#sometimes you both have evil dads who youre scared you will become and all you can do is kiss about it
girl-archie · 1 year
betty cooper and veronica lodge - troublemaker doppelgänger by lucy dacus
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hiddenwashington · 10 months
neverafter meme pt. 2
a meme made months ago but submitted for clue 12 !!!
“behind you are two geese. one of them is good and one of them is evil.”
“everyone stand on the girl child with broken bones”
“sister– what gives?”
“you got it, dad!”
“hey! be careful who you’re talking to! i’m a really nice pre-teen!”
“great, gender reveal crow”
“two brilliant actors. you guys are going to get into the school play this year, for sure.”
“they’re not dirty here, they’re unnatural.”
“i’m going to do a courageous act of cowardice.”
“i mean, as someone who just ate one, it was great for me.”
“are you also a cusping pre-teen?”
“i gotta get you on the garnish train.”
“we’re all on our own in the dark, little boy!”
“[blank]’s become metal as hell!”
“you were special when you were young, and then you fucking went through puberty, and now you’re just ugly!”
“hey, i’ll trade bites in the name of girl bonding”
“am i always supposed to be scared?”
“and sometimes, i think, you also have to be a little bit scary in scary times.”
“deep in your heart, do you feel that you are a man or a frog?”
“answer however you feel, you’re allowed to grow.”
“and now here they are, hardcore thrashing at a party”
“relax you’ve been at a sleepover party.”
“roll for gaslight” - this is so unusable as an rp starter but im losing it
“it was an adult sleepover! a non-sexual adult sleepover.”
“can i help because i have a keen eye for authority?”
“this kid knows where to tell on people.”
“you’re the man to stand up and say ‘adult sleepover gone wrong, my bad, but we’ll get through this as a community.”
“there is a lot of intuitive knowledge in this little body of yours”
“you gotta accept it before you embrace it”
“you’re not a monster.”
“true love isn’t real! don’t worry about it! i’m going to die alone, and so is everybody else, isn’t that great?”
“i’ll think about it, i’ll give it a good noodle.”
“wet, nude spiders on your 12, your 10, your 11,, your 1, your 2.”
“leave me to the ladies.”
“you’re nodding at me like i’m supposed to get something.”
“meow baby, meow meow– okay.”
“you see the smile of a devil you never believed in”
“the most fairy tale shit we’ve done so far is subject kids to shit they absolutely do not deserve.”
“it feels kinda rude to just start throwing fire around but i’m down.”
“i just like little guys.”
“everyone loves a fucking underdog, but i’m a fucking actual dog.”
“you’re about to get your ass kicked, man.”
“don’t need it, but thanks babe! *kisses on both cheeks*”
“look, there’s two kinds of people. there’s scratches people and there’s deeper into the ink people.”
“you’re nothing more than scratches of ink on someone else’s paper”
“oh god dammit are we an acapella group now?”
“i think this makes me want to disobey my elders, when i hear this.”
“it’s not fun to tell the truth! it’s much funner to lie.” 
“if i sing it maybe it’ll be better.”
“from man to man, you need to chill.”
“do you pick the bits before, or do we just– find them?”
“there’s a lot of mean moms around, huh?”
“sometimes you say things in the heat of the moment because you want to protect somebody”
“i feel like a lot of children, the entire moral of their story, they’re just a tool to tell some stupid moral, and the morals are fucking wrong. the adults are wrong, like, so often.”
“ugh! i’m so sick of adults!”
“you just didn’t say anything! not saying anything sometimes is just as bad as a lie, or maybe it’s even worse!”
“can i say? i don’t fucking know you.”
“[blank], that’s torture, right? that’s, like, fucked up shit, right?”
“i guess, sort of, how?”
“i followed a caterpillar that was chasing a butterfly”
“so what it was my grandma’s time, but not my time?”
“i met death, and death wants me to live!”
“i literally can’t believe what you kids have been through.”
“i don’t think you can be a prick when you’re ten.. you’re just ten.”
“us talking is fucking them over– everyone kiss each other!”
“it’s been kind of hard, but good lessons to learn.”
“don’t learn lessons from my torment!”
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backuparguelles · 1 year
Ghosts and Witches: The Blights and The McGees
Inside the Blight household, Edric: Hey girls I found a spell to open a new portal door. Emira: which one? Edric: The Ghost World! Amity: hey guys, I found a Penstagram photo of 4 ghosts well 3 are not really ghosts. Edric: who are they? Amity: Molly McGee, his lil bro Darryl McGee, BFF Libby Stein-Torres, and a ghost chairman named Scratch. Amity: cmon guys, let’s jump in the cauldron to see the darkness 24/7. Edric: btw, where’s dad? Amity: ugh, he’s dating Darius. Emira: really that’s a shock… Edric: cmon Mittens and EM let’s jump in!!!
When they approach Ghost World the ghosts react to the witch siblings, Jeff: hey look a portal popping up. Geoff: whoa are those humans? Sally: no, they have pointy ears. Sonia: are they elves? Pango: no, they’re witches. Darryl: whoa, what’s with the gathering tho? Molly: hey hey, take it easy guys we can handle this. Amity: whoa there she is!!! Edric: oh hi afterlife creatures!!! We come in peace!!! Emira: we’re the Blights from the witchy universe of Boiling Isles. Libby: witches? I never knew they exists!!! Scratch: hey any chance you met this Human named Luz Noceda. Edric: wait how do you know about Luz? Molly: we’re in the same book club as Luz, Anne, Marcy, Sasha, Dipper, Mabel, Star, Marco, Cricket, Tilly, Remy. and Gloria online. Darryl: don’t worry our bodies are secured in Molly’s room aka then the attic. Libby: what brings u here? Amity: we wanna meet you guys and sometime we’re bored in our house. Edric: can I touch u Darryl? Darryl: hey hey my goo tickles!!! Emira: I can’t believe your turning from a curse to a ghost whisperer Molly! Molly: awwww thank you!!! Shake a hand? Emira: yeooowww!!! You got lightning powers? Molly: only as a ghost btw. Libby: actually we’re wraiths, as Darryl explained our bodies are still alive but kinda ran out of emotions. But I feel a little light and kinda cold in this Ghost World. Emira: can you really scare someone. Libby: ahem, RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Geoff: I’m OK, I’m stuck on the tree. Molly: whoa! Now that’s a windy cold weather. Amity: it’s seems that your green sweater matches your wind power. Sally: just like my brother Ezekiel. He’s a tornado ghost. Darryl: also keep an eye on the 2 key enemies, since Scratch is now in charge of the Ghost Council. The only enemies here are Jinx and the Sobgoblins. Geoff: legend has it, those Sobgoblins can be cute then became evil rats when they suck the joy and emotions away. Scratch: it’s not just earth but it your universe like Boiling Isles. Wow, that’s scary name for a witch town. You have to put a wanted sign in case Jinx was here or the Sobgoblins came to your witch world. Amity: unfortunately we have 2 villains in Boiling Isles which is Kikimora and my ex mom Odalia Blight. You guys should put a wanted for both ladies, they might team up with Jinx at some point soon. Scratch: yikes, your mom becomes an industrial outcast hag. Molly: don’t worry we can team up to protect all 3 worlds together dead or alive. Amity: thanks, hugs anyone? Make sure that your not invisible! Geoff: Of course your welcome at the Ghost World anytime, group hugging selfie here!!! Darryl: you can make goo right no ghost needed. Amity: we call it Abomination in a purple color. Libby: wow your monsters are stickier than any ghost. Scratch: and a little thicker inside and out. Amity: all you u need is a simple finger to make a circle to make a spell. Molly: that’s the same thing when you enter or exit the ghost portal. Geoff: alright everyone say Peak a BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Everyone: Peak a BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Epilogue at the Ghost Cafe, Alador: is it me or there’s 2 male ghosts kissing and loving each other. Darius: interesting, excuse me when did you guys met each other. Jeff: a 100 years ago. Geoff: he’s an interesting guy and we have an anniversary party back then. Darius: wow, my ancestors might shock you if make out with each other for all eternity. Geoff: remember that’s G-E-O-F-F and J-E-F-F just to be clear. Alador: you said that all the time when it rhymes. Darius: excuse me ma’am more ghostly dark roast please.
The end.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
the fact that Y/N has post natal depression Is somewhat refreshing idk I just don't see it talked about much on here and if it is it's like Hella angsty and the partner doesn't understand what it is but I was wondering if u could touch on it a bit more cause it's something I'm really scared about happening to me and I just want harry to hold me and tell me it's going be okay 😚😚😚😚
P.s. if u don't wanna it's understandable
anon: can u write about harry helping y/n through her ppd maybe like the 3rd time was so bad that h decide that he won’t be having more children
so this was requested twice so i would love to be able to write this for you both, hope this is okay - mind it’s heavily angsty!;
tw: vomiting, ppd and od
oli - 4, felix - 3, belle - 12 weeks
Motherhood was really fucking hard.
The birth of your newly born daughter, Isabella, had really taken a back pedal on your mental health. You had suffered with post natal depression after the birth of your two sons, but nothing as bad as this.
It had hit you around the 7 week mark after giving birth. The pregnancy itself was okay, even though she was slightly premature, but it was after you’d taken her home that it’d all spiralled downhill. It started with complications with her breastfeeding - like she was rejecting the milk that you had produced. It hurt to see her reject you and your body, finding more comfort in drinking from a pre-made milk bottle as her dad rocked her to sleep. You recall the evening so clearly and felt like an utter failure as you watched her drink a bottle of formula for the first time.
“Ssh ssh,” Harry cooed to your 7 week old daughter as he rocked her in his arms on the rocking chair in her nursery. She was whining because she was hungry, but the problem was that she wasn’t accepting your milk. She hadn’t been accepting your milk all day and now it was becoming dangerous for you to keep on saying ‘Oh i’ll just try later.’ Harry had told you to make a formula bottle for her. “Mummy’s coming.”
As much as you didn’t want to, you were walking back to the nursery with a warm bottle in your hands. You’d tested it on your hand to make sure it wasn’t too hot and then taken a sip to taste it, out of jealousy, and you thought that it didn’t taste any different to you. Then again you’re not a 7 week old human whose only date is milk.
“Look here’s mummy with your yummy milk, okay? Look Belles!” Harry cooed at his darling angel and you only wished he wasn’t as happy for her as he was.
“Yeah.” You spoke softly, handing him the bottle and standing nearby, part of you hoping that she would reject this too and she wasn’t just rejecting you.
But no, she drank the formula like it was her last meal.
“Such a sweet girl, aren’t you?” Harry praised her, watching her in awe as she kept on drinking the formula. Watching as she was drinking to become the strong girl you knew she’d become. It just hurt that it wasn’t you that could help her become that.
You felt powerless. Worthless, even. The one thing that you had carried the weight of your breasts around to do and you couldn’t even do it. Your nipples were so sore and your breasts ached so badly and it was all for nothing. Perhaps it was punishment for being such a bad mum. Perhaps you’d never been good enough for this job and it was your bodies way of shutting you down forever. You wouldn’t need the ability to produce milk anymore, because you weren’t worth the title of becoming one again. You wanted to be happy for your little one, seeing her happy but all you felt was rejection and sadness. She didn’t think you were good enough to be her mum and that really hurt.
Along with the breastmilk problem, Belle also became very stubborn when you wanted to change her nappy. Anytime you tried to change and help her she put up a fuss, kicking her legs and sometimes she would bite or hit you away. It was just a reminder that you weren’t a good enough mum for her and that she didn’t feel safe enough around you. She didn’t find comfort in your presence and she was so fussy about what you did around her. With Harry, though, she was an angel. She loved him so much and obviously he made her feel so loved and safe - something you’d clearly never be able to give her.
There was also the chores of being a mother to your other two sons too. Oli and Felix were old enough to understand that they had a baby sister, but they weren’t old enough to understand how miserable you were. Harry wasn’t even able to figure it out yet. You tried your best to put on your bravest face, knowing that your family needed you to be strong but the truth was that you were crumbling on the inside. You were feeling less and less like yourself and you were waiting for the moment when you’d completely fall apart. Nothing felt right anymore. Everything was just numb.
“You two boys okay?”
You walked into the children’s playroom see that they were sat at the little table colouring in. Felix’s little legs dangled slightly, whereas Oli’s legs touched the floor and it made your heart swell at how big they were both getting.
“Yep!” Oli cheered, scribbling with his left hand as his tiny tongue stuck out from his lips as he concentrated - a habit passed onto him from his father.
“What are you both drawing?” You asked, coming over and kneeling on the floor beside them and having a peek at their drawings.
“We’re colouring for daddy.” Felix answered, some of the words not being pronounced properly due to his young lisp and lack of being taught how to say things correctly yet.
His words stung though. You appreciated that he was only a toddler and he meant nothing evil or malicious by it, but it hurt to think that maybe, just maybe, your sons were doing this for their dad because he did so much more for them than you did. Of course you tried to be the best mum you could, but maybe you weren’t doing enough. Maybe you weren’t meant to be a mum after all, or at least not a good one.
“O-oh,” you tried to hold back the tears in your eyes because your boys looked so proud at their artwork - and you should be too. “Tell me about them then, my loves.”
Oli went first, “So this is me and this is Oli and this is dad. It’s us playing football like we did the other day, mummy.” He pointed out to each of the figures, some looking actually quite terrifying but you’d never have the heart to tell him that. The figures were all holding hands though and it hurt to think that you weren’t a part of that.
“Oh that’s so good Ols!” you rubbed his head of hair and then turned to Felix’s, “What about you Fix?”
“I drew daddy as the best.” He pointed to a trophy that the figure - more like a stick-man-slenderman - was holding, which was decorated with the award of ‘my hero’.
“I told him to write hero, mummy.” Oli added, and you smiled at both of them.
“Well done. Good job both of you. Daddy will love these!” You only wished that they would draw something for you. You hated to think that you were being petty, but honestly you just wanted to feel loved. “Shall I go cut up some apple for a snack, hey?” You asked, trying to feel useful.
“Daddy is making us smoothies!” Felix answered and you had to stand up, up and away from their heigh, so they didn’t catch the tears in your eyes.
“Okay! Don’t forget to give him those pictures - he’ll love those.” You praised them and they both giggled to each other.
The sight of your sons laughing should’ve made you so happy, but it only reminded you that you weren’t the source of their happiness. You weren’t on their mind enough to be their inspiration for drawings. You definitely weren’t their hero. You were just a woman to them, not a mum. You wanted to be so much more but it was clear that they didn’t need you. They were loved by their dad and each other, not in need of your heart.
Eventually Belle settled down and was sleeping better through the night, leaving you and Harry to much more peaceful nights sleep. Well, just Harry.
You had found it near impossible to get to sleep now. You lay awake at night wondering when Belle would next wake up, wondering when she’d next need you. Harry was always quick out of bed though, even if he actually was sleeping, to help her ordering you to stay in bed and rest yourself. You couldn’t help feel like he was telling you to stay put because he knew you wouldn’t be able to do your job properly - and you started to believe him.
You’d found yourself getting jealous of those that could get to sleep. When you were walking down the road you’d judge a person by how much sleep they looked like they got last night. You definitely looked like you only had 2 hours - even when you’d only had 37 minutes but who’s counting? Your dark circles were heavily noticeable, but no one cared enough to ask. Even Harry stayed clear of you more and more often; spending more time with the kids than you and sleeping on his side of the bed instead of yours at nighttime.
There had been one evening where you had been so restless that Harry had gotten so frustrated and left the room, with a blanket and a pillow, and slept on the couch. You’d never felt so much like a burden than that night. Your family was rejecting you and you felt like a failure. You were a success at failing in everything. The meals you cooked went half eaten by everyone because you would’ve forgotten to add a key ingredient. The children preferred to spend more time playing with their dad because you weren’t energised enough to play the games they wanted to. Your daughter still rejected your milk. It was all too much and you just wanted one nights peace for it to change.
Last night had been that night.
Fuck these were so addicting. You were finally getting the sleep that you so badly craved, only with the help of tablets.
You wanted the sleep because that was the one place you could escape to. You needed that escape to help you get out of bed the next morning. Life was too hard for you to not dream, and without dreaming you didn’t want life.
It started off with taking one every night before bed, but then they stopped working again, so you started taking two, then three. Four was obviously where your body hit its limit.
“Mummy? Can you come tuck me in please?” Oli asked, little toy giraffe in hand and shaking you in hopes of waking you up to send him peacefully off to sleep.
You’d gone to bed a bit earlier tonight, lying saying that you were extremely exhausted. Harry said he would be able to handle things and that’s when you excitedly ran upstairs to take your pills; 4 of them. You’d made it into your bed, feeling slightly drowsy after completing your nighttime routine, but then you started to feel unwell and really ill. Before you’d passed out you’d stuck your fingers down your throat in hopes to make the feeling in your stomach disappear, but it ended up you throwing up all over the bed and pass out right there.
