#all at once i got like 12 notifs i swear
daz4i · 2 months
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good morning to you too besties
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 4 months
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second, never first
part three | part one | part two | part four
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes one feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - mentions of underage drinking, swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 1k
the weekend went by slowly and all i could do was count down the hour, minutes and seconds it would take for me to see chris again. of course we text back and forth here and there but usually seeing eachother in person was i enjoyed the most of course.
i hadnt talked to anna in person since the party either. it was obviously expected that she would leave me to be chris and matts job to take care of so i wasnt shocked when she didnt call or text to check on me either only to ask if the guys snap she got was hot.
the following day was finally a monday. finally out of my house and finally get to see chris.
i was eager to see both him and anna but mostly just nervous to see how chris would be around me now that hes seen me naked.
“what are you starring at?” anna says
“nothing im just tired” i say.
“i cant believe you got so fucked up this weekend” anna says
i internally cringe at remembering my sloppy state, “i know i can never do that shit again i was violently hungover.”
“good thing i was there to take care of ya” chris says patting my shoulder and shaking me gently.
“you took care of her?” anna says confused.
“yeah she just stayed at my house, i obviously couldnt let her go home like that. she couldnt even drink water by herself” chris says
“thank god you did i was a mess.” i say
“what did you have to pour it down her throat” anna says laughing.
“yes and i had to get her changed and brush her hair and give her advil and carry her up the stairs an-“ i cut him off
“ok ok we get it i was a sloppy drunk mess” i say
brush my hair what the fuck is he talking about.
“where the fuck did you sleep i know his mom would not be happy if you slept on their couch.”
“we both slept him my bed” he says
i stay silent and just look at chris whos lookinf at anna.
anna didnt speak about the party once after that conversation. i kind of got the vibe that she was mad that chris took care of me, there was nothing to be upset about. he wouldnt have had to take care of me if she would have just beought me to her house.
“ok we need to get to class” i say grabbing my school bags and my drink from lunch
everyone else does the same and we get iut of my car.
were all walking into school and anna walks into her english class as me and chris make our way to our history class.
the whole class was kind of awkward.
i just didnt really know how to behave around him. clearly nothing changed between us since this weekend, in his eyes.
for me i couldnt stop thinking about it all.
i totally thought he would tease me about that night about how sloppy i was for days but other than that conversation we just had with anna he didnt talk about it.
we were just listening to our history lesson and suddenly i get a notification from chris
monday 12:45
chris: im so bored and do not understand shit were learning
i look up at him from where were sitting on opposite sides of the class
me with my friends on one side and chris with his gross jocky friends on the other
y/n: same this class is always boring as hell
chris: i wish we could kill our teacher honestly like look at her
chris: she just needs to get fucked and maybe she would be less miserable
y/n: i bet you think you could change that
chris: oh im sure i could
chris: ask her for an extra help lesson and bend her over that very desk
chris: would solve our problems
i gasp and look at him to find him smiling at his phone.
y/n: chris that woman is 40 years old and probably with a husband
chris: dosent change the fact that she wants this dick
“christopher” our teacher says loudly snapping both of us out of our texting
he doesnt say anything just looks at her smiling
“how many times have i told you to get off that phone” she says sternly
“in the hallway now” she says pointing to the door
he gets up and walks towards the door and looks at me “ohh were going to be alone now” he whispers to me walking past my desk and smirking.
i giggle and watch him walk out our teacher following behind.
chris often got in trouble in school but he never did horrible with his grades. ive been helping him here and there with history as i am a pretty good student.
i just enjoy reading and writing so history and english have always been my strong suit so he often asks for my tutoring or steals my answers i guess i should say.
around 5 minutes later chris walks back into the class grinning ear to ear.
we finish up our class and chris just ignores me on his way out with his friends. this happened everything we werent alone, he always acted like i wasnt there when his other friends were around.
i didnt mind this as i did the same
he always said it had to be this way since me and anna would ‘scare away the pussy’ is what he would say.
the day finishes up and i go home after school and start working on my bio homework i have.
i look at my phone to a notification from chris
monday 4:13
chris: can you come over i need help with history
thank you for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668
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wekiamo · 1 year
fell harder
skeet ulrich x fem!reader
a/n: heyy i’m back w another fic! i enjoyed writing this sm i hope you like it 💕
pt 2 here
warnings: swearing, that’s all for now!
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you’ve never made a movie in your entire life, but you were always a big fan of movies until this day. especially horror ones.
there’s this one specific horror movie franchise you absolutely love - scream. the first time you ever watched a scream movie was 12 years after the first scream was released - you were 10 years old and watched it without your parents knowing, and you absolutely loved everything about it.
that’s when you became a fan of the franchise, and started wanting to be part of it - you started practicing acting skills, even started watching youtube videos with acting tips.
and here you were, 25 years old, part of the next upcoming movie of the scream franchise. as soon as you knew you got the role, you sure screamed. a LOT.
“Hey” 10:19 pm
an unknown contact texts you
and you suddenly jump from the unexpected sound of the notification.
“fuck, that shouldn’t have scared me that much” you think to yourself and click on the notification you just got. you start typing
“hello, who’s that?” 10:19 pm
“I’m Dave, you must be Y/n. I got your number from the cast list, we’re going to work together for Scream 7” 10:20 pm
“oh hi dave! that’s nice” 10:20 pm
you answer his text, embarrassed that you didn’t even land your eyes on the cast list yet. everyone might have.
“So, I texted you because me and some other cast members were planning to have dinner tomorrow together, would you like to join us” 10:21 pm
ooh that’s why he texted me. that would be nice, wouldn’t it? at least i’ll be able to make some friends there, and not be left out in the shootings.
“sure!! i’d love to, count me in!” 10:22 pm
after you responded, you get up from your bed, turn off your cellphone and go grab some snack in the kitchen.
you leave your cellphone in the kitchen counter to open the fridge. you hear the sound of another notification.
“Alright! Here’s the cast list, just so you know who’s going to be there. The ones whose names I marked an X, are not showing up to the dinner. The ones who doesn’t, are showing up.” 10:23 pm
you cover your face in embarrassment. how does he know you haven’t seen the list yet?
“okay, thanks dave! what’s the address?” 10:24 pm
you send, before even checking the list he sent you.
you take a deep breath before actually checking it, thinking to yourself you should not be so careless at the point you don’t even check the cast of the film you’re going to be in.
jenna ortega, melissa barrera, jasmin savoy, mason gooding, bla bla bla…
until you see a specific name in the list, which you widen your eyes at.
“SKEET ULRICH?” you say loudly, before covering your face with your hands once again, but this time at the feeling of surprise.
you always had a big crush on this guy; since you’ve seen him as billy loomis when you first watched the first scream movie. he was and still is incredibly attractive - but not the common kind of attractive. he was TOO ATTRACTIVE. and you usually get really nervous around people THAT attractive.
it was kind of predictable if you think about it, because he’s been showing as sam’s visions in the last 2 movies - but you definitely did NOT think about it.
and now that you do, you freak out. there is no doubts you should have checked this list earlier, as you think to yourself you’re not prepared to see him and have dinner with him tomorrow. it would take days for you to mentally prepare yourself for meeting him personally.
“but, i’m not sure he’s going to be there tomorrow” you raise your head a little bit from the logical thought, before lowering it to the cellphone once again, seeing the list. you’re looking for a little bit of relief of seeing an “X” beside his name, just like some of the names there.
but you only disappoint yourself. there isn’t an X beside his name.
you start thinking you shouldn’t show up tomorrow.
but you have to. you confirmed to Dave you were going to be there, and you hate it when people cancel plans after confirming their presence.
when there’s another notification, you check it quickly and sees it’s Dave sending you the address you asked.
you have to go. and you decide you will.
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kalims · 1 year
rating my moots,
cause why not?!
note that I didn't add everyone since I felt too shy to tag em aksbsnna
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1. @kalimsstan
9/10 because I've never had a fan account before, the interview was very fun and I cackled when I saw the AMOUNT OF TAGS USED WHEN I CHANGED MY THEME AJSBSJ
2. @ravenlking
9/10!! guys meet my editor in quotev. raven is very patient and fun to talk to ☺ its always a great time where we manage to strike a conversation together
3. @not-idia-shroud
10/10. ah yes, rain. remember when we literally never chat at the same time in discord? BYE I BE WAITING FOR A RESPONSE AND WHEN I GET IT ITS THE NEXT DAY
4. @v-anrouge
8/10. because we actually haven't interacted much and we mooted when I saw that they follow me and I followed them in turn cause they seem like a cool person!
5. @twistedlotus
6. @a-hollow-angel
10/10. I swear they work a full time job liking all my posts 😩 like I fr post once then I get a notification immediately.. it doesn't matter when it happens,, THEY JUST DO JT
7. @merotwst
11/10!! ellie da best and I've known her for like.. LESS THAN A MONTH?? A MONTH?? MORE THAN A MONTH?!?!? idk man basta. she had big lady balls if steel (which she said somewhere in discord I just don't remember the specifics)
8. @myujis
10/10. vivi i miss u 🥺😭.. anyways yh I actually got confused on who myuji was then I saw it was vivi and went: OHH
9. @akiville3
10. @hytyyto
8/10. HEYOOO I barely do talk with yall and am sorry but I'm very busy.. 😭 PLS TALK TO ME IF UCAN I WILL TALK WIT U <3
11. @yuistan
8/10. not as close as well but I will spoonfeed my moots a handful of chicken soup you know.. unless other soup if you don't like chicken 😚
12. @spadecentral
9/10. very nice, sends me sweet stuff 🥺 ngl highkey keeps confusing myself who ellie and eli is.. 😭
13. @malleusball
10/10 one of my longest moots ever! we go WAYYY BACK even in the most atrocious times I don't want to remember <3
14. @kerosenesin
10/10. I THINK U IS DUST?? LEONALOVER69???pls I double checked if i mistook u as someone else again.. SAY LEONA IF UR THEM
15. @chenyann
10/10. yako i started panicking when I didn't see ur user on my following page but turns out I was just being blind. anywaysss ily
16. @twstwonderlandstuff
8/10. AYEEE ANOTHER FELLOW WRITER! on a side note, when a blog I like follows me you know I'm following back ASAP, destroying the screen type shit
17. @zgvlt
13/10. IDK WHY BUT NATHYA IS JUST 13 POINTS. I love her works sm as well as the graphic designs of her posts!! it's so aesthetically pleasing to me eyes I'm cryin (the one follow I could NOT GET OVER FOR DAYS)
18. @riddlesimp
8/10. ANGELLLL HALLOOO we haven't talked much despite us being moots for a long time ong 😭😭 angel is very sweet and apparently my daughter in law
19. @zeina-is-bored
20. @rggie
11/10. if there's someone other than nathya with amazing graphics it's definitely mal. I can see the effort put into her theme!! gods I swear all of her blog is all connected to one theme and I love it!! IS U OK THO BABES??
21. @arent-i-the-fairest
8/10. cutieee!! love the works, I love me a bunch of neige works I can binge read <3 every1 should appreciate the rsa writers I swear
22. @achy-boo
1/10 (/j) I swear the friendship we have is so chaotic, WEVE INSULTED EACH OTHER MQNY TIMES AND CALLED EACH OTHER BITCHES QKSHKAKQ
23. @dicetheroll
8/10. see you soon dice! good luck on your finals.. when i first followed dice i immediately ran straight to the OM!works once I saw they wrote. It was AMAZING
24. @scara-lovebot
9/10. you are the one that shaped our minion coochie gc theme <3 my most prominent memory of you was the minion tampons era
25. @jabberwockk
8/10. chris :o was the one that answered me patiently when my dumbass didn't go to google for a fat answer when I asked for the birthdays of the characters.. we had a crisis about being broke together
26. @soldmygenderforglitter
9/10. I MISS U BAEEEEEE.. ilysm for talking to me in dms in tumblr for nearly everyday! I'm so sorry bout the late replies sometimes t-t I hope ur doing well babes
27. @celiapoststuff
10/10. MY CHILDSDDDDDDDDDD who adopted ME instead of the other way around lololol. love ya celia and your like for xiao and kalpas
28. @dr3amscap3
29. @ravynous
1921739/10. THE BEST PERSON I SWEAR. RAVY ILYSMMMN <333 ur always there for me and so supportive.. how are you doing bae 😭💞 I hope ur kicking finals ass instead of the other way around
30. @raix-lv
1038171/10 REMEMBER WHEN WE MET THROUGH THE NEIGR ARTICLE JEEZ THAT WAS SO CHAOTIC. anyways, I can definitely say rai is one of my closest moots. GIRL WHERE HAVE U BEEN
31. @hxnarii
192911/10 we became moots after my vent post I think?? I thought u were really nice & kind so I followed u. GODS I DONT EVER REGRET MEETING UR RANDOM BRAIN (also ty for the pjsekai acc yknow yknow <3)
32. @nanamisflowerfield
11/10. OK LISTEN WE BARELT TALKED. the last thing I remember is the manhwa reccs but nanami is so sweet I swear YOU CAN SEE IT ON HER BLOG ITSELF SHES SO NICE
33. @honey-milk-depresso
192719/10 MY FIRST EVER MOOT AND YES I REMEMBER. I've seen honey around when I was writing for genshin her comments were so sweet! even though she keeps denying her love for the three men I still love her <3 mwa
34. @cynthinesia
35. @cupids-chamber
gods did I have that much moots
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mountainashfae · 1 year
I MISSED IT IN MY NOTIFICATIONS EARLIER! 12, 28, and 31 for Vio; 18, 25, and 32 for Aurien?
woooo let's go!!
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
Vio has existed as an OC since late January of 2022, so he's existed for over a year now! I usually pick birthdays differently from when I create them though (since creating an OC is not a single-day process), and for Vio that's 4th of Sarenith (or June in modern setting)!
He sees birthdays as a special thing to celebrate, since he was described as "a gift from Sarenrae," and took that logic to everyone's birth. It's kinda cute.
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Well Vio is kinda blunt, not the best with words (I love choosing to quantify CHA as either presence/force of personality versus their skill with words, it's a great way for me to write characters who have one but not the other), so he honestly won't put it into words. Easier to watch him. If he likes someone, he'll choose to spend time in their presence like a cat or something. If he cares, he'll express it through small acts of service. Even if it's a bit awkward, since he might not know how to ask and will instead resort to observation.
In comparison, Vio will never be rude but if he's not a fan of you, you might find him giving the cold shoulder.
31. do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
Vio's not the type of person to want gifts. He doesn't feel like he needs them and can be awkward about accepting them. But he'll never turn them down. The types of gifts he prefers are the same type he likes to give: practical, useful items.
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Sometimes you gotta do what you need to do. They lie as easy and as often as breathing (not much choice), they've done plenty of thievery and killing in their time as a pirate. They rarely will judge a person for doing those things, though their outward actions will vary based on the lie they are currently telling the world. They've done these things once, they will have to do them again.
25. how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
As an elf, their hearing is pretty good! Their eyesight is a bit of a different story. One eye is perfect version, the other is the one that requires their glasses. It never healed quite right after the fact with Orion. They're farsighted, so it's only fine details they have issues with when their glasses are missing.
32. do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
Not sure if I would call it a habit so much as an occupational hazard from trying to blend in among multiple cultures and then suddenly trying to not wear the mask, since they give up on it after Kenabres. Sometimes they'll just slip and might say a phrase in Skald, or might swear in the name of Desna or Sarenrae, or might completely fall into the pirate mindset. They got a little too into that one for such a short period of time. They're made up of a lot of experiences and they all start showing when they're not paying attention.
[ ask meme ]
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cosmorice · 2 years
❛The Affair❜ pt. 2
pairing: bts!jin x reader ; nct127!johnny seo x reader
genre: fluff, a lil angst, smut
warnings: sex, married life, children, swearing, cheating
wc: 2.2k
part 1
SUMMARY: your picture perfect marriage begins to crumble behind the scenes as you meet johnny seo, a member of another well-known group, NCT-127.
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Ari’s light snores fill into your right ear as you utilize your left hand to bid farewell to Johnny and a disheveled Han. The air finally cools down as the moon rises into the sky. The kids were able to play all day and your newfound friendship with Johnny kept you distracted from the small void within your heart. You turn and walk briskly towards your car in the vast parking lot, not wanting to wake Ari up as you finally are able to place her in the carseat.
As you drive into the night, a small smile creeps onto your face as you reflect on the day you’ve had. Johnny and you had exchanged numbers earlier after you both witnessed how well your children got along. It was as if they were brother and sister. You also found out Johnny was apart of another group, NCT 127. You were like some sort of magnet for these group members. 
After arriving home, you sigh as there is no sign of Jin’s return. You place Ari in her bed, as you had already eaten at the theme park. After the leftovers you had obtained from your feast while out are put into the fridge, you plop down onto the loveseat, finally able to charge your deceased phone. A number of notifications pop onto the screen, capturing your attention,
Jinny bear [8:13]: How are my two lovely girls doing?
Johnny [8:47]: It was nice being able to meet you! Han is worn out lol, he had so much fun today with Ari.
Jinny bear [9:00]: I’ll be home tomorrow baby, I get out of practice at 1 tonight & then I’m going for some street tteokbokki with Jimin
Jinny bear [now]: How about we spend some time together when I get back?
Your eyes roll so far back that they could practically pop out of your head. God you hated this shit. A barely audible ‘fuck’ escapes your mouth. It was draining at times, but you loved him, right?
You [9:12]: of course, I can’t wait to see you & tell you about the fun time we had at the park
Jinny bear [9:13]: alright I love you infinitely
The TV echoes within the living room as you contemplate what to text Johnny. Out of all things to watch, your interest piqued at the new show Love Alarm. This was the first time in a long time where you truly had butterflies within your stomach at the sight of a text message.
You [9:24]: Of course! And Ari is wiped out for the night, I don’t think she’ll be up any time soon.
Johnny [9:27]: Same for Han. If you both are free tomorrow we can grab lunch?
Your heart lurched. Jin had wanted to spend time tomorrow when he comes back. Johnny and you both hadn’t really discussed your current love lives. Johnny briefly mentioned Han’s mom wasn’t in the picture and you simply mentioned that your husband was constantly busy.
You [9:35]: How about next Saturday? Jin comes back tomorrow.
Read 9:37. 
God. I can’t believe I didn’t think sooner she had a husband. Y/n is a head-turner though so no surprise there. What do I say back? I want to be respectful of her marriage.
Of course too, her husband happens to be apart of one of the top bands known worldwide. Regardless, it would be nice having another friend.
Johnny [9:43]: Of course :) Have a great night.
Read 10:00.
Truth was, Jin wasn’t okay. He didn’t know if he could keep up with this lifestyle anymore. Constantly leaving his family home in Seoul was not something he wanted to do, as he grew up in an extremely family oriented home. 
“I know you feel bad but let’s enjoy the night! Just me and you, like the old days.” Jimin cheers as he raises the glass of Soju to his friend. The glasses clink against each other before the boys take a hue swig.
Jimin and Jin had a relatively close bond with one another, only becoming stronger once Ari was born. Jimin was appointed as her godfather, something both you and Jin had wanted.
“I feel awful for not being able to see her tonight though.”
“Don’t worry about it, y/n is one of the most understanding people. You seem more concerned than you usually are though. Did something happen between you both?” Jimin raises an eyebrow at the buzzed man sitting across from him.
“She seemed so disappointed earlier when I had to go for practice. It was my fault as I had completely forgotten and I promised them a family day today.”
“Oh man, yeah Jin, you need to talk to her. It can be hard maintaining a career like this along with a damn marriage!” His friend exclaims, throwing his arms up in the air. The boys continue eating their dish and drinking, further into the night.
Days eventually turned into weeks as you and Johnny’s friendship continued to blossom. Jin had kept his word-finally- and he spent time with you and Ari, as promised. The family day you all had was lovely to say the least. It made you appreciate how hands-on your husband was with your daughter as she splashed in the water. Beach days were always your favorite. The smell of the ocean spreading within your lungs as sand sticks to your toes.
Jin learned of Johnny through Ari’s constant babbling about Han, her new pal. He desperately wanted to meet Johnny but his schedule was already rigorous enough. He was glad his two girls were happy and made some new friends. Oh how much he will regret that happiness.
The intrusive thoughts that once plagued your mind about Johnny had eventually dissipated as Jin became more focused on you and Ari, that was, until though, he had to go back on tour. For 4 months. 4 fucking months.
Johnny [6:50]: Are you and Ari free today? Han misses his buddy and I miss having my buddy around too
You grin to yourself and a small laugh escapes from your lips upon receiving the text. Jin had left the previous day for tour, bidding you and Ari a solid farewell. 
You [7:00]: Of course, it’s getting close to Ari’s bedtime so maybe a sleepover will suffice?
Excitement bubbled within Johnny, along with Han, as they headed towards the address you sent. A few stars twinkled amongst the light pollution engulfing the city. 
The steps to your walkway seemed long as Johnny’s long legs accompanied him. Han’s sleeping bag in one hand and his phone in the other, Johnny watches as Han beat him to the door. The brunette 6 year old ringing the bell at a ridiculous rate. Instantly it opens, revealing your radiant smile & a very excited Ari.
“Ari!” Han yells as he engulfs the smaller girl with a hug, before they both run inside of course.
“He isn’t the only one that missed his friend.” Johnny says as he embraces you into a warm hug. Your flowery scent dances in his nostrils. 
“How about we have a few drinks while the kids play?” Your voice was enticing to say the least. The way the night breeze blew your hair into your face was nearly breathtaking. Johnny sends a smile in response. 
You opt for the kids to bake a cake with you. Your attentiveness and radiant personality sticks out to Johnny, as if it were a sore thumb. You definitely were a teacher. Your patience with kids was like no other, and it made Johnny happy to see his son practically glowing.
Laughter fills throughout the kitchen as Ari tips over the flour, coating her in the white dust. The island was now covered in the sugary powder as you grab a towel to wipe it off, Johnny aiding you in getting the mess cleaned up as the kids stay attentive to whisking the batter.
“Daddy, I want to eat some batter.” Han pouts, crossing his arms.
“You’ll get salmonella, no Han.” Johnny says a bit firmly as Ari scoops her finger and stuffs her mouth with the vanilla-flavored mixture. After his response, Han smirks. What is this child up to? Before you knew it, batter flies in the air and lands on Johnny’s shirt. Your hand instantly flies up to your mouth, stifling a laugh as Ari giggles.
“Mr. Johnny the cake man!” Ari screams in a sing-song like tune. Next thing you knew, a war of batter ensues. Screams of playfulness are heard throughout the kitchen as you duck behind the island, avoiding the imminent danger of being hit. 
This is something you could get used to. 
This is how it’s supposed to be with you and Jin. 
The kids burst of energy dissipated and it was finally their bedtime. You could finally share some drinks with Johnny while cleaning the disaster that was called your kitchen. Light snores fill the hallway, leaving you and Johnny elated.
The TV volume lowly plays the sounds of Keeping up with the Kardashians as you and Johnny chatter.
“Kim, there’s people that are dying.” Kourtney yells at her frantic sister.
“Y/n, I’m sorry to say this but, what the fuck are we watching?” Johnny bursts into laughter, and soon you join in. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol talking, but warmth engulfs your body. You’re on cloud 9.
“The Kardashians of course!” You smack his arm playfully before taking another swig of the Soju in your glass cup. As the alcohol goes down your throat, your demeanor changes. Johnny senses it. “Johnny, how do you find so much time for Han? I know you’re in a band as well but how do you manage to make it work?” 
Your fingers play with the glass as the Soju swishes around inside of it. 
“Because I love him. He’s my son. I’d never let my career interfere with that. His mom leaving put that into perspective for me.” He responds, giving you a smile of pity. You and Jin’s situation was talked about sometimes in your conversation with Johnny, which gave him a selfish glimmer of hope. 
