," you said. "Need a favor though."
You stiffened a bit in front of Bill. Meeting like that was supposed to be a chance to unwind for the both of you, but you couldn't afford to not think of your work.
You looked up, staring Bill in the eye. "Next time Buck gets a score, make sure it ain't my fuckin' money."
Bill looked down and nodded slowly. A week ago, Buck's gang robbed a train whose company was in business with you, and Buck knew it. You hated how Buck pushed every other gang around like they weren't his people with his goals. He may have been big enough to get away with it, but you weren't going to let your buttons get pushed again.
Bill started to reach into his coat, "That's right," he pulled out two stacks of cash and held it out to you. "Here, it's my cut."
Just managing to hold back your scowl you lashed out at Bill. "I don't need your money, Bill."
"You just said it was yours." He went back at you in that exasperated tone that irritated you.
"And now it ain't," you couldn't yell and get caught with Bill in your town, but the intention came across crystal clear. "The last thing I need from you, Bill, is your pity."
Bill squeezed his eyes shut and faced up at the sky as a frustrated sigh left his lips.
"Take the money, Y/N," he stretched his hand further, his jaw visibly clenched. "You think I agreed with Rufus takin' that money from you. I'm just tryna make somethin' right."
Your face was stone as you huffed at Bill before snatching the money out of his hands, not waiting until later to count through it.
"What's the matter with you," he asked sincerely, scanning over you as if he'd find the answer in your features. "We're not in trouble, are we? I'd rather you step into Redwood and shoot me than let me ride all the way out here to chew my ear off."
As you put the money inside your own coat pocket, you dropped your shoulders. You were still livid, but you stopped directing it at Bill.
"Seventy grand, Bill. That's how much y'all took from me," you waved his finger at him. "I can't run my town off two grand and bank heists. I'm runnin' out of white folk to rob this far west."
Bill nodded in understanding as he brought a hand to your arm. "I know, baby, and I'm sorry."
His hand traveled the length of your arm, and your gaze finally softened. Seeing your curls in the moonlight, Bill brought his other hand to cup your cheek as he leaned in to kiss you once again.
You loved Bill more than anything. In a perfect world it would just be you two as outlaws together. But your hands were already dealt, and you had to see them through the end of the game.
With his hand snaked around your waist, Bill pulled you flush against his body; your hat fell to the ground as you put your arms around his neck. Softly, he pushed you against the wall as his hands and lips started to travel. As he started to push your coat off, he felt your hands on his chest.
"Bill," you called him, staring into those big brown eyes that you knew held your reflection inside. "The army's after me."
A worried crease put itself between Bill's brows. "The army."
"Yup," you said softly before picking your hat off the ground. "General gave us a week before he came back to shoot us niggas down himself. We're thinkin' of runnin'"
"To where?" Bill asked knowing the same thing you did.
"I don't know where, but..."
Bill called your name, and you knew by the look on his face exactly what he was about to say. Usually, he was only dumb enough to say it half drunk off his liquor or love for you.
"Don't you look at me like that, Bill."
As if he knew how stupid what he was thinking was he hesitated before speaking. "I want you to be safe; you and your folks."
You got angry again, stepping closer towards Bill. "And we'll find a way, but I am not moving to Redwood."
Bill just shook his head. "If I talk anymore, you'll shoot me."
"Then hold your tongue."
But he couldn't. Bill couldn't leave your town without trying everything in his power to keep you safe. He knew this ended with you dead, and so did you. For the past few years, a good part of his world lied with you, and he didn't know what he'd do if he lost it.
He said it anyway, talking fast so you didn't have long to act on your reactions. "We've got more men, more resources, and half the state's law work for us. You'd be safe in Redwood."
Bill was right; you were stuck between smacking him across the face or putting a bullet in his leg, but you stayed still with your hands balled in fists.
"Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to?"
"The woman I love—"
"Shut your mouth." The distance closed between you and Bill again, but this time the air around you turned threatening.
