#I’ve been seeing someone but he works nights and his schedule is wack and it results in me going to bed at 3am some nights
benechillax · 19 days
man i think i’m 5 seconds away from a mental breakdown
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wriothesleybear · 8 months
I love wrio with all my heart and I’ve been seeing so many baby videos on my fyp it made me think about wrio having baby fever 😣 he sees you doting on Sigewinne or something and his brain instantly starts to think about how good of a mama you would be to his babies 🥺
omg i love this anon🤭 wrio for sure has a breeding kink and he does think from time to time about you carrying his pups. he knows you'd be a great mother especially by how you take care of Sigewinnie and kids in general. ahh just imagine you're bonding with Sigewinnie and playing with stickers in Wrio's office while having a tea party with the three of you and Wrio just watches from the sidelines, enjoying the scene. he dreams about you and him having a child of your own, having tea parties, talking about stickers, etc. you two have talked about having a family before but held off because you two didn't think it was the right time plus Wrio has some personal issues and worries. he'd be worried he wouldn't be a good dad and deep inside, he still is a bit traumatized from being an orphan and the orphanage he had to grow up in. due to that, you don't really like to bring it up unless he does because you don't want to upset him. so when he actually brings up the idea of being ready to start a family, you're a bit surprised, double checking that he was sure of his decision. he would answer by holding both of your hands while looking deep in your eyes, a soft smile adorning his face, cheeks slightly red, saying yes. you would return his smile, leaning up to give him a sweet kiss on the lips.
man, would he be a doting partner during your pregnancy. he's already protective enough but it doubles once you two find out you're pregnant. he doesn't really like to keep you out of his sights but he knows he can't always be with you given his busy work schedule so he usually asks Sigewinnie, Neuvillette, Clorinde, people he trusts to watch you if he cant. he'd also get his employees to make trips for you, getting you food when you have specific cravings, anything you need, he'll have them get it for you so you can relax. you'd probably get annoyed of him due to your hormones because he teases you and is sarcastic most of the time with you, but he'll try to hold it back a bit no promise tho.
he would say he'd be fine with either a boy or a girl (but secretly he'd really want a girl because he looks like a 'daddy's girl' dad who'd spoil his daughter especially since he has experience with Sigewinnie being his nonbiological daughter)
now lets get to the spiciness😈 hoo boy is this man horny. after you two started trying for a baby, he'd take you every second he can. you would be spending a lot of time in his office. after he fills you up, you'd stay in his lap, keeping his cock inside you to make sure his seed takes while he does some paper work. once youre finally pregnant, he still pounces on you because you just look so sexy to him, with your beautiful, round belly and your pretty, plump tits. he'd give you massages often just to pamper you and help relieve the stress and pressure of carrying his child but its also sorta an excuse to grope your body. he cant help himself🥺 but its okay cuz you want his touch too. when you go to him, cutely asking him to fuck you cuz your hormones are going out of wack, how could he say no to his pretty little baby mama.
here's a little drabble~ warning smut below😉
You moan as Wrio sucks on your sensitive nipples, grinding against you as his cock fills you up. You come for the nth time that night. He chuckles. "Someone's extra sensitive tonight. Does my mouth and cock just feel that good to you?" You pout and glare at him. "Wrio, stop teasing." He laughs. "I cant help it when you look so cute like that on my cock." He says as he gives you deep thrusts, causing you to tighten around him. He continues, picking up the pace to where hes pounding into you, edging you closer to your next orgasm. He rubs circles on your clit, adding pressure. You scream as you squirt around his cock, covering his abs and thighs in your juices. Once you come down from your high, he pulls out and lays you on your side. He lays himself behind you as he wraps his arms around you. Holding you close, he gently rubs your belly while leaving kisses on your shoulder. Putting your hands over his, you rub your thumb on the back of his hand. He snuggles into you, nuzzling into your neck. While trying to get into a more comfortable position, you lean back into him, accidentally grinding your ass against his cock, causing him to hiss. "Are you tempting me on purpose?" "It was an accident you horny dog." He laughs while one of his hands on your belly moves down between your legs while he kisses and nibbles the sweet spot on your neck. You moan, getting excited again. "I see that I'm not the only one who's horny," he teases as he feels the wetness forming between your legs. "Just put your cock in already Wrio." "As you wish." Removing his hand, he uses it to hold your leg up then slowly guides his cock into you. The fullness of his warm, thick cock feels nice in your sensitive cunt, making you want to cum again already. "We'll go as long as you want. I'll make you cum as many times as you want my dear." What a doting lover.
i hope this feeds you anon. enjoy🥰❤️
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the agreement; prologue
here marks the start of a new series! one that I hope you all enjoy! I’ve been working on it for a few weeks; had the idea out of nowhere and decided to run with it. now it’s a 7 part series that I hope will be good.  synopsis: you and Bakugo have been working at the same agency for a while, and you’ve caught onto his mannerisms. when he comes into the office upset, one things leads to another and the both of you find yourselves in agreement on one thing. (I’m bad at synopses so pls forgive me, I tried).   characters are 20+. contents of prologue: language, office setting, boss!Bakugo x coworker!Reader, no smut yet. 
working for the big hero agency was a dream come true. sure, you weren’t a prohero, but you were the hero of the office. you handled a lot of paperwork, scheduling, and other needs that perhaps good heroes couldn’t find the time to get in with their busy lives. you loved it. not only was it easy and swift for you to complete the tasks at hand, but everyone in the agency appreciated you for all your hard work. you were one of them, not just a coworker, but a friend. 
the one person that mystified you was your boss, prohero and top ranker Ground Zero. he came in often, did some paperwork, sent some emails, but he spent most of his time in the field - as he should. he was the head of the agency, the face that everyone saw. he had to go out there and make sure everything was okay, that the city didn’t need saving. unfortunately, there was always someone causing trouble, meaning Ground Zero was almost always out. 
you didn’t mind helping him with his office work, but he insisted that he could do it, even though he was staying late in the building and working a lot of hours. “I’m not going to become number one if I don’t do it all for myself,” was what he always said. you figured his hard work was something to admire, his determination, his go getter attitude. those nights he’d come in from patrol, when most everyone else had gone home for the day, you didn’t like the idea of leaving him here alone. you’d stick around even if there was nothing for you to do. 
one of your coworkers found you asleep at your desk one morning and proceeded to question you on the seemingly wack idea of staying there so late, all night even. you foolishly looked over to the boss’s office, where it was already closed up, lights off, and you wondered if he was gone or just resting inside. your coworker gave you a smirk and leaned in, then teased you as if you were both in high school again. “got a crush on the boss man, huh?” 
you didn’t dignify that with an answer. you went about your time in the offices like normal, going home at the end of the day even though the thought of Ground Zero staying there late nagged at your mind. you had to push it all away, knowing that you needed to be in a place of rest and relaxation. you needed to rejuvenate at home. and so you returned to your dark and empty apartment. 
it was on one day you were running late, your busted alarm clock finally catching up to bite you in the ass, that something changed. you knocked on the boss’s door and carefully entered. he was still sitting at his desk, typing away - possibly making a report. he glanced over, his hard eyes seeming to soften just slightly, as if it were a relief to see you. “so you finally decided to show up.” 
you bowed respectfully. “I apologize, Ground Zero sir. I woke up late. I know that you like to run an efficient agency, so I won’t let this happen again.” 
he stood up and walked around his desk. “You know, you can call me Bakugo.” 
you looked up at him with shock, but quickly wiped it away. he still wore that steely expression, eyes glaring but he was relaxed with his arms crossed. “now get to work.” 
“yes sir, Gro-” you stopped yourself for a moment, “Bakugo, sir.” 
“just Bakugo,” he said. 
your voice caught in your throat, bewildered, so you nodded and scurried away to work. you had to replay the scenario in your head, but while doing so you didn’t realize there was a blush dusting your cheeks. that was until that same coworker came around, leaned up against the wall beside you, and teased you for it. “Don’t you have some hero-ing to do?” 
after that, it was nearly impossible to not to think about Bakugo. he wasn’t all consuming, but when you’d get ready in the morning, you were more conscience of what you were going to wear; when you were walking to his office, you would blush lightly; when leaving for the day, you would check in on him and say goodnight, and if he wasn’t there then you’d leave a note on his desk reminding him to go home. you didn’t know if he ever regarded your notes, but you liked to think he did, at least sometimes. 
it was pretty apparent to everyone when Bakugo was mad, he was loud on a typical day, he was a roaring fire on the bad ones. Sometimes a villain got the better of him and another one of his colleagues would step in, those days infuriated him. although he and Deku were friends, the top hero still seemed to get on his nerves sometimes. he got along well enough with other heroes, but it still irked him sometimes that they could be better than him. you saw his ambition for that top spot, you knew how much he wanted it, so you cheered him on from the office. but you also reminded him that getting a little help never hurt. 
when he walked into the office silently, his presence making the entire office look at him, as if a literal heatwave was wafting through, you knew this was different from all those other times he had ever, to put it lightly, shown his ass. he shut himself up in his office and didn’t come out. while he should have been out on the streets today, he seemed to want to stay in. typically he never wanted to, so you could only imagine what could spite such bizarre behavior from him. 
you had to go in there. you had a handful of forms that needed his signature, for the allowance of hero course students who wanted to perform a work study and intern under him. you knocked on the door carefully and opened it, met with Bakugo’s burning gaze already on you. 
“I know that you’re not in the best of moods, but I just need you to sign some things so I can send them back to the schools,” you told him, walking over to his desk. you set everything down in front of him, watching the papers instead of looking at him. his stare was burning into you, but when his hand came to the papers with a pen, you finally brought your eyes up. 
he was stewing on whatever was wrong. you could see that even while reading over those papers, he was still thinking of whatever was on his mind. you watched him, patiently waiting. when he got to the final paper, he gathered them and handed them back to you. he didn’t say anything, so you turned and walked to the door. 
“who do you go home to?” 
you turned and looked at him, puzzled. “excuse me?” 
“I just mean… there’s someone you go home to, right?” he said. his features were a lot softer than when you first walked in. you looked at the door and closed it gently, imagining that this conversation was somewhat personal. 
you walked back over, but you didn’t know if you should sit down, so you just held the paperwork to your chest. “no, I live alone.” 
he didn’t say anything for a moment. “I shouldn’t have assumed anything like that.” something about the way he said it came off as awkward and unsure. 
“it’s alright,” you said, giving a small smile. “I don’t mind your asking.” 
“so you don’t even live with a friend, then? no roommate?” 
“no,” you said softly. did he think that was pathetic? “it isn’t so bad, if that’s what you’re thinking. I spend most of my time here, so I’m not lonely.” 
he made a noise in the back of his throat, almost like a hum. “I don’t like going home,” he said. you gaped at him, closing your mouth when he looked at you. he seemed to register your reaction and began to clarify. “my parents came to see me, uninvited and unannounced, this past weekend. my old man is fine, it’s the old ha- my mother that grates on my last nerve.” 
“I think I can understand that,” you said, finally taking a seat and setting the forms to the side. “let me guess, though. she came in, saw it was just you, and started questioning everything about your life?” the only indication that he understood such a struggle was the growing irritation on his face. “my mom and aunt do the same thing to me.” 
“she asked me why I don’t have a girlfriend, why I have such a big house if no one is ever there, if I was ever going to-” he stopped, a red blush coming over his face. you’d never seen him give such a reaction to anything. he growled, embarrassed and annoyed. “if she was ever going to have any grandchildren.” 
you looked down, letting out a nervous chuckle. “I’ve heard that one about a thousand times. they tell me over and over again how I’m in my prime, how this is the time to have kids.” 
Bakugo was quiet for a moment and you wonder if you shared too much. when you look up again, he’s glancing away from you. he’s still as red as the most finely bloomed rose, his fingers drumming the tabletop suddenly. “she’s got it in my head that I’m doing this all wrong. I mean, really, what’s the point in having a stupid, big house if no one is there to occupy it?” 
“I’m sure you’ll find someone,” you told him encouragingly. 
“you’re starting to sound like that shitty haired Riot,” he said in a low grumble. he sat straighter and looked at you. “it’s not like I have time for that kind of stuff anyway.” 
“sometimes that’s true,” you told him, shrugging. “I don’t have that time either. I come in here every week day, morning to evening, and on the weekends I’m either still working from my laptop or doing other mundane stuff.” 
he looked at you, eyes burning, but not in disdain or anger. you couldn’t quite tell what it was in his eyes, but it made your cheeks run scarlet. you looked down and grabbed the papers, looking them over suddenly. each one had his haphazard yet lovely signature. you mindlessly ran a finger over one of them. “I mean, I devote myself to this agency. this is what I want to do. I’m sure you feel the same with this place and your goals.” 
he gave a single nod, watching you “I want this agency to be the best.”
“as do I.” you looked down with a gentle smile. “what about adoption.”
“that’s great and all, really it is, but…” he left off, looking away from you as a shadow cast over his eyes.  he started mumbling afterwards, “I want to be able to pass my quirk on, you know.” 
there was a silence that blanketed the air, that began to feel thick. you glanced up, his eyes on you again. you thought it was time for you to take a leave from his office, but something was bubbling up inside you. you didn’t want this conversation to be over, though you had a strange idea. you were sure that he was going to shoot it down, but you thought that it would help him. so you opened your mouth and suggested, “I could have your baby.” 
his eyes became wide and you wanted to cringe. that wasn’t exactly how you wanted it to come out, but the damage was already done. “what are you talking about?” 
“I just mean- what I meant was- I mean that-” you were stammering to find the right words. stopping and taking a deep breath, his eyes waiting for your answer, you let it out slowly. “I just mean, if you want a kid without all the dating and hassle of finding someone, I could do it.” 
you could feel how red your face was, just all over. you were really embarrassed by making the offer, but you wished you had more composure over what made you falter. it was him, that hard look in his eyes, the sternness of his still lips. he was watching you, and you thought that he wanted you to leave. so you started to get up. “sit down.” 
“yes, sir,” you said and sat down. now you were waiting to hear the words “unprofessionalism” and “you’re fired.” you sat there, staring at your lap and the papers laid on your legs. you were clutching onto them, hands shaking. “I’m sorry, sir.” 
“what did I tell you, call me Bakugo,” he said. his voice wasn’t angry. it was still stern, but there was something else to it. could that be thoughtfulness, confusion? you weren’t entirely sure. but this new tone made you look up at him. “why the hell would you offer up something like that?” 
you flushed again, or perhaps harder, and sighed. “well, I just know what it’s like to be hounded by family so much and you want kids, I can… I can tell just from the conversation we were having and I just thought that if you didn’t want to go through the trouble of dating someone, I could just… do it.” you had started rambling, which you noticed halfway through and decided to end. you closed your lips tightly and bit them together, closing your eyes. taking a  deep breath, you looked at him. “I just thought that I could help.” 
he stared at you, eyes sharp and looking you over. “why do you want to do something like that?” 
you scoffed, “I just thought it would be polite to make the offer.” you stood up to leave. 
“I didn’t say no,” he said, just as you were reaching for the doorknob. you looked at him. “but that isn’t a yes either.” he gave you a look, one that said “convince me.” 
you thought for a moment, then started walking toward his desk again. “well, I’m smart. I graduated top of my class in the business course. I’m healthy, strong. there’s no history of illness in my family. and I’m quirkless. the child would have a low chance of inheriting a quirk from me, even lower from my gene pool.” 
he sat back in his chair, hands going to rest behind his head. he was in his mind, thinking about everything you were saying. throughout his thought process, he kept his eyes on you, observing your body and posture. you always stood tall and proper in front of him, elegant in many ways. you were meticulous and passionate about your work. while not a modern day hero, you were rather strong willed and had a loud voice. he knew that because of you, a lot had happened for his agency. without you, who knew where it would be. 
“alright,” he said. “what are the stipulations? I'm not stupid enough to assume that once the kid is born, you’ll just hand it over to me.” 
“no, I wouldn’t,” you told him and sat down. “we’d coparent. I’m not just going to have the baby and leave you to take care of it all on your own. you’re a high ranking hero, and a good one at that, so I would assume that single parenthood wouldn’t be a good look on you at this point in time.” you gave him a smile. “I would also say that our work relationship remains the same. this has nothing to do with work.” 
“alright, I agree. so how do you want to do this?” he said. he pulled on a smirk, leaning forward as his eyes looked over you once more. “when do you wanna do it?” 
“let’s try in a week,” you said, smiling at him. “that’s when the best time will be.” 
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sneezefiction · 4 years
being the miya twins older sister
Osamu & Atsumu w/ an Older Sister Reader - Headcanons
request: “Hallo, i've read ur works and love them :> may i reqs for headcannons as the older sister of the miya twins and Suna. It's okay if u don't take it but if you do: the age gap is like, a couple of years and the sister is already in university that went to visit them in her spare time. Thankyou :>>>”
a/n: ahhh this was such a sweet request to write! since i’m still learning more about Suna’s personality, I’m not quite ready to write for him just yet, but i’m always down to do Miya related requests ;) prepare for fluff!
warnings: slight language
wc: 570
it’s not often that you get to see your baby brothers anymore
your college schedule is messy and the twin’s volleyball practice and games are practically running their lives
but when you do visit them, they’ll pull you into a super snug, long lasting group hug
It’s a gorgeously comical scene, one boy on both sides of you, subsequently lifting you up off the ground
and they’re probably silently competing with each other to see who will hold you in the hug the longest bc they’re weird like that
i think they’re secretly very affectionate towards family members (at least siblings,) given how close Osamu and Atsumu are
but that doesn’t mean that Sumu will hold back on his insults and complaints
one minute he’ll be gently leaning his head on your shoulder, watching you scroll through Instagram and the next moment, he’s telling you how dumb you look with your hair up like “that” (he doesn’t mean it, honestly he’s just stirring up controversy for fun)
but if someone else insults you? they better run for their lives
it’s your brothers’ policy that only they are allowed to be mean to you. if anyone else even tries to mess with you, the twins will, in fact, beat their asses
i think Osamu will be cuddlier with you, letting an arm fall over your shoulder as you lay into his side or on his chest, especially in the first few days of your visit
he’ll hug you whenever you get up in the morning (he’s an early bird) and already has a coffee made for you
Atsumu will probably still sleep in super late, so you and Osamu get some good quality time earlier in the day
Samu will ask you about your classes and if you’re doing okay mentally and it is the sweetest thing to wake up to! he’s tough on Atsumu, but he’s definitely much softer on you and it shows
once y’all get to the “Are ya seein’ anyone, y/n?” conversation, you’ll see Atsumu peep his head around the corner
y’all don’t know how long he’s been there, but the blonde, sneaky bastard doesn’t care and lazily squeezes in between you two on the couch
neither of them are keen on you dating and don’t believe anyone will treat you better than they can (aside from Atsumu’s incessant, rude comments)
if you are in a relationship with someone, the boys will insist that they see their social media profiles, they must know their address, and any random background info they can get out of you
you’re charmed by their protectiveness, but it’ll get obnoxious fast, I promise
when it comes to you asking about their love lives though… ooph
Atsumu is a dumbass and you’re always having to remind him that relationships aren’t just about sex and late-night road trips
he’ll thank you one day, sweetie
on the other hand, we all know that Osamu is total marriage material. so you’re not worried for him in the slightest
if anything, you remind him to find someone who treats him right or they’ll have you to deal with
but besides the teasing and reconvening, you’ll definitely get into several petty fights with them
“Y/n, yer feet are cold, get ‘em off’a me!”
you don’t move, ignoring him on purpose
a pillow right to the face from Osamu, his face completely stoic
“Well ya didn’t hafta do that! What the hell ‘Samu?”
so yes, there will be lots of nostalgic, sibling fights and arguments
they’ll be so sad when you leave, but Osamu only shows it in long hugs while Atsumu progressively gets sweeter and stops calling you names
such a strange duo
but they love you so much and would move heaven and earth to help you, if you needed them
top tier brothers, good quality, no returns
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @kaidasen
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singular-braincells · 4 years
i just wanted to thank all of y'all for nearly 100 followers and i'll probably do something special for it (maybe a Q&A? idk come up with something dw)
school is dumb and i hate it here stressing about college applications is also wack
i've always wanted to try my hand at the fluff alphabet so i hope this isn't too ooc or bad
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kageyama tobio A-Z fluff alphabet
[a]ctivities: what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
kageyama would absolutely love love love to play volleyball with you. it doesn't matter if you're a professional or don't know what a recieve is, if you show interest in playing it with him he will be just so over joyed (of course without showing it very much)
his favorite thing to do with you that's not volleyball is going out for hikes or walks in the park. just being able to go outside and enjoy the weather is a good stress reliever for him. you two don't even have to talk very much. if you want to ramble about your day or about the latest tv show you've watched, he's gonna listen but if you want to just be together and walk in silence he's totally down for that too.