A glimmer of hope that maybe you both could be more than just friends. No, you’re still married. That’s ridiculous.
The sound of Kim cheering for finding her earrings interrupts the gloomy conversation. You felt the couch sink in as Johnny scoots closer towards you. How many drinks did you two have? Too many to even keep count. You knew what you were about to do, was sinful in its own way. 
Your lips press against Johnny’s, taking him off guard.
“Y/n. You’re fucking married!” Johnny protests, “We can’t be doing this.” His tall and built physique hastily stands from the couch, staring down at you with widened eyes.
“Johnny wait,” You grab his hand, standing with him. “Please. Don’t leave.. I’m so sorry, I-I don’t know what came over me.” The desperation and frantic state in your tone causes the devil on his shoulder to urge for Johnny to continue with this. His lips abruptly crash in to yours, the smell and taste of alcohol noticeable between the two of you.
You both sit right back down on the couch. Kisses turning sloppy as Johnny moves his hand under your dress, towards your heat. His fingers coat with your juices as he slides a singular finger into your wet folds, rubbing your pulsating clit in the process. What the fuck are you doing? You have a husband for fucks sake. 
The angel on your shoulder practically is booming into your ear right about now. STOP BEFORE IT GOES FURTHER YOU DUMBASS. THIS IS A DRUNKEN MISTAKE.
God you should have listened, but it felt so good doing whatever you damned please. Your lips break apart, hair askew as Johnny pulls his slick fingers out of your wet pussy, before cupping and massages your breast. Your nipple pulstates as it sends waves of pleasure throughout your body. A breathy moan escapes your lips as your hand reaches down towards Johnny’s pants.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Johnny growls, chocolate eyes filled with lust. You smile as he unzips his pants. His large bulge fills your vision as you instinctively lean your head down. Your hands softly pull down Johnny’s pants along with his boxers. 
His hard cock twitches and springs up, surprising you a bit. You giggle lightly before taking his erect member into your mouth, his hand grabbing a good amount of your hair in the process.
“Don’t fucking stop,” He moans as you bob your head furiously, gagging a bit as spit falls out of your mouth onto his aching cock. Before he could reach his climax, you pull back. “You’re gonna regret that.” He was right. You were. But for multiple reasons, including the fact that you are married to a loyal fucking husband. 
He immediately flips you over, laying back on the couch as he lines his cock with your entrance. You examine the precut leaking out as he enters into you. 
“Fuck!” You cover your mouth, stifling the yelp.
“I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.”
Your phone vibrates on top of the kitchen counter as moans fill the living room.
Jinny bear [now]: 2 missed calls
Jinny bear [now]: I miss you both. You probably forgot about our FaceTime call tonight but I’m sure we can call tomorrow. I love you to the moon & back baby.
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
Hewwooo!!! Do you have any fic recs where the boy is the piner one? and oblivious!oc or something like that... it's always the other way around 😣😣 thank you so much!
🌷 Hello anon! These are what I remember.. Strangely most of them are part of my #holygrailfics which I marked with a carrot 🥕 But, everything is a must read 🥰
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💔 Most of the stories will eventually achieve redamancy. There are just few fics here where it’s unrequited all throughout
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Re: Untitled @to-star-lake - Jungkook  🥕
↳ Arranged Marriage, Childhood Acquaintances, Enemies to Lovers, CEO/Executives, Angst, Smut, Fluff [4/4][
This is really one of my favorite discoveries 🥰 At that time there wasn’t much info or even comments on the fic so if you’re not as daring to try fics out, it’s easy to assume it’ll be just a regular story. But I'm glad my curiousity won because this is such a gem. It was painful and lovely unpacking all the discoveries in their relationship (or lack of) per chapter 🥰. I swear the plot “twists” per episode made the fic extra memorable.
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Frost Impressions @fortunexkookie - Jungkook 🥕
↳  Teacher AU, Gamer AU, Simultaneous (One-Sided) Enemies to Lovers,  Best Friends to Lovers, Idiots to Lovers AU, Humor, Tooth-rotting Fluff, Smut, Heavy Pining, Slight Angst [one shot]
ugh this just puts a smile on my face every time I remember this. I was just thinking about this Jungkook the other day. OC is oblivious because, well, they have this E2L thing going on. Plus he didn’t exactly give a great FIRST IMPRESSION. So many AUs thrown in but author was able to squeeze it all and produce this masterpiece. It’s just a feel-good fic 🥰
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Love So Shallow @jimlingss - Taehyung 🥕
↳ Best Friend AU, College AU, eventual Roommate AU, eventual Pining [3/3]
also one of the best written OCs in fic land. Please read this gem. I still gush over how their relationship developed and you’ll see how the “pining” develops too. It’s a great Love Yourself theme too!
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Paper Cranes @aquaminwrites - Taehyung  🥕
↳ Slice of Life, Childhood Friends, Best Friend AU, College [one shot]
Ugh my heart ached for this Taehyung. I don’t know why I feel bad for him (I mean, it wasn’t as if he was to be pitied) but the way author wrote his story is guaranteed to pull at your heartstrings. 
The Key to My Drawer @jjungkookislife - Taehyung  🥰
↳ Best Friend AU, Childhood Friends, Epistolary (letter form, some parts), Angst, Smut [12/12]
I was just thinking about this the other day because we’re just waiting for the last chapter/epilogue and then I saw the notif on ao3 that it got updated. What do you do when you get hold of a key to a drawer and discover unsent letters from your best friend? All addressed to you?  It’s such a creative way to tell a story and I enjoyed this very much 🥰
(please access the rest of the chapters through the author’s masterlist)
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Please Be Naked @floralseokjin  - Yoongi 🥕
↳ Rebound AU, OC is Namjoon’s Ex, Namjoon is Yoongi’s ex-friend [8/8]
“you were still a little unsure why he and your ex....had bad blood.” of course we all want to tell OC why!  Seriously, this is a classic if you haven’t read this yet.  Yoongi’s just top-tier in this. Unforgettable characterization. Even if you are not into Yoongi fics, this is a must read for bts fics in general. The angst/smut is just 👌; then read the drabbles for the fluffy future
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One Thing Right by hobios - Jungkook  🥕
↳   Arranged Marriage AU, Fake Marriage AU, Childhood Friends AU, Enemies to Lovers, Police Office AU, slow burn [8/8]
So I am adding this to every fic rec list because like RE: Untitled, there’s a lot of discoveries in this fic. It’s always a question why Sheriff Jeon will agree to a marriage of convenience (I mean he’s committing fraud in a way). So it’s wonderful to discover a lot things about their story since they had a falling out.
Roses, Poetry, and Jeon @seraphimguks - Jungkook ⭐☕💌
↳ bookstore au, enemies to lovers-ish?, fluff, slight angst [one shot]
This is just so beautiful and it is like curling up by the window on a rainy day with a warm hot chocolate. I think in my review I said the shift to Jungkook’s POV is like seeing poetry in action. Must read and instantly a favorite of mine
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Tinder 2.0 @tayegi - Jungkook 🥕 🔥
↳ sex app/room, Coworker, Enemies to Lovers, Crack, Smut [one shot]
This is kind of different from the rest of this list because it’s more crack and smuttier. The pining is not as intense but it’s there. Please give this a read too. 
Fluff and Smut @jinggabitch  - Jungkook 
↳ smut, porn star JK, OC is a fluffer, one-sided pining [drabble]
Porn star JK is in love with his fluffer. - I remember reading this months ago and I found it so cute. Though it’s just a drabble, which means the story didn’t continue on, I got invested in this JK and hoped he gets what he wants.
Bad Influence Collection @noteguk - Jungkook  ⭐🔥
↳ FWB AU, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies with Benefits, College, Bad Boy AU, Smut [4/?]
please click the link to the masterpost so you’ll access the very first story. Maybe it didn’t start out pining at first but the recent chapters we see Jungkook getting so affected over OC (it’s mutual but I feel at this point its more JK trying so hard not to show heart eyes 😍). Ugh, the joy I feel whenever this gets updated. Still ongoing but better start on this since some chapters are over 10k+ wc.
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Hot Enough @soft-sarcasm - Yoongi  ⭐🔥
↳ College AU, Fuckboy AU, FWB AU, Yoongi caught feelings (kind of Unrequited AU), Smut, Angst [one shot]
I’ve read years this years ago and when I decided to officially have a blog, it took me months to find this. It’s just memorable because usually it’s the female catching feelings in a friends-with-benefits scenario. But here, OC actually rejected him (that’s the start of the story). Please read and find out what happens next. 
First Love @jungnoir - Yoongi 
↳ bestfriend au, OC about to get married 
so this is sad at first because it’s only hours away from her wedding but read until the end 😍
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Not Yet + Almost  @bratkook - Jungkook
↳ neighbor AU, kinda fake boyfriend (on the spot) to annoy OC’s Ex [2/?]
ahh this is cute. I shouldn’t be smiling at Jungkook’s pain but it was just so cute. It’s more of mutual pining though. The first drabble is more on JK’s while Almost we get to see OC’s thoughts. So, I guess in the third???
Pining 101 @guklvr - Jungkook 
↳ hospital au, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, humor, fluff [drabble series] 
a collection of drabbles based on pediatricsurgeon!jk dealing with his crush on generalsurgeon!reader. Read if you’re looking for something light and humorous. 
Sidekick @bananagukkie - Jungkook 
↳  superhero au, best friend au, fluff [one shot]
You didn’t realize that your best friend was in love with you or the fact that he was Busan’s “newest” hero.
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Lifting the Veil @/fortunekookie - Jungkook 😭
↳ real unrequited love/pining, friends to lovers, smut, angst [one shot] 
so yeah I guess read this first because it sure is angsty then read other fluffy fics (like Pining 101 or Frost Impressions)
Requiem @cinnaminsvga - Jungkook 
↳ pretend confession!au, angst [drabble]
Jeon Jungkook loves you. You love someone else. He lets you say “I love you” to him, if only so that he gets to hear it once in his life. - so yeah, let’s cry about it  😭
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Unveil @nijoonie - Jimin 
↳ Arranged Marriage, Childhood Friends to Lovers
angsty tones in the beginning. Jimin is such a dear 🥺
Best of Me @/floralseokjin - Jimin
↳ Best Friend AU, OC just got heartbroken, angst
ugh just angst all over. The ending is hopeful but still sad?
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Piece by Piece @underthejoon - Seokjin x Reader x Hoseok ⭐
↳ bestfriend au, fwb au, love triange, a collection of drabbles where your love life is muddied up by two men – the one you love and the one that loves you. Smut, Angst [drabble series]
if you are not into love triangles, I think this will, well not change your mind because some people strongly dislike love triangle themes, but it’ll make the LT themes bearable. The writing is just beautiful and actually I’ve reblogged this for Hobiuary Day (one day I was on Hobi lockdown just reblogging purely favorite Hoseok fics) but I haven’t written a review or reaction yet. Read and explore their relationship dynamics 😭🥰
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🌷  so, I don’ recall a Namjoon fic where he’s the one pining (usually it’s the OC). 
I had a great time recalling scenes from each fic (and what made the pining so angsty) 🥰. So, please enjoy!
858 notes · View notes
Pairing : Shawn Mendes × reader
Genre : Angst, smut, fluff
Warnings : Swearing, Daddy kink, thigh riding, unprotected sex, dom!Shawn, Self depreciation(very mild), oral (male receiving)
Summary : The reader and Shawn have an intense argument and then Shawn let's the reader know who's the one he wants.
You were more than worried now. It had been precisely 2 hours 14 minutes since Shawn left. You really managed to send him over the edge. You didn't want to. You didn't mean it. But you can't help it when all of the world is pining for what's not true. He's yours but no, everyone wants him and camila to be together.
Camila was such a lovely lady. You couldn't help but feel insecure. She was everything you'd want to be. Hell, she was beautiful and the worst part you wanted to hate her but you couldn't. She had that aura.
You and Shawn were in it for long. That's what you thought at least. You knew he was the one for you. And you believed you were too for him until recently.
Ever since the PR began after Senorita was out you couldn't help but question everything. Your bond with Shawn seemed to weaken. You found yourself distancing from him. You didn't want to. You never did. Everytime you saw an article in some shitty tabloid your breath got caught. You felt you couldn't breathe. You knew it was fake but guess these two were really good actors cause it didn't seem unreal it to you.
You tried to calm yourself. Remind yourself you were overanalysing the sitch. He is your boyfriend. He will be home soon. Then you can be in his strong arms and feel safe and secure. But none of it worked.
All this while, since the PR managers suggested this, Shawn had made sure to get you involved. Let you be a part of everything that's been happening or is going to in future. Make sure you're comfortable with it. And boy, did you say yes cause you didn't wanna hold him down. But now when he was not with you for the holidays, when he had to fly out every weekend to Miami you felt your nerves kick in.
You hated yourself for being such a hypocrite. Shawn never once made you feel secluded but your overthinker ass ravaged everything.
You were certain he hated you now. This was the longest you two had gone without talking after that intense a fight.
Shawn was back home after three months. You were so excited for him to be with you for a whole week now, until you saw that article. You knew it meant nothing but seeing your boyfriend sticking his tongue down another women's throat got the best of you. You didn't think it was going to affect you so bad when you said yes to the whole PR stuff but now you just didn't know how to feel.
You never told Shawn when your anxiety kicked in seeing him with her because you didn't want to seem like a hypocrite. But weren't you one?
You just suffered quietly. Tried to let it pass. It'd end soon. That's how you always calmed your raging nerves. You became quieter. Stopped being your bubbly self when Shawn called. He obviously noticed. He knew you better than you yourself. He just couldn't figure the issue cause you had so convincingly persuaded him to believe you were fine with it all.
"Hun, I'm home. " Shawn said as he closed the door after settling his luggage beside the shoe cabinet right at the entrance of your shared apartment.
When he got no response he was stressed. He expected you to pounce on him as soon as he opened the gate but there was no sign of you.
He kicked his shoes off and then remembered how it'd annoy you so much, laughed to himself and went back to put them in the cabinet before calling out for you again.
"Y/N, baby I'm home. "
He checked the living room. You weren't there. The kitchen next. No sign of you anywhere. He didn't expect you to be asleep cause it was just 7 and you were a night owl getting all pumped with energy as the clock hit 6 pm. This was your best time of the day and Shawn certainly had decided to make the best of it but you were nowhere to be found.
He wouldn't lie he was disappointed when you didn't fling yourself into his arms and peppered his face with cute wet kisses and were all clingy and lovey with him. He missed you so much.
He went to your bedroom, your shared room. Checked the whole house but there was no sign of you. He felt all that excitement dial down.
He decided to call you, obviously.
You didn't pick up.
He was worried now. He called your best friend cause you usually liked to hangout with her at evenings like this, discussing your medical school stuff and just chilling at times. She didn't pick up either. He called your mom and she told him that you were out with Y/F/N and she thought that he already knew.
Shawn was more than upset. He felt a little angry because you had been acting so not yourself and this was the least he could expect from you. There was something wrong obviously but why wouldn't you talk to him. Every time he tried to talk, you'd just make some excuse. He was tired now and this was what sent him over the edge. He tried calling you after an hour again. Just to get back a text saying "I'll be home late. Dinner's in the fridge. Don't wait for me. "
He was pissed off. Really bad.
You came home around 10:30 at night. You knew this wasn't fair to Shawn. After you saw that article you just couldn't. You had to let some seam off. Y/F/N called you and asked you if you'd wanna come to a small party they were throwing for Tom, a batchmate of yours Shawn had a huge disliking towards. Tom had asked you out cause he didn't know you had a boyfriend and he made it very clear that he liked you a lot. Shawn didn't take that well, obviously. He hated Tom's guts.
You wanted to get on his nerves after seeing the article. So you did.
You put on your sexiest one piece Shawn got for you year on your graduation day. The nerve of you. You informed your mom cause you knew Shawn would call her as you didn't plan on picking up his phone.
You opened the door with your key. The click noise made Shawn wake up from his light slumber.
You knew you had pulled off real shit and well consequences weren't gonna be good.
As you went inside. You saw the food was out on the counter but untouched. Shawn was in the living room, glaring at you.
"Where were you, Y/N? " He asked you with a voice dangerously low sending chills down your spine.
But heh you had enough liquid courage to be a douche at this point.
"Hello to you too. " You said in a rude tone.
"I said where the fuck were you, Y/N? It's been three goddamn hours. I have been so stressed what the hell is wrong with you. You didn't even care to tell me yourself. What the fuck?" He snapped at you moving towards you in the kitchen where you were pouring some water for yourself.
" I was at Tom's birthday party with Y/F/N." You said non chalantly.
His eyes shot up. Going wide.
" So you decided to go to that fucker's party instead of being with me. I'm home after three fucking months for fuck's sake." He yelled from across the counter.
You flinched hearing his tone but snapped right back. "Well what am I supposed to do Shawn? Sit here like a fool while you stick your tongue down her throat. All I see are pictures of you two making out every fucking where so am I just supposed to fucking wait for you after getting ten thousand notifications showing my boyfriend and his fucking girlfriend!? "
He took in a deep breath as if to not do anything wrong. The change on his face was scary. He just went from angry and worried to nothing. His face went expressionless. The tension getting thicker with every passing second.
You realised how wrong you were instantly. Hands flying to cover your mouth. " Shawn, i-... I am.. I didn't mean it. Bab-"
"You fucking meant it, Y/N. I can't even. You've got to be kidding me. " He took his Jeep's keys and headed for the gate. You tried to stop him by touching his shoulder but the look he gave you made you feel disgusted with yourself. He slammed the gate as he went out. Tears made their way down your cheeks smudging all your make up.
You sank down right where you were beside the kitchen counter. You hated yourself in this moment more than you ever had. The one person who always put your needs first, cared for you more than himself, you managed to make him hate you. You were certain he did.
You ran took your phone called Shawn. Over and over again. 5 calls went unanswered. You were perturbed. Didn't know what to do. Didn't know where he could be. You wanted to just be in his arms. You didn't deserve it but you felt home. His arms were your home. And you just ruined it all. Your baseless insecurities did.
You sat there helpless, loathing yourself. You don't know when sleep took over you. When you woke up it was 12. You got up in haste, drowning in worry. It had been an hour and a half since he left. You called him again and again to no avail. You lost the best thing you ever had and you knew you wouldn't be able to live with yourself after what you did.
You decided leaving was the best. He anyway wouldn't want you near him. Shawn deserved the world. He deserved the best. And then there was you who gave him nothing but hurled insults at him.
Tears didn't stop flowing at a point you felt you didn't have anymore left but you were wrong. You went up to your bedroom. Taking out a suitcase. You didn't want to bother him more. You weren't worth it.
You put in your essentials in the bag, moving to the closet after that. You changed into one of your hoodies. It was his. All of your clothes were basically his. You needed to wear them to feel home when he wasn't around. He loved them on you but now you weren't so sure. You anyway did it. One hoodie wouldn't upset him.
As you were done packing you checked the time it was over 2 hours. You wanted to die right at this moment. Shawn was not picking up your calls. You called Geoff earlier, he had no idea where Shawn was. Now you decided to call Karen. You didn't know what to do. You had already asked Andrew if Shawn was at the studio. You didn't want to stress everywhere cause Shawn didn't get mad easily but when he did it was bad. Extremely bad.
Just as you were about to call Karen you felt yourself being turned around, moved towards the closet door, a pair of strong arms pulling you and then his warm swollen lips being attached to yours. You melted right then. You didn't know how to respond. You couldn't believe it. Were you dreaming? But as you let it sink in, it was your Shawn kissing you. His smell invaded your senses making you feel alive again. Those lips moulded with yours felt like heaven. Tears made their way out of your eyes again. Lips starting to move against his. Hands going into his hair tugging at it as he devoured you. You didn't realize he was crying too until you opened your eyes. His eyes blood shot, cheeks tear stained. You hated you were the reason for his disheveled state. You hated yourself.
You broke the kiss. Not being able to look him in the eyes. Trying to catch your breath.
After a few minutes of total silence you figured this was goodbye. You started moving towards your suitcase.
As he saw what you were doing he let out a loud groan. He wanted to knock some sense into you and he decided he will.
He held your arm pulling you towards himself, asking with a hoarse voice "Where do you think you are going? "
"I'm sorry, Shawn. I just....you deserve better. I'll leave, I wanted to ask you if I can take this one hoodie? If you want it back I understand. I just didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean anything I said earlier. It just I was a little drunk you know it's I'm so terribly sorry. " You rambled didn't realising when you started sobbing.
You felt his arms wrap around you. Engulfing you in a loving hug. You broke down. He was still being so considerate when all you did was break his heart.
"Shush honey. Y/N, I am right here. You're not going anywhere."
"I am sorry. So sorry. I-.. I'll leave. "
"Baby, I said you are not going anywhere. I need you hun. You remember, it's forever." He said in his beautiful voice showing you his promise ring. The one you got him three months back. Just before he left.
You looked up at him through your crys. You wanted to see if he hated you or not. He could lie to you but his eyes could never. To your surprise all you saw was worry and love. A sense of relief washed over you. You released a breath you didn't know you were holding all this while.
"I love you baby. We are okay. I'm sorry I shouldn't have left like this."
"No no no Shawn. You.. I.... I'm so fucking terrible. I didn't mean anything earlier. I just wanted to I don't know I'm a fool. I was so scared I lost you forever. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. "
"No bub, I get where you're coming from. I understand. Just seeing you go to his birthday party made my blood boil. Seeing me with Camila, making out, holding hands I get it. I'm sorry. You should have told me, Y/N. I always wanted you to be comfortable with it. Although I shouldn't have put you in that spot when I know you won't ever say anything that's not in favour of my career. "
" I just didn't wanna hold you back, Shawn. I knew it was important but seeing you with her I just can't help but compare myself to her. I'm so pathetic. I hate myself. "
" Hey don't you ever say that about my baby. She's the best. Okay? Most beautiful, most caring, loving, selfless and she has the best legs. Her ass is so sexy. Her curves. Those lips I never wanna let go off. " He said his hands on your ass massaging it. You let out a low moan. It had been so long.
You wanted Shawn more than anything . His head dipped down to your neck, your head falling back. It felt unreal to be this close to him again. Especially after that sick stunt you pulled off.
He bit you at your soft spot and you jumped in his arms making him chuckle. He licked it to soothe it and you moaned. Not being able to control how overwhelmed you were after months of no physical contact with him.
"By the way that dress, baby. Not a smart move wearing it to Tom's birthday party, was it? " He said as his hands creeped up inside your hoodie sending shivers up your spine.
You just moaned in response only to receive a light tug at your bum.
"Words, honey. Use your words with me. " He said in that deep voice making your knees turn into jelly.
"Yes daddy. It was so stupid of me. Sorry daddy. " You said in your most innocent voice. Eyes looking glossy.
Shawn literally lost it there. Letting out a low growl. " Fuck Y/N." He turned you around. Making you face the mirror on your vanity. Your ass pressed onto his front. You could feel him already getting hard against your thigh. "Say it again." He commanded in a low voice. So you did feeling yourself getting wet. The pool in your panties becoming larger. "Mmm Daddy." You moaned as he moved your hair onto one side tilting your head so that he could assault your neck again. He knew how much you loved it when he did this.
"You know I wanted to take you right when you entered the house. Looking so pretty in that dress. Daddy got so worked up, baby. Only if you weren't being an annoying little brat." He said bringing his hand on your left boob cupping it under your hoodie.
"No bra? You're being very naughty I see."
"Sorrrryyy daddy. Sorry for being a little brat. I need you, daddy." You couldn't take his assault anymore. You whined. You just wanted him to fuck you into oblivion. Wanted him to be rough with you. Wanted to be close to him. As close that even air couldn't get in between the two of you.
"My hun is eager, I see. What do you want honey?" He asked.
"Want daddy to fuck me. Hard." You answered. Your eyes closed as he played with your tits. You could already feel yourself dripping on your thigh.
