#They're a mystery to me and I hope I caught some of that in these drafts hehe
reksink · 3 months
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A Creature and Its Creator (With Bonus Harrassment)
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steddiealltheway · 7 months
The Danger in Romanticizing (Ao3 Link)
"Steve, I'm serious, you might absolutely hate Eddie." 
Steve sighs and relaxes against their couch. This is the third time today that Robin has given him this warning. "I'm not going to terrorize him to the point that Chrissy breaks up with you." 
Robin raises her eyebrows at him as if he would seriously do it. "You don't know Eddie though. He's... he's someone you would've hated in high school. He's loud, nerdy, dramatic, and he was in a band." 
"Robin, he sounds just like you." 
Robin's jaw drops. "Take it back." 
Steve laughs, "Come on, he sounds great. I don't know why you and Chrissy think we'll hate each other." 
"He was bullied in high school by jocks just like you, but he threw it right back at them," Robin says while pacing. "And Eddie to Chrissy is the equivalent of you to me - her platonic soulmate. If you two don't like each other, then I don't know what we'll do." 
Steve stands up and grabs Robin by the shoulders, stopping her pacing. "It's going to be fine. If anything, we'll just make polite small talk any time we see each other. As far as I'm concerned, you like him and he's kind to you, so he's good on my list." 
Robin nods but she doesn't look convinced. 
"I just can't believe that you two waited a month to introduce us." 
Robin sighs and walks away from him, brushing off imaginary dust on their couch and chair. "It'll be easier to explain when you meet him." 
"When are they supposed to get here again?" 
Robin glances at the clock and goes pale. The doorbell rings and Steve feels a sudden rush of nerves. He doesn't know why he's so nervous to meet this man. He really likes Chrissy, and he can't imagine her being best friends with someone he wouldn't like. 
Robin takes a deep breath and looks Steve over for a second sighing as if disappointed in something. 
"Nothing," Robin says quickly and rushes to the front door. She pauses and looks over her shoulder. "Just please be nice." 
Steve gives her a thumbs-up and shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans, waiting for this mystery man to appear. 
The door opens and Steve spots Chrissy first, sporting a very nervous smile, and then the door opens all the way to reveal Eddie. 
And holy shit. With all the warnings, it never crossed Steve's mind that the man could be so damn hot. He's wearing a black t-shirt with some band on it that Steve doesn't know but the short sleeves show off a few tattoos that make him curious about how many he may be hiding under the rest of his clothes. He tries not to let his eyes wander for too long, so he doesn't dare stare for any longer, glancing back up at Eddie's face in hopes that he hasn’t been caught. 
He feels his heart speed up a little bit as he finds Eddie looking him up and down quickly before shooting him a small smile. And god, he has dimples. 
Steve smiles back at him and walks to the front door. He bends down to pull Chrissy into a hug first before pulling away to hold a hand out to Eddie. He takes it, and Steve's eyes catch on his rings quickly. He wonders if the whole tough exterior was built to protect him while simultaneously drawing attention. "Hey, I'm Steve." 
"Eddie," he says back. And his damn voice goes straight through him. 
"Oh shoot, I forgot to grab something from the store before we got here," Chrissy says. "Robin, will you come with me to get it?" 
"I can-" Eddie starts to say, but Robin's already grabbing Chrissy's hand and pulling her out the front door. 
It closes loudly and Steve winces at the noise. 
Eddie turns to him and awkwardly smiles. "So..." 
"So," Steve says, noticing the hesitation coming from Eddie. He wonders... "Can I just come out and ask if you've been getting the same warning that we might hate each other?" 
"Yes!" Eddie says and lets out a deep breath. "And did they seriously just leave us alone thinking that?" 
"They're lucky if we don't kill each other." 
"If? Don't you mean 'when?'" Eddie asks with a teasing smile. 
Steve laughs loudly and asks, "Do you want a beer or something?" 
"God, I would love a beer." 
Steve smiles and walks off to the fridge, grabbing two and gesturing Eddie over to the living room. They both sit on the couch a comfortable distance away from each other, and Steve ignores the itch to move closer. "So, I heard that you were in a band." 
"And I heard you were a former jock." 
Steve snorts and waggles his fingers at him. "Your worst nightmare." 
Eddie dramatically leans away from him with a hand over his heart. "Good heavens, you're absolutely repulsive." 
Steve finds himself laughing again. He has no idea why Robin thought he would ever hate this guy. 
"So," Eddie says with a small smile, "What are you doing now, former jock? Chrissy hasn’t mentioned you being in any of her classes or hanging around the college, so I’m assuming you don’t go there." 
Steve runs a hand through his hair and leans back against the couch. "No, college isn’t for me. I'm working in sales at my dad's company. Specifically, as a car salesman." Eddie immediately cringes and Steve sighs, "Trust me. I know. But I'm absolutely horrible at my job. I can never bullshit someone. If they tell me what they're looking for, I'm giving them exactly that and not some overpriced bullshit." 
Eddie raises his eyebrows. "But you're still selling cars, so it sounds like you're doing your job." 
"Not the way my dad wants me to," Steve complains. 
"So, why don't you do something else?" Eddie asks point blank. 
Steve's a little taken aback by the bluntness, but he appreciates it. He shrugs. "I got horrible grades in high school to the point that I couldn't get into even the easiest colleges. Working with my dad just seemed like the only option." 
"For a while I was thinking about working at the plant with my uncle because high school was terrible for me. I managed to fail my senior year twice before graduating." 
"So, what are you doing now?" Steve asks, curious about what other options there are. 
Eddie leans back against the couch and takes a long swig of his beer. Steve tries not to focus on the tendons in his neck as he swallows. "I had this moment after I graduated where I suddenly realized that my creative outlets suddenly vanished. My band had to take a break because everyone but Gareth graduated and Jeff and Grant were going to college, and I could no longer run Hellfire Club which got rid of my Dungeons and Dragons outlet. And for some reason, I was struck with this great idea to write a novel." 
He shifts, crossing his legs under himself and looking off in the distance with a sad smile. "I just sat down and wrote and wrote. It's like the words were pouring out of me, and I couldn't stop them. God, I barely slept." He pauses as if he's reliving the moment. "Then, I had this extremely rough draft of this book, and I started calling publishers and I went to the first one who would take me. But they read it and told me it would be better as a children's story." 
Steve can't help but interject, "That's just one person's opinion though." 
Eddie nods and drinks more of his beer. "Yes, but they offered to actually look at it and publish it once I simplified it." 
"Did you do it?" 
Eddie nods. "Yeah, and I mean, it brought in a decent amount of money that I've been cruising on, but I don't know. There were so many things I wanted to expand on. I was aiming for a whole book series." 
Steve turns to him and sits crisscrossed. "So, what's the children's book about?" 
Eddie sighs, "You're going to find it so dumb." 
"Try me." 
Eddie puts his beer down on the coffee table and leans in to Steve. "So, it takes inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons. And it's about this boy who has never felt like he's fit in. For some reason, he's always been disliked by people or shunned for being different. Then, he comes across this monster, one that he's heard terrifying stories about from all these different adventurers. But instead of attacking it, he tries a different approach and finds that he can befriend the monster, and he ends up naming him Dart and they travel together. And for once he doesn't feel alone." 
Steve's jaw drops as Eddie continues to describe the story, feeling frozen in place. 
"Then, they come across more creatures, and they find they're all evil because they're always under attack. And yes, some are just pure evil, but it doesn't define the whole species. Then, the story gets really cheesy..." Eddie trails off with a groan. "God, this is embarrassing." 
Steve finally finds his voice and continues for him, "Then, he's practically hunted by the town who assumes he's evil because he's with all these monsters which they think he must have some sort of dark control over. But then when an even bigger monster comes and threatens to destroy the whole town, they turn to him for help. The boy becomes a hero, but he goes back with the rest of the monsters who always accepted him for who he was." 
Eddie's eyes become considerably wider by the end of Steve's narration. "How do you...?" 
Steve grabs his hand and pulls him to his room, opens the door, and goes through the small stack of books on the bottom shelf of his nightstand. He pulls out Eddie's book and holds it up. "You're Eddie Munson?" 
Eddie nods, totally bewildered. 
"Holy shit," Steve says with a big smile, "Dustin loves this book!" 
"One of the kids I used to babysit, he's in high school now, but he went on about this book for weeks. He loves Dungeons and Dragons, and as soon as I saw it, I bought it for him. He thought it was some kind of joke because it's a children's book, but he read it and developed so many theories about it. He made all his friends buy it because he thinks it could change the whole universe of Dungeons and Dragons. Shit, you’re like a legend to him." 
Eddie's mouth just opens and closes. "I- I don't know what to say." 
"Could you possibly meet him sometime? No pressure at all, but he'd love you." 
"Yeah! Definitely," Eddie says and excitedly bounces a bit. "God, I've never met a fan before." 
"I have to warn you that he may be a bit much, and I don't think he would ever leave you alone after this. But it would make his entire year, maybe even his whole life." 
Eddie just smiles widely and nods. "Yeah! Yeah, I mean, I can also be a lot, so I'm ready. Just let me know when." 
Steve smiles and shakes his head. "This is so cool. And thank you, really, this means the world to me." 
"Same here," Eddie says. 
The two let the excitement bubble down a bit, but the smiles don't leave their faces. Eddie glances around though and asks, "No offense, but why is your room so..." 
"Empty?" Steve fills in for him. Eddie nods. "Well, my parents didn't really let me decorate my room, and I've just never really known what I wanted to do with my own place. So, I've kind of put it on the back burner. Plus, I spend most of my time in Robin's room or in the living room." 
Eddie looks around and shakes his head. "My room is covered in shit. It's like I never have enough wall space or floor space for everything I want." 
"I can see why Robin and Chrissy thought we wouldn't like each other," Steve says, sitting on his bed covered in a plain blue comforter and patting the empty space next to him. 
Eddie follows the cue and sits down. "That all feels like surface-level bullshit." 
"I think they're so blinded by their love for each other that they couldn't think beyond it. I know Robin's scared shitless of messing things up." 
"God, so is Chrissy. I swore that even if you were the biggest asshole I was going to pretend to like you. Luckily, you're making it easy." 
Steve feels the tips of his ears turning red. "Same here." 
Eddie smiles at him, and Steve feels so enamored by him that he can't help but ask, "So, what about you?" 
"What about me?" 
"Are you seeing anyone?" Steve asks, hoping he doesn’t come off as too forward. 
Eddie shrugs and looks down at his hands. "Sort of," he says and looks back at Steve. "I'm bisexual, so it's a little harder for me sometimes." 
Bisexual. The label that Steve has personally struggled with for years. 
"Shit, don't tell me your biphobic." 
Steve snaps out of his mini panic and asks, "What?" 
"You practically grimaced when I said bisexual. Or are you someone who is only okay with girls being in relationships but not guys?" 
"No! No," Steve insists. He takes a deep breath. He's not sure what it is about Eddie that makes him feel so at ease, but he confesses, "It's just that... I think that I'm also bisexual. I don't know though. I know I've had feelings for guys and felt attraction, but I can't picture myself dating a guy. But I feel so horrible admitting that. Maybe I'm just a coward." 
Eddie's expression shifts from guarded to sympathetic quickly. "Who can blame you though? The world sometimes just... sucks. But here's something that kind of blew my mind when learning about bisexuality - you can still have preferences. Like, for me, I have a preference towards men, but I can't deny that some girls I've had feelings for. Even Chrissy once upon a time, but I quickly realized how much better things were platonically. You can always have a preference for women; it doesn't have to be half and half." 
It's like something finally clicks in Steve's head. He breathes a sigh of relief. "Where have you been all my life?" he asks somewhat dramatically. 
Eddie laughs, "Being kept away by Robin and Chrissy." 
Steve smiles and traces their conversation back a bit. He lands on a question and asks, "So, how are you sort of dating someone?" 
Eddie groans and runs his hands over his face. "There's this guy I've been somewhat hooking up with at this bar. And he's just perfect, you know?" 
"Oh no," Steve says, feeling the familiar phrase wash over him. 
Steve really looks at Eddie, accessing him fully before declaring, "You're a romanticizer." 
Eddie scoffs. "How did you arrive at that conclusion?" 
"'He's just perfect,'" Steve mimics him. "It's the dead giveaway. Plus, I am too. It gets me in trouble a lot. But I hate seeing it in other people. Like there's this asshole I work with that my dad loves but I absolutely despise. His name is Collin, and he's constantly bragging about all these women he has practically begging at his feet for his attention and shit. Then, at these work parties, Collin's wife will always just go on about how perfect her husband is. God, it kills me because she's so blind to it all. I would tell her, but my dad would kill me if I did anything that potentially would affect Collin working for him." 
Steve sighs and clutches Eddie's book closer to his chest, not noticing until now how he's been unconsciously using it as a source of comfort. "Anyways, I just hate seeing people love blindly." 
"I've done the same thing," Eddie admits, "But this time it feels different." 
"Ten bucks he sucks." 
This startles a laugh out of Eddie, but he sticks his hand out. "You're on." They shake on it quickly. "So, what about you? Are you currently romanticizing anyone?" 
Steve smiles sadly. "Not at the moment, but feel free to call me out on it when I do." 
"Looking forward to it," Eddie says with a smile. "Now tell me, do you have to wear those awful polos to do sales?" 
"I do, but I'll have you know that I actually like those awful polos." 
Eddie stands up and gasps, "I'm appalled. Please don't tell me you have more than five in your closet." 
"I have way more than five. I actually almost wore one today, but I went with my comfort sweater instead." 
Eddie walks slowly toward his closet door. "Is this where the source of disaster is?" 
Steve raises his eyebrows and nods. 
"May I?" Eddie asks with his hand on the knob. 
"Prepare yourself." 
Eddie takes a dramatic deep breath to gather himself before swinging the door open dramatically and yelling, "It's worse than I thought!" 
"You haven't even looked through it!" 
"I saw more than two collared shirts," Eddie says in horror. "Steve, I've decided that Robin and Chrissy are absolutely correct, and there's no way I could ever like you." 
Steve laughs, but is interrupted by Chrissy and Robin suddenly barging into the room yelling, "What happened?" 
Eddie and Steve look at them and laugh. 
"We didn't hear you come in," Eddie says. 
"We wanted to check the atmosphere as it was, but we heard you say the thing about not liking Steve and we thought..." Chrissy trails off. 
Steve finds Robin staring at him while looking worried. "Steve, are you okay?" 
Steve frowns. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" 
"You're holding your comfort book." 
Steve flushes red and puts his head in his hands. 
"His what?" Chrissy and Eddie ask. 
"His comfort book. He reads it or makes me read it whenever he's sick, has a bad day, or misses Dustin." 
"Robin," Steve groans, embarrassed by his secret being revealed. 
The mattress shifts beside him and Steve glances toward the source, finding Eddie amusedly smiling down at him. "So, you're also a fan." 
"Wait, what am I missing?" Robin asks. 
"Eddie wrote that book," Chrissy answers and crosses her arms, "But he also tells no one about it." 
Robin's jaw drops, but Steve ignores it to smile at Eddie. "Aw, so tell me, why me?" 
A small blush appears on Eddie's cheeks. "And why me about your..." he trails off, looking nervously toward Chrissy. 
Steve glances at Robin who looks at him, gesturing to explain. "I told him I was bisexual." 
Robin's jaw drops again. She and Chrissy exchange a look of bewilderment. 
Steve throws an arm around Eddie's shoulders and says, "Looks like you two were very wrong." 
"And we're very upset that you kept us away from this beautiful friendship for so long." 
"Very upset," Steve agrees. 
"Oh god, I think we've created a monster," Robin says. 
Chrissy just giggles. 
“I don’t know, I kind of like the monsters Eddie creates,” Steve comments. 
Eddie laughs and Steve looks at him fondly. He doesn’t think that Robin has ever been so wrong about something because there’s no way Steve could ever dislike Eddie.  
Part Two :)
Welcome to my new series! :))) I have so many shenanigans planned. And I’m doing a tag list! Just ask me and you’ll be tagged <3
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cr-komi · 4 months
"The Distance Between Us"
Summary: You sent nudes to the biggest fuckboy on campus, what could possibly go wrong?
Pairing: Min Yoongi X Female Reader
Genre: Smut, a very very small amount of fluff at the end.
Word Count: 12,400+
Warnings: Y/N is an absolute idiot, Yoongi is kind of a dick at the beginning, swearing, oral (male & female receiving), unprotected sex (don't do this, please!) missionary pos., multiple orgasms.
Author's Note: This is not proofread so I apologize if there are mistakes! This one took me forever to write because I kept having writer's block and wanted to change a bunch of it but this was the final result so I hope you all like it!
Come on, Y/N, just send it.
It'll be like ripping off a Band-Aid.
He'll like you even more if you do this.
It's only a picture, right?
Just a blurry mix of pixels and saturation, nothing more, nothing less.
His text glared back at you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. You stared at the message, contemplating every word, feeling the weight of his request pressing against your chest,
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You didn't know who he was, not really. You didn't even know his name, although his phone number was engraved into your memory after seeing it so many times, tracing all the way back to that random evening a few weeks ago. But there was something about his mysterious aura that drew you in, like a moth to a flame. You couldn't resist the temptation to unravel the enigma that was him.
You sat in your dimly lit room, legs curled up beneath you as the soft glow of your phone illuminated your face. The familiar pang of jealousy twisted in your stomach as you obsessively scrolled through Instagram, unable to tear yourself away from the seemingly perfect lives of your friends and acquaintances.
"Ugh, another vacation?" You muttered, glaring at the screen as you saw a picture--a perfect couple sipping cocktails on a pristine beach. "Of course, they're all smiles."
Your thumb swiped upward, revealing another post showcasing an enviable group of friends laughing and posing together. Their happiness felt so unattainable, further highlighting the loneliness that had become your constant companion.
"Must be nice," You whispered, voice laced with bitterness.
Your eyes scanned the screen, taking in the meticulously curated feed that presented a world you could only dream of inhabiting.
Just as your frustration reached its peak, a flicker of light caught your attention. It was a text message notification, appearing like an oasis in the digital desert you found yourself trapped in.
Eager for any distraction, you tapped the screen, feeling a flutter of hope that maybe it was someone reaching out to you,
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A simple greeting was plastered across the screen, accompanied by an unfamiliar number. Your brow furrowed as you stared at the unknown sender. Confusion gnawed at you, and you hesitated before replying,
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As you typed, your fingers moved cautiously across the screen before hitting send, taking a deep breath while waiting for a response.
The reply came almost instantly,
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You scoffed. Whoever this was, they seemed ignorant, and you decided to play along,
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You tilted your head back, attempting to recall any instance of sharing your number, but your memory failed you. How did this random stranger end up with your contact information when you couldn't remember giving it to them?
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Your heart began to pound at his reply, fingertips hovering above the screen. "Is this some kind of prank?" you mumbled, mind racing with possibilities. Was it someone from school trying to mess with you? You haven't talked to Jungkook since your freshman year of college when he was your partner for a science project, why would he give your number out?
You couldn't shake off the feeling of intrigue and curiosity that coursed through your veins. Despite the skepticism that crept into your mind, a part of you wanted to believe that this encounter held some sort of significance. Perhaps it was a twist of fate, an unexpected connection waiting to be unveiled.
With hesitant determination, you decided to take a leap of faith and continue the conversation. The prospect of embarking on something new, something beyond the confines of your monotonous daily routine, enticed you. After all, what harm could it do?
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You sighed, contemplating why Jungkook would be giving your number out, or how he even got it in the first place.
Your mind craved to uncover the truth behind this mysterious text conversation, even if it meant stepping into unknown territory,
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You stared blankly at your phone, eager for a reply, but you were met with only silence. Minutes stretched into hours, and still no response came. Doubt began to creep in, mingling with the confusion that had settled in your mind. Maybe this was all just a cruel joke, a ploy to toy with your emotions.
But something inside you refused to believe that. There was an inkling of curiosity, a flicker of hope that urged you to hold on a little longer. So you waited, your eyes never straying far from your phone.
Days had turned into weeks, and yet the mysterious sender remained silent. The initial excitement had waned, leaving behind a sense of disappointment that weighed heavily on your shoulders. You couldn't help but wonder if you had been foolish for getting caught up in this unknown person's game.
The idea of giving up on waiting for a response finally began to creep in, but just as you were about to delete the number and move on, a notification jolted your phone awake. You hesitated, your finger hovering over the screen, afraid to hope again.
With a deep breath, you finally slid your finger across the screen, unlocking the message. Your heart sunk down into your stomach as you read the words that appeared before you,
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--- Ever since the day he asked if you sent nudes, you had been giving yourself over to him, allowing him to slowly chip away at your self-worth. Each time he asked, you obliged, sending him a piece of yourself captured through the lens of your phone. It started as something simple, maybe a picture of your cleavage or the curve of your ass, just as you had convinced yourself in the beginning. But with each photo sent, you felt a piece of your soul fade, replaced by an emptiness that gnawed at you from the inside out.
You desperately craved his validation, his affection, believing that if you gave him what he wanted, he would finally see your worth. But no matter how many pictures you sent, it was never enough. He always asked for more. More skin, more vulnerability, more pieces of you to devour.
With every photo, you hoped for a different reaction from him - one that acknowledged your value as more than just pixels and saturation. But all he ever responded with were simple words of praise and shallow compliments that never reached beyond the surface.
You were losing yourself in the process, your identity becoming reduced to a series of explicit images sent through a screen. Each picture felt like a betrayal to your own integrity, yet you continued to send them, hoping that this time would be different, that this time he would finally see you.
But deep down, you knew the truth. He didn't truly care about you. You were nothing more than his object of desire, a means to fulfill his own selfish needs. The more pictures you sent, the more power he held over you.
You found yourself sitting on the edge of your bed, phone in hand, tears streaming down your face as you stared at his latest text message. It was as if a veil had been lifted from your eyes, revealing the harsh reality of what this relationship had become. You were nothing more than an object to him, a means to fulfill his desires without any regard for your own well-being.
The weight of his words pressed upon your chest, suffocating you with the realization that you had lost yourself in this desperate quest for validation. The vibrant colors of your world had faded into shades of gray, and you yearned to break free from the suffocating grip he had on your emotions.
There was a fire burning deep within you, a fire of anger and resentment that you had been trying to suppress for far too long. It was time to let it out, to confront him and put an end to this vicious cycle you had been caught in. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the confrontation that lay ahead, and that begun with asking Jungkook why he was giving your number away.
You spotted him on campus his familiar figure standing near the brick wall of the main building, a smirk playing on his lips as he chatted with the same group of friends he was always with, their laughter echoing through the air. It was a scene you had witnessed countless times before.
His presence sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of annoyance and frustration coursing through your veins. You felt a surge of anger rise within you, fueling your determination to confront him. With each step closer, your heart pounded louder in your ears, drowning out the noise of passing students and the rustling leaves overhead. Pushing through the crowd, you made your way toward him, ignoring the curious glances from passersby.
As you approached, Jungkook's eyes met yours, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before being replaced by his signature nonchalant expression. His friends noticed your arrival too, their conversations dying down as they turned their attention to the unfolding scene.
"Jungkook!" you called out, your voice stronger than you had anticipated. His attention snapped towards you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked you up and down.
"Y/N, right? Shit, I haven't talked to you in awhile. How have you be--"
"Have you been giving my number out?" You interrupted, your voice dripping with anger. His attempt at casual conversation only fueled your frustration. You crossed your arms, staring him down with unyielding determination.
Jungkook's expression shifted, a hint of guilt clouding his features for a moment. He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Look, if this is about the text messages--"
"Of course it is," you snapped, your voice laced with bitterness. "What else would it be about? You're the one who gave my number away without my permission!"
Jungkook's friends exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the tension between the two of you. Jungkook ran a hand through his tousled hair, his gaze shifting to the ground beneath him.
"I didn't think it would be a big deal," he muttered, barely meeting your eyes, "he told me I wanted it so I gave it to him."
Your jaw dropped at his words, a mix of anger and disbelief bubbling up inside you. How could he so casually dismiss your privacy and consent? How could he believe that just because someone wanted your number, it was okay to give it away without your permission?
"Who are you talking about? Who did you even give my number out to?"
"Does it really matter?" Jungkook replied, his voice laced with irritation. "It's not like it's a big deal. You're making a fuss out of nothing."
"Jungkook, it absolutely matters!" you exclaimed, your voice tinged with a mixture of anger and hurt. "You violated my privacy. You had no right to give out my number without my consent."
Jungkook nodded, glancing around nervously before finally meeting your gaze, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's Yoongi," he confessed, his eyes filled with remorse, "He said he knew you from one of your classes and wanted to get to know you better."
Jungkook's words hung in the air, like a heavy weight on your shoulders. You could feel the blood rushing to your face, your heart pounding in your chest. How could he trust Yoongi with your personal information without even asking you?
"Yoongi?" You echoed, feeling a strange mix of relief and betrayal. "Why would he ask for my number in the first place?"
Jungkook hesitated, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "I don't know, Y/N. If you want to figure it out, ask him, he's over there."
Taking a deep breath, you turned your attention towards where Jungkook had gestured. Your eyes fell upon a figure standing a few feet away, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans. His expression was unreadable, a flicker of in his eyes of something you couldn't quite put your finger on.
As soon as he met your gaze, he smirked, walking off in a crowd of students with an air of nonchalance. Your anger and frustration intensified as you watched Yoongi disappear into the distance, leaving you with more questions than answers.
"Thank you, Jungkook." You mumbled, but before he could offer a response, you turned on your heel and began to chase after Yoongi, set on confronting him and demanding an explanation. Those who surrounded you parted ways as you weaved through the crowd, your heart pounding in your chest, fueling your determination to catch up to him.
The campus was bustling with students going about their day, but you barely registered their presence. Your focus was solely on finding Yoongi and demanding an explanation for his actions. As you made your way through the crowd, the image of his smirking face played over and over in your mind, intensifying your frustration and boldness.