[b]eauty: what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
one physical trait kageyama likes is your voice. he would love your voice no matter what. if you're one to talk about anything and everything he is low-key relieved because he cannot carry a conversation for the life of him but if you prefer a comfortable silence he's down for that too.
a personality traits he admires is patience. he knows he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and isn't one to pick up hints easily. so if you bare with him and help him maneuver through life and its obstacles he will definitely fall harder for you
[c]omfort: how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
to be honest, I can see Kageyama not knowing what to do the first time his s/o has a panic attack or feels awful. he's just very inexperienced with relationships in general, but he's gonna try to do some research and ask his upper classmen teammates for help. the second time it happens he'll be there for you. he is gonna provide all the physical and emotional support that he can.
[d]reams: how do they picture their future with their s/o?
once he has a stable schedule, kageyama sees the two of you living in a large condo home living the domestic life. making breakfast together on days that the two of you have off, movie nights with popcorn and tea, doing cosmetic face masks together (despite Kageyama having the clearest skin known to mankind), and just being able to take the time to cherish one another.
[e]qual: are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
at the beginning of the relationship Kageyama's gonna be more passive just because he a) doesn't want to accidently hurt you and b) he does not have the slightest clue what to do in a relationship. as the relationship goes on he's gonna be a little bit more dominant, but he will always ask to do something (like ask to give you a hug or for kisses etc. because he is a polite boy 😤)
[f]ight: would they be easy to forgive their s/o? 
it honestly depends on what the who's at fault. if you're clearly at fault kageyama is gonna expect you to apologize and own up to it, but if he's the one at fault he will apologize as soon as he realizes it. he doesn't want to lose you in some dumb argument so he'll quickly and sincerely apologize, though it might take just a little bit of time for him to realize.
[g]ratitude: how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
kageyama is super duper duper grateful for all that you do for him. waiting for him to come home at night with late practices, him leaving at dawn for early practice, all of it. he doesn't know how to verbally say "thank you so much for all that you do I don't know where I'd be without you" but he'll show it through actions. he's gonna get you a cute little trinket he sees at the airport when he's away or gets you that thing you've been looking at for some time without you realizing.
[h]onesty: do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
Kageyama doesn't share too much, only if you ask. he's not very good at opening up and he's very scared of abandonment. just be patient with him and let him open up at his own pace. he'll tell you everything just not at all once
[i]nspiration: did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or help them overcome their personal problems?
he's become more aware of how to talk to people and the general aura he gives off. he’s learned to be vulnerable around you, to lean on you, and love you. it scares him that on any day you could pack your bags and leave him, never looking back. he’s scared of making mistakes and ultimately destroying the most wonderful thing that the two of you have so sometimes he overthinks every action. you’ve taught him to go with the flow, that it is okay to mess up. mistakes happen and that is okay. you’ve soothed and ease the insectuities that kageyama has. he can’t thank you with words because he’ll stumble and stutter but he can thank you with a gentle hand squeeze and a hug that conveys “I don’t ever want to let you go” 
[j]ealousy: do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
again, baby boy kags has abandonment issues from Junior high so he's gonna be at least a little bit jealous, but not to worry! he trusts you 100 percent to make the right choices and to be loyal. he wouldn't really get that jealous unless someone was blatantly flirting with you. you notice his jealousy when he gives off the iciest glare to whoever is flirting with you. unless you look visibly uncomfortable he won't step in since he knows you can handle yourself. but if you needed him to step in, he would in a heartbeat. he deals with his jealousy by pouting at you and glaring at the other person until you give him all the affection he wants.
[k]iss: are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
there is a 100 percent high chance that Kageyama has never been in a relationship before, let alone kissed someone. he's gonna be very inexperienced so if you take the lead until Kageyama feels more comfortable with it he'll be grateful. but fyi this boy learns and he learns fast don't worry ;)
your first kiss was an accident (i know cliché but hear me out). the two of you were sitting together shoulder to shoulder studying for midterms. you were aiming to give kageyama a kiss on the cheek for getting a question correct on his literature homework, but he moved his head towards you to ask you something about a certain kanji character and bam. that was your first kiss. 
[l]ove confession: how would they confess to their s/o?
kageyama would do the cliché "stick a note in your locker asking you to meet after school on the roof top" but would either fuck it up by a) messing up some kanji so it's unreadable and confusing, b) make it sound like a threat, or c) both. how he wrote it is option c.
you ended up going to the rooftop of the school out of curiosity and you see the dark haired boy standing there with a strawberry milk carton, bag of steamed buns, and a single rose (fun fact: the karasuno boys vbc made him get all of those things because let's face it this boy is hopeless with gifts).
as soon as you meet his gaze, his face turns red in record time. he adorably stutters out that he's got the biggest crush on you and you can't help but accept his heartfelt confession.
[m]arriage: do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the marriage be like?
he would totally want to get married. he'd propose to you at a really really serenic place at night either at like a picnic at the beach or under the night sky on your condo balcony. your wedding would be small private with just your friends and family. the marriage would just be your relationship before y'all got married just now y'all share a bank account.
[n]icknames: what do they call their s/o?
at the beginning of your relationship, he was used to pet names but as he got comfortable in your relationship he uses some of them. the most common ones he uses are things like "honey", "love", and "babe"/"baby"
[o]n cloud nine: what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
tobio makes it painfully obvious that he has a crush. he's never experienced these feelings before so he doesn't really know how to handle them so it's very obvious to others that he has a crush (even if he doesn't know himself). the longing glances, the flushed cheeks, the spacing out, the stuttering, it's really really obvious to tell if he's infatuated with someone.
he doesn't really express his feelings very well but he does express it by walking you home after school or after his practice, getting you your favorite drink from the vending machine, and just showing he cares in small ways.
[p]da: are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
kageyama is definitely more reserved when presenting his relationship. he won't go sucking off your face in front of people, but he doesn't mind the small gestures like hand holding and settling his hand on your waist.
when the two of you first got together, he kept it a secret from his team for months until hinata accidently saw the two of you kissing in the closet. it was only then when kageyama decided to announce to the team that the two of you are dating.
[q]uirk: some ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
okay, he is a god at massages and other things with his hands ;))))). so if your back aches from sleeping weird or sitting at a work desk for too long he will gladly give you a quick massage to relieve some of the pain. because of this you learned some massage methods and tricks to help tobio out when he comes from practices sore.
[r]omance: how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
he's not very romantic himself, but he'll do anything he can to make his s/o happy. most of the things he'll do will either be corny and cliché as hell or they'll be super thoughtful and unique. it honestly depends on who he asks for advice (hint: nishinoya and tanaka are cheesy as hell so do what you want with that info)
[s]upport: are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
he will support you all the way with your dreams and goals like you've supported him with his professional volleyball dreams. he can't help you much with writing essays or calculating certain equations, but he'll try his best to give you all the emotional support you need to achieve your dreams.
[t]hrill: do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
i think he'd be more of a routine sort of person, but if you want to do something new he will give it his best shot. he'll do anything to make you happy and who knows, maybe he'll discover something new about himself.
[u]nderstanding: how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
when it comes to your niche habits and things you like, he knows them like he knows the back of his hand. y'all saw how fast he memorized those lil volleyball signals, he unconsciously memorized all these small little details about you.
when it comes to being empathetic, he's got the right idea but he's going to come off a little off. the best way to get your feelings across to him is by straight up telling him. he'll learn to notice the small signs you give off when something is off.
[v]alue: how important is the relationship to them? what is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life
he will value your relationship like he values volleyball. he takes most of his relationships seriously so expect him to put the most effort he can. he'd expect you to do the same.
[w]ild card: a random fluff headcannon.
he saw you taking care of your friend's three year old son once. the way you were so doting and motherly towards him made his heart go doki doki. he realizes how much of a good parent you'd make and after that, he sometimes has cute domestic fantasies about having children with you.
[x]oxo: are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
kageyama is not very affectionate in public, but in private he will be all over you. he's just more comfortable being cutesy and vulnerable in private with you. he will give you cute forehead / head kisses, snuggle you while the two of you sleep, hold your hand while you're doing laundry, and put his chin on your head while you do the dishes. he's just more baby in general when at home away from the public.
[y]earning: how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
when kageyama misses you he will look at old pictures the two of you have taken together or pictures he has taken of you when you asked him to over the years that you've been together. these get him through some of the more lonelier times when he's away from you due to volleyball competition. he'll hold a pillow trying to pretend it's your warm self, but it doesn't work too well in the end.
[z]eal: are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind?
kageyama is willing to do whatever he can for your relationship. as long as you're his anchor in the storm and treat him with kindness, he's willing to move mountains for you. he just loves you very much and will do any action to prove it to you again and again.
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jazajas · 4 years
okay so i finished love, victor a while ago and i saw some other reviews and thoughts about it here so now i've got a pretty good list on my thoughts and feelings.
tl;dr: it has some issues, yes, but im gonna hold out and hope it gets better later on because the same thing happened with the first few eps, i wasn't that into it but then it got good, and nothing is ever great with the first season, because at that point we're getting used to those characters.
⚠️caution: spoilers ahead (im on mobile, i cant get an under-the-cut)⚠️
1. while a leah on the offbeat movie would have been amazing movie sequel (even tho i havent read the book yet, im just here for the wlw content) i am kind of glad we got this instead. mostly because I've seen book series where one movie was good, so they decide to do the rest, turn out bad (hunger games? divergent? percy jackson? the hobbit?) because so much was cut from the book-to-first movie writing, that other scenes wouldn't make sense to future movies if they had those in while cutting others. however, i am sad that i didn't get to make the choice of deciding whether what was cut was wrong etc. about future movies, but i'll take what i can get.
2. LGBTQ+ POC as a lead! that's amazing! as a ace/bi lantina that's close to home (it also is great that victor's from texas and so is ya gorl) and even then it's a mixed latinx family! i think pilar mentioned that at least the grandmother left Colombia and i saw the Puerto Rican flag in victor's room. also the salazar's are definitely from small town texas, even without knowing the name. (church barbeques, the use of the words "such a diverse city" in regards to atlanta)
3. a lack of actual lgbtq+ main storylines (so far) is kind of sad for a show like this. i was getting serious bi/pan vibes (as a lot of other people) from victor from the beginning, and when it was implied that victor was actually gay (while great, not shaming) as it has been brought to my attention, there was a lot of looking at a lot of straight relationship problems (please let us know more about benji)- edit 6/18: upon further consideration, it very much is a show about questioning your sexuality, I'm speaking about the other straight relationship issues, not mia and Victor's, its just the first season.
4. let us talk about cheating for a sec. never okay, in any circumstance. i feel sorry for mia that she saw victor making out with benji and the fact that he was doing any of that in the first place. victor made a choice to lie about the espresso machine and then kissed benji at the hotel and then when benji was fighting with derek, basically confessed his love and mistakes, then proceeded to makeout with benji after he broke up with derek, he built that grave and now he must lie in it. i get having feelings for a guy when you are in a relationship with a girl, and not accepting yourself enough to end that relationship but you really want it to work so you can be "normal". really, he should have told mia after he got back from the trip tho. i get being in highschool and doing stupid stuff and making dumb decisions, but for a show aimed at teens i think we should also remind said teens to make good choices even if we have to lose some realism within the character choices.
4. pilar and her decisions based off her brother pissed me off. because i honestly think that if she'd kept her mouth shut about what she knew or confronted victor about it in the first place we could have avoided a LOT of mess. did she not learn from snooping around her mother's business about her relationships that going behind a person's back doesnt end well? i did, however, like the pilar/felix friendship and was really kind of hoping that they'd get together during their coffee hangout (although now im glad that didn't happen) because they had a deeper understanding of each other. same with wendy/felix, although they do seem to much alike to work out in the long run but i still feel bad for wendy.
5. i don't know how i feel about lake and andrew, as people separate from each other. both seem to be the way they are from their upbringing (not confirmed why andrew is such an ass, but if his comment about his dad is anything to go by i bet it's got something to do with attention) but andrew seems to be less, idk, superficial? like he turned down mia because he didn't want to be a rebound, he didn't out victor, he actually stood up to early teasing the other dudes in the lockerroom were doing at victor (with teasing of his own obviously but that interaction had him on my nice list until much later). lake? lake. i honestly don't have an opinion of her? not really. i mean after hanging out with pilar i was hoping felix wouldn't go back to lake. is her name laken? i feel like her full name is laken. but they also played the "im only like this because my mom is really superficial about stuff and i do like the geeky nice guy but appearances" to "actually screw the norms im gonna makeout with him infront of the whole student body". i honestly thought she was gonna be bi because she kept hitting on mia when she was helping set up for her "date" and "big night" and there was one point where i saw her face fall at something mia said in relation to her and idk i was hoping she'd be bi (i figured early on that victor/mia wasnt gonna work and was like "oh mia/lake would be cute" but now idk.
6. okay on to the "big night", i have one word. NO. i didn't like the peer pressure into having sex. i agreed with felix when he said "your body your choice" but im also disappointed that victor made out with mia and when lake was talking to felix after victor left he didn't try to stand up for victor.
7. on to age gaps because i hadn't really thought of this at first. we'll start with benji/derek: WHAT GRADE IS BENJI?! because that determines my thoughts. if he's a sophomore that meant that he and Derek started dating benji's freshman year and thats eugh, don't do that, don't care if its a gay couple that shouldn't be happening because the maturity of the two characters is DRASTICALLY different (this is also a reason i am not a fan of cmbyn) but that would explain why they were so rocky. hoping the event at the gay bar was open to anyone not just for drinking, but not liking that fact that not one of the adults with victor were like: hey, this is a 16 year old, that's kind of wack when that dude was hitting on victor. that made me question some stuff. although i figure it might be making up for the lack of a gay bar scene in love, simon. but even then, in svthsa it's a restaurant with a bar that some people go to just to drink at, it wasn't just a bar, simon could be there but should NOT have accepted drinks from college kids, not matter how attractive.
8. i loved how bram and simon and their friends helped victor out though. i like how bram was like: hey i know my friends are a lot so here's a gay basketball league becaue there's no one way to be gay. i like how Simon talked about needing help himself just to help victor and how he said his friends were cool with it because it's a community. i like of justin(?) mentioned how being what his parents wanted was putting on a mask and pretending, not him doing drag. my favorite lines from that ep are: "and before you ask my pronouns are they/them/theirs" "'they're all gay? even that guy? he's like [insert really tall number]' 'yeah. you should see him in heels'" "or in simon's case: really unathletic" "and also because bram said that if i wore [the jean jacket] one more time he'd burn it". also katya was there. and the group hug too!
9. the back hand homophobia in relation to family is sad, but realistic and i sincerely hope his parents are kind enough not to be too harsh on victor because of it. anything they say that isn't positive or supportive of victor is bad but i hope they realize that there is more to him than that and that they can come to terms with it because it's not always that hard to be a part of that community and super religious. i am biromantic and catholic. and while there are some things i wont agree on my mom with, i know that it's more of a strike against God for kicking out gay kids from families than it is to be gay, because those parents were given trust by GOD to love those kids no matter what, and be good parents. so in the end, the parents are wrong and harmful and in the case of christians against jesus's teachings to love everyone.
10. this is fan speculation but dont think simon/bram are going through a rough patch? i honestly think it'd be a little cruel to the characters to have on of their actors be producing but then not have that relationship stay. and while it's not set in stone and obviously things happen in the real world, we have no proof script wise about there being a rift. all we have are bad photoshopped ig photos and scenes where two characters are never standing next to each other probably beccaue schedules never link up correctly for minor characters. who knows, maybe nick robinson was filming for a movie where is does have an even more major role than victor's gay guru in a series about victor so his filming time was around that. im gonna keep hope that things are okay.
11. that being said: we need more mainstream wlw content, because someone said it earlier and it really does seem to be catering to straight girls. i'll admit i did freak out when benji played call me maybe which is something i associated with him and victor but then kissed a guy because who wouldn't? we get that serenade and sweetness and then it'a ripped from us. but i did mellow out. if i flipped later it was because victor was making dumb decisions and i had to give myself a moment of compsure before i continued.
in the end, i'd say that there is a lot of growth this series needs to go through, but i also know that some people just aren't going to like it and i get that. but i also know that sometimes the best of stories have rocky starts, nothing is ever perfect from the beginning. and besides, further seasons are on hold until we figure out this covid thing, which means that you bet they're gonna be looking at our feedback. they saw what we thought before, they can do it again
i really did like it but we need more ACTUAL lgbtq+ relationship stuff from this series and better decisions on what we are teaching the younger generations, as well as what we want to focus on and realism within characters. i'm giving it an 8/10, because there is always room for growth and i really hope we get better things out of this than what we have been given in season 2.
edit: someone mentioned it really seeming like it was meant for Disney+ and i felt that. also to anyone who reaches the tags agter reading ALL OF THIS: i am sorry
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crystal-moon-101 · 4 years
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My redesigns for this popular trio!
The Secret Generator 10 (Or Celebrity Trio but that doesn’t really work for me because of Zak...) I’ve been meaning to get around to doing this, since I am really fond of these three boys. With Zak and Rex both being part of my top two shows of all time. Sorry Ben....
-Zak Saturday-
He was the most fun working with. His warm colour palette isn’t something I work with often, but I think I did alright. He also as some small details you might notice, like the fangs, eyes and scales.
14 Years Old
5′5 (Will only grow to be 5′8. Which confuses him since both sides of his family have very tall genes. Ulraj pokes fun at him, saying all that height is going towards his ‘Kur Form’)
Dead on the inside.
Aggressively Pansexual
His human side has been growing reptilian features. Noticeable fangs, scales growing around his lower neck, around his chest and upper back/shoulders, pure orange eyes with pupils that can become thin slits and a slight forked tongue. 
Even also displays some reptile behaviour. E.g, soaking up sunlight on a rock, alert nature, able to stand still as a statue. (He’s done these things since he was young. His parents just thought it was something he picked up from Komodo.)
The light that forms around his eyes when using his powers have darkened the skin around his eyes. (Suggested by my friend)
He is oddly thin and lanky, but it’s often hard to see because of the baggy clothes he wears.
That being said, he’s a lot stronger than you think he is. Can easily lift people twice his size.
Constantly has to get new hair ties. They keep breaking because 1. Every time his powers cause all of his hair to flow, the tie snaps. 2. Working out in the wild, it keeps getting snagged by tree branches or slipping off when he tumbles downhills.
While quiet and casual outside of battles, he will become a lot like his mother on the field.
Has freckles from his maternal side. His mother doesn’t have them, but Doyle does.
Will casually mention his ridiculously and scary adventures like they’re nothing, not because he’s bragging, but because he truly doesn’t understand what normal really is.
So use to being grabbed by the scruff of his shirt that he will always go limp when you grab him like that, much like a baby animal. 
While he can act very eerie and strange, he’s a very sweet and understanding guy. 
That being said, he can be hella scary when he wants to be.
Don’t mess with his family or he will send an army of Grootslangs to your house.
Still trying to figure out his placement in life and what Kur was really meant to be.
After being taught by his family and uncle, he went to Tsul 'Kalu to be his new mentor.
-Rex Salazar-
I think I changed him the least, but I added extra details and made his shirt, pants and shoes into a one-piece suit. It always baffles me how he can pull off this colour scheme so well.
And while I didn’t draw it here. I would definitely make his pure EVO form a lot smaller. Make him come across more like a monstrous zombie robot thing. The reason why is because those EVO forms he had just felt like they belonged to different shows, like transformers. A more creature design would fit better, I feel.
16 Years Old
6′1 (Will grow to be 6′5. Yeeeeeee, he’s a big guy.)
Lady killer~
Best wingman and even offers pretend dates to help you.
Can always hear and feel the technology around him. Strange to everyone else, but he’s learnt to live with it. Even comes in handy when trying to find a good wifi connection.
Knows when to cut the bullcrap.
He does have a bit of a science brain, but he uses it differently than his family had.