“Mummy! Wake up!” Oli rattled your back, but you were still unresponsive.
Oli padded out of the room and down to his sisters room where he knew his dad was. Belle was being extra fussy this evening and Harry suspected it had everything to do with you retiring early. He heard Oli come into the room just as he’d gotten Belle down.
“Y’alright buddy?” Harry whispered, tip-toeing out of Belle’s room, leaving the door open slightly, and crouched down in front of him.
“No. Mummy’s not waking up.” Oli pouted, rubbing a tired fist over his eye.
“She’s probably in dreamland, bud. She was really tired today.”
“She’s really tired all of the times.”
“I know, Ol.” Because Harry did know, but he was too much of a coward to face up to the problem. The doctors had said that post natal depression can strengthen with every birthed child, but he was too blind sighted by the fact that you’d overcome the first birthed post natal depression so quickly, and was so in love with his baby girl, that he didn’t truly see how bad things had gotten. Harry had tried giving you some space, distancing himself from you in bed and spending more time with the kids so you could relax and rest up, but nothing seemed to be working. He was surprised, actually, that you’d been having better sleep recently and so was hopeful that maybe the worst of the depression was over.
Hell, was he so wrong.
“Go to bed, bud okay? I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Wake mummy up so she can give me a kiss.”
“I’ll try little man, alright?” Harry scuffed his sons hair and then watched him walk off to his room.
Harry walked into your dark room, the air smelling slightly sour, and walked around to your side of the bed. He sat down next to you sighed heavily. He needed to speak to you, no matter how tired or angry you’d be with him. He was losing you as a wife and a mother and a soulmate and a lover. He was just losing you, just as you were losing yourself and he was doing tip-toeing around the problem any longer. He was going to try and make this better. He was going to better understand how you were feeling in order to help you.
“Baby?” He spoke softly, nudging you gently, “Baby wake up.” No response. “Y/N, my love? Wake up for me darling, need to speak with you.” Normally you would’ve stirred by now but there was still nothing. “Y/N?” Harry shook you a bit more urgently now - one that would surely wake even the deepest of sleepers. “Y/N!” He shouted, perhaps a bit too loudly for the comfort of his children.
He turned you over and that’s when he knew this was very, very, bad.
Your face was pale grey and your mouth was covered in the remains of vomit, and he suddenly understood the gross sour smell from before. Your hair was greasy and stuck all in the wet sick all over your face. Your eyes were puffy from the remains of tears. You looked dead.
“No, no, no. Y/N! No you don’t.” Harry’s eyes starting weeping and he couldn’t think straight. He checked your pulse on your wrist and timed it - it was unhealthily faint. He wouldn’t be surprised if you were in your last beats of your heart. His tears and sobs were uncontrollable, but he had to be both strong for you and his children, as well as for him. “Fuck sake pull yourself together Harry. Okay, baby hold on please. Okay? You don’t get to leave me like this, you hear me? I love you so much, baby. Fuck i’m so sorry.” He gently placed your head back down on the pillow and pulled out his phone.
“What’s your emergency?”
“I need a-an ambulance p-please. I-I think my wife i-is dying.”
The rest of it was a blur for Harry. Him trying to wake you up. The ambulance arriving. Oli and Felix crying when they saw you being carried away on a stretcher. Belle’s deafening screams. Harry’s heart beating for the both of you.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
It was the rhythmic beeping sounds that woke you up.
Your whole body felt achey and sore, your head a pounding mess. You opened your eyes slowly, adjusting them to the light of the room. You expected to see the family photo on the wall opposite you and the white of your curtains, but you were met with a heart-monitor machine and a hospital bed instead. You looked down at your body and noticed a cannula in your arm, making you squirm because you hated stuff like that so much. Your nose had a tube running inside it too, feeding you the oxygen your lungs weren’t receiving properly.
It then dawned on you how you weren’t in the room alone. You saw a sleeping Anne and Gemma on the chairs in the far corner, with Felix and Oli tucked against their sides - Anne with Oli and Felix with Gemma. It was so cute to see them so cuddled up close. They looked peaceful. You took note of the baby pram that was at the end of your bed, most likely playing bed to your beautiful daughter. Your mind felt lost. You can’t really remember what had happened, apart from taking four of those sleeping pills. You fully remember the weight of feeling worthless and useless as both a mum and a wife, though, and that feeling was still very prominent.
Your eyes lastly landed to the side of you, where Harry was sat but also laid on your bed. The top of half of his body laid upon the bed, his head buried onto this arm deep within the bed, whilst his bottom stayed rooted to the chair. His hand was holding yours tightly, which was a sign that he wasn’t asleep. You were so scared to face him though. You had failed him, again and again and you weren’t sure whether you could be enough for him anymore. Enough for your family anymore.
You squeezed his hand three times saying ‘I love you.’
“Y/N,” He whispered so hoarsely, but you were so focused on him to even catch it. He looked ruined, and you’d done that to him. His eyes were dark and tired, but also red and puffy from where he’d been crying. His hair was a mess and you could tell it hadn’t been washed in a while. How long had you been out for? You felt rested in your sleep, but not in your mind or your heart.
“I—” Your breathe got caught in your throat, but you persevered to finish your words. He deserved to here them. “I’m sorry.” You were whispering so you didn’t disturb anyone else in the room.
“No, stop it. I’m sorry baby.”
“Harry don’t, you don’t have anyt—”
“Stop yes I do I—”
“Harry please you don’t owe—”
“Y/N listen!” He cut the little volley-conversation and ordered you to just stop. You started crying when you saw that he was too. “Whatever you’re going to say, don’t. Whatever you’re thinking, stop it right now. Because I love you. Fuck, I do. I love you so much that when I found you unconscious in a pile of your own sick thinking you were dead, my only thought was that I wished it were me instead”.
“Harry, you don’t mean—”
“My god Y/N! You don’t get it, do you? I would do anything to switch places with you right now. I would suffer a thousand times over if it meant you were okay. I’d suffer in hell for you. Nobody else but you has ever made me feel like this. I married you because I love you and I want to wake up next to you every day of my beating hearts life. I chose to have children with you, because I knew how great of a mum you’d be and what beautiful people you’d help bring up into the world—”
“But i’m not.” You cut Harry short, trying to pull your hand away from him but he didn’t let you - only tightening his grip and pulling himself closer towards you. He was so close you could kiss him.
“Not what?” He asked, although he already knew the answer. You’d both had this conversation before, but you were both tired of it and were ready for it to be your last now.
“A good mum. I’m- i’m not a good mum or wife, Harry and i’m sorry.”
“I told you not say it and stop thinking it, because you’re completely wrong Y/N. You’re a good mother and a good wife, because you are a good person.”
“But i’m not great.” You whimpered, thinking back to the drawings your Oli and Felix had done. “I’m not the best.”
“But you don’t have to be, baby. You see our beautiful, healthy, happy and safe babies over there?” Harry turned to look at them, love in his eyes as in yours. “They wouldn’t be all those things, no matter how you feel about yourself, without you. I could never have brought them up to be half the people they are without you by my side, the way you make me a better person. You claim you don’t got this, but baby you’re already doing it and have been doing it for 5 years with our children and so much longer with me.”
“I’m just so fucked up Harry.” Your head tilted back on the pillow as you got heavily emotional over the situation.
Harry shook his head and moved his hand to cup the back of your neck, moving your head forwards until it met his. The touch of his skin against yours, no matter where and how small, made you feel alive and you’d missed him and that feeling so much. You missed loving him so much.
“Listen to me.” He ordered, keeping you still. “You are strong and you are brave Y/N Styles. No matter what you tell yourself I will be here every goddamn day of my life, if I have to, to remind you that you are worth more than your fucking weight in gold. You are my heart. You are my soul and the mother to my greatest achievements. I know they are yours too, just as I know I am your heart.
“You are.” You whispered so quietly under your breathe, but Harrys heart warmed when he caught you saying it. He knew though.
“Just let me love you. Let me be there for you. If you want medication then let’s do it, and i’ll be there for every step of the way. If you want to go to a rehabilitation centre for a bit, that’s okay we can—”
You shook your head and licked the tears away from your face. You were both such tearful messes, but the love between you was undeniable. “No, no please, no.”
“Okay, okay, love. We won’t. See, you’re okay. I promise, you’re okay. Stay with me, yeah? I’ll love you and keep you safe, just as you will me.”
“Promise.” You told him sincerely. He brought his lips to yours with that single word. He was so proud of your for being so brave and strong. He wishes he was half the person you were. His lips conveyed those thoughts of his and you could taste the love and passion burning through his heart and out on to his lips. He tasted like home. z he was home. Your lips smacked together messily, but you didn’t care because you loved each other too much and had kissed each other even more. Once you pulled back he stayed close to you, smiling at you with such awe. “I think.. I think I want to try medication please.”
Harry didn’t say ‘okay’ or ‘sure thing’, no. He said four words that meant more to you in that moment that any others in the universe. More than saying ‘I love you.’ Words that reminded you that not everything is okay and that sucks really bad, but you’re doing your best to get through it. It was a reminder that you had so many people who loved you and cared for you. It was a gun at the starting line symbolising that the journey ahead wasn’t going to be easy, but worth it.
“I’m proud of you.”
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my ultimate guide to thiam fic !!
( as a new teen wolf stan )
the classic post war, long ass (multi chapter) fic !!with great development that genuinely made me laugh out loud, they have the best friendship in this & i love it very much. ( like theo teaches liam to drive and i just *happy sobs* ) a fundamental in thiam fanfiction !! all stans have probably already read it but if you haven’t this is in fact a threat ,, go show this vv iconic story some love !!
Airplanes - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: After the Anuk-ite and the hunters are dealt with Liam needs a break. Cue Theo and a road trip that Liam should know better than to think will be peaceful.
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, 43/43 Chapters, Words: 236,875 (236k)
okay okay so this one is also post 6B !! but ,, now we introduce fighting monroe & the hunters again ,, so we get the boys & a new mission !! so if you like an intresting plot 11/10 would recommend !! just to be clear this ISN’T complete ,, if that turns you off i understand but definitely give this one a read !! it litterally have theo doing crossword puzzles & fighting zombies
Vacancy Signs - LovelyLittleGrim
Summary: Theo and Liam are in Manhattan negotiating a pack allyship when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Now, the two of them have to find their way back to Beacon Hills without getting eaten by zombies or killing one another.
Rated: Explicit, Graphic Description of Violence, Not Completed, 15/17 Chapters, Words: 89,605 (89k)
Royalty AU !! I REPEAT ROYALTY AU !! a fantastic au where i stan their moms more than i stan them !! genuinely so good at the childhood rivals to lovers trope !! i’m genuinely obsessed with this one. has made me cry more than once ,, hurts in a good way <3 the ending is just *chefs kiss* also one of the tags is genuinely: # theo and liam make bad choices for over 130k straight !! if that doesn’t sound appealing i don’t know what does !!
Artificial Love - songbvrd
Summary: Prince Theo and Prince Liam are forced to spend every Summer together from age five onwards. They hate each other, and usually find ways to make each other miserable as much as possible in their six weeks together. But when they're reunited because of intended unions as adults, things change. They're both supposed to be married to noble women, but neither of them is as interested in anyone else as they are with their childhood rival.
Rated: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, Chapters: 32/32, Words: 172,935 (172k)
so if you are in the mood for a crack fic that’s not explicitally a crack fic this is for you !! okay so i’m really hit or miss with AU’s ,, sometimes i feel like they don’t quite capture the characters right but this story have the BEST dramatic liam i have ever seen in my life !! basically they all live in the same apartment building & it’s fantastic !! i saw this one floating around a lot but the summary didn’t really unrest me until i have it a shot !! so go read it rn !! also nolan & brett are genuinely fantastic and make me wheeze ,, LIKE ACTUALLY VERBALLY LAUGHING !! all i’m gonna say is that my fav characters are scott & the beetles but that won’t make actual sense until you read it !!
The Neighbors Song - TheodoreR
Summary: “I always hear you singing on your balcony every morning, but suddenly you’ve stopped?”
Or the one where Theo annoys Liam every morning with his awful singing until he doesn’t anymore and Liam is even more annoyed. Liam hates every single thing about his mornings -the fact that they happen in the morning alone is enough. The thing Liam hates the most about his mornings though is the terrible voice of the guy who lives below him. He can’t sing for shit and Liam tried to politely let him understand that by throwing flour and water on his balcony, and also by shouting it to him, you can’t sing for shit!, and then by writing it into a note he proceeded to attach to his door, but this Raeken guy just keeps doing it, every single morning, like a fucking rooster. Liam did nothing to deserve this. He probably didn’t do anything to deserve better either to be fair, he doesn’t expect to open his window and be welcomed by some angelic voice singing him good morning, he’d just be happy with nothing. Silence. That’s something Liam can appreciate in mornings. Just some bark from his dog and the sound of his misery and that’s it. But no, god forbid the new guy lets him have that.
Rated: Explicit, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Wanrings, Completed, 8/8 Chapters, Words: 42,814 (42k)
me: i’m not a big fan of AU’s ,, proceeds to talk about ANOTHER au… OKAY BUT THIS ONE !! it’s not complete but the author has been updating regularly ,, vv slow burn !! but in a REALLY intresting way !! i lOVE LIAM IN THIS SO MUCH ,, he is such a diaster of a person and it’s wonderful !! they have a great dynamic & i’m sucker for general puppy pack content ( and erica reyes being a badass ) !! also theo plays lacrosse in this & i really like it ahhhhh ,, also liam is just being an artic monkeys stan the whole time & theo is like *que confused repressed gay noises*
Inglorious Roommates - honeyscape
Summary: A roommate is defined as “a person with whom one shares a room.”
Theo would say a roommate was more along the lines of, “The person who's the bane of his existence. The weirdo that sleeps for days. The spaz that exercises at 3am. The guy with a revolving door of annoying friends. An insufferable human being that Theo has no control over living in his room.”
Example: Theo hates his roommate Liam.
okay okay i hate myself but i have another WIP for y’all !! this one is jUST FANTASTIC. i’m genuinely so upset it’s most likely not going to updated again *incoherent screaming ensues*. for this story ,, it’s very theo-centric bUT thats bc it ends right before liam becomes a concrete member of the story !! ANYWAY: basic plot = theo & acquiring not one but two children ,, so #dad theo but he is still crusty & homeless and i love him very much. it’s just so GOOD !! just read if you want to experience my fav theo coming out story & him etching high school musical
Look who's talking - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: Theo had been labeled many things in his life. Evil, failure, monster. He'd never thought Father would be one of those things but as he looked across the table to a six year old with blue smears of bubble gum icecream across her face trying to coax the first words out of her sister. Finger jabbing towards Theo's face as she repeated 'Daddy' again and again he couldn't bring himself to dispute the label.
(Theo accidentally adopts two young werewolves)
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Not Completed, Chapters: 16/?, Words: 48740 ( 48k )
so here me out: post-canon ( poetry like angst ) summer get away !! just the boys doing cute little domestic things together whilst pining !! theo’s guilt in this is just so powerful & aGjffkgkkfkvkdlv !! i think it’s so interesting to see how they interact in this one, it’s just very heart warming !! and it features one of my favorite niche teen wolf tropes of theo being great with like seven year old girls- it’s just so good ,, very much a wonderful little one shot that just makes your heart happy.
(next time i see you you'll show me) a hundred different ways to say the same things - cherrysprite
Summary: “...You deserve good things,” Liam says eventually. He makes sure not to look at Theo even though he can feel his eyes turn on him. Somehow he can already tell that Theo doesn’t believe him.
Liam instantly makes that the goal of this summer - making Theo believe him.
Rating: Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 28875 ( 28k )
okay so this next section of fic recs is a bit different !!
two of my favorite authors !! and a compilation of fics i’ve read by them both !!
for context: these two have written some genuinely gorgeous fics, like pure poetry, they explore the real gritty & scary side of our boys relationship in such a wonderful way. they’ve both used some of my favorite tropes & i love them very much !!
whenever i need something soothing but so genuinely intresting & enticing these are my go to !! ( also they both write a lot of good nolan angst & some vv good fics with hayden )
go check out:
as well as fallingforboys
here are some of my favorite fics by them ~
darling i want you here in my arms (kiss the pain away, i know you can) - fallingforboys
even before you touched me, i belonged to you (all you had to do was look at me) - fallingforboys
memories linger like tattoo scars (but your touch on my skin is just as permanent) - fallingforboys
skin, bones, a stolen heart, and an ugly creature lurking underneath -fallingforboys
i don't know how to breathe in the place i called home - fallingforboys
whisper your gossamer truths into the shadow, maybe you'll find the answers you're searching for - fallingforboys
between the mountains and the valley we built a monument to our regret - eneiryu
cracked the hinges of the cage and waited for you - eneiryu
okay and finally: since i am a self centered whore
my own fic: an rendition of the # elevator scene
it’s basically my version of post canon if we did get the kiss in the elevator. we got a classic liam pov in which he is has 12/10 for extreme bi diaster energy even whilst being shot at !! so go him ig…
Fuck Off, Fuck This & Fuck It! - nefelibata_peach
Summary: Liam thought to himself heart rate climbing, they were bound to be dead by morning. So he thought with everything but his brain and he kissed him.
