#sports motivation
ainymphs · 1 year
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socialplatform799 · 2 years
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kayodekolade · 2 years
You've come too far to give up now
You've come too far to give up now.
Thank you so much for watching.
I'm giving out my latest book for free to say thank you for your support.
Use this link https://selar.co/growthhacks or click the link in my bio to get your copy of my latest book, GROWTH H.A.C.K.S - Walking the Path of High Performance Amidst The Chaos and Confusion in The World - for free.
#growthhacks #highperformance #highperformancecoach #lifeisamarathon #lifeisamarathonnotasprint #runningmotivation #motivation #dontgiveup #thursdaythoughts #projectplanning
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swoleisthegoal · 2 months
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Jocks being jocks
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skwpr · 9 months
Incredibly Healthy Habits For Students
The most commonplace advice on good habits for students. This crucial component of a healthy relationship is not to be overlooked.
1. Don’t over-stuff your backpack.
Unless a professor tells the class to bring a textbook – keep that thing at home/in your dorm. Also, try not to carry too much with you anyway. At most I have a spiral or two, my computer. It’s not only unnecessary, but it’s heavy. It wears you down over time just adding stress and annoyance that you don’t need.
2. Work out every week.
Finding time to run a mile or two, play some basketball, or lift weights is important. It was a huge stress reliever for me and it also made me happier.
3. Stop Putting Things Off.
You know you should be finishing homework instead of going out every night. The crazy thing is, we ALL KNOW what we should be doing. But a lot of us still don’t get anything done. I’m in awe of the number of times I have put off studying or reading. However, every time I come to the simple conclusion that getting it done in the beginning is waaaaaay easier than trying to finish the task later.
4. Socialize.
Involvement in college is a spectrum. One extreme includes hobbits who stay in their dorm or apartment all day and the other includes social butterflies who are out on the town every night having fun with friends. Your goal is to find a happy medium. You don’t want to be closed off but you also want to interact with people every once in a while.
For me, this was the hardest part. I do not like to make acquaintances, but for myself I decided that it would be useful. I stepped out of my comfort zone.
5. Eat Healthier.
This is the most predictable advice I can give you. What you put in your body matters.
6. Drink more water.
Drinking water is one of the most essential healthy habits for students.
7. Know When To Say NO.
If you get your work done first, you will have time to have fun without any grief or regrets.
The most important relationship you make in your life is with yourself. It’s genuinely all a mind game. You have to learn to trust yourself by putting yourself first so that you can enjoy what life has to offer you. Having fun with this grey cloud of regret and worry about work you haven’t finished is just not fun at all. So have fun and be yourself but learn when to say NO. You’ll be forever grateful you did in the long run.
8. Give Yourself Grace.
One of the biggest downfalls for me was stressing out. Stressing over school work, time management, boys, networking, and the list goes on. It’s important to shut all the negative voices out.
There’s only one you so treat yourself with respect. If there are things you need to fix, make a plan and make it happen. If that fails, adjust the plan. No one is perfect and I wish we would collectively tell ourselves it’s going to be ok. Because it will be!
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atomic--nymph · 8 months
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nano30cm · 2 months
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they're gym buddies :)
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ainymphs · 1 year
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saintlermes · 4 months
Lily Muni He.
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swoleisthegoal · 2 months
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All Sorts a Monochrome Jocks
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skwpr · 8 months
9 Quick Study Tips for University Students
I wish I'd known that earlier.
1. Add structure to your day.
Have a morning wake-up routine, meal times, relaxation, creativity time, time for self-reflection, time to shut off and rest.
2. Attend your professors’ virtual office hours.
I promise it will be worth your time.
In addition, attending office hours can help you:
- Get clarification on course content or assignment instructions, so you don’t sink into the quicksand of confusion
- Listen in on questions that your classmates ask—and get answers right away
If you’re looking to discuss topics that relate to you personally (e.g. deadline accommodations, grade disputes), consider emailing your instructors to schedule a 1-on-1.
Even if you don’t have any particular concerns, still attend when you can. You could:
- See if you’re able to respond to your classmates’ questions for an intellectual challenge/course recap
- Review the material from a different angle
Plus, your course instructor may notice how proactive you are, and you may be able to connect with them (mayyybe you’d like them to be your reference later on?).