Constantly jumping between worlds. Sometimes even tossed by someone.
Talks in his sleep, mostly reciting nanite binary coding.
Lonely lad and child solider, great mix, right?...
Goes all out with holidays. He once, somehow, got real snow in Providence. No one knows how to this day.
Hates lightening.
Has nearly called Holiday and Six mum and dad multiple times.
Has a lot more abilities he has yet to discover. (Including turning people EVO.)
Never asked for any of this, but, eh, what ya gonna do
Is always overexcited when doing normal things. (Werids out Noah a lottt.)
You’re endangered if he decided to use his full raw power. (Key signs to look out for is a large amount of circuit patterns covering him, glowing eyes, tips of his hair glowing too, sharp metal growths and technology around you flashing like crazy.)
Loves Imagine Dragon.
Sharp eyelashes.
Just wants hugs, give him hugs!
Always frustrated when someone from his past tries talking to him about the past. Sometimes he wonders if people forget.
Skilled drawer and smooth singer.
Has an EVO pet (Her name is Siri, Btw)
Some have compared him to being a living, breathing nanite. 
Eager to have family game nights! “Poker doesn’t count, Bobo...”
Once had a malfunction, his whole body was out of wack. (Noah laughs about it and even has some recordings, much to Rex’s dismay.)
Has a civilian outfit that Noah put together. (He refuses to take off his goggles, however.) 
-Ben Tennyson-
Now, I already made a redesign for him, along with Gwen, Julie and Kevin (Both for teen and kid versions). I used the same look, just adjusted some details and colours.
15 Years Old
5′9 (And he stays that height. He peaked in height very young, but stop growing quickly. This does annoy him.)
Dumbass with bad impulse control.
Even he’s confused by how he keeps attracting women.
Had a rather lonely childhood with many bullies. (It’s why he often seeks attention, he’s afraid of being alone and forgotten again.)
It’s also what made him jealous of Gwen when they were young. Most treated her like the better of the two.
Pretty crap at sharing his feelings. He would rather play it off as a jerk, then go and drown himself in smoothies...
A secret momma’s boy. “Benny Bear” As his mother likes to call him.
Has an interesting dynamic with Azmuth. Despite their arguments, they balance each other well. Others have even seen them taking care of each other (Almost like father and son), but the pair will always deny this and say it’s ‘strictly’ professional.
 Surprisingly great with kids. (This was truly noticed when seen around his 14 baby chills.)
In the future, he will have a nasty wound on the battlefield, which will result in the Omnitrix becoming his new arm and merging with him.
When he takes thing seriously, you know shits going down!
Has a german shepherd name Boston.
 Likes to call Vilgax ‘Calamari’.
Has grown to be close to most Tennyson members. (E.G Camille, who was actually his babysitter after she joined the family.)
He doesn’t like peacocks after...an incident at the zoo. His mother still apologizes to this day.
Decent singer and very skilled at the guitar. 
Has picked up combat moves from Tetrax.
Has always felt like he’s nothing without the watch. Others have said otherwise.
He knows how to speak certain alien languages, Galvan being one of them.
His schedule is a nightmare, because something is always popping up that involves him. This means he sometimes forgets to eat, sleep or even wash. It’s why he’s often caught napping.
Sometimes wonders if he’s human or alien at this point, maybe something else entirely. 
Very soft poofy hair.
Is hated by almost all his villains. He just loves pissing them off.
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
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I’ve been fiddling with plot mostly this last week—trying to decide what direction to take Outlaw in... as well as some decisions to make regarding progression on AAT.  So more thought than words put down on page. 
And then there’s my holiday fic that still isn’t done. I’m giving myself a deadline of New Years for that one....  we can all laugh at my ability to not make deadlines later. After I survive working night shift all week. 
See below the cut for some first drafts of Outlaw and AAT.  Posting early due to scheduling issues with night shift and my sleep schedule being all out of wack. 
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From XIII: Angel, The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss, Miguel Galindo x Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, Mayans MC AU, Sentinel/Guide AU
Angel itched. There was no other word for the annoyance that would not leave him in peace.  The conversation he’d had with EZ earlier and their smug cousin Kevin had been relentlessly bothering him since he’d left Pop’s shop—not even the distraction of taking a detour the long way back to the club made any difference. It was a constant itch in his brain, a thought that wouldn’t leave him alone.  He could still come online.  He could still possibly be a sentinel. 
It was actually more likely than not at some point... if he believed his brother. 
Which—wow.  Just... wow. 
Growing up,  he’d felt responsible for EZ.  Even though EZ hadn’t needed it most of the time.  His brother had been the smart, golden baby of the family. Academically gifted. Never in trouble. Had a sweet little girlfriend that had charmed Pops and Mom like nobody’s business. Growing up it had been difficult to be the less smart one and troublemaker. Older brothers were supposed to be wiser and he’d tried to always be that but sometimes the easy way his brother made his way had been infuriating to him. 
Angel wasn’t stupid—he could identify the emotion that drove him to sometimes be an asshole to his kid brother. Jealousy was a bitch of a mistress and when Pops would look so proud at something EZ did... yeah.  Angel knew he was an asshole. 
It was even worse that EZ always forgave him and was a fucking delight when Angel would try and be a good older brother and include him in stuff. EZ’s smile could light up the room it was so sunny with the dimples and everything... and it hadn’t been the same since Stockton. HIs kid brother had been beaten down by the system, chewed up and spat back out.  
The hunch of the shoulders and the way he always stood with his hands up in front ready to defend himself. Quieter. More reserved. Always waiting to see what everyone else was doing before joining in but rarely giving any personal preference.  Never seemingly giving a preference when someone pressed him for it and the hunted look it could induce when Angel watched someone press EZ for an answer. 
The little brother that he’d gotten back wasn’t the same that had gone in.  EZ the sentinel wasn’t something Angel really knew what to make of some days. Still smart as shit. Still could be a little shit kid brother. But not the same. 
He missed his little brother that was. It felt some days like EZ had died when he’d gone to prison and some weird alien twin had been what they’d gotten back.  He’d still die for his little brother either way but he missed the younger, more innocent version. 
The few times Angel had been able to convince himself to visit EZ had been hard.  His own time in Chino hadn’t been easy and going back to visit had made him jittery for days.  Whatever legal fuckup that had led to EZ’s release?  Angel hadn’t completely understood the jargon but it basically was that whoever had done the investigation had messed up when processing the scene. A sympathetic judge had then decreased his little brother’s sentence as a political statement. Which Angel could be happy about as it got EZ out. 
When EZ had expressed interest in joining the Mayans, Angel had paused for all of two seconds before enthusiastically agreeing. With EZ as a prospect, Angel could keep an eye on him. Make sure EZ was okay. 
Get him out of the trailer that he’d never left without being asked to. 
It had almost been like EZ still felt like he couldn’t leave without permission. Like he’d never left that cell he’d lived in for eight years. 
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From XV: Miguel, The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss, Miguel Galindo x Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, Mayans MC AU, Sentinel/Guide AU
There was only one word to currently describe how pissed Miguel was—apoplectic. He was so incandescently angry that he was speechless. The agents who’d come forward to put handcuffs on him had flinched when they’d approached. The light touch of EZ’s hand on his wrist and how the fingers had wrapped around to put a brief pulse of concern had made him realize he needed to be careful. They weren’t currently treating him like a guide... or EZ like a sentinel. 
Focusing on EZ’s cold wall that he’d built between himself and the world, Miguel had co-opted his sentinel’s control and spun it into the shielding that Marcus had taught him earlier. The junior agent had quietly slipped a pair of handcuffs around his wrists but at least he’d been restrained with his arms in front instead of behind, gritting his teeth as he tried to maintain the shielding so he didn’t leak and give away how angry he was. 
EZ had tensed beside him, but hadn’t resisted when another agent had put him in cuffs. Nestor had also been restrained and the glare he was shooting at the agents that milled about the house wasn’t nice. 
Overhearing Emily squabbling with a female agent, Cris’ upset cry had Miguel’s head snapping up. The female agent had taken Cris from Emily’s arms as another agent put cuffs on Emily.  The unfamiliarity of the female holding him was upsetting his tesoro who complained loudly, reaching instinctively for Miguel who caught the light tug on the emotional tether he kept on his son. 
Closing his eyes, Miguel bit his cheek in order not to physically respond.  Acting rashly could make things worse. Concentrating, he sent soothing thoughts towards his tesoro as he mentally sang the song he’d sung to him just yesterday to send him to sleep.  His cub continued to fuss but it was diminished, more protest than actual fear. Cris still didn’t like the strange woman and wanted his father, the emotional tug needy as his tesoro made his simplistic wants known. 
It hurt to not be able to go to him. To not cradle his tesoro to his chest and soothe him. Trying to send the mental equivalent of these thoughts, Miguel could feel EZ through their bond supporting him and funneling strength towards him as a boost. 
Cris’ cries died away. The female agent immediately dumped him off onto a second agent who was male.  The man held the infant awkwardly away from his body, looking confused at what to do with him. “Call social services,” the female said coldly, one eyebrow arched as she spoke to Emily who was struggling against the cuffs and trying to get to Cris. “He’ll need placement until something more permanent can be arranged while mommy and daddy are behind bars.”
Emily’s yell was angry and she swung and missed.
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From Chapter Fifty-Seven, An Andromeda Tale, Mass Effect Andromeda, MReyder.
Rolling out of bed in the morning, Scott felt more refreshed than he had in a long time. There was a bounce in his step as he went through his usual morning routine and made a pass by the kitchen to grab breakfast.  He’d been pleasantly surprised to find more of the strawberries in a container in the refrigerator with a note on them that Cora had portioned them out last night and that all the remaining red, sumptuous berries that were perfectly ripened were Scott’s.  The note for Peebee to keep her hands off had brought a smile to his face before he’d escaped back to his room to get ready despite the early hour.
Internally, he debated what would Reyes think would be the appropriate time to show up at Tartarus.  His email had been nonspecific other than morning. Was Reyes an early morning person like Scott was due to habit? Or was he more of a night owl?  Scott thought that given his current impression of Kadara that things likely got more lively as well as more business was conducted later in the day.  But Reyes seemed to always be ready and he’d awoken pretty quickly after Scott on their trip through the Badlands. 
So how early was it okay to show up?  
His inner debate was broken by SAM drawing his attention to a few reports that had come his way while he’d been out activating the monoliths. 
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
All Rights Reserved.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Jung Hoseok x Reader (1st POV)
Summary: You are keen on the Golden Boy, Park Jimin but nowhere getting his attention. A late night decision to win him over leads you straight to Jung Hoseok - opposite of gold and rival to Jimin. On your quest to land the prince, you learn that not everything that is gold, glitters.
Warning: Some social drinking and maybe decisions that are kinda wack lol. 
A/N: Who knew Jimin would wiggle his way into this? Not me, nope, I certainly was the most surprised.
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Everyone has crushes on someone at least once at a point in their lives. Sometimes, it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it is just an infatuation that passes in a week or month or so and sometimes it is squashed down till the person moves on.
And sometimes, there is a person who develops a crush on the most impossible person in their vicinity. Don’t misunderstand, a lot of the crushes can be formed on impossible people usually but me…I had hit the jackpot on being Impossible Crusher #1.
Like all crushing parties, I was staring; staring across a college ground which currently held the small fundraiser that would equip the fine arts department with some new musical instruments. I had enthusiastically and joyously written down my name for volunteering, eager to get my hands on a good composing system.
The fundraiser itself had been of a small musical competition, the money earned from the audience had proceeded towards the funding. In return for my contribution, I had been handed an invitation to attend the fundraiser party and now here I was, standing in one corner like a weirdo and staring like a creep.
I hoped the goods the money would buy were worth it, because the fine arts – especially music, in which I was a student – badly needed it. My friends had long since departed, sitting down at a picnic table while I continued to stare.
At one point I think I may have been poked, but everything else hopelessly faded away when he was in line of my sight.
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The ‘he’ in question was Park Jimin, golden boy of Seoul Arts College, star of the fine arts department and an overall fantastic person. He was an all rounder that had taken our college by storm ever since he had stepped foot over in the institute.
I don’t remember the exact time that he had joined our fray but I did remember the moment when I had first started hoping that he would look at me and maybe see something more.
“Y/N, I want you to take these notes down to the dance department. These are our possible schedules and timings for practices and I want to know if they can fit their choreography practice in.” The head of your department; Shoji handed you a sheaf of paper that had scrawling all over it.
For the life of me, I did not understand how the dance captain was going to make heads or tails of it but I quietly obeyed, bundling the papers and taking the stairs down.
The dance department was spread completely onto one whole floor. All practice rooms were mirrored, glass walled and so bright you couldn’t miss a damn thing. It was used to show off the diligence and finesse of our dancers. Of course, very soon it would become cause to come and see Park Jimin in motion.
You knocked on the first dance room, the dance captain glancing up at you where he had been talking to two dancers. You had never had much time to talk to the heads of all the departments but it was mandatory to at least know them all by sight.
“Yes,” he called.
You held up the leaflets. “Shoji sent the timetables for the arts department. Can you take a look and let me know there are good?” I asked.
The captain nodded, holding out his hand. He didn’t take one step towards me. I rolled my eyes inwardly. For all the stamina in the world needed to be captain to the dance team of one of the finest institutes in the world, the captain sure was pretty lazy.
Nonetheless, I was the subordinate so I walked in, my own arms outstretched so the papers would reach him quicker. He gripped the bundle, rifling through them and passing a cursory gaze over it.
“They’re fine. I’m just going to add a few more time slots in so I can train up the new kid.” The captain nudged his chin towards the boy who was standing in front of him.
I looked at him just as he turned to give me a beam.
The force with which he hit me was unexpected and I nearly staggered back.
The boy was stunning – like honest to god, no lie, stunning.
Smooth blond hair mopped on top of his head, crescent eyes turned into a smile that was so endearing I was sure he could make anyone do anything for him just to be rewarded with that smile.
Safe to say, I was enchanted and I remained so – till this day.
“He is Park Jimin,” The captain introduced, paying no mind as he jotted down timings to the upheaval that was just caused to my social systems.
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By the time I got home that evening, it was late, much later than I had anticipated. The fact that I had managed to find a roommate and a small apartment close to the university was a boon during times like these.
When I entered, sliding the key through the lock, the place was dark. My roommate was probably still at work or had gone out as well. I sighed, slipping out of the tight new shoes I had squeezed into. I made a note to loosen them a bit and placed them neatly on the shoe shelf, trudging in.
I flipped onto the couch, covering my eyes with my arms. I had to be up in about five hours to go back to classes and at this point, the age old debate whether my education was worth the sleep deprivation started again.
I groaned and precisely at that point, my roommate decided to stride in.
Kang Mina, on first sight was alarming. With a name that sounded deceptively sweet, she was the complete opposite of it.
I remembered the first time I’d seen her, the front door to our now shared apartment opening to see a girl my age with a shock of bubblegum hair, a thickly lined eye and chapped lips. She’d looked me up and down before letting me in and despite wondering if I should, I had obliged.
Mina had given me a brief run of the house and it all had seemed nice enough; Hot water, electricity, maintenance but easy access to campus and a safe neighborhood – even if it was small. It had struck a chord and with the way Mina talked, I didn’t think she was going to be too much of a problem.
We had been roommates for two college years and even though we weren’t the best of friends, at least she didn’t hate me.
“What’s wrong with you?” Those were the first words she spoke as she started shrugging off her heavy coat.
I removed my arms from my face, peering blearily at her.
Mina’s pink hair was long gone, now replaced with her natural black – almost too black – hair. She put it up in a bun, still watching me for an answer.
“Life,” I grumbled, turning on to my stomach.
Mina grunted; sounds of her quietly moving about before starting the TV echoing in the apartment. “How was the party?”
“As if you care; how was work? What time it is?” I rubbed my eyes.
“As if you care,” she shot right back. “It’s late, nearly one.” She looked at you. “Don’t you have class in the morning?”
“As do you, what’s your point?”
“I’m used to staying up all night. You’re not. That’s my point.” She didn’t look at me again, flicking through channels. It was silent for a bit, both of us watching the reruns of Tom and Jerry.
“Is this about that guy you like, Jimin?” She asked again.
I shrugged.
Mina gave me her raised eyebrows. “Look I don’t know much about crushes but from what I’ve gathered, moping about because of them isn’t considered healthy.” She said.
I groaned again.
“You’d be right. I stared at him all through the night and he never once even glanced in my direction. Aren’t people supposed to feel when they’re being stared at? He does not seem to have that thing going. No, he kept drinking and laughing about with his boys and then stupid Hyerin began to make eyes at him. All my friends left me, you know.”
I could feel waves of judgment rolling off of Mina now.
“So, you spent three hours at a party which you worked hard to contribute for, only to creepily watch a guy ignore you and got left alone by your own friends? Honey, you need a hobby…and may be new friends.” She firmly turned to face the TV.
“You’d leave me behind.” I pointed out.
“If you were embarrassing yourself; I wouldn’t just drop you because you were staring at some guy.” She muttered and I had to agree. No matter what Mina’s idiosyncrasies were, she was a very good friend.
“Right, I’m going to go crash now. Hopefully, I’ll wake up to go to my classes; I can’t afford to miss them.” You got to your feet, stretching as you made your way towards the hallway when she spoke again, stopping you in your steps.
“You need to get a boyfriend.”
I whirled around, looking at her in horror. “What?”
Mina didn’t look at you. “Get a boyfriend; it’s the easiest thing in the world and it is also a surefire way of making Park turn his head to you. Flaunt your man in front of him to show him what he’s missing.”
I gaped at her, finally making her turn to me. “What?” She asked, defiantly.
“Who are you, and what have you done to Kang Mina?” I teased. “How many of those rom-com movies have you watched?”
She rolled her eyes. “Not a lot, but that’s always the gist isn’t it? The girl wants a guy, guy doesn’t want her, she gets a new guy and guy miraculously wants her and all ends well. Maybe, not for the second guy,” she shrugged.
“Mina,” I returned to sit next to her. “I can’t just get a boyfriend. What will I do with him? I’m not…I can’t flaunt anything that I have no experience with.” I turned my head down.
There was a pause. “I can’t believe I’m saying this…and I’m very sure I’m going to get murdered for this but…I might have the guy for you.” She said slowly.
I raised my eyebrows. “You do?”
Mina nodded. “Yeah, he’s my friend. He’s in the dance department with Jimin as well. He’s also an underground rapper. It’s a real mix, I can tell you. But the dude is okay and I can vouch that he would love to make Park Jimin jealous.”
I bit my lip worriedly. “I don’t know Mina. Sounds far-fetched and…”
I looked down when my twitter notification went off, obviously from Jimin’s account.
It was a group photo; Seokjin, Taehyung and Jungkook sitting around Jimin…with Hyerin on his lap. I cursed.
“Can I talk to him first?”
Mina didn’t look much thrilled by the notion but shrugged anyway. “We can go see him tomorrow.”
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Mina’s idea of ‘going to see her friend’ was to take me through to a narrow street with barely any space for two people to walk side by side. I followed her meekly as she led us to a more open space, a door being guarded by a heavyset man.
“Hey Anton,” she greeted, pushing back her hood then jerking her thumb back towards me. “I brought a newbie.”
Anton gave me a once over, grimacing a little at my plain grey shirt, jacket and jeans. Next to Mina’s glittering silver hoodie, and purple pants, I probably looked homeless, but I didn’t let it get to me too much. No matter his personal aversion to my style, however, Anton moved aside, swinging the door inwards.
“Thanks, Ant, have a good one.” Mina patted the broad man’s shoulder, barely touching the top of his arm and I ducked in beside her.
“Where are we?” I asked.
The inside was an explosion of dark lights. Red, white and black was strewn everywhere, flashing lights making it difficult to see anything at all and I very nearly grabbed Mina’s hand like a child to keep from getting lost.
“It’s an underground club. It’s where performance pieces are tried out on an audience.” Mina explained.
“Oh,” I mumbled.
Mina and I walked past the bodies occupying the center space, heading for the bar. My roommate seemed to be looking for someone, weaving through the crowds till she reached a particular man, wearing a huge jacket as he poured over a messy notebook.
The man looked up at our approach, shooting a smile at Mina immediately. “Hey,” they greeted each other with a hug while I hung behind.
