senjuop · 2 months
There’s nothing in this world that can hurt you as much as your thought.
And there’s nothing in this world that can heal you as much as your thought.
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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maruhi · 2 months
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statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon 観音菩薩
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名勝16羅漢岩には22体の石像が彫ってある、16体じゃないの?って思うかもだけど、こうして観音菩薩とか仏教縁の石像もあるんだよ、探してみてね☆ それじゃまたね、アヴァロキティー!(←)
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wormonastringtheory · 5 months
people who are completely anti-religion/theology/spirituality need to unpack a lot; destruction of religion can be an sact of cultural genocide. divorcing religion and/or spirituality from culture is nearly impossible and would strip elements of a culture inherently
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diablo1776 · 1 month
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acalmpeacefulmind · 1 year
Learn to connect without desiring to possess and you will know true Love.
- a calm peaceful mind
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Trees in Buddhism (3)
The Golden Wheel King – Maitreya appearing once every 3,000 years with the the flowers of the udumbara (Ref)
His body colour is gold, crowned with a crown of seven treasures, and light emanates from its entire body. He makes a sign and sits in the full lotus position on a lotus flower decorated with the seven treasures. The lotus flower on which he is seated has a jeweled crown and a treasure pond beneath it.
The most outstanding of the Wheel-Turning Kings, the Golden Wheel King, has an extremely superior merit of the buddhosnisa (the superior brain of Tathagata, the divinity of the intellect to save people).
According to the description in the Buddhist scriptures, the concept of the Wheel-Turning King (Pali: chakravarti, Skt. cakravartin) was roughly as follows.
The world goes through cycles of prosperity and decline. In times of prosperity, the human lifespan is 80,000 years, but as human virtue is lost, the lifespan becomes shorter, and in the age of darkness, when all good is lost, it is 10 years. Thereafter, human virtue is restored, and once again we enter the age of prosperity, when the lifespan is 80,000 years.
It is during this age of prosperity that the transmigration of the Wheel-Turning King will emerge, as a result of his good deeds in his previous lives. He has the same 32 auspicious signs (Ref), signifying a great being like the Buddha, and rules the earth up to the four oceans with the power of the law, without using force of arms.
There are 4 types of Wheel-Turning Kings: the Golden Wheel King, the Silver Wheel King, the Bronze Wheel King, and the Iron Wheel King. The Iron Wheel King has the Iron Wheel and rules over one of the 4 continents that were considered to exist on the earth in the ancient Indian worldview. Likewise, the Copper Wheel King has the Copper Wheel and rules over two continents, and the Silver Wheel King has the Silver Wheel and rules over three continents. The Golden Wheel King, the highest Wheel-Turning King, has the Golden Wheel and rules all 4 continents. For this reason, the Golden Wheel King, like the Wheel-Turning Kings, is surrounded by his seven attributes.
The seven treasures and four divine virtues of the Wheel Turning Sage King:
Chakraratna wheel: rolls in all directions and makes the king level the earth.
Elephant treasure (hatthiratana): a pure white elephant that also flies in the sky.
Horse treasure (assaratana): pure white horses that also fly in the sky.
Octagonal gem treasure (maniratana): jewels whose luminous emanations can reach as high as 1yojana (7mi/12–15 km).
His queen (itthiratana): a dutiful and chaste queen with good looks and fragrance.
Finance minster (gahapatiratana): wealthy citizens who support the state.
General treasure (parinayakaratana): a wise, capable and skilled general.
They are also said to possess the four divine virtues:
good looks
long life
Fewer illnesses, fewer worries
Respect from Brahmin Gahapati and compassion for them
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仏教の樹木 (3)
金輪王 (こんりん‐おう) 〜 3000年に一度、うどんげの花(参照)とともに現れる弥勒菩薩
転輪聖王のうち最も優れた金輪王は、仏頂尊 (如来の優れた頭脳、人々を救済する知性を神格化したもの)の霊験が極めて優れている。
仏典の記述によれば、転輪聖王 (てんりんじょうおう、転輪王とも)の概念とは大まかに以下のようなものであった:
輪宝 (チャッカラタナ): 四方に転がり、王に大地を平定させる
象宝 (ハッティラタナ): 空をも飛ぶ純白の象
馬宝 (アッサラタナ): 空をも飛ぶ純白の馬
珠宝 (マニラタナ): 発する光明が1由旬(12–15 km)にも達する宝石
女宝 (イッティラタナ): 美貌と芳香を持つ従順かつ貞節な王妃
居士宝 (ガハパティラタナ): 国を支える財力ある市民
将軍宝 (パリナーヤカラタナ): 賢明さ、有能さ、練達を備えた智将
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pwlanier · 1 year
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free-grandmaa · 20 days
"I come across people everyday that allow me to grow in kindness, tenderness, and compassion."
