#Look at me actually committing to and finishing a project
xy-nox · 5 months
Hello, I saw https://www.tumblr.com/xy-nox/727929825022689280/ayo-so-like-i-did-myself-a-search-of-around-ten this post and I thought that maybe you can find something similar to the last picture from genshin impact cosplayers. The style reminds me of that a lot and some of the elements of the outfit look similar so maybe you can find a base for some of the clothing. I hope this may be helpful and success! Have a nice day/night
thank you for the well wishes and hey, I did end up finishing it! Ty for reminding me genshin exists lol (cosplayers for the game are epic as hell)
This is what I ended up making :D
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Little Words
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So on my good playthrough, the party scene with the "my little treat" happened but the teasing was so sad cuz Astarion looked so sad puppy then my tav looked like a sad puppy and now here we are with this fic
Rated: M
Warnings: angst but i swear it soft at end i swear
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"I love you." The false face of sincerity hurts, the way his voice becomes sweet hurts, the way his eyes take in your surprised expression. You didn't expect him to say it, to say it like that, to leave you aching in a way both familiar and terrible.
"Isn't it… A little too soon?" Why does your heart ache? You know he would not feel the same as you, you fall too easily… Sure he was the one who took your virginity, allowed you to feed from him, and vice-versa, but you needed to be guarded over your heart not counting the ways you loved him— Could love him.
"Well, it can be true, only for tonight." His voice was so soft, matching the way he soothed you as he guided you through your few bliss with his fingers. Your hand grips the fabric at the end of your shirt, you feel hurt. "Now, as much as I relish standing around and saying all of my favorite lines at you," Back to his usual self, "I'd rather we got to experience each others' full portfolio talents once again." As if nothing matters.
"That… That isn't funny, Astarion." Your trembling voice is not something he thought to hear, to see your gaze lower and to the side. He has teased you before! Where is the shy giggle, flustered expression, or even gasp followed by a nudge for him to stop embarrassing you?
Astarion blinks twice then slightly laughs, "Come now, it's just a bit of fun between friends." Because you both are friends, you told him that. He is your friend, a confidante like Shadowheart. "My sweet?"
"No, sorry, never mind." You aren't feeling so good, "You enjoy your evening." It should not hurt this much, technically you knew what you were getting yourself involved with that charlatan… Yet, this hurts.
You try not to think about your Sire, about the man whose honeyed words landed you an eternity in darkness and blood. But he slips into your thoughts, into your nightmares, and the trauma of being not only his victim but his personal pet vampire project lingers.
Maybe later you will apologize to Astarion later for being so pitiful; you know his bed will find another to warm it… You have no right to feel envious either because you are just a dear traveling companion, a favorite one, nothing more.
Which shouldn't upset you, it actually is nice to know he thinks highly of you despite you both being on two different moral compasses.
You are a good person, too good for this world in Astarion's eyes. A do-gooder with your heart on your sleeve, a light many of your companions are drawn to.
Astarion would snuff it out so you felt his misery, to share the pain you haven't endured in your short years as a vampire.
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You don't sleep. The party is fun, you enjoy it very much. Committing the smiling faces, the drunken laughter, and the way your heart swells seeing that even with your curse you can still do some good to memory.
Dawn slips into the darkness banishing the shadows, and you do your silent prayer to Lathander.
"There you are!"
You finish then look up at Astarion who sits beside you, close to you, "Good morning." A sweet smile you offer him.
"I missed you." He leans in close, "Leaving me all alone last night. You made me worried." You lean in the rest of the way to share the warmth of the sun you had soaked in.
"I'm sorry." Soft, gentle, sweet. Your eyes don't match your smile that wades.
"Was it something I said?" Usually, his flirtatious lines have you in the palm of his hand, yet last night you looked so heartbroken.
His eyes follow your hands that rest on his then trace his nimbled fingers, "You say the most beautiful words and it leaves me," You frown as you lace your fingers between his, "Wishing we met sooner." The heartbreak in your voice is enough to have Astarion bury his face in your hair to hide the surprise on his face. You expose your heart to him so easily, painfully at times.
He has been as ginger with your fragile heart, a tortured creature who is hanging on by a thread of their humanity. The fellow spawn envies you at times, to have such hope inside an un-beating heart.
"I will only take what you give me. It was selfish of me to expect more without asking." You take the blame for your behavior last night, "I am a hopeless romantic, loving you comes as easy as writing a poem about it."
"Darling," You smile at him with ease, eyes he can see himself in, and heart on your sleeve once more, "You are… Sweet." Too good for him. Your confession is adorable while also laying out for him a clear boundary he can fall back on.
How strange. To not be pressed for more than what he is willing to give. It leaves him flabbergasted, confused at the way he pulls you closer to him, in control.
Too good for him and this whole camp.
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number1mingyustan · 1 year
Habit (part i.) —k.sy
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fuckboy!hoshi x fem!reader
Genre: fwb au, college au, fuckboy au, angst, smut
Warnings: kissing, cursing, mutliple orgasms, oral (f.), fingering (f.), protected sex, he's kind of an asshole but at the same time not ??
Summary: You're in desperate need of getting laid, whether you want to admit it or not. And it just so happens that the fuckboy from your Economics class comes knocking at your door.
Word Count: 3.1k
part ii. part iii. part iv.
(a/n: bittersweet made me realize i’m more of a mini series girl, so here’s a lil treat for you all)
“Soonyoung,” you frown with a sigh as you look through the peephole on your door.
The overly enthusiastic boy stands in front of your dorm with a brown paper bag in hand and a cup holder.
You crack the door open, peeking your head through. “What do you want?”
“I know you’re still mad at me, but I brought you food,” he smiles.
You close the door in his face.
“Please Y/n! I said I was sorry, just let me in. I’ll beg if I have to, but I’m going to drop these drinks if you don’t let me in right now!” his voice is muffled by the door.
“You can’t win my forgiveness with food Soonyoung!” you shout from the other side of the door.
“I got your favorite! Strawberry milkshake with extra whip and waffle fries! Please Shorty!”
Ugh you hate that he knows you so well. And as much as you want to prove him wrong, you’re hungry as hell.
You cave, opening the door for the boy. He rushes in, nearly dropping everything in his hands before placing it onto your desk.
He turns around, facing you with the brightest smile on his face. “Thank you for letting me inside.”
“Mhm,” you reach over him, grabbing your fries out the bag. “I’m still mad at you though.”
“Please Y/n, I’ve apologized like a billion times,” he pleads with you.
Last week Soonyoung ditched you to get laid. The two of you had an Econ project to work on and he didn’t show up on day you were meant to work on it. You texted him a billion times and didn’t get a response and ultimately ended up finishing the project alone.
He texted you later that night apologizing profusely because he was in Akari's dorm and forgot about your plans.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t completely out of character for him either.
You first met Soonyoung at a party. Your roommate, Nai started dating his roommate Seokmin. The mutuals brought you together one Friday night on campus. And although you usually didn’t befriend guys like him, the two of you worked great together.
You’d seen him around campus, including Economics class , but before the party you’d never interacted with him. The day after the party he changed seats to sit next to you.
You could admit he was attractive, yes, but that was really it. Soonyoung had… a bit of a reputation that preceded him.
He wasn’t big on relationships and he slept around a bit. He could commit to a friends with benefits, but that was really his limit. He partied a lot, which was how he met so many girls and had the chance to hook up with them. He did one night stands, but he also maintained his flings, like Leina and Akari. He maintained his grades well too, however his fuckboy tendencies still preceded him, especially in situations like this.
“I told you food wasn’t going to buy my forgiveness,” You dip one of your fries in your milkshake and take a bite as you plop down on your bed.
He frowns. “Please, I’ll never do it again,”
“Damn right you won’t,” you take another bite.
Truthfully, you’re not actually mad about it anymore. It was a stupid thing for him to do, but it’s been a week already and you’re not big on holding grudges. However, it is fun to mess with him.
“I give up,” he throws his hands up in defeat. “As soon as Nai came over, I knew you’d be here alone and figured I could win over your forgiveness. But you’re so stubborn I’m not even gonna bother anymore.”
“If you get on your knees and beg I’ll consider it,” you smirk.
“Are you being deadass?” he asks.
You giggle. “No, I‘ve been gotten over it. Thanks for the free food by the way.”
Soonyoung is silent for a moment.
You nod, taking a sip of your milkshake.
“God Shorty, you’re so uptight I genuinely thought you were still mad at me,” he plops down on your bed next to you and takes a sip of his milkshake.
“I am not uptight,” you defend.
“Yes you are,” he takes one of your fries despite having his own. “You need to get laid or something.”
“Excuse me?”
He takes another sip. “What? Don’t act like I’m wrong. I know you’re under some sort of dry spell, it shows.”
“I am not under a dry spell,” you frown.
“Yes you are,” he laughs. “If you weren’t, you’d be more like me.”
“Bold of you to assume I want to be like you. You sleep around so much, I have no idea what diseases you’re carrying,”
“Hey! Have you know, I practice safe sex and maintain my 3.8. Don’t hate because you can’t get laid,” the blonde boy smirks.
“I can get laid!” You defend.
“I’m sure you can, you’re a pretty girl. You just like… don’t,” he takes another sip.
“That’s only because every time I’ve ever slept this someone it sucked” you scoff.
Soonyoung stops mid sip and slowly deadpans into your direction. “Are you serious?”
“Ugh!” you cover your face in embarrassment. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, it’s so embarrassing!”
He pulls your hands off your face. “Stop being so dramatic. I might be able to actually help.I’m kind of an expert in the area.”
You sigh. “Fine. I’ve only ever slept with 3 guys and the experience got worse between each guy. It was just like… I don’t know. I think I’m the problem.”
“I’m sure you’re not the problem,” he buts in.
“I think I am,” you frown.
“What, did you like… bite it or something?”
“No! God no! Nothing like that. It’s just like, none of them have ever gotten me there,” you admit.
“Like they’ve never made you finish?” he asks.
You nod.
“Then the problem definitely isn’t you, you’re just sleeping with guys that have no clue what they’re doing,” he shrugs.
“Yeah well I thought that the first time and then it happened twice again and ended up worse than before. Figured it had to be me,” you explain.
“No Shorty, they just suck. It’s really not that hard to get a girl to finish,” he shrugs.
“That’s easy for you to say,” you roll your eyes. “You’ve slept with half the girls on campus.”
“Okay first of all I haven’t slept with that many girls,” he defends. “And second of all, all those girls I did sleep with left satisfied.”
“I’m sure they did Soonyoung, but that doesn’t help me in any way,” you point out.
“Yeah, but I could help you out you know,” he offers.
Is he saying what you think he’s saying right now?
“You mean like…. sleep with me?” you ask.
He shrugs. “Only if you’re okay with it. No pressure.”
“Won’t that be weird?” you ask.
“It’s only weird if you make it weird,” he shrugs again. “I’m not asking you on a date Shorty.”
You frown. “Yeah I know that.”
“It would just be like a no feelings no rules thing, just me helping you out,” he takes a sip of his milkshake. “Can be a one time thing we both forget about if you really want.”
“I guess,” you think. “Okay,”
What? Are you actually agreeing to this right now? You know he knows what he’s doing and that he’s safe about it, but it’s the emotional aspect you’re not taking into consideration right now. Soonyoung is still one of your good friends and this changes everything… right?
He says it’s only weird if you make it weird, but it’s easy for him to say that. He’s done this before, and he’s good at it. The sex with no strings that is.
You trust Soonyoung and you know he would never hurt you. He’s doing this to help you, and it’s really a win–win no matter how you look at it.
He smiles. “Come here.”
He pulls you onto his lap with great care. His thumb strokes your cheek for a minute assuringly before he closes the small gap between your faces.
The kiss starts slow and gentle. Quick pecks turning into a longing kiss that grows more intense with each passing second. His other hand lay on your waist, thumb rubbing small circles on your side as he continues to deepen the kiss.
You kiss him back with the same energy he provides you with. Hands wander across each other’s bodies, touching clothes and skin.
He moves, pinning your body down on the bed under his. He hovers over you, lips trialing down your onto your neck. He’s careful enough not to leave marks, simply pulling down the strap of your tank top. One of his hands sneaks up your back, unhooking your strapless bra and tossing it on the floor somewhere.
"Tell me if you want to stop," he says between kisses. "Or if you don't like anything, at all."
"Okay," you breathe out as you allow your eyes to fall shut. You submit your body to him, putting your trust entirely into his hands. Your body relaxes and sinks into the mattress. He removes his lips from your skin, stopping to grab a pillow and adjust your body to ensure your comfort.
He crawls down your body, fingers playing with the strings of your pyjama pants before pulling them off and tossing them onto the floor. You're left in your tank top (that's really only halfway on) and your underwear. He kisses your inner thighs gently before hooking his fingers into your panties and sliding them off.
"You're so pretty, Shorty," he mumbles, more so to himself.
His gentle demeanor is gone almost immediately. His lips immediately attach themselves to your clit, licking and sucking on your extremely sensitive bud. You let out a hiss and arch your back at the sudden contact.
Soonyoung's never been one of those guys against going down on a girl, but holy shit. He's eating you out like it's his last meal on earth. His lips and his tongue are everywhere, spreading warmth along your most sensitive areas.
He concentrates mostly on your clit, stimulating the sensitive bud to the max. You find it hard to keep still, constantly squirming as he devours you.
He's monaing in pleasure as your taste coats his tongue. He groans when you tug at his blonde hair, only causing vibrations to rumble through your body.
He's slurping and sucking, thoroughly devouring you like his life depends on it. It's only been a few minutes and Soonyoung fears he's addicted to you already. You taste sweeter than he could've ever imagined and the sounds you're making are driving him fucking crazy. He loves that you're vocal too, it's only serving as encouragement for him. You've never made this much noise in bed and the fact that he has you squirming and moaning like this only makes him want to devour you more.
Just when you think it can't get better, he slips his fingers inside of you. One at a time he pushes his digits in, pumping them in unison to bring you more pleasure. He's moaning with you enjoying this just as much as you do, if not more. His hips are rutting into your bed sheets, cock hard and leaking with excitement for what's to come.