"I'll put a bullet in my own head before I work for Rufus Buck, stealin' from and killin' my own kin."
"Buck is building a promised land." Bill remained calm.
You spoke through clenched teeth. "He is building a dictatorship."
Bill looked away and put some distance between you two, "I don't wanna lose you, Y/N." Was all he said with a tired voice.
"But you don't ever think about what I'd lose," your words bit. "You want me to tell my gang that we'll follow the orders of the man who wronged us, and we were forced to wrong back? You ain't thick in the head, Bill."
Bill had nothing to say for himself. He thought it best just to let you talk yourself out.
"You said you didn't agree with Buck stealing from me, yet once we're done here, you'll go running back right to him."
"If I leave Rufus, I'll be on the run for the rest of my life."
"You think I can't protect you?" You cocked your head to the side.
"And what about the army," Bill started to lose his temper. "I want you in my life, Y/N. Since that shoot out in Odessa, all I've wanted is to see you next to me in the morning and take a ride out with you at night. I know how selfish I am to ask you this, but I don't care."
Your lips were in a tight line as a shuddering breath escaped you and tears pricked your eyes.
"You think I don't want the same? Sometimes all I can wonder is how easier things would be if you were here, but these are the hands we've been dealt. You make all this talk about choices, but don't ever make one yourself," you turned from Bill, starting back to your house. "Go on outta here before I shoot you dead."
As Bill watched you walk away, your dress flowing in the wind, he felt part of his spirit die. He didn't have to wait for you to get killed, he lost you all on his own. As he unhitched his horse from a tree nearby, all Bill could do was pray that you'd make a way out of this mess like you always seemed to before.
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an-angels-fury · 27 days
⚔️ I Believe You Called ⚔️ - A(nother) Caspeter Playlist
In case someone gets curious, you can check out the first playlist I made for them (This second one can be seen as a sequel to the previous one or a completly separated thing, it's up to you 👍). All my song choices are based on their relationship in canon (mostly movie!Canon) and my personal headcanons for them.
Anyway, enjoy it! 😘
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Kiss With A Fist - Florence + The Machine
I broke your jaw once before / I spilled your blood upon the floor / You broke my leg in return / So sit back and watch the bed burn / Love sticks, sweat drips / Break the lock if it don't fit / A kick in the teeth is good for some / A kiss with a fist is better than none
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
Everytime we lie awake / After every hit we take / Every feeling that I get / But I haven't missed you yet / Every roommate kept awake / By every sigh and scream we make / All the feelings that I get / But I still don't miss you yet / Only when I stop to think about it / I hate everything about you / Why do I love you?
Battlefield - Jordin Sparks
Can't swollow our pride / Neither of us wanna raise that flag / If we can't surrender, then we're gonna lose what we had / Both hands tied behind my back for nothing / These times when we climb so fast to fall again / I don't wanna fall for it now / I never meant to start a war / You know I never wanna hurt you / Don't even know what we're fighting for / Why this love always feels like a battlefield? A battlefield? A battlefield? / Why this love always feels like a battlefield? A battlefield? A battlefield? / I guess you better go and get your armor
i hate u, i love u - gnash (feat. Olivia O'Brien)
I hate you, I love you / I hate that I love you / Don't want to, but I can't put / Nobody else above you / I hate you, I love you / I hate that I want you / You want her, you need her / And I will never be her
Send Me An Angel - Scorpions
The wise man said: Just walk this way / To the dawn of the light / The wind will blow into your face / As the years pass you by / Hear this voice from deep inside / It's the call of your heart / Close your eyes and you will find / The passage out of the dark / Hear I am / Will you send me an angel? / Hear I am / In the land of the morning star
Heart By Heart - Demi Lovato
When your soul finds the soul / It was waiting for / When someone walks into your heart / Through an open door / When your hand finds the hand / It was meant to hold / Don't let go / Someone comes into your world / Suddenly, your world has changed forever / No, there's no one else's eyes / That can see into me / No, no one else's arms can lift / Lift me up so high / Your love lifts me out of time / And you know my heart by heart