The man had thick glasses on, sandy blond hair ruffled under his hood when he took it off. “Joon, this is Y/N, my roommate. This is Kim Namjoon, Y/N. He’s one of the best rappers here and he also goes to our campus.” Mina introduced.
Namjoon gave me a dimpled smile, putting out a hand for me to shake. I took it, looking back and forth between Mina and Namjoon, confused. “I haven’t ever seen him in our classes.” I said.
Namjoon chuckled, answering, “I’m rarely there actually. I go because I need the degree but I spend most of my time composing here.”
I nodded at his explanation. Mina glanced about. “Where’s the J-Hope?” She asked.
“He’s backstage already, it’s his set next.” Namjoon told her, binding his notebook.
“What’s a J-Hope?” I asked.
Mina gave me a sly smile. “He’s the one we’re here to see.” She said.
“His name is J-Hope?” I asked, incredulously. What was I supposed to do with that?
“No, it’s his stage name. It’s kind of an inner joke he has. Don’t worry about it.” Namjoon waved at the bartender. “If you guys are going to stay, you’ll need drinks.” Mina enthusiastically joined at that, leaving me to linger behind a bit.
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Was I making the right choice here? What would happen if I did meet this J-Hope, whose real name I hadn’t still found out and he turned out to be some wacko? Namjoon seemed fine enough and Mina was alright, but was everyone in this place all over okay?
I didn’t hear Mina ask for my order when the next minute, lights fell, thrusting the room into near black with one spotlight aimed at the stage where the announcer stood.
“Next up…! You know who he is…yes, put your hands together for J-Hope!”
Cheers and applause broke out, screams ranging from farther back reaching my ears and I politely clapped as the lights came on again, much more flashier and erratic than before.
Beats started from somewhere, low but quickly picking pace. It was catchy, I had to admit with a beat drop I felt in my stomach and then the rapper emerged, his words already midway.
“That’s J-Hope, Jung Hoseok.” I started a little, feeling Mina appear at my elbow, drink in hand and eyes calmly examining the rapper’s performance.
“He composed the song?” I asked, feeling Mina nod.
I had to say, he was impressive. The song was distinctly understated, the beat not really flamboyant but the words and his enunciation made up for it. Small quirks of his voice broke out mid song and the slight slur he had only made the song’s effect lasting. That combined with the distressed baggy jeans, tight army jacket and a bucket hat pulled low over his eyes – he looked like a professional.
“He’s really good. I loved it.” I said, when Hoseok finished, taking a curt bow and flashing a sudden smirk, half face still hidden before he vanished behind the curtain.
On the other side of me, Namjoon chuckled. “Yeah, you’re not the only one.” He said, indicating the still screaming girls. I cringed at a few who were blatantly shouting about what they wanted him to do to them.
I was going to ask this man – this overwhelmingly popular man – to act as my fake boyfriend till Jimin took notice. What had I just walked into?
“Mina, I need to go backstage. Do you and Y/N want to come with?” Namjoon asked, slipping his glasses off and replacing them with black shades.
“Yeah, I need to make a few introductions.” Mina muttered, putting her cup down and grabbing my arm. “Let’s go.”
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The backstage to the club was quieter. The screaming that previously deafened me had dimmed by now, eagerly awaiting the next artist to scream for and the lull was bliss to my poor ears and more than likely to the performers also.
Mina and I walked with Namjoon, through the small section where I spied the announcer taking a drink and some boys chatting up fans obviously.
“I’ll be going on now. Make sure you don’t leave without saying goodbye.” Namjoon called, nudging Mina a little with his shoulder before pointing over her head. “There’s Hobi and Yoongi. Go wait with them.”
I watched Namjoon depart, with a small wave in my direction that I smiled at before Mina was leading me over to where two men were deep in conversation.
“Boys,” Mina threw her arms over their necks in lieu of a greeting. The smaller boy jumped a little, immediately retaliating with a smack. “Bitch, I didn’t see you during my performance.”
“I work for a living, Min. Plus, I came, didn’t I? I also brought a friend.” She turned to me, gesturing me to come forward. I took a small step forward.
Two heads turned to me in surprise, eyes boggling a bit. “You have friends?” The taller one, Hoseok obviously, asked. This time it was him getting smacked before Mina snorted. “Only this one, actually; this is my precious, sweet roommate, Y/N. Y/N, this goof here is Yoongi, and that jackass,” she paused, heavy with implication, “is Jung Hoseok.”
My eyes helplessly fixed on Hoseok, who was looking right back at me. His hat was gone, hair falling to the front in a sweaty mass. His head was thrown back, cheekbones high and flushed. His eyes were a little narrowed in thought and he glimmered in perspiration but somehow managed to not look gross.
He was actually surprisingly good looking – hot even. I could understand the screaming girls now. If he looked like this, and his rap sounded like that…well, he probably deserved more screaming fans.
“Looks like your girl has a crush, Mina, she didn’t even look at me.” Yoongi cut in suddenly.
I shook my head immediately, turning to him with a smiling apology. “No sorry; I’m just a little overwhelmed. I’ve never been to an underground rap thing before.” I explained.
“Ah, you’re a little newbie.” Yoongi smirked, teasing with small teeth full on display. Eh, it was cute. Were all Mina’s friends so surprisingly adorable under their intimidating personas?
“What’s the matter, Min? You jealous a chick is eyeing me instead of you?” Hoseok shot at his friend, who grimaced.
“Dude, I don’t need to be jealous of you and your chicks. I distinctly remember a few of yours having STDs the last time. I have enough to handle. Besides, what if she’s already dibbed by Namjoon?”
“Then a duel can happen,” Mina cut in quickly. “Now, are you going to get us drinks or what?”
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The drinks happened once Namjoon had joined us. Mina had already given me a silent signal and while I was quickly loosing nerve, I knew I had to take at least one shot. If he refused, well…I could just die in shame, never try crossing paths with him, maybe move out of the shared apartment and oh, die alone. Maybe I could get a nice cat – a Persian.
The three rappers took me and Mina to a booth, sliding in and letting out groans of comfort.
“It’s always better once everyone leaves and we can just chill.” Namjoon explained to me. I hummed, sipping gingerly at my coffee. My eyes drifted, watching where some of the workers had started sweeping out balloons, confetti and glitter. Some were polishing equipment and glasses and even Anton was at a table, nursing a drink. I saw the bartender by the front, counting bills.
“Do you earn from this?” I asked.
“Why, thinking of trying to give us some competition?” Hoseok leaned forward, straight across from me, a haughty grin spread across his face.
I blinked, taken aback. “You don’t seem to have much confidence in your skills, if you think I can give you competition.”
The comment was out before I could even think of stopping it. It bubbled out and I smacked my mouth shut, eyes widening.
Oh fuck, I did not just say that.
There was a stunned silence, a look of genuine surprise passing over Hoseok’s face as he gaped at me. Mina was smirking proudly while Namjoon and Yoongi guffawed openly.
“Nice, blatant insulting mixed with a little self depreciation. You’ll fit right in, Y/N.” Namjoon laughed.
Yoongi chose to answer my question. “We do earn some. You have to start a novice, of course. That’s a no pay show until you create a fan base and you know, actually have people screaming for you. Management gives you…a promotion then. The club hosts us, promotes us, and gives us special shows, even solos. The ones who buy tickets to watch us are what make us special. The money is divided between us and the club.”
“That’s really wonderful. You must all work hard.” I said.
“Yeah, which is why we spend all our time here; composing and writing verses. College is great and all, but we’re artists. Exposure is everything at this stage.” Namjoon added.
I caught Hoseok giving Mina a look and blushed. He was probably going to rant about how I was a loud mouthed idiot. There go all my chances.
“Well guys, this has been great but Y/N has classes tomorrow and I got to get to work. I’ll see you guys very soon.” Min got to her feet, her eyes on me. I took my cue, standing up as well.
Yoongi and Namjoon griped, Hoseok lounging back almost as if he was expecting something. At Mina’s pointedly raised eyebrows, I tossed caution to the winds. “Um, Hoseok, can I have a word?”
There was a pause in which Hoseok turned calm, cool eyes on me, his face blank. Then, slowly, fluidly, he got to his feet, looking at me expectantly.
I turned, keeping my head down to hide my furious blush. Namjoon wolf whistled behind us. “Stop it, Joon, she just wants to apologize.” Mina quickly cut him off.
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Hoseok followed me out through towards the exit, taking a turn in one of the smaller hallways.
“This way,” He said curtly, a jerk of his head indicating me to follow him while he led us out, hands deep in his jacket pockets. “It’ll be quieter here.”
I meekly obeyed, taking smaller steps compared to his long legged strides. We reached a double door, Hoseok pushing down the bar lock so we could slip out.
It was probably the back alley of the bar, lined with dumpsters, wooden and metal crates and various odds and ends expected of an underground club, I supposed. It was cooler here, breath rising up in visible white puffs from our mouths.
Hoseok walked to the farther back, leaning against it with one foot propped on the exposed, chipped bricks. “So, what did you want to talk about?” He asked. “I doubt it’s an apology for what you said.”
I frowned a little at that. Mina had said that to hide my ulterior motives, something I was grateful to her for but that did not mean I was going to actually do it.
“I can if you think it’ll help you.” I said, letting just a hint of acid creep into my voice.
Hoseok managed a laugh. “No, Y/N, I don’t need you to appease my bruised ego. Just get on with it.” He said.
I nodded, taking one deep breath. “I have something of a proposition for you.” I said.
The boy in front of me tilted his head to one side. “What kind of proposition?”
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I fought hard to not close my eyes, to not let the intimidating Hoseok render me speechless. All I had to do was spit it out. What was the worst that could happen? He could refute the proposal, the least humiliating. He could laugh and call me delusional or a conniving bitch. That, well, that I’d just have to handle without trying to let the fact bother me that I did not come off as pleasant in this situation either way.
The worst of it was probably that I knew it, and yet I was going through with it.
So, without missing another beat, I let her rip. I told him about Jimin, my desire for him and what I wanted him to do. I tried to say it without sounding ridiculous but with the plan out – yes, I could hear the dumbness of it.
I was asking Jung Hoseok – popular, famed, sexy Jung Hoseok, on whom girls and maybe boys threw their bodies with wild abandon – to act as my boyfriend, till Park Jimin took notice, felt miraculously jealous and asked me out. What was the logic? Why would Jimin, hopefully more sensible than me, ask me out when he thought I was with Hoseok?
Even as I finished, Hoseok had lounged further, now looking a little bored.
“Yeah, I know; Mina already told me.”
I stuttered to a stop.
“Mina…she told you what now?” I asked a little weakly.
“All of that which you just said. I already knew that.” He waved a finger in the air to show ‘all that’.
“Hang on…if you knew already; why would you ask me to say it all again?” Irritation had flared up in my throat, fighting the rising embarrassment.
Hoseok shrugged. “Call it an experiment. Mina said you and she discussed this late at night. Weird decisions are made late at night. You showing up here were surprising. So I wanted to see if you could say what you wanted.”
I lolled back on the balls of my feet, staring at him. “So, what’s the conclusion?”
He didn’t answer the question. “I need you to know this. I don’t get along with Park Jimin a lot. I don’t have a problem annoying the shit out of him. I just need to know if you’re up for this.” He lowered his head to pin me with a gaze that was of warning and stern grievance at once.
I paused, weighing options that might mean a whole of an eventful year. Then came; the crinkled, wide smile that Jimin beamed, his golden skin gleaming in the sunlight.
I looked up to give Hoseok a steeled look. “Yes, I’m in.” I said firmly.
Hoseok’s blank stern face melted into a wicked smirk, eyes shining with mocking intent. “We’ll see about that. I hope you’re ready for a fun ride,” He paused heavily, “baby girl.”
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janustrash1 · 3 years
my sides (masterpost)
hey, sorry that i haven't been posting at all recently. life has taken a bit of a slip downhill and things like my sleep schedule have been really out of wack.  to make up for it i’ve decided to talk about and introduce you guys to some very special characters of mine. my sides.
before i introduce them, i’d like to talk about what they mean to me.  i got really into sanders sides at a very low point in my life. at this point i already had four characters that i considered my version of the main four sides. they didnt represent anything yet. i only knew that each of them were my version of a respective side. i had also started counselling at this point, and ended up talking to my councillor about sanders sides and how much i love the show and the dynamic. she encouraged me to take these characters and break them down into their essentials. making my first four sides. 
i would talk to my sides whenever i needed to figure something out. i was able to take the multitude of thoughts going through my head and divide them off into things that each side was saying. this made everything much easier to manage in my head as it was basically the equivalent of talking to friends. however a year passed and a new train of thought started occurring. i tried applying it to an existing side but that didnt work so, i made a new one, my fifth side. 
more recently, around the start of this year, i started having some, unpleasant, things happen with my mental state. i would hyper focus on too many things at once, meaning that i got little to no work done, i started having worsening intrusive thoughts, and i just all around felt a bad presence. once again, none of my sides were the ones causing this so, a new onw was made. my sixth and as of writing this, newest side.
my sides are a genuine coping mechanism for me. i have a rare profile of autism that makes it hard to understand my own emotions, and the sides help with that. they also act as someone i can tell everything to, and just generally help me feel less alone from time to time. im putting a lot out here to share a secret that i keep from most with the world, i would appreciate it if you guys would treat me just the same as always.  side note: yes my sides have different genders and some arent the same as me biologically. they are made like this to capture how some of these aspects of me can sometimes be more prevalent depending on how i present myself. it also just made sense to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
anyways, now that we know where they came from. i would like to introduce you to them. first up, The four Main sides
Opal (Optimism)
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opal is probably the happiest side in the mindscape. she represents my happiness and excitement, as well as some of the content and calm feelings, often relating to my image. before Allison, she was the one to offer words of encouragement when things slipped up. some of the sides refer to her as “Mom” and Allison will often just call her “Wife” Opal wears a lot of pale pink and soft greys, not really one for bright or bold colours, she has an assortment of different headbands and bows but is most often seen wearing a pink cat ear headband. she is a Pan Cis Woman and uses She/Her pronouns
Ray (Reasoning)
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Ray represents everything about me that doesnt revolve around my imagination, as well as some things that do. they are my sense of reasoning, there to talk me out of an impossible situation and ground me back to reality. they are here to make plans and help me stay physically and mentally well in the most efficient way possible. i would say that they are the most like a canon side out of all of them, having an uncanny resemblance to Logan as far as function is concerned. they are the “left brain” of the sides. they wear a light blue polo shirt, keeping the collar in place with a neatly knotted scouts neckerchief. they are the only side to actually wear glasses, even though i myself need them but often dont wear them. they are biologically genderless and use Them/They pronouns.
Cameron (Confidence)
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Cameron is the most eccentric of all the sides, constantly bellowing his ideas in the most sing-songy, theatrical voice. he is the brightest and most determined, constantly suggesting new and “foolproof” plans to get big and become famous. unfortunately, these “foolproof” plans are often made by a fool. He doesnt always see the bigger picture, much like Opal, he always keeps his eyes on the prize, to such an extent that he often skips steps in his plan. he often wears fancy blue jackets, but his more casual wear is a royal blue button up over a white t shirt. He is a Cis man who uses He/Him pronouns. 
Percival (Paranoia)
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Percival, or as we all call them, Percy, is the most quiet and reserved out of all of the sides, only kicking off when something could go wrong. when they were first created, they would do this constantly, however as time has progressed they have realised how this can be a hinderance more than a help, and has taken to not really speaking unless necessary. they are one of the ImagiSiblings, along with Ivory, they were temporarily separated as i got older however, and now they are quite scared of what ivory has become and will keep their distance when possible, but has shown that they very much can still be a brilliant older sibling to the younger side. they are often wrapped in a red blanket, with a black long sleeved shirt and leggings poking out from underneath. when they have to leave the house however, they throw on a red plaid hoodie and a black facemask, a new addition to their wardrobe. they are also biologically genderless and use Them/They pronouns.
now, my fifth side, created around a year and a half after the main 4
Allison (Protection) (Formerly Anger)
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Allison was first created as a way to filter out some of the more angry and violent thoughts in my head and make sense of them. they never really seemed like the violent type, more like a protective mother, a role that they very much fulfil better, therefore they were recently changed and allowed to focus more on protecting me and my friends. they have a lot of.... violent suggestions, but they do genuinely care for me and  often stay up with me during sleepless nights, helping me get through the following day. they often wear an oversized blue shirt under an even more oversized black cardigan with a black trilby/fedora hat, sometimes switching the hat out for a plain beanie in the winter. they also carry my headphones in case i need a reminder that i always have music as a way to control my thoughts. they are an AFAB Demigirl and uses Them/They pronouns with female titles (miss, mom etc.)
and finally, my newest side, created around march of this year
Ivory (Impulse)
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Ivory was created to explain the constant creative itch i get whenever there are too many ideas. they started off as a sweet, excitable child, but are quick to change when they dont get their way. they are able to shapeshift and will sometimes become threatening and scary if the creative itch isnt met to their standards. they are also the source of most of my intrusive thoughts, often thinking that their suggestions will help. overall they are probably the most dangerous side and we still do not know much about them. their clothes often change but one thing that always remains is a jacket that i actually own covered in various embroidery and collected patches. sometimes this will be worn over a simple t-shirt, sometimes over a black button up. they are the youngest of the sides, being around 10 physically. im not yet sure of their gender  but they seem to like Them/They pronouns
and there you have it. theres my sides. it honestly feels good to have written this all down and have it in a convenient place to be able to show people. i hope you like them just as much as i do, if you have any further questions feel free to send me an ask or re-blog this post.
thank you so much to any of you who have read this far, i really appreciate it. 
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Mingyu Office AU P3
Hi guys! It’s been so long since I last posted and I am so sorry for all the imcompleteness of this blog >< I’ve spent the last few weeks finishing up various Office Au!’s so expect new content for a few days. For now, here is the latest of Mingyu’s office AU. 
*Note to the Jihoon Office AU! readers; That story will be revised in due course. I lost sight of the ending and things went in 24 different directions XD
Plot: You’ve transferred to the Korean division of your company as a high ranking associate but no one but those you have previously worked with know how high you ranked since you’re a firm believer of working your way to the top. Focusing on your career, dating never crossed your mind. That is..until you meet Kim Mingyu, the tall dark and handsome associate who too has never dated but is fairly popular with the girls. Will the two of you end up together? Or will work get in the way again?
Words: 3393
Pairing: Y/N x Mingyu
Genre: Romance/Comedy
“You are a lifesaver Kim Mingyu” you said as the two of you drove on the city streets of Seoul.
“You’ve been stressing about this meeting for the last few weeks. It’s really no problem at all.” he said and gave you a side glance, “Are you...doing anything after?” 
Raising an eyebrow in question you responded, “The meetings supposed to go for the rest of the day and I just have to go back to the office to drop off the signed paperwork since it’s on the way back to my apartment.” 
“How about… You finish your meeting, we’ll get dinner and then I’ll drive you home? You can leave the paperwork in my car and I’ll bring it up with me tomorrow morning.” he suggested completely taking his chances.
You knew about Mingyu’s high tendency of forgetfulness and was wary, “Are you sure..? I can just take them back to the office and lock them up…” You didn’t even want to lose those documents as they were of high importance. They were to be submitted to Jeonghan for Seungcheol.
“It’s okay, we can take a different route and take a shortcut back to your apartment. I promise I’ll remember the documents if that is what you’re so worried about. I swear or I’ll let Jihoon wack me with his bat he keeps in his cubicle.” Mingyu said holding up his pinky finger and you slowly took it as Mingyu would never willingly put himself in front of Jihoon’s harm. 
“If you’re sure…” you said with uncertainty and Mingyu nodded with a grin. 
“I’ll wait at the cafe across the street and send me a text when you’re done.” he said as he dropped you off at the clients location. 
“Are you craving anything in particular?” he asked shocked that you had agreed to dinner so easily.
“No..I’ll let you decide.” you answered mindlessly as you double checked everything in your bag. “Thanks again Mingyu, you don’t know how much this means to me.” you gave him one of those smiles that made his heart weak and he watched as you exited the car and entered the building.
He silently wished you luck and pumped his fist in victory over the fact that you had agreed to have dinner with n him. It was a lot easier to have you agree than he thought but he was happy nonetheless.  
He went into the cafe and ordered a drink.  Choosing to sit by the window, he looked down at your number and grinned. You gave it to him before you left the car and told him to text you so you could text him when you were done your meeting. 