"Fuck baby. Getting daddy so hard huh? But do you deserve it after what you did."
"No daddy I have been bad. Very bad." You said. Extremely excited for what was in store for you. Shawn being a little rough and dominant always got you in the mood no matter when and where. That was his effect. The fact that only you got to see this side of the otherwise always a sweetheart gentle giant Shawn worked wonders on you. You loved it and he knew that.
"Hmm so kitten what is your punishment then?" Shawn whispered in your left ear. Making goosebumps arise on your body.
"Spanks, daddy. I have to count."
"Mm look at you being so good. How many do you deserve baby? "
"6 daddy? "
"Isn't that very less for what you did hun? Make it 10."
"Okay daddy."
He tugged at your hands as an indication for you to raise them so that he could take off his large hoodie of you. Leaving you only in your black lace panties. Looking at your almost naked body, Shawn couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips. Hands immediately cupping both your boobs. "So beautiful kitten."
"Thank you, daddy."
He proceeded on to take off his shirt. His biceps flexing in the process making your mouth water. You still were in a haze. This man, literally Adonis was yours? How'd you get so lucky? His flawless skin. The little hair peppering his chest. The defined pecs. His abs. You didn't even realise you were gawking at him. Literally with your mouth open. A chuckle brought you back to reality. Getting flushed instantly.
"Mmm definitely enjoying what you see hun. Come here." He said sitting at the edge of the bed opening his legs so that you could bend over his thighs. You did as told.
"Want these off baby. " He tugged at your panties. Before you could even move to get them off. He ripped them apart in half as if it was nothing. You got wetter if that was possible.
"Now bend." He said. You did as told. You bent over his lap.
"Count baby." He growled as his hand slapped your right ass cheek. A loud moan leaving your lips. "One."
Another spank at the same place. Making it become an angry red. "Two." You whined.
Shawn saw your wetness dripping down your thighs forcing a strangled moan out of him. His fingers immediately going to your freshly shaved pussy lips. "You are enjoying this so much kitten? " He asked as his fingers dipped in your folds, you almost screaming at the sudden action, then he took them in his mouth. You sublimated right that moment. If this wasn't the hottest thing you'd ever seen you didn't know what was. You felt pure bliss.
Still in that euphoria you didn't realize how time passed and his hand came in contact with your ass again. Harder than before.
"Three." You cried. Your ass blood red. Tears threatening to fall out of your eyes any second. Just for a second Shawn's demeanor faltered. He seemed to be having second thoughts. He couldn't hurt you. His hand soothingly titillating the area.
You, as if, read his thoughts and told him to continue. "It hurts so good, daddy." That was all he needed. "You're doing so good kitten. Just two more." With that his hand came down again not so hard this time. You moaned, loving the burning sensation.
He repeated the same with your left cheek. You started to cry by the time he was done. He took you in his arms. Making you face him. Straddling his lap. "Did so good for me baby." You rested your head on his shoulder. Your bare pussy against the rough fabric of his jeans. His thick thighs clenching. And you started to grind your self on his thigh. You didn't even realise when. The pleasure seeming to only increase with each thrust of your hips. You let out a moan at the same time as Shawn, it's what made reality dawn upon you. Your actions halted thinking he'd want to punish you, maybe.
When you looked into his eyes, they were darker than before, almost black, filled with insatiable hunger. A wave of confidence hit you. Your movements resumed. Your pace a little faster now. Your hands made way around his neck, wrapping them for support as he held you by your waist. His eyes boring into yours, you felt yourself melt. "I want you to get off my thigh, Y/N. Don't stop until you cum." He said in a voice that was enough to do it for you. He sounded so fucking sexy you couldn't even make sense of it. "Okay daddy." With that you increased your pace. His toned muscles flexing with your movements. It felt like heaven. You felt the fire burn in you. That familiar pit. Shawn kept on cooing filthy things in your ear sending you over the edge even faster. You held onto him for dear life as you came, nails digging in his skin. This was different. The way he responded to your actions. It felt unreal. It was beyond amazing.
"Felt so good daddy." You said as you went to kiss him. He captured your lips with his, kissing you with burning passion. You poured all your apologies, how ashamed you were of your unreasonable behavior, your unconditional love for him, all in that kiss. It conveying more than you could vocally have.
"Look at you hun, ruined daddy's pants huh? Looked like a goddess getting off of my thigh. You like it?"
"Loved it daddy. I love 'em."
He wrapped your legs around his waist as if you weighed nothing, standing up. He threw you on the bed. Taking his pants off along with his boxers. His thick member sprang out of the confines hitting his abdomen making the most unholy noise. You almost gasped at how terribly hard he was. It must be painful.
You scooted closer to him on the bed, reaching the edge. "Can I taste you, daddy? "
"Fuck. Go ahead baby."
"Mmm okay." You said as you reached for him. Getting in between his thighs. Making him sit on the bed and getting on your knees on the floor. You wanted to make him feel just as good as you felt. And boy were you determined.
You took his length in your hands. Spreading the precum all over it and your lips pulling out a pornographic moan off him. He stared at you in awe. Looking so pretty with his cock in your hands, on your knees for him. So wet, your juices dripping everywhere. It was nasty and he loved it.
You took his balls in your mouth, caressing his cock, all the prominent veins and the angry red tip making you salivate. You started running your hands up and down him. Sucking his balls. "Fuck honey, so good. Go on." He caressed your hair. "Always so good for me." You released his balls from your mouth with a pop sound and licked his underside from the base to the tip, feeling each vein. You took his tip in your mouth making him almost stop breathing. "Such a good girl, Y/N. Doing amazing." He moaned. It felt like music to your ears. You finally took him all in. He let out a loud whine. The warmth of your mouth making him dizzy. You started moving your head faster, almost releasing him fully then taking as much of him as you could until he hit the back of your throat. You loved giving Shawn a head. Hell you loved doing everything to him. Anything you did for him, with him was automatically your favorite. You felt what a dumbass you were to even think of leaving him. He's the best thing that has happened to you ever. He's your present and your future. You can't let yourself ruin that. Shawn abruptly stopped you. Pulling himself out of your mouth. You gave him a confused look. "What's wrong, Shawn?" "Not gonna last long, baby. Wanna feel you. Be inside you. Come here." He scooped you in his arms. Made you lay on the bed facing the vanity mirror. He came up beside you. His large body engulfing you as he spooned you. You reached down taking him in your hands, not being able to take anymore teasing. You needed him in you. Wanted to feel full again. It almost felt like the first time today. Your emotions all over the place, being so raw. You loved every microsecond of it. You lined him with yourself, almost about to take him in when Shawn took control. "Calm down. You know Y/N, good girls don't behave like this." "Sorry." You mumbled grumpily. His hand wrapped around your throat. Pressing lightly. Fuck, you got wetter if that was humanely even possible. You felt you might cum right then. "Sorry, what honey? Be good." "Sorry Daddy." "Mmm better." He said as he rubbed his tip at your slit. Teasing you like always. "So wet for me, honey. You've ruined all the sheets." You just moaned loudly in response incapable of forming a coherent sentence. He slowly pushed inside you. He was so fucking big. It hurt. He stretched you out so well. Relief washing you over. Feeling him in you made you feel complete. He stilled once he was inside letting you adjust. "Move baby? " He asked. "Mmm fuck. Yes daddy." You said.
His hand moved from your throat to your clit, rubbing you as he fucked you hard from behind. Your eyes started to close which as soon as he noticed he stopped. You whined so loudly at this it was almost shocking for you. "Open your eyes, baby if you want me to continue. Watch us in the mirror. Watch how daddy fucks you so good." And you saw the most obscene sight. His one hand rubbing your clit. You could see his cock move in and out of you. Other hand on your left boob pressing it hard. You couldn't help but whimper at the beautiful view. So dirty. You loved it.
His pace got faster as he dipped his neck into the crook of your neck leaving hickeys. Your hand reaching back holding onto his arm. Your nails scratching him, digging into his skin.
The feeling of bliss took over you as you yelled "I'm going to cum, Shawn." "Come for me, honey. I'm gonna cum too." His pace faltered becoming slower. He was close too. He rubbed your little nub faster, the nerves started burning at his assault.
"Aaah fuck fuck fuck daddy." With that you came all over him, him following you almost instantly. He let out a grunt as he came inside you, filling you up. Riding you both to the end of your orgasms.
He stayed like that for a few minutes. Not moving at all. Then he pulled out of you. Getting up to go to the bathroom like he always did. He came back with a wet towel, cleaning you up so gently. Then he cleaned himself up with the same towel. And you don't know but this always felt so intimate to you. More than all that you guys just did. Him cleaning you both up with the same towel made your heart flutter. You were so fallen for him you didn't know yourself.
He came back after dumping the towel with the dirty laundry.
As soon as he came to bed, you snuggled into his chest. He was your home. You felt so safe. No one could hurt you with him there. Not even you, yourself. He'd protect you.
A single tear slipped from your eye as you both lay in comfortable silence cuddled with each other. As he noticed it, in the sweetest voice ever he said "It's okay baby. You don't have to even think about what happened earlier, again. I knew it'd affect you badly and I still went for it. I knew if I asked you, you'd never say no. So it was me taking you for granted, hun. You're not at fault. It was me, baby. I put you in that spot."
"Oh shut up, Mendes. Always making me seem so good. It was my and only my fault. Don't you dare blame it on yourself. And I'm so so sorry. I won't ever doubt what we have. It's the most real thing I have felt in my whole 22 years of existence. I love you so much, words can't even express it."
"But you do in other ways. You know." He smirked making you roll your eyes, nudging him lightly in his chest.
"You riding my thigh was the most fucking hot view ever. Trust me, I almost came."
"Oh shut it and let me sleep." You said all flustered about what you did.
"One last thing, baby. "
"Hmm? "
"You're the only one I want. "
You cuddled more into him finally being able to fall asleep soundly in your home.
Taglist: @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-youth @itsalwaysbeen305 @perfectlywrongsm @particularnarry @wholesomemendes @myboyshawn @myboyshawnie @imaginashawnns @camilalewiss @swiftmendeshoran @princecharmingmendes @fallinallincurls @glitterypositivityforaesthetic @shawnpetermuffins @stylesharrys @shawnblanc @shawn-mendes-thirst @shawnftchris @lonelyreputation
Tell me guys if anyone wants to be added or removed from the taglist.
Also this is my first time writing on tumblr so i dont know if I did any stupidities please let me know if I did 🥺🥺
And How'd you guys like the shot? I'd really appreciate if you all leave feedbacks. Thank you lovelies! ❣
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heartcal · 3 years
“who do you believe?”; l.h. (pt. ii)
oh my GOD it’s here, it took longer than expected but she’s finally here! after the eye strain i got a sty so that threw me in for a loop, but the good news is my eyes are better! and i’m fully vaccinated too! please get the vaccine if you are able to :^) enjoy!
a/n: (formatting again lol) there’s a part where there’s supposed to be texts (in italics) so it may be a bit weird to read (hopefully not) (sorry for these parantheses) please let me know if there’s anything off!
pairing: luke hemmings x reader
summary: having known luke for years, it was bound to happen eventually. the crush you developed happened before you could stop it, and you did your best to keep it a secret. you told no one, did your best not to show it, so what do you do when his girlfriend finds out?
warnings: swearing (as usual), 
genre: angst, fluff, basically friends (to brief enemies but not really) to lovers?
wc: 5,201 (they’re getting longer, huh)
taglist: @1sosrvd1267 + @wowitsel (side note: i don’t have a current taglist, this is just for this fic!)
part one | my masterlist!
You skipped the after-party that night. You couldn’t bear standing in the same room as Luke and Rachel, so you booked a ride and left as soon as the car pulled up.
Had you stayed for the party, you would have crumbled under the looks of pity thrown at you by those who would have heard about what happened. The knowing looks that something bad had happened between two people everyone on the crew knew were best friends would have been uncomfortable.
The ride home is uncomfortably silent, but you were thankful the driver wasn’t the talkative type. The soft jazz playing on the radio wasn’t calming but it did distract you from the pain and embarrassment you felt from the argument.
Once the car had pulled up to your place, you bid a silent farewell to the driver and slid out.
You just wanted to get inside, take a shower, shut your phone for the night, and sleep until you physically can’t get any more sleep.
You’re not too surprised Luke stood up for his girlfriend. He does love her—he’s shown that with friends and with fans. But the way he glared at you, defended her without trying to find out what exactly went down…he had never looked at you like that.
You’ve seen that look before; it wasn’t something you were used to but it was the look he would give paparazzi when they would harass you, the guys, and his friends. The glare carried such strength that it would make people back off. And so when it was directed towards you, it struck you hard.
Having done what you wanted to do once you entered the house, you lay in bed with wet eyes staring at the ceiling. Your phone was face down on your nightstand, completely out of reach to the point one slight touch could knock it off.
Maybe you were the one at fault. Maybe you should’ve told the truth about your feelings to Rachel or Luke before this all happened. It could have prevented the fallout and you would be with the guys and the crew celebrating a successful show.
But what good would that have done? Had you told someone, anyone, that you liked Luke more than a best friend should, would that have caused the same problem but presented differently? Or would something come from it? Maybe nothing would have happened.
A sigh escapes your lips as you turn your back away from the nightstand, facing the empty half of the bed and before your mind drifts to more pitiful thoughts, you close your eyes.
You didn’t dream that night. It’s as if you blinked, with the night flying by faster than you had wanted and anticipated.
The sunlight beamed down on you from above your headboard. It was late morning and it was time to face the harsh reality of the day.
There is no doubt you have lost Luke as your best friend.
Wiping the sleep and crust from your eyes, you sit up and vacantly glance around the room. The box where you keep gifts from Luke is illuminated by the sunlight, and with the vacant stare you stand to walk towards it.
You hesitate to open it; it’ll bring back memories of good times and with the events of the previous night, you do not think you can handle the rush of emotions.
It’s then when you realize your phone was off, and though you don’t want to do anything social today and would rather stay home with your favorite snacks and shows, you know you have to let your friends know how you’re doing.
You stall by washing your face and brushing your teeth, albeit slower than usual. You know that once you turn your phone on, the onslaught of questions and missed calls are going to take possibly an hour to clear up.
Sure enough, as you turn your phone on, the missed messages come in, barely giving your notification tone a break and the missed calls and voicemails were coming in fast. You can feel the heat from the battery on your palm, and for the sake of the phone you switch the sound off and turn on Do Not Disturb to prevent any new calls from coming through.
The messages you saw were from the crew, asking where you went and if you were okay. Others were from the boys minus Luke, and looking through the missed calls, there was nothing from Luke.
You’re not surprised, but the pain was still simmering within and seeing no messages or missed calls from him was adding to it.
You responded to the crew’s messages first, since many of them sent one or two messages asking simple questions: “Are you okay,” “Where did you go,” and “Did you get home safe?”
Then you responded to the boys’, Michael’s first since he had the least amount of messages.
hey, you didn’t have to leave. we could’ve talked some sense into him when he calmed down (11:37pm)
did u get home okay? we know you didn’t drive here yourself. (11:58pm)
please let us know you made it home. let us know you’re okay (12:10am)
hope you made it home and that you’re safe and okay. thank u for ur work today. please text me when you see these. goodnight (12:49am)
You typed your reply to him, letting him know that you were okay and got home safe.
Calum’s messages were similar, asking the same questions but some were repeated to emphasize his worry. In response, you answered his questions like Michael’s.
But even before you can open Ashton’s messages, seeing double digits next to your conversation with him, rapid knocks on your front door grab your attention.
With a groan you stand and grab your robe from the hook on the door, wrapping it tightly around your body as you open the door and groggily walk to the front door.
It was a stupid idea, as you weren’t ready to face anyone yet Ashton stands in front of you. He’s well-rested, a stark contrast to you as you were sure your eyes were still puffy and bloodshot, along with an occasional sniffle from your nose.
His eyes travel from your face, down to your feet, and back up to your eyes. He can immediately tell you had a terrible night.
“You weren’t answering anyone last night,” he begins, tilting his head as he narrows his eyes, “we were worried about you after you left.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, “I just—I didn’t feel like talking to anyone.”
“You could’ve let one of us know that you were shutting off.”
You nodded with a frown, “I could have, yeah,” your eyes dart around behind him to avoid his worrisome eyes before asking him if he wanted to come in.
He doesn’t hesitate and steps in once you move aside, opening the door wider to give him enough room. He notes your bag in a heap on the floor a few inches away from the couch, and how your shoes were far apart, with one upside down, as if you flung them off.
“How are you holding up now?”
You shrug, still avoiding his eyes because you know if you make eye contact, you’ll break down and you won’t have control over the onslaught of emotions.
“Be honest,” his voice is soft, wanting to make you feel comfortable enough to open up.
You stare at the ground, biting the skin of your lower lip nervously. This is why you did not want to talk to anyone face-to-face. Talking to them over the phone, preferably through text, allowed you to lie to the other person (and if applicable, to yourself). But talking to someone in person, and to someone who can see through your lies, you were bound to break down and become vulnerable.
You inhale, taking careful steps to the couch and gently sitting down with a sigh. Ashton follows you, sitting next to you but giving you space to not overwhelm you.
“What happened last night—,” you lean back with your arms folded over your chest, “—was something that I feared. When I realized I liked Luke, I was so worried about him finding out and what the outcome would be. I knew from the beginning that things would never be the same if he found out, and I was afraid of the change that would come from it.”
Ashton listens intently, his eyes displaying sincerity as he listens to you list off your worries. What he saw last night bothered him to no end, and had he not exerted most of his energy during the show, he would not have slept at all and would have stayed up all night in a constant state of worry.
“So, now that Rachel knows, and no doubt Luke has caught on, I don’t know what to do. I responded to everyone’s texts before you arrived, and Luke sent nothing—not even a phone call.”
Ashton nods, swallowing before speaking, “Well, after you left, things went down that may be the reason why he hasn’t tried contacting you.”
Your head turns to face him, eyebrows furrowed as confusion embeds itself across the rest of your features.
Ashton readjusts himself, getting comfortable in his seat as he gathers the right words.
“Something happened after I left?” You ask as you shift in your seat to face him.
“Michael wanted to go after you, to at least offer you a ride back, but Calum went back to tell Luke that it was bullshit what happened. So, Michael went back to make sure they wouldn’t fight or anything. I also pointed out that he was a dick; choosing you over her when he’s known you the longest didn’t sit right with us. But he got defensive and kept wanting to leave but Rachel convinced him it was alright, so they stayed for the party. But the party was bad—the crew felt the tension and the vibes were down—,” he chuckles at the word choice, getting a small laugh out of you as well, “—it brought everyone out of the energetic and ecstatic mood we were in before the confrontation. We all kinda did our own thing during the party but we noticed things were tense between Luke and Rachel. And when the party ended, shit hit the fan.”
“What happened?”
Ashton sighs, “To make the long story short, they got into an argument when we were leaving the venue after Michael brought up your name. He said something like, ‘I hope they got home safe,’ and that you weren’t answering your phone at all. Calum and I pointed out, again, how rude Luke was to you and Luke kept defending himself. Rachel dropped an insult and something shifted. Basically, they’re done and the guys and I can finally fucking breathe.”
“Wait—,” you stand with bulging eyes, “—wait, are you saying they broke up?”
Ashton hums as he watches you mindlessly walk around your living room.
The guys have been waiting for their break-up. It’s not something they were open about, as to avoid any conflict with their best friend, but it was almost an unspoken agreement: Rachel was not liked.
As for you, it’s not like you were wishing for their break-up. You wanted Luke to be happy, and if he was happy in that relationship, then so be it. But you were not a fan of it. Yeah, you liked her in the beginning but when she started disregarding you as if you did something to offend her, you lost most of your respect for her. Now, with this news of their break-up, you don’t know what to do.
Are you happy? You don’t exactly feel happy about it, but there is some relief.
“So,” you sit back down on the couch slowly, “what am I supposed to do with this information?”
“Not sure,” Ashton shrugs, “but I recommend talking to Luke.”
You shake your head fervently, “No. I don’t feel like talking to anyone.”
“But you’re talking to me,” Ashton has a smirk, but you know there’s no malice behind his joke.
“You showed up unannounced, Ash,” you smile, “I was responding to everyone who sent messages and voicemails. I don’t feel like talking to anyone else in person.”
He holds his hands up in defense, “Fair enough, but don’t be a stranger.”
He gives you a quick hug, whispering something similar to ‘don’t shut Luke out’ before he pulls away and walks out.
Ashton’s words stuck with you for the next week. You felt comfortable enough a few days after the fact to contact the boys, eventually meeting up with Ashton and Calum for lunch and third-wheeling Michael and his fiancée. The only person out of your friend group and co-workers you have not contacted was Luke. He hasn’t contacted you either, but you do not think much about it as you’re still trying to figure things out. If he were to contact you, how do you talk about what happened?
You want to know why he was able to choose his then-girlfriend over you, but at the same time you don’t want to know the answer. You know that one day, and though it hurts, you will not be his number one. With the way he behaved that night, it felt like that dreadful moment came to earlier than expected, that he found his number one and you immediately became his second go-to person.
So it did surprise you when you were out with an old friend to receive a text from Luke.
Can we talk about what happened? (2:23pm)
You only stare blankly at the text, not even moving to type a response. You were in such a good mood, and not even this text would change it. Instead, you lock your phone and place it back in your pocket, noting to leave it alone until your day out comes to an end.
And when it does, you see that more texts from Luke had arrived, the final being sent an hour before the outing ended.
I know you’re mad, I understand that and I don’t blame you but please talk to me (2:31pm)
You’re reading these, please say something (2:33pm)
There are some things that I need to clear up with you, I want to apologize for what happened that night but I want to do it face to face. Please respond. (3:57pm)
Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting. Sorry if I’m bombarding you with these texts, I just don’t want to lose you over something that I realize now should not have happened. Respond when you want to, I’ll be here. (5:49pm)
You could only let out a small chuckle at the persistent requests to talk, and you don’t deny the small—minuscule, honestly—flutter in your stomach. You don’t waste any time responding.
Sorry, I was busy. We can meet somewhere to talk. (7:08pm)
He responds about five minutes later, agreeing to meet at a small café the two of you love tomorrow afternoon.
The rest of the night for you is spent thinking of ways to carry yourself, being completely confident, and accepting the fact that you love your best friend. Pep talks in the shower and mirror to calm any arising nerves, revising the topics you want to talk about in your head so you keep the confidence.
As for Luke, he was struggling to gather all his thoughts. In the beginning, he thoroughly enjoyed the fact that you and Rachel got along. He liked seeing his best friend and girlfriend become friends like that. He didn’t notice the shift, however, and he wishes he did before things got out of hand.
When he defended Rachel, without finding out the story from all sides, he thought he was doing what was right. To him, friendships and relationships have the same base, but romantic relationships with a partner have a different structure than friendships do, and he was starting to see cracks in his friendship before he saw it in his relationship.
When he confronted Rachel after she insulted you, he started to see someone he never saw. He remembered the times Rachel ignored you, sometimes playing it off as if she never heard you. He remembered how she would make plans with everyone and exclude you, but he always played it off as an accident (even if he knew it wasn’t). He remembered all these times he noticed a change in mood when the two of you were in the same room, and he couldn’t believe he turned a blind eye to all of it.
It hurt him to break-up with Rachel—he won’t deny that because he did love her. It’s not that he saw the rest of his life with her as they weren’t at that mark in the relationship.
But, when he did picture his future, he always saw you. He always thought it was just as a friend, someone who was just joined at the hip. Yet, he was quick to throw that away for someone he rarely saw when he pictured the future.
Which is why, the next day, as he sits at a booth near the window of the café, he carefully goes over what he wants to say. He doesn’t want to ruin the chance to fix things between the two of you. If it goes awry, not only does he lose you, but his friendships with the band and the team will take a hit since they all love you.
