#but I was doing a root chakra meditation
lilylotus · 2 years
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who is sheeee 🔥
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kalki-tarot · 2 months
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Just meditate and ask your guides/higher power to provide you insight.
Allow me to tap into your energy. 🧿
My readings are always honest and I don't sugarcoat things, pls read at your own risk. And try to have an open mind. 🙏🧿💕
Pile 1
Cards - 7 of wands, 6 of pentacles, 8 of wands
Are you in a hurry to meet them? Your future spouse? You are rushing things and trying to get ahead of your circumstances or the present reality. You know what pile 1? You still have a lot of parts unhealed of your soul. And this is not allowing you to fly freely as you should. You may feel like your fears are greater than you, but trust me they are not. You have all the power over your fears!
In the hurry of meeting them, you are forgetting your own self. You need to love yourself first before loving someone else. You should give yourself more time to think and process things. You should try to ground yourself in the present. Try to do root chakra and sacral chakra healing. Your fears have created some energy blocks which aren't helping you at all.
Don't worry, your desire of wanting to meet the one for you is being addressed by the universe. You will get what you want. But you need to heal yourself first. Clear your karma and self doubts.
Pile 2
Cards - 10 of pentacles, 7 of cups, 4 of pentacles
Pile 2 my loves, are going through a spiritual transformation or awakening right now. You can't miss any steps in the journey right? Please focus on healing yourself more.
Okay, so I can see that you are trying to manifest love and abundance in your life or you are just dreaming and visualizing about it. Let me tell you this one thing, that it definitely is working in your favour but you also need to break the walls of protection that surround you. You are scared to go outside and meet new people. Dear, please understand that you need to get out of your dreams and delusions and actually step out of your comfort zone to meet your future spouse.
Your future spouse on the other hand are too trying to heal their inner child wounds. They are saying that you need to get stable in life. You lack grounded energy and are underconfident about a lot of things. Please try to let go of any insecurities that surround you. Because they are hampering your growth, pile 2.
Pile 3
Cards : Temperance, 7 of wands, 5 of cups
Do you have this tendency to get depressed whenever you don't get any messages from the pick a card readings of? Don't be dependent for love on anyone, not even your future spouse. Love them, but stay away from unhealthy attachments. The reason of their no communication is because they are busy. They are working hard in their career right now. And you too should now focus on your career and goals.
Everything is well when taken in moderation. Balance love and career both logically and like a healthy human being please. You also have this tendency to run away from problems or sadness and indulge yourself in overworking don't do that.
Some of you could be in same sex relationships and you are thinking that things won't work out. Well, things would work out if you make them work out. Try to take bold decisions and stand for that decision.
Don't look back at the past, this is the final step to meet your fs. Just keep going.
Pile 4
Cards : Strength, 9 of cups, 4 of swords
You lack compassion for your own self. You are someone who gives everything to others but feels bad for giving it to yourself. You may connect well with plants and animals or just nature in general. Try to work on your self worth and don't critisize yourself too much.
You have many things to deal with right now. You have many parts unhealed. Try to relax and rejuvenate more physically as well as mentally and spiritually. It'll be good for your overall well being. Try to play with pets or just stroll in nature for sometime to refresh your mind.
You feel like there's so much competition somehow (?) And try to give yourself small rewards for accomplishing tasks. Try to celebrate your small successes please. You need to celebrate yourself more in order to attract the right partner for yourself.
You need to be in the energy of self love and good self worth to attract good partners who emit the same frequency. Do you understand? Lots of love to you.
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maghamoon · 10 months
Placements with Creative Energy and Appeal:
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Creative energy and sexual energy are the same in astrology. People who have a lot of placements like the ones I have listed about are blessed with more of it. It isn’t about the amount of energy you have, but the way you utilize it.
-scorpio rising, taurus rising, aries rising, libra rising
-aries sun, taurus sun, libra sun, scorpio sun
-moon in aries/taurus/libra/scorpio
-venus or mars in aries/taurus/libra/scorpio
-sun conjunct moon/venus/mars
-moon conjunct venus/mars
-venus conjunct/square mars
-sun square moon/venus/mars
-moon square venus/mars
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 1st house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 2nd house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 4th house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 7th house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 8th house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 10th house
-pluto conjunct sun/moon/venus/mars
-pluto square sun/moon/venus/mars
-pluto in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-mars in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-venus in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-ketu and rahu (north node and south node) in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-ketu and rahu conjunct sun/moon/venus/mars
-ketu and rahu square sun/moon/venus/mars
-ketu and rahu in aries/taurus/libra/scorpio
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How to increase creative energy:
-quitting smoking, drinking, any drug usage
-not engaging in activities that involve the depletion of sacral chakra
-sacral chakra meditations
-belly dancing, any dance movement that involves the lower abdomen
-working on your survival instinct, if you are still stuck in survival mode (root chakra) it will take energy from your sacral chakra!
-doing anything creative that energizes you
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azure-cherie · 4 months
Oracle reading
Advice for each nakshatra for February
Hii loves hope you're doing well , please check for your sun , moon and rising. This is based on vedic astrology and nakshatras so check accordingly<33 hope it helps
Masterlist | paid readings | paid readings 2
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1. Ashvini/Aswini
Your advice for February is to connect to your inner self, your child self . Enjoy your days resting and taking care of yourself. Some trips and adventures to nearby places is also encouraged . There's happy energy, visit the doctor if you're having stomach problems .
2 . Bharani
There are various ways to meditate and so should you find ways to even dance and writing are forms of mediation engage in the soft and focused energy that you embody , watch the moon more often . If you're reading try reading up about mythology for February.
3 . Krittika/Krithika
For February speak up , tell people about what you need tell people about what you don't like tell yourself what you're capable of. Get into affirmations and stay away from negative self talk . You're gonna meet new people don't be shy when you need to engage into discussions.
4. Rohini
For this month you need to get disciplined with your body , are you drinking what you need to are you eating what you should . Your body is a temple and you should treat it like it . You don't need to make excuses for others I just saw 1111 , it's a good time to work on your body goals .
5. Mrigashira
Engage into self love this month , you might have a sexual encounter or just feel more energetic towards self pleasure this month , remember that your energy is divine and choose your partners wisely. Appreciate yourself this month you're such a capable being .
6. Ardra
This month choose embodiment are you listening to advice after advice but not trying it out , choose your gurus wisely and take the seriously and try to implement it . It's a good time to engage into creative endeavours and really be in it . Visit a beach .
7. Punarvasu
Study/dance/sing this month with outmost dedication, you're blessed this month , you need to work on your root chakra and be more grounded . If you have a special occasion this month wear the colour red . Okay for some of you , you might get a proposal.
8. Pushya
This month you're gonna be in loveee , I feel the valentine's is going to be very fruitful for you you're getting flowers compliments and gifts . If not you'll be more into loving and pleasuring yourself. You'll be learning new perspectives about love your advice is to appreciate all forms of love around you be it romantic platonic etc.
9. Ashlesha
For the month of February get into creativity more , learn about more forms of creativity it's not just physical like dance and arts but also of your minds and concepts . Learn to let go of limiting beliefs and create your own reality
10. Magha
Take actions this month , if you want something go get it , i hear that no one is coming to save you , you gotta save yourself, don't be scared of anyone you're blessed and protected . Also take care of your documents
11. Purva Phalguni
You might forget something important this month so take extra care . Buy yourself things and work on your sacral chakra energy by cultivating self pleasure and self love . Wear more yellow or just yellow for a specific occasion
12. Uttara Phalguni
Sometimes to attract something we need to become the thing like they say dress for the job that you want you need to be the aim that you are desiring if you wanna be confident don't wait on it rather decide that from the moment on you are
13. Hasta
Be at your home more this month, along with that ground yourself be in the earthy plane , avoid being in your head or daydreaming too much I sense you might get an accident or make a wrong decision if you're too much in your head
14. Chitra
Learn that sometimes we need to adjust for others i know that boundaries are something that one should maintain but sometimes your friend might need a listener more than your 20 hours of rest that doesn't mean an unhealthy sacrifice but a good one where you are helping someone who has helped you .
15. Swati
You're in conception of a new life for yourself this is the month to dream and achieve it all believe in the power of your mind and look for bird symbolism . Pray to the sun and drink from the moons radiant cup.
16. Vishakha
Refrain from any kinds of problematic situations this month , don't argue just detach not everyone understands perspectives and you should just leave them on their own. Work on your anger issues.
17. Anuradha
You're a perfect blend between being soft and nurturing and agressive when required don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking that's manipulation or being two faced, people can be different with different people and that's how it is don't complain don't explain.
18. Jyeshtha
Lean more into prayer and meditation this month , is there someone you have been wanting to worship or a guru you have been wanting to follow this is the time to start doing that , everything starts with small steps you're seeing synchronicities in everything
19. Mula
This is your divine month , you're gonna be dancing in storms with the devil's you're gonna be great at any cost , you took this decision with yourself that you're gonna be happy no matter what and that's what this month is about healing and dancing and rejoicing.
20. Purva Ashadha
Serenity is a place that can be often found in one's mind if you're feeling worry some write things down infact make a list of thing that you allow yourself to worry about if it isn't in the list don't worry about it , believe that nature can heal , hug a tree today .
21. Uttara Ashadha
Softness is beauty softness is virtue , if you're delicate and vulnerable give yourself credit that you are, not everyone can be soft in this harsh world . You're just so appreciated and admired and you don't even know that but you better start believing you are the it girl .
22. Shravana
It's okay to take space you're a human and sometimes things can be overwhelming, know that the right people will stay and be there for you when you can't give anything. Some people genuinely wanna be your friends.
23. Dhanishtha
Nourish your spirit with knowledge and knowing about your own self , write down your good qualities your hobbies your likes and things that you'd like to do in the future every day is a new chance to love yourself more you're transforming in the most beautiful manner
24. Shatabhisha
This month you're literally gonna rise from ashes I see you exploring your qualities and your talents your vibrations are high your mind is clear you are creative . Call upon your ancestors to guide you .