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satanasaves · 8 months
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Again, men in general, and other practitioners working with Lilith, do not fully understand the meaning and interpretation of her story - her renunciation of Adam, and joining Samael/Lucifer. Yes, the dark feminine is the original power of the woman, it is defiance, and freedom from fetters. A woman builds herself, and to command her is to test her destiny. Why doesn't anyone worship Eva? But everyone worships Lilith? You never thought of that? And Lilith is also an Old Testament character. The reason is the spirit, the reason is the same as Cain. Yahweh drills into your head that vice is weakness, when the true weakness is to succumb to vice, and what is vice? The pursuit of freedom? Or indulging in the weaknesses that the same Yahweh has laid down? People blame the vibes of spirits for slowly dying or becoming driven when it is a test of strength, will and the pursuit of true purity. Those who have known the vices before they started working with demons, and have freed themselves from their addictions and obsessions, know what it is like and how to work with them.
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thefairestfacts · 3 months
Symbolisms in the world of fairy tales: the forest
Forests have often been the basis of a fairy tale. And we've already said that the forest is not just the forest. In all fairy tales ,and strangely enough in almost all the world, the forest represents the same thing, life.
Take Little Red Riding Hood, it's the reason why she has to go through the forest to get to her grandmother and meets the wolf.
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It's the reason why in almost every story children get lost in the forest. Thumbelina gets lost in the forest, Hansel and Gretel get lost in the forest, Snow White gets lost in the forest, Rapunzel is hidden in the forest. Sleeping Beauty in Basile's version is asleep in the woods.
it's always the forest. This is because, once upon a time, when we were not yet very "civilized", one thing that was really done was tests to pass. In tribal times, we sent our children into the forest with a task: you get a bow and arrow and you have to come back, for example, with a wild boar. (or at least a dead animal). You had to go hunting. And if you come back with a dead animal, they would say "Enough , you have grown". Like the Spartans, for example. Over time this has evolved, and has become more and more symbolic. Little by little it transformed into something, first symbolic, then, even, into a story. The story of when, once upon a time, children had to face the forest alone. To prepare them for life with these stories.
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One of the most beautiful examples is this buddist tale. The Siddharta (Buddah) was this child who lived completely peacefully in this family ,so wealthy and so powerful, that it allowed him to keep the world hidden from him. He spends his whole life without ever seeing reality.Everyone inside the building is not allowed to grow old,and if they get old,they are fired.Everyone was not allowed to have disabilities,otherwise they are thrown out. If you lose an eye you are canceled,you can no longer work there. If you have a cut you cannot show up at work, and you cannot cut yourself at work! The blood must never be shown to the child,and neither should violence. And so the child grows up seeing people all young (or at least adults)all beautiful all good all good, and he never sees anything wrong. everything is rich everyone is well off. One day ,while he is being taken inside a carriage from point A to point B, halfway ther's a problem with the carriage.He has the opportunity to peek out the window ,and sees the people outside. the people are made up of old people, beggars, the starving, the sick.
And he had never seen this before... and was shocked. After his encounter with suffering, Siddhartha left his palace and his family at night, and shed his noble clothes to dress poorly.
This is just the beginning of the WHOLE Siddharta's story, hope I explained it well so far♡
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popsyfk · 16 days
Hi everyone. My name is Po. I’m a figure skater in past, coach and judge for now and probably a psychologist in the future.
Since February 12.24 I've begun to study the new course in sport psychology. In the program of the course we have all the main thoughts and methods of psychology, from the first philosopher to the last greatest discoveries. Also there is a dipper view on the child psychology and psychology in sport. Final of the course is going to be in July 12 and I am looking forward to get the result, especially in my knowledge, cause I’ve already passed three years of personal therapy and half of this time was mixed with group therapy(that was really interesting experience, if someone will be interested, I’ll write a post about it). I would like to add therapy in my life, not only in the role of client and fan, but also like a specialist. For now, thoughts like this sounds in my head like an unreal dreams.
There is a lot of interesting information, that I already know from books and articles, personal experiences, podcasts and lectures. Lots of that information I’m planning to post here. But probably I will not have enough of inspiration and motivation to do that, if no one will support me. Sooo… I believe that most of texts would be about the brain, neurobiology, psychology etc. But, I have a lot of hobbies and also like to chat, find inspiration in others experiences. If you’re interested in psychology, science, nature, biology, feminism, literature, poetry, travelling, movies, series or theatre, ballet or art, if you like to study, maybe you learn languages, especially English or French, we can try to create a discussion. I would like to find some new friends and create contacts. And I would be great supporter for someone too.
Thank you for reading. Send you a rays of love, support and respect.
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elimilligan · 3 months
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Couldn't help but share such a part of Asian nature. 🌏
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simply-buddhism · 10 months
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ungoblin · 1 year
The Midnight Gospel
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maruhi · 1 year
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六地蔵 six Jizo
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