#i don’t care about spoilers I’m going crazy here
The things I’m seeing about “Miss Scarlet and the Duke” season three are making me nervous so I need a Good Samaritan whose seen it to let me know what sort of pain I’m in for
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2hightocare · 4 months
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“In a world of boys, he’s a gentleman.” — mini series ❦︎
Synopsis: The feeling of finding a person who makes your tummy do cartwheels everyday, no matter what the situation is.
Pairings: nonidol!jungkook x fem!reader
Warnings: super cute duper fluff, jk being the epitome of every girls dream man. Argument, oc crying, Jungkook wasting money on oc, banter, cussing, flirting. Js super cute cliché shit…
a/n: they’re my babies… they’re so ‘tear in my heart’ coded but after this I might be inactive. I have a paper due in three weeks 10 pages long so…. Plus in my free time I’m working on a series that I will drop the teaser and aesthetic maybe later or tmr🤍🤍🤍 enjoy!! Kithes.
Falling in love with Jungkook was so easy that it scared you. He did everything right, and whenever there was something wrong, he would do anything in his power to make it right. You thought it was too good to be true, and he would just disappear into angel dust if you blinked too fast.
“How do you feel?” Your boyfriend moves your hair out of your face, kissing your forehead in the process. “Warm.” You talk about the fever you have. The covers that were wrapped tightly around you are shredded from you. “Hey!” You pout, shaking from how cold you feel even though the air is off and it’s not cold. “You’re not going to get better, baby.” He pouts back at you, holding the covers tightly on his chest as you try to fight back for it.
“I'm freezing,” you whine, your eyelids fluttering shut as his palm touches your face.
“You’re burning, baby,” he lets you know while sighing.
You had gotten sick yesterday, which had started with a sore throat. You had thought when you would have woken up today it would’ve been gone; spoiler: it got worse.
Jungkook makes his way to his kitchen, opening up the gray cabinet in front of him. He pulls out the tray filled with medicine his mom gave him whenever he moved out around four years ago. He pops open the pill container, taking two small white round pills out before grabbing a water bottle and making his way to you, who’s curled up on his couch.
Jungkook feels like shit whenever he can’t do anything to make you feel better. It didn’t matter what it was; he would do anything in his power to make you feel better. Seeing you sick, your face red from how hot you are, your eyes closed, and curled up from how cold you felt had him thinking that if he could take away your sickness and be sick instead, Jungkook would choose that option in an instant.
He hands you the pills and the water bottle and watches you take them one by one. He remembers when you gawked at him when he took 4 pills at once and learned that you have a fear of the pill going down the wrong tube.
He also remembers that you prefer pills and injections instead of just medicine syrup. Which baffled him, to say the least; how could someone prefer an injection instead of just strawberry-flavored syrup? He laughed at you, which you just shrugged because it was the truth; you preferred to get poked by a needle than just drinking something.
“That’s actually crazy.” Jungkook throws his head backwards as a laugh rips out of his chest. “It’s nasty. I don’t care what flavor it is. I would literally throw it up.” You scrunch your nose, remembering the taste of the medicines your parents literally shoved down your throat so you could get better.
“Don’t get me started on how anything medicine strawberry flavored gives me PTSD till this day.” You shiver from the thought, which has your boyfriend laughing at you.
“I can’t breathe,” you say, your voice scratchy from your sore throat as you breathe from your mouth. “I should’ve enjoyed breathing when I could,” you joke, watching your boyfriend's eyes twinkle. They had a small glimmer to them, making you wonder how that could possibly happen and why you haven't seen it before with anyone else.
Jungkook had no clue how he ended up here… with a girl he met in a chemistry class that accidentally dropped sulfuric acid all over the floor alongside the beaker smashing into tiny pieces. He watched how your eyes widened as a small piece of your hair dropped beautifully in front of your face out of the low ponytail. You had tied it with a blue latex glove as a hair tie since you didn’t have one after no one in class had one to let you borrow.
That was two years ago; now here he was taking care of you as you struggled to breathe from your congested nose.
“Can I get my blanket back?” You pout at him, which he only shook his head with a chuckle.
“Get whatever you want,” Jungkook gave your ass a little tap as you entered the makeup store, your eyes widening from excitement. “Don’t say stuff like that,” you give him a look, which has him tilting your face up with his hand.
“Why, baby?” He chuckles, pecking your pouted lips.
“Because it makes me feel things, duh,” you whisper into his lips. He smiles into your mouth. His lip piercing sends cold shocks through your body that has you playfully shoving him away, remembering where you guys are.
“Get whatever you want, and then we can go to the bookstore,” Jungkook picks up the black and white striped little Sephora bag before pointing in front of you to walk.
You giggled as you started looking for the things that have been sitting in your phone cart for a while now. Jungkook follows behind you, stopping whenever you stop to look at the shelves for something before you drop the product in the basket in your boyfriend's hand.
“That’s really cute,” Jungkook mentions the lipstick tester you have in your hand. “You should get it,” he says, tilting his head at you, watching you open the lid being met with a reddish-dark color.
“Don’t you think it’s too dark?” You look up at your smiling boyfriend.
“What?” You giggle as you stare back at him. “You look beautiful,” he says casually, reaching for your beanie and pulling it down a bit more, fixing it. “You literally want me to die right now,” you joke. “Baby!” Jungkook laughs at the tone of voice you used.
“You can’t keep saying things like that without expecting me to literally melt away,” you lean your body onto him while he wraps his strong hands around your much smaller frame as you look up to him.
“I just say whatever is in my mind at the moment, princess,” he explains, giving your waist a small squeeze, making you squirm as the feeling made you ticklish. “Ah!” You laugh as his fingers dig into your rib cage, tickling you.
You push him away as he tries to continue to tickle your tummy. “Stop!” You laugh, trying to get away as far as you can from him.
Jungkook stops when he sees two girls around your guy's age pass beside you both with judging eyes. “Someone’s mad...” Jungkook whispers into your head as you just shake your head with a laugh.
“Let’s leave, I got everything,” you giggle, intertwining your fingers with him, making your way to the line.
When you guys finally get to the line, you are met with a pretty blonde girl, her dimples carved into her skin when she smiles up at you both. “Hi, is that all?” The girl said, you take notice of her name tag.
“Yes, that's all, thank you,” you smile back. “Find everything you wanted?” Genesis asks, as she starts scanning the products. “Yeah, thanks,” you say, playing with the strings of your hoodie as you see the price rise with each scan.
“Card or cash?” Genesis says, as she points to the credit card reader.
“Card,” Jungkook says before you could reply. He pulls out his black card from the back of the phone case, before scanning it through the white card reader without looking at the price. The machine makes a small sound, “here you go, have a wonderful day!” The girl says ripping the receipt before putting it into the white and black bag, handing it to you.
“Thank you, baby,” you say as you walk out the door of the store, Jungkook smiles at you before shrugging. “The least I could do, princess,” he gives your hand three small squeezes, which feels like he’s squeezing your heart as well. “It was expensive as fuck,” you pout at him. “How much?” He asks, “a thousand.” You cringe, scrunching your nose up at realizing the astonishing price. “That’s it?” Jungkook raises an eyebrow before reaching to the passenger side of his car.
“What! You’re crazy,” you say, giving him a slight swat. You watch as the side of his lips quirk up, making you mirror his actions.
“I love you,” you pout, as he leans into his car. “And I love you so much more,” he says, pulling you into him from your waist.
You tipped toe to reach for his lips, his lips mold with yours perfectly as you both were pieces of a puzzle. “How do you want the kiss?” He asks, giving your waist a squeeze. “What is this, a drive-thru? I get to ask what type of kiss I want,” you giggle, letting your forehead drop onto his chest which rumbles with a laugh.
“You get to ask whatever you want from me,” Jungkook rubs your back softly on top of your thick hoodie. “Oh shit,” your eyes widened as you saw the small print of your makeup on his black shirt when you raised your head upwards. “What?” He looks down to his shirt where you’re rubbing your fingers on the dirty print.
“I just ruined your shirt, baby, ahh!” You freak, which has Jungkook laughing while trying to reassure you that it’s fine and he’ll just wash it when he gets home.
As much as you guys had moments like this, you guys had your disagreements. They weren’t as bad where they ended in screaming matches or end up not talking for days, you guys usually make up the same day before going to bed. Jungkook loathed going to bed whenever you two fought; he felt compelled to make things right before even considering sleep.
“Why are you making me feel bad?” You say, your voice cracking, which echoes the fractures in Jungkook's heart. “I’m not, baby. It’s just... I can’t do anything about it,” Jungkook tries to reason with you.
“She was literally all over you, and you didn’t stop it,” you feel your eyes start to water before staring down at your converse.
“She’s my mom's best friend's daughter; I can’t just tell her to fuck off, y/n. I backed off. I can’t control what she does,” Jungkook raises his voice, a tear falling down your cheek as he addresses you by your first name, a departure from his usual endearments, which feels like a knife to your chest.
“Okay, then,” you nod, tears starting to cascade down, smudging your makeup in the process.
Jungkook's throat tightens; he feels like he can't breathe, feeling like shit. He watches you wipe your tears, small sniffles escaping your mouth. “I’m going to go,” you sniffle, turning your back to him and reaching for your bag.
“No, don't leave, let’s talk this out,” Jungkook implores, turning you around to face him. He reaches for your cheeks, wiping away the tears that continue to fall down your puffy cheeks. “You’re hurting me,” you say, with a sniffle.
“I know. I’m fucking sorry, baby,” he feels his heart racing, wanting to die for making you feel bad for caring about him.
“Why didn’t you push her away or say something? You made me look fucking stupid, Jungkook,” you cry, recalling the pang of feeling as Kailey flirted with him in front of his family, and he did nothing to stop it, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he kisses away your tears, trying to soothe the ache in your heart. “I promise I’ll shove her off whenever I see her, and if I have the chance to avoid her, I will,” he whispers into your cheek with each kiss he leaves on your face.
“Promise?” You whisper, finally meeting his worried eyes.
“Promise, baby,” he whispers back, holding eye contact with your red, puffy eyes.
“I hate making you cry; please forgive me,” Jungkook pulls you into him, hugging you tightly as if afraid you'll slip away. “I forgive you, just don’t do it ever again,” you sniffle into his chest, feeling the throb in your heart melt away.
“I love you,” he says, swaying you both in the middle of his living room.
“I love you,” you sniffle.
"But the Maze Runner is so good," you literally whine at your boyfriend, who is in the middle of changing his shirt.
"Yeah, but not as good as Spiderman," he says, poking his head out the shirt hole with a grin.
"Okay, true, but the Maze Runner is just as good; you need to read the book to understand," you mumble, trying to separate a piece of hair from your mouth as you curl another strand with your wand.
"You just have a huge crush on Dylan O’Brian, let’s be honest," your boyfriend chuckles, sending you a look through the mirror, to which you just roll your eyes back at him, acknowledging a) that he was right. b) he was literally right.
“Says the boy who had a crush on Fluttershy when we watched My Little Pony,” you say, giving him a 'don’t try me' look. His jaw falls before giving your hair a tiny soft pull.
"You said you wouldn’t bring it up," he laughs before shaking his head with a chuckle. "Well..." you just shrug.
“Fluttershy reminds me of you,” Jungkook stands behind you, his fingers playing with your freshly curled hair. “Until you act like a brat,” he tugs on your hair, making your head snap backwards, where he leaves a big fat smooch on your lips.
“Okay, princess, let’s go,” he says before unplugging the curling wand wire, grabbing your bag and coat, before holding your hand and leading you outside.
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twinsarekeepers · 5 months
“This isn’t the Arch, seaweed brain. You’re not pushing me into the stairwell again.”
First of all, LINE DELIVERY?? Leah Sava Jeffries is an ACTRESS because ‘seaweed brain’ is actually so corny and it would simply feel like fan-service if they included it earlier or in another context but this was so natural and I was so swept up by all the other amazing things happening that I was excited about it but also keyed into the rest of the scene.
But the way this perfectly displays her fatal flaw. She will not let this boy trick her again (spoiler: he does). She was caught off guard at the Arch because she wasn’t familiar with his game but now she’s ready. She WILL die for him and that is final.
“Yes, I am.”
This was CRAZY?? Percy Jackson #1 mentally unstable man because how is he determined to win every ‘sacrifice myself’ off with her? And he says it to her face too. He does not care for the games anymore, he’s fully telling her that he needs her to live.
“I’m not going to let you this time. It doesn’t work that way!”
This made me so incredibly sad. Annabeth is still thinking in transactions. She’s thinking about how he made a sacrifice in the Arch so it’s her turn now. This is how relationships work. This is how every relationship she’s had works. She literally can’t comprehend how he doesn’t see it that way. How he could be selfless enough to sacrifice himself for her TWICE. How he could care about her enough to believe she deserves it even after she was the reason they were in the Arch in the first place (my baby my baby say it with me now you’re my baby).
“It’s why you’re here!”
“Excuse me?”
This was so soft like I just *screaming crying gif*. The last time she said ‘excuse me’ to him she was pissed off about him bringing up Athena but now she’s just confused and sad. Like, she trying to figure out what he means by this. Does he think she’s so heartless and robotic that she’d just let him die for her own gain?
I also love how they don’t have her say ‘what?’ because it just adds this extra layer of how Annabeth has trained herself to be more mature in everything she does, even her language, because she believes that if she’s not perfect, she’s not worthy of love and affection and maybe even existing (literally sobbing wtf).
“When I was choosing my team, I told Chiron I needed someone who wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice me if the quest required it. He agreed. That was you.”
I was confused at first about this because I thought Annabeth knew Percy thought this about her until I went back and watched the choosing ceremony again. He’s definitely keeping his voice lower as he speaks to Chiron and both Chiron and him are raising their voice as they address the other campers so makes sense that she wouldn’t have heard him.
But also, this just adds so much to literally everything. Because, in the beginning, Percy didn’t think him and Annabeth would become friends. He genuinely did think that she would sacrifice him if she had to and he thought he’d be able to curb it. He thought he’d be able to fight Annabeth if it came to it because she might choose the quest over his mom and he couldn’t allow that.
But now here he is, after getting to know her, and seeing her vulnerability and bravery and strength and courage and wisdom and passion and everything that makes her so beautiful and wonderful and amazing and his friend. She’s his friend and she’d never betray him. She’d never sacrifice him. She’d rather sacrifice herself before she ever did anything to harm him.
And he’s apologizing to her. Listen to the way Walker says the last line (again, THE ACTING). It’s literally a confession because he feels so bad that he ever believed that about her. And now he’s making her do it. He’s making her do this thing that he once thought she’d have done without hesitation. He’s thinking about the Fates cutting that string and he’s thinking about his own words to Chiron and how Chiron agreed and he’s thinking about how Annabeth said that prophecies aren’t always clear and he fully believes that he’s figured it out. This is fate. Annabeth would sacrifice him and complete the prophecy. She’ll be the friend that betrays him but not because she wanted to and he will fail to save what matters most, his own life.
This entire exchange was very insane. It’s my Roman Empire. I can’t stop thinking about it because it shows their motivations and their viewpoints and their internal struggles so so so well like I can’t even … I’m having a malfunction.
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forellasket · 19 days
hi!! what about like a body swap w the jjk guys wouldnt that be fun. like a curse with a weird technique got to us and blah blah (you can wrote whoeverr but megumi would be nice <3)
JJK Boys React to:
Body Swap CT!!
ok first off i just wanna say that he would need a factory reset after realizing what happened
megumi would look at you, then down at himself, then back at you about a thousand times
it feels weird being in someone else’s skin, he would try not to let it show how uncomfortable he would feel
he really doesn’t know what to do with himself. it’s not even a matter of trying to respect your body since it’s his for the time being
he just loathes the feeling of invading it
that is…
until he notices that his— no, your body gets all hot and fluttery when he’s around you
it’s strange. why is he getting flustered by his own face? it’ll eventually click that it’s just your body’s instinct to get nervous around him
now he can only stand there and wonder what his body is doing to you
oh boy.
my only words of wisdom in this situation are good luck.
right off the bat when he realizes he’s not in his own body anymore, he loses his shit
if you’re a woman, he 100% feels the need to touch his chest. having boobs is crazy
he’s known for being a reckless dude so when he’s running around in your body, expect to have several unknown bruises
i feel like he’d try to do shit he normally does and forget that he doesn’t have his usual heightened abilities and then whine when he hurts himself, or technically you
he’ll apologize profusely for the damage done, and start going on and on about how you can beat him up when you guys switch back
he’ll just flirt with you/himself the whole time. that’s it. he’ll compliment your beautiful new blue eyes or how tall you’ve become over night.
he’s makes those “looking in a mirror” jokes and thinks he’s the funniest person alive.
spoiler alert; he isn’t.
this time it’s your turn to fuck up
he literally speaks in ingredients, and you don’t.
straight off the bat you start freaking out and talking like you usually do and the poor people around you suffer for it
also inumaki, his throat is gonna hurt REAL bad
but now he’s embracing his inner american with the freedom of speech!! 🦅🇺🇸🔥
he abuses the fact that he can talk normally for once without drawbacks and he YAPS
all day
to anyone willing to listen
that’s not to say he isn’t still quiet though, you’ll strain yourself trying to hear him
he gets real sad when you guys swap back
oh he’s so respectful about it.
keeps reassuring you all day that everything will be fine— although it’s a little awkward trying to comfort himself…
he’s definitely stiff as hell with everything he does, similar to megumi
bro goes into robot mode, and is so uncomfortable
literally doesn’t know how to take care of your body because anything and everything feels illegal
he can’t eat or drink because then he’ll have to go to the bathroom, and that’s an invasion of privacy
but he can’t let your body starve so then what
the man is stressed
he spends a lot of time silently panicking and trying to swap yall back
here lies nanami kento R.I.P 🪦
this one is solely for shits and giggles.
if you’re not a tall woman with a big ass, he spends the whole time complaining. that’s it pt. 2
i’m so deadass he whines the whole time about how he misses his body and that this sucks and he’d much prefer he’d gotten to swap with takada
and blah blah blah
he’s so nervous
it feels wrong
he’s not worried about his body, just yours
he’s not worried about how he feels, just how you feel
he’s trying to make sure you’re okay, but it’s weird talking to you when you’re wearing his face
and vice versa
you can’t really feel comforted when you’re looking down at yourself having a panic attack
you two feed on each other’s nervous energies and eventually descend into madness
i feel bad for everyone who has to take care of you during this
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eumivrse · 5 months
HOUSE OF CARDS : nanami kento
summary when nanami catches up to you in kuantan, he vowed to make it up to you for lost time.
warning(s) IMPLIED SHIBUYA INCIDENT SPOILERS!!! i tweaked it from canon obvi, nanami & reader are married, dirty talk, fingering, fem receiving oral, squirting, creampie, breeding, kitchen sex, lots of profanity, some fluff and angst !!
word count 4,435
note manifestation of ‘me and nanami are actually in malaysia rn’. also title inspo from house of cards by bts bc the song is angsty yet it sounds raunchy?!! that’s the intention !!!