You're grinding against his face and fingers, each flick of his tongue and thrust of his fingers pushing you closer and closer to the edge. The familiar feeling is buliding in your lower abdomen, however this time you actually feel the coil snap.
It comes so quickly you don't even have time to warn him that you're cumming. Your body shudders and convulses as you ride out your orgasm on his face and cry out his name. He doesn't stop even once you've come down, he's completely smitten and pussydrunk. You have to pry him off of you as your body grows sensitive from the overstimulation.
When he finally pulls away, his face is dripping and his eyes only half lidded. It looks at though he's been placed under some daze.
"Holy shit Soonyoung," you breathe out.
You're panting, chest rising and falling as you try to fully recover from the incredible orgasm he just gave you and the second one you nearly experienced.
"Was that okay?" he asks.
"More than okay," you lick your lips.
You pull his head down so he's hovering over you. "Want you to fuck me Soonyoung," you whsiper.
"You sure you can take me?" he asks. He breath fans against your lips. Smells like chocolate from the milkshake he was sipping on earlier.
You nod. "I can take anything you give me."
He swears his cock just got harder. He didn't think it was possible, but you're turning him on like crazy right now. Who knew you could be like this? The two of you quickly scramble out of all your clothes before you find yourself underneath him again.
There's a gold chain dangling from his neck as he hovers over you. He's got another shiny gold package in his hand that he got from his pants.
"You just keep those on you at all times?" you ask.
"Kinda," he shrugs. "Never know when you're gonna need them."
"Hmm, guess it's not such a bad thing," You lick your lips. "I was about to let you fuck me raw."
His breath gets caught in his throat. "Shorty are you serious?"
You peck his lips. "You know I don't keep any on me, and if you didn't bring it we'd just have to do without it."
He nearly tosses the condom away but you grab his wrist and giggle. "Maybe next time."
"Oh, so there's gonna be a next time?" he asks, voice laced with amusement.
"Can't decide that until after you fuck me," you smirk.
He feels his cock twitch under the sheets. He wastes no time ripping open the package, rolling the latex onto his length aligning himself with your entrance. He slides the tip along your slit a few times before he pushes the head of his cock in. Slowly, he pushes more of his length into you.
This feels so... intimate. Even though you've been in this position before, you never felt this close to any of the other guys. They all sort of just stuck it in and went at it for a few minutes before they finished. They didn't really bother to make sure you were okay, filling you up inch by in the way Soonyoung is. He wants to make sure you feel him.
"C'mon Shorty, you told me you could take it," he coos.
Your eyes are screwed shut as you try to loosen up for him but fuck, he's big. It's been a while since you've done this and he's fucking huge. Nonetheless he takes his time with you, ensuring that you're comfortable as he fills you up.
Once he's all the way in, he stops to ask if you're okay. You assure him at you are and give him permission to move. You can tell he's holding back. His thrusts are shallow and slow.
You've already started to adjust to his size and you encourage him to go faster. It's like a switch in him turns on again because his hips rapidly pick up in pace. He draws his cock out of you, slamming back in and making you curse and moan his name.
"You're so tight Shorty," he groans.
Shit, this feels so good. He fills you up so perfectly. You love feeling the stretch of his cock, his length pounding into you at the perfect pace. His tip pushes against your walls and his thumb soon finds your clit. The stimulation from both is so good and you know you're gonna cum again soon.
You're sure it's something about the dancer in him. The way he fucks you so well. You feel so good around him, he doesn't ever want to stop fucking you. So tight, so warm, so wet, all for him. You're driving him crazy.
He can feel himself nearing the edge too. His veins are popping out of his arm as he holds himself up, gold chain dangling in your face. You can't see it though, your eyes are still screwed shut with your lips parted as he fills you with inexplicable pleasure.
You look so sexy to him. You're both dripping in sweat and he finds himself becoming more vocal as the two of you approach your highs. He's cursing over his breath, nearly catches himself whimpering at how good you feel. You're throbbing around his length, letting him know that you're just as close as he is.
Thankfully so, he didn't want to end the night without you cumming around his cock. His thumb continues to circle your clit quickly and it only takes a few moments before he's driving you into another state of euphoria. His hips grow erratic as his orgasm hits him, full force. He doesn't stop, fucking both of you through your orgasms as his cock twitches inside of your throbbing pussy.
He fills the condom and pulls out before collapsing on top of you. His body weight is crushing you and he's panting into your collarbone.
"Soonyoung! Get off of me!" you push his slick body off of you.
He rolls next to you on the bed, landing on his back with a soft thud. "My bad," he chuckles. "I swear I died for a second."
"Was it really that good?" you muse with a smirk.
He presses his palm to your face plafully. "Be quiet Shorty, you know that was the best lay of your life."
He's got you there. There's no denying that he absolutely just changed the trajectory of your sex life and rocked your shit.
He smirks, sitting up on the bed. "That's what I thought."
He rolls of the bed and slips his boxers back on before disposing of the used latex.
"C'mon," he reaches his arm out to you. "You need to get up. Gotta pee and shower."
You groan into the pillow. "No."
He lets out a breathy laugh. "C'mon Shorty, you need to."
You groan again, but he pulls you out of bed. Luckily you only share a bathroom with Nai and none of the other girls on your floor. He helps you to the bathroom and assures everything is okay with you before venturing back into your actual room.
Once you're all cleaned up, you walk back into your room with just a towel on, only to see Soonyoung pulling his shirt over his head. He's leaving.
“You’re not spending the night?” you ask, cocking your head to the side.
“Can’t,” he says as he adjusts his pants. “I’ll see you later though yeah?”
You nod. He grabs the rest of his things silently and leaves with a soft close of the door. His exit leaves an odd feeling brewing in your body. What the hell just happened?
this is part 1 of 4!!
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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hijinxinprogress · 7 months
I need the jl to discover that Captain Marvel is a menace
Billy gets arrested as Captain Marvel and he’s just a smug menace the whole time despite being on comms with the league “Of course, I understand the seriousness of this situation! I will absolutely comply, I completely understand that you need the code…the code is 1-3-1-2. Also, I want my lawyer 😇” which gets leaked to the press both audio and visual which leads to the jl claiming that CM had been impersonated and their only evidence is the stupid ass grin on his face
The jl was investigating the misuse of a magical artifact and discovered that a group of police officers had joined a cult. Before they had the chance to gather the evidence proving those officers guilty but they’d already sealed away the artifact so Marvel suggested getting himself arrested to incriminate them and he was a little too happy about it
Let’s be honest, Billy only gets caught by the police bc he can commit to a bit and he’s pretending to be an ancient magic immortal so why would he run from a regular civilian human?? But on the inside Billy is dry heaving and sobbing bc he knows that the police could never catch him on his worst day even if he was personally broadcasting his location
Speaking of broadcasting isn’t Billy a fucking radio host?? I know he’s a fucking asshole during commercial breaks “This next commercial reminds me of a recent encounter with officer smith who got lost three blocks from his station” and it cuts to a fucking toilet paper commercial (people swear they heard him mutter ‘bc you’re absolute shit at your job’)
Sometimes people will call in to debate his views on the police and he’ll have a three hour philosophical debate but actual cops will call in to argue with him and Billy’s making your mom jokes and playing air horn noises or 2016 vines like a fucking child 
Billy probably gets caught when he graduates high school bc his yearbook quote is like marvels most well known quote “Captain Marvel coast city precinct, interrogation room 5 (Oct 14 XXXX) 3:37-4:31” billy added too much information and it gets flagged by the watchtowers security system so the jl has a meeting about the breach in security and Marvel’s like ‘yeaaahh, that was me mb’ and batman is making disapproving noises bc ‘this is serious, Marvel! high school graduate, William-’ he can’t finish bc Marvel’s gagging dramatically ‘Billy. It’s Billy ohmygod’
batman, on the verge of a breakdown: who is this kid?? Why does he know the time, date, and location of an undercover league operation??
Marvel, avoiding eye contact with Cyborg who helped picked out his outfit for the yearbook photo currently being projected: ahaha about that…
Cyborg, who distinctly remembers telling Billy not to do anything fucking stupid: 😐
(Vic has framed the picture of the ‘oh shit’ look on Billy’s face when superman lunges across the table damn near in hysterics)
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
A little crazy
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pairing: overprotective bf shanbin x s/o reader
genre: university au on unhingedness (same verse as perils, and no, it's not lasik), fluff
tw/tags: established relationship, some stereotypical characters, hanbin has a few quirks, character study lowkey, unwanted flirting, unintentional flirting, pet names, intimidation, he's sweet but a psycho, drinking, getting a lil tipsy, lowkey stalker vibes but not really, for plot purposes we will find it cute, threatening, idk how to tag this pls tell me if i missed something
wc: 2078
summary: your boyfriend is legitimately the sweetest person ever…except when someone tries to make moves on you. Then he gets…well…
a/n my advanced birthday fic for hanbin! Bc idk why I thought it was today I must have hallucinated but also idk if I have time to post on the actual day bc of real life commitments lmao whoops I struggle and try my best. Shout out to Kara aka @boysplanetmorelike for sparking this lil idea~
Check my pinned for more fics~
It’s not like he was perfect, even if people liked to think he was. Well, yes he is very boyfriend. That’s why he’s your boyfriend.
You, of all people, can attest to the fact he isn’t perfect. You’ve seen his hair in the morning. He’s definitely not at his prettiest. Sometimes he becomes a little control freak. You know that. You’re the one who they call to get him before he makes one of the poor freshmen cry unintentionally and then ends up feeling guilty about it and apologising profusely for the rest of the day, your poor soft-hearted man. And some might argue that yes he has his little ticks but they’re only minor character flaws if they can be considered flaws at all.
If only they knew.
Those who have had the pleasure of getting to know Sung Hanbin on a more, well, personal level are probably the only ones who will ever know. Poor souls, really.
And perhaps it isn’t as effective to explain as it is to show what exactly one of his more problematic personality issues is. Let’s take one unsuspecting, innocent afternoon.
Perspective. You’ve just finished class. It’s a pleasant day. You decide to meet at one of the benches under the trees outside your building. His class finishes a bit after yours so you wait, scrolling through your phone, peaceful, unbothered.
Enter unfortunate victim. For the purpose of this exercise, he shall remain unnamed. We’ll call him Victim #444. Or well, that guy.
He’s your typical fuckboy. Good looking in a sort of lukewarm way, hugely overconfident, probably thinks he has a bigger dick than he actually does, a horrible flirt, we’ve all met that type.
You share a class together. That’s how he makes conversation. Otherwise, he might not dare to approach at that time. Your talk goes something like this.
“Hey, you’re in Choi-seongsaengnim’s class too right?”
“Yeah?” You look up from your phone and he’s just there. He takes a seat on the same bench without asking. Well, it’s public property but he’s a little closer than you would like.
“He’s such a hardass, don’t you think? Like sure, he knows the lesson but he doesn’t need to act like this is the only class we’re taking.”
“Well, I mean-”
“-Like seongsaengnim, come on, I have a life outside of trying to figure out what the fuck your lessons mean.” You can add self-absorbed and stupid to this one’s list of notable traits.
“I think-” And definitely not letting you get a word in.
“Speaking of, have you got a partner for the latest project? Because, you know, I’ve been asked but I’m happy to make an exception if you want to pair up.”
“Actually, I already have-”
“Let me give you my number so we can contact each other? Maybe meet up, you know? I’ve got a nice little place to myself on the other side of campus.”
Ugh, as if. He’s leaning in so close that you can smell his cheap cologne. Before you can get up from the bench, arms wrap around you from the back and a very familiar voice coos in your ear.
“Ahh nae sarang, sorry I’m late.”
You turn your head, leaning into him.
“Hi Binnie-yah.”
He beams at you before directing his stare at the other guy. And so it begins.
“Oh, who’s this?”
You’re pretty sure Hanbin knew who this was. He knew who everyone was and at least one notable thing about them because he was quirky like that. Well, he wasn’t known as the university’s social butterfly for nothing. And you don’t want to spoil his fun so you let the guy introduce himself.
“Ah, you’re taking that major, yeah? So Junho-yah is your senior, how is he these days?”
“Oh, ah yes, Junho-sunbaenim’s been doing well, I don’t really see him around much actually.”
And bingo. The guy starts squirming. Faster than it usually takes. Your boyfriend’s made himself comfortable even though he’s half-hunched over and resting his chin on your shoulder, looking at the other guy with an unwavering stare. Sort of the way a spider would probably look at a fly before, well, you know.
“Really, well last I heard from him, he was complaining about how disrespectful his underclassmen are…but you’re not like that, aren’t you?”
“Ah, no, of course not sunbaenim.”
You can feel Hanbin’s smile get wider, his eyes crinkling in a way that you find adorable but you suspect might not be as cute for your unfortunate companion.
“That’s good, keep up the good work. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if any of my underclassmen were being disrespectful. Ah well, actually I can….”
He pauses and you swear that the guy stops breathing.
“...and I can definitely say that they’ll be very sorry that they even tried that with me.” Hanbin continues cheerily.
Suddenly he walks over and starts patting him on the shoulder. The guy flinches back.
“So next time, remember to be on your best behaviour and keep being polite, hmm? Don’t be so obvious? Maybe try not to be so shameless, yeah?”
“Ah, yes, of course, sunbaenim. Actually I- I just remembered I- I have to go- ah- sorry to disturb um- excuse me-”
You watch as he does a roughly 90 degree bow to both of you before walking off quickly.
“Less than 5 minutes, Binnie, that’s a new record.”
And your cute boyfriend is back, pouting and grabbing at your hands and squeezing them softly. If you were anyone else, you would have gotten whiplash.
“It’s not my fault if I want you all to myself, hmmm?”
Did you mention that your boyfriend was a little off in the head? Not in the should-be-confined-to-the-mental-hospital way but that slight sort of insanity that possesses him when someone tries to go for his little brother (rip Gunwook) or his little sister or his close friends or well, you.