25. Purva Bhadrapada
You're gonna embody love this month , you're gonna be looking beautiful and lot of people will be admiring you and your perseverance what completely shines is your heart and your dedication. Someone notices you always keep working hard and never think you're less than anyone
26. Uttara Bhadrapada
Flow in the direction of life this is the time that the power you believe in has taken hold of your life be more based on observation than action see people as characters rather than problems see things as solutions more than tasks change your perspective you're healing glowing levelling up
27. Revati
Believe that you're in good hands of God and do each task in life as a divine human being a child of the goddess she's over you always protecting you and destroying the evil. Look within yourself is there something that you would like to change ask her to help with it she will show you the right path .
Thank you so much for reading
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cupiddivinearrow · 7 months
Advice From Spirit
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🦅 PILE 1 🦅
🕊️ Key Indicators 🕊️
Healer/ High Priest(ess)/ Witch
Powerful, Strong, Strengthened, Courageous
Ascending, Growth, Enlightenment
Look on notes on phone for this pile
Throat & Sacral, Root chakra may be blocked
Highly Intuitive
May love to sing
Freedom, Setting yourself free of any limitations, limiting thoughts, and/ or beliefs
Phoenix energy, Rebirth
Divine Timing
Drawn to the night, the Moon
Feminine Energy
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance #️⃣
May be seeing:
3s (333)
4s (444)
5s (555)
⭐ Animal Spirits of Significance: ⭐
🦅 PILE 1 🦅
P1, the saying: The Eagle Has Landed…
P1, have some of you in this pile been focusing on growth and expanding your abilities/ gifts? Some of y’all in this pile may be healers, high priestesses, witches, etc. You’re pretty pure and straight forward. And as of late, you’ve currently have been gaining enlightenment about how to stay balanced and focused. This pile is strong. Powerful. Intuitive. P1, I feel that you’ve been listening to your intuition more lately, which is allowing you to find your voice and let go of unrealistic expectations that are keeping you bound emotionally. Did you just come out of a storm? You should be celebrating making it through, if you haven’t because it is an achievement. Whatever situation you just fought through, could’ve hurt you, and made feel incredibly alone. I’m glad that you made it though this lesson P1. Because that’s what it was. A lesson. That had to be learned to create a catalyst within you. You may be learning about Divine timing in this pile. Coming to a realization that time is an illusion and where you are at this moment is where you’re meant to be. This pile has been learning to stand alone, to speak their truth. And teaching others while doing so. This pile is setting themselves free of any limiting beliefs or lack mindsets. Congratulations on your freedom P1, you have completed a cycle. You’re learning, or will, how to balance out your material and spiritual world. The balance between the 3D (Earth) and the 5D (Astral). You’re healing and manifesting a world of abundance. Through tapping more into your spiritual side, you’ve made the balance that has brought, or will, bring you peace. You have risen like the phoenix, or a rabbit.
P1, You are safe. Continue to be patient, as well as, focused. You are on the right path. Keep going! You are about to have a whole new world. Try being more compassionate with yourself. You had to go through lessons to be able to be who and where you are today. To be able to help others and guide them through your experiences. Try disconnecting from the internet and others for a day and go out in nature. Spend more time with yourself to continue breaking free of things that do not serve you. Continue to set and keep your boundaries and practicing self love. Try giving yourself advice by imagining giving a friend advice and taking that advice. Ask yourself what would you do to really show that you love yourself? Or what do you really enjoy most? When do you feel most intune with yourself? Try to really take the time out to think and answer as realistic as you possibly can. Then act on it. And don’t worry, the Universe has your back. YOU ARE SAFE P1!!!!
The Universe/ Spirit would like for you to learn how to further respect your body and to detox your body this winter. To continue trying to learn your spiritual abilities and gifts by going out in nature or sitting by a body of water and meditating. Tuning in. Exercising. Dancing. Singing. That help keep your mind and body right, respectfully of course. Also, try returning back to the basics. Retracing what you’ve learned on your spiritual journey so far. You can always learn more by retracing your steps and seeing if there’s anything you’ve missed and can use now. In addition, maybe it’s time to declutter. Look around you and think, do you really need all the stuff that’s around you? If you do not, it’s time to consider cleaning your area, which will help with any stagnancy energy around you at the moment. This should be your sacred space. If it’s cluttered, you can’t really relax or enjoy yourself. It’s time to let go of Earthy materials that aren't necessary. It’s important to take care of your physical surroundings and body, as well as your spiritual energy. It is important. Try listening to music more or tapping into your creative side. Slow down. Without your vessel, you lose access to the material world, so treat it well.
✨ PILE 2 ✨
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✨ PILE 2 ✨
Masculine energy
Distracted, Unfocused
Emotionally Burdened
3D, Material World, Earth Energy motivated
Spends time outside alot
Crown, 3rd eye, Heart, Sacral chakra may be blocked or being aligned
Brave, Courageous
Taking Lead
Passion, Desire
Angel Wings- Earned their wings
Connection to Lady Gaia, Mother and Goddess of Earth
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance: #️⃣
2s (222)
4s (444)
5s (555)
8s (888)
10s (1010)
⭐ Animals of Significance: ⭐
✨ PILE 2: ✨
Pile 2, the saying, “Team work makes the dream work” comes to mind when I tap into this group.
Recently, or you will be, P2, you had a glow up. You have put in the work to close cycles and you have done it!!! And because of this, the Universe is blessing you with a gift. In partnership, In new beginnings. Possibly (very) in love… Oh la la 😘
P2, you’ve been working hard on yourself after a possible heartbreak or betrayal that left you feeling like you needed to close yourself off to love and kept you in a confused or negative mindset in the past. Maybe with a False Twin Flame, a karmic. But as of late, you’ve been trying to find your peace by focusing on things that helps you to heal. You’re currently gaining the courage of a lion and growing your power. If you believe in terms such as Earth Angel, then P2, you once may have lost your wings after indulging in lower vibration activities. You’ve earned them back.
You may be drawn to nature at this time, P2, or doing some inner child healing. You may be looking back into the past, wondering what you couldve done better. But P2, dont you see, you have achieved alot. You should be proud. You’re learning to trust in your intuition, and to let go of the past, which will benefit you soon, if it’s not already.
Some of you in P2 will be offered a new opportunity in business or with your gifts. If its business, trust in yourself, stay resilient, move in silence. As for those who gifts are enhancing, protect yourself. The bigger you get, the more haters you will have. (But i appreciate the haters. They let me know I’m doing my job well.)
Some of you in P2, I see a love or new partnership coming in. Try to keep boundaries but dont be afraid of starting something new in your life. Yes, love can be scary, but it’s meant to be a gift. Not feared. When something doesn’t work out, we often forget that it’s the Universe's way of protecting us and helping us learn a lesson that we must learn. And sometimes, we have to learn that lesson the hard way, due to Ego.
The Universe wants what’s best for you, and is just waiting for us to figure that out P2. And I believe you have. You understand how important it is to find balance within ones life by not letting one thing or person take over it by having a career and social life to focus on. And P2, I believe you’re about to receive it. A blessing. Either you’re about to be blessed with a new opportunity in business, life, or you’re about to experience a great big love that will leave you feeling safe and cared for. Pile 2, you’re about to be blessed with security. However, you will need to use discernment. You’re about to have many options available to you. Go out and explore. But take baby steps. It’s time to discover who you are in your heart P2. But, remember to use caution. And you will figure out which is the right path, hobbies, activities, people, things for you by letting your intuition and experiences to guide you. Allow yourself to partake in ALL OF THE SWEET THINGS LIFE HAS TO OFFER YOU.
For those that are receiving new opportunities in life, gifts and business, please let the past go. Balance yourself. Continue to try to find direction if you havent already. Your gifts are growing. Keep pushing forward.Your gifts are enhancing.
Now, for those of you that are having love come in, if you are not ready for a baby, please be careful. I see a baby might be coming in soon. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SOON TO BE PARENTS! BLESSINGS!!!
🌄 PILE 3 🌄
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🌄 PILE 3 🌄
Feeling Insecure, Not At Home
Shadow Work
An Ending
Connection to Egypt
Lady Hathor: Egyptian Goddess of Beauty, Sensuality, Music, Dancing, and Maternity
A whole new world
Throat, Heart, Solar, & Root Chakra may be blocked
Spiritual (Vision) Quest
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance: #️⃣
1s (111)
4s (444)
⭐ Animal Spirits of Significance: ⭐
💫 Astrological Signs: 💫
🌄 PILE 3 🌄
The statement: “It’s the Beginning, Not the End.”
Pile 3, are you currently feeling confused, lost, confused. Or maybe this was your energy in the recent past? Did you start to lose hope in a situation? Were you currently in a dark place? Seems to me that maybe, P3, just maybe, you just experienced what I call a Dark Night of the Soul, or should i say, Ego Death and now you are seeing a brand new world. Have a whole new perspective. P3, the veil has been lifted and your spiritual journey has stepped into a new chapter. It is time to focus more on your spirituality, for the world that you once knew is gone. Now, or in the near future, you will face a 2nd chance in life after some news is revealed and helps you find release.
It’s time to tune into yourself and ground yourself. To figure out who you really are and what your life path, your purpose, is. Deep inside yourself, there are secrets. Secrets that will reveal lost wisdom if you just look a little deeper inside. You may have the ability to see visions. And in this vision, you will see you way forward. You will let go of the past and embrace the future. Learn to experience life as it comes It’s time to forgive. Speak out. HEAL. Set your intentions and believe it. You have limitless possibilities waiting for you. You just have to let go of the past and take a step into the future. Instead of looking at the past with regret, change your perspective. Don’t use the lesson to be hurt, but as a lesson on where to heal. It’s all about “The glass is half empty/ The glass is half full” kind of thing. Life is what you make of it. And only you can decide how you’re gonna react to a lesson. But, it’d be easier on yourself if you try to connect with your ancestors. There may be one that’s reaching out. A grandmother spirit. And she’s wanting to help you heal. You just need to listen. She will help guide you.