3. Look at the pre-lecture materials.
Even if you only have 10 minutes, quickly review what major topics will be covered.
4. Find a study buddy or study group.
Connect virtually and test each other on the key concepts.
5. Manage your social media distractions while studying.
This can include hiding your phone in a far location. To temporarily deactivate your social media sites use SelfControl for Mac and Cold Turkey for Windows. For all devices, you can use RescueTime or Freedom for mobiles.
6. Ask for help.
Book an appointment with your academic advisor or student success coach. They can help you find the best study technique or how to manage your time better.
7. Use the Pomodoro Method to help improve your concentration and motivation.
8. Edit your notes daily and review your notes weekly.
Review your summary notes and remember it’s about processing what you wrote.
9. Don’t expect yourself to be perfect.
Keep trying new techniques until you find what works best.
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goalsdigger · 4 months
Postanowienia noworoczne 2024 +vision board
✨ oznaczone są dodatkowe
1. Pilnie się uczyć i zaliczyć semestr.
2. Przeczytać 24 książki i tyle samo przesłuchać. 5/24, 6/24
3. Dbać o siebie, pod każdym względem.
4. Przestać być taką płochliwą pizdą.
5. Opalić się (o ile depilacja laserowa pozwoli).
6. Wykonać minimum 1/3 rzeczy z bucket list i 2 rzeczy z większych zachcianek.
8. Nauczyć się innego sposobu radzenia sobie ze złością i chandrą niż branie opioidów.
9. Odpuścić zero-jedynkowe podejście.
RUTYNA: 1. Dalej sumiennie uczęszczać na: yogę, high heels, zajęcia lekkoatletyczne i pojawiać się w OSP.
2. Ćwiczyć angielski (fiszki wystarczą), keyboard/kalimba (20 minut dziennie wystarczy) i kaligrafię (opanowanie podstaw wystarczy).
3. Dalej wykonywać treningi (pływanie, bieganie, rower, ciężary, drążki, abs, gimnastyka, rozciąganie).
4. Dalej uczęszczać w eventach, koncertach, spektaklach, regularnie przeglądać kiwiportal i kalendarz biegowy.
5. Prowadzić sumiennie i ładnie dziennik. ✨ Czytać/słuchać/pisać po angielsku.
✨ Więcej gotować.
✨ Więcej piec.
1. Skończyć prawko C. ✅
2. Zrobić uprawnienia na przewóz rzeczy.
3. Zrobić wkładkę na uprzywilejowane.
4. Zrobić kurs KKP. ✅
5. Zrobić kurs TCCC.
6. Zrobić kurs na ratownika wodnego.
✨ Zrobić specjalizacje z ratownictwa nurkowego.
✨ Zrobić uprawnienia spawalnicze.
✨ Zrobić kurs pierwszej pomocy przedeweteranyjnej.
✨ Zrobić kurs szybkiego czytania i zapamiętywania.
✨ Dołączyć do GOPR/WOPR
Pojechać na Egodrop i inny podobny festival.
2. Wyjechać z D. na Maltę.
3. Pojechać na biwak z D. i Walterem.
✨ Zaliczyć kolejne wakacje z A. <3
✨ Wyjechać gdzieś z J.
✨ Pojechać jako wolontariusz na Woodstock.
✨ Wykupić fotoekspedycję.
✨ Zwiedzić porządnie szlak orlich gniazd (+jaskinie)
✨ Wyjechać na tematyczny obóz (taneczny/biegowy/językowy).
1. Wykupić sobie lekcje pływania i szlifować technikę oraz wytrzymałość. ✅
2. Ukończyć triathlon. ✅
3. Brać udział w zajęciach lekkoatletycznych lub zacząć porządne treningi biegowe (plan od pułkownika).
4. Wystartować w półmaratonie.
5. Wystartować w minimum jednym biegu OCR.
6. Wystartować w minimum 5 biegach. ✅
7. Przynajmniej raz stanąć na podium.
8. Zrobić formę życia i dodać zdjęcie before/after.
9. Zrobić formę na rower.
✨ Zrobić siłownię.
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