And everyone else? Everyone else was not safe. If murder was legal, literally everyone else would probably be fearing for their lives. Which is probably a good thing that murder isn’t legal. Those incredibly lucky bastards.
Take one of the freshmen trying to chat you up during a party. They’ve been incredibly nice all evening, pouring you drinks and asking you all sorts of thoughtful questions about the major. So yes, you’re very happy to answer and give them little tips on how to ace a certain project.
“And it’s honestly fine if you mess up a little on your first test for Hwang-seongsaengnim’s class, he’s very nice when it comes to students forgetting a few names so don’t stress too much about it and make sure to ace the extra credit he gives.”
“Oh, thank you so much sunbaenim. That’s so helpful, I’ll definitely try my best.”
You can’t help but smile. So cute. Maybe it was the alcohol but you remember how it was like being a wide-eyed, overeager freshman listening attentively to your own seniors.
“It’s really no problem. Ask me anything, anytime. Seriously, don’t be afraid if you need advice.”
You reach over to pat them, swaying just a little from the amount of soju running through your body. They’re awfully red as well. You wonder why.
“How are you getting home, sunbaenim? Do you live nearby? I can walk with you if you’re comfortable with that, I don’t think it’s too safe to be out at this time.”
“Oh it’s no worries, I’ll be taking them home.”
“Ah Hanbinnie, meet my new dongsaeng” you’re not too sure when he got here or even why he’s here but Hanbin’s incredibly warm and his hands around your waist feel so nice. 
“This is my boyfriend.” You introduce him to the freshman. He dips his head in greeting as the other nearly tips over trying to bow. You make a concerned noise, making to catch the other but Hanbin firmly keeps you from moving, letting the freshman catch themselves instead.
“So nice to meet you, we’ll get going if that’s alright. It’s really not safe to be out this late, especially with someone you barely know.” You hardly register your boyfriend’s words but you’re not that drunk that you don’t know the smile he’s giving is about 95% fake and razor-sharp.
“Ah yes, get home safely, sunbaenim. I’ll find my way back so don’t worry.”
“Oh we won’t” You think you hear Hanbin say. Maybe. Could be your imagination. Because the next moment he’s nuzzling at your neck like a very spoiled cat, arms firmly holding you up as he guides you out of the bar and into the car.
“Nae sarang, you really need to take better care of yourself or I won’t want to let you out of my sight.” He says to you softly as he practically carries you into the passenger seat. It’s sweet, well the implication behind it is kinda creepy but you know he doesn’t mean it that way. (Does he?)
“You drove here?”
“Of course, I can’t let you go home all by yourself, can I?”
Like you said, there’s just a tiny screw loose in that head of his, considering the bar where you’re drinking is over an hour away from campus. You chalk it up to it being Hanbin. He can get a little paranoid on occasion. 
And sometimes, he goes a bit psycho. A little. Not a lot. Still, according to Gunwook, it’s terrifying. You really wouldn’t know but you’ve seen it.
You’ve come to wait for his dance club to finish when someone collides into you. It’s not too hard but it still knocks you off your feet and onto the ground with a thud.
“Yah, watch where you’re going, huh? I have a performance next week and I could have injured myself.”
It’s definitely one of the newer members because you don’t recognise them. Before you can say anything, Seo Won, one of the veterans, is already helping you up and asking if you’re okay. The one that knocked you over huffs and is about to say something else when Hanbin calls their name sharply.
Your boyfriend’s eyes narrow and maybe you’re a little lightheaded from the fall but also from the way his shirt clings to his body and his hair weighed down by sweat. It’s kinda hot but you’re not admitting that out loud. Not now, at least. He calls the other member’s name again and gestures him over.
He speaks too quietly for you to hear anything. All you know is that the other’s face pales drastically and he bows several times, walking over and apologising to you before practically hightailing out of the room.
Hanbin’s all over you in a matter of seconds, practically lifting you off the ground. It’s not good for your heart. Seo Won quickly backs off.
“My poor sarang, are you okay? Do you need anything? Ice? Are you bruised anywhere? Let me check.”
You don’t ever see the person who knocked you over again. Ever. You’d wonder about it but you’ve learned that it was better not to question sometimes. Especially when Hanbin insists on carrying you around for the rest of the day and practically waits on you hand and foot until the bruises fade. And it’s just a bruise. You do admit to him later that maybe you find it attractive when he’s a shade pissed and sweaty. Maybe you both get a little sweaty after that. And later, when you’re rightfully tired and sprawled out on top of him, you think about it.
Really, you wonder what goes through his mind sometimes.
[cut scene]
Hanbin smiles, all teeth and no sympathy. It’s like the serial killer before the murder.
“You speak to anyone like that ever again and I can do injuring for you, understood? No, don’t talk, just nod if you’ve managed to get it into that head of yours, hmm?”
A nod. Hanbin likes it when they’re like this. Quiet and white-faced and sweating nervously.
“Now go apologise to them. Sincerely. Like you mean it. And then, get lost. I don’t want to see your face for awhile, yes?”
Another nod. They take one step back and make to turn around.
“Oh wait.”
They freeze.
“Remember. Sincerely, okay? And don’t think I won’t know if it isn’t.”
A final nod.
“Very good. Now go.”
They go. Hanbin sighs. God, you’re going to drive him insane one day. (He already is)
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Forced move
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warning : tiny comfort, darker themes , little yandere behaviour , obsession , obsessed love , mutual love , little swearing , tiny mention of blood , nervousness , angst , love , kissing , touching eachother , nothing graphical in smut and blood , little drinking , blackmailing basically , open ending , make out, minors don't interact
Charlie Walker/Ghostface x fem reader
The evening was dark and relatively cool when the small pling from her mobile phone made the eighteen-year-old look up. Glancing up from her homework and books, she picked up her phone and typed on the small screen.
It was a message from one of her friends. Party at the barn.Stabathon-free alcohol come over she read the message and sighed slightly. Not that she wouldn't want to come. But the exam period was coming up and a party compared to the anger of her parents would be something she wanted to avoid.
On the other hand, a little fun and a little alcohol would be a deliberate distraction. And the old, big barn was not too far away. A short drive. A little fun never hurt she thought and decided to finish the sentence before changing.
The thought did cross her mind because of the murders that had been committed in the last few days. Actually, her parents had hung up an exit spear after eight o'clock in the evening. But she thought this was a bit exaggerated.
Uncertainty lay in her gaze as she looked at herself in the mirror. There are still other people here, said this little voice calling for a party. Suddenly the doubts were gone and the fun was there. She looked at herself again in the mirror a loose outfit not uncomfortable but not a looker either.
Simple and appropriate for a horror party. With another pling on her mobile phone she picked it up. Charlie is here too ;) she read the little extra message and a smile flitted across her lips. Charlie Walker, the acknowledged nerd of the group, film club leader and her crush.
Ever since she had seen him at Woodsboroo high school she couldn't get away from him. His friendly, cheerful manner when he talked about movies. How much he knew about movies, his whole being attracted her. Only the glow in his blue eyes when Kirby even spoke to him was something she noticed.
Kirby Reed she knew, no everyone knew that Charlie had a thing for the blonde. He seemed to be attached to her like a dog. She's just using him she thought after hearing this herself as the girls walked by. She knew the girls only briefly, most of all she had to do with Jill.
They had been assigned to several school projects together and even then they got along quite well. But now that she was already going to a party where Charlie was and not Kirby, she could take advantage of the situation. Maybe he'll notice me she hoped and opened her wardrobe again.
She had tried on everything from her normal everyday clothes to her pyjamas and communion dress. All except two things. ,,This is a bit extreme," she muttered and took the short leather skirt and the loose blood-red blouse out of the wardrobe. Holding the two items up, she pondered for a moment. ,,So what?" she decided and put on the clothes she had once bought for Halloween as a joke.
At that time she wanted to go as a hooker with all her friends just for fun. Teenage fantasy she thought and smiled as she turned in front of the mirror. The clothes just looked a lot better than they did a few years ago. It accentuated her curves, her legs were visible all the way up her thighs.
The red blouse made her décolletage clear. He's going to notice me she thought resolutely and grabbed her leather jacket before grabbing her mobile phone and car keys. Walking out of her room, she listened in on the house. She heard the sound of the television downstairs in the living room. A good sign.
Creeping slowly down the stairs, she peeked around the corner into the living room. Both asleep she thought happily as she heard her father snoring lightly and her mother snuggled up to him. Creeping along, she took the black high heels before taking her car key from the small key bowl and opening the door.
Pulling it quietly behind her, she hurried to her car and got in. ,,Done" she muttered in relief and started the engine before driving off towards Stabathon. The drive didn't take long - she was on the road for about ten minutes before she heard the relatively loud noises.
Parking the car, stuffing the key in her jacket pocket to her handy she headed for the barn. This looks good she thought and grinned when she saw all the decorations and slightly dressed up people. Even though her outfit definitely stood out from the others.
She didn't have a knife stuck in her chest, or a ghostface mask, or even the jacket of her football team. She was dressed relatively inconspicuously for the party. She tried to find her boyfriend but gave up after a few minutes.
Too many people with too many of the same costumes and too much alcohol. Looking around she finally found the bar with the drinks.
Heading for it, she found the alcohol in a large glass bowl before grabbing one of the red plastic cups. ,,Y/n the best animatress of our film club in her gorgeous outfit" she suddenly heard a voice next to her and jerked around. ,,You scared me Robbie," she said, shaking her head slightly.
Robbie was the second boss of the film club and Charlie's best friend. She knew he was recording her and it was being streamed live. ,,Don't do that," she said, taking the first sip of alcohol as he looked her up and down with his camera for the third time.
Defensively, he raised his hands and chuckled. ,,What? It's not often you come out like that, a real beauty," he said, but quickly fell silent as he heard the warning look from his classmate. ,,Thanks Robbie, you really are a gentleman" she said rolling her eyes and swearing inwardly. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here after all.
She took another sip of the drink and was about to leave when Robbie walked around her and cut her off. ,,Sorry, I didn't mean that, come on, let me get you a VIP seat," he said with a smile and pointed to the stage. Nodding, she followed him and quickly arrived at a ladder leading to the upper area. ,,Are you serious straw?" she asked and took one of the stalks between her hands.
Before she threw it at him, which Robbie returned with a roll of his eyes. ,,No, go up and sit or stand on the railing so you can see everything," he said, seeming slightly excited as he looked at his watch. ,,Thanks" she murmured as he left to start the welcoming speech before she made her way upstairs. He's right, she thought, leaning against the wooden railing where she could see everything. A small smile flitted across her lips as she listened to their speech, paying more attention to Charlie than anything else.
Regardless, she took another sip of the alcohol and looked at the first staff for a while. Before she suddenly heard a creaking behind her. The creaking of wood, someone coming towards her. She put the cup down on the railing and spun around. She was already prepared for a prank in the worst case scenario.
To her surprise Charlie showed up. ,,Hi Charlie," she said, slightly surprised, and smiled at him. He was leaning against one of the stacked bales of straw. The white button-up shirt clung loosely to his torso. The grey shirt underneath which was slightly visible through the slightly open collar.
The long brown hair that always looked so soft to her. Almost fluffy. The small smile on his lips and the piercing look of his blue eyes. He was perfect. ,,Hey, I didn't think you were coming," he said, walking up to her before standing next to her.
She felt how nervous she was, how fast her heart suddenly beat, her fingers tangled in her skirt and she stared at him. ,,Yeah, me neither...well a friend texted me to come" she admitted and quickly looked away as he looked from the film to her.
In the corner of her eye, she saw his eyes pass over her form. He's looking at me, she thought excitedly and grinned slightly. ,,You think this stabbing is so funny?" he asked with an amused tone in his voice when he saw her smile. Protectively she put her hands up slightly, ,,No...I um just had to think of a joke" she said hastily and would have preferred to sink into the ground. He nodded slightly in disbelief and turned back to the film.
She continued to watch him and felt almost stupid after five minutes of endless waiting. Do something she urged herself, because one thing she couldn't do was flirt. Or even make a real move. She had once asked him if she should stay for the break to help with the club, or have a coffee. She had even asked him for homework, but at the last moment she withdrew her book with the note for a meeting.
The idea came from Jill and not even from her. ,,Hey, I've got to get back to Robbie's for the next film, see you later," he said suddenly, pushing himself slightly off the railing. ,,Um, yeah, have fun," she mumbled and would have liked to push herself down.
He had just disappeared behind the bales of straw and she was already thinking about finishing the alcohol before she plunged down when he suddenly reappeared. ,,Hey, if you're up for a little party at Kirby's house, why don't you come?" he said hurriedly and she called after him with a ,,I will, thank you!". It's at Kirby's...but he invited me she thought happily and decided to go in search of her friends again. Not knowing that the evening would be all the more exciting.
Not only had Gale turned up, but the real Ghostface and the sheriff were all here. But when the first shot was fired by Dewie, she had run outside with the crowd for fear of being arrested.
As well as becoming another victim of Ghostface. ,,What a night," she muttered as she started the engine and drove down the road to Kirby. Parking the car and getting out, she saw the lights on in the house.They must have left earlier she thought, her high heels clicking lightly on the street before she went inside.
The door was open. But after only a few steps inside she heard voices and a slight relief spread. ,,You knew the door was open, didn't you?" she asked as she walked in and looked into the faces of Robbie, Kirby, Jill and Charlie. Only the latter gave her a small smile. Almost as if he was relieved that she was here.
But she could have imagined that. ,,Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jill asked in surprise and stood up before pulling the other into a light hug. ,,Charlie invited me," she answered briefly and Robbie handed her a bottle of high-proof alcohol. ,,Drink to the survival of my masterpiece," the camera man ordered and she took a light sip. ,,Whatever I invited you...we're watching Stab Seven now," Charlie announced and took care of the film.
Jill sat back on the couch next to Kirby who hadn't said a word to the new girl. Robbie moved a few feet away to the kitchen and continued to complain, mumbling. And Y/n sat down on the left, on the other side of Charlie.