He looked up and he saw the next person exit  the cafe and he thought the person looked slightly familiar. 
He shook the feeling off and went back to his phone while waiting for your text. 
Yanan walked through the lobby of the Korean office and saw the two people he was looking for. 
“Yo, Jun!” He called out as said person turned around shock evident on his face as the duo made their way over. 
Twenty minutes later, the three were at a bbq restaurant having dinner and catching up. 
“So how long are you here for?” Minghao asked curiously. 
Yanan thought for a moment before responding. “Two weeks? The managers have a conference here and then we’re scheduled to do some sightseeing.”
“Are you planning on catching up with Y/N while you’re here?” Jun asked causing Yanan to choke on his meat. 
After gulping down his water, Yanan gathered himself and cleared his throat. 
“Are you okay?” Minghao asked as he and Jun shared a look. 
“Y/N’s here?” He asked with a shocked/concerned look on his face. 
“You didn’t know?” Jun asked and Yanan shook his head. 
“She fell off the radar ever since she rejected the Senior Associate position.” Yanan explained, “She’s here? Working for the Korea Office?” 
Both men nodded their heads. They figured that you didn’t tell anyone on purpose. They knew you were close with the upper management, especially the VP and it would’ve been easy to let your transfer go unnoticed. Now the question was, why?
“It’s been a while now...someone got fired from Jun’s team and Seungcheol sent in an internal transfer request.” Minghao explained and realization dawned on Yanan’s face and he shook his head. 
‘So the two were closer than they let on’  he thought in his head as he turned to look in the direction of Juns shocked voice.
“No way, is that Mingyu and Y/N?” 
The three looked out the window of the restaurant and saw the two of you walking across the street with ice cream cones in your hands.
“You don’t think they’re on a date do you?” Jun asked looking at Minghao and the other shrugged his shoulders.
“Kyulkyung said that Y/N was running late for a meeting and Mingyu offered to drive her after they ran into each other at a cafe.” he said after receiving a text earlier on. “They probably went for dinner afterwards or something.” 
“Should we go say hi?” Jun wondered and Minghao shook his head as he pointed over to the two of you at Mingyu’s car and him opening the door for you with a bow making you giggle.
“We’ll see her tomorrow at the office” he explained and threw a side glance at Yanan who seemed deep in thought and he also wanted to let Mingyu have his time with you. Things seemed to be going well so far.
All the while, Yanan’s eyes were focussed on you and your supposed co-worker and he couldn’t believe his eyes. When he was offered the promotion, he had no idea that you had been offered it first but accepted it anyways since he had his eyes on it for quite some time but when he noticed that you had stopped coming into the office, he started asking questions but the China head refused to tell him anything saying it was none of his business.  
An Associate had told him that he saw you enter the office of the vice president and when you came out, you were packing your desk and no one saw you after that and soon life at the office went back to normal. One day, the daughter of the China head who came to the office to visit occasionally told him that you turned down the Senior Associate position. 
The only question in his mind was, Why? You were working so hard towards the position and to throw it all away was like a slap in the face to him personally. The two of you were a team but also each other’s confidants but as you got busier, things changed and he noticed you stopped confiding in him like you used to.
Quickly making an excuse, he made his way out of the restaurant and back to his hotel leaving Jun and Minghao to watch after him and fork the bill..
Meanwhile, you and Mingyu were currently sitting in his car in front of your apartment. After your meeting, he had taken you out for dinner and dessert before suggesting a walk in the park. Despite how tired you were after the meeting, it all vanished after spending some time with Mingyu.
“Thank you for everything tonight. You really are a lifesaver.” you said again as you turned to look at him as he unbuckled his seatbelt and made his way to your side of the car to open the door.
“No, thank you for having dinner with me tonight. I had a lot of fun.” he grinned as you blushed. You did too. 
Throughout the night, Mingyu was the perfect gentleman. He had taken you to a nice restaurant where despite trying to argue, he had paid the full bill on top of the ice cream he convinced you to get.  It was nice getting to know him and he often made you laugh with the jokes he cracked here and there. You realized later on that you really enjoyed spending time with him and you didn’t want it to end now.
“Do you maybe...want to come in for some coffee?” you asked making Mingyu’s face conform into shock. “Unless you have to be somewhere then we can always-”
“Coffee sounds great” Mingyu said interrupting your ramble and offered his arm as you lead him towards your apartment.
Mingyu wandered around your apartment as you went to the kitchen to make coffee. He looked at the various picture frames which lined the wall and mantle. Some of them included photos of you, Jun, Minghao and Kyulkyung at various work events prior to their transfer. Some were of you and other co workers but a few other photos caught his attention. They were of you and who he recognized as Yanan, a recently promoted senior associate of the China office.
Noting the body language, it looked like the two of you were close and could’ve have been more then friends but a big part of him hoped he was wrong. Throughout the weeks as he was getting to know you, it turned out that the more he learned about you, the more he found you attractive in so many ways and was waiting for the perfect time to ask you out.
Little did he know, you were slowly starting to feel the same way. You enjoyed having his company, he was funny, cute but you noticed that he knew when to be serious  when it came to work and assignments, which was probably why Jihoon had yet to kill him. You didn’t expect him to say yes when you invited him in but now that he was here, you kind of liked it.
He came to the kitchen to see what you were doing and was amazed to see ice cream and hot chocolate out instead of the intended coffee.
“What are you making?” he asked as you put two scoops of vanilla ice cream into each mug and proceeded to poor the hot chocolate on top of it before finishing it with whipped cream.
“Hot chocolate  and icecream. The best of both worlds.” you answered poking a straw in each cup. 
”Sounds delicious” Mingyu said with a lick of his lips before taking one of the mugs from your outstretched hands.
 “Thank you, you really didn’t have to.” he took a sip of his drink, his face turning into instant delight, “The coffee and your company would’ve been more than enough.” 
Mingyus comment sounded so sincere that you wanted to melt on the counter right there and then. He really had a way with words and when you pair that with his naturally charming attitude, you could see why the girls at the office would swoon so often (you not being one of them).
Noticing your silence Mingyu looked down at you and smiled. “Y/N?”
His voice made you look up at him and suddenly you found yourself blushing at getting caught lost in your thoughts. You looked away embarrassed as Mingyu chuckled.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked with a tilt of his head, his grin widening as you pouted slightly. He had never seen you blush like this before and in addition to the pout on your lips,  he found you completely cute and alluring. 
At the office, you were always professional and rarely joked around with the rest unless the occasion called for it and it had only been a handful of times that he had seen you let loose outside of the office with your friends and colleagues but seeing you like this was completely different. You were letting him see a side of you that  maybe only Jun, Minghao and Kyulkyung got to see.
Mingyu put down his cup and used a finger to tilt your chin up to face him while using his other hand to trap you between him and the counter.  The moment your eyes met,  you knew you were in trouble and you found it hard not to get lost in them. 
Your eyes drifted close as Mingyu’s face got closer to yours and just as he was about to touch his lips to yours the ring of your cellphone snapped you out of your trance and you pulled away blushing more then you had before. Did you seriously almost kiss Kim Mingyu?
You gave Mingyu an apologetic look and quickly walked out to the living room to get your phone and noticing it was Jun’s particular tone. 
“Hey Jun” 
“Hey how was the meeting?” he asked casually but there was something that was different about his voice. “Did you seal the deal?” 
“Yep, i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed. I’ll bring it in tomorrow.” you replied wondering if this was the only reason he called.
“Yay, we’re getting paid this week” he cheered on the other end of the line and suddenly his voice took a teasing tone, “I heard that you celebrated early with Mingyu. Is he there now?” he asked and you suddenly found yourself glaring at your phone. How did he know? 
As if reading your mind, Jun added. “Hao and I saw you two while we were having dinner.you have a lot of explaining to do. You have to tell me about your date with Mingyu. Tell me did you guys kiss? Is he still there?” he prodded and you resisted to roll your eyes and looked at Mingyu who shook his head quickly.
“I just got home not too long ago and no he didn’t come in.” you answered as Mingyu made his way out of the kitchen and to the couch and listened to your one sided conversation. “And what do you mean by explaining?”
“Yanan’s in town and he told us that you didn’t tell anyone that you left.” Jun stated with a sigh, “I had a feeling that was the case since NO ONE has touched base on how you’ve been doing since you came over so Hao and I figured you and Luhan were still close and he covered your ass. I mean tracks.”
You were completely unphased by his statement, you knew that Jun and Minghao would figure it out eventually but you didn’t want to say anything just incase the wrong ears heard. You were glad they picked up on it.
“Now the thing is, why are you hiding it the fact that you turned down the S.A position? Everyone knew you were going to get it with or without Luhan’s influence.” Jun continued and you gave Mingyu a side glance and you didn’t want to explain things to Jun while you had company so you faked a yawn.
“I’m really tired from today, I’ll talk to you and Ming tomorrow” you said quickly before hanging up and letting out a breath. So Yanan was in town eh? Well Luhan did say it was between the two of you but given the circumstances…if anyone were to find out it wouldn’t be a big deal either. You were cut from your original contract.
You turned to look at Mingyu who had finished half his drink already and you apologized.
“Jun wanted to confirm that the contract was signed” you explained, “They apparently saw us on our way back from dinner and was wondering why we were celebrating without him.’
Mingyu chuckled, “Typical, he was probably wondering if this contract was going to equal a nice pay cheque” 
“Oooo you good.” you said with a giggle as you sat down next to him and the two of you were soon immersed in conversation about work and common interests that it wasn’t until a reminder popped up on Mingyu’s phone that he saw that it was almost midnight.
Soon the two of you were standing at your door as Mingyu put on his jacket.
“I had a lot of fun tonight.” he said with his boyish grin, knowing that he was about to kiss you earlier made him extremely happy and how he just had to step up his game to win you over. He took your hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on top of it causing you to blush.
“M-me too. Thanks for everything Mingyu. I meant it earlier, I really really appreciate it.” you said with a small smile and leaned up to kiss his cheek but Mingyu being the cheeky person he is turned his face so your  lips met in a gentle kiss causing your eyes to widen.
Mingyu knew that he made a bold move but as he felt you relax into the kiss, he held your hand to his chest so you could feel his heartbeat and his other hand cupped your cheek.
The kiss had completely caught you off guard but after a few moments, your hand that was held to his chest slowly clenched his shirt. His lips were soft and he tasted like chocolate and you felt your eyes drifting close. 
After a few moments Mingyu was the first to pull away and rested his forehead against yours leaving you both breathless.  
“I’ll pick you up before work tomorrow okay?” He whispered as you tried to protest. 
“It’s o-“ but he put a finger to your lips to silence you. 
“I want to.” He said as he gave you one last kiss on the cheek before pulling away fully which made you let go of his shirt. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N. Have a good night.”
The moment you shut the door your brain had finally processed what had happened and you found yourself blushing hard while grabbing a pillow to squeal into. You had never had butterflies this strong before and it was all because of one Kim Mingyu. You quickly got Kyulkyung on the phone and told her everything.
Meanwhile, Mingyu sat in his car processing what exactly happened. What possessed him to kiss you suddenly? Outside of the fact that you were acting cute all night,  he had wanted to kiss you for a while now and couldn’t resist. But you had kissed back… it had to mean something right?
Looking at the time, he realized that if he wanted to wake up early enough to get you the next day, he would have to set at least three alarms. 
The next day as promised, Mingyu was waiting for you with coffee in his car as he saw you make your way towards him. 
He got out when he saw you smile and couldn’t help but notice the faint blush you had and was happy that he may have been the cause. 
“Good morning Mingyu” you said as you approached him with a smile. 
“Good morning Y/N, did you sleep well?” He asked ‘Did you dream of me?’
Nodding your head he grinned. He took out a folder from behind his back. “So were you forgetting something last night?” 
You looked at the folder and double checked your bag. Your eyes widened to see the absence of the folder and realized that it was currently in Mingyus hands meaning you left it in his car. 
Mingyu smirked, “you must have had a lot of fun last night to forget something so important. But don’t worry, I have your back.” He winked at you as you tried to reach for the folder but he held it out of reach. 
“Mingyu” You whined trying to reach for the folder again. Darn him and his six foot height “Josh is going to have my head if I don’t turn it in!” You pouted. 
Unable to resist due to your cuteness, Mingyu leaned down and gave you a quick peck on the lips before sliding the folder into your bag. The whole thing caught you off guard and when Mingyu opened the door for you to get into the car, you couldn’t stop the butterflies from going crazy and you got in silently as he closed the door. Licking his lips as he walked to the other side of the car. So you already had your morning coffee eh?.
Unbeknownst to you two, someone had seen your whole interaction and was completely shocked.
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thatsdemko · 5 years
☆Therapy ☆-J.Norris
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A/N: if you ever miss a chapter and can’t find it under my blog I’m going to use the hashtag “thatsdemkotjn” (at least for me I hate when I start reading a series and can’t find the next chapter and have to scroll through someone’s blog for hours on end so this just makes it easier) hope you enjoy this chapter!!
Josh barely even wanted to roll out of bed when he heard his alarm that Tuesday morning. The only thing that made him have to absolutely get up is when his mother came in his bedroom demanding him to sit up so she could help him get dressed. He laid there for another moment before he heard the door open and his mother flicked on his lights, “you can’t be late today your partner will be upset.” She said opening up how drawers as josh sat up with a sigh, “I don’t get why I couldn’t have gone to a normal therapy?” He asked, it wasn’t like he didn’t like Megan, but it was that he was not keen on the idea of having to have someone else witness him nearly cry in pain.
“Honey, do you want to play hockey again?” His mother ask completely ignoring her sons statement as he sighed while she threw the shirt over his head and he was able to get his free arm in and carefully get his other arm in making a face in pain. “Yeah I do, but—“
“No more excuses. we are leaving in twenty minutes go eat breakfast, please.”
“Megsies! Megsies! Look!” Her little sister cheered as Megan watched her do a backbend while she ate breakfast, “very nice, lils.” She smiled as her little sister did one more before her mother told her to go upstairs and get ready for school. “Are you ready for therapy?” She asked her daughter, ever since Megan was told she’d have to live off campus for a bit the colors were nearly sucked out of her and her mother watched her countless of weeks fall into a bit of a depressed stage, and it didn’t help that the doctor told her she may never play the way she did before.
“As ready as I can be.” Megan sighed deciding she had enough cereal as her mother pressed a kiss on her daughters cheek before taking the bowl from her, “just be the positive girl I know, okay? It’s been hard not seeing that from you.” Her mother said rinsing out her bowl. Her parents usually rode off of Megan’s spirit and calmness, but ever since she got hit with the news of an injury she just wasn’t the same, and they all understood that. That night while she was in the hospital her parents had gone home to tell everyone what had happened, her brother from out of state even came to visit her which he never did anymore.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered seeing her dad come down the stairs with a big smile on his face, “ready, megs?” He asked clapping his hands and she sighed grabbing her phone getting up from the table, “be careful, sweetie.” Her mother said as Megan just walked out the house not even saying a word. It broke her mother’s heart usually Megan was full of words, but the words seemed to have left when everything happened.
“Are you both ready?!” Josh and Megan’s therapist cheered as they made their way into the room together and josh kept constantly checking his watch like as if a good amount of time was going to pass since their walk from the waiting room to the therapy room would change.
“Come on, all the others were very excited to get moving? What’s up with you two?” The doctor asked as they both stood there silent together and the doctors smile became a softer one moving closer to the two, “you better prove to me that I didn’t make a mistake putting you both together, alright?” He asked and they nodded their heads as one of the ladies took them both instructing to sit down together, “I’ve never wanted to leave more in my life.” Josh mumbled as Megan nodded her head in agreement, “lecture hall is better than this.” She said and he laughed, “I would agree and I barely show.” He smiled at her and she gave him one back.
The therapist explained to them what they would be doing and the way they would know if they could move on is the level of discomfort, “I would like to know how high you both can lift your arm up without feeling any pain.” She said pointing to josh first as he lifted his arm as it seemed to barely leave where it was originally positioned, “and that’s as high as you can go without pain?” She asked and he nodded his head before putting his arm down and Megan did almost the same amount lowering it once she felt the pain.
“So josh you’re going to go do some evaluations, and I’ll work with Megan and then you both will flip.” She cheered and josh got up, “have fun,” Megan said and josh scoffed cracking a smile to her as he left the room following another therapist as Megan sat there waiting to be instructed to do something.
“He’s cute, isn’t he?” She asked picking her head up from the clipboard and Megan didn’t really know what to say. Sure, she thought he was cute until he decided to get cocky and all her small crush feelings seemed to go away because of the way he acted. But if he never opened his mouth in that way, Megan would agree.
“I guess,” Megan said as she set the clipboard now laying Megan down, “how did you get hurt?” She asked starting to massage around the stitched area as Megan sighed closing her eyes.
“I’ve got double!” Megan shouted running down the field double teaming with another teammate trying to block out the other teams player from getting into their defensive end as the ball fell out of the girls pocket and Megan dug to pick it up sprinting towards goal as a girl went to stick check as Megan moved her stick out of the way and the girl wacked her shoulder causing Megan to lose control of the ball as she went to dig for it again and got shoved out of the way bouncing on her shoulder funny hearing a noise she wished she never heard as her shoulder then locked.
“Lacrosse, I lost control of the ball got shoved and fell funny.” Megan summed up the story opening her eyes now feeling as she was done and Megan sat up again as josh came in, “everything will go back to as normal as it should. I promise.”
Josh arrived on campus that afternoon getting the okay to be on his own, but still have his mother be on campus three times a week when needed and Megan got the same grant.
“You’re home!” Quinn cheered as josh walked in the dorm with his mother as Quinn rushed to hold open the door so josh’s mother could walk in with all of josh’s clothes and such, “yeah I get to be back on campus.” He smiled as Quinn went to help josh’s mother sort his clothes in his room. Josh hadn’t been in the dorm since before he left for world juniors, and he was delighted to be back and away from his family.
“Alright, Josh, everything is in there if you need me you call me, okay?” His mother gave him a sincere look and he nodded his head understanding the importance of his mother’s presence to help him get better, “I will if I need to.” He flashed a smile as she nodded her head saying her goodbye to Quinn as she walked out the door.
“So what’s been up with you?” Quinn asked as they walked into their living room and josh sat down on one end of the couch as Quinn sat on the other, “just therapy like three times a week, what about you?”
“Not much practice has been kind of boring without you, we leave for New York in a few weeks. Are you coming?” He asked, josh knew the boys were heading to New York and he was excited for the trip when he could play, but now since he couldn’t and his schedule was filled with therapy almost everyday he couldn’t.
“I can’t, I wish, but I can’t.”
Quinn frowned, “that’s okay, man, just wish for you to get better that’s all.”
On the other end of campus Megan was settling back in with her teammate, Jenna.
“There’s been so much drama on the team lately about who is going to fill your shoes in for middie, plus everyone is freaking out about the upcoming date dance the lax boys are having, are you going?” Jenna rambled on as Megan laid down in her bed, it wasn’t like she was gone for long, but so much had happened in the matter of time of her departure to now her arrival.
“I didn’t know there was a date dance, I don’t even have a date? When is it?” Megan sighed pulling out her phone going to check her calendar as Jenna got up off her bed looking at her monthly calendar filled with dates with her boyfriend, games, parties, etc. “this Saturday.” She turned to Megan and she saw the day was available with a smile she put it in, “okay, I’ll be there I just don’t have a date.”
Jenna shook her head, “you’re a pretty girl just go into your premed class and ask all the guys, whoever says yes you take.”
Megan rolled her eyes laying down carefully, “I don’t know, I might not go I’ll just go home that day.” She said with a slight change of voice almost unwanted. Megan loved being home, but hated being stuck at home because her mother was too cautious that Megan could slip on grass or something.
“Ew you’ve been home for like two weeks! Have some freedom from your parents! You’ll be my second date because I’m taking my boyfriend, but you’re coming with me and we are going to get drunk and have fun because ever since your little injury you’ve not wanted to do that! So we are going to!” Jenna demanded as Megan sighed. Jenna was also as high spirit as Megan and that’s why they got along so well, the minute they met each other they clicked and ever since then they have been inseparable.
“Okay, only to have drinks not to be some extra.” She jokingly rolled her eyes as Jenna sat down on Megan’s bed, “have you met any cute guys at therapy? Some doctors are so fine, megs, I’m telling you.”