Let go and try to have no regrets. There is beauty in the pain. Beauty comes from our perspective on how we see things. We prefer to look at the sky vs trash. We prefer what we call beauty vs believing that everything and everyone has some beauty to it, or a lesson, which is beautiful. Its guidance. Its love from the Universe. Ever heard that saying when someone stays quiet to worry vs someone that nags because it shows how much you are loved? This is the same. The Universe shows us where we need to improve to have a better life. It’s a gift. So when we hurt, there’s something that need to be fixed or taken a closer look at. Just because something seems like its a matter of concern because it’s ending, doesn’t mean it’s not a blessing… It could actually be a blessing in disguise. But that’s for you to determine. Try not to focus too much on this and push forward. Gather the strength from this issue that caused an imbalance in your life and try to focus that energy elsewhere in your life, where you know you’ve needed to take a closer look at. Find your peace by not focusing too much on one area in your life. It helps. Believe me when I say that. It’s time to nurture the whole of you – mind, body, soul. Also, if writing is your thing, go ahead and start journaling. Write about what you’ve been through on this journey. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Try to find the positive lesson there for all your hardships you’ve through…Writing will also help you to manifest your goals and desires faster. It helps you to capture your ideas, plans, dreams, memories, etc. And it can be extremely therapeutic, while also releasing that creative streak inside you. Try to determine what charms and rituals you do or could do everyday to invite a little magick within your life. Try to go out in nature and meditate. Try to get in touch with the water and nature spirits around you. Remember to protect yourself psychically. Also, try making a talisman for yourself or use crystal magick for protection. When it comes to those focusing on their careers, if you’re not already, it’s time to develop some more skills or look at your career and figure out what needs to change there. Go after what you want. If you have to go to school, do so. If you’re not happy where you’re at, start looking for a job to feed your soul. Do what you have to to bring more happiness and joy into your life, now’s the time.
🕊️ Blessings 🕊️
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Black Obsidian
Black Obsidian (The Regal Warrior of Stones)
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Color: Black, Dark Brown
Hardness: 5-5.5 (softer than quartz)
Rarity: Easy to Acquire
Type: Igneous Rock (Comes from a Volcano)
Chakra Association: Root
Angel: Uriel
Deities: Pele, Tezcatlipoca, Itzpapalotl and Sekhmet
Element: Fire, Earth
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aries
Planet: Saturn, Pluto
Origin: Anywhere with Volcanic Activity
Powers: Protection, Grounding, Clarity, Releasing Blockage, Drawing out Stress, Creativity, Divination and Scrying, Negativity Banishment, Transformation and Absorption
Crystals It Works Well With: Howlite, Malachite
How is it Created: Obsidian is a black volcanic glass, formed when molten lava hits cold water or air and solidifies. It is composed of silicon dioxide (quartz) and many impurities which allows it to take different shapes and colors. Black obsidian gets it coloring from iron and magnesium.
History: The earliest obsidian tools can be dated back to the Oldowan, at the dawn of the Paleolithic/Stone Age (2.6 million- 10,000 BCE). Different origins of this rock can be found in Britain, Italy, Mexico, and the USA. In Egypt, obsidian knives were used in ceremonial circumcisions, as well as making mirrors (scrying mirrors for most) and other decorations in tombs. The word “Obsidian” was first used by a Roman explorer, Obsius, who “discovered” it in Ethiopia. In the Americas, Obsidian was used as a symbol of Tezcatlipoca, the chief god of the Aztec religion. Tezcatlipoca means “smoking mirror” which is why a lot of the Mayan priest used the glass rock for scrying mirrors like the Egyptians did. On the Eastern Islands, obsidian was used to make the eyes of the Moai statues before they were lost. The indigenous tribes of North America used pieces of obsidian to make arrowheads, spears and even knives by using an antler in order to carefully form different shapes.
What It Can Do:
Grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, making it possible to manifest more spiritual energy
Increases one’s self control
Forces you to face your true self
Brings imbalance and shadow qualities to the surface to release them
Repels negativity and disperses self-hating thoughts
Powerful meditation aid
Great for scrying and divination as the glass allows you to look to see the “clear truth”
Can heal you after a spiritual or mental attack
Was used in the past during ritual for healing physical disorders
How to Charge:
Sit with the stone in the palm of your hand and enter a light meditation. Use your thoughts to charge the stones with desires of protection and make sure the thoughts are clear and concise.
Use high vibration to amplify the crystal
Use a singing bowl to send sound energy into it
Place it in a bed of Himalayan salt and let it sit for 48 hours
If you work with a sun or moon deity, I have noticed charging it in the sun or moonlight with the idea of protection helps to charge it as well
How to Cleanse:
Run under water (not hot just lukewarm) for a minute
Create a saltwater solution and submerge it for up to 24 hours
Burn herbs or incense over the obsidian with the intention of cleansing (I personally use sandalwood incense for this)
Leave your stone under the full moon to cleanse and retrieve in the morning
Bury your obsidian in your garden for 48 hours
How to Get the Best Out of It:
Wear a black obsidian bracelet. The wrist area is a highly energetic zone because it has nearly direct access to the bloodstream. This (in my opinion) is the best place to have obsidian to create a powerful shield and help with manifestation.
For lighter dosage, use an obsidian ring.
Crystal Grid:
Letting Go (Triangle Grid)
Mantra: “I release everything that no longer serves me”
Center Stone: Smokey Quartz Tower
Secondary Stones: Obsidian, Malachite, Rhodonite, Citrine
Best Moon Phase: Waning or Dark Moon
Best Day: Saturday
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 4 months
What Needs Your Attention Right Now? Pick A Pile
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Feeing inspired, so just wanted to try something new. Hope you all like it!
PILE 1 - Calm Down. Focus on a higher cause. Resting and Rejuvenation.
So for this group, its time for you to rest that head of yours. How can you move forward if your mind isn't well rested? Think before you speak, and learn to be quiet more. Any intrusive thoughts you might be having are asking for a creative outlet. So go slow. Take your time, and just breathe. For this group, spending time in nature or fully taking in the time to meditate is a primary focus you guys should get into at this time.
Chakra that needs work: Root Chakra. You need to stay grounded and start writing down your thoughts in a notebook. Healing any old issues could come through from the power of writing. Depressive thoughts could be something worth noting with this group, however I see going outside and getting some fresh air takes some of the pressure from low emotions you're feeling off of you a bit. For more ways to ground, try putting your feet in the grass, it helps stimulate the body. In the morning, find something to calm and relax the mind, maybe soft music? Make sure to stretch when you wake up to stimulate to brain. Overall, for this group you need to be patient and let things run its course.
PILE 2 - Letting go brings great success. Goals & Dreams. Focusing on the Higher Path.
So this group needs to put a little more energy into their goals! Brain fog might be significant for this group and this could be causing uncertainty in what you want for yourself. You have the power to receive what it is you want. The power is in your mind. You must know that it is yours, and on a mental scale challenging your brain to do more and feel more deserving of your goals will strengthen you in the end. Ever heard of fake it til you make it? You never know until you try.
Chakra that needs work: Third Eye + Solar Plexus
Work out. Work out. Work it Out! Put some more work in exercising those muscles. Working out the body helps the brain work harder to fight of anything that keeps it from focusing, and you need all the energy you can get to master those goals of yours. Perception is another focus for this group, trying making a plan for yourself and what you see for the next 5 years or so, k? This will help with visualization skills in the future. Speaking of visualization, try making a vision board and keeping it somewhere you can see everyday! Something about your goals are important and need some heavy lifting. Remember all seeds grow at their own pace, so just because you don't see anything after a week, a month, yr, etc doesn't mean its not moving. The garden you create has its own tempo at the end of the day. ;)
PILE 3 - Following Your Destiny. A Higher Calling.
Soul Purpose. Your mission is coming up and its moving out everything thats been in the way. You have to move forward with what your spirit wants from you, as your destiny is more important than you realize. Be thankful for the past, and move higher into the present. Take a deep breathe and forge through the challenges and obstacles that we're standing in your way and lead to a higher destination. You've been brought here for something significant, but do you know that? Take time to listen to your intuition and focus on what is asked of you at this time.
Chakra that needs work : Heart Chakra
So this chakra is in control of your higher purpose. You need love to bring it all into fruition. Let this passion for something deeper burn in you so that you can heal any troubles from the past, as this could have blocked you from knowing what it is you desire. Be more open to enjoying life as is, because this group is suppose to live life on edge. And you are meant to be leading your life with the power of the infinite, which brings it all back to love. Hope this helps !
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likealittleheartbeat · 3 months
hey! i really enjoy your analysis of aang and zuko's relationship, and i was just wondering if you have any thoughts on this:
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when aang considers what he's afraid of the most, he doesn't just see zuko - he sees the blue spirit. why do you think his fear is linked to that mask? zuko was the most amicable towards him when he put that mask on, and was hostile every other time.
Ooooh!! This is such a rich and meaty question!! And it's something I've wondered about but never dove into before.
I guess there are a couple of questions we need to explore. One, do we want to begin to analyze this from Aang's perspective or the series' themes, which, when put together, should offer us the fullest idea of what the intent might be? If we begin with Aang's perspective, then the next question we need to next ask what is Aang's view of Zuko and/or the Blue Spirit at this point in the narrative? My worry about beginning at that intimate level is that we might miss possible connections that a thematic understanding might facilitate and may, like many fandom analyses, leave it at a character level when, in fact, the characters exist to serve larger philosophical purposes, especially in a show like ATLA.