Not that she didn't want to be with him, but Kirby seemed to be looking at her with a look she knew too well. Get out of here, the blonde seemed to say. As best she could, she tried to ignore the look and took a few more sips of the alcohol.
A few minutes had passed and Stab was in full swing when she slowly felt the warmth in her body. She was not drunk if at all slightly tipsy but the warmth told her she had had enough for now.
Putting the bottle on the table, she took off her leather jacket and her red blouse stood out as an eye-catcher. ,,Someone has made herself pretty," she suddenly heard Kirby say. The blonde looked at her carefully and smiled charmingly. But there was annoyance in her eyes. ,,So what?" she asked back and raised an eyebrow before standing up.
Grabbing the bottle, she took another step towards Kirby. ,,Nothing...nothing the question is for whom?" she probed further and Y/n became more uncomfortable by the second. She didn't like the way the evening was going. ,,For no one but me," she countered and walked past the blonde to hand Robbie the bottle and grab a glass of water.
Walking back she just saw a shadow coming from the right before she bumped into someone coming in with firm steps. ,,Ouch...Trevor?" she said as she stumbled back slightly from the force of the older and taller man. Surprise showed on everyone's faces as the one they didn't think was coming appeared. ,,Great" she muttered and looked at the stain of water on her blouse.
Right in the area of her bust and the black lace of her bra pressed against it. ,,The bathroom is upstairs," Robbie said, averting his gaze from her and his camera. ,,Peeping Tom" Y/n muttered, slightly annoyed, and went up the stairs. A few moments later she heard Jill leaving with Trevor, looking for her mobile phone, and Robbie going out onto the terrace. Only Kirby and Charlie stayed behind.
Finding herself in a house and hallway with endless doors, she was baffled. ,,Just great" she mumbled before sighing and opening one door after the other which seemed to take forever. How rich is she? she asked herself when she found the third guest room and the second walk-in wardrobe. Before she finally found the bathroom with another door. Turning on the light she grabbed one of the towels and tried to dry it somehow.
She wanted to avoid walking around in a visible bra all evening. Taking the towel off her clothes, the stain had only receded slightly. Sighing, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her bra was still slightly visible on closer inspection, but otherwise it was fine.
Leaning on the sink, she ran her hand through her hair. Did he even look at me? she asked herself and decided to go back downstairs. The evening was not over yet, even though she could hardly hear any sounds coming from downstairs. Walking down the corridor she suddenly heard a creaking sound like a door.
Looking around, she saw that a door to the guest room was slightly open. Did Jill go in there? she asked herself and decided to check. She hoped it was Jill or just a pet and not a stupid prank by Kirby.
That was the last thing she wanted. She opened the door a little wider and slipped inside before taking a few steps inside and standing in the middle of the room. ,,Hello?" she asked into the darkness but got no answer.
Suddenly the light from the bedside lamp came on and gave the room a slight orange tint. Not bright enough to dazzle but not too dark to see anything. Only the shadows of the furniture and things seemed more threatening.
She had flinched and scurried around as the door closed and suddenly Charlie was leaning against the door, causing it to close. ,,Charlie...you scared me," she said, grabbing her upper body before a small unsmiling smile came to her lips. ,,Is everything all right? It's pretty quiet down there?" she asked and took a step towards him. For the first time, however, it seemed that something had changed in him. His gaze remained on her, not avoiding her, and there was no Kirby in his blue eyes.
He seemed to be looking only at her. An engaging feeling, she found. ,,Everything is fine, Jill is outside with Trevor. Robbie is on the terrace recording and Kirby...she's asleep on the couch" he said after a short silence and walked away from the door with a click. Did he lock it? the question entered her head, but she could have imagined the click. ,,That's good...and you?" she asked and continued to look at him. Her heart seemed to have never beaten so fast as she realised how close they were.
Alone together in a room. No party, no friends, no Kirby, just her and Charlie. ,,Oh, I just wanted to check on you, I was worried, you know? You can't be too careful about the killer, can you?" he asked and slowly approached her. The question took her slightly by surprise.
Ghostface. She had been aware of him. But she as a victim. Why? Because she drew for the film club, read books and had a crush? No, she wouldn't be a victim. ,,That's true, but if he's really copying the original murders, then well, I'm not a suitable victim, I don't have a role in all this," she said, gesturing around her as if the others were here.
An amused chuckle crossed his lips as his blue eyes continued to look at her. ,,Are you sure? I mean the killer could also think of something new...something unexpected" he said and took another step towards her.
He was standing in front of her now, looking at her and not seeming to want to let her go. Her heart seemed to jump out of her chest as she looked into his eyes. ,,And what?" she dared to ask as she felt him twirl a strand of her hair between his fingers. Her heart beat even faster.
His look was amused, almost pleased with himself. As if he had accomplished something. Something important. ,,A move," she heard him say before he came closer and closer before kissing her. She felt his other hand on her hip, pulling her slightly closer. She sighed and her hands went to his torso.
He was gentle and careful she was uncertain and reluctant. It was apparently the first kiss for both of them. But it was incredible. Her heart was full of love. She had closed her eyes but noticed the small smile on his lips when he broke away. Through the light he seemed to tower over her even more.
As if his shadow enveloped and covered her. Enchanting her and keeping her close. It was a pleasant feeling, there was only the two of them. She saw the small blush on his cheeks as he carefully let a hand wander over her breast. ,,Oh man," he murmured as he squeezed gently and she couldn't help but smile.
He was completely fascinated by the new feeling and she felt herself falling for him more and more. Dare said her inner voice and she reached for his other hand and brought it to her lips before giving it a soft kiss and placing it on her other breast. ,,That's wow - I mean, am-am I hurting you?" he asked suddenly, almost startled as he seemed to sense her brief shudder.
It was true that she was as good as inexperienced in the area of intimacy. At least as far as contact with twits was concerned, but now there was no better chance. She leaned forward and gave him another gentle kiss.
Before she told him, ,,No...please go on, it feels good," even though she also felt the warmth on her cheeks. They both seemed to have to overcome their insecurity little by little. With caution and uncertainty. She felt him deepen the kiss and his hands continued to run over her body. Exploring every inch and yet with a caution. With a caution almost out of fear of hurting her or out of rejection.
She noticed how he detached himself from her and his gaze went to the guest bed. Suddenly she realised what he meant but the uncertainty she had felt was almost gone. Instead, she felt comfortable, comfortable with the thought of what it could lead to.
Nodding slightly, she took his hand and he led her to the bed. Standing in front of it, he engaged her in another kiss just as he was about to say something. ,,I-" she started before suddenly a clang and a scream could be heard from below. ,,What was that?" she immediately asked in alarm and looked at Charlie who was looking at the door.
Walking past Charlie, she wanted to look outside. ,,If it's Jill, then-" she couldn't get any further when a hand suddenly came down on hers and he gently but firmly pulled her back. ,,It's only Kirby, she must have dropped a bottle," she heard him say, but his voice seemed to have almost changed.
The tone of lightness was gone. It seemed almost commanding, controlling. He's going to keep me here, she thought, feeling her heart beat fast.
But whether out of love or slight fear, she couldn't tell. ,,Are you sure? I mean, there's a murderer on the loose here," she admitted to her concerns and she flinched in surprise when she felt his lips on her neck. He laughed lightly. ,,It's a good thing we're together," he whispered and he seemed different.
As if his nice, friendly, almost sometimes retiring manner was to some extent an act. She felt him continue to spread kisses greedily and needily on her neck. His hands ran lightly over her breasts and he traced the lace of her bra. Goosebumps spread over her body.
A pleasant feeling. As if he was hiding behind something, knowing that he knew something. That he knew something she didn't. ,,Yeah...but here," she stated a little uncertainly and gently pushed him away from her. She knew that maybe it was a one-time moment and yet something inside her told her that something was wrong.
But what? She looked at him again. His eyes seemed darker, still blue, but the good seemed to be gone. His gaze held hers as if he was proud. But proud of what? ,,Are you sure everything is alright with Kirby?" she asked, trying to read his reaction. To her surprise, he almost sighed in annoyance. As if the talking was annoying him and he wasn't nervous at all.
As if he saw it as annoying. ,,The bitch is fine!," he said suddenly, upset but full of resentment. What happened? she asked herself again as she realised that something was definitely wrong. But he immediately realised his mistake as the girl took a step back. Away from him, back away from him. Out of fear. ,,Charlie...what have you done?" she dared to ask and her hands clawed at her skirt in fear of the truth.
Defensively he raised his hands and came towards her trying to explain himself but stopped when she pointed at his shirt. ,,Is-Is...that blood?" she asked, slightly afraid when she finally noticed the small dark spot on his white shirt. Astonishment was in his eyes as he wiped his fingers over the stain.
She saw him lick the substance from his fingers and an uncomfortable shiver came over her. ,,You-you are", ,,Ghostface" he finished her sentence before a knife bored into the wall next to her head, blocking her way. A short cry escaped her lips. Fear had a grip on her, devastating fear. Fear of dying, fear of being hurt. Fear of him in a mix of attraction.
It was scary. ,,Please Charlie," she tried, but whimpered as she felt his fingers brushing against the strands of her hair again. ,,Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?" he asked and seemed to be waiting for her answer.
But he didn't get it and only an anxious shake of the head. ,,No? Well, let's say long enough to know that you're just like me," he said with a happiness that couldn't have been more inappropriate. Not when the cold steel of the knife next to her head could still mean her death. ,,I didn't kill anyone," she dared to say, wincing as he laughed and his eyes darted briefly to the knife.
As if he were weighing when he would kill her. ,,Oh no, I don't mean that... no, I mean our kind, our feelings, you know? I mean we were both just too shy to talk to each other all the time" he explained what he meant and slowly she understood. Slowly she understood him.
Slowly she realised that her crush was a crazy serial killer who had wanted her as an honourary victim all along. She had been the victim for months. ,,And now you're going to kill me?" she asked, looking back from the knife into his eyes. Again he smirked and seemed to enjoy it.
Enjoying having the confidence, enjoying having something and not just being a plaything. He let go of her hairline and his hand moved carefully, almost shyly, over the warm skin of her neck.
Before he lingered there and slowly and gently put his hand around her neck. ,,No, no I would never kill you. Not like Kirby, that fucking bitch...I just didn't want to believe it until now. And now we finally have each other" he began to whisper softly, audible only to them both.
But clearly understandable. Has he had this side all this time? she asked herself, seeming to see this side of pent-up anger, hatred, disappointment and all the emotions only rarely if ever for the first time. And it fascinated her to a small extent inside.
Fascinated and frightened her. ,,I-I...was always afraid that you would never look at me," she suddenly admitted. For fear that they would be her last words. For fear of never having confessed to him. ,,I have always seen you, my precious girl" he murmured and gave her a soft chaste kiss on her lips.
As if he was going back to his old self for a moment. ,,What did you want to say to me earlier?" the question seemed to come back to his mind. But there was a certain impulse in his eyes. As if he was afraid of getting the wrong answer. As if he was afraid that she had even played with him. Suddenly the grip around her neck became slightly stronger.
Not strong enough to cut off her air but enough to give her a warning before he picked up the knife again. ,,I-I wanted to say that I...love you," she admitted. They just looked at each other for a moment. For a moment in which he seemed to be weighing whether he could trust her.
A moment in which she decided whether she could trust him. A moment was enough before he pulled the knife out of the wall and kissed her. The metal clanked to the floor, but it was nothing. It didn't matter that he was Ghostface, it didn't matter that she was actually afraid.
It was the realisation that they loved each other that penetrated them both and made them forget their situation for a moment. ,,I love you too" she heard him say and it was the first time in the night that she felt hope next to fear. Hope that when all this was over she had a chance at love with Charlie. A chance that everything would turn out well.
Because she knew if she didn't make it out of here he would keep her for himself. Because underneath his friendly, cute, nerdy exterior, he was a hurt, scared, insecure serial killer who found redemption in her. And they both seemed to know that she could give him love.
The love to forgive him for what he had done. She was his and whether she wanted to or not he would not let her go. His sweet, dear, beautiful light of hope. No she would never leave him. He would make sure of that.
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jokeroutsubs · 5 months
[ENG translation] Joker Out singer opens up about kissing on set and other details of the new film
Interview with Bojan Cvjetićanin and Katja Predan. Original article was written by Sonja Javornik for Novice Svet24, published on 6.1.2024. English translation by @varianestoroff, proof read by TWT klámstrákur.
The new Slovenian film 'Kaj pa Ester?' is targeted primarily at teenage audiences, but Tosja Flaker Bercet's fun, relaxed film will also appeal to older audiences. And it looks like the film will be a hit not only in Slovenia, but also abroad, as fans of Joker Out from all over Europe are waiting for the film to come to their cinemas - the male protagonist is played by the much-loved Bojan Cvjetićanin.
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Bojan Cvjetićanin and Katja Predan are the leading actors of the new teen movie 'Kaj pa Ester?' (Photo by Šimen Zupančič)
In 2021, after a long search for the main character, the director invited Bojan Cvjetićanin, the lead singer of a band that was on the verge of success at the time, to audition. Today, Bojan would not have had time to record due to concerts in Europe and other projects (their new album and concert film 'Live From Arena Stožice' is available on www.jokeroutband.com), but back then, it was not a problem for him, so we can admire him in the film alongside the excellent Katja Predan and other young co-stars.
The film is about Ester, who is not pleased when she discovers that her ex-boyfriend, who wants to rebuild their romance, has enrolled at the same high school. Kaj (played by Bojan) tries to show his love for her with romantic gestures, but his moves impress his classmates more than Ester. Ester finds herself in a difficult situation, as her classmates are mean to her because they think she should give Kaj a second chance, but instead she agrees with a friend to act like a lesbian couple... The Ljubljana premiere of the film took place at Cinemaplexx and the whole crew came to see it. Before that, we had the exclusive opportunity to talk to the two main actors. Bojan was five minutes late, but given his frenetic schedule and mild cold, we didn't blame him. Over tea, he and Katja were happy to look back on the filming and joked around, jumping into each other and generally getting on well.