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“You’re going to hurt your neck sleeping like that.” A familiar voice awoke you from your slight doze, blinking twice to see your husband crouched in front of you.
Tears welled up in your eyes, lips trembling as you clasp your arms around him. Sniffling against his chest, you crumple your hand on his blue button up, a way to convince yourself that this is real.
That he really made it out alive.
“I hate you.” You sob, jabbing at him with light punches. Fellow passengers exiting from their respective flights are staring at you two, but you couldn’t care less when a huge lump in your throat has been removed.
He pats the back of your head, your chin resting on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, honey. Have you been waiting long?”
This trip has been something you mutually have been anticipating since last year. Your husband had always wanted to visit Malaysia and naturally, you decided that the first time you two will ever go out of the country as a married couple will be here at Kuantan.
Getting your schedules aligned for a 2-week long getaway— well, it wasn’t easy. Working as sorcerers under the jujutsu society doesn’t grant you much vacation time. After all, there’s not enough people to compensate for your absence if the both of you go under the radar for two weeks straight. And it definitely didn’t help that Kento is highly valued as a first grade sorcerer.
Your flight was scheduled for 8:30PM until he got a call saying he was needed at Shibuya urgently even though it has been settled months prior that he will be out of the country by this time. To say that you were livid that they even asked for him doesn’t even begin to describe what you were feeling.
But of course, in his old Kento fashion way, he reassures you, “Go on the flight without me, love. I’ll catch up with you. I promise.” You knew his words were empty— you had an intuition especially since it was an urgent request and people’s lives were already on the line.
It was selfish for you to want him to ignore the calls that night but you knew there was a chance— even if it’s a mere 5% — that he would never be able to catch up with you.
His sweet voice convinced you enough to go on the flight anyways, but the 10 hour flight to Kuantan was the probably worst 10 hours you’ve had to live through in your life. Being on a plane with an empty seat next to you where your husband is supposed to be sitting had you thinking all kinds of crazy thoughts, your heart sunken. You damn near already prepared a eulogy in your head from the thoughts intruding your peace of mind.
It wasn’t until you were waiting at the airport that slumber had overtaken your paranoia and you fell asleep in one of the waiting areas near the boarding terminals, although uneasy.
“Is everything at Shibuya okay now?” You choke, face flushed with heat, eyes streaming with tears that had no sign of stopping any time soon.
“There are problems, but everyone’s fine. I don’t want you to worry about that right now, though.”
He presses a loving kiss on your forehead before parting from the hug and standing up from his knees.
He holds out his hand for you to grab onto. “Let’s go,” he looked so fatigued, but he couldn’t even think about his body crashing down on him when he’s just relieved that he’s able to see you again.
You take his hand, using the back of your free one to wipe your tears away. “Okay.”
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It was easy to find out why Kento was dreaming of this place. It was simple, yet the natural scenery was what made it so beautiful. Palm trees swaying along with the wind’s grace, the water in its crystal glory, reflecting onto the sky’s clementine hue, indicating the sun’s time to rise. You took your time to walk through the beach before settling in your rental, waves crashing across the shore far enough that it grazed your ankles.
Kento stood right where the seas met the land, letting his shoes get soaked despite it being completely out of his usual self. He’s very particular about keeping things neat, after all.
You lock your arm around his, gazing up to see him completely immersed with nature, eyes closed and head stretched back towards the sky. The bags under his eyes were apparent under the sun, the corner of his lip slightly upturning into a small smile. It’s not common to see him at such serenity considering he was just at the verge of death hours prior.
“Is everything okay?” You ask, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“This is everything I’ve ever wanted.” He cherishes, always having an appreciation for the simplest of things. If he could just run away and live here with you, away from the trauma he constantly experiences. He knows that’s not productive and that neither of you would actually approve of it, but he couldn’t care less about technicalities right now.
It’s a good change outside the chaos and turmoil you constantly experience at work and living in the city. The gentle breeze glides past Kento’s hair, and you stay still for a short while, taking advantage of this moment as it’s rare to do so back at home.
The vacation rental you chose was perfect— walking distance from the beach and all the local businesses. The owners even left a welcoming note for the both of you and complimentary slippers to walk around the house in. It’s nothing grand, but you preferred this over a resort to keep things relaxing.
Kento plopped himself down on the couch and you decided you wanted to explore around to find something to eat. The anxiety was eating you from the inside earlier and you swore you would have puked if you ate.
You quickly changed from your previous outfit which reeked of airport air to a sundress you thought would be perfect for the tropical weather. He was dozing off on the couch with his neck craned, arms crossed, face towards the ceiling with his eyes closed, so you sneaked out of the house with quiet footsteps.
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You came back just in time to see Kento in the same spot, except shirtless with a towel draped over his head. His damp hair gave you the impression that he had just taken a shower and you realize how long you took outside just to end up back here with a bag of Laksa and rice that you purchased from a nearby canteen.
Although it was safe to say that you got lost.
He was sitting with his elbows propped on his lap, fingers laced together like something was clouding his mind. “Are you hungry?” You ask as you walk across the living room and to the kitchen.
“Not necessarily,” he briefly replies. Exploring the cabinets for some plates, Kento got up from his position and helped you prepare the food by untying the plastic bags and pouring it on bowls. You set the food on the island, taking a step back and almost tripping on his foot, unaware that he was right behind you with utensils in hand.
You giggle and he chuckles while he places the silverware on the counter, one of his hands catching your shoulder. “Careful, love. Forks are no joke if they hit your eye.” You roll your eyes, finding it ironic that he’s so careful with forks knowing he’s seen you fight against things far more dangerous. Turning around, you only notice now that his bare chest is smeared with faint marks that resembled burn scars. It’s not uncommon for him to be wounded, but you always tend to get emotional when you see him hurt.
Concerned, you express your thoughts. “These look serious, are you okay?” You look up to meet his eyes, pursing your lips with the intent to suppress your tears. Trying to stay calm and collected was your way to not make Kento feel bad again, but how could that work when he already knew how you felt from the moment you asked?
He uses the tip of his thumb to catch the tear on your right eye before it even had the chance to trickle down. “I’m more than fine. Ms. Ieri got treated right away, it’s just that some of it is still healing.” His dulcet tone almost immediately made you feel a sense of tranquility as if his voice can make you forget all the problems in this cruel world.
“I’m glad,” you croak.
He leans down, eyes peering down your lips as he whispers gently, “You don’t have to worry about it anymore, okay?” And with that, he kissed you with a hint of longing and zeal, lips sealing onto yours with eagerness to go further. Your body had shifted due to his weight, your lower back hitting the ledge of the island, mouth opening into a small gasp. Kento grabbed that as an opportunity to shove his tongue inside as he curled his hands onto the edge of the counter to sandwich you in between.
Your hands roamed around his back, pulling him in closer that your chests are pressed against each other, tilting your head in intervals all while saliva started to seep out of your mouth from how messy and needy Kento seemed to be. You were tired— he’s tired, but the adrenaline rush of being under pressure for an extensive amount of time allotted you the energy to want something like this.
Kento is hungry, but not in the way you initially assumed.
You nibble on his bottom lip before he pulls away, his face rosy. “The bedroom— we should go there.” It was difficult to be coherent when you’re growing impatient and in heat, hiding the wet spot forming under your pretty little sundress.
He refuses by grabbing onto the back of your thighs and picking you up, placing you on the quartz counter. Your arms are laced around his neck, tucking your lips with enticement at how he was able to pick you up so swiftly when you don’t necessarily consider yourself light. He shakes his head, “I wanna have my food now though.”
Rolling your eyes, you giggle in embarrassment, “You’re a damn tease, Kento.” After all, nothing else could satisfy his cravings and relieve his pent up stress besides you.
He did the honors of lifting your dress up, seeing the huge spot of your arousal apparent on your panties. You hold onto the hem of the garment as he pinches on the garter of your underwear, pulling them down all the way, then letting it fall past your ankle and on the wooden floor. Your cunt glistened with slick already running down the middle of your slit, Kento collecting it with his index and middle finger before spreading it all over your folds. Legs trembling with anticipation, you twitch when he taunts your pussy by inflicting force on your sensitive clit with the tips of his fingers.
You hum, “Are you done playing with me yet?” He slips his fingers under and down where your hole is, pushing them in and letting you adjust around it before kneeling on the floor, so he could be eye-level with your cunt.
He blinks towards you, eyes glued onto yours as he spreads your legs apart with his free hand. “Not playing with you, baby. Just making sure you’ll feel comfortable.” Kento reveres as he pulls his fingers out from your hole to replace it with his tongue. Your upper body leans back as reflex, palms placed on the surface of the counter to keep leverage.
You cry out moans of his name mixed with a few curses as he switches between giving your clit small kisses and licking you all over your dripping pussy. “Fuck, Ken’. You’re making me go crazy…” It also didn’t help that he would look you in the eye periodically as he slides his tongue all along your slit. Just seeing him in between your legs with slick smeared on his cheeks was more than enough to make you cum.
Likewise, Kento’s shorts were starting to feel rigid, his cock rock hard under the tight confines of his clothes. Hell, he feels like he might cum now before he even gets the chance to do anything with it. He takes a pause, teasing your throbbing hole by flicking his index finger against it. He coos, “So beautiful…” Gazing up to meet you eye to eye again as he suctioned his lip against your clit, sucking on it like there’s no tomorrow. He wondered for a moment why he was even dreaming of Kuantan when he already gets the best view in between your legs whenever he wishes to.
One of the spaghetti straps of your dress fell loose on your shoulder, your tit almost peeking through the sorry excuse of a paper thin fabric. You take a chunk of his hair to pull onto as Kento pushes the base of your ass, giving him more allowance to make sure no drop of arousal is left wasted by catching it with his tongue. Heat rushed up to your cheeks as you threw your head back, snapping your eyes shut for a quick second before whimpering his name.
It probably isn’t smart to be so loud when the town is just getting started with their day at 9 in the morning, waking them up with noises you’d only hear at the dead of night. You could only pray that these walls are thick enough to mask the lewd noises from your neighbors.
A puddle of drool and slick pooled right below you as Kento proceeded to shove your thighs apart, not letting them get near each other to keep you wide open. He spits on your cunt, watching his drool drip down your ass while he aligns his fingers back against your hole, slipping them in as he continues to lick your clit.
You suck your breath in, “Kento, please, please, please—! Keep going—“ He had to chuckle in amusement that you’re already so worked up when he’s barely even begun, shoving his fingers in and out of your slippery pussy, far enough that you feel the desperate need to release.
He exhales, keeping his digits in steady speed, “Need you to cum all over my tongue, baby.” That request was a little selfish from his end, rushing you to your orgasm as he plunged his fingers in deep enough that clear liquid projectiled out your hole. You screamed his name while he used his mouth to slurp it all off, giving your clit small little pecks in between to ease you from your release.
His knees were sore as he stood up, coarse hands massaging your inner thighs as you wiped his chin with your thumb. “Are you okay?” He asks, sweeping his hands up to your waist then your shoulders.
“Mhm,” you hum, still trying to catch your breath.
He examines your state, looking you up and down with a smirk on his face. “Was this the dress I picked?” He pinches the loose strap on your shoulder and you nod.
“Yeah, and the one you paid for.” You wink.
He slowly lowers the strap on both sides, letting the dress fall enough for your titties to spill out, nipples all cute and perky. “It looks perfect on you, honey. But do you wanna know something?” He leans in closer to your face, his breath puffing against the tip of your nose.
“Hm?” Your curiosity is piqued, although you were becoming impatient with the growing need of him inside you. You knew he was holding it off as a way to taunt you.
“I think you’d look better with it off.” He whispers cheekily.
You look up with a scrunched face, half out of flattery and the other because of his crassness. “You’re so filthy,” you giggle, but you weren’t going to deny the throb of your pussy when he said those words.
He chuckles with a low gruff before locking his lips with yours, tugging you closer by gripping onto the side of your ass. You hop off the counter for a moment, parting from Kento with bated breath as you frantically shed the rest of your clothes off, leaving you bare. Not being able to get a good view prior, you finally see the tent poking through his shorts.
With a faint voice, you egg him on, “Need your cock inside me, Ken.” Cupping his clothed bulge, you graze your hand in a slow up and down motion, your husband cursing under his breath. You close in the space in between you, lips just right against his neck. “I want your cum shoved deep inside me, wouldn’t you like that too?” With a kiss on the crook of his neck, he could see that smug grin plastered on your face from the corner of his eye. You knew the weight of your words and how much that affects him. If he hadn’t had the self control he could’ve came right here and now.
He seethes, trying his best to save himself from the embarrassment. “Such a dirty girl you are.” When he grabs the back of your thighs, you use that as a gesture to leap back up on the counter, lacing your arms around his neck to keep him near.
You pout, “I learned from the best.”
Kento pulls his shorts down along with his boxers, his fat cock springing out, tip all pink and angry with translucent pre smeared on the surface. Your pupils dilate at the sight even though you’ve seen this in more scenarios than you can begin to imagine. His size has always been intimidating, biting your lip out of anticipation and slight nervousness.
With your legs already wide open, he presses the curve of his cock against your folds, sliding it up and down to warm himself up, his tip poking on your clit. Kento praises, “You’re so pretty,” cupping your cheek as he uses his free hand to align his cock right on your hole, pushing himself inside of you as slowly as possible.
You were squeezing onto him and he watched how your eyes knocked at the back of your head, mouth agape. Your cunt was sucking him in so well, it didn’t take long for him to thrust to the hilt, grunting from how tight you were. “Holding up okay?” He asks, hands wandering from your waist to your boobs, putting pressure on them with his palms to massage you, coaxing you to his size.
Your breath was shaky as you responded with a laugh tinged with an anxious tone, “Yeah… let’s stay like this for a minute.” You felt so full, you swear you could feel the veins on his cock pulsing against your walls.
“Okay, love. Take your time.” He presses a delicate kiss on your forehead. As soon as he flicks his thumbs on your nipples, you tightened around him again followed with a squeal slipping past your lips.
Your arms are still hung around his neck, using that to pull his face closer to yours. You could see every detail of his face from his prominent cheekbones to a few tiny red scratches he probably obtained from his mission earlier. You faintly hum, “I love you so much, Kento.” He smiles at that, his cheeks flaring a light pink tint. “I love you even more, sweetheart.”
A prompt, yet languid kiss closes off any other distance you may have had and you break away not long after just to give him the green light. “I’m ready now.”
Kento pulls his dick out halfway, then takes his sweet time to thrust it back in, testing the waters to make sure he isn’t hurting you. Your thighs tremble as he pulls away even further the second time, to the point where only the tip is inside. Sighing at how hollow you felt, you nearly choked on your gasp when he suddenly stuffed you full of cock.
Your jaw hinged open, Kento holding onto the back of your knees to bend your legs and spread them outwards to resist your urge to clamp them close. He moves his hips in slow, yet deep strokes, his balls pressing up on your ass with each thrust. He keeps your head from falling backwards by grabbing the back of your neck with one of his hands, fingers pressing on the sides. Your cunt was fluttering around him, staring at his face perspiring with sweat from his conscious efforts.
He looks up, meeting your eyes. His damp hair was sticking to his forehead, his bare chest rosy from this heated moment. Your eyes are glazed over, half lidded as if you’re already drunk on his cock. From the moment he sheathed into you, you already knew walking properly wasn’t going to be an option for at least the next day. He praises, “You’re taking me in so well, love. So well…” He places his hand on your tummy, pressing over the soft pudge of your stomach.
You squirm, your lips were moving, but not a word actually came out, just feeble whimpers and moans as drool dribbled from the corner of your lips. The sun was shining a little too brightly across the kitchen window, somehow it felt dirtier to be doing this in broad daylight, let alone in the kitchen. “Wanna…” you start, pausing for a moment when the head of his cock plunged further in your cunt than just a second before. “Fuck, hah— Kiss me—“
It’s not like you gave him a choice anyways when you drew him back in for a sloppy kiss. You were eager, sticking your tongue out for his to swirl around with. He groans into your mouth when he picks up the pace, slamming his cock fast and deep enough that his pelvis would press against your tummy. He grips on the plump of your ass to keep you in place and you wince the rougher he would fuck into you. You teased him by digging your teeth onto his bottom lip, in which he murmured a slurry curse in response.
You were being split in half, the slight curve of his cock making you feel like it’s nudging through your abdominal walls. Kento seemed like the composed one as he kept consistent with the speed of his hips, fast enough to keep you on your toes, but also slow enough so that you aren’t in pain. Although the thoughts running through his mind don't pale in comparison to you.
Kento is fucking obsessed with everything about you. He almost came earlier just eating you out and he hadn’t even been touched at that point yet. The saliva running down your chin, your lashes fluttering as you moan into his mouth — oh god he truly thinks you’re the most precious thing on earth. He felt nothing but guilt making you go through hell by letting you go on the plane with ambiguity if he’ll be safe or not, so this was really the least he could do to make up for it.
You part from him, a thick strand of saliva snapping the connection between the two of you. He curved his cock up enough that it prodded your g-spot and it was obvious he did when you gasped, the sharp stream of air reaching your throat nearly making you cough. “Right there, fuck yes, just like that baby—“ you moan, Kento pounding his cock into you over and over, making sure he hits that spot again until you let loose.
His balls are throbbing with the sole desire to empty inside of you, his cum just sitting on his tip, waiting to fill you full. He grunts, “Want me to cum inside? Hm?” You nod feverishly, curling your upper lip into your lower.
Kento has a bruising grip on your ass that you knew for sure would leave that spot sore after this. He snaps his hips, just waiting for you to release already, adding his thumb on your clit for extra stimulation. Blood rushed through your cheeks as you mewled a soft ‘Kento’ before reaching your high.
