#be gay? *kisses Charles* check
martianbugsbunny · 9 months
I feel like Magneto needs a "be gay, do crime" shirt he does both so well
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
How about Vox successfully installs a hidden camera in Charlie and Vaggies room for sexy blackmail. But is pissed all the footage he has is cute fluffy hugs and kiss. Nothing explicit at all.
i think if the V's tried this... they would regret it SO fast and probably be scarred for life in the process XD
Vox: "The lack of risk research in this new venture of ours... astounding."
Valentino: "Aw kitty, what better way to keep track of Lucifer's bimbo daughter Charles than by keeping a little camera tucked away in her bedroom?"
Vox: "Pointed at her bed? ONLY her bed?"
Velvette: "Imagine the BLACKMAIL. Hashtag cancel little miss Morningstar!"
Valentino: "Her and her spicy lady are soooooo pruuuudish and so WHOLESOME about that shit stain hotel of theirs- just think of what they'd do not to be the new stars of hell's porn scene?"
Vox: "I'm thinking, if they DON'T mind, their ratings will skyrocket."
Valentino: "....ah."
Velvette: "Oh come on flat screener, there's no way they'd ever be ok with-"
Vox: "And if they DO mind, Lucifer will take us all off the air so fast the cameras will still be rolling while our own heads start to."
Velvette: "FUCK."
Vox: "Am I the only one here actually forecasting audience reactions??"
Valentino: "We can at least heckle their boring sex life privately, yeah?"
Vox: "If they even HAVE one."
Velvette: "Heads up. They're getting into bed now."
Valentino: “Oooooh and they’ve brought equipment~!”
The V’s: “………………”
Valentino: "..... is that. Paperwork?"
Velvette: "Oh hell no."
Vox: "Birds of a feather. If Alastor can be so chummy with them, then-"
Valentino: "They're doing- they’re- fucking doing PAPERWORK in bed!? Together!?? INSTEAD of each other? That’s IT?????"
Velvette: "This is sick. I'm gonna be sick."
Velvette: "Hhrrrk-"
Vox: "Cut the feed. Destroy the camera. I can feel the static of their domestic fuzzy feel-good lives overtaking my entire network, program by program, station by station." (clutches tv head) "This would be less unsettling if they were a pair of MUPPETS... Fuck this." (deletes camera)
-five minutes later-
Charlie: “You know what Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “What, sweetie?”
Charlie: "I love how much easier doing the hotel budget is when we have each other to cross check it! Frees up a lot more time!"
Vaggie: "Me too babe. Though I kinda still think I love you more."
Charlie: (smiles softly) "Yeah..?"
Vaggie: (leans in) "...yeah."
Charlie: (grins) "Wanna fuck nasty about it?"
Vaggie: (grins back) "I’ll get the toybox."
Valentino: “WAIT! ….I feel a disturbance in the fuck! As if two people are having really kinky gay sex right now, and I’m missing out on exploiting it!”
Velvette: (still nauseous) “I’ll exploit my fist to your face if you don’t shut up.”
Vox: “Velvette.”
Velvette: “Oh you know don’t mean it, darling~ Much.”
Vox: “Fair enough.”
Velvette: “Paperwork, blegh. They were using, actual PHYSICAL bits of paper… I’m gonna have fucking nightmares.”
Valentino: “This IS my nightmare!”
Vox: “Welcome to hell, Val.”
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xaviersjames · 2 months
Hi everyone!!!
So the other day, @inmymagnetoera posted a poll asking who'd say 'I love you' first between our gay boys (seriously go check her blog out if you haven't, she's incredible and SO FUNNY and I always look forward to her polls.)
So I had a chat in the comments with her and @vertiginousvendetta and it inspired this work!!
I'd like to thank the two of you for this inspiration, it really got rid of my writer's block. (seriously two of my FAVOURITE mutuals.)
@inmymagnetoera think of this as an appreciation post for the fic you wrote for me a couple days ago. <3
I hope everyone likes this!!!
Charles and Erik are slightly more than friends, and slightly less than boyfriends. <3
Note: This does contain semi-mature content, nothing EXPLICIT but still.
Starry Nights and Sunny Mornings
Moonlight spills in through the high windows of Charles' study, illuminating his eyes and leaving them even paler than usual.
Erik pulls his knees into his chest and rests his chin atop them, calmer than ever.
It's nights like these that are his favourite.
While the rest of the mansion is asleep, the universe casting a blanket of darkness over them, he and Charles are the only ones up, a chessboard on the low table between them—the cup of tea between his hands almost as warm as Charles’ smile.
He feels safe, protected, at peace—like never before.
Before his eyelids can droop further, Charles stands and curls a set of nimble fingers around his forearm.
“Bed rather, darling.” he says with a glint of mischief in those pale, pale eyes.
These nights always end the same.
Almost every single time, Charles walks Erik back to his room and some small part of him knows—he knows, hopes, in fact, that he won't make it inside, at least not alone. One of them cracks first—because one of them always will—and kisses the other, fiercely, gentleness nowhere to be found. It doesn't matter how tired or frustrated Erik is, his body will always awaken at Charles' touch, like electricity crackling through his veins.
Erik doesn’t exactly know what they are. Maybe he’s too afraid to ask.
All he knows for certain is that Charles understands him better than anyone else has—that Charles is closer to him than anyone else has ever been. And if Charles doesn’t feel the same, well—he’ll take whatever he gives him. He’d rather have him momentarily than never at all. He tries not to think about it—about Charles getting tired of him and moving on to the next person. It hurts too much.
Some nights, like tonight, Charles doesn’t bother with the preamble and simply intertwines his fingers with Erik’s and leads them back to his own room.
They crash into the sheets and they crash into each other—powerful enough, Erik presumes, to create ripples in the fabric of space and time. It knocks the breath out of him, as it always does, on nights like this. He feels the exhaustion being pulled out of him with every roll of Charles’ hips against his. And the sound that Charles makes as he comes undone against him—it’s enough to rattle his bones, to shake his soul, to light it up from within and make it vibrate with wondrous energy.
All it takes is for Charles to whisper, “Erik,” against his cheek for him to come undone himself. He’ll never get sick of it, he doesn’t think. He’ll never get sick of the sound of his name on Charles’ lips. He’ll never get sick of the way Charles slumps down against him and pulls the sheets up over the two of them and wraps a hand around Erik’s waist, telling him to sleep darling, you of all people deserve a good rest.
Mornings like these will always be Charles’ favourite.
Sunlight whispers across his bare skin, liquid warmth, along with Erik’s calloused fingers.
On most mornings like these, he’s woken by Erik leaving kisses all over his face and his throat. Every single time, he pretends to be asleep. He pretends to be asleep long after Erik stands and leaves, trying to calm the racing of his heart—hoofbeats of some mythical creature venturing across his ribcage. He thinks if he opens his eyes and has to look Erik in the face first thing in the morning, it might hurt him too much.
First thing in the morning, he can’t pretend. He can’t hide behind the franticness, and the desire—he can’t use that as an excuse. If he were to open his eyes and look directly at him, Erik might see the raw emotion on his face. And he can’t have that. Because Erik would never want that. Would he? It seems impossible.
So he takes whatever Erik is willing to give him, when they both have a significant amount of tension to relieve.
That’s why he’s surprised, that on this particular morning, after Erik leaves a sloppy, open mouthed kiss on his jaw, he whispers into the sunny morning air, so soft that Charles barely hears it, “What would you say, Charles?”
And oh, oh God, Charles’ name always sounds like something remarkable on Erik’s tongue. It takes everything in him not to shiver. Not to sigh in relief.
"I can’t even bring myself to say it aloud, let alone aloud to you. I wonder what you’d say, Charles,” and he buries his face in Charles neck.
Charles hears, loud and clear, Erik’s next three words, in his mind, each of them punctuated by a slow, messy kiss.
Charles almost gasps.
But you know that already, don’t you? You must.
And with a sigh deep into Charles’ skin, he sits up and Charles can feel the mattress shift as he gets up, and can hear the door whisper shut as he leaves, leaving Charles confused and amazed and wondering.
It's a long time before he dares to open his eyes. To move. When he finally does, he rolls over to the space where Erik just was, the sheets still warm, and buries his face into the pillow, still smelling of Erik.
"I love you, too,” he whispers into the morning light, before getting up to chase after him.