Katja, you are 24 years old and finishing your third year of film directing studies at AGRFT¹.
I'm still one exam away...
So you prefer to be behind the camera than in front of it?
Actually, it was good in front of the camera too. (smiles)
How did you get this role?
That's a good story! I was waiting for a friend who was half an hour late for a drink. But I was sitting at another table, with a friend from high school, when Tosja joined us. He introduced himself, and I told him I knew him. He told me they needed another actress because they were filming something and offered me to come and try it out. I wasn't interested at first, but then I thought that it must be a short film and it wasn't that big of a commitment. When I arrived, I found out that I was auditioning for the main role!
Do you have previous acting experience?
I was in a theatre group, I acted in a play, and then I started directing. That was in the first year of high school. In college I acted in our rehearsals when we were filming, but now I hope to get another chance.
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In the interview, Bojan and Katja also revealed - he had his first crush in kindergarten, she had her first boyfriend in high school. (Photo by Šimen Zupančič)
What kind of projects do you want to do as a director?
The ones where people talk a lot (laughs). I'm interested in love themes and situations where nothing special happens and the relationship gets boring.
What was it like working with Bojan?
We've worked together very little because we split up in the film, so we're not a couple anymore. We had two rehearsals together and they were very nice. But we did hang out a little bit.
Can we even project ourselves into the film? The plot itself is absurd, because you want to break up with Bojan - the Bojan who is currently the idol of young girls in this country and in Europe!
Tosja, please write what happened before that! (laughs) Surely Ester had a good reason to leave him.
Have you been dumped by a girlfriend in real life?
Bojan: Absolutely! I wouldn't say I was dumped because I didn't have many girlfriends. But I have been rejected...
So could this happen to you?
Yes, especially when I was as old as Kaj.
How did you land in the film as an actor?
I've always been interested in playing, but due to time constraints, I can't commit to it much, even if I wanted to. When I was invited to audition, I had a free summer. I'm a fan of the series 'V dvoje', one of the writers of is our director Tosja, and the creator was Luka Marčetič, who then also worked on the film, and there are a few other crew members as well. It was an honour to be able to work with them because they created my favourite series.
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They don't hide that it was a lot of fun on the set: "We had as much fun as we could. It was relaxing." Photo by Šimon Zupančič
In the film, you are exactly as you were in real life - they haven't even changed your hairstyle. How so?
I have a lot of contracts that say I can't change it. (laughs) No, it's a joke! Tosja was pleased with my appearance. The film is interesting because the 15-year-olds are played by 20-year-olds and older.
How much time do you have now that you are a European music star?
To be honest, very little. Three days ago I returned from the last tour of the year. I have a cold, of course, so it would be very convenient if I had a couple of days to lie down, but I have the whole premiere day today and tomorrow, a concert on Saturday, and on Sunday we go back to the studio for a week. Then we've got a few more gigs, then we're moving to London for two months, and then we've got a one-month tour. Then we'll probably go to Germany for a month to record the album, and then we'll have another tour soon...
We won't see you much.
Exactly, because there's too much of me everywhere now. (smiles)
How was it on set?
Bojan: It was great for me because I knew the whole team from before.
How did you and Ester* meet? (*T/N: They probably meant Katja)
Bojan: Through mutual friends, maybe even through Mila...
Katja: Haven't we known each other since primary school? Or from the audition for Vičstock?
Bojan: Yes, indeed! Katja was one of the organisers of Vičstock at Vič high school, and I was in one of the bands that wanted to play at the festival. And we did play at Vičstock. We actually know each other from ninth grade - like our characters in the film.
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The stars of the new Slovenian teen movie shared with us some interesting facts from the filming of it. (Photo by Šimen Zupančič)
What are you willing to do for love, Bojan? Because your character is very committed in the film to get Ester back.
I have a little wish to find love again, for which I would be willing to do such a big thing. It seems to me that I have not felt that since primary school or the beginning of high school.
Was your first love fatal? Like Kaj's?
Katja: Yes!
Bojan: In my opinion, yes.
And how did your first love end?
Bojan: Ask me if I have a girlfriend.
Do you have one?
Bojan: No. (laughs) I told you that I have been rejected in the past. But I had my first love in kindergarten.
Katja: I remember my first boyfriend from high school. We, of course, had to hide our relationship from everyone, in case we broke up afterwards and embarrassed ourselves. That way nobody knew we were in love and nobody asked anything when it was over.
Have you ever hidden your love?
Bojan: No, I'm like an open book.
Did you have fun during the filming or were you focused the whole time?
Bojan: We had as much fun as we could. It was relaxing.
Katja: I just remember that Diana and I used to rehearse scenes and kiss all the time, thinking that that would keep us in the role...
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Film director Tosja Flaker Berce with the cast of 'Kaj pa Ester?': Katja Predan, Bojan Cvjetićanin, Mila Peršin, Suzana Krevh, Veronika Železnik, and Diana Kolenc. (Photo by Mediaspeed)
Have you also been kissing a lot?
Bojan: All the time, but only when the camera was on (laughs).
What did you think of the script?
Katja: For me, the biggest question was why they went their separate ways in the first place, but looking back, I understand Ester more and more.
Bojan: (playing offended) What are you trying to say?
Katja: (laughs) Yeah, he was probably too fixated on her.
What are the differences between you and your characters?
Bojan: The biggest difference is that as a young boy, I was not a loner like Kaj over the years. Kaj wanted to spend time with Ester more than anything, and I see the key problem with their relationship as the fact that it started to suffocate Ester. Ester, in my opinion, wanted to get away from this one-to-one, one-person, all-day contact. Of course, we're young in the film and you have doubts about your first real romantic relationship, but it started to suffocate Ester...
Katja: ...that there is nothing else.
Bojan: Anyway - Ester is not cool, neither is Kaj. She sits at home and plays 'Krofki'² ('Doughnuts').
What do you do in your free time now?
Katja: I like to read and I'm quite similar to Ester in terms of my nerdiness.
Bojan: I like reading too. If I have time during the day to do something, I like to relax as actively as possible, ride a horse or go-kart, fish... In short, something to get the energy out of me. I'm not good at fishing at all, but it calms me down a lot.
Do you like being so busy, travelling so much?
I wouldn't say I have a big problem with the workload. But it is very tiring to travel a lot. Some of the tours have been designed so that we travel by tour bus, which means that I can sleep in a bed in the bus all night between locations and at least be rested the next day.
But is it good quality sleep?
For me, it is the best in the world and I am thinking about how to recreate this rocking coffin at home. Very small and tight, but the best. But if the connections on the tour are by plane, like we had now, for example, when we flew ten times in seven days, it means you only get about four hours sleep a day. And that exhausts you.
What about packing each time?
I've already got it all worked out! Now I don't even take things out of suitcases, I take the shirt from the top and put the dirty things in a bag somewhere at the bottom. I have two big suitcases at home to change.
¹The Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (Akademija za Gledališče, Radio, Film in Televizijo) is the only higher education institution in Slovenia that trains at university level for professions in theatre, film, radio and television.
²The game 'Krofki' is a made up videogame, played by characters in the movie.
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untoldsoup · 6 months
Just wanted to make a quick update!
I know some people have expressed concern over my mental health because of the speed I get updates out so I figured I would make a post to clear the air.
Yes, I draw 3-4 or more hours a day. And I know it sounds alarming but I'm an introvert. I spend most of my time between work and home. Before starting this comic I would either play video games all day or scroll the Internet. If you look at my blog history, you will see I've actually had this blog since 2020. However before this comic I posted barely anything. Maybe one to two arts a year.
I had a long span of depression and life and health issues that really affected my passion for art (a year of spine problems that also prevented me from drawing until I had emergency surgery). Getting into the mario fandom really reignited my drive to draw again. When I find something I like I hyper fixate on it A LOT. I did the same with starwars for 4 years with a previous blog.
Also, this is my first time actually committing to a comic and I'm having a ton of fun with it, learning new things and fully enjoying the experience.
I do take breaks for other things (over the summer I worked less on the comic and more on other sidlink projects ect) to prevent burnout.
But drawing really is relaxing when I get home from work. I put on youtube or music and work on a page, then do some chores and a few other things before bed.
Not to mention I got a system down now and its easier to start and finish pages than it was at the beginning.
I'm working on the last update now and whats really motivating me is proving to myself I can finish such a large project. Ive never worked on something this big before and there is a sense of pride in completing it. I also plan on working on a ten page epilogue that wont be post on tumblr due to the nsfw rules, but will probably have on bluesky or discord or something.
I think after that I will however take a small break before working on the sequel (I do have the first 12 pages of the sequel ready to go, but it wont be posted till chapters one and two are both finished) just so I dont stress about it.
I'm a very anxious, isolated person and having projects to work on has helped a lot. I also started some depression meds this year that have been a boon to getting stuff done and not being sad all the time lol.
So all is well rn!! I'm on page 57 right now for the comic, and have a long xmas break coming up so I might meet my deadline who knows XD
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mochie85 · 11 months
Part 1 of the Wanderlust Series.
Wanderlust Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: You try to convince your best friend to go on a long road trip with you. Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader Word Count: 694 (a drabble, really) Warnings: Fluff. ALL fluff. A/N: This is for @the-slumberparty June Monthly Challenge: Summer Vibes. I picked a tent (can the VW Bus be considered a tent?) and the Road setting. I don't know if I should continue with the story. I mean, I have some ideas, but I don't think there's an actual plot...lol. Edit: It's decided...it's now a series...I hope y'all are happy!
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The one thing you wanted to do before you started your new job was to visit the national parks in your state. You graduated with honors and had multiple job offers in the tech industry because of the algorithm you created for your senior project.
Tech careers were unpredictable and oftentimes fleeting. But you were confident that your innovative program would help kick-start your career and cement your position in the company that you chose for a long while.
That’s why you wanted to go out and travel. See nature! Just before you commit to a desk and computer for the rest of your foreseeable future.
“Do you know how big California is?” Bucky asked you agitated.
“Yes, I do,” you answered back with a cheeky grin.
“California has the greatest number of national parks!” he pointed at the map.
“Yes. Nine! And that doesn’t include the monuments and the trails and the memorials-”
“Well, I’m not asking for your permission.”
“I still say, ‘no.’”
“I’ll go with or without you, Buck. I just thought you should know my plan.”
“Do you know how dangerous it is out there? Especially if you’re alone.”
“I can take care of myself. I did take that self-defense class for a couple of months,” you reasoned.
“Why can’t you go somewhere that has- Look, Nevada! Nevada has one national park. The Great Basin. And hey…we could even hit up Vegas while we’re there!” Bucky pointed at the map.
“Oh, ya cuz I would really be safe from creep-o’s in Vegas!” you rolled your eyes at your best friend.
“Ok. What about Hawaii? Hawaii has two national parks! And it’s HA-WA-II!”
“Do you know how much that plane ticket would cost? I haven’t started my job yet. Besides, who would watch Smokey while I was away?”
“You’re bringing the dog?!”
“Of course, I’m bringing the dog! Smokey goes where I go.” And as if he was called, your large greyhound came over licking your hand under the table. “We’re gonna have so much fun in our Bus-Bus, aren’t we, Smokey?!”
“And another thing?! How sure are you that the rusted piece of metal you call a car will actually take you around California? You’d probably break down before you get south of Oakland!”
“I had my mechanic look at it! Sid said it was in good shape! Plus I can call a tow if I need to.”
Bucky just looked at you defeated. He knew there was no convincing you out of this hair-brained plan of yours. You had always been a person to stick to your guns as soon as you planned it out. ‘No Regrets,’ you had always said.
No Regrets, Bucky repeated in his head trying to decide what to do. Nine parks! Nine! It would take you a month and a half to finish that round trip. And that’s only if you decided to stay at each park for a couple of nights, not the week you were planning.
“All right. All right. I’ll go with you.” Bucky relented, placing his head in his hands.
“I didn’t ask you to, Buck,” you chuckled, trying to hide the relief on your face.
“Bullshit! You knew I was going with you the moment you told me about it.” He called out your bluff. You shrieked and held your arms out to Bucky’s neck, embracing him in a tight hug.
 “You and I are gonna have so much fun! You’re not gonna regret this.”
“Ya, ya, ya.” Bucky relished in your warm embrace. You smelled like sun-kissed fruit on a lazy afternoon. You felt like a cool breeze that just wafted into his life unexpectedly and decided to stay. Erupting his life into chaos.
You pulled away looking into his deep blue eyes. He narrowed them as if he saw something in you that he had never seen before.
“Ok, we leave right after graduation! And you can’t take it back now Barnes. You’re in this with me till the end!” You smiled at him. Your cheeks were puffy and red, carrying a dimple that he wanted to caress.
“Lord, help me.” He whispered under his breath.
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⬅️Wanderlust Masterlist | The Redwoods➡️
🏷️ My "ALL" Taglist: @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee
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kxxkiecxre · 2 years
ʚ✟⃛ɞ Like a Moth to a Flame || J.J.K ʚ✟⃛ɞ
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Reader/x jimin.
SUMMARY: Your best friends older brother meant more to you than just a friend, unfortunately it’s a little too late now.
WARNINGS: smut implied on multiple occasions.
GENRE: best friends brother au.
WC: 5.4K
//unedited, y’all should get the gist by now :’)\
PERHAPS **the most **important part of being someone’s best friend is being honest, truthful and sharing everything you can. And if you can’t share a secret with your best friend, then it most be something she can never find out. Right?
Which is why you’re currently biting your nails, sitting like a duck on your own egg shells. Hoping to god that your reddened cheeks can be blamed for the spicy jalapeño pizza you just shared between each other as well as the many soju bottles. However you cannot be 100% sure everyone is buying your little gimmick, seeing as he’s staring at you with an amused smirk, pretending he’s all too interested in making himself a cup of tea.
Why does he have to be like that? Besides he wasn’t even suppose to be in the house in the first place, Yeji explicitly told him to leave the house since she’s going to throw a small birthday party for her 20th. Doesn’t seem like he got the memo from what you can see.
