#beel the hedgehog
raybeel · 10 months
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oh my. i still haven't posted too much here. perhaps i was currently busy on most of my social medias. so anyways- here is model sheets (+ how to draw tutorial) of Beel The Hedgehog alongside with her alter persona egos/forms btw! so i hope you had a great day/night for now! <333 (also feel free to credit me, when you draw Beel nor her personas for fanarts btw! :DDD)
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zealoussoulsandwich · 2 years
Obey Me Brothers As Hedgehogs:
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dangan-castle · 2 years
Leviathan with an Artist s/o
A/N: Leviathan is actually one of my biggest kins, also I hc him as an artist bc of that one card with levi and luke in the arty event :))
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- He was like ABDKSHDSH
- He fell in love with you all over again
- Draw him one of his favorite anime characters or draw him a gift and he will f a i n t
- He fanboys everytime you show him something that you drew
- If you let him keep it he will hang it on a sacred space on his wall only reserved for you :)
- Unfortunately he talks bad about his art and compare it to yours
- Pls reassure him that he’s a really good artist, it’ll make his day
- You guys draw with each other often
- You occasionally play some sort of devildom version of scribbl.io with him and his brothers
- You have to ask them tho bc he feels embarrassed to ask his brothers to do anything with him
- (beel might eat the whole screen if he sees a food drawing-)
- Making a manga with you would be a dream come true jfkshdjs
- There is an 80% chance he will give it a 3-paragraph-long name tho bcs he’s used to it at this point
- “Maybe it should be ‘that one time I got lost in a mansion that was supposedly my uncle’s only to realize that there was only a large hedgehog living in it and it cannot tell me how to get out because I couldn’t understand it so I spent about 5 days trying to get out until I found out that a wizard friend of my uncle’s has turned him into a hedgehog and trapped him inside his giant mansion so he could marry my uncle’s fiancé so I try to reverse the curse because I fou-“ (this is so random im sorry)
- “Maybe we should try to think of a shorter title, Levi…..”
- No one knows if y’all actually went on with the hedgehog manga idea
- Anyways
- He likes to show you a lot of his art to impress you even tho he thinks his art is gargoyle shit compared to yours
- If you tell him you love it tho he’ll start to fanboy and give you a big hug
- He’s willing to buy you a lot of art supplies once in a while (he might ask you if he could use them tho)
- Art is something you both can bond over (especially if you like games and anime as well) and he is grateful for such a nice and talented s/o
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Thank you for reading.
- Mod Maki
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sussysatann · 2 years
~ My Obey Me! 7 Brothers Headcanons ~(Part 2)
Part 1
-MC introduces Ace Attorney to Satan and Levi and now they yell 'OBJECTION!', 'HOLD IT!' and other quotes when the opportunity arises (Lucifer is the main target of this).
-Lucifer has a trainset. Either he used to have one or it's still in the house somewhere, but it's this huge miniature train track with luscious hills and fully functioning steam trains. All aboard the Morningstar Express!
-Asmo once got kicked out of a Moonbucks for a single drink order that was too long and complicated. Seriously, the order receipt literally trailed out the door!!
-Mammon loves to race MC and his brothers down the stairs, sliding on sleeping bags or blankets. Sometimes he and MC slide down together. Either way, they always bump into Lucifer waiting at the bottom of the stairs looking unpleased.
-The House of Lamentation residents will often see Beel carrying Belphie and MC over his shoulders at the same time.
-Belphie loves commenting and critiquing films on movie nights "wow that was a dumb decision", "How the hell is that even possible??", "That guy's forehead is bigger than yours, Levi."
-Satan once rescued and took care of a hedgehog that had crawled under one of Mammon's cars. Everyone pitched in -no matter how big or small- to help the hedgehog. Belphie even donated a couple of his blankets.
-Asmo has a whole wardrobe full of PR packages from beauty companies. Literally. Every single nook and cranny of that wardrobe is filled to the brim with beauty supplies. It's worse than the one for his clothing.
-Levi once summoned Lotan and flooded most of the house when he got jumpscared in a VR horror game. Lucifer barely gave him 5 seconds to run-
-Mammon is easily fooled by chocolate grimm coins. hehehe
-Beel straight up eats blocks of ice in the summer. Not the tiny cubes. BRICK SIZED BLOCKS. nom nom.