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
And I'd give up forever to touch you / 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow / You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be / And I don't wanna go home right now / And all I can taste is this moment / And all I can breathe is your life / And sooner or later, it's over / I just don't wanna miss you tonight / And I don't want the world to see me / 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand / When everything's made to be broken / I just want you to know who I am
LOST BOY - Troye Sivan
I don't care much for locks on the window / To keep me at bay / I'll leave you one last kiss on your pillow / Before I fly away / Yeah we knew from the beginning / That this wasn't never ending / Shouldn't stay too long / Cause we're both too young / To give into forever / I say I wanna settle down / Build your hopes up like a tower / I'm giving you the run around / I'm just a lost boy / Not ready to be found / Not ready to be found / I'm just a lost boy / So what are you waiting for? / 'Cause someone could love you more / I'm just a lost boy, lost boy
Beautiful Disaster (Live Version) - Kelly Clarkson
He's magic and myth / As strong as what I believe / A tragedy with / More damage than a soul could see / And do I try to change him? / So hard not to blame me / Hold on tight / Hold on tight / Oh and I don't know / I don't know what he's after / But he's so beautiful / He's such a beautiful disaster / What if I could hold on / Through the tears and the laughter / Would it be beautiful / Or just a beautiful disaster?
Naked - James Arthur
Hey, you there / Can we take it to the next level, baby, do you dare? / Don't be scared / 'Cause if you can't say the words, I don't know why I should care / 'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can / But all you ever do is mess it up / Yeah, I'm right here / I'm tryin' to make it clear / That getting half of you just ain't enough / I'm not gonna wait until you're done / Pretending you don't need anyone / I'm standing here naked / I'm standing here naked / I'm not gonna try 'til you decide / You're ready to swallow all your pride / I'm standing here naked / I'm standing here naked
Take Me To Church - Hozier
My church offers no absolutes / S(He) tells me, "Worship in the bedroom" / The only Heaven I'll be sent to / Is when I'm alone with you / I was born sick, but I love it / Command me to be well / A-, Amen, Amen, Amen / Take me to church / I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies / I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife / Offer me that deathless death / Good God, let me give you my life
Dust To Dust - The Civil Wars
It's not your eyes / It's not what you say / It's not your laughter / That gives you away / You're just lonely / You've been lonely too long / All your acting, your thin disguise / All your perfectly delivered lines / They don't fool me / You've been lonely too long / Let me in the walls / You've built around / We can light a match / And burn them down / Let me hold your hand / And dance 'round and 'round the flames / In front of us / Dust to dust / You've held your head up / You've fought the fight / You bear the scars / You've done your time / Listen to me / You've been lonely too long
Watch It All Fade - Gavin James
When you let go / Of love all gone / Save the world / Or write this story / No one's ever heard / Before I knew / When I saw / Her (His) heart over mine / Fear over somebody / Fighting that fear / That you just can't believe / But you need it by living / Castles and islands / All the crowns and the diamonds / I don't think I can find them now / Stay if you want / Leave if you need / And watch it all fade
Run - Snow Patrol
I'll sing it one last time for you / Then we really have to go / You've been the only thing that's right / In all I've done / And I can barely look at you / But every single time I do / I know we'll make it anywhere / Away from here / Light up, light up / As if you have a choice / Even if you cannot hear my voice / I'll be right beside you dear / Louder, louder / And we'll run for our lives / I can hardly speak I understand / Why you can't raise your voice to say
Wherever You Will Go (Cover) - Charlene Soraia
And maybe, I'll find out / A way to make it back someday / To watch you, to guide you / Through the darkest of your days / If a great wave shall fall / And fall upon us all / Well then I hope there's someone out there / Who can bring me back to you / If I could, then I would / I'll go wherever you will go / Way up high or down low / I'll go wherever you will go / Run away with my heart / Run away with my hope / Run away with my love / I know now, just quite how / My life and love might still go on / In your heart, in your mind / I'll stay with you for all of time