So, we'll return to those questions about Aang after we visit some questions about the broader themes here. We know for a fact that the team did a lot of research into Eastern philosophies that they had to then pack down into 24 minute episodes, preserving a surprising amount of complexity not in the words but in the actions and visuals. The 2 part Crossroads of Destiny episode is probably the most evocative of this practice. The four-way fight scene is celebrated for the way it masterfully shows character development through fight choreography. Then, Aang's crystal chamber he forms to master the Avatar State is a direct reference to a statement about pre-enlightenment in one of the foundational texts about Japanese Zen for American Buddhists, "The Three Pillars of Zen." The rapid explanations of the seven chakras with Guru Pathik might seem like a a skimming of Tantric beliefs based on the brief statements and processing, but it's another prime example the way ATLA suffuses meaning beyond the script.
What more can be said about the Earth (also called the Root or Muladhara) Chakra, then, that the show might reflect without stating it explicitly. Guru Pathik explains that the Earth Chakra "deals with survival." Is there any subject more prescient than that for our protagonist, the single survivor of an otherwise all-encompassing genocide? Other accounts of this chakra that I can find explain that it's at this chakra that one can observe that their base needs are being met--enough food, enough water, etc. There seems to be a subtle witnessing to the effects of PTSD here then. With this chakra untouched, unopened, and out of balance, Aang within his mind has been living in a state of emergency without knowing it, believing himself at a core level beyond his consciousness to still be under immediate threat even in moments of peace like his meditations throughout the opening of his chakras. "Your vision is not real," Guru Pathik points out, not to say that no danger exists for him in the world but to illuminate the immediate reality surrounding his person.
The memories and visions that flash during the sequence hint at how fear conceals deeper realities and thus possibilities. I'll start with the clip of Katara sinking away from the first episode of Book 2, "The Avatar State." The Earth Kingdom General performed this cruelty after many other attempts to force Aang into suffering to gain the Avatar State. Believing he lost another person he loved, the state was triggered despite the actuality that Katara was unharmed. The fear of her loss overwhelmed Aang, and even her safe return could not assuage his traumatic response. The Blue Spirit incident forms a striking parallel to this event, in that case. Aang felt himself helpless and in danger only to discover the opposite: the seemingly malevolent force freed him from danger. Further, that Blue Spirit Mask concealed Zuko who, by the end of the series, will be revealed (to himself and) Aang as an ally and a friend. The shadowy image of Ozai, then, connected with these two fear-inducing semblances, can be seen then as perhaps the ultimate foreshadowing of Aang's ultimate success in pacifying Ozai. Put in the context of this chakra and the other two visions, it frames the Firelord as a facade meant to induce terror and distance, when in reality, life and humanity still lay behind the horrifying megalomania.
Concerning the Blue Spirit element specifically in the series, I want to explore one more factor within the series before getting back to Aang's character relationship in this moment. Blue has a running symbolic theme within the series that seems especially relevant here since it played a huge role in a highly symbolic part of the directly previous episode, "The Earth King." As Zuko rides out his psychogenic fever induced by releasing Aang's bison and abandoning his Blue Spirit mask, he is confronted in his dreams by a blue dragon voiced by Azula and a red dragon voiced by Iroh. I felt really confused by these two would-be shoulder angels for the longest time (literally until I was sorting my thoughts out to write this) because Azula's blue dragon is the one who entreats Zuko to rest, which even in Grey Delisle/Azula's clearly threatening tone--she even ends the temptation by saying "sleep just like mother!"--seemed to be what Zuko needed to do as opposed to the red dragon's exhortations to get out. I could see how sleeping might also refer to accepting his upbringing without thought, but why blue? The layers upon layers of possible meaning overwhelmed me.
I posit that blue in the series, especially when put in relationship to red/orange, as it is in the dream sequence, the dynamic between the water tribe and the fire nation, the fire of zuko and azula (especially the final agni kai), and the energy-bending of Aang over Ozai in the finale, ought to be read as Yin (making red/orange yang). Yin is passive, retractive, and receptive, which makes the invitation to rest by a blue dragon make perfect sense. Yin is also feminine in nature, hence the association with both Azula (whose blue fire and lightning becomes especially interesting to explore under this understanding) and Zuko's mother in the dualistic dragon dream. If you know anything about yin and yang, you know that it's key tenet is ever-changing coordination of yin and yang within one entity and with relationships between entities rather than the privileging of one above another. The two dragons in Zuko's dream, while seemingly in opposition to one another, are actually seeking, like the bumper stickers say, "coexistence" of their dispositions.
Now, back to Aang's vision of fear over the Blue Spirit. The red that overlays everything is specifically a reference to the Earth Chakra, which is symbolized by the color red. But the fact that he has one fear of Katara, the pinnacle of blueness/yin in the series, dying, and another fear of the Blue Spirit, a de-flamed (read: emasculated) Zuko attacking him that are then overlayed by this Earth Chakra red, a color otherwise used to portray yang (masculinity, activeness, expansion, and repulsion) and the fire nation in the series, suggests that his fears are specifically about within holding onto yin nature (symbolized by his grasping for a disappearing Katara) without being entirely overwhelmed by it (in the image of the fear he felt as the Blue Spirit approached his imprisoned body). And all those fears are intensified when living in such a patriarchal, or yang-skewed age and society, which gets depicted through both the final image of Ozai, the ultimate patriarch within this world, and the red coloring.
I promised I would get back to the characters, and after that hopefully illuminating thematic expansion, we can hopefully get at the core of what's going on here for Aang personally and what it might mean for him to be picturing Zuko with the Blue Spirit mask as a fear. I want to put this moment into context with Aang and Zuko's relationship at this specific moment. Aang hasn't seen Zuko since he watched him cry over his uncle in the ghost town after Azula struck him with lightning as a diversion. That was ten episodes prior (and more than 6 months time if you were watching the show in real time as it premiered; May 26th-Dec. 1st). The next time Aang sees Zuko, two episodes later, they are glowering across a crystal prison cell at one another with antipathy as they're embraced (a gesture I can only remember from the fantastic black romance film Love & Basketball, and in a gay context that is clearly referencing that moment in L&B, in the Norwegian teen romance series Skam). Right before this scene, Aang readily agrees to co-rescue Zuko and Katara with Uncle Iroh despite Sokka's protestations. Nothing seems amiss with Aang, no obvious belligerence toward Zuko until he sees him. Zuko has barely seen the airbender this whole season, and the one moment they encountered one another, Zuko was attacking Aang's attacker rather than him. Why is Aang expressing anger toward Zuko in the crystal chamber then? It's a rare expression from Aang even when we look at their more antagonistic interactions from the first season.
Here's where this vision of the blue spirit Aang envisions as he opens his earth chakra might enliven his characterization and his relationship to Zuko. We get two pieces here. His attachment to Katara and the queer implications of his partnership with the Blue Spirit/Zuko. And they are inseparable.
I don't feel that I need to especially dive into the attachment to Katara since it's been a pretty big component of discourse within the fandom, both in general analysis and more specifically relating to the (literally historic) shipping wars between zutara and kataang that emerged after the series came out originally. What I'll say here is that the first vision that Aang has as he addresses his root chakra points to his fear of losing her and what she represents pretty explicitly and, as I suggested earlier, also provides its antidote in the realization that accepting/surrendering the fear of impermanence reveals its simultaneous illusion. Katara wasn't actually harmed and wasn't truly lost when the general subsumed her into the ground. Aang has to let go of her as a permanent fixture that he'll always be able to see and know entirely (not, as many have interpreted it, let go of loving her). He'll also have to let go of saving her and the world of so many others she represents, which is as much a pressure and role Katara and others put on him as Aang yolks himself to.
Part of this acknowledgement of Katara's impermanence as a living being and a romantic possibility is addressing the others in her life who pose both danger and attraction for her. Zuko embodies both of these things simultaneously. The aggressive stare Aang launches at Zuko in "The Crossroads of Destiny" can be understood through this lens. The Eve Sedgwick's concept of the triangulation of male homosocial desire between romantic rivals was one of the foundational ideas of queer theory. It's so well-established as to be a meme among the tumblr crowd. The show even references the history of these literary homosocial tropes in "The Avatar and the Firelord" as Sozin and Roku's tight-knit youthful friendship is slowly rent apart at the event of Roku's heterosexual marriage, which thus begins the imperialism of the Fire nation.
Except that Roku and Sozin aren't romantic rivals. And Zuko's obsession with Aang begins sans Katara. And, as you pointed out, if the romantic threat is Zuko, it ought to be Zuko in the Earth Chakra vision instead of the Blue Spirit? Well, those all exist because ATLA is not a tragedy for homosocial relationships, and it's hard for me to explain how groundbreaking that was.
You see, the show theorizes homosociality differently. If Aang is required to let go of Katara, he has no pivot point, no object (because women shouldn't be objects for male fodder!) to connect with and compete with a rival male, so he has to look directly at the desire of another male for him and, therefore, face the fears that he might have similar desires. I said above that the Blue Spirit is an entirely de-flamed Zuko, which I then paralleled to emasculation. One could even go farther to call it a kind of symbolic castration (Firelord Ozai losing his firebending at the end of the series certainly demands this kind of reading). These aspects ignite fears about lacking masculinity which then cause reactions, which make men avoid accepting any thoughts and behaviors associated with vulnerability and homosexuality invoked within themselves or by others.
I think Aang, in his way, is confronting these fears but not from the angle of someone raised within a homophobic or misogynistic culture. His openness to Zuko and the potential of connection to him is ripe from the first time they meet--"you're just a teenager" connects them without any intermediary. He comes to understand the rigidness of the environment he's in, though. He feels like he's being forced to choose between a yang/masculine role he plays with Katara, who at this point in the series though growing out of it and certainly not a fault of her own making still sees him as her savior and depends on him to save her and the world through metaphysical mastery and the repulsion of evil, and yin/feminine role he plays with Zuko, who finds Aang in and forces him into positions of elusion, surrender, and passivity, while requiring his compassion and forgiveness. When the Blue Spirit comes swinging his swords (read that with all the innuendos you want lol) at a shackled Aang, it's the ultimate expression of Aang's potential for submissiveness because, not only is he entirely helpless but the one who could harm or save him in that scenario is another who is not participating in the expected power of fire/yang/masculinity.