You clenched your fists as you trailed behind Yoongi across the college campus, leaves crunching underfoot.
Your heart pounded in your chest, fueled by anger and determination. You had been following him for what felt like hours – down crowded halls, past classrooms filled with students, even into a noisy cafeteria where you had to duck behind a vending machine to avoid detection, and although he had looked behind him numerous times during the journey, your remained unnoticed.
You watched as he strolled casually, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his faded denim jacket, apparently oblivious to your presence. But every time you thought you were about to catch up to him, he would disappear around a corner or slip through a door, leaving you becoming increasingly more and more frustrated.
As you navigated through the labyrinthine campus, your mind raced. Why had he texted you in the first place? What kind of person asks someone for nudes out of the blue? And how could you have been so stupid as to trust him?
With so many questions running through your mind, you became distracted, losing sight of him yet again.
Frustrated, you gave up and retreated to the library, the closest place you could find after travelling on foot for so long.
The hushed atmosphere there was a welcome respite from the chaos of your pursuit, and you sank into a plush armchair near the back, your eyes scanning the shelves aimlessly.
And that's when you saw him.
Yoongi was standing in the history section, a heavy tome clutched in one hand.
Sighing, he glanced up and locked eyes with you, his face paling visibly. Before he could react, you stormed over, grabbing his wrist so as to not let him escape you again.
"Yoongi, why did you text me? Why did you even ask Jungkook for my number in the first place?" You demanded, your voice barely more than a whisper but seething with fury. "Why did you ask me for nudes?"
He blinked at you, his expression a mixture of confusion and irritation. "Why are you even upset?" he countered, his voice low and measured. "You're the one who sent them."
"So? You shouldn't have asked for them in the first place." You hissed, your anger boiling over.
"You shouldn't have sent them." He retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Look, it doesn't even matter at this point just--"
"Keep your voice down," he interrupted, glancing nervously around the library.
"No! You need to hear this," you yelled, forgetting your surroundings as your emotions took control. "You had no right to ask for those pictures, and then to turn around and act like it's no big deal? It's disgusting!"
Annoyed by your yelling, Yoongi grabbed your arm with surprising force and pulled you through the maze of bookshelves.
"Yoongi, what are you--"
"Be quiet."
You struggled against him, but he didn't relent until the two of you stumbled into a cramped supply closet. Slamming the door shut behind him, he released you, his face a mask of frustration and something else you could fully recognize.
"Listen," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You didn't have to send those pictures if you didn't want to, and I mean...I'm sorry for asking for nudes but I won't lie," he leaned in close, his warm breath brushing against your cheek, "you looked pretty damn good in every single one."
And so, you stood there, back against the door, his words washing over you like a tidal wave. For a moment, you couldn't find your voice - he was right. You had sent those pictures. You were the one who had been so flattered by his attention that you had forgotten about boundaries and given in to his request with such reckless abandon. But that still didn't give him the right to use them as he pleased! You pushed past him and walked out of the closet, trying to compose yourself.
As you stepped out, the library came rushing back into view, filled with students hushed amidst their studies. You couldn't help but feel self-conscious as everyone's eyes turned towards you as if they knew what had just gone down in the supply closet. Your face burned under their scrutiny as you tried to make your way back to your seat without making eye contact with anyone.
But before you could take a step, a strong hand gripped your wrist once again and spun you around to face Yoongi. His eyes bored into yours with unwavering intensity, his jaw tightened as he spoke lowly; "Look... I know I messed up." He paused, stepping closer, his eyes boring into yours are he spoke, "but you sent them to me, Y/N, and I didn't force you. You could have stopped me at any time, but you didn't. And for what it's worth, I never meant to hurt you. I just thought...actually, you know what? It doesn't matter."
He let go of your wrist and turned away, walking towards the stacks of books on the shelves nearby as if nothing had happened. You watched him go with a mixture of emotions churning inside of you. He was right, of course. You did send those pictures willingly. It would be your fault if they got out.
How could you be so fucking stupid? Why did you think any of this would be a good idea?
You couldn't shake the feeling that something about his apology felt half-hearted, like he was only saying what he thought you wanted to hear. But still, a small part of you yearned for him to be sincere.
The twilight seeped through the gauzy curtains, casting a lavender hue over your room where you sat, knees drawn up to your chest on the window seat. Outside, the world was softening into dusk, but inside, a storm brewed within you. Your eyes were fixed vacantly on the snow that began to layer on the window pane, mirroring the turmoil in your heart.
"Yoongi," you murmured under your breath, the words tasting bitter. The memory of your encounter with him was like a splinter—sharp, intrusive, and impossible to ignore. You replayed your last conversation over and over, each iteration twisting the knife a little deeper.
What had you expected? For him to suddenly understand? To apologize?
"Focus on something else, anything else," you chided yourself, uncurling from your perch.
You moved towards your cluttered desk, where an array of distractions awaited: unread books, sketches half-done, a guitar that hadn't felt the warmth of your touch in days. Your fingers hovered over a novel, its spine still creased with promise. But even as you pulled it toward yourself, the printed words blurred, drowned out by the echo of Yoongi's voice.
"Of course," you scoffed, tossing the book aside with a soft thud against the hardwood floor. "Books are no refuge when your mind is this loud."
You walked over to the mirror, studying your reflection—as if searching for an answer in the contours of your own face. With a sigh, you reached up, freeing your hair from its ponytail. Strands fell around your shoulders like dark silk, a curtain to hide behind.
"Maybe I'll just go to sleep," you said to your mirrored self, "sleep it off and wake up with a fresh head."
But as you turned away from the mirror, your phone buzzed atop the nightstand, an invasive vibration that commanded attention. You hesitated, a small part of you hoping, dreading. Your hand shook slightly as you picked it up. The screen lit up, and there it was—a message from Yoongi,
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It was simple. A casual, stark contrast to the chaos he'd stirred in you. Just three letters, yet they held the weight of a thousand unsaid words.
"Hey?" You repeated aloud, a laugh without humor escaping your lips. "After everything, all he can say is 'hey'?"
Your thumb hovered over the keyboard, indecision warring with the urge to respond. To lash out or to leave it be? But beneath the hurt and confusion, a sliver of hope glimmered—the kind that refused to be extinguished even by the fiercest storm.
"Is this supposed to be some kind of olive branch, Min Yoongi?" You whispered, the beginning of a response forming beneath your breath,
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His reply came almost instantly,
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As you weighed Yoongi's message, you mulled over the possibility that he might be sincere this time. He had apologized, and now he wanted to meet at a cafe. Was this his way to make amends? Or was it just another one of his schemes to get you to do something?
"Just do it, Y/N," You told yourself, "you never know what's going to happen."
With a resolute nod, you decided that now was as good a time as any.
Y/N stood in her cramped bedroom, her breath fogging the windowpane as she looked out at the snow-dusted street below. She was about to do something she'd been dreading for days – meet Yoongi at the cafe. Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. With a resolute nod, you decided that now was as good a time as any.
"Right. Let's do this," she murmured to herself.
It was bitterly cold outside, but you didn't feel like making an effort to dress up for the occasion. Instead, you pulled on a cozy grey hoodie and a pair of comfortable black sweatpants. They were simple, but warm enough for the short walk to the cafe.
As you stepped outside, the chill hit you like a physical force. You shivered, burying your face in the soft fabric of your hoodie and pulling the drawstrings tight. The wind whipped around you, biting at your exposed cheeks and turning them pink. Despite the cold, you couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the frost-covered trees and the crunch of ice beneath your boots.
Upon arriving at the cafe, your heart skipped a beat when you saw him through the window – Yoongi, sitting alone at a small table near the back, fingers tapping impatiently against his coffee cup.
You hesitated for a moment, swallowing hard. There was something undeniably magnetic about him, even from this distance.
As you pushed open the door and made your way over to his table, you felt an unsettling warmth blossoming within her chest. It was strange, feeling drawn to someone who had caused so much turmoil in your life. But here you were, unable to look away from his dark eyes and strong jawline.
"Yoongi," you said softly, your voice wavering slightly as you took the seat across from him.
"Y/N," he replied, barely looking up from his coffee. But when he did, his gaze seemed to take you in with an intensity that made you shiver. There was a hunger in his eyes that you'd never seen before in anyone – lust, perhaps?
"Um, so," you stammered, struggling to regain your composure and focus on the task at hand. "What did you...want to talk about...?"
"Well..." he began, his voice low and smooth as he leaned back in his chair, never breaking eye contact.
Your mind raced with thoughts and emotions, trying to find the right words to express how you felt about everything. You knew you had to face him, and move forward. But with every second spent in Yoongi's presence, you found herself increasingly drawn to him, despite everything he'd done.
"Yoongi, I—" you started, but couldn't finish, swallowing hard as you struggled to compose herself.
"Go on," he urged, a slight smirk appearing on his lips as if he knew exactly what was going through your mind.
You hesitated, biting your lip nervously, but then steeled yourself. Your words tumbled out in a rush, "I-I don't know what you want from me, Yoongi. Are you really sorry, or is this just another game to you? Because I can't do this anymore, I can't keep feeling like this, like I'm being played."
Yoongi's smirk faded, and his eyes softened. He lowered his gaze for a moment before looking back up at you, his voice sincere when he spoke, "That's...actually why I asked you here tonight. I wanted to apologize for everything. Y/N...I-I'm so sorry. I never should have asked you for those nudes."
You avoided his eyeline, instead averting your gaze towards the floor, "Why...why did you ask me for them? It's not like you knew me before we even started texting and I--"
"Yes, I did, actually." He interrupted, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice, "I saw you at a party a few months ago a-and...Jungkook gave me your number. Don't ask me why he had it because honestly...I don't know. I wanted to talk to you but I-I just thought it would be better to text you."
You noticed the slight stutter in his voice and the way his fingers played with the edge of the table, betraying his nervousness.
Taking a deep breath, you took a moment before responding, "So you were talking to me all this time, knowing who I was?"
"Yes," he admitted, his shame evident in his eyes. "But it doesn't excuse how I acted, Y/N. I know that. I'm so sorry. If there's any way I can make it up to you, let me know. Please."
It was difficult for you to hear him say those words, but as he explained himself, something inside you began to crack. It wasn't forgiveness, but it was understanding, at least.
You looked at him, trying to decipher his words and find the truth behind them. "Why did you do it, Yoongi?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "I...I don't know. I guess I thought it would be a way to get closer to you, or at least have some kind of connection. But it was wrong, and I'm sorry."
Your heart ached as you stared into his eyes, seeing the sincerity in his words. You knew this wasn't the end of your struggles, but maybe it was the beginning of something different.
"Thank you for the apology. I'm sorry too, I never should have sent anything to begin with."
You bit your lip, trying to gather your thoughts, but you didn't have anything else to say, so you remained silent.
Yoongi looked down at the table, his dark hair falling into his eyes, "If it's okay with you..." He began, avoiding your gaze, "I-I want to get to know you better."
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. Did you trust him? Could you let go of the past and move forward?
Taking a deep breath, you finally spoke, "Okay, Yoongi. Let's start over. But we're not doing anything like that again."
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a hint of relief in his eyes, "I understand. I won't push you, Y/N. I just...I'm so sorry."
"I-- it's fine, really."
And with that, you both sat in silence for a while, contemplating the new path that lay ahead of you. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but maybe it was worth a try.
It had been three months since you went to the café with Yoongi.
You found a new normal in your relationship, and although trust wasn't rebuilt overnight, you both were committed to fixing what had been broken.
The air between you and Yoongi had shifted. Instead of the tension and mistrust that had previously existed, there was now an underlying understanding and appreciation for each other's flaws and mistakes.
You appreciated how considerate Yoongi was, never pushing your boundaries or rushing things. Instead, he made an effort to listen intently, offering support and understanding as you opened up about your feelings and fears. It felt like the door to your heart was gradually creaking open, allowing the light of a blossoming bond to seep in.
One evening, you found yourself immersed in your studies at the library, the soft rustle of turning pages and hushed whispers creating a cocoon of tranquility around you.
Suddenly, your focus was interrupted by a gentle tap on your shoulder, causing your heart to skip a beat. You looked up to find Yoongi standing beside your table, his eyes crinkling as he offered his gummy smile that caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
"Hey," he said softly, like a lullaby whispered into the night. "I thought I might find you here."
"Yoongi!" You exclaimed, happiness bubbling up within your chest. "I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. What brings you to the library?"
"Call it intuition," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement. "I had a feeling you'd be here, studying late like always."
You chuckled, gaze drifting back to the stacks of books and papers spread out before you. "You know me too well," you murmured, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at your disorganized workspace.
"Indeed, I do," Yoongi agreed, his eyes lingering on your face. "But, I also know that you deserve a break. How about we head to my place and just relax for a bit?"
You hesitated, the thought of leaving your studies unfinished gnawing at you, but you couldn't deny the allure of spending time with Yoongi away from the pressures of academia.
You glanced back at him, his eyes filled with sincerity and warmth, and you made your decision, "Alright," you conceded with a smile. "Let me just pack up my things."
"Take your time," Yoongi replied, pulling out a chair and sitting down across from you. The simple action spoke volumes – he was in no hurry, willing to wait as long as it took for you to feel comfortable. It was moments like these that reminded you of how far the two of you have come in rebuilding trust, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the second chance you'd given him.
As the two of you walked out of the library together, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, the snowfall had eased to a near halt as the two of you began your trek back to his apartment, leaving behind an untouched blanket of white in your wake.
The cold air stung your cheeks, but neither you nor Yoongi seemed to mind it much as you walked – the world felt hushed, almost magical.
"Is it always this beautiful?" you asked, your voice soft and breathy as you watched the last flakes fall from the sky.
"Sometimes," Yoongi replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I think it's just the right kind of weather for tonight."
Your steps fell in sync with each other, crunching softly against the snow beneath your feet. The streetlights cast warm, amber halos on the frosted ground, creating a comforting contrast against the winter chill.
"Tell me about your work," you suggested, curiosity piquing your interest. Yoongi had mentioned his desire to become a music producer during your conversations, but you wanted to learn more.
"Ah, well," he began, a modest smile gracing his lips. "I've been working on this new project lately – it's got a different vibe than what I usually do. But that's what makes it exciting."
"Sounds fascinating," you commented sincerely. "I can't wait to hear it when it's finished."
"Hopefully you'll like it," Yoongi replied, his eyes shining with gratitude at your enthusiasm.
As you approached his apartment building, you couldn't help but feel a slight surge of nerves. It was the first time you would be stepping into Yoongi's personal space, and there was an undeniable intimacy in that. You glanced over at him, wondering if he could sense your apprehension. However, his gaze remained fixed on the entrance, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
"Here we are," Yoongi announced as you walked into the warm, well-lit lobby. The sudden change in temperature made you shiver slightly, your body trying to adapt.
"Nice place," you commented, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in your stomach.
"Thanks," Yoongi replied, leading you toward the elevator. The ride up was quiet, the both of you lost in your own thoughts as you anticipated what might happen once the two of you were alone in his apartment.
When you finally entered Yoongi's space, you couldn't help but take it all in – the minimalist furniture, the impressive collection of vinyl records along one wall, and the cozy atmosphere that seemed to envelop the entire room. It felt like a sanctuary, a reflection of Yoongi himself.
"Make yourself at home," he offered kindly, gesturing toward the comfortable-looking couch.
"Thank you," you whispered, suddenly aware of just how intimate this moment was. You were standing in his apartment, seeing a side of him few people had ever been privy to. And as you took a seat on his couch, feeling the warmth of the cushions beneath you, you knew that you wanted to learn even more about the enigmatic man who had captured your interest.
"Would you like something to drink?" Yoongi asked, his voice soft yet inviting. His eyes, a rich dark chocolate color, held curiosity and a touch of shyness, reflecting his guarded nature.
"Sure, do you have any wine?" You replied.
You enjoyed how the warmth of the room seemed to embrace you, making you feel comfortable. It was a rare feeling for you, considering your own life and surroundings were often chaotic.
"Of course," Yoongi said with a subtle smile. He disappeared into the kitchen area, returning moments later holding two glasses filled with the familiar deep red liquid. He carefully handed one to you before taking a seat across from you on the couch.
"Thanks." You took a sip, savoring the smooth taste of the wine as it slid down your throat.
You noticed the way the moonlight that streamed through the windows caught the glass, creating a dazzling array of colors that danced along the edges.
"You're welcome." Yoongi raised his own glass and took a small sip. His gaze lingered on the window, seeming to find solace in the familiar sight.
"Your apartment is really lovely," You said earnestly, hoping to ease the initial tension between the both of you. "It has such a unique vibe."
"Thank you. I've put a lot of time and effort into making it my own little sanctuary," Yoongi admitted with a small smile. "I'm glad you like it."
As the two of you continued to chat, you both discovered shared interests and common ground – your love for music, your desire to create something meaningful, and the challenges you both faced in your pursuit of happiness.
With each revelation, the space between both of you seemed to shrink, and you found herself drawn to Yoongi's quiet intensity.
"Sometimes," Yoongi said, pausing to choose his words carefully, "it feels like life is a constant battle against time and expectations. It's hard to find moments like this, where you can just be yourself without any judgment."
You nodded in agreement, feeling a pang of empathy for the man sitting before you. "I know exactly what you mean. It's easy to get lost in the noise and lose sight of who you really are."
"Exactly." Yoongi's eyes met yours, and you're struck by the sincerity you see there. "But sometimes, it's in those quiet moments that we can truly find ourselves."
You couldn't help but be moved by the sincerity in Yoongi's words, and as the silence fell between you both, you found your gaze drifting towards the window again. The snow had stopped, leaving a blanket of white that seemed to silence the world outside.
"It's amazing how peaceful everything can be when it snows," you remarked, your voice barely above a whisper. "It makes you feel like anything is possible."
Yoongi nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's a reminder that sometimes, we need to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the world around us."
You smiled, silently agreeing before looking around the living room, taking more of it in, "I can't believe we've known each other for as long as we have but I've never been to your apartment until now."
"Same goes for me," Yoongi replied, a hint of amusement in his voice, "It's kind of funny to think about how we even became friends."
You scoffed, "It's funny now. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. I still have your contact name as the same thing it was when you first texted me, though."
Yoongi tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"It's still just your phone number. For some reason...I don't know I just like it that way."
Yoongi chuckled lightly, shaking his head in amusement. "That's...quite possibly the most strange yet charming thing I've heard today." He took another sip of his wine, the warmth spreading through his body as he savored the taste.
"Is that so?"
He nodded, smiling.
"Well, maybe I should change it then." You pulled out your phone, navigating to your contacts. "What should I change it to?"
"Nah," he began, putting his wine glass down before scooting towards you, "let me do it," he said playfully, snatching the phone from your grasp. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he held your phone aloft, just out of your reach. "Besides, I want to pick my own emoji."
"Give it back!" You laughed, your cheeks flushed with excitement as your reached for your phone. Your heart raced at your playful banter, something you had grown to cherish during your time with Yoongi.
"Uh-uh, not until I'm done," he teased, his tongue peeking out between his lips in a cheeky grin. He leaned to one side, keeping the phone firmly out of your grasp.
Your determination grew, and you leaned over him, stretching your arm out as far as possible.
Your fingertips brushed against the edge of your phone, but Yoongi shifted his weight again, a triumphant smirk on his face.
"Yoongi, seriously!" You huffed, laughter bubbling up despite your feigned annoyance.
"Fine, fine," he relented, bringing the phone down just enough for you to snatch it back. In your eagerness, you accidentally ended up leaning too far forward straddling him in the process, your thighs pressing against his hips.
You both froze, suddenly aware of your intimate position.
Your eyes locked, and the room seemed to fall silent around the two of you.
Your heart pounded in your chest, the proximity making you all too aware of the heat radiating from Yoongi's body.
You noticed the way his breath hitched in his throat, and the way his pupils dilated as the two of you continued to stare at each other.
A minute crawled by, every second feeling like an eternity as a thousand emotions swirled within you. Your mind raced with questions, doubts, and desires, and you could see the same turmoil reflected in Yoongi's eyes.
It was only when you felt a tremble in your hands that you realized what you were doing.
Face burning, you began moving your hips slightly in an attempt to get off of him, "Shit, Yoongi, I-I'm so sorry."
Although the movement you made caused a friction beneath you, and Yoongi froze, eyes widening, "W-wait, Y/N, stop...stop moving."
"What?" You stuttered, looking at him with wide eyes. "Why?"
His hands slid down to your waist in an attempt to hold you in place, "Just...stop." He managed to get out, his voice low and rough. "Don't move, please."
As you froze in place, it dawned on you that Yoongi's hands had now settled in a more intimate position on your hips, his fingers gently gripping your sides. You could feel his breath against your skin as his eyes locked onto yours, his expression filled with a mix of desire and fear.
"Y-Yoongi, I--" You moved again in another attempt to get off him, flustered.
"Fuck..." He groaned, allowing his head to fall back, and suddenly, you felt something underneath you.
A shiver ran down your spine as you realized what it was - his erection pressing right up against the heat of your core.
In fear and confusion, you pushed his hands off your waist, abruptly standing up before him, "I-I should go," you began, rubbing your hands against your sides in an attempt to wipe the sweat off of them, "I'll see you later?"
Yoongi watched as you quickly gathered your things and stood up from his couch, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find the right words. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, and he could feel the heat radiating from your body as your cheeks flushed red.
"Y/N, wait..." Yoongi's voice was hoarse, his eyes pleading as he reached for your hand. But you were already turning to leave the room, the weight of your words heavy on your tongue.
You avoided Yoongi for the next few days, his calls, his texts, everything.
You immersed yourself in your schoolwork, dedicating less time to visiting the library, as a means to escape the burden that this situation had imposed on you.
But as the days went by, you found yourself thinking about him more and more. About the heat of his touch, the desires you both had felt in that moment. You knew it had been an accident, but you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between you and Yoongi.
"You need to talk to him, Y/N."
"I-I know," you began, rubbing your temples, "but I have no idea where to start, I mean I just walked out on him, he probably hates me."
You and your best friend, Mina, had been sitting together in your apartment while you sulked over Yoongi, trying to figure out how you would speak to him again. Mina had been your rock through thick and thin, and now she was determined to help you out of this mess.
"Just think about it, Y/N. You owe it to yourself to at least try and resolve this. You can't just let things remain the way they are."
You nodded, biting your lip in frustration. "You're right, Mina. I just...I don't know where to start."
Mina smiled, placing her hand on your shoulder. "Well, you could start by sending him a message. You know, just a simple olive branch to let him know you're willing to talk."
"But...I walked out on him. I can't just text him after all that," you threw your face into your hands, "I feel so bad."
"Look Y/N," Mina began, "I know you feel bad but if you don't think that a text or a call is the right thing to do, then...I don't know what to say."
You scoffed, "Wow, thanks, that really puts things into perspective."
Mina laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood. "Alright, alright. But seriously, you need to figure out what you want to do, Y/N. It's been a few days, and if you don't make a move, you could lose him all together."
"I know, I know, you're right."
"Of course I am." Mina got up from where she was sitting, a soft smile on her face, "I have to go, but keep me updated."
"I will."
You lay restless in your bed, moonlight casting silver shadows on the walls. The clock's red digits flickered to 12:00 A.M., taunting you with each passing second. Sleep remained elusive, for Yoongi's face flickered behind your closed eyes, his laughter echoing in your ears.
You couldn't shake the feeling that their misunderstanding had driven a wedge between them.
Why did you have to fuck everything up?
"Damn it," you muttered under your breath, tossing and turning, your tangled sheets a testament to your inner turmoil.
You clenched your jaw, willing yourself to find a solution to mend your fractured friendship with Yoongi. Desperation bubbled up within you until it burst like a geyser, propelling you out of bed.
"Fuck this," you hissed, flinging the covers off your body. With a newfound determination, you slipped into sweatpants and a hoodie, the fabric comforting against your skin.
You rummaged through the darkness, fingers closing around the familiar leather of your coat.
Your heart pounded like a drum as you prepared to step out into the cold night air, fueled by the need to speak with Yoongi and set things right.
You made your way through the hallway, and out the door of your apartment, each step setting a path towards your journey outside.
The cold winter night had wrapped its icy fingers around the city, but your determination burned like a fire inside your chest.
As you walked towards Yoongi's apartment, your breath condensed into fleeting clouds that disappeared as quickly as they were born.
You glanced around, taking in the peaceful serenity of the snow-covered streets, the faint glow of the streetlights casting long shadows.
"Just talk to him, Y/N," you muttered under your breath, your words barely audible over the sound of your boots crunching on the snow beneath your feet.
When you finally arrived at the building, you rushed through the lobby without so much as a glance at the receptionist who looked up from her desk, startled by your sudden entrance.
The receptionist called after you, "Wait! Ma'am!" but you were already pressing the elevator button with impatience, your thoughts consumed by the urgency to reach Yoongi and set things straight.
"Out of order?" you read aloud, voice trembling with frustration. The sign taped to the elevator door mocked you, leaving you with no choice but to turn to the stairwell.
You hesitated for a moment, staring up at the seemingly endless flights of stairs. Yoongi lived on the highest floor, and the thought of climbing all the way up there was daunting. But the fire inside you continued to rage, and you knew there was no turning back now.
"Alright then," you whispered to yourself, taking a deep breath before dashing up the stairs, utterly determined.
Your heart pounded in your ears as you hurried up flight after flight, ignoring the burning sensation in your legs. Each step brought you closer to Yoongi, closer to the confrontation you knew the both of you desperately needed.
Finally, gasping for breath, you reached the top and stood outside Yoongi's door. You raised your fist and banged on it forcefully, your voice raised in desperation, "Yoongi, I need to talk to you,"
Silence. You could feel the heaviness of it pressing down on you, but you refused to let it deter you.
"Yoongi! Open the door, please I know you're in there," you spoke again, louder this time.
The door finally swung open, revealing Yoongi's tired and weary face. As your eyes met, you saw a sadness in his that you had never seen before, and it threatened to extinguish the fire inside you.