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scuderlia · 17 days
GIRLESTAPPEN 💕💕🩷💖💖 ok. who makes the first move? are they the only girls and gays on the grid or are there more... what do they wear in the paddock? if there is girl charles is there girl chiss [gets dragged off stage]
girlestappen eventually cringefail their way into a relationship by doing what they do best: being weird about each other and ignoring the obvious tension between them until they can't anymore! i think in a traditional f1 au max is out and idgaf about her sexuality and charles is, on the cusp of realizing that she's a lesbian and DOESN'T actually fuck with men like that. she just hasn't put two-and-two together quite yet.
but basically, charles rocks up to the paddock in 2018 and is hit with the girl she grew up karting against being a terror on the track to all these men, beating them in many cases, and also looking... hot? (little dotted circle swirling in charles' brain) and she doesn't really know how to cope so she goes with what she knows: repressing the feelings and being incredibly normal (not normal) about it. for a long time.
random hcs under the cut:
when they finally get together, lando is their strange little guy friend who follows them around and is like ALLY but also half his jpg account is just. inexplicably. photos of them like, kissing at the club. everyone thinks it's weird but no one mentions it.
if max somehow wasn't out before getting to f1 she probably came out in a [waves hand] unintentionally dramatic way. like she made a gay joke, got cancelled on the internet for it, and then her statement was: I Am Actually Gay.
charles has her world turned upside down and inside out when she properly finds out max likes girls for the first time. it weighs on her so heavily she spirals and sleeps with [waves hand again] pierre or carlos or someone and it's terrible and max is completely oblivious to the fact that charles is #goingthroughit.
girlestappen are still butch4femme. they always will be to ME.
all those bizarre interviews with like, lewis and seb saying strange things about grid girls and girlfriends to max and charles in 2018/2019 still happen, but there's an added layer of what the fuck did he just say? the youtube comments are either: wow, they're so woke for asking max about liking girls on a public broadcast OR i can't believe seb actually said that about grid girls with charles sitting right there. does he hate women?
everyone should send a prayer out into the world for carlos sainz, who has had [checks notes] both of his girl teammates come out as lesbians. this begs the question: is it him? is he that bad? the italian press run articles on it weekly.
wherever charles goes, chiss will follow. obviously.
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quordleona03 · 11 months
M*A*S*H goes to Pride
In 1970, the world's first Pride march was held in New York City. Virtually all of our MASH friends would have lived long enough to see or to attend that first march. Which of them would have gone (assuming them to be in New York City in June 1970)? And would they have gone as ally or because they were LGBTQ? Maxwell Q. Klinger Of course. This is the most easiest answer of them all. Klinger would have dressed up to go. He would have accessorized. He would have checked with the organisers, designed multiple placards for the occasion, distributed them at the start, and walked the march in heels, a lovely dress, and a huge smile. Ally or LGBTQ? Klinger would have let you guess. Sherman T. Potter This is almost as easy to answer. Potter would have dressed up smartly and got Mildred or someone to make him a placard that said PROUD OF MY GAY GRANDSON (or LESBIAN GRANDDAUGHTER - maybe Cheryl Pershing Potter, whom we heard about in S04E14 ) and he would walk the route holding the placard high and his back military-straight, looking dead serious all the way. He would have been startled at the number of tearful handshakes and requests for hugs he got. Ally or LGBTQ? Ally. Charles Emerson Winchester III I am afraid this is the next-easiest answer: Winchester would not have gone. Not as an ally, and definitely not as a gay or bi man. As an ally, he'd have donated money to the cause, and if LGBTQ, he'd have made sure it was anonymous. Ally or LGBTQ? Wouldn't matter. Margaret Houlihan As an ally, she'd go. As a lesbian, I think she'd stay home, afraid of being outed and fired. Sorry. I'd like to think otherwise, but I think Margaret would be braver about standing up for others than she would for herself. As a straight woman, she'd march for lesbian nurses kicked out of the army whom she knew to be good nurses and good officers. Ally or LGBTQ? Ally.
Frank Burns Would never go and would spit venom at those who did. Never an ally. Could be he's gay, but I doubt it. Ally or LGBTQ? Neither.
Sidney Freedman Wouldn't go but would wish very much he could. Still active as a psychoanalyst, Sidney decides it is more important for him to be a gay and LGBTQ-friendly practicing analyst, providing psychiatric care without condemnation, than it is to march for Pride. Ally or LGBTQ? Gay as a goose.
Radar O'Reilly Would go. Wouldn't think to make a placard in advance, but would scrounge cardboard and a marker-pen from somewhere and make one on the spot that said LOVE KINDNESS. Would be very happy to be in the middle of so many happy people, and when his gay best friend hugs him and thanks him for showing up he's all afluster because what else could he do? Ally or LGBTQ? Ally. Trapper John McIntyre Would go. Wouldn't carry a placard. Would keep an eye out for homophobes threatening marchers and appear, six foot three, in a looming kind of way, and inquire if the homophobe doesn't have somewhere else he'd rather be. Ally or LGBTQ? Either way - he'd be a daddy. BJ Hunnicutt Would definitely decide he wasn't going because who needs to make that kind of display, people should keep themselves to themselves, no one should be punished for loving but no one needs to go on a march for it, and then he'd show up anyway with a hastily-made placard that said SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW and get into a long conversation with some lesbian bikers about which is the best bike. Ally or LGBTQ? Ally. Though if he were gay, I fear he'd really do the same as lesbian Margaret Houlihan - stay home. Francis Mulcahy Would decide he should go, after much prayer and thought. Would carry a carefully-made placard saying REPEAL THE DEUTERONOMIC CODE. Would be mortally embarrassed all the way but desperately trying not to show it, especially when he got kissed in public. Ally or LGBTQ? Gay. Hawkeye Pierce Gleefully shows up, having been looking forward to going ever since he heard. Carries a placard whose message he has thought and rethought and rewritten at least a hundred times. It now says LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE. Tries to catch the eye of every glaring homophobe they march passes in order to give them a big grin and a wave. Hugs everyone he recognises, especially Radar, and kisses Francis Mulcahy in public at the end of the march. Ally or LGBTQ? Flamboyant pansexual.
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hedghost · 1 year
Pick a WOSO Player, Get a Sapphic Book Rec!
Part Three: for the anon who wanted 'chaotic gay ruesha littlejohn' - i got you ;)
note: please check content warnings before reading as some may have adult or triggering content - feel free to ask me about anything!
Links: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Ruesha Littlejohn: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
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Jen Beattie: Behind the Scenes by Karelia Stetz-Waters
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Niamh Charles: Some Girls Do by Jennifer Dugan
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Lucia Garcia: In At The Deep End by Kate Davies
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Lena Oberdorf: Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers
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Ingrid Engen: Lies We Sing To The Sea by Sarah Underwood
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Laura Weinroither: Season of Love by Helena Greer
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Sveindis Jonsdottir: Yerba Buena by Nina Lacour
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Maz Pacheco: Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
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Jessie Fleming: Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins
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Jill Roord: Kiss Her Once For Me by Alison Cochrun
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Sam Kerr: Home Field Advantage by Dahlia Adler
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Millie Turner: Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake
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Steph Catley: In The Event of Love by Courtney Kae
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Victoria Pelova: Edie in Between by Laura Sibson
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any requests for more players lmk and i'll do a part four phaha
follow me here on storygraph for more recs 🤭🤭
Hedge xx
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renaultphile · 25 days
TC tag game
Thank you for the questions and for tagging me @spudodell.
Rules: Answer the questions and tag other TC fans!
1. "He would not fucking say that" only they did and it's canon. When/who?
Ralph to Laurie in the ‘break-up’ scene, as soon as Laurie starts asserting himself:
"Don't waste time, Spud. It's childish to start an argument about whether we love each other, the moment I go and sit on the other side of the room”
What a horrible thing to say!  Run like the wind, Laurie!
2. Did they kiss in the study? Yes/no + why you are 100% correct about this.
First let’s take a moment to appreciate Spudodell's recent spot of a stealth kiss (can you re-blog that one too, I couldn't find it!) at the beginning of the ‘break-up’ scene when Laurie comes through the door, which to me is absolutely definitive and ground-breaking (not in a good way for me, but still….brilliant detective work!)
On the kiss, I am in the ‘no kiss’ camp, but it is not possible to be definitive.  I feel that Mary plays a lot with echoes, parallels, and contrasts, and for me ultimately I feel the lack of a kiss is meant to be a contrast to other moments in the book, not an echo. 