He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, “Oh yeah, baby. You feel so fucking good.” Feeling the sudden warmth around him, Kento’s hips stuttered, the compression of your cunt milking him dry. He lazily drew circles on your clit to help you come down from your orgasm and with your arms still locked around him, you pulled him back, his forehead clashing onto yours. “I love you.” You grin meekly.
“I love you more,” he repeats, keeping himself buried inside you, draining all his cum in your pussy ensuring that not a drop is left wasted. You let go of your embrace and he holds your waist as he pulls out, his cock pearled with a mix of your slick and his cum.
White, thick cum leaked out of your hole and Kento plugged his thumb back in your walls to shove it back in. You shiver when he took it out and placed it over your lips, willingly lolling your tongue out to take kitten licks on his finger.
You almost fell to your knees when you stepped off the counter, your husband catching you by the arms. “I don’t think we can go out later.” You laugh the ache off, referring to the fact that you wouldn’t be able to walk.
He holds your hand and kisses the top of your head when you are able to stand up straight. “That’s fine. Let’s just catch up on sleep today.”
“So do you still want that food over there?” You tilt your head towards the Laksa you purchased earlier. Kento takes a glance towards the other side of the counter where it sat and laughs, “Well now that we’ve kicked up our appetites, that’s looking really good right now.” You look at the surface you were just getting fucked on and realize how gross and sticky you feel right now.
“After I take a shower.” You smile with a flustered expression.
“Want me to start you a bath?” He offers, bending down and using his free hand to pick up clothes that were scattered on the floor.
You squeeze his hand, limping in wobbly steps as you lead him to the bathroom. “Only if you’re going with me!”
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your-averagewriter · 7 months
Can I request a lil Sejanus Plinth hurt/comfort? Like comforting him from a really bad nightmare and soothing him back to sleep (in whatever form 👀 either just soft affection or some smorches.. or both..)
Thank you 🐝✨
Summary: When Sejanus wakes up from a nightmare, (y/n) comforts him with a warm drink and kisses.
Word count: 1.0K
Warnings: Spoilers for the book, kissing
I’m quickly roused from my sleep by a familiar voice and jerky movements. Blinking, my eyes readjust to the light and upon feeling the bed dip as Sejanus tosses and turns, a disturbed expression on his face, sleep-talking borderline shouting. My face fills with worry as I sit up, placing my hand on his shoulder with a soft voice.
“Sejanus, darling, wake up.” I whisper but it doesn’t do much. “Sejanus.” I shake him gently before speaking louder, seemingly snapping him out of his nightmarish sleep as he startles awake.
Looking around, his breathing is laboured as I can see the sweat beading on his forehead. With a face of worry, I scan over him, making sure he’s physically fine before speaking again.
“Same nightmare, again?” I ask softly, not touching him too much, not wanting to overwhelm or upset him.
He nods, solemnly, still calming his breathing as he sits up next me.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” I ask gently, brushing some of his hair out of the way. He shakes his head. “I can get you some water, or tea?” I whisper.
“You don’t need to.” He shakes his head, looking down slightly ashamed. “You do so much for me, love.”
“I like helping you and taking care of you.” I press a kiss to his forehead with a soft smile. “What’s happening to you at the moment is so horrible with the Games and Marcus, I just want to help you get through this. I want to help in any way I can.” I say, rubbing his shoulder, soothingly. “So, water or tea?” I ask again quietly.
“Tea.” He says, making me smile.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t run off.” I tease lovingly before putting my slippers on and walking to the kitchen, yawning as I put on the kettle.
Putting the tea bags in the cups, I hum to myself softly as the kettle boils, not expecting to feel Sejanus’ arms around my waist. Gasping softly, I turn to look at him, relaxing at the sight of his face.
“You can wait in bed.” I offer, reaching for the kettle. “I’ll be done in a minute.”
“It’s lonely in bed by myself. I’d rather be where you are.” He whispers, resting his head in the crook of my neck, placing soft kisses to my collarbone.
“Okay, love.” I smile softly, stirring the tea and removing the tea bags before adding some milk. “Do you want to go back to bed now?” I ask softly and I feel him nodding.
His arm slips around my waist and he reaches for his tea, as I grab mine before we head back to the bedroom.
We get back into the bed, sitting up and sipping on the tea in a comfortable silence.
“Do you want to talk about it now?” I ask gently and he seems to think about it.
“There’s not much to talk about…” He trails off, taking another sip. “I just can't stop seeing him, everywhere. I see him in my dreams, I pass him in the street.” He says and scrunches up his nose, knowing that Marcus died. “And I know that sounds crazy-”
“It doesn't sound crazy.” I reassure with a small smile, reaching for his hand, holding onto it and gently rubbing over his palm with my thumb. “You’ve been through a lot.”
“He’s everywhere.” He says, voice breaking. “And things are only going to get worse.”
“Baby, you don’t know that.” I try to reassure in a soft tone. “Things will seem better in the morning, you should get some more sleep.”
“I don't want to see him again and I don’t want to wake you up again.”
“Sejanus, I am here for you and I always will be.” I whisper. “I’m not leaving your side tonight, not ever. I’ll be here if you have another nightmare and I’ll make us some more tea and we can talk or not if you don’t want to.” I smile, stroking my thumb over his hand.
He nods softly, placing his empty cup on the side as we both lay down again, him pulling the covers over ourselves. Shuffling closer to him, I wrap my arms around his torso, as he slings his arm over my body. I look up at him and press my lips against his, pulling back with a small smile.
“I love you.” I whisper.
“I love you too, I don’t know why you put up with me but I’m glad you do.” He whispers with a small smile.
“I ‘put up with you’ because I love you, dummy.” I tease playfully. “Because you care about me and everybody for that matter, you’re a great friend and a loving boyfriend, you’re funny and intelligent and I love you so so much.” I smile, resting my head on the pillow. “And you're not getting rid of me anytime soon.” I punctuate the end of my sentence with another kiss which he deepens, chasing my lips before I was going to pull away. Moving my arms, I wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer, our bodies pressed against each other before he pulls away, needing to catch his breath for a few seconds.
“I don’t know what to say except that I love you so much.” He chuckles. “I love you.” He grins, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
I chuckle softly. “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” I smile, resting my head against his chest, listening to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.
“Definitely.” He whispers, placing a kiss to the top of my head before resting his head there.
“Remember,” I say quietly, breaking the silence of the room. “If you have a nightmare, wake me up if I’m not already awake.”
“Okay, love, if that’s what you want.” He chuckles softly and I smile feeling the vibrations from his chest.
“Mm, it is.” I smile. “I hope you sleep well, baby.” I whisper.
“You too.” He places a final kiss to my head before laying down, the room soon filling with the familiar sound of his breathing, slow and deep signalling that he’s fallen asleep, reassuring me as I later fall asleep, head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as I drift off to sleep in his arms.
AN: I hope you enjoyed reading!
Thank you for the request!
I'm so excited for the movie to come out!
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theysaidhush · 1 year
okay i really need to get this off my mind so, imagine cat hybrid!jungwon who lives w his owner in an apartment and one day while he's sunbathing by the window, he sees you, a pretty fluffly cat hybrid brushing your tail across the building, and he's intrigued
you notice him too and give him a shy little wave and smile and jungwon thinks he's been lovestruck. everyday he'd perch by the window in hopes of seeing u more and it goes on like this for two weeks until both of your owners notice and arrange a surprise play date together.
u both instantly hit it off, but as soon as your owners left to get some food, jungwon immediately mounts you, kissing ur ears and biting ur neck. he doesn't know what came over him he just knows he couldn't hold himself back anymore, all he wants is to claim and breed you, so be a good kitty and let him make you his? ♡ (yes same anon hehe)
Ahah you might think I’m crazy but I’m writing a whole ass oneshot about this one too because it’s so good and it made me so horny when I read it. But not the type of horny like saying "I’m horny" online, the type of I’m horny in real life fr ugh 🥵
Anyway, I’m literally putting rich!Jay as Jungwon’s owner and poor student!Jake as your owner because sorry not sorry but I’ll definitely do a spin-off of this.
Spoiler for the end !!! Imagine that weeks after you show sign of pregnancy (cmon they’re indoor cat who cares if you get pregnant) and Jake knock on Jay’s door like "G’day mate, your cat got mine pregnant" and Jay just blink because his sweet boy fucked the neighbour’s cat (aka you) so hard and nice that he got you pregnant.
About this spin-off, it’s definitely gonna end in a foursome because I’m a whore, no questions asked no answers needed. You’re in heat and presenting for your sweet and caring owner, so he fucks you dumb on the balcony so Jungwon can see that your HIS pet, and then everything goes downhill when Jungwon get a whiff of your smell, so he somehow manage to get to you both and tell you what a good kitty you are because you’re lapping his dick as if it’s covered in your favorite treat. Jay come back from work and know that his cat is at Jake’s since he’s not here and just goes at his friend house, only to see the both of them slamming their cock into you, trying to fuck your heat out of you. And what a sight, he can’t help it, he gotta watch you and jerk off.
Oufff 😮‍💨 it’s so messy, my mind going crazy, I think it’s the word mount who gets me going on, I don’t know why but it’s so sexyyyy..
It’s out !!!-> The cat from across the garden.
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ch0c0-cake · 2 years
five hargreeves x fem!reader
found this idea by a post by @col0rlord ! Apologies if it’s a little long ! I got a little carried away
summary - it’s the end of the world, and luther is getting married. once your ‘secret’ admirer sees you all dressed up, it’s all over for the poor boy. (i’m adding a little singing scene because i’m a cliché motherfucker)
warnings - spoilers for season three, cursing
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“I’ve barely even started and you look so good!” Sloane let out a happy squeal as she carefully applied the black eyeliner to your eyelid.
“I don’t how how you managed to convince me to let you to do this.” You tensely muttered, gingerly scratching at your thigh so you wouldn’t smack Sloane’s hand away from your face. “I hate shit near my eyes.” In fact, you knew exactly why you were letting Sloane do this. More than half her family was fucking dead. Marcus, Alphonso, Jayme, Fei, and Christopher. You didn’t know her well, but if Luther liked her so much to where they wanted to get married, she must be someone special. Sloane at least deserved this much.
“I know, but I promise I won’t be very long.” She hummed out, being very careful to not make you uncomfortable. Well, more uncomfortable than you already were as she was now applying mascara.
“Sloane, I swear if that thing gets in my eyes-”
“Shh, it won’t!” She said with a giggle, putting a hand on your shoulder to try and get you to relax. “This is nice, y’know? You’re like a little sister I’ve never had.” She smiled, and your shoulders relaxed.
“Keep in mind, I’m technically older than you.” You reminded her. “I just look like a prepubescent teenage girl who doesn’t know what foundation matches her skin tone.”
“Do you know what foundation matches your skin tone?”
“…Sloane, I wasn’t exactly wearing makeup while I lived in the end of the world.”
“I know that, silly.” She breathed out, finally pulling the mascara away from your eyelashes. You blinked uncomfortably, blowing a strand of hair from your face. “Oh, maybe I should have done shadow before mascara…” Sloane reached to her cotton candy pink makeup bag and pulled out a few palettes.
“You do know what you’re doing, yeah?” You grit your teeth a bit. “No offense, Sloane, I really do not want to go down there looking like a crazy person.”
She giggled and spread out the options for you to choose from. “You pick one of these, and I’ll go from there, okay?”
You hesitated and picked up the one that looked the most casual. You didn’t need bright and shiny colors, thank you very much. “Please take it easy.” You said as she excitedly grabbed the item from you and a couple brushes.
“Don’t worry, you’ll look gorgeous for Five. He’ll love it.” She cooed out, about to apply the first shade until you pulled your head back in surprise.
“Huh? Who said anything about Five?” You defended, but you could feel your face getting a little warm.
“Hm…I didn’t think I put that much blush on you.” She teased, gently guiding you forward so she could get started. “What, you and Five aren’t a thing at all?”
“What led you to think that?” You mumbled, the embarrassment written all over your face.
“Oh honey…” she giggled as you scrunched your face up while she applied the colors to your eyelids. “You may not have noticed over all the soft bickering you both like to indulge in…but the looks you give each other are very sweet. The way you both reach for each other when you sense danger.” She only laughed again when you furrowed your eyebrows in skepticism, eyes closed but the message getting across.
“…whatever…” you mumbled.
“Oh, I don’t think I told you how angry he got when our families first met.” Sloane hummed out. “Remember when I kinda tossed a vase at you and it broke over your head? Knocked you out?”
“Don’t remind me. That shit hurt, Sloane!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” She quickly said, but continued here story. “Five saw your head bleeding and you on the floor, and I’ve never seen someone look angrier. I’ve never even seen Ben look that mad. It was like I had killed someone’s mother or something.” She said softly, pulling the brushes away which signaled she was done.
“He’s my friend, Sloane. Of course he was worried.” You softly defended, quietly cursing out yourself. Oh how badly you wanted Sloane to be right. But you really didn’t want your final emotion before the end of everything to be one of heartbreak after confessing and being rejected. Spending so much time with someone in the apocalypse can lead to some intense feelings. Five kept you sane for so long, while driving you mad at the same time with his stubbornness and sass.
“Hun, you aren’t understanding me.” Sloane sighed with a gentle smile as she grabbed a container of lip gloss. “There’s being worried, and then there’s being scared shitless. After he knocked me away, the way he picked you up was so gentle. You were like fine china in his arms. The fear in his eyes was so prominent. I really think he’s in love with you. Just wait until he sees you, his eyes are going to pop out of his head.” She held your face in her hands as she applied the lip gloss. “Dance with him tonight, okay? See how it goes.”
“…damn it, Sloane.” You breathed out with a chuckle, reluctantly agreeing and she squealed happily.
“Yay! Be sure to tell me all about it!” She said, standing up as she was now finished. She pulled you up and dragged you to a full-length mirror, and your eyes widened like quarters when you saw your reflection.
You were never one for dressing fancy in dresses. You usually stuck to suits, since that’s what you and Five did Commission work in. Dresses were hard to murder people in. Plus, you’d feel bad staining a beautiful dress with blood. You knew you could look good without dressing up, but this side of you wasn’t that bad. The way the dress fit your body perfectly astounded you. The makeup looked wonderful. You had truly underestimated Sloane. She’d done your hair exactly the way you wanted too.
“So..? Do you like it?” Sloane asked with a nervous smile.
“I look like a girl on prom night…gross…I love it.” You mumbled, trying to make up your mind. Sloane just laughed and pulled you in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you think so! Thanks for agreeing to be my maid of honor, by the way.” She smiled, and you could feel the pure joy radiating from her. You would never admit it, but you truly were glad you could help Sloane in this way.
“Yeah, it’s no big deal.” You shrugged with a cough, and Sloane pulled away, beaming.
“Let’s go, then! You gotta go get your man!” She started toward the door.
“Wait, Sloane.” You quickly called, staying at your spot in front of the mirror with a soft frown.
She turned and tilted her head. “Is everything okay?”
“Just…do you really think Five will like it?” You asked quietly, but just loud enough to hear. “He’s never seen me in this attire. What if he doesn’t like it, Sloane?”
She gave you a smile and walked back over to you, taking your smaller hands in her warm ones. She really was like a big sister, despite the fact you were technically much older. “You’re overthinking this. I know Five is going to be head over heels for you. How could he not be? If he has something else to say, he can march right over to me and tell me his complaint. Okay?”
“…thank you, Sloane.” You said softly, before pulling her into a hug. She was definitely shocked, as she didn’t expect you to initiate the hug. “Don’t tell anybody about this though, okay?”
“Aww…of course.” She smiled, hugging back for a few moments before pulling away. “Okay, now let’s go!”
“Where is she..?!” Five quietly hissed under his breath, pacing back and forth in the wedding venue that was managed to get set up. Everybody else was here, so where were you? You told him you would be there, that’s the only reason he agreed to go.
“Now, what are you so worried about this time?!”
Shit. He should have kept his mouth shut and have stayed still. Klaus came sauntering over, his usual carefree smile on his face.
“Nothing, Klaus.” Five breathed out in irritation.
“Ohhhh, you are waiting for your little girlfriend..!” Klaus teased, wiggling his shoulders suggestively.
Five turned and gave him a sharp glare. “How many times have I told you? She is not my girlfriend.”
“You want her to beeeee!”
“Klaus! Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does.”
“Ohh, don’t be so mean. It’s a wedding!” Klaus exclaimed, not paying much attention to Five’s irritation. “I bet she’s just getting all dressed up! With makeup and all!” He hummed. “And she’s gonna come down and have her Disney princess moment, and you’re gonna be all flabbergasted like ‘oh you look so beautiful, go out with me!’ Exactly like that!”
Five’s eye twitched. Klaus may be slightly right, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying. Before Five could snap back with a response, the elevator dinged and the doors open. The sight that fell on Five’s eyes made his mouth fall open like a complete idiot.
There you were. Like a princess. Hair just the way he’d envisioned it would be, dressed in the color that just worked for you. The way it brought out your eyes astounded Five. The way it showed off your body perfectly, good god. There was a plethora of body types out there, all beautiful, but yours? Like a goddess. He’d been everywhere anybody could imagine, but never anywhere did Five see someone as remarkable as the girl he’d crushed on since he was a boy. He’d seen so many things, but nothing could take his breath away like you could.
Take his breath away was right, Five realized he wasn’t breathing. He turned away and quietly gasped for some air, turning back around as soon as he could.
“Well, who knew you could dress up so nice?!” Klaus announced with a big grin, soft claps coming from the others.
“Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does, Klaus.” You mumbled.
Klaus chuckled nonchalantly. “Funny, Five said something similar earlier.” He hummed, putting a hand on your back. “Speaking of! He was looking for you, go say hi!”
Five’s eyes widened. ‘Thanks a lot, brother,’ he thought with a hint of annoyance. He caught a glimpse of you whispering to Klaus for a sec, but Klaus didn’t seem much for conversation and he lightly pushed you over to him. You didn’t seem to like that considering the shoes you were in.
“Klaus, I’m in heels-!” You yelped, and Five watched as your foot slipped.
“Shit-!” He hissed and blinked right over to where you were and caught you before you could hit the ground. “Klaus, you absolute idiot!” What was Klaus thinking? She’s never worn heels a day in her life! He recalled that you hated heels. You always resorted to nice looking loafers for missions, never heels.