"Y/N," he whispered, his voice barely audible, "what are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
With a sigh, he lowered his head, but he stepped aside from the doorframe, creating room for you to enter.
"What do you want?" He mumbled, still avoiding your gaze.
The weight of his question was heavy, but you didn't waver. You stepped into his apartment, feeling the warmth of the air against your skin.
"I came here to say that I'm sorry," you began, your voice barely audible, "I shouldn't have left like that. I was scared, and I didn't know how to handle things. I was wrong to run away, and I want you to know that I'm here now."
Yoongi remained silent, staring at his hands as if they were foreign to him.
You leaned towards him, grasping his bicep in your hand.
He flinched at the sudden touch, but didn't shy away.
"Please, look at me, Yoongi," you whispered, your eyes pleading with him to understand.
Your fingers wrap tightly around his arm, and you look up into his eyes, attempting to convey the sincerity of your words.
"Please, I-I just..."
Your let your hand fall back your side, trembling slightly, as your face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and regret.
You stumbled over her words, speaking at a rapid pace, desperate to communicate the weight of her remorse.
"Look, I know I messed up, okay? I didn't mean to just...run out on you like that. It was so stupid and thoughtless and, god, I'm so sorry, I really am."
He opened his mouth to say something, "Y/N--" but you cut him off, your voice rising in pitch as your anxiety grew.
"I've been thinking about it nonstop, and I hate myself for doing that to you and then just completely avoiding you afterwards. I was scared, and I panicked, and I didn't want to face what was happening between us."
"Y/N--" Again, he tried to interrupt, but you continued your rambling, feeling a knot tighten in your chest as tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
"Every time I think about how I left you like that I feel terrible. I can't stand the thought that I hurt you like that. I never wanted to be the type of person who runs away when things like that happen, but that's exactly what I did."
Your voice faltered, and you swallowed hard, trying to regain your composure.
Still, you refused to let him get a word in, terrified that if he spoke, it would confirm your worst fears – that you had irreparably damaged you friendship with him.
"Since then, I've been replaying that night in my head over and over again, wishing I could go back and do things differently. I should have stayed. We should have talked it out like adults. But instead, I behaved like a coward, and now I'm afraid I've lost you for good."
At last, you paused for breath, your chest heaving as you stared at him with wide, pleading eyes.
He took a step closer, his expression unreadable, and she braced yourself for the impact of his words – whatever they may be.
Just as you were about the reply, Yoongi closed the distance between the two of you, his lips gently touching yours in a tender, slow kiss.
Yoongi's lips were soft as he pulled back, a small smile on his face as he looked at you, his fingers tangling in your hair. He tugged gently, causing you to lean forward, his breath hot against your lips as he spoke. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
You smiled and leaned in, your noses brushing against each other as the two of you breathed each other in deeply.
The air was filled with the scent of his cologne and the faintest hint of cigarette smoke mixing with the warmth of his body. "Oh really? How long have you wanted to?" you whispered, heart racing as he moved closer, resting his forehead against yours. His warmth seeped into you, making you shiver.
Slowly, Yoongi's lips brushed against yours teasingly before pressing firmly, his hand on the back of your neck pulling you closer. Your kiss was soft and gentle at first, a slow exploration of each other's mouths, tasting and teasing. The feeling of his lips against yours sent shivers down your spine, a low moan escaping your throat as you parted your lips slightly, inviting him in more. His tongue traced the seam of your lips, and you eagerly opened up for him, welcoming him in.
The taste of him was addictive, like fine wine and coffee, with a hint of sweetness that lingered on your tongue long after the kiss.
You ran your fingers up his neck and threaded your fingers through his messy hair.
You pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, your body melting into his as they molded together. Yoongi groaned into the kiss, his other hand finding its way to your waist and pulling you even tighter against him.
Your tongues danced together, twirling and dueling playfully, your mouths opening wider to allow for more exploration. His kiss was demanding now, and you gave in willingly, your body arching into him as he took control.
You kissed him back just as passionately, your tongue tangling with his, breaths heavy and labored. He gripped your hips tighter, grinding against you, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her core.
Your fingers dug into his shoulders as he continued to kiss you deeply, your body trembling with anticipation.
You could feel his heart racing against your chest, the sound of his rapid breaths mingling with your own.
The heat between the two of you grew, along with your desire, and you felt yourself opening up to him more than ever before.
"Jump." He growled, his lips still brushing against yours.
With a small whimper, you obeyed, wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer as he stepped forward, nearly pinning you against the wall.
His lips trailed down your neck, leaving soft, open-mouthed kisses along the way, making you shiver.
Your head fell back as he bit lightly on the sensitive skin of your neck, sucking gently. His hot breath fanned across your skin, raising goosebumps along your arms.
You sighed in contentment as Yoongi's warmth continued to envelop you, your heart racing in anticipation. In the nights you spent alone in your room, you had replayed this moment countless times in your head, imagining how it would feel to be in his arms, to feel the softness of his lips against yours. But the reality was far more intense than you ever could have imagined. Every touch sent shivers down your spine, every groan vibrating against your skin made you tremble with desire.
With a sudden surge of impatience, Yoongi dropped you to your feet, roughly ripping off his shirt, his muscles rippling beneath his skin in the process, revealing a chiseled torso that seemed to glow in the dim light.
Your breath hitched at the sight of him bare before you, his shoulders broad and strong, his arms corded with strength. You traced one of them with your fingertips, marveling at the definition of his biceps.
His abs were like etched stone, each dip and curve perfectly defined. As you trailed your fingers lower, you could feel his heart racing under your touch. He groaned softly, a deep rumble that vibrated through your body. You traced the trail of hair that led from his navel to his jeans, which were already unbuttoned and half-unzipped. You paused for a moment, looking up at him through hooded eyes. He growled low in his throat, a mix of irritation and desire, and you smiled before sliding your fingers inside his boxers to touch his hot skin.
He was warm and hard, pulsing beneath your fingertips. You wrapped your hand around him, feeling the heat radiate off him like an open flame. He gasped softly as you began to stroke him, slowly at first, then faster when he closed his eyes and arched into your touch. The look of pure bliss on his face was enough to make your heart race. In response, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his neck, sucking softly on his flesh. His hands fisted in your hair, holding you close.
"F-fuck, Y/N...w-wait," he grabbed your wrist, halting your actions before burying his face into your neck.
Letting go of you, he sighed allowing his hands to roam down your back, over your hips, until he reached the hem of your hoodie. He pulled it up slowly, revealing your red lace bra beneath.
You gasped at the sudden change in temperature before he lowered his head to suck on your neck, nipping at your skin lightly.
Your heart raced as he undid the clasp, the cool air caressing your warm skin. The bra fell to the floor, leaving your chest bare for his view.
He merely glanced for a moment before drawing his eyes back up to yours, "You're so beautiful."
He trailed his fingers down your side, over the curve of your breast, and cupped it gently in his hand.
"Everything about you...I don't think I'll ever get enough."
Yoongi's breath hitched as you arched into his touch, your nipple hardening under his palm. His thumb circled around the bud, rolling it between his fingers. He dipped his head and took your other nipple into his mouth, sucking softly as you moaned.
The feeling of his lips on your skin sent shivers down your spine, goosebumps rising on your arms. You felt hot and cold all at once, your knees weak.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from his face as he looked up at you, his eyes hooded with lust.
Your gaze dropped to his hand, still massaging your breast even as he slipped it lower.
He used his free hand to hook his fingers into the waistband of your pants and pulled them down slowly, his lips never leaving your skin.
You were left in just your underwear now, your heartbeat pounding against your ribcage.
He swallowed your moan as he finally pulled away, his hand sliding up your thigh. He cupped you through your lacy underwear, gasping at the heat that pooled between your legs.
His fingers danced over your drenched folds, teasing your clit as he peeled your panties down to your ankles. You stepped out of them, your knees shaking ever so slightly. It was like being in a trance, every nerve ending alive and screaming for him.
He slipped his fingers out of your dripping center, holding them up to the light to emphasize the shine of your slick that glistened coated them.
"Taste yourself." He whispered,his lips brushing against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You obeyed, closing your eyes as you leaned forward to taste yourself on his fingers. The salty-sweet flavor was intoxicating, and you swirled your tongue around his digits, feeling him watching your every move.
He groaned, his eyes locked on your mouth, as you slowly licked his fingers clean. The air was thick with anticipation as he continued to watch you.
Grinning, he suddenly dropped down onto his knees before you, kneading his fingers into the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. His eyes never left your face as he positioned himself between your legs.
You could feel his breath on your sensitive skin, the heat of his body radiating towards you as he leaned in closer. His eyes locked with yours, his gaze filled with hunger and desire. You felt your body tremble in anticipation, your breath hitched as you waited for what would come next.
"Yoongi what are you-- oh, fuck!"
The first touch of his tongue made you cry out, your hips jerking forward. It was barely a lick, but it sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your body. He took his time, lapping at your folds, teasing and tasting, his fingers lightly brushing against your clit with each pass of his tongue. You moaned, throwing your head back and giving in to the pleasure.
"Yoongi..." you breathed, your voice hoarse. His name was a plea and a command all in one. He chuckled softly, the vibration sending waves of delight through you. With one hand still teasing your entrance, he used the other to spread your folds, exposing you to his hungry gaze. And then he dove in, tongue circling your entrance, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves within. Your walls clenched around his tongue, begging for more.
"Please," you whimpered, reaching down to tangle your fingers in his hair. He hummed in agreement, pushing deeper, his nose brushing against your entrance as he lapped at it. You squirmed underneath him, your hips bucking against his face as you tried to get closer.
The taste of you, sweet and tangy and salty, filled his mouth. He lapped at you greedily, groaning around your folds as he tried to get as much of you as he could. Your moans and gasps echoed in the room, mingling with lewd sounds Yoongi was making as he lapped at your core.
With one hand still gripping his hair, you arched your back and cried out as he continued to lick and suck on your sensitive spots. Your hips rocked wildly, grinding against his face as he drove you closer and closer to orgasm.
His growls and moans were music to your ears, fueling your desire and making your heart race. You could feel the heat building deep within you, and you knew that it was only a matter of time before you reached your peak.
Yoongi is relentless, his tongue never slowing down as he continued to pleasure you. You threw your head back, your eyes screwed shut as you prepared for the moment of pure bliss.
"Yoongi, fuck I-I'm so close." you whimpered, begging for release from the pleasure building inside of you.
He chuckled slightly against your folds, loving the way you squirmed beneath him. With one hand, he spread your legs wider, giving himself better access. His mouth closed around your clit as he lapped up every drop of your arousal.
As he worked you up into a frenzy, you begged him not to stop, pleading for release, your hips bucking wildly against his mouth.
Yoongi loved the raw hunger in your voice, the way you trembled and squirmed under his expert ministrations.
His talented tongue was working wonders on you, and you began to feel familiar knot begin to build in the pit of your stomach.
You were close, so close.
"Yoongi, I-I'm gonna-- shit!"
And when you came, it was everything he'd hoped for—a scream torn from your throat as you shook and spasmed beneath him, your wet heat coating his face. Your walls clenched around his fingers as he continued to feast on your cunt, drinking in every last drop of your sweet nectar.
Finally satiated, he lifted his head, dragging his tongue over her swollen nub lazily and you flinched from over stimulation before making his way back up to meet your eyes, holding you close to keep you from falling off balance, "You taste so good."
You smiled, cupping his cheeks in your hands, "Take me to your bedroom."
Nodding, he gently lifted you into his arms, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, as he carried you towards the bedroom. His eyes remained locked with yours, brimming with longing and urgency. The sensation of your body against his, the touch of your velvety skin, and the warmth of your breath on his neck overwhelmed him, stirring a powerful desire within him.
"I want you so bad," he whispered, his voice ragged.
You rested your head on his shoulder as he carried you, "I want you too," you breathed, your heart pounding against his chest in time with his own, "more than anything."
Yoongi stumbles through the hallway, holding onto you firmly but not too tightly, his steps becoming more and more certain as he gets closer to his bedroom. He kicks the door open with his foot, almost losing his balance but managing to regain it just in time.
The room is dimly lit, with only a small desk lamp on, casting shadows across the walls and the floor. He slowly lowers himself onto the bed, cradling you in his arms as you lay your head on his chest.
To him, you hair smells like vanilla and you feel soft against his rough skin. His heart beats fast in anticipation as he looks down at you, taking in the way your eyes flutter closed and your breathing deepens as you lean into him. "Yoongi..." you whisper before trailing off, your voice barely audible even to herself.
With a sudden burst of energy, he pulls you closer, rolling so that you're on top of him and he's beneath you, your exposed cunt pressing roughly against his clothed cock.
Your hips grind together, and he groans at the feeling.
His hands trail up your sides, tracing the outline of your ribs before cupping your breasts. You gasp, your nipples hardening beneath his touch. He dips his head to capture one in his mouth, sucking gently as he groans against your skin. It tastes sweet and salty and intoxicating.
You look at him, a wry smile etched into your features as you press a chaste kiss to his lips, "Let me make you feel good,"
You slide off his waste slowly before kissing your way down his chest, tracing your fingers along his abs, along the thin trail of hair that leads from his lower abdomen to the waistband of his pants before finally reaching for the obvious tenting in his pants, palming him through his jeans.
He groans slightly, his breath hitched as your fingers brush against the evidence of his arousal. You smile without looking up, knowing the effect you're having on him.
Without any further hesitation, you unbuckled the belt of Yoongi's jeans and slid them down, his length straining painfully against his boxers.
With a smirk, you teased Yoongi by running your fingers over his underwear-clad dick through the fabric, feeling it twitch and throb.
Yoongi let out a low groan as he felt your soft hands stroking him through his boxers.
Taking a deep breath, you pulled his cock out, freeing it from its confines. Your eyes widened as you looked down at the jutting length of his dick in your hands. It was thick and veiny, standing tall against your palms.
You ran your thumb over the head, gathering the precum that had formed there before leaning down and wrapping your mouth around the tip, forcing a strained moan out of Yoongi as he quickly threaded his fingers through your hair.
"H-holy shit, Y/N, that feels so-- fuck."
The taste of Yoongi instantly filled your senses as you explored him with your tongue, circling the head and teasing his slit. The hand on your head gently began guiding you as you started to take more of him into your mouth.
Each bob of your head made a wet, sloppy noise as you sucked him off, taking more and more of him each time.
You could taste the pre-cum on the tip, and you couldn't wait to swallow it all down. As your mouth sank further down onto his cock, you let your lips brush against Yoongi's shaft and listened to the slapping noise as your wet mouth engulfed him.
You could feel the vein pulsing on top, and the smell of his arousal filled your nostrils.
You looked up at him, eyes meeting Yoongi's, and he thought about how damn attractive you looked with your cheeks hollowed out and lips red from around his dick.
With a soft moan, you leaned forward and swallowed him down, taking him to the base of his throat. You slowly started moving up and down, taking him in and out of your mouth, licking and sucking at the same time.
You could feel his hands gripping into your scalp, holding him tightly as you deepthroated him. The room fell silent, only the sounds of your tongue lapping at his cock and the wet, sucking noises could be heard.
Before you could take him deeper and swallow around him again, he grabbed your hair, roughly pulling you off of his dick.
You looked at him, confused, waiting for him to speak his mind.
"Not yet," he panted, his eyes wild and focused on your lips. "I need to be inside you."
He stood up, and you could see the strain in his muscles as he struggled to control himself.
"What are you waiting for, Yoongi?" you teased, your eyes never leaving his.
He let out a shaky breath, and you could see the hunger in his eyes. With trembling hands, he leaned down, fully removing his jeans.
Yoongi's breath hitched in his throat as he took a step closer to you, positioning himself between your legs.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he bent down, his eyes locked onto your own, filled with lust.
Your heart raced as he gently pulled your hips off the bed, lifting you up and guiding you towards the edge.
His hands trembled slightly as he positioned himself at your entrance, the tip of his cock teasing your wetness as he slowly began to press inside you.
You gasped as he entered you, feeling him stretch you open.
His eyes locked onto yours, his breath hitched as you clenched around him, pulling him in deeper.
"Fuck, Y/N," he whispered, his voice ragged with desire.
Slowly, he began to move, his hips rocking gently against yours as he thrust inside you. Your hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping tightly as your eyes met his, lost in the intensity of the moment.
With each thrust, you both let out soft moans, the sounds mingling with the wet slap of skin against skin. It felt like a million different sensations all at once - the warmth of his body pressed against yours, the friction of his dick sliding in and out of you, the pulsing veins of his cock, and the way his lips brushed against yours as he kissed you.
Your hips began to meet his thrusts, rising up to meet him as he fucked you, his eyes never leaving yours. It was as if he was searching for something in the depths of your soul, and you were right there with him, searching for the same thing.
"Y-Yoongi, please," You whimpered, silently begging him to move faster.
Suddenly, as if a light switch went off he gritted his teeth and growled, beginning to thrust roughly into you, filling you with each and every inch of his length.
You moaned loudly beneath him, nails digging into his back as he took you like he owned you, his hips slapping against yours in a primal rhythm that echoed in the small room.
“F-fuck, Yoongi!” You mewl, arching your back.
His breathing was ragged as he looked down at you, his gaze dark and intense. “That’s right baby girl, take my cock. Take it all.” He pulled out slightly before slamming back in, feeling yours walls clench around him, loving the sensation.
He could feel the intensity building inside of him, the need to release slowly beginning to build inside of him.
"Fuck, Y/N," he groaned, his voice rough and demanding. "You feel so good." He slid one of his hands between your bodies, teasing your clit as he continued to pound into you.
"O-oh my god, Yoongi, I-I'm so close..."
He loved hearing you moan his name. It fueled his desire, made him lose control even more.
He grabbed your hair with his free hand and pulled your head back, exposing your neck to him, leaving a trail of kisses and bites down your shoulder and collarbone as you moved together.
"Yoongi, please," you pleaded, your voice quivering.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him to go deeper. The way he touched you, possessed you, owned you...it was unlike anything you had ever felt before.
His rough hands on your skin made you shiver, and you could feel the heat between the two of you growing more intense with every passing second.
His hips snapped forward, his cock hitting your G-spot just right, and you cried out, your body shaking. "Yes," you moaned, your whole body tingling. "Right there. Oh fuck, right there!" You arched your back, meeting his movements, your nails digging into his skin as you felt a familiar coil began form inside of you.
"F-fuck, Yoongi, I'm so close, please!"
"Yeah? You gonna cum all over my cock, princess?"
You could no longer form any words, simply responding with a strained moan.
"Beg for it."
Your eyes locked with his, pleading for the release you both craved. "Please," you whimpered, your voice barely audible. "I need you to make me cum, Yoongi, Please!"
Yoongi's face was a mix of pleasure and dominance as he watched you lose control. He thrust faster, harder, swallowing your moans among his own as they filled the room.
"Good girl," he growled, his eyes locked onto yours.
At the sound of those words, something within you snapped. You wanted him more than you had ever wanted anything in your life.
The air was thick with the scent of sex and desire as you both surrendered to the intensity of the moment.
You suddenly felt the pressure building, the heat between you two intensifying. Your body began to shake uncontrollably as you felt the orgasm you had been craving for so long finally taking over.
"Oh fuck, Yoongi, I'm-- shit!" you screamed, your voice echoing through the room.
Yoongi watched, his eyes filled with satisfaction, as you exploded around his cock. Your nails dug deeper into his skin, and he felt you tighten around him like a vice.
Feeling your walls clenching around his cock, it sent him over the edge as well. He moaned your name as he came inside you, his body shaking violently as he emptied himself inside you.
Your bodies kept moving, pulsing together as the wave of orgasm continued to wash over you both.
As the intensity subsides, Yoongi's weakened legs give way and he collapses against you, his chest pressed against yours, both of you breathless and covered in perspiration, utterly spent.
Gradually, as your breathing steadies, you attempt to shift and free yourself from underneath him. However, Yoongi swiftly wraps an arm around your waist, refusing to let you go, holding you close against him as he turns you both so that you're facing each other on your sides.
Yoongi's eyes met yours, filled with a mixture of lust, love, and something deeper - a connection that went beyond the physical. His fingers gently traced the curves of your face, his lips brushing against yours in a soft, lingering kiss.
You could feel the heat and energy from his body pulsating through you, and the aftershocks of your orgasm still reverberating within you. The intensity of the moment had left you both breathless, and yet there was a sense of peace that enveloped you as you lay there, entwined with one another.
Without saying a word, Yoongi tenderly lifted your chin, his eyes locking onto yours, and he spoke into the silence, his voice hoarse with emotion.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Yoongi."
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jjkeverlast · 11 months
hello beautiful baby !!! can i request a drabble w some bday sex for the reader 👀🫶🏻 reader is absolutely stupidly infatuated with his hips and waist and cherishes them with kisses 😭 anything else is down to you !!! 🩷🫶🏻
baby, come here | jjk (m)
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<> pairing jungkook x fem!reader
<> genre/au's est. relationship | birthday!au | smut smut smut
<> summary jungkook surprises you with something special for your birthday...
<> word count 4.1k 😼
<> warnings they're both switches | fingering | grinding | handjob | cowgirl | jungkook touches reader’s rim | lots of kisses | jungkook has his iconic long hair | reader rides his thighs and abs | lots of worshipping | cute nicknames like angel & baby 🥺 | soft koo | fluffy & slow sex | reader worships jungkook the most | they're so in love you might puke | ft. co-worker jimin
<> author's note hi sav!! i hope you enjoy this filth hehe, thank u for re-sending the request after my ass was stupid enough to delete it 😭 jsfhksjfh and early happy bday from me!! take this as a gift hehe, thank u for requesting pretty ♡
[keep in mind i do not do taglists for requests <3 thank you!]
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baby🥺: i have a surprise for you when you get home 
you: oh? 
you: i’m guessing this is a birthday surprise? 
baby🥺: don’t ruin it babe!! 
baby🥺: just get home before i change my mind 🙄
you: you wouldn’t 
baby🥺: wanna bet? 
You roll your eyes, wanting to grin because you know he’s not serious. Jungkook should know better, you almost know him better than he does himself — one of the perks of dating for five years. 
It had been a good day so far, your colleagues had greeted you with balloons when you entered your office early in the morning, cheering a loud “Happy Birthday!” when they caught a glimpse of you. 
Birthdays were never that important for you, but it did warm your heart that all of your colleagues took the time of their day to surprise you and celebrate you so loudly. You found out later how it was all Jimin’s idea, creating a whole group chat to make sure everyone was in on the idea. 
Everything worked out in the end. The smile on your face didn’t fade once, too overwhelmed by a huge amount of happiness. 
It was the end of the day when Jungkook decided to text you. He was still sleeping when you were getting dressed for work, and knowing you’ll be seeing him later you didn’t bother, instead admiring his soft snores and his long hair messily laying on the pillow. 
“Any exciting plans for tonight?” Jimin peaked inside your office, wearing a grin when you shut your phone off, too busy giggling over what Jungkook has planned for you. 
Jimin rolled his eyes at your attempt to be mysterious. “Save it, I know Jungkook probably has something planned.” 
“You’re on the right track.” 
“He probably put his dick in a present box.” Jimin jokes, earning your mouth to drop, a scoff escaping your parted lips. 
He brings his hands up in a surrendering motion. “I’ll shut up.” 
“Thank you. Well, I’m about to head out.” You begin to log off on your computer, grabbing your bag while Jimin watches you with a careful gaze. 
“I’ll see you on Monday.” He says before leaving your office door, returning back to his own.
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“Jungkook?” You call out when you enter your shared apartment, the lights being completely off. 
There’s no response, and even though he told you earlier over text that he had planned a surprise, you begin to worry. Subtly, you begin to walk inside, fetching for a light until someone grabs you by the waist. 
“Happy birthday, baby.” Jungkook whispers, pulling you forward so both your chests collide. It’s then you realize he’s not wearing a shirt, his skin feeling soft and delicate under your fingertips. With no second thought, your hands begin to roam on his arms, squeezing at his muscles. 
“Thank you.” You respond softly, pulling Jungkook down for a soft and tender kiss. He gently wraps his arms around you, clutching himself tight as he indulges into your lips. 
“Mmm, you want your surprise?” Jungkook says against your lips, and you nod before he completely lets go and guides you towards your shared bedroom. 
There’s a small box on the covers, next to a bouquet of tulips, your favorites. 
“Koo… this is—“ You pick them up carefully, admiration and love soaring through your veins as you trace your fingers over the purple petals. 
Jungkook keeps his eyes on you, determined to not miss out on any reaction from you. He can tell you’re content with the flowers, after all he went to a specific flower shop outside of town, certain that the tulips you commented on a few months ago were still available. 
“Thank you. I love you.” You bring your hand forward, caressing his cheek as tears begin to form in the corner of your eyelids. 
When you had first met Jungkook, you never expected to be here today, five years later in a shared apartment, in love and filled with utmost happiness. It feels like a dream, which is pretty cliche to say, but it feels this way because how come everything is just right with Jungkook and you? 
“Open the box.” Jungkook grins, holding himself back from doing his tiny jumps when he’s excited. 
“Okay, okay!” You begin to laugh yourself, grabbing onto the white box. 
The box clicks open and your mouth drops. It’s a necklace, with a bunny accessory hanging by the end. 
“You didn’t.” 
“Hey! You’re the one who constantly refers to me as a bunny, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and make this a reality!” God, he’s such an idiot, and you’re completely head over heels in love with him. Fucking Jeon Jungkook and that darn smile.
“I can’t believe you.” You take the necklace out of the purple cushion, holding it up in the air as you study the details. 
“Can I?” You hum out a yes, letting Jungkook reach for it as you turn, exposing the nape of your neck. 
The metal feels cold against your skin for a second when Jungkook puts it around you, ending it with a simple click. You hold tightly onto the bunny ears, turning back around to look at your boyfriend. 