The Most Beautiful Boy (Strong Outside A Man, But Inside A Boy) - The Irrepressibles
You're the most beautiful boy / The most beautiful boy / That I've seen with my eyes / You're the most beautiful man / With all the weight of the world / And those clouds in your skies / But I loved you / I couldn't help it / Tried to protect you / You're the most beautiful man / With all your playful delight / And your dreams in your sight / You're the most beautiful boy / With the most beautiful smile / And I see you, I do / And you loved me, I know / I could feel it / 'Cause I loved you / Can't eclipse it, it goes on / I love, still love you
Wait - M83
Send your dreams where nobody hides / Give your tears to the tide / No time / No time / There's no end, there is no goodbye / Disappear with the night / No time / No time
Already Gone (Cover) - Sleeping at Last
Remember all the things we wanted / Now all the memories they're haunted / We were always meant to say goodbye / Even with our face held high / It never would have worked out right / We were never meant for do or die / I didn't want us to burn out, I / Didn't come here to hurt you, now I can't stop / I want you to know / It doesn't matter / Where we take this road / Someone's gotta go / And I want you to know / You couldn't have loved me better / But I want you to move on / So I'm already gone / Looking at you makes it harder / But I know that you'll find another / That doesn't always make you want to cry / It started with the perfect kiss then / We could feel the poison set in / Perfect couldn't keep this love alive / You know that I love you so / I love you enough to let you go
Faded (Restrung) - Alan Walker
You were the shadow to my light / Did you feel us? / Another star, you fade away / Afraid our aim is out of sight / Wanna see us alive / Where are you now? / Where are you now? / Where are you now? / Was it all in my fantasy? / Where are you now? / Were you only imaginary? / Where are you now? / Atlantis, under the sea, under the sea / Where are you now? Another dream / The monster's running wild inside of me / I'm faded, I'm faded
Always - Gavin James
Cracks won't fix and the scars won't fade away / I guess I should get used to this / The left side of my bed's an empty space / I remember we were strangers / So tell me what's the difference / Between then and now / And why does this feel like drowning? / Trouble sleeping / Restless dreaming / You're in my head / Always, always / I just got scared / Away, away / I'd rather choke on my bad decisions / Than just carry them to my grave / You're in my head / Always, always, always
Memories - Within Temptation
In this world you tried / Not leaving me alone behind / There's no other way / I prayed to the gods let him stay / The memories ease the pain inside / Now I know why / All of my memories keep you near / In silent moments imagine you'd be here / All of my memories keep you near / Your silent whispers, silent tears
Somebody To Die For - Hurts
I could drag you from the ocean / I could pull you from the fire / When you're standing in the shadows / I could open up the sky / And I could give you my devotion / Until the end of time / And you will never be forgotten / With me by your side / And I don't need this life / I just need / I've got nothing left to live for / Got no reason yet to die / But when I'm standing in the gallows / I'll be staring at the sky / Because no matter where they take me / In death, I will survive / And I will never be forgotten / With you by my side / 'Cause I don't need this life / I just need / Somebody to die for / Somebody to cry for / When I'm lonely
This Love - Taylor Swift
Your kiss, my cheek / I watched you leave / Your smile, my ghost / I fell to my knees / When you're young, you just run / But you come back to what you need / This love is good / This love is bad / This love is alive back from the dead, oh, oh, oh / These hands had to let it go free, and / This love came back to me, oh, oh, oh / This love left a permanent mark / This love is glowing in the dark, oh, oh, oh / These hands had to let it go free, and / This love came back to me, oh, oh, oh
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Heart beats fast / Colors and promises / How to be brave? / How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? / But watching you stand alone / All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow / One step closer / I have died every day waiting for you / Darling, don't be afraid / I have loved you for a thousand years / I'll love you for a thousand more
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