“No I haven’t, but I met Josh Norris.” Megan said seeing Jenna’s eyes widen and she squealed clapping her hands practically jumping on Megan’s bed while still sitting there, “oh my god, that’s even better than meeting a doctor! He’s so cute, megs, if I wasn’t in a relationship I would hop on that body of his! Have you seen his body?!” Jenna gushed pulling out her phone going right to josh’s Instagram to find a picture to show Megan.
“Jen, you said you’d jump on Will Lockwood’s body last week, has your boyfriend not been meeting your needs at all?” Megan asked jokingly with a fake scoff as Jenna shook her head zooming in on the photo of josh shirtless, “tell me you wouldn’t want that body?!” She giggled as Megan shook her head, sure he had a nice body and she wasn’t going to lie she did feel the gush, but nothing like Jenna did.
“It’s nice, but I wouldn’t jump on to him if I got the opportunity.” Megan said as Jenna paused from showing her another picture setting her phone down grabbing a hold of Megan’s shoulder that wasn’t in a sling, “Megan Jones, if Joshua Norris ever asks you out, friends or not, you say yes for me please because you have not had a boyfriend since your freshman year of high school according to your drunk self. Besides, you’ve been so lonely lately since this happened, please? I’m not asking you to take him to the party, but I’m asking if he ever asks you out just consider it? Maybe?” She asked getting off Megan’s bed now going onto hers and she nodded her head. She loved Jenna for always caring for her, when Megan had gotten injured before the ambulance arrived Jenna stayed with her trying to calm her down. She was somebody Megan always turned to in hard times, but this time she felt like pushing everyone away so she could do this herself.
“Jen, I love you for caring, but I can do this on my own.” She said trying to sound as determined as possible. Although it had been hard for her to try and do this, she had the support of her family, teammates, and coaches, but when life really struck her down for these past couple of weeks, Megan could’ve used someone to hold her to try and pull her together. She wasn’t asking for it to be a guy, but she was asking for someone that wasn’t her mother.
“You say that, but for some reason I don’t believe you.”
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serafxn-a · 6 years
(( Hey guys. Mun here. I know, I know, I’ve been relatively quiet lately. For... a while now. I should probably give a life update. A bit more of a comprehensive one.
After a simultaneously wild and dull 10 years of my life beginning with university, which included a lot of online and a little offline drama, the end of a 7 year relationship that I’m still kind of reeling over several months onward, and a whole lot of paranoia and health problems both mental and physical... My life situation IRL took a drastic turn and almost brought my online presence to a screeching halt. Around May-June of this year, I moved back in with my parents, got a job at a major UK toy store chain, and have no longer been able to sustain my wild-ass 10am-5am living due to changes in schedule and having major responsibility for the first time in my life. One such responsibility being not keeping my parents awake til fuck knows in the morning, ahaha. And, y’know, actually getting decent sleep before work... (something I’m failing a little at right now,,,)
I’ve got mixed feelings about it, but overall... it’s actually been a pretty positive experience. Being definitively useful, wanted and moreover needed does a lot for one’s self-esteem. Knowing I’m good enough at doing something that people will take my advice, and that I will get called into work for more hours instead of having my hours cut, is kind of a good buzz, even if it’s taken a lot of getting used to and been stressful for my RP life. Not having any friends IRL sucks hard when I can’t talk to my online ones as much but... I’m trying to deal as best I can.
But right now, let’s forget all that. It’s time for me to be sappy, because it’s late at night, I’m sick, and it’s almost Thanksgiving. ))
(( Now, I know I’m not American, so when it comes to Thanksgiving, I don’t go there. I might have humoured a “turkey” dinner of my own for a couple of years just so I wouldn’t be left out. Which I guess might be kinda sad but I prefer to think of it as an act of sentimentality.
And, what can I say? I’m a very sentimental person.
That sentimentality is what leads me to make this post. There’s so many important people I’ve met that I’m grateful for. I’d like to talk about some of them, because I don’t think I should be particularly shy about this. I might not get all of them, because I’m kinda scatterbrained (and at least as of making alterations to this part of the post mid-way through typing it it’s 11:30 and I have to get up at 8).
First off: if you’re in the Sunny Day Café server? You fucking rock! Even if you don’t talk too much in there, your continued support of my first real attempt to run a relatively public RP server is really appreciated. In particular on this front I’d like to thank Rose (blogs: @kxndncss​ @grxxnheart​ @hopxlcss​), Shad (blog: @flapsinhands​) and Ozi (blog: @magicbyhalves​) for helping me with moderating the place. I’ll be the first to admit that my moderation skills are a bit... well, 👋. I’m often not a good judge of situations, and find it difficult to trust my own judgements. It’s something I’m having to learn. So the help is really important to me.
Of course, these three (who I will dedicate more time to in this post later for sure) have also been really helpful with plot stuff. There’s a particular group of people who’ve been helpful with plot stuff, actually, aside from these three, and I’d like to mention them too.
Let’s start with Ziz! (blogs: @unseenbutnotgone​ @seenbutgone​ @unheardanduncaring​ @distastefulblossom​ @setebcs​)
My memory is trash, but I think Ziz and I started talking over Wings wanting to get to know Fin back when he was Sleazy? Because he was getting involved with his son, and of course a good dad would want to make sure his son is in good company. He wasn’t, but Fin grew from that, and I’m thankful for that too, but also I’m thankful for what happened when Fin ended up applying this relearned kindness when Wings’ son was forcibly fused with a corrupt fragment of his.
And then it all went really gay from there, and now they’re married and have spread the gay even further. It’s not even over yet, there’s so much potential for Reset and Fin still and I’m eager to explore it and fit them into this intricate new world that I’ve never really touched on in RP before. And to write with someone as caring, empathetic, funny and smart as Ziz? I’m really honoured. They’re really inspiring to me and I adore RPing with them. They put so much work into their muses, visually and historically and meaningfully and I just... 💋👌 Mwah. Ziz as a writer, and an artist, and as a person too - I look up to them so damn much.
And I definitely cannot mention inspiring people without coming to talk about Rose. She and Ziz were ultimately the reason I started to invest so much in my Gasters, they’ve provided constant encouragement with my writing, I’ve been able to bounce ideas off of them not just for my stories but for theirs too. They’ve been emotionally supportive and emotionally constructive too, which is honestly fantastic. I know I’m someone who has a lot of growing to do. I appreciate that there’s people who’ll stick by me while I’m doing it and help me along.
Rose is such a pleasure to write with. Her prose is utterly gorgeous to read, it feels like seeing the individual threads coming together in a tapestry. Her talent for finding mood music is fantastic and something I honestly aspire to, because mood music for writing or setting a scene is so so important. Her characters are always really well researched and have so much depth to them, and it’s really great seeing her influences because damn she has good taste too. And what’s more, I honestly do look up to Rose, because while her life experiences may not be perfect she’s accomplished a lot of things I would love to accomplish myself. She’s really inspiring to me.
While these are the two folks I talk to most, particularly about RP stuff, there’s a whole gang of bastards I’m thankful for... I’ll have to bullet point these guys because there’s a good few blogs associated with them and I want to try and include all the active/main ones?
Rav - @imbreaking-sans​ @imdespondent-sans​ @mraudio-the-audacious​
Bets - @fellythealphaskeleton​ @xa-eviterx​
Situ - @shadowbirdsitu​ @sourtrout​
Del - @skellie-bean​ @pocketpunk666
Collectively these are people I know I can come to when I need help with things, RP or otherwise, people I can vent to, people I can share experiences with, and people I can laugh with and listen to and just generally hang around and be myself with. Which is kind of really important, especially when I don’t entirely feel like I can be myself IRL still.
Rav honestly has such a good way with words, both when it comes to people and when it comes to prose, and seems wise way beyond her years at times. Her level-headedness has sometimes been a little intimidating to me, but possibly because it’d been a rare quality in people I’d known prior, and something I’m often lacking in myself. I look up to pretty much everyone for different reasons, or sometimes similar ones. Rav is one of these people I look up to, in part because of this level-headedness. (And also because holy shit she’s dealt with so much and still come out on top!!) She’s a lot of fun to write with and a very trustworthy person I’m honoured to call a friend.
I think, if my memory serves me right, when I was really starting to talk to this group as a group - not as it is now, but as it had been, with a few different people there or not there - it was Bets I’d first encountered. And, well, I didn’t make the best first impression, I don’t think... but I like to think it got way better afterwards. Bets is honestly a really fun and wild character whilst simultaneously having that level-headedness I really admire in people? And like, she has wack plotlines (I’m looking at all the Felly stuff especially with fuckin BIRDSCAPE), but it’s so much fun to see them unfold and be a part of them! I consider her one of the comic masters of the group alongside Ziz, and though their styles are fairly different I have a high respect for both of them. And what’s more, I’ve always found Bets super easy to approach, which is invaluable to me as someone who is very shy and unsure of themselves.
While I say Bets was one of the first people in this group that I encountered, but as the group stands now it was actually Situ. Prickly and Fin had this thing going between them that grew into joke-flirting that became actual flirting, because when you do something like that it’s almost certainly going to stop being a joke if you keep doing it. If there’s one thing I’m a sucker for it’s slow burn and these two delivered so wonderfully. Situ has always been super friendly, super eager and super full of enthusiasm! And while I regretfully haven’t always been able to match that, I have always had fun RPing with her. I love her art, her muse designs, and - honestly this might seem out of left field one day could you gimme a hand with my hair? Yours always looks so good!! ... Er, that aside, you’re another really approachable person who I appreciate a lot. (I also admire your muse dedication like holy shit how many blogs do I have now)
I absolutely have to open with the Del paragraph by stating she is fucking hilarious. There’s a reason she’s using the Jevil icon on Discord at the moment; she’s definitely our Joker. I’m legally obligated to state she’s full of beans (it’s funny because the beans are her muses), and I respect her so much for sticking with child muses and RPing them so well when it must be really damn difficult at times. There’s a lot of challenges that come with child muses for sure. Del is also a great listener, an enthusiastic plotter, and an incredibly sweet person. Fun fact: she sent me a plush jackalope a while back and he’s sat by my bedside ever since, receiving cuddles when I needed them most! Another fun fact: she’s usually the person who initiates the “hewwo??” in voice calls. Chaotic alignment as hell.
I’ve talked a lot about a particular group of friends but they aren’t really the only people I interact with... and while the people I interact with regularly has dwindled a little, there’s two people not in this specific group who are still super important to me, who I mentioned earlier, actually.
I’ll mention Shad first - blog linked further up - as someone who I’m really glad I grew closer to? We’d shared a few friend groups but it took a bit for us to really start interacting, and I’m so glad we did. She has a fucking killer sense of humour and it bleeds into her RPing in the best way. Being involved in her plots in any way is freaking awesome, and she’s been super great about getting involved in mine in a way that’s really fleshed them out and given them direction and form. Not to mention she was one of the reasons I got back into Guild Wars 2 and we have such a good time playing together and talking.
I think at least for now the last person and absofuckinlutely not least I’ll talk about is Ozi... whose friendship with me long pre-dates my current blogs, as we started RPing together in the League of Legends community. She’s a really positive influence in my life, and I’m honestly really grateful that she’s stuck by me through our changes in fandom. Seeing her grow and improve as an artist has been an absolute pleasure, and her writing has always delighted me. The development turns she takes are fantastic and really well thought out, and that she can work with so little and make so much is inspiring as all hell. (I’m mostly talking about the amount of work she managed to put into fleshing out Thresh back when we were in the LoL fandom but damn she’s doing such a good job with Shantae in this regard too?? Thresh was just a lot more... bare-bones. Ba dum tsch.)
It’s about now that I’ve run out of steam and it’s past my bed time but I would like to say that this list is by no means exhaustive. There’s a lot of people who have put me on the path I’m on today, some who I may not talk to as much, some I talk to more, some who I don’t talk to anymore at all. Maybe they left my life on a good note, maybe on a bad. But each and every person we meet leaves some kind of mark, however big, however small.
I’m grateful for all the people who’ve not only left kind marks on me, but stayed, too. ))
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skeletonscribbles · 6 years
here’s chapter one of this Losers WDW employee AU! let me know what you think <3
Rating: M, eventually. G right now, except for cursing.
Pairings: Reddie, Stan/Bill/Mike, Benverly WC: 4,465
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
Other: Scroll down for explanation of starred phrases. There’s lots of Disney lingo in here.
Also, chapters will alternate perspectives like I Burn I Pine I Perish (Mike’s up next!)
Read on Ao3
Tag List: @roobarrtrashmouth @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @tozier-club @aizeninlefox @stanheartsbill
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There was absolutely no fucking reason for the Magic Kingdom to ever open earlier than 9 a.m.. That was indisputable truth among MK workers; the tunnels were too nasty for any human to have to wander through between the hours of 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. (Third shift cast members were brave and foolish souls.)
Bill Denbrough really couldn’t be blamed, then, for rolling in with just a few minutes to spare on an early-open Monday (well, actually a Thursday, but his Monday. He’d applied to have a regular weekend, but didn’t get it because he hadn’t been working for the company for a million years, so his days off were Tuesday and Wednesday, and it was a huge bummer). As soon as he got off the West Clock bus*, he made a beeline for the mouth of the tunnels to clock in on the computer next to the Mouseketeeria (the cafeteria for cast members - “The Mouse” for short). He wasn’t the only one, either - everyone was walking fast, trying to make sure they were in on time lest they get a point on their records**. That was what MK got, Bill reasoned, for opening a whole hour before what was strictly necessary.
Once he was clocked in (with two minutes to spare, no less), Bill slowed down, taking a more leisurely pace as he made his way through the tunnels towards Town Hall. The rest of his Guest Relations cast members would be pissed with him, but he didn’t care. They’d left him out to dry with angry guests more times than he could count.
Almost immediately, he was just about bowled over by somebody plowing their way towards the Mouse. He glared over, hoping that it was a bitchy entertainment cast member he could tell off, but to his dismay and concern, it was his acquaintance Eddie, a Character Attendant who he spoke to quite often on tours. He seemed to be on the run from someone...and given that he worked pretty exclusively with Princesses, that was probably true.
“Eddie?” Bill asked, and Eddie stopped in his tracks. “Are you all right?”
Eddie turned around, shaken up by the fact that he’d been recognized (there were SO many cast members that worked at the Magic Kingdom), and blinked woozily back at Bill. “Oh. Yeah. Hi, Bill. You taking people my way today?”
“I dunno if I have a tour,” Bill said, “but I will if I do. Which way is your way?”
“Fantasyland,” Eddie replied, “Princess Fairytale Hall. Not Adventureland anymore, thank God.”
“What’s so bad about Adventureland?” Before he’d taken the Guest Relations gig, Bill had been an attractions cast member in Adventureland and Liberty Square. Granted, his allegiance was much more to the Liberty side, as he’d been a butler at the Haunted Mansion (and a damn great one, too, even if he did still have his stutter then), but Adventureland was still a big source of pride for him.
“Hecklers,” Eddie said cryptically, “and everyone in Adventureland always asks if I’m friends********** with Pan, because he used to meet there. I hate that. Anyways, it’ll be a pretty slow day at PFT, so if you’re doing tours, put any kids in Tiana’s line. It’ll be short, and she’s a sweetheart.”
“Roger roger,” Bill said, saluting him. “You’re a good man, Eddie….shit, I have no idea what your last name is. I’ve only ever read your name off of your nametag.”
“Kaspbrak,” Eddie offered, smiling thinly. “Not that you’ll remember.”
“Probably not,” Bill admitted. “I’ll see you later, though.”
“I’ll be waiting,” Eddie promised, disappearing through the doors of the Mouse.
Running into Eddie had made Bill even later than he was originally planning to be. His coworkers were going to be livid. Hopefully there wasn’t a tour waiting on him.
Sure enough, when he walked into Town Hall, his coordinator flew at him. “What is the matter with you?? You have a tour waiting!”
“Cool,” Bill rolled his eyes and smoothed out his vest. “What’s the situation?”
“A couple of C-list VIPs. Kids from a recent horror film, I think. Seven of them.”
“Girls?” Bill asked, quietly hoping for an affirmative answer.
“Just one,” his coordinator said, glancing over. “Six boys.”
“Fuck.” Bill sighed and slid on his sunglasses. “No Tiana this time, I guess. I’ll start ‘em with Richie instead.”
“I dunno if Richie still works mornings,” said the coordinator, frowning, “he likes that late night CP shift*** garbage. But if he’s here, he’ll probably tip the boat and drown ‘em, so...godspeed, I guess.”
Bill stepped out neatly from behind the customer service booth. He spotted his group right away. They were all about 13 years old, and extremely loud.
“Hey there, kiddos!” he called. “Ready to make some magic?”
The children cheered, and Bill swept them out and towards Adventureland.
Miraculously, they made it to the Jungle Cruise in about ten minutes. The group only got distracted by the swords in the Agrabah Bazaar once (and incredibly, it was the girl that was most excited about them), and were less interested in the spitting camels at the Aladdin ride than Bill thought they would be.
He approached the cast member at the head of the Jungle Fastpass line while the kids took a picture with the ride sign for Instagram. “I’ve got a group of fourteen - seven kids and seven moms - and we want to ride Richie’s bote****.”
The cast member rolled his eyes. “Of course, Richie’s bote. It’s a miracle you caught him - usually he doesn’t get scheduled until noon or later, but he’s here today, whining about having to spiel at 'the asscrack of dawn' or whatever. He's basically a bat: blind and nocturnal.”
“Grumpy Richie is good luck for us,” Bill said, smiling. “I was kind of hoping he’d leave the kids in the Cambodian ruins show scene.”
“He just might.” The cast member waved Bill along, and Bill called back to the boys. They snaked their way through the line until they got to the dock, where another cast member in khaki held them back.
“You want Richie, right?” she said, adjusting her wide-brimmed hat. “Good timing. He’ll be rolling in in a sec.”
“Who is Richie?” one of the boys asked, looking at Bill curiously.
Bill shook his head and smiled. The kid really had no idea.
“Aaaaaaaand we’re back,” called a loud voice, saving Bill from actually answering the boy’s question. Bill turned to see Richie steering a boat to the unload dock. His glasses were steamed up from the Florida humidity, and his hat was hanging around his neck by a cord because his hair was too unruly for the hat to stay on his head. In short, he was a SIGHT. The kids gawked at him as he pulled up to the pier and stopped the boat, yammering all the while:
“I hope you’ve had as much fun as I have over these past four weeks...which is to say, none at all, I hope you had no fun, you’ve been terrible. Parting is such sweet sorrow, yadda yadda yadda, get out of my bote. Watch your head. Just kidding, you can’t actually watch your own head. Watch somebody else’s head, I guess.”
Richie’s rambling was sweet music to Bill’s ears. The two of them had been friends since they’d done Ad-Lib orientation together some two years prior. They’d been separated to different attractions - Richie to Pirates of the Caribbean, initially, and Bill to Mansion - but they still managed to make time for each other every now and again, and Bill loved to take his tours down to the Jungle Cruise so he could spend time with his friend.
Bill was justified in bringing his tours down Richie’s way, though. Richie was by far the funniest Skipper in the Jungle. Everyone had been kind of surprised when he’d been sent to Pirates right off the bat - the boy was basically put on Earth to narrate shitty Disney journeys through plastic wilderness, so as soon as he could put in to cross-train*****, he had jumped to Jungle and not looked back.
“Hey Rich,” Bill called, “heard you were giving out free two-week vacations. Got room for fifteen more?”
Richie’s face lit up when he spotted Bill on the dock. “Big Bill, on MY bote? Dreams really do come true! Magic is real, folks, you heard it here first and not from anyone else on this wack vacation property--”
“Beep beep, Richie,” Bill said mildly, unable to hide his giant smile as he moved to hug his friend.
“I can’t believe ‘beep beep’ has lasted the test of time,” Richie grumbled. “I hate the Tomorrowland Speedway.” He turned to the kids. “Okay, single file, sit all the way around, both sides of the crates please or we’ll flip and the gators will eat you. Don’t climb over the crates, you’ll fall and I’ll laugh and then probably get fired. All aboard!”
The kids clambered eagerly on to Richie’s bote, chattering excitedly to themselves. Their mothers followed them with great hesitation and an obvious sense of dread. Bill got in last, and secured a seat next to Richie.