“Anyway,” yeji, cuts herself short, “what’s the dirtiest place you have had sex in y/n”.
Cheeks reddening to a beetroot red, you clear your throat slightly, looking around the table before choosing your words carefully, “back of his car”.
“Just back of his car?”
“At the rear parking lot of 7/11, at midnight”, you finish.
“Risky, wouldn’t of said such an innocent little Angel like you would actually commit such a heinous crime huh” he voiced his opinion without missing a beat, watching as the death glare formed on your face.
“Don’t act like you’d even know what having a bit of fun means,” you scoff, Yeji oblivious to your little game.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself y/n,” he warns with a slight smirk, sipping his tea.
“Don’t project your insecurities on me cause you can’t get bitches Jungkook” you roll your eyes, clearly not amused by his obvious teasing.
“I’m sure you’d know” he chuckles, exiting the kitchen and leaving your almost growling at the kitchen table, where everyone’s eyes are on you.
“What… was that?” Sujin asks.
“What was what!” You didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but with Jungkook’s teasing and shit eating grin engraved in your mind you felt like popping.
“That roast battle?” Yeji asks, “by the way you ate him up”.
“He had it coming” you slumped back into your chair, sipping your sweet old whiskey mix.
Yeji brings her hands up in surrender, letting the subject drop faster than a needle to the ground. It’s not that there was much she could ask. You never made it super clear that her brother angers you so much that you wish he’d rearrange your guts on more than one occasion. But like mentioned, not everything can be shared, somethings are just better left unsaid.
After a few more hours of drinking past your limit and eating way too many spicy foods, you felt like you’ve had your fun. Ready to leave the party right after everyone has gone and dusted. But Yeji was too good of a friend, too sweet and protective. And who were you to give up an immediate soft place to crash on?
“Yeah but where would I stay, it’s not like,” you hiccuped past your slurred sentences, Jungkook right behind you and Yeji, chuckling to himself as he watched both of your try to speak in your slurred states like two toddlers trying to learn to speak for the first time, “we could fit on the same bed, because let’s me be honest ji, I’ve got a fat ass and your single bed will not handle me”
She pondered for a second, lips formed in a cute pout and eyes wide despite the droop from the alcohol in her system. She was the spitting image of her brother, except in female form and a lot more daintier, “take Jungkook’s bed, he’s been an asshole anyway”
You snort unattractively, hand covering your mouth as you and Yeji fall into a fit of drunken giggles, almost falling over while leaning on each other for support, “okay, I’ll leave a bunch of cockroaches behind too”
“No I’m serious,” she whines slightly, “it’s not safe to go home now, and Uber drivers are perverts.”
“I’ll just walk I’ll be fine Ji,” you grabbed her shoulders, confident in your remark but before you could even take the slightest step to the door, Yeji has other plans.
In the process of trying to grab your shoulder, she accidentally grabs your boob, rather harshly at that, and because of the slight pain that you still have in your freshly pierced nipple, you almost fall over in pain, “ow my boob!”
“Oh shit sorry!” She chuckles, “hey, at least the piercing feels nice!”
You smirk at her, keeping eye contact as you stumble closer to her, “it looks even better in real life”.
“I know,” she giggles, “because I’m the one that put it there”
Once again falling into a pit of giggles with a traumatised Jungkook behind you, you finally reach your end stage of being drunk, a small sob leaving your lips, “can I actually sleep in his stinky room?, what if I get kidnapped on the way home”
“Of course you can,” Yejis lower lip trembles, finally reaching that stage with you, “can’t she Jungkook”
Jungkook shakes his head in disbelief, not quiet sure how you guys got to this stage since he left with his tea and what’s worse is he hasn’t realised that to your drunken eyes it looks like he just said no, so now you’re not sobbing, you’re practically wailing together, grabbing each other’s hands like it’s the end of the world.
“He really is an asshole” she wipes her eyes, “all the times Y/N, bought you banana milk and you won’t let her sleep in your room!”
“I-“ the poor man tries to defend himself.
“And all the times I’ve got you gimbap!”
He sighs in defeat, muttering incoherent words to himself as he finally leans off of the wall and stalks over to both of you very gently and slowly, “first off, I did not shake my head-NO- and second of all, please stop staring at me like that I feel threatened-“
“As you should” his younger sister practically growls.
“Anyway, y/n, why don’t you go and make yourself comfortable in my roo-“
“I’m sorry if I obliterate your bathroom with vomit, I really don’t mean to” you sniffle, right nostril blocked from crying.
He blinks, mentally counting down from 10 and begging god for patience because not only is there a possibility he’ll have to clean your vomit up and be there for you because his sister will be sleeping like she’s dead, but she’s currently pss’pssing as if there was a cat in the house… which there isn’t.
“It’s okay, just please, go to sleep”
Maybe the smarter idea would of been to stay at home after literally burning your entire digestive system with alcohol not even a four days ago, but despite that, and the lack of a boyfriend, somehow, you have found yourself immersed by yet another tequila drink and music booming around your entire aura. Hips swaying side to side and hair absolutely going wild after you have successfully lost your hair tie around two hours ago.
Yeji was no better, screaming down the phone to her annoying and hot brother, who apparently is very pissed and worried because he’s had a tough training with his coach today, and now his night is going to be filled with yet again taking care of two drunk messes. She keeps yelling at him, telling him she’s absolutely not giving him the name of the bar you’re currently trashed in. You vaguely hear her scream a bunch of curses at him before your attention is diverted to a pair of hands on your hips.
Turning around to meet this gaze you find probably one of the hottest creatures of man kind. With hooded dark eyes, and pink floppy hair and luscious plump lips he looks like a sinning Angel. His pearl white teeth sink into his plump bottom lip, the cross necklace on his dark shirt stealing your attention as you start dancing with this handsome stranger, absolutely perfect.
Without much thought to your current situation, you signal to Yeji that you are leaving with, Jimin, as you learned his name is. Right the second Jungkook enters, expression clearly not amused by your little escapade with his sister. You giggled to yourself as Jimin chuckled, helping you into the taxi.
And by the time you could really think about what you’re doing, his cross is swinging by your face as he hovers above you, kissing his way down your body right after giving you the best orgasm you’ve experienced, eyes sultry and lips coated in your essence. You were on cloud nine as he left marks on your neck and chest, rubbing his thick cock along your folds, before sliding in with ease, gasping as you clench around him, watching as his expression twists into ecstasy, he was gorgeous. Railing you like there was no tomorrow, and you know for fact you will not regret this night, not even in a million years.
Waking up the next morning was a daze, finding yourself nausea but not throwing up, and laying down next to a extraterrestrial being, you got out of bed in a rush, realising you promised Yeji to grab hungover brunch together. The man beside you groans, stirring awake, “sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up”.
“You don’t have to do the walk of shame babe,” he chuckled, voice incredibly arousing, stirring something deep inside your stomach.
“No-“ maybe that was too quick of a reaction, “it’s- I meant to be meeting my friend in ten minutes for brunch, and I don’t want to be late.”
He gets out of his bed, watching you as you put your clothes on deciding to do the same, “maybe I could drop you?..”.
Your lips part in thought, “Uhm are you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, you don’t owe me anything actually yesterday night was amazing-“.
“Do you really not remember me?” He asks with a soft chuckle.
Your brain stirs, realising the familiar gaze, voice and eyes. He definitely changed, but good god did he even get hotter, and maybe you were to drunk to realise yesterday that his name was literally the same as your ex friends with benefits partner.
“Holy shit!” You exclaim, to which he laughs gently, now dressed in grey sweats and a black shirt.
“I see time did you good y/n”
“Fuck me did it do you good” you laughed, slipping your red dress back on, cringing a little.
“Do you want to borrow some clothes?” He asks, already going to his drawer full of hoodies and sweats.
“I mean if you’re okay with it-“
“Come on don’t act like we didn’t use to do all the time” he hands you a brown hoodie and black sweats.
Smiling a little, you slipped the clothes on he gave you, watching as his eyes gleamed with a certain twinkle, “so? You disappeared for five years Park, where have you been?”
“Studying in Canada, I came back because I got a good job offer here” he mutters as you head out of his apartment, and straight down into the underground parking lot.
“Oh, damn. That’s nice, I’ve still another year of studying to do unfortunately” you chuckle a little, buckling your seat belt as he starts his car.
Within small talk you get to the small cafe by Jungkook’s place, being met with the man himself and his younger sister. Jungkook does not look pleased at all, a prominent scowl on his face while he glares at his whining sister, but in all fairness, he looked absolutely ravishing. In blue ripped jeans, and a white polo shirt. Hair slightly messy but never the less he looks gorgeous, just like always. With your stare on him and voice more clear he whips his head up, noticing you with a man is quite the strange sight for him, and he’s not really sure why he all of a sudden feels even angrier than he was during training.
Sitting down next to Jungkook and Jimin next to Yeji, you sigh, the crispy breeze of autumn absolutely devouring your lungs, “remind me to never drink again hm?”.
Jimin chuckles before you realise you never actually introduced him, “oh right, guys this is Jimin my friend, Jimin Jungkook and Yeji my best friend”.
“Ah the famous Yeji”
“Famous?” Your best friend managed even though her voice was ragged just like a cat being dragged through her vocal chords.
jimin chuckles a little, rearranging the cap ingulfing his hair, “yeah, Y/N wouldn’t shut up about you yesterday night, kept complaining saying you’ll be concerned, but to be honest you didn’t seem all too worried yesterday night’’
Yeji hums, squinting while the sun shines in her eyes. you on the other hand whine, hand covering your stomach while you pout a little, clearly very hungry with your hungover. Jimin picks up on that, smiling a little before ordering you a smoothie and an acai bowl. how sweet. seemingly, though, Jungkook doesn’t quite like the picture in front of his eyes, muttering something incoherent under his breath, and while you notice you choose to blame his sour mood on his training.
‘‘so kook, how was training’‘, you ask, nibbling on your paper straw.
‘‘good’‘ is all he answers, clearly not excited to overindulge you.
‘‘when’s the upcoming fight’‘, you say, trying to make it clear you’re devoting your entire attention on him.
he sits up in his chair, still slacking but not as bad as before, one hand under his chin as he looks into the small cafe, “friday week” he answers.
“are you excited”
he scoffs a little, “you could say that”
Confused and slightly baffled at why he’s giving you the cold shoulder you sigh, closing the menu you were scanning for no apparent reason and stand up of your chair, “kook, would you mind going in with me for some water?”
He looks at you with minimal hesitation, “for.. water?”
“Yeah,” you mutter softly tilting your head trying to make it obvious to him that you are trying to to talk to him in private, “water”.
He licks his lips swiftly, clearing his throat and following your lead, watching your back with intent, wondering why the hell you’re dressed in oversized mens clothing, when suddenly, like a lighting strike just hit him, he realises.
Once at a small corner at the cafe away from others he looks you dead in the eyes, clearly some type of emotion swarming his head as he suddenly looks slightly pissed off, body tense and brows stern, “you slept with him”.
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Like he was there last night and saw all the things Jimin did to you. Shocked and maybe a little shy, you gulp, “well… it’s my life. I can choose who I sleep with..”.
He scoffs with a slight smirk, no, not the type of smirk where you want to kiss it right of his lips or the type you want to smack away because he’s cocky, no, the type were he’s clearly pissed.. beyond pissed, “why him?”
Now you were getting agitated, foxy gaze hardening and cheeks warming to a serene pink, “why not him!”
“Because!” He controls his voice, looking around to Make sure he hasn’t captured any unwanted attention.
“Because?” You questioned, clearly baffled now at where this man has gotten his audacity.
“Goddamnit y/n” he sighs rubbing his face with his hands.
“What’s so wrong with him that I can’t sleep with-“
“He is my fucking opponent this Friday.”
He stares at you, tight lipped and fuming, and all though you know better than to continue egging him on. You still open your big mouth, “well I don’t know how that affects the fight since it’s my vagina and not yours he fucked”.
Blinking about a hundred times in one second he literally just stands there for a solid minute trying to decipher what you had just said to him, “I don’t have a vagina”.
“Sucks for you I guess” you shrug your shoulders with a straight face.
He bites into his lower lip, clearly not amused by your little shenanigans, inching closer to you, he has a certain glimmer in his usually brown eyes, with just a little sheen of cloudy darkness, “I promise when I win that fight, I will prove to you that no other man will *ever *compare to me… physically…mentally” he moves in closer, just an inch away from your ear, “stamina wise,” his hot breath on your delicate skin was exciting, hairs rising on your neck and goosebumps forming, “and bed wise”
With his final words he moved away from you slowly, before tucking your hair behind your ear all while you’re sure someone has electrocuted your insides. Maybe this man is trying to kill you, maybes he trying to tease you or perhaps, he means what he says.
But two can always play the same game, “well,” you give him your best innocent look, “I hope you’re a man of your words, good luck.. Kookie” swiftly moving around him, you shoot straight for the door, heart racing and insides melting. what . the . actual . fuck.
Fuming… that’s what you are right now. Angrily stomping your way to the familiar building you dig your nails further into the palm of your hand, cheeks blushed with the anger coursing through your blood and face stern. Not quite concerned with the people, most of them already know you.. and who you are coming to see, it’s pretty obvious.
Coming up straight to the punching bag the tall man is apparently taking his frustration out on, you bit into your lip. Calming your breathes and trying your best to not pop, “I will personally take a rope, put it round your neck and choke you. Who the fuck do you think you are”.
Not really paying attention to you, or more so being bothered by your outrage because he’s expected this, he throws a mere glance your way before speaking up again, “do you have anyone else to bother but me?”.
Rolling your eyes so far back into your skull that it physically hurts, you give him a sarcastic laugh, “you’re so funny don’t you think? Stay out of my business Jungkook. I’m serious”.
He stops punching the bag, holding it in place with his gloved hands, “you, got into, my, business, first.”
At this stage you will need all mighty gods strength to stop yourself from absolutely obliterating his face right this second, “fuck you Jungkook, you’re so fucking annoying. YOU are not my brother, YOU are not my father or my boyfriend. YOU do not dictate who I can fuck and who I can’t. Stay in your own lane”.
