#because it never occurred to them that somebody had a cat
pencilofawesomeness · 1 month
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*baps Mystogan on the cheek* I hereby dub thee: a cat person.
Because drawing a happy Mystogan gives me serotonin, here's Myst and his now-half-indoor-cat Shadow, who he has successfully smuggled into the building.
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felix-lupin · 11 months
In Coraline, there’s a recurring theme with names and identity, and I personally don't think it's talked about enough. 
(As a note, this is dealing largely with the book, not the movie, although there are some hints of this theme in the movie as well)
Coraline’s neighbors constantly get her name wrong, calling her “Caroline” and not “Coraline”, to which she persistently corrects them. Despite her attempts, they never get it right, until chapter 10, in which Mr Bobo (Mr Bobinsky) finally gets it right.
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"It's Coraline, Mister Bobo," said Coraline. "Not Caroline. Coraline." "Coraline," said Mr Bobo, repeating her name to himself with wonderment and respect. "Very good, Coraline."
It should be noted that, until this chapter, Coraline did not know Mr Bobo’s name either. In fact, it had never even occurred to her that he had a name. Up until then, she had just been thinking of him as “the crazy old man upstairs”, not as a person with a name. This moment, with her learning his name and him getting her name right, is a moment of genuine understanding and connection between the two, humanizing them both to each other.
Coraline’s other neighbors get her name wrong, which is representative of them not listening when she says anything, really, such as her telling Miss Spink and Forcible that her parents are missing and them literally not even acknowledging it at all??
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"How are your dear mother and father?" asked Miss Spink. "Missing," said Coraline. "I haven't seen either of them since yesterday. I'm on my own. I think I've probably become a single child family." "Tell your mother that we found the Glasgow Empire press clippings we were telling her about. She seemed very interested when Miriam mentioned them to her." "She's vanished under mysterious circumstances," said Coraline, "and I believe my father has as well." "I'm afraid we'll be out all day tomorrow, Caroline lovely," said Miss Forcible. "We'll be staying with April's niece in Royal Tunbridge Wells."
Mr Bobo gets her name right after being corrected (only after being corrected alongside her using his name, mind you, showcasing her making an effort to listen to and understand him as well), which is representative of him actually making an attempt to listen and understand her. This point is further illustrated by a conversation Coraline had with the Other Mr Bobo in chapter 10.
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As Coraline entered he began to talk. "Nothing's changed, little girl," he said, his voice sounding like the noise dry leaves make as they rustle across a pavement. "And what if you do everything you swore you would? What then? Nothing's changed. You'll go home. You'll be bored. You'll be ignored. No one will listen to you, not really listen to you. You're too clever and too quiet for them to understand. They don't even get your name right."
He equates those in the real world not getting Coraline’s name right with them not listening to her, and fundamentally not understanding who she is. So, somebody getting her name right, then, shows them actually listening to her, and being willing to understand who she is.
The mice in the real world know more than they should be able to know, and they also get Coraline’s name right.
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"The message is this. Don't go through the door." He paused. "Does that mean anything to you?" "No," said Coraline. The old man shrugged. "They are funny, the mice. They get things wrong. They got your name wrong, you know. They kept saying Coraline. Not Caroline. Not Caroline at all."
They seem to know about the other world, somehow, on some level, and the dangers it presents. Them getting her name right represents them knowing more than they should know, more than they are told. Animals in general seem to have this type of quality in Coraline, actually.
The cat does not have a name. It says so in chapter 4, that cats do not need names. It says that this is because cats know who they are. But humans need names, because they do not.
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"Please. What's your name?" Coraline asked the cat. "Look, I'm Coraline. OK?" The cat yawned softly, carefully, revealing a mouth and tongue of astounding pinkness. "Cats don't have names," it said. "No?" said Coraline. "No," said the cat. "Now, you people have names. That's because you don't know who you are. We know who we are, so we don't need names."
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The cat shook its head. "No," it said. "I'm not the other anything. I'm me." It tipped its head on one side; green eyes glinted. "You people are spread all over the place. Cats, on the other hand, keep ourselves together. If you see what I mean."
This shows that, in humans, names are connected to our identities and who we are. Names are used to individualize and distinguish ourselves from each other. But cats do not need names to recognize each other, or be recognized.
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"Oh. It's you," she said to the black cat. "See?" said the cat. "It wasn't so hard recognising me, was it? Even without names."
With or without names, it is still the same cat.
During the Other Miss Spink and Forcible’s performance, in chapter 4, they begin quoting Shakespeare. The specific quotes that they use are interesting to me when looked at under this lens of the importance of names, especially Miss Forcible’s.
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"What's in a name?" asked Miss Forcible. "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
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"I know not how to tell thee who I am," said Miss Spink to Miss Forcible.
Now, of course, this is just them quoting Shakespeare. But. Why these quotes specifically? They’re at the very least notable when discussing Coraline’s recurring theme of names. Especially the quote about the rose. It makes me think of what the cat said earlier, about how cats are sure of who they are so they don’t need names, about how Coraline didn’t need the cat’s name to be able to recognize it for who/what it was.
But, of course, this does not apply for humans. We need our names to be able to know ourselves, to be able to tell others who they are.
In chapter 6, Coraline wakes up and is disoriented. This disorientation is compared to the feeling one might experience upon being suddenly pulled out of a daydream. In this comparison, forgetting one’s name is equated with forgetting who one is and where one is.
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Sometimes Coraline would forget who she was while she was daydreaming that she was exploring the Arctic, or the Amazon rainforest, or darkest Africa, and it was not until someone tapped her on the shoulder or said her name that Coraline would come back from a million miles away with a start, and all in the fraction of a second have to remember who she was, and what her name was, and that she was even there at all. Now there was the sun on her face, and she was Coraline Jones. Yes.
The ghost children have also forgotten their names, and with it most of who they were. In chapter 7, when Coraline is locked behind the mirror in the Other World, one of the ghost children says that names are the first things that one forgets after death.
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"Who are you?" whispered Coraline. "Names, names, names," said another voice, all faraway and lost. "The names are the first thing to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart. We keep our memories longer than our names. I still keep pictures in my mind of my governess on some May morning, carrying my hoop and stick, and the morning sun behind her, and all the tulips bobbing in the breeze. But I have forgotten the name of my governess, and of the tulips too." "I don't think tulips have names," said Coraline. "They're just tulips." "Perhaps," said the voice sadly. "But I have always thought that these tulips must have had names. They were red, and orange-and-red, and red-and-orange-and-yellow, like the embers in the nursery fire of a winter's evening. I remember them."
The ghost children may have their memories, but they have largely forgotten who they were. They may remember their tulips, and certain strong memories, but there is very, very little left of them, and they have forgotten who they once were, they have forgotten their names.
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"That is why we could not leave here, when we died. She kept us, and she fed on us, until now we're nothing left of ourselves, only snakeskins and spider-husks. Find our secret hearts, young mistress."
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"She will take your life and all you are and all you care'st for, and she will leave you with nothing but mist and fog. She'll take your joy. And one day you'll awake and your heart and soul will have gone. A husk you'll be, a wisp you'll be, and a thing no more than a dream on waking, or a memory of something forgotten."
The Other Mother stole their hearts and their souls and their selves. She stole who they were away from them, their identities and names and the names of those they loved, leaving nothing in her wake.
The same ghost that talked about the tulips and the names of the tulips struggles to answer when Coraline asks their gender, as well, and when they do eventually give an answer they seem somewhat unsure of it, as shown by the word choice of “perhaps” and “I believe”
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"A boy, perhaps, then," continued the one whose hand she was holding. "I believe I was once a boy." And it glowed a little more brightly in the darkness of the room behind the mirror.
(I personally take this quote, specifically it "glow[ing] a little more brightly" after coming to this conclusion, to mean either that the ghost is happy at realizing that he was once a boy, or even to mean that he has become somewhat more tangible upon this realization; upon remembering something about his self, and his identity.)
As an aside, it's noteworthy to me that we never learn the Other Mother’s true name. She is simply “The Other Mother” and “The Beldam.” Never is an actual name applied to her, only titles. We do not truly know who, or what, she is. Beings without names are shrouded in mystery (or should i say mist-ery). The ghost children are benevolent mysterious beings, the cat is an ambivalent-leaning-helpful mysterious being, and the other mother is a distinctly malevolent mysterious being.
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"Who are you?" asked Coraline. "I'm your other mother," said the woman.
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"She?" "The one who says she's your other mother," said the cat. "What is she?" asked Coraline. The cat did not answer, just padded through the pale mist beside Coraline.
But in conclusion, names in Coraline are extremely important. I’m sure there’s probably more that I'm missing, and feel free to add onto this, but basically—
People need names to know and remember who they are, and forgetting one’s name is the first step to losing the rest of who one is. Names humanize a person; with a name, they are less shrouded in mystery, more clear.
Knowing somebody's name helps one connect to and better understand that person; it is the first step in getting to know them and see them as a full person, the transition from “the crazy man upstairs” to “Mr Bobo”. Names, to people at least, are one of the fundamental building blocks of who we are.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Bethyl Head Canons. Just Cuz.
Also I was just scrolling your latest insta posts and got to thinking about that line: “There’s no escape for the living.” Hmm. How can I overanalyze this right now? Lol. Well I’m going to first deep dive into the syntax. 
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The assertion that there’s no escape for the living comes with an obvious inversion: There is only escape for the dead. That means you can leave the CRM if you’re dead. This makes sense, in a mafia sort of way. Once you know what you know, you can’t go free. You can’t make that choice anymore. You are a hostage. 
Thinking back to Coda. What if…and this is just a major what if and something I’d never really considered till now, so just hear me out—what if Beth is NOT inside the CRM? What if she is in hiding from the CRM? 
Like Mary Magdalene, protected by her Knights Templar from the murderous faction Opus Dei. Beth is only able to leave Grady once she’s “dead.” And her death is shrouded in inconsistencies. We’ve speculated that somebody was actually never going to let Beth leave alive that day. There’s no escape for the LIVING. So she died. But then what if she was recovered in time, and saved? 
Now we’re going into head canon zone: what If Edwards, desperate for redemption, finds her after TF loses track of her and saves her life? In Slabtown there’s a curious line about him telling Dawn they need a CAT scan machine. What if he got one? From the CRM ofc. He saves Beth and she recovers. 
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But after some time, the CRM deems Grady no longer functional. I mean it’s become very dysfunctional in the end, we know that, with a lot of internal rot and fragmentation. And rotten parts are a threat, so they decide to eliminate said threat. Maybe Beth escapes, possibly not alone, and she finds some friendlies and she’s in hiding? 
If she’s been part of Project V, there may be something special about her blood. Maybe she survived the infection, like Alicia, and now she’s immune and she’s just out there, and they’re trying to find her? The parallel to Mary Magdalene has me not totally writing this off as an alternate possibility to where Beth could be. Imagine a whole faction fighting to protect her? And that she’s immune and has become almost like their salvation? 
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A template does exist for this. In season 2 of Fear, Nick ends up at a shantytown in Tijuana where the leader has a healed bite mark in his shoulder and claims to be immune. We find out he was actually bitten by a human and had been lying to his people to keep them hopeful, but I’m just saying this notion has definitely been toyed with before. Anyway, just some thoughts. Like, I don’t think this is definitely what’s going on by any stretch, but it has suddenly occurred to me as a possibility.
Okay I’m just going to continue this head canon for a moment because it’s fun lol and because it also reminds me of something from World Beyond. I re-watched episode 1.1 the other day, and in the end, Barca comes to Lt Colonel Kublek after the massacre and tells her that they searched everywhere and “can’t find her.” Kublek is pleased with this. 
We’re pretty sure he means Hope Bennett, since Kublek gave her and Iris the map of NY to gaslight them to leave of their own accord. Say a walker horde hits Grady. Maybe Beth is bitten saving others (including Edwards) and escapes. 
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After Beth gets sick but doesn’t die or turn, and she recovers, Edwards realizes that whatever they’d been doing in Project V had worked. She was immune. And after denying her multiple times, a la Peter to her Christ, he finally becomes devoted to her, and he helps her find safe haven. 
Meanwhile, CRM soldiers are combing through the rubble and trying to verify that everyone is dead. But they can’t find Beth. Could even be Kublek herself standing amidst all the carnage. ANYWAY. That’s my head canon express for the evening lol. Very fun to ride!
I like this a lot. We toyed with the idea of not being able to leave the CRM before and with the information we received from Fear with AL and Isabel we know that it's fact based. So I like the thought that in some ways Beth has not approached or search for her family because she would not want to put them in danger. 
Actually I read a fan fiction recently that had a similar plot line. To add to your head canon/theory it would mean that both the flash and the blur in the opening credits that we have seen through the years would literally and figuratively be showing us Beth on the run. 
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Another thing that would come into play is that this would/ could tie in with the mysterious (legs) pulling out the red machete from the ground. I just had an epiphany that the actions of (legs) pulling out the red machete would be a play off of Arthur of Camelot pulling out the sword from the stone. An sign of Beth being the chosen one.
Yeah I love this too. I have some thoughts but I’ll have to put them in later. I’ve had some similar head canons (exactly the same only different ) so I think we’re all on the same page in general.
Now I'm thinking of it as more of a group chat fun fan fiction with some legitimate TWD canon facts. We do have a while before Fear starts and even longer before any of the new spin-off start so why not have some fun. 
I was thinking about how Daryl could find out about Beth especially if he's headed for France and then I thought wouldn't it be cool if Beth is on the run and fighting against the CRM already. How about he finds a Wanted Poster. I know you're shaking your head but didn't we see a Wanted Poster in s11B? 
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It had to do with Eugene looking for the people he thought had kidnapped Stephony. Daryl fines on a wall of Wanted Criminals by the CRM a call back to the missing persons board at the CW but this one is for people who are Wanted by the CRM. A Wanted Poster with the name Beth Greene and a drawn image of her. Would that not catch his attention. This is so much fun.
Head Cannon Update. Between s4 and 5 after Beth had been kidnapped there was this comical promotion I think it was backed by TWD, it was a milk carton with an image of Beth. It read, if found return to Daryl Dixon. This could have been an early hint or later on they kind of played off of that thought. 
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Starting in s8 we suddenly had the paintings behind Maggie's desk at Hilltop of her family. The image of Beth was not exact but so close that there was no mistaking it for being her the same could apply to a wanted poster. I'm sure we've talked about this before but we had Beth being kidnapped by Grady and then we have Rick being kidnapped by the CRM and we know that Daryl is going to be kidnapped and sent to France that is just too much of a coincidence to be one and for it not to all tie together.
I love these! I was also thinking about how Jadis made those paintings in Maggie’s office. Did she have photographs? Maybe Maggie had somehow preserved some, or gone back for them at some point. I mean there’s so much they don’t tell us. 
Anyway, if Jadis is a double agent like we’ve speculated, then maybe she’s seen Beth, recognized her, and helped her. What a great way to tie WB into Daryl’s arc. If she sees Daryl, she’ll be able to help him find Beth, and then he can help reunite her with Gabriel. Also I can’t remember if someone already said this, but probably the reason they had Gabe and Rosita break up is so that when she died, he wouldn’t still be devoted to her. He would be able to move on, re: Jadis.
I don't know that anyone has actually written about the reason Gabriel and Rosita were no longer a romantic couple because they were still devoted to one another and shared a child they both loved and parented together but speaking for myself I have played with the thought that it had to do with Jadis/Ann using Gabe's last name and their past relationship and how that might play into a future storyline.
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Yes I feel that Gabe will always be devoted to Rosita as a mother and a partner, but if they were still in romantic love, that would make it difficult for Gabe to see past her to another relationship, even with a woman he’s already been with. It will be interesting to see what unfolds. I really believe they had Jadis take his name with the full intention of having her see him again.
So, one head canon I've had a lot, which is similar to this, but slightly different in detail, is the idea of Beth having been a test subject after Grady, but escaping. That would obviously be in line with what you've said. But I also extend it to think that she actually is part of the CRM again, but she's kind of deep under cover. So, they don't realize she's one of the test subjects that escaped years ago. In a way, it's a little like Jadis (but with a different twist) in that she would have been out of it for a time and then gone back in.
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I also really love the idea of the wanted poster. The other thing it would obviously connect to is Yumiko seeing the wanted poster for her. I know that was originally the Michonne/Melodie arc in the comic books. 
Lots of TDers thought Beth would get that back in the day. For some reason, I never did. I could totally see why TDers would think that and how it would fit right into Beth's arc, so I understood. But for some reason, it just didn't fit for me. I think it was something about it being about Michonne and her daughter that just didn't scream Beth to me. Which of course makes no sense because they can twist and remix it any way they want, which is what they did by giving it to Yumiko and Tomi. 
Anyway, all of this is just to say that I can see that being them laying the groundwork for something similar to happen with Beth. I really like that idea.
The other thing I like to imagine is that Beth is actually some well known warlord type that is known by the resistance. Not that many people know her true name or true identity, but that she's kind of legendary in fighting against the CRM. 
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So, it would be like Daryl hearing all kinds of stories about some resistance fighter with some generic name. ("The Wolf" or something.) Maybe he even assumes this is a guy, because due to the amount of success this person has had in fighting against the injustice of the CRM, most people would. But over the course of time, he learns the identity of this freedom fighter is Beth. That's one of my fave head canons too.
Head Cannon Up. Liesel I love the thought of Beth being called The Wolf! With that thought in mind, I took a chance on a Wanted Poster.
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(@wdway did the above artwork.)
Daryl seeing the poster ask someone, "why is the girl called the wolf?" Their responses, she's a wolf in sheep's clothing. She appears to be so sweet and pretty and kind but at her heart she's a wolf. That's when Daryl knows it's not just a girl that looks like Beth because underneath all that pretty exterior and heart of gold there is a mighty strength.
I’m not at ALL picturing Daryl breaking down into actual tears when he realizes who she is…
Imagining whoever he is with asking him what’s the matter? And he’s just like, sucks it all back and WHOOSH, disappears. To find her!
We should just take over as writers for the show it’s decided.
I've had so much fun today with these head cannons.
They're also has to be a scene where he sneaks back in and takes the poster and puts it in his back left pocket. Left=Beth.
Did you notice she is wearing her double heart necklace?
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Some possible reference shots. There was one photo that looks ALOT like Emily. I enlarged and it got blurry but still.
Love it, @wdway! Can’t wait to see what you come up with, @galadrieljones! I love your wanted poster! It’s lovely! And I totally agree that we should all be TWD writers.
Head Cannon Update. The guy that tells Daryl why The Wolf is called that go on to said that she is also notorious for burning things down. Daryl just grins.
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d2kvirus · 9 months
Dickheads of the Month: July 2023
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of July 2023 to make sure that they are never forgotten.  