“I love it.” Jungkook sighs with a smile, pulling you once again in for a kiss. Instead of it being a simple peck, you wrap your arms around his neck, letting your lips move in an identical tempo. 
Kissing Jungkook always feels new. It feels as if you’re still on that second date when he took the courage to kiss you goodnight at your doorstep. The same butterflies are settled into the pit of your stomach. It really feels like yesterday you started dating, but no, it’s been five fucking years. Five years with this silly boy who’s shown you what love truly can be about. 
“Baby.” Jungkook mumbles, tilting your face as he plunges forward on your neck, pressing his soft lips. The wet open kisses make you grow hot, needy and fuck, was Jimin right? Because surely, this is leading to sex and you don’t want to stop. 
Also, he’s shirtless which doesn’t really help either because fuck how can he look this good? Abs and built bodies never truly impressed you, but there’s something about how Jungkook carries it proudly, yet subtly. He’s aware he’s hot but he doesn’t show it off and wow, you’re so lucky you get to have him this way. 
You pull his face upwards, kissing him again, wanting to taste more of him. Gently, you grab onto the strands of his long hair, fiddling with them as he bites your lip in response. The kiss is soft yet rough, both of you pulling on each other to get closer while your tongues dangle softly in between. 
“Wanna show you how much I love you.” Jungkook mumbles against your lips. 
It doesn’t take a genius to guess what he means and he’s in luck, cause fuck — you really want him. You clutch yourself tighter to him, continuing to kiss him with adoration and love. Jungkook keeps his hold tight, hands drowning further behind your back and onto your ass. He grabs onto it, making you gasp before it’s engulfed by his tongue. 
Jungkook takes a step backwards, letting himself sit down on the edge of the bed, while you still stand upright. Your hands roam on his shoulders while his clutch beneath your ass, pulling you down on his lap. 
Even though you love kissing Jungkook, there’s something about kissing his neck and collarbones. Showing admiration to every part of your boyfriend is one of your favorite things. So you do exactly that, tilting his head upwards while your tongue and lips trail further down. His collarbones are defined and you kiss the prominent edges. Every detail of Jungkook is beautiful. 
“I love your collarbones.” You admit in the open while sucking on the skin, leaving a small mark. Jungkook sighs, keeping his hands roaming on your ass, grabbing it when he feels you bite down. 
You don’t respond, instead you pull your hands downwards on his abs that tense beneath your touch. Fuck. It’s no secret that you’ve wanted to kiss and touch every part of Jungkook— maybe even ride his thigh and especially his abs. There’s something exciting about feeling the muscles beneath your exposed core as you mark him with your slick. 
Although, you’ve never gained the full courage to do so. It’s not because of judgment, Jungkook would never judge you. Which also explains how the sex between you is that good. It’s a free space to try out new things and feel comfortable with one another, but this was a fantasy and you weren’t mad that it’ll continue to be that. 
To distract yourself from those thoughts, you focus on Jungkook hardening beneath you. You feel the excitement grow in your gut, grinding shamelessly down on him, making him hiss. 
“Fuck.” Jungkook mumbles, tracing his hand on your face while he smiles down at you. His thumb begins to trail on your lips, feeling the soft edges before he pops it inside your mouth. You suck with zero hesitation. Jungkook’s mouth is agape, in awe of how your mouth feels warm around it. 
Whenever you had sex there was never truly a routine. It was always natural, both of you giving in to showing how much you adored and loved each other. No matter how rough, or soft the sex was. There was always a balance. 
Jungkook retracts his thumb, reaching for the zipper of your pants and pulling them down enough to reach down to your clit. His slicked thumb starts rubbing it carelessly, pressing down while rolling it around in circles. You buck your hips into his hand, making him chuckle due to you becoming so quickly desperate for him. He knew how much you loved his touches, and especially when he reached downwards, teasing you on your most sensitive parts. 
“J-Jungkook, ah fuck!” You let out when he gently pinches your clit between his thumb and index finger, while two of his fingers rubbed themselves in between your lips, collecting the wetness that grew with every touch of his. Fuck, Jungkook loved feeling how soaked you got because of him. 
Feeling too overwhelmed by the feeling, you decide to return the favor, grabbing onto his clothed cock that’s fully hard beneath his sweatpants. He feels heavy in your palm as you grope him, while squeezing the tip by the edges. Jungkook seems to really enjoy your hands, when he chooses to pull his pants down, revealing it. He doesn’t ever stop touching you, you feel how his fingertips curve around your hole, teasing around it even though you need them in you. So to play it fair, you hop on the teasing train and give it back. When Jungkook realizes how you don’t exactly touch him as he expected, he pulls a frown on his face. 
“What?” You hold back a smile, biting on your bottom lip. 
“Don’t do that.” His frown remains, eyes dropped down to the sight of your fingers caressing the soft skin of his cock. You don’t say something at first, letting him wonder for a little longer why you’re suddenly pulling that card right now. 
“Then stop teasing me.” You whisper in his ear, biting down on his earlobe before your mouth runs down to the tiny mole on his neck. You kiss it gently, feeling Jungkook take a deep breath by how his chest moves forward. 
“I’m not. I’m just—“ Jungkook pauses, waiting for you to look at him instead of smothering with small kisses. When you finally do, you quirk an eyebrow. 
“You’re just?” 
“I’m just taking my time, angel.” 
Angel. A nickname Jungkook picked up on quickly after you started dating. He tells you it just simply fits you, but you know deep down it’s because he loves your little angel wings tattoo on your rib cage. 
“But I need your—“ You gasp when Jungkook pushes both of his fingers inside of you with no warning. He catches you completely off guard, smirking when he notices how your eyes are closed, immersed by the feeling of being full. 
“You were saying?” He teases you now, latching his lips on your shoulder. 
You aren’t keen on answering him, instead you push yourself up and down on his fingers, fucking yourself on them. 
“S-shit.” Jungkook says, in surprise of how dirty you are, as you don’t even hesitate to chase an orgasm, by simply having his fingers inside of you. While you’re enjoying the feeling of his fingers, you’re tempted to have his tongue on you as well. Letting your thoughts aside, you finally stroke him as he wishes, noticing how the tip is already wet. Somehow you find a synchronized tempo, your hand stroking him with your every movement in your hips. Jungkook groans against your shoulder, his tongue moving on your exposed skin, letting you feel how wet it is. 
“Hold on.” You stop abruptly, too impatient, so you remove yourself from his lap to stand and remove your clothing as quickly as possible. Jungkook’s eyes pop open when he sees your naked form, so focused on how beautiful you look that he forgets to take his own off. 
“Come on, wanna see you.” You encourage him, standing in between his legs. 
Jungkook gulps down, biting his lip before grabbing the waistband of the sweatpants along with his boxers. When everything is off, you’re exposed to his tattoos that adorn his thigh. Jungkook had gotten them all in one night while he was drunk, wanting to be able to endure the pain even though he secretly had a pain kink. The tattoos are so random, but very Jungkook. 
You reach forward, tracing your fingers on the details of the three black stars accompanied by two gaming consoles. Till this day you still don’t understand why he picked those as tattoos, but he was always impulsive when it came to anything but his sleeve. 
The sleeve was something he worked on for a long time, finding different designs and how they could connect all together and hang in a harmony. You remember how you watched it day by day become the sleeve you’re met with today. The memory of sitting down next to him when he got his first tattoo, is clear as a day. 
Jungkook tries to get your attention again, noticing you spacing off as you admire his tattoos. “What are you thinking?” The question is simple, but fuck the answer isn’t. You’ve seen and heard about thigh riding and how it somehow manages to stimulate the clit. You’ve never tried it. Yes, you and Jungkook were open and honest about whatever you wanted to experiment, which explains how you’ve done almost anything, but minor things weren’t really spoken about. Fantasies were meant to be kept as those simple wishes that are never meant to be made into life, but somehow you wanted to risk a bit today. It is your birthday after all, and you really want to have his thigh under you while you ride. 
“I wanna…” You start, positioning yourself on top of his thigh without a question, testing the waters a bit to see his reaction. Jungkook’s eyebrows raise at your chosen position, awaiting for you to finish. You move closer, pecking his lips softly before murmuring. “Wanna ride your thigh.” 
Jungkook stays quiet, which causes you to worry, until he moves backwards, lifting his thigh a bit, causing your core to graze the skin. “Yeah?” Jungkook glances at you, his lips curving into a somewhat smile. 
“Mhm.” You hum in agreement, grabbing the nape of his neck to kiss him again. Both of your knees rest on the comforters, while you slowly begin to find a pace. Jungkook can feel how wet you are whenever your core moves back and forth on it. He wants to look down, to see his tattoos covered in your slick and see them glisten. Instead, he lets you experiment, while holding his hand on your back to guide you. 
You never stop kissing each other, groping and gripping on whatever you can get your hands off, as you begin to pick up another pace. Jungkook starts to tense under you, the edges of his muscles becoming more prominent as you feel your clit rub against it. It feels different but good. 
Even though you’re fully focused on the new sensation, you don’t miss out on stroking your boyfriend who’s watching you with pleased eyes by this new sight. You’re not sure if he’s been wanting to try this too or if it’s only you — by the looks of it Jungkook seems to be getting even more turned on than earlier watching you do this. 
Jungkook doesn’t even know where to look. He wants to watch your hand stroke him, he wants to watch your expressions as you move your hips back and forth and of course, the tattoos covered in your wetness. 
You’re in too much pleasure to even have your eyes open. Therefore you settle on resting your head in the corner of Jungkook’s neck. 
“Feel good, angel?” Jungkook pants out, starting to feel his own orgasm emerge with each stroke. 
“Y-yeah—“ You can barely form it into words, aiming for that orgasm you’ve been wanting since Jungkook decided to tease you earlier. You really fucking need this. 
It’s there, in the pit of your stomach, about to pull the final string when Jungkook forces you to stop. His hand feels warm against your lower region, while he’s trying to catch his breath himself. 
“I don’t want to come like this. Wanna fuck you.” Your hand retrieves from his cock, letting out short breaths while you try your best to remain calm over being interrupted in the middle of an upcoming orgasm. Jungkook can easily tell you were close, he could hear how your moans suddenly turned strained and how your fingers were tightening their hold on him. But, fuck, he really didn’t want to come like this. He wants to feel you, stretch you out as you engulf him. So, he’ll do just that. 
“Baby, come here.” Jungkook murmurs, pulling you forward to plant a soft kiss on your temple. Now he’s trying to smother you with kisses, and you giggle softly at the tickling sensation when he starts rubbing his nose on the apple of your cheek. 
“I love you.” You remind him again, never being tired of catching that tiny sparkle emitting in his eyes when he hears it. 
“I love you.” Jungkook repeats, while you push him down on his back. The long hair spreads out on the white sheets, curling around while he tucks it back with both hands. There’s something extremely hot about Jungkook’s new length of hair, because it’s new. 
Your hands fiddle with the curled hair, while you prop your wet core on his cock, grinding back and forth on it. Jungkook moves his head upwards, his lips biting down on your bottom lip while he groans. His hips move upwards, showing desperation to get you inside and frankly you can’t really wait either. So, you move downwards, kissing his stomach and sucking down on the mole by his rib cage. 
“So pretty.” You mumble on his skin, showing love to his tummy and tiny waist. He whines at the contact and how you worship every part of him. 
“I love every part of you, Koo.” You admit, settling upwards to push yourself down on him. Jungkook nibbles on his lip ring, blushing at your comment. 
“I’m so lucky to have you, angel.” Your body grows hot, the love soaring through your veins before you ease yourself down, letting it stretch you open. Both of your mouths fall agape with a moan when his cock is finally buried inside. 
“C-come here, fuck.” Jungkook pleads, grabbing your back with both hands so your chests collide. His skin feels warm and soft against yours, sweat beginning to accumulate with each thrust from your side. The movements are slow yet rough, Jungkook’s grip never stops being tight on your body. He seems overwhelmed by everything, his eyes watching you all while you buck your hips. 
“Shit—“ He lets out, his hand trailing up to your nape, holding it while your lips glide over his. 
“Mhm.” You begin to quicken the pace, wanting to come. Jungkook feels you clench with every thrust, sending him into an orbit of pleasure. 
You lean your forehead on his, catching your eyes trailing down to his abs and the view of his cock disappearing inside of you. 
The fantasy of riding his abs keeps coming back at you, the urge climbing higher when they tense with every movement. 
Somehow Jungkook can sense you’re thinking about something, noticing the frown while you’re solemnly focused on his abs. 
“Hey, you okay?” Your eyes move back to his, nodding yet Jungkook isn’t convinced. “Tell me.” He breathes out, wanting to know but fuck, he can’t even fully concentrate when you feel so warm and wet. 
“It’s nothing—“ You moan again, his cock almost fully out before you place yourself back down. You’re certain he won’t ask again, so you go back, riding him fully. 
Jungkook grabs ahold of your waist, moving his hand from your nape to your jaw. “Baby, it’s your birthday. Wanna give you everything. Just— ah! Tell me.” Jungkook once again bites down on his lip, a groan escaping due to the feeling of you around him. 
“J-just… wanna ride your abs.” Honesty is something you both have been really good at. If something’s bothering either one of you, you express it. 
“F-fuck.” Jungkook’s cock twitches at your words and you’re surprised that he’s even more turned on after you admitted one of your fantasies. 
You don’t really know what to say, instead you go back to chasing an orgasm for you both. You haven’t even thrusted once and Jungkook stops you. “I want you to.” 
“Are you sure—“
Jungkook pecks your lips, “yes.” 
Therefore, you pull yourself out, moving upwards to face his abs. You keep your eyes locked on Jungkook’s, to make sure he wants this. After all, this is brand new territory for you both. 
Without thinking too much, you prop yourself down, your core being able to feel the prominent details of Jungkook’s tensed abs. 
“Fuck—“ You whine, shamelessly picking up your earlier movements and fucking yourself on them. Jungkook grabs a hold of his cock, jerking it off behind you. The slick sounds are loud with every stroke. 
Jungkook takes you by surprise when his thumb traces in circles around your rim. “J-Jungkook.” It almost sounds like a warning, but it’s rather a surprising shock. You kind of didn’t expect for him to touch you there, not that you don’t mind. 
It only increases the pleasure for you, as you continue with no care in the world. Fuck, why didn’t you do this before? 
“That’s it angel.” Jungkook says, caressing the edges of your rim, while watching you in complete awe. There’s just something about you loving every part of him that you want to do more than just simply touch it. When you had first expressed the idea, Jungkook already found himself imagining the scenery, which caused his cock to twitch. 
When he’s watching the actual scene, he can’t even describe what he’s seeing. Fuck, you’re so beautiful, sweat accumulating on your shoulders and breasts, mouth agape letting the sweet sound of your moans roam the room freely. 
Whenever Jungkook tenses his abs beneath you, it meets your clit, the friction being completely different from anything you’ve felt before. It also explains how you’re not even a few seconds from coming. Your pants turn shorter, your body twitching slightly as the orgasm is closer to the edge. 
“Come on baby, wanna see you come.” Jungkook expresses, close as well, his cock about to give in but not before he sees you cover his abs with cum. 
“Mhm— fuck.” That’s all you needed for the band to snap, your body returning to normal after dragged itself one more time. While you’re trying to catch your breath again, Jungkook lets out a loud whine followed by a gasp when he finishes right behind you, all over his hand. 
“Holy shit.” Jungkook says, giggling shortly right after, still in shock of what just happened. 
“Yeah.” You agree, moving down to lay down next to him. Your hands begin to caress his cheeks while you both just lay in silence. 
“Happy birthday, bub.” Jungkook finishes it off with a small but heartfelt kiss to your lips.
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© jjkeverlast 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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beaniegaebie · 2 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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ghostgirl101 · 1 year
Can we get some headcanons of Jeff t.K. in a relationship? ^^
Dating Jeff The Killer Would Be Like This:
A/N: Well, this is a long overdue request, hope the wait was worth it 🙃 I’m going to be waiting for you all at least twice a week from now on, and there are a few spaces left for requests if you want to get yours in for Jeff and others now if you're interested 🔪 This is the original creepypasta Jeff, but I could try writing for David Near's version too if anyone's wondering... enjoy.
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🔪• Well damn, there's a lot to include for this crazy son of a biatch, so get ready-
🔪• It's an uncomfortable night, the skies outside pitch black, stars clouded over and your curtains ruffling as you glare tiredly at the ceiling, wishing for sleep to overtake you. But there's just something that's keeping you half-aware, something that makes you toss and turn for a while, eyeing the window with a furrow of your brows. It's almost like someone's watching your every move. You just can't see them.
🔪• Until that whispering, hoarse voice pierces through the still silence from behind your curtains, making your eyes widen in horror at the sadistic chuckling that only gets nearer as you will your body to move from its frozen position.
🔪• The tip of his blade skims across the skin off your face before you can make out his own, pale and deathly and twisted with a nasty, deeply cut grin etched up his cheeks. His cold blue eyes linger over your features, and it’s a frustrating and vulnerable feeling knowing that can read you a lot better than you can him. It’s a tense few moments when all you feel is the end of the sharp dagger trace just light enough down a cheek and your lips, resting there for a second, as if he’s thinking.
🔪• Jeff doesn’t keep you alive just because you’re you - he doesn’t know who you are, or why you look, in his eyes, almost as beautiful as he does. But it makes him curious and confused, something he’s not used to and doesn’t particularly like at first. So with a scoff, the knife is suddenly snatched away, replaced with his face right down next to yours, with a “go to sleep~” and sudden darkness.
🔪• It’s a wonder to you when you wake up the next morning unharmed. It’s unheard of for the infamous killer to let his victims go, but after that night, it’s clear to you that what you experienced wasn’t some sort of weird nightmare. You feel eyes on you almost every minute of the day, footsteps that aren’t your own following you when you’re by yourself, shadows in the hall that turned out to be nothing…
🔪• The only times Jeff will make his appearances where you can actually see and talk to him is at night. At first, it's kind of to see how you'll react - scared and screaming panicking like the others, or oddly curious and mildly apprehensive - if you show the latter, he'll definitely be caught if guard, because he's used to the screaming and crying. But even if you do panic and start some weird chase scene around your house, Jeff seems to find it amusing, until he's had enough and corners you, hissing in your ear, "would you calm the hell down doll, you don't wanna wake the whole damn street, now do you?"
🔪• And you're like yes?!?? Because a scarred maniac is in my room and getting blood stains over my non-washable flooring??! Or maybe that's just me
🔪• This boy can be an absolute mystery to anyone who manages to survive him, because they never really figure out the solid reason why, or his whole backstory, his intentions, etc. All they know is that he's a killer who preys on young people at the night and disappears in the morning. Some survive him because they're interesting for a while, and die when they're not anymore. Some remind him of his past self, and on a bad day, he remembers how much he hates that and gets rid of them too. Some are just to play around with. And then there's you.
🔪• Jeff doesn't give you much of a reason either when you question his motives, because at first, he can't even be sure of why he's ket you around. Is it because you're pretty? Somehow different from his other victims? It's not because he's gone soft. The whole thought process ends up frustrating him, so he'll storm out the window to be alone and try taking his mind off it by going after some whiny targets. But still, he keeps thinking about the question, about you, watching him in some kind of awe and confusion. Why do you care? Why does he care?!
🔪• This whole thing is not some fast-paced cliche love story where everything's sappy and sweet and he'll kill everyone but you. He's still the infamous Jeff The Killer. But that doesn't mean he isn't a little soft for you. Just don't point it out, or he gets flustered and defensive.
🔪• At one point, he wanted to just kidnap you and have you with him all the time, but you had to put your foot down and promise to stick around every night for him to come and go as he pleases, which calmed him down. Because, yeah, that's not happening Jeff, calm yourselffff
🔪• It ends up being him popping in almost every night, with you learning to keep your windows open so you don’t have to keep on replacing the forced-in smashed glass. And even when he visits, it takes time for him to reveal himself, little by little, until you can make out all the rough burns and dried blood that blemish practically every inch of his skin. It's not that he's all insecure - he thinks he’s beautiful most days, and he’s not trying to make you feel less scared by his appearance, because him being the jackass that he is, finds jump scaring you funny.
🔪• But he can have bad days, days where he can't stop thinking about his brother and parents and all that made him who he is, and when that happens, he either bearly says anything and sulks with his knives in the corner of your room, and pretty much lets you do anything. Like, you could end up playing and studying his knives - he watches apprehensively at first, all ready for you to try to stab him in the back - but after time goes by and you've given up questioning yourself as to why you're letting a cold-blooded murderer hang out with you almost every night in your room, he sees that you're not trying to defend yourself in those extreme measures, so kind of lets you do your thing.
🔪• It's nice for him to have the company, too, and he enjoys the small conversations he has with you: the nosy, lucky, pretty little survivor who asks too many questions about him and has a smile that's almost as good as his. Him being him offers to carve one in, and still jokingly tries to while you fight him off with a string of curses. He can be really annoying when he wants to, because he finds your reactions cute. If, on the extremely rare occasions, you happen to see him before it goes dark, doing your homework or something, he'll try drawing on the paper or mucking around with your stuff to distract you. If you're watching something, he'll spoil the ending or give a stupid running commentary. If you annoy him back by any means you can, Jeff gets all pouty and frustrated, but it's also sort of endearing to him??
🔪• So he'll be all "are you freaking stupid, or just suicidal, antagonising a serial killer?!" but he can't help scoffing at you in some form of fondness that he hasn't even realised has been growing in him
🔪• When he ultimately realises that hey! you're stalking and killing the bullies of and are increasingly obsessing over this person, it takes him a bit of time to process. He might not show up on that night, wanting to get his thoughts straight, leaving you very confused, but Jeff does show up the next night wanting you to shut up and sit down and listen to him, because he doesn't want to make this any weirder than it feels for him. You'll hardly understand what he's getting at when he spurts out how you're different and he doesn't really believe in fate but something feels right and every Clyde needs his Bonnie and random crap like that 😂
🔪• You'll have to cut him off with a "so are you asking me out?" and he's like "well... yeah, duh. Don't even think about saying no, because you're not getting rid of me, even if you want to, alright?!?" You can tell he's uncharacteristically nervous. So when you've assessed the situation and see that there's no more harm than there already has been to saying yes, there's an unreadable look of shock and something more in his stony eyes. Then his grin is back, and he's annoying you again by whirling you around in the air and stuff, and boom! You're never getting rid of the maniac. He's yours. Congratulations.
🔪• I'm gonna be honest with you; dating Jeff The Killer is definitely not the easiest mountain you chose to climb, but at the end of the day, if all you want is his manic, obsessive love and devotion to you, then it's well worth it. Take the amount of obsessiveness and stalker behaviour he's shown to you as a weird-ass friend and multiply it by a thousand. I'm not kidding.
🔪• Jeff The Killer genuinely cares about those who have somehow made it to that point with him, and as you're at the top of that list, damn, you'll be spoiled. Don't ask him where he gets all the jewels and trinkets and things you've been wanting or that match your hobbies and talents, because they're yours, and they've always been yours. So your welcome, enjoy, he knew you'd like it. That's one way he shows his love. It's kind of like a way of saying that he's always thinking about you, which isn't an exaggeration at all. I can definitely imagine him killing for you with pride and bringing back a heart all casual-like, while you shake your head with an awkward smile.
🔪• "That's, uh, sweet of you, Jeff, but seriously, throw it away now, that's rank."
🔪• No one else catches his eye after you, too. He's never met someone truly beautiful, inside and out, before you, and he's convinced he won't after. So if someone tries to beg for their life or give him compliments he used to like, it's pretty much ineffective now. "You'll ever be as hot as my doll is, you sadass, but here, I'll carve a little something to get you halfway there~"
🔪• He can actually be surprisingly sweet when he wants to. On his bad days, now he'll just lean into you in silence and twirl his blade around, while you play with his hair or put something on TV or somehow end up staring at him. If you look closer and beyond the chalky white shade of his burnt skin and the deep, bloody scars that trace up from his lips, you can notice how he probably was a good-looking boy before the 'accident.' But don't let him catch you looking, because, bad mood or not, he's a cocky bastard, and will end up grinning and saying something like "it's rude to stare, dolly," which ruins the moment lmao
🔪• Jeff can also get clingy when he feels like it too, though he'll never admit it. He likes how your body's always warm when he is somehow always freezing, and being able to have time alone with you, where you're all his, and no one can take it away from him. He'll go freaking rabid if anyone tries, and no one wants that.
🔪• He gets a little awkward when it comes to comfort and opening up, but he'll get there. He learns from you to just give you a silent hug instead of patting you on the back and telling you to chin up or something stupid, or tries to make you laugh, or kills the thing that's getting you down, if you let him. That's your decision 🙃
🔪• He eventually opens up to you about his past, too, which takes him a lot of courage and a lot of patience for you. It's good that you know, though, because it's something to be even closer about, and the more you know about each other, the more you belong together. At least, that's Jeff's logic.
🔪• Jeff can be a bit possessive and sulky when those moments have to end in the mornings, and he's been known to just shove his white hoodie over your head and demand you wear it when he's not with you. Which is fine, Jeff, but seriously, clean that blood of it first.
🔪• But when all is said and done, no matter how heartless and cold and crazy he may seem, and undoubtedly is, he's sane enough to know that he loves you. His love can be ridiculously intense and overwhelming at times, but you can learn to work around or with it. He will do it. Whether anyone believes it or not, him and you knowing your love is enough for Jeff.
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natsuyuki-w · 9 months
Not one of the boys
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Twisted wonderland cast realizes that (Yuu) is a girl.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 Featuring: Idia and Ortho - Sebek and Silver
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The dark figure in our dorm's yard was unmistakable, and like in his prior appearances, I jogged to him as soon as I noticed.
- VDC you say? Are you actually trying to invite me to this?- - Why yes...The boys have been working hard, I assure you, it's stunning! And well... As fun, as it is following your "Will-o'-the-wisp", I would like to be around you more. - and then backed - Only if you want to of course! -
Much as his Fae companion, Tsunotarou laughed at my expenses leaving me with my lingering smile and owlish confused eyes. - You really seem to know no fear. - he smiled broadly - Very well. I humbly accept your invitation.- and I smiled back, hoping that he would not just bully me after.