Where Liam Dunbar is very confused, slightly traumatized, and just a bit scared but hey, aren't they all! Bad decisions ensue as two boys fight in a war they never did sign up for.
Rating: Teen and Up, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 3558 ( 3k )
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tardis-ghost-blog · 3 years
A task to fail (Simm!Master x Reader)
Rating: E - For explicit sexual content Summary: "No. That's not another task." His hand stroked along your cheek and he smiled. "Just couldn't resist stealing a kiss from you."
Sometimes the Master brought a bunch of humans aboard the Valiant. It was fun to watch their various reactions, to walk around in front of them, grinning madly. Sometimes he let them look outside the window when he sew destruction, other times he told them horrifying stories about how they would die.
It was one of those times when you first entered the Valiant. The soldiers had captured you off the streets, had told that you had been chosen as a special guest for the prime minister. With you were two others. They all looked so scared. Sure, you had heard the stories, but they had never bothered you. Since the first day Saxon had appeared on telly, you had found him quite fascinating. There was just something about him that had always made you want to meet the guy.
This made you weirdly calm when he walked in, clad in a black suit, eyeing everyone with almost childish curiosity. After a minute he stood in front of everyone and grinned widely.
"Congratulations, humans!" he announced. "You have been proudly elected to become part of my staff up here. I'm afraid-" he put on a mocking put- "your predecessors have decided to quit the job."
You exchanged glances with the others and found even more fear in their eyes. Saxon clapped his hands to get your attention back.
"To make this more exciting, I will decide what your tasks will be. If you do them well, you might stay. If not... well. We will find an... arrangement." He let out a chuckle that simply sounded evil.
It was inappropriate, but the way he acted just got to you. You couldn't help but smile at this and Saxon saw it and trod directly in front of you.
"Is that funny?" he asked sweetly.
"You'll kill everyone who fails, won't you?" You hadn't really planned to say this, but you just had to know. "It's a game."
Maybe you shouldn't have sounded so excited about this. It also was your own life that was at risk.
"Oh, and you like games, little one?" Saxon bent slightly down to your eyelevel, which wasn't very high. "Are you begging to become my personal assistant?"
Wide eyed you glared at him. You wouldn't even make it a day! He would give you an impossible task and just smile this god-awful smile of his, that was far too charming.
Despite all of this... you nodded.
Saxon blinked surprised, then threw his head back and laughed.
You never learned what happened to the others and you never asked. Instead you focused on the given tasks and did you best to fulfil them properly. And, at the same time, tried to find out as much as possible about Saxon.
He made your life difficult, that's for sure. On your first few days he let you sort the library. First alphabetically, then, when he decided this was boring, he made you sort everything once again, this time by colours. So you arranged everything to form a bunch of quite pretty gradients.
Saxon stood there, one finger on his lips, head slightly tilted, nodding eventually. He gave you a happy grin. "That looks way better, don't you think? Well, I think it does. Good job."
There were other tasks. Tedious tasks that were meant to tire you, some that were like puzzles you needed to solve. But you wouldn't give up. He couldn't kill you, when he had no idea where you were. So, until you found a way to get or do what he wanted, you hid. Each time you came back successful, Saxon looked a little dumbfounded.
"Stubborn, aren't we?" he mumbled one day. Then a smirk spread on his lips. "How about you make me a cuppa tea? I could really use one."
Tea... That sounded weirdly normal and easy. He probably was extremely picky with how it was made.
"Mister Saxon, Sir," you said then. "How would you like the tea?"
He couldn't punish you for making it exactly how he ordered you to. And when he realized your intention, his eyes crinkled in joy. It made him look really handsome and you had a hard time not blushing.
In the end you made his tea to his exact liking. And you weren't sure whether he hated or adored you when he took the first sip. Whatever it was, it was followed by an amused chuckle. He gave you a smile and it made your heart jump.
"You really try to stay alive, eh?"
"Uhm... sure. I guess." You shrugged and couldn't help but smile a little. "But it's more fun to see how happy you look when I do something right."
That surprised him visibly. For a second something slipped and he looked almost lost, as if he had no idea what to make of this. You decided it was a good opportunity.
"I always thought you were an interesting man, Sir. I'm glad I could meet you."
Saxon arched a brow and took another sip. "You'll die here. You know that, don't you?" He waited for your nod. "It's fun to play with you. But sooner or later there will be a task you won't manage to complete." He cracked a crooked smile. "Almost a shame. I'm really having fun with you. You're not as stupid as the others."
"I had to fend for myself my entire life," you mumbled. And when he didn't stop you from talking, you dared to continue, "I... actually should thank you. Your soldiers killed my foster-dad. He used to beat me a lot. Because of him I never had any close friends and... no other family. There is nothing I could return to, anyway."
Saxon didn't say a word. However, from then on, he kept you around. To make him tea, to sort his files, to keep his office clean. But mostly, as it seemed, to learn more about you. He asked many questions and you never hesitated to answer. Because, in return, he gave answers of his own. And you learned so much. When he told you, one day, that he actually was an alien, you didn't have a hard time believing it.
"We look so alike, though," you said, eyeing him curiously.
"Oh, there are many differences." The Master - he had told you his real name - chuckled and reached for your hand to place it on his chest.
You blushed at the touch and your own heartbeat sped up, so it took you a few seconds to realize that his was somewhat strange. It was fascinating and made you smile.
He told you of the war, of how he had fought in it and then ran, how he had almost obsessively spent a lifetime doing literally nothing else, but to repair a rocket to a place that wasn't even real. And then he had landed here.
"Sounds like you didn't have a quiet minute since years," you muttered.
"Yah..." The Master sighed and leaned back on the sofa. Lately he was strangely tense around you, especially when you came too close. And still his eyes followed you everywhere, almost hungry. "No time to... rest." He growled to himself and closed his eyes.
"You're alright?" you asked and leaned down to him. "Want me to make more tea?"
The Master grinned with closed eyes. "No. But..." he paused and eyed you possessively, which sent a shiver down your spine. He shook his head. "You're fun. I quite like you, which is bad. That makes it really hard to break you."
"Why, thanks?" You laughed and poked his shoulder. "Come on. You've told me so much already. I don't think a little request would break me." You poked out your tongue. "I could manage all your stupid tasks. I'm sure I can manage to do one that actually means something to you."
"Yeah?" he giggled impishly, suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. It made you lose balance and you almost fell. But you could stretch out your hand in time, which landed right next to the Master's head. And your face came close to his. So close you could get lost in his hazel eyes.
"You know... Time Lords are usually above such things." His thumb stroked over your wrist. "But you make this difficult. And it's been such a long time. With the war and everything."
You had no idea if you should stay in this position or move away. He was so close you could feel his breath ghost over your lips. Your eyes met, his gaze was intense, demanding without words. In that moment you didn't care if it would bring you in trouble, the urge was too great. So you leaned forward, only a little, brushed his lips with yours. He sighed, lids falling shut.
And suddenly he grabbed your sides with both hands and pulled you right into his lap. Surprised you yelped, but he left you no time for confusion, his mouth found yours, devouring it in a fierce kiss. Your hands landed on his shirt collar, stroked along the cloth to do something. His tongue pressed against your lips, demanded entrance, which you gave willingly.
There was a soft groan from him that let warmth pool into your belly, but at the same time seemed to snap him out of everything. He broke the kiss, both of you panting heavily. His irises were almost black, his look mischievous.
"Whoops," he breathed out.
"Yeah." You chuckled softly. "Whoops." Then you remembered something and pulled away a little. "What about your wife?"
The Master huffed. "Political marriage. We never... were close in any way."
Slowly your fingers trailed down his chest, your hands came to rest above his hearts that still were beating wildly. It made you proud and giddy that you could do this to him, made you crave more. You moved in his lap, just enough to feel yourself gliding over the bulge in his pants. That made him groan again, but surprisingly he stopped you with his grip.
"No. That's not another task." His hand stroked along your cheek and he smiled. "Just couldn't resist stealing a kiss from you."
You giggled at that and gave him a tongue-touched grin. "Since when are you so reluctant?"
He returned the grin, connected your foreheads. "I like the thought of how I could make you feel, how I could make you scream my name. But it needs to be real. It's no fun otherwise."
"Is that so?" You leaned forwards and captured his lips again, rocking against his crotch in the same movement.
The Master groaned openly into your mouth, one of his hands snaked to the small of your back to press you closer. The kiss got wilder, his tongue doing things to you that made your head light. He swallowed your soft moans, while his finger glided along your shoulders, every touch sending goose bumps down your spine. You shivered when he traced a line down your back, when he caressed your bare skin and opened the clips of your bra.
"Sure about this?" he brought out.
His eyes were so hungry for you, it was hard to tell if he would really stop would you say 'no'. And still you had a feeling that he would. Which got you aroused even more. So, instead of an answer, you reached a hand between you and cupped his erection, stroking firmly over his pants. He gasped, eyes falling shut.
For a bit he let you tease him like that, then he grabbed the hem of your jumper and pulled it over your head, together with the opened bra. His skilled hands moved to your breasts, caressing them, thumbs stroking over your nipples, making them harden almost instantly.
Somehow your lips met again, tongues dancing sensually. It wasn't fair that he was still clothed, so you unbuttoned his dress shirt, happy he didn't wear a jacket right now. You wanted skin, wanted to feel him, and quick.
You weren't the only impatient one, however. Without a warning, the Master grabbed your bum and lifted you from him to drop you on your back on the sofa. His fingers slipped under the waistband of you jeans, eliciting a new groan from you, before he grabbed your feet to get rid of the shoes and then, finally pulled your jeans down, together with your soaked knickers.
His eyes roamed over your naked body, took in every detail with awe. You sat up then and unbuttoned his own pants, while he kicked off shoes and threw away the belt. Curiosity grew in you, making you wonder if Time Lords actually were... compatible with humans. It certainly had felt like it, and when you pulled down his pants you weren't disappointed.
"Like what you see?" he asked, wolfishly grinning.
"Oh, a lot."
"Then move aside, will you?"
You did, making space on the sofa, only to find yourself sitting in his lap again a second later. Feeling him skin to skin made your head even lighter than before. You started to move against him, then wrapped your hand around his erection to glide up and down his full length. Your thumb stroked over the tip, made him sigh out a moan. His fingers were on you clit at the same time, drawing circles that spiked your lust to new peeks. Oh, you wanted to have him inside you. You couldn't wait any longer. It was unbearable.
You groaned and kissed his half opened lips. "I need you. Want you."
"Say my name," he breathed against your mouth.
"Master." His name stumbled over your lips like a plea and you could almost hear his patience snap.
Both of you moved in unison. He straightened a little and you sat up on your knees so he could guide himself inside you. Slowly you let yourself down again, feeling every inch of him fill you out completely. You both groaned, stayed still for a moment to adjust and simply savour the intensity of the moment.
His hands on your bum urged you to move, pressed you flush against him. You had never done it in this position and regretted it now. The friction was just perfect, or maybe it was only because of the Master. You built up a rhythm, moved on him with delight. He, on the other hand, nibbled his way down your throat, leaving small marks on your skin here and there, while his hands were either on your bum or your breasts.
The tension in you rose quickly, almost too fast. You wanted to enjoy this, wanted to savour every second of it, so you slowed down a little. The Master grabbed your sides and guided your movements, his clouded eyes fixated on yours. Slowly you rose, let him almost slip out of you, before he pulled you back close, making you feel him glide inside you again. It was something you both enjoyed and repeated once more, panting.
The Master wouldn't allow you a third time, captured your lips and pulled you down on him, made you move again with impatience, breath ragged. He must be as close as you were and the thought sent a shiver through your whole body, made you move just a little faster until there was no turning back and you came with his name on your lips, clenching around him and groaning into his mouth, riding out the orgasm until you felt his grip on you tighten and until he had to break the kiss as his own release washed over him.
It took you a small eternity to find back to your senses. You heard the Master's rapid double heartbeat, felt his grip soften, but only for a moment. He then lifted you from him a little to slip out of you and lay down on the sofa. He brushed a strand of hair from your face, his look weirdly serene in that moment.
"How about we change our game a little?" he murmured. "If you fail a task I get to have you again."
You nestled against his chest and chuckled. "That's not fair. I'd have to fail on purpose, then."
"Mhm..." He smiled impishly. "Can't let a human win against me, after all."
"That's too bad. I'd get to win, no matter what." You glinted back at him, mirroring the mischief.
The Master scowled, mockingly pursed his lips, then captured yours in a sweet, short kiss. His fingers gently trailed along your spine, drew circles on your skin until your breath hitched.
"I think I still win this," he muttered.
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Recovery? (Adrenaline Junkie Part 5)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: PTSD, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, swearing, mentions of death/injury, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation (marked so you can skip if it’s a major trigger for you), self harm (also marked), phantom pain syndrome
Word count: 3,722
Disclaimer: I have not experienced PTSD, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, or phantom pain syndrome, so I’m sorry if they aren’t portrayed correctly 
When a wild bird can’t fly, it’s defenseless. It feels trapped even if it can still walk away. It feels alone even if it’s surrounded by other birds. If a bird loses the ability to fly, a piece of it is missing. A piece of itself. Something that it values as something unique to it and only it. It loses most mental stimulation and becomes numb until it can feel freedom again.
It’s been about two months since you respawned and you honestly felt so restless. You wanted to fly through the sky again, feeling the air move freely between your feathers. You wanted to weave in and out of the clouds. You wanted to feel something other than fear. When you’re not scared, you don't feel anything. You missed skydiving. You wanted, no, you craved the feeling of adrenaline flowing along every little nook and cranny in your cardiovascular system.
You found out that you get flashbacks whenever you see someone or something hulky and covered in a dark green color. You still haven’t told your family about this, you thought that it was something silly to be afraid of. You tried your hardest to avoid Philza the most; he always wore his favorite color with pride. You still haven’t apologized for screaming death threats at him when you were going through an episode.
You only had one other major hallucinogenic episode since the first one, but it wasn’t as bad as the first one.
You woke up in the middle of the night with the moonlight beaming through your window illuminating the silhouette of The Warden standing in the corner of your room. You willed yourself to open your mouth to scream for your brothers, but you couldn’t move. You could only watch it. 
The telltale glowing drool fell from the corners of its wide mouth, mixing with the blood dripping off from its long claws. Its chest rhythmically glowed as the things writhing in it managed to squeeze through the small gaps between the bony confines of its ribs. The white wisps flew around your room freely, bouncing off your walls with thuds and eventually settling to float in front of your face.
You watched with wide eyes as their permanently gaping mouths struggled to form words. Somehow, you could see desperation in their empty eye sockets. A flurry of whispers met your ears, but you couldn’t make out anything they were saying. It was too jumbled. 
You heard The Warden slowly drag its feet along your carpet over to your bed. The wisps started to thrash about and scream as it reached out and scooped them all up easily with a single swipe of a hand. It shoved them into its mouth and they reappeared behind the confines of its ribcage, the screaming getting louder and more distorted as they got swallowed. Multiple voices were shrieking with agony and anguish as The Warden turned its attention towards you. It bent over and hovered its face over yours as its drool and drops of blood started to drip onto your cheeks. You felt its rancid breath fan over you. It had hints of iron and rot.
Your mind was screaming at your body to move away, but you couldn’t. You didn’t have control anymore. Your breathing picked up as you felt your heart beat out of your chest. It just hovered over you doing nothing, like it was enjoying seeing your fearful eyes. Like it enjoyed the feeling of having complete power over you.
Your breath caught in your throat as it got closer to you, its mouth getting dangerously close to engulfing your entire head. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried with all your might to move any part of your body. After a while, your head slightly moved to the side. Gradually, you worked your way up to moving your head fully to the side. You felt all your muscles activate at once as you shot up from your bed with a strangled gasp. 
You frantically flattened your body against the wall, reaching a shaking hand between the wall and mattress to grab the iron dagger you hid there. Holding it defensively in front of you, you scanned the room. There was not a single thing out of place. Everything was just as you left it before you went to bed.
You covered your mouth as sobs threatened to burst from your chest like the wisps in The Warden’s. You brought your knees up to your chest and buried your head in them. You didn’t sleep for a few days after that.
Other than the major episodes, your imagination placed The Warden everywhere you looked. You saw The Warden whenever Philza walked past you. You saw glimpses of it whenever you looked into the woods at night. You saw it behind you in the mirror reaching for your other wing. Sometimes, you thought you could hear the screams of the wisps in the distance.
Your entire family was constantly hovering over you; you always had at least one of the boys with you at all times. They wouldn’t let you out of the house. 