The only conclusion to be drawn is that nobody at The Sun has ever heard of Onlyfans given they twisted a BBC presenter using Onlyfans into “CRIMINAL CHILD PORN” and just kept at that story for the best part of an entire week, only to back down to “HE MET SOMEBODY HE MET ONLINE DURING LOCKDOWN” as if The Sun's editor wasn't at the Lockdown-breaking parties that are part of the Partygate enquiry and “HE WAS A BIT MEAN TO SOMEONE ON GRINDR” when it emerged the source told them the story was bollocks being pushed by their mother and step-father and they should pull it - only to publish it anyway, having sat on the story since May
...and why were The Sun devoting an inordinate amount of time to a non-story to slag off the BBC?  Because proven liar Boris Johnson was refusing to hand his phone over to the Partygate enquiry in spite a High Court order telling him he had to do so and the deadline just so happened to be a couple of days after The Sun broke their non-story
...yet it never occurred to the BBC that, rather than self-flagellate by running the Murdoch copy at the top of all their news bulletins for days on end, maybe they should not talk about the dead cat and instead talk about the news
...while Jeremy Vine was actively telling the accused to reveal themselves solely because he didn't like people saying he was the accused.  That’s right, the same Jeremy Vine who regularly tweets videos to rile up his followers about cyclists was openly tweeting about how much he wanted to throw a colleague under the bus
...meanwhile, the MENSA chapter at GB News thought they were being really, really clever by showing photos of the accused during their programming, albeit their very recognisable headshot had an emoji covering its face
...and then it emerged that proven liar Boris Johnson and his violating a High Court order to submit evidence tot he partygate enquiry conveniently bumped off the front pages, but then it emerged he sat on the news of Carrie Symonds squeezing out another one of his bastard spawn for a week so he had two stories ready to go if he needed to chuck some dead cats on the table
...and then we had Jeremy Kyle in his Talk TV bully pulpit talking about the BBC’s morals.  Yes, the same Jeremy Kyle whose morning talkshow has a literal bodycount thinking he can lecture any form of life about morals
...but karma put the boot on the other foot really f’n fast, as within a couple of days TalkTV were oddly reluctant to say why Tom Newton Dunn had vanished from their output, while GB News were pretending that nobody could notice the obvious lack of Dan Wootton on Dan Wootton’s show after it emerged that Dan Wootton had a history of abusive and controlling behaviour (and that's just the tip of that particularly sordid iceberg) and yet, for some strange reason, neither channel thought that either of these cases was in the public interest
...but then GB News had the genius idea to let Dan Wootton back on the air, meaning that Dan Wootton sat there bemoaning “dark forces” which were trying to take GB news off the air - in spite the minor detail about the Byline Times investigation into his activities posing as “Martin Branning” began three months before GB News’ existence was announced
...and because Dan Wootton is a shameless grifter, his response to the second round of allegations of his pattern of behaviour going back a decade was to go on his GB News how - because GB News still let him on air, making their hysteria about the BBC accused even more ironic - and started panhandling for people to pay his legal fees due to these “leftist allegations” which, by this point, also involved News UK as they were named as paying £1m in settlements and handing out NDAs to make allegations about Wootton go away
Billionaire manchild Elon Musk demonstrated what a big business brain he has by introducing a new Twitter policy: people who aren't dumb enough to pay him to use a free platform are only allowed to see 600 posts per day, but those who are dumb enough get to see 6000, which is a very clever thing to do for a platform that requires views to get ad revenue - and all because him walling up the platform due to paranoia about ChatGPT only served to make the site DDOS itself .  Also, if somebody can remind me, what did he say about Twitter Verify being a “lord & peasants” system...?
…unsurprisingly, this led to billionaire manchild Elon Musk having one hell of a meltdown when Treads went live and picked up the sort of userbase that his gaggle of incels and crypto shills could never hope to manage.  So he tried to sue Threads for copying Twitter, somehow failing to comprehend that the people he sacked in mass layoffs are free to take their expertise anywhere they damn well like if there is a job offer, before resorting to posting “Zuck is a cuck” in the belief that did anything other than make it obvious just how pissed off he was
...and then it was suggested that billionaire manchild Elon Musk had been siphoning off Tesla funds to build himself a glass house, as per the Wall Street Journal, which is literally a plot point of Glass Onion
...but then billionaire manchild Elon Musk had a brilliant idea: chuck as much Twitter ad revenue as he could at a handful of his favourite fashy content creators in the belief that it made the platform look financially stable, and definitely wouldn't cause any issues like countless other content creators asking why they weren't getting the ad revenue and reluctantly having to be told that it's because Elon was throwing it at accounts like End Wokeness or beanie-wearing testicle Tim Pool to try and look successful and anybody else would have to sit there with nothing, which of course is guaranteed to never, ever blow up in Elon’s face the second people learned this and noted how much this looks like a pyramid scheme
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk had another one of his genius ideas, where he decided that Twitter would from now on be called X, because two decades of not just brand recognition but actually contributing to the English language is not as important as him using the name he wanted to use for PayPal before he got booted from the company for being a moron with terrible ideas
...and on the subject of billionaire manchild Elon Musk having terrible ideas, after rebranding Twitter to something nobody would ever call it, he decided to change the sign on the Twitter offices in San Francisco there and then - only to have the police show up and tell him to put it back up as he did not have a permit for all the equipment on the street because, as always, he didn't think something through
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk decided that a Twitter user posting literal kiddie porn was not grounds for a ban, instead their account was reinstated after the photos were removed even though Musk admitted the account had broken the law...which means, yup, go ahead and guess what the political stance of the kiddie porn tweeter happens to be
...but wait!  Billionaire manchild Elon Musk had yet another genius idea, this time erecting an abysmlally-constructed X on the roof of Twitter HQ - an X which lit up at night with strobing lights...strobing lights that the apartment building across the street really appreciated
To nobody's surprise, waffling gargoyle Nigel Farage was talking absolute bollocks when raging about his bank closing his account (but not naming that bank, as Coutt’s is hardly a bank for salt of the earth people) due to his political stance, and in fact closing it because he no longer had the £3m in savings to justify it - and then he flounced off when he was offered a NatWest account
...and then ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak waded in claiming that the waffling gargoyle was being denied “basic services” as if anybody could walk into Coutt’s and open an account
...and because waffling gargoyle Nigel Farage was determined to keep whining, not least because the British press had been publishing his version of events and not reality, he continued whining on Newsnight - only to have a complete meltdown when it was broken to him that Coutt’s actually could have closed his acocunt years ago but let him off the hook as he was paying his mortgage, leaving him ranting that all bank managers are “woke” and “remainers”
...which led to Rishi Sunak effectively changing how the entire UK banking system operates in order to placate Farage, although the letter he received from the head of NatWest made it abundantly clear what Coutt’s position was - and that position was accept the NatWest account you were offered when you fell below the terms of owning a Coutt’s account or fuck off
...and then it turned out that Paul Marshall had been shorting NatWest stock.  Yes, the Paul Marshall who owns GB News and employs Nigel Farage on that very same channel, who was using one of the channel’s hosts foghorning about his Coutts’s account for over a week to pocket millions thanks to the waflfing gargoyle spending over a week crying, aided and abetted by both the British media and the British government the whole time
It didn’t take long for Robert F Kennedy Jr to stop “asking questions” to sounding like a fashy little dickhead, with him suggesting that Covid was ethnically targeted to spare the Chinese and Jews - and then try and deny the video of him saying this was actually him
Unifying force Keir Starmer has yet another genius idea: elocution lessons as a standard part of the education curriculum.  Of course, if he wanted to suggest young people being able to express their thoughts and feelings clearly was a good thing, he wouldn't have had a couple of young protestors bundle a pair of protestors calling him out for his green energy u-turn at the exact time he was saying how important it is for young people to express themselves...
Alleged headmistress Katharine Birbalsingh continues to be an advertisement for state education by accusing Jess Phillips of saying she isn't Asian - when the quote, making reference to the Chronicles of Narnia, was “You're not Aslan” - and, as always with Birbalsingh, rather than admit a mistake she instead went off on a meltdown accusing Phillips of systematic racism against her while also trying to say a screengrab made an L look like an I, when her “proof” is based on accusing Phillips of organising a dogpile on her 45 minutes before Phillips tweeted about her lunkheaded tweet about Ike & Tina Turner (which Birbalsingh didn't apologise for and made all manner of absurd excuses)
The worst thing about Johnny Mercer making himself the main character of the Tory party for a few days is it meant we had to watch him being such an obnoxious, bullying dick on Question Time that even Fiona Bruce was stepping in telling him to cut the shit, while his wife Felicity Cornelius-Mercer was fighting his battles for him on Twitter which mainly involved her getting insanely triggered by Carole Vorderman that she was yelling about her even when nobody mentioned her - and then it turned out that Felicity Cornelius-Mercer had been waging a harassment campaign against Vorderman since at least April
The minivan taliban that is Moms for Liberty are now openly calling for the murder of Joe Biden, which is perfectly normal and definitely not a reason for the FBI to start paying attention
Nancy Astor fangirl Rachel Reeves continued to prove her suitability for her key role in Keir Starmer’s Labour Party by openly accusing Ken Loach of being an antisemite during a Guardian interview - and when asked to back that up with so much of an atom of evidence, all she could do is stammer and harrumph
Of course it didn't occur to Bob Iger that it wasn't unions being “unrealistic” but studio CEOs such as Bob Iger (funny, that..) who were being unrealistic in thinking that their writers were happy getting residuals that wouldn't cover the bill for a meal for two, or that the actors and teamsters unions would not side with the writers union
...which led to Disney having to rope in staff form their parks to attend the Haunted Mansion premier wearing their Cruella De Ville costumes, meaning that we had the visual of Bob Iger demanding a literal Mickey Mouse outfit show up so that he didn't look like he was “losing”
...and then it appeared that NBC Universal wanted to get on board the dickhead train, as they hacked down the branches of the trees on the sidewalk outside the Universal lot to deprive the strikers of shade during an LA summer - which promptly saw Universal receive a phone call from LA City asking why they had taken a chainsaw to the branches of LA City trees
Stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik thought she was being clever when posting a photo of an empty movie theatre for a screening of Sound of Freedom in spite the film raking it in at the box office, when what she was actually doing was revealing that nobody is paying to see the film and its box office takings are astroturfed to make it look popular when you can count the people at theatres paying to see it on one hand
...and the fact that Angel Studios have a page on their website asking people to buy Sound of Freedom tickets for Angel Studios to give away, with over 11m tickets sold, make it pretty hard for the culture warriors to claim the film’s takings aren't papered and it is playing to empty theatres which are allegedly sold out
It surely comes as no surprise to learn that Nadine Dorries is so utterly pathetic that she is badgering Liz Truss for a seat in the House of Lords in Truss’ resignation honours list, in spite never even attending Commons at any point in Truss’ premiership (or Rishi Sunak’s, for that matter), which also comes hot on the heels that her book whinging about the downfall of her pwecious wickle BoBo is set to launch the day before this year's Tory conference
Once again proven liar Boris Johnson used his Mail column to spout self-aggrandizing bollocks, this time him harrumphing about “Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ” and how he wanted to bring it to an end - which would be news to proven liar Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson when he introduced the Ultra Low Emission Zone in 2015 when he was Mayor of London
In the braincells of the New Hampshire Libertarian Party it is perfectly normal to respond to Nina Turner saying insulin should be free by saying that she should be picking crops for free, and if anyone suggests telling a black woman she should be in the fields picking crops for free is racist it's perfectly normal to double, triple and quadruple down and claim they’re not being racist by suggesting a black woman pick crops for free but they’re being socialist
It hasn't occurred to Keir Starmer’s Labour Party that it might be a good idea to highlight their win in the Selby byelection, but instead they fixated on losing the Uxbridge & South Ruislip byelection by less than 500 votes by throwing Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan under the bus by blaming the Ultra Low Emission Zone for it to ensure the Tory press (i.e. the entire English press) had that to focus on and not the two seats the Tories lost for the weekend’s news cycle, the ULEZ brought in by Khan’s predecessor as mayor (and also outgoing Uxbridge & South Ruislip MP) the proven liar Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson and extended by the transport secretary Grant Schapps, both of whom are Tories as noted by Khan when wondering what the hell Starmer’s mob were going on about, though Khan stopped short of suggesting that maybe if Starmer didn't tell the local party their choice to stand in the byelection was “wrong” and imposed the candidate on them that might have pissed off just enough people who were considering voting Labour that it could have lost them 496 votes
Remember how Colleen Ballinger caused a sizable chunk of the internet to cringe themselves to death with her ukulele nonpology to grooming allegations?  She then went and released her ukulele nonpology to grooming allegations to Apple Music and Spotify, while also flinging copyright claims at any Youtube commentary channel that featured clips of her ukulele nonpology to grooming allegations which she had decided to monetise like a normal person would
On the subject of sending nudes to people, Marjorie Taylor Greene has reached the point of batshit insanity where she's now emailing links to a video showing a nude Hunter Biden to all her constituents who have subscribed to her eNewsletter, all at the taxpayer’s expense
According to Petronella Wyatt there are two women in London hospitals who went to Turkey for cosmetic surgery only to have both kidneys removed.  Before boarding a flight back to London.  And not dying before they got to the airport
...but because Petronella Wyatt seems to think that writing articles is in her best interests, she also accepted her Tufton Street brief to slag off Carol Vorderman and sounded like a spiteful, elitist cow - and she promptly had to threaten legal action against people who replied to her attempted character assassination by reminding Wyatt that she had an affair with the then-married proven liar Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson and had to have not one but two abortions during the affair, the affair which got proven liar Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson booted out of Michael Howard’s shadow cabinet when he lied about it
If somebody could explain to Ben Shapiro his hysterical screeching about the Barbie movie makes him look utterly ridiculous even by his standards, with him barbequing Barbie and Ken dolls at one point, that might help him grow as a human being - and no, I did not intend to make a pun about his minuscule height
Walking disaster area Lee Anderson though it would be a good idea to film an edition of his GB News show on the Houses of Parliament terrace - and was promptly dragged in front of the the parliamentary standards committee for breach of conduct 
Somebody really should give SSSniperwolf clear and concise directions into how to take an L, because her response to jacksfilms calling her out for stealing content and getting rewarded for it, not least by Youtube making her a keynote speaker at VidCon, was to accuse him of sexism or being jealous as if Jack doesn't have a track record of calling out users who steal content going back to the bad old days of =3 or Jinx 
I don't suppose that Jason Aldean has tried not singing some dogwhistling shite, regardless of the size of the town or city he is trying it in?
Remarkably pathetic display from Max Schrader during a Tottenham press conference on their pre-season tour of the Far East where he brandished a Bayern Munich shirt with Harry Kane's name on it, which got him chewed out in the press conference and his press credentials revoked the second the presser was over, which of course he whined about in a Bild column while planning his flight back to Germany several days earlier than anticipated
Failed nepo baby Lawrence Fox clearly needs the attention, because hot on the heels of waffling gargoyle Nigel Farage kvetching about Coutts closing his account at the end of June, Fox started harping on about Barclays and his account...while failing to notice the screenshot he attached was not relevant for the year 2023, but would have been in 2014...
0 notes
chocominnie · 3 years
One Last Time 01  —  Pjm. (M)
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, Exbf!Jimin, model!reader, sad au, fluff, tons of smut, angst
⇢ Synopsis: Your idol ex boyfriend Jimin cheated on you. You two have been broken up for a while now and the media has been keeping track of you and him. You’re trying to get over him, but the things that happen inbetween makes you re-think the entire breakup, and so does Jimin…
⇢ Song : xxxxx
⇢ Word Count : 4.3k
⇢ Warnings: dominant jimin, makeout sessions, this is honestly a sad angsty au, cheating, pregnancy, unprotected and protected sex, a bunch of sex, no really a LOT of sexual themes too, I know I’m forgetting some but sorry in advance!
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Authors note: This is my mini series for the summer! Get your tissues, things to take your anger out on, and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Shall we begin?
The winter’s coldness is hardly enough for you to bear. Even though it’s just the beginning, Seoul is known to just go from season to season without a fucking warning. Not only that, but the first snowfall is going to come soon. The weatherman has been talking about it non-stop for the past few days. It’s going to be a brutal one he says but he says that every year so why believe?
Turning off your alarm, you take a few minutes to collect yourself and stretch. Barely any sleep once again but that’s an everyday thing now.. without Jimin. It’s been some rough months not having his body wrapped snugly onto yours. These days you long for his touch, but completely dread at the same time for very good reasons.
Your kitten greets you with small licks on your thigh in which in return you pet her head softly with a smile.
‘‘ At least I still have you babygirl. You keep me company. “ You coo softly while grabbing your phone off the charger. Texts from your best-friend just spamming you with love and apparently she’s coming over. Great. That’s normal.  But one text catches your eye. Jeon Jungkook.
You furrow your eyebrows as your finger slides to open it after typing in your password. In relief, he’s just checking up on you as always. Rolling your eyes, you muster enough strength to actually pull yourself out of bed. The cold tiles hit your feet like icicles. You jump from from foot to foot cursing yourself for not turning on the floor heaters as you walk out the room. Clara, your kitten, follows you out purring nonchalantly with a few meows here and there.
‘’ Alright Clara I hear you. Im getting your food now.’’ You chuckle, grabbing her food from the bottom kitchen cabinet right under the sink and pour her half a cup of cat food and a whole bowl of water.
After snacking on your morning granola bar you prepare yourself for your morning routine. Shower, brush teeth, skin care, get dressed, clean. Your phone dings once more just before stripping yourself of your clothes. You don’t bother to look it’s probably just a social media notification.
Drying your hair with a towel as you get out the steaming hot shower, you head straight for the mirror. Dark circles remain under your eyes from months of barely any sleep. You sigh, and gently rub under them. Jimin is the cause of this. Why would he do this to you. Surely enough he would not like to see you like this at all. The worriedness he would have over you is huge. But he has moved on and you just have to accept it no matter how in-love you still are with him.
As you clean up around the living room, another ding from your phone occurs. A groan escapes your lips as you place the pillows back as they should be. In hopes of it just being your manager giving you some good news, you let out a sigh and plop yourself down on the grey suede couch. Three new messages. Jeon Jungkook, who has text you twice, and Ryan your bestfriend. 
‘‘ Damn it Ryan why must you consistently text me twenty four sev- “
“ Beause I need to know if you’re okay.”
You jump and drop your phone onto the hardwood floor from the voice that comes from around you.
“ Holy fucking shit you scared me! “  You whine, turning around to face your best-friend. She smiles and holds out her arms for a hug. You roll your eyes and open yours waiting for her embrace.
“ Oh i’ve missed you so so so so so so so-”
“ You just seen me yesterday..” Your voice sarcastic and bland as you let go of her. You sit on the couch first followed by Ryan sitting right next to you.
She looks good today, the navy blue coat she has on suits her very well. Although, you cannot figure out why she decided to wear leggings today. It’s going to rain a bit later but you disregard that seeing as though she’s the fashion deisgner and not you.
You. The model and seemingly ex girlfriend of one of the biggest solo idol in the world right now. Thats what they call you in the news, headlines in magazines, and real life as if you don’t have a real name and just was his acessory. Your modeling career had taken off way before dating him. The world, or Seoul to say the most, didn’t acklowledge you to that point yet. 
“ Okay but still. You know we should be roomates. It’ll be easier for me to watch over you. “
Your head turns towards her quickly shaking no, “ I don’t need to be looked over im 20 years old.”
Silence takes place for the next few seconds. You know what she’s going to say next but pray she doesn’t. Those words will just make you even more upset. It’s already enough you have that constant reminder in your head. 
You watch her fiddle with the rings on her index and pinky fingers. “ But you know… you haven’t been the same since you and Jimi-”
“ Don’t fucking say it. I don’t want to hear it.”
She sighs harshly and stands up, “ Im just worried about you Yn”
“ Don’t be. Im fine. “ That lie escaped your tongue way too easily. 
Truthfully you haven’t and won’t be fine. Everyday there is something new about that girl and Jimin on twitter. Gossip pages, twitter fanpages, and online entertainment pages just always talking about them. They did this, they did that today. Oh we caught them going to this and that restaurant. That used to be you and him.. but now everyone has forgotten about you and focused on them.
Ever since you’ve told reporters and paparazzi repeatedly that you will not be holding or going to any interview they just stopped. A few calls here and there to your manager about scheduling one but she knew you didn’t want to do them so every request is denied. Although its been a year and some change, they still seem to want your side and your opinion to weigh in on. I guess that’s what happens when you date an Idol.
“ The door.. Y/N the door somebody is at the door.” Ryan says, tapping you over and over. You shake your head interrupting your thoughts for the time being. A few more knocks come through.
Finally up onto your feet you harshly walk to the door with each step making noise. It’s to early in the morning for someone to actually be knocking at the door right now. Whoever it is better be dropping off some sort of package, or they’ll surely get a piece of your mind.