But what has exercised me more recently is, kiss or no kiss (but especially if there was a kiss), this scene in chapter two really gives me the creeps.  I have been reading around the topic for some schoolboy Ralph fics and Alec/Ralph (watch this space on that one), and it has become ever more clear (Alec Waugh’s commentary ‘Public School Life’ being the best reference on this) that Prefects really were like Gods.  He points out that prefects had almost as much power as but even less accountability than teachers due to the ‘no-snitch rule’.  You can see it in the discussion of Hazell and his confessions, and how contemptuous the schoolboys are of him for 'confessing' (or in modern terms, reporting an inappropriate relationship).
In some ways, a kiss could explain quite a lot about Laurie’s behaviour and attitudes to Ralph in the book.  But to be brutally honest, I’ve had enough of creepy behaviour in men being disguised as ‘romantic’ in heterosexual romances (Mr Rochester, anyone?) and the thought of encountering it in a gay context in such a beloved book is just too much to bear.
So, no kiss for me!  He was still behaving pretty weirdly but that’s understandable in the circumstances.
3. Mandatory question about Ralph's alleged tattoos.
I’m sold on the fic that has him get a tattoo of his sunken ship.  Love the co-ordinates of Dunkirk idea though!  But I think Lux’s one is more realistic.  My reading of that being that he got drunk and wanted to fit in so he got a load of random not-very-good-ones.
4. 53 vs 59 edition: quote a line or paragraph that is better in the edition you like the least.
I favour the ’59 edition, as I broadly feel the cuts make it read better.  But there is one exception.  When Laurie is daydreaming about swimming with Charles, Mary cuts this line:
“Take off your things and jump in."
Apparently skinny-dipping was a step too far for the US audience!  Scandalous!
5. Which TC character would feel right at home here on tumblr dot com?
Bunny but not in a good way.
6. Tag yourself at Alec's birthday party.
I’m Laurie as in sitting in the corner checking out the books.  Not as in going on a rescue mission with some drunken guy.
7. Post a TC meme.
Sorry I couldn’t find the source of this – not exactly a meme but it made me laugh!
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8. Easy to talk about who deserved better. Who deserved worse?
Not that I know what happened to them, but Andrew’s relatives who tried as hard as they could to ruin his life, as if his parents dying wasn't bad enough.
9. You can break the fourth wall (at any point in the novel) and say a single sentence to our protagonist, Laurie Odell. What do you say?
I would tell him not to let Dave bully him into leaving Andrew without seeing him.  Because he knows with every fibre of his being that Andrew would not want that.
10. What's a question you have about TC? One you haven't found an answer for yet.
Too many to say.  It’s the unknown unknowns that really get me.
Tagging @gayskogul @telltaleangelina @jeork @alovelywaytospendanevening @black-bentley and anyone else who wants to play and would like to raise their head above the parapet!!
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We have had a super busy year full of creativity and at the Marvel Rare Pair Bingo the hits keep coming as our participants are delivering a lot of fantastic, fun submissions sure to keep you on your toes and enjoying all the fun places that creativity has taken them to this round! If you'd like to see more, then check it out under the cut! Also, if you're interested in Marvel Rare Pairs or maybe taking place in our bingo or one of the mini-events we have happening, then check us out at https://marvelrarepairbingo.tumblr.com/ or head on over to our discord and see what other Marvel fans are talking about!
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Title: Sing, then, wherever you may be Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: I5: Dancing Pairing: matt Murdock/Foggy Nelson Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Drunken Confessions Summary: Matt notices that Foggy has stopped singing around him--Or in general. When Matt asks him about it, things take an unexpected, but very welcome turn. Word Count: 3545 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52416643
Title: Crying under the Christmas Tree Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: B5: Heart Trouble Pairing: Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: drinking, heartbreak, emotional H/C, trauma Summary: Matt is alone on Christmas Eve. Again. Word Count: 2622 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52536322
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Title: Show me your world Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: G3: Seduction Pairing: Matt Murdock / Charles Xavier Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: gay sex, fluff and smut Summary: When Charles and Matt seperately entered the bar that night, they weren't expecting to end up in the arms of a former stranger. And they definitely didn't expect it to mean as much as it does now. Word Count: 5474 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52609375
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Title: Marks on your Skin Author:  42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: O1: Rough sex Pairing: Foggy Nelson/Erik Lehnsherr Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: painplay, knifeplay, kink, anal sex Summary: "Foggy wasn’t sure how it had happened. He knew there had to have been a lot of alcohol involved the first time. For both of them. It wasn’t like he didn’t remember that night—their first night together—it was just that it didn’t make a lot of sense. Because why, for all that was good, would Erik Lehnsherr, the strong, tall, and famously unpleasant engineering student, hook up with a guy called Foggy, who was known by all to be soft and fluffy, always helpful and kind? Foggy didn’t know. There was no way he could wrap his brain around it, and, at this point, he was afraid to ask." Word Count: 4336 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52973536
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Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 7: Thievery and Cookery Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: I5: Darcy Lewis Pairing: Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Jane/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods, Thor is a cereal thief Summary: Thor has committed a grave sin, and Bucky is in charge of fixing Darcy's cranky mood. Word Count: 1264 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/740158874035912704/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
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Title: Cupcakes and Kisses - Chapter 12: Bucky's Birthday Present Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: B2: image of Bucky Pairing: Bucky/Darcy, Jane & Darcy, Bucky & Clint, Jane/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: bakery au, fluff and humor, flirting over baked goods, Bucky's birthday Summary: Darcy tries to think of what to get Bucky for his birthday, Jane is unhelpful, Thor is very helpful, and Clint is her partner in actual crime. Word Count: 2028 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/740550507239768064/cupcakes-and-kisses-chapter-1-rebelmeg?source=share
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Title: The Long-Ass Walk of Shame Author:  Blizzard_Fire Card #: MRP-032 Square Filled: G5: "Borrowing" The Significant Other's Clothes Pairing: Hela/Jennifer Walters Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Morning after, humour Summary: There’s only one downside to hot sex with an Asgardian goddess. Word Count: 1044 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52890901
Title: A little treehouse Author:  Esteicy Card #: MRP-092 Square Filled: G1: Meeting in a treehouse Pairing: Jean Grey x Wanda Maximoff Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: n/a Summary: Wanda finds a treehouse in the forest; inside she meets someone special. Word Count: 693 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53865802
Title: what doesn't kill us Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I2: Mission ends bloody but successful Pairing: Bucky Barnes & Thunderbolts team, Bucky Barnes/John Walker/Sam Wilson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: Five times Bucky looks after his team and one time he lets someone else take care of him. Word Count: 9K Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54242446
Title: a shadow among shadows Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I4: Ghostly Chill Pairing: Bucky Barnes/John Walker Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: He really wishes he was normal sometimes, normaler. At least Bucky’s in a similar wavelength of messed up, take some lose some and all that bullshit. Word Count: 5K Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54254146
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Title: Cuddles Author:  mikeyp16 Card #: MRP-095 Square Filled: I3: Cuddling Pairing: Captain America / Wolverine Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: Summary: Word Count: Artwork Link: https://www.tumblr.com/mikeyp16/742861391808036865/first-time-joining-a-fandom-bingo-specifically?source=share
Title: Cost Author:  Annie/Nekoannie-chan/SharlotteMayfair Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: B1: Short term gains at a long term cost Pairing: Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong (Friends) Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Mention of betrayal Summary: Steve asked Clarice for help. Word Count: 556 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/745469836561350656/cost
Title: In the land of gods and monsters Author:  Wolfsheart Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B2: That’ll never happen again Pairing: Bruce Banner/Thor, Hulk/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Established Relationship, Established Loki/Tony Stark, Established Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Implied/Referenced Sex, Humor, Sexual Humor Summary: When three rogue Frost Giants show up in Central Park, turn it into a mini and temporary Jotunheim, Thor and Tony do their part in the fight by encouraging their boyfriends...by ogling and thirsty commentary. Word Count: 1289 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55313029
Title: Common Ground Author:  scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: Adopted: Mood board/Enemies to Lovers/Hurt Comfort Pairing: Emma Frost/Erik Lehnsherr Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Sexual Content, Handcuffs, Hurt/Comfort, Movie: X-Men: First Class (2011), Post-Movie: X-Men: First Class (2011), Canon Divergence - Post-Movie: X-Men: First Class (2011), Mood Board, Light Dom/sub, Past Abuse, Healing Summary: After Erik rescued Emma from the compound Shaw left her to rot in, she and Erik formed an alliance and gained a deeper understanding of one another that brought them closer in forming a different kind of bond between them. Word Count: 3036 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55358851
Title: Happily Ever After Author:  scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: N2: Three Times a Bridesmaid/Hallmark Romance Pairing: Kate Bishop/Peter Parker Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: N/A Summary: Wealthy socialite Kate Bishop has always been blessed with good fortune when it comes to helping her friends find their happily ever after. As one of New York City’s top elite, Kate has tried to break outside of her mother’s shell to make a name for herself. She’s as helped countless childhood friends find their way to happily ever after, but with so much time spent on building everyone else’s happily ever after Kate’s ignored her own need for romance in favor of building up her reputation as the premiere wedding planner in the city, working her way to the top. Word Count: N/A Link: https://www.tumblr.com/scottxlogan/748430600610906112/kate-bishoppeter-parker-marvel-rare-pair-bingo?source=share
Title: City Dreams Author:  scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: I3: Soulmate AU/Diner AU Pairing: Pepper Potts/Bruce Banner Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: romance, angst, soulmates Summary: Pepper Potts and Bruce Banner are soulmates destined to find one another, but when their initial romance crumbles to pieces it takes them 20 years to find their way back to one another and the love they lost as they both work to build new beginnings together. Word Count: N/A Link: https://www.tumblr.com/scottxlogan/748437190687735808/this-moodboard-and-summary-was-written-for-the?source=share
Title: Love and Hunger Author:  Wolfsheart Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: N5: Shoulder Bites (Mood Board Madness Fill (Horror Movie & Hallmark Romance)) Pairing: Loki/Bucky Barnes Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Horror themes, blood, cannibalism, vampirism, Cannibal Bucky, Vampire Loki, blood drinking, military experimentation, descriptions of violence, descriptions of war, descriptions of bloody battles, potential torture, humor, horror and humor, romance, fluff, monsters in love Summary: After military experiments that left James with super soldier abilities and cannibalistic hunger, he's felt like an outsider, even around his best friend. When the internet allows him to interact with others with strange needs, he finally meets Loki, someone who may well be the answer to his two biggest problems: loneliness and what to do with all that blood. Word Count: 953 (concept write-up) Link: https://www.tumblr.com/mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea/748421590079946752/more-mood-board-madness
Title: Rainy Days and Mondays Author:  Wolfsheart Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B5: Kissing in the Rain Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Thor Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Mood Board, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Darcy Lewis Feels, Thor Needs a Hug (Marvel), First Kiss, Rain, Kissing in the Rain, Fluff, Romantic FluffSummary: Stuck in a café while it's pissing down rain outside, Darcy spots a familiar face coming in her direction. She and Thor have a surprise reunion, and they connect over dinner. When it's time to say goodnight and go their separate ways, neither of them really want to. Word Count: 1819 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55411420
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chaesonghwas · 10 months
hi dear! for the kiss prompt, could you do piarles + 14?