- Will you be going on stage? - - Ah no! I'm their "manager", as Vil likes to call me. - - mmm a shame...- I chuckled flustered - Crowley didn't want to risk other schools finding out I am a girl. You never know what accident can happen. Ha ha ha - - Mm yes I can see that. Lilia told me he discovered it accidentally as well. -
I thought back to each event. Practically everyone was surprised, and I started feeling a little insecure - ...Tsunotaro, you think...Am I perhaps not feminine enough? - And he threw me a weird look - I mean, nobody ever noticed till seeing my... More prominent features. And is not like I'm going so much out of my way to hide it! So you know...- and I scratched the back of my head.
He hummed and smiled beautifully - No, I think you're plenty. - his words without an inch of tease - I think the beauty of your femininity is enhanced by your boyish charm.- ... - Wai..what!? - - I'm looking forward to the day of the show Goodnight Yuu.- *puff* and he left me standing in a blushing mess.
- Tsunotaro thinks I am beautiful...- I sighed dreamily - and he looked happy, I'm glad.-
A couple of days before the culture fair I made my way to Mr. S's Mystery Shop - Gooood morning Sam! How is it going? - - Hello (Yuu), very well thank you. Radiant as always are you? hahaha. - - Of course! My delivery has arrived yet? - I scanned the shelves. - The pile is right there next to the Grimoire. - he pointed. - You almost caught them this time. -
- Uff... I don't understand why they're so... slippery. They've been so kind to sell all those manga for such a low price. I would really like to thank them face to face no? - - They are elusive indeed. - commented Sam - Sorry, but he begged me multiple times not to say a word. - and winked. He wasn't sorry at all, he just enjoyed seeing my frustration. - Yeah yeah... I'm not here just for those; we need to refill our team. - and I handed him the list of ingredients.
- Another pile? - Commented Grim. - I know right?- completely missing his point. - And for like 500 Madol??? - - Shopping again Trickster? - I nodded happily to Rook - Have you seen them this time? - - Nah. Again, they ran away immediately. - I climbed the stairs to pose my new collection - And it's... so frustrating? Like sometimes they go for an hour via chat, talking about what I should watch or read, his thoughts and theories... but then they shut down completely "Sry I'm such an otaku lmao bye.'" and avoid me for days. -
- Would you like me to do a little research? - asked the hunter with a sharp smile. -...no...tho, thank you for...the thought. I guess. - I patted his shoulder awkwardly. What I didn't know then was that he already discovered the identity of my seller. - But why give away all those books anyway? - pondered Grim. - Apparently bought a stock of Mangas and he owned already some of the series. They're "sharing the words of those artworks for the greater good". Something like that. -
On the day of the festival, me and Grim joined the booth check team. Entered the boardgames club exhibit we found a tall boy with long hair like flames sulking in a corner of the class. - Ahh, two hours left until the research presentation...- -... Idia, what are you doing at a place like that? - frowned Riddle. - It's called anxiety. - I mumbled.
- Uwah!!! Riddle master!!! Why are you here? - he jumped. - M-master? - - Fist of steal even outside the dorm eh? - I nudged the redhead on the side. He frowned at me and taking advantage of his distraction I saw the awkward boy nodding profusely. - Are you ready for the research presentation?- turned back the little tyrant. - Y-you don't have to worry. Just wait and see. - responded the other.
I stared for a moment in thought, making him even more fidgety than before - Are you perhaps... Ortho's brother? - - Sigh... *Eh-hem Y-yes. - he exhaled relieved. - 'Knew it I saw somewhere that blue hair! I have to say, after seeing him "draw a sword" defending your honor at the VCD auditions, I was very curious about meeting you. - - I-well-there's n-nothing i-i-interesting aab-b-bout m-me...I CAUGHT THE INTEREST OF A NORMIE IKEMEN????? - he mumbled hiding from my view.
- Riddle Roseharts, Trey Clover, Grim, hello! Of course, I'll always be there for Nii-san, he's a genius, (Yuu) (Wander)! - appeared the brother in question before I could protest the title of normie. - (YUU) (WANDER)??? - Idia jumped back but quickly covered his mouth and his back faced us all for a second time. He sneaked a look from his shoulder, caught my eyes, and the flames on his head turned pink. My companions looked me over questioningly, but seeing my expression just as confused, they searched for answers in his most trusted subject.
*Blank stare.* - W-well...*eh-hem Hi Ortho! I'm sure you speak the truth about your brother, I'm looking forward to hearing the...- - ...(Yuu) (Wander) - interrupted me once more in a softer tone. The four of us stared back and forth at the pair in search of answers.
- But it's great! - suddenly quipped Ortho. - Nii-san don't you understand? Is like in that Shojo where the girl in disguise in the boy academy becomes friends with her crush and...- - W-W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ORTHO??? - The floating boy started to chant robotically. - (Yuu) (Wander) has sent at 09:45 a.m., Friday 2...- - I KNOW WHO HE IS BUT WHAT GIRL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? - - (Yuu) (Wander), student at Night Raven College, is a non-magical human being. Gender Female, height...-
- Stooop - I interrupted the chaotic theatric playing before our eyes. - 1, How was I unaware of sending messages to...you... - but the teenager was no longer with us, his soul probably left his body, and the now empty shell lay on the ground stiff...- ...and 2, when did you find out about me, Ortho? Being a girl that is. - I got closer to check on the dorm's leader's well-being. Tho, sensing my nearby presence he recovered immediately and ran out in a string of apologies. His hair turned a Barbie pink.
- I... Hope his presentation goes well. The magic, engineering that he specialized in has a lot of interesting articles about modern magic. So let's hope this...predicament hasn't caused too much brain damage. - pondered Riddle. - I'm a bit worried, but I'm sure he is going to recover. - and the little Sheoud turned back to us.
- So... What just happened exactly? - trailed off Grim. - You asked: 1, how were you unaware of sending messages to my brother? Nii-san has been chatting with (Yuu)San under the nickname of "Gloomy Samurai" in the second-hand shopping app: Twyst. - *GASP! I reacted dramatically - He was my generous dealer!!!! - - What was he dealing to you??? - Riddle panicked already picturing me falling into the drug club. - One launched Man, flexible cover edition from 01 to volume 23, Junior High attack, redesigned edition, flexible cover, complete... - - Mangas Riddle, Mangas. - I reassured.
- And for number 2: I scanned and stored your physical information when we met the first time. - he confessed nonchalantly. - That's... Fascinating intimidating. - I commented, eyes wide open. - And what was that Shojo girl in a boy academy... - teased Trey. - Please Ortho, don't answer that.- I flashed the green-haired boy a sharp gaze.
I had the impression Gloomy Samurai would've shut me down completely from this day on, and if before there was little possibility of him wanting to meet up in RL, now... stupid to even take it into consideration. - Say Ortho, what's your brother's favorite food? - If I couldn't thank him with me present physically or digitally, a gift would've sufficed.
- TSUNOTARO????? - Sebek was in a tantrum.
- You too? - I murmured in disbelief once they finished their back and forth - Tsunotaro, can I confirm a suspicion of mine? - he smiled and nodded curious about what was going on in that small brain of mine. - This is just a stretch... But is it perhaps that you are searching gazes different from "Mighty prince" or "Terrifying magic user"? I mean why come to a public school otherwise right? -
His faithful knight threw again insults, but the subject himself stayed quiet. Silence needed to be fulfilled for my brain to function so I rumbled even more, in search of an understandable response from the boy - You know,...People can be so focused on What we are, instead of the Who. I mean I thought of it because I saw in us some similarities...Of course, is totally on a different level and type,...but, you know,... I can see a behavior change when my friends discover I'm a girl. And it's...- - WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? - Sebek screamed and became a blushing mess.
Silver widened his eyes in realization. - The infirmary, it wasn't a dream...- and pink gradually made its way on his face. I flew a hand on my mouth. - I got lost in my thoughts. - Malleus petted my hair chuckling while Grim clapped his paws with a flat face - It could've gone worse - I enquired to the cat - It could've rained...- I joked nervously.
- NOW EVERYTHING IS CLEAR! You have been luring our master! - screamed Sebek - That's why he has permitted you so much! For sure, under that innocent cute look, you're hiding some secret spell, seducing him you little witch. And grumble, grumble, grumble... - - I would take this as offense honestly - I murmured to the prince. - I would take that as a compliment, cute innocent witch, fufufufu.- he teased.
After recovering from my blush, he was still on fire with his ranting. So I decided to suffocate it with my trashing around - Doll, I'm not stealing your man dah. - - Wha...- As I predicted, his voice died stunned. - Not this again...- groaned Grim recalling the joke Catfights between me and my ginger friend.
- This relationship is completely consensual. - I gestured, and perplexed but very amused Malleus nodded - See? And now, look at ya. - I returned to Sebek - Chasing after him, seeking attention - and with a click of my tongue I concluded - so desperate. - - You... Never stop to surprise me child of man. -
Earthquake magnitude 6.2 in the Isle of Sages Possible causes: tectonic plates moved by repeated sound waves with abnormal peaks of decibels. Location: Night Raven Collage.
They say that I'm a witch And that I weave a spell Well, I'll be a son of a I don't know what Well, let me tell you brother I'd rather be burned as a witch than never be burned at all (I'd rather be burned as a witch - Eartha Kitt)
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*Eh-hem so... What happened? - inquired Crowley. Both me and Ruggie despite the clear frustration of the headmaster, sat nonchalantly, being confident in our innocence.
I roamed my eyes on one of the topper shelves in the library holding on a ladder to reach them better. - What are you doing up there (Yuu)? - I heard a whisper from the ground. - Oh! Hi Ruggie! Just searching for my way home. What about you? - Maybe I could find some documents about magical transportation or alternative universes. - Ehmm okay(!?) Me? Same usual, Leona's chores. I'm taking some books for him or he'll just forget to do his research. - - Lazy ass... - I snorted reaching for another book. - Leona. That's who he is. *Shshshsh.-
His eyes then darted down. On the topic of asses. - *Eh-hem... Can you lend me a hand? I think I saw one of the books I need up there. - - Oh sure! Which one?- I responded. - There on the third, no no the fourth down,... Yep, A little more on the right...- - This one? - I glanced back. - No no the other one on the left. *Shshshhshs -
Yep, TOTALLY looking at the books.
* SBAM I jumped down. - AARGH DON'T HIT ME! - and neither of us expected the disaster after that.
- That's what you get looking at my boogie! - - YOU WERE TRYING TO THROW THAT BOOK AT ME! I can't believe you chicks! Thinking you have permission to use violence on men, am I right? - - NO I WASN'T! I just jumped down, You scared off yourself and hit the shelf on your own!... And don't deflect!!! You were the one scheming to... -
- SILENCE!!! - Crowley's strong voice covered both of ours. - Ruggie. - he called out sternly. The ears of the hyena were now flat waiting for the worse. - By "chicks" you mean,...girls? - he then trailed his eyes on me with that scary glowing gaze of his. Ruggie thought about it for a while and then smirked. - Yes. I meant girls. - he probably thought the Crow would get too distracted, so he could make a run out of his disaster. - That's quite an interesting predicament (Yuu)... Didn't I warn you to take secrecy? How is that this dear student know?-
- You... Didn't know, headmaster? - I blinked confused. - Know what? - I caught him unprepared. - *ps... What are you doing???- whispered-yelled Ruggie. Sure, he wanted for me to be scolded for HIM knowing, but he didn't expect... - I thought either Azul told you or you had noticed already. - I responded. - Aw. That's nice! It means they really did maintain the secret. - I reached the ahs blonde boy and patted his cheek. - I have such good friends! - - H-hey!It's because there was no advantage in telling anybody.- Embarrassed, he drove my hand away.
- (Yuu).- - Yes? - - EXPLAIN. NOW -
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Finished this series!!!! Ruggie was with Silver the less brought up in the "discovery timeline", so I thought it might've been nice to include them a little more with two mini stories (Silver's is in part 3).
Malleus, on the other hand no, he didn't need more timing. But my simping for him did.
I hope you had a fun time with lil old me! Wish you the best, 'till next time! ✨💙
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tallymonster · 6 months
Memories of Us
Chapter 1 (you are here!) || Masterlist
So, I like many others had seen this gorgeous fan art by @cheesy-cryptid and I was utterly hypnotized by it. I couldn't stop thinking about it and from that constant thought growing came my silly fic.
This has been a labor of love for the last month. I'm still working on it and so far I have about 10 parts 🙃 depending on the feedback is how quickly I'm going to be posting since it's still a work in progress. I want to thank my best friend and my main support for this @micropoe10 ❤️ without her I wouldn't have pushed myself to even post this, so thanks boo 😘
This is also my first long fic, so please be gentle 🥺
Summary: Octavia is a new assistant at the Baldur's Gate Museum of History, her new boss is elusive and mysterious. Good thing his right hand man, Gale, is there to help her out for the first few weeks.
Tags: Nothing too bad for the first few parts, fluff, establishing storyline mostly, generational lineage mentioned.
Chapter 1
Never Caught My Breath
The day Octavia was incredibly nervous about had arrived. After her graduation (which seemed like a lifetime ago), endless stack of paperwork and at least 3 different interviews; Octavia made it to the Baldur's Gate Museum of History, the end of her long and difficult studies.
Here, she would start as the new assistant curator. What's strange though, is that after the last interview she thought she'd get to meet her boss, but it was his main assistant, Gale.
"I must apologize", he begins, "but our lead is currently out of the office for another week, maybe two, so I must conduct the final round, I hope you understand."
Strange, but not unheard of. The majority of the work would be with Gale directly, but it was at the least, the most basic courtesy for her boss to introduce himself by this point.
As she walks into the museum, relics from the past line the cabinets; old armor and gloves from heroes of legends from long ago, tons of jewelry and books, rare spell scrolls, and most prized of all, paintings recovered from the fall of the Szarr Manor prominently hung on the walls. Their subjects long gone, they now serve to be viewed by those who would be their victims under different circumstances.
Octavia stops at one of the many paintings of a pale elf, his silver hair in perfect tendrils, piercing red eyes glare back at her and she feels a slight shudder run down her spine, it was probably just a little bit of nerves. Still, she couldn't help but notice that same subject surrounding her in other works. If not as the main feature, but in the background of at least a dozen. Who was this person? She drifts off in thought.
"Miss Octavia? Hello? Can you hear me?" Snapping back from the daydream, she sees Gale standing beside her. His positive attitude ever present, notebook in hand he greets her with a small wave. "Lots to do this morning! We got a delivery of religious artifacts from a Sharran temple in the Underdark that was previously thought to be lost." His eyes glimmer with excitement.
"We're looking at at least a day to see what was delivered, another to catalog it all, and then, my favorite part, writing the plaques for all of it." He chuckles "Altogether at least a month of work, maybe two if there's a particular item that's more mysterious than the others." He finishes his explanation with a tilt of his head.
Octavia nods, her mind still on the portrait, "Quick question, Gale? Do you know who that subject is? They're featured in a lot of the paintings, but there's no information about them?" He glances up, "Well, we've done some research into the subjects of all the paintings, luckily we've put some names to faces..." He trails off, brows furrowing slightly at the face staring at them both "that particular subject, though, unfortunately not."
He turns wearing a wistful smile "I do wish to put a name to that face, and I intend to, but our wonderful curator often reminds me that not every mystery has to be solved." He scoffs with a grin and shrugs "Of course he would, he loves to give me a hard time about my dedication to the museum, you'd think he would appreciate the tireless research but to each their own."
Octavia relaxes a bit and ask "Have you known each other long? I mean, since he's been gone this whole time I haven't gotten to meet him yet. Is he....nice?" She says the last word quietly, almost a whisper.
Gale picks up on the anxious question and lowers his notebook, his eyes softened as he leans in, "There's nothing to be nervous about with him, he's much more bark than bite, as they say. He's really wonderful once you get to know him. Just a little rough around the edges...you know these eccentrics..they're all so guarded but deep down, they're just like us regular boring people."
He grins in assurance and goes back to his notebook, "Before I forget, said eccentric has reached back out to me and he'll be returning tomorrow evening! He'd like to make your acquaintance as soon as possible and apologize for his absence." Oh, shit. "Wonderful!" She does an okay job at hiding the crack in her voice, she clears throat, grimaces a bit and adjusts the badge clipped to her smock. "When and where?"
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imagine--if · 1 year
banda protecting quiet reader during jack of hearts?
A/N: This was the second most voted after Chishiya, so ya, enjoy 😁 I did some headcanons because I felt like an imagine would be too long and complicated haha 🖤 also there's a bit of Chishiya x reader near the end 😏
♡ Banda Being Protective Includes... ♡
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💜• Banda probably noticed you being your quiet self, once everyone's gathered together and he's assessing the players around him in his head. Like, the Jack intrigued him since he already had an air of superiority and independence about him, and Banda picks up on those things about a person with mild interest as he waits to see what they'll do and if they're worth his time. So when he sees you watching everyone starts to exclaim at the game's strange rules and how they could be trapped in it forever, and then you just sitting quietly by yourself, his grey-blue gaze lingers, and he stalks over to you.
💜• We know what he's like at this point - basically antagonising the person with some backhanded compliment that could be considered an insult, before he follows it up with an offer of alliance or friendship. So with you, you'll get something like, "Being this quiet will only make people want to kill you more. They'll think you're up to something." And as you stare at him uneasily, his serious expression suddenly morphs into a smirk, as he comments, "I hope you are. I'll help."
💜• Yeah, he's an odd guy 😅 but at least you're not one of his targets or anything. For the first couple of rounds, he won't do much in terms of communication and protection, not just yet. Banda wants to see if you can survive on your own, if you're smart enough. And when it's proved that you are, it only makes you more of a pretty curiosity, and that's when he'll start shadowing you and speaking for you when you don't want to.
💜��� It's a little similar to that woman who Jack secretly communicated with and the other psycho if you know what I mean 😂 but less servant-master vibes, and more partner vibes. For example, if someone's asking you too many questions, or if the bouncy manipulator girl tries getting into your head with a sweet smile, he'll make a remark from sitting behind you or something. One remark, but its what he says and the way he says it that's all they need to get the picture and back up with a confused and uncomfortable look on their face.
💜• Banda's way of protecting you comes through telling you the truth about what card symbol is on your collar, basically following you around wherever you go, speaking for you when you prefer to stay silent and simply look, and whispering things to you for you to whisper back in your naturally hushed tone when its something private or important about the game.
💜• I'm gonna throw in some Chishiya here because I can't help it 😉 you'll come to realise that Banda's protective nature over a mysteriously quiet and observant person can be borderline possessive when the game's drawing to a close and he's become more attached and obsessive. So, when there are only a few of you left, and Chishiya's lost his partner, naturally coming over to you to try to convince you not to ally yourself with Banda because he's a murderer... 😵
💜• Suddenly Banda himself steps from behind you with a dangerous glint in his eyes you've never seen before, and whispers something in Chishiya's ear that you can't hear. When Banda pulls away with a self-satisfied smirk, and takes your hand to pull you away, Chishiya's left watching after him blankly, his usually amused features slightly caught off guard by whatever threat Banda breathed into his ear. It doesn't stop Chishiya from trying to figure you out though - if anything, it intreguies him, though he'll be more sneaky in the ways he does it so as not to catch Banda's attention.
💜• If you ask Banda what he said, he'll only shrug and give you a half-smile, tracing a finger down your cheek to hook impossibly softly under your chin with "Don't you like me protecting you, baby?"
💜• And you're just like 😶
💜• So when the game finishes, and Banda and the other guy go after Jack, Banda manages to get a hold of some sort of tracker and makes you keep it on you. "I've got some things to do for us," he'll tell you with a casual smile, "but I'll come back from you. I'll be watching. Always. Can't let anything happen to this pretty face, can I?"
💜• And he won't. But meanwhile, Chshiya's observing the scene hidden behind a wall somehwere in interest.
okay maybe i should follow this storyline up with an imagine now cus im loving it bahaha
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redgoldsparks · 25 days
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March Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 4 by Ryoko Kui
I'm reading these books so fast I can barely remember which parts of the plot happened in which volume but know that I am still having a great time!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 5 by Ryoko Kui
Oh, this story has taken a darker turn, and also just introduced a whole bunch more characters. Will I be able to keep track of them all? I hope so!
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb, read by Anne Flosnik 
Unfortunately, this is definitely the weakest Robin Hobb book I've read so far. I was expecting to like it less than the glorious, 5-star previous trilogy, but I actually think I'm going to skip the rest of the Rain Wild Chronicles and read summaries online to get to the next Fitz books. This book follows five main POV characters. This works fairly well for the first half, when the characters are all in different physical locations. However once all of the characters meet up, we start getting the same scene from multiple different POVs, which feels extremely repetitive. Also, almost EVERY SCENE includes a flashback, often a lengthy flashback, sometimes to something that happened only the previous day and could have been told as present-moment action. This writing choice baffled me. It's something I can't remember struggling with in any of Hobb's previous books, but by the end it was driving me up a wall. The book also moved very slowly; the stakes feel lower, and the character far less emotionally true than in the two Fitz trilogies. Disappointing, but I will keep moving forward towards the next part of the series I want to read.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 6 by Ryoko Kui
Damn, a lot of characters get murdered in this volume! Good thing almost everyone who dies in the dungeon can be revived. Also, very excited to finally meet the cat ninja I've been seeing fan art of since before I even started the series :3
Delicious in Dungeon vol 7 by Ryoko Kui
I am still completely caught up in this series. I love the glimpse of Senshi's past revealed in this volume, and the lore of the dungeon that is still being revealed. There was a line in here about how the dungeon leaves you alone if you don't ask much of it, but that if you have strong desires it throws even more obstacles into your way. Our heroes have such big goals right now, but they're marching ahead regardless!
School Trip by Jerry Craft 
A satisfying new installment in the New Kid series from funny, talented, charming Jerry Craft! I appreciated how this volume started to complicate some of the students who had been left a bit one-dimensional in previous books. Several people stood up to and called out a bully; new friendships were built; and Jordan Banks left Paris even more inspired than ever to follow his dreams of becoming an artist. This series has a lot of jokes, but also a lot of heart!
A Frog in Fall (and Later On) by Linnea Sterte 
Minor frog is less than a year old, and is dismayed when winter begins to steal all of the light and warmth from his world. Instead of bunking down safely with his mentor to wait for spring, he sets out on a journey with two vagabond toads passing by on a quest to make it all the way to the tropics. They tramp through the Japanese countryside, encountering tree spirits, new friends, dangers, and views the likes of which minor frog had never even imagined. This is a gorgeous book; every page worth pouring over, an economy of line and detail building a beautiful and mysterious world of talking animals and miniature packaged foods. Made me want to draw.
Dark Rise by CS Pacat read by Christian Coulson 
In 1820s London, orphaned Will tries to earn enough as a dockworker to survive- and evade the killers pursuing him. Violet dresses in her half-brother's clothes and sneaks onto a ship in the Thames to watch a man be branded with his master's mark. Katherine excitedly anticipates her engagement to one of London's richest and most mysterious lords; his gallantry nearly makes up for the fact that he's twice her age. And in the bowels of one of that lord's ships, James tortures a man for information. All of these characters are 16 or 17 years old, but all of them are tangled in an ancient conflict between the Light and the Dark which stretches back into an age of magic before history. This is CS Pacat's YA fantasy debut, and it contains a lot of tropes very familiar to both YA and high fantasy- there are shades of both Tolkien and Rowling in this. Its fast-paced and action-packed, but especially in the first third of the story, the characters all felt fairly thin. None of them have quirks, hobbies, career hopes, relationships outside of immediate family, school, or work; or much more than a brief sketch of past. It took until the mid-way point for what I consider Pacat's major strengths as a writer to emerge: intense, homoerotic interpersonal sparring between characters operating under major power imbalances. Every scene in which the seductive, manipulative, powerful evil gay faced off against the good boy chosen one crackled with energy. Unfortunately, there were only four of these scenes in the whole book. It ends on a cliff-hanger, because of course it does, with a tempting set up for book two; but that doesn't entirely excuse the fact that the first 50% felt like set up. I will definitely keep reading, but long-time Pacat fans should take note that this is toned down version of what I expected based on Captive Prince.
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls (re-read before event)
What an accomplishment! I savored every page of Feeding Ghosts, absolutely floored by the labor and courage that went into the writing of this book. The inking is gorgeous, the history is clear, digestible, and devastating. This book threads the line between honesty and compassion in a way that I appreciate so much in any memoir, but especially one dealing with family. Hulls lays out the story of three generations of women starting with her grandmother, Sun Yi, a Shanghai journalist who faced intense persecution during the rise of Communism in China, who penned a popular and scandalous memoir and then suffered a mental breakdown. This left her only daughter, Rose, a student at an elite boarding school with no parental figures and no other family to lean on. Eventually Rose earned a scholarship to an American university and in the end moved her mother into her California home. Sun Yi haunted that home during the author's own childhood. The unexamined trauma and codependency of Sun Yi and Rose drove the author to the extreme edges of the Earth, seeking freedom from their ghosts. But in the end, she stopped running from her family history and turned, instead, to face it. Shelve this book with Maus, Fun Home, Persepolis and The Best We Could Do. Re-read it for a second time and got even more out of it on a second pass.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 8 by Ryoko Kui
Laios and company realize that their encounter with changling mushroom rings had more consequences than they'd realized- its the body swap episode! This visual humor is contrasted against increasing dangers from both above and below, as nastier monsters and political machinations begin to close in on our heroic adventuring party. I'm now over halfway through this series and almost feel like I should start reading it more slowly to savor it, but I'll probably just keep devouring it instead.
Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Luen Yang and Leuyen Pham
High school senior Val grew up knowing her family was unlucky in love; for generations, relationships in her family have ended in heartbreak. Her childhood love of Valentines Day ends with a shocking family revelation and what feels like the beginning of a curse. Then her Vietnamese grandmother sweeps her off to a Lunar New Year celebration in downtown Oakland and a pair of cute lion dancer boys catch her eye. Could one of them break the spell on her heart? This story offers a classic and satisfying rom-com, with Val torn between an outgoing, rich, but flaky boy and a broody, shy, loyal one. The story takes several kdrama style twists and includes ghosts, saints, red envelopes, confessions, fights, reunions, tears, and kisses. For a comic, its wordy; the pages are dense with small panels and thick with dialogue, but also illustrated with such warm, humor, and realism. I really liked that the story included as much of Val's relationship with her family and best friend as romance. And the lion dancing scenes practically leap off the page with color and energy!
Witch Hat Atelier vol 10 by Kamome Shirahama
This series remains as visually stunning as ever but I'm struggling with how every single book expands the cast. There are so many characters now that I don't care about that much, and have trouble remembering from volume to volume. I wish the story line would stick more closely to Coco, her classmates, and their main mentors!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 9 by Ryoko Kui
Oh the stories are all converging! The savior at the bottom of the dungeon is probably a demon! Ituzumi saves the day! I am still having a great time reading this series.
A Dowry of Blood by ST Gibson read by Abby Craden 
A short, very queer, very poly retelling of Dracula focusing on his coven of enthralled lovers. I liked the way the book breezed through history, as the dysfunctional little family moved from one major European city to the next, with snatched moments of glittering joy interwoven with violence and plague. The story is fairly simple, and has a happier ending than I expected, or honestly think the characters deserved.
City of Dragons by Robin Hobb
I DNFed the previous book in this series and just read a summary online before skipping ahead to this one. I think that was a very good choice for me. This third one was more engaging and a bit more action packed, with some cool discoveries about the city of Kelsingra and the nature of Elderlings. But the Rain Wild Chronicles as a whole do not stand up to the quality of the Farseer books. There are so many POV characters that a few of them get only two or three scenes in this whole book. I don't feel that I deeply know any of these characters; while at the same time watching Hobb pair them off at an extraordinary rate- in the last book five sets of characters got together and in this book an additional two couples are developing feelings for each other. Between this and a kidnapping, a birth, a murder, and a lot of blackmail, this series feels like a soap opera.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 10 by Ryoko Kui
Almost two TPKs in this volume, yikes!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 11 by Ryoko Kui
You know shit's getting serious when the character who has been the series main villain up until now is partially devoured by a different, worse villain. Exciting changes coming to this dungeon under it's new lord and master!
Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall and Lisa Sterle
When Becca gets invited to sit with the popular girl clique at her new high school, she's thrilled. But the friendship turns bloody and complicated when she learns that her new friends are actually werewolves who need to kill and feed on a human once a month. If she joins them, Becca will gain superhuman strength and a pack; she'll never have to fear a male predator again, because she will be a predator herself. I loved the queer rep and the twist on werewolf lore; I wish it had been a little longer and more developed. Give me multi-page transformations sequences!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 12 by Ryoko Kui
I love seeing all these plot lines come together! Building towards a wild climax.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 13 by Ryoko Kui
I went out and *bought* vol 13 of this series because my library didn't have it yet, that's how hooked I am. And now I have to wait until JULY for the final volume! (But also, thank goodness I didn't get into this series any sooner or I'd have a much longer wait).
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yanderecrazysie · 5 months
Hello! I've been a fan of your works for almost a year now since I happened to come across your Wattpad account.
Can you do a Yandere Kenma x Reader?
Wherein Kenma pretends to be sick or have a poor health just so reader will prioritize him over others? They're childhood friends and no matter how nice Reader is to others, no one seem to last by her side for long. She doesn't have any other choice but to stick with Kenma. Who knows the truth he is hiding?
A Wattpadian! This concept is so mysterious, I love it!
Title: Drift
Pairings: Kozume Kenma x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: You keep trying to branch out, but everyone seems to drift away. All you have left is your sickly friend.
move passively, aimlessly, or involuntarily into a certain situation or condition:
Some days, it felt like you were lost at sea. Like you were on a raft floating on the ocean, no land in sight. Sometimes it soothed you to think of the gentle waves and endless water. Other times, you felt the crushing loneliness and helplessness as though you were really there.
Right now, you felt the latter.
“Sorry, (Y/n), I just don’t have time to hang out with you anymore.” Your friend said before they practically ran away from you.
At least this friend had the decency to give you an excuse. The others had all ghosted you- not returning your texts or calls. Either avoiding you in real life or disappearing off the map entirely.
What was weirder, they always acted almost afraid of you.
You weren’t a scary person, if anything you were too nice for your own good. You were a doormat, used to people taking advantage of your kindness. Yet your friends and acquaintances would suddenly avoid you like you had caught the plague.
Where had they all gone? And why?
As if on cue, your phone began to ring. You picked it up and answered the call, holding the cell phone close to your ear to hear whoever was on the other end. The voice belonged to the exact person you suspected it did.
“(Y/n),” your friend, Kenma, sighed into the phone, “I’m not doing well today. You’ll visit me after your classes, won’t you?”
“Of course, Kenma!” You replied immediately, “I’ll be there as soon as possible. I hope you feel better.”
“Thank you,” he said softly, a little cough ringing out through the phone’s speakers before he hung up.
You stifled a sigh as you placed your phone in your pocket. Kenma was your only remaining friend now, the only person that had stayed by your side all this time, but he was very needy. It didn’t help that he’d gotten badly sick with something that just wouldn’t go away.
You were the type to dote on the ill, but it was sometimes exhausting caring for Kenma. His symptoms never went away, no matter what you did. He insisted that only you could help him, that only you could make him feel better, but it felt like too big of a responsibility for you.
Still, it was the least you could do when he didn’t leave you behind like everyone else, right?
When it was nothing but you and the ocean, sharing a raft could be more tiring than being alone on one.
You pushed Kenma’s blond hair up so you could mop his forehead with a wet washcloth. The cool cloth wiped the sweat from his brow and cooled his warm face. His cheeks were flushed slightly, but that symptom only started when you started attending to him.
“Have you taken your temperature yet?” You asked.
Kenma picked up a thermometer from the nightstand and showed it to you. A fever, like always, even though he never felt feverish to the touch. You frowned pityingly down at him.
“I’ll change your sheets out, okay? Then we can watch something together.”
Kenma gave you a smile and allowed you to remove the blankets from his bed, replacing them with clean sheets and tucking him into them. To anyone else, this smile looked like a pained one, one to show that he was thankful even though he was so sick.
If only Kenma was actually sick.
The truth was, he had been sick, for a little while. The way you had cared for him while he was sick awakened something in him. Your soft little hands touching his heated skin? Your kind face smiling down at him with pity and care?
How could you expect him to let go of that?
And dropping out of college had its advantages. That way, he had plenty of time to get ahold of your “friends” without you knowing.
He’d never let you find out that he was faking his illness. Nor that he was the one scaring away everyone you knew.
Right now, all you had was him and him alone. 
He just had to keep it that way.
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Free the Slave | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - written for @little-diable ‘s 14k Follower Celebration
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader (AU)
Summary: (Y/N) becomes blinded by opportunity when mysterious preacher, Thomas Shelby, comes into her town that she doesn't see the bigger picture of what's going on at first. But when she’s shown it, she becomes even more intrigued.
Warnings: smoking, discussion of an attempted hanging, impersonation of a religious figure
Word Count: 3832
A/N: I’m…not exactly sure what this is. I struggled to write it because it’s so different from anything I’ve tried to write before, so I appreciate the challenge you posed, Chi (which congrats by the way 14 thousand followers is unreal!!) This is also the story that this moodboard was inspired by…I hope it lived up to the expectations. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: the storyline in this is loosely based off of the show Damnation (which I really need to finish)…I pulled some plot points from it. It’s also inspired by KALEO’s song Free the Slave - I pulled a lot of the lyrics from the song and incorporated them into the story.
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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"Dark days are coming," Thomas Shelby spoke in a firm, ominous tone as he looked out at the people who had gathered before him, "whether you want them to or not. They're coming for you; coming for everyone in this room. You will have to make the choice on whether you want to fight or take shelter and hide. But before you choose, remember this: he who takes shelter is often forgotten about...it is the man who fights for what he believes in that gets to tell his tale," he paused then, hearing sounds of agreement coming from the crowd.
Hearing these reactions spurred him on. This was what he craved; the response from those who so easily subscribed to his word. He held a confident expression as he looked out at the congregation, which was still buzzing over the words that he said. He knew that he had them in the palm of his hand.
"Those dark days are almost here!" his voice cut through the talk of the crowd, bringing the attention back on him, "it will soon be time for us to stand up and fight for what we believe. The day of reckoning is almost here. So I ask all of you...is your conscience clear?" he ended by raising his eyebrows as he asked the question, panning across the crowd one more time. "Think on that," he left the crowd with a parting sentence, leaving his sermon open for the next time he'd step up on the pulpit and speak.
He stepped away from it and was immediately stopped by members of the crowd who were eager to talk about what had just been said. Tommy didn't say much. Instead he nodded along as he listened to the excited conversations; something inside of him churning as he realized just how into his word these people were. He'd never met a more receptive crowd in all of his travels.
A woman standing in the corner of the room caught his eye as he 'listened' to another person drone on about their take on his sermon. He could care less about how they received it. All that mattered to him was that they listened. But this woman...she interested him.
And she stuck around; waiting until all of the other churchgoers spoke to the man who'd just delivered a moving sermon before she decided to approach him herself. "Preacher Shelby," she started off as she stopped in front of him.
"Hello," he greeted her with a nod of his head.
"I was really moved by what you said in your sermon today," she said to him, and unlike all of the other conversations Tommy had stood through before this one, he listened, "people around here are too afraid to be upfront and confront their fate. What you said was right...we can't just let it overtake us. We must do something about it."
"I'm glad to hear that you found meaning in my sermon," Tommy started, a sense of poise in his voice, "too often people hear the truth and want to run away from it."
"I won't run from it," she told him in an assured tone, her words making a look of intrigue form on his face. There was something about this woman. "Preacher Shelby, I think I can help you," she said then, tilting her chin slightly upwards to show the confidence that she had.
"You think so?" he questioned her, his eyebrows raised. She only nodded, biting at her cheek to contain the grin that was threatening to form on her lips. "What's your name then?" he asked her, his lips parted slightly as he awaited her response.
"It's (Y/N)," she happily shared with him, "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
"Well, (Y/N)..." he started off, giving her a once over before continuing, "I look forward to speaking with you in the future."
"As I with you, Preacher Shelby," she allowed her grin to surface, and it stayed present on her face as she stepped backwards, leaving the conversation so that she could turn and exit the meeting house.
Tommy watched her leave, even more so intrigued now than he was before. He didn't get too long to look at her fleeting figure though as another man had approached him and wanted to get into the deeper meanings of what he'd just spoken about...oh if that man knew that there weren't any to begin with.
It took twenty minutes until he was finally able to leave the meeting house. His car was the only one left in the lot, which made the slip of paper sitting on the driver's seat catch him completely off guard. He instantly reached for his revolver that was tucked away inside his jacket, brandishing it and doing a sweep over the land; making sure nobody was waiting to ambush him.
He opened the car door once he found that the perimeter was clear, grabbing the paper and opening it. There were two sentences written on it: meet me by the riverside later on today...I have things to tell you. — (Y/N). Tommy pursed his lips together as he read the note over again. What things could she have to tell me? he wondered to himself, looking up again to make sure that he was still alone and hadn't been drawn into a trap. The land around him was still empty; no trap had been set, which meant that this woman actually wanted to talk with him. And he was interested.
He got into the vehicle after stuffing the note into his jacket pocket and started it before lighting himself a cigarette. He then took a long drag and exhaled the smoke slowly before putting the car into drive and leaving the lot.
(Y/N) was already sitting on one of the rocks positioned by the river when Tommy's car pulled up to where she told him to meet her. She watched as he shut off the engine and exited the vehicle. "I'm pleased that you showed up," she stated as he walked over to where she was sitting.
"I'm interested in what you had to tell me," he said to her, his statement holding truth. He was curious about her.
"Have a seat," she told him, moving over on the rock so that there was enough room for him to sit.
He nodded before sitting in the empty space. He looked at her then, and when she said nothing, he began speaking, "what is it that you wanted to tell me?" he asked, cutting right to the chase.
"I need your help," she kept her first statement vague.
"With what?" he took the bait, his eyebrows furrowing together as he asked the question.
"With what they've decided to do to a man in town," her answer was still vague.
"What are they doing with him?" he asked another question, his patience slowly wearing thin. She asked him to come out here...he shouldn't be the one prying for answers.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, ready to explain everything now that she saw he was genuinely interested in what she had to say. "You may or may not know that there's a strike happening in town. The men are protesting the low wages and terrible conditions. A man named Harvey was asked to come back...the bosses told him that they'd give him an increased pay if he broke the strike and returned. He's hesitant, but he has to...he's got two young children to feed and another on the way. His family couldn't keep living on nothing. He was desperate."
"The point of this is...?" Tommy trailed off, a slight amount of confusion present in his voice. Why was she telling him this?
"They're going to hang him, Preacher Shelby," she dropped the bomb, her voice dire, "he's an honest man, and yet they're going to hang him. They say he isn't guilty, but that someone still has to pay. And they won't be pleased until it happens because they want to make a statement...to show everyone what happens if you stray from the cause."
"Why're you sharing this information with me?" he asked her, still trying to figure out where he fit into this situation. Sure, it shocked him to hear that this innocent man was going to be hanged for trying to provide for his family, but at the same time he'd personally taken down men for far lesser offenses.
"Because they'll listen to you," she wasted no time in answering him, her eyes showing how much emotion she had invested into this predicament.
"How can you be sure that they will?" he asked her another question.
"I saw how they listened to you today, as you spoke about the dark days that are upon us. I saw how they lined up to speak to you afterwards. They were moved by your words. What you say holds weight in their minds. They'll surely listen if you tell them that what they're doing is unjust. You just need to get them to see sense," she continued with her pleas, making a strong case for why he should stop them.
Tommy took a deep breath, fingers itching to pull the pack of cigarettes out of his jacket so that he could let the smoke clear his mind. He had little care about these workers' movement...their struggle wasn't affecting him, so why should he go and stick his neck out for a man he'd never met? But yet (Y/N) pleas were weighing on his mind. He wondered for a moment if that was because they solidified the fact that his plan was working, or if it was simply because of the woman who was making them. He'd met few like her in all of his travels.
"Say you'll help me, Preacher Shelby," (Y/N) spoke again after a few silent moments had passed. Her voice had gotten even more desperate in the time that had passed without a decision being made. She hated that she was stooping this low to a man who she'd just met earlier that day, but she had exhausted all of her other options. "Say you'll help this honest man and his family."
"What'll be in it for me?" he asked her then, tilting his chin up slightly as he asked the question that had been burning a hole in his mind since she made her case. It had been hard for him not to ask this earlier...everyone was motivated by something after all.
"Anything," she blurted out without second thought, "I'll give you anything you'd want if you can help this man."
Tommy clicked his tongue at her words, shaking his head slightly. Stupid girl, he thought to himself, making foolish deals with people she hardly knows. "It isn't smart of you to put the word 'anything' out on the table, love," he told her, "someone might just hold you to it," his words were said as a warning, hoping to get her to realize what she'd done.
"I'm desperate," she didn't take it back.
"I can see," he pointed out.
"Will you help me, Preacher Shelby?" she asked him again, no care for his ominous comments present in her words.
She's persistent...I'll give her that, he thought to himself as he thought her statements over. It was unlike his choices in the past, but something was telling him to help her. "I'll help you," he made up his mind, his words making her grab onto his hand and squeeze it out of appreciation.
"Thank you so much, Preacher Shelby. You have no idea what kind of service you is doing for this man and his family," she said to him, sharing her praise for his decision, "thank you," she uttered her thanks and squeezed his hand one last time before letting it go and fighting the embarrassment that was bubbling up in her from making such a brash decision to grab him.
"When is this happening?" he asked her, now wanting more details about the event he'd agreed to stop.
"I...I'm not sure yet," she hesitantly answered him, sheepishness present in the apologetic smile she sent him. She didn't think she'd get this far.
Great, Tommy thought to himself, wanting to bring his hand to his face in frustration, I've agreed to this and she has no bloody clue of the finer details.
"I could get you the information though!" she jumped to tell him before he could back out of the deal. "I mean it, I can find everything out and tell you as soon as I have it," she added, her desperation present once again.
"Ok," he nodded, making her sigh in relief. She was happy to hear that he was still interested. "I'm staying at the inn; room 273. Come there when you find any information," he told her then, hoping that she wouldn't question the fact that he didn't have a permanent residence in the town.
"I will," she nodded as well, "thank you so much, Preacher Shelby," she expressed her gratitude once again.
"Thank me when it's over," he told her, his voice unintentionally holding a grim tone.
(Y/N) rushed down the hall of the inn, intently looking at each of the number plaques until she found the one she was looking for. She'd visited this room only a few days ago, but today it felt like she couldn’t get to it soon enough.
She knocked on the door the instant she got to it, and after trying four times, it opened. "Preacher Shelby," she panted, having not quite caught her breath yet, "thank you," she added once she trusted her voice again.
"For?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows, slightly surprised by seeing her at his door.
"You told me to thank you when it's over," she reminded him of their conversation by the riverside, "it's over, so thank you."
Tommy nodded as what they spoke about came back to him. "There's no need to thank me, love...they backed down quickly once I reminded them that judgment would be brought upon them and they would be condemned for hanging an innocent man," he gave her a rundown of how things unfolded.
"So you'll forgive them, Father?"
"Why?" Her question surprised him.
"Because they know not what they do...they're only working for their cause. My goal was to make sure that my brother stayed alive. I didn't want them to be condemned," she said to him, her stomach doing flips at the idea.
"Your brother?"
"That man was my brother," she told him, nodding slightly to accentuate her point. "You stopped them from hanging him. He was able to go back to his family because of what you said."
"Condemnation is up to God to decide," Tommy told her, "have a good day, (Y/N)," he moved to wrap up the conversation, starting to close the door between them.
(Y/N) stopped it before it could latch. "Wait, Preacher Shelby," she said, sticking her arm between the door and the frame.
"What?" Tommy asked as he opened the door again.
"I want to follow your cause...to help out in any way that I can," she said to him, her eyes locked onto his as she spoke.
Tommy furrowed his brows at her statement, letting it sink in before he stuck his neck out into the hallway so that he could look both ways; checking to see if it was clear. Upon finding it empty, he grabbed her forearm and ushered her into the room. (Y/N) gasped at the suddenness, but didn't try to pull away. Instead she followed him in, letting him shut the door behind her before he moved to lean against the chest of drawers sitting on the opposite side of the room. Nothing was said as he grabbed his pack of cigarettes and took one from it, rolling it across his bottom lip before bringing a lighter up to strike it.
(Y/N) watched as he took a drag and exhaled the smoke slowly, letting it billow out around his face. The way he looked at her from across the room made her shudder involuntarily. It seemed as though he was sizing her up, and he was now surrounded by a darker presence, one that she'd never aliken to a man of God. It confused her slightly, but overall made her more intrigued by him.
"Did you hear what I said before, Preacher Shelby?" she asked him, breaking the silence that had fallen between them. "I said that I want to be invested in your cause...to support you fully. I offered you anything in return for helping my brother, and that offer still stands, although I don't think I could ever be able to repay you for it."
"You don't want to do that, (Y/N)," he told her, speaking in a low voice that caused another shudder to course through her. She saw that he was now gripping the top of the dresser, his knuckles white.
"Why not?" she asked, playing the innocent part to continue to - hopefully - get more answers out of him.
"Because I'm not the man you think I am," he started vague, looking her over once before he continued, "I'm no preacher, and I'm certainly not one who's cause you should invest your time into."
"Why shouldn't I?" she asked another question, still not deterred by his ominous answers.
"I'm a bad man, (Y/N)," he admitted, pushing himself away from the dresser so that he could take a few steps in her direction.
"You saved my brother's life. You must not be so bad," she pointed out, not backing down from him even though he was becoming more daunting with each step he took in her direction. She wasn't afraid though. He almost wanted to laugh at how innocent she sounded.
"Words weren't what got your brother spared...it was my actions that did. I threatened those men; told them that they'd face a worse demise than the man they'd accused if they went forward with it," he told her of how things really went down, moving closer to her as he spoke.
"I don't care how you did it," she said to him, holding her ground.
"You should," he responded, standing toe to toe with her now.
"I don't," she insisted, taking a moment to look him over. She could see his striking blue eyes now. The ice in them was evident and staring into them did not reveal what he was thinking. It did make her more entranced by him though; she’d never seen eyes that blue in her life. "I'm tired of living this life...I'm tired of having no say. You accepted my invite, listened to me, and then brought justice where it was needed. That stands for something. I want you to free the slave in me; to free me from this hell that I've been tangled up in," she said then, her eyes staying locked with his as she watched them flit down to her lips before trailing back up. Seeing that made a fire ignite inside of her, "you don't scare me, Mr. Shelby," she said to him, dropping the religious title but still addressing him formally.
"I don't?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised as he held his intent gaze on her.
"No," she shook her head ever so slightly, a grin ghosting on her lips, "you excite me," she admitted then, her eyes locked with his, watching for how he'd react to her confession.
A grin teetered on his lips as he heard what she had to say. "Excite you?" he questioned, humming to himself before he continued, "I do bad things, (Y/N)...it'd be wise of you to rethink what you've said," he warned her.
"I said I'd give you anything," she reminded him, holding her ground even though she felt like she was going to combust on the inside. These things he was saying were meant to ward her off, but they only made her want him more.
She'd had her eyes on him from the moment she entered the meeting house he was speaking at. No man she'd met in the past had ever come close to the way he was making her feel at that moment. Her learning of his true persona made him even more enticing; now she was just waiting for him to make a move, because it seemed as though he was sizing her up in the way that she'd been doing to him.
His eyes roamed her face once more before he finally spoke again, his words cutting the tension like a knife, "so then tell me, (Y/N)...where's your savior now, eh?" he asked her, his eyebrows raising as he waited intently for her response.
"He's right in front of me," she wasted no time in telling him before she couldn't resist herself any longer and went forward with reaching over to take hold of the sides of his neck so that she could collide their lips together in a haste kiss.
It didn't take long for Tommy to take over, moving her back so that she was pressed against the door, his hands gripping onto her hips as he kissed her with the same amount of intensity that she was putting into her efforts. Her hands roamed up to his head, knocking the peaked cap off so that she could grip onto to the longer stands of his cropped haircut. They kissed until their lungs were burning, and (Y/N) was the first to pull back for air, giving him the opportunity to press a few kisses to her jaw.
"Is there something other than preacher that I can call you?" she panted out, bringing her knee up to brush against his thigh, her actions making him groan in response.
"Tommy," he shared his name in between the kisses he'd been pressing against her skin.
"Tommy..." she tried it out for herself, loving how it rolled off of her lips, "I said I'd give you anything, Tommy...just free the slave in me, please," she finished her statement with a satisfied sigh before his lips found hers again.
"Be careful what you ask for, love," he cautioned her, but his words fell on deaf ears as she was already too far gone to heed to the warning.
It was too late to turn back now. There wasn't anything that he could say or do that would make her stray from him. She realized that she was getting involved with a man who was surely closer to the devil than he was to God, and that notion alone excited her. She was invested, and he was going to free the slave in her...starting with making her feel things she'd never felt in her life.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable
Listen to the song Free the Slave by KALEO HERE.
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 1
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: none here, we've just begun
Genre: mostly fluff ig
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
Series Masterlist
It's a beautiful afternoon as you're wrapping up your shift at the cute little cafe/bookstore you work at.
"See ya later y/n!" Your coworker, a kid named Peter calls after you when you leave.
"See you! Have a good shift!" You wave at him with a smile. Peter's 18 and has only been working at the store for a couple of weeks, so far he's doing pretty well. Most of his shifts are in conjunction with yours and today's one of the first times he'll be working with some of the others. You trained him well so you know he'll be fine but it's kinda like leaving your kid somewhere for the first time. Your walk home is nice, late spring bringing warmer temperatures that aren't yet sweaty which you take advantage of. When you walk into your shared apartment, you find your boyfriend of three years sitting at your kitchen counter. Your boyfriend Bruce is a professor and researcher, and you moved in together almost a year ago.
"Hey y/n." He calls over his shoulder, papers scattered around him and his laptop.
"Hi Brucey. You done with lectures for the day?" You ask draping your arms over his shoulders and kissing his cheek.
"Yeah, I cancelled my second lecture for the day- they've got an exam next class." Bruce tells you.
"Ah I see. So how was your first lecture?"
"It was fine, it was my psych class and we ended up having some very interesting discussions. How was your day? You still training that guy?"
"You mean Peter right? His training is pretty much done, actually today he's working a different shift than me."
"Well how's it going for him?"
"I think he's doing alright honestly. He's a little nervous sometimes but it's kinda cute." You giggle.
"Cute, huh?"
"Yeah, the kid's a ball of nervous energy actually. Sometimes he talks like he's had too many espresso shots and it's so fast he's almost unintelligible but apparently he doesn't even drink coffee, which, I think might be for the best. It's so interesting though, I don't know many teenage boys who display energy that way." You hum.
"Maybe he's got anxiety or something."
"Hm, I hadn't considered that. He probably does." You muse grabbing a bottle of water from your fridge. "Well that's the uni update, anything interesting going on in the research area for you?"
"Oh, yeah we've got a vampire coming to the lab tomorrow actually."
"I'm not sure if I like that honestly." You hum.
"Not to worry sweetheart, it's safe. I won't even be alone with him." Bruce says.
"Right of course, not alone just- with others that are part of a vampire's diet."
"You know not all vampires feed on humans."
"What's the alternative? Animals?"
"Yes, exactly." He nods.