The bell above the door rings making his head turn to watch you walk in. Your eyes danced around the café before they fell on him.
He couldn’t help the smile the formed on his lips, a small breath of relief escaping as he watches you walk towards him. The smile doesn’t stay long though, because as you sit down with a stoic expression, the reality hits him.
“I got your usual,” he’s shy and timid, pushing the mug toward you as he eyes the liquid nearly spills the edge.
You mumble a ‘thanks,’ grabbing the mug and taking a small sip. It falls silent as the two of you wonder who should start first.
Luke makes the move first. He sighs, sitting up straight and wiping his palms on his pants.
He’s nervous. When the guys started touring, visiting new cities and countries, he would always be nervous and constantly wiped his hands on his thighs, sitting up straight and even straighter if he wasn’t slouching. It’s an old habit, but something you remember fondly as he had grown out of it. Or so you thought.
“I want to start with I’m sorry,” he begins, making eye contact but fails to hold it. His eyes instead drift to his drink, “I know what I did was wrong, and I put you in a spot that hurt you and disregarded you. At the moment, I thought I was doing the right thing because she was my girlfriend, but then—” he gulps, “when she insulted you, it struck a nerve and, not to sound cliché or anything, it felt like it opened my eyes. I saw someone I didn’t see when I first met them.”
You don’t respond, just nodding your head to let him know you’re listening.
He licks his lips before continuing, “When the guys brought up how you left on your own, I was feeling nervous and they started reminding me how much of a dick I was to you. I didn’t want to admit it myself, but now, I was such an ass. I’m just—I’m so sorry for what happened.”
“Luke,” you sigh, shifting in your seat, “I’m not saying I forgive you but I accept your apology. It hurt me so much that a friend, someone I’ve known for years was just so quick to turn their back and take someone else’s side. I know she was your girlfriend, but I wish you didn’t do what you did.”
“If I could go back and fix it, I would.”
You only nod again, trying to think about other things that need to be talked about. The one topic you hope to avoid is the possibility of him knowing your feelings—something you do not want to discuss, at least not yet.
“Did she say anything to you?”
The question leaves your mouth before you register it, and the widening of your eyes catches Luke off guard.
“Nothing,” you mutter, grabbing your mug and taking a long sip.
“She didn’t tell me what started the problems between you two, if that’s what you mean,” Luke smiles a bit, watching you nervously play with the mug’s handle after the sip. It fades when your eyes move up to meet his, “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but it isn’t important anymore. She’s out of the picture, and I don’t want to lose you.”
The silence returns, but unlike the previous bout, it’s a calming silence. It isn’t uncomfortable, rather the air is easier to breathe and the tension isn’t unsettling.
“Where do we go from here?” Luke asks, nervously wringing his fingers.
“I don’t want to lose you as a friend, Luke,” you offer a smile, “but it’s going to take some time to ‘heal,’ if you will.”
Luke smiles again, this time a bigger grin. He nods, leaning back in his seat, “Let me know what I can do to make things better. I’ll do it if I get to keep you.”
Over the next few months, your friendship with Luke was rekindled. The guys were at ease now that Rachel was gone and you seemingly had taken her place, even though you were friends. The awkward glances they would give when Rachel was in the same room were now playful rolls of the eyes over a dumb joke or pranks. You didn’t miss out on any outings you wanted to go to, now that everyone invited would check in with each other the night before. Things went back to the way they were before Rachel.
There was a change in your friendship, however. It wasn’t something you noticed right away, but it was something you thought about at night just a few weeks ago. Luke paid more attention to you, not that he didn’t pay attention before, but this was a noticeable change where he still looks at you even after you finished talking, and would only look away from you when you caught him. He would always cover his mouth with his index and middle finger, but you saw a small smile behind them. You played it off as friendly teasing, but it tugs on your heartstrings.
Another noticeable change is the hugs. Duration-wise, they were relatively the same. However the touch lingered; if he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, an arm would stay around your shoulder, meanwhile if they were around your waist, his hand would stay on the small of your back. You played it off as a friend being protective, but yet again, it did nothing to stop your growing love.
Tonight was the first night of their tour. The boys were up to their usual pre-show antics, as well as the nervous habits; Michael fixing his hair and deciding whether to go with a beanie or a hat, or neither, Ashton was warming up with his pre-show playlist, Calum testing his bass, and Luke was relatively fine.
Sure, he was nervous because it isn’t a crowd of 500, close to 20,000, but he was calm compared to the last time he performed. He didn’t have any worries to talk about, his vocal warm-ups were smooth, and getting dressed up was a breeze. He shared chuckles with you as you both watched the others move around with tense expressions (all with no malice, of course).
“You sure you’re not on edge?” you nudge Luke with your arm as he leans forward on the couch your sitting on to fix his shoe.
“Nope,” he sits up, leaning back in his seat.
“Really?” you inquire again, doubt laced in your tone with a hint of teasing.
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “if anything I’m excited about tonight.”
You hum, crossing your arms as you watch Ashton walk over.
“Ten minutes left,” he nods at Luke before walking to Michael to tell him the same thing.
You give Luke a look, wanting to get him to admit he is nervous, but all you get is a smirk and a shrug. He stands, patting your shoulder left before walking away to put in his in-ears.
You won’t deny you still don’t have feelings for him. Throughout the past few months, you were able to pinpoint the reasons why you fell for him. The small acts, the obscure things he would remember about you—especially the ones you don’t remember yourself—with the attention he would give you. It was staring you in the face, but you chose to deny all the signals to give yourself the satisfaction of thinking it was just a phase. But now you know why you love him.
Two minutes until showtime, Ashton finishes his speech and the crew is taking their places. The band stands at the opening, waiting for their cue to head out.
As you watched them hype themselves up, you noticed Luke looking around nervously. Of course.
His head whips toward you, and you can see it in his eyes.
“A little,” he mumbles, but you don’t hear it over the crowd’s excited screams.
“You got this,” you grab his shoulders to make him look you in the eyes, “like Ash said, you guys worked your asses off for this album. The fans loved it, your shows are all sold out, and you have thousands out there waiting to see you kill it.”
He’s silent, blue eyes staring into yours as they bounce from one eye to the other.
“I love you,” he blurts, loud enough just for you to hear.
You freeze, the grip on his shoulder loosens but remain.
He notices, “She did tell me something that night, and whether or not it’s true, I-I love you.”
“Sixty seconds!” a stage recites in the earpieces.
The boys turn to look at both of you, curious eyes turn into surprise as they watch your expression.
“I don’t know how long, I don’t know when, and I don’t know what it was, but I know for sure.”
Your eyes glance at Ashton briefly, not missing the knowing smile he gives you before you look back into Luke’s eyes.
“I…love you, too,” you respond, gripping his shoulders while your eyes drop down to his shiny shoes.
He doesn’t hear you over the cheers and screams, but reading your lips he knows the answer.
Luke smiles, grabbing the back of your head and kissing your forehead.
He leans down to your ear, “I expect to hear you say it when I come back.”
With flashing lights scattering across the stage, the boys run out to the stage, big smiles gracing their faces for multiple reasons with adrenaline pumping through their veins. From backstage, you watch the show you a smile, feeling high from the brief but fulfilling confession.
It’s two hours later when the show ends. Your heart is pounding as you watch the crew celebrate the successful first show.
Luke pulls you away from the crowd, into the hallway and away from the noise.
“So it was true, what Rachel said?” Luke begins, his hand still holding yours as a shy smile forms.
“What did she say?”
He exhales air through his nose in a laugh, “She said you were in love with me, and that you were trying to break us up.”
You scoff, shaking your head as you look at your intertwined fingers. He squeezes your hand to get your attention.
“I doubt that last part, but the first part I’m hoping is true in a sense.”
Your eyes meet his, adoration swimming in them bringing a smile to your face, “There may be a strong crush I have on you,” you tease, “and it may or may not have turned into love.”
He laughs, letting go of your hand to wrap you in a hug. His head dips down, his forehead on your shoulder as he breathes in your scent. He moves slightly, whispering in your ear, “Say it.”
Your head rested against his chest, hearing his heart beat rapidly and rhythmically.
“I love you,” you whisper.
You feel him smile against your shoulder before he pulls away, his arms resting on your hips as he smiles down at you.
“If you’d like,” he begins, his tone timid now, “that place you like in Seattle has a new dish. It’s our next stop…” he drifts off, hoping you’d catch on to him asking you out.
You do, laughing at how he remembered yet another thing you seem to have forgotten. It was a themed restaurant that had some of the best food you’ve ever eaten, and for days you wouldn’t stop talking about it. But you never went back to it, even during breaks, but somehow he seemed to remember.
“Yes, Luke.”
You know the shock will hit you later that night, that finally the person you’ve fallen for, who happens to be your best friend, admitted his feelings to you. But you’re happy, Luke’s happy, and with the boys’ and crew’s reaction to the two of you walking back to the area where they’re celebrating, the happiness is infectious.
On the road in the tour bus, Ashton passes you as you respond to emails.
“Thanks for not shutting him out,” he says, drinking a small bottle of water from the fridge.
“Did you know?”
He shrugs, avoiding your eyes as he finishes the bottle and tosses it in the recycling bag. “Maybe,” he walks towards the back where the beds are, “maybe not.”
You shake your head, “You did.”
“Didn’t want to spoil it,” he gives you a quick hug before retreating to bed.
Luke walks out of the bathroom shortly after, taking his spot next to you.
“Go to bed,” you slightly shift your shoulder as he lays his head on it, “you need the rest.”
“No,” he mumbles, sleep lacing his tone, “feels like a dream. Don’t wanna wake up.”
You chuckle at his nonsense, finishing off the last email before shutting the laptop and placing it on the counter next to you. You adjust yourself on the couch to have Luke lay down with you. He readjusts himself so he doesn’t crush you, wrapping his arm around your waist and placing his head on your chest.
“I wish I had known before all the drama,” he mumbles again, eyes closed, “I want you in my life, always.”
He drifts off to sleep with that, a faint smile on his lips.
You know what made you fall in love with your best friend. You accept it now, and you’re at peace knowing the feeling is mutual.
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butterfly effect: one
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His mouth is slightly ajar, surely shocked to be seeing the girl of his past so far from where he had left her. I myself try to compute what I am seeing, but my brain is running so fast from the adrenaline, the gravity of what is occurring hardly registers.
It’s Harry, and he’s here and the two of you need to get out of there right now.
Word Count: 6k+
Includes: mob!h, mentions of blood, scary dudes late at night, and the set up for my favourite story I’ve ever written!
A/N: guys I am so excited about this story! I swear writing this is the only thing holding me together (so don’t let it flop lmao). It is 2AM pray for me.
My inbox is open for anyone who wants to chat about this series! I love to gab, and constructive criticism is very much appreciated. I want this to be as good as possible!!
butterfly effect masterlist // my masterlist
It is not until it is already too late that I realise I should have just ordered an uber.
Alex was very insistent that I order one home from my late shift at the pub. He had even offered to split the cost, knowing without needing to ask this was the cause of my hesitation. It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford it. Strictly speaking, I could. I was just keenly aware of the amount of material I could buy with the amount a late night uber in London would cost me. I would never take him up on his offer. He needed the money just as much as I did.
“It’s okay, I’m good for it,” I gave him a little smile. He was sitting in front of his mirror in his room, midway through getting ready for work. I had simply come to say goodbye before I left for my shift when he had grabbed me by the hand and demanded I ordered an uber home.
“Babe, you have to promise me.”
“I promise!” I stared exaggeratedly into his eyes as I spoke, emphasising my honesty.
In that moment, I made peace with the money I would be losing from my fabric budget. I calculated this budget, of course, by subtracting living expenses from my weekly income. My best friend wanted to make sure I got home safe, wanted the peace of mind while he was working that I would be fine. Who was I to say no to that?
“Make sure you text me when you get into the uber and once you make it up to the apartment.” My chest flooded with warmth at the love and care in his voice. It was moments like these I really sat back and thanked my lucky stars that Alex was in my life.
So, of course I was just going to bite the bullet and order the uber. Of course.
Except, well.
I couldn’t help but think how quickly I got from our place to work. We had picked the apartment just one short month ago, heavily considering the advantage of its walking distance to my work. The King’s Arms was just one block up and down the road. It was barely a fifteen-minute walk. Shorter than that if I took the shortcut down the alleyway back to our block, saving me from walking further down the road and looping back around. It would probably take me longer to get home via uber, once you account for the time spent waiting for it to arrive.
A ten-minute walk home wouldn’t kill me, surely.
The contemplation was pushed from my mind for the duration of my busy Saturday night shift. It was my least favourite shift of the week, as I spent each week chasing after middle aged men getting rowdy in the excitement of watching whatever sport was on TV. The King’s Arm was small, but it was a local favourite known for its homey pub meals, reasonably priced pints and good atmosphere. Much to my contempt they didn’t keep a large staff pool, preferring a smaller, well-trained, reliable bunch. Which was great in theory until it left me to run around like my hair is on fire on a night as busy as tonight.
I was capable of serving everyone well and in a timely manner, but it wasn’t exactly a stroll in the park. More like a seven-hour long sprint, with a half hour break in the middle.
As the final game for the night ended, the crowd slowly but surely thinned until just a couple of small groups remained.
“Hey y/n, are you okay to lock up by yourself if I head home in five?” my manager, Rachel asked me half an hour before close. “I have some time I need to take back,” she added in explanation.
“Of course, you go get out of here.” I knew she wasn’t lying when she said she had some time to take back, putting in all sorts of extra hours to keep the place in tip top shape. I liked Nicola, and I had certainly been working there long enough to handle a couple of customers and lock up by myself. Even if I didn’t like Rachel and thought she was slacking off, I couldn’t exactly argue. She was both my boss and the owner’s daughter, probably not far off becoming the owner herself.
“Are you sure?” She asked, eyeing the few men still seated, probably triple checking she didn’t think they were any kind of threat.
“Yes,” I laughed, “now scram, before I change my mind.”
“Alright if you insist,” she said, already making her way towards her bag.
“Ring me if you need anything! Good night!” She called over her shoulder as she exited through the kitchen door. The cook had gone home ten minutes earlier, the pub serving only drinks the hour before close at midnight.
“Night!” I called back.
I made quick work of what little cleaning there was left to do, and gently reminded the remaining patrons we closed in half an hour. To my surprise they were agreeable and friendly, one of them instantly assuring me, “Don’t worry love we’ll be out of your hair soon, won’t make you stay back late.”
Usually the kind of people that were in the pub this late had no care for closing time, believing that pertained simply to whenever they decided they wanted to leave.
True to his word, everyone was out with ten minutes to spare and I was able to clean their dishes and tables with the remaining time they had granted me. I locked the door to The King’s Arms at 12 o’clock on the dot and riding the high of such an easy close, took not a moment in deciding I was in fact going to walk home.
To Alex: Just ordered an uber!
I felt guilty lying, but I would rather lie than have Alex worrying over nothing. I would be home in a flash, keys secured firmly in between my knuckles the whole way. I felt far safer on the move than waiting out the front of work for an uber anyway.
I kept a fast pace, left only to debate whether I took my shortcut or stuck to the street. I checked over my shoulder, and seeing absolutely no one around, made a quick right turn into the alleyway between two buildings.
I grabbed my phone from my back pocket as I heard the ding of a text notification. I glance down at my screen, reading as I walk.
From Alex: Amazing! I should be home in a couple hours, text me when you get home safe. Love you x
I don’t register the hushed growling tones as I continue making my way down the alley, still looking down at my phone as I type a simple ‘love you’ in reply. It isn’t uncommon to hear the conversations of tenants on the lower levels of these apartment buildings as you walk down the street. Walls are thin and many windows generally left open. It is easy to consign this particular conversation among the other non-threatening city sounds until I eventually look back up from my phone.
I am immediately faced with a most unfavourable scene, under the single light that illuminates this alley, are the two men who I now recognise to be the source of the argument I had barely registered. The first man is tall, dressed in all black, thick muscles protruding through his t-shirt. He towered over the second man who contrasted him starkly in his bright red adidas tracksuit. The tall man’s presence would be dominating the space, even if he didn’t have his dark forearm pressed firmly against the smaller man’s throat.
I clamp a hand over my mouth, stopping myself from yelping stupidly and drawing attention to myself. They haven’t noticed my presence. A witness to whatever it was that was occurring here.
“See all I’m hearing is excuses, bruv,” the tall man’s accent is distinctly that of someone from South London. His tone is aggressive, but even. He knows he has the upper hand and it is clearly not his first rodeo threatening people. This is exactly the kind of person I could’ve avoided encountering by simply ordering an uber.
I snap out of my shocked daze and start to turn to make a swift and stealthy departure. I’m no fool. I know there is a definitive gang presence around here. I also know, if you leave them alone, they too shall (hopefully)leave you. All hopes of making such an exit are of course foiled as soon as my foot connects with an empty beer bottle on my first step.
The two men’s heads snap towards me instantly. I expect the shorter man to ask for help, to say something, but his mouth remains clamped shut. Gang business. He is in a bigger mess than someone like me can ever save him from. The taller man’s eyes narrow. After the briefest moments of standing there frozen, caught, I spin on my heel and run as fast as my feet can carry me.
I run back to the route I should have taken, cursing myself all the way for being naïve enough to believe that nothing bad could happen to me on something as simple as a walk home from work. That women who were raped, kidnapped and murdered from off the street were somehow removed from me. That was something only on the news in my world. Not something that was possibly about to occur.
My heart hammers in my chest as I make the split-second decision, I am safer running all the way home than running as far as I can from the scene of the crime. I’m going to run all the way up the stairs to my fifth-floor apartment, and I am going to lock the door behind me. I turn the corner back up to my block, not slowing down for a second.
I am so quick in fact, that as I come flying around the next corner towards my apartment, I nearly barrel straight into someone. He was clearly walking with some pace too, because he narrowly prevents us crashing into each other head on, but he is a second too slow in his reaction time because I trip straight over his feet. I hardly even see him, even as I am falling straight over him. All I see is brown hair and a dark suit before I’m staring straight at the pavement flying towards my face. I barely manage to throw my forearms out to break my fall as I hit the pavement at speed.
“Jesus,” the man mutters, but the only thing I can hear is my heavy breathing and my own blood pounding in my ears.
I’m on the ground now, I register for a second before my flight response kicks back in.
I don’t even feel the sting of the scrapes with the adrenaline coursing through me, already attempting to scramble up and get as far away as possible from this stranger. “I’m so sorry!” I manage to call as I pick myself and my keys up, gearing up to get moving once more.
No. It absolutely could not possibly be. There was only one person on this planet who had ever called me by that name.
I stop dead in my tracks. That voice. It’s deeper than I remember but undoubtedly familiar. Familiar seems too simple a word. That voice had echoed around the halls of my brain for years. Even now, six years later, it was not gone but buried, waiting for a simple trigger to spark my memory and bring that beautiful sound back to the forefront my mind. Some days I swear I remembered it like I had just heard it moments ago.
Except now, I really had heard him.
Slowly, I turned to face him.
His mouth is slightly ajar, surely shocked to be seeing the girl of his past so far from where he had left her. I myself try to compute what I am seeing, but my brain is running so fast from the adrenaline, the gravity of what is occurring hardly registers.
It’s Harry, and he’s here and the two of you need to get out of there right now.
Before he can verbalise any of the questions on the tip of his tongue, I grab his hand in my own, and yank him forward as I continue running home.
Realistically, I know that we now outnumber whoever it was that may be coming after me and I know even six years since I’ve last seen him, I am always safe with Harry. He proved that in many ways, and more than once, while I knew him. I was not, however, willing to risk the tall man pulling a knife on Harry. I didn’t even want to put him in a situation where it was a battle of fists. Though I did know from experience he could more than hold his own.
“What’s going on?” he yells as we run down the street, rapidly approaching the exit of the alleyway I had fled.
I gradually reduce our pace until we are speed-walking past the alleyway. Tempted as I am to see if they are still there, I keep my eyes trained forward, praying they aren’t there watching us as we pass by.
As soon as we have cleared it, I’m straight back to my running pace, forcing Harry to accelerate speed once more.
“I’ll explain inside,” I call over my shoulder in answer to his earlier question.
Now that I felt a degree safer with Harry’s presence, I had the capacity to feel thankful I had opted for a boiler suit and converse for tonight to accommodate for the Saturday night rush. This run would have been hell if I had worn a skirt and a heeled boot instead.
“Inside where?” He’s laughing as he speaks and as the fear loosens its grip on me, the déjà vu begins to battle for dominance. That laugh had brightened my every day for long enough to leave a mark on my soul. Fleeting as it was, that single sound reignited the shine it had once left.
His question was answered when we came to a screeching halt in front of my apartment. It took me two tries to input my security code correctly, my brain and hands both moving quickly, but not quite matching up. Eventually, the door clicked, and I was able to swing it open, tugging Harry in after me.
I didn’t stop dragging him along behind me until we had taken all five flights of stairs up to my apartment two at a time.
“y/n…” he attempted to grab my attention when we first entered the building, but I was not to be deterred until we had reached the absolute safety of my apartment. I shushed him, not wanting to receive a noise complaint from my new neighbours. I supposed having such a thought was a good sign, my consciousness beginning to register it was not in any imminent danger.
I huffed and puffed as we landed at the doorstep of apartment 5B, the place I loved to call home. Harry, I noticed, was barely short of breath. He had always been a runner when we were in high school. I wondered if he kept up the habit even now.
My hands shook as I located the correct key on my chain, body still shaking from the excitement of the events of the past five minutes. I struggled to align the key with the lock with my left hand, unthinking of the fact my right was still firmly in Harry’s hold.
“Let me,” he murmured, already moving his right hand to take the key. I said nothing, simply surrendering it over to him.
His hands were steady as anything as he turned the key, granting us entrance into my home. I released a breath I didn’t realise I had been holding. I finally stopped just past the door, my back to Harry as he shut it behind him. I took a few deep breaths, trying so desperately to ground myself.
Was any of this even real? The sketchy characters I could believe in a heartbeat, Harry Styles’ presence, however, was harder to grasp.
But there his hand was, in my own, even if I couldn’t see him.
Harry stood back and let me take this moment to myself, keenly aware of how much I needed it. He knew I needed to take pause and re-centre myself otherwise I would only shut down. He was also aware of my injured state though, even if I wasn’t.
“y/n, you’re bleeding.”
“Oh,” my head snapped back to look at my arm. In the rush to get home, the blood from the scrapes on my arm had run down my arm and dripped into our connected hands. I quickly released my grasp on him. “Jesus, I’m sorry.”
“A little bit of blood never hurt anyone,” he quickly dismissed. “Unless you’re the one that’s bleeding, in which case you better get cleaned up as soon as possible.
“Luckily you have me here to play nurse. Just lead the way to the nearest bathroom,” he gave me a little cheeky grin, clearly trying to lift your spirits. The subtle playfulness is not as natural as it once was, but it is certainly reminiscent of our old dynamic. The surrealism of this whole thing goes straight to my head, clouding my ability to form full, coherent thoughts.
Somehow, I manage to come out with, “I think you mean our only bathroom,” in response.
He grunts a laugh, but he hasn’t missed the use of the word our.
I walk like a zombie, leading him through the hallway past the living room and the kitchen to the bathroom. I hold my forearms up in an attempt to redirect the flow of the blood and prevent it from dripping from my fingertips onto the floor. As I slowly came out of survival mode, my awareness of the stinging of my forearms became increasingly prominent. I was sure my hip and knees were going to be bruised pretty badly too. I really hadn’t managed to slow down at all before all my momentum came crashing into the cement.
“Do you have a first aid kit?” He asks upon our arrival to the bathroom.
“Under the sink.”
My eyes trail over the mess Alex and I had left in our rush to get ready.