Klaus feigned shock and covered his open mouth with his hand. “Oh, I am so sorry! You caught her, though!”
Five rolled his eyes and simply blinked to somewhere else in the room, looking at you. Your eyes really were beautiful. “How bad did Sloane beg to get you to wear those, my friend?” He raised an eyebrow and cracked a smile, helping you stand up straight. He had to steady you before you spoke, and you crossed your arms.
“She just…has these eyes, Five.” You groaned, but you had that face where you were annoyed but were also endeared by something. He saw that look a lot.
“You shoulda just said no.” Five chuckled with a shake of his head. “You still would look astonishing without them.”
He only realized what he had said when the awkward silence hit the both of them like a truck. ‘I really just said that.’ Then he caught that smile. It was shy. Timid. Your face would darken with blush, and even though you would turn your face away, you were so perfect.
“…thanks, Five.” You said, rubbing your arm. “You look astonishing, too.”
Before he could respond, the elevator dinged and out came the bride. You smiled a mischievous smile.
“Gotta go, Five. We’ll talk later.” You pat his shoulder and people got in their ‘places’. Luther and Sloane at the altar, Klaus being the one officiating the wedding so he stood in between them. Viktor took his spot near Luther, while you took yours near Sloane.
As Klaus spat some wedding nonsense with his own little twist, Five found himself not able to focus on his brother and sister-in-law. His eyes were on you. What the hell was wrong with him? He could hardly even focus, and his face felt hot. His palms were sweaty and his stomach was churning. His throat felt tight, as if someone was choking him. But he knew what being choked felt like, and it definitely did not feel like this. It was like you had a chokehold on him. Every time his eyes flickered away from you, something made him look right back to your celestial figure.
Soon enough, the I do’s were said, and the group dispersed to allow Luther and Sloane their dance. Just as Five was about to go right to you, Sloane got to you first. She caught Five’s eyes and giggled softly, giving him a knowing smile before talking quietly to you. Five silently watched your facial expressions, trying to get a read on what was happening. He also just adored looking at your face.
Sloane smiled, and you made a face of annoyance. She made a face of pleading, and you hesitated before answering with a roll of your eyes, leading to a very happy Sloane.
Five wondered what it was about Sloane that made you agree to do things for her so easily. Nonetheless, he admired the way you would do things out of your comfort zone to make her happy after all that shit that went down the past few days. It was terrible just thinking that you had been dead in the apocalypse before he found you, so he could only imagine Sloane’s heartbreak after five of her siblings died so close together.
Five was about to blink and go see what you were up to, but he saw you grab the mic and he understood. Sloane wanted you to sing. Hell, he wasn’t complaining. You would sing a lot during the end of the world while you were together and he would never get sick of hearing your angelic voice. He shot you a smile and walked over to the alcohol. If Five wanted to dance at all with you, he was gonna need a little courage.
Luther and Sloane walked to the dance floor, and you tried finding an instrumental for a song you wanted. Five smiled at the look of concentration on your face. Eventually you found it and stepped in the opening and began to sing.
“When I was a child, my eyes were clear, I saw the good side
That's the kind of second sight that doesn't last too long
Then when I was lost, I heard a voice that brought me healing
That's the kind of special hope he brought me with his song
People only saw the doctor, lawyer, Indian chief
But he was just a lonely little boy to me
With his sweet and gentle touch he sure unlocked my soul
So in return I surely want to help to set him free”
You weren’t sure why you had picked this song. It was a wedding, so you needed to pick something lovey-dovey, right? Sloane didn’t specify what she wanted, would this be okay? A showtune? Maybe not the greatest wedding song ever. Then as you kept singing, you realized exactly why you picked this song. That lonely little boy…with a sweet and gentle touch was the boy you’d been in love with for so long.
“Yeah, now I wanna see him fly, fly
I’ll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day”
Five silently watched you stand and sing. He recognized the song very quickly, you’d heard it after the two of you returned home and you would quietly sing it to yourself. He watched as passion slowly started to fill those beautiful eyes. You chose this song for a reason.
“Men who they call real were really fakes who left me nothing
But this man they call a fake gave me something real
I've known cruel men with Christian names that taught me manners
But this man without a name taught me how to feel
They only saw the magic tricks, the smoke and mirrors
Was I the only one to ever see the boy?
So now they want to clip his precious wings and bring him down
But in his heart and soul's the kind of good they can't destroy”
You found your eyes wandering to Five sitting alone, a glass of alcohol in hand. Instead of focusing on his drink, he was looking directly at you. He usually had such an intense look on his face, but he looked so…gentle. And soft. It was the look of the boy you fell head over heels with. You met men at the Commission who gaped at you, stared in awe, but in reality they didn’t do anything for you. Five gave you everything you could ever ask for. Without trying, he’d taught you so much and you loved him for it. Sometimes you felt as if nobody knew this soft side of Five, not even his own siblings. Five getting attacked physically by Commission lackeys and emotionally by his siblings hurt you so bad. Deep down, you knew Five had such a good heart, and cared so much about you and his family.
“So now I wanna see him fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day,”
Five stood up immediately once he saw the tears start to form in your eyes during a particular line. We didn’t get to say goodbye. The two of you truly did not get to say goodbye when you both were sent off into the apocalypse. He had screwed up and landed the two of you in different time periods of the apocalypse. You were stuck in the past of the apocalypse, while he was further ahead. He had screwed you over so bad, but you forgave him and greeted him with open eyes. He spotted Diego and Lila slowly go over to the dance floor, and Five decided he wanted to dance with somebody.
“Baby, when you're in the clouds, please keep a lookout
Maybe, darling, find a hideaway for you and I, you and I”
You had to stop a grimace from appearing. Ew, feeling emotions. You felt the tears in your eyes and tried to force them down, but it was hard to stop them. That’s when you saw someone making his way toward you. The look on Five’s face was unreadable, which you never thought you’d say. You were usually able to tell somewhat what Five was thinking. Without a word, Five gently grabbed your waist, despite the fact you were occupied with singing a very emotional ballad, and he gently led you to the dance floor along with Luther, Sloane, Diego, and Lila. Looking into the eyes of the boy you’d pined after for so long…man, it does things.
“And now I wanna see you fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye,”
Five felt terrible seeing the tears roll down your pretty face as you sang your sweet little heart out. Your eyes screwed shut and you maneuvered so that only he would be the one seeing you cry. He was the one who got to see you so vulnerable. The fact you were crying, singing, and now dancing in heels was incredible to him. All he wanted to do was make you feel safe. You two weren’t able to say goodbye before, but before this new apocalypse, you two would be able to say goodbye.
“No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day
And I'll be waiting for you there
You'll fly back home to me one day”
You allowed yourself to weep openly in front of Five as you sang. You weren’t one to go rattling off your emotions all the time, and you despised thinking about your time in the apocalypse. This was the first time you released how you felt about it in some way. Five’s hand slowly reached up and touched the side of your face, using a thumb to wipe away a tear. Five took the mic, blinked away and put it back where you found it, and put on some other song. He was right back to you.
“You know…in all my years I never thought my breath would quite literally be taken away by someone.” Five said softly, his hands gentle on your waist.
“Oh, you’re just saying that.” You chuckled softly. “I sang a pretty song, that’s it. Wasn’t even too good. Her vocals do not match mine.” You replied, earning a soft sigh from Five.
“How many years have we spent our time together?” He asked seriously, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. He took a deep breath, like he was preparing himself. “Goddamn it, it’s the end of the world, so why not? I like you, okay?”
You hesitated. Was Five being serious? He wasn’t the type to pull pranks. “I…sure hope you would like me somewhat, we’ve seen each other almost every day for many years-”
“You know what kind of like I’m talking about.” He gave you an expectant look. Was he confessing to you right now? You never thought you’d see the day. “I’ve seen all sides of you and I like all of them. Even the one that argues with me when I’m right.” This earned a chuckle from you. “Like I said, it’s the end of the world, so might as well tell you now. I saw you tonight and knew you were the only one right for me. You have every right to reject me. Terrible timing, I know.” He chuckled lightly. “Judging by how passionately you stared at me while singing that song, I’m inclined to believe you feel the same. Do you?”
You were practically speechless. “Five…” you could feel your face heating up again. “Idiot, what the hell took you so long?”
“Well, better late than never.” He hummed, a smug smile on his face. “Come on, you have to admit it now.”
“I’m not admitting anything, Five.” You huffed, averting your eyes to Sloane, who looked very very excited as she looked at you both.
Five clicked his tongue. “Well then, I suppose I’ll just have to go get a drink.” He started to pull his hands away but you were quick to pull them back.
“No! God, you’re such an ass.” You mumbled in irritation, before closing your eyes and sighing. “I like you a lot, Five. Maybe even love you. I think I’ve loved you for a long time.”
“Finally you admitted it, you stubborn bastard.” He teased, and before you could start to protest, he had suddenly teleported the two of you to a more secluded area of the room. “Well, I love you too.” He hummed softly, gently taking your face in his hands. He cleared his throat, almost nervously. Was Five nervous? That was unusual for him.
“You have every right to say no, but…” he took a deep breath, averting eye contact for a few moments before looking you right in the eyes. “May I kiss you?” He breathed out shakily.
Now that was something you didn’t expect. Five was standing there, timidly asking if he could kiss you. His touch was sweet and gentle, like it usually was when you two touched.
“Of course you can kiss me, Five.” You chuckled softly, your own face very hot while you tried to play it off. You could see the relief in his eyes at your answer, and he stepped closer to you.
When Five’s lips touched yours, he was so incredibly mad at himself that he didn’t do this before. How long could he have been doing this with someone like you? How long could he have been holding you? Kissing you? Doing all these sickening, cheesy, romantic things with you? Why did his stubborn ass wait until the end of everything? He was such a dumbass. At the same time, he was addicted to this. The way your lips moved against his, like they belonged together. He could feel you smile into the kiss, and that made him feel things he’d never felt before. This was making you happy, and that’s what mattered.
When he pulled away, he lifted a finger to your lips to prevent you from saying anything.
“We’ll get to say goodbye this time, okay?” He said gently, keeping his hand on your face in hopes it would make you believe him. “I promise you that.”
He felt your face lightly lean into his hand. “We better, or I’ll kick your ass, Number Five.” You mumbled, and he laughed ever since slightly. That was you, ‘threatening’ him every ten seconds.
Suddenly, there was a loud obnoxious gasp from somewhere somewhat nearby, and Five cursed.
“I knew it!” Klaus cheered. “Luther, you owe me fifty bucks, dear brother!!”
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awkward-tension-art · 29 days
Darkness on Umbara Chp.6 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 5. Chapter 7.
The Gorge
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, Pong Krell is an asshole, reader insert, names of non-canon dead clones, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
Minors DN
That’s the priority. That's why the 501st had retreated away from the capital. 
A fucking airbase.
You could see it in the distance from where you were. The tall tower was clearly marked by a bright pillar of light that reached towards the clouds.
As Fives, Krell and Rex inspected the area on a cliffside, you and Kix weaved around the men, treating any injuries you saw. Sadly, painkillers were getting to low levels, so you decided to use them for the truly brutal wounds. For those you had to deem were suffering beyond comprehension.
You regretted using them on yourself. 
But, everyone else…well, they were big boys. They just had to handle it. Judging by the uninterested look that Hardcase had while Kix stitched up his shoulder, you were confident that the men weren’t going to complain. 
Your gaze swept over the battalion. The dark, tentacle-like trees had fanned out from the jungle, allowing an easier view of the soldiers. You counted the silhouettes, their white and blue armor stark against the ash colored ground. 
By the end you were right. A majority of the battalion had been injured in some way. Wounds were expected. But this many…It was getting hard to keep up, and judging by the way Kix swayed slightly when he stood, he was feeling the same thing.
“Alright men, we’re splitting the battalion,” Rex called, getting everyone at attention, “Half of you will remain here. The other half, follow me down to the gorge.”
You sighed and watched them go. Your tired steps were about to go to your medical speeder, but Krell halted you, “Doctor, you will be going with them.” He stepped between you and your goal, which was to resupply.
“Respectfully, sir,” you looked up into his small yellow eyes, “I think it would be better if I remained here and-.”
“My orders are for you to go with the platoons down to the gorge.” the besalisk crossed two of his four arms, surprisingly, he wasn’t yelling at you. Instead, his tone was icy and yet uninterested, “I’ve seen how you are during battle, and your expertise is wasted as a backline medic. You will be with the men on the front.”
You blinked and nodded. Was that a compliment? 
“Understood, sir.” you saluted with your uninjured arm and followed the platoon. At this point, arguing with him about your training would only result in a bad outcome.
You found your position next to Kix, who looked very unhappy to see you, “please don’t tell me…” 
“He complimented me,” you gave a sarcastic smile, “Said my expertise was wasted by not being on the front.”
Before Kix could respond, Rex began to speak, getting all the attention onto him, “Alright listen up!” His voice held authority with every word, “We’ll assemble the squads into two divisions. We’ll move straight up this gorge to the airbase on the far side.”
The medic beside you snapped, “The casualties are going to be high!” 
Tup scoffed, “Is Krell trying to get us killed!?”
“You know, I wasn’t sure that Krell was crazy before.” Jesse snarled, helmet in his hand. He practically glared at Rex as he continued, “But now, I’m positive!”
“We had to retreat from the capital because the general pushed a flawed strategy!” It was Fives’ turn to argue, “Now this?”
Hardcase raised his heavy weapon, “I don’t know! Could be fun.”
“Well, I, for one, agree with the general's plan.” Dogma chimed in, seeming much more confident than anyone else. 
“What plan?” You turned to face him, “Blindly rushing into the unknown without a care for the costs isn’t a plan!” Your words might’ve struck Rex, truthfully, you couldn’t look at him to find out. 
You had all the faith in him. You just had no faith in Krell or his tactics. But arguing would seem like you were against your lover and not the temporary General.
“We are running out of time and this is the best option!”
Jesse spoke up again, royally pissed, “No recon? No air support? We don’t know what we’re up against!” He waved his helmet in the air in frustration, “They have weapons we’ve never seen before!” To punctuate his point, he tapped his helmet to his head a couple of times. 
The 501st captain stepped forward, attempting to reason with everyone, “A few of General Skywalker’s plans seemed reckless too, but they worked.”
His words did little to ease the rising tempers, “Yeah, but General Skywalker is usually leading his men up in the front not bringing up the rear like General Krell!” Fives stepped towards Rex, riling up everyone else, “A full frontal assault would leave us too exposed!”
The other men rose up in dissatisfied chatter. They were clearly unhappy with the plan.
“We have to look at other options!”
“It's going to be a meat grinder!”
Rex sighed, frustration clear, “Fives.” He commanded the ARC trooper to follow. The two stepped away, out of earshot. 
“What supplies do we have?” Kix turned to face you, “This…is going to be difficult.”
Wordlessly you took off your pack and knelt to go through the packs you carried. Luckily the both of you stocked up as well as you could from everything on the medical speeder. But it never hurts to check. 
Bandages and bacta were the most needed, and hopefully, you had enough to see this through.
You attempted to get your pack back on by lifting it with your bad arm, only to drop it and hiss in pain. 
“Damnit.” you swallowed, feeling the very bone pulse in agony. It’s only been a few hours since you were shot. Your arm was nowhere near healed. 
Kix put a hand on your uninjured shoulder to hold you steady, “Take it easy.”
“I’m fine,” You mumbled, adjusting your pack, “The men have survived worse than this. How would it look if I burst into tears every time I get hurt?” 
“Nearly getting your arm blasted off isn’t just ‘getting hurt’. If you need a break, the others will understand.” He argued softly.
You shook your head, “And what about you? You’ve been unsteady on your feet from exhaustion for hours and yet you still run around helping those who are wounded.”
“Only because you’ve been taking a majority of them.” Kix responded, though he didn’t argue with your point. 
“Are you two done?” Dogma snapped from his position, “We’re about to start moving.”
“Hey, Dogma, have you considered shutting the fuck up?” An ARF trooper, Jumper, leaned forward on his AT-RT to silence the ground soldier, “How about you don’t pick a fight with the two people keeping all of us alive.”
“Everyone, enough.” Jesse finally stepped in to get everyone quiet, “Now is not the time or the place.” A mere minute later instructions were given. 
You’d go with Rex and his half of the platoon. Kix would go with Fives and Hardcase and their half. 
Splitting up…wonderful idea. There’s no way that could ever go wrong. 
You hung back, keeping your position behind a majority of the men. Noct and Nax, however, were walking on either side of you. As if they were intending to guard you from threats. Your nod to them was in appreciation as both platoons marched forward slowly and carefully. 
Three of those flying beasts that attacked on the main road flew overhead. They didn’t make a dive or move towards anyone on the ground. Instead, you’d think they were fleeing something.
A rapidly approaching rumble cut off your thoughts. The ground was shaking, and it was only getting worse. Nax grabbed your wrist to keep you steady as the vibrations got stronger and louder. Even the AT-RT’s were unstable from the sheer power of the sway.
You raised your comm and began to speak, “Kix, what is going-.”
In the distance, you heard the commotion. Shouting. Booms. It sounded like something was…howling? 
Everything around you was shaking violently, and Kix finally responded, “We’re under attack!”
Without wait, Rex diverted off the original path to aid his brothers. You all ran as quickly as you could despite the dark, dense plant life that hindered your movements. Once you made it over the ridge, you paused, taking in the battle.
Chaos. Chaos and mayhem. At the center of it all, was a tank in the shape of a centipede, marked with blue lights. It roared before slamming down, killing all soldiers under its massive body. 
“Get those rocket launchers down there! Move it troopers!” Rex commanded, pistols in hand and immediately running to aid the soldiers.
The blaster guns that ran down the centipede tanks back were firing in all directions, making it difficult to maneuver or navigate. Still, you managed to get close enough while remaining behind the cover of a massive tree and its roots.
One of the green shots hit Jumper’s AT-RT, killing him in a burst of neon flames.
Another name to your list.
“Watch out!” The ARF trooper next to you called as another tank shot up from the ground. He was hit almost instantly, knocking down from his vehicle. immediately your hands were on him and dragging him behind cover. 
“I got you, Dia.” you reassured, pulling off his helmet.
