#life of a science major
epiclamer · 1 year
operation has taken over my brain in the most positive way possible i love them
Uhhhh pt.3 of course— im sorry this is so late—
Part 1 Part 2
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Operation Pt. 3
Hero’s surgery had been successful. Villains attempts to keep them rested and out of pain, had not. Well, more or less.
Ever since the villain had taken the hero back to their house for recovery, Hero had been a pain in their ass.
They would never rest, wouldn’t sleep, wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t drink, would refuse any type of pain killers as tears streamed down their face from the agony. Every chance they got they would drag themselves out of bed and attempt to run.
It didn’t matter how much talking or reassuring Villain did, nothing got through to their head. And understandably enough, it was driving them insane.
Now, the hero was tied by each limb to a corner of the bed with fabric restraints, that they still somehow managed to hurt themselves with. Giving the criminal even more wounds to take care of—as if they didn’t have enough already.
“Hero, please eat something. Drink something. Anything, just please.”
The crime-stopper didn’t move, they looked like a deer in headlights and the only telltale sign that they were still alive and not frozen was their hyperventilating. Villain watched their chest move out of time with their breath due to their broken ribs that were trying to heal ever since the surgery. But Hero wouldn’t give them a break.
In the back of their head, Villain was counting their BPM and every alarm bell was ringing ‘too fast, too fast, too fast—’. They dropped their head in defeat, the water bottle and bowl of applesauce in their hands hit the bedside as their arms fell and the hero flinched harshly, hitting their head against the headboard.
Some sort of overly kind instinct rushed Villain’s senses for a moment and they wanted to jump on top of the hero and tenderly care for their bumped head. But exhaustion was stronger, was heavier, and it weighed them down too much to care. If Hero didn’t want to eat or drink, Villain couldn’t force them. They’d just die here on the villain’s bed, of thirst or reopened wounds, it was a close call between the two.
Villain groaned; they were being ridiculous. Ridiculously stupid. They were caretaking. They couldn’t give up. The hero just needed an incentive…
“You’re scared that I’ll hurt you.” Hero’s silence was answer enough. “If you take this kindness, that I’ll use it against you to hurt you.”
No response but the hero seemed to sweat, shuffling backwards just a tad from the other.
The villain nodded, trying to dig up a plan in their dazed mind. They huffed a small laugh, “easy fix… i’ll just threaten your loved ones or something for if you don’t eat.”
It was a joke. A terrible excuse of a joke that held no mocking tone whatsoever. But it made the villain laugh.
They were starving, worked-to-the-bone and so, so, so, fed up. That the idea, the stupid idea sure to only traumatize the hero further, was actually hilarious.
Villain burst out in laughter, letting go of the water and food in their hands as it rested against the bed. They crossed their arms over their chest and threw their head back, cackling and wheezing so hard their legs began to shake. It took them quite a few long deep breaths until they could calm down, eyes occasionally falling on the horrified hero and they couldn’t help but laugh some more.
Then, in a moment of pure delinquent fun, they leaned forwards, crowding the hero against the bed and stuck our their hands. Wiggling their fingers and eyebrows in unison out at the other as they whispered, “eat, drink, take care of yourself or I’ll destroy everyone you love…”
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Hero didn’t take the statement as lightly as Villain did. Sitting as far up as they could in an instant before tears started rolling down their face and they turned into a blabbering wreck.
“P-Please— d-don’t hurt them—I swear, I-I’ll eat, I’ll drink, I-I’ll do anything, just please…”
In instinct, Villain would’ve scrabbled to fix the mess they had just created. But their common sense brain kicked in at the last second and they hesitated, frozen in spot, frozen in thought. Maybe… just maybe… this could work out…
Against their bonds, Hero looked crazed, yanking desperately at them as they cried and begged. Their first words since they had arrived. Villain almost felt proud.
Tentatively, as if they couldn’t believe the development just yet, Villain picked up and held out their water bottle. The cap was already unscrewed and as it reached Hero’s lips they only hesitated for a split second before gulping down the refreshment.
Villain could’ve sworn they saw a look of pleasure filled relief as they swallowed the last of the water, but it was gone and replaced with guilt sooner than they could blink. Then, before they could give the hero any extra time to reconsider, or for this all to be some too-good-to-be dream, Villain held out a spoonful of applesauce.
Hero looked two things, relaxed and fearful. Which were two emotions that generally didn’t go hand in hand. But the villain figured that their brain must have been fighting itself between one half that wanted to cave and the other that wanted to be defiant.
Eventually, they caved. And very slowly they parted their lips, allowing the villain to spoon feed them until the bowl was polished clean. Even if every swallow was slow and painful, they didn’t stop opening their mouth for more until it was all gone.
“Wow…” The villain stared down at the empty containers. “That’s all it took, huh?”
The hero’s lip quivered as they made eye contact. “Y-you won’t hurt them, r-right? I-if I’m g-good?”
At the last sentence a chill ran up the criminal’s spine, whoever had imprisoned their enemy prior had done some serious mental damage that they had yet to assess. Normal patients didn’t do that; but normal patients weren’t highly sought after heroes either.