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I will give the winner a little crown!!!!!!
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nwaml · 1 year
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Hedgehog Beel watching a bird
aaawwww stop his tiny little paw aaaaa
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etcrow · 2 years
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Beel and Belphie hedgehogs
Twinshogs ♡
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microwavablegayman · 1 year
People/Characters Involved In Friend Group Lore.
Me, the dad of the friend group. Starting Age: 20
Ari, the mom of the friend group. Staring Age: 20
Ella, the oldest of the other friends. Starting Age: 2
Ollie, the oldest of the twins. Starting Age: 2
Ila, the youngest of the twins. Starting Age: 2
Beel, the man I married. Starting Age: Not established yet
Luc, someone Ollie is married off to. Starting Age: Not established yet
Diavolo, someone Ollie is married off to. Starting Age: Not established yet, but same as Luc
Mammon, someone Ila is married off to. Starting Age: Not established yet
Levi, someone Ella is married of to. Starting Age: Again, not established
Barb, someone Ari married. Starting Age: Like others, not established
Simeon, something Ari married. Starting Age: You guessed it, not established
Luke, the step-son of Ari. Starting Age: 8
Zeus, yes from Greek mythology.
Hades, YES from Greek mythology.
God, the one from the Christian faith.
Sam, the family dog. Starting Age: Nobody knows.
Cherry, the family hedgehog. Starting Age: Nobody knows.
Mango, the family landshark. Starting Age: Nobody knows.
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aroyalbirb · 1 year
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Beel and Belphie hedgehogs
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This a bit Nsfw but can I ask for The Brothers + Datables w/o Luke reacting to MC being annoyed with having a clingy ex that calls and texts her a lot and MC would say:
“You give someone head strong enough to give them a seizure and suddenly they wanna marry you?”
“I sat on his face once and he’s hasn’t been the same after that”
Obey me Boys + MC dealing with a clingy EX (Headcanons)
Low, deep rumbling chuckle
He understands it’s a joke, and as the Avatar of Pride he’s proud you can stick up for yourself
Would not be concerned over some silly human falling over you
However he would answer the phone for you next time they call
Startled, at first, with what you said. Then irritated.
He doesn’t like the idea of you being with someone else before him. 
He’s your ‘First’ after all.  He is the Avatar of Greed. He wants you all to himself
Wants to go to the human world to find this SOB and teach them a lesson about respecting boundaries
*Anime nosebleed/blush*
You really can’t keep saying crazy stuff like that to him!!
As the Avatar of Envy, he’s insanely jealous that someone was with you before him
Mopes now. Not because of the joke, but now he feels ‘second’ and he doesn’t like it
Doesn’t like it when you’re so vulgar
There are much better ways to get your point across than that MC
Irritated that, as the Avatar of Wrath, that this person can’t respect your wishes and move on
Mammon & Satan’s Excellent Adventure to the Human World!
Finds the whole thing hilarious
Not just your funny joke but also of course they haven’t gotten over you. Have they seen you??
As the Avatar of Lust he's been in this boat before
It's so hard to be so beautiful....
It takes quite a bit for him to get annoyed, but you being irritated will get him there
Plus he doesn't want to admit it, but he doesn't like it when your attention is away from him
He's the Avatar of Gluttony. He's ravenous for your attention
Grumpy little hedgehog is grumpy
Doesn't like it when people can't take a hint. Plus double whammy they are taking your attention away
Takes your phone and hides it from you
May be the Avatar of Sloth, but he's quick to be sneaky
Acts like it doesn't bother him, but it does
He's had his share of clingy ex's. So he knows it's annoying.
It's different when it's you though...
Your ex suddenly has a case of laryngitis so they can't call. And crippling sudden arthritis so they can't text.
Tries not to let it bother him. Honest.
He knows you had a rich life before you met, he should be above such petty feelings as an angel
But he’s jealous
Would softly ask that you not speak to them anymore, if you could. It makes him feel bad
Irritated beyond measure
How dare this person harass you, and cause you such discomfort in his presence
Also how can a human text you in the Devildom???