I tend to procrastinate getting ready for as long as possible, busying myself with just about anything else. Generally, it will be tidying up the mess I’ve made during the day, only for me to create a whole new one in my hurry to get ready for my shift on time. Alex on the other hand, always leaves plenty of time to perfect his look before leaving for the night. Despite having the time to do so, he never cleans as he goes. Leaving his many products and deliberated outfits spread far and wide. Luckily most of his mess was confined to his bedroom, the only trace of him in the bathroom skincare and hair products (though there wasn’t a limited amount of those, either).
“I’m sorry for the mess,” I speak quietly watching Harry get his bearings, standing helplessly as I bled, hands still raised.
“Nonsense,” he doesn’t look at me as he speaks, jumping into action.
Harry turns the faucet on in the sink before opening the cupboard door and grabbing the first aid kid out. It was actually sort of a miracle Alex and I had one. It had been on a list of “Things You Need for a New Apartment” I had googled, scared we were missing important things. At the time, I had deliberated longer than necessary over whether to get one. I couldn’t remember the last time I had required anything more than a band aid for any given ailment. The deciding factor had been the memory of Alex getting into a couple of scrapes while out over the years. It had never been anything major, the worst injury he ever sustained being a bruised jaw, but it was better to be safe than sorry, I decided.
Turns out, that decision was for the best.
He gently touches his fingertips to my right arm, which had copped the brunt of it. With the softest touch, he delicately guided my arm under the stream of water. As I stepped forward to lean over the sink and wash away the dirt of the footpath, he stepped backwards, giving me my space.
I winced at the initial contact of the water as it ran red. I risked a glance at my reflection. Sweaty brow, the light lazy work makeup I had applied half off my face. I quickly diverted my gaze back to my injured arm. This was not exactly how I pictured our reunion. I had hardly ever even pictured it, I was so sure that I would never see Harry again.
I wondered if this silence was as heavy as I thought it was. Everything about him felt so familiar, yet so different. Up until this moment it felt like being in the presence of a friend, but now I realised, he was closer to a stranger.
I knew the person he once was, a sweet but fucked up kid who had been forced to become a man too early. Someone who had his walls a mile high around almost everyone. Almost. The boy who painted his nails on lunch breaks and was friends with everyone but somehow also no one. Until he was friends with me. Then he was the boy who always sat to my left from the first bell of the school day to the last. Back then, I knew him from the inside out, just as he knew me.
He was my greatest joy of those years. Then he was my greatest heartbreak. Now, he was just some guy I used to know who I had plucked straight up off the street, looking very out of place in what was clearly a designer suit in my tiny apartment.
He looked through the first aid kit as I ensured the entirety of the scrape was rinsed. It extended most of the way from my elbow to my wrist, but more pressingly in my mind, it now stung like a bitch. Once the water rain clear as it ran off my arm, I moved onto the much smaller and shallower scrape on my left elbow, working quickly to get it clean.
Most of the bleeding had stopped, only a few spots on my right arm still dotting with blood. I leaned over the sink to prevent the water from dripping onto the floor.
I cleared my throat, nervous to break the silence.
“Can you please grab me that towel?” I nodded my head towards the black hand towel hung behind Harry.
His eyes snapped upwards from the first aid kit he had been busying himself with. I was sure he had been surveying it more thoroughly than strictly necessary, trying to detract from the awkward energy which had crept up on us. We made brief eye contact through the mirror. My breath caught in my throat. The moment was over as soon as it began as he turned wordlessly to grab the towel.
He holds it in his hand, hesitating before handing it over, “Did you want me to…?” he trails off, growing awkward in his offer. He regretted the words as soon as they were out of his mouth. She barely knows you, back off, he tells himself.
“No that’s okay,” I speak gently, and he quickly passes the towel to me. I get to work patting my arms down delicately.
“Thank you though,” I add, hating the unsure look on his face. I meet his eye, giving him a smile I hope is reassuring.
“Okay, let’s get you sitting down so I can fix you up,” he returns your smile with a slight upturn of the right side of his mouth.
I relocate to the little dining table Alex and I had bought at Ikea just a week prior. Harry isn’t far behind, washing his hands before joining me to tend to my wounds. He lays out everything he is going to need from the first aid kit before holding his hand out. Like an idiot, I stare at his hand without moving for a beat too long before jerkily offering my right arm up.
He laughs silently as he turns my arm over, analysing it carefully.
“So, do you often go for runs at midnight?” He asks as he unscrews the lid on the Vaseline.
“Yeah all the time. I just don’t normally take people from the street with me.”
“Is that all I am? A person on the street?” He tries to keep his tone light, but I can tell he was hurt by my choice of words.
I expect to feel guilty, but a burst of anger I thought I had long gotten over flares in my chest. It isn’t as red hot and overwhelming as it had been years before – I’d definitely had my fair share of time to cool off – but I’m still surprised by the sting of it.
He was the one that made himself a stranger to me, and now he’s upset when I’m stating the fact that he made a reality.
Despite myself, I tried not to come across too harshly in my response. I was never one for confrontation.
“I mean, I haven’t heard from you in six years.”
He is very careful not to lift his eyes from my injuries as he carefully applies the petroleum jelly. I stare down at him, desperate to catch his eye.
There’s a pause as I wait for him to offer some kind of explanation. Some perfectly good reason why my best friend and first love left town without telling me why, or where he was going, and then never contacted me again.
When he doesn’t fill the silence, I sigh as quietly as I can manage. You don’t really know him, I remind myself. I practically kidnapped him, I can’t just go asking him to rehash history. It was so clear that he was what he had wanted me to be. History.
“I just mean, I don’t really know you anymore. I’m sorry I grabbed you like that, I just,” I hissed at the sting of his first aid, “I was walking home from work and I saw these really sketchy looking guys.”
“Sketchy looking?” He finally looked up at me, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
“Well I guess they didn’t really look sketchy in their appearance particularly, it was more the fact that one of them was practically choking the other. They were arguing over something. I think it was something to do with some of the gangs around here,” I attempted a nonchalant tone, not wanting to worry him. The less phased I seemed, the better. I had caused him enough trouble. The only thing that was probably stopping him from running for the hills and never looking back (again) was guilt.
I go on to explain how I’d kicked that stupid beer bottle and taken off running, “which is when I ran into you. I’m really sorry about that, by the way. I’m so glad I didn’t take you down with me I think I would’ve died of a mix of guilt and embarrassment right then and there.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Ho-“he cut himself before his mouth could form that name he had so affectionately given you. “I’m the one who feels guilty, if not for my big, slow feet you wouldn’t have bit the dust.” I laugh at his turn of phrase.
His face suddenly grows serious. “Your head is okay, right?”
Instinctively, my left hand shoots up to the back of my head, ghosting over the slight bump hidden under my hair. The scar tissue was ever so minimally raised, only perceptible to a knowing touch. I retract my hand bashfully, slightly embarrassed by my knee jerk reaction.
“It’s fine,” I match his serious tone, before lightening it up, “as you can see, I managed to break most of my fall,” I gesture to my right arm he has paused work on.
He holds my gaze for a moment longer, discerning whether he thinks I am downplaying anything. He picks up the dressing, moving onto the next phase of his treatment plan.
“And they don’t feel broken? You can move your wrists okay without too much pain?”
My heart swells at his concern. I stamp out the small joy as soon as it flared up. It’s guilt that’s fuelling him. Nothing else.
I shake my head no. He looks up once more, having missed the gesture in his concentration. “Sorry! No. All bumps and bruises. I’m fine honestly, I probably majorly overexaggerated the whole thing and freaked out for nothing. I’m really sorry about all this, its so late at night.”
“Don’t apologise,” he says firmly. “It’s not your fault and you did exactly the right thing by making a break fo’ it. You never know what could’ve happened. Ya’ know. Out late. By yourself. In the dark.”
My face burned red with shame, but also defiance. I knew what I did was stupid and extremely risky, but I also didn’t think I needed a lecture about it in this moment. The fear still coursing through me and my scraped-up arms were surely lesson enough.
“I could say the same thing to you,” I countered.
We both knew my argument didn’t hold up very well. He was a man out alone at night. There was obviously a risk there, but it wasn’t the same.
We also both knew, I wasn’t really trying to start a debate. Just signalling to him I didn’t want to get into it and wanted to move on.
“I was walking to the tube from a mate’s place,” he explained simply, letting me off the hook.
He had begun to tape the dressing down to my skin, securing it safely. He worked expertly. Even if I didn’t already know, I would have said this was one of many times he had done some at home first aid.
“In a designer suit?” I questioned. There were two things I was asking, but also not saying. Was this the kind of ‘mate’ you wine and dine before going home with them? And what happened to that poor kid from Holmes Chapel I once knew?
“I came straight from work.”
Jesus he wasn’t giving me a lot to work with in the way of details.
“Oh,” I say lamely, not wanting to pry. As much as I could tell myself (and him) that I didn’t really know him anymore and he was basically a stranger, it still hurt to be treated like one. We used to be so open with one another. The one thing I ever kept from him was how I truly felt about him.
“I work in finance,” he offers up after a beat of silence. “It uh- I’m pretty lucky to have the job I do,” he alludes to his financial standing, obviously wanting to acknowledge the contrast comparative to how I knew him. A boy not even of eighteen, fending for himself while trying to complete his high school education.
My face practically split in two with the size of the smile on my face at his words. “I’m so happy for you, Harry,” I say, hoping he can see how genuinely I mean it.
“Thank you.”
“Are you happy, H?” The question slips out before I can stop it. Internally, I kick myself. Externally, I try to keep my face neutral, yet interested. That’s a perfectly normal question to ask. Totally.
“Um,” he switches to my left elbow, making quicker work of the smaller wound. “I think so. In my experience you never realise how happy you are until you aren’t. But still, I think I am.”
“Good,” I say firmly. “I’m glad.”
“What about you?” He turns the questioning back on you. “What’s your story?”
“Oh, you know. The sad story of the girl chasing a dream,” I nodded my head towards the sewing machine stationed at the other end of the table.
“Don’t say that!” His tone jests, but he is serious as he speaks. “I think it would be far sadder if I discovered that your talent was going to waste. I’m really glad to hear that actually,” he half says the last sentence to himself, concentrating on fixing his dressing properly on the more difficult angle of my elbow.
“There you go,” he gleams as he admires his handy work. “Good as new.”
“Thank you so much, Harry. I’m so sorry for all this-“
“Not your fault,” he quickly dismisses.
“Even so, I’m sorry for all the trouble. I’ll pay for an uber home for you or something,” I try to come up with something to offer him that can even begin to repay him for his help.
“Are you going to be okay by yourself?” His brow creases in concern.
“Oh, Alex should be-“ I smack a hand over my mouth, realising I never texted him to let him know I had gotten home okay.
“Oh fuck,” I remove my hand from my mouth. I gingerly fish my phone out of my back pocket, muscles beginning to protest, the impact of that fall settling in.
Four missed calls and a flurry of text messages. My phone had automatically turned onto ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode as scheduled at 12:30. I hadn’t been notified of any of it and he had definitely assumed the worst.
“Is everything okay?”
“I forgot to text him and let him know I made it home okay,” I don’t look up as I speak, opening our text chat.
From Alex: I’m coming home
Received ten minutes ago.
“Your boyfriend?” He questioned, keeping his face impassive. That had my head shooting up.
“Uh-“ I began, but cut myself off as the unmistakeable sound of heeled feet running up the stairs to our apartment ran out loud and clear.
Before I could even think what to say next, Alex’s key was in the lock. The door swung open, smacking the wall with the force of it.
Both Harry and Alex’s brows hit their bloody hairline I swear. Or more accurately, Lexie’s.
There my best friend and roommate stood, in full drag, light catching the sequins of the pink mini-dress I had sewn myself. If I weren’t standing there with the guiltiest expression of my life, I would be thinking about how stunning she looked.
Harry looked between the two of you, as Lexie did the same. Both trying to catch their brains up to what they were seeing. I myself was at a loss for words. I probably should have started with, “Lex, I am so sorry,” but Harry broke the silence first.
“Wow, you look amazing,” he breathed, transfixed by the look Lexie had created. Drag was an art form, and she was quite the artist. He was not the first to become enchanted upon first look, and he certainly would not be the last.
Lexie narrowed her eyes at Harry, jaw falling slightly open at the audacity of the acknowledgement in this moment. She had little patience for besotted strangers in moments like this. Her narrowed eyes moved to mine, face filling with rage.
“Lex-“ I begin, but am cut off for what seems to be the millionth time tonight with the simple raise of her hand. The close of my mouth is instant. I was not about to make this any worse.
“Bitch, if you do not have a very good explanation for this,” she breathes deeply, trying to gain her composure, “I am going to fucking kill you.”
As soon as he is out of your apartment and onto the street, his phone is in his hand. Fingers not able to press to type the message fast enough for his liking.
From Harry: We need to talk. I saw her.
As soon as the message was delivered, he was returning the calls he had silenced in y/n’s presence. The moment she had turned her back and left him to wash his hands, he had turned his phone to airplane mode.
“Jesus Christ bruv, I thought you were dead,” Michael joked as soon as he picked up.
The two of them had parted ways for what should’ve been five or ten minutes. Harry hadn’t seen it happen, just heard the clatter of the beer bottle as it skated along the ground and the screeching halt in the argument. He had been waiting patiently for Michael to finish working in the shadowy doorway to the side. He hadn’t seen a thing, and he was sure from his concealed position, whoever had seen Mike hadn’t seen him. So, he obligingly offered to take a walk, ensure she hadn’t gone calling the police.
He had just been bored. Ready to go home and have a drink with Michael so he could have a bitch and a moan about work. It always left him feeling better when he returned on Monday. He was killing time, that was all. He hadn’t expected to stumble over the girl who had changed everything.
Harry didn’t take time to explain his extended absence, moving straight along to what he had called for. Just like Mike, he preferred to skip the pleasantries.
“I need you to subtly divert as much traffic from this block as possible,” he didn’t ask. He never asked. It was always an instruction with him. In this business, asking nicely didn’t exactly lend itself to going far.
“What’s this about?” Harry gritted his teeth. He did not enjoy having his authority questioned. The only reason Michael would get away with it was because of their pre-existing friendship. Even then. Harry was not exactly in a forgiving mood. Made all the worse when Mike added, “This isn’t about that girl from the alley is it?”
Michael had his answer when Harry said only, “Get it done or I’ll have your fookin’ head.”
chat with me about butterfly effect!
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 8
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
His brothers would always know whenever he went to see her as he’d always come back with a content smile on his face. Deep down, he wished that Y/N could’ve met Cynthia. They would have made great friends as they were the only 2 people who could make him smile like this. Mammon may not have been able to save Y/N, but he swore that he would protect Cynthia, no matter the cost.
CHAPTER 8 - The Great Pancake Debate (2261 words)
It’s been almost 6 months since you arrived in the Celestial Realm. Needless to say, you are quite certain that these last 6 months have been the craziest and stressful months of your life! When you told Simeon and Luke about you staying here, to say they were ecstatic would be an understatement. Luke jumped for joy and wouldn’t stop rambling about all the fun you were going to have. When you told them about God appointing them to help teach you about the Realm, Luke practically did a double take and it took an hour to calm him. Now you have Simeon teaching you about politics and Luke about how to use your wings and powers. On your second day there, Michael woke you up, or well came to get you as you didn’t get any sleep. Turns out, while the Devildom is constant at night, the Celestial realm is constant day and thanks to the floor to ceiling windows, there was no way for you to stop sunlight from coming in. You were introduced to the council at breakfast. Note to self, the brothers breakfasts are QUIET AND PEACEFUL compared to Archangels off duty. The first thing you saw were 2 angels passionately arguing over which pancake topping was the best, strawberries or blueberries. At some point a third angel cut in claiming chocolate chips were the best and all heaven (would you replace hell with heaven here? idk) broke loose. As for me, I just started chuckling in disbelief while making my way over to pick up a pancake of my own when the angel arguing on behalf of the strawberries saw you.
“Hey kid, what topping do you prefer, strawberries, blueberries, or chocolate chips? It’s strawberries right?”
“Actually, I prefer them plain with maple syrup. Although if Satan was the one making it, I’d go for the one with poison berries. Contrary to their name, they’re not actually poisonous and quite sweet.” All the angels present looked at me with a mix of shock and disbelief, save for Michael who just sat there eating his breakfast hoping to leave soon and get to work.
“Kid, did you say Satan?” The angel arguing on behalf of blueberries asked. “Yeah… Blond hair, teal eyes, Avatar of Wrath, Luci’s son? Ring a bell?” Turning to Michael, blueberry angel asked,
“Micheal, who are they and why are they wearing Lucifer’s old get up?” “This is Y/N. They will be staying here and taking Samael’s spot on the council until their agreement with Father ends and they return to the Devildom. Father has asked us to teach them about how our Realm operates and how to successfully fulfill Samael’s former position flawlessly, unless they want to return now and leave heaven early?” Michael turned towards you with a smirk on his face as he asked the last part.
“Very funny Mike. You and I both know I won’t do that no matter how bad you want me to.”
“What did I say about calling me that?!” Micheal’s smirk turned into something short of a snarl.
“Well, if you won’t take me seriously, neither will I. You want me to call you by your name, earn it and stop being an butt… I meant an butt… Why can’t I swear?!”
“This is the Celestial Realm Y/N. Angels don’t swear.” Michael said smugly over the rim of his cup of coffee.
“God Dang it! Argh! Fudge!. Dang it! Ya know what, forget it, my entire mood is ruined. Thanks Michael!”
Shooting Michael one last glare, I sighed and turned to the rest of the baffled angels in the room.
“Yes, what Michael said is true. Stuff happened in the Devildom which I will not get in too-”
“The demon king made Samael kill them.”
“Ok, Mike, first off, he didn’t, I ordered him too, second, I thought I said I didn’t want to talk about it. What gives you the right to tell them huh?”
“I felt like it.”
“You son of a beach.” I turned back to the rest of the angels. “Not a word about it. Anyway, due to some personal issues, I made a deal with Father to stay here on the condition that I take over Lucifer’s spot on the council until he either kicks me out or until our agreement has ended.”
“If I may, when will this agreement of yours be over?” The blueberry angel asked.
“I will be returning to the Devildom once Lord Diavolo has been crowned king and his father is 100% out of the picture. Now if you don’t mind me asking, could you introduce yourselves?” “Oh how rude of us, I’m sorry, I am Gabriel.” Gabriel had chestnut brown medium length hair, reaching shoulders. His eyes were a dull green. He wore a white turtleneck and had a light green shawl with golden tassels. He pointed to the strawberry angel. “This is Raphael and he’s Uriel.” He pointed to the chocolate chip angel. Raphael had long reddish-orange hair put up in a high ponytail. His eyes were a stormy gray. He wore a simple light gray half sleeve with an off the shoulder white cape and little decor. Uriel had short gray hair and golden eyes that almost seemed to sparkle. He wore something that reminded you of an off white scholar's robe with gray accents. “These are Saraqael, and Raguel.” He pointed to 2 of the quieter angels who didn’t participate in “the great pancake debate”. “We make up the Archangel council and we’re happy to have you Y/N.” Gabriel finished off with a smile. You were just barely able to make out a little “Not all of us” from Michael. You decided to ignore it, and then, like all the decisions you’ve ever made, it was the wrong one. Sitting back down you asked,
“So, quick question. What started The Great Pancake Topping debate?”
Breakfast ended 2 hours later with upset angels, and pancakes, everywhere…
In the Devildom. After they lost Y/N
Levi went straight to his room as soon as they got home. As soon as he closed and locked the door he went straight to Henry’s fishbowl, picked it up and sat in his bathtub, hugging the bowl as he cried. ‘Why do I feel like this?! I only like 2D characters and Ruri-chan, not 3D people. How do I miss them?... Why did they leave me? They were my player 2.’ “Well it makes sense, no one would want to stay with a worthless shut in of an otaku like me” he said to the empty room. Henry 2.0 glubbed a bubble in response. “You wouldn’t leave me, would you Henry?” *Glub* “No you wouldn’t… I miss them.” Levi stayed in his tub hugging Henry 2.0 until he fell asleep.
It was another late night, Levi was bingeing a new anime ‘I fell in love with a 3D girl but I’m afraid she’ll leave me after finding out that I’m an otaku who rarely leaves their room’ . He was halfway through the 9th episode when he got a notification from Mononoke Island. One of his raid mates was stuck and needed some help. He paused his marathon to help his fellow mate and stayed up until the early hours of the morning switching between playing Mononoke and watching his anime. Stumbling into the dining room for breakfast the next morning, he was met with complete silence. Lucifer had left early, Belphie was asleep, Beel was too absorbed in eating, Satan in his book and Asmo on his phone to even notice him enter the room. Mammon was busy in the human world helping out sone witches. Levi sat down in his normal spot, taking whatever was left as he mentally prepared himself for the day. As soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day at RAD, still dressed in his uniform, Levi left as quickly as he could. There was an anime expo happening in the human realm right now and there was some ultra-rare limited edition Ruri-chan merch being sold there. He had gotten Lucifer’s permission to attend the expo so long as he was back by 11. Existing the portal and making his way to the expo, Levi thought about the last expo he attended with Y/N. They cosplayed as Erin and Levi from Attack on Titan and spent the entire day surrounded by fellow anime nerds. They had also booked a room at a nearby hotel. It was 3 days of bonding time for them. Entering the expo, Levi decided he would get something for them as decor for their headstone put in memory of them in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. Nearing the line for Ruri-chan merch, Levi noticed someone staring intensely at him. He decided to ignore them but keep a loose eye on them, just in case. He got to the front of the line and purchased 4 of the Ruri-chan collection kits. One for use, one for display, one to keep and sell in the future, and one for Y/N. He decided to wander around a little more to see if anything else would catch his eye while he was here. He spotted a Black Butler station and remembered the jokes he and Y/N would crack about Barbatos and Sebastian. He passed a Fate/Stay Night stand and remembered their conversations on which heroic class they would belong to. Levi would have been the perfect Lancer. He passed countless other stalls, each of them holding a memory he made with Y/N. Distracted by his trip down memory lane, Levi forgot all about the person stalking him. He went and purchased some dinner from one of the stalls before sitting down and pulling out his DDD and looked at some pictures of Y/N and him at their last expo. He didn’t look up from his phone until he felt someone sit opposite of him. Levi looked up to see some middle aged man just sitting there on his phone. He didn’t have any food, merch, or even look like someone interested in an anime expo. Feeling an uncomfortable aura emitting from this man, Levi got up and left. He took a quick look over his shoulder and saw that the man wasn’t following him. He left the expo and went down an alleyway to open up a portal back to the Devildom when he accidentally bumped into someone dropping his purchases.
“That’s quite alright.” The stranger extended a hand out to let him up. “Say, I’d love to know where you got your uniform from. No schools around here have uniforms like that one.”
Looking up, Levi saw the same man that was watching him with a twisted smile. Masking his fear, he mumbled an excuse about being in a rush and tried to dash around him. Before he could get 2 steps down the alley, the man grabbed him and pushed him further into the alleyway. Levi’s head struck the wall hard leaving him dazed for a moment.
“I didn’t think my intel about finding a RAD attendee at the expo would be true but whaddya know? Seems I caught myself a demon.”
Levi, now more aware of his surroundings, realized he was cornered by a demon hunter. Despite being in an alleyway, there were too many people around for him to do anything rash. Without missing a beat, the hunter pulled out an enchanted dagger aiming straight for Leviathan’s heart. Levi rolled and dogged last minute before colliding into someone’s chest. That person in question wrapped his arms around Levi’s chest and put their own dagger to his throat.
“I know you’re there! Come on out and I might spare your friend's life!” The hunter holding Levi yelled. When no one stepped out, the dagger held by Levi’s neck began pushing on his skin. Levi felt a flare of pain and against his better judgement, transformed. His tail wrapped around hunter 2’s leg and flipped him over while the first hunter charged at him, only to be blown to the ground as a powerful gust of wind knocked him over.