Hello darlingggg💕💕 TYSM FOR THE PROMPTTT💖🫶🏽
piarles + 14. casually
Pierre didn't mean to do it, he swears.
It just slipped out, casual and comfortable like a second nature.
They'd been chatting with some of the others, trying to kill time before their media duties were due to start for the day - George, Alex, Lando and Pierre thinks Daniel must've been around there as well.
The conversation had been going swimmingly, but he was thinking about one thing and one thing only.
Secret relationship and all, he realizes maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to sneak into Charles' bedroom last night if now he was terribly sleepy, and all he could concentrate on was the shape of his lips while he talked or the sound of his laughter after someone had told a probably stupid joke.
He's so beautiful, fuck, Pierre had thought, and so, when one of the Alpine PR people had called his name in the distance for him to go towards the TV pen, he walked up to Charles and planted a kiss on his lips.
"See you later, cherie." He'd said sweetly and walked off, not realizing he'd caused a series of progressively disbelieving gasps and an undignified squeal from their companions.
Kissing Charles was already an instinct, really. As easy and as natural as breathing, Pierre hadn't really noticed when he'd been doing, regardless of the... huh... secret relationship business.
He hadn't realized the full extent of it until after media duties were almost over, when he had a chance to check his phone.
Pierre, you've sent George into short circuit
Please help
Charles escaped before he could explain, but you can't run forever bastards
Pierre, my guy
I'm very happy for you
Congrats on the gay sex I guess
Hello Pierre
Daniel informed me of what happend earlier
So I'm happy for you guys
Can you tell me why Charles is as red as a tomato and why Lando keeps blowing up my phone asking about him?
After that and with a little trepidation, Pierre checked on his most important conversation.
I love kissing you
But I might have to kill you because everyone has been after me all day and I've had to fight them off
Came face them with me?
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watercolor-hearts · 10 months
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(Not so) secret relationship for @lecsainz56. I hope you like it! 😊
(I was too scared to use Google Translate Spanish but in my mind Carlos' family speaks Spanish in the story so please imagine it like that. 😃)
Carlos/Charles • 630 words • secret relationship • fluff • (after) first time • cuddling/snuggling • (a bit of) angst • nsfw (I think. I'm still not sure what counts as nsfw. But this has some nudity and things like that in it.) • Ao3 link • 2nd part
Charles' breath tickled Carlos' skin as the boy was lying on his chest in all post-sex glow a few minutes after their first time with each other.
“We should have a shower,” Carlos said, caressing Charles' cheek with his thumb. Charles was beautiful like this, his green eyes glowing, a soft smile on his face as he was levitating between a dream-like place and reality. He had never imagined their first time could be this amazing with Carlos being incredibly gentle, taking time to prepare him, not wanting to cause pain or any discomfort, always asking for permission and everything. It was like a dream.
“We'll have time for that later too,” Charles whispered, drawing shapes on Carlos' right upper arm, enjoying that nobody will bother them because they're alone as Carlos' parents have gone from home for a few days.
“You like to snuggle, no?” Carlos asked, sliding his left hand down on Charles' back all the way to his ass, resting it on the cheeks. They were lying on Carlos' bed, all naked, Charles' body sticking to Carlos' because of Charles' own cum on his stomach. They should really have a shower but Charles enjoyed the snuggle too much to care.
“Mmm,” he mumbled, “best part. The sex was amazing too, but this... This makes it special.”
“Yeah,” Carlos agreed, kissing Charles' head and then closing his eyes. They deserved a few minutes of cuddling before the shower. There was no reason to rush.
“Carlos!” a female voice shouted, “We're home.”
Carlos jolted back from his half-sleeping state, making Charles wake up as well.
“Fuck, Charles, they're home!” Carlos panicked, quickly getting up to get dressed. “You need to go. They don't know I'm gay. They can't see you. Oh my god.”
“Fuck,” Charles jumped off the bed, “Weren't they going to come back tomorrow?” he asked, getting his underwear on as fast as he could.
“They were,” Carlos whispered, “I don't know why they're already back.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! What to do now?” Charles asked when he was ready to go but didn't actually know how he should escape so Carlos' parents wouldn't see him.
“Sneak out on the window,” Carlos said, “You can't use the door because they would notice you.”
“Yeah, okay, okay,” Charles nodded.
“Carlos, are you alright?” Carlos' mother asked, her voice sounded closer than previously. The panic rose even higher in Carlos, his heart thundered, and breathing quickened. She can't see them. She can't know about them. Not yet.
“Hi, Mom, I'm okay, I just woke up,” Carlos shouted, hoping it was enough for his mother not to come to his room and check on him. “Quick, come here,” Carlos said, opening the window for Charles. “Be careful, I don't want you to hurt yourself. I'm sorry about... This. We'll find another chance to be together soon.”
“Don't worry,” Charles said, squeezing Carlos's hand, “Your safety is more important.”
“I love you, cariño,” Carlos whispered, giving Charles a quick kiss.
“I love you too. Goodbye,” Charles smiled after the kiss and then started climbing out of the room.
“Goodbye,” Carlos said, and then tried to take a few deep breaths to calm down and seem normal.
When Charles landed in the yard, Carlos started to close the window but the familiar manly voice he heard made him freeze.
“Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my yard?!”
Carlos couldn't move, couldn't think. He felt like he was gonna faint.
“Mr. Sainz I... I...” Charles tried to say something but failed.
“I'm going to call the police you fucking thief!”
“Dad, no!” Carlos shouted out of the window when he realized what his father was going to do.
The conversation after this wasn't going to be an easy one.
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gayskogul · 5 months
So I would like all your thoughts on Andrew's letter at the end of The Charioteer....
If this is your way of saying "I know you just stand on the sidelines and never join in our discussions bitch. pspspsps lets talk about andrew," know that it's gonna work. Let me preface this with 1) I'm illiterate hehe and 2) I didn't do the re-read this year, and the last (and first!) time I've read TC was aug 2022. So this is gonna be me noting stuff down as I re-read the passage now. There will inevitably be some context and earlier moments I'm forgetting, sorry bout that.