Your frail hands grab onto the doorknob and swing it open. Your eyes almost pop through your sockets. How? How did he know you were here? You certainly did not tell him your knew address.
There he stands, his tall frame looking down on you. Lips formed into a tiny pout along with his eyebrows scrunched slightly. His brown eyes forming an ungodly stare into yours with his specs on.
“ Yn! Do you know how worried I was about you? Why did you not answer my messa-”
“Jungkook how do you know where I live?” You pace your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him. To your knowledge, you never gave Jungkook your new apartment address.
Jungkook swallows slowly and puts on his best innocent face on. Oh please like that would work in this moment right now. The only person who has this address is Ryan because she’s the one who helped you move. Even if you had the choice of not giving it out to Ryan you would of but you couldn’t do that to her. She would of been so upset.
Ryan’s voice blares in the background full of excitement. Here we fucking go. “Jungkook! Come in Come in.”
“ Ryan says I could come in.” He says quickly, brushing past you and removing his shoes.
You heavily sigh and slam the door shut. What is this a family reunion? On your way back to the couch you notice them laughing and giggling like two five year old children. They don’t even notice you when you sit right across from them.
You study their expressions. Their chemistry is something so strong. The way their eyes light up when they meet, the way that Jungkook smiles and scrunches his nose more often when she’s around. You miss that. You miss doing that.
“ So are you both coming along this afternoon?”
Your attention focuses back on them. Of course you weren’t paying attention once again.
Your eyes slowly meet with theirs, “ Huh? Where are we going?”
“ Kookie finally bought a house! He wants us to come tonight for chicken and beer. You’re coming right?”
A sharp pain goes through your heart. If the both you you guys go then theirs a possibility that Jimin was invited too. After all, that is his brother. If Jimin comes then he’s most likely going to bring Isabel. A recipe for disaster. Your poor heart, that most likely could not bare the sight of them infront of you, would shatter into a million pieces.
Jungkook’s expression is ready to burst into happiness or to turn into a pout awaiting for your answer. If you let him down he’ll surely be mad at you. But putting yourself before him this time would be the right thing to do right?
“ Listen Jungkook I.. don’t think I can go.” You start off, playing with your hair with your head down.
“ I’ll space you two apart.”
Your face automatically lifts itself up in shock. Somehow, that little confirmation of Jimin being there, gave you some hope. Hope for what though?
 “ Wha-what do you mean?”
Jungkook sighs heavily with his hand going up to his brown hair running it through lightly. “ I’ll make sure you two are distanced apart. You don’t want to come because of Jimin but I’ll make sure I’ll invite more people to keep you company and away from him. Okay?”
“ Please Yn. I’ll be there too.” Ryan begs, laying her head on Jungkook’s shoulder. Jungkook smiles a little, caressing her cheek with his other hand upon waiting your response.
Weird. When did they get so close?
The first thing you want to say is that you really could not go. But they already know the excuse now. You might as well just give in.
‘‘ Fine. What time tonight? “
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Skincare and makeup products are scattered everywhere on your vanity. You needed the perfect look for tonight that says ‘Yes im doing fine without you’, but in reality you’re doing worse. This is the night where you’ll actually see him. Damn it’s been a while.
After you apply your highlight you step back and take a look at yourself. Not bad at all. You smile to yourself and start cleaning up the mess of products you had  distributed across the vanity. A new text appears on you phone as soon as you gather everything up and put it back in it’s place. Grabbing your phone, it’s Ryan giving you the address to Jungkook’s new house.
You sigh and mentally prepare yourself, ‘‘ Okay Yn. You can do this. It’s just one night of conversing among people. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone new.”
Before heading out you grab your coat and scarf. Clara follows you all the way to the door letting out her little meows once again. You bend down to pet her head lightly with a smile. “ Clara im coming back. I’ve put food in your bowl babygirl.”
She purrs under your touch then walks away to settle herself in her bed. You take one last final look at your decent sized apartment before heading out.
The subway ride was agonizing pain for you due to it being 30 minutes long. Well, at-least you can ride the subway now. Your mind wouldn’t even of thought of that when you were with him. Everybody would have noticed you and bombard you with questions.
The outskirts of Seoul is peaceful and quite. Not many people live over here. Mostly famous actors and idols. The taxi takes a few minutes to get to the fairly clean subway station. Once you’re inside you take a good look at the driver who seems to be eyeing you in suspicion. You pull out your phone and read the words to the address exactly to him. The taxi man pulls of into the empty streets of god knows where.
All it took was a ten minute ride and then you’re there. The taxi man pulls up to a security guard booth. Just beyond the gates is more street but  by squinting your eyes you can make out just a few newly built houses.
‘‘ Who are you here to see?” The taxi driver says.
“ Jeon Jungkook.?
The driver talks to the man for a few seconds before you see the security guard pick up a phone and start dialing. The security is extremely uptight, thats good. After a few moments of speaking the security guard finally opens the gates to be let through.
As you pull up to the house you’re automatically mesmerized on how big and beautiful it is. There’s fresh bushes and some white roses growing in the front of it complementing the white modern style home. The roundabout is full of luxurious cars, in which might be all the other guests.
‘‘ 10 dollars’‘ He says. You give him the ten, thank him, and grab your purse, closing the door behind you.
Your eyes meet face to face with the expensive house. Behind you is the tire wheels backing up and running off back down the roundabout. The time on your watch reads 8:15. Only fifteen minutes late, not bad right?
With each step you take fear quivers inside of you. What if he opens the door? What if that girl opens it instead? The wind blows harsh-fully hitting your cheeks making them turn slightly colored. You raise a small, shaky fist to knock on the door. Your blood turning cold, and face turning pale already. Your anxiety already taking its place inside of your body.
The door swings open revealing Ryan smiling from ear to ear. She pulls you inside without even a greeting. You kick your shoes off in a hurry as she pulls you more and more inside. Scanning the area around you, its a nice huge place. First the both of you pass the entrance, then the chef sized kitchen, which then leads you to the spacious living room where everybody seems to be sitting.
All eyes are on you now with some familiar faces and some not. They smile and greet you one by one and you slightly bow your head with a fake smile.
‘‘ Ah Yn, nice to see you again huh.’‘ Hoseok, the smiley one says, getting up from his seat to greet you once more.
‘‘ Nice to see you to Hoseok. Is Chae-Yeon here? I’ve baked the cookies she likes.’’  You say, holding up the big tuba-wear of freshly baked cookies. Nobody can resist those.
‘‘ No she had to work sadly, but I will enjoy them for her.’‘ He chuckles, bringing the tuba-wear out of your dainty, cold hands.
A very familiar voice booms from behind you causing you to turn around. “ Yn! You actually did come!’’ Jungkook, the owner of the voice exclaims. He wipes his hands with a napkin just before pulling you into a hug.You pat his back just before letting go.
Ryan smiles and shakes her head, “ I told you she would come.’’
Only one hour and 30 minutes into the festivities and half of the people here are drunk or nearly there. You on the other hand do not drink at all. Staying sober throughout this whole party is a must. Who knows what would happen if you start drinking and saying things.Ryan seems to be doing good with Jungkook who’s laying on the floor laughing and cracking jokes with her head laying on his stomach giggling along with him. The others have casually invited themselves into the guest game-room to play some pool.
You just sit there on the couch, munching on a cookie and smiling and laughing here and there at one of Seokjin and Jungkook’s back-to-back jokes that seem to never leave the air.
Only for a knock on the door to interrupt  their flow of jokes.
‘‘ I got it I got it.” Seokjin stammers, placing a beer bottle down and stumbling towards the door. You freeze, face turning pale once more. It’s them. It could be them. Your teeth find their way to your lips and you begin to chew on it excessively.
Ryan notices it and automatically gets up from Jungkook, ‘‘ Come Yn, lets go see if the game of pool is interesting.’‘
You nod your head slightly as you get up from the couch. What are you worrying for? You look extravagant tonight. No need to worry yourself.
Just before taking your first few steps you stop, that voice. That oh so familiar voice begins to inch closer and closer. The famous laugh that he always tries to stifle by putting his hand over his mouth, that you’ve always thought was so fucking cute, fills the air.
You don’t know what got over you, but you sit back down dragging Ryan down with you. “ Yn? What are you doing I thought you wanted to avoid him.’’
‘’ No it’s okay. Im going to be fine.’‘ You say, awaiting upon his arrival into the room.
The footsteps are haunting you with each step they take.
‘‘ Everyone, Isabel and Jimin are here.’‘ Seokjin stammers, smiling wide clearly drunk from all the beer consumed.
Your eyes go directly towards his. The pit of your stomach flutters with nervousness as you hold the long stare with him. His facial expression shocked but not showing it at all. His partner, who’s arm is linked with his, smiles brightly at everyone bowing her head slightly to them including you.
‘‘ Sorry we are late. Jimin didn’t want to come out of his home studio but I’ve made him come along with me.’‘ Her voice gentle and soft.
‘‘ Yn I forgot let me show you my new painting i have received.” Jungkook says quickly, trying to escape you from the awkwardness.You can bare it though its not as bad as you thought.
‘‘ Maybe later Kookie. I’m going to grab some juice.”  You say, getting up from your spot. You brush past Jimin lightly with Ryan tailing along with you.
The spacious kitchen was perfect for you to escape for just a moment. Silence is golden. Ryan sighs, pouring you and her a glass of juice. Nothing is to be said yet. But you know she really wants to have her input.
Raising the glass to your lips, you take a sip letting the tanginess run across your tongue and down your throat. ‘’ Say it Ryan.’’
She puts her cup down and looks at you with your eyebrows furrowed, ‘’ You aren’t fine. Please just avoid them for the night.’’
You knew it was coming but you have to face the fact that they area couple anyways so why avoid it? Maybe your mind will finally accept it to see it in person.
‘‘ I have to face it one way or another so why not now?’‘
She shakes her head in disapproval, finishing the rest of her juice. “ No you don’t. You’re making yourself suffer and I don’t like it.’’
‘‘ Yn.. did you make these cookies?’‘ A voice says behind you. Ryan’s eyes go wide and then looks at you signaling for you to not turn around. But you do it anyways.
Isabel. How dare she call you by a pet name? You don’t even know her like that and she’s doing this. Anger wants to get the best of you but you remain humble and calm.
‘‘ Yes. Is there a problem though? Are they not good?’‘ You say, putting on your best innocent act.
She smiles as she moves a piece of hair of her perfectly framed face, ‘’ No they are great! I was wondering if i can have the recipe.. for Jimin’s purpose of course.’’
You breathe through your nostrils with your eyes closed. She knows what she’s doing. She likes seeing you suffer huh? ‘’ You can follow any recipe online. I just add almond extract and substitute white sugar for brown.’’
Ryan shakes her head slightly while sticking her cup into the sink. ‘’ I’m going to be back I have to use the restroom.’’
Once she leaves Isabel’s smile drops.’’ Almond? Im- Im allergic!” She says, semi yelling at you. You’re shocked more or so at the sudden outburst that you can’t speak. You had zero knowledge of her being allergic, it’s an accident for sure.
 “You did this on purpose!’’ She says, tears filling her eyes as she goes into a coughing fit.
Shit. You didn’t know if anyone was allergic to nuts here but you had put it in anyways because that was the secret ingredient
‘’ I- I didn’t know im sorry is there anything I can do?’’ You say, guilt taking over you while you rush to her side patting her back. 
‘‘ Get off of me! You did this on purpose! You never liked me anyways. Jimin! Jimin!‘ She scream’s, coughing and wheezing making her face red.
Multiple footsteps rush into the kitchen. You don’t know what to do at this point so you just back away and let whoever take over. All the commotion going on and yelling is starting to give you a slight headache. All of the boys surround her, bombarding with questions and asking each other what to do. 
‘‘ What’s all the yelling about? What happened! “ Jungkook exclaims rushing towards her hunched over body.
‘‘ What’s going on? “ That voice that haunts you everynight finally comes inside the kitchen. When he see’s Isabel he automatically rushes towards her side. It pains you to see him rush to another woman’s body. But that figure is no longer yours so he has every right to do that.
‘‘ She-She put almond in the cookies on purpose! She’s trying to–to-’‘ She manages to wheeze out before another coughing fit.
Jimin’s eyes meet yours full of rage but then taken over by concern. He knows your hurt. Still hurt from the past and from this very situation now. You don’t manage to keep eye contact, so the floor is your eyes’ bestfriend right now.
‘‘ Yn. is this true? Why would you do that?”  He says, eyes never leaving yours and voice soft.
You shake your head quickly, “ I didn’t know she was allergic. I always put almond extract an-’’
“ You knew better than to put any type or form of nut in a dish when bringing it to ones house. You never know if someone has an allergy to it.’‘ Jungkook scolds you, eyes furrowed in shame.
‘‘ Don’t blame her. She didn’t fucking know.” Ryan’s voice enters the room in madness. She comes to your side with her arms crossed. Your own personal savior. Without her, you’d still be feeling guilty and taking the blame.
‘‘ Besides, you knew better than to invite him if you knew he was going to bring the girl he cheated on her with.. right?’‘ She says, cocking her head to the side as her attitude takes over.
The room is silent again. Good girl Ryan. 
Isabel lifts her head in disbelief along with Jimin. “ Listen that’s beside the point. Just don’t do it again.” Jimin says, focusing his attention back on Isabel. He reaches into her purse to grab her Epi-pen.
His scolding is enough to send your eyes into tears. You shouldn’t of agreed to come. This is a disaster. You take the tuba-wear of cookies from the counter on your way out of the kitchen and dispose of them. Your vision is blurry and you don’t know where your going but you just need some air. You make lefts and rights down long and short hallways till you reach a room that has a balcony.
You slip on who-ever’s house slippers and open the sliding door revealing the winter’s cold harsh air. You lean on the railing and close your eyes breathe in and out heavily.
Wiping the tears away, You open our eyes and look straight ahead. The whole city is lit up such a beautiful view for a sad moment. The sad moment is cut short by the sliding door opening and closing. You don’t bother to turn around it’s probably just Ryan checking on you again. When are people going to stop doing that?
“ Yn.”
Thats the last voice you wanted to hear.
‘‘ Are you happy? Happy for scolding me infront of everybody.”  You sniffle, wiping away your leaking nose.
You hear some rustling before something is placed on your shoulders. You look down at the material and shrug it off of you.
‘‘ Give it to your girlfriend.”
‘‘ I can’t let you be cold. Put it back on.’‘ He sighs, picking it back up and coming closer to you. You both stand side by side. Jimin puts his jacket around you once more and before you could re-do your action just before, he speaks.
‘‘ Shrug it off again and I’ll scold you. Do you understand?’‘ He says firmly.
You don’t bother to speak. Silence is golden.
‘‘ Listen.. i know you still aren’t over the fact that we are through but-”
‘‘ Shut up. I don’t want to hear it. Please go tend to your dying girlfriend.’‘ You say, sarcastically.
He huffs, “ She’s resting right now. She wouldn’t have to be if you wouldn’t of put-’’
You turn towards him slowly and meet his eyes daring for him to finish the rest of his sentence. ‘’ Don’t you fucking dare Park Jimin.’’
‘‘ Honorifics.’‘ He says, slightly looking down at you due to the height difference.
‘‘ You’re right Jimin-ssi.’‘
Jimin’s expression is taken a-back. You knew that one honorific word would hurt him.
‘‘ If we are done speaking I will take my leave now.” You say, eyes never leaving his as you take off his jacket and toss it to him, leaving him outside in the cold
This night was one of your worst mistakes. You thought you could handle it, but couldn’t. So maybe Ryan and Jungkook were right. Maybe you can’t handle it at all..
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eponymous-rose · 3 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E133 (April 13, 2021)
(Little distracted tonight! Please excuse any and all omissions.)
Tonight’s guests on Good Morning Quebec are Marisha Ray and Travis Willingham!
How are Beau and Fjord feeling about their leadership responsibilities among the Nein? Marisha: “Beau has always admired Fjord and respected his ability to speak like an adult. It does feel like-- are Beau and Fjord the only adults in the room?” Travis points out Caduceus and Caleb’s leadership as well. “In that conversation, at least, just because I want it to be a tiny bit meta, a lot of it’s just mindset. Fjord knows that Beau is a world-breaker, can kick that ass, and the idea that part of the focus would be diverted towards how can we get out here, it was feeling a little bit more like we’re done for rather than we can do this. It was his way of doing the old coach reminder of stop thinking of the ways you’re going to get out of this and start thinking of the ways you’re going to dominate this.” Marisha mentions that Beau and Travis are kind of the two who aren’t saying goodbyes, and yet they’re two of the only ones who just have the Nein. “Even Caleb was allowed to say goodbye to his cat! We don’t even have that. It’s just the Nein. They are the ultimate goodbyes for us, if it comes to that. But hopefully it won’t come to that.” Travis: “There’s a certain drive that comes with not having wrapped it up in a pretty bow.”
On Fjord’s decision to have the Rangers engage: “Yeah, that one stings. I was suffering from the good ol’ regurts almost as soon as it happens. I realized it was just Essek and Fjord, and he was just asking me, and boy there were a lot of horseshit RP things going around my head.” He kept in mind that the captain has to be decisive and focus on his people. “I in no way thought of Dagon at all. Fuck, did I send Dagon to his death? Did that headstrong dude go, nah, I’ll do my own thing and get out of there? I hadn’t really experienced that kind of instant regret in a gameplay situation yet. But in leadership moments, or when you have to make a decision like that, sometimes it’s important to take a fucking minute and think about what you’re doing. Even in D&D. I wish I had taken a moment to say, how far away are they? If you engage them from afar, can you slow them down long enough? Set an ambush if you can, but at least be at max.”
On Beau’s meditation attempt that ended in contact with Lucien: “I think I know exactly what he was trying to do. He was trying to put another fuckin’ eye somewhere on me. I was remembering Keyleth putting her hand in the spinning black orb of death under the Ziggurat and I rolled a natural twenty.” Travis asks if she thinks she and Caleb are “next up in the queue” now that so many of the Tombtakers are dead. “Yeah. I’m gonna get turned.” Travis: “I’ll kill you real good, Beau. I’ll take Caleb first because he made me promise, but I’ll get you good, too.”
On Fjord now having more information about Vandren: “I love it. I feel like such a fuckin’ moron. It never occurred to me for one second that a shipwrecked person that survived would have maybe just wound up on the nearest island. Nope. Didn’t even bother to do the Castaway grid and check the nearest body of land. I’m a fuckin’ terrible D&D player.” Fjord washed up extremely far away from the wreck. “I love that he’s there. I cannot wait to go find him and have a conversation. I just don’t know which will come first: going to Darktow and confronting Sabien or going to see Vanden. But both of those things are on the list, for sure. Just for closure, I mean, damn.” Brian asks if Fjord is okay with Jester having reached out. “Yeah, totally. Fjord is a big dummy in a lot of ways.” He mentions that Fjord has a lot of ideas in his head about what it means to “be a man” that keeps him from asking for help when he needs it. “When Jester did that, it just reaffirmed his feelings for her and how she feels for him. It’ll take those kind of people in his life to help him along to the things that he wants when he’s too stupid or shy to acknowledge it himself.”
How about that alliance with Essek? Marisha: “Here’s the thing. Beau wasn’t like, ooh, allying with Trent, that’s icky because of moral reasons. It’s not that. The more allies, the better in this moment. Teaming up with Magneto kind of situation. But Beau’s whole concern was is this going to distract you from the overall mission. I couldn’t imagine walking alongside someone who had just tortured me in the way that Trent has. We spent so many episodes watching Caleb have these post-traumatic flashes of when he lit his family on fire. Caleb’s a shotgun, he’s such a good damage-dealer, and if he can’t cope with it. That was Beau’s concern.” Travis: “And just to go along with your Magneto reference, Essek is one powerful person. Trent brings the acolytes. But we recognize that if we stop the Tombtakers and Lucien then we probably have to stop Trent and the Vollstruckers. But I wanted to open it to Caleb, because we gotta face that motherfucker at some point.”