Pupils uneven. Head injury. Concussion. Watch for seizures or signs of stroke. Traumatic brain injuries were difficult to deal with in such a chaotic environment, but you did what you could with the supplies you have. 
One of the tanks swung its massive head, slamming into one of the troopers that had a much needed rocket launcher. He hit the ground, but curled his body to protect the precious weapon. Once the Umbaran tank turned to continue its destruction, Kix leapt out from the black and red foliage. Thank whatever gods decided to keep him alive!
He grabbed the trooper just as Hardcase got the rocket launcher. You rushed out to join him, taking hold of one of the troopers shoulders, “Follow me!” You shouted, leading the medic to your position of cover hidden in the dense trees. When you returned, there were already several more injured that were taking refuge.
Behind you, there was another explosion. The now headless tank roared before it melted into a screech. Its massive silver and blue body twisted and spasmed as every section burst into flames and destruction. You spotted Fives and Hardcase sprinting to avoid getting hit by its thrashing legs.
Rex called out, tone commanding yet anxious, “Everyone regroup, now! Take cover!” 
The platoons scattered, fleeing into the dark and foggy forest. Luckily the thick trunks and roots of the red, glowing trees were condensed enough the tanks couldn’t push through. 
“Move it! Move it!”
“Let's go!”
“Go! Go! Go!”
You swallowed and looked up at Rex. He was breathing heavily, but still standing. However, you didn’t miss the blood on his wrist. 
You reached into a small pack on your thigh and took out clean bandages as you approached. He would always opt for bandages and not bacta. At every battle, if he got hurt, he’d reject the medicine, saying ‘save it for the next soldier you treat.’ So you’ve learned to just accept his selflessness and use standard first-aid supplies if the wounds weren’t so bad.
“We’re safe for the moment, but they’ll be coming around any second,” He continued to lead the men, not stopping even when you grabbed his wrist and began to bandage it up, “Bring up the launchers, spread detonators along that corridor. Trap them in the bottleneck.” The captain nodded in appreciation once you finished your work. He continued, “We’re going to blow those things sky high.”
Fives rushed past you to a soldier, Hana, who carried explosives in a large pack. He grabbed several of the bombs before running with the other to the narrow part of the gorge. Several others followed the ARC trooper. 
You remained with the injured, just like Kix. Your focus was on the trooper, Hek, in your arms working to stem the bleeding on his chest. However, no matter what you tried, he slipped away under your hands.
Hek. One more death to blame on Krell.
Your priority shifted to Silk, who had sat down and waited patiently with a bleeding, smoldering neck and shoulder wound. Either he was the most patient man in existence, or mentally gone. It didn’t matter though, because you began to patch him up, using whatever you could to save him.
After a few moments, the ground shook violently again, causing you to hold him close to your chest to protect. From the direction of where the men placed bombs, you heard the booms and crackles of their explosives detonating. The tanks they destroyed howled and wailed as it sounded like they crashed into one another, ripping each other apart.
Soldiers had run back to your position to take cover from the resulting explosions. Hardcase dove to your right, getting behind the massive root protecting everyone from the fire. Rex, who was thrown from the force of the bombs, landed on his front right next to you and Silk. Fives and Jesse stumbled, also hitting the dirt after getting shoved by the burst of heat and flames. 
It was a few seconds later when your ears were blessed with silence. Seemed everyone was waiting for…something. Another attack? Or just appreciating the brief moment of calm.
The captain got onto one knee, turned his head to you, and his shoulders slumped slightly with relief, “Good job.” he stood, addressing his men, “Be ready to move out in five.”
Five minutes to rest.
Hardly enough time for you and Kix to tend to all those that were sporting injuries, but you could at least handle the more serious cases. And in those five minutes, despite your best efforts….
Fyre. Vim. Oz. Ringo. North. Gabe. Tro. Tess. Zeb. Sante. Reign. Pheon. Dawn. Nim. Jamie. Jumper. Hek. Recon. Mav. Zeo.
You added a few more names to the list of the dead.
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meatballsu · 8 months
I have rewatched TADC many times recently and I come up with many interesting theories about Ragatha (My favorite) and I think it is great to share them here.
Theory: Ragtha is kinda on Caine’s side, or at least she is the person who always “giving”.
This isn’t intend to propose that Caine and Ragatha are “bad” or something. I’m not sure if anyone is watching the GenV series (Spoilers alert!)
and I think Ragatha is sorta a role like Kate that supports the Caine.
One thing is that when Caine is stopped by Pomni questioning about how do they leave, Ragatha immediately takes the question with a little stuttering opening, like she helps Caine when the AI is malfunctioned.
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Another thing is she apologized to Pomni when glitching, says Pomni had a bad day, it looks like Ragatha took the responsibility that she should take care of the newbies.
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I also noticed a very interesting detail about Ragatha's motion design. I collected all the clips of she approaching while people remaining steady. You know it usually means this person is a sacrificer in relationships.
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Even when she is not in a good mood about Pomni's “abandon” . Ragatha still approaches and stands by her side.
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This gives me the feeling that Caine may have demanded or asked her for help to care the new "sucker".
Additionally, the Kaufmo part also striked me a little. (It may turns out to be simply the pilot needs and my overthinking. But consider I have to wait for months to expect a new episode so why not brain storm.)
So Ragatha is the person who promts to check Kaufmo:
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Ragatha: Oh, wait, we should go check on Kaufmo. And I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet Pomni.
While Kinger refuses the idea and says:
I think Kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit.
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After they went to the carpet, Ragatha mentioned that:
Well, we usually do, when we first arrive, but after a while you start to realize that you really can't leave and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy. And eventually you get to asking what the point of anything is and you completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something really terrible can happen.
When she saw the abstracted Kaufmo and she stuttered that the creature might be the “terrible thing” refered to what she said before.
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At this time I think we can assume that:
Ragatha knows the pursuing exits could drive people to the breaking point.
Ragatha knows people who breaks will happen terrible things.
Ragatha knows by Kinger (who is unresponisive but still noticed somthing wrong) that Kaufmo is unstable recently.
Ragatha knows what “abstract” is, and someone( people who came earlier than her or Caine) kept warnig/brainwashing her that “ Don’t overthink about exist or terrible thing gonna happen”.
Why Ragatha wants to take Pomni to go check on Kaufmo even she knows he is in a unstable situation?
I think it can be explained that:
She wants to form a stonger colleague relationship with Pomni by taking her to meet the used-to-be-frindely Kaufmo (who liked to tell jokes). or—
She wants to warn Pomni by letting her see “the terrible thing” to stop her from thinking about exit.
By going through all this points, I feel that Ragatha is the most positive on the concept about “No exist”. It looks like she tries hard to prove that there is no way out.
This point is also supported by Caine. And Ragatha hints in a non-obvious way through the pilot that Caine treats them with good intention:
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The official site introduces the series with:
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So nevertheless, I think Ragatha is still a trapped victim, and the pilot seems to show that she grows a bit Stockholm syndrome and stands by Caine’s side to defend her sanity. That's why she is described as the sweetest optimist.
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I find Jax's different attitude is intersting when Ragatha and Kinger mentioned their daily routine:
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Jax didn't comment on Ragatha explaining their useless sleep routine.
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nino-rox · 9 months
Warnings : None, Teen Wolf AU, Teen Wolf x Original Male Character, Teen Wolf SPOILER ALERT
Disclaimer : This is a Fan-fiction story written for entertainment purposes only, no part of the story implies or affirms anything regarding real world events or individuals. Please be of the appropriate age ( i.e, Adult as per your country’s stipulations and regulations) before interacting with this post.
Author’s Note : the car in the picture below is Y/N’s new car
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“Y/N, I’m leaving for work. Make sure you don’t get late for school, and drive safe, honey!” You heard your mom say as you packed your back for your first day of school, “Okay, Mom! Have a great day at work,” You responded.
You had just moved to Beacon Hills with your mom a day ago because of her new job at a hospital here. The school was about 20 minutes from your house, and you’d only visited once before for admission.
You made your way to the main door, manoeuvring between the still unpacked cartons. Your new house wasn’t particularly big, it was a small 2 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom apartment on the 1st floor. It wasn’t fancy, but you liked how the windows opened into an amazing view of the town.
You sat into your new car; it was by far the thing you were the most excited about, after all… that’s how your mom managed to bribe you when you said you didn’t want to move to some small town and leave Los Angeles. Your new car was a Black 5-seat Volvo XC40 Hybrid. It was as beautiful as they come - the best breaks, sexy design, brand new release, Electric + Gas - And it felt amazing to drive.
With those thoughts in mind, you drove off to school.
Your mom had given you strict instructions that if you got caught skipping school, she would ground you until the next semester and take the keys to the car. As you reached the school, reality began to set in. You were in some faraway town, away from home, away from your only close friend, and didn’t know anyone. But at this point, it was nothing new to you. Your mom was a famous double board-certified general surgeon, and thanks to that title, her job always made her move around the country.
Perhaps this was why you looked down at your new school - Beacon Hills High School - it wasn’t as big, pretty, or well-known as your previous one. Still, on the upside, you had heard interesting stories about the place and how “weird” things kept happening, so you at least hoped you’d run into Bigfoot or something on one of your regular late-night walks. ( A/N: LMAO HE ABOUT TO REGRET THAT- Sorry)
As you parked your car, a chill went up your spine. You really had no idea what to expect. You took in your surroundings as you got down; the grass was long and wild, the buildings were old, and everyone was … well… they didn’t have the same flair as people in LA.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed. It was a message from your best friend that said, “Hey, listen, Y/N, I’m super late for class right now. I wish you all the best for the first day at Beacon Hills. Oh, and don’t be a judgmental bitch, please. It is a town, not LA, but I’m sure you’ll survive. Don’t worry, stay safe and DO NOT GO LOOKING FOR DANGER…also, let me know if there are any hot guys. Maybe I can come over then.”
It was crazy how she basically knew what you were thinking, so you sent her a message saying, “No hot guys in sight … not one,” to which she replied, “STFU and get to class bitch.”
And as you walked towards the school entrance, you decided it was time to start working on becoming a bit more social and meet some friends here… or not, because who cares…right…?
As you locked your car and began walking to the entrance, you saw a blue Jeep parked next to it; it looked pretty banged up as if a lion had scratched it. You just hoped they didn’t accidentally scrape your car.
Two boys were getting out of the jeep. One was tall and athletic, the other an inch shorter and much skinnier. They looked around your age and looked like they were talking about something serious.
You continued walking in. Your first class of the day was AP (advanced placement) Biology. As you walked in, you prayed the teacher wouldn’t make you introduce yourself; you weren’t in the mood… but oh well.
The teacher spoke as you walked in, greeting and asking you to introduce yourself to the class.
“Hey everyone, my name’s Y/N Shepherd. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you!” You said as you saw a beautiful redhead who later introduced herself as Lydia Martin smile and wave at you, signalling for you to sit with her.
You welcomed the friendly gesture, smiling back and walking over to her before taking a seat.
“So, pretty boy, where are you coming from ?” Lydia asked. “LA, and thanks, you’re quite beautiful yourself,” you said, winking at her, which made her blush slightly.
You were always good at this part, faking a smile, being all friendly, sweet and social when really you never cared.”
Before Lydia could continue interrogating you, the class started.
Over the next hour and a half, the lecture went by.
After the lecture ended, Lydia told you that she would go find out where your locker was. She also gave you some tips on the teachers she thought would be easy and hard and things like that and warned you to not step out too late in the night in Beacon Hills. She mentioned that sometimes people hung out together outside of school and invited you along.
“Thanks! This will definitely help me fit in better,” you smiled.
Lydia smiled and walked off after showing you to your locker. As you began to open your locker, two boys suddenly ran up to you and held the locker door shut. You turned around, ready to rid anyone of the false notion that they could even try to bully you, but your gaze softened a bit when you saw the two boys from the jeep next to your car,
“Heyyy, man, sorry I kinda put some stuff … uh … in there and forgot to take it out last semester. Could you just give us a bit so we can take it out?” The shorter, skinnier one said, almost suspiciously, as if there was a dead body in there. “So? Take it out now. I need to put my stuff in,” you said, opening the locker as you noticed the taller boy sigh in defeat. Suddenly, your eyes went wide; the moment you opened the lock, a huge, maybe 10-foot iron chain began to fall out; the loud sound even made teachers step out to see what was happening. The skinny boy spoke up, “Yeah …. About that … uh.. we can explain … um, it was,” “Don’t bother, I don’t really care, just get it out before you make me late for class”, you interrupted, visibly mad that the whole school probably thinks “you” were the psycho who had iron chains in his locker - when that really wasn’t the case. “We’re really sorry about this,” the taller boy said, grabbing the chains and leaving you in peace. You were judging…you were really judging them. You didn’t care about the chains, but the fact that everyone’s gonna think it was you.
You made your way to your economics class, and to your most unpleasant surprise, both those boys were in your class. As if it wasn’t bad enough already, only one seat was left, and it was right beside them. You chuckled at the irony of the situation - You didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or strangle them, so you decided to ignore them and keep it cool.
The class was easy; you already knew everything, so you couldn’t help but get bored. As you began observing the classroom, the skinny boy passed you a chit - you took it hesitantly - it read, “SO SORRY - Stiles.” And had a smiley face drawn next to “stiles,” which made you think. What the hell is a stiles?
You glance back at the boy only to see him grinning at you; at that moment, you feel something - confusion - before you can do anything, you hear the teacher call you to solve a question on the board.
While solving the problem, you kept glancing at the two boys - you could feel their stares burning through your skin. The teacher seemed impressed when you finished solving the question and said, “You see that, Greenberg? That’s how it’s done.” Damn, this man really hates this Greenberg dude, what’d he do? You thought to yourself as you returned to your seat.
You could still feel the two boys staring holes into you; you were beginning to get irritated. You needed to finish some work, and these boys clearly weren’t helping you concentrate.
As you tried to return to your book, the taller boy mumbled something and pointed his finger at you. You were really starting to lose it, but the two boys suddenly got up, telling the teacher they had to go and ran out of the class - what the fuck is wrong with those two, you thought to yourself.
A while later, you were finally done with classes for the day. So far, it had gone well. The teachers liked you, and your classmates did too. The only issue was the whole corridor thing with those two boys, but as long as you stayed away from them, you’d be fine, you thought.
You received a message from Lydia asking you to come to the benches outside the cafeteria. That’s where she was hanging out with her friends after school. You texted back, letting her know you’d arrive in 5 minutes. You were in the mood for a walk and wanted to get some fresh air after that awkward morning.
As you reached the benches, you were absolutely fucking appalled; how is it that wherever you went, you’d run into those two boys - they were sitting next to Lydia - you sighed, taking a deep breath as you walked over, putting on your best smile.
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
You know what time it is.
Lesson 33 spoilers, including the hard lesson, here we go!
I am pleased. And I am not pleased.
I had so many great moments with all my faves. Solomon being there for me, Levi being a lil cutie, THIRTEEN DATE, Barbatos giving me lil Ds. What glorious moments. I shall share some screenshots momentarily.
Belphie. What the fuck.
Technically, this is Mammon’s fault. He was the one who was like it’s not wrong to feel upset about it and like yeah he’s right, but Belphie is clearly taking that statement to an EXTREME.
We are dealing with YANDERE BELPHIE, my friends.
If I remember correctly, he was always supposed to be yandere. So now we’re really leaning into that, huh? Like straight up, I am going to keep you here forever because you’ll be happier with me than if you leave. Our boy’s gone a little off the deep end lol. I kinda love it.
Though I was really surprised by his final line of “I don’t want you to see what’s inside my head.” He seemed really concerned about it. Considering all we’ve seen already, it can’t be that bad, right? Then again, I wouldn’t want anyone I know to get inside my head, either. Please stay out, you don’t need to see the horrors, thanks.
Also, we still haven’t made a pact with Levi. Just like we didn’t actually make a pact with Beel. Is it because now they’re not sure they want to have pacts with us because of the whole needing magic to get back to the human world thing? I swear I have a memory of Solomon telling us that we could make pacts with all of the brothers at the same time. But we already have pacts with three of them? So why would we only make pacts with three or four of them at the same time? I’m so confused. Someone please share your thoughts with me on this because I don’t get it???
I really feel like they directly addressed some of the concerns we’ve all been having in this lesson, too. I mean Solomon straight up talks about wondering what the brothers we left behind are doing. Or if time is still going there or if we’ll end up exactly where we left etc etc. HOWEVER all that soup talk makes me think they are just going to mesh it all together. ‘Cause Solomon also said this:
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What does that mean? How can the future brothers influence what’s happening in the past? Unless their memories are changing in real time… ugh why did they have to go with time travel shenanigans?? Don’t they know this junk hurts my brain??
Anyway, now it’s time for some of my favorite moments, enough about time travel and feelings and pacts!
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Because my favorite sorcerer also said this. And I know there are some questions about his motives and blah blah but I don’t care. I love him. He’ll be all serious, then say something sweet and reassuring, then do something crazy or try to cook again… he’s got so many sides to him lol.
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STOP MAKING ME LIKE YOU MEPHISTOPHELES. (Please you were like the last character I was neutral about I can’t afford to get obsessed with anyone else.)
Honestly, I laughed so hard when he said this. Mammon just called him out directly and he LAUGHED. He laughed and was like yeah duh of course, idiots. And look how pleased he is about it, too.
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May I bring your attention to my baby Levi? Look at this silly guy. I was so happy I got to hug him. And the group hug was adorable, too. Satan protesting the whole time lol. Lucifer coming in and being like… I regret asking.
I swear sometimes I wanna kiss this guy JUST to watch him blush. It’s so freakin’ cute.
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Smitten. I am smitten.
The way she’s like I don’t get why you like these weirdos, but I know they matter to you. Don’t worry, it’s going to work out. How she gets all defensive of MC. Her cute little smile. The way she suggests coming to visit MC in the human world & saying that Solomon can come too?! LIKE. I love her so much.
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Listen I was thrilled about this whole part - Barbatos being mysterious and giving me a weird piece of paper and a Little D? Yes forever. But also I think we’ve all suspected him of knowing the truth and this part right here just solidifies that for me. He definitely knows. He knows everything about what’s going on. I don’t think that means he’s Nightbringer or even that he’s working with Nightbringer. He could just know because he’s got access to all of time and what not. But either way, he knows.