“We all here? Great! If not, oh well.” Richie got the ‘all clear’ from a fellow cast member, and put the boat into gear. “Welcome to the Richie Tozier express, I think you’ll find it river-ting. I know you’re all thrilled to spend the next two weeks with me as your tour guide, but please, hold your applause until we’re past this tribe of hand-eating cannibals….”
Richie’s bote was always an exciting experience, and Bill found himself laughing more than the kids at certain spots. He knew that he shouldn’t be encouraging some of the jokes - Richie was supposed to stick to a script, and he’d almost gotten fired a few times because he couldn’t rein in his giant mouth - but he couldn’t help it. Richie was a comedian, through and through.
After the tour was over, the kids all insisted on getting a picture with Richie, so he graciously climbed out of the boat with them and handed things over to another khaki-clad cast member. (It was his turn to rotate******, anyway.) They took photos on everyone’s iPhone, and then the kids scrambled away to edit and compare, so Bill had a few minutes alone with Richie.
“How goes it, Big Bill?” Richie asked, wiping sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand. “Plaid looks good on you, as always.”
“Butler uniform looked better,” Bill said wistfully, tugging at his vest. “I miss Mansion, except for the heavy coat.”
“Anything’s better than khaki shorts,” Richie said sagely. “I’d kill to cross-train at Mansion. They won’t let me, though. They know I’d just sit around and scare kids all day.”
Bill shrugged. “I mean, I used to just let people fall down on the moving belt. I can’t imagine you’d be any worse.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty fucking awful, Billiam.” Richie shoved his hands in his shorts pockets. “Anyways. Um. I have a query.”
“Shoot,” said Bill, eyeing the kids. They were just about ready to go.
“Where’s Cute Character Attendant today?” Richie’s ears had gone scarlet, and not from the sun.
Bill shot him a withering look. “I don’t know every single person that works in MK, Rich.”
“You know this guy. I’ve seen you talking to him.” There was desperation in Richie’s eyes, which was new and disconcerting. “Small, pretty smile, shrill voice. I made an Aladdin joke about the loaf of bread in my pants and he told me that if he had a genie, he would wish me away.”
Bill squinted incredulously. “Eddie?!”
A huge, goofy smile slid across Richie’s face. “Eddie…”
Realization hit Bill like a freight train, and he let out a barking laugh. “You’re the heckler! Eddie said he had a heckler, and it's you!”
“Where is he?” Richie begged. “Bill, please.”
“Goodbye, Richie,” Bill sang, re-joining his group. Behind him, he could all but hear Richie attempting to keep from cursing.
It seemed that he was going to have to pay Eddie a visit after all.
As it turned out, the kids were pretty hyped about Tiana even with the fact that she was a girl. Bill was pretty impressed by that - they were a mature bunch of twelve year olds, which was rare and lovely.
Eddie was standing in front of the door to her station in Princess Fairytale Hall with his arms crossed. He looked almost elf-like in the Fantasyland attendant costume, and Bill couldn’t help but wonder at Richie’s taste. Eddie was a good person and quite attractive in his civilian clothes, but he looked ridiculous in his Attendant get-up, and Bill was pretty sure Richie had never seen Eddie in civvies. It made Bill wonder if Richie lusted after the Peter Pans in Entertainment, too.
“How many?” Eddie asked as they drew nearer.
Bill smiled meekly. “Don’t kill me.”
Eddie’s shoulders slumped. “Over ten?”
“Fourteen,” Bill said apologetically. “Plus me.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and sighed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you knew Richie?” Bill asked, low enough that the kids and moms in his group couldn’t hear him.
Eddie’s breath caught in his throat, and his face immediately went pink. “You’re talking about Jungle Cruise guy, aren’t you.”
“Yeah. We’re old friends.” Bill looked at Eddie seriously. “Is he yanking your chain?”
“He’s so embarrassing,” Eddie complained. “Every time I’m with Aladdin and Jasmine, he stares at me from across Adventureland and shouts dumb jungle pick-up lines. And that’s not even the worst part.”
Bill blinked back at him. “What’s the worst part?”
“The worst part is that I’m into it,” Eddie hissed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t know what to do. It’s ridiculous. I have to go check on Tiana.” He disappeared into the next room, and then reappeared. “Yeah, she’s good. She’ll see you now.”
“Do you want me to talk to Richie?” Bill asked, gesturing the rest of his group forward.
“If you do, I’ll kill you,” Eddie threatened, pushing Bill through the door. “Goodbye.”
“Goodbye,” Bill repeated, wondering what he could do to help his two idiot friends.
The tour pretty quickly went back to occupying the majority of Bill’s thoughts, and so he was able to bring the kids and moms through Fantasyland pretty efficiently. The kids were obviously losing steam heading into Tomorrowland, so he talked to the moms and decided that Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear would be their two final stops of the day. Monsters Inc would have to wait for another time.
Bill wasn’t a huge roller-coaster guy, and Space Mountain was particularly iffy for him, especially after he’d gotten the opportunity to ride it with the lights on, so he elected to stay outside with some of the moms while the kids and the braver mothers went through the line. One of the mothers was clearly relieved to have gotten him alone, and immediately started flirting with him, which he hated. It happened all the time, and while it was definitely worse when wives flirted with him in front of their husbands, it sucked pretty much across the board. He had no real defense mechanisms: he couldn’t be rude to the guest, or he’d get fired, and he couldn’t tell them he was gay, because then they’d probably tell his supervisor and he’d get fired for sharing too much information. It was a lose-lose situation.
Fortunately, someone else had noticed his plight. A blonde, bearded man in a dress shirt and, bewilderingly, a Disney name tag, came walking towards him from the direction of Astro Orbiter. “Hey, um.” The man read Bill’s nametag, and then straightened up. “Bill. Can we chat for a sec?”
“Sure,” Bill said, pointing to him and mouthing ‘supervisor’ to the moms as he was led away.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Bill shoved his hands in his pockets. “Am I in trouble?”
“What?” The man seemed confused. “No, I was just trying to help you out. That mom was really laying it on thick.”
“Oh.” Bill couldn’t find the words to express his gratitude, so he settled for patting the man on the arms. “Thanks, man, I really appreciate it. I thought you were the manager for one of the attractions around here, that’s why I asked…”
The other man laughed. “Oh, no. Well, actually, kind of. In a sense, I manage these rides.”
Bill knitted his eyebrows. “I don’t follow.”
“My name’s Ben Hanscom,” the man introduced himself. “I’m an Imagineer.”
“Oh!” Bill beamed, delighted. “That’s the raddest job on property, I think. What brings you to MK? New developments in Tomorrowland?”
“Just observing,” Ben said, smiling. “I have a lot of Star Wars stuff on my plate, so I wanted to see how guests were reacting to the space-y theming we already have.”
“Smart,” Bill nodded. “What Star Wars stuff?”
“If I told you, I’d have to kill you,” Ben dropped his voice to a low whisper. Bill almost believed him for a hot second, but Ben ruined the joke by bursting out laughing.
“Dude. That wasn’t even that funny.”
“I know,” Ben wheezed. “I just can’t contain myself.”
“The rest of my group is coming back,” Bill said, pointing at the exit, where the kids were skipping out towards their mothers, “so as much as I’d like to listen to your crazy, I’ve gotta fly. See you around?”
“Definitely,” Ben said, smiling a huge, genuine smile. “Anytime you need to be rescued from crazy moms, you let me know.”
“I sure will,” Bill joked, walking back towards the kids.
“Hey,” Ben called after him, a little hesitantly.
Bill turned around. “Yes?”
“Could you, uh, say hello to the redheaded costumer next time you’re picking up costumes?” Ben asked sheepishly. “Tell her that Tomorrowland Pants Guy says hi.”
Bill had a feeling he knew exactly the person Ben was talking about, but there was no way Ben would know her name, so he decided to skip that particular discussion and just say “Okay”.
It was shaping up to be a weird day for relationships, all in all.
The costumer in question happened to be none other than Bill’s best friend and roommate, Beverly.
Bill met Bev just a little while after he’d started working at Disney. She’d worked more on entertainment costumes then, and they’d bonded over their love of the Haunted Mansion attire. They’d dated in those first, more immediate weeks, but quickly realized that their relationship worked better on a platonic level (especially considering that Bill wasn’t super into women in the first place)...which, ultimately, led them all the way up to becoming roommates.
She still worked in costuming, but now, she was in charge of frontline cast******* costumes in the Magic Kingdom. She ran clothing maintenance and tracked down all checked-out costume pieces, and also had the well-deserved reputation of being the nicest girl in all of costuming. After Bill sent the kids off to their hotel, clocked out, and hopped the West Clock bus back to the station, he stopped in to see her, knowing that her shift would be finished soon.
“Please, please, please come to the Boardwalk with me for a while!” Bill found Bev almost immediately upon entering the Costuming building, and wasted no time in launching into a whiny beg.
Bev huffed. “Is this about that guy you saw feeding the birds there literally one time? With the pretty curls and the sneer?”
“Obviously.” Bill unbuttoned his vest, took it off, and stuffed it in his bag. “I’ve gotta find him.”
This was true. Bill had spent his last couple of weeks in pursuit of a man he’d seen on Disney’s Boardwalk some time ago. The man had been angelically beautiful, and despite seeming a little on the stiff side, had been sweet and wonderful to watch when he’d pulled out birdseed and started tossing it to the ibises. Bill had been entranced, and now he was obsessed with finding him again.
“He’s probably not even from around here,” Bev pointed out, disgustedly watching Bill strip to just his undershirt and a pair of running shorts.
“He is. I know he is.” Bill zipped up his backpack full of wrinkled clothing. “And there’s another guy I have my eye on, too, if we can swing into Epcot and stop by some KidCot******** stations.”
“KidCot?” Bev raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t ask,” Bill said, sliding his bag back on to his shoulders. He’d seen Boardwalk guy about two weeks ago, looking at birds on the lake, and KidCot guy about four days ago, charming kids and mothers alike in Epcot’s Mexico pavilion. They were the two most evocative men Bill had ever seen in his life, and he was determined to track them down.
“Eh, I don’t have other plans.” Bev shrugged. “I guess I’ll come.”
“Fuck yeah,” Bill grinned. “My wingwoman.”
“Never say that again,” Bev said threateningly, and disappeared into the back to clock out.
They drove over to the Boardwalk and parked in cast parking, despite the fact that they weren’t Boardwalk cast. Neither of them wanted to pay to park in a guest lot (it was stupid that that was even a thing, now), and Bev figured they’d get away with it, so they decided to make it work.
Curly-haired boy was not on the Yacht and Beach********* side of things, and Bill couldn’t see him across the way. That was discouraging, but he didn’t want to make Bev feel they’d come for nothing, so Bill suggested that they walk the loop for a minute.
“Oh, by the way,” he remembered somewhere over by the Abracadabar, “some guy told me to say hey to you. Something about Tomorrowland pants.”
Bev frowned. “I’m not friends with any Tomorrowland cast.”
“He wasn’t Tomorrowland cast,” Bill clarified, “he was an imagineer. Something about Star Wars….but then, I mean, I guess they’re all kinda doing Star Wars at this point.”
Bev thought for a moment, and then her eyes widened. “Oh, shoot, what was his name. He was so sweet. Uh. Bert? Starts with a ‘B’.”
“Ben,” Bill remembered, smiling at the memory of the bearded guy who laughed at himself. “Imagineer Ben.”
“Ben!” Bev’s face was alight with excitement. “SO cute. He came in to see what the Tomorrowland folks were wearing, and then he stuck around and talked to me about sewing and Disney’s Hercules. What a cool cat.”
“He’s got a little crush on you, I think,” Bill teased.
“I’ve got a little crush back,” Bev responded without missing a beat. “Shit, I’ll ask him out myself if I ever see him again. He was so much fun.”
“That’s a pretty big ‘if’,” Bill reminded her gently.
“Yeah.” Bev kicked at a rock as they passed ESPNZone. “For you, too, though. I notice we haven’t found your bird boy yet.”
Bill sighed, gazing sadly across the little man-made lake. The sun was setting on the far end, and it would have been almost perfectly picturesque if the giant statues from the Swan and Dolphin resorts hadn’t been silhouetted against the sky. “I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s still here somewhere, Bev. Like, the universe keeps bringing me back here to find him, and one of these days, he’s going to be sitting on the steps outside the Yacht Club with a little plastic bag of birdseed again.”
Bev gave him a pitying look. “Maybe, honey. Maybe. We’re by the side entrance to Epcot; do you wanna try and find Kidcot guy instead?”
Bill did also really want to try and find Kidcot guy, but he couldn’t give up on curly-haired bird boy so easily. “One more lap, okay?”
“Okay, sweetheart.” Bev was, as always, inhumanly patient, and took his hand as they started on their second loop.
There were more people out on the Boardwalk now than there were when Bev and Bill had first arrived. It appeared to be prime time for people to be leaving the parks and coming back to their hotels to swim or change for dinner.
“They seem nice,” Bev giggled, gesturing to a set of parents that were obviously minutes away from snapping and screaming at their children.
Bill groaned. “Bev, thank your lucky stars that you don’t have to deal with guests, ever.”
“I do,” she replied easily, “every day.”
A loud, officious voice cut through the crowd as they passed the Yacht and Beach pool and approached the entrance to the Yacht Club. Bill felt his face contort into a scowl as he looked for the perpetrator.
“Too loud, asshole, too loud,” he muttered, feeling like a crotchety Mansion cast member again.
“It’s not my fault I couldn’t change my shift, dickhead,” the voice snapped. “I’m sorry you had to work in the morning, but honestly--no, your normal shift is batshit crazy, who the fuck goes in to work at 2pm? And I don’t care that you didn’t get to see….whoever this kid is. Mine didn’t come today either. Bad day all around. ...what? Oh, go fuck yourself.”
As abruptly as it had began, the voice stopped. Bill assumed that he’d hung up on whoever he was talking to. Curious, he looked around, trying to find someone who both looked angry and was shoving their phone back in their pocket.
In the whole post-pool area, there was only one person who matched both of those descriptors.
He also happened to have amber, springy hair.
Bill stopped short.
“Are you okay?” Bev asked, having almost walked into him. “Is something…?” She followed Bill’s line of vision, and then gasped. “Oh my God. That’s him, isn’t it? Something’s telling me that that’s him.”
Bill nodded weakly, and before he knew it, Bev was dragging him towards the beautiful stranger.
“What the fuck, Bev?” Bill yanked back on his hand, but she was holding firm. “I’m not ready to talk to him! Let me g---”
The curly-haired boy looked up. He was a lot prettier up close - almost statuesque - and holding a bag full of clothes, this time, instead of a Ziploc full of birdseed.
He also, jarringly, did not look surprised to see Bill.
“Oh,” he said, looking Bill up and down. “It’s you.”
In later re-tellings of the story, Bill blamed his lack of sleep and his dizzying tour group for what happened next, but the truth of it was that the sheer shock of it all was far too much.
He passed out, right onto the Yacht Club steps.
irl Richie would have been fired from Jungle by now but we can sit here and pretend
*West Clock Bus - to preserve the integrity/secrecy of the tunnels, there is a bus that takes Cast Members from Magic Kingdom cast parking to the mouth of the tunnels. It is impossible to drive and stumble upon the tunnels.
**Getting a point - you clock in on a computer, so it knows you're late. lateness & other offenses of the like earn you points on your employee permanent record. 3 points earn you a talking to from a supervisor, more than that is Bad News
***CP Shift - CP = college program. College kids do internships at WDW that are basically just slave labor (that's how I worked there!) & they give them all the late-night graveyard shifts.
****Bote - that's just what they call boats at the World Famous Jungle Cruise. I genuinely don't know why.
*****Cross-train - as an attractions cast member, you can be trained at any attraction in your "zone" (so: Fantasyland, Adventureland/Liberty Square, in Epcot there's Future World East/West, etc.) but you have to apply to be trained, so...cross-training
******Rotate - every 45 minutes, attractions cast members rotate positions. this is mostly to give CMs some time in the air conditioning
*******Frontline cast - the CMs you interact with when you go into the park. There are lots of others (coordinators, managers, costumers, etc.) that you don't see.
********KidCot - stations for kids around Epcot Center's World Showcase
*********Yacht & Beach Club - two resorts in the Boardwalk area of WDW. you can walk to Epcot and boat to Studios from there.
**********"Friends" with a character - WDW lingo for acting as that character. EX: if I'm hanging out with my friend Elsa in Epcot's Norway pavilion today, then I'm gonna be the Elsa in Norway. Done to maintain the illusion with small children.
thanks for coming to my WDW ted talk, now enjoy some crazy gays
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
September 9, 2021
Today I’m thinking about how my tenth grade AP government and politics teacher told us that we’d all be terrible world leaders if our first step in foreign policy was always diplomacy.  I don’t have any commentary on that; I’m just thinking about it.
I saw a girl the other day spend $86 on groceries at the campus store.  She ain’t even buy all that much, it was just severely overpriced.  I hope pray that she finds out about the free bus that’ll take her to the discount grocery store nearby.
Man, I kinda hate being bloated.  Like, I don’t usually notice it, but I was wearing this bodysuit today and it definitely felt different.
Update: It was probably less so that I was bloated and more so that I wasn’t on a proper eating schedule.  Just because eating full meals 3x a day worked at one point doesn’t mean it works now, and it may work again in the future!  I had a 2-meal day today and feel much better.
I also wore one of my sewing creations out on campus for the first time ever today!!!  It’s the dark green top made from quilting cotton that I’d originally messed up the collar on.  I’d initially made it to emulate this picture, and I say I got pretty close.  The fit is quite boxy (it’s a unisex style), but I don’t mind.  I actually ran across my photo-friend briefly today (I hadn’t intended on seeing anyone I knew on the day I was wearing this, but it’s funny how both times that I’ve worn something out that I’ve made I end up running into a friend), but didn’t really give a second thought to the fact that the seams of my shirt were pinked instead of serged or that my buttonholes had some mild fraying going on.  I’ve been wearing quite a few button-downs lately, actually.  Sort of as a primer to when I switch over to skirts.
Speaking of skirts,,, I got my last payment from my internship, and I found this vintage-style skirt on Poshmark that’s originally $80 (I checked out the brand and this skirt is sold out everywhere) for $20 (...plus shipping), and I think I’m going to get it??  Another little treat to myself, yknow?  It reminds me of this really adorable skirt that Cat’s Costumery made ages ago and I always wanted to replicate it.  Also, it has pocketses!!!  Lol,, lemme scoop this thing up before someone else does real quick.
I also went to another jam club session today, but it was electric instruments allowed day and I decided to just enjoy other people playing.  It was really really cool and fun, and I got to sing along to a bunch of songs that I knew and also there was a ~reporter~ from the university’s main student newspaper there and I was ~interviewed~ (this is my third interview for a student newspaper here, but my first time for this main one!!) about my thoughts on the club, especially since I was new, so I might end up in the newspaper :D
I also saw a guy from that church group I left there.  Or, rather, he saw me.  We spoke briefly, he was amiable, as was I.
Also, I figure I’d note that I finished the Witcher book I was reading and I really liked it (Season of Storms)!!  I’m starting on Sword of Destiny next (actually I started last night lol) and god I love Geralt.  There’s something incredibly charming about his dry wit.  And, I mean, big strong dudes who are capable of being tender?  Yea sign me up for one a them hunks please and thank you.  I also adore his friendship with Dandelion.  I can’t wait to watch the Netflix show omg.  I haven’t even heard that theme song that got so much attention, but it’ll surely land its way onto my “instrumentals that make me go a lil feral” playlist.
Today I’m thankful for book translators, because I never would have been able to read about Geralt and his adventures without them.  Wack how I discovered the game from the music and recognized the title in a book store and now I’m here, three books into his life.
My puzzle-friend and I are making a “groovytime” playlist and like, it’s hard categorizing music.
0 notes
A Life of Riley Part 1 - The Problem With Grinckles ch 6
Chapter 5
I leaned back and hit Send; the formatting on my Differential Equations homework had finally turned out all correct the third time I'd printed it, so I could send the PDF over to my professor and be done for the day.  Two hours of math and then another two and a half hours beating LaTeX with a rock to do up all the formulas so they looked like something, but I was done all my math for the weekend before five on Saturday. I was golden; plenty of time to eat dinner, see what was good on my groups, then hit up someone's party or go down to the bars on Sperry Street and try to hook up.  I still had a couple microwaves problems that needed tightening up, but I could handle those tomorrow; tonight was tonight, and tonight was all mine.