Cosplay of the Week: an amazing Yasha! (krisjaded on Instagram, photography by adambenfer on Instagram)
On Beau’s plan to put a possible eavesdropper off their trail at Pumat’s: “I mean, everything is a long shot.” Taliesin suggested the idea. “I said Darktow because I thought, hey, if he tries to follow us to Darktow, he’ll probably get murdered. He’ll never make it back. We have no idea. It could have been completely transparent, or maybe he’ll be stupid enough to actually try it.”
Fan Art of the Week: a lovely Caduceus! (by arcanum.dice on Instagram)
How’s the relationship with Yasha been going? “It’s so new! And fresh and weird, and she’s trying to remember to be like, oh, that’s right! You’re my girlfriend! I owe you some attention, that’s right. It’s nice to have somebody. We were talking about not really having anyone to say goodbye to in this round of goodbyes, Beau is looking to the future and those relationships are keeping her afloat.”
On seeing more of Aeor, looking forward to it? Travis: “I really want them dead first. If collections of explorers and expeditions from the Cerberus Assembly and the Dynasty have turned up stuff they don’t know what to do with yet, what the fuck are a bunch of chuckle-dicks like us going to do with it?” They’re interested in a distant sort of way - there are bigger issues at hand.
Travis mentions that he’s never been quite so emotionally invested in the game before and notes that was at the root of his competitive attitude at the end of the last episode. “The lines were so blurred in that way. It’s just a testament to the never-ending learning process that comes from this game that I underestimated my entire life.”
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Misto’s Mating Dance Partners
Because the White Cat Lift AKA Mating Dance scene of the Jellicle Ball focuses mainly on Victoria and whoever she’s dancing with, what’s going on in the background is often ignored. But, there’s a clear pattern. The other cats pair off, go to the edges of the stage, forming a circle around Victoria and Her Man. They then do...whatever. There don’t seem to be official rules for what the pairs do, so some of them nap, some of the stare out into space, some of them cuddle...
And some of them blatantly fuck.
This scene is often called the Cat Orgy because of the blatant fucking that often occurs. So, you can watch the characters, see who pairs up with who and whether or not they fuck. Because Misto is my favorite character and one of the easiest to identify in even low-quality bootlegs, I went and watched him during this scene in every production in my bootleg collection.
Part One: Failure
In several of the older productions, I couldn’t see anything. Bootleggers and professionals alike tended to zoom in on Victoria and Her Man and stay there for most of the scene. Mexico 1991 mainly did this. Also, Vienna, with its Dark Voids and Weird Editing Choices was impossible to decipher.
Among the newer productions, Madrid was lost to Weird Editing Choices. Most of the dance wasn’t even visible! There were long close ups on Old Deuteronomy and Grizabella doing nothing when they should have been filming Victoria and Plato doing Something. It wasn’t even like they were distracted by an interesting background event. They just held the camera on characters who weren’t doing anything other than Reacting Slightly.
Part Two: Mistoria
Paris and Zurich paired Misto with Victoria for the Mating Dance. There was a slightly different dynamic with Misto and Victoria than there is when Plato or Tumblebrutus is Victoria’s Man. When Plato or Tumble, the most common choices for this part, approach Victoria, they’re awkward, but they still sort of take the lead. Victoria comes across as a bit shy at first, but she quickly gets into it. In the Mistoria versions, Misto is far more nervous approaching and often jumps back startled after touching Victoria. It feels like Victoria takes the lead in these versions, turning her back and basically being like “lift me”. Zurich Misto in particular is practically freaking out and the lift is kind of bizarre to watch because he looks so tiny!
Part Three: You’d Think Misto/Cassandra Would Be a Bigger Ship
Broadway-based productions, which paired Alonzo with Demeter, seemed to love pairing Misto with Cassandra for the Mating Dance. Troika and Buenos Aires did this and they did it in the same way. Misto and Cassandra practically have a dance of their own, performing the same motions when paired together. Usually, these pairs tend to seem like they’re improvising a little, but this specific couple has its own choreography.
The idea to pair Misto and Cassandra most likely comes from Misto later choosing Cassandra as his “lovely assistant” when he brings back Old Deuteronomy. In most productions, they don’t have much interaction outside of that. In Troika, Cassandra is also one of the cats who sometimes stands in for Coricopat and Tantomile, who were cut. Coricopat and Tantomile’s twin stuff was given to Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, while a lot of their psychic moments were given to either Demeter or Cassandra. So, in Troika, Misto and Cassandra are both mystical cats of some sort, which brings them together, because it’s something other cats don’t get.
I’m not super into this ship, because I generally don’t ship Misto with women, but the implications of the pairing in the Troika version are interesting.
Part Four: Lonely Misto
Hamburg, The German Tent Tour, and probably Moscow didn’t pair Misto with anyone. He just sat by himself. In Hamburg, there was a reason for this. Just like how Buenos Aires and Troika gave Misto’s role of fetching Old Deuteronomy to Skimble, Hamburg has a Mistotable instead of a Skimbletable.
I probably should’ve listed Moscow as a failure, but I’m still not sure what happened there.
The German Tent Tour just has Misto sitting by himself. He crawls to the Cuddle Pile, does a handstand, and no one cares.
But, the German Tent Tour shows signs of being part of a trend. While earlier, Broadway-based shows liked pairing Misto and Cassandra, newer productions never seem sure who to pair him with, so you have this scene of a lonely Misto surrounded by happy, horny straight couples and looking a bit out of place. This was probably unintentional, but it gives Misto an extra layer of gay coding.
Part Five: More Recent Stuff That Doesn’t Fit in the Other Categories
The 2013 UK Tour does something a bit interesting. Misto just sort of naps during the Mating Dance, but Carbucketty, who’s been following him around and imitating his dance moves for the past few minutes, lies down to nap at his feet. They don’t really interact and they’re barely touching, but it still counts as a pair. This is the closest I’ve gotten to finding a version where Misto’s paired with a tom. Of course, compared to most of the straight couples in any version of this scene, there is no horniness to be found. So, they’re two bros napping next to each other, but not quite cuddling ‘cause they’re not gay :(
Also I think Carbucketty might’ve ditched Misto for Rumpleteazer at the last second. We can never have nice things.
The Broadway Revival, having different choreography and staging for most of the Jellicle Ball is interesting in the way the Broadway Revival is usually interesting (kind of frustrating tbh). In the new choreography, everything from Bomba’s solo through the Mating Dance is basically one scene. Some queens dance, even more queens join them, a bunch of toms show up and pair up with them, the Boys Ballet and Whirlygigs are replaced with a romantic dance, everyone takes a hit of moonlight and things start to resemble other productions a bit more from there.
Because the pairs pair up quickly and stay together for a long time, it’s easy to see all of them. Only most of the cast is paired up, but I can identify, Tugger/Bomba, Munk/Demeter, Alonzo/Cassandra, Skimble/Jenny, Plato/Victoria, Coricopat/Tantomile (why do the siblings always stay together for the horny scenes?), Mungojerrie/Rumpleteazer (they’re probably not siblings in this version, so they get a pass), Pouncival/Electra, and Carbucketty/Sillabub.
Jellylorum, Tumblebrutus, and Mistoffelees are absent. They’re offstage until the Mating Dance properly starts. I have no idea where Tumblebrutus went, but this isn’t about him. Tugger crawls past Misto and they almost interact before Tugger leaves with Bomba. Jellylorum pairs up with Misto, presumably because neither one could find an actually date.
Now, the actress who played Jellylorum in this production has said in interviews that she played Jellylorum as the same age as Tugger. (The actors are besties irl so they made their characters besties too). So, this isn’t quite as weird as if feels when you first read it. Everyone’s the same age in this show, except for the kittens. Electra, Sillabub, and Pouncival were played as literal children in every scene but this one, because no one can escape the cat orgy (except Tumblebrutus, for some reason). But, unlike in 1998, which featured a lot of crack pairings during this scene (Tugger/Jenny, anyone?), pretty much every pairing in the 2016 orgy is the most obvious pairing possible. Anyone who didn’t have an obvious opposite gender counterpart was given one, except for Misto, Jelly, and Tumble. They could’ve brought back Peter (renamed Asparagus) from the opening to be Jelly’s obvious pairing, and then just had Tumble nap on Misto’s feet like 2013 Carbucketty, but they didn’t.
The result is that they created a bunch of comphet pairings but simply couldn’t do so for Misto. All his usual comphet pairing were taken. Cassandra’s with Alonzo and Victoria’s with Plato. Knowing that Tyler Hanes and Ricky Ubeda both shipped Tuggoffelees, they probably didn’t want to do the comphet thing either. Up until this point, this production had actually downplayed Tugger/Bomba, compared to other versions and added Tugger/Misto moments. I think, if it’d been allowed, Tugger and Misto would’ve been paired up there. Bomba can be like 1998, not having her usual partner and just going with whoever’s not paired up, which would be Tumblebrutus this time. Peter could be there for Jelly. Everyone’s happy!
But seriously, Gay Misto Mating Dance Scene when? Somebody get on that. People already find the horniness in Cats to be weird and adding gay horniness won’t make much of a difference.
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marvelyningreen · 3 years
[Peter Maximoff x reader (X-Men: Apocalypse)
Summary: When an injury brings Peter’s superhuman speed to a screeching halt, you figure he could use some company and cheering up.
Warnings: mild language
Notes: could be interpreted as romantic or platonic, if that’s more your speed]
           You hurry in from the rain, pausing just long enough to shake off your umbrella on the doorstep before closing the door behind you. You take a moment to wipe your shoes on the mat in an attempt to keep them from squeaking in the tiled halls of the mansion.
           The floorplan of this rebuilt version is practically identical to the original. The design and decor are much the same, too. Still… You feel a bit like a stranger, or maybe the mansion itself does.
           With everything else that’d happened, you hadn’t really had a chance to process your own experience that day. One second, you were trimming the hedges by the mansion’s front steps. The next, you were a hundred yards away, surrounded by the students and staff, and the mansion was exploding, and suddenly there in your midst was your childhood best friend – Peter Maximoff, all grown up.
           It’s funny how someone you knew for such a short time could’ve made such an impact on you. Really, you and Peter only knew each other for two years. It baffled the teachers how a quiet goody-two-shoes like you could be thick as thieves with resident mischief-maker Peter Maximoff, but you were practically inseparable. Perhaps it was partly due to some truth in the old saying about opposites attracting. But there was more to it than that. You and Peter shared a secret.
           Your sporadic telekinesis had nothing on Peter’s incredible speed, but he never seemed to mind. You were both just so happy to finally have someone who understood, who you didn’t have to hide from. Those two years were some of the best of your life.
           And years passed, and you grew up. You kept your abilities hidden, but you kept the memory of Peter with you. You’d think of him often, hoping that he was doing well, wherever he was. You never expected to see him again.
           Lost in thought, Hank hurries around a corner and nearly bowls you over. You both apologize to each other, laughing, and continue on your respective ways.
           It feels strange being back here after… Well, after everything. Everyone is doing their best to settle back into a routine, but it isn’t quite working yet. Maybe it won’t ever feel the same.
           The students either converse too loudly or are oddly subdued, with very little in between. Scott Summers’ group of close friends is never far from his side, and the faculty likewise seem to hover around the professor. It’s difficult not to dwell on how bad things had gotten, and how much worse everything could’ve been.
           And if it’s difficult for you, you can only imagine how it must be for the person you’re here to see. You pause to knock politely at his door, and the voice that answers sounds oddly terse.
           “You can come in.”
           You slip into the room to find Peter scowling morosely out the window. He’s still laid up in bed, his broken leg in a cast and propped up on a pillow. He’s got a wicked case of bedhead, and there are dark rings under his eyes. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so tired.
           There’s an odd sound you can’t quite place – like the low hum of a fan or the purring of a cat – and you realize that it’s just Peter drumming his fingers restlessly on his nightstand at impossible speeds. He turns his head, and when he sees that it’s you walking through the door, his expression shifts into one of relief.
           “Oh, thank God,” he says, “I thought it was somebody coming to make sure I’m still “resting.” C’mere! Have a seat!”
           You grab a nearby chair and drag it closer to his bedside. You hate to see Peter cooped up and frustrated like this, but it’s good to see him, period. You don’t like to think about what could’ve happened to him in Cairo.
           When you look back up at Peter, his hair is smoothed down neatly. You snort involuntarily. If he's feeling well enough to be vain, it must be a good sign.
           “How are you holding up?” you ask.
           Peter slumps against his stack of pillows and groans dramatically, letting his head fall back.
           “I’m bored out of my mind. Do you know that they’re not letting me walk for a week? A whole week! Something about a risk of my leg not healing right if I move too fast on it. I said I’d walk like a normal person, but they apparently don’t trust me. Can you believe that? Don’t answer that. So I asked them just to drug me, knock me out for the rest of the week so I can get it over with, but they won’t do that either. This blows.”
           It’s hard not to smile, but it’s just so good to hear his voice. And, damn, people say you talk too fast. You’d forgotten that Peter was the true motor-mouth. Maybe he’s where you picked it up from. Though he still looks annoyed, Peter seems a little more relaxed after all that. Apparently he needed someone to vent to.
           He rolls his head to one side to look at you, and his brows furrow. “Hey, are you okay? You look tired.”
           “I look tired?” you say, “Have you looked in a mirror lately?”
           “I haven’t, actually, because the mirror’s all the way over there, and I’m stuck in bed. You wouldn’t guess that having to sit alone with your own thoughts would wear you out, but apparently it does.”
           You’d had a feeling that the broken leg isn’t all that’s weighing on his mind. There’s still the whole Magneto business.
           You almost ask him about it, but you think better of it. Peter’s got a lot to mull over on that front. If he wants to talk about it, you’ll be there to listen, but you don’t want to bring it up when he doesn’t have any way to exit the conversation if he needed to. You decide to change the topic slightly.
           “Listen,” you say, “I never got a chance to thank you. You saved my life. You saved so many people. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t turned up at the mansion when you did.”
           Peter ducks his head a bit as he smiles, probably pleased to get a little recognition. There hadn’t been much time for gratitude in the moment. There hadn’t been much time for anything, really. And there certainly hadn’t been time to reconnect.
          You’d chased after Scott and his friends into the wreckage, trying to make sure none of them got hurt, and then things went from bad to worse. Suddenly, you found yourself tagging along with these immensely powerful teenagers on a fly-by-night rescue mission. It’s a good thing you did, too. Who else was gonna fly that getaway plane?
           Your own mutant abilities had never been particularly strong, not in a combat sense. You’d learned to be a pilot in an effort to make yourself useful. You just hadn’t expected it to pay off in a situation like that.
           “What can I say? Right time, right place… Right speed.” Peter’s grin turns rueful as he glances down at his busted leg. “I mean, by all rights, I should be thanking you, too.”
           You’d been trying not to dwell on that whole experience. It makes you feel a little sick to remember seeing that familiar silver streak darting around while Apocalypse was tossed in the air like a ragdoll, and then feeling the hope choked out of you as you heard Peter scream in pain.
           You don’t know how you managed to scramble down out of that second story ruin after Hank and Scott without hurting yourself any worse, but you did. You tried to shake it from your mind – the feeling of shrapnel and energy battering the telekinetic field you’d struggled to maintain around Peter and Mystique.
           You clear your throat, as though that’ll somehow clear out the memory as well. “Yeah… I guess sometimes you don’t know what you’re capable of until it’s literally do-or-die.”
           “I don’t just mean Cairo.” Peter shakes his head. “Well, that, too. But I don’t just mean that. I mean when we were kids. You always had my back.”
           Just before middle school, Peter’s family had moved away. You weren’t quite sure why, but it seemed like something had happened and Peter wouldn’t talk about it. He spent his entire last week in town with you, and on the very last day he hugged you tightly and promised that he’d come back and visit if he could.
           You never heard from him again.
           It was only years later that you’d put the pieces together – the Maximoffs’ sudden move, the well-dressed men turning up at the school and asking strange questions. Peter must’ve gotten caught using his powers, and his mother packed up the whole family and fled to protect him.
          “For weeks, months after we moved away, Mom was so scared. She wouldn’t let me out of the house. She thought that, any second, somebody was gonna show up and… I dunno, take me away, I guess. But I wasn’t worried. I was a cocky little shit, y’know?”
           You snort. “‘Was?’ Pretty sure that part of your personality hasn’t changed.”
           Peter laughs, but it fades quickly.
           “I heard that people came to our old school looking for me. And, hey, they never found me and Mom, so I figured you must’ve covered for me.”
           If there was one thing you were grateful to your younger self for, it was your instinctive distrust of these suspicious strangers.
           “I didn’t tell them anything,” you say, and Peter nods.
           “I knew you wouldn’t. But this one day, something hit me. What if they found out that you were a mutant, too?” Peter shakes his head, biting his lip. “I was terrified. I thought they were gonna find you, and… and I don’t know what I thought they’d do to you.”
           You feel cold all of a sudden. That thought hadn’t occurred to you. You’d been so focused on trying to keep Peter safe that you never once considered that you might be in danger, yourself. All those news articles about what Bolivar Trask had been up to ten years ago come flooding into your mind. You brush them aside and focus on what Peter’s saying now.
           “I wanted to run back there, make sure you were alright; maybe – I don’t know – take you with me and run away so we’d both be safe. I actually bought one of those AM radios, if you can believe it. Every night, I’d use the skip to listen to the news back there. I never heard anything about you, so I had to make myself believe it meant that you were okay. Otherwise I would’ve gone crazy, y’know?”
           He laughs again, but it sounds a little shaky.
           “Yeah, I know,” you say quietly. The air in the room feels sorta heavy now. Damn it, you’d come here to cheer Peter up, and it’s about time you get to it. You change topics with all the grace of a sledgehammer. “Speaking of none of this, I brought you something.”
           Peter immediately perks up. You rummage in your backpack and pull out a box of Nutty Buddy bars.
           “I remember these where your favorite when we were kids. I didn’t know if you still liked them, so I brought some Star Crunch, too. But you don’t have to-”
           Peter seems to blur for a moment, and suddenly both boxes are torn open and several wrappers are arcing their way into the trash can. Peter lets out a satisfied sigh. You might’ve remembered his favorites, but you’d forgotten his habit of absolutely inhaling them.
           “Okay, I guess I shouldn’t have worried,” you say.
           “What else you got in that bag?” Peter asks. “It can’t all be snack cakes. Unless it is…?”
           He’s joking, but you can tell he wouldn’t be disappointed if the answer was yes. You heft your heavily-loaded backpack onto the edge of the bed.
           “I figured you’d be bored, so I brought some books over in case you… What?”
           Peter never had a great poker face. You can tell that he’s definitely trying to smile, but that expression is a pained grimace. He laughs ruefully.
           “I might not be able to walk, but my hands still work. And my eyes. Did you know I can read a whole bookshelf in two hours?”
           You hadn’t thought of that. You look down, crestfallen. Of course, if something can be done at speed, that’s how Peter will do it. So that rules out all the other usual time-killers – crosswords or jigsaw puzzles or craft projects.
           But you remember Peter enjoying some things that can’t be sped through – live music being the main one. You start to wonder about the logistics of sneaking Peter out to take him to a concert or a play or something, but that’d be difficult to pull off without the professor catching you. Hmm…
           Peter’s brow furrows for a second, and then his expression brightens.
           “Hey, why don’t you read them to me?”
           You blink in surprise. “What, me?”
           “Yeah, you. Who else?”