Out of all of your family, Wilbur was probably the lesser of the evils. He didn’t judge you or question you, he just let you do your own thing. He would softly pluck the strings on his guitar and sing to you while you would lay on his bed. Those moments were one of the only moments where you would fully let your guard down and relax. 
Hangouts with Techno were also pleasant, but he hasn’t looked you in the eyes since he helped you during your first episode. That was the only downside to it though; he would give you some of his mythology books to read or read them to you. His voice always soothed you as a kid. Sometimes, he would give you a hug when he saw that it was a rough day for you.
Tommy’s hang outs were kept to a minimal, the family didn’t trust him much because they thought his rambunctious and extrovert personality would overwhelm you. You were alone with him only twice out of the last two months. Usually, you both would lay on his bed and just talk about his life with the jukebox running softly in the background playing the discs that you and Philza gifted him during his first birthday with the family. He tried to get you to open up to him, but you always deflected. He shouldn’t know how fucked up you were, you vowed to protect him when Philza first brought him home. You would always protect your little brother, even if it was from yourself.
Before the incident, you would’ve killed to get more alone time with your father. But now, you tried to avoid Philza at all costs. You couldn’t help but see The Warden whenever you saw his tall form, green clothes, and large wings. When you had to hang out with him however, you wouldn’t look at him. You two would usually go to chop down trees or cook dinner together. 
You felt incredibly guilty that you still haven’t apologized to him for everything you’ve put him through. Whenever you brought yourself to glance at him, he was always looking at you heartbroken. You knew that the outcomes of your first death gave the entire family some form of trauma, but you saw that it hit your dad harder than the others. You did threaten to kill him in graphic ways and you did hit him in your panicked stupor. You really needed to apologize for that. You probably should tell him about your silly little fear of green. You were going to wait until he was in his pajamas to apologize; they usually didn’t have much green.
You loved your family of course, but you were always the type of person to require some alone time to function, even before the incident. You felt incredibly drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. It took you a tremendous amount of effort to get out of bed in the mornings. You didn’t see any meaning in life anymore. Everything was gray and the only thing you actually felt was fear, so you didn’t see any point in getting up. The only reason you left your bed was because your brothers would coax you out. Everyday was monotonous. 
*************************SUICIDAL IDEATION/SELF HARM*****************************
Your mind was always coming up with intrusive thoughts about killing yourself. When you did the dishes, you always imagined yourself gliding blades vertically along your wrists and just letting the blood pool out and mix with the dishwater. When you cooked breakfast, you would imagine placing your hand inside the burning flame of the stove. When you were staring out of the window at night looking for The Warden, you would imagine yourself disappearing into the woods to look for a creeper to blow you up. When you passed the potion chest, you imagined chugging poison so you could feel something before you died. Whenever you used an ore during crafting, you always thought about going back to the cave so you could be put out of your misery again. It did a damn good job at killing you the first time. Who knows, maybe The Warden would be merciful this time. The most common thought was finding a tall cliff or mountain and jumping off to finally feel the wind between your feathers and the adrenaline running through you for the last time. You daydreamed about that last one a lot.
The little scrapes you got on the little tasks given to you by your family gave you a smidge of pain. A smidge of feeling other than numbness or suffocating fear. So, in a desparate attempt to feel something, you started to cut yourself You have a dagger hidden in your room that your family didn’t know about and you constantly wore a long sleeved cloak to hide your wing so you could easily hide the cuts. It would give you some light in the dark abyss that was your current mental state. 
Sometimes, you would make small cuts on your wrists and thighs when everything was too overwhelming, but the relief it gave you wouldn’t last throughout the day. You were scared to cut deeper. You didn’t want to deal with infection or smuggling healing potions underneath your family’s noses. You would probably get caught and they’d take away the very little freedom and control you had in your life.
**********************SUICIDAL IDEATION/SELF HARM OVER*************************
You grunted in discomfort as you chopped some wood with Philza behind your house. It was a bad day for the phantom pains in your absent wing, you felt shooting pain and itchiness along where it was supposed to be all day long. You heard him pause his actions and walk over to you. When he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, you squeezed your eyes shut as you remembered the way he grabbed you the day you respawned.
“Are you alright hun?”
Shrugging off his hand, you continued to chop lumber. “I’m fine Dad.”
“Are you sure? You looked like you were in pain.”
You sighed, “It’s… it’s just a bad day for the pain.”
“Where does it hurt? I can go grab you a potion.” 
He sounded like he always did when he talked to you, concerned. You wanted to be treated like a normal person again. You didn’t like it when your family walked on eggshells around you constantly, it made you feel like a stranger in your own home.
“My right wing hurts. And potions don’t help, I’ve tried that. There’s nothing you can do.”
He paused for a second. You imagined him furrowing his brows and tilting his head lightly to the side as he contemplated what you said. It was the first time you opened up to him about anything. “...Your wing still feels things?”
You grunted as you swung the axe down onto the log, “Yeah, it feels things sometimes. It’s mostly a shooting pain or an itching sensation where I don’t have a wing. There’s nothing I can do about it, so I’m learning to live with it.”
“How long has this been happening?”
Your mind flashed back to the conversation you two had a year ago. “Since I lost it.”
“Why don’t we turn in for the night? The sun is starting to set and we’ve got enough wood to last us a week.”
You silently nodded and bent over to pick up the logs you chopped. Grabbing as much as your arms could hold, you put the planks into the chest next to the back door. Turning around to grab more, you jumped back when your eyes met with Philza’s chest. His hand was outstretched towards you. You hugged your body as you looked away from him. 
“(Y/n), you’re not okay. Please just let me help you.”
“...I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine.”
“You haven’t spoken to anyone about your emotions, bottling it up isn’t good hun.”
“That’s because I don’t have anything to talk about.”
He sighed, “Why don’t we get your brothers to cook dinner so we can have a little chat. Meet me in your room.”
Wordlessly, you walked back into the house and straight up to your room. Sitting on the bed, you put your head in your hands as you waited for the inevitable vulnerability. After a couple of minutes, you heard a gentle knock on your door. It opened to reveal your dad smiling at you.
Glancing back at your hands, you slipped your hand under the sleeve of your cloak to pinch the skin so you could try to ignore him when he walked over to sit next to you. You turned your head away from him. 
You felt the mattress shift under his weight when he sat next to you. You felt his breath tickle the top of your head as he spoke to you, “please, talk to me.”
“I’ve already told you, there’s nothing to talk about Dad.”
“...You’ve been seeing The Warden whenever you look at me, haven’t you?” He sounded so broken. It must be hard to have your own child avoid you because you reminded them of their murderer. 
You were quiet for a few moments while you battled against the tears that threatened to leak from your eyes. Swallowing thickly, you shakily said, “I’m sorry Dad, I’m so sorry. I-I see it when I see you. I see it everywhere.”
“Hey,” he gently said, “it’s alright. Nothing’s your fault, you can’t control it. Is there anything… specific that reminds you of it?”
“...Yeah, I see it vividly when I see something tall and… and dark green. I can’t help but to see it when I see you.”
He felt his heart sink. He always wore green, no matter the day. He was basically torturing his child just by being around them. God, what kind of father was he if he didn’t realize that sooner? He felt like a failure. 
You spewed reassurances at him when you heard his breath hitch. “Dad, it’s not your fault, you didn’t know about it. It’s just a stupid fear and it’s my fault for not getting over it. I-I’ll do better. I can-”
“Stop. Nothing is your fault and it’s certainly not stupid. You’re traumatized, (y/n), you’re traumatized and it’s nobody’s fault except The Warden’s,” it sounded like he was trying to convince himself. “Would you feel more comfortable if I changed clothes?”
“You- you don’t have to. I don’t want you to change anything because of me.”
“(Y/n), I’m your father. I’ll do anything if it means you feel better, I want to help you get better. Changing what I wear isn’t a big deal. I’ll be right back.”
“You really don’t have to, Dad.”
“Nonsense, I’m going to go change. It’s really not a big deal.”
He stood up and speed walked out your door. You felt awful, he was changing because of you. Because you were scared of a fucking color. You needed to get a grip. You were weak. 
The door opened again to reveal Philza dressed in an old white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. His wardrobe was very limited when it came to colors other than green; it was strange seeing him in anything but green. You felt a little more at ease around him, but you still couldn’t look him in the eye. You still felt guilty.
Sitting next to you again, he fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “It’s been a while since I’ve worn these, I uh forgot how comfy they are.”
You two sat in an awkward silence. It was obvious that he was lying to you about liking them. He was shifting his wings around uncomfortably and shifting on the mattress. With wings, it was hard to find fabric that didn’t irritate the base of the wing. The base of the wings were more sensitive than any other body part.
“You’re lying.”
“Lying? About what hun?”
“About being comfortable. They’re irritating your wings aren’t they? This is why you shouldn’t change anything about yourself for me, I just screw things up for everyone.”
“No you don’t-”
“Yes I do, Dad. Let’s be honest here, I’m a complete fuck up. I mess up everything I’m near. I messed up the family. Everything’s different because of me.”
He moved to kneel in front of you, placing both his hands firmly on your shoulders.
“Look at me, (y/n).”
When you didn’t make any move to look up from your tightly clasped hands, he gingerly moved your chin up and put his hand back on your shoulder. His face was stern and his blue eyes were blazing. Oh god, you really fucked up didn’t you? You knew you shouldn’t have told him anything.
“You are not a fuck up. Do you hear me? You. Are. Not. A. Fuck up.”
“Ah,” he sharply chided, “I’m not done. You aren’t a fuck up. You couldn’t control what happened to you. You didn’t know that you’d die when you went into that cave. You didn’t know that you’d lose a limb. You didn’t mess up the family, you could never, ever, do that… (Y/n), change was bound to happen sooner or later. Everything changes, that’s just how life works. Even if we didn’t want change, it’s inevitable.”
He could tell from your bloodshot eyes and wobbling chin that you were about to cry, it was always your tell as a child. In that instance, he saw you as the kid that came running to him after you scraped your knee. An innocent kid that always saw the good in the world. He pulled you into his chest and gently wrapped his wings around you, humming the song he would sing to you when you had a nightmare as a child.
“It’s alright, hun, let it out.”
You finally broke, throwing your arms around him and sobbing into his chest. Your body shook with muffled sobs as you released all the pent up emotion you’ve been deprived of in the last two months. It felt nice to talk to your dad again, to be close to him again. For the first time in two months, you felt completely safe. Your dad will always protect you. 
“It’s been so hard Dad,” you blubbered out. “I don’t know what to do. I’m broken, Dad. I can’t be fixed. I feel so empty.”
“Hun, no. You can be fixed, it just takes time. We’re here for you. Me, Technoblade, Wilbur, and Tommy. We’re always going to be here for you no matter what. We’ll help you.”
You fell silent as your body convulsed with silent sobs. You two sat there for what seemed like hours before you finally ran out of tears. You pulled back from him and wiped at your snotty nose.
“I never apologized for what I said to you two months ago. I-I shouldn’t have said any of those things. It hurt you in ways that I’ll probably never understand, and… I’m sorry Dad.”
“(Y/n), you don’t have to apologize. You were scared and you were trying to protect your brothers. That was really brave of you to do, I’m proud of you.”
You threw yourself at him again in a tight, one-winged hug. He chuckled as he hugged you back.
“…Thank you Dad, for everything.”
“Anything for you,” he glanced at the clock you made on your wall. “It’s almost dinner time, let’s go see if your brothers burnt down the kitchen.”
You genuinely smiled at that, remembering the last time your brother cooked together. It was a couple of years ago when you and Philza were coming back from visiting a nearby village. Philza thought it was a spectacular idea to give your brothers the task of cooking dinner. That day, you two came home to a fire engulfing the entire stove and your brothers arguing about whose fault it was. Since then, they weren’t allowed to cook together.
“That’s a good idea, remember the last time they cooked together?”
He chuckled. “Don’t remind me, I nearly pulled out all my feathers cuz of the stress it gave me. I think it even gave me a few gray hairs.”
You snorted. “Well, they’re quiet. Too quiet. We need to go down there before they burn down the house.”
He kissed your hair before you stood up and started to walk to the kitchen. He followed suit, throwing an arm over your shoulders and pulling you into his side. Surprisingly, they didn’t burn down the kitchen. Instead, they actually cooked dinner well. Some of it was burnt, but to their credit, they hadn’t cooked together in a while.
At the dinner table, you felt like you were part of the family again. You laughed with your brothers when Philza scolded them for something they said. You felt like there was a giant weight lifted off from your shoulders. Of course, you were still traumatized and had other issues you had to work out, but now you knew you had your family to help you through it. You wouldn’t ask for anything different.
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herstarburststories · 3 years
Calamitous Love
Paring: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Dean shows up at your house, but this is a calamitous love. Sooner or later, it's going to destroy.
A/N: I was based and inspired by so many things to get this ready, I can't even start pointing them here. This started as something and escalated to something else, and I'm immensely in love with how it is now. I'm posting a version of this through Dean's POV soon. The prompt is bolded and its for @tvdspngirl314's bday challenge! Hope you like it, honey! And happy bday.
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, fluff, angst, dean is a perv in a cute way, s1 dean Ily
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Dean Winchester could easily remember how mad you were that night, after he purposely came to your party uninvited and stood on the porch talking to all your stupid friends. How the one you called the best out of them had wide eyes when she caught him there, and all the reaction she could get was him winking at her.
The man - who was more like a boy, really - with green eyes that matched your garden knew she would run and rush and breathlessly tell you that he was there.
Of course she did. Inez was never one for keeping secrets. He used to wonder if it was a matter of time for the blonde to spread yours.
Her loose lips were useful that night, though. He couldn't even finish his chatter about Chevrolet versus Toyota cars with that James guy before you bursted out of the door ferociously. Dean turned around and waited for many things; well-deserved slapping, indignated tears, a sharp scream strident enough to suppress the loud song which vibrated through everyone's skin like veins.
You surprised him once again.
You closed your eyelashes and took a deep breath, as if to control the burning fire behind your thoughts. The Winchester had seen her in arguments before, the whole ‘my mouth is a loaded gun without a trigger’ thing held an entirely new meaning. He knew you wanted to come at him, and Dean wouldn’t put any guilty on you for that. As you walked towards him, his brittle heart raced like one of those chick flick moments he always mocked about - yet, he couldn't help but stare. Your legs looked so good in that light, pretty ass that Dean loved to grab wrapped in a tight red skirt. You had a white tank with cleavage on and your hair was, as usual, free on its widest way. The hunter adored how your brown sea could never seem not to be a mess, and how you made chaos marvelous like a natural. He surely needed that in his life.
Isn’t it all you had been since the very beginning, honestly? Isn’t it what love utterly is when the lights are dim and the weather changes? Cutting right to the bone like a surgeon, you were that one thing, that one hand that would touch Dean’s weary head and make it rest, those unique lips who could whisper tales of hope in the backseat of his car and he could actually believe it. The one, you know, that one person who didn’t make the eldest Winchester feel like he cared more than he was cared for. He often experienced that math problem, dad never seemed to be satisfied enough to be proud of him, and Sam was always talking about how he wanted to leave someday.
‘’Dean.’’ You said and your tone was harsh, a single eyebrow arched with a quiet defying question. The green eyed man wouldn't be shocked if you had called him out before when he was too busy paying attention to you to notice. ‘’Let's go to the garden.’’
And then you grabbed his wrist, sneaking in through the rusting garden gates in the back of your house. Such mere touch put his skin on flames. So many others, mostly monsters or people who were really monsters at heart, already chained his hands and he always broke the cuffs. This time, in your hands, Dean almost wished he could stay put, grounded to something else other than bloody walls and oily guns. He missed you so much. The way your fingers felt on his cheeks, how you'd allow him to kiss every inch of your body, and how you seemed to understand.
Anyway, it wasn't time for him to turn sentimental just yet. Leave it to Sam. 
Dean’s boots were cruel against the grass, walking side by side with your high heels ones. Above all the partying noise, they both were quiet for once, as if they were going into a clandestine meeting.
He hated it.
‘’What the fuck are you doing here?’’ you turned around in a swift move before crossing your arms. It took a lot of self control not to glare at your breast, which is why Dean didn’t. He pictured it wasn’t that bed since he was only glancing for a few seconds and the malicious smirk on his face faded into him licking his bottom lip through the memories of fucking, grabbing and playing with them. You rolled your eyes, impressed by my immature behavior. ‘’Winchester, I asked what you are doing here.’’
Always so dominant in every situation but in bed. He sighed to himself, man, I can’t lose her.
‘’Listen, Y/N/N, I’m sorry.’’
‘’You are sorry? You can take your apologies and put them in your sorry ass till’ they come out of your mouth, Dean.’’ And, of course, stubborn. Dean Winchester wouldn't be so attracted to you in any other way. Frisky women always had the best him.
He groaned, ‘’Y/N, come on, it wasn't like that--’’
You interrupted his reasoning with a laugh empty of joy: ‘’You left me. You just walked away. No calls, no texts, just left. You promised you wouldn't. You said I could trust you.’’