Seriously debates sending guards to go find this brute and through them in the dungeons. But that would be an interdimensional incident that’s just not worth it. Probably.....
Does not support this type of behavior, from anyone
Not you, of course, but this uncouth ex who won't leave you alone
Will answer your phone and politely put the fear of God into them
Barba-kun is a problem solver
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No Thoughts, Just Demons
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Things that I have realized while drawing these:
Diavolo and Beel are hedgehogs
Satan not only has a disgusting fashion sense but also has a disgusting hairstyle
Satan's color palette is pratically Brazil's flag
Blue doesn't suit Lucifer
Barbatos' hair is cool
The RAD uniform has way too many details and almost made me want to kill someone before I gave up giving a fuck about said details
Each and every single one of those is a mood I have gone through while drawing these
Lucifer's hair is the only one that is normal
Original made by @capochiino !
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raybeel · 1 year
♡ Beel The Hedgehog reference sheets & renders ♡
since i actually deleted most of my TBG (The Bad Guys) here. likely i did actually leaving the TBG fandom tho. uh wellll i have to post my sona Beel The Hedgehog reference sheets & renders here! cuz i always to show off these (on my social media) lol xd
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Things I Associate With The Boys-
(aside from the obvious) 
Spray bottle- he cleans up his brothers messes- also he wears gloves and apparently thats enough for brain to make connection....also he probably has used a spray bottle as a form of discipline at some point-
Pineapple- ok more likely than not, this is a colour association thing, but this one works as a nickname- Pineapples- but also because back in the 1700′s-1800′s a single pineapple costed $8000 in today’s money- and renting a pineapple- yes renting a pineapple started at $5000- ok I’m way off track now but Mammon in as much as he is sweet he can be a little tart when it comes to you spending time with someone else-
Chapstick- again, I don’t really know why- I really don’t know why until I start typing and then I’m too lazy to delete the though process sorry y’all- maybe it has to do with how much he snacks and the energy drinks he has- between salt from chips and not drinking actual water, he would use chapstick to stop his lips from getting dry because he doesn’t like the way they look or feel when they are...idk man I got like.. five mL left of brain juice bear with me-
Rattle (like...a baby rattle-)- because he’s the baby of the family probably- IKIK he fell as full grown-ass man but he’s still the youngest- also if you’ve never had the experience of holding an angry child and giving them a toy I encourage you to be careful- they find it funny when you say no more hitting-
If not a rattle, then curtains- reason being that he’s always putting on a show, always hiding away his anger while he puts on an act and hopes nobody provokes him-
Dew drop- (ok that’s my nickname for him now shhh) but honestly I don’t really know why I associate this with Asmo. Maybe it’s because to me seeing dew in the morning is a simple pleasure. While Asmo is far from simple, perhaps it’s moreso that people need to see him as more than a demon that only wants sexual pleasure- but little things too..little things to make our little dew drop content
A Lovebird- Again, idk! Maybe it’s the colouring some lovebirds are, (green, yellow, red-) that make me think of mangoes and just...Beel’s red hair and bottomless appetite- also he’s just really sweet and struggles to be by himself.
Hedgehog- uhh...first nocturnal animal that came to mind without wings? Probably- or horns on Belphie vs little spikes- will hiss at you if displeased, will sleep around you if comfortable...:D
Campfire- hUH ok so probably has to do with the fact he seems the most mysterious to me, but very intriguing, almost like when someone tells a story around a campfire...there’s a different feeling being around a fire and telling a story versus anywhere else, but combined with the sounds of the forest, a bright moon and stars above, and an enchanting tale to listen too? Idk to me that feels like almost the same energy Barb exudes all the time-
An Old Stuffy/Doll- As far as we know, Diavolo was an only child growing up, we don’t know how long it’s been since his father has been asleep, and idk if it says later on in the game, but there’s been no mention of a mother. Diavolo likely entertained himself often when he was younger, and clearly didn’t make very many friends until he was a little older. Maybe it’s just me because I was an only child for ten years and wanted siblings, but an old toy...one day was the last day he stopped playing with it- likely the day he grew too lonely to play pretend or he was made to mature whether he liked or not...so now he holds on to that playful spirit because it was something he missed having for a while- (hnn might write a Diavolo angst piece we shall see we shall see I don’t wanna hurt my baby!-)
A Cracked Mirror- actually for once not going to make fun of Solomon and say he’s bad luck just his cooking but rather where this superstition started- a Greek foretelling strategy of catoptromancy (the use of a reflective object/surface to tell the future), where looking into a mirror or bowl of water would reveal a person’s soul- if the reflection was cracked, it symbolized the person’s soul being damaged- now I don’t know about you guys but being immortal sounds like a lot of opportunity for pain- it’s not like a cracked mirror is impossible to fix, but it takes time and patience, and if MC can show him that then maybe- maybe he can lower his guard a bit and let them in so they can help him rebuild what may be broken for now. 