           At this prospect, you’re suddenly rethinking everything. For all Peter might call himself a loser, you’d always seen him as infinitely cooler than yourself.
           “I don’t know. These are some of my own books, and I don’t know if you’ll actually like any of them.” You can feel yourself blushing preemptively, certain he’ll judge your taste in literature. “Maybe if I run to the library instead-”
           “No, don’t go!” Peter interrupts. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there, and I’m sick of being alone. Come on, read me your nerd books. Please?”
           He turns those big, pretty, puppy-dog eyes on you, and it’d be almost impossible to say no, even if you wanted to. Which you don’t. You sigh, smiling at him.
           “Alright, you win,” you say, “But you have to at least pick which one.”
           His face brightens into a full thousand-watt grin. “Done!”
           Peter blurs once more as he shuffles through your selection of books. Then suddenly he’s still again, tilting his head as he studies a stout little paperback.
           “Hey, didn’t they make a movie out of this?”
           He tosses it to you and settles back against the pillows, watching you expectantly. You pull up your legs to sit cross-legged on the chair and take a deep breath. Here goes.
           “‘Carl Conrad Coreander – Old Books.’ This inscription could be seen on the glass door of a small shop…”
           You read on, interrupted only by the odd quip or question from Peter. You hardly mind his commentary. You’re just happy that the story seems to be entertaining him. He’s a far cry from the agitated ball of nerves he’d been when you walked in.
           You glance over at the clock and see that two hours have gone by. You wonder if Peter would mind you taking a quick intermission to give your voice a break. But as you turn to ask him, you fall silent.
           Peter’s head is lolled back on the pillows, his eyes closed, his lips parted slightly. His chest rises and falls with deep, even breaths – sound asleep.
           You smile fondly at him. Poor guy. He really must’ve been exhausted.
Telekinetically, you switch off the lamp. The atmosphere in the room softens to the grey light filtering in from the rainy day outside. There. That’s more conducive to sleeping.
           You make note of the page you’d left off on and close the book, picking up your copy of Howl’s Moving Castle instead. Moving as carefully and quietly as you can to keep from waking Peter, you make your way over to a more comfortable spot on the window seat.
           You’d hate for Peter to think you’d run out on him after he fell asleep. You’ll stick around. And if he needs anything when he wakes up, you’ll be here. That’s what old friends are for.
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punkpresentmic · 3 years
Traitor Aizawa AU Pt. 3 — 1, 2:
Shouta ran away in the middle of the night. When Hizashi woke up, it was to an empty bed, to fists pounding at their shared suite, to UA in lockdown. Hizashi was immediately forced outside & taken in for questioning.
Shouta had left Nezu a resignation letter, in his own unmistakable handwriting. It's blunt, concise, & it contains detailed descriptions & evidence of his betrayal. It makes no excuses for his actions & it does not discuss his motivations.
When Shouta visits that night weeks upon weeks later, he says nothing of the letter & nothing of his motivations. Shouta is silent as Hizashi sobs, dutifully keeping his Quirk erased as asked. It's been a pressure building on Hizashi for far too long, so when the dam breaks, there's no stopping it. It's an unwelcome but necessary catharsis—one he needs because of Shouta, one he can have because of him. Hizashi cries himself to sleep in his husband's arms.
& in the morning, again, he wakes up alone. It could have been a dream, but this time there's a note on his nightstand. It's painfully simple, the script rushed: I'm sorry I couldn't be here when you wake up. I'm sorry it has to be like this. I want to talk with you soon. I love you, Hizashi.
He should report this. Shouta betrayed UA, he's a wanted villain, & he expressed interest in taking Eri. Hizashi should turn in the letter.
Hizashi makes himself a coffee, & he sets the letter in front of him, & he stares at it blankly while the Sun rises slowly outside. The moment the light hits it, it's like the decision has made itself. Hizashi puts the letter through their paper shredder, tucks the pieces into his pocket, buys a muffin at a coffee shop, & throws half of them away in his napkin in one trash can, half of them in another down the road. He doesn’t tell a soul. Not Nemuri. Not Eri. Not Nezu.
He has to see Shouta again.
It’s two weeks before there’s another Shouta sighting. One day Hizashi comes home & senses the difference immediately. &, oddly, it's not a bad different. He knows exactly what it means. So, he takes off his gear in the entryway. Locks the door. Takes a few calming breaths before he calls into the apartment: “Honey, I’m home.”
He steps into the bedroom. Sure enough, Shouta is sitting on the bed.
Hizashi stops. He looks like shit. Exhausted, face sallow like he hasn’t been eating, eyes red & irritated like he hasn’t been using his eye drops. It occurs to Hizashi that his prescription probably ran out. He can remember the last time he picked up a bottle from the pharmacy; he’d teased Shouta about his 'special eyes' that regular eye drops don’t work on. “How did you know I was here.” His voice is rough too. Hizashi wants to offer him water, a meal, something. He hovers in the doorway.
“I’ve felt your absence since you left. Of course I know when it’s changed.”
Shouta says nothing. Hizashi relents slightly, asks him if he’s eaten. As expected, he gets a shake of the head. Hizashi turns on a heel, brings the both of them tea & leftover takeout. Shouta scrunches his eyebrows in confusion when Hizashi hands him what’s always Shouta’s order. Hizashi shrugs, nonchalant as if he didn’t take up ordering it after Shouta left. Shouta opens his mouth to speak, but Hizashi holds up a hand. “Eat.”
& they do, in silence. Shouta is positively ravenous. Hizashi has so many questions. So many questions. But he shares this strange meal with his husband, wordlessly offering Shouta what he doesn’t finish as well. Finally, Shouta clears his throat. “You didn’t tell anybody about me.”
Hizashi doesn’t have it in him to glare—to make any expression, really. It’s all very… heavy. Fragile. Ephemeral. Breakable. Dangerous. Wrong. Hizashi purses his lips. “You’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do.”
He winces. "Hizashi, I wish I could tell you everything, but I can't."
Hizashi swallows the emotions that rise like bile in his throat, a potent mixture of fury & nausea. He has little control of what falls from his mouth. “You know, somebody referred to you as my ex the other day.”
Shouta’s expression is pained. He shakes his head & pulls his wedding ring out from its necklace tucked away as always in his ratty costume. Hizashi almost laughs. When Shouta commits to something, he commits fully, with his whole chest. It’s why so much of this doesn’t make any goddamn sense. It all threatens to choke him, but he laughs around the lump in his throat & shakes his head too, taking Shouta’s hand & squeezing hard to imprint the indent of the ring he put there into his palm. “It’s just not right, man.”
This time, Hizashi takes a page from Shouta’s book & bumps their foreheads together like a cat. Hizashi offers a watery smile. Shouta lets his eyes fall closed, inhales deeply. “I know it was too much to ask in my letter for you to believe that I'm still the person you believe me to be, but…” Hizashi freezes and pulls back, causing him to trail off.
“Shouta… what are you talking about?”
A flash of confusion, then fear crosses Shouta’s face. “The first letter I wrote to you. When I… When I left.” Shouta’s eyes search his for any sign of recognition, clearly troubled when he finds none. “I wrote everyone in my class letters. & Nezu. & Kayama. Hell, even Yagi—do you really think I wouldn’t face you of all—”
“—Shouta. None of those people received letters. Besides Nezu. I read your… resignation letter. Saw the evidence you laid out so logically for him. But I…” Hizashi’s blood suddenly grows cold. “Shou, the police took me down to the station that morning & searched the apartment. I didn’t think they took anything.” His breathing picks up. “They never told me anything about a letter—”
Shouta is barely breathing. Finally, after a long pause he swallows. “Nezu. Nezu must have found his first & arranged for a search & seizure. He would have extrapolated there were more.” He wipes a weary hand down his face, shaking his head. “You never… None of the students…” He covers his eyes, which must be aching. Hizashi has never been hesitant to offer physical reassurance to Shouta Aizawa, but he hesitates here & hates that he does. He pulls Shouta close with an arm over the shoulders.
“It’s alright,” he lies. Shouta knows. “We can talk now.”
So Shouta reiterates what was in the letter: what he’s done, how he loves him, how he wouldn't leave or do this without him if he had a choice, how he intends to return when this is settled, how in the meantime he would trust nobody else to watch over his students & Eri, how he needs Hizashi to trust that he is who Hizashi knows him to be.
“How am I supposed to be certain of that?” Hizashi whispers when he’s done.
It hurts him, Hizashi can see that. But all of this hurts. “I don’t know how to answer that.” They’re still holding hands. “But I want to,” he adds. “I want to prove it to you.”
“I want that too.”
There’s a tension in the air as they hover, faces close, uncertain if it would be okay to kiss each other. They think better of it, pull back with small sighs.
Instead, they discuss Eri. Shouta has been watching from afar when he can safely. He knew how she was struggling with her Quirk. He saw the doctor visits that hadn’t improved anything. He wanted to help. He also knew that he couldn’t sneak into UA forever, that the instant UA caught wind of it security would render it impossible & arrange for his capture. But if she’s with him, he can still help.
Hizashi shakes his head. “Shou, wherever you’ve been, it’s nowhere fit for a child. Your Quirk helps her, but her support network is here at UA. You were part of that network. & now you’re not. She is not leaving UA.”
Shouta shrinks, & after a moment he nods. He was always one to listen to reason. Hizashi, again, has to relent. As far as he can tell, Shouta only wants what’s best for her & it’s killing him not to be able to participate in that. So Hizashi elbows him lightly & pulls up pictures on his phone of all Eri has been up to lately, some of the students also making appearances. He leans Shouta onto his shoulder. It’s a tender moment. Almost normal. But all too soon it has to end. It’s not safe for Shouta to stay the night & there’s a certain window of time he has to catch to slip past security.
Shouta says he’ll return. He squeezes Hizashi’s hand as he goes to the window—the hand with his ring on it. Promises.
(pt. 4)
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saffron-nova21 · 3 years
Nap Time - Kenma's Bonus Scene
The Next Chapter Masterlist
< Previous Chapter • You Are Here • Next Chapter >
Warnings: Kenma is soft on main, Kenma is a little jealous, just a lot of affection
The walk home had been therapeutic. After Iwaizumi's quick departure and all of the bills had been payed, you and Kenma both decided to return to the apartment, while you convinced Kuroo to go and visit Lev. Lev was supposed to be with you all, today, though at the last minute, he had been ambushed by a spur-of-the-moment photo-shoot.
So, of course, you were left with Kenma. With your head resting on his shoulder and your fingers intertwined, you both walked beside one another in silence, just glad to have one another's company. Since high school, it had been like this. After he'd gotten comfortable with your affection, he'd indulge you, eventually growing to crave your affection. Though as you both walk down the street, you both realize why your fans were so sure you both were dating. You both interacted quite like a couple.
Kenma is the first to notice the water droplets on his head, glancing up towards the sky. He knew it was supposed to storm for the next two days, but he'd thought it was supposed to start, later on. "It's raining," he notes, coming to a brief stop. Though, as soon as the words came from his mouth, the bottom fell out.
It was pouring and quickly soaking the two of you. Nimble fingers wrap around your wrist and Kenma tugs you along the sidewalk, your paces picking up to a jog. A grin flicked over your features at the way Kenma guides you down the quickest way home, trying to prevent you both from catching a cold.
It was several blocks before you both reached the apartment complex, slipping under the canopy that shielded the entryway from the rain. Kenma was panting a bit as he turns to face you, pulling you closer to him by your wrist. He brings his hands to your upper arms, gently rubbing. "You're going to catch a cold. You look like somebody just tried to drown you," he comments, bringing a hand to brush a string of wet hair from your face.
After checking over you to make sure you were okay, Kenma is tugging you up to your shared apartment. By the way he sits you down and gives you some of his baggy clothes to wear while he tossed both his and your wet clothes in the dryer, you'd think that you didn't live here with him. It's not until you are set up comfortably on the couch, flicking through shows to watch, and surrounded in any blankets and pillows he could find, that Kenma was satisfied.
"If you'd checked the weather, beforehand, we might've been able to grab snacks on the way home," Kenma comments as he slumps beside you, acting as if he doesn't have armfuls of different snacks that the two of you enjoyed.
You rolls your eyes, elbowing him in the side, "As if we don't have enough snacks." Reaching into the junk food that he now poured onto your center table, you grasp the assortment of mochi that Kenma had bought for you both to try. Though, that's when your eyes focus on the tub of jelly fruit sticks, sitting there, as well. For a moment, you paused, just staring at them. It'd been so long since you'd had one and for good reason.
Momentarily, memories of you being stuck in a similar position, years ago, crossed your mind, though, when Kenma absentmindedly speaks about a movie that looked entertaining, you were snapped out of your thoughts. "Yeah, that sounds great," you mumble, reclining beside him again.
And so, with your words, Kenma puts on the movie, before he begins to get comfortable, stretching out over the pile of blankets. "C'mere." His words to you are soft, as always, when it comes to you. Placing the mochi aside, but still within reach, you crawl over to Kenma, a soft, quiet yawn escaping him, while you get comfortable on top of him.
A single one of his arms wrap around you, holding you close to him as he allows himself to relax. Kenma, despite common belief, hated storms. And anticipating what was to come, pulled you as close as he could so you could be the reassurance that he would inevitably need, through the storms that were supposed to occur tonight.
As his cat-like eyes shift to you, though, he knows that that wasn't the only reason he wanted you close. After seeing the way Iwaizumi looked at you and taking in the fact that you would be with men who were a whole lot more active and attractive than him, he wanted security that as of right now, you were in his arms. As stupid as that might have sounded, he found comfort in knowing that no matter if they flirt with you during the day, he's the one who gets all of the special treatment and care from you.
"You know, I never thought you one to want to watch shitty shark movies," you comment, chest rumbling against him as you spoke. Looking towards the movie, his eyes scan the screen, finding the title displayed, briefly: 47 Meters Down: Uncaged.
"Well, I'm sure it's more entertaining than anything you might've come up with." The way his chest vibrates under your fingertips and head makes you let out a breath, a wave of relaxation flooding through you.
Cuddling with one another was more than random displays of affection. It was a show of comfort and intimacy that both of you had trouble showing or receiving from anyone else.
Which is probably part of the reason why the both of you would end up so sleepy, so quickly. Neither of you could very well keep your eyes open with the way your breaths synced up together. Your apartment was so warm and comforting that it was no surprise when your eyes finally fell shut.
Yes, you and Kenma are pretty affectionate with one another, though you'll notice that other than brief touches, the two of you don't really enjoy anyone else's touch, like you do one another's.
Jelly fruit sticks have been subject to a lot of resentment, from you.
Kuroo knew you two would get soaked before you went home. Which is why he held you both so late. Because he knew Kenma would use it as an excuse to let you wear his clothes.
Last update for tonight, but keep your eyes open for tomorrow, alright, loves? I hope you guys are ready for the scenes I have planned. As always, don't forget to take care of yourselves. You deserve care and love. You deserve to eat, drink some water, and get some sleep, okay? Remember, I'm proud of you!
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What if animals in twilight universe could be vampyrized. How would it occur? Like would there be bald shimmering cats hanging around? Would the animals gain more and more sentience as time went on? Would it change the political landscape at all? What do you think? :)
And then Aro said to Carlisle, “We don’t talk about what happened to the unicorns.” Then, patting Carlisle on the back, he strong advised him not to pursue this animal diet.
But before we get to that point, let’s break your ask down.
How Would It Occur
I imagine the actual transaction would be much like anything else. If humans are the original carrier of venom then they bite an animal and pass it onto them who then do the same. 
As for why, there could be a few reasons. Perhaps someone got curious and see what this tasted like only to spit it out immediately (leaving the animal in question alive), perhaps someone had a beloved pet who they wanted to share their immortality, who knows.
Venom to me seems very symbiotic, it works suspiciously well with the human system to be something that could translate easily over to another species. So for this to work I imagine there’s multiple strains of venom and if you get the cat!venom in your system you’re not going to turn into a vampire (though you probably do get very sick and die). 
What Would They Look Like?
Again, who knows? Venom seems to change the host to best suit the venom’s needs. This is by making the skin into more of an exoskeleton, increasing senses, pulvarizing internal organs, etc.
In other species a similar transformation might occur. You might get the same, invulnerable, skin and the same change in digestive system. Honestly though, who knows, who knows what this stuff would do to another species.
I think it’s safer to say that vampirized animals will likely not resemble their human counterparts.
Would the Animals Gain Sentience
This one I’m very certain of because we see this in canon.
Immortal children’s brain development is frozen. Despite having the potential, as humans, to become fully functioning human adults capable of rationalization and more, they cannot reach this as immortal children.
They never grow up, their brain never develops further, and they can never learn control even if you give then hundreds of years.
What venom seems to do is increase your senses and vastly improve your memory. It doesn’t actually make you more intelligent. Edward can tell us how smart he is all he likes, the fact that he fits very well into that high school setting and Bella Swan keeps up with him in Biology is very telling.
Given that immortal children, who biologically under ordinary conditions would reach adult human intelligence, cannot I have 0 hope for any other species.
Which brings us to the damning conclusion.
What Would Change?
Mass extinction.
Presuming that vampirized animals are cannibalistic (they’re not going after human blood but that of their own species), you’re talking about a species with presumably no restraint, no moral hangups, and little ability to plan ahead.
If there are vampire cats then within ten years there aren’t going to be cats period because these guys will devour or turn their entire species. More, without access to fire, presumably they can’t thin out their own numbers or population.
So, every time this happens, I imagine the Volturi has to go and clean up what remains of the vampirized species. Aro hates this part of his job and there is a law as soon as the Volturi is formed “thou shalt not bite animals”. 
Which means that when Carlisle comes to Volterra, so happy with his diet where he can preserve human life, Aro has to break the news to him and tell him all about the hundreds of species now gone because some vampire thought it’d be a great idea to turn their cat. Carlisle dies inside, probably tries to get Aro to assist his suicide (which Aro adamantly refuses to do), and....
Well, I don’t think even now Aro could convince him to eat people like a normal person, Carlisle would choose death.
So I imagine Carlisle would go to Plan Z (he’s been through the other plans already). He travels to the North Pole, dunks himself in the water, freezes himself, and prays nobody finds him.
Somebody probably finds him a thousand years later. Carlisle accidentally blows the secret, sort of, and is likely thought of as the missing link in human evolution. Or some crazy offshoot of the human species, Carlisle can’t correct them.
Carlisle volunteers to be shot into space and far far away from any people. Knowing him, he probably ends up on a ship that’s destined to be a part of the Alien franchise, and continues to have a terrible time.
That got very tangential, point being, I don’t think we’d have sentient cats.
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bangtanlalaland · 4 years
a dose of relief | ksj (m.)
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synopsis ⇣ the CDC’s hottest scientist so happens to be your lab partner. how much longer will it take until he has you begging for him?
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— health scientist!au
⇢pairing: CDC health scientist!kim seokjin x female reader
⇢genre: crack, pwp, smut
⇢word count: 5.7k
⇢contents ⨯ warnings: so sorry for this filthy porn with no plot, I’m also horrible @ science (even though it’s one of my fave subjects in school) so plz forgive me if I said something wrong or certain facts are incorrect, I tried to not use so many details/specifics on the science ooey gooey stuff in case that could trigger anything amongst readers, srsly tho somebody call the fanfic writing police, omg, there’s so much tension lolol, Jin is a dom in this OMFG, masturbation, mentions of an outbreak (oops sorry), lab sex (yes, I really went there plz don’t judge me [I know I’m a dirty hoe]), semi-public sex? (not really, but almost) use of sex toys, hair pulling, spitting, face/ass/pussy slapping & licking (oop), unprotected sex (lolol the irony; STAY SAFE!), orgasms (duh), creampie, degradation, so much name calling (holy fuck), JIN HAS A BIG DICK OK (BECAUSE WE LOVE BIG DICKS RIGHT?!)
a/n: honestly I find it so hard to write for Jin & IDK WHYYY. so I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to let the light shine on him for this one. besides, Jin would make the PERFECT hOTTesT SCIENTIST. because WHY NOT?!?! oh & let this fic just be a reminder for those of you out there (you know who I’m talking about): WEAR A GODDAMN MASK.