“Jeez Levi, you’re lucky I was here. Seriously, why didn’t ya do somethin’ earlier? Maybe then I wouldn’t have ta save yo ass.” Mammon stepped out from the darkness with a bored look on his face.
“Come on, Lucifer’s waiting for ya back home. LOOK OUT!” Levi turned around just in time to see Hunter number 2 taking a swing at his neck and managed to duck just in time. Mammon then charged over punching the hunter square in the face, knocking him out cold.
“T-thanks M-mammon.”
“No problem. Come on, let’s get ya back home before any more of them show up.”
Stepping through the portal, a question plagued Levi’s mind.
“Mammon, how did you know I was in trouble?”
“Some witches summoned me. I overheard them talk about some hunter group getting a tip about a possible demon being at some expo. Then I realized that it was the same one you were going to, so I decided to go there myself to make sure ya weren’t followed. I’m glad I did too.”
“Th-thank you Mammon. Really.”
“Of course, what are big brothers for. Anyway, about my payment, maybe you can forget about the money I owe ya?”
Groaning, Levi started walking faster, leaving Mammon and his whining behind as he made his way back to the safety of his room.
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mayansmcsblog · 3 years
the prank war has began
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sooooo i saw this gif and instantly got an idea but as i wrote it, the idea completely changed and somehow it turned into this.
there is a ton of swearing😂
credit to @thedevilsmoonshine​​ for the gif!
thanks to @withmyteeth​ for helping me with some ideas of what to add in.
this is the first time I've wrote anything in years and the first time I'm ever publishing my work. sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes
A persistent ringing was what woke you up at 2am for the 3rd time this week. You already knew who it was, let's face it who else would be calling at 2am other than him? Opening your eyes you rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling debating if you should let it ring out or answer
What if he’s hurt? No, that would have happened during the day not in the middle of the night Maybe he just needed someone to talk to? That was the likely option.
 You and bishop always had a ‘vibe’ as some people said. You were friends for a few months before he introduced you to the mc, of course it was a shock at first but after a month it slowly became your life. All the parties? you were there. Club events? You were there.
Overtime you and bishop had gotten closer, he would come over to your place all the time, announced or not.
he would come over in the dead of the night when his mind got too loud ,When he needed someone to talk to ,When he simply wanted the company of a friend that did not judge him for the things he did for the mc. He would come over any opportunity he got.
You could swear he was at your place more than he was his own Most of the time he would spend a few weeks at yours, only going back to his to get clothes.
Over the course of the last 6 months you and him had gotten a lot closer, he spent the night a lot, his stuff is all over the place but you two aren't dating , you didn't have any type of label. Why? You couldn't be sure. Most people assumed you two were dating but they were wrong. You two did everything normal couples would yet- you had no label. you were never his girlfriend and he was never your boyfriend.
Taking a deep breath you reached to your bedside table and grabbed your phone but as you could pick it up, it stopped ringing.
That’s not a bad thing right? Maybe he didn’t want to wake you up. Before you could set it back down you reserved a text, scrolling down your notification panel you read it;
📲: Bishop 🖤
You up?
Two words. That’s it just two short words.
Should you ignore it? Yeah, that's probably the best option. Did you want to ignore it? No
Another ping brought you out of your thoughts
The guys are being children and I could either use some help over here or a way out😂please tell me you're awake and not just reading this from your notifications and watching Netflix again.
he knows you too well. Being a night owl you normally go to sleep around 3am, maybe 2am if you have work the next day. Normally you would just ignore bishop till the next morning but somehow he always knew when you ignored him and when you were actually sleeping.
Taking a look at your notifications again you saw you had a lot for snapchat, a  few from Coco, a few from Angel along with one single snap from Gilly.
Looks like the trio is having fun.
Opening bishop’s texts you finally reply;
📱: I’m awake just debating on if I should open all the snaps I have from the trio and reply to a seemingly annoyed jefe.
Almost immediately you got a response
Ha-ha very funny. Come and sort your boys out, they are messing with that shitty ass car again, trying to do something with the engine
📱: my boys? You're their president, you sort them out. What makes you think they listen to me🤧?
📲: Bishop🖤
They actually like you😂they will listen
📱: keep telling yourself that, they only listen to me when I’m getting them food
That counts as listening
📱: whatever
Locking your phone you got up out of bed knowing there was a slim chance you would go back to bed till the early hours now that you were awake. 
Putting on a pair of shorts and a shirt you got your phone and went to the kitchen, deciding to get on a bottle of water and find some shitty Netflix show you wouldn’t even pay attention to
Grabbing a bottle from the fridge you heard your phone vibrate on the counter. Pulling down the notification panel once again you saw it was a text from Ez
📲; smart ass😂📚
Please come and get these children, I can't deal with them anymore
Okay something is seriously going on here.
Face timing Ez you set the phone back on the counter, moving towards the window to open it and let the cool air flow thru the room
Within seconds he accepted and his voice came over the speakers
"Ayyy y/n where you at? Come get the children. Me and bishop are going crazy over here" you could hear a hint of playfulness in his voice 
Picking up your phone you saw he was sitting on the steps outside the club, his phone in his hand angled so you could just see the side of his head while he was looking at something in the distance. 
"I'm at home like all of you should be by now, leave the children alone to play. Are they hurting anyone?" you said as  you headed towards the front room and sat on the sofa
"Not yet"
You could hear cursing being thrown around by numerous people in the background along with the clacking on metal and rock music in the distance.
"Yet?" You questioned
"Yeah, I mean other than themselves" he laughed
"Of course"
There was a few beats of silence before you heard Coco shouting
"Boy Scout! Who’s that eh? You got you another girl?" By his tone you could tell he was definitely high
"No it's y/n dumbass" he responded, turning the phone so you could see Coco walking towards him.
"Ohhh damn I thought you was about to get some man" by now Coco had took over the whole screen "heyyyy y/n what you doinnnnn"
"I’m about to hang up on your dumbass"
"No, no, no don’t do that" taking the phone off Ez he stood up "that’s not nice is it"
You could hear Ez asking where he was going with his phone and be replied with a simple "shhhh" as he walked back to where he originally came from
"Want to see something funny?" He said. You weren't sure if that meant he was going to show you Angel tied to a chair again or Gilly attempting a backflip.
Both are amusing but it's doubtful it would happen three times....
"Did you tie Angel to a chair again? What did I tell you about playing nice hmm?" You put on the most sarcastic voice you could
"Ha funny and no...We couldn't find and ropes"
That made you laugh way more than it should have because you knew that Bishop had hid them in the meeting room and under Ez's trailor after the last time they guys got drunk and thought it was a good idea to put rope all over the place like an obstacle course
"Coco you're gonna kill someone at this rate”
"Hush ight? Jesus be quite ino want em to know your here"
"Okay?" Putting yourself on mute you could hear Angels voice in the background along with Gillys and bishops
"Listen," Angel said , slapping something metallic, clearly as high as Coco was and seemingly having one of his 'genius idea' moments
"OI dumbass listen to meeeee" he said again
"What?" Gilly responded along with a sound of something metal hitting the ground "dammit Angel you made me loose the fucking 10mm socket again"
The camera was still pointed at Coco’s shoulder as he walked over
"Boys, boys, boys" damn he sounded like a child "what would you say if I told you I could get y/n  to being us food"
You audible groaned as he suggested that, there was no way you was going to get them food this late at night.
You heard both Gilly and Angel say "what" then "tell her to get McDonalds" or "let’s get subway" by they were quickly cut off
"Oi children! Stop it, it's  2:30 in the morning, leave her alone '' bishops' voice was closer than you expected. He was probably sitting in the garage with the others observing what they are doing and making sure they don’t kill each other
You couldn’t help but unmute yourself
"Sorry Obispo but the children need their food" your tone was playful, kind of, half of you was saying it just to annoy him, the other half was wanting to see his reaction
"Gimme that phone" within seconds Coco was gone from the screen and Bishop was in the frame 
"So this is why you haven't replied to me hmm?" You couldn’t tell if he was serious or playful
You hadn't missed his text? He never responded to you right?
"Hold that thought" you pulled down the notification panel and saw he did text you.
I’m kicking these guys out in a few minutes
📲: Bishop🖤
I’m giving them 3 more minutes till I kick them out.
📲: Bishop🖤
Can I come over if it's not too late after these children leave? "
"Oh, sorry I was busy talking to Ez and then being stolen by Coco" 
"Nah you were just ignoring me wasn’t you?" He responded
"No totally not"
"Sure I totally believe you" he laughed
"I think Ez might want his phone back"
"Wow, nice to see you like speaking to me"
"Well then why don't you call me instead? At least smart ass wanted to talk to me, even if it was about the children of the mc"
The line went silent for a moment. All you could hear was the guys cursing about finding the 10m socket and the sound of bishop walking.
"Okay, I’ll be back in like 20 minutes" with that the line went dead, he didn’t even give you time to respond
 Wow he deadass hung up on me, how mature.
Maybe it was time you opened those snaps. What else did you have to do?
Opening snap chat you saw there was a purple bubble next to Coco, a red bubble next to Angel and a blue bubble next to Gilly.
You opened Gilly's first
"What time does McDonald’s close?"
Followed by
"Nvm its 24 hours isn’t it😂😂"
You quickly replied "dumbass" and moved onto Angel’s chat.
Opening the snap it was a picture of Coco, Gilly and creeper sitting opposite him, beers in hand, while seemingly talking along with the caption
"Come party with us"
Skipping past the snap you was presented with another one, this time a video where Coco was sitting on the roof of a car while Gilly was attempting to push it
"C’mon man it's not that hard" Coco said
"Yeah man come on" Angel said from behind the camera
"Shut up before I make you do this" Gilly responded
What the hell have these guys been up to all night?
The snaps just got worse from there. 
Coco’s was full of them doing random stuff, throwing things at each other and even them sitting on Ez trailer roof? How did they even get up there, and how did it not break?
One of them definitely stood out from the others. It seemed like someone else was filming on his phone while Coco was trying to rip off a car door by the handle but it snapped off, sending Coco across the garage and into the wall while Gilly, Ez and Angel laughed at him
His only response was a simple "okay you mother fucker this is war" followed by his practically running like a horse in battle towards the door kicking it resulting in a bent. Unfortunately that's where the snap ended.
Is this what they had been up to? No wonder bishop wanted out.
When the cascade of snaps finished you saw there was still a blue bubble next to Coco's name, clicking on it you could see it was a video around 3 minutes long. 
You saw part of it was what you had already seen. Coco trying to pull the door, being flung into a wall, the guys laughing along with Coco kicking the door once again except this time it didn’t end when he kicked the door.
"Bro you’re not doing it hard enough" Angel stated while moving Coco out of the way
"Look you gotta-" he kicked the base of the door "-start from the bottom-'' he kicked it again causing the bottom to cave in slightly "-see? It's easy"
"Shut up man I’m stronger than you let me do it" Coco pushed Angel out of the way
"No" Angel responded, pushing coco slightly
"Yes" Coco pushed back
"No" Angel pushed again
This went on for a few moments before Gilly set the camera down on some type of surface before walking over to them
"Yo I'm stronger then both of you let me do it"
Coco stopped pushing Angel and turned to Gilly "Nah man you will steal all the shit and run off again like last time"
"Shut up man"
All three of the men were too busy arguing to notice Ezekiel had come into the garage in search of something
"Why the fuck are you guys arguing?"
All of them spoke at the same time
"Coco is sayin he’s stronger than me"
"They are children!"
"Angels tryna be a smart ass"
"You guys are fucking stupid" Ez moved towards where the phone was but didn't pick it up, rather opening the draw of the desk that was below it and picking something up, as he pulled back you could see he was holding some keys.
"Move“ He pushed Angel out the way of the door and unlocked it, grabbing a duffle bag out of the back seat, handing it to Coco
All of the guys stood in a state of shock. Coco was the first to speak
"Why the fuck didn’t you tell us there was keys!" He exclaimed
"Because watching you guys be idiots and is fun to see you struggle"
"I swear to God I’m going to say no on your patch vote" Gilly butted into the conversation.
Ez just laughed as he walked away, the video ended shortly after all three of them cussed.
Shaking your head you laughed, of course they are dumb enough not to look for keys.
You quickly texted Coco
"You guys are dumb as shirtttt, you’re lucky Ez is around to help your dumbass's. Did the door not want to play nice hmm? Did you put a dent in the wall again with your fat ass? What was so important in that bag?"
Checking the time you saw it was 2:45
Thank god it's a Saturday tomorrow.
Setting your phone on the coffee table you realized you never put the TV on when you sat down, you were obviously too distanced by FaceTime, meaning you were sitting in silence.
Was silence a bad thing? No
Was it somehow deafening? Yeah
Grabbing the remote you turned on the TV, quickly going to Netflix in an attempt to find something decent to watch.
Your watch list was full of horror movies and crime documentaries. Definitely not the best thing to watch on your own. There were a few suspense movies on there but none of them seemed to interest you.
Going to the movie section you passed almost every more option from horror to romance to action because nothing grabbed your attention or seemed interesting.
Going back to the home page you looked at the screen for a few minutes
Was it even worth putting something on? It was almost 3am after all.
Grabbing your phone you decided to scroll through Instagram.
After a few minutes bishop’s name appeared, taking over your screen with an incoming FaceTime.
Accepting the call you were immediately greeted with the site of his kutte, followed by him putting his helmet on. By the angle you could tell his phone was resting between his handlebars and the fuel tank.
"I take it you're still awake then" he wasn’t looking at the screen. Rather he was looking in the distance just above his phone
The background suddenly filled with the sound of bike engines. He seemed to say something but it was overpowered by bikes, so you didn't hear what he said. His bike wasn’t turned on yet because the phone wasn't vibrating.
Suddenly Bishop reached his arm out to someone just out of frame and you saw him lift upwards off the seat slightly, someone’s hand patted his shoulder blade.
By the look of the tattoo on the wrist you could tell it was Coco.
Looking away from your phone you looked back up at the TV. You could still hear engines coming from your phone but now it sounded like 3 of them.
Almost simultaneously they all revved before pulling off. The sound slowly faded out as they got further out the compound.
You were still looking at the TV, you decided to look at the top 10 of the day, maybe there was something good on there.
The Meg
Reading the description it actually seemed like a good movie. Putting it on you set the remote down and looked back at your phone
This time bishop wasn’t in the frame at all. Rather you could just see the length of his bike and the wall behind where it was parked.
Where did he go?
Your question was quickly answered when he picked up the phone.
By the sound of the wind you could tell he was jogging somewhere. The phone was at his side facing outwards, you could see him approaching the steps to the clubhouse. He quickly went up them and opened the door
"Prospect!" He shouted "make sure you lock up, I’m heading out"
You could hear Ez reply with a quick "okay" from somewhere in the back
He picked up his phone so you could see his face. unlike before, you took the time to actually take in his appearance 
His eyes looked tired, his beard was longer than it usually is, he looked...well, you couldn’t describe it. He just didn’t seem himself.
You were too busy looking at him to realize he asked you a question
"Did you not hear me?"
"Oh- no sorry I turned my volume down because of the bikes"
"Oh" he paused "I asked if your door was open"
You looked at the screen for a second
He placed his phone back on the fuel tank and straddled his bike
"I said, is your door open. You know like your front door.....to your house" he repeated, grabbing his helmet, he must have taken it off while you were looking at the TV, once again he was fastening the buckle.
"No? Why?"
"Do you want to unlock it?" you could see him kick the stand of the bike up by the way his leg moved.
"Why?" You asked he looked at the screen for a few seconds before laughing at the way your face changed as you realized what he meant
"Obispo are you inviting yourself over once again?" You questioned
"What if I don't let you in?" You challenged. Of course you would let him in but sometimes it was fun to mess with him
"What if I climb through a window?" He said, pulling a cigarette out his pocket and lighting it
"Okay now that's just creepy" you laughed. He shook his head as he blew out the smoke from his lungs
"So? Can I come over or not?"
Looking around your front room you saw it was a little messy but you could easily clean it up within 5 minutes.
"See you in 20 querida" he winked as he started the bike before ending the call.
You finished cleaning the front room, kitchen and your bedroom up within 10 minutes
Checking the fridge you saw that there were only 4 beers left, taking a mental note to get more the next time you go shopping.
Sitting back on the sofa you realized you had missed around half of the movie.
Pointless watching it now
You knew by bishop coming over there was a good chance you two would be awake till 4am talking about random stuff and watching something on Netflix or playing some type of game.
You also knew he liked action movies so you went to that section in search of one that sounded entertaining 
The platform ~ that didn’t sound so bad right?
Watching the preview, you became interested and wanted to watch it, forget Bishop you can watch it on your own.
"The ones above, the ones below and the one before" the voice of a man came over your speakers, he sounded young but old simultaneously.
You had just got past the introduction when you heard the rumble of a bike in the distance. For a moment you wondered if it was off the TV but as it got louder you realized it was bishop.
Getting up from the sofa you walked towards the door.
You set your hand on the door handle for what seemed like hours as you waited for him to pull up outside. Did you normally meet him at the door? Nope. Most of the time he would invite himself over and just sit down on the sofa with you for hours.
Sometimes you two spoke the whole time he was over until you both went to bed, other times you would sit in a comfortable silence- just happy to me in one another's presence.
You heard the engine cut off just beyond the door. You counted to three before unlocking it, as you did you saw Bishop was parked on the curb, still sitting on his bike while setting the helmet on the handlebars. He was yet to notice you standing at the door.
Taking a cigarette out his pocket he turned towards the street, looking at the houses to see if your neighbor's were awake, you had no idea why he did it but every time he pulled up, whether it was in a car or on his bike he always seemed to look at the neighboring houses.
He lit the cigarette, back still turned to you as he looked down the street. Leaning against the door frame you looked him over you could see that his posture was slouched indicating he was tired, he still had one hand resting on the handlebars almost like he wasn't just looking down the street but also trying to crack his back. The other hand was on the cigarette in his mouth, even from the distance from the doorway to the curb where he parked. You could see his leg was bouncing and so was his hand slightly, now that definitely wasn't normal.
 As he exhaled the smoke he turned around towards your house, jumping slightly when he saw you standing at the door. He seemed to compose himself as he took the keys out of the bike and stood up, walking towards you, his head bowed slightly as he tossed the cigarette onto the food
“I hope you are going to pick that up” you said 
“I will” he looked up at you, he was just beyond the porch steps. His eyes looked tired, there were clearly bags underneath them. He was definitely tired- if you knew anything about him ,he probably hasn't slept for a few days, and if he did it was for a short time
“You look tired”
“So do you” he cracked a small smile, by now he was standing in front of you
“Maybe because someone woke me up at 2 in the morning then I had to deal with grown ass men asking me to bring them food then suddenly someone decided to invite themselves over?”
“In my defense i thought you were still awake and the children wasn't my fault” 
You laughed as you moved away from the door frame and towards the kitchen “just come i stupid before i lock you out”
“Ouch that's harsh” he put a hand over his heart “that insult really hurt” he walked threw the door and shut it behind him, hanging his kutte up on the coat hook in the hallway along with his jacket
“Stop being a wimp” 
You heard him move into the front room and sit on the couch.
“Want a beer?” you asked as you went in the fridge for another bottle of water
"Yeah- what's this?" He questioned
“What's what?”
”On the TV dumbass” 
Walking back into the front room you saw he had his hand behind his head, his phone was on the table along with his keys.
“Oh, the platform. It seemed interesting so I started watching and only someone distracted me” you said as you handed him the beer and sat on the sofa, leaving some space between you and him.
“What's it about?”
“Not too sure something along the lines of some type of prison system where the food is on a moving platform, I only just started it”
“Hmm” grabbing the remote he pressed play while sipping his beer.
You two sat in comfortable silence while watching the movie but every so often you would look over at bishop, partly to make sure he wasn't asleep and partly to see if he was okay.
Over the time span of 30 minutes you noticed he wasn't watching the movie, rather he was looking at the wall clearly spaced out somewhere in his own mind. He was sitting so his right elbow was on the arm rest and his right hand in his mustache, messing the hair lightly. He always did that when he was thinking about something. His other hand was resting in his lap holding the beer you gave him.
“Bishop?” you waited a few moments but he didn't respond “Bishop'' you repeated, still no reaction. Taking the beer from his hand you set it on the table, putting your hands on his cheeks you turned his face toward you “bishop”
“Hmm?” he finally looked at you. Removing your hands from his face you looked him in the eyes
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing” he said shaking his his head
“Don't lie to me” your tone came out harsher than you intended he raised his eyebrows at you
“sorry didn't mean to sound like i was being mean” you pulled away slightly with the intention of going back to where you originally sat but that idea was quickly thrown out the window when he grabbed your torso and practically picked you up, sitting you on his lap. He put his head in the space between your shoulder and neck while rubbing his hands down your back
“What's wrong Obispo?” you asked once again, putting your hand in his hair, playing with it slightly.
“I'm just stressed” his voice was muffled as he spoke into your shouder
“Everything” he moved his head so he was looking up at you “the stuff with Marcus leaving, the mc as a whole with the guys turning against each other ,all the shit going on with other clubs. Everything is just a mess and it's stressing me out” he explained. You kept on hand playing with his hair while the other went to his cheek
“Can you do anything about it?” you asked, he cocked his head to the side slightly clearly not understanding what you meant ”can you do anything about that stuff?” he looked at you for a moment before shrugging his shoulders
you continued “Marcus made his own mind up, you can't do anything there. The mc always sorts itself out, members fight, it's normal, you of all people should know what.” you explained while using your thumb trace the lines across his face caused by the lack of sleep
“Yeah, i guess you're right” he leaned up and kissed you softly “I have to say, I'm a president of a fucking mc and yet your smarter then me”
“I'm not smarter than you, I just look at what's happening and think about in the moment, where as you” you poked his chest lightly “ seem to think its a good idea to overthink stuff and look at consequences a year in advance that will probably never happen” He hummed in response before putting his head back into your neck
“Can i ask you something?” you asked
“You just did”
“Very funny” you moved to get out of his lap but was quickie pulled back down
“What was the question?”
”What the hell was in the duffle bag? coco sent me the video them trying to get it and it seemed like they really wanted it”
“Oh” bishop almost immediately started laughing to the point his whole body shook and his head was thrown back.
“Tell me stoopid” you slapped his chest slightly, playing with his shirt
“Well you see- me and Ez thought it would be funny to lock it in a car that needed scraping while they were getting high and then tell them the doors didn't work to see how long it would take for them to it but Gilly ended up pushing it from the front by the fighting cage to the garage” he managed to get out
“That didn't answer my-”
“Just wait” he cut you off “neither me or Ez knew what was in it but those three are too stupid to just break a window so they were attempting to get it for a good 20 minutes before Ez opened the door and got it out” he explained still laughing slightly “turn out it was just full of junk food and snacks they brought to eat once they get hungry later ”
“You two are evil”
“No we was having fun” he laughed
Just as bishop was about the respond his phone started to ring, you moved out his lap and sat back on the couch while he get up and went out the back to answer it.
looking at the tv you realized the film wasn't interesting you at all. Grabbing you phone you saw you had a snap from coco and one from angel 
what did they do now?
opening the app you clicked on to yours and Angels chat only to find a simple text
“if coco send you a video, delete it”
“why” you replied before swiping off the chat and going onto Coco's. inevitably you where present with a video and a chat 
“Pease, please watch this it will be the best favor you ever do for me 🙏🏽”
your curiosity got the better of you, clicking on the video you immediately recognized the place.it was Angels front room. Gilly was chuckling lowkey behind the camera while coco was next to the door on a stool with a bucket in his hands while laughing. The camera panned down to show Gilly holding a bag of flour, now you could only assume that the bucket was full of water 
surely this couldn't end good
within a few seconds the door opened and angel walked in, coco immediately reacted throwing the contents of the bucket on top of his head while Gilly threw the flour over him.