"And the vampire you're studying tomorrow eats animals?"
"And you're sure about that?" You ask.
"Well we're studying him because he's animal fed so I sure hope he is."
"Have you ever studied vampires that do eat humans?"
"Yes, back when I was a research assistant. Honestly, the hardest part about studying vampires is hunting them. Once they're caught you can sedate them and that makes it much easier."
"You hunted them?"
"I mean vampires aren't exactly jumping in line to volunteer for this kind of thing you know." Bruce shrugs.
"So this animal-fed vampire, did he volunteer?"
"Yes he did. I don't really run tests on unwilling participants these days. It's unethical."
"I know that. Sounds like your old research boss didn't feel the same." You say.
"Well, that group of researchers mostly tagged creatures to study their patterns in nature. They weren't so much running tests but it's a bit hard to tag a vampire that's trying to rip your heart out so-" Bruce shrugs.
"Alright well I'll take your word on of yours this vampire tomorrow. Be careful." You say.
"Always darling." He winks at you. In all honesty, you try not to ask too many questions about your boyfriend's research of supernatural creatures. He swears to you it's all ethical but you're not sure how well it sits with you. You've been to the lab once and the asylum-like observational rooms you saw were offputting. Stark white walls and a small bed in an otherwise empty room doesn't seem very morally sound to you despite what Bruce tells you. Granted the observational cells were empty when you visited so you can only hope nobody's been in there against their will.
"Y/n!" Bruce pulls you from your thoughts and your head snaps to his confused face.
"Sorry, I- spaced, did you say something?" You ask.
"I said I was thinking we'd order something for dinner, does that sound okay?" Bruce chuckles.  You want so badly to trust that his work is virtuous because that's what he tells you.
"Yeah that's fine with me. Did you want Chinese or Thai or there's that Italian place too, maybe pizza?" You list off some options, shaking the uncertainty from your mind. They say ignorance is bliss.
"Do you have a preference?" He asks.
"Let's do Chinese."
"Sounds good. I'll finish grading these assignments and then order in a couple hours." Bruce says.
"Yeah that's fine." You nod giving Bruce a quick kiss and leaving him to his papers. With the few hours you have to spare until dinner, you crack open your latest read, a book recommended to you by a coworker that you've been meaning to start for a while. Eventually, Bruce orders dinner and gets your attention once the food arrives. Your night is pretty relaxed, you eat and chat while watching TV together for a while before you turn in for the night. You and Bruce do have different rooms because it's important to have your own space, but most nights you sleep together in his room. You'd consider your life pretty ordinary. You have routines and habits and while you have lots of fun experiences, you'd say most of your life is very much average.
The tinkling of the bell over the door doesn't pull your attention from the magazine you're reading but you do greet the customer since you're at the register by the door.
"Hi welcome in!" You say with mild cheeriness.
"Hiiii y/n!" The sing-song greeting comes from your best friend and you look up when you realize.
"Wanda! Hey love." You smile at her.
"Hi! Hi Peter!" She waves at Peter, who's learning how to work the coffee bar today.
"Oh. Hi miss Wanda!" He says with a shy wave.
"I've told you sweetie you don't have to call me miss." Wanda chuckles.
"Sorry." He mutters.
"What a cutie." Wanda hums.
"Isn't he?" You agree quietly. "Anyway, what brings you here babes?" You ask.
"Is your shift almost over? I wanted to hang out today."
"Well I'm supposed to be out of here in the next half hour or so but of course, I've gotta wait for Matt or Layla to come in before I can actually leave." You shrug.
"Peter! How good are you at that coffee bar?" Wanda calls across the store.
"Uh- I- I'm alright I think." Peter says.
"Wanna try making me a vanilla latte?" She asks.
"Well I- I can try."
"Confidence honey, you've got the recipes, you can do this. Don't act like the coffee bar's gonna bite ya!" You tell him.
"Right! Confidence. Vanilla latte coming up." Peter nods grabbing items to make Wanda's drink.
"And if you have any questions I'm right here!" You call.
"I'll wait for your shift to end and then can we do something together?" Wanda asks you.
"Of course we can." You nod.
"Done!" Peter says after a few minutes. Wanda takes the coffee from Peter and drops a five on the counter for him before sitting at a table with her drink and a magazine.
"This is pretty good for how unsure you were Peter." Wanda tells him.
"Good job Petey! I told you, you got it." You smile at him and again he hits you both with a shy smile.
"Thanks." He says quietly. A few customers come in and leave before Eric arrives and you clock out, leaving arm in arm with Wanda. She seems to have a destination in mind as you walk together.
"So where are we going lovely?" You ask her after a few minutes of her dragging you down city streets.
"Well I have a date tonight and I need something to wear, so the mall." She tells you.
"A date? You have a date? Why didn't you mention this before now?!" You blink at her.
"Honestly I forgot about it until I realized it was tonight." She shrugs.
"You forgot about it? Are you even interested in this person?" You laugh incredulously.
"I am! He's very sweet, I just have been busy with other things this week."
"Alright well let's get you something to wear for this second thought date." You snort.
"It wasn't a second thought. It's just that I can only prioritize like three things at a time."
"Seriously? You can lift a plane with your mind but can't remember your date until the day of?" You scoff. Wanda's a witch. It's the only real secret you keep from Bruce. She's not totally comfortable with him knowing that information and since it's her life you have no problem supporting that decision. To tell the truth, she's not very comfortable with him in general because of the whole research thing but he makes you happy so she gets along well enough for your sake.
"I didn't forget forget I was just, you know, too busy to think about it."
"Yeah sure whatever." You laugh as she pulls you into a store near the mall's entrance. "So how do you know this date of yours? Friend of a friend? Someone from work? A dating app? One of Pietro's friends?"
"He's a friend of a coworker." She tells you.
"A friend of a coworker? Is this a blind date?"
"No. He came to a work function and I had a nice enough time talking to him there that when he asked me on a date I said yes."
"It sounds like your coworker was setting you up and just played the long game." You chuckle.
"Hang on I'd like to circle back to your suggestion that it would be one of Pietro's friends. Why would I ever do that?!" She looks at you over a clothing rack.
"Oh come on Pietro's adorable." You laugh.
"This is about his friends, not him."
"Yeah I know but I'm of the belief that hot people hang with hot people so naturally-"
"Yeah that's not. No."
"Why? Is it the fact that the halfling has mostly vampire friends? I know you have ethical reservations about the whole blood sucking thing despite being raised by a vampire." You ask as the two of you leave the store you're in. Wanda and Pietro are twins but apparently since their father is a vampire and their mother is a witch one twin got each supernatural gene, making Pietro a vampire halfling.
"Most of Pietro's friends hunt animals so no it's not that." She rolls her eyes.
"Wait they hunt animals?" You blink.
"Yeah? So does Pietro, you know that."
"I know he does but I guess I didn't think about his friends- I think one of them might be volunteering for Bruce."
"What?" Wanda's eyes widen.
"A couple of weeks ago Bruce told me a vampire was going to the lab and they were going to study him because he's animal fed and well, considering we live in New York and not Idaho I can't imagine there's a large population of animal diet vampires." You explain.
"What if he finds out about Pietro? About me?" Wanda gasps as the two of you enter another store.
"He won't. Even if this guy knows Pietro why would he put another person on Bruce's watchlist that didn't ask to be there? His loyalty should be to other vampires not to a bunch of researchers." You say quietly. The shop you're in is empty besides the employees and while supernatural creatures aren't a secret, some people are more reserved when it comes to them.
"Some of them don't accept Pietro because of our parentage. He could rat him out on purpose for-"
"Bruce isn't going to go hunting people down, I've mentioned Pietro like once so he might not even know you're related, it's not like Pietro would rat on you, and if Bruce does find out that you're twins well, you aren't a vampire. I'll simply tell him that twins of a vampire and a nonvampire split the gene, and only one gets it. Plus it's been a couple of weeks since this happened, if the vampire had mentioned Pietro or Bruce had any suspicions about you, he'd have given himself away by now. He's not going to find out you're a witch. He's not going to find out Pietro is a halfling. Your secrets are safe."
"Man I hope so." She sighs.
"Yeah well I know so." You tell her.  The two of you flip through racks of clothes for a while, pulling different items for Wanda to try on in the dressing room. "So where are you going with this guy?" You ask her when you finally reach the dressing rooms at the back.
"Dinner! Maybe something else after but we're starting with dinner." Wanda says through the door as she tries on the first dress she picked.
"Hm, what's his name?"
"Wes? Is it short for Wesley or- is that the whole name?"
"It's short for Wesley." She pushes back the dressing room curtain to show you the dress. "What do you think?"
"That's cute. Although maybe not right for a first date." You say. It's a short dark blue dress with lace trimming and as much as you like it, it's not a dinner date outfit.
"Yeah- maybe you're right." She looks at herself in the mirror for a moment and then closes the curtain.
"Hm, Wesley? That's not the worst name in the world." You hum.
"Y/n!" Wanda laughs.
"Look! I'm not trying to be mean, but you know, some names just don't... roll off the tongue the right way ya know." You shrug even though she can't see you.
"Now why would you say that?" She tries to scold you but you can hear her hiding her laughter before she shoves back the curtain again. "This one?" She asks. This dress is a green off-the-shoulder pick with bell sleeves.
"I think it's the wrong shade of green for you honestly." You tell her.
"Ya think so?" She hums and closes the curtain again.
"Anyway, I said it because it's true. Like I'm not saying you're going to fuck this guy or anything but imagine trying to moan a name like Bartholomew or Yolanda. Ya know? Wes or even Wesley you could probably get away with though."
"Don't be crude! I don't think anyone born in the last century is named Bartholomew but- I guess I get your point." Wanda chuckles.
"Also it's cute that your names are alliterative. Wanda and Wesley. You'll have to come up with some cute introduction when you meet people as a couple."
"It is one date. You are for sure skipping ahead." Wanda pulls back the curtain in a new dress, pointing an accusing finger at you. This one is a two-toned red and black dress.
"I mean if you think about it now you're ready for if the time comes." You shrug.
"You and your ability to romanticize things." She shakes her head. "Thoughts on this one?"
"Life is better when you romanticize things. Honestly, I think this is your dress. You should get this one. It's gorgeous on you. If he's not speechless when he sees you, leave." You tell her.
"That's dramatic." She laughs.
"It's in my nature." You shrug.
"It is a nice dress though. Should I bother trying the others?" She asks as she closes the curtain again to change back into her clothes.
"I mean if you want to but I'm pretty much sold on this one." You say.
"Excuse me." You hear a voice behind you that causes you to spin around. A sales associate for the store you're in is smiling at you when you do.
"Hi! Can I help you?" You ask.
"This is for you." She says holding out a shopping bag with the store's logo on it. Your hands fly up as if you're surrendering.
"I- didn't purchase anything so that cannot be right." You shake your head.
"Actually the items were purchased for you by someone. It's a gift."
"A gift from whom?" You frown in confusion.
"They've asked to remain anonymous."
"That- sounds increasingly suspicious. Um can you, hold the bag open for me?" You ask her.
"Excuse me?" Now she's confused.
"I am not touching that bag if I don't know what's inside it. So, if you could just open it so I can look inside?" You explain. "Wanda! You almost done in there?" You call as the associate opens the bag. Wanda rushes out of the dressing room when she hears your voice.
"Everything okay?" She asks you.
"Somebody has anonymously gifted me some items apparently." You share a look at her before looking into the bag to find a dress, a jacket, and a jewelry set each that you'd commented on while shopping with Wanda. You spin around to face Wanda almost too fast. "Holy shit it's all stuff I said I liked while we were shopping." You speak quickly and quietly to her.
"It's the dress and the jacket that I put down right before we came to the dressing room." You hiss.
"Woah." Wanda blinks. You turn back to the associate.
"Did they pay with a card? Can you refund this person somehow? I can't just take this gift from a stranger." You tell her.
"All of the items they bought are final sale so unfortunately, a refund would not be possible, plus they paid in cash."
"So- there's really nothing I can do but take this?"
"I mean if you don't take it I'll simply sell them again. It'd be unfortunate for the purchaser." The associate tells you. You look at Wanda again.
"This is like a $200 purchase what the fuck?" You whisper to Wanda.
"Then I guess you should take it." Wanda whispers back. You mull it over in your head for a moment before turning back to face the associate.
"Alright fine. Thank you." You take the bag from the associate with a small smile. "If the, anonymous gifter returns please inform them that I appreciate the gesture but not to do it again because this is very weird." You tell her.
"I will pass on the message." She nods and walks away.
"I cannot believe you've got a secret admirer." Wanda loops her arm through yours and pulls you towards the counter with her chosen dress in hand.
"This is absolutely ridiculous. What do I tell Bruce?" You frown.
"The truth. That a stranger bought them and you have no idea who it is." She shrugs. The two of you check out and leave the store and subsequently the mall, Wanda deciding she has enough shoes to choose from at home. "Do you have any idea who it might be?"
"No. I only talk to like 5 people and none of them are spending $200 on items I only mentioned liking while we were just shopping."
"Even Bruce?"
"If Bruce did it, he wouldn't keep it a secret. So I know it's not him." You tell her.
"Well, you'll have to tell me how he reacts. I'm going to head home so I can prep for this date. I'll call you later." Wanda says hugging you tightly.
"Have fun babes." You kiss her cheek and then part ways, heading back to your apartment. When you unlock the door and kick off your shoes, the smell of food welcomes you so you head to the kitchen.
"Hi Bruce!" You say wrapping your arm around him from behind.
"Hi babe, welcome home. Work a longer shift at work or something?" Bruce asks.
"No Wanda came to my job and we went shopping once I got off. She's got a date tonight!" You tell him and Bruce turns enough to see the shopping bag sitting on the counter.
"I see you got some things too. What's in the bag?" Bruce asks.
"A dress, a jacket, and some jewelry."
"Impromptu mini shopping spree?" Bruce chuckles.
"Well I didn't buy any of that stuff actually." You shrug. Bruce frowns at you for a moment before turning back to whatever he's cooking. A past dish from the looks of it.
"Honey I know we don't really keep secrets from each other but if you're going to commit a crime-"
"I didn't steal them. Why is your first thought that I stole?" You chuckle.
"You said you didn't buy them."
"Yeah I didn't. They were gifted to me while I was shopping."
"Someone bought these things and had a sales associate bring them to me."
"I don't know."
"You don't know? You didn't ask any questions?"
"I asked like a dozen questions, including if she could refund whoever it was that did this and she said no. She also told me whoever it was asked to remain anonymous, what was I supposed to do? Force the information out of her? She probably doesn't know who it is either."
"What if he was watching you? You accepted the gift he might think he has an in with you."
"How do you know that this person has any intention of doing that?"
"Can you think of any other reason that they'd spend hundreds on stuff for you? This is basically a secret admirer stunt y/n."
"Look I told the sales lady to let whoever it was know that this was incredibly inappropriate but it's too late to do anything else. Even if they're stalking me I have no idea who they are so, what do you want from me here?" You cross your arms.
"I don't mean to snap at you I'm just worried about your safety." Bruce pulls you to his chest.
"Yeah, I get that, but it sounds like you're blaming me for receiving an anonymous gift." You mutter.
"I'm not trying to blame you I promise. This is just weird and it concerns me."
"Honestly as weird as this situation is I dunno I just don't hear the alarm bells I usually notice before something goes wrong. Of course it's only one incident, things could escalate."
"Well, even if you don't feel alarmed by this, be careful anyway." Bruce kisses the top of your head.
"Always." You wink at him. The rest of your evening is quiet, you discuss work over dinner and watch TV before eventually getting ready for bed.
You hum along to the music playing in the store as you restock some items by the register, it's pretty slow around this time in the afternoon usually so you've got Peter in the back learning inventory stuff.
"Hi welcome in!" You call over your shoulder instinctively when the bell by the door goes off.
"Hey, excuse me." You turn around at the voice to see two men looking at you, one Black and one white.
"Hi! Is there something I can help you with?" You smile.
"Actually we're looking for someone. An employee, Peter Parker. Is he here?" The Black man asks you.
"Mind telling me what this is about?" You ask keeping a polite smile on your face although their question concerns you.
"Excuse me?" He blinks at you.
"Well Peter's a kid so I hope you can understand my reservations in disclosing information about him to men who haven't identified themselves or their relationship to him, and seemingly don't know his schedule which to me means he does not want you popping up at his place of employment unexpectedly." You cross your arms and the one who hasn't spoken quirks an eyebrow at you.
"Look is the kid here or not?"
"I'm not authorized to give out information you don't already have about anyone who may or may not work here." You tell them.
"This is ridiculous- Parker! It's Wilson and Barton come up here." The Black man calls loudly. You spin around and intercept Peter when you hear his footfalls behind you.
"Peter do you know these men?" You ask quietly. He looks over your shoulder.
"Yeah they're friends. I'm sorry if they're causing you trouble." Peter tells you nervously.
"They aren't causing me trouble but they're looking for you and I wanna make sure you aren't in any danger."
"No. No danger. It's alright, they're alright. Is it cool if I step out with them for a moment?"
"It's empty so fine but you probably shouldn't do this often."
"I swear this won't happen again."
"Go, make it quick." You wave towards the door and he leads the two men out of the store.
"She seems protective of you." Clint points out.
"She's real nice, it's kinda like having an older sister at work but that's besides the point you guys cannot just show up here while I'm working!" Peter tells them.
"That's cute, and relax you're just a cover, we were told to check on her." Sam says.
"She's wearing the jacket." Clint mutters.
"She's wearing the jacket! Did she mention anything to you Parker?" Sam looks from you to Peter.
"About her jacket? No? Why should she?" Peter frowns.
"No reason. The fact that she's wearing it bodes well for them I think." Sam says.
"Bodes well for who? Wait did they buy her that jacket?! She's been in a relationship for like three years!"
"Relax kid leave this to the adults." Sam nudges him.
"They can't just poach someone's girlfriend."
"No one's poaching anyone don't worry about it, Peter. Oh, but they do wanna see you after you get off so- head to the offices when your shift is over." Clint claps Peter on the back and then he and Sam leave.
"Sorry about that." Peter says as he rushes back in.
"Everything alright?" You ask.
"Yeah! Totally fine, I'm gonna go finish learning inventory."
"Holler if you need anything." You hum. You know it's not really any of your business but you do hope Peter was telling the truth and those guys weren't here to hassle him.
Part 1/???
Tagged Users: @cjand10
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
(after I saw someone request the god killer having a Dorky husband i couldn't help myself requesting this)
So hear me out what about the god killer having a silly clumsy scientist husband that loves studying them like having 14 journals and audio tapes filled to the Brim with interviews, experiments, and the god killers powers
And so when god killer trusted the humans fighters enough they decides to introduce them to they're husband by teleporting all of the human fighter's to the large lab that they created for there's silly scientist husband
[so how would the humans fighters react to the god killers silly scientist husband and I would especially like how nikola tesla interact with there husband cus they Both scientist]
-It had started with a question from Nikola, one that the gods didn’t even know and one that you wouldn’t answer, as they needed to find the answer for themselves.
-You don’t remember the question off hand, only that it had led to several arguments and at least two fist fights between several people.
-The humans and the gods were working together, trying to figure out the solution before Nikola sighed, “If there was another scientist, we could get their view on this.”
-This is when you perked up, “Oh- do you want another opinion? My husband would be happy to help.” All eyes turned on you in shock as you took your human form, making sure your chiton was secured correctly as Zeus spoke, “You’re married?!”
-You weren’t bothered by his tone, looking calm, “Yeah- we married a few years ago. He’s so cute!” glances went around as you opened up a portal, “C’mon, we’ll go to his lab together.”
-Following after you, Nikola, Hermes, Zeus, Odin, Loki, Adam, Leonidas, Ares, Aphrodite, Brunnhilde and Goll, all entered through the portal into a messy but well light lab, research, computers, and machines everywhere.
-You called out, “Honey?” a snort from a pile of paper caught everyone’s attention as the dorkiest looking man crawled out from under the papers, having fallen asleep in his lab once again.
-He was wearing sweatpants, flip flops, a polka dotted tank top with a lab coat over the top, and huge thick rimmed glasses over his eyes and a head of hair that looked like he had licked an electrical socket.
-You pouted, your hands on your hips, “You fell asleep in the lab again! How many times do I have to tell you to sleep in the bed!” he just laughed, the bags under his eyes telling you that he was up all night, “Sorry Y/N, I got going and I couldn’t stop.”
-You pouted, looking adorable, “I’m gonna ban you from the lab again if you keep doing this!” he flinched back in fear, as he knew what a ‘ban’ as, where you just took his lab and warped it to another dimension until he learned his lesson.
-He then noticed the guests and he greeted everyone, shaking hands with Nikola who looked elated, seeing all the research, while everyone else was stunned, trying to figure out how he married you.
-You explained the reasoning for bringing your guests from Valhalla and he was silent for a moment before flames of determination surrounded him, hearing of a problem to be solved.
-While the others were a little less enthused, your husband and Nikola got along just fine, instantly going into theories and going over notes.
-You leaned your chin on your hand, “He’s so cute when he gets fired up.” This was more of a mystery that they wanted to figure out a bit more, on how this dork got you, leaving Nikola to handle things with your husband.
-You weren’t going to say anything however, you liked to keep some secrets to keep people guessing.
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dead-dove-yandere · 24 days
I love your content and all your ocs, even though Smiley got me, I loved it! 💕 I have been thinking for several days since I came across your account, what Smiley would be like with a reader who is a psychopath, a serial killer or something similar, who kills simply for any reason or perhaps to de-stress from work, and they are so clever and intelligent with their tricks?
I think it would be funny to have a scenario in which the reader has a co-worker as a target and by the time they're going to kill her, Smiley has already killed her first
or another scenario where Smiley has already "brought home" the reader and probably starts a knife fight or something
Hii! Sorry it took me so long to get to this request - I meant to do it yesterday but I wasn’t feeling well 😭
I hope this is okay!!
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TW: Stalking, obsession, murder
You had it meticulously planned. You’d planned it for months. You knew their routine, who they lived with and when they’d be alone. You knew when they’d be in an obscured place. You knew where every CCTV camera was and the area they overlooked. You knew that as always, you had planned it all down to every extraneous variable, so that you could not be caught. Then, out of the left field, the notes started. You couldn’t think how to interpret them - harmless prank, or did someone know your secret and this was some strange attempt at blackmail? Either way, your plan seemed to be foiled. With the chance that this mystery person would be watching you closely, you couldn’t risk getting caught.
Your target walked by your desk, a cup of coffee in hand and a smarmy smile on their face. You curled your lip in disgust. You never usually killed so close to you, preferring to keep a far distance so it was easier to wash your hands of the guilt and evidence. But that damned coworker had it in for you. You’d seen them, choosing their words just so and framing you for their mistakes and incompetence, all so that you would get fired. And with HR offering so little help on the mystery of the anonymous notes, you knew they’d do nothing to protect you.
Thus, this smiley faced admirer had got you trapped between a rock and a hard place. You watched the clock, waiting for it to tick to closing time, just so you could go home and try to replan your whole scheme - hasty, messy work, but it was all you could do. The time ticked over and you grabbed your coat and shut down your computer, pacing quickly towards the door. That’s when you saw them - still with that smug smile. They gave you a sarcastic wave as they left, and you shook with rage. Without thinking, all your worrying and nitpicking over a plan flew out your mind, the red mist descending. You kept your distance, yet still you followed them, making sure not to lose sight as you stayed concealed from them. You followed them a long way, until they turned into an alley - one you knew wouldn’t have cameras. You reached into your pocket and gripped the knife you kept there, your heart racing, ready to let the pressure out, to let anger spew out of you like arterial blood. With a white knuckle grip, you turned the corner, but then paused, the rage from seconds before dissipating.
They laid on the ground, dead. Cut up like an animal that the butcher had done a poor job on. On top of them lied a blood stained post it. With a trembling hand, you reach down and pick it up.
“Did I do a good enough job? Now you don’t have to exert yourself. ╹◡╹”
You crumpled the note. You couldn’t even be allowed just one chance to relieve your stress.
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Dividers Credit: See Pinned Post
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starlocked01 · 4 months
Your Average Petty Sinner
AO3 link (pending)
Summary- Patton goes through an Emo phase and decides to hang out with the most notorious kids at school, going so far as to try to date their leader.
Relationships- Janus&Patton (Moceit), Remus/Virgil (Dukexiety)
Word Count- 5.4k
Content Warnings- swearing, mild description of injury, mild sexual innuendos
This is my @sanderssidesgiftxchange gift for @lily-janus 💛💙 I really hope you like it! Also a shout out to @infinitesimal-dna for beta reading and putting up with my shenanigans.
“I just don't get it!” Patton frantically paced the small patch of faded pale blue carpet that was visible in his cluttered room, “I literally caught them with cigarettes and lighters in the bathroom- how did they weasel out of detention this time?”
Roman barely looked up from the script in his hand as he lounged on Patton’s bed, “I don't know. Remus didn't say when Mom picked us up. They weren't going to hurt anyone but themselves.”
“Lighters start fires- they could have caused a fire alarm and some freshman could have been trampled in the ensuing panic while the science wing burned down-” Patton whipped back to face Roman who remained unperturbed. 
“And none of that happened. You saved the day, Padre. Why can't you just be happy about that?”
“Because they didn't get in trouble!” Patton crossed his arms tight over his chest and resumed his pacing, “why turn in the bad kids if they're just going to be let go?”
“Sounds like you want to put my brother in jail,” Roman snickered and briefly looked up, “I don't know why. Why do you snitch on them?” Roman countered
Patton bit down hard on his lip before taking a measured breath, “I am not snitching. They just keep breaking the rules in front of me.”
“I think you just want Janus to notice you. Trust me, he does, sweetie. Remus won't stop complaining about how much the goodie two shoes need to fu- leave them alone,” Roman replies, remembering too late the household ban on swears.
“SHH! Don’t let Mom hear you.” Patton whispered tersely, “you’re wrong. I don’t care what any of them think about me– especially not Janus.”