Honestly I love Barbatos so much. Just the small parts we had with him were enough to get me in my feels. I also really enjoyed the hard lesson because even if Luke doesn’t know what’s going on, I think Simeon does. And their discussion was interesting.
So I’m gonna leave you with one last Barb moment.
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I’m so impatient is it the end of the season yet?? I wanna know how it ends right NOW.
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kittycatlukey · 5 months
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“I Love You.” — L.K.
Tagging @alespov ✨
Leon Kennedy x Fem Reader
Part 1/1
Warning: mild language, violence, usage of weapons, death, angst, and some RE4 spoilers!
You and Leon were good friends. Replace good with best. You two confided in each other, protected one another, and were in love but it was left unspoken. But it was obviously felt. There was a pull between you that couldn’t be denied. And anyone with a pair of eyes could see you and Leon cared for each other. You would die if it meant keeping the other alive. That’s what love is supposed to be, right?
“I’ve been waiting for you, rookie.” Krauser flipped his knife in the air and caught it. “Oh, worried about the girl, is that it? Hmm, that’s just like you. You always had poor judgment. You’d better be worried about the one beside you too.” He chuckled, taunting Leon. “But if you think I’m going to let both of you out of here alive… you’re even more naive than I thought. You can’t save them. You can’t save anyone!”
Your heart was pounding against your chest as you stood beside Leon.
“Give it up, Krauser!” Leon yelled at him. “Being a lackey for these maniacs… won’t bring your men back. And what the hell for? Revenge on the government? You think they would want that?”
“Revenge? You think I’m doing all this… for revenge?” Krauser asked Leon, looking down at him.
“Isn’t that what this is all about?” Leon questioned.
“You see, in that jungle, I had a revelation. The most important thing in this world is pure, unadulterated power! Los Iluminados have given me that.” Krauser stated.
Leon responded in retaliation, “You know, you were always an asshole. But at least you had some kind of code, some honor! And look at you now.”
“Enough reminiscing. Move out and draw fire, soldier.” Krauser did a backflip and drew on Leon with his assault rifle.
And for some reason, time didn’t slow, it felt as if time quickened. As soon as I seen Krauser had his gun aimed at Leon, I moved in front of him. I had moved just at the right time.
And I had been shot, taking not one but three bullets for Leon. One hit my left shin, another hit my left thigh, and the last one hit the right side of my stomach.
In that moment, I felt my entire body go numb. I couldn’t feel anything as Leon dragged me behind cover. He then ripped parts of his t-shirt off in an attempt to stop my bleeding, but we both knew it would be futile.
“Y/N, why would you do that?! Taking bullets for me?! Are you crazy?!” Leon had shouted, tears evident in his now reddened eyes.
“I would never let you die, Leon.” I murmured, feeling light headed already. “Get up and kill that sick son of a bitch. I’ll be fine for now.”
Leon nodded, the color had already left his face.
“And hey.” I grabbed his hand, staring into his ocean blue eyes. “I love you, Leon.”
“Y/N… I love you.” Leon spoke, his voice wavering. “I’m sorry.”
And with that, he had went to fight Krauser. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Krauser’s voice.
“Better run, rookie!”
My body was shaken until my eyes opened. My eyes fluttered openly slowly; they felt so heavy. At first, my vision was blurry. My eyes took a long time to focus but once they did, I noticed Leon was the one above me.
“You have to stay alive. Please. Please don’t go. Please don’t leave me.” He pleaded before his bloody, calloused hands released my shoulders and cradled my face.
I wasn’t sure if the blood on his hands were mine, his, or Krauser’s. Maybe even a combination of the three.
“Goddamnit, stay awake!” His loud voice forced my eyes open again that I didn’t realize I had closed again.
“L-Leon. I don’t know how much longer I can stay… Just know… that I’ve loved y-you for a long, long time.” I told him weakly. “I’d do anything for you.”
Leon had tears rolling down his face. “I know. And I’d do anything for you… I’ve loved you for a long, long time too.”
I smiled when he said that. Even though I was dying from blood loss, I was the happiest I’d ever been knowing he felt the same way about me, and that he was getting to live. I didn’t care if it costed my life. I had nothing left to lose.
“You killed Krauser?”
He nodded.
“Good. I knew you could.” I replied before closing my eyes again. At this point the numbness had worn off and I could feel each bullet where they were lodged inside me. It felt like my whole body was on fire. “G-Go save Ashley. P-Please.” I spoke but it was barely a whisper. I don’t even know if it was even audible.
“No, no. Please stay with me, Y/N.” Leon pleaded once again, caressing my face. “I love you.”
It hurt me that he sounded so helpless and sad.
“Don’t die on me!” Leon shouted trying to wake me up again.
And this time, I had no choice but to let go…
This was a sad one… Sorry about my writing being rusty. I haven’t written anything in about six months. Hope you all liked it though! Love you all! 🫶
If anyone is wondering, college is going great! It’s hard and stressful, but so fun. Just turned 20, and I start clinicals in May. I made the President’s List (4.0 GPA with at least 12 credit hours) each semester I’ve been going. I have some good friends, and have been staying very busy with homework and studying. I have a very important exam that I’ll have to start studying for so send me some positive vibes! They’re very much appreciated. Then my boards will be coming up. But it’ll all be worth it in the end! I graduate this year: December 2024! So excited about that! 🤍🩺🫀
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
Love Confessions in the Baxter DLC
Because i am very unwell, thank you. Part 1/3
After over 70 hours of playing the Baxter DLC – and despairing over that one monochrome guy, you know who – I wanted to take a moment to talk about all the possible love confessions in Baxter's version of Step 4. I find them all lovely and each of them made me squeal and smile like crazy, and i just gotta express my appreciation for them somewhere.
In Step 4 there are three love confessions. Two of them can be initiated by the MC, and the third one will be proclaimed by Baxter, if the MC doesn’t confess first. I tried all of them a couple of times, and they are all very cute (although my personal favourite is the confession the morning after the wedding)!
Before we begin i want to warn y’all that i wasn’t sure about the approach i wanted to take when talking about these moments, and as a result this post might not be a "put together careful game analysis" thingy. It's mostly just my ramblings and feelings that hopefully are a-okay to read haha. Without further delay, let’s begin!
Spoilers for specific moments in Baxter's version of Step 4!
All of the confessions take place after the wedding ceremony, so if you hadn't gotten there and don't wanna spoil those great moments for yourself i don't recommend reading further. I will go quite in depth about each option.
In chronological order, the first feelings declaration is the confession immediately after the wedding has ended.
Or as i've been referring to it in my head, The Wedding Confession!
Everybody is busy cleaning up, and MC hasn’t had a chance to have a one-on-one moment with Baxter since they split off in the morning. Naturally, they want to talk with him after the event is over. There is this underlying fear, that Baxter will leave again and they can't let that happen.
The two talk and Baxter apologises for his actions towards MC, five years ago in Sunset Bird and now, after they met again. I need to add that this apology is very well written and it definitively pulled on my heartstrings. Here the player can choose to confess on their own, accept his friendship hoping for a different type of relationship later on or just become friends.
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Since i’m yet to play Baxter’s version of Step 4 with platonic feelings, i don’t know if this option appears if you have him at Fond. If anyone of you has done it, i would love to hear what it looks like! For example, does the player get to confess either way, in case they changed their mind (just how here you can choose to be friends)?
Moving further, if we choose to confess right away we get to pick how we want to do that - with words or by kissing him. Each choice will be preceded with an internal monologue from MC about their and Baxter’s relationship and what he means to them. I really like the way it's written. They go through all of the stages they've been around each other. If you met him at the Cypress in Step 2 Soiree Moment they mention how he was a boy in their memories, becoming real when they meet again by chance during summer of 2016. How he made this summer into everything and more and how he left. The years apart and finally the summer they reunited. I can't explain my feelings well, but i find this monologue very sweet but also full of longing - it makes me smile and it makes my heart ache at the same time.
Depending on when the MC confesses, Baxter has a different reaction to their silence. Since now he is waiting for them to accept him into their life again, he gets nervous the longer MC is lost in their thoughts, which is reflected in the expressions of his character model. It’s described as cracks of anxiety appearing on his face and him slipping back into his professional pleasantness. He chose to be vulnerable, and how MC replies will affect him.
After the character’s musings end the player gets one last chance to reaffirm the decision to confess.
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Personally, I really like that we have the option to do so. Not only is it useful in case the player suddenly changed their mind, but also helps create the response you want from your MC.
If you back out then you no longer can confess in that moment. The story progresses the same as in the case of choosing not to confess. You can confess later in the game, or not confess at all and have Baxter do that.
If you pick the option to check if he means it, Baxter will reassure MC about wanting to stay by their side. It’s really adorable - especially since in response to MC he says “I do” (ya know, the famous wedding catchphrase) which he immediately follows up with: “You’ll have to excuse me for using that answer at someone else’s wedding, but I am entirely serious.” What a dork. After picking this option only two of the three are left - you can go further or back out.
And finally, you can confess. MC makes note of how now that the wedding was over, there would be no complications for the newlyweds (although they thought Miranda proposing to Terry at their wedding would be a great idea, so they really wouldn't mind lol). They think that since Baxter asked them out first, five years ago, it’s only fair that they do it now. It's one line, but for some reason i like this sentiment a lot. Like hell yeah, go MC! Ask him out now, make him speechless!
When it comes to spoken confessions, there is an abundance of choices to pick from. But my absolute favourite option is to echo Baxter’s own words from Step 3 Sightseeing Moment back at him: "Could I consider all the time we've spent together a date?". Chef’s kiss, it’s all coming together like a beautiful piece of tapestry. Simply iconic of them.
Confessing with a gesture has less options to choose from, but all are equally cute! If you choose to confess in this way, MC will have a short revelation about how different kissing Baxter now feels to kissing him five years ago. Baxter reacts a bit differently to this type of confession, since MC enters his personal space. My favourite is confessing by kissing Baxter on the forehead. It's absolutely precious.
The way Baxter reacts to MC confessing to him is… very interesting to say the least. He was ready to be friends them again or accept their rejection (there is no option like that in the game, but realistically, you just know he would prep himself up for this possibility) but he was not ready for a love confession. Baxter gives MC a moment to move past this and pretend that nothing happened, but it’s not going to work. I find that a curious thing to do. Baxter isn't hoping that MC doesn't have feelings for him and he himself does for them, but there is still that feeling of insecurity in him, that prevents him from accepting the confession right away.
We have the option to have MC sweep Baxter into a dance, or keep talking without that. I love the former choice and i always pick it for my character haha. It’s especially cute how Baxter stumbles and is so out of his depth. Both because of the unexpected movement and the sudden confession.
You can pick an option to tell him, that MC wanted to be with him even five years ago. His reaction to it is just. He is stunned and he doesn't believe it. But he knows MC isn't lying as well. I can feel the conflicted emotions he must have been experiencing upon hearing that just in one line of dialogue. And i think that's pretty powerful writing.
But then he fires back. He is full of disbelief and he doesn’t understand what could he have possibly done to deserve MC's affections. He doesn’t want to call MC a liar but he can’t accept that outcome either. Baxter’s old ways of dealing with relationships are resurfacing, because he can’t believe that he has the right to form such a deep connection with someone. It’s pretty heartbreaking to witness.
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It's... so sad. "What did i do to make you like me?" he asks, because there must be something, because simply being himself is not enough, when Baxter inherently believes that he doesn't contribute anything. And if he doesn't contribute anything to somebody's life, he has no place in it.
MC decides to change tactics. Instead of trying to make Baxter accept their feelings, they ask what they mean to him. Whether they end up together is secondary - their goal is to help him overcome his mindset. I find that a really powerful act of love - helping the person you care about understand that they deserve to be loved without extravagant outings and carefully constructed barriers.
I really love Baxter’s response in this confession because it is very true to his character arc. His hesitance, how he withdraws and tries to appear unaffected. He reciprocates MC’s feelings, but he is too ashamed of himself and afraid. His view on himself makes him think that he can't be in a relationship with someone or friends with them, and that is something i find deeply sad. Still, he answers MC’s questions, with a few prefaces. He cites his inability to do things in the morning, less financial income and his past relationship management as reasons for why MC wouldn’t want to be with him. It’s him giving MC the chance to resign, to take back the love confession while they can. It reminds me of declining a meeting with your friends, because you believe that they will have more fun without you. It's self-preservation of your own feelings and diminishment of your impact on others, which comes from some form of dissatisfaction with the way we are.
But MC doesn't take their feelings back. They assure him that they want to be with him.
And once that is done, they ask him:
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(I usually can comment on writing/art, but when i can't that's how you know it's the shit. i sat with my mouth open and my hands flapping around just cause this confession got me that excited <3)
This is the dialogue you get when you have Baxter on Crush. If you pick Love, instead of "I want to be with you" he will say "I'm in love with you".
Just like that, he accepts. I was totally shocked when that happened, but well, it does make sense. It was never a question, and Baxter admits so himself. He never stopped wanting to be with MC. He further expresses that he wasn't happy pushing them away five years ago and when they met again. It's quite sad to hear him admit that he didn't think staying together (in more than a romantic way) was an option until moments ago. But he got there ultimately and that's worth celebrating. Growth isn't linear, and sometimes we fall back to our old habits.
I really adore how openly Baxter expresses his affection for the MC, in the confession and later. Compared to Step 3 it feels more mature (no shit, sherlock) but also self-assured. Because he is finally starting to believe, that this - a relationship with a person who really knows him and chooses to stay - is something he can have.
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These two lines of dialogue? Murdered me in my sleep with love and care. Sir, how dare you do that to me.
After that the two sillies finish their dance. Their story has a happy ending, they have been reunited. I adore how warm and happy this situation feels, and the descriptions make it feel so light and cheerful, like the moment with MC failing to catch their breath because they are laughing gleefully or Baxter holding them in a gentle embrace.
I really like this confession. Like i said before, it’s very true to Baxter’s character, and it also shows, that despite having good intentions and doing everything you can to change, people can still slip back into their old habits. But there will be people around you that believe you can learn and do better, and will stay with you and help you through it.
I also adore the overall silliness (after the angst is over, but i do love my fair share of angst as well) and the emotional beats. The characters banter, joke around.
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And express how much they care about each other.
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Also the fact that Miranda, Terry and Cove just gawked at the pair while they were having this huge emotional event is just hilarious. They are very nosy friends and i love them for that lol. Of course, Baxter is completely unaffected. GB Patch knew that if they made this man blush more than he already does in the game, they would actually kill us.
I'm not kidding, i die every time he blushes and get revived when he snorts. That's just the circle of life.
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So yeah, that was one out of the three confessions! It's amazing and i hope i was able to convey what i love about it! Prior to playing the Baxter DLC i had around 50 hours on Steam, and after i got it It turned into 120 hours so... Yeah, Baxter Ward.
I'm splitting my confession ramblings into three posts for convenience. Parts 2 and 3 will be finished soon... Hopefully. Once they are i will place links to all the parts in each post (if i learn how to,,,,). Also wow, this post took me way too long to write, holy shit.
Peace out <3
Part 2!
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Fic: In Need
Read on Ao3
Fandom: The Last of Us (HBO)
Ship: Joel Miller x you (cishet f reader)
Tags/warnings: Joel is hurt!, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Sexual Assault.
Summary: Ellie and Joel return to Jackson after their failed atempt to find the Fireflies. Joel is hurt and you're so scared for him that you almost miss Ellie's trauma. Kind of spoilers for S01E08.
Words: 1,522
A/N: Look I just need Joel and Ellie to return to the safety of Jackson after episode 8, OKAY??? I don't care that it probably won't fit the show's storyline. I needed this. (Could be seen as belonging to the same verse as The Birds and the Bees.)
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It’s a late, icy afternoon when the gates of Jackson open to let in the hunting party – and with them, Joel and Ellie.
You are helping out with the recently born lambs. The type of sheep that the Jacksonites have often have more than two lambs at a time, making bottle feeding necessary. You’re holding up two bottles, one in each hand, for greedy little lambs when the door to the sheep pen opens, and Kenya runs in, startling the little ones.
”Joel and Ellie are back!”
You barely take time to reflect on the and Ellie part: you just hand the bottles over to Kenya, scramble to your feet, and rush out.
The party is dismounting, Ellie throwing herself into your arms as soon as she sees you. You’re too confused about her presence to say anything, just hug her close, happy to see her again. But she was supposed to be with the Fireflies...?
Your gaze goes to Joel, who’s staring at you from the back of the horse he’s still on. He looks pale and weak, and you slowly untangle from Ellie.
”What happened?” you ask, just as Joel slides down from the horse. As soon as his feet touch the ground, he wobbles, and has to hold onto the saddle to stay upright.
You’re by his side in a heartbeat, your hands on his scruffy cheeks. Meeting his eyes, you can see that he’s feverish.
”Joel,” you whisper, hands going to the back of his neck, fingers losing themselves into his hair. When his forehead comes to a heavy rest against yours, he sighs deeply.
”I’m fine,” he says, before his kneees buckle and he collapses into your arms.
As Pearl, one of Jackson’s three physicians, examines Joel, you pace back and forth in the next room while Ellie tells you and Tommy, who’s sitting down and looking austere, about what happened. You shake your head at her story, your teeth clenched together so hard that you’re unable to say anything.
”Jesus,” Tommy draws a hand through his hair. ”Fuckin’ crazy. Are you okay, Ellie?”
”I’m good,” the girl immediately dismisses him, instead looking at you. ”Will Joel be alright?”
You want to reassure her, let her know that of course Joel will be okay, but a tremor has begun to travel through your body, and if you force your mouth to open now, you will break down.
”I’m sure he’ll be just fine.” Tommy comes to your rescue, his keen eye recognizing the first signs of shock in your behavior. ”Ellie... why don’t you go get yourself a hot meal? We’ll stay here, wait for news.”
”No way,” Ellie plants herself steadily in the chair, crossing her arms in front of her chest. ”I’m not going anywhere until I hear Joel’s okay.”
You can’t look at her, can’t fall to your knees in front of her, hug her, comfort her, tell her that everything will be okay. If you look at her, you’ll lose it, and you can’t do that, not in front of Ellie, this brave young girl who has already shown courage and strength beyond her years. She needs you to stay strong for her now, needs to know that you’re going to be strong for her and for Joel.
The door opens, and Pearl steps out. You’re in such a state that you don’t even see that she looks completely untroubled.