I think everything in the show says this is attractive to Aang--that he remains with Zuko immediately after their escape from the fort, that he reflects on the Blue Spirit as he opens his chakras, that a reference to the conversation that followed their escape that Zuko makes halts him in his tracks when Zuko asks to join the team. Zuko's Blue Spirit persona means a lot to Aang, a scary amount, and my point is that it's this fear of the meaningfulness of their encounter as two men who are not the masculine paragons they are supposed to be which Aang faces as he opens his chakra. As much as he wants Katara, he wants Zuko. He fears he'll lose Katara and he fears he'll lose his life to Zuko. These are the dichotomies he's tackling as he processes the Earth chakra.
Aang eventually opens the chakra, but that's only to say he acknowledges and surrenders his fears to a destiny and understanding beyond his control, not that he necessarily learns how to address and solve all the conundrums contained therein. We know he chooses his attachment to Katara at the end of the episode to obtain power over the Avatar state but perhaps we could've been clued into this choice by noticing he has not chosen Zuko with that initial glare Aang gives him. Aang hasn't found a way in his chakras or his heart to hold both Katara and Zuko at once, so he chooses Katara and expresses a newfound jealousy and rivalry toward Zuko (not that Zuko's at his best behavior at this point, but it's Aang who initiates the exchange).
By the end of this season, Zuko abandons the Blue Spirit mask and Aang loses his life for prioritizing Katara and a yang-centric mastery of the Avatar state. The next season involves all three of the protagonists finding more internal balance between yin and yang for themselves and accepting mutually reciprocal feelings for one another that allow them to escape the kinds of patriarchal tropes that have dominated Anglo- literature for centuries. The ability of this brief sequence to highlight so many of the series' central revolutionary themes speaks to the depth of the show and the way it invites the audience to think about rich subtext rather than pedantically hammer us with morals will just continue to be the gift that keeps giving from this show.
Thanks so much for asking! Didn't know how much I missed doing a deep dive into this kind of stuff.
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ficnoire2 · 7 months
A Little Legendborn/Bloodmarked Scent Theory
Scent is nostalgic.  It transports us back to a memory, a person, and the feelings that lived in that pocket of time.  When I was a teenager Snoop Dog proclaimed in Lodi Dodi “For all the bitches I might take home, I got the Johnson’s Baby Powder and Cool Water cologne.”  Yes, I have happily dated myself with that reference (all my youngins, do your Googles) but nearly every boy I knew had that scent profile and every time one of them said, “Where my hug at” I would bury my nose in its familiar embrace.  Tracy has been hella intentional with so many of her choices in this amazing series (see a bit more in my “A little LB/BM…” series at the end) and I don’t think the way our favs smell is any different.  Let’s take a dip in the olfactory pool shall we?
Bree Matthews - scent profile Gourmand, Green, Mossy Woods
“Do you want to know?” he asks in a low voice that makes me shiver.  He reaches for my hand, and his fingers are hot against my palm.  “What your magic smells like?”... “Honey wine.  Amber.  Green things growing.  The tiniest hint of copper, like fresh blood.  Something else…”  A deep inhale, and I feel him shudder.  “Power.”
Well now, Selwyn said a mouthful when describing Bree’s scent and every note fits her perfectly.  
Honey Wine - Did y'all know that honey wine is also called Meade?  Arthur went on about someone drinking all of it when Bree popped up in one of his memories.  It is made from honey, yeast, and water and can vary in alcohol content and can be mixed with fruit.  In Celtic cultures, Meade is thought to enhance virility and fertility and has aphrodisiac qualities (had Sel on his ass in the woods).  This wine was said to have been first made in secret by Irish Monks. Its origins, however, are lost in prehistory with the earliest archeological evidence dating back to 7000 BC. It was used in feasts and celebrations across Europe and Asia and still exists today. A scent fit for a King. 
Amber - Warm and exotic, amber which is derived from tree resin and described as “Gold of the Sea” and has been touted as the world’s oldest and most desired treasure.  It is considered beautiful and unique and has special chemical properties that are electrically charged and could ignite when rubbed together (A bit volatile and explosive like our Bree).  Amber is a powerful Chakra cleanser and can absorb negative energy, transferring it into positive. It can be used in meditation for relaxation and can heighten and enhance psychic abilities. 
Green Things Growing - The scent of fresh cut grass, blooming flora, mother earth.  Representing growth, new beginnings, healing, and renewal.  I find it interesting that Sel tapped into this aspect of her scent as taking in her root (after giving him consent) revitalized him.  In a way Bree’s arrival has brought forth new beginnings and growth for everyone she has come into contact with.
Copper, Fresh Blood, Power - Smelling blood (where none is present) can signify a deep connection with ancestral ties.  As we know Bree has seen Vera bathed in blood, and its use has been pivotal to her communing with her ancestors.  It can also serve as a shield or protection.  Erebus has Bloodmarked Bree which alerts him to her danger, in a way protecting her. This scent being part of her profile is telling because it is a symbol of life, sacrifice, and spiritual potency.  These attributes are ever present in Bree.  She after all is their sharpest and strongest blade with a powerful connection to the spirit realm. 
Selwyn Kane - Scent profile Oriental (amber/sweet), woody (smoky), peaty (aged whiskey)
“We are so close I smell whiskey and smoke.  His aether signature, back again.”
Whiskey - Did you know that smelling alcohol has spiritual significance involving evolution, cleansing, and reemergence with renewed clarity?  Smelling alcohol can be a call to purify oneself, to get rid of negativity.  It can signify a period of transition or transformation, a rebirth if you will.  Selwyn Kane has managed to change immensely throughout both books.  He can literally transform by owl shifting.  By the end of Bloodmarked, we see yet another iteration of him as he transitioned more towards his shadow side, his demon nature.  Historical context suggests the scent of alcohol is associated with sacred rituals (Oathing ceremonies) and can be a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. 
Cinnamon - In the oriental scent family, this scent is exotic and seductive (just like our favorite, angsty, goth).  Some people use cinnamon for protection, prosperity, and healing.  It is said to be anti-viral, anti-biotic, anti-microbial, and antifungal “I don’t get infections.”  Cinnamon has therapeutic properties, it's no wonder Selwyn is able to heal so quickly from injury (bruised ego aside).
Smoke- While a part of Sel’s scent profile, when Bree smells the hint of smoke he gives off, it suggests her closeness to the ancestral plane and the supernatural.  Like Bree, people that smell smoke when there is none can sense the spiritual world.  Selly has an affinity for detecting those pesky Shadowborn that continuously make their way to our world. Its scent is also associated with messages from our ancestors and the divine.
Nick Davis - Scent profile Woody, fresh
“When he catches up, his fresh laundry and cedar scent comes with him.  Of course he smells good.”
Fresh Laundry-Nick’s scent has been described as a bit boring, but I tend to disagree.  Tracy has been extremely intentional with her choices in this series and I don’t think Nick’s scent is any different.  Fresh laundry makes you want to bury your face in it.  After a long day and a nice shower, it feels like home to snuggle into freshly laundered sheets (Is it just me?).  It is comforting to snuggle up in your favorite blanket that smells of your favorite detergent.  It is soothing and in a sense freshly laundered linens are a clean slate.  If that isn’t Nick, I don’t know what is.  He is deeply comforting to Bree and is a soft place to land for her.  Whenever she is in his room, she is smelling his clothes, sheets, she is able to find respite with him.  He is a change of pace in all the chaos happening in her life.  Not only does he serve as comfort for her, but for Sel as well (hello Bloodwalk).  Plus, tell me you haven’t taken clothes out of the dryer and took a big ol’ whiff.
Cedar- I love the smell of cedar.  Symbolically it represents protection, wisdom, strength, and spiritual grounding (come on Nicky!).  In some cultures Cedar trees are considered sacred and are known for their healing relationship with humankind.  The scent of cedar clears the mind, opening it to past memories. Cedar trees in particular are said to store energy, only releasing it when important healing needs to occur.  We know Nick has a lot of inner rage (Max fucked around and found out), but he is also optimistic and seeking correction of the wrongs his father and The Order have imposed on the Legendborn.  I don’t know about you, but I’d bathe my clothes in this for sure.
Scent is such a powerful medium. What do you think of our faves’ scents?  I find it interesting that the spiciest characters (looking at you Bree and Selwyn) are in the oriental/woody scent family and our more level headed bunch is in the fresh scent family. 
In part two, we’ll take a look at Valec, William, and Incense Daddy himself, Erebus. 
Color Theory
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teopatra · 9 months
✨🤭 BIENVENUE 👋🏽👋🏻👋👋🏿
Let me preface by sayin, I went on Google, found some images, saved these images, but I DO not own them and i am NOT citing my source 😆 BC I CAN *karlie red’s voice* teehee yes I did yes I did somebody plz tell ‘em who the EFF I IS 🤪 I’ll give updates if someone takes legal actions 🥳
♍️Pick a fictional Virgo♍️
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Since it’s both Virgo season ANND mercury rx im going to be doing a lot of readings themed around this season for research 🧐 purposes 🤓
1. Rue (real life ♍️ Zendaya)
What do you need to work on?