Angel immediately froze, his face going into a startled expression followed by on of anger. Shutting the door behind him he shook of the excess flour before locking the door.
Gilly and Coco where in hysterics as Angel turned towards Coco and lunged for him, coco had a quick reaction and ran towards the backdoor , only to find it locked 
“fuck” he cursed looking for ways to escape, looking at the kitchen window he seemed to weight out his chances. by now Angels attention had gone towards Gilly who was still stood in the same place laughing. Angel lunged for him, tackling him to the ground while coco grab the phone from Gillys hand and made a run for the kitchen.
There was a lot of laughing from Gilly and shuffling in the background along with Angel cussing him out , then there was a bunch of laughing from them both of them but you could make out Angel saying “you think that shits funny huh?” “watch me key your bike” “ I'm gonna get you back so hard man
suddenly the phone was tossed out the kitchen window, shortly after you could see coco's head and body slowly emerging from the kitchen window. after a few seconds he finally managed to crawl out. picking up the phone he began to jog down the front yard 
“ha bitchesss I'm freeeee!”he exclaimed “the one time being skinny pays off”
in the background you hear a door unlock followed by Angel shouting “run bitch cuz I'm fucking coming for you”
then the video cut off
you where sat on the sofa crying from laughing so hard you quickly saved the video and texted coco back
“that is the best thing I've seen in months😂”
just as you started to calm down you started to hear bishop laughing from outside the backdoor. almost imminently he walked threw the back door in hysterics 
“did you-did you see-” he could barely talk in-between laughing 
“did i see the video?” 
“yes i saw it” you laughed
taking his phone he turned it towards you, it was a FaceTime from angel covered in flour, his beard was a littler of loose flour and a clumpy mess of flour and water. you couldn't help by laugh at his serious expression
“not funny y/n” he said clearly angry. in the background you could hear Coco and Gilly laughing
“you watched the video didn't you” it wasn't a question rather a statement 
“yeah” you replied still laughing 
“fuck sakeeee” suddenly he cut the call of cause both you and bishop to laugh even harder
so yh this was men to be a fluff with bishop but i got distracted and it just kind of turned into the start of a prank war between Coco, Angle and Gilly.
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skzfairies · 3 years
late night butterflies
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characters: yuri, yuqi, hongjoong, san.
warning(s): slightly mentions of insecurities, mentions of flipping someone off jokingly, mentions of having romantic feelings for someone.
time: november 2019
words: 1.7k
tag list: @wayvisionz @ateezjuliet @atzaria @shinyddeonghwa @chaerincore
a/n: ATEEZ’S COMEBACK ???? HELLO ???? i’m literally deceased i can’t 😭😭😭 GO WATCH DEJA VU RN
summary: yuri and yuqi see each other for the first time since ISAC, and feel something else for each other that was unexpected.
Yuri sighed, looking in the mirror that was hanging against the wall in her room, looking at her reflection for the thousandth time tonight. She brushed through her slightly curled hair again, making it look more relaxed than what it did earlier when she was doing schedules. Looking at her outfit once more, she smoothed out her ripped wide legged black jeans that were paired with a cropped white tee, along with a pair of black jordan’s to go with her fit.
“How many times are you going to stare at yourself?” Hongjoong chuckled, staring at her from his bed behind her, smirking when she had turned around and glared at him.
“Why are you just staring at me like a weirdo?” Yuri fired back, shaking her head and smiling slightly, throwing herself to lay down next to her leader, him laying himself down as well.
“Why are you staring at yourself in the mirror so intently though? You’re beautiful, you know that right?” Hongjoong questioned gently, his teasing tone from earlier was way gone, and his eyes began to soften. Yuri smiled at him gently, nodding her head in confirmation.
“I know that, thank you though. But i’m just nervous...that’s why.” Yuri mumbled, sighing and sitting up, pulling her phone out of her pocket and checking the time. 11:55pm. Yuri and Yuqi had agreed to hang out around 12:15, since that was the only time that their schedules really allowed them to have time to themselves.
Ever since Yuqi had given Yuri her phone number, they had been constantly texting and facetiming each other, and although at first it was awkward, they quickly got out of that phase of awkwardness and immediately connected. It was the first time Yuri had made a new friend in a long time, making their friendship all more special. There was nothing wrong about her other friends, no, but the feeling of talking to someone new is so thrilling to Yuri, she can’t help but to smile widely when she got a new notification from Yuqi.
Tonight, the two of them would be meeting in person for the first time since ISAC, and Yuri couldn’t stop the wave of nervousness that was pooling in her stomach. She was quickly thrown out of her overthinking thoughts when she heard Hongjoong’s voice behind her.
“Is it because you’re seeing Yuqi tonight?”
Yuri slowly nodded and turned around, surprised to see Hongjoong’s smug face from behind her.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Yuri huffed, pushing the boys shoulder slightly, frowning when he only laughed.
“I think you see Yuqi more than just a friend.” Hongjoong sang, moving his eyebrows up and down in a teasing matter, yelling when Yuri had only flicked him on the forehead.
“I do not, loser!” Yuri huffed, grabbing her car keys and her phone, preparing to leave the room, but she made sure to give her fellow member the bird right before she exited their room.
“I literally don’t have feelings for her I swear to god, why does he just think-” Yuri mumbled to herself angrily, quickly shoving her words into her brain when she saw that San was in the living room as well, attempting to avoid any other unwanted conversations.
“Where are you going, missy?” San questioned, looking at the girl innocently, but Yuri knew that he was just trying to get a rise out of her.
“Definitely not anywhere with you.” Yuri teased, smirking at the boy when he gasped in mock hurt, later waving sweetly as she closed the door.
Here goes nothing.
Yuri bit her lip as she looked back and forth from the text message Yuqi had sent her of her address earlier in the day, and at the apartment building, this was the right place, right? Yuri quickly looked back at her phone after squinting at the street name for the hundredth time, smiling after she read the notification.
[yuqi💓] i see you! coming :)
Yuri looked out the passenger window, smiling when she saw Yuqi walk towards her car, unlocking the door for her and letting the girl in.
“Hey.” Yuqi breathed, smiling when Yuri had turned on the lights so she could see her seatbelt, sitting back once she had buckled it. “Your car is comfy.” Yuqi chuckled, feeling the seat underneath her, smiling when it didn’t feel too stiff or too cushiony.
“I’m glad you like it.” Yuri smiled, looking over to the girl next to girl, quickly looking back in front of her when they made eye contact. How was she so much prettier in person?
It was quiet for awhile, the awkwardness slowly setting back in, until Yuqi had broken the silence.
“You know, I though that we wouldn’t be this awkward considering that we literally pulled countless of all nighters together on facetime.” Yuqi chuckled slightly, Yuri letting out a soft laugh as well, nodding her head. Yuqi had seen her at her most unflattering moments during those times, so it felt weird that it was suddenly awkward now.
“I mean...we haven’t really met in person by ourselves before, so I guess that makes sense on why we are awkward now?” Yuri questioned, shrugging and shaking her head, nervously playing with the rings on her fingers, which Yuqi mentally took note of, observing the girls quirks and habits.
“Do you want to go get some snacks? There’s a convenience store nearby.” Yuqi questioned, and Yuri immediately nodded, sheepishly smiling after she realized how enthusiastic she was, and restarted the car, leaving her previous parked position.
Once the girls had secured some snacks, they were sitting back in Yuri’s car, taking her tinted windows to advantage and hiding from any passerby’s that could recognize them. They probably wouldn’t cause an uproar by being together, but they wanted to have at least some sense of privacy.
“Congrats on Queendom, by the way. You guys did amazing.” Yuri smiled, slowly looking over at the girl, successfully being able to maintain eye contact this time.
“Did you watch me?” Yuqi teased, smirking when Yuri had slowly nodded, not missing the way Yuri’s cheeks flushed. “What was your favorite stage?”
“I don’t think I could choose!”
“Come on, you have to have at least one!”
“Hmm, fine, then Put It Straight or Lion.” Yuri admitted, smiling when Yuqi had clapped her hands and cheered.
“I knew you had a favorite.” Yuqi giggled, smiling when Yuri had only shook her head. “Am I too cute?”
“You’re so cute.” Yuri laughed, poking the side of the girls gently, quickly covering her mouth once she realized what she said and did.
Yuri lowered her hand slowly and looked away, feeling heavily embarrassed by herself, how was she always so embarrassing?
“You don’t have to be embarrassed.” Yuqi sang, poking on to Yuri’s shoulder until she looked her way, smiling once she made eye contact with her. Yuri smiled gently, feeling much more calm seeing that she wasn’t completely a fool.
“You’re really pretty, in person. I mean you always are! But…” Yuqi later complimented, trailing off and looking down at her fingers, giggling slightly.
“But cameras don’t give me justice?” Yuri chuckled, smirking when Yuqi had slowly nodded. Now who was the flustered one?
“I tend to have that impact. The cameras just can’t handle my extreme beauty.” Yuri boosted, chuckling when Yuqi began to laugh and throw her head back. No other music thay Yuri had made or listened to had ever sounded as beautiful as Yuqi’s laughter, and Yuri never felt more determined to hear that sound more.
“You’re really pretty too, in person. I hope that you would let me see your majestic features more with my own two eyes rather than through a screen.” Yuri added, smiling gently when Yuqi had laughed again, and then later nodding.
“As long as you buy me ice cream next time.”
“I’ll buy you as much ice cream as you want.” Yuri chuckled, turning back to look at the window in front of her, chuckling slightly.
She really did hope that she could see more of Yuqi, more than just a facetime call or a greeting when they see each other in public.
Yuri couldn’t ignore the butterflies flying around in her stomach, was it wrong that she felt this way? She only knew Yuqi for a short period of time, and this had been the first time they met without cameras, but she felt like she had known Yuqi for her whole life. She just hoped Yuqi could feel them too.
“As much as I wish we could hang out more, you should probably take me back. It’s getting pretty late.” Yuqi sighed, showing Yuri the time on her screen, which was shown to be 1:30 am already. Have they really been out that long? It felt like only a few minutes ago that Yuqi was entering Yuri’s car…
Yuri smiled gently and nodded, starting the car again and driving off, frowning softly when she realized that she would have to say goodbye to Yuqi soon. When would they see each other again? It wouldn’t be for a while most likely, since they were both consistently busy…
Yuri shook herself out of her thoughts when she pulled infront of Yuqi’s house, turning the engine off and unlocking the doors, smiling over at the girl next to her.
“I had a lot of fun tonight...thank you. Can we do this again soon?” Yuqi asked gently, causing a big smile to appear on Yuri’s face, immediately nodding yes to her question. “Great. I’ll text you?”
“Yeah, text me! Sleep well.”
“You too.” Yuqi said, before exiting out the car and giving a final wave, making her way to her dorm’s enterance. Once Yuri had seen that Yuqi was unable to see her anymore, she finally let out the quiet cheer that she had been holding back, wearing the biggest smile that she wore the entirety of the night.
Yuqi had wanted to see her again.
Smiling at the thought of them hanging out again, Yuri had driven home, happiness and excitement surging through her body. She still was full of adrenaline and happiness when she entered the door, a smile still plastered on her face, thankfully, no one was in the living room to tease her, besides a sleeping Hongjoong. She quickly entered her room, and climbed into bed after she got ready to sleep, smiling to herself and dreaming of the girl she was with just moments before.
Yuri had sworn to herself last night, that she would never let anything get in between her and Yuqi.
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seongsangi · 4 years
i think about you
pairing: jaemin x reader
summary: you may or may not have a slight thing for your roommate jaemin, where will things go from here 👀
word count: 6.3k
warnings: drinking (stay responsible!! and always!! get consent!!)
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It's 2 am and you can't sleep. How could you when your roommate has brought home another girl to fuck, knowing your walls are thin as hell? You think they're being extra loud on purpose to get on your nerves and it's working. You're tired and frustrated with Jaemin, can he not do this at her place? This is the second time he's done it, and you told him after the first time that he should respect your wishes to sleep peacefully, especially since you live here too.
You can't lay in bed and listen to this bullshit any more, so you throw the covers off angrily and walk down the hallway, banging on his door. "Can y'all please shut the fuck up!" The moans and groans coming from his room come to a halt and you're glad they got the message. As you turn on your heels to head back to your room, a half dressed girl comes running out of his room and shoves past you, almost knocking you over. She heads for the door before you can even see her face. You turn to look at Jaemin, covering the lower half of his body with his sheets. He's shirtless and sweaty, which would look good on any other day but you're too mad at him to think of him in that way.
"Oh shit, I didn't know you were home, I'm so sorry Y/N," he apologizes. He thought you were spending the night at your friend's house.
"I'm going tomorrow night dumbass. Do you bring someone home every time I'm not here?" you ask, hands on your hips.
"Maybe not every night," he responds, unable to look you in the eye. You scoff and head back to your room, finally able to get some sleep. You snuggle under the covers but feel your phone vibrate from a text.
jaemin [2:30 am] Are you mad at me?
you [2:30 am] yes
jaemin [2:31 am] You weren't home when I got here, I swear I didn't know you came back :(
you [2:33 am] ok i guess
jaemin [2:36 am] Sooo, there's a party my friend is throwing Saturday night, wanna go?
you [2:38 am] ... yes
jaemin [2:39 am] <3
The next morning, you're no longer mad at Jaemin. You did come home after him so you can't blame him for not knowing. You make your way into the kitchen to pour yourself some cereal. As you turn around, you almost drop the entire bowl when you run into Jaemin.
"Can you put some damn clothes on?" you huff, annoyed that he wasn't watching where he's going but even more annoyed at yourself for getting a little warm in the cheeks seeing him in only a towel, fresh out the shower.
"What, not like you haven't seen me like this before," he responds, grabbing some water out of the fridge.
That's true, but you wish he would cover up sometimes. Most days you don't bat an eye, but some days you can't deny that he looks good enough for you to swoon over him. He has to know what he's doing when he waltzes around the place shirtless so often, it's like he wants you to stare at him. You take a bite of your cereal instead of responding, not knowing what to say back.
"I know you like it," he teases with a wink, rushing back to his room before you can hit him. You hate to admit that you do. As much as he gets on your nerves, he's still fine as hell and you've caught yourself fantasizing about him more than a few times when you're together. You imagine how his lips would feel on yours, kissing you til you're out of breath. Or how his lips would feel on your neck, leaving hickies as he moves down to your chest, nipping and biting on your breasts, tongue ghosting over your nipples. Or how his hands would feel on your thighs, inching closer and closer to where he makes you tingle the most. You imagine him with that annoyingly hot smirk on his face, asking you if you want him. You think about how he'd feel underneath you as you straddle his waist, grinding your hips on him. The thought of it all makes you extremely hot and bothered.
You quickly finish your cereal and hurry to your room. If you can't get the thought of Jaemin pleasuring you out of your mind, you might as well do something about it. You need some kind of relief, and you sure as hell weren't about to ask him to help you with it. You'd die of embarrassment if he knew you lusted over him sometimes.
You keep a small box of toys in your bottom drawer, locked with a key so pesky little Jaemin can't stumble upon it if he were ever in your room. You pull out your favorite lavender bullet vibrator, glad that it's pretty quiet but oh does it get the job done wonderfully. You spread your legs, imagining Jaemin is kneeling between them. Your hands run up your body, fondling your breasts, imagining his hands in place of yours. You close your eyes and bite your lip, trying to be as silent as possible so he doesn't hear you from his room. Your fingers slide underneath your shorts, circling your clit slowly, feeling how wet you are even through your panties. This is what he does to you and he doesn't even know. You pinch your nipple, wishing Jaemin was here to bite on your sensitive bud.
When your imagination gets to be too much, you discard your shorts and panties, turning on the vibrator and gliding it along your core, gathering your wetness. Pressing it lightly to your clit, you turn it up to your favorite setting, letting the vibrations take over your body. You let out a small moan, which you doubt he could hear but you turn on some music anyway on your speaker, not wanting to take any chances. Your toes curl as the stimulation on your clit sends tingles up and down your spine, thinking about Jaemin pressing soft kisses to your core. You slide the vibrator in yourself, moving it in and out slowly as if it was his fingers in you.
jaemin [10:12 am] Turn your music down I'm trying to study.
you [10:15 am] since when do u study??
jaemin [10:16 am] I'm trying to ace this exam before I party hard on Saturday
you [10:18 am] oh ok, sorry good luck u can do it :)
You throw your phone back on the bed beside you, letting the thoughts of him flood your mind again. You imagine how cute he would look sitting at his desk, brows furrowed because he's stuck on a question. You imagine yourself distracting him from his studies, running your hands along his chest from behind the chair and nuzzling your face in his neck, kissing every inch of him, leaving hickies for everyone to see. You love the thought of marking him, letting the world know he's yours. He'd tell you to quit but you don't want to leave him alone. You think about how sexy it would be when he gets frustrated at you, pushing you against the desk and giving you his undivided attention that you crave so much. The vibrator is sending you into overdrive, pulsing against your clit as you think of all the ways you want Jaemin to use your body. Your high washes over you and a long drawn out moan escapes from your lips. After you calm down from your orgasm, you check your phone again, throwing it away from you in embarrassment when you see the notification.
jaemin [10:30 am] Wow, I love that song you're playing, what's it called?
Saturday night comes by and you're waiting for Jaemin to finish getting ready so you can head to the party. You're wearing an all black outfit: long-sleeve mesh sparkly shirt with a VS lace bra underneath and your favorite skort with a slit, loving the way it hugs your figure perfectly. You have on your favorite dramatic lashes and a bold red lip for a pop of color. You look and feel good about yourself, wanting to dress up a bit since you haven't been to a party in a while. As you scroll through your phone aimlessly, you're getting impatient waiting for him.
"Jaemin hurry up!" you yell at him from the kitchen. He comes out of his room in an all black outfit too, looking delectable in those tight jeans. "You look hot," he wolf whistles at you. You flip your hair and respond with a cocky "I know."
"Why are you matching me?" he checks you out as he opens the door for you. You scoff, "I was ready before you so technically you're matching me."
You climb in the driver's seat, opting to take your car instead of his. Jaemin directs you to his friend's house and you turn up the music, cruising along the dimly lit streets. As you continue driving, you can sense Jaemin stealing glances at you every once in a while. When you come to a stoplight, you turn your head to look at him. He doesn't look away like you thought he would. He's eating you up with such an intense gaze, it makes you a bit shy, body temperature rising.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Cause you look good," he responds, resting his elbow on the console, leaning in too close for comfort. You can't stop the smile that forms on your face, enjoying the simple compliment from him. You hold your hand up in front of his face, blocking yourself from his view as the light turns green. He pushes it back down, wanting to keep looking at you. His hand doesn't let go of yours, though. He traces small circles on your hand, his light touch making you tense up. You don't know why he's acting this way but you don't pull your hand back. The car ride is silent after that except for the music playing.
When you reach the house, you can tell there's a lot of people already here just by the number of cars parked along the street. Jaemin seems to know everyone he comes across, while you only recognize a few faces. You follow behind him, exchanging greetings with his friends.
"Jaeminnnn, glad you could make it bro," one of his friends turns his gaze to you, happy to see a new face. "And who is this beautiful lady?" He shoves Jaemin aside, clearly more interested in you.
Jaemin pushes his way back between the two of you, "This is Y/N."
"I'm Jeno, nice to meet you." He extends a hand and you shake it. "Do you guys want a drink?" You shake your head, telling him you're driving tonight. Jaemin doesn't waste any time following Jeno into the kitchen where they start mixing drinks. You try to maneuver your way through so many people, finding a seat at the kitchen counter where the two guys are.
"I made an A on that exam I told you about so I get to celebrate now," he winks at you, raising his red cup to do a cheers with Jeno.
"Aw, see I told you you could do it," smiling at him, resting your elbows on the counter and leaning forward. Jaemin glances at your chest, noticing the way your arms are pushing your breasts together. You don't realize it and take a look around at all the busy bodies chatting with each other. You're always doing that to him, so oblivious to the way you make him feel even from a simple act like that.
Jeno whispers in Jaemin's ear, both of them taking a look at you. Jaemin calls out to you, "Y/N, Jeno said he'd let us stay the night since there are two extra rooms."
"Yeah, my parents are out of town and I'm only offering you guys so you don't have to worry about other people," Jeno chimes in.
You're not opposed to the idea, seeing as how they're both good friends and you feel like you can trust Jeno. "But I don't have any of my stuff to spend the night."
"I may or may not have snuck a duffel bag in your car earlier today, don't worry I packed everything you needed," he says as he hands his drink to you, cocking an eyebrow, inviting you to have a little fun.
"...Did you plan on getting me drunk or something?" You take the drink from him anyway, downing it in one go. Fuck it, why not? Jaemin and Jeno cheer you on as the alcohol burns your throat. He's already making another one for you and you laugh at him. So this is what he meant by party hard.
As the time passes by and Jaemin keeps handing you drinks, you eventually have to tell him to stop. You're reaching your limit and you don't want to get too drunk at a function when you don't know most of these people. Jeno sets up a beer pong table in the living room and challenges you and Jaemin. Turns out, Jeno actually sucks at beer pong and he looks like he's about to pass out. When you feel like you can't take any more drinks, Jaemin steps in for you.
"Are you gonna be okay? You've been drinking a lot," worried he might be passing out with Jeno too.
"Nah, I'm okay, I haven't had that much, you've actually drank more than me," he says, landing the ball in another cup for Jeno to drink. You hit him on his arm, "So you really were trying to get me drunk!"
"I wouldn't give you anything you couldn't handle babe," the word makes your heart skip a beat and you feel tingly, unsure if it’s the way he said it or if it’s the drinks getting to your head. "It's your turn, you can make the last shot right?" He hands the ball to you, turning you to face the table again. You aim, hoping you can make it. Your vision is a little off as the drinks are making their way through your system. You jump up and down with excitement when the ball lands in the cup, almost stumbling over. Jaemin holds you steady, hands around your waist and your skin burns where he touches you.
"Nah, I need a rematch," Jeno slurs, obviously past his limit and trying to set the table again. Jaemin calls over a few other people to play, taking your place. "Here, sit down I'm gonna get you some water." You sit on an empty chair in the corner of the living room, trying to come back to your senses. You realize you're not as drunk as you should be given all the drinks Jaemin handed you tonight. Guess he really didn't put as much alcohol as you thought he did. You feel good, eyes a little heavy but nothing too bad. The chair next to you is suddenly occupied by someone else, and you wonder where Jaemin is gonna sit when he comes back.
He hands you the bottle of water and tells you he'll be right back. You watch him as he makes his way back to the kitchen, talking to a few of his friends. You feel a little sad, wanting him to be near you. You feel more comfortable around him than anyone else. But you don't want to pull him away from his friends just to cater to you in your drunken state. You blame your neediness on the alcohol, trying to push away the possibility that you actually want him to be around you that badly.
jaemin [11:40 pm] How are you feeling?
Your face lights up, it's cute he's still thinking of you.
you [11:40 pm] im okay :) thanks for the water i needed it
jaemin [11:41 pm] You sure you're okay? Did I give you too much?
you [11:41 pm] you didn't give me anything i couldn't handle ;)
You repeat his words from earlier, adding a wink as your inhibitions slowly fade, looking up at him to see a small smile on his face.
jaemin [11:42 pm] You're so cute
You smile widely this time, the simple text making your heart flutter.
you [11:43 pm] are u just saying that cuz im drunk
jaemin [11:43 pm] No you're always cute. But you do look particularly good in that outfit
You bite your lip, feeling warm after reading his text. You're glad he isn't saying this to you face to face. It's not much but you still don't think you could handle it.
you [11:44 pm] is that why you couldn't stop staring at me in the car
jaemin [11:44 pm] With the way you look, how could I not?
you [11:44 pm] hmm i'll give u that, i do look good tonight haha
jaemin [11:45 pm] You're confident. I love that about you
you [11:45 pm] yeah? what else do you like about me?