‘’And you can!’’
He wasn’t able to blame you for that. Still, it broke him to hear every casual syllable in raw honesty. Dean would kill for you, and you didn’t even trust him because he ran away without any note, or previous warning, or anything. If only he could do the trick of just opening his mouth and allowing his emotions to come arrive, like Sam did all the time. All he tried to be, his little brother was simply born that way. He could never be like Sammy and you deserved a guy like him. Yet, the bruised man - more like a scared boy, really - remained in front of you. Because, for once, Dean wanted to act selfish and get it what he craved for. Just this once.
‘’To leave? Sure.’’ Nonetheless, you never learned how to read his mind, so you just aim a wry smile at him. ‘’Sorry, pal. I already have my mom to do that.’’
In that moment, every word you said was a stone designed to shatter him, and it was working fatefully. Sometimes, the green eyed hunter wished he was the one being left instead of leaving people behind. But how could you know that? It's the job side effect.
Taking a deep breath, your name is leaving his lips calmly. The most calm he had ever been since my three childhood years. ‘’Y/N…’’
‘’No, Dean.’’ You spoke. Because his forest eyes matched a lot with the grass in your garden under that dim light, almost like he was made to be there and you didn’t think you could do it again; lose him. It was too much.
‘’Dang, woman. I'm trying to explain!’’
‘’No, you are trying to come up with a stupid lie to cover up whatever you were doing for two weeks! I'm not stupid and I know you.’’ You accused, exasperatedly slapping your own tights. You were right, he had showed up to your party with a dumb excuse on his tongue, ready to tell you anything but the truth. Fuck, how the short haired hunter wanted you to have the imaginary money to buy one of his cheap lies. ‘’Tell me the truth. Don't come up with my dad needed help with a car and all that. What happened to you, Dean?’’
‘’I can't tell you.’’ He shrugged in frustration. 
I want to tell you everything, even the details in the corner, the monster in the forest.
You smile sarcastically, ‘’I don't see a fold on your lips.’’
But I can’t.
Dean huffed, pursing his lips. ‘’You would hate me.’’
You would think I’m a crazy liar.
‘’I already do.’’
You can be so violent when hurt. You both have bullets in different body parts, and there you are trying to shoot him. Modern Romeo and Juliet, a hunter romance; they try to kill each other instead of the evil thing.
‘’Y/N, you are gonna think I'm crazy.’’ He wiped his face, exasperated for you to change the subject.
Your lips were shut, the light reflected on you. Dean was glaring at you in a quiet desire for you to stay, to make him stay. But you stand still, looking away with delicate woe contorting your features.
It was clear after a hunt when the hunter should leave the town. And it was clear now that he killed any hope for them that Dean shall do what he usually does after a case. Nodding with a sigh, started to walk away.
But you stopped him.
‘’What are you doing?’’ You, in fact, sounded confused. Dean’s eyebrows knitted together, unsure if you two were having the conversation he thought you were not even one minute ago.
The answer resonated more like a question than anything: ‘’Leaving?’’
Your next words were the equivalent to the three ones he had never dared to say. ‘’I don't want you to leave.’’
Yes, the Winchester’s heart was pouring as fast as it was when he went on his first hunt. Yes, he could hear an old rock song playing when you have that look on your face. Yes, he knew he was acting like Sammy and all his cheesy discourses right now.
Who cares?
Apart from all that, Dean offered you a cocky smile. ‘’What do you want, sweetheart?’’
‘’Kiss me.’’
And he did. You trusted him in the garden and he got you back. Dean kissed you in the porch in front of all your stupid friends, too. And then he kissed you again in my car under the streetlight and in so many other uncountable places.
He was the person who got left a few years after that. As if his sorrow had become the prey for some cosmic joke. Sammy left for Stanford and it made his dad, well, more dad than usual. The weird thing was, inside of the grief of being left, Dean understood what he did to you. He had a lot of blood in his hands, enough to turn an ocean red if he ever tried to clean them, but I knew that leaving you was the worst thing that I had ever done.
Well, at least that was what two bottles of Whiskey helped him to get to.
Dean guessed he got what you felt on your porch that night as well. When he walked in, you knew you'd forgive him but you needed to sting back. As Sam left, his older brother already knew he'd forgive him, too. Dean fought about it, and I felt betrayed- wounded animals still attack. But he had forgave him the moment he missed him.
You forgave Dean too, and nowadays he resented for that with an insufferable regret. Because then he told you the truth about the world and showed you his scars. He kissed you, and your lips found every ugly in him. Still, they kept asking him for more. Your lips were the bed for my monster to sleep under.
Real monsters found them.
A few years later, the trio was in a town. You had a vacation from college - you dated a hunter with 5 bucks to his name, and you were studying journalism in a conceited university. It made no sense to Dean sometimes. All you asked for was to spend your free time with him and a call each night to make sure he was alive, which he gave you happily. Besides finding a way to go near your city at least once a month, more for himself than anything else. How did he get so lucky?
You liked certain aspects of the hunter life, surprisingly. The driving away, the creatures, even the restaurants. ‘’Come on, you guys hunt monsters. How cool is that? Also just driving, eating in a new place everyday. Did I mention monsters are real? You guys are like heroes!’’
He shook his head at your optimism, stroking your naked form gently that night.‘’We aren't here, Y/N. This life, it ends early and bloody. There is no place for white fancies and normal.’’
‘’Who said that I want that?’’ You mocked right before pressing your lips to the hickey on his neck, gaining a content groan from Dean. ‘’You monsters. As far as I'm concerned, you are a hero. My hero.’’ You add a subtle joke. ‘’Like a fairytale.’’
He scoffed and pulled you closer. ‘’More like a horror movie.’’ 
‘’Haven’t you read fairytales?’’ 
‘’No, but I did see the porn version.’’ Done with talking, he got on top of you, wearing that lopsided grin that started it all over again.
Years back, he asked you what you wanted. And you said, kiss me.
You kept saying that for a decade. Growing that calamitous love, feeding it with stolen glances and touches. If you knew what’s next, would you do it again?
Now you are laying on the ground as he got on my knees and pulled you closer. You are almost dead, a half lifeless body, but you hold on so tight to life, gasping for it. His stubborn girl who he loved so.
Your voice, usually so determined, is barely a whimper. ‘’Everyone wants a fairytale love.’’
‘’What? Don’t get sentimental on me, Y/N. You aren’t gonna die.’’ Dean says exasperated. It isn’t blind faith, unrealistic optimism or anything like this. It’s denial, one of the stages of grief he’s familiar with. It lives with him, as loyal as a dog, as present as a long lost mother’s love; he ignores the acceptance and hope, jumping right into anger, guilt, denial, and bargains with the devil. As if death is a champagne problem he can just drink and be done with because hey, if you can’t lose something, then you won’t right? Right? And if you do lose it, then you’ll just die too. Someone loses oxygen, they die. Someone loses too much blood, they die.
He will die if he loses you, he will. Dean is devastatingly sure of that. He can feel it in his bones. If you die, he dies. His body, his cicatrized soul was made out of in woe. That man - scared little boy like he was when Mary died, really -, He knows sadness like an old lover who always visits, and death is an old friend who always shakes his hands and appears without an invite. Dean Winchester knows pain, alright? Ask any person, he’s the Rome for men, built in ruins despise the beauty of good.
But this? No. He can’t survive. It isn’t possible that someone can hold so much suffering and agony. Skin and bone can only take so many hematomas. 
‘’Dean, shut up.’’ You place your hand on his cheek and Dean can’t help but lean in. His green eyes are glistening, the memory of the garden reminiscing in the back of your mind. ‘’I’ve wanted a fairytale love since I was a kid and my dad used to read the books my mom left on the shelf for me. So, in my defense, I never actually read them.’’
‘’Is this what a fairytale looks to you?’’ The eldest Winchester asks, not missing how your touch is colder against him. Where’s Sam with the car? Where’s a miracle? Where’s the justice and fair things and anything good? Dying in his arms, sinking her fingernails into his skin.
‘’The original ones, yes. They are just like that.’’ You chortle, but what’s meant to sound like happiness develops into a cough. All the energy and strength you have are used to push the words. You need Dean to know. ‘’I don't regret anything. You loved me, and I loved you. This is good. I don’t want your silly little mind to think any other way. You aren’t the villain in my story, Dean. You are the…’’ You’re interrupted by your own body giving up on you at an alarming rate, more bloodstained coughing.
‘’Don’t speak, honey. You’ll be alright, okay? No goodbye, we don’t do goodbye. You’ll be alright. Just keep yourself awake, ok?’’ Dean doesn’t know what to do other than hold you. What does one do with all the throbbing aches? He can’t say he will see you in heaven if you die. Staying with you for ten years was heaven already and this is the price he pays. That’s like when the ocean drains in a flash right in front of your eyes and someone tells you to swim in the sky instead. He can’t jump high enough to get it, he isn’t tall enough to get it. But God, Dean can’t just give up, he can’t just let you go. You are bleeding out and he’s dying with you. ‘’Please.’’ The Winchester pleas. ‘’Don’t leave me. Please.’’
If this is how you die and you can only pick up some words to say, you need to spell love. You need Dean Winchester to know he was loved with your last breath, there’s no better use to life other than love. Therefore, it’s easy to know what to voice when you look into his eyes one last time. ‘’I love you.’’
Through the agony, Dean gives you the sort of smile... You know, the sort of smile that can only be described by I put my home on fire, so I could eat all the flames and all the bright blaze is in my teeth now. Because something is burning and you are becoming ashes, but you love this. You love that boy and he loves you. You’d do it all again. He rests his forehead against yours and you can feel his tears on your face, his hands holding you for dear life.
‘’I love you too.’’
It’s a good thing to hear as you close your eyes.
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sluggishslugcrimes · 3 years
headcanons for DamiJon
I have noticed I've done one for Halbarry, a years worth for birdflash, but nothing on Damijon, timbartkon, or any other I ship Bats with,,, Imma fix that. (Note: they are adults in this, If I mention their age then it happen at that time.)
- Damian is a cuddler, he won't admit it but several people can confirm this. Dick, Dawn, Collin, and especially Jon can tell you this. He just needs to behold and sometimes, especially on bad days, you just need to cuddle up to someone you trust a lot to feel better.
- together their brain cells are gone like they do dumb shit together okay.
- Jon is a hopeless romantic, he wants to do all kinds of cute couple things with Damian and he does.
- Damian enjoys PDA, everyone thinks it Jon but no it's actually Damian. He does prefer private settings of course but that's because he doesn't want anyone else to see him turn this almost like demi-god into a puddle of goo, but he won't miss out on an opportunity to kiss him in public and like why hide their relationship?
- Damian get bolder, say thanks to Rose, Steph, and Dick for helping to create this little demon in an angel costume.
- Jon at sixteen did the whole Romeo and Juliet window scene with Damian making sure the pretty rich boy knew who he was going to marry once they could. Jon was gonna be his dork for the rest of Damian's life, and the other was more than just okay with this.
- Damian likes being on Jon's shoulders, when they are in long debriefing he will gently tug on the cape and Jon knows to get down for Damian to sit on his shoulders.
- Titus, Alfred the cat, and Goliath love their second dad, Batcow likes playing hard to get.
- They sleep weirdly, like they'll go to bed all normal but sometime in the night on is upside down and Damian becomes a blanket worm.
- Damian cooks, Jon liked to have burned the apartment down trying to make toast so Dami cooks.
- they can resight Legally Blonde by heart, this ain't anything but me wanting Damian to be in Legally Blonde Cosplay really.
- Don't disrespect Jon's love when he's breaking down gender roles in a maxi shirt, crop top, heels, and make-up or you just gonna have to say goodbye to your right to breathe without a tube.
- they really walk up to Gala's as that glamorous couple, sorry they can't hear you over how shiny they are. Bye peasant.
- Jon lost Dami in a zoo once, he cried for six hours until Dami came back, and from then on Dami doesn't leave him much.
- Jon will let Dami put makeup on him, but only him because like his hair he only trusts few people to do this. Dami is on the list along with his mother, not his father... not Clark-
- Talia loves Jon but did put a Kryptonite dagger near his throat to warn him if her son's heart is broken he will be dead, Jon wouldn't but this did make him hide behind Damian, who's shorter than him, whenever she comes around.
- Cat and Bat did the same thing too, please stop scaring his boyfriend Dami can console him as much as he can.
- Drunk dami is a crying drunk, he did that line asking if Jon if he was single and he told him no and Dami cried in a plant.
- Dami looks like a god in gold and so Jon will show him anything that has gold in it and try to get him to get it,,, it not Bat level but Dami buys it because Jon gets happy.
- Loise loves Damian, Clark is still scared of the gremlin but his wife loves her son-in-law so he tries not to show fear,,, Damian can smell the fear.
- Jon: Help I lost my boyfriend, Stranger: what does he look like?, Jon, in tears: BEAUTIFUL!
- Damian: Excuse me, he asked for no pickles.
- Damian gets icy fingers and he put them on Jon's warm belly, pure evil.
- Both sass villains
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crackinwise · 3 years
My pet AU is Kiyotaka and Mondo somehow out in the post-Tragedy Japan, surviving and saving people. Like either they didn't agree to stay locked in Hope's Peak for safety, or they survived the game and left with the others but didn't join Future Foundation. Major points up front, details divided into sections under the cut:
Mondo's objective would be to find his gang, and Taka's goal, besides finding his dad, would be repairing society while punishing those responsible for its destruction. But their direct task is keeping each other safe & helping victims along the way.
Mondo even stresses calling Taka "Ishimaru" instead of "bro" or his given name in front of others, so they might KNOW who's saving them. Taka caught on quick & is very grateful.
Taka would have kind of a breakdown reconciling who he is with what he has to do in a lawless world where every public moral is ignored. He keeps a small ledger of places they loot from, to compensate in the future.
At the start, Taka can only sleep burrowed against Mondo's chest or back, blocking out their damaged surroundings & pretending everything is as it was.
He cries in Mondo's arms one night after he couldn't avoid killing someone to save Mondo's life, and that's the tipping point. He thinks if he was better, stronger like his bro, he'd have noticed sooner & found a better option. Mondo is being so brave; he's Taka's rock and Taka wants to be as steady for him too. Their souls are already connected so obviously he just has to borrow more of Mondo's spirit, right?
That's how Ishida is created.
(In reality, Mondo just compartmentalizes and shoves down unhelpful feelings. You thought he needed therapy BEFORE all this, oh man-)
Taka ends up slipping into the Ishida facade for fight and flight; any time adrenaline kicks in and he feels he needs that boost. Sadly, that's most of their waking time. He guards Mondo and anyone they're saving like a fierce watchdog, and won't hesitate to bite.
He'll only come out of the role when he personally verifies it's safe and if Mondo can confirm it. Survivors are confused by the dual-sided Ishimaru switching right in front of them, but they're so grateful (and so much weird crap has happened) that it never phases them long.
Too many times, Ishida will go all day without a break. This means when their hideout for the night is absolutely safe, that it's okay to let go, Taka just collapses in exhaustion. But Mondo is there to catch him.
Mondo feels conflicted over the Ishida role because Taka is just a beast in it--it's very flattering and a little hot--but it also makes him worry more than before about Taka's health. He comforts Taka with a lot of praise and reassurances, and Taka sleeps lightly but otherwise fine.
Relationship: (slight mature warning)
When they touch, Taka swears he can feel the link between them flare to fuel them. Twin fires ignited. Mondo doesn't know about all that, but when their eyes meet it definitely makes him feel invincible, so, he can believe.
If they weren't already new boyfriends when The Tragedy hit, all this closeness makes sure of that soon after. Being together is their happiness and, for a while, their only link to pre-Tragedy lives. Vows not unlike marriage were exchanged one night. Where one goes, the other will follow. Anywhere. Always.
When they kiss, safe and alone, Mondo will ask what Taka wants; what he can handle that night. Sometimes it's just the kisses before passing out, sometimes it's more intimate touches to please them both after another hellish day.
Sometimes Taka will ask to be made love to, for obvious couple reasons, but also because Mondo inside him makes their tether feel stronger, more complete. Like going over the invisible line in bold marker. Taka believes any marks they can create with their mouths, any traces of themselves they can leave on or in each other, the easier they can find their bond and tap into it. (He had started a nervous habit of pressing in on lovebites to keep Ishida going when tired.)
Mondo tells him he doesn't need to find a poetic excuse for fetishes and Taka lovingly answers with a stomach punch.
Crazy Diamonds:
Mondo's gang members, the ones not dead or overcome with Despair, are slowly found and joined back up.
Any smaller and sturdier motorcycles are kept when found. If Mondo was able to keep his own in this version, it's a bit heavier than would be good for any off-roading--and much too loud for any stealth--but he refuses to part with it.