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Seokjin Kim.
The name of the most handsome man in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and yet you cannot spend a minute around him without perspiring. Because, well, you’re convinced he just has that affect on everyone. When in reality, it’s really only you. You sweat bullets being around him.
And he knows this. Which is why he’s near you again, looking just as sexy as he did the day before, attired in his white, lab coat — his blonde tresses clouding your vision as he wanders through the lab. You internally curse the universe for having made you both cross paths. You’d often speculate why he’s working here as a scientist. Shouldn’t he be somewhere on the front cover of like GQ Magazine or something? But no, for whatever reason, in this fucked up world we live in, he’s currently in the lab with you, performing test results, by using various liquid solutions.
“Ah, I can’t wait to finally clock out tonight.” Seokjin states while flicking a test tube that remains between his glove-covered fingers, gently placing the blood sample along with other tubes in the tray to be put away in the cooler.
“Hot date I’m assuming?” You question with a secret hint of jealousy oozing from your words — observing a sample through the microscope, turning the knobs to adjust the coarse and fine focus.
Jin beams at your assumption, shaking his head, “Ah. Nice one. But no.”
Your gaze flies up to his towering figure, raising your eyebrows, “So what is it?” You try not to get too lost into staring at his plump, pink lips. He almost catches you eyeing him and you instantly look away, darting your vision back into the microscope.
“I have the whole weekend off,” He coos with a giddy expression, and you internally scoff. That fucker.
You shake your head, “Sounds great!” No, it doesn’t sound great. Because he’s probably happy that he gets to be off so he can be with someone- Wait, no. He’s clearly not going on a date. Duh, he just told you that. Okay, now you’re really just fishing for something, but you’re also jealous of him that he’s off the entire weekend. These past few months have been hell, courtesy of a recent outbreak — every official, scientist, representative and whomever in the CDC is currently working day and night, non-stop to formulate a vaccine. Therefore you shuck away your feels, because you know Jin has more seniority than you within the company. You’d only just been transferred to his department right before the outbreak had occurred.
“Some well needed rest, huh?” You question, an attempt to keep the conversation going while also being the nosey old woman you are deep down inside. “You need it,” You unconsciously continue, somewhat too occupied in ensuring the proper amount of the sodium hypochlorite solution drops are added, squeezing the pipette carefully.
Jin nods his head in agreement, “Oh yeah,” he sighs, “Could definitely use what I call the Four S’s.” Your eyebrows furrow, more-so at concentrating on your accuracy.
But you hear him, and once the final drop of solution has been added, you pull away from the microscope, discarding the pipette in the proper disposal bin. “Four S’s?” You ask, with a tilt of your head.
“Mmhmm,” Jin seats himself on the stool in front of you, placing his hand under his chin. “Soup, soju, sex, and sleep.”
You nearly topple over when trying to seat yourself, and he doesn’t miss your clumsiness either. He thought it was cute how flustered you suddenly became, and he knew why you had. The word sex having stood out amongst the others he’d mentioned. You’re smoking under his gaze, a sudden wave of heat flashing over you within the blink of an eye. Ugh, how you hate the way he does this to you. Whatever this is. With a flicker of his eyebrows, a coy grin creeps upon his face. And you nervously swallow a gulp, easing the parched feeling in the back of your throat.
Awkwardly, you clear your throat, “Sounds like one hell of a weekend.” He continues his smirk at you, and at this point you grow slightly annoyed. Oh, his stupid hot face. Why does he keep staring like that?
“What?” You deadpan.
With a suck of his teeth, he pushes himself off the stool and stands up on his two feet, “Don’t miss me too much while I’m gone,” he coos with a wink. Yes, the fucker actually winked! You had to double check within your mind that you’re fully conscious because you couldn’t believe he did that. Jin doesn’t flirt with you, like ever. And you know that even he knows this, that grin still plastered upon his face. How the hell does he do it? Do this to you?
The sound of the door clicking signals his departure, to what you only assumed he was going on his lunch break. But the real question is, does he know? He must know that you are attracted to him, otherwise he wouldn’t have insinuated you’d “miss” him. Fuck. You’re screwed and you know it. Unfortunately not in the way you’d like to be screwed.
The weekend didn’t fly by like a breeze as it normally would, but instead dragged. You thought at one point the time may have just frozen, but subconsciously you knew that wasn’t even remotely possible. Although, you’re convinced that the reason for it all is because Seokjin wasn’t there. Normally, you’d both share the same shifts on weekends and everything felt in tune. You’d complete tests, run samples, and literally anything else under the sun together. But the time felt different when with him, and you’re beyond relieved to find that the end of your shift approaches. You both say your farewells and do it all over again the next day. It became a routine, really, one that you’d grown accustomed to.
However, since his weekend off, you felt something change, and you didn’t like it. You noticed since the start of your shifts, he permeated an odd vibe. Jin wasn’t making eye contact with you, and hell he didn’t greet you when he clocked in. Even when you’d discussed to your boss that after copious amounts of research and tests, the sodium hypochlorite solution kills various diseases and viruses, including HIV/AIDS, although said concoction is overly toxic for ingestion.
Seokjin never spoke or added anything from his research to back up your claim, which was completely degrading to you, because well… teamwork — he made you feel as though the countless amount of hours you’d both spent in the lab together was a waste. So yes, it was strange. He was acting strange, and you didn’t know whether to be gloomy or pissed about it all. After the meeting with the board, discussing the current problems with hygiene and public health, you returned to your station with Jin. You decide to test the waters and break the awkward silence since he wouldn’t.
You clear your throat in an attempt to draw his attention, but fail, his back still turned to you, “How was your weekend?”
He continues his work, not even flinching when you’d suddenly spoke. He replies so fast you were convinced he just knew exactly what you were going to say and simply waited for you to do so.
“Great,” he retorts with a nonchalant tone. You hear a few snap-like sounds and immediately note that he’s placing his gloves on. He brushes past you and into the cooler, removing a tray of blood samples to set them down onto the counter. You bite back a remark and instead try again.
“Had any good soup?” You internally cringe at yourself for saying something so stupid, but you can’t help but be the curious cat you are. Then his silence doesn’t make it any better. Here you are again, “Or at least some proper rest?”
His eyes finally meet yours, and you can’t quite read his pokerface. “I did,” He adds with still the most blank expression you’d known him to make. His gaze drops back toward the test tubes he’s busied himself with.
You continue to probe him, even though your insides scream otherwise, “Couldn’t have forgotten about the soju too, right?” You question, a tone laced with curiosity. He makes a simple “mmhmm” sound, clearly understanding where you’re going with this. A brief moment of silence subsides between the both of you, and for a moment you appreciated it but another side of you just had to know. Your essence ached for an answer, even though if said answer wasn’t one you’d want to hear, you still had to know. And you swear the phrase, “Curiosity kills the cat” could explain this moment in time.
“W-what about….” You trail off, in hopes he’d catch on. His eyes meet yours, and you can’t help but want to shribble up under his stare — whilst his defined lids peer into you, as if cascading into your soul.
“What about what?” Jin knows the next question you want to ask, and part of him wishes you’ll just ask already. He needs your inquiry of his sexcapades, because truth be told, he has none; and he’s on the brink of bending you over on this counter and fucking you senselessly — a burning ache, desperate to release his pent up frustration, mixed with the daily stresses that come along with work. His eyes linger onto your facial features, searching for a warning that you’d finally cave in, that by some miracle you’d admit you want him in just as a lustful manner as he wants you. Needs you. His weekend having been a long, cold, and lonely one. He’d desperately yearned for a woman’s touch, a dry spell long overdue.
He notes how your lips part and eyes widen, as if you’re stuck like a deer in headlights and don’t know how to simply let the words flow from your tongue. His pink, plush lips catch your attention, his bottom lip protruding in a manner that’s tempting for you to simply lick the flesh — the need to graze your teeth along the tissue clouding your mind. You suck in a quiet gasp, but audible enough for Jin to hear you. The sudden twitch of his member down below, the visual of having you whimper underneath him having flashed through his imagination. You instinctively obscure any second thoughts of your actions, because if he didn’t want you to know then why would he have mentioned the “Four S’s?” It’s like he’s calling your name, indirectly. Seokjin knows how curious you’ve always been, and it’d be silly to not know such a fact. After all, you’re a scientist that works for the CDC.
The more dense part of you spills, “Well, you know-” His eyebrow quirks up at you, as if not falling for your little trap. No, he wants to hear you say it, he wants those words coming out of you and streaming to his eardrums.
That familiar hum he has a habit of making slips from him, “Hm- No, I don’t.
He proceeds to his previous endeavors, scouring through the cabinets for some tools. You stand there dumbfoundedly, and cursing your own self for not having the courage to just speak your mind. Seokjin marvels at your conflicted expression, thanking his own self for not giving in so easily — because he wants to confirm his assumptions and needs you to make that move. He definitely didn’t want to be the first to impose, just in case you were to reject him and immediately perform some type of backlash technique. The last thing he needed was to lose his job and/or face a lawsuit for harassment. He ignores your stiff figure and gracefully mixes various liquids into a beaker. Your fingers tap along the counter and mind races hundreds of miles per hour. Just do it.
“Sex,” You whisper. His stirring stops suddenly and eyes move to yours with a slight tilt of his head. “Did you… Have sex?” You add, voice barely above a whisper. Jin sighs in relief, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders — the air now somewhat less stuffy, and he chooses to stifle back a moan of satisfaction at your question. And within an instant, he scoffs, sending a rush of discouragement over your being.
He shakes his head while a sly grin paints upon his face, “Wouldn’t you like to know, hm?” You roll your eyes at him, can’t even believe the audacity. Of course, you should have known he’d be comical about it. Because that’s what Jin does, which makes you question how he’d even passed the entire hiring process to be promised and given this position.
With a slight pull of your strands out of frustration, you retort, “What the hell, Jin? You were the first one to mention “the Four S’s” You make sure to exaggerate air quotation marks on the phrase.
“And now you’re acting like you can’t even say if you’ve gotten some over the weekend. What am I not allowed to ask you questions anymore?!” Seokjin stares at you with wide eyes, immediately making you feel guilty for your sudden outburst. But what was he to expect? How could he not think you’d be curious of how his weekend ended after revealing to you his much needed desires. You palm your face in embarrassment, not wanting to meet his gaze any longer. And that’s when he removes his gloves, discarding them in the designated bin, and the feel of his palms encase around yours, pulling you from your hidden position to reveal your face that’s now strained with a painful look.
“If it makes you feel any better… I haven’t had sex.” His sweet voice oozes of comfort, granting a sense of calmness to reside within you.
“It’s been so long, and I am actually going to lose my mind if I don’t soon enough.” His confession causes you to gasp lowly, and he notices this. You hadn’t realized he was still holding your hands, his fingers long and cold, rubbing light circles within your palms. You know that he’s telling the truth; his eyes screaming for attention. Jin is desperate, and you sense that, which would explain why he’d been so tense ever since showing up to work today. You take this chance to take in every feature he has to offer. His broad shoulders aiding to tower his figure above yours just as he constrains his neck slightly to glare into your eyes. Your mouth flies agape just by an inch, and you hadn’t realized how close Jin was to you. You could feel the warmth of his breathing from his nostrils hitting you like the heat boiling down below.
You had a dire need to just smash your lips with his to finally know what the pillow-y tissue feels like between your own. His deep, chocolate irises reeling you in and suddenly your hand clenches tight underneath his touch. He notices and releases his grip from you, not realizing he’d been holding you this entire time.
And then you break the ice suddenly, “I think you should get that taken cared of soon.” Jin watches your form whilst you depart yourself from the room. Entering the main hall, you hadn’t processed how warm the atmosphere in the lab had been — a thin sheen of sweat coating your face and neck, courtesy of Seokjin Kim.
And then things got weirder.
There was this unspeakable tension between the two of you. You hardly made much eye contact with him at work now. You trained yourself (somewhat) to not ask so many questions during your shifts together, and if Jin noticed this then he definitely didn’t show or tell that he did. You’d find yourself going home at the end of the day and pulling out your favorite vibrator just to orgasm at the thought of Seokjin and his rosy, juicy lips, slender fingers that you know could reach the highest of places; those silky, light, blonde strands that long for you to tug on them as he buries himself in between your legs. However, Jin does the same, even on that weekend when he was off. He coated himself in lubricant and acquired his pocket pussy to stuff his thick length through the silicone material, imagining that it was your walls encasing around his cock instead.
Bucking his hips upwards, wanton moans spilled from him whilst he continued to ride out the waves of pleasure he’d endured just by dreaming of you. He continuously re-played the sight of your face over and over again in his mind, when you’d looked up at him that day in the lab — with glossy, bright eyes twinkling of curiosity. He wanted right then and there to shove himself down your throat and make you choke on his big dick. At the moment his groin tensed up and balls ached to release his load, he moaned your name repeatedly, as if he was summoning you into his bed. Streams of his cum erupted into the sleeve, soaking his length with the creamy substance just as he huffed for air, an attempt to gain back his normal breathing pattern.
And then the next day…
He did it again.
But this time it was different. He opted for his palm instead and your voice. He scrambled through anything in his phone that could get him off, more like anything of you in his phone. Until it dawned on him. You’d left him a voicemail back when you first got hired, introducing yourself to him and asking him to give you a call back to discuss work-related matters.
Your voice sent tingles down his spine as it resonated through the speakers of his iPhone. Jin quietly hummed at your words, as if he was agreeing to what you were saying — even though it had nothing to do with sex or pleasing him in any matter.
“Wish you were here,” He slips with his eyes shut, whilst his palm eagerly strokes his stiff cock, fingers gently brushing along the vein on his shaft.
“Need you so bad. Want to make you scream my name.” He replays it again with a hiss through his teeth. Drips of precum seep from the head of his cock; he lightly grazes the flesh with his long fingers, stimulating the sensitive area. The squelching noises from his slick length can be heard throughout his apartment as he pumps himself vigorously.
Another uncontrollable hum spills from Jin when he replays the recording again, picturing you on your knees blowing him off until you lose your breath.
“Hi Mr. Kim!”
How much he loves when you call him that. He’d almost forgotten when you used to address him that way, until he insisted that you didn’t have to and to simply refer to him as Jin.
“Mmm, love it when you used to call me that,” Jin whispers softly.
His hips move on their own, bucking up into his hand. His thighs clenching as he continues to fuck himself through his palm, and with furrowed brows he claws the sheets of his bed at the sound of your voice.
“This is ____, I was just transferred to your department and was told to follow up with you for any questions I may have.”
Jin’s hums now turned into moans, “Oh, fuck. Want to make you cum on Mr. Kim’s cock.”
“Anyways, if you could please give me a call back then I would really appreciate it. I look forward to meeting you!”
Jin’s toes curl at the last statement, his lips part instinctively and thighs stiffen themselves. His impending orgasm approaches as he cries out in pure bliss, “Oh, yeah! F-fuck!”
His chest rises and falls when streams of cum project onto his abs, some coating his fingers — while he softly pumps himself to rid of the remaining secretions. His loose strands stick to his forehead, thanks to the built up perspiration due to the raise in his body temperature. Jin lies there with a shaky breath and trembling thighs paired with thoughts of you. How much he wished his cum hadn’t gone to waste, how he wished he could cum so much inside of you that you gush pools of his jizz when he removes himself out of you. And lastly, how he’s nearly on the brink of risking it all just to be inside you.
One morning you break through the doors of the lab you share with Jin, to find him peering through a microscope. You can’t take it anymore; it’s been too long since the day you’d met him that you wanted to literally devour him whole. The need to hold your composure now thrown out the window completely. You snatch your badge off of you followed by your coat and slam your hand onto the counter, startling him from his work.
“I need you to fuck me until my brain is dead and I forget who I am and that we are in the middle of a pandemic.”
Seokjin’s mouth and eyes fly as wide as they can go. Without hesitation, he perks up from the stool and nearly tumbles over to tear his gloves off, remove his glasses, coat, and protective mask. He hurriedly washes his hands in the nearby sink, his eyes still traced on your uptight form. With lips still parted, he makes his way back to you and grips your sides, caressing you as if he’s admiring this moment of you standing here in front of him, begging for only him. He can’t process what’s actually happening and so he opts to do so later, and instead just appreciate this moment  — a dream that finally came true. Unexpectedly, he lunges you against the counter, causing your back to hit the handles of the drawers.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that?” He admits with a tone that’s mixed with lust.
Jin’s warm breath breezes past your face, sending a wave of chills down your spine. He cups your cheeks, and captures you in a heated kiss. His plump lips smooth out your own, a faint hint of coffee left on his tastebuds that signals you he more than likely had a cup of Joe this morning — your kisses filled with a fiery passion you didn’t know would finally come to light. His hands fall down to grip your waist in a feverish manner. Your fingers laced into his hair, an action you’d wanted to perform for what seems like forever now. His strands feel like satin under your fingertips.
His hands trail down to your ass cheeks, gripping the cushions with a hungry force. A rush of wetness seeps into your panties, and you silently convince yourself that you’d never been more horny until now. With teeth and tongues clashing, hands roaming along each others bodies, you both lose yourselves within each others touch — drifting into the euphoria of finally being relieved of the backed up tension that accumulated over these lonesome months. This moment in time was everything Jin had wished for. He yearned to have you in this way, and he’d only accept it if you were comfortable with doing so. The pang in his groin area throbs due to his high libido. Those nights he’d spent jerking himself off to the thought of you were now just a memory. When the burning need to breathe approaches, you both pull away panting for air. Jin’s already full lips now swollen and wet, his gorgeous almond-shaped eyes staring down your form in awe.
Your palms rest on his wide shoulders, caressing them with desperation.
“Please, Jin.” You plead with a whine. Within a swift he turns you around and bends you over. Your grip lands on the counter, knocking down the numerous utensils he’d previously been using, an almost failed attempt at keeping your balance. Jin roughly pulls your garments down, showcasing your panties. He brushes his digits along your covered core that pulses, almost as if speaking to his fingers. He applies more pressure, earning a small whimper. His erection gradually growing itself behind his briefs. He uses his index finger to pull your lacy undergarment to the side, a final reveal of your juicy lips. Your core clenches in front of him, as if calling to welcome him within your walls.
And suddenly a harsh slap lands on your delicate womanhood. You nearly fall apart on the spot at the abrupt infliction.
“That’s Mr. Kim to you.” He slips harshly and yanks your panties down to your ankles, your feet having tossed them somewhere in the distance. You hear the unbuckling of his belt, and he swiftly drops his trousers on the ground along with his briefs pooling at his ankles. His erect cock springs up, teasing the cheeks of your ass. And before you could even turn your head to take in the view of him, Seokjin slaps your lips a few times, the tip of his cock grazing against your clit while doing so. He then shoves himself entirely into you within one go, not even thinking to spare you even just for a moment. You knew you didn’t have to actually see his dick to know how big it is because damn did he stretch you out like you’d never been stretched before. You relentlessly pulsate around him, soaking him in your juices.
The pads of your fingertips grip onto the edge of the countertop. “Oh fuck me, oh!”
“Wow, you’re so tight. Fuck.” Jin moans. You find your hair being pulled back; he whispers into your ear, “I’m going to fucking give it to you, you hear me?” His large palm lands a rough smack to your ass cheek.