So the first thing I'm noticing is that when Laurie disguises his letter with his paper, Mary's been kind enough to tell us that it's right next to a list of downed planes and lost pilots. Thanks for setting the tone, Mary! Now I know how this is gonna sting lol. Next, I notice that by god does Andrew ramble! After his introductory bit where he's saying he's tried writing a couple of times and is moving to London, the words really tumble over each other. It feels very verbal to me; he really writes like he speaks, doesn't he? But I'm guessing that's because he's anxious to put such dangerous thoughts on paper. He's just decked a fella, become disillusioned in his beliefs abt pacifism etc., admitting he has romantic feelings for another man, and quite overtly at that. And then he's like "I thought you felt the same", and that it's all confusing to sift through that without Laurie there ("I found I couldn't see things so clearly when I was alone"). It's all so... raw and earnest, which is just so Andrew imo. That said, him only snapping after Bunny taunts him about Ralph and Laurie's relationship is low key very funny but yeah- he's probably had these home of sexual thoughts swimming around, then had them plucked out of his heat and then thrown back at him by (who he thinks is) his love interest's boyfriend. That must have been mortifying to hear aloud, and it must have sucked to realise that Bunny's taunt was true. These couple of lines, "But it taught me something. The thing you want to kill is really in yourself", is so heartbreaking idk.
Then he goes on to say "ok cool im gay. i guess. my pacifism is a lie. Maybe it always was? anyway im gonna go throw myself under the worst of the blitz, thanks for the kiss." To which I think... girl, same. (stream of consciousness tangent: laurie why do all your boyfriends keep trying to off themselves? Can someone go check up on charles????) And then he's ending his letter begging Laurie to deny his relationship with Ralph and my heart just fully breaks for him. I know I'm notoriously sympathetic to Andrew but imagine writing that kind of thing in a letter to somebody! Something I hadn't remembered is how assertive he is that there's nothing happening between Laurie and Ralph. "Will you please tell me yourself that there is nothing in what he said about you and him? Of course I know there isn't." Now that I read this back, I reckon it has the potential to come off as quite arrogant, depending on how one feels towards Andrew. But then he writes, "But somehow it has got a hold on me; I can't get it out of my mind", and I swing towards thinking that oh noooo, he's so not coping. The whole thing is just kinda painful to read through - but it's such a strong read!
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Fig. 1. August 25, 2022. A second plane his hit the Quakenation towers.
I think why Andrew's ending sits with me like a sad, little icy splinter in my heart is because I just feel bad for the poor guy. He basically falls in love with a man, and then quite rapidly undergoes loads of realisations about that (and other beliefs about himself), and then has them violently blow up on him. Then he kinda... doesn't really get any closure? Not that we can see in the text, anyway. Like who knows if Laurie ever does write, even if it's just to follow Dave's (cold imo) advice of writing to him "when you feel he's needing it, not when you feel you must".
I'm not sure if this is just a madman's ravings at this point, clutching at straws for a reading but it boils down to me acknowledging how difficult it can be to come to terms with your queerness (and most of us have got it much easier, comparatively), and I know Laurie knows that, and could probably have helped Andrew out. Let him know he’s not alone, or whatever. I'm not saying he should have ended up with Andrew romantically—nor does he have any obligation to do anything, really—but he's been in that place mentally fairly recently and he's just seen that Dave's a bit weird about it. Considering that he'd felt so strongly about Andrew, it's a bit of a bummer that he just goes along with what Dave says and heads off. It's very sweet and poetic to leave him the copy of the Phaedrus, but girl... how well adjusted did that make the other two, lmao. Ultimately, that might keep Andrew out of trouble, but we know he can be quite stubborn and I reckon it'll probably not make it much easier for him in the long run. Dave and Laurie keep trying to be so protective of him that he doesn’t really get a chance to do anything!
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trustelplan · 2 years
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Meet Me In The Hallway ( Stay The Night )
charles x pierre ( nsfw )
when a simple dinner changes into something ... much different .
WARNINGS : SMUT SMUT SMUT , anal fingering, anal sex , gay sex, blowjob, handjob, d/s ish, gagging
an : based off of the piarles date photo .
𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 , a nice night out between friends. Pierre and Charles, chatting about everything as they ate. Charles wearing some black shirt he'd found after his training session, Pierre in his favorite button up, chest slightly exposed due to one of the buttons being undone. The check had been ordered and dinner payed for by the frenchman, despite Charles's complaining. The two moving to the car hand in hand as Pierre took to the wheel.
" you should have let me pay," Charles spoke after a moment, eyes on the blond. His lips turned downward in a small frown. Nose tinted red from the alcohol.
Pierre laughing, eyes not leaving the road until they came to a red light a moment later. They fell on Charles, filled with adoration for him.
" Don't worry about it chéri...", his words gentle and reassuring.
Pierre's crush on the Monegasque was undeniable, and maybe it was the blush, maybe it was the tight shirt but god he wanted to kiss him.
" if you'd like, theres a way you can make it up to me." his mouth moving before he could tell it to shut up. Hands gripped the wheel tighter, body tensing even though Charles didn't know what he meant, there was still time, he could play it off if he wanted to.
" Yeah?" Charles's gaze trained on Pierre , never moving. He held a feeling for his friend, it was a feeling he couldn't describe. He loved Pierre, but he didn't want to be his friend... he wanted something else, something more. He would never tell Pierre, it was just a stupid feeling. he looked away, waiting for the request. Oblivious to the pounding heart that ached for him and him alone.
' I want to kiss you'
' please kiss me '
' I want you Charles, I want you bad'
nothing sounded good enough, nothing sounded right. He was at a loss for words, and his heart refused to let him back down.
" Meet me in the hallway? Midnight, I'll tell you then." Pierre forced out, his voice calm, knuckles white from how they gripped the wheel. He relaxed only once he heard the soft ' okay' leave the brunette's lips .
The men left each other once they got to the hotel, doing as they wished until it was time. Charles stood outside Pierre's hotel room, waiting for Pierre to join him. This seemed ridiculous, some stupid favor for dinner leading to a meetup at a time when they should've been asleep. He focused on the watch on his wrist, he was on time, yet Pierre wasn't there.
it was 12:05 when Pierre finally made an appearance. Charles opening his mouth to speak, only to get cut off.
" I want to kiss you"
The words hanging in the air for a solid moment, tension palpable, wide hazel eyes staring up into blue ones.
Charles spoke first
" do it,"
a whisper, that was all it took before he felt them.
Pierre's lips on his, whisky flavored... addicting.
Flighting for control, lost in each others embrace. Hands gripping at each other, no care to keep their volume low. Parting only when the ice in their lungs became too much to bear
Pierre spoke first , in a low whisper
" stay the night" his words causing Charles to bite back a moan.
Handing Pierre the card for his room, the door right there. The taller of the two pulling them in. door slamming shut and Charles was pushed up against it. Lips caught in another kiss, their eyes shut. Charles tasted of vanilla and god it was irresistible. Pierre found the lock after a moment of fumbling and shut it, finally pulling away. His eyes traveling down his best friend's body.
" Pierrot, pear... pear please" the words came breathily and his eyes returned to Charles's face.
" I know chéri , I know, you've been waiting for me, right?" he smiled, thumb tracing Charles's swollen lips. Mouth parting as his finger was accepted into Charles's mouth, " So, needy calamar" Pierre pulled the hand off, being met with a whine. His cock twitching in his pants, and one look at Charles and he knew that the man felt the same way.
" Sit on the bed, " He said
Pierre stepped out of Charles's way, tugging him forward to get him to understand. Watching his best friend walk forward and sit down, Pierre followed, standing in front of him. He ran his hand through Charles's hair, tugging and forcing him to look up. " You okay to suck me off baby?" he spoke , chuckling as Charles's mouth opened, tongue out. He would, he'd do anything for his best friend... the man he secretly loved.
Pierre undid his belt, taking his shirt off too. Hands leaving Charles's head to unzip his jeans only to find Charles fumbling with them first, he watched in amusement as his jeans were pulled down. The smile was immediately replaced with a groan.
" fuck, Charles-"
his eyes met with the brunette mouthing at his clothed length. Pierre using his hair to tug him away again,  " 'M gonna cum if you keep doing that" he spoke, hearing a soft whimper from the man under him.