Every gang member respected Taka/Ishida the second they saw him fight beside their leader. Before Mondo says a word about him. They readily take orders from him in either form. The change in appearance was a surprise, but they're already used to some members wildly changing demeanor in or away from the gang, so it's easily accepted.
With the gang as backup to keep watch during downtime--after Ishida sized each one up and watched them for loyalty--the pair can feel a lot more relaxed. They joke about having a date in a blown-out restaurant they find, and they can finally enjoy a deep sleep.
When the group finds safehouses with more than one room, Mondo & Taka are given their privacy. Taka tries to insist everyone deserves a chance at privacy and they should rotate, but changing a gang's long-established hierarchy is a losing battle. And Mondo's not on his side because when they're alone he can be as sappy or touchy as he likes.
Taka and Mondo save a lot of people over their journey and kinda become a legend that gets spread around and gives people Hope.
This area still needs work from me. Probably some research into Japanese myths and supernatural symbolism. A placeholder right now is something corny like "Two Men with burning eyes and thunderous voices will answer your cries for help. But if you're evil, the two will appear to you as One Demon and drag you down to the land of the dead."
There's also probably a need for costume changes since their color scheme is the same black & white of the Despair Remnants and monokumas killing people. Legend or not, it'd be easy for traumatized survivors to not know they're good guys at first.
Darker Moments: (blood, violence and vague attempted sexual assault)
After he killed a man to save Mondo, Taka luckily (he wouldn't use that word) doesn't have to again. Hurt? Yes. Beat unconscious? Yes. Maim? Yes, but some of the vile dregs of humanity are caught doing things that deserve worse--
--That deserve Mondo. Once when they were still traveling alone, a group of Remnants jumped them, managing to separate the two, and one knocked Taka out with a bad blow to the head. Mondo dispatched the others attacking him and got to Taka right as the Remnant was about to do something unforgivable.
Mondo snapped. He still doesn't remember what he did, he just remembers coming to in all the blood and dazedly picking Taka up to take him to a place he knew was safe.
Taka never finds out. He woke up a day later with a bandaged head and Mondo crying and kissing his hands. Mondo just told him he beat some and scared away the others.
Minor Details:
They try to always fight back-to-back and, to observers, seem to read each other's mind for where to move.
Taka/Ishida would use a sword or hand-to-hand. The pickaxe might just be a random pickaxe they find, if he uses it at all. Kinda hard to carry both a sword and a railroad pickaxe on your back, and I can't imagine it balances very well. (The size in official pics would be a 5lb head w/2-3lb handle.)
Mondo seems like he would use anything lying in debris to fight. Poles, pipes, chains. Aaaand maybe the knives he mentions in School Mode.
For any costume changes, Mondo would keep his jacket at least. A beacon for the Diamonds. Maybe a purple tank top, and different pants better for knife holsters. Unless the holster should wrap around his waist or hip instead?
Any changes to Taka's outfit would keep his armband. It's a reminder of his Talent and his goal to make Japan even better than before. Also wanna keep his boots or change to more rugged ones.
End Goal:
Obviously they'd end up in Towa, after the events of Ultra Despair Girls. They're reunited with Takaaki and Takemichi. Maybe they help set things right there a bit, or Makoto would get word to them about his plans vs Future Foundation's. Look at me, do I look like someone that knows how to end things?
There is no way you read all that. (I love you if you did.) But feel free to use all or any bits of it in your own works. Almost positive I'll never get to compose all this into a coherent fic format. I might update in short scenario posts under a 'Tragedy-survivor au' tag if I think of anything.
If you have a question or want something expanded upon, ask away.
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thescreamingraven · 3 years
A promise
Dabi x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff and angst, domestic, slight mentions of injury.
Words:  2 203
Summary:  A promise is something to be kept then why do you insist on breaking it?
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“Mom! Daddy’s home” Your daughter screamed at the top of her lungs as she charged to the door. When it opened, Dabi couldn’t even get one foot in your house before she clung to him.
“I’m home.” Dabi smiled softly, picking up his little girl.
You appeared from the kitchen and approached the two of them. “Welcome home.” You cooed gently, reaching up and running your fingers through Dabi’s hair.
It’s been like that for a few years, peaceful and quiet.. It was a bit difficult at first, when you told Dabi you were pregnant and were planning to keep it; he started to avoid you, ignoring your calls and messages, but after some soul searching he came around. You both knew deep down that it was the right thing to do, even if it was going to be difficult.
After that, you both quickly bought a small house together in a safe area outside the city. You took a break from heroism and Dabi stopped going on missions for a while. The nine months were tough with your hormones taking a toll and Dabi being not the most patient person ever, it had an impact on your relationship. Also, the fear of bringing a new life into this corrupted world wasn’t the best either, but here you were… countless sleepless nights later.
Your little girl was almost eight now, which was exciting on its own. She was the perfect picture of her dad. You sometimes wondered if she got any genes from you or was it all her Dabi. Who knew that a hero and villain could create someone so pure, so sweet, so innocent and so loud…
You leaned against your kitchen counter and looked at the two most important people in your life. Your daughter was sitting in Dabi’s lap babbling about her day and showing the pictures you helped her draw. You instinctively touched your stomach. “We need to tell him” You whispered to yourself, rubbing small circles on your stomach.
You decided to try a new recipe you saw online, which proved to be quite a challenge. It was something you never cooked before and the steps were confusing. You massaged your temples and jumped a bit when you felt someone’s arms around you.
“Here, let me help, you must be tired…” Dabi Purred as he took the knife you’ve had in your hands and placed it on the counter after that he gently kissed your cheek
“Well, hello to you too.” You giggled, relaxing into his warmth.
“Your shoulders feel a bit stern.” He said placing a kiss on your shoulder and reaching to get another cutboard from the upper cabinet.
“I’m fine. I didn’t even do that much today.” You mumbled picking up the knife once again.
“Still….” He looked at his daughter who was scribbling something on a piece of paper, from this angle she looked like an angel, deep down he still couldn’t believe that it was his daughter, even if she did look a lot like him. “She can be a little… active sometimes.”
He looked at your phone. “New recipe, huh?”
“Yea thought I’d try cooking something new.”
“How do I… cut this?” You murmured to yourself, holding the knife horizontally.
“If you do that you’ll cut yourself, Hold on, give me your hands,” Dabi said as he once again stood behind you, intertwining his hands with yours and assisting you in cutting.
“Getting handsy, huh?” You teased.
“Don’t get any ideas miss, I’m taken,” He looked at you and nuzzled slightly into your neck “And happily so.”
You giggled, planting a small kiss on his cheek.
“Have you ever cooked this before?” You asked soothingly.
“I cooked something similar, I think… When I was little, I need to help out a lot because of my siblings, so I learned how to cook.” He explained. “I think my mom used to cook something similar.”
“Huh, maybe you should drop this whole villainy thing and become a chef.” You chuckled, turning around to face him.
“Oh yeah, I’ll conquer the world with my amazing cooking skills…” He remarked, pulling you closer.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and scratched his scalp gently. You both looked at your daughter, who was now distracted by the TV.
“You know she’s really excited about her birthday tomorrow.” You chirped.
“Did she ask for that dog again?” He smirked.
Tell him
“You okay?”
Now or never, just spit it out
“She asked for a puppy again.” You mumbled turning your back on him, once again focusing on your dish, Dabi cocked his eyebrow and sighed.
“No, seriously, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” You smiled faintly. “I’m just glad your back is all.”
You glanced at him and saw that he wasn’t going to let this go, so before he could continue pressing the matter, you mumbled. “I think it’s finished… think you can get her?”
He gave you a suspicious look but nodded nonetheless. He walked towards your daughter while you began to set the table.
He sat down near her, patting her head. “Dinners ready.” He cooed softly.
Before she could get up, he gently pulled her into a hug and whispered. “Mommy seems a bit off today, do you know why?”
“No, but,” She hesitated and looked at her father, he gave her a slight nod and she continued “Mommy cried today… I asked her why but she didn’t tell me…”
“I see,” he mumbled. “Well, get your butt to the kitchen.”
“But my drawing…”
“You can finish it later…” He chirped slightly patting her back.
She gave him her drawing “Do you like it?”
“Of course I do now, cmon” He picked her up while her loud giggles filled the room “time to eat.
The dinner went by quietly while your daughter’s favorite cartoons played in the background you and Dabi barely kept any conversation going. The guilt of keeping it from him grew bigger and bigger by the minute.
Dabi could see that you were nervous about something, but decided not to start that kind of discussion in front of your kid. The last thing she needs is to worry about her parents fighting, he thought.
When the dinner ended, you suggested washing the dishes while Dabi put your daughter to sleep. It didn’t take you that long to finish and the stars outside looked so gorgeous tonight, so you decided to go get some fresh air and do some soul searching, so you put on Dabi’s jacket and your shoes and stepped outside. The night was warm with no trail of wind anywhere; the crickets were loudly chirping. You looked up at the sky and got lost in it; it was difficult not to, There were so many stars, different sizes, ones brighter than the others. You were so overwhelmed by the night’s sky that you didn’t even notice Dabi coming up to you and leaning down on the porch next to you.
“Have room for one more?”
You jumped slightly.
“Sorry didn’t see you there…” You gasped.
“But Yes, I think there’s one more free spot right here.” You teased, tapping the railing, signaling him to get closer, and he did. He wrapped one of his hands around you and pulled you in.
“She’s something else huh..?” He quietly mumbled, “Hell, I still can’t believe that’s she’s ours… we made her…”
With a sigh, he gently turned your face so you would meet his gaze.
“Tell me what’s wrong”
Before you could say anything he quickly interrupted, “Don’t say nothing, I know you well enough to know when something is bothering you.”
You let your head fall, scared to meet his gaze.
“Were you going to tell me?” You asked with simple directness. “About the mission.”
“Oh…” He sighed. “You heard that…”
You gave him a sad smile “Yeah,” You finally lifted your head facing his piercing blue eyes.
“You never keep things for me….” You murmured. “So wh-?”
”Your doctor left you a voicemail.” he said with a casual tone. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He saw your expression change like lighting, and the look of guilt replaced any frustration you might have had.
He’s going to leave you.
You should’ve told him before it was too late.
“I…” You signed, “I was going to tell you…”
You hesitated. “Soon…?”
“Bullshit,” He snapped. “two months Y/n, that’s a long time. And you know what’s worse, I had to find out from your doctor… and on accident too.”
“I’m sorry.” You Sniffled. “I just…” Suddenly it became all too overwhelming, and you began to sob. “I thought… I thought maybe, you didn’t want it… and maybe you’d leave… like l-last time”
He saw you break down before his eyes. “Y/n…” He pulled you into his warm embrace, slowly messaging your back.
“Look at me.” He cupped your cheeks and made you face him. “I want this… alright?”
“R- really?”
“Yes, of course, I do…” He cooed softly, wiping away your tears with his thumb. “you’re not getting rid of me that easily. And besides, I’m happy that our little angel will get a sibling, maybe she’ll calm down a bit.” He smiled.
“I just wish you’ve told me…” He pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Let’s go inside, we wouldn’t want you to get sick now would we.”
You lay entangled in Dabi’s arms, feeling his slow and calm heartbeat, while he draws small circles on your back.
“So is it dangerous?” You finally broke the silence.
“No, just some basic stuff. Don’t worry, it won’t take that long… I’ll be home before morning. It will be like I never left.”
You lifted your head from Dabi’s chest.
“You know she’ll be crushed if you don’t come.” You murmured, nuzzling away a stray of hair from his face.
“I will, I promise, I’ll come back to you… and when I do…” we can both go pick up that mutt she keeps babbling on about.”
You repeated confusingly. “Mutt?” You giggled. “You got her a dog.”
“Quiet,” He shushed.
“You’re such a softie Toya… where did my big evil villain go?” You teased.
“Shut up you snot,” He pressed your head back on his chest “it’s your fault you know you did this,” he retorted.
Before sleep could overtake, you whispered something to him.
“I love you… please come back to me…”
“I love you too Y/n, and I will that’s a promise”
After that, you slowly drifted away to a deep slumber.
Half of the city laid in ashes, the street where Dabi was thrown during his little encounter only had one street light left. He slowly began to crawl to a nearby boulder thrown by none other than Endeavor himself. It was supposed to be a simple low-key mission; they needed to retrieve some supplies from one of their warehouses. How did something so insignificant attract the hero’s attention?
“I know you’re there, old man, you can come out. Noth-” He winced in pain, trying to at least slow down the bleeding. “I can’t really do anything now.”
He could see two figures approaching him, yet even in the dead of night, he knew who they were.
“You know I never thought that Shoto would-” he coughed.
“But you did it, you actually did it.” He chuckled.
Both figures quickly appeared before him, kneeling down next to him, talking about something Dabi could barely understand. He looked at Shoto, who was seemed to be panicking. “We need to get him help.” Endeavor stated while wrapping something around Dabi’s torso.
“I knew this day would come… eventually, I just didn’t expect you to-” Dabi began to cough drastically.
“Stop talking, son, and save your strength.” Endeavor advised.
“He’s bleeding out fast.” Shoto shuddered while trying to keep constant pressure on the wound. “Keep your eyes open, Toya. “Shoto pleaded.
“You’re such a softie Toya… where did my big evil villain go?”
Dabi tried to push himself up, mumbling something under his breath, but Shoto stopped him. “I can’t die here… I promised her… I-” Dabi started to tremble.
“I think he’s confused.” Shoto blurted.
“I love you… please come back to me…”
“Just hold on alright? We’ll get you some help.” Endeavor comforted.
Dabi could feel himself getting colder, he could feel himself slipping away. So he made a decision. He pulled Endeavor closer by his collar.
“Listen, you old bastard.” he coughed. “124th. Cherry street.”
Endeavor stared at him, confused and dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.
“Repeat it to me.” Dabi barked.
“124th. Cherry street.”
“Good. If I don’t make it Keep them safe for me…” Dabi winced in pain. “And tell…. tell, ” Dabi mumbled something under his breath, before slowly passing out.
The sound of the sirens was blocked by Shotos screaming and Endeavor murmuring something like a chant or prayer. Yet the only thing that Dabi could hear was the voices that sounded almost angelic. They pulled him deeper into the darkness like sirens luring him into a song he could never leave.
“I love you… please come back to me…”
“I love you too Y/n, and I will, that’s a promise”
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verytiredblob · 3 years
My reviews on Manhwas
Alright so, recently I've began to fall into the great Manhwa hell, as if I didn't have enough fandoms.
But I neither have friends to chat about this with, nor a Discord chat where I can fanby about it, so I just decided to throw it in here.
These are both Manhwas I recommend and my opinions on them. If there are any spoilers, They will be striked through and in blue for anyone that wishes to avoid them (if anyone even reads this lol).
1. The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass (악녀는 모래시계를 되돌린다)
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Premise: Aria was a terrible person and was sentenced to dead by being beheaded. In her final moments, she discovers her step sister, Mielle, actually manipulated her during her entire life just so she could get Aria killed. She then is beheaded, and wakes up in the past, in her child body. So now, she must work to both survive and get her revenge on her sister.
Lovely story, and my first Manhwa. The art is simply stunning, and all the characters are very flashed out and developed. Aria (MC) is the pettiest person alive and I'm here for that.
Also, I noticed a trend where, even though the manhwa has "Villainess" in the title, the MC is usually a total angel. Well, not here. Aria is egotistical and a total Diva, she has her goals and one of them is her revenge and by all that is sacred she'll get it.
Mielle is a great villain, she has grown a lot in her own pettiness and tactics since she was a child, and I really like that. Also, watching her suffer for being a terrible person is delightful.
The Male Lead (Asher) is also really cool, I like how he's both witty and friendly, and how much he truly admires Aria and her achievements.
The side characters are also pretty good, and they get a lot of focus because of their interactions with the main cast.
Again, The art is S T U N N I N G. Look at this:
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Literally all panels are drawn like this or better, I'm in love.
All in all, an awesome read, 10/10, I love this a lot.
2. The Monster Duchess And Contract Princess (괴물 공작가의 계약 공녀)
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Premise: Leslie's life was terrible, and always centered on her big sister, Eli. After a failed attempt of her family to grant Eli her sister's skills and knowledge, Leslie searches for the feared "Monster Duchess" in an attempt to survive.
Another one with incredible art AND incredible characters. Leslie is an absolute angel, and seeing her grow as a person is awesome.
The gender envy I feel with the Duchess is unbearable, she's utterly perfect. And the entire family is so dotting and loving and sweet, my little grinch heart can't take it.
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She's perfection, really.
The plot keeps getting more and more mysterious, and I'm here for it!
I love each of the main characters a lot, and even the villains are well done and fuel your hatred.
Also, Eli Sperado and her Dad can choke on those black flames for all eternity.
Another 10/10, although I must warn anyone that wishes to read this that the translations sometimes are very spotty and messy, so it can be a bit annoying.