White Marble- mostly pure white, with streaks of grey or black..not everything is clear to or as an angel, just what is “good” and what is “bad” and with enough questioning and trial- marble chips easily..but can also be repaired easily. Is there one clear “right” path?- no and mistakes will be made but they can be fixed...most of the time- (oof this is more abstract than I wanted it to be but fuck it brain juice at 0)
Flowering Meadow- is this on one of his cards? Idk- but a meadow full of growth, a place to run, a place to let go- there’s no rules in a meadow..just be a kid- Luke has been through a lot and I think its about having room to grow- having room to improve...yeah :3
Anyways, if you choose to do something like this, tag me! Love ya’ll!
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
How do you think the brothers would react to an MC that can charm animals like a Disney princess?
To say he was surprised to see them cuddled up and napping with Cerberus when he entered his study was an understatement.
Cerberus only likes Lucifer, he’s lived with all seven of the brothers for ages and still only likes Lucifer.  So for MC to be using him as a pillow?  And for Cerberus to be ok with it?  Enjoying it even?  Wack.
Seeing his favorite pup and one of his favorite humans getting along hits him right in the eldest child feels.
It doesn’t affect too much, but he does brag about it whenever a mildly appropriate time comes up.  Like when your mom references a talent at a barbecue and you’re like “what no mom I’m not gonna do it on command.”  Lucifer is the mom.
Oh Mammon smells an opportunity to make some sweet bank.
No no no just hear him out, so MC and him will set up an “instant discipline for misbehaving pets” stand in a busy section of the Devildom, and MC’s presence will keep the animals docile.  The customers will think they’ve been trained and pay Mammon a boatload of cash!
And they’ll get out of there quickly before anyone can realize that their pets started misbehaving again as soon as they got home.  Profit!  MC can have some too.  They’ll split it 70/30.
His brothers ask if the reason why he’s so attached to them is because they can charm animals and he’s basically an animal.  He vehemently denies being attached to them.
Mammon why is that the part you felt the need to deny?
“Can we get Henry 1.0 back????  Like, if we go down to the labyrinth under the Demon Lord’s castle, could we get him back?”  No you can’t Levi he’s bigger than your entire bedroom at this point.
Ok so Henry 1.0 is out of the question but Henry 2.0 the goldfish?  OMG the two of them could teach Henry tricks, Henry could be an acrobatic goldfish.
Constantly finding new tricks to teach him and texting MC to come over and help him with it.  He posts videos to his social media and tags them in every post.  He’s so proud of all three of them for putting this together.
He’s having so much fun away from his computer for once that one has to wonder if Levi was the one that was charmed.
Charm animals + cat cafe = profit
If MC thought Satan was always down to hang out before?  It suddenly seems like he’s almost always free.  Y’know.  Just in case MC is available to go to a pet store or something.
Satan is pretty good with animals, but the really timid ones still evade him.  But with MC?  He could read a book surrounded by cats or share a muffin with a hedgehog.  If that isn’t better than the Celestial Realm he doesn’t know what is.
Secretly hopes he can catch MC playing with a wild animal because that would be probably the cutest thing he’ll ever see.
If he does, he’ll take a photo of it to use both as blackmail and as a bargaining tool.  And to look at when he’s feeling stressed, but mainly the first two.
Oh, a fellow charmer?  An ally??  Or, perchance, a rival???
Asmodeus makes a point to try to be more charming than they are, regardless of if they’re doing it on purpose.  They see a cat that they want to pet?  Oh kitty wouldn’t you rather be pet by ~me?~
Pet hair isn’t good for his clothes and irritates his skin, so he dumps his victories on Satan.