Roman snorted, “Yeah, right. That’s why you’re constantly tattling on him. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that when a boy’s mean to you that means he likes you?”
Patton stopped in his tracks and turned back to face Roman, “That’s… completely untrue.”
Roman rolled his eyes, flipping a page lazily, “Just keep telling yourself that, Padre. I bet if you just asked he’d go out with you.”
“I’m not gay and I don’t want to go out with him,” Patton countered, “will you please just be quiet? My mom would kick you out in two seconds for being a quote ‘bad influence’ if she heard you right now.”
“Mmm fine. Alright. I won’t talk about your obvious crush on Mr. Tall, Dark and Mysterious.”
“I am not- Why don’t you understand that not everyone has to like guys?” 
Roman sat up, “I’m not saying everyone. I just know you, Patt. You don’t like girls. You’ve turned down like twenty of them since homecoming last year. So if you don’t like girls, that just leaves guys. I know you don’t feel comfortable bringing a bf home because of the witch, but you’ve at least got to let yourself consider the possibility.”
“Maybe I just haven’t met the right girl,” Patton replied, not sounding as convincing as he should have to shut down the conversation.
Roman chuckled, “sure. Because she’s actually a boy named Janus and you’re looking in the wrong places.”
“Just ask him!”
“He hates me. And I don’t like him.”
“You absolutely fucking do!”
“Roman!” Patton hissed, flinching as he could hear his mother’s footsteps coming down the hallway. “Now you’ve done it-” he muttered as the bedroom door clicked and swung open.
“Patton, sweetie. What’s our rule for having friends over?” his mother asked from the door, a falsely sweet and disarming voice cutting through the tension of the argument.
Patton turned, “they need to follow house rules and not distract from school work…”
“That’s right. If I’m not mistaken, I believe I heard Mr. Prince here swearing. That is no way to speak to others, is it?” 
“No, ma’am,” Patton replied, head hung in defeat. 
She turned towards Roman, “Exactly. I’m sorry dear, but you need to leave and reevaluate your vocabulary and manners if you want to spend time with my son.”
“Sorry, Patt,” Roman murmured as he grabbed his backpack and walked past to leave, “tomorrow. Just do it.” 
Patton sighed with exasperation, “Please, Mom, let him stay? He didn’t mean to-”
“You know the rules, Patton. I think it’s about time you got started on your homework,” she brushed him off, escorting Roman out to the front door. 
Patton waited until he heard the front door shutting before closing his bedroom door to get started on his work, trying to tune out his racing thoughts about school. 
___ ___ ___
 Janus slumped against the lockers, ignoring the dirty look from Susan next to him when he accidentally shut hers for her. It wasn’t his fault her locker was so close to Virgil’s. He gripped the head of his cane to keep it from sliding into the throng of students that would trample and crack it without a second thought. The polished wooden cane had cost a fortune, stained black with a yellow snake carved around the shaft up to the handle. He'd refused to adopt a medical-looking metal bully magnet and protected his aide fiercely. Janus silently watched Virgil picking out text books for the next class.
“What a bitch, right?” he asked once Virgil had noticed him. 
Virgil nodded sagely, “Yeah. Who’re we talking about this time?”
Janus smirked, “Mrs. Hansen, of course. It’s like she doesn’t even care that I don’t give a fuck about Physics.”
“She held you after class again? That bitch!” Virgil gaped, closing his locker, “that is so messed up. You should tell the VP that she’s not respecting your accommodations, right?”
“Like he ever cared the twenty thousand other times someone tried to make life harder,” Janus scoffed, glancing at the disturbance coming down the hallway and opting not to warn Virgil.
With all the subtlety of a tornado, Janus watched as Remus pinned Virgil to the lockers, dropping his backpack at Janus’ feet in his hurry to get hands on the boy. Virgil grunted in surprise, pushing back against the attack until he recognized the lips pressed harshly into his neck.
“Rem-! Oh my god!” Virgil laughed breathlessly, “I told you not at school, motherfucker!”
Remus looked up with a devious grin, “and? Your mother said she loved it.”
“Gross,” Virgil chuckled and pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug, “I missed you.”
Janus rolled his eyes, pushing the discarded backpack away with the tip of his cane, “It’s been all of an hour since you two last molested each other in front of the entire school.”
“Jealous, Jannie?”
“Utterly green with envy,” Janus sighed, noticing the crowd in the hall thinning rapidly, “are you done playing tongue hockey yet?”
“Never,” Remus laughed and turned back to Virgil, cutting off his protests with a filthy kiss.
“I’m honestly surprised you haven’t figured out how to make gay love babies yet,” Janus replied, carefully readjusting his treasured suede gloves. The crowds of students dissipated and doors shut as the bell for the next period rang through the now empty halls.
Janus nudged the pair, “Biology will have to wait. Let's get going.”
“Oh come on!” Remus whined, “just tell Mr. Sawan you got held back and we're helping you-”
“It's not a lie for once,” Virgil added, leaning down to grab Remus' bag.
“And they say I'm the bad influence,” Janus scoffed, grabbing his cane to start towards class. Virgil and Remus reluctantly followed, careful to give him space to walk. 
Janus wasn't actually eager to get to class. Everyone always stared when he walked in late, despite arriving late by necessity every day. The scrutiny felt absolutely miserable. 
As they neared the stairs down to the mathematics wing, Janus paused to let the couple go first. The last thing he wanted was to slip all the way down into a concussion.
“Hey!” A voice called loudly from down the hall, “aren't you supposed to be in class?”
Janus glanced over and swore quietly at the sight of the world's most annoying goody two shoes coming towards them.
“Patton. Where do you think we're going?” He asked in a lazy drawl.
“Yeah, calm your tits,” Remus added less than helpfully.
Patton frowned, glancing down at his chest for a brief moment, “I don't have- the bell rang five minutes ago. You're supposed to be in class. I bet you're out here trying to smoke and ditch class.”
“How? You stole my lighter yesterday,” Virgil snarked back, arms crossed tightly over his chest.
“It’s against school policy-” Patton started.
“What's against policy is a student trying to police other students. I literally cannot walk the halls when everyone else is running around,” Janus spoke up, standing up straighter. “We'd have made it by now if you hadn't interrupted us.”
“You liar. You're just messing around to get out of class,” Patton accused, stepping closer as if to intimidate Janus.
He laughed, “we have this discussion once a week! If I didn't know better, I would think you're going out of your way to flirt with me.”
An inscrutable look passed over Patton’s face, freckles melting into a soft flustered blush. “I am not!” Patton whispered hoarsely.
“Then we'll just be on our way,” Janus sneered, starting down the first step, cane first.
“Hey!” Patton gasped, reaching for Janus’s shoulder. Janus flinched at the unexpected touch, shifting to toss Patton as far from him as possible.
Unfortunately, this sent the boy careening down the flight of stairs.
“Shit!” Janus exclaimed,  watching in horror and slight mesmerism as Patton came to a halt on the first landing.
“You killed him!” Remus cackled with glee at the possibility.
“Jan- what the fuck?” Virgil asked, not sure if he should move to help Patton or not.
Janus glanced down the hall, and seeing no one, made his decision.
“Virgil, help me get him to the nurse.” he instructed. “Remus, get to class and tell them Virgil and I cannot make it. Give as little context as possible, got it?”
Remus nodded and hurried to the class.
Janus hurried down the steps as fast as he could manage to the place Patton lay on the stairs.
“Wh- why?” Patton murmured, cradling his shoulder, “I- I wasn't-”
“Next time don't touch people without permission,” Janus snapped, reaching to pick  Patton up, “can you walk?”
“I- I think so?” Patton winced, trying to sit up with both of the others pulling him up, “d-don't pull my arm, please.”
Janus nodded, “right, let's go, before you die or something.”
“Good going, Jan,” Virgil groaned as Patton leaned more heavily against him.
“Shut it, Vi. I didn't do anything.”
The walk down the rest of the stairs and to the nurse's office felt impossibly long and arduous, as Patton moved slower than even Janus. And he moaned in pain at each jostle to his arm.
“You're going to be okay,” Virgil chewed at his cheek, “it wasn't that bad of a fall.”
“I- I hope so,” Patton murmured, “why are the bad kids helping me?”
Janus rolled his eyes, “who said we're bad?”
“I- you always get in trouble,” Patton tried to explain.
“Yeah. Because you're always trying to get us in trouble,” Virgil scoffed.
“I don't expect you to understand, Patton,” Janus stopped as they reached the nurse’s office, “ but sometimes people just don't think like you.”
Patton nodded then tried to walk into the office, “thanks, I guess.”
Janus rolled his eyes, turning to head back to class, only to be confronted with the imposing figure of the school vice principal.
“What's this, then?”
“Oh- sir, I can explain,” Janus offered hastily.
“You will,” the man nodded, pointing towards his office, “If you please, Mr. Shephard.”
Virgil fiddled with his sleeves, “It was completely an accident. We were just helping Patton.”
“He fell down the stairs after slipping on a spilled water bottle,” Janus protested, already tired of walking, “I think he hit his head so we didn't want to leave him alone before he could get over here.”
“I see,” the man eyed the two, “is that so?”
“Yes. That's what happened.” Janus nodded emphatically. He watched the disciplinarian's face to see if he bought the story.
“Get to your class,” the vice principal barked, and the two wasted no time disappearing down the hallway.
___ ___ ___
Patton stirred and sat gingerly up in bed. A needle of pain shot through his shoulder at the weight pressed on it. 
“Oh- f-”
“Patton!” His mother stood at the door to his room with a sour look on her face.
“I was going to say ‘fudge’,” Patton gritted his teeth.
“Honestly, when did I raise such a delinquent?” She shook her head and barged her way in, “bullying other students and now swearing? Certainly nothing I taught you.”
“I won't hear it. Luckily, some of your classmates collected your homework assignments for you. Behave yourself with them,” she scolded.
“I'm not a bully,” Patton muttered, gazing up at the ceiling as though the stucco could offer him the strength to endure her accusations.
“For the record, no one said you were but her. I don’t know why she thinks that,” Patton looked back to the door sharply, finding his mother replaced with Virgil standing slouched against the frame, a book bag slung over one shoulder. “Hey- I hope it's okay I- let's not worry about how I knew your address. How… are.. you?”
“I've been better. The doctor poked and prodded me a lot yesterday.” 
Patton nods, “I’ll be back in school by Monday. Unless I go completely loopy in the head. But I think the sprain in my shoulder is worse. Is Janus okay?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. He was tired from all the running around but like.. I don’t think he’s mad at you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Virgil glanced back to the door before leaning closer to ask, “is she always like that?”
Patton nodded, “yeah… that’s my mom for you.”
Virgil swung his bag onto the bed, “alright, well, I’ve got your homework for the classes you missed.. And I thought you might like some music to pass the time? It’s the kind I listen to when I get really upset,” Virgil explained with a pointed look as he pulled a disk in a clear cover out of the bag with the school books, “just.. Let me know what you think if you do. I’m really sorry about what happened.”
“It’s not your fault, Virge-” Patton shook his head and then winced, “thank you, though.”
“No worries. I- uh.. Look forward to seeing you..? Yeah. Get better soon.”
Patton watched as Virgil exited his bedroom, confused why he of any of the kids at school brought him make up work. He examined the CD, turning it to read the sharpie writing, a list of songs with artists listed in incomprehensible initials. He turned the case over, noticing a small piece of paper tucked under the CD inside the case. Intrigued, he pried the case open and popped the CD out, laying it on the blanket. He retrieved the small folded paper from his lap, carefully picking it apart. 
I didn’t push you down the stairs. I also did not try to help you after you tripped. If you tell anyone I did, I won’t hesitate to make you regret it. -J
Patton frowned, confused by the note. He tossed it aside and pulled out his portable CD player to listen to the mixtape without his mom listening in. He laid back, letting the beats and melodies wash over him. As he listened, an idea started to form, one of which he was barely conscious.
___ ___ ___
“Are you insane?” Roman stared far more openly than other students in the hall. Patton shrugged and pushed past his friend to his locker.
“I’m just trying something new,” Patton replied, hanging his backpack up and picking out books for the first class. He tried very hard to not express frustration when the bookbag caught on the spikes sticking out of one of his many new bracelets. 
“You look ridiculous. You hate black! What is going on?” 
“I can wear whatever I want, Ro. You sound like my mother right now.” 
That shut Roman’s protests up quickly. Patton hummed to himself, reaching into the bag to pull out a brand new makeup pallet made of browns and blacks, picking the darkest shade to dab onto his eyelids.
“How hard did you hit your head?” Roman asked, staring in even more shock and disbelief. 
“My head is fine, Roman. I told you I’m trying something new,” Patton explained.
“Oh Hey! When did you get hot, Pat-Pat?” Remus yelled, dragging Virgil behind him from down the hall.
“Woah- Patton, are you okay?” Virgil asked as they reached him and Roman at the lockers. 
“Looks like Jannie knocked some sense into him. Hot damn!” Remus leered, earning a smack on the shoulder from Virgil and Roman. 
“Guys, I am fine. I promise. I wanted to see how my mom would take it,” Patton offers, not so subtly searching the halls.
“Right. Suuuuuuure,” Remus giggled, “just remember that Virgie is mine,” he snaps playfully, “I don’t share and I certainly don’t do threesomes.” Remus winked, sending a shiver of disgust running down Patton’s spine. “Congrats, baby emo.”
“If you need to talk or something,” Virgil managed to offer before getting swept away by Remus.
Roman sighed, “Seriously, do you want to talk?”
“I’ll be fine, Ro. I’m still me. I just... I don’t know. It felt right this morning,” Patton offers as explanation.
“Well, you know where to find me. And if this is some ploy to get Janus to like you- it won’t work-” 
“I don’t care if he likes me,” Patton protests, “this isn’t about him.”
“It’s not?” Janus asked in a smooth voice, standing behind Patton as if he appeared there from thin air.
“Janus!” Patton whipped around, “how- when did you- um, hi.” he stammered.
Roman laughed and clapped Patton on the shoulder, “good luck, Romeo. See you at lunch.” He walked away still laughing as Patton blushed and tried to shake the teasing off.
Janus watched curiously. He certainly would never have predicted that Patton would show up in an all black pretend-emo costume. Amazing really how people could still surprise him. 
“I promise that Roman doesn’t know what he’s talking about-” Patton tried to recover his composure.
“He never does. Poor Remus got all the interesting and useful brains,” Janus sighed, examining his gloved hand nonchalantly. “Even if this were some ploy for my attention, I wouldn’t be interested just because you changed clothes and painted your nails.”
“That implies you would be interested in different circumstances,” Patton pointed out.
“Would I? I never said that. You understood my message, right?” Janus asked, changing topics quickly.
Patton nodded, “I- yes, I understood. You didn’t have to threaten me. Everyone thinks I broke my head and wouldn’t believe me saying either thing.” 
“Correct. No use spreading rumors,” Janus smirked.
“Do you think I’m a bad person?” Patton asked quietly.
Janus took a moment to think over the question, “Why are you asking me?”
“Because I think you’re probably the person I’ve hurt the most.”
Janus laughed, “Oh please. Like you could hurt me. Since when do you care about my opinions?”
“I don’t know- I’m really trying something new here, Janus.” Patton worried his lip between his teeth. 
“I see. I notice,” Janus nodded and turned to head towards class.
“Janus? Do I… seem like I have a crush on you?”
Janus stopped in his tracks, turning back slowly, “Do you have one?”
Patton shrugged his one good shoulder, “Roman says I must have one. I’m not sure. How do I figure it out?”
Janus studied the black clad teen he would have sworn had it out for him just two days ago. Who was he to answer this kind of question? And why wouldn’t he just ask Roman, the prince of failed relationships?
“I don’t know. Go on a date with me?” Janus was just as surprised at the words leaving his lips as Patton looked hearing them.
“Wait- really?”
“Yes. We can go out tonight. No need to make it formal. Just black, not black tie.” Janus nodded. It surprised him just how calm and collected he felt, proposing a romantic time together. 
Patton hummed, “um.. I assume Virgil… gave you my address,” he replied diplomatically, “would you be able to pick me up.”
“Yes. 9 o’clock?”
Patton nodded, “yeah, that works. I’ll see you then?”
Janus smiled just a bit mischievously, “yes, you will. Good luck in school today. Everyone is going to notice.”
“Notice what?” Patton asked.
“This.” Janus smirked and leaned forward, planting a lipstick stained kiss on Patton’s cheek, turning to leave just as the first bell rang out. 
Patton stood frozen like a deer, slowing reaching up to touch his cheek, “oh, shit-”
___ ___ ___
“Uh, Jannie?”
“Yes, Remus?”
“Where the fuck are we going?” Remus asked, hanging on the back of Janus’ seat.
Janus inhaled slowly, “We’re picking up my date for tonight.”
“Since when do you date?” Virgil asked, lounging in the back seat and scrolling on his phone.
“Since this morning,” Janus answered, “You two just made it look so fun I had to give it a try.”
“Ooooooooh,” Remus absolutely beamed, “so who’s the lucky virgin?”
“Come on, Re. Don’t assume,” Virgil chided, trying to pull his boyfriend back to the back seat. “Wait- I recognize this street-”
“Just shut up,” Janus growled, “You’re the ones who wanted me to date. He’s harmless and might even like me.”
“So you’re trying to go out with the guy who made our lives hell for over a year?” Virgil asked.
“I’m not being some sort of saint, I’m just curious about what Patton’s going through.”
“I’ll cancel the wedding bells,” Remus cackled as they pulled up to the door. The headlights swept over the porch, revealing Patton sitting outside in the dark. He popped up, rushing over to the passenger side of the car.
“Hey Janus- and… Virgil and Remus? What?” Patton squinted at the couple in the back seat, “is this.. A double date?”
“Somewhat. Get in,” Janus commanded, ignoring the snickering from the back seat. 
Patton climbed in and sat down, confused but not about to back out now. Not when Roman would roast him for failing to go on the first date he’s ever been asked out on. Janus pulled out of the driveway and continued on in relative quiet.
“So… where are we going?” Patton asked, a little too bright for his dark exterior. 
“You’ll see,” Janus replied cryptically.
Patton nodded and fell silent, watching the road slip by as they drove along.
“Woof. The chemistry is just bubbling,” Remus snarked after a few minutes of quiet, sitting back to cuddle into Virgil.
Virgil laughed softly, “give them time. I’m sure it’s just first date awkwardness.” He wrapped his arms around Remus and held him close.
Janus turned down a residential street and flicked off the headlights, “Well, Patton, since you’re exploring new countercultures, I figured it would be a good idea to bring you along to a protest.”
“A protest? At night?” Patton asked, fear glinting in his eyes, “what kind of protest?”
“One against ableism in the education system,” Virgil grinned, grabbing cartons of eggs from the floor of the back seat.
“Yeah! We’re gonna show that bitch what it feels like!” Remus crowed, opening the door before Janus could put the car in park and banging impatiently on the trunk. Virgil piled out as well as Janus parked and grabbed the latch to open the trunk for them. 
“This… is illegal, isn’t it?” Patton worried, glancing around the street to see if they had been spotted yet.
“Very.” Janus nodded, “but, lucky us that the Virus have the dirty work covered. We’re just lookouts tonight. Mrs. Hansen has been violating my disability accommodations. That makes my life harder when I end up missing the beginning of class because of the crowds in the hallway. So we’re making her morning a bit harder.”
“Oh.. that’s why you three were in the hallway during class time the other day?” Patton asked, voice softening at the realization.
“Yes. Sometimes we wait until after the bell anyway but she still shouldn’t be holding me back like that,” Janus explained.
“I’m sorry- I didn’t realize that,” Patton offered quietly, wincing as Remus started chucking raw eggs at the car in the driveway.
“Relax, Patton. They’re just letting off steam. I swear they would have burned the school down by now if I didn’t try to aim them at productive activities,” Janus chuckled, glancing down the road for any observers.
“Right. So… this is a date… why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Patton turned in his seat to face Janus. 
Janus slowly turned his head, “what do you want to know?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I’ve never done this before,” Patton laughed nervously, “maybe… when did you know that you’re gay?”
Janus snorted at that, “I still don’t know. You’re the first boy I’ve tried to date. You’d think hanging out around the twins would make that sort of question easy, right?”
“Right! Like, I’ve known Roman really well for years and he sure seems to know… some of what he wants. But I just don’t know how he understands what a crush is versus wanting to be friends.”
“Those two make it seem like you meet someone and suddenly they’re the only thought in your head ever,” Janus nodded to the couple who were busy laying out toilet paper strips in the shape of a penis on the hood of the car, “I’ve never understood it.” 
“Do you.. Feel that way about me?” Patton asks, “since you’re the one who asked me out.”
“Frankly, I find your change of aesthetic rather intriguing. And you seem willing to challenge some of your bullshit ideas right now, so why not?” Janus shrugs, “maybe I just want attention and don’t give a fuck about who you are. You can never know.”
Patton looked down towards his hands, folded neatly in his lap, “I think I’ve been jealous of you all.”
“How so? You seemed adamant about reporting us to the school like a narc for the past year,” Janus challenged.
“Because things like egging teacher’s houses and smoking in the hallways can cause problems for people! But, I do like how you all express yourselves.”
“Right. You just… get to be weird and stand out in classes. You get away with a disturbing amount of rule breaking. It seems really freeing,” Patton sighed softly, “Maybe I’m thinking about it wrong. I’ve just always felt terrified of disappointing people, and in just one day I’ve been able to disappoint almost everyone.”
“So, you’re just dressing emo to make people upset, not to express yourself?”
“I mean- maybe partially?” Patton shrugged, “I never knew you all were this criminal-”
“And… I think it’s maybe hot that you all stand up for yourselves despite what people think of you?” Patton says shyly, more of a question than an opinion.
“I didn’t bring you along to impress you with like that-”
“I thought giving Virgil and Remus a target would give us some time alone,” Janus explains.
“Time  alone to do what?” Panton leaned a bit closer.
“What we’re doing now, talking.”
“That’s all you wanted to do with me?” Patton asked, head tilted a bit.
“Did you want to kiss me?” 
Patton leaned in even closer until the backdoor slammed open, sending him scrambling back to his seat, blushing bright red.
“Drive- Neighbor might be calling the cops.” Remus replied, out of breath.
Virgil nodded and Janus jumped into action to get away from the crime scene. 
“Looked like a productive date,” Remus teased as Janus slowed back down to avoid suspicion.
“Wow what a rush!” Patton exclaimed. 
“Adrenaline wasn’t the point,” Janus reminded him, “Are you two ready to head home?”
“Yeah, Remus’ please,” Virgil nods.
Remus spent the car ride back to his place giving the lookouts a play by play of the night, with Virgil interjecting with certain facts and figures.. Janus soon dropped the pair off and the silence settled between him and Patton. 
“I just… you guys get away with bad behavior all the time. I wish I could do that the same as you,” Patton spoke up eventually.
Janus sighed and pulled the car over again, this time near a park, “Do you even care about why we do that stupid shit?”
“Well, tonight was about getting back at Mrs. Hansen, right? For treating you badly,” Patton recalled.
“And skipping class is because it’s too overwhelming to sit still learning useless crap with a bunch of jerks who know nothing about what it’s like to try and navigate when your feet don’t just take you to where you need to go. They don’t care that it hurts to walk and it’s just safer to take my time with friends by my side to catch me.”
“You just see me as some bad boy to upset people with. You don’t care how I feel about it, do you?” Janus challenged.
“That’s not true-” Patton tried to protest. 
“I’m not some average petty sinner to disappoint your family with at the holidays. I actually have feeling and wants and needs and I just- I-”
Patton reached over to take one of Janus’ hands, “It’s okay. I-I didn’t want to use you, Janus. Not in the long run. Sure, I wanted to experiment and see if Roman’s right about crushes, but I don’t want to trap you in a relationship you won’t enjoy. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Janus looked away, trying to pull his hand free.
“Just remember that you asked me out tonight. So, I thought that kisses were something you’re supposed to do on dates. Can we try again without interruptions this time? See if… well, if we’ll like that sort of thing?”
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Yes, yes I am. You are not a manic pixie dream boy or the dangerous rebel to scare my mom with. You’re Janus. And I don’t know you very well because I’ve never tried to get to know you. But we’re on a date. It’s past curfew. I think you at least deserve a chance at something properly romantic, since defacing property was just the distraction to keep Remus and Virgil busy. It’s too late to get food anywhere. So maybe we can try a kiss and start over again in the morning?”
Janus blinked, trying to process all of that at once. “Um… no.”
“No?” Patton sat back immediately, “did I do something wrong?”
“Not necessarily, I just… you asking makes it very clear to me that I don’t want to kiss you, Patton.” Janus tried to explain.
Patton nodded, “okay. I- actually, thank you? I- I was so scared…”
Janus chuckled softly, “I don’t think we’re crushing on each other. I’m not sure why not. But I’m glad you agree.” 
Patton nodded emphatically this time, “I very much don’t want to be the awkward one. I think… it would feel wrong or empty to try. And that’s not your fault-”
“I get it. I agree. We tried. Dating just… isn’t in our cards,” Janus laughed a bit more at that, “let me take you home?”
“Yes please. Maybe at school… we can just say hi?”
“That would be much more pleasant.”
Patton sighed softly and leaned back in the passenger seat, “I won’t tell about the eggs and toilet paper, by the way. Maybe I should ask Mrs. Hansen why she’s not letting you leave for class on time?”
Janus smiled, “That could be helpful. Maybe she just needs to see one of the responsible students concerned on our behalf.”
“Would have been a lot less illegal if you just asked me to do that in the first place,” Patton giggled, “It makes more sense than vandalism.”
“But throwing trash at her house is fun,” Janus grins, starting the car again.
“It may be fun. But there are much better outlets for the anger, I would think.” Patton grinned.
“Maybe you’ll be a good acquaintance after all,” Janus mused, pulling back out onto the road to take his definitely-not-a-date back home.
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