3. I'll be the Matriarch in this Life (이번 생은 가주가 되겠습니)
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Premise: Firentia was a girl that died in Korea in her past life, and was reborn into an influential family as the illegitimate daughter of the third son. Her life was pretty terrible, with in the end, her family ending up in poverty and disgrace because of her uncles and cousins, while she was exiled from the family. After another accident, she wakes up in her past, now with a goal: Become the Lombardi matriarch and stop the other family heirs from bringing it to ruin.
Awesome art and Awesome plot number 3! This is so good, genuinely. Firentia is such an awesome plotter, and her goals and actions are very well developed.
The Male Lead is my baby and I shall protect him, and the side characters? Utterly stunning.
The twins are the cutest fucking shit, seriously. Like, look at these two?? I'm dead. Although, all the children are very, veeery cute.
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I like how Firentia subtly manipulates things around her to get what she wants. It's similar to Aria, but she's much more mature and knowledgeable, and has a much less petty goal.
Guess what? 10/10. Yeah, I know, I'm terrible at grading, sue me.
4. The Twins Siblings' New Life (쌍둥이 남매의 뉴라이프)
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Premise: Arien and Arjen were a pair of twins that died in Korea, and were reborn again as twins and as the Emperor's illegitimate children. Now, with only each other to trust, they must do their best to survive.
My current obsession. I really like this one. The art is not on the same level of pure Awesome like the ones before, but it's pretty good nonetheless.
The plot is pretty nice, but I must warn you: DO NOT expect them to act like adults. Honestly, just forget they're meant to be reborn in this world. They're just normal children and that's it. They act like children, and they think like children. Honestly, I think the author just wanted to make this story about them as children and their producer went and said to make them reincarnates because that Isekai shit is popular nowadays (And to justify they having memories of their newborn days). Seriously, just ignore it, the experience reading will be much better.
Other than that, the story develops nicely. The characters are all very good and the plot is very mysterious. I am holding myself back to not spoil anything, aaaaa.
There is also only one another thing that disappoints me: Arien is very clearly the MC. The story is told by her eyes and we only know what Arjen thinks or feels when he says it 9 or by subtext). I really wish it was more balanced, because they're both different people and have different perspectives, and also I really like Arjen.
I have absolutely no idea where this plot is gonna go, and honestly? I like it. It's very rare when I don't know how things are gonna develop because of other stories, so it feels very fresh.
The brothers are freaking awesome. I was so scared they were going to hate the twins and be petty, because of other manhwas that are like that, but they're so loving and sweet?? All hail these idiots. Also, Daddy is the biggest dumbass of all, this poor clueless man.
An 8/10, because of the complaints above. Still a good read, and I really like it, even with it's defects.
4. I'm A Stepmother, But My Daughter Is Just Too Cute! (계모인데 딸이 너무 귀여워)
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Premise: A seamstress dies of overwork in Korea, and wakes up in the body of Abigail, the vain Queen, and the evil stepmother to the princess Blanche. Yes, It's like she stepped into the world of Snow White, and she must now do her best to live and.. Dote on Blanche with toys and dresses as much as possible?
Again with the awesome art and nice plot. Why are there so many manga with awesome art?? I'm so envious.
May all hail this crispy, delicious art.
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Abigail is a whole mood, and I enjoy how she is inserted into the life of someone who had already lived and had a reputation. Her actions baffle a lot of the characters, as do her motivations, and I'm here for it.
The King has also an amazing backstory that's very tragic and yikes. I enjoy it, really. Not something you see in men's backstories that much.
Also, I'm kinda saddened by the fact the MC and the king are bound to become an actual couple. They would be such good platonic friends stuck in a political marriage. I was robbed, y'all.
Abigail greatest ambition is to get to design a dress for Blanche and have her wear it, and you know what? Good for her! Sometimes, it's good to have an MC that is not plotting against world at large.
Also, her mirror? Verite is simply perfect, I love this guy. I non-jokingly ship him with Abigail more than her with the King.
Blanche is a sweetheart, she deserves to be in my "adopted children" wall.
For now it's more of a Slice of Life than anything? But I also don't know what happens in the novels, so I'm just going to wait.
For the current lack of a grater plot, this gets a 7/10. Still pretty good and entertaining, especially for when you just don't feel like trying to understand deep plots with lots of elements.
5. Beware of the Brothers! (그 오빠들을 조심해!)
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Premise: Another one of those "I lived my life and then wake up in the past." Hari was adopted by this family after the death of their only daughter, and although her parents love her, her 3 older siblings very much don't. She lives a miserable life in their hands, and when it's the night before she is to get married and finally escape her brothers, she wakes up in the past, and has to deal with them all over again.
Another nice art one, and the background characters are very nice, as is the MC.
But for me, it has a big problem. And that problem is the main ship. It's Hari with her eldest brother, Eugene. Even though they are not related and yadda yadda yadda, they were raised as such, and thus it bothers me. Also, Eugene is as plain as white bread and just as generic when seen as the Male Lead.
I ship Hari with Johan, even though I know it's not gonna happen, Ugh, the pain..
For me, the main point in this is Hari's relationship with her other siblings and the other background characters. I'm here for that wholesome sibling interaction. Her relationship with Erich, specially, is awesome. I love these two so much
It also kinda lacks a plot? Other than the relationship development and their story as a family, but again, I have no idea how they will develop this.
Also, pet peeve? Why do they keep using Oppa instead of translating it properly as brother? I get honorifics and stuff, but it's so annoying.
I give it a 6/10. Good characters and good relationships outside of the bloody incest thing, and it's a good enough way to pass the time.
There are two more that I've read, buut it's like 4am and I'm sleepy as all hell, so I'll just add it in a reblog or attached post later, and I plan on doing this for other future manhwas as well.
Do you have any recommendations or comments or just wanna talk about any of these manhwas? Hit me up!
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ak8shi · 4 years
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FWB HQ Boys: In which you beat the player at his own game!
warnings: Time skip spoilers, mentions of sex(all characters are 18+), stupid people in love
a/n: I love one(1) libra man!! I love Atsumu’s character and the way he’s developed in hq and I think that this is a very probable way in which he finds love !! thank you all so much for loving the first installment so much <3 I-I went a little overboard with this one but ,, xoxo Chlo
━Miya Atsumu
Let’s start with a little background; I think we can all agree Atsumu is and always has been popular with the ladies
…But that doesn’t necessarily mean the ladies are popular with him LMAO
He’s truly the emotionally unavailable heartbreaker and he built himself quite a reputation without even knowing it
This dude doesn’t even really fuck around with girls, maybe a few meaningless flings his senior year but besides that, he only has eyes for one lady and her name begins with the letter V and ends with ball
So you’ve known Atsumu for years unfortunately,,, and you surely know about how he treats the girls that approach him with confessions and boxes of chocolates
You don’t approve of it at all, but your family is practically family with the Miya’s and you’ve literally spent every major holiday with them since you can remember
You: Atsumu would it kill you to show some respect towards these women
Atsumu: If she breathes, she’s a thot
….smh… a fucking mess someone please put him in his place
However your mom was always happy that you could be around the twins since you were an only child, and she loved the idea of you having two brothers who would protect you from the evils of college men little did she know,,
You hate to admit it and we hate to see it, but you started to develop a crush on him your freshman year of high school.. you suppose it was because you spent so much time with him and you saw parts of him that a lot of people didn’t get to see I mean you also saw him with his jersey on and off pretty often how could you resist
For example, every Halloween you had a sleep-over tradition where you watched horror films after trick-or-treating and Atsumu was scared SHITLESS every year, I’m talking ripping your favorite blanket off you and burying his face in it to block out the movie, he would threaten you and Osamu about telling people at school about it
Him, a 17 year old teen standing in your doorway at 3:40 am: c-can I sleep on yer floor I LOVE HIM SKAKAKAJSW
You, filming him and sending it to Suna on snap: sure Atsumu <3
You found yourself entranced when he automatically gave you his school cardigan on the walks home from school when it was cold or raining, and completely enraptured by his cute little accent
Atsumu: did ya know yer a fuckin’ idiot bimbo stupid butt crack for not bringin’ yer jacket
Atsumu: yer lucky I’m a gentleman
You: ...
Osamu: god…..
It was naïve to think he would ever reciprocate feelings especially with his entire life being his volleyball career, and you convinced yourself it was a tiny high school crush and eventually you managed to repress it
Too much was on the line; you didn’t want to make both of your families awkward, and you needed to focus on your studies as one of the top students at Inarizaki yes ma’am
Besides you loved him like family right ???
The twins are a year older than you, and Atsumu had just signed to play professionally for MSBY!!
You at his official signing: wow, looks like you don’t have to resort to living on the streets after all
Him: yeah ❤️
You kind of forgot about how you felt about him since you weren’t seeing either of the twins consistently anymore with how busy both of you were; you stayed in contact, but nothing really serious
It was weird because you were still in high school while the boys were experiencing college and doing their own thing… you drifted apart honestly and you felt a bit awkward talking to them sometimes, you felt like you were bothering them Atsumu would probably tease you and say that you were
Another year passed and you were heading to college! You are living your best life, meeting new people, and then you got the text from your mom that you were doing Thanksgiving with the Miya’s,, you weren’t sure if that meant you would be seeing both twins but something about the possibility of seeing Atsumu again made something stir in your chest
Fall break hit and you found out both the twins and you were back at home since Atsumu also had a rare break from training and his regular professional season
You were helping Osamu out at his shop, since it was his first time dealing with the overflow of Thanksgiving season as a new business owner
You’re helping close the shop, when you hear the door jingle; you turn to say a polite “sorry we’re closed for the day,” but you’re met with what seems like a new and improved and muscular Atsumu OH NO
He looks amazing and so much older than you remember??? And he’s thinking the same thing about you!!! Like wow she’s changed a lot since she started college, I’ve missed a lot apparently ??
You immediately fall into his arms, inhaling his familiar scent, Osamu rolling his eyes at the two of you and telling you to get lost before he yaks
You leave the shop with Atsumu, inviting him to your house; as you enter, you catch your mom leaving to pick up some last-minute groceries for the Thanksgiving meal
She’s acts way happier to see Atsumu than she acted when you came home LMAO later she doesn’t shut up about how handsome and manly he’s become, but you just pull him away to your room and lock your door behind you
He goes to sit on your flower-patterned comforter from your childhood, newly washed thanks to your mother
Atsumu: so…. what’s up with you..?
You can’t control the churning of your stomach all of a sudden; you can’t remember him ever looking at you this way, like he’s looking at a woman
The feelings come rushing back, and literally all you can think about is kissing him
You lean back on your dresser in front of the bed, and a wave of need to express yourself washes over you,
“Atsumu, I missed you.”
You don’t even know what’s happening until you’re trapped in between Atsumu and the door, his mouth gently pressed against yours, his warm hands caressing your hips
He asks if this is okay, and all you can do is moan back a yes in response
Let’s just say your mom might need to clean your comforter again lmaoo
It’s complicated and you’re both kinda confused after… like no one admitted that they had feelings for the other and its not like either of you can just disappear from the other’s life like a random hook-up
Like he’s literally cuddling you and kissing you and asking you about college in your childhood bedroom naked what
And it ISN’T uncomfortable at all
It feels so right to be in his arms, and you’re in disbelief about what happened??? What even like how have you gone all this time without doing anything honestly
You suddenly hear your dad pull into the garage, and you’re both up and putting your clothes on as fast as possible
It’s embarrassing when you look back on it, how long the hook-ups went on, but this was a common occurrence whenever the two of you were home
It was basically like you were dating and doing long-distance without the label
Osamu during next year’s Thanksgiving meal: I think we should go around the table and say what we’re thankful for, I’ll go first. I’m thankful that two people at this table are getting laid despite the fact that I’m not 😊
Your parents:
Atsumu, in many ways, is oblivious to what his feelings mean after not really being in any real relationships and blocking out all the girls during high school,
He would find himself texting you after each of his matches, hoping you had watched him and his heart would flutter when you complimented him on his sets
Atsumu on the phone with you: yeah I’m just chillin’ with the boys rn 😏
Sakusa: get the fuck off my bed and get off the phone with your girlfriend so I can sleep
Atsumu: she’s not my girlfr-
Sakusa, talking loud enough for you to hear: I literally don’t care but don’t you have her picture saved as your lockscreen?
He tried to hook-up with someone when he was away playing a tournament in the summer, but it wasn’t the same and it was only good if he imagined it was you
He never did it again and before coming home for Christmas, he called Osamu to finally ask him what to do
Osamu: about time you meathead
Osamu literally spells it out to this man; he has been and is in love with you and he needs to do something about it asap before someone else snatched you away
Atsumu: why didn’t ya just say somethin’ ? Ya know I’m not good at these typa things !
I can’t he’s something else
So it’s Christmas, and he asks if you would want to go see the town square’s Christmas lights with him
Of course you say yes, you’re just really excited to finally see him after so long !!
Atsumu with rosy cheeks ugh spare me
He picks you up and greets you with a kiss to your temple, and he has a little gift baggie with him; he hands it to you to open and you pull out his old school cardigan
“I-I thought maybe you would want it since ya always stole it from me in high school, and since I’m half-way ‘round the world most of the time”
It smells just like him, you thank him with a kiss to his cheek and you tuck it away in your bedroom before leaving hand-in hand to see the colorful lights dazzling in the night sky
You talked to Osamu about your relationship with his brother and you want Atsumu to make a move honestly; you want to be sure he wants this since you’ve literally liked him since high school
You’re not sure what you are expecting, but when Atsumu has you in his arms, your back against his chest and his chin on your shoulder as you watch the Christmas carolers, you don’t expect him to whisper into your ear,
“hey, will ya be my girl?”
You turn around to give him a surprised look, his hand bringing yours to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on your knuckles this is his favorite place to kiss fight me
After getting over your dream-like shock, you say yes and pull him into a kiss
I’m crying he tells you afterwards that you were his girl since the first time he met you, we’ll let him have this one because did he really know until like a week ago? no
Whew, all of your friends and family let out a relieved sigh when they hear the news LMAO
Suna, hearing about Atsumu finally making it official: thank god I was about to start blackmailing him with those Halloween videos
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dani-halfa · 4 years
Danny Fenton appreciation post
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Danny as protagonist is a very interesting character. He's a complex teenager with both virtues and flaws. Throughout the series he learns how to control his powers and the responsibility that comes with having them.
On the surface, Danny is your average teenager: He likes hanging out with his friends, wants to fit in, likes to have some fun every once in a while and is a bit impulsive.
One defining characteristic of Danny is how he's struggles with his own insecurities. He's not very popular at school and is often the target of bullying, specially from Dash who frecuently teases him in the series.
One of the reasons Danny is considered "weird" by his classmates is because of his parents: They are ghosts hunters. They sometimes embarrass Danny in front of his peers without meaning to. This has lead him to have a few arguments with his dad like it was shown in 'A million dollar ghost'.
His own insecurities sometimes cause problems with his friends as well. For example, in "Attack of the Killer Garage Sale" he left his friends behind to hang out with the 'popular kids', who didn´t care too much abou him.
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Danny dumps on himself many times during the series, in 'My Brother's keeper' he describes himself as a "screw up" and believes he's loser:
"Great, he (the ghost) got away again. Another ringing endorsement for the town screw-up." (Blaming himself for not being able to catch the ghost)
He also has a complicated relationship with his ghost half. He thinks he's a freak of nature because of his ghost powers.
Spectra: "What are you? A ghost trying to fit in with humans? Or some creepy little boy with creepy little powers?"
Danny: "Both! Uh...neither! I don't know."
Spectra: "You're a freak! Not a ghost, not a boy! Who cares for a thing like you?"
He's usually very afraid of people finding out about his secret identity as a ghost. Since ghosts are seen are evil in Amity Park he's scared that they would not accept him or would try to hunting him.
One of his deepest fears is his parents finding out about his secret and trying to run experiments on him. He knows that his parents will "accept him no matter what" but he still can't help being scared everytime he hears them talking about dissecting ghosts.
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'Identity crisis', while a funny episode, it's very important for understanding Danny.
In this episode Danny separates his superhero ghost half from his human half. In one scene we get this exchange between ghost Danny and human Danny:
Ghost Danny: "And that's the sort of irresponsible attitude that makes you such a disappointment to our family".
Human Danny: Uh.. hello. Not our family. My family. You're the full time superhero, remember?
Keep in mind that they are both part of Danny's personality which means:
1) He thinks he's a "disappointment" to his own family.
2) He sees Phantom, his ghost half, as a different person. He thinks that 'he' doesn't belong to his family. This must come from the fact that his own parents don't know about his ghost identity and thus, Danny doesn't consider Phantom a Fenton until his parents accept him for who he is.
When it comes to be the hero, Danny thinks it's job to protect Amity Park,even though no one asked him to carry the burden of such heavy task.
He sometimes blames himself for things that are out of his control or weren't his fault to begin with. He thinks that its his responsibility to fight evil ghosts from harming any humans.