Because of this, Satan actively encourages their competitions.
Also tries to train them in the ways of charming things and people, but with little success.  Or, at least, none that can’t be attributed to Asmo himself.
Honestly leave it to Asmo to make petting dogs into a competition, I’m so sorry MC.
To put it plainly, Beelzebub thinks it’s absolutely amazing.  Adorable too.  When he finds out, he almost seems like a kid who saw a commercial for his favorite action figure.
He really wants them to go on jogs with him so he can pet all the dogs they run into on the route.
He probably also tries to sneak Cerberus out of the house to run with them.  MC can make sure he stays behaved, right?  There should be nothing to worry about!  RIP both of them if Lucifer finds out, which he will.
“Beel don’t you already have a dog friend in Luke?”
Even if they can’t go out with Cerberus, he will still want to become better friends with the doggo.  Belphie would probably love for the four of them to take a nap together.
This could go one of two ways.
Option one: MC attracts puppies and kitties and other cuddle buddies, and he’s thrilled.  Nap buddies!!  Cute nap buddies!!!  MC you are staying right here with him and napping with him and all these nap buddies.
Option two: MC attracts something like birds and they won’t shut up and he’s trying to nap and MC will you please tell your bird friend to go away.
MC has infinite power in their hands, and it is up to them how they choose to use it.  Belphegor’s bite is almost equivalent to his bark, though, so they might want to watch out.
Can he really do anything to stop them, though?  It’s not like they’ll run out of birds.
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hi !!! can i get headcanons on how the brothers would react to mc who had rly long hair but decided to cut it rly short one day?? like pixie cut short? lol i think that’d be fun to watch, also if all brothers is too much can u just do mammon, beel, and asmo pls ty!
Demon brothers w/ MC who cut off their long hair
This was super interesting and fun to write! I kinda assumed the MC cut their own hair so I’m really sorry if this wasn’t what you were expecting, but I hope you like them anyway! Thank you for requesting :))
“What did you do-”
Coming home to you after a long, tiring day, he did not expect to see half your hair on the ground and you, scissors in hand, trying to chop off the rest of it
He thought you were just messing with him, or maybe trying a new prank
But then you tell him you were serious
Cue a resigned, long-suffering sigh, and then, “you always find a way to surprise me, love”
It’ll take him some time to get used to your short hair, but he comes to an appreciation for it eventually
He also discovers several perks to your hair length
One of those being that it exposes more of your skin to him ;)
His new favorite thing is to come up from behind you and greet you by placing a sweet kiss on the bare back of your neck
Lucifer also looks forward to coming home, where he’ll sit you on his lap and stroke your hair gently as you talk
He’ll offer to trim your hair for you, saying he doesn’t trust you to do it yourself
But we all know he’s just making excuses to run his fingers through your soft hair more and to take care of you
Screamed when he first saw you
Like a completely flabbergasted, not-so-manly, shook scream
Thought you were going through some kind of midlife crisis or something
But he gets used to it quickly, and Mammon is very impressed that you cut so much of your hair without ruining your entire head
Mammon will still call you dumb for cutting it by yourself though
“You could’ve hurt yourself! N-not that I care or anything, but you should definitely ask for my help next time!”
Even though both of you know he’s got absolutely no hair-cutting experience
Low-key amazed, and he’s very impressed
He thought you looked beautiful with long hair, but damn, you look downright stunning with short hair
Of course he’d never tell you that, or at least not without heaps of stuttering and blushing
He loves to ruffle your hair affectionately, both to touch it and to get a reaction out of you
Head pats galore
Every time you rub his head, he’ll pat yours as “revenge”
The other brothers will tease him for being soft, but he doesn’t care
These head pat exchanges always end with Mammon blushing up a storm though
Levi acts super dramatic, but when he finally realizes it’s you, he’s both shocked and excited
The thought hits him that you look really cute - not even a second later, he’s desperately covering his face to hide the blush that’s quickly overtaking his cheeks
After he calms down, he’s very excited to cosplay with you
There’s just so many new possibilities; he’s gotta start planning immediately
Levi isn’t straightforward enough to say this aloud, but he adores you and thinks you look like a goddess no matter what hair length you have
You could honestly cut the most jagged bangs, like it was admittedly a complete mistake, and he’d still think you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on
Ruri-chan and all the other characters can’t even hold a candle to you
After a long night of video games and anime marathons, he’ll tease you about your messy hair
“Woahh, MC! You look kinda like a hedgehog!”