Pierre pushing his boxers down, letting his hard dick out, positioning it at Charles's mouth
" There you are chéri, easy" he spoke, droplets of precum dripping onto Charles's tongue as he led his mouth onto the cock. He let go of Charles, watching him trying to do as told... go slow. Taking him in all the way, feeling Pierre's tip hit the back of his throat, causing him to gag around the length. Pierre pulled his head back to make it easier, words of encouragement fell without a thought.
" Such a good boy for me Charles, so good" he groaned, wiping the tears off of Charles's face. The moan that left Charles caused him to groan, vibrations he felt up his whole body. Charles heard the groan and grew desperate, speeding up his movements, moaning helplessly every time he felt the cock hit the back of his throat. Pulling off only to jerk Pierre off, allowing the precum to drip onto his face.
Charles's movements sped up, " Come on Pear, come on, come on me" he spoke, holding his mouth open when he knew Pierre was reaching his peak. The cock being pushed into his mouth as Pierre came, Charles taking it happily. Gagging on the thick liquid that squeezed itself out of his mouth, on his lips and chin. His own dick straining against his pants , his face red and messy with spit, tears and cum.
" So good, so good fuck , " Pierre pushed him back making room to sit between his legs. Fingers wiping away his tears before Pierre leaned down and kissed him. Swallowing the loud moan that left Charles. The noise went right to his dick, starting to harden once more.
Charles kicking off the rest of his clothes as best he could. Pierre's hand wrapping around his leaking cock, pulling away only when he realized just how wet it was. Charles' hips bucked up into his hand, attempting to find some friction. That was until he felt a slap to his leg, " Bad boy, " the frenchman hissed.
" Pear I want , I want you please, I'll be a good boy" he cried out, sat back on his elbows. Looking at Pierre with a pleading expression. Eyes rolling back at the feeling of two wet fingers pushing into him. Pierre going slow until he was sure it wasn't hurting Charles, fingers wet enough to allow him to loosen him enough to fuck .
" I'm okay- please- god , fuck! fuck me!" wantonly moaning at the feeling of being fingered. A loud whine left Charles when the fingers were pulled away.
" Shh, baby stop, i'm going to fuck you now" Pierre spoke softly , running his fingers down Charles' jaw. " I'm going to fuck you.. lay back" he hushed, pushing Charles to the center of the bed. Laying his head on a pillow.
Pierre's cock slowly pressed past his ring of muscles , filling the younger man up. Charles' arms finding his biceps, holding on as a choked sob left him. " Putain- Pierre!" the Monegasque clawing at his arms.
" Shh, Charlo... we have to be quiet" Pierre spoke as he rocked his hips against Charles, pushing his fingers into his mouth. " unfortunately , no one else wants to hear you being a slut for me. " he pressed kisses to the bottom's jaw. It took a few minutes to escalate, Pierre fucking him down into the bed. Watching amusedly as Charles's eyes looked away dazed, drool covering his chin and cheeks. Lazily sucking on Pierre's fingers, the soft moans muffled by Pierre's fingers, further drowned out by the comments that were bitten into his skin.
Pierre chuckled as he wrapped his hand around Charles' hard dick, pumping him until he came. Charles shaking as cum spilling all over Pierre's hand. A choked moan of ' Pear' leaving him when his partner removed the fingers from his mouth.
A satisfied sigh escaped him when Pierre came into him, smiling at the groan he heard.
His fingers ran through the blond waves, pulling him down into a kiss,
" Stay the night?" he asked , twirling Pierre's hair between his fingers
" Of course."
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auroracalisto · 1 year
aurora's 2022 fic pick
hello, and welcome to my first post of the new year—my 2022 fic pick! i will be compiling some of the fics i read and loved from this past year below!! to make it harder on myself, i've resorted to choosing only three for each month. i guarantee i've read hundreds more.
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included fandoms: marvel, american horror story, the last kingdom, the 100, the witcher, peaky blinders, law and order: svu, the umbrella academy, gotham, stranger things, the princess bride, top gun, hetalia, timewasters, original work
DISCLAIMER: SOME OF THESE FICS MAY CONSIST OF NSFW. please be aware before clicking on them. also, please read responsibly—i have not included all triggers to the fics, only major ones, so please be sure to check those before you read the fics.
there is one month (october) in which i only reblogged two fics, and i checked my ao3 history as well. i didn't read a single fic on ao3 that month. to try and make up for it, i have posted an extra for the month of december.
words left unspoken by adorin on ao3 - doc ock x reader - fluff and angst, character death, gn!reader - this fic was *chefs kiss* no joke i love it and i recently went back to re-read it. it gets better every time. Heartbeat by HanakoSpiritoftheToliet on ao3 - matt murdock x reader - pregnant!reader, fluff - this was so sweet. i am a sucker for fluff. Terrible Two's by writeyouin on ao3 - charles xavier x reader - parent!reader, fluff - like i said. a sucker for fluff. i can't help it.
Soulmark by @dyns33 - matt murdock x reader - a little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff; happy ending - i remember reading this for the first time and absolutely crying when i read the ending. it was SO good. Lost In the Shadows by @7-wonders - vampire!michael langdon x fem!reader - part of a collection of fics, kind of spicy towards the end, but nothing serious - the series is seriously so good. i am 100% prepared to re-read it. Chivalry's Death by e_n_silvermane on ao3 - 2p!prussia x reader - hetalia, gore, mute!character - LISTEN. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE HETALIA. this is SUCH a good fic. literally it is so good. there's so much depth to the story itself, and i absolutely love every part of it. like... the description, the guilt the characters feel—it's literally a piece of art and i will stand by that until the day i die.
For a moment by @disasterofastory - finan x fem!reader - hurt/comfort, gore - LOVE. love this fic. all her fics are so good. almost like praying by @imaginearyparties - steve rogers x bucky barnes - gore, gay religious angst - i fell in love with this fic with the first paragraph. i knew i was in for a magnificent piece, and ilana never fails to provide. There are monsters and there are men by silverwolf7850 on ao3 - vampire!matt murdock x reader x werewolf!frank castle - fluff and angst, canon-typical violence, supernatural themes - this fic FUELED my love for both matt and frank. i literally loved every second of it and i wish there was more to it.
Rescuing You by @violetrainbow412-blog - vampire!eddie munson x fem!reader - angst, kind of villain!eddie - bro this was IT. this was the fic that fueled my love for vampire eddie, and i've never been the same since. unnamed by @000ficlets otto x reader - fluff - this fic is literally only five paragraphs long but i loved it so much. like,,, you know how you just read something about you can just feel the love coming from it? yeah. this fic. beautiful. against all odds by @twistnet dmitri antonov x fem!reader - angst, fluff, possible tw due to violence - this was one of the first dmitri fics i read after becoming attached to the character... brb gonna re-read it AGAIN.
A Surprise Guest by JaskiersWolf on ao3 modern!jaskier x reader - first meetings, alcohol - bro. BRO. when i say this fic is so good, i absolutely love it. it's so soft and makes me feel all warm on the inside. 6 Meters Under and Back Part 1 by @onesaltyhunter - vampire!sihtric x fem!reader fluff? bloody vampire stuff - oh my gosh when i found this, i jumped on the opportunity to read it. i love vampires, and i LOVE sihtric. is there a part 3? i don't know if there's a part 3. It's good to see you! by @disasterofastory alfie solomons x reader - technically first meetings, anxious reader, being followed - disasterofastory always has amazing fics and this one,,, idk there's just something about it that i love to read. it's totally alfie and it's written well!!
Scarrification by BruisesAndBuzzaxes on ao3 victor zsasz x fem!reader - fluff, meeting family, character backstory - this is a long fic, but it's *oh* so good. like it's literally worth every last word. i've read it a few times through already. i might go back again and read it one more time. Where Our Pieces Fall in Place by anotherwinchesterfangirl on ao3 - finan x fem!reader x sihtric NSFW, time travel, polyamory - so good. SO GOOD. i love time travel tropes and this one hits the spot, every time i read it. Imagine being chosen to join Wonkru in the bunker before Praimfaya [...] by @fanficimagery roan x reader, past!echo x reader - angst to fluff, typical canonical violence - ohhhh my gosh in a world of so little roan x reader fics, this one is a diamond in the rough. it's so good.
Peanut Butter Cookies by @eddie-van-munson eddie munson x reader - slight angst with a happy ending, jealousy, allergies - jealousy fics are so good and this one was just,,, too good. i love eddie. i love domestic eddie. please don't cry by @sickoherd john murphy x reader - comfort fic - short comfort fic with john murphy <33 it was sweet and simple and so good with just a few words. Selfish Jerk by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord jim hopper x reader - fluff, a little angst, taking place during season 2 - i looove hopper. this was the first fic i read in july that was jim hopper, and it definitely wasn't the last.