They weighed their options and after a brief period of contemplation, Villain decided that the most crucial thing for the both of them would be some rest. So, carefully, the villain clicked off the bedside lamp. Taking their dishes towards the room door as they exited, looking back once as they stopped in the doorway.
“I’m not going to hurt anyone. Just get some rest and everything will be fine.”
Villain tried not to feel disappointed as they headed for the kitchen and then the couch. But to their heart it was worse than a stab wound, Hero actually believed that Villain was going to hurt the ones they loved.
All of their previous trust… The years they had spent building their relationship and bonding, was now out the window.
They flopped back onto the squeaky cushions and closed their eyes. In the morning everything would be okay. Hero finally ate something. That was step one.
Tomorrow—while they got the hero to sleep some more—they could begin their hunt for whichever sadistic fuck had destroyed their nemesis and Villain smiled slightly at the thought.
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dreamsondashboard · 8 months
I owe my academic career to my rival. I’ve never spoken to her, not one time, but she is in every single one of my classes (suspicious) and sometimes the only way I can bring myself to study is the fact that I know that girlie is at least a week ahead of me on readings and that is unacceptable.
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bonefall · 8 months
Would Midnight be patient with my fellow discalculia girlies... I love her but am So So Pathologically Bad at math
Midnight teaches advanced algebra to cats, you'll be fine. She'll conjure up a fractal for you, color each part of the equation, show how each part interacts and what it looks like when you change it
She'll take you out to the beach and explain the wind and the tide, compare them to each axis on the formula she showed you, and modify one factor. The wind dies down and the sea becomes as smooth as glass.
"Smoothness for the-waves you-see?" She waits for you to nod, never rushing you along, even the most casual questions are genuine, "Excellent! For this is example of maths I-teach. Nature it-will-happen. Simpleness it-being. You-will-understand."
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hotfudgecherryrosy · 8 months
fucking hate being a comp sci major. every classroom smells like gamers. please.
i wear a mask primarily so i dont gag on sweat smell
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queerpossums · 5 months
i’m an ecology major because nothing terrifies transphobes like life sciences taught beyond the 7th grade level
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thepersonalwords · 23 days
Surprised huh, thought you had me back in prison didn’t you? To answer your question what keeps me alive is my drive, my drive to kill you! I have nothing, but hate for you and your family. It will be my pleasure taking you out. I don’t care about power, plutonium or even being rich. None of that matters to me. I only care about taking you out. Even if I die I want to be the one who is called the killer of Angel Medina! There’s no where for you to go. Now we will truly see who is better! Come on put up you hands and prepare for your final battle of your life! - Orlando from Framed: The Second Book of the Thousand Years War
Angel Ramon Medina, Framed: The Second Book of the Thousand Years War
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septemberkisses · 5 months
studying 'light and it's effect on artefacts' for my conservation class and gods! this girl can't do physics to save her life
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codingcorgi · 1 month
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Days 110 to 118 of coding everyday for a year and I've gotten so much done!
I finish both of my finals the C++ and the C#. The C++ final is an adventure game and it wasn't too challenging to make honestly I had fun with it. The C# project was also fun because I got to play with microcharts when creating the statistics page to display collected data! I plan to make the C++ game more fun honestly because I can't just let it die from here. I am going to make the Android and iOS build better on the C# project. I'm really proud of myself today :)
My next adventures will be brushing up on JavaScript since I'm severely out of practice and using what I know to make my portfolio website using Blazor!
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itstimeforstarwars · 3 months
I think it would be fun to make Uncle Throckmorton very knowledgeable about physics just as a nod to where Throckmorton the skateboarder came from. He doesn't use it for anything. He has a normal ass job. But he can be just like me!
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404icy · 1 year
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and then i found myself in love w/ java... ✨
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unvieilesprit · 1 year
As someone who graduated w/ a humanities degree I want to let fellow humanities people know that
you’re not a failure for not having your dream job straight out of college/university
if it takes a long ass time for you to get that job, it’s normal
some of these people will say very unhelpful, un-uplifting things and you gotta ignore them
I don’t want to get too vulnerable, but I don’t have any comments about the light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope we all get through there.
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dreamsondashboard · 8 months
Nothing like acknowledging your posture during study time 🤮
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moonlitkat · 10 months
You're telling me I could've learned calculus by practicing?????? Like solving equations is just following a set of rules???? And I just needed to be exposed to different kinds of equations in order to recognize the patterns???? YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS NOW KHAN ACADEMY (their resources were available when I was an undergrad, I was just lazy)
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another-little-hippie · 4 months
im here in the real world talking total bs about doing a dual degree so i can start working on my MLIS blah blah. im a male cow with big ass horns shitting my brains out. i write ONE PARAGRAPH. ONE! and was like, oh that’s nice, now let’s go look at my silly rock and roll star-crossed-lovers on tumblr.
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notpoet06 · 5 months
Discrete Math Conversation
Teacher: how’s the problem set going over here?
Me: it’s going.
Friend 1: no, it’s not.
Friend 2: it’s not going at all, actually. Help
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small art reqs from my mutual/co-creator @somepancakeonline5377 on discord
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