”He has an infection,” she begins, ”and he’s lost a lot of blood. I put him on antibiotics and we’ll see in a day or two if they work. If they do, there is no reason for him not to make a full recovery.”
”So he’ll be okay?” Ellie wants clarification. Pearl nods, an encouraging smile on her face.
”I don’t see any immediate risks. He’s weak, but stable. I’ll keep him here tonight just to make sure, but he’s a sturdy one.”
You don’t even hear the last words as you impolitely push past her into the room. On shaking legs, you make your way to the bed and sink down on the side of it.
Joel is awake. His eyes have a medicated drowsiness to them, but they’re fastened on your face as he pulls his hand from under the blanket, seeking out yours. Taking it and bringing it to your lips, you notice that his skin tastes salty. Then you realize that you’re crying.
”Darlin’,” he drawls, ”it’s fine. I’m fine.”
”Like – hell – you – are,” you hack in a strangled voice, your throat hurting from having held back the tears.
”Come ’ere...”
Very carefully, you lay down next to him and let him wrap his arm around your shoulders, as you wrap yours around his torso. Head on his shoulder, you let your tears wet his flannel. He says nothing, maybe because of the drugs, maybe because there is nothing to say as he patiently waits for you to run out of tears.
When you do, you notice Ellie and Tommy hovering in the doorway. Sitting up, you pass your sleeves over your face, take a deep, sniffling breath, and clear your throat. Ellie takes it for the signal it is, and comes up to the bed. She looks a little lost when she takes Joel’s hand.
”The doctor said you’ll be fine.”
”Of course I will,” Joel agrees, ”and that’s all thanks to you, kid.”
Ellie blinks, looking a little surprised.
”You saved my life,” Joel specifies, his voice thick. ”Twice. You risked your own life to save mine.”
”Just took a page out of your book,” she smiles a little bashfully, but you can see that she’s affected. Her sheepishness changes into alarm when Joel tries to sit up.
”The fuck are you doing, man?”
”Joel!” You stop him from moving any further with your hands firmly on his chest.
”What the hell, man?” Tommy chimes in from the foot end of the bed. His brother grunts in dissatisfaction.
”I’m going back to the house.”
”The doc said you gotta stay here,” Tommy admonishes him.
”I’m fine, I just need a good night’s sleep, and I want that in the comfort of – ” He stops there, not knowing what to call the bed that you shared for one night only before he continued alone with Ellie. He looks at you, as if seeking assistance.
”Joel, no,” you tell him softly. ”You need to stay here so that the doc can keep an eye on you.”
”Don’t need anyone but you.”
”We’re fucking exhausted,” Ellie tells him sharply. ”All of us. I sure as hell am not gonna scrape you off the floor when you fall over in the middle of the night.”
Despite the gravity of the situation, you feel the corners of your mouth pull up. You look away in an attempt to hide it, but Ellie catches you, and starts to grin as well. Joel looks from you to Ellie, and then to Tommy, who shrugs.
”You’re outnumbered. I’ll tie you down myself to just keep you here.”
Joel grunts and lies back down – with some relief, you notice.
Pearl comes back in to usher you all away so that he can sleep, but Joel won’t let go of your hand.
”She stays,” he stubbornly insists. ”She stays, or I go.”
Pearl agrees, and Tommy and Ellie take their leave. Ellie stops by the door for one last glance back before pulling the door shut. The despondency in her eyes shakes you to the core.
”Ellie, wait.”
You rise from the bed and hurry after her, see the insecurity flicker in her eyes as she expects you to maybe be mad at her. Instead, you get down on your knees and embrace her tightly.
”Thank you,” you whisper. ”Thank you, Ellie, for saving him. Thank you for not leaving him.”
She draws a quivering breath against your neck, and hugs you back.
”You’re my family,” she murmurs, and you’re sobbing.
”Yes, we are.”
When Ellie leaves, you return to bed. There’s a spare blanket at the foot end of the bed, and you remove your boots and your coat before wrapping yourself in it, snuggling up to Joel. Finally alone, you kiss his dry lips, then his clammy forehead.
”She’s not okay,” Joel mumbles. ”She needs someone to talk to.”
”I know,” you nod, ashamed for your inability to deal with it right away. ”I know, I just... Joel...”
He blinks, desperately trying to stay awake for a just a while longer.
”I understand.” He knows your history, your experiences, your traumas. ”Stay with me... until I’m asleep. Then go to Ellie, okay?”
You nod, an odd sense of calm slowly filling you. Joel always had that effect on you.
”You’re my brave girl,” he now tells you, his voice growing more distant as he starts to drift. You scoff softly.
”She is. She’s so much braver than I ever was.”
Joel doesn’t reply: he’s out like a light. You stay nestled against him until you’re sure he’s asleep. Kissing his forehead one more time, you get up, get dressed, and go out to find Ellie.
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raya-hunter01 · 10 months
Lights, Camera, Action! Pt. 7
Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, fluff, defloration (Virginity) masturbation
Summary: How do you keep it together as Smackdown’s production director and navigate your life as the girlfriend of Mr. Main Event Jey Uso.  Follow Shantell as she navigates her life as a girlfriend, sister, and confidant to the bloodline. Follow her on her journey to self-discovery of love and happiness.
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Dinner Aftermath
Shantell's POV
The car ride was tense and quiet as the radio playing was the only sound being heard in the car. I knew my mama was about to bust and she didn't disappoint.
“Joshua, I love you son, but tonight I was bout to get wit yo mama,” my mom said as we were returning to my house. “I’m so sorry all this happened, she will come around," Jey said turning the radio down so they could talk.
I took a deep breath leaning my head against the window. "I know she ain't gon' keep talking to Shantell like she's crazy," she said popping her knuckles.
I felt him take my hand, gently interlocking our fingers, bringing my hand to his lips “I’m gon’ fix it, baby, I promise,” he whispered as I could feel the tears about to start coming. Damn, these hormones.
 “I’ve decided to move back out here, I need to be here for you and the baby. You can’t do this by yourself especially when everyone Is on the road,” my mother stated reaching up rubbing my shoulders.
“Mama, you said you were going to be here with us the first six weeks, that’s enough. I can’t have you moving your life for me,” I said just tired of even thinking about the situation.
“My grandbaby is going to have at least one dependable grandparent, and I’m not leaving you in a position to be beggin' that woman for a damn thing,” my mother says as Jey squeezes my hand a little tighter.
“I’m going to be with Shantell, I’ve already talked to Paul, and he’s approved me for two months off when we have the baby. Then we’re coming back on the road with the baby,” Jey says reassuring my mom.
“I’m going to work from home, they are in the process of setting it up, we got it covered mama,” I said closing my eyes, feeling tired.  “Everyone is going to help Mrs. Johnson, when I told you I would take care of your daughter I meant it,” Jey says honestly turning to glance back at my mother as we were stopped at a red light.  “So, you just thinkin’ of everything, huh,” she says smiling.
“Yea, ma, I’m tryin’ and you might as well get used to that name now since you gon’ be my mother-in-law one day,” he says smiling as she winks at him.  “You just seem so sure with these predictions Mr. Fatu,” I said cracking a smile as he laughed.
“It’s not a prediction, that’s a spoiler baby.  You stuck wit me now,” he says rubbing my stomach as we continued the journey back to my house.
Jon and Trin’s House
Jon’s POV
“Trin, come on baby, I don’t think she meant it like that,” I said opening the door for her trying to defuse the situation.
“Oh, yes hell she did, she can’t stand me, Shantell or Sofia,” Trin said putting her purse down on the counter.  “Well if it’s true, she’s out of luck because I’m never letting you go,” I responded engulfing her in a strong hug.  “Jurdy,” she starts as I cut her off with a kiss.
 “Go shower and we’ll talk later, you got a big day tomorrow,” I said trying to bring the focus back to her upcoming TNA knockouts championship match tomorrow. “Ok, baby,” she said kissing me before heading upstairs. I made myself comfortable as I waited for her to return.
I refuse to let my mother ruin this for me or any of my brothers. Tonight, was above and beyond disrespectful, I was just in shock and wished I would have stood up for Trin and the girls.
Las Vegas, Nevada
TNA Slammiversary
“Did your mom leave this morning,” Tamina asks as we settled in our seats. “Girl, yes! It was a long ass week and the barbecue at Joe’s was horrible,” I whispered looking at Jey as he was pulling his hat down over his eyes, trying to not draw attention to himself.
Jimmy was backstage with Trin trying to calm her down before her championship match. Even though Trin has almost two months left at TNA we wanted to show up and support her.
“You ok, baby?” Jey asks grabbing my hand as I looked down at him.  “I’m good just ready to see the show, I hope Trin wins,” I said excitedly.  He smiled leaning over to kiss me. “Hey, somebody could see us,” I whisper as he takes me in demanding kiss.
“I don’t give a shit, you my lady,” he said placing his hand on my stomach. “Trin is up next ya’ll,” Jimmy says taking his seat next to Jey as Tamina and I stood up to wait on her entrance.
Never had I felt more pride than watching my friend do what she loves. Tamina and I stayed standing for the majority of the match cheering her on.
 “Starstruck! Let’s go, baby!” Jimmy yells jumping to his feet. “She tapped," I yelled jumping up and down as Jey pulled me into his arms so I wouldn’t lose my balance.  “Watch it woman, don’t shake my baby loose in there,” he whispers in my ear smiling as rolled my eyes at him.
“A’ight keep rollin’ them eyes, just wait till I get you alone,” he growls nipping my ear as I involuntarily shivered at the thought. The announcer’s voice brought me back to the moment at hand. “Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner and new Knockouts world champion Trinity!!”
“That's what I'm talking about!!” Tamina screamed as we hugged celebrating. Yes, tonight was a great night!
Las Vegas, NV
Luxor Hotel
Shantell's POV
Liked by @jonathanfatu @saronasnukewwe @romanreigns @trinity_fatu @Shantell_productionswwe and 88,456 others.
Uceyjucey I took this without permission, but it’s nothing like family being there for family. I love all ya’ll! Congrats sis, first rounds on me next time we all link up!
“Aww. I didn’t know you took this,” I said looking at the photo of Tamina and I cheering Trin on. Then a separate one of Jimmy who wore a smile so bright I couldn’t help but smile myself looking at it.
“See you never know what I’m up to,” Jey says pulling me closer to him in bed as I laughed.  “Yea, and you ain’t fooling these folks,” I said looking at the comments.
"@samanthairvinwwe Congrats Trin!  Hey, you tagged Shantell, are we finally coming out as a couple Mr. Uso. I need answers!"
"@Usolover90901 I love how they are all so close and support each other. Are you and Shantell dating?"
"@natbynature Yes! Congrats Trin! Good Job convincing my Shanna Banana to go out and have some fun.  Love ya’ll, see you at Smackdown."
"@Trinity_Fatu- Brother!!! I love ya’ll too!  Shan’s going to kill you. HAHA"
“I don’t care who knows it, people always suspected anyway.  If you ain’t comfortable with putting it out there, I understand and will take the post down. We can’t hide forever though,” he says laying his head on my stomach.
My privacy is important to me, but he’s right why can’t we share how happy we were. I took a photo of Jey lying on my stomach.
Shantell_productionswwe I’m so happy. Yep, that’s the post,” I typed attaching the picture and a group photo we took earlier after Trin’s title win tagging everyone in it.
Looking at his phone, I see him smiling against my stomach reading the post.
"@ Uceyjucey "I'm your man, you're my girl, I'm gonna tell it to the whole wide world-Usher."
“Not Usher!” I laugh as he’s now laying on his stomach, between my legs caressing them slowly. “Yea, I hit yo ass wit that Usher cause it’s true, ain’t it? he questions his deep voice clouding my ears making me shiver as his primal stare is making me even weaker.
 “What are you doin’? “I ask losing my train of thought as without warning, he gently lapped his tongue against my clit. “Is it true, are you my girl?” he asks moaning against my pussy before attacking my clit again with his tongue.
“Yes, Jey!” I exclaimed, grabbing his head and gently pulling his hair. “I told yo ass I was gon’ get you bout rollin’ dem eyes. Now when I have you like this, what’s my name baby?” he groans grabbing my hips, gently bringing me closer to his mouth.
Jey’s POV
"Mmmm, Josh,” I hear her gasp in pleasure as I feel my heart dancing in my chest. My name sounds so good falling from her lips in pleasure as I take her.  I love her this way, gasping, arching her back in pleasure.  Slowly licking my tongue up and down her clit, swirling my tongue and sucking on the even more sensitive area now since her pregnancy.
“Yea, yo ass bout to roll dem eyes all night, screaming from me makin’ you cum over and over again,” I proclaim slowly teasing her knowing I’m driving her wild.
“Mmm, then eat your pussy baby,” she encourages as I smile against her, gently putting a hand on her stomach pushing her back on the bed. “Now, what else you can call me?” I moan swirling my tongue around her clit before taking it in my mouth, sucking it slowing making love to her with my mouth.
“Daddy!” her strained voice finally says as I’m overloading her senses. “Mmhmm, good girl. You taste so good, Daddy gon’ stay down here all night. Can I stay?” I groan feeling her juices all over my mouth and beard.
“You can stay Daddy, you can stay as long as you like,” she cried as I put her legs over my shoulders going deeper. 
I feel her hands grabbing my head pushing me even closer. “I’m so close Daddy,” she moans slowly moving her hips with my tongue. “I know baby, I know every inch of you,” I groan speeding up my movements holding her in place as I devoured her.
“Oh, God! Josh I ….” She trailed off and began to quiver gripping my hair tight as she rode her orgasm.
“Mmmm, give it all to me, I mean all of it,” I demand, moaning feeling her essence almost overpower my mouth and I welcomed it all.  “Fuck!” She screamed as I began sucking on her clit bringing on an even stronger orgasm. Yea, I meant that shit, I’m gon’ be down here all night pleasing her.
Humming as she gave it all to me and more closing my eyes, savoring her taste.  Finally looking up I see her eyes closed as she’s trying to calm herself caressing my face as I kissed her hands.
“You might as well hang on, 'cause I’m gon'  be down here all night, making you cum. I meant that shit Shantell.” I growled as her eyes shot open, looking down at me shivering at the thought as I smirked against her thigh, nibbling on it before throwing her a wink. Yea, it was gonna be a long night for her.
Jon and Trin’s Hotel Room
Trin’s POV
“Yea, you ridin’ this dick like a champ,” Jimmy groans slapping my ass as I flipped my hair over my shoulder bouncing fast on his dick. “Shit, you feel so good,” I moaned looking down at him as he seems to be in deep concentration trying to not let go.
“You look and feel so good,” he moans running his fingers across the knockout championship belt that was strapped around my waist as I leaned down taking him in an eager kiss, never wavering.
“You like the champ ridin’ this dick, don’t you? She gon’ ride you real good baby” I professed nibbling on his neck, feeling him pull me closer. “Fuck yea, talk yo shit then, champ,” he groans as I feasted on his neck.  His primal growls against my ear making me even wetter.
Leaning back on my knees I placed one hand around his neck. Gently squeezing his throat, I feel him meeting my thrusts eagerly as I slightly tightened my grip, then released him. The look of pleasure on his face as I swirled and bounced hard on his hard dick was bringing out a different side of me.
I felt powerful, and he was at my mercy.  “You like that? You want me to control you?” I hiss as he thrusts hard, hits my spot as I bite my lip. His eyes animalistic as his hands grip my hips.
Jimmy’s POV
“Yea, oh fuck!  Come on girl.  Choke my fuckin’ ass, punish me,” I growl feeling her tighten her hand around my neck while using the other as leverage to bounce harder on my dick. “That title looks so good on you, girl,” I moan looking at the look of pleasure on her face as she is biting her lip chasing her orgasm.
“Thank you, Daddy, I wanted to wear it for you,” she groans swirling her hips harder. I feel her hand tighten around my throat as I groan trying to catch my breath. “You gon’ cum for the champ?” she moans never breaking her thrusts, leaning down taking my mouth in a kiss before biting my lip.
“Shit! Here it go, just for yo ass,”I growled wrapping my arms around her tighter helping her bounce on my dick. Her movements desperate as now both of her hands are around my neck as she slides up and down on my dick.
“Trin! Fuck baby,” I groaned cummin’ hard. “Jurdy, yes! I love you! She screamed against my mouth squirting on my dick as she collapses against me releasing my throat.   I don’t think either one of us knew what to make of what just transpired.
“Shit, not that I’m complaining, but what brought that on baby?” I panted trying to catch my breath as she’s sucking on my neck. “Alright now, you wake him back up, you betta be able to handle that shit,” I moan excited at the thought of taking her again.
“Mmmm, I don’t know what came over me. Maybe you just brought out the animal in me, Jurdy,” she moans kissing me. “Shit, well I need to do it more often, “I moan holding her close.
State Farm Area, Atlanta, Ga
“Camera eight catch Roman, he’s about to hit the ring,” I say observing him getting up. “I see him, Shan,” Greg says as I see Roman charging the ring. Shit, I think he’s moving too fast. “Damn Roman just slipped, cut to camera five,” I command.  
“Spear! Spear to Roman!” Cole screams. “I think that covered it well,” I mumbled looking at the other monitors trying to pace my shots. You had to be looking really hard, but Roman recovered well.  Now he and Solo are taking it to Jey.
“Go to camera three, pace between the hard camera and camera four. It looks like they are going to hit another spear spike,” I instructed looking at Roman’s expression as the crowd chanted “You got pinned.” I wince as Jey falls backwards laying limp on the ground. One leg on the ropes looking almost like he’s broken in half.
 “Jeez, they are going to give me a heart attack, “I mumble as Paul laughs patting my leg. “He will be ok, Shan,” he says looking at the monitor.
“Jey is getting the Jimmy Uso treatment one week before the biggest match of his career,” Wade says as his deep voice drowns out Cole who seems stunned. “Ok, Roman is on the ropes, let’s finish on camera two and we are out in 5,4,3,2,1,” I said releasing the breath I had been holding.
 It’s been a rough day with nausea and some cramping, but I didn’t want to alarm Jey. Taking my headset off Paul rubs my back. “We got it Shan, go relax,” he says as I shake my head no. “Uh, go your face is turning green as we speak,” he cringes as I laugh. “I got you, go,” he says as I give him a hug and left Gorilla.