As I logged out of the lab terminal and stood up, I saw Sajitha waving at me through the glass out in the corridor.  I waved back, unconcerned, but she was still there in the same place after I made my way out, dropping the test prints into the recycling bucket.  "Hey, Saj," I said by way of trying to figure out what was going on, "what's up? Are you looking for me for something?"
She shook her head, still falling in next to me as I walked down the hall.  "Kind of," she said, "but not really.  Are you going over to the lab?"
I shook my head. "No, I don't have anything to do over there tonight.  I was just going to go grab dinner, probably at the Zussman caf, and see where it was going off tonight.  You?"
"The caf? Under Zussman?  Are you into the shredded green-bean sludge they put on everything or something?  Don't you live like just the other side of the parking lot behind the ChemE lab barn?  Why the caf when it's that close to go home?  Did you just forget to buy food or something?"
"No, I am kinda running low," I said, "but you don't have to eat the green-bean casserole slurry they give you if you don't want to, and actually mostly I'm trying to avoid this chick Laura from the complex; if I go home and do some ramen she'll be sniffing around to 'pregame' with her friends, and then we'll end up getting blasted and hook up while they go out.  Normally I wouldn't mind, but I'm feeling good and I actually want to do something tonight, not just get drunk watching TV and have bad vodka sex.  I mean, it's been a good day, and I got a feeling it's going to be a good night – how about I bag the caf, and we go down and tear it up at the Scottsdale till we score or get kicked out?"
"I want to go out," she said, stepping up right in next to me, "but I have something that I have to finish drawing out for Riley – some kind of stupid STOVL wing part – and I was hoping that you were going that way so I could ask you to walk me across the quad; there's some weird protest there tonight and I've been hearing bad things about it."
"Some kind of wack protest?" I said, turning to look her over critically.  "Bad shit?  What the hell is it?  The Black Bloc? Frog nazis?  And you want me to walk you over?  Saj, you'd be beating them up for me. Why not text Remy?"
Sajitha rolled her eyes and sighed a mighty sigh.  "First, Remy has a meet against Tech this weekend, so he's in Grabau Green getting kicked in the face.  And second, even if he was around, I wouldn't want to encourage him."  I wisely refrained from commenting about how she knew a hell of a lot about his schedule, for a dude that she didn't want to encourage interest in.  "And I know I can take care of myself; it's just for insurance.  I don't think it's frog nazis, but if it is, I want to just go to the lab, and not to jail because I shoved some CompEng incel weeaboo's tiki torch so far up his ass it knocked his teeth out.  They won't start if I'm not alone."
I nodded.  "Okay, okay.  I get you, and it's not that far out of the way.  No problem." I stuck my hands in my pockets, maybe unconsciously imitating Remy's fighter's strut.  "And if there's really a protest that's going to turn bad, I'm kind of curious about it – I don't think I've ever seen a riot in real life."
Sajitha shuddered.  "Yeah, that's a good thing.  You really don't want to, trust me.  But this one, it's probably not going to be a real riot, people throwing bricks at the cops shooting rubber bullets and stuff.  It's not that kind of protest – not political, no counterprotest at least that I've heard about, just talk that it would get taken over for a prank."  I could tell she was shaken up about the possibility of a riot, because she didn't even glare at me as I held the door open ahead of her.
"A prank?" I asked.  "Who the hell takes over a protest as a prank?  What the heck kind of protest even lets itself in for something like that?  Are you sure you're getting accurate information?"
Sajitha took a deep breath as we left the library path onto the main road over towards the engineering quad.  "A protest put up by amateurs who don't know how to read people who pretend to offer help. Listen, I haven't told a lot of people about this, but back freshman year I rushed one of the desi sororities for like thirty seconds, just so that I could show my parents that it wasn't ever going to happen, and I still talk to a couple of the girls who did make it in. Someone working in the admin office like Tuesday saw an application for a protest from some Anti-Grinckle Askari thing that didn't exist two weeks ago, Comic Sans and formal, non-native English, and they approved it as a joke – and told their frat buddies, who told all their other frat buddies, and now it's like all around the frats that they're going to show up and take over this protest, and with everyone drunk off their ass after that football game, if it even happens it's not going to go well.  It's probably not going to go Nazi, but how do you even tell these days – and I spend too much time around the AP lab to not just keep thinking about how much worse things could get than my worst-case scenario."
I was thinking.  "Grinckles again – and askari, that's Swahili, for like 'soldier' or 'army'.  He might have gotten other people to help him, but this smells like Wilson; he told us he was going to get rid of the grinckles his way, and that we should stay out of the way, but if he's getting taken for a ride by a bunch of frat bros, I'd want to get him out of there, get him back to his senses before he gets blamed for their shit and expelled or something.  Those white-cap wastoids can just have Daddy write another full-freight check to Tech or some other school if they get kicked out, but if Wilson loses his scholarship here, that's the end: no degree, no medical boards, and he has to go back to his village and, no lie no racism, live in a house made out of mud and sticks.  Seriously; I've seen his pictures from home. We haven't spoken since that thing two weeks ago, but no way I'm going to let that happen to him."
Sajitha nodded, sticking close as we came up on the quad.  "I know.  I hope it's not – but if it is, then I guess we've got to; do you think I should maybe ping Riley and see if we can't get the rest of the lab to help?"
I turned in place; there was the start of a crowd ahead – thank god no tiki torches, and the haircuts weren't quite shitty enough for a high Nazi turnout – and I had to get this straightened out before we got any closer, up where more people might hear us.  "Not now – not right now and not except as a last resort, if everything goes completely to shit and we can't do anything.  You call for help from the lab, and Riley's going to roll up here with that cannon again, and half the dislocator rigged up as an area-denial energy weapon, and things are just going to get worse.  If we can just put a bag over Wilson's head and kick a couple bros in the stomach and get away like that, we'll do it that way, the easy and sane way, and not make this dumb rally a case for the FBI."  Sajitha nodded her agreement, and I turned back, to start leading us through the crowd of white dudes in khakis and polo shirts towards where we'd be able to do something for Wilson if he was mixed up in this.
There sure did seem to be a lot of white people here, a lot more than you got around the engineering quad generally, or at any protest that wasn't going to start heiling at you.  And while they still didn't look like Nazis, they didn't smell like the safe kind of white protestors; alcohol and meathead body spray, not patchouli oil and weed.  This was a "protest" of mostly frat bros, drunk up to their eyeballs, in it for the lulz – and you had to be real dumb to give Wilson more than a snowball's chance in this kind of crowd, especially if the cops flipped out and shit got real. There was some kind of stage set up on the steps of Dittmarsch Hall, some kind of PA set up there, and I sidled through towards it, trying to make out what was going on and also not knock over anyone's beer and start a riot before we could figure out what the hell was supposed to be happening.
There was a scree and a hiss and a squelch from the speakers up front; some idiot not knowing how to microphone, and then the confirmation for everyone who hadn't done A/V crap in high school:  "Yo dudes, y'all ready to get LIT? Are you ready to fight tha power?  Ready or not, comin' straight atcha – himself, the generalissimo, El commandante, HNIC of the AGA – come on and give it up!  Stand up, set up, get up for the Fearless – uuuurp – Leader, Eddy Wannafunzi!"  I could see the speaker gesturing now, gesturing at someone over at the side of the steps who probably was justifiably nervous about following that brain-dead, peripherally racist attempt at a hype intro.  "Get up!  Get up!  Make some noise!  Fuck the cops!"  The bros around us burst out cheering and wooting, and whoever it was hanging about getting introduced up front decided that was good enough and started to come out, the streetlights glinting off a galaxy of medals on a crazy costume-shop uniform with the brushes on the shoulders, a peaked cap so high it looked like it had been cut right out of a political cartoon.
"Good," Sajitha murmured, pressed into my back.  "It's not Wilson up there – it's not him; it's another name and there's no way he'd lose all his self-respect and go outside in a uniform like that.  Can we go now?  This rally's going to get real stupid if that's how it starts, and someone's going to get hurt."
"No," I said, craning around to see past some idiot in a white baseball hat from a pro lacrosse team, "no, that's definitely Wilson.  The name is super fake and I don't know where he got the uniform from, but that's definitely his glasses.  Go ahead and text Riley – this is about to officially get so bad that the Applied Physics lab can't make it worse."  As if on cue, a megaphone crackled to life, and Wilson's voice gruddered out over the assembled throng – crumpled up and distorted and maybe he was trying to put on a different accent, but Wilson always and all the same.
"Comrades!" he shouted, "Comrades – comrades one and all!  We are the same – we want the same thing!  We will stop the invasion – we will stop the violation against nature!  We will act – we will act united – we will act united right now!  We will kill them – we will kill all of them – we will kill all the red fish!  We can't stop – we can't even leave one alive.  Now!  Up!  Commit yourselves!  Swear it!  Hate!  Hate!  Kill!"
"Man, it's a good thing he's got his fist closed, holding it up like that, or I'd think we were really in bizarro world," I said, shoving some drunk bro out of the way so Sajitha could nudge past.  "I give it about fifteen seconds until someone yells a racial slur and the police come in with clubs – no idea how he's still talking up there."  The crowd was roiling around us, yelling incoherently at the challenge lines, occasionally making sense, but a bad kind of sense: "Yeah!  Kill!  Fuck!  Get'em!  Fuck the cops!  Revenge!" Wilson was talking about grinckles up on the stage, in a way that would whip up his audience before they realized that he was talking about fish, but down here, nobody was hearing anything about fish at all.
"Yeah! Hell yeah!  That's it!  Fight the power!"  The hype man, whoever he was, was back, and Wilson was looking confused that he was getting upstaged, that his anti-grinckle rally was getting co-opted into an anti-something else rally.  "You heard the man – you heard the man – we got to get'em – we got to get the reds!  The fish are the end of the wedge – the fish are the tip of the iceberg; you know what we need to do.  We got to get all the ching chong fish, get all the ching chong cops, get all of them, we show them who's boss!  Fight the power!  Fuck the cops!  Get the chingchongs!"  I almost stopped for a moment as the crowd exploded – the cops must be charging from some side or another, the explicit race riot incitement the last straw – trying to figure out just how and why in the hell this had suddenly turned into a riot against Asians, and then Sajitha shoved me forward.
"RIOT!!!" someone bellowed too close, and the crowd turned into a moshpit, and I was getting rammed forward like the prow of an icebreaker, Sajitha's shoulder in my back.  Dudes were punching other dudes, going flying past and above and around us, randoms screaming, and it was all I could do to defend myself.  "I hope you like your riot now," she said, still shoving, "because this is going to feel like makeouts from a starstuck freshman next to what's going to happen in a moment.  Please, help shove, so we can get to your stupid, stupid friend before they open up with tear gas."  "GAS GAS GAS!" someone screamed, either because they heard her wrong or because someone had actually gotten a whiff of pepper spray, and the riot turned into a stampede.
With more of the bros running and fewer of them fighting us, it got easier to push forward, enough to get close enough to see Wilson arguing with his hype man – close enough to see him catch a slap on the ear that unbalanced him and pitched him a nasty fall down the stairs.  I forgot Sajitha, forgot the butthole who'd just punched him in the head, and dove over to make sure he was all right – still breathing, no blood like a fracture, but his eyes were rolled back like he was concussed.  "Wilson!  Wilson!  Say something!"
"Mic DROOOOOP!" yelled the hype man from a few steps up, following it up by dropping the hot mic into a scrultching cacophony of electronic noise as it bashed itself off the steps towards me.  "You got tha powaaa!  You got to get up! You got to kill all tha dam ching-chong!"  The shithead was wearing Wilson's idiot cap and doing an accent that was probably trying to be Nigerian based on a racist comedian who'd only ever heard it second-hand, and was the shit goddamn last absolute thing we needed.  He lowered the megaphone, wavering as he looked us over, staring up and down Sajitha's figure; "Hey, baby," he said, super-obviously drunk, "what up?  You wanna slammalama-ding-dong?"  He swung his hips and leered, oblivious to the full-scale riot raging around us.
"Oh yeah," Sajitha said, slipping her right hand into her handbag, "I definitely wanna smash." She took a step forward, wiggling her shoulders to distract him, and then punched him so hard with the brass knuckles around her right fist that I saw a shower of teeth and maybe jawbone chips go flying the other way.  The hype man went down in a heap, and there was no sign of anyone stupid or brave or interested enough to avenge him anywhere close.
"How is he?"  Sajitha dropped down beside me as I tried to cradle Wilson's head, keep his feet elevated, so that at least he wouldn't get any worse and it would be obvious, if the cops broke through here, that he was a victim and not a perp.
"He's hurt bad," I said, "he went down the stairs bad and I guess he hit his head – I dunno if he's conscious yet.  Where's the help? Where's the lab?  Shit, I'd be glad to see them roll up with that goddamned cannon again, things are so bad."
"Riley's sending Carolína to get us with the truck," Sajitha answered, ripping the more obvious medals off Wilson's uniform in case someone had made him as an Idi Amin cosplayer.  "I didn't hear anything about a cannon, but you never know." Behind us, there was a squeal of tires, the roar of an engine, and then the shouts and screams of a bunch of panicked frat bros as Carolína's beat-up black Bronco skidded sideways through them to come to a stop at the foot of the stairs.  I didn't think you even could drift a Ford Bronco – that must have been something that they worked on when they put the engine back on its mounts after the cannon thing.
The passenger door popped open as if from a kick, but it wasn't Carolína hunched up so she could barely see over the wheel in the driver's seat – that was Yuping's black brush, tall and rigid way up near the roof.  The plan had changed since Sajitha got her text, obviously, but he was still a friend and we had to get while the getting was good.  I threw Wilson's arm over my shoulders to carry him over to the truck, and Sajitha rushed ahead to open the rear door and get us all bundled in.
The crowd was starting to close up around us by the time she closed the passenger door behind her and Yuping put the Bronco in gear again – a few of them maybe noticing that he was one of the ones they were supposed to hate.  "So what happened?  Is Carolína okay?"  Sajitha didn't look that concerned, but if the plan was changed now, there might be other changes later.
"She okay," Yuping said, "Riley just change driver last minute. 'Colombian learn drive too nice,' Riley say, 'because consequences. But Chinese don't take prisoner.'"  Yuping set the shifter, left hand holding the wheel in hard, then stomped on the gas, scattering frat bros like leaves before the whirlwind.  It wasn't strictly accurate – Yuping hadn't been one of those princelings immune to the laws back in China, but then again I was pretty sure that Colombians didn't actually settle every traffic argument with gunplay either – but if it got him to move like this it was good enough.  Protestors and cops alike jumped out of our way as he gunned the engine, accelerating over the footpaths to go and find a road; if he was going to drive like this, we didn't need the autocannon to get away.
Yuping parked by the loading dock behind the building that housed the AP lab after a bunch of twists and turns and ducks to make sure we'd shed all the cops, and I handed off Wilson's incriminating uniform jacket to Sajitha to throw in a dumpster while Yuping and I carried him up the stairs.  Up in the lab, Carolína had hugs and ajiaco and aguardiente for everyone and enough cardboard and spare cushions on the floor to let Wilson rest easy; Riley, by contrast, was completely occupied torch-cutting something and barely looked up as we came in.
"I don't get it, though," I said, after we'd gotten him comfortable; Wilson was stirring a little, but  it was better to let him come back to himself on his own terms, with as much chicken-potato stew and sugarcane whiskey as that would involve.  "I mean, what the shit?  Who the hell is mad about Asians in this day and age?  I mean, shit, 'ching-chong', who even says that?"
"It was kind of a bad day for them, you know," Carolína said, like she was taking part in a different conversation.  "If they didn't have Roosevelt Kang in their fantasy, it was very bad – he went off, he threw four touchdowns and ran in a fifth on a naked bootleg very late, like he was rubbing it in."
I blinked, because I wasn't sure what Wisconsin's half-Korean quarterback had to do with anything.  "Okay, yeah, that's a good day for Kang, and if the dude you were playing started him, then yeah, you got killed, but there was a lot of bros there – they couldn't all have been playing against him this week."  Sajitha and Carolína and Yuping all stared at me after that, and even Riley turned around, torch laid aside.
"Leo, we played Wisconsin today," Sajitha said at last, slowly like she couldn't believe someone was this dumb.  "At home.  We lost 45-nothing.  Roosevelt Kang squatted down and teabagged the entire campus, or at least all the people who care too much about football. Do you get it now?"  I started to get it – angry drunks who'd just gotten humiliated in their own stadium; white people, mostly, who'd seen some Asian-looking dude go yard on them at football.  It was easier to understand, but that didn't make the riot any less stupid.
"All right," I said, "I kind of get it – I can understand it, but I can't excuse it.  And shit, Wilson, what were you thinking?  I can't excuse that, getting up in front of a bunch of drunk, short-fuse white people and talking like that.  You hang around with me too much, man – you forget how like nearly all the other white people around here are."  I felt kind bad about rolling it downhill onto Wilson, blinking on the cushion pile with Carolína holding a bag of peas to the lump on his head, but he was conscious again and it really did go down to him: he didn't have to have this rally, but he did it, and one way or another everything went from there.
"I had to," he said, his voice soft and rounded at the edges, like he was half-dreaming, half-there.  "I had to – if you don't get them screaming, they just sit and scratch.  And I have to get them screaming – you didn't see, I didn't send you profile after it finished.  This 'grinckle', this thing – didn't it come from here?  This lab? The genetics is all wrong – it's all wrong backwards, it's so wrong that if I took a different course last semester, more genetic cladistics, I maybe might say it's not a fish.  What the hell?  Who makes a fish that's not a fish, then puts it on campus to walk by crutches pond to pond?  Nobody – but when it happens – only Applied Physics."
"Wilson, I – yeah, I kind of get where you're coming from.  But – why? What the hell's that supposed to get anybody?"
He shook his head, wincing from the bruise.  "I don't know.  I don't think, maybe, I can ever find out.  But there's no why – nobody else can, so when it happens, it's Applied Physics must have."
"I appreciate the vote of confidence," Riley said from the corner, "but just so you know, the grinckles aren't our fish.  I've got my hands full with enough crap as it is – we're not gene-printing random new fish to get Yuping more likes.  Speaking of," – and Riley changed the subject, exactly like Riley always changed the subject, and like always this was a change for the worse that we'd all have been better off if it didn't have to happen – "Leo, don't you live in Muttonbird Terraces?"
I blinked again, afraid of what was about to come next.  "Yes. Yeah, I do.  Why?"
"You're trending local."  I immediately grabbed up my phone and punched in on the tag; everyone around me was doing the same.  Lol fire at Muttonbird – lol fratboys burning down Muttonbird – i'm live right now yall gotta see this cops shooting at houses on fire at Muttonbird – lol Muttonbird such poors many molotov.  I slumped forward.  Perfect.  The idiot frats had gotten run off the eng quad and now they were burning down my home development and fighting the cops in the ruins.  The phone buzzed, and someone was livestreaming: a cop car was rolled over, on fire against a backdrop of low-rises on fire, white-hatted assholes jumping around, shaking up and throwing beer cans like grenades, as my entire neighborhood went up in smoke.  I looked up, and I had become the lab's pity sink; even Wilson, a glass of aguardiente under his nose to sniff himself awake, was looking at me like I was a street dog begging for pats.
"Well, yeah, you're not going to be able to go home for a while after that – if there's even anywhere to go back to."  Riley cut to the chase like usual, standing up, hands on hips.  "But you're a friend of the lab, and there's always a place here for you, same as for your friend if he wants to hide out here till the heat goes down.  Sit tight for a second; I'll send Yuping out to go grab some extra cardboard, and I'll kick clear a place under the lathe in a minute or two."   Riley nodded approvingly at me, and nobody else in the lab thought there was anything wrong with it.  Excellent.  What an awesome Saturday night.  I'd made some mistakes today, but this was the dead-ass all end: a nice promising weekend with the homework all done turning into one of my best friends mauled in a riot, my place burned down, and me ending up living sleeping on the floor in the friggin Applied Physics lab was all anyone ought to need to convince themselves that no matter how bad they thought their worst-case scenario was, it could always get worse.  A lot worse.  A whole lot worse, if Riley and this crazy lab somehow happened to get involved.
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