IF I DIE YOUNG by @imgoingtofreakoutnow steve harrington - finale-based fic; major character death. lots of angst. - this fic is so good. i remember reading it for the first time and i actually cried. multiple times. i loved getting to read how steve may have felt in the days after the season 4 finale. annie's writing is so good regardless. Darling by @no-mercy-bby ralph timewasters x reader - short fluff fic - one of the first fics i read of ralph and i absolutely fell in love with him. bby is an amazing writer and they've definitely captured my attention on more than one occasion. want me to kill him for you? by @froggywritesstuff diego hargreeves x gn!reader - short fluff fic - diego is amazing and the characterization in this fic is just as incredible.
That Guy by YouGotThatWrite on ao3 rafael barba x gn!reader - fluff, meet-cute over coffee - my mom and step-dad watched the entirety of law and order: svu and i just so happened to watch most of the episodes with rafael in them. i already loved him. and then i read this fic. it's so good. The Eddie Munson Collection by Edtease on ao3 eddie munson x reader - blurb collection; somewhat nsfw - these were so good and i loved getting to read about a somewhat domestic eddie munson. some of them are a little on the nsfw side, so please be aware before reading. Imagine finding out that Rafael sometimes worries about your age difference by @svubloods rafael barba x reader - age difference, established relationships - okay so i'm not even gonna lie i love fics that take valid concerns and makes the characters live through it. that being said, i also love rafael. there's no questioning as to why i loved this fic.
City Nights by @thebirdybrigade allen f. jones x gn!reader - possible tw for attempted s/a, violence, etc. slight angst to a bit on the fluffier side?? - oh boy the first hetalia fic i've included on this list. i genuinely loved this fic. it was written well, and i love to re-read this. the ending kills me, every time. goodnight, my love by eliwashere on ao3 original character/reader - major NSFW warning, vampires, original character, pwp - i don't even remember how i found this fic. i think i clicked on the vampire tag on ao3 and came across this. it's so good?? like i fell in love with the plot of the story, and then the smut itself was a bonus. AND THEN the author included a sketch of the character in the next chapter, and boom, i fell in love, AGAIN. i literally do not have another fic for this month. i was off of social media well until the middle of the month. i will include an extra one on december because i know i have enough for that month.
THOSE WHO ARE LEFT BEHIND by @imgoingtofreakoutnow steve harrington x gn!reader - platonic, mentions of death and mourning - the second of annie's fics i've listed. it's sad, but it's so good. it's the budding of a relationship and i absolutely adore every bit of it. attention by @imaginearyparties namor x reader - okay but let's talk about the fact that ilana ALWAYS has good fics, and this one just proves it?? it's so good. i hadn't even watched the new black panther yet and i had already fallen in love with namor because of how he was written in this fic. are you thanking me or your god? by @lazypeachsoul uhtred ragnarsson x fem!reader - meeting, budding relationship - uhtred is a babe and the way lazypeachsoul writes him is magnificent. i love him and this fic so much.
Nobody But Me by @ohthatstragic tom "iceman" kazansky x fem!reader - jealousy, established relationship - THIS was the first iceman fic i read after watching top gun maverick for the first time and i fell in love with him. not to mention the writer did well with characterization. gonna come back to this fic at some point and re-read. Concussed by @topgun-imagines mickey "fanboy" garcia x fem!reader - slight angst, injury - fanboy is adorable and this fic (other than the injury he sustains) is so cute. i loved reading it. Dating Westley Would Include... by @bowieandqueen11 the princess bride westley x reader - dating headcanons - i need more princess bride fanfics. i've talked to a few mutuals about it before and i might just do it. this fic is so good, though. i'm so glad it's out there. extra since i only had two for october: Strong people aren't born they're built by meowmeowpumpkin on ao3 jake "hangman" seresin x fem!reader - angst, a bit of violence, major tw for some things; please be sure to read the author's warnings before you read. - bobbbb in this fic. i love it. and the 180 jake does when he realizes that something isn't right with his wife. it was good.
and a reminder for everyone reading:
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Because of my feral hyperfixation on Bruce Campbell (that apparently has been mounting slowly since childhood), my sister and I often discuss his many characters. Because Bruce is such a charismatic and varied actor, we love discussing the flare he gives to those characters.
More specifically, the sexual and/or gender identities of those characters based on how Bruce plays them. In this post I primarily want to talk about Brisco but I feel like I have to talk about a few others first. Just a couple because my sister and I constantly talk about these characters’ identities.
First up is the lovely Charles Travis (From Congo 1995, for those that don’t know). My personal obsession since childhood, god I want to kiss him. *cough* ignore that...
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In the unfortunately, very short time we have with Charlie, he definitely gives off straight vibes. But these are non-toxic straight vibes. Despite being exhausted and stranded in the middle of the Congo, he’s got a bright, friendly disposition and you can hear his chemistry with Karen in the short conversation they have. Honestly, we needed more of him but this post isn’t about that... anyway, Charles is a sweet straight/cis man who may or may not have daddy issues because he let his asshole father send him to the Congo for no good fucking reason!
Up next is an easy and familiar choice: Ash Williams, the man who got bitchslapped by destiny and has three kids. 
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There’s a lot of content with Ash. You really get to see his chemistry with other characters. I won’t get super deep into it because so many other Tumblr authors
have described it in far more detail but Ash gives off the opposite of straight vibes. The man is definitely giving off bisexual vibes. Ash loved all his girlfriends very much and had excellent chemistry with them. But Ash also has a soft, overly friendly vibe with other guys such as Scotty and Chet. The particular touchy-feely, constantly stealing long glances at each other vibes that Ash shares with Chet is what I’ve talking about. Also, there’s the obvious headcanon that Ash is trans, which I love. The entire series is full of evidence of Ash being trans but I also like to look to the second season of AvED for evidence. The dialog in that season, especially when talking with Brock and Cheryl, is incredibly trans-coded. Go check it out, it’s a great show.
Also, honorable mention before I get to Brisco: Autolycus
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I haven’t gotten to the part of Xena with him yet but already I can tell you that this man is decidedly not straight. Like literally every other character in this show, this man is some intense flavor of queer.
Alrighty, enough of that.
On to Brisco!
Brisco County Jr, the sweetheart cowboy who always looks towards the future.
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The past several days I’ve been thinking a lot about Brisco. Why? Because I fell head-over-heels for his disheveled ass, shut up! Now, I would like to say that at the point of writing this, I have only seen the first few episodes but there’s been enough context there for me to really think about this. I know that Brisco gets a girlfriend later in the series/season (he’s a male 90′s MC, it was mandatory he gets one). That being said, I see Brisco as being Gay/Ace with intense top energy (his constant confidence and self-assured aura). 
In like the three episodes I have seen of Brisco, this man has zero (0) romantic vibes with any of the women. His flirting, what little there is of it, is very mild and performative. Most of his relationships with women have a deep platonic vibe to them. Unlike Brisco’s energy with both Lord Bowler and Socrates. When he talks with them, it’s quite flirty and upbeat, playful. He teases them gently and is quite open with speaking to them. Despite him and Lord Bowler being rivals upon meeting, they already friendly protective of each other by the second episode.
The friendship that Brisco has cultivated with Lord Bowler by that point is very soft and affectionate. There’s a deep tenderness that transcends friendship. Lord Bowler drops his rough exterior around Brisco in ways that is not normally done.
People, you do not sing to your rival to comfort them while they’re in pain and dying unless there is something deeper going on with your relationship!
Also, in the episode where he goes to the town full of nothing but women, he doesn’t flirt with a single one. The professor keeps making insinuations about how great their situation is and Brisco’s just like “meh” about the whole thing. In that episode, during the trap set up in the bathhouse, Brisco never even casts an interested look at the naked woman in the bath. He simply thanks her for her help and leaves. Brisco also has decidedly platonic, almost sibling-like chemistry with the town’s sheriff. When he leaves town, there’s only a goodbye. No sidelong glances or shoehorned kiss. Nothing. They’re both the two least horny people in existence.
Speaking of Brisco not being horny, we not come to the part where I see him as being asexual. Though, he is not sex-repulsed. He will have sex if his partner wishes to. He’s not enthused or enticed by sex. Sexual intercourse is not a driving factor in his life. He would much rather be out discovering things or talking to his horse. 
I have a few examples of Brisco in situations where in any other show, the male lead would be overly enthusiastically engaged in the situation:
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This is the body language of a man who is viscerally uncomfortable. You can tell by the crease in his cheek where her hand touches that he is actively recoiling from her in-coming kiss.