“Yes! S-sir!” You cry out, and another slap reoccurs, a familiar tingly sensation shoots straight to your heat. You didn’t think Jin was this dominate, but you’re convinced after such a drastic period of time, it would only make sense that he’d release his tension as he pleases. He creates his own brutal pace — relentlessly pounding your pussy out with no mercy. Your body bounces forward from Jin’s ferocious strokes, and your scalp aches from his tug on your hair.
“So wet, so tight,” He whispers to himself, blowing yet another smack to your bottom, followed by a gentle rub, an attempt to ease the soreness. You’re sure he’d leave a mark on you. The sound of his balls clapping against your cheeks resonates through the lab, and you internally pray that no one walks in because how fucked you’d both be if that happens. But at the same time, you really could care less because you’re being fucked by the hottest man in the company and that’s what matters right now.
“Fuck me, Mr. Kim! Please don’t stop!” His tug on your hair gets tighter. His delicate strands flapping up and down in the process of him hammering into you, his Adam’s apple bobs as moans emit from him, and his cock drenches itself in your arousal. He cherishes the sight of his dick entering and exiting your kitty, only for him to thrust forward into you with a sharp jab. He treasures your soft whimpers and cries of his name.
Jin pulls himself out of you completely, and you whine at the sudden loss of contact.
“Turn around,” With shaky legs, you comply and Jin gestures you to sit down on the stool — wrapping his arms under your knees and pulling your legs apart as wide as they can go, your drenched cunt on full display for his horny being.
You can finally see him and nearly cum on the spot at the sight of his huge cock. It’s beautiful, he glimmers of your wet — his mushroom tip approximately the same shade of color as his lips. He gives your pussy a few taps, mimicking a “knocking on the door” motion. The tip of his member prods your entrance, your fingers grip his forearms in hopes to not crumble from his ministrations, your legs eagerly wrapping themselves around his small waist. Once Jin’s length pushes past your folds, your walls immediately welcome him inside.
A fervor moan spills from you, and this time he doesn’t let up on your tender core, continuing where he left off with his rigid pace. With one hand gripping your waist, he uses the other to grip your neck, “Look at you all needy and desperate,” He slaps your face teasingly, earning a yelp from you. “I knew you wanted me this whole time.”
Another slap with a bit more force. A soft gasp falls from your fucked out self.
“Wanted me to destroy your tight little pussy just like this?” He forces a deep thrust, followed by another and another and another, gaining a strained cry from you. Your walls contract around his hardened length, begging for his motions to never stop. He slaps you again, making sure to leave a mark behind on your cheek.
“Speak when you’re spoken to.” He uses this time to slap your clit harshly, unsatisfied with not receiving a response from you.
You whimper in reply, a sudden jerk of your thighs, “Y-yes, Mr. Kim!”
Jin slaps you again, “Who’s a cock-hungry little slut for Mr. Kim?” He continues to slap your face again, alternating between your left and right cheek.
And again.
His filthy words cause a tingly sensation straight to your core, “Me. I-I am a slut for you, Sir.”
And again.
That familiar hum rumbles from Jin’s chest, an approval laced in satisfaction, “Mmm, that’s right. You’ll walk around this facility with my cum buried deep inside you. Understand?” He punctuates his question with a thrust so deep, you swear you feel him in your tummy.
“Yes, Sir!” You cry out with trembling legs. He’s hitting your sweet spot so well, and with another slap to your face, your eyes prick with tears. Jin’s overpowering demeanor is nothing like you’d ever seen before.
“Play with your clit.” He demands, and you follow. Your fingers find the nub to gently rub along the sensitive nerves, causing your thighs to twitch within Jin’s hold.
“Harder,” he commands. You comply and add more pressure, a boiling heat rising in the pit of your tummy. You close your eyes and focus on the sounds of Jin’s panting and your thighs smacking against his. He lands another harsh slap to your face, and squeezes your cheeks together with one hand.
“Open your mouth.” You obey him and find yourself opening up as he requests. He drops a line of his warm saliva onto your tongue, and demands, “Swallow.”
Your clit throbs in pleasure and he notes you’ve stopped rubbing yourself. With a gulp, you ingest his spit with a whimper. Jin slaps your clit this time, your legs naturally jerking in response.
“Did I tell you to stop touching yourself?” He probes while halting his thrusts. You nod your head in a no gesture, “N-no Sir.”
He slaps your aching clitoris repeatedly, then pulls himself out of you. Your walls cry at the loss of his thick cock. He bends down to forcefully slap your pussy, running his fingers along your dripping heat and within moments he lewdly spits on your wet folds, his saliva now glistening your already soaked labia. His tongue darts out to slither along your lips and he places a wet kiss to your clit before pulling away.
“I’d love to keep eating you out, but I’ve been dying to get inside this pussy,” He sheathes his member back inside of you and buries himself to the hilt, pulling back out all the way and slamming back into you. He releases another trail of his spit onto his shaft, smothering himself more. He licks the pad of his thumb and rubs your clit relentlessly, while giving you short and fast strokes; and suddenly your toes curl themselves at the same time your eyebrows furrow.
Seokjin notices your contorted expression, and with a beaming grin, he coos, “That’s right. Cum for Mr. Kim like the good, little slut you are.”
“Cumming, Oh fuck!” Your body quivers within his hold while your orgasm overtakes you, even the stool you’re still seated on slightly skids across the floor beneath you. Jin helps to ride your orgasm out, applying just the right amount of pressure as you writhe underneath him. Your nails graze along his clothed biceps, his sleeves now scrunched and wrinkled, and you honestly have no shame — too lost in being drowned into your orgasm.
He groans at the feel of your cunt contracting around his cock, his thrusts now gaining a sloppy momentum. “Fuck, didn’t know you could get so tight.” His eyes fall down to his cock — the sight of your lady lips sucking him in entirely and contracting around his shaft tips him over the edge.
Seokjin gazes into your eyes with parted lips and lets out a shuddering moan dipped in ecstasy, his nails dig into the flesh of your waist as he rides out his high.
“Fuck,” he breathlessly says. A sudden warmth down below causes you to witness Jin’s cock pulsing as thick ropes of his cum surges into you, painting your walls and filling you up entirely of him. He joins you in watching himself gradually ease out of you. You clench your walls intentionally; Jin’s cum drains from your fucked out heat and drips onto the ground.
You both remain in silence, the sound of your breaths filling up the entire space. Before you could even process what just happened, or simply let out a syllable or two, the double doors of the lab burst open.
There stood a tall, slender man with glasses and a dark-chocolate, bowl cut. His deep, baritone voice sends a shuddering chill through you.
“Someone’s got a lot of explaining to do.”
“Ah, shit.” Jin whispers, with both hands on his hips and his soft length now flaccid. You cover your face in your palms, in full shame.
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tsukikento · 3 years
Empathetic Chapter 13
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Summary: After your mom, the number 1 hero in America, gets offered a teaching position at U.A., you two pack up your things and head to Musutafu, Japan to start a new life. Pressure for you in America was at an all-time high, and now you’re in Japan, where almost no one knows you, or your family’s past.
This tale starts on your first day of class where your new teacher decides the best way for you to fit in is to fight against the strongest person in your class: Bakugou Katsuki.
Warnings/Genre: This piece will feature some angst and reference to an abusive parent, if you are ever worried about other tw’s feel free to send me an ask and I will let you know. There will also be fluff, slight angst, pining, and slowburn.
A/N: I finished this weeks ago and then took forever to do my final edit! Which may suck, but I think the wait is worth it. I’m hoping to write much more in the new year! :) Please let me know what you think.
It was another mundane and busy week until anything eventful occurred.
Although, there were still highlights to your week, particularly the lunch periods.
On Monday, you ate with Ashido, Kirishima, and the rest of that small group of friends you were becoming more acquainted with. News of Ashido and Kirishima’s relationship spread quickly as they sat together before class started and were giggling messes for much of the day. Therefore, the couple decided to sit next to each other during lunch instead of in the usual seating order. Because of the seating change, you were now positioned next to Bakugou who kept rather quiet except for the few times he nudged you to laugh at how idiotic the couple was being.
Tuesday was rather similar, except now Kaminari and Sero were pretending to be a couple in order to mock Ashido and Kirishima. They comically fed each other lunch, called each other disgustingly sweet pet names, and even pretended to kiss a few times. You, out of everyone there, found this the funniest. You could not help but laugh loudly at their antics while Ashido and Kirishima swayed between being upset, bashful, and laughing along. Bakugou had a small smile planted on his lips throughout the lunch, but did not bark out a laugh once.
On Wednesday, Ashido practically ruined your plans by telling you that she was eating with just Kirishima that day. You had been so excited to sit with Bakugou once more that you weren’t quite sure what to do. After some debate, you ended up sitting with the rest of the Class 1-A girls. They spent most of the lunch talking about school, which wasn’t horrible, but they were much less humorous than the ridiculous and rambunctious boys you had been sitting with.
On Thursday, you once again sat with the girls. However, Uraraka was missing today and was replaced by an Ashido who could not stop staring at Kirishima. Despite ogling him during lunch, she firmly believed in spending time with other people and taking things slow. This resulted in her promising one day for “just us girls!” As the two lovesick puppies continued to shift in their seats to get a look at the other.  You even found yourself preemptively looking towards the table of boys to catch Kirishima’s glances. It seemed Bakugou had the same idea because you made eye contact with him almost as much as Kirishima and Ashido had.
When Friday rolled around, you were fairly tired. School picked up quickly and you were still working on catching up from the weeks you missed. With little sleep, you trudged to the table with Ashido and Kirishima and allowed anyone but you to carry on a conversation. Luckily, that was easy for the group sitting with you.
Although you weren’t quite sure what was happening, you were fairly certain Ashido and Kaminari were rallying a humorous bit about Aizawa and another hero. Something about jokes? Or somebody with a lot of jokes?
However, the happy atmosphere changed quickly as Mineta approached you all with a sick smirk plastered on his face.
Despite Kaminari and Sero being friendly with Mineta in their first year, and not outright hating him now, they knew better than to welcome him with open arms to a table with two girls, the chivalrous Kirishima, and a short-tempered Bakugou. With this in mind, they stayed quiet as the purple-headed boy arrived at their table and gained everyone’s attention.
“Can we help you?” Kirishima asked politely. He cautiously wrapped his arm around Ashido, very aware that Mineta could be more vulgar than the average person.
“I just wanted to congratulate you on your relationship,” He began, surprising all of you.
Even you turned to look at him out of surprise. The action wasn’t too difficult because he was positioned between you and Bakugou who sat at the head of the table. You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched him begin to speak once more.
“I have to say I’m pretty jealous you get to tap that pink a—“
“Oh my god,” Ashido’s voice covered up his last word and you all looked at him in mal contempt and utter disgust.
Anger immediately flooded through your veins and you almost threw yourself away to distance yourself from Mineta as much as possible. Furthermore, despite your tired mind, you had been wanting to destress for hours, and you swiftly placed your hand on the short boy’s shoulder as you saw the opportunity arise. Although it pained you to even touch him, you craved to let your aggressions go much more than your craved distance.
You smirked as his emotions ran through you. With as much control as you could muster, you did not allow his perverse feelings overcome you and instead focused on his insecurities.
“Pretty big words from someone who wouldn’t even be a hero if it wasn’t for your grape-filled brain,” You said, letting your aggression take over your conscious. “I wouldn’t make comments like that knowing full well all of us here could kick your ass. You don’t even fit well into our class when your quirk is easily outdone by Sero and your smarts are far from the best in the class.” Every word your spoke spit the venom of a snake, but you couldn’t stop yourself from letting though go into the loud cafeteria.
“Holy shit,” You heard Kaminari chuckle out of pure surprise once you finished ridiculing Mineta.
You removed your hand from his shoulder and stared at him with a sickly evil smirk, practically begging the purple pile of garbage to try and retort to much too real claims.
“Scram,” A deep voice beside you spoke up.
You looked over to Bakugou and saw as much anger in his eyes as you were sure were in yours. However, you were quite sure yours were now being replaced with confusion.
Mineta fled with his theoretical tail between his legs. You didn’t have to remove your earbuds to know he was regretting ever coming to this table.
Good, you thought as you watched him leave.
Once he was a good distance away, you turned back to your groups of friends who stared at you in shock.
“Damn, L/N-san,” Sero commented, very purposefully using formal language around you.
“Your tongue is as sharp as Bakugou’s,” Kirishima added while Ashido ran around to give you a hug for defending her.
“Thank you,” She whispered in your ear, her tone happier than you would expect at this time.
You nervously chuckled and scratched the back of your head, not expecting them to be so accepting of your angry side. It really only ever come out during a fight or when someone was particularly pissing you off.
“Yeah,” Bakugou quietly added. You looked over to him as he continued to speak, “It was,” A pregnant pause filled the table, “Cool.” Despite him still looking dissatisfied with his choice of words, you didn’t push for him to clarify.
“Thanks,” You replied, a gentle smile stretched across your hot cheeks. His own cheeks tinged a hue of pink you saw rarely and you knew that this moment was special. You didn’t want to rush to conclusions because assumptions were never ideal, but you hoped Bakugou actually liked seeing your quick wit come out.
The bell rang, signaling that your session of lunch was coming to a close and you had 5 minutes to get to your next class. You grabbed your small dessert before tossing the rest of your lunch. While Bakugou, Ashido, and Kaminari departed in a separate direction for the class with your mom, you gingerly walked with Sero and Kirishima back to the 2-A classroom.
The two boys continued to compliment you as you walked into class on your impressive words.
“If it was anyone else, I would be nervous to say this,” Kirishima spoke, “But Mineta is so crude that he kind of deserves it. Especially considering what he was saying about Ashido.”
You smiled at Kirishima, who currently had pink spreading across his face. “I’m sure you would have stepped in if I hadn’t,” You added, knowing full well that Kirishima was very polite.
The conversation continued until you arrived at your class. Sero moved to his seat while you and Kirishima walked together to the back to sit in your seats one behind the other.
When Monday had come, Aizawa still hadn’t prepared anything for the class to do, but today he came prepared.
With a pop quiz.
Everyone in the class groaned as he insisted it would give you all a better chance than the other students on the next exam.
By the time you got out of class, you were sure Ashido, Kaminari, and Bakugou were still with your mom.
Despite knowing full well that you should head over to your mom’s house and feed your cat, you were also very tempted to sit in on the class. Or at least see Bakugou again.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, something that had become more and more common, at the thought of seeing him. You felt like such a fool with your ridiculous crush, but you couldn’t help how excited you got at the idea of seeing him.
Additionally, today’s class was supposed to be her day with every year rather than just one. The large crowd would mean she wasn’t as intense and detailed. Finally, you decided to use a simple excuse of a question to have a reason to go and see your friends.
Primarily Bakugou, you admitted to yourself as you trekked the halls to the large gymnasium.
Despite his previous comments, Bakugou’s temperament towards your mother’s class had gone down by Monday when she was able to talk to him more one on one about manipulating his explosions and how it matched with her fire manipulation.
Having sat in on your own siblings' training sessions multiple times, you knew the speech about fire, or explosions in Bakugou’s case, not being able to provide nearly as much defense as offense.
Ashido had recanted to you that Bakugou spent most of the day trying to use his explosions to block attacks from whatever partner he was with instead of using his explosions to attack them.
You were glad they were getting along with each other, but you want for them to get along together also scared you to death.
Is me wanting them to get along too much? You questioned, trying to be conscious of how quickly your feelings were getting the best of you.
Reluctantly, you attempted to swallow your nerves and went to grab the door handle of the gym.
Since your mother would be talking to all her students as opposed to just one years’ worth, you knew you would have quite the audience as you opened the loud door to the gym. That could be positive and negative.
As you predicted, a plethora of eyes moved from your mother to look at you as you bashfully came in. They were currently sitting on the ground as your mother talked to them about who knows what.
Immediately your eyes found Bakugou’s sharp vermillion eyes. You felt your face flush as his piercing gaze stared back at your shamelessly. It was almost intense enough for you to look down and run out of the gym.
However, before you had a chance, your mother whipped around and smiled at you as she noticed herself lose everyone’s attention.
“Ah!” She cheerfully exclaimed as you tentatively approached her and stood in front of more than fifty students.
You couldn’t help but watch Bakugou as his eyes brazenly traveled up and down your body as you approached the group of students. The smirk on his lips was a bold reminder that he was much more confident than you.
“Everyone,” Your mom spoke and she turned to face the crowd, “This is my daughter, Y/N!”
Although you knew what type of situation you put yourself in, you still nervously waved at the class before leaning into your mom. “Sorry, I just needed to ask you something.”
“We’ll be right back,” She told the class. Gently, she grabbed your elbow and pulled you away so the students couldn’t hear you. “Yeah?” She asked.
Although you appreciated her moving you both out of earshot, you were intending to talk to her in English, which many of the students knew very little of considering it was your first language and most likely their second.
“I was just about to head over to feed Cody and remembered you being a little low on food on Wednesday. Do you want me to pick up more?” You asked.
“Oh, yes! That would be perfect!” She exclaimed, “Thank you for remembering.”
“Okay, cool, see you la—”
“Come talk to the class before you go!” Your mother excitedly said as she pulled you back to the students, clearly wanting to show off one of her 5 prodigies.
Although she was strict when it came to training and held standards for you that were much different from her siblings, you were still her pride and joy. She acted so childishly when not focused on work, and it almost felt like Ashido was the one dragging you to do something you didn’t want to do.
“Tell them about how I am as a teacher,” She said in Japanese so the class could understand.
You sighed before looking to the students and trying to find the best words. Although there were many people in the audience you knew, you only kept your eyes on Bakugou as you spoke. Having my mom as your teacher can help you so much, so pay attention, you thought to yourself before speaking. “She is a hard-ass. She knows your potential and knows you can do better than you think. She is kind to you, but when you slack off, she gets more serious than you will ever see. Take this class seriously.” You paused for a moment before adding. “My mom trained all four of my older siblings. She is the number 1 hero in America, and they are all in the top 20 and climbing. You are lucky to have her help.”
Your tone was serious, but your mother’s kind smile was what made the situation scariest. She didn’t even correct you or criticize her for calling her a hard-ass. Many students had shocked faces with only a few exceptions for the students you knew would take her seriously and use her skill before she left.
“Thank you so much for stopping by,” Your mother spoke before turning to only address you. “This class is almost done, but I have a meeting, so I won’t be home by the time you feed Cody.”
You promptly nodded before turning to leave. You were too nervous to spare a glance at your friends, but you heard Ashido and Kaminari say goodbye as you opened to gymnasium door.
You used the small walk to the local pet store and then to your mother’s house as an opportunity to be with yourself. You thought over your week and what you needed to do. From homework, you needed to catch up on, personal training, and your hero costume, your life was fairly busy.
Additionally, the back of your mind prodded you with questions about Bakugou.
Did it seem weird that you stopped by your mom’s class?
Is it obvious you like him more than others?
You shouldn’t even be thinking about romance when you have to focus on your career!!
You knew full well that you had leaps to take in order to be an excelling hero. You knew it was more important to force yourself to actually train and practice than to worry about little friendships and romances. However, you felt tired.
You tried to calm yourself down by reminding yourself that you just moved to a new country and started school in a whole new place.
This school is made to help me train and get better, at least I have that if I am not doing much extra outside of class.
By the time you arrived at your mom’s house and were done feeding Cody, your feet, and brain ached. You spent the next half an hour on the couch with your cat by your side, lackadaisically petting him while scrolling through your phone.
Once your feet were no longer crying for a break, you made your way back home. The sun was still up, the warm sun shining perfectly on the concrete. It was just now entering the end of May and many bushes and trees were lush with green leaves and various vibrant other colors. The temperature was nice and tepid, making the walk home very comfortable because of the occasional breeze.
By the time you were home, the sun was just beginning to set. You quietly took off your shoes and greeted the few students downstairs.