Either you have an unhealthy addiction or attachment to something OR you need to be focusing more on something like your life depends on it due to either procrastination, laziness, self loathing/not believing in yourself ENOUGH OR just not dedicating enough time to something. If you have an unhealthy attachment to something like social media or video games, know that it’s okay to indulge in certain things but you have to have balance and know wen it’s time to take a break.. your screen time could be high but if that’s the case how are you using that time to create content or make that fun thing lucrative for yourself. You can make tiktoks even if you may think it’s stupid bc the views will bring more traffic to your page but only if the intentions are good and you aren’t harming anything or displaying inappropriate behaviors. Also if you play video games you can stream, if you like to read you can do voice memos and turn it into a podcast, reel, YouTube video and you don’t even have to show your face. I’m getting mercurial energy from this pile bc it’s something to do with your voice and hands .. maybe you build, play instrument, make beats, sing, do ASMR whatever ..
Additional Messages: while mercury is in retrograde this is a good time to work on your craft not perfect it just work on it.. beginning stages will not exhibit perfection so if that’s what you expect out of yourself there is where the shadow work needs to be done. You need to make a schedule; it doesn’t have to be time exact focused but you need to have better intentions for your day.. you need to strengthen your upper body especially the arms.. practice breath work and work on healing and or balancing your lower chakras: root chakra, sacral chakra and or solar plexus whatever one resonates with you..
2. Hermoine Granger 📚
What is holding you back?
Your mouth is holding you back because you don’t understand what it means to move in silence. Just because you didn’t tell people about it or show the internet doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Learn how to enjoy the beauty of life on your own. People will begin to see right thru you and not take you serious if you’re always posting every little thing. Know your own worth, other people see it but it doesn’t seem like you’re being authentic to your true self. Maybe you tried doing shadow work and wanted to reinvent yourself; but who are you trying to be like? If you’re not being you then you’re being a carbon copy and that will just lead you down a path of self destruction.
Additional Messages: I see you’re experiencing some type of food allergy maybe gluten or dairy and hormonal imbalances. You will benefit from journaling, sound baths, and meditation music. Gemini energy somewhere in your chart maybe your moon; if it’s difficult for you to quiet the mind rn maybe bc of issues within the family relating to health or finances then you have to unwind the mind. It’ll take time, (bars) maybe you want to write music is so then do it.. work on the crown chakra, heart chakra, sacral and solar plexus chakras, you really need to recalibrate cuz you’re out of wack and your body or tummy is stressed
3. Bella Swan 🦢
How can you hold yourself accountable?
You use other people’s problems as a way to distract yourself because you want to feel needed by other people. You refuse to do things for yourself or by yourself bc maybe you realize that wen you’re by yourself you’re really sad or lonely.. figure out the root of this sadness and loneliness and heal your trauma. Tell yourself that what happened to you is NOT YOUR FAULT. People will still love you even if you aren’t available for them at the moment, if they’re meant to be in your life they’ll understand. But you don’t want to accept the fact that the people you hold dear to you are probably not meant to be in your life at this time.
Additional Messages: are you using your financial status and material meals to define your happiness? Who would you be without those things? Who are you? Do you even know? You’ve been going thru the motions for so long, that you’ve put your true desires in life aside bc you feel guilty . Heavy guilt issues, check your sun sign and your Saturn and the houses they’re in.. Heal your root chakra and if you’re going thru a Saturn return you better understand what that means for you now since the start of it until the end or else you’ll have to wait another 27 years to really dive into what you love…
4. Frodo Baggins 🧝🏽‍♀️
Where you need to communicate better…
If you have a speech impediment or your first language is diff than those around you causing language barriers do NOT be afraid to express yourself. If anyone makes fun of you for the way you speak they’re a loser and work on your confidence so this doesn’t bring you down. You know what you’re trying to say so maybe work on how to express yourself better with words. You may deal with self doubt, insecurity, trauma, and you may shut down when you feel like others don’t understand you. It’s mercury retrograde and I see for the next 3 weeks people just may not listen , that doesn’t mean talk louder, that doesn’t mean argue, become a better listener and this will help you with your communication. I feel Aquarian energy like you’re different and the ones who know you understand when you speak but you have to have balance and be able to speak in all aspects don’t be afraid or shy it’s okay.
Additional Messages: check your 11th house, and aspects to your Aquarius house, work on your throat chakra and your root chakra. If you’re in school for psychology or you’re an astrologer then you already have the answers you seek you just don’t trust yourself so work on the heart chakra as well.. idk why you don’t trust yourself you’re actually very intelligent but you have some type of disability maybe, confidence and time will strengthen this
5. Jorah Mormont 🗡️
What isn’t working for you anymore?
other people opinions aren’t working for you; you keep allowing people to put their 2 cents in when you need to trust your gut. You have a very keen eye and people feel important wen you ask their input. It’s okay to ask advice from others time to time but ask the universe, the divine, your spirit team, and or your higher self to enlighten you. There may some evil eye around you in regards to your work, others see that your hard work will lead you to success but people feel left out and want to siphon all your energy. Insecure and low vibrational people aren’t working for you. Your challenge rn is to know wen is a good time to just put your phone on DND and do you whether it’s rest or meditation. Strong Leo energy, check your sun sign your 5th house and anything aspecting your Leo house.
Additional Messages: you may need more sunlight or you may need to use more sunblock so you don’t get radiation poisoning. Or some of you could be outside n the sun too much which is draining you in some way. Vitamins could benefit you or orange foods like oranges and carrots. Maybe try drinking smoothies, cut out carbonated drinks and snacks high in sodium, it’s causing brain fog and memory loss. Fatigue is happening to you bc you’re probably over worked and don’t drink enough water or the right type of water.
6. Neo 👽
How to be more productive?
Be more imaginative , be more delusional, exercise your neptunian or piscerian energy by making your dream or fantasy world reality. You need to strengthen your psychic abilities maybe by asking the universe or higher power to give you a sign.. work on your telepathy by imaging a certain object you want the universe to use to communicate with you to affirm. Stop doubting your intuition just because it may scare you. If you believe that we live in a simulation and nothing is real then why are you allowing this reality to bring you down. Pretend you’re in a video game or movie and you’re the main character or final boss. You may need to move your body more bc your blood isn’t circulating enough or properly esp if your body parts have been falling asleep lately
Additional Messages: it would benefit you to detox, drink more water and take on a healthier diet or lifestyle because something is clouding your judgement and intuition. Check your chart for what planets are in your 12th house or aspecting your Pisces placements. You’re in a self deprecating mode rn and you have to snap out of it. Eat less meat especially if you’re a water sign bc you’re taking on the energies of those unalive animals your eating you feel their pain.. also stop eating GMO food for 60 days…
3:03 on the clock
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Guardian (Part 9)
Jiraiya x Sarutobi!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Synopsis: Your brother gave you an assignment, "Go ask Sakumo Hatake if he needs help with his newborn." It was a simple task, but it snowballed into so much more.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
A/n: this has been nine chapters of pure Angst. I promise the next one will have comfort 💀
Tags: @twilightlover2007
TW: blood, violence, mention of death
Minutes turned into hours before your cries quieted down into pathetic whimpers. Taking deep breaths helped you calm down further as you finally began to think through a plan. If you could get your hands free, you could fight. You were rusty; that much was true. But you weren't weak despite what the man assumed.
Your hand twisted uncomfortably to feel the knot tied around your wrist. "Dammit," you huffed as you felt the knot's tightness. Wiggling your hand, you found the rope had some slack, but it was still tight enough to hurt you if you attempted to wiggle out of it. "I can do this. I can do this" Your breathing was shaky as you twisted your hand more to pull it from the confines. A cry of pain flew from your chest, making you bite your lip to silence yourself. You couldn't sense the man anywhere nearby, but you weren't taking any chances.
Tears formed in your eyes as the rope moved your bones into uncomfortable positions, all while dragging harshly against your skin. You were at the thickest part now. One more tug and you'd be free. Taking a deep breath, you ripped your arm, and your hand followed. Pain exploded up your wrist, and your lip began to bleed from how hard you were biting it, but you were free. You ripped off the blindfold before bringing your still-bound hand to your freed one. Within seconds you had released your other hand and had shakily stood up. Your eyes wandered around the room, trying to find a way to escape other than the singular door.
It would seem that if you wanted to get Kakashi, you'd have to go out that door, and more importantly, you'd have to fight. "I hate fighting," you muttered as you stretched out your aching wrists. You looked up at the ceiling as you shook out the rest of your limbs, warming them up for something you haven't done in years. Fighting was never your favorite thing to do, but your brother forced you to train so that if you ended up in these situations, you'd be okay. Energy flooded your veins as you gathered your Chakra up in your body. You were surprised with how easy it was, considering you hadn't used Ninjutsu in over ten years. You knew why it was easy, and you silently thanked all the gods above for placing you in the Sarutobi clan. Not only that, you were thanking them for your brother, who pushed you past your limits more times than you can count.
Without him, you'd be dead by now.
Your bones seemed to vibrate at the vast amount of energy flowing within you. You had to be quick. Using this much Chakra was going to tire you out quickly. Taking a step towards the door, you halted as the sound of shuffling sounded from behind it. You were hoping for a few more seconds of meditation, but it would seem that your aura gave you away rather quickly.
The door swung open, and while the man looked at you with wide eyes, he quickly scanned the room for another person before once more looking at you in disbelief. "This… This is your Chakra?"
A giddy giggle came from you as you took in his fear-stricken face. Your aura must have been immense, considering how fast he shifted into pure terror. "Did you think I was a useless civilian?" You started sweetly as you quickly did the hand signs to activate your earth-style ninjutsu. You dropped to the ground, fingers slamming against the floor as you urged the roots underneath the building to rise to the surface. The ground shook beneath your feet, and the man flew back towards the door, but a root had already broken through and grabbed it, stopping his escape. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry-" His voice grew muffled as the root wrapped around his mouth. You curled your fingers against the ground, moving the roots in your direction, bringing the man right to you. "Granted, I may not be as powerful as my brother or as terrifying as Sakumo, but I am still a Sarutobi. I think you forgot that part…." you trailed as you stood up and grabbed the shaking Kunai from his hand. "I can remind you, though. But I want to know a couple of things before I do."