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For this gif, normally in this situation the male lead would be doing one of several things: leaning into the touch, eyes drift down to watch where she is enticingly touching, returning the soft touch, or leaning his head in to continue the conversation. But Brisco does none of these things. He completely ignores what her hand is doing. His eyes stay on her face at all times. He isn’t checking out her very obvious tits. and he is once against actively leaning his head back as he speaks. He doesn’t so much as twitch at her touch. Brisco is completely unphased and uninterested in the sexual implications of their intimate positioning.
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This is the least sexiest version of the “omg, I accidentally fell on you in a scandalous way” position I have ever seen in my life. Brisco’s mind is entirely on the situation outside of his intimate positioning. His mind is no way engaged in the fact that he is basically straddling a beautiful woman, he is too busy calculating the amount of danger he’s in. Something that most male leads do not immediately focus on when in such a position.
In conclusion, I’m just here to say that Brisco is an example of performative heteronormativity. He is playing “his part” in normal society but is not enthused by it. He knows how he's expected to act and does so when the time calls for it but does seek out opportunities to act in a hetero or allosexual manner. He would much rather either be on his own and daydream or converse with male friends/acquaintances all while having a deep feminist respect for women and their rights to safety and happiness. 
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12romy · 2 years
Sebchal finding out their brothers are dating. They want to tell Arthur and Fabi that they're together and live together but find them making out in front of their apartment.
I love this idea, this is hillarious XD
Thanks for the prompt, enjoy!
You ready for this?" Sebastian asked, and Charles shrugged, trying to look unaffected. His boyfriend knew better, however, and pulled him in a kiss. "Don't worry, it will be fine. I'm sure they'll be happy for us."
"I don't know, are you sure it was a good idea to invite Arthur and Fabian at the same time?" Charles mumbled, but still leaned into Seb's touch.
"They get along, they won't feel like third-wheeling that way!" Sebastian exclaimed, as cheerful as always. That had been their logic when they decided to announce to their family that they were dating AND living together. Charles had been stressed to announce it to everyone all at once and Sebastian had to agree it was intimidating. So, they told their parents first, then each of Seb's sisters, Charles' older brother, and now, Fabi and Arthur were the only ones left.
“I know, I know,” Charles sighed. He just hoped everything would go alright. “They’re late, though...”
Suddenly, they heard a loud “boom” against their door, nothing that seemed like a knock, and they rushed to the entry. Charles didn’t bother checking the peephole and opened the door.
“What the fuck?” Sebastian exclaimed.
Under their eyes, Fabian and Arthur were kissing - or rather, engaging in a very passionate make-out session. They stopped at the sound of Seb’s surprised shout, blinking in confusion as if they were only noticing Seb and Charles now.
“Since when are you gay, Arthur?” Charles blurted out, utterly confused.
“I thought that was pretty obvious,” Arthur snorted. “Can’t believe you never noticed.”
“But... But since when are you two a thing?” Sebastian asked, eyebrows furrowed, pointing at his brother and Arthur.
“Probably longer than you two,” Fabian smirked. Sebastian and Charles let out a startled yelp.
“You know about us?” Seb frowned.
“What the fuck, why didn’t you say something?” Charles complained. 
“We were just waiting for you to figure it out,” Fabian shrugged. “The flirting and the pining was entertaining to see, but really, it took you a while.”
“It was painful to watch sometimes,” Arthur piped up.
“But why didn’t you say anything about you two?!” Charles asked.
“Meh, you already had a lot on your plate,” Fabian shrugged. “We weren’t in a hurry.”
“Anyway, why did you invite us for today? And why did you invite us together if you didn’t know we are dating?” Arthur asked, and both Seb and Charles looked terribly embarrassed.
“Well...” Charles started, looking at Sebastian for help.
“We wanted to announce to you guys that we’re together,” he sighed, accepting his fate to look like an idiot. “And we knew you got along, so we invited you together so you didn’t feel like third-wheeling.”
“Honestly, at this point, we’re the ones who feel like third-wheeling,” Charles commented. “You guys can’t keep it in your pants!”
“You’re one to talk!” Arthur replied. “Don’t think we haven’t noticed the hickeys on Seb’s neck! What are you anyway, a vampire?”
Charles decided it was better to shut up, and Sebastian decided to get everyone inside the apartment. They didn’t need their neighbours to know about all that. At least, they didn’t have to worry about telling their brothers they were dating anymore.
Send prompts!!
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may 4th
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rated pg for general audiences. talk of kissing. 
CHARLES and ANDY hang out between classes. they overlook the football field on their college campus. CHARLES is very genuine throughout, seriously curious and well-meaning (/srs). 
CHARLES: i know A LOT about women. trust me. 
ANDY looks at him. 
CHARLES: i do. 
ANDY: literally what? 
CHARLES: i’m just /saying that i- 
ANDY: where did that come from?
CHARLES: i don’t know. i was just thinking about it.
ANDY: why? 
CHARLES: i just do. 
ANDY: why??? 
CHARLES: …tina. 
ANDY: tina. of course. what happened this time?
CHARLES: she said i didn’t know how to kiss. 
ANDY: what?
CHARLES: i know. it’s very obvious i know how /to kiss-
ANDY: no, man- what?? first of all. not obvious. /second of all. 
CHARLES: rude. 
ANDY: second of all. tina was your first kiss, yeah?
CHARLES: yeah. 
ANDY: okay. so it’s not weird that you wouldn’t know how. 
CHARLES: but, i-
ANDY: i don’t know why you’re getting so crazy over this. 
CHARLES: some people can kiss right away.
ANDY: yeah but not normally. 
CHARLES: could you?
ANDY: what? 
CHARLES: the first time you kissed a girl. 
ANDY (would never dream of it): what- i, uh- oh yeah. um. yeah i’ve kissed lots of women. yes. 
ANDY: and??
CHARLES: well how was it? what did you do?
ANDY: well what did you do that was so wrong? 
CHARLES: um. she said- 
CHARLES: no nevermind. i’ll /work it out myself. 
ANDY: no, come on. 
CHARLES: it’s embarrassing. 
ANDY: who cares?
CHARLES: /i care-
ANDY: dude, i have kissed so many women. countless. and i’ve heard about a million more kissing stories. trust me i know this shit. just tell me. 
CHARLES: andy. 
ANDY: just tell me!
beat. CHARLES breathes. 
CHARLES: well she said my mouth was open too wide. 
ANDY: oh, well that’s not bad at all! /that’s an easy fix, lots of- 
CHARLES: and i called her pierre. 
ANDY: what? 
ANDY: no, i heard you. what?
CHARLES: i don’t know, man. 
ANDY: why pierre?? 
CHARLES: i don’t know, okay!! i don’t know. 
CHARLES: just… it’s sometimes easier to imagine i’m kissing a guy. just takes the pressure off, you know? 
ANDY: uh. 
CHARLES: i’m sure lots of men do it. it’s just like, then you’re with friends, right? and it’s easy. 
ANDY: so, pierre..?
CHARLES: he’s like my imaginary friend. my… kissing buddy. 
ANDY: huh. okayy. 
CHARLES: sometimes i think i’m bisexual.
ANDY: oh. yeah? 
CHARLES: do you ever have gay thoughts, andy?
ANDY: mhm. all the time. 
CHARLES: yeah, see! and you’re the straightest guy i know. 
ANDY (is not): uh. 
CHARLES: so this must be super normal. 
ANDY: right. 
CHARLES: my parents have always taken me to pride marches and stuff, so if i was gay it wouldn’t be a big deal either. 
ANDY: cool. 
CHARLES: what about you? 
CHARLES: your parents cool with all the… gay stuff?
ANDY: um. ahem. yes. i think so. 
CHARLES: that’s cool, that’s cool… 
CHARLES sighs. 
CHARLES: i think i’m in love with you, andy. 
ANDY: like… as a friend?
CHARLES: no, like i want to date you. 
ANDY: seriously?? i mean, i- i want to date you too. 
CHARLES: really? hm. that’s good news. so then we’d be gay right?
ANDY: i mean not necessarily. 
CHARLES: oh, neat. 
ANDY: but, tina..?
CHARLES: i broke up with her. 
ANDY: right. 
CHARLES: i obviously know how to kiss. 
ANDY: haha, sure. 
CHARLES: but just in case, want to check? 
ANDY laughs. 
ANDY: yes, charles. 
they kiss. 
this is so me (i will not elaborate)
yung gravy babyyyyyy
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