You press further, letting the alcohol take over.
jaemin [11:47 pm] What's there not to like?
You groan because his answer is so vague and not what you wanted to hear.
you [11:47 pm] tell meeeee i wanna know :(
You look up from your text when he doesn't respond as fast as he was earlier, seeing Jaemin lost in a conversation with his friends and not currently on his phone.
you [11:51 pm] jaeminnn come back
                          talk to meee
                         text me back :((( im gonna cry
You don't know why you feel so sad, it's only been a few minutes. You can't believe you just sent that pathetic text to him. Maybe the alcohol is doing more to you than you thought.
jaemin [11:55 pm] Babe, I was just talking with the guys. We're about to go out to the patio but I'm right here
you [11:56 pm] ... i like it when you call me babe
jaemin [11:58 pm] I can do a lot more things you might like.
Fuck, you want to find out what he means by that.
you [11:58 pm] show me what you can do jaemin
jaemin [12:00 am] Don't say that unless you really want me to.
You lock your phone at the same time the text comes in, missing the notification. You have to go to the bathroom, trying to steady yourself on your jello like legs as you get off the chair. After using the bathroom, you feel like you should chill upstairs for now, getting away from the party. You make your way into the room Jeno pointed out was yours for the night. Luckily no one is hanging out in here. You collapse on the bed, head spinning but in a good way. You close your eyes and rest for a bit, listening to the music coming from downstairs.
jaemin [12:15 am] Where did you go?
Shit, you forgot to text him back.
you [12:16 am] im in my room, im ok dont worry just needed to use the bathroom. im probably not going back downstairs tho
jaemin [12:20 am] We're kicking people out rn. We just carried Jeno's drunk ass to his room and he passed out so it's only right people should start leaving. We'll clean everything up
you [12:21 am] ok ill be here. can you get the bag from my car thx <3
The next time you open your eyes, the clock reads 1 am. The music isn't playing any more and you don't hear any voices. The duffel bag is near the door and you head to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower, head still buzzing. When you come back to your room, you see Jaemin sitting on your bed scrolling through his phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Well you took the whole bag with you and my stuff is in there too, so I was just waiting," taking the bag from you and heading to the bathroom.
15 minutes later, Jaemin comes back to your room, looking as fine as ever, clad in only a towel as he always is around you. You're starting to think he does this on purpose, to get a reaction out of you. You're still feeling the effects of the alcohol and your mind begins to wander again as it usually does. His hair is wet, a few droplets trickling down his chest and you just want to throw him on the bed and take your time with him, kissing his skin and leaving all your love marks on him.
"If you stare at me any longer, you're gonna start drooling," he laughs, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"What are you still doing in my room?" Laying down on your stomach and facing him as he pulls out the chair from the desk, taking a seat across from you.
"I didn't think either of us wanted to go to bed yet, but I can leave if you want me to."
You bite your lip, of course you don't want him to leave. You take the opportunity to bring up his earlier text, feeling a surge of confidence rush through you. "Don't go. You said you could do things I might like earlier... show me what you can do." You're beyond eager to find out, core beginning to throb at all your dirty thoughts.
His hand traces his lip, eyes narrowing at you as he takes in the curves of your body on the bed, acting all innocent for him when he knows you're being playful with him right now. "I said don't say that unless you really want me to."
“I wouldn’t be saying it if I didn’t really want you to Jaemin,” you say in a low voice, trying to make it as obvious as you can. You’re tired of him beating around the bush. The sexual tension you feel between the two of you can be cut with a knife and you want to take it to the next level.
"I don't think you're ready for it," he says, leaning back in the chair. You let out a loud groan, wondering why he won't just come over and show you what he's talking about.
You take matters into your own hands, climbing off the bed and making your way to stand in front of him. He looks up at you, waiting for what you're about to do next. You lean on one hand against the desk, cocking your head to the side and ask quietly, "Why do you keep playing with me?" Your other hand fidgets with the hem of your shorts, frustrated with the way he's eye fucking you instead of actually fucking you.
"I don't know what you mean babe," he lies through his teeth.
"That! I mean just that! You can't stop staring at me in the car, holding my hand, touching my waist, telling me how good I look tonight, calling me babe all of a sudden, and then telling me you'll do a lot of things I might like. And then! You come into my room looking like THAT and I'm supposed to just act like you don't turn me on every single time I see you." You huff, getting all your frustrations out.
He leans forward in the chair, pulling you closer to him by your thighs. "You think I don't feel the same way about you? How you walk around the whole place looking so fine when you're not even doing anything? You look good without even trying and I can't believe you've never noticed me staring at you before tonight," he responds, his eyes never leaving yours, sending shivers up your spine.
"So why didn't you say anything about it?" You ask, heart racing at his confession.
"I assumed you just thought of me as a friend. You know that reminds me, I heard you in your room the other morning." A smirk is plastered on his face as you remember. He texted you after you had just finished playing with yourself and you ignored it, thinking it wasn't that big of a deal. He didn't know you were fantasizing about him so you didn't want to say anything more about it.
"Who were you thinking about?" he continues, voice getting lower. He knows now you were thinking about him after your little outburst but he wants to hear you say it.
Your cheeks get hot and you can’t look at him any more, staring out the window to avoid his smoldering gaze. “No one in particular... I was just in the mood.”
“It wouldn’t have been me right?” His hand reaches out for yours on the hem of your shorts, gently sliding his fingers along your thigh. “You could have asked me to help, I was just one door away.” Your thighs squeeze together, unable to stop your arousal from pooling.
“But since we’re already here… do you want me to help now?” His fingers travel further underneath your shorts, inching their way along your exposed skin. He leaves a burning sensation where he touches you.
You can’t hold back any longer. You pull away from him and walk slowly back to the bed, laying down on your back, giving him your best bedroom eyes. You want him and he wants you, no doubt about it anymore. “Come here, Jaemin,” you beckon to him, hands running under your shirt, pulling it up but stopping underneath your breasts, teasing him. He makes his way towards you, standing at the edge of the bed, taking in your beautiful figure splayed out on the bed for him.
“Show me what you did the other morning,” he doesn’t touch you, wanting you to do it yourself.
“I could show you, but I want you to do it. Please?” Pulling your knees up and spreading your legs slightly, an invitation for him to make a move. He can’t resist you when you look so perfect, begging for him like that.
“Like this?” his hand finds his way to your inner thigh, so close yet so far. He gives you a squeeze before his fingers reach your core, sliding them up and down, giving you some much needed friction.
“Mmm, keep going,” you stare up at him as he keeps his eyes on you. He looks so good standing over you, making you feel reduced in his presence. His hand slips underneath your shorts, loving the way your arousal is making a mess of your panties. “I haven’t even done anything and you’re this wet.”
“I’m always like this because of you,” you tell him, knowing it’s true and wanting to feed his ego. He hums, finally making contact with your core, gathering your wetness on his fingers. The sound of your slick is like music to his ears and he can’t look away from you when you let out a soft moan. He rubs slow circles on your clit, just the way you like it. His fingers on you are even better than you imagined and you want more. You pull your shorts and panties off, inviting him back with a smile.
“You’re incredible,” he gives you what you want and slips two fingers in, making you throw your head back as he pumps them in and out of you.
“Just like that baby,” you moan out, lost in the way his fingers are making you buck your hips.
“What else did you imagine?” his thumb rubbing your clit at the same time his fingers are moving in you. You pull your shirt up further, exposing your perfect mounds to him, nipples hard and ready for his mouth. You squeeze one and play with the other, pinching it between your fingers as a silent response. He gets the message loud and clear, kneeling on the bed and wastes no time in attaching his lips to your skin. He leaves soft kisses on your stomach, moving to your chest and sucking everywhere he can. Several hickies are littered across your breasts before he takes one nipple in his mouth, making you sigh in pleasure. You watch him as he closes his eyes, focusing on giving you what you’ve imagined him doing to you. You couldn’t be more head over heels for him with his hand in your core and lips wrapped around your sensitive bud.
You hold his face and bring it up to yours, asking him to lay down, pecking a soft kiss on his lips. He reluctantly pulls his fingers out of you, bringing them to his own lips and licking your arousal off. You groan “that’s so hot” as he lays his head on the pillows, waiting for your next move. You crawl slowly towards him, swaying your hips as he’s getting more and more eager. You straddle his waist, making sure to position your core over his member, grinding back and forth on him as you pull your shirt off. You’re completely naked now and the friction of the towel on your clit makes you bite your lip. His dick twitches at your naked body on top of him, moving your hips against him.
“I imagined this too,” you lean down and kiss his neck, hands balancing yourself on his chest. You run your hands along his skin, finally getting the chance to touch him everywhere. He enjoys pleasuring you but also loves that your lips can’t seem to get enough of him. You bite at his skin gently, leaving hickies just as he did to you. You pull back a bit to admire your artwork, and he can’t look any more perfect underneath you. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, and you don’t want to let him go. You press more kisses as you travel further down his chest and stomach, settling yourself in between his legs. You tug on the towel, asking him with your eyes to take it off. You’re both naked now, and you can’t be more excited to take him in your mouth and make him moan your name. You grab him from the base, slowly moving your hand up and down, keeping your eyes locked on his as he bites his lip. You lick him from base to tip, repeating the action several times to get his dick wet.
He’s so infatuated with you, so needy for you to do whatever you want to him. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold himself back. When he saw you tonight, something sparked in him and he couldn’t control himself. You looked so gorgeous, so sexy and you don’t even realize the effect you have on him. He originally came to the party to have a good time for himself, but he was more focused on getting you to have fun with him. His gaze would linger on you when you weren’t looking, checking you out every chance he got, wondering how it would feel to have you scream his name. Every time you laughed, your smile would make him fall more and more for you. He noticed several of his friends eyeing you, talking about you like he didn’t know. He would feel a slight tinge of jealousy, wanting you all to himself.
When you wrap your mouth around him and start sucking him off, he loses it. He’s thought about this so many times. He would pump himself in his room on some days when you looked extra good, imagining it was your lips instead of his hand. He had the same fantasies about you that you did about him. Now that you’re here with your pretty lips on him, he can’t help himself. He bucks his hips up, pushing himself further into your mouth. You still, letting him take control. You’re eager for him to fuck your mouth, and he thrusts into you, hitting the back of your throat a few times. You want to make him feel good and you’ll do anything for him. His sighs and pants make you even wetter, knowing it’s you making him get lost in pleasure. He holds your hair, letting his hips do the work. Your moans around him make his head dizzy, the vibrations adding to his pleasure. He pauses for a bit, not wanting to bust a nut in your mouth before he gets the chance to fuck you.
You pull away, hand still wrapped around him, dick wet with your saliva. He takes a mental picture of you before moving to get off the bed, standing by the edge. You follow him, excited for his next move. “Get on your knees and turn around,” his voice turning you on. You follow his orders, arching your back and poking your ass out for him. His hand smooths over your ass before giving it a quick smack, jolting you forward. He lines himself up to you, teasing your entrance with the tip of his dick. Fuck, it’s about to happen and your heart is racing. You grip the sheets as he slides in, a perfect fit for you.
“Fuuuck, you’re tight,” he sighs, gripping your thighs to keep you in place. He’s trying to control himself from going too hard right off the bat, but he just wants to ruin you. When you plead for him to go faster, he grabs a handful of your hair, pulling your back to his chest, a good pain shooting down your spine. His hips snap against your ass roughly, the sound of skin slapping and your loud moans filling the room. His hand wraps around your throat and his grip on your hair tightens, whispering in your ear. “Your pussy is too good,” making you clench around him. This is one of your favorite positions because his tip hits your spot every time, making you curse with every thrust. His hand on your throat makes your head feel light and you reach down to rub your clit, making the pleasure 10x more intense.
“You gonna cum on me babe?” He asks, fucking you even harder. You can only whimper in response, feeling it coming and you don’t want it to stop. He’s making you so crazy, such a whiny mess and you feel like putty under his hands. You let out a half moan, half scream and grab his arm as your legs shake, unable to hold yourself up as you reach cloud nine. You’d fall if his grip on you wasn’t so tight. He continues to pound into you, a bit slower this time to give you time to come down from your high. Your pussy is now unbelievably tight and he can’t bring himself to go as fast, wanting to spend more time in you. He lets go of your throat and hair and you fall face first, too tired from your orgasm to stay up. He stills in you, moving your hair to the side and leaning down to press kisses on your back, making circles on your waist.
“That was hot, but I hope you know I’m not done with you.” You turn your head to look at him and say breathlessly, “I can take it.”
“I know you can babe, you’ve got no choice.” And with that, he’s fucking you again, hands gripping your ass with such force you think he’ll leave bruises. You can’t keep quiet, throwing your hips back to meet each thrust, wanting him to use your body until he can’t any more.
“Jaemin, don’t stop please,” you moan, wanting to let him know how much you love it. “Fuck, you’re the best.” He smacks your ass again.
“I don’t want anyone but you, they couldn’t compare to your pussy,” he pulls out to the tip and slams back in, pushing your body forward. He flips you around, wanting to see your face before he cums. He leans down and kisses you hungrily, swallowing the whimpers you let out. A few more thrusts and he pulls out, pumping himself with his hand, watching as you get on your knees to face him.
“Cum for me,” you beg, wanting him to paint your face and chest with his release. You slide your hands across his thighs and waist, batting your lashes at him. You look so damn sexy to him, he finishes with a loud groan, hot cum splattering your body. You move his hand away, taking him in your mouth again as he spills the last of his cum in your mouth. Your warm mouth is getting too much for him, he can’t believe you drive him this wild.
You pull away from him with a pop, opening your mouth to let him see his release in your mouth before you swallow with a cheeky smile. Can you get any sexier? He grabs your chin and angles your head up, kissing you again, loving that he can taste himself on you.
After cleaning yourselves up and getting dressed for bed, he snuggles into the covers with you. “You have your own room, you know,” you poke at him.
“You don’t really want me to leave,” he says, knowing it’s the truth. His warm chest is the best pillow you could ever find, and he pulls you in closer to him.
“I meant it when I said you’re the best. I think about you when I’m with other girls.”
“Don’t talk about other girls after you just fucked me!” you pinch him and he laughs.
“I always think about you,” pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as you close your eyes, happy that your imaginations have turned into real life.
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winxwrites · 3 years
Misconceptions,  Jadon Sancho x Reader
Request: Can you write sth with Jadon, where you're both famous and rumours start coming up about him Angst with fluffy ending please
A/N: Thank you for the request anon! I have a lot more requests to get to, so look forward to those ❥
You were sat in your dressing room, your makeup artist finishing up your look as your stylist ensured your hair looked perfect. Your phone lit up revealing a picture of you and your best friend together. You quickly answered it, excited to speak to her before you took the stage. 
As your friend droned on, you instantly knew something was up. 
“You know you’re doing that thing where you ramble on and on because there’s something you don’t want to tell me.”
A nervous laugh resonated from the other end of the line. “And this is why we’re best friends.”
There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. “Have you…been online today? Like recently?”
You shook your head. “Nope, I’ve basically just been getting ready for the concert. Why, what’s up?”
“Don’t freak out, but there’s this picture going around of Jadon. It looks like he was out taking another girl shopping.”
The phone was on speaker so everyone in the room paused. Your fans and everyone in your staff were more than aware of yours and Jason’s relationship. The news that he was out with another girl caught everyone by surprise.
“Send me the picture.”
You quickly zoomed into the image. It showed Jadon, a smile clearly on his face as he had his arm around a woman’s neck. They were looking at a shelf of purses and he seemed to be asking her to pick one.
Your stylists had also gone onto social media and confirmed it. You and Jadon were both trending topics, countless posts and news article claiming your boyfriend of almost two years was cheating on you.
You felt more disconnected with your fans than ever as your mind seemed to stray to the rumors throughout the duration of your show. Once the last song wrapped you couldn’t wait to get to your phone and confront your boyfriend. 
There were dozens of message notifications on your phone. It was upsetting to see that not one of them was from Jadon. Surely he had to know that you’d seen the photos. Wouldn’t any man in his position try to get ahead of the situation by refuting it himself? 
As your driver took you back to the hotel you crafted a slew of venomous texts, not even bothering to rethink them before hitting send. 
It wasn’t long before three dots appeared in the conversation. Your heart was pounding as you knew Jadon was going to respond. The look on your face must have been priceless as you saw the response he’d conjured up. 
What are you talking about
An annoyed groan left your lips as you tossed your phone into your bag. You didn’t look at it again until you were tucked away inside your room. 
12 missed calls. All from Jadon.
When the next call came through you were quick to answer it. Jadon’s voice was cut off as you interjected. 
“I’d love to hear how you’re going to explain your way out of this.”
“Just let me explain. Babe, I swear it’s not what it looks like-“
“Whatever Jadon. That’s what they all say.” Your sarcastic laugh cut him off. “I just can’t believe you’d do this,” your voice cracked as you ended the call. 
London was the next stop on your tour. Normally you’d be overjoyed to have a chance to see your boyfriend but now you wanted him nowhere near you. 
A knock on your hotel room door drew your attention away from the chick-flick you were watching. You tossed your spoon into the ice cream carton you were eating from and walked to the door. There was no way a fan could’ve found your room, your security would never let that happen. 
A flood emotions poured into you as you opened the door to see Jadon standing on the other side. 
“If you came here just to lie to my face you can leave.”
Jadon followed behind you as you headed into the living room area of your suite. “I know the photo didn’t look good but it was misleading. You know how the media is. They’re always going to try and tear us apart if they can sell a story.”
As much as you hated to admit it you knew he was right. You hesitated before taking a seat beside Jadon on the couch. 
“Just give me a second and I promise I can straighten this out.” You refused to make eye contact keeping your eyes trained straight ahead.
“Babe what did you say you really wanted a while back. Think about it.”
Your mind was racing as you tried to think. Where was he going with this?
“I don’t know, Jadon. Just get to it.” You were still too frustrated to think straight. 
“Look at the picture again.” 
Jadon pulled up the picture, zooming into the rows of designer purses on the shelf. “You said there was this purse you really wanted. From Dolce & Gabbana.” 
He walked over to the door and picked up a white box before handing it to you. “Open it up.”
You removed the lid and sorted through the tissue paper to find the most gorgeous jewel embroidered, golden bag. Exactly the one you wanted. 
“J, I don’t know what to say…”
“I wanted to surprise you for our anniversary next week. The woman in the picture works at the store. She was just doing her job and helping me find something you’d like.”
Tears formed in your eyes as you realized just how perfect your boyfriend truly was. Of course he’d never hurt you. He’d never done so in the past, why would he start now?
You placed the purse aside before wrapping your arms around Jadon’s neck, pulling him in for a much needed hug. 
“J, I am so so sorry I didn’t trust you. I don’t know what I was thinking.” 
Jadon kissed your neck giving you the comfort you needed. 
“You know I would never hurt you. I love you way too much. Happy almost-anniversary, angel.”
A/N: If you got this far like, comment, and maybe even reblog. I’d love to know what you think and get some feedback!
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Texted Love
Henry Cavill x Fem!Reader
Part 5
Central Masterlist | Texted Love
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"Wait a minute...are you showering?!" The words blurting out of his mouth as he stared at the screen of his phone with much interest. Ignoring the questioning stares of his colleagues, the Brit hurriedly pulled the device closer to his figure, wanting to at least provide you with some privacy on his end.
You weren't naked on the screen if that was what you were thinking. You had simply placed the phone on top of the toilet lid, capturing the gorgeous sight of your white ceiling. The sound of your giggling accompanied by the sound of the showerhead being switched on echoing through his airpods.
"What? I thought it was time to take this relationship to the next level." You teased with a small snicker at the end. Rolling his eyes, he retorted, "Wow. Now I can say I've showered with you without ever been there physically." You snorted.
"...Not even a peek?"
And then suddenly, your little head popped into the bottom left corner of the screen and what was to be considered a unflattering angle. You hid the bottom half of your face, but he could tell you were grinning by the slight squint of your eyes. Droplets of water sliding down the curve of your nose before falling onto the device itself. Behind you, he could see the steam clouding around the small room. He smirked.
"There's your peek. Like it?"
"Absolutely loved it. You have me blushing like a prepubuscent boy who saw a little bit too much of ankle from some schoolgirl." You barked a laugh.
"Ooo, is your heart hammering in its chest?" He smiled.
"Oh most definitely. Here have a listen." He then aimed for the phone to lay against his clothed chest. You let out a gasp before he pulled the device away and aimed it back to record his face.
"Henry! So you do have a heart!" It halfheartedly glared at you.
"Of course I do. It only beats for you. Now go finish showering." There was a short silence after he had spoken. The silence having been so sudden and uncharacteristic of you, that Henry couldn't help but feel a small level of concern for you. Had he said something wrong? Did you take a tumble? He remembered that one interview where you mentioned having been so clumsy that you once slipped in the shower and hit the back of your head quite harshly. Oh no.
"Are-" "You're not gonna hang up right?" He noted the way your voice sounded so...small. Almost as if it was afraid of the answer.
"No. Not unless you want me to...?" "Uh, don't hang up. It's just that...ah, I don't know. It gets to quiet at home." He frowned.
"Where's Terry?"
"Probably at some dick appointment or something." He chuckled.
"Then I'll stay on call for as long as you like, doll." The sweet sound of your giggle was music to his ears. Then there was silence in the background, he figured you finished showering.
"Are you on the Witcher set?" He glanced to his surroundings, it was the inside of a tavern. Things were still being moved and set up, extras crowded the corners as they were being told where they would be positioned and so on. He was decked out in his Geralt of Rivia outfit, the leather of the clothing tight around his torso and biceps.
"Yeah, we're about to start filming soon." He answered, his eyes watching the Director speaking with the camera crew.
"Oof, I bet you look like a whole ass meal." Why did you manage to always make him laugh? Seriously, how the hell did you do that?
"And you don't?"
"You right, you right. I'm the meal and you're the delicious dessert that I've been waiting to eat all night." Now that really got his heart racing. And thank god for Bluetooth or we'd be having some issues right now.
"Oh? Rather bold coming from the woman who seemingly refuses my advances for us to physically meet."
"Oi, oi. You didn't have to come after me like that. I swear we'll meet eventually." He huffed, puffing out his chest as he did so.
"Well you owe me after rejecting me so many times."
"Well you owe me after rejecting me so many times."
“Huh? You’re glitching. What you say again?” 
“I said,  well you owe me after rejecting me so many times.”
“Nope, still can’t hear you.” It was upon seeing your chesire cat grin that he understood that you were messing with him. Earning a slight huff from the male. 
“Rude,” he chuckled amusedly, “Anyways, I do have to go now. Bye darling.”
“Send me pictures! Bye hot stuff!”
It was around 12 a.m. when all of a sudden your phone started vibrating in the middle of a movie you were watching with your manager, Terry. Yawning a bit, you flipped the device to face you before clicking the button to turn it on. The sudden brightness blinding you for a mere second before you were bale to read the notifications.
Instagram 12:23 a.m.
(U/n): Henry Cavill has sent you a message.
(U/n): Henry Cavill has sent you a photo.
(U/n): Henry Cavill has sent you a photo.
(U/n): Henry Cavill has sent you a photo.
You snorted.
“No way...”
Tapping on the notification, you unlocked the phone and waited as the system took you to the app. It was then that you had a heart attack
“(y/n)? ( Y/N)?! Girl why are you on the floor?! What you mean look at yo’ phone????” Grabbing the device, Terry looked at the screen before screaming.
(henrycavill): (U/n) Your wish is my command ;)
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(A/N): For a a moment, I thought I got over this man. But nah, I rewatched The Witcher and I fell back in love. I swear-
Hope you enjoyed!
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