His eyes widened as you moved to press the Kunai against his throat. "Who hired you, and where's my son?"
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The door to the room opened, making Kakashi stir from where he sat in the corner. The kidnapper knew that the boy was strong, and for that reason, he had his hands wrapped together tightly with metal chains. Kakashi was so ashamed of getting caught. How could he be a great shinobi if he couldn't even fend off an enemy from capturing him? Footsteps echoed in the room, and his head shot up, trying to listen to their heavy steps. It didn't sound like the man who captured him; if anything, it sounded feminine. "Kakashi?"
He gasped loudly before calling out your name in exasperation. "Mom!! I'm over here!!!!" Your fast footsteps approached him, and before he knew it, you had thrown your arms around him in a hug, coos and cries falling from you as you cuddled him close to you. Your hand quickly pulled the blindfold off his face, allowing him to see your teary eyes. He blinked a couple of times, adjusting to the darkness before shooting a relieved smile up at you. "Mom-" he stopped himself as he saw the blood soaking your hair and shirt. "Mom?" He asked finally as he reached to touch you, but his hands were still tied together. Something slithered up to the chain before snapping it, freeing him finally from the confines.
Instead of questioning how or what just freed him, he threw himself into your embrace once more. "The man that kidnapped me. Is he still here? I can protect you-"
"No. Kakashi, I handled it. He can't hurt us anymore."
His eyebrows furrowed at that. That man was powerful, so how in the world were you able to handle him? "Is this your blood?" Kakashi asked shakily as he grabbed some of your blood-soaked hair. You didn't answer him. Didn't really need to, if you were being honest. His silence made you nervous, and a sound out in the hall made you jump into action. "Let's get out of here. Okay? I can explain when we get back to the village-"
The door slammed open, and your eyes widened as the man stumbled into the room. He was soaked in his blood, and you had thought your jutsu had worked, but it seemed that he was alive.
And very, very pissed.
"You little bitch. Don't think you can get away from me that easily."
His snarl made your heart rate pick up, and it was then, as you tried to gather your Chakra, that you realized how tired you were. Not only that, but the gash on your side made you lose a lot of blood, making your eyes grow heavy as you stood your ground in front of Kakashi. If you could just muster up enough power to distract him so that Kakashi would escape, you'd gladly let him finish you off. "Kakashi. When I say run, you run. Understand?"
His brown eyes widened at your statement before he profusely shook his head, "No, Mom. I'm not leaving you-"
A gasp came from you as you hunched over, gripping your bleeding side as you fought through the pain. "Kakashi, please. Listen to me for once," you snarled as you shakily laid a bloody hand on the ground below. Kakashi felt frozen in his spot at the sight of you. Your hand pressed down, once more demanding the earth below to follow your every command. The floor shook, and Kakashi watched in awe as roots shot up from the floor and wrapped around the man. You didn't have enough strength to hold him off, so Kakashi had to be quick. "Kakashi! RUN"
Despite every cell in his body begging him to stay and help you, he knew he couldn't. He bolted towards the door and raced down the hall, hoping to get out and find help before it was too late. Seeing him escape made you sigh in relief, fingers shaking as you fought to hold on long enough so Kakashi would have a good chance of escaping. A couple more seconds passed before your body gave out, and you crashed to the floor. A scream of pain bounced off the walls, and you let the man go to hold your gushing side, silently hoping that you'd bleed to death before he got the chance to get you.
Your head lay on the concrete, blearily blinking your eyes at the man as he stood from the ground. His chuckle was dark, making you shiver against the cold ground below. He slowly moved towards you, "I would have made your death as painless as possible if you had just been good." He squatted in front of you, fingers tracing your cheek almost lovingly. "You did surprise me. I'll give you that. But you're still so pathetic-"
"I saved him. That's all I wanted to do anyway." You snapped, lips curling into a snarl. The blood in your mouth made you look almost feral, and if you had any energy left, you would have torn him apart. But you were tired. You successfully saved Kakashi, and in turn, you were okay with where this was going. His fingers trailed down to your neck, pulling out the necklace hidden below your shirt. When he captured you, he accidentally ripped off one of your necklaces, but this one stayed put. And boy, was he glad it did.
The diamond ring came into your line of sight as he examined it. "I think I'll sell this one on the black market. Looks like he paid a pretty penny for it…" he trailed off before looking at you expectantly. His fingers curled around the chain before he yanked on it, making you wince as it broke from the force. "I think I'll leave you here to die. I don't think you deserve any company…."
You sniffled as he stood, eyes burning with tears as you watched him walk towards the exit. While you didn't want him to stay, you also didn't want to die alone, and now that he took your ring from you, did you feel alone. Not even the memory of Sakumo could ease you into death now.
Your eyes closed as you readjusted yourself on the floor. Minutes passed, and part of you began to sob from your pain, practically begging the gods above to let you die. To free you from the pain.
A hand caressed your cheek, and your eyes blinked open on command. You smiled softly at the white-haired man, coos falling from your lips as you greeted him. "Are you taking me with you, Saku?" He smiled sadly down at you but shook his head. Your lip curled into a pout, and your tears began to fall harder. "Y/n." He stated firmly as your breathing began to grow heavy. "I need you to hold on."
"I can't do it anymore," you choked out, blood flying past your lips as you tried to touch his face, but your body felt heavy. "Come on, baby. Just hang on a little longer" You shook your head no at him, "Want to come with you."
"Y/n." Your eyes started to blink the tears away as his voice morphed into another. "Y/n baby, stay with me. Just hang on a little longer" His face changed with his voice, and soon Sakumo's image disappeared and was replaced with the image of a fear-filled Jiraiya hovering over you.
His hands frantically pressed on your side as he screamed for the ANBU members to get the medic. "Jiraiya" Your wail shattered his heart, and he only became more frantic with how much blood was coming from you. "Don't move, baby. You're losing a lot of blood." He was shaking more than he'd like to admit; seeing you like this below him had him wishing he was dreaming. Wishing he was asleep and you were wrapped up in his embrace. Far from danger and death. "Is Kakashi okay?" You whispered as your hand finally moved to cover his. He nodded frantically at that, claiming that Kakashi was the one that led your search party back here. Your eyes widened, and you tried to sit up, but Jiraiya held you firmly against the floor. "Kakashi… The man!"
"He's been killed. You two are safe now."
Your eyes locked with his, silently questioning the last statement. Part of you wanted to believe him that you'd come out of this alive and well. But the other part of you, the one bleeding out to death, couldn't believe it. You opened your mouth to question it, but the medic had arrived and pushed Jiraiya away. More pain erupted as the skin below was being healed. Jiraiya gripped your hand tightly with his fingers, brushing your knuckles with his lips as he watched you weakly cry from the pain. The medic didn't notice it, but he saw your eyes growing heavier. "Hey. No, no, don't fall asleep-"
His voice grew distant, and your grip on his hand loosened as you closed your eyes. "Wanna rest my eyes" you whispered to him. Shouting sounded out, but it was occurring miles away now. Darkness enveloped you, and all of the pain you were feeling disappeared.
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kensanwrites · 8 months
10 Hz 🎧Alpha Waves Chakra Affirmations for Wealth💰 and Abundance Manifestation Meditation
Affirmations that align with your chakras can have a powerful impact on your subconscious mind.
KensanWrites understands the importance of this mind-body connection and shares the transformative potential of chakra-aligned affirmations. By focusing on specific energy centers within your body, these affirmations can help you cultivate balance, harmony, and a deeper sense of self-awareness. Get ready to tap into your inner power and create a stronger impression on your subconscious mind with KensanWrites' guidance! 🌈✨ Contains Alpha 10hz binaural waves
I AM- Root Chakra- I am wealthy- I am abundant
I FEEL- Sacral Chakra- I feel wealth- I feel abundance
I DO- Solar Plexus Chakra- I don't chase, I attract- I do believe that wealth and abundance is my birthright
I LOVE- Heart Chakra- I love wealth- I love abundance
I SPEAK- Throat Chakra- I Speak Wealth into existence- I Speak abundance and prosperity over my life, and those I hold close to me.
I SEE- Third Eye Chakra- I See Wealth and abundance all around me. I See myself living a fully abundant and wealthy life.
I UNDERSTAND- Crown Chakra- I understand that wealth is easy to attract. I understand that abundance is apart of the natural flow of my life.
By listening to these affirmations, each one speaks to the different chakra levels to help you manifest change into your life faster.
These affirmations also contain Alpha Waves. These are best for an awake but relaxed state. These waves are stress reducing. Helps with the flow of your thoughts; and can also improve your focus and learning. They also can help boost creativity.
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****** Here are some user listening instructions to enhance your experience and maximize the benefits:
1. **Background Listening:** Let the affirmations play in the background during your daily activities. Whether you're working, exercising, or doing household chores, allow the positive messages to permeate your surroundings. The subconscious mind is receptive, even when you're not actively focusing on the affirmations.
2. **Meditation Mode:** Set aside a few minutes each day for a dedicated meditation session. Find a quiet and comfortable space, play the affirmations, and focus on your breath. Let the positive words guide you into a state of calm and mindfulness, reinforcing the affirmations at a deeper level.
3. **Interactive Affirming:** Engage with the affirmations actively by repeating them aloud or in your mind. Use the video as a guide and affirm along with the positive statements. This participatory approach can strengthen the impact of the affirmations as you internalize them consciously.
4. **Loop for Maximum Benefit:** The affirmations in this video loop three times for maximum effectiveness. Feel free to let the video replay or manually loop it to extend your listening experience. Repetition is a key factor in affirmations' efficacy, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions.