“Ah, L/N-san,” Iida began once he saw you. He, Asui, and Tokoyami were currently stationed in the kitchen. “I know you aren’t used to the normal schedule yet, but we usually eat dinner around 6. Everyone takes turns cooking.”
You nodded while walking up to them. They were currently cooking up a pasta dish and the smell was making your stomach ache.
“Once you feel comfortable, we would love to add you to the list,” Iida continued.
Although a little tired, you still smiled at the trio, “I would love to. Is there a spreadsheet or list? I really only know American dishes so…” You trailed off at the end of your sentence. You enjoyed cooking, but you hardly knew how to make true Japanese dishes.
“Of course,” Asui began. She pulled out her phone to show you. “Each day has certain people with the dishes already listed. The school provides us with some money for food and different people go shopping each Saturday. It is usually the girls though, ribbit,” She explained.
Your eyes glazed over this month’s sheet. Each person appeared a few times with the respective dishes also listed.
“Who makes these?” You asked.
“Momo does,” Iida quickly replied while he drained a large pot of pasta.
You nodded, debating what would be your best action. “I’ll talk to Momo some time about getting put onto the schedule.”
The three classmates nodded and thanked you for understanding.
You sheepishly waved them off, telling them you were happy to help. You finally made your way upstairs with a small snack in hand. You were quite hungry at this point and hoped it would help satiate you until the food was ready in an hour.
You immediately plopped down on your bed and pulled out your phone once upstairs.
I can do homework after dinner, you told yourself as you scrolled through social media.
However, before you had a chance to really relax, you heard 3 rapid knocks against your wooden door. Quizzically, you stood up from your bed, debating who could be knocking in such a short, yet recognizable way.
Unsurprisingly, Bakugou was the person on the other side.
I should have known, you told yourself as you took in his outfit. He wasn’t too sweaty, but it was clear he has been active for at least the past hour. He was dressed in basketball shorts and a basic t-shirt.
“Can I help you?” You inquired. It seemed he rushed over to talk to you, making you wonder by he couldn’t wait.
“I want to fight,” He bluntly explained.
“Okay, um,” You mumbled, “I am pretty good right now. Can I take a rain check?” You retorted. You definitely were not ready for a challenge.
The blond rolled his eyes as you and sighed, “Dummy. I don’t mean right now.” His voice was harsh and it made you want to laugh at his reaction to your reply.
Your mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape and Bakugou leaned up against the door.
“Are you gonna invite me in?” He asked. The pout on his lips was rather cute, but you tried to stay focused on what he was saying.
“Do you even want to come in?” You pushed.
Bakugou scrunched up his nose at your sarcastic comment and leaned up to stand tall against you. “It would be rude not to. We have to plan when we are going to train together.”
“Ah,” You mumbled.
You moved aside to let Bakugou in. When he came in, you finally noticed the water in his hand and the way his eyes scanned over your room carefully.
“I didn’t realize you meant training,” You explained as you quietly closed your bedroom door.
No matter how calm you tried to stay it was rather difficult to do so when he was looking over everything you had.
He turned to look at you. “Are you dumb?” He judged, “Do you need coffee or something?”
You waived him off and grabbed your laptop, not feeling the need to keep this small spat going. You gestured for him to sit at your desk chair while you perched onto your own bed.
“Do you know your schedule?” You asked him as you pulled up the calendar app on your laptop.
“Yeah,” He began while taking a seat at your small desk chair. He slouched over in the chair and gave off a very nonchalant vibe.
You wondered for a moment what kind of vibe you gave off.
“I am free on Wednesday and Sunday,” He explained.
You nodded and looked through your schedule. You didn’t really have anything that couldn’t be moved considering you had only been living in Japan for a few weeks now. Silently, you wished your schedule would pick up more. You noticed most of your classmates were gone a few times throughout the week for their internship.
You bit your lip, debating your schedule before mumbling out, “Do you cook dinner at all?”
Bakugou stared at your quizzically, your eyes glued to your laptop screen. “Huh?” He replied, his voice louder than intended. He honestly wasn’t even sure if you knew you asked that question.
You looked up from him and immediately felt nerves wash over your body. “I’m just curious because Iida was talking to me about adding myself to that schedule. I was wondering if you did in the case that would mess up our training. Or, like, also because I know you go to your internship a lot and wanted to make sure I didn’t take up too much of your time. Sorry, I didn’t m—”
“You talk too much,” Bakugou interrupted.
You abruptly stopped talking. You stared at Bakugou, not quite sure what to say.
Is he even going to answer my question, you debated as you watched him.
“I do,” He finally added. “On Mondays.”
You nodded your head and simply looked back to your computer. You gulped down the lump in your throat before mumbling out a small and meek, “Cool.” Your eyes gloss over your computer once more despite already having your schedule memorized. “Wednesday and Sunday work for me too.”
Bakugou stood up from the chair. “Good,” He replied, before making his way to the door.
“Wait!” You exclaimed just before he opened the door.
He turned to look at you, his features were curious as to what else you could add.
“What time are we going to meet up?” You asked. “And where?” You added. A small pause, “And what are we going to do?”
“Geez, you have so many questions,” Bakugou groaned, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. You found your eyes scanning over his slightly damp hair. It was still standing at attention and looked incredibly fluffy.
You didn’t react at all and simply gestured for him to keep talking.
“We can meet this Sunday at three in the afternoon. Just meet me downstairs and I’ll walk us to the Cityscape I end up renting out.” He paused and looked you over. “We are going to fight.”
You let his words wash over your and you simply nodded, giving him his cue to leave. When the door finally shut and Bakugou was gone, you sighed.
You definitely needed combat training but were not excited to face the fiery hothead again. You were absolutely sure he held a grudge and would put his all into beating you.
Reluctantly, you jotted down the time in your calendar and made notes for all following Wednesdays and Sundays to close off at least part of the day to training. You weren’t sure how long this would last considering you would rather face a wide variety of people a few times than consistently work with only one person. However, you were sure it would at least last a few sessions and that you would both surely help each other get better.
After dinner, which was quite delicious and filling, you stopped Momo to tell her you wanted to sign up for dinner duty.
Delighted, the hero in-training took you to her room where her computer was and showed you the schedule.
Each day was color-coded. In the description were the people cooking and the type of cuisine they would make.
“Most days are balanced with good cooks and not as great cooks,” She explained. “We keep the cuisines here for variety, but the groups have to choose 2 weeks ahead of schedule what they will be making. That way we can buy them with enough time.”
Your eyes glossed over the screen and looked at the various cuisines. Most were nights were dedicated to Japanese food except Friday, which was dedicated to pasta, Tuesday, which was dedicated to American food, and Wednesday, which was dedicated to Chinese food.
“The groups can also change the cuisine if they want,” She added after seeing you intensely scanning the days.
“Yeah,” You mumbled out. “I’m just not sure if I should go with the cuisines that would be easier for me like Tuesday or Friday. It might be nice to work on the Japanese days because I would be learning.”
Momo nodded understandably. “I’m sure everyone would be happy to work with you. I would note though that every day except Monday has 3 people. You would even out that group if you chose to and learn Japanese cuisine.”
That was Bakugou’s day, you immediately noted.
You looked at the calendar schedule and saw that he was also set to be cooking with Sero on those days.
You hummed while debating your options. “Could I try out Mondays? Maybe if I don’t like it I could move the day?”
Momo eagerly nodded. “Of course!” She moved her computer closer to you and put your name in the schedule. “Do you have their numbers?”
“Just Bakugou’s,” You quickly replied.
Momo nodded and pulled out her own phone. “Let me give you Sero’s so you can make a group chat.”
Once the kind girl gave you his number, you tentatively put him into your phone and made a group chat with the three of you. “Thank you, Momo,” You spoke while standing up to bow.
Yaoyorozu bashfully replied with a “You’re welcome.”
After a brief goodbye, you left her room and made your way back to your own. Homework… you mumbled over and over in your head as if it would make you more likely to actually get things done.
Once in your room, you posted up at your desk, laptop in front of you. However, instead of doing anything important, you stared at the blank, black screen.
After debating your actions for a few minutes, you grabbed your phone from your pocket and unlocked it.
The group chat stared back at you as you thought about what to say. You knew it was important to start the conversation, but you had no idea how to. You bit your lips and tried to calm your nerves, knowing full well that there was no reason to be anxious. However, you still felt your nerves crawl up your spine.
After way too long, you finally typed out a small message.
Hey, this is Y/N! Momo had me join you both for dinner night on Mondays. Hope that’s okay and please let me know how to help!
You immediately put your phone on silent and tossed it onto your bed, telling yourself that you needed to focus on homework.
You opened your laptop up and grabbed your notebook and pen.
You sighed before beginning an assignment. You just needed to finish it tonight so you would have time to work on your hero costume tomorrow.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 3 years
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She lives in a constant state of perpetual indifference as she has lived in Burbank her whole life and there for has grownup surrounded by toons. She's always had a soft spot for Toons as they embody the pure comedy and innocence of the world, living only to make people laugh. This unfortunately leads a lot of them to get taken advantage of and mistreated; and this in turn lead her to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, specifically business and law in which favors Toons.
She ends up in Law school but unfortunately her family isn't made of money so she takes up a few part time jobs, mainly babysitting. Despite her bleak out look on life and dry sarcasm Tianna is actually very good with kids. Which leads to her getting a call from the CEO of Warner Bro Studios himself.
There must have been at least a hundred nannies and babysitters lined up for the interview; each anxiously awaiting their turn as they all listened to the absolute chaos happening behind the door of Psychiatrists Dr. Scratchansniff.
Tianna didn't have to wait too long though as half the candidates noped out before they were even called and the other half ran away screaming 5 minutes after entering. Tianna had absolutely no idea what she was getting into.
She was finally called in by an attractive yet tired looking nurse alongside two older gentleman who Tianna guessed as the CEO and Scratchansniff.
They briefed her on the situation at hand before introducing her to the "patients". Tianna has heard of the Warner siblings before, used to watch a lot of their older cartoons when she was a kid; their random sarcastic comedy always amused her. Apparently they've been getting a lot more out of hand as of late and the studio lot can't take anymore property damage.
Long story short they needed someone to wrangle them into submission, at least for a little bit, until the accounting team can set up a better budget for all the property damage.
Tianna knew that this was impossible and she told them as much; not only were they toons but they were also children, a combination that is a recipe for success entertainment wise but also came with dire consequences business wise.
They begged her to try anyway, promising to pay her double, triple if they had to.
Usually Tianna thrived on seeing corporate fat cats and CEO's suffer for their foolish actions but this.....it was starting to get sad. They all looked very tired and their sanity seemed to be hanging by a thread, especially Scratchansniff.
Tianna reluctantly agreed to give it a shot but only if she receives compensation for any damage (mental or physical) she may suffer while attempting this.
They quickly lead her into another room beyond the office, there she finds the Warner siblings waiting for her on the couch. Well, not so much waiting but more constructing some sort of elaborate Irish river dance while simultaneously playing hopscotch on the couch.
The door was then slammed behind her, and the sound of about a dozen locks clicking all at once let her know that she wasn't going anywhere for a while. That's when the Warners finally noticed her.
She waved awkwardly and they merely stared at her like some sort of demented cat caught eating something it wasn't supposed to.
Before she could even speak a proper hello the two brothers ran at full speed into her arms, kissed her cheeks, and simultaneously said "Helloooo nurse!"
Once able to regain her balance Tianna gave them both an annoyed glare before leading them back to the couch. She sat them back with their sister, who had been quietly observing the situation (probably looking of a funny opening to join in), stepped back with arms crossed and a stern look.
Tianna: That is not a nice thing to do, especially to a woman, let alone a stranger you've just met.
That apparently took them all aback for a moment as if the thought had never occurred to them. It was further confirmed when Wakko raised his hand and ask "why?"
So apparently nobody has taught these kids about personal space, boundaries, and/or asking for consent before and that was all very concerning to Tianna.
A little bit of Toon history: Toons in reality are very innocent beings even if they know a lot of raunchy humor and bad habits, but that is mostly kept on set or amongst themselves. Toons never mean any harm (real life threatening harm that is) even if they're drawn as "good" or "bad", their sole purpose in life is to entertain. Their ethics and morals are very different from that of regular humans and it had been a very long prosses to be able to integrate them with regular people. The problem isn't knowing right from wrong, the problem is teaching them what is taboo amongst humans that isn't taboo amongst Toons. This isn't necessarily their fault as they had been originally drawn with that intention by humans; so really it's humanities fault for playing God and not thinking about the consequences.
Anyways, the Warner siblings were from 1929, when cartoons were just coming out and barely considered living beings with no rights what-so-ever. Atop of that they were children with no parental figure or written background, they've been stuck in a water tower most of their lives, and the only interaction with the outside world they've ever had is through the entertainment industry. So yeah, even by Toon standards this was kind of messed up, these kids could get into some serious legal trouble and not even know it.
So Tianna sat down and talked with them, which is another thing the siblings seemed surprised about because apparently nobody ever just wanted to talk to them, let alone calmly explain to them why what they did was wrong and how they could learn form it. It was a very new experience for them and with each passing minute Tianna grew even more concerned.
The Warners seemed to enjoy talking to her; Dot always liked having another girl around to even things out in the group and excitedly asked if she could style Tianna's hair (she accepted of course). Yakko liked the challenge of trying to make her laugh, since Tianna was such a stoic person even the smallest of chuckles was a victory for him. Plus he enjoyed being able to talk as much as he wanted without somebody telling him to shut up. Wakko was just happy that somebody was willingly interacting with them for more than five minutes. He talked about his favorite snacks and asked if he could call her Tia for short (again she agreed).
She emerges from the room two hours later, hair a mess with uneven braids and pigtails, shirt stained with mustered and jelly, pants and shoes just a touch singed black, yet still happily waving goodbye to the Warners before heading back to the wait room.
It is there that the Nurse, Scratchansniff, and the CEO were anxiously waiting for her. There were surprised to not only see her in one piece but also to see that she wasn't running for the hills despite her disastrously look at the moment. They had no chance to ask her how it all went or if she'd accept the job because as soon as she saw them she started angrily screaming at them, tearing them all a collective new one.
Tianna: Do you have any idea how many ethical Toon entertainment laws you've broken? Not to mention all the child endangerment, mistreatment, and labor laws that have been violated. No wonder they won't cooperate with you, do you have any idea how much emotional and psychological trauma you've caused them? Of course they're Toons so they don't respond to it the same way humans do but there is still a lot of damage done! You've done nothing to teach them on how they should act outside the society of entertainment and instead reprimand them with no explanation what-so-ever. Did you honestly think isolating them inside a goddamn water tower would satiate their need for attention, cause that's all their asking for, just even a little bit of attention and kindness would of helped their psychological and emotional development!
She continued screaming at the three of them for a good half hour before her voice finally gave out, Tianna wasn't used to talking louder than a monotone speaking voice. That still didn't stop her from glaring at them, causing three grown adult that were older and supposedly wiser than her to cower behind a desk.
After a glass of water, a few aspirins, and a complimentary sandwich Tianna was calm enough to finally tell them how the session with the Warners went. She said that they were good kids and would be happy to babysit but also demanded living accommodations with all expenses paid for, five times the salary they promised her, and Sundays off, or so help her she will bring them a lawsuit so bad that it will burn the entire company to the ground. Of course this was all agreed to.
And thus began Tianna's adventures in babysitting the Warner siblings!
(Let me know if y'all want a part 2 with Tia and the Warners hijinks)
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Tma entities I could be aligned with and my statements to go along with them (because I’m bored)
The buried
When I was little my sister and I would play a game. I forget what we called it, but in this game one of us would sit in the space between our parents bed and the wall, it was about two and a half feet down, and it was tight. The other would push all the pillows blankets so the person in the crevice was buried, and couldn’t move. I liked this game. I liked being the one who was buried, the one being trapped in the dark yet comforting blackness of the pillows and blankets, unable to escape on my own. I’ve always been small, almost sickly looking, so I always found the best hiding spots in hide-n-seek. I’ve always been able to find the tiniest spaces and comfortably contort my body to fit. I could hide for hours in places people wouldn’t even think to search, because they were far too small for a living person to fit comfortably. Last summer I went caving with my brother’s Boy Scout troop. My cousin came along as well. We went deeper and deeper, and as the walls closed in my cousin began to panic. It was up until this point they had thought they had no phobias, but here they were, on the verge of tears in what felt like miles under the ground. I, on the other hand, felt safe. It briefly occurred to me as we were going through a space so small we had to crawl they somebody ahead of me could get stuck and I wouldn’t be able to move, or the cave could collapse, but the thoughts didn’t bother me. I felt at home in the crushing darkness of mud and stone. After hours deep inside the earth, we left the cave. This made me sad, because I didn’t want to leave, I wanted to stay in the cold embrace of the cavern.
The corruption
The ants won’t leave. In my old room they were there. They crawled up the. Side of my bed, and up the wall. I watched them. Recently my house was reorganized and I got a new room. They’re here too. The ants weren’t here before, but still. I watch them. I go to take a shower and I look to the wall. Ants. There’s so many of them. My house isn’t old or dirty, neither is my bedroom, yet the ands crawl up and down the walls, and I can’t look away. I go to grab a drink from the fridge in my garage, I look down and I see a price of rotting food on smooth cement floor. The acts cover it. A blob of black, with hundreds of ants coming and going. I feel disgust, and yet I can’t look away. I watch them. I watch them work together, crawling in and out of a crack in the wooden steps. They are happy. The ands will be well fed because of this disgusting smear of sugary syrup of the floor. I hate them, but I cannot look away. When people look at me they think I’m sick. They see my bony frame and plaid complexion and become concerned, but I am not. I haven’t been sick in years. As my siblings contract the flew, strep throat, and even Lyme disease, I do not get sick. I am weak, and my body aches, but I haven’t been sick in years.
The spiral
When I was very little, my legs gave out. For months leading up to this I was in terrible pain, but the doctors told my parents that it was nothing. I was going to be fine. After I was a able to support ant weight my mother took me to the ER. The doctor went pale. In a very precise tone, a tone that had been practiced over and over, no emotion, just words, he told my mother that I had to be rushed to the children’s hospital, and there was no time to call an ambulance. My mother was distraught. She thought she was going to lose her child. I stayed in the hospital for two weeks. Those weeks were filled with CAT scans and MRIs. A tiny child, only three years old, being hooked up to big scary machines, and they didn’t know why. What was wrong with them? For a little while the doctors thought it might be brain cancer, but there was no tumor. Nothing. The doctors then thought it was simply arthritis, but they threw that idea away as well. I was discharged, and still nobody knew what was wrong. The once intelligent child who knew their shales and colors, who could already count at the age of three, forgot. They forgot all the impressive things they had learned, and had to start over. But nothing was wrong with them. I look in the mirror. I like the person I see. They are small and thin. They are beautiful to me. But something is off. Everything about them seems long. Their arms, their legs, their fingers, their toes, their feet, even their neck. The clothing they wear doesn’t fit quite right, their sleeves and pant legs are too short, and yet their clothing is too big. Their body moves and contorts in ways it shouldn’t. As they move the sound of gravel echos through their bones. The bright colors they wear contract against their sickly pale skin. Something is wrong with them. Nothing is wrong with them.
The Stranger
I’ve been told I look fake. “A porcelain doll” my mother says. “A mannequin?” A stranger asks. But no, I am real. What could it be that makes people question wether or not I am alive? It could be the odd stare as I sit perfectly still, tuning out the noise and the movement around me. It may be my ivory completion, oddly smooth and soft despite the lack of care it’s given. The odd proportions of my gangly body that come across as almost cartoonish. I love the theater. I love putting on a costume and pretending to be somebody else. I’ve never felt more like myself than when I’m somebody else. I sit in the dressing room drawing on a new face. The clothes I wear are old and smell of moth balls from being packed away for so long, but now I wear them, and I am not me. I enjoy this.
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