Slapp that boy
After getting him back, he never makes fun of your messy bedhead again
When he saw you, he was speechless (very rare for him)
He’s frozen for a couple seconds, but when he snaps out of it, he’s smiling and complimenting your hair-cutting skills
“Wow! This is a big change, huh?”
He gives you nicknames at first, calling you things like Pixie or Fluffy playfully
Even with the teasing, though, Satan supports you through the entire transition
He’s read a lot of books, some of them on human hair care, so he’ll share any info he has with you
“Oh, did you know that short hair should be washed daily? Here, let me help you.”
If you ever doubt your decision, Satan immediately reassures you that he loves you no matter what
Although he does think your short hair looks amazing
Short hair might even be better because it’s easier for him to read over your shoulder when y’all are cuddling
Also likes that when you lean your head on his shoulder, there’s not as much hair covering your face from his view
Satan just really wants to see all the cute expressions you make for him
“Why didn’t you call me, MC?!”
Wishes he could’ve cut your hair himself, but he loves what you did with it
He’s also kinda mad that you didn’t tell him about your hair-cutting skills?!
Asmo will insist that you cut his hair one day
He gets super excited about it too, kinda like a puppy
It takes a lot of trust, but he’s got faith in you!
The minute he sees your new hair, he’s already thinking about all the cool hairstyles he wants to see on you
If you ever miss your long hair, you can just braid his since Asmo has longer hair
All he wants in return is your consent to be pampered as you have your hair experimented on
His nimble fingers are constantly teasing through your locks, tousling and smoothing
Asmo would also buy so many hair products and hair accessories for you
You’re gonna have more hair clips than you know what to do with
His favorite part of your sleepovers is definitely helping you wash your hair
It’s just really calming and intimate, a nice tranquil moment between you
Well, it’s his favorite besides the other nighttime "activity” that y’all get up to ;)
Very caring; if you have any regrets about cutting your hair, he’ll be quick to lay them to rest
Although he won’t hesitate to be your knight in shining armor on bad hair days!
He doesn’t really care about your hair length
Beel is just a soft boy who adores you no matter what
“You look beautiful as always, but I’m happy if you’re happy, MC.”
And he’ll say that without even a hint of a blush
This mans is just straightforward af and will say whatever comes to his mind
He adores pulling you into his lap and resting his head on top of yours
That’s his default position when y’all are cuddling, and he’ll just bask in the feeling of your fluffy hair tickling his chin
Beel is also the king of head kisses
Like the top of your head, forehead, cheek, anywhere on your head is fair game
It’s convenient because it’s the body part closest to him (since he’s basically a tree), and he also gets a good look at your cute flustered facial expression
You’ll pout, but he just thinks it’s cute and continues to do it lol
“Mmm, your hair smells good... Ah, are you blushing? You’re cute, MC.”
Saw you cutting your hair and walked the other way
He didn’t dislike it or anything, he was just surprised and confused
When you show him the finished product, he just laughs and pulls you under the blankets
“You look good as always, so come here already and let me sleep. Is it okay if I hold you like this...?”
Belphie pouts at first, but it’s honestly nothing to do with your hair, he just missed you and is annoyed that he lost out on time you could’ve spent napping with him
He eventually realizes that your short hair is even softer than your long hair
Which then causes him to nuzzle into your hair every time he falls asleep next to you
Belphie also loves to run his fingers through your hair, even if it gets messed up
He thinks you look cutest with that messed up hair because he knows it was caused by him (kinda like him leaving marks on you)
As you two fall asleep, cuddled close to each other, he’ll stroke your head absentmindedly and lean into you, his mind at peace and body fully relaxed
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nwaml · 1 year
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Beel, Belphie, Mammon and Satan hedgehogs
oh waaw are they good boys or does beel eats all the garden's flowers and Belphie sleeps on the way and you nearly walk on him, I bet hedgehog mams is soooo cuddly
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