Remember, consistency is key. Choose the listening style that resonates most with you, and make these affirmations a regular part of your routine. Whether in the background, during meditation, or actively affirming, these positive messages are designed to uplift and empower you on your journey. Enjoy the transformative experience! 🌟
ASMR I AM affirmations; Manifestation meditation sleep; manifestation frequency; guided meditation manifestation; manifestation music; money manifestation meditation;
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kenziemeadowscottage · 4 months
Grounding and Protection: Why it is important for beginner witches to start here! 🔮
Whenever I have friends who express interest into learning witchcraft to me, I always recommend that they start with grounding and protection! I was never taught these things until much later into my early learning and I had a baaad time! I was having constant night terrors, I had a spirit / entity in my room who would knock over one of my figures from my shelf, and it was just not a great time. 😅
This was all because I wasn’t protecting myself while I was meditating and astral projecting without knowing what was going on.
So that you don't have the same experience as I did here's some methods:
🌱 Grounding 🌱
What is Grounding?
Grounding is a way that a person can be connected to the Earth, the Goddess, and be present.
There are quite a few ways to ground yourself! Walking barefoot in nature (even in your backyard!). If you're unable to be barefoot if you have a staff that will be your connection! Envisioning your energy is tree roots that goes through the Earth and becomes a part of nature. Grounding yourself by stabilising your Root chakra!
🔮 Protection 🔮
What is Protection? Protection can come in many forms and it is used to guard your energy, home, yourself, spells, rituals, and so on! It stops outside energy from intruding and wreaking havoc.
There are many ways to protect yourself from other energies and from spirits / entities. You can ward yourself and house, use crystals, incense or a humidifier with essential oils that have protection properties, and you can even use energy to form a ward. Depending on what I’m doing depends on what method I will use. I will generally use a energy ward to protect myself. ✨ I will be that crystal girlie with crystals all through my home when I have my own space!
Once I’ve grounded myself I will envision a glowing glittery energy source starting from my crown chakra (connection to the Divine source / Higher Self) and encompass me with an arm’s width radius. While this is manifesting I will put in intentions of protection. I will put intentions of safety, of protecting my energy, that if anything comes to harm me it’ll be thrown back tenfold.
🌸 How to practice 🌸
I highly recommend that you start adding this to your daily ritual! Ideally it’s best to do twice a day, when you wake up / before leaving the house and at night / when you return home.* When returning from home it is also best to cleanse yourself and refresh your wards/protection.
It is always best to ground and protect yourself before doing any spells, rituals, and meditations! Without it you will not be able to protect yourself from outside forces, and you won't be grounded to the earth so it will be harder to manifest! Also!! Do not meditate without being grounded! Being grounded is your tether to the earth and will allow you to be able to come back to your space! And always protect yourself once you're in a meditative state!
*For those who suffer from low spoons even just practicing once a day will help! 🌸 My previous post is about some low spoon rituals in your daily life!🌙
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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Once the seven chakras have been purified ~ where 51% of our divine spiritual energy is able to flow through our system ~ the divine energy from the kundalini will rise, breaking the seven seals that have been placed over our seven chakras that have kept us veiled and bound by the duality of the 3rd dimension. Once the veils of amnesia/blocks are removed our higher/spiritual chakras will be activated, and we will continue to open and expand our being based on our commitment and level of dedication to our "spiritual practice". There are many, many chakras beyond the 7 ~ but it is the 7 primary chakras that are the rainbow bridge that connect our physical body to our Divine Spirit.
The best way to open and purify the seven chakras is through:
2. Meditation and Visualization
3. Energy work such as Pranic Healing, Reiki, DNA Theta, Cranial Sacral or any other energetic modality
4. Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi or any kind of exercise will increase energy circulation through our chakra system and break up old stagnant blocks.
5. Allowing yourself to process through your emotions and feelings by "FEELING" them. Stored unprocessed feelings create blocks in the chakras that block the flow of divine energy.
6. Practicing Self Love and Oneness
7. Living an AUTHENTIC life.
8. Speaking Our Truth with words of LOVE.
9. Expressing Gratitude.
10. Channeling Creative Energies through art, dance, cooking, writing, singing etc....
11. Energy activations such as a Reiki Attunement, Deeksha, DNA Activation etc.....
I have read several teachings where people are saying ~ if you do not focus on your higher chakras, those above the seven ~ you will be limited and holding yourself back. However, from my perspective, the only way you could hold yourself back is if you don't do any spiritual work at all, and you choose to keep your self stuck in shadow and ego consciousness. In addition, the higher spiritual chakras simply will not open until the lower seven have been purified. Each chakra is a doorway or portal into higher consciousness and once they are understood, opened and cleared we move into a state of wholeness bringing our Spirit down into matter. Once this occurs, then we can focus on the higher ones and our spiritual self will continue to open and expand those that we are ready to have activated ~ based on our level of vibration.
If we get over zealous in our spiritual practice thinking we can skip over the building blocks of our spiritual expansion we may run into problems. It is kind of like a baby learning how to walk. First we must build up our muscles to lift ourselves up, then we begin to crawl, then we begin to walk and then we begin to run! We don't just come out of the womb ready to run....there are prerequisites and stages to our development and we want our spiritual expansion to be safe and GROUNDED. Too much too soon can be overwhelming.
During meditations and visualizations, AFTER you have spent time with the intention to clear your 7 chakras, you can connect with your HEART and CROWN space directly above your head. Send love to these areas and know that you are deeply loved and fully supported. The raising of divine spiritual energy from the root chakra ~ all the way up the spine ~ to the crown chakra requires PATIENCE, TRUST, FAITH and SELF PURIFICATION. Divine energy will rise at exactly the right time for each soul's journey. Your focused attention on meditation and the clearing of your chakras/energy fields, as well as, your desire to live a life of "good will" will activate your dormant kundalini energy to rise when your system has been adequately prepared. Please do not force the process.
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daz4i · 9 months
my singing teacher is really into like. spiritual stuff and meditation. and today she taught me breathing exercises based on the 7 chakras. and while i don't know much abt the topic it was nice to do breathing exercises. however when talking abt the root chakra all i could think about was that one tweet that's like "if you had anal sex i hope you're happy because you RUINED your root chakra" or w/e. and i had to stop myself from saying anything on the matter
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samwisethewitch · 2 years
green-earth-witch replied to your post:
I'm moving from Washington to Alabama in a couple months and I'm really hoping to learn about the Southern folk practices, and maybe incorporate some parts of it into my own. Do you have any recommendations on how to go about doing that? Or are a lot of practices kept within families?
Not South-specific, but I love Satan in America by W. Scott Poole for American devil lore. A lot of Southern folklore does involve the Devil, and this book addresses that.
I'm not gonna lie, a lot of this stuff is oral tradition, which means that only way to learn it is to be told about it by someone else. A lot of it is background knowledge that you just kind of absorb from growing up here, and I'm not sure how an outsider would go about getting that kind of immersion.
Southern Cunning by Aaron Oberon has some good stuff in it, but Oberon's system is more structured than a lot of other Southern folk magic and if I remember correctly is entirely based on one collection of folk tales? He's also from Florida, which is culturally very different from the rest of the Southeast. While it may not be super helpful for learning about Alabama traditions, it's a good example of how you can build a complete practice based on folklore.
A lot of people really love Backwoods Witchcraft by Jake Richards, and I actually own a copy, but I've never gotten around to finishing it so I can't give my complete thoughts. What I have read is similar to what I've heard from people around me, but that's probably because Richards and I both live in Southern Appalachia. That may or may not be relevant to you depending on which part of Alabama you're moving to -- even within one state, mountain people and valley people have very different traditions.
Sticks, Stones, Root & Bones by Stephanie Rose Bird is about hoodoo, which is African-American folk magic. However, Bird's practice is actually the closest to my own brand of folk magic of any book I've read, probably because there's a lot of overlap between hoodoo and Southern folk magic. Bird also incorporates elements of African Traditional Religions, but a lot of the theory and practice of magic is the same across both traditions.
The New World Witchery podcast is an excellent resource for American folk magic in general, and they have some episodes that are Southern-specific. One of the hosts recently published a book, also called New World Witchery, but I haven't read it and have no idea if it contains info on Southern folk magic.
Those are the only resources I personally feel comfortable recommending. I'm sure there are other good ones out there, but I've encountered A LOT of bad resources for American folk magic. Here's some red flags to avoid:
"Hoodoo" is specifically African-American folk magic. It is NOT an umbrella term for all American folk magic, which is a popular misconception for some reason. A book that says so is not a good resource.
The South is not a unified culture, and Southern folk magic is not a unified tradition. Folk magic in Alabama will be very different from Tennessee or Louisiana. Authors who have done their research will acknowledge this and will clarify which region they're talking about.
Southern folk magic (and American folk magic more generally) is very different from Wiccan-style magic. There's no circle casting, no calling quarters, and no God/Goddess or divine masculine/divine feminine. I've come across some resources that are essentially Wicca with some Southern folk elements sprinkled in for flavor, but are claiming to be authentic Southern magic. Don't read those.
Likewise, there's little to no overlap between folk magic and New Age beliefs. No Southern tradition I'm familiar with uses crystals, meditation, or chakras.
(There's nothing wrong with mixing traditions. I do that in my own practice. But authors should be honest about which traditions they're pulling from.)
Southern folk magic is very, very Christian. It is possible to practice without using Christian elements (I do), but doing so is not traditional. An honest attempt to teach these traditions as they were historically practiced will include Christian elements like Psalms, holy water, and sometimes saints. A resource that doesn't include those elements probably isn't reliable.
This is all good for general knowledge about folk magic in the Southern US, but if you really want to connect to folk magic in YOUR area, you'll need to do some legwork.
Learn about your local folklore and urban legends. What creepy ghost stories do people tell in your area? How can you incorporate that into a magical practice?
Get familiar with the plants in your backyard. Learn about their culinary, medicinal, and magical uses. See how that aligns with the local lore.
And most importantly, talk to people! Especially people who grew up there!
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