A few episodes focus on him learning how to use his powers with responsibility and not taking advantage of others. 'Reign Storm' is mainly about him choosing to use his powers to stop the Ghost King instead of using them to get back to people he doesn't like.
Danny:"All of my enemies. Everything I thought I could handle, but couldn't."
Tucker:"Dude, you can't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault."
Danny:"Maybe not. But it is my responsibility."
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Danny really cares about his family and friends. He would do everything he can to protect them from getting hurt. In the episode '13' it was shown that he´s very over protective of her sister Jazz, as there was a ghost who was trying to trick her into falling in love with him.
Aside from learning to overcome his insecurities and becoming more responsible, overtime Danny learns that not every ghosts is completely evil and some of them can be friendly.
A good example of this is when he meets Cujo in 'Shades of Gray' and helps him with finding his toy that he lost when he was alive. In 'Public Enemies' he befriends Wulf, after freeing him from Walker, who was keeping him prisioner.
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It's worth of pointing out that Danny knows there are times to talk and times to fight. At the start of the series he usually prefers using his fists first before asking questions but as he matures, he starts to see when it's better to solve conflicts when fighting is not necessary.
Another flaw he has its that he's a bit short tempered. He often lets he temper get the worst of him, which makes him have arguments with his friends and not think things straight. But,to be fair, his life is a bit difficult: having to fight ghosts at night, getting late for school, being bullied and not knowing how to manage his time must be exhausting for a teenager. It's not suprising he's bit moody in some episodes.
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For my last note i think it's important to talk about talk about his rivalry with Vlad Plasmius as their relationship in the series is quite interesting.
In a way, Vlad exists to remind Danny of everything he shouldn't be. Vlad prefers to use his ghost powers for his personal gain. He cares very little about how his actions affect others. He sees people as their pawns. He usually manipulates them into doing what he wants.
Vlad sometimes likes teasing Danny about how they very alike, and in part, that's a bit true, they are both half ghosts who gained their powers after an lab accident. They are unique, since there are barely more halfas outside them.
Danny has shown to be manipulative when it comes to dealing with him. He knows that Vlad is very emotionally vunerable since he is desperate for Danny to become his ¨son¨. He takes advantage of this to trick Vlad and beat him in his own mind games.
In conclusion: Danny is complex character who grows into a confident superhero overcoming his own insecurities and flaws. He may not be perfect, nevertheless he cares about family and friends and it´s always going to be there to protect Amity Park.
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gallifreyanwriter · 3 years
Jess Lives AU
It’s two thirty in the goddamn morning. @disableddean @jackcoded this is your fault for making me aware of this AU that lives rent free in my mind.
Jessica Moore had had a pretty unremarkable life, until she was twenty two.
Until the day she woke up to find her boyfriend burning alive on the ceiling.
Until the day she stared up in horror at her beloved Sam Winchester, eyes rolled back in his head, mouth open in a silent scream, his blood dripping down onto her face.
Until the day she was pulled out of bed by a man she had only met once, a man she had only met three days ago, who lead her, coughing, down the fire escape and collapsed with her out on the front steps of the apartment complex, the both of them holding each other and choking on smoke, on ash, on tears, on the weary weight of trauma.
Sam’s brother’s name was Dean, and he wouldn’t look at her.
She would look at him, sometimes. He had delicate features, a deep sadness and wisdom behind his devil-may-care attitude, and green eyes, and he wouldn’t look at her.
He wouldn’t look at her, but he would talk.
He told her about the monsters.
Ghosts. Demons. Vampires. Evil things that lurk in the dark, very real creatures that he and his father had been hunting and killing, with Sam, all their lives. 
She understood. Growing up in the woods of Pennsylvania, everyone knew there were things out in the dark that you just didn’t talk about.
It felt kind of good, in a way, to finally talk about them.
He told her how their mother died--burned to death on the ceiling, by the same demon that killed Sam.
He told her that they were going to kill that son of a bitch, and something angry ruptured in her gut as she told him, so am I.
Dean seemed taken aback by that, but only for a moment before he smiled, all teeth, and said, Welcome to the team.
He still wouldn’t look at her.
He wouldn’t look at her, but he would teach.
As they continued their search for John Winchester, Dean taught her how to throw a punch, how to use rock salt and silver bullets and wooden stakes to the heart, sitting down with her at dingy motel tables and going page-by-page with her in his missing father’s journal.
Exorcisms. Devil’s Traps. Hex bags. Holy water. She studied so hard she saw sigils in her dreams, sometimes, which was an improvement over the nightmares.
When they couldn’t find a motel, they slept in the Impala, Dean in the front and Jess in the back.
She thought about her family, back in Pennsylvania. She thought about her friends, back at Stanford. She thought about how many of those people she could save, from a fate like Sam’s, if she went through with this.
The long, long, bench seat seemed to swallow her up.
Dean Winchester was nothing if not chivalrous, of course, but he didn’t seem to know what to do with a woman he wasn’t seducing in one of the seedy bars they visited. One day he would insist on opening the passenger side door for her with an excuse-me-ma’am, the next he would clap her on the shoulder and offer her a beer. 
For all of the skills Dean had acquired, she wondered if he had ever had a female friend before. She wondered if he had ever had a friend at all. 
On her first real hunt, she saved his ass--finding and burning the corpse of the vengeful spirit while it was actively choking him to death up against the wall.
Nice work, Jess, he had coughed, and she had grinned, and given a thumbs up with shaking hands.
On her second real hunt, she sliced the head off of a vampire, its blood splattering her and pooling, warm and sticky and nauseating, at her feet.
On her third real hunt, she only stuttered on the exorcism twice, and witnessed the demonic smoke pour out of its victim and back into hell.
It was horrific. It was terrifying. It was exciting.
All the while, the search for John was becoming more desperate. Jess was getting impatient, and who could blame her? She questioned Dean, often, about whether they would be able to find him, to which he would snap a retort, to which she would roll her eyes.
Anger. Frustration. Arguments. Screaming matches. Too many drinks.
How do you know that your dad’s even still ALIVE out there?!
I have to believe! he had said, brokenly, I have to believe. I can’t...I can’t lose them BOTH.
With that, he finally looked at her.
He looked at her, and his tough facade came crumbling down.
She looked at him, trying and failing to stop himself from sobbing, and saw that he was just as grief-stricken as her. Scared. Stuck in endless mourning. Barely hanging on by a thread. 
I miss him, she said.
He looked at her, and with tears still swimming in his eyes, said, Yeah, me too.
So he told her all about Sam.
He told her about the past, the things that Sam would never mention, that Sam always wanted to protect her from. He told her funny stories from their childhood, stories that were meant to be funny but were really heartbreaking, monster hunting tales, stories that made her rage against the demon that had wrecked Sam’s childhood, and ended his life as an adult.
He told her more about Sam’s life than she could ever have fathomed knowing before that fateful night.
And she filled in the blanks. She told him about the party where they met. She told him about their first date. She told him about their first kiss. She told him about his favorite classes, the teachers that had it out for him, and finally, she told him about the hushed conversation they had, in the dark of the night, where Sam suggested in a shy voice that one day, after graduation...maybe they could get married. And she had been so thrilled that she had tackled him in a kiss, knocking him down into their shared queen bed.
Jess? Too much information.
They were both crying into their gas station sandwiches.
“What would I do without you?”
“Crash and burn.”
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twstedbeauty · 3 years
hi! can I request some hc's for the dorm leaders finding out that their s/o is ticklish please? thank you! ;w;
Disclaimer: This is going off the assumption that their s/o enjoys being tickled. Our bois are respectful and would never touch their love without permission~
Riddle Rosehearts 
This boy is so shy oml. 
I highly doubt this poor child got any sort of physical affection as a child, given how beastly his mother is, so the act of tickling is kind of lost on him. 
I’m gonna say it right now: the only time he would ever tickle you is when you two are alone. He’s not the type to tease you and do it in front of other people. 
When you two are alone, the best way I can describe Riddle would be....awkward. It’s gonna take him a while to warm up to the idea, but he’ll do it only because it makes you happy. 
He gets very blushy and his heart flutters in his chest when you start giggling and squirming underneath him. Every once in a while, he stops to check in and make sure you’re alright. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you!
He gets more and more comfortable with the idea the more you two do it, but it still is only something you do in private. 
Overall, Riddle tickles are very cute and sweet and very fluffy. He’s a bit awkward, but he’s trying~
Leona Kingscholar
*takes in a deep breath* 
Hoo boy....ya’ll are in for it. 
I’mma just say for all ya’ll out there who are extremely ticklish? RUN. RUN AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN. (And be prepared for him to chase you...) 
Why? Oh well, y’know...Leona Kingscholar just doesn’t know what this one little word called ‘mercy’ means.
Listen, I’m not saying that he would tickle you to the point of pissing yourself...but he’d get pretty damn close. 
Your first mistake? Telling him you were ticklish. Your second mistake? TELLING HIM YOU LIKE IT.
As soon as he figures out you like being tickled, that’s it. You’ve sealed your fate. You just set yourself up to be teased about it until the day you die. 
He will hold you down and tickle you to the point of begging, to the point where you’re gasping for breath and screeching his name in between your laughter.
Oh, and he’ll let you know you can’t go anywhere. He’ll lean in close to your ear and growl about how he’s got you trapped, how helpless you are underneath him. His little herbivore caught in the clutches of the hungry lion. 
Unlike Riddle, Leona IS the type to exploit your weakness when you’re around others. He hold you on his lap and pinch at your hips, squeeze your knees, nibble on your neck...nothing’s off the table for him!
That tail of his? EVIL. EVIL. He can and WILL use it as a tool against you. You two could be cuddling in his bed and you’ll feel his tail slip up underneath your shirt, gently brushing over your stomach as he pretends to be asleep behind you. 
You better watch yourself. Tickling you will become Leona’s favorite thing to do when he’s bored and there’s nothing you can do to stop him. RUN.
Azul Ashengrotto 
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles.
Ohhh, Azul is all too familiar with the act of tickling. 
Truth be told? He hates being tickled himself. The twins used to gang up on him all the time when they were younger and tickle him to the point of inking himself. It was humiliating. That’s why NO ONE but them knows that he’s ticklish. 
So to hear that you, his love, enjoys it? He’s honestly a little shocked. 
Now, Azul is a gentleman and also an easily flustered bby, so tickles will be in private. 
Like Riddle, he’s a bit shy about it and a little awkward at first for the same reasons. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you or accidentally hurt you!
But the difference between him and Riddle? Once he gets a feel for it, Azul can be sadistic. 
oHOHO yes, dO NOT let his gentleman facade fool you. He is just as RUTHLESS as Leona. 
It mostly stems from that pent up frustration of getting tickled as a child. Not being able to fight and get back at the ones who humiliated him. So...now you’re the target for that. 
Physical strength isn’t really one of his strong suits, so if you’re okay with it, he’ll tie you up so that he doesn’t have to hold you down. 
You know that unhinged smile he gets in the game? He’ll be looking down at you like THAT the whole time while he coos about how adorable you are trying to escape. 
He enjoys watching you squirm around and scream every time he digs into a sensitive place on your body. It fuels that sadistic streak in him. 
Would he exploit your weakness in public? Mmmm....only sometimes. 
If you’re sitting on his lap while he’s working, he might pinch your sides or your hip just to get you snickering. He’ll just smile that ‘polite smile’ of his and ask you what’s so funny, much to the utter conclusion of his poor client. 
And before any of you ask, yes, he will tickle you in his merform. He’s stronger in that form and those tentacles can both hold you down and tickle you at the same time. Lucky you!
Oh, and don’t let the twins find out that you’re ticklish. Azul is sadistic, but he knows when to show mercy. The twins do not. 
Kalim Al-Asim 
Oh my goodness, this boy is PRECIOUS. 
He would think that you being ticklish is the most adorable thing in the world and would love tickling you if it made you happy!
Kalim can get a little silly when he’s tickling you. He’ll coo about how cute you are and use that ‘tickle talk’ that people do that just seems to make it tickle more, but he’s laughing just as much with you. 
THE ULTIMATE INSTIGATOR OF TICKLE FIGHTS. This boy is a menace and he is NOT above chasing you around the Scarabia dorm.
Don’t let him fool you though. You can easily thwart him in a tickle fight by tickling him back. He’s just as ticklish. 
Any time you’re feeling sad or down about something, tickles are Kalim’s go-to when words don’t seem to help. 
He just loves hearing you laugh and seeing you smile! It lights up his whole world!
Vil Schoenheit
This man isn’t ticklish. At all. So any hope you may have for getting him back is dead on arrival.
Vil wasn’t tickled much as a child, if at all, and doesn’t much care for it. Who would want to get worked up to the point of laughing so much, it makes their face all splotchy and their body all sweaty? It sounds positively awful to him!
So when you confess that you like it, he’s honest with you. He doesn’t get it. 
If you want Vil to tickle you, the best chance you have is at the end of the day when he’s got all his makeup off and is relaxing in his room. 
Is Vil sadistic? He can be. Definitely. If he’s in the mood for it, he can positively evil with how easy it is to get you a blushing, giggling mess with just the slightest touch of his hand. 
He’s not sadistic in the way the same way that Leona and Azul are. He won’t make you almost piss yourself. He won’t even get you close to that point. But he’s capable of holding you down (or tying you down) and making you beg with how light his tickles are. 
They are the agonizingly slow, tantalizing tickles that send shivers all along your body, the kind that tickle so bad. He almost lazily just trace his fingers and nails along your exposed skin, cooing about how sweet your face is all flushed like that and asking if it tickles that badly. 
That’s the thing about Vil. He’ll commentate on your reactions and his own tickling methods as he’s tickling you. 
Outside the privacy of his bedroom? No tickles. None. He’s a busy man and he’s got a hectic schedule. Plus, doing something like that in public is unbecoming of someone of his status! 
Idia Shroud 
Another shy boi!
I don’t think Idia has much experience with tickling either, neither with himself or Ortho. (I don’t think Ortho can even be tickled? Can he??)
Either way, Idia’s stance on tickling is neutral, but don’t you DARE try to tickle him. He’s not very ticklish, but being touched like that freaks him out and makes him embarrassed. 
Now tickling you on the other hand....that’s a very different story. 
Granted, he’s tentative at first and a bit embarrassed by the thought, so it might take him a bit to get used to it. 
After that though? Oh, it’s over for you. 
Do I even need to say it? We’ve all seen that crazy smile he gets when he gets fired up about something. He’s sadistic as hell. 
I’m gonna say it: Ya’ll might need a safeword. When Idia starts, it’s pretty hard to get him to stop once he’s fired up, so safeword is KEY.
He’s VERY experimental. He’ll use different types of tools on you and keep record of what works best. He may not be the most talkative type, but his memory is like a steel trap. Once he learns something, he’s not going to forget it. 
So that means he’s gonna remember every single one of your worst tickle spots and use them against you. 
All I can say is good luck. 
Malleus Draconia 
Oh Malleus, sweet sweet Malleus.
If there’s any boy on this list that is MOST afraid of hurting you during this process, it’s Malleus. 
You’re such a tiny little thing! It would be so easy for him to accidentally hurt you without realizing and that scares him more than anything. 
He is so careful with you. It so cute. He’ll barely even touch you and when you flinch, he freaks out and apologizes profusely, momentarily forgetting that’s the whole point of tickling. 
The first couple of times are gonna be a slow go, but just be patient with him. He’s just gotta warm up to it. 
Once he’s more comfortable with it and sure he’s not hurting you in anyway, that’s when he might delve into his more...sadistic tendencies. 
He can’t help it. You’re just so helpless underneath him and the way you squeal and giggle every time he touches you is just so precious. 
Malleus won’t do anything too crazy though. The moment you start to look like you can’t breathe, he stops and gives you a break. 
He’s not the type to exploit it in public...but Lilia is. He gets a kick out of watching Malleus get all flustered any time he comes up behind you and ‘accidentally’ tickles you. 
Bonus: Dire Crowley
Birb dad! Who doesn’t love the thought of cute parental tickles? 
If you tell him that you’re ticklish and that you like being tickled, he might just die from how cute you are. 
This man is a dork. A sheer dork. Definitely the type to use the silly ‘tickle talk’ while he’s tickling you. He’ll make it extra silly just to make you laugh harder.
He’ll just gush over you as he tickles you, telling you how adorable you are and how sweet your giggles sound. He just can’t help it! His little bird is just too cute!!
Raspberries? Raspberries. He’s the King of Raspberries and WILL NOT HESITATE to use them as his final blow.
He’s giggling just as much as you are. It warms his heart that you trust him enough to let him do this and he just lights up as you smile and laugh. 
He’s very merciful though! As soon as you’ve had enough, he’ll stop immediately and bring you up in a hug, helping you to come down from the high. 
10/10 for Birb dad tickles. Would definitely reccomend. 
Psst, if you wanna get him back though, he’s so VERY ticklish. Wreck him whenever you feel like. 
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