I went and laid down in my office as I rubbed my stomach. “Come on baby, give mama a break. I know it’s been a lot of stress, but please calm down,” I whined feeling my cramps increasing in strength. I started to doze when I felt a cool cloth on my head. “You, ok?” I heard the familiar voice of Montez ask as I nodded.
“I saw you looking kind of green earlier,” he said as the room was spinning all I could do was moan keeping my eyes closed. “Well just nap, and I’ll let Jey know where to find you,” he said running his fingers through my hair.
“You don’t have to do that.  Paul, I’m sure is going to tell him,” I said not wanting to hurt his feelings. “I could wait with you,” he says, adjusting the cloth as I cut him off. “I’m good, I don’t need you or Jey getting the wrong idea,” I whispered feeling him rubbing my shoulders.
“I wouldn’t and I don’t care about Jey’s ego, we’re friends,” he says as I sit up trying to put some distance between us not wanting to get caught up in any drama.
“Look, thank you Montez, but I’m good,” I said getting up as I felt a sharp pain. Montez caught me, preventing me from falling “Hey! You, ok?” he asks worried as the fear began to set in for me. Please don’t let me lose this baby, that’s all I could think about. “No, I need to go to the hospital, “I cried leaning on his shoulder as another pain hit
“I got you,” he soothes rubbing my back as he reaches for his phone.” I groaned as the pain became more intense. The next thing I know, Montez is being snatched away from me.  
The force of the pull almost made me fall as I grabbed the end of the sofa trying to balance myself.
Jey’s POV
“You just don’t get it! You still tryin’ to put the moves on her huh,” I yell getting more pissed thinking about his hands on Shantell. Why the fuck they up in here hugged up? “Look, she’s my friend and it ain’t like that,” Montez shouts in my face. “The fuck it ain’t, you always find a reason to touch her! Back off man,” I hiss trying to control my temper.
“I was trying to help her,” he says trying to calm the situation. “Help her with what? Trying to open her legs!” I yell, turning around to Shantell. “Why do you let him keep touchin’ all over you!?” I yell as I finally stop and take in her appearance, she’s sweating and looks like she’s in pain.
 “Fuck, hey what’s wrong baby?” I panic rushing to her as she cries falling into my arms. “The baby,” she moans holding on to me as I feel her go limp in my arms. “Shantell, baby?” I cry easing her gently to floor as I hear Montez calling 911.
“Come on baby wake up,” I beg as she lay unmoving in my arms.  “She’s pregnant please hurry,” Montez says rushing out of the room. “Shantell come on baby; I got you. Talk to me, please,” I cried still getting no response.
“What happened?!” Trin yelled running into the room as I don’t even look at her. My focus is Shantell, and I don’t know how much time has passed, but it feels like forever. I hear mumbled voices in my head as I see a hand reaching to touch Shantell.
“Don’t touch her!” I yelled pulling her closer to me. I can’t let anybody hurt her.
Joe’s POV
“You got to let them take her, Jey,” Solo said calmly trying to get through to him. I’ve never felt so helpless in all my life. Looking down at Shantell, my heart dropped as I saw blood seeping through her jeans. “Uce, you got to let them take her, she’s bleeding,” I plead as his eyes wildly look down at my observation. “Nah, you both ok baby. I promise ya’ll ok,” he cries holding her tighter, rubbing her stomach softly.
“We have to get her moved, we need to know what’s going on with the baby, and her,” one of the paramedics said as I nodded.
“I got it, Joe, he’s just going to keep fighting you,” Jimmy says kneeling by Jey. “Josh, she’s bleeding, they need to take her to see what’s wrong. They are here to help her, please let'em help her,” he cries touching his twin's shoulder, looking down at Shantell.  “Jon, she can’t lose this baby; it’ll kill her,” Jey cries looking at his brother.
“You got to let them help her, give 'em a chance. Doing this is delaying them both help,” Jimmy pleaded as I held Trin trying to keep her calm. “Shan, you got to wake up,” she cried as Solo came over rubbing her back. “She gon’ be ok Trin, I know it, Solo,” said but his somber face read otherwise.
“Please help her,” Jey cries finally allowing the medics to help as they moved fast pulling Shantell out of his arms as Jimmy helped him up. “Come on bro, you gotta let them work,” Jimmy says taking Jey in a hug.  
Jey’s POV
“We got to get her to the hospital, her pressure is through the roof,” one of the paramedics said.  “Let me just get a portable fetal monitor goin’ first, I need a reading on the baby,” the other responded.  I couldn’t think, I was worried about both of them as finally for the first time I heard my child’s heartbeat.  It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.
 “Strong heartbeat, but we need to move now,” the paramedic said as they began moving her finally towards the ambulance.  “I’m riding with her, she’s my wife,” I roll off my tongue without even a second thought.
We gon’ be right behind ya’ll,” Solo assured me as I got in the ambulance with Shantell.  “You gotta wake up baby,” I encourage as it seems helpless, as the paramedics worked on her.
Fatu Family home
Papa Kish’s POV
“Joesph slow down, I can’t understand what your sayin’ son,” I said turning on the lights trying to wake up. I put him on speakerphone as I walked into the bathroom shutting the door.
“Dad, we’re on the way to the hospital. Shantell is sick, and it’s really touch and go for her and the baby right now,” Solo says as I hear Sandra trying to come in the bathroom shaking the nob.
“Text me the hospital, I’m on my way,” I told him coming out the bathroom moving around grabbing some clothes. “I love you son, I’m on my way,” I reassured him looking at my wife.
“What has she done now?” Sandra asks coldly as I hung up with the phone. “Oh, nothing she’s on her way to the hospital, trying very hard to keep our grandchild alive!” I hissed raising my voice as her expression softens.
“Is she ok?” She whispers as I shake my head at her. “Her blood pressure is up, probably from all the damn stress you’ve been putting her under and all the other shit that’s been going on. If this baby doesn’t make it or Shantell, you may have lost Joshua for good!” I yell storming out of the bedroom.
“Wait, get me a ticket,” Sandra says coming out of the bedroom. “Why should I?" I question not wanting to take her and make matters worse. “I’ve got to make it right,” she whispers with tears in her eyes.
Grady Memorial, Atlanta, Ga
Jimmy’s POV
I can’t believe this happened, and to all people Shan. It’s been four hours and we still haven’t heard anything. Jey is slowly losing it as he’s pacing as we finally see a doctor walking in our direction.
“Family for Shantell Fatu,” the doctor says coming over as Jey met him. “I’m her husband, her mother is on the way too,” he says rubbing his hands over his face.
“I wish I had better news. Her pressure is through the roof, stroke level. We’ve been trying safer alternative medications to try to lower it. Her O2 levels were trying to drop below 93 percent, so we have her on oxygen as well. Her body is in fight mode right now, the doctor says looking disappointed.
Jey’s POV
Stroke…Oxygen levels dropping what the hell is going on? “I’m sorry what does all this mean and how is the baby?” I asked trying to get clarification as Trin grabs my hand trying to keep me calm. “The baby is fine; the bleeding can be common early on in pregnancy as well as the pain. 
“Ok, so what do we need to do for Shan,” I ask almost scared of the answer.  “She’s not responding to the medication and the only alternative left is Angiotensin, the doctor says as I cut him off.  “What you waitin’ for, give it to her,” I say without a second thought.
“There is a complication Mr. Fatu, she would miscarry taking this medication,” he says empathically.
“Oh my God,” Trin whispers leaning against me and I’m honestly glad she’s with me as she’s holding me up as well.  I feel my world crumbling and powerless to stop it.  “Miscarry?” I asked not believing what he was saying.  A few tears escaped my eye as I rubbed my eye trying to stop them.
“I’m sorry to have to deliver this news but we need to act fast. We are going to give the last medication we administered a little more time to take effect. After that, you’re going to have to make a decision if there is no change,” he says as out the corner of my eye I see Jimmy walking over.
“Is there a chance she won’t need any more medication, like her pressure goes down on its own from the last meds ya’ll gave her?” Jimmy asks as the doctor nods. “That is possible but we need to weigh all our options and prepare you all for what could happen,” the doctor states removing his glasses.
“How did this happen?” Joe asked as I’m still numb, I could lose Shantell and our child.  “Stress is a great factor, and that causes blood pressure issues, also many women develop it during pregnancy,” he says honestly trying to answer all their questions, but I only had one. “Can I see her?” I ask as he offers a small smile.
“Sure, I’ll take you to her,” he says leading me down to the hall to her room. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw.  Shantell, looking so small lying in that bed and all the machines beeping, oxygen mask on her face.  I could hear a steady strong beat as I looked at the monitor hooked to her stomach. My baby... Our baby's heartbeat sounded so strong as I looked at the little blinking heart on the machine. This can't be it.
“I’ll give you some time, they just administered the last medication about twenty minutes ago. There is still no change, but we want to give it a little more time,” he said leaving us alone.
I sat beside her just trying to take everything in and I couldn’t wrap my head around it. “I can’t. There’s no way I can lose you, even if it cost us our child,” I whispered, finally breaking down kissing her gently on the temple.
Jimmy’s POV
I have never felt or seen my brother more broken than this moment watching him fall apart weeping over the love of his life. Placing my hand on his shoulder, he wipes his tears, standing up to talk to me.
“How can I kill our baby, Jon?" he asked looking at Shantell. "I had to tell them I was her husband to even be able to see her, now I got to make a decision that will destroy us," he whispers as I tried to reason with him.
“If Shan has a stroke, she and the baby could die Josh. Ya’ll can try again, bro,” I said trying to get through to him. “Are you asking or just tellin’ me I should ok the medicine?” he asked, his voice cracking with emotion.
“I’m not Josh, it’s ain't up to me,” I start as he cuts me off with his worries. “I’d have to tell her what I did, and she wouldn’t understand.  she’d never forgive me;” he stutters his voice trying to remain strong. “She’s gon’ understand Uce,” I reassured him.
Jey’s POV
“Shantell would never take anything that would kill or harm our baby. She would rather die first, and I’d lose them both,” I sighed trying to get Jon to understand. I could hear him taking deep breaths as he was trying to find his words.
“What if her pressure goes down without the medication, how long are they saying they want to wait?” he asks as I interrupt him. “She needs it now. Jon, I gotta… I can’t lose her. I can’t play with her life, she is my life,” I say defeated, just scared of what’s next to come. I went back to sit with her leaning as close to her as the bed would allow.
“Mr. Fatu,” the doctor said interrupting us as I stiffened, dreading the question. I knew he was about to ask what my decision was, pulling Shantell closer to me. “No,” I whispered kissing her once more running my fingers through her hair. “You don’t want us to give her the medication,” he asks as I flinch. “Yes, I want her to get the medication, but I don’t want my baby to die. But I really ain’t got a choice, do I?” I question raising my voice slightly.
“Give her the shot,” Jimmy says stepping over to the doctor. “He is her husband you can’t make that decision,” the doctor said trying to calm my brother down. “I’m making the decision here, not him. Shantell trusts me, she would let me choose. Ok, you give her the medicine and when she wakes up you tell it was me, not him,” Jimmy pleads.  As grateful as I am for him trying to take that burden, I can’t let him do it.
“No, Jon,” I start as he cuts me off. “Bro, I’m doin’ it,” he pleads, his voice strained with emotion as I stand to face him and the doctor.  “I know why you doin’ it. You doin’ It for me and I understand it.  But it’s Shan, it’s my child, my family,” I profess looking back at her feeling my eyes burning with tears. “Give her the medicine,” I said knowing it was the right choice.
“I’m gon’ be right her baby,” I whisper trying to control all these feelings I had as I watched the doctor fill the syringe with the medication that is going to crush our dreams. I felt Shantell move against me, bringing me out of the haze I was in. “Wait doc, she’s waking up,” I said sitting up a little trying to give her some room.
I could hear the monitor beeps increasing as I looked at the machine to the side of us. “What’s her pressure looking like?” Jimmy asks as the doctor explains the increased noises. “Her blood pressure is going back up; she needs to calm down. She can stroke at any moment,” he said full of worry, wanting to administer the shot.
Shantell’s POV
God, I feel like my head is about to explode as I’m trying to open my eyes. I could hear Jey faintly asking me to wake up as my eyes finally find his.” Josh,” I moan trying to adjust my eyes to the light
“Shantell, come on baby,” Jey encouraged as I tried to take the oxygen mask off my face. “Can I get this off her,” Jey asks as the doctor nods looking at the monitor. “We can try it, her O2 levels are back up to 97,” he states printing out her vitals as Jey removed the mask off of me. “Josh, my head,” I moaned in excruciating pain. "I know baby, it's gon' get better in a second," Jey says as I nod in understanding.
“Shantell, I’m Doctor Taylor, your blood pressure is really high. You could have a stroke at any moment, that is why your head hurts. Now the medication we need to give you will prevent that, but you will lose the baby,” he says calmly as I feel my heart jump in my throat.
“No! No, don’t hurt my baby. Josh, don’t let them hurt our baby,” I cried as he pulls me closer. “Don’t let them hurt my baby,” I whispered trying to comprehend what is going on. “Nobody’s gon’ hurt our baby, Shantell. I got you baby, I ain’t goin’ nowhere, “he reassured me showering my face with gentle kisses. “I love you so fuckin’ much,” he whispered as tears filled my eyes.
“I love you too,” I cried leaning further into him trying to calm myself.  Taking deep breaths, I hear the monitor sound decreasing. “Yea, breath in and out baby,” Jey encourages looking at the monitors, as I nod trying to focus and relax my body. A few minutes passed and I felt my heart rate slowing down.
“Well, I’ll be damned the doctor,” says walking over to the monitor.
“What is it?” Jey asks not letting me go as I was trying to focus on the steady, strong beats coming from the fetal monitor. It was letting me know for the moment our baby was safe.
“Her blood pressure is going down, the other medicine is finally working,” Jimmy says looking at me with a small smile.  I couldn’t hold it in anymore, as I began silently sobbing but trying to remain calm. “You a fuckin’ miracle baby,” Jey praised as I could feel his tears falling against my face.
Jimmy’s POV
“Keep an eye on her nurse, I need to speak to Mr. Fatu,” the doctor said as Jey kissed Shantell’s forehead. “I’ll stay wit her,” I volunteered as I saw the look of relief on my brother’s face. He doesn’t want to leave her, and I can’t blame him. “Thanks, Jon. I’ll be right back baby,” he reassured her finally walking out behind the doctor.
“You really scared the hell outta us Shantell,” I said going over to sit beside her. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean too,” she said weakly, trying to keep my eyes open. “Get some rest, we ain’t going nowhere,” I told her, holding her hand as she dozed back off. “Lil Uce, you and your mama are some tough cookies,” I declared touching her stomach.  “Don’t give us no more scares, this yo uncle Jon talkin’. I’m gon’ be the cool uncle, but don’t tell yo uncle Joseph,” I said smiling talking to Shantell’s stomach.
Jey’s POV
“What you mean, she’s not out of the woods yet?” I hissed trying to not scream from frustration.
“Her pressure has been up for a long period of time, now we have to make sure the bleeding and pain doesn’t start back up,” Doctor Taylor says placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.  “Ok, so what do we do?” I ask, spotting Shantell’s mother getting off the elevator.
“How’s Shantell and the baby?” she asks hugging me. “The doctor fill you in ma, it’s improving but we ain’t out of the danger zone yet,” I said letting her go. Out the corner of my eye I see my dad and mom talking to Joe and Solo.  When did they get here, and who called them?
“Why did you bring her here?” Trin asks my dad as he hugs her. “She’s trying to make it right babygirl. Give her a chance,” he says as I feel the anger in my boiling as my mother is approaching me.  “Ma, please not right now,” I said not caring about the hurt expression on her face. “Joshua how is Shantell?” she asks as I laugh bitterly. “Bro, calm down,” Solo says coming over to me, trying to get me to remain respectful. At this moment I’m scared and I’m tired of the bullshit.
“This is all because of you! All this stress, you have a part in it whether you want to believe it or not! I yelled raising my voice, as she looks at me in horror. “Yea, you mama,” I said unfeeling. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, almost knocking the wind out of me, I caused a lot of this stress as well.  From the jealousy, breaking up with her, Taraji, and the list goes on.
“You can’t blame this all on me!” she cried as I nodded in agreement with her. “You right ma, I can’t because I share plenty of the blame.  I couldn’t stand up to you, I am to blame because of my indecisiveness, and jealousy,” I said standing firm in my truth, trying to not lose it. “I’m owing my part in it, when will you own your part,” I said walking off, heading back to Shantell’s room.
Joe’s POV
“Why are you here? You ready to kick my child when she’s down?” Shantell’s mom Tanya accused coming over to confront Aunt Sandra.
“Ok, we are at a hospital and people are sick in here,” Uncle Kish said holding on to Aunt Sandra, ready to jump in if need be.
“She’s in a good place for treatment, harassing my child, steady pushing and nagging,” Tanya said trying to maintain her composure. “Come on Ma, let’s go see Shantell,” I suggest going over, taking her in an embrace trying to calm her down.
“Thank you, baby, you always took care of my Shan. Always kept your word to protect her, “she says hugging me tighter as I’m trying not to break myself. That image of her laying helpless on the floor in Jey’s arms is going to stay with me forever.
 Shan and I have been close since her internship almost five years ago.  I met her before everyone else, that’s my sister for life. She got me through a lot of shit before I met Tangela. Regardless of the outcome of her and Jey, she will always be my sister.
“I always got her ma, let me take you to her,” I said steering her towards Shantell’s room. The sooner I got her away from Aunt Sandra the better.
“I do love Shantell; I just want to make it right,” Aunt Sandra cried. As I turned around, I could see the remorse on her face, but I don’t feel tonight was the right time to do all this. I felt Mrs. Tanya stiffen against me.
“Now that she is in there fighting for her life, you wanna make it right? Tanya asked walking back into her space.  “Nah, I ain’t dumb by a long shot, Sandra.  You want to clear your conscious 'cause all of the shit you’ve been saying and doing!” she yelled as Aunt Sandra broke down. “You don’t get to make it about you. You better pray they are ok because if they ain’t you gon’ have to see me," she threatened stalking off towards Shantell’s room.
"Let’s just sit down and calm down ya’ll it’s gonna’ be a long night," Solo said going over to his mom as I went in to see Shantell. Tonight has been a long night for us all but I pray this gets better. It can’t get much worse, could it?
Thanks for waiting! I've been under the weather but feeling better now.
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