Suddenly angry, deep frustration taking over his eyes, darkening his orbs to a colour almost unrecognisable, “do you know what he says about you?” He stalks towards you, almost like a prey to its victim, “do you know how he tells everyone of his friends he fucks your everyday? That you’re desperate? Choking on his fucking dick? My entire friend group has been bombarding me, telling me my sisters best friend is getting railed by my opponent, never mind that actually, it’s the fact he has so little respect for you. I promise you, when I’ll be in the ring, he won’t come out of my hands alive”.
Throwing the gloves off his hands to the floor, he walks to the locker room with one last look at you, but you’re stupid, and not at all listening to your rational brain telling you to let him cool down, “well I just think it’s stupid you’re so willing to risk disqualification over me”
He chuckles emptily, “so I’m stupid because I care?”
“No, you’re stupid because you’re risking the biggest fight of your career.”
“So help me god Y/N,” he stands up off the bench, sweaty figure close to your body to the point you can feel his heat radiating warmth onto your skin, “I’ll do it all again and again and again, if it means you get the respect you deserve.”
Because you absolutely have no self control and curiosity always gets the best of you, you look into his eyes and ask, “why do you care so much?”
His expression turns soft, eyes melting every worry, anxiety and pain away, “because you’re my friend too, and my friends mean a lot to me.”
Understandable, but despite the feeling that there’s more to this words than he lets on, you nod in slight agreement, “fine, I’ll stop seeing him”.
He says nothing, simply turns around and begins to take his shirt off, “you might wanna wait outside unless you want coach to explode with anger”.
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The hardest part about being alone is… being alone. Simply put. There is only so much a person can do by themselves, and sure it’s relaxing to be alone sometimes, but not all the time. It gets lonely, dark… soulless. Not only in the caged four walls of your home, but generally speaking. A human needs another human, it’s instinctual, it’s inevitable. Just like any other creature, a soul needs a partner. Surely, by now you’d have found someone if you were interesting enough, but in all fairness, you seem to be probably the most general, imperfect and boring person alive.
Staring at the ceiling for what feels like a decade, which in reality was an hour, your mind sinks deeper into your feelings, into the depth of your heart. It almost feelings like your brain is rummaging around, throwing things randomly while accidentally continuously hitting that one spot, that one spot that hurts. And since it’s busy, it doesn’t help you find out why exactly it hurts. It makes no sense. Being in pain, without a source. Without a reason, without pain.
Most people like to believe that their one and true love will come by, wether that be in five minutes or twenty odd years, you choose to not be foolish. You don’t believe in falling in love instantly, you don’t believe in love at first sight. Call it depressing, but you like to believe you’re quite the optimist. Just not in this scenario.
Any sane person would probably avoid walking in lashing rain to ease said -pain without pain- situation, but that’s exactly it. You’re not sane enough right now. You’re not exactly functioning properly, is it because of the lack of humanly touch? Or because the last time you saw another human being was when Jungkook almost killed Jimin in the boxing ring? Sighing you shrug your coat on and leave your apartment. Forgoing your umbrella.
What happened that day? What got into him? That despite the fact you begged him hours before to not hurt him too much, he went further of your plea and obliterated Jimin. The screaming and roaring in his apartment didn’t help his busted lip, but during that heated fight were Yeji stood in the hallway door silently crying as both you and him swore to never even look each other’s way again, you left a tiny yet crucial part of your being with them.
What the fuck happened that day.
To put it short, Jungkook wasn’t handling everything well, and when you pushed through into his place, he scoffed, asking you to leave. Maybe you should have, but you weren’t just pissed that he hurt Jimin, no, you were pissed that despite everything you begged him for, you especially begged for him to not get this disqualified. And sure it’s not the end of his career, but it was not needed. It was not necessary. Yet he’d gone and did it, which is why you started yelling, and from one word to another, both of you started cussing each other out, the entire argument was pathetic but it thought you many things, and it’s only been a month since that said fight, yet all of you is slowly dying and you don’t know why.
Maybe ignoring Yeji was not necessary, but if you talked to her, you knew it would blow up in your face. It’s too soon, too soon to be even near him.
*“Are you crazy” he yelled, anger at a boiling point. *
“*Maybe I am, but fuck Jungkook you got yourself disqualified!” *
*“So what?” He scoffed bitterly, “stop pretending like you give a shit about me” *
“*Oh that’s just pathetic” you sighed rubbing your forehead. *
“*So now I’m pathetic too?” *
“Yeah as a matter of fact you are! You’re pathetic, pathetic for throwing away your chance like that” you yelled, sure you face was getting red.
“*And you’re just a naive little girl, grow up Y/N, open your fucking eyes, stop trying to find good in everyone, stop believing everyone, stop trusting everyone! Stop sleeping around with everyone!” He yelled back, equally as pissed. *
Your face dropped, a needle to your heart, that’s what his words felt like, “oh that’s just low Jungkook, that’s just low even for you. Fuck. You don’t get to do that, you don’t get to call me a whore or whatever else because what I do with my body is none of your business. You’re so low for that Jungkook, that was a douche bag move”.
“*It’s the truth!” He countered, not looking in your eyes. *
“*Yeah,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, fighting the tears back from your eyes, “you’re right, I’ll stop being naive, I’ll stop trusting people, as a matter of fact Jungkook, I swear I will never look your way again, I promise you’ll never hear from me again and I’ll make sure that the last you’ll see of me is if I were to die. I swear on everything that is dear to me in this world”. *
“*So do I” he shrugs, taking another sip of his beer. *
*Without looking back, you stormed out of his apartment. Desperately trying to stop the tears flowing from your eyes, but your efforts were just that, efforts. *
Crazy is what it was, it was a spurt of dumb non meaningful words. It was like spinning in a tunnel of webs, with absolutely no way out. Like sitting in four walls painted black with no escape. Like sitting ducks waiting to be eaten by their prey. It was in the heat of the moment. Yet it hurts like hell, maybe because you’re crazy in love with him, or maybe because it’s just that. Love.
*Not sure when he’s arrived at your house or how he got in, but he stumbled in regardless, holding a bag of snacks, drinks and a bottle of red wine with a small smile on his pouty lips, “horror marathon?” *
*Giggling you nod, watching him slip of his shoes and coat, neatly placing them beside yours. He practically skips his way to your small living room, cozying himself up beside you and nuzzling his nose into your arm like a dog would to get head rubs. *
*within half an hour into the movie you find yourself running your fingers through his silky hair as his head laid on your stomach, sleeping peacefully. He was beautiful, serene and too cute for his own good as he breathed in softly. He was as lovely as he could be, kind yet teasing but he always took care of you, even when you wouldn’t realise it, and you’re not exactly sure why, but it didn’t matter. *
It was hard to look back at the memories, it’s like knowing a stranger who knew all your secrets, a soulmate who wasn’t meant to be. How incredulous. How generic, the girl who doesn’t believe in true love, falling so hard and so quick, it’s honestly laughable. A joke. Maybe even a whole circus.
*“Okay, but under the condition that I get to braid your hair?” He bargains. *
*What was there to bargain? Well you wanted to put mascara on his lashes since they’re so curly and long, but of course he has to bargain, “wait really?” *
*You couldn’t careless that he’d braid your hair if you’re honest but rather you couldn’t believe he actually agreed at all, “mmm only because I love you so much” he said, holding your waist as you sat on his lap on your bed. *
“That’s literally unbelievable!” You gasped after generously applying the mascara to his lashes, “can I please take a picture?” You begged.
*“what- no absolutely no” he shook his head *
*“oh but please kook!” You whined, pouting a little to make sure your charm was working, *
*he squirmed a little before mumbling, “fine but you have to put it as your screen lock for three months and you have to pinky promise it!” *
Staring at your lock screen, you feel your heart break just a little more, you can feel it get squeezed and beg to be let go off, but despite its efforts the band tightens a little more when you remember where you are, and where you’re sitting.
*sitting beside you on the dirty old bench He looked absolutely adorable as he sipped softly on your pumpkin spice latte, face lighting up as his taste buds responded well, and you could swear his eyes had little stars splattered around his pupils. He was incredible, in every sense of the word. *
“It’s amazing wow” he says after awhile, the snow beneath your feet melting at the sight of his adorable pink cheeks.
*“it is isn’t it?” You hummed, smiling softly. *
“*No like it’s literally beautiful Y/N” *
*you giggled at that, taking the sip he offers you so kindly, his upper half covered in the mustard color puffered coat you bought him for his birthday. *
You hated reminiscing, because it’s not snowing right now, and he’s not sitting beside you melting you down with his soft gaze and what became his pumpkin spiced latte, instead it’s pouring rain, with thunder rumbling the skies and your soaked and absolutely freezing.
*Giggling you begged him to stop, but instead he continued tickling your sides demanding an apology and a kiss to his cheek, “I promise I won’t slap your butt again!” *
*His attacks stopped, “now the kiss” and as obedient as ever you did as he asked. *
You were sort of thankful for the rain as it disguised the stream of tears running down your face, hiding the entire pain your body was engulfed in as you watched the deserted streets.
“Yeji would absolutely kill you for being here right now”
Which was your bed, doing something he absolutely hated, cuddling. “Yeah well she can suck it because it’s her fault, she threw a goddamn party”.
“*I know, I was suppose to be there” *
“awww sucks for you I guess, besides I am the party”.
In dire need of warmth you finally got up from the bench, heading back towards your apartment like you should have done a long time ago. What you thought would of been a source of stress relief was instead the opposite. Barely feeling your hands you stuff them in the pockets of your coat, that did absolutely nothing to keep you warm.
And as you stare ahead, you see him. You see him strolling ahead under dressed for this weather just like you, he noticed you too, and for a second you thought everything that happened within that month, was just a fever dream, but you realise it’s just wishful thinking.
And just as promised,
You walked by each other, without looking each other’s way.
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**A/N: I’m sorry if it’s rushed I’ve literally wrote this in under an hour while at the ER lol. I hope you enjoyed this! Leave a comment or request if you have any! **
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benispunk · 4 months
The Concert
Iron dad and Spiderson
I've paid my dues Time after time
Tony mumbled the lyrics of the song playing while still focusing on his new project. Peter, sitting not so far away from Tony, lifted his head from his very much boring school paper he had to finish and smiled brigthly.
"That's one of my favorite !"
It was Tony's turn to move his head up and look at Peter.
"It's one of the best, but not my favorite though." he answered, returning back to his work.
I've done my sentence But committed no crime
"I didn't know you liked Queen."
"Why would I not?"
"I don't know. I just never heard it playing in your lab. I love it though." Peter's knee bopped on sync with the beat of the song.
Tony stopped for a second.
And bad mistakes I've made a few
"Are you sure I've never mentioned I like Queen?" Tony asked. Peter shrugged, tapping his pen on the desk.
"I mean, everybody does. But it just never occurred to me that you do too. You like your hard rock and metal better." Tony chuckled.
It's true that there wasn't enough Queen songs playing in his lab.
"Queen does a good job at that too. You should have seen them live, my god what an experience it was."
I've had my share of sand Kicked in my face
Peter whipped his head up so fast he thought he might have broken his neck.
"What did you just say?"
Homework now forgotten, his focus was on Tony and Tony only.
But I've come through
"Wait- the best part is coming, shut up."
As Tony started singing full heartedly the chorus Peter replayed his previous comment in his head.
You should have seen them live, my god what an experience it was
What does that mean.
"What does it mean?" Peter asked, still not quite sure he actually understood what his mentor said. He couldn’t possibly...
"That they're the champions it's kinda obvious Peter."
"NO. What do you mean when you say that I should have seen them live?!" Peter all but screamed. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.
That seems to get Tony's attention as he put down his tools - previously used as a microphone for his magnificent performance of the song.
"Peter, are you okay?" he asked and Peter's frustration only grew bigger.
"Do you mean to tell me you went to a Queen concert ?" he finally asked. Tony raised one eyebrow, confused.
"Uh- yeah?"
Peter's jaw fell open.
Tony stared at a visibly shocked Peter Parker. "What?"
"WHAT?!" Peter repeated.
"FRI, is the kid okay there?" Tony asked, keeping an eye on Peter while checking his vitals on the screen next to him.
"Peter is fine, he seems to be experiencing shock after hearing about your experience at a Queen's concert." the AI answered as Tony huffed a laugh.
"Oh okay. Well, yeah I was 14 and on a trip to Paris with my mother. They were there too so we went to the concert and-"
Peter interrupted him, "Do not tell me you met them."
A silence fell in the room as Peter waited for a reply. He watched Tony who stood still.
"Why aren't you saying anything?"
"Well you just told me not to."
That made Peter lose it completely.
"Oh my- don't- is that real? Are you lying to me?"
"I didn't say anything." Tony put his hands up in the air, showing his innocence.
"Did you?"
"Say anything?"
"NO! Did you meet them?" Peter asked again.
"Yes." he answered bluntly.
Peter blinked. One. Two. Three times.
"And you were 14." Tony nodded.
"And on a random trip to Paris." the man added. At some point, Peter was completely disconnected from reality.
How was this supposed to be real? You think you know somebody and then, yeah I went to a Queen concert when I was on a trip to Paris and I actually met them.
What the hell. How the hell. Why the hell.
Tony, who still hadn't move from his position over on his stool, snapped his fingers a few times to wake Peter up from his "daydream" or whatever happened to him.
"Were you ever going to mention this?" Peter blurted out once he was back in this very, very, weird reality. Tony smiled, no- he smirked that bastard.
"If i started telling you all the things that I did and the people that i've met, we would never be done Peter."
This only made Peter groaned in frustration.
"There's worse ?" he asked, although he already knew the answer.
"I have George Lucas' phone number."
Nevermind. Whatever answer he thought he would get could have never been worse.
"FRIDAY I broke him, didn't I?" Tony asked his AI as he looked at the very much not-functioning Peter in front of him.
"It appears so."
'Cause we are the champions of the World
a/n: THANK YOU FOR READING!! This is such a messy story. Also I cannot imagine Tony Stark not listening to Queen- like...impossible. Big Queen Fan here. Also this is a reference to a post I made a few weeks (months?) back saying that I can't believe there are people in this world who went to a Queen concert. Peter's reaction is definitely inspired by how I would react- and it's not over dramatic, it's accurate. Can we say under dramatic? Because that's what it is. Anyway, thank you for the support on my last post, it means a lot. You guys gave me the energy to come back to writing. Don't hesitate to send requests, I could try doing some stuff!!! XX
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hush-house-yard-sale · 9 months
The Hush House Card Catalogue
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@baja-blasted @terephin (please ignore the crabs)
//So the software I'm using to keep track of my books, lore bits, etc. is called Seatable! It wasn't my first choice for this project, I'm more familiar with Airtable (I've used it professionally), but Airtable's free plan doesn't let you color-code :c
//Seatable is a website that looks a lot like google sheets, but instead of building a spreadsheet, you're building a database. I knew I wanted a database rather than a spreadsheet for my card catalogue because it became pretty apparent early on that a spreadsheet would mean a lot of duplicate entries and be a lot more work to maintain, as well as monumentally more work if I wanted to use it for reference.
//My database isn't finished, and so I'm not really comfortable making it public, but I'm happy to walk through some of the things that I like most about it, that made me choose to make a database rather than a spreadsheet.
//The main things that were really important to me was being able to have (and filter by) multiple items in the same column, having lots of cross-linking between the different sheets in the base, and having different views depending on what I was looking to reference.
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//These are my different tables right now, and the way they work is that each table has the most detailed information on each item, e.g. Books has the most detail on books, and Skills has the most detail on skills. But I have columns in each table that allow me to crosslink between them.
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//So for each book, I have listed the skill and memory they give, but instead of writing each out individually it links to the corresponding entry in skills/memories
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//And then over in the memories tab it has all the detail on the aspects, which wisdoms it can be committed to...
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//...and every book this skill can be found in and every item it can be used to craft. And those boxes can be expanded so they're easier to read as well!
//I can also group and sort things in different views. My default view for books, for example, splits them into two categories—whether I've read the book or not—and then sorts the books in each category alphabetically. But I also have one that groups them all by mystery and then sorts them from low to high, and I have another that groups them by topic. Each of these views also omits columns that aren't relevant to that particular view, for example, if I'm searching for books by mystery to give to a visitor, it's important to know the author because it's fun to give people books they themselves have written, but I don't really care about what memories that book gives, or when I'm trying to connect lore dots, it doesn't matter whether or not the book is cursed and I don't need to include books I haven't read yet (and thus don't have topic tags for). The rows on the topic one are also bigger so I can better read the blurbs.
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//Well, the topic one actually groups by location, because when I group it by topic, it splits it into every combination of my topic tags, rather that giving me "here are all your books about the mansus" "here are all your books about Longs and Names" so I've stored them all in different places in the house depending on what books I think are relevant to one another.
//It's still in progress, I don't have everything written down yet, and I want more data for workbenches, and I want to try and see if there's a way for it to, say, auto-match skills/souls to workbenches for committing to the tree or crafting certain recipes. Also my color-coding is in shambles bc I'm waiting for a friend to recover from covid so that they can make me a greasemonkey script to make it a little less... corporate...
//But yeah! I like it a lot, and it works really well for my purposes. I highly recommend trying it out, and I'm happy to answer questions!
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afyrian · 12 days
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ch. 12 - june 22 masterlist
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    music plays over a few speakers, a set of romantic songs on repeat. by this time half of the guests have disappeared to their hotel rooms and the caterers are gone, you're still grabbing a few forkfuls of cake. due to your initial 'wedding day' being a joke, you didn't quite know what to expect when planning it. 
  especially when you decided to commit to it a week before when you actually got married. leaving you less than two months to scrounge together something that actually turned out beautifully. all of the flowers were sourced from kiyoko's friend's shop, cake made the night before by you and the bridesmaids. everything was a little sloppy... the venue held in a grungy airbnb you got at the last second.
  but, honestly, you wouldn't change it for anything. especially not when you look over to see your husband and his friends dancing. the twins practically scaring away the rest of the guests with their moves. and yet it's the best thing you've ever experienced (which may be swayed by the actually delicious box cake you made). watching him laughing at midnight with no abandon is a good look on him.
  well, everything's a good look on him. the way he claps along to the beat, swaying to some romantic song that he doesn't know the lyrics to. you roll your eyes lovingly as he turns to look at you, waving you over to join him and the twins. 
  however, just as you're finally taking the last bite of your cake, rin's walking over to you, one hand out to grab yours. the feeling of his somewhat calloused hands around yours never getting old. "one more song," he starts leading you to the makeshift dance floor.
  "never pegged you as a dance floor kind of guy.. unless you're extremely drunk," you let out a little laugh, taking your other hand and wrapping it around his.
  "well, tonight we're changing things up," he brings his free hand to your waist, bringing up close against him.
  you rest one hand on his shoulder, the other still intertwined with his. the two of you take a moment to sway to the music as it changes to a slower song. he's quite a nice slow dancer compared to what you previously believed about him. especially due to the fact that you had never slow danced together (unless you count a grade school formal). 
  rin leads you slowly around the dance floor. your head rests on his shoulder and you can almost hear his quickly beating heart. the way he’s nervous and you can feel bits of sweat on his palms. however, you know that he has nothing to be scared of. he’s the only man you really could love.
  "thanks for marrying me," he mentions, leaning his head back a little to look into your eyes.
  rin has the same look in eyes that he had that day he made you breakfast. chasing you down the hallway with flour covering his apron. and when he finally caught you, you could practically see the love in his eyes. even if you didn't quite catch onto what they really looked like until now. "i just couldn't help myself, especially when you look at me the way you do," you bite your lip, trying to hide back a smile. 
  "well it's a fairly spectacular sight, if i do say so myself," he leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. 
  the past month or so has taught you one thing about the man you love. that he's passionate in his love, not necessarily rough. but definitely passionate in the way his fingers curl into your clothing. by the way he forgets anything else around him when he simply tastes your lips. him only prolonging it by kissing the corners of your mouth and your forehead.  
  "get a room!" atsumu shouts over the music.
  however, the only response that rin will give him is a simple wave of his hand goodbye.
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a/n: that’s the end of the longest contract!! i’m so happy i got this far with this cause i’m so bad at finishing projects.. but thanks for reading!
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facewithoutheart · 25 days
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Thanks to @larkral & @rimeswithpurple for the tags ❤️
I’ve been in a weird space lately and still figuring out my life. It’s a time. Grateful to everyone who keeps tagging me even when I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to engage. Know I’m rooting for all of your projects and lives even when I’m quiet.
Trying to find fun I hopped over to a new fandom where I’m writing a smut fic I can’t believe doesn’t already exist. You mean a character canonically went four weeks without jacking off and no one made a UST fic about it?!?!?! No guarantees on if I actually finish this but here’s what I’ve got to start:
Five weeks. It’s been five weeks since Buck last boxed the one-eyed champ and, despite barely missing the nine o’clock cut-off from his last donation appointment, he’s been doing fine. Just fine, in fact. One might even say great.
Who needs that kind of release when you’re doing something good for a friend? For the world?
Buck feels enlightened. Saintly. In fact, he’s tempted to repeat this as a seasonal cleanse. LA’s real big into cleanses.
“If you wipe that counter any harder you’ll put a hole in it,” Hen stage-whispers as she passes behind Buck to pick up another pastry, “unless that’s the point?” She waggles her eyebrows for emphasis as she bites into a danish.
“Not so—” Buck clears his throat and looks side-to-side. He lowers his voice, “Not so loud, Hen. Come on.”
“What is ‘something I can do but Buck can’t’ for the win, Mr. Jennings.”
Yes I had to google the current host of Jeopardy for this fic. And the Santa Ana winds. And other things.
Me: I’m gonna write a silly little smut to recapture the joy of writing.
Also me: bogs it down in boring things like facts.
Tagging the besties I’ve subjected to my 9-1-1 hyperfixation: @thewholelemon & @raenestee plus the OGs @martsonmars & @sillyunicorn and for shits and giggles @bookish-bogwitch welcome to my new hell I’m neglecting every other fic commitment 🤣 pls support me in my procrastination
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childotkw · 4 months
Any tips on how to write a dissertation? I’m in my final year of uni & cannot stop procrastinating 😢
Oh god, I've never had to write one before and it's been a hot minute since I was in university 😅
For procrastination though? Yeah, I can provide some tips on how I try and combat it.
Begin saying "no" aloud when you catch yourself procrastinating
I find this starts slowly changing what type of tasks I drift towards and helps me break out of the headspace. Saying it aloud also makes it stick better for me. Makes it more official so my little gremlin brain actually listens.
Pace yourself
Break the work down into smaller (much much smaller) segments so they don't seem as daunting. Rather than looking at it as a chapter, or a page, or a paragraph, go right down to a sentence. Finish one sentence, then another, then another. Sentence by sentence, you'll find yourself chipping through the project a lot faster because you're focussing on individual trees without getting disheartened by the size of the forest.
Have breaks
Don't burn yourself out by trying to power through everything. Build breaks into your timeline and try and stick to them.
Have a reward / punishment system
This sometimes works for me. Depending on what you, psychologically, respond better to, implement a system to reward or punish yourself whenever you successfully avoid procrastinating / when you don't succeed. I respond better to rewards, so I give myself a little treat when I avoid procrastinating and complete the work I'm doing. You might respond better to a punishment - e.g., "I won't watch this episode of my show because I procrastinated for x hours", "I won't read this fanfiction of the rest of the week because I didn't finish xyz of my project", things like that.
I will say to be especially careful with the punishment side of things. It can be a slippery slope because this is a kind of conditioning and you should be aware of how it might backfire before attempting anything of the sought.
Set realistic timeframes
What I mean by this is set yourself a goal of "for the next ten minutes, I will only work on x" and then commit to it. If you work to a specific cadence (i.e., I often do 20-5-20, 20 minutes working, 5 min break, 20 mins works). This can be a great way to keep yourself on track.
Accept that it doesn't need to be perfect
This go through a drafting phase. Your first go through doesn't need to be perfection. Once you push through that mentality, you'll have an easier time getting your initial draft done. Then you can go through and edit.
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Hope these help!
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desertdollranch · 29 days
Opening my first Bonnie & Pearl doll
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I'm back with yet another obscure, rare, or defunct doll brand I never thought I'd own!
Bonnie & Pearl will probably be unfamiliar to most of you. They were based in the UK, producing a line of seven beautiful and high-quality 19 inch dolls and clothing.
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They had wigged hair, blinking eyes, and had a variety of hair and skin colors. After they went out of business, I knew that finding any of these dolls secondhand in the States would not be easy. So I put them out of my mind and moved on.
What made me remember and reconsider them was the fact that I've been extremely lucky lately to find all sorts of dolls that were on my wish list but I never thought I'd actually find my own. Encouraged by my success, I searched again for a Bonnie & Pearl, and struck gold by finding two of them from American sellers. One was in original form, and the other was someone's unfinished project doll. I bought them both, so that I could decide which one I preferred and resell the one I didn't.
The one that I chose to keep was in almost new condition and came with her original box, clothes, and extras.
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The box is beautiful and sturdy. Bonnie & Pearl's commitment to reducing packaging gave them the unique idea to make a box that could be turned into a bed for the doll.
Keep reading to see what's inside........
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The bed is decorated with pictures to be colored in.
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More box details. It's interesting that I'm being prompted to give her a name when there's already a name on the front of the box?
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Here's the doll's pink purse and hairbow. And a doll bed is incomplete without a pillow, so that's included as well.
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There's a little pamphlet talking about how to care for your doll's hair and body, and additional outfits available for purchase.
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The seller included the doll's original sleep eyes, which she replaced with stationary glass eyes. She included some extra 16 mm eyes for smaller dolls (they won't fit this doll). These were a nice freebie surprise, since I have a Hearts for Hearts doll who needs an eye replacement! The rest will be put into my doll parts stash.
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All Bonnie & Pearl dolls come dressed in this beautiful ensemble: a floral skirt, a white shirt with pink buttons on the placket, white underwear, and matching shoes. The skirt has an attached tulle crinoline.
Now let's get to the good stuff.
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Here she is! Her original name is Charlotte. I very often keep my dolls' original names and ethnic origin in tribute to their heritage, but I already have an English modern character. This girl will get a new name and backstory.
I can tell right away she's lovingly and beautifully made. She feels very sturdy, and her vinyl skin has a lovely matte finish that looks very much like porcelain. Her wig is fabulous, so soft and just the right thickness. The only thing not original about her are her glass eyes, but I actually prefer them to the blinking eyes. These look more realistic and give her a more childlike appearance.
I adore her. 10 out of 10. She is perfection from head to toe. I wish
Now let's do some comparisons.
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She has a vinyl breastplate and soft tummy. She's a bit taller than an American Girl doll, but her proportions are very similar.
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They can share clothes easily, with the biggest difference being that B&P's shoulders are a little less broad than AG's.
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Shoes are a bit more different. B&P's feet are more meaty at the top, even though their length and width are almost identical. So she would do better wearing American Girl brand sandals rather than closed-toe shoes. AG can wear B&P's shoes easily.
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Her anatomy is much like a Karito Kids doll, but B&P is a few inches shorter.
Since she was a project doll, her wig wasn't glued down, and the seller included the piece of her scalp that was cut open in order to change the eyes.
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I superglued it back into place, and then put the wig back on.
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I also glued on some soft brown eyelashes. I did try darker eyelashes on her first, but they were a bit too intense, and so I prefer the more subtle look of the lighter brown lashes.
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And a bonus picture of her wearing an American Girl brand dress and posing with Nareen, my My Imagination doll. I get the vibe that they'll be good friends.
I'll reveal her name and show more pictures in an upcoming post! I won't be showing the other B&P doll I bought since I won't be keeping